150 values
135 values
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 10 12 1,,e15b1,1,,,,,,12g1,1, O0 10 12 g8a4,f8b4,e85b4,e8c4,d8d4,c8e4,,b8f4,a8g4,85g4,8h4,4 I1 7 8 e15,b12b1,1,,,,, O1 7 8 e85,b85b4,8e4,4,,,, I2 6 8 1,,b12a1,d15,1,,, O2 6 8 8,4d8,b45a8,d45,4,,, I3 8 10 1,,b12c1,1,,,15e1,1,, O3 8 10 c4c8,,b45c8,b4d8,a4e8,,45e8,4f8,8, I4T 9 6 1,,,15f1,g12,1 O4T 9 6 4,,,85f4,g85,8 I5T 12 11 f12c1,1,,,,,,a15h1,1,, O5T None
9 6 4,,,85f4,g85,8
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 8 11 4,,,,,,,,,a41d4,45e4 O0 8 11 0,,,,,f06,e0a6,d0b6,c0c6,a05d6,05e6 I1 6 7 1d4,4,b45a4,4,,, O1 6 7 5d6,a0c6,b05a6,d06,0,, I2 9 9 4,b45d4,4,,,,g41,4, O2 9 9 a6f0,b65d0,c6d0,d6c0,e6b0,f6a0,g65,6, I3 7 5 4,,,c4514,4 O3 7 5 0,,,c0a50,6 I4T 12 9 4,,a41h4,f45c4,4,,,, O4T None I5T 10 12 4,,c41d4,4,,,,b45e4,4,,, O5T 10 12 4,,,c41d4,4,,,b45e4,4,,,
10 12 d0d6,,c05d6,c0e6,,,,b05e6,b0f6,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 8 5 e171,f10,1,, O0 8 5 e235,f23,2,, I1 10 11 1,,,h10,1,,,,17g1,1, O1 10 11 5,,,h53,g5a2,e5c2,d5d2,b5f2,53g2,2, I2 5 11 1,c10,a17a1,1,,,,,,, O2 5 11 5,c53,a53a2,2,,,,,,, I3 7 9 a17c1,1,,,,b10b1,1,, O3 7 9 a23c5,b2c5,,,,b23b5,c2b5,, I4T 10 10 1,,,,7h1,1,,,c10d1,1 O4T 10 10 5,,,,2h5,32g5,b2f5,c2e5,c23d5,e2c5 I5T 8 7 1,,,0f1,1,7f1,1 O5T None
10 10 5,,,,3h5,a2g5,b2f5,c2e5,c23d5,e2c5
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 11 11 0,,,,,,5i0,0,,,g03a0 O0 11 11 5,,,,,,1i5,b8g5,d8e5,f8c5,g81a5 I1 11 7 0,,,d03d0,0,h050,0 O1 11 7 8,5i8,b5g8,d51d8,f5c8,h518,5 I2 6 12 0,,,c050,b03a0,0,,,,,, O2 6 12 8,,,c815,b81a5,b8b5,a8c5,8d5,5,,, I3 10 7 0,,,,,g050,d03c0 O3 10 7 8,,,,,g815,d81c5 I4T 10 11 0,,,,,,,c03d0,g050,0, O4T None I5T 11 7 0,,,g05a0,d03d0,0, O5T 11 7 0,,,g05a0,e03c0,0,
11 7 8,,,g81a5,d81d5,b8g5,5
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for O5T
I0 7 5 5,a51c5,5,3e5,5 O0 7 5 b7c3,a76c3,7e3,6e3,3 I1 12 8 5,,g51b5,5,,,j53,5 O1 12 8 f7d3,g7c3,g76b3,h7b3,i7a3,j73,j76,7 I2 11 9 5,,,,,,c53e5,e51c5,5 O2 11 9 7,,,,3i7,b3g7,c36e7,e36c7,h3a7 I3 9 7 3g5,5,,d51b5,5,, O3 9 7 6g7,a3f7,c3d7,d36b7,f3a7,3, I4T 7 10 5,,e53,5,,,d515,5,, O4T None I5T 11 8 5,h535,5,e51c5,5,,, O5T 11 8 5,i53,5,e51c5,5,,,
11 8 3,h367,g3b7,e36c7,d3e7,c3f7,a3h7,3i7
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 6 7 6,,b67a6,6,,, O0 6 7 a0c7,b0b7,b01a7,d07,0,, I1 5 6 6,,,,c67,6 O1 5 6 0c7,a0b7,b0a7,c07,c01,0 I2 5 7 a67a6,6,,,,, O2 5 7 a01a7,c07,0,,,, I3 6 10 6,c676,6,,,,,,, O3 6 10 c0a7,c017,0,,,,,,, I4T 10 9 6,,,,g676,6,,, O4T None
10 9 d0d7,e0c7,f0b7,g0a7,g017,0,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, O5T, predict image
I0 5 11 4c0,0,c08,0,,,,,,, O0 5 11 6c4,b1a4,c16,1,,,,,,, I1 10 6 0,,h08,0,,04g0 O1 10 6 4,,h46,f4b1,c4e1,46g1 I2 6 11 0,a04b0,a08b0,0,,,,,,, O2 6 11 b1b4,a16b4,,b1b4,,,,,,, I3 9 5 0,,a04e0,f080,0 O3 9 5 4,,a16e4,f164,1 I4T 7 9 0,,e04,0,,,,a08c0,0 O4T None I5T 7 10 0,,,,,,e04,0,a08c0,0 O5T 7 10 0,,,,,,e04,b08b0,0,
7 10 1,,,,,,e16,d1a4,a16c4,1e4
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for O4T
I0 6 11 6,,,,,d60,6,,,,d62 O0 6 11 d83,,,,,d86,d83,,,,d86 I1 6 5 6,,,d60,a62b6 O1 6 5 8,,,d86,a86b3 I2 6 6 c606,6,,,a62b6,6 O2 6 6 c863,c8a3,b8b3,,a86b3,a8c3 I3 5 7 6,,b626,b606,6,, O3 5 7 c38,,b368,,c38,, I4T 12 7 b60g6,6,,,,,i626 O4T 12 7 b60g6,6,,,,,i626
12 7 b86g3,d8f3,e8e3,f8d3,g8c3,h8b3,i863
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, O4T, predict image
I0 10 12 0,,g010,0,,,,,,,, O0 10 12 g7a2,,g792,g7a2,,,,,,,, I1 8 11 0,,,d01a0,0,,,,,, O1 8 11 d7b2,,,d79a2,d7b2,,,,,, I2 6 5 0,,,c010,0 O2 6 5 c7a2,,,c792,c7a2 I3 8 9 0,,,,,,,,d01a0 O3 8 9 d7b2,,,,,,,,d79a2 I4T 9 6 0,01f0,0,,, O4T 9 6 0,01f0,0,,, I5T 7 12 0,,,01d0,0,,,,,,, O5T None
9 6 7g2,79f2,7g2,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for O3T
I0 9 5 1,,,b18d1,3g1 O0 9 5 3,,e3b6,b37d6,7g6 I1 7 10 1,,,,,18d1,e13,1,, O1 7 10 6,,,,,37d6,e37,3,, I2 9 6 1,,,3g1,1,b18d1 O2 9 6 3,,,7g3,a6f3,b67d3 I3T 9 5 1,g18,1,,d13b1 O3T 9 5 3,f373,f3a6,e3b6,c373b6
9 5 3,g37,f3a6,e3b6,d37b6
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict image for O4T
I0 8 6 3,,8f3,3,d32a3,3 O0 8 6 6,,4f6,b0d6,d04a6,0 I1 10 10 3,,,,,,a382e3,3,, O1 10 10 6,,,,,,a0a4e0,0,, I2 7 6 d383,2e3,3,,, O2 7 6 d046,4e6,6,,, I3 11 12 3,,38h3,3,,,,,,i32,3, O3 11 12 6,,04h6,b0g6,c0f6,d0e6,f0c6,g0b6,h0a6,i04,0, I4T 12 7 3,,d32e3,3,,,c38f3 O4T None I5T 5 8 3,,,,,8c3,3,a32a3 O5T None
12 7 e6e0,,d64e0,d6f0,,,c64f0
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 5 5 0,,,05b0,0 O0 5 5 c72,b7a2,a7b2,71b2,2 I1 6 7 0,,,,,d05,0 O1 6 7 7,,,,,d71,c7a2 I2 7 5 0,,e05,0, O2 7 5 7,,e71,d7a2,c7b2 I3T 8 12 0,,,,,c05b0,0,,,,, O3T None
8 12 7,,f72,e7a2,d7b2,c71b2,b7d2,a7e2,7f2,2,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, O3T, predict image
I0 11 5 h595,5,,57h5,5 O0 11 5 h612,f6c2,c6f2,61h2,2 I1 12 11 h57a5,5,,,,,g59b5,5,,, O1 12 11 h21a6,h2b6,,,,,g21b6,g2c6,,, I2 12 11 5,,,,,,,,d59e5,5,b57g5 O2 12 11 6,,,j62,i6a2,h6b2,g6c2,f6d2,d61e2,d6f2,b61g2 I3T 7 10 5,,d575,5,,,,,59d5,5 O3T 7 10 5,,d575,5,,,,,59d5,5 I4T 5 5 5,,,,957a5 O4T None
7 10 2,e26,d216,d2a6,c2b6,b2c6,,a2d6,21d6,2e6
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 6 9 1,,,,,b10a1,1,, O0 6 9 b9b3,,,,,b95a3,b9b3,, I1 10 7 1,,,a10f1,1,, O1 10 7 a9g3,,,a95f3,a9g3,, I2 8 10 1,,,,,,,,,e101 O2 8 10 e9a3,,,,,,,,,e953 I3T 12 6 g10b1,1,,,, O3T 12 6 g95b3,g9c3,,,,
12 6 g95b3,g9c3,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O3T, predict image
I0 5 12 3,,,,,,,,,,,632a3 O0 5 12 5,,,,,,,,,,,090a9 I1 11 10 3,,,,,2i3,f36b3,3,, O1 11 10 9,,,,,0i9,f50b9,5,, I2 12 6 3,f36c3,3,,g32b3,3 O2 12 6 f9d5,f90c5,g9c5,,g90b5,h9b5 I3T 6 8 3,,,c323,36c3,3,, O3T None
6 8 5,,,c509,50c9,9,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, O3T, predict image
I0 5 6 3,c37,3,,, O0 5 6 c86,c87,8,,, I1 11 11 3,,,,,,h373,3,,, O1 11 11 c8f6,d8e6,e8d6,f8c6,g8b6,h8a6,h876,8,,, I2 8 8 3,,,,,a37d3,3, O2 8 8 6,,,8f6,a8e6,a87d6,c8c6,d8b6 I3T 9 5 3,,,,f373 O3T None
9 5 c8d6,d8c6,e8b6,f8a6,f876
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for O4T
I0 7 8 7,,,c79a7,7,70d7,7, O0 7 8 9,,e90,c92a0,b9c0,92d0,0, I1 12 10 7,g79b7,7,,,,,,i707,7 O1 12 10 g9c0,g92b0,h9b0,,,i9a0,,,i920,j90 I2 8 7 7,9f7,7,,f70,7, O2 8 7 0,2f0,b9d0,d9b0,f92,9, I3T 6 10 7,70c7,a79b7,7,,,,,, O3T None I4T 9 11 7,,,,,,0g7,7,,,e79a7 O4T 9 11 9,,,,,,0g9,20f9,c0d9,d0c9,e02a9
9 11 9,,,,,,2g9,a0f9,c0d9,d0c9,e02a9
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 10 11 2,,,h23,2,,,,,, O0 10 11 3,,,h51,5,,,,,, I1 9 7 f232,2,,,,, O1 9 7 f515,5,,,,, I2 5 11 2,,,,,,,,,,3c2 O2 5 11 3,,,,,,,,,,1c5 I3 11 8 2,23h2,2,,,,, O3 11 8 3,51h5,5,,,,, I4T 10 11 2,,,h23,2,,,,,, O4T 10 11 3,,,h51,5,,,,,,
10 11 3,,,h51,5,,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 predict image for O4T
I0 11 7 0,,i05,h030,0,, O0 11 7 3,,i35,h359,h3a9,g3b9,f3c9 I1 9 12 0,,d05b0,0,3g0,0,,,,,, O1 9 12 3,g39,d35b9,b3e9,5g9,9,,,,,, I2 9 12 0,,,,,,,,,03e05,0, O2 9 12 3,,,,,,,,,35e35,9, I3 8 12 0,e050,0,,,,,3f0,0,,, O3 8 12 3,e359,e3a9,d3b9,c3c9,b3d9,a3e9,5f9,9,,, I4T 8 8 0,,,c05b0,0,,c03b0,0 O4T 8 8 0,,,c05b0,0,,c03b0,0 I5T 10 9 0,,,,,,,,d0305a0 O5T None
8 8 d3b9,,,c35b9,d3b9,,c35b9,d3b9
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 9 7 0,,e05a0,a04e0,0,, O0 9 7 9,,e95a3,a95e3,3,, I1 6 11 0,,,,,a05b0,0,,,d04,0 O1 6 11 3,,,9d3,a9c3,a95b3,b9b3,c9a3,d93,d95,9 I2 9 6 0,,,a05e0,04f0,0 O2 9 6 d9c3,c9d3,b9e3,a95e3,95f3,3 I3 7 5 a05c0,0,,e04,0 O3 7 5 a95c3,c9b3,d9a3,e95,9 I4T 7 12 05d0,0,,,,,b04b0,0,,,, O4T 7 12 935c3,a9d3,,,b9c3,,b95b3,c9b3,,,d9a3,
7 12 95d3,a9d3,,,b9c3,,b95b3,c9b3,,,d9a3,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, O4T, predict image
I0 9 9 f313,3,,,b39d3,3,,, O0 9 9 f931,f9a1,e9b1,d9c1,b93d1,b9e1,a9f1,9g1,1 I1 8 10 3,,,,,1f3,d39a3,3,, O1 8 10 1,,,,,3f1,d93a1,9,, I2 8 5 1c39a3,3,,, O2 8 5 3c93a9,9,,, I3 11 8 3,,c39e3,3,b31f3,3,, O3 11 8 d1e9,,c13e9,c1f9,b13f9,b1g9,a1h9, I4T 9 6 3,c31a393,3,,, O4T 9 6 1,c93a939,9,,, I5T 5 9 3,,,c31,3,,a39a3,3, O5T None
9 6 1,c93a939,9,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 5 8 0,5c0,0,,,a02a0,0, O0 5 8 3,7c3,0c3,a0b3,,a07a3,b0a3,c03 I1 5 5 5c0,0,,,2c0 O1 5 5 7c3,0c3,,,7c3 I2 11 11 0,,5b02e0,0,,,,,,, O2 11 11 3,,7b07e0,0,,,,,,, I3 5 7 a05a0,2c0,0,,,, O3 5 7 a07a3,7c3,3,,,, I4T 8 8 d02a0,0,a05d0,0,,,, O4T None I5T 6 8 0,,05c0,0,,d02,0, O5T 6 8 0,05c0,0,,,d02,0,
6 8 3,,07c3,b0b3,c0a3,d07,0,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, O4T, predict image
I0 12 9 9,,,,,,i909,9,3j9 O0 12 9 6,,,,,,i635,e6e5,3j5 I1 11 6 9,f93b9,g90a9,9,, O1 11 6 e5d6,f53b6,g53a6,h5a6,i56,5 I2 8 6 9,90e9,9,,,b93c9 O2 8 6 6f5,63e5,a6e5,b6d5,,b63c5 I3T 9 12 9,,90f9,9,3g9,9,,,,,, O3T None I4T 6 9 9,,,,93c9,9,,,d90 O4T None
6 9 6,,,,53c6,a5c6,b5b6,c5a6,d53
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1, O3T, predict image
I0 8 11 1,a15d1,1,,,,,,,, O0 8 11 b3d4,a36d4,3f4,4,,,,,,, I1 12 10 1,,15i1,1,,,,,, O1 12 10 b3h4,a3i4,36i4,4,,,,,, I2 12 8 1,,,,,,i151,1 O2 12 8 3,,,,,j34,i364,h3b4 I3T 6 8 15c1,1,,,,,, O3T 6 8 36c4,4,,,,,,
6 8 36c4,4,,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 9 8 5,,,,,54f5,5, O0 9 8 9g8,,,,,91f8,9g8, I1 12 8 5,,,a54h5,5,,, O1 12 8 a9i8,,,a91h8,a9i8,,, I2 11 8 5,g54a5,5,,,,, O2 11 8 g9b8,g91a8,g9b8,,,,, I3 9 6 5,,c54c5,5,, O3 9 6 c9d8,,c91c8,c9d8,, I4T 7 8 5,,b54b5,5,,,, O4T None I5T 8 7 5,c54b5,5,,,, O5T None
7 8 b9c8,,b91b8,b9c8,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 predict image for O4T
I0 10 6 3,,d31c3,a34f3,3, O0 10 6 3,h30,d38c0,a38f0,0, I1 10 9 3,,,,31g3,3,,,a34f3 O1 10 9 3h0,,,,38g0,a3g0,,,a38f0 I2 11 12 h313,3,g34a3,3,,,,,,,, O2 11 12 h380,h3a0,g38a0,g3b0,,f3c0,,e3d0,,d3e0,,c3f0 I3T 8 9 d34a3,3,,,,,,d31a3,3 O3T None I4T 12 8 f34c3,3,,,i313,3,, O4T None
12 8 f08c3,g0c3,h0b3,i0a3,i083,j03,0,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 predict image for O4T
I0 6 12 8,,,,,,,,,d82,8, O0 6 12 8,,,,,,,,,d16,1, I1 8 6 a82d8,8,,,, O1 8 6 a16d1,1,,,, I2 11 7 8,2i8,8,,,, O2 11 7 8,6i1,1,,,, I3T 10 11 8,,,,,,,,,e82b8,8 O3T None I4T 12 9 8,,,,,,,,d82e8 O4T None
12 9 8,,,,,,,,d16e1
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 12 9 4,d42e4,4,,,,,, O0 12 9 d1f4,d12e4,f1d4,g1c4,h1b4,i1a4,j14,1, I1 9 8 4,,,,42f4,4,, O1 9 8 4,,,1g4,12f4,b1e4,c1d4,d1c4 I2 8 10 4,,,,,,,,,e424 O2 8 10 4,,,1f4,a1e4,b1d4,c1c4,d1b4,e1a4,e124 I3T 12 9 4,c42f4,4,,,,,, O3T 12 9 4,c42f4,4,,,,,,
12 9 c1g4,c12f4,e1e4,f1d4,g1c4,h1b4,i1a4,j14,1
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 predict image for O4T
I0 9 9 9,,0g9,9,,,,, O0 9 9 1,,5g1,a6f1,b6e1,c6d1,d6c1,e6b1,f6a1 I1 11 11 9,,,90h9,9,,,,,, O1 11 11 1,,6i1,65h1,b6g1,c6f1,d6e1,e6d1,f6c1,g6b1,h6a1 I2 12 10 9,d90e9,9,,,,,,, O2 12 10 d6f1,d65e1,f6d1,g6c1,h6b1,i6a1,j61,6,, I3T 9 8 9,,,,,,,c90c9 O3T None I4T 10 8 9,,,d90c9,9,,, O4T 10 8 9,,,d90c9,9,,,
10 8 b6f1,c6e1,d6d1,d65c1,f6b1,g6a1,h61,6
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 12 8 1,h14a1,1,,,,, O0 12 8 h0b6,h02a6,j06,0,,,, I1 7 5 1,,e14,1, O1 7 5 d0a6,e06,e02,0, I2 9 7 1,,,e14a1,1,, O2 9 7 c0d6,d0c6,e0b6,e02a6,g06,0, I3T 6 6 1,,,,a14b1,1 O3T None I4T 7 9 1,,,,e14,1,,, O4T 7 9 b0c6,c0b6,d0a6,e06,0,e02,0,,
7 9 b0c6,c0b6,d0a6,e06,e02,0,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, O3T, predict image
I0 11 6 3,,,g37a3,3, O0 11 6 e2d6,f2c6,g2b6,g25a6,i26,2 I1 6 9 3,37c3,3,,,,,, O1 6 9 2d6,25c6,b2b6,c2a6,d26,2,,, I2 12 5 a37h3,3,,, O2 12 5 a25h6,c2g6,d2f6,e2e6,f2d6 I3T 12 6 3,,,j37,3, O3T 12 6 3,,,j37,3,
12 6 h2b6,i2a6,j26,j25,2,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 8 9 7,8f7,7,,,,,, O0 8 9 4f9,5f9,9,,,,,, I1 12 5 7,,,,d78e7 O1 12 5 h4b9,g4c9,f4d9,e4e9,d45e9 I2 5 11 7,,b787,7,,,,,,, O2 5 11 4,c49,b459,a4b9,4c9,9,,,,, I3T 12 9 j78,7,,,,,,, O3T 12 9 i787,7,,,,,,, I4T 10 5 c78d7,7,,, O4T None
12 9 j45,i4a9,h4b9,g4c9,f4d9,e4e9,d4f9,c4g9,b4h9
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 9 9 e90a9,9,,,,g98,9,, O0 9 9 e69a2,f6a2,,g62,,g69,6,, I1 7 5 9,,0e9,9,d989 O1 7 5 2,,9e2,b6c2,d692 I2 5 8 9,a90a9,9,a98a9,9,,, O2 5 8 b6a2,a69a2,b6a2,a69a2,b6a2,,, I3 9 7 9,8g9,9,,c90c9,9, O3 9 7 6,9g6,a2f6,b2e6,c29c6,e2b6,f2a6 I4T 8 5 9,e989,9,a90d9,9 O4T 8 5 2,e296,b2d6,a292c6,6
8 5 2,e296,c2c6,a29d6,6
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 9 8 8,,c82c8,8,,,f818,8 O0 9 8 b5e3,c5d3,c52c3,d5c3,e5b3,f5a3,f523,g53 I1 11 12 81h8,8,,,,,h828,8,,,, O1 11 12 32h5,b3g5,c3f5,d3e5,f3c5,g3b5,h325,3,,,, I2 12 6 8,,,,e81d8,e82d8 O2 12 6 e3e5,,,,e32d5, I3 11 10 8,,,,,2i8,8,,d81d8,8 O3 11 10 3,,,,,2i3,a5h3,c5f3,d52d3,f5c3 I4T 10 12 8,,,,,,,,,,b812d8,8 O4T 10 12 8,,,,,,,,,,b812d8,8
10 12 5,,,,,,,,,,b5a2d5,3
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, O4T, predict image
I0 5 7 2,,,b236,2,, O0 5 7 8,,,b7a2,7,, I1 7 10 2,,,,,,e26,2,,3e2 O1 7 10 8,,,,,,e82,c8b7,a8d7,2e7 I2 7 8 2,,b26b2,2,a23c2,2,, O2 7 8 c8b7,,b82b7,b8c7,a82c7,a8d7,8e7, I3 11 7 2,,,h232,2,,26h2 O3 11 7 7,,,h728,f7c8,c7f8,72h8 I4T 5 5 2,6c2,3c2,2, O4T 5 5 2,6c2,3c2,2,
5 5 7,2c7,,7,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 11 12 3,,,,,5i3,3,,,,d31d3,3 O0 11 12 3,,,,,0i3,2i3,a2h3,b2g3,c2f3,d20d3,e2d3 I1 10 11 c35d3,3,,,31g3,3,,,,, O1 10 11 c20d3,c2e3,b2f3,a2g3,20g3,2h3,3,,,, I2 12 7 h31a3,3,,,,35i3,3 O2 12 7 h30a2,g3c2,e3e2,d3f2,b3h2,30i2,2 I3T 9 11 3,,35f3,3,,,,,,,b31d3 O3T None I4T 11 7 3,,,35h3,3,,h313 O4T None
11 7 3,,,20h3,c2f3,f2c3,h203
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 9 12 4,,,,,,,,,b42d4,3g4,4 O0 9 12 5,,,,,,,,e5b3,b58d3,8g3,3 I1 5 12 4,,,a43a4,4,,,,,a42a4,4, O1 5 12 b3a5,,,a38a5,b3a5,,,,,a38a5,b3a5, I2 8 7 4,,,f43,4,b42c4,4 O2 8 7 3,,,f38,e3a5,b38c5,a3e5 I3 6 7 d43,4,,,,c424,4 O3 6 7 d38,d35,,,,c385,c3a5 I4T 7 6 4,,b423a4,4,, O4T None I5T 10 8 3h4,42g4,4,,,,, O5T None
10 8 8h5,38g5,b3f5,c3e5,d3d5,e3c5,f3b5,g3a5
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 predict image for O4T
I0 8 11 6,5f6,6,,,f61,6,,,, O0 8 11 2,4f2,a6e2,c6c2,e6a2,f64,6,,,, I1 9 8 61f6,6,,5g6,6,,, O1 9 8 24f6,2g6,,4g6,6,,, I2 11 11 6,,65h6,6,,,,d61d6,6,, O2 11 11 2,6i2,64h2,a6h2,b6g2,c6f2,d6e2,d64d2,e6d2,f6c2,g6b2 I3 12 8 6,,,h65a6,6,,,b61g6 O3 12 8 6,,j62,h64a2,g6c2,e6e2,d6f2,b64g2 I4T 7 5 6,d616,5e6,6, O4T 7 5 2,d246,4e6,6,
7 5 2,d246,4e6,6,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, O3T, predict image
I0 7 7 5,,e56,5,,, O0 7 7 d2a7,e27,e29,2,,, I1 8 11 5,,,,,,,,c56b5,5, O1 8 11 7,,,,2f7,a2e7,b2d7,c2c7,c29b7,e2a7,f27 I2 11 10 5,,,6i5,5,,,,, O2 11 10 7,,,9i7,a2h7,b2g7,c2f7,d2e7,e2d7,f2c7 I3T 10 5 a56f5,5,,, O3T 10 5 a56f5,5,,, I4T 12 8 5,,,b56g5,5,,, O4T None
10 5 a29f7,c2e7,d2d7,e2c7,f2b7
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 11 9 3,,,,,36h3,37h3,3, O0 11 9 7i6,,,,,70h6,,7i6, I1 11 12 3,,,b37f3,3,,,,,h363,3, O1 11 12 6i7,a6h7,b6g7,b60f7,d6e7,e6d7,f6c7,g6b7,h6a7,h607,6, I2 6 8 c373,3,,,,c363,3, O2 6 8 c607,d67,,,,c607,d67, I3 10 10 3,,,,,,37g3,3,6h3,3 O3 10 10 d6d7,c6e7,,b6f7,,a6g7,60g7,6h7,0h7,7 I4T 5 10 3,,c36,3,,,,,b373,3 O4T 5 10 7,,c70,c76,,,,,b706,a7676 I5T 7 6 c37a3,3,,,,d363 O5T None
5 10 7,,c70,c76,,,,,b706,b7a6
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1, O5T, predict image
I0 12 6 f69c6,2j6,6,,, O0 12 6 f05c8,5j8,8,,, I1 6 5 6,,9a62a6,6, O1 6 5 8,,5a85a8,0, I2 5 11 6,2c6,6,,,,,,,b696,6 O2 5 11 0,5c0,8c0,,a8b0,,,b8a0,,b850,c80 I3 12 10 6,,,j69,c62f6,6,,,, O3 12 10 0,,,j05,c05f8,8,,,, I4T 9 6 6,,,,,962e6 O4T None I5T 10 5 6,d62c6,6,,g696 O5T 10 5 6,d62c6,6,,f69a6
10 5 d8d0,d85c0,f8b0,g8a0,g850
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 5 5 5,,,a56a5,5 O0 5 5 9,c94,b9a4,a96a4,9c4 I1 12 11 5,,,j56,5,,,,,, O1 12 11 9,,,j96,i9a4,h9b4,g9c4,f9d4,e9e4,d9f4,c9g4 I2 8 7 5,,,,d56a5,5, O2 8 7 9,,f94,e9a4,d96a4,c9c4,b9d4 I3T 5 5 5,,,,56b5 O3T None I4T 12 10 5,,g56b5,5,,,,,, O4T 12 10 5,,g56b5,5,,,,,,
12 10 i9a4,h9b4,g96b4,f9d4,e9e4,d9f4,c9g4,b9h4,a9i4,9j4
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 11 5 8,,,7i8,8 O0 11 5 5,,,0i5,a9h5 I1 5 5 8,,,87b8,8 O1 5 5 5,,9c5,90b5,b9a5 I2 10 7 8,,d87c8,8,,, O2 10 7 c9e5,d9d5,d90c5,f9b5,g9a5,h95,9 I3 5 5 8,c87,8,, O3 5 5 c95,c90,9,, I4T 6 7 8,,,,c878,8, O4T 6 7 8,,,,,d87,8
6 7 9d5,a9c5,b9b5,c9a5,c905,9,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 6 11 1,,,,a14b1,1,,,,,c121 O0 6 11 3d9,,a3c9,,a36b9,b3b9,,,c3a9,,c369 I1 5 10 c12,1,,b141,1,,,,, O1 5 10 c96,c93,,b963,b9a3,,,a9b3,, I2 11 10 1,,a12g1,1,,,,,,h141 O2 11 10 9i3,a9h3,a96g3,c9f3,d9e3,e9d3,f9c3,g9b3,h9a3,h963 I3T 11 6 1,,b1214d1,1,, O3T None I4T 6 6 2d1,1,,4d1,1, O4T 6 6 12c1,1,,4d1,1,
6 6 6d3,9d3,,6d3,9d3,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, O4T, predict image
I0 5 9 8,,,87b8,8,,,, O0 5 9 5c9,,,50b9,5c9,,,, I1 7 11 a87c8,8,,,,,,,,, O1 7 11 a50c9,a5d9,,,,,,,,, I2 10 9 8,,,87g8,8,,,, O2 10 9 5h9,,,50g9,5h9,,,, I3 10 7 8,a87f8,8,,,, O3 10 7 a5g9,a50f9,a5g9,,,, I4T 8 6 8,,,,,c87b8 O4T None I5T 6 7 8,,,b87a8,8,, O5T None
8 6 c5c9,,,,,c50b9
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 7 6 8,,,e83,8, O0 7 6 6,,,e64,d6a9,c6b9 I1 12 10 a83h8,8,,,,,,,, O1 12 10 a64h9,6j9,9,,,,,,, I2 5 8 8,,,,83b8,8,, O2 5 8 6,c69,b6a9,a6b9,64b9,9,, I3 6 7 8,,,,,,b83a8 O3 6 7 6,,,,d69,c6a9,b64a9 I4T 8 11 c83b8,8,,,,,,,,, O4T 8 11 c83b8,8,,,,,,,,, I5T 9 9 c83c8,8,,,,,,, O5T None
8 11 c64b9,b6d9,a6e9,6f9,9,,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 12 11 7,,,,,,,e72d7,7,, O0 12 11 6,9j6,a9i6,b9h6,c9g6,d9f6,e9e6,e97d6,g9c6,h9b6,i9a6 I1 7 5 d727,7,,, O1 7 5 d976,9,,, I2 6 6 7,,b72a7,7,, O2 6 6 a9c6,b9b6,b97a6,d96,9, I3 7 7 7,,2e7,7,,, O3 7 7 6,,7e6,a9d6,b9c6,c9b6,d9a6 I4T 5 8 7,,2c7,7,,,, O4T None I5T 11 12 7,g72a7,7,,,,,,,,, O5T None
11 12 g9b6,g97a6,i96,9,,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 predict image for O4T
I0 8 12 0,d06a0,0,,,,,,,,, O0 8 12 3,d67a6,6,,,,,,,,, I1 6 12 0,,,d06,0,,,,,,, O1 6 12 3,,,d67,6,,,,,,, I2 5 10 0,,,,a06a0,0,,,, O2 5 10 3,,,,a67a6,6,,,, I3 11 6 0,,h060,0,, O3 11 6 3,,h676,6,, I4T 12 7 0,,,,,,g06b0 O4T None
12 7 3,,,,,,g67b6
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O3T
I0 11 11 8,,,,1i8,8,,,,, O0 11 11 c7f6,b7g6,a7h6,7i6,0i6,6,,,,, I1 8 5 8,,a81d8,8, O1 8 5 c7c6,b7d6,a70d6,7f6,6 I2 12 12 8,,,,,,g81b8,8,,,, O2 12 12 7,,,j76,i7a6,h7b6,g70b6,f7d6,e7e6,d7f6,c7g6,b7h6 I3T 11 6 8,,,1i8,8, O3T 11 6 8,,,1i8,8, I4T 9 10 8,e81a8,8,,,,,,, O4T None
11 6 b7g6,a7h6,7i6,0i6,6,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 8 5 7,d70a7,d72a7,7, O0 8 5 d7b5,d71a5,,d7b5, I1 7 5 7,,72a70a7,7, O1 7 5 7,,51a51a5,5, I2 11 9 7,,e72c7,7,,,a70g7,7, O2 11 9 h5a7,g5b7,e51c7,e5d7,d5e7,c5f7,a51g7,a5h7,5i7 I3 10 11 7,,,,,f72a7,7,,,70g7,7 O3 10 11 5,,,,h57,f51a7,e5c7,d5d7,b5f7,51g7,7 I4T 9 8 f727,e70a7,7,,,,, O4T 9 8 f727,e70a7,7,,,,,
9 8 f517,e51a7,e5b7,d5c7,c5d7,b5e7,a5f7,5g7
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 predict image for O3T
I0 9 11 8,e81a8,8,,,,,,,, O0 9 11 e9b7,e95a7,e9b7,,,,,,,, I1 11 9 8,,,,,c81e8,8,, O1 11 9 c9f7,,,,,c95e7,c9f7,, I2 11 9 d81d8,8,,,,,,, O2 11 9 d95d7,d9e7,,,,,,, I3T 8 6 d81a8,8,,,, O3T 8 6 d95a7,d9b7,,,, I4T 11 6 8,,,d81d8,8, O4T None
8 6 d95a7,d9b7,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 9 12 2,,,,,c23c2,2,c24c2,2,,, O0 9 12 d7c5,,,,,c73c5,d7c5,c73c5,d7c5,,, I1 11 6 e23c2,2,,,,f24b2 O1 11 6 e73c5,f7c5,,,,f73b5 I2 10 11 2,,,,h24,2,,b23e2,2,, O2 10 11 5,,,,h53,f5b7,d5d7,b53e7,5h7,7, I3 8 6 2,,,,b24c2,a23d2 O3 8 6 f57,e5a7,d5b7,c5c7,b53c7,a53d7 I4T 8 11 2,,,4f2,2,,b23c2,2,,, O4T None I5T 5 10 2,,,,,24b2,2,,,b232 O5T None
5 10 7,,,,5c7,53b7,a5b7,,b5a7,b537
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 11 7 g57a5,5,,,i51,5, O0 11 7 g18a2,h1a2,,i12,i18,1, I1 7 6 b57b5,5,,,51d5,5 O1 7 6 b18b2,b1c2,a1d2,,18d2,1e2 I2 8 6 1e57,5,,,, O2 8 6 8e28,2,,,, I3T 6 10 5,,,,,,,a57b5,d51,5 O3T None I4T 10 9 5,,a51f5,5,,h57,5,, O4T 10 9 1,,a28f1,d2d1,f2121,g212,h28,2,
10 9 1,,a28f1,d2d1,f2b1,h28,2,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, O3T, predict image
I0 9 10 9,,,,,,,95f9,9, O0 9 10 0,,,,,,3g0,34f0,b3e0,c3d0 I1 5 10 9,c95,9,,,,,,, O1 5 10 c30,c34,3,,,,,,, I2 6 12 9,,,,,,c959,9,,,, O2 6 12 0,,3d0,a3c0,b3b0,c3a0,c340,3,,,, I3T 5 6 9,,,c95,9, O3T None
5 6 a3b0,b3a0,c30,c34,3,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 11 8 h919,9,,,,3i9,9, O0 11 8 h341,g3b1,e3d1,c3f1,a3h1,4i1,1, I1 10 7 b93b91a9,9,,,,, O1 10 7 b14b14a1,1,,,,, I2 12 7 9,d91b93a9,9,,,, O2 12 7 1,d14b14a1,3,,,, I3 6 8 9,,,,d93,9,,c919 O3 6 8 1,,,,d14,d13,,c143 I4T 9 8 b91d9,9,,,,,,f939 O4T None I5T 8 8 c93b9,9,e919,9,,,, O5T None
9 8 b34d1,c3d1,d3c1,,e3b1,,f3a1,f341
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 8 7 f54,5,,,,,f59 O0 8 7 f13,1,,,,,f13 I1 9 7 54f5,c59c5,5,,,, O1 9 7 13f5,c13c5,g15,1,,, I2 6 7 5,,,d59,54c5,5, O2 6 7 5,,,d53,53c1,1, I3T 11 12 5,,,b54f5,d59d5,5,,,,,, O3T None I4T 11 12 5,,,,,,g54a5,5,9i5,5,, O4T 11 12 5,,,,,,g54a5,5,9i5,5,,
11 12 1,,,,,,g13a5,d1e5,3i5,5,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 10 7 5,,,,h56,5,h50 O0 10 7 h68,,,,h61,h68,h61 I1 11 5 5,,b560e5,5, O1 11 5 8,,b8a1e8,6, I2 7 12 d565,5,,,,,c50a5,5,,,, O2 7 12 d618,d6a8,,,,,c61a8,c6b8,,,, I3T 5 7 5,,,,c50,5,b565 O3T None I4T 6 7 b56a5,5,,c505,5,, O4T 6 7 c6a8,b61a8,c6a8,c618,d68,,
6 7 b61a8,c6a8,,c618,d68,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, O4T, predict image
I0 8 11 8,,,d82a8,8,,,,e848,8, O0 8 11 d4b0,,,d46a0,e4a0,,,,e460,f40, I1 9 10 8,,f848,8,,,,,d82b8,8 O1 9 10 g04,,f064,f0a4,,,e0b4,,d06b4,d0c4 I2 8 8 8,b82c8,8,,e848,8,, O2 8 8 a4e0,b46c0,c4c0,d4b0,e460,f40,4, I3T 5 8 82a84,8,,,,,, O3T None I4T 11 6 c82e8,8,,,84h8,8 O4T 11 6 c46e0,b4g0,c4f0,a4h0,46h0,4i0
11 6 c46e0,c4f0,b4g0,a4h0,46h0,4i0
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 5 12 8,,,,,,,,,86b8,8, O0 5 12 1,,,,,,c14,b1a4,a1b4,10b4,4, I1 10 12 8,,,,,,,,6h8,8,, O1 10 12 g1a4,f1b4,e1c4,d1d4,c1e4,b1f4,a1g4,1h4,0h4,4,, I2 9 9 8,,,,,,,e86a8,8 O2 9 9 1,,,,,g14,f1a4,e10a4,d1c4 I3T 9 10 d86b8,8,,,,,,,, O3T 9 10 d86b8,8,,,,,,,,
9 10 d10b4,c1d4,b1e4,a1f4,1g4,4,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 6 10 a30b3,3,,,,,,,, O0 6 10 a50b4,5d4,4,,,,,,, I1 7 10 3,,e30,3,,,,,, O1 7 10 5,,e50,d5a4,c5b4,b5c4,a5d4,5e4,4, I2 10 7 3,,,,b30e3,3, O2 10 7 f5b4,e5c4,d5d4,c5e4,b50e4,a5g4,5h4 I3T 6 10 3,,,,,,,,d30,3 O3T None I4T 8 8 3,,e303,3,,,, O4T 8 8 5,e505,e5a4,d5b4,c5c4,b5d4,5f4,a5e4
8 8 5,f54,e504,d5b4,c5c4,b5d4,a5e4,5f4
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 10 7 g808,8,,h84,8,, O0 10 7 g462,h42,,h46,4,, I1 11 7 8,,c84e8,d80d8,8,, O1 11 7 b2g4,c2f4,c26e4,d26d4,f2c4,g2b4,h2a4 I2 6 10 b80a8,8,84c8,8,,,,,, O2 6 10 b46a2,a4c2,46c2,2,,,,,, I3 5 12 8,,,,,,,,,,,a8048 O3 5 12 2,,,,,,,,,,,a2a62 I4T 9 12 8,,,a84e8,8,,,,,e80a8,8, O4T None I5T 5 5 8,84b8,8,,80b8 O5T 5 5 a2b4,26b4,a2b4,a26a4,2c4
5 5 a2b4,26b4,a2b4,,26b4
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 8 11 9,,,,,,,,,b95c9,9 O0 8 11 0,,,,,,2f0,a2e0,b2d0,b26c0,d2b0 I1 11 9 9,,d95d9,9,,,,, O1 11 9 c2f0,d2e0,d26d0,f2c0,g2b0,h2a0,i20,2, I2 5 9 9,,,,,5c9,9,, O2 5 9 0,,,,,6c0,a2b0,b2a0,c20 I3 5 7 9,,,,,b959,9 O3 5 7 0,,2c0,a2b0,b2a0,b260,2 I4T 10 5 9,,,5h9,9 O4T None I5T 9 7 9,,,d95b9,9,, O5T 9 7 9,,,d95b9,9,,
9 7 b2e0,c2d0,d2c0,d26b0,f2a0,g20,2
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for O4T
I0 8 6 0,b01c0,a05d0,0,, O0 8 6 c5c3,b58c3,a58d3,5f3,3, I1 9 11 c01c0,0,,,d05b0,0,,,,, O1 9 11 c58c3,d5c3,,,d58b3,e5b3,,,,f5a3, I2 10 10 0,,,,a01f0,0,,,f05a0,0 O2 10 10 3,,,5h3,a58f3,c5e3,d5d3,e5c3,f58a3,h53 I3 6 12 0,,,,,,05c0,0,,,c010,0 O3 6 12 5,,,,,3d5,38c5,a3c5,b3b5,c3a5,c385,d35 I4T 12 9 f01c0,0,,,,,5j0,0, O4T None
12 9 f58c3,e5e3,d5f3,c5g3,b5h3,a5i3,8j3,3,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O3T
I0 7 11 1,,,,,a17c1,1,,,, O0 7 11 a2d7,,,,,a24c7,a2d7,,,, I1 12 7 1,,,,,,j17 O1 12 7 j27,,,,,,j24 I2 9 10 1,,,,,,,g17,1, O2 9 10 g27,,,,,,,g24,g27, I3T 11 9 1,,,,,,d17d1,1, O3T 11 9 d2e7,,,,,,d24d7,d2e7, I4T 8 8 1,,,,,b17c1,1, O4T None
11 9 d2e7,,,,,,d24d7,d2e7,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O4T, predict image
I0 6 7 6,,,,,,d60 O0 6 7 0,8d0,a8c0,b8b0,c8a0,d80,d83 I1 9 6 6,,,g60,6, O1 9 6 e8b0,f8a0,g80,g83,8, I2 7 6 6,,a60c6,6,, O2 7 6 8e0,a8d0,a83c0,c8b0,d8a0,e80 I3 8 12 6,,,,,,a60d6,6,,,, O3 8 12 0,,,,8f0,a8e0,a83d0,c8c0,d8b0,e8a0,f80,8 I4T 10 12 6,,,,b60e6,6,,,,,, O4T 10 12 0,a8g0,8h0,b8f0,c8e0,d8d0,a83b8c0,f8b0,g8a0,h80,8, I5T 9 7 6,,,,60f6,6, O5T None
10 12 0,8h0,a8g0,b8f0,b83e0,d8d0,e8c0,f8b0,g8a0,h80,8,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1, O5T, predict image
I0 8 9 8,,,,,d87a8,8,, O0 8 9 4,,,f42,e4a2,d41a2,c4c2,b4d2,a4e2 I1 10 11 8,,,,,,,,,,e87b8 O1 10 11 4,,,,,,,h42,g4a2,f4b2,e41b2 I2 8 8 8,,,,,,,87e8 O2 8 8 4,f42,e4a2,d4b2,c4c2,b4d2,a4e2,41e2 I3 5 12 8,,,,,,c87,8,,,, O3 5 12 4,,,,,,c41,b4a2,a4b2,4c2,2, I4T 7 8 8,e87,8,,,,, O4T None I5T 8 11 8,,,,,87e8,8,,,, O5T None
8 11 e4a2,d4b2,c4c2,b4d2,a4e2,41e2,2,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 11 12 e50c5,5,,,,,,,,,, O0 11 12 e68c6,6,,,,,,,,,, I1 9 9 5,,,0g5,5,,,, O1 9 9 0,,,8g6,6,,,, I2 6 10 5,,b50a5,5,,,,,, O2 6 10 0,,b68a6,6,,,,,, I3T 10 5 5,,,,f50a5 O3T None I4T 12 12 5,,,,,,,,,b50g5,5, O4T None
12 12 0,,,,,,,,,b68g6,6,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 7 8 2,,,,c25a2,2,d272,2 O0 7 8 b0c2,,c0b2,,c07a2,d0a2,d072,e02 I1 11 7 d25d2,2,,,,i27,2 O1 11 7 d07d2,f0c2,g0b2,h0a2,i02,i07,0 I2 12 10 2,,a25h2,2,i272,2,,,, O2 12 10 2,,a07h2,f0d2,i072,0,,,, I3T 6 5 2,,,,7a25a2 O3T None I4T 6 5 25a272,2,,, O4T 6 5 2527a2,2,,,
6 5 07a070,0,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, O4T, predict image
I0 9 5 8,a83e8,8,e80a8,8 O0 9 5 1g8,a17e8,d1c8,e17a8,1 I1 11 5 c83e8,e80c8,8,, O1 11 5 c17e8,e17c8,h1a8,1, I2 8 10 8,,,,,f83,8,,b80c8,8 O2 8 10 1,,,,,f17,e1a8,d1b8,b17c8,a1e8 I3T 10 10 3h8,8,,g808,8,,,,, O3T None I4T 5 11 8,,,,0c8,a83a8,8,,,, O4T 5 11 8,,,0c8,8,a83a8,8,,,,
5 11 1,,,,7c1,a87a1,c81,8,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 6 10 2,,,,,,,,,c262 O0 6 10 5,,,,,0d5,a0c5,b0b5,c0a5,c025 I1 10 10 d26c2,2,,,,,,,, O1 10 10 d02c5,f0b5,g0a5,h05,0,,,,, I2 6 10 2,,,,,,,,6d2,2 O2 6 10 5,,,,,,,,2d5,a0c5 I3T 12 11 2,f26c2,2,,,,,,,, O3T 12 11 f26c2,2,,,,,,,,,
12 11 f0d5,f02c5,h0b5,i0a5,j05,0,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, O4T, predict image
I0 12 9 9j3,3,,,,,,b30g3,3 O0 12 9 5j1,3j1,,a3i1,,b3h1,,b35g1,c3g1 I1 8 12 3,,d3930,3,,,,,,,, O1 8 12 1,,d1515,3,,,,,,,, I2 9 10 3,,,,c39c3,3,,b30d3,3, O2 9 10 e3b1,d3c1,,,c35c1,c3d1,,b35d1,b3e1, I3 9 7 3,,,e30a3,e39a3,3, O3 9 7 f1a3,,,e15a3,,f1a3, I4T 10 9 3,,,c39d3,3,,a30f3,3, O4T 10 9 e3c1,,c35d1,d3d1,c3e1,b3f1,a35f1,a3g1,3h1
10 9 e3c1,,d3d1,c35d1,c3e1,b3f1,a35f1,a3g1,3h1
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 6 11 7,,,,,,,,,,d75 O0 6 11 4,,,,,8d4,a8c4,b8b4,c8a4,d84,d81 I1 6 9 7,,,a75b7,7,,,, O1 6 9 4,8d4,a8c4,a81b4,c8a4,d84,8,, I2 11 9 7,,i75,7,,,,, O2 11 9 h8a4,i84,i81,8,,,,, I3 5 9 7,,,,,,,,a75a7 O3 5 9 4,,,,,,8c4,a8b4,a81a4 I4T 6 6 7,,b75a7,7,, O4T 6 6 a8c4,b8b4,b81a4,d84,8, I5T 12 6 j75,7,,,, O5T None
6 6 a8c4,b8b4,b81a4,d84,8,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 10 7 2,,,g252,2,, O0 10 7 e4c0,f4b0,g4a0,g450,4,, I1 7 7 2,,,,,e25,2 O1 7 7 a4d0,b4c0,c4b0,d4a0,e40,e45,4 I2 6 5 2,,5d2,2, O2 6 5 0,,5d0,a4c0,b4b0 I3T 8 9 2,,,,,d25a2,2,, O3T None
8 9 4f0,a4e0,b4d0,c4c0,d4b0,d45a0,f40,4,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, O3T, predict image
I0 10 5 c15d1,1,,, O0 10 5 c83d4,b8f4,a8g4,8h4,4 I1 5 8 1,,,,,,,a15a1 O1 5 8 8,,,,,c84,b8a4,a83a4 I2 12 10 1,,,,,,,,b15g1,1 O2 12 10 j84,i8a4,h8b4,g8c4,f8d4,e8e4,d8f4,c8g4,b83g4,a8i4 I3T 11 6 1,e15c1,1,,, O3T 11 6 e848b4,e83c4,d8e4,b8g4,a848f4,b8g4 I4T 9 6 1,f151,1,,, O4T None
11 6 f8c4,e83c4,d8e4,c8f4,b8g4,a8h4
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 6 5 5,,d56,5, O0 6 5 c2a7,d27,d21,2, I1 9 11 5,,,,,,,,e56a5,5, O1 9 11 7,,2g7,a2f7,b2e7,c2d7,d2c7,e2b7,e21a7,g27,2 I2 8 12 5,,,,,,,,,a56d5,5, O2 8 12 7,,,,,,,2f7,a2e7,a21d7,c2c7,d2b7 I3 5 9 5,,,,,,,a56a5,5 O3 5 9 7,,,,,2c7,a2b7,a21a7,c27 I4T 5 10 5,,,,,56b5,5,,, O4T 5 10 7,,,,2c7,21b7,b2a7,c27,2, I5T 6 6 5,,56c5,5,, O5T None
5 10 7,,,,2c7,21b7,b2a7,c27,2,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1, O3T, predict image
I0 8 7 8,c83b8,8,,,, O0 8 7 6,c74b7,7,,,, I1 10 9 8,,,,,,,,d83c8 O1 10 9 6,,,,,,,,d74c7 I2 5 10 83b8,8,,,,,,,, O2 5 10 74b7,7,,,,,,,, I3T 11 8 8,a83g8,8,,,,, O3T 11 8 8,,83h8,8,,,,
11 8 6,a74g7,7,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 11 9 6,,,,,g61a6,6,, O0 11 9 c0f2,d0e2,e0d2,f0c2,g0b2,g08a2,i02,0, I1 9 11 6,,,,,,c61c6,6,,, O1 9 11 2,,0g2,a0f2,b0e2,c0d2,c08c2,e0b2,f0a2,g02,0 I2 6 12 6,,,,,,,,,c616,6, O2 6 12 2,,,,,0d2,a0c2,b0b2,c0a2,c082,0, I3T 9 5 6,,d61b6,6, O3T 9 5 6,,d61b6,6, I4T 9 7 6,,,,d61b6,6, O4T None
9 5 c0d2,d0c2,d08b2,f0a2,g02
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 5 12 4,,,a45a4,4,,,,,,c43,4 O0 5 12 a7b9,,,a70a9,b7a9,,,c79,,,c70,7 I1 10 10 4,,,3h4,4,e45b4,4,,, O1 10 10 7,,,0h7,c9e7,e90b7,9,,, I2 6 10 4,,,,,,d43,4,d45,4 O2 6 10 9,,,,,,d90,9,d90,9 I3T 9 9 4,,,,,e45a4,b43d4,4, O3T None I4T 6 12 4,,5d4,4,,,,,,,,c434 O4T None
9 9 7,,,,,e70a9,b70d9,9,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 5 9 5,,,,,,,,b585 O0 5 9 1,,,,,,,,b595 I1 5 12 5,,,,,,,,58b5,5,, O1 5 12 1,,,,,,,,59b5,5,, I2 12 9 c58f5,5,,,,,,, O2 12 9 c59f5,5,,,,,,, I3 12 5 d58e5,5,,, O3 12 5 d59e5,5,,, I4T 11 12 b58f5,5,,,,,,,,,, O4T None I5T 9 6 5,,d58b5,5,, O5T 9 6 5,,d58b5,5,,
9 6 1,,d59b5,5,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 5 10 9,,,,,,a98a9,9,, O0 5 10 a6b9,,,,,,a62a9,a6b9,, I1 12 7 9,,,,b98g9,9, O1 12 7 b6h9,,,,b62g9,b6h9, I2 5 6 9,,,,,a98a9 O2 5 6 a6b9,,,,,a62a9 I3 8 11 9,,,,,,,d98a9,9,, O3 8 11 d6b9,,,,,,,d62a9,d6b9,, I4T 7 11 a98c9,9,,,,,,,,, O4T None I5T 8 12 9,,a98d9,9,,,,,,,, O5T 8 12 a6e9,,a62d9,a6e9,,696d9,b6d9,6f9,a6e9,,,
8 12 a6e9,,a62d9,a6e9,,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 12 5 h29a2,2,,, O0 12 5 h09a7,g0c7,f0d7,e0e7,d0f7 I1 7 12 2,,,,,,,,,,,e29 O1 7 12 0,,,,,,,,,,,e09 I2 12 11 2,,,,,,,,,,e29d2 O2 12 11 0,,,,,j07,i0a7,h0b7,g0c7,f0d7,e09d7 I3 10 7 2,,,,h29,2, O3 10 7 0,,,,h09,g0a7,f0b7 I4T 5 6 2,,,c29,2, O4T 5 6 0,,b090,0,a0707,a0b7
5 6 0,,,c09,b0a7,a0b7
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 11 10 7,,,,e71c7,7,,f73b7,7, O0 11 10 d9e0,e9d0,,,e98c0,f9c0,,f98b0,g9b0, I1 11 12 h737,7,,,,,b71f7,7,,,, O1 11 12 h089,g0b9,f0c9,e0d9,d0e9,c0f9,b08f9,a0h9,0i9,9,, I2 9 9 7,,,,,,71f7,7,f737 O2 9 9 0,,,,,,98f0,d9c0,f980 I3 10 5 7,d71c7,7,,b73e7 O3 10 5 e9c0,d98c0,d9d0,c9e0,b98e0 I4T 9 5 71f7,7,,g73,7 O4T None
9 5 98f0,c9d0,e9b0,g98,9
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 6 12 50c5,5,,,,,,,,,, O0 6 12 53c5,5,,,,,,,,,, I1 6 7 5,,,b50a5,5,, O1 6 7 9,,,b53a5,5,, I2 11 7 5,,e50c5,5,,, O2 11 7 9,,e53c5,5,,, I3T 8 6 0f5,5,,,, O3T 8 6 3f5,5,,,,
8 6 3f5,5,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 8 8 e393,3,,,,c35b3,3, O0 8 8 e416,e4a6,,d4b6,,c41b6,c4c6, I1 10 6 d39c3,3,,,,5h3 O1 10 6 d41c6,d4d6,c4e6,b4f6,a4g6,1h6 I2 10 7 3,,,,d39c3,d35c3,3 O2 10 7 e4c6,,,,d41c6,,e4c6 I3 11 6 3,g35a3,3,,b39f3,3 O3 11 6 i64,g61a4,f6c4,d6e4,b61f4,a6h4 I4T 8 12 3,,,5f3,3,,,,,c39b3,3, O4T 8 12 4,,,1f4,6f4,646d4,a6a46b4,b6d4,,c61b4,d6b4,e6a4 I5T 6 5 3,,a35b3,a39b3,3 O5T None
8 12 4,,,1f4,6f4,a6e4,,b6d4,c6c4,c61b4,d6b4,e6a4
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 11 6 9,h989,9,,, O0 11 6 h0a7,h017,0,,, I1 9 12 9,,,,,c98c9,9,,,,, O1 9 12 7,0g7,a0f7,b0e7,c0d7,c01c7,e0b7,f0a7,g07,0,, I2 5 10 9,,,,,,b989,9,, O2 5 10 7,,,0c7,a0b7,b0a7,b017,0,, I3T 12 9 9,,,i989,9,,,, O3T None
12 9 g0c7,h0b7,i0a7,i017,0,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topright predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 9 6 c42c4,g40,4,,, O0 9 6 c96c8,g96,9,,, I1 5 5 4,,2c4,c40,4 O1 5 5 8,,6c8,c96,9 I2 12 11 a40h4,4,,,,,,f42c4,4,, O2 12 11 a86h9,b8h9,c8g9,d8f9,,e8e9,f8d9,f86c9,g8c9,h8b9,i8a9 I3T 6 9 4,,d40,4,,,2d4,4, O3T None I4T 10 6 4,2h4,h40,4,, O4T None
10 6 8,6h8,h96,9,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O3T, predict image
I0 12 12 9,,,d95e9,9,,,,,c92f9,9, O0 12 12 e1e9,,,d15e9,d1f9,,,,,c15f9,c1g9, I1 10 11 9,,,,,,,,,f92a9,h95 O1 10 11 1,,,,,,a9g1,c9e1,e9c1,f95a1,h95 I2 8 7 9,a92d9,9,a95d9,9,, O2 8 7 b9d1,a95d1,b9d1,a95d1,b9d1,, I3T 8 8 9,,,e929,9,f95,9, O3T 8 8 9,,,e929,9,e959,9, I4T 12 11 9,,,,j95,c92f9,9,,,, O4T None
8 8 d9b1,e9a1,,e951,f91,f95,9,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 10 11 8,,,,,h82,8,,,h80,8 O0 10 11 9,,,,,h97,9,,,h97,9 I1 9 7 8,,,,f828,8,g80 O1 9 7 e9b3,,f9a3,,f973,g93,g97 I2 12 8 8,,j80,b82g8,8,,, O2 12 8 3,,j37,b37g9,9,,, I3T 8 8 8,,f80,8,,,e828,8 O3T None I4T 9 8 8,,,e8280,8,,, O4T 9 8 8,,g80,e82a8,8,,,
9 8 3,,,e9797,9,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 12 12 7,,,,,,,,,,i717,7 O0 12 12 i5a3,,,,,,,,,,i513,i5a3 I1 12 6 1j7,7,,,, O1 12 6 1j3,3,,,, I2 6 11 7,,c717,7,,,,,,, O2 6 11 c5a3,,c513,c5a3,,,,,,, I3 12 11 7,,,,,,,h71a7,7,, O3 12 11 h5b3,,,,,,,h51a3,h5b3,, I4T 12 7 c71f7,7,,,,, O4T 12 7 c71f7,7,,,,, I5T 8 6 7,1f7,7,,, O5T None
12 7 c51f3,c5g3,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for O5T
I0 7 10 6,,,,61d6,6,d646,6,, O0 7 10 8,,,,31d8,c3b8,d318,3,, I1 10 5 6,b64e6,6,f61a6,6 O1 10 5 8h3,b81e3,d8d3,f81a3,h83 I2 7 7 4e6,6,,61d6,6,, O2 7 7 1e3,8e3,,81d3,a8d3,, I3 8 11 6,,,,,1f6,6,d64a6,6,, O3 8 11 8,,,,,1f8,b3d8,d31a8,3,, I4T 10 10 6,61g6,6,64g6,6,,,,, O4T None I5T 8 10 6,c61b6,6,4f6,6,,,,, O5T 8 10 c31383,d3b8,b3d8,1f8,8,,,,,
8 10 f38,c31b8,b3d8,1f8,8,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1, O4T, predict image
I0 5 6 6,,a65a6,6,, O0 5 6 a0b4,,a09a4,a0b4,, I1 10 5 65g6,6,,, O1 10 5 09g4,0h4,,, I2 6 8 6,,,,,,a65b6,6 O2 6 8 a0c4,,,,,,a09b4,a0c4 I3 8 6 6,,e656,6,, O3 8 6 e0a4,,e094,e0a4,, I4T 12 12 6,,,,,,,,,,b65g6,6 O4T 12 12 6,,,,,,,,,,b65g6,6 I5T 10 8 6,,,,b65e6,6,, O5T None
12 12 b0h4,,,,,,,,,,b09g4,b0h4
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 6 9 2,,,d21,2,,,, O0 6 9 d72,,,d78,d72,,,, I1 11 9 2,c21e2,2,,,,,, O1 11 9 c7f2,c78e2,c7f2,,,,,, I2 5 12 2,,,,,,a21a2,2,,,, O2 5 12 a7b2,,,,,,a78a2,a7b2,,,, I3T 6 7 2,,,,1d2,2, O3T 6 7 2,,,,28c2,2, I4T 12 10 2,d21e2,2,,,,,,, O4T None
6 7 2,,,,8d2,2,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, O4T, predict image
I0 6 8 1,,,,,,,c181 O0 6 8 4,,,,,,d41,c481 I1 8 12 1,,,,d18a1,1,,,,,, O1 8 12 4,,f41,e4a1,d48a1,c4c1,b4d1,a4e1,4f1,1,, I2 10 7 1,,,,,g181,1 O2 10 7 4,,,,h41,g481,f4b1 I3T 11 10 1,,,,,,,,,h181 O3T None I4T 5 10 1,,8c1,1,,,,,, O4T None
5 10 a4b1,4c1,8c1,1,,,,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 8 12 3,,c34b3,3,a35d3,3,,,,,, O0 8 12 e1a3,d1b3,c10b3,b1d3,a10d3,1f3,3,,,,, I1 6 10 3,,,4d3,3,35c3,3,,, O1 6 10 3,,,0d3,1d3,10c3,a1c3,,b1b3, I2 7 12 3,,,,435c3,3,,,,,, O2 7 12 3,,,,030c3,1,,,,,, I3T 10 8 b34e3,3,,,,,,35g3 O3T 10 8 b34e3,3,,,,,,35g3 I4T 10 11 3,,,,e34b3,3,,,,,g353 O4T None
10 8 b10e3,b1f3,,,a1g3,,,10g3
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 predict image for O4T
I0 11 11 8,,,,,,,,,b84f8,8 O0 11 11 2,,,,,,,,,b59f5,5 I1 12 8 8,,,,,c84f8,8, O1 12 8 2,,,,,c59f5,5, I2 5 7 8,,a84a8,8,,, O2 5 7 2,,a59a5,5,,, I3 7 8 4e8,8,,,,,, O3 7 8 9e5,5,,,,,, I4T 5 5 8,,,4c8,8 O4T 5 5 2,,,9c5,5
5 5 2,,,9c5,5
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_top predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 6 9 5d9,9,,,,,b98a9,9, O0 6 9 2d8,3d8,,a3c8,,b3b8,b32a8,c3a8, I1 6 6 a95b9,9,,,,c989 O1 6 6 a32b8,b3b8,,c3a8,,c328 I2 10 6 9,,,,c958c9,9 O2 10 6 8,,,,c8a2c8,3 I3T 7 5 9,,,98d9,5e9 O3T None I4T 8 8 9,a95d9,9,a98d9,9,,, O4T None
8 8 a3e8,a32d8,a3e8,a32d8,a3e8,,,
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 8 11 8,d85a8,8,,,,,,,, O0 8 11 d8b2,d89a2,d8b2,,,,,,,, I1 5 7 8,c85,8,,,, O1 5 7 c82,c89,c82,,,, I2 6 8 8,,,,a85b8,8,, O2 6 8 a8c2,,,,a89b2,a8c2,, I3 10 7 5h8,8,,,,, O3 10 7 9h2,2,,,,, I4T 5 5 8,,,,5c8 O4T 5 5 2,,,,9c2
5 5 2,,,,9c2
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 11 8 d15d1,i14,1,,,,, O0 11 8 d50d3,i50,5,,,,, I1 7 10 a15c1,1,,e14,1,,,,, O1 7 10 a50c3,c5b3,d5a3,e50,5,,,,, I2 10 8 1,,,d15c1,1,,,e14b1 O2 10 8 d5d3,,,d50c3,e5c3,,,e50b3 I3T 11 5 1,,,e15c1,f14b1 O3T None
11 5 b5g3,c5f3,d5e3,e50c3,f50b3
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_two_pixels predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 12 8 3,,,,,,h37a3,3 O0 12 8 h4b1,,,,,,h42a1,h4b1 I1 11 6 3,,,,b37f3,3 O1 11 6 b4g1,,,,b42f1,b4g1 I2 7 6 3,,,,,a37c3 O2 7 6 a4d1,,,,,a42c1 I3T 7 6 3,,,,,d373 O3T None I4T 12 10 3,,,,,,,f37c3,3, O4T None
7 6 d4a1,,,,,d421
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_left predict=image image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 10 6 9,,,,d98c9,9 O0 10 6 h14,g1a4,f1b4,e1c4,d17c4,c1e4 I1 6 10 a98b9,9,,,,,,,, O1 6 10 a17b4,1d4,4,,,,,,, I2 8 11 9,8f9,9,,,,,,,, O2 8 11 1f4,7f4,4,,,,,,,, I3T 10 5 f98a9,9,,, O3T None
10 5 f17a4,e1c4,d1d4,c1e4,b1f4
dataset=solve_halfplane group=halfplane_with_one_pixel_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a