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The video starts with a lot of dirty dishes in a kitchen sink. The sink is mint green and has two basins. There is a bottle of dish soap placed on the sink. In the next clip, a person pours soap into a dirty pot in the sink and fills the sink with water. The person is wearing a mask and starts scrubbing the dirty pots. She scrubs inside and out with a scrubber and places the clean pot next to the sink. She then proceeds to wash a ladle and keeps it next to the clean pot. The video continues with the woman cleaning various dishes, rinsing them, and placing them next to the sink. In the next clip, the woman tears a few pulls of kitchen towels and proceeds to dry the clean dishes. She then hangs them from a hook at the top. She then drains the sink. In the end, the woman wipes the sink and its surroundings with a kitchen towel.
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A man wearing a black T-shirt is standing in a kitchen. A chimney can be seen at his back. A cutaway clip of pasta served on a square plate is shown. Next, the ingredients are shown. They include parsley, olive oil, garlic, chilies, and dry pasta. The man starts by adding garlic to a pan with oil and once it sizzles, he adds some chillies. He proceeds to cook these two ingredients for a minute and adds cooked pasta and chopped parsley. He adds ground pepper and finishes the dish by mixing. In the end, an end screen appears with the man giving additional information and asking people to subscribe to his other social media accounts.
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A woman is wiping the top of a stereo with a towel. She is nodding to what the voiceover is saying. A cutaway of a spray bottle held by a person with the label ‘Favor’ begins to play. The spray bottle is being pressed. In the next clip, a person is wiping a wooden surface as words appear in between. Next, a bottle of ‘Favor’ bottle is placed on a wooden surface with words of an advertisement appearing. In the next clip, another person is wiping a wooden cabinet, she is nodding to what the voiceover is saying. A repeat of the sequence with the bottle of ‘Favor’ plays.
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The video starts with a man serving a volleyball. The man is on a beach volleyball court. He is one of two players on a team wearing red vests. The opposing team is wearing blue vests. The match is between Italy and Latvia. There are people visible sitting on seats. Referees are present near the court. Once the Latvian player serves the ball, the Italian team hit back. A member of the Latvian team chases the ball near the boundary and saves the ball from going out. His teammate then hits the ball back to the opposite team. The Latvian team then loses a point from the next exchange. The next clip is a match between a team wearing the blue vest, which is the Italian team, playing against Brazil. The team in yellow is the Brazilian team, which wins the round. Next, Latvia is playing against Germany. Latvia wins this exchange. In the next exchange, Italy plays against Brazil. Brazil wins the exchange. The video continues with Latvia playing against Italy. The video ends with Latvia winning.
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A woman wearing a green sweater started talking to the camera. A jeans jacket is visible hanging behind her. The woman is standing in a well-lit room with a window behind her. She is standing behind an ironing board with an iron and a shirt on it. A rack of different products is placed to the left and behind her. She starts off by spraying starch on the shirt and starts ironing it. Steam is escaping from the holes in the iron. She is showing how to iron a men’s cotton dress shirt. She is ironing the sleeve of the shirt and turns it around after it is done. She smooths the sleeve into a flat surface and sprays starch, then proceeds to iron it. The woman then irons the ends of the sleeve. The video ends with her flipping over the shirt.
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The video starts with two men playing squash in a squash court. One is wearing a white T-shirt and the other a grey T-shirt. The two men continue playing as each of the players misses a shot and continues playing. They run around in the court until they slow down and the man in the white t-shirt seems tired. The two men play until they stop and share a handshake.
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A man in a white T-shirt and shorts is standing in a park wearing boxing gloves. There are trees visible at his back. People are visible walking by and sitting in the far back. The man is standing in the shadow of a tree. In the next clip, he starts kickboxing with another man who is wearing a camo gi. The man wearing camo is also wearing focus mitts. He is also carrying kick pads in his left hand. The first man starts his practice with punches and kicks. The trainer is calling out which move he should do next and in what count. A woman walks her dog in the background. The video continues with the two men sparring. The trainer is now wearing focus mitts on both hands and guiding the student. They are practicing punches and deflecting punches and dodging kicks. In the end, a still image of the student kicking is shown.
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The video starts in a playground with one man holding a skateboard and another sitting down. The men are at the playground during the daytime. There is a fence next to the men with a garden in it. People are visible sitting on benches some distance from the men. In the next clip, the man with the skateboard starts skating. He is performing flip tricks while skating. People are visible skating in the background. The man continues to skate and do flip tricks. The video ends with the man still skating.
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The video begins with a boy standing on a bungee platform. He is wearing a bungee chord and looking back to people standing behind him. Trees are visible in his background. He gets redy to jump. He jumps to a countdown. Once he jumps, a stream is visible at the bottom. The camera pans to look down through the grate of the bungee platform. In the next clip, a woman is strapped with a bungee chord. There are two attendants wearing red t-shirts standing on either side fo her. There are misty hills visible in the distance from the platform. The woman jumps after a countdown. Next, a man wearing a yello t-shirt is ready to jump. He is strapped in a harness, with two attendants on either side of him. He jumps by holding his hands wide.
Please provide a detailed description of the video, focusing on the main subjects, their actions, and the background scenes
The video begins with a slideshow of images of a man wearing a white shirt and glasses. He is standing in a kitchen. A person’s hand, holding a phone up to take his picture is visible in one of the shots. The man is getting a haircut. A boy wearing a grey hoodie and a kippah on his head. He starts giving a haircut by running a trimmer through the man’s head. He runs the trimmer slowly in the middle of the man’s head. Another person walks behind the man getting a haircut and walks back. As the man is getting his hair cut, other people walk in and out of the shot behind him. Another individual takes the trimmer from the boy and starts trimming the hair of the man. As the man’s haircut ends, a man wearing a black coat brings out a chocolate cake, and the others sing. In the end, an image of the first man’s face smeared with chocolate cake is shown.
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A man wearing a white suit walks to a chair and sits on it. The chair is on a raised platform in a bar. A man wearing a black tux, holding a guitar is sitting next to the first man. Other people can be seen sitting together around a table some distance away. The man in the white suit picks up a guitar next to him. A group of people wearing tuxes and sitting around a table are facing the men with guitars. The man with the guitar starts playing. The room is lit with lamps and decorated with chines lamps. Other people who are in the bar watch him while they are taking a drink from a glass or smoking. The man in the white suit continues to play until the video ends.
Please provide a detailed description of the video, focusing on the main subjects, their actions, and the background scenes
The video begins with a woman wearing a grey top speaking into the camera. She is sitting on the ground in the woods. There are dry leaves strewn all over the ground around the woman. She is camping during the daytime. She begins to demonstrate how to start a fire. She holds up a green Bic lighter and a box of matches. She has dry leaves and tinder in front of her. She breaks it up and places it in front of her. She holds up a carbon knife and a Ferro rod and strikes them against each other. Fire lights the tinder she has gathered. The video ends with the woman holding up the green Bic lighter.
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The video starts with a green screen slideshow with instructions for a test. The letter ‘A’ with a background of stars appears in the next clip. Next, the text ‘First Clue: F’ appears on the screen. In the next clip, a man wearing a purple shirt is rolling a cable from a vacuum cleaner in a living room. The room is well-lit by light coming from the door. There is a black sofa near the man. A television set with speakers mounted next to it can be seen. The floor of the living room is made of wood. The man takes the end of the cable to the left of the living room. In the next clip, the man can be seen vacuuming the floor in the kitchen. He is carrying the vacuum on his back. The kitchen has white cabinets. A two-door fridge is placed in between cabinets. The man opens the door of a cabinet and vacuums near the bottom. He repeats this for the fridge. He completely vacuums the kitchen. In the next clip, he is vacuuming beneath a red sofa. He vacuums next to it and vacuums its cushions. The man also vacuums the whole room. Next, the man is in the living room again rolling the cable up.
Please provide a detailed description of the video, focusing on the main subjects, their actions, and the background scenes
The video starts in an aerobics class with people working out. The studio is well-lit by overhead lights. Wall-mounted fans are placed on the far wall. Mirrors cover most of the wall to the right of the people. Two air conditioner units can be seen mounted on the wall. All the participants are working out by using an aerobics step. All the participants are women except one, a man wearing a green t-shirt who is working out. next to the mirror. The first woman on the right is struggling to follow the rhythm. She slows down and can be seen stepping away from the aerobics step. A woman in the back wearing a red top stops and walks away. In the end, the man can be seen slowing down and walking to the back of the class before the music stops.
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The video starts in a backyard. A few logs of wood are laid out on the ground. Other kindling is placed on top of it. The ground is covered in grass. A wooden fence is visible some distance away. A plant is growing next to it. A person holds a piece of chips and lights it like kindling to the camera and lights it on fire using a Bic lighter. They then place it on the arranged firewood. They light a few more pieces of kindling and place it on the firewood to help it light faster. A slideshow of images is shown of the person holding up lit kindling to the camera. The video ends with a closeup of the top of the woodpile.
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The video begins with a woman putting a slice of pepperoni on a sandwich. In a cutaway, the woman introduces herself. She is standing in a well-lit kitchen. The ingredients of a sandwich are shown. A slideshow with pictures of an oven, a baking sheet, a French roll, a pack of pepperoni, a bottle of mayonnaise, pizza sauce spread on one half of a French roll, slices of cheese on a plate, sliced tomato and shredded lettuce on a plate are shown. The woman then begins to slice a roll of bread in half. She then spreads one-half of the roll in pizza sauce. She then adds slices of pepperoni and cheese to the slice of bread. She then places the sandwich slices in an oven and takes it out once it is done. She then tops the sandwich with slices of tomato slices and shredded lettuce. The video ends with the woman starting to put the two halves of the sandwich together.
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The video starts with a man standing in front of a mirror, adjusting his shirt. He is in a bedroom. A door is visible behind him. A pull-up bar is attached to the door. Next, an identical man wearing glasses and a different shirt is shown sitting and reading a magazine. A girl wearing a backpack enters the house through the door. The girl walks through the kitchen and enters the living room. She puts her backpack down and sits on the sofa. The two identical men stand at the entrance to another room. The girl greets the men. The two men wave back. Next, the two men make a sandwich. They take various ingredients from shelves and start to assemble them. The man wearing the black shirt removes a kitchen knife from an oven glove. He then proceeds to spread peanut butter on one of the pieces of bread. The man wearing glasses makes a sandwich using lettuce and ham. The man in the black shirt spreads jelly on the other side of the sandwich. The man wearing the black shirt runs inside a toilet and shuts the door. In the next clip, the sandwiches are placed in front of the girl. The video ends with the two men looking at each other and frowning.
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The video begins with a man standing on a diving board of a swimming pool. Another diving board is visible next to the one the man is standing on. People are sitting near the walls of the pool. The man walks to the end of the diving board. He jumps a few times and dives into the pool by performing a backflip dive. Another woman can be seen diving off a diving board at the end of the pool. In the next clip, a woman is seen jumping off a diving board at the end of the pool. A man is walking up a diving board, jumps a few times on the board, and performs a backflip dive. In the next clip, a man is standing facing away from the pool at the edge of the diving board. He jumps and performs a backflip dive into the pool. In the next clip, another man standing at the edge of a diving board with his back to the pool does a dive while doing a front flip. He then swims to the wall of the pool. In the next clip, a man walks up the diving board and jumps into the pool by performing a backflip dive. A woman is performing a dive at the other end of the pool. The video continues with several people diving off the board while doing flips. At the end of the video, a man dives into the pool by jumping off the diving board and flipping horizontally.
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The video starts with a game of water polo being played in a swimming pool. People can be seen playing. There are other people sitting behind a table on the poolside. A player in the pool throws the ball to another player, who in turn throws the ball into the goalpost and scores a goal. The goalkeeper then throws the ball outside. A few players can be seen passing the ball to others. Two players swim and fight for the ball while others swim away. A man wearing a coach’s t-shirt is standing on the poolside. Another game of water polo is being played on the other half of the pool. The video ends with the players of the first game swimming to the other side of the pool.
Please provide a detailed description of the video, focusing on the main subjects, their actions, and the background scenes
The video begins at a polo field. Players are on the field playing. The game is going on during the daytime. A man wearing a hat is walking across the camera. A player wearing a green polo shirt is seen striking the ball with his mallet. Spectators are walking down the stairs in the seating area. The seats are red in color and folded. People are wearing sunglasses as there is direct sunlight falling on the seating area. In the next clip, a player in a white polo shirt strikes the ball. Next, two players wearing green polo shirts are conversing. A referee can be seen throwing the ball to the ground. The players from both teams compete to strike the ball. A player in a green polo shirt rides to the ball and strikes it. Other players are seen riding to catch up. Trees close together can be seen outside the polo field. The game continues with the players fighting for the ball. A group of spectators standing and clapping is shown. The video continues with clips of players striking the ball and riding throughout the filed is shown. In the end, the team wearing the green polo shirts is standing below a banner with the text ‘The Barbour Cup’ holding a cup. A man in a black suit and white hat is holding up the banner. Spectators are seen clapping and congratulating the winners. A clip of the winners holding the cup is shown. In the end, a black screen with the email ‘BARBOUR.COM’ is shown.
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The video begins with players from two teams standing on either side of a basketball court. The players are not divided according to teams. A man wearing a black T-shirt is standing in the corner of the court. The players are performing a point guard drill. The players run around the cone and attack the basket. They then get the ball back from the rebounder machine under the basket. The players then run to the opposite basket and attack the basket. They dribble as they run to the opposite basket. They are making a point guard entry pass to attack the basket. The video ends with the players still performing the drill.
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A man wearing a red t-shirt walks up to a barbell and bends down to lift it. He is in a gym with a black floor. Equipment is seen fixed to the wall. The gym is lit by overhead lights. The man lifts the heavy weight up and holds it over his head for a moment. He then drops the barbell to the floor, where it bounces a few times. The lifter then walks away.
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The video starts with a show of a wooden table. A man places a bottle of white vinegar and a bottle of olive oil on the table. He proceeds to add a few drops of oil inside the vinegar bottle. He then shakes the vinegar bottle to blend the mixture. A clip of the man polishing the table with the mixture in fast forward is shown. In the end, the man speaks while showing the polished table top.
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The video begins with a woman wearing a red vest standing in a net. The net is covered on three sides. She is holding a hammer attached to a string. She is in a field with a red mat on the ground. Threes are visible to the right, at the edge of the field. The woman holding the hammer swings with the string and spins a few times before releasing the hammer through the open end of the netting. The video ends with the woman walking off to the side.
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The video is of a boy in black tights balancing above a pair of horizontal bars. An instructor wearing a white shirt is standing next to him. They are in a gymnasium with other people. The gym is well-lit by overhead lights. A few kids wearing similar outfits to the boy are standing a few feet behind the horizontal bars. A woman wearing a red shirt is standing a few feet from the foam, which is under the horizontal bars. The boy swings with his hands on either bar a few times and jumps to the foam padding next to him.
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A man wearing a grey west is climbing a rock. He is climbing during the daytime. Patches of sunlight are streaming down through the tree cover. The rocky hill is surrounded by tree cover. The man is free climbing up the rock face. A rope is visible to his left. Another man is at the bottom belaying the rope. The man climbing continues to climb free-handed. He pauses a few moments some distance up as he tries to find a handhold. A cutaway of the belayer is shown. The man makes his way to the top slowly. The video ends with the man reaching the top of the rock face. a woman turns the camera to herself and speaks into it.
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The video begins with a man maneuvering a dingy. He is sailing during the daytime. The sky is cloudy. A pier is visible some distance in the back. The dinghy has white sails. In the next clip, a dinghy with red and white sails is sailing fast in the sea. The sailor is wearing a red wetsuit. Next, a dinghy with a white sail is sailing fast through the water. The sailer is moving about on the dinghy to maneuver it. In the next few clips, dinghies sailing fast on the water are shown. In the next clip, a man sitting on the hull side of the boat and holding a thumbs-up sign. The video continues with sailors maneuvering their dinghies. The video ends with the man with the red sails leaning flat on his dinghy and maneuvering it.
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The video begins with a view of the lawn from the ground level. Houses are visible some distance away, across the street. In the next clip, a man’s hand is grasping grass on the front lawn of a house. The man runs his hand through the grass. Next, the man measures the length of the grass using a ruler. In the next clip, the man adjusts a lawn mower to cut longer grass. He removes the mulch from the mower. The man then proceeds to mow his lawn. He mows his laws straight across his yard. Next, he empties the clippings from his mower. The man continues to mow his lawn and measures the length of the grass. The man then adjusts his mower to cut his lawn down to three inches and removes the mulch bag. The man continues to mow, going from north to south in his yard. Cars can be seen moving on the street in the background. The man finishes by measuring the length of the grass by holding a ruler. He then shows a panoramic view of his cut lawn.
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The video starts with a little boy scrubbing a white bowl in the kitchen sink. The boy is wearing a dark blue t-shirt. The kitchen is well-lit. The sink is filled with dirty dishes. A basket of dishes is visible next to the sink. The boy is standing on a box while he is scrubbing. After he scrubs the bowl clean, he places it in the second empty sink. The boy then continues to the next bowl. The boy continues scrubbing dishes and placing them in the empty sink. The sink is turned on and water is pouring on the dishes placed in the second sink. A woman wearing a yellow top walks near the boy holding a phone up. She is recording the boy. She picks up a scrubber from the sink and hands it to the boy. The video continues until the boy has scrubbed all the dirty dishes in the sink. In the end, the boy looks back and continues to scrub dishes.
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The video starts with information about the video appearing on a black screen. A man wearing a green jacket walks up to an axe stuck in a log. He is standing near a Dodge truck. A dog is standing near the man, wagging his tail. A man in a t-shirt and khaki pants walks to the back of the truck with a bottle of beer. He removes the cap and throws it to the side. He then opens the back door of the truck. He takes a drink of the beer and places the glass in the back of the open truck. He walks back to the man trying to dislodge the axe from the log and yanks it out. He then proceeds to strike the log and cut it in two. The man wearing the green jacket walks a few steps back and watches. The man with the axe picks another log from the ground and places it on the chopping block. He then chops the block with the axe. He chops another log. In the next clip, a woman is holding an axe stuck to a log. The man in the T-shirt is standing a few feet from her. The man shows the girl how to dislodge the axe from the log. He then instructs the girl on how to chop the wood with an axe. The girl then proceeds to bring the axe down on the log. The axe gets stuck in the log. She tries to dislodge the axe from the log by pulling it out and tapping the end. She tries to yank it out without success. The man then walks to the log and proceeds to chop it. The girl then tries to chop a new block of wood. She strikes the log and splits it. She pushes one half of the log and proceeds to chop the other half. She chops the remaining blocks and pushes the remaining piece to the ground. She then picks up a bigger half and places it on the chopping block. The video ends with the girl chopping it and standing back.
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A man wearing a red vest bends down to lift a barbell. He is standing in a well-lit gym. There are bars and weights stacked on a shelf next to the wall. The wall is painted with blue in the bottom half and white in the top. The man fixes grips to the barbell and with visible difficulty lifts it over his head. Once the barbell is over his head, he drops it. The barbell bounces on the ground a few times.
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The video opens with shots of various leather furniture with visible damage. In the next clip, a hand brush and a bottle of leather cleaner are on a black sofa. A man sprays some foam cleaner on the brush and starts to clean the couch. He then proceeds to degrees the damaged areas by spraying some cleaner on a towel and wiping the surface of the sofa. Next, he proceeds to sand rough surfaces using a scrub pad. He then uses some color refresh liquid and uses a piece of sponge to wipe the couch. In the next clip, the man uses a hair drier to dry the surface of the sofa. He applies some more color refresh liquid on a sponge and wipes the sides of the cushion on top of the sofa. Next, he uses a UV protection liquid on the sofa. In the end, a shot of the clean sofa is shown.
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A boy is standing in a patch of dirt in the woods. He is starting to chop a wooden log placed on a chopping block. He is wearing an off-white T-shirt and shorts. A treeline starts some distance from the boy. The boy then swings the axe and strikes the log. The log splits and falls to the ground. He picks a fresh log and places it on the chopping block. He walks back and swings the axe on the log. The video ends with the log splitting and dropping to the ground. The boy holds a thumbs-up sign to the camera.
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A man wearing a grey dress shirt and wearing glasses is sitting in front of a painting. He is playing a harmonica. The room is well-lit with a yellow overhead light. The man continues to play until the end of the video.
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The video begins with a close shot of a saxophone case. The case is decorated and the words ‘GUNS-N-ROSES’ is written on it. A rose is drawn under the text. A cutaway of a woman wearing a green vest holding a saxophone is shown. She is standing by the saxophone case. She is on the side of a street. The grass is growing on the sidewalk next to the woman and a parking lot with cars is visible. A man wearing a black shirt is walking on the sidewalk. A clip of people waking on a sidewalk with metal gates is shown. The woman with the saxophone is speaking into the camera. People are walking on the street next to the woman.
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The video starts with a man in a grey Tai Chi uniform practicing Tai Chi movements in an indoor studio. The studio is well-lit. The studio has light wood flooring. A mirror is visible covering the wall at the man’s back. A window covered in purple drapes is visible on the right side wall to the man. The video continues with the man performing different Tai Chi stances. He is moving slowly until the end when he stops.
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The video opens with a view of a few hoardings advertising ‘CHEYENNE WYOMING’ along with other activities. In the next image, a beige and black building for fishing information is shown. Net, a wooden cabin next to a flowing stream is shown. A sign pointing towards a ‘Fishing Pond” is placed on wooden legs stuck in the ground can be seen. The cabin is shown in daylight. Next, a sign advertising ‘Cowboy Country’ placed next to a tree is shown. In the distance, a red building with a blue thatched room can be seen. A lake is visible behind the building. In the next clip, two men standing near a metal fence are speaking to each other. Both are wearing black caps and sunglasses. The one on the left is wearing a white t-shirt and the one on the left is wearing a checkered shirt. A horse grazing can be seen near the other side of the fence. A lake is visible beyond the fence. Next, a few horses saddled and tied to the fence are shown. In the next clip, people are riding horses first near a barn, then through a brush, and then near a stream walking a path on a green hill. A man pets a horse’s neck. In the next clip, three chickens in a coop are shown. A goat sitting on the ground eating hay. A horse trying to fit its nose through the netting on a fence. Next, a black bull is shown sitting outside a metal gate. Another brown cow is visible sitting inside a fenced area. The video ends with shots of ostriches, alpacas, and camels grazing one after another.
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The video is of a person jumping up and down from a diving board in a swimming pool. The pool is dimly lit. The person on the diving board jumps high after a few jumps on the diving board and dives into the pool by performing a reverse somersault dive. Lane ropes can be seen through the breadth of the pool some distance from the diver.
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The video starts with a group of women doing an aerobics workout. They are led by an instructor. The studio is well-lit with overhead lighting. There are blue lockers by the back wall. There is also a white dustbin placed next to the lockers. There are paintings on the walls. The walls are of light yellow color and there are wooden glassed doors with dark blue curtains to the left side of the instructor. The studio has wooden flooring. There is also a large speaker mounted on the wall to the left side of the instructor. The instructor is wearing a pink top, black track pants, and sports shoes. The instructor is teaching the steps to all the participants. A woman wearing a purple top, black track pants, and sports shoes is struggling to do the steps. There are two groups on either side of the instructor. The instructor leads the groups by walking back and forth, and side to side. The group in front of the instructor is shown mirroring her movements.
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The video starts with an animated shot of Earth ending with a website address. In the next clip, an instructor wearing a white shirt and green shorts is standing on a basketball court. He has tucked a basketball in the crook of his left hand. Another person wearing a grey T-shirt is standing behind him. Folded chairs are visible in the back. The instructor with the basketball is speaking into the camera. The camera angle widens and another boy wearing a white t-shirt appears on the instructor’s right. The boy in the white t-shirt runs to the edge of the court when the instructor bounces the basketball under the basket. The boy runs to the ball and catches it as it is almost as high as the basket. He then dunks the ball in the basket. The instructor repeats this several times. The instructor asks the boy to repeat a few steps when he makes mistakes. The drill ends and the instructor turns back to the camera and speaks about the boy’s performance. The video ends with the man still talking to the camera.
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The video starts with a man standing behind a barbell. He is in a well-lit gym. Other exercise equipment is visible to the man’s side. The man is wearing black tights. The man tightens his belt and walks to the barbell in front of him. He bends down and lifts the barbell. He lifts it above his head and throws it down. The video ends with the man walking off to the side of the gym. As he walks by, a man in a green shirt is visible sitting on a red chair.
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The video starts with a group of people dancing on a wooden floor. The portion of the floor where people are dancing is well-lit. A person holding a phone and recording can be seen to the left of the camera. Couples are salsa dancing. The men have a piece of paper stuck to their back with a number on it. A man in a purple dress shirt with the number 3 is dancing to the left. Lights are shining towards the dance floor. The rest of the hall looks dark.
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The video starts with a man about to attempt a high jump in a competition. He is wearing a red and green vest, black shorts, and white sports shoes. The competition is in a stadium with an audience in it. The man starts running on a blue path, jumps above a yellow pole, and lands on a red platform. His jump replays are shown. There is a grassy field and cameraman’s recording behind the platform. The frame then changes to another participant. He is wearing a red and cream color vest, black shorts, and white sports shoes. The audience is cheering for him. He then runs on the blue path, jumps above the pole, and lands on the platform. He celebrates his jump by raising both his hands up. The frame then changes to the audience cheering for him. His jump replays are shown. The frame changes to another participant about to attempt a high jump. He is wearing a light blue jersey and red & white sports shoes. He begins running on the blue path, jumps above the pole, and lands on the platform. He celebrates his jump. His jump replays are shown. The video ends with showing the first participant wearing a dark blue T-shirt, packing his bags, and winning the gold medal and a table showing the standings of all the participants in the competition.
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The video starts with a bartender about to teach how to make a Bloody Mary drink. He is wearing a dark grey sleeveless coat, a white shirt, and a black tie. He is behind the bar counter. There are many bottles behind him on the bar counter’s shelf. There are some bottles and glasses in front of him. There is a black bear wall mount and a small lamp on his left side. The lights in the bar counter area are dim. He starts by grabbing a cocktail mixer and placing it in front of him and putting it on the bar counter. He moves his hands while explaining how the drink is made. He then starts adding ingredients to the cocktail mixer while explaining how the drink is made. He grabs another cocktail mixer and starts adding ice to it from beneath the bar counter. He then starts mixing the drink using the two mixers. He then strains the drink into another glass with ice in it and garnishes the drink. The video ends with a close-up of the drink and a Bloody Mary text appears.
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The video starts with a girl trying to make a video for her friend Bethany. The girl is in a room with printed walls & a chandelier. There are also some dolls, a green sofa, and a big green plant in the room. The room has a white door. The girl is wearing a black top. Next, the girl turns the camera and shows a make-up table and two other girls. One of the girls is sitting and having her hair curled and styled by the other girl. The girl sitting is wearing a white sweatshirt, and glasses and the other girl is wearing a white top with blue jeans.
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The video starts with a male gymnast about to perform on a pommel horse. The gymnast is wearing blue track pants and a white vest with blue and red stripes. The gymnast is in a well-lit arena. The arena has blue walls and blue chairs. The pommel horse is in the middle of the arena on a blue platform. The judges are sitting behind tables a few feet from the platform. The gymnast is performing on the pommel horse in front of the judges. The spectators start cheering for the gymnast as he begins his performance. He spins as he moves along the pommel horse. He does a handstand. He concludes his performance and wishes luck to his opponent.
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The video starts with a photo of a little boy wearing a black t-shirt and holding a juice box in his left hand. The boy is standing in a parking lot in the daytime. The back end of a white van is visible behind the boy. Two skateboards are kept against the van. A blue cooler with a can of Red Bull on it is kept next to the boy. In the next clip, the boy is wearing a helmet and skating on a sidewalk during the daytime. Parked cars are visible on the street to his left. Succulents are planted along a wall on the sidewalk. In the next clip, the boy is seen skating through a tunnel. Next, the boy is jumping down a concrete bench in a skatboarding park. Next, the boy skates up a ramp. The video continues with the boy skateboarding on various ramps and makeshift ramps while wearing a helmet and kneepads and elbow guards. The boy can be seen falling in a few instances where he jumps off a ramp and once when he reaches the top of a ramp. The video ends as the boy is skating on a sidewalk and waving at passersby. In the end a photo of the boy smiling with grease stains on his face.
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The video starts with a woman cleaning the kitchen sink of a restaurant. She is wearing a black apron over a T-shirt and jeans. The kitchen walls are white-tiled and the kitchen is well-lit. She is cleaning the sink by scooping up the waste in her hand and dumping it in a garbage can behind her. There is a fridge, buckets, and some plates on a metallic shelf beside her. The fridge has a glass door and is full. She closes the dishwasher and washes her hands in the sink. She dries her hand on the apron and walks out of the frame.
Please provide a detailed description of the video, focusing on the main subjects, their actions, and the background scenes
The video starts with a man and a woman dancing together in a room. The man is wearing a turquoise T-shirt and blue jeans with white shoes. The woman is wearing a black top and blue jeans with black shoes. The room is well-lit, having white walls and a brown door in the back and right. There are eight chairs in the room, by the back wall. Few bags are kept on the chairs. The woman and man are dancing continuously. Music is playing in the background. The video ends with both of them stopping the dance and laughing together.
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The video starts with a group of five women dancers entering the stage from the right and stand with facing away from the audience. They are holding their right hands up. All the women are wearing different colored belly-dancing outfits. They are on a stage in an auditorium. The stage is lit from above. The stage has a curtain at the back. Some of the audience members are holding up cameras. The women slowly turn around as the music start belly dancing. The video continues with the women dancing and at the end, as the music slows down the women once again turn around and hold up their right hands in the air.
Please provide a detailed description of the video, focusing on the main subjects, their actions, and the background scenes
The video is of a cricket match between England and India. The players on the field are wearing white uniforms. The match is being played during the daytime. There are two batsmen on the pitch. One is batting and one is at the non-striker’s end. An umpire is standing behind the wickets on the non-striker’s end. A wicketkeeper is a few feet behind the batsman. There are two fielders on the leg side to the wicketkeeper’s left. The clip starts with a bowler bowling a ball to the batsman. The batsman hits the ball through the gap in the off side towards the boundary. A fielder runs towards the ball and prevents it from touching the rope at the boundary. He falls on the other side of the rope after preventing the ball from touching the rope. The wicket player catches the ball thrown to him and removes the bails from the stumps. The batsman is walking to the nonstriker’s end. The players gather around the pitch. One of the umpires appeals the run out to the third umpire. A big screen in the stadium displays the message ‘OUT’. a clip of the batsman near the exit of the field looking at the big screen. In the next clip, the fielding team is huddled in a circle on the field. The batsman is coming onto the field after a break. A closeup of the wicketkeeper is shown. In the next clip, the bowler bowls a ball and the batsman hits a six. The video ends with the umpire holding up both his hands in the air.
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Three people are dancing and doing aerobic movements using an aerobics step. They are in a studio with overhead lighting. There are white screens with frames in the back. There are two screens displaying a rotating green letter ‘e’ mounted on stands, in between the screens. The leader is a man wearing a black outfit. Two women wearing red shirts are to the back and on either side of the leader. All three people are wearing a mic. He is calling out instructions as he leads the others in a workout routine. The video continues until partway through when a cutaway starts with a new routine starts. A Gobo projector is seen in a shot when the camera pans.
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A woman in a black outfit is holding a pole. She is in an outdoor field during the daytime in a pole vaulting competition. She begins a run with her pole and runs toward the bar. As she nears the bar, she plants the pole on the ground and goes over the bar. She lands on the foam mat on the other side. Other people are visible around the bar and a referee is standing near the bar with a big measuring stick. In the following clip, the same woman is wearing a white jacket and picks up a bottle of water. She takes a drink and gets ready for a jump. She is again standing with her pole at the starting point. A red Toyota banner is visibly hung on the wall in the background. Two athletes can be seen warming up for a run. The woman holds her pole and runs toward the bar again. She plants the pole and jumps over the bar. She lands on the other side, gets up, and turns to the side to speak to someone. In the following clip, she is again seen taking a drink from a bottle of water. People are visible in the background. In the following clip, people walk with their backs to the camera. Next, a replay of the pole-vaulting woman is shown twice. Two men are seen measuring the height of the bar with a measuring stick in the following clip. The video ends with another replay of the pole vault from a different angle.
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A woman wearing a black outfit is inside a net beginning a hammer throw. She is on a field during the daytime. She is spinning the hammer around by turning and getting ready to throw it. She throws the hammer and a cutaway shot of a couple on a blanket in a field, who are talking to each other panicking and running to the side. A hammer attached to a string lands on the blanket they were on. Next, the woman again spins and throws the hammer. In the next cutaway, a hammer lands in the pool behind a swimmer just as she is swimming and reaches the wall. In the following clip, the woman again throws the hammer, this time it flies over a gymnast standing on a balance beam in an indoor gym and the gymnast falls over from the balance beam. Next, as the woman throws again, the hammer lands in front of a catcher on a baseball field. The catcher is wearing full gear. The catcher gets up in exasperation. The video ends with the text ‘WEAREBG’ appearing on the screen as the hammer thrower walks off to the side.
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Two people are practicing kickboxing. The man is wearing a black outfit and punch mitts. The woman is wearing a black outfit and boxing gloves. They are in a well-lit gym. The woman is practicing punching and the man is blocking using the punch mitts. The woman is punching and kicking, occasionally using her elbows on the man. As they are moving about in the gym, the walls are visible with posters stuck on them. A multicolor mat is covering the floor. A hall with chairs and wooden flooring is visible through an open door. The video continues as the two people continue their practice by using numerous kickboxing moves. The video ends with their practice ending and both of them stop fighting.
Please provide a detailed description of the video, focusing on the main subjects, their actions, and the background scenes
The video starts in a gym with a woman starting to punch into a punch mitt worn by a man. The gym is well-lit by an overhead bulb and has a black floor. The woman is wearing a black outfit and boxing gloves. The woman moves to the next person who is standing to her right some feet away and kicks the kick pads the man is wearing. Next, she walks to a person wearing focus pads and kicks it. She then walks back to the man wearing the punch mitts and process to start punching it. She repeats these steps a few more times. In the following clip, the man who wore the punch mitts is wearing boxing gloves and punching the punch mitts worn by the woman. He proceeds to walk to the man with the kick pads and kicks it. He then goes to the man wearing focus pads and kicks it, then returns to the woman wearing punch mits. He starts practicing punching the punch mits again. The video continues with the man repeating these steps a few times. The video ends with a screen showing contact information for the club these people belong to.
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A man wearing a black polo shirt is in a gym speaking to the camera. A woman wearing a grey top standing next to him. The two people are standing behind a resistance trainer. The gym is well-lit. other exercise equipment is visible in the gym. A window in the far wall can be seen. Parked cars are visible through the windows. The woman climbs the resistance machine and starts pedaling. The man keeps speaking into the camera. A view of the instrument cluster on the resistance machine is shown. The woman adjusts the settings. She then continues peddling. The man picks up a book from a sofa at his back. He continues speaking until the end of the video.
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People are shown sitting on white chairs on the lawn during the daytime. There is a building with a sloping roof in the back. There are cameramen with cameras on tripods standing in front of the spectators. The camera pans to show a polo match going on in a polo field. Players are riding their horses and hitting the ball with mallets. There are two teams. One wearing a white polo shirt and the other wearing a red polo shirt. There are trees lining the end of the field.
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A black and white video of three people sitting on a curved couch behind a coffee table. There are three coffee cups on the table. A woman is sitting in the middle with two men on either side of her. In the following clip, a man in a suit is speaking to the camera. Next, a teen is standing behind a podium in a classroom and is speaking to the class. A whiteboard is visible behind him. A window can be seen on the wall on his right. Next women sitting on a bench in cheerleader outfits is shown. In the following clip, a man wearing a black T-shirt and a cap is shown giving instructions to girls in a hall. The hall is lit by overhead lights. In the following clip, a cheer squad performing a routing on a stage is shown. Men who are in back spots are standing behind the bases. The video continues to show different cheer squads performing on stage. A clip of girls who are watching the stage and walk away crying is shown. A clip of cheerleaders training is shown. The video continues with different routines. At the end of the video cheerleaders celebrating is shown.
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An old woman enters a house. She closes the door behind her. She runs towards the VCR, then proceeds to put a cassette in a VCR, places her purse on a coffee table, and sits on the sofa. She starts to watch a movie. The old woman’s daughter enters the room from a door on the right side of the living room and sits next to the old woman. They are sitting in a well-lit living room. Two women enter the house through the main door. One of them is carrying a flower pot. She is wearing a blue outfit. The other woman is wearing a pink outfit. The old woman is eating popcorn. The next day the old woman enters the living room from the right side. She sits next to her daughter on the sofa. They are conversing. In the following clip, two old women are sitting at a table drinking coffee. The one on the right is wearing a dark green sweater. The one on the left is wearing a blue vest over a yellow outfit. In the following clip, another woman joins the two old ladies at the table. They continue to talk to each other until the end of the video.
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The video begins with a shot of a backyard of a house. The yard has a lawn and a tree by the fence. The fence stretches around the yard. Trees are visible beyond the fence. A man walks in slow motion towards a chopping block with an axe in his right hand. A log is placed on the chopping block. The man swings the axe down on the wooden log and it cracks in the middle. The man pulls out the axe and swings again. A slight crack appears on the log. A dog walks up near the man on the man’s right and jumps up and down. The man swings the axe down on the log again. A piece breaks off. The man swings the axe down again and the log finally breaks and falls on the ground. The dog walks near the log and runs back just as the axe is coming down. The video ends with the man throwing the axe in front of him and walking to the camera.
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A man is standing in front of a bike placed on an elevated platform. He is wearing a brown shirt and a cap. He is in a bike shop with shelves filled with tools and bike parts placed in various places. The shop is well-lit. The chain on the bike in front of the man is broken. The man holds a master link of a chain in his palm and shows it to the camera. He shows how he is going to fix the broken chain. He attaches the master link on one end of the broken chain and pulls both sides together until they lock together. He then checks it by pushing on the pedal. The video ends as the man turns to the camera and speaks.
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The video begins with a girl sitting in a chair while getting her tongue pierced. She is wearing a grey hoodie. A man is standing over her, starting the procedure. He is wearing a black shirt, and a black cap, and is wearing surgical gloves while he is working. The room is well-lit. a guitar is hung on the wall behind the woman. The man starts off by clamping the girl’s tongue. He then pierces her tongue with a needle. He pushes out the needle by inserting the piercing into her tongue. He then secures it by screwing something under the piercing. The video ends with the man stepping out of frame, and the woman sticking her tongue out to show the piercing.
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The video starts with the actor Kevin Spacey and tennis player rafale nadal on the stage. Both of them are wearing tuxedos. The stage and the back of the stage are lit with Bogo lights. They speak for a moment and walk over to the other side of the stage. A screen covering the wall displays an image. As the two walk over, three people wearing white hats are carrying over a ping pong table. They place the table on the ground and hand paddles and ping pong balls to the two men and leave. Kevin Spacey and Rafale Nadal then play ping pong. Rafale Nadal begins with a serve. The two play three games. In the last game kevin spacey wins and celebrates. The two men shake hands. The video ends with a woman walking to Kevin Spacey and putting a garland on him.
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The video starts with a person wearing a white T-shirt starting to dance. People are visible behind him standing some distance from each other. They start to dance following the man’s lead. They are dancing during the daytime. People are gathered beyond the dancing people to watch. The man is conducting a Zumba class. A clip of the man’s legs, as he dances, is shown. The camera pans to show individual people dancing. The video ends with the man turning toward the dancers and dancing. The class stops as the music ends and the man walks to the side clapping.
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The video starts with a man peeling a banana. The man is sitting on a red chair. He is wearing a green sweatshirt. The man has placed a single black dress shoe on each of his thighs. A curtain is visible next to the man. The man removes the banana and uses the peel to wipe a shoe. He wipes all sides of the shoe and holds it to the camera. He then throws the used peel to the side. The video ends with an advertisement for a shoe polish.
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A girl is leaning down toward a sink in a bathroom. She is wearing a black top. A luffa is placed beside the sink. A mirror is hung on the wall above the sink. A maroon towel is hung from a ring on the wall on the girl’s left. The water in the sink is running. The bathroom is lit from above. An open door is visible at the girl’s back. The girl picks up the luffa and taps it on her face. Suds stick to her face. She then washes it off with water.
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The video starts in a hall where a man is breakdancing. People are standing and sitting a few feet away. The dancer is wearing a black outfit. The dancer is twisting and turning upside down. In the next clip, another man in a black outfit is breakdancing. The dancer is doing a headspin. In the next clip, a man in a black outfit is dancing in a large hall, lit by overhead tubes. He is breakdancing upside down. He is spinning on his hands and slowly lowers himself. The video continues with clips of people breakdancing. Some are dancing with an audience while others are alone. The video ends with an outro and a message. Clips of dancers breakdancing one after another are shown.
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The video starts with a logo and website for Next, a man on a golf course is drawing the string of a compound bow. An arrow is notched in the bow. The man is wearing a beige shirt and a cap. The ground is covered in lawn. Trees and shrubs are visible in the far back. The man releases the arrow. In the following clip, the archer is again with his bow. A man wearing a blue polo shirt and a grey cap is standing a few feet to the right of the archer with his hands at his back. The archer draws his bow again and shoots an arrow. He then turns to the man in the blue shirt and the two Converse. The man wearing the blue shirt holds up a golf club. He puts it down after a moment and takes the bow from the archer. He then instructs them on how to grip the bow to the archer. In the following clip, a close-up is shown as the man in the blue shirt grips the bow. Next, the man hands the bow back to the archer. The archer notches an arrow in the bow and follows the instruction as he draws the arrow and then releases it. The man to his right is still instructing him and making gestures. At the end of the video, the man in the blue polo shirt walks away.
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The video starts in a school gymnasium. The floor is a light wood and the walls are white with bleachers drawn in at the bottom. People can be seen playing on the court. A women’s volleyball match is being played. A group of people are sitting at the back near the bleachers. The players on the left are wearing blue uniforms. A player walks to the back and gets ready to serve. She makes the service to the other team. A referee is visible in the middle, standing on a platform over the net. The teams volley the ball back and forth until the team on the right miss a hit. The video ends as the team on the left wins the exchange. The ball is passed back to the team on the left.
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The video starts with a group of children in karate uniforms facing the instructor. The floor is carpeted. The children are doing drills. An instructor walks into the frame. He is turned toward the children. There is a mirror at the back of the class, covering the wall. The children drill by doing different stances. The children move forward and back while doing the drills. They do punch and kick drills along with movement. A few children are having trouble and get stuck. The video ends with the students turning towards the teacher.
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A man wearing a red polo shirt and blue trousers is in an office carrying a vacuum in his back. Cubicles are visible on either side of the man. He is vacuuming the carpet. In the next clip, the man is in an office with a window overlooking the outside. The outside of the window is covered in frost. A truck is seen parked outside. Trees without leaves are visible outside the window. The man is vacuuming the ceiling of the office. Next, a different man, standing sideways in the office, is wearing a backpack vacuum and speaking to the camera.
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The video starts with a man in a living room holding a black wooden Irish flute. He is wearing a brown sweater and glasses. The room has sunlight coming in from the left side at the back. A television stand is behind the man. Various framed items are hung on the wall. The man is speaking into the camera. In the next clip, the man starts to play the flute after talking to the camera for some time. He plates for some time and lowers the flute to speak to the camera. He is showing how to breathe when playing the flute. The video ends as the man is showing what breathing exercises to do and then he uses it to play to flute for a moment.
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The video starts with a girl wearing a hoodie and jeans sitting on a chair. There is a closed window at her back. Various music gear is visible on the ground around her. The room is lit by the diffuse light from the window. She is holding a guitar and listening to music. She is following the music and mimics the guitar notes on her guitar without plucking the strings.
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The video starts with a man speaking to others around him. He is wearing a checkered shirt and is wearing a backpack. He starts to play the harmonica. Another man wearing a hoodie is standing next to him with his hands in his pockets. He is standing in a parking lot with sodium vapor lamps. Cars are parked in lanes farther to his back. As the man starts to play the harmonica, the man next to him bobs his head up and down, then takes out his phone from his pocket and starts to record the harmonica player. The harmonica player stops one song and starts another after a few moments. He waves to someone to his left. The video ends as the man finishes playing and pockets his harmonica. He greets someone walking behind him.
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The video starts with two men in the woods. Trees are visible behind them. The one on the right is leaning forward and holding a beer can in his right hand. He is wearing a black T-shirt. The men are out during the daytime. The man on the left leans to his side and picks up a beer can from a pack. He is wearing a dark blue t-shirt with the logo of ‘Adidas’ on it. He makes a hole in the beercan using a key and throws the key down before snapping the tab on the beer can. He then proceeds to drink from the hole in the can. The video ends as the man empties the can and belches. The man on his left comes into the frame and talks to the camera as he leans toward the other man.
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The video begins at a ballet class where the instructor is at the front with two students at her back on either side. The three dancers are starting ballet practice with hand movements. Little kids are sitting a few feet away from the trio and mimicking the hand moves the trio makes. The instructor and the other two dancers slowly move their hands and legs to showcase the movements. The girls sitting in a half circle behind the three dancers are seen following the movements are repeating them. The ballet studio is well-lit and the floor is a light wood color. The video ends as the three dancers finish the movements and stand in a pose.
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The video starts with an animation of various famous buildings in new york. In the next clip, a group of young boys is wearing and getting ready with paintball gear. They are in a room standing with their back to the walls. They then head to the exit and start to take defensive positions with their paintball guns held forward. A man wearing a black shirt is seen speaking to a boy wearing glasses. The boys are seen ducking behind various inflated bunkers used as obstacles in the field. The kids who are hit walk away with their hands up. The video continues with various clips of kits in the paintball arena playing or people indoors loading the paintball guns with pellets. A clip of kids listening to another boy before a game is shown. The video ends with a boy walking towards a curtain and lifting it to walk behind it.
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The video starts with a short text about the video. The clip starts with an old man sitting on a mobility scooter. He is wearing winter clothes. He is also wearing a hat and sunglasses. He is outdoors, during the daytime. Tables and chairs are arranged in rows near him. He is starting to play the harmonica. He is looking into the camera while playing. He laughs as he finishes playing. The video ends as the man is speaking to the camera.
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The video starts with two people, a man, and a woman, carrying their kayaks and placing them on the truckbed of a red Toyota truck. They are outdoors with trees surrounding a path. The woman is wearing a blue top and the man is wearing a red t-shirt. They get into the truck and drive away. In the following clip, a person holding a paddle, with a yellow kayak in front of him, is standing on a boulder by a stream. Next, a few people wearing safety gear are standing on the shore of a narrow body of water. The water is flowing downhill rapidly. In the following clip, a person in a yellow kayak is rowing down the rapids. In the following clips, people can be seen in different parts of the rapids, kayaking. A clip of a couple in safety jackets is seen in a two-person kayak rowing. Two other kayaks are seen floating next to them. Next, two kayak row in calm waters with a sunset in the background. Next, a clip of two people in a kayak rowing through turbulent waters is seen. The video continues with clips of people in turbulent waters kayaking. The video ends with people standing around on land drinking beer with the sunset in the background.
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The video begins with four people standing in front of cameras holding an old spice-branded ping pong paddle. There are three men and a woman. They are outdoors during the day. A ping pong table is at their back. Next, the woman wearing a black dress is photographed by multiple photographers. A banner for old spice can be seen in the back. Next, a man in a red polo shirt joins her on the red carpet to get photographed. The woman holds up a paddle in front of her face with the picture of the man she is standing next to on it. In the next clip, the woman and the man in the red t-shirt are playing a game of ping pong. The video ends as the woman hits the ball outside the table.
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The video starts with a man in a dress shirt sitting behind a wooden desk. The room is well-lit. a laptop is visible to the right of the man. He has a shoe placed on a black desk mat. There is a shoe polish tin and glass vile with a clear liquid placed on the mat as well. The man applies the liquid and the polish to a piece of cloth and polishes the shoe with it.
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The video starts with a toddler sitting on a vanity table. The table is filled with various bottles and makeup products. A hair straightener is plugged into an outlet on the left side of the table. A mirror is visible in the back reflecting the toddler. The room is well-lit. Hair rollers are fastened to her hair. The toddler is looking down as she listens to her mother. In the next clip, her hair rollers are removed. The mother, who is holding the camera fluffs the toddler’s hair. The toddler turns to the mirror and looks at her hair for a few moments. The video ends as the toddler fluffs her hair.
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The video begins as a teen walks towards the camera putting on his boxing gloves. He is in a basketball court the walls are painted white at the top half and blue at the bottom. The teen is wearing a black T-shirt and shorts. A basketball hoop is mounted on the wall behind the teen. The teen walks to another boy, introduced as ‘Tyler’, wearing a cutoff t-shirt and boxing gloves. The first teen is introduced as ‘John’. The two teens take a boxing stance. There are other people visible in the back of the court. The two players touch gloves and begin to spar. They start with kicks and proceed to punches. They both dodge each other's hits. Then they being to make contact and move around the court while kickboxing. The video ends as Tyler keeps pushing John back.
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The video starts with a web address for ‘’ displayed on a black screen. A clip follows a man wearing a white t-shirt and a backward-turned cap. He is wearing a backpack. There are people visible standing around the man as he speaks to the crowd. As the man finishes talking, a man wearing a black outfit steps into a white sheet placed on the ground and starts to break dance. He is followed by the man wearing the white t0shirt. He dances for a moment and interacts with the crowd for a few moments. A family can be seen walking by the crowd. Next, the man in the white t-shirt enters the dance area with another man and the two dance with their heads on the ground and spin. The next clip shows a few people talking to the camera.
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The video starts with a boy in a karate uniform on a stage. He is wearing a black belt. The stage has a black curtain in the back. There are red strobe lights on either end of the stage. The boy is holding a karate stance. There is a speaker mounted on a tripod on the left side at the bottom of the stage. An American flag is placed on the left side of the stage. The boy starts to go through different karate moves fast. After he finishes, he bows to the audience and exits the stage on the right. A different boy enters the stage and waits for the music to start before he takes a bow and begins his demonstration. He moves through karate moves quickly and finishes his demonstration. After he is done, the first boy enters and high-fives him. Next, the two boys start a routing together with synchronized movements. The video ends as the two boys take a bow and two adults enter the stage from either side.
Please provide a detailed description of the video, focusing on the main subjects, their actions, and the background scenes
The video starts with a woman in a yellow kayak. She is wearing a life vest and a white cap. She is holding her paddle in both hands. She is in a calm river during the daytime. Hills covered in greenery are visible in the far back and a shore with trees is on the right. The woman is stationary and demonstrates how to use the paddle to turn. She first does a reverse sweep by turning her torso to her left and sweeping the left paddle from back to front, which turns the kayak to the left. She repeats this once more. Next, she does a forward sweep with the left side and a reverse sweep with the right paddle. She repeats this again. The video ends with the woman speaking to the camera. In the end, a screen with contact information for ‘Expert Village’ is displayed.
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A boy wearing a school uniform is speaking to the camera. He is wearing a white shirt and a green tie. Other students are visible standing behind him. A few students are sitting toward the back. The boy points to a cricket field where a game of cricket is being played. The game is being played in a field with a cricket pitch surrounded by a grass field. There are two sets of stumps fixed to the ground on either side of the pitch. There are trees at the outer edge of the ground. A building with white pillars is visible in the distance. A boy gets ready to bat. A bowler starts his bowling run and delivers the ball. The ball goes wide and the wicketkeeper is seen running after it. The camera pans to a woman who speaks to the camera person. The game on the field continues as the bowler delivers another ball and the batsman jumps to let it pass behind him. The batsman starts to run to the other side. The nonstriker runs towards the striker’s end and gets ready to bat. The camera pans to the boy and turns toward a girl in uniform. The girl smiles. The video ends with another shot of the cricket pitch where the game is being played.
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The video begins with the text ‘Arenacross 2012’ appearing on a black screen. A montage from the inside of a camper van, as it passes through different places, is shown. The video is shot from inside the camper van. The camper passes through a bridge, overlooking a river, and an intersection. Next, a boy wearing a black jacket, a cap, and sunglasses, is seen pushing a dirtbike. A clip of a green dirtbike with the number ‘2’ in front is shown. Next, an indoor dirt biking arena is shown. The lights turn on as fireworks are lit on the bike path. The arena appears filled out with spectators. A jumbotron is seen fixed to the middle of the ceiling. A bird’s eye view of the bike path is shown. Bikes are parked the near end of the arena. People are visible near it. On a signal, all the bikers start riding and turn near the end. They ride through berms. Next, a montage of different scenes from the camper is shown. A clip of a little boy in a helmet and safety gear as he walks is shown. A clip of two boys in white t-shirts dancing in the front seat of the camper is shown. A clip of earth movers preparing the berms in the dirt bike arena is shown. People are walking around the dirt biking path and the berms. The video continues with different scenes from the arena. Next, two boys ride a dirt bike in a field. They stop in front of the camera and dance. They lean the dirt bikes on the ground. They pick up their bikes and do a doughnut with their bikes. The video continues with kids at a dirt bike arena. They are in a race. The video ends with an image of two boys posing in front of their dirt bikes.
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The video is sped up to show participants in a wood-chopping context standing over their respective logs. There are two sets of competitions. The contestants on the left have their wooden blocks laid horizontally on chopping stands. There are contestants assembling wooden blocks on horizontal chopping stands on the right. They are wearing black vests and light-colored trousers. They are outside in an arena during the daytime. People can be seen on seats on either side. A bridge is seen in the back. The contest begins as the two sides begin chopping wood. Some players on the left finish before the players on the right. The first player on the left side heads over to the right and speaks to another contestant.
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A man wearing a black sweater vest over a grey shirt is ironing a dress shirt on an ironing stand. The room is well-lit. There is a small wooden drawer visible on the man’s left. A number of white clothes hangers are piled under it. The man irons the shirt one section at a time. An arm of a man is visible on the left. The man continues to iron the arm of the shirt and finishes both sides. He puts the ironed shirt over a clothes hanger. The man once again places the shirt on the ironing stand to iron a small portion and hangs the shirt among other ironed shirts.
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Two newscasters, a woman on the left and a man on the right are reading the news. The woman is wearing a black top and the man wears a black suit. They are standing behind a glass news desk, with the number ‘10’ displayed on the front. There are three screens behind the news anchors. A cutaway of two men shoveling snow is shown. The man is in front of a house. They are wearing winter clothes. They are shoveling snow during the daytime. In the next clip, the two men speak to the camera one after the other. Their names are shown on ribbons on the screen. Next, the two men again shoveling snow and then speaking to each other are shown. In the following clip, a doctor is interviewed. Next, a few clips of people shoveling snow as cutaways of the doctor speaking are shown. In the following clip, a woman wearing a black jacket is reporting in front of the camera. A brown building is seen in the far back of the reporter. A few cars are parked a few feet behind the reporter. The holds up her phone. Next, a woman holds up her phone showing her heart rate. She is then shown shoveling snow. Another cutaway of the doctor speaking is shown. In the following clip, the two men from the first clip are again shown speaking to the camera. The video ends with the news anchors in the studio finishing their reporting.
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A man in an orange chef’s uniform is talking to the camera. He is in a well-lit kitchen. The walls are painted a dark shade of yellow. A cutaway of a Russian salad is shown. The man starts to prepare the salad. A steel stove is visible behind the man. The man starts to prepare the salad by making the dressing. He adds two T-spoons of cream and two T-spoons of mayonnaise to a glass bowl. He mixes the two ingredients and adds some salt and pepper to it. In a different bowl, he adds cooked potatoes, carrots, and peas. He adds chopped onion and spring onion to it. He tops the vegetables with the dressing and mixes everything. He then proceeds to circle a glass plate with half-sliced lemons and adds the Russian salad in the middle. He also adds a tomato cut like a rose on top. He picks up the plate and tastes the salad. The video ends as the chef speaks to the camera.
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Two people, a man and a woman are dancing. The man is wearing a blue T-shirt and a blue cap. The woman is wearing a brown top and blue jeans. They are dancing outside, in an alley. A wall with windows is visible behind them. The man leads the woman and they dance by moving around. In the next clip, they start to dance again. They are still in the alley. The man turns the woman forward and backward. In the next clip, a man wearing a white t-shirt dances with the woman. They dance and turn each other. The video ends as the two stop dancing.
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The video starts with a boy walking to the edge of a platform diving board. He is in a swimming pool with overhead lights. A graphic with his name, ‘Thomas Daley’, is displayed on the screen. He walks to the edge and turns around. He stretches his hands out to the side and prepares to dive. He executes the dive with a backward jump and twists and flips midair as he enters the water. As he surfaces, a graphic with his name and scorecard is displayed. In the next clip, Thomas is again on the diving board for round 2. He does a handstand on the edge of the diving board and dives with multiple backward somersaults. As he dives into the pool, people can be seen at the back of the poolside watching. In round three, Thomas stands at the edge of the platform facing back. He holds his hands to the sides and dives with multiple backward somersaults. As he dives into the pool, people walk to the poolside and lean in to see the diver. Thomas stands at the edge of the diving board for round four. He dives with multiple somersaults. The video ends as people are seen walking across the camera.
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A man wearing a black T-shirt is playing the bagpipe. The camera is focused on his hands as he is playing. He is in a dimly lit room with posters with text and art on it. The camera focuses on the man’s hands as he covers and uncovers his fingers on the bagpipe’s finger holes. The man continues to play the bagpipe as the video progresses. The video ends as the man stops playing and lets go of the bagpipe.
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The video starts with a little boy wearing a purple jacket picking up a stick off the ground and tapping it on a wooden fence behind him. In the following clip, the boy is wearing a red jersey for the ‘Salem lacrosse team and holding a lacrosse stick in his hands. The camera zooms in on the logo on the boy’s shorts. The video follows the boy as he plays in different games. Next, a clip of the lacrosse team standing in a huddle with their lacrosse sticks raised is shown. Next, a face-off between two lacrosse players from different teams is shown. The two players start the play, soon joined by other players. The video continues as the game continues. Another face-off is shown. The video continues to follow the boy as he plays different positions. He is shown scoring a goal or chasing the ball. A new game with the boy wearing a white jersey is shown. He starts the game with a face-off with a player from an opposing team. The video ends as a player scores a goal.
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A woman’s hand picks up three rolls of gift wrap from a blue wooden counter. There are wrapped gifts laying next to the rolls. A tray with other gift-wrapping accessories can be seen in the corner. The woman lays out the gift-wrapping rolls on a light wood table. Gift wrapping accessories are shown appearing on the table with jump cuts. The woman unrolls a roll of the wrapper and places a brown cardboard box on it. She then cuts the wrapping paper based on the size of the box. She wraps the box and tapes it shut. She carefully folds the sides of the box and folds it using tape. The video ends with the woman turning the wrapped box on every side to show the wrapping. She then places the box on the counter.
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The video starts with a woman sitting behind a compact round topped table. She is wearing a white coat over a teal top. There are tubes and bottles of makeup on the table in front of her. A portable mirror is next to the makeup. She is in a well-lit room. There is a large framed photograph on the wall, behind the woman. A shelf with books, framed art, and statues on it is behind the woman. She introduces herself and speaks for a moment before placing the mirror on the ground. She then proceeds to apply a cream placed on the table. She then applies eyeliner and smudges it with her fingers. Next, she applies lipstick. She then does contours. She follows up with a highlight and blush. Finally, she picks up the mirror and looks at herself.
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The video begins on the shores of a river. There are several people riding their horses right on the banks of the river. Some horses are standing in the water. Two dogs are visible a few feet from the horses. The riders are outside during the daytime. There are hills visible in the far back. There are trees a few feet from the shore. There are fallen trees visible on the shore. Some of the riders are wearing hats. Some text about the location appears on the screen. The people are on the banks of the Terelj River in Mongolia. The riders are crossing the river on their horses. Some of the riders are leading pack horses by a leash. The dogs cross the river with the horses. The riders cross the river and ride into the opposite shore. The shore is filled with balding trees. The camera is pointed stationary as the riders disappear into the woods. A dog is the last one to reach the riverbank and walk into the forest.