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+ "The Centre for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP) has issued a report in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University and Princeton University, where it said that a national lockdown is not ""productive"" and could cause ""serious economic damage""."
+ Use safe water and raw materials.
+ On 27 December, the doctor reported her discovery to her hospital and the hospital soon informed Jianghan CDC, thinking that this might be an infectious disease as it was indicated by the familial cluster.
+ Those having contact with or exposure to such a patient are required to wear a mask.
+ Home and everyday hygiene
+ On 21 March, the state government postponed the Class 10 SSLC board exams to beyond April 14, which were due to begin from March 27.
+ To alert contacts to the possibility of infection and offer preventive counseling or prophylactic care
+ On 25 March, before the country's first case was confirmed, the government declared a 12-month state of emergency.
+ A key event in the spread of the disease across Metropolitan France as well as its overseas territories was the annual assembly of the Christian Open Door Church between 17 and 24 February in Mulhouse which was attended by about 2,500 people, at least half of whom are believed to have contracted the virus.
+ On 27 March, the Reserve Bank of India announced a slew of measures to help mitigate the economic impacts of the lockdown.
+ Official website (in Chinese)
+ On 19 March Punjab School Education Board postponed all Board Exams of 10th and 12th classes.
+ "Michael Ryan, chief executive director of the World Health Organisation's health emergencies programme, said that India had ""tremendous capacity"" to deal with the coronavirus outbreak and, as the second most populous country, will have enormous impact on the world's ability to deal with it."
+ The lamps can be suspended above the water channel or submerged in the water flow.
+ Examples include the subunit vaccine against Hepatitis B virus that is composed of only the surface proteins of the virus (previously extracted from the blood serum of chronically infected patients, but now produced by recombination of the viral genes into yeast) or as an edible algae vaccine, the virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) that is composed of the viral major capsid protein, and the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase subunits of the influenza virus.
+ understanding how social and economic conditions impact health, disease and the practice of medicine and
+ "However, despite the expert-led investigation and early signs of human-to-human transmission including a hospital-acquired infection (nosocomial) case confirmed on 10 January according to Caixin, the local government of Wuhan denied any case of nosocomial infection and kept claiming that ""there was no clear sign of human-to-human transmission"" until 15 January when Wuhan's Municipal Health Commission (MHC) said on its website that ""the result of present investigation shows no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission, but this does not rule out the possibility of such a transmission."
+ The Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (WIV; Chinese: 中国科学院武汉病毒研究所) is a research institute on virology administered by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
+ On 19 March, Section 144 was imposed in Rajasthan after three of a family tested positive for coronavirus.
+ Antimicrobial Stewardship Project, at the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), University of Minnesota
+ Contact tracing generally involves the following steps:
+ "When Allah has given this disease, then no doctor or medicine can save us."" A day later, Kandhlawi released an audio message on YouTube from his hiding, saying, ""I am in self-quarantine in Delhi as advised by the doctors and appeal to all Jamaat wherever they are in the country to follow the directives of the law."""
+ Dimple Kapadia as Mrs. Sampada Kohli
+ What you need to know about influenza (flu) from CDC.
+ COVID-19 news
+ (in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Estonian, and Russian).
+ Once contacts are identified, public health workers contact them to offer counseling, screening, prophylaxis, and/or treatment.
+ On 12 March, the Chief Minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal announced that all schools, colleges and cinema halls in New Delhi would be closed till the end of March and all public places disinfected as a precautionary measure.
+ Manish Gandhi as Advait
+ On 28 March, Delhi government had set up over 500 hunger relief camps providing free food for people who have been left stranded due to the nationwide lockdown.
+ On 20 March, the Government of Tamil Nadu partially closed its borders with Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh on March 20 until March 31 and constituted a task force to closely monitor the preventive measures against the viral outbreak.
+ 2020 Malaysia movement control order
+ On 23 March, the state government imposed Section 144 from March 24 6 pm until March 31 which prohibits gatherings of more than 5 people.
+ Ministero della Salute.
+ Citizens Advice says that people on zero-hours contracts can also receive sick pay.
+ Home hygiene pertains to the hygiene practices that prevent or minimize the spread of disease at home and other everyday settings such as social settings, public transport, the workplace, public places, etc.
+ (1) When at any time the [State Government] is satisfied that [the State] or any part thereof is visited by, or threatened with, an outbreak of any dangerous epidemic disease, the [State Government], if [it] thinks that the ordinary provisions of the law for the time being in force are insufficient for the purpose, may take, or require or empower any person to take, such measures and, by public notice, prescribe such temporary regulations to be observed by the public or by any person or class of persons as [it] shall deem necessary to prevent the outbreak of such disease or the spread thereof, and may determine in what manner and by whom any expenses incurred (including compensation if any) shall be defrayed.2A.
+ On 22 March Punjab government declared complete Lockdown in state till 31 March 2020 except Emergency services along Kala Sanghian.
+ CM Yogi Adityanath announced on 21 March that the Uttar Pradesh government has decided to give ₹1,000 (US$14) to all daily wage laborers affected due to coronavirus in the state.
+ Separate raw and cooked foods to prevent contaminating the cooked foods.
+ Many forms of isolation exist.
+ Lister came from a prosperous Quaker home in West Ham, Essex, England, a son of wine merchant Joseph Jackson Lister, who was also a pioneer of achromatic object lenses for the compound microscope.
+ On 23 March, Punjab Governor V. P. Singh Badnore who is also union territory administrator imposed a curfew starting midnight of 24 March.
+ "The Ministry of Transport asked the local governments to take the principle of ""block one, not three (Chinese: 一断三不断)"", that is, to block the virus from spreading, but not to block roads, traffic and Internet access, the transportation of emergency supplies and the transportation of essential goods."
+ "Henk Bekedam, WHO Representative to India praised the response describing it as ""timely, comprehensive and robust""."
+ World Health Assembly and Executive Board
+ Any person disobeying any regulation or order made under this Act shall be deemed to have committed an offence punishable under section 188 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).4.
+ On 10 March, Kerala announced closure of all schools and colleges across the state until 31 March, with effect from 11 March.
+ Since 24 January, many major attractions are shut down nationwide including the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing, Shanghai Disneyland, Pingyao Ancient City in Shanxi, Canton Tower in Guangdong, the Old Town of Lijiang, Yunnan and Mount Emei in Sichuan.
+ Other measures include shutting down or limiting mass transit and closure of sport facilities (community swimming pools, youth clubs, gymnasiums).
+ According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), lower exposure risk jobs have minimal occupational contact with the public and other coworkers, for which basic infection prevention measures are recommended, including hand washing, encouraging workers to stay home if they are sick, respiratory etiquette, and maintaining routine cleaning and disinfecting of the work environment.
+ Brain injury at Curlie
+ Graph source: Data from ICMR
+ On 28 January, the National Civil Service Bureau said that it would postpone the 2020 civil service recruitment examination, public selection and public selection interview time.
+ Confirmed cases crossed 100 on 15 March, 1,000 on 28 March, 5,000 on 7 April, 10,000 on 14 April, 20,000 on 22 April and 30,000 on 29 April.
+ The hospital was where staff ophthalmologist Dr. Li Wenliang became aware of a viral outbreak that was later linked to the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in China and beyond.
+ As of 2018, it has a budget of over $4.2 billion, most of which comes from voluntary contributions from member states.
+ Evidence suggesting that mass gatherings increase the potential for infectious disease transmission is inconclusive.
+ Shielding measures for individuals include limiting face-to-face contacts, conducting business by phone or online, avoiding public places and reducing unnecessary travel.
+ To interrupt ongoing transmission and reduce spread of an infection
+ The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 is a law which was first enacted to tackle bubonic plague in Mumbai (formerly Bombay) in former British India.
+ Medical hygiene practices include:
+ "Anushka Sharma Special appearance in song ""Kudi Nu Nachne De"""
+ (CDC; US Congress; CSPAN video/6:00; March 12, 2020)
+ On 12 January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed that a novel coronavirus was the cause of a respiratory illness in a cluster of people in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, which was reported to the WHO on 31 December 2019.
+ However, with modern prescribing habits, some parts are no longer applicable or included on an everyday basis.
+ Administrative controls for this and higher risk groups include encouraging sick workers to stay at home, replacing face-to-face meetings with virtual communications, establishing staggered shifts, discontinuing nonessential travel to locations with ongoing COVID-19 outbreaks, developing emergency communications plans including a forum for answering workers’ concerns, providing workers with up-to-date education and training on COVID-19 risk factors and protective behaviors, training workers who need to use protecting clothing and equipment how to use it, providing resources and a work environment that promotes personal hygiene, requiring regular hand washing, limiting customers' and the public's access to the worksite, and posting signage about hand washing and other COVID-19 protective measures.
+ The Nizamuddin Markaz's calendar shows three events scheduled during March: Aalmi Mashwara (international executive committee meeting) during 8–10 March, and provincial gatherings Andhra Pradesh jod during 15–17 March and Tamil Nadu jod during 22–24 March.
+ Aarogya Setu is currently available in 12 languages (English, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Bengali, Oriya, Gujarati, and Marathi, Assamese) and expected to be available in more Indian languages soon.
+ It was reported that air quality index of Delhi improved on 28 March 2020 after the lockdown and reduced vehicular movements.
+ £1,328 per bed per day for an adult intensive care unit
+ On 8 March 2020, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte expanded the quarantine to all of Lombardy and 14 other northern provinces, and on the following day to all of Italy, placing more than 60 million people in quarantine.
+ "John Mackenzie, a member of the World Health Organization's emergency committee criticized China for being too slow to share all of the infected cases, especially during major political meetings in Wuhan after Tedros Adhanom praised China for helping ""prevent the spread of coronavirus to the other countries."""
+ Penalty.
+ 2020 Tablighi Jamaat coronavirus hotspot in Pakistan
+ For commercial shipping, including cruise ships and other passenger vessels, hazard controls include postponing travel when sick, and self-isolating and informing the onboard medical center immediately if one develops a fever or other symptoms while on board.
+ On 28 March, the Uttar Pradesh government deployed 1000 UPSRTC buses to ferry migrant workers to their native districts during the nationwide lockdown.
+ In the United States, OSHA standards require that employers must provide readily accessible hand washing facilities, and must ensure that employees wash hands and any other skin with soap and water or flush mucous membranes with water as soon as feasible after contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM).
+ The Brain Injury Hub – information and practical advice to parents and family members of children with acquired brain injury
+ Works by or about Lord Lister at Internet Archive
+ Currently, the federal regulation that describes infection control standards, as related to occupational exposure to potentially infectious blood and other materials, is found at 29 CFR Part 1910.1030 Bloodborne pathogens.
+ On 30 January, India reported its first case of COVID-19 in Kerala, which rose to three cases by 3 February; all were students who had returned from Wuhan, China.
+ On 13 March, the Maharashtra Government declared the outbreak an epidemic in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Pune, Pimpri-Chinchwad and Nagpur, and invoked provisions of Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897.
+ Countries with particularly high rates of infection include Egypt (22%), Pakistan (4.8%) and China (3.2%).
+ Chief minister Arvind Kejriwal announced that from 23 to 31 March 2020, all domestic/international flights arriving to Delhi would be suspended.
+ Cook foods for the appropriate length of time and at the appropriate temperature to kill pathogens.
+ Media related to Press releases about the COVID-19 pandemic by Ministry of Health and Welfare (South Korea) at Wikimedia Commons
+ State level regulations (before 24 March)
+ Exodus of migrant workers
+ Poorvi Jain as Rashi Bansal
+ The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America is more heavily weighted towards practitioners who are physicians or doctoral-level epidemiologists.
+ Patients may be referred directly from an emergency department or from a ward if they rapidly deteriorate, or immediately after surgery if the surgery is very invasive and the patient is at high risk of complications.
+ The government was allowed to organize and coordinate treatment for the patients, make investigations into the epidemic area, declare certain areas in the province as an epidemic control area, issue compulsory orders, manage human movement, publish information and reports, sustain social stability and to do other work related to epidemic control.
+ No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against any person for anything done or in good faith intended to be done under this Act.
+ On 11 March 2020, the Cabinet Secretary of India, Rajiv Gauba, announced that all states and UTs should invoke provisions of Section 2 of the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897.
+ "On 14 March, the union government declared the pandemic as a ""notified disaster"" under the Disaster Management Act, 2005, enabling states to spend a larger part of funds from the State Disaster Response Fund to fight the virus."
+ Although contact tracing can be enhanced by letting patients provide information, medication, and referrals to their contacts, evidence demonstrates that direct public health involvement in notification is most effective.
+ Joseph Lister, 1st Baron Lister, (5 April 1827 – 10 February 1912), known between 1883 and 1897 as Sir Joseph Lister, Bt., was a British surgeon and a pioneer of antiseptic surgery.
+ On 15 March, a new initiative 'Break the Chain' aiming to educate people about the importance of public and personal hygiene was introduced by Government of Kerala.
+ During the 2003 SARS outbreak in Singapore, approximately 8000 people were subjected to mandatory home quarantine and an additional 4300 were required to self-monitor for symptoms and make daily telephone contact with health authorities as a means of controlling the epidemic.
+ Its current priorities include communicable diseases, particularly HIV/AIDS, Ebola, malaria and tuberculosis; non-communicable diseases such as heart disease and cancer; healthy diet, nutrition, and food security; occupational health; and substance abuse.
+ Proper bandaging and dressing of injuries.
+ Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center – U.S. Department of Defense Military Health System center for traumatic brain injury
+ The government of the Maldives and the Tourism Ministry of the Maldives with the guidance of the Health Protection Agency of the Maldives (HPA) placed a temporary travel restriction for the following countries to control new cases.
+ Karnataka has closed its borders with Kerala for vehicular traffic in the wake of six people testing positive for coronavirus in Kasargod district of Kerala, which lies on the border of Karnataka.
+ Seasonal Influenza.
+ On 1 April, Sierra Leone confirmed its second case who has no history of travel or contact with the country's first case.
+ use of a warm air hand dryer spread micro-organisms up to 0.25 metres from the dryer
+ Archived from the original on 5 July 2007.
+ Foodborne illness (also foodborne disease and colloquially referred to as food poisoning) is any illness resulting from the spoilage of contaminated food, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or parasites that contaminate food, as well as toxins such as poisonous mushrooms and various species of beans that have not been boiled for at least 10 minutes.
+ On 30 January, the state had put 78 people who arrived from China under quarantine.
+ If contacts are not individually identifiable (e.g. members of the public who attended the same location), broader communications may be issued, like media advisories.
+ Research shows that, if widely practiced, hand washing with soap could reduce diarrhea by almost fifty percent and respiratory infections by nearly twenty-five percent Hand washing with soap also reduces the incidence of skin diseases, eye infections like trachoma and intestinal worms, especially ascariasis and trichuriasis.
+ Socio-economic impact of the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic
+ Aarogya Setu (lit. 'Health Bridge') is a COVID-19 tracking mobile application developed by the National Informatics Centre that comes under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India.
+ Border restrictions or internal travel restrictions are unlikely to delay an epidemic by more than two to three weeks unless implemented with over 99% coverage.
+ The study found that the travel ban in Wuhan delayed the spread of the disease to other parts of mainland China only by three to five days, although it did reduce the spread of international cases by as much as 80 percent.
+ 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in Asia
+ Not using the same utensils to prepare different foods.
+ Drive-through centers have helped South Korea do some of the fastest, most-extensive testing of any country.
+ The 76-year-old American male was evacuated to the United States on 13 March.
+ On 16 March Punjab government issue an advisory to close gyms, restaurants, etc.
+ The app is also built on a platform that can provide Application Programming Interface (API) so that other computer programs, mobile applications and web services can make use of the features and data available of Aarogya setu.
+ On 22 March, the state government declared that Section 144 would be imposed across the state, with effect from 23 March, sending the state into a lockdown.
+ Using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) the test can be done on respiratory samples obtained by various methods, including a nasopharyngeal swab or sputum sample.
+ "A Northeastern University study published in March 2020 found that ""travel restrictions to and from China only slow down the international spread of COVID-19 [when] combined with efforts to reduce transmission on a community and an individual level."
+ Works by or about Joseph Lister at Internet Archive
+ Traumatic Brain Injury: Methods for Clinical & Forensic Neuropsychiatric Assessment, Second Edition.
+ Ministry of Health (25 February 2020), National Preparedness and Response Plan for Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (PDF) (3 ed.), Thimphu: Ministry of Health, Royal Government of Bhutan
+ On 22 March, the Government of Rajasthan banned public transport services in the state.
+ On 6 April 2020, in Mumbai's Wockhardt Hospital, 26 nurses and 3 doctors were found to have been infected with the virus.
+ Pankaj Tripathi as Tony
+ 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic by country and territory
+ The governments Odisha, Punjab, Maharashtra, and West Bengal governments have extended the state lockdowns to 30 April.
+ Depending on regulation, recommendation, the specific work function, or personal preference, healthcare workers or first responders may receive vaccinations for hepatitis B; influenza; measles, mumps and rubella; Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis; N. meningitidis; and varicella.
+ On 17 March, Government of Telangana started implementing screening of people entering Telangana from Maharashtra at four entry points.
+ The Srinagar man who died on 26 March was identified as a super-spreader as he travelled by road, rail and air from Delhi to Srinagar via Uttar Pradesh, as officials feared that he may have spread it to several people along the way.
+ A recent study conducted in the United States found that hospital stays involving ICU services were 2.5 times more costly than other hospital stays.
+ The Indian state governments have responded to the 2020 coronavirus pandemic India with various declarations of emergency, closure of institutions and public meeting places, and other restrictions intended to contain the spread of the virus.
+ On 23 March, Chief Minister of Maharashtra announced that borders of all the districts will be closed, and a strict curfew will be implemented statewide.
+ On 30 January, the first case was confirmed in Kerala's Thrissur district in a student who had returned home for a vacation from Wuhan University in China.
+ "Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said on 21 January that the Chinese authorities would share information of the epidemic ""with the WHO, relevant nations and China's Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions in a timely manner including the genome sequence of the new coronavirus."""
+ On 20 March, the state government announced the closure of workplaces, excluding essential services and public transport, in Mumbai, Mumbai Metropolitan Region, Pune, Pimpri-Chinchwad and Nagpur until 31 March.
+ Strict border controls between Austria and the Ottoman Empire, imposed from 1770 until 1871 to prevent persons infected with the bubonic plague from entering Austria, were reportedly effective, as there were no major outbreaks of plague in Austrian territory after they were established, whereas the Ottoman Empire continued to suffer frequent epidemics of plague until the mid-nineteenth century.
+ articulating ethical and evidence-based policy options;
+ As of 29 April, France has reported over 128,442 confirmed cases, 24,087 deaths, and 48,228 recoveries, ranking sixth in number of confirmed cases, overtaking China where the outbreak began.
+ paper towels showed no significant spread of micro-organisms.
+ 20 March Punjab government also shuts down public transport in state from midnight of 20 March and prohibited gathering of more than 20 persons.
+ Some procedures (such as disposal of medical waste) were refined in response to late-20th century disease outbreaks, notably AIDS and Ebola.
+ The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies core functions of public health programs including:
+ The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic was confirmed to have reached Sierra Leone on 31 March 2020.
+ Family and early life
+ "In early January 2020, the local government of Henan Province with its complete disinfection measures, effective and intensive publicity, a strong awareness of epidemic prevention and quarantine among the people, the setting up of return spots at the village entrance and even the use of garbage trucks, the digging of trenches to block roads connecting Hubei and the hanging of slogans such as ""return home with sickness is to dishonor your parents."""
+ In early March 2020, CEPI announced a US$2 billion funding goal in a global partnership between public, private, philanthropic, and civil society organisations to accelerate development of COVID‑19 vaccines, with commitments to date by the governments of Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, and the UK.
+ droplet contact (coughing or sneezing)
+ asking delivery drivers to leave items outside for collection.
+ Some regular hygiene practices may be considered good habits by the society, while the neglect of hygiene can be considered disgusting, disrespectful, or threatening.
+ 105 people were quarantined across Maharashtra for possible exposure to the virus, four of whom were kept under observation, as of 1 March, with the rest being discharged.
+ Since only quantitative evaluation can tell us whether one staffing model is better than another, we need more research from multiple sites to develop a consistent and integrated understanding of this complex topic.
+ On 24 March, Government of Haryana announced complete lockdown of the Haryana.
+ Discoveries of anti-bacterial effects of penicillium moulds before Fleming
+ Retrieved 27 March 2020.
+ Travel and entry restrictions
+ April – present outbreak
+ Phases of clinical research
+ serve as an early warning system for impending public health emergencies;
+ Power to take special measures and prescribe regulations as to dangerous epidemic disease
+ The Government of India issued a travel advisory to its citizens, particularly for Wuhan, where about 500 Indian medical students study.
+ On 18 March, the Federation of Trade Association of Pune announced that all shops, barring grocery stores and pharmacies, will be shut in the city, resulting in the closure of up to 40,000 shops.
+ In particular, public health surveillance programs can:
+ Seven cases were reported in Rajasthan - two each from Bhilwara and Dungarpur, and one each from Jaipur, Jodhpur and Churu.
+ In 2005, in a study conducted by TUV Produkt und Umwelt, different hand drying methods were evaluated.
+ Public health education and action
+ Bhutan Broadcasting Service, COVID-19 news
+ The goals of contact tracing are:
+ Response by the Central Government
+ On 20 March, in Lucknow all restaurants, hotels, sweet shops have been closed till 31 March.
+ Works by or about Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis at Internet Archive
+ Ankit Bisht as Anmol
+ The most popular, and most ported, version of Emacs is GNU Emacs, which was created by Richard Stallman for the GNU Project.
+ Definition: For a prescription to be accepted as a legal medical prescription, it needs to be filed by a qualified dentist, herbalist, advanced practice nurse, pharmacist, physician, psychiatrist, veterinarian etc., for whom the medication prescribed is within their scope of practice to prescribe such treatments.
+ "On 6 April, news sources reported that some television anchors and journalists were being threatened by Tablighi Jamaat members for covering the ""role of Tablighi Jamaat in the spread of coronavirus."""
+ For example, 25% of the population reducing their social contacts to 50% of their normal level gives an effective reproduction number about 81% of the basic reproduction number.
+ setting norms and standards and promoting and monitoring their implementation;
+ In August 1865, Lister applied a piece of lint dipped in carbolic acid solution onto the wound of a seven-year-old boy at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, who had sustained a compound fracture after a cart wheel had passed over his leg. After four days, he renewed the pad and discovered that no infection had developed, and after a total of six weeks he was amazed to discover that the boy's bones had fused back together, without suppuration.
+ The WHO incorporated the assets, personnel, and duties of the League of Nations' Health Organisation and the Office International d'Hygiène Publique, including the International Classification of Diseases.
+ International and regional relations
+ On 9 March, the Ministry of Health confirmed that a preliminary coronavirus test had returned positive for a 53-year-old male who had returned from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 3 March.
+ Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology is primarily composed of infection prevention and control professionals with nursing or medical technology backgrounds
+ On 5 March, amidst a surge in fresh cases being confirmed in Delhi NCR, the Government of Delhi announced that all primary schools across Delhi would be shut until 31 March as a precaution.
+ Powers of Central Government
+ Kiku Sharda as Gajju
+ "On 4 April, it was reported that the Delhi Police had found more than 500 foreign preachers ""hiding in 16-17 places"" in the city."
+ shaping a research agenda and stimulating the generation, translation and dissemination of valuable knowledge;
+ Geomap and open data on the diffusion of COVID-19 in Italy.
+ According to OSHA, medium exposure risk jobs include those that require frequent or close contact within six feet (1.8 m) of people who are not known or suspected COVID-19 patients, but may be infected with SARS-CoV-2 due to ongoing community transmission around the business location, or because the individual has recent international travel to a location with widespread COVID-19 transmission.
+ On 24 March, starting 5 PM, entire state of West Bengal was put under a lockdown till 31 March.
+ Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases and historical data by Johns Hopkins University
+ 22 March: Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, the king of Bhutan, announced in a national address that the country's land borders would be sealed off.
+ Zhou Xianwang, the mayor of Wuhan who was widely criticized by the public and media due to slow responses said to the state media CCTV that the banquet was organized by the local community which had a long history of self-governance.
+ Schools in three areas including capital Thimphu were closed.
+ Organisation for Critical Care Transportation
+ Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
+ "First attested in English in 1676, the word hygiene comes from the French hygiène, the latinisation of the Greek ὑγιεινή (τέχνη) hygieinē technē, meaning ""(art) of health"", from ὑγιεινός hygieinos, ""good for the health, healthy"", in turn from ὑγιής (hygiēs), ""healthful, sound, salutary, wholesome""."
+ On 21 March, after confirming two positive cases of coronavirus, the state ordered 70 per cent lockdown, including its capital Bhubaneshwar.
+ "Kiara Advani Special appearance in song ""Kudi Nu Nachne De"""
+ As of 3 April, more than 950 confirmed cases were detected across 14 states and union territories in the country, including 97 percent of the total cases confirmed in the country on 2 and 3 April (647 out of 664 cases).
+ It was established in 1880 as a clinic under the Hankow's Catholic church.
+ Airborne precautions prevent transmission of infectious agents that remain infectious over long distances when suspended in the air (e.g., rubeola virus [measles], varicella virus [chickenpox], M. tuberculosis, and possibly SARS-CoV).
+ In the UK healthcare professionals have adopted the 'Ayliffe Technique', based on the 6 step method developed by Graham Ayliffe, JR Babb and AH Quoraishi.
+ The Government of Kerala had declared high alert from 4 to 8 February and then again starting 8 March 2020 due to coronavirus cases being reported in the state.
+ A.H.M.
+ The case fatality ratio for COVID-19 has been much lower than SARS of 2003, but the transmission has been significantly greater, with a significant total death toll.
+ Several other communities adopted similar measures.
+ Mask Dashboard, real-time public surgical mask inventory information of nationwide and municipalities in Korea
+ On the 7 April again no new cases and 205 people in quarantine,a reduction from the 311 on 4 April.
+ On 2 April, the Home Ministry identified 960 foreigners who took part in the event and blacklisted their visas for violation of The Foreigners Act, 1946 and Disaster Management Act, 2005, and asked the DGPs of respective states and union territories to initiate legal action against them.
+ The five key principles of food hygiene, according to WHO, are:
+ 259 of the 386 cases in Delhi and 140 of the 161 cases in Andhra Pradesh were linked to the event.
+ Store food at the proper temperature.
+ Reports on the COVID-19 pandemic in China, by the PRC National Health Commission
+ J Infect Dev Ctries 2011;5(2):114-118.
+ The practice became notable during the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic.
+ On 24 March, PM Narendra Modi announced a complete nationwide lockdown, starting from midnight for 21 days.
+ 12 members of Tablighi Jamaat were arrested on 5 April 2020 in Muzaffarnagar for defying the lockdown and organising an event.
+ Hygiene in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet
+ Mathematical modelling of infectious disease
+ There are many misconceptions about HIV and AIDS.
+ In 1976, the British public health scientist and health care critic, Thomas McKeown, MD, published The role of medicine: Dream, mirage or nemesis?, wherein he summarized facts and arguments that supported what became known as the McKeown's thesis, i.e. that the growth of population can be attributed to a decline in mortality from infectious diseases, primarily thanks to better nutrition, later also to better hygiene, and only marginally and late to medical interventions such as antibiotics and vaccines.
+ Depending on the work task, workers with at least medium exposure risk may need to wear personal protective equipment including some combination of gloves, a gown, a face shield or face mask, or goggles.
+ Planning and risk assessment
+ Safe disposal of medical waste.
+ Center for Emerging Infectious Disease
+ Extreme care in preparing raw foods, such as sushi and sashimi.
+ Union and state governments set up national and state helpline numbers.
+ "The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) created various levels of disease isolation (also described ""precaution"")."
+ National responses to the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic
+ The World Bank announced a $7.5 million grant to help Sierra Leone deal with the pandemic.
+ Vipul Tank as Lagnesh
+ Kareena Kapoor Khan as Officer Naina Kohli
+ If the infection is treatable, to help prevent reinfection of the originally infected patient
+ Chinese Virus Resources and Bioinformatics Center
+ It may also be spread from an infected mother to her baby during birth.
+ Inside Kikwit, the World Health Organization and Zaire's medical teams erected further cordons sanitaires, isolating burial and treatment zones from the general population and successfully containing the infection.
+ The following is the timeline of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic in India.
+ Increasingly, nonphysician providers are playing innovative roles in the ICU, and care provided by teams including nurse practitioners or physician assistants appears to be safe and comparable to that provided by other staffing models.
+ State governments took various measures to contain the spread of the virus.
+ On 10 April, the Government of Punjab extended lockdown in the state till April 30.
+ According to the WHO, outbreak investigations are meant to detect what is causing the outbreak, how the pathogenic agent is transmitted, where it all started from, what is the carrier, what is the population at risk of getting infected and what are the risk factors.
+ In 1796, Jenner took pus from the hand of a milkmaid with cowpox, scratched it into the arm of an 8-year-old boy, James Phipps, and six weeks later inoculated (variolated) the boy with smallpox, afterwards observing that he did not catch smallpox.
+ To learn about the epidemiology of a disease in a particular population
+ 2020 Italy coronavirus lockdown
+ 20 January – 17 February
+ An alternative view holds that unsafe medical practices in Africa after World War II, such as unsterile reuse of single-use syringes during mass vaccination, antibiotic and anti-malaria treatment campaigns, were the initial vector that allowed the virus to adapt to humans and spread.
+ The Ministry of External Affairs under Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Air India and the Indian Air Force have been successful in evacuating many Indian nationals and certain foreign nationals from the virus effected areas.
+ UFC 249: Ferguson vs. Gaethje is a mixed martial arts event produced by the Ultimate Fighting Championship expected to take place on May 9, 2020 at VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena in Jacksonville, Florida, United States.
+ Prior to the announcement of the nationwide lockdown, on 22 March, the government had announced that the Indian Railways would suspend passenger operations through 31 March.
+ The Ministry of Home Affairs, on 14 April, blacklisted and cancelled the tourist visas of around 960 foreign Tablighi Jamaat members for violating visa norms by entering India with a tourist visa but indulging illegally in missionary work in India.
+ In the United States, up to 20% of hospital beds can be labelled as intensive-care beds; in the United Kingdom, intensive care usually will comprise only up to 2% of total beds.
+ The government announced a 3-day lockdown starting on 5 April.
+ monitoring the health situation and assessing health trends.
+ "Lister's work led to a reduction in post-operative infections and made surgery safer for patients, distinguishing him as the ""father of modern surgery""."
+ For an initial period of 14 days all inter-district travel is restricted, a curfew from 2100 - 0600 is in effect, shops are to sell essential items only and people are to stay at home unless they have good reason not to. Face masks are strongly encouraged, especially in public places.
+ On 12 March, it announced closure of schools, colleges and cinema halls till the end of March and ordered disinfection of all public places as a precautionary measure.
+ Early response by Wuhan
+ A prescription, often abbreviated ℞ or Rx, is a health care program implemented by a physician or other qualified health care practitioner in the form of instructions that govern the plan of care for an individual patient.
+ The president of Sierra Leone confirmed the country's first case of coronavirus disease 2019 on 31 March, a 37-year-old man who traveled from France on 16 March and had been in isolation since.
+ Measures and impact in Hubei
+ ISBN 978-0-86577-727-9.
+ Graph source: Data from MoHFW
+ Early life and education
+ Dispose of tissues as soon as possible
+ During the sidelines of the World Economic Forum, Germany's health minister Jens Spahn praised China for its improved transparency since 2003.
+ The British NHS has announced that it is piloting a scheme to test suspected cases at home, which removes the risk of a patient infecting others if they come to a hospital or having to disinfect an ambulance if one is used.
+ 2019–2020 coronavirus pandemic by country and territory
+ Tamil Nadu was the worst affected state, as 364 of the 411 people who tested positive had attended the event.
+ Meghna Malik as Principal
+ asking friends, family members or delivery services to carry out errands, such as getting groceries, medicines or other shopping
+ In 1854, Florence Nightingale left for the Crimean War, where triage was used to separate seriously wounded soldiers from the non-life-threatening conditions.
+ United States House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Crisis
+ Thousands of migrants from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar gathered in Anand Vihar Bus Station on 29 March 2020.
+ Voluntary self-isolation may have helped reduce transmission of influenza in Texas in 2009.
+ Sophisticated modelling of the outbreak suggests that the number of cases in China would have been many times higher without interventions such as early detection, and isolation of the infected.
+ The numbers are from data published by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on their website.
+ Lister's name is one of twenty-three names featured on the Frieze of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine – although the committee which chose the names to include on the frieze did not provide documentation about why certain names were chosen and others were not.
+ On 23 January, WHO director-general, Tedros Adhanom and WHO regional director for the Western Pacific, Takeshi Kasai arrived in Beijing to discuss the new coronavirus outbreak with the Chinese authorities and health experts.
+ This has been described as the first time in 167 years that India's rail network had been suspended, although there was also a strike in 1974.
+ On 23 March, the state government imposed night curfew from 7 pm till 6 am. During the lockdown, no vehicles were not allowed on the roads.
+ A series of hotline numbers, email address and the Facebook page of the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) are provided for people to contact if they suspect Covid-19 infection or need more information.
+ From the perspective of epidemiology, the basic goal behind social distancing is to decrease the effective reproduction number,
+ The government of Assam started making isolation facilities in Sarusajai stadium and Nehru Stadium in Guwahati.
+ In cases of diseases of uncertain infectious potential, contact tracing is also sometimes performed to learn about disease characteristics, including infectiousness.
+ £838 per bed per day for a neonatal intensive care unit
+ Not licking fingers or hands while or after eating.
+ Prevent contaminating food with mixing chemicals, spreading from people, and animals.
+ Household water treatment and safe storage
+ Tuberculosis (TB).
+ Following the lockdown, India's electricity demand fell down to a five-month low on 28 March.
+ Engineering controls for this and higher risk groups include installing high-efficiency air filters, increasing ventilation rates, installing physical barriers such as clear plastic sneeze guards, and installing a drive-through window for customer service.
+ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Swine Flu
+ Home hygiene in developing countries
+ According to medieval historian Lynn Thorndike, people in Medieval Europe probably bathed more than people did in the 19th century.
+ "Possible reasons as to why infectious diseases are not viewed as a primary topic in medical ethics include the following: bias for topics that are more high-tech, wealthy-world topics such as euthanasia and assisted reproduction, blinding optimism that infectious diseases are no longer a threat because of the success of antibiotics and vaccines, and the labeling of ""other"" among certain infectious diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis, Ebola, etc."
+ The Lingshui China Masters badminton tournament, scheduled to commence on 25 February to 1 March 2020 was postponed to early May.
+ On 13 March, the Punjab governments declared holidays in all schools and colleges till 31 March
+ Lister was president of the Royal Society between 1895 and 1900.
+ 2020 coronavirus pandemic in South Asia
+ On 23 March, Collector of Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh has imposed Section 144 in the district till March 31.
+ 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in Asia
+ "AMR Industry Alliance, ""members from large R&D pharma, generic manufacturers, biotech, and diagnostic companies"""
+ 2020 coronavirus lockdown in India
+ Center of Applied and Environmental Microbiology
+ "Hong Kong has set up a scheme where suspected patients can stay home, ""[the] emergency department will give a specimen tube to the patient"", they spit into it, send it back and get a test result a while after."
+ Section 2 of the Act reads:
+ On 27 March 2020, the police arrested 8 people and registered a complaint against 150 people in Hardoi for gathering at a mosque.
+ By 9 April 2020, South Korea had about 10,423 cases and 204 deaths, with over 494,711 people having been tested, a case fatality rate of 1.95%, which is lower than the WHO's global case fatality rate of 4.34%.
+ Ranvir Shorey as Balashankar Tripathi / Bablu
+ On 26 January, the State Council extended the 2020 Spring Festival holiday to 2 February (Sunday, the ninth day of the first lunar month) with 3 February (Monday) marking the start of normal work.
+ "Workplace closures include closure of ""non-essential"" businesses and social services (""non-essential"" means those facilities that do not maintain primary functions in the community, as opposed to essential services)."
+ Following are some of the positive cases from different states as reported in media.
+ The government had also urged people to not undertake pilgrimages, attend large gatherings such as weddings and cinema shows.
+ By 21 January, government officials warned against hiding the disease.
+ Filtration using ceramic filters
+ Vaccines have been produced against several diseases caused by coronaviruses for animal use, including for infectious bronchitis virus in birds, canine coronavirus and feline coronavirus.
+ Of concern is recent data suggesting that, in reality, modern domestic washing machines do not reach the temperature specified on the machine controls.
+ China's 14th National Winter Games, originally scheduled for 16–26 February were also postponed.
+ In an op-ed in The New York Times, the CDDEP director Laxminarayan explained that if the national lockdown finds good compliance, it would reduce the peak infections in early May by 70 to 80 percent, but still 1 million would require hospitalisation and critical care.
+ When the Central Government is satisfied that India or any part thereof is visited by, or threatened with, an outbreak of any dangerous epidemic disease and that the ordinary provisions of the law for the time being in force are insufficient to prevent the outbreak of such disease or the spread thereof, the Central Government may take measures and prescribe regulations for the inspection of any ship or vessel leaving or arriving at any port and for such detention thereof, or of any person intending to sail therein, or arriving thereby, as may be necessary.3.
+ By gender and age
+ On 3 April 2020, Dr David Nabarro, WHO's special envoy on the disease, said that ‘Lockdown in India was early, far-sighted and courageous’ and was better than waiting for another 3 or 4 weeks.
+ Department of Analytical Biochemistry and Biotechnology
+ Anthrax is an infection caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis.
+ Given the impact of isolation on patients, social and emotional support may be needed.
+ Depending on the disease and the context of the infection, family members, health care providers, and anyone else who may have knowledge of the case's contacts may also be interviewed.
+ I refers to isolation and contact tracing of people,
+ Ignaz Semmelweis was born on 1 July 1818 in Tabán, a neighbourhood of Buda, Hungary, today part of Budapest.
+ On 23 March, starting 5 PM, Kolkata and several areas across West Bengal were put under a lockdown till 27 March.
+ Aarogya Setu crossed five million downloads within the three days of its launch, making it one of the most popular government apps in India It is the world's fastest-growing mobile app with more than 50 million installs on the platform, at just 13 days after launching in India on April 2, 2020.
+ In 1995, a cordon sanitaire was used to control an outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Kikwit, Zaire.
+ Cancellation of mass gatherings includes sports events, films or musical shows.
+ Details of the initial confirmed cases
+ In 2013 the International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene (IFH) reviewed some 30 studies of the hygiene effectiveness of laundering at temperatures ranging from room temperature to 70 °C, under varying conditions.
+ The total of confirmed cases is 203,591 with 27,682 deaths, and 71,252 recoveries or dismissals.
+ separating oneself from other people—for example, trying not to be in the same room as other people at the same time
+ Protection to persons acting under Act.
+ High-risk healthcare and mortuary workplaces
+ It stipulates mandatory use of: (1) gloves (or double gloves if appropriate), (2) protective eyewear (goggles or face shield), (3) a waterproof gown (or total body Tyvek suit, if appropriate), and (4) a respirator (at least FFP2 or N95 NIOSH equivalent), not simply a surgical mask.
+ £1,702 per bed per day for a pediatric intensive care unit
+ It is recommended that all healthy adults brush twice a day, softly, with the correct technique, replacing their toothbrush every few months (~3) or after a bout of illness.
+ Other commentators worried about the economic devastation caused by the lockdown, which has huge effects on informal workers, micro and small enterprises, farmers and the self-employed, who are left with no livelihood in the absence of transportation and access to markets.
+ Tillotama Shome as Consultant
+ On 13 March, the Government of Karnataka ordered the closure of malls, universities and colleges, movie theatres, night clubs, marriages and conferences and other public areas as a precautionary measure.
+ "In 1950, anesthesiologist Peter Safar established the concept of ""Advanced life support"", keeping patients sedated and ventilated in an intensive care environment."
+ Medical hygiene at home
+ Zakir Hussain as Judge Chedda
+ On 6 March, a resident of West Delhi, who had travelled to Malaysia and Thailand, was diagnosed with the virus.
+ 2020 coronavirus pandemic in India
+ Cancellations, delays and shutdowns
+ Chief minister Jai Ram Thakur said that the curfew will come into force in all 12 districts of the hill state at 5 pm on Tuesday.
+ In response to a polio epidemic (where many patients required constant ventilation and surveillance), Bjørn Aage Ibsen established the first intensive care unit in Copenhagen in 1953.
+ On 5 March, Government of Delhi announced closure of all primary schools across Delhi 31 March as a precaution.
+ Careful avoidance of meats contaminated by trichina worms, salmonella, and other pathogens; or thorough cooking of questionable meats.
+ On 22 March, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath announced the lockdown of fifteen districts in state, from 22 to 25 March, including Noida, Ghaziabad, Agra, Aligarh, Prayagraj, Kanpur, Varanasi, Bareilly, Lucknow, Saharanpur, Meerut, Lakhimpur, Azamgarh, Gorakhpur and others.
+ of their normal contacts, the new effective reproduction number
+ List of conspiracy theories
+ To offer diagnosis, counseling and treatment to already infected individuals
+ "CDC Guideline ""Management of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms in Healthcare Settings, 2006"""
+ Timeline of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic in India playlist on YouTube – COVID-19 Management videos by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
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+ "The Centre for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP) has issued a report in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University and Princeton University, where it said that a national lockdown is not ""productive"" and could cause ""serious economic damage""."
+ Use safe water and raw materials.
+ On 27 December, the doctor reported her discovery to her hospital and the hospital soon informed Jianghan CDC, thinking that this might be an infectious disease as it was indicated by the familial cluster.
+ Those having contact with or exposure to such a patient are required to wear a mask.
+ Home and everyday hygiene
+ On 21 March, the state government postponed the Class 10 SSLC board exams to beyond April 14, which were due to begin from March 27.
+ To alert contacts to the possibility of infection and offer preventive counseling or prophylactic care
+ On 25 March, before the country's first case was confirmed, the government declared a 12-month state of emergency.
+ A key event in the spread of the disease across Metropolitan France as well as its overseas territories was the annual assembly of the Christian Open Door Church between 17 and 24 February in Mulhouse which was attended by about 2,500 people, at least half of whom are believed to have contracted the virus.
+ On 27 March, the Reserve Bank of India announced a slew of measures to help mitigate the economic impacts of the lockdown.
+ Official website (in Chinese)
+ On 19 March Punjab School Education Board postponed all Board Exams of 10th and 12th classes.
+ "Michael Ryan, chief executive director of the World Health Organisation's health emergencies programme, said that India had ""tremendous capacity"" to deal with the coronavirus outbreak and, as the second most populous country, will have enormous impact on the world's ability to deal with it."
+ The lamps can be suspended above the water channel or submerged in the water flow.
+ Examples include the subunit vaccine against Hepatitis B virus that is composed of only the surface proteins of the virus (previously extracted from the blood serum of chronically infected patients, but now produced by recombination of the viral genes into yeast) or as an edible algae vaccine, the virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) that is composed of the viral major capsid protein, and the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase subunits of the influenza virus.
+ understanding how social and economic conditions impact health, disease and the practice of medicine and
+ "However, despite the expert-led investigation and early signs of human-to-human transmission including a hospital-acquired infection (nosocomial) case confirmed on 10 January according to Caixin, the local government of Wuhan denied any case of nosocomial infection and kept claiming that ""there was no clear sign of human-to-human transmission"" until 15 January when Wuhan's Municipal Health Commission (MHC) said on its website that ""the result of present investigation shows no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission, but this does not rule out the possibility of such a transmission."
+ The Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (WIV; Chinese: 中国科学院武汉病毒研究所) is a research institute on virology administered by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
+ On 19 March, Section 144 was imposed in Rajasthan after three of a family tested positive for coronavirus.
+ Antimicrobial Stewardship Project, at the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), University of Minnesota
+ Contact tracing generally involves the following steps:
+ "When Allah has given this disease, then no doctor or medicine can save us."" A day later, Kandhlawi released an audio message on YouTube from his hiding, saying, ""I am in self-quarantine in Delhi as advised by the doctors and appeal to all Jamaat wherever they are in the country to follow the directives of the law."""
+ Dimple Kapadia as Mrs. Sampada Kohli
+ What you need to know about influenza (flu) from CDC.
+ COVID-19 news
+ (in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Estonian, and Russian).
+ Once contacts are identified, public health workers contact them to offer counseling, screening, prophylaxis, and/or treatment.
+ On 12 March, the Chief Minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal announced that all schools, colleges and cinema halls in New Delhi would be closed till the end of March and all public places disinfected as a precautionary measure.
+ Manish Gandhi as Advait
+ On 28 March, Delhi government had set up over 500 hunger relief camps providing free food for people who have been left stranded due to the nationwide lockdown.
+ On 20 March, the Government of Tamil Nadu partially closed its borders with Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh on March 20 until March 31 and constituted a task force to closely monitor the preventive measures against the viral outbreak.
+ 2020 Malaysia movement control order
+ On 23 March, the state government imposed Section 144 from March 24 6 pm until March 31 which prohibits gatherings of more than 5 people.
+ Ministero della Salute.
+ Citizens Advice says that people on zero-hours contracts can also receive sick pay.
+ Home hygiene pertains to the hygiene practices that prevent or minimize the spread of disease at home and other everyday settings such as social settings, public transport, the workplace, public places, etc.
+ (1) When at any time the [State Government] is satisfied that [the State] or any part thereof is visited by, or threatened with, an outbreak of any dangerous epidemic disease, the [State Government], if [it] thinks that the ordinary provisions of the law for the time being in force are insufficient for the purpose, may take, or require or empower any person to take, such measures and, by public notice, prescribe such temporary regulations to be observed by the public or by any person or class of persons as [it] shall deem necessary to prevent the outbreak of such disease or the spread thereof, and may determine in what manner and by whom any expenses incurred (including compensation if any) shall be defrayed.2A.
+ On 22 March Punjab government declared complete Lockdown in state till 31 March 2020 except Emergency services along Kala Sanghian.
+ CM Yogi Adityanath announced on 21 March that the Uttar Pradesh government has decided to give ₹1,000 (US$14) to all daily wage laborers affected due to coronavirus in the state.
+ Separate raw and cooked foods to prevent contaminating the cooked foods.
+ Many forms of isolation exist.
+ Lister came from a prosperous Quaker home in West Ham, Essex, England, a son of wine merchant Joseph Jackson Lister, who was also a pioneer of achromatic object lenses for the compound microscope.
+ On 23 March, Punjab Governor V. P. Singh Badnore who is also union territory administrator imposed a curfew starting midnight of 24 March.
+ "The Ministry of Transport asked the local governments to take the principle of ""block one, not three (Chinese: 一断三不断)"", that is, to block the virus from spreading, but not to block roads, traffic and Internet access, the transportation of emergency supplies and the transportation of essential goods."
+ "Henk Bekedam, WHO Representative to India praised the response describing it as ""timely, comprehensive and robust""."
+ World Health Assembly and Executive Board
+ Any person disobeying any regulation or order made under this Act shall be deemed to have committed an offence punishable under section 188 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).4.
+ On 10 March, Kerala announced closure of all schools and colleges across the state until 31 March, with effect from 11 March.
+ Since 24 January, many major attractions are shut down nationwide including the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing, Shanghai Disneyland, Pingyao Ancient City in Shanxi, Canton Tower in Guangdong, the Old Town of Lijiang, Yunnan and Mount Emei in Sichuan.
+ Other measures include shutting down or limiting mass transit and closure of sport facilities (community swimming pools, youth clubs, gymnasiums).
+ According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), lower exposure risk jobs have minimal occupational contact with the public and other coworkers, for which basic infection prevention measures are recommended, including hand washing, encouraging workers to stay home if they are sick, respiratory etiquette, and maintaining routine cleaning and disinfecting of the work environment.
+ Brain injury at Curlie
+ Graph source: Data from ICMR
+ On 28 January, the National Civil Service Bureau said that it would postpone the 2020 civil service recruitment examination, public selection and public selection interview time.
+ Confirmed cases crossed 100 on 15 March, 1,000 on 28 March, 5,000 on 7 April, 10,000 on 14 April, 20,000 on 22 April and 30,000 on 29 April.
+ The hospital was where staff ophthalmologist Dr. Li Wenliang became aware of a viral outbreak that was later linked to the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in China and beyond.
+ As of 2018, it has a budget of over $4.2 billion, most of which comes from voluntary contributions from member states.
+ Evidence suggesting that mass gatherings increase the potential for infectious disease transmission is inconclusive.
+ Shielding measures for individuals include limiting face-to-face contacts, conducting business by phone or online, avoiding public places and reducing unnecessary travel.
+ To interrupt ongoing transmission and reduce spread of an infection
+ The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 is a law which was first enacted to tackle bubonic plague in Mumbai (formerly Bombay) in former British India.
+ Medical hygiene practices include:
+ "Anushka Sharma Special appearance in song ""Kudi Nu Nachne De"""
+ (CDC; US Congress; CSPAN video/6:00; March 12, 2020)
+ On 12 January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed that a novel coronavirus was the cause of a respiratory illness in a cluster of people in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, which was reported to the WHO on 31 December 2019.
+ However, with modern prescribing habits, some parts are no longer applicable or included on an everyday basis.
+ Administrative controls for this and higher risk groups include encouraging sick workers to stay at home, replacing face-to-face meetings with virtual communications, establishing staggered shifts, discontinuing nonessential travel to locations with ongoing COVID-19 outbreaks, developing emergency communications plans including a forum for answering workers’ concerns, providing workers with up-to-date education and training on COVID-19 risk factors and protective behaviors, training workers who need to use protecting clothing and equipment how to use it, providing resources and a work environment that promotes personal hygiene, requiring regular hand washing, limiting customers' and the public's access to the worksite, and posting signage about hand washing and other COVID-19 protective measures.
+ The Nizamuddin Markaz's calendar shows three events scheduled during March: Aalmi Mashwara (international executive committee meeting) during 8–10 March, and provincial gatherings Andhra Pradesh jod during 15–17 March and Tamil Nadu jod during 22–24 March.
+ Aarogya Setu is currently available in 12 languages (English, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Bengali, Oriya, Gujarati, and Marathi, Assamese) and expected to be available in more Indian languages soon.
+ It was reported that air quality index of Delhi improved on 28 March 2020 after the lockdown and reduced vehicular movements.
+ £1,328 per bed per day for an adult intensive care unit
+ On 8 March 2020, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte expanded the quarantine to all of Lombardy and 14 other northern provinces, and on the following day to all of Italy, placing more than 60 million people in quarantine.
+ "John Mackenzie, a member of the World Health Organization's emergency committee criticized China for being too slow to share all of the infected cases, especially during major political meetings in Wuhan after Tedros Adhanom praised China for helping ""prevent the spread of coronavirus to the other countries."""
+ Penalty.
+ 2020 Tablighi Jamaat coronavirus hotspot in Pakistan
+ For commercial shipping, including cruise ships and other passenger vessels, hazard controls include postponing travel when sick, and self-isolating and informing the onboard medical center immediately if one develops a fever or other symptoms while on board.
+ On 28 March, the Uttar Pradesh government deployed 1000 UPSRTC buses to ferry migrant workers to their native districts during the nationwide lockdown.
+ In the United States, OSHA standards require that employers must provide readily accessible hand washing facilities, and must ensure that employees wash hands and any other skin with soap and water or flush mucous membranes with water as soon as feasible after contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM).
+ The Brain Injury Hub – information and practical advice to parents and family members of children with acquired brain injury
+ Works by or about Lord Lister at Internet Archive
+ Currently, the federal regulation that describes infection control standards, as related to occupational exposure to potentially infectious blood and other materials, is found at 29 CFR Part 1910.1030 Bloodborne pathogens.
+ On 30 January, India reported its first case of COVID-19 in Kerala, which rose to three cases by 3 February; all were students who had returned from Wuhan, China.
+ On 13 March, the Maharashtra Government declared the outbreak an epidemic in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Pune, Pimpri-Chinchwad and Nagpur, and invoked provisions of Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897.
+ Countries with particularly high rates of infection include Egypt (22%), Pakistan (4.8%) and China (3.2%).
+ Chief minister Arvind Kejriwal announced that from 23 to 31 March 2020, all domestic/international flights arriving to Delhi would be suspended.
+ Cook foods for the appropriate length of time and at the appropriate temperature to kill pathogens.
+ Media related to Press releases about the COVID-19 pandemic by Ministry of Health and Welfare (South Korea) at Wikimedia Commons
+ State level regulations (before 24 March)
+ Exodus of migrant workers
+ Poorvi Jain as Rashi Bansal
+ The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America is more heavily weighted towards practitioners who are physicians or doctoral-level epidemiologists.
+ Patients may be referred directly from an emergency department or from a ward if they rapidly deteriorate, or immediately after surgery if the surgery is very invasive and the patient is at high risk of complications.
+ The government was allowed to organize and coordinate treatment for the patients, make investigations into the epidemic area, declare certain areas in the province as an epidemic control area, issue compulsory orders, manage human movement, publish information and reports, sustain social stability and to do other work related to epidemic control.
+ No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against any person for anything done or in good faith intended to be done under this Act.
+ On 11 March 2020, the Cabinet Secretary of India, Rajiv Gauba, announced that all states and UTs should invoke provisions of Section 2 of the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897.
+ "On 14 March, the union government declared the pandemic as a ""notified disaster"" under the Disaster Management Act, 2005, enabling states to spend a larger part of funds from the State Disaster Response Fund to fight the virus."
+ Although contact tracing can be enhanced by letting patients provide information, medication, and referrals to their contacts, evidence demonstrates that direct public health involvement in notification is most effective.
+ Joseph Lister, 1st Baron Lister, (5 April 1827 – 10 February 1912), known between 1883 and 1897 as Sir Joseph Lister, Bt., was a British surgeon and a pioneer of antiseptic surgery.
+ On 15 March, a new initiative 'Break the Chain' aiming to educate people about the importance of public and personal hygiene was introduced by Government of Kerala.
+ During the 2003 SARS outbreak in Singapore, approximately 8000 people were subjected to mandatory home quarantine and an additional 4300 were required to self-monitor for symptoms and make daily telephone contact with health authorities as a means of controlling the epidemic.
+ Its current priorities include communicable diseases, particularly HIV/AIDS, Ebola, malaria and tuberculosis; non-communicable diseases such as heart disease and cancer; healthy diet, nutrition, and food security; occupational health; and substance abuse.
+ Proper bandaging and dressing of injuries.
+ Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center – U.S. Department of Defense Military Health System center for traumatic brain injury
+ The government of the Maldives and the Tourism Ministry of the Maldives with the guidance of the Health Protection Agency of the Maldives (HPA) placed a temporary travel restriction for the following countries to control new cases.
+ Karnataka has closed its borders with Kerala for vehicular traffic in the wake of six people testing positive for coronavirus in Kasargod district of Kerala, which lies on the border of Karnataka.
+ Seasonal Influenza.
+ On 1 April, Sierra Leone confirmed its second case who has no history of travel or contact with the country's first case.
+ use of a warm air hand dryer spread micro-organisms up to 0.25 metres from the dryer
+ Archived from the original on 5 July 2007.
+ Foodborne illness (also foodborne disease and colloquially referred to as food poisoning) is any illness resulting from the spoilage of contaminated food, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or parasites that contaminate food, as well as toxins such as poisonous mushrooms and various species of beans that have not been boiled for at least 10 minutes.
+ On 30 January, the state had put 78 people who arrived from China under quarantine.
+ If contacts are not individually identifiable (e.g. members of the public who attended the same location), broader communications may be issued, like media advisories.
+ Research shows that, if widely practiced, hand washing with soap could reduce diarrhea by almost fifty percent and respiratory infections by nearly twenty-five percent Hand washing with soap also reduces the incidence of skin diseases, eye infections like trachoma and intestinal worms, especially ascariasis and trichuriasis.
+ Socio-economic impact of the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic
+ Aarogya Setu (lit. 'Health Bridge') is a COVID-19 tracking mobile application developed by the National Informatics Centre that comes under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India.
+ Border restrictions or internal travel restrictions are unlikely to delay an epidemic by more than two to three weeks unless implemented with over 99% coverage.
+ The study found that the travel ban in Wuhan delayed the spread of the disease to other parts of mainland China only by three to five days, although it did reduce the spread of international cases by as much as 80 percent.
+ 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in Asia
+ Not using the same utensils to prepare different foods.
+ Drive-through centers have helped South Korea do some of the fastest, most-extensive testing of any country.
+ The 76-year-old American male was evacuated to the United States on 13 March.
+ On 16 March Punjab government issue an advisory to close gyms, restaurants, etc.
+ The app is also built on a platform that can provide Application Programming Interface (API) so that other computer programs, mobile applications and web services can make use of the features and data available of Aarogya setu.
+ On 22 March, the state government declared that Section 144 would be imposed across the state, with effect from 23 March, sending the state into a lockdown.
+ Using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) the test can be done on respiratory samples obtained by various methods, including a nasopharyngeal swab or sputum sample.
+ "A Northeastern University study published in March 2020 found that ""travel restrictions to and from China only slow down the international spread of COVID-19 [when] combined with efforts to reduce transmission on a community and an individual level."
+ Works by or about Joseph Lister at Internet Archive
+ Traumatic Brain Injury: Methods for Clinical & Forensic Neuropsychiatric Assessment, Second Edition.
+ Ministry of Health (25 February 2020), National Preparedness and Response Plan for Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (PDF) (3 ed.), Thimphu: Ministry of Health, Royal Government of Bhutan
+ On 22 March, the Government of Rajasthan banned public transport services in the state.
+ On 6 April 2020, in Mumbai's Wockhardt Hospital, 26 nurses and 3 doctors were found to have been infected with the virus.
+ Pankaj Tripathi as Tony
+ 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic by country and territory
+ The governments Odisha, Punjab, Maharashtra, and West Bengal governments have extended the state lockdowns to 30 April.
+ Depending on regulation, recommendation, the specific work function, or personal preference, healthcare workers or first responders may receive vaccinations for hepatitis B; influenza; measles, mumps and rubella; Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis; N. meningitidis; and varicella.
+ On 17 March, Government of Telangana started implementing screening of people entering Telangana from Maharashtra at four entry points.
+ The Srinagar man who died on 26 March was identified as a super-spreader as he travelled by road, rail and air from Delhi to Srinagar via Uttar Pradesh, as officials feared that he may have spread it to several people along the way.
+ A recent study conducted in the United States found that hospital stays involving ICU services were 2.5 times more costly than other hospital stays.
+ The Indian state governments have responded to the 2020 coronavirus pandemic India with various declarations of emergency, closure of institutions and public meeting places, and other restrictions intended to contain the spread of the virus.
+ On 23 March, Chief Minister of Maharashtra announced that borders of all the districts will be closed, and a strict curfew will be implemented statewide.
+ On 30 January, the first case was confirmed in Kerala's Thrissur district in a student who had returned home for a vacation from Wuhan University in China.
+ "Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said on 21 January that the Chinese authorities would share information of the epidemic ""with the WHO, relevant nations and China's Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions in a timely manner including the genome sequence of the new coronavirus."""
+ On 20 March, the state government announced the closure of workplaces, excluding essential services and public transport, in Mumbai, Mumbai Metropolitan Region, Pune, Pimpri-Chinchwad and Nagpur until 31 March.
+ Strict border controls between Austria and the Ottoman Empire, imposed from 1770 until 1871 to prevent persons infected with the bubonic plague from entering Austria, were reportedly effective, as there were no major outbreaks of plague in Austrian territory after they were established, whereas the Ottoman Empire continued to suffer frequent epidemics of plague until the mid-nineteenth century.
+ articulating ethical and evidence-based policy options;
+ As of 29 April, France has reported over 128,442 confirmed cases, 24,087 deaths, and 48,228 recoveries, ranking sixth in number of confirmed cases, overtaking China where the outbreak began.
+ paper towels showed no significant spread of micro-organisms.
+ 20 March Punjab government also shuts down public transport in state from midnight of 20 March and prohibited gathering of more than 20 persons.
+ Some procedures (such as disposal of medical waste) were refined in response to late-20th century disease outbreaks, notably AIDS and Ebola.
+ The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies core functions of public health programs including:
+ The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic was confirmed to have reached Sierra Leone on 31 March 2020.
+ Family and early life
+ "In early January 2020, the local government of Henan Province with its complete disinfection measures, effective and intensive publicity, a strong awareness of epidemic prevention and quarantine among the people, the setting up of return spots at the village entrance and even the use of garbage trucks, the digging of trenches to block roads connecting Hubei and the hanging of slogans such as ""return home with sickness is to dishonor your parents."""
+ In early March 2020, CEPI announced a US$2 billion funding goal in a global partnership between public, private, philanthropic, and civil society organisations to accelerate development of COVID‑19 vaccines, with commitments to date by the governments of Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, and the UK.
+ droplet contact (coughing or sneezing)
+ asking delivery drivers to leave items outside for collection.
+ Some regular hygiene practices may be considered good habits by the society, while the neglect of hygiene can be considered disgusting, disrespectful, or threatening.
+ 105 people were quarantined across Maharashtra for possible exposure to the virus, four of whom were kept under observation, as of 1 March, with the rest being discharged.
+ Since only quantitative evaluation can tell us whether one staffing model is better than another, we need more research from multiple sites to develop a consistent and integrated understanding of this complex topic.
+ On 24 March, Government of Haryana announced complete lockdown of the Haryana.
+ Discoveries of anti-bacterial effects of penicillium moulds before Fleming
+ Retrieved 27 March 2020.
+ Travel and entry restrictions
+ April – present outbreak
+ Phases of clinical research
+ serve as an early warning system for impending public health emergencies;
+ Power to take special measures and prescribe regulations as to dangerous epidemic disease
+ The Government of India issued a travel advisory to its citizens, particularly for Wuhan, where about 500 Indian medical students study.
+ On 18 March, the Federation of Trade Association of Pune announced that all shops, barring grocery stores and pharmacies, will be shut in the city, resulting in the closure of up to 40,000 shops.
+ In particular, public health surveillance programs can:
+ Seven cases were reported in Rajasthan - two each from Bhilwara and Dungarpur, and one each from Jaipur, Jodhpur and Churu.
+ In 2005, in a study conducted by TUV Produkt und Umwelt, different hand drying methods were evaluated.
+ Public health education and action
+ Bhutan Broadcasting Service, COVID-19 news
+ The goals of contact tracing are:
+ Response by the Central Government
+ On 20 March, in Lucknow all restaurants, hotels, sweet shops have been closed till 31 March.
+ Works by or about Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis at Internet Archive
+ Ankit Bisht as Anmol
+ The most popular, and most ported, version of Emacs is GNU Emacs, which was created by Richard Stallman for the GNU Project.
+ Definition: For a prescription to be accepted as a legal medical prescription, it needs to be filed by a qualified dentist, herbalist, advanced practice nurse, pharmacist, physician, psychiatrist, veterinarian etc., for whom the medication prescribed is within their scope of practice to prescribe such treatments.
+ "On 6 April, news sources reported that some television anchors and journalists were being threatened by Tablighi Jamaat members for covering the ""role of Tablighi Jamaat in the spread of coronavirus."""
+ For example, 25% of the population reducing their social contacts to 50% of their normal level gives an effective reproduction number about 81% of the basic reproduction number.
+ setting norms and standards and promoting and monitoring their implementation;
+ In August 1865, Lister applied a piece of lint dipped in carbolic acid solution onto the wound of a seven-year-old boy at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, who had sustained a compound fracture after a cart wheel had passed over his leg. After four days, he renewed the pad and discovered that no infection had developed, and after a total of six weeks he was amazed to discover that the boy's bones had fused back together, without suppuration.
+ The WHO incorporated the assets, personnel, and duties of the League of Nations' Health Organisation and the Office International d'Hygiène Publique, including the International Classification of Diseases.
+ International and regional relations
+ On 9 March, the Ministry of Health confirmed that a preliminary coronavirus test had returned positive for a 53-year-old male who had returned from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 3 March.
+ Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology is primarily composed of infection prevention and control professionals with nursing or medical technology backgrounds
+ On 5 March, amidst a surge in fresh cases being confirmed in Delhi NCR, the Government of Delhi announced that all primary schools across Delhi would be shut until 31 March as a precaution.
+ Powers of Central Government
+ Kiku Sharda as Gajju
+ "On 4 April, it was reported that the Delhi Police had found more than 500 foreign preachers ""hiding in 16-17 places"" in the city."
+ shaping a research agenda and stimulating the generation, translation and dissemination of valuable knowledge;
+ Geomap and open data on the diffusion of COVID-19 in Italy.
+ According to OSHA, medium exposure risk jobs include those that require frequent or close contact within six feet (1.8 m) of people who are not known or suspected COVID-19 patients, but may be infected with SARS-CoV-2 due to ongoing community transmission around the business location, or because the individual has recent international travel to a location with widespread COVID-19 transmission.
+ On 24 March, starting 5 PM, entire state of West Bengal was put under a lockdown till 31 March.
+ Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases and historical data by Johns Hopkins University
+ 22 March: Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, the king of Bhutan, announced in a national address that the country's land borders would be sealed off.
+ Zhou Xianwang, the mayor of Wuhan who was widely criticized by the public and media due to slow responses said to the state media CCTV that the banquet was organized by the local community which had a long history of self-governance.
+ Schools in three areas including capital Thimphu were closed.
+ Organisation for Critical Care Transportation
+ Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
+ "First attested in English in 1676, the word hygiene comes from the French hygiène, the latinisation of the Greek ὑγιεινή (τέχνη) hygieinē technē, meaning ""(art) of health"", from ὑγιεινός hygieinos, ""good for the health, healthy"", in turn from ὑγιής (hygiēs), ""healthful, sound, salutary, wholesome""."
+ On 21 March, after confirming two positive cases of coronavirus, the state ordered 70 per cent lockdown, including its capital Bhubaneshwar.
+ "Kiara Advani Special appearance in song ""Kudi Nu Nachne De"""
+ As of 3 April, more than 950 confirmed cases were detected across 14 states and union territories in the country, including 97 percent of the total cases confirmed in the country on 2 and 3 April (647 out of 664 cases).
+ It was established in 1880 as a clinic under the Hankow's Catholic church.
+ Airborne precautions prevent transmission of infectious agents that remain infectious over long distances when suspended in the air (e.g., rubeola virus [measles], varicella virus [chickenpox], M. tuberculosis, and possibly SARS-CoV).
+ In the UK healthcare professionals have adopted the 'Ayliffe Technique', based on the 6 step method developed by Graham Ayliffe, JR Babb and AH Quoraishi.
+ The Government of Kerala had declared high alert from 4 to 8 February and then again starting 8 March 2020 due to coronavirus cases being reported in the state.
+ A.H.M.
+ The case fatality ratio for COVID-19 has been much lower than SARS of 2003, but the transmission has been significantly greater, with a significant total death toll.
+ Several other communities adopted similar measures.
+ Mask Dashboard, real-time public surgical mask inventory information of nationwide and municipalities in Korea
+ On the 7 April again no new cases and 205 people in quarantine,a reduction from the 311 on 4 April.
+ On 2 April, the Home Ministry identified 960 foreigners who took part in the event and blacklisted their visas for violation of The Foreigners Act, 1946 and Disaster Management Act, 2005, and asked the DGPs of respective states and union territories to initiate legal action against them.
+ The five key principles of food hygiene, according to WHO, are:
+ 259 of the 386 cases in Delhi and 140 of the 161 cases in Andhra Pradesh were linked to the event.
+ Store food at the proper temperature.
+ Reports on the COVID-19 pandemic in China, by the PRC National Health Commission
+ J Infect Dev Ctries 2011;5(2):114-118.
+ The practice became notable during the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic.
+ On 24 March, PM Narendra Modi announced a complete nationwide lockdown, starting from midnight for 21 days.
+ 12 members of Tablighi Jamaat were arrested on 5 April 2020 in Muzaffarnagar for defying the lockdown and organising an event.
+ Hygiene in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet
+ Mathematical modelling of infectious disease
+ There are many misconceptions about HIV and AIDS.
+ In 1976, the British public health scientist and health care critic, Thomas McKeown, MD, published The role of medicine: Dream, mirage or nemesis?, wherein he summarized facts and arguments that supported what became known as the McKeown's thesis, i.e. that the growth of population can be attributed to a decline in mortality from infectious diseases, primarily thanks to better nutrition, later also to better hygiene, and only marginally and late to medical interventions such as antibiotics and vaccines.
+ Depending on the work task, workers with at least medium exposure risk may need to wear personal protective equipment including some combination of gloves, a gown, a face shield or face mask, or goggles.
+ Planning and risk assessment
+ Safe disposal of medical waste.
+ Center for Emerging Infectious Disease
+ Extreme care in preparing raw foods, such as sushi and sashimi.
+ Union and state governments set up national and state helpline numbers.
+ "The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) created various levels of disease isolation (also described ""precaution"")."
+ National responses to the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic
+ The World Bank announced a $7.5 million grant to help Sierra Leone deal with the pandemic.
+ Vipul Tank as Lagnesh
+ Kareena Kapoor Khan as Officer Naina Kohli
+ If the infection is treatable, to help prevent reinfection of the originally infected patient
+ Chinese Virus Resources and Bioinformatics Center
+ It may also be spread from an infected mother to her baby during birth.
+ Inside Kikwit, the World Health Organization and Zaire's medical teams erected further cordons sanitaires, isolating burial and treatment zones from the general population and successfully containing the infection.
+ The following is the timeline of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic in India.
+ Increasingly, nonphysician providers are playing innovative roles in the ICU, and care provided by teams including nurse practitioners or physician assistants appears to be safe and comparable to that provided by other staffing models.
+ State governments took various measures to contain the spread of the virus.
+ On 10 April, the Government of Punjab extended lockdown in the state till April 30.
+ According to the WHO, outbreak investigations are meant to detect what is causing the outbreak, how the pathogenic agent is transmitted, where it all started from, what is the carrier, what is the population at risk of getting infected and what are the risk factors.
+ In 1796, Jenner took pus from the hand of a milkmaid with cowpox, scratched it into the arm of an 8-year-old boy, James Phipps, and six weeks later inoculated (variolated) the boy with smallpox, afterwards observing that he did not catch smallpox.
+ To learn about the epidemiology of a disease in a particular population
+ 2020 Italy coronavirus lockdown
+ 20 January – 17 February
+ An alternative view holds that unsafe medical practices in Africa after World War II, such as unsterile reuse of single-use syringes during mass vaccination, antibiotic and anti-malaria treatment campaigns, were the initial vector that allowed the virus to adapt to humans and spread.
+ The Ministry of External Affairs under Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Air India and the Indian Air Force have been successful in evacuating many Indian nationals and certain foreign nationals from the virus effected areas.
+ UFC 249: Ferguson vs. Gaethje is a mixed martial arts event produced by the Ultimate Fighting Championship expected to take place on May 9, 2020 at VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena in Jacksonville, Florida, United States.
+ Prior to the announcement of the nationwide lockdown, on 22 March, the government had announced that the Indian Railways would suspend passenger operations through 31 March.
+ The Ministry of Home Affairs, on 14 April, blacklisted and cancelled the tourist visas of around 960 foreign Tablighi Jamaat members for violating visa norms by entering India with a tourist visa but indulging illegally in missionary work in India.
+ In the United States, up to 20% of hospital beds can be labelled as intensive-care beds; in the United Kingdom, intensive care usually will comprise only up to 2% of total beds.
+ The government announced a 3-day lockdown starting on 5 April.
+ monitoring the health situation and assessing health trends.
+ "Lister's work led to a reduction in post-operative infections and made surgery safer for patients, distinguishing him as the ""father of modern surgery""."
+ For an initial period of 14 days all inter-district travel is restricted, a curfew from 2100 - 0600 is in effect, shops are to sell essential items only and people are to stay at home unless they have good reason not to. Face masks are strongly encouraged, especially in public places.
+ On 12 March, it announced closure of schools, colleges and cinema halls till the end of March and ordered disinfection of all public places as a precautionary measure.
+ Early response by Wuhan
+ A prescription, often abbreviated ℞ or Rx, is a health care program implemented by a physician or other qualified health care practitioner in the form of instructions that govern the plan of care for an individual patient.
+ The president of Sierra Leone confirmed the country's first case of coronavirus disease 2019 on 31 March, a 37-year-old man who traveled from France on 16 March and had been in isolation since.
+ Measures and impact in Hubei
+ ISBN 978-0-86577-727-9.
+ Graph source: Data from MoHFW
+ Early life and education
+ Dispose of tissues as soon as possible
+ During the sidelines of the World Economic Forum, Germany's health minister Jens Spahn praised China for its improved transparency since 2003.
+ The British NHS has announced that it is piloting a scheme to test suspected cases at home, which removes the risk of a patient infecting others if they come to a hospital or having to disinfect an ambulance if one is used.
+ 2019–2020 coronavirus pandemic by country and territory
+ Tamil Nadu was the worst affected state, as 364 of the 411 people who tested positive had attended the event.
+ Meghna Malik as Principal
+ asking friends, family members or delivery services to carry out errands, such as getting groceries, medicines or other shopping
+ In 1854, Florence Nightingale left for the Crimean War, where triage was used to separate seriously wounded soldiers from the non-life-threatening conditions.
+ United States House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Crisis
+ Thousands of migrants from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar gathered in Anand Vihar Bus Station on 29 March 2020.
+ Voluntary self-isolation may have helped reduce transmission of influenza in Texas in 2009.
+ Sophisticated modelling of the outbreak suggests that the number of cases in China would have been many times higher without interventions such as early detection, and isolation of the infected.
+ The numbers are from data published by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on their website.
+ Lister's name is one of twenty-three names featured on the Frieze of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine – although the committee which chose the names to include on the frieze did not provide documentation about why certain names were chosen and others were not.
+ On 23 January, WHO director-general, Tedros Adhanom and WHO regional director for the Western Pacific, Takeshi Kasai arrived in Beijing to discuss the new coronavirus outbreak with the Chinese authorities and health experts.
+ This has been described as the first time in 167 years that India's rail network had been suspended, although there was also a strike in 1974.
+ On 23 March, the state government imposed night curfew from 7 pm till 6 am. During the lockdown, no vehicles were not allowed on the roads.
+ A series of hotline numbers, email address and the Facebook page of the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) are provided for people to contact if they suspect Covid-19 infection or need more information.
+ From the perspective of epidemiology, the basic goal behind social distancing is to decrease the effective reproduction number,
+ The government of Assam started making isolation facilities in Sarusajai stadium and Nehru Stadium in Guwahati.
+ In cases of diseases of uncertain infectious potential, contact tracing is also sometimes performed to learn about disease characteristics, including infectiousness.
+ £838 per bed per day for a neonatal intensive care unit
+ Not licking fingers or hands while or after eating.
+ Prevent contaminating food with mixing chemicals, spreading from people, and animals.
+ Household water treatment and safe storage
+ Tuberculosis (TB).
+ Following the lockdown, India's electricity demand fell down to a five-month low on 28 March.
+ Engineering controls for this and higher risk groups include installing high-efficiency air filters, increasing ventilation rates, installing physical barriers such as clear plastic sneeze guards, and installing a drive-through window for customer service.
+ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Swine Flu
+ Home hygiene in developing countries
+ According to medieval historian Lynn Thorndike, people in Medieval Europe probably bathed more than people did in the 19th century.
+ "Possible reasons as to why infectious diseases are not viewed as a primary topic in medical ethics include the following: bias for topics that are more high-tech, wealthy-world topics such as euthanasia and assisted reproduction, blinding optimism that infectious diseases are no longer a threat because of the success of antibiotics and vaccines, and the labeling of ""other"" among certain infectious diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis, Ebola, etc."
+ The Lingshui China Masters badminton tournament, scheduled to commence on 25 February to 1 March 2020 was postponed to early May.
+ On 13 March, the Punjab governments declared holidays in all schools and colleges till 31 March
+ Lister was president of the Royal Society between 1895 and 1900.
+ 2020 coronavirus pandemic in South Asia
+ On 23 March, Collector of Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh has imposed Section 144 in the district till March 31.
+ 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in Asia
+ "AMR Industry Alliance, ""members from large R&D pharma, generic manufacturers, biotech, and diagnostic companies"""
+ 2020 coronavirus lockdown in India
+ Center of Applied and Environmental Microbiology
+ "Hong Kong has set up a scheme where suspected patients can stay home, ""[the] emergency department will give a specimen tube to the patient"", they spit into it, send it back and get a test result a while after."
+ Section 2 of the Act reads:
+ On 27 March 2020, the police arrested 8 people and registered a complaint against 150 people in Hardoi for gathering at a mosque.
+ By 9 April 2020, South Korea had about 10,423 cases and 204 deaths, with over 494,711 people having been tested, a case fatality rate of 1.95%, which is lower than the WHO's global case fatality rate of 4.34%.
+ Ranvir Shorey as Balashankar Tripathi / Bablu
+ On 26 January, the State Council extended the 2020 Spring Festival holiday to 2 February (Sunday, the ninth day of the first lunar month) with 3 February (Monday) marking the start of normal work.
+ "Workplace closures include closure of ""non-essential"" businesses and social services (""non-essential"" means those facilities that do not maintain primary functions in the community, as opposed to essential services)."
+ Following are some of the positive cases from different states as reported in media.
+ The government had also urged people to not undertake pilgrimages, attend large gatherings such as weddings and cinema shows.
+ By 21 January, government officials warned against hiding the disease.
+ Filtration using ceramic filters
+ Vaccines have been produced against several diseases caused by coronaviruses for animal use, including for infectious bronchitis virus in birds, canine coronavirus and feline coronavirus.
+ Of concern is recent data suggesting that, in reality, modern domestic washing machines do not reach the temperature specified on the machine controls.
+ China's 14th National Winter Games, originally scheduled for 16–26 February were also postponed.
+ In an op-ed in The New York Times, the CDDEP director Laxminarayan explained that if the national lockdown finds good compliance, it would reduce the peak infections in early May by 70 to 80 percent, but still 1 million would require hospitalisation and critical care.
+ When the Central Government is satisfied that India or any part thereof is visited by, or threatened with, an outbreak of any dangerous epidemic disease and that the ordinary provisions of the law for the time being in force are insufficient to prevent the outbreak of such disease or the spread thereof, the Central Government may take measures and prescribe regulations for the inspection of any ship or vessel leaving or arriving at any port and for such detention thereof, or of any person intending to sail therein, or arriving thereby, as may be necessary.3.
+ By gender and age
+ On 3 April 2020, Dr David Nabarro, WHO's special envoy on the disease, said that ‘Lockdown in India was early, far-sighted and courageous’ and was better than waiting for another 3 or 4 weeks.
+ Department of Analytical Biochemistry and Biotechnology
+ Anthrax is an infection caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis.
+ Given the impact of isolation on patients, social and emotional support may be needed.
+ Depending on the disease and the context of the infection, family members, health care providers, and anyone else who may have knowledge of the case's contacts may also be interviewed.
+ I refers to isolation and contact tracing of people,
+ Ignaz Semmelweis was born on 1 July 1818 in Tabán, a neighbourhood of Buda, Hungary, today part of Budapest.
+ On 23 March, starting 5 PM, Kolkata and several areas across West Bengal were put under a lockdown till 27 March.
+ Aarogya Setu crossed five million downloads within the three days of its launch, making it one of the most popular government apps in India It is the world's fastest-growing mobile app with more than 50 million installs on the platform, at just 13 days after launching in India on April 2, 2020.
+ In 1995, a cordon sanitaire was used to control an outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Kikwit, Zaire.
+ Cancellation of mass gatherings includes sports events, films or musical shows.
+ Details of the initial confirmed cases
+ In 2013 the International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene (IFH) reviewed some 30 studies of the hygiene effectiveness of laundering at temperatures ranging from room temperature to 70 °C, under varying conditions.
+ The total of confirmed cases is 203,591 with 27,682 deaths, and 71,252 recoveries or dismissals.
+ separating oneself from other people—for example, trying not to be in the same room as other people at the same time
+ Protection to persons acting under Act.
+ High-risk healthcare and mortuary workplaces
+ It stipulates mandatory use of: (1) gloves (or double gloves if appropriate), (2) protective eyewear (goggles or face shield), (3) a waterproof gown (or total body Tyvek suit, if appropriate), and (4) a respirator (at least FFP2 or N95 NIOSH equivalent), not simply a surgical mask.
+ £1,702 per bed per day for a pediatric intensive care unit
+ It is recommended that all healthy adults brush twice a day, softly, with the correct technique, replacing their toothbrush every few months (~3) or after a bout of illness.
+ Other commentators worried about the economic devastation caused by the lockdown, which has huge effects on informal workers, micro and small enterprises, farmers and the self-employed, who are left with no livelihood in the absence of transportation and access to markets.
+ Tillotama Shome as Consultant
+ On 13 March, the Government of Karnataka ordered the closure of malls, universities and colleges, movie theatres, night clubs, marriages and conferences and other public areas as a precautionary measure.
+ "In 1950, anesthesiologist Peter Safar established the concept of ""Advanced life support"", keeping patients sedated and ventilated in an intensive care environment."
+ Medical hygiene at home
+ Zakir Hussain as Judge Chedda
+ On 6 March, a resident of West Delhi, who had travelled to Malaysia and Thailand, was diagnosed with the virus.
+ 2020 coronavirus pandemic in India
+ Cancellations, delays and shutdowns
+ Chief minister Jai Ram Thakur said that the curfew will come into force in all 12 districts of the hill state at 5 pm on Tuesday.
+ In response to a polio epidemic (where many patients required constant ventilation and surveillance), Bjørn Aage Ibsen established the first intensive care unit in Copenhagen in 1953.
+ On 5 March, Government of Delhi announced closure of all primary schools across Delhi 31 March as a precaution.
+ Careful avoidance of meats contaminated by trichina worms, salmonella, and other pathogens; or thorough cooking of questionable meats.
+ On 22 March, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath announced the lockdown of fifteen districts in state, from 22 to 25 March, including Noida, Ghaziabad, Agra, Aligarh, Prayagraj, Kanpur, Varanasi, Bareilly, Lucknow, Saharanpur, Meerut, Lakhimpur, Azamgarh, Gorakhpur and others.
+ of their normal contacts, the new effective reproduction number
+ List of conspiracy theories
+ To offer diagnosis, counseling and treatment to already infected individuals
+ "CDC Guideline ""Management of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms in Healthcare Settings, 2006"""
+ Timeline of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic in India playlist on YouTube – COVID-19 Management videos by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
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+ "The Centre for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP) has issued a report in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University and Princeton University, where it said that a national lockdown is not ""productive"" and could cause ""serious economic damage""."
+ Use safe water and raw materials.
+ On 27 December, the doctor reported her discovery to her hospital and the hospital soon informed Jianghan CDC, thinking that this might be an infectious disease as it was indicated by the familial cluster.
+ Those having contact with or exposure to such a patient are required to wear a mask.
+ Home and everyday hygiene
+ On 21 March, the state government postponed the Class 10 SSLC board exams to beyond April 14, which were due to begin from March 27.
+ To alert contacts to the possibility of infection and offer preventive counseling or prophylactic care
+ On 25 March, before the country's first case was confirmed, the government declared a 12-month state of emergency.
+ A key event in the spread of the disease across Metropolitan France as well as its overseas territories was the annual assembly of the Christian Open Door Church between 17 and 24 February in Mulhouse which was attended by about 2,500 people, at least half of whom are believed to have contracted the virus.
+ On 27 March, the Reserve Bank of India announced a slew of measures to help mitigate the economic impacts of the lockdown.
+ Official website (in Chinese)
+ On 19 March Punjab School Education Board postponed all Board Exams of 10th and 12th classes.
+ "Michael Ryan, chief executive director of the World Health Organisation's health emergencies programme, said that India had ""tremendous capacity"" to deal with the coronavirus outbreak and, as the second most populous country, will have enormous impact on the world's ability to deal with it."
+ The lamps can be suspended above the water channel or submerged in the water flow.
+ Examples include the subunit vaccine against Hepatitis B virus that is composed of only the surface proteins of the virus (previously extracted from the blood serum of chronically infected patients, but now produced by recombination of the viral genes into yeast) or as an edible algae vaccine, the virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) that is composed of the viral major capsid protein, and the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase subunits of the influenza virus.
+ understanding how social and economic conditions impact health, disease and the practice of medicine and
+ "However, despite the expert-led investigation and early signs of human-to-human transmission including a hospital-acquired infection (nosocomial) case confirmed on 10 January according to Caixin, the local government of Wuhan denied any case of nosocomial infection and kept claiming that ""there was no clear sign of human-to-human transmission"" until 15 January when Wuhan's Municipal Health Commission (MHC) said on its website that ""the result of present investigation shows no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission, but this does not rule out the possibility of such a transmission."
+ The Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (WIV; Chinese: 中国科学院武汉病毒研究所) is a research institute on virology administered by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
+ On 19 March, Section 144 was imposed in Rajasthan after three of a family tested positive for coronavirus.
+ Antimicrobial Stewardship Project, at the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), University of Minnesota
+ Contact tracing generally involves the following steps:
+ "When Allah has given this disease, then no doctor or medicine can save us."" A day later, Kandhlawi released an audio message on YouTube from his hiding, saying, ""I am in self-quarantine in Delhi as advised by the doctors and appeal to all Jamaat wherever they are in the country to follow the directives of the law."""
+ Dimple Kapadia as Mrs. Sampada Kohli
+ What you need to know about influenza (flu) from CDC.
+ COVID-19 news
+ (in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Estonian, and Russian).
+ Once contacts are identified, public health workers contact them to offer counseling, screening, prophylaxis, and/or treatment.
+ On 12 March, the Chief Minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal announced that all schools, colleges and cinema halls in New Delhi would be closed till the end of March and all public places disinfected as a precautionary measure.
+ Manish Gandhi as Advait
+ On 28 March, Delhi government had set up over 500 hunger relief camps providing free food for people who have been left stranded due to the nationwide lockdown.
+ On 20 March, the Government of Tamil Nadu partially closed its borders with Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh on March 20 until March 31 and constituted a task force to closely monitor the preventive measures against the viral outbreak.
+ 2020 Malaysia movement control order
+ On 23 March, the state government imposed Section 144 from March 24 6 pm until March 31 which prohibits gatherings of more than 5 people.
+ Ministero della Salute.
+ Citizens Advice says that people on zero-hours contracts can also receive sick pay.
+ Home hygiene pertains to the hygiene practices that prevent or minimize the spread of disease at home and other everyday settings such as social settings, public transport, the workplace, public places, etc.
+ (1) When at any time the [State Government] is satisfied that [the State] or any part thereof is visited by, or threatened with, an outbreak of any dangerous epidemic disease, the [State Government], if [it] thinks that the ordinary provisions of the law for the time being in force are insufficient for the purpose, may take, or require or empower any person to take, such measures and, by public notice, prescribe such temporary regulations to be observed by the public or by any person or class of persons as [it] shall deem necessary to prevent the outbreak of such disease or the spread thereof, and may determine in what manner and by whom any expenses incurred (including compensation if any) shall be defrayed.2A.
+ On 22 March Punjab government declared complete Lockdown in state till 31 March 2020 except Emergency services along Kala Sanghian.
+ CM Yogi Adityanath announced on 21 March that the Uttar Pradesh government has decided to give ₹1,000 (US$14) to all daily wage laborers affected due to coronavirus in the state.
+ Separate raw and cooked foods to prevent contaminating the cooked foods.
+ Many forms of isolation exist.
+ Lister came from a prosperous Quaker home in West Ham, Essex, England, a son of wine merchant Joseph Jackson Lister, who was also a pioneer of achromatic object lenses for the compound microscope.
+ On 23 March, Punjab Governor V. P. Singh Badnore who is also union territory administrator imposed a curfew starting midnight of 24 March.
+ "The Ministry of Transport asked the local governments to take the principle of ""block one, not three (Chinese: 一断三不断)"", that is, to block the virus from spreading, but not to block roads, traffic and Internet access, the transportation of emergency supplies and the transportation of essential goods."
+ "Henk Bekedam, WHO Representative to India praised the response describing it as ""timely, comprehensive and robust""."
+ World Health Assembly and Executive Board
+ Any person disobeying any regulation or order made under this Act shall be deemed to have committed an offence punishable under section 188 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860).4.
+ On 10 March, Kerala announced closure of all schools and colleges across the state until 31 March, with effect from 11 March.
+ Since 24 January, many major attractions are shut down nationwide including the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing, Shanghai Disneyland, Pingyao Ancient City in Shanxi, Canton Tower in Guangdong, the Old Town of Lijiang, Yunnan and Mount Emei in Sichuan.
+ Other measures include shutting down or limiting mass transit and closure of sport facilities (community swimming pools, youth clubs, gymnasiums).
+ According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), lower exposure risk jobs have minimal occupational contact with the public and other coworkers, for which basic infection prevention measures are recommended, including hand washing, encouraging workers to stay home if they are sick, respiratory etiquette, and maintaining routine cleaning and disinfecting of the work environment.
+ Brain injury at Curlie
+ Graph source: Data from ICMR
+ On 28 January, the National Civil Service Bureau said that it would postpone the 2020 civil service recruitment examination, public selection and public selection interview time.
+ Confirmed cases crossed 100 on 15 March, 1,000 on 28 March, 5,000 on 7 April, 10,000 on 14 April, 20,000 on 22 April and 30,000 on 29 April.
+ The hospital was where staff ophthalmologist Dr. Li Wenliang became aware of a viral outbreak that was later linked to the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in China and beyond.
+ As of 2018, it has a budget of over $4.2 billion, most of which comes from voluntary contributions from member states.
+ Evidence suggesting that mass gatherings increase the potential for infectious disease transmission is inconclusive.
+ Shielding measures for individuals include limiting face-to-face contacts, conducting business by phone or online, avoiding public places and reducing unnecessary travel.
+ To interrupt ongoing transmission and reduce spread of an infection
+ The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 is a law which was first enacted to tackle bubonic plague in Mumbai (formerly Bombay) in former British India.
+ Medical hygiene practices include:
+ "Anushka Sharma Special appearance in song ""Kudi Nu Nachne De"""
+ (CDC; US Congress; CSPAN video/6:00; March 12, 2020)
+ On 12 January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed that a novel coronavirus was the cause of a respiratory illness in a cluster of people in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, which was reported to the WHO on 31 December 2019.
+ However, with modern prescribing habits, some parts are no longer applicable or included on an everyday basis.
+ Administrative controls for this and higher risk groups include encouraging sick workers to stay at home, replacing face-to-face meetings with virtual communications, establishing staggered shifts, discontinuing nonessential travel to locations with ongoing COVID-19 outbreaks, developing emergency communications plans including a forum for answering workers’ concerns, providing workers with up-to-date education and training on COVID-19 risk factors and protective behaviors, training workers who need to use protecting clothing and equipment how to use it, providing resources and a work environment that promotes personal hygiene, requiring regular hand washing, limiting customers' and the public's access to the worksite, and posting signage about hand washing and other COVID-19 protective measures.
+ The Nizamuddin Markaz's calendar shows three events scheduled during March: Aalmi Mashwara (international executive committee meeting) during 8–10 March, and provincial gatherings Andhra Pradesh jod during 15–17 March and Tamil Nadu jod during 22–24 March.
+ Aarogya Setu is currently available in 12 languages (English, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Bengali, Oriya, Gujarati, and Marathi, Assamese) and expected to be available in more Indian languages soon.
+ It was reported that air quality index of Delhi improved on 28 March 2020 after the lockdown and reduced vehicular movements.
+ £1,328 per bed per day for an adult intensive care unit
+ On 8 March 2020, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte expanded the quarantine to all of Lombardy and 14 other northern provinces, and on the following day to all of Italy, placing more than 60 million people in quarantine.
+ "John Mackenzie, a member of the World Health Organization's emergency committee criticized China for being too slow to share all of the infected cases, especially during major political meetings in Wuhan after Tedros Adhanom praised China for helping ""prevent the spread of coronavirus to the other countries."""
+ Penalty.
+ 2020 Tablighi Jamaat coronavirus hotspot in Pakistan
+ For commercial shipping, including cruise ships and other passenger vessels, hazard controls include postponing travel when sick, and self-isolating and informing the onboard medical center immediately if one develops a fever or other symptoms while on board.
+ On 28 March, the Uttar Pradesh government deployed 1000 UPSRTC buses to ferry migrant workers to their native districts during the nationwide lockdown.
+ In the United States, OSHA standards require that employers must provide readily accessible hand washing facilities, and must ensure that employees wash hands and any other skin with soap and water or flush mucous membranes with water as soon as feasible after contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM).
+ The Brain Injury Hub – information and practical advice to parents and family members of children with acquired brain injury
+ Works by or about Lord Lister at Internet Archive
+ Currently, the federal regulation that describes infection control standards, as related to occupational exposure to potentially infectious blood and other materials, is found at 29 CFR Part 1910.1030 Bloodborne pathogens.
+ On 30 January, India reported its first case of COVID-19 in Kerala, which rose to three cases by 3 February; all were students who had returned from Wuhan, China.
+ On 13 March, the Maharashtra Government declared the outbreak an epidemic in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Pune, Pimpri-Chinchwad and Nagpur, and invoked provisions of Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897.
+ Countries with particularly high rates of infection include Egypt (22%), Pakistan (4.8%) and China (3.2%).
+ Chief minister Arvind Kejriwal announced that from 23 to 31 March 2020, all domestic/international flights arriving to Delhi would be suspended.
+ Cook foods for the appropriate length of time and at the appropriate temperature to kill pathogens.
+ Media related to Press releases about the COVID-19 pandemic by Ministry of Health and Welfare (South Korea) at Wikimedia Commons
+ State level regulations (before 24 March)
+ Exodus of migrant workers
+ Poorvi Jain as Rashi Bansal
+ The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America is more heavily weighted towards practitioners who are physicians or doctoral-level epidemiologists.
+ Patients may be referred directly from an emergency department or from a ward if they rapidly deteriorate, or immediately after surgery if the surgery is very invasive and the patient is at high risk of complications.
+ The government was allowed to organize and coordinate treatment for the patients, make investigations into the epidemic area, declare certain areas in the province as an epidemic control area, issue compulsory orders, manage human movement, publish information and reports, sustain social stability and to do other work related to epidemic control.
+ No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against any person for anything done or in good faith intended to be done under this Act.
+ On 11 March 2020, the Cabinet Secretary of India, Rajiv Gauba, announced that all states and UTs should invoke provisions of Section 2 of the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897.
+ "On 14 March, the union government declared the pandemic as a ""notified disaster"" under the Disaster Management Act, 2005, enabling states to spend a larger part of funds from the State Disaster Response Fund to fight the virus."
+ Although contact tracing can be enhanced by letting patients provide information, medication, and referrals to their contacts, evidence demonstrates that direct public health involvement in notification is most effective.
+ Joseph Lister, 1st Baron Lister, (5 April 1827 – 10 February 1912), known between 1883 and 1897 as Sir Joseph Lister, Bt., was a British surgeon and a pioneer of antiseptic surgery.
+ On 15 March, a new initiative 'Break the Chain' aiming to educate people about the importance of public and personal hygiene was introduced by Government of Kerala.
+ During the 2003 SARS outbreak in Singapore, approximately 8000 people were subjected to mandatory home quarantine and an additional 4300 were required to self-monitor for symptoms and make daily telephone contact with health authorities as a means of controlling the epidemic.
+ Its current priorities include communicable diseases, particularly HIV/AIDS, Ebola, malaria and tuberculosis; non-communicable diseases such as heart disease and cancer; healthy diet, nutrition, and food security; occupational health; and substance abuse.
+ Proper bandaging and dressing of injuries.
+ Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center – U.S. Department of Defense Military Health System center for traumatic brain injury
+ The government of the Maldives and the Tourism Ministry of the Maldives with the guidance of the Health Protection Agency of the Maldives (HPA) placed a temporary travel restriction for the following countries to control new cases.
+ Karnataka has closed its borders with Kerala for vehicular traffic in the wake of six people testing positive for coronavirus in Kasargod district of Kerala, which lies on the border of Karnataka.
+ Seasonal Influenza.
+ On 1 April, Sierra Leone confirmed its second case who has no history of travel or contact with the country's first case.
+ use of a warm air hand dryer spread micro-organisms up to 0.25 metres from the dryer
+ Archived from the original on 5 July 2007.
+ Foodborne illness (also foodborne disease and colloquially referred to as food poisoning) is any illness resulting from the spoilage of contaminated food, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or parasites that contaminate food, as well as toxins such as poisonous mushrooms and various species of beans that have not been boiled for at least 10 minutes.
+ On 30 January, the state had put 78 people who arrived from China under quarantine.
+ If contacts are not individually identifiable (e.g. members of the public who attended the same location), broader communications may be issued, like media advisories.
+ Research shows that, if widely practiced, hand washing with soap could reduce diarrhea by almost fifty percent and respiratory infections by nearly twenty-five percent Hand washing with soap also reduces the incidence of skin diseases, eye infections like trachoma and intestinal worms, especially ascariasis and trichuriasis.
+ Socio-economic impact of the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic
+ Aarogya Setu (lit. 'Health Bridge') is a COVID-19 tracking mobile application developed by the National Informatics Centre that comes under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India.
+ Border restrictions or internal travel restrictions are unlikely to delay an epidemic by more than two to three weeks unless implemented with over 99% coverage.
+ The study found that the travel ban in Wuhan delayed the spread of the disease to other parts of mainland China only by three to five days, although it did reduce the spread of international cases by as much as 80 percent.
+ 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in Asia
+ Not using the same utensils to prepare different foods.
+ Drive-through centers have helped South Korea do some of the fastest, most-extensive testing of any country.
+ The 76-year-old American male was evacuated to the United States on 13 March.
+ On 16 March Punjab government issue an advisory to close gyms, restaurants, etc.
+ The app is also built on a platform that can provide Application Programming Interface (API) so that other computer programs, mobile applications and web services can make use of the features and data available of Aarogya setu.
+ On 22 March, the state government declared that Section 144 would be imposed across the state, with effect from 23 March, sending the state into a lockdown.
+ Using real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) the test can be done on respiratory samples obtained by various methods, including a nasopharyngeal swab or sputum sample.
+ "A Northeastern University study published in March 2020 found that ""travel restrictions to and from China only slow down the international spread of COVID-19 [when] combined with efforts to reduce transmission on a community and an individual level."
+ Works by or about Joseph Lister at Internet Archive
+ Traumatic Brain Injury: Methods for Clinical & Forensic Neuropsychiatric Assessment, Second Edition.
+ Ministry of Health (25 February 2020), National Preparedness and Response Plan for Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (PDF) (3 ed.), Thimphu: Ministry of Health, Royal Government of Bhutan
+ On 22 March, the Government of Rajasthan banned public transport services in the state.
+ On 6 April 2020, in Mumbai's Wockhardt Hospital, 26 nurses and 3 doctors were found to have been infected with the virus.
+ Pankaj Tripathi as Tony
+ 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic by country and territory
+ The governments Odisha, Punjab, Maharashtra, and West Bengal governments have extended the state lockdowns to 30 April.
+ Depending on regulation, recommendation, the specific work function, or personal preference, healthcare workers or first responders may receive vaccinations for hepatitis B; influenza; measles, mumps and rubella; Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis; N. meningitidis; and varicella.
+ On 17 March, Government of Telangana started implementing screening of people entering Telangana from Maharashtra at four entry points.
+ The Srinagar man who died on 26 March was identified as a super-spreader as he travelled by road, rail and air from Delhi to Srinagar via Uttar Pradesh, as officials feared that he may have spread it to several people along the way.
+ A recent study conducted in the United States found that hospital stays involving ICU services were 2.5 times more costly than other hospital stays.
+ The Indian state governments have responded to the 2020 coronavirus pandemic India with various declarations of emergency, closure of institutions and public meeting places, and other restrictions intended to contain the spread of the virus.
+ On 23 March, Chief Minister of Maharashtra announced that borders of all the districts will be closed, and a strict curfew will be implemented statewide.
+ On 30 January, the first case was confirmed in Kerala's Thrissur district in a student who had returned home for a vacation from Wuhan University in China.
+ "Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said on 21 January that the Chinese authorities would share information of the epidemic ""with the WHO, relevant nations and China's Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions in a timely manner including the genome sequence of the new coronavirus."""
+ On 20 March, the state government announced the closure of workplaces, excluding essential services and public transport, in Mumbai, Mumbai Metropolitan Region, Pune, Pimpri-Chinchwad and Nagpur until 31 March.
+ Strict border controls between Austria and the Ottoman Empire, imposed from 1770 until 1871 to prevent persons infected with the bubonic plague from entering Austria, were reportedly effective, as there were no major outbreaks of plague in Austrian territory after they were established, whereas the Ottoman Empire continued to suffer frequent epidemics of plague until the mid-nineteenth century.
+ articulating ethical and evidence-based policy options;
+ As of 29 April, France has reported over 128,442 confirmed cases, 24,087 deaths, and 48,228 recoveries, ranking sixth in number of confirmed cases, overtaking China where the outbreak began.
+ paper towels showed no significant spread of micro-organisms.
+ 20 March Punjab government also shuts down public transport in state from midnight of 20 March and prohibited gathering of more than 20 persons.
+ Some procedures (such as disposal of medical waste) were refined in response to late-20th century disease outbreaks, notably AIDS and Ebola.
+ The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies core functions of public health programs including:
+ The 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic was confirmed to have reached Sierra Leone on 31 March 2020.
+ Family and early life
+ "In early January 2020, the local government of Henan Province with its complete disinfection measures, effective and intensive publicity, a strong awareness of epidemic prevention and quarantine among the people, the setting up of return spots at the village entrance and even the use of garbage trucks, the digging of trenches to block roads connecting Hubei and the hanging of slogans such as ""return home with sickness is to dishonor your parents."""
+ In early March 2020, CEPI announced a US$2 billion funding goal in a global partnership between public, private, philanthropic, and civil society organisations to accelerate development of COVID‑19 vaccines, with commitments to date by the governments of Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, and the UK.
+ droplet contact (coughing or sneezing)
+ asking delivery drivers to leave items outside for collection.
+ Some regular hygiene practices may be considered good habits by the society, while the neglect of hygiene can be considered disgusting, disrespectful, or threatening.
+ 105 people were quarantined across Maharashtra for possible exposure to the virus, four of whom were kept under observation, as of 1 March, with the rest being discharged.
+ Since only quantitative evaluation can tell us whether one staffing model is better than another, we need more research from multiple sites to develop a consistent and integrated understanding of this complex topic.
+ On 24 March, Government of Haryana announced complete lockdown of the Haryana.
+ Discoveries of anti-bacterial effects of penicillium moulds before Fleming
+ Retrieved 27 March 2020.
+ Travel and entry restrictions
+ April – present outbreak
+ Phases of clinical research
+ serve as an early warning system for impending public health emergencies;
+ Power to take special measures and prescribe regulations as to dangerous epidemic disease
+ The Government of India issued a travel advisory to its citizens, particularly for Wuhan, where about 500 Indian medical students study.
+ On 18 March, the Federation of Trade Association of Pune announced that all shops, barring grocery stores and pharmacies, will be shut in the city, resulting in the closure of up to 40,000 shops.
+ In particular, public health surveillance programs can:
+ Seven cases were reported in Rajasthan - two each from Bhilwara and Dungarpur, and one each from Jaipur, Jodhpur and Churu.
+ In 2005, in a study conducted by TUV Produkt und Umwelt, different hand drying methods were evaluated.
+ Public health education and action
+ Bhutan Broadcasting Service, COVID-19 news
+ The goals of contact tracing are:
+ Response by the Central Government
+ On 20 March, in Lucknow all restaurants, hotels, sweet shops have been closed till 31 March.
+ Works by or about Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis at Internet Archive
+ Ankit Bisht as Anmol
+ The most popular, and most ported, version of Emacs is GNU Emacs, which was created by Richard Stallman for the GNU Project.
+ Definition: For a prescription to be accepted as a legal medical prescription, it needs to be filed by a qualified dentist, herbalist, advanced practice nurse, pharmacist, physician, psychiatrist, veterinarian etc., for whom the medication prescribed is within their scope of practice to prescribe such treatments.
+ "On 6 April, news sources reported that some television anchors and journalists were being threatened by Tablighi Jamaat members for covering the ""role of Tablighi Jamaat in the spread of coronavirus."""
+ For example, 25% of the population reducing their social contacts to 50% of their normal level gives an effective reproduction number about 81% of the basic reproduction number.
+ setting norms and standards and promoting and monitoring their implementation;
+ In August 1865, Lister applied a piece of lint dipped in carbolic acid solution onto the wound of a seven-year-old boy at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, who had sustained a compound fracture after a cart wheel had passed over his leg. After four days, he renewed the pad and discovered that no infection had developed, and after a total of six weeks he was amazed to discover that the boy's bones had fused back together, without suppuration.
+ The WHO incorporated the assets, personnel, and duties of the League of Nations' Health Organisation and the Office International d'Hygiène Publique, including the International Classification of Diseases.
+ International and regional relations
+ On 9 March, the Ministry of Health confirmed that a preliminary coronavirus test had returned positive for a 53-year-old male who had returned from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 3 March.
+ Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology is primarily composed of infection prevention and control professionals with nursing or medical technology backgrounds
+ On 5 March, amidst a surge in fresh cases being confirmed in Delhi NCR, the Government of Delhi announced that all primary schools across Delhi would be shut until 31 March as a precaution.
+ Powers of Central Government
+ Kiku Sharda as Gajju
+ "On 4 April, it was reported that the Delhi Police had found more than 500 foreign preachers ""hiding in 16-17 places"" in the city."
+ shaping a research agenda and stimulating the generation, translation and dissemination of valuable knowledge;
+ Geomap and open data on the diffusion of COVID-19 in Italy.
+ According to OSHA, medium exposure risk jobs include those that require frequent or close contact within six feet (1.8 m) of people who are not known or suspected COVID-19 patients, but may be infected with SARS-CoV-2 due to ongoing community transmission around the business location, or because the individual has recent international travel to a location with widespread COVID-19 transmission.
+ On 24 March, starting 5 PM, entire state of West Bengal was put under a lockdown till 31 March.
+ Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases and historical data by Johns Hopkins University
+ 22 March: Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, the king of Bhutan, announced in a national address that the country's land borders would be sealed off.
+ Zhou Xianwang, the mayor of Wuhan who was widely criticized by the public and media due to slow responses said to the state media CCTV that the banquet was organized by the local community which had a long history of self-governance.
+ Schools in three areas including capital Thimphu were closed.
+ Organisation for Critical Care Transportation
+ Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
+ "First attested in English in 1676, the word hygiene comes from the French hygiène, the latinisation of the Greek ὑγιεινή (τέχνη) hygieinē technē, meaning ""(art) of health"", from ὑγιεινός hygieinos, ""good for the health, healthy"", in turn from ὑγιής (hygiēs), ""healthful, sound, salutary, wholesome""."
+ On 21 March, after confirming two positive cases of coronavirus, the state ordered 70 per cent lockdown, including its capital Bhubaneshwar.
+ "Kiara Advani Special appearance in song ""Kudi Nu Nachne De"""
+ As of 3 April, more than 950 confirmed cases were detected across 14 states and union territories in the country, including 97 percent of the total cases confirmed in the country on 2 and 3 April (647 out of 664 cases).
+ It was established in 1880 as a clinic under the Hankow's Catholic church.
+ Airborne precautions prevent transmission of infectious agents that remain infectious over long distances when suspended in the air (e.g., rubeola virus [measles], varicella virus [chickenpox], M. tuberculosis, and possibly SARS-CoV).
+ In the UK healthcare professionals have adopted the 'Ayliffe Technique', based on the 6 step method developed by Graham Ayliffe, JR Babb and AH Quoraishi.
+ The Government of Kerala had declared high alert from 4 to 8 February and then again starting 8 March 2020 due to coronavirus cases being reported in the state.
+ A.H.M.
+ The case fatality ratio for COVID-19 has been much lower than SARS of 2003, but the transmission has been significantly greater, with a significant total death toll.
+ Several other communities adopted similar measures.
+ Mask Dashboard, real-time public surgical mask inventory information of nationwide and municipalities in Korea
+ On the 7 April again no new cases and 205 people in quarantine,a reduction from the 311 on 4 April.
+ On 2 April, the Home Ministry identified 960 foreigners who took part in the event and blacklisted their visas for violation of The Foreigners Act, 1946 and Disaster Management Act, 2005, and asked the DGPs of respective states and union territories to initiate legal action against them.
+ The five key principles of food hygiene, according to WHO, are:
+ 259 of the 386 cases in Delhi and 140 of the 161 cases in Andhra Pradesh were linked to the event.
+ Store food at the proper temperature.
+ Reports on the COVID-19 pandemic in China, by the PRC National Health Commission
+ J Infect Dev Ctries 2011;5(2):114-118.
+ The practice became notable during the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic.
+ On 24 March, PM Narendra Modi announced a complete nationwide lockdown, starting from midnight for 21 days.
+ 12 members of Tablighi Jamaat were arrested on 5 April 2020 in Muzaffarnagar for defying the lockdown and organising an event.
+ Hygiene in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet
+ Mathematical modelling of infectious disease
+ There are many misconceptions about HIV and AIDS.
+ In 1976, the British public health scientist and health care critic, Thomas McKeown, MD, published The role of medicine: Dream, mirage or nemesis?, wherein he summarized facts and arguments that supported what became known as the McKeown's thesis, i.e. that the growth of population can be attributed to a decline in mortality from infectious diseases, primarily thanks to better nutrition, later also to better hygiene, and only marginally and late to medical interventions such as antibiotics and vaccines.
+ Depending on the work task, workers with at least medium exposure risk may need to wear personal protective equipment including some combination of gloves, a gown, a face shield or face mask, or goggles.
+ Planning and risk assessment
+ Safe disposal of medical waste.
+ Center for Emerging Infectious Disease
+ Extreme care in preparing raw foods, such as sushi and sashimi.
+ Union and state governments set up national and state helpline numbers.
+ "The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) created various levels of disease isolation (also described ""precaution"")."
+ National responses to the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic
+ The World Bank announced a $7.5 million grant to help Sierra Leone deal with the pandemic.
+ Vipul Tank as Lagnesh
+ Kareena Kapoor Khan as Officer Naina Kohli
+ If the infection is treatable, to help prevent reinfection of the originally infected patient
+ Chinese Virus Resources and Bioinformatics Center
+ It may also be spread from an infected mother to her baby during birth.
+ Inside Kikwit, the World Health Organization and Zaire's medical teams erected further cordons sanitaires, isolating burial and treatment zones from the general population and successfully containing the infection.
+ The following is the timeline of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic in India.
+ Increasingly, nonphysician providers are playing innovative roles in the ICU, and care provided by teams including nurse practitioners or physician assistants appears to be safe and comparable to that provided by other staffing models.
+ State governments took various measures to contain the spread of the virus.
+ On 10 April, the Government of Punjab extended lockdown in the state till April 30.
+ According to the WHO, outbreak investigations are meant to detect what is causing the outbreak, how the pathogenic agent is transmitted, where it all started from, what is the carrier, what is the population at risk of getting infected and what are the risk factors.
+ In 1796, Jenner took pus from the hand of a milkmaid with cowpox, scratched it into the arm of an 8-year-old boy, James Phipps, and six weeks later inoculated (variolated) the boy with smallpox, afterwards observing that he did not catch smallpox.
+ To learn about the epidemiology of a disease in a particular population
+ 2020 Italy coronavirus lockdown
+ 20 January – 17 February
+ An alternative view holds that unsafe medical practices in Africa after World War II, such as unsterile reuse of single-use syringes during mass vaccination, antibiotic and anti-malaria treatment campaigns, were the initial vector that allowed the virus to adapt to humans and spread.
+ The Ministry of External Affairs under Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Air India and the Indian Air Force have been successful in evacuating many Indian nationals and certain foreign nationals from the virus effected areas.
+ UFC 249: Ferguson vs. Gaethje is a mixed martial arts event produced by the Ultimate Fighting Championship expected to take place on May 9, 2020 at VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena in Jacksonville, Florida, United States.
+ Prior to the announcement of the nationwide lockdown, on 22 March, the government had announced that the Indian Railways would suspend passenger operations through 31 March.
+ The Ministry of Home Affairs, on 14 April, blacklisted and cancelled the tourist visas of around 960 foreign Tablighi Jamaat members for violating visa norms by entering India with a tourist visa but indulging illegally in missionary work in India.
+ In the United States, up to 20% of hospital beds can be labelled as intensive-care beds; in the United Kingdom, intensive care usually will comprise only up to 2% of total beds.
+ The government announced a 3-day lockdown starting on 5 April.
+ monitoring the health situation and assessing health trends.
+ "Lister's work led to a reduction in post-operative infections and made surgery safer for patients, distinguishing him as the ""father of modern surgery""."
+ For an initial period of 14 days all inter-district travel is restricted, a curfew from 2100 - 0600 is in effect, shops are to sell essential items only and people are to stay at home unless they have good reason not to. Face masks are strongly encouraged, especially in public places.
+ On 12 March, it announced closure of schools, colleges and cinema halls till the end of March and ordered disinfection of all public places as a precautionary measure.
+ Early response by Wuhan
+ A prescription, often abbreviated ℞ or Rx, is a health care program implemented by a physician or other qualified health care practitioner in the form of instructions that govern the plan of care for an individual patient.
+ The president of Sierra Leone confirmed the country's first case of coronavirus disease 2019 on 31 March, a 37-year-old man who traveled from France on 16 March and had been in isolation since.
+ Measures and impact in Hubei
+ ISBN 978-0-86577-727-9.
+ Graph source: Data from MoHFW
+ Early life and education
+ Dispose of tissues as soon as possible
+ During the sidelines of the World Economic Forum, Germany's health minister Jens Spahn praised China for its improved transparency since 2003.
+ The British NHS has announced that it is piloting a scheme to test suspected cases at home, which removes the risk of a patient infecting others if they come to a hospital or having to disinfect an ambulance if one is used.
+ 2019–2020 coronavirus pandemic by country and territory
+ Tamil Nadu was the worst affected state, as 364 of the 411 people who tested positive had attended the event.
+ Meghna Malik as Principal
+ asking friends, family members or delivery services to carry out errands, such as getting groceries, medicines or other shopping
+ In 1854, Florence Nightingale left for the Crimean War, where triage was used to separate seriously wounded soldiers from the non-life-threatening conditions.
+ United States House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Crisis
+ Thousands of migrants from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar gathered in Anand Vihar Bus Station on 29 March 2020.
+ Voluntary self-isolation may have helped reduce transmission of influenza in Texas in 2009.
+ Sophisticated modelling of the outbreak suggests that the number of cases in China would have been many times higher without interventions such as early detection, and isolation of the infected.
+ The numbers are from data published by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on their website.
+ Lister's name is one of twenty-three names featured on the Frieze of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine – although the committee which chose the names to include on the frieze did not provide documentation about why certain names were chosen and others were not.
+ On 23 January, WHO director-general, Tedros Adhanom and WHO regional director for the Western Pacific, Takeshi Kasai arrived in Beijing to discuss the new coronavirus outbreak with the Chinese authorities and health experts.
+ This has been described as the first time in 167 years that India's rail network had been suspended, although there was also a strike in 1974.
+ On 23 March, the state government imposed night curfew from 7 pm till 6 am. During the lockdown, no vehicles were not allowed on the roads.
+ A series of hotline numbers, email address and the Facebook page of the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) are provided for people to contact if they suspect Covid-19 infection or need more information.
+ From the perspective of epidemiology, the basic goal behind social distancing is to decrease the effective reproduction number,
+ The government of Assam started making isolation facilities in Sarusajai stadium and Nehru Stadium in Guwahati.
+ In cases of diseases of uncertain infectious potential, contact tracing is also sometimes performed to learn about disease characteristics, including infectiousness.
+ £838 per bed per day for a neonatal intensive care unit
+ Not licking fingers or hands while or after eating.
+ Prevent contaminating food with mixing chemicals, spreading from people, and animals.
+ Household water treatment and safe storage
+ Tuberculosis (TB).
+ Following the lockdown, India's electricity demand fell down to a five-month low on 28 March.
+ Engineering controls for this and higher risk groups include installing high-efficiency air filters, increasing ventilation rates, installing physical barriers such as clear plastic sneeze guards, and installing a drive-through window for customer service.
+ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Swine Flu
+ Home hygiene in developing countries
+ According to medieval historian Lynn Thorndike, people in Medieval Europe probably bathed more than people did in the 19th century.
+ "Possible reasons as to why infectious diseases are not viewed as a primary topic in medical ethics include the following: bias for topics that are more high-tech, wealthy-world topics such as euthanasia and assisted reproduction, blinding optimism that infectious diseases are no longer a threat because of the success of antibiotics and vaccines, and the labeling of ""other"" among certain infectious diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis, Ebola, etc."
+ The Lingshui China Masters badminton tournament, scheduled to commence on 25 February to 1 March 2020 was postponed to early May.
+ On 13 March, the Punjab governments declared holidays in all schools and colleges till 31 March
+ Lister was president of the Royal Society between 1895 and 1900.
+ 2020 coronavirus pandemic in South Asia
+ On 23 March, Collector of Nellore district of Andhra Pradesh has imposed Section 144 in the district till March 31.
+ 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in Asia
+ "AMR Industry Alliance, ""members from large R & D pharma, generic manufacturers, biotech, and diagnostic companies"""
+ 2020 coronavirus lockdown in India
+ Center of Applied and Environmental Microbiology
+ "Hong Kong has set up a scheme where suspected patients can stay home, ""[the] emergency department will give a specimen tube to the patient"", they spit into it, send it back and get a test result a while after."
+ Section 2 of the Act reads:
+ On 27 March 2020, the police arrested 8 people and registered a complaint against 150 people in Hardoi for gathering at a mosque.
+ By 9 April 2020, South Korea had about 10,423 cases and 204 deaths, with over 494,711 people having been tested, a case fatality rate of 1.95%, which is lower than the WHO's global case fatality rate of 4.34%.
+ Ranvir Shorey as Balashankar Tripathi / Bablu
+ On 26 January, the State Council extended the 2020 Spring Festival holiday to 2 February (Sunday, the ninth day of the first lunar month) with 3 February (Monday) marking the start of normal work.
+ "Workplace closures include closure of ""non-essential"" businesses and social services (""non-essential"" means those facilities that do not maintain primary functions in the community, as opposed to essential services)."
+ Following are some of the positive cases from different states as reported in media.
+ The government had also urged people to not undertake pilgrimages, attend large gatherings such as weddings and cinema shows.
+ By 21 January, government officials warned against hiding the disease.
+ Filtration using ceramic filters
+ Vaccines have been produced against several diseases caused by coronaviruses for animal use, including for infectious bronchitis virus in birds, canine coronavirus and feline coronavirus.
+ Of concern is recent data suggesting that, in reality, modern domestic washing machines do not reach the temperature specified on the machine controls.
+ China's 14th National Winter Games, originally scheduled for 16–26 February were also postponed.
+ In an op-ed in The New York Times, the CDDEP director Laxminarayan explained that if the national lockdown finds good compliance, it would reduce the peak infections in early May by 70 to 80 percent, but still 1 million would require hospitalisation and critical care.
+ When the Central Government is satisfied that India or any part thereof is visited by, or threatened with, an outbreak of any dangerous epidemic disease and that the ordinary provisions of the law for the time being in force are insufficient to prevent the outbreak of such disease or the spread thereof, the Central Government may take measures and prescribe regulations for the inspection of any ship or vessel leaving or arriving at any port and for such detention thereof, or of any person intending to sail therein, or arriving thereby, as may be necessary.3.
+ By gender and age
+ On 3 April 2020, Dr David Nabarro, WHO's special envoy on the disease, said that ‘Lockdown in India was early, far-sighted and courageous’ and was better than waiting for another 3 or 4 weeks.
+ Department of Analytical Biochemistry and Biotechnology
+ Anthrax is an infection caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis.
+ Given the impact of isolation on patients, social and emotional support may be needed.
+ Depending on the disease and the context of the infection, family members, health care providers, and anyone else who may have knowledge of the case's contacts may also be interviewed.
+ I refers to isolation and contact tracing of people,
+ Ignaz Semmelweis was born on 1 July 1818 in Tabán, a neighbourhood of Buda, Hungary, today part of Budapest.
+ On 23 March, starting 5 PM, Kolkata and several areas across West Bengal were put under a lockdown till 27 March.
+ Aarogya Setu crossed five million downloads within the three days of its launch, making it one of the most popular government apps in India It is the world's fastest-growing mobile app with more than 50 million installs on the platform, at just 13 days after launching in India on April 2, 2020.
+ In 1995, a cordon sanitaire was used to control an outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Kikwit, Zaire.
+ Cancellation of mass gatherings includes sports events, films or musical shows.
+ Details of the initial confirmed cases
+ In 2013 the International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene (IFH) reviewed some 30 studies of the hygiene effectiveness of laundering at temperatures ranging from room temperature to 70 °C, under varying conditions.
+ The total of confirmed cases is 203,591 with 27,682 deaths, and 71,252 recoveries or dismissals.
+ separating oneself from other people—for example, trying not to be in the same room as other people at the same time
+ Protection to persons acting under Act.
+ High-risk healthcare and mortuary workplaces
+ It stipulates mandatory use of: (1) gloves (or double gloves if appropriate), (2) protective eyewear (goggles or face shield), (3) a waterproof gown (or total body Tyvek suit, if appropriate), and (4) a respirator (at least FFP2 or N95 NIOSH equivalent), not simply a surgical mask.
+ £1,702 per bed per day for a pediatric intensive care unit
+ It is recommended that all healthy adults brush twice a day, softly, with the correct technique, replacing their toothbrush every few months (~3) or after a bout of illness.
+ Other commentators worried about the economic devastation caused by the lockdown, which has huge effects on informal workers, micro and small enterprises, farmers and the self-employed, who are left with no livelihood in the absence of transportation and access to markets.
+ Tillotama Shome as Consultant
+ On 13 March, the Government of Karnataka ordered the closure of malls, universities and colleges, movie theatres, night clubs, marriages and conferences and other public areas as a precautionary measure.
+ "In 1950, anesthesiologist Peter Safar established the concept of ""Advanced life support"", keeping patients sedated and ventilated in an intensive care environment."
+ Medical hygiene at home
+ Zakir Hussain as Judge Chedda
+ On 6 March, a resident of West Delhi, who had travelled to Malaysia and Thailand, was diagnosed with the virus.
+ 2020 coronavirus pandemic in India
+ Cancellations, delays and shutdowns
+ Chief minister Jai Ram Thakur said that the curfew will come into force in all 12 districts of the hill state at 5 pm on Tuesday.
+ In response to a polio epidemic (where many patients required constant ventilation and surveillance), Bjørn Aage Ibsen established the first intensive care unit in Copenhagen in 1953.
+ On 5 March, Government of Delhi announced closure of all primary schools across Delhi 31 March as a precaution.
+ Careful avoidance of meats contaminated by trichina worms, salmonella, and other pathogens; or thorough cooking of questionable meats.
+ On 22 March, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath announced the lockdown of fifteen districts in state, from 22 to 25 March, including Noida, Ghaziabad, Agra, Aligarh, Prayagraj, Kanpur, Varanasi, Bareilly, Lucknow, Saharanpur, Meerut, Lakhimpur, Azamgarh, Gorakhpur and others.
+ of their normal contacts, the new effective reproduction number
+ List of conspiracy theories
+ To offer diagnosis, counseling and treatment to already infected individuals
+ "CDC Guideline ""Management of Multidrug-Resistant Organisms in Healthcare Settings, 2006"""
+ Timeline of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic in India playlist on YouTube – COVID-19 Management videos by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
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