I was fifteen when I talked to Joe just after he announced that he had "come out." I asked him what it meant by coming out. He told me he liked guys and he was not attracted to girls. I asked him wasn't it disgusting, you know, guy-to-guy sex. He laughed and asked me a couple of questions, "Would you let your girl friend suck your dick?" I thought and replied, "Hell yea." He asked, "Would you kiss her after she sucked you off?" I thought again and replied, "Yea, I would." Joe then asked if I thought my girl friend was disgusting. I got his meaning. I guess sex is only disgusting if someone else does "it." But it's "OK" between my girl and me. I had never thought of "it" that way. Because I thought of myself as a normal teen, I never was ready to try "queer stuff." Joey went on to say even straight males and females consider some form of gay sex at some point. This was a challenge to my virility, as I answered, "I never have." He laughed as he said, "Sure, just thinking of it doesn't make you gay." He went on, "You don't become gay, just like you don't become straight. I didn't choose to be gay. It must be in my genes. Other boys, never girls, have always excited me. In my sixteen years, I have played little league ball, I have joined scouts, and other normal boy things. These didn't make me straight. I like some girls and had dreams of dating. If I could choose, I'd be straight. But just like my cock, it don't work that way." Later that day, I met my best friend, Jimmy. I asked him if he ever thought of trying gay sex. He gave me one of his looks and asked, "Is this an offer?" I laughed and told him of my talk with Joe. He said he thought Joe was right. He said he saw a program on Public TV that confirmed Joe's statements. I then asked, "Well have you?" Jimmy's face was red as he said, "you're my best friend so I'll answer, but if you laugh at me or tell anyone else, I'll kick your ass, do you understand?" This mystery had me puzzled. What could Jimmy tell me. I have known him since kindergarten. I looked at him and said, "I understand." He started his tale, "I've thought about doing things with other guy's. I've never tried anything but if I thought I could do it and no one find out, I would try." I asked him what kind of things he would try and who are the guys he would do things with. Jimmy went on "You know this is weird, I've never talked like this, you planning on becoming a shrink? Well anyway what did you ask? Yea, who, well Gary, I saw his cock in the showers after cross-country, He's hung, well don't take this the wrong way, but you. Um what would I do, um, maybe suck or fuck, I guess try anything." This confession shocked the hell out of me. I looked into the eyes of my best friend. "You mean you would suck my dick if no one would find out about it." He looked at me kind of puzzled and said "That's not what I said." I replied back "yea it is, you just said it." Jimmy said, "If no one would find out. Including you." That caused me to challenge him, "How could you have sex with me and I not find out?" He didn't say anything for a long time, before I said, "I guess I went to far, huh?" This statement sent Jimmy into a rage. "You ask me a question and I answer honestly and you think I'm queer because I had fantasies of doing things. You don't have a clue as to the difference between straight and gay. You just act like a jerk, when I was serious. Go fuck yourself." Well, we were still friends and after a while he asked me why I wanted to know what he and Joe thought. He asked me, "You have questions about yourself?" I thought and replied, "Earlier I didn't think so, but after you, um, I guess, it kind of excited me when you said me. I mean you and me, yea, I guess I wonder." Jimmy just laughed and kidding said, "That's it then, well go get a motel room and blow each other, we'll both have our curiosity answered, huh?" This caused me to react, "I was not making fun of you, I was just curious why someone like Joe would suck dicks and tell others about it. You said yourself you would only suck my dick if no one knew, even me. That means you would have to drug me... can you cum if you are drugged? (Sorry, just humor.) Joe tells everyone that he is gay, he's proud. I don't understand." Jimmy looked down, "I didn't mean you'd need to be drugged. I'd want you to... um, what I did to you. This is stupid, we started out curious and now it's like we are setting up a date. Are we?" I looked at my friend, "Boy, you get right down to the nitty-gritty. Yea, I'd like to find out things. I know I'm not gay, girls cause my dick to harden, not guys. How about you?" Jimmy replied, "I'm not gay either, we should set up rules as to what and how." I answered, "You said you wanted to suck and fuck, each other, this means we've gotta cum twice or more, Can we do this with one meeting, and when?" "If you really want to do it, we should do it today, I'll back out later, this isn't just a movie or ball game, were talking about gay sex." Jimmy said. "OK, lets go, lets do it now, we can go up to the rock cliffs, it'll give us privacy." Joe looked into my face and asked, "You sure, I don't know... how do we start... you sure." I answered, "Yea, lets do it." We went to the cliffs, but both of us were unsure how to begin our experiment with guy-to-guy sex. Jimmy looked at me and asked, "You never answered how do we start?" I replied, "We should get naked first, I guess." Jimmy looked at me and started removing his clothes. I followed his lead. Soon we were completely naked. I started to regret my actions. "I don't know if I can suck your dick, Jimmy. I don't mind you going down on me, you can corn hole me. I just don't know if I can do anything." Jimmy said "Relax, Clay, just do what you feel comfort with. I'll take the lead." I replied, "OK!" I leaned back and spread my legs wide apart, my six inches sticking up towards my belly button. So with a little more verbal prodding from Jimmy, "Come on, its only skin and muscle, no different than your thumb, OK? No one will know!" I looked at my thumb and placed it on my lips, I let it slide into my mouth, I thought not bad, but not good. I took Jimmy's hand, I pulled it toward my mouth, and I sucked his thumb into my mouth. Jimmy pulled his hand back and said wrong finger. He shot me the bird with his middle finger, placing the tip of his finger on my lips. I sucked his finger as he pushed it in and out of my mouth. He fucked my mouth with his middle finger. Jimmy said, "Look down." When my gaze fell, I noticed our two hard cocks. I asked Jimmy to sit on the rock - before I lost my nerve. He spread his legs as I crawled up to him. I moved my lips over his cock head. Jimmy got real excited and thrust his hips up while I worked my young mouth for the first time on a swollen piece of meat. I don't think I sucked more than a minute when he suddenly pushed my head down on his cock and started to shoot in my mouth. I let him shoot, his hot cream spurting against the roof of my mouth. I tasted cum for the first time as I let him finish in my mouth although, I was determined not to swallow his load. As he finished, he began to relax and lay back, and I pulled off his slimy rod. I started to gag at having his cum in my mouth. I moved my head and spit the cream on the ground, then I licked my mouth and lips. Jimmy and I moved around where he was between my legs. I waited as he began to lick my cock. He took it into his mouth and started sucking. He finished me after a few minutes. He also spit my cum on the ground. After we shot our loads that day, the desire to continue went away and shame crept in. Jimmy and I are still best friends. We have never discussed that day at the rocks nor have we tried to experiment again. While I'm still sure I'm straight and, girls still give me boners and guys don't, I think, I understand Joe more now. For Jimmy and I, guy-to-guy sex was just an experiment. For Joe, it was his sexual drive and for Joe it was his sexual preference. END
...entering her house, Becky was unsure if she wanted to get even with Jeff or continue seeing him and allowing him to give her sexual pleasure as she had just felt. Walking towards her room she was stopped by her father and he asked her, "Where have you been Becky? You were suppose to be home two hours ago. Can't you be trusted to follow your mother's and my rules? For being late your not allowed to date for another month." Not one to argue with her parents as her friends were prone to do Becky walked up to father and told him, "Dad, I'm really sorry but Jeff and I were just walking around the lake and it was so nice to see the stars and watch the moon shining on the lake water. Please don't give me restrictions as I just wanted to watch things with Jeff. He is really nice dad. OK? Tell me you'll give me another chance to prove I can follow your instructions but don't stop me from going out for a whole month. I'll die if I have to stay home, especially as I just started dating and all my friends will laugh at me. Please dad?"Looking down at his pretty daughter as he felt her hug him while telling him she would follow his rules if he gave her another chance. Ted hugged his only child and kissed her on the side of her face and asked, "You're sure? You're not trying to fool your dad are you Becky Poo?" Wrapping her arms around her dad, Becky replied, "Dad, you know I would not tell you a fib. And will you stop calling me Becky Poo? I'm grown up now so you can call me Becky or Miss Becky but not Becky Poo. Do you still think I'm still a little girl?" Laying in bed, Becky started thinking about all that had happened to her tonight with Jeff. As much as she enjoyed the sex with Jeff she was determined to get even with him. Reaching for the phone she called Jan. When Jan answered the phone Becky told her about she and Jeff and what happened. "You mean your not a virgin any more?" Man what a trip. Tomorrow I'll come over and you can fill me in on all the details. GOD! Becky your not a virgin! So now we are even more alike. And Jeff got us both. I heard he has done over a dozen girls that were virgins and now he has gotten both of us. God, Becky, I'm scarred about what will happen when our friends find out. Becky told her best friend, "Jan, his being my first meant nothing to him and I'm going to get even with Jeff for his being an asshole. I'm going to call Rob and asks him out and let him do me. He's Jeff's best friend and Jeff will be pissed. See your tomorrow. Got to call Rob. Night." When Rob answered the phone and heard Becky ask him out he was speechless. Especially as Jeff had just gotten off the phone and told him about getting Becky's cherry. Now she wanted me to come over to the roadside market and see her tomorrow and even take her out tomorrow night. The following evening Becky ran out to Rob's car when he drove up about 7:15 and when she got in the car she did not keep her skirt from hiking up around her legs till her panties were almost in full view for Rob's eyes. However, what Rob didn't know was she hadn't worn them as she wanted to tease Rob and let him thing about what she might do but had no intentions of following through on. Going into the hangout in town with Rob she knew would soon be know by Jeff. Yet after about a half an hour Becky asked Rob, Can we ride around? Where can we go to be alone that Jeff can't find us? Don't go to the lake as he might come out there." Rob drove out of town to the old strip mine that was on the backside of his parent's land that was only used for hunting and hiking. Pulling into the far end of the road where the sulfur water pond was and where the coal had been dug out, Rob stopped the car. Turning in the seat towards Becky he saw that her legs were folded under her and her skirt was high enough up her legs that he could see what was assuredly her pubic area. For Becky, knowing that she was allowing Rob to look up her skirt but hoping he couldn't view her sex, was the start of getting even with Jeff. She felt that allowing Rob some view of her and maybe even letting him kiss her and possibly touch her breast, was the first of her plans to fix Jeff for being crude. Then Becky reached out for Rob's hand and when she held it in hers, pulled him towards her in the age old look and body action to let him know he could kiss her. Her smile promised even more possibilities. Unknown to Becky, Rob was still a virgin himself. His comments to girls was only a front. Now he felt was his time to find out about sex. His kips kissed Becky and his hand went directly under her skirt. Before Becky could stop him< Rob's fingers were playing in her soft hair and his fingers were moving inside her pussy. This Rob had done before but now he planned on having sex for the first time. Without asking Rob started removing Becky's clothing. She decided to go along with him and then stop him at the last minute. What she didn't realize was the plan Rob had for her. By now Becky was undress, as she was only wearing a skirt, blouse and sandals. No bra or panties hindered Rob as he prepared to take his first girl. He removed his shorts and boxers and lay Becky down on the seat. He didn't give her time to realize what he was doing as he told her, "I'll just touch yours with mine. Okay Becky?" Thinking that was what she had planned she partied her legs as Rob moved atop her. With a quick shove Rob buried his cock up Becky as she cried out, "NO! Stop!!! Rob, take it out I don't want sex. N-no, NOOOOO!" But it was to late. Rob was in her and he ejaculated after about 8 strokes. After he went off, Rob rose from the seat and away from Becky's body. As he looked down he saw him cum leaking from Becky's young pussy. "Damn Becky. I see my cum running out of your cunt. Shit, that's wild." After about an hour Rob convinced Becky to have sex again and she felt that he already had once so this time maybe it will be good for me and he won't be so quick to go off. Before the date ended and less that three hours from the time Rob had picked Becky up for their date, he had done her three times. Man what a way to get your first piece of ass, Rob thought. Shit, he knew Jeff was really going to be pissed. *The next day Becky called Doug, who was the biggest football player on the school team where Jan attended. Doug at first said he couldn't go our Friday night because of his girlfriend but Becky said they could just go for a ride and no one would know they went out together. The following Friday Becky went out with Doug and they had sex together twice. For the next two months Becky was having sex with any guy she could get. Including Jeff who still believed he was the only one doing her. All the guys were afraid to tell anyone about having sex with Becky as Jeff was considered really tough and mean. Becky determined she had been with 22 guys and had sex about 70 times. Then she found out she was with child. Jeff and Becky were married and he never knew about Becky's other lovers. ***~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 25
Over Larissa? Like Hell I was!Certainly, 'passing the baton' as it were, had seemed smooth enough. I was delighted that she and Chris had developed the bond they had at the very end of the "Harper interlude." Not only was I comfortable in the knowledge that like us, she and her father had seceded from the group but by forming an attachment with my son - I saw more of her now than at any time during the frenetic partying. They seemed both compatible and emotionally linked - I have never once seen or heard them arguing and she became as regular a fixture at our dinner table as any of my four. We still talked as we always had, she never failed to give me a goodnight kiss before Chris would take her home or George, pick her up. Speaking of George, he and I would often go to the local tavern for many pleasant hours of two-way vocalised indulgence. On much the same wavelength, we were never short of a subject for conversation let's say. Whenever the subject of Harper Valley came up - and that actually was very rarely - he would freely admit to missing the physical side of things with my three - little Jenna especially, for whom I know he still carries a flame, one of glowing intensity if the truth be known. One has only to watch his reactions when around her, just the little things - how he looks into her eyes when she is talking. The occasional contact with her hand or shoulder - all the quintessential gentlemanly quirks. I, of all people should recognize the symptoms, being thus afflicted in Larissa's presence.I must openly confess, nothing would have given me greater pleasure than to see Jenna form a deeper attachment for him, despite the uncompromising age difference. She will never find anyone who loves her more and who would forever treat her with George's unconditional respect and kindness. No-one ever likely to fuck her more intensely either. He really had her number and she - his! If George wanted to take her to bed three nights a week, it would be wholly with my blessing. Well - so long as I could watch!So yeah, Larissa was on site more often than not. Sometimes she would even come here direct from school and make a start on her assignments whilst waiting for Chris to get home from work. That of course gave she and I time together - especially when I was enlisted to source web-sites, relative to whatever she was researching. Funny thing, I never regarded the relationship at that stage as any more than that of father/potential stepdaughter, despite what we had shared so intimately in our previous co-existence. I'm sure it would have stayed this way too, had not we been left in the house alone one Tuesday afternoon when Jenna, Kylie and Natalie were all elsewhere and Chris had called to say he'd be an hour or so late. These facts alone had actually nothing to do with what happened.. The wheels fell off over nothing more significant than Larissa inadvertently dislodging a reference book that fell on the floor between us, at the table we keep in the dining room specifically for school-work. Leaning down, I picked the thing up and in the process of returning it to the small pile of other books, I discovered Larissa's face only inches from my own. It was a beautiful face... a face I realised I still loved desperately. She kissed me every bit as intentionally as a young girl on a first date. This of course put paid to any further homework. "I so love you Noel," she whispered, almost in justification of her lips being locked now, firmly on to my own. "Well sweetheart," I said, disentangling our mouths momentarily. "I seem to remember us addressing this problem months back. Kind of a "High Noon" as I recall, with me riding off into a nuclear holocaust. You hooked up with Chris - I was happy for you both... and now we're doing our best to betray everyone we both love. Makes a lot of sense!""But since you mention it," I added, "I love you too sweetheart. Beyond family ties, common sense or even biological credibility. What the Hell are we going to do about it?"Larissa glanced towards the hallway and the far staircase."My thoughts exactly," I smiled, taking her hand.At the point I had her lying on my quilt in just her matching blue bra and panties, I could do no more than just stare at her unutterable beauty. Well I suppose that is radically understating the situation.. So much could I have done - it's doubtful she would ever have recovered. I don't even recall with any distinct clarity the order in which I proceeded.Her bra must have been an early casualty because I can still taste the milky softness of those beautiful breasts and hear the soft girlish sounds of silence, as I suckled her to the very edge of reason. Her urgency grew with my own and I do remember that no sooner had I pulled her panties down, than she kicked them off and spread her legs wide, inviting somewhat more than a six-monthly gynaecological check-up.I sank into the depths. I was home - protected by her arms and befuddled by her kisses. Nothing else mattered. When you love a girl on an empirical level like this - cause and effect no longer registers. I had all those months of separatist diplomacy to make-up for. I wanted nothing less than to impregnate her - to place my seed in the receptacle that had always been mine to usurp. George I knew, would understand.Larissa moaned as I took her... transported her, far beyond Utopia to a place that only I had residency. The tears she was shedding were anything but those of pain... it was in fact the worst agony of all... understanding!Even our joint orgasmic bliss was but an interruption in what followed. I made love to her on her knees, kneeling upright, astride me - and finally on her back with her legs over my shoulders. Long emptied of anything vaguely procreative, I was driven by such repressed love for the girl, I feared for my emotional well-being."Don't pull out," she pleaded at one stage, "Don't EVER pull out!" Truth is, I hadn't planned to.A little later however, having by necessity to get dressed, I watched as she wriggled back in to her panties, more than happy to allow the soft cotton to stem the seeping tide from between her legs, having expressed her preference to stay 'squishy,' rather than take a shower and lose the ultimate focus of my affection.How can I ever forget either, her kneeling there on my bed, breasts jutting out proudly as, handing me her bra, she just whispered in wide-eyed girlish tease, "You put it on for me!" So pleasantly arousing a task did that prove, packing those soft and delicate little orbs back into their padded creche, it was all I could do not to push her backwards, tug those skimpy little panties back down and take up where I left off. But for now - kissing her was what I needed and no lips ever to cross my line of vision, were better suited to such a task. I held her to me and let passion run its course.With still a good half an hour before Chris or anyone else was due home, we just sat and talked. Far from my bedroom too - that definitely not being conducive to rational thinking."Do you love my son?" I then cruelly asked, having no right to put Larissa in so desperately pressured a situation, but equally - needing to know. The poor kid lost out either way. Had she said "Yes," it challenged then her own loyalties and morality. A "No," would question her very motives for being with him, classifying her additionally as a "user," simply hanging around until Mr Right reined in his steed in the coming months. She certainly didn't rush her answer."Yes," she finally said, "I do love Chris - but it's just so different. I know he's your son Noel, but he's not you... he never can be. I don't know what it is with you... you make me feel like both your daughter and your lover. When you make love to me I just feel so close to you emotionally - it's like I always was part of you. Things we share - she glanced back towards the stairs - Chris and I never can... and that's not his fault... not anyone's fault. Does all this make any sense?"I smiled at her, "Luckily no," I lied. I knew of course exactly what she was trying to say and my heart ached for her as she spoke. Nothing though could ever bridge that getting on for forty-year age difference and however much I loved her, it was an inescapable fact now that our relationship was doomed to be one of fleeting coexistence. 60-20... 70-30... the most basic of math ruled out the possibility of this game ever going into extra time."Well sweetheart," I grinned, "You're just going to have to get used to being raped by an old man from time to time. Perhaps your father-in-law if things pan out right? Can you live with that?"She hugged me to her, "At least once a week?" she giggled, "Think you can manage that?""More like twice a day, you silly little girl," I replied, kissing once more those wonderfully soft lips.The lock turning in the front door, signified at least one of the brood had returned. "Now what else do you need to know about 'Queen Hatshepsut' and the New Kingdom?" I enquired.(c) Peter_Pan 2006AUTHOR'S NOTE:When I have further release details on "Harper Valley: A Postscript" I will of course, post that information both here and on the of you who have not read "The Complete Harper Valley" will be disadvantaged, in as much as not being privy to certain unpublished episodes contained in it(the concluding one especially) might lead to a problem with continuity in the new book.With regards to "Larissa" that you have just read, I have decided after much soul-searching, to post her picture on the website ('Harper Valley Blog' page) You won't have any trouble finding her from the many descriptions of Larissa in episodes past.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 41
Madison leaned on her pillow with a mischievous grin. She squeezed her husband's cock, surprised to find it hard so soon after lovemaking. "So this talk of me with another man really does turn you on," she said. She rolled over to fish another condom out of the bedside drawer. When she found one, she lay on her back, parted her legs, and smiled at Ryan as he climbed between them. Ryan took the condom, unwrapped it, and rolled it onto his penis."Yes," he answered. "It does." The condom in place, he thrust himself into her, and began pumping. "I don't know if it's something I really want to happen. But I do think about it all the time. I even masturbate to it." Madison wrapped her arms around his neck and coaxed him down to lay on top of her. Ryan cooperated, and the couple lay face to face as they made love. "I just don't know how I'd react emotionally.""You know you're all the man I need, right?""Of course. It's just a fantasy. I don't understand it.""Mmmm," sighed Madison. "I enjoy making love to you," she said with a kiss."I know you do. It's just fun to think about." "It does sound fun." Then, giggling impishly, "Like what if he's got a better body than you? Or a bigger dick? Fun is right!" "You better stop if you don't want me to cum right now," Ryan said sheepishly. Madison widened her eyes in mock surprise. "Maybe he'll be better in bed. Or give me multiple orgasms. Would that do it for you?" Ryan increased his thrusts, and tightened his fingers around her arms as he usually did before he came. "What if he fucks my brains out all night long, and ruins you for me, so I never want you again? Is that what you want?""Oh God," bellowed Ryan, ramming himself into her one last time, holding there for a few moments before he collapsed on top of her. "Oh God, I love you so much." They lay panting for a few minutes before Ryan carefully gripped the condom by its base, pulled himself out of her, and rolled over. He lay on his side and passionately kissed his wife as he took it off. Madison moaned a little. She was happy her husband had enjoyed himself so much, even if she was a little disappointed that their second session that night went by so quick. His pleasure was the main reason she made love, she thought to herself. They started cuddling, as they always did after making love. "So what if it actually happened?" She asked."Mmm? You mean...?" he started sleepily. "I mean me with another man. How would you react?""It's just a fantasy," he said, the words almost swallowed by a yawn."Of course."In a few minutes, Ryan started snoring. When she was sure he was sound asleep, she reached between her thighs and quietly diddled herself to orgasm. **Dean owned the contracting company that was renovating Madison and Ryan's home. Just 35, he was confident, with boyish good looks, and a body like Adonis. To keep cool in the summer heat, he wore cutoff shorts and rugged boots while he worked. No shirt. His tan torso glistened with sweat. He was dedicated, too. Often, while his crewmen took their long breaks, Dean would work by himself on this or that project to speed up the day's progress. Madison wanted him. She wasn't just attracted to him. She didn't just have a crush on him. "Lust" was too soft a word for what burned in her. She needed Dean in a way she didn't remember needing any man before. She was committed to doing everything in her power to have him. At first, she had resisted the impulse. She loved her husband. She couldn't see herself as an adulteress. But as the days of the contractors' work stretched into weeks, Madison's resolve wore down. Every time she passed through his work area, ribald thoughts would distract her from home office matters for hours. Yesterday, he had finally picked up on her signals, and they had begun flirting shamelessly. She had been subtly trying to get Ryan's permission. She thought Ryan might even enjoy it. But she couldn't press the issue without giving herself away. Not worth it. Madison decided it was easier to get forgiveness than permission. Dean and Madison's flirtations continued. He started calling her "Maddie," a nick she hadn't used since high school. She liked it when he called her that. She liked almost anything Dean did. But much as they flirted, Dean never made a move. Madison knew if she wanted anything to happen, she would have to take action herself. But what if I've misread him? What if he's not interested at all? Other scary thoughts crept into her head. What if he tells Ryan? Madison pondered the possibility of losing the comfortable life her husband's income bought her. But one Thursday morning, Madison caught sight of Dean's six-pack abs, and the matter was decided. Since the contracting work would be done soon, she knew it was now or never. Her body went on a mission. Consequences no longer mattered. Madison set aside her work, went to the bedroom, and changed into a pair of kaki shorts and tank-top which showed off her light shoulders. Now she needed an excuse to spend some time with Dean to make her intent known. Just before lunch, she went to the kitchen and made a large pitcher of fresh lemonade. She brought it to the work area, serving it to the workers, taking special care to sit next to Dean, touching her legs to his. She made small talk, and laughed a little too hard at Dean's jokes. Soon, all the workers wandered off for lunch. When she realized they were finally alone, Madison bit her lip, and searched for Dean's eyes. He avoided her gaze at first, not sure if he wanted to go through with what was obviously taking place. He paused, and with a deep breath, looked her in the eye. He caressed her bare thigh, and smiled. Madison breathed a sigh of relief and leaned into him. He took her in his arms, and they kissed for a long time. When they stopped, Madison stood up and extended her hand. Dean took it, and followed her to the bedroom. When they arrived, Dean sat on the edge of the bed and pulled Madison down next to him. He leaned in to kiss her again, and ran his fingertips up the side of her bare leg to the edge of her shorts. Gripping them by the hem, he gave them a brief tug, to hint where he was going next. Then he took her tank-top in both hands and, with Madison's full cooperation, pulled it up over her outstretched arms. Tossing it aside, he paused to admire her body. He smiled when he realized that her choice of a sexy lacy bra proved that this wasn't as spontaneous as it might have seemed. Madison had planned to be seen topless today. For her part, Madison didn't let on that she was in a frenzy. With her long fingernails, she combed through the blond curls on Dean's bare chest, trying to seem casual. She wanted to taste him. She wanted him in her. Her heart raced while Dean's eyes traced the contours of her breasts, hips, and neck. She couldn't wait anymore. She unbuttoned the top of Dean's cutoffs, cuffed her thumbs all the way into the waste-band of his underpants, and hurriedly pulled down while Dean lifted his ass off the bed to help. Leaving his trousers in a heap at his feet, she grinned a goofy grin. Dean's cock hung between his thighs on the edge of the bed, not quite erect. Even semi-flaccid, it was impressive. Much bigger and better looking than Ryan's. Despite herself, she stared for a moment before returning her gaze to Dean's eyes. Dean didn't seem offended at the liberty she had taken.Madison knelt beside the bed and parted Dean's legs with her hands. Dean's cock throbbed and grew a little in anticipation. She took his cock into her hand and stroked it. She saw the metal of her wedding ring touching the flesh of another man's penis—and she didn't care. All that mattered in that moment was Dean's glorious cock. She kissed the head lightly, dabbing a bit of pre-cum with her tongue, then took him into her mouth and sucked. Dean sighed and laughed a little. Leaning back on his hands, he relaxed to enjoy the sensation of Madison's mouth. She was skillful. Little did he know she had a mission. Not that it would have mattered to him in the least. It wasn't long before he was fully erect, and aching for release. Sensing Dean's need, Madison knew the timing was right. She stood up between his legs, and began unbuttoning her shorts.Dean sat up on the edge of the bed and helped her undress. Even though Madison could tell that his need was urgent, she was surprised at his control. His movements as they undressed her were hurried, but not clumsy. After she unfastened her shorts, Dean assisted their drop to the floor. Same with her bra.Finally, she was completely naked. Dean stood up next to her, embraced her, and kissed her. Madison enjoyed the feeling of his erect penis against her bare skin. From the way he let it linger, she guessed he enjoyed it too. She cooperated when he used his arms to position her bent over with her hands on the bed. She liked it that way too. *Now I'm going to get it!* She thought excitedly. But he didn't enter her right away. There was a pause.She heard the dresser drawer behind her open, then he said, "Madison, I didn't bring any condoms today. Do you have any?" *No! What guy gets to THIS POINT and gets conscientious about protection?* "Um, no, I was... I just assumed you would have one," she fibbed. She didn't mention the box of Trojans in the bedside drawer. "Look, I'm sorry, I don't have one. I really don't have any diseases though, if you're willing to trust me. And I swear I'll pull out." Madison smiled. *Oh no you won't.* "I guess I'll have to trust you," she said. *Now get over here and FUCK ME.* Dean smiled and resumed his position behind her. She felt his fingers caress her labia; then she felt the head of his cock penetrate her cunt; then the shaft, then... oohhhhh. He was much bigger than she was used to. It hurt just a little. It felt great a lot. Madison fell forward on the bed and let Dean take control. Dean grabbed her hips and gently pumped her. Within just a few minutes, Madison was clutching the bedspread and making squealing noises. "Oh Dean. Oh... Dean. It feels so good. It feels too good." Taking the cue, Dean pumped harder, ramping up the pace until he was ramming her. She pulled hard on the bedspread, curled her toes, and completely lost control. "OH DEAN. OH MY GOD YES. OH DON'T STOP, PLEASE DON'T STOP. OHHH!" she called out as she exploded in orgasm. Dutifully, Dean kept pumping as Madison kept calling out. Gradually, Madison calmed down. When Dean was sure she was satiated, he slid himself out of her, and turned her over on her back. Then, parting her legs, he lay on top of her and re-entered her. "Mmmmmm," she purred. "That was amazing," she said, staring into his eyes. "Glad you liked it," he said, resuming pumping. He hardly noticed that Madison had wrapped her powerful legs around his waist, and had begun using them to modulate his thrusts. He certainly didn't realize that when he came, whether or not he came inside her wouldn't be entirely up to him, but would be at least up to whether those legs could hold him. Already Dean had lasted longer than Ryan normally did, and he showed no signs of stopping. He continued for a long time, varying the force of his penetrations and his rhythm until Madison came twice more. Dean was incredible in bed. Finally, Madison sensed his orgasm building. Though exhausted and covered with sweat, she moved her hips to match his need. "Nnngh," he grunted, mustering the strength to hold off for as long as possible. Madison grabbed his ass and pulled him in deeper. "Nnnnngg... god," he gasped. "Oh Maddie. Oh MADDIE!!" He grabbed her hips, and started to push away as if to pull out of her, but Madison remembered her mission. She wrapped her legs as tightly as she could and pulled him in hard. "OH GOD MADDIE OH YES," he shouted, bucking wildly before finally giving in. He pumped into her one last time, then collapsed on top of her, panting. Madison kissed salty sweat off of his chest. She savored the wetness of his cum oozing out from between her thighs; the musky scent of his sexuality. Madison and Dean cuddled for several minutes before arranging to meet for more sex that weekend at a hotel. Dean didn't bother to bring protection to their later liasons either. Though Madison didn't know it, those liasons weren't necessary to her mission: she and Dean and conceived that afternoon on the bed. Even had she known, she still would have gone to the hotel with him, of course. Dean's company finished renovating their home in a few weeks. When Dean found out Madison was pregnant, he briefly took the posture of the noble gentleman who wanted to father the baby. But eventually he disappeared from Madison's life altogether. Madison had expected he would. Dean wasn't the kind of guy she could expect to land for a committed relationship. Madison weighed whether or not to tell Ryan about Dean. It was his fantasy, after all. But Ryan had made clear it was just a fantasy. And with the baby on its way, some things were better left unsaid. Instead, she let Ryan believe that a condom had broken. Ryan trusted Madison completely, and never suspected a thing. She resisted the impulse to name their darling son Dean.END
I hate the term live in girlfriend or lover but I can't think of a better phrase. So, meet Julie. A drop dead gorgeous lady with piercing blue eyes that are always laughing at you for being so straight laced. At a tall, 5' 8" and 120 lbs. she is lushly statuesque. In addition, she has the sexiest tits I've ever seen. At least from her bras, she's a 37D. Heavy with just a hint of sag, her breasts are topped by large nipples that are always excited about something. When she goes bra less, she gets a lot of attention. Now, I know this is so much detailed gloating, but the reason concerns Julie's older sister, Darlene, who is the real subject of this story. Although there is two-year age gap, they could be twins; consequently, if you describe one, you draw a picture of the other.Explanation is hard when discussing their asses. Perfection is always difficult to put on paper; it never sounds quite right. Julie and Darlene add handsomely to the curves of their bodies with those backsides. "So round, so firm, so fully packed," is a jingle that cant be resisted nor should be. It's a family trait. Even though the mother is in her fifties, there are times when she walks by that my thoughts are impure. Despite the similarities there is a difference in attitude. Julie takes every opportunity to show off her body, preferably nude. There have been times when she has taken off something that I think if I want to keep her chaste, I'm going to be in a fight. That has never happened, and she gleefully skips off to the next escapade. She figures that age will cause various body parts to droop and she's going to enjoy herself to the fullest while she can. Darlene is just the opposite. She is always buttoned down and contained. Having a glass of wine with a meal is a major concession. However, her conservatism does not include her dress. Vanity won't let her buy disguising frump clothes; they have to be trim and the height of fashion. Believe me, she can afford it. Julie drools every time she gets the hand—me—downs When Darlene wears a well cut business suit because of her director's job, with that body, of course, she looks spectacular. But, she's not happy about it and she makes sure that you aren't either.Informed that Darlene was coming over, I gave my standard complaint on her constant whine about being alone and misunderstood. Julie agreed but said she had a scheme that would solve Darlene's problem. I asked for details but all I got was a devilish smirk. Also, I had to pledge that I would follow her every order. Intrigued, it was one of the few times I anticipated an evening with Darlene. She arrived about an hour after work wearing a pale purple outfit and dark blue buttoned up blouse. With her thick "fuck me" brown hair I know this combination isn't supposed to work, but Darlene looked dazzling. She removed her jacket, plunked down on the other end of the sofa where I was sitting and started to bitch. Julie rode to my rescue by interrupting the rant with questions and frequent refills of our wine glasses while paying particular attention to the details of Darlene's sex life. Some got quite intimate, but she was being plied by an expert. After a couple of hours, Darlene, who had drunk about four full glasses, a new high for her, decided to leave. As she wobbled to her feet, Julie blocked her way and announced that she was too drunk to drive. With that Julie shoved Darlene down into my lap.I don't know which of us was more surprised: me or Darlene, but when Julie ordered me to grab her, I gleefully obeyed. Wearing a wolfish grin, Julie started to tug at and unbutton Darlene's blouse. Shocked into immobility, she didn't raise a fuss until it was too late. Her bewildered cries of why and stop were ignored. Julie already had the lapels peeled back and was working on the bra. Having exposed Darlene's breasts, Julie's self-satisfied smile widened and she told me to enjoy. You didn't have to enlightened me twice. My cross armed cage of Darlene's torso placed my hands extremely well and I began to milk and mold her flesh into perfect cones of pleasure. I also discovered a new family characteristic, magnificent nipples. Just like Julie's, they were large and excitable. The lengthy nubs were stiffening so fast, I barely had time to make a contribution. Her forced grunts kept time with my clenching fingers. Julie had her hands under the skirt, busily pushing the hem up over Darlene's sheathed legs. When she reached the top, Julie gave a sharp jerk, and Darlene's hose and panties were around her ankles. Totally exposed, Darlene's cheeks reddened. She was embarrassed, Julie was triumphant and I was ecstatic.At the same time Julie called Tris, our Rotweiler. He rose slowly from his doggie mat and trotted over. I don't think Darlene was aware of what was going to happen. When Julie ordered me to spread Îem, I knew. With my legs already wrapped around her ankles, it was real easy. Darlene looked at her laid open cunt, the dog's approaching head and started to squirm. Her eyes smacked open in kinky shock as she implored us to stop and not do this. Tris knew what all this meant and eagerly stepped forward.There was a moment of hesitation as the dog shook his head from side to side and looked at Darlene's thick bush but his ample practice with Julie's shaven pussy gave him a good idea where everything was and his tongue went to work. The wide appendage traced a wet path from Darlene's ass ring to clit. Her whole body jumped as that juicy muscle dragged across the puckered anus. Nothing stopped him as he repeated the gesture. She was howling a chant of no, no and trying to struggle but she wasn't achieving much. Despite her protests, a puffy slit started to appear in the thick brown pubic hair. Tris quickened the pace of those easygoing slurps. Her pussy lips swelled as they parted. The moisture collecting in that fleshy canyon was no longer Tris' alone. Darlene was still screeching a plaintive wail. But her voice was softer and her hips began to rise. From lengthy practice the dog knew to bury his tongue in the fragrant valley while lapping furiously.Darlene was gone. She stopped protesting, turned her head and buried her face in my neck. The muscles in her body relaxed to welcome the fleshy assault she couldn't watch. A new tension crept in to lift her legs and cross them over Tris' back so she could use them to pull him closer to her open vagina. She was going to come. Hard. When the tremors started, she squeezed her hips even higher. Shrieking moans greeted Tris' voracious muzzle. I can tell you it was one hell of a ride. Julie watched in amused astonishment; partly shocked at Darlene's intensity, partly excited by the display. She stepped in, uncrossed her sister's legs and pulled the dog away. With an open hand, she began lightly smacking Darlene's pussy. She could have been playing in a water puddle because drops of torrid fluid flew with each slap. Darlene begged Julie to stop while her throbbing cunt kept opening under Julie's descending hand. She finally relented and rolled Darlene off my lap.With her upper torso resting on the sofa seat and her knees on the floor, Darlene was in a perfect position. I can't say for certain she could imagine what was coming but then, Julie draped that sofa blanket across her. Julie called Tris once again while patting Darlene's back. Her open pussy hung down in invitation; the smell of her sex was in the air.As far as Tris was concerned, she was in heat and he knew what to do in that situation. Julie needn't have called. Tris almost ran in his approach to mount her. Darlene was screaming in protest, begging us not to let this go any further. She was rotating her ass in a vain attempt at keeping the dog out. But a 200 lb. animal on you tends to restrict movement. Julie placed her hand under the dog's belly to stroke his unsheathed red penis. She had jacked him off before but now, she wanted to coax him into readiness. Tris really didn't need it but wasn't going to object.Julie laughed as she guided the dog's cock towards Darlene's pussy. Tris' flaming red shaft protruded a lonely eight inches, and Darlene's cunt offered welcoming shelter. Even with Julie's help, The thick rod rubbed against Darlene's leg to acquaint her with what was coming. She was hoarsely sing-songging a no, still whipping her hips in frustration while Julie cackled a giggle. Me? I just watched the whole thing, it was so hot. Tris needed no more help in exploiting the situation as he slipped his cock in past his knot. Darlene's back arched and her head flopped with a slight shake. I knew that one. Julie was excitedly digging into my crotch. but my raging hard on made freedom difficult. Achieving her goal, she lazily stroked my stiff cock while watching the show.Darlene's hips were moving back and forward now. Her face showed some displeasure but her body had clearly decided to enjoy the feelings that thick cock in her pussy was churning out. Tris now had two bitches to serve and was proud that he could do such a good job. He sped up and Darlene howled in pleasure. She came again and now closed her eyes as she concentrated on another. During previous sessions Julie had described how delicious the dog's fast thrusts felt so, Darlene's conversion to moaning enjoyment was no surprise. She was coming so hard the juices ran down her leg. Finally, Tris stiffened as he came. He popped out and went to his corner. Julie's languid fondlings had their effect as I spurted while Darlene shuddered for the last time. Muttering a how could you, she gathered her clothes and staggered out the door. After a month, she started coming around again and ever since she got that dog, she's a lot more mellow.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 35
I met her at a store. I was just shopping around, minding my own business, when this beautiful blonde bumped into me. She was tall, nearly my height and built like you wouldn't believe. Huge breasts, thin waist, exaggerated curves; she was a walking wet dream. She literally bumped into me, knocking the bag out of my hand and onto the floor. "I'm sorry," she breathed, breathlessly. "It's ok," I replied. "They're only clothes, nothing breakable." Who knows how, but we ended up talking. One thing led to another, and we both discontinued our shopping expeditions and adjourned to another part of the mall to get something to eat. All along, I was marveling at her as I made polite conversation. Not just how she looked, but how she moved and how sensuous she seemed to be. My thoughts were erotic from the first glance. They couldn't be any other way; this girl was walking sex, to such a degree that it was almost unbelievable. She was irresistible. She went home with me that first night. I couldn't believe it; she just seemed completely natural about it, without seeming a slut at all. It was just like she assumed she'd go home with me. I worried about my place seeming a mess, but I needn't have bothered. She never even saw it. I opened the door and was about to stand back and let her in first, in a display of gallantry, when she pushed me in from behind. I tried to twist and turn on the light, but she just pushed me into my bedroom at full speed. Before I knew it, I was lying on the bed as she undressed me. My clothes were gone in seconds, and she stood up next to the bed and began to divest herself of her own apparel. In the light that was filtering in through the window, I could see her very clearly. She pulled her shirt up over her head, revealing her breasts in a black bra. They were gigantic, nearly the size of cantaloupes. Her jeans went next, revealing lacy panties to match the bra. She removed the bra slowly, and her breasts barely seemed to sag when deprived of their support. The panties went last, and as she straightened up after bending over to remove them, I saw that her pussy was shaved completely smooth. I didn't mind her hairless cunt; the rest of her was curvy enough that I was sure she had to be of legal age. Slowly, sinuously she got into bed, and started to kiss my lips. My hands leapt up to stroke along her body, cupping her breasts, then trailing my fingertips down along her side and grabbing her ass. She left my lips and trailed her mouth down along my neck, leaving a cool trail where she kissed me. She tweaked my right nipple with her tongue in passing as she made her way down my torso and found herself at my crotch. Needless to say, my dick was by now standing firmly at attention. She took my shaft gently in her hand, straightening it, and licked the tip teasingly with her tongue. She just barely brushed the very tip of my cock, teasing me. Involuntarily, I thrust my hips forward, but she pulled back with equally fast reflexes, meeting my glance with a smirk. I couldn't take any more of this, so I decided to take the initiative instead. Sitting up, I grabbed her by the upper arms and pushed her over onto her back. She didn't seem to mind, smiling and spreading her legs. I grabbed my dick, rolling the tip of it around the outside of her slit to lubricate it. I could feel immediately that it was unnecessary; she was already soaking wet. Without further ado, I pushed into her. My dick was engulfed in her warm, wet pussy. I thrust into her, grabbing her by the hips for better leverage. I could feel the juices oozing out of her smooth pussy and lubricating my whole crotch. Even from the first thrust, she wasn't too tight. She wasn't too loose either; a perfect fit. I could feel the inside of her pussy pulling against the skin of my cock, but I felt no resistance to thrusting as deeply and as powerfully as possible into her. She certainly didn't put up any argument; she kept asking for more. Nice guy that I am, I tried to give it to her. With my hands firmly grasping her ass cheeks, I pulled her onto my crotch. I impaled her on my shaft. She must have felt the pressure like a vise on every thrust, but she certainly didn't mind. She was thrashing around underneath me, making little moaning and keening sounds. I know she came more than once, but I don't know how many times. She cried out, shaking her head back and forth and scratching her nails down my back more than once, but I wasn't paying specific attention to how often it happened. When I came, it was incredible. I could feel it coming for a long time beforehand, and I was just trying to put it off, but at the moment I finally could not, I just pulled as hard as I could on her ass, thrusting my dick up into her until I felt it hit bottom, and sprayed my cum up into her. My eyes were shut so tightly that I was seeing stars, and I could hear myself grunting as if it were someone else. As for the feeling, I can only say that it was amazing. When I started to relax, she pushed me off of her and kneeled on the side of the bed. As usual, I was ready to go to sleep, but she wouldn't allow it. She kneeled there and started to massage her breasts. I hadn't realized how large they were; they looked big before, but now I saw that they were gigantic. She had to be a double D cup, at least. My gaze trailed down to her other hand, and I saw to my amazement that she was playing with herself. With her left hand at her tits, her right hand was rubbing her clit and occasionally moving down to thrust one finger in and out of her pussy. My dick sprang back to a full erection. This, I must assume, was her objective, because as soon as she saw that I was hard again, she moved over to the center of the bed and got down on her hands and knees. Quite willing to have a go at it doggy-style, I moved over behind her and started to insert my dick into her still soaking pussy, but she stopped me. "Not there," she said. "I want you in my ass." My dick, if it were possible, got even harder. Eager to oblige, I moved my well-lubed dick up from one hole to the other, and pushed it inside. She was tighter there, and it took me a few thrusts to get completely into her. Once inside, the feeling on my dick was wonderful. Her ass was tighter than her pussy, but not problematically so. It was a nice change. She gripped my cock, which was slippery enough to slide in her with no problem. I was enjoying the hell out of it. After thrusting into her asshole for nearly fifteen minutes, I could feel myself approaching orgasm. I tried to hold out as long as possible, reaching down from where my hands were gripping her tits to play with her pussy. As I started to rub her clit, with my dick still ramming full force into her back door, she moaned louder in my ear. She started to buck under me uncontrollably as she came. Her frenzied thrashing set off my own orgasm. My dick felt like a red-hot piece of metal, and then the glorious heat concentrated on the tip and suddenly released. I spent my load deep up into her asshole, and collapsed on top of her. After laying there for a minute or two, I got up and staggered towards the bathroom. I knew I would fall asleep soon, and I wanted to wash my dick first. After I had completed this task, I got back into the bed, expecting to fall asleep now. I was surprised to find that I was unable. She straddled my body as soon as I lay down. Rubbing her soaking pussy into my crotch, she supported herself by her arms over my chest, her gigantic breasts hanging down to rub against me. I looked at them again as they swayed above me, marveling at their size. They looked even bigger. She trailed her mouth down along my body, her breasts sliding along before it, until she reached my crotch. My dick was now hard again, amazingly. I hadn't been horny enough to go three times in a row since I was a teenager. Gently, she took my cock in her hand and held it straight out from my crotch, and proceeded to engulf it in her mouth. She sucked my dick like she was hungry for the cum. It was amazing, the amount of pressure she was creating. I felt like I would have cum just from the suction, even if she hadn't been feeding it in and out of her mouth, swirling her tongue around it, and stroking the shaft with her hand. She moved over slightly, and I could see around her mammoth tits to where her other hand was, busily manipulating her cunt. At the sight of that, I shot into her mouth. Only the first spurt went there, though, because she immediately removed my dick from her mouth as I started to cum, and aimed it at her breasts. I watched as my cum shot from my dick and drenched her breasts. They were positively coated with sperm by the time I finished cumming. Amazingly, she went right back to work on my dick. She seemed even hungrier for cum than she had been before. I wasn't sure if I could oblige her now, having already cum three loads, but she kept sucking my semi-erect shaft. I looked down past her mouth at her breasts. They were glistening in the dim light, covered with cum as they were. They were rubbing against my thighs. I wondered how I could have thought earlier that they were DD-cupped breasts. I had seen a few breasts that size, and these were definitely larger. I had no idea what size they actually were, because I had never seen breasts larger than DD. I had nothing to compare them to. As I thought about it, I realized that I had to be wrong. Her breasts HAD been DD-cup before, but now they were definitely larger. There was only one answer, crazy though it may sound. Her breasts had grown. Needless to say, this train of thought had done wonders for my erection. As I was reaching the conclusion that this girl sucking my cock had breasts that were quite a lot bigger than they had been an hour before, I felt myself start to cum again. This time she realized what was happening before I began to cum, just from the bucking of my hips, and she removed my cock from her mouth and jacked it off, shooting every drop of this load onto her tits. She sighed as my cum hit her. As soon as I was done cumming, her mouth gravitated back to my crotch. She continued to suck me off, and as I looked down to her chest, I could watch her breasts. Sure enough, they were bigger than they had been before. It dawned on me that my cum was what was making her tits grow, and that she was hungry for more. Needless to say, I was all for such a public spirited project, but I was feeling rather depleted at the moment. I had cum four loads, and was well on the way to a fifth, and to tell the truth I was feeling rather exhausted. I had no choice in the matter, however. I certainly wasn't about to say to this beautiful girl between my legs, "could you stop sucking my dick, please?" This went on, I don't know for how long. Gradually, I drifted off into a fog. My dick started to feel raw and painful, but the orgasms were still cumming regularly. I can't imagine that she was getting much cum out of me after the first five or six loads, but I imagine every bit helps. Certainly I can't remember her slowing down at all. From time to time, when I rallied strength enough to open my eyes, I would check on her breasts. Before I knew it, they were the size of basketballs, then of beach balls. It was amazing. The next thing I knew, I was awake in a hospital bed. A nurse told me that I had been found in my house after I didn't show up for work the next day, lying in bed and badly dehydrated. The police had had to break in, and I had been taken away in an ambulance. I couldn't stop staring at the nurse's breasts.END
Part 8 – Posing For Paul I was anxious to meet Jeb's next friend Paul. He was a fashion photographer and told Jeb he wanted to photograph me. Jeb dropped me off at Paul's house where he had his studio. Paul, who was in his forties, met me at the door where we introduced each other as he let me in and led me to the studio. It was a large room with lights on stands, several cameras on tripods, and a large sofa in the center with a neutral background roll behind it. It was very professional."I'm really excited," I told him. "I've always wanted to be a fashion model. What will I be wearing?""I picked out this sophisticated cocktail dress for you," he said. "It's for a European magazine. There you can portray young girls as older, sexier women – something very controversial in America. We're way to uptight about this here!"Holding it up, I saw it was a short black satin cocktail dress. It was a petite and I knew I could fit in it. There was also a complete set or matching accessories to go with it. "This looks like fun," I said. "Where can I change?""Right here is just fine," he answered.Since he was a professional, I went right ahead.I started by pulling off my tee shirt. I never wore a bra and he gave my little breasts a double take as I slipped on the black satin bra he had there for me. It was designed to push up my breasts and gave me some needed cleavage. Then I pulled off my jeans and swapped my white bikinis for a black thong. I moved slowly so that he could get a good look at my hairless, thin-lipped pussy.Some black, thigh high silk stockings came next capped off with a pair of black patent leather high-heeled shoes.I pulled the dress over my head next and Paul helped me zip up the back. It fit just right - low cut on top and very short at the bottom.But looking in the mirror, something was still missing. Paul handed me a make-up kit and I knew just what I needed to do.First I pined my hair up high on my head, in a very sophisticated style. Then I painted my lips dark red and applied liberal eye and face make-out. Paul handed me a sparkly necklace and matching earrings, which he also helped me, put on.Looking in the mirror, I think I got it just right. I was indeed a little girl with the body and clothing of a sexy older woman. My appearance, in fact, screamed, "fuck me", and I was hoping that's what Paul's camera would pick-up.Feeling good about how I looked, I went to the center of the room and waited for Paul to get behind the camera. Once there he directed me to a number of provocative poses. He snapped away as I raised my arms over my head, as I stuck out my leg adjusting my stocking, and as I bent forward showing off my cleavage.When he had enough pictures of that, he had me sit on the couch. I made a number of pouty faces and moved into even more positions, which further highlighted my dress and body.Then after a while he went into the next room to download the memory card into his computer, which left me alone. Feeling sexy with nothing to do, I lifted the front of my dress and started rubbing the crotch of my thong. It felt good as I rubbed the satin fabric against my slit and clit. It was feeling so good, in fact, that I did not notice that Paul had come back."Oh sorry," I said as I looked up and saw he was there. "I guess I got carried away.""Oh don't stop because of me," he said. "In fact do you mind if I continue taking pictures of you?"I shook my head indicating it would be okay and continued rubbing myself. He snapped away as I rubbed faster and faster. I was getting so turned on that I slipped off the thong and resumed rubbing, now on my bare twat.I could actually see a budge starting to grow in his pants. This got me even more excited and I rubbed harder. As my body exploded in an orgasm, I noticed the camera pointed at my face. I'm sure he captured the expression of total satisfaction on my face as my body went limp on the couch. As I lay there relaxed and motionless, I noticed someone else entering the room. Looking up I saw it was a young boy about fifteen-years old."Farah, I'd like you to meet my son Rick," he said. "Rick sometimes helps me in the studio.""Nice to meet you," he said walking over and shaking my hand.I was taken by such surprise, I didn't even have time to pull down my dress and he stood in front of me staring at my bare pussy. I didn't mind. In fact I liked it. I never had a boy this close to my age interested in me. It was a new experience. We were both frozen in the moment.The mood was broken by Paul's voice. "Do you like what you see son?" he asked. "Farah here owes me some favors. Perhaps you would like to collect for me? Perhaps she would help you lose your virginity? Would you do that for him Farah?"Seeing that I was already horny and was curious about a younger boy, I readily agreed.I could tell Rick had no idea what to do so I directed him to sit beside me on the couch. I started by throwing my arms around him and giving him a hug. He continued to sit there nervously so I decided to turn it up a notch. While hugging him, I reached down and put my hand on the tent in his pants and started to rub. Rick gasped and got even tenser.Looking up, I noticed that Paul had switched over to the video camera and was filming the whole thing. That turned me on even more.As I continued to rub Rick's cock, he started to relax so I decided to get really aggressive. I reached over unbuttoned his shirt, unhooked his pants, and stripped him completely.He sat there nervous with his cock sticking straight up. It was smaller than the other cocks I had had. It was about seven-inches long and as thick as a hotdog, with a nice size cockhead. "Pretty decent for a fifteen-year old," I thought. Putting my hand on his bare cock, Rick still didn't seem to know what to do so I grabbed his hand and placed it on my pussy. As I pumped his cock up and down, he started rubbing my pussy. It was feeling really good, and I was on the verge of an orgasm when I felt something hot and sticky wash over my palm. Rick had cum right there in my hand. I had heard cuming quickly was typical of young boys and I was disappointed.I need not have been, however. Looking over, I saw that his cock was still as hard as ever and Rick was now the aggressor, pushing me onto my back. As he did, his cock landed down at my pussy. He pushed forward but his cock kept missing the spot. I had to reach down and guide it into the entrance of my pussy.Due to both his size and my wetness, he sunk in to the hilt on his first thrust. What his cock lacked in length was made up by the size of his cockhead. It rubbed the walls of my pussy all the way in. Once inside he stopped for the longest time, savoring the feeling of his first pussy.As good as that felt for me, I wanted more and started humping my pussy up against him. Rick took the hint and started pumping in and out. Sex must be a natural instinct because from then on, he knew just how to fuck.He started with long, slow, deep strokes – the kinds that make a cock seem twice as long. He would vary this with some quicker, swallow strokes – angling his shaft onto my clit. Every time he felt me about to cum he would slow down until my urge subsided.Looking over, I noticed that Paul had moved the camera to between our legs. I could only imagine what it looked like seeing my pussy hole opening and closing around Rick's shaft on every stroke.Since I was his first girl, Rick wanted it all. He reached up with one hand and pulled down the top of my dress, taking my bra with it. My tiny breasts were now his to do with what he pleased. He rubbed the little mounds from one to the other and then he squeezed each nipple. If they weren't hard before, they sure were now.As Paul continued to film, Rick continued his orgasm-building fucking technique. My body was a bundle of pent up sexual tension and I sooo needed to cum. Luckily Rick varied his strokes again. This time instead of slow and deep he fucked me fast and deep. Wanting him even deeper, I bent my knees and felt his cock probing the depths of my vagina.That was all it took for both of us. My body exploded causing my vagina to convulse around his cock. This in turn triggered his balls to release the rest of his cum deep into my pussy.Paul was still filming from between our legs and caught not only the cum on Rick's shaft, but the cream pie flowing out of my pussy hole. Leaning up, Rick gave me a hug, before picking up his clothes and leaving me alone again with his father. After calming down, I looked over and saw that Paul was standing over me with his cock in his hand. It was a nine-inch man cock and I suddenly had to have it.I got to my knees in front of him and gobbled his cock halfway down my throat. I enjoyed Rick but had come to really prefer older men. I continued to like the power I felt over them. They were like putty in my hands, or in this case – my mouth!As I sucked in and out, I ran my tongue up and down the underside of his shaft. After a while I was even able to swallow his whole cock down my throat. When I did, I felt his cock throb and felt his cum starting to shoot down my throat.Unfortunately, I momentarily gagged and pulled my mouth away. This caused him to blast the rest of his cum all over my breasts and the front of the dress.Even after this, he was so committed to his profession; he grabbed the still camera and took a series of shots. I hoped he would someday share them all with me.Meanwhile, glancing over at a mirror, I saw that I was a disheveled mess. My hair undone, my make-up smeared, and the once beautiful dress was wrinkled and pulled down to my waist. And there was a huge cum stain all over the dress.I wanted to change back to my clothes but Paul evidentially heard that his wife was back home and in the other room. He just handed me my clothes and shagged me out the back door where was Jeb was waiting in his car.As I slid next him, Jeb was once again shocked and I once again made a mess of his car seat. There was an upside for me, however. I got to keep the dress and a nice set of sparkly jewelry!To be continued...*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 83
George Clayton was a wonderful father to his two sons, Fifteen year old Adam and Seventeen year old Clay. They got everything boys could want, including Tina. That’s right. George had very strong conservative ideas about the place of "Cunts", especially since his wife had deserted him and the two boys and Tina five years ago. Tina was thirteen and in eighth grade. Tina was fucked constantly by her big brothers and her father, and there was nothing she could do about it. George had started fucking her at twelve. She had been sucking his dick since she was eleven, and the brothers soon after. Now she was their virtual slave, but they didn’t think of it that way. They thought that’s how all cunts deserved to be treated. "Boys," George told his sons, "Cunts exist for only one reasonto take care of guy's dicks. That’s the only fucking thing they are good for." And Adam and Clay believed their old man. So Tina’s life was pretty miserable. She had to get up at seven each day, and first thing did was remove the ten inch dildos that were kept up her ass and pussy all night, unless of course George or the boys wanted to play with her during the night, in which case she slept with them. Otherwise she slept on the floor in a small room of her own, decorated with wall to wall blown up photos of guys’ dicks. Tina would crawl into her brother's room, Clay the oldest first, and crawl beneath his blankest and suck his morning hard on for him. If he had been fucking one of his high school girlfriends the night before, his teenage dick often tasted like cunt-slime and cum, and Tina hated that. Sometimes the boys let her suck them off in the morning, sometimes, they fucked her, and sometimes they just played around a bit and held their wads for later. She had to wake Adam up the same way, although he preferred to have his sweaty ass licked in the morning. Perhaps I should describe Tina for you. She was thirteen as I said, but her dad had had breast enhancement done on her the year before and so she had these big fucking humongous tits that really totally humiliated her at all times. Each tit was larger than a cantaloupe. The teachers at school thought she had just had early development and talked about how sad it was and difficult for a young girl, just emerging into her teen years to have such large breasts. Now George was giving Tina nipple injections as well, so her nipples stuck out like fucking sow udders. George often kept rubber bands around them to accentuate them even more. Tina was never allowed to wear a bra, and the tops her dad bought for her were always such thin material that the brown of her nipples showed right through. She was forced to wear very short skirts with never any panties. This of course made her very popular with the eighth grade boys, not to mention all the boys at the local near by high school where George often sent Tina to make friends. Lots of Clay and Adam’s friends became Tina’s friends. George had told Tina that he believe a girl could start dating boys at thirteen. He insisted however that she not date those little weasels in eighth grade with their peanut pricksbut date high school boys. He also gave her a strict set of rules. "Listen you little slutif a boy dates you and spends good money on you, he expects something in return, so make sure on the first date you at least suck the boy off. If he wants to fuck you, let him fuck you. You never ever refuse a fuck from any boy who wants it. In fact, it’s a cunt’s job to offer her pussy to a boy. You should invite the boy to fuck your cunt on the first date. You know how your brothers and I feel about rubbers, so you never have the boy wear a rubber. The only exception is if he is playing games like cumming in the rubber and then having you suck it clean." While he talked, George worked three fingers in his little daughter’s cunt. "You understand Bitch?" "Yes Daddy," Tina said like the obedient girl she was. Tina’s older brother Clay had super glued her cunt lips back and open to expose her inner twat at all times. It was almost unbearable for Tina cause it was so sensitive down there, but the guys seemed to like it and left her that way all the time. They also put a silver ring through her clit and hung a bell from it so it tinkled when she walked around school. Tina was not allowed to speak to any other girls at school, and spent her time between classes sucking the dicks of the jocks who were pals with Clay. Her father insisted she was too young to go steady with a boyso he told her to date a different boy each Friday and Saturday evening and to get fucked by them. He often checked her pussy when she came home from a date to make sure there was a cum deposit. In the morning, Tina made breakfast for her dad and brothers, and then crawled beneath the table and licked their balls and dicks while they ate and talked about sports and stuff like that. "You know Dad," Clay offered, "I know we are all on a pretty tight budget here, and I appreciate how hard you work for us all and I was thinking. We spend an awful lot of money on toilet paper. Wouldn’t it be a great saving if we just had the Cunt here, lick our asses clean after we take a dump?"Adam roared with laughter as did George. "Clay you are one nasty son of a bitch. Shit, you are a great all around kid. Let me think about that. Lots of guys do like to kiss the bitch , and we don’t want her breath smelling like shit all the timebut it’s a thought." Then George turned to Adam. "Son, how is that new girlfriend of yours coming along?" He was referring to Cindy, a twelve year old that Adam was dating. Of course Cindy’s parents knew nothing about it, but Cindy wanted so to be popular and Adam was one of the most popular boys in town."Great Dad. She has the tightest little pussy you ever saw. Not like Tina here." Adam shoved one naked big toe up Tina’s cunt and the little girl was not allowed to resist. They often toe fucked her, as well as shoving all kinds of bottles and things up her cunt."Now, now Adam. Be fair to your sister, she had a tight cunt once too before we started to fist fuck her. Twats get sloppy pretty quickly. How’s Cindy’s ass sucking coming? I know how you love that, and you said she resisted a bit at first." "Yeah, she told me it was dirty and gross. Tough shit. I told her I would drop her as a girlfriend unless she did it. Now, I sit and watch TV with her sucking my shit-hole for hours at a time. I sometimes sit right on the little cunt’s face. Its awesome." "Guess What, Dad" Clay chimed in. "I got another cunt pregnant. Fourteen year old Amy Lawson.and her parents are really strict Catholics and are going to make her have the whelp!" George laughed. "Good work son. You are quite the baby maker. That’s eight now... right? Nothing like telling a bitch you really love themand want to marry them, then knocking them up and then dumping them. It’s the best fun. Adam, you gotta start to get some cunts pregnant. Don’t worry about their parents, most of the time they are so shocked and humiliated, they never say a thing and if they do, there are ways of taking care of it. Clay here holds the school record for getting Cunt's preggers, right Clay?" Clay blushed. "Shucks Dad, it ain’t nothin'." "It sure is, Son. You have a right to be proud. That’s quite a prick you got swinging there between your legs."Each day for schoolTina got a thermos filled with her brother’s piss to drink and a sandwich covered in dog cum from her dad. The family kept three huge dogs which also fucked Tina for their amusement. When Tina got home from school, she had to do her homework right away before the boys got home from sports practice and wanted to fuck. She had a special desk at home for her homework, the wooden seat had a ten inch dildo sticking up from it and she had to sit on that all the while she did her homework. The boys often brought five or six of their pal's home from school and Tina had to lick the sweat form sports practice off their balls and dicks and out of their assholes. The boys didn’t shower on purpose, just so Tina could lick them clean, including their rank armpits. Fortunately for Tina, Clay and Adam were really handsome young studs, so the task wasn’t too rough. Sometimes Tina put on a show for the boys either by herself, or with the dogs. And then it was time to start dinner. While she served steak or pork chops or other goodies to her dad and brothers. Tina usually had something like a bowl of cornflakes with piss instead of milk. She ate her meals out of a doggie dish, and was never allowed to use her hands. Sometimes the boys jerked off on a salad for her, or had one of the little neighborhood kids do itso they could save their big boy sperm for better things. George also had Tina getting fucked by three of the male teachers at school, to insure that she got good grades. He had made Tina seduce them. The guy at the gas station also fucked Tina so George got free gas for his car. The guys all went to the movies free, because Clays buddies who worked at ushers therewould fuck Tina in the work office while her dad and brothers saw the films. By her fourteenth birthday, Tina would have had eight hundred and twenty different pricks in her. Not bad for a cute little teen twat. ****-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 28
I am your typical fly-on-the-wall, I've watched Brenda now for five months. I still can’t believe it's only been that long since that first time and now she's... Hang on I think you better hear this from the beginning.Ken and Brenda Carter and their 12-year-old daughter, Sarah, had moved into rented accommodations just after Ken's mother died. The reason, his mother's house, money and will were all tied up with solicitors and Ken's job had taken him to different areas. So things were a little short cash-wise. It was no surprise that the rent had not been paid for two weeks.It must have been around 11:30 on that hot summer day that the two men, the landlord who lived at the end of the block and his sidekick, a big, ugly bastard, came to the house.The landlord had a key so they let themselves in to look around, and the first thing they saw was Brenda in the garden. The moved quietly to get closer for a better look.Brenda was a 31-year-old stunner, about 5 ft 6 inches tall, with dark, curly hair, lovely figure if a bit on the top-heavy side. She was a bit like Pam Anderson, only dark haired, with a look of innocence. She doesn't need make-up, but that's not how these men saw her.They saw her laying on a chaise with a few buttons at the top of the summer dress and most of the bottom buttons undone showing a good amount of cleavage and her legs, up to the panty line, to the summer sunshine and not to them she thought. The men liked what they saw.They walked out to the garden. Brenda jumped at the landlord's voice, "Shouldn't you be earning some money to pay the rent you owe? You won't make it laying there, you know." His mate smiled, "She could pay my rent on her back with those legs open anytime she liked, that's a fact."Brenda got up very flustered trying to button everything at once as well as moving away from them, "Who are you, how did you get in?"The men enjoyed her panic."I'm your fucking landlord, lady, and it's my house so I have a key. Now where's my fucking money?"Brenda, not used to that kind of language, fought for words."My husband is making a fast trip. He’ll be here today to bring the money. Errr, yes he is, he, er, has been so busy with the funeral and the house and the..."She was cut off in mid-sentence, "It will be your fucking funeral if I don't get paid, now stop your fucking lying and find me some cash."She was pushed into the house as they followed her and shut the patio doors."He will be here in a few hours, I was going to take it in tomorrow. I promise everything is sorted we will be getting your money soon," she rushed her words out.He scowled at her, "Yeah, tomorrow, soon, he will be here, now, later. Then I leave and you're gone. No we stay till we get paid. Got any drink? If not I got scotch in the motor." Brenda shook her head, "We don't drink."His sidekick got up, "I'll get the bottle." He was out and back in a second, "I got the full big one."Brenda got two glasses.He looked at her and shouted, "Where's the fucking third? You better have a drink with me. Or are you trying to piss me off?"Thinking, 'Anything to keep him quite,' Brenda produced a third glass which the man filled."Let's drink to a better life, bonding and good friendship."The two men smiled at each other. The small talk, the drinking and the filling of Brenda's glass went on for half an hour. Brenda, too frightened to stop drinking or refuse a top up was not feeling very well when, after a nod from one man to another, the mood changed."You don't look well. Shall we take you for a lay down," asked the landlord as the two men got up and approached her.Lifting her out of the chair and moving her towards the stairs, she stammered, "I'll be all right, just have to, errr, I'll be better after a lay down. Yes, you can leave, errr, me. My husband will be here shortly."They still aimed her for the stairs, almost carrying her up, their hands giving her ample, lovely body a good feel as they did. They soon found the bedroom, taking her in and sitting her on the bed. The landlord's mate was opening the buttons on her dress as, in her drunken stupor, she tried to stop them."No, please I will be all right," Brenda said, her mind still blurred.The Landlord chuckled, "Yes sweetheart of course you'll be all right we just want some fun, all you have to do is say that magic word, 'yes,' and we can have the fun and be away before your old man gets here. Then we will come around tomorrow for the money and if you like the fun we are going to have with you now we can play games with you again."As her hands tried to fend off the man she looked bemused at her landlord.He smiled at her, "You know with your nice big tits, your sweet cunt...even fuck your cunt and mouth a couple of times again, no harm done, just a little friendship. I mean if you want to mess me about with the rent then it's only fair we mess around together. Now we just want you to take off that dress and let us see you and play with you."He looked at her as she tried to focus, "I want to get my hand up your dress and in your pants, feel you up for a while and have a look at you naked. No harm in that, is there? Come on now take off the dress. It's nearly off anyway."You look so fuckable. I mean you didn't mind showing all you got when you were in the garden, so come on, don't be shy. You look as though you need some air, we should loosen your clothing. Go on, help the lady."His mate started at her again, pulling the little belt off and tugging the last buttons from the dress as she slid onto the floor.Brenda started to struggle, so the landlord joined in. Holding her tightly he shouted, "Pass the belt, get her arms behind her. Sit on her if you have to, but get her tied. I've got too big a hard on to lose her now."With the drink and two big men the struggle didn't last long and Brenda was soon sitting back on the bed with her arms tied behind her, thanks to her own belt."Please stop what you're doing to me. You will get your rent, my husband will be here today," she pleaded.Brenda was almost in tears as he screamed at her, "Oh shut the fuck up you whimpering cow. I told you to say yes, now look at you." They sat on either side of her on the bed, the landlord's eyes took in every curve of her lovely body, "I said we would drink to bonding, now look at you all trussed up for Christmas and I'm the one in for an early Christmas present." He kissed the side of her face and ran his hands over her bra, feeling and squeezing her large breasts."God what a lovely handful. Now, little lady, let's put this down to a little interest on the money you owe," he sniggered at her. "And believe me I can't think of a more interesting place than in them pants of yours right now. It don't matter you didn't say yes the first time I asked."Now your going to spread your legs so you can give us a nice feel up your gorgeous cunt, and remember there's fuck all you can do to stop us," he said as he stuck his tongue in her ear. "When we saw you in the garden we wanted it and now we are going to have a feel of it."She tried to keep her legs closed but with her hair being pulled and strong hands on her legs they were easily opened. A hand was pushing into her pants, pinching and pulling the hairs on her cunt, hurting her. With that and the drink, the fight went out of her and she was pulled, viciously by her hair, backwards onto the bed.Tears ran down Brenda's face as the two men looked down on the beautiful captive housewife that they had decided to have some fun with and rape.Her bra straps were pulled down releasing her tits to the mouth of her attacker, and soon her nipples were being bitten and chewed. The more she pleaded for him to stop the harder he bit, he was loving her large firm tits with long nipples and, of course, those helpless cries she made.The other brute was just as bad pulling her pants off and abusing her cunt with his hands and fingers. He grinned as he opened her up to enjoy exploring her with his tongue."Come on, get her on her side. Let’s fuck the bitch. Are you ready for a good fucking, bitch? Wet or not here we come," the landlord spat out the words.Brenda was laid on her side and her knees were pushed up so she could be fucked in the cunt or ass while the other bloke knelt on the bed and shove his cock in her mouth. By twisting, pinching and pulling her nipples she was forced to open her mouth and let him take her. Brenda had never had hard sex before. Ken had always been a gentleman in every way, not like her other date's, who always grabbed at her. It was one of the reasons she had married him, as she only enjoyed straight sex. To hide the humiliation, her mind blanked out as her cunt was brutalised by a thick, hard cock. For the first time in her life fingers were rammed up her ass, screwing as far up as they could and her head was forced down hard onto the huge cock invading her mouth and throat. She was being face-fucked and she was hardly aware of the filth that poured into her abused cunt and in her mouth.The men laughed as cum dribbled down her chin.Brenda was so disorientated she didn't realise that the belt was taken off. She was laid on her back as the cock that had been in her mouth was getting hard again as it fucked in and out of her cunt. She fought to breathe as a mouth covered hers, a tongue pushed past her lips. Hands mauled her tits and pulled her nipples.Through half-glazed eyes she saw Ken come into the room and the one who had been kissing her moved towards him. With a loud crack, the man hit Ken square on the jaw. Ken crumpled to the floor only to be lifted into a chair.Using scarves the man tied Ken to the chair pointed straight at the bed where the man raping his beautiful wife hadn't missed a stroke as he fucked in and out her gorgeous cunt. That would be the first thing he would see when he came round.As Ken came round, Brenda had her head turned away. The landlord's cock was fucking her mouth and the other was still savagely fucking her cunt. The landlord saw Ken and laughed at the little man, "This is the way to pay the rent. Your Mrs. fucks like a race horse. She's been taking it all afternoon. She loves a stiff cock. I tell you, you've got a great looking piece of ass here, you lucky bastard. And you're just in time to see me play with her nice firm ass and fuck her cute butt-hole."Shaking her head forcing more and more of his meat down her throat he carried on at Ken, "Tell me, does she squeal nice when it's up her ass? I bet she wiggles it good. I'll be finding out soon, my mate's about to fill her cunt again. She can't get enough. She a little horny-assed fuck."We found her in the garden showing it all to the neighbours while playing with herself. This must be your fault, you can't be giving it to her, so we thought we would help out. Now you be a good boy and sit there quietly and watch us fuck your wife's greedy cock-hungry cunt, you may learn what she likes up her."He made her squeal around his cock as he squeezed at her nipple, "Sorry she ain't taking much notice of you, but we've been on the piss a bit before she wanted bringing upstairs for us to give her a good fucking seeing too," as he said that her cunt got filled again and then she was turned over and laid on her stomach. Her legs parted as the landlord took her, he grinned at Ken while buggering her virgin ass as hard as he could.The strain of his mother's death and the moving, pressure of work and seeing two men fucking his wife was too much and Ken felt a sharp pain in his chest and he slowly lapsed into a coma to the taunts of, "God, your wife's a great fuck, her ass is trying to pull my dick off and you watch her suck. What a cock-sucking mouth she has, my mate will make her show you. I think we will have to collect the rent on a daily basis if she puts out like this."The men left after another hour of rape on the defenceless housewife buggering and fucking her, Brenda still very dazed pulled herself together. Would Ken believe they had raped her? Or... no time to think now, her mind was in turmoil as she called for an ambulance and saying nothing about the rape took Ken to hospital.Ken lasted a week, the funeral was on Thursday. Young Sarah went to stay with a friend for the weekend while Brenda sorted out the will; she would be well off. There was mother's will, the insurances, the sale of their first house and the work pensions. It came to a tidy sum but the evening was still lonely as she stayed in the house on her own.A couple of weekend's later she was thinking of what had happened, Sarah was away with a friend. Brenda was lost in her thoughts when Karen, the girl from next door, came to look in on her to see if she was alright.Brenda had seen her going to college or some high school, a very pretty, quiet girl and she seemed to be very understanding.Brenda needed to just talk and have a shoulder to cry on and Karen was surprisingly keen to be that person. She told Brenda that she had seen her and thought what a nice and attractive person she was and she was so sorry about what had happened. They talked well into the evening. Karen rang home and said she would be late as they were getting on so well.Brenda didn't want her to go as, for the first time in a long time, she felt very relaxed it might have been the herbal tea Karen was making. Karen told her it was part of the course she was on as a masseuse and offered to show Brenda what she had learneed. What Brenda didn't know was the herbal tea was mixed with strong sleeping pills.After more of Karen's tea and some more tablets she made sure Brenda took everything she made. In fact, it was the first time in a while that she became very giggly. It was then that Karen suggested Brenda took a bath to be totally relaxed.Brenda was surprised that Karen came into the bathroom with her to help her undress and put oils in the water. Brenda suggested she wear a bathing suit but Karen had her naked before she could stop her.Brenda was made to lay in the bath, the tablets had her very woozy. She lay passively as Karen started to rub her shoulders and at last something felt good.Brenda was so relaxed that when she got out and Karen was there, she let Karen gently rub her dry and lead her to the bedroom. Karen said, "Just lay on the bed and I will massage your back. Let me get your fruit oils. I promise you will like it."Karen worked on Brenda, oiling her all over her back and then her legs. She was very sensuous and soon her hands were working on Brenda's inner thighs, letting the fingers just touch Brenda's bottom and between her legs. Brenda moaned at the tenderness, that was the sign Karen wanted."Just turn over," Karen said and without thinking Brenda did. The oil was poured over her stomach and then moved all around. Karen's hands were soon working on Brenda's ample breasts making sure the palm of her hand excited the nipples and then she went for it. Her hand slipped over Brenda's hips sliding down between her legs. Karen smiled as the lovely legs parted to allow her hands to caress the inviting cunt.Oiling the inner lips which mixed with Brenda's own wetness, her finger slipped in easy. Karen bent down and kissed the housewife's open mouth before slipping quickly out of her clothes and whispering, "Got you at last."Brenda's legs were soon pushed apart and Karen's mouth took the place of her fingers as she lapped at the mix of fruit oil and cunt juice. Although half drugged Brenda's hands came down to defend herself, but they were pushed to the side and held. "No, no please you shouldn't be doing that to me, it's not right, I've lost too much to,--" she was cut off as Karen took her mouth out of Brenda's cunt."I have thought about having my mouth on your cunt ever since I first saw you. I knew you'd like something different than that weak husband could give you and now I know how much you like this by how wet you are. You love it, so just lay there, keep your legs open and let me play with you. I'll teach you things that will drive you wild."Her face went back between Brenda's leg as her tongue jabbed at the nub of Brenda's clit. Brenda let out a moan of reluctant surrender. Karen enjoyed the fact that she could now do what she liked to the drugged lonely beauty laid out before her.Karen worked on Brenda kissing and licking, pushing her tongue far up Brenda's cunt before moving her mouth to Brenda's inner thighs. Karen lickedup and down the beautiful legs, over her stomach and into Brenda's bush of curly cunt hair. She inserted fingers into the dripping cunt, rubbing the clit with her thumb and fucking Brenda with two fingers. Her other hand played with a nipple paving the way for Karen's mouth to start sucking it. She could feel Brenda's orgasm building and worked hard until a flood of cunt juice soaked her fingers. Moving from the nipple to the mouth she kissed Brenda's mouth passionately."No, please, you must leave me alone, I don't want to do this," Brenda started to cry but Karen still kissed her holding her head."You love it. Come on don't play the innocent with me. I've just had you come in my hand. Here taste it," Karen said as she pushed her fingers in Brenda's mouth. She got up and knelt on the bed, one leg on Brenda the other on the bed spreading her legs wide, she pulled her cunt lips apart."You can play with it. Come on, finger it. It's your turn to get me off, we can both have some more fun."Brenda moved away but being drugged it was easy for Karen to pull her back and sit on her. Holding Brenda's arms down with her knees she pushed her cunt toward the unwilling mouth. "Come on darling, suck it. Get it on your mouth. Let me feel your tongue. Do it properly or I'll sit on your face until you do." Brenda kept her mouth closed, but that would not save her doing something she had never done before and thought of as vile. Karen moved forward and sat on Brenda's face covering her mouth and nose with her hot wet cunt. She started grinding down till Brenda had no choice but to open her mouth.Rocking back and forth on Brenda's face Karen demanded Brenda suck her, with her hair being pulled so hard and her head still dizzy from the drugged tea and with no chance of escape she gave in and pushed her tongue out into the wet frenzied grinding cunt. Karen rode the unwilling mouth hard and long until she poured her juice into Brenda's mouth.It took about two hours for Brenda to get her head together. Until then she had laid on the bed as Karen played with her like a lifeless doll. Karen kissed her, enjoying the way she could hold Brenda's mouth open and explore it with her tongue and sucking the beautiful women's tits, forcing her nipples to harden by pinching and pulling them.Karen fingered Brenda's cunt, tweaking the clit and stroking the lips hoping to get Brenda hot and unable to refuse her again. Karen wanted to control Brenda again tonight and when ever she wanted her for sex. But Brenda got the upper hand and threw her out in a torrent of abuse.Over the next two weeks life got back to a routine, Sarah went to school and the legal side was sorted out. One day, as Brenda came back home, she saw her landlord go into his house and she had to see what he looked like. She wanted to study the man who had turned her life upside down. She slid around the back of the house and peeked into the house.Brenda didn't know how long she had been there before a hand clasped her arm. A policeman held her. She had been seen looking into a garden and in that garden was a naked child that she had not noticed. Brenda was charged under the abuse of a minor law and would go to court. The two weeks before the trial people were looking and pointing, Brenda's life was hell already.The trial was going Brenda's way, she cooked up a story about looking at a rare plant she thought she saw in the garden, but the police had a new witness. There was Karen in her school uniform, she was only 14 years old and told them that when she went to see Brenda just after her husband had died Brenda had seduced her.Karen claimed Brenda made her ring home so she could keep her in the house to have sex with her and had done wicked things to her. to prove this she described a small scar in Brenda's pubic hair.Brenda broke down and sobbed in the court room. She was found guilty, but because of the death of her husband and Sarah's tender age, she was given a 5 year sentence, suspended for two years, and fined 1000 pounds. But that was nothing compared to the abuse that she and Sarah suffered.She was so fed up with the word pervert that she decided to move from Landra Town.Sarah's schooling was the first thought so they could not move out of that county. There was a little town 50 miles away, Brenda found a small property, but in a less than desirable area. Still she didn't want to spend too much money. She had to live and after what she had been through she kept to herself.The only person she could not escape was the town women's bore Mrs. King. This woman seemed to be everywhere Brenda went, still she seemed harmless and in fact friendly. Brenda had only been there three weeks when Mrs. King met Brenda in a panic."Can you baby-sit for me on Friday night? Please, I have got to go to a meeting out of town. I know it is short notice but my husband, the Mayor, is at a dinner. You'll adore my sweet babies. There's George, he's just come back from a small vacation, who's 12. And the girls Mary and Kim they're 10 and 9 and they're wonderful. You did say your girl had gone off to the guides camp or something, right?"Sarah had gone to camp as a reward for being a brave girl the previous week. She had pointed out a boy at school who had cornered her behind a building and put his hand up her skirt. He got his hand in her pants and given her a good feel up. He also made her touch his cock by bending her arm behind her back. Then he opened her blouse and played with her young, not-so-small-for-her age tits. Every boy knew she was a big girl. Fortunately he was chased off. He got in serious trouble for that.That was behind them and yes she would baby-sit.The Friday night came and Brenda went to the house, a big, old place, but befitting the Mayor. Brenda was introduced to the children as their mother rushed around getting ready. With a, "Be good, see you sometime tomorrow," and she was gone.The way George looked at Brenda disturbed her. The girls did nothing but whisper. Still sandwiches had been left, with milk to follow and there was a film on TV. Brenda was told that the children would play upstairs so there was nothing else to do but sit, relax and enjoy the film.The squealing and laughing from upstairs was non-stop, Brenda wondered what could possibly be going on to cause all that noise. Investigation was her only way to find out. She tip-toed up the stairs to the room where all the noise was coming from and peeked in the door. The sight that greeted her made her mouth drop to the floor. There on the bed were the three children. George had no trousers or pants on and Mary had no top on, showing her small tits. She was playing with his cock. Kim lay on the bed, naked with George tickling her pussy. Brenda swallowed, half choking on the sight. The kids turned and looked at the door, George was the first to speak."Still up to your old tricks are we Mrs. Carter? Watching the children at play. Are you still a pervert then?"What he said hit Brenda like a rock. "What do you mean?" is all she could say.George smiled, "Come in. You can see us better in here. I know who you are, I was at remand home at Landra. I saw the story about you in the paper. 5 years is a long time in prison if you do it again and here you are doing it. So we shall have to tell our parents that you where spying on us, trying to see us with no clothes on. Oh, you are a naughty pervert." They all laughed as Brenda fought for words, "Y-you wouldn't say anything at all, it's me who's going to tell your mother about you."The children all laughed again."Mother would believe a convicted peeping paedophile against her little darlings? I don't think so. No it's you that's going to be in deep shit and you would be locked up in the cells. That would leave little Sarah alone, perfect for my mate to finish what he started. That is to get her home alone, then tie her up, strip her naked and play with them big titties of hers. She's got the biggest in her class and I don't think he will stop there. He said she's got a great little cunt that he wants to feel up and finger some more. If she's tied up and alone who knows what he'd do to her."Brenda's brain raced, "Look I've got some money that you could buy some thing's you'd like, so, come on let's be friends and stop this silliness."George saw her weakness and took the lead, "You come over here and sit down, while we talk. I know we can sort something out."Like the condemned prisoner, Brenda walked over to the bed and sat amongst the children."So you like looking at kids do you, Mrs. Carter? What is it you want to do to them? Do you want to hold boys dicks? Or like you did with that 14-year-old girl, lick some lesbian pussy juice?"Brenda went to argue but George just kept on. "You're a good looker, a real beauty. You've looked after your body. It's every man's dream."So, what's the matter with men? From what I've heard from the grapevine there's at least a dozen men that want to get in your pants. They want to get you hot and fuck your brains out and that's just around here."Is there something wrong with your body under those clothes? Something you don't want them to see?"Mary suddenly piped in, "I bet she's got something wrong with her. Make her show us. Go on George, make her show us."Brenda, now very flustered, tried to explain, "Look it didn't happen the way they said. I was forced. It wasn't my fault and other thing's had happened that has made me not want to be involved with other people at the moment. I just want to be left alone to look after my Sarah, get her through school and then move on. So, you see, there is nothing wrong with me, so what about it? I give you some money and we forget about the past."Mary moaned, "George are you going to make her show us? I thought we were going to see her pussy."Kim said, "Yes, if she wants us to be her friend she should show us her pussy. After all, she has seen mine. I want to see hers or I'll tell mummy that she pulled my panties down and played with me."Brenda cried, "No, no I couldn't. That's not right. No. Never."George smiled that smile Brenda saw when she first met him, "Don't think you got two choices Mrs. Carter. Money don't mean anything to her and it won't hurt. Why don't you just stand up, lift up your skirt and pull your pants down so she can see what you got between them nice legs of yours? No harm in that and there's no point in arguing. You don't got a choice."It's either pussy or prison."Brenda went to speak but the look in George's face, and the way he shook his head told her not to bother. He slid his hand up her skirt, gave her thigh a squeeze and smiled as she got up to the sound of, "She's going to do it. She's going to show us her pussy."Brenda shut her eyes and bent to the hem of her skirt and lifted it up to the waist band then put her thumb in the top of her pants and pushed downward to the excited cries of the three."Hold them down Mrs. Carter. Or shall I call you Brenda? Let's have a proper look at your cunt. We will tell you when to let go," George's voice was full of triumph as the woman stood there, her right hand holding the bunched up hem of her skirt, her left hand with the thumb in the top of her pants pushing them down for the children to see.Kim said, "I want to touch it." Her hand went to Brenda's crotch and squeezed the exposed cunt, making Brenda jump."Just stand still," was the command from George and Kim carried on playing with Brenda's damp cunt, tickling and pushing her fingers passed the lips and rubbing the clit.Mary said, "If she wants to be our friend, let's make her lick Kim's pussy. Let's see her tongue her out."Kim cried, "Yes, yes do it to me. Come on, bet you do it better than George does."Brenda stared in disbelief as Kim lay back on the bed and opened her legs wide. How could they call her a pervert with what these children were saying? What had they been doing to each other, "Go on, lady. You have no choice, give her a licking. Let's see you tongue her cunt. What does it matter 14 or 9, it's just a nice juicy slit that wants your tongue? Go on, she wiggles, go on find out."Brenda couldn't do anything. She let go of her pants and skirt, leaned forward on the bed, dropped her head down between the girls legs and kissed the little hairless slit. George's hand pushed the back of her head, forcing her mouth to make contact with the gapping slit. She started to lick, all she could think was, 'How could this be happening to her?'Mary was the first to break the silence, "George can I play with her tits, please? I let you play with mine. I want to feel what mine will be like when I grow up."George laughed, "If you get tits as big as hers you will be a popular girl with the boys. Yes go on. She's too busy with her mouth to worry with you."Brenda, who was still bent over the bed licking the happy Kim’s hairless cunt could just see Mary laying on the bed undoing the buttons of her blouse and reaching inside her bra to roughly pull her tits out. At the same time the back of her blouse was being pushed up her back by George and her bra strap released.Mary said, "Wow, I hope mine get this big. Look at the length of her nipples. I'm going to suck and bite them, like you do to mine.""I'll look and play with them later," said George. "I've got something else to play with," he continued as his hand slid under the back of Brenda's skirt and slowly traveled up her beautiful legs till he reached her bottom sliding his hand all over it.Brenda's hand came back to stop him, it was soon slapped away. "Nobody told you to stop licking and I'll keep playing with what I want. You have a great ass, and I intend to fully explore every bit of it. And I mean fully."With that he slid under Brenda's pants and down the crack of her ass, pushing into her ass hole, that made her wiggle. George loved that as he carried on around to her cunt to give that a fingering. It was at that time that Kim moaned loudly and came in Brenda's mouth.Brenda quickly stood up."Me next, me next. I want my pussy licked out. I want her tongue up my cunt" Mary cried, taking her shorts and pants off and laying on the bed with spread legs.George said, "Down you go again. Only this time, Brenda, take off your clothes. Let's see some tits swinging and that nice big ass pointing upwards."A weak voice sobbed, "Please no, no more. You can't make me do this."All she got back was, "We can do what we like to you and you will do anything we ask. Now strip and suck, baby-sitter, or should I say baby-sucker."The children's eyes devoured the lovely woman as she shed her clothes and took up the position she had been told, this time with Kim playing with her tits. George still used his fingers to exploring her ass then slid his hand between her legs tickling her cunt.Mary didn't take long before she was jumping, moaning and coming as Brenda had found out what to do to excite the 10-year-old. Wiping the come from her mouth she stood up reaching for her clothes. George ripped them from her."Haven't you forgotten someone Brenda? My dick is in need of relief and being as you're so good with your mouth I get to fuck it. So, get on your knees and start sucking." What was the point of saying no? Reluctantly Brenda dropped to her knees and took the 12-year-old's cock in her mouth and started to pump him up and down as fast as she could to get it over with. It helped to have him fucking her mouth as well.Brenda was amazed at the cum that nearly chocked her. The amount that filled her mouth gave George so much pleasure. He laughed while making her swallow it all.Brenda sat on the floor exhausted as the two girls excitedly probed her body, pinching and squeezing her tits and feeling her up.Brenda hadn't noticed George disappear and return with three old skipping ropes. She was just about to get up when all three jumped on her. Mary caught Brenda hard in the stomach with her knee and she doubled up with pain, then her wrist's were pulled behind her and tied. Being pulled back onto her knees, Brenda's ankles were crossed and tied, then the rope passed through her wrists, hog tying her. Her elbows were tied together forcing her forward and the ends wrapped round her and tied off under her enlarged tits. All this happened so quickly that within seconds she was helpless kneeling, looking up at the three children."Please, let me go. I've done all you wanted. Don't make me do any more. Please I'm begging you."George smiled that smile, "Beg all you want. Yyou are staying right where you are. I want my dick sucked hard again. Open your mouth it's just the right height. Just where I want to stick it. You didn't think you were going to get away with giving us a quickie did you?"Brenda found herself again with her mouth being abused for the enjoyment of the young tormenters. She worked hard again to get him off quickly. Suddenly George pulled it out and shoved her back hard. Brenda fell and the way she was tied forced her legs to open wide and George knelt between them.Brenda gasped, "George stop. For god's sake, what are you doing?"With that ever-present smile George replied, "What the fuck do you think, you stupid cunt? You made my cock hard, so I'm going to stick it in you and fuck you. That’s what your cunts for and I'm going to have it. Now shut the fuck up and wiggle it nice so I come."With one push he entered her and started ramming as hard as he could, "Come on Mary sit on her face let's fuck her at both ends."Brenda's humiliation was now complete. There she was, a grown woman laying bound at the elbows, her wrist's tied to her ankles forcing her knees wide so a 12-year-old could have access to the place that had so recently been for the man she loved. All the while her tongue was being forced to lick a 10-year-old girl's cunt as her nipples were pulled and twisted hard to make her work faster. Wiggling her hips and flicking her tongue waiting for them to deposit their cum on and in her. She didn't wait long.As George got up he pulled at Mary, "Get off her. Kim wants her again and she sucks good laid on her back. Let Kim sit on her face for a while."Then those horrid words she remembered from before filled her ear's, "She's going nowhere."To Brenda's horror Kim was soon sitting on her face demanding the same treatment as Mary and she could hear that George was making a phone call."Barry can you do a sleep over?"Great. Get over here, you'll never guess who we got."You know that Sarah?"Yeah, I didn't think you'd forget, young cunt, big tits, that's the one, well I got her mum here."You better believe it."Yeah. Want to know the best bit?"She's naked, tied hand and foot and we are fucking her, she sucks cock and pussy great."No she don't put out, we are having a great time raping her."No, there's fuck all she can do about it, we can do what we like with her."Tell you when you get here."Great, see you in 15 minutes.""Well, girls this should be fun. Barry's coming over and he has a score to settle with our baby-sucker. We all know what an evil bastard he can be so as I said, this could be fun."Brenda lay in an agonising tied position with her tongue still being forced to work on getting a nine-year-old girl's cunt to come in her mouth. Brenda dreaded what these evil children had planned for her next.Kim got very excited, grinding down on Brenda's mouth. "Oh goodie, Barry's coming. I hope he wants us to suck his cock. It's so big and he takes so long to come."Mary joined in, "Yes, he can lick my pussy again, but I hope he will be gentle when he spanks me. It hurt last time."George laughed, "I think you girls will have to wait your turn. It's baby-sucker he's coming to see."As he said that Kim spat some juice into Brenda's mouth, sighed and got up, they had only just managed to haul the still tied Brenda onto the bed when the front door banged and footsteps came up the stairs and this bigger boy came in the bedroom."Fucking hell, you weren't pulling my pisser. What a fantastic piece of ass she is. Hello cunt, remember me? You got me in deep shit. Now it's your turn. How does it feel?"Brenda felt the tears in her eyes as she started to beg for mercy."Gag her. I don't want to hear any whining. Now tell me why she can't tell on us?"As George spoke Mary stuffed her pants into Brenda's mouth and a school tie held them in.Barry laughed at Brenda, "Five years, you horny pervert? We could make up enough to get her put away for five plus more. Boy this is heaven and you've got a gorgeous body. Nice tits and a very fuckable cunt as well. Let the party begin." Barry leapt on the bed beside Brenda his hands began to explore her tits, cunt and ass."Nice body cunt, we going to have some fun together. Have you seen the kitchen with all those old beams to hang thing's from? You are about to become a thing. George and I are going to take you for a little walk."Come on George untie her feet and let's go. I've got so much planned and not enough time to do it all."Brenda's feet were untied and she was ready to go down to the kitchen.Brenda was marched down the stairs with the rope between her legs now fastened to her wrists. The girls pulled it tight up into her ass and cunt while the boys where on either side pulling and twisting on her nipples. They pinched Brenda's ass, making her squeal into her gag.They were all laughing as they pulled their captive into the kitchen. The girls held the rope as high as they could, making Brenda get up on her tip-toes to stop it cutting into her cunt.George and Barry looked around for what they needed, tape and more rope. They taped Brenda's legs together as they untied her wrists and elbows making it impossible for her to escape. They tied her wrists in front and she watched in dread as they threw the end over a beam and hoist her up on her toe's.Brenda cried as she looked at her tormentors giggling at her helplessness.Barry stood in front of her tickling her cunt and squeezing her tits, "I got one hell of a switching when your kid told on me. I didn't do no harm, just a little feel of her slit. Well now it's your turn to do a little dancing for me."Brenda made no sense as she mumbled pleading noises into the gag. Barry smiled at her as he went behind and started stroking her ass and pinching as far between her legs as he could, trying to pull some cunt hair."Oh this will look nice striped and hot. I bet you'll do anything to stop the pain and you have the equipment to stop it." His fingers came round and tickled her cunt again, he took a hand full of hair and gave a tug.Brenda felt his finger pushing passed the lips and up into her giving her a short finger fuck."That's a nice slit. Like mother, like daughter," then a hard slap. So began the torture.All of them got implements and set to their task of making her dance, Brenda spun and jumped but could not escape as they surrounded her all finding their targets. Her thighs, ass, belly and tits soon held lines of red.Barry decided to have a bit of fun with a belt using it on her ass and cunt. He stood behind her and laid into her ass, loving the way she shot forward and then swung back at each stroke. Then he stood in front and flicked the belt, catching her between the legs watching her shake with pain. Soon Brenda could take no more and she let him beat her as her body hung on the ropes, Barry held her face by the jaw. "You want me to stop?"Brenda nodded."Then your going to suck my cock, lick my ass and let my fuck yours and your going to make me enjoy it. Got it?"Another nod from Brenda was the signal to let her down, her feet were untied but then tied with a small gap so she shuffle about. Her wrist were left bound and her elbows tied to her side.Barry took his trousers and pants off and looked at the gagged woman standing in front of him. "One gag off and another one in. On your knees bitch and give me great head. It's my turn to enjoy you. Then we will take you back upstairs where you can spend the rest of the time servicing us with all your holes."She knelt on the hard kitchen floor as the 14-year-old boy pushed his cock in and out of her mouth hard. Then he'd stop and let her suck him and do all the work, slapping her face if she slowed down. She knew he was coming as he held her head making her look at him before he pushed his full length in and down her throat, pumping every drop into her. Making sure she had her nose buried in his cock hair all the time.He stood back to enjoy her choking and gasping for air on the floor.Mary squealed, "I wish I could suck him that far, I like making Barry fuck my mouth."Brenda was then forced to clean his ass with her tongue, he bent in front of her to the cheers of the others as she pushed her tongue into the foul boy's asshole.Before she was taken back upstairs he laid her over the table and buggered her ass while slapping the sore whip marks, making sure she totally humiliated as she wiggled her ass around to his command. The laughter was deafening, as she tried to get upstairs with just a little space to walk. The rope was again around her waist and through her legs digging into her ass and cunt as they all took turns to pull her up. Her crying and pleading only ended with someone behind her caning her sore ass if she spoke.The rest of the night for Brenda was to be the sex toy for the sadistic sexual pleasures of the four children. If she didn't give pleasure there was always a trip back to the kitchen. Barry had his share for a while so he let George fuck her ass. Mary got in front of her and made her lick her small tits and nipples before pushing her head down to start lapping at her cunt again. next Kim did what she liked best, sitting on Brenda's face as the boys pulled her cunt hair and pinched her, till she was sticking her tongue as far up the nine-yr-old's cunt as she could.Mary was happy to watch, sitting between the boys with a cock in either hand getting them hard again excited to know what they were going to do to Brenda next. She soon found out that two up was the next bit of fun, Barry fucking her cunt while George bent her over to suck and kiss his cock. Mary who was fascinated by Brenda's big tits got under her and pulled, twisted and pinched her already sore nipples.As the night wore on, the attacks became less. Brenda even found herself asleep at one point only to be woken when Mary sat on her face and demanded a licking.Brenda thought, 'Thank god for morning.'Barry had left. Brenda was untied, told to shower and clean herself up. After the shower she went downstairs and sat staring into space as the kid's stayed in their room. Brenda could still hear their horrid laughter, after a hour or so Brenda pulled herself together. Thoughts of getting out without trouble were high in her mind. 'Must wash dish's, all must be normal,' she thought while going through the motions. Her body was sore, a reminder of her night of hell.Mrs. King returned full of bluster and fun, "Did the little darling give you any trouble?"Brenda went to speak as the children ran down to greet Mrs. King who just ignored Brenda."Mummy, mummy, we all had a great night. Mrs. Carter is the best. She is so much fun, please oh please, may she come again? We don't want anyone else, and she said she would do anything to be our friend. Didn't you Mrs. Carter?"Brenda swallowed and nodded. Mrs. King was very happy to hear this, "Oh good. I've got to go to the follow-up meeting on Tuesday and I did so want the Mayor to come. So you will baby-sit again?""Now, how much do I owe you? Will 20 be enough and 20 again on Tuesday? Thank you so much, you don't know what a relief it is to have someone who can make the darlings happy."Brenda's mind raced, "Err no, I don't think so, there's Sarah you see."Mrs. King was adamant, "Bring her along, I'm sure the children would love to play with her."One look at the grin on George's face told Brenda, no way, "Err, no, she can stay with her friend Jackie. But I will do it."For the next two day's Brenda planned how she could use Tuesday night to get out of the hole she was in. First she needed a weapon to save herself, a small club with a ribbed handle for easy grip. Second she needed a way to get the children to talk while she had a hidden tape machine in her purse. Then she could get the tape edited and make them look bad to their mother.She arranged for Jackie to invite Sarah over after school and Tuesday night arrived.Brenda dressed strong, solid underwear, trousers and a high neck jumper. She arrived at seven. She was about to knock when Mr. and Mrs. King came out, "Thanks again for coming. We will be back in the morning. The girls are in the lounge. I think George is in his room, haven't seen him but I heard some noise so that must be him. Bye now. I'm sorry to hear Sarah was unable to go out. Still I expect you have made other arrangements."Before Brenda could speak the car was away. She went in and the two girls met her, "Hello baby-sucker, want some more cock sucking fun?"Mary asked, "How's your cunt and ass? Still sore? want me to kiss it better? That’s after I sit on your face, I'm dripping for a good licking."Brenda gripped the club in her pocket."Oh by the way George wants you to go straight upstairs now or you will be in serious trouble."Brenda gripped the club harder thinking, 'he will soon see who's in serious trouble.' She went up the stairs and flung the bedroom door open, she nearly fainted at the sight, there on the bed was Barry and George. In between them was Sarah, naked with her arms over her head, wrist's tied through the brass bed head, each ankle tied to the bottom outer frame so her legs were spread very wide. A thick wedge of cloth was stuffed in her mouth and held there with tape. Her young body had stripe marks the same as the faded one's on Brenda's ass."Hello Mrs. Carter," Barry said as he held one of Sarah's nipples up and a knife close by it, "Sit down over there, we got some talking to do."Brenda just looked at them."I don’t care if her future husband likes one nipple, it would be a shame to spoil something so beautiful but still it’s up to you."Barry looked evil and Brenda had no choice, she moved and sat.Barry carried on, "Well George you can see where Sarah gets her looks. Have you every seen two such beauties?"Brenda dear, you look hot in that jumper. Take it off."With a defeated look she did."And lose the bra. Your tits don’t need it."Brenda looked at her helpless daughter and undid her bra letting it fall to the floor."Mary you got the goods?"Mary moved to Brenda waving a pair of handcuffs.Barry grinned as he said, "There you are, Mrs. Carter. Put them on and fasten them behind you. Don’t worry about the rest of your clothes we will see to them."Brenda clicked the handcuffs on her wrists behind her, then she stared at the boys, "Alright you have me, now let Sarah go."The children laughed."Stand up so the girls can take your trousers and pants off. Let me see that lovely cunt again," Barry instructed.Mary giggled and played with her ass and cunt as Kim made sure the rest of her clothes were removed."Sit down, Mrs. Carter. My, you look so tasty naked. Don’t worry I will let you suck my cock but the delights of playing with your ass and cunt will have to wait. We have a little treat. Sarah wants to tell you a story, the story about all the fun we have had since 4 this afternoon," Barry said as he pushed the knife at Sarah, "Don’t you? And she is going to do it word for word. Aren’t you? Or we can hurt some little places some more." George pulled the tape off and dug the cloth out of her mouth. Half-coughing, half-crying the first word was, "Mummy," but a quick jab with the knife and that evil look from Barry, forced her to start the story.Her voice was a pathetic whimper but Brenda had been told not to speak and in the position they both were in she did as she was told, "Oh mummy, they met me as I was going to Jackie’s house, George grabbed my hand and put the hand cuff on my wrist and his. He told me that would stop me running. Barry showed me the knife. He held it close as they walked me back here. The girls ran around us masking what was happening until we got to the back door. Then they," she started to sob.Barry grabbed her tit and squeezed, "Get on with it. Mummies waiting."Sarah snivelled, coughed, and then carried on, "They gagged me, put the handcuffs on me, tied my legs and carried me up here. They put more tape over my mouth, piled pillows in the middle of the bed and laid me face down over them so they could lift my skirt up and have my bottom sticking up for them to inspect. They pinched and played with my bottom pushing their fingers in me. It hurt, mummy, it really hurt. Then they pulled my pants down got a cane and hurt me again. They wouldn’t stop till I was crying. They made me promise to strip for them and do it in a sexy way."The tears were running down her face as she told of her humiliation. All Brenda could do was smile, nod and try to give some reassurance. Knowing it was her fault Sarah was in this hell."They untied me, but left me gagged and I had to wiggle myself about as I took off my clothes. They kept pinching me making me wiggle, even after I was naked. Then they tied me up again, put me back on the bed and started beating me. To stop them I had to promise to suck the boys' cocks and lick the girls' pussies. I wanted them to stop, I had no choice. Oh, mummy, they hurt me so much. When Mr. and Mrs. King went out to get a present for their friends it was the perfect time to take off my gag and make me do all those things."Sarah’s voice, now a little clearer still sent shock waves through Brenda as this hate-filled story continued much to Barry's and the other’s enjoyment. "They made me try to suck both their cocks at once but I couldn’t get them in my mouth. I had to suck six times on one then six times on the other all the time the girls were pulling at my breasts and playing with my pussy. It went on for ages till they both made me swallow every drop of what came out of their cocks."Then I had to do the girls. They made me finger them both as I kissed their pussies, making them come. I told them my mouth was too sore to do any more, but Barry made me kiss and lick his balls and his cock till it was hard enough to stick back in my mouth."It was when the Kings came back that I was quickly gagged and tied to the bed. Then the worst happened, Barry told me his cock was still very hard and needed to get rid of his juice. He was sorry he couldn’t stick it in my mouth, as I had a good cock-sucking mouth, so my cunt would have to do. Honest mummy I tried to stop him but gagged and tied like this he just took me."Barry looked at Brenda as his hand went down and played with Sarah’s cunt, "Mrs. Carter, your daughter was a great fuck for a first timer. George said she was great again the second time when he ploughed her cunt."Oh, by the way, you will have to wash her pants when you get home. I had to have somewhere to wipe my cock clean. You know how messy these virgins can be. Anyway after we fucked and the girls sucked her a couple more times you arrived and here we are. You’ve just made it more holes for us to fuck."Both boys laughed and Brenda’s whole body filled with hate for the four children.Brenda watched as Barry played with her daughter's pussy and George squeezed her young full breasts. The girls just sat and played with themselves as the story was told, Barry kept kissing the side of Sarah’s face as he finger fucked her tight young slit."She gets really wet thinking of us fucking her, the girls sucking her tits and talking about it. Don’t you? She’s got one hot cunt, has your daughter. Why don’t you come over here and I’ll show you."Come on, Mrs. Carter. Do as you're told."Brenda got up, naked and still with the handcuffs on. She slowly walked to the side of the bed.Barry took his hand out of Sarah’s cunt, "Lick it. Go on taste your daughter's cunt. It’s tasty. I know, I gave her a good sucking before I fucked her. She got really wet. Taste it."The two girls stood either side of Brenda as she bent her head to the command of the evil child and opened her mouth.As he stuck his wet fingers in, the girls took advantage of her bent position to play with her ass and cunt. Barry made her suck hard then said, "Come on, Mrs. Carter, taste the real thing. Put your face down and suck her for yourself. You know we can make you do it and the girls will give your cunt a thrill if you bend a bit more or I can whip it. Now do as your told."He spat the words 'I can whip it' out and Brenda knew she had to though she felt sick at the thought.Brenda's head lowered until it was just above her daughter's pussy. Barry took great delight in grabbing her hair and dragging her the rest of the way, "Keep your legs straight. I like to see your ass pointing skywards. It makes it easy for me to stick my fingers in your ass and cunt."George was still giggling as he joined the girls behind her. Brenda felt hands everywhere on her tits, ass and cunt as she performed her filthy task for the enjoyment of Barry."More tongue, come on you have to go as far up as possible. Then and only then do you get to enjoy her full flavour," Barry was pushing her so hard."Mary, Kim, let George have her ass. You two come and suck Sarah’s tits. You know what it did to her last time."As Barry gave that command, Brenda heard Sarah sob, "Oh no, please no. She is my mother, don’t make it happen again."As Mary started sucking on Sarah she said, "We know this will be fun. Her nipples go very hard."It only took a while for Brenda to realise what they meant as all the attention Sarah’s young body was getting was having the effect of making her pussy very wet and her hips start to push towards the invading tongue.With a shout Sarah orgasmed into her mother's mouth, to the enjoyment of the others apart from George. George had to stop fingering Brenda as she stood up with her face covered in juice. Mary jumped on the bed and stood face to face with Brenda. George held the back of Brenda’s head as Mary licked the juice from her face.This was too much for Brenda and she screamed at them, "You bastards! You fucking filthy bastards! You are nothing but sick perverted fucking shits."Brenda shook with rage, but all Barry did was smile, "Oh dear our little toy is calling us names, right time for a little discipline I think. We have made it easier this time. No need to go to the kitchen, we can hang things here. George shut her up."Barry gave George Sarah's pants which were soon stuffed into Brenda’s mouth and taped in. Barry put a rope up to a new big ceiling hook and looked at the struggling captive."Don’t hurt her, please. I will do anything you ask but don’t hurt my mummy," Sarah’s pleas went unheard as the handcuffs were tied to the end of the rope and pulled upwards, bending Brenda over.Mary went under the bed and got a broom handle, then Barry and George set to tying Brenda’s ankles to each end. The four looked at her bent over with her legs wide open, her cunt and tits totally defenceless.Barry started to untie Sarah’s legs, "We are going to give you a ring side seat. You get to watch how a baby-sucker is taught to obey."Sarah's wrists were untied from the bedhead and bent behind her head and tied off around her neck. Then she was sat on the edge of the bed facing her captive mother. Mary again went under the bed, and came out with a cane in her hand. She was only too delighted to hand it to Barry. Sarah closed her eyes as Barry went behind her mother and Brenda braced herself. It was to no avail as she screamed into the gag at the first hit, then the second and on to the tenth as the others counted.Barry went to the front and let a couple of flicks hit the underside of Brenda’s tits before her asked if she’d had enough. The glazed eyes and defeated nod said it all.Barry smiled, "Want to suck some cock? Arevyou ready for a bit of meat to have some fun in that pretty mouth of yours? Are you ready to be fucked and do some sucking on cock and pussy? Are you ready to have a mouth full of juice? Oh, yes, your ready."Barry looked over at Sarah, "George leave her tits alone. Come here little girl. I want you to return the favour. Get between your mother's legs and suck her pussy. It’s time to see what turns mummy on."Sarah looked in horror, "No I couldn’t, not my mummy, never."Barry smiled, "Okay I’ll do something else. Go on George, Sarah’s tits and cunt are all yours again."He took the tape and tore a bit off then stuck it to Brenda’s neatly trimmed cunt hairs, two more strips to each nipple then he yanked them off one by one.Brenda squealed into the gag, her eyes filled with tears as she watched him tear another three piece’s. Sarah cried, "I’ll do it. I’ll do anything just stop hurting her."He pulled Sarah over and pushed her down between Brenda’s legs. The threatening look in his face made Sarah start licking her mother's exposed cunt.Barry moved back in front of Brenda and torn the gag off, "Don’t talk, just suck it," and he guided his cock to her open mouth. He stood there as the pretty head bobbed up and down, "Hey, Mary get down with Sarah. Have a play with it. I’m sure two heads are better than one and you might find you enjoy it Mrs. Carter. I’m going to fuck your face and come in your mouth. I’ll tell you when to start swallowing."He emptied himself in her and moved back, "Here, George. Want some mouth? She still sucks the best."George took his place and pumped away.Barry stood back on Brenda’s trouser, "What the fuck is that," and he bent, picking up the club that was in her pocket. "Were you going to use that on us? We are brave aren’t we. Let’s see how you like it. I’m sure we can find a use for it. Get out of the way Mary. Sarah move up, lick and suck on her clit. I’ve got a little present for her hole."George held her head hard down on his cock, Sarah moved up and Barry inserted the ribbed handle of the club up into Brenda’s cunt.Slowly he pushed it in, then pulled it out a bit, then back in, Brenda’s ass wiggled and jumped trying to escape the invading object. Barry pushed Sarah's head, making sure she was licking as much of the clit as possible. Soon he had a good seven inches up her. Then playing with her asshole with his other hand he started to fuck the ribbed club in and out of Brenda’s cunt, slowly at first then as the handle got wetter, a little harder.George moaned, "Fucking hell is she sucking my cock. God, she’s going to pull it off," a low laugh came from Barry as he pumped her faster, and for the first time since Karen a groan of pleasure came from Brenda. As George filled her mouth, the orgasm flooded out into Sarah’s mouth and Brenda moaned long and loud as she hung, shaking in her ropes. "Nice one, Mrs. Carter, now let’s get you down and get the girls off. It is their turn and I’m sure you and your Sarah won’t mind sucking their cunts for them," he untied the rope from the handcuffs then fastened them in front and let her stand up.As George untied her legs he stood in front of her kissing her hard on the mouth while he played with her tits.""So you like it hard, that’s what gets you going. I’ll remember that, how’s about a nice snog, beautiful, it must kiss nice as well as suck cock great."Brenda still weak from her orgasm opened her mouth and let his tongue in; he only stopped exploring when the girls whined about their turn.With her hands tied in front of her, Sarah was knelt beside the bed with her head between Kim’s legs. Brenda was in the same position between Mary's legs as the two boys were behind guiding their cocks into two tight ass holes.As the night went on the perverted acts continued. Sarah and Brenda were made to sixty-nine with each other, not being allowed to stop till they both came in each others mouths again. Then they had to do it with Kim and Mary before the boys were ready to fuck them both again. They said the best was when George fucked Sarah's mouth with Barry up her ass and Brenda licking her daughter's cunt again.It was after that they realized the time, the handcuffs were removed and Sarah and Brenda were told to get dressed, they only had an hour before the Kings would be back and everything must look right and remember, 5 years is a long time in prison especially with prison dykes.The Kings arrived back, just as gushy as ever, the children all said what a great time they had. Mrs. King was so pleased to see that Sarah was there, it was so nice for the children to have someone new to play with and she didn’t forget to pay. She hoped that Brenda would not be too tied up to come again, the children liked to have her come.Brenda and Sarah, now let’s see, last time I saw them Sarah was a very popular girl at school mostly around break time. You could find her behind the gym, usually with a cock in both hands and bent over sucking another while her cunt was being kept busy with fingers or a cock or sometimes even a girl's tongue. Brenda was out a lot at night, but Sarah didn’t need a baby-sitter, Barry or some of his friends would come round and use her mouth or other holes for their enjoyment.Oh yes, Brenda, now she is the most popular baby-sitter the town has, and so cheap. Nearly all the kids want her. Parents have never been able to go out so much.Yes, the last time I saw her I could tell by the look in her face, as a 13-year-old cock was fucking her cunt, a 10-year_old's cock was up her ass and a 12-year-old was banging her mouth, with two other boys waiting their turn to play with the body of this beautiful woman, she was thinking, 'WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED, IF ONLY I’D SAID YES THE FIRST TIME.'END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 30
Sitting out on the back deck I do not always hear the doorbell when it rings. I should probably fix that problem some day since I spend so much time out here enjoying the view and sun. But then again I do not get many unexpected guests.I live on the outskirts of town on a large bluff. The back of my home faces the south towards the city and the view is spectacular. The view was the main reason I choose this spot to build, that and it is quiet and peaceful without a neighbor within a mile. The large expansive deck and patio is where I spend most of my nights and some days as I work from home. It is Friday, midafternoon, the sun high in the sky with a temperature of nearly 80 degrees. It is very pleasant out here sitting under the covered area of the deck. With iced tea in hand I was just getting ready to light the first cigar of the day. I save my cigar time to when my work day is complete so that I can enjoy the time it takes to really appreciate the craftsmanship.I moistened the wrap, clipped the end and placed the cigar to my lips to light, Clyde, my German Shepard, rose his head, ears alert. Being that I just walked outside minutes ago, I did not see the car drive up the private road. Clyde rose, walked to the door, and looked back at me. Looking at Clyde I asked, "what is it boy?" With that he pranced into the house towards the front door. With a sigh I followed.Sure enough the doorbell rang again. "Good boy Clyde," I said as I rubbed between his ears.I wasn't expecting company; I was dressed in only a pair of linen shorts. Hearing the bell again, boy somebody is impatient; I walked a little brisker and opened it."I am so sorry Mr. Walsh," breathed an excited Jaclyn or Jackie as she preferred. Jackie is my housekeeper. She normally arrives on Thursdays, which she did just the day before, to clean my home. She works for a service in town and she was assigned my place to clean once a week. She attends the local university and I believe she is in her second year. I am not sure on this point since I never asked; she rarely opens up about her personal life. She usually shows up, lets herself in, does her work and is off."Jackie, what's the matter?" I said. Her makeup was smudged around her eyes as if she had been crying."Mr. Walsh, can I come in and talk with you?" Jackie asked while looking down at her feet."Sure Jackie, I was just out on the back deck when you arrived. Would you like something to drink, lemonade, iced tea, water?""Do you have anything stronger Mr. Walsh? I sure could use something to calm my nerves.""Sure thing Jackie, help yourself, you know where everything is. I will be out back come and join me there."Jackie is a cute, petite girl, standing probably no more than 5'2" and 100 pounds. She has long raven hair, big brown eyes, a button nose and full reddish lips. Her hips flair out just right for her frame, her legs are muscular but not big and her breasts are probably a large B cup. Jackie poured herself a straight shot of bourbon, quickly drank it down and poured another. With the second glass poured she walked out to the deck where I was sitting. She already looked much calmer. Sitting across from me she gazed across the valley over the city. She obviously had something on her mind and it must be heavy on her shoulders considering she drove out here to talk with me. I hardly know the girl.Giving her some time I took a sip of my tea and decided to light that cigar that I was getting ready to enjoy. With the cigar lit I sank into my chair as if Jackie wasn't even there. Me too gazing across the city,"It's very beautiful up here," Jackie said breaking the silence."Yes it is," I answered. "This is the reason I picked this spot for my home.""Do you get lonely up here all by yourself?" said Jackie, I mean you hardly ever leave especially since you work here to.""Oh I get to town a few times a week. I meet with clients, shop for groceries, got out to dinner," I responded."Yes I suppose you do," Jackie contemplated.More silence ensued. Clyde was lying next to Jackie and I was puffing on my cigar. I was in no hurry before Jackie arrived; I guess I shouldn't be in a hurry now. I was more curious than anything. I am sure she has a good reason for coming, but looking at her slightly disheveled state I was not going to press, at least not yet. After about fifteen minutes I rose from my chair, grabbed both mine and Jackie's glass and walked into the house. In the kitchen I could see Jackie sitting, gazing out over the city. I would assume with whatever was on her mind see really didn't see anything. Jackie's feet were stretched out in front of her, her feet were bare. I could see the week old polish on her toes, some shade of red and starting to peel. Her legs were tan and I could make out all the muscles up her calves and over her thighs. They were twitching slightly; apparently she was unable to relax. From this angle I could not see her short denim shorts. She looked naked from the waist down. My mind wandered with that observation. I wonder why I never noticed those legs before. Probably because she worked and then left, always wearing appropriate clothing, the service must have a loose dress code, no provocative clothing.Shaking my head clear I reached for a new glass for me walked to the fridge and tumbled a couple of cubes of ice in each glass. I walked over to the liquor cabinet grabbed the bourbon and poured three fingers each. I paused again on my way out the door and gazed once more at Jackie sitting there. The angle this time was different. Jackie's long hair cascaded across the back of the chair, the strap of her tank top invisible making her shoulders appear bare. Her breasts from this angle looked larger than I am sure they are and her nipple was erect. "Curious," I thought, she must not be wearing a bra.I stepped out and placed a refilled glass at her side and then settled into my own chair. Again silence.I could only be so patient so I decided to give her only a few more minutes before I spoke.Jackie took a small taste of the bourbon, set down the glass and turned to me. I could see her out of the corner of my eye, but I did not turn. "Mr. Walsh," said Jackie.I turned her big brown doe eyes were looking directly into mine. "Jackie, since you are here for reasons other than work call me Mike.""Ok Mr... Ok Mike. I have a serious problem and I needed to run. I didn't know where to go, but I thought of you and this house out of town. I thought it might be safe until I figure things out.""Safe here, how long are you planning on staying?" I asked."Well," Jackie paused for a long moment, "I haven't thought that far ahead yet.""Jackie, on a scale of one to ten, how serious is this problem of yours?"Without hesitation Jackie said, "Eleven.""That serious huh?" I was young once and I remember the serious problems I encountered. In looking back at my "elevens" they were really no more than maybe a three or four. "I can see in your face that the wheels in your head are spinning. Why don't you stay here for the night and if you are up to it in the morning we can talk more."Jackie's shoulders dropped, it looked as if a weight had been lifted and she could somewhat relax. "Thank you Mike, I really could use a night to think."Clyde, sitting next to Jackie, lifted his ears and he sat his chin on her thigh. Dogs must know more of what is going on than we give them credit for. Jackie smiled at him and wrapped her arms around his neck to give him a big squeeze. I think Clyde was smiling at me.I would be smiling too.Jackie stood, excused herself into the house, as I sank back into my chair. I grabbed my cigar in my right hand and my bourbon in my left and contemplated the previous events."What could be so serious to a girl only twenty. How old was she?""Was she wearing a bra under that tank top?""Where is her family, did she live alone here in town?""I wonder if she shaves trims or is au naturel.""Is she having boyfriend troubles?""Of the $100 a week I pay the cleaning service how much of that does Jackie get?"Breaking me out of my thought Jackie stood in the doorway to the house. "Mike, I am making dinner tonight what should we have? I didn't look in the kitchen; I didn't want you thinking I was snooping.""Jackie, I haven't thought that far ahead, I usually go into town on Fridays a get a bite at McGruder's."Jackie's eyes dropped to the floor, "Ok, you mind if I find a little something for me here?""Jackie, why don't you join me?""Oh no, I can't go back into town, not tonight.""Well then, I guess we can browse the kitchen and see what we have. There won't be much I usually drive to town on Saturday to grocery shop.""Mike, you stay there I will see what to make." With that Jackie turned and disappeared once again.Fifteen minutes later Jackie reappeared. She had the bottle of bourbon in her hand and refreshed my glass. "I found a couple of steaks in the freezer, one potato I will bake and we can split, and enough for a small salad. Does that sound alright with you?""Delicious. Everything is better when prepared for you.""The steaks will take a little while to thaw, would you mind if I took a shower while we wait?""Not at all," I said, "make yourself at home tonight. You probably know more than me about where everything is."With that she pranced into the house again. She does look like she feels better; again "elevens" are many times a three or four.Forty-five minutes later I heard Jackie in the kitchen. I just finished the last of my bourbon and my cigar. Moments later she appeared and walked to the edge of the deck. She was wearing one of my t-shirts, she placed her arms on the railing, lifted her heals and bent at the waist as she leaned forward. Her calves became taunt and the bottom of the t-shirt rose up her thighs. The way she was angled and the position of the sun Jackie was silhouetted in such a way I could see the outline of her legs where they joined in paradise. I could not see her sex, but I could definitely imagine. She inhaled a deep breath and turned.My eyes were still at the level of her pussy, she caught me looking. With the light on her back my previous question still went unanswered. I glanced up slowly to her breasts, her nipples visible under the light cotton. Father up her lips were slightly parted, a small smile formed. Her eyes were expressive, definitely not the girl that walked into my house earlier this afternoon. The make-up smudges were gone; her face was clean and without makeup. Jackie was absolutely gorgeous.I smiled back. "You look like you feel better.""I do, thank you. I will start dinner in a few minutes; I hope you don't mind if I borrowed a shirt I didn't bring any other clothes. I put mine in the wash so they would be clean for tomorrow.""Not at all Jackie, in fact it looks better on you than it could ever look on me."Dinner was wonderful and simple; the red wine Jackie picked went well with the steak. The conversation was light, Jackie seemed to forgotten what brought her here. She cleaned up for us and again we found ourselves on the deck. The sun was down and the lights below illuminated the city. The sky was clear and the temperature dropped into the low seventies. I could see that Jackie's nipples were hard under the t-shirt. Her legs were stretched out in front of her and slightly parted. The result was that the t-shirt was high on her thighs. If I was in front of her looking on I am sure the view would be much better than the city below us.A quiet hour later Jackie stood, stretched and retired for the night.Soon after I went to the master bedroom, stripped naked and settled on top of the covers. My hand rested on my cock seemingly on its own. My mind flashed across the afternoon, Jackie's watery eyes when she first arrived, her long muscular legs, her nipples poking against the thin cotton, the sun shining through the t-shirt, the silhouette of her sex. Before I knew it my cock exploded, cum spurting up to my chest, pooling on my stomach and dripping down my hand.I went to the bathroom, cleaned up, returned to bed and was fast asleep.Morning came with the smell of fresh coffee. Looking through the kitchen window I saw Jackie leaning against the railing looking down the valley. The sun wasn't in the right position to get the same view as the day before, but I am positive my ass doesn't look that good while wearing my own t-shirt. I poured a cup of coffee, I was wearing pajama pants, my cock semi-erect and swaying as I walked. Jackie turned and looked then turned back to the view.I was sitting now, still admiring my own new view and said, "Jackie, are you ready to talk?"She turned again, walked to the chair and sat.With a deep breath, then an exhale, it all came out."Yesterday morning I drove 200 miles to this town across the state line to pick up some drugs and deliver them to another town. While driving down the highway I felt like I was being followed and pulled into a busy rest area. Freaked out I took the drugs into the bathroom and flushed them down the toilet. I came back here and while I was pacing around my apartment my phone rang about a half an hour after I was supposed to show. I didn't answer; they hung up and called again, over and over. Since I didn't answer any of the calls I got a text which said, **Where are my fucking drugs BITCH**. I dropped the phone and started crying then the phone beeped again. Another text, **You have one hour or you are dead**. That was yesterday, I haven't heard back. I ran out of my apartment crying, got into my car and drove around for about an hour. Then I realized that the place I picked up the drugs would know my car. I freaked again, not knowing where to go I drove my car straight here. It is way out of the way, they couldn't possibly know where I am. I am so sorry, I shouldn't have come here. I will go get my clothes and leave."I don't think she took a breath it all came out so fast, I had questions."Jackie, first take a deep breath, then tell me where your keys are, I will park the car in the garage."With that I walked into the spare room got the keys and promptly moved the car. I walked back into the house and back out to the deck. Jackie was curled up on the chair; her knees were to her chest feet flat on the chair, her head resting on top of her knees. From the way I approached I now knew the answer to my question, trimmed. The way she was sitting made her fully exposed. I am not sure if she realized that her pussy was on full display or if she even cared. Her pussy lips were plump, but not from arousal, that was their natural state.I turned around, walked back into the house and up to my room. I retrieved a pair of boxer shorts and returned to the deck. "Jackie, put these on."She looked up, embarrassed. Her cheeks did not turn red since they were already red from her story. She stood, turned away from me and slipped on the boxers. "Thank you," she said and sat back down. "Mr. Walsh you have been very kind and I am sorry that I have bothered you. I don't want you involved so I need to leave and figure this all out."I kneeled down in front of her and said, "Jaclyn," I reached up and brushed the hair from her face. I could tell that her big brown eyes were getting ready to tear up. "Let me ask you some questions first, then let me see what I can do to help."I sat back down across from her and thought for a moment."Was this the first time you have done this?""Yes, I was desperate, my rent is due and I am really short on the money I need."I looked at her, "have you asked your parents for help?"She looked down at her feet; she is curled up in the same position as before but now the boxers are covering her. "I don't have any parents. I was in and out of foster care since I was eight and I moved west when I got out of high school. After about three years I moved here and decided to try to go to college. I was tired of moving around, being homeless and afraid.""I see," I said. "Have you told anyone else about this? How did you come across these people to run drugs for?""Well, I called a friend from the last place I lived and asked her if she knew of some quick work that I could do to make a few hundred dollars. She said she was still prostituting, but not on the street anymore she was using the internet. I don't want to do that again I said.""Again," I said, apparently out loud though I meant to say that to myself.Jackie looked away, her voice quieted a notch, "Yes, again. I am not proud that I did that, I needed to. I was on my own and needed to survive. I watched the girls around me get hooked on various drugs. I didn't want that, that is why I was turned to foster care. My parents were addicts.""I am sorry to hear that Jackie," I said and I genuinely meant it.She turned back to me, she was looking in my eyes, I think trying to read me. Her brown eyes were beautiful, I stared back. She smiled at me and said, "thank you Mr. Walsh.""No more Mr. Walsh, remember its Mike.""Ok Mike it is. Anyway my friend told me she was running drugs up the interstate and they pay her $300 a trip. I needed about $500 to pay my rent and buy some food, so I thought two trips would get me back on track. Since it is summer my student aid stopped until the fall term. The housekeeping agency doesn't pay enough for me to live. Being a college town work is hard to find in the summer."That I can understand, about 20,000 students vacate the town for the summer. Tourism brings in a few people during the summer with all of the outdoor activities but those jobs are hard to come by."Do these people know where to find you; do they know that you live here?""I don't think they know unless my friend told them. She doesn't know exactly where I live but she does know where I go to school.""Jackie, can I have your phone?"Jackie got up and went into the house. She retrieved her phone and brought it back. I looked at the texts, nothing new.I started typing on her phone, she looked a little scared.**I don't have the drugs anymore, I was being followed and flushed them**We waited, but not for long. A text came back.I looked at Jackie, "Is this your everyday phone?""Yes."I opened the new text and read it. **BITCH I am at your school I only had to hit Caitlyn five times to get her to talk I will find you**I looked back at Jackie, she was standing behind me. She wasn't really crying but tears were running down her cheeks. Her hands were shaking a little. She reached around me; her head rested on my shoulder and said, "I am scared."I turned and started typing again, **what can I do to make this right**Moments later the phone beep, then beeped again.**I want my drugs $2k or $8k plus $2k for my trouble****or I want your ass you are going to work it off**"Do you have any idea who this guy is?" I asked.Jackie shook her head.I put the phone down. Jackie walked over to the railing. She looked sick."Well we only have one choice to get you out of this," I said.Jackie turned, "I don't have enough money to pay my rent, the drugs are gone, so the only choice is to run.""Well I wasn't thinking that, so I guess you have two choices."Jackie didn't smile, instead she ran into the house and into the guest room.I slowly followed. The door was ajar so I walked in. "Oh, sorry," I said. I just as quickly backed up and closed the door.Jackie was naked, from the angle I was at in the door way I could only see her from behind. Her long hair cascaded forward as she was bent over putting on her panties. Her right leg was bent and raised off the ground as she put her foot through to one side, her pussy on full display once again. Leaning forward her breasts swung slightly as she moved. She was in a hurry.I waited a few moments and knocked.Jackie opened the door and walked past toward the garage. As she walked she was looking in her purse, I would assume for her keys. I reached in my pocket, grabbed the keys and held the up for when she figured why she didn't have them any longer.She turned to face me, "I moved your car, remember?"She approached me to grab them but I placed them back in my pocket. "Jackie, let's talk. Running will not fix your problems only postpone them.""Mr. Walsh..."Mr. Walsh again I thought."I appreciate you letting me stay here last night so I could think, but I need to leave, I have no other option."I looked into those brown eyes, "Give me fifteen minutes to talk, just fifteen minutes."With a deep sigh Jackie turned and walked into the living room. She plopped herself down in a chair, arms crossed and waited.I followed and sat across from her, "look Jackie, I know this is overwhelming, but let's see if we can come up with a solution. Maybe we can go to the cops and tell them what happened.""NO! No cops. They will just come after me anyway, if not this guy then one of his buddies.""Ok," I said, "how about we get the money...""We? We get the money? I don't have any money.""I get the money, find a drop site, text this asshole and tell him where it is. We watch him get it, take his license plate just in case, take a couple pictures and drive back up here."Much calmer Jackie looked me again in the eyes. She has such beautiful eyes. "Mr. Walsh, thank you again, but I don't want you involved. I have taken care of myself this long I will figure it out on my own.""Jackie, I didn't get this far in life alone," I said. "There were many times I needed a little help."This is not a little help Mr. Walsh, this is a lot of money, money I cannot repay.""We can work something out, a long term loan. You get through college, find a job, then we can talk about repayment."Clyde was again sitting next to Jackie, his chin on her knee. Jackie was petting him between the ears, thinking."Ok Mr. Walsh, I will go with your plan.""Good, no you're thinking clear." I stood up, "I am keeping your keys till we leave just in case you have ideas," I said as I walked to my room.I took a shower, put on fresh clothes and went to my office. Jackie was still in the living room with Clyde. I opened my safe, counted out $10,000, walked into the kitchen and placed the money in a paper bag.When I turned Jackie was standing behind me. "You have $10,000 just laying around?""Well you might need it in a hurry," I said."For what?" asked Jackie."Well... for times like this," I said.Twenty minutes later we were in town. I drove on the highway to the far side by the river and pulled into a park. Being Saturday morning the park was well occupied. It was little league season and the baseball fields were full of kids playing and people in the stands yelling and cheering. I got out, placed the bag in a garbage can near the parking lot and went back to the car.I pulled out Jackie's phone, turned to look at her, "Monday we are putting you on my plan and changing your number." I looked down and starting typing.**Your money is at Finley Park on the south side of town in a garbage can on the east side of the parking lot. It is in a brown paper bag**I drove a few rows back and parked facing the garbage can. Jackie's phone beeped.**Better be BITCH better be all there**We waited about twenty minutes. An old gold Cadillac pulled in with three guys sitting inside. The driver pulled up and the passenger in the back jumped out, ran to the garbage can and grabbed the bag. They sat there for a couple of minutes apparently counting the money. I snapped pictures of the car and its passengers. As they drove off I snapped a couple more.The phone beeped once more.**I better not ever see you again or your ass is mine**I looked at Jackie and she looked at me. We both gave a big sigh and leaned back in our seats."You think this is over?" she asked."I can only assume so. I doubt they will want to cause more trouble since they got their money.""I hope so.""You learn anything today?" I asked."Yes, a few things. Don't dump someone else's drugs in the toilet. Look for possible solutions before you run and that you have been very kind and a perfect gentleman.""Perfect is questionable, gentleman... well I try.""Mr. Walsh ... um I mean Mike, you have been. You offered me a place to stay, you talked me through options, you covered me up when I was vulnerable, you walked out of my room when I was changing and you loaned me $10,000.""We should talk about that," I said I as I started the car and drove home.On the way to the house we stopped by Jackie's apartment to gather a few things. She agreed to stay at my place for a week until we were sure the guys wouldn't come back. We also stopped by the grocery store to pick up some food. Jackie offered to pay, but I reminded her she needed rent money more than I needed grocery money.When we arrived home it was after two in the afternoon. I was starving. Jackie ran into the kitchen, unpacked the groceries and proceeded to make us lunch. Clyde was at her side the whole time. I think he likes her and I think I like her as well.Late that afternoon I was outside on the deck enjoying a bourbon, Jackie was sitting next to me with a glass of wine. Jackie turned her head towards me and said, "I could get used to this. Mike, would you mind if I take a bath in the master bath? It is so pretty up there with the view.""Not at all Jackie, make yourself at home for the week."With that she rose and scampered off.I got up, refilled the bourbon, retrieved a cigar and sat back down, an hour later Jackie reappeared."I feel much better now."I turned my head and watched Jackie walk to the railing. The sun was almost in the exact place it was yesterday when she was standing there wearing only my t-shirt. This time however she was not wearing that t-shirt. Jackie was wearing a pink camisole. The camisole was cut very low in the back, almost to the top of her ass. It had thin straps that crossed over the opening apparently to keep it from falling off her shoulders. Like the night before, the sun shone right through the skirt portion that went to mid-thigh. But unlike yesterday I could clearing see her sex as she leaned forward on the rail.Jackie flipped her hair as she turned her head back to me. She smiled and turned around. The front was equally as sexy. She placed her elbows on the railing which caused her breasts to push forward. The front of the camisole was equally shear and the neck line plunged deep into her cleavage. The tops of her breasts were uncovered and the lace trim crossed along her nipples. The air was not cool, but her nipples were hard. I looked father down across her stomach. She has a small piercing in her navel. Farther south I could see the small triangular patch of hair above her pussy. Oh and her pussy, even through the material I could see her lips. They were full and inviting.I stood, my cock throbbing in my shorts, I walked toward her. Being a full foot taller she looked up with her eyes, her chin still down. I gently reached for her chin and lifted it up. Jackie's eyes were half closed. I leaned in, her mouth puckered and we kissed.It was a soft kiss, her lips were moist. My hands tilting her face towards mine. I pulled back and looked back into those eyes that have had me mesmerized for the last 36 hours. Her eye lids were heavy, her body relaxed for the first time since she walked in the door.It felt like I was holding her up by her cheeks. I leaned in again and kissed her this time with more urgency. I nibbled her lips and sucked them into my mouth, first the upper lip then the lower. I opened my mouth slightly and pressed her lips with my tongue and she responded. Our tongues touched and she let out a soft whine. I pulled her in closer as she wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled back. My hard cock pressed into her torso, her breasts pressed hard against my rib cage.I pulled back again, Jackie was breathing hard. She leaned in, rose to her toes and kissed my neck. Her hands moved around grabbed my shirt and lifted it over my head. She lowered and kissed my chest, her hands rubbing all over. She took my right nipple in her mouth and flicked her tongue across it, then gently nibbled. After a few moments she moved to the left nipple and gave it equal attention. Her hands roamed father down to the waistband of my shorts, my hands still holding her head.Jackie kissed down my stomach; she found my belly button and pressed her tongue into it. Her fingers released the button on my shorts with her right hand she pulled down the zipper. She put her thumbs in the waistband of my shorts and briefs and pulled the down around my ass, my hard cock preventing the front form moving. I released her head as she knelt on the ground, her head even with my cock. Her hands came back around and she grabbed the waist band with her left hand and pulled it out and down. My cock sprang free and she grabbed it with her right hand. She squeezed the base, leaned forward and kissed the head with little kisses over and over.I was looking down, my cock pointing straight at her. My cock is not overly large, but not small. Her small hand made it look bigger. Her left hand was lifting my balls and gently squeezing.She pulled back slightly and looked at me in the eyes. She rubbed the head of my cock on her cheeks and across her lips. One more time around she stopped, my cock resting on her bottom lip as she was gazing into my eyes. Then without breaking eye contact she opened her mouth and swallowed my cock whole. When she reached the base her eyes fluttered the closed.I let out a gasp. Never has a woman taken me in such a manner. I lifted my chin, closed my eyes and pressed forward at the hips giving her all of me.She paused, my cock completely in her mouth, she swallowed. The feeling of the tightness in her throat was simply amazing. After a moment she pulled away, her tongue swirled around the head, then back down till her nose pressed against my skin. Over and over she did this with a slow agonizing pace. I could feel every ridge in her mouth. Every time she moved forward I pressed my hips into her.She this up for about ten minutes, my breathing quickened. I was getting closer; I reached down again, my hands wrapped in her hair. I was now moving her head for her, her hands gripped my ass moving my hips for me. Suddenly I pressed forward holding her head, her nose pressed against my skin. My cock pulsed in her mouth. Jackie's eyes fluttered as my cum jetted down her throat. With each pulse over I pulled out slightly and pressed forward again as the next jet of cum exploded from my cock.This happened eight times total. Jackie swallowed every drop. When I was done I grabbed her arms and lifted her. I grabbed her face and kissed her. I whispered in her ear breathlessly, "That was simply amazing. I have never cum like that before." With that she smiled.I took Jackie's hand and led her to the chaise lounge. I kissed her again and lowered her down. My hands reached for her breasts, her nipples were hard. I pinched and squeezed, she moaned. Her breasts were slightly bigger than my hands, they felt wonderful. I laid Jackie down and knelt between her legs. The sun behind me was almost gone, but gave enough orange light for me to admire her sex. Her lips were more swollen then they were the day before, now she was excited. They naturally spread as the blood throbbed through causing them to turn a darker pink. I lowered my face down and gave her a barely there gentle kiss. I saw her shiver, she tasted heavenly. I inhaled deeply filling my nostrils with her musky scent. I looked up at her, her was propping herself up on her elbows. Her stomach was taunt and flexed. I lowered down farther; eyes still locked on to hers and licked her from her rose bud to her clit. Her stomach rippled.I could not hold back any longer. I closed my eyes and starting making love to her with my lips, teeth and tongue. I nibbled here, and licked there. She placed her feet flat on the chaise; her knees feel to the side. I rubbed her clit with my right thumb as I licked around and between her lips. With my left thumb I circled her rose bud which was moist with her flow of pussy juice."Oh, oh, oh, "Jackie was panting. She would hold her breath then again, "Oh, oh, oh." And silence. Over and over her chant continued as I assaulted her pussy.As she was getting close she would press down on her heels and lift her ass off the chaise. I was still rubbing her clit with more pressure. My left thumb pressed steady on her rose bud. I continued to lap at her sweetness and with one final, "OHhhhhhh GOD! I am cumming!" I pressed my thumb into her ass.Jackie squeaked, held her breath and shook, paused and shook. Her eyes were rolled back, her mouth open, screaming silently. She lowered her hips back down to the chaise and clamped her legs around my head. "Stop," she said in a breathy voice. I pushed her knees slightly apart and knelt straight up. I lifted her ankles and laid her legs straight. I kissed her feet, shins and thighs. I skipped past her cunt and kissed her belly lifting the camisole as I went. I reached her rib cage and lifted the shear material over her breasts. I palmed them and rubbed gently.Jackie's breathing was returning to normal as she lay still. I moved my right hand and kissed her left breast, and then I moved my left hand and kissed her right breast. Her head was flat, eyes looking up at the stars, both artificial and real. I looked up and watched her nostrils flair. I lifted my head and kissed her neck, chin, just below the ear. Jackie wrapped her arms around me, I placed hands on her head and kissed her mouth as gentle as I could.She took one last deep breath and exhaled. "I have never felt that wonderful in my entire life!"I kissed her again, stood and took her hand to help her up. I placed my right arm behind her shoulders, lowered and placed my left hand under her knees and lifted her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and laid her head on my chest. I carried her up to my bedroom.Once in the room I sat her on the bed. I lifted all the shades on the windows and the city lights came into view. I then opened the windows and the night's fresh air came wafting into the room. I returned to Jackie and stood in front of her; I reached for the hem of her camisole and lifted it over her head.Jackie leaned back and scooted up to the head of the bed resting her head on the pillows. I crawled up following her placing my legs on the outside of hers. I lowered myself onto my elbows and kissed her lips. She kissed back grabbing my face in her hands.I lowered my cock down and rubbed it along her swollen lips. They were still wet with her moisture and saliva. My cock slipped effortlessly along her cleft and against her clit.After about fifteen minutes of kissing and rubbing I lifted my right leg and she moved her left to the side following with the other legs. I lowered again and placed my cock between her legs. I pressed forward and the tip of my cock slipped into her cunt. I paused and she gasped. Jackie pushed down toward me, silently urging more of me inside. Looking deep in her eyes I pressed forward again, another inch swallowed, and I paused again.I leaned in as she lifted up and we kissed again. With that I pressed fully into her, Jackie's breath escaped her lips. Slowly I withdrew to the head and just as slowly pressed back inside. Our paced slow and loving.Jackie still grasping my face, we continued to kiss. Our tongues danced a tango as my cock rhythmically sawed in and out. We continued this for a very long time. The passion was intense.As our bodies were heating up our pace quicken until I suddenly stopped. Jackie's eyes opened in a flash and I grinned. I removed my cock from inside her and she whimpered. I lifted my legs one at a time to the outside of each of hers. I reached down around her waist and flipped her over. Jackie giggled, then said, "I love a strong man who is in control."Grabbing a pillow from the bed I again lifted her hips and slid the pillow under, with that her ass raised up. What a beautiful sight. I scooted down the bed, my knees on each side of her feet. I grabbed an ass cheek with each hand and spread wide. I licked her pussy again and again, Jackie groaned. I searched and searched her insides again until she was wriggling under me.At that moment I moved slightly forward and plunged my tongue into her sweet rose bud. I wiggled my tongue around and moved it in and out. She pressed her ass into my face as I continued my attack. Finally I rose, scooted forward again until my knees pressed into the side of her hips, my ankles at her knees.I leaned down, pulled Jackie's hair aside and kissed her neck then nibbled her ear. I told her to cross her ankles and lifted off of her. I grabbed my cock, pointed it down and entered her cunt in one long thrust.Jackie's head raised, she inhaled and held her breath. I pressed both palms into the small of her back making the angle greater. I started thrusting slow and picked up my pace. After a short time my hips were thrashing quickly. I pulled out to the head of my cock and buried myself completely. At this angle I was able to bottom out completely hitting her cervix with each thrust. Each time I entered she groaned, "Oh God, Oh yes, Oh God, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh."I continued my assault from behind, Jackie screamed, "OHHH GOD, I'M CUMMMMING!!!"With that I pressed my right thumb deep into her rose bud, Jackie shook violently.Sweat was dripping from my forehead and my chest. Jackie's back glistened with her own sweat.Jackie was entering a second orgasm as I tried to push deeper inside her, faster and faster. Her cunt was on fire, I could feel the heat. With one final thrust I buried all my length into her sopping cunt. My cock pulsing, Jackie's head arched up, her ass pressed back and she froze.As the stream of my cum came to an end I held myself into Jackie as she shook with convulsions. Finally she relaxed and collapsed on the bed, I collapsed on top of her. I grabbed her hands undermine and fanned them out to our sides, my weight on hers, our breathing hard. After a moment I rolled off of her, she rose to her elbows, leaned over and kissed me, then kissed me again. She laid her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her then we drifted off the sleep.I awoke the next morning with the sun shining in from the open windows. Jackie's head was bobbing up and down on my hard cock. I looked down; she paused, lifted, smiled and said, "good morning." Then she went back to it. I didn't last long. I lifted my hips and came, she paused, pressing her nose to my skin and swallowed. She waited until my hips dropped down to the mattress, crawled up to my face and kissed me. Then she was off, giggling.I got up and went into the bathroom, washed and put on some sweat pants. I walked to the kitchen; the smell of fresh coffee filled my senses. Jackie filled me a cup, she was still naked.The week she was supposed to only stay went quickly. Needless to say she didn't leave. Jackie finished college and took part time work at a shelter helping troubled youth. I still worked part time with my consulting business.I lavished Jackie with gifts and spoiled her with love. I was in love. I treated her as the princess I saw in her and she in return kept me full of youth. Our house became clothing optional, I loved watching her parade around in nothing but a smile. I can say that the debt she owned was paid back with a million percent interest.END
When I was thirteen years old, a high school freshman, I was required to take a sex education class. The teacher talked about the evils of masturbation. I had always liked touching myself between the legs. If I rubbed my cunny and clitty for a while I would feel the most lovely sensation in my body. I used to do it a lot when I was home in bed or in the shower but rarely had an opportunity to do it in school. I didn't know if that was considered masturbation but it felt really nice. During study hall, I learned that if I squeezed my legs together and pressed the back of my notebook into my pussy, I could make myself feel almost as good as I did in the shower. I tried to cover my shudder and moan by pushing my chair back as if I was rising to get another book. It was a good feeling. If that is what the teacher meant by masturbation, it didn't seem so bad.I also discovered that I could make myself feel even better if I leaned my body against the washing machine during the spin cycle. I would straddle the edge of the washer, press the corner against my cunny, and lean over to mash my growing boobies on the top of the machine. The vibrations made my nipples tingle. I felt at first like I had to go to the bathroom but the feeling expanded over my hips and lower body. My legs would start to shake and my hips pressed my cunny tighter into the corner of the washer. I gripped the machine tightly as a wonderful feeling passed over my entire body. If the machine had a big load, I could do it twice. I was in total ecstasy doing the washing. Sometimes I found that I had wet my panties. It's not as if I peed into them but they were definitely damp and had sort of a funky smell. No problem, I simply threw them into the washer with the next load.Once Mom caught me playing with my pussy while I was watching TV. It was a romance story and the handsome lead actor had the girl in his arms and was kissing her. I tried to imagine that it was me being kissed. My hand was under my skirt and I was rubbing my panties over my pussy. Mom shouted at me and told me to stop it. She said that only 'bad girls' touched themselves there. If I didn't want to be a 'bad girl' I should never do it again.I tried to ignore the urges of my body during my early teen years by throwing myself into athletics. I jogged a couple of miles each day. I played tennis and soccer and even made the first team in both sports. My secret weapon was my conditioning. I could perform at 100% for the entire duration of a match. At night I tumbled exhausted into bed. Still my hands inevitably found my genitals and I childishly manipulated them until an ecstatic feeling passed over my body. Then I fell asleep.I felt guilty about pleasuring myself. I knew I must be doing something bad if it felt so good. Still, it helped me get though those early years without the angst and anxiety that most girls feel. All the worries of the day would vanish in the afterglow of my small climax. I was a tranquil and happy young lady, a joy to be around. I had mixed feelings about still being a virgin at fourteen, going on fifteen. Many of my classmates had had sex already and one girl was even pregnant. I didn't have any idea of what real sex felt like but if it was at all like what I could do to myself it must be wonderful. What would it feel like to get fucked? I simply loved the thrill of playing with myself. I couldn't wait to have real sex. It's too bad that I had to behave properly in school. I fantasized myself standing in the middle of the school lunchroom. I would take off all my clothes, lie on a table, and let everyone fuck me. To be honest I didn't know what "fucking" really meant. My girlfriends said that the boys would put their penises in the woman's vagina and move them in and out until both boy and girl felt good. It would be like what I did with my fingers at night or with the corner of the washing machine. My friends said that while "fucking" felt really good, you had to make the boys take their penis out before something came out the end otherwise you might get pregnant.In my fantasy the boys had no clothes. Just the sight of my nude body would give all the boys big erections. It was like the boys getting "hard-ons" in grade school except that I could see their rigid cocks sticking out instead of just bulging their pants. They would play with my tits and my pussy until I was on the verge of cumming. Then they would stick their cocks into my cunt and move them in and out until we both felt really good. My girl friends said that I would 'cum' and have an orgasm. I didn't know what that meant but the older sister of my best friend said that it was a heavenly feeling. Each boy would take his turn and I would 'cum' over and over. In my fantasy I could have all the sex I wanted. The boys would give me real orgasms instead of the tiny ones I gave myself in bed just before I went to sleep. I would be queen of the hive. A true sex goddess.Wouldn't that be something? My growing boobs got me noticed by the boys in high school. Sometimes the boys went out of their way to brush against my breasts in a crowded hallway. I didn't date much because my parents felt that I was too young. I went out with only a select few boys, those my parents deemed to be acceptable. Occasionally my dates would sneak a feel of my breasts. Few of them actually got a chance to actually touch my tits. If I liked them a lot I would let them touch my bare flesh for a few seconds before I pulled away. I giggled a lot and told them that they were naughty but was rather pleased that they made the attempt.I was surprised that the boys liked my breasts. They were growing really big, just like my Mom's, but they got in the way when I played tennis. Still, I liked to touch them in bed and my nipples felt good when I rubbed and squeezed them gently. I used to lightly pinch my nipples even when I was reading in school. It was sort of an unconscious thing. I wasn't even aware that I was doing it. My hands would drift up to my chest and I would fondle my boobs. But while I liked to play with my own titties, I couldn't figure out why the boys liked them. They couldn't feel what I felt.My most frequent date, Brian, was a year older than many of my classmates and had a driver's license. He seemed a responsible boy. We went to movies together and occasionally parked for a little hugging and kissing before he took me home. After a few dates, I allowed him to put his hands under my loose sweater and touch my breasts. He would touch them all over, cup the growing mounds in his hands and rub my nipples. My nipples got hard when he rolled them between his fingers. It felt better when he fondled me than when I did it to myself. Eventually we both got the courage to let Brian explore further.When we went to matinee movies on the weekend, it was still light when we drove home. Brian would park the car in a secluded spot. If I felt particularly daring, I would loosen my bra and let him open my button down sweater and play with my breasts in the fading daylight. I was very proud of my womanly tits. In the last year they had grown to the size of half grapefruits. My nipples were bigger too. They were centered in large pink areolas that covered much of the end of each boobie. I felt that my titties looked much better than the tiny pimples that adorned the chests of most of my female classmates. Brian would swirl his fingers around my areolas and gently pull at the nipples. I loved to feel him touching my beautiful boobs. It felt so nice. He could make my nipples get almost as big as little thimbles. If the date had gone particularly well, I might even put my hands around a tit and hold it up for him to kiss. I was surprised when he started sucking my nipple. I couldn't quite do it to myself yet although I would have liked to. If I pulled up my tit and bent my head down I could just lick the nipple. But Brian's sucking felt much better. It wasn't really sex. Just a little naughty petting. Despite my fantasy I intended to keep my virginity intact until I got married or found someone I really loved.After we dated a couple of months I got up enough courage to let Brian put his hand in my panties and touch my bare pussy. But just on the surface. I wouldn't let him put his fingers inside. It wasn't like we were doing anything bad. Just touching. It was sort of what I did myself in bed at night. If he sucked my tittie and rubbed my pussy for a while I could have have a small climax. Enough to make me feel 'nice'. Then I would kiss him and hug him.While we were kissing Brian's cock would become stiff. I could feel it pushing a little tent in his jeans. During one of our make out sessions he quietly unzipped his fly and let his bare cock stick out. I was totally unaware of his protruding penis until he took my hand in his and brought it down to his rigid cock. I quickly pulled my hand away. But after a few more minutes of kissing and hugging my curiosity overwhelmed my prudence and I reached down to touch it. It was not as creepy as I expected. The cock was both hard and resilient with a big spongy head. I put my fingers around it and moved them up and down. Brian made the most appreciative noises when I stroked it. After a few more dates I was giving him hand jobs while he fondled my pussy and sucked my tits. The first time we mutually climaxed was in his car a couple of weeks before the sophomore prom.I tensed and shuddered, delighted in the feelings from my pussy. He moaned when a sticky white cum came out of the end of his cock. After I wiped my hands and his prick with Kleenex, we hugged and kissed. I agreed to go to the prom as his date and had visions of dancing the night away. He, in turn, had visions of getting in my pants.I lost my virginity in a drunken all night party after the sophomore prom. The party was supposed to be private to be attended only by a dozen close friends and dates. We wanted to relax after the rigors of the sophomore semester. All of us changed to casual clothes. The boys took off their rented tuxedos, and the girls doffed their formal gowns. The party was hosted in a private house by a boy whose parents were conveniently away for the weekend. He had promised his folks that no alcohol was to be served. But, of course, word of the party had gotten around and it was crashed by a number of older boys, most of whom brought six packs and bottles of stronger refreshments.There was a lot of loud music and dancing. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. I danced up a storm. All my activity made me thirsty. I was not a drinker and quenched my thirst with several large glasses of fruit punch. Unknown to me, one of the crashers had spiked the punch with two whole bottles of vodka. The punch tasted good but after a couple of big glasses everything seemed dreamlike. The room whirled and I had difficulty keeping my balance. In a daze I staggered to an unoccupied bedroom and lay down on the bed. Brian, my date, found me after a brief search. Somehow my dress came undone. I felt Brian's hands on my titties. I knew I should stop him but it felt so good. It was so romantic. Another minute wouldn't hurt. I lay back to enjoy the sensation. His mouth sucked my nipple. We had done this before in a parked car. His fingers moved down my body until they touched my pussy. I had let him do this too but only if he just played with my pussy lips and fondled my clitoris. I never let him put his finger inside. The feeling was wonderful. Just like in the car after a movie. I always liked that. If he kept doing what he was doing I might even have a gentle climax. The lovely feeling was interrupted by Brian's hard cock penetrating my vagina. "No!" I cried. "Don't do that. I'm still a virg..." I never got a chance to finish the sentence. My vagina was wet and slippery from Brian's fingering and I felt his cock slide in pushing my pussy lips aside. It was big and filled up my virgin channel. He drove in hard. It was the first time I ever had anything in me other than my own finger. There was a quick sharp pain as the cock burst my maidenhead. I tried to get up but he held me down. He worked his cock back and forth, pushing the full length into my cunt. I was acutely aware of getting penetrated. I felt the friction of Brian's cock on my pussy lips. My clitoris was squeezed between our pubic bones and it felt every stroke. Even in my dazed state I realized that I was getting fucked for the first time, raped really because I didn't want him to do it. His thrusts seemed to continue forever. He gasped and clutched my body. Finally he came. I could feel the warm spurt of his semen in my cunt. In a temporary moment of clarity I recalled the dire warnings of my Sex-Ed teacher and I was sure I was now pregnant.I almost passed out for a few moments. More boys came into the room. Brian rolled off me but other hands and pricks replaced his. New sets of hands felt up my bare tits, new mouths sucked and even bit my breasts, and new cocks filled my vagina. I tried to resist but the hands and cocks kept coming. My bra and panties were stripped away. Boys I didn't know would come into the bedroom and crawl on top of my body. They would grab my breasts, press and squeeze them, put them into their mouths and suck and bite. They would drive their cocks into my cunt. They fucked me violently. I could feel the hot pulses of semen as they came. "Help me," I pleaded. "I'm afraid. I'm still a virgin. I never had sex before." But no one paid attention. "What's going to happen to me?" I cried. "Don't hurt me." Boys took turns fucking me and holding my body from moving. My lovely romantic encounter had turned into a gang bang. I was aware that I was being repeatedly and forcefully raped. My big breasts were pulled, twisted and even bitten. My body was being used as a sex toy. I tried to stop them but they were holding me down and I couldn't fight back. It went on and on until I didn't have the strength to resist. I was in a daze, lying on my back, my dress open, bare tits hanging out, bloody cunt gaping. I rolled back and forth on the bed, unable to rise. I was wide open to be used by anyone who wanted me. Almost every boy at the party did. It was a teen age boy's sex dream, a pretty girl with big breasts and an open dress lying ready to be fucked. Half drunk boys came into the room, grabbed me and fucked me. Sometimes the same one fucked me several times. I didn't have the strength to resist any more. I could only lie back and let them all cum in my sloppy, bloody cunt. I could hear the squishy sounds as they pistoned their pricks in and out and could feel the dribbles of sperm roll down my legs. It was a nightmare that seemed to go on for hours.I couldn't believe that it was happening to me. In my hazy state my mind seemed to dissociate from my body. It was a true out of body experience. I had the strange feeling of being an observer, standing at the side of the room, looking at my half nude body writhing on the bed. I could see my breasts getting groped and my body being repeatedly penetrated. I watched one boy hold my shoulders, another my legs, while a third drove his cock into my gaping cunt. After a while the boys stopped holding me but I didn't attempt to rise. Hands pulled and mauled my big tits. My breasts were bright pink and my nipples became blood red. They stood stiffer than I had ever seen them. One boy, more aggressive than most, flipped me over onto my hands and knees and entered my cunt from the rear. He reached under my kneeling body, grabbed my dangling nipples, and used my breasts as reins to pull my body back and forth on his cock. His fingers pinched my nipples really hard. I could feel his balls hitting my ass every time he jerked me backward. He tugged so hard I was afraid my tits would be torn off. When he finished with me, another boy turned me back over and plunged his cock deep into my cunt.I felt a hard cock pushing at my lips and I reflexively opened my mouth. I didn't know whose penis it was. I grabbed it with my hand to stop it from driving too far into my throat and found I was giving the cock a hand job as well as a blow job. When the boy came, I swallowed the ejaculation to avoid choking. The cock was replaced by another, and another. My body twisted back and forth on the bed as my orifices were penetrated. I had no memory of which of my classmates had fucked me and whose cocks I had sucked.I tried to resist becoming sexually aroused but my body betrayed me. The pain was gone. As each hard prick plunged into my vagina, my hips rose to meet it. I had lost control of my body below the waist. The feelings were just like I used to give myself with my fingers in bed but many, many times stronger. My body quivered and shook and I spasmed in a real orgasm. I felt I was drowning in the depths of my darkest sexual fantasies. I had the fleeting thought that I wanted the rape to happen. I was getting fucked without accepting responsibility. It was my dream of being used by all the boys in the school lunchroom come true. But it wasn't like my dream at all. It was a nightmare. These were real cocks being shoved into me and real hands on my tits. I was not a sex goddess at all but simply a piece of meat with cunt, tits, and mouth that was being used over and over.I knew that I was being brutally abused but what angered me most was the response of my body. From my view point across the room I could see that the girl on the bed, me, had stopped resisting her attackers. She seemed to actually enjoy what was being done to her. This wasn't supposed to happen. Rape was torture. But the girl twisted and bucked in obvious pleasure as enormous cocks fucked a cunt that swallowed them whole. The sensations that I felt were much more intense than any I could imagine. Real sex, as opposed to dreaming about it, was a revelation. The electric twinges that coursed through my system with my fumbling attempts at masturbation were now lightning bolts. My body was totally out of control. My face had an agonized look of sexual tension, not fear, but more of intense longing and desire. My shapely legs beat a tattoo on the bed as I was penetrated. When a new cock was secure in my cunt my strong calves wrapped around the back of the boy on top of me pulling his prick tighter into me. My hips rose to meet each new penis and I gasped my way to a very real climax after each fuck with little screams and strange throaty noises. The climaxes were much, much more intense than those I had given myself. There was a strange and disturbing beauty in the scene. A pagan "coming of age" ritual. I felt deeply ashamed of my behavior but I could do nothing to alter it.I was aware of shuddering to one orgasm after another. I would cum. My body would relax. And then another cock would enter my dripping cunt. My tits were mauled, twisted, and then sucked. The sexual signals that presaged a climax returned. My body would shake. Lightning bolts of sexual ecstasy radiated from my cunt to the furthest reaches of my limbs and I would be raised to an orgasm again. I didn't want it to happen, but it did. My body was no longer my own. It had become a quivering orgasmic blob of flesh, desperately needing more stimulation.My spasms, gasps, and moans seemed to excite the cluster of boys surrounding my writhing body and they returned to drive their cocks into my cunt again and again. With the resilience of youth my body seemed to be indefatigable. My athletic physical conditioning banished fatigue. I came repeatedly, almost screaming, every time I climaxed. The passionate agony went on and on. God help me, I loved it. To my profound shame I remembered repeatedly screaming, "Yes, Yes! Do it to me. Fuck me. Make me cum. I'M CUMMING! I'M CUUUMMMMINNG!! YES!!" Other girls at the party had not escaped the orgy. I heard loud cries coming from the other bedrooms as several of my other female classmates were forcibly violated. Those who resisted were beaten into submission. Some boys went from room to room, fucking each of us in turn. Apparently the whole mass rape had been planned beforehand by the older boys.Mercifully, I apparently passed out due to the combined effects of emotion, alcohol, and sheer physical fatigue. I had been gang raped for about an hour and a half before I lost consciousness.The next morning I woke up in my own bed but I didn't remember going home. Probably one of the boys had dropped me off. I had blood on my clothes, my pussy hurt. My sore titties had finger bruises and tooth marks. All I knew was that I had been thoroughly used. My once virgin cunt had been fucked more times than I could remember. I had a recollection of giving blow jobs to an army of pricks and I must have swallowed a gallon of cum. I spent an hour in the shower, gargled and douched myself repeatedly in an effort to wash away any signs of abuse. But rather than feeling ashamed, I felt angry. Angry at that creep Brian who had taken advantage of me when I was drunk. Angry at my male classmates who had used my body so cruelly when I was unable to resist. Angry at my so called friends who had let it happen. I even felt angry at myself for allowing myself to enjoy the sensations of my body. I knew that I wanted to be fucked eventually but I certainly didn't plan for it to happen as a gang rape.My life would be different from now on. I was no longer a virgin and would never be one again. I had no maidenhead to protect anymore. I had experienced real sex and, to my shame, if my memory of the evening is accurate, I liked it. But I had to hold off on sex for a while. I was not yet 16. Teen age boys like to brag and I didn't want to be known as the class whore. I still wanted to be thought of as a 'good girl.' When I went away to college I would have all the sex I could handle. At least that's what the older sister of one of my friends told me. I didn't tell my parents of the details of my ordeal but some of the other girls told their folks. The town was outraged and the police launched an investigation. Many of the parents of the older boys were politically connected and used their influence to protect their sons. Since everyone involved was a minor, no one was seriously injured, and there was no actual proof other than the alcoholic recollections of the party goers, the whole incident got hushed up and was regarded as a regrettable youthful prank.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inany way, shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any of the scenarios in this story should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 81
Here's a little story that I got to tell about a little platinum blonde that I knew too well...Blair was this five foot two, curvaceous, platinum blonde that I used to handle my business with every Friday during the time I lived in Key West. I had to warn her all the time that she needed to be careful riding me bareback, cuz she was gonna end up pregnant one of these days. She would always reply, "Baby, I can't! I just can't get enough of how your eleven inch dark chocolate pole feels sliding' in and out of my hot, tight, sloppy wet, blonde cunt. Ooooh, it feels like nirvana, boy! And, it makes me cum every time, Everett!"I could never convince her otherwise, plus I enjoyed it, too! But, like I said I used to nail her every Friday. I had to cuz I was busy nailin' other chicks the other days of the week. This wasn't too bad for a twenty-two year old, especially since Blair was twenty-nine and fine as hell! She was the oldest of the women I was nailin' every week. Anyhow, I remember this one time during spring break, which is always fun in the Keys, I experience my second threesome. The first one happened when I was nineteen and long before I knew Blair. I got the chance to actually screw two teachers from Michigan, who were visiting for the winter. One was this six foot brunette, forty-one, newly divorced and horny as hell! She had the biggest tits I've seen in awhile. They must have been at least 44EE's! She loved anal and so she got lots of it! Her friend was this thirty-five year old, never married, dishwater blonde with grey eyes and a 38 inch ass! And, she loved, more than anything to have her asshole licked and her cunt eaten. So, I got the chance to service them both at the same time for the entire two weeks they were in Key West. I was definitely tired after they left and for awhile I thought they were gonna kill me because they never got tired! However, I need to continue with the current story...Like I said I got the chance to experience my second threesome and I got to do it with Blair. Her friend from Ohio, Karen, was going to be down for spring break that year and she wanted me to meet her. One Friday afternoon, after I'd just finish slamming' her cunt doggy style for about a straight hour, she mentioned that she heard from Karen and that she was in Key West. "So, do want to hook up with her tonight, Everett?" she asked."Sure, of course. I'd love to meet your friend, Blair," I replied."Great! When I get back to my place I'll call her and then I'll come by later and pick you up!""Cool, gurl. Holla back at me..."Sure enough, Blair did holla at me about two hours later, at about nine o'clock on her cell and said she was on her way to my place. I lived right above a bar on Duvall Street and she was about two blocks north of me. She was there in less than five minutes. She let herself in, as usual, wearing a tight black tank top, skin tight cut off black shorts, which gave her absolutely great camel toe, and black Kino sandals. "I would underwear?" I stated."And, you would be correct, baby," she cooed, as she ever so gently rubbed her slit through the jean material, and batted her eyes in false innocence.I just grinned at her and led her out the door. "Karen's staying at the Pier House, so all we have to do is walk, baby.""Great!" I exclaimed.The Pier House is the most well known hotel in Key West and it's at the very west end of Duvall Street. Actually it's where the street ends anyway. We got there in a matter of minutes and took the elevator to the second floor. We went left and to the second room on the right. Blair knocked and we waited. In about two minutes Karen opened the door and she and Blair hugged immediately. They exchanged pleasantries and giggled like two little girls for a few minutes as I stood there and shut the door behind us. Once in her living area of her hotel room Blair introduced me."Karen, this is, in a way my main squeeze right now. Everett," she smiled mischievously."No, Blair, lets be honest... this is your fuck buddy, gurl. And, he's fine as hell... mmmmm," she smiled at me as I shook her hand."Thanks, Karen. It's a pleasure to meet you.""Nope, the pleasures all mine, Everett."Karen was cool. She was a black woman; about five foot nine, and curves from hell. Her tits were about a 38DD and she had to have had a 42 inch ass. It was an ass that you just wanted to spread those cheeks and lick that ass for an eternity. And, of course, if you could get your dick in be it and I sure did!We ended up going to three clubs and five bars on Duvall that night and just livin' it up with Karen. Her outfit almost matched Blair's except her bottom was barely covered with a tight red miniskirt and I knew she didn't have any panties on because she must have flashed me at least ten times this night. She was great to party with and a great dancer. She had her ass on my jock as much as she could and Blair didn't mind. She whispered to me later that Karen had to be horny as hell because she had just divorced her husband of ten years about two months ago. She said that she was 33, free and ready to fuck. She told me that if I wanted to I could probably fuck her that night and that if she propositioned me to go ahead. As you can tell, or as I didn't tell, Blair knows about all the other girls I fuck, so that's why she was okay with this. She said Karen could use a good eleven inch pole right about now, and just when she said that Karen returned from the bathroom, as we were waiting for her in one of the bars we passed through this night."So, are you ready to go back to my room? It's almost 3 am! Let's take this little threesome to my place and continue the party there," she proposed."Okay," we answered in unison, as we looked at each other and smiled.Back at her room, she put on some R&B and started to dance slowly and seductively, as she sipped some brandy that she'd given to us also. Blair joined her immediately and of course, I watched. Thirty minutes later we're still drinking and dancing. Karen's gettin' low in her cut offs she changed into and grinding' all on my cock through my jeans. My dick was hard as steel. She could see it and still didn't stop dry fucking me as we danced. Blair had started to pleasure herself as she danced up against me from behind, and I knew cuz I recognized her moans. Suddenly, Karen picked up Blair and carried her into the bedroom. I watched in total surprise and shock. Before I went in there, I had to stop by her kitchenette and grab a beer from the fridge. Once in there, I saw both of them totally naked with Karen's face planted dead in the middle of Blair's thighs, eating her like it was her last meal on earth! "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" shouted Blair, as she was already about to cum and cum really hard. When she did, she grabbed Karen's braided hair and shoved her harder into her blonde pussy. Karen continued to eat like a ravenous beast that hadn't eaten in weeks. Blair kept cumming for what seemed like twenty minutes as she went into multiple orgasms.She just continued to scream, "OH FUCK!" over and over again until she finally stopped. When Karen came up for air her whole face was entirely wet with Blair's cunt juice. Blair sat up and licked her face clean. When she was finished she motioned me over to the bed to which I immediately followed. Once there they both undressed me and my cock stood like a freshly trained soldier straight out of boot camp. "Oh, yesssss..." cooed Karen, as she stroked my ridged black cock with both of her hands. As she did, Blair started to lick and kiss its tip. Then she pushed Karen's hands away and engulfed it as far as she could into her warm, wet, waiting mouth. Karen grabbed her hair and used her mouth to fuck my cock. I was in total ecstasy. Then as Blair continued to gloriously suck my rock hard cock, Karen got on all fours on the bed and put her amazing 42 inch ass in the air. When she did this she spread her cheeks wide so I could see her magnificent bunghole, which she winked at me with.She turned to look over her left shoulder and said wantonly, "Stick your middle finger inside my chocolate starfish, honey and feel its warmth waiting for you. Its wants to milk your chocolate stick of all its tasty, gooey, cum baby."Obviously, I did as she asked and who wouldn't! I slowly pushed my finger in all the way to the hilt. Then I slowly started to move it in and out and around and around."Is it tight for you, baby? Is it really, really, really tight, honey?" she moaned, with her head on her pillow in total nirvana.As I got a good rhythm, she started to fuck my finger as my finger fucked her asshole and the whole time Blair hasn't missed a beat sucking' the hell out of my cock. When Blair felt she was done she looked up at me, "So, are you ready wreck her little chocolate starfish, baby?"I just nodded cuz I was in oblivion at this point and was ready to screw the shit out of Karen for the next couple of hours in her ass! So, Karen stuck her ass way up in the air, as I stood on the bed and started to lower my cock into her tight anus. As my bulbous tip finally passed her sphincter with a good plop, she moaned, and I slowly lowered more and more inches deep into her bowels until I was balls deep. She moaned with intense pleasure as I just held my cock there so she could experience all eleven inches of steel hard man meat inside her stomach. At this point Blair was behind me lick my balls and asshole and fingering herself into nowhere land. I started, at a slow rhythmic pace to move in and out of Karen's snug butt hole and boy was it snug. As I picked up tempo, she started rocking back and forth into every thrust of mine.Every time my balls would slap against her pink pussy she'd moan, "Harder, Harder." Soon, I was pulling almost out of her asshole and just slamming' my huge black cock balls deep into her slimy bowels as she'd scream at the top of her lungs, "FUCK ME IN MY BLACK ASS, FUCK ME IN MY BLACK ASS, FUCK ME IN MY BLACK ASS!!!" I skewered her like this for about forty minutes before I felt like I was about to explode deep in her intestines."Oh, I'm gonna cum, gurl!" I shouted."Oh, fuck yes! Cum in my black, juicy, anus, you motherfucker! I want your cum deep in my ass! Slam that giant black cock in this bubble butt! Hurt me, hurt me...make my ass fucker!" she shouted in wild abandon, as I continued to utterly destroy her black anus. And, within seconds I unloaded what seemed like a quart of cum deep into her black ass. And, she responded by cumming, too."Oh, fuck! I'm cumming, I'm cumming...shit, shit, shit...I'm c-c-cumming...ooooohhhhhh, it feels so good!" she shouted, as her anus contracted around my stone cock trying to milk as much cum out of me as possible until I was dry. As I pull out, I come out with a loud plop, to which Karen let's out a long moan of ecstasy and loss. I fall on the bed next to her on my back as she's still on all fours. Blair walks by me to my left and says, "Thanks, lover." Then Karen, still on all fours backs up to the edge of the bed, as Blair gets a on her knees and begins to eat my cum out of Karen's asshole! I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Blair had her tongue as far as she could get it up Karen's stink hole, scooping out my cum and swallowing it with a smile. And as she ate her ass she started to fist Karen who started cumming all over again. This was such a hot scene my cock was at attention again, so I got Blair to stand up bent over to continue servicing Karen and plunged my cock, without warning, into Blair's ultra tight shithole. She yelped as the first six inches went quickly in but once I was balls deep in her bowels, I grabbed her by the hair and fucked her like a rag doll."You like this tight little blonde shitter, don't you?" she taunted, "Come on big boy and fuck me like you mean it. Fuck me with that hard black steel cock of yours...r-r-ram y-your black eleven inch meat in this submissive white shithole, baby! fuck my ass, fuck my a-a-ass, fuck m-my w-w-white ass...o-o-oh shit, yes...I'm gonna clean a-a-all my shit off of y-y-your fucking h-h-hard c-cock, baby!" She shouted this as I continued to ram my bludgeoning black pole without remorse for her sphincter, inside of her over and over again, as she sucked my cum out of Karen's stretched chocolate anus. When Karen came again we all came together in unison, screaming with ultimate pleasure at the top of our lungs. I swear I thought whoever was residing next to Karen in the other room was going to call security but nothing happened. After I emptied again, what seemed like a quart of cum inside of Blair's stretched anus and bowels; we all collapse on to one another in sweet oblivion. We laid there for another hour kissing, licking and sucking all over each others bodies. At about five in the morning we were still sucking and fucking. We ended up in an analingus circle: Karen was eating Blair's blonde, pink, stinky starfish and fingering her; Blair was eating my shitter and stroking me; and I was eating Karen's juicy dark bunghole and fingering her! We would cum and do it again; then cum and do it again, for about forty-five minutes, until we passed out, and we woke up at 3pm the next afternoon. Blair and I got up first and used Karen's shower. Blair sucked me off in the shower as she always does and we got dressed in yesterday's clothes afterwards. As we we're headed toward the door, we we're trying to be quiet as to not wake Karen, we heard, "Where are you guys going?""We're headed home Karen. You're here for two weeks. We'll see you many more times before you leave!" yelled Blair towards the bedroom."Shit, gurl!" said Karen, as she came to the door naked, "If everyone here fucks like Everett does, I think I'll just stay."Blair and I just looked at her and laughed. And, she laughed, too.
I was 16 when this story took place it was 1978 and I had just finished working out in the weight room under the school gym.I had shot up 7 inches in the previous year and was only now starting to put on some muscle to add some bulk to the height and while I didn't look like Charles Atlas at least I could now be called slim instead of skinny. And frankly girls seemed to prefer the muscular type so it was worth the effort.As I got to the change room door I heard a voice, "Mike hold up." I turned and there was Mr. Marlowe my math teacher. "Yes sir," I responded.He smiled at my formality, "You played basketball last year didn't you?"I nodded, "Badly.""Well with your new found altitude you might find it easier this year and since I'm taking over as coach of the team maybe you could see this as a fresh start.""Hey have you been doing some weight training?" he said and gripped my bicep. I started to back into the doorway feeling uncomfortable, he was very close and I could tell he had been out running because I could smell the musk from his sweating body, I think he sensed it because he stepped back."Well, hope to see you at practice." He continued on his way to the coach's office and I got into the change room.I felt my heart racing and it wasn't from the workout. Mr. Marlowe hadn't done or said anything wrong so why was I feeling like he had just made a pass at me. I didn't know much about him he was new here and the girls seemed to like him with his blonde California good looks and easy manner and he was married wasn't he? No, I decided, it was me. Our sex ed classes had told us that at this point in our lives our hormones were running wild and sometimes we might have unexplained urges. "Urges, that's it," I said.I nearly left anyway but I was pretty soaked from my workout so I stripped down and plodded into the showers. The hot water felt great as it pulsed into my sore muscles and I just stood there under the shower head letting it wash away the ache of the day.I was just beginning to relax when I heard a sound, was it footsteps? The janitor maybe? I looked up and saw Mr. Marlowe standing there. Naked!At 6 ft tall he had a couple of inches on me, he was fit as was attested to by his athletic build and consistent with the California theme he was tan head to foot with it being slightly lighter midway down indicating that he must have worn shorts at least a couple of times this past summer.It was also there that my eyes momentarily locked in amazement. His penis was bigger than anything I'd seen before in the boys locker room, 6 inches flaccid it hung straight down with the slightest little curve to the left. His ball sack was equally impressive and I noted that he was a natural blonde.Then I caught myself, what was I doing staring at a guy's dick. I tore my eyes off him and returned my attention to the showerhead. Had he seen me staring, I didn't want him to think I was a fag."Sorry if I startled you, the damn shower in the coach's office is busted.""Ah," I replied intelligently.I caught my breath as I heard him turn on his own shower at the opposite wall, I tried to calm myself but the image of his body and most especially his beautiful cock filled my imagination, what would it look like hard, how big would it be? Damn! Stop that I thought but the images persisted. That's when an alarm sounded in my mind and I felt my cock stirring I tried to replace the images in my mind to make it stop but I couldn't and before I knew it I was fully erect. Of course I was, I was 16, my dick could go from zero to hero in seconds. But this wasn't French class where I could hide behind a desk. Now I was naked in the shower with a naked man, a great looking naked man at that, and I was sporting the biggest boner of my life.I glanced over my shoulder; he was facing me as the shower sprayed his back. And was his cock looking bigger? I turned back now panicked, had he seen? Did he know? Maybe he'd want to fuck me? Would that be so bad?Whoa where did that come from?I heard footsteps; maybe he was done and was leaving? Why wasn't I relieved by that thought?But he wasn't leaving he was right behind me, he reached over my shoulder to the soap dispenser, "Here, let me get your back for you."Oh my god this wasn't really happening was it? I nearly ran out as he began to rub my shoulders, but it felt so good and as he went lower I knew that this was happening and more importantly something in me wanted it to happen.His hands moved down my back and paused just above my ass, I bent forward slightly as I heard him whisper, "Good boy."One hand stroked up my spine to my neck the other slid down caressing one cheek then the other then he slipped his still soapy hand between them and I felt a finger push against my anus as the hand on my neck bent me forward some more and Mr. Marlowe's digit slipped easily into me. I gasped as the invader probed my ass.Then his other hand slipped around me pulling me close to him stroking my chest then my belly and then his hand wrapped around my throbbing six-incher. "Nice cock," he breathed into my ear. Maybe it was the heat of the moment but it was nice to be reassured after all I liked my cock but I lacked any frame of reference and while I figured it was average in length I had suspected that its girth wasn't, especially as I couldn't even wrap my hand around it. Any other thoughts stopped as I felt a second finger slip into me and something else slap into my thigh. I reached down and grasped his long thick member and for the first time I touched a man, hell I touched another human being sexually.I could feel the heat as I stroked his magnificent tool it had to be 8 or 9 inches maybe and he was not even fully erect yet.I could feel my heart pounding as I neared orgasm then he stopped masturbating me and pulled his fingers out of my ass I turned to object and was met by his lips. I locked my teeth against his tongue surprised by the move. He pulled back raising an eyebrow. "Sorry," I said and then my tongue was in his mouth, I stroked his teeth and then welcomed him into my mouth. We kissed passionately as his manhood pressed against my belly, my penis slid between his thighs. His hands were everywhere and my head spun, this was unlike anything I had ever felt, I pulled back staring into his gorgeous blue eyes " I love you Mr...""John," he said and smiled, "and no you don't you're just in some serious ecstasy."I nodded dumbly."And it's only going to get better," he continued.I felt his hands move up my body to my shoulders and gently but firmly he pushed me down to my knees, I knew what was expected of me and more importantly I knew what I wanted. I took hold of his erection and caressed the length now almost at full staff, (I had heard that the bigger ones sometimes took longer to do that) I flicked my tongue at the purple helmet it was silky smooth and I could taste a slight saltiness at the opening.I took my time, partly to prepare myself but also because this would be my first blowjob and this particular moment would only ever happen once.I looked up at my male lover as I stroked his throbbing member, he smiled as I parted my lips and took the head of his cock into my mouth.It was smooth and firm at the same time, it filled my mouth and as my head bobbed back and forth, I thought how amazing this was, how it felt so good, so right. I would never have believed that I would be doing this and loving it and I knew then that I was a cocksucker, no doubt about it .I knew that there would other cocks in my mouth and I would love them as I did this one. I used my lips and tongue as John gave me advice on how to pleasure him, I used my hands to stroke his muscular almost hairless thighs and ass, I took more and more of him into my mouth until I felt the head hit the back of my throat."Take it all Mike, I know you want to," that much was true but how eluded me."Take me down your throat, deep throat my cock before it gets too stiff."I looked up at him as I reluctantly released his penis. "You need to relax your throat and don't suck just open your mouth and as I push you take a deep breath and then swallow when it gets stuck and you'll be able to take it all."I nodded a little unsure but strangely excited by the idea. I opened wide and as he shoved his 9 inches into my face I took a deep breath and in the middle of it I felt his cock fill my mouth and start to slide down my throat aided by the suction of me inhaling. Then as it hit my gag reflex it stopped, "Swallow, swallow," he said huskily and as I did John grabbed the back of my head and pushed. For a moment I was afraid it was stuck but I swallowed again and the head popped past the obstruction and I soon had his full 9 inches down my throat, his balls were against my chin his pubic hair against my nose. "Oh god you were born to do this"Then amazingly I felt his cock swell even more and lengthen. He held me to his belly a moment then pulled out, I coughed as the head hit my gag reflex and then he was out and I could see a line of spit that connected my lip to his wet glistening fully erect 10-incher.The purple helmet bobbed with his pulse beckoning me back to my rightful place. I gripped the shaft and stroked in time with my mouth taking as much as I could on the down stroke and sucking on the up.I paid lavish attention to his member and even though I had never been with a man before I knew he was close. "I'm going to cum in your mouth!" he gasped. I nodded eagerly, hungry for it and as I caressed his balls I felt the scrotum tighten and I pulled back in time to receive his ejaculate. The first shot hit the back of my throat and I could feel the viscous fluid slide down into my stomach, the next coated my tongue with its salty starchy taste and the next was the mother load as my mouth was filled with his semen, I swallowed it down as if it were nectar I pulled back and jacked off two more spurts, one hit my face the other my lips, I ate the rest of his cum greedily then cleaned his beautiful cock with my tongue squeezing out the last few drops.He dropped to his knees and kissed me passionately, "That was hot!" was all he said. He stood and helped me up from my now sore knees, "Especially for a first time, that WAS your first time?"I nodded as he led me into the change room area and had me lay on a bench he licked his lips, "Now this is what a little experience will do for you," and he lowered his mouth onto my aching cock.If I thought giving a blowjob was hot it had nothing on the next 10 minutes. I rode a roller coaster of ecstasy, so many times getting close and John with unreal timing would back it off. He would take me to the brink time and again but ultimately I was a teenager and inevitably I felt myself going over that edge and John not only didn't stop me he pushed me to a blinding orgasm that almost made me pass out as I shot my load into his waiting mouth.I panted as I lay on the bench, the wooden slats pushing against my skin, every nerve in my body tingled. No wonder everyone obsessed about sex when it felt this great. I had never felt so alive as I did at that moment I never wanted it to end.John had gotten up and was rummaging through a gym bag and as he rose I was delighted to see his magnificent cock rising again I felt the hunger to have him in my mouth again, to feel him squirt his jism down my throat I licked my lips in anticipation.John noticed this and chuckled, "You are insatiable kid. I like that.""I don't want this to end, let me be your lover John, I can't imagine anything that would make me happier than sucking your cock.""Well it's a good thing I brought this then." And he held up a jar of something."What's that?" I asked.He smiled, "Vaseline."My heart started to race, part fear, part excitement, "You're going to fuck me?"He nodded, "From the moment I first set eyes on you I knew this would happen. You were made for this. I think you have the potential to be the perfect bottom and the men in your life, and there will be many of them, will love you for it."He stood there his cock fully engorged at the thought of fucking my ass and I could feel my sphincter pulsing in anticipation. "Of course we don't have to do it..." he teased."Where do you want me?" I smiled. He pointed to the trainer's table. I got up kissed him on the lips and lay on the cold smooth surface.He grabbed my legs and pulled me so my bum was at the edge of the table and then placed my legs over his shoulders.I felt the cold glop of gel pushed into my waiting rectum, first one finger then two as my body heat liquefied the universal lubricant."Just relax," John whispered and slid a third finger, it started to hurt and I let out a little yelp. "Imagine you are trying to draw me into you and relax."I tried to comply and within a minute the discomfort faded and actually started to feel pretty good. "If you do what I say it will only be a little uncomfortable at first and then it will feel fucking incredible okay?" I nodded as he withdrew his fingers to apply a layer of Vaseline to his cock. He then took hold of my ankles and raised my ass off the table, "guide me in" he whispered.I reached between my legs and took hold of his slick penis and positioned it at my asshole, okay, I thought to myself, just relax, and then I felt him start to push.At first the only thought I had was how the hell was something as large as this mans cock going to fit in that tiny hole. But as he eased forward I could feel my sphincter relaxing and slowly accepting John's cock into my body. John knew what he was doing and gently eased his cock in and out pushing it in a little deeper each time.Finally he said, "Alright, you're ready. I want you to try to push me out as you would if you taking a shit." I nodded panting in anticipation.And as he pushed I pushed and as the head slipped past the ring muscle the rest of his cock eased into me, and as he entered me fully I felt unexplainably happy.I reached down and felt where we were joined, and was surprised to find that there was still about two inches outside, "John, please, I want you in me all the way.""Easy lover, in time, just get used to me."After a minute I felt him pull back and as he did I could feel where his cock was stroking my prostate, god did that ever feel good.He started slow and easy and gradually sped up, I wanted him to fuck me forever. Then in one stroke he pushed deeply and with a roll of his hips sunk his cock in me to the hilt as I felt his balls slap my ass."Jesus I love having your cock up in me." He thrust against me a couple more times then pulled out with a plop."How are your knees?" he asked eyebrow raised.I knew what he wanted and rolled off of the table and dropped to my hands and knees on the floor. I felt him drop in behind me as I stuck my ass in the air. He placed the head of his dick at my anus and this time he managed to put it in me in one smooth motion and immediately started to fuck.As I got the rhythm I started to push myself back onto his erect member, it felt wonderful and my stiff cock was bouncing and slapping my belly.I felt john slow the pace as he put his arms around my waist and then pulled me up against his chest slow fucking me all the while.I turned my head and we kissed deeply as I felt his hand start to masturbate my hard on.We were in perfect sync as he reamed me and soon I could feel my cum boiling over ready to shoot, and this time as I knew I meant it as I cried out "I love you, I love you..."I felt John shorten his thrusts I felt his urgency as he gasped in ecstasy. Feeling him explode into me, filling me with his sperm pushed me over the edge and I fired a stream of cum onto the dressing room floor.We collapsed in our embrace and as he kissed the back of my neck I heard him say, "I love you too son."END
I have known Jane for three years now, she is one of my best friend's wife who I’ve been fucking since the day we meet. Since then we have got into some sticky situations and it just seems to get worse. She is the female version of me, which is very dangerous indeed, there is nothing she will not do and as far as I know she like me has done every thing one can do in sex. The best part about Jane is her body, she is huge and I mean huge. Her husband calls her a lazy fat bitch and never fucks her which works out great for me and her and believe me she finds plenty of other men that find her huge tits and flabby ass sexy. Recently she called me at work to tell me about her morning and to get me hot which she loves doing, she knows that disgusting details about her sex life turn me on and always tells me when she’s fucked another man or woman. "Oh Tom I had such a wonderful morning," she started and I knew she was onto one. She had bought a new washing machine and had it delivered that morning, she told me it was two big black men that brought it to her house and I know she loves black men. "I was dressed up to go out and you know my black skirt," she said which I did, it barely covered her ass and made her look like a whore. "Well I was wearing it and as soon as the guys saw me I knew they wanted me."I was getting hot now loving this. "I wondered just how far I could tease them before they cracked," she said in her naughty voice and I knew what she meant by crack, the point where they would fuck her weather she wanted it or not which was always. "Tom, my pussy is just bursting with spunk," she breathed adding, "They both pumped me so full its leaking down my legs now."Christ I wished I was there to suck it out for her she knew that too. She told me how she had opened a couple of buttons on her blouse so the boys could not miss her huge tits and then made sure she bent over when ever she could knowing full well that her skirt was so short they could see her black stockings and even her heavy hanging ass cheeks. She said they where silent every time she did it and it was the big one that she noticed had a hard on first. In the end she had to push it as they didn’t seem to have the balls to take her so she went and changed her top to a white see-through cotton thing she could never wear outside without been arrested. She said as soon as she walked back into the kitchen the guys nearly dropped their tools on the floor. She offered them coffee and as she bent over to fetch the milk from the open fridge the big one came up behind her. She laughed as she told me how she pretended to be offended pushing him away and taking a swing at him. "After that Tom, he just grabbed me and ripped my shirt right off," she said getting excited again just telling me. He smacked her face hard and ripped her shirt off then forced her back onto the kitchen table knocking everything off at the same time. "The brut called me a prick teasing cunt and yanked my skirt up to my waist," she said and I knew she was playing with her pussy. "I was wearing my big granny knickers with the black suspender belt and he just ripped hem off too," she hissed down the phone. She said she pretended to fight but he grabbed both her hands and held them above her head then told the other guy to help him out. "It was fantastic Tom, the second guy held my arms above my head while the big one pulled my tits out."I could just picture it with one big black man between her open legs and her tits wobbling all over the place like they do. "They went nuts when they saw my big tits flopping about," she continued laughing when I called her a dirty slut."It hurt a little when the big one rammed his fingers up my cunt but I was so wet it didn’t last long."She told me how the second one holding her was the most abusive calling her a fat slut and a whore while the one between her legs pulled his pants down. "Did he have a big cock?" I asked breathing harder now my cock like a rock, "Ooh fuck yeah, he was huge," she replied adding, "I didn’t see it at first because he just banged it against me and the next thing I knew he was forcing it into me."She said it hurt going in but I know that’s how she like it, sometimes she’d get me to fuck her without any foreplay so her pussy would be dry. "It just kept coming and coming I thought he’d split me in two and when I thought he had it all inside he gave me one last jab and Christ I swear I came right away." She sounded like she was coming right then. He fucked her like a mad man pounding her really hard the way she loves it and she told me she came non stop for a good five minutes. "I was kinda lost with my eyes closed just coming and coming and when I opened my eyes the guy that had been holding my arms was kneeling up on the table with his cock out."She said she tried to continue her play act refusing to open her mouth making him slap her around a little "I came again when he smacked me I swear," she said close to coming right then. "His cock was a nice one, a least 8 inches long and really thick," she panted. "I almost threw up when he forced it down my troth," she giggled. She said they both fucked her like that and she came again "They where calling me a white whore and a filthy trash cunt and every time they called me names I came harder."She said it took the assholes twenty minutes to understand she loved it and when they did the fun really started. After the big guy fucking her pumped her full of spunk they pulled her up of the table and made her kneel on the floor, then they both stood with their cocks pointing at her and told her to blow them. "Christ Tom, you should have seen me, a big black cock in each hand with my clothes in tatters," she explained and I could see it. The big one kept calling her names once he knew she got off on it while she blew the second one. "I swear the big one got hard in a minute after fucking me," and then she came -- panting down the phone at me for a good minute or two. When she had calmed down I asked her if the other guy came in her mouth and she said not that time but after bending her over the table and coming inside her from behind they both came in her mouth. "Just when I thought they where done the big guy said he wanted to fuck my white trash ass," she continued, "I pretended I never do that but when he forced his cock into my ass he knew I was bullshitting him."I know from first hand knowledge that she loves anal, every time I fuck the slut I do her ass and she loves nothing better than to have a cock come in her ass. "Did he come in your ass?" I asked. She laughed and said they both did, the second guy got hard watching his mate ass fuck her and as soon as the first one pulled out he fucked her.END
Joe woke up late the next morning and looked at the other side of the bed and saw that it was empty. He was hoping that everything that had taken place the day before might have been a bad dream and his beautiful wife Diana would be sleeping next to him as always.Joe lifted himself up out of bed and took a fast shower and made coffee for himself. Joe starred at the kitchen cabinet that contained Diana’s birth control pills and reached over and opened the door to find them. Joe found the packet in the same place he had put it a few weeks before and slid open the packet and saw that only three pills were missing.Joe tossed the packet of pills in the waste basket and figured she would never miss them. Joe knew that she was forgetful at times when it came to things like that but she must have been falling in love with Tony for sometime now and had all this planned.Joe was hoping that everything would go back to normal someday soon, although he did enjoy being Diana’s cuckold, this was a little more than he had bargained for. He walked back into the bedroom and looked at the tux sitting on the chair and picked it up. There was a funny looking tag on the inside that Joe didn’t notice when he first put it on. It read. "Property of American Interracial Cuckold Club" and sat it back down on the chair.Joe picked the camera up off the dresser and took it into the family room and sat down at the computer and started to unload the pictures they took last night. Joe looked at the screen and saw the images of his wife in Tony’s arms and the ones of himself making hand jesters to Tony concerning Diana.Joe hit the button to print the images as Tony wanted to see them today. Joe started to get up from the computer when Tony walked inside the back door and said, "Joey. I was looking for you this morning. I see your printing our pictures out and I can’t wait to see them."Tony said, "We’re going to have a big job for you today and tonight we’re going to have a special guest that’s coming over to explain a few things to you. Diana is back at our house and she wants to see you right away."Joe followed Tony back to his house while he let the computer print the images. When Joe entered the house, he noticed Lisa and David was sitting in the dinning room talking and waiting for Diana.Diana walked out of Tony’s bedroom wearing a very short skimpy red nightie that Joe didn’t recognize and figured it must be something new Tony had bought her. Diana walked over to Joe and greeted him by giving him a hug and kissed him on the cheek Joe noticed she had just showered and was wearing her favorite perfume and also took note that she was still wearing their wedding rings on her right hand and Tony’s engagement ring was still on her left hand.She didn’t look tired this time as Joe thought that they must have actually gone to sleep when he went home last night or maybe they just had a quickie. Joe finally said to Diana. "Tony told me that you wanted to see me about some kind of job that you had for me." Diana replied, "Yes. I’ll be moving all of my things over here in our bedroom and want you to bring things from my old room today."Joe swallowed hard before he was able to answer his wife and said, "When would you like to start moving things over here?" Diana replied, "You can start with all of my clothes that are on hangers and I’ll meet you here in our bedroom."Joe returned to their house and took as many dresses as he could and carried them back to Tony’s house. Diana was waiting in the master bedroom and pointed for Joe to lay them on the bed. Diana said, "Come here and look at the big walk-in closet I have here." Joe walked inside the closet next to his wife who still had on the tiny little red nightie and said, "It looks like Tony gave you the largest closet."Diana said, "Yes. Tony had this custom made for me and my clothes. Do you see all the drawls I have in here and the places I have for my shoes?" Joe looked around and said, "Yes. Tony thought of everything didn’t he?"Joe spent the next several hours taking things over to Tony’s house as Diana neatly put everything in place. Joe was leaving the bedroom to get another load when Tony walked into the room and said, Joey. "We want you to be here at the house tonight at eight sharp and don’t be late." Joe replied, "Should I wear anything special for the evening?" Tony said, "I don’t think that’s important so just come over with whatever you have on at the time."Tony walked into the closet and Joe could hear Diana talking to Tony. "Cuckold Joey is just about done bringing my clothes over here." Joe could hear Tony reply. "Let me know when you’re done and we’ll do some skinny dipping in the pool." Joe could hear them kissing as he walked back out of the room and back to his house to retrieve more clothes.Joe passed by the pool and saw Lisa and David getting into the water and had wondered where they had been for the past few hours. They looked like they had just finished having sex and must have been in David’s room the past few hours screwing.Joe was working on the last couple of drawls when he saw the box and card that the watch Tony had delivered to the house a couple days ago. Joe thought to himself that it seemed like decades ago since he read that card and seemed so elementary compared to everything else that conspired over the last twenty-four hours.Joe picked the box and card up and placed them on the pile of clothes he had ready to take across the yard and noticed the key for his cock cage in the drawl. Joe took the key and put it away and planned on getting a copy made later that day before Diana found out.Joe got a plastic storage box out of the basement and started to put all the perfumes and toiletries in it that was sitting on the dresser than went into the bathroom to clean out those cabinets as well. He than placed the remainder of her clothes on top of the container and took it over to Tony’s place.Diana and Tony were waiting there naked on the bed and Diana said, "Go ahead and put the rest of my things on the closet floor and you can leave. Don’t forget to be here at eight tonight."Joe placed the container on the floor and started to walk out when Tony said, "Cuckold. Hand me that bottle of suntan lotion on the dresser. I have to butter her up a little before we hit the sun."Joe hesitated before handing Tony the bottle and wondered why he called him that when he had never done so in the past. As Joe was leaving the room, he glanced back and saw Tony squirting some lotion on Diana’s bare ass and began to rub his hand around on her ass.Joe walked past the pool and saw David and Lisa still swimming and hurried back into the bedroom to get the key. Joe didn’t waste anytime taking the key down to the hardware store to get a copy made of the key.Later that night Joe was getting ready to be at Tony’s house when Diana came over and started to look around the room. Joe asked her. "Are you looking for something I might have missed bringing over to your house today?" Diana replied, "I’m looking for the key to your cock cage. Have you seen it?"Joe didn’t waste anytime going to the drawl and retrieving the key for Diana and said, "I had dropped it on the floor when I was taking your clothes over today and was going to give it to you when I came over tonight." Joe handed her the key and she clutched it in her hand with a relieved look on her face.Diana looked inside her old closet and glanced around the room and said, "Everything looks different over here now that my things are gone." She walked over to Joe and put her hands on his shoulders and said, "Don’t worry; I’m sure Tony will give me permission to come over and play with you in the future."Diana put her hand on Joe’s crotch and rubbed her hand over the budge where his confined cock was at and said, "I’ll have to find out when Tony wants me to milk you again. He may want me to wait until we get settled before I spend time with you here."Joe was looking at Diana’s low cut top and starred down at her cleavage as she stroked his cock and said, "You look so sexy in that top that your wearing and I love the way it shows off your breasts." Diana replied, "Tony loves to see me wear revealing clothes when he’s around and gets his thrills by letting other men see what they can’t have themselves."Joe reached his hands out for Diana to take his and she did by taking a hold of his hands in hers and smiled at him and said, "I remember how your eye’s twinkled when you saw Tony making love to me on that first night. I was reluctant at the beginning to have another man touch my body like he did that first night. I had always been brought up to respect my husband. But when I saw how turned on you were when Tony was deep inside of me that night, it changed my thinking forever." Diana went on to say. "When Tony filled my pussy with his potent sperm that night for the very first time, you went insane with excitement at the thought of me becoming pregnant with a black mans babies. I knew from that moment on that you would always want more from me and with the love I have for you, I found a way I could give you that pleasure and excitement and bring it to twenty-four hours a day."Joe listened as his wife continued to say. "I developed a loving and trusting relationship with Tony, I think from the very beginning and after many nights of discussing your needs and my developing love for him, we decided to explore other possibilities that we could do to satisfy all of our sexual needs and still stay together. That’s when we found out about this group."Diana continued. "It was the perfect group that could help all of us practice on a full time basis what your original request had been to me. That was to cuckold you with another man. This group happens to deal with only interracial couples that have an interest in cuckolding a white husband."Diana kept holding Joe’s hands as she continued to say. "The group does have its rules and requirements that Tony and I had discussed and tonight we will talk about those things with you and share our plans for all of us in the future. Now, I have to get back and get ready for tonight."Diana shocked Joe by giving him a passionate open mouth kiss before walking out of the room and going back to Tony.It was eight and Joe knocked on the bad door of Tony’s house and waited for someone to answer the front door. Several minutes went by before Tony opened the door and said, "Sorry I couldn’t get the door, we were in the shower together and I had to dry off before coming out here."Tony said, "Come on in and wait in the front room until Diana gets dressed and we will be right out." Joe went in the front room and waited several minutes until Diana and Tony walked out of the bedroom. Both of them were only wearing a robe and Joe was starting to wonder why they didn’t get dressed when the door bell rang.Tony and Diana both went to the door and when it opened, he saw that it was that lady name Leslie that he met at the party the night before. They walked over to where Joe was sitting and Leslie held out her hand to Joe and said, "It’s very nice to see you again, now we have many things to cover tonight so lets go into the bedroom and get started." Leslie had a brief case with her and placed it on the dresser and opened the latch and looked over at Diana and Tony and said, "Hurry up and get undressed and get on the bed and get cozy." Leslie looked over at Joe and said, "I want you to get undressed too because this involves you too."Leslie looked over at Joe again and said, "Will you go out into the kitchen and get me a chair I can sit on while I talk to this lovely couple?" Joe returned with a chair and placed it by the side of the bed and waited to see if Leslie needed anything else.Leslie said, "I want Diana and Tony to lie up by the headboard and Joe. I want you to sit down by their feet." Everyone got into the position that Leslie had asked them to do as she opened a note book and sat in the chair and said, "Joe. Diana told me that she explained to you why she joined this group and why she has decided to move here in this house with her fiancee." Leslie looked over at Joe and said, "Tell me if I’m correct so Far?" Joe replied, "Yes. That’s correct."Leslie continued as she looked at Joe and said, "Diana has only one desire for you now and that’s to make you a very happy cuckold. Although she still has love for you and always will, she has fallen in love with her lover. This is the man that you wanted her to fuck. The man that you gave all your encouragement to do to your wife as he so pleases. Tell me if I'm right so far?" Joe replied, "Yes. That’s true."Leslie replied, "Good. Now we all know how we got to this point in time and why we are all sitting in this room together discussing what is going to happen next." Joe looked on as Leslie pulled out some papers from her brief case and continued to speak. "Joe. I’m going to cover some of the rules that we all have to follow to belong to our club. First. Your new name from this very moment with be "the cuckold" and if you’re with a group of other cuckolds than you will be called cuckold Joe."Leslie continued saying. "You will only address Diana as simply Mistress from now on. And you will only address Tony as Master." Leslie pointed at each person and said what there names would be from now on. Leslie said, "These are the names that only you will refer everyone as from now on and they will call you, cuckold. Now they will still refer themselves as Tony and Diana or any other nick name they may have for one another."Joe sat listening as Leslie said, "Cuckold. Your only purpose in there lives from now on will be to completely serve them in any way they see fit including their sexual entertainment. Because of your desire to be cuckolded, your mistress and your master will be given a complete guide on things they can do with you to enhance your enjoyment."Leslie turned her attention to Tony and Diana and said, "Have you set the date for the wedding ceremony yet?" Diana responded and said, "We want to have it exactly one month from today. We decided to have the wedding outside by our pool."Leslie replied, "That’s a wonderful time and place to have a wedding and I look forward to witnessing the ceremony myself. Diana. I want to remind you that from now on you must refer Joe here by his new name and the same goes for you Tony and I want you both to practice and give the cuckold an order." Leslie looked at Joe and said, "I want you to remember to address them both the names that I told you. Now. Everyone should go ahead and give it a try."Joe sat on the bed and waited for someone to say something when Tony said, "Cuckold. Get up and show me your pathetic little cock." Joe replied, "Yes. Master." Joe stood up along the bed and held his cock so Tony could look at it and waited to see what was going to happen next.Tony said, "Cuckold. I want you to tell your Mistress in your own words why she should marry me next month and why you no longer deserve to make love to her any longer." Joe stood in front of Diana and hesitated before he said, Mistress. "I think you should marry my Master next month because he is in love with you and has a very large black cock that can give you all the sexual pleasure that my tiny cock could never give you." Joe looked over at Tony as he said, "Keep going." Joe continued. "Mistress. I don’t feel I deserve to touch your beautiful white pussy any longer with my tiny cock. My Master’s cock is much larger in length and in thickness and I feel that he should be the one to enjoy the pleasure of your body."Leslie started to clap her hands and said, "Diana. It’s your turn to give it a try and don’t be shy." Joe waited for his wife to say something and stood in front of her as she gave it some thought. Diana got out of the bed and stood next to her husband and said, "Cuckold. I want you to get down on your knees and look up at me." Diana waited for Joe to get on his knees and said, "Cuckold. I want you to touch my pussy with the end of your nose and wait until I tell you what to do next."Joe did what she had told him and placed his nose against her pussy mound and waited to hear what she wanted him to do next. Diana said, "Cuckold. Do you feel my soft white pussy touching your nose?" Joe replied, "Yes. Mistress." Diana replied, "Tell me who should fuck this pussy and why?" Joe replied, "Master Tony should fuck this pussy because he loves you and your in love with him and because his cock is very huge and it is capable of giving you all the pleasure you need from a man."Diana asked another question and said, "Cuckold. What other thing can your Master do with his cock that you can’t do and will never have the opportunity to do?"Joe kept his nose against Diana’s pussy mound as he thought about an answer he could give her and choked up as he said, "Master can use his huge cock to pump his seed inside your tummy so you can get pregnant with his black baby."Diana than said, "Cuckold. I want you to move your nose away from my pussy and look up at me." Joe moved his nose away and looked up at his wife and waited. Diana said, "Do you want me to get pregnant with your Master’s baby?" Joe replied, "Yes. Mistress."Leslie clapped her hands again as she said, "You’ve down a wonderful job humiliating your cuckold and I think you will do very well from now on." Leslie looked down at Joe who was still kneeing on the floor and said, "Cuckold. Its always the ultimate pleasure for a servant to see his mistresses belly swell up with the child of his Master." Leslie continued to say. "Cuckold. If you remember back to the first time, you saw these two beautiful people making love and how excited it made you feel and you always had that secret desire to see your wife knocked up by this fabulous black stallion. And now your going to see all of your wishes fulfilled and not every man can experience the pleasures that you will experience."Leslie than said, "Later tonight you will get the opportunity to watch them screw again and you will be asked to encourage them as we stand here and watch them mate. But, right now we have many more things I want to cover before we get onto the pleasure part of it tonight."Leslie motioned for Diana to get back on the bed next to Tony and told Joe to get another chair from the kitchen and when he returned he found Leslie was also naked sitting in the other chair.Joe waited until Leslie continued her speech. "I wanted to bring my own cuckold and husband here tonight but I didn’t feel it was necessary with the three of you here tonight." Leslie seemed to be starring at something on Diana and Joe finally found out what it was when she asked Diana. "I noticed you are wearing an engagement ring and a wedding band on your right hand." Diana replied, "Yes. Those are my rings from my marriage with the cuckold that I’m wearing on that hand"Leslie shook her finger at her and said, "That’s not acceptable in our club to wear any symbolic emblem from your marriage with your cuckold. You will belong to your new husband now and it shows a complete disrespect of his love for you. You must remove those rings from your finger at this very moment and give them to your cuckold right now."Joe watched as Diana carefully removed the rings from her finger and hesitated a second before she held out her hand for Joe to take the rings.Leslie looked over at Joe and said, "You can keep those rings in a safe place for now but let me make a suggestion to your Master." Leslie turned her head and said, "Tony. You may want to have these melted down in the future and use them as studs that you could put on your cuckold." Leslie continued saying. "For insistence, several couple in our group had studs made from their rings that they had pierced along the length of their cuckolds cocks."Tony just shook his head in agreement as Leslie opened her book and turned toward Joe and said, "Cuckold. I have many things I need to cover tonight as to following our rules in the club. I have a complete guide and give copies to the three of you tonight to keep for further reference and I will go over the most important rules here tonight."Leslie said, "Cuckold. You will use polite manors whenever you are around your Mistress and your Master. You must knock on the door before entering their house and if their bedroom door is closed, you are never allowed to disturb them by knocking on that door or by trying to look inside that room. They will decide if you should join them for their entertainment o for many other reasons they may want you in that room." Leslie’s pointed her finger at Joe and said, "Never enter this bedroom without their permission for any circumstances from this time on." Leslie kept looking at Joe and said, "You must understand that when a husband and wife are being intimate with each other that they should not ever be disturbed."Leslie continued lecturing to Joe saying. "When you are finally invited into this room, you will never be allowed to speak unless they give you permission. For example, they may want to hear encouragement from you concerning their love making or may want to hear your positive comments on the way you enjoyed their performance for you. If your inside this room than they have made a decision to include you in whatever it maybe and they expect to hear those things from you."Leslie than said, "Do not make any sounds while you’re in here because its very distracting to a loving couple who are trying to be intimate and they will ask you to leave if you let it become a problem."Leslie smiled at Joe and said, "Of coarse you must know that your never allowed to touch your Mistress until you are asked and even if she does give it, you must first ask your Master’s permission if its alright. An example would be if your Mistress asks you to lick her pussy for her than you must ask Master Tony for permission before you proceed any further."Leslie went on and said, "Your Mistress will be married to Master Tony now and it would show total disrespect to him if you didn’t get his permission first."Leslie took a hold of Joe’s arm and leaned over and spoke very low and said, "Relax. Everything you have experienced these past twenty-four hours has been shocking and I understand what your mind is thinking right now but remember that what your going to experience will be the ultimate pleasure far any man that wishes to be a cuckold."Leslie than gave out copies of the hand book to everyone and said, "Each one of you should take the time to read over this book very carefully. There is a very thin line we are dealing with here and I want to explain to all of you what that thin line is all about."Leslie paused for a few seconds and continued her lecture and said, "We must all agree here that what we have been discussing in this room tonight may sound very cruel to some of those that don’t understand the needs of a cuckold and the needs of others that are involved here. We must all agree here that everything we will discuss here tonight will bring some sort of pleasure to each and everyone of you in its own way."Leslie continued. "Let me give you a few examples, if Master Tony gives an order for cuckold to like his Mistresses pussy, than it actually brings pleasure to all three of you. The Master gets his pleasure telling the cuckold to lick her pussy. The Mistress will get her pleasure buy having her pussy licked by her cuckold. And last but not least, the cuckold will get the pleasure of licking his Mistresses pussy and being told he must obey his Master."Leslie than said, "The thin line that I was referring to is that you should never cause any physical pain to anyone in this relationship. This group is not a bondage group by any means and you will always remember that nobody will ever inflect any physical force on anyone in this group. I understand that there will be some emotional pain from the very beginning and through the entire relationship and that’s why I’m here taking the time with you people here tonight." Joe sat listening to Leslie and considering he was still in shock and the last twenty-four hours have been very painful for him that he had to agree with many of the things she was telling them.Joe’s mind drifted off for a minute as he thought back at the unusual request he gave his wife many months ago that he wanted to see her fuck another man and thought about the disappointment she must have felt at that time with him and the months of stress she must have gone through during that period in her life. Joe continued to think that during that period of her life he was experiencing pleasure from seeing her fuck Tony when in fact she had agreed at the beginning out of love for him. Joe thought that his wife must have fallen in love with Tony and still loved him and she must have spent days trying to figure out a way to please everyone.Joe snapped out of his thoughts and saw Tony and Diana kissing on the bed when Leslie said, "You two will have plenty of time for love later tonight; I want you to pay attention to me now."Leslie continued her lecture and said, "This relationship will deal with every emotional issues and one I would like to address first tonight is a child. You will all be required to enter a parenting class. Children are not objects that we can place aside and bring out when we want to play with them. They are living soles that will require proper care and complete devotion from the three of you in this relationship."Leslie than said, "We will meet in the near future on this issue and hopefully I can meet with you before I get a call from her saying she is pregnant because I have many things to speak to you about."Leslie looked at Diana and said, "My dear, tell me when was the last time you took birth control and the last day of your period?" Diana hesitated and said, "I just finished my period five days ago and stopped taking the pill completely three weeks ago." Diana laughed and said, "I always forgot to take them anyway."Leslie replied, "You have a very potent black Stallion sitting next to you and I’m sure it won’t be long before we succeed in planting his seed inside you." Joe watched as Diana put her hand on Tony’s thigh and kept listening to the lecture that was being given.Leslie turned to Joe and said, "Cuckold. The subject of your Mistress having a child by your Master may be an emotional shock to you at this time but you will feel a different excitement. In addition you will experience more enhancement of being a cuckold when it reaches that stage in your lives."Leslie continued on and said, "Your booklet also has a copy of the contract that everyone here will be required to sign tonight confirming not only your agreement with the club and membership but it is also a big step because it contains the actual marriage certificate that will be a legal binding contract between the three of you here tonight." Leslie went on to explain more and said, "I understand that the marriage ceremony will take place in one month from today but from this day on you will be obligated to this contract by our group and you must obey our rules. Although this marriage may not be recognized outside of our group, there are certain pages that are indeed legal documents that you must uphold. I need everyone to read over the contract and I’ll have each one of you signed a copy to keep for your own."Joe looked over the contract and everything Leslie had explained so far was written in the contract and was very easy to understand. Joe kept reading when he came to a part in the contract that was underlined and said, "The cuckold must agree to give up any legal rights to his current legal wife and this contract overrides their previous marriage certificate and that this contract is issuing a legal divorce which will give the right for his current wife to remarry and he will agree to turn over all rights to his wife to his new Master and must acknowledge his Master as his wife’s new husband from the moment this document is signed and witnessed by a legal member of the club."Joe was the first one to finish reading the contract and when he looked over at Tony and Diana, he could see they were holding hands as they read over the contract. Once they finished and looked up at Leslie and said to her. "Does this mean that Tony and I will be considered legally married and my cuckold and I will be considered divorced from this time on?"Leslie replied, "Yes. As soon as your Signatures are on these documents than you and your cuckold will be divorced and you and your new husband Tony will be married. Your wedding ceremony will take place one month from today and will only be a symbol ceremony to include our group to participate in this joyous event that has taken place here tonight."Leslie waited for Diana to reply but the only response she gave was to tighten her grip on Tony’s hand as she shook her head in agreement.Leslie continued and said, "OK. Lets start getting these signed so we can get on to the next phase of the evening and that is to consummate the marriage which I know you are looking forward to begin."Leslie gave out pins and pads and copies of the contract to sign and Joe got busy signing each copy that was passed to him and when the last copy was signed and given to Leslie, she looked over each document and looked up at Tony and Diana and said, "Congratulation, you’re now officially husband and wife and you may kiss the bride."Joe gulped as he watched Diana and Tony kissing for several minutes until they finally stopped and looked at Leslie but seemed as if they were afraid to look at Joe. Leslie patted Joe on the arm and whispered to him. "I think they need some encouragement from you and you should congratulate them on their marriage and wish them a happy future together."Leslie continued saying. "Remember how you should address them when you go over there and speak to them and don’t try to give them a hand shack, let them lead the way if they decide to shake your hand."Joe got up from his chair and walked over to the side of the bed and said, "Congratulations on your new marriage, I hope both of you will be happy together." Tony extended his hand out to Joe and shook his hand and said, "Thank you very much. I really appreciate it very much." Joe stood still for a few seconds looking over at Diana who was speechless at the moment and said to her. "Mistress. I hope you’ll be happy with your new husband." Diana gave him a smile holding back her emotions as she faintly responded back and said, "Thank you."Leslie cleared her voice and Joe knew that she wanted him to continue on as Joe stepped back close to the bed and looked at Tony and said, "Master." Than he looked over at Diana and their eyes meet as he said, "Mistress." He cleared his throat and said, "I’m here as your servant should you require any assistance tonight or in the future."Joe looked back at Tony before returning to his chair while Leslie was fumbling the documents around in her case as she said, "I have one more document that will have to be signed tonight by all of us in this room tonight. It’s a simple statement that Cuckold and I will be here tonight to witness both of you consummate your marriage. We will than sign a statement saying that we witnessed the two of you in the act of love and we’ll give you the rest of the evening to yourselves on your first night as husband and wife."Leslie started to pack her brief case and moved her chair back further away from the bed and said to Joe. "Bring your chair back here with me so we can give them as much privacy as we can. Oh, after you finish doing that run out in my car and get a small cooler that is sitting on the front seat."Joe ran out to the car and was surely glad it was dark outside because he was naked and ran back into the house and remembered to knock on the bedroom door first and did just that. The reply came from Diana and Joe said, "Mistress. May I come back into the bedroom please?"Diana replied, "Yes. You may come in."Joe entered the room and Leslie said, "That was very good, I’m so glad you remembered to ask for permission before you barged back in here."Leslie opened the cooler and pulled out a bottle of champagne with two glasses and gave the glasses to Diana and Tony and the bottle to Joe and said, "Open the bottle and pour them their first drink as husband and wife and we’ll leave them along." Joe popped open the bottle and reached over and poured the champagne and walked back where Leslie was sitting and sat down in his chair and looked back at Tony and Diana.They were still sipping the champagne with their arms wrapped around each other’s as they drank from the other’s glass and Joe watched as they lovingly kissed and than took one final sip of the champagne and placed them over on the night stand.Joe watched as they both scooted down on the bed until they were laying together starring in each others eye’s as Tony circled his arm around Diana and pulled her close to him until they were locked in a passionate open mouth kiss.Tony stopped kissing her for a second and looked over at Leslie and asked. "May I place the wedding band on my new wife now?" Leslie smiled and said, "I don’t see why not."Joe watched as Tony reached over on the floor and picked up a small box and pulled out the ring. He positioned himself close to Diana as he held her left hand and was whispering to her as Leslie and Joe looked on but couldn’t hear what he said,Joe saw the ring slip on her left ring finger to join the engagement ring Tony hand put on her hand the night before.When Tony had finished, Diana put her arm around Tony and began kissing him in the same passionate manor in which they began a few minutes before. Joe could hear the slurping sounds as they stayed locked in the kiss.Leslie nudged Joe on the shoulder and said, "We must remain absolutely quit while they are making love."Joe sat and watched his Mistress as she continued to kiss Master Tony as he watched her stroking his face with the palm of her hand as they continued to kiss. It was a very erotic scene as Joe watched Tony’s skilled hands as the big guy rolled onto his back taking Diana’s little body with him. She was now laying on top of Tony as the passionate kiss continued.Leslie whispered to Joe and said, "Look at the ripples in that man’s arms and the meaty muscular legs this man has. Oh. His chest and his shoulders dwarf your mistress."Joe listened to Leslie as she described Tony’s body and knew she was right about his muscles. Tony was a very large man and spent time at the gym almost every day and from his toes to the top of his head, everything seemed double in size of the normal man.Leslie continued and said, "Look at the massive cock between his legs and its head reminds me of a large doorknob." Joe could see Tony’s cock sticking straight out from between Diana’s legs as she lay on top of him as she squirmed on top of him with her tits rubbing his large chest. Joe watched ad Diana slid down a few inches giving enabling her to nibble around Tony’s neck and upper chest.Leslie said, "Look at your Mistress how she is lovingly using her tongue around his chest and neck. She is very skilled in the process of stimulating her man because she understands that her man will give back much more love and devote every second of their love making to make sure she is satisfied. Diana told me a few days ago how your Master brings their sex life to the ultimate experience. Watch your mistress as she uses her skills on her man and we will see how your Master responds to her."Joe watched as Diana moved herself downward as she continued to nibble and lick Tony’s chest which took more effort on her part because his chest was big and she had to move her entire body from each side to lick his nipples.Diana was a very petite woman and the site of her laying on Tony reminded Joe of a little girl on her father's chest asking for candy. Diana was taking her time as she licked and gently nibbled on his nipples and Joe watched how Diana would encircle the area she was concentrating on with her mouth to bring more stimulation to Tony.Joe watched as Diana worked down to Tony’s stomach with her mouth as she licked a trail of saliva along the way. Tony’s cock which was rock hard was next to her face and the only attention his cock was getting was a gentle touch of her blonde hair as it swished around with each move she made with her head.Diana worked all the way down to his feet as she licked little trails along his big legs. Joe never really thought about it but Tony had muscles on ever inch of his body as he continued to watch Diana. She kept this up for several more minutes until she took his legs and bent his knees up until his massive cock and balls were exposed and slid herself down into position and began to stick her tongue out touching each testicle with the tip of her tongue.Tony was moving around above her as if in pain but Joe knew that the big man was doing his best to hold off from grabbing hold of Diana and fucking the shit out of her.Diana than took each testicle in her mouth and started to gently suck it into her mouth while her hands finally wrapped around his cock. Tony seemed more pleased once he felt Diana’s hands on his cock as he moaned and looked down at her and stroked Diana’s hair.Joe watched as Diana began to work on Tony’s cock as she kissed and licked every square inch of its length than began to suck the head into her mouth which was so large that Diana could barely get it in her mouth. Tony’s cock head seemed as if it were swollen more than normal as he watched Diana work the head in and out of her mouth. Leslie leaned over and said, "Notice how she moves her fingers on your Masters ball sack and works her mouth on his beautiful black cock. Do you also see her looking up into his eye’s looking for signs of approval that she is doing well? Notice how he looks at her with passion as if to say. That black cock belongs to you and your soon going to feel how much pleasure it can give you in return."Leslie was right because Joe watched as Tony pulled her tiny frame up to the pillows of the bed and gave her a passionate kiss as he moved his hand onto her tits and massaged her nipples. He moved his large body down until his head was in position to lick her thighs while the palm of his had rubbed her bare pussy. Diana was bucking her hips up into Tony’s hand to encourage him to touch her pussy as Tony took his time and teased around her legs. Diana had to stretch her arm out to run her fingers in his hair as he began to move closer to her pussy mound with his mouth.Joe watched Diana spread her legs and lifted her legs back invitingly for her new husband to have complete access to her pussy. Joe could hear Tony kissing Diana’s ass and gentile area in preparation to mount her.Joe was watching the expression on Diana’s face as she moaned when Tony dipped hi tongue into her pussy without much warning and said, "That’s it darling. Take your time and enjoy me."Leslie had stood up from her chair and was bending down in front of Joe and to his surprise; she was unlocking the cock cage he was wearing. Leslie said, "Your Mistress gave me the key to this tonight so I could unlock you once her new husband was close to mounting her tonight. This is a very special occasion when the cuckold will show his respect to the newlywed couple by playing with himself while watching his Mistress and Master consummate their marriage. This is the only night that the cuckold is allowed to orgasm on his own without being confined to a chastity device."Leslie went on to say. "You will be allowed to stand next to the bed and watch as long as you don’t try and touch them or make any sounds that may disturb them." Leslie gave Joe a small jar that she pulled out of the cooler and said, "If you have an orgasm, than I’ll need to have you cum inside this jar so we can show them you were excited for them tonight."Leslie went on to say. "If the cuckold does not fill this jar tonight than it will show complete disrespect for them and it will show that you do not approve of their marriage."Joe and Leslie watched as Tony kept licking Diana’s pussy and they could see her whole body quivering as Tony worked his tongue inside her pussy. Diana’s hands were stretched out toward her legs with her fingers spread apart like a cat being placed in the water as she moaned and grunted from the extreme stimulation she was receiving from Tony’s tongue.Joe was stroking his cock and it felt good to be able to play with himself after having been confined for so long a time. Joe was standing about five feet from the end of the bed as Leslie stood directly behind him as Tony continued licking Diana’s pussy.Diana’s started shake and quiver as she hollered out. "Oh Yes. That’s it. Lick me. Oh Yeah." Diana was moving her hands up near her tits as she screamed. "Oh Yeah. Baby. You’re so good."She than had her first orgasm of the evening as her hips bucked up against Tony’s face and her body stiffened than relaxed only to have a second orgasm as Joe watched her belly as it expanded each time she gasped for air.Joe watched as Tony started to move up into position to mount his new wife as Leslie moved next to Joe and grabbed his arm and said, "Look at that massive shaft between that gorgeous man’s legs. Can you see the long stream of pre cum dripping from the head?" Joe looked and saw that Leslie wasn’t kidding about the stream of pre cum which looked like a dog’s drew as it hung down from the head of Tony’s cock.They watched as Diana opened her legs and bent her knees back as Tony crawled up between them and laid his shaft on her belly and began to rub it along her skin as Diana reached up and started to run her fingers along Tony’s waist digging her finger nails into his skin like a kitten.Joe moved a couple feet around the corner of the end of the bed and could see the couple as they looked. In each others eyes’ as Tony worked his shaft closer to its target. Each time he rubbed his cock back and forth, he would move himself lower until the head slipped down between her slit.Tony bent down to kiss Diana’s lips as he held his cock up against her pussy slit as Diana reached down with both her hands and placed her fingers on the side of his cock. The sound of their kiss was all that Joe and Leslie could hear besides Diana’s hard breathing as they watched Tony prepare himself to enter his new bride.Diana was arching her back trying to lift her pussy giving her new husband better access so he could enter her more easily. Joe and Leslie watched as the large mushroom head slipped between her vulva as Tony bent down to kiss her again.Leslie made comment to Joe and said, "He’s about to enter his new bride for the first time as husband and wife." They watched as Tony pushed forward and watched as the big head plopped inside her tiny opening as he stopped to give her time to adjust.Diana was rocking her hips up and down trying to lodge more of her husband’s cock inside of her as another inch went inside. Diana wiggled her ass and arched up again as more of his cock disappeared inside her pussy. Tony pulled back out just long enough to push himself forward again sending more of his thick cock inside her belly. Diana groaned in pleasure and said, "That’s it. It’s all yours now. Fuck me."Tony withdrew again than plunged back inside his wife as she moaned as more of his cock slid inside her belly. Leslie grabbed a hold of Joe’s arm and said, "He’ll be hitting her cervix on the next stroke and he will be fully embedded inside her."Leslie was right as Tony pulled back out than slid himself back inside until they saw Diana’s fingers stiffen straight out as Tony hit bottom. Leslie said, "Look at how Diana’s pussy is stretched out around that massive cock. Your Master is experiencing much pleasure right now as she grips his big cock." Tony started to fuck her with long slow strokes as Diana bucked her hips up each time he withdrew from her pussy. Diana has moved her hands up to Tony’s shoulders and Joe and Leslie could see she was leaving marks on his back with her nails.Joe was stroking his cock as he watched Diana getting fucked when Leslie said, "You see. Your experiencing as much pleasure watching them making love as you would from fucking her yourself."Leslie continued to say. "You must be very happy knowing that your ex-wife has found someone so compatible to satisfy her sexual needs. This man will spoil her and make her forget about any previous sexual experience she had with other lovers including yourself."Leslie went on to say. "Look at your Mistress how her pussy fits around her husband’s cock and how she is kissing his chest while being so thoroughly fucked by this man." Joe stood stroking his cock a little faster as he watched them fuck and knew it wouldn’t be a long wait until Tony pumped his wife full of hot seed.Joe listened to the sounds that were now filling the room that was coming from Diana’s pussy with each stroke of Tony’s thick cock. Several minutes went by as Tony started to quiver himself as he drove his hard cock inside Diana with more force but kept his speed as slow as he could to enjoy the warmth of her tight pussy.Tony was trying to hold back from spewing his load into her pussy as he strained and started to moan indicating he was near his orgasm. Joe watched Tony’s buttocks as he started to jerk as he listened to Diana say. "That’s it. Darling. Cum inside me and give me your baby."Leslie leaned over and whispered to Joe and said, "This is it; your Mistress is going to get her belly filled with her husband’s potent seed." They listened as Tony grunted out and pushed inside Diana one last time and held himself deep inside her pussy as he filled her belly with his black seed. Joe grunted out loud himself as he shot his load of cum into the jar as Leslie helped him hold the jar to keep his cum from spewing out. Joe finished cumming and Leslie took the bottle from him and placed a lid on it and put it inside the cooler and said, "I’m keeping the sperm in a safe place for now and I’ll show it to your Master and Mistress later."Joe didn’t understand why she put the sperm in the cooler but he didn’t really care because he was able to orgasm for the first time in months tonight and it felt good. Tony and Diana were still laying still on the bed kissing as Diana as Leslie said, "We were lucky enough to stay and see the first breeding attempt between your Mistress and her Master and now we will leave them alone to enjoy the rest of the evening which will give your Master several more chances to plant his seed in his wife’s belly tonight."Leslie and Joe picked up their things as quietly as they could and started to walk out the bedroom door when Tony yelled out and said, "Cuckold. Your Mistress would like to speak to you before you leave tonight."Joe looked at Leslie waiting for her approval as she said, "Go and see what she wants from you."Joe walked toward the bed and stood less than two feet from his former wife and Mistress and said, "Yes Mistress." Tony was still laying on top of her with his cock plugging up his seed inside her pussy as Diana rubbed his ass as Joe waited for her to speak. "Do you have my old wedding rings?" Joe had them in his pants pocket and hand to fumble through them to get them out and placed his hand near hers so she could reach them.Diana took the rings from Joe’s hands without looking at him and said, "I have plans for these rings." She than looked over at Joe and said, "We no longer require your presence tonight. You may leave now." Joe turned and walked away from the bed when Diana shouted out. "Make sure you have Leslie place your cock cage back on you tonight."Joe spent the next two days by himself unlocking his cock cage with his own key while Diana and Tony spent most of the time in the bedroom trying to make a baby.Joe spent the next four weeks thinking about the marriage ceremony until that day came and there was a very large group of people that had been invited. They were all interracial couples with their cuckolds and every one of the white guys had to wear matching tuxes’ and serve the party after the marriage ceremony.Diana announced that she was pregnant exactly six weeks from their wedding and showed off the little swelling in her tummy. Joe spent the next few weeks wondering if Diana was going to do what Leslie had suggested with her wedding rings and have them melted down into studs to pierce his cock.Joe spent the next few weeks in his bedroom enjoying himself on days that his Mistress and Master didn’t require his assistance in their games. Joe was milked on a monthly basis but it didn’t matter to him that much since he still had his own key. Each month he would be taking into their room and hand cuffed to their bed and milked while Tony teased Joe by rubbing Diana’s growing belly each month.Diana had an ultrasound done at six weeks months that indicated that she was pregnant with twins and at that same time Diana started parenting classes and on the second visit to her class, she told Joe that he had to go in place of his Master because he would have to learn how to take care of the babies when she and her husband would be out or having sex making more babies.Joe spent the next several weeks going to the parenting classes with Diana and Joe felt a little weird when the other couples would ask them questions about their pregnancy and marriage. Joe thought to himself. If they ever knew the truth what was really going on in their life.Diana was getting very big at three days before her due date when she went into labor and Tony drove her to the hospital. They were in a rush getting out to the car and Joe watched as they drove off without asking him if he wanted to go and be there with Diana. Joe figured it wasn’t important anyway because she wasn’t having his babies anyway.Joe walked into the bedroom and got the key out and unlocked himself from the cage and enjoyed the afternoon by himself wondering if Diana had given birth to their babies yet when there was a knock at the front door.Joe through the cock cage under the bed because there wasn’t anytime to get it back on and walked out and opened the door. It was Lisa and David standing at the door and Lisa said, "We need you to come to the hospital right away." Joe looked a little startled thinking something must be wrong with Diana or the babies and followed them out to the car.Joe asked what was wrong on the way to the hospital but neither would say anything other than they didn’t know. They were on their way up the elevator and when the door opened, Tony was standing in the hall and said, "Come on in here right away."Joe followed them into a room and when he entered the room he saw Leslie standing by the window and Diana was in bed and she seemed fine. Joe slowly walked near the bed but stopped short of walking over to the side where Diana was laying. Tony walked up to him and said, "Go on over there. She has something to tell you."Joe walked over to the side of the bed and said, "Yes Mistress." Diana looked at him and said, "Get over here and sit on the bed next to me before the nurses get out here with the babies." Joe felt strange wondering why Tony wasn’t sitting here when two nurses walked through the door holding the babies who were wrapped in blankets. Joe couldn’t see the babies yet as the two ladies walked closer and one of them said, "You must be the lucky father. Congratulations." Joe was in shock as they gave one baby to Diana to hold and the other was given to him. They were white and as Joe smiled and looked really close he said, "They have my nose!" Diana smiled and said, "They should have, they belong to you. Daddy."Leslie walked over and said, Do you remember the night we watched them having sex? "We put your sperm in a bottle and I had in frozen that night and tow days later Diana was inseminated with your sperm"Joe said, "What about all the times Tony planted his seed in Diana?" Tony shouted from the other side of the room and said, "I’m shooting blanks old body so there is no way those could be mine."Joe looked around at everyone wondering what was going on when Leslie tugged on his shirt and said, "I’m Dr. Leslie Robbins and I’m with a support group for wives whose husbands have crazy idea’s to spice up their marriages like you had of wanting to be a cuckold." She poked him in the arm and said, "You didn’t really believe that cuckold club stuff. Did you?"Joe looked around still confused and said, "What does all these mean?" Leslie said, "It means you are still married to your lovely wife." Joe looked over at Diana who was waving her lift hand in the air and showing him their wedding rings. Leslie said, "It means that your wife loves you with all her heart and always will love you just like she said, Tony helped her from the very beginning and contacted me soon after they had met at that hotel last year" Leslie continued. "We all felt that you had to be taught a real lesson and you would have to live the life of a cuckold for yourself before you would see that you made a very bad mistake. We gave you a chance to live out your fantasy and your wife got her fantasy of having sex with another man who she very well liked and admired but that man couldn’t replace the love she felt for you."Joe listened as Leslie continued to say. "We all worked together teaching you a lesson so your wife wouldn’t have to live the rest of her life out in stress trying to please you by having sex with another man and so forth."Leslie starred straight into his eyes and said, "Did you learn your lesson and are you happy that you have your wife back and two beautiful daughters to raise?" Joe hesitated a few seconds and looked around the room than starred back at Leslie and said, "Yes Mistress." Everyone laughed at Joe’s response as they all left the room to Diana and Joe and their two daughters.Joe was glad that he had his wife back with two brand-new daughters, he and Diana talked for hours and things were explained on what had taken place the past year.That night when Joe returned home, he had found all of Diana’s things had been moved back to their house including a new nursery setup in the adjoining bedroom for the babies when they arrived home in a couple days.Joe reached under the bed and found the cock cage and through it into the garbage and noticed a set of rings on the dress with a note. The note was from Tony and it read. "Dear Joe. Congratulations on your new daughters. I wish you and your wife many years of happiness. Good Luck. Tony."The End.Thank you for reading my story, I hope you enjoyed the way it turned out. You can visit my web site to learn more about me at:
Chapter Three10:00 am. New years day, and I was more excited than a 6 year old on Christmas morning opening up presents from under the tree!I walked down the sidewalk looking at my empty driveway, "Good Mark's car was gone" I thought to myself. My eyes strained to see through the garage's service door window on the way to the front entrance, confirming the stall was also empty.Not bothering to look and see if mom left a note on the refrigerator's door informing me when she'll be back. I felt too charged and my body couldn't contain itself. I ran up the stairs to retrieve the camera.Carefully, I entered ma's bedroom and I noticed that everything was neat and tidy. She must have cleaned up before leaving the house this morning. The bed sheets were changed to her usual traditional style. My hands shook with anticipation while I removed the vent cover. I examined down the dark tunnel making sure nothing was disturbed. (I didn't want my secret to get out).After removing my camcorder. I reinstalled the grill cover and quickly walked to my bedroom closing the door behind me.Mild obscenities echoed in my room! As I fumbled with my computer's patch cable trying to hook it up to the back of the camera and turning it on.The information blinking on the screen said that I recorded 4 hours 16 minutes, so I knew I had a good chance of capturing something worth watching.Skipping through the blank recording. It didn't take very long from when I left the house until I saw movement in the room. Appearing to be very eager! Ma didn't waist any time at all.Anticipation was the reason I sat on the edge of my sleek desk chair. Stunned! I lost my balance and slid off the end and my ass hit the ground with a loud thud, while I saw the first image captured! Mom was seductively bending over panty less! In her short, leather dress showing me for the first time her enticingly firm, bronze colored tush! "Mom's ass looks like it belongs on a porn star" I murmured to myself. The image resolution was soo clear; I could see everything as she placed romantically lit candles all around her bedroom. She strategically placed them on every horizontal surface in there. It reminded me of the ritualistic candle lighting ceremony at each station in a Catholic church.She walked over to the door in her luscious spiked heels and adjusted her can lights overhead, dimming them to dull amber color which really set a sultry mood. The light provided bathed Ma in a heavenly glow surrounding perfect silhouette.After setting the stage, Mom removed the Rubbermaid container from her bed and placed it beside the nightstand on the floor; she reached on top of the silken black bed sheet, gracefully smoothing it over with her elegant hand and left the room.Jumping ahead 40 minutes into the recording. I saw more movement on the blurred screen and I stopped to view it.All my deviance and careful calculated planning was about to pay off! There it was in front of me on the computer's monitor, my wet dream come true, my gorgeous mother was going to fuck her lover. And I had all captured on the hard drive.Mark was lead into the whimsical room by my alluring mom. Her hand and positioned him seated on her oversized bed.She teased Mark as she knelt down if front of him. Her hands deliberately meandering, while ma removed his three piece suit. She lingered provocatively smelling each article of his Italian hand made clothing almost as if she was checking to make sure his aroma was the only scent found on them.My mother then removed each one of his brown leather shoes, hugging them softly to her gorgeous face. Mom extended her wet tongue. Licking the tip slowly and cooing inaudible words. She resembled a horned up snake as it would instinctively sample the smooth leather top. Afterward, she gently placed them beside her bed.Pressing both of her feminine hands on his broad muscular chest. Ma exerted all of her 115lbs pushing downward causing him to lean back on the bed. She removed some shiny strips of cloth from her nightstand and lovingly tied each one of Mark's appendages to her bed's corner post.Stopping the recording immediately! I went on a search of the house for some lubricant so I could tug at my penis without chaffing it.Rummaging through my bathroom drawers, my supply was depleted! I was not able to find anything to jerk with. My memory recollected that I used all my makeshift lubes up. Sexually driven hormones have been causing my to jerk off allot more lately. (They couldn't have made enough jerk cream for me that week)! I was pathetic; it was even getting to the point where I was using cream rinse on my burning cock!I ran into ma's bathroom and found some of her scented hand lotion on the top of her wash sink. Victorious! I left the room thinking what ma may have done with her sluttish clothes she had worn last night?My intention was to have them close to me while I stroke as they were probably laced with her femininely sweet fragrance.Franticly! I rummaged through her closet and couldn't find her leather dress, however, I did find her 5-inch spikes so I grabbed them instead and took them back to my room.Before sitting back down I stripped down below my waist and applied a huge amount of wiener slide in my skin, working the shockingly cold cream in as it became more comfortable to use and palmed my semi-hard cock with the warmed lube.My horny body now situated. I went back to view my beloved recording where I left off from before. I placed Ma's red slut pumps in front if me for an added catalyst.I turned the volume up as far as it would go. Their conversation echoed in my room as I heard my mother ask Mark if she looked like the whore of his desires.Mark shook his head up and down as eyes focused on her body constricted in the tight leather dress. He slobbered over himself, expressing how sexy she looked and that she could dress like that anytime for him. He also conveyed he wanted her to leave her shameless clothes on while the fucked!Mom spoke sarcastically and said "good! I was going to fuck in this smutty outfit whether you liked it, or not!"My cock was now as hard as steel! I hung onto every one of those dirty words both my mom's and Mark's mouths. I lightly stroked the tip of my member as it was very sensitive. Each delicate movement made my legs jump a little. The lubricant provided less resistance, without it, I would have felt more pressure and probably came by now!Mom produced a scissors from her nightstand a cut the blue boxers from Mark's nether regions exposing his very large but flaccid cock. It looked like a gargantuan coiled snake ready to strike and it wasn't even hard yet!His dick made me jealous, I liked down at my pathetic 5-inch teenaged wiener and felt it wasn't worthy of my very spoiled mom.Seeing Mark monster, I now realized why she needed that huge dildo, Practice! Practice! Practice!She placed the scissors down on the stand and slid her plastic toy chest closer to them. She reached in and furnished Mark's mammoth cock some clear, slippery lubricant of his own.My talented mother worked his member over like a she had experience! Using her long, shiny fingers to coat every inch of dry skin of the docile beast, gently waking it from its slumber and getting it ready for her to play with!Within a few minutes the beast was alive and ready to seek out destruction of my wanton mother's body!I was thunderstruck viewing of the caliber of Mark's thick, shiny pole. Valiantly! Standing at attention in front of my animated mother which only seemed to be honoring it.His beast reminded me of when I would see those muscle-bound body builders all glazed up for competition, striking various posses showing ever detail of their magnificent bodiesI'm proud of my sweet mother she didn't hesitate to use it like a giant lozenge drawing it in her capable warm mouth. With her first try she professionally engulfed half of his tool!As she pulled back off it and you could clearly see were her moist lips marked the depth of her erotic action.She repeated the process again only much faster! Resembling a wild woman until Mark was squirming feverishly He couldn't take it any more and he announced that if she didn't slow down he was going to blow! She again lifted her head off his proud member, only this time leaving a large string of saliva dangling from her lower lip to the summit of his mucous covered cock!And then I witnessed something unimaginable. This dreamy whore that gave birth to me used the palm of her hand to wipe the spit from herself and his slimy cock and placed it on Mark's open mouth to humiliate him into keeping quiet.Thus far, this was the most erotic thing I have ever seen, "Women just don't do that!" I murmured. Prolonging Mark's inevitable orgasm, she complied with his overwrought request.I had to stop watching my vixen mother performing such arrant acts. With my heightened state of arousal, as 25 minutes have already passed. All my senses were really taking its toll in me.And besides, my hand was like loose cannon! The increasingly speeded strokes were decreasing my waxy sensation as the coating of lotion was drying up. I need to slow down and extend time to enjoy the fruits of my labor.I grabbed ma's brilliant red heel and rubbed the cool smooth leather on my cheek, I sniffed in its heavenly spice while looking at the bottom of the sole and also its heel, noticing they appeared to have low mileage on them."Maybe I can change that," I thought with some deviance.This obsession for my mother was getting to the best of me. All I want to do now is to have her become my personal fuck toy, to use her when I want with no regret.Now mom is very smart and she can sense bullshit from a mile away, I am going to have to come up with a plan to get her to notice me as a fuck partner without raising her suspicions. Climbing the highest mountain in the world would pale in comparison to what I would set out to achieve. Okay, I calmed down a bit. The feeling of me cumming in the next 10 second subsided, so I could get back to my home movie.Mom changed her position and raised her uncomfortable dress above her tanned thighs to straddle Mark's face. With her hand out of the way a saw something else incredibly huge. Mark's nutsack! The shaved flesh encompassing it was the size of a small grapefruit. I thought "man I wouldn't want to be carrying that all day between my legs"."Eat me and get me all juicy so I can take that big cock of yours all the way, you fucker!" She commanded with a hint of urgency!The front of her red dress was stretched to its limit due to it clinging to the outer part of her spread thighs, from my prospective the strained leather looked like a partially opened garage door. Her face was posed with an expression of pure ecstasy; Mom was now grinding her pussy into his face ruthlessly. All I could see was Mark's lower jawbone moving with a rhythm that matched mom's hip gyrations with perfect harmony.I've never lasted this long before. My hand was starting to cramp a bit and I had to switch to the left one.Stretching my digits, I formed an "O" with my thumb and index finger. I wanted to rotate it around the lower part of my dick's helmet, as it's the most tuned in to my nervous system.When I've done this before it gave me the some of the best prolonged orgasms I have ever enjoyed!I spontaneously started sucking on the sharp heel of mom's pump, imagining someday mom would give me permission to do that for her, and maybe it could be on her beautiful foot at the time!Another 12 minutes went by and she lifted herself off her hansom boyfriend's shiny, red face. It appeared to be sopped with her pussy's secretion. She spun around to look directly in his eyes as used her hand to guide his gargantuan tool in her hidden opening.Mom leaned over his face and innocently kissed Mark's worn out mouth sampling the nectar she had deposited. Feeling the shock of his 11" cock entering her opening. Mom lightly bit down on his tongue, and slowly took him in one inch at a time."Heidi's pussy was made to endure his unusually large manhood!" I said malevolently. Feeling disconnected, I was beginning to think of mom as a complete stranger. Or maybe? More like an object. In no time at all, mom was taking the full amount of what mark had to give. She was having some trouble maintaining her balance squatting on his big monster with her 5" spikes, but like a trooper she just kept riding him like a horse at full gallop meeting each one of his strokes with maximum penetration.My maternal whore needed to cum! Instinctively, Ma licked the painted fingers on her right hand with her moist tongue and reached in between those lovely long legs and started to rub the nub with an unyielding figure eight motion to get her to the place she needed to be! I wanted to prolong my cum as long my mother but watching both of them fucking was hampering my efforts to control myself. I was going to spurt and spurt hard!With nothing in sight that resembled a cum rag, I stood up in front of my computer desk and rapidly caressed my wiener over my mothers red pump. Pointing its tip directly in the opening.My eyes were glued to the monitor watching the two of them fucking and making lewd noises like untamed fauna. That was enough for me!I milked my hypersensitive prick into Ma's footwear with such might; I actually heard the blunt splashes of my gunky seed impacting the leather!My knees buckled as if they kept on loosing power intermittently each time I stroke over my over-sensitive glands underneath the helmet. I strangled my beating cock for every last of drop of sperm it could offer!My dick was totally spent but, Like watching a car crash. I kept my peeps focused on my blissful mother in the movie.Her orgasm was imminent, she was really working Mark's anaconda with slow twisting movements.Plunging all the way down, she arched her back while her head tilted back looking at the ceiling with her eye- slits barely open, as her overstuffed pussy took his huge size.Now I've never heard of this before or seen anything like this, but Mom's orgasm made her loose complete control of her pussy! She lifted herself off him and shook violently as her pussy hovered over his flagpole. To my disbelief, Ma shot spew all over Mark's lower abdomen and the upper portion of his legs. The moisture from my mother's release, collected on his hard body became concentrated and turned into little beads of fluid seemingly to only racing each other to where gravity would take them onto the silk bed sheet below.I need time to collect my thoughts of what I just witnessed. I turned off the camera as to save the rest for later.I picked up and studied ma's soiled pump. My hand rocked it from side to side. I watched the clear boy-jizz disappear in the toe and reappearing in the heel. Suddenly! I stopped playing with my cum and had an epiphany!My mission in life going to get my mom to notice me, I am going to achieve that by beating off into or onto everything she owns.That way she will eventually have to confront me about it, and I can't wait for that day to come!More?*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 52
I'm a graduate student at an Ivy League College, and Shauna is a freshman at the same school. She's five feet tall, with red hair, green eyes, and a body that fits my specification for the perfect sex partner: 36-24-34, and muscular in a very feminine way, especially in the legs and ass. Her fiery passions (in bed and otherwise) betray her Irish heritage. I stand 5'-10", and weigh 145 pounds, and I'm in very good shape from a regular exercise routine. My sports have conditioned me more for stamina than for strength, which is a big help for the way Shauna and I like our sex.It was the weekend before Halloween, and naturally various fraternities and sororities were holding their Halloween parties. Our usual playmates, Mike and Sindra, had gone to Mike's parents' house for the weekend, so Shauna and I were on our own. I've never been much of a fan of fraternity parties, but she had been looking forward to this one for a while, so I agreed. I really do have a hard time not giving into her wishes. At first, I had resisted, but finally she had explained why she was so hot to go to the Alpha Delta Phi party."The girls in my dorm told me that every year, the party turns into a costumed orgy," she said."Mmmm. Have any of them ever been to it themselves?" I asked."Well, no, but there's always some truth behind a rumor, right?" she countered."Usually there is," I had to agree. "But what if there isn't?"She gave me her patented angel-and-devil-in-one grin, and said, "Well, we'll just have to make sure that there is, won't we?"Well, I don't believe in doing things halfway, so we made sure we had the best costumes we could come up with, and spent a couple of Saturdays working on them. We chose a couple of comic book characters, Shadowcat and Nightcrawler, Shauna's costume consisted of light blue tights, a blue leotard, bomber-style jacket, domino mask, and, much to my delight, a pair of calf-high blue boots with 4 inch heels. Blue isn't really her color, but she looked absolutely great.My character, Nightcrawler, has a rather demonic appearance, but he's really a good guy. I put on midnight-blue face paint and hair dye, with a red leotard, black tights, white gloves, and matching white boots. I also wore a fake pair of pointed ears, and had fake fangs that I could put in when I wanted to show them off. The hardest part was the tail, which I eventually ended up draping over my shoulder to keep it from getting stepped on.So, in these crazy outfits, we headed for A-D-Phi. I was glad to see that they were turning away anyone who wasn't in costume. It kept the crowding down, and made sure we were all in the proper spirit. The band was good, and we danced and snacked and met new people. There weren't many there that either of us knew. Neither of us usually drinks much, but as the night wore on, we got pretty thirsty, and there were no non-alcoholic beverages around, so we both managed to get mildly buzzed. There was another couple we'd met, in Tarzan and Jane costumes, who really looked the part. Tarzan was big, muscular, and tanned, while Jane's tits threatened to fall out of her leopard bikini top with every motion. We traded dancing partners throughout the night, until just after midnight, when we happened to get caught with each other's dates when a slow dance started."Do you think Shauna will mind?" Jane (that really *was* her name) asked, as she pressed herself against me. I looked over, and noticed that Shauna was already doing the same with Tarzan (who was actually named Kevin), and decided that she wouldn't mind. Throughout the dance, Jane got more and more intimate, and my reaction wasn't at all hidden by my leotard. I began to wish I'd stuck with the Robocop costume, until Jane reached down and stroked my cock, saying, "I've always wanted to fuck a super-hero. Interested?" Not quite sure of how to handle this, I looked over at Kevin and Shauna. Due to the foot and a half difference in their heights, he was now carrying her as they danced, and from the way her legs had wrapped around his waist, it looked like she was screwing him through his loincloth already."I'll check with Shauna. You ask Kevin," I said, just as the dance ended. We quickly went back to our dates. Shauna seemed rather breathless, and was blushing as I told her what Jane had said. I reminded her about her hoping for an orgy, and she agreed, but said she had to get some fresh air first. As we turned around, though, we were surprised to see Kevin pulling on his coat and storming out, with Jane following him. Apparently, only three of our potential foursome had been up to it. "What now?" I asked. "Back to my place?""No, not yet," Shauna said. "I'm still looking for adventure, and Tarzan's cock was so big, I was almost coming just thinking about getting it inside me." Now, a lot of guys might've taken this the wrong way, but we have a very special relationship, and I know that whatever gets her hot, I'm the one who it always pays off for, so I really didn't mind."I've got an idea," she continued. "Let's do it right here!""Here on the dance floor?""No, there's too much beer on the floor already. I don't like screwing in beer. Let's find a room." I didn't ask how she'd formed her opinions about screwing in beer, but just followed her as she headed off to find a good room. The imp in her had taken over that night, and she insisted on using a room not too far from the party, so we could hear the music, and so there'd be just a chance of getting caught."What if someone walks in on us?" I asked, I wasn't really worried. If we'd survived the locker-room orgy where we first met, one uninvited guest wouldn't be a problem."Let 'em find us, I'll fuck 'em all!" she said. By this point, I was starting to worry, just a bit. You see, I had no doubt that under the right conditions, she *could* fuck the entire fraternity, their dates, and the guys in the band, and still want more. And that seemed to be what she was looking for this time.We found an empty bedroom, a small single, about 5 doors up the hall, and let ourselves in. Like most of the fraternity bedrooms I've seen, it had all the amenities: Loft, laundry on the floor, Penthouse and Sports Illustrated pictures on the wall, packs of condoms on the dresser, etc. She picked up the condoms. Look at this!" she said. "Unlubricated! This guy must not think at all about what the girl wants!""Maybe he only fucks little flash-floods like you, and he doesn't need any lubricated ones?" I suggested. I grabbed for her ass, but she dodged me, and started rummaging around some more. It seemed she was enjoying this for more than just sexual reasons."No, wait, here we go! Large economy size, yet!" She had found a squeeze tube of lubricant, and had started smearing it on her fingers. "Not bad," she said. "Better than KY, Hell of a lot better than Vaseline." Again, I decided not to ask, although I was sure she was dying to tell me the story. I decided a more direct approach was in order, so I scooped her up and tried to put her on the loft. "Not the loft!" she protested, "I want to get fucked in the laundry." By this time, I was sure she was either a lot crazier or a lot drunker than I'd originally believed. But, as always, I had to give in. The fact that she was now on her knees, sucking on my dick through the fabric of my costume might've influenced my decision. I pushed her back over into the laundry, and started pulling off her clothes, unfortunately, our costumes weren't built for quickies, and I had to get her completely naked, except for the mask. She squirmed around through the entire process, not really resisting, but making it damned difficult anyway.As soon as I got her jacket and leotard off, I went after her breasts, trying to suck on them, since I know that's the quickest way to get her totally involved. She wasn't going for it this time, though, and she rolled over on her stomach, and brought her knees up under her, so that her sweet little rear end was sticking straight up in the air. She wiggled it at me, in a way that has to be seen to be believed, and said, "I've got better things than that for you, hero!" I was getting as frustrated as I was horny, so I grabbed her boots and started trying to pull them off, while she kept on kicking and wriggling. I finally succeeded in getting them off without getting kicked in the face, and flipped her over again, going for the waistband of her tights. She wasn't done playing yet, though, and threw me another curveball. I've mentioned how strong her legs are (and how much I love to get them wrapped around me!), and she put them to good use, planting both feet in the middle of my chest and heaving me halfway across the room. I landed flat on my back with the wind knocked out of me, and before I could recover, she was all over me."Nobody pulls off Shadowcat's tights and gets away with it!" she laughed, "Now, super-villain scum, you'll pay!"I considered resisting, just to get even, but our exertions had gotten me so hot, I just wanted her to get my clothes off and do something to me! In under a minute, she'd gotten me naked and had jammed my cock into her mouth. She'd been practicing, trying to learn how to deep-throat me, and it seemed her lessons from Sindra were paying off. I was amazed as all seven inches slid down her throat in one easy motion, and she began pumping it in and out of her mouth. Every few strokes, she'd stop pumping, and just lick the head for a while."Baby, you're the greatest!" I said, when I'd caught my breath."It's my new super-power," she said. "I'm thinking of changing my name to Oral Sex Girl, or maybe Blowjob-Cat.""Stop talking, and put that thing back in your mouth," was the only response I could think of. She obliged, and once again I felt myself being sucked all the way in. She surprised me again by poking her tongue out past my cock and tickling my balls with it at the same time. If you've ever had that done to you, you know how great it is. If you haven't, go out and get it done to you!"Well, Blowjob-Cat, I'm about ready to super-come in your super-mouth, what do you think of that?""Oh, no, NightBaller, you can't do that!" she squealed. She left me there, and crawled back over to the laundry heap, and again stuck her ass up in the air and started wiggling it at me. I followed her, wondering what she had up her sleeve this time."Are you going to play nice now, or do I have to get rough with you?" I asked, in my most menacing tone."Oooh, please, get rough with me! You know it turns me on!" Actually, I know it doesn't as a rule, but since she was definitely not her usual self tonight, I grabbed her tights, tugged them off, and applied a few not-very-gentle swats to her behind. "Hey, I was kidding about getting rough!" she said, "Here, play with my tits instead." As she said this, she rolled over onto her back, and started squeezing her nipples between her fingers. I eagerly licked my way up her body, from her hips to her breasts, and started sucking on them, nice and hard the way she likes, throwing in the occasional love-bite just to keep her interest up. I could feel one hand on the back of my head, and out of the corner of my eye I could see the other starting to probe her dripping pussy. I reached out a hand to help, and found her to be as drenched as ever. I got three fingers inside her, with a thumb on her clit, and had her bucking and panting through about three orgasms, when she said, "Quick, get the lubricant!"I was amazed, "Lubricant?" I asked, never letting up the motion. "I've got most of my hand sloshing around inside your cunt, your ass is floating in a puddle of pussy juice, and you want lubricant?""Get the damned lubricant, and I'll show you what I want it for!" she gasped, as the fourth orgasm hit. So, I got the damned lubricant, and she showed me what she wanted it for. She squeezed some into the palm of her hand, and started smearing it around on her breasts. "The hell with it," she said, and just gave the tube a couple of long squeezes, emptying most of it directly onto her tits. "Now, stick that thing of yours up here where it'll do us both some good," she commanded me. I gladly complied, since I love a good tit-fuck, and Shauna's the best I know. The lubricant had run all over her chest, shoulders, and stomach as well, so I was just sliding around trying to keep myself on top of her, giving her a full-torso fuck. It was crazy, but it was the best! To help me out, she grabbed hold of my ass with both hands, and guided me back and forth. She started shoving me far enough forward so that she could pop the head of my cock in and out of her mouth on each stroke. After about five minutes of this, I knew I was close to losing it again, and I guess she could tell, too. "Are you going to come now?" she asked. I just nodded. "Then fuck me, quick! Nice and hard and deep!"I climbed off her, and she turned over. "Do it doggie-style for me," she said. I would've done it kangaroo-style if she'd asked, and I wasted no time in shoving my cock into her. We instantly started slamming back and forth into each other, so that I was going balls-deep and then some with every stroke. I started to come, and I grabbed her shoulders, pulling her up so that we were both kneeling, her in front of me. I reached around and grabbed a handful of tit in each hand, burying my face in her shoulder. She braced herself with one hand, and rubbed her clit with the other, bringing herself to yet another orgasm. I'd never seen her have more than four before, but this was at least her fifth, and she showed no sign of stopping. I kept pumping my load deep inside of her, loving the feeling of her tight little ass pressed against my thighs, and the feeling of her dancing to the rhythm of her own orgasms.When we'd finally finished, we collapsed into the pile of clothes around us and squeezed and kissed each other. We could still hear the music from the dance floor, so the party was still going on. We were looking for our clothes and discussing the possibility of doing it again when we got home, when we heard the vocalist for the band announce that they were going to take a break and come back for their last set. We knew we were in trouble then, because someone was bound to notice us coming out of the bedroom. We were frantically looking for her leotard when disaster struck, and we heard two voices, male and female, outside the room. He was trying to talk her into coming in, she was resisting. Not taking any chances, Shauna did the practical thing, and dove under the laundry. I took a second to turn of the light, and then joined her. "You want adventure? You got it!" I whispered, just as the door opened and a small desk lamp was switched on.Apparently the guy had won, and we were stuck there until they went away again, or caught us. We couldn't see a thing, but we could hear it all. They quickly undressed (throwing even more clothes onto us), kissed for a moment, and then she climbed up the ladder to the loft. He turned off the light and followed. For about the next hour, we were treated to the sounds of some rather boring and unimaginative sex from above us, as we quietly kissed and fondled each other in the dark of the laundry heap. We couldn't say anything, but I was sure Shauna was loving every minute of it. I could just imagine what was going through her mind when the guy above us begged for blowjob, and the girl refused on the grounds that it was "gross." After the second time they'd done it, she excused herself to go find a bathroom, and he started snoring the instant she was out the door. Shauna started extricating herself from the clothes on the floor, and I thought we were making our escape, until she whispered in my ear, "The poor guy had to go to sleep without getting his cock sucked. This is a job for me! I've just got to do this! He'll never know what hit him!""What am *I* supposed to do?" I asked."Wait until what's-her-name comes back, and do what you do best," she answered, and gave my hardening dick a quick squeeze. She stepped over to the door, opened it, closed it again, and started up the ladder. The guy in the loft didn't even wake up, until I heard him give a startled yelp, and I knew Shauna had started on him."I thought you didn't do that?" I heard him say."I couldn't resist," she whispered back. And she was telling the truth, too, I knew. I heard them continue going at it for a few more minutes, until I heard her ask him to go down on her. From the ensuing scuffling, I guessed he'd agreed. I couldn't help wondering why he hadn't noticed yet that it wasn't the same girl. Maybe he had, and just didn't care. Meanwhile, I'd moved over to a position by the door, waiting to grab the girl when she came back in. This was Shauna's show, and I wasn't going to let anything ruin it for her. I got lucky, and they had quieted down for a moment when the door opened, and a girl almost my height, wearing a bathrobe, came in. I quickly grabbed her and kissed her on the mouth, untying the bathrobe with one hand and easing the door shut with the other. I found out later, Shauna had wrapped her legs around the guy's head at that moment, to keep him from seeing or hearing anything. The girl, who was drunk, stupid, horny, or all of the above, didn't offer me any resistance as I pulled off her robe and eased her down onto the floor.Back in the laundry pile, I thought. I can't wait to get home and make love to my girlfriend in the good old missionary position in a good old bed. In the meantime, I'd gotten this girl I'd never even seen naked on the floor of some stranger's room, while he ate my girlfriend's pussy in a loft above us. Shauna lost it then, and started moaning. "What's that?" the genius under me asked, and she actually believed me when I said it was just a couple of friends. I took my mouth off her tits, which were nice, but much smaller than Shauna's, and spun around to start licking her pussy. It, conversely, was nice, but much larger than Shauna's. I guessed she must've done this sort of thing fairly often. Then she surprised me, because in spite of what she'd told the other guy, she slid my cock into her mouth and started sucking it, and not like a first-timer, either. Great, I thought, anything to keep her from talking. I had other reasons not to complain, of course. Meantime, Shauna and her playmate had apparently quit fooling around, because I heard her offering to get on top, and then the whole loft started to shake. Headlines of 'Four Killed In Fraternity Sex Disaster' flashed through my mind, so I started sucking my new partner's clit with even more determination. She began writhing around, but didn't miss a stroke in sucking me off.What happened next can only be described as a sexual chain reaction. Shauna was apparently doing quite a job on herself and her anonymous partner, because she started in with her usual deep growls, then started moaning out loud, the way she does when she's really worked for an orgasm. He went off next, grunting and panting. From what Shauna told me later, he was very well equipped, and when he started pounding into her for the last time, she got a little scared that he might actually hurt her. Fortunately, he didn't keep it up for too long. Then my friend on the floor and I both started going at the same time. She started thrusting her hips, jamming her cunt against my lips and filling my mouth with her sweet juices. I sent a couple of spurts down her throat, and then she pulled her head back and started jerking me off. I couldn't tell for sure, but I guess she wanted to get the load on her face. Kind of unusual for a girl who had earlier said that blowjobs were gross, but I don't try to explain women. After all, it was a woman who'd gotten me into this in the first place.A few minutes later, they guy in the loft and the girl on the floor were both starting to fall asleep, and I heard Shauna excuse herself to go look for the bathroom. I did the same, and we quickly gathered up our clothes, pulled on enough to be decent, and let ourselves out. The party had ended about an hour before, but a couple of guys were still cleaning up, and they said goodnight to us as we left the building.On the walk back to my apartment, Shauna and I exchanged stories, and laughed about what we'd just done. What *would* the couple in that room do when they woke up the next morning, with him in the loft, her on the floor, and completely different recollections of the last time they'd done it? And how would they ever explain the baby blue tights, one white glove, and pair of fake fangs we hadn't managed to locate in the dark? Shauna and I agreed that it'd been a good night, and she suggested making love again once we got home. It was a nice idea, but by the time we got there, she was falling asleep, so I carried her to my room, undressed her again, and tucked her in. After all, there was still the next morning to look forward to.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 47
I'm just a regular 21 year old girl, I'm 5'6", slim and quite top heavy. But then that doesn't really matter as you are going to imagine your own fantasy girl as you are reading this. I would like to say now this story is based on truth. So allow me to begin to tell you all on how it came about me becoming Casper's little slut.As I was growing up as a little girl I have always had an affinity towards dogs, they just seem to get me if you can understand that and as I was growing up I relied more and more heavily on my Alsatian Casper. I have been lucky enough to have Casper since I was 7 years old. Casper and I did everything together, he slept in my bed with me, ate dinner with me, he even led on the floor whilst I bathed. However growing up and reaching puberty the dynamic of our relationship slowly yet surely started to change for the better.It was in 2005 when our love affair began. My parents had left me alone in the home for the night safe in the knowledge that Casper would look after me. Being a 15 year old girl being left at home I was pretty limited as to what I could really do to entertain myself. So I decided to take a bath and as always Casper followed me in and sat next to the bath whilst I bathed. As I was washing myself my whole body seemed to become all tingly and as I started working on the top of my legs I accidently brushed my finger across my clit a gasp escaped my mouth. Wow that felt incredible, I thought to myself so I tentatively started playing with myself soon my left hand was wandering up to my supple breasts as I got closer and closer to my first ever orgasm. I was gently moaning when all of a sudden a felt Casper lick my face. I instantly stopped what I was doing and sighed when I realised Casper thought I was hurt and was just comforting me. Realising that today wasn't going to be th e day I was going to orgasm I decided to get out of the bath and towelled myself dry. Wrapping the towel around my damp body I bent over to pull the plug out of the bath when I felt Casper's tongue once again on me but instead he took a swipe of my pussy from just below my pubic mound to my ass, a jolt of instantaneous lust and disgust flared up. "Bad Casper" I scorned " You can't do that to me when I have just been playing with myself, it just isn't fai..." Casper's tongue took another swipe at my pussy and I could feel him trying to push it in "mmm Casper stop that now" I sighed whilst spreading my legs a little ' Sarah you can't let your pet lick you out it's so disgusting no matter how lovely it feels' I thought to myself so I pushed Casper away and went into my bedroom to sit on my bed and dry my hair with Casper following closely behind.As I sat down I noticed that there was a slight bit of pink poking out of Casper's sheath "Oh Casper seems like you are just as wound up as I am," I said gently as I gave him a hug. "There there boy we will get you a lovely girlfriend to play with soon I will ask Mum and Dad." Not realising Casper's nose was close to my pussy from the angle i was hugging him at I was surprised to say the least when he started nipping gently on my clit. The sudden jolt of random intense pleasure made me moan out load and lie back. There was no point in fighting it any longer, I leaned back on the bed and spread my legs letting Casper get full access to my pussy."MMMM Casper thats it boy keep eating mummy make me moan out for you Casper, mmm" Casper was licking my pussy with gusto and started snaking his long tongue into mu cunny trying to get more of my juices, I couldn't hold back any longer "Ohh fuck yes Casper, unnn please deeper" I moaned as I started fucking his tongue.Just before I peaked, Casper stopped and started whining at me whilst gently humping the air."Oh Casper, you're just like all the other boys always want something back" I sighed as I got down onto my knees, tentatively i started stroking him getting closer and closer to his sheath, as I brushed passed it Casper licked my face in encouragement. I couldn't even believe I was thinking of jacking off my beloved pet let alone lusting to do it. I gripped his sheath and gently began coaxing his doggy cock out. It was so warm and quickly started dripping with doggy juice. Casper really started to move his hips in time with my hand and was licking my face so much it started getting gross. "Ohh you like that boy? You like it when I play with your doggy dick?" I said as i started jacking faster "Well boy if you won't finish me off it's only fair that I don't finish you off" I said as I stopped.Casper whined and started pushing against me humping his doggy cock towards my body I couldn't help but laugh and started to get up. Casper must have saw this as an opportunity as all of the sudden I felt this weight land on my back and quick as lightening Casper was trying to find a hole to bury his doggy dick. I was scared, very, very scared "Casper DOWN" I said in my sternest voice as i tried moving away from him but his front legs were holding me in a death grip. His dick was stabbing wildly at my pussy and ass hole and it really bloody hurt if I am honest then all of a sudden he managed to bury two inches into my pussy, I let out a gasp, and him sensing he finally had his bitch where he wanted her rammed himself fully inside "Ouch fuck" I cried as he started fucking me really hard, it was as if he was thinking that I shouldn't have messed about with him before and should've finished him off. His strokes were hard and fast and I soon started moaning out loud "Oh that's it Casper, make me your whore make me crave your dog cock forever" his head was on my shoulder and hearing him pant in my ear made me go buck wild. I started meeting his thrusts trying to get more of his cock in me and very quickly I started to feel my pussy getting fuller."Yes, ohh god yes, god damn what is that it's making me feel so full" Caspers humping started to get harder but shorter in its strokes, I leant on one arm and used my spare hand to play with my clit. "Mmm that's it boy," I moaned. "Spunk in my cunt, give me your puppies." Suddenly Casper's short erratic thrusts stopped and he just led there on my back but the big ball in my pussy was throbbing, soon i found myself having a huge orgasm. "MMMmmm, Casper. Oh yes, that's it, breed me, shoot your spunk in me, mmmmmmmm..." As my orgasm subsided I noticed that I couldn't move from Casper without him shifting with me, we were stuck together...END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any ofthe scenarios in this story; should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 73
* Chapter 1 *Now she was about to take the irrevocable step that would turn her into a cheating wife. She knew it and Chuck knew it, and once she screwed Chuck Baker, there was no turning back.But she wanted to lay the husband of her best friend, she had to lay Chuck, or go out of her mind. And it was worse because she knew he wanted her just as passionately, and had, for a long, long time.And it wasn't as if she was just any discontented slut, ready to take on any man who made himself available to her whims and fancies. Regina loved her own husband, loved him truly and well, and their sex had always been very good together. But of late, their love making had been turned into a habit pattern, more a routine than spontaneous excitement.Regina drew a deep and steadying breath. She had never been screwed by another man, not in all her life. She had been a virgin when she married, she'd never, never cheated on Bill before. And not yet, she thought, glancing nervously at the kitchen door. There was still time to give Chuck a call, to back out of the thing that had been building so intensely between them for so long.And yet there was no time at all, for if she didn't make the move now, she might never get up the nerve again, and Regina wanted so badly to be fucked by another man, especially by Chuck Baker. She wanted him with a desire that had built itself into an obsession; now she was about to gratify that awful yearning.Regina ran her hands over her hips, smoothing down the hostess gown she wore for the occasion. It was slinky, and clung to her tall, willowy body with insinuating folds of translucent material. Her body was good, she admitted, tall and sleek, and her breasts stood high. Regina was glad she'd taken such good care of herself, after having the kids.Chuck adored her body; he'd whispered that in her ear at the last party, when he'd taken on enough liquor to break down the barrier that stood between them -- the fact that they were both married. To which other facts could be added: they both had teenage children; they were good friends with each other's mates; they lived right next door to each other.She jumped when she heard his steps on the back porch, and swallowed hard. He was here, and suddenly she wanted very much to run, to hide herself in the rec room -- anywhere. Regina was afraid.He made it better for her when he slipped quickly through the kitchen door and closed it behind him. "Regina, you look beautiful as ever; no -- more so, even.""Th-thank you," she murmured, and felt the flush of her face, the tingles that raced over her skin at the sight and the nearness of him.Her lover-to-be, Regina thought, and knew the quickening of her heartbeat, a swiftness of her pulse. She was young as her daughter just now, eager and excited, the blood racing in her veins.Chuck said, "We've waited such a long time, Regina. And it's not often that both families are gone like this. All afternoon, darling; we have one whole afternoon to ourselves."She looked at him, at his dear face and the compelling maleness of Chuck Baker, his lean and rangy body and the red-brown hair touched over the temples with grey. His green eyes held hers, and she dropped her gaze to his strong mouth, to the moustache there. "W-we'd better not waste any of this precious time, then:" she said.He moved toward her, but she drifted away from him, down the lower hall to the safest place she could find in her own home, the bedroom of her son. Dale was at the beach with the other kids, and if by some odd circumstance should come home ahead of the rest, he always went first to the kitchen and clattered about there, assuaging his ever-present hunger.His mother had a hunger of her own now, a burgeoning need that filled her body and shook her mind, so that her head spun and her knees went weak. Inside her son's room, she turned helplessly, her mouth soft and her eyes damp."Chuck -- here -- this room -- I-I wish..."He came to her and folded her close, pulled her against his hard body. "I know, I know, dear. I wish it could be some magic mountain top, too. But we don't have the choice, and I'm so glad for this much."She felt his organ against her, his breath warm in her ear and along her throat. Shivering, she thought: another man's prick; she'd never even seen another one, much less felt it shoving against her belly like this. So long, she thought; so very rigid.His hands were moving over her, sliding and caressing, knowing the dip of her waist and the small of her back. Deliciously, she trembled into him, lifting the eagerness of her mouth, and as his strong lips closed upon hers, Chuck cupped both her breasts. She gave him her mouth, surrendering completely to the hot probing of his tongue, realizing the strong clash of his teeth against her own. Oh, but he was so male, and yet so tender, his palms mashing her boobs only to allow them to spring up once more, their nipples hard for the fondling of his fingers.Oh lord, she thought; her legs were giving way, and she could only cling desperately to Chuck Baker, shaken and suddenly afraid. He moved her backward to the bed, her son's bed, and he was gentle with her there, bending her down and placing her upon the sheet with care. Regina closed her eyes and bit into her lower lip, feeling his hands as they unzipped the hostess gown, feeling the air upon her naked flesh as he peeled the dress back and away to expose her body.Regina was shamed; no man had ever seen her like this before, only her lawful wedded husband. She bit down upon her guilt and leaped convulsively as Chuck's face found her breasts and nuzzled there. His hands were on her waist, her belly, and his mouth -- oh lord, the hot wetness of his mouth! -- was kissing over the mound of her tit, then locking suction upon the nipple. She couldn't stand it. Her hips bucked and her ass twisted, and before Regina realized what she was doing, her fingers were locked into the richness of his hair and pulling his mouth harder over her tit.Chuck groaned into her skin, and suddenly she knew the entire shape of his prick, the length and the roundness of it against her hip. Slowly, with little frightened movements, her fingers inched down to touch it. The head was velvet soft, yet packed with a threatening kind of strength, and her fingertips trailed exploringly along the flanged glans, feeling the ridged outline and the cunning bluntness of its point.There was a warmth on the tip, an interesting wetness that slid jelly-like between her fingers, and Regina realized that it was his pre-seminal fluid. A shock raced through her, and she quickly withdrew her hand. When her husband was young, he had gotten that excited, so much so that his cock leaked in urgency. But that had been quite a while back, and now she was feeling that slippery fluid from another man!He was going to -- they were about to -- shuddering, Regina breathed deeply and raggedly, her body turned complete traitor to her mind, betraying all the solid years of wifely duties.Chuck's hand was moving down her belly, now, and her thighs opened willingly to receive its caress. He took her mound in hand, his palm making her labia tingle, his fingers thrilling the ridge to her ass and the soft inner skin of her thighs, his thumb probing for the tender hood standing guard to her clitoris."Oh darling," he panted, "oh, baby; I knew you would feel this way, all soft and wonderful. You're so beautiful and so sexy -- I've envied Bill for years, because he could hold your cunt like this, and kiss your tits like this -- "She was so needed, so wanted and appreciated; his need made her more of a woman, made her more giving and adoring. She stroked his hair and sighed as his finger eased carefully into the dampened lips of her pussy. A strange probing, this, a different kind of feeling about, pushing so delicately and lovingly into the liquid warmth that now was her receptive vagina.His cock, she thought, was new, his darling cock! Suddenly and breathtakingly swift, it was nestled, throbbing in her grasp -- Chuck's prick, his love tool, veined and pulsing with his male hunger. It was heavy and long and solid, and below the shaft were the balls encased in the softly wrinkled sac and the thick, springy covering of hair.This was the prick she desired, the cock that was going to take the place of her husband's within her pussy. This was the prick that her best friend had been fucking for years and years, but now within seconds, Regina was going to also know the richness of it.His wife would never know, and neither would her husband. And it wasn't as if they were depriving someone else of sex; they weren't. She and Chuck were just -- just taking something for themselves. If that was being greedy or sneaky or whatever anyone wanted to call it, okay. They'd gone too far to drop it now, even if they wanted to.And they didn't. She clutched the powerful meaty rod as he fingered her cunt, and her ass heaved in anticipation. Pulling him to her by his joint, Regina urged him to mount her. She spread her knees and lifted them, and there he was between them, lowering his body as she tugged insistently at his cock, as she guided the swollen head of it into the quivering wetness of her pubic hair."Regina," he breathed, "Regina."And that was all then, because with one strong shove of his hips, he thrust the length and breadth of his prick up into her hot body."Oooh!" she cried out, impaled upon this strange cock, nailed by his different, loving prick. It was thick and long, and she rolled her ass to fit it even more firmly within her sheath, knowing the pressure of his balls in the crack of her ass. It was more than good -- it was wonderful, thrilling her so deeply, penetrating to her belly.Regina wiggled upon it, wrapped her arms around his neck and drew his face down to hers, meeting his mouth with a violence, a savagery that surprised them both. Her belly hammered up at his, and her pubic mound tried to enclose his. Tilting far back, so that she was on her shoulder blades, Regina hiked up her lower body.That way, she could take it all, every fucking inch of the precious meat, take it clear to the cup of her womb and revel in the way it filled her clenching pussy. She rocked back and forth on Chuck's plunging cock, and hooked her heels behind his knees so she could hang on to him as he fucked.As they fucked -- sweetly and with hunger and long deprivation. His prick worked in and out of the hot, juicy vagina, and she met it stroke for stroke, grinding upon it, rubbing her pelvis into Chuck's, now tearing at the skin of his back, now biting his neck, his chest."Baby," he grunted, panted, "oh baby -- you're so hot and tight and slick! Oh Regina -- you beautiful, hot piece of ass!"She said it into his chest hair: "Fuck me, darling! Oh, stick that lovely cock away up inside my pussy and fuck me until I faint. Put it in me hard, Chuck -- hard! I'm not fragile and I won't break, so fuck me hard!"He picked up the pace, ramming it to her cunt with additional power, pounding it home and pulling back for more strong lunges that rocked the bed on its legs and made the head of it bump the wall. Just as the head of his prick was bumping her womb wall, and Regina felt the crazy good wondrous feeling burst forth from her ecstatic clit to spread throughout her heaving, surging pussy, to flash throughout her belly, her body, her mind."Chuck... oh Chuck! I-I'm coming, coming!"He fed the meat to her steadily and powerfully, cramming it deep and drawing it out shallow, plunging it balls-deep once more. Regina shuddered and melted in the throes of her overwhelming orgasm, hunched convulsively upon the still-hammering cock and felt her legs sliding down his sweaty back.Then Chuck stiffened out, his rhythm broken, the long prick gone still as the head of it expanded. Regina could feel the glans ballooning, and suddenly she knew the spurting of his come, the hot, saturating explosion of his semen as it bombed against her womb and came showering back to flood the trembling walls of her pussy. So thick, so slippery; so hot and gushy -- and it seemed as if Chuck meant to drown her in his ejaculation, for the creamy stuff continued to flow."Ahh, baby," Chuck sighed, "it feels so great to let my come go inside your gorgeous cunt. I've wanted to fuck you for a long time, and now at last I've done it. I don't ever want to stop."She kissed his throat, his cheek, his mouth. "And I don't ever want you to stop screwing me, Chuck. It's so terrific, so wild. My dear, my darling -- ooh -- when I wiggle this way, your cock slides around inside me and tickles like crazy."He stroked it slowly and sweetly within her for a while longer, then began to lift his weight from her body. She wouldn't let him go, but held him tightly to her, kept him buried inside her, and forced him to roll over onto his side."I wasn't going to quit," Chuck said. "I just have to catch my breath. I want to do it all to you, Regina -- to fuck you and eat you and turn you every way but loose.""Oh, yes," she breathed, "oh yes, let's just do everything."And then Regina remembered that she didn't know how to do everything, that she had in actuality led a very sheltered sex life. Her husband didn't experiment. Bill was strong and mostly willing and he just loved to do it to her straight, but he had never even kissed her belly as far down as the navel, and of course, she'd never dared to suggest she perform oral love upon him, either.She had only heard of other things, and didn't even know if she really wanted to try them. For the moment, she ought to be content just to have this extra love, this extra special screwing by a man she'd wanted for just about forever, it seemed. And even if they never got the opportunity again, here and now they could fuck until they would have to part later in the afternoon, when the families came back from the beach.Regina reached down between their legs to fondle Chuck's balls. She wouldn't tell him how naive she was, she thought; whatever he started, she would simply go along with, as if it was old stuff to her, and hope that she wouldn't make an idiot of herself.Funny, she thought, but she didn't feel at all guilty about this; maybe that burden would come later, when she'd had time to think over her infidelity. But the golden chance was here, with her lover, and she meant to make the most of it."Oh darling," she whispered, sensing rather than feeling the slight softening of his cock, clenched within the lips of her pussy, "I've always envied your wife, too. Stella is so lucky, to have you whenever she wants you."Chuck wiggled against her, slid his pubic mound over hers and the shaft of his prick nudged her clitoris. Regina was amazed to feel how wet her thighs were, from both his release and her own juices. He said: "That's not very often, any more. Stella is -- was -- a hell of a lay, until she got bored with it all. Maybe it's my fault; I don't know. I only know that I'm happier here between your legs than I've been in a long time.""Me, too," Regina admitted. "I suppose I shouldn't think about your wife, or my husband, but I..."He cut in: "I know what you mean. Somehow, they're mixed up in this. It isn't just you and me, but Stella and Bill, too.""This is a hell of a note," Regina said. "Here we are, all coiled together with your penis up me, and all we can talk about are our spouses.""All right," Chuck said. "No more talk -- just action." And with that, he withdrew himself from her pussy, sliding his long cock out with a deft movement that caused a wetly gulping sound from her labia.Gently, he urged her over onto her back, and Regina felt a quick thrusting of renewed anticipation, a tingle of the new and unexpected. He was going to do something else to her, she thought for sure he couldn't be ready to screw again so quickly."You have such lovely tits," he said, "high and firm and round. They're bigger than Stella's, and one of these days, I'm going to have you squeeze them together around my cock. But right now, I have something else in mind."He began at her throat, nipping the skin and kissing down to the valley of her breasts. His mouth slipped from one erectile nipple to the other, biting tenderly, sucking hungrily. Then he moved down to her rib cage, his breath hot and provoking, his tongue leaving a fiery trail across her sensitive flesh.Regina shivered, her hands straying down to touch his hair, while her hips made pendulum movements. So tantalizing, she thought, so very sensuous -- like nothing that she and her own husband had done before. Chuck's face was lower on her body than Bill's had ever reached, and the excitement was indescribable.Wet and warm, his tongue darted into her belly-button, and Regina's cheeks knotted together in a spasming reflex as her ass clenched. His hands wandered over her hips, her belly, back up to fondle the moundings of her swollen breasts, and she thought that this must be some special kind of heaven.A gasp broke from her mouth as Chuck suddenly dipped his face down into her pubic mound. It was all wet there, she thought in some crazy kind of rationalization; her pussy was still drippy from the recent fucking, still oozing the residue of Chuck's semen. But he didn't seem to mind; his tongue flicked down to lap the lips of her cunt, and Regina thought then that she would certainly go mad.But there was even more to come -- the sharp biting of Chuck's teeth as he forced the labia wider for his assault, the spreading of her thighs by his strong hands as he readied her pussy for his meal.His mouth was against her labia, and his tongue -- oh lord, his wildly exciting tongue! -- slipped right on inside her vagina as if it was truly meant to be there. Regina flinched, and her pelvis thrust in reflex against his chin, his mouth; her thighs came together to caress his cheeks.Chuck ate her then -- chewing and nipping and licking hotly into her quaking cavity. Waves of boiling sensation poured over her body, and Regina was conscious that her hips were swinging, that her ass was hunching. She had her fingers dug into his hair, and was somehow attempting to thrust his face ever deeper into her cunt.He clung to the cheeks of her ass and gobbled avidly at her pussy, sucking the lips into his mouth, worrying them with his teeth, licking and pulling until Regina knew she was going out of her head with the delight of it. When he reached up and in to find her clitoris, she did flip out -- moaning and gasping and bouncing insanely upon the bed."Ooh! Oh Chuck my darling, eat me... oh, eat me! Please, do some more, oh God! OHMYGOD! My clit is splitting wide open! Oh, ahh -- Chuck! My pussy..."Chuck was pulling on her clit, rolling it between his teeth, sucking -- sucking! -- on it and in it, and she was going to come. She threw her cunt up to him and pushed his head down into its wet and hot hairiness, and let the good feelings roll over her body.Her orgasm flared from the clit to the vagina to the womb and burst through her belly to tighten the ring of her asshole, to make her thighs quiver and her teeth clench together as she threw back her head and hunched her wet cunt to his mouth.Chuck moaned into her vagina, and she could feel the vibrations of the sound far up in her soaking cave. Now he was sucking on her cunt as if it were a ripe fruit, drawing the flow of her love lotions into his mouth and down his eager throat. His fingernails bit into the cheeks of her ass, and his teeth were almost savage against the lips of her vibrant pussy.She fell apart, came apart in little, sighing pieces as every joint in her body unhooked and as her flesh dissolved in warmly loving bits. Nirvana could be no better, Regina thought vaguely, and paradise would simply have to wait. This thing that Chuck had done to her, this gift he had presented her, was no perversion, but heaven. There had been a lot of wasted years not knowing this.As she drifted in flowered warmness on a stream that wandered among lotus blossoms and emerald lillypads, Regina thought that she should do something in return, that she ought to place dear Chuck upon the altar where he had put her. And she would, she decided; she most certainly would.But the hands upon her hips were urging her to move, to let go the swanboat in which she was riding, and so she did. Chuck was turning her over, moving her up and away from him, and she didn't really want to go.Then she was on top of him, lying limp and flaccid upon his long, lean body, feeling the new rigidity of his sex organ as it grew hard between them. His mouth found hers, and she gave willingly of her lips, gladly of her tongue, even though she knew that the exotic flavors he was passing to her were the tastes of her own pussy and of his semen.There had never been such an intimacy for Regina, and she wallowed in it, tongue and lips and the unremitting pressure of her nude body upon his. The body of her lover, she thought -- the naked man-body of the only male she had ever screwed since she married Bill Abbott. The only person she'd ever fucked, besides her person, she corrected; she had heard of lesbian affairs between women, but she would never go so far as to even consider anything like that.She was content to be a wanted, loved woman, fucked and eaten by a man who had long desired her, a man who appreciated the fact that she was still a lovely and sensual woman. Chuck was such a lover, so adept and not bound by tradition. As her kids would say, he really turned her on.Regina squirmed upon him, and when her slickened labia nudged the renewed bulb of his cock, it was only natural for her to make adjustments so that it would work inside the lips. She was going to be fucked twice in one day, with that marvelous, stimulating oral love spaced between the screwings. It was more than she had expected, since her own husband didn't get it up again, after the first time.But Chuck's long, firm prick went slipping into the vagina so receptive for it, and the lips of her pussy closed over the round shaft with a feeling of contentment. Seated upon him this way, she could lift her upper body and lean back, and that would seat his cock deeply, solidly within her sheath. Regina did it, smiling as she felt the wonder of the penis within her body.Still, as she fucked the man, she couldn't help thinking of her husband, and what his reaction would be, if somehow he knew.* Chapter 2 *She moved through the day in a rosy haze, not really thinking about the daily chores she did through habit, her mind in a whirl from events of the day before. The day she had been so thoroughly fucked by her lover; the magic time when Chuck had gone down on her, when a man had actually eaten her pussy as if he was starving for it.Maybe he had been starving to taste her pussy, Regina thought, standing in the living room and looking about herself in a warm, loving glow. She felt giddy and young; she felt so adored. Chuck had turned her on, and she could close her eyes now and feel him between her thighs, feel his long, hard cock sliding into the wet grasping of her labia until it reached full length inside her cunt.Shivering, Regina lifted both hands to touch her hidden tits, to feel the rising of their nipples through the thick terrycloth robe she wore. Where was Chuck now, and what was he doing? Was he also remembering their wildly joyous fucking?Climbing the stairs, Regina thought also of her own husband, of faithful, staid Bill Abbott, the father of her children. She knew a twinge of guilt, but also a delicious sense of daring, a renewed thrill of excitement. She'd cheated on Bill by screwing another man, by taking another man's stiff prick into her avid vagina. And she would do it again, the very first chance she got.The window of her son's bedroom faced across the walkway and almost matched the window of the Baker boy. She'd sometimes heard them yelling across at each other. Regina smoothed the bed cover, her fingers tingling as she touched the places where semen must have spilled, places where her ass had swung so violently when Chuck was pounding that lovely prick into her.What if the boy over there had been staring into this room, seeing every detail of the sensuous things his father had been doing to and with her? Regina shivered again, and went to stand close by the window, peering hard into the other shadowy room. She couldn't see anything there, but that didn't mean the process couldn't be reversed.And suppose someone else saw her, the next time she and Chuck screwed -- his son, her son; the two young girls; their respective mates? Divorce, she thought -- a messy, terrible scene between them all. Logic said calmly that she should drop this entire affair right now, and be content with the stolen sweets she had already known.But she wasn't being logical. She was hot and eager for more fucking from Chuck, and if she had to gamble her marriage to get the screwing she so desperately needed, then she would be a gambler. Pressing her thighs together, Regina knew she had to continue with her lover, and she wished -- There was a face at the other window!She tried to move back and stumbled against the bed, fell back, sat up again to stare wildly across the hedged alleyway where she saw him -- Chuck!His voice carried to her, intense and commanding. "Stay right there, darling. I'm coming over."She wanted to say that it was too dangerous, that someone from either family might come home at any minute. She wanted to yell back that they hadn't planned out this meeting, and it was crazy for them even to consider it. But of course, she didn't say anything; she only sat with her knees tightly together and her hands clenched, trembling.Her kids -- out in town somewhere on this summer day. Her husband -- gone to buy something for the car. Yes; the house was clear -- at least her house was, but what about Chuck's? It must be, she thought dazedly, or he wouldn't be trotting over here now.She turned as feet banged on the stairway, her breath catching in her throat, her heart beating out of control. Chuck loved her, couldn't wait to be with her, needed as badly to fuck her as she needed to be fucked. Helplessly, her hands went to her hair, tugged at her robe, and then he was in the room.His hands caught at her as she rose to meet him, and his mouth found her own. Hotly, wetly, his tongue probed deeply into her mouth, over her tongue; his breath was heavy, panting. Regina fumbled at his jeans, her body humping blindly, urgently against his to find the wonderful hardness of his erect cock.Chuck wiggled from his jeans as she tugged them down, kicked away his low boots, and that gorgeous stiff prick leaped out into her hand.They dropped together onto the bed, her robe falling apart to expose the riches of her willing body to him, her legs going wide and her pussy throbbing with need. But then a thought blazed through her, and she turned aside, badly as she craved the thrusting of his prick. She wanted something else more, and tore her mouth free to begin it."Darling -- " Chuck's voice was puzzled, and his hands dropped reluctantly from her tits as she slid down, moved her mouth down his throat to his collar bone."I want to do this to you," she said thickly. "Do the same thing you did to me yesterday -- eat you. I want to eat your cock, lover. But I've never done it before -- not to my own husband, not to anyone -- so if I make mistakes, you'll have to tell me what I'm doing wrong."Now she was slipping her mouth into the hairs of his chest, drawing a trail of fire with her tongue, tasting the excitement of him and feeling the rapid rise and fall of his rib cage. His nipple -- she discovered his mannish little nipple and found it to be standing as stiffly as her own. Regina licked at it, and was rewarded by the sudden arching and twisting of his body.Using both hands on him, urging him onto his back across the bed, Regina was on top then, biting gently at his nipple, worrying first one, then the other, before dipping her gasping mouth down the center of his chest to the trembling of his belly.Nuzzling into the line of hairs, she touched the end of her tongue into the indentation of his tummy, and when Chuck squirmed, pushed wetly into his bellybutton as he had done to her before. Regina thrilled as he did, reacted in almost the same way when he shuddered and bucked.Her hands were on his hips, sliding down to fasten their thumbs into the joining of his thighs. Up very close like that, the head of his prick seemed enormous, and she stared entranced at the glisten of pre-seminal fluid upon its blunt tip. Dare she taste that?She did, with a swift flicking of her tongue that drew the droplet of precious liquid back into her mouth. Regina tasted the slippery fluid and found it good, so good that her lips moved out and down of their own accord, to kiss that pulsing knob. And the kiss was preliminary to the open-mouthed adoration. She didn't realize that she had the head of Chuck's prick in her mouth until it was sliding over the rolling of her tongue.One hand hefted his balls; one set of fingers caressed the veined shaft of his cock, and Regina went farther down, so that the head of his rod slipped over the roof of her mouth and reached into the fevered cup of her throat.Hungrily, she licked at his prick, laved the knob with her darting tongue, sucked on it until her cheeks dipped in, used her tongue to push into the little slot. Chuck groaned and reached out to fasten his fingers into her hair."Oh darling, darling!" His voice was strained and his crotch lifted to her as his prick made gentle thrusts into her suctioning mouth. "Oh, Regina -- you're just perfect! So hot and wet -- suck me, darling. Eat my prick -- eat me!""Ummm!" she murmured around his flexing cockhead, and redoubled her efforts, loving the way his belly hiked and the way his ass drew taut when he stroked into her face. She had a man's prick in her mouth, knew the feel of its head bumping against the back of her throat, knew the marvelous, inimitable closeness of oral love.Sliding her mouth up and down on his throbbing cock, she ate him, pushed and pulled and sucked, licked and nibbled and pumped, adoring the taste and feel of it all, wishing madly that she could get every inch of him in her mouth. She wanted to draw all of him down her throat, head and shaft and balls, so she could truly devour him."R-Regina!" he gasped. "I -- I'm coming, darling -- coming!"Blindly, passionately, she sucked harder, clenching the hairy root of his prick and almost gagging on the hot flesh that reached so far into her throat. She felt him stiffen out, knew the swelling of his cockhead, and moaned in sheer delight as she realized what was happening. Chuck Baker was about to ejaculate into her mouth, let go his load of semen into her throat. And she wanted that, wanted it insanely.Boiling, bubbling, his come exploded into her mouth, flung itself against the velvet cavity of her gasping throat, all sticky and slippery, all thick and creamy.Regina swallowed the oyster-like fluid, gulped down the hot spurts that continued to burst forth from the head of his prick in lessening jets. The stuff flooded her month, oily over her teeth and greasy upon her tongue; it slid butter-like down her throat and into her stomach, where she would truly digest this vital, living part of him. A part of Chuck Baker would remain with her forever, absorbed into her flesh, eternally surrounded by her.Ah, how she adored the slippery, salt-sweet taste of his come, the caress of his cockhead deep within her mouth. She bathed the slowly shrinking head with her still avid tongue and continued to suck tenderly upon it, trying to urge yet more of the man juice from it.Sighing, Chuck lowered his crotch, and she followed it down, playing with his hairy balls, fondling the root of his prick. They lay quietly for a while, and she slipped her hands palm-up beneath the cheeks of his ass, wanting to keep him fed into her mouth, wanting to lift him so she could get one more sweet, stiff inch of his fabulous prick deeper into her throat."Regina," he murmured, stroking her hair. "Dear Regina -- nobody has to teach you anything about eating a cock. You're born to it, and I don't know why you never did it to Bill."Slowly, she lifted her face, drew her lips lingeringly along the shaft of his pole, gave it a final lick of her tongue, and sat up so she could look at him. "I never had the nerve to try, and my husband never wanted me to."Chuck said, "I can't believe that old Bill is that uptight about oral sex; maybe he just doesn't know anything about it. You didn't -- before yesterday -- and you're for it.""Yes," she whispered, "oh yes, yes," and saw with something like dismay that she had done perhaps too good a job upon him, because his prick was softening, drooping a little to one side.He said, "When I saw you up here, I just couldn't stay away. I had to have you again, darling; you're in my blood now. But I didn't expect you to drain me so quickly, so I can't fuck you right away. I can eat you again, though -- and I will. Come here, Regina; just straddle my body and slide up onto my face, then just sit right down on my mouth. I'll devour you, darling."Tingling all over, her skin gone tight and prickly, she did as he said, placing one knee on each side of his body and moving bit by bit up to where she was poised above his upturned face. She looked down and saw him staring up into her dewy crotch, saw the expectant dampness of his mouth, and a deep shiver racked her body. It was so thrilling, just to be here with him, naked and sensuous and not really giving a damn about taboos.Lowering herself gently, she felt his hands slide up and take hold of the cheeks of her ass, knew his tender fondling there. She flinched when his breath stirred into the humid pubic hairs, and jerked a little when his tongue reached up to dip swiftly into and along her trembling pussy lips.He might be smothered, she thought, and was happy she wasn't heavily built, that she was willowy and slim in most of the right places.His mouth blazed against her labia then, and she forgot everything else, swaying like a wind-blown reed and trying to keep some sort of balance. He lapped into her pussy, delved deeply into her cunt, and she lost the struggle to remain upright. Weakened, her head whirling, Regina leaned back and back, her hands seeking blindly for some kind of support. She found it upon his hips, and clung there as her crotch rolled and heaved.She heard him groan and felt the vibrations within her vagina. He ate into her cunt then, chewing and using his tongue as well as his lips. Chuck pulled her labia into his teeth, only to push them back out with his powerful tongue; then he sucked hard upon her pussy, and she seemed to turn inside out. It was so stimulating, so penetrating that she could only flow with the maddened emotions.Rocking back and forth upon his face, Regina also swung her ass in slow gyrations, rubbing her cunt all over his open mouth, smearing her warm juices over his chin and his cheeks, knowing the feel of his nose like another tongue, or another cock. She was fucking his mouth, screwing his face, and she loved the sensation of being in control, of being the one in command.Her lover ate into her cunt, sucked her, gulped her liquids as she flowed heavily down upon his siphoning mouth. She felt the rapture climbing up her calves, sliding through her tensed thighs, and hunched her pussy violently upon his teeth. He had her clit then, pulling at it, drawing it into his bite."I'm coming, Chuck," she announced throatily, swinging her crotch in circles, wiping her cunt into his mouth, her clit throbbing so savagely that it was threatening to explode. "Oh Chuck, my darling, my lover, my horny, sweet man! I'm coming, COMING!"She let it go then, rode with the smashing waves of hot joy that broke inside her vagina. Her tits swelled and she dug her fingers into his hips as her thighs clenched on his face. Regina's clitoris thrummed and expanded, and the tremendous orgasm thundered throughout her body, splashed brilliant streaks of hot light in the corners of her soul.Her upper body rose of its own volition, swung up and over and her head dropped, so that her long blonde hair purled down free and golden. She couldn't stop; it was as if the bones had melted and run out of her some way, and she was limp inside and out. Over she went, and over some more, until her hard-nippled tits brushed the bedspread. Then Regina rolled to the left, his head still trapped between her thighs, and curled her legs over his shoulders.She died. She reached paradise as a houri and had jasmine rubbed into her skin.Starry-eyed, she looked out over her new kingdom, and saw the flutter of something at the far portal. She blinked and her lover stirred his mouth against her cunt. Not the portal, but a window -- a window across the alleyway, where a face was pressed against the screen and staring intently at them wrapped nakedly here upon the bed!* Chapter 3 *Regina cowered in the bathroom while her lover snatched at discarded clothing and got the hell out of the house. She waited for what seemed an eternity, clutching her robe about a body that had suddenly turned shameful.Someone in Chuck's family had seen them eating each other; somebody in the other house had stared at them while they made oral love, as they writhed naked and panting upon her son's bed. Someone had watched them, but who?Had it been Stella Baker? Regina drew her robe closer, feeling chilled. Chuck's wife could have been the one staring through that screen, sickened and upset. And damn it -- Regina really liked Stella; they'd been close friends for years, sharing confidences and gossip. But not sharing the news that Regina was screwing Stella's husband.Maybe it hadn't been Chuck's wife. It could have been his son Carey, just turned sixteen but already quite an attractive young man.Or possibly the watching face belonged to Judy Baker, who improved upon her father's reddish hair and had copied his green eyes. Judy was fifteen, and a doll-like beauty in her own right.Three other Bakers; three possibilities, and Regina didn't really want to think about any of them. How could she face Stella? What would the kids think of her -- and of their father?She slunk from the bathroom and hurried to her own bedroom, doubly thankful that her husband and kids were out of the house. Mind in a whirl, she flung herself across the bed and bit into her pillow to keep from crying. It was all so awful now, so mixed up and terrible. She wanted to fuck her lover, needed badly to be fucked by him, eaten by him. And now she had known a new experience, that of going down on a man's prick and swallowing his semen. She simply couldn't turn herself back into the sexually bored kind of drab housewife she had been steadily turning into.But neither did she want her new sex life exposed, held up to scorn and ridicule. Maybe Stella and the Baker kids would hate her, sever all relations with her; maybe Stella would even go so far as to ask for a divorce.No, she thought, oh no! For the same thing could happen to her, if the witness in the other house told the story to her own husband. Facing Bill would be very difficult, especially when she would have to admit that she had sucked another man's cock, an act that Bill had never approved of.Clenching her fingers into the pillow, she squeezed her eyes tightly shut and tried to make all the unpleasantness go away. But of course it didn't, and she had finally nerved herself to sitting up when she heard the footsteps in the hall.Was it Chuck, come swiftly back to tell her who had seen them? Not so soon, she thought, and rubbed the back of her fingers across her lashes to hide any wayward tears.The boy came quickly through the door and kicked it shut behind him. He stood there, every muscle in his body tensed, breathing hard as he stared at her.Carey Baker -- and she couldn't hold his eyes; her own eyes slid away and she made fists in her lap. So it had been Chuck's son at the window, and here he was to hurl the accusation in her face, here to call her bitch and home wrecker and all the vile things his young mind could conceive.He said, "I saw you and my father. I saw what you were doing with him."Regina's voice sounded thin and squeaky: "Yes, but Carey -- please listen and don't blame me, don't blame us too much -- "Moving toward the bed, toward her, he said, "You were riding his face, but only after you gave him a head job.""Carey," she said, "that sounds so -- so raw. It wasn't -- it isn't like that at all."He was beside her, standing too near, towering over her although he was slim and very, very young. But Regina's eyes widened as she saw the telltale bulge in his tight jeans, the swelling that announced his passion as his cock bulged against the material. She could only stare puzzled at the boy's rod, unable to comprehend the meaning of it all.Until Carey made it clear by saying, "Mrs. Abbott, my father didn't see who it was. I ducked out of the house and around back before he could find me. But you know and I know, and if you don't want anybody else to know -- my mother, your husband -- then you'll have to do exactly as I say."Her mouth worked, but strange sounds came out, nothing that was words, and Carey repeated his threat. "I'll fink on you, if you don't take me on, too. I -- Mrs. Abbott, I've been horny for you for years, watching the way that crazy ass moves under your skirts, seeing the way your fine tits bob up and down, and when we all go swimming together, I go out of my head seeing all that bare skin."She said at last, "C-Carey... I don't... look, you're just a boy, younger than my own son, and I...""You have to," he said, that hard bulge in his jeans only inches from her face now. "You have to fuck me, or I'll tell on you and my father. You don't want that, Mrs. Abbott.""No," she agreed, "no, I don't want that."He pushed forward on her, eager beyond control, and lost balance so that they rolled together on the bed. Regina felt her robe fly open, felt the brush of her bare thigh against the boy's leg.Carey ripped at his clothes, kicked and wiggled and tried to hold onto her at the same time. She wasn't really resisting, though; she was far too stunned for putting up a fight. And the boy had the power over her; he could tear up two marriages by reporting what he'd witnessed. But Carey -- Chuck's son?Squirming, panting, he was naked then, and his skin was smoothly warm; he had his mother's coloring, an olive skin and dark eyes, and she felt the anxious prodding of his slim prick.It was hot against her bare skin, against the tenseness of her skin, and Regina flinched at the touch. He was just a boy, and so young -- so very young."You have to screw me," he said. "Don't forget, you have to; it doesn't make any difference that I never fucked before. You can't laugh at me because I'm a cherry, because you have to screw me."A virgin, she thought; a boy virgin desperate for his first sexual experience, needing a woman in the particularly intense way novel to those upon the threshold of discovery. Carey was a cherry, and he wanted to have her for his first piece of ass, needed her so feverishly that he'd resort to blackmail to have her. That was sweet, she thought, and felt wiser, far more experienced."Here, Carey," she said, softly. "You like my tits -- here, kiss them."He was laying half atop her, and his head darted eagerly down at the breasts she exposed for him, dipped hungrily to press his lips against the tender flesh. Once he found the erectile nipple, Carey pulled it avidly into his mouth and worked it over with his hot, wet tongue. Then he settled down to sucking on it, while kneading both her sensitive mounds with his hands.So sweet and innocent, she thought, so young and anxious to taste everything sensuous, to know and to be all. She stroked his hair and found that her hips were making movements. Running one hand down the smoothness of his back and around to his flank, Regina slid her fingers to find the stiff and throbbing length of his prick. It was very hard, not nearly so thick or long as his father's cock, but a lovely prick, too.For one startled moment, Regina thought how terrible it was for her to be comparing cocks, especially those of father and son. But she had compared Chuck Baker's rod with that of her husband, and now she was about to totally feel the difference, if there was any, in Carey's vibrant prick.She was taking another lover, just about to fuck a boy who was younger than her own son, and instead of being repelled, instead of being horrified by the event, Regina was excited. She squeezed the boy's cock and he responded with a moan around the nipple of her tit. Better not play with him too much, she decided; he would probably go off in her hand, and she didn't want all that thrilling stuff wasted.Gently then, she urged his quivering body up on her own, being the teacher, doing the guiding for his first real act of love. She found herself shuddering in anticipation, all other considerations fleeing her mind. Of course, there had been fleeting thoughts about where she was, about the possibility of someone discovering her with the boy. But since she really had no control over the situation, she accepted the dangers.As she was accepting the poking of the boy's cock. Regina helped him with it, used gentle fingers to steer the impatient head of his prick into the softly receiving lips of her pussy.Carey gave a strong hunch and buried his cock in her, shoved it home with one long and driving stroke that brought his balls into the crack of her ass. She gasped as the hardness made itself felt throughout her cunt. Her clitoris quivered with delight as the meaty staff slid over it, and Regina bent her knees then, lifted them so that she could spread her thighs better, so that she could take this delicious young boy into the hot, wet gripping of her vagina.She was jolted by the feel of him inside her, shocked by the fresh young savagery of the boy. But it was good, very good, and a new excitement raced in her flesh. Carey slammed his shaft deep, drew it back immediately and pounded it to the root once again. He knew only that he had to fuck her hard and fast, and she couldn't stop him now, even if she had wanted to. She met his thrusts, ground her hairy crotch into his and rode the strokes of his inexperienced cock, knowing that this first time couldn't last, realizing that he would very soon explode his virginal load of semen into her suctioning hole.It was too quick for her, and she wouldn't reach her own orgasm -- yet; but this boy was young and strong, and he would be ready to fuck again, almost immediately. Regina would see to that.He was panting hard now, gasping as he fed his strong slim prick into her excited pussy, and she reached around to take the hard cheeks of his sleek ass in her hands, helping him to ram it into her body."M-Mrs. Abbott -- oh, uhh! I'm going to do it, Mrs. Abbott! I'm going to shoot off inside your pussy, let go right in your fabulous pussy! Here it comes -- oohhh! I'm coming, Mrs. Abbott -- I'm coming in you!"She clutched the cheeks of his boyish ass and felt them contract; she also felt the upward leap of his balls as the semen hurtled from them. Grabbing desperately for his lips with her hungry mouth, Regina thrust her tongue deep into his mouth as his cock gave a final stabbing movement.Then the beautiful rush of fluids geysered deep into her receptive vagina, packed itself thick and creamily against the pulsing of her womb. His first load, she thought; the boy's first ejaculation into a cunt, and she was on the receiving end of the exquisite showering. Foamy and torrid, the liquid roared through her pussy, bathing the flexing walls of her vagina with hot juices. It was lovely for her, enchanted as the sensation was for him, and Regina was ecstatic that she had shared this scintillating moment with the boy.He tore his mouth sobbing from hers, and his hands bit into her taut breasts. "Oh, Mrs. Abbott -- I love you, love you!""And I love you, Carey," she said, drifting her fingertips into the crack of his ass, feeling the little tight ring there, making him flinch forward an impossible inch to reach into the greasy confines of her filled pussy. "Just hold on, darling, and we'll fuck some more."His prick remained stiff inside her snatch, but the rest of his body went limp, temporarily drained of strength by the tremendous release of him come. His lips were against her throat now, and he whispered, "I'm not sorry I made you screw me, beautiful Mrs. Abbott. You'd never have done it any other way, and I'm glad I saw you and my father going down on each other."She stroked the cheeks of his ass, rolled her hips slightly so that his thoroughly slippery prick would work around inside the clenching of her cunt muscles. The thicker base of his stiff cock passed over her aching, swollen clit. Regina said, "I'm glad, too, darling. It's wonderful, having your little-boy prick in my cunt. I never fucked anyone but my own husband until your daddy and I screwed. And now I've been fucked by you."He kept his face hidden in her neck, but his hands were straying over her willing body, feeling, caressing, touching her hips and the inner softness of her belly at the connections of her thighs. "Can I screw as good as them? As good as my father and your husband?""Of course," she comforted him. "You're young and strong and very eager. The size of a man's cock doesn't have much to do with how much enjoyment a women gets, darling. Just so long as you use it well -- and you do. Feel around inside my cunt with that sweet cock, Carey; isn't it hot and juicy? It's all slidy and greasy with your come, darling.""It feels terrific," he said, touching the tip of his tongue to her throat, moving his seeking hands between their bellies to finger tenderly among her curling pubic hairs. "Is it okay to just keep screwing, to do it again, without even taking out my prick?"She hiked her ass, moved her crotch so that his fingers were dipping into the upper edge of her labia, feeling into the hood where her inflamed clit stood throbbing. "Feel deeper, baby," she breathed huskily. "And move your cock in me. There -- oh, there! Yes, that's right, my lovely boy with the hard prick -- that's so right! Feel into my cunt and fuck me at the same time -- oohh! OH!"His ass backed off, moved forward, and as he fingered into her wet, steaming cavity, Carey Baker was fucking again, sliding his well-oiled young prick steadily into her overheated pussy. Regina lifted her legs and crossed them over back clamped this marvelous smooth body between her legs and fucked him back, grinding her crotch in sharp circles, bumping him with her furred pelvic bone. His prick was thrilling within her saturated cunt, stimulating her clitoris and making her gasp with raw delight at every thrust.Sweet and hot, strong and hungry, Carey screwed her bouncing onto the mattress, rattling the bed against the wall as he shoved it home in a quickening rhythm that was bringing her swiftly to her delayed climax,. Regina held off coming as long as she could, reveling in the act of fucking itself and wanting it never to end.But the provocative stroking of his cock was too much for her, and the splendid feeling poured over her clitoris, radiating from that seat of passion to burn every tiny bit of her pussy. She wiggled and humped, rotating her cunt on the goodness of his hammering prick, trying to make her muscles bite down on the shaft, clamping hard upon the spongy head of it.She forgot herself and bit the boy, nipped him with her teeth and he flinched, but didn't break the pace of his fucking. Digging her fingernails into the cheeks of his ass, Regina urged him deeper and harder into her juicy cunt, squeezing him with her legs and arms.Head rolling, eyes gone blind with rapture, she moaned it at him: "Oh Carey, lover! Oh you sweet young boy! Fuck me, fuck me! Ram that wonderful prick up my pussy and fuck me until I can't breathe, until I pass out."He grunted his answer, responded by ram-rodding his cock like a runaway piston, feeding it into her twisting pussy until the mad waves of ecstasy dimmed for her, but only faintly. For then his screwing her wet, sizzling cunt brought him back to the climax he'd had in there before.With his own semen turning buttery around his plunging shaft, with his own come and her lubricants turning to beaten froth in the intensity of his efforts, Carey Baker came again. This second eruption was only a little smaller than the first, Regina thought, and luxuriated in the spurting of the slippery jelly as it overflowed her palpitating cunt.* Chapter 4 *She cooked a terrific dinner, working very hard at the preparation in order to keep her mind away from what she had been doing the rest of the day -- sharing oral sex with Chuck Baker, and being fucked by his young son.It was difficult maintaining normal discussions with her own husband, but Regina managed by keeping everything on the level of food and kids and what they were going to do for the rest of the summer.From time to time, as she bustled about the kitchen, Regina cast sidelong glances at her husband, feeling a stranger to him for the first time in many years. He was still a good-looking man, tall and fair, with deep brown eyes and chocolate brown hair. Bill was only 38, and she wondered why he had cooled toward her sexually.Was it the burden of habit, a too well-known set of responses that had turned into boredom? Probably, she thought; it wasn't that she didn't love Bill any more; it was that with Chuck, there was the flaming excitement of newness, of romance.Bill might even feel the same way, with some other woman. With Stella, then; Regina set the table and thought about using Stella to divert her husband. It would ease the pressure all the way around, make Stella not so watchful over Chuck and probably prevent her from discovering the other liaison between her son and Regina.Bill said, "You're looking great, baby."She almost jumped, but fought her tensed body into stillness. "Thank you, Bill."He came close to her. "It's not a new hairdo, and even though that dress looks great on you, it's not new, either. I can't figure just what it is about you, but I'd swear you look years younger -- and sexier, too."She manufactured a quick smile for him, brushed by to arrange the table setting. "Oh? It's nice of you to notice."This was something she hadn't even taken into consideration, the fact that her husband might suddenly turn sensuous and want her again. How could she screw Bill, without thinking of those torrid sessions with his best friend -- and with that horny sixteen-year-old boy?Lifting her voice to forestall any other advances by Bill, she called out: "Come and get it, kids! Dinner's ready."She thought she read disappointment in his eyes as she rushed back into the kitchen, but there had also been a heightening of interest. Regina sensed that she would have to steel herself to being laid by her own husband this evening, although the marks of her other fuckings that day hadn't had time to wear away yet.Their kids saved her from further introspection, bouncing in to the table and kidding each other the way they usually did. Serving the steak, Regina looked over her children, seeing them with newly speculative eyes, since her sweaty coupling with one of their contemporaries.There was Dale, seventeen years old with a beautiful tan that set off his blond hair and green eyes. He was nearly as tall as his father, but slimmer, with that arrogant slouch of the young male. Did her son have hot eyes for some older married woman, like Carey Baker had? Would her own son blackmail that woman into sexual relations with him, as Carey had?No, Regina thought, shaking her head as she brought out the baked potatoes and trimmings of sour cream and the like. Dale wouldn't go so far; he was still just a kid -- but older than Carey. He must have some of the same powerful sex pressures within him, then. She bit her lip and refused to think any more along that line, because the image that came to mind was one of her golden boy in a leggy tangle with none other than Stella Baker.Then there was her daughter Monica, only sixteen, but already a raving beauty with dark honey hair and liquid brown eyes, a tall, lithe girl fond of swimming and sports. Could Monica possibly have some of the same ideas about screwing, or could she already be getting laid by one of her boyfriends?Regina glanced at the pert breasts lifting against the thin, almost see-through blouse her daughter wore, and wondered. But that was a terrible thing to think. Just because she had been fucking two different lovers was no cause to blame her children for things they hadn't done.Or had they?Somehow, she got through the dinner, accepting their compliments on the cooking, and somehow she ate dessert and smiled when the kids cleared the table and stuffed the dishwasher for her. But her mind was leaping here and there like a terrified rabbit, reliving her recent sins and wondering how she was going to handle the upcoming screwing with Bill.He barely gave the heavy dinner time to digest before making his first move. The kids had been gone for an hour then, and Regina had desperately changed channels on TV and gone to the bathroom and everything else to keep him from getting seriously passionate. But he wasn't to be put off any longer, and she didn't really want to avoid screwing him. That might make him suspicious, since she had always been responsive to his needs.So when he reached for her, she sank onto the couch with him, sliding her arms around his waist and turning her face for his kiss. His tongue lightly touched hers, and she surprised herself by the violent answer she gave it."Hey," Bill said, "something has really turned you on. Like I said earlier, you look different, act different. And I'm not knocking it, baby."She kissed him again, before he could ask any questions or come to any conclusions. Having sex with other men had brightened her, made her more receptive, warmer and softer. Now if she could only fuck him well, without feeling guilty -- Her hand was moving of its own accord, delving into his pants and bringing out the familiar prick with its knobby head. It felt hard and eager on her fingers, and she drew her nails along the bottom of his shaft, scratching gently into the hair that thickly surrounded his balls.Sighing, Bill cupped her tits in both hands while she played with his cock, and she knew a twinge of frustration as they were falling into the same old pattern. Deliberately breaking it, she suddenly leaped up and whipped her dress over her head. Following with bra and panties, she was naked in a moment, and Bill stared at her, disconcerted."Regina, what if the kids come home early?"She was back beside him with one flowing movement, tugging at his pants and urging them off. "They won't -- but if they do, that's too damned bad.""Look baby, we can go on upstairs as we always do...""No," she said sharply. "We're not going to do anything the way we always do. There are no rules to screwing, nothing that says we have to do it this way or that way. I'm pretty damned tired of all that, Bill."He could only stare at her as she pulled down his pants, but he lifted his ass so she could work his shorts over his legs. "What's gotten into you, Regina? I thought we were kind of happy; slowing down some, of course, like all old married couples, but...""I'm not old," she said, and pushed him back upon the couch, a little amazed at her own temerity, but also tasting the heady wine of a new power. "And anything I want to do with you or to you is right, Bill. Do you understand that, right?"He lay back as her face approached his belly-button. "I-I don't know."She'd gone this far, and the pushing was doing something to her, besides blotting out any sense of guilt she might be carrying. Maybe she'd make her husband angry, or upset him so much that he'd reject her, but that was a chance she was simply going to have to take. Regina kissed his belly and ran the tip of her hotly questing tongue down the line of crisp hair to his navel."Regina! What the hell are you."Paying no heed to the shock in his voice, nor to the reaching out of his hands for her head, she licked swiftly down to his pelvis, and when Bill jerked at the touch, wrapped her tongue around the thick base of his veined cock."Baby -- oh baby, no! You can't..."Cupping his balls with one hand, grasping the root of his prick with the other, she whispered fiercely, "The hell I can't!" and ran her mouth, nipping the length of his shaft. When her lips came to the purplish head, she opened them wide and fitted them cupping over it."Regina!" His hands tugged at her hair, but she would not let go, refused to remove the hotness of her mouth from around the head of her husband's prick. It was the first time for her to ever taste it, the first time for Bill to know an oral caress from her, and it was long past time for them both to know the pleasures.Her tongue raced over it, dipped into the little slot, picked up a sample of his pre-seminal fluid, and she thought how silly it had been of them to avoid this through the years. She felt his fingers tighten in her hair, but he stopped trying to pull her away, and was only holding on. Regina began to suck, to draw his head deep into the back of her ready throat, as she had learned by eating another man's prick. Suck it in, push it back out with her tongue; draw it deep and lick it shallow. It was nice."Oh," Bill panted, "oh good lord, baby! I -- we never did this before -- I -- you..."She answered "Ummm," raking the head of his cock along the roof of her mouth, and along her dormant tongue. He tasted different from Chuck, but she couldn't compare the flavor of his prick with that of Carey's, because she had not yet sucked the boy. But she would, she promised herself, she certainly would. She got a special kick from making men squirm like this, and she adored the matchless intimacy of eating prick.Her husband writhed and bucked his belly, his thighs trembling spasmodically. She clung to his balls and bobbed her head up and down on his cock, sucking and licking, pulling and pushing.Bill gasped: "Baby -- let me take it out -- oh please baby! I'm going to come -- I'll come in your mouth, if you don't let go!"She hummed "Ummm!" again, and worried the flexing bulb of his prick with her teeth before applying wet suction once more. She felt the powerful rise of his semen as it came throbbing through the veins of his cock, felt the expansion of the head as the come gathered there."Let go, Regina!" She only sucked harder, her long hair making a coverlet across his heaving belly. The semen couldn't be held back for another moment, and came rushing out the tip of his prick in a hot torrent. Hissing along her tongue, the come was thick and creamy, tasting strongly yet sweetly of man's essence and his love.Bill groaned and bucked, driving the length of his cock into her mouth, bumping the head against her throat. She had been expecting that, so it didn't make her gag. But when he tried to relax, she continued to siphon him, swallowing every slippery drop of his come and licking hungrily across the head of his prick for more.Lovingly, she nibbled his softening cock, lapping it and rolling its head around inside her mouth. When at last she allowed it to slide from her lips, she dropped her mouth beside the pulsing shaft and sucked one of his balls.His hands shuddered upon her head, then one of them slipped down to stroke her cheek, to finger adoringly over an eyebrow. She had him, Regina thought happily; she had shocked her husband and stunned him beyond anything that had ever happened to him before, but she had also captured him in a stronger web of flesh and lust than that which had held them together in the past."Oh baby," he said softly, wonderingly, "that was great.""You can do it to me now," she said. "Make it great for me, too."As she crawled up his body, kissing first his rib cage, then the tautness of his nipples, she could sense his withdrawal, his reluctance to go down on her in turn.Bill said, as she was biting tenderly at his throat. "I never did that, Regina; you know I never did that."She told a white lie: "I didn't, either. But you liked it, didn't you?""Yes," he admitted. "I-it was so different, like nothing that ever happened to me. And because you were doing it for me, it was better. But I don't know if I can -- I mean, my mouth on you like that."She kissed his lips, and knew that he did not realize he was getting a taste of his own semen. Tonguing him lightly, prompted by her newfound sexual freedom, Regina said, "Sure you can, and you will." Then she kept right on going up his body, rubbing the dewy hairiness of her pussy lips up his belly, then across his chest.Her thighs held his head pinned into position, and she stared down at his mouth, at his chin only inches from the eager wetness of her mound. "Love my pussy, Bill; use your mouth to love my pussy, as you've used your prick so often. Make me squeal and wiggle, darling; make me come."His hands were on her thighs, trembling a little, and he tentatively kissed the inner surface of her thighs, his breath stirring into her pubic hairs."I don't know how," he said, but no longer shocked, no longer repelled. "But if you'll tell me what to do..."That was what young Carey said: tell me what to do; show me how to fuck you, Mrs. Abbott. And his father had already known how, all she had needed with Chuck was the opportunity. Now she had to teach her own husband the things one of her lovers had shown her, and that was all right, too."Just lick me," she said, pushing the curly bronzed hairs of her cunt closer to him, lifting her ass slightly from his upper chest. "Lick my pussy lips as if you're a little puppydog. And when you're ready, shove your tongue right on inside me. You know where the clit is, darling -- that's where you do most of your eating."With that instruction, Regina pushed her cunt right into his face, brought it down to cover most of his face with her crotch. She placed her hands on top of his head to brace herself, and felt the hot lapping of his tongue as he followed her directions. When her husband shoved into her labia, spreading them with the thickness of his tongue, she shivered. It was a wild feeling, to have him eating into her snatch for the first time, after all the years they had been married, after all the fuckings they had shared, without oral love."Eat it," she said breathlessly, "oh Bill, my darling -- eat my cunt! Bite into it, lick it, suck it. Oh yes, suck my pussy, Bill!"His fingers dug into her thighs as he did exactly that, drawing her cunt lips into his mouth, pulling in the soft inner membranes and applying pressure to them. His tongue darted hotly in and out, caressing the intense feeling of her clitoris. Bill got the knack of bringing out the little nubbin, and when he got his teeth around it, she hunched violently against his mouth, rolling her ass and feeding him her pussy."Chew me up and swallow me!" she ordered, pressing on his head to force his gasping mouth ever deeper into her inflamed cunt. "Eat my pussy, Bill -- suck me and gobble me -- oohh! Oh, darling -- that's so good -- so good!"He was into it now, burrowing his nose and mouth into her undulating cunt, running his tongue full length and sucking the clit into his teeth. She rode his head, fucked his face and clamped it between her knees, put pressure upon it with her thighs, being the bitch goddess, the masterful cunt. And her husband loved it, luxuriated in her dominance, gulped and ate her cunt for all he was worth.She couldn't hold it back, nor did she try. Moaning and shaking, Regina gripped his head and pumped her pussy savagely over his mouth, wetting his chin and his cheeks, grinding and humping as the orgasm built to magnificent proportions within her body."I'm coming, Bill! Oh -- ahh -- yes, oh yes! I'm coming, coming -- eat me -- oohh -- aahh! COMING!"He growled into her flexing cunt, bit deep and drew madly upon her vagina as she pounded her crotch upon his face. White hot stars shot across her eyes, and a rapture so keen as to be almost a pain, broke within her pussy. Her thighs quivered, and she knew again the compression of her asshole, the streaming flow of her inner juices. She came, and she came, and for a few crazy seconds thought that perhaps she would come forever.Bonelessly, she slipped from his greasy face and melted beside him, sliding down his heaving chest to press her tits there, to blend her well-sucked pussy into the new hardness of his revitalized cock."Oh Bill, Bill," she breathed against his ear. "That was so wonderful for me.""For me, too," he admitted. "Never thought I'd enjoy eating a woman's cunt, but I did. Makes us seem a lot closer, doesn't it?""Yes, darling." Even as she answered, she was wiggling nearer, rubbing the juicy dripping of her labia over the swollen shaft of his prick. "It makes me so hot I can hardly stand it. I'm ready to go again -- aren't you?"And without waiting for his answer, she took his prick in one hand and guided the spongy head of it into the oily lips of her cunt. A twist and a hunch, and the hard shaft pushed deeply into the wet velvet of her vagina, where it thrilled her turned-on pussy.Slowly and eagerly, she fucked him, or rather, they fucked together, reveling in the easy screwing, in the wetly lubricated inner surfaces of her cunt, in the manly stiffness of his prick. They moved together with the long familiarity of people who had repeated the selfsame act a thousand times or more, and the tender fitting of cock into pussy was good.But, Regina thought, it wasn't really the same as always, for a new life stirred within her vagina, and a new hardness enlivened his cock. She had aroused them both to fever pitch by first going down on him, then practically forcing him to eat her in turn.There was a new awareness of themselves as individuals, a difference to their lovemaking now. He seemed to treat her body with respect that bordered upon awe, his fingers stroking over the cheeks of her ass, his mouth tucked now into the musky valley between her tits.And she found she was enjoying him much more, that her introduction to oral sex had brightened all her senses, made them sharper. Maybe her affairs with the Bakers, father and son, had ripened her body, made it hotter and wetter and more giving, therefore more capable of receiving love.Grinding slowly with her husband, feeling his prick reach around in the clinging confines of her pussy, Regina wondered briefly what Bill would do, how he would react, if she suddenly announced that she had fucked the Bakers, that she had eaten Chuck's prick and swallowed his semen.He would be jolted to his wisdom teeth, she thought; he might even turn to her, beat the hell out of her. And quite possibly she would deserve it -- not for the fucking itself, nor the exchanges of mouth upon cunt and mouth upon cock -- but for blurting out information like that.It was possible that she might never be able to tell him, but she couldn't help wondering how long she would be able to keep her secret from her husband. And from her kids, and from the other Bakers who weren't yet in on it -- Stella and Judy.She moved with him, grinding her pelvis into his, riding the long, lingering thrusts of his prick, enjoying to the fullest the sensuous feelings of fucking. Bill fondled her ass and kissed her neck, licking along to find her ear and wiggling the tip of his tongue into it. She quaked violently, and her cunt bucked on his prick."Fuck me long and fuck me deep, lover," she whispered, realizing that she had never spoken so openly to him before. She also realized that she would never be able to stop screwing Chuck Baker, and even if she tried to put him off, young Carey would be back for more ass. She'd have to do something, and pretty soon, maybe convince Bill he should go on a long vacation alone, but that would still leave her kids in the house."Take this cock, baby," Bill said. "Ride it because you love it, you hot-cunted bitch."She was that, she thought, beginning to gyrate wildly upon his cock -- she was certainly a hot-cunted bitch, and she meant to stay that way.* Chapter 5 *She was trapped in the garage, ambushed there as she was starting to get into the car. He came out of the shadows swiftly, and before she could do more than gasp, was in the seat beside her."Carey! What..."He threw an arm around her neck and pulled her face to his. His lips were warm, his tongue a fiercely demanding probe, both wet and hurried. Her tits came against his hard young chest, and even though she struggled to push him away, the nipples lifted in anticipation."Carey -- what's the matter? Everyone's home now, and we can't...""We have to," he whispered. "I can't stand it any longer, Mrs. Abbott; I have to fuck you again, right away, or go out of my head.""But not here, Carey -- we can't -- somebody might come into the garage at any moment, and..."His hands were at her breasts, fondling and squeezing, and he was pushing the slim stiffness of his rock-hard prick against her thigh. Despite herself and the logic that said she should try to convince the boy to leave right away, Regina was aroused by the desperation of his need, the boyish urgency that could not be without her.It was wonderful to be wanted and needed this badly, that he would face the chance of discovery rather than do without screwing her for another minute.His hands moved from her breasts to her thighs, and one thrust hungrily between them. She spread them for him, feeling a tingle in her belly as he cupped her mound, even though it was constricted behind nylon panties.She said, "Carey, can't you wait just a little while? I'm supposed to be going shopping now."He was nuzzling into her tits, his breath coming warm between them, penetrating the thin silk of her blouse. "No. I cant wait; I waited all night, going crazy, jacking off, even; and if I can't fuck you right here and right now, I'm going to come in my pants. Just touching you does that to me; you're so beautiful and warm and sexy."She stroked his hair, and before she knew it, was lifting her ass so he could work the panties down over her legs. But in the car, here in the garage where anybody might pop in? It had to be, the chance had to be taken, because it was too late now for backing out, and her pussy was throbbing with damp eagerness. It was nice, to be so desired, to be so important to someone, especially to a boy as young as this and just coming into manhood.His finger slipped into her cunt, and Regina twitched in response, her ass hiking itself and her pussy lips spreading in readiness, going all greasy and hot. She kissed him, pulling his head up and his face away from her tits to do it; she ran the length of her tongue into his mouth, trying to reach the back of his throat. He gasped and his finger worked in her pulsing cunt.Then she pulled his tongue into her own mouth, where she sucked on it. The feeling must have freaked the boy out, for she felt him flinch and heave, felt his finger jerk within the folds of her pussy. Regretfully, she broke the kiss, but only to swing her leg up and over him."Pull down your jeans and open your legs," she said. "I'll lift up and straddle you; that way we can work your lovely young prick up into my cunt. I'll just sit down on it and force your meat right into me. But we'll have to fuck fast, darling. Someone could see us."Carey Baker was too busy for talking; he was taking a grip on the smooth cheeks of her ass as she straddled his body and took hold of his cock. Guiding it deftly into the opening of her hairy slot, Regina slid downward as the head penetrated, and felt the length of his hard young shaft ease into her vagina. She came to rest tightly against his pelvis, and he hunched up at her pussy as she ground on his prick.Her tits were against his face, and he mouthed damply at them through her blouse. But she was beyond caring about the appearances as she wiggled on his delightful cock, as she lifted her ass and drove it down again. Her fingernails dug into the boy's shoulders, and she screwed him more savagely than she had before, really fucking him hard and dirty.Carey matched her thrusts, driving his prick up into her as she gyrated her ass and clamped down with her vaginal muscles. She was juicy inside, and his rod slid thrillingly in the oils.He went uh-uh-uh! and she felt him stiffen out, felt the telltale expansion of the head of his prick, and hurried her own stroking to catch up with his orgasm. Carey let go in her pussy, fired out a jet stream of semen that hissed boiling against her womb and drenched the walls of her cunt.His cock jerked and bucked, letting out the discharges, spitting one burst of come after another. Regina slithered her cunt in the greasy stuff, wiggled and squirmed, and felt her own climax bursting deep within her vagina, felt her clit flex and quiver."I'm coming, darling!" she said into the top of his head, into the soft hair waved darkly there. "Oh, you gorgeous boy! What a wonderful young cock -- oohh, Carey! Ohh!"It was good, tearing softly at her snatch and squirting hotly through her belly, making her thighs snap taut and her ass clench its cheeks. Carey clung to them, held her ass close as if he was afraid to ever let go.Sighing, she realized it was up to her to break it up, or this young stud would try to fuck her all day long. Prosaic though it might be, she still had shopping to do. So she put weight upon her feet and lifted; his prick came sliding creamily out, and she knew there was semen on her mound, wetting the hairs, and drawn in a sticky trail down the inside of one thigh."So quick," he breathed, and she said, "Sorry."Whipping up her panties, she blotted at her wet mound with them, let them snap into place and hoped her skirt would hide the stains. She said, "Carey, you're a doll and I love you, but you must leave now. I'll try to see you tomorrow.""That's a long time off, and my father will probably get to you first."She sat behind the wheel again and patted his cheek. "Pull up your jeans, darling, even though it's a shame to hide such a beautiful young prick. And don't be jealous of your own father -- or of my husband, either. I have enough hot sex to go around for all of you. It's just a matter of juggling it all around and finding time for everyone, without letting at least two of them know. You and I know that we're fucking, but your father and my husband don't know. You know that I'm also screwing your daddy, but my husband doesn't know that, either. And for now, I'd like very much to keep it that way."He adjusted his pants and tucked in his tee-shirt. "I just wish we didn't have to hide and sneak, that we could all fuck you whenever we want."Regina said thoughtfully, "So do I, darling. It would be so much easier on us all, and it would be honest. I wonder what we can do about it."Carey Baker got out of her car, but leaned his forearms on the window and said, "Maybe we could get my mom to go for your husband."Regina stared at him. "Your mother? You wouldn't mind that, knowing that your very own mother was fucking another man?"He looked away, his cheeks turning red. "No, I guess not. The idea kind of turns me on, even. And if Mom did screw Mr. Abbott, then my father couldn't get mad about it -- since he's screwing you.""That's right," Regina said slowly. "In fact, that's a very good idea, Carey. Your mother is a beautiful woman, and I imagine that my husband has been eyeing her for some years now, but without ever getting up the nerve to lay a hand on her. Yes, I think that Bill could very easily be seduced by Stella, but she would have to take the initiative; he doesn't have the guts to start anything with her."He said, "I guess you have to start it off. Maybe you could talk to Mom, or something."She whistled soundlessly. "That's a big order. If Stella blows up..." but she thought of what would happen if Stella accepted the idea enthusiastically, if she took on Bill and left Regina a free field with Chuck and Carey. That was trading one for two, which wasn't a bad deal.And if Stella Baker did raise hell and possibly make Chuck move out of the neighborhood, that wouldn't stop Regina from having dates with the Baker males. It would just make them a bit more difficult, but it would also cut down the chances of discovery by her own family."Darling," she said, "I'll work on it. Meanwhile, be careful as you can, and Carey -- thank you for being so sweet and so horny."She shopped in a daze, picking things from the gourmet shelves, overlying her guilts with goodies for her family. If she didn't get Bill into screwing with Stella, Regina's family would all be fat. It was funny, she thought, how she didn't feel at all jealous of her husband now that she had strayed from the marital path herself. She could picture Bill and Stella fucking away, and not get angry.Checking out at the counter, she thought that the contrary was true, that instead of getting mad at Bill, actually seeing him screw her best girlfriend would turn Regina on. She could imagine them naked together, Bill's brown pubic hair blending with Stella's curly black pussy hair. Shivering, Regina took her grocery cart out to her car. The very idea was making her hot, even though she had been fucked only a few minutes before.She drove home slowly, turning plans over in her mind and discarding them when she saw the holes in them. There was really no other way than to approach Stella directly, or rather, while she had a few drinks in her. Stella was always looser and easier, when she had downed a few.That afternoon, Regina decided; she could go over and con Stella into drinking with her, make up some story of a new unhappiness or something. Then she could spring the idea of husband-swapping on her friend and see if it took.Later on, Stella could discover that Regina had also been fucking her son. Regina pulled her car into the garage and thought: son. It was right here that she'd crawled on top of Carey Baker for that last quick but delicious screw. Would her own son be thinking about Stella like that, horny for the dreamed-of chance to get into an older woman's cunt?Maybe Dale was just as hot to fuck something; maybe he was also a cherry, a virgin boy eager to spill a load of young semen into some experienced pussy. The idea shook her and she sat with her thighs pressed together to still a weird throbbing deep within the tissues of her mound.Oh no, she thought; it was impossible for her to be imagining anything like screwing her own son. No way; never. That was incest of the worst sort, and she would not even consider it. She'd gotten tangled in her thinking, matching Dale with Stella; it had only been the admittedly exciting imagery of picturing him with her friend that had turned her on. She'd gotten the same excitement thinking of Stella and Bill, hadn't she?Sliding from behind the wheel, Regina took two grocery bags and grunted into the house with them. When Dale came drifting through the kitchen to lift them from her arms, the brush of her son's hand across her arm was a physical and psychic shock.Covering up, she said, "Thanks, and there are two more bags in the car." Not looking at him, she was very conscious of his nearness, of his young vibrant manhood.Piling things helter-skelter into the refrigerator and cupboards, Regina hurried to get out of the kitchen, out of the house, before her son somehow managed to touch her again. She was too tense for that, too involved in a maelstrom of emotional planning. Once she got the mate-trading underway, a lot of the pressure would be off her, and she could go back to thinking more or less conventionally.Scooping up a fifth of gin on the way out, she crossed the back yard and ducked through the hedge fence that separated the Abbott and Baker properties. Rattling the kitchen doorknob, she opened the door, stuck her head in and called "Hey, anybody home? Stella?"A voice floated from the interior of the house. "Regina? Grab a cup of coffee; I'll be there in a minute."And after they'd had two drinks, Stella said, "What the hell is this all about, boozing it up in the daytime? Not that I mind something to break the monotony, understand; I'm bored out of my skull."That would help, Regina thought, splashing more gin over the ice in their glasses. She'd been feeling the same way herself, until this woman's husband had begun an affair with her. She looked at Stella now, and knew that they had shared the same prick. It gave her a peculiar feeling, sitting close to her best friend and wondering how to start the conversation that would lead to better things for them both."I know what it's like to be bored and lonely," she said. "I guess it happens to all marriages sooner or later. I mean, we love our husbands, but it's the boring routine -- "Stella sipped her drink. "And the lack of boring, when there should be, if you know what I mean. Or maybe women are just more sexed than men?"Regina smiled, thinking of Chuck's eagerness for a new pussy and the strength, the power of his fucking. She looked closely at Stella and saw the beauty of her friend, the small loveliness of body and face, the olive skin and the midnight black hair that curled appealingly in a shag.Bill would go out of his mind with this gorgeous little woman stripped and waiting open-legged for him on a bed. Regina leaned over and poured more gin. "Stella -- what would you say if I told you I'm having an affair?"Stella blinked dark eyes at her. "I'd say wow! And that I envy you for having the nerve. Who is it, Regina? Do I know him?"Regina nodded. "You know him very well. But I don't know if I have the nerve to tell you who he is. I mean, look Stella, I never want to lose your friendship; I love you, and -- oh hell. This is even more difficult than I thought it would be." She gulped her drink and made a face. She was feeling the gin now, knowing its warmth, and it was giving her courage to continue. Taking a deep breath; she said: "How would you like to swing with another man, too?""I'd like it fine," Stella said without hesitation. "but there's always a hang-up. With me, it's the fear that word will get back to Chuck. I don't want to lose him, but I do feel a need for romance, and if I was certain that the guy would be discreet and tender and wouldn't open his big mouth.""I'm sure this one wouldn't spread gossip around," Regina said. "The only trick is to seduce him, and you can sure as hell do that, if you put that fabulous little body to work on him."Stella lifted a dark eyebrow. "You're serious, aren't you? And just who is this paragon of discretion you want me to seduce?"Regina said it quickly: "Bill.""W-who?" Ice rattled in Stella's glass."Bill, my husband. He's been staring at you for years."Stella downed her drink swiftly. "I -- Regina, I don't understand..."Regina took the plunge. "It's really a matter of trading, since the affair I'm having is with Chuck."Stella stared, and the silence drew taut. Then she said, "Well -- I'll be damned! So, that's where his energy's been going. Chuck and you; I should have known it would happen sometime. But you -- him...""He's a great lover," Regina said. "With me, anyway. And I'm sure Bill will be rejuvenated with you. You'll be very good for each other."Stella laughed. "Sure we will. Why the hell not?"* Chapter 6 *Stella was slightly smashed, but there was a hot glow in her eyes and a dampness to her lush mouth. "Never thought I'd be discussing my husband's sexual prowess -- or lack of same -- with you, Regina. But here we sit, getting loaded and I'm not ripping your eyes out. In fact, I'm kind of tickled at the whole thing. I'm excited, too. It's all so wild and crazy."Regina reached out and touched her friend's hand. Stella's skin was like olive-colored velvet, that soft and smooth. She said, "Stella -- it is wild and wonderful, and you'll just about go out of your head with Bill. Haven't you ever wondered how it would be with him, if he would screw any different than your own husband?"The other woman held up her glass for a refill. "Yes, I have. I envied you, because Bill always seemed so attentive, and I thought: lucky girl -- she's getting all the laying she wants. Oh damn; I'm getting myself all mixed up, too. Maybe I'm just scared. I never -- never screwed anybody else since I married Chuck, and only two boys before him. I -- I don't know."Regina squeezed her hand. "You'll be perfect, and Bill will be the luckiest guy around. You may have to push it at first, make it really plain that you want him to fuck you right away, but once he gets started, there'll be no stopping him. And Stella, darling -- he doesn't know about Chuck yet. I'll tell him after he screws you, so he won't be able to be self-righteous."Stella laughed. "Regina," she said, "you are really a bitch.""I know," she answered, "and isn't it fun? Let's have another drink, darling."They drank some more and got silly; they made plans and discarded them, but finally came up with one that seemed to be reasonably sensible. The kids would all be sent out to movies, and supplied with enough money to feed them afterward. Regina was to get Chuck aside and make him, no matter how scary he got.That would leave the field clear for Stella and Bill. Dressed in her sexy best, Stella would get Bill to lay her, over here in her own house. It would be a hurry-up thing, the first time around, a quick screwing because Bill would be worrying about his wife and her husband, only next door.But after the first dipping of his cock, Bill would be trapped, drawn into the web of swapping as Stella was being brought in. And Chuck? He had no choice, they said; not unless he wanted to give up his newfound romance with Regina's willing pussy.Going back home later, lightheaded and giggly, Regina thought that the only thing she hadn't been honest about, was something that would have hurt. Stella didn't have to know that her son was fucking Regina -- not yet, anyhow. There'd be time enough for that later, after dear Stella had adjusted to being screwed by a strange cock.Into the house, Regina headed for the bathroom. She needed a long soak in a hot tub, and time to think what a great, swinging affair was coming up. Both men had a big surprise coming, and she couldn't help wondering how they would take it. Climbing into the steamy tub, she also wondered if Bill would go down.Evidently Stella was familiar with oral love, and if she was really turned on, would teach Bill to do it. Smiling to herself, Regina soaped her good body thoroughly, rubbing her tits until the nipples stood tall and hard, then running a hand over her mound until the bubbles drifted over wet and golden curled pubic hairs.She was highly excited, turned more passionate by the idea of her husband fucking her best friend, and seeing some vague imagery beyond that immediate picture, a shadowy scene of the four of them getting together. It was so wild that she could barely restrain herself from slipping a finger into her aching cunt.Gritting her teeth, she gripped the side of the tub and forced the heat to subside. She wanted to save herself for the coming evening, for the exchange of fucking that might very well turn into an orgy. A real, live orgy, she thought. Four naked people screwing and sucking each other, and whatever else four naked and lustful people could do with and to each other.She shivered in anticipation and slipped farther down into the hot water, making waves that tickled her nipples, hiding her pulsating cunt beneath the surface. She relaxed then, stretched her long legs and was happy with the wet, shining modeling of them, with the way they tapered and with their sleekness. All three of her men adored being wrapped in them as they fucked her.Climbing from the tub, she toweled herself well, loving the roughness of the towel against her flesh. Still, she supposed that men dug little legs, too -- like Stella had. They were very shapely and somehow reminded Regina of a little girl. Men must like the idea of screwing a little girl.She stared wide-eyed into the full-length mirror. If she had known fleeting thoughts about laying her own son, might not both Chuck and Bill have had the same kind of ideas -- throttled of course -- about their own daughters?Regina shook her head and hid her face from view. It was all very weird, such thoughts no doubt brought on by a combination of things -- the sudden and crazy increase in screwing she had recently had, and the unusual amount of gin she'd consumed that afternoon. She'd have to go light on the sauce tonight; she sure as hell didn't want to get smashed and pass out, spoiling the party for everyone.Dabbing on a goodly amount of musky perfume, she wrapped the towel around her body and peeped from the bathroom. Nobody was in the hall, so she scurried down it to her own room and inside. Just a robe, she thought; until she got the ball rolling. Then she'd choose a slinky gown and wear it with nothing underneath. Chuck would dig that, and it was probably the same thing his wife had in mind.Deliberately picking her shabbiest robe, Regina pulled it on and went downstairs to make arrangements without getting anyone suspicious.The kids were happy to get the windfall, and were immediately on the phone to the Baker kids next door. Watching her daughter call, Regina couldn't stop herself from wondering about Monica now that Carey Baker knew how to fuck. Would he try to get into the girl's panties? Not very likely, with her brother along, Regina decided, and gave them her blessings as they scooted for the door."Hey," Bill said, "what was that all about?""About a little party over at the Bakers," she said. "For adults only.""Sounds good, but can we come home early? After that ball we had, I think I'd like to get to know my wife better. In bed, that is."She went over and kissed him, her robe falling open to expose the round golden mounds of her tits. "Sure, Bill. But I promised Stella we'd have a few drinks over there."He caressed her tit, but when his hand slipped down to fondle between her thighs, she laughed and stepped away from him. "Come on now. I promise you'll get all the pussy you can handle tonight -- and more."So he followed her obediently when they crossed the yard to the Baker house. She wore the black dress, a frothy thing the length of a mini, and with almost no back. The front dipped low, too, and she felt deliciously evil, not wearing a bra or panties.Stella welcomed them effusively, as if they hadn't been around for months, wearing a pale grey gown touched with a vivid splash of red that set off her olive skin perfectly. It also called attention to the fact that she had a very shapely ass and tits that stood high without benefit of bra.Putting her lips close to Regina's ear, Stella whispered, "Oh, I'm so excited. Do I look okay? Do you think he'll notice me?"Regina said, "If he doesn't, he's blind. Hit him with a couple of doubles and you'll be on your way, darling. And good screwing.""Oh!" Stella gasped, and skipped away, her cute little ass swinging. Glancing suddenly at her husband, Regina saw his eyes following the motions. Good, she thought; Bill was interested, and they'd see to it he was more so as the evening wore on.Chuck was a bit too proper, somewhat awkward around her, until Regina got an opportunity to whisper: "I'll fake an emergency with the lights at my place. You know how helpless Bill is with electricity, so that'll give us a chance to be together over there. I'm hot for you, darling."They danced and drank, and danced some more. From the corner of her eye, Regina saw that Stella was really rubbing it into Bill, that he was trying to hold off, that his face was flushed and sweaty. She kept Chuck busy so he didn't notice.When she pulled her lights-out routine and asked Chuck to come help, her own husband protested weakly, but she could tell he wasn't at all interested in going with them to "fix" things. He was too intrigued by the sudden attention Stella Baker was paying him, and Regina thought that Bill was also somehow hoping for a miracle that would carry her allure farther. Bill probably wasn't really believing that himself, but he was in for a severe shock, because his little hot dream would very soon be coming true.Going across the back yard, she felt his hand cup one cheek of her ass, and Chuck said at her ear: "How'd you manage this? I know Stella is high, but what about Bill?""Let's not worry about him, darling," she said, letting them into the kitchen, but not turning on the light. She turned to him instead, pressing the length of her body against his and feeling the immediate rising of his prick between them."There's time," he said softly, fondling her tits, then dropping his hands to her buttocks so he could yank her hard to him while he ground his staff into her belly. "There's time, if we hurry."She smiled in the darkness, kissed him and fed him her tongue, then pulled back to say: "Have you ever fucked a woman on her own kitchen table?""Damn," he whispered in awe. "You are something else, baby."His strong hands caught her around her slim waist, and Regina was lifted to the table top, her legs going wide. She hiked her dress high, got it crumpled up past her hips and exposed the hairy mound of her pussy for his caressing hand.In the dark, in the spicy, exciting dark, she kissed him savagely, biting at his lips and running her tongue all the way back to his throat. She thought of what must be already going on next door, of her husband and his wife in each other's arms. It was so thrilling, just the concept, the sneaky-inciting feeling of everybody taking something, of everyone receiving something, too.Her cunt blazed, softened and turned juicy. She bucked it up against the heel of his hand, and his thumb rode along her labia, up to her pelvis. "Oh Chuck! Fuck me. Please hurry and fuck me, before I go right out of my mind.""Yeah," he panted, "we have to hurry, in case they get suspicious over there. I'll just drop my pants and get my cock out of my shorts -- ahh, Regina -- your pussy is soft and warm. Your cunt hairs are tickling the head of my prick. Feel it there, darling -- feel it?""Oh yes, yes. Shove it on in, Chuck -- ease it up into my pussy. Oh yes -- yes, that's it, baby! Yes, fine, fine -- ahhh..."She knew the glorious sensation of his entering knob, the spongy-hard pressure that separated her labia and forced the way for his shaft. Regina lifted to the challenge, drew up her knees and brought her feet into contact with his back, then to the crack of his ass.Digging in her heels, she drove him deeper into the wet grasping of her pussy. Chuck burrowed in until his balls came to rest against her slit, and immediately he began to stroke, to thrust back and forth into her vagina, stimulating her clitoris with every sensuous movement."Beautiful hard prick," she gasped. "Wonderful stiff cock. Feed it to me, Chuck. Screw me hard and mean; fuck me, oh -- fuck me!"He answered by stepping up his pace, by cramming his hard prick almost brutally home into her suctioning cunt. Pounding it deep, pulling back for another savage stroke, Chuck had his hands on her waist to keep her from sliding off the table as he fucked her.Regina held to him by the shoulders, kissed him, tongued him, panted into his open mouth. Her heels helped him to rock in into her smoothly, kept him from backing his shaft too far out of her snatch. She rode the driving cock blissfully, twisted and turned upon the impaling length of it, took it far up into her vaginal cup and knew the bumping of its head against her womb.It was good for her, highlighted by the stray thoughts that perhaps her husband was slamming his own hard prick into Chuck's lovely wife, just as she was coming on Chuck's cock. She hunched and shuddered, and was coming in ecstasy, moaning and clawing at his back while his prick continued to slam into her oily hot pussy.Chuck came a few strokes later, and she wrapped her legs around the small of his back as he did, reveling in the hot gushing of his semen, in the splatter of the near-blistering come that inundated the walls of her vagina. Oh, how she loved to fuck this man, how she adored every small wiggle of his cock within her pussy, how she loved each quiver of his ass.Slowly, her legs eased down, slipped off his hips and hung over the edge of her kitchen table. Incongruously she thought that breakfast here would never be the same again, that she would always remember the fucking that had happened on the table. How could corn flakes compare with that?Chuck pulled his cock from the reluctant lips of her cunt, and some slippery liquids followed it outside to puddle in the crack of her ass. He said, "That was great, darling -- but we'd better hurry back to my house, before our spouses get all upset at us being gone so long. And by the way, what light was I supposed to have fixed?"She climbed down from the table and made smoothing motions across her dress, wondering if any leaking semen would spot through, but then deciding that she didn't really give a damn. She wanted to wear the wet stain of his come as a badge of joy, as a proud sign of her happiness."You fixed the kitchen light," she said, "the one over the sink. But you know what? I don't think anyone is going to ask about lights. I have a pretty good idea that our loving spouses are doing just what we've been doing -- loving."Chuck stopped dead in his tracks. "What do you mean? You think that Stella -- Stella -- "In the dark, she turned to him and found his face with both hands, found his stiff body with her own pliant one. "I know Stella is making it. If Bill isn't too chicken to let her seduce him, that is. I'm betting he isn't that scared, not with your wife pushing that gorgeous little body up to him the way she was doing, even before we left the party.""Wait a minute," Chuck said. "My wife...""And Bill's wife," she reminded him. "Or would you rather give me up?""I didn't say -- but I can't believe that Stella would make it with Bill... I mean, she's so withdrawn, so wrapped up in her kids -- I... oh hell; I don't know what the hell I think!"She took him by the hand, led him gently back out through the kitchen door. "Don't think, then -- just react, darling. I don't know about you, but I know that I'm turned on by the idea. They'll make a lovely couple, fucking.""Oh damn," Chuck muttered, but allowed her to lead him into his own yard and up to the back porch. She felt his resistance there, and he still hung back a little as she dragged him to the doorway of the living room.Her breath caught in her throat as he saw them in the lighted room, saw their naked bodies intertwined in the embrace of love. She'd been right; they were a beautiful couple.Stella was straddling Bill, and her back was to them as they stood transfixed and watched. Regina could see the polished red shaft of her husband's cock sliding in and out of the black-haired cunt lips, see the slow movement of his balls. Mostly, she could see the spread thighs and rounded ass cheeks of Stella Baker.Regina felt Chuck's hands clench hers so tightly that she was hurt, but she made no sound that carried over the muffled beating of her heart. She knew what Chuck was feeling, for the same violent emotions were racing through her own head, her own body. They were both seeing their mates fucking someone else, actually witnessing the frenzied screwing of a man and woman who meant so much to them.But Stella was grinding sensuously upon Bill's upright prick, and Bill was stroking her hips gently as they fucked, so Regina could not help but feel the love that flowed from the interlocked bodies. The sex was strong, too -- the lust and lasciviousness that hung about the fucking pair like an aura.Regina had never been so turned on, and she felt every pore of her body, each hair and crevice and tender part of skin and flesh and tissue. Her eyes were wide and a pulse beat insanely in her throat as she stared at the man she loved and the woman who was her best friend.Stella lifted her ass and the greasy rod was exposed; she lowered it gently, twisting, and the long cock was buried in her richly-haired pussy.Beside her, Chuck whispered tensely: "Look at her ride his cock. She fucks slow like that, grinds and squeezes her tight pussy on a prick; she's still almost as tight as a girl, and she loves to fuck. You can see that she really loves to ride his meat."As quietly, she said to him in turn, "Does it bother you, seeing another man's meat in your wife's cunt?""Yes," he said, "but not the way I always figured it would. It's -- it's kind of like his cock was mine, and like I want him to see and feel and know what a wonderful fuck she is. I'm proud of my wife, and how else can my friend really know how wonderful she is, unless he fucks her?"Regina nodded and let go of his hand so that she could reach to find his prick, hidden in his slacks. It was rock-hard and bulging, even though he had released a tremendous load of semen only minutes before. She caressed his cock, zipped down his fly and took it out into her fingers, cuddling its velveted iron warmth."That's right," she said, "I feel very much like that, as if I was sharing something very precious. Not losing anything, but enriching it through the sharing."His hand lifted from around her waist and cupped her tit. "She's giving him a long, slow fuck. The inside of Stella's cunt is like hot satin now, all slippery and slidy around his prick.""Yes," she breathed in answer. "And by the way she's shaking that lovely little ass, she's close to coming. Bill, too -- if you watch how his balls are beginning to jerk up and down.""Wow," Bill murmured, "a guy's prick just about to go off inside my wife's sweet pussy. I may cream in your hand, Regina."She stopped masturbating him. "Save it, darling. Oh look, look!" And then they both fell silent because the others were talking.Stella Baker cried out: "I'm coming, Bill! Oh you nice hard bastard, I'm coming!"And Bill Abbott answered, "D-darling -- me, too! My prick is letting it go -- here comes my cream, Stella. I'm coming in your hot snatch -- pumping you full of my come!"They blurred together then, twisting and hunching, and Regina heard the slap-slap of her husband's balls as they bounced up to bang into the gyrating crack of Stella's polished ass. Bill's fingers dug into her waist, and his mouth lifted up to suck in the dangled offering of her tit. Sloshing noises rose from their crotches, and their moans were background to the liquid pounding.Regina squeezed hard on Chuck's stiff cock; together, they watched their mates shudder to completion, his wife and her husband in the throes of orgasm, coming grandly and in wild spasms. It was beautiful, she thought; it was lovely.* Chapter 7 *She didn't quite have the nerve to just walk in on them; the shock might have been too great for all concerned. Regina had wanted to do it, very much. She had balanced for a ragged moment upon the precipice, needing to just leap naked into a tangle with Stella and Bill, and to drag in Chuck, also.But of course, that wouldn't have worked at all. Not yet. There could have been complications -- guilt and shock and embarrassment. Backing away, she had saved them all that, spared them the agonies of indecision."Come on," she hissed to Chuck, and still holding him by the prick, led him tiptoeing past the collapsed pair on the living room floor. Since she knew their house almost as well as her own, Regina steered Chuck into the nearest bedroom, one right off the hall where they could peep out at their spouses and not be seen themselves."Lie down here with me," she said softly. "I'll put one leg over you and we can lie here side by side, screwing while they recover their strength. Since they didn't hear us come in, and since your wife knows I'm fucking you, she won't be worried about the length of time we're gone. Of course, we'll have to break up this good screwing before all the kids come home, but there's hours until then."With the head of his prick at the wet entrance to her pussy, Chuck Baker said, "Stella knows I've been laying you?""Sure -- that's how she and I set you two guys up tonight.""That's sneaky," he said, and gave a sudden thrust that forced his cock inside her damply willing cunt.With an answering wiggle of her crotch, Regina said, "So is that. Let's just lie here and fuck quietly, until they get it on again out there. They will, before too long; they're just getting to know each other -- like we did, in the beginning, remember?"Chuck worked his shaft inside the clinging hotness of her well-lubricated pussy. "That was only a couple of days ago, baby. Hey -- they're beginning to stir around; Stella's climbing off him now, and man -- look at his cock, all slick and gleaming -- still some come drops on the head of it, too."Regina watched every move of the other couple, wishing that they could be side by side, even touching. A shudder rippled through her then, as she imagined the wildest thing ever -- all four of them fucking happily away, and changing partners back and forth.Her cunt gripped Chuck's prick and massaged it; rolling her hips, she pulled his thrusts deeper into herself, grinding her pelvis into his while he fondled her ass, while he nuzzled her throat.He said, "She's kissing him, lying on top of him and playing with his cock. Stella does that sometimes, usually when she hasn't been entirely satisfied and means to go down on me -- on him, now. Man, man; that's it! She's going to eat your husband's prick.""How nice," Regina said, squirming on his prick. "This will be another first for Bill -- he's never been eaten by another woman. In fact, he's only been eaten once, by me; but he's learned to like it."Chuck stroked into her, his cock hard and long, bigger around than her husband's tool, bigger and longer than his son's penis. Guiltily, she remembered Carey and the boy's sex hunger for her. And maybe for someone else, she recalled, but put that out of her mind for the moment. There were too many things going on right now for her to be dwelling on future possibilities. One way or the other, young Carey Baker would get all the fucking he could handle.Chuck said, "He'll have to eat her cunt, too. My wife really digs doing sixty-nine. Has he ever gone down on you, Regina?""Yes," she said, "just once, and I had to practically force him into doing it for me then. But once he got going, Bill stopped being uptight about eating pussy and did a great job."She fell quiet then, watching the tableau before them, seeing the attractive darkness of the other woman, the small and sexy body that was so determined to swing with her husband all night. Stella was busily kissing down Bill's belly, and he was arching his back, trembling visibly at her caresses. It wasn't until she had reached his pelvic area that she crawled around with the lower portion of her trimly rounded body and poised astraddle his head."There she goes," Chuck breathed. "I knew she couldn't just go down on him without getting in on the goodies herself."There was an entirely different feel to it, Regina thought, lying there and being fucked by one man, while watching another woman kiss the shaft of her husband's cock. It was far more stimulating to see sex and to feel it at the same time, and when the watched sex was someone she loved, the sensations were heightened considerably.She saw Stella's black-haired crotch, dripping from its fucking, lower to cover Bill's face, and a sharp stab of rapture flashed through her. Her eyes were half-glazed, and she used them to see Stella's hungry mouth cover the head of Bill's cock. Stella's ivory cheeks dipped in as she sucked on the knob, and Bill's ass rolled against the carpet in a new ecstasy."They're sucking each other off," she murmured. "They fucked, and now they're eating each other." She gave a twist of her pelvis that made Chuck's slowly thrusting cock rub more violently against her sensitive clitoris."Beautiful," Chuck said, ramming his prick home a little harder, a little faster. "Never thought I'd get a kick out of seeing my wife's lips wrapped around another man's prick, but I do -- I sure as hell do. Look at her sucking him -- look how he's eating up into her hot pussy!""Uh!" Regina grunted. "Oh -- uh!" It was so good, so thrilling, knowing the slide of his prick in her pussy, watching his wife and her husband do a sixty-nine.She fought to hold her eyes open, when they wanted so much to close in rapture, and she ground her pussy savagely onto Chuck's lunging cock while she pressed her tits hard into his chest, rubbing the nipples back and forth to further stimulate him, and herself.It was wild and it was intense, and the orgasm burst madly within her vagina before she knew it was coming. Regina shuddered and heaved, snapping her cunt down on Chuck's pounding shaft as she came. It was terrific, a pin-wheeling of hot flashes and a strobe-light scattering of feelings both violent and tender. Her ass trembled, and she felt the gentle intrusion of Chuck's little finger, without remembering when he first started prodding softly at her asshole.That tickled, too, and Regina bucked crazily in the throes of her climax, slammed her crotch against the pole that was fucking, fucking into her blazing cunt.Chuck said aloud: "Oh! Oh baby -- coming, coming -- COMING!"The come blew from the end of his imbedded cock, hissed hotly into the gulping of her hole, spewing its thick and creamy boiling liquid throughout her vagina. His balls jerked against the crack of her ass, and his fingertip slipped into the tight little ring itself.Gasping, Regina dug her nails into his back and rotated her pelvis furiously against his hairy crotch. Then she sighed in completion, rocked gently with the subsiding waves of warm love that flooded her being. Her eyelids fluttered, and with an effort, she focused upon the two naked people in the other room.She saw something different. She watched in amazement as Stella lifted her siphoning mouth from Bill's upright prick, just at the moment of ejaculation. Stella had fingers wrapped around the thick base of the cock, and was fondling it, but her mouth backed off at the very second he began to come. But she didn't lose a drop, Regina saw; she caught all the spurting white stuff as she would drink from a squirting fountain, letting it spit up into her open lips.Her fingers played up and down his shaft, stimulating him to greater discharge, and Bill responded by gushing more hot juice into her mouth. After the second pulsing of come, Stella lowered her mouth again, and Bill's cock all but vanished from sight.Why, thought Regina, the other woman must have the head of that prick all the way in her throat. Stella's cheeks dipped hollowly again, and she was sucking, pulling, drawing, every single droplet of semen from the stiffly throbbing prick-head. She was good at sucking off a man, Regina saw; Stella was truly an expert, and one who obviously loved her work.And her husband Bill -- he was wiggling with happiness as she blew him, and as he worked her pussy like an orange, sucking and lapping avidly. Stella groaned around his cock, and her trimly modeled ass heaved up and down. She was coming then, reaching a fantastic orgasm, her clit shivering and pulsating while Bill nipped it, rolled it between his teeth. Regina saw and felt it as if her husband were doing it to her, instead of to Stella Baker.But she didn't begrudge Stella the ecstasy; she really didn't. She was thrilled that her husband could enjoy giving such pleasure to the lovely woman who had so marvelously reciprocated by sucking his prick.They moved apart as she watched, Stella lifting, crawling aside on her hands and knees, Bill lying there relaxed and supine, his well-worked cock still stiffly erect, but drained of all semen for a while. His balls had turned out two huge loads of come in a short time; they must be working overtime now, catching up, replenishing the supply.Stella crawled farther, came nearer, and Regina felt Chuck stiffen against her, felt his prick suddenly whip out of her snatch, and before she could do more than take a deep breath, her lover was gone, scared away by the approach of his wife. Regina came to a kneeling position, her tits jutting proudly out, Chuck's semen frothy upon her pubic hairs.Stella stayed on all fours, her own fine tits hanging down. Through a curly tangle of black hair, her dark brown eyes peered at Regina. "Thought I heard somebody in here. Chuck was with you?""Was," Regina answered. "He got frightened away.""Tell him not to be scared," Stella breathed, coming up to her knees, staring sultry-eyed at Regina. "You're a beautiful woman; no wonder Chuck's attracted to you.""You're lovely, too," Regina said. "Bill and Chuck both are very lucky guys."Stella's smile was bright. "Regina.""In time," Regina said. "What we have to do now, is to get everybody together, and make this affair a real, swinging one. Don't you want it that way -- all honest and above board, with the four of us screwing together, making love together?"Stella nodded. "Of course, I do. I could go for that right now, but the men..." she turned her head. "Look! Bill has scooted off, too."Regina held out a hand and the other woman took it. Together, they stood up, staring deeply into each other's eyes, possibly seeing into each other's souls. Regina said then, "It's a little late tonight, and the guys are probably pooped out. But tomorrow, if we can get rid of the kids.""Sure, Stella said, and stepped close, standing tiptoe so that her nipples could reach Regina's tits. A spark shot through Regina at the merest brushing of nipple to nipple, and she said huskily: I'd better go find Bill. You can talk to your husband.""I will," Stella promised, and held up her lips to be kissed. Regina could not resist, even though she knew those same lips had just a moment ago sucked all the come from her own husband's prick. Stella's mouth was soft and knowing, filled with treasures and promises, and Regina realized only the hot whiplash of the other woman's delicate tongue before breaking away with a gasp."Oh, wow! I -- I'd better go right now, before I get mixed into something I don't even understand, and before the kids come home."Petulantly, Stella said, "Oh, screw the kids! But I guess you're right, darling. Tomorrow will be better all the way around. Goodnight for now.""For now," Regina agreed, and thought how close Stella's remark about screwing the kids had come to reality. She hurried from the house, wondering what Stella's feelings would be when the other woman learned that Regina was already being fucked by her son, by young Carey Baker. Would there be anger, the outraged mother blazing forth? Would there be shock and disgust -- or even jealousy?None of that would be very good for their new and swiftly blooming relationship, but if Stella understood, if she even approved of her son being taught sexually by Regina, then all would be smooth, for everybody.She went into her own house and flicked on the kitchen light, sparing a grin for the table where she had been fucked by Chuck Baker. Bill wasn't in the living room, so she climbed the stairs and found him in their own bedroom."Hi, darling."He rolled over on the bed, covered by a sheet. "Did you actually watch me making it with Stella?""Sure, and you were both great. Especially during the sixty-nine act; you really learned oral sex in a hurry."Bill said, "Damn it! You set it up with Stella in the first place; she told me so. She also told me that you've been screwing Chuck. Is that right?"She sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled off her wrinkled dress, working it up over her head. "Yes, that's right. I enjoy fucking him as much as you dig fucking his wife. Does that make us both some kind of monster? Or rather, does it make all four of us perverts or something?"He looked away from her. "I, it's kind of different, for a man.""Like hell," she said. "You should have seen how turned on Chuck got, seeing you put the meat to Stella. When you ate each other, he was fucking me in the next room, and we both watched you two make it, until we came ourselves."He bit his lips. "That's a weird way to talk to your husband, describing how you and another man screwed."She reached over and placed her palm flat on his lower belly. "Don't act like such a prude, when you're really not. I can see that you've got about half a hard-on under that sheet. Surprising, isn't it -- how you can get your prick up after coming twice, just a little while ago?""Regina."Leaning over, she kissed him softly on the mouth, and thought for a fleeting second that she could taste the vaginal flavors of Stella's pussy. Maybe it was only her imagination, but the idea excited her tremendously.She said, "You like it, darling, so admit it. You get a kick out of thinking about me taking another man's cock in my cunt. I can feel your cock rising in my hand right now. Here -- I'll pull back the sheet and lie down beside you, and I'll tell you all about it, tell you exactly how I felt tonight when I was fucking Chuck Baker. Or would you rather hear all the details about the very first time we screwed?"He buried his hot face between her tits, and his hands sought the warm comfort of her hips. Bill's voice was muffled when he replied: "The first time. It was the first time you ever fucked anybody else, wasn't it?"She stroked his hair and pushed her belly closer to his. "Yes, dear. Just a couple of days ago. I never screwed anybody but you, before then."She could barely hear him when he said, "Tell me all of it, how his prick felt, everything."* Chapter 8 *Her voice slow and easy, Regina described her first marital misstep to her husband, gently massaging his erect prick as she did so. After two recent ejaculations, he would not come again soon, if any more that night, but she could make it pleasantly erotic for him."It was a shock, really -- feeling his prick enter my pussy for the first time. He's a little bigger than you, dear, as you'll see very soon. That didn't make much difference, though; what did, was the knowledge that he was actually fucking me, that another man's cock besides yours was really in my pussy. I almost came with the very first stroke."His lips closed over one of her nipples, and around it Bill asked, "Did he kiss you a lot first, feel your snatch and play with your tits?""Yes, darling. And we fucked quickly, I think. I know it didn't seem to last long enough, and then -- Chuck taught me how to go down on him."His voice was a mumble "You sucked him off? What -- how did you handle the -- I mean..."She stroked his prick, fondled his head. "Did I swallow his come, you mean? Yes, I did. I swallowed every hot, thick drop of Chuck's semen, darling."He shuddered against her and his mouth pulled hard on her nipple. She continued to tell the story, describing in vivid detail every move, every word and response of her first sexual encounter with her husband's best friend. As she talked, he got more and more excited, and so she simply rolled him over onto his back and mounted him."There, dear -- isn't that better? You can keep your prick in here where Chuck had his twice tonight? Did I tell you that he fucked me on the kitchen table, that I wrapped my legs around him while he rammed that big meat pole up my cunt? It was after that, we sneaked back over to their house and saw Stella riding you like a horse. Well, almost -- she was bouncing up and down on your prick, though."He thrust up into her, his prick delightfully stiff now, and she said, "Do you feel anything different inside my cunt? It should be a lot more slippery, what with Chuck's semen in there. Two loads of his creamy juice, he left in me. It's still there, isn't it -- except for the little bit that leaked out on my legs?"Bill moaned in answer, and worked his prick around in her wet vagina, stroking and wiggling it, backing it down and punching it up with force."You really like that," Regina continued. "You're really hot, feeling his come in there on your prick. You'd like to fuck me right after he does, to feel it fresh and bubbling.""Regina -- you bitch -- you hot-assed bitch!"She ground sensuously upon his shaft. "Or maybe, you'd dig it better to help him fuck your wife. How about if he screws me and then you get between my legs, and then Chuck goes around to where he can put his cock into my mouth? Would you enjoy that, darling?"Moaning and panting, he clamped his hands viciously into the soft flesh of her ass cheeks and fucked her harder. She luxuriated in her new mastery of him, in this new and most intimate knowledge of a side of her husband he had never before exposed. It was fun, riding him, holding him down, pinning him into place with her strong thighs.She took one of his hands, drew it back from her haunch and guided it to the cleft of her steamy ass. "Here, Bill -- use your pinkie -- feel the little ring? Yes -- oh yes, right there, baby. That's what Chuck did to me once -- shoved the end of his finger in there while he was fucking me, and it made me come that much wilder."He pushed brutally, and his dry finger hurt her as it shoved into her asshole, but she held herself from flinching, and wiggled her ass until her natural inner lubrication eased the pressure. It felt good to her then; it felt very good."We can do it," she said. "We can do anything we want to do -- maybe you can stick your meat into Stella, right after her own husband has screwed her, or put it in my mouth while Chuck screws me -- anything.""UHHH!" he grunted loudly. "Uhhh -- Regina -- oh, shake that hot pussy, you passionate bitch. Rub it all over my prick -- all that slippery juice from his cock."She rocked in rhythm upon his jerking shaft, feeling the squirt of his come, the lesser explosion that was all the more precious to her because it had been nearly impossible to precipitate."Come, darling," she soothed. "Come in mama's pussy, right in on top of the other man's semen. Mix it all up, darling -- that's right -- oh, Bill, you're sweet and wonderful."And before she knew it, she was reaching her own orgasm, talked into it by her own sexy voice and the things she had been saying all this time. She was also worked into coming by the intense and erotic penetration of her husband's cock.Bending in the middle, she collapsed, dropped her tits forward and pillowed them upon his face. His finger slipped out of her asshole, and she only dimly remembered when he had put it in there. She was heavy upon him, and that worried her, so she carefully lifted off his quickly softening prick and dropped bonelessly to one side, her arm across his belly.When she could talk again, she said, "That was wonderful, Bill. That was freaky and crazy and thrilling, and I adored every voluptuous second of it. How about you?""Terrific," he sighed. "Who would ever have believed that I could get my balls off three times in one night? And every time I came, it was like the first time -- big and heavy. I don't know what the hell to say, Regina. I guess we're both learning something about the other guy, after all these years we've been married.""We are," she agreed, "and that part of it is wonderful, too. We're being honest and not hiding anything. We're just finding that love doesn't mean owning each other, that it can mean giving the other guy free rein to be happy, to have all the fun out of life he can get. And since that seems to also mean that we want to fuck other people, why not? Why the hell not, Bill?"He said slowly, "I'm not arguing. I'll admit now that I'm damned glad you and Chuck started fucking. Not only for your happiness, but because you felt you had to set me up with Stella. I've been dreaming about getting into that sweet, hot little ass for many years -- ever since we've known the Bakers, but I never had the nerve to try, and probably never would have.""Good," she said. "I felt the same way about Chuck. And I think we can all swing together, sharing and fucking and getting it on in any way we like. We're really going to have a ball, Bill. It's going to be magnificent."He turned over and they kissed. Bill said, "I know it will, and I'm excited as hell about it. But right now, I'm about to pass out. Good night, Regina.""Good night," she murmured, and almost immediately heard the deepening of his breath as he began to fall asleep. He was tired, she realized, drained of semen and strength, and she wasn't too far behind him.Turning over, snuggling her ass into his pelvis as she often did when they were going to sleep, she thought that her kids weren't even home yet, that they had screwed away the night early. The adults had screwed, not the kids.Or had they? Carey Baker had almost a constant hard-on, and Monica Abbott was a cute girl, a little older than Carey, and very sexy looking. That was weird, Regina thought; she'd never before classified her daughter as sexy. Pretty, vivacious, girlishly appealing, yes -- but never sexy. Yet she had to say now that Monica was just that, with high, firm tits and a saucy little ass that swung alluringly when she walked.Carey wouldn't miss an opportunity to get into that, if he possibly could. Unless he was only turned on by older women. Nonsense; cunt was cunt to a horny boy like that. Monica could probably take care of herself; kids were pretty smart these days.Besides, the four of them were together, and there was protection in numbers. Maybe. There had been four people over at the Bakers tonight, and look what happened. Four young, sexy and good-looking kids could do worse. What was she fretting about, anyway? What was sauce for the geese could be juice for the goslings, if it came to that.Regina turned again, her eyes opening and staring up at the dark ceiling. A lot of ideas and scenes were wheeling around inside her head: Carey screwing her daughter Monica; her son putting his young prick to Judy Baker; the kids changing over so that brothers were fucking sisters -- She shook her head and tried to get comfortable on her pillow. She had a wild imagination these days, and it was running loose now. The kids probably would do no more than share a few kisses after a hamburger and coke. And if they actually got somewhat more involved with each other, what was so terrible about that? At least, today there was the pill.All right, Regina said to herself. So what if they fucked? That would be okay, too. Who the hell was she to decide at what time in life her own children could experience the joys of sexual release? If they were big enough, they were old enough, somebody once said, and Carey Baker proved the point. He was a horny boy with a fine, hard cock always eager to be soaked in a woman's pussy. Would her own son Dale be any different?And how about Monica? Didn't the same genes stir in her finely-formed young body, the same powerful genes that made her mother and now her father so sexy? Turning again, Regina snuggled closer to her husband. There was so much for them to do yet, without involving any of the kids -- if that was at all possible.Carey was already involved, and might get himself in even deeper. She suspected that Carey had more than a casual eye for his own mother. He'd suggested getting her into the affair with Bill. What could be more likely than some form of blackmail on his part, to make Stella spread her legs for him? He'd already proved himself capable of blackmail.Regina was glad he'd forced her into screwing him. She really enjoyed her sessions with young Carey, feeling marvelously dirty by fucking a fourteen-year-old boy. She had a lot to teach him, too -- such as the sixty-nine position his mother was so fond of. She'd really get a kick out of eating that eager cock.She had told no one about Carey, not yet. Bill was ready to learn of her other lover, but maybe Chuck wasn't. That left some possibilities open, of a swinging triangle between her husband, herself, and Carey. That would be far out and exciting -- if the boy didn't get scared off by the very idea.Slowly, sleep came to Regina Abbott, and she relaxed into its warmth to dream of being fucked by her three men. But there was another in the shadows, so she couldn't see his face, only his prick. His prick was long and strong.She came awake gently, in a calm and rested lassitude. Stretching, she smiled and became conscious of her body again, a sweetly responsive body that had so recently been turned on, brought again to the arousals of sex. Her thighs rubbed together, and her nipples brushed the sheet; she tingled.Putting out one hand, she found that her husband was already up and gone, his spot in bed cooled off. Regina's smile widened; Bill himself certainly wasn't cooled off. He was more randy than he had been since they were first married, and he was truly excited about their mixing in with Stella and Chuck in a swinging foursome.Out of bed, she stood awhile in the freshness of the day, standing naked and at peace with the world. In the shower, she soaped extravagantly and rinsed for a long time, changing the water from hot to warm to cold. Gasping, her nipples standing straight out and her skin turned pink, she toweled briskly and looked at herself in the mirror.A younger, newer Regina Abbott, one with the blush of excitement in her cheeks and a readiness for love in her thighs. She looked good, felt good, and was ready for just about anything the world might have on hand for her this gorgeous day.She found the kitchen empty, although smells of breakfast lingered there; Bill and the kids had let her sleep, and gone off somewhere. She drank orange juice and coffee, had a bowl of yogurt and some toast, the euphoria growing inside her. A bright day, she thought -- a shiny day waiting to be used.Looking at a spoonful of white and creamy yogurt, she saw the table top below it and giggled. Her ass had been just about there, when Chuck Baker poured the prick to her last night, when he had released semen into her that looked very much like what she was holding in the spoon. Regina licked at the stuff and chuckled again, wondering if any housewife with nearly grown children had ever thought such attractively evil thoughts over her breakfast table.She was tidying up the sink when she heard someone behind her. The hands touched her ass gently, lovingly, and the breath stirred into the short curls at the nape of her neck. Instinctively, she leaned back into him, wiggling her tail, lifting her tits for the cupping of hands that would surely come."Wow, Mrs. Abbott -- I couldn't wait any longer."Carey Baker. She turned suddenly, a bit disturbed. "Carey, damn it! You can't come sneaking over here every time you get a hard-on. It's too dangerous. I don't know where my own family is, or when they'll be back -- and you know damned well that your mother is in the habit of dropping over for coffee."He pressed against her, his prick hard against her belly, burning through the thin, translucent material of her robe. "I didn't think we could fuck right away. I just couldn't stand not feeling you, or seeing you."She touched his cheek, let him play with her tits for a moment. "You're a very sweet boy, Carey, but you have to be more careful."He said, "It went pretty good last night, huh? Did your husband really fuck my mother?""Yes, he did. And your father and I made it in the same house, watching them screw. But they didn't see us. Next time, we'll fuck together, all four of us."His eyes went wide. "I'd really like to see that.""Maybe you will," she said, then: "Carey -- have you ever screwed my daughter Monica?"Carey blinked rapidly. "No. I'm too young for her, she thinks. I tried to get into her a month or so ago, and she slapped the hell out of me for just touching her tit. Why? Were you worried about that?""Not really," she said, surprising herself with the truth of that. "I just wondered.""She's not a cherry," he said. "I know that much. Neither is my sister, but neither of them make a habit out of screwing guys. Just one or two, the way I hear it."Regina digested that information, and when Carey pushed an exploring hand between her thighs, she simple spread her legs so that he could fondle her pussy as he wanted. Monica fucking, and the Baker girl, too."And Dale?" she asked.Carey grinned and stroked his fingertips along her labia, feeling, exploring. "Oh, sure. At least, he claims he's screwed a girl."For an instant, Regina felt an unreasoning stab of jealousy, and bit her lips. Then she said, "You're going to have to help us, you know. By keeping the other kids away as much as possible. That may mean you'll also have to stay away from me, but I can manage some time for us. If...""Hey," he said. "I can't dig that. I thought -- ""I haven't told my husband, or your parents about you and me yet," she cut in. "I don't know if they're ready for that kind of information. But the kids have to be steered away from what we're all doing, or the entire affair may explode in our faces."He slid away from her. "I hear Mom coming across the yard. I'm going to duck into the storage closet over there and listen, and after she leaves, you and I have to screw some more. Then we'll talk about what to do with the other kids, okay?""Go on," she said, pushing him at the closet.The door had barely closed -- or almost closed -- behind him when his mother came into the kitchen. Regina had to force herself to look Stella Baker in the eye and smile."Hi, Stella -- you look great.""I feel great," the other woman said. "Let's pour some of that good brandy into our coffee this morning, and discuss all the fucking we did last night."* Chapter 9 *They were chatting, but not casually. There was a fiery undercurrent in their words, an excitement flaring in the breaths they took. Regina was generous with the brandy, needing its settling effect as they talked about the previous night. From time to time, she cast quick glances at the closet door, at the thin crack where Carey Baker was peeping at his mother and listening avidly to every word they said.It must be driving the boy up the wall, she thought, and imagined him crouching there with his taut young prick in his hand, playing with himself as he heard the juicy, intimate details. Just knowing that he was there also stimulated Regina, and she found herself gulping at her heavily-brandied coffee."It was really kind of crazy," Stella said. "I figured that you and Chuck would come back before long, but I just had to go down on Bill, right after we fucked. And I just had to have him eat me, too."That should have jolted Carey right to his balls, Regina thought; now he could think of his mother sucking a man's cock, of his mother getting her cunt eaten by someone besides his father. He was probably beginning to jack off.She said, "Yes, Stella. I know how you felt. I screwed Chuck over here on the table, then at your place. Tell me, did you two do much talking after we left?""For hours," Stella answered. "It was the damnedest thing -- us lying there bare-assed, both fresh from screwing someone else, and discussing all our sexual hang-ups. It seems that Chuck really got high, watching Bill fuck me."Regina nodded. "The same with Bill. He'll go along with the four of us making it together tonight.""Chuck is real anxious," Stella said, draining her coffee cup and holding it out for more. "So am I, and Regina -- I really have to thank you. I'm so glad that you and Chuck started screwing, so that Bill and I could get in on it. It's a wonderful thing, to feel so free and easy, to be able to talk about it. And while I'm about it, I think your husband is a wonderful lover; he's so eager to please, and his prick stays so hard."Regina gulped. "Y-yeah, but he was softening with me. Until now. Last night, we screwed again after we got home, and he wanted me to tell how it felt when Chuck laid me."Stella grinned. "Chuck and I played sixty-nine. He said watching me suck off Bill freaked him out. I think we've got ourselves some rare guys Regina, my love."Regina knew what was coming next, felt it in her flesh as well as her mind. Looking quickly at the closet, she tried to cut Stella off. "More than you know."But Stella was wound up, high on her memories of the far-out sex she had shared last night, and getting higher by talking about it to the wife of the man she had screwed and gone down on. She rushed on: "Oh Regina, I almost went out of my head, when Bill first stuck his nice, hard cock into me. It's been so very long since I had any other prick but Chuck's."Regina poured more brandy for them, not bothering to add coffee this time, splashing the potent liquor straight into the cups. She needed more courage, since she knew that Stella's son was taking in everything his mother said, hiding there in the closet and no doubt jacking off by now. She considered telling Stella about him -- later, of course, when Carey was out of earshot.It was such a delicate subject, though, not like telling Stella that she had been screwing Chuck; that had been fairly easy, when they were both pretty well smashed. But clueing in Stella about her son, letting her know that Carey had been fucking her best friend -- Stella was looking at her with one eyebrow raised, and Regina said, "I know the wild sensation. It was the same when Chuck laid me the first time. Stella -- what are we going to do about the kids, yours and mine?""Send them to summer camp? That would be a fine idea, get them out of our hair so we could just fuck and fuck."Carey would never stand still for that, Regina knew; not since he had tasted -- figuratively speaking -- his first pussy. He wasn't about to settle for a kids' camp, when he was so intent upon a woman's cunt. But maybe the others?Regina said, "I don't know. My boy is older than yours, and feels he's beyond such things as summer camps."Stella giggled over her drink. "Then get him a girl and a motel, keep him gone for at least a weekend."Laughing with her friend, Regina said, "Now there's an idea. How about your own children?""Them? Little Carey and Judy? I'll admit that they're real good looking kids, but they're very young. Too young, I'd say. They still chew bubble gum."Regina looked at the closet and wondered what Carey thought about that opinion. Stella was in for a shock, no doubt. But who was going to tell her? Regina was fast losing her nerve, and Carey wasn't going to pop out of that closet to confront his mother.She said, "Oh, I don't know, Stella; kids grow up fast these days, and as mothers, we just don't recognize that fact. We try to keep them babies, when they're actually young adults.""Here's to young adults," Stella grinned, "and to old kids like us. We'll keep shipping the real kids to movies or whatever, or leave them home and go to a motel."Regina finished her brandy and made a face. "Wow! If I don't knock off this stuff, I won't be much good by evening. And Stella -- " she paused, not knowing exactly how to go about the next thing she wanted to say, but it needed to be said, all the same. "Stella, about that little moment between us last night -- I never -- well, I never felt that way about any other woman before. I never even imagined it."Dark and beautiful, Stella's eyes held hers for a long, penetrating moment. "I know what you mean; I never did, either. I've only heard about it, and I swear it never seemed to hold any interest for me. Until last night, when I was so hot, so stirred up and ready for even more loving."Nodding, Regina said softly, "There was a -- a pull, a tenderness. We're not queer, not lesbians, but at that moment, I wondered what it would be like to -- to hold you and love you.""Me, too." Stella breathed. And I'm getting eager right now, bringing it out into the open like this. Regina..."She'd almost forgotten the kid in the closet, but Regina remembered him just in time. "Darling -- there's something I have to do first; really. Tonight; I promise you, we'll do something about that tonight, when the guys are worn down. Will that be all right, Stella?""Sure," Stella said, not sounding sure. "If you'd rather not.""Oh darling, I do want to! It's just -- " desperately, Regina winked and grimaced, made a motion toward the closet. " -- just that I think someone else is in the house right now. We don't want to spoil anything."Stella winked back and stood up, wobbling a little. "Oh, I get it. Okay, dear; I'll hold you to your promise tonight. Your place or mine?""Over here," Regina answered quickly. "I'll have something to eat, some rum punch."Drifting near, Stella put her hands upon Regina's hips and looked up into her face. A smaller woman, her breasts didn't reach nipple-to-nipple with Regina's, but she pressed the conical mounds into Regina's rib cage, and managed a caress with the tops of her tits against the bottom of Regina's tits. The touch of them was a jolt, and so was the pressure of Stella's soft mound against her thigh."Kiss me," Stella murmured.Her lips were very soft and mobile, and the wet brushing of her tongue was a damp flame. Regina put her arms around the other woman and drew her tightly to her body, kissing her fiercely and hungrily, their tongues blazing together, their teeth raking, clashing. Regina rubbed her pussy into the small, vibrant body, and had it rubbed back.Gasping, Regina broke the embrace and stepped quickly back, holding on to the edge of the sink for support, her head spinning and her eyes gone suddenly hazy. "H-hey! That was too much. If we don't -- don't break this up now, I'm not sure we ever will. Stella, please.""Okay; all right, darling. I'll go now. I just wanted to be certain you felt the same way, had the same kind of fever raging in your belly. You do. So I can wait until tonight. See you then, pretty woman."With that parting shot, Stella was gone, leaving behind her a disturbed woman, a strangely aroused Regina Abbott who didn't know which way to turn. She hadn't really considered having sex with another woman, but now she was confused, teased into wanting something totally different.Carey was standing beside her before she realized he had left the closet. "That was something else! I always knew my mother was hot to trot, but I never figured she'd go for a woman, too. Oh wow, I almost came in my hand, just watching you two.""Carey," she said, "you're going to have to help. I wanted to tell her about you and me, but I just couldn't. You -- you know my son pretty well; how do you think Dale would react, if you told him he had a chance to blackmail Stella, the same way you put the pressure on me, at first?"He stared. "Me -- get Dale to screw my mother?""Why not? I'll bet he's been eyeing her; she's lovely enough to attract men and boys of all ages.""Yeah," Carey breathed. "That's for sure. But -- yeah; I'll tell him. We can work it out, Dale and me, and I'll back him up, in case he gets scared or something. Then nobody will try to ship us all off to camp, right?""That's the idea," Regina said. "Think you can find him this afternoon?"He moved close to her and she saw the hard bulge in his jeans; if he had jacked off in the closet, he was ready again. "Right after you fuck me, Mrs. Abbott. I can't stand it any longer, hearing you and Mom talk about fucking each other's husbands, then listening to you, watching you, kiss each other and get ready to make it tonight. My cock is about to split, it's so hard."Regina edged away. "Damn it, we can't! I don't know where Bill is, or when the kids will come home, or -- okay, Carey. Let's duck out into the back yard, and I'll take the edge off you."Behind the barbecue pit was a lilac bush, thick now with leaves and blooms. Leading him to it, she went down on her knees, turned where she could face the house and know when anyone came in."Come on, darling," she said. "Take it out of your pants."Wide-eyed, he stared down at her, his hand fumbling with his zipper. "You-you mean..."She helped him, unhooked the top snap of the jeans and drew them far down his slim legs. His prick jumped out like a flagpole, neat and purple-shiny on its eager head where the drop of clear, slippery juice trembled in the sun."I'm going to suck your sweet cock," she said, fondling his lightly haired balls and using her fingertips to caress the pulsating shaft. "I'm going to eat your prick, Carey. It's the first time for you, isn't it -- the very first time you're putting your prick into anyone's mouth?""Yes," he said, "y-yes, ma'am. But you -- I -- you -- "She shut him up by bringing her face forward and kissing the droplet of pre-seminal fluid from the tip of his prick. He gasped in sudden shock, and she put both hands around to take the boy by the smooth cheeks of his slim young ass, so she could hold him in position. Then Regina put her tongue to the throbbing bulb, tasting the wetness, the sponginess and the inner hardness there, tasting the very essence of the boy.Sucking the knob into her lips, she worried it some with her teeth, delighted to hear him moan above her, joyous at the movement of his crotch and the hands that came gently down to caress her hair.Regina drew his cockhead deeper, pulled it over her tongue and across the roof of her mouth, bringing it back to touch the velvet cup of her throat. A shudder ran through the boy and she dug her nails into his ass to hold him up; for a second there, she thought his knees were going to buckle and let him collapse.Sticking the tip of her tongue into the slot of his prick head, she pushed it deep as it would go, then drew it out to run hotly and wetly around the circumcised rim. As she slid her mouth back, Carey kept trembling, but gave a little wiggle of his crotch that told her he was picking up the rhythm, getting the idea.He loved it, adored the way she used her lips and tongue on his slippery cock; she could tell by the panting, the uncoordinated movements of his pelvis and the way his delicious young prick bobbed inside her mouth. Regina began to suck it then, dipping her cheeks in, then puffing them back out, pulling his cock deep, then shoving it back with her tongue.Her hands were busy, too -- one of them cupping his balls, squeezing and tickling, the other toying with the base, the shaft, playing with it as she continued to suck. Carey jerked uncontrollably, held to her head and started to actually fuck her face, pumping his cock into her throat, pulling it to him in preparation for another long and lunging stroke.She rode with him, biting sometimes, lapping sometimes, always drawing his beautiful prick as deep as she could possibly take it. Regina caressed his ass, trailed her fingers into the cleft, brought them around to his balls again. The speed of his thrusts increased, and she closed her eyes, waiting, helping, hurrying along the sky-rocketing burst of semen that was swiftly building to release.It came with tender violence, in a fountain of come that gushed hotly into her throat, passing over the roof of her mouth and sliding greasy along her trembling tongue. It came with a hissing ejaculation that bathed her inner cheeks with the treasured juices of his balls, and Regina lost herself totally in the gulping of the precious stream.Faintly musky, slightly sour and slightly sweet, the semen was thrilling in the exotic blending of its flavors, delicious as it oozed down her straining avid throat. She drank it lasciviously, siphoning for more and more, until at last the quivering spurts diminished into nothingness.Still, she clung to the boy's ass, chewed lightly upon his prick and licked at a drying head. Regina had forgotten that she'd led him out here under the lilac bush to get rid of him quickly, before he could compromise her in her own home. She forgot everything except the fantastic intimacy that eating a cock brought her, the feeling of both dominance and passivity.Only when Carey Baker wavered and held to her head for support, did she let up on him, allowing his prized shaft to slide from her reluctant lips. It made a plopping sound, and she couldn't resist moving her lips along the pole to nuzzle briefly into the shaggy blackness of his pubic hair.Carey's crotch hair would be the same color as his mother's, she thought, and probably of the same general texture. Breathing deeply, Regina sat back from the boy and knew a moment of envy for her husband. Bill Abbott had already tasted the honey of Stella's mound, through both his tongue and his prick. Tonight, she thought -- tonight."Mrs. Abbott," Carey sighed, "that was -- it was so great, so far-out -- I wanted to cry and yell and faint, kind of."She stood up. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, dear. Your daddy gets a big kick out of it, too. He taught both your mom and me how to do it, you know -- how to eat prick."For some reason, she wanted to hurt him just a little, and by the stricken look on his face, she had succeeded. Maybe it was because he was going to get her own son into a situation where Dale could also fuck Stella Baker. Was she jealous of her own son, too?"Hey," she said contritely, "I didn't mean that badly. Before very long, we'll all be swinging together. Maybe you can make it with Bill and me, or your father and me.""I -- I'd like that," he said. "I think."She watched him closely as he pulled up his shorts and jeans, as his still-rigid prick was tucked safely from sight. "But you'd rather fuck your mother?"Carey flinched visibly, and dropped his eyes. "I -- I didn't say that. I mean, after all, she's my mom, and just because I helped you and my dad, and Mr. Abbott..."She said it softly, wonderingly, because now it was very plain to her: "You want to fuck your mother more than anything in the world."He swallowed and his face went red. "She -- one time I got to see her do it with my dad. It was -- it was crazy, and I hid in their bedroom closet and jacked off three times while I watched his prick slide in and out of her beautiful, beautiful pussy. Three times I came, and it was like I hadn't come at all, because when she moaned and shook that gorgeous little ass, when she told him how good his cock felt, it was like I could go over and pull him out from between her legs and fuck her myself, all night long, fuck her over and over and over, rolling around in that wonderful cunt until I just died."Regina touched his face tenderly. "Poor darling, to need so much, to suffer so much. I'll help you. Honest I will. One way or another, you'll get to screw your mom, and soon."* Chapter 10 *Breathlessly, Regina waited, being a peeper again, but with a vast difference this time. Now she wasn't screwing anyone; she was crouching in the hallway of the Baker home, waiting for Stella to come out of the bathroom into her bedroom.Her son Dale was already in the bedroom, jittery and pale, but with a set to his jaw that meant he was determined to carry this event through to the finish. Regina's heart beat very fast, with him and for him, and her fingernails dug into the wood of the door through which she peeped.Carey Baker had been very fast, finding Dale down at the drugstore and setting the whole thing up within an hour. She couldn't believe it had taken only that long, when Carey called her on the phone to tell her he had Dale in the house. She'd better come right over, he said, because his mother was in the shower and nobody else was home yet.He'd stand guard below, and keep anyone from coming upstairs, he said -- if she wanted to be in on it. And of course, Regina had wanted to be in on it, wanted to see and hear it all from the very beginning. She had run across the yards and through the kitchen and practically leaped up the stairs past a shaky boy at the foot of them.And now she saw her son standing slim-hipped and a little scared, standing almost as tall as his father, but slimmer and with her own coloring.He looked golden in his teeshirt and jeans, his hair long and wavy, the profile of his face like something from an ancient coin. Regina knew a dart of pain in her belly, an uncertainty, an envy that made her mouth bitter. Stella would have this beautiful young man; Stella would take him on the bed there, feeding upon his bronzed beauty.She came from the bathroom with a fluffy towel around her hips, her firm, high tits bouncing, their nipples not yet erect, but ripe as olives. When she saw the waiting boy, Stella stopped in mid-stride and tried to make the towel cover the rest of her freshly scrubbed, lithe body; it didn't make it. One breast was still exposed, and one thigh gleamed darkly."Dale! What-what the hell?!"He said it rapidly: "I -- I know you've been making it with my dad, and I can prove it. Do you -- I mean -- I can show Polaroid pictures to your kids. And you -- you wouldn't want that."Staring through the crack in the door, Regina watched Stella's shocked face and realized that the woman was still about half-smashed from the brandy they had downed earlier. When the first surprise faded from Stella's eyes, it was replaced by a hot, calculating glow."No," Stella said, "I guess I wouldn't want that. So why did you sneak into my bedroom and tell me? Do you want money?"He shook his head, his hands clenched at his thighs. "No; n-no money. I want -- I want -- "Stella smiled, a feral and wet smile. "Me? I'm your payoff, Dale? If you want me, go on and say it.""Yes," he managed. "Damn it -- I want you, Mrs. Baker. Very badly. If there was some other way -- but there isn't, and I don't care what I have to do, to make you swing with me. I want you that much."Stella let the towel drop to the floor, and the boy's eyes followed it only so far down, then fixed upon the furry blackness of her pubic mound. She said, "That's nice, Dale; being wanted that much, so much that you'd dare this. Is it just because I've been screwing your father, and you think I'm a pushover?"He shook his head, and Regina felt very sorry for him. "No," he said. "I've always wanted to -- to screw you, Mrs. Baker. It's been one of my dreams."She was purring now, taking one slow gliding step after the other toward him, "Nice; I like that. I really like that. And you don't have to threaten me, Dale Abbott. I've been watching you for a long time, also. Only I had no idea how to go about making you; none at all. That's solved now, isn't it?"She was against him, her tits boring into his chest, her hands sliding over his hips, her own lower body making a slow, sensuous motion."I guess so," he sighed, his hands going around her, dipping like golden swallows for the round hummocks of her ass.She walked him back the couple of steps to the bed, and they went down on it together. Regina's breath caught in her throat as she watched the near-savage attack Stella was making upon her son. The woman had the boy peeled from his clothing in a matter of a few panting seconds, and was wiggling all over him. It was only when they rolled side by side that Regina got her first look at Dale's prick.It was long and round; it was white as the strip of untanned skin around his ass, but it was lovely. The head was purple, the veins artistically placed around the pulsing shaft. Beautiful, Regina thought, modeled to perfection, as were the golden-haired balls below it. Her son's cock; not his dingle or his peepee, but his prick; his male, man's organ called a prick.They were kissing hungrily, and Regina could catch swift glimpses of Stella's tongue as it darted into Dale's open lips. She saw his hands cupping the woman's round tits, saw his pelvis hunching at her belly, and watched the gleaming length of that stiff prick sliding across the tender skin of Stella's groin."Take him!" she hissed. "Take him into your cunt and fuck him!"Her heart was threatening to run away, her pulse pounding erratically in her throat, nearly choking her, and Regina knew such excitement that it was dizzying. She leaned her shoulder against the door frame and braced her suddenly weakened legs, but she would not stop looking, could not.Stella slid deftly beneath Dale, positioning herself in the age-old stance of the female ready for the male to mount. But even though Dale was trembling all over, he didn't immediately crawl on top of the woman. His face reached down and found the conical hills of her tits, rubbing his cheeks into them, rubbing his nose back and forth over the stiffly erect nipples.Then he licked at one, pulled it into his mouth and sucked. His hands were running all over Stella's lower body, and she crooned to him, petting him as he felt the hills and valleys of her flesh. Dale's hand eased between her shapely thighs to find the rich warmth of her mound, and Regina saw the slow smile that spread upon Stella's lips."That's right, Dale -- feel me, taste my tit, love me. I want you just as wildly as you want me -- you're such a handsome boy. I need someone young and virile, someone strong to fuck me. Slip your finger into my pussy, Dale -- ahh, that's good. Oh yes -- wiggle it around and find the clit. It's up under the little hood, darling -- ahh!"Now her son was moving between the spread and knees-up legs, his beautiful prick standing straight out, the purple head of it gleaming. Regina stared breathlessly as the cockhead approached the thickly-bushed cunt, as it settled into the scarlet labia. She saw the tightening of her son's naked ass, saw the steady penetration of his prick as the knob slipped into Stella's well-lubricated cunt-lips.The length of his cock disappeared, and his golden balls swung down to nestle lovingly into the cleft of Stella's uptilted ass. He had a good grip on her thighs and kind of hung still for a long, loving moment before backing out his prick for another stroke, and his shaft glistened with the woman's cunt juices as he did so."Wonderful, wonderful," Stella said, her arms around his neck and her tits crushed tightly to his chest. "Oh Dale, your prick is so hard and wonderful. Fuck me deep, darling -- fuck me strong and deep and for a long, long time!"Regina sucked in some air, held it in her lungs to steady herself. Her own cunt was throbbing insanely, and her tits ached. Her son was fucking Stella Baker, screwing her with powerful, bottom-touching thrusts; her son, and she was jealous. She wanted, craved, that lovely young cock for herself, and be damned to whatever moralistic nonsense that said no.Stella gyrated her entire lower body, shook her ass and hunched her crotch up to the steadily-stroking prick. She bit the boy's throat and lanced his back with her fingernails, moaning and gasping as she did so."Oh darling, darling! Stick it to me, sweet boy -- pour that prick to me, stuff my cunt with it, ram it home to the balls. Oh, Dale -- oh, you lovely, stiff-dicked boy!"The words rang familiarly in Regina's head, and she recalled that she'd said something of the kind herself, to another boy -- to Stella's son Carey. Tit for tat, or ass for ass, but that wasn't what Regina needed now. She needed the same cock Stella was getting, the very special prick that was ramrodding Stella's fortunate pussy."Mrs. Baker -- Stella -- you're so hot and slippery inside, so tight -- narrow as a girl's pussy -- feels so good, so good."The pace was fast and furious, their bodies blurring, twisting sweatily together in sinuous coilings and uncoilings. They kissed, their mouths glued together, but their groans of rapture escaped anyway. They couldn't keep it up, Regina thought, it was impossible to keep up that kind of fucking without -- "Coming," Dale panted. "oh -- oh wow! -- I'm coming!""Me, too! I'm coming, too -- darling, darling! Shove that prick to me, fuck me -- ohhh! Fuck me!"Regina clawed the door, bit her lower lip until it threatened to bleed, and knew a moment of incredible lightheadedness. Maybe she reached a quick orgasm, a fleeting climax; she could never be certain. She knew that she somehow identified with the lovely woman, squirming upon her son's prick, that Regina seemed to become Stella for a bright slice of time.It was over as quickly, even while Dale's balls were still leaping upward to hurl the volcanic eruption of his semen into the clenching cunt around his embedded prick. She was herself, once more Regina Abbott, but never truly again the same Regina after witnessing her son fucking a woman.Had she always had this morbid desire for Dale? She didn't think so, at least, not until a few years ago, when he stopped being a baby and started to turn into a man. Regina stared awhile longer at the two of them curled on the bed, at the exquisite sinking of her son's cock in the loving caress of Stella's hot pussy.Then, with an effort, she straightened and turned away from the door. Her legs moved awkwardly, stiffly, to carry her along the hallway and down the stairs. She made it out into the yard and through the hedges, but then her legs failed her and she collapsed to sit upon the edge of her own barbecue pit.That was where Carey Baker joined her. His face was red and there was a stunned look in his eyes that almost matched her own glazed expression. He said quietly, "That was something, wasn't it? I couldn't take it any longer, just standing guard, so I took the ladder around to the side of the house and climbed up to peep in the window. Man oh man, but Dale really put the meat to my mom, didn't he? She didn't look like she was resisting any, shaking her ass and yelling like that for him to fuck her, fuck her."Regina unclenched her hands and looked down at them in surprise. "No, Stella didn't resist. If you'd been there earlier, you'd have heard her say that she's been watching him for years, hoping for some way to get together. Well, she sure got together with him. You saw how fast they were screwing. It didn't last long, but it was hectic while it did. And nobody has come back down yet; they're probably fucking again -- or else your mom is teaching my son the joys of oral sex, going down on him."Carey said, "They're probably still fucking. I know if I had my prick in my mother's pussy, I'd never want to pull it out again. She's a really hot piece of ass, my mom; she's beautiful and sexy and she loves to be fucked. I only hope she'll fuck me, soon."Regina put her hand over the boy's. "I'm sure there'll be a way. We'll work it out.""How'd you dig it?" he asked. "Seeing your son screw my mother?""I -- I enjoyed it," Regina answered. "I really did. It kind of shook me up, but I -- well, maybe I realized something, watching them fuck so wildly.""Like you want to fuck Dale, too?"She nodded. "Something like that. But my husband mustn't know. He's all wrapped up in sharing me with your daddy, but I'm not at all sure how he'd feel about his own kid sticking me. I'm not sure how I feel about it, either. I mean, I want him, want to screw him, to feel that marvelous young prick in me -- but will I actually do it? I don't know.""Maybe my mom is thinking something like that," Carey said. "Worrying about my dad and all. She might be wondering how it would be, to fuck me. I hope so. Oh man, I hope so."Regina squeezed his hand. "You're an attractive, horny boy, and I'm sure she's thinking of it. I'll help you, Carey. Now I have to help you get into your own mother, so the opportunity will come for me, too. I'll get to her when she's -- all hot and excited, and we'll talk about you, about Dale.""Tonight," he said. "Try to make it tonight?""I will," she promised. "And maybe you can sneak Dale into the house, the two of you see what goes on between both sets of your parents? That way, he wouldn't be so scared of me."He grinned and put a hand between his legs. "We'll be there."* Chapter 11 *They had the lights low, and two shakers of icy martinis, and the stereo going softly in the background. Regina looked around at the way Bill had helped her arrange the couches facing each other, with nothing in between. It looked good; in fact, it looked perfect, and she was happy to know where the two girls were -- over at a friend's house for the night.The boys would be watching from over there somewhere, through an opening left in the window curtains. She glanced that way now, and knew an additional thrill, because they were probably already in place and anxious for the show to get underway.They'd be seeing their mothers and fathers screwing, watching them change over and share, eyeing the oral sex that was sure to follow the first frenzied releases of passions. And after that, what? She had promised Stella there would be time for them to know each other, when the men were too worn down to object. She and Stella would make love, however two women did it.That should turn everybody on, the men and the hidden boys, and maybe there would be some mixed-up sharing then. The poor boys would just have to sweat it out, until possibly later. If not that night, then there was always tomorrow.She smoothed her thin dressing gown and lifted her nipples against the material, standing tall and sleek, hoping that her son was getting a good view. When she moved, she allowed the robe to fall back from her smooth thighs, showing off her long legs to best advantage.Bill wore a robe, too; it was his white terry-cloth, and he looked good in it, his hairy legs muscled and stocky. They had decided on robes as the best to wear, since they were the easiest to get out of. Regina had called the idea to Stella, who agreed.She hadn't yet said anything to Stella about screwing Dale, and she wouldn't, until sometime later in the evening. Then she'd also have to confess to fucking Carey. By then, it shouldn't matter, and since each of the women now had three lovers, there was no good reason they shouldn't add a fourth.Wild, Regina thought, wild. Fucking two men and two boys, with one of the boys her own son; if that wasn't a bizarre arrangement, she didn't know what could be. And the setup would probably get even more strange later on. She had no intention of stopping now, no desire to pull back without tasting all the ecstasies she could gather.She smiled at her husband. "Ready, darling?"He flipped back his robe and she saw his prick erect, the bulbous end glowing, the shaft thick and heavy. "Yeah," he said, "I'm ready. I've had a hard-on for an hour."Regina touched it. "Nice, Bill; have you thought of what we ought to do first?"He snorted. "No plans; just whatever comes naturally. Or whatever isn't natural. I don't imagine Chuck will want to fuck his own wife first, though. Here -- have another drink with me.""Sure, but let's not get too much of a head start on the Bakers, though." She accepted the cold martini and took a gulp from the glass. It helped key up her own courage, as had the others she'd downed before. And if she wasn't mistaken, Stella Baker was belting the juice pretty good about now.The door sounded and they both jumped. Bill retained presence of mind enough to yell "come on in!" instead of going to greet them. They were friends and neighbors, and if any of them felt awkward now, it wasn't the time to show it.Stella was stunning in a scarlet robe, a new one she must have dashed out to buy; it was long and slinky, touched with fake white fur that set off her midnight hair and opened when she walked to reveal the flawless olive skin of her legs. Her tits made the thin material stand out, and the twin cones of her nipples showed plainly -- if anything about Stella could be called plain. Even her hairdo was special, piled high and exotic, and she wore false lashes.Chuck hung back some, wrapped in a Japanese yukata and wearing rubber scuffs on his feet. Regina went straight to him, holding out a martini, locking eyes with him before she kissed him on the mouth."Well," Stella laughed, with that huskiness in her voice that said she was already high, "if that's the way it's going to be right from the start."She held Bill close when she kissed him, and her tongue flashed wetly as it worked in and out of his mouth. Her hips rolled suggestively beneath the filmy red robe, showing the modeling of her ass, and she pressed her body into his.Over Stella's shoulder, Bill lifted his eyebrows, grinned and shrugged. Chuck grinned back, and the ice was broken. They had a few drinks and the music urged them to dance. Regina had almost forgotten the hidden onlookers as she glided smoothly with Chuck, feeling the bulge of his erection beneath his robe.It was a mutual movement, a silent agreement that sent them drifting toward the couches. Bill sank down with Stella, and Regina floated down with Chuck. They did things to each other, feeling and caressing, kissing and fondling, but each couple watched the other.Regina was first to drop her dressing gown, and as it disappeared, Chuck was at her tits, first with eager hands and then with a hungry mouth. Stroking his red-brown hair, Regina looked over at the others and smiled sensuously. She slid down as Chuck nibbled her tits and cupped her damp mound, stretched beside him so that she could take his prick in hand and show it to the on-lookers.Stella wasn't to be outdone; she grabbed Bill's ready cock and stroked it, bent swiftly to kiss it, and Regina heard her husband's gasp of shock. But Stella didn't mean to suck him off then; she pushed him back upon the couch and placed one knee on each side of him, still fondling his hard cock as she smiled down at him, then over at her husband and Regina.The other woman eased her furry crotch down upon Bill's upright prick, and as the flanged head slipped into her pussy lips, she said: "Look, Chuck -- isn't this what you wanted to see -- Bill fucking your wife?""Yeah," Chuck grunted, and Regina felt his cock reaching blindly for the entrance of her labia, searching and prodding for the slippery cleft so he could also fuck.She guided it in for him, turned so that she was under his body -- as Stella had done earlier that day, to fuck young Dale -- and so they could both watch the scene on the other couch. Only a few feet separated them, only a short distance between the two men and the women they were beginning to fuck. The fun part was that the wives and husbands didn't match, that technically they should only be screwing their legal mates. And seeing anyone else put his prick into the cunt of another man's wife was an unthinkable sight.But there it was, and here they were, and as Chuck's prick sank thrillingly to the haft inside of Regina's oily pussy, across the way Stella slid all the way down on Bill's meat pole.Regina ground her cunt on Chuck's rod, felt it slide in and out and gripped the soapy shaft with the muscles of her vagina, bearing down whenever the meaty club slid over her pulsating clitoris. It felt better somehow, more daring, more exciting, because her husband was watching her roll her ass, because her lover's wife was staring at the way Regina was eating up the hard cock with her pussy lips."Fuck her, Chuck," Stella said. "Put it to her good, darling -- because I'm getting a -- oohh! -- wonderful prick here. It's away up in my pussy, Chuck. Look, darling -- Bill has it in all the way up to his balls."And Regina answered, "Your husband's cock is adorable. See it slip in and out, Bill? Look at the way Chuck shoves it to me, how he's screwing this cunt you always considered your personal property. Oh, Chuck -- keep fucking me, baby!"Only then did Regina remember about the eyes staring entranced through the far window, and hoped that the lights were bright enough for the two boys to make out every detail of the erotic action. She knew that Carey Baker must be concentrating upon his mother's movements, and that her own son was devouring her with his eyes, this second, seeing his hot mother with another man's prick pumping in her snatch.Was Dale going out of his head with desire? Did he want to leap into the room with his prick in hand, to take turns with Chuck Baker? He did, she felt; oh, he did!The idea turned her on more with Chuck, made her really put on a show for them all. She shook her ass and humped her pelvis, rolled her hips and made her belly do grinding tricks. Her hands cupped the balls that swung with increasing speed into the wet crack of her ass; her hands stroked Chuck's buttocks, ran light-fingered over his back to his neck, and as her eyes turned glazed in the throes of her heat, she nibbled down the hairy, heaving chest and found one of his hard little nipples to bite upon.Chuck shivered violently, and pounded his cock into her pussy, hammered it in there like a pile driver gone amok, and she loved his roughness, loved the animal brutality of it. Her head bounced with every thrust, and she got one foot off the couch, onto the floor so she could brace her ass for the continuing assault.The other foot waved in the air, lifted of its own volition, flapping back and forth with the driving rhythm of Chuck's strokes. Now she was really being fucked, and the sensation drove everything else from her mind -- her staring husband and Stella riding his prick, her son and Stella's son at the far window -- everything fled except the tom-tom beating reality of the fucking that Chuck Baker was giving her."Uh!" she grunted, and "Ummm!" she moaned, when she had been trying to make words, but no words came out, only the animal noises of rutting.She was faintly conscious of the other couple, saw the sporadic movements of them on the couch, but they registered only as naked blurs in her mind. She fucked her lover back with all the power at her command, with the strength of her cunt and the gyrations of her ass and the attacks of her pelvis. She took his strokes and turned them back on him, grinding on his shaft, trying to pinch the head off his cock.Her nails were raking into the cheeks of his sweaty ass, and she heard the slurp-slosh! noises of his prick hammering into the juicy, suctioning hole of her pussy. Somehow, her panting mouth found his, and somehow she managed to get enough air, even as she tongued him and bit his lips."You bitch!" he gasped. "Oh, you hot-assed bitch -- lay it up to me, Regina, you prick-crazy woman -- come on, come on! I'm about to come -- to -- come -- AHH!"And the molten lava of his prick burst like a shower of wet sparks into the farthest reaches of her flexing vagina, rained thick and creamily upon the gaping mouth of her cervix, and began to soak, burrowing into the walls of her pussy.She bucked upon the stilled rod of his cock, twisted her pussy in near-agony upon the deeply seated prick and knew the moment of glory when the universe wheeled about her head. She came, and her legs straightened out to shudder. She came, her asshole twitching and her belly in knots.At the far rim of reality, she heard the moaning of Stella Baker, and the words the other woman was using to lash Bill into a furious screwing, too. Eyes closed, Regina lay limply with Chuck's throbbing cock buried in her pussy, knowing one ripple after another of bright and searing rapture as it pinwheeled out from her clit, out through her trembling vagina, out to the reaches of her belly and the racing juices of her entire inflamed body.Oh, she thought; it was marvelous to come so violently that the world was lost in the orgasm. It was fantastic to come so completely that the world centered itself in the joys of her cunt.Deep breaths wracked her body almost like sobs, and two fat tears went sliding from beneath her lashes to speed down her cheeks. Only truly well-fucked women could know what it was to cry for happiness, she thought. When the tears were gone, she turned her head once more, and peered at the other couch as the waves of her climax subsided for the moment.She saw them relaxed, Stella flopped over upon his chest now, but with the base of his prick still protruding from the steamy ring of her cunt lips. The other woman's ass was so smooth, so faultless, and it contracted so beautifully, smoothed again in such a lovely fashion.Chuck lifted himself carefully from her supine body, pulled out his cock with a gulping sound and sat back, sweat pouring down his chest and hairy belly. He felt around and found the remains of his last martini.Regina sat up, too, blowing hair out of her eyes, still a bit dizzy from the far-out experience. Putting her feet on the floor, she breathed deeply for another long moment before standing up. The martini pitcher seemed very heavy, but she managed to pour herself one, and was grateful for the icy tang in her mouth, for the jolt of gin in her stomach.She felt a hand on her hip, and turned to look her husband in the eyes. He was intent, his face shining. "Regina -- that was terrific, but I want -- I want you now. Can we...""Give me a second," she said. "I'm a little wobbly, but I'm certainly willing. Are you ready to go again, so soon?""I will be," he said, "if I can get around a couple of drinks. What a sight you were, darling -- fucking like the proverbial mink, screwing so fast that your ass was a blur.""Yes," she said, "Chuck was really savage this time. Did you fuck Stella the same way?""Best I could," he said, downing a martini in three swallows. "She's a lot of little woman."Smiling, Regina toasted the other couple with her glass. "I'll drink to that -- and to the upcoming orgy."Behind her, she could feel eyes boring into her naked back; the boys were watching and yearning, but she could do nothing for them -- yet.* Chapter 12 *It was only a little strange, Regina thought, for the four of them to be sitting at the bar naked, eating and drinking with almost the same composure they would have maintained if they had been fully clothed.She looked at Stella's bare tits, and the half-hard pricks of both men, and served the snacks without a bobble. She'd decided on light snacks for replenishment, rich stuff that wasn't heavy, depending mostly upon the liquor to keep the party rolling -- the gin, and the urgent lust they were all displaying, plus the interest they all obviously had in each other.Regina thought of the boys, and hoped they were making out all right. If they hadn't already jacked off, they would before long, because what she had in mind next would run any watcher up the wall. She wanted both men to work on her, or on Stella -- and if their strength held out, for the four of them to somehow tie it all in together.Changing tapes on the stereo, she mixed another pitcher of drinks and moved the snack trays out of the way. One by one, she kissed them all, Chuck, Bill and lastly, Stella. Lingering upon Stella's lips, she murmured, "I'll take them both on, if that's all right with you.""Go ahead," Stella said. "I'll get mine later -- and I'm not forgetting your promise for you and me."Regina kissed her again, and this time dared to cup Stella's tits, feeling the warm satin of them, feeling the nipples rise at her touch. "I remember, darling."Turning to the men, she said, "All right, gentlemen -- which of you gets which end of me? I want both of you in me."They glanced quickly at each other, her husband and her lover. Bill's face turned pink, and Chuck wore a sheepish grin when he said, "Husband first, I guess."Bill said quietly, "I'd like to fuck her, and maybe change over after. She's carrying your fresh come in her pussy, Chuck, so I'd like to feel it on my prick.""Okay," Chuck answered. "Then Regina can blow me at the same time." Glancing at his wife he said, "You'll be okay, Stella?""Sure," Stella said. "I'll just watch, and join in when I can. It's all very exciting, dear."Rolling her hips, Regina walked from the bar and to the center of the room. She took a pillow from the couch and placed it on the floor, then stretched out to put her head on it. Holding up her arms and spreading her legs, she said to her husband: "Come on, Bill -- put that cock in me; climb on top of me and get between my thighs and shove your prick into my cunt. Chuck just fucked me a little while ago, and he left some jelly stuff inside my pussy."Bill was trembling when he knelt between her legs, and his cock was now standing stiffly out, the head of it swollen and reddish lavender, beginning to leak just a bit. His hand touched her dewy cunt, felt gently over the curly pubic hairs and caressed the damp labia. She smiled hotly up at him and rolled her ass, ground her pelvis to show him how eager she was, and how ready to accept his cock.He prodded her mound with the head of his prick, rubbed the knob up and down her soft lips a few times before guiding it into the opening and giving a long, hard push. Bill's shaft slid into her vagina, and her pussy lips clung lovingly around it, her cunt walls closed adoringly upon it, and she gave a little sigh of affection as he pushed the head of his prick all the way home."That's nice, darling," she said. "I'm very sensitive in there, so soon after being screwed by another man. Do you feel Chuck's come in me, darling? Am I hotter and juicier?"Bill groaned in answer, and pushed his palms under the cheeks of her ass so he could lift her pelvis to him for another long and penetrating stroke. She looked beyond him to where Chuck Baker stood, his pole in hand and his hairy thighs spread apart to show the sac of his balls.He moved slowly around them, until he stood above her head. She stared up at the jutting shaft above her, at the furry sac and the powerful legs. A new thrill shot through her when her husband continued to thrust feverishly into her clinging pussy.Chuck lowered himself carefully, spreading his knees as he squatted. His prick came down, down, and she looked up wide-eyed at the writhing network of veins beneath the rounded trunk, at the glistening head that had only a few minutes before been buried in her cunt.Tilting her chin up and her head back, Regina reached for the male shaft, took it in her fingers and drew the knob of it down until she could kiss it.She murmured, "Oh, how lovely it is. Look, Bill -- I'm kissing Chuck's prick, touching the end of my tongue into the slot, licking at the juice there. Oh, it tastes so good, so sexy! Watch me, my husband, while I take the head of this beautiful cock into my mouth and suck on it."She felt her husband's prick cram itself to the balls as she opened her lips to the cock above her face. Chuck lowered himself, bent at the belly so that she could take his cock into her mouth. She did it gladly, hungrily, lapping furiously at the spongy head and around its rim, then sucking half the length of the cock itself down her throat. Her teeth were gently teasing around the stem, and her cheeks sucked in from the pull she exerted upon it.Chuck fed the meat into her mouth, into her throat, and it was a different sensation from the other time she had sucked him off, because now his prick was upside down.She came immediately after her husband, hunching wildly to bruise her clitoris against the stem of his prick, swinging her ass madly in the ecstatic throes of her orgasm. And of course, Regina sucked crazily on Chuck's rod, pulled and licked and nibbled, and just as her own climax was fading, he loosed another boiling stream of come into her body.The musky taste of it, the male flavor of the seminal river, turned her on all over again, and she gobbled noisily on the prick as it continued to ejaculate in slowly ebbing spurts of passion.One cock in her mouth, another in her cunt; one blast of come in her pussy, another sliding greasily down her throat -- it was mind breaking, a tempestuous roaring of color and sight and sound, a flaring of all things hot and all things tickly.Bill pulled his prong out of her, backed it from the clench of her jealous cunt, and her legs moved weakly as he did so. Then Chuck took his prick from her lips, and a leftover dribble of semen ran down her chin. She had barely gotten her eyes open again when the men had reversed positions. Bill was now at her head, and Chuck at her belly.Quickly, as eagerly as if neither of them had fucked in a month, they stuck the pricks to her. Laxly, her mouth took in her husband's cock, and she realized it was strongly flavored with her own pussy oils. Without resistance, her labia parted wet and greasy to let in Chuck's rod.Prick in her pussy, cock in her mouth -- all over again; the same, but different. Her cunt responded to the new feel of Chuck's shaft by flexing hotly around it, and her clit thrummed with additional life. She licked the head of her husband's cock, licked the oozing semen and the taste of her personal inner lubrication.Someone was fondling her tits, and a finger was working tenderly into the convulsive ring of her asshole. The prick moved with sensuous rhythm within her vagina, and the prick slid with insistence within her mouth.They held her ass and they held her head. They fucked and she siphoned, and Regina didn't think she would be able to rise so quickly to yet another climax, but she did. She came suddenly and violently, her pussy sloshing with the hot lotions of the come, that had already been deposited there. She felt liquid, felt turned into milk or honey or cream.Tiring, she slacked off on working over her husband's prick, but Bill didn't slow up. Thrusting the head of his cock far back into her lax throat, he screwed her mouth with the same dedication that he had applied to her pussy. And when he came, the rush of searing juice almost choked her, but she swallowed it all down.And when Chuck exploded his next release of semen into her overworked pussy, Regina only moaned with happiness and felt the overflow drip from her cunt to puddle stickily in the crack of her ass.She went weak and floating, and in a stage of semi-sleep, knew dimly that the men were removing their shafts from her listless body. One of them helped her to a sitting position, and the other held a glass of cold martini to her lips. Gratefully, she drained the glass, swallowing this chaser of gin behind the double shots of semen she had downed.A little stronger, she was lifted and balanced upon her feet, then led to the bar where they helped her to climb upon a stool. Stella Baker refilled her glass and said, "That does it for the night, with these guys. They'll never manage to get it up again; not after coming three times each.""I-I'm sorry, Stella," Regina breathed hoarsely. "I didn't mean to cut you out of more fun. It just happened."Stella caressed her cheek. "That's all right, darling. You and I don't have to raise hard-ons; that's a nice thing about being a woman. We can swing just about any time we want.""And we will," Regina promised. "I'm kind of dragged out just now, but give me another drink and a breather, and I want to make it with you, Stella. I really do.""I know," Stella said. She poured drinks for the two men who were now sitting limply upon stools, too. "You guys had your ball, and before long, I'm going to have mine -- with Regina. What do you think about that?"Bill nodded. "I think it's fine."Chuck said, "You and Regina -- like lesbians?""Like lovers," she corrected him. "Like fucking.""Sure," Chuck said. "It just didn't register with me at first; kind of a shock. I never knew you felt that way about women.""I didn't either," Stella said, lifting her glass and peering into its depths. "And I may not feel that way -- except for Regina. Besides, it will open up all sorts of new things for us, different possibilities.""Yeah," Bill Abbott breathed, almost with reverence.Regina finished her drink and started on another one. Her lips were slightly numb and her head was buzzing, but she was beginning to feel good again. She looked over at the strip of darkness between the curtains at the far window and wondered how the boys had taken that last wild scene.How did Dale feel, seeing his mother suck one man's cock while his father fucked her? And when the men had changed over, so that she ate his dad's prick and Chuck screwed her -- had that driven Dale out of his skull? She wondered what he thought of the motherly image now, if he considered her to be a complete bitch.That's how she wanted it, wanted her son to see her as she was, a hot, passionate woman who had finally kicked off all her hang-ups and wanted to fuck.Dale could take it from there, if he had the guts to approach his own mother with his prick in hand. If not, she would do the approaching.* Chapter 13 *Rousing enough to mumble assent to her husband's idea of taking the girls to the beach for the day, Regina fell asleep again almost immediately. She was warm and snug in bed, and it was hours before she woke again.Then she was still snug, but now alert to the fact that it wasn't her own bed, that she had slept in with Stella Baker last night. She pressed her tits into the other woman's back, and her mound into the trimly delightful shapings of Stella's ass. Swift images of the previous night flashed through her mind, pictures of what she had done with both men, then the more vivid, truly ardent scene she had made with Stella.It had been something else, that intertwining, that soft seeking, that gentle stimulation that led finally to a marvelous orgasm, the crowning emotion of the entire night. And it had also been the last arousal, because Regina simply melted, after that. She barely recalled being helped up to bed, and she'd fallen right into a dreamless sleep."Mmmm-oh hi," Stella said, turning onto her back and fluttering her lashes, those sooty lashes so thick and black. "Morning, darling -- you, look terrific, as always."Regina slid an arm across Stella's tummy. "You look better than that; you look delicious.""Do I? I feel kind of sticky." Her eyes found Regina's and turned warm. "Last night -- oh, darling.""Yes," Regina said, hugging her friend, her lover. "I know what you mean. It was wonderful for me, too. Maybe it really takes a woman to create the sharpest climax in another woman. Oh, I go crazy over the others, too -- but what we did to each other was something pretty special."Stella's lips were ripe and near; she brought them closer for a kiss. Her tits turned and pressed into Regina's; both sets of nipples turned hard, and Stella said, "I never did it with a woman before, and I know you didn't either. So both of us were sort of cherries for each other.""That's a pretty way to think of it. Shall we start the day right?"They turned the kiss into a searching one, and their tits moved back and forth, fitting into their valleys, compressing, releasing. Their cunts met and blended as their tongues were blending, and the heat began to spread from their minds to their increasingly active bodies."So sweet," Regina murmured as her teeth raked gently over the other woman's. "So fiery and laced with honey.""You're fabulous," Stella sighed, and her hand was the first to sneak between their bellies and find a crotch. Her finger slid into Regina's labia to feel around, to tantalize the damply hot cleft.Regina couldn't wait to get her own fingers into that juicy, clinging cunt, and soon they were blissfully finger fucking each other, building their heat to a more blazing core, rubbing their vibrant clits into a more tingling awareness.By mutual consent then, they withdrew their fingers and moved across each other, bodies at first diagonal, then once again longitudinal, but then ended head to foot. Regina kissed the small and shapely feet, then licked them as Stella wriggled and groaned. She felt a hot tongue on her own toes, and they kept pace with each caress, licking along the ankles and calves, spreading their lips to cover a kneecap, nipping the satiny insides of a quivering thigh.Breath clotting in her throat, Regina stared hungrily into the thick black fur that grew so lushly over Stella's cunt. She saw the outer lips, and beneath them, peeping coyly, the inner labia of scarlet.Regina went up into that forest of curly hairs, her tongue reaching through the tasty brush to taste the cunt lips already turning steamy, already glistening with that honeyed moistness.Into the labia her tongue went, pressing on into the hidden folds, on into the cavity itself, and her teeth came against the cunt lips. The flavors were rich and heavily scented with the special musk of Stella's body; the taste was exquisite, succulent, and Regina began to eat.Her hands cupped the slim asscheeks above her head, one fingertip tracing its way to the palpitating asshole. She drew the trembling clitoris into her teeth and sucked upon it, reveling in the flexing and heaving.And the identical thing was happening to her as Stella's tongue tapped intriguingly against her clit, as Stella's hot mouth and teasing teeth worked over her cunt lips and delved into her vagina.For a while they squirmed together, matching movement for movement, tingle for tingle, but their individual emotions got out of hand, and they veered off into sizzling little byways of exploration on their own.Stella used her finger on Regina's ass, used her teeth to nip almost painfully, then sucked the clit deep into her lips and worked on it.Regina ate deeply into the other woman's sweet pussy, burrowing, nosing, rubbing her mouth around in slippery circles, luxuriating in the spiced oils of Stella's cunt, then turned on the target of the clitoris with nearly savage intensity.They hiked their asses and drove them wriggling down again; they ground the crotches and bumped like strippers, and as the sensations got better and better, growing more searing with each passing moment, their movements turned more spasmodic.Regina mumbled into the hot folds of flesh and felt, rather than heard, the moan as Stella responded. Then the dams broke within them both, and the foaming liquids came tumbling, rushing out to flood their souls with fire.Regina came in a series of twisting motions, in a lascivious, orgiastic plunging of her cunt upon her lover's mouth. Wave after wave of glorious feelings splashed within her pussy, and she sucked that much harder upon Stella's clit, bringing the other woman to a shuddering climax, too.It was a hell of a way to say good morning, Regina thought.Sometime later they pulled apart, and went into separate bathrooms to tidy themselves up, showering and brushing their teeth, combing hair and scenting their bodies. They met in the hall, and held hands going downstairs to breakfast.Over coffee, Regina said, "I remember Bill coming into your bedroom this morning, and saying something about taking the girls to the beach."Stella nodded. "With Chuck; I heard them.""Why just the girls, and not the boys?" Regina wondered aloud.Then she knew; the boys had turned down the trip, and for very good reasons. Carey and Dale no doubt had plans of their own, and Regina had the certain feeling that she -- and Stella -- were included. It was time for complete honesty between herself and Stella Baker, once merely her best friend, and now the lover of her husband, her son, and Regina herself.Stella said, "I don't know, but I guess -- " Regina cut in: "Darling, I saw you screw Dale."For a stretched-out second, Stella didn't look up, but when she did, her eyes were wicked, "Was I good?""You were second at the boys," Regina said. "Carey pulled the same blackmail stunt on me, days ago. I had to go along with what he wanted, and now I'm happy I did. He is a very sweet, very horny boy."Blinking, Stella asked, "Did -- did Carey know about your boy and me?""He helped set it up," Regina admitted. "Your son not only loves you, Stella -- he's also in love with you. He wants you very much.""That's why he turned Dale onto me?""And suggested I trade you Bill for his daddy. Stella -- he and Dale were at the window last night, watching everything we did with the men, and with each other."Stella whistled softly. "They must have had quite a night, poor kids."Regina looked down into her coffee cup. "Did you ever consider screwing your own son?"Shrugging, Stella said, "Oh, sure. But I had no idea he was already old enough. I mean, I wasn't all that sure anything would ever happen; it was just a vague idea.""It's not vague any longer, dear. I know about me; I want it. I want to fuck Dale so badly that my mound aches, just thinking about it. He's my son, my boy -- but I want to feel his hard young prick in my pussy. I need to fuck him, and I will."Stella stood up. "Then go on home, and send Carey over to me. I don't know what the hell the men have in mind, taking our daughters to the beach. It may very well be all innocent, but it can't stay that way very much longer. Let's you and I get a head start on them."Regina got to her feet, too. "Thank you, darling -- for everything.""You're not going on a long trip," Stella smiled, "just a short vacation. Then we'll be back together, all of us. It might be real fun to go for a group right now, but I guess we'd better play it carefully, and let our boys get used to the idea first. A little privacy always helps incest along, from what I hear."They kissed briefly, but Regina could feel the new excitement stirring through her lover's mobile lips -- or was it her own emotionally-heightened sensitivity?She hurried across the adjoining back yards, and was well into the kitchen before she slowed and looked around. The house was quiet, but she sensed life in it. She found them in the living room, sitting quietly."Carey," she said gently, "your mother wants you."He looked up at her. "I've been waiting a long time. Does she really want me?""Maybe even as much as you want her," Regina said. "Hadn't you better go see?"He leaped off the couch and ran past her, head down and legs pumping furiously. The back door slammed behind him, and Regina was left alone in the living room with her own son."Hello, Mom," Dale said.She saw the clean young strength of him, the blond loveliness so masculine and dazzling to her eyes. "Hello, son. Did you enjoy yourself last night?"He said, "Yes and no. I just about freaked out a couple of times.""You're a strong young man," she said. "I know that, because I had the opportunity to watch you when you laid Mrs. Baker. And a strong young man should have been driven out of his head by what you watched happen last night."He touched his tongue to his lips; his fingers curled around his knees. "I jacked off twice."She peeled back her robe, her rumpled one from the wild evening before. It glided down her body and she stood there naked before him, showing her tits, her mound, to her boy. "You don't have to do that now. Am I pretty to you, Dale? Am I sexpot enough for you?"He drew his teeshirt over his head and pulled down the zipper of his jeans. "You're the most beautiful woman in the whole world; your tits are the roundest and heaviest; your pussy is the loveliest thing I've ever seen in my life."She took a step toward him. "Then you want me? As a woman, as your lover?"Dale yanked off his jeans and kicked away his shorts. He sat on the couch with his slim blond-haired legs spread wide, with his majestic young prick climbed high, throbbing from his head to the wooly fluff of his balls.He said, "I want to fuck you, Mother. I want to do all the things to you that Dad has been doing to you all these years. I saw how hot you are, how they fucked you while you gave them head. I saw how crazy you got with Mrs. Baker. I want you to do that with me. I need my prick in your cunt, you beautiful, hot mother-bitch. Come here and straddle me. Come right over here and let me kiss those gorgeous tits."She was almost numb, but tiny prickles of vivid excitement ran up her spine as her legs took her obediently to the boy. She held his head tenderly between her palms as he kissed her breasts, as his lovely mouth caressed her nipples. When Dale sucked on them, she flinched and her knee came into contact with his hard cock.She was dizzy again, swaying back and forth, and he sensed her weakness, put his hands on her waist and guided her down to the couch. They sat side by side, and she was fondling his incomparable young cock while he caressed the steamy mysteries of her mound.Regina wasn't the teacher she had thought she would be, for his tongue was lancing softly down her throat, his hands were deftly knowing. She thought hazily that he could not have learned so quickly from Stella, that one long, involved fuck session with the glamorous neighbor woman wouldn't have made this boy so experienced.His finger was in her vulva, moving tenderly, and she moved upon it, with it, churning lightly upon this small intruder and shivering whenever it touched her clitoris. She kissed him back, sucked upon his tongue, and her fingers played over his cock from spongy head to sacked testicles.He jerked his head away, took his mouth from hers. "Damn! I'm about to pop off in your hand, Mom. Lie back, sweet woman -- lie back and snuggle down on the couch, and open your thighs for me. Open those marvelous golden thighs, because your son is going to climb in between them and fuck you.""Oh yes," she murmured, "yes, darling -- of course." And she fitted herself to the contours of the couch, opening all the portals of her body for the entrance of her best loved.He was anxious now, the polished deftness gone suddenly, now only a young and eager boy on the verge of attaining his lifetime dream. Dale poised above her, tremors rippling his body. She helped him, because it was her desire and her duty to assist him. Regina took his iron-hard prick in one hand and steered the pulsing head of it to the hairy entrance of her pussy.A strangled sound broke from Dale's lips, and he lunged forward, burying his cock into his mother's willing cunt with one long, driving stroke. His balls came against her ass, and he caught at her hips with both hands as she twisted, as she humped up at the tremendous power of his body. His prick in her, at last -- at last!She could feel the head of it driven home, feel the pulsing shaft as her vagina closed lovingly upon it, feel the caress of his scrotum. Regina was tender and she was adoring, moving with him as he backed his rod partway from her suctioning cunt, wiggling with delicious ardor as he slid it forward again. It was wonder beyond price, a superb sensation that permeated her entire body, and she fucked slowly with him, meeting his thrusts gently."Mom," he groaned, "oh Mother -- Mom! I can't believe I'm really in your pussy. It's hot, and magic and -- oh, Mother -- love me and fuck me!""I will, dear!" she panted. "Yes -- your loving mom will fuck you. Now I'm riding your little boy prick, feeling your hard cock in me -- and it's fantastic! Oh, shove it deep into your mama's cunt, darling boy. Feed your mama all that gorgeous young meat! Ahhh, baby -- oohh, sweetheart! Sliding in and out, your mother's pussy -- my son's prick..."And their mouths met again, this time with a primitive need that made their teeth clash. Their tongues battled in frenzy, and when one retreated, it was drawn back by sucking. Sweet and hot, their breaths mingled, and the tempo of his ass increased, the beat of his screwing speeded up. He was ramming it deep and strong, and she had to lift her legs, was forced to wrap his sinuous body within their grip, so she could make him stuff one more inch of enchanted flesh into her surging vagina.She bit his mouth, dug her nails into his ass and tried to pull him bodily into the flaming maw of her pussy, attempted to devour him with the very cunt he'd sprung from. Her pelvis battered his, and she gyrated wildly, forcing his ramrodding prick to massage her clitoris with every eager thrust. It was sweet insanity and magic madness, and she went far out into some other universe as his cock continued to sledge into her overflowing vagina."Coming," she cried out. "Oh Dale -- Dale -- son -- your mother is COMING!"* Chapter 14 *Regina held to her son, locked her legs at the ankles across the small of his warm back and wiggled slowly, very sensuously, upon his buried cock. Dale panted and groaned, and lifted her ass so that his prick could slam home deeper into her vibrating pussy."Mom! Oh Mother -- you sweet, hot bitch! I'm going to come in you -- let go my load in your cunt. Here it is -- here it comes -- oh Mom, Mom!She quivered inside and out when the wondrous ejaculation hosed into her clenching pussy, when her son's young, powerful semen came spurting and splashing over her womb. The walls of her vagina clamped upon his shaft, gone very slippery in the oysterlike discharge. She bit down upon him with all the muscles of her cunt, rolled her pelvis and made his prick slosh around inside the saturated cavity of her vagina.Dale's come, she thought -- Dale's hot semen was now inundating her pussy; her son's come sliding inside her body -- and it was a joy beyond description, a rapture so intense that Regina felt it like pain. How fabulous it was, to be fucked by him, how superb to be screwed by this son she had borne and raised and taught. Now she was helping teach him more about love, in the classroom of her pussy.She never wanted him to take out his cock; she wanted to keep it captive in her body forever, to get stuck to him the way dogs sometimes do.He breathed softly into her ear, "Mother, darling -- what a crazy piece of ass you are -- all hot and tight and juicy, just the way I always imagined you would be, if I ever got lucky enough to screw you. And I always dreamed about fucking you, since I was old enough to raise a hard-on. Believe me, I raised plenty of hards just looking at you. Man oh man -- but I dig the way your sleek ass moves when you walk, and how your tits bob up and down, and that bitchy look around your eyes.""My baby," she said, stroking his back and moving her ass in tender small circles, sliding her hairy pelvis over his. "Darling -- I never knew. I mean, there were times when the thought of having sex with you passed briefly through my mind, but immediately following that thought came the big taboo of incest. So I shoved the idea away. Now I'm sorry I did. Just think of all the fucking we could have had by now.""We'll make up for it, Mom," he said. "We'll fuck all we want, all we can stand, and then we'll think of something else.""Oh son, I love you," she murmured, stroking tenderly upon his imbedded prick. "I love you in every way now -- as my boy, my baby; as my lover, my husband -- as my hard young prick."He kissed her, slid his tongue into her welcoming mouth, but only for a little while; then he said against her lips: "Once I got a picture of you through the bathroom window, just when you were about to step into the shower. You were naked, and I used to stare at your body in that picture, especially at this golden, fluffy hair on your pussy, and I'd play with my cock, pretending I had it in you. Whenever you'd get a little high and go to bed with Dad, then I'd think -- they're going to fuck. I'd sneak up to your door and listen. I heard you moan and talk dirty to him. I heard the bed squeak and once -- I even heard the sound his cock made in your pussy when you were all wet and squishy. It made me crazy.""Poor darling," she whispered against the smooth column of his throat. "I'll make it up to you. Dale -- Stella Baker wasn't your first lay, was she?""No," he said. "I was fifteen when I screwed my first girl, and I've had four others since. But you know -- I always pretended they were you. I'd close my eyes and pretend that I was cramming my prick into the cunt I wanted most, your cunt.""How sweet," she said, caressing his ass. "And you didn't hate me last night, seeing me do all those things with your father and Chuck; yes, and with Stella, too?""Hate you? How could I, Mom? That really proved to me you were everything I hoped -- so hot you'd fuck anywhere; so wild you'd suck cock and so far-out that you would swing with a woman, and play sixty-nine eating her pussy. I want you so bitchy, you'll do everything with me, and so I can do everything to you."She sighed tremulously. "Anything you want, darling; everything you desire. Tell me something else -- did any of the girls you screwed -- did any of them go down on you, eat that glorious prick?""No," he said. "They're kind of touchy about that.""Then I'll be the first," she said. "I'd love that. Wait -- not Stella, either?"He shook his head, kissed her lips softly. "Not her, either. I was too worn out, after fucking her three times running. She said she was going to, though.""After me, she will," Regina said. "I'm going to get at least one cherry from my own son."And with that, she twisted out from under him, snapped his stiff cock from the clasp of her pussy with a practiced roll of her ass, and urged him over onto his back."There, baby. Just lie there and relax while your mother takes care of you with some nice oral sex."He said, "Shouldn't I wipe off, or something?""No way," she said quickly. "I want to eat you just as you are, with your semen still on your cock, mixed with my juices."She leaned over and kissed his mouth, running her tongue in and out while he caressed her dangling tits. Then she moved down to the base of his throat, and over to one of his little boy nipples, licking it and biting it gently. She gave the other nubbin the same tantalizing treatment, and left for the satiny planes of his belly.Licking hotly, kissing and nipping, she tasted the flavors of his skin, the aroma of his flesh. There was a scattering of pale blond hair reaching to his navel, and she trailed the path of it with her wet tongue, knowing the excited squirming of her son's body as she aroused him more.When she darted the end of her tongue into the indentation of his bellybutton, he grunted and his hands shot down to take her by the head. His pelvis heaved and she knew the tapping of his shaft along her cheek."So lovely," she breathed, "so male and beautiful. I adore your prick, Dale."But she didn't take it into her mouth right away. Instead, she lapped down to his hairy pelvic mound, running her tongue through the pubic curls, drawing it tickling around the base of his throbbing cock. Cupping his enticing balls in one hand, she lifted them to the ministrations of her avid mouth, spreading her lips wide so that she could suck them."That's it, Mom!" he cried out. "Oh baby -- that's the way to set me on fire!"She eased his balls out between her teeth and turned her head so she could take the shaft of his prick between them, grating gently up along the silken skin to the flange of the protruding head. She kissed the head then, but only lightly, while her son jerked and sucked his breath in sharply.Then Regina crawled between his legs, using her knees to spread his thighs wider. Slipping down, going to her elbows, she extended her legs behind, and ran both palms slowly, teasingly, over Dale's groin, fingering into his scrotum, handling the trunk of his cock.Lowering her face inch by inch, she kissed the tip of his prick, savoring the exotic spices of the semen already there, knowing the intriguing flavor of his cock. Running her tongue around the flexing head, she teased it, wet it. Only then did she open her lips and put them around the spongy knob that had never appeared more beautiful to her.She took her son's hard prick into her mouth, scrubbed the roof of her mouth over the velvet head with the firm core, drew it across her tongue, and moved her head down so that the bulb of his cock touched the cup of her throat.Drawing in her cheeks, she sucked daintily upon it, pushed it away with her tongue, licked and lapped over the vibrant cockhead.Meanwhile, Regina fondled his balls; squeezed the stem of his prick, played her fingertips like a butterfly up the shaft, moaned lovingly around the head and she sucked it deep and slid it out shallow. It was very good for her, this abject adoration, this humbling of herself to give the very utmost in pleasure to this marvelous young son of hers.She enjoyed rolling his cock around inside her mouth, reveled in the texture and taste and feel of it, in the matchless intimacy it brought and the bond that their flesh so used would forever create between them. It was love and it was sex, it was lust and it was affection, and it was magnificent.He said, "Mother -- Mom -- suck on my prick, darling. Eat my cock, mama -- oooh, that's right! Give me head, mama. I'm fucking your mouth, darling -- I'm putting the prick to your face and I love it -- oooH! I love it!"She moved her head up and down, creating suction and then breaking it, caressing his prick with tongue and cheeks, stimulating him with the merest rakings of her teeth, feeling the tremendous pressure building up within his swollen shaft."M-Mom -- I can't hold it back! I have to come -- come -- oh, darling Mama -- take it -- take my come -- swallow it, you cocksucking bitch!"She gaped her throat wide and accepted the steaming fountain of semen that geysered from his prickhead. Thick and sweet, it sprayed up into the confines of her hungry throat, and she gulped at it, drank the copious discharge with eagerness.Regina was taking the male essence of her son, draining the life substance from his leaping balls, and she loved the creaminess, ate the musky lotion, drank the liquids of his sex. Laving the pulsing head with her tongue, she coaxed forth yet more of the heady stuff, swallowing, pulling, sucking until the fountain ran dry and sere.Even then, unsatisfied with what she had taken, Regina licked around the insides of her cheeks, ran her tongue seeking over her teeth, gathering the last escaped droplets of his fluids, devouring them as she would have liked to devour his young prick.When she raised her head to look up into her son's passion-glazed eyes, she clung a while to the head of his cock, holding it prisoner between the circle of her teeth. Reluctantly then, she allowed it to go free momentarily, knowing in her heart that she owned his prick now, that it would, from now on, belong to her whenever she wanted it -- and that would be repeatedly.He said, "Oh Mom -- Mother -- thanks; thank you for giving me so much wild head. It was out of sight.""I'm glad, darling," she said. "I want to make you so happy.""You have," he said, "oh Mom, you have -- and now, I want to make you just as happy. I've never done this before, but I watched how Stella and you did it last night, so I think I can turn you on okay. If I don't eat you right, then you just tell me what I'm doing wrong, and I'll change."She ran fingers up his belly, kneeled there and stared fondly down at the beautiful nude body of her son. "You don't have to make trades with me, Dale. I'll do anything you like.""I want to eat your pussy, Mom," he said. "I really want to see what it's like, to taste your cunt. Especially now that I know what it feels like to fuck it. I dig making you wiggle and moan, and if going down on this terrific pussy turns you wild, then it'll make me wild, too."She said, "You're an adorable boy. Shall I lie down?""No," he answered, "just crawl up on top of me. Rub your pussy along my belly and over my chest, rub it slow and dirty, slow and greasy, mom. I really will dig feeling it slide over my skin, all hairy and wet. Then, when you get up close to my face, kind of lift that gorgeous ass and just sit down on my mouth.""I'd love to," she sighed.It made her indescribably sexy, rubbing her inflamed cunt over his satin skin, grinding her crotch upon the flawless body of the boy she had loved all his life. She made a real production of the trip up his shuddering body, sliding her ass back and forth, making certain that no part of his belly and chest hadn't been dampened by the juices oozing from her cunt, wetting him down with her own love lubrications and the residual leakings of his come."That's groovy," he whispered through set teeth. "Oh, that's real crazy, mother. Oh wow -- I'm already a mother fucker, and now in a few seconds, I'm going to be a mother sucker.""My darling," she murmured, "oh my darling, horny boy." On up his body she went, progressing slowly and sensuously, getting lascivious thrills out of making him squirm at the slippery fondling of her feverish pussy.Then she was at his face, the blonde hairs of her cunt poised at his chin, so near his open and panting mouth, so near the eager tongue she could see flicking past his lips.He breathed huskily, "Your cunt is lovely, all golden-haired and the lips are red, puffy from our fucking, and I can see the inner lips, all bright and shiny. Your pussy looks delicious, Mother."Regina lifted her lower body, carefully placed her knees on each side of his head and stared down at his handsome face. She was going to feed her child her pussy.She hesitated above him, poised for just an uncertain minute over his anxious face, and Dale said: "Oh, please -- " so of course she had to go on, as she truly desired to.Regina's crotch lowered, sank gently to meet the hungry upthrusting of his tongue. Thrill after hot thrill bombed through her flesh, lancing tendrils of mad sensation over her nerve ends. It was deeper, more sensitive, because it was Dale, because it was her son eating into her cunt.He mumbled into her cavity, and the oils flowed from her as if a new well had been tapped, drenching his chin and cheeks, bubbling in his mouth and over that reaching, curling, searching tongue. She moved her ass just so, and Dale's hands found her cheeks, just as his tongue discovered the target of her clitoris.She vibrated upon his mouth, convulsed and made a series of seesawing motions, wiggled and shook, smearing her pussy into his mouth, rubbing it over his face as she fucked it, as she screwed her son's mouth.Dale hung on to her, ate into her blazing cunt and sucked mightily, making strange noises, teasing and worrying the clit with tongue and teeth, opening her secret places and sucking her like an end-peeled orange.She came furiously, swiveling her hips and making her crotch do tricks on his mouth. She came with a roaring, spasming torrent of erotic, wanton adoration that ripped her apart inside, that melted her and turned her forever soft.* Chapter 15 *She ate ravenously at lunch, putting away a platter of fries and a steak so thick, devouring a salad and three bottles of beer. Regina still felt a shade hungry when she stopped, but she also felt a little guilty, and smiled over at Dale across the table."All that sex makes me starved," she said. "I have to build up my strength if we're going to keep it up."Her son reached for her hand. "That we are, Mom. Just like Carey and his mother, I'll bet. There hasn't been a peep out of the Baker house all day. They're probably still in the bedroom, fucking away like crazy."Regina smiled. "We can't blame them. It's a glorious sensation, screwing your own son.""And your own mother," he said. "Mom -- what are we going to do about us, when Dad comes home -- and my sister?""I'll just have to tell him," she said. "I don't think we can go through the seduction trap again, because there's just no way we can have little Judy Baker lay your father. It's not like it was with you and Stella, or me and Carey. We've hit a roadblock."Dale looked thoughtful. "Maybe not. Judy is no real straight chick. I haven't gotten into her panties, but I know a guy who has.""But what makes you think she'll do us a favor and screw your father? I mean, she doesn't owe us anything, and I can't go up to Judy's mother and say how about Bill sticking your daughter, so we can get us all in the game. And come to think of it -- that also means pulling Monica in with us. Monica is...""No cherry, Mom; believe me. She's a lot like you, so cute and sexy that the guys follow her round with their tongues hanging out. Monica has been fucking her steady guy for a month or two now."Regina frowned. It seemed all too casual, discussing her daughter's virginity with her son, but another mental look at the discussion made things more clear. Why be so phony, why be hypocritical at all, when the only way was to be honest -- up front, as the kids would say?"They'll be back from the beach before long," she said. "Maybe we should just sit down with Monica -- all three of us -- and have a talk. You'd lay your sister, wouldn't you?""Damned right," Dale answered. "Like I said, she's a real sexy piece, a lot like you. And Dad -- well, she'd go for him in a second. I can tell that. As for him, you've got him so turned on now that he'll do anything you want, and he's sure not going to turn down a chance to put it to Monica's juicy young snatch."Nodding, Regina said, "I think we'll all stay home tonight."Dale helped her clear the table and put dishes into the washer. Slipping his arms around her waist from behind, he pressed himself into her ass and as she leaned back into him, lifted his hands to hold her breasts. She felt much adored, the young bride in the arms of her lover.That's when the front door opened noisily, and Regina pulled guiltily away from her son's embrace, knowing a sharp flash of resentment at any intrusion that would move him away from her.Her husband and daughter laughed into the kitchen, wind-rumpled and scattering grains of beach sand. Bill swung the picnic hamper onto the drainboard. "Hi, Regina -- Dale. You guys should have been along; we had a great time. Chuck and Judy tried the water, but it was just too damned cold for me, and Monica stayed to fix the food."Regina stared through lowered lashes at her daughter, seeing her perhaps for the first time as a complete woman, sufficient unto herself. The girl's honeyblonde hair set off her liquid brown eyes to perfection, and her mouth looked just a bit smeared, as if she had been kissed hard, recently.Monica looked back with a direct stare, and the set of her young mouth contained perhaps just a touch of arrogance. Was her daughter possessor of some new knowledge, some new wisdom that she wasn't afraid to flaunt?Glancing away, Regina caught her son's eye, and Dale nodded. "Come on, Monica -- you have to listen to this groovy new tape I got today."His hand on hers, he practically dragged his sister from the room, so his mother and father could be alone for a few minutes. He'd sensed what was coming, she thought, felt the vibes in the air and was making things easier for them.She opened a beer for her husband and one for herself, wishing for something stronger. Sitting at the table, he fidgeted a bit, swallowed some cold beer, and brought out his words with a rush: "Regina -- I have something to tell you. You know this morning, while you were sacked out with Stella? Well, Chuck and me got this great idea, and you two women were so happy there together, that we decided to leave you like that and -- and take the kids for a picnic. The girls, that is. You see, Chuck and me -- well, we thought that since swapping wives was so damned much fun, that maybe swapping -- ahh -- daughters would be just as big a blast."He ran out of breath, dropped his eyes and gulped beer. She stared at her husband. "And was it?""Was it what? Oh, yeah -- a blast; yeah -- sure, it was. You wouldn't figure those kids -- but they're so damned sweet and young and sensuous, all at once. I have to confess that I screwed Judy Baker today. She's a real redhead, too; the hair of her little pussy is like fire, but curlier, and..."Her voice was sly, smooth: "And how was your daughter?""Just great!" he answered enthusiastically. "Only sixteen years old, and fucks like a mink! And when she starts grinding on your prick."Stopping suddenly, Bill looked down into his beer can again. "Okay; so we traded off, and fucked our own daughters. It was great, and I blew off more jism than I thought I had, once I got it into Monica's tight pussy. And Chuck -- well, he didn't want to turn his kid loose. They kept screwing until we had to call a halt and get home. Look, Regina -- you started all this fucking around stuff, so don't get all pissed at me because I took it a step farther, just a logical step farther. And it's not like either of those girls were cherries; they sure as hell weren't. Monica bragged that she's been screwing for almost two years now."She said, "So has Dale -- but he claims I'm the best piece of ass he ever had."For a long moment, her husband didn't say anything, didn't move a muscle as the information sank in. Then his fingers clenched on his beer can and he banged it hard upon the table top. "Son of a bitch! And here I thought I was getting a step ahead of you." His eyes found hers and clung. "Fucking your own son, are you? And the Carey kid, too?""Him first, the way you screwed Judy Carey first. It's okay with Stella, though -- she's made it with both the boys, too. I imagine that Dale is in his room now, breaking all the news to Monica, so the little bitch won't feel so superior."His head jerked up, "Now wait?!"She said, "Oh, I meant bitch as a compliment. I'm not jealous of her; I'm intrigued. Dale and I were planning on your fucking her, so nobody would have to hide anything from anybody else. That goes for the Bakers, too. I'm glad you screwed both kids, darling, that you broke the ice -- if that's the proper phrase -- with your daughter. Now we can all ball together. Each of us has four to fuck."Bill said numbly, "You mean -- Dale and Monica?"She laughed. "Why not? Does that smack of incest?"He shook his head. "Damned if I can understand anything that's going on. Just a few days ago, I had this kind of nice, sometimes sexy wife, and everything was going along.""Boring as hell," she finished for him. "Bill Abbott -- are you going to tell me you'd like to have your sex back the way it was?"He grunted, got up and popped the lids on two more beers. Handing her one, he said, "No way, baby. I never had so much fun in my whole life, and I'm not going to stop now.""Then what's the argument about Dale and Monica fucking each other?"He held up one hand. "The idea just shook me at first, that's all. Now I see that it's no different than me screwing her, or you laying him. You know, now that I think of it, it's a real wonder that the boy hasn't got into her pants before this. I've been thinking about fucking Monica for a long time, I just never had the guts to try."She finished her beer and stood up to plant a wet kiss on her husband's lips. "I told Dale that we'd be staying home tonight, and since Stella is probably going through a showdown scene of her own next door, no doubt the Bakers will be unavailable this evening. Now lover man, if you'll draw the curtains and lock the doors, and take the phone off the hook, I'll go up and tidy myself. Maybe I'll break up anything the kids have gotten started. That's because I want them fresh in an hour or so, as fresh as they can be, that is. The Abbott family is going to have an orgy all its own."His chuckle followed her up the stairs. She strode directly to her son's room and opened the door without knocking. They were on the bed, but rolled apart when they heard her come in. Dale was grinning, but Monica looked guilty.Regina said, "Sorry to intrude, kids -- but since we have this party tonight."Monica said sharply, "What party? I have something else in mind, and..."Clearly, Regina said it: "A fuck party. If you know of something better to do, please let me know. I'd like to join you."Her daughter gasped; her son laughed aloud and said, "See, Monica? I was going to tell you what a swinger mom is, too. While you were out making it with dad and Chuck. I was home screwing her.""I-I don't believe it!" Monica said in a shocked voice."Tonight, I'll prove it," Regina said. "How about you two getting all showered and shaped up? I suggest the dress be scuffs and robes, with nothing underneath. You can get fucked by your brother then, dear -- and have another go at your daddy."She left them then, smiling to herself at how Monica's feline air of superiority had been punctured. The girl had thought herself preferred over her mother, and had been feeling a bit smug about it. She'd feel better tonight, with a couple of drinks down her to numb any inhibitions she might have left over. When Monica learned how to be open, how to be free with her fucking, she'd be happier.The shower felt terrific, brightening and freshening her skin. The douche did something of the same for the inner woman, cleansing her of any lingering odor that might be offensive. Regina washed her hair and used a hand dryer on it, fluffing it out in a natural fall over her shoulders. She used a good perfume and picked her other good robe, the pale blue one that she could almost see through.Feeling wicked, she didn't use her scuffs, but chose instead a pair of the new wedgies with the high soles and outrageously tall heels. They made her legs appear even longer and slimmer, and she pirouetted before the mirror to watch them.For the first time, she thought of her daughter as she thought of Stella Baker. Would she, when the time came, make love to Monica, too? Regina wasn't sure about that, although the idea gave her hot tingles along her lower spine, Monica was a lovely, sensuous girl, young and new, and she shouldn't miss the tender ecstasy only another woman could show her how to share.Leaving the bathroom, Regina thought that could come later, if at all. Sharp waves of excitement rose in her belly as she walked downstairs, her thighs making soft, kissing noises when they touched in passing. She would certainly fuck both her husband and her son, perhaps changing off on them, and she might become involved with her daughter.It was going to be a highly interesting evening, she thought, and headed directly for the living room, for the little bar across one corner. As she walked over the carpet, she couldn't help flashing back to the glorious fuck scenes she had already experienced in this room, on the couch and on the carpet. But tonight would top them all.She had two tall pitchers of rum cokes mixed, and was adding lemon when Bill came into the room. He was wearing his terrycloth robe, she saw with satisfaction. He said, "Making them a little weak, for the kids?"Nodding, she pointed to one pitcher. "This one is; ours is double strength. They're a hell of a lot younger than we are, lover. We're going to need extra fuel, to keep up with them."Helping himself to a glass, Bill poured it full and dropped an ice cube into the mahogany-colored mixture. "Oh, I don't know about that. I've been doing pretty good, for an old man. You know, I had no idea that I could fuck for so long and for so many times running. It must be all the new cunt I'm getting. Not that yours is old, baby -- I was just too used to it. Now it's thrilling for me again, like getting married to you all over again.""I know," she said. "I keep getting so excited that I can't stand still."There was a squeal upstairs, and as their heads swung toward the stairs, they saw Monica come flying down them with her brother in close pursuit. Giggling, they skidded to a stop in the living room, but not before Regina had caught a glimpse of her daughter's exposed crotch when the robe flared back.The girl had a beautiful mound, lightly haired in the color of her head, the shade of new honey. Her thighs were cunningly joined to her hips, in the precision work of a master jeweler; her tanned legs made the white strip around her lower belly more startling."We got to kidding around," Dale grinned, "and she snapped me with her towel. Good thing she didn't hit where she was aiming, or I'd be out of action already."Bill had a tough time looking at his son, Regina noticed. He managed to smile, but it was weak around the edges. Monica no longer appeared to be sure of herself, so Regina took mercy and poured her daughter a weak drink. She pushed one across the little bar to her son, too."Here's to something," Dale said, and took a big swallow."Here's to us -- and love," Monica said defiantly, and spoiled the effect by choking on her rum coke."Let's all relax," Regina said. "We'll have a few drinks and loosen up, and then..."It worked out just as she imagined, because it only took a couple of drinks to stand Monica on her ear, and Dale was almost as giggly. But as he danced with his sister and her robe insisted upon slipping open so that he could rub his stiff cock against her receptive belly, he got more and more inflamed, so that his playing turned serious.Dropping her robe, Regina came around the bar to back in between her husband's legs. Bill couldn't shed his own robe fast enough, and she felt his erect prick shoved against her backbone. He cupped her tits and rolled the erectile nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, while his mouth worked hotly and damply at the base of her head, tickling the back of her neck.Her eyes were on their children, their kids turned sexy and suddenly ripe for the fucking. Dale's mouth fastened to his sister's, and his hands swept the robe from her shoulders, dropped it from her taut body to fall in a heap at her feet.Bill's harsh whisper hissed into Regina's ear: "There! Look at that beautiful little pussy, and wait until you see what she can do with it. That kid is going to get himself one fine piece of hot ass."She watched her son's prick stand out, saw the tell-tale diamond of pre-seminal fluid upon its tip, and thought that Dale wasn't the only one who'd get a fine screwing.* Chapter 16 *Dale wasted no more time. He forced his sister back and down, dropping her upon the couch with her fine legs flashing. Regina saw that her daughter had good, solid tits; they were a bit small but would grow, and their cute little nipples were quivering.Like her mother, Regina thought warmly -- give the girl a prick rubbing against her belly, and she was ready for anything, anywhere. Indeed, Monica seemed to have forgotten there were on-lookers, she was so wrapped up in her brother. Her small hands were fluttering over his ass, and one of them found his hard cock.Dale said, "That's right, baby -- squeeze it, feel my prick in your hand, because in just a minute, you're going to feel it in your little pussy."Head on the couch pillow, Monica simply arched her back and pulled him toward her spread thighs, holding him firmly by the shaft."Direct little bitch, isn't she?" Bill asked, his breath stirring the short hairs at Regina's nape."She's hot and hungry," Regina said. "You and Chuck stirred her up something fierce today, and now she's about ready to boil over. She's a very beautiful girl, Bill."Dale dipped his face and found one of his sister's tits to suck on as she guided the head of his long, stiff prick into the squirming, humid mound. Shoving up against him, she made it easier for him to work his pole inside her snatch, and Regina could see the honey-haired labia stretching, coming elastically apart to allow entrance to the cockhead."Come on," Monica was muttering, come on! Hurry and put it in me. I can't stand waiting any longer, Dale. Fuck me!"Bill stroked Regina's tits and she rolled her back into the flagpole of his cock. He said, "She sure sounds like her mother."Regina stared avidly at the young people, and saw her son's rigid prick slide into her daughter's pussy. It was a lovely, unforgettable sight, she thought, and one that she would forever treasure. She heard the gasp from Monica's lips, and the sigh of delight from Dale's open mouth."They're fucking," she said softly aloud. "Our children are fucking each other, Bill. They're both so sweet, so luscious, that I could just eat them up.""And you probably will," he said. "But yes -- I see what you mean, I'm not jealous of the boy. I want them both to be happy, to fuck until they come."Regina held to his thighs and wiggled her ass, her eyes glued to her kids as they screwed on the couch. Her husband couldn't take the teasing and great pressure any longer. Sliding off the barstool, Bill said: "I'll move the stool out a little, and you bend over it with your legs spread. I can get into you from behind. We can fuck while we watch the kids."Obediently, she followed his orders, positioning herself belly-down across the seat of the barstool, her tits hanging down, and her hands taking a brace upon the foot rungs. It was truly a passive, subjugated position, and she had an idea that she was going to like it very much.Across the room, Dale said, "Sister baby -- oh shake that great ass! Grind your tight, hot cunt on me, sis! Take my prick up your pussy and fuck like a mink."Monica answered, "Drive it home, brother dear! Cram that meat deep into my vagina and fuck me so hard that I'll pass out!"Regina kept herself relaxed and soft, and knew a moment of impatience when her husband used his finger in her pulsing snatch, instead of his cock. But Bill did no more than feel into her juicy hole, before drawing his finger out again, and she wondered what the brief caress was all about.She was gazing entranced at her screwing children when he said down to her: "Something different this time, Regina. I'm using your cunt oils to grease the head of my dick, and you can feel where I'm putting what's left over."She flinched as she felt his fingertip at her uptilted asshole, when she felt her own pussy lotion being smeared into the rim. Before she realized what her husband was up to, he set his cockhead in place."Bill! Not in my ass! Wait a second -- Bill -- "He had one hand on the end of her spine, and was using the other to help his cock push. "Be quiet, Regina, and watch them fuck. You're going to get it up your ass, because I always wanted to, and there'll never be a better time than right now. Relax, and it won't hurt; my prick isn't all that big, and it's all greased up right now."She subsided, a strange new desire kindling within her body, remembering the fingers that had been shoved in her asshole while she was being screwed. That had felt good, and she wondered how much better a full-sized prick would be.Grunting, her eyelids fluttered and she clenched the stool rungs when he put it in her as gently as possible, but with all the force necessary to make his knob penetrate the tight ring of her greased anus.On the couch, Dale cried out: "Oh baby -- oh wow! I'm going to come -- going to shoot off in your hot little crack, sis!"And his sister answered, "Oh-oh-OH! I'm coming, too -- ah, your prick is hard and long -- longer than my guy's shaft -- not as big as Daddy's cock -- but crazy, crazy! Feed that meat to me, dear brother -- ahhh!"Slowly, the head of her husband's prick made a passage into her asshole and Regina found that if she pushed back, she helped the ring expand to take him inside.Once the head had eased itself beyond the circle, it slipped suddenly into the tube beyond, and with one long, easy thrust, Bill Abbott buried his prick to the balls inside his wife's ass.Regina flinched and her belly went tight upon the bar stool cushion as a totally new sensation spread from her ass throughout her surprised vagina, as the wondrous feeling reached her clitoris and jolted it with an almost physical blow. She had a cock up her ass, and it was good.Gently, Bill moved back, and she moved for him, making a little circle with the cheeks of her ass, and in so doing, rubbed her snatch into the edge of the cushion. He stroked forward again, his tool filling and stretching the narrow sheath of her anus. She felt as if his prick were reaching all the way up into her belly, and thought wildly that when he came, the semen might very well explode up through her stomach and along her throat to shower from her open mouth.But she fucked him anyhow, taking care since he filled her so, knowing that she could easily tear the delicate tissues of her ass if she got too excited. And the very newness of what he was trying turned Bill on, the constriction of the rubbery sleeve around his embedded cock made him reach quickly for his mounting orgasm.He let it go into her asshole, flooded the tube with his sizzling come and collapsed forward upon her upturned buttocks. Bill was gasping and she thought that his climax must have been a tremendous one. She came close to hitting a crest of her own, but held off deliberately, since he stopped screwing her.When her eyes cleared, she saw that their kids were staring transfixed at what they had watched, a variation neither of them had ever attempted. Regina remained still until her husband backed his cock from her hole, drawing a trail of buttery liquid behind it. Then she swung herself erect with a feeling of triumph, because she had taken on a new dimension; she had experienced another kind of physical love, and now had touched just about all the bases.Turning back to the bar, she had two drinks in quick succession, and felt the hot jolt of them in her belly. Then walking to the center of the floor, she lay down and held up her arms to her son."Ready to fuck your mother again, darling?"Dale moved toward her, tugging his sister by the hand. "Lie down beside mom," he commanded. "Dad can mount you, while I top Mother."Silently, Monica drifted down, and when her sleek young ass touched Regina's hip, their hands found each other. It was a comfort, Regina thought, a closeness finer than ever before.Bill came stiff-legged over to stand with his reddened shaft out before him, some of his come leaking from its tip. Only a sexed-up tangle like this, with his daughter and wife and son, could turn her husband onto another piece of ass so soon, Regina thought.And then the time for thinking was past. Her son climbed between her thighs and, without preliminaries, set the bulb of his greasy cock against the waiting lips of his mother's golden-haired pussy. Watching mesmerized, Bill Abbott saw his son slide a hard cock into his wife, saw his wife wiggle in far-out rapture as the rigid length of the boyish prick vanished into the wet gripping of her cunt.Robotlike, he went to his own knees, and his daughter stared up at him, at the glistening cock-head that had just been removed from her mother's hole. Regina saw them come together, watched with intense concentration as her husband pushed the head of that prick into her daughter's eager cleft, watched Monica's feet lift higher and higher until the toes were pointing at the ceiling.Bill's cock went in to the roots, and his hairy balls came to rest in the crack of his girl's shuddering young ass. Just then Monica squeezed her mother's hand, as if to say: mom, I've got your man's prick in me, and it's wonderful.But so was Dale's cock, moving impetuously within the steamy nest of his mother's aroused pussy, and Regina squeezed back, as if to say: I understand, and bless you."Fuck me, Daddy," Monica breathed.Regina said, "Fuck me, son."Then they fell silent, the four of them moving sweetly together, sinuously together. Regina brushed her ass against her daughter's ass as she squirmed, and the contact seemed to bind them all even closer, to make a circle of them, so that their ecstasy was equally shared, so that their blissful fucking was spread throughout all their bodies at the same time.Lifting to one elbow, reaching her face up and over, Regina made it a more perfect circle by making contact with her husband. Their mouths met, and Bill's tongue began to plunge back and forth into her gasping mouth in just the manner that his prick was pumping in and out of his daughter's fine, clenching pussy.Dale continued to fuck, pounding his cock to the hilt with prideful thrusts that demonstrated to his father that he was just as much a man, that he could fuck his father's wife just as hard, just as pleasingly.Bill groaned against her teeth, and she sucked upon his tongue. From somewhere, a soft hand came to fondle one of her aching tits, and she thought the hand was Monica's. Violent forces raged within her vagina, and her clit was threatening to tear loose from its moorings. Regina hunched to her son's cock and let herself go completely.She would never know which of them reached the first orgasm. The tangle, the interweaving, was so blended that who came first did not matter. There were moanings and humpings, little glad cries of rapture and the panting sounds of lust run rampant. There were the noises a wetly hammering prick makes in a well-drenched pussy. There was a symphony of flesh upon flesh and the segue of skins.Regina came in a crazy kind of grabbing, kissing, wiggling. She felt hot semen spatter the length and breadth of her insanely aroused cunt, and she felt the slash of teeth as a man's mouth locked into her lip. She knew the grip of hands upon her tender boobs, and she threshed in an orgiastic voluptuousness that made her brain expand.Enmeshed in the tender trappings of legs and arms, held together by pricks and cunts and hands and mouths, they were, for an uncountable period of time, one object turned inanimate in the furnace of emotions that fused them.Slowly, regretfully, they came apart. When Regina got back to the world, she found herself looking up into the serious face of her daughter."Mom," Monica said, "you're just boss, the very most. I love you so much."Weakly, Regina touched Monica's cheek. "I love you, dear. We all love each other now -- deeply and fully. It's going to be wonderful around here from now on. You'll get an idea of just how wonderful, as soon as we all catch our breaths. I want you and me to make love, darling."Monica didn't hesitate. "Of course, mom."Regina let her hand drop. In a minute, she would sit up and have another drink to put more fuel in her tank, although she could probably run the rest of the night on her stored-up energy.She thought of the house across the yard, of four other people who were just as deliriously happy, who were exploring the heretofore forbidden mysteries of each other's bodies, breaking every taboo on the list, and reveling in the joy of the destruction.Stella and Chuck Baker; Carey and Judy Baker -- four lovely, sensuous people -- would now widen the circle of love to include the Abbotts. Idly, warmly, Regina wondered what it was going to be like to have eight naked people in one room, doing all sorts of exciting things.But that was for another time, she reminded herself, and opened her eyes to the now of her magically sensitized existence. She saw her son, his prick drooping only a bit -- and her husband, with his cock bent in the middle, but only momentarily; she saw her lovely daughter, with the froth of semen gleaming on her pussy hairs.It was going to be a long night, Regina thought, and a happy one.* Chapter 17 *"We might have a little trouble keeping track of things and people," Stella said. "There are four on each side, if we look at it that way -- and that might not be a bad way to start this here swinging orgy."Regina smiled at her friend, her lover. Stella was so much fun, even when she wasn't fucking somebody. They were all ranged around the Baker's living room, she and her husband and their children, the Bakers and their children.She asked, "What way is best to start, Stella?""With sides," the small woman answered. "The Bakers and the Abbotts can meet halfway, lined up according to size or age, or whatever, and start fucking. In five minutes, we change over."Bill said, "Hey -- I don't quite figure that out; change over how?"Stella answered, "Well, let's see -- suppose we start in by you screwing me, Bill; Chuck can fuck Regina, my son Carey can put it to your daughter Monica, and my daughter Judy can get shafted by your son Dale. That makes one family fucking the other. Then when we change over, we'll fuck within the families. How's that?"Regina crossed her long legs, amazed at the tremble that was setting up within her thighs. "Then after the switch, you and I should be screwing our own husbands, and the boys will be making it with their own sisters?""That's it," Stella agreed. "Everybody ready?"Regina thought that she'd been ready for a long time, ever since she got started in the husband-exchanging, son-fucking maneuvers. Glancing around the room, as they all began sliding and wiggling out of their robes, she realized that there was only one she hadn't had sexual relations with -- Judy Baker, the luscious little redhead with the seagreen eyes, the Baker daughter. She'd get to the girl later in the evening.She stood up and shed her robe, stood proudly and sexily in a hipshot pose drawing the male eyes. She was happy with her re-awakened body, with its newly aroused facets, and would glory in its uses to both male and female. For she could love and be loved by both sexes, and that was more than she had ever believed before.Holding out her arms, she sway-hipped toward Chuck Baker, and saw the rising of his prick as he advanced to meet her. A step to her right, her husband Bill was walking to Stella, and so on down the line. Four hardening cocks were pointed outward, feeling their way toward four anticipating cunts. Eight tits bobbed and jigged saucily, and as many hearts beat with heightened excitement as they all neared each other.Happily, Regina went into the arms of her man, the husband of her best friend. She brought her silken belly up tightly to his swollen cock, and smiled as she kissed him. She flattened the nipples of her tits into his chest."A real family fuck," she said softly, running only the hot tip of her tongue in and out of his mouth. "All of us screwing each other, right out in the open where each of us can share the happiness, where we can all participate in the pure beauty of it all."Chuck grinned his answer, and slid his hands familiarly around the cheeks of her ass so that he could pull her golden haired cunt up closer to his crotch. She ground it into him, let the warm and erotic feelings flow unhampered within her soul, within her vagina.She drew him to the floor with her, one hand fondling his prick, her body going vibrant and her mound dampening in eagerness to receive his cock. She lay beside him on the carpet, their hands feeling over flesh and hair, cupping and stroking and trailing the pleasure-pain of fingernails into crevices that ached."Fuck me, darling," she asked her lover, and helped him steer the yearning knob of his shaft to the trembling wetness of her labia. Sliding one leg up and across his waist, Regina positioned herself for the screwing, settling her crotch upon the spongy-hard end. His glans shoved against her fleshy barrier and slowly, sweetly, began to penetrate.Rolling her head to the side, Regina watched her own husband's prick plunging already, balls-deep, into the black furred cunt of Stella Baker. He was in the traditional position, between her small, sleek legs.Stella coiled and uncoiled those legs, striking with the gentle surgings of her pelvis. Her pussy devoured Bill's cock so that only his balls seemed to keep him from being pulled completely inside her body.And beyond her, Dale Abbot was drawing Judy Baker down upon his upright prick. The head of her son's cock shone like a lavender beacon as it reached for the red-haired pussy above it. A gorgeous little cunt, Regina saw, looking as if it was curled in crisp flames. It was probably as hot as it looked.As she watched, Dale held to Judy's ass and the girl squatted to fasten the blunt point of his cock into her snatch, then ground down upon it with a corkscrew motion, slow and easy. The girl's face was shining, her pink-tipped tits quivering and Dale grunted with great satisfaction as his cock worked into her pussy.One more set -- and Regina had to crane her neck a little to make them out: her own daughter Monica -- Monica with the hot suctioning cunt -- and the boy Carey, who had lost his cherry fucking Monica's mother. That mother stared now as he approached her daughter from the back, as he urged Monica over onto her hands and knees in a dog-fashion pose. Carey had his prick in one hand, and was guiding it between the polished buttocks of the girl, aiming it into the honey blonde hair between the incredible softness of her rounded thighs.Then they were all moving to their own rhythms, fucking at their own beat, grinding and thrusting, wiggling and humping as they felt like it.The boys screwed the girls, and the men fucked their women. The fact that the girls' brothers were within arm's reach, meant only additional pleasure. The fact that the husbands of the women were brushing their hips, as they fucked, against the other woman, only meant sharper thrills to all concerned.It was hypnotic, Regina thought, to watch the other pricks sliding into the lovely cunts, seeing their oily, polished shafts move within the jealous gripping of stretched and feverish labia. Their balls swayed and bounced softly, or swung wetly, or hung trembling in the cleft of an ass. So beautiful, she thought, so vividly provoking of highly erotic sensations.Sweetly, hotly, she fucked Chuck Baker, giving him a tit to suck, changing over to nibble at his own flinching button. He worked his magic prick juicily within her pussy, felt it over her thrumming clitoris and massaged the walls of her vagina. He was a fine, thoughtful lover, the first man she had taken since she married, her first true lover. Chuck had taught her to suck cock, and how thrilling it was to have her own cunt eaten. She owed him so much, as she owed the rest of the Baker family.She'd pay them all back, she thought, fucking steadily and greedily upon his shaft, rolling and clenching her ass in slow, sexy movements. She was in no hurry to come, and didn't rush it. It was wonderful just to screw, to ride this prick and think how magnificent it all was."Hey!" Stella's voice raised high, a little keen. "Hey, everybody, time to change over, to fuck the members of your own family -- no matter if you've come already or not. And there's no hurry for that, you know. We have all night, and all this good sex to catch up on."Reluctantly, they parted, pulling apart with lingering caresses and kisses. Chuck's cock slid from her cunt as hard as when it went inside. "Come back soon," Regina said, patting it.She smiled up at her own husband, at Bill whose prick glistened from the hot inner juices of Stella's cunt. He came gladly to her, and she rolled over onto her back, spreading her knees wide to take him all in.Bill said, "This is wild, baby -- I always like to shove my cock in there after Chuck has just pulled his out, but this time he didn't come in your pussy.""Maybe you will," she said, "and your son can fuck into your semen. That's almost as good for you, isn't it? You really do dig seeing Dale screw me.""Yeah," he panted, fitting his cockhead into her wet cunt lips and pushing gently, strongly forward. "I damned near came, just watching that boy pump his prick into your hot snatch. Oh, baby -- Regina darling -- you're so slick inside, so steamy.""Chuck stirred me all up," she said. "One of these nights, I want to take all four of you males on, fuck you all -- with you the last in line.""We'll do it," he promised, pumping his rod into her, feeding it a little faster now, getting more turned on with the picture she had drawn for him of the two boys and Chuck sticking it to her, each of them letting go their loads into her ardent pussy, then he crawling on to finish off the multiple fucking.Beside her, she heard Stella moaning and hissing, and she moved her head around to watch Chuck bring his wife to a biting, squirming orgasm."I'm coming!" Stella cried out. "Oh damn you, I'm coming!"The good and the bad, Regina thought; good feelings in the foaming crest of the climax, sorrow because she had been forced to come when she had meant to last much longer.And farther down the line, Judy Baker said sharply, loudly: "Oh -- oh, Dale! Your prick -- oh, oh -- "Regina couldn't hear as her daughter was fucked by Carey Baker, but she could make out their scuffling over the sounds of the other people. All of them were tuned in, turned out. They were fucking happily, sensuously, not hiding anything from anyone.Maybe it was emanating from her own head, but she thought she could see an aura of sorts, a glistening, halo kind of thing that moved with a faint purple shining throughout the room. Then she was busy, hunching madly with her husband as he pounded his hard cock into her grasping pussy.They came together, he spurting and splashing; she with that extra sense of warm looseness, that special bursting of fires and a showering of stars. Her ass made concentric circles, and her pelvis interrupted those circles occasionally to bump gently against Bill's crotch."So fine," she whispered, "so wonderful."And by the time he had partially melted within her, then backed his softening prick out of the grip of her cunt, she was so relaxed that she felt as if a major part of her body had turned to liquid and was soaking into the carpet.Regina was in a state of half-awareness when the boy stood over her with his cock in hand. Peering up through lash-shadowed eyes, she recognized her own son."May I fuck you now, Mother?" he asked politely.She arched her tits up to him, and when he kneeled between her semen-slicked thighs, Dale took both breasts in his hands to feel them tenderly, to stimulate their nipples into another erection. Taking hold of his hard young shaft, she fondled it awhile, enjoying the weight of his balls, fingering along the cord that ran from his testicles to his asshole.Her son, her loving, horny boy, yearning to fuck his mother, even though there were gorgeous young girls about, one his sister. They would always have this farout need for each other, she thought, as she rubbed up and down the pulsing head of his prong.Dale shoved his cock into her vagina, sloshed it into the sheath that was awash with his father's semen. It felt fabulous to her, electric and incomparable, and she wriggled sensuously upon the rod, passing her reawakening clitoris over the veined trunk, grinding and shaking.He kissed her, ran his sweet tongue deeply into her mouth, and his hands cupped the cheeks of her ass to lift her throbbing crotch to meet his powerful thrusts. Slosh, her cunt went; whush, her pussy bubbled, and she clamped her vaginal muscles down upon this most voluptuous of all pricks.They fucked steadily, with an intense dedication that closed out all the other moving bodies around them. They shut away all the sounds -- the gaspings and moanings and the unmistakable noises of a prick moving wetly within a suctioning cunt.Dale came a heartbeat before she did, hosing his precious semen copiously into her receptive vagina, pumping his creamy richness into his mother's pussy, hot and heavy. She had the feeling of being boiled inside, but her own heat blazed triumphantly forth and countered his. Cresting upon a lovely, permeating orgasm, Regina shivered and broke, arching her back and banging her cunt into his pelvis with an absorbing fury -- then falling back as he impaled her cunt and let the swollen head of his prick stabbed at her womb.She either fainted or fell into a soft and dreamless sleep. Regina didn't know which, but when she came warmly alert again, there was a new and zealous prick working within her snatch.Carey, she thought, and held him calmly within the circle of her arms, responding only slightly to the workings of his boyish cock. She was the earth mother now, the all-mother, giving the comfort of her saturated pussy to all men, sharing her heat and love. The boy screwed with a swiftening, hurrying tempo that blurred his shaft into her cunt, a slim piston of eager meat that soon turned into a miniature volcano and erupted.Lazily, she thought that now she had done it, that she had taken all four of these beautiful males into her pussy, and now all that remained for her this night was to take all of them into her mouth. And, to go on to the three women who also awaited her love. Stella, her friend; Judy, her friend's daughter; and, of course, her own sweet young girl, Monica. If she could last so long; if she or some of the others didn't tire and fall asleep, or worse yet, lose interest.Never, she thought, and broke her lethargy to sit up and look around her. Never would they fall into a rut of habit or duty or simply go through the motions of making love. They were like a many faceted jewel, able to catch the light and the heat from any sun. Together, they offered each other so many variations, a plentitude of erotic pleasures that could not pall.Someone touched her upon the shoulder, and she looked up at the lovely red-haired girl, Judy Baker. Judy asked, "Ready, Mrs. Abbott -- for me, I mean?"Regina smiled. "I'm always ready," she said.The End*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 66
When I found out that Kate was pregnant I immediately became aroused. Kate and I have long enjoyed sharing big black cock and having multiple black men fill her holes with cum, which I always greedily would lick from her pussy. Kate very much enjoys watching me suck a black cock for all its worth then guiding it into my slutty white man hole so that I could be used hard by those huge stiff black cocks. We went out one night during her fourth month, just around the time that she had began to show her growing belly. We were definitely on the hunt for some long hard black cock for her to take into her pregnant cunt for the first time. We met James, a 6'6 260 lb monster of a black man. He towered over both of us, me standing 5'8 and weighing 175lbs and my wife Kate standing 5'2 and normally weighing 105 lbs, but now from her being with child was weighing in at 120lbs. We made some small talk with our new friend and the conversation turned to sex. Within a half an hour the three of us were hailing a cab from the bar and heading to our apartment.It didn't take long for things to heat up. I offered to get two cold beers for James and I. Upon returning to the living room, a few short moments later, I was greeted with the sight of Kate on her knees sucking the biggest cock I had ever seen, easily being 11 inches long and as thick as a cucumber. I immediately joined her in the sucking of his sexy black meat. Moving to the bed room we all quickly stripped and resumed sucking his black log. Kate was now begging to be fucked and James happily accommodated her request. James positioned himself between her spread open legs and held himself above her, not wanting to put his weight on her obviously pregnant belly. With one swift long push James buried his entire black fuck stick into my wife's pregnant hole, slamming it in and out of her with a steady fury. Kate screamed for him to give her his big nigger dick, to fuck her trashy white cunt with his hot black meat and various other foul mouth uttering as James pounded her cunt hard. When he was getting ready to cum, he attempted to pull out, only to find Kate's legs wrapped around his waist pulling him deeper into her cunt. She begged for him to blow his load into her, and to splash our unborn baby with his black cum. This was more than James could handle and he filled her with his load. I jumped in between her legs and licked both of them clean. We repeated this scenario often through out her entire pregnancy.***We had the baby home for two months now, a sweet little girl that we named Melanie. Kate was healed and in real need for some black cock. This time would be different as we both agreed that we would include Melanie in the action. We spoke to James, who we liked better than any of our other black studs, and explained our fantasy. We were very pleased that he was game to help us play out our little fantasy. That Saturday night James arrived at 8 pm as we had agreed and to our surprise, and delight, he had with him another woman. He introduced her as his daughter, Nina and stated to us that she was 15. I was shocked at her age due to the fact that she looked 23 to 24. James and Nina told us that they had been fucking since she was 3 and that they had always fantasized about being in an orgy with another family and the fact that we were willing to include our two month old baby girl turned them on like nothing else ever before. Melanie started to cry as she was hungry so Kate, in front of everyone, exposed her tit and let Melanie begin to feed. This got Nina hot so she knelt down and began to nurse from Kate's other tit, sending Kate into a series or moans and shivers. James walked over to Kate and undid his pants, exposing his monster black tool and as it bobbed in front of Kate's hungry mouth he grabbed the back of her head and slowly guided her mouth to his rock hard black meat. James slowly fucked Kate's throat deep while I sat and enjoyed this perverse show, slowly stroking my rock hard dick.With no forewarning James reached down and undid Melanie's diaper exposing her fresh innocent pussy. He wet his finger with his own spit and began to slide his thick black pointer finger up and down Melanie's two month old pussy. It was now time for this play to the next level. Kate laid back and spread her legs as James impaled her with his huge nigger fuck stick.Kate was still holding Melanie and Nina positioned herself so that she could lick Melanie's pussy while her father fucked Kate hard and deep. After what seemed lick an eternity of watching my wife getting fucked and my newborn being eaten out by a fifteen year old slut.James announced that he was going to cum. My wife shocked us all when she screamed for James to give it all to Melanie. James did just that. Nina moved her face away from Melanie's cunt just as James blew wad after wad of thick white cum all over Melanie's two month old baby pussy. I came hard from seeing my precious newborn girl literally covered in hot white cum from James' huge black cock. My wife immediately ordered me over to do my duty of cleaning up our little girl, with my mouth of course. I came again from running my mouth all over Melanie's body, including her little cunt, eating this black mans cum from her.Our story progresses and I have more to tell in part two, which I will write when time allows.Note that this is all fiction, none of it ever taking place. The names in this story are also made up. This is merely a work of fiction meant to cross the boundaries of taboo and offer a new type of story for those who are tired of reading the same basic story told a million different ways.Enjoy!*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 45
There was a huge manzanita tree outside the house we used to live in. It was a small farm, really, outside of Harlingen Texas, anyway my Dad built the tree house in the low, spreading branches.Later, in the year before Dad died, he and my Uncles Carlos and Renni and some friends of my father, built an addition onto our kitchen that brought one set of windows very close to the tree.By that time I was twelve, and hardly ever went up there anymore anyway, so it never seemed to matter that from inside the tree house there was a perfect view into the kitchen - the new huge kitchen that my mother loved.She was a great cook, my mother, and was known by everyone for her mole dishes, and for her chili.She took over raising us when my father died, and she was very strict, I can tell you that! Still, it was my older sisters who got it the most. It is true that the baby boy is petted and spoiled, I never got peppered even once.Peppering! That's what I have to tell you about because that is what I saw twice in my life.It was a steaming hot day in July. My best friend Hugo and I were climbing up into the tree house. Yes, I know I said I didn't use it much anymore, but this was summer, and Hugo I didn't have anything better to do that afternoon.We had just gotten up when I heard a scream from the kitchen, and we looked out the window. My mother was dragging my sisters by their hair toward the kitchen. She was screaming at them, and the windows were wide open, it was impHugoble not to hear! I motioned to Hugo, and we hunkered down with our eyes just above the sill of the tree house window."Both of you! Both!! What?? I don't provide well enough?? You shame me like this?? I am known!! Our name is known!! Your father, Mother of God, rest his soul, would die of shame if he could see you! What did you think? Tell me!!! "It turned out that they had stolen some things from a store in town. Mama was swearing and shaking them by their hair, so they couldn't really talk."Aieeee! I'll you what you'll get for this, you ungrateful children. For this I am going to pepper your behinds and whip you until you girls cannot sit still for a week. Do you hear me??!!"Oh Mama, no! no!" Natalia sniveled.She had been peppered once before, last spring, and remembered it all too well. I did too. That was the other one I witnessed. My oldest sister had been caught out in the barn playing with herself. She should have known better.Well, she was peppered right there where the hands or anyone else could have seen! It was the first time I had really seen my sister naked, and I got away with it. That time, Natalia had to remove all her clothes and bend over a rail. She had to spread herself and it was then that she was peppered. Right after she wet herself and that was even before she got switched. I saw her pee all over the barn floor.Natalia had just turned sixteen at the beginning of this summer, and was a beauty, even I could see that! All the boys, even some of my friends, liked to dream about her, and she had a few boyfriends she kept on a string, though none that Mama knew about! Maria was younger by two years, and as far as I knew had never been peppered. She had seen Natalia get it that other time though, and knew what it was about, so she started crying. Mama turned away from them to pull on her rubber gloves."Both of you...!" she went on scolding.She took the short Burch rod down from its hook on the wall and laid it on the huge wooden table that was the center piece of our kitchen."Both of you come here. Now!!!!!"Both Natalia and Maria were crying and trying to offer excuses, saying they were sorry, but Mama wouldn't listen. She began talking in a soft voice, forcing the girls to stop wailing in order to hear her. Hugo and I nearly fell out of the tree house trying to hear what she was saying. I even felt a little sick, but to tell the truth I was so hot that I could hardly breathe! Mama spoke again, she was almost crooning."I am telling you now that I am going to do this, and you are going to bend for it and take it because you know that I want you to be good girls. Good girls! Do you understand me? Do you, Natalia?"Mama was pulling Natalia's hair back from her forehead and speaking quickly."You did very wrong, both of you. Do you hear me, Maria? And when you do wrong, it is the Mama's job to see that you are punished for what you did? Do you understand me? Maria?""Yes, Mama," they both whispered, and started to cry again."Both of you, together, bend over the edge of the table, side by side. Yes! I have my gloves on. I want you both to pull up your skirts - all the way up Maria, up high by your waist. Oh Natalia! Look at your panties! Who taught you to wear panties like that?"Natalia mumbled something, and my mother returned to the kitchen sink. She was right in front of me, and I had to crouch down, dragging Hugo with me, but I knew what she was doing. Mama had been cooking (Mama was always cooking) and there was a pile of hot chilies on the drain board. She was going to use them for some dish or other - chipotle, jalapeno, hot peppers. I could imagine her going through the small pile, looking for something small and hot, a jalapeno! She was talking softly again, about how this was for their own good and I shifted myself in my pants, squeezing because I was so hard that squeezing it felt good. She walked back to the kitchen table, and I popped up again, dragging Hugo with me, glancing at him as he wiped some spit from his chin with the back of his hand. He was shaking. Mama held her hands up like a doctor going into an operation, and in her hand was a small pepper. I knew she had scored the skin with a fork to let the juice run free. The girls started to wail again, begging her please not to do this, please!"Pull your panties down, both of you! Both of you, now! If I have to tell you again, I will take you outside and whip you with a switch where anyone can see you. Is that what you want? Is it?"They both crumpled at this. Natalia turned her face toward the window and lowered her panties. I could see snot running down her cheek and her eyes were nearly swollen shut already. Maria followed suite reaching back pulled her panties down."Take them all the way off" Mother continued."They wiggled to get them to fall to the backs of her knees, then kicking to get them off their feet."I am starting with you, Natalia. Open yourself for Mama. Do it!Now, Natalia! Open yourself for Mama!"I watched my big sister reach with both hands, grasped her big cheeks and pulling them apart. She had begun to whimper."No Mama no! no! no! no! please Mama. Oh God Mama no! Oh no!!!"Mother put one gloved hand on the small of Natalia's back to steady herself, then touched the tip of the pepper to my sister's big brown anus. There was a moment of silence in which my big sister shifted around restlessly then she exploded."Mama! Mama! Aleieieie!" Natalia screeched as she began to feel the mounting fire as the juice ran and irritate the delicate tissue there. Her big bottom wiggled, flopped, and twisted as Mama continued to press the pepper in a little. Then ran it up and down her crack."Mama! Oh, Mama Aleieieie!"!!!" Natalia was screaming,In seconds Natalia was pulling her bottom wide open as far as she could, and bouncing so that I could easily see between her legs. Her pussy covered in black curly hair, and her red, irritated, anus, were opening and closing like a little mouth searching for a cool drink. She could not close her legs, it stung so much."Mama I will never do it again and I won't masturbate anymore. Please! I promise by the Virgin Mama, please! I am burning up Mama! Please! Oh, please! Stop!! Mama! Aleieieie!"My mother left Natalia and went to work on Maria, who by that time was gagging with fear."Open your bottom for me Maria. I will not tell you again. If you do not, I will take you outside, do you understand?!"Maria wailed in surrender and reached behind to spread her little puppies. I don't know if Mama used the same pepper or a different one but Maria was very soon doing the same dance as Natalia. Mama worked the tip that hot pepper into Maria's ass and then up and down her crack. "Mama! Mama! Mama!!" Maria screamed, her legs frog-kicking straight out and all the way open, so that you could also see between her legs. Some of the fiery liquid had dripped down onto my younger sister's, little sex where hair had just begun to grow and she was spreading her cheeks frantically, trying to cool the acid heat."Mama, Oh, Mama. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!!" she wailed. "It's on my pussy! It's on my pussy, Moma! Not my pussy! No! Oh! I'm on fire!"My mother stepped back and took off her gloves, tossing them into the sink with a thump. She picked up the Burch and stepped back from the table. Maria was still kicking out when the Burch landed. Moma burched her with awesome snapping strokes placed right across those little puppies of hers. She made an awful row and although the birch struck her hands and the tips sometimes landed between her cheeks she did not let go of her little puppies but held them open for the entire punishment..Then it was Natalia's turn to wail and shake under mothers attentions. She gave it to her worse than she did to my younger sister. Natalia screamed and wailed, and screamed again. The screams turning into shrieks when the tips struck the tender lips, she flaunted so outrageously, between her parted thighs. She too held herself open so that her exposed girlhood could come under attack. Her chubby, bottom grew red with welts, my mother sweating more with the effort."Mama Oh!!!" She cried. "Pleees No more! Mama aaaaah!!! Oh, Stanta Maria!"And she wiggled her ass hard and rolled from side on the table trying to get relief. One blow caught her lower down and the tips sunk deep into her dark nest."Ouhf!" She grunted.And with that Natalia jerked uncontrollably, looked up; and the thing happened. She wet herself, right there! A stream of yellow pee shot right out from between her legs and splashed down to puddle on the floor. It seemed to never stop coming out. But Mother waited for her to finish. As I watched, my face cheeks burned at the sight of my sister peeing. I had to touch myself even though it was my own sister. Mother just got a big bottle of dish washing detergent and a towel, and went back to the table. As I watched, she cleaned up where my sister had squirted. Then she made my sister count to twenty giving her a stroke of the birch with each count."Go to your room, undress, and stand in the corner with the door open where I can watch you for an hour. Now Go!" The sobbing subsided, and they stood up gingerly."But Mama," Natalia whispered. "What if Eduardo comes home? What if he sees us naked!""Then your little brother will see your big red behinds. He was shamed as well, you know! Now don't question me again or you'll get some more of the same!"I gulped, thinking how they would feel if they knew exactly what I had seen!!THE END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 53
My mother gave birth to me not long after her 18th birthday. I never knew who my father was, and I suspect, neither did she. This meant that when I turned 14 my mother was still quite young, only 32 years old. She was also very attractive. She looked after her body, and worked out at the gym 3 days a week. She also had the most amazing big pair of tits.I would often lie in bed at night and fantasize about her tits, about touching them and sucking on her perfect nipples. I also learned that if I timed it just right, and took a walk down the hall to the toilet a few moments after I hear her go to her bedroom, I could often catch a glimpse of those beautiful breasts through her slightly open bedroom door as she changed into her night gown. When I did succeed in seeing her, my heart would start pounding so hard it felt it would break out of my chest. I would get so turned on that I would have to quickly continue to the bathroom and jerk off into the toilet before she noticed. This was always such a let down, but I knew I would never get any better opportunities. I was wrong though.Soon after I turned 14, my mothers behaviour changed slightly, and little did I know how good that would be for me. My mother decided that as I was now 14, it was safe for her to leave me at home alone on a Friday evening, which meant that she could catch up on some of he missed youth, and go out clubbing and partying with her friends every now and then.The first night that she left me alone, I waited a few minutes after she had left, and then raced up the stairs to her bedroom. I carefully opened the door, afraid that any sound would somehow let her know what I was up to, event though she was long gone and I was alone in the house. I walked carefully over to her laundry basket and opened the lid. I carefully searched through the items in there until I found what I was looking for, a pair of her worn panties. I lifted them delicately from the basket and then stared at them. I immediately felt my dick starting to grow hard in my trousers and begin to throb. I walked over to her bed and sat on the. I then lifted the panties to my nose and sniffed the scent of her pussy. I slipped my trousers down and my dick popped up, dying to be stroked. I wrapped the soft panties around my shaft and began to stroke. After only a few seconds I exploded with thick cum all over the panties and my hand. This was the most amazing wank I had ever had. However, after a few minutes, my head began to clear and I suddenly panicked. How would I explain the goo all over her panties? I rushed over to the toilet and flushed them down, hoping that she would not notice they were missing. I then went to my bedroom and fell asleep. Later that night I awoke to hear my mother come home. She walked quietly down the hall and went to bed. She never mentioned the missing panties, much to my relief.**A few weeks later, my mother decided to go for another night on the town. This time however, I was too nervous to go into her room again, in case I did something that gave me away, so I just watched some television, and then went to bed. Later that night I woke once again to hear my mother coming home. This time though, I did not hear her come up the stairs or down the hall. I lay for a while and listened, but nothing. So, I got out of bed and walked down the hall and downstairs to the living room. As I walked into the living room I could smell alcohol. My mother was lying on the couch, passed out. I walked over and tried to wake her, but nothing happened. She just snored a little and mumbled a bit when I shook her shoulder. I was about to leave her there and go back to bed to sleep when I noticed that the top buttons of her shirt were open and I could just see the top of her breast as it curved down into her bra. Immediately I felt a throbbing start in my trousers as my dick started to get hard at the sight of it. I stood there for a moment and stared, and then a wicked thought crossed my mind.I bent forward again and shook my mothers shoulder to see if she would wake, but once again she just moaned a little and continued to sleep. By now my dick was hard and throbbing at the thought of what I was planning to do. First I glanced around the room to make sure nobody could see me (I don't know who I though would be there, but I was so nervous).Then, slowly, one by one I started to loosen the remaining buttons on my mother shirt, check after each one to make sure she was not waking up. Soon I had then all open, and peeled her top apart to reveal her amazing breasts just covered in her lacy black bra. This was almost more than I could take, and I was sure I was going to cum right there and then, but I concentrated on keeping control, because I did not want to waste this moment.Next, I slowly and gently lowered my hand to her chest and placed a finger on her exposed breast. It was so soft and warm. My heart started pounding. I moved the finger slowly down towards the edge of the bra, and started to gently push it back. Inch by inch more of her amazing white breast was exposed to me. I could not believe I was finally getting to have a good look. Then, as I pushed further I hit the prise. Her beautiful dark nipple popped out from under the bra. By now my heart was pounding so hard I thought I would pass out.I reached my other hand into my trousers and pulled my hard penis out. It was throbbing in my hand. I slowly started to stroke it back and forth as I caressed the exposed nipple with my other hand. I could not believe this was happening. This was my fantasy come true. As I gently stroked her nipple, I noticed it get slightly darker and harder. This just got me even more turned on. I had an idea. I looked up to my mother face to make sure she was still asleep, then, I gently leaned forward and touched the head of my penis to her nipple. The feeling was amazing. I had never felt anything so intense. I stroked my dick faster and faster, thinking I was about to explode or pass out or both. Just then I had another thought. I stopped stroking and looked down towards my mother's skirt. One of her legs was over the edge of the couch with her foot on the floor; the other was over the arm rest. I checked again to make sure she was still asleep, and then, with heart pounding so loudly in my ears that I could hear nothing else, I slowly drew the hem of her skirt up until I could clearly see he small lacy panties. This was amazing. I was actually going to see my mother's pussy! My hand started to tremble, but I delicately pulled the crotch of her panties aside to reveal a totally hairless shaved pussy. I had seen pictures in my friend's magazines of pussies like this, but never in real life, and here I was staring at my mothers without her having any idea.Once again I started to stroke my dick, but I was not sure I could last much longer before I shot my load all over the couch. I licked the finger on my free hand and then slowly pushed my finger in towards her slit. It was amazing, so warm and moist. I probed deeper with my finger, all the time watching my mothers face to see if she stirred. Then I drew my finger out, covered in my mother's pussy juice, and brought it up to my mouth. This was amazing; she tasted so good, just ever so slightly salty. My dick throbbed as I slowly stroked it, trying desperately to decide where I could cum! I did not want to make a mess, but I did not want to leave this site. As hormones overtook me, and I got a bit more confident, I decided I had to try just putting my dick into that warm pussy. It just felt like something I had to do. I would just push it in a little way, just to see how it felt.I moved carefully around between my mother's legs, and then with one hand on the back of the couch I slowly lowered my body forward and guided my penis towards her hot wet slit while staring at the still exposed nipple. I would just slip it in for a few seconds and then blow my load into the basin in the kitchen. However, as soon as I felt the head of my dick slip in between those warm lips, the hormones took over, and before I knew what was happening, my hips started to thrust forward slowly in and out.After only a few thrusts I felt a huge wave of orgasm come over me, it was more intense than anything I had ever felt before. It felt as though an endless stream of cum was pouring out of me into my mother's wet, warm pussy. I had never felt anything so amazing.A few seconds later the ecstasy passed, and I began to panic. What the hell had I done? I had just cum in my own mother's vagina. She was going to find out and kill me. I pulled my trousers up and ran to the kitchen. I grabbed the roll of kitchen towel, and returned to my mother. To my horror I could see a thick stream of cum dripping out of her slit. What had I done? I quickly wiped off all the cum I could see and put her panties back in place. I pulled her skirt and bra back down, and hastily buttoned her shirt back up and then went to bed, my heart still pounding. I lay awake in bed terrified of what I had just done, but at the same time remembering the amazing experience. In the morning, I tried to avoid my mother, but when she called me for breakfast there was no option but to go into the kitchen and see her.She was freshly showered and dressed, with her hair up in a towel. When she saw me walk in she turned to me, put my cereal on the table and said "So, everything ok last night while I was out?"The relief I felt was amazing. "Yea, just watched some telly then went to bed. You have fun?"ENDThis is a fictitious fantasy. I hope you enjoyed the story. If so, please let me know. Send me an email.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 63
My wife and I were mismatched from the start. I was an outgoing man with a heavy sex drive. My wife was involved in the church and thought sex was just for reproduction. We were a little older when we had our daughter, Glenda. She was a beautiful little girl who had boundless energy. She and I got along just fine but my wife was distracted by her energy and her teasing.My wife spent more time with church functions and totally lost interest in sex. This left me frustrated and hornier and even kinky in that my fantasies started to run wild.What was worse, or better, as Glenda got older she found cock teasing was fun. She would come bouncing into the room and onto my lap. She would squirm around and giggle when my cock started to swell. She must have known this was wrong because she would quit when her mother came in the room.By the time she was 6 years old she would wait until I was in the shower and join me. She seemed fascinated in my cock and, I am ashamed to admit, let her wash it sometimes.Of course, this was taking a toll on me. I wasn't getting fucked and started jacking off regularly thinking of Glenda and how we loved each other. To my credit it should be noted that I never tried to fuck her although I desperately wanted to.She certainly never got her personality or hormones or sex drive from her mother. She developed early on and I found myself helping her develop sexually. My wife spent more and more time at the church and Glenda and I were alone a lot.I bought her a paperback, "My Secret Garden" about women and their fantasies. I told her how much I loved her and that I wanted her to be well rounded in the joy of sex. I told her nothing was bad if she liked it. By now she must have been 12 years old or so. At night I would peek in her bedroom window and watch her read the book and finger fuck herself. I'm glad no one caught me jacking off by her window. I even bought hard core XXX videos for her because I told her sex ed in school wasn't going to help her in her quest for maturity.The years passed and she got older with a beautiful slender figure and a very hot cunt. I know because I secretly caught her sucking a guys cock in his car. I was really thrilled when I stole a look at her riding her first hard cock.She thought the house was empty and I hid in her closet. I heard her bring someone in the house and peeked out as she brought a man into her room. She was only 16 or so and he was in his late 20s. She was dressed in a short pleated skirt and bobby socks. She was stoned and told him she needed some more of his weed. After a deep drag she said her cunt was on fire and needed a good fuck.She laid down and spread her legs and pulled her skirt up. No panties and her hairy cunt was awash in her juices. As he rammed his big cock deep in her hungry cunt he said that all his buddies had fucked her and he couldn't wait. She fucked him like a whore and screamed when he pumped his big cock load into her. After he pulled his limp cock from her cum filled cunt she asked him to take her back to the party so his buddy's could fuck her. Daddy loved his little girl so much. She was what he wished his wife would have been.She got pregnant and his wife was so offended that she kicked her out of the house, over his objections.Several years later she called him on his personal cell phone and said she wanted so much to see him and show him his granddaughter. He got directions to where she lived, packed a bag and left. His heart was racing and his cock was ready for love.He found her little cabin in the woods late in the afternoon. Glenda came out on the sagging porch with a radiant smile on her pretty face and a bottle of beer in her hand. She was so beautiful. Slender, barefooted and dressed in flimsy p.j. bottoms with worn out elastic so that they rode low on her hips. She had on an old t-shirt and no bra, covering her full nursing tits.Daddy and daughter embraced, tears flowing. She stepped back and held her arms open and asked if he could love her in her sorry state of affairs. He said she was so beautiful just the way she was and he loved her braless nursing tits.Her full tits swung as she turned to enter her cabin and he could see her ass crack through the thin worn out p.j.s. She took his hand and lead him to the only bedroom and showed him her sleeping 2 year old daughter. As she bent over he put his hand on her lower back and watched her full tits hang down in her t-shirt. She made his cock wild with fatherly lust.She asked him to find the whiskey and make them drinks and she would be right back. The bathroom door wasn't closed well and he peeked and saw her take her p.j.s down, no panties, and start pissing. While her golden stream filled the toilet she lit up a weed and inhaled deeply. He loved his fucked up daughter.She came out and he handed her the drink and she gulped it down. She told him she was sorry a girl couldn't take a piss quietly and he kissed her cheek and said it was his turn. He didn't even try to close the door and Glenda watched as her father dropped his big cock from his pants and pissed so hard the water bubbled in the toilet.She said fuck it, next time they could just piss together. He laughed and told her that her up tight mother would shit if she were here. Glenda told him that her mother wouldn't say cock if she had a mouth full. He said not only wouldn't she suck cock but she wouldn't even fuck him anymore. Glenda said that maybe she was fucking the congregation and they both laughed.The baby started to cry so Glenda went and got her and sat next to her daddy on the broken down couch. She pulled up her t-shirt and dropped a full tit out and the baby started to nurse. She told her daddy that she was so fucking wasted that she might have an orgasm nursing. He said he was so turned on watching her nurse that he might cum too.She told him she had another tit if he would like to suck some mommy milk. He pulled her t-shirt off and buried his head in her full tit and started sucking. She started breathing heavily and told her dad to fucking suck her. She reached under her p.j.s and started rubbing her cunt. She was totally lost in her lust and asked her daddy to fucking talk dirty to her so she could cum. He pulled off of her tit and milk ran down her chest to her belly and soaked her thin p.j.s and thick cunt bush.He said that if she lost any more milk that ran down to her cunt the baby would have to suck it from her pussy slit. She was out of control and said that, before her mother fucking boy friend left he would fuck her cunt full of cum and then spit mommy milk on her slit and the baby would suck her clit and drink his cum and she would have the most tremendous orgasm.He could see she was riding such a high on the verge of cumming that he could talk as dirty as he wanted. He told her she was a wonderful mommy and after the baby ate her cunt she should have sucked the ass holes spent cock. This turned Glenda on so much that she raised her hips up so that her daddy could remove her old p.j.s. Now she was totally naked. She spread her legs wider and said she needed a hard fucking so the baby could eat cum from her cunt. She watched daddy stand up and undress. His huge cum filled cock stood straight out. He told her that he had always wanted to fuck her and she interrupted and said she had waited a long time for her cunt to be filled by her daddy's big fucker.She gasped as her cunt was filled by her father's hard cock. The baby pulled off of her tit and looked down at the big cock fucking her mommy's wild cunt. Glenda was about out of her mind and told the baby that she could eat mommy's cunt as soon as she was fucked. Glenda paused and then told her dad to pull out of her cunt to see if baby would like to suck cock. He pulled his slippery cock from his daughter's cunt and rubbed the fat head against the baby's lips. The baby opened her mouth and sucked in the tip of the dripping cock head. Glenda watched the baby and said she was a natural born cock sucker. After all, 2 years old was old enough.She cried out for cock in her cunt and her daddy plunged his fucker back into her hole. She came hard as he pumped stream after stream of cum deep in her belly. After he pulled out they put the baby to her cunt and she sucked clit and drank cum while granddad rubbed her baby ass with his softening cock.To end the perfect day Glenda sat on the old toilet and spread her legs so daddy could piss between her legs and wash her fucked cunt with piss.In the morning both daddy and baby started by sucking tit. The day that lay before them was one of family love.ENDAny comments? Please let me know. Jones*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 42
Story based on an idea from: Nuggettdane@aol.comDay 1Driving down the dirt road Sara fumed, "Where the hell am I?" It's been 40 minutes since she had seen anyone, on foot or driving. Plains and forest-land as far as the eye could see, not even cows in the fields like she thought was the norm in a backwater area like this. Re-examining the directions she received from her friend, Sara concluded she had made a wrong turn. She had just turned seventeen today, and so far it was not much of a "happy" birthday for her. The rest of the cheerleading squad had rented this prime cabin, and were throwing the biggest party of the year for her birthday. Beer, boys the whole shebang! There was even this one boy, Jeff. He was supposed to be there and she really wanted to fuck him. Later that night after she had a few drinks she could play easy without looking like a slut, and convince Jeff to help her inside to her bed. After she had him alone, she would have his cock deep insider her pussy within a matter of minutes.All this was still a dream, unfortunately for Sara as she seemed to make no progress driving down this deserted road. "Please god, just a gas station, or even some hillbilly's house that owns a phone" she prayed aloud. It was starting to get dark, and was very cloudy. The last thing she wanted was to be lost out here in no mans land, at night in a storm. No sooner than those thoughts processed in her mind, had a strange sound started to emit from the front of her car, probably the engine she thought with dread. Unexpectedly, the car began losing its momentum, the accelerator not propelling the car like it should have. "Please God, no, please don't break down!" Stomping on the gas peddle was fruitless. The car coming to a halt on the road side. "NOO, God DAMNIT! Great FUCKING birthday for me!" She screamed at no one in particular. Grudgingly getting out of her car, she walked around to the front, managed to lift the hood and examined her findings. Not having one clue how to fix a car, much less what it was suppose to look like under the hood, Sara gave up rather fast. A mile down the road and still whining to herself, Sara continued her trek. "The worst day of my life, on my birthday!" exited her mouth, while a tear ran down her face. It was starting to get cold; she had to wrap her arms around herself to help keep warm. It wasn't very helpful for her body temperature that she was wearing a short light pink dress that came down only to her mid thighs, while being supported by two thin spaghetti sized straps, bra-less to accentuate her large pert breasts that convinced everyone they somehow were able to defy gravity, topped with large nipples that appeared consistently firm, and only a pink thong that matched her dress to cover her teenage pussy.* * * BOOM, the sky rumbled. A thick rain began falling from the sky. Before Sara even understood what was going on, it hit her. Soaking through her dress and plastering her hip length brown her to her body. It seemed to take seconds before she was dripping wet as if she had falling in a lake. Her breasts easily seen through her soaking dress, her nipples as if demanding attention eagerly pushing through the fabric. Her pink dress became transparent in no time at all, clinging to her body. Continuing on, sobbing like a five year old grounded from watching TV for the first time, she walked still. In a little less than an hour, much crying and worn muscles Sara came to what appeared to be a drive way. Pausing at the edge of it, she peered down the suspected driveway looking for a house. With to many trees to determine anything for sure she decided "Why not, it's got to lead to something." After a quarter mile and two twists in the path she saw it. Her salvation, a cabin surrounded by trees. Although she knew this was not the same one she was supposed to meet her friends at she was pleased, and she would be able to call for help. Knocking on the front door Sara waited impatiently. After a minute she persisted in her knocking. Still nothing. "Damnit, where the fuck are they?" Trying the door knob, she twisted. The latch releasing allowing the door to swing open, she stood there looking through the entrance curiously. "HELLO, IS ANYONE HOME?" she yelled with an obvious desperation in her voice. Silence was her only response. Maybe I can just go in and use their phone and leave quickly before they get back, she contemplated. Hesitantly stepping inside, soaking the carpet with her still dripping body, she scanned the room for a phone, nothing. Leaving a wet trail behind her she went from room to room in her search. With no phone to be found, Sara ended up on the couch in the living room. With no choice but to wait for the occupants of this cabin she laid down. No way in hell am I going back out there at night in the rain she decided. Using one of her small arms as a pillow the rest her head and did her best to get comfortable. Her body still wet, this was a huge feat indeed. Trying to fight off the sleep was a struggle that she quickly lost. Her sensuous body going limp in this strange cabin to dreams of her party, and Jeff between her legs.* * *Pulling up to the front of his Cabin, John sensed something was off. "Why is the fucking door open?" A look of concern appearing on his face. Getting out of his car, John approached the front door slowly. Drawing his 9 mm handgun from the waistband of his pants, he peered around the corner of the door, scanning the room. Instantly noticing the half naked girl asleep on his couch, he was very suspicious. What exactly is going on here he wondered. Very displeased with his sopping wet carpet, something this girl must be responsible for. How old was this girl exactly? He would have guessed about twelve had her breasts not been so large. She must be very small for her age. She couldn't have been more than 5'2'' and weighting no more than 110lb's. Starting towards this girl, gun in hand, aimed straight at her face John was prepared. He needed to be ready in case this was some kind of trap. Should others jump out at him as he was taking the possible "bait", he would shoot this bitch in the head and dive for cover. Standing over her, gun ready to fire into her skull, he kicked the couch below where her head rest. Watching her open her eyes to his gun pointed at her pleased John as the look of fear spread across her face. He enjoyed making women feel this way, and it helped reassure him this was not some kind of trap. A panic previously unknown to young Sara, she became to stutter. "P-please, please don't kill me." Tears instantly appearing in her eyes and running down her checks. "Who are you and what the fuck are you doing in my house?" John trying to remain calm asked her, he needed answers."I-I'm sorry, m-my car broke down. I was stranded. Th-this is the first house I found. I just needed a phone!" a terrified Sara whimpered."Bullshit bitch. Who the fuck else is with you? Who else is IN MY HOUSE!?" An increasingly angry John could barely keep from screaming at this female."No one, I swear mister. Please don't hurt me." begged Sara."Get the fuck up." A raging John grabbing her by the throat, pulling her to her feet. His hand always felt good wrapped tightly around a pretty young girls throat denying her breath, but that would have to wait for later. "Let's go cunt, lead the way. Lets make sure we're alone." Jabbing his gun barrel roughly into her back, she started moving forward.Room by room they went. Most of the rooms bad minimal furnishings and no where to hide. The search went fairly smooth, Sara not struggling much followed John's orders. They ended up in John's bedroom. Realizing she was telling the truth John chuckled to himself. This bitch was dumb enough to come into his home, the biggest fucking mistake of her life, he thought to himself while displaying a sinister smile to his sweet victim.Still crying Sara was unsure what was going to happen now that they had search the entire place and this scary man knew she was telling the truth. "Can I use your phone to call my parents so they can come pick me up? I promise I wont tell anyone about the gun, I just want to go home. Please!"Realizing his situation, it was easy for John to decide what he wanted. "Turn around and face the bed" he stated plainly. "What? Why? No one is here, I'm all alone, I wasn't lying to you." Sara babbled, truly confused.Keeping his gun aimed at her, John brought up his free hand and savagely slapped her across the face. "FACE THE FUCKING BED BITCH!" he screamed with all the power in his lungs. If there were people living nearby the cops would have surely been called believing someone was being murdered. Watching her face swell up red, and tears again freely running down her face, she turned around, facing John's bed with her back to him. Examining her trembling body, the short pink dress, still wet and translucent. Easily seeing her thong clad ass through the material. John knew what this bitch deserved."So you think its ok to come into someone's house uninvited, and do what you want? Snoop around, sleep on their couch? You fucking bitch, I hate trespassers." "No sir, it's just that my car broke dow...." she was cut off abruptly as John punched her full force in the back, knocking her forward onto his bed. Gasping for air, she struggled against the disorientation the blow caused."Shut the fuck up bitch." This is what happens to whores who trespass. Seeing her there on the bed face down, her ass up in the air John went to her. "Don't you fucking move or I will shoot you." With those words John again used his free hand to tear her pink birthday dress from her petite frame. He threw the shredded remains across the room on the floor. The matching pink thong followed, its thin straps snapping easily under his strength. She was completely exposed now, and still crying. That sweet little ass still upturned in the air. In John's mind this girl wanted to get fucked. How else could he explain her ass angled upward like that as if it were waiting for a cock to slide inside? He was going to give her ass what it was asking for whether the rest of her wanted it or not.Setting his gun down on his dresser John proceeded to get undressed. Letting his clothing drop on the floor he moved towards Sara. Climbing on her body, he aligned his cock with her ass. Understanding what was happening Sara was panicking like an animal faced with death. "Please, please don't do this. Please don't rape me. Please I won't tell anyone, please let me go." begged the pathetic girl. Desperate to escape anyway she could. "I'll give you money, anything you want" Her plea's did not help however. She was greeted with yet another brutal hit to her back. Cringing in pain she knew he had broken a rib. John's cock was hard from watching this tiny 100 lb teenager try to fight him her tiny ass swaying back and forth as if it were teasing him, taunting him to penetrate it. He wasn't a large guy himself, fairly average for a man of 32. This girl was tiny however, he looked like a giant compared to her. He had enough of her delaying; he thrust downwards into this girl, pushing his cock towards her backdoor. "Not in the ass, please mister. I've never let a boy in there before. If you're going to rape me, at least do it in my pussy!" she pleaded as she tried to swing her ass away out of his cocks line of fire."Oh don't worry, my cock will see its share of your pussy, and your mouth before I'm done with you." John laughed out the words, not believing his luck in such a sexy little girl being in his house. God must like him a lot. Continuing to lower himself his firm dick had found her anal entrance. It was hard getting it in initially, but that's what he liked about it. No pussy lubrication, pure skin on skin. He was loving this, redoubling his efforts he kept pushing hard. Holding himself up on his arms watching his dick slide into her. She was struggling, her ass swaying back and forth trying to dislodge his cock from her ass-hole. Unfortunately for her, her struggles were increasing the rate of penetration. The more she struggled swaying her ass left to right helped his dick sink into her, sealing her fate of being anally fucked and raped simultaneously for the first time in her seventeen years of life. Here and there John would notice a line of blood. Her ass must be tearing a little here and there from the girth of his cock entering her with no lube. Thankfully for her the blood helped it slide in with slightly less pain.Sara was in eternal pain and fear. A searing feeling coming from her ass. She was concerned she would need stitches, and he would damage her intestines. However she could not deny the pleasurable feeling as well. This man's dick was so big, and hard. It seemed to hit all the right places in her tight minute sized ass. Rubbing along the inside, striking many nerves that sent good feelings to her brain. Her mind receiving so many signals didn't know what to think, was she being raped or did she want it now, real confusion set in. Her ass felt so full, his cock penetrating her depths while being held down by his weight.John having bottomed out in this slut's ass, began slowly pumping her. The juices from inside her and the small amount of blood proved enough lubrication to allow a steady thrusting motion. Her ass sucking firmly all around his cock. It was a constant tight but squishy feeling. In would slide his cock, as he withdrew her ass would act like a vacuum, suctioning at his cock making it somewhat hard to pull out. Watching his hard-on ram home inside her he watched the tight ring of flesh that was her ass.He withdrew his entire length and slammed it back in with all his might causing a slapping sound. With his full length inside her he lowered his upper body holding tightly onto her, preventing her from moving. His cock throbbing deep inside her anal canal, she involuntarily started to spasm around his cock causing cum to leave his balls, traveling its predetermined course and erupting inside her colon. Pump after pump his cock pulsated, squirting several times inside her, mixing it's cum with the waste gathered inside her. He shook on her, pushing even harder into her, driven by that instinct to deposit his semen as deeply as possible inside a female's body. His efforts were not unappreciated. Unable to control it, driven by physical pleasure, Sara thrust her ass up at her assailant's cock, her body thoroughly loving the feeling of a dick depositing its seed inside her regardless of the body it was attached too.As John finished dropping his cum inside this bitch, he relaxed his grip. Standing he went to his clothes, picking them up and taking his gun from the dresser he exited the room closing the door behind him. It took Sara a few minutes to understand that she was alone, and she was able to compose herself. The crying stopped, she figured that he was letting her go. He left her alone in the room, that was her queue to leave. Standing up, she picked up her shredded dress and ran for the door. Throwing it open she started to run out.On his way back to the bedroom John noticed the door opening and knew exactly what was going on. This bitch thinks she gets to leave eh? Quickening his pace he gets to her as she emerges from the room into the hallway. "DID I SAY YOU COULD LEAVE BITCH!?!" the words erupting in absolute rage. Her words a jumble, struggling to speak. "I... thought you were done with me," she whispered looking at the floor, afraid to make eye contact.Storming to her position John makes a tight fist and rams it into her stomach, knocking her to the floor and the wind from her lungs. Watching her gasp for air, this again pleased John. He could not have such a disorderly bitch running around wild in his peaceful home. She needed discipline. Reaching down and grabbing a large handful of her beautiful long brown hair he drug her back to the room. Smiling as he listened to her screams of pain the entire way. Arriving in the bedroom once more, John stops near the bed. Pulling some handcuffs from his pocket, he latches one side around her wrist and the other to the thick steel bed frame. "Get some rest, you'll need it for tomorrow. Oh and keep quiet or I'll be using you as a punching bag, if you understand my meaning." Closing the door behind him John left the room. Finding his way to his couch he laid down and fell asleep. He needed his rest for what he was going to do to that girl tomorrow.Meanwhile Sara lay on the bed. Feelings of despair running rampant in her mind. "I'm never getting out of here alive.. Why the hell did my car have to break down?" She cried silently, terrified of what punishments awaited her should she make to much noise. Exhausted, sleep took her as well. Tomorrow brought greater suffering.To be continued?~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 57
This story is a fantasty and I in no way condone the behavior described.***"Oooh-wee, la-la!" yelled my 10-year-old son. "Lap it up, baby! Suck it, baby-girl!" He was poking his prick into the warm and sweet mouth of his 8-year-old sister! I could see his ass muscles clench and his hips were chugging around and I knew he was filling his sister's mouth with boy-cum! He was too young to really spurt out much of a load, but, what the hell, a mouthful is a mouthful! Let's face it. My 8-year-old really didn't have that big a mouth to fill!The sight of my daughter drinking up her brother's cum then cleaning his pecker with her tongue caused my big rod to drool out lots of pre-cum juice. My other daughter, the 11-year-old, moved her lips from my nut-bag to my knob so she could suck it up! Just like she had been taught! I didn't really like that clear fuck-sauce drooling down my pecker and getting my cock-hair all wet and sticky! Much better to get my daughter's silky, hot tongue to lick it up!Down on the carpet, my wife was taking a really nice boning from our 15-year-old son! When she heard our other son loudly signaling that his cum was flowing into his sister's mouth, my wife looked at our youngest daughter and beamed with pride. Only a week before, she had taught our youngest daughter the fine art of cock-pleasing. Watching her now, happily sucking up her brother's cum-load and smiling while she slurped it, was the sign of a job well-done! My wife had brought her into our bed and let her watch as she sucked and licked me to a couple of good cums. Then she let our daughter have a go at my rod! The small girl had imitated her mom and licked and sucked me good. The smallness of her mouth and the heat she radiated more than made up for her inexperience. She delighted in the sperm I fed her and had drunk down two, good fucking mouthfuls! Of course, the fact that her mother had taken the mouthfuls of cum that I had given to her, and filled our daughter's mouth, had prepared her for what I was going to feed her!Let's see. Did I introduce everyone? My wife, getting cocked on the floor by our son, is Jacqueline.My 15-year-old son with the man-sized cock, proudly ramming it to his mother, is Ricky.My 11-year-old, who is licking my nut-bag again, is Cindy.The two young ones are 10-year-old Randy, who is currently feeding cum to his 8-year-old sister, Brandy!And I am George, orchestra leader of this sex-symphony!"Watch this, Jackie!" I implored my wife as I neared my nut. Cindy and I had practiced this alone, many times, figuring it would entertain the others. My 12-year-old gave my knob a few last, slobbery kisses and then lay back on the floor, her head level with my hips, her pretty mouth wide open. My hands were a poor substitute for my daughter's hot mouth, but I jacked my prick and yelled as sperm spurted high in the air. By angling my hips slightly, my cum would fly above my daughter's face and as it came down she only had to move her pretty face, slightly, to catch it in her mouth! Some splattered on her face, of course, but she caught the most of it!When I was done spurting cum, Cindy had a mouthful! She took it in her mouth, hot and steaming like cow pies in cold pastures, and leaned over her mother. Jackie opened her mouth, Cindy opened hers, and with a messy plop, Cindy's mouthful of cum dropped into her mother's mouth! Then they kissed, sharing my cum and Jackie licked all over her daughter's face to suck up any cum-splatters she could find!"Oh, wow!" Ricky yelled, "That's wild, Pop! Way to go, Cindy! Jesus, Randy! Look at Mom chew up that cum! She just fucking loves it! Hey! Who wants to eat my wad?"Ricky pulled out of his mother and his shiny prick was bobbing in the air. Both Cindy and Brandy, desperate that Ricky's cum not be wasted, dived for his prick!They almost bumped heads but little Brandy won. Rolling her tongue, she cuddled what she could of Ricky's long rod, making sure the big head was firmly in her mouth. Despite being only 8 and only tasting nut-juice for the first time a week ago, little Brandy had sure developed a taste for getting her mouth cock-creamed! Brandy's eyes were gleaming at her sister and her cheeks filled out, as Ricky started pumping the juice to her! "Yowzee!" Ricky yelled. "Brandy-honey! Swirl my cum in your mouth and drink it on down! It's hot, Dad! I tell you, it's hot!"When Brandy had a good-size mouthful she pulled her head away and Ricky pumped five more big spurts into the air before Cindy got her mouth over the cum-fountain! The five big ropes of cum spattered down onto the tits of his mother. When Cindy and Brandy were done enjoying all the cum their brother had pumped into their mouths, they were all over their mother! Like the children they were, each clamoring for a beater while their mother was making icing, they each claimed a tit and licked up all the cum they could find, kissed each other and ended up sucking on their mother's tit-peaks!I clapped Ricky and Randy on the shoulders. "Hell of a job, boys! Way to pump out that cum for your sisters! Randy, you cocked your mom like a champ!""Yeah, Dad, I ram-jammed it to Mom pretty fucking good, all right! Mom's got a hell of a snapper! She wrung my boner into knots. But what I really want is to ass-dick Brandy! Can I, Dad? Can I?""Fuck, boys," I laughed. "We got three broads here. What say we ass-fuck 'em all?"Each of us were stroking our peckers as we watched the little ones sucking their mother's nipples. Once in a while Randy and Ricky would trade and stroke each other's rod! My wife and the girls all squealed at our ass-fucking idea!"Daddy, can I have your prick up my ass?" asked Brandy. "I don't know, Brandy-honey," I said. "You've never had an ass-cocking before! Daddy's pecker is pretty big! Suck your mom's nipples some more while I think about it!"Cindy and Jackie were kissing now, sharing cum. Carefully, so not to hurt Brandy latched onto her tit, Jackie rolled so Brandy was on the floor and her shapely ass pointed up in the air."Cindy, dear, lick Mommy's ass-crack and get it good and wet for a dicking! Spit in it and lick it. Stick your tongue right in and get spit in mommy's pooper, dear. Brandy let go Mommy's tit and suck your sister's ass for her! Get her ass ready for cock!" "I got the smallest cock," observed Randy. "Maybe I should be the first one to ass-dick Brandy! What do you think, man?"I reached over and wanked my youngest son's wang, watching his joyful expression when I ran my thumb over the sensitive, velvety knob! "I think you are using your brain, son. Brandy's ass-hole is going to be fucking, be-jesus tight! And being the youngest boy, you got the smallest dick! Ricky, you ass-dick your mom and I'll do an ass-boning of Cindy!"Ricky laughed. "When we blow off up their bums, then the girls can take turns sitting on each other's faces and letting off bubbly cum-farts! That'll be wild!"Randy was eyeing up Brandy's ass and pulling at my arm. "Before I ass-fuck Brandy, Dad, I'm going to get her to lick my dick some more, O.K., Dad?""That's fine, son," I told him. "Get her to spit on it and get it good and wet. That'll help it slide in her bum easier." Ricky went over and stuck his dick in his mother's mouth. She was tonguing it and making sure it was slick.We lined the women of the house up, side by side, on their hands and knees, asses touching. They could twist their heads and kiss each other if they wanted. Randy was lined up behind Brandy, Ricky was behind his mom and sweet little Cindy's ass was ready and waiting for my bone!"Ok, guys," I said. "Let's poke these bum-holes! Let's see who we can make squeal the loudest!"Each of us had to work hard to get our cock-heads to squeeze into those ass-cracks! But poor Randy had the hardest job as Brandy's sweet little ass had never sucked up cock before! But, shit, I was proud of the kid as he huffed and puffed and poked and damned if Brandy didn't give a humongous squeal and pop! Randy's dick-head disappeared in her bum! Brandy's eyes bugged out and I could see that Randy was afraid that his sister's bum might squeeze his dick right off!Me and Ricky were having an easier time of it because the bums we were fucking had taken prick-prongings many times before! Hell, I'd once seen a big nigger with a 15" cock, big around as a beer can, get his wang up my wife's ass. She sure had squealed that day, I tell you, 'til the cows came home!I busted a nut up Cindy's ass and she immediately crawled around and presented her bum to her Mom! Jackie immediately began giving a humdinger, or should I say bumdinger, of a suck job to that ass. I could see my daughter straining like she was pooping to blow farts and cum into Jackie's mouth. "Got any little turds for your mom?" I yelled at Cindy. "If you have any poops just squirt 'em on out for your mommy. She'll lick them right up!"After I nutted up Cindy's bum, I moved around and rubbed my cock over Brandy's lips. Her eyes were bugging out as Randy horsed his dick around in her arse! She licked and spit on my cock and then I clapped Randy on the shoulder."Good enough, kid, you got her loosened up some. Now let Daddy pound some man-cock to Brandy-girl!"Randy was disappointed not to blow his nuts in his sister's bum but he amused himself by sitting on Cindy's back and aiming his dink down her ass-crack! Her mother was still sucking cum from her bum, and it looked like a little poop too! Randy blew his nuts right then so his cum would run down Cindy's ass-crack and right into his mommy's sucking mouth! Maybe riding on the back of a turd!Ricky moved in front of Cindy and blasted his nuts right in her face! Then he grabbed handfuls of her long, blonde hair and, cuddling his rod in its silkiness, he wiped his boner clean!"Don't wash your hair tonight, Cindy!" he laughed. "I hear cum's pretty good conditioner!"Me, I was ramming as much of my prick as I could up the bum of Brandy, my 8-year-old. She was squealing and wiggling and making it a memorable ass-fuck for me! Her mother quit sucking Cindy's ass, went to Brandy, held her head and kissed her. She gave her a tit to suck on. "Squeal and yell all you want, Brandy-baby! But don't bit my tit too hard! George pound that prick to her!"I wasn't really trying to hurt Brandy. I knew eventually her ass muscles would relax a little so she could enjoy the good ass-pounding I was giving her! Randy and Ricky were playing with each other's peckers and they each jerked their brother to a cum on their mother's tits!"There, Brandy-girl!" yelled Ricky. 'If Pop's cock in your bum is hurting, suck up some cum! That'll take your mind off it 'til your bum loosens up a little!" I was proud of the boys. Oh, so considerate of their little sister."Oh, daddy!" Brandy yelled, between slurps of cum. "You're pounding the poo right out of me!"Sure enough, I could feel a big turd bumping the end of my cock. I knew what would amuse the boys! I withdrew my cock slowly and as the head came free of the bum, a long, brown turd majestically emerged right behind it, from my daughter's poop-hole. It was solid enough that I could get under it with my cock and sort of fling it in the air. I landed with a plop! Right on Brandy's head!The boys almost pissed themselves laughing. They pushed the turd around on Brandy's head with the ends of their pricks and finally rolled it, down Brandy's nose, onto their mom's tit so Brandy could suck on it too!"Fucking wild!" yelled Randy."Brandy-girl, push out another turd for Cindy!" yelled Ricky.I had horse-cocked back into her ass and I could feel Brandy straining mightily to poop out another turd for her sister. I intended that this poop be soaked in cum!"Brandy-honey," I told my daughter, "When that turd is almost out, quit pushing for a sec, 'til I tell you." It took some timing, but I managed to blow a load on the next turd as it stuck out of Brandy's ass. Then she pushed; it emerged and I hit it in the air with my cock to land again on Brandy's head. It sat there for a moment and I shook my heads at the boys as they moved to poke it with their cocks!Cindy, though, lovingly, sucked that cum-covered turd out of her baby sister's hair.Our women lovingly licked each other clean and me and the two boys lay side by side and our girls licked us all up nice and clean also!My lovely wife, Jackie, cuddled with the girls and kissed them and told them how proud she was of them for fulfilling their obligation to give pleasure to their father and their brothers! She knew if she could have them well-trained for their main reason in life, to please their men, then they could get themselves fine, young husbands like me!"What did I tell you, boys?" I asked Randy and Ricky, as I felt their four little hands all over my rod and nuts, "You fucking guys wanted to rent a movie! Family Fun Night beats Family Movie Night any day!END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 45
Where does one begin to describe the changes that are needed in order to be changed from one gender to another one? While living in Chicago I was involved in a car accident in 1971 and was left in a wheel chair. The doctors said that a couple years and several operations I would be able to walk and resume a normal life. A normal life what does that mean. I as 22 years old weighted a whole 135 pounds and was 5 feet and 5 inches tall. I was cursed with a narrow waist, a whopping 28 inches. I was also cursed with very little body hair. My arms and legs were all but hairless. Being the age of hippies I had long hair. I was just out of college and had no plans. The accident was my turning point. I was stuck in a wheel chair. Hated the winter and when the news of the financial settlement came threw I knew what to do. It was off to the south. I found a great farm in South Carolina. I moved there and set up shop. I was not a farmer, I leased out a vast amount of the land and the income from that would run the farm and turn a profit as well. I could walk with crutches but for a foot or too. I hired a nurse to look in on me and run me into town for food and doctors appointments. She was a nice lady a bit on the older side but had a lot of youth in her. She would drop me in town and I would roll to the stores and do my shopping. Back then the stores would deliver your order for you. I would do this once a week. I was going on my second operation. Alice, my nurse told me she was going on vacation and would have one of her students would stop by and check up on me. I told her no big deal and that she should have a great vacation. When her student arrived she was my age and a bit rough around the edges. She was a girl from the south. Her name was Kathy; she preferred to be called Kat. Her first visit was a bit uncomfortable for us as I was living in bed and had no clothes on under my waist. The operation left several steel rods on the outside of my leg as well as in my legs. And only the blanket covered my lower body. She laughed and said that a towel would work fine. She was intent on setting me to stretch and walk. That was the doctor's orders. A towel worked fine. Kat made we walk and all but refused to listen to my please for help. When her visit was over she said that she would return tomorrow to get the walking done. The next day she arrived and said that she had an idea that would help me walk and have more movement around people. I told her whatever wpuld work to do it. She pulls out of a bag a plaid skirt. The waist was elastic and was knee length. Kat told me that it would cover me up and it would not restrict me movement. I laughed. She helped me up and pulled it up over the rods and up to my waist. I asked her to close her eyes when she pulled it up over my manhood. Kat laughed and said she has seemed them before and said that as a nurse in training that was nothing. She helped me to the walker and then it was out to the porch for some rest. The sun felt good and I was relaxed. We talked and I tried to walk. There was a swing on the porch. That was my new best place to watch the world go by. The following day it was the same. Kat had recommended that we go to town and see the doctor and get a few items. I asked her about the skirt. She said that it would be no bother and no one would care. Kat drove us to town and it was a challenge to get in and out of the car. Once out and with the walker I was getting around. No one did remark on my skirt. The doctor thought it was a great idea as it gave me mobility. This went on for a while. Alice was stopping by but not as often. Kat was my therapist in getting me to walk. She also had gotten into the habit of pulling up the skirt and smacking my butt. Her visits were turning into a bit more that just work. We had meals together and were getting rather close on the sexual tension. I was unable to have sex, Kat found ways to get me and herself off. This went on for several months. I have had several operations and now on the home stretch. We were also in love. We decided to get married. It was the first wedding that both the bride and groom wore skirts. It was a real small affair as I had not made many friends yet. We were in love, had not had sex yet but that did not matter. As time went on my legs got better and stronger. Soon I was close to normal and had the pins removed and was able to wear jeans again. Several months had past and we found the sex was great and we were very much into the lust of sex. We did find that when we played games it was with me wearing a skirt. She had purchased several outfits for me. All were girls. Kat added panties and a bra. The pain killers were also great. We had also found a use for some of the land. We decided to become farmers. We grew pot, weed, and Mary Jane. We were growing and selling drugs. The profits from that as they said went up in smoke. We stayed high a lot. Kat convinced me to dress as a girl full time. It was no big deal. I was actually enjoying it also. We traded some of our crops for some harder drugs. We were so much in love and lust. Somewhere in between highs we discussed how we could take it to the next level. We did. Kat was able to get some female hormones, and some breast enhancement pills. After a couple months there was a difference. My waist had gotten smaller and my hips had gotten rounder. The best was my breasts. They were now a solid 34b. They were very plump and Kat loved to fondle them and kiss them. Sex was great. Not the sex of the body but of the mind. We had had such great sex and it did not involve the actual stick it in sex. We were thrilled with life. Our friends who came by had no problem with my changing. We had heard of a procedure that sounded like something we wanted. We had talked about going all the way with this as I was in love with my new self. The operation was simple. Just push my balls up inside me and then cut off my nut sack. Take my shaft and retract it in me also and leave just the head of my dick poking out. That was just one step. The second was to take a drug that would mimic castration.That way there was the look and feel of having your nuts cut off and the pills made the mind feel it also. The drug also had a secondary effect. It made my dick shrink up it got so small that when standing up and looking you did not see it and felt that I was a natural girl. We loved it. The sexual emotion was gone. The mental sex was great. There was no little head to drive me crazy. It was pure physical sex. I was in heaven. When you looked at my dick it was gone, and there was no balls. I was understanding sex on the lowest primal level. I was able to reach new heights sexually. Our sex was better than great. As I changed so did Kat's dug use. My drugs were mixed with hers was a bit much. We had a party for some friends to unveil my new self. With the drugs and what ever else I was out of it. Some of the guest wanted to see the results and for what ever reason I decided to check with Kat. She looked up and said that who ever wanted to see had to do me and be done by me. That was a shock to me. She stood up and walked over to me and started to kiss me then reached under my blouse and began to undo the buttons. I was up for that, so I started to undue hers. It was a she do then I do. We had our blouses off then as she undid my bra; the people watching did a gasp. Then under the bar were a pair of the nicest tits. With us both topless, she started to go after my skirt then my panties. Then we were both at each other we were kissing and I think when she started to turn me over on my face and start to hump me from behind that started the fever in several people. She reached up and took a guys zipper and pulled it down and then he undid the belt and dropped his jeans. With his manhood erect and while she was beginning to stroke it she pulled him down and she kissed the head of it and she moved and had him position himself over me and proceeded to insert his erect dick into my waiting bottom end. He pushed and pushed and soon he was in and began to withdraw and then back in and out and in and out. The pace was quick and hard. I could feel him tighten up as he shot the load of warm results. Kat then turned me over and had me on my knees and said that was a start and now was a new start. At that moment she grabbed a guy and began to undress him and slowly began to push my face into his now erect tool. I was in shock as I opened my mouth to receive him. Kat tilted my had as to get better alignment and allowed him to go deeper and deeper. Kat had taught me on a banana but this was the real deal. I tried not to gag but his rapid pace was hard. He came in a gush of warm fluid that went down my throat. I took it as fast as I could. As we withdrew I saw Kay being taken by two girls that had since gotten naked and joined the fun. It was a second or two when I felt my bottom end being bought up for some additional fun. The night went on for hours of just raw endless sex. I had so much cum on me that my ass cheeks stuck together. Kat had as much on her also. It was wild. As it was a warm summer evening I just got some blankets and covered her and my self up and off to dream land while on the back yard fast asleep. I was awoken to the sounds of Kat moaning and panting. It took a couple seconds for my eyes to see what I had not believed I was seeing. There was Kat her back on the ground and her knees were pulled up and there between her legs was a rather large black dog from down the road. Some how he made his way to our house and took advantage of what he found. I was watching as Kat arched her back and allowed him to lick her like crazy. It was when she slipped down and took her hand and placed it on his now growing member. It was beginning to be visible from under its fur case. She was stroking it and the dog seemed to enjoy it a lot. She moved her head and placed his dick in her mouth and began to deep throat him and it was a site to behold. This went on for a minute or two before she rolled over and lifted her ass in the air and patted her ass and it was like a command as he went over and put his front paws on her back and inched is way until I could see Kat guide his dick into her. As he was thrusting and she was pulling, there were more and more of his dick coming out. It was then that I saw what looked like a base ball bump on his dick, When Kat felt that she thrust herself up and pushed hard and you could see the pleasure on her face. Once the bump was in her he was humping like a mad dog. Then with out warning he came, it was unreal to see so muck cum, it was squirting out every where. As soon as he had finished he retracted with a pop sound and ran off. Kat just stayed there and rolled over to once again sleep. I joined her in a minute or two. In the morning I knew there would be questions to be answered. There would be parties to hold. Maybe we should get a dog.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 53
I sat up straight, stretching my arms towards the ceiling. My eyes burned from staring at my computer screen all day. I had been at my desk since seven in the morning. It was now ten thirty at night. It has to be done this week, I was told. They told me on Wednesday. Nice of them. So here it was, Thursday night, and I was wondering how the hell I was going to finish the damn thing. I closed my eyes and wearily rubbed them. I was startled by the sound of a door closing somewhere on the floor. Who the hell else is here at this hour? A moment later, the loud whoosh of a vacuum cleaner echoed through the empty cubicles around me. Great. Just what I need. Once more, I focused on the job at hand. I was dimly aware of the vacuum cleaner getting louder, closer. Just another annoyance to make my day complete. Wonderful. The vacuum cleaner poked its way around the entrance to my cube, followed by a young blonde girl. To say she was surprised to find someone sitting there was an understatement. She let out a little yelp, her eyes went wide, and she actually dropped the handle of the vacuum. I had to laugh. "Sorry," I yelled over the roar of the still-running machine. "I didn't mean to startle you." She grinned a bit and, leaning down, turned off the vacuum cleaner. The sudden silence was deafening. "Man. I thought I was going to have a heart attack." She laughed now as well. She was in her early twenties, almost shoulder-length blonde hair, pretty in a college girl sort of way. "Can you imagine the forms I'd have to fill out if you did?" I asked. She laughed again. "I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone was here. I'll put this thing away and do something quieter. What are you doing here this late, anyways?" I sighed and motioned to my computer screen. She looked at it curiously. "I have to get this done by tomorrow afternoon," I said heavily. But I've been here since seven this morning, and I'm going cross-eyed." Her eyes seemed to brighten slightly. "Maybe I can help. By the way, my name is Sally." We shook hands. "I'm Judy. Pardon me for asking, but what's a girl your age doing cleaning up here? Janitors, if you'll pardon the expression, are usually a bit more - mature." She grinned. "Meaning, why aren't I out partying somewhere, right? And yes, I'm a janitor. I have to pay for school somehow. I work nights and go to school days." That made sense, I thought, nodding. "What's your major?" "Physical therapy. Which brings me back to my question, maybe I can help a bit. Feel adventurous?" I was puzzled. How could this youngster help? I chuckled to myself. Youngster. She's in college and I'm calling her a youngster. Well, I need a break. What the hell. "Sure. Want me to do jumping jacks or something?" She laughed. "No, nothing that strenuous. Nothing strenuous at all, in fact. Actually, the exact opposite." Now I was curious. "I'm sorry, I don't follow you." She came closer to me, standing next to me as I sat in my chair. "Can I move this a little?" I nodded, wondering what she was up to. She swiveled my chair so my back was towards her. What the...? Then I felt her hands on my shoulders. Squeezing gently. Wait a minute. Physical therapy. Massage? Was she going to give me a massage? I had never had a massage before. Within seconds, my entire body was covered with goosebumps. A massage?! This may work out after all. She was indeed giving me a massage. Silently she kneaded my neck, my shoulders, and my upper back. I felt vaguely uncomfortable as her hands slid over my bra strap, but DAMN, did it feel good. For several minutes I sat still, basking in a warm glow which slowly enveloped me. This was great. This is exactly what I needed. "How we doing?" Her voice was low, soft. I nodded happily, smiling, not thinking that she couldn't see my face. My eyes were closed. This really was wonderful. It was such a contrast to my staring at my PC. "Can you put your arms down?" I moved my hands off the arms of the chair. They felt so heavy, and I let them drop to my sides, dangling loosely beside me. I felt her take my hands in hers. Hand massage? Hmm... My hands were being held together. I felt something wrap around my wrists. What the hell? I opened my eyes and tried to turn around. I couldn't see what was happening, but I soon realized that Sally had bound my wrists together with the cord from the vacuum cleaner. I sat bolt upright, my eyes wide, shocked. "What the hell are you doing?!" I demanded. "That felt nice, but whatever you're doing now is a bit too much." She turned my chair around so I faced her. She was grinning at me. "A bit much, huh? Judy, you ain't seen NOTHIN' yet." She knelt down, and before I could react, she had looped the cord around my ankles, binding them to the legs of the chair. I could roll the chair slightly, but otherwise I was totally helpless. I sat there, dazed. A college student twenty years my junior had just tied me to a chair with an electric cord. My face paled, and my mouth went dry. What the HELL was going on here??? She stood up slowly, still grinning. As I watched in horror, she removed her sweatshirt, exposing her bra. This isn't happening. I have work to do. I have to get back to work. My mouth worked soundlessly for a moment, and then I managed to stutter, "You can't do this. I have work to do. I have to finish this. What are you DOING?" I finished plaintively. Wordlessly, still grinning, she removed her sneakers, socks, and sweat pants. This young college girl stood there in her panties and bra. I was shaking my head back and forth, unable to believe what I was seeing, but unable to look away. My eyes were somehow drawn to her young body as if by a magnet. The sheer absurdness of the situation hit me, and I giggled nervously. Or hysterically, I wasn't sure. Her fingers were inside the top of her panties, and she smiled as she slowly, so slowly, lowered them to the floor. She stared at me, her eyes blazing. My breath was ragged; my heart skipping erratically, the blood was pounding in my ears. This is a dream. My eyes were pulled to her pubic area. A soft mass of blonde hair. I watched, my mouth hanging open, as she slowly traced one finger all around her pubic hair. All the way around. Around and around. Over and over. I stared helplessly, wanting to close my eyes, to refuse to accept what I was seeing. But something made me watch, something made me unable to look away from this shocking display. Her finger moved up, up, up her stomach now, up to her bra. It had a front closure, I noticed absently. Her fingers worked the clasp, and my eyes widened even more as two perfectly formed breasts were exposed. Two full, round moons, with hard, dark nipples. Hard nipples. Erect nipples. She was aroused! That makes sense, some distant part of me said. She's naked and she was playing with her bush. Of course she's aroused. I shook my head violently to clear my mind of these odd thoughts. She was staring at me, below eye level. I looked down and noticed with a shock that my nipples, too, were erect, pressing firmly against my blouse. I gasped, and my eyes were drawn irresistibly back to her. "How we doing?" she asked again. I couldn't say a word. She came closer to me, and I tried to move away, but the cord was in the way of the wheels on the chair. I groaned aloud as she took the lower edge of my skirt in her hands and pushed it upwards. I sat there with my panties exposed. Dumbly, I looked down at the dark stain between my legs. "Well, well. Looks like we're doing all right, eh?" I looked up at her, and felt a tear trickle down my face. Oh, Lord... She knelt and pushed my legs apart. She was strong, and even though I tried to keep my knees together, she managed to separate them and hold them where she wanted them. Tears were falling freely down my face as she rested her chin on the chair between my legs. She closed her eyes, and I heard her inhaling. "Hmmmmm.... Smells nice. Have you ever smelled a horny woman, Judy?" I shook my head, sobbing like a baby. "You should try it sometimes. It's quite - stimulating. In fact, I feel a bit stimulated myself. I think want to make the smell a bit stronger." And Sally put her face against my panties, nuzzling gently. I wanted to die. I was so embarrassed, so humiliated, so disgusted, so - wet. I was wet. How the hell can I be wet if I don't want this to happen? How the hell can my nipples be hard if I'm not turned on? Sally's breath against my mound sent waves of warmth flowing through me, and I groaned again. Damn, this feels nice...What? "NO!" I screamed, sobbing hysterically. "No, please, no..." Her tongue was sticking out, tracing random patterns over my soaked panties. The warm feeling was growing, pushing aside my arguments, my disgust at what was happening. Then her hands went between my legs, and my panties were pulled to one side. I gazed down at my clit. Oh, my God. This isn't happening. I watched helplessly as Sally's tongue moved closer and closer to it, her eyes looking up at me, a faint smile on her face. "No, please..." I whimpered. Her tongue found its mark. My body shook as I tried to move away, to move myself closer to her, to get her away from me, to get her tongue more firmly against my fiery clit. What the hell? What am I THINKING? Then my thoughts were brushed aside by a wave of pleasure. To my total surprise, I climaxed. My head fell back, tears running into my ears, as I came again and again. No, no, please don't. Please, don't. Stop. Please, don't stop. Please don't stop. She stopped. Slowly, I opened my eyes; she was looking up at me with a very knowing expression. Her breath on my pussy fanned the flames. "Please. Don't stop," I whispered. She grinned widely, and her head once more went down. I sat there, tied to my chair, as a college girl brought me to one orgasm after another. I stopped crying, the pleasure too great now to even think of wanting her to stop. Over and over, she made me cum, until I sat limp in the chair, my body jerking spastically as it reacted to her tongue. She stopped again. I looked up to find her standing. Breathless, I watched her, wondering what was next. I groaned in dismay as she began to put her clothing back on. Dressed, she leaned over and kissed me on the lips. For the first time in my life, I tasted a woman's juices. My own. She licked her lips seductively, then reached down and untied my ankles. Soon my wrists, too, were free, and I rubbed them where they had become raw as I had thrashed about. She straightened the electric cord, and picked up the handle of her vacuum cleaner. "You'd better get back to work," she whispered, winking at me. And she was gone. I sat there for quite a while, wanting to cry, but slowly realizing there was no need to. She was a physical therapist. She had wanted to help. And, I had to admit, I certainly felt better than I had before she had - attended to me. Once more, I stretched my arms to the ceiling, sighing happily. I put my skirt back into place and went back to work. I turned in my assignment at noon the next day. I was given a raise. I worked late that night as well, finishing up some other things I should have been doing for the past week. I thought about waiting for Sally, but I had to be someplace before too long. Reluctantly, I shut off my computer, gathered my things, and left. As I was getting off the elevator, I just saw someone getting onto an elevator going up. I hurried to it, peered inside. Sally smiled at me. I tried to jump into the elevator, but she was smiling at me, shaking her head no. As the doors closed, she blew me a kiss. I stood there staring at the featureless elevator doors. Sadly, I went home. I never saw Sally again. But from then on, whenever I had to work late, whenever I felt I was getting burned out, I would close my eyes, lean back in my chair, and imagine her soft hands massaging me. Then I would spread my legs, and caress my own clit with a gentle finger, imagining it was Sally's tongue instead. And no one understands why I smile whenever I hear a vacuum cleaner. THE END
Author Note: I feel obliged to warn all readers as to what is going to follow. This story is inspired by the works of an "artist" named Dolcett. If you are a fan of his works (and thus one sick puppy) you'll thoroughly enjoy this series. If you are not, and you are offended by cannibals, rough rape or torture then read no further. Otherwise enjoy! I love feedback, even negative feedback. I only ask that you are constructive. A simple you suck doesn't help. Thank you so much. Sean RenaudPart One - Captured"It's beautiful out here." Sara said as she stood at the edge of the path staring down the beautiful mountainside. It had just rained so the normal dry golden hue was replaced with a field of bright green vegetation as far as the eye could see. Up above the sky was flawless blue with only a single lazy white cloud hovering aimlessly over head."Yes it is." Rachel replied as she stepped up beside her. "I'm so glad we came out here today. I just don't get nearly enough spare time, but with the holidays..." She smiled pushing her reddish brown hair away from her soft brown eyes. She was a beautiful mixture of black and Indian that gave her the best features of all races. Rachel's eyes were beautiful a beautiful almond shape with sooty lashes that always looked made up. Her high cheek bones gave her the smile of a model and she was constantly smiling about one thing or another. She'd been gifted with a curvy body, full heavy breasts that always seemed to strain against whatever she wore and wide hips that swished with her every step."With the holidays coming up I get you all to myself." Sara looked up at her friend and smiled before adjusting her khaki's on her slender frame. Unlike her tall friend Sara wasn't very curvy. She barely filled out the khaki shorts she'd chosen and her budding breasts were so firm they never needed a bra. Today her dirty blonde hair was pulled back into a hasty bun on the back of her head but normally she chose to wear it down around her shoulders. "We're almost to the spot; we'll set up camp there." She replied pulling her backpack a little higher on her shoulders and then tugging on her plain white tee shirt.A satisfied sigh escaped the taller woman as she stepped away from the cliff face and started back up the mountain path. She'd chosen to wear a pair of her old cammie trousers and an olive green undershirt for the hike. "I wish I had more time to do this sort of thing. I'm always so busy doing one thing or another at my job that I never get to do this."There was a slight pause as Rachel turned toward Sara and smiled. Sara started to speak but as soon as her lips parted Rachel responded by leaning towards her and pressing her lips to Sara's. The two lovers gently embraced, Rachel's arms gradually encompassing the smaller woman and pressing against her. "I love you." She whispered breaking away from the kiss, just holding Sara close for a moment and staring at the sky.The response was physical, rather than verbal as Sara leaned up starting a second kiss. This time she slipped her tongue past her lips and into Rachel's mouth letting her tongue slip into the other woman's mouth. Sara brought her hands up gently caressing Rachel's face as the kiss continued leaning closer for a moment before breaking the kiss. "Plenty of time for this later." She whispered before stealing on last quick peck and backing away."Tease." Rachel whispered before turning and following her up the hill. It too the girls most of the day to get to the camp site but it was well worth the time they'd spent on the hike. It was just a few feet from a shallow stream and completely surrounded by tall trees. Rachel was former military and Sara had plenty of experience in the Girl Scouts so between the two of them it only took a few minutes to get the tent up and water boiling over a small campfire."You know I really love the outdoors." Rachel mused as she lay back on her sleeping bag. She'd only agreed to set the tent up as a precaution for rain, if she had any choice in the matter she'd sleep out here under the stars which were out in full effect. A breathtaking sea of stars completely coated the sky, too many for anybody to count."Yeah me to." Sara replied taking a stick and lazily poking at the flames then opening bag and pouring the contents into the bag. Sara had taken her khaki's off as soon as she'd gotten her sleeping bag set up. She was still dressed in her white shirt but now she had a pair of plain white panties on as well. The way she was sitting with her legs crossed the fire dancing over her displayed slender thighs. "C'mere." Sara cooed beckoning her lover over."What if somebody sees?" Rachel replied sheepishly pulling her sleeping back up around herself. There really wasn't any need though; the only clothing she'd taken off was her boots which were sitting next to the fire."There is nobody out here." Sara replied with a wicked grin as she pulled her shirt up and over her head tossing it aside. Beneath she was wearing a plain white bra; she smiled shaking her chest at Rachel. "Trust me; we're completely alone out here." She whispered reaching back and unhooking her bra to reveal her creamy white breasts.One last nervous look around convinced Rachel that the two were indeed alone. The dark skinned beauty crawled from one sleeping bag to the next finally pressing her lips to Sara's. As always her lover responded instantly wrapping her arms around Rachel gently tugging at her shirt. There wasn't much resistance from the larger woman as her olive drab shirt was pulled off and tossed next to her boots. "I've wanted to do this for a long time." Rachel whispered softly, letting her tongue slip between her lips exploring Sara's throat. Meanwhile Sara tried to unfasten Rachel's black bra. Normally it wouldn't have been complicated at all but in the dancing shadows and her excitement she couldn't work the clasp. "Rachel." She gasped gently biting down on her shoulder and slipping her fingers beneath the bra strap. Instead of releasing the clasp she just pulled at the bra until Rachel's D-cup breasts were released into the warm night air."Ooooh." Rachel gasped as the warm air caressed her flesh. She could feel the blood rushing through her body hardening her nipples. The gasp melted into a moan as Sara's lips abandoned Rachel's shoulder and traveled down her chest. Sara didn't go straight for the nipple, instead she slowly worked her way over the succulent flesh, licking and kissing over Rachel's breasts. Her lips were so close that Rachel could feel her breath wash over her nipple but she kept her lips a few inches away. "You like that?" Sara asked slowly trailing her tongue slowly over Rachel's stomach, circling her naval then lightly dipping into it. A slight moan was enough of an answer for Sara, as she dipped her tongue into Rachel her fingers were busy unfastening the cammie trousers. The first button came undone with ease but cammie's have a button fly that Sara had to claw and rip at before she could get them open. Beneath she was wearing a pair of yellow panties with green ducks walking all over them, normally Sara would have joked about a grown woman in Underoos, instead she just dipped her fingers into the elastic band and pulled them down and off. Rachel kept herself clean shaven other than a single stripe of trimmed hair right above her slight.Her lips moved to Rachel's ankle, kissing slowly over the soft flesh there and moving up over the well toned calves. Days of hiking and years of military had sculpted Rachel's legs perfectly for Sara's tongue to explore. Her tongue moved behind the backs of her knees and between Rachel's thighs teasingly close to her womanhood. Rachel's legs parted in response, one lifted up over her lover's shoulder, the other pushed out to one side. Sara let her tongue dance slowly closer, over her inner thighs and down closer to her lips. Each time her soft lips got closer Rachel moaned and squirmed trying to get hips in the right position. Sara's tongue danced away though each time though, never quite letting Rachel get the pleasure she ached for."Don't tease me." Rachel gasped, her chest heaving with every deep breath she took. Her face was already starting to glow with perspiration as her stomach clenched up. Rachel arched her back pressing her juicy slit to Sara's teasing lips. A final desperate moan was enough to make Sara relent, the tip of her tongue tracing Rachel's moist pussy before parting her lips scooping her clit with her tongue. Sara's tongue moved expertly over Rachel's clit, thrusting, twisting and spinning over her clit. She ignored Rachel's legs slowly wrapping around her head squeezing each time Sara's tongue grazed her just right. Rachel's hands slowly slipped down over her body caressing her breasts and over her smooth stomach down to tangle in Sara's dirty blonde hair. She tangled her fingers in Sara's hair pulling her closer to her. Sara responded by holding her tongue firmly and thrusting it into Rachel wriggling it around inside her.Rachel's legs clenched as she felt the electricity down to the very tips of her curled toes. Her pussy clenched down around Sara's tongue trying to pull her farther inside her. Rachel's beautiful brown eyes were clenched shut like her teeth so the only sound escaping her lips was a suppressed moan. Finally her body collapsed down onto the sleeping bag and Sara's hair slipped from her grasp. "Oh my god." Rachel smiled looking down at Sara's smiling face.The blonde gave one last parting lick before moving up into her lover's arms and kissing her cheek gently. "You're yummy.""Don't say that!" Rachel said slapping Sara's arm playfully."Why not you are." She answered playfully slapping her back. "Is the food done?" Rachel asked putting her hands behind her head. The sound a twig snapping caught her attention before Sara could respond though. "You hear that?""Hear what?" Sara responded leaning up over the pot and dipping a spoon into it slowly stirring the soup."It was probably nothing."Less than twenty feet away Jed glared at his younger brother and brought a silencing finger to his lips. He was dressed in a pair of dirty ragged overalls and black steel-toed boots. The overalls were so worn that they were barely staying in place on his gangly frame. The boots were equally shabby, the steel easily seen were the leather had once been. Even if he'd been dressed in fine clothes it would have helped, Jed was missing two of his front teeth and his hair was a sickly shade of almost blonde. In his free hand he was holding a twelve gauge and several lengths of rope were coiled around his shoulder.His younger brother was only wearing a pair of formerly blue, now green and brown, jeans. Unlike his brother Ray was heavy set, fat by most people's standards and his hairy gut hung over his jeans. His hair was a solid brown when it was clean; most times it looked closer to grey. His most striking feature was his eyes, one brown and the other green. Right now they were focused on Rachel's nude form. "Which one?" He whispered."Isn't it obvious? That little white girl ain't got enough meat to feed Ma and Pa.""Can we take them both?" Jed turned back to the girls who were both staring in the complete wrong direction and nodded. "Take em fast, I'll get that nigger bitch you get the other." He held up his hand with three fingers counting down for his brother. When he hit zero both men leapt out of the trees at the same time Jed firing the shotgun directly into the fire missing both girls."What!?" Sara screamed turning around just in time to catch Ray's fist in her face. The sheer force lifted her off feet landing flat on her back near the fire. Ray moved quickly slamming his bare foot down on her jaw holding her in place and turning to see his brother."Don't fucking move bitch!" Jed shouted leveling the shotgun at Rachel's chest. Old military training instantly kicked in though and she snatched the barrel with one hand pointing it away from her, with her other hand she shot slamming his fingers against the trigger. He screamed in pain releasing the gun but he leaned forward and backhanded Rachel. She managed to keep her grip on the gun even as her head snapped to one side nearly splitting her lip in the process. She tried again to twist the gun from his grip but he moved with her keeping a hold on the weapon. Jed slid his grip up catching her fingers against the barrel of the gun; before she could react he twisted his hip slamming her down to the ground. Rachel's grip broke as the wind was knocked from her lungs and Jed slammed the barrel down against her jaw his finger against the trigger. "Don't you fuckin' move bitch." He shouted pressing the barrel down again.Rachel gasped, staring up through the sights at her captor without moving a single inch. "That's a good girl, now roll over onto your pretty little stomach and put your hands behind your back." Rachel complied rolling onto her stomach and putting her hands behind her back. As soon as she was on her stomach Jed knelt down on her back roughly kneeling on her spine. He roughly wrenched Rachel's arms back tightly tying her wrists together, then a second rope bound her elbows painfully close together. A third and final rope was wrapped around her ankles tightly pulling them up towards her ankles hogtying her. "How you coming there brother?"Ray had pulled zip ties from his pockets and had her wrists and ankles tightly bound together. "I got mine Jed, let's get these bitches back. You watch em; I'll go get the truck." Jed nodded in response twisting a fistful of Rachel's hair around his fist and dragging her along side Sara. "Now don't you girls start acting up. I reckon neither of you wants to take a bullet right between your fucking eyes. I got no problem with shooting one of you. Specially this spirited lass right here!" He emphasized the word with a sharp kick to the spine. "Now neither one of you girls has put me in a very good mood so far. I've half a mind to shoot you right now, so being good just might keep you amongst the livin' a bit longer understood?"Sara looked up at him through tear filled eyes. The zip ties on her hands and feet kept her from moving more than a few inches at a time. Sara snuggled herself tightly against Rachel whimpering and nodding frantically. "I'll be good. I-I'll be good.""Shut up!" Jed roared pointing the barrel against her skull."Yes yes!" She screamed biting down on her lips trying her best to silence her whimpering.Rachel was completely still and silent, other than the trickle of blood from the corner of her mouth and her steady breathing nothing moved. Her dark brown eyes glared up at her captor but her mind was already thinking of how she could escape. A rusted red sixties style truck came crashing through the trees with Ray behind the wheel. He nearly ran the girls over as he passed by the two spinning the back toward them. Sara screamed and brought her hands up to cover her eyes from the mud. "I told you to shut up!" Jed shouted leaning forward and kicking her thigh. It took him a moment to lift Rachel up, first by the hair, then by her arms and toss her into the truck but he managed it. Sara was easily lifted up onto her feet and thrown in on top of Rachel. "Sit tight girls, wouldn't want you to bruise 'fore I could get you home" Without saying anything else he threw the back of the truck up and got in along side his brother. "You think Ma and Pa will like 'em?""They'll love em. And just in time, we got us a few days till Christmas, plenty of time to work on the girls."Part Two - Dinner Preparations"Ma! We home!" Jed shouted as he leapt out of the still moving truck. The house was beat up combination of tin and wood that looked like it had popped out of an old movie. A good gust of wind would be enough to level the structure from the looks of it. There were several more vehicles scattered around the yard, all of them on blocks and partially rusted. It was instantly obvious they'd been using them for parts on the beat up truck.There were no animals in the yard, no crops being grown either. The only movement was a few ragged clothes hung out to dry at seemingly random spots around the yard. On the farthest side of the house was a pile of refuse, a disgusting fetid mountain of human waste and uneaten food and animal bones. "Oh my god." Rachel whispered as she stared. She wanted to scream but her voice fled as it became so obvious that she would never leave this place. Jed took her by the hair and dragged her to the back of the truck hefting her into his arms and walking towards the house.An elderly woman dressed in a dingy blue skirt stepped out of the door. She had once been a beautiful woman, you could almost see it in her blue eyes and long brown hair. Even her figure was full and curvy, almost attractive if her bared breasts didn't sag with age and stretch marks from birth didn't cover her sides. "Brought us Christmas dinner did'ya boys? That's my good little boys." She crooned as Jed walked closer. As soon as she could reach him she leaned out and kissed him fully on the mouth, her yellowed teeth parting so her tongue could grapple her son's. "I hoped you like her." Jed replied bringing Rachel inside and setting her on the table. "Fucking put me down you fuckin piece of shit!" Rachel screeched. Jed ignored the comment as he turned back to his mother who just gave her a disapproving frown.Ma walked in right behind him and gripped Rachel by the skull, thrusting her thumbs into the corner of the black girl's mouth. She painfully twisted her head this way and that, inspecting her gums and teeth before pushing her away. The inspection wasn't done yet though, she moved her fingers over her back squeezing and prodding at her flesh. "Got us a strong bitch didn't ya. Always did know how to pick em Jed." She moved down to her legs pulling her firmly muscled ass open and poking at her rectum. "Yup this is a mighty fine nigger you brought us." She said approvingly her attentions now drawn down to her pussy. "She's gonna be some mighty fine eatin. How you reckon we should fix'er?""I was kinda in the mood for a roast Ma. If you want we got another one but I think Ray wants to keep her as a pet for a while." Jed said."You sick fucks! You can't cook me have you lost your motherfucking minds?!" Rachel screamed. Jed just turned his back to her listening to his mother as she continued.Ma gripped one of Rachel's tit's cradling in both hands. "Well I think this one'll feed us for a while. He's always wanting to keep those girls he catches. Like we's some kind of petting farm." Jed laughed. "You go tell your Pa that we need to start up the preparations, you know we can't just throw a bitch on the grill." Ma slowly turned back to the screaming girl now and leaned closer exposing her dark yellow teeth in a ghastly grin. "Now as for you missy I've had about enough of your mouth. You ain't gonna live long but the less you piss me off the more pleasant what life you have can be." Ma sneered putting her hand over Rachel's mouth to keep her silent.Rachel tried to scream but Ma just pushed her hand down harder, her other hand moving to crush her throat. Her grip was surprisingly strong for a woman of her size easily cutting off Rachel's air.Ma leaned close enough that her fetid breath poured over Rachel's face as she slowly moved her hand from her mouth. "Now you shut the fuck up or I'll choke you right the fuck out and you'll wake up in the pig trough out back understand?" Rachel couldn't even nod her head as Ma's grip tightened and the world started to fade around her."Ma!" Ray frowned slightly when his mother didn't respond to him. "MA!" He shouted slamming Sara down on the already creaky floorboards. "What! Can't you see I'm busy here Ray? What is it that's so important?" Ma said as she spun around to face her youngest son. "Is it this piece of gutter trash here on the floor?" She squatted down over Sara gripping her chin and turning her this way that that. "Not much meat on her.""Didn't take her for dinner Ma. Thought we could use a pet around the house, been a while since I've had a pet Ma." His mother looked up at him disapprovingly. "I promise, I'll take real good care of her. It won't be like Trish, I'll feed her and water her and train her real good just you watch Ma." Ray insisted his lips pulled into a pout.Ma looked up at him then down at the sobbing woman then back to her son. Finally she gave a nod of approval. "Take her on upstairs, remember she ain't to be fed for some days now. Need to get her plenty hungry so she'll eat." Ma said before turning back to Rachel. "And now its time to get back to you my little missy. Gots to start the preparations if you're gonna be ready in time." Rachel was silently glaring up at Ma when she heard footsteps behind her.The man standing over her was obviously the father figure. A long ratty beard hung from his chin and like his youngest son, each eye was a different color. He was wearing a torn plaid flannel, unbuttoned to reveal his well muscled stomach. Pa was covered in a layer of grime and if Rachel had been trying she would have smelled his funk before she saw him. His chest was completely covered in matted black hair that vanished down into his torn jeans. "This the piece of meat the boys brought home?" "Yessum Pa, look at her. I though you might like to properly prepare her." Ma said. "She's real pretty." "She is." Pa replied moving looking at her briefly before walking over to a separate table and grabbing a small bag that he dropped on the table next to Rachel's face with a metallic thud. "Now let's see if we can get her to behave herself some, I right thought they'd brought a banshee into these walls from the horrid sounds she was makin." He opened the bag and reached into it pulling out a bowie knife. "Now don't you move none miss, if you do I might end up cutting you." The sight of the knife paralyzed Rachel with fear, her eyes wide as she stared at the dull blade, spotted with dirt, dried blood and rust. Pa moved himself behind her and thrust the knife between her ankles sawing the ropes of her ankles.Neither Ma nor Pa saw the exact moment that Rachel's instincts kicked but Pa felt it. As soon as the ropes were lose enough that she could rip them she did kicking him as hard as she could in the chest. Unfortunately for her that wasn't nearly hard enough to do more than annoy him. She didn't even get a second kick off before he snatched both of her ankles nearly yanking her off the table. "Now you listen here little missy. I won't have you acting like a horse's ass. Ma help me tie this little bitch's legs to the table." Ma obediently walked over gripping on of Rachel's ankles and pulling it down. It didn't take much rope to go twice around her ankle and once around the table leg. While she worked on the other Pa pulled a pair of pliers from the bag and walked around in front of her. "Now look here girl. If you don't do exactly what I say I'm gonna pull your fuckin' teeth out one by fuckin one. Now open your mouth and sos I can put my dick in it."Rachel bit down on her lips forcing them to stay closed in response glaring up at him defiance. "Stupid girl." He growled roughly backhanding her. Her head snapped to one side reopening the gash in her lip. Pa leaned down and snatched her jaw squeezing till it she opened her mouth. Then he snatched up the pliers and thrust them into her mouth gripping her bottom tooth and wrenching it out of its socket. "Now if you don't want me to do that to every tooth in your body you'll fuckin stop being such a pain!" Rachel screamed out spitting blood out of her mouth and staring up at him.It was right then that it settled on her that she really wasn't going to survive this. Nobody was coming to save her, nobody even knew where she was that week. He wasn't going to mess up and give her a chance to escape, the only choice she really had was to try and make the rest of her life as painless as possible. The sharp stab of her missing tooth had already faded to a constant dull throb but it was enough to get her to open her mouth for Pa."Good girl." He crooned running his fingers affectionately through her hair before pulling his pants off and rubbing his nine inch cock across her face. His sweat and precum mixed with her tears coating her face in a slime before he pushed into her mouth. Pa tasted every bit as disgusting as he looked, like he hadn't bathed in weeks. Rachel wanted to gag from the taste alone but it got worse as he pushed more of his cock into her open mouth. A muffled moan escaped her throat as he pushed against the back of her throat. It wasn't the first time Rachel had taken a man into her throat. It was the first time she'd had nine inches forced down her back and spit and blood oozed back out of her mouth every time he pushed. The sound of her gagging, her body heaving to reject the invading phallus got louder as well as she was nearly drown, her face covered with a crimson mask. "She's a good one." Ma said as she finished securing Rachel's legs and moved up farther spreading the black girl's ass cheeks. Her tongue delved into that dark hole twisting around the brown puckered rectum readying it for her husband's cock. Under normal circumstances the feelings shooting through Rachel's body would have been pleasant, Ma was skilled with her tongue pushing, twisting, reaming Rachel's anus over and over again. If she didn't have a missing tooth and a cock jammed down her throat nearly suffocating her she would have cum."Move yourself out my way." Pa said yanking his cock out of Rachel's mouth. Ma moved away as Pa walked around behind her pushing the tip of his cock against her asshole. Rachel gasped trying her best to catch her breath before she could regulate her breathing though Pa shoved his hard cock into her ass. Rachel's rectum was too tight to take him a single thrust, he could only get a few inches of his spit and blood coated cock into her. "NOOOOOO!" She shrieked wriggling as much as she could manage on the table. One on hand on the back of her neck held her perfectly still and another on her hips kept her in place as he started pumping back and forth. Each time her anus gave a little more, letting Pa's cock deeper into her body. It was pure agony to feel him stretching what had been a virgin hole minutes ago to accept nine full inches of man meat. Each thrust of his hips drew a new agonizing scream from the girl."Ma see what you can do about shutting this bitch up. She's ruinin my mood." Ma reached into the bag and pulled out an orange ball gag and thrust it into her mouth pulling the strap behind her head. Rachel could only moan around the gag then as her Pa continued to abuse her ass. "That's better." Pa exclaimed as he finally managed to bottom out in her asshole, his balls rubbing against her clit as he rested for a moment. Rachel had stopped crying behind the gag, her eyes blanked out as she stared at some indeterminate object on the wall as Pa pounded into her backside. "Look at this." Pa said slapping her ass. As soon as he did her eyes widened and another moan tried to squeeze its way around the gag. Different from the others that was the first pleasant moan to escape her throat. Despite the horror of her condition she couldn't stop her body from reacting. She wished her sphincter was clenching around his cock, she wished her hips weren't pushing back against him but they were. She was going to die and her murderer was going to give her an orgasm before she died. Another rough slap on her ass clenched her body up around his cock, tears of humiliation were pouring down her cheeks leaving clean streaks on her face.She was aware of everything around her. Aware that Pa was sweating now as he savagely raped her asshole. Aware that Ma had left the room and was noisily preparing something the next room. Aware that upstairs Sara was being used by the two sons somewhere nearby. Aware that her stomach was clenching and not from pain. Rachel clenched her eyes shut in an attempt to fight the feeling rising in her body. She tried to concentrate on the dull throb of her missing tooth but the only thing she could feel was Pa's hard dick invading her bottom. She could feel every vein as it sawed in and out of her body and every time it pulsed with his approaching orgasm. Rachel felt her toes curl as she tried to arch her back towards him, her body trembling in a terror induced orgasm. That was enough to push Pa over the edge, one last violent thrust into her bowels before he flooded her with his cum. "She's ready Ma, lets set this one up." Pa said as he pulled his now flaccid cock from Rachel's abused red asshole. He walked around in front of her and wiped himself clean on her hair."Bring her directly out back Pa!" Came her response. "Yessum!" He replied. A few quick motions later Rachel's hands ankles were tied together again and she was flung over his shoulder and carried out back. The backyard looked almost normal. There was green grass, an oversized doghouse and a huge grill with a fire roaring in it. It was easily big enough for two people if that had been their intentions. Pa set her down on a table though, her head resting on a block. There wasn't enough energy left in her body to stop him as he pulled a leather strap over the back of her neck holding her perfectly in place. The straps holding her ankles were undone as well her legs spread apart and strapped back into place. "Now my little nigger bitch I'll splain what we doing to you. That way nothing will come as a surprise to you." Ma said as Pa stepped back into the house. She was holding a razor in one hand as she stepped closer. "First we's gonna shave that nasty little cunt of yours. Don't want no pubic hairs in my mouth when I eat you." She said as she twisted the blade beneath Rachel quickly shaving away the stripe of hair over her slit. The razor was set aside and an awkward looking machine was put behind Rachel."This here is called an impaler." She heaved a large steel rod from the ground and held it in front of Rachel. It was at least eight feet long, on one end it came to a dull point, like a giant dildo. It even had what looked like an anal attachment at one end. "This is gonna go all the way through you, then the boys will set on the fire. Big strong girl like you might live for close to half and hour if we're careful with you. Meat tastes better the longer the girl lives." Rachel just stared in disbelief at the steel rod until Ma walked behind her and set it on the machine.Almost instantly Rachel felt the pressure of the dull rod pressing against her ass. It was bigger than Pa's cock but it slid into her easily in enough. "Its going to slid all the way into you, push out through your intestines. It's dull so it will just push your innards aside." Ma explained as the rod continued it slow journey through Rachel's insides. Less than three inches were inside her at that point but it the moist painful experience of her life. Rachel felt the second pole push its way into her cunt at the same time filling up her pussy and holding her in place. The rod pushed its way deeper and deeper at antagonizing pace. It pushed its way out through her intestines and into her stomach, it inched through her chest. Her insides moved away to make room for the rod as it moved past her heart and lungs. Ma quickly pulled the gag from Rachel's mouth letting her shriek as the rod pushed into her throat. Her jaws were forced open as the rod emerged from her mouth. It pushed on farther out until she could see the blood smeared impaling rod sticking out of her mouth."I know that you can't talk any more but I know you're still alive. The boys will be down in a minute." As if on cue Jed and Ray came walking out of the house and staring at her. "Put her on the fire." Ray grabbed one end, Jed the other and lifted her up and set the pole over the fire.Rachel was still aware as the orange flames started licking up around her body. The smell of burning flesh flooded her nose, it was like the scent of pork roasting but it wasn't. The rod in her cunt kept her steady on the pole so it didn't twist inside her. Instead her entire body twisted slowly over the fire letting her cook evenly. Sweat poured from her body sizzling as it hit the fire beneath her. From the corner of her eye she could see the entire family standing buy and watching her roast alive. In her last moment she saw Sara staring at her through the window and then there was nothing.Part Three- Ray's Pet PiggyThe world was spun for what seemed like forever after Ray dropped Sara down on the wooden floor. There were no decorations in the room, the only furniture was a chair and a pile of fabric that looked more like a nest than a bed. "Let me go.""Now you hush there little darlin'." Ray whispered bringing a finger to his lips and looking down at her. As Sara's vision cleared she realized he was naked and standing over her, his cock hanging over her head. "Ma said I can keep you as a pet, but only if you're gonna be good.""No. Please. Let me go." Sara whispered bringing her hands up to protect her from his menacing penis. Sara realized that her hands were untied then, so were her feet the only restraint was a leather collar chained to the floor."Now now now lil' miss thang. The only way I can keep Ma from roastin ya is by getting you to behave." Ray said. "Now a good pet would start licking my balls like her life depended on it.""Keep Ma from what?" She whispered."Puttin you on the roast like the sucklin' piggie you be. Like your friend." Ray reached down and unhooked the chain from the floor yanking her toward the window forcing her to look out. Rachel was out there with a solid pole shoved in through her ass and out of her mouth roasting over an open fire. Ma was standing next to her basting nude body with oil. As far away as Sara was she could tell her friend was still alive, her eyes were blinking, her fingers were continually clenching and she was still breathing. "You want that to be you?" Ray said his voice suddenly perfectly calm. "If you're a good little bitch you'll live a nice long life as my pet. If you start lickin' my sack." This time Sara didn't hesitate to grip onto Ray's leg and start lapping hungrily at his hairy balls. She hated the taste of man. The masculine flavor of musk and sweat was always a turn off to her but it was even worse on this man who obviously didn't bathe regularly. She wasn't going to give him a reason to kill her though so she slurped at his groin till her saliva was dripping from his balls. "You better start makin me think you like being a bitch." Ray scolded. Sera responded with her best moan, her tear-filled eyes sliding shut as she traced the seam of his cock with her balls. She knew she was doing a good job when his flaccid cock started to harden, rubbing across her forehead. "That's a good bitch. Now don't you talk none round my parents. You's just a piggy round here so you squeal if you want something." Ray said taking a deep breath as he looked down at her. "You're pretty good with your tongue." He gripped the leash and pulled her away from the window and got down on his hands and knees pulling her close. "Lick my ass." Sara looked at his hairy butt in disgust curling her lips. She couldn't do that, there was just no way. "Ma!" Sara dove forward burying her face between his cheek her nose pressed deep into the crease of his ass. Her tongue strained through the course hair to lap at the tight ring of light brown muscle. The taste was enough that she nearly heaved but her life depended on it so she swallowed hard and wriggled her tongue into his rectum. "That's a good little piggy, lick my ass." Ray encouraged using the leash to pull her into him. It felt like he was going to pull her inside him, her nose was crushed against ass and her lips were perfectly sealed around his puckered anus. Her tongue scooped at his insides, scrubbing his colon with her tongue. She could tell by his breathing that he was enjoying himself but she couldn't breathe.Sara reached up with her hands trying to pull his ass far enough apart to get a breath but she couldn't manage, he just pulled her farther in. She couldn't pull away to steal a breath so she started frantically lashing her tongue in every direction trying to push enough flesh aside to get air into her burning lungs. The world was starting to darken when he released the leash letting her collapse face first onto the floor gasping for air."That's a good girl. Keep that up and you might get to sleep in the house. For right now I gots to take you out to the shed. Ma would be furious if I didn't fix that collar right properly." Ray said looking back at Sara sputtering for breath. Ray smiled and picked up the leash leading her down to the shed. "Ma, takin her to set the collar on my new piggy!" Ray shouted as he dragged Sara on her hands and knees past his mother at the pit. His mother only waved at him though, she was to busy sticking a fork into Rachel's tits releasing the juices before they burst.What the family called a shed wasn't a shed. It was more accurately a collection of insidious torture and execution devices that looked like they'd been pieced together from an old movie. It had rope, knives, whips, brands, chains, a working guillotine and a collection of things Sara didn't even have names for. The only thing of any importance right then was the device she was being put it on. She'd seen one before on a movie, it was called a pillory. Ray put her head and hands through the appropriate holes and slammed the device shut. He didn't need to latch and lock it, Sara couldn't have lifted it on her own anyway, so it was just for show that he clicked the heavy iron bolt closed. Next Sara's ankles were strapped to opposite ends of rod keeping her legs indecently spread. Seeing the device on television didn't do it justice. It looked humiliating, it was painful."Now listen, you listen to me there piggy." Ray said as he walked over to what looked like an oven and gripped a metal poker from it. For a moment he stood over the stove throwing blocks of wood into it lighting the fire and shoving the poker into it. "See this here's a brand. We use it so we know what piggies are pets and which are food. I'd be mighty disappointed if I came back and Ma had thrown you on the grill. If you have any last words you should say them now girl cus once you become a piggy you'll never get to talk again.""Let me go." Sara sobbed looking up at him desperately. She knew her situation was hopeless but it didn't stop her from pleading with him as he stood at the fire. "I won't tell anybody, I'll just go away. Puh-please duh-don't kuh-kill me!" She cried tears again flowing freely down her cheeks."Now hush, you won't die as long as you're a good girl." Ray responded pulling the red hot iron from the fire. "Now no more talking, if you do I'll brand your cheek." He emphasized the threat by holding the brand close enough for her to feel the warmth pulsing off it. "Now lets see if my good little pig is good for a rut." Ray thrust his fingers up between her thighs roughly parting her labia and moving to her clit. Surprisingly enough she was drenched instantly slicking his fingers enough to push into her cunt. "Now piggies can squeal, if your smart you might learn to tell me what you like." He said pulling his filthy fingers from her cunt buttering her rectum with her juices.Sara squealed at the top of her lung wriggling her hips as much as she could manage trying to get him away from her ass. "Don't put it there?" He teased moving his fingers back down to her twat and shoving them in. Sara squealed again doing her best to feign pleasure, humping her hips back against his fingers. "Piggy likes it like that." Ray cooed pushing a third finger into Sara's snatch. She responded with an enthusiastic squeal and started squeezing her muscled around his fingers trying to pull him farther in. "That's a good girl." He said pulling his fingers out of her and smearing her juices over her back. "Let's see how you like something bigger." The thought of him pushing the red hot poker into her froze her body in place. It was his cock though, she could feel the huge slab of meat pushing at her juicy slit. A pleasant moan escaped her lips as she strained back towards him hoping it wouldn't hurt.It was the first time in years that a man had been between Sara's legs. Only her vibrator had pushed past those lips recently at less than five inches it was miniscule in comparison to the piece of flesh behind her. Sara took a deep breath holding it as Ray plunged into her quim, punching back and forth like a machine. It was like being torn apart, as wet as Sara was it wasn't nearly enough to help as he plundered her from behind. Worse was the fact that she knew he would kill her if she didn't enjoy herself so she started moaning in time with his every thrust. He was continually talking to her, telling her she was a good piggy, or a nasty bitch but she was only thinking about one thing. Staying alive.That one thought drove her squeal louder than she ever had for Rachel rolling her head as far as the stocks would allow her to. Her eyes were clenched shut in pain and humiliation the sounds escaping her were pure ecstasy. It was a horrid experience to have a man, a dirty filthy man at that, raping her. It was even worse because her body was reacting on a purely physical level. The ridges of his cock ground against her insides and his cruel cock head was pressed against her g-spot each time he pushed into her. Steel and motors had nothing on flesh and blood she realized as he started pulsing inside her. It was going to happen, this cannibal was going to give her an orgasm as he kept slamming against her. The squeals went from faked to real as she realized how great it felt to be fucked. Sara was only a second from coming, one more thrust from climax when he did it.The brand, still red-hot, was pressed into the meat of her ass. The raw pain of the iron to her flesh clenched every muscle in her body. For a moment the world faded to white as the pain literally blinded her but that faded quickly enough. It was the smell of her own burnt flesh that made her puke. That and the fact that she could feel Ray's sperm running down her thigh. "See now you's a proper pet." He said laying his hand on the brand. There was a brief flash of searing pain and then Sara passed out the tips of her hair just barely avoiding her puke.It was dark by the time Sara woke again. She didn't know where she was either, the ragged cabin didn't jog her memory. A slight shift in her weight sent an excruciating jolt of pain through her hips that reminded her of where she was. A quick look around and she realized she was in the doghouse, chained to it like an animal. Her first instinct to remove the collar was instantly stymied by the melted bolt on it. The chain was a little better it was, the lock wasn't welded shut which meant it could come off. The next thing Sara realized was that she was half starving. It had been before dawn since the last time she'd eaten. A full day's hike combined with her ordeal had her stomach cramping with pain. The delicious smell hovering in the air wasn't helping matters. She could hear the family was nearby, gathered around a table. It was too far for her to see what was happening but she could hear bits of the conversation."Good cookin' Ma.""You boy's like? I tried something new today, kept her alive nearly twenty minutes."Sara didn't even realize what they were talking about until she heard Ray's voice, easily louder than the others. "Can I have some more tit flesh, I want to feed my pet she should be up by now." They were eating Rachel. The smell in the air wasn't pork, or beef of even salmon. It was human. The delicious aroma teasing her empty stomach was her best friend. The idea of it made her lean over and hurl. There wasn't anything left on her stomach though, whatever she'd eaten that day had already vacated her stomach hours ago leaving her to watch as Ray approached her with a paper plate.It looked like any other slice of meat, round a pinkish. There wasn't a single way to know that it had been her best friend and lover only hours ago and the smell was maddening. "Go on bitch, eat up. Ma says I can keep you as long as you behave." He laid the plate down just within her reach.Hesitantly, like the beast she was made to be, Sara crawled toward the plate and leaned forward sniffing it. It smelled just like ham, and with the color. Sara felt her will completely drained away as she slipped her tongue through her lips and licked the warm meat. It even tasted like pork. Sara leaned down and gripped the thin slice of meat between her teeth and pulled it into her mouth gulping it down hungrily. "Good piggy. You want more?" She wanted to say no, she wanted to kick and scream and run for her life. Mostly though she wanted to stay alive as long as possible, so she turned up towards him and grunted nodding her head. Ray was ecstatic reaching down and unlocking her leash from the doghouse and bringing her dragging her over to the table. Sara instantly wished she'd stayed away. Rachel was on the table, her hands tied behind her back and legs indecently spread. Her breasts were nearly completely missing and chunks were missing out of her legs but she was still recognizable. Her face was frozen in a look of horror, her eyes staring forward and her jaw gaping wide. Sara only barely held down the urge to vomit a third time. Her stomach heaved as Ma reached up and shoved a fork into Rachel's ass and cut several slices off that folded onto a plate. "Now Ray you know better than to feed the animals at the table. Next thing you know she'll be wanted to sit in a chair like a person." Ma warned shaking her fork at him."But Ma!' Ray complained sitting down at the table and pulling Sara right next to him. "She was hungry. Werencha girl?" Sara eyes widened as she looked at Ma then nodded."Well. As long as she gets fed and watered I suppose its okay just this once." Ma conceded holding up a scrap of human flesh for Sara. Sara scampered over on hands and knees to Ma leaning her head back to accept the gift. "Up girl up." Ma teased lifting the meat just out of reach several times until Sara nearly stood up to snatch the meat from her hand. "You did a good job branding her." Ma replied glancing at her hip."Thank you Ma." Ray replied. "Here girl, time you got watered." Sara knew what he intended as soon as he stood up and started fishing his cock out. She knew her life depended on how well she behaved so she wrapped her lips around Ray's cock and tried to prepare herself.At first it was only a trickle, a warm salty sour trickle of liquid washing over her tongue. Sara gulped it down without forcing it to stay in her gullet. "See Ma I told you she'd learn fast." Inwardly Sara almost smiled at the kind word until he started pissing harder. Her mouth was full before she could swallow, liquid draining from the corners of her mouth before she sputtered pitting his urine all over the man who owned her. "Take her in the house right now." Ma's cold calm voice instantly terrified Sara. If the collar hadn't held her in place she would have ran instead she obediently crawled behind Ray whimpering at his heels."Don't worry girl. It's ok I won't let her hurt you." Ray assured her reaching down sitting down on a creaking wooden chair and running his fingers through her hair. At the far end of the house the a door was flung open slamming against the wall then back into his frame as Ma stomped into the house. "Ray!" Ray didn't respond to his mother, laying a reassuring hand on Sara's shoulder to keep her in place."Ray, that nasty beast has to go right now!" Ma shrieked storming over and snatching up a fist of her hair. "I bet she don't know better than not to speak!" Sara was just conscious enough of the situation to squeal in response thrashing against Ma's grasp. A moment she snorted and dropped her back to the ground. "Maybe she's not completely stupid. What tricks can she do?" Ma asked forcibly calming herself for her son."She's a smart little piggy. She can do anything." Ray responded proudly staring his eyes meeting his mother's."Can she beg for her life?" Ma asked with wicked smile."Ma."Sara watched in horror as the two humans decided her fate. She could feel the pit of her stomach bunching into knots. Running wasn't even an option, there were four of them, and they had a truck. Her only hope was that Ray would protect her. "If she passes I promise you can keep her." Ma replied walking outside."Don't run girl, if you do Pa'll shoot you for sure." Ray whispered standing up and following his mother, dragging Sara by the leash. Ma stood next to a low standing tree with a rope hanging from it. Sara only got one good look at the rope but she could see the hangman's knot. "Shhh, she's not actually going to use it." Ray lied leading Sara to the noose and slipping her head through it. "Just sque-"Sara didn't hear whatever he said after that because Pa had grabbed the far end of the rope and hoisted Sara up into the air. "Look at her kick!" He laughed along with Ma as Sara clawed at the rope around her neck, kicking her feet back and forth desperately looking for something. "Sure is pretty." Jed said staring at her bouncing breasts. "Dancin' something fierce, how long you figure she'll last?""I give her fifteen tops." Pa replied. Sara was aware that they were all watching her but she couldn't see them. Her eyes were only focused on two things, the tree and the rope. The only things her senses could register were the taut rope around her neck and the pain in her fingers as she tore at the rope. Her lungs were on fire as she tried desperately to suck more oxygen in but the rope didn't allow it. "Ten minutes." Jed whispered as Sara's arms flopped down to her sides. She tried a to bring them back up a few times but there wasn't enough strength left in her body to reach up and free herself."She's still kickin." Ma commented quietly watching as Sara continued to swing slightly, her legs weakly pedaling air."Cut her down." Ray said looking to his parents for approval. Ma frowned but Pa took a second look at his watch and nodded dropping the rope.Sara fell to the ground with a dull thud her lifeless eyes rolled back into her head. Saliva drooled out of the corner of her mouth to the floor beside her. As soon as Ray pulled the noose from her neck she took a deep desperate gasp of air coughing as she did. "She made it." Ray whispered obviously relieved. He scooped her nearly still body from the ground and carried her back to the doghouse.A soon as she was secured to the doghouse again he smiled and kissed her forehead. "Good girl." Sara would have responded but she couldn't talk at all. That fact probably saved her life though since Ma was within ear shot. "She'll be here in the morn, we need to get this meat into the ice box fore she goes bad." Ma called.Sara watched the boys pick what was left of Rachel up and carry her into the house. She fell asleep to the steady thuds of the men chopping her best friend into smaller pieces.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 40
Season's greetings to all my readers. I thought I would share a very memorable New Year's Eve true experience with you. This true story happened a number of years ago, but it remains our most unforgettable NY Eve ever. Hope you like it, and comments are always welcome! Photos posted on KB with story.For Christmas that year, I had given my wife, among other gifts, a set of adjustable nipple clamps, connected by a chain. It was apparent that she got turned on when I or another BBC played rough with her nipples and tits, and she couldn't wait to try out her new toy. While we had invitations to more conventional New Year's parties, we were both in a mood for something a bit more adventurous. I decided that this year, to ring in the New Year, she was going to have more than her fill of black cock. I called up B, a dominant married black friend and he was up for working my wife over like his personal whore. Problem was, he was already booked with his white wife to celebrate at a neighbor's house. Since my wife is a real submissive, hot slut, he wanted to try to do both. We decided that we would meet at a motel later in the night, after his party with his wife. We purposely picked an older, run down motel on a highway, the kind of place where they don't ask any questions. My wife, was excited by the idea of meeting a married Black stud in a sleazy motel on New Year's Eve.To prepare for her Black master, she soaked in a bubble bath, carefully put on her makeup, and got into crotchless pantyhose, a micro-mini, and heels. She also brought a pair of stockings and garters, her big, black dildo, and her nipple clamps. To kill time, we went to several crowded bars, where she flashed her shaved pussy to strangers as we had a few drinks. Finally, we decided to check into our hotel room and await B's arrival.When we got to our room, I called B to tell him the room number. He had just put his wife to bed and was on his way. Getting into role, my slut/wife changed into just heels, garters, hose, and a slave collar and leash. In the sleazy motel room, she started masturbating with the 10" thick black dildo, imagining what B's cock would feel like when he arrived. When she was just about to cum, I stopped her, saying that I wanted her to be a cock hungry whore when her black master arrived. As I put on her nipple clamps, and tightened down the screws, we heard a knock on the door.When B walked in, I could tell he was real turned on by my wife. He couldn't take his eyes off my blond wife, who was on the bed with her legs spread, showing him her hot, wet, shaved pussy, with the black dildo shiny with her juices. B asked me if I was going to use her as well, but I said, no, this time she's all yours. I'll take my turn after you are through with her. Showing respect, B thanked me for the use of my slut/wife and since he had recently checked out to be clean and healthy, I told him to use her bareback. He got right to it, as I took a seat and got out my camera.He started right off asking her where she got the nipple clamps.Getting into her submissive role, Q answered, "They were a Christmas gift from my Master.""So, bitch, you like a little pain on your tits?" B asked."Oh yes, as long as it pleases my Master." She replied."Well, let's see how your new gift works" he said. And with that, he tightened down the screws (which were already plenty tight) causing my wife to moan in pain, and taking the chain in his fist led my wife on her hands and knees around the room. He was literally pulling her around by her tits, and her nipples were stretched way out as she struggled to keep up. Being dragged around by her nipples by a Black master in a sleazy hotel room was pretty degrading, and I could tell my wife was getting real turned on by the humiliation. B was now calling her "whore" and she was acting like one. He then abruptly took off the nipple clamps, which triggered a scream from her, as her numb nipples suddenly felt the blood rush into her red and stretched nipples, the pain wracked through her body.B pushed her onto the bed and brought his 9 1/2" cock up to her head. He made her beg like a slut for the privilege of tasting his cock. Finally, after teasing her for a long time, he gave her permission to suck his cock, and my frantic cocksucking wife went for it like a woman possessed.Laughing at her, B said, "Oh I forgot to tell you, whore, that I didn't have time to wash up. I knew you were hungry for some black cock, so I came here straight from fucking my wife. A cheap whore like you will take my cock any way you can get it, right, bitch?"Totally humiliated, my wife nodded her head and moaned as she continued to suck on B's cock, and clean up the dried cum from his previous fucking of his wife. Later, she told me that B's wife must have a strong tasting cunt, because she could smell and taste her pussy as she cleaned her Master's black cock. Once B got fully hard (which took a while, since he had recently cum) he made my wife get on top and ride his cock bareback. My wife's pussy was well lubricated, and he had no trouble slamming in to the hilt. He laid back and made her do all the work, while he amused himself by slapping her white ass, and occasionally finger fucking her tight asshole. After about 30 minutes, B was still not ready to cum. My hotwife had already cum twice while having her pussy stretched and plowed. B decided he wanted to verbally humiliate her some more."Did you like the taste of my wife's pussy, whore?" He asked."Not really," she said."But you did it so you could have my black cock, right?""Yes," my slave said, "I did it so that I could suck your black cock"."Well, that makes you a freaky little white whore, doesn't it?""Yes," she submissively admitted. "I do just about anything for black cock.""Well then let's see if you like the taste of your own pussy juice better. Let's get your husband to put back on your nipple clamps, and you can clean your cum off my cock."With that, I got off of my chair and clamped up my wife's nipples so that she could clean her Black Master's cock.When she got down and licked every inch of his black balls, I almost came watching my slut/wife. I was able to hold off though, because I knew that after B was done with her, I wanted my turn.To show off his strength, B picked my wife off the ground and fucked her standing up. My poor wife was hanging onto B, with her arms around his neck while he plowed right up her pussy. As she neared another climax, she wrapped her stockinged legs around his waist. Finally, after dominating my wife for over two hours, B was ready to shoot his seed deep into her pussy. With a series of jarring thrusts (which sent my wife over the top into her orgasm) he finally shot load after load of hot cum into womb.. My wife laid back, totally wasted, like a well fucked whore. The last photos show her wide open, distended pussy, used as a black man's cum dump for the past two hours. She dreamily caressed her whore's cunt, occasionally licking the cum off her fingers.B got dressed and thanked me for the use of my whore. He had to get back home before his wife and kids woke up. It was after 3 am. After he left, my wife looked at me and said," That was an incredible way to ring in the New Year.""You did real good, whore, but you are not done yet," I said. Her eyes lit up as she saw my 8-inch hard cock as I stripped and took out my leather riding crop. With her pussy filled with a Black man's cum, she crawled off the bed, got on her hands and knees, and presented her ass for some much needed discipline. ENDLeatherZebra (Irsm)Copyright 2009. All rights reserved.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 75
Martha was a real prick; bullying and tormenting the younger kids in the neighborhood. She was constantly after them, taking every opportunity that she had to dominate them in any way that she could. She delighted in making everyone's life miserable. Maybe it was the fact that she had no one her age that she could hang out with and the only way she could have companionship, if in a distorted way, was that she sought out the others for her unending torment. Martha was a freshmen. Her main target was seventh grader Billy Wyant. She rode the same bus and her family's home was down the same dead end road. Billy dreaded those walks to the start of the road to catch the bus because he had to walk pass Martha's house.This day was like so many others. Billy and Martha got off the bus after school on a warm spring afternoon and started the long walk down the lane. Martha was always careful to make sure that no adults were looking before she started in. True to form Martha hurried after a fast walking Billy to snatch his new and prized baseball cap from his head. "Give it back, Martha!" cried Billy as he chased after the bigger girl. She ran off the side of the road and behind an old and seldom used barn. There were a number of large, heavy plastic seed barrels lined up behind some bushes. She flipped the top off one and threw the hat inside. In the act, one of her favorite pearl earrings fell out and joined the hat in the bottom of the barrel. "Damn." she muttered under her breath as she squirmed her shoulders in through the narrow opening of the barrel to retrieve her lost heirloom.Billy came up behind her just as she leaned into the heavy plastic barrel. He was mad and fed up. Something came over him and in an uncharacteristic and bold move he grabbed Martha's ankles and upended her into the barrel.Martha was caught totally off guard and in a moment her waist was stuck in the tiny opening; her torso within the flared cavity. Martha tried to push herself up and out but her hips were wedged tight in the opening and the slick and rounded inner surface gave no purchase for her hands. She was truly stuck. She started screaming and cursing at Billy, making all sorts of threats if he didn't get her out.For his part, Billy was totally amazed at what he had done. He was never so bold in his short life. At first he was a little bit afraid of what the consequences of his actions might be. Then he remembered all the times he suffered the torments of this mean older girl. The uniqueness of the situation and the possibilities this allowed started to creep into his head. Maybe it was time for a bit of revenge. He acted on the first thing that came to mind. Walking up to Martha he started to paddle her bottom. After five quick strokes he stepped back.Martha could not believe what was happening to her. She started screaming and kicking her legs. The screams soon stopped as it was only hurting her own ears.Billy found the results most satisfying and wound up for another wallop. He stopped mid-stroke as a smile came to his lips. He reached over to the imprisoned girl, grabbed the hem of her knee length, pleated skirt and flipped it up.Martha eyes widened in shock as she realized that her white panties were exposed to Billy. "Whack, whack." fell the two blows with open hand, one on each of her firm rounded cheeks. "Billy Wyant." cried Martha as she madly kicked out with her feet. She felt the sting of the latest spanking much stronger without the added padding of her skirt.Billy had to leap back to prevent a kick in the teeth. "This will never do." said Billy to himself as he took stock of the situation. Acting on a instant solution to the problem, Billy grabbed the hem of her panties and yanked them down her thighs, somewhat pinning her legs together."Oh, God." said Martha to the realization that things had gotten so much worst for her."Oh, God." said Billy at the same time when he realized that he was looking at the naked buttocks, asshole and pussy lips of a girl for the first time. He instantly went hard. Martha went berserk, screaming threats and swearing at Billy and bucking her legs in unison in a dolphin kick. Billy just stared at the slit between Martha's legs. It ran from almost her ass hole, between her thighs, and disappeared in a patch of fuzz around front. She had an almost three inch gap between where her legs met her wide pelvis that was bridged by two puffy, mounding lips that were lightly covered in silky blond hair. As she bucked, her crack rolled slightly more open revealing pinker and moister flesh to Billy's eyes. Martha's threats and directed curses finally crept into Billy's conscious and he responded with "Oh, yeah?" He wound up and directed a slap to each of Martha's bare buttocks."Owww," she cried at the stinging, burning blows "Billy don't... PLEASE." as tears started to stream down her face. Running short of air in her confines she pleaded "Billy, I can't breath."Billy looked down and seeing a six-inch plug in the side of the barrel, unscrewed it. Fresh air flooded the interior allowing Martha to breath. She lay still as she filled her lungs with air. Meanwhile, Billy stepped up to Martha's unclothed ass and placed his right hand on her bare cheeks. He started rubbing first one and then the other in turn. Moving back to the first he ran his hand over the fuzzy lips between the two cheeks. On doing so he felt a slickness deposited on his hand from her slit. Curious he brought his hand up to investigate. As he got it close to his face he noticed a peculiar musky scent. Bringing it up to his nose he inhaled deeply. He liked what that sniff brought to his senses and sniffed again. Then, in an inquisitive nature, he stuck out his tongue and tasted it. Billy liked that smell and taste. Returning his hand to the mound he ran it up and down the crack this time, collecting more of the juice on his palm. Bringing it immediately to his nose he inhaled and then lapped up the slimy juice.Martha flinched and tensed when she felt Billy lay his hand on her ass cheek. She was prepared for another stinging slap on her upturned butt. What she was not prepared for was the soothing feel of his hand stroking her naked behind. Her emotions took over and she started to sob quietly. She felt him move his hand from her left cheek to her right to continue the rubbing there. Then he returned to the left but slid his hand over her exposed mound. An unexpected shiver ran up her spine as he slid his hand over her pube-covered lips to be suddenly pulled away after smearing some of her juices. A few moments later the hand returned to her slit, only this time to deliberately slide up and down it's length catching and smearing more of her slickness. This contact had an all too familiar effect on her. Martha often explored her own body with her fingers and well knew how easily she could be aroused. Billy's exploring hand was now doing just that.Billy wasn't totally innocent of the facts of life. He often wanked to borrowed porno magazines belonging to his friend's father. He unbuttoned his jeans and yanked the zipper down. Working his throbbing shank from his pants he started to beat off as he lapped Martha's juices off his hand. He was getting worked up fast. Staring at Martha's now drooling pussy while pulling at his meat became too much for this pubescent boy's self-control. He leaned down and clamped his mouth on her swelling mound, burying his tongue in her oily crack."Gad!" exclaimed Martha as she felt Billy's probing tongue. She never had such a thrilling experience in her life. The multiple spine tingling swipes of his hot tongue were fast hurtling her to an intense orgasm. But with a frustrating suddenness it all stopped.As much as Billy was enjoying his first taste of pussy, he needed something more. Stepping back he spied a thick board in the dirt. Kicking it over to the barrel he stepped up on it. This positioned his hard-on even with Martha's hole. He yanked her panties off and spread her legs. Stepping forward with cock in hand, he quickly rubbed the head up and down her crack, coating it with her now copious juices. Lining up with the depression in the slit, he let go of his shaft, grabbed her hips and thrust forward.Martha felt her panties being pulled off and her legs spread. The sudden rubbing of her slit relieved the frustration of Billy's prior interruption of her rise toward orgasm. With an unexpected suddenness she felt something pop through her tight vaginal ring, into her passage. That is when the seriousness of the situation struck home. She now knew what Billy had in mind. "Billy, NO!" cried Martha.Billy heard Martha's muffled cry to stop come from within the barrel. But he wasn't about to give up the feeling of having his penis in her tight pussy. He gave it a twitch and then nudged it in a bit farther. Billy decided he had reached heaven.Martha's hole felt stretched wide by Billy's hard cock. She never imagined that it would be this way. She had the typical dreams of saving herself for her wedding night. She could never have guessed that she would get her first fuck at fourteen from a little kid while her head was stuffed into a barrel and, for heaven's sake, not by the cock of little Billy Wyant. She felt him twitch and expand within her grasping cunt. Then he pushed in a bit deeper. 'No, no, no!' she thought as she desperately tried to come up with a way out of this predicament. But there was no way out. Billy was fucking her; was about to push through her hymen and there wasn't anything she could do about it. She felt his grip tighten on her hips and the pressure on her stuffed hole increase. Her swollen cunt lips were pulled in as Billy's cock press forward. She felt a sudden pressure on her virginal membrane. She knew that feeling well; she had often toyed with her own hymen, putting pressure on it with her finger, with a tampon applicator, even once with a hot dog. Billy was about to take her virginity!Billy stopped pushing in. He panted as he steadied his nerves. He could feel the head of his penis push against Martha's barrier. He knew he was on the verge of deflowering this girl. He had a momentary twinge of conscience; then he remembered all that she had done to him in the past. "She deserves this. I deserve this. There's no way I going to back out now." he said as he pulled back slightly, only to slam forward and through her hymen, to bury his cock in her pulsing, grabbing hole."Aaeeee!" came the wail from Martha's lips as she felt her virginity being ripped away. She panted as she felt her violated hole acclimate itself to the rude invader. She could feel Billy's heart beat through his swollen shaft. He held himself in place for a short time before he pulled almost all the way out of her hole only to reverse direction and plunge back in. He started sawing in and out of her cunt. His position being slightly lower than her and her being fucked from behind put direct pressure to her engorged clit from the underside of his prick. The pain of her deflowering was quickly replaced by the thrill of his hard cock plunging in and out of her pussy."Uh, uh, uhn," came the grunts as Billy felt the excitement rise in his groin, in his balls, his chest, his prick as he sawed away at her pussy. As his excitement peaked he slammed his cock head as deep into her pussy as he could get it and blasted away, filling her hole with his hot spunk.Martha felt her insides being painted with Billy's cum. She could feel each pulse of his thick baby maker as he ejaculated into her fertile womb. She had been so close when Billy was fucking her cunt. Feeling him explode within her put her over the edge. With a groan, Martha let go and experienced the most intense cum of her life.Billy, holding his dick far down her hole, continued to pump his seed into Martha as her spasming cunt sucked at his dick. As the last of his jizz leaked out Billy started sawing her cunt once again. He could hear the squishing sound Martha's sopping cunt made as he pounded his dick into her. His cock acted as a plunger forcing his milky cum through the opening of her cervix into her uterus. Their juices were also forced out of her hole and ran down the inside of her thighs. Billy heard Martha beg him to stop."Billy, please, no more. My clit is too sensitive. Please let me out so we can do this right. It's not very comfortable this way. It could be SO much better." Martha pleaded.Having satisfied his immediate need, Billy decided to let Martha up. In the afterglow of having cum he felt a curious new attraction to Martha. Not thinking of the consequences of letting his lifelong tormentor free, Billy grabbed Martha's hips and pulled her from her confines.As Martha stood after being released from the barrel she felt a sudden gush of her juices and Billy's cum run down her legs. She was floating on a wave of ecstasy after her mind-blowing orgasm. She had never felt something so good in her life. As she straightened she turned and grabbed Billy.Billy suddenly realized the dangerous position he had just put himself in. He was now in the clutches of his tormentor, a person older and larger than he, the person who's virginity he had just ripped away, whom he had just fucked against her will. He braced for the beating of his life. He was shocked when she crushed him to her chest, covered his mouth with hers and shoved her tongue down his throat. Her sucking and moaning mouth, thrusting pelvis and the feel of her tits pressed against his chest had the expected effect on his pecker. As he sprung another woody Billy reached down and pulling at her skirt, lifted it up so that he could grab her ass cheeks in his hands. Martha started rubbing her now exposed pelvis against Billy's fully revived hard-on. Billy walked her back against one of the seed barrels and lifted her ass up and onto it. Martha wrapped her legs around Billy's middle as his probing dick found her hole and he once again drove home up her slippery gash. Billy leaned his head back as he pushed in with his pelvis. He fumbled with the buttons of her blouse, desperate to expose her soft mounds."Do me Billy; oh, do me good!" cried Martha as she helped him bare her chest. As he popped the last button free she yanked her bra up and over her tits, exposing them to a boy for the first time in her life. Grabbing the back of his head she pulled him toward her mams. Billy locked onto a pointy nipple, sucking it into his mouth. A shiver raked her body at the ecstasy of having her legs locked around a boy as his hard penis was stabbing into her, his ball sac slapping off her ass, a pair of hands groped her tits and a mouth sucking at her nipple. Billy's cock-head bounced off her cervix. This was so much better than the first time. She came in another mind wracking, total body spasm.Billy felt her velvety tunnel once again grab at his plunging center. As she grunted in time with her orgasmic jerks he held his dick head hard against her cervix and shot off another load of sperm filled cum. His dick's slit was perfectly aligned with her uterus' opening and totally filled its cavity. The next blast force his juice up her fallopian tubes. He pulled back, slammed in hard and again pumped in more baby making juice.Martha felt the pressure of her womb being filled with Billy's spunk. At the same time her ovary twinged in the familiar feeling of ovulation; it was releasing an egg. Surprising Martha, her orgasmic waves stepped up a notch. She felt absolutely complete. Eyes closed, Martha floated on a warm, post-orgasmic high. As their flames of desire slowly faded the two lovers stared deep into one another's eyes. Billy's satisfied penis slipped free of it's fuzz rimmed nest. Martha stood and held Billy close. She then turned and upended the barrel that so recently was her prison, stooped and retrieved the cap and earring. Putting the cap back on Billy's head, Martha cupped his face and planted a tender kiss on his lips. "Thank you, Billy." whispered Martha. She then turned and ran toward home.Billy stood for a minute reliving the events of the afternoon. He stooped to retrieve Martha's panties, inhaled deeply the scent they held and placed them in his pocket. He knew that Martha would never again bother him; at least not in the way she had tormented him before.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 24
I'm a married woman with three young children. I have a great sex life with my husband, but I still jerk off sometimes, and my favorite fantasy when I do concerns women.I've never actually had an affair with a woman, though I came close when I was in junior high. Me and a girlfriend were practicing our kissing when things got out of hand. We started petting and fondling each other, and got hotter and hotter. I wound up stopping, breaking away, but I still wonder what would have happened.Anyway, though I've never done it with a woman I find women very attractive. I look at them on the street, and admire their pictures in the magazines. I even look at my husband's Playboys and admire and lust after the women there as much as he does.But I'd never ever go after a woman. I'm far too conservative. I'm also not the outgoing type. I'm basically meek and polite and not about to approach some woman with my sexual desires.If a woman really did come on to me I'd be so flustered and embarrassed that I'd run away. I know I would because I know myself. I'm thirty-one, but when confronted with the uncomfortable I become ten again.On the other hand, if a woman came on to me, came on hard and hot, didn't give me a choice... if that happened, what fun I could have! There'd be no guilt at having cheated on my husband, or at having done something that my church would consider immoral and depraved. If I were forced then I could experience Lesbian love with no blame.Of course, women aren't into rape, so it's just not going to happen. Well... not unless I found myself in the wrong place at the wrong time...* * *It's winter. I'm wearing a heavy, knee length coat. My shoulder length blonde hair is pulled back into an untidy pony tail as I carry the milk to the station wagon. It's late, and the wind and snow are blowing. I put the milk in the back of the car and try to start it up.It grinds and grinds but won't start. I curse and slam my hands on the steering wheel. I'm in an unfamiliar part of town, on my way home from work. I look around. The little grocery store is across the street but there's what looks like a restaurant just up the block.I get out and go there, figuring they'd have a phone and I could wait and have a coffee. As I get closer though I see it isn't a restaurant but a bar. I hesitate, but it looks like a nice place, at least, it has a well polished oak door with a big brass knocker.There were leaded glass windows on either side of the door, and though I can't see inside because of the curtains, I judge the place is no dive. I go inside.The interior is dark and at first all I see are people moving around, tables, and some people dancing. There's loud music playing. I push through to the bar and ask for a phone. The girl there points around to the other side.I go around to the other side and pick up the phone, then call the auto club. They warn me there'll be a delay because of the storm. I hadn't expected anything else.It isn't until I've hung up and ordered a coffee from the girl at the bar that I really begin to look around the place. As I do I feel shock, some fear, and embarrassment.What I'd thought were men, were actually women with very short hair. The common uniform seemed to be either tight leather or tank tops without bras. Many of them had arms thicker than my husband's. I watch in some amazement as women kiss each other, dance together, murmur lovers words into each other's ears.My first instinct is to get the hell out, but I try to keep calm, and to not let my shock show. I'm about to push away and head for the door when the bartender brings my drink. Now I'm stuck. I pay her and sip gingerly at the drink. I don't want to call attention to myself, don't want these women, these... lesbians, to think I disapprove.I don't... not really, but I am embarrassed to see their intimacies. And as I look around I see that these intimacies are indeed, quite blatant compared to any place I've ever been before. Some are kissing each other deeply, wetly, tongues entwining. Others are stroking each other's bodies, squeezing asses or even cupping breasts.Some women have even bared their breasts and I see fingers and lips stroking them. I'm very embarrassed by such open sexual contact. I guess my eyes are bugging out."First time?"I gasp and jerk around to find a smiling twenty-ish blonde woman confronting me. She's pretty, her hair cut short, but not really short, more like collar length. She's tall, like I am, but not as slender. She has an excellent body that's not at all hidden by her tight jeans and braless tank top."I'm... uh, I'm waiting for the auto club," I all but squeak."Car problems, huh?" she says sympathetically."Yes, that's it. I really should go out there in case the tow truck shows up," I babble."You'll freeze to death," she says. "It's cold as hell and they'll probably take hours on a night like this. Come over and sit down.""Oh no," I stutter. "I'm not gay, you see. I'm just using the phone.""That's all right," she says. "We don't bite." I tell her that I really should go, but I allow her to lead me over to a booth at the end of the room. She slides in beside me, I feel trapped, but it's a U shaped booth so I slide around a little. She doesn't follow. I start to babble about the weather, trying not to look at her, and trying not to say something dumb and offensive, like what's a pretty girl like her doing in a place like this."You should take off your coat," she says. I should. It's warm in the bar and I'm starting to sweat. But I say, no, no, no, I'm fine."You're sweating," she says, smiling indulgently.So I shrug off my big coat, feeling like I'm stripping, even though I'm wearing jeans and a shirt.Two women get into the boot on the other side. One is short, with thick arms and a crewcut. She has a cruel looking face and right away I'm frightened of her. The other woman is taller and thinner, but dressed the same, with the same crewcut."Who's this?" the short one asks Erin, the blonde girl."This is Francine," Erin says."Not bad," the woman says, her eyes roaming over me. "Bit skinny though.""She's says she's straight, Carol," Erin says."Oh y-yes," I stutter. "I'm just waiting for a-a... uh, a tow truck.""Got time to kill, huh, honey?" the woman, Carol says, leering at me. I look away, uncomfortable and embarrassed. "Bet we could find a way to kill it for you.""Oh, uh, that's, uh, that's okay," I gulp."We don't let straights in here, you know, honey," she says, now sounding angry."I'll go," I gulp, trying to stand. She pulls me back down."Why'd you really come in here?" she demands."I told you. I-I... wanted to use the phone," I say."We ain't got no fuckin' phone booth, bitch.""I'll go then," I gasp, but again she jerks me down."Show a little respect for the sisters," she says, smiling cruelly."Wha... what?" I gulp."Give me a kiss.""I... no, I don't...""Just one kiss, a good one, then you can go.""But... but I don't...""Think you're gonna catch something?" she demands."No but...""Think you're too good for me.""But I-I... don't want...""Want me to punch your face in, bitch?" she growls.I stare in wide-eyed shock and fear. Her hand goes up behind my head and grips the back of my neck, twisting my face around."She's with me, Carol," Erin says."She ain't with nobody," Carol growls."She was sitting with me," Erin says, her voice and eyes mild. Carol glares at her, and I'm afraid of imminent violence. Erin doesn't seem to be worried."Okay then, let her kiss you," Carol growls.Erin smiles at me and cocks an eyebrow encouraging. What can it hurt, she seems to say. It'll shut up this woman.I kiss her lightly, just a peck on the cheek."That ain't a kiss, you dumb cunt," Carol snarls.I shrink away from her. Violence scares me terribly. I just don't know how to react to it, even if it's just verbal violence.I'm pressed against Erin, who's definitely the less threatening person. Both of the crewcut women are glaring at me. Erin puts her arm over my shoulder and I jerk my head around suddenly to stare at her."Don't be afraid," she says. "You're frightening her Carol.""She'd be a lot more frightened if she knew what I'd like to do with her pretty face," Carol hisses.I twist my head to stare at her in fear, then as Erin slides her fingers through the bangs at the side of my face I twist my head around again to stare at her."Kiss me honey," she says, smiling."She can't," the other girl says. "Homophobic whore," she sneers.Erin sides her hand up behind my head and turns me gently towards her. She leans me back against the back of the seat and leans forward against me. I stare at her in fear, eyes very wide. She doesn't seem at all threatening, though."Relax," she says, stroking the side of my face with her hand.But Carol shifts closer so her hips is almost touching mine and I can feel her hot breath on my neck.Erin leans in and kisses me on the lips, very gently. Her lips are moist and soft and somehow very comforting. Her arms go around me and she holds me against her, but not forcefully.She pulls her mouth back, still smiling."I want a kiss," Carol glowers. Her hand grips my hair and jerks my head around, then her mouth crushes mine. Her tongue stabs into my mouth and I cry out, the sound muffled, silenced. Her lips are bruising and her breath is hot and hungry and demanding. Her hand is cruel as she twists my hair back.Erin pushes her back and I cower back against her as she strokes my head."Don't worry about her, honey," she purrs. Her fingers tilt my chin up and she kisses me again, her mouth warm and soothing. She strokes my cheek with the back of her hand, then turns it and slides it up and down the side of my throat.Carol's hand cups my breast then and I cry out in surprise as her fingers dig into the soft flesh and squeeze tightly."I wanna fuck this slut," she snarls.I push against her feebly, afraid of angering her more. Erin grips her wrist and with surprising strength jerks it off me, shoving it back. She and Carol glare at each other, and it's Carol that turns her eyes down, holding onto smoldering anger.Erin strokes my neck again, then kisses me on the lips, still very softly."Now that doesn't hurt, does it, honey?" she breathes."N-no," I whimper.She kisses me again, and her hand slides down onto my breast, cupping it gently, rubbing in a small, slow, circular motion. I want her to stop but am afraid of alienating her, afraid she'll leave me with Carol, who looks capable of terrible violence.So I don't protest as she strokes my breast. She kisses me a little harder, her tongue dipping just inside mine, the tip sliding along my lips. I gasp as I feel her fingers undo the center buttons on my shirt."E-erin!" I gasp."Shhhhh," she smiles.Her hand slips into my shirt and she strokes the top of my breasts over my brassiere. Her other hand has been sliding up and down my back. Now it tugs on the material of my shirt, pulling it out of my pants. It slides up my back and I tremble in fear as she undoes the catch on my bra."I-I... have to go," I whisper. "I don't... I don't want...""Shhhh," Erin says, pressing her lips against mine as her hand cups my bare breast.She presses me back against the seat, her hand cupping my breast, fingers kneading it gently. I feel a hand between my legs then, cupping and squeezing hard. I squirm and my legs try to close around it. I know it's Carol's hand and I beg Erin mentally to push it away.But she probably doesn't see it. My head is bent back and her lips are on mine. She's softly stroking my breast with one hand while the other strokes my back, running up and down my spine. She fingers my nipple, then rolls it between thumb and forefinger.I feel hands at the catch of my pants, jerking them open, shoving the zipper down. I squirm even more as Carol shoves her hand down the front, going into my panties to squeeze my bare pussy.Erin pulls back then, perhaps because of my squirming and shaking."Carol," she snaps. Carol jerks her hand out and glares at her."Don't be afraid of her," Erin says.She kisses me again, her hand squeezing my breasts as her tongue pushes into my mouth. Her hand slides down my belly then and into my pants. I jerk in surprise and fear but again don't protest. She cups my pussy and rubs lightly up and down, pushing against my slit with her middle fingers.They saw up and down my cunt cleft, rasping across my clitty.I'm moist and hot, not with excitement, but with sweat and fear. There's no pain, but I'm terribly embarrassed as she fondles me and the other two women look on.She, or somebody unbuttons my blouse, opening it wide. My head is pulled back so I don't know who it is, only that hands are cupping my breasts. It's Carol, I'm sure, because they're squeezing hard. Then I sense her movement and feel a mouth on my left breast, the tongue slurping against my nipple.She closes her lips around it and sucks, her tongue stroking the little bud as her teeth nip at the flesh around it. I'm whimpering and trembling, but Erin coos and purrs and holds me tight in comfort. She has one hand in my pants and the other behind my head as she continues to kiss me with growing passion.I feel hands on the sides of my pants then, tugging them down. They're not her hands, for I know where they are, and not Carol's hands because they're both on my bare breasts. I remember the other girl then, then unnamed crewcut girl with the angry eyes. I jerk my legs out and feel them hit something, a body beneath the table.I know it's her. She tugs my pants down over my hips, ignoring my resistance. I try to grab them but both my arms are at my side, and the two women hemming me in are pressing against my sides and holding them in place by their own bodies.My pants slip down my thighs, then down to my knees, then down to my ankles. I feel the woman's hands trying to pull them off and twist my legs around frantically to try and keep them. I'm practically naked in a public place and my mind is reeling with shock and embarrassment and fear.I want to scream but don't want to attract any more attention. Also I'm afraid nobody will care in here, and that it will make Erin and Carol angry. Tears trickle down my cheeks as Erin chews and sucks on my exposed throat and Carol chews on my nipple.The other girl jerks my pants off one ankle, then moves in between my legs, hands pushing my thighs apart. I whimper and beg softly, but they either don't hear in the noisy room, or more likely, don't care.Erin is stroking my clitty with two fingers, but now the other girl's fingers pull my pussy lips open. I feel her breath on my sex, then her tongue touches me there. I jerk violently, but the others smile and chuckle.Erin pulls my hand out and pushes it into her own pants, which are loose and open. She shoves my hand down the front and I feel her bare belly and groin. She has no pubic hair and I feel her sharply defined cunt cleft with my fingers. I try to pull my hand back but her own covers it, pressing it firmly against her groin."Touch me," she sighs into my ear.She kisses me, her lips are all over mine, in fact. She sucks on my throat, then my ear, then my lips as her fingers pull my head back even further.Carol is devouring my nipple, sucking voraciously as her tongue whips across it. She starts to bite now, nipping and gnawing at the soft flesh around my nipple and even at the nipple itself. She pinches my other nipple with her fingers and pulls it out from my body, straining my breast outward.The other girl is lapping at my exposed pussy like a cat. She has pulled my pubic lips wide apart and her nose is grinding over my clitoris as she pushes her tongue into my fuck tunnel.I give up struggling. I sit still, allowing them their way with me. Calm resignation grips me as their fingers and tongues and lips probe every inch of my body. The music pounds loudly but I can hear little gasps and cries from other booths and know we're not unique, that other women are making love, or whatever they call it, right there in the bar.The girl between my legs pushes a finger up inside me, forcing it in to the knuckles. She pumps it in and out, then ads a second, then a third. I try to close my legs but Carol pulls one open and puts her own leg across it. Erin does the same. I feel betrayed by Erin, but she kisses softly and strokes my face reassuringly.The girl between my legs is pumping her fingers in and out of my pussy, pushing them deep. I feel a fourth finger press up into me. She twists them around slowly, working them up inside me, forcing them through my taut cunt lips.Carol rubs her cheek over my spit wet breast, across my hardened nipple. I'm surprised to suddenly realize it is hard, that both nipples are hard, my breasts swollen. She continues to squeeze and knead my mammaries as her tongue dances across my nipples, switching from one to the other rapidly.The other girl's thumb presses into me and I gasp as I realize her intent. I struggle in earnest now, but the other two women hold me with ease as the third works her thumb up inside me. Her fingers are pressed tightly together, but the deeper they go the wider they are.I feel my cunt lips stretching and stretching, aching and stinging as they're forced wide apart. The heel of her hand passes through them and I groan in shock and fear and humiliation as my pussy lips finally close just a little... on her wrist.I'm dazed and stunned, bewildered by what is being done and my inability to stop it. I feel the girl's fingers wriggling around inside my cunt tube, making my guts cramp and flutter and spin. Her tongue slides onto my clitty and she licks it forcefully as her hand slowly moves deeper inside me.I'm panting for breath, my chest rising and falling like a bellows. Erin is rubbing my hand up and down against her moist, drooling cunt crack while Carol is biting harder on my nipples.Women are walking by the booth, some ignoring us, some gazing in with smiles or lust on their face. People are dancing further out, while others chat and drink at the bar. Women are coming in and leaving, going to the bathroom and returning, making phone calls.The girl's fingers touch my cervix and I jerk violently, but they hold me. She strokes my cervix, then one by one, she pulls her fingers in, each one scratching against my cunt walls as she bends it back into her palm. She forms a fist inside my cunt, a thick, hard lump halfway up my cunt tunnel.She twists it slowly around, first in one direction, then the other. Then she starts to slide it deeper.I think I'm going mad. Maybe I am. I'm trembling and shaking and twitching as my sweat-coated body overheats from my pounding hear, racing blood, and the adrenaline pouring through my system.The girl between my legs closes her lips around my clit and starts to suck hard. My clitoris feels huge and raw and terribly, terribly sensitive. She sucks, then blows, then hums, or buzzes, I don't know exactly, but my clitty vibrates in response.My whole body is throbbing massively, like a gigantic drum beating repeatedly. My insides are turning over in circles, twisting and shaking and fluttering. My cunt is burning with pain, and... something else.I feel the girl's arm sliding into me, moving between my taut pussy lips. Her knuckles touch my cervix then and as Erin lets go of my hair I look down and see that she has half her forearm buried inside me.Then Carol seizes my hair and pulls it back. Her lips crush mine hungrily as Erin slides her mouth down onto my right nipple.My body is starting to jerk uncontrollably, and I don't know why. I'm dazed and frightened and mortified and can't think straight.The girl below the table sucks my clit hard, then slides her teeth around them and begins to nip lightly. I cry out, the sound absorbed by Carol's hungry mouth. My pussy feels unbearably full, the flesh of my cunt walls super tight, stretched to the absolute limit.The fist grinds against my cervix and my head explodes. I heave violently, almost throwing them off. My head jerks and thrashes from side to side as I grunt repeatedly. I arch my back, pushing my breasts out into Erin's face as she bites down on one nipple and her fingers clamp down on both breasts.The girl below the table grinds her knuckles harder as she sucks furiously on my clit. My cunt squeezes and spasms around her fist and arm as I come. I don't know I'm coming, don't know much of anything. The pressure of the orgasmic release rips through my mind and body and soul, leaving me stunned and gasping for breath.It goes on and on and on, my body flaring with white hot heat, my flesh melting off my bones, my life essence flowing out in waves until there's nothing left but a husk.But I'm still alive, though barely. There's movement all around me. Erin shifts back, pulling me over onto my side. Carol and the other woman pull on my legs and arms, turning me, lifting me up.I'm on my knees on the seat, and Erin is laying back in front of me, legs spread. Her pants have gone and I'm staring at her glistening cunt crack as she pulls my face into it.The other girl, the one who's name I still don't know, is behind me on the seat, her fist still deep inside me. My ass is raised and she strokes it with one hand as she pumps her fist very slowly in my pussy.Erin pulls my face into her crotch, holding me by the hair. "Lick me," she demands, excited, breathing hard. I don't want to, but she twists my hair. I slide my tongue along her cleft, then lap at it as the other girl did to mine. She groans in pleasure. Encouraged, I lick harder, my fingers peeling her sex open so I can lick at the pink flesh.I didn't know where Carol was at first, but then realized I was all but draped across her lap. She was sitting beneath me watching as I licked at Erin's slit. She reached in and cupped my breasts then, squeezing them as she watched me licking Erin.I didn't care. I was numb now. I pushed my tongue deeper into Erin's slit, grunting as the girl behind me started to pump her fist harder, moving it up and down my pussy tube with growing speed. She bent and I felt her tongue pushing against my anus. A shock ran through my body but I didn't halt my pussy licking.The girl pushed her tongue deeper, pumping her fist in my cunt while stroking my clit with her other hand.I felt my mind twisting and bending and tumbling. Then I came again, grunting and whining as I humped back at her with desperate, mindless passion. Carol squeezed my breasts hard, repeatedly, while I slurped and sucked on Erin's slit.I found her clit and sucked on it, buzzing and humming and blowing as the other girl had done to me.Carol slapped my bare ass, then pushed the other girl's tongue away and pressed her finger against my anus. I whimpered as she slowly pushed it into me.I licked harder at Erin's clit, desperate, crazed. She came, groaning and arching her back, mashing my face down into her as she humped up against me.They changed positions, and it was Carol's slit I licked then, doing it with just as much furious energy as I'd shown Erin's.After she came they lifted me and carried me into the center of the room. I was laid on my back on a table, my head falling over one end, my ass at the other. A woman stood over my face and pressed her bare pussy into my mouth. I sucked automatically.Tongues danced over my own clit as fingers drove into my cunt and asshole and squeezed down on my naked breasts. Crotches pushed against mine, rubbing and grinding against my pussy. Other pussies dropped onto my breasts, and rubbed heavily back and forth on top of them, jerking off with my nipples.Another cunt dropped onto my mouth, then another, then another, then another, an endless stream that kept grinding and humping and rubbing over my face and mouth until I couldn't move my tongue and my jaw was so sore I thought it was broken.I was utterly exhausted, having cum a dozen times. Girl cum coated my face and hair and chest and crotch. I couldn't move and laid there in a half conscious stupor. My legs and arms were wide apart. It was the perfect scene of a totally fucked woman. What a rush!END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 65
PART 1-= Chapter 1 =-Growing up for me was confusing, frustrating and often times an extremely lonely experience. The difference between then and now is that I've learned I have no control over what others think or say about me, neither do I any longer care. Allow me to explain; in all the boxes indicating race I was told to always check Black, though my skin is Caucasian white. By the sixth grade I stood five –seven in my bare feet, today I stand six foot four. Additionally, I had DD cups, 34 inch hips with matching thighs, and wore size eleven shoes. My Irish red hair hung below what my big brother always called my "Clydesdale" booty. My mother, a Cardiac Surgeon, is a native Irish Catholic aristocrat. My father a six-foot-eleven Army Neurosurgeon is a Black Country boy from North Carolina. They met while he was on a Special Duty assignment in Ireland, in the hospital where my mom worked, both are now retired.My early to late teen years were spent traveling around the world from one Army base to the next. I was never in any one place long enough to have or make any real friends. In those rare occasions when we were stationary for any extended period of time, I still lacked true friendships. My peers were either intimidated by my size or... thought that my family was just too complicated or too weird to deal with. I was too White for the Blacks and to Black for the Whites. On top of that my brother, born of the same parents as myself, who by the way stands six-ten, like my father is only a shade away from being coal black. He of course never gave a shit about what other people thought about him. He never had any trouble finding associates or hangout partners. He's always been one fine piece of Black Angus beef, a damn fine piece! Girls of all races where always on his dick like bees on a honey comb.During those years I struggled with low self-esteem. Were it not for my big brother's constant support and uplifting attention, Heaven only knows what I might have done. Excelling in academia, sports, and a well-deserved reputation as a legitimate stud, his popularity followed him everywhere we went. Bitches blew up our phone twenty-four-seven trying get at the meat, but to me he was just my big brother. A kind and loving big brother who would often tell his associates and his bitches he wasn't going out. Instead he was staying home to spend quality time with me, his little sister. Those times truly made the difference in my life. They were what kept my Spirits up and gave balance to my life. I remember graphically the day our relationship started to cross the line. Until then we'd never been anything other than average siblings. It was a Saturday, late in July; the temperature was a 102 with a heat index of 115. As fate would have it on that day of all days; the air-conditioning was on the frits. Before leaving for work early that morning, dad had called the repair company. Yet, here it was midday afternoon the hottest part of the day and no air! My brother had the luxury of at least walking around topless in his loose fitting basketball shorts. Thinking only of the heat I too wore a pair of short shorts and a bra-less tank top. On the surface it was a normal day amongst siblings, but the extreme heat changed the game. The acute outside temperature of that day, transformed the direction of our relationship.Seeking however minimal relief, we bore a new path back and forth to the refrigerator. My parents kept it stocked with cold water and soft drinks. We also had stand-alone floor freezer and on occasions this particular day. I'd open it, bending over as far as possible just to soak up the coolness. Then came the turning point. I can literally remember feeling as if someone was standing behind me staring at my ass. I turned around there stood my topless brother! He's a heavy sweater so his huge hard muscular athletic body glistened, almost glowingly with hypnotic droplets of sweat. Vividly, I remember standing there frozen in my steps, mesmerized by the sight before me. In that split second of time I wasn't looking at a brother. I was still a 100% virgin; no man had ever touched me. Yet, I saw only a body that I felt should be next to mine! Uncontrollably I envisioned erotic, raw, and animalistic scenes of forbidden lust. They were quick and as suddenly as they'd come so they went. I may have been able to get pass it all had not my brother started kidding me about having a "great pair of hard nipples", nipples, which by the way he didn't seem to be able to take his eyes off of. For some reason I wasn't embarrassed and made no effort to hide or cover myself. Finally the doorbell rang and the moment was over. The repairman had arrived, the air conditioning was eventually repaired and evening came. My parents returned from work deciding they would do dinner out and take in a movie as a couple. My brother having devoted that day to me thought a movie sounded great. Our parents went on their date and we went on ours. Though night fall had come it was still extremely hot and humid. The movie we were going to was at a drive-in theater. Thinking that it would be cooler than pants or shorts, I decided on a short bra-less spaghetti strap Sundress. My brother wore another loose fitting basketball shorts set. We arrived at the theater about ten minutes before the first of a double feature was due to start. My brother ended up parking in a far corner section of the grounds, because the place was crowed. With ten minutes before start time we walked to the concession stand for monkey junk. Upon returning to the car as always he opened the door for me.Getting in, my legs parted in the seat which gave him an unobstructed flash of my blue silk G-string panties. His eyes lit up like two brand new shiny silver dollar bills. Though neither said a word our eyes meet in a telling story, and Destiny had spoken! Somehow we both knew that our lives as mere siblings would soon come to an end! Attempting to put into words the ranges of emotions I experienced within those next twenty to thirty minutes, of that first movie would be futile! At best all I can tell you is that I was HOT! My body literally felt as if it was on fire! I fought desperately to deny what was happening within my Soul! Hypocritically I told myself that the sexual tension between us did not exist, but it did. I knew it and so did he! The only question was who would be the first to cross the line of carnal taboo. The suspense taking place not on the screen but between us was intensely brutal.The car we were in though virtually brand new at the time was an old school Caddy. Large long spacy seats front and back, meant we had plenty of room. Apparently only the fear of rejection prevented either of us from initiating the inevitable. Then suddenly there was an extremely loud thud within the theater speaker placed on the passenger side, my side of the vehicle. The alarming sound was matched by an equally unexpected and frightening scene on the screen. Instantly I jump to my big brother's side and hung on for dear life; it was purely a matter of reflex action or reaction. Instinctively he went into protector mode. Placing his powerful arms around me and holding me ever so tightly. He looked into my eyes as if to tell me everything would be alright, but that look didn't last long. Our eye contact was broken, after he'd noticed my Sundress had risen up beyond the hem of my panties. His eyes returned to meet mine but this time they possessed a completely different look. I was young, virginal, and in many ways naïve but I was far from stupid. Instantaneously we both knew we were on the first page of forbidden story. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect next, but I knew it had nothing to do with my being his little sister.Simultaneously his tongue plummeted down my receptive throat and his free hand inside my underwear. His profoundly masculine and now morally corrupted hand began groping, palming and vigorously massaging my feminine folds. He ignited fires within me every woman should experience, at least once in her life! My brother is a true Alpha Male; he took control of the situation and of me! Suddenly he withdrew his members from my willing orifices. Firmly he placed me on my back in the seat, and then lifted my dress just above my breast. After my double D's had been freed from their restraints, he effortlessly ripped apart my flimsy little G-string. I laid there excited, frighten and vulnerably exposed in anticipation of what might come afterwards!Sensing my extreme nervousness he slowed down the process. After all we were only in the early stages of a double feature movie. There were at least three hours left. We were in a big Caddy with heavily tinted windows and more than enough room to accomplish our business. Silently, as we'd both understood we'd passed the point of no return. He sat there looking at my expose nudity as if he simply wished to soak in the sights. "God you're so beautiful so very beautiful", he said. Assuming he stared as long as he could take it. He began to genteelly caress my tits, massaging them with the utmost finesse. Taunting and teasing one nipple then the next. I watched him, his eyes and his facial expressions of joy and pleasure as the heat and wetness of his mouth began to travel from one tit to the other. I watched as my big brother greedily sucked my breast until my own eyes involuntarily closed. His touch sent me through worlds of never before dreamed of ecstasy. Surely life had no greater pleasures than that which I was experiencing. He began to moan and to grunt as he suddenly attempted to swallow one entire tit then the other, an impossible feat nonetheless he tried! Back, forth and in between he went determined not only to climb but to conquer my Twin Mountains of flesh. Mountains which had somehow seemed to instinctively begin to heave and thrust their selves into the darkness of his forbidden and seemingly starved jaws! The genteelness of a loving older brother had abruptly vanished from his thoughts. I too had crossed over into turbulent waves of God forsaken fervors of extreme lust! Animalistic grunts and pants now spewed from my own throat as well as his. Astonishingly, out of nowhere I felt one and then two of his fingers plunge deep inside my pussy with great wrath and indignation (remember my brother is huge and so are his hands and fingers)! Apparently he'd premeditatedly planned the move and rightful anticipated my reaction. I attempted to scream bloody murder but as soon as I opened my mouth to do so. He embedded his tongue deep within my oral cavity to muffle the sounds of my painful reality. As my brother continued to tongue whip my mouth while finger fucking me with insane rhythmically hard and deep strokes, the pain soon subsided. Atomic Bombs of desire, begging to be dropped began to swell up inside me! I was clearly on the edge of a catastrophic explosion from within. I was right there! Then he stopped! Crawling onto his knees on the floorboard he got into position between my legs. Like a cliff diver off a mile high rock he dove tongue first into the heated crevice of my never before eaten pussy! "Holy Shit!" Were the exact words that leaped from my lips! Make no mistake my brother knew what he was doing! Not that I'd known the difference at that time but trust me he knew! His French kissing of my vaginal area sent me into a cosmic orbit of the first kind. OMG! When he suddenly engulfed my clit and held it between his lips. Then began lashing it with the tip of his tongue while fingering me, I was done! I literally lost my damn mind! "FUCK ME! (HIS NAME) OH GOD PLEASE FUCK ME! (HIS NAME) FUCK ME NOW!" I begged in agony of a needed unknown carnal eruption of a primitive nature!Ordering me into the back seat of the car he was more than willing to oblige me. He had me lay on my belly face down into the seat. He removed the last piece of covering on my body, my dress. As I settled there butt ass naked on the leather seats face down and ass up. A loud smacking sound filled the car and my ass begun to sting. Several quick lashes of his tongue lapped the core my pussy. Forthwith he straddles and mounted me. I felt the head of his dick, a dick I'd still yet to see pressing against the opening of my slit. He moved slowly and patiently as I squealed and squirmed beneath him. Since he'd broken through hymen with humongous fingers, there was nothing to break through except my tightness. Soon I began to relax as I felt him moving inside me. It wasn't long before my hips began to sway back and forth in harmony with his slow short circular strokes.Mentally my mind was a blank; I was oblivious to all but the dick. That magnificent piece of meat working its way deeper and deeper into my psyche and my pussy became the totality of my world! As he begun to increase his tempo he gripped my hips in an inescapable death lock. Grunting, groaning and breathing like wounded beast he started to pound me! Deep dicking me with powerful earth quaking thrusts of ill intent! There was nothing in his battering of my womb that indicated he was my loving sibling. In fact there was nothing loving about his plummeting of my insides at all! Each stroke was deeper and more powerful than its predecessor. At several points I tried to get loose from his grip as I pleaded with him to stop! Or to at least show me some mercy but his grip was to strong and my pleas feel on death ears! At one point Tears poured from my eyes as I squeal into the plush leather seats. Yet he continued his thoughtless assault on the interior of his own little sister's tight pussy!Realizing there was nothing else I could do, I surrendered to his overpowering domination of my body. Turns out it was the best decision I'd ever made in my young life. There was a point after my submission that I could never explain. All I know is before I actually became aware of my own actions. I was slinging pussy back at him like a major league pitcher throwing heat across home plate! "THAT'S IT NASTY LITTLE BITCH! COME GET THIS DICK HO!" he growled. At which point I became the aggressive one. My brother couldn't ram any more meat up in me, than I was already smashing up myself. Lustful vulgarities filled the air as we taunted one another. I'd bark and dare him to fuck me with the full wrath of his might, and he'd degrade me with wicked nasty name callings. The nastier the names, the harder I'd buck into the dick. With ten and a half inches of thick iron hard dick battering me as if I was a fifty cent whore and words to support the disposition. I literally began screaming and squirting all over my brother's dick! Shaking with violent orgasmic spasms and thunderous tremors, I'd collapsed into the seat motionless. Oh the other hand, my brother continued to hammer away for what seemed like eternity. Finally! I felt the powerful continuous streams of his incestuous seed ambushing my womb.-= Chapter Two =- After we regained our senses we decided to head home. We were hoping to beat our parents there and maybe have time to fuck again before they arrived. We had no such luck, and as we pulled in the drive both their cars were there. With all hopes of getting my brother's dick balls deep up my pussy again, that night anyway shattered. We decided to go upstairs and head for the showers, and no not together. As I walked passed my parents room I heard the wildest shit. Mom was moaning loudly and dad was saying something about a black dick up her ass! Apparently they were unaware that we'd return home. Since I was feeling dangerous, I placed my ear to the door trying to hear them better. The door wasn't completely shut and the pressure of my body against it caused it to open enough for me to see what was going on. Holy Shit! My mom was on all fours butt ass naked on the floor. My dad was straddling her reverse saddle style. He was knocking dust out of the bottom of her asshole with what looked like an elephant's dick! He'd jab her balls deep pull out to the head, and slam it back home, over and over. My knees went weak from the sight; it made no sense to me how any woman could take much dick up her ass and not pass the fuck out!I thought my brother and I exchanged some nasty words, but our parents were saying words to each other I never dreamed existed. It was the most erotically exciting scene I'd witness in my life; my brother had to see this! I eased myself away from the door and ran to my brother's room. Without knocking I opened his door, and there he stood naked as the day he was born. I'd come to tell him about mom and dad but the sight of him caused me to freeze in my tracks. I had felt that dick thrashing me, but this was the first time I'd truly gotten a real look at it... It was magnificent, it was thick, long and calling my name. OK the voice belonged to my brother as he quietly summoned me and like an obedient servant I went. He took me in his massive arms and after sticking his tongue in my mouth he kissed me passionately. As his heated spit became one with my own, heated secretions began to leak from my pussy. As he withdrew his tongue from my mouth he placed his mammoth hands on my shoulders. Forcefully he pushes me to my knees and orders me to "SUCK MY DICK BITCH!"If nothing else I certainly had a good view of the dick then. I was face to face with it but had no idea what to do with it, or for it. I'd never had a dick in my hands less lone in my mouth. Not that I didn't want to suck it. Hell I was willing to do thing to make him and that dick happy, I just didn't know how. I looked up into my brother's eyes and nervously told him that. "JUST OPEN YOUR MOUTH SWEET LITTLE SISTER and I'LL TAKE CARE OF THE REST!" he assured me. Just open my mouth ok that I could do and so I did. He pushed his meat pass my lips and began to slowly move it to and fro. It went in semi- hard but soon I could feel it hardening, stretching and filling my mouth to capacity. Once I'd gotten over the idea of having a dick in my mouth, I really started to love the feeling. The heat, the hardness, the overall texture and unusually odd pleasure I felt having a dick, my brother's dick at that in my mouth, was incredible. Wrapping both my hands around it and meeting the motions of his hips, I relaxed and started to get into it. That didn't last long though, my brother grabbed both sides of my head with authority and begun fucking my mouth and my throat in the exact same fashion he'd recently fucked my pussy, relentlessly and without mercy!I'll give him credit, obviously in consideration of our parents being only steps away. Between my choking and gagging behind his nuts deep plunges down my throat, he'd give me time to at least catch my breath! Remembering the lesson of the drive in, I simply submitted to his domination of my mouth. Soon I realized I loved being used like that; I craved to be used as an instrument for his pleasure, as an outlet for his depraved and animalistic sexual lust! In that moment I learned the truth of myself. Truth that was only accentuated when I felt my brother's dick start to swell and pulsate in my mouth. It was as if a Dam were about to burst wide open. Eventually as he erupted filling my mouth with the most delicious tasting juices I'd ever tasted. I knew right then and there that I was born to be a slut! If for no one else; I was surely my brother's whore for life! I knew my mouth and my pussy would forever be open for his use whenever and wherever. Though my brother unloaded virtual gallons of sweetness in my mouth and over my face, he was still hard and ready to fuck. He literally picked me up off my knees and bent me over his bed. He entered me from behind and proceeded to fuck the shit out of me! I assume the danger of the situation played a major part in his not lasting long. Within minutes he was blasting, yet another ton of family seeds inside me. We never got back to watch our parents, but they didn't catch us either. We'd gotten through that episode safely.Over the next couple of weeks after our parents went off to work we fucked almost daily. No matter what I'd suck his dick once or twice every day without fail. We did this up to a week beyond my cycle's normal appearance and I hadn't had it! The short story here is I was two weeks behind schedule. You can imagine the terror of emotions we both experienced during those two weeks! My parents were sure I was still a virgin. The thought of telling them that was no longer the case, and that my brother, their own son, had knocked their daughter up, was an extremely terrifying prospect. However, my cycle came and we never got there. Young but not stupid, I knew it was up to me to cover my own ass. My brother is a man like any other, he knew I'd spread my legs for him anytime and anywhere he asked me too. I knew I'd be getting fucked and fucked often, so I went to my mom. I told her I was still a virgin but I thought I'd take her up on her offer to get on the pill, just in case. I convinced my brother to use a condom until the pills had a chance to get into my system.Soon summer was over and everyone went their separate ways in the morning. My parents to their perspective work places and my brother and I, to our prospective schools. On average I'd get home first, then my brother (after whatever sports practice) and much later, our parents. Like I said he was a certified stud and once school started. The bitches started in on him like arrogant roaches on a sugar covered kitchen floor. They were throwing so much pussy at him that he seemed to have forgotten about me. Had the excitement of our incestuous affair ended, was the thrill gone for him? We were well over three months into school and he hadn't fucked me. Neither had I sucked his dick in weeks. If I wasn't sucking his dick then who was? I had become his little sister again and that was cool, because I was his sister. At the same time I'd gotten adapted to being his secret whore too! Publicly, I played it off as if it wasn't any big deal. Privately I was a whore in heat and a scorned bitch on fire! In other words, I was one dangerously devious Bitch!I'd been shopping on several occasions with my mom to Lingerie boutiques. I'd listened carefully, as she'd told me how a woman needs to buy things from time to time to keep or reign back in her man's attention. That was exactly what I needed to do reign back in my big brother's attention. So off to the boutique I went with a plan. I walked in and out knowing precisely which outfit I was going to buy. It was a black cup less bra and crouch less panty set with matching stockings and garters. I laid in wait, in all about 3 more weeks until the time was perfect to implement my scheme. It was a Friday; I'd gotten home from school. First mom called saying she was going out with a couple colleagues after work and she's be home late. Then dad called saying his Commanding Officer had called for an after duty meeting, and he didn't know what time he'd get home. As soon as I hung up the phone lights started flashing in my head. This was the time!On average I knew I had about two hours before my brother came home from practice. He'd be hungry as an under feed ox. I fried his favorite dishes pork chops and gravy (enough for the family); along with some instant mashed potatoes and open up two large cans of greens. I took a nice hot shower and afterwards. I put on the outfit with the right touch of perfume. Then I turned on the TV and laid in wait of my prey. I heard his car pulling in the drive and gave him just enough time to get to the door. As he opened it I bent over the TV as if I was removing a movie from the player. Holding my ass up in the air proudly and spreading my legs wide, my freshly shaved pussy lips greeted him with a smile. "OH FUCK! Wow sis you look hot as hell what's this all about?" or something to that effect were his paraphrased words. "Oh nothing I was trying on this outfit a friend brought me. Go shower so you can eat while the food's still hot. I'll fix your plate," I coyly responded."Shouldn't you put something on mom and dad might come home and catch you in that thing" he said. "You're right I should at least put something on over this" I replied reaching over and putting on the sheer matching jacket I'd also purchased. Teasingly I smiled at him asking "how's that". He shook his head in awe, and then headed for the shower. The horny bastard was back before I could get his plate on the table. That was the fastest shower I've known anyone to ever take! He returned wearing a terry cloth shower/beach bottom, (think skirt or kilt type). He sat down and waited for me to bring him his plate, something I took my time doing. I did my best to taunt and tease him with seductive hip movements and prideful chest struts. Inside I was boiling over with excitement and deviant thoughts sexual temptations. My extra-long nipples gave me away, but as always they worked their magic on my brother. He loved them and whenever they're in full erection his eyes locks in on them like heat seeking missiles. I placed his plate on the table in front of him. I made sure to brush my tits against his face and purposely slid a nipple across his lips. As I walked to and fro fixing my own plate I could feel his eyes glued to my ass. My plan was working, and I had his undivided attention. I sat down beside him as was the norm when eating in our house. Out of the corner of my eye; I could see just how well it was working. He had a tent in his kilt the size of Geronimo's tee-pee! I knew whatever happened from that point on would be between me and his dick, and that he would no say in the matter. I "accidentally" dropped my fork and mistakenly kicked it under the table. I had no choice but to get on all fours and crawl under to retrieve it. I crawled under alright; I even grabbed my fork. However, on the way out I dove under his kilt and tried to swallow as much of his dick as I could in one big gulp! "OH FUCK!" he screamed! Determined to make him pay for ignoring what he had at home all this time, me. I attacked his meat like chicken head crack ho jonesing for a pipe. My assault on his dick was relentless. I slobbered, sucked, licked and bobbled my head up and down on that dick, not for his pleasure, but in vengeance! I'd never sucked his balls until then! I'd never licked asshole until then! Before that evening was over, I wanted to make damn sure he'd regret fucking those other whores. He'd learn that if it was a slut he wanted, there was none better than the nasty cum swallowing bitch sleeping in the room next to his! I was hell bent on proving to him that the best dick sucking ho in town was me, his own little sister! Like I said it was between me and the dick! If my brother didn't think of me first the next time he got horney, his dick damn sure would!I had him moaning, groaning, squirming and squealing like a lost little bitch! It was as if generations of slut genes had overtaken me. I shocked and surprised myself, as I unleashed every ounce of raw nastiness within my soul on the dick in my mouth. I told you earlier, my brother has a ten and a half inch dick and I lie to you not. On several occasions during that episode I swallowed at least nine and a half of them. The last time I did brought eerie screeches and wails from his lips as buckets of hot lava began gushing down my throat. I won't lie! I gulped greedily trying to swallow it all, but it was more than I'd ever gotten out of him. I just couldn't do it! Some spilled out of my mouth and down my chin. But I made sure he saw me licking and wiping the escaped cum, and placing it back in my mouth where it belonged! "WHAT THE FUCK HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU?" he exclaimed. I refused to answer him with words. I merely rose up from my former position. Taking him by the hand I lead him to the plush carpeted family room. I had him sit in daddy's recliner and then I Removed his kilt. I started kissing him while straddling and gridding my wet pussy back and forth across his spent dick. He responded immediately as it quickly stood up at attention. I spun around and impaled myself on him. I started to ride him hard by relentlessly slamming my pussy to the hilt against his pelvis with complete abandon. Until that point in our relationship whenever we'd fucked. He'd manhandle and fucked me but right then, he was the one being fucked. I proudly dominated him that is until; my brother's Alpha nature took over. Abruptly he lifted me up off of him as if I were a paper doll. He placed me on the floor my back against the carpet, and my long legs stretched out over each shoulder. He pushed my knees into my chest and commenced to wailing away at my insides. He pounded my pussy savagely as if he were trying to shatter my cervix. Though my pussy was soaking wet and getting wetter with each thrash, it didn't change the fact that my brother has a big dick! Each time he hit bottom it felt like a wrecking ball was tearing through the walls of my womb that shit hurt like hell! Fuck yea it hurt but I wasn't about to tap out. I refused to admit that the concussion creating force, that he was slamming into me with could actually cripple me for a days afterwards. Instead I closed my eyes and called up those skanks, sluts and whores from generations gone by. I wanted him to know had as much tramp in me as he thought he had stud in him. I wasn't about to be out done or out fucked, not that night I wasn't! Vocally we were loud and once again vulgar, as we continued the physical and mental contest to see who would back down or collapse first. I thought myself victorious when he finally ceased his attempted destruction of womanhood and pulled out of me. Yet nothing could have been further from the truth. He quickly flipped me over onto my stomach and lifted me to an all fours position. He then started finger fucking me while simultaneously stabbing the depths of my asshole with length of his tongue. This unexpected act sent me into a spirit-stunning cosmic state of weakness and astonishment! It was as if all my senses had been pulverized in a massive high speed train wreck! I was in a place I'd never been and experiencing a level of arousal and excitement that had stripped me of all sanity! Frankly, it's a miracle that I didn't injury him, his deep penetrating wet jabs had caused me to go bulk wild! What was happening between us was beyond incest and beyond forbidden, it was downright NASTY! OMG, it was vulgar, despicable and it didn't stop there! Soaked fingers first one then two and then three, left my pussy and replace the darting tongue in my ass. That feeling caused me to become totally unglued. For some reason I envisioned flashes of my father pile driving his dick up my mom's ass! Before I realized what I was saying, banshee wails of desperation spewed out of my mouth. "FUCK MY ASS! OH GOD PLEASE FUCK ME UP THE ASS!" I was literally begging my brother to fuck me just like our father had fucked our mother, up my asshole!I know many say they felt pain the first time someone stuck a dick up their ass but I felt only desire. I felt an intense need to be taken by my stud brother in the ass like a Jezebellian whore! I'll admit I was tight back there and getting all that dick up my ass, was no cake walk. My brother took the time to spend a few more minutes licking and French kissing my opening. He made sure to saturate my hole then came the head of his dick. He entered me slowly only pushing about half way in and then began slow humping me. Allowing me some time to adjust before going deeper and increasing his pace, he eventually reached his balls deep goal. I loved the feeling of being so personally violated, it exited me beyond words. I can't speak for him but I was in heaven! As his speed increased and his thrust became more powerful, I bulked and begged him to fuck me like the whore he knew I was, and that just what he did! He BITCH FUCKED me up the ass just like daddy... "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU TWO THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" the voice of our father supremely boomed...To be continued?*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 76
As he came into the house, he had the sense that something was wrong. First of all, his lovely wife wasn't waiting for him when he walked in the door. She was nowhere to be seen. He knew she was home because he saw her car in the garage. The hairs on the back of his neck started to prickle. He softly yelled "Honey, I'm Home. Where are you?" His mind started to race with the possibilities and it's quick dismissals of them. He took the stair to the second floor two at a time. Maybe she was in the bathtub or playing on the computer.He noticed the computer room was dark as he reached the top stair. As he turned to walk into the bathroom, he spotted her. It was just the faintest of outlines on the bed. As he softly made his way down the hall, his eyes started to adjust to the dim lighting. There, lying on the bed was his wife. Her legs were tightly bound apart to the bottom of the bed. And her hands were tied above her head together to the headboard. She was completely naked on the bed. As he approached her, he noticed that she was blindfolded and a plump, red, succulent strawberry was protruding from her teeth. This explained why she hadn't called out. If she had opened her mouth any, the strawberry would choke her. As he reached the footboard, he noticed that between her legs were his black leather belt and a blush brush with a tiny note that said, "Use me... please." and written on the other side were the words, "Merry Christmas Darling!" He swallowed uncomfortably as his cock started to get hard at the fantasies that stirred in his head. He knew she could hear him, and he chuckled faintly to himself. He turned on the small radio next to the bed and tuned to a slow jazz station.As he undid his tie she squirmed just slightly. "Well I can tell you that this is what I need tonight," he gently said as the tie softly fell on her knee. "My day was a hassle and everyone wanted something from me. My boss wants the weekly report two days early because of the "holiday season" and I nearly got ran off the road as I was driving down the highway. Damn Blue Hairs!" He had just unbuttoned the last button of his shirt as he finished his diatribe. He sat on the bed next to her bound right arm and took off his shoes. "God she looks good enough to eat." And he would feast on her tonight. He hung up his clothes in the closet and came back to the bed. Standing in only his underwear, he gazed at her. "Beautiful," he thought. "More beautiful than the day I met you some ten years ago." Her skin glistened with just a hint to perspiration and her skin was so smooth. He could just stare at her for hours. And he had. When she was sleeping, he sometimes would just lie in the bed and watch her sleep. She always looked so peaceful when she slept. He never understood what she saw in him. And when he asked her, she would reply that she just felt all funny inside when she saw him. The love for him was always in her eyes. Those same eyes, which were now hidden behind a blindfold. "I'm still here, dear. Don't worry I would never leave you like this all tied up for too long."She suddenly started to squirm even harder against her restraints. He could almost hear the thoughts going through her adorable head. "Is he going to hurt me? Where is he? God why doesn't he do SOMETHING?" A smile played across his face. This is what she wanted and he was going to drag it out for her. Her nipples were perking out at him by this time. Almost as proof that she was enjoying the torture of this. He picked up the belt and gently caressed her bountiful breasts with it. Soft and slow, just the way she always begged him to do it. He traced small kisses in the wake of the belt all around her nipples but never touching them. Down the sides of her breasts and up to her shoulders. At her shoulders he bit softly into the dip of her collarbone. Savoring the sweet sensations playing across her body. She moaned softly to him. Almost begging him to give her a release. But he had other plans in mind for her tonight. He laughed at the thought that went through his head. "And I thought it was going to be just chicken for dinner, followed by television, then bed."He suckled lightly across her collarbone alternating between using his tongue and his teeth to taste her. He trailed the belt down the length of her arm until he got to her fingers. Touch. Such a simple thing but it can be so erotic. He delicately suckled each of her fingers and lapped at her palm with his tongue and teeth. He laid his cheek in her hand so she could stoke his face for a while. When he thought she had had enough of a reprieve from his torturous ministrations, he got up and walked to the end of the bed. He pulled at the cuffs around her ankles to make sure that she was securely strapped to the end of the bed. The cuffs gave way just slightly but not enough for her to be able to move without serious pain. He knelt over her right foot and slipped one of her toes into his mouth. That had her almost bolting off the bed. Her foot jerked just slightly against the restraints. He laughed softly. "You are not going anywhere until I've had my fill of you," he whispered to her almost menacingly. He continued to tickle and worship her foot with his mouth then worked his way up her leg just slightly to her knees. He traced small circles around her kneecap and bent her leg to work on the back of her knee. This had her automatically straightening the leg to get away from his tongue. Her leg coming down narrowly swiped his nose as he pulled back to avoid the attack. "You are not allowed to move!" he chided her as he brought his belt slapping against her thighs. "If you move again, I'll stop and leave you this way for a while to think about your bad behavior." She shook he head, "no" violently. "Then let me play with the back of your knee." Her leg slightly bent to allow him to get under her leg just slightly. He nipped the back of her knee and slowly kissed his way up her leg. As he made his way up her leg, he started to smell her hot pussy juices flowing from her. He glanced up and noticed that she was already extremely wet. So wet in fact that she was subsequently making quite a wet spot on the covers. He closed his eyes for just a moment to savor the heady aroma of her. It always surprised him that such a hot, vivacious, and exotic woman would want to be his wife. He continued to make his way up her legs until he got to their juncture. He stopped and let her savor the anticipation of the moment. Then without warning he bit deeply into her skin. She cried out in surprise and nearly choked on the strawberry still firmly lodged in her mouth. She writhed back and forth against the restraints as he sucked brutally on her flesh with his mouth and scraping the surface with his teeth. When he finally let up on her skin there was a large magenta colored patch on her upper most portion of her leg. He admired his work with pleasure and smiled at the love bite. "You moved." He accused. "I told you not to move or I would leave you for a while to contemplate you actions for a while."He got off the bed and stood at the end for a moment to judge her reaction to the predicament she had been placed in. She strained against the bonds and attempted to break them but they were too strong. She writhed on the bed like a fish out of water trying to break free. But in the end she just settled back on the bed and waited for his return. He stood watching her for about four minutes after she had settled down. He let her sweat his return to her with silence. Then he walked up to the head of the bed and leaned down next to her ear and whispered, "Are you done misbehaving? Are you going to be a good girl?" She nodded her head up and down. "Or do I have to punish you further?" She shook her head "no" and a few tendrils of her hair fell lightly over her shoulders. "Well if you are going to be a good girl, I'll reward you just slightly." He bent over and took a bite of the strawberry being held by her teeth. Their lips met just for a second as her deepened the kiss to eat more of the fruit. He sucked at the juices coming from the strawberry as if it were the essence of life and could not chance to waste a drop of it. As the kiss continued he probed her mouth with his tongue and had a slight battle with her tongue as she gasped for more of his mouth. He heard her sigh softly and ended the kiss. Don't let her regain too much power over me. He thought to himself. "Why did you stop?" she pouted at him. "Because I wanted to give you your reward," he said.With that, he removed the last of his clothes and stuck his hard cock in her mouth. She worked her way up and down his large staff. Then she ran her tongue up and down the underside of it. "God she is fabulous at blowjobs." He imagined she could give a priest second thought about his celibacy vows. But he leaned lower to allow her more access to his balls. She stopped her oral praise of his manhood long enough to give his balls a warm tongue bath as well. He felt the pressure of an orgasm rumbling through his loins and knew if he didn't stop her soon he would cum all over her neck. Not that that was a bad thing but he had yet to feel her milk on his cock with her pussy lips yet. So he leaned back of the bed so she would only have access to just the tip of his cock. A large drop of pre-cum dripped out from his cock and she voraciously gobbled it up with her tongue. "Ummm. You taste delicious." She purred. "Let me have some more of that tube steak. Or have I been bad again?" "No, not bad just too good for this old man, darling," he laughed. She smiled knowing his teasing way about his age. He had married a woman young than him and always tried to keep up with her no matter what it cost him. He got up from the bed and again walked to the foot of the bed. "Have I hurt your feelings again? I'm sorry." She pleaded. "Don't leave me again, please."He looked at her bathed in the dim light and counted his blessings then smacked the empty part of the bed with the belt. This startled her slightly and had her saying in a pouty breath. "Are you going to spank me again? I love it when you discipline my naughtiness." He slid his hand with the belt around it up her legs again but this time when he reached her slit he rubbed it with his palm and the belt. The sensation from the two different materials was enough to have the screaming out her delighted orgasm at his attentions to her love mound. He continued to rub on her until the orgasm subsided just slightly and she wasn't panting and begging as much. Then he released the belt and plunged two fingers into her and worked her into her second orgasm. He pumped and pumped her slit with the finesse of a master craftsman working his trade. And when he was done he had her begging for him to fuck her until she passed out from sure joy. He obliged her request and mounted her like a stallion. The first thrust was slow and deep. But after that he pumped her with all of his might. Just when he thought that he might split her in two, she came. He could feel all of her pussy muscle clamping and milking his cock like an undersexed milkmaid would a cow's teat. She was moaning and screaming his name at the top of her lungs. He gave one last thrust and spent himself all up in her. He continued to rock himself into her to give her one last orgasm, and then collapsed on her shoulder with a sigh."Merry Christmas, Darling!" she exclaimed as her breathing started to return to normal. He kissed he nose and took off the blindfold to stare into her beautiful blue eyes. "And Merry Christmas to you too, Dear."END
My daughter in law left her husband over an ass fucking gangbang she was the center of and asked me if I would let her stay in my house until she got on her feet. Seeing as I was the catalyst for the gang rape of her asshole, (seven men found us with my hand and part of my arm up her cunt, giving her an incredibly deep fisting, but unfortunately I stretched her out and her cunt was unsuitable for fucking, so the men just flipped her over and spent several hours fucking her ass, one after the other) I was somewhat reluctant in granting her request. Then, in a voice so low I had to lean over to hear her, she told me she had enjoyed it, and that she came more and harder than she ever had in her life and confessed to me that she would be interested in pursuing a male dominant female submissive relationship with me. I, in turn, confessed that while fist fucking her I got a real charge from the sense of power and control I had over her and that not only didn't I care that I caused her pain, I got a raging hard on from the act of causing it. We had a drink and told each other our sides of what happened; she about the emotional turn on she got from submitting to the men and being the center of attention, while at the same time experiencing the totally new physical sensation of pleasure being created by pain, and how the combination of the two gave her the most intense, long and satisfying orgasms in her life. For my part I told her of the pleasure I derived from shoving my arm up her cunt, knowing I was causing her pain, but sensing she wanted all I could give. Then when those men showed up and began their assault, I felt like you were mine to give them, and that thought almost made me cum in my pants. I smiled broadly and told her my sense was right after all. She smiled shyly back, shuffled her feet and finally nodded her head. We decided we were interested in learning more about our budding dominant / submissive sides. We wound up spending the entire night and early morning visiting BDSM and related sites on the internet to get a feel for the lifestyle and the many and varied ways it was expressed. When we finally got too tired to focus and just before heading to bed, we decided we would each make a list of likes and dislikes from the information we gathered, then I would distill them and come up with a set of rules our mutual desires dictate. If she agreed to abide by them she would have not only a home but she would have free use of my wealth and property. In return I would get an adult female toy who would allow me to use her as roughly and depravedly as I desired. I guess it's time to describe my soon to be ex daughter in law to you. Phyllis Jones is a former Ms. North Dakota. She finished among the top ten contestants in a national beauty pageant once, she parlayed that 15 minutes of fame first into a clothes modeling gig, then, as she matured from a thin nineteen year old beauty queen into a curvaceous twenty something blonde knockout, she became a lingerie model. Phyllis is a 22 year old, 5''7", 130 pound, blonde haired, blue eyed beauty. She is the perfect woman, 36c, 24, 36, with a short torso and long lean dancer's legs. How my son ever wooed and won this woman is beyond me, but he certainly couldn't keep her, and now his old man was going to use his ex wife as his experimental sex toy. Speaking of which, I am a silver haired, 58 year old fox in sheep's clothing. My easy going and hail fellow well met personality hides a dagger in your heart robber barons' treachery. Both skills have led to my being a very rich man with more money than I will ever be able to spend, although I am going to give it a damn good try. And now, disproving that theory about old dogs and new tricks, I discovered I have a dominant side I didn't know I had, and the woman who nurtured it into being has offered to continue in her role, as subservient to my wishes and living only to satisfy my cravings. The gangbang was Friday night, we made our confessions and discoveries Sunday evening and into the early morning Monday hours. She gave me her list Monday evening and now on Tuesday night, just five days after the life altering gangbang we are about to decide just how alternate that life will be. I am going to present the general rules of life as my submissive to a lingerie model, allowing her to make one last major decision for herself. Agree to the rules and live in luxury as an obedient sex object, or say no, and go back to being just a highly paid model and calendar girl. I realized it could be an easy decision for her to make if I made the rules to stringent or weird, but I ultimately refused to temper my wants and desires, so even as I took into consideration Phyllis' own list of wants, desires, and absolutely nots, it was definitely a set of rules that reflected a lifetime of fantasy and fetishism for me, with a new found desire to inflict pain and humiliation thrown in. I wound up with ten general rules1] I will never marry you, you will be my obedient sex toy never my wife.2] I will take over control of your career including power of attorney you will keep your agency, but modeling jobs will be okayed by me you will receive a monthly statement of all income and a trust fund will be set up in your name but in my control I will also take control of your bank accounts, savings accounts, credit cards and all your assets you will no longer have a use for your own money.3] You will do what I tell you without question or hesitation.4] When I ask you to do something you will consider it a command not a request.5] I will be in charge of your wardrobe you will wear what I tell you to wear, no more no less.6] You will no longer initiate any sexual activity you will have sex when and only when I allow you to you will have sex with anyone I tell you to, male or female.7] I promise never to cause you bodily harm or disfigurement I will never draw blood and I will never cause bruises before any work assignment you may have8] I promise to honor and obey your safe word, (or sign if you are gagged) and will instantly cease any and all activities we are engaged in when you use either.9] Our activities will never include children, blood, scat, gay men, disfigurement, single tail whips, knives or any sharp objects, asphyxiation, mutilation or branding I may at some point decide to have you pierced for body jewelry and I agree to discuss the pros and cons with you as per the affect it may have on your career and we both agree to abide by the decision mutually arrived at.10] Infractions of these rules and any and all commands or requests will be grounds for punishment with the type of punishment and instrument of punishment to be decided by me or someone I have personally told you has my permission to punish your punishments will include but are not limited to: public and private humiliation, spankings, breast and nipple torture, being told to stand in a corner, the use of implements such as riding crops, canes, paddles, many stranded whips, nipple clamps, clothespins, hot candle wax and any other mutually agreed upon implement.I felt like a pimply faced teen age boy as I presented Phyllis with the list of rules and impatiently waited for her reply. She slowly read the list then read it again, even slower, and I could see her taking in the nuances and digesting what may be implied by both being written and omitted. I deliberately left out never doing golden showers or bestiality, not necessarily that we will indulge in that, but because I wanted to see her reaction when she realized they weren't forbidden.I couldn't stand the wait so I went and got a cup of coffee, when I returned Phyllis had finished her reading. She sprang into my arms when I reentered the room causing me to spill some of the drink in my hand, a perfect reason for her first spanking. She didn't notice what she had done in her hurry to embrace me and give me her answer. She whispered in my ear that she agreed to every rule and would start from this moment forward. She would do everything she was told in order to meet my every wish, command, desire or need. I kissed her on her cheek and told her she gave me the greatest honor by placing her trust in me. I promised to take good care of her and to protect her, and I swore an oath to her that I would do nothing to betray that honor and trust. Inwardly I was doing cartwheels with joy; a rich dirty old man was just given the greatest gift on gods green earth. A stunningly beautiful woman who prances around in her underwear for a living has just given him total control of her life, mind, and body, to use and abuse to his utter satisfaction and depravity. My next thought was a rueful prayer to the gods to please not let me die for at least a week, I wanted to get at least a small taste of my new life. I wasted no time in exercising my new power.I removed Phyllis' arms from around my neck and motioned for her to sit down. I smiled as she scurried to obey, then pulled another piece of paper from my pocket. I gave it to her while telling her this was a list of the my house rules. I told her she had all ready agreed to the general rules and now had no say in not obeying the more specific rules of living under my roof. She looked a little shocked for a split second but then quickly reached out her hand to accept them.1] You are allowed to wear what you want when I am not home. I, or someone I designate, will phone you one hour before each of my expected arrivals' home from work to give you time to change into the clothes I want you to wear in my presence. Monday through Friday you will wear one of the following: a catholic junior high school girls uniform consisting of a white cotton bra, a white cotton Peter Pan collared blouse, a pleated tartan skirt that shall be no longer than five inches above your knees, white cotton panties or cotton panties with pictures of children's stories or Mother Goose characters printed on them, white anklet socks and black patent leather shoes. Your hair will be worn in pigtails. A secretary's outfit consisting of a sheer white silk blouse, a black half bra that leaves the top of your breasts exposed, a dark pleated skirt no longer than at least four inches above your knees, any pastel shade of nylon or silk french-cut bikini panties, dark shaded thigh high stockings that shall always be long enough that their tops can not be seen beneath your skirt when you are in a standing position, and four inch stiletto high heels. Your hair will flow unencumbered to its full length. A business woman's outfit consisting of a see through blouse, a blazer of any color, a pleated skirt no longer than three inches above your knees, thong panties, a garter belt, stockings in any shade you wish and three inch stiletto high heels. You will have your hair in a bun held by a large stick pin. A college cheerleader outfit consisting of a sweater two sizes too small, a matching pleated skirt no longer than three inches below the leg band of your panties, sheer mesh panties, white anklet socks and tennis shoes. Your hair will be in a pony tail. A girl scout uniform consisting of a cap, a button up front shirt, white cotton bra, button up front skirt no longer than four inches above your knees, the bottom two buttons will be undone at all times, cotton panties with pictures of teddy bears, unicorns, or fairy tale characters printed on them, white socks and Mary-Jane shoes. your hair will be in braids. Once you are informed of my arrival time the decision of what to wear is yours. I will be enrolling you in a special private acting class. You will learn to how to act as the type of submissive each set of clothes suggests you are. You have until next Monday to get your new wardrobe together. There is a list of internet sites and a credit card next to the computer in your study that should get you started. On weekends you will wear camisoles or tank tops and what ever type of panty you wish and five inch high mules.2] You will no longer be allowed to wear slacks, jeans, shorts, pajamas, sports bras, granny panties(unless instructed to) cotton bras and cotton panties. (unless instructed to)3] You are no longer allowed to wear pantyhose or tights. Anklets, thigh highs and gartered stockings will be the norm, with the occasional cotton sox when you are dressed in a special outfit. For your lingerie just wear what you liked when you modeled it. I will expect you to have a wide and varied panty collection, at least thirty different pairs, it will excite me knowing every time I lift up your skirt I will see a different pair.4] Every time you sit down you will make sure the material of your skirt or dress is between your panties and the object you are sitting on, be it couch, chair, bar stool, taxi cab, or bus seat. When you are sure your ass and the backs of your thighs are covered you will bunch or adjust your skirt in such a way that the crotch of your panties will be exposed at all times while you remain seated. The same rule applies when you are lying on your stomach, except you will pull up your skirt so your panty covered ass cheeks are on view. This rule, I'm sure, will be hard for you to get used to, so I will be willing to offer you further instructions on the nuances of exposing your panties.5] Your new wardrobe will consist of skirts and dresses only, the majority of which should be full enough that I will be able to raise one side up above your ass while not disturbing the length of the hem of the opposite side. The fuller the skirts the better it will be for your modesty. I will want to look at your panties beneath your skirts or dresses any time I want to, at home or in public. So you see, if I am able lift your skirt in public and the people on the opposite side from me see nothing untoward, then your modesty remains intact. However you are to buy five or ten short tight skirts, tight enough that when I want to look at your panties the whole skirt will be bunched at your waist, exposing them to whoever is around to look. This is something you will have to get used to, because I will be showing off your panties quite often. I offer my services in teaching you how to cope with the exhibitionism I will subject you to. You will only wear bras when instructed to.6] You are to address me at all times as Protector your name from now on is Pet or My Pet.I followed her eyes as she read this new set of rules, I was especially anxious to see her reaction to these instructions. I smiled inwardly when I saw her spread her legs further apart while using her free hand to slowly raise her skirt up her thighs until it was waded in her lap and I could clearly see the crotch of her panties. In fact I even saw a part of a cunt lip as it spilled through a leg band. She shifted her ass around on the couch and used the opportunity of her movement to widen her legs even further and now I could easily see the entire front of her panties including the little pink bow sewn into the waist band. My little pet sure was showing an eagerness to please, at least in private, I'll have to wait to see if she pulls that same maneuver while seated on a stool in a crowded bar. For a moment I was tempted to forego her punishment for spilling my coffee, but the devil in me soon put the kibosh on that idea. My new found evil side couldn't wait to get its hands on that tight, panty covered ass and caress it and spank it and then finally take my turn to fuck it.She finished her reading, looked up at me and smiled. She addressed me as Protector and said whatever I wished is her command. I then pointed to the coffee stain on the floor and asked her how she thought it got there while showing her the cup in my hand. She noticed the stain on the carpet for the first time, then tried to recall her actions. I could see the light come on as she realized how it got there and looked at me. We both knew it was time for her first punishment session, the Rubicon was about to be crossed. I told her to stand up, took her place on the couch, then told her to stand parallel to my legs. I grabbed her elbow and none to gently guided her around until she wound up lying across my lap with her torso resting on the couch, her crotch pressed against mine, and her legs stretched out along the rest of the couch. This position left her ass, that firm round bubble, in place for my right hand to turn her white alabaster skin into a crimson tide.I can remember as if it were yesterday, watching as my hands slowly pulled her skirt up the back of her thighs until her red nylon panty covered ass cheeks came into view. I caressed those panty clad globes for at least ten minutes, stopping only to unloose my hardening cock from my pants. Then I slowly eased those panties off and stroked her skin on skin for another five minutes. Then without warning I raised my arm, cupped my palm and brought my hand quickly and sharply down on a spot on the upslope of her right ass cheek. Pet's body jerked and she let out a shriek. I waited twenty or thirty seconds and then a pink tinged hand print appeared where she had been struck. I did another swat, this one on the upslope of her left ass cheek. I waited again to see the hand print appear. Then I started to spank her, raising my hand two or three feet from her ass, swinging in a rapid arc, aiming first at the slopes, five slaps on each cheek, then aiming at those glorious globes themselves. For them, I stopped cupping my fingers and used a flat hand, using more force over a greater area. The tops of her ass cheeks didn't bother with pink, they went straight to red and kept getting redder. I stopped after ten swats on each globe, leaving her ass glowing like Rudolph's nose. Pet had no control over her body, the first few smacks caused her body to jerk and twitch, almost dislodging her from my lap, a shrill scream and tears accompanied each stroke too. However, by the time I was done, she not only stopped jerking and screeching, she was arching her back so her ass could reach out for my hand and her shrieks had turned to a low, constant moan. I could also tell she was turned on, I could feel moisture seeping through my slacks onto my bare skin. This was confirmed a few minutes later when she stood on wobbly legs and I could see copious amounts of pussy juice streaming out of her cunt and down her thighs. I looked at my pants and a wet spot at least six inches around covered my upper thighs. My little sex toy enjoyed her first spanking, my raging hard on told me I enjoyed it too. I stood up, roughly shoved her down to the floor so she was on her hands and knees. I once again raised her skirt up and over her red shaded ass cheeks. I knelt behind her, took my cock in hand and guided it into her pussy, getting it wet. I stroked it in and out several times, getting it nice and lubricated so it wouldn't hurt too much when I slammed it into her asshole. I leaned back, spread her cheeks with my hand, took aim at the puckered brown tinged hole and shoved with all my might. Pet screamed and pushed away from me. I grabbed her waist just before the tip of my cock became completely dislodged, and using my hands, pulled her back while at the same time thrusting my crotch forward, once again slamming it all the way up her ass. She screamed and tried to pull away again, but I held her tight and ground my pelvis against her ass flesh, keeping my cock shoved as far in as it could go. Then I just fucked her, sometimes holding her hips still as I pistoned in and out, sometimes staying still myself while I guided her back and forth with my hands on her hips. I didn't care about her pleasure or pain, this was for me only, my pleasure was tantamount, she was just there to bring it to fruition. As I reamed her, her shrieks became moans and then purrs, then, just before I came, she was seeking my cock, actively pushing her ass at me. I slipped away from her and sat back to catch my breath. While I fucked her ass, Phyllis had gone from bracing her torso with her hands and arms to leaning down so her head rested on the floor and her ass was high in the air. While I rested she hadn't moved, so I had a perfect view of her violated ass hole as it shrunk to almost normal size. I then told her to make herself cum while I watched, then leaned back against the couch while seated on the floor. Without moving her head she put both hands onto her cunt, with one she spread her lips and with the other she began stroking her clit. It didn't take her very long, and my suspicions were confirmed, she was a squirter. When her breaths got shorter and sharper a stream of juice came spurting out from her fingers, drenching her legs, skirt and my carpet. While she was still cumming I walked around in front of her, grabbed her hair and yanked her head up off the floor. I yelled at her that she had just gotten my carpet wet again, and just using her hair pivoted her around on her knees so she could see the puddle her orgasm caused on my floor. I pushed her head down and rubbed her nose and lips into it. I pulled her up again and put my face next to hers, her lips were wet and there was a drop of moisture on the tip of her nose. I told her I was going to take a shower and she was going to clean up the two messes she made on my floor. When the spots were completely gone she was to come get me so I could see the job was properly done. If I was pleased she would have a shower and then I would give her ass a massage with aloe lotion and put her to bed in the master bedroom. If I was not pleased she would clean it until I was, then I would give her some blankets and a pillow so she could sleep on the kitchen floor. I was going to let her sleep with me no matter how it turned out, but she didn't know that, so I had a long leisurely bath before she retrieved me. I was flabbergasted with what I saw, or didn't see actually, for the carpet was spotless. I hugged her, gently caressed her tear stained cheeks and then led her to the shower. I washed her, toweled her dry, and led her to bed. I laid her down on her stomach and massaged her light pink tinged ass. Caressing those marvelous globes got me hard again so I took the opportunity to fuck her ass once more, this time using the lotion as lubricant and going much slower. I gently and as lovingly as I could eased my cock up her ass, because of the lotion and previous violation, her asshole took me in easily, only coos and low moans met me this time, no screams of pain were forthcoming. I reached around her waist and played with her clit as I moved in and out. My Pet drenched my fingers twice before I loosed my sperm in her bowels. We simultaneously collapsed and fell asleep in the spoon position. The next morning I told her that I loved fucking her ass, and I had decided that that was the only place that I was going to fuck her. I informed her that her pussy would be fucked and sucked randomly by other men and women, but her ass would be fucked regularly by me. She answered by lowering her eyes while she said whatever you wish Protector. I smiled, patted her on her head and replied very good answer, My Pet.By the following Monday Pet had her outfits gathered and when I came home I was greeted by a catholic school girl who took great delight in flashing her panties and rubbing her body against me. Needless to say I was soon incredibly aroused, and attacked her in the kitchen. I bent her over the sink, threw up her skirt and for the first time saw how drenched her cotton panties were. The gusset had soaked up all her juices and had turned a deep gray against the rest of her white panties. My Pet was also turned on by our play and her mode of dress. I unzipped my pants, rubbed my cock against her sopping panty front, getting the tip wet, then pulled them aside and slipped my dick into her eagerly waiting asshole. I had fucked her there two or three times a day for the past five days so it was ready and stretched for my onslaught.It was the same thing each day that first week, Pet greeting me at the door dressed in my fantasy clothes, her flashing me and then me fucking her ass. By the third week her acting classes had kicked in, so now I was being greeted not only by the clothes, but by the actual personalities they represented. Instead of just flashing, she was now creating whole scenes, allowing her imagination to roam where it will. By the second month each set of clothes had developed it's own persona, the school girl needed help with her homework, pestering her daddy until he finally had to spank her, the secretary couldn't type or spell, drawing the wrath of her boss, the business woman screwed up a big deal and needed to be punished, the high school cheerleader broke curfew and faced discipline for it, and the girl scout trying to do a good deed but never getting it right, earning the ire of the man she was trying to help. The punishments got more elaborate too. The young girls were spanked with hands, canes, riding crops and paddles. The secretary was tied up or handcuffed to posts, benches and crossbeams. The businesswoman was suspended by her wrists from a ceiling beam. They were spanked, stropped, and given breast and nipple torture. Pet went willingly from step to step, not only accepting her role playing, but actively seeking it, eventually making sure each spanking and beating was more intense than the one before. During this time I was also building a dungeon in one of the empty rooms in my house. I wound up with several racks, a bench, an x shaped crossbar, a t shaped bar, and some stocks. The floor was tilted slightly so her squirting pussy juices could collect in a puddle out of the way, and which made it easier for me to make her drink. By the end of the third month it was finished and Pet was so excited to use it that she went out of her way even more than usual to piss me off and get a beating. I pissed her off right back by ignoring her and prolonging her mental agony to feel physical agony. It drove her crazy, and gave me infinite pleasure. I waited two days before I escorted her into the room. Four hours later I carried her limp and beaten body out. She never used her safe word and there was quite a puddle at the edge of the floor. I laid her body on our bed, her red glowing skin a sharp contrast to the white sheets. I massaged her body with lotion and left her to recover. It took a day and a half before she could sit down and another day before she could return to her duties around the house. Pet also took her lessons on how to sit and show her panties to heart, I would find her in the dining room sitting down, adjusting her skirt, then rising to do it all over again. I hid behind the door while I watched, moving her skirts one way or another as she critiqued each movement and how much of her panties were exposed. My heart skipped a beat and my cock got hard as I realized how seriously she was taking my order to be an exhibitionist. My Pet was more concerned about fulfilling my demand than about any embarrassment she would undergo. By the end of the third week brushing her skirt beneath her as she sat and then bunching the front up to her lap was second nature to her and she did it as a matter of course through out the house when she needed to sit. I also started taking her out for Sunday afternoon treks each week, going to parks, museums, sculpture gardens, nature walks, malls and amusement parks. That first Sunday, I took her for a walk in a park that had a walkway along a ridge that more often than not was very windy. I picked out the lightest and shortest dress she had. It was a spaghetti strapped pastel blue sun dress that came to mid thigh. I don't know what kind of material it was made of, but it was so light it would billow if you blew on it. I drove to the park and got her to that walkway as quick as I could, I was really looking forward to wandering around a windy park with a model on my arm wearing a wisp of a dress that always seemed to blow up to her waist showing off her sheer white panties. Pet did quite well for herself, after a half hour of strolling around with a beet red face she relaxed and just let the wind blow where it will, so to speak. At one point I walked in front of her for a ways then turned to look at her as she approached me. At that moment a sustained gust keep her dress blowing above her waist long enough for me to see the dark spot her leaking pussy caused to the front of her panties. As she got nearer I was able to see wisps of her blonde cunt hair through the transparent mesh. The two men standing behind me also saw, one giving a low wolf whistle in appreciation. Pet made no move to bat her skirt down, she just calmly and nonchalantly kept walking. And only her cheeks blushed instead of her entire neck and head. It was all down hill from there as she grew more and more relaxed about her exposures on every trek thereafter, culminating, of course, in the obligatory flash to a shoe salesman at a store in the mall. He happened to be a rather bold fellow and took Pet's exhibitionism as an invitation. After slipping a pair of shoes on her wide spread feet he reached his hand up her skirt and stroked her panty crotch. Pet sat bolt upright in her chair and immediately sought me out for instruction. I smiled at her and nodded my head, giving her permission to let the guy feel her up. She kept a not so sure about this kind of look on her face, but she did relax a bit and as she did so her body movement pressed her cunt against his fingers. That, he really took as an invitation, so he reached in his other hand, moved the band of cloth covering her pussy out of the way, and proceeded to finger fuck My Pet right in the middle of the store. Well, Pet was all ready turned on, so it didn't take much manipulation for him to hit pay dirt. Pet must have been really stimulated by the situation she was in because when she came she gushed a solid stream of clear liquid through the air that had no where to go but all over the front of the salesman's jacket and pants. By the time she stopped squirting, the guy, the floor in front of him, and the chair all looked liked someone had pissed on them. I thought I had seen all the shades, tints and hues of color My Pet's body could turn, but it was a purple sheen I had never seen before that now covered every inch of skin I could see. Without waiting for me she sprang from the chair and dashed out the door. Oh my poor little Pet, she left a wet trail behind her as she fled, offering a tell tale trace of how much she enjoyed that little finger fuck for all to see. I paused to look back at the salesman as I exited his store, he was a wet mess as was the chair and floor around him, in fact, Pet's pussy juice was still running off the chair and onto the floor. It served him right, maybe he'll learn that some dikes it's not better to stick a finger in.As I drove a silent and very petulant Pet home that day I knew I had to deal with a pouting truth teller. If you squirt when you cum you can't hide how much you enjoyed it, and by the stream Pet let fly her enjoyment level was off the scale. She knew it, and she knew I knew it; she was completely and utterly humiliated in a public place by having an extreme orgasm caused by her complete and utter humiliation in a public place. I was at a loss too, do I comfort her from her shame, or do I comfort her with how much she obviously enjoyed it. With an evil shrug I picked a third course, punish the shit out of her for pouting, then comfort her, because the punishment she was going to get would make her forget all about her humiliation. The comfort part of the equation that night brought us even closer together. As I ministered to the welts and marks two hours in the dungeon had given her, we had a very profound and deep philosophical discussion about humiliation causing sexual stimulation causing humiliation and turned that into a dialogue about the meaning of circles. That led to talking about the concept of infinity and that brought us to the inevitable conclusion of a common belief in the benign indifference of the universe, and ultimately, we agreed to the devils creed, do what thou wilt. I could see on her face the mental digestion of our conversation, as she sifted it through her mind and discovered the reasons for her submissiveness. It was as if I was inside her mind, I could see the total acceptance of her desires both consciously and subconsciously. She was now free of any doubts she may have harbored about her need to be dominated and abused. I could see an actual glow come over her, the struggle between her pride and her dark desires was over and she was filled with an inner peace. She snuggled into my arms, nestling her head on my chest, and purred like a cat, she smiled up at me and whispered, yes I believe, do what thou wilt. The devil in me was more than ready to do it too, starting with Pet becoming a show off piece of ass for men in bars to fuck and use. My Pet's sexual degradation was at hand.One Saturday evening a few weeks later I informed her we were going out and I wanted her to bathe, put on her favorite perfume and meet me in the bedroom. While she was cleaning up I picked out her clothes for that nights excursion. I found a sheer black blouse that had pockets in the general vicinity of her nipples, making it hard but not impossible to see them. I picked a white flared miniskirt, it was tight around her waist and hips, but right about where the bottoms of her ass cheeks would be it flared out, leaving her legs freedom to move. I added a bright red, silk pair of high cut bikini panties, black thigh highs and three inch stiletto heels held on by a two inch wide ankle strap. I watched raptly as My Pet dressed in my selections for her. The black blouse, white skirt and black stockings may have clashed but she would be easy to spot wherever she went. The skirt draped around her thighs, just barely covering the dark band of the stocking tops. When she walked they showed, and if she spun or pivoted, her skirt swished up exposing her bare thighs. The bright red of her panties under the white skirt also stood out, making them easy to see by anyone who wished to look. I decided to take the caddy because it had a huge back seat, My Pet was going to get her pussy fucked and I planned on watching every second of it. I drove to a hotel bar about an hour away, I thought I better start her off with a better class of men before taking her to a biker bar. I spent the time stroking her thighs, making sure I would come close but never actually touch her pussy. I grinned evilly to myself as she thrashed about under my hand, I was getting her very horny and ready for her show. We entered the well lit room and I steered My Pet over to the bar where she would have to sit on a high stool. A chiropractor would have become rich from the snapped necks she garnered as we walked through the place. I pulled the stool out for her to sit and then eagerly watched if she would follow her orders for the first time in public. I needn't have worried. In one practiced motion she slid her hands under her thighs as she sat, ensuring she was sitting on her skirt, then moved them over her crotch to bunch up her skirt so I could clearly see the bright red gusset of her panties. I even noticed a darkened spot where some cunt juice had leaked out. I smiled as she turned on the seat so her knees were pointing in to the bar so no one could see up her skirt. If she would have looked down she would have seen that she may have saved a look at her panties but she was exposing a good three inches of bare thigh above the tops of her stockings. Every single man in the place was grabbing peeks at her, even the coupled men were looking until caught by their companions. I bought her a Long Island Tea and waited about fifteen minutes before I made her turn and sit facing the men at the tables. I leaned over to whisper in her ear while at the same time running my hand up her thigh from knee to cunt, making sure her skirt was well out of the way and for the first time touching her cunt, but only for an instant and only very lightly. It was still enough to cause her a small spasm. As I ran my hand back down her thighs to her knees I told her to look around the bar, and if you see a man looking at you, you are to smile at him. She took a stiff drink and did as I said. I was sitting facing the bar which luckily had a mirror so I could see the reaction of the men as Pet sat facing them. I noticed one well dressed gentleman about my age staring very intently. Most of the men looked away when My Pet spotted them looking at her, but not him, he evened smiled back at her and raised his glass in salute. I saw him motion over a waitress and a few moments later she approached us saying the gentleman would like to buy us a drink. I said thank you, ordered another Tea for Pet and took the opportunity to go over and thank him personally.As I neared I got a better look at him, well dressed, well groomed, and from the look of the Rolex on his wrist, well to do. He was perfect for my scheme, now to see if he would take up my proposition. When I reached him I stuck out my hand and thanked him for his generosity. He thanked me for mine, saying he had never seen such a beautiful woman dressed so provocatively. I didn't waste any time, I leaned closer and asked if he would like to fuck her. He almost fell off his chair and looked at me very skeptically. "On the up and up," I said, "you can fuck her but I have to be there to watch, that's the only stipulation."He looked at me once again, doubt in his eyes. "Come on," I said, "I'll introduce you."I grabbed his arm and nearly had to drag him to a standing position, but once he was up he came willingly to meet my date. I guided him over to My Pet and spoke aloud to her, Pet, this is the man who's going to fuck your pussy, would you please escort him out to the car and show him the back seat while I settle up our tab. Both their mouths dropped open, but once Pet saw the look in my eye she instantly stood up, took the man by his hand and with her head held high she led him out of the bar. I looked in the mirror and saw them followed by all the eyes in the joint, My Pet was a success, she did good for her first time in public. I paid the bill and slowly walked out the door, all the while watching them whisper to themselves and point their fingers at me. By the time I reached the car and peeked in the back window. Pet was all ready lying on the seat with the mans head stuck up her skirt between her spread legs. He was feverishly kissing and mouthing her panty covered crotch, but because of the bad lighting I couldn't see much more. I opened the passengers door and the interior light came on, illuminating Pets shiny red panties stuck to her cunt by the mans saliva and her own juices. He looked up, startled by the sudden intrusion, but I just waved at him and told him to continue. I reminded him I wanted to watch and the light just made it easier to see what was going on. He finally tilted his head and looked at me quizzically. He decided I was nuts, shrugged his shoulders and went back to eating out My Pet. When he had Pet thrashing around on the seat he lowered his pants and began to unbutton her blouse. He started taking it off when I stopped him. Leave her dressed, I said, I want you to fuck her while she's wearing her clothes. Again, he didn't say a word, just shrugged his shoulders and put his mouth on her left tit and started sucking her nipple. This caused Pet to have her first orgasm and I was presented with a gush of pussy juice which soaked her panties and dribbled down her thighs. The man then raised up on his elbows and pushed his cock into her panty covered cunt which gave way easily and they both slipped into her pussy. He fucked My Pet like the panties weren't even there, and I guessed they weren't, because one time when he withdrew far enough I couldn't see her panties at all, just a thin strip wrapped around a leg. A few minutes later he grunted, groaned, and went stiff as he shot his load in Pet's sweet pussy. He collapsed on top of her and rested a few minutes longer, then jumped up, looked at me and thanked me for letting him fuck the most beautiful woman he had ever met. I said no problem, I think she enjoyed it, and motioned my head toward her collapsed and sprawled out body. He smiled, pulled up his pants, shook my hand and left. I jumped into the back seat with her and stroked her forehead and cheeks. She smiled at me and turned her head to kiss my hand. That was wonderful she purred and passed out on me. I laughed, got into the drivers seat and drove us home. My Pet had done well her first time as a fuck toy.The next time went even easier, Pet didn't turn to the bar this time, she faced the crowd as she went through her sitting routine and when she was finished she leaned back against the bar rail and made no pretense of the fact her underpants were on display. I didn't have to ask anyone to fuck her this time either. Even though she was sitting next to me, no fewer than six guys chatted her up, or rather down as few of them took their eyes off the juncture of her thighs where her panties were exposed. Pet made polite conversation with them all, and when one of them got the nerve to mention the way she was sitting she blithely explained to him about being my submissive and that I demand she sit this way, and that she was going to fuck one of the men in the bar this evening so I can watch her do it. He stammered a response about please put his name in the hat and staggered away. Pet looked at me for approval of what she had done and I couldn't help but hug and kiss her. Then with that evil spirit in me chuckling with dark glee, I whispered to her to go select three of the men that talked to her and tell them if they follow you out to your car you will fuck them one at a time. God bless My Pet, she didn't flinch, blanch, or hesitate. She hopped down from the stool and one by one found the men for her mini gangbang. Needless to say none of the men turned her down and I watched as she proudly strutted out the door with her three salivating hounds following close behind. I finished my drink, paid our tab and strolled out to the car. As I neared the car I heard Pet say no, you must leave my clothes on. If you want to fuck me just push my skirt out of the way, move my panties and put that cock of yours up my hot wet cunt. Holy cow, I had never heard anything like that before, I was stunned, turned on and deeper in love all at the same time. Sure enough, by the time I opened the door to shed some light on the fuck fest Pet was in her familiar position sprawled across the backseat with another strangers cock sawing away at her pussy. She had her legs locked around his hips and was giving as much as she was getting. It was a good thing the caddies seats are leather because from the moment the first dick slithered up her hole she was spewing her crystal liquid. It didn't geyser like in the shoe store, it was just a constant and continuous stream. Pet fucked each man in turn, two depositing their loads up her snatch and one saying he always wanted to cum on the face of a beautiful blonde, ejaculated with his cock inches from Pet's lips. Staying true to the new woman she was becoming, Pet opened her mouth and looked the guy in the eyes as he spurted wad after wad into her open mouth. He sprayed so much she gagged and dribbled the excess cum over her lower lip. She was left with one long thin string of sperm hanging from her chin, and when she moved her head it wound up draped across her throat. It was an exquisite sight and made me instantly think of having her face awash in cum. Two weeks later Saturday night found Pet in the backseat with five men who agreed that they could fuck her only if they finished by cumming on her face. Pet was well fucked and her face was covered in a thick slime when they were finished with her. But I wasn't. I pulled Pet up from her splayed position and took her back into the bar where I paraded her all around, making sure anyone who wanted to look could see a stunningly beautiful blonde with her face covered in cum. It was still dripping and running from her forehead, cheeks, lips and chin. The lights of the bar made it shine and hard to miss. After our tour of the bar I followed her out the door and just happened to look down. I smiled widely, My Pet was leaving a liquid trail again. I first noticed it at the doorway so I stopped and turned to look behind me. Sure enough, there was a wet track on the floor that traced our route. Pet had handled herself in a very classy manner, she was able to suppress her utter embarrassment while reveling in the sexual ecstasy it triggered. It was a satiated Pet I drove home this night. She was too exhausted for our ass fuck, so after I bathed her, washing all traces of the men from her body, I put her to bed. Then I straddled her head with my knees, rested my ass on her chest and proceeded to jack off over her face, making sure that it was my cum and my cum only, she woke up with caked on her face, and to remind her who she belongs to.At one point Pet had her first lesbian experience. She hardly squirted at all when the woman made her cum by eating her. In our after the experience conversation I mentioned how little she squirted and Pet admitted she wasn't as turned on by the woman as she was by the men I let fuck her. After some discussion we decided that the woman was too gentle, My Pet needed to feel used and abused to be sexually gratified. As for me, I was intrigued to see up close how a woman sucked another woman's cunt. I learned a lot about how to make love orally to a woman that night, indeed the next time I dined at My Pet's y she came harder and longer than ever, almost drowning me in her spewing stream of cunt juice.As time went by we fell into a very comfortable lifestyle, learning to live with each others quirks and foibles while at the same time exploring Pet's limits, which, we discovered, she didn't have many. Because of her career we had to be careful how far we went in leaving marks and bruises, but Pet's ability to enjoy/endure pain seemed boundless, we even got to the point that the beatings made her squirt, with the more pain administered the further, longer and harder the spurt. But what really got me hard and kept me hard was Pet's truly boundless desire to be used as a fuck toy. It got to the point that once in a while I took Pet to a bar and told her I had no orders for her, she was free to act on her own. I liked getting the time off from being her brain, and I really enjoyed seeing what she would stir up for herself. She never failed to take my breath away with her exuberance as she became the exhibitionist caldron of lust her darkest desires needed her to be. What fond memories they are: the time she sat on a bar stool facing the customers sitting and standing across from her and played with her self until she came in a gush that spewed a good two feet out of her cunt and onto the floor, after a round of applause she fucked and sucked seven men and two women;the time she sat on the edge of a raised dance floor and told me to fist her like I did the first time we met, while she sucked off any man who wanted to cum in her mouth or on her face. I was so busy concentrating on reaming her cunt with my fist and arm that I didn't count the men who used her mouth to shoot a load of cum in, but Pet estimated between fifteen and twenty men, plus one woman who raised her skirt and sat on her mouth. I'm pretty sure my own self that Pet took even more of my arm up her snatch than the first time I fisted her, she wouldn't allow me to fuck her, she held my wrist still and fucked my hand and arm on her own, and I swear to god, while in the throes of succumbing to her carnal lust, she gave one ultra violent shove and my arm disappeared all the way up to two inches from my elbow, that one caused her to spit out the cock in her mouth as she let out a banshee sized scream that even drowned out the sound system. My arm, bicep, and shoulder were hit with a tidal wave of crystal clear pussy liquid that left my shirt and suit coat looking like I took a shower in them. Pet collapsed back on to the dance floor where I let two or three guys get their nut on her face and chest before I took her home. It took a long time for her pussy walls to contract to semi normal size from this assault so the next time I took her out she hadn't been fucked in her cunt for quite awhile, which led to the time we had when she was let loose in a biker bar. Pet hadn't had a cock up her cunt in almost a month so she was damped and ready to roar while I dressed her in one of those short denim skirts that look like they were hand cut but actually sell that way, it covered about three inches of her thighs as it flared out around them, and with any movement whatsoever revealed she wasn't wearing panties. I left her golden bush in open view, though it hardly covered her pussy lips, which left her constantly aroused clit exposed like a beacon on a hill. Pet took that bar by storm. With no panties to catch and absorb her dripping cunt, every time she stood in one spot for a moment she left a puddle, when one biker in a drunken fog finally asked Pet if she knew she was peeing on the barroom floor, she replied it's not piss, it's juice from my cunt 'cause I am so fucking horny, within five minutes she was nude and spread-eagled on top of a pool table.I asked around for some straps or rope and came up with enough to tie her hands and ankles to the corners of the table, three different men fucked her in the time it took me to bind her to the table, leaving only her pelvis able to move, and move it did, it took sixteen men, fucking her between the various beatings, slaps, and swats given to her thighs, pussy and clit, while untold others fucked her mouth, interspersed with bitch slaps to her cheeks, while still more uncounted others fucked her tits between slaps, punches and pinches administered to her breasts and nipples, and over two hours of constant orgasms before she finally was drained, the river of pussy juice that swamped us all had become just a trickle.Pet's waist and crotch had stopped it's perpetual grinding motion, I untied her from the corners of the table and repositioned her so she was bent over the table with her wide spread ankles tied to the legs and her arms tied together at the wrists and then tied to the opposite end of the table, stretching her out and putting her ass directly over the edge of the table, exposing the butt plug in her ass, (keeping it closed to all but me,) her ruby red cunt lips and clit, and those perfect ass cheeks, begging to be spanked, paddled, whipped, caned, and stropped, all of which was done to her over the next three hours.As her beating progressed her pussy juice started flowing again, telling us torturers' that our work was being appreciated, someone in the crowd suggested another way to bind and beat her, and like a whirlwind the image the suggestion invoked swept the hoard of men, in an instant she was moved from the table with her wrists still bound together until she stood underneath a crossbeam, a rope was slung around it and attached to her wrist binds while her ankles were tied together.Then several men pulled the rope until My Pet found herself dangling in mid air, suspended by her wrists and slowly turning like a pig on a spit, almost on cue, four men surrounded her, each holding the leather belt from their pants, then one after the other they began to whip My Pet from her neck to the soles of her feet, not missing an inch of her skin as her body tuned and twisted as it hung in the air.It took another hour when I noticed My Pet was literally limp as a wet dish rag, the only evidence of her consciousness the ever present stream of crystal liquid seeping from her cunt lips, I wasn't the only one who learned to read Pet by how the juices burst forth from her pussy, the men began to paddle her body methodically, striking a blow and then waiting to see the reaction of her squirt, one blow produced a two foot arch and instantly that area of her body was attacked unmercifully.The new onslaught producing an even stronger reaction as she squirted another foot further than the original, over the next hour or so we found six more spots that made her spurt, and then squirt harder when we concentrated our effort, then, for the first time, I heard Pet say the safe word.I immediately cut her down and freed her hands and ankles from their bindings, her body was a mess of sweat, cum, welts, abrasions, teeth marks, and clamp marks, all highlighted by the scarlet tint of her skin, it took awhile for Pet to recover from this experience, and we have never come close to repeating its' intensity, although, so far, this is our favorite exploit to reenact as part of our love making the time she played strip pool and after she lost her blouse and skirt, leaving her dressed in heels, thigh highs and panties, she came up to me and whispered in my ear that she wanted to be spanked and fucked right then and there, and that I should follow her lead.She turned to the men and told them that if she lost again she was not going to take off anymore clothes, then looking at me said, and there was nothing they could do about it, I picked up the cue and menacingly told her we didn't take kindly to people who reneged on their bets, she swore at me and told me to fuck off.I was shocked that she would talk to me like that and immediately grabbed her and as urgently as I could while she fought me I put her over my lap and began whaling on her ass as hard as I could, a shocked silence filled the room, the only sound the smack of my hand on Pets panty covered ass cheeks, after twenty or so swats I looked around the room and told the men I was getting tired and she still needed more punishment and with a gesture of my hand offered her ass to anyone who wanted to spank it.Twelve men spanked her, eighteen or nineteen fucked her, the night she told me she had a confession to make, when, at my behest, she went to the dirty bookstore to get some toys, she saw that it had an extensive security video system, this caused her to have a fantasy of going to the store to get fucked by anyone who was there, getting the security tapes of her gangbang and then bringing it home to me so we could snuggle and watch it together.My dick sprang to full throttle, and as I fucked her ass I told her I would talk to the owner of the store and gave her my permission to fulfill her fantasy, a week later, nestled together in bed we watched as Pet, wearing her secretary outfit, entered the store, openly flirted with the men there, walked around bending over and squatting down, exposing her panty covered cunt and ass.Then she walked by each man brushing against them and rubbing their arms or shoulders, then the men touching her in return, their touches getting more and more brazen as hands roamed over her tits and up her skirt, then the collective realization that the beautiful blonde was begging to be fucked, then her clothes being removed and then she was on a table cleared of video boxes with a swipe of the hand, then the first of what would be eight men fucking her, ahhh the memories. However eight months into our now comfortable way of life, happenstance threw us a curve in the form of Pet's niece, Karin.One morning Pet got a call from her agency, someone from a courthouse in the southern part of the state had called and wanted her to call them back. When Pet called she learned her older sister and her husband had been busted for making and dealing meth and their fourteen year old daughter, Karin, was being taken away from them and unless Pet claimed her, she would be put in foster care. Pet was shocked and speechless, she looked at me with questioning eyes. I asked her what she knew of her niece, she said not much, she hadn't seen her for five or six years. I took the phone, inquired of the person on the other end if we could see her without her knowledge and then make a decision, and when given a positive response made an appointment to see what Pet's niece was like, with the idea that if she met with our approval she would live in my house. I told Pet that I didn't mind her living with us, but only if her presence did nothing to alter our display of open sensuality, Pet tried to remind me she was only fourteen years old, I leered at her, the evil in me all ready scheming about how to get a teenager to obey my desires, Pet, I said seriously, if she is going to live with us, she is going to know everything about our relationship, I will also tell her that if she wants to live in our house she will have to become part of that relationship, and she will be given the choice to accept it or not, just as you were. "But she's only fourteen?" Pet said."I know," I replied, looking her in the eyes. "You don't think I want you to dress like a little girl just for kicks do you? I have a serious passion to ravish teenage girls, and I am not going to let this opportunity to fulfill it pass. If she decides to live here, you will be given the choice of agreeing to her becoming a part of our lifestyle, which means I will be fucking and punishing you both, or you can opt out of our arraignment."Pet didn't say a word, then mumbled she had laundry to finish and left the room. Later that night as we cuddled in bed, she said she would agree to Karin joining us, but she was afraid of feeling jealous. I was touched, I rocked her in my arms, and told her she will always be first in my heart and in my thoughts, and if it would make her feel better, I would make sure Karin understood, "Besides, now you won't have to dress like a teenager unless you want to because we'll have our own real live one."She smiled and looked at me, then asked, you mean I could have my own submissive, I laughed, "If you think you have some domme in you, then, yes, she will be your own little sub."Pet cooed in reply, I might like that, someone to take my anger at you out on. Hey now, I said, and playfully swatted her ass for her impudence, we wrestled around in bed for awhile, then just before falling asleep we made plans for the trip to see her niece. I fell asleep dreaming about owning a nubile teenage body, I later learned Pet fell asleep dreaming about having her own sub. We drove down state to where Karin was being housed. As we drove I asked about her sister and learned that they weren't very close, she was a beauty pageant winner turned model too, but she and her male model husband got in a fiery car crash that left them scarred and out of work. They got depressed, blamed each other for the accident and then turned to drugs. With models for parents I wondered what Karin would look like, I was not disappointed. Pet and I were ushered into a room with a one way mirror and a speaker. Karin entered the room we faced and sat down in a chair next to a desk. She was wearing a short drab gray button front dress. She was just as beautiful as Pet, except she was tiny, maybe five feet tall and ninety pounds. Her face would give Helen of Troy a run for her money, with long raven black hair that reached the small of her back. She was small breasted with boyish hips and thin legs, and, from what I could see, a very tight oval shaped ass. A woman entered and told her that her aunt and a friend of her aunt were there to see how she was doing and to see if there was anything they could do for her. She left, came into our room and got Pet and me. We were introduced to Karin and for the next ten minutes she and Pet recalled family memories while I watched her carefully. I looked in her eyes and saw intelligence there, that was a good sign, then I asked her some questions of my own, about school, favorite classes, friends, then I asked if she had any opinions about how life was treating her, what with her family break up and all, and her outlook for the future. She answered forthrightly, and even though still just fourteen she said some things that made me realize she was able to comprehend complex thoughts and maybe even have an inkling of logic.I told her I had some more questions for her but since it was such a beautiful day out would she mind walking while we talked. It was nice enough outside, but I really wanted to get away from the microphones and one way mirror for the rest of my interview. Karin said sure and we all got up to go outside. I told Pet to stay inside, in a commanding way and looked to see how Karin took my tone of voice and Pet's reaction. Her eyebrows raised as she watched Pet obey my order and turn away. I saw her mouth drop a little when she saw that the turn Pet made caused her skirt to flare out and reveal bare skin above the top of her stockings. I escorted Karin out the door and down the steps toward a pathway leading around the building. I told her that I was a very rich man, and that I had to be very careful about who I let into my life and I needed to ask her some questions that were going to be very personal and I expected her to be open and candid with her answers. "If I am satisfied that she is answering truthfully I will reveal some very personal information about her aunt and I. Then, if she thinks she can live with those revelations, she would be welcomed in our house and in our life with open arms and open wallet." I told her she would never want for comfort or monetary security the rest of her life. I gave her a few moments to think about what I said, then asked if she wanted to proceed. She nodded her head, I said no, that wouldn't do, I wanted verbal communication from her, and asked again if she was ready. This time she replied yes. I said okay, then told her that her aunt and I have a very sexual and open relationship, that I wasn't going to change that relationship because she was coming to live with us, and that I needed to explain to her the extent of the relationship her aunt and I shared so she would see the type of life she would be exposed to while at the same time asking her questions about her own sexuality so I would get an idea of how much she could be told. She stopped walking and looked at me, what, are you some kind of pervert, and then she giggled. I gently put my hand under her chin and lifted her face to mine so she could look in my eyes when I replied as sweetly as I could, "Yes, as a matter of fact, I am."She stepped back from my touch and said she was just kidding. I leaned over and whispered in her ear, "But I'm not. Now, do you want to continue this conversation and find out how perverted I am? Or shall I walk you back to the matron and let you drift from one uncaring family to another." I turned my back to her and began to walk away. A few seconds later I felt a tug on my arm and turned around. Karin had her head down, staring at her shoes, but she spoke quite distinctly when she said she would answer my questions. I stuck out my hand and smiled at her and said lets shake on our deal, it broke the ice, she giggled. smiled at me, shook my hand vigorously, and we continued walking. Before I could say anything Karin jumped around me and breathlessly asked are you really a pervert. I laughed and said yes, again, and my perversions are wide and varied. Then I asked her what did she think a pervert was. She thought a bit and then said it was a dirty old man naked under a long coat who hung around the school playground trying to look up the girl's skirts as they played during recess. "You have personal knowledge of such a person?" I asked. "Oh sure," she said, "last year once a week this guy would walk by our park and stop by the slide and swing sets.""How did you girls treat him?" I asked. "We ignored him mostly, except once," and when she said this she looked at the ground. I was immediately intrigued. "And what about that one time, Karin, tell me what happened.""My friend Peggy and I were talking about him when we decided that the next time we saw him we would raise our skirts so he could see our panties.""And what happened then?" I prompted.She giggled and replied, "We saw him the very next day so we walked over towards him and lifted our skirts so he could see the front of our panties, then he opened his coat and we saw he was naked and I saw his thingy."I laughed, "His thingy?""Yeah, you know, that thing between a man legs.""Do you know what that thingy is called Karin?" I whispered. She blushed and said, "Now I do, I didn't when Peggy and I saw it.""Oh?" I raised my eyebrows, "and what happened between then and now?"Karin rubbed the toe of her shoe in the dirt before answering. "I couldn't get the image of that guy's thing out of my mind, I had to see one again, so I asked Timmy, a boy I had a crush on if he would show me his thingy. He laughed just like you and said if I would say let me see your cock, he would show it to me. I said it and after school that day he dropped his pants and underwear and let me look at his cock. When she said cock she blurted it out and looked straight at me.""What happened then?" I urged her on."Well, then he wanted me to touch it, I wouldn't at first, but when I wanted to see it again he would only do it if I touched it. So I did.""And what did you think when you touched it?" I asked."It was smooth and then it jumped like a frog in my hand and scared me, he asked me to stroke it up and down, and when I did it got real hard. I stroked him for a minute or two and then he groaned and jerked and suddenly this white stuff jumped out of the top and covered my hand.""Do you know what that white stuff was?" I interjected."Now I do, it's sperm, the stuff that makes babies," she replied proudly."Very good, and how did you learn that?""Well, after that first time I touched him, I really liked it and wanted to do it more, but the next time he said he wanted to see my pussy before I could see his cock. You're going to think this is funny, but I said yes, even though I didn't understand why he wanted to see my cat."We both burst out laughing, and then she continued, "But when I told him my cat was at home he told me what a pussy is. From that day on we would meet in his garage after school where we would strip and touch each others sex, I would stroke him, and he would rub my slit.""How did you like his touch?" I asked."It was okay," she said, "I discovered I have this little button down there and whenever he would touch it I would shiver and feel sparks through my body, but he never touched it enough. Then one day he asked me to put to put his cock in my mouth, I told him no, that was a dirty thing to do, then he showed me some pictures of women putting guy's cocks in their mouths and he said if they could do it I could too. I said no again, but then he threatened to stop letting me see and touch him."I didn't want to lose the feeling of being his girlfriend so I agreed to do it. So I bent over and put the tip on my lips and it didn't taste too bad, so I opened them up and put it in my mouth, I didn't know what else to do, so I just left it there. I was wondering what to do next when I felt this wet stuff fill my mouth. It tasted like a salty clam chowder so I swallowed it. After that I put him in my mouth every time we got together. I grew to like the taste of his sperm."I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but my cock sure did, it was straining to be free from my pants. "How long did your meetings with him last?" I breathlessly asked her."All school year," she replied, "but after the second month he started bringing other guys around, he wanted me to put their cocks in my mouth too."My mouth dropped open, "And did you?" I gushed. "Oh yes, by this time Timmy had shown me some sex filled DVDs' and the women sucked cocks in every one of them, so I figured that was just a part of having sex and I just tried to imitate what those women did, I got to be pretty good at making them sperm in my mouth.""How, how many boy's cocks did you put in your mouth?" I stammered."I don't really know, I never counted, but one time there was seven boys in the garage and I put each one of them in my mouth and swallowed all their sperm when they spurted."I detected no small amount of pride behind that statement. "Are you still a virgin?" I wondered. "Oh yeah, well, kinda, I think. No boy ever put his cock in me, but they did put their fingers in me and other objects too, like tool handles and broomsticks. I'm sure my hymen's gone, but not from a cock." I tried to gather my thoughts, what I had just heard had me mind boggled. "Wow, Karin I'm very impressed, you are quite the sophisticated young lady, so you may all ready be familiar with some of the things I'm going to tell you now that it's my turn. Have you ever heard or talked about how some people get sexually stimulated by acting dominant to someone acting submissive?"She looked at me with that puzzled puppy tilted head look so I searched for another way to explain it. "Okay, look at it this way, some people get sexual excitement from being bossed around while others get turned on by being the one who does the bossing. I saw a light bulb go in her head. Your aunt Phyllis and I have such a relationship, and we live it and express it in our everyday lives. You need to know what goes on in the house you may be living in. I enjoy telling your aunt how to behave, I tell her what to eat, and what to wear. "When we first got together I gave her a set of rules that she was to obey if she was going to live with me. Your aunt feels safe in putting her everyday decisions in my hands, she likes being told what to do, she also likes to be punished when she disobeys me."Karin's eyes bulged open, but she remained mute. "Your aunt never feels more alive than when she is getting her ass spanked or her tits and nipples slapped. Now a white face joined those bulging eyes as Karin reacted to the words she was hearing." I went on, "Giving and getting pain as part of the sex act, for most people, is very hard to understand let alone accept as a form of sexual expression, but some people, your aunt and I included, need to have that outlet in order to lead what for us is a healthy life. "Am I making sense to you Karin? Or am I just babbling and talking over your head?"She smiled ruefully and said she thought she understood. I replied, "We can go into more detail by surfing the net together and I can show you the different sides of the lifestyle, and answer any questions you may have about it. Do you know what a dungeon is?" I suddenly asked her.She was startled a bit and then said, "Yeah, that's where people are tortured and killed.""Have you ever seen pictures of the things that are used to torture people with?" I pressed. "I remember seeing a picture of a rack, where they stretched people out on," she answered."Well, Karin, you should know that I have a dungeon in my house, and you should also know that your aunt and I make use of it quite often."Now her mouth dropped open and she looked downright scared. "I'm sorry if I'm frightening you, Karin, but you must know everything about how your aunt and I live, because we are not going to change if you move in. That means you're the one who will have to change, Karin, and that change means not only accepting our lifestyle, but also becoming a willing participant in it."She had a totally blank look on her face, like her brain was trying to comprehend everything it heard and needed help with the process. I snapped my fingers in front of her lost gaze until she came out of her trance. When she once more was able to focus on me I told her there was one more side to her aunts' and my relationship she needed to know about, the sexual side.I cleared my voice and just blurted it out, "Your aunt is my sex toy and my slut." Now that we were talking about sex Karin had a better understanding of what I was saying, and replied, "So you two like to fuck, that's cool, I can handle that.""Well, it goes deeper than that Karin."Now that she seemed on firm ground, she derisively sneered, "Deeper? It's sex, how deep can it get?"I laughed, "That's funny, and normally I would agree with you, but your aunt and I like our sex with a slightly different bent. You know what a slut is, right?"She said yes. I asked if she was called one because of her sucking off those boys, she nodded and said, "yeah, it pissed her off."I said, "It made you mad because you didn't feel like a slut, you were just doing something you enjoyed and gave you pleasure.""Yes, yes," she exploded, "that is so right on it's scary.""Well, that's your aunt too, she has a deep rooted need to be fucked and used by lots of men. As your aunt and I grew closer together I was able to give her the permission she needed to let her desires run free, while at the same time she fills a deep rooted desire in me to have a female sex toy at my disposal who will fuck anyone I tell her to, anytime I tell her to, and anywhere I tell her to."Karin was once again lost in thought and seemed to be unaware I was even by her side. I let her take all the time she needed, until she finally shook her head and said, "That's quite the life the two of you live."I smiled at her, "I know, and if you can handle one more shock, it's a life I'm ready to offer to you too."She looked at me with the stunned expression I expected. "I don't know if you realize Karin," I continued, "but I am a very rich man and I am willing to legally adopt you and make you my heir, which means when I die you will inherit almost a billion dollars," I looked at her and stopped talking, she was gone again, so I had to shake her to get her attention back. She finally looked at me with some recognition in her eyes. "Please Karin, you need to pay attention to what I am saying, your future depends on it. Are you listening to me?" she nodded her head. I grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her hard, "no you're not paying attention, I told you once all ready, and I don't like repeating myself, I can't hear a head shake. Now, you either learn to verbally express yourself or we are through before we begin."Karin understood my anger although she didn't comprehend the punishment her behavior warranted. She apologized and said she would do better. I told her I hoped so and asked if I had her undivided attention. She started to nod, caught herself and answered aloud, "Yes sir.""Good, because what I am about to say needs your total concentration. Like I said, I'm near a billionaire, and I want to buy you.""Buy me?" she questioned."Yes, buy you. I will adopt you, make you my heir and you inherited my fortune, in exchange you become, in essence, my slave, living for nothing but to fulfill my every want, need, and desire that my perverted mind devises. Still with me I?" asked. Again she almost nodded, stopped and said, "Yes."I put my hands on her cheeks and held her face as I made her look into my eyes. "This is the most important part of our bargain, Karin, you need to understand so you know what you are agreeing to. I want your undivided attention, okay?"She put her hands over mine and promised to listen to my every word. I leaned into her as I spoke, "I am going to make you my little fuck bunny, you will always be dressed as a little girl, but every male who looks at you will know instantly that you will let them do whatever they want to and with your body. While you are living under my roof your life will revolve around getting fucked as often as possible with as many different men and in as many different places as possible. That is a lot to ask of a teenage girl, and that is why you need to have a completely clear head to make your decision. I don't know how long the state has given you before they put you in a home, so how much time you have before you need to decide feel free to use it.""What about aunt Phyllis?" Karin asked."Your aunt does what I tell her, she has no say in the matter. Oh, by the way, your aunt's name is no longer Phyllis it's Pet, and you are to call her aunt Pet."We didn't speak again as we walked back to the building, both of us in deep thought, she pondering her future, me picturing her in a gangbang with my business associates, then blackmailing them with pictures of their actions showing their debauchery with my under age ward. Ahhh, life couldn't get much better then this. I will have to remember to thank my son, if I ever see him again. After all, it was his idiocy that started this turn of events to begin with. We arrived at the front door where we were met by Pet and the matron, I was about to speak to her when Karin spoke first. Her words were music to my ears, she told the woman that her aunt and I had offered to let her live with them and she would like to accept their offer. It took all my self control to keep from shouting, so I used the group hug we engaged in to gather my wits. The woman and I went inside to hash out the legalities of making Karin my ward, leaving her and Pet to talk. Finally, after what seemed like ages, all the eyes were dotted and the tees were crossed. I was Karin's legal guardian. I stood, accepted the thanks of the state for taking an unwanted child off their hands, and left her office. I now owned my own personal teenage nymphets. Dreams can come true, but having tons of money never hurts, either.When I returned I told Karin she was able to come home with us right then and there, and to go get any personal and sentimental items she wanted to keep. As she turned to walk away, I told her she didn't need to bring any clothes, she would be getting an all new wardrobe. I watched my new acquisition skip away, then turned my attention to My Pet. I could see a slight tinge of red at the base of her neck, so I assumed something she and Karin talked about embarrassed her. Pet made me proud of her training, she didn't wait for me to ask what they talked about, she just started right in telling me the highlights of their conversation. She said the first thing Karin asked her was if she really liked fucking lots of men and she told her yes, then Karin asked what it was like. Pet tried to explain to her how she felt powerful, having a group of men do any little thing she wanted, just so they could get a chance to put their cocks in her cunt, while at the same time feeling powerless because those same men would do any little thing they wanted, to her body. Pet told me she didn't think Karin understood because she quickly asked another question, this one about what was it liked to be spanked. I asked her how she answered. Pet gave me a big grin as she related how she told Karin that it was hard to explain, but that she would be honored if Karin would let her show her what it's like. I smiled and said oh would you now. By this time Karin had returned so I and my two sex slaves got into the car for the ride home and into even more new and varied games and adventures. To be continued...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 36
It was the early 1960’s, the era when women wore stockings and suspenders (and not tights), when knickers were feminine and mostly made of nylon, skirts were either tight or full with frothy petticoats and I was about 7-8yo.In them there days, Friday nights had two scenarios, but both involved family members getting together at one or others houses. The blokes went out to the pub and the women stayed in, chatting, doing each other’s hair and generally being women.Being young, I was engulfed into the women’s realm, and ended up on the floor playing with my toys, which enabled me the most memorable images that have stayed with me and has shaped my sexual fantasies and kinks.Every Friday as I pushed my toy cars across the rug in front of the fireplace, I was able to look up the skirts and feast my eyes on the stocking tops, suspenders, bare thighs, nylon slips and always nylon knickers of four very different females.This particular Friday, it was my grandma’s house that was the stage for this incident. As usual, every one descended on gran's house and the lads went to the local as soon as they could and the girls sat around the crackling coal fire in an effort to beat off the November cold.My cars were parked and ready to be driven and as I lay down on the rug, I noticed that all the ladies were sat there, all with their legs apart displaying all their charms, so as to take advantage of the heat from the fire.Time for me to introduce to you all, the female members of the cast for the evenings display.The youngest was my Aunty (my mum’s sister) who must have been about 17-18yo and was tall slim and always wore very tight pencil skirts. It was her knickers I liked, as they were always nylon, always shear, see through and had a nylon gusset and not cotton. It was my fantasy at that early age to wear her knickers.Then there was my other Aunt. She was married to my Mums brother and at the time was probably in her mid twenties. She always wore tights short skirts that had a tendency to ride up as she sat down, which revealed always, tanned coloured fine stockings and white suspenders. Her knickers were always nylon and in general were either coffee or red in colour, but were not see through like my other Aunts.My Mum was in her mid thirties, and wore flared skirts with petticoats, with tan coloured stocking white suspenders and white nylon frilly knickers.Then there was my gran, who must have been in her 60’s and who was a little large but firm and not fat. She wore stockings and suspenders and either black or navy blue nylon French knickers, the gusset of which was always loose and allowed uninterrupted visions of her pussy.The thing is, they always knew I was looking between their open legs and taking great delight in seeing their knickers and stocking tops, and I think they all got some kick out of it too.At an earlier age, it was a daily occurrence for me to wank off, mostly to thoughts of girls wearing knickers, and to get a really big thrill, to imagine I was wearing knickers.The biggest wanking thrill occurred when I used to rub my semi erect penis against my mums nylon nightie, which I managed to do once or twice a year.I remember being in the back bedroom of my gran's house. My Aunts, mum and gran were there all stood over me.On the bed was a collection of nylon knickers and a black see through babydoll nightie, and at such a tender age, I was sexually excited by all that feminine lingerie, but I was to become even more excited as a result of what was yet to happen.Remember that I was only 7-8yo and I was with women who ranged from 17-18 through to about 60! All had different feminine sexualities which even at my young age, I had some awareness of, but more than that, their sexuality was influential on my immature penis and attached hormones!I can’t remember the trip up the stairs or how I was coaxed into venturing up to the bedroom, all I do remember is voices saying. ‘He has no pyjamas to go to bed in’My Aunts I recall, like some ritual started to undress me, and when it came to taking off my underpants, I remember how slowly they did it, and both Aunts fingers intricately and slowly managed to slide off my underpants by curling their nail varnished fingers over the seams along the leg holes and they made every delicate effort to gently touch my excited penis, and I recall how I felt and how good it made me feel.I wanted my young Aunt to stroke my penis so much, as I had imagined many times as I lay in bed while rubbing the end of my penis.. See at that age, erections proper didn’t really occur, but there was a stiffness. A stiffness which was scary and which gave me so many unknown feelings as well as fears.At that age wanking was a matter of fingering my foreskin over the end of my penis until I got a surge inside which cumulated in such a fantastic feeling or as I later became to know was a sensation!There were occasions when I felt my foreskin peel back, and this scared me so much as I didn’t understand what was happening and that what I felt was hurt, but on this occasion, my penis was the hardest I had experienced and my foreskin was well and truly peeled right back, thanks to the nimble fingers of my teenage Aunt.Naked with an immature erection bobbing around along with a blushing face as red as a beetroot ( and I hope the end of my exposed penis was matching the redness of my cheeks), I stood amongst these four women.My young Aunt was so keen to kneel in front of my, with my semi hard-on inches away from her lipstick laddened lips, she pouted and licked her dry lips moistening her lip-gloss. What my teenage Aunt wasn’t yet to know, was that it was her knickers I craved for!My other Aunt sat on the edge of the bed, and as usual her skit rode high exposing not only her stocking tops and the whiteness of her exposed thighs, but the gusset of her knickers were very exposed, but the nylon fabric that was the gusset of her nylon knickers soon vanished as her fingers delved between her legs and pushed that lucky nylon gusset deep into her snatch giving us all a treat to the slushing slurping sound as her fingers worked deep into her excited cunt.My gran was bending over sorting out the knickers on the bed, and as she bent her stoking tops were visible as was her underskirt. Thing was, the rear suspenders were never fastened and the stocking tops always sagged just like the gusset of her French knickers. What my gran wasn’t aware off, is that in future years I would obtain pairs of her French knickers so that my raging erection could slide in and around its nylon lair and not being able to escape would erupt and make such a lustful mess, wet, gooey and host to my teenage cum! Mum was mum, and what she didn’t know was that I had on numerous occasions worn the knickers she was wearing, and that I had pranced around her bedroom while wearing them and that the nylon had aided many a wanking session.My gran proceeded to an arm chair, and as usual sat down legs wide apart so that everyone got a splendid view up her skirt and all that was on offer. I was intrigues and always loved to see what my gran had up her skirt. You see, I had an association that nylon knickers made women sexy and that women who wore nylon knickers were beautiful as a result, and that normal/ugly women wore cotton knickers. Why this was I don’t know, just that the women who to me were beautiful and who I had the opportunity to establish the knickers they wore fulfilled the equation. Beautiful women wore nylon knickers.nylon knickers were only worn by beautiful women. Just like the girls at school (Evelyn, Kathleen, Karen, Heather, Fiona and definitely Sarah as well as Miss Parker our teacher!)As my gran sat there legs apart (allowing that definite scent that nylon knickers made their wearer adopt) all the ladies proceeded to confirm that I had no pyjamas to wear as though I didn’t already know that.“He can’t to bed with out his pyjamas on” piped my gran, and the other ladies all muttered in agreement. My mum picked up a pair of the knickers from the bed and held them up in front of me, ensuring that the delicate shear see through nylon gently and teasingly touched my semi erect immature penis, and is it did I felt it stiffen more and it actually twitched. Thing is I was becoming not only embarrassed, but scared, as I could feel my foreskin tighten and it was on the verge of peeling back and as I mentioned before, this was uncomfortable for me.My gran pronounced that the knickers my mum had put up against me was not suitable and the rest of the ladies all agreed.This must have happened about half a dozen times, and as each pair was inspected in front of me, my erection grew another millimetre or so! But I did start to notice my cock was delivering small deposits of clear sticky stuff which was making my penis cling to the nylon knickers.My older Aunt noticed this and soon her fingers were feeling the stickiness I was leaving on the knickers and in amazement I watched as she licked her fingers which hosted my gooiness! While the finger son her right hand were sticky with my offerings the fingers of her other hand were still busying squelching her knicker gusset into her cunt. The squelching and slurping was obviously loud as the other ladies couldn’t help but watch.Little did they all know, but I wanted so much to have the black shear nightie put on to me, and amongst all the excitement, this act was to me the ultimate in excitement at this moment in time.The next pair of nylon knickers that were to be starring against my excited member was a superb pair of white skimpy see through knickers with delicate lacy bits around the leg holes and it was agreed that as they were too skimpy that they should be put onto me for approval.At last my young Aunt was to give my excitement some attention, along with my other Aunt.Both Aunts knelt in front of me, both of their faces an inch away from the tip of my proud cock, and I actually felt their hair gloss over my sensitive tip. Then I felt them each pull the knickers up my smooth legs until they reached my groin.The knickers were then stretched taught so that they would go over my stiffened member, and as the nylon slid over and up to my waist I must have given signals of pleasure which was received with rapturous ‘Ahhhs’ which must have coincided with my thrusting and twitching in an effort for me to extend the sensual pleasure around and on my erect cock.Not only was I feeling those shear nylon knickers being teasingly slipped over my slippery end, but I was feeing the fingers of two Aunties fiddling, and interfering with my erection and my tightened balls.Their fingers were sliding around the seams of the knickers presumably making sure they fit snugly, but I was feeling fingers circle over my knickered bell end, so much so that my gooiness was in abundance and was fitting both Aunties needs.Surprisingly enough these knickers were very tight on me and I felt the nylon fabric slip up between my buttocks and cut into my balls as my erection tented and filled much of the feminine fabric and garment.My teen Aunt was still knelt in front of me and I saw my other aunt's hand disappear up the tight skirt of my teen Aunts skirt. Not only did her hand go up her skirt, but she pushed her skirt as her hand explored her teenage thighs, and for the first time that night I saw the black shear see through nylon knickers which clung to my young Aunts cunt lips. Knickers that matched perfectly with the nightie I wanted to wear so much.My Aunts hand delved over my teen aunts knickers and we were treated to the slush of her fingers as they fingered her cunt. As usual my elder Aunt sniffed and licked the exploratory fingers she had used up my other aunts sexed up knickered snatch!I was told to get my head up each aunt's skirts, and to sniff and lick their hot wet sweaty nylon knicker gussets, which I willingly did, and my teen aunt came in such gushes wetting her knickers even more as well as wetting my face good and proper.The smell was strong, her cunt hot and sweaty and her cunt lips were so red, swollen and sticky, I just had to keep going and lap her swollen lips through those tight wet smelly nylon knickers.My teen aunt came yet again in gushes and the smell got stronger and this time she wrapped her sweaty, clammy wet thighs around my neck, and as she did this she thrust her knickered snatch all over my face and ground her lust filled knickerd cunt all over my face, and as she found my nose, she used it like it was a penis and I felt my nose ram into her as it pushed the nylon fabric of her knickers into her over excited cunt and the sound of her slushing pussy mixed with her moaning and groaning and at this stage, loud shouting, she climaxed the biggest load of pussy juice I have ever experienced followed by a strong gush of pee.I swallowed everything I could manage, and she just seemed as though she needed more, and again and again she came all over may face, in my mouth and my nose was full of her stickiness and her smells were so fantastic.My juvenile cock was raging and my other aunt was by now attending to its needs, and she was rubbing her wet sticky nylon knickers all over it, and she managed to pull her knickers and allow me to empty the biggest thickest stream of cum I have ever down loaded, right into her knickers so it clung to that nylon fabric and as she let her knickers release, my cum drenched her knickers and her cunt.By now, the rest had come into the bedroom and the rest of the night was one hell of a fuck fest, as was the rest of the weekend.END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 37
The 21-year-old, Chris, felt lucky indeed to be in the company of Jessica, the only girlfriend he ever had. Before meeting her, his woefully-small 5'7" and 115-pound frame was the cause for his total lack of companionship or courtship with women. He thought highly of himself but suffice to say, self-esteem is not enough on its own to attract women. His dry spell with ladies rivaled that of the Golden State Warriors in basketball; women barely noticed his existence. From that, one can easily infer that Chris was extremely desperate for attention and would jump on any opportunity that presented itself. This made him an easy target for someone as surprisingly powerful as 20-year-old Jessica. Unbeknownst to Chris, Jessica was quite skilled in the art of mind control.Chris and Jessica had been seeing each other for roughly four months before the two had their *most fateful evening*. The two seemed to be legitimately in love and it was not as if Jessica was overpowering in the relationship. Nonetheless, she was extraordinarily powerful and was anything but content with her lover's puny body. She had few qualms with his respectable 6.5 inch endowment but it was rather sad for her to be going out with a guy who was taller yet skinny than her. She would gladly give up a couple inches of penis in exchange for a meatier lover. Jessica's curvaceous 5'3" and 125-pound figure was the perfect body for any guy who liked shorter girls with C-cup breasts and a matching, sexy ass. She had to do something about her inability to get on top of her lover without fear of crushing him. Moreover, Jessica longed for the opportunity to control another person. She did not want to be overly mean but she did have a propensity toward domination that had to be satiated.It was early in the evening one day when Jessica asked Chris to come to her apartment to have dinner. Chris immediately assumed this meant a chance to get laid and took it upon himself to take a shower, gel his short-brown hair, and dress in a nice buttoned auburn shirt and khakis. He was confident that he looked handsome and would impress his object of affection.Once he got to Jessica's place, he was pleased to see that she held the same sentiment and was adorned with plenty of makeup, lip gloss, and was wearing a sexy black dress that nicely complemented her dark brown, shoulder-length hair. After a quick hug and hello, they sat down to the dinner Jessica had already prepared. Chris was happy to see they were having classic Italian for dinner, spaghetti and meatballs with red wine to drink. To Chris, simple was better and he did not want anything that would weigh him down too much and affect his sexual performance he expected to have."So sweetie, do you think I look nice or does this dress make my butt stick out too much?" asked Jessica, fishing for a compliment."It looks fantastic and your butt and boobs sticking out help make it that way," Chris responded. Jessica smiled and could tell her boyfriend was already well on his way to sexual arousal in anticipation of the evening's subsequent naughty activities.The combination of the wine and glances at Jessica's breasts were enough to put Chris into a very at-eased state. It was no doubt that Chris was a boob-hound. His constant inspections of her cleavage everywhere they went was even noticeable to other people. Even Chris's best friends, his drinking buddies, commented on Chris's obvious gazing. They thought she had him whipped from the start. Although they were nearly right, the official lock of servitude had not come until that evening."You have been so charming and loving toward me this evening, my dear," said Jessica. "I'm really glad you came over and you seem to really enjoy my food and the wine.""It's spectacular, everything about you is so easy to fall in love with," said Chris as he gulped down another drink. "I feel like I could unlock my heart for you and throw away the key.""Awwwww... that is so sweet... but it's funny you should mention that," Jessica said with a sly grin. "How much are you willing to submit to me if I asked you?""Anything baby... I totally want to please you as much as possible this evening," Chris declared."Well, I can't argue with that," Jessica replied. From there, Jessica waved her hand in the air like a Jedi Master and Chris's eyes suddenly went shut."Then you will submit everything to me, Chris," Jessica ordered. "I have just taken over your mind and body and can do absolutely anything I want with them; you are pretty much my slave."Chris was a bit concerned at that point. He could not figure out how his eyes closed like that so quickly and that he could not open them at all. He also found it difficult to move."I must say my dear, my love for you has grown leaps and bounds," Jessica admitted. "You have consented to my domination and have given me control over you without me having to manipulate you at all. You have made my day and I will now make yours."Chris was very worried. He was hearing what Jessica told him but could not figure out that he was really being controlled by her. He thought something was wrong but was confused and bewildered. Finally, Jessica got up from her seat and walked toward Chris. She put her gentle hand on his chest to calm him."There, there, my love," she whispered to him in a tender voice. "I understand your shock. Everything will be okay. You will be conscious of everything and I will take care of you completely."Next, Jessica took both of her smaller lover's hands and pulled him out of his seat. She then led him into her apartment's living room. It was unlit with a couple pieces of furniture and a television. It was somewhat cluttered with newspapers and clothes. Jessica was a gorgeous, articulate woman, but a fairly sloppy bachelorette as well. She laid Chris on the couch and told him to relax and open his eyes."Hey, what's going on," Chris shouted with a shocked look on his face. "Are you some kind of sorceress?""Sort of, but I shutter to think that you mean that pejoratively, Chris," responded Jessica with an inkling of anger."No, I guess not but I am very confused right now," said Chris."Don't worry," said Jessica as she leaned down to kiss him. "I will not let anything harmful happen to you. However, you better resign yourself to my will. You have no other choice and you yourself actively consented to my authority. Tonight I will change you for the better and you will be my ever-loving companion forever."After the kiss, Chris began to feel much better and let his fear go. He felt his penis grow at the sight of his beautiful girlfriend taking her dress off while on top of him. She had no bra on and she pushed the dress over her head, leaving her mesmerizing, natural breasts just a couple feet away from Chris's face. The only thing Jessica had on was a white thong. Her brown eyes seductively pierced into Chris's psyche, letting him know she was ready for passion. Her eyes and nipples had him completely captivated. Had she not had him under her spell, he would probably still be controlled via the sight of her body. He wanted to raise his head up and bury his face in between her perky breasts but could not move himself. Jessica was not ready for him to touch her yet."First I want you to take your clothes off for me," Jessica told Chris.Chris immediately stripped away all of his preppy clothes, boxers, and shoes then resumed lying on the couch paralyzed. His penis was now stone-like in anticipation. Jessica rewarded his effort by doing a brief strip tease, taking off her thong and tossing it over her shoulder. This revealed a pussy that held a nice strip of brown fir, something Chris liked to call the "bacon strip." The two were both nude and presumably ready for a nice romp. Then Jessica began to wonder."Hmmm... it seems as though if I climb on top of you to ride your cock that I will undoubtedly crush your little body, Chris," Jessica pondered aloud. "I promised I would not hurt you but after all, I do want to fuck your brains out and you want that as well."Jessica decided she would have to move toward another method of intercourse in order to satisfy her growing arousal. She lowered her hand down to Chris's waist and just as he thought she was going to reach for his cock, she slid her middle finger in between his legs and straight into his rectum! Chris felt like a bolt of lightning had just entered his most sacred region and his eyes widened to their max. Jessica pulled her finger out briefly and playfully tickled Chris's abdomen. She then took the same finger and re-inserted it into his rectum and began to finger continuously at it. Chris could not believe what was happening. A couple minutes later, she inserted a second finger into him and finger-fucked her boyfriend even more. Chris could not believe how good it felt and his eyes fluttered like he was having a seizure. Jessica considered putting a third finger inside but concluded that that would probably hurt him too much, given his small body and how tight his asshole was. Instead, she reached under her couch and pulled up an 8-inch strap-on dildo. Chris saw this and was mortified."Whoa... wait... you can't... don't do it... please," pleaded Chris."Never fear, dear boyfriend," Jessica said reassuringly. "I told you tonight will be a splendid change for you. I won't break my promise."Jessica picked up her dress from the floor and threw it over Chris's face, covering his eyes. She then fastened the strap-on around her firm hips and ass. Chris felt the end of the 8-inch imitation penis rub against his thigh and a drip of sweat fell down his forehead. He thought he knew what would happen next. Just then, his hard-on was all of a sudden completely gone. At this point, the terror had caused him to lose feeling of his penis entirely. He cringed and prepared for the pain as Jessica got under his legs and then... finally... she thrust the enormous, threatening cock... straight into his (Chris held his breath terrified). "Wait a second," Chris thought to himself as he exhaled. He did not feel anything in his ass but was in the middle of getting pounded intensely by his girlfriend.The thrusting into his stomach continued for several moments but his ass felt nothing. He did not understand. The feeling was orgasmic yet there was no sign of his hard cock or any cock other than that dildo. On top of that, he felt like he had gotten fatter somehow. His chest was moving up and down spastically caused by his beating heart and the thrusting. Also, it felt like his chest in general was very heavy."What in the world is going on?" Chris thought, again confused beyond belief.Following about ten minutes of exhilarating pounding at the hands of his gorgeous girlfriend and an indiscernible orgasm, Chris heard Jessica utter something to him."Okay, we're done, honey," Jessica concludes. "I guess I should explain what just happened to you."Jessica then reached for the dress covering Chris's head and pulled it away from him. What Chris saw then, was the greatest surprise of his life. He gazed for several moments at what appeared to be a hairless vagina between his legs. Christina could not fathom how the hell this was possible. She had become a woman! On top of that, she now had two enormous breasts hanging from her chest. They must have been D-cup size! Jessica allowed her to examine herself briefly and Christina was able to discover that everything about her reflected that of a sexy, buxom woman. She had long, blonde hair and her legs and armpits were shaved completely. Overall, her skin was very soft and as she looked at Jessica, she still had a strong desire to fuck her but was less interested in her breasts. At this point, she saw no need to gawk over another woman's smaller breasts. This was no doubt by Jessica's design. She was sick of having her breasts perved at in public by who was then, Chris."I told you I would change you tonight," Jessica said winking at Christina. "You are one heck of a babe now."Christina began to speak and was initially surprised to hear such feminine notes being summoned from her vocal cords."How did you do that?" Christina inquired. "Is this permanent?""I am a very powerful *sorceress* as you mentioned before," explained Jessica. "I control everything about you and in addition I will control many of your future decisions. Even when I do not control your actions, I will be keenly aware of what you are doing. I have fallen in love with you and I will take great care of you and ensure that you have the good life along my side. Nevertheless, it was necessary for me to make some *slight* alterations. This will indeed be permanent.""What do I have to do?" Christina asked."The only thing you will be required to do is be in accordance with my commands and rules," Jessica continued. "I will train you to live just like any woman and you and I will live our lives as lesbian lovers. What more could you ask for, Christina?"Christina was dumbfounded but felt compelled to accept her girlfriend's demands. She gave Jessica no response but it was understood that she agreed. Jessica removed the strap-on and decided she needed to finally relieve herself sexually. The strong brunette feverishly attacked Christina's left breast with her tongue and lips. Christina could not believe how awesome it felt to have her tender nipples played with and her tits squeezed the way Jessica was doing. She was surprised to find that Jessica was such a raging lesbian. A few moments of having her lips suction-cupped to Christina's breasts ensued before Jessica went down on her former boyfriend, and new lesbian partner. Christina quickly found out that the female clitoris was far more sensitive than anything from the male anatomy. Being fucked as a woman was so much better than as a man. Jessica allowed Christina to move into a 69 position and perform the same way on her. Christina lapped up all of Jessica's juices and combed the bacon strip with her tongue. In just a short time of about eight minutes, the two women were moaning loudly enough for all the neighbors on Jessica's floor to hear. They sucked each others' cum completely dry and lay on the couch, legs entwined, until they fell asleep for the night.***The following morning, Christina woke up and found that Jessica was quite prepared for living with a sexy, blonde babe. Jessica had a whole array of women's clothes laid out for her. Christina intuitively reached for her men's clothes but Jessica would not allow that. She told Christina that she would be a woman all around and would wear pretty, trendy, girly clothes. It was amazing to see how much thought Jessica had put into it. Christina was given a black, 38D bra and told to wear it."You'll think me when you see all the attention you get from having huge, firm breasts," said Jessica.It fit perfectly too. Jessica also gave her all the other clothes and they all fit equally well. She had on a pink, buttoned blouse and a pair of tight, black pants. She was also given a black thong; Jessica did not want her pretty girlfriend to have unsightly panty lines when she showed off that sexy caboose. Christina was then told to go into the bathroom and check herself out in the mirror. When she did, she could not fathom how hot she looked. Along with her new blonde hair, her eyes went from brown to a beautiful sea blue. The blouse she wore accentuated her bust amazingly. If Christina still had a cock, it would have probably been hard. She got on the scale in Jessica's bathroom and was intrigued to find that she gained 30 pounds, weighing in at 145. She was still the same height as before."I was not going to have a girlfriend that did not have some tail," Jessica said sneaking into the bathroom. "You're just as hot as me and maybe even a little curvier. You're my little cutie with a bootie, Chris... I mean Christina." She playfully slapped the girl's nice, round ass.Christina examined her butt and thighs and found that she was definitely a booty goddess. She was beginning to accept her newfound identity as a woman. Later, Jessica continued to train her bombshell girlfriend. She showed her how to walk in high heels (something she would wear a lot; Jessica found them extremely erotic), showed her how to do makeup, how to cross her legs when sitting down, eat pleasantly at the table, shave her legs, take care of her beautiful hair, and all the other little nuances that women dealt with in their lives. Christina still remembered her life as a man but she was fully assimilated into being a woman after not too long.Jessica was quite good to her woman. She did not want to be the stereotypical bitch mistress and was sincere about loving Chris and now Christina. However, Jessica had to be tough on her girl sometimes. There were lessons she had to learn. She wanted to be neither too lenient nor too harsh with Christina. Jessica took the Machiavellian approach of balancing liberality with strictness. One day she found that Christina had dirtied several pairs of panties in one day from masturbating and getting girly fluid all over them."Okay, see, this doesn't hang, you horny bitch," scolded Jessica angrily. "Don't I fuck you enough? Why do you have to be a little fuck-crazed whore all the time?"Jessica had the power to monitor all of Christina's thoughts but accidentally slacked off for a time. Jessica ultimately considered it to be her own fault but decided she would teach the little cum machine a lesson. She loved her and this was the only antidote.***That evening, coincidentally one month after Christina's transformation, Jessica took her to go see her old drinking buddies from her man's life. They had all wondered what had become of their pal and why he had not been heard from in such a while. It was nothing for them to go bowling or drinking (or stare at Jessica's boobs) once or twice each week. Jessica and Christina visited them in one of their hangouts, a bar where there was drinking, darts and pool playing. Jessica told Christina to have a seat on the far side of the bar and wait until she spoke with Chris's old friends. She talked with them for about 10 or 15 minutes and informed them that their old chum had gone postal, ran out on her, quit school, and moved to San Francisco. Rick, John, and Dave were all shocked by this revelation and offered their sympathies by hitting on Jessica. The drunk perverts were already trying to get into her panties but she was not going to let that happen. She was glad they were horny though and saw the chance to spring her plan into effect."Look guys, if you think you're going to talk dirty and take advantage of me, you're sorely mistaken," Jessica warned. "But I can see you're horny and generally harmless (generally), so I'll be happy to hook you all up with this new friend of mine. She's totally into wild parties and told me she thought you were hot. She's just a little shy about things."She whistled for Christina to come over and immediately took control of the blonde's mind and actions. Christina saw what was happening but was powerless to even speak against it. Jessica used her abilities to speak through Christina."What are you doing hiding over there, cutie?" Rick asked flirtatiously. "We heard about you and know you want to get to know us better."Without thinking, Christina began to speak what Jessica wanted. She totally disagreed with the words coming from her mouth but spoke them anyway."I really get shy when I'm around big, powerful, sexy men," Christina admitted. "I get all hot down there and can't compose myself."The three *gentlemen* were totally flabbergasted by what they heard coming from this porn-star-quality babe. Little did they know their former friend was unwittingly hitting on them by means of a controlling girlfriend, who had discreetly moved away to a nearby table watching things unfold. The lesson was going exactly as planned. Rick, John, and Dave all had similar builds, all way bigger than Chris ever was (how they ever became friends was beyond Jessica's comprehension). Rick was the tallest at 6'1" while John and Dave were each about 6 feet tall. They all weighed about 220 pounds, almost all muscle. They each had brown hair and as Christina was about to find out, 9-inch cocks. They were also a little older. They were all 25 years old."You are such a little seductress," said Dave. "You know, we practically own this place since we're good friends with the owner. Since it's getting late, we could tell him to close the place down and let us have a private party."Christina did not find any good in that suggestion whatsoever but Jessica made it so that her nipples began to harden through her hot, red salsa dress. She was moist downstairs as well."Hmm, that's interesting," Christina responded. "You know what else is interesting?""What's that?" asked Rick."I don't have any panties on," Christina whispered in a seductive voice. She could not believe she was doing this in front of her friends, who she knew were notorious for gangbanging the holy hell out of nymphomaniacs like her."You have no idea how glad I am to hear that," exclaimed Rick. He then reached his right hand up to Christina's chest and fondled her left nipple."Ooooo... naughty naughty," she cooed. She responded by sticking her hand between Rick's legs and grasping his cock and balls through his jeans."Hey Arnie, I think we need to shut this place down for the night," Rick announced to the bar owner.Christina was horrified by that notion. She knew what was coming. If only she could have stopped creaming her panties repeatedly, then Jessica would not be subjecting her to this lesson.A couple moments passed and Rick made the move to get closer to Christina. Christina was absolutely revolted when her best friend stuck his tongue in her mouth and made out with her. Her body appeared to like it though because of Jessica's work. John and Dave worked cohesively to slide off Christina's dress. It fell to the floor leaving her nude except for a pair of black, high heels."You got less hair than a girl scout, doll face," noted John while pointing to her pussy.Christina signaled to John to get to work on her bare muff while she stood there groping Rick. Dave was busy playing with her tits. All of this made Christina want to vomit. A couple minutes later, Jessica interrupted them from across the bar."C'mon you little pussies, I thought you guys knew how to pound a girl," Jessica crudely hollered. "My friend wants a good time. Don't tell me you boys don't have enough steam."The three men responded by corralling the busty blonde over to the pool table and spreading her across its surface. Almost immediately, each stud was naked and sported huge boners ready to impale into what they perceived to be a very horny woman. Christina wanted to pass out or be sedated. Dave went first and plowed his cock into her mouth. She sucked at it like she was trying to suck the flavor out of an everlasting gobstopper. Deep inside, the taste of her old buddy's cock made her stomach turn in disgust. What was she doing? She was being forced to do something she considered to be gay. She still had the straight guy's mentality. Her memory of Jessica's strap-on fucking came to the forefront of her mind as John got in between her legs and began to hammer her pussy with more cock than she had even with Jessica. Something weird began to happen though. She began to actually enjoy getting fucked by her friends."How can I be liking this?" she thought.Her pussy was getting soaked though. She was beginning to want more. She did not realize, but at that point, Jessica had relinquished control over her and she was doing all of it on her own accord. She sucked Dave's cock like she was a penis-worshipping nympho.She should have been ready for what happened next. She knew from her days as Chris that those boys liked to gangbang chicks at the same time. It did not dawn on her though that Rick was lurking behind her ready to find a place to join the party. John ceased his pounding for a moment, much to Christina's disappointment, in order to let Rick get under her. He fingered her asshole for a short while and was ready to tear her hole apart with his enormous prick. Christina was forced to stop sucking John off for a minute as she writhed in pain from the initial penetration by Rick. This was everything she feared and could not believe this could ever happen. All of her previous "don't drop the soap fears" had come to fruition. She was in agony for a while as her tender body was being taken to the limit. Jessica's favorite part about the whole thing was that she could tell Christina loved it."Keep going, you little slut," Jessica hollered. "I had no idea you had it in you. I stand corrected regarding your whorish skills.""Yeah, you are one hot slut," Dave said, watching his cock once again being deep-throated by the sexually-possessed girl.Christina had every hole covered and she was moments away from cumming as she was DP'd by the huge men. It did not take long and she and her partners all reached climax. They all came without pulling out: into her pussy, ass, and mouth. She swallowed every drop of Dave's cum. The sexual fiesta was over and she was left moaning on the table. Everyone eventually got dressed again and left shortly thereafter. Jessica rescued her darling girlfriend from the pool table, put a robe around her, gathered the salsa dress from the floor, and took her home. The pool table was completely saturated with Christina's cum. The owner would likely be pissed but Jessica tended to that by *convincing* him not to care. What a night for the formerly straight man. Jessica's lesson went off without a hitch.The only problem that resulted from the whole encounter was one that Jessica had not foreseen. Nevertheless, she was ready to handle it. Christina ran up to Jessica a couple weeks later crying her eyes out and told her she was pregnant. This caught Jessica off guard but she was quick enough to deter the crisis."Look, don't worry, everything will be just fine, baby," Jessica said hugging Christina. "That dirt bag, John, won't do anything to help you; he gets women pregnant and ditches them all the time. I don't know how you were ever friends with those savages. I will take care of things so that you will be able to have your baby comfortably. You and I will finally have a little bundle of joy we can raise ourselves. My powers as a sorceress are more than enough for me to swindle some money for us to afford it. Everything will be just fine. You're going to be a mommy!"Christina could not believe her ears. She was stuck having her old friend's baby and Jessica was fine with it."I was planning on us adopting a child soon anyway," Jessica confessed. "I've always wanted kids and now we get to have one sooner. I am so excited! I love you so much!"Jessica began hugging and groping Christina and the two began to make love passionately on their bed. Christina's objections faded away quickly. She was madly in love with Jessica and as she promised before, she would submit anything to her, which included her womb. Christina was truly lucky to have the first and only lover of her life.END
My step mom and my dad both passed away in the late 1980's. But for almost thirty years I had been fucking and being fucked by both of them. My ex-wife also fucked and sucked both of them for almost twenty years, she had a history of incest with her father that lasted almost forty years. My father passed first. The last time Louise and I fucked him was about a year before his passing. We had gone to visit my folks right around Christmas time, dad was 78 at the time. Louise and I were both in our mid-thirties and had had sex with him and my step mom whenever we visited. Dad couldn't get it up any more but he still liked having his cock sucked and he had always loved eating Louise's pussy. So for that last time, Louise sat on his face so he could taste her, suck her clit and finger her asshole – something she has always loved. I was busy sucking his dick as I had done many times before but it was odd as I worked on him that his cock never got hard and he never came. Louise cum hard on his mouth, dad had a way with his mouth that would drive women nuts. Sadly, that was the last time we enjoyed sex with him – he passed suddenly.My step mother was ten years his junior when they had gotten married a long, long time ago. Mom had been a true slut in her younger years, my dad encouraged her to date other men and then to fuck him or let him eat her pussy while she told him what her date had done with her body. When I started fucking her, he was able to watch and participate much to her and my delights. Mom was seventy-four when she passed. During the summer before her passing, she had come down and stayed with us for almost two weeks. For her, it was two weeks of sexual bliss. She and Louise loved going 69, she loved to have me fuck her in the pussy or in her ass and she loved doing kinky things, like going out to a nude beach – we lived in NC at the time – and walking around naked. Several times during her visit Louise and I DP'ed her – Louise using a strap on dildo. Mom would cum and cum and cum – not as intensely as she had when I first began fucking her but intensely never-the-less. One evening, on a lark, we took her to an adult theater in town that had glory holes. Louise and I knew the owner so he was cool with my mom being there. We took mom to one of the rooms that had holes in both walls. The two women stripped and then proceeded to suck any cock that was poked through the holes. The reaction of some of the men to having a seventy year old woman sucking their cocks and then swallowing their cum was interesting and funny. "Damn, that woman can suck cock better than any woman I've ever known!" was a typical comment.But, "The Ride Home" happened many, many years before they passed away.Dad served in and retired from the US Army. He was a "mustang" having started as a private early in WWII and retiring as a Major. So when I announced I was going to join the Marines he was angry, VERY angry. I can still hear his gravelly voice, "The Army has been good to us for all these, what the hell are you joining that goddamn bunch of sea going bell hops for anyway?" He was angry but still proud that I had volunteered.When I reported to boot camp I was short and fat. I ended up in "Fat Mans Platoon" for a month and they busted my ass. In the few letters I sent home – I wasn't as much into writing back then as I am now – I tried to tell them that I had gone through one hell of a transformation. On the day before I left ITR, I called my parents and told them I would be flying "Military Standby" and I should be on one of four flights that would all land within two hours of one another. Dad told me they would be at the airport to pick me up, regardless of which flight I caught. As luck would have it, I got the first flight that Friday morning.There were four other Marines on that flight and when we deplaned, I saw my dad and step-mom standing near the gate. I swear my dad looked hard and closely at each of the Marines that walked by him. He looked at me, stared for a second and then looked at the guy behind me. I kept on walking past him and stopped about fifteen feet away. When all of the passengers had gotten off my dad turned to my step-mom, "I guess he didn't make this one!" Now in boot, one picks up all kinds of foul language and even though we were told we would say bad words at the wrong time, none of us believed it would happen to us. It happened to me. As they turned to walk to the next gate, I looked at them, "The fuck I didn't make this flight, hi!" My parents were shocked and stunned at the apparition that stood in front of them. I had grown more than four inches and had shed more than sixty pounds. My dad looked at me, looked at Velma and shook his head, "Ain't him!" I grinned and quietly said, "You sir have a small mole about two inches above your asshole and you ma'am, have nipples that stick out almost a half inch, remember I measured them a couple of times, when you are turned on! Yeah, it's me!" My dad reached his hand out and I took it, "Damn son, you have changed!" My mom took me into her arms and kissed me, not as a mom but as a lover. She looked around and groped my crotch – yeah, I was hard and horny remembering how sexy she was naked. "Yep, it feels like the dick I remember. John, let's get him home!"My mom took my arm and, with dad trailing behind us, we went to collect my sea bag. He went and got the car and was waiting by the gate when she and I walked out. I chucked my bag into the trunk, shut the trunk and was a little surprised when mom slid into the back seat and told me to get in back with her. She told dad that she and I had some catching up to do. You can imagine my surprise when she reached over the front seat, retrieved a paper bag, opened it, handed me a paper cup and then poured me two fingers of bourbon and then did the same for herself. "Your dad can't have any since he is driving!" She turned in the seat, put her back against the door, lifted her left foot onto the seat and spread her legs. Velma was not wearing any panties and I could see her hairy cunt as clear as day. "See anything you've missed?" I chugged my drink, grinned and nodded but my eyes never left her inviting cunt. As I took off my dress blouse, undid my tie and unbuttoned the top button of my shirt she unbuttoned her blouse revealing that she hadn't worn a bra. Then I drove my face into my step mother's pussy! God! I had dreamt about her cunt almost every night in boot. I loved her scent so I simply sniffed her pussy for several minutes.She squeezed one of my ears, "If you don't start eating me I'm gonna think you don't love me and my cunt anymore!" Yeah, even back then there were women who would use the word "cunt" in certain circumstances, this was one of those "circumstances". It was awkward but I managed to part her pussy lips with the tip of my tongue and slowly dragged it across her clit, she moaned and I felt her thighs gripping my head. I have always loved Velma's taste but after having been deprived of it for so many months all I could compare it to was the "nectar of the gods". She was cumming on my mouth even before we left the airport proper. "God have I missed your mouth, you eat my pussy better than anyone I have ever known!" My dad was listening to us and he commented, "And you've known quite a few haven't you?" She laughed, "John, you know I have and a lot of times you've gone down on my cum filled cunt, haven't you?" Dad laughed and kept driving.Perhaps ten minutes later, my face and the seat under my step mom's ass soaked, dad announced we were pulling up to a toll booth. Mom grabbed a blanket from the car's floor and threw it over me covering herself from the waist down and me completely. She pulled her blouse together but did not button it thus exposing some of her tits. "Keep eating me, no matter what happens!" I had no idea what she meant by "...what happens..." but I was soon to find out. Dad pulled up to the toll booth, rolled his window down and handed the cashier money. Then mom put her hands over the blanket and pulled my head hard between her legs, "Oh god, I love what you are doing to me, don't stop, god do not stop!" The cashier heard her and even though he craned his neck out of the booth to see what was going on, the blanket prevented him from seeing me with my face between her legs. As the cashier looked, mom turned slightly to smile at him and let him see her tits. He handed dad his change and dad pulled away from the booth with both he and mom laughing. She uncovered me, looked at me and grinned, "He might have seen some of my titties but he got an earful didn't he?" I pushed myself up so I was sitting against the opposite door. "My neck is starting to get a cramp, I have got to have a break!" Velma grinned a wicked grin, "Sure honey, I'll give you a break!" She reached across the seat and began undoing my belt. Out of courtesy, I gave her a hand, unbuckling the belt, unbuttoning the button and pulling down my zipper. I lifted my hips off the seat and slid my pants down to me knees. Of course I was wearing boxer shorts and those quickly followed my pants. Velma reached out, wrapped her hand around my cock and slowly stroked it. "Just so you know, your brother can't make it home until next weekend, Marie is in Madison at a gymnastics meet and Anne is going to spend at least tonight with friends and maybe tomorrow as well. So, for a least today and tonight we have the house to ourselves!"With that she lowered her face and sucked my oozing cock into her mouth. She had this thing where she would grab my dick with her thumb and forefinger from one hand, cup my balls and knead them with her other hand and at the same time keep her lips locked on the head of my dick. The combination of sensations drove me up a wall and no matter how hard I tried not to cum, it was usually a matter of moments before my dick would erupt into her mouth. Given this particular set of circumstances – I hadn't emptied my balls in months – I knew I wasn't going to last. Velma hadn't been working on me for more than a couple of moments before I pressed her head down and told her I was going to cum. She kept her mouth tight over my cock as the first rope of cum shot out of my dick and was immediately followed by several more. Velma loved the taste of cum and she always made a point to swallow every bit of sperm she could get her lips around. Finally, I was drained, she sat up and immediately started the thumb and forefinger thing. "John, I think he is ready for you!" My dad laughed, "Alright, I'm gonna exit here and we can switch at the end of the ramp, traffic is not too bad!"Velma bustled a bit, getting her skirt pulled down and her tits tucked into her blouse. She even managed to get her hair straightened a bit.At the end of the ramp, Velma leaned across to me, kissed me and tugged one more time on my dick. She slid out, dad held the driver's door for her, she got in, he shut the door and then got in back with me. It was almost painfully obvious that he was hard – his cock was creating a real tent in his slacks. Velma stopped at the stop sign, turned onto the surface streets and I knew we had about twenty minutes before we got home. I grinned at my dad, "It's been a while hasn't it?" He nodded and smiled back as he undid his belt, button and zipper. Unlike me he wasn't wearing any underwear so his cock immediately sprang out from his body. He didn't have a huge dick, maybe seven inches or so, and it wasn't a fat cock, I could get my hand around with no trouble at all, but it always felt like it was stretching my mouth and my asshole to the max. I leaned forward, grasped the base of his dick and dropped my head down on him. He uttered a soft moan and I began to bob my head up and down all the while fondling his balls. I would lift my head until on the head of his dick was between my lips and then I would tease him with the tip of my tongue. When he wanted the teasing to stop he would push my head down his cock and I would resume sucking him. I guess it was the excitement of the moment or perhaps the relief I was giving him but I hadn't had his dick in my mouth but a couple of moments when he pushed me all the way down burying his dick in my throat, "Oh god, I'm gonna cum, oh shit, I'm cumming, yeah swallow it, oh damn, unhhhh!" I did not taste the first few shots of his cum since he was so deep in my throat but as I was able to pull my head up, and his dick continued to ooze cum, I tasted him and recalled how much I had always enjoyed it. I felt his dick stop quivering and I knew he was done cumming. I lifted my head, grinned at him as I licked my lips and swallowed, "I've missed that!" Dad smiled back, "Yeah me too!" We both worked at rearranging our clothes since we were getting so close to the house.I happened to be sitting behind Velma and once I was presentable, I reached over the seat and fondled her tits. She hated it when I did that to her, always said it made it hard for her to drive but she always laughed and giggled. I unbuttoned the first couple of buttons so I could pull on her nipples, "Since no one else is home, why don't you walk into the house like that?""You'd like that wouldn't you?" "You know I would, hell, I'd love to see you walk in the house naked as a jay bird!" "Well, I can't do that but I won't button my blouse so you can see my tits, how is that?" That was perfect and we pulled into the drive a few moments later. Dad got the keys from Velma and got my sea bag from the trunk. Having been raised with manners, I held the door for Velma, she slid over and dropped her legs out of the door and then pulled her blouse back so her tits were fully exposed. She smiled up at me, I took her hand, she stood and we walked into the house with her tits bobbing and bouncing as she walked.Once inside the house it was mere seconds before the three of us were nude and in bed but that will have to wait for another chapter. As always, feedback is welcomed!To be continued?
CHAPTER 4Devon followed instructions well and began with nipples and licked his old college friend well...ultimately from end to end. He hated the fishy smell of pussy but wanted those big dicks all for himself."Sissy boy, put on a condom and fuck Anjou." Boris had made up his mind that he would see just how far he could go in the humiliation of this bottom...just for fun. "I'm going to try and cure you of being a faggot tonight, OK sissy boy?" He taunted.Under Devon's ministrations Anjou had gone rigid and relaxed again but not with the intensity she had with the attention of the Russian Doctors. "Boris, he has a limp dick, how do you expect him to fuck me?" Anjou pointed out the flaw in the big Russians plan.None of this was lost on Yanik. "Oh, that's easily corrected. I will give this young gentleman a prostrate massage and he will comply with at least a semi hard on. But Anjou, would you please ride him cowgirl style because I want him to ream my ass while you fuck him" And with that Yanik opened another condom, lubed it with KY and began Devon's digital probe. Although his soft dick firmed it did not harden enough for Anjou to mount Devon so Boris picked a banana flavored condom, cover Devon's semi-pole and engulfed him in one swift movement. Yanik continued the digital 'examination' and Boris pumped a few pumps. Devon hardened quickly and to everyone's delight displayed a nice 6" boner as Boris fondled Devon's scrotum. Having experienced too many lost opportunities with her husband Mike, Anjou pushed Boris aside and quickly mounted the erect pole. As promised, Boris mounted Devon's face a barked "Lick my ass sissy boy." Yanik had removed his finger from the subject's posterior and with another condom readied himself to fuck Devon's now well lubed asshole. He spread Devon's legs apart and lifted them to give a better entry angle to his Russian missile."OK sissy boy, this is what you requested" Yanik warned as he thrust forward trying to sink his prick to the hilt in one shot. Anjou was pushed forward and she in turn pushed into Boris. Boris accommodated by removing his ass from the faggots face and instead feeding him 10 rigid inches of man meat. Yanik began to push harder and was half way in as Devon began to go limp inside Anjou. "He's losing his hard on" she complained.Boris wanted Devon to come inside his old friend so he politely requested of Anjou to "Please stay on him, he will cum soon." And sure enough within about 30 seconds Devon's limp dick spewed its load into its scum bag. Anjou dismounted. "Voila!' Yanik withdrew. Boris stopped choking the faggot with his monster dick and put on another rubber rain coat and moved into position between Devon's spread legs. Boris was more brutal then his younger brother and plunged his entire length into Devon forcibly on his first attempt. Boris was longer and slightly thicker then Yanik and tears began to pour from Devon's eyes. Anjou stroked her old friends forehead as his ass was savagely pounded by the 6'8" heavily muscled Russian with a thick 10" prick. "Will Anjou have to pay for her room this weekend?" Boris asked as he continued his assault without skipping a beat. Devon moved his head from side to side as he struggled to speak "no""And her room service?" Boris continued."Covered," came the reply in a weak voice. "Have we fulfilled your hearts desire sissy boy?" Boris wanted to know for sure he had humiliated and hurt his subject enough. "Oh, yeah," was Devon's quiet reply as he continued to silently cry with labored breathing. Boris increased his pace and it seemed his depth of penetration until all at once he removed his prick, quickly pulled off his condom and shot gobs of cum all over Devon's stomach, chest and as Boris moved forward over his subject he got the last load on Devon's face. Everyone calmed down and breathing returned to normal."Don't move," Boris instructed Devon. "Did you enjoy it?" "OH, YES!" with much more enthusiasm then when he was being savagely pounded."Did you enjoy sucking Anjou's nipples?" Boris was now going after his object lesson"Yes, they were more responsive then many men and I like the size and firmness.""Did you enjoy licking Anjou's pussy?" Boris pushing onward."No, not especially because I don't like the smell of pussy; but I did enjoy giving my old friend pleasure," Devon answered honestly."And finally, did you like fucking her?" Boris' last question... for right now."I don't know. You boys were all over me. I liked Cumming in a warm cunt, but I was limp by then so I can't compare it to when I'm hard. And since I'm a bottom, usually my dates come in me, I don't have a lot of experience Cumming in asses, cunts and mouths.""Maria from room service offered to return after her shift ends at 2AM to 'un-hum' clean things up. May we invite her to come here now? Its 1:45." A last request from Boris."Dial 2002" Anjou was closest to the phone so she dialed and handed the phone to Devon."It's me. Where's Maria? OK. Hi Maria, it's Devon. Maria, you are invited to come to room 1401 to 'um...clean things up.' I will sign you out for the night with some OT my dear. Oh, and this is just between us if that's OK."Maria was great. "Oh Mr. Devon, everyone knows you're a flaming fag, you don't have to hide anything, but I won't say anything anyway. I'll be right there!"Yanik was feeding Anjou her last supper for the night when the knock announced Maria's arrival. Boris let her in and Maria saw Devon sprawled and cum spattered, Anjou blowing Yanik and Boris hanging limp. "OK, I see I have a lot of cleaning to do here and I will get to all of it in due time. OK," turning to Boris, "is there any more of that left?" "Sorry Maria, I'm afraid not" Boris replied kindly. "OK," pointing at Anjou blowing Yanik "Shall I polish that knob?" Anjou cracked up as Yanik's dick slipped from her lips. "Yes, my dear, that knob needs some special attention and I would very much appreciate the help." Maria replaced Anjou on her knees in front of Yanik's prick. Maria being no stranger to cock sucking and deep-throating had Yanik spewing down her throat in no time flat. She swallowed every drop and carefully milked any remaining excess from Yanik's shrinking member. "OK, no one move I've got this all covered." As Maria went to the bathroom to get some towels Boris went to the nightstand and wrote down several phone numbers for both Yanik and Boris. Anjou nodded in recognition as she glanced over to see what he had done, and smiled up at him. "I will be calling," she said with certainty. Maria returned with some hot wet towels and dry ones too and after polishing Boris's limp knob, she washed and dried both Boris and Yanik. She then moved on to Devon as she was saving Anjou for last. Boris and Yanik dressed while watching Maria lick Boris' drying scum from Devon's stomach, chest and face. "That was mine" Boris bragged. Maria smiled and said "Thank You". The boys tenderly kissed Anjou good night and bid her farewell for now and quietly made their way out. Maria continued her cleaning and asked Devon if he wanted his knob polished. "Maria, after what those two did to me I don't think this thing will work for a while." Maria just smiled and sucked Devon from the base of his cock to the tip and then used the two towels to finish the job. She rolled him over and carefully washed out his ass. She had to make several trips to the bathroom to get wet washcloths. "You took them both?" Maria wanted to know. She answered her own question "Wow, those were two big boys!" Savoring the fellatio she had performed on the smaller of the two. Devon also bid Anjou good night with a sweet and tender kiss as Maria disappeared into the bathroom and turned on the shower.Anjou dozed off while Maria was showering, as the glow and excitement of being 'properly fucked' washed over her. Maria emerged naked from the bathroom and gently nudged Anjou. "I've drawn a bath for you my dear." Maria slipped and arm under Anjou's shoulders as Anjou began to arise and escorted her to the bubble bath. Anjou slid gracefully into the tub and Maria gently massaged Anjou's exposed parts as she soaked in the now warming tub. Maria rinsed and toweled Anjou off, brought her back to a turned down bed, turned off all the lights except for the bathroom night light. Anjou could hear the last of the water draining from the tub and smelled the freshness of the scented bubble bath and the clean, crisp sheets. Maria did not attempt to tuck Anjou in nor kiss her lips. Instead Maria began behind Anjou's ears and using her breath as much as her lips and tongue delighted Anjou's skin with subtle sensations she had never experienced and could only be provided by a woman. Her nipples were erect before being attended. Her breathing grew dense. Maria was licking Anjou from end to end with a tenderness Anjou had never experienced. Maria never used her fingers to penetrate over the next hour, yet Anjou had shattering orgasms, equal but different from those she experienced with her Russians just hours earlier.Ultimately Maria let herself out after leaving her number below the doctors on the same pad, hoping Anjou would call. Anjou had drifted off into a blissful sleep and did not awaken until noon.To be continued...
Master – Yes I can see you slut are you in your bedroomAmanda – Yes Master Master – You know how to start each session bitch – say the wordsAmanda - You are my master and I am your pathetic fuck slut masterMaster - Not good enough I am not convinced say it louderAmanda - YOU ARE MY MASTER AND I AM YOUR PATHETIC FUCK SLUT SIRMaster - Still not good enough what will you do slutAmanda - I will do whatever you tell me to masterMaster – Are are dressed like a slut for me. Describe what you are wearing Amanda - A dress I found in my daughters wardrobe master - I don't know where she got it from - it's well revealingMaster - That is the kind of dress I want you to wear when we talk; describe it in detail so that I can get a picture of what my worthless little slut has on Amanda - Yes master well it's black and backless - it comes down to the top of my thighs - and as Laura is taller than me she will look like a - well it is not right for someone her age - and the front - well you cannot wear a bra as it is just 2 strips of material that gape at the front and sides.Master - what about the panties and shoes slutAmanda - You told to use Laura's panties - heaven knows where she got these from they are so inappropriate - a red and black thong that barely covers my thingy.Master – do you mean your pussy?Amanda – Yes masterMaster – Well say it then slut – Say the panties barely cover my pussy, are you crying bitch?Amanda – Yes master, sorry master; I am so ashamed wearing these clothes they make me look like a whore masterMaster – Say the panties barely cover my pussy Amanda – The panties barely covers my....barely cover my pussy master, the panties are so small master you can see the side of my pussyMaster - What kind of shoes do you have on bitch?Amanda - The black stiletto sandals I wore for you yesterday masterMaster – Put the chair in front of the full length mirror sit down and spread your legs so that I can see your pussyAmanda - Do I have to master?Master – You know better than to question my instructions – use your hairbrush and slap your pussy bitch - do as you are told – stand in front of your lap top camera and slap your pussy so that I can see you are doing it.Amanda - I hit it with the brush master, it stings Master - Now sit down in a chair and spread your legs bitch – um yes nice panties; rub your finger along the front so that I can see your pussy lipsAmanda – Like this master?Master – Yes like that, do you have the box I sent?Amanda - Yes master Master - Open it and take out the contents one at a time I have numbered them start at 1 and describe them.Amanda - It’s full of disgusting things - Master - Slap your pussy with the brush; it is full of things whatAmanda - Disgusting things masterMaster – Take the first one out bitch Amanda - Item 1 master - it's a horrible leather collar with the word SLAVE at the front and a buckle at the backMaster - Put it on then take the box and go to Laura’s room as we will continue there and you will use all of the items in the boxAmanda - Into Laura's room - but what if she comes home masterMaster - Go to her room and lie on top of her bed, leave the door open - we will continue with the items in the box there - do it bitchAmanda - Yes master - I have the horrid red collar on and am taking the box to Laura's room - I will have to come back for the lap top masterMaster - Yes that is OKAmanda - I am on Laura's bed masterMaster - Good item 2 Amanda - 2 - It's a dog lead master - what is this for?Master - Attach it to your collar bitch - do itAmanda - That’s awful master - you are treating me like a dogMaster - Put the lead on nowAmanda - It's done masterMaster - Item 3Amanda - It's something in a box - the box reads "Spartacus Nipple Clamps and Clit Clamp with chain - What are they master - oh god they are not what I think are theyMaster - Yes open the box and put them on your nipples nowAmanda - But that will .... Will make me look like.... well - Yes master I will put them onMaster - It will make you look like a whatAmanda - A slut master - a cheap slutMaster - Pull your dress open so your clamped nipples are exposed do it Amanda - Yes master it's done - what do I do with the chain and clamp that is hanging down masterMaster - It clamps on to your pussyAmanda - Oh god no - not there - that's grossMaster - Do it and what are you clamping it on toAmanda - Oh god - not the love button - that will be so painfulMaster – It’s is not the love button anymore it is your pussy clit again say it againAmanda - Yes master my pussy clit; oh god is that my clitoris Master - Clamp it on bitch; clamp it real hard so that it hurts.Amanda - Yes master should I remove the panties or pull them to one sideMaster – Yes remove your panties for me bitch, but keep them on the bed - leave the dress and shoes on got itAmanda - Yes master - just slipping the panties off masterMaster - Next itemAmanda - Item 4 master is another box - with nothing written on the outsideMaster - Open itAmanda - No - you must be joking no way am I using thatMaster - Slap yourself hard on the pussy bitch; describe it and you did not say master try againAmanda - Sorry master I was so shocked - I have slapped my pussy - It’s - well it's an inflatable butt plug - and yes master I know where it goesMaster - Put it in your ass and inflate it - Do it now; is it inAmanda - But master there is no lubricant or anything hereMaster - Suck on it to lube it up and put it in your ass - your own spit is the lube, now do itAmanda - I have used my spit but it hurts when I push it against my opening master - it's making me cryMaster - Put it in bitch -and try again your opening say it again and say ass now try againAmanda - It hurts when I try to put it in my ass master - I am pushing it – oh god it's sliding in now masterMaster - Deep put it in deep then you use the pump to fully expand itAmanda - Yes master, how much should I expand it by?Master - Till it hurts bitchAmanda - Argg - yes it hurts master and it's wedged in place masterMaster - Next itemAmanda - 5 Master, no master please don’t make me use this master, it's a black dildo - but it's double ended and nearly 2 feet longMaster - Lay back and play with it on your pussy - Are you playing with your pussy?Master - Answer meAmanda - No master - I will do it now master - Master - Lay back play with your pussy with the dildo and moan for me do it nowMaster - Do not type just lay back a min and play with your pussyAmanda - Yes master - how should I play with myselfMaster - Use the dildo and rub it up and down on your pussy and push it in and out for me and moan for me. Lie back for a minute and fuck yourself with the dildo Amanda - Sorry master I thought I heard a car - but must have been mistakenMaster - Lie back and close your eyes and use that dildo on your pussy in and out do it and moan loud for meAmanda - Yes masterAmanda - OH SHIT - IT'S LAURA AND SHE'S COMMING UP STAIRS WITH SOMEONE - HELP ME MASTER - OH GOD.... No daring it’s not what it.... Oh fuckMaster – Laughing breaks connection
School was finally out for the summer. The sky was the limit for an imaginative thirteen year like me who just advanced from seventh grade.Movies, arcades, baseball, mischief, who knew what the summer had in store for me? I swore to myself this summer would top last summer.I'd already started some of my summer fun already in May. I'd already caught the openings of some great sci-fi/action movies which like any guy my age I was a fan of.I had posters for my favorite movies hanging on my bedroom walls and I'd lay back on my bed and imagine what it'd be like to have a real life adventure like in the movies. I knew I couldn't go into outer space like in some of those movies but that didn't stop me from having fun imagining it.It was a hot summer afternoon. I was out looking for my latest adventure. I wasn't sure where my friends were as I wondered the streets of my hometown.I decided to through the property for Niles North High School in my search.As I passed close to the side of the main building in a narrow alleyway a door burst open nearly braining me."Sorry," said a feminine voice which drew my attention away from the door and to the person who had threw it open.It was a High School-aged girl. She was about 5'8" I'd guess, a little shorter than me. She had short red hair and a pretty face, her eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses and her lips coated in red lipstick.She wore a large leather jacket despite the temperature, under it a tight white top that clung to her braless but evidently firm 38C breasts [Wow!]. A short black skirt and high black boots completed her ensemble."Hey," I said in awe dumbly.She looked vaguely familiar to me... I don't really pay attention to High School girls, especially since they have no use for a Junior High boy like me.But I'd swear I knew her from somewhere... But where?!"I'm Kath," She said quickly, eyeing me up and down briefly. I had on a Def Leppard concert t-shirt, denim cutoffs and my Nikes of course."Jimmy," was all I could muster, my face growing hot from her attention.Plus I felt my cock hardening in my cutoffs, partly because she had the air of a bad girl, every teen virgin's dream."Hey, do you have a cigarette I can bum off of you?" She suddenly asked.Swallowing hard, I shook my head."Do you know where I could score a cigarette?""Yeah," I said, finding my voice and seeing an opportunity to be alone with Kath in private. "My dad has a stash at home. He and mom are at work now."Kath smiled at me. "Wanna take me there?""Sure."We didn't say much as I led her back to my house. I wasn't sure what to say to an older girl anyhow.She did ask me stuff, like what school I went to ["Wow, only in Junior High? I thought you were older," She commented because of my height and physique, making my face grow hotter], did I play sports, small talk like that.We finally reached my house and I let Kath in through the back door.I offered her a Coke but she said no thanks. I guess she really just wanted that cigarette. All of a sudden one of my favorite songs popped into my head, "I Ran (So Far Away)" by The Flock Of Seagulls. I was struck by the line "I never thought I'd meet a girl like you", how fitting it was at this moment.I led Kath to my dad's study, where he did most of his smoking. He always had several cartons of Marlboros around.I found an open carton and pulled out the open pack he'd stuffed back in, handing the pack to Kath. She thanked me again.She tapped the bottom of the pack and a few cigarette heads popped out. Kath took one and slipped it between her red-lipsticked lips.She seemed to be waiting for me to light it. I grabbed the matches next to dad's ashtray and lit one, holding it up to the end of the cigarette.Kath leaned forward and she breathed in deeply as the tip began to glow. Then she took the cigarette out of her mouth to exhale the smoke."That hits the spot," She mused.When she had leaned forward to light her cigarette, Kath's top gaped a little and I could see the tops of her breasts spilling over her bra.She was still leaning over, and the wheels were turning in my brain. A light suddenly went off in my head."Hey, I thought you looked familiar! I just saw you play Niki in Spacehunter: Adventures In The Forbidden Zone. You're Molly Ringwald!"Molly/Kath took another puff on the cigarette. "You got me," She grinned as she exhaled again. "Kath is my middle name. Short for Kathleen. I use it I'm trying to go incognito."I could believe I was in the presence of a teen star. My initial boldness at realizing who she was left me and I was again at a loss for words.Fortunately Molly wasn't."We're shooting some scenes for my latest movie at that High School," She said. "I play a goodie-goodie girl. And I already know what movies they have in mind for me after that. More goodie-goodie girl rolls.Not that I'm a bad girl or something. It just makes me want to puke acting so pure like they want. I needed a break from the movie, I needed to get away and have a cigarette. It helps me relax. No one knows I smoke, it's one of my secret vices."Just one? I thought to myself.Molly smiled at me before taking another puff then exhaling. "You're so sweet to let me complain like this, no one every wants to listen to my problems, thanks.""No problem," I grinned.Molly put down the cigarette in dad's ashtray and kissed me on the lips.I was surprised and very turned on as well. I'd never been kissed by a girl before.Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around Molly and kissed her back. She moaned and slid one arm around me and one between us, cupping my hard cock.I slid my hands down to grab her small/medium-sized butt and kneaded it, making Molly groan louder.Finally Molly broke the kiss and looked at me. She bit her lower lip. Dropping to her knees, she began to undo my belt.Molly looked up at me. "One of my other vices," She winked.She unbuttoned and unzipped my cutoffs and tugged them down with my briefs."Mmmm... Very nice," Molly cooed, eyes twinkling.She slid her head forward and engulfed most of my cock. Molly moaned as she slid her mouth up and down my cock. At time I felt the head hit the back of her throat. I felt like "Screaming In The Night" with Krokus, though it was only midday.Molly's mouth slid up and down my cock faster, her lips vacuum tight on my shaft. I was moaning myself, my knees feeling weak. I had to hold put my hand on my dad's desk for support in case they did give out.Fortunately my cock gave out before my knees could. Not even ten minutes passed when a grunted and began to spurt in Molly's mouth before I knew it.It never occurred to me to warn her and I didn't know if girls swallowed. But Molly did. She drank down my jizz greedily, not losing a single drop as her mouth milked my balls dry.Molly finally slid her mouth off of my now half hard cock."Mmmm," Molly smiled up at me. "Cigarettes, cock and cum... All of my vices seem to be oral," She giggled.She rose and kissed me again. My hands slid up to her large breasts, kneading them as I had her butt.Molly hands went to my cock and stroked it at the same time. I was fully hard soon.She looked at me once more and bit her lip a lot longer this time. Finally Molly seemed to make up her mind."I - I've never had actual sex before..." She admitted."Me neither," I blurted.Molly smiled. "Do you want to?"I grinned like an idiot. "I'd love to," I nodded."Let's go to bed," Molly whispered.I led her up to my bedroom where she locked the door behind us. Then she began to undress, dropping her clothes on the floor. I followed Molly's lead.Her breasts were amazing. Her areolae were dark pink, her breasts high and firm-nippled engorged.Her pussy was obscured by red curls between her slim thighs.Molly came up to me again, taking my cock in her hand and stroking it as she kissed me.She led me to my bed, pushing me down on it, giggling. Molly straddled my, stroking my cock once more. She lowered her pussy down until it touched the head of my cock. She was wet already as she rubbed herself against my cock. Molly moaned and grew wetter.Finally she let my cock entered her and she let go of it. Biting her lip again, Molly shoved herself down on my cock, crying out. She began to see slide her pussy up and down my cock. I saw a little blood on my shaft but as Molly rode me her juices overwhelmed what little there was.Molly moaned loudly as she fucked me, my hands grabbing her hips loosely. Her breasts bounced around as her body pounded mine.Her moans increased even more and she began to groan loudly as well. "I-I'm cumming!" Molly hissed and began to scream.I felt her pussy clamped around my cock and spasm. It felt good to have made Molly orgasm.She ended up orgasming a lot as we fucked. She had us switch positions, first she wanted me on top then she had me take her from behind.I loved how my cock was able to sink into her deeper as I rammed Molly's pussy from behind.I didn't want it to end. But I finally spewed my jizz into Molly, my first time cumming in a pussy. It was so awesome. I seemed to cum and cum and cum endlessly as Molly whimpered under me.Spent, my cock slipped from her pussy and I dropped next to Molly, rolling onto my back.She cooed softly. "Thank you," She smiled, kissing me again as her hand rubbed my left nipple."So what did you do today, son?" My dad asked me that evening."I met a girl," I said, smiling while my face grew hot."Really? That's great," He said, clapping me on the back.I didn't bother telling him who it was. He'd never believe me anyway, chalking it up to my imagination.Then again, my dad didn't know Molly Kathleen Ringwald.Especially not the way I did.THE END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inany way, shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out anyof the scenarios in this story should seriously consider seeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Celebrity Parody Archive
Chapter 14Megan and I slept in the next morning. Both of us were tired from the trip and I needed some down time from work. We got moving around 10 in the morning. I sat down and read the paper and had my coffee as Megan had a fast bowl of cereal then a long, long shower.I was cleaning up the kitchen when a totally nude, and very clean Megan came walking out to help. She smelled of flowers and looked stunning in nothing at all. She reached up and gave me a kiss."I'll do this dad," she said, "You just relax." I watched my nude daughter as she cleaned up and then went to take a shower. The warm jets of water felt good on my back. I washed and took my time to dry off. Then nude as my daughter was, I walked out into the family room. Megan was watching TV and I sat down to finish reading the paper."Dad!" Megan yelled, causing me to jump."The time," she said. I looked over at the clock. It was almost noon. Kimi would be over soon and I had to get the car out of the garage."What time does she usually come over?" I asked Megan as I hurried down the hall to get some clothes on."Sometimes just after noon and sometimes later." she replied.I got my running clothes on and headed to the garage. I gave Megan a kiss on the lips as I got in the car."I'll have the blinds in the front room closed when Kim is here. They will be open if she isn't." Megan told me.Megan, still nude as the day she was born, was waving at me as I left. I backed the car out of the garage and headed down the street. I pulled into a shopping center just over a mile away, got out of the car and started my jog back home. I kept an eye out for Kimi as I ran. I didn't hurry as fast as I could but moved at a slow pace so I wouldn't miss anything. As I jogged past the gate guard, he looked at me quizzically and waved as I passed. I got close to the cul-de-sac and looked around. I couldn't see anyone. I walked along the sidewalk across from my home and slipped between two bushes and waited. I made sure I wasn't seen. I looked across to see the blinds still open. I wondered what Megan was doing and how long I would have to wait. It was already 12:30 and all was quiet on the western front. I sat back and relaxed, being careful not to get too close to the bare branches that were on the back of the bushes I was hiding in. I felt stupid to be honest. I could be here a long time, just doing nothing. That is what happened.It was well after 1:00 pm when I saw Kimi ride her bike up the little hill into the cul-de-sac. I held as still as I could, however she didn't even look to where I was hiding. I was happy she finally showed up as it was getting very warm. I watched as Kimi parked her bike and took off her back pack. She rang the doorbell and I could hear giggles as I saw my naked daughter open the door. They talked for a few moments then Kimi went back out to her bike. The garage door opened and Kimi put her bike inside, helped by my nude daughter. Seeing my daughter being so brazen excited me. She wasn't shy at all.The garage door closed and I again waited. The blinds in the front room closed and I imagined what was going on inside my house. I waited another 20 minutes before I moved from between the bushes. My heart was racing as I ran over to the side of my house and listened. I could hear Megan and Kimi talking. I wanted to look over the wall and see what they were doing but thought better of it. I went around the front of the house and slowly opened the front door. It felt good to be back inside a place that was air conditioned. I went over to the window and looked out toward the pool. Megan was nude but Kimi still had a bikini on. I watched both girls talk. Both of them were facing toward where I was watching. I reached down and gave my hardening cock a squeeze as watched the girls. Even though Kimi wasn't nude, she still looked good, however my eyes were still drawn toward the nude pussy of my daughter.I tore my eyes away and started stripping as I headed toward my room. I threw my clothes on the bed and kicked off my shoes and socks. I was now totally nude and ready to have a nice afternoon watching my nude daughter and her friend. I went back to the family room and looked out the French doors. I knew that I couldn't be seen from the outside.My cock hardened as I watched my nude daughter and her bikini clad friend chat away in the sun. The two girls laughed and talked for a while and then Megan stood up. She ran around the yard as Kimi watched her. She did a silly dance then returned to her place next to Kimi. They talked again then Kimi got up and walked over to the pool side table. Megan got up and walked over to her as she began to untie her top. I watched as Kimi took off her top and wadded it up and dropped it on the table. As she turned to talk to Megan, I could see her dark nipples. I had to let go of my cock as I didn't want to cum at all until the evening. Kimi talked and undid the two strings of her bikini bottom. She pulled her bottoms to the side and off and put them next to her bikini top. She gave Megan a pose and they both laughed. There they were, two nude 11 year olds. Even though Megan and I had been nude in the sun for the last little while, Kimi still had a darker tan than my daughter. The area that had been covered by the bikini was still a little lighter than the rest of her skin but not by much.My eyes caught Kimi's pussy slit. It was more pronounced than Megan's. I didn't get to study her pussy very long before Megan turned and took a running dive into the pool. Kimi turned to follow Megan, turning her cute tight ass toward me and then ran and dove into the pool too. I was stroking my cock again and had to let go so I would cum. I wanted to run out and jump in the pool with the girls but had to hold myself back.For the next half hour the two girls played and swam in the pool. Every once in a while one of them would get out of the pool and go to the diving board and jump in. This gave me some excitement as I got to see their nude bodies instead of just their heads as they bobbed on top of the water. Soon Megan got out of the water and lay on the warm concrete beside the pool. Megan looked over at the house, knowing I was there, and facing me, opened her legs and ran a finger across her clit. Kimi came out of the water and lay next to my daughter. Her legs, like Megan's faced toward me. I moved to another window to get a better view of Kimi's pussy. Kimi's legs were spread a little as I studied the area between her thighs. Her mons seemed to rise up higher than Megan's did and her slit seemed to be more open. The movement of her hand caught my eye as it moved up to her nipple. I watched as Kimi slowly rubbed her left nipple. I had never seen anything so erotic. I could see her little nipple extend as she rubbed it and pulled on it. Megan, had her arms over her eyes and was talking. I couldn't hear what she was saying but I was hoping they were talking about me. A few moments later, Kimi opened her legs a little more as her other hand moved over the top of her mons and started to move in small circles. I wanted to be closer. I wanted to run out and stick my cock up that open gash of hers. This was almost too much for me. I had to take my mind off what was going on.Kimi's legs opened further and in doing so nudged Megan's leg. Megan shifted and sat up. Kimi's hand stopped as I watched them talk. I saw Megan nod her head and watched as Kimi sat up a little too. Megan stood up and got a towel off one of the deck chairs and spread it out. Kimi moved over to the towel and propped herself up on her elbows. I watched as Megan nodded again and knelt down beside her friend. I could see them talking and then Megan apprehensively reached over and touch Kimi's pussy. Kimi put her hand over Megan's and moved it around. After Megan got the rhythm down, Kimi let her go on alone then laid back and started to rub her nipples. I had only dreams like this, I had never thought I would see it in real life. Kimi spread her legs wider as Megan continued to rub. Megan turned her head as the two girls talked. I was guessing that Megan was asking questions and Kimi was telling her what to do. I could see Kimi's legs start to tremble then go stiff. Megan stopped rubbing but held her hand on Kimi's pussy. Megan dropped her hand and I could hear the two girls laugh. Kimi sat up and bending her knees, spread her legs open. She reached down and pulled her pussy lips apart and then gave them a rub. Megan was looking at the house again, smiling.Both girls got up and jumped into the pool again. I looked at the clock. It was already 4 p.m. I had been watching these two nude sweeties for the better part of the afternoon and now I needed to get dressed and run back down to get my car. I tore myself away from the girls in the pool and went to my room. I was supposed to be at work so I put on some slacks, shirt, tie and loafers. Dressed, I took one last look at the pool as Kimi got out and walked around to the diving board and jumped off. My cock hadn't gone down and watching the nude girls wasn't going to make it deflate.I swiftly and quietly left my house and started walking to where my car was parked. The gate guard looked at me and waved as I passed. It took half an hour to get to the car. The afternoon sun was warm and the tie and tight collar were causing my neck to sweat. I had parked the car under the shade of a tree in the morning, but now it was in full sun. I opened the door and was greeted by a blast of hot air. I let the car run a while to cool down the interior.I arrived home and opened the garage to be greeted by Kimi's bike. I honked the horn and waited. A few minutes later the door flung open and a bikini clad Kimi, and a long t-shirt clad Megan came running into the garage to move the bike. As Kimi moved her bike to the side, Megan quickly pulled up her t-shirt showing me that she was nude underneath. Both of the girls hair was still wet so I imagined that I had come home while they were still in the pool. I watched as the two giggling girls entered the house as I parked the car."Who wants to go out for Pizza?" I yelled as I walked in the door."Me, me!" I heard both girls yell back."Hurry and clean up then." I yelled back.I saw Megan head toward my room and bathroom with a wad of clothing in her hands. A few seconds later a bikini clad Kimi came out and walked toward me."Where are you going to take us?" She politely asked."Is there any place you want to go?" I asked looking at her.Kimi's bikini was a dull pink. The top stretched tightly around her chest. I could see two small bumps protrude from the material as she stood in front of me. My eyes looked down at her tight stomach and trailed down lower to the camel toe between her legs."Any place is good with me." She said.With that, she turned and walked away. I watched her bikini clad ass move down the hall in into the Megan's bathroom. My pants were tented and I had to adjust myself. I went to my room and was met by my nude daughter."Did you see us dad?" She asked."Did I ever!" I said with a wink.I patted her bare ass as she went to her room to get dressed. I took a quick shower and got dressed in more relaxed clothing. I put on Megan's favorite cologne and stepped out of my room. Megan and Kimi were all ready to go.Chapter 15We went to a nearby Pizza place and waited in line to get seated. As we did so I watched my daughter and Kimi giggle and talk to each other about the most mundane of subject matter. After all they are only 11. We got seated and I ordered pizza and Cokes for all of us. I was hoping the caffeine the Coke would keep the kids going most of the night. We ate and laughed. A few times I caught Kimi looking at me but when I turned to look back at her she would divert her eyes. I thought it cute.It was dark by the time we got back to the house. Both girls ran to the TV and turned it on, surfing the stations until they found something they liked. I went in on the computer, checked my email and sent in the report on the Fresno project."Dad?" I heard Megan say."Yes Meg's" I answered back."Me and Kimi are kinda tired. Is it okay if we get ready for bed?" she asked."You can do what you want." I told her. That was met by giggles and two girls running down the hall to Megan's room. A few minutes later Megan and Kimi emerged in long t-shirts. Both girls had their long hair pulled back in a ponytail. Although the t-shirts were long, they still showed both girls tan legs up to mid-thigh."Do you two want some ice cream?" I asked."Not tonight dad." Megan said patting her stomach. "We're still full.""Okay." I said back to them. "What are you two going to do then?" I asked."We're kinda tired." Megan said as Kimi nodded. "We'll just go to bed I guess." Which brought some giggles out of them both."It's not even 9 yet." I said. "Are you sure?"Both girls nodded and ran back down the hall. I finished up my work and shut down the computer. I walked down the hall and knocked on Megan's door."Yeah?" I heard Megan say softly. I opened the door and stuck my head in. Both girls were on Megan's bed looking over at me."You two alright?" I asked. Both girls nodded."Well,..." I said, "It's been a long week so I might go take a di.." I caught myself "swim in the pool for a few minutes.""K dad." Megan said as Kimi's eyes widened and they both giggled."Night girls." I said as I closed the door and listened to the two girls giggle on the other side.I walked to my room and lay back on the bed. After the pizza I was full and was feeling tired. That was when my mind drifted back to the afternoon. The sight of Megan and Kimi both nude together chased my sleepiness away. I reached down and started to fondle my cock. In no time at all, it was up. I quickly undressed, got a towel out of the bathroom; wrapped it around my waist and headed out the door. I could hear the girls "Shushing" each other as I passed Megan's door. I opened the windows and turned off the lights in the back of the house but kept a few lights on in front.Once outside, I dropped my towel. It felt good to be nude outside again. The air was still warm as I stepped to the pool and got in. I swam a few laps, enjoying the feeling of the water around my nude body. Every once in a while I would stop and look over at the windows to see if I could see any silhouettes against the lights from the front of the house. I didn't have to wait long before I could see movement. I looked out of the corner of my eye as I went to the shallow end of the pool, not looking at the house. I could see the silhouettes of two little heads watching me from the family room. I listened as carefully as I could to catch any conversation between the girls. I could hear some whispering but that was all. I swam to the deep end of the pool and back then stood in the shallow end. I waited as my cock hardened, thinking of Kimi and my daughter, and then slowly walked to the stairs and out of the pool. As I exited the pool, I could hear a soft gasp and quiet giggling. My cock was erect and on display in the dim light. I turned so the girls could see me from the side, my cock jutting out in front of me. I wanted to be seen more clearly by the girls so I walked over to the edge of the garden and turned on the landscape lights. I even went and stood over one of the lights and stood there as it lit up my cock and balls. I stood there a few moments then went back in the pool. When I looked up again, I couldn't see the silhouettes anymore. I was hoping they were at a different window but I could see them.I swam a few more laps and rested on the side of the pool. I was hoping Megan would be doing some fast talking with her friend. I was about to call it a night when I heard the door open to the patio."Dad?" I head Megan asked. "Are you out here?"The lights on the patio turned on as a Megan and Kimi came out wrapped in beach towels."I'm here Meg's. " I said.Kimi was hiding behind Megan but her head was peeking around her left side."Can we come in with you?" Megan asked."I'm not sure you should." I lied."Why?" Megan asked."I don't have much on." I said which brought a giggle from Kimi."We don't either." Megan said as she opened her arms to show that she had on her bikini. I knew both of them had seen me in the nude and my cock was rock hard as I looked at them."If you want," I said, "It's up to you."This brought some giggles as both girls jumped in the pool. Both girls swam across from me and while staring at me, whispered to each other and giggled."Wanna play sharks?" Megan asked me. Sharks is a game that I use to play as a kid and when Megan got to be a good swimmer I introduced her and her friends to it. The person playing the shark has to guard the pool. Those outside the pool have to get from one side of the pool to the other and out before the shark touches them. If the shark touches them they too become a shark.In a large pool with a lot of kids it is fun. In the deep end you try and dive under the shark by diving off the side. It takes a while for the shark to surface dive, or if you are a fast swimmer you take your chances in the shallow end. The shark can't defend the whole pool but as people get tagged it gets harder to get across."Okay." I said. "I'm the shark."Both Megan and Kimi exited the pool and started to run to different places along the side. I moved to position myself to get at least one of them. Megan headed to the shallow end and jumped in as Kimi dove in the deep end. I caught Megan. Kimi was toast as she moved back and forth on the side of the pool."What's that?" Kimi cried out as both Megan and I looked to where she was pointing.Kimi dove in and across and got out before we could react. Kimi was laughing and so was Megan. Once more Kimi tried to make it across but was tagged. As Megan was tagged first she was now the shark. Kimi got out on the side of the pool and stood up. I was about to get out but hesitated."Come on Mr. A" Kimi said to me as she smiled."I had better not." I said to her."Why?" She said giggling."Go on dad." Megan piped in."I don't have anything on." I told her which she already knew."So." She said while giggling at me."Kimi I don't think I..." I said but was cut off with Kimi and Megan saying I was "chicken" in a mocking tone. My cock had gone down some as I was now apprehensive to let Kimi see me."You have to say please." I told Kimi."Okay...please." Kimi said as she giggled.I walked to the stairs and walked out of the pool. Kimi's eyes were as big as saucers as I walked toward her. She was staring at my cock which was now fully erect. The silence was almost deafening."See I told you." Megan said to Kimi as she swam over to the side. Kimi gave a quick look over at Megan, then back to my cock."You girls should try it." I said. "It feels nice to swim naked.""Okay." Megan said.Kimi looked over at Megan not quite believing what she had heard her best friend say."Come on Kim." Megan said as she threw her bikini top at my feet.A few seconds later, Megan threw her bottoms up at us. Kimi was breathing hard. I thought she may be going into shock. Kimi looked over at Megan then back at me. She jumped into the pool and swam over by Megan. I stood there and watched the two. I saw Kimi nod and smile then start to struggle in the water. She was giggling the whole time and as she stood up, she threw her bikini bottoms at me. A few seconds later her top was off floating in the water. I jumped in. Here I was, swimming nude with two nude 11 year old girls."Tag you're it." Megan said as she slapped my arm. Both girls screamed as I chased them. This was a chance for me to get a feel of Kimi. I went after her as she tried to get away. She turned toward me and was back peddling as my hand reached out and tagged her, my fingers sliding across her nipple. She and I froze for a minute."You're it." I said. Kimi looked at me then smiled."Hey." Megan called out. "I'm in the pool too."I turned to see Megan making her way over toward us. She stopped then retreated. I felt a hand slap my back as Kimi slid past me in the water. I was too slow to react. Both girls were now next to each other moving away from me."You're it Mr. A." Kimi said.I lunged at the two girls, diving toward them as fast as I could. I could hear them squeal even though I was under water. In the dim light of the pool I could make out two pair of legs, trying to get away from me. I got close but missed them and came up for air. I took a big breath and dove deep. I could see the girls trying to swim, kicking their legs away from where I was. When they were in the deepest part of the pool I dove under and grabbed one of Megan's and one of Kimi's legs, pulling them under the water. I used their buoyancy to pull me to the surface as they both sank deeper in the water. I surfaced and started treading water. A few seconds later both girls surfaced coughing and laughing."Dad." Megan said between coughs.I backed up to where my feet could touch the bottom of the pool."Did I get you wet?" I asked in a taunting tone.Kimi swam over and held on to the side of the pool."Times." Megan said as she swam toward me.Megan floated up to me and grabbed on to my arm."Dad," she said. "That was rude.""I'm sorry Meg's." I told her. " I guess I got carried away."Megan pulled herself closer to me and put her arms around my neck. She pulled her body in to mine and wrapped her legs around my waist."Will you walk me around the pool?" She asked. I told her I would. I reached down with my right hand and put it under her bare ass to steady her."Kimi too." Megan said softly in my ear."You want a ride too Kimi?" I asked.Kimi swam over to where I was standing and held on to my left arm. I started to walk, backing up toward the shallow end of the pool. Megan's foot dropped down and with her toes, started rubbing my cock. Kimi hung on to my arm as the water got shallower. I then stopped and headed toward the deep end. As my body sank lower in the water, Kimi pulled her body closer to my arm."Grab on to his neck." Megan said over to her friend.Kimi let go of my arm and locked her fingers around my neck. I could feel her body press against my arm. Her feet were lightly kicking to keep close. As the water got deeper I started to bounce off the bottom of the pool. Kimi kicked her legs, then wrapped them around my hip. I moved my arm out and pulled her body to mine. My hand instinctively went down and cupped Kimi's ass cheek, pulling her higher out of the water. Both girl's head were now even with mine. I smiled at each of them, feeling their nude bodies pressed next to mine. I could feel Kimi wrap he legs around my waist, over the top of one of Megan's. I slowly moved in the water, enjoying the feeling of the warmth of the two nude 11 year olds snug against me. With my right hand holding Megan's ass, I slid my middle finger along her crack to the opening of her pussy. She let out a quiet moan as I moved my finger back and forth , feeling the skin of her pussy lips. I felt Megan's foot stop playing with my cock as she bent her knee and retracted her foot.Kimi's bare ass was in my left hand and I thought maybe she would like the same thing. I moved my hand a little and Kimi pulled herself closer to me. As she did this her foot brushed my cock. I was still slowly moving around the pool and I knew both girls had no idea what I was doing to the other, or what Kimi was now doing with her foot. I felt the ball of her foot push down on my hard cock, then slide it along the side. I acted as if it was second nature, which at this time it was with Megan, and let Kimi pursue more with her foot. As she did so, I moved my middle finger in between her ass cheeks and touch her ass hole. She stiffened a little and pulled harder on my neck. I then moved my finger forward, feeling my daughter's best friend's pussy. I could feel Kimi's foot push down hard on my cock, forcing her up closer to my face."I" She whispered in my ear so softly that I almost couldn't hear it. After she said that, I slid my finger forward, feeling Kimi's clit and slowly rubbing it. With my right hand, I had two fingers up Megan's pussy, wiggling them back and forth. Megan had her eyes closed and her head tilted back a little. Kimi's head was resting on my shoulder, right next to my ear. I stopped walking and just let my hands feel the two girl's pussy flesh. It was silent in my back yard with just the gentle hum of faraway traffic breaking the silence."Dad?" Megan asked. "Can we go in?"Chapter 16I turned and started moving toward the shallow end of the pool. Once I got to where the girls could stand, I let them go. They dropped down in the water. Megan reached out and took my hand. Kimi seeing this did the same. Megan let go of my hand once out of the pool to grab my towel. She started wiping her body off as she walked over to where a shivering Kimi and I stood. Megan gave the towel to Kimi who would shiver once in a while. She had goose bumps and the towel helped as she dried off. Once dry she handed me the towel, staring at my hard cock but holding the towel out for me to take."You can touch it if you want." Megan said to her friend. Megan reached out and wrapped her fingers around my cock pulling on it a few times. I watched as Kimi reached out and did the same thing."It's cool huh?" Megan ask Kimi.Kimi nodded as I turned toward her a little. Her hand started to explore my cock and then my balls and the smooth, freshly shaved skin on my body. I could see Kimi's nipples extend as she played with my cock."Why don't we do this inside?" I asked. Both girls nodded.Megan took my hand but Kimi kept a hold of my cock. Megan pulled me toward the couch in the family room. Kimi, holding my cock followed my body. Kimi let go of my cock as I sat on the couch. Both girls stood in front of me, showing that they weren't shy about letting me see their naked bodies. Megan turned toward Kimi and whispered something to her that I didn't hear. Kimi smiled then started to giggle and nodded.Megan took my hand and placed it on her pussy. I could feel the warmth of her pussy as my fingers slid through her wet lips. She pushed her hips forward as I felt and rubbed her. Kimi watched as we played. I moved my hand from Megan's pussy and moved it up to her nipples. I rubbed her hardened nipple between my thumb and index finger. As I was doing this, Megan leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. We kissed for a few minutes while I kept feeling Megan's body. She broke off the kiss and stood up. She giggled and looked over at Kimi.Kimi reached down and took my hand and did the same thing that Megan had done. This time my hand explored Kimi's pussy. She squatted a little to give me better access. I ran my fingers along her pussy gash to her ass hole where I tried to get part of my finger inside. It was too tight so I brought it back to her pussy, sticking my middle finger up inside as far as it would go. I was expecting to feel her hymen but didn't. This was unexpected. With my other hand I reached up to feel her tits. Her nipples were small cones that had been darkened by the sun. She leaned forward and I tilted my head up as she kissed me. Her kiss was different that Megan's was. Megan's lips where a little fuller than Kimi's. Kimi's lips felt strong but soft as I kissed her. Kimi reached down as we kissed and felt my cock again. I had to gently move her hand away so that I wouldn't cum. When I did this, Kimi stopped kissing and stood up."Sorry," I softly told her. "I was about to cum."She looked at me then looked over at Megan."See I told you he kissed good." Megan said to her friend. Kimi nodded."I didn't think you really did it." Kimi exclaimed."We do lots more." Megan said to her friend giggling."No way! Kimi said excitedly."Way." Megan fired back.Megan moved over in front of me moving Kimi off to the side. Megan put one of her legs up on the couch and pulled her pussy lips open. I leaned forward and ran my tongue along her pussy slit. "Wa..." Is all that came out of Kimi's mouth.I felt like Megan was showing off a new toy to her friend. I took hold of Megan's ass and pulled her pussy closer to my mouth as I licked and sucked on her. She grabbed my head with her hands and started humping her hips back into my face as she ground her clit into me. She did this for almost a minute before she stopped and froze. She shook as she gave a few hip thrusts while I continued licking. She pushed my face back with her hands then bent over to kiss me on the lips."Watch this." She said as she turned to Kimi.Megan straddled my legs and took hold of my cock, aiming it to her wet cunt. She put it to her hole and let her body slowly fall. My cock went all the way in her. I heard a gasp from Kimi and looked at her and smiled. Megan kissed me on the lips again then leaned back so Kimi could see that my cock was fully inside my daughter. Megan gave a few hip thrusts then stopped. She started to thrust again. I was trying not to cum but couldn't hold off any longer. My hips thrust off the couch and I moaned as I felt my balls finally empty inside Megan. Megan held on as I bucked six or seven times, trying to get my cock deeper inside of her cunt. She gave me a kiss then rolled to the side as my cock exited her hole. Kimi was rubbing her pussy as Megan stood up."You wanna do it?" Megan asked."You really did it." Kimi said with some disbelief. Kimi smiled and nodded her head. My cock was deflating and my balls hurt a little. Kimi stood in front of me and pushed her hips out."Why don't you lie down on the couch." I told Kimi. I wasn't sure if I should do what I was about to do. Kimi laid back on the couch with her legs open. Megan went and got the towel we dried off with and put in on the floor next to the couch. "Look." Megan said as Kimi and I looked over to see her open her legs and tighten her tummy muscles. Her pussy hole opened up and a large dollop of cum exited her hole and made its way to the towel."See?" She said to Kimi.Kimi nodded as she watched Megan. I lowered my head and kissed Kimi's clit."Aahh!" Kimi said as her hips jumped a little."Are you okay with this?" I asked.Kimi nodded that she wanted it. I lowered my head again and started to explore Kimi's pussy with my tongue. The inside of her lips were like wet velvet. She moaned as I worked my tongue across her clit and down to her ass hole. Her ass hole had no smell to it at all. I put my tongue against it and tried to force it in. I could feel it give a little. I moved my tongue back up to her pussy and brought my finger to her ass. I pushed my index finger around her wet pussy and then started to push it in her ass. All the while I was licking her pussy, sticking my tongue inside as far as it would go. Kimi's pussy had a stronger flavor than Megan's did. It didn't smell strong at all but there was a little tang to what was exiting her cunt. With my other hand I reached up to rub Kimi's little tit mounds. I could hear her breathe hard and her body jerked as I kept eating her out."Uuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnn" Kimi called out as her legs wrapped around my head in a vise grip. Her hips thrust up to my face as she came, sending little spurts of urine into my mouth. My index finger had gone into Kimi's ass two knuckles deep when she came. I moved my finger around in her ass as I licked her bald pussy as fast as my tongue would move. She didn't go limp but did release my head from between her legs. I just kept eating her as she squirmed around on the couch.Megan had moved closer to me and was gently playing with my balls and now very hard cock. I tried to look up to see what Kimi was doing but she had her chest raised and her head back on the couch so I couldn't see her face from my vantage point. I kept licking and sucking her clit until once again her legs clasp my head as she came once more. Her hips left the couch as I inserted my thumb in her pussy while I sucked on her clit and wiggled my index finger in her ass. She would squeeze my head between her legs for a few seconds then release it for a second, then repeat it over and over again. I wasn't sure what was happening but she was moaning and squirming all over the couch. She did that for almost two minutes before her legs fell open. Curios, I raised up and looked at her. She looked at me and smiled. She sat up and leaned in to me and kissed me. I kissed her back, sticking my tongue in her mouth as far as it would go. She replied by licking my tongue as it invaded her. I pulled her to me and sat up, leaning back on the couch."Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked.Kimi nodded and chewing on her lower lip. "It feels so cool." Megan told her.Kimi raised up and straddled my legs. Megan aimed my cock as Kimi lowered herself down on my cock. I could feel her pussy open as my cock slid inside. She was tight, but she was also very wet. I could feel her pussy juice run down my cock and gather at the base of my cock. Megan moved her hand away and watched as her father's cock entered her best friend's pussy. Slowly Kimi sank all the way down until I was fully inside of her. She took a deep breath and rested her head against my shoulder."What's it feel like?" Megan asked Kimi."Like I'm so full." Kimi answered back."You like it?" Megan asked. Kimi nodded.Megan sat next to me on the couch as her friend got used to my cock being inside her. I wasn't sure but I thought I could feel Kimi's cervix spread open around the head of my cock. Damn she was tight. She didn't have a hymen but she was very tight. I could feel the walls of her pussy contract around my whole shaft. I reached up with my hands and started to play with Kimi's nipples. She backed her head off my shoulder and I leaned in to kiss her. She put her arms around my neck and started to kiss me. She had her tongue in my mouth she started to rock her hips.The feeling was out of this world. She moved back and forth then would go up and down. I looked over at Megan. She smiled at me as she watched us. Kimi kept kissing me and rocking her hips. I had just cum about 30 minutes ago and my balls hadn't built up too much cum. I just enjoyed it. Kimi was a real trooper. She would rock and thrust a little then stop and rest, kissing me the whole time. I could feel her pussy juice run down my balls as her cunt produced her sex lube.Kimi broke our kiss and looked down between us. She reached down to feel the base of my cock as it entered her pussy. She rocked her hips again and looked over at Megan."It feels so goooood." She said to her."It kinda hurt the first time dad did me." Megan told her. "But after that it was way good."Kimi giggled at that then went back to kissing me. I started to thrust against Kimi's rocking hips I moved one hand to her ass and pulled her hips closer to me as she rocked. Megan reach between us and started to rub Kimi's clit. That sent Kimi into motion. She started to flex her hips and thighs making my cock slide in and out of her body. I could see Megan's hand rubbing small circles on Kimi's clit. Kimi leaned back a little placing her hands on my shoulders. I slid my middle finger down Kimi's ass crack and forced it inside her ass hole. I then helped her move her hips up and down over my cock."Uuuunnnnnnnnnnn...Unnnnnnnnnnnn...Unnnnnnnnnn." Kimi moaned with her eyes closed.I could feel her body start to shiver as her rocking stopped."I love you!" Kimi yelled as she came.The thrashing of her body sent me over the edge. Just as Kimi was coming down from her orgasm, I started mine. My hips thrust up as I came inside of her. I could feel my cock explode inside Kimi. I grunted as I tried to get as much of my body inside Kimi's; my cock filling her cunt with my cum.Once I had finished cumming, I leaned back against the couch. An exhausted Kimi fell forward on me. With my cock still inside her, I rubbed her back and felt her long dark hair. She made little purring sounds as I caressed her. Megan just watched us. "How was it?" Megan asked Kimi."It was so much better than last ti..." Kimi's mouth closed as she hid her head in my shoulder."You did it before?" Megan asked. "When?"I could feel Kimi giggle against my shoulder."Come on Kimi." Megan started to plead. "Tell me."My cock started to exit Kimi's cunt as she shifted around. She slid off the side and sat down next to me. Her pussy was red and there was a little opening between her lips. She leaned over and rested her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her and pulled her close to my chest. My hand rested on her chest so I could rub her nipples as she and Megan talked."Pleeaaaaasssssssse, tell me." Megan begged."K." Kimi said as I stroked her tits. She reached over and touched my cock. I opened my legs wider so she could feel whatever she wanted. My cock was flaccid and still tingled as the girls talked."Last year." Kimi said."Who did it?" Megan asked.Kimi paused a few moments."Jimmy May." She told Megan."No way." Megan said."Why didn't you tell me?" Megan asked. Kimi didn't answer."Who's Jimmy May?" I asked."He was like the hottest 6th grader last year." Megan said."So an older man?" I asked jokingly."What did you do?" Megan asked"We kinda did some stuff." Kimi said back to her."Tell me." Megan said as Kimi blushed."We did it." Kimi said."But how?" Megan asked."You know Jimmy's sister Brooke?" Kimi asked. Megan nodded her head."She's a year younger than us" Megan looked over and told me."She told me Jimmy liked me." Kimi said."For real?" Meagan asked."I thought so." Kimi went on. "Anyway Brooke invited over to her house to do some school stuff.""Then what?" Megan asked."We did some posters but Jimmy kept coming in and talking to us." Kimi said."Brooke kept smiling at me when Jimmy came in.""Did you flirt with him?" Megan asked."Duh." Kimi said then laughed. "His eyes are so blue.""What happened next? Megan asked."Their mom came in and said she was going to the store and asked if we wanted to go." She said."Brooke said she didn't want to go and neither did Jimmy.""Then what?" Megan asked."She left and Brooke asked if she wanted to play a game with her and Jimmy." Kimi went on."Jimmy came in the room and Brooke said we wanted to go play on the pool table." She said."You played pool?" Megan asked."No." Kimi said. "I'll get to it." And went on."We got to the pool table and Jimmy was like lookin' at me and I just melted. He was so hot lookin'.""Then what?" Megan broke in."Brook said they liked to play doctor together." Kimi said."No way!" Megan said."Way." Kimi said. "So I asked what they did. Brooke said that one would be the doctor and the other would be the patient.""Then what?" Megan said as she leaned in closer to make sure she could hear everything."Brook said that she'd be the patient first and started to take off her clothes." Kimi said."Everything?" Megan asked."Everything." She said."What was Jimmy doing?" Megan asked."Watching her and telling her to get on the table." Kimi said."What did you do?" Megan asked."I was embarrassing but I couldn't look away." Kimi said. "Anyway, Brooke got up on the pool table and Jimmy walked over and started to touch her like the doctor does.""Like what?" Megan asked."She told her to open her mouth and say 'awe.' Then had her cough, then felt her back. Then he touched her nipples and then told her to open her legs so he could see inside." "Did she?" Megan asked."Yes." Kimi said giggling."Then what?" Megan asked."He put his finger inside her...well you know, and moved it around inside her." Kimi said."She just let him?" Megan asked."He did it for like 5 minutes." Kimi said laughing a little."What happened next?" I asked."Brook got off the table and was now the doctor." Kimi said."Did she get dressed?" Megan asked."She put her undies back on is all." Kimi said."Then what?" Megan asked."Brooke told Jimmy to get undressed and get on the table." Kimi went on. "He took off everything and got on the table.""Did he have a boner?" Megan asked."Yes." Kimi said with a giggle. "It was cute." She said with a laugh."What did Brooke do?" Megan asked."She told Jimmy to lay down on his back." Kimi said."How did Jimmy look naked?" Megan asked."Totally good." Kimi said. "Brooke didn't do the stuff he did to her, she just started to play with his boner.""What did you do?" I asked."I wanted to feel it too." Kimi said. "I think Brooke could see it in my eyes so she goes 'Doctor Kim I think you need to check this out.""OMG!" Megan said, "Did you?""Yes." Kimi said with a giggle. " I put my hand on it and all over his balls and stuff and Brooke helped me.""What was Jimmy doing?" I asked."He was watching us do it?" Kimi said. With that I could feel my cock stir."What happened next?" Megan asked."Brooke let go and said it was my turn." Kimi said. Jimmy got off the pool table and I got on.""Naked?" Megan asked."No." Kimi said. " I had my shirt and undies on.""Then what? Megan asked."Jimmy started to play doctor again. He had me open my mouth and looked in it and felt behind my ears." Kimi said."Was he still naked?" Megan asked?"He was naked and still had a boner." Kimi said as she giggled."What next?" I asked."Jimmy said it would be nice if I would take off my shirt, so I did." Kimi said. "Then he got real close to my face and kissed me.""Wow." Megan said."He kissed me and I kissed him back. He started to run his hands all over my body and put his hands in my panties.""How did that feel?" Megan asked as if I hadn't ever touched her down there."It felt so hot." Kimi said. "I kicked them off and he put his finger in me and we kept kissing.""What was his sister doing?" I asked."She was watching I think." Kimi said. "So we kissed and then he got up on the pool table and stopped kissing me. He put my hand on his boner and he played with me down there." Kimi said with a giggle."Then what?" Megan asked."He kinda got over me and pushed his boner in me?" Kimi said."What was his sister doing?" I asked."She got next to the table and watched him do me." Kimi said."Did it hurt?" Megan asked."Not too much." Kimi paused then went on. "It stung a little at first kinda like when you take off a band aide real fast but after that it just felt warm and good. He kept asking if it felt good.""Oh, that's nice he did that." Megan said."He like was humping me and humping me and then he shot his stuff inside me and humped me a few more times then got up and ran into his room." Kimi said."That was it?" I asked."Yup." Kimi said."What did you do?" Megan asked."Brooke told me he did that sometimes." Kimi said."Was she dressed yet?" I asked."No." Kimi said. "She was still in her undies but had her hand in them and they looked wet in the middle.""Did they ever fuck each other?" I asked."I think they did it lots." Kimi said. "Brooke kinda was hopin' he would do her while I watched.""That's weird." Megan said. "What did you do next?""Their mom came home so we got dressed as fast as we could. She almost caught us. My pants weren't all the way up when she came to see what we were doing. I don't think she saw anything but I was freaked." Kimi said as she moved my now hard cock back and forth."Did you ever do it again?" Megan asked."No." Kimi said with some disappointment in her voice. "I finished the posters with Brooke and that was all. I talked to her a few times to see if I could play at her house again but she never wanted to. And Jimmy never even looked at me again. Then they moved away." Kimi said twisting her face and looking at me."You were 10 when he fucked you and he was 12?" I asked.Kimi nodded and smiled. "But I liked the way you did it better."The story of Kimi's first fuck and having two nude 11 year olds playing with my cock got to me. My cock was up again and I could see both the girls had got that little glint in their eye.***To be continued after a break as I post other stories. Comments to :*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 73
My wife is two years younger than I am. We dated for 3 years before we got married (she was 18 at that time). Although no one would know it, she had a dynamite figure. However, she was self-conscious of it. She always wore clothing that detracted from her true self. I had seen her in a skimpy bathing suit, so I knew what the "real" her looked like. She was 5ft. 7in. Tall, had a 34DD chest, 25 inch waist, and 30 inch hips. She was a natural red head, light complexion, and several freckles on her face.All the time we were dating, I kept trying to get her to wear clothing that would complement her figure, but she resisted, saying that her figure was not the real me. I kept disagreeing with her, and even her mom and dad agreed with me.After we were married, I stepped up my assault on her dress styles. We were married about a year, and one day as she was getting out of the shower, I happened to have a camera in my hand. I snapped several quick shots of her, before she realized what I was doing. When she did, she got red in the face and asked me what I was going to do with them. I said that I was going to post them on the internet, with her face obscured, and then let her took at the comments that they generated. She said you cannot do that, people will know it is me. I answered that no one except me would ever seen her body, so they wouldn't be able to identify her. She was more than a little upset with me.*That evening, her parents were over for supper. After we had eaten, she asked her parents what they thought of a man who would show naked pictures of his wife on the internet, against her wishes? Her dad said it would depend on why he was doing it. And her mom said, "If you can be identified, it shouldn't be do it, however, if you can't be identified, I see no harm in it."My wife Tracy said, "Then you think it's all right for Evan (me) to post pictures of me nude?"Her dad, said, "Can we see the pictures, then we could better judge if they are appropriate?"Before Tracy could say anything, I went into the bedroom and got the pictures and gave them to her dad. He looked carefully at each one, then handed them to his wife. She looked at them very carefully and handed them back to me. Her dad then said, "If you obscure the face, I see no problem." Her mom said that she agreed. Tracy was getting a little red in the face again. When her mom reached into her purse and handed a small envelope to her.There were about 10 pictures of her mom, all in different poses, without a stitch of clothing. After Tracy looked at them, she handed them to me. After looking at them, I said, "You have a good figure now, but back then you had a terrific one."She said thank you. Looking at Tracy, she said, "I was shocked when I first saw these. Your dad took them candidly, and until they came back from the photo shop, I had no idea that they were taken. I was upset, until your dad said that the people at the photo lab had obscured my face and submitted them to an art magazine. "Now I knew that other people knew what I looked like, and even knew who I was. It took me a day or two to realize that all women have breasts, an ass, and a pussy. The only difference was how they looked. Since then I have carried these with me, and have shown them to people over the years. I get a kick out of seeing how I looked back then, and that people are aware I am a real woman."I said, "I want to post them, so that she can read the comments, and maybe get over being so shy about her looks. I would also like to see her dress to show off her figure, instead of hiding it."Her mom then said to her daughter, "My advice to you, is to start trying to please Evan. He is not going to hurt you, and then it will be easier for you to ask him to do things that you want."Tracy looked at me and said, "Is that true?"I replied, "Give and take are always the best way to work a relationship. You know that I would never try to hurt you, but I am trying to get you to realize that you are something special, and you should let people know it."*Later that evening, I was showing Tracy a web site that featured amateur pictures, and encouraged comments from those looking at the pictures. All the pictures we looked at, had not obscured the faces, but rather showed the whole face in most of the pictures. For the most part all the pictures were tastefully done, and not phonographic. I looked at Tracy and asked, "Are you still against the idea?"She answered no, and since no one else is obscuring the faces we should not either. I ask are you sure? And she said, go ahead and put them on the site.The first picture I selected, was a half profile. I selected this one first, as it would not only show her tits, but her face, and her curves on her right side. I uploaded the picture, and started getting the next one ready. A pop up came up and said that I had a message. We looked at the message, it said, 'beautiful woman that you married, can you tell us her measurements?'I had Tracy read the message, and she said, "Tell them 34DD, 35, 30."I did that and before I could get back to the second picture, another message came in, it said, 'please post more of this fantastic looking woman.' I turned and looked at Tracy and said, "So what do you think?"She said, "Go ahead, put them all up tonight, I love the comments."I put a message out to hold comments for a short time, as I had more pictures to post. I posted 9 more, and then posted a message that, that was all of the pictures for tonight. Within seconds there were several more comments. I told Tracy to read them, and to answer them herself. I counseled her not to give our names, address, or even the state where we lived. For the next hour, she was kept busy with several people wanting to know more about her, not only men, but women as well. I then told her to tell whomever she was conversing with that she had to go. Otherwise she'd be there all night.*The next night when I came home from work, Tracy was just wearing panties and a bra. She knew it would make me hard instantly, which it did. She gave me a drink, sat me down in my easy chair, and then sat on my lap. After I had had a couple of sips of my drink, she said, "I am ready."I answered, "Then you will have to get up so I can open my fly."She smiled and said, "Not for that, at least not yet.""Then what are you talking about?"She said, "I'm ready for you to transform the cocoon into a butterfly, where do we start?"I said, "We'll start slowly, nothing drastic at first. The first change, is that you will no longer wear pants, jeans or any other item like them. You will only wear dresses and skirts and blouses. That will start you looking more feminine. In a few days or weeks, we will do more."She kissed me and said, "All right, now we can go upstairs to take care of your hard-on."I replied, "Why not right here?"She said that the carpet would be hard on her skin, so we went upstairs.*A couple of weeks later, she told me that the cashier at the supermarket had asked her what she was doing differently, that she looked much nicer than she usually did. She said that her husband had asked her to quit wearing jeans, t-shirt and it turns out that she felt more alive when she dressed up.I said, "It's time to go a little further, I want you to take all you skirts and dresses, if you can alter them to be no longer than half way between your knees and your pussy. If you can't alter them and make them look good, buy new ones that will meet those guidelines. This is to start tomorrow, so you might want to spend this evening, seeing and altering some of them. "Another thing, when you buy new items, make them colorful, and not drab like most of your clothing has been. Along with this NO more pantyhose, you'll wear nylons, and a garter belt. Okay?"She replied yes dear, and started looking at her skirts.Tracy found a couple that she thought could work with, and pined them up to where I had told her I wanted them. She put one on and asked me how it looked. I said, "Put on your garter belt and nylons, so I can judge better."Once she had them on, I looked again, took out my tape measure and measured from her pussy to the top of her knees. I told her that she needed to take off another inch more. The other skirt could not be shortened that much, but she had one she could wear to the store. I told her that the new ones could not be longer that this one, shorter was all right, but not longer.Her lower half was starting to look petty sexy, but we still had some work to do to show off her tits. *The next day I had off, I took her to a Fredrick's of Hollywood store. I had them get a bra for her that held up her tits and pushed them up, but left the nipples free. Then I got one and had it modified so that the nipples would stick through the bra, and press against her blouse, again, pushing her tits up. The third one we bought was similar to the first one, but it did not have shoulder straps.On the way home Tracy said, "I don't have blouses to wear with these bra's." I told her to just wear them under her current blouses, until we could get the right ones. "This way you can get use to wearing them before hand." She was not sure about that, but said she would do it because I wanted her to.*On our next trip, we bought a bunch of blouses. Some she could not wear a bra with. One in particular was the same color as her hair, but was totally see through. It would press her tits against her chest, and her nipples would push out and stretch the fabric, leaving them covered, but very visible. If her nipples got hard, the extra pressure would make them stand out so that anyone could see them.We also got her a blouse that buttoned down the front, and had a very wide V neck line. We also got her a pair of 4-inch heels. I told her that these were for dancing, and that seemed to placate her, as she loved to dance. As a child she had take modern dance and ballet classes. Once we got home, I told her that from now on, she would not wear panties, ever again.This upset her, and she said plaintively, "But everyone will be able to see my ass and pussy that way."I replied, "What difference does that make, how many people have seen them online already?""That's different!" she said defiantly."How so?" I asked. "All they're seeing is a picture.""Is it a picture of you?""You know it is," she replied."If the picture is of you nude, then they are seeing you nude. Picture v/real time makes no difference. It I still you," I assured her. I told her that her parents had invited us to go to the country club dance on Saturday evening. "I want you to wear the red blouse that we bought, a matching skirt, garter belt and nylons, along with the new 4 inch heels.""I wondered when you were going to make me wear this stuff in public," she replied. "Now I know.""We will pick up your parents, and we'll see what they think. If they veto the outfit, then we'll come home and you to change. Is that fare enough?" She got a big grin on her face and said yes. I knew that she felt that her mom would veto the outfit, but I didn't think that she would, and I felt that her dad would love it.*Saturday evening we got ready to go to the dance, Tracy put on the outfit that I wanted her to. She looked so fantastic, it was hard for me get my breath. I told her that she had never looked better, and I was tempted to call and cancel. Of course she would not hear of it. She was sure that she would be changing clothes before we went to the dance.Earlier in the week I'd called and told her parents exactly what she would be wearing, so they made a big fuss over her about how fabulous she looked, which she did. I could see in her face that she was disappointed that her mom approved of the attire. Her dad had her mom ride up front with me, and he sat with Tracy and kept teasing her, and it helped loosen her up.When we got to the CC. She was an instant hit. By the time we walked to our table, half of the men and women in the place were waiting in line to greet us. The men of course, were mesmerized by her beauty, and seeing her nipples and breasts through the material. Many of the ladies asked her where they could get similar outfits, and if she would advise them on just what to get.I danced the first dance with her, but I'm not much of a dancer. I would rather sit and watch her. Her dad got the second dance and there seemed to be no end of the line of men waiting to dance with her.When the band was taking a break, we were talking and Tracy said, "I am having a great time, I wonder why at the high school dances, very few wanted to dance with me."Her dad said, "Honey, that is because of the way you dressed. Guys don't want to dance with a bunch of clothing, they want to feel the girl in their arms."Tracy said, "Mom, why didn't you and dad tell me this before?"Her mom said, "We did honey, but you thought you knew more than we did."I spoke up, "There was one good thing that came out of the way you dressed then.""What Tracy?" I asked."I was able to talk to you, or we wouldn't be here tonight if you had. I would never have been able to get near you."She leaned over and kissed me, "Maybe I was just waiting for you." Then she said, "When the band comes back, dance with me again. I know you don't think you can dance, but I love dancing with you.""If you want me to step on your toes again, I will," I smiled.Her dad said, "Tracy, have you ever thought of dancing for money?""What? I am not good enough for the stage," she replied. "It depends on which stage you're talking about," he replied. "When we leave here, let's go a dance place where a lot of money can be made. You do have the talent to be one of the best."Her mom looked at him, "You're not thinking of..." But he shut her up and with a look.When the band came back, I danced with her again. It was very apparent to everyone that she didn't have any panties on. Her skirt would whorl up to her waist sometimes, as she danced. Then her dad took over again, and I went back and sat with her mom. I asked her about what her dad had said. She replied, "We go to a strip joint about once a month."I looked at her, wide-eyed, and she responded, "We both like to see the girls dance. We have talked to some of them and in tips alone some of them are making as much as $300 a night. It is a nice club. The girls are looked after and if anyone gets too out of hand, they're removed. "You mightn't approve, I don't know, but she could use her ability to tap dance, and ballet dancing to a great advantage. Also, tonight we're going to get there before the amateurs start. We are going to suggest that Tracy try to win. The winner gets to work at the club, and a $500 prize. We think she can do it. Will you support us?"I said, "I won't force her to do it, but I'll encourage her to try."Again as before, there were a lot of men wanting to dance with Tracy. My guess is the oldest was about 70, and the youngest must have been about 12. She danced with them all and a I could tell she was having a fantastic time.When her parents said it was time, I went on the dance floor and told Tracy that we were going to have to leave. She asked why, and I said, "Because your parents want to." I turned to the line of guys and said, "Sorry guys, but we must leave." Tracy turned to them and said, "Thanks guys, I've had a great time. Thanks to all of you for dancing with me."As we were walking to the car, Tracy asked why we were leaving, and her dad said there was another dance place he wanted her to see. She asked where it was, but her dad put her off with, "It's not far from here Honey. It's a place with a different type of dancing, which your mom and I enjoy watching. I think that Evan will enjoy it too.""Where is this place?" she asked again. "I didn't know there was a dance hall in town.""It's not a dance hall," he said, "it is an entertainment palace." "You're not talking about the strip joint are you?""Yes," he said. "There are some very good dancers there, even your mom likes to go now and then."Tracy looked at her mom and asked, "Mom, is he kidding?""No Honey," she said, "I do enjoy watching the dancers too, and I think that you are better than most of them.""I don't want to go there," Tracy said. Her mom said, "Have you ever been there?""No." Tracy replied."Then don't make up your mind without knowing the facts. This is a high class establishment, and all the bad things you're thinking about don't happen there. Your dad and I have been coming there about once a month for several years. We've never seen anything that anyone should be ashamed of."Tracy turned to me and asked, "What do you think? Have you ever been there before?" I said, "No I have not, but I have been to strip joints in the past. As to going to this one, I trust your mom and dad, and I think you should too.""All right," she capitulated, "I'll go, but what am I going to see besides a bunch of women taking their clothing off?""You're going to see a bunch of well choreographed dance routines. Most of them are pretty good, and I suggest that you pay attention to that, as well as watch the girls," I replied, "it is your dad and mom's thought that you might enter the amateur contest and see how good you are at making up a dance routine on the fly."From what I've seen you do tonight at the CC, I think you could do very well.""You want me to strip for all these people?"I said, "It is entirely up to you, but keep an open mind for a while and watch some of them and see if it is something that you might want to do."When we entered, we were shown to a table very close to the stage. Tracy's dad and I went to the bar to get drinks. At the bar he called the bartender over by name and asked how much longer before the entries into the talent contest closed? The bartender told us that we had forty five minutes. Tracy's dad said, "I might have a contestant for you, but I won't know for a little while."The bartender gave us a paper, and said to have it filled out and back to him in forty five minutes, if our contestant wanted to enter. We took the form and our drinks back to the table.I gave the form to Tracy and said, "Fill this out, but do not sign it unless you want to compete. Watch some of the girls before making a decision. If you want to dance, then sign it and we have to have it back to the bartender in less than 45 minutes."She asked me what the prize was if she won.I said, "You'll win $500 and a week of work as a dancer here. According to your parents, the dancers here make up to $300 a night in tips. If you want to do this, I'll support you all the way, if you want to pass on it, then I'll respect you wishes, as long as you watch and make a judgment based on what you see, and not what you've heard."After watching three of the girls dance, I saw Tracy sign the form. I looked at her and she smiled at me and said, "Let's give it a try.""You are sure?" I asked."I love to dance, and this would work out great for me."I took the form to the bartender, and he said to have her at that door (he pointed to it) in 28 minutes. "You will have to stay out here, because of the other women back stage getting ready. We'll supply her with a costume. Good luck to her."At the table, I said, "In 27 minutes you have to be at that door. They will supply you with a costume and give you all the information you need. You will be the last on stage, unless someone else suddenly decides to enter. They put them on stage in the order that they signed up."We watched a couple of more dancers, and some ladies were gathering at the door for the contestants, so Tracy got up and went over to stand with them. There appeared to be five women. The door opened and the ladies went through, then the door closed. It would now be about half an hour before they started. Meanwhile, the regular dancers were still working their magic. Some of the dancers who were not performing, were serving drinks, walking around topless with just a g-string or a pair of panties on. I could see quite a bit of money shoved in to the top of their panties, or hanging over their g strings.Later, the first contestant came out, she was not very good, but she tried. She took off her skirt, then her blouse. When it came time for the bra to come off, she almost fell down. Then she just danced until the last few seconds of her time before she took off her panties. She got a nice round of polite applause.The second contestant was much better, right up until the end, when she took off her panties, she got tangled up in them and fell to the floor.The third contestant had obviously practiced her routine. It went without a hitch and she got a lot of enthusiastic applause.The forth contestant was doing well until she took off her bra. She forgot to pull it loose from her tits, and it just hung from them and flapped as she danced. It finally fell off when she bent over to take off her panties. Again she just received a polite applause.Now it was Tracy's turn. She came out tap dancing, looking like a sexy Shirley Temple. Right away she teasingly took it off, while still tap dancing. Next she removed her skirt, still tap dancing and turning this way and that. At this point the music changed and she started making ballet moves. Tracy went over to the pole, and grabbed it with one hand and spun herself around. As she was spinning, she removed her bra. Now her big beautiful tits were bouncing and swinging in time to the music. She let loose of the pole and made a few leaps and her tits were bouncing like a couple of luscious basketballs. Then as her time was running out she went into a toe spin and as she went faster and faster, she ripped off the g-string. As the music ended, she stopped and was facing the audience with her legs spread apart in a splits. Where we were setting, I could see her pink pussy lips stretched open wide. The crowd went wild. We knew that she had won, it was just a matter of the formality of the vote.The contestants were brought back out in the same order. They would dance out to the edge of the stage, and applause was called for. The first four pretty much just walked in time to the music, and stopped at the edge of the stage. When Tracy came back out, she tap danced to the edge of the stage, and her tits were bouncing like balloons tied to a car door. When she got to the edge of the stage, she made a leapt in the air and came down in another split, and again her pussy was wide open for all to see. The crowd went wild again. She was called back to the center of the stage where the mike was located, and presented with a check for $500, and told that she won a week's worth of employment.Back stage the other girls asked Tracy if she had done any stripping before, she said no but she'd studied tap dancing and ballet as a child. One of the girls said, "I am thinking about taking your clothing and destroying them, so you'll have to leave nude."Tracy replied, "After being nude in front of all those people, do you really think that it would bother me to go home nude? Besides my mom, dad and husband are in the front row tonight. I had no idea when we came here that they wanted me to perform."The girl then threw her clothes at her and said, "It looks like someone took your panties."Tracy laughed and said, "No, I never wear them. I haven't worn panties for 3-months."After she was dressed, she told the girls that we had come from the Country Club Dance that evening and this is what she had worn at the dance, and nothing more.As we were leaving, the bartender told us, "Lady, if you can be here at noon tomorrow, we'll discuss the week's work."Tracy said, "My husband and I will be here, at noon."*Noon on Sunday, Tracy and I opened the door to the club. Inside people were busy cleaning it up for the evenings business. We saw the bar tender and walked over to him. He smiled and said, "I am glad you could make it. I know that we promised you a week's work if you won the contest last night. However instead of that, we would like to offer you a regular job here. You would be dancing, and waiting tables. We're willing to pay you $500 a night, for 3 nights a week, plus you get to keep all of your tips. All of our girls work three nights a week, and they only get 90% of the tips."I asked, "Why would you be willing to pay my wife the extra 10%?"He replied, "It's more than that, our regular girls only make $400 a night. We are willing to pay that if your wife come up with more routines like that one last night. She'll will be our headliner. Then he turned to Tracy and said, "Your three days would be Saturday, Monday and Wednesday. These are our three biggest nights. There is one other thing, there are private rooms in back. The only thing that goes on there are lap dances. In the room will be a patron, a dancer, and a security guard within easy hearing. "The patrons are not allowed to touch the dancers, and the dancers should refrain from any contact with the patron except for sitting on their lap for the dance. If a dancer says to the patron must stop nor do that twice, otherwise the patron will be escorted out, and the dancer will still be paid. Lap dances pay $20 for a 5 minute dance.I looked at Tracy and said, "That's is your decision. If you want to do it, it's all right with me, and your parents. My only concern is your safety, and it sounds like that has been taken care of."Tracy looked at the bartender and said, "When do you want me to start, and how many routines should I have per night?""We will have you start 2 weeks from last night. That should give you enough time to get the routines ready. You'll need at least 3 routines a night, and you will be dancing 12 times a night. Lap dances can be the same every time, and no one knows how many will be called for each night."*Tracy has been dancing for about 6 months now. She told me that if it hadn't been for me forcing her to change her clothing style, she would never have had this opportunity.Oh, by the way, she is now pregnant, but she plans to dance right up to the 8th month. She make more money than I do now, but we're both very happy.END?Comments and suggestions are always welcome:
Stephanie watched anxiously as I took Tyler's cock into my mouth. It had barely started to grow, and even erect, was only 3 inches or so in length. It was smooth and hairless and hard as a little twig on my tongue. Tyler was kneeling naked on the bed. I nodded to Stef and she slowly crawled around him and kneeled behind him as well."Bend forward a little, honey," Stef said to Tyler as she pulled out the large bottle of lube that she kept for when I used her own ass.Tyler, enjoying my mouth around his prick immensely, did as he was asked and I looked up to see his eyes widen. Stef had obviously found his bottom with a greased finger. She knew he had to be loosened up a some before I fucked him, or I might tear him apart. Stephanie slowly worked her finger in and out of his ass, pushing his little penis further into my mouth.I sucked it greedily, tonguing the tip and massaging his little balls with my fingers. Tyler whimpered and grabbed the back of my head."That's it, my little cunt," I whispered around his cock, "Cum for daddy. Show daddy that you can cum like a big boy." Then to Stephanie, "Finger him good, slut. Get him ready to take my cock."She replied, "Yes sir." Then she turned to Tyler, "C'mon baby, time to feel good again." She started moving her finger faster, massaging his immature, but still sensitive prostate. Tyler groaned and stiffened. I sucked his little cock and balls into my mouth while pinching his thighs. He was able to stop it no longer.His body shivered in the throes of his orgasm. My tongue was at the tip of his little cock, but nothing came out. He was still way too young to be producing any sperm. It disappointed me a little, and I took it out on the tip of his cock. It was very sensitive after his cum, but I kept at it with my tongue, and nibbling with my teeth. He arched his back whining, "Please stop, that hurts." I smiled and sucked it all the more.***My dick had been hard for hours. Ever since Tyler's mom had dropped him off with Stef, and she had called me to tell me what a cute little cock he had. Tyler's mom had barely closed the door before Stef had his pants and Spiderman Underoos around his ankles. She told me, he had seemed a bit confused, standing just inside the door, clothes puddled around his ankles and his soft pee-pee being tickled by his new babysitter. "Now baby, just sit still for a minute while Miss Stephanie licks that little thing a bit."Before she had bent over, she pulled off the shorts she had been wearing; the panties too as a matter of fact. She then took him by the hand and led him to the sofa, his little dick wiggling as he walked.She lifted him up on the arm of the couch, bent down to take his tiny organ in her mouth, and Tyler wasn't about to complain as she sucked him into the first orgasm of his very young life.***His small prick started to soften in my mouth and he was wincing in real discomfort. Stephanie had obviously inserted her second finger and began stretching him out in earnest. She would run her fingers down his cute bottom and squirt a bit more lube, then push the lube into his tight ass with two fingers. Tyler was not enjoying this, but it needed to be done, otherwise my cock would tear him, and that would hurt far worse then this "minor" discomfort.I let his little dick fall from my mouth as Stef bent him further over a pillow, and forced his legs open as far as they would go. He had actually started to cry a bit, and from where I was lying, I could see his little asshole becoming red, rather then the soft pink it had started at. Stephanie picked up her smallest glass dildo and looked at me, begging for permission. I nodded again. She greased it up, and shoved it roughly into his ass without giving him any warning whatsoever.His first reaction of course was to cry out. I held his arms as Stephanie firmly and quickly raped his ass with the little dildo. It was a sight to see. Her fingers crawling in her own cunt, and her other hand fucking this little boy like she was enjoying seeing him cry out.I leaned down to Tyler and whispered in his ear, "Just ask mommy to stop fucking you in the ass, and she will." He looked at me confused, crying, and biting his lip."I said to ask mommy to quit fucking you and she'll take it out of your ass right now, I promise." "Say, Mommy please stop fucking me!"By now, Stef was working up quite a sweat. I could see the cream dripping from her pussy, and watched her grind her pussy on her own fingers. I heard a small voice say "Mommy.. um...please stop... uh... fucking me." He could barely speak as she drove the little glass cock into him over and over.***We weren't worried about Tyler telling anyone. He was staying with us for the weekend, and we had already started to "convince" him that it was in his best interest to keep his little mouth shut. (Unless my cock was in it, of course.)After Stephanie had sucked him off on the couch, she had turned him around, telling him "Now Tyler, what happens in this house is a secret and you aren't supposed to tell anyone, ok?"He hadn't looked like he'd really understood how important this was, so Stef had to show him that she meant business."This is what happens to little boys who tell stories they shouldn't tell."Stef picked him up under his arms and placed him over her lap, his naked ass sticking out in the air in front of her. He wasn't really sure what was going to happen to him, as she started running her fingernails across his behind, making small, but not painful, little scratch marks across it.The first lick of the belt caught Tyler totally by surprise and he started struggling to cover his ass and get away from the long leather strap biting into his ass. Stephanie had him pinned quite expertly though. He wasn't able to so much as cover his bottom, and his butt had started to develop pink welts.She stopped for a moment and could hear him sobbing. "Now Tyler, who are you going to tell about our little fun here this weekend?""Nobody! Nobody! I promise!" Tyler cried out.Stephanie was convinced, but she decided to reinforce this very important issue. She pinched his little ass cheeks hard. He squealed like a baby and Stef leaned down and whispered into his ear "That's right. Because if you do, this will get much, much worse," and grabbed his tiny balls, squeezing them until his squeals turned into sobs of, "I promise, I promise."***Stephanie continued to work the clear dildo in and out of his ass, until I said "Mommy, our little boy asked you to stop." She looked at me and said "Yes Daddy," and eased the fake cock gently out of his pucker. A pucker which now was gaping just a little, but still tight enough that I was going to enjoy the feel of it around my cock.After catching her breath, she continued, "Will you fuck him now, then?"I nodded, and as Tyler lay on the bed quietly crying, Stephanie crawled to me on her hands and knees to get my cock ready as well. She lubed up my dick, getting it nice and slick. I reached back and shoved my fingers into her hairless, dripping pussy. My fingers moved from her pussy to her ass and back; she took my balls in her mouth even as she continued to work the lube over my shaft. Tyler was momentarily forgotten. As my fingers pistoned in and out of her ass, my thumb found her clit. This made shudder in a quick, short orgasm; though not her first of the night. Her hands had been at her pussy ever since Tyler had arrived.Finally my dick was ready. Stephanie lifted Tyler to his knees and held him firmly over her lap to prevent him moving away. I pushed her head down towards his bottom, and she tongued his little asshole to re-wet it to be ready for my entry. Her free hand had wrapped itself around his waist and grasped his dick between her fingers. She brought his tiny erection back to life, pointing straight down.I enjoyed seeing her push her tongue up his ass, and Tyler enjoyed it as well. His prick was hard again, and he was fucking against her fingers. It looked like he was ready to cum again, so I pulled Stef's head up by the back of her hair away from his reddening hole and positioned my cockhead against Tyler's little pink pucker.Stephanie pushed his face into the pillow, and I pushed my cock forward. Hard.His shouts and cries were muffled by the big down pillow as my cockhead stretched the ring of his anus out. His tears of pain were soaked up as I broke the cherry of his little boy pussy. He was so tight, I knew I couldn't last long, but I was determined that I would fit my entire cock up his ass before I came.I could feel Stephanie jerking his little stiff cock even as she held him whimpering in place. I felt his asshole engulf my cock tightly and stretch at the same time. I pushed into him fully, and felt his body vibrate with the yells that he made. It made my cock vibrate as well and I nearly emptied my cum immediately up his ass. "Jesus, you have such a tight little cunt, boy," I said.His muffled sobs were lost in the big pillows. They were mixed with small cries when he felt my dick push all the way in. I pistoned in and out of him for only a few minutes. I was going to cum soon. His tight ass was milking it right out of me.I heard Stephanie say, "Do it now. Cum in him. Please daddy, he needs your cum in him."That pushed me over the edge. I slammed into him harder and faster. He was howling and bucking, but this only made it even better. I pushed full into him one last time and was overcome. I groaned with the feel of my orgasm, and filled Tyler's bottom full of my cum. His anus was now slick and greasy with the feel of it.I didn't soften soon and slowly pumped in and out of him. This would make it easier for the next time. My cock eventually became flaccid and popped out of his butt. The anal ring remained stretched open and dripping cum. It was almost enough to make me hard again immediately.Looking over, I could tell Stephanie was unfulfilled, but We would have to give Tyler a few minutes to recover before he could start licking her pussy, fucking her with his little cock, or doing whatever dirty thing she decided to have him do. From the hungry look in her eyes, I could tell she was going to get creative.So we rested, Tyler still crying, and waited for the next session to start. Stephanie would have him too.To be continued? (If I receive any requests for it. I also welcome opinions and even flames if you feel the need.)*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 57
When mom and dad bought this house and we moved in, my sister Holly and me got our own bedrooms for the first time in our lives, but I do have to say it bummed me out at first, because when he had to share a room I would pretend to be a sleep but surreptitiously watch my sister undress. Soon after we moved into the new house I noticed a small bit of light coming from the closet in my bedroom and checked it out. It was a small hole in the plywood between my side and my sister's side and there were no doors on closets so all I had to do was sit in my closet the watch my sister comb her blond hair out in the nude. Or watch while she sat on the edge of her bed with her legs spread wide apart playing with her pussy. It was like she knew someone was watching and she enjoyed putting on a show. There was no way she could know I was watching, but all I know is my poor cock was getting sore from all the jacking off I was doing watching her.Then one night right after dinner, mom got a call from my uncle saying his wife, my mom's sister, had gone into labor and could she watch their little ones for them. Of course my mom said she would be right there. My sister being 15 and me being 13, there was no problem leaving us along for a night because technically old enough to take care of ourselves.So there we were, home alone without parental supervision. About 7:30 Holly said she was going to take a shower and for me to get my homework done. As I didn't have much homework to do, I was finish by the time she got out of the shower. She came out in a short robe she has, it only ends about 6 inches below her ass. When she walked up to me, I could almost see her sweet pussy, that same pussy I'd spied on when she would diddle herself. I instantly started to get a hard-on, just watching her walk toward me. Holly asked if I'd done my homework and I replied that I didn't have much to do, so yes I was done. Then she said that I should take a shower. I asked what's with all the showers are we going to have company or something? And she said no but that mom told her to make sure we both had a shower before going to bed. I argued that I'd take one before I went to bed, but it was too early to shower right now. Then she made me perk up when she said that if I had my shower now, we could watch one dad's porno DVDs that were hidden in his dresser. All I can say is the floor almost caught fire because I ran so fast into the bathroom to take that shower. I knew something was afoot, but couldn't imagine what it was. Why would my sexy sister want to watch a porno with me?When I came out of the bathroom in only my jockey shorts, I was half hard, already just with the thought of watching a porno with my sister, with her almost nude, and me close to being that way too. Holly put the disc in and after about 5 minutes of sitting next to each other, with her robe so close to showing me her shaved pussy, almost seeing all of one nicely shaped tit, I was so hard I had to put a pillow over my dick so she wouldn't see my condition. I was sure that she would say something to make me feel like a dumb kid. Anyway I noticed she was moving her hand up and down her legs and even making little moans. When the guy on the screen went down on some Asian girl, my sister put her hand on my leg saying, "I wish someone would do that to me," looking over at me, into my eyes, with a look I had never seen before. Ok, I may be young, but I am not dumb. I quickly got down on the floor and moved between Holly's legs and put one hand on each leg at the knee and moved them up her legs. I could feel her shudder as I got closer to her pussy and when I was at her slit she grabbed my head, pulling me to her very wet pussy, saying, "Eat me bro! EAT my pussy make me cum before I go nuts."I was shocked, but I was so turned on being in the position I was in, I didn't even think for a moment how wrong this was. I started to wish mom had left us along before this, the fun we could have been having all along. I started licking her the way I saw the guy on the screen do, but Holly wanted me to lick the top part of her pussy slit and as I did that she started yelling, "Lick harder!" squirming around on the couch.I could feel a little nub expand under my tongue and I got the idea that's what she wanted me to concentrate on, so I went to town on it. I could feel her body shudder and squirm like she was having a fit. She gripped my hair so hard my scalp was starting two hurt, but I just went on eating my sister to orgasm after orgasm. After she must of cum over and over for some time, she pushed me back saying she was getting to sore down there for anymore of that right now. Then she said something that I didn't really know what she was talking about, "That now it was my turn." I didn't understand until I turned around and saw that a chick had that same guy's cock all the way down her throat and she had her tongue out trying to lick his balls as well. I looked at Holly and said, "You mean that?" S just smiled and nodded. So I sat on the edge of the couch like Holly had done and she got down between my legs and kissed her way up to my balls when said I should get rid of my jockeys and I lifted my hips and she pulled them off, throwing them in my face, and went back to kissing and licking my balls. I knew now why she had been squirming, the way she had felt, this was great, the best feeling ever. My sister moved up and started kissing and licking my cock and I thought I was going to go out of my mind. Then she took the tip in her mouth and started sucking on it and moving her tongue around the head and that's when I grabbed her head and forced all of my cock into her mouth and down her throat. She pushed against my legs with her hands, gagging, so I let her up and she pulled off me and looked me in the eyes, saying she wasn't ready to do that yet. She had tears in her eyes and running down her face. I told her I was sorry that I didn't know because I'd seen the chick on screen doing just that and started to get up. Holly took hold oh my cock and asked me where I was going. I said that I didn't think she would want to do anymore with an asshole like me. She said to get my ass back on the couch because she wasn't finished with me yet. So I sat back down an she went back to work on my cock, making me feel like I was in heaven with her mouth. I told her that if she didn't stop I was going to shoot off in her mouth. She looked up at me pulling my cock out of her mouth and gave it a few kisses on the tip and said, "Well then, let's go to my bedroom."The Bedroom! The Bedroom? What did she mean... the bedroom.As I got into her bed, next to her, I turned to her and she push me down on my back and took off her robe and climb on top of me saying, that I would have to tell her when I was about to cum so she could get off me. because she didn't want to have my baby, not just yet anyway. She then moved up and grabbed my cock and placed it against her love-slit and pushed down with my cock going all the way into her slick dripping hole.Ok her mouth had felt like heaven, but now her pussy was something... I just don't have the words to say. All I knew was that I was in love my sister and I wanted her more with every stoke of her love. I was almost ready to cum and Holly was cumming and moaning when mom opened the door to my sister's bedroom and started yelling at us to stop."Don't you dare cum in your sister you little pervert! Get off him you fucking slut!" Holly got up off me and I could see her cum running down her legs as did mom too. Mom ran over to me, slapping me for cumming in my sister. How could I do such a thing? She demanded. Then she turned to Holly and was about to slap her, when Holly said defiantly. "It's ok for you to marry your first cousin, after you got knocked up by your brother!"Mom stopped in her tracks."Mom I know that Uncle Billy is my dad and not the cousin you married. So my brother here is my half brother, but Billy is your full brother."And with that mom broke out in to tears, asking how she had found out, and long had she known? Holly said she had asked Lara's mom's sister, and she's been told the whole sorted story. "So mom, don't act like you're such a virtuous parent, because you're not. If I want to fuck my brother I'm going to and you're not going to stop me. Besides he's pretty damn good in bed. Maybe you should give him a try, with daddy being on the road 8-weeks at a time. He could fill in when you get horny and I hear you playing with yourself most nights."Mom just stood there with her mouth hanging open and she looked at holly then at me or maybe I should say my cock. Then she asked Holly, "How long has this been going on. Has your brother ever cum in you before this Holly?"Holly told her this was our first time, but that I had been peeping on her for years. With that my mouth hit the floor because I didn't know she knew I had been watching her.Mom looked back at me and asked, "Why do you still have a hard-on?I told her cause I hadn't cum yet. Mom then asked Holly if she was on the pill and Holly said no. Mom then walked back over to me and said that a hard-on shouldn't be wasted and got on her knees and started to suck my cock even with Holly's cum all over it. I was in total shock I never thought of mom that way before, or even imagined that she would be giving me blow job. That's when Holly started to laugh, saying that she didn't think I would be jacking off anymore, not with two horny women in the house to keep me happy. That's when mom took all of my 5-1/2 inches into her mouth and her tongue lapping my balls at the same time. Holly moved over to watch. Soon, very soon, I told mom that I was about to cum and that made mom suck even harder. In a moment or two I shot my first spurt into me mouth and soon emptied my full load down her throat, amazed that she swallowed it all, seeming to savor the taste.As soon as she finished off she got up and grabbed Holly by the arm and kissed her with my cum still in her mouth. Holly's eyes went wide as she tasted my cum from her from mom's mouth. Then Mom pulled back, saying, "Okay, not a word to anyone, not even your dad. If you keep this to yourselves we can have a lot of fun the three of us. But tomorrow we put Holly on the pill, and no more fucking between you too until she's protected. If you need sex, either one of you, come see me and I'll take care of it. Understand?"We understood her just fine. My cock was standing proud again as both women looked at it, contemplating what our future might be like from now on.Things happen!*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 84
She lives right next door to us, Crazy does. Aw, I guess it ain't fair to call her that, but she has been living alone there since her mom and dad died; both of 'em got killed riding their Harley Davidson "Hog" one Saturday afternoon almost 11 years ago and she has been aloof and acting sort of funny ever since. At least, everyone in the neighborhood thinks she acts funny. Adults, think that, but most of the kids in the neighborhood think she is just another grown up kid and sort of cool.When she sees us kids playin' in our tree house in our backyard, she comes out and yells such stuff as "are ya' havin' fun?", or "I wish I could come up and play with ya" and stuff like that, but it always happens that my mom or my dad or Charlie's dad or mom hears this and come out an yell at 'er and she goes in and, of course, acts kinda strange after that. I'm only barely past my 15th birthday, but what the adults seem to think is strange, to me, is bein' a little hurt and a great big lot scared of her surroundings. Scared of adults, anyway.Maybe I should start from where I remember and fill in with what I heard and learned from what my folks and Charlies' folks talk about when the subject of Crazy Needles comes up. So, bear with me and I'll do my best to fill you in and make the story sort of unified.First of all, her first name ain't Crazy. Nah, that was tacked onto her by some of the adults in the area. It may have even been my mom or my dad; I don't know, but it sure has stuck. Her real first name is Mary and her second given name is Alice. I think that is kinda neat; Mary Alice. Her real name ain't Needles, neither. It happens to be Kneedles; Mary Alice Kneedles. But like knife, the "K" don't sound and most everybody that don't know her think it's spelled Needles. Mary Alice is about 10 or 11 years older n' me. The Kneedles family moved in to that house a couple of years before my family moved in and she used to baby sit for me.When I was real little and my family used to go out on occasion to play cards she was right next door and my family liked her mom and dad and the deal was made. When the folks, mine, went out Mary Alice baby sat and I stayed at her house overnight.I guess I was about 4 when they got killed and Mary must have been about 13 or 14 somewhere in there. Now I'm 15 so she has to be 24 or 25 and livin' all by herself. She don't hafta work or anything, because her dad and mom had made out a will or somethin' like that and all the folks around the area seem to think they left her pretty well off. I know, fer sure, she don't go out to buy groceries, 'cause a friend of mine bags at "Toffie's Meat Market" and he says she calls on the phone, gives her order and they deliver it right now. Other than that, she don't seem to have much contact with the outside world, preferrin' to sit on the front porch and talk to her big German shepherd dog. She talks to 'im too, all the time and this, ah course, don't make her look like sh e is 50 feet tall in the smarts department. But, talkin' to yer dog ain't no sin as far as I can see and as long as he don't talk back I don't see any problem.Anyway, about five or six days ago, my mom and dad, decided to go to the County Fair and Charlie and I didn't wanna go, because Charlie had got hold of a whole box of these little dirty books that have names like "Popeye Sucks Olive" or somethin' like that. Beins as I ain't never seen one of 'em, I wasn't about to go to no County Fair and smell horse and cow shit all day. So, I said no, I'd rather stay home.We wus both inna tree house, smokin' forbidden cigarettes and goin' through these books, fuck books is what they was, and I noticed some activity over in Mary Alice's bedroom widow. Now, normally, the window shade would be alla way down, but I had seen her tryin' to fix it yesterday when it got stuck and she gave up, finally, and left it just like it was; open about a foot or so.I gave up readin' the "little books" because what I was seein' was real life and not no cartoonists idea of what guys do to girls. I didn't let Charlie know and pretended to go on readin' and sayin' stuff like, "Man is his dick long" or "Ain't he puttin' it in deep" and stuff like that; just to keep Charlie off guard. All the while, though, I was lookin' over the top of my book and watchin' what was goin' on in Mary Alice's bedroom.What had attracted my attention first of all was Mary Alice with nothin' on. I couldn't see all of her, but the bottom half was naked, definitely naked and as she moved around within the framework of the window I saw her pussy hairs and her nice ass and stuff like that. This was bettern' any fuck books; you can bet on that. What I saw her do was put a little bowl of liquid stuff on a table near the bed and then go out for a second. When she came back in, though, she had her dog Rex with her. Then she lay down on the bed and spread her legs and spread this liquid on her pussy, whatever the liquid was. Immediate, like, the dog comes up and sniffs her twat real good and throws a lick or two into it. When this happens Mary spreads more stuff on her cunt and the dog goes after her like crazy, lickin' her muff and all the way down her asshole. Up and down up and down. When it is all licked of, apparently, she smears more on, but this time putting lots of it deep inside her pussy and asshole with her finger. Wow! Ol Rex really went hog wild on this, diggin' his tongue in both places as far as it would go and, boy, he had one long tongue. After several minutes of this carryin' on, Mary gets off the bed and smears some more in her asshole and cunt and gets down on the floor on all fours and reaches around and grabs hold of Rex's pecker and gives it a couple of squeezes or rubs or somethin'. I couldn't quite see, but she did somethin' to cause his old donger to shoot out, long and red and bendy. It wasn't even straight. Sudden like, though, he started to lick her in both places again, deep, cause you could see his tongue disappear in her twat or asshole and then , bingo, he reared up on his hind legs and in a flash buried his pecker in her cunt. Then the fun began. He was givin' her what for and shovin' so hard he was nearly knockin' her on her face, bu t she stuck it out wigglin' her ass from side to side and back and forth. I'd seen dogs fuck before, but never a dog with a girl and it had me so hard my pants stuck out a foot. About this time old Charlie says, "Look at me". He had his big pecker out and was playin' with it. The book got him so hot he wanted to jackoff. But his suggestion was, "These fellows spit on the end of their dicks and shoved 'em in their buddies asshole. Wanna try it?" No, I didn't, but the pictures he was showin' me sure looked good. I din't want him to interrupt what I was lookin' at, but didn't dare tell him, either, and when I looked back it was all over. The dog and Mary were no longer visible. Shit, Charlie made me miss the best part. So, sort of angry at him for that and wantin' to get even, I said, "Okay, I'll do it if I can do it to you first. Okay?" He said, "Sure, man, then I get to fuck your asshole, right?" "Right," I said.The guys in the book were naked, so Charlie and I got naked. He bent over, then, and I greased my dong with saliva and tried to corn-hole him. No dice. He was too tight. Then I saw the can of 3 in 1 oil on the shelf and said I would try that. Charlie agreed and shot a stream of oil on my cock. That really made it slicky and man did it go in. Charlie was shocked and started to moan that it hurt somethin' fierce. I pushed further and further in and before I could say, boo, I shot my wad in ole Charlie and pulled out.I leaned over our one and only easy chair, Charlie greased his old ganger with 3 in 1 and shot it home. Jesus Christ that did hurt, but once inside it felt kinda good. He lasted longer than I did and while he was pumpin' away, I got a hard on and started jackin' off. Just about the time he came, I came and that was it. We both looked at each other and grinned and said almost together, "Hey, buddy, ya' know what? You're a fag." And with that we rolled around on the tree house floor roarin' with laughter.Pulling on my coveralls, the kind with a bib [that's all I wore in the summer], and puttin' my shoes back on, I said, "I gotta go pee." I didn't intend goin' to pee unless it was Alice's house. Cause that's where I was headed. Not wantin' Charlie to see me, nor any of the neighbors, I dropped down behind our garage, went behind Mary's garage and slunk along the garden wall until I was within dashin' distance of her back door. I had plans and I wanted to find out what was goin' on.When I knocked the damn dog raised a real fuss. I guess very few had ever done that before and it was a strange noise to him. For awhile, I didn't think Mary would answer and was about to turn around and do the escape route, when the door opened and there stood my baby sitter of long ago."Yo, Mary! Just thought ya' might be lonesome and I decided to come over an pay ya' a little visit."Holding the dog with one hand and the door partially open with the other she said, "Yeah, how come ya' ain't never done this before today?""To tell ya' the truth, Mary, I wanted to. I felt like you needed a friend, but my folks wouldn't let me, but today they went to the fair and won't be home until sometime late tonight. So, I decided today was the day to visit my old friend, Mary.""I ain't been your friend old or otherwise for eleven years. How come this bright and sunny day caused you to change your mind?""Like I tole ya'. My folks object. And you know as well as I do, when they object, nothin' goes.""Okay, watta ya' want, then?""Jesus Christ, just to talk to ya' and be friends. Can't a guy want to do that without you lookin' for things to find wrong?""Okay, come on in, then. I'll tell Rex your okay and he won't bother ya. Rex, good boy, down."That was that. Rex relaxed and allowed me to pat him on the head. Mary turned and went into the living room, invited me in and went over to the settee and sat down, telling me to sit in the chair just inside the door.She sat there with Rex along side, legs crossed and her hands in her lap and staring at me like crazy. Finally, she said, "Why did you come over? Really, why?""Aw, I was just thinkin' of the good times we had a few years ago and wanted to see how you was doin. That's all.""Crap. You don't even remember that far back. Who you tryin' to shit?""Naw, Mary, you got it all wrong. I wanted to renew old friendships and I see you sittin' out there on the front porch all alone with your dog and I feel like everyone has let ya' down and maybe I can be your friend.""Ya' saw me'n my dog this afternoon, didn' ya'? That's what brung ya' over ain't it? You wanna see what a woman looks like after she's been fucked by a dog. Don't ya? Aw, don't deny it. I seen you guys up in the tree house corn holin' each other and I new ya' could see me, but I don't care. So ya' saw me and Rex fuckin'. Did ya' enjoy it?"All I could think of to say was, "It got me hot and gave me a big hard on if that's any satisfaction to you.""Big hard on. Haw! You couldn't get a big hard on at your age to save yore life. Why, when you was four years old I tried suckin' on your dick a coupla times and it was too teeny to hold in my mouth. Big? Sheeit!""Okay, Mary Alice. If ya' can't talk to me like a good neighbor then I don't wanna talk with ya' at all. All I was doing was tryna be nice. Ya' don't wanna be that's okay with me."I started to get up then, but she told me to sit down, she didn't really mean it, but after havin' been ignored all these years and called crazy and nobody to talk to except her dog it just seemed kind of funny somebody wanted to be friends all of a sudden at this very moment. She was right, but I couldn't think of the right things to say and just sat there with my mouth open.Finally she said, "Really, why did you come? Did I guess right? Ya' seen me and the dog, didn't ya?"I had to admit that was the reason and said I was sorry, but I just thought I'd come and find out what was happenin'.She said, then, "Well, at least you're honest. But when you ain't got friends that are human you have to lean on somebody and I found out Rex liked to fuck; I like to fuck and that's how it started. Anything wrong with that?""Jeepers, no, Mary Alice, but if you want to do that sort of thing wouldn't it be better to do it with a human prick than with a dog?""Sure it would. Do you think I like to do this? Hell no, but like I said before who do you know that would mess with Crazy Needles? And besides, it gives me a nice cozy wanted feeling and I need that. No human is gonna give me that."I bristled at that and said rather defensively, "I would, that's who. I'll be your friend. I'll even fuck with you if you show me how. I only have a faint idea of how to go about this stuff and I would need some help.""What the hell's to know. A man gets a hard on, sticks it in and pumps a few times and the girl takes his juices and that's called fuckin'. What else is there to do?""Gee, I never thought of it like that before, but if you want to do it, I got some books that show all kinds of things. Would you like to see 'em?""Sure. Where are the books?""In the tree house. I'll go and get 'em. Wait here, will ya'?""Where else am I gonna wait, dummy?"Charlie was gone; tired of waitin' for me to come back from my pee, but the little fuck books were stashed under the easy chair. I grabbed a couple of pockets full and went back to Mary."I got 'em. Where should we go to do 'em?""Come on and follow me. Rex, you lay down and stay. I'll be right back."We went, then, into a little day room off the kitchen which contained a small bed, some chairs a couple of tables and a wall lined with books. Neat room, I thought. Then Mary turned to me an said, "That chair is big, we can both sit in that one and look at the books at the same time. Okay with you?"Yeah, it was okay with me. I was kinda nervous beins as this was the first time I could remember being alone with a girl.But, I got into the chair with her; it was a rather tight fit, but it felt kind of good being that close. I could feel, too, that she had on nothing underneath that simple house dress, so I said to her, "You ain't got nothin' on under that dress and neither do I."I never wear nothin' but my coveralls in the summer except my shoes. How about you?"She said she didn't wear anything most of the year around. It saved on buying clothes, washing and ironing and stuff like that. Sides, nobody could see her anyway. She did get a dress on when the grocery boy came, but that was about it. So, if we were to become friends, I could come over any time and find her naked as a jaybird she said.The first book was about Dagwood and Blondie and, boy, was it hot. Dagwood would do anything and everything to Blondie and she would take everything he had to offer. She had a hot snatch and Dagwood had a big hard on. By the time we got through with that Mary said, "Gee, I never knew you could do it so many ways before. Wanna try some of 'em?"I was for trying all of them and going on to other pastures, but Mary said let's start with this and see what happens.I was the designated Dagwood and she was, of course, the appointed Blondie. With that she slid out of the chair, tossed her house dress on the floor and turned to me naked. Jesus, I had never seen anything like this outside of books before and it was something to see. She wasn't pretty, she had no make up on or anything like that, but boy, oh boy she had everything else that a girl could claim and just a bit more. In short, she was stacked."Well, come on dummy. Ya' gonna sit there lookin' at my tits or are ya' gonna get your overalls off and fuck?"Zing, went my claim to modesty. She looked at my dick and said, "Man, it's about 50 times bigger than when I remember it."With that, she moved forward and, true to the book, kneeled down and slipped my hard on into her eager mouth. She sucked, she moved up and down the shaft, she blew on it, she licked it and twirled her tongue around it and, suddenly, jizz all down her throat. She gagged, coughed, spluttered and looked up at me in surprise and said, "Wait. Dagwood didn't do it that fast."We both laughed and went and lay down on the bed. We talked a little while and she asked me if I had ever kissed a girl. I said nobody but my mom, but that doesn't count I guess. We lay there for a minute and I said, "Let's get another book and do something else."Her answer was, "We don't need a book. Look, let's just sit here on the bed and take inventory or something. I got a pussy, you got a dick; they go together. That's obvious. I got a mouth, you got one, too. They go together. If my mouth can do to your prick what it just did, then your mouth can do the same to my cunt; that's what Dagwood called it. So, I'll lie down on the bed and spread my legs and you see what you can do to me down there."Wow, what could I do to her down there? I didn't know what to do, but figured I'd just start out by kissing her there and see what happened next. I tried, but found out the bed was too soft and she was too low for me to really get at it, so I took both of my hands and cupped her cheeks in each hand and raised her up to meet my mouth. Then, I got going. I started just kissing, then she suggested that Rex used his tongue. Could I use mine? Okay, I used mine. I went from top to bottom and side to side just slipping my tongue through the various grooves and folds and she started to wiggle and buck on the palms of my hands. I pulled her into me tighter and began to see that when I got near the little thing buried in a channel at the top, whatever it was, really got to her, so I got my lips on it and began sucking and got a mouthful of stinging sour stuff, whatever that was, but boy, she sure seemed to enjoy it. Suddenly, I came for the second time today. Oh, I jacked off before in my bed or in the bathroom and today corn-holing Charlie, but this one really gushed and the sheet was slimy wet all of a sudden. I started to get up and quit, but she said, "Oh, no, don't stop now. Why are you stopping?" I explained I had shot juice all over the bed and didn't like the feel of it and wanted to get away from that wet feeling."Okay, we'll go into the living room, then and do it on the settee. Come on."My jonker had shrunk considerably by this time and was still dripping whatever it was as we walked into the living room, but as soon as she sat down on the settee she stopped me from sitting and asked me to just stand in front of her for a second. I did and she immediately took my little pecker in her mouth and started sucking. She kissed and sucked and twirled her tongue around the head and tickled the bottom part until, suddenly, it began to enlarge and get hard again. When it was good and hard she said, "Now, we'll try putting it in me. I ain't never had a boy do that and I want to see what it feels like."She rolled over, then, swung her feet up on the settee and by pushing against the cushions with her heels and swinging her butt around a bit she got herself centered in the middle of the couch and left enough room for me to get in between her legs. She spread wide and brought her knees up with her feet flat on the couch. "Now, climb on and I'll guide it I,n, she said. I didn't know exactly how this was gonna feel after all it was my first time sticking that thing in a woman, but okay, I'm game. So, I moved forward a little and positioned myself so the head of it was near her cunt and she reached down, took my dick in her left hand and put the head of it right in the channel and said, "Now, shove it in all the way and see what happens." I wasn't very gentle, I didn't know I had to be and just slammed the 6 inches all the way in. About two thirds of the way, she let out a yell that brought Rex running to see who was hurting his mistress and I thought for a minute he was gonna take a chunk outta me. Sort of scared of the dog, I pulled out and blood gushed all over her cunt and down her crack and on to the settee. It was quite a bit, too. I was scared for sure now, thinking I had really done something bad. She was laying there sort of sobbing like and not saying anything and I didn't know what to say or do. I just sat there with my dong still fairly hard."What do you want me to do, Mary? Did I hurt you bad?"She grinned a kinda crooked grin and said, "No, I'm not hurt the way you think. I just lost my virginity and you're the boy who did it. According to some of the stories I've read, you are now the owner of my heart forever and ever. Ain't that nice?"While she was saying that, Rex came up and started licking my dick, cleaning all the blood and pussy juice off it and , boy, let me tell you that felt good. As he licked, I pointed it out to Mary and she raised up on one elbow to see and started to laugh. She thought it was funny. As he licked, though, my old dick got bigger and bigger and, suddenly, Rex wanted no part of it. He backed off like he had been kicked."Rex, out!" she said. Away he went and then she said, "Climb on me again. I'll put it back in and, supposedly, after a few strokes of your dick the pain'll go away. As a matter-of-fact it hardly hurts now."I got on, she guided me into her, relaxed and I started in pumping like she told me to do. Boy, this was something. This is what the fuck books were talking about; fucking a girl. I was doing it, too. With that, I leaned down and kissed Mary hard on the mouth and came, immediately, and while I was deep inside her.Even I knew this wasn't good and I yanked out of there in a hurry."What did you do that for?" she saked."You'll have a baby, won't you?""Not this very minute dummy. It takes nine months for that to happen. Don't you even know that?"No, I hadn't known it, but the fact I could suddenly find myself with a pregnant female, even nine months from now, especially one that was not high on anyone's list around the neighborhood shook me up pretty bad and I had begun to lose all interest in this fuck stuff. I was beginning to wish I hadn't made the decision to come over and see her and was getting to the point of wishing I was back in the tree with old Charley. Guys can't get knocked up, can they? It seems it would be easier that way, but on the other hand I don't want to be known as a fag, neither. Jesus, why does the world hafta be like this? Cripes. I like fucking her, but old Charley's bung hole didn't feel bad, neither. Shit, what am I gonna do?She brought me out of my deep thoughts by saying, "Forget it. I know ways to take care of that. No problem. Let's start all over, but this time we're gonna start with kissin'. Shaw, you don't even know how to kiss. My dad's got books about alla this stuff and it is called the "Rubiyat" or somethin' like that. It's right there on the shelf. Tells you all kind of stuff and how to go about it. But, lets go down in the basement, first, and take a shower and you can help me swish out my old pussy with the red siphon hose I keep down there. Come on! Don't be chicken shit. I'll even race ya' down there."And away she went. Tearin' out ahead of me, little tight butt wiggling like all get out as she ran, with her titties nearly hitting her chin as they bounced up and down and I had to admit there was a lot more to girls than Charley's old brown stinkin' asshole. A lot more! By the time I got there, she already was under the shower and had the red rubber siphon hose in her hand. It was connected to the cold faucet and I was wonderin' what she used that thing for."Come on and get your feet wet, not to mention your cock, my pussy and both assholes. Besides I would like to have you help with this douche. "Come on."I hadn't the faintest notion what "a douche" was, but she seemed to know and I guess that is all that counted. When I got in the shower with her she handed me the hose and said, "Now, I'm gonna spread my legs real wide and sorta squat down a little bit, then you shove that hose up into my twat about this far and turn on the cold water; not hard at first. I'll guide you with it and tell you to go deeper and turn on the water a little bit harder until it gets to just where I can feel it washing all the crud out of my pussy. Game?"I guess so, but this didn't look like much of a job for a boy, but if she wanted it to happen, I guess I'd have to help her. I knew old Rex couldn't; maybe she did alone, though under normal conditions. So, I sat down on the shower floor with her ass and cunt almost over my head, parted the lips and shoved the hose into the point she had marked. It went in easy enough and I reached up to turn the water on, but couldn't reach the handle. She said, "I'll do it anyway. I can control it bettern' you can."I could feel the water slosh through the hose and, suddenly, it came gushing back out all over me. She thought that was funny, but I'm not to sure I wanted all that stuff in my hair. Soon she turned it up pretty high and it was really spraying back out of her slit. Finally, she reached up and shut the faucet off and said to me, "Now inspect me and tell me, do I look and smell clean." I got real close, parted the lips and looked and sniffed and she did look and smell clean."Wanna kiss it and stick your tongue in it?" "Yeah, why not."So, she squatted down a little further and nearly put her cunt in my hair, so I looked up, stuck my tongue out and pushed it in as far as it would go. She wiggled around and sat down on my face a little harder and some more water cascaded out all over me. She was peein' fer god's sake; peein all over my face and hair and everything. I had to admit, though, it was different and felt kinda nice on my face. Warm and gushy like. She finished and said, "I wasn't gonna do that, but I couldn't hold it no more and figured you might not get mad. So out it came. Mad?""No, I'm not mad and it felt kinda good.""Did it? Maybe we can do that again sometime, but let's get your hair washed and we'll scrub each other good with lots a soap and water. Okay?" I thought it would be okay, but she interrupted with, "Before I put the douche hose away, do you want your asshole cleaned out?"Not really. It looked too much like an enema to suit me , but when I hesitated she said, "I'll be real gentle and you'll like it. I do it lots of times. I just stick it up my butthole, turn the water on and let it fill me up until I can hardly stand it and then I let it fly and do it again. Sometimes I even play with my pussy while I'm doin' it and does that make me cum. Wow! Wanna try?""Well, okay, but don't keep on goin' if I ask you to stop. Promise?""On a stack of bibles, crisscross my heart and hope to die. I'll keep one hand on the faucet and stop just as soon as you tell me to."I still wasn't too sure of this, because my mom and me had a fight every time she wanted to give me an enema and this was one fer damn sure. But I said, "Let's give it a try if you want to." Anyway, I thought to myself, I still got Charlie's come in there somewhere and I had no idea whether it was good to leave that stuff inside too long. Maybe this was a good idea after all.She soaped the end of the hose up pretty good, put some soap on my asshole and with her middle finger shoved it as far in as her finger would go. Jeeps! It really felt good. Not like when mom did it. Then she said, "Ready? Here we go." With that she started the hose in kinda slow and gentle and it felt so good I started to feel like I had to shit. She kept it goin' in slow and easy and, finally, I felt the water goin' up in my bowels. It was kinda cold in there, but not too bad. As a matter of fact, I was beginnin' to like it and wondered how come I hated it so much when my mom or dad did it. When I had about 15 gallons in me, that's what it felt like, I started to have notions of giving up on this sorta crap but, suddenly, she reached around and took a hold of my dick and started to stroke it back and forth. After a little bit, she swung me around by my hips with one hand and swallowed my dick all the way to the hair and started to suck. Jesus. With my bowels gettin' filled with water and her suckin' on my pecker I didn' want any of it to stop. Within seconds, I was hard as a rock and starting to feel weak in my knees. She could really suck a cock. Where'd she learn alla this stuff? From that book by Rooby? Must be some book. She said after another minute or two, "Feel full?" Oh, did I, but it felt nice, really, and I was gettin' this kinda crampy feelin' ya' get just before ya' cum. I wasn't feelin' like cummin', though, and, then, she stopped suckin', got up and turned the water off and told me to hold it fer a little bit more.I was strainin', no question about it. Then, she took hold of my dick with one hand, got behind me and put her pussy right up against my ass and with the other hand started to shoosh my big, fat belly up and down, not hard but just enough to get the water sloshin' around in there. My belly was really extended and hard.All the while she was shooshin' my belly up and down she was jackin' me off and I thought I was gonna' faint. When she felt my belly muscles stiffenin' ready to cum, she bent over and took it in her mouth and started to really lick and suck. When she sensed I was on the verge of lettin' fly with my dick she said, "Let it all go from both ends." and took my pecker back in her mouth. I shit all over the shower wall; it just flew out. Mostly water, but there were lumps in there cause I could feel 'em, but the best part was my pecker shot a load into her mouth that made her gag and cough, but she kept on suckin' and took almost all of it down. Some splattered out on me as she choked and, partially, coughed, but she kept on until my pecker stopped jerkin' and she let it slip out of her mouth. Jeeps, I really had filled her mouth full.She grinned and said, "What a load. I didn't expect that much all at once and wasn't prepared to swallow. It did go down nice and creamy, though. I liked it. How did it feel to you?"My bank of big words ain't very big, so the best I could do was tell her it felt like floatin' on a soft feather bed and goin' to heaven. She laughed at that and came up and put her pussy right on my pecker, her tits tight against my chest and gave me a big cum smeared kiss right on the mouth. Then she did something even stranger; she parted my lips with her tongue and ran it around inside my mouth. I started to rare back, but she held the back of my head real tight and kept it up, stopping only long enough to say, "Now, you do it to me." So, I stuck my tongue in her mouth and she started to suck on it, hard, and I did her back and started to get another hard on. She said we should stop for now; take a good shower and see what happens.She turned the warm water on and taking the soap in her hands washed my hair real good, after she sloshed all the shit down the drain, that is, and washed my face and neck, my back, my chest under my arms, in between my legs, took my pecker and nearly scrubbed too long, cause it started gettin' hard again, washed my asshole by shoving her finger in and out and moving her hand up and down the crack, then did each leg and both feet. Then it was her turn and she warned me to do a "good job" and not miss nothin'. I assured her I wasn't gonna miss a thing.I wet her hair down and washed it real good, twice she wanted, cleaned her ears and kissed them, washed her face good and kissed her lips and shoved my tongue in once more, washed and sucked each titty until her nipples looked like little pink buttons. When I sucked her nipples she nearly sagged against me, but I kept on goin, her back was next and when I finished gettin' her back all soapy, I reached around with both soapy hands, took a tittie in each one, pulled her back to my chest and using my chest scrubbed her back all the way to the waist line. She was ohin' and ahin' by this time, then I had her bend over and I did an a number one job washin' he crack and asshole. I slipped my finger in all the way to my knuckles and pulled it in and out with the soap foam makin' squishin' noises. Boy, this was somethin' else, buddy. Then, I turned her around and had her sit on a little three legged stool she had in one corner of the shower and lean her back against the wall. Then I went to work on her pussy. I soaped it good, stickin' my finger in, first one, then two, then three and, finally, she said for me to try to put my fist in. "Let's see how wide we can stretch the slit," she said. I didn't wanta hurt her and declined to do that, but she reminded me that girls give birth to babies that weigh in excess of 9 pounds, sometimes, and my fist ain't anywhere near that size. Okay, I'll give 'er a try. So, I did a four finger insertion and turned it slowly around, put them in as far as I could, turned them again and pulled them out. She was really breathin' hard by this time, so I balled up my fist and soaped it real good and started it in. No matter how hard I tried it just wouldn't go, but by the time I made three or four attempts she was so soakin' wet and I was drippin' so hard with my lubrication and my dick was so hard I could hardly stand it and she was quivering all over so bad she couldn't stay still, so I just mounted her from the front, she guided my dick inside and I started to pump like crazy. She rammed her hips and pussy upward into my plunging dick meeting me push for shove and grunting like she was workin' diggin' a ditch. Sweat was breakin' out all over me and her, too, and she had the cutest little smile on her face and as we went further and further and I wasn't doin' my usual cum bit after two or three strokes, she started a muttering about, "Deeper make me cum, deeper push it deeper, oh, god, this feels so good go, honey, go and push and stroke, push and stroke and don't cum for an hour, please don't come for a long time. I love it, I love it, I LOVE it." Then she started gettin' tense and stoppin' her shovin' and just held still while I pumped away. Suddenly, she clenched her teeth and made a hissin' noise and at the same time sayin, "Oh, god, fuck me, I'm gonna cum, I'm cummin', oh, gooood, I'm cumin!" With that she got so stiff and started buckin' so hard she chucked my prick right out of her cunt. Just as she did this, though, I started to cum myself and it was drippin' all over me, her, the floor and every where. I came so hard, I hurt. I put it right back in while it was hard and was still in her when she said for me not to move and seemin' to want to hold me there, she wrapped her legs around my back and started in squeezin' real hard. I couldna' moved if I wanted to. I stood like that with her leanin' in the corner and sittin' on that stool with her legs nearly up to my shoulders for I don't know how long and wouldna' moved if old Rex hadn't come in sniffin' around. I think that dam n dog was jealous; I really do, but she shooshed him out and he left.Finally, she opened her eyes, sighed, looked up at me and said, "I love you. Oh, god, how I love you. You've been so nice to me I want to have you come over any time you want. You said, though, that your folks were comin' home late tonight. I don't know what you mean by late, but I think I heard their car drive in about 5 minutes ago, but couldn't say anything 'cause we were fuckin' so hard. So yah better get off and have a look see."Oh, good Jesus, they was home. The car was sittin' just under the tree house and dad was out lookin' around. If I wasn't in the tree house or the house, itself, then he had no idea of where I was short of being over to Charlie's place. I knew what to expect next. He'd go inside and call Charlie on the phone and fin d out I hadn't been near the tree house since sometime this mornin'. If that happened my ass was in deep trouble. So, I jerked my dick out of Mary, grabbed my clothes and said I had to go; quick. She said, "You can't go like that. You smell like a well fucked pussy. You stink of jizz and my cum. Your mom or your dad will smell it in a minute. They fuck, too, you know and they know how it smells. Take a quick shower and I'll go out on the front porch and sit with Rex. That'll look normal and I'm sure your dad will ask if I seen you. I'll say somethin' like yeah I think he went down to the ball park or somethin' like that. That'll slow him up some. Then you can duck out and come around the back way and nobody will know the difference. Okay?"I took a quick shower, put on my coveralls and as I was headin' out the back door she took my head in her hands and said, "I loved it. Thank you for being my friend and my lover. Come back any time and we'll look in the Rubiyat or whatever those book s are and find zillions of ways to fuck. I love you. Now go!"I slid out the back door and crawled down the sidewalk t o the back gate, slipped out and took off runnin' down the alley so I could come around from High Street and be able to say I was just down to the ball field throwin' fly balls to some of the guys. There was only one hitch; Charlie seen me from his bedroom winda. I'd have to think up a lie for him, for sure. I couldn't tell him I spent most of the morning and most all of the afternoon with Crazy Needles. Nobody would believe that; not even old Chuckie.Slanting around our front fence and into the driveway I almost ran full tilt into my dad who was, just now, heading for High Street to go to the ball diamond, I guess. He said, "Where ya' been? You're all sweaty. Been tossin' some fly balls with the guys, hey?"Yeah, I sure was dad. Tossin' some fly balls, but not at the ball diamond. "What's fer supper dad?"He told me meat loaf and smashed potatoes and led the way down the driveway. As we got abreast of Mary's front porch she threw me a kiss, lifted her skirt and let me have a peek at her nooky and said something just with her lips. It was, "Tomorrow?"*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 58
It was not so much a love triangle as an emotional quadrille; it was, however, one of the oddest love relationships in history. Dante (or Durante) Alighieri was nine when he first cast his seedy little eyes on Beatrice Portinari who was just about to become ten. It was love at first sight, for, by all accounts she was an exceedingly beautiful child, but doomed from the start. She was engaged in a secret compact to be married to an already married effeminate homosexual, as soon as his enfeebled wife died.According to urban legend, Simon de' Bardi had a friend stand in for him on his wedding night when he finally married Beatrice ten years later. Beatrice died three years after her marriage, allegedly of a broken heart for longing after Dante, but almost certainly from boredom. Dante had been promised in marriage, firstly, to a fair maiden who died in infancy, then, when he was eleven or twelve, to the rather plumpish, near idiotic Gemma Donati, daughter of the powerful family of Guelf.There is no doubt that Dante was a crazy mixed-up kid. You only have to read some of the descriptive pieces of Divina Commedia to see the effects. Apart from the off-putting marriage arrangements, and his hopeless love for Beatrice, his mother died when he was seven. His father quickly remarried and ordered the son to spend some time with his 'uncle' Brunetto Latini so that he (the father) could have some quality time with his new bride."I'll be buggered if I go to stay with the old faggot," was Dante's immediate response. And sure enough, he was! In The Divine Comedy the 'uncle' appears in the seventh circle of hell reserved for those who have a taste for sodomy. Latini, for his part, thought he had hit rock bottom with Dante, a little bum who was way behind the times. The stepmother couldn't stand the little brat either. So he really was buggered up.When Dante was fifteen, his father died. He had his marriage to look forward to, a lifetime in the company of the ugliest, craziest bitch in Florence. His stepmother wanted nothing to do with him, and he had to fight for every cent of his inheritance. So the visits to Uncle Brunetto took on a kind of permanence. The experience he gained in Latini's bed held him in good stead for when he shacked up with the homosexual poet Guido Cavalcanti.The one and only thing that kept Dante sane was his childhood love for Beatrice. Her image was indelibly printed into his imagination and was with him right up to the moment of his death. He had seen her first, very briefly, in a narrow street in Florence. Their eyes met and in that split second Dante knew that he could never find satisfaction in another female.A few days later, their paths crossed and they exchanged smiles and the conviction of true love was confirmed. There could and would be no other person for him. But even at that early age, there seeded in his mind the certain knowledge that it was a love unattainable, which was fine as far as he was concerned, for that was the truest kind of love in the thirteenth century: amour courteous or courtly love.It is suggested that while he was making love to his ugly wife he tried to concentrate on the image of Beatrice. He tried the same trick while he was being sodomised by Uncle Brunetto and in the arms of Cavalcanti, but it seemed not to have worked in any of these cases, for true love had nothing to do with that kind of gross sexual activity. It is almost certain that he found more satisfaction in masturbating. After all, it was a release readily at hand. His wife may have been ugly, but she still produced seven children for him - any port in a storm! The six sons were as crazy as the father and the daughter was as ugly as the mother. The daughter, who was called (surprise, surprise) Beatrice, became a nun and it is reported that every time she entered or left the convent the gargoyles at the gateway grimaced; one cynic declared her to be so ugly that even the mother superior didn't fancy her. There is no doubt that Dante followed the day-to-day reports about his true love; he wrote sonnets about her - absolutely no mention in any of his poetry of the ugly bitch was living with. He could tell what Beatrice ate at dinner, when she was constipated, when her monthlies were due, and when she died, he did not take himself off to a monastery exactly, but he became all religious and crossed himself twice daily and read De Consolatione Philosophiae of Boethius and Aquinas's Summa Theologiae and, worse still, he started to write complicated sentimental poems to her memory. At the end he lost the place altogether and put Beatrice on the summit of the seventh heaven to replace the Virgin Mary in his poetry.A friend once asked him, "Given the chance, would you have screwed the little cow?"Dante took exception to the question, but he gave it a lot of thought, then replied, "I very much doubt it, for that would have destroyed the quality of love between us. And who need friends anyway?" And he challenged the other man to a duel for daring to insult his ideal. And killed him!So much then for thirteenth century amour courtois. Move on a few centuries and we come across an equally odd, but distinctly dissimilar love affair involving a beautiful woman and a nut.In 1823 an artist was commissioned to paint a portrait. They fell instantly in love and had a torrid affair. Nothing odd in that - it happens all the time. The artist, Edwin Landseer, was 21 while the subject, Duchess Georgina of Bedford, was twice his age. So? He really had only painted animals before this. So? She was the wife of the third richest man in England and had borne him nine darling children. And her husband not only knew about the love affair, but positively encouraged it and shielded the pair from the worst of the scandal it caused. And the affair lasted until Georgina died aged 72! Oh! Beat that Hollywood!Georgina was one of the many daughters of the Duke of Gordon. She was born and brought up in a fairy-tale castle that went back in time beyond the days of Shakespeare's MacBeth in the north of Scotland. Even as young girls, she and her sisters were volatile sex kittens who experimented with emotions and lived life to the full with few inhibitions and less parental control. When she married, she insisted, it would be for love. It was convenient that she fell in love with one of the richest men around. And the nine children of the marriage gives some indication of its intensity. There is not a single recorded occasion when Georgina had a headache.A good case could be made for the argument that the old Duke of Bedford had been worn out by her demands. There is every indication that he looked around for someone else to do the dirties with his wife. Artists had the reputation, and Edwin Landseer, young, virile and inexperienced, and stupid, was available. To claim that the Duke was guiltless in bringing the pair together would leave a lot of obvious questions unanswered.The plain fact was that she was a randy bitch, her husband was past it, and Landseer was there for the taking. We hear a lot in modern times about sexploitation involving women; in Georgian England right up to and well into Victorian times the use of candy-boys for bored society ladies was common and blatant and, in fact, along with strong drink, became the focus of attack by the moral reformers on the second half of the nineteenth century. Poverty, child prostitution, industrial exploitation, prevailing epidemics of cholera, influenza, pneumonia and tuberculosis, bad housing, street crime, all these were of secondary importance and would have to take their place in the queue. Edwin Landseer, at the best of times, was not the full bucket of sand in the brain department. As a child in London he would run screaming "Rape!" if approached by a girl in the street, and at home he used to hide from female visitors behind chairs. He refused sweets from strangers because he was convinced that they were poisoned.He slept fully clothed for fear that, were he to die in the night, he would appear naked before God. He suffered from a constricted bladder and irritable bowels, because he refused to perform the demands of nature in any but his the privy in his own home. And he washed every part of his body except his pudenda, because these parts were naughty.There is no doubt that the kid was in the genius class for art; he exhibited his work in the Royal Academy when he was thirteen at a time when that famous institution was dominated by antiquated old farts who turned up their noses at masterpieces by Dyce, Raeburn and Nasmyth. Nevertheless, the first signs of mental instability were to be seen even in his animal pictures; he not only included human characteristics, he actually believed that the beasts could and did communicate with him through their emotions and their mannerisms. He was closer to animals than people.Until he met Georgina. She opened up a new world to him. In other words, she opened up for him. And how! They went at it right there under the nose of the old Duke, she took him away for dirty weekends and flouted him in public. She rented Doune Castle for a season and screwed the last drop of sex and sensuality out of their time together there. She became pregnant again by Landseer. The Duke of Bedford accepted the fact and the result as his own flesh and blood. Menopause came upon her soon after the birth of the Lady Rachel, but if anything her sex drive increased.When the Duke of Bedford died in 1839, Landseer asked Georgina to marry him. She laughed, and demanded, "Why do you want to go and do a silly thing like that? It is so tiresome being laid by a husband; a lover is no much more exciting! And anyway, if we were married I would have to split the shekels left by the old boy. Not that I married him for his money." She provided an allowance for the artist and continued to fuck him senseless almost until the day she also passed to the great beyond.Landseer lived for another twenty years. It took that long to recover his breath. But his mental condition deteriorated to the point where he was a slobbering, gibbering lunatic. He was quite incredibly handsome even as a fruitcake, and passing rich on the endowment Georgina left him. He was invited to ask for the hand of sweet young debutantes at various times, but he always retained just enough sanity to refuse. He never married. Georgina was his model and, like Dante, he sustained himself through the remainder of his life with the image of her female perfection deeply planted in his mind.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 20
My name is Lea, I am 45 years old; I am going to tell you about one of my first sexual experiences. It started when I was 8 years old; I started becoming aware of my body. I grew up in a large family with lots of brothers and cousins.It happened one afternoon when I was sleeping in my grandmothers' house; I was awakened by soft giggles and whisperings. I was lying on the bed face down on the pillow. I acted as if I was asleep, I realized that four of my cousins were in the room and thinking that they were up to something, and I could learn about their plan if I pretended to be asleep. Then I felt some one lift my frock up to my waist, there was a lot of shushing and more giggles. Initially I was shocked at what was happening, but I was also intrigued and wanted to find out what they wanted to do. Then after a couple of seconds, I felt my panties pulled down to my knees exposing by ass to four pairs of interested eyes. By then I was getting excited as well, lying there with my ass exposed to their eyes was giving me a high. Then I felt someone touch my ass and soft hands run over my ass cheeks, I was getting wet and wanted the hands to touch my pussy. So I yawned and turned over still acting as if I was in deep sleep lying on my back exposing my sweet pussy for their view and touch. For a few seconds there was pin drop silence and then slowly I heard more sighs and giggles, and then I felt warm breadth on my pussy lips. Two fingers gently opened my pussy lips from either sides and warm breadth hit my clitty. I stifled my moan of pleasure, but my pussy was getting wet in anticipation. All of a sudden, we heard some one opening the bedroom door and hastily someone pulled up my panties and all the four naughty peeping Toms scooted to the other end of the room pretending to look out of the huge bay window in my grand ma's room. My grand ma entered the room but did not think anything was wrong with finding five of her grand children in her room. After that incident, I started touching myself often, in bed when everybody in the house was asleep, I would put my hands into my panties and rub myself. Rubbing was not enough; I started experimenting with different things. I started inserting sticks into my slit. I used to crush paper, stuff it into my pussy, wear my panties, and walk around the house. After I became sexually aware of my body, and lost my virginity to a candle. I realize now, that I might have given out some sexual vibes. My uncle David used to visit us often; he stated touching me a lot, on my head, shoulders and just simply hugging me for no reason at all.Once my mom told my uncle that I was not doing well in school, and Math grades were bad. I was twelve years old then. My uncle promised to help me out when ever he was free. It so happened one night when Mom and Dad had gone out for a party, both my brothers and I were watching television, and I dosed off on the couch. I suddenly woke up and realized that the room was dark except for the light from the television and someone was rubbing my pussy through my panties. With a start, I realized that I was on my uncle David's lap and some how he had managed to slide his hand under my nightly with out my brothers knowledge who were blissfully unaware of what my uncle was doing to me and were watching an action flick on television. The moment I woke up my uncle pressed me down onto his lap again and expertly slid his fingers into my panties and started to rub my clitty vigorously. His rough fingers were hurting me as much as it was making me wet, but just when I was about to come, we heard my parents arrive back from the party. David slid his hands out of my panties and laid me back on the couch. After about a week my mother told me that they were going out to visit my grand mother and that I should stay back home to prepare for my upcoming exams, she also told me that Uncle David will be here to help me out with my preparations !After my patents and my brothers left uncle David came home. I was sitting on the stairway to the attic and studying when Uncle David stood at the foot of the stairs looking up at me. Slowly he climbed the stairs and stood right in front of me. I looked up and asked him,"What's wrong Uncle David? Is there anything you want?" For which he gave me a knowing dirty smile and said, "Oh yeah Lea, I want a lot of things and you can give it to me. " I was terrified. Uncle David sat on the step below me and looked up."I know what you want Lea, I have been watching you baby, lets be honest to each other." He continued. Swallowing hard I asked, "W-what should I do Uncle?"My pussy was wet and dripping by then. "Take off your shorts baby," he said in a soft hypnotic voice. "And your panties," he continued.With shaking hands, I did as he ordered."Now sit down and spread you thighs for your Uncle," he whispered.So I sat on the top step and spread my thighs for my Uncle's eyes, while he sat two steps below so that his face was directly facing my wet pussy. He started initially by just sniffing my wet pussy, he sniffed for a good two minutes. Looking at some body sniffing my secret parts was making me wetter. Then he slowly lowered his face and gently licked my clitoris. I gasped, the pleasure was intense. David looked up into my face and whispered, "You like that, you dirty slut. By the time I finish with you'll just have to look at me and you'll have an orgasm."I blinked, half understanding, and not caring, I just wanted him to continue what he was doing. He did not disappoint. Lowering his face back between my thighs he started to lick my clit again. He ran his tongue over my pussy lips and started licking my clitty with slow long strokes. I started to moan, the pleasure was exquisite. He lifted his head spat on my already wet pussy and continued to lick. I started moaning and making slutty noises to encourage him. "Ooooh... aaaaaaah Unnncle... yessssss oh my yessssss, I like it when your licking me... hmmmm put your tongue inside my hole, yesss..."David continued to lick my pussy relentlessly, he inserted his tongue inside my fuck hole and started tongue fucking me, just when I was about to come, he will continue to start licking my clit again. Then suddenly he stopped his ministration, stood up, and carried me down the stairs into the kitchen. He laid me down on the cold granite slab, spread my thighs wide, and started to lick my pussy again. After two minutes of relentless licking he stopped. Bending down he retrieved a bottle of honey and poured it on my pussy lips and my clit, waited a second for it to spread and then started to lick me again, I was so desperate by now that I wanted his dick inserted in my pussy while he continued to lick my clit. As if answering my need I felt something cold and hard entering my slit, opening my eyes I realized that David was inserting a huge long carrot in my pussy. I almost came but he had stopped licking me and started fucking me with the carrot. To meet the thrusts I lifted my hips high from the kitchen slab as if offering my pussy to him. David took his time and stroked me as if in slow motion. He would remove the carrot fully, lick its wet length, and insert it back again. I started begging by then lifting my hips higher, "Please uncle, I wanna come, pleeeeease aah ugh... ooh!"Then he stopped licking me and started eating the carrot which was still inserted in my pussy, the feeling was incredible and while doing that he used his thumb to rub my clit. I started jerking violently and started to come like never before. After the waves settled into a pleasant afterglow, I relaxed back onto the slab, my pussy juices flowing on the kitchen counter. I was so exhausted that I did not realize that Uncle David was missing and I woke up suddenly when I heard a whining sound close to my ear, opening my eyes I saw my black lab in uncle David's arms and he was positioning him in between my thighs... END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 49
Author Note: This story, like all my other stories, is entirely fictional and involves no real people, places or events.***Talina was on her way home from school. She was in eighth grade, a beautiful fourteen year old with everything about her that equalled pure beauty. Her hair was brunette and in a sleek flow down her back, her breasts poking forth at random length, not quite small or big for her age. She was just in the middle with almost every appearance, including her height and the shape of her youthful hips. Her skirt rode up around those little pale thighs, her midriff now and then showed itself as her shirt lifted in her proud little prance and her red lipstick and nail polish gleamed brighter than fire upon her lips and the ends of her fingers and toes. Her socks were pure white and came up just under her knees. Upon those perfect feet were perfect bright white sneakers, just right for the school environment. She turned into the avenue on which her house was stationed a block away, suddenly fearful for there was not a single soul in sight. Talina was always warned of the dangers of a young teenager walking home alone. Her mother had plentiful warnings to say about that. So in this sudden light terror, she picked up her pace a little and turned up her Ipod so she wouldn't feel so alone. And perhaps that was precisely why she didn't see him coming until it was too late. Talina cried out and stopped dead in her tracks as he leapt from the hedge framing the yard to the church and stood before her. Recognising him did little to calm Talina. It was Matt Grovis, the sixteen year old pervert from her school. He was a loner, a weirdo and also a complete sexually charged maniac who was always fondling girls breasts or slapping their asses without their permission. Getting beaten by their boyfriends rarely did shit to deter him. And now, his face covered in bruises still yet a wide grin showing, he advanced on Talina with all that built up sexual frustration close to being relieved. Talina uttered a frightened cry and went to turn away but was suddenly shocked to a standstill by what he was doing as he approached her. His fly was open and he was furiously jacking his cock, which was only about an inch smaller than her boyfriend's but sprayed like a water gun. She only figured out this latter fact as he advanced on her and released, crying aloud but in pure joy as he squirted a thick stream of sperm he must have been saving up through days of orgasm withholding masturbation, all over the front of her torso. It soaked her uniform and spattered hotly on her midriff. Screaming, Talina turned and ran and as she was doing so, hurriedly attempting to wipe off the sticky liquid which stubbornly clung to her skin while he called out behind her. "HA! Loners can score too you know!" By the time she reached home, Talina realised two things. The first was that no matter how vigorously she had wiped off Matt's semen, the perverse feeling of it clinging to her skin would remain with her forever. And the second was that she was profusely crying and didn't even realise it until she had time to clasp both hands to her face and break down in a quality wrenching of tears from this whole experience of non-consensual sexual harassment. She was one unhappy teen, the very contrary to her abuser. The next day, Talina showed up for school with a frown of anger most definitely present on her face, although she had done no such thing as report the incident to any teachers. No, this little innocent high school darling had a small plan for revenge in which there wouldn't be quite a great purpose in dobbing in the occurrence to any teacher. She wondered with a private little grin if perhaps that bastard Matt was scared shitless, actually afraid by the fact she hadn't told a soul of the event. However Talina would be proved very wrong on this notion. Halfway through class with her bladder cramping up, she raised her hand and was excused without a single show of disapproval, for all the teachers were fond of her. Down the hallway she walked in an angry stride (had been walking that way obviously since the events yesterday) and stepped into the female toilets. Hearing an echoing footfall in there which wasn't her own didn't at all rouse her suspicions. For even after that surprise the prior day, Talina remained angered only and not at all at the stage of jumping at her own shadow. This all changed as soon as she stepped into the bathroom and took down her skirt, pulling down her panties next and getting ready to comfortably place her tight fleshed little buttocks upon the toilet with that casual sigh of exhausted relaxation one usually utters when lowering onto such a device as a toilet seat rim. Yet before she could complete sitting down, the door to her cubicle broke open and she jumped straight up in terror. Straight away her bare and exposed, mildly haired cunt let go all her bladder contents in a rush of hot urine over her thighs, symbolizing truthful extreme terror. And grinning widely, she was once again confronted by Matt Grovis. "Aww," he laughed cruelly in the faking of pity. "You're all wet now, just like you were yesterday. Well I guess perhaps you like being wet," he took out his semi-erect cock and aimed it toward her, his grin expanding. "I can help with that." "You stay back you filthy motherfucker!" Talina screamed, running forward then recoiling in terror as Matt deliberately forced his hardening cock to shoot a thin stream of urine forth in warning. His piss splashed right over her cunt and mixed with her own urine, and she instantly squealed in horror. "Ohhh yuck you dirty bastard, let me go!" she cried and made a run for it again, trying and failing to shove past him. He pushed her back until she rammed into the rear to the toilet and slid down upon the rim. Now sitting she opened the toilet with her legs flung wide open from the fall, she hurriedly tried to snap them closed. Too late, for Matt had already wedged them open with his hips as he shoved up against her and aimed his now fully erect cock to where her piss-lubricated cunt quivered. "No!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, tears spilling over her cheeks already. "No, you can't do this. Please, I'm begging you. Let me goAHHH!"She screamed as Matt slapped her face then laughed his head off, the whole while interrupting his speech to run his tongue over her cheeks and mouth. "I don't fucking think so bitch! I'm going to fuck you harder than your boyfriend ever did! Show you the power us pathetic loners have in our cocks. Now take it bitch!" he screamed, ramming forward and burying his hard teen cock right into her cunt on the first plunge. She screamed louder in pain than he did in triumph and he hurriedly covered her mouth with his hand, a tight grip on her jaw to keep her sounds muffled. He thrust forward again and again, shoving his cock in and out of that comfortable pussy whilst he didn't give a shred of a shit that it soon started to bleed. For Talina was not at all aroused in any way and her piss wasn't that much of an effective lubricant. That however, didn't stop Matt from thrusting away at his steady pace, shoving it in and out continuously. It was only near the end that she almost forced herself to feel aroused by imagining her boyfriend and made things only a slight bit comfortable. Sensing his harder yet slowing pace of thrusts, Talina guessed it was almost over and she managed to twist her head away from his hand and cry aloud. "Okay okay, I'll let you finish. But could you please put a condom on. I don't want to get pregnant. Please! Not to you, just please put a fucking condom on and I'll be as quite as a mouse for you." Matt simply laughed at her, slapping her tear stained face while he buried his cock deep inside her, feeling just a few thrusts from ejaculation. He snarled, "Oh but you are as quiet as a mouse for me. When I cover your mouth you can't say shit or make any sound whatsoever! I don't need your fucking cooperation you stupid bitch! And I never bring any condoms to school because I never expect to get laid. Well, at least not willingly. Hehe." She whimpered in his grasp, still trying her sympathy. "Well, listen. Can't you please just pull out and cum over my belly like you did yesterday? Or my breasts, cum on my breasts! Just let me unbutton my top for you. Hell, I'll even suck you off if you want. Just please don't cum inside me. AHHH!"She cried aloud again as he resumed thrusting, ignoring her every offer with a blunt statement. "I never cum on the same girls belly twice. That's only something I do as a little preparation for my victim to know that the next time she sees me, my prick will be in her cunt instead of before her naval. As for your cute little titties, you can forget about them as well. There's a hooker who just lives down the road from me. Kind of old and addicted to drugs but with the biggest set of hooters in the world. Every time I blackmail her into doing favours for me, I always shoot my load between her massive titties. "I blasted three loads into her giant tits last night, so I'm all breasted out for now. And you'd have to think I'm a real idiot to put my cock in your mouth with all those razor sharp little bitches teeth at your disposal. Although you haven't suggested it, I'll also pass off the option of cumming into your ass for I don't have a sufficient amount of lube on me to make sodomizing that pathetic little hole a comfortable experience for me. So you stupid little bitch, there's only one place I can squirt my load and I'm thrusting into it right now. Take it up the cunt like a good little girl!""No, FUCK! Don't do it!" she screamed then sighed in an entire loss of hope as she felt the hot flow of liquid disperse from his cock as he rammed it back into her several more times, then simply leaned against her with his cock still planted inside her as it softened, ensuring she wouldn't have the slightest satisfaction in seeing a glimpse of semen escape her pussy. Wherever he wanted his semen to go, Matt aimed it there and kept it there. Finally he let up and pulled out, slapping her face one last time and leaving her tear spattered cheek bright red. "Glad to have fucked you little Miss. Now get your stupid whore body cleaned up and run back to class. If you dob me in, you can count on your boyfriend leaving you. I may not know that fucker well enough, but I've certainly heard the facts that he likes his girls to be for him and him only. If he ever found out you had fucked another guy, willingly or not, he'd dump you on the sidewalk. So keeping your lips shut is good advice, you ought to thank me for that advice sometime later."And he left her like that. Poor Talina was then left to stagger miserably through the rest of the school day and put on a happy face, acting as if nothing at all had happened. She thought about the revenge plan she'd come to school with and decided not to act on it, realising all that Matt had said about her boyfriend was more than true. He once told her himself it would be over if he found out she'd screwed another guy. She loved him so much she'd never let him leave her or be hurt by this experience. Her only option was to keep it to herself and get over it. And hopefully that advice Matt gave her would not require the thanks he'd suggested. He ought to realise too that he was very lucky to get away with what he had and ought not to pursue anything else and just leave her alone. Therefore, the whole experience would be buried and she could move on. She simply had to, especially since today was the day her cousin was coming to visit and she had to pick her up at the train station. That girl always knew Talina to be in the best of moods and Talina certainly didn't plan to break that record with her. Her cousin's name was Sammy and she was only thirteen, yet a dashing young blonde with wondrous youthful skin and a slim, seductive body fast developing. Yet in the mind, she was still very childish and had not yet reached high school, having stayed back a year in primary. Sammy looked up to Talina, although Talina was only a year older and she certainly had no plans to let her down. Talina had to be strong for Sammy and listen to all her problems like the kind and caring older cousin she was. So she forced Matt out of her mind and arrived at the train station on time that afternoon. Sammy dashed off the platform and ran down the stairs to meet her cousin, her parents always having trusted her to catch the train alone. "Talina!" she cried happily with tears in her eyes as her older cousin cuddled and lightly kissed her. "It's so good to see you, I've missed you so much. I have so much to tell you!" Talina laughed as happily as she could fake. "Well come on home honey. You can tell me all about it then." They started to depart the train station, heading on their way back to Talina's house. As they crossed into that same deserted street where Matt had first sprayed her with his cum, Talina suddenly began to panic but forced all thoughts of him out of her mind and tried to concentrate on what her cousin was telling her about her life back home. That was until of course, she could no longer force him from her mind for he was standing right in front of them. Yes, all her dreaded fears came true as he leapt out from behind the church bushes in the exact same spot he'd first approached her. However this time, he was modest enough to have his cock tucked away and look entirely normal save for the bruises on his face that so many boyfriends of his victims had given him. Talina stopped instantly, turning to the dearest little Sammy who was continuing to talk away in ignorance of the situation."Honey, listen. I'm going to need you to step aside for a few minutes. I just have to tell this guy something, please just go into the next street. I'll make it real quick." Sammy frowned, yet shrugged all the same in respects for her cousins wishes, assuming she needed to talk to private boyfriend or something. "Alright Talina. Call me when you're done." Sammy vanished around the corner whilst Talina bravely approached Matt. "What do you want from me now?," she demanded tearfully. "My little cousin is here so please either show me some mercy or get whatever you need done finished quickly." Matt laughed. "Very well. I see you took my advice about not telling anyone. That's going to cost you however, for I never give advice for free. Get down on your knees and suck my cock real quick. Give me that blowjob you promised earlier and I'll leave you alone. And beware, if you dare try anything with your teeth," he produced a flick knife from his pocket, "I'll cut your fucking throat." Knowing better than to try his patience with her little cousin waiting around the corner, Talina rolled her eyes and escorted the bastard over to where the church bushes better veiled their activity. Then she hurriedly unzipped his fly for him and took the head of his erect cock straight into her hot mouth, suckling and licking the glans in the most seductive way possible while bobbing her head up and down over his shaft. That furiously horny sixteen year old boy was soon grunting with pleasure fast approaching another orgasm already. "Good bitch, you're learning," Matt snarled contently. Talina closed her eyes, breathing through her nose and continued to suck as best she could while he grabbed the back of her head and thrust deep down her throat. He was so close to releasing right as they were interrupted, Sammy walking right into their little coverage of bushes in a mid-sentence of explaining her intrusion to her cousin. "Talina, I just needed to ask you if," then her little eyes went wide in pure shock and curiosity at the events. Talina waved her away drastically, trying to get her to turn away but the shock at what she was seeing kept Sammy standing still. Then Talina felt the most extreme dread as Matt then pulled out of her mouth without ejaculating and walked right up close to the shock-frozen Sammy with his cock still pointing right up at the sky."Why hello there little miss. You must be Talina's little cousin. Might I say you're one sexy little thirteen year old. Nice flat little chest and a forming sexy buttocks I see. You make me hornier than your cousin, do you know that?" Unsure of half the things he spoke of, Sammy stammered half in fear and half in unknown pride at being complimented. "Thank you," she stammered, pointing to his cock and announcing her memory from sex ed. "Is that your penis?" "Yes it is darling," Matt chuckled evilly. "And right now, you're about to suck it." Before Sammy could reply, Talina screamed in the background. "No you perverted fuck, leave her out of this! Don't you dare touch her!" Matt responded to this by holding out his flick knife straight toward Talina's throat as she stood up and tried to approach them. "Get back on your knees dog and stay out of this!" he snarled at Talina viciously. "If you ever want me to leave you alone, then you're to let me empty my balls into your cousins hot little mouth and we can forget this ever happened. Now tell her your wishes or I'll cut both your throats!" Sammy screamed in fear but was quickly consoled by the calm voice of Talina. Although her voice was calm, her mind was undoubtedly hysterical behind what she struggled to choke out to her little cousin. "Listen Sammy. I need you to do something. It'll be over in a couple of seconds. Just please do exactly what I say," she pointed to Matts erect cock and tried not to show all the disgust she had for it. "I need you to suck it." Sammy trembled but sensed her sister was in danger and didn't show any spiteful attitude, just a voice-shaking little question. "Must I?" She looked from both Talina to Matt in the hopes to escape this task but both of them told her plainly that it had to be done, especially Matt who shouted at her. "Yes honey, you see I cannot possibly miss this chance to fill your mouth with my seed. Now come on and suck it, it tastes real nice. Your cousin ought to know." He grinned at Talina who gave him a bitter stare but tried to hide it as she encouraged Sammy to get it done with. Kneeling before him, the thirteen year old took it into her mouth, sucked gently and even lightly nibbled on the tip, suddenly realising the taste was quite delicious. Matt didn't have time to give her proper lessons however for he was right on the edge and after her amateur lips and tongue had flicked over the head for just a few seconds, he started pouring a fresh hot jet of semen straight down Sammy's throat. And so abundant it was that the thirteen year old nearly drowned on it and had to leap back to spit it out. But Matt was satisfied after having mouth-fucked Sammy, zipping up his fly and strolling away happily with a bellowing shout over his shoulder. "Enjoy it girls! There'll always be plenty of my cum to go around! Haha!"And why he walked away laughing, Sammy and Talina crawled over to each other and hugged miserably. Then without having to say a word, they both burst into tears and remained hugging each other until the overcast weather started threatening severe rain and they had to rush on home. That night, Talina decided that Matt was never going to stop. He had them both at his mercy and even if he did leave them alone, then only some other poor girl would be victimized. Talina may have been willing to let herself be abused, but anyone who harmed her cousin was in for it! And so she went ahead with her revenge plan, explaining it to Sammy who started giggling immediately. This was a great relief for Talina as her cousin had been crying all night long but once she explained her plan to her, it put the smile right back on her innocent, youthful face. They were both ready for it by the time morning arrived and Talina left for school as usual. Only this time, she was prepared with a baseball bat hidden in her backpack. Walking past the church, she uttered a light yet believable scream of shock as Matt leaped out from the bushes on the deserted street yet again. "Well well well, I must say your sister's mouth was delicious bitch. But I never got to finish with yours," he snickered as he started to unzip his fly. "I don't doubt hers was more pleasurable because of her innocence. Yet I wish for your skilled lips to be wrapped around my cock again. And you'd better do it or I merely have to send a convincing text message to your boyfriend and your relationship will be over. Now get down on your hands and knees!" As he spoke, Talina had fallen cowering to the ground over her backpack. But once he gave that final order, she stood up and produced the baseball batt. "How about you get down on your fucking knees!" she screamed as she smashed the batt right over his skull and knocked him onto the pavement instantly. He groaned for only a few seconds then fainted under the feeling of the hot blood dashing over his forehead, lying in a limp little bundle at her feet. Talina had no trouble dragging him from that deserted alleyway into the abandoned construction site just behind the church where they were veiled behind several half built walls. Sammy emerged with a bright smile, standing right beside their secret weapon. When Matt woke up, he was in the very correct position they wanted him in and the last position in the world he himself would have wanted to turn up in. Yet like it or not, this was his situation. They had stripped him of his pants and underwear and his cock and balls hung out in broad daylight. His legs were spread far and wide with the ankles tied to two separate posts and he was lying on his back. Between his legs the girls had placed Talina's bike she used to ride when she was younger. She was a bit tall for it now, however Sammy fit it perfectly. The bike was positioned facing away from him and its back wheel less than an inch away from where his exposed cock and balls lay on the ground. The bike was also propped up on an elevation of bricks which supported its centre, so neither of the wheels touched the ground. Sammy got on the bike and gave it a test run, the back wheel turning fast and functioning perfectly even though the bike itself wasn't moving. Only the back wheel moved which was the only part they needed to move. As Sammy test rode the bike, Matt woke up to the feeling of the cool breeze from the turning wheel blowing over his genitals. Then when he tried to sit up as best as he could, he started screaming instantly when he noticed his situation and fully processed it. Talina simply laughed at him and her cousin joined her in giggling at his humiliation. "Well you fucking little rapist. The tables have turned! You may only be a teenager not much older than me, but I'm going to ensure your raping days are over. Sammy, keep on peddling that bike as fast as you can honey. We need that back wheel turning full force.""With pleasure Talina," Sammy giggled as she peddled extra fast and kept up the pace with her intent for revenge, her little legs now pumping so fast the back wheel was almost spinning faster than it would have were it attached to a motor. And Sammy never slackened this speed, enjoying the cries of the strapped down sixteen year old male behind her. "NO! PLEASE NO!" Matt screamed and writhed around as he felt a stronger breeze from the spinning wheel flood down over his cock and balls. "You can't do this, please I'll do anything! PLEASE! I'M SORRY. Get off that bike you little BITCH!" Talina kicked him in the side of the head with her sneaker, causing a ringing sound to lance through his brain while he still trembled in the upmost terror of what was about to happen to his precious genitals, easily ignoring the pain in his kicked skull. "Don't you ever call my cousin a bitch again motherfucker!" Talina shouted. Then a sneaky little smile crossed her face. "It's not like we're going to force your penis to get slowly skinned by that bike wheel? Sammy's just going to continue riding that thing until she gets tired then we'll both go home. If you want to keep your junk, then you can manage it easily. All you have to do is stay soft and avoid any erections. "Remember, if your dick becomes hard and raises up for just a single second, that is enough to destroy it. For a bike wheel spinning as fast as the one my cousin's energetic legs are now pumping will easily shred such a tender object beyond repair with just three seconds of it touching the fast turning tire. All you have to do is avoid having another one of your raging hard-ons and then you'll get to keep your sick little boy bits." Then without any warning other than a widening of her cheeky smile, Talina basically tore apart the front of her uniform and she wasn't wearing a bra, thus exposing her tits to his full view right away. "However staying limp might be a little difficult with such a view." Matt screamed in terror and looked away, trying to force the image out of his mind when another replaced it. As he turned to face forward, he noticed he could see right up the back of Sammy's skirt as she rode as fast as she could on the bike, her precious little tight butt crack instantly causing his hormones to go flooding down to his genitals. Screaming in horror again, Matt shut his eyes and desperately tried to force out all stimulating thoughts. He almost thought he'd succeeded in calming himself when he felt some hot liquid which smelled deliciously intoxicating of sex drop onto his face. And foolishly, he dared opened his eyes to see what was going on. Talina was standing right over him without neither skirt nor panties on, fingering her cunt in his full view and letting her moisture drip down into his face. He cried out again and hurriedly shut his eyes yet couldn't manage to force out the image of her fingers sliding in and out of that precious little fourteen year old cunt, mixed in with that delicious aroma of female discharge. Too late, his cock sprung erect!His screams of pain were almost everlasting that day. As soon as the tip of his cock touched the fast spinning rubber, the tire ripped right off his foreskin and started burning right into the glans, tearing more and more slabs of flesh away from the underside of his cock and leaving raw redness behind. His wide eyes watched in horror as his cock was torn under the bike wheel and he begged to heaven that his penis would go down with the pain. However thanks to the wheel's constant movement, it now kept hitting the object back up and refusing it the ability to deflate. The tire rubbed and rubbed at that extreme pace against the tender flesh of his penis, burning off more and more raw red skin until the glans dissolved into a blood gushing mush and what remained of the shrivelled little, torn object was nothing but a pure, gory wreckage. He threw up onto his chest as he watched the sight in horror and felt the worse pains he'd ever felt run over his every nerve. He was so close to passing out right as Sammy stepped off the bike and let it slide down from its brick support. And the still turning back wheel drove straight into his testicles and split his scrotum in two under the force, one testicle rubbed into mush while the other flew out and landed on the ground somewhere. Then most certainly Matt fell unconscious after that very final burst of pain which widened his eyes and burned all his agony with the hottest flame of suffering ever kindled. Simply leaving him lying there upon his back, the two cousins Talina and Sammy walked hand in hand back to their house to enjoy the rest of the day in the comfort of video games and their happy relative companionship. The End~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any ofthe scenarios in this story; should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 77
"Are you calling me an alcoholic," said Jess."Are you even listening to me," said Charlene. "I'm calling you an immature, clueless jerk who refuses to grow up. Yes, I know you never drink on workdays. But when I'm not with you and nagging you constantly, you just don't know when to stop. What's wrong with you?""I'm working on it," said Jess. "You need to give me some space.""Just the opposite," said Charlene. "I need to get in your face. It's just pure luck that you haven't been caught DUI yet or killed somebody when you drive home. Lately, you've been so far gone that you can't even be quiet when you come home. And last night, you barely made it to bed before you passed out. It's disgusting trying to sleep next to a stinking distillery.""I'm sorry, Charlene," he said. "But I promise you that I'm going to stop.""Your promises are worth the paper they're not written on," she said. "Have you even made an appointment with a therapist yet?""No, not yet," he said."What are you waiting for?" she said."I think I can work through this myself," he said. "I don't need a shrink.""Well, I'm getting tired of waiting for you, Jess," she said. "I guess it's my fault. You were doing this in college, but I thought you'd grow out of it. As much as I love you, I'm not going to marry you as long as you keep bingeing, and I'm not going to wait much longer. If you do this one more time, I think I might be ready to move out.""Wait a minute, Charlene," he said. "How is that going to help anything?""I would feel bad about not being able to help you," she said. "And I'll feel guilty when I read about your being arrested and imprisoned for drunk driving or manslaughter. But if I continue to do nothing, I'm going to feel even more guilty. I wish I knew a magic pill that would cure you, but even if I did, you probably wouldn't take it.""Yes I would," he said."That's what you say now," she said. "What if I could find a pill like that and put it on the table in front of us next week and you refused to swallow it? Would you give me permission to force it down your throat?""I don't get you," he said. "You're not as strong as I am," he said. "If I resisted, you couldn't make me.""But what if you were drunk," she said. "I'm pretty strong, and if you were drunk, you'd be helpless. I could force you to do anything I wanted, and I could force you to swallow that pill.""What are we talking about?" he said."We're talking about my question, which you didn't answer," she said. "If you didn't want to take the pill that would cure you from your binge drinking, would you give me permission to force you to take it? Yes or no?""What difference does it make?" he said. "There is no pill.""Yes or no?" she said. "I want an answer. You know what I'm thinking right now. I'm thinking your answer is also going to be the answer to whether our relationship continues. So what is it, yes or no?""I guess it has to be yes," he said."That's not an answer," she said. "I want it simple and clear. Wait. Let me take this piece of paper and get a pen. I'm going to write down your two choices, and then I want you to read the one you choose out loud to me."When she had finished writing, he looked at the paper a while and looked up at her. There was a steely, determined look in her eyes, so he decided he better not mess with her.He read his answer: "Yes, I give you permission to force me to take the medicine that will cure my binge drinking. There, are you satisfied?""Not yet," she said. "I want you to cross out the other choice on the paper and sign your name below the choice you just read. Good. Now give me the paper.""You know this isn't legal," he said. "There are no witnesses or anything.""Yes there are," she said, "you and me. We both know you agreed. When you get into your car while you're drunk, you're not legal either. So this piece of paper is enough for me."If you tell me you've starting going to a therapist or AA meetings or you're doing anything to work on this, I don't need this piece of paper. But I'm warning you, if you ever come home again like last night, I'm going to put a lot of effort into finding some kind of medicine to cure you. You may not like it, but you're going to take it. I hope I can find the right medicine the first time, but if it doesn't work, I'll keep looking and trying medicines until I either find one that works or torment you so much that I drive you away.""I'll never leave you, Charlene," he said.***The conversation convinced Jess he better do something. But as much as he hated to talk about his problem to Charlene, he hated to talk to anyone else even more. So he decided to solve it by himself. Charlene asked him about what he was doing a couple times, but after he told her he was handling it, she stopped asking and began encouraging him. As the weeks went by, she complimented him and told him how happy she was.A couple of college buddies happened to have business trips that brought them to town at the same time, and they decided to stay over and get together Saturday night. Neither of them had their wives with them, Jess told Charlene."Do you need me to go with you?" she said."No," he replied. "I'll handle it."But he didn't. He realized later that he shouldn't have let them talk him into going to the hot singles bar so they could ogle the women. The music was loud, and they had to shout at each other and he found himself losing track of how many drinks he had. After a while, he was in his binge zone. He couldn't remember how he got home, but when he got into the house from the garage, his mind somehow focused on one thing: not to wake up Charlene when he went to bed.After bumping into a few things and making noises, he decided it would be safer not to walk. So he got down on the floor and began to crawl. He put all his efforts into crawling slowly up the stairs without making a sound, but he was so intoxicated and tired that he was getting sleepy. As he crawled down the soft, thick carpet in the hallway that led to their bedroom, he was blinking his eyes to stay awake, but it was getting harder and harder. Finally, just outside the open bedroom door, he put his head on the carpet and passed out.That's where he woke up the next morning. He was still wearing his clothes, so he quickly figured out what had happened. He saw the bedroom was empty and the bed was made, so he took a shower, brushed his teeth, put on some clothes and went downstairs. Charlene was in the kitchen. "I made you a sandwich for you to eat while you're watching the football games," she said. "I've got to go out." She didn't say it as if she was never coming back, he thought to himself and wondered what he should say."I'm sorry," he said finally. "It won't happen again."She looked at him, but he couldn't figure out what she was thinking. Did she believe him? Did he believe himself? Why didn't she say something? Jess was scared.After gazing at him a minute, she said, "I'll be back in time for us to go out for dinner," and then she turned and left.***Charlene didn't say anything about that night to him later or in the next few weeks, except for once. It was a remark that came out of the blue, when they were having dinner at an expensive restaurant to celebrate his birthday. He ordered two wines by the glass and no cocktail and was feeling good about himself, when she asked him the question."When you came home drunk a couple of weeks ago, were you crawling on the floor?" she said."What?" he said, because it took him a few seconds to understand what she was asking. "Uh, yes. I didn't want to wake you up, and I think that I thought it would be quieter for me to crawl to bed. But I guess I never made it. I don't remember much about that night.""Thanks," she said. "You answered my question." She changed the subject, and he was afraid to go back there and tell her again how sorry he was.He was feeling really good about himself again a few months later and was thinking about where to take Charlene for a surprise celebration of three months without bingeing when he got blindsided. He and Charlene were at a hockey game in his company's box. He had one martini, and her look told him he wouldn't be drinking another one. She was talking to the two other wives who were there, and he and the husbands, three executive assistants and two of their boyfriends were watching the game and talking office politics.At the start of the second period, the wives announced they were leaving to go to a nearby mall, and if they didn't return, the men should carpool home. "Should I drive?" Charlene asked him, "and you can get a ride home." She looked at him, and he knew why she was asking the question."No, I'm fine," he said. And he felt fine and in no danger.But after the wives left, the other husbands ordered more drinks, and they began getting frisky with the assistants. The boyfriends didn't seem to care because they saw that their girlfriends were getting horny and figured they'd be the beneficiaries later. But the woman who came stag latched onto Jess as her temporary date.She began flirting with him and touching him and continued to drink. She told him a couple of times that it wasn't fair that he wasn't drinking with her. He finally decided to have one more whiskey, and then the walls came down. He didn't remember much afterward, but he remembered entwining with her in the back of the company box while the others were in the window seats. Their hands were all over each other, and he was sure everyone heard her orgasms as he fingered her. She wouldn't be satisfied until her handjob made him come on his pants. It was a good thing the pants were dark. He went down the hall to the john and washed himself off but then had trouble finding the box again. She wanted him to take her home, but he wasn't too drunk to know how dangerous that would be, so he made sure she got a ride with one of the boyfriends, the one who seemed the most sober.Once again, he didn't remember how he got home, but he remembered being scared when he walked in from the garage. And after a few bumps, he again dropped to his hands and knees and began crawling. He tried to concentrate with all his might, but he was so tired and drunk that even the first stair was too much for him. He fell into a heap in front of the staircase and hit his head on one of the stairs.Before he fell asleep, he saw a light go on upstairs, and it scared him. He drifted off into a strange nightmare. Part of it involved his stomach and strange feelings inside of him. At the same time as he was experiencing these uncomfortable feelings, he was outside of his body like a ghost and looking at himself.The person -- himself -- that he was looking at was in a bathroom -- it was their downstairs bathroom -- and he was expelling solids and liquids from every opening in his body. If he wasn't throwing up in the sink, he was on the toilet. Everything was streaming out of him.There was someone else there in the dream, but he couldn't see who it was at first. After a couple of rounds of disgusting stuff pouring into the sink and toilet, he saw it was Charlene, and she was naked, and she was dragging a naked body around. She dumped the dead body into the shower, and then she got into the shower with it and began washing it. As she rolled it over, he saw the face of the dead body and screamed. The body was him. That's when he woke up.It was light when he woke, still feeling funny inside. At first he wasn't sure if he was awake, because everything seemed strange. He was lying on his stomach, but not on the floor or the carpet. He was on some kind of plastic sheet. He was naked. And all around him were heavy ropes. They weren't tied to him, but he could feel them covering his body.Then he realized why he was feeling funny inside. Something was pushing into his anus. He tried to move away from whatever it was, and that's when he realized he had handcuffs on.He was able to scoot forward away from the thing at his anus, but when he tried to stand up, he couldn't get further than a squat before hitting his head against ropes woven together above him. He saw that the ropes were in a wide pattern, and he could have pulled them apart and gotten out, but the handcuffs prevented him from doing that.He squatted for a while, but then that became tiring, and he dropped to his hands and knees. Then he heard Charlene's voice behind him."That was great, Jess," she said. He couldn't see her when he turned his head, so he tried to turn his whole body around. There wasn't enough room inside the tangled ropes, but he got a glimpse of her by twisting his body. It was enough to see that she was in the rope tunnel right behind him, and she was naked."What's going on, Charlene?" he said. "Did you put these handcuffs on me?""Yes, Jess," she said. "You're busted. Just thank you're lucky stars that I put them on before the police did. I'm not sending you to prison.""OK, Charlene," he said. "I get it. Now let me out of here.""Not just yet," she said. "First say hello to Irene. Look to your left. She's the one kneeling on the floor with the video camera. She's going to be filming your medicine this morning. See this can of Crisco outside the ropes. I was stuffing it into your anus, and she was filming, waiting for you to wake up. I got nearly a third of the can inside you before you finally came to life, but I think she got all your wonderful expressions as you woke up and began to feel what was happening.""I don't understand what you're doing, Charlene," he said."Let me explain, Jess," she said. "When I woke up and saw you passed out in the hallway upstairs a few months ago, I realized that you weren't going to be able to cure your drinking problem by yourself. Even when you held out for months, eventually you always had a relapse. Sooner or later your luck would run out, and you'd be dead in a car crash or in prison for years. That's when I started working on your medicine."I knew it would happen again, so I worked hard to get this ready, and I finished last week. I didn't think last night would be the night, but I knew that I'd have to give you the medicine eventually. By the way, did you know you had come on your pants?""I am so ashamed of that, Charlene," he said. "Will you ever forgive me? Are you going to leave me?""I've already forgiven you, but you better see a doctor this week to check for STDs if you didn't use a rubber," she said."It wasn't like that," he said. "She just used her hands.""Good," said Charlene. "Anyway, you're forgiven, because cheating is not your problem. Alcohol is. Whatever you did, I know you wouldn't have done it if you hadn't been drunk.""That's right," he said, "and you know what, Charlene, I'm going to call a therapist the first thing tomorrow morning. I see now that you were right. I need help to get through this. My pride is gone. Now let me out of here. I'm willing to do what you say, because I don't want to take a chance on losing you.""That's great," said Charlene. "I'm going to help you follow through on what you just told me, and I know you keep your promises. My cure is going to help the process. And after this morning, the therapy is going to be easy for you by comparison.""No, Charlene," he said. "This is not the way to do it. I told you I'm going to cooperate. I'm the one who needs to do this, not you. Now let me out of here.""Not yet, Jess," she said. "Part of your problem has been that you've insisted on being in charge. And you're still doing that right now. But I'm not listening anymore. Tomorrow, you'll take ownership of your problem, but for today, I'm in charge, and you're going to take your medicine.""But whatever you're planning, I'm not going along," he said. "You're not going to accomplish anything.""We'll see about that," she said. "Don't forget, you gave me permission to force you to take the medicine. I have that in writing. I've listened to you, but now it's time for you to listen to me or else we're going to be here all day."You helped me think up this cure. The first time you came home and began crawling, I was shocked at what your boozing had turned you into. You couldn't even stand up like a man anymore. You were turning into some kind of animal. The thought came to me that eventually, you wouldn't even be able to crawl, and you'd have to move on your belly like a snake. You were like evolution going backwards."All these crazy thoughts ended up helping me create your medicine. Since you don't mind crawling like an animal, that's what you're going to do today. The ropes are braided loosely to form a kind of tunnel, but it's a transparent tunnel, so Irene can film everything that happens as you are crawling. As you've already found out, the ropes are anchored, so they'll give a little but not enough to let you stand up."You may be able to squat for a while, but I'm right behind you, and you won't squat for long, because it's easy for me to give you a little push and topple you forward. With those handcuffs keeping your arms in front of you, there's not much you can do. So what you need to do is start crawling on your hands and knees. The rope tunnel is in a circle and goes around our living room, so you'll be crawling around and around until we're done. Think of it as a horizontal hamster wheel. When you're drunk, your brain shrinks to the size of a hamster's. It's time to start crawling now, so get going, Jess.""No, I'm not," he said. "I'm tired, and I'm just going to stretch out here under your ropes and rest until you come to your senses.""I don't think so," she said. "I explained how the crawling was supposed to remind you how low you've gone. But I didn't tell you about the part that will remind you why you don't want to go to prison for killing someone while driving drunk. Here's how that reminder works."Hey, what are you doing?""I just put a finger into your anus," she said. "It went in easily because of all the Crisco. When you're in prison, you need to be lubed up and ready at all times, because most of the guys who are bigger than you will be at least this big. Do you feel my second finger?""Stop it!" he yelled. "That's sick.""I'm just getting you used to it," she said. "In prison, you better try to keep moving, because two fingers can easily turn into three, like this. If you just keep on lying there, you're going to make it easy for your cellmate."Oh, I see you changed your mind, and you're in a hurry now, like a big hamster. Yes, crawl as fast as you can. I'm right behind you. Why are you stopping?""You didn't take your fingers out" he said."That's right," she said, "just like in prison. The fingers are now part of Jess. They're staying in there, and you can feel how I'm moving them around inside and also slowly in and out. They're sliding through the Crisco easily. This is much easier than last night, when I had to give you two enemas and a shower while you were dead weight.""I thought that was a dream," he said."Maybe for you," she said. "I also had to clean where you threw up. It wasn't a dream for me, but I wanted you all shiny clean for Irene's video. I think your insides might be totally empty now, and you'd probably feel hungry if I wasn't distracting you. After we're done, I'll fix you a big breakfast if you want."Anyway, the fingers stay, so you need to start moving. Because while you're crawling, it's a little harder for me to put fingers in you, like this. Oh, that fourth one really got you going, so I'll have to talk while we crawl."I'm going to put as many fingers in you as I can while you're crawling, Jess. You're bigger than me, so you normally could crawl a lot faster, but the handcuffs slow you down just enough so that I can sometimes catch up to you and do this. Did you feel me push the four fingers to the second knuckle for a second? I thought so. There I did it again."I'm going to go slowly because I want to open you up without tearing you. I've watched some videos on the Internet, and that's why I'm using lots of lube. In fact, I want to put some more Crisco into you now, so let's stop when we get close to the can."I don't think you heard me, Jess, because you kept right on crawling past the Crisco. If you don't begin to slow down now, I'm going to have to put on the brakes. You need to do what I say, Jeff, so we can finish the medicine. You're not listening."We're getting close to the Crisco, so here go the brakes. Wow! I've never heard your voice so loud and so high. These brakes really squeal, but they're effective and so accessible. All I had to do was reach down between your legs and grab those round things hanging down with my left hand and pull back as hard as I could. Did you notice my four fingers on my right hand never stopped going in and out of you."Now, stay put for a few seconds. I'm going to pull my fingers out, grab a big gob of Crisco and push it in. There. Wait till you see the video. I opened up a huge hole, and the Crisco just fell into it. It's starting to close, but I think I can get some more Crisco in. Yes, it went in. Now here go my four fingers again. It's time to start crawling."You might think about moving a little faster now, Jess, because I'm not stopping with four fingers. I don't think you felt what I just did, because I tucked my thumb behind the fingers, so I'm getting all five fingers going in and out of you now. Look at your rump moving from side to side. Are you doing that intentionally, or is it just an automatic reaction trying to shake me loose."But I'm not coming loose, Jess. My whole arm is moving with your ass, and when I can get closer for a second, I'm starting to do this. Did you feel a little push there? I'm starting to make my push to get my whole hand inside you. I'm going to fist you just like you're probably going to get fisted in prison. But there most of the hands will be much bigger than mine."I think I got a fraction deeper with that push. It certainly propelled you. My five fingers almost came out, but not quite. I could tell you when I'm about to make a push, so you could try to relax your anal muscles, but it's more effective if you're surprised -- like that. I really felt like your muscles were about to let me in that time before you moved away. It shouldn't be long now. Maybe a few more pushes."I hear you breathing heavily from all the effort. If you want to take a break now, it will make this easier on you and probably less painful. You don't have to say anything, because I can tell your voice is nearly gone from all the yelling and screaming. Just slow down gradually. I'm with you all the way. Do you feel the five fingers going in and out slower?"OK. Now to make it easier, get fully upright on your hands and knees. That opens you more than any other position. What are you saying? I can barely hear you. Yes, Jess, this is necessary, or I wouldn't be doing it. You've got to take the medicine, and I think we both already know that this dose has to be strong, because you don't ever want a second one."There, your breathing sounds better now. Try to relax as much as you can while I do this. I'm going to stop going in and out now and compact my fingers as much as I can. Now, I'm starting to push just a little. Don't move away like that or else I'll have to push more. That's it. Spread your legs further. And if you can, try to push out like you're going to the bathroom. That will open you up more."I'm not applying much pressure, but your body senses that the pressure is not going to stop, so it's working on a way to let me get through so the pain of the stretching is relieved. I'm so tight in you that I can feel your muscles as they're trying to make way for me. They're talking to me and telling me that you're going to be all right, that you may feel humiliated right now and be in pain for a week or two. But they're telling me that this vile medicine is what you've been needing for a long time to put a halt to your illness."I feel something. Yes, yes. Look at that. I'm all the way in, up to my wrist. That's it Jess. I hear you sobbing. Yes, cry, Jess. Cry away your binges. Wash them away in a river of tears. Embrace your pain and mortification so that you remember it always."You're already pretty much degraded, Jesss, but I want to make sue the medicine works, so I have to take you even lower. For now, let's stop and let you cry for the camera while I open up my hand inside you and wiggle my fingers a little so they don't get cramps. Did you get all the drama of the hand going in and Jess's reaction, Irene?"Good. Now focus on his anus again, because I'm going to pull out very slowly. But before I do that, I'm going to ball up my hand inside him into a fist. Now, I'm starting to pull. Jess, get ready, because it's going to be a lot harder coming out than going in."My wrist is out now, and you should see how stretched your muscles are as my fist is pulling them. That's it. Keep saying "Ow!" like that, loud and quick, over and over. I think that's helping. I'm pulling slowly, so the pain is lasting longer and your body is going wild. But if I pulled fast now, I think you would tear, and there would be lots of blood, and I'd have to take you to the hospital for stitches, and it would be months before the stitches would come out and even with pain killers, you'd be in pain for a long time. We don't want that."The Crisco is squirting out around my hand, and I see your anus starting to pull away from me. It's like I'm taking off a tight glove, but at least the Crisco is making it smoother. Oh, here it comes. What a noise! It sounded like a pop but with a lot of yucky, sloppy echo. That was all the Crisco that came out with it."Your hole looks incredible now. It's huge and empty. I can't believe it can get any larger, but we'll see. For now, I'm enjoying watching it. It's waiting for the fist to go back in, but now it realizes that it gets to take a break and it's slowly starting to close up. It's amazing how it's getting smaller and smaller, until it's the nice little rosebud that you started with."When we're done today, you're going to have plenty of time to recover and get back to normal, but I've heard that prisoners who do this almost every day eventually stretch their muscles so much that their hole never gets tight again, and that can be a problem. But not for you. You're nice and tight down there, and we're going to leave your anus for a while now and focus on your cheeks."I want you to feel the pain that you've inflicted on your family and friends and -- most of all -- on me when you endanger yourself and others. What you were doing was totally selfish and self-centered, just like a small child. So you're going to be punished like a child. I'll play the role of your mommy."I want to make sure you never put yourself in danger again, so I'm going to do this. That was good, Jess. I wasn't sure if I could get through to you with my bare hand and thought of a ruler or a paddle, but I prefer this, because it's more loving. And I see that if I put all my energy into the swat, it's pretty effective."OK, here's another one. I'm going to do the same thing as with my fingers, start slowly and then gradually pick up the pace. I don't think it's going to take long to break you down, because you've already been through a lot. But hold it in like that and keep your mouth tight. That will make it so much more powerful when you begin blubbering like a little boy."I see your cheeks are already getting a little rosy. I want to make them bright red, like a candy apple. You won't be able to sit down without a cushion for weeks. I hear it coming. You're about to lose it. That's it, Jess. Sob as loud as you want. Irene's mike is capturing every sound of my hand smacking your cheeks and every shriek as you feel the sting and every sob. And her camera sees every tear running down your face."OK, I think you've almost had enough. But before I can stop, I need to hear your little boy voice begging his mommy to stop spanking him, promising her he'll be good, telling her how sorry he is that he made her worry about him. You think up the words, and say them in a tiny, high voice, like a child."I know it's hard to do while I'm increasing the speed and trying to smack you even harder, but you can do it. That's a good start. The words were too adult and the voice was too low. Try it again. That's much better, but I know you can do even better than that, so I'm encouraging you by hitting as hard and fast as I can. I'm amazed at how much strength I have left. I think it's the adrenaline. Come on, Jess, focus!"There, I think you've made the breakthrough. That's how you do it. You actually became the little boy for a while, and you weren't acting anymore, were you? It was so realistic that I almost didn't stop because I was so enchanted. But I've stopped now, and I'm going to rest while you have your good cry."We're nearly halfway there, so while you rest, let me tell you about the rest of your medicine."First, we're going to start crawling around again, and I'm going to carefully work my hand into you once more. But this time we're going to keep on crawling, and it's going to be different. I won't make a fist. Instead, I'm going to keep my fingers as tightly together inside you as I can. Whenever you slow down or rest, I'm going to carefully push deeper into you."I've watched videos on the Internet, and I've checked out the size of the men and the women who do incredible things to them. I think you're big enough and my arm is slim enough that I can get up into you all the way to my shoulder. Don't worry, I'll be patient. I'm incredibly excited about this, but I'm going to control myself and do it very slowly. But when I'm all the way in, you're going to hear my rebel yell."I was thinking about trying to do this with both arms, but I decided I didn't want to take a chance on splitting you in two. I'll play with you a little with my arm completely inside you. I've got an idea for a cute puppet show, and you'll be the puppet, and I'll be the puppetmaster, controlling you from inside."It's just a short show for Irene, and after we finish, I'll pull my arm out slowly. Once I get to the wrist, I'm going to start slowly working my entire hand in and out of you. It will need some more Crisco, I think, but eventually there won't be any resistance to it going in smoothly to the wrist and coming all the way out. After that's working well, I'm going to make a fist again when I pull out."Eventually the fist will come out as easily as the hand, and then I'm going to make a fist going in. It's called punching. At first, going in will be a little harder with the whole fist, and I'll have to slow the motion to a soft push. But after a while, when your anus continues to stretch open to accommodate me, I'll be able to pretend like I'm boxing your anus and push right in and pull right out. I can't imagine what it will feel like to you, but we'll find out."We'll stop occasionally, so Irene can get some good video of your empty hole getting larger and larger, and then we'll do something even more exciting. First, I'll open up my fist so there's more room, and then I'm going to add a finger on my other hand. I'll keep adding fingers until I've got my whole left hand and whole right hand going in and out together."We'll start slowly and then increase the pace. And then I want to try what I've seen some women do in the Internet. I'll leave one hand inside you while the other one continues going in and out. Then I start the second one, but I pull it out when the first one goes in."If I can do it right, it looks incredible, because one hand is always going in while the other one is coming out, so you're never going to feel empty."Once I get that perfect, I'll go back to both hands doing it together again, and I'm going to see how fast I can go and for how long. When I finish that, I think both of us are going to be exhausted. So you should be loose and relaxed enough for the biggest challenge. I'm going to make both my hands into fists inside you and then pull them out slowly."I've only see one video like that, and I couldn't tell if it was real or computer-assisted graphics, so if I see that you are about to come apart, I'll give that up, but it's worth a try. If I can do it, I'm sure you'll remember it for a long time."Then as long as I've opened your anus up so wide, I'm going to finish with a little humiliation. My left hand will easily go inside you, but instead of brutalizing you, this time it's going to soothe you. I'll be gently feeling around in there for your prostrate. While I'm looking, my right hand will be working your penis and testicles."It will be like masturbating you, but it won't feel good. Even though there will be Crisco everywhere from the stuff that came out of your anus, I'll be squeezing your penis tightly as I stroke it up and down. And when I drop the penis to work on your balls, I'll be squeezing them and pulling them hard in different directions."The rough friction and pulling will hurt you, but at the same time, it will stimulate you. Your penis will not ever get hard and solid, but sort of halfway there, still flabby but a little more puffed up. Once I get it to the right spot, my left hand inside you will press the button. The button is your prostrate, and when it's massaged the right way and you're stimulated, it will release your semen."Your penis will be hanging down below you, and a little of the semen will dribble out. That will tell me I've succeeded and that your semen has entered your penis. But it won't spurt out, because the pain I'm causing to your penis and testicles will prevent you from ejaculating. So I'll be milking it out of you."I'll start up where your penis meets your balls with two fingers and my thumb around you and squeeze as tight as I can as I pull my fingers slowly down to the tip of your penis. It will look like I'm squeezing a tube of toothpaste, especially since you have really thick white semen."The semen will ooze out of your penis. You may feel it a little, but it won't feel good, because of my fingers squeezing down hard on your penis and my hand inside your anus. I may have to squeeze the tube two or three times to get all the semen out."When I've finished, your come will be out of you, but without you coming. I wonder what that will feel like. You'll have to tell me later. I'll have you move back up and look at the big puddle of come that came out of you. I was thinking of forcing you to lick it all up like the men to do on the Internet, but I decided that might be too much."Does it sound like I'm excited about all this? I'm not going to lie and tell you this hurts me more than it hurts you. I've had at least a couple orgasms already, and I expect to have more once we do the double fisting and the milking. But I'm not ashamed. I know that I would never have thought of this stuff if you hadn't forced me. Now that my mind is wrapped around it, it's opened some sexual pleasure zone inside my brain, and I'm not going to repress it."So what else is there to say? When you've been milked, we will be finished, except for one thing. I want you to tell me and the camera exactly what you're feeling and what you're thinking. I don't care what you say, because my part will be finished."You may say some things you'll want to take back later, or you may never take them back. The reason I want you to talk is not for me. It's so that if you forget all about what you're feeling right now in five or ten years, you can watch the video and see exactly what this moment was like for you. Your voice and your tears and your words will convey all the horror, pain and humiliation you're feeling."Of course, people lie to the camera all the time, but I think when I've finished with your medicine, you will speak the raw, brutal, painful truth. I expect you to be savage with your words about me, because of what I'm doing to you. Right now, you probably hate me like you've never hated anyone before."That's the only thing that made me hesitate about doing this. I knew I had to push you over the edge to have any chance to cure you, but by doing that, there was a good chance that I would also destroy your love for me. But I asked myself what would prove my love more, giving in to you and waiting for that call from the police or the hospital, or destroying your feelings for me while saving your life? The decision was painful, because I know that what I'm doing today may be the end of us. If it is, I hope someday you can understand why I did this for you."Well, you're probably tired of my blabbering and you've had some rest, so let's get started. You need to begin crawling again, and I need to start my journey up your colon so we can put on our puppet show. Oh, what's the matter?"Is my little boy crying? It sounds like little baby Jess with his little baby voice is still inside this big body in front of me. Is little Jess tired and upset? Is he scared of the puppet show? Is he begging me in his little voice to let him go to bed? How cute is that, Irene? I hope you're getting a close up of his weepy, snotty face? He's such a darling little guy. When he watches this, he's going to feel so humiliated."But it's time for him to mind his mommy. Here's the first finger as a reminder that he needs to get up and start crawling or else the fingers and then the arm are going to be moving inside a lot faster. Oh good. I'm glad little Jess is paying attention. I was going to give him a couple of spanks to remind him, but I see that won't be necessary."Around and around the maze we go, Jess. Awwww, you're crying again. As soon as we're done, Mommy will dry all your tears and kiss them away."***When they had finished, Charlene braced herself for the worst, but even she wasn't prepared for the filth that came from Jess's mouth. His voice was nearly gone, so Irene put a microphone next to his mouth where he was lying in exhaustion. Every word seethed with contempt, anger and deep hatred. He even said that it was a good thing he had no strength at the moment because he didn't know how badly he might hurt her if he had the chance. He used words she had never heard him use to call her names. He damned her and cursed her in horrible ways.She tried to listen dispassionately, but as he went on and on in his soft voice, spewing horror upon horror at her, she finally broke down and began weeping silently. She was trying to be strong for him and take his verbal abuse, but she just couldn't. She hated herself, because she was afraid by showing her weakness, she might spoil everything.Jess didn't hear her at first, and he kept on talking. But then he lifted his head off the slimy plastic sheet and listened for a second. He stopped in mid-sentence and didn't say another word. He just lay there listening to her weeping for a few minutes. Then he laboriously pushed himself to his knees.Charlene was still behind him, and she noticed his movement. She motioned to Irene, who tapped Jess on the shoulder and then walked ahead of him a few steps and lifted a few ropes and moved others to make a large opening. Jess slowly crawled to the opening, where Irene unlocked his handcuffs.When he got free, he tried to stand up. But he felt incredible pain between his legs and total exhaustion, and he fell back again. He put his head down and cried, and then he crawled to the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. Charlene and Irene watched him. Charlene couldn't stop crying.Jess took a long bath, and then he painfully stood up and walked to the bedroom. He collapsed onto the bed and didn't wake up until the next day. Charlene wasn't home, but he saw that she had left a tray with fruit and cheese for him on the nightstand. He sat up and ate some of it, but then he felt exhausted again and fell asleep.When he woke up, she was sleeping beside him. He looked at the clock. It was 4 a.m. Monday morning. He looked at her and thought about when he had first met her and tried to remember the first time he realized he was in love with her. He tried to understand how she could have done what she did. Had their situations been reversed, he could never have done that to her. Or could he? How could he really know?He asked himself if he was still happy that that he felt the warmth of her body lying next to him, but as he fell asleep again, he wasn't sure of the answer.When he woke up and took a shower in the morning, she was downstairs. He painfully made his way down to the kitchen and saw she had cooked his favorite hash for breakfast, which she usually only did on weekends. He didn't say anything to her but used the kitchen phone to dial a buddy. He made sure she could hear what he said."Could I stay with you a few days?" he asked his friend. "Charlene and I are having some problems, and I need to get out of the house." She didn't look at him and didn't say anything.When he got home, he saw a suitcase in the living room in front of where she was sitting. She turned her face away when he looked at her, but not before he could tell that her eyes were red. "I put all the clothes and everything you need for work the next few days in the suitcase," she said. "Let me know when you want to collect your other stuff, and I'll make sure I'm not here to make you uncomfortable.""I called my buddy this afternoon to cancel," he said. "I made an appointment with the psychologist for tomorrow, and my first AA meeting is tomorrow night. Is it OK with you if I stay here for a while?""Sure," she said. "That's fine. I'll stay out of your way. I thought about it, and I think we should be sensible. We can save money by using one lawyer. I know you'll be fair."He was quiet for a minute. "No, you're wrong," he finally said. "I'm not going to be fair. If you try to leave me, I'm going to take as much as I can get.""You hate me that much?" she said in a teary voice, and then she stopped. "Wait. What did you just say?" she said."You heard me," he said."But --," she said."No buts," he said."You're acting strange, Jess," she finally said. "I guess you enjoy tormenting me now.""You're right," he said, "and I plan to continue tormenting you for a long time."That's when it hit her."You're not saying---?" she said."Oh yes I am," he said as took a step toward her."No!" she said, jumping up. "No, you don't mean it.""Shut up!" he said, and then to make sure she did, he covered her mouth with his as he pulled her into his arms. END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inany way, shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out anyof the scenarios in this story should seriously consider seeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 78
Egypt, 7000 B.C.The sun rose over the land of Egypt.The tribe was moving along the banks of the Nile. They were looking for food. Five hundred men, women and children marching under the scorching African sun. They walked around. It was a real hot day, even for this part of the world. The sun shone really bright and all. This nomadic tribe was known as the Hatrans, the smallest group of the Hittites.One family was lagging behind. The father and mother pushed a camel along. The young daughter walked on foot behind them. She was a young woman, only eighteen years of age. She walked there, carrying a heavy load. The tribe was moving, looking for new territory. They were forced to abandon these parts because more aggressive tribes from the East were moving in. Those barbarians had a habit of destroying pretty much anything and everything in their way.Still the tribe marched on. They continued to march even as a sand storm suddenly rose, the dunes were moving about and the wind hipped really fast. They saw a rocky hill not far away and decided to take refuge there. They hurried because desert storms could be lethal to even the strongest desert people. The young woman ran along with the tribe. At some point, she tripped over a rock and fell. She hit her head against a rock and lay still. No one noticed that she had fallen, so intense was their fear of the desert storm.The young woman lay there. She lay there even as the storm came near. She was unconscious. She lay there as the sand storms raged about. When she woke up, her tribe was gone. She was all alone. And it was night time. She would wander the desert for awhile, looking for her family. She could not find them. She would encounter a rather strange beast while looking for them. Something very old and powerful. A beast with intelligence and power. Something the desert people actually feared and respected. That beast would bite her and something of itself would go into her. She would become half human and half beast.She inherited something from the beast that changed her. She developed a craving for blood. She would wander the desert by night looking for prey. The blood of the living sustained her. It would give her great strength and a very long lifespan. At the time, no one could have known that she was the first of a new breed of creature. The creatures that prowl the night looking for human victims and draining them of blood. Whenever she bit a human and exchanged blood with them, they became like her. Preternaturally strong and fast, blessed with a very long lifespan. Thesecreatures were known as Blood Drinkers.England, 2004.The young woman ran. She ran as fast as she could. She didn't dare turn around, fearing who or what was in hot pursuit of her. She was a young womanin her early twenties. Her name was Rachel Dailey. She was a street girl. Themember of one of those rare "girl gangs".She had been on her usual corner, selling dope and promising cheap thrills to the lonely. She was a hustler. Her gang controlled the prostitution and dope dealing on this side of London. Rachel was not someone you should mess with. She was a hardened killer. She once killed a man with a knife. She was dangerous. She was fierce. Now, tonight, she was scared. Something had come to the streets of London.Something dangerous and powerful. She had heard the thugs talking about it and hadrefused to believe it. Now, it was after her. She kept running in the street, avoiding the light. She didn't see the dark form drop from high above and land right in front of her until it was too late. Rachel found herself staring into the eyes of a tall, strikingly beautiful young man."Hello." he said.She gasped. He stared at her. She couldn't believe what she saw. A tall, slender young man with spiky black hair and pale green eyes dressed in black. He stared at her with hungry eyes. She took out her gun. He snatched it from her hand with a speed that surprised her. She tried to put up a fight. His strength was amazing. He simply threw her away like a doll. She fell, twenty feet away. She felt her bones break when she landed on the hard ground. Never before had she felt such strength.The young man came to her and bent over, looking at her. He lifted her off the ground and brought her close to him, as if he wanted to see her better. She stared at him, fascinated. He stared right back. She reached down into her pocket, trying to take out the small knife she always carried. He must have sensed it for he caught her arm before it even reached her pocket."Not gonna work on me." he said.She struggled, kicking and screaming. The young man grabbed her by the neck, and squeezed. Seconds later, she hung limply in the air, held by his hand. Once the life was ebbing out of her, the young man did something very unusual. He bit her, at the neck. He drank her blood, taking in all that she had been. He drank her blood and with it her life. Once he was done, he threw her into the dark alley in the trash bin."Kyrnios, must you always do that?" a voice said.The young vampire who had just killed the female gangster turned around. He was curious as to who knew his name. He relaxed for he recognized the person who had spoken. Out of the shadows came a man. He was tall, lean and muscular. His skinwas light bronze and he had long black hair. He wore black clothing. He smiled at Kyrnios."Greeting, Zythos." said Kyrnios.The two of them shook hands. They were both vampires. Both had known each other for a very long time. Centuries. They walked down the street, talking casually until they heard the sound of sirens. Kyrnios effortlessly leapt a hundred feet off the ground and landed on the roof of a building. Zythos followed him and for awhile, the two vampires raced through the night. They leapt from rooftop to rooftop, effortlessly covering a dozen square miles in just a few minutes. Kyrnios took Zythos to his loft. They spent the day there.Kyrnios was lying in bed, far away from the light as possible. He didn't like the daytime but had grown used to it during the centuries that he had been alive. He was just trying to rest when he heard very light footsteps. He got up and found himself staring at a very beautiful sight. His friend Zythos was standing just a few feet away from him, gloriously naked. Kyrnios looked at Zythos's fine muscular male body. The dude had it going on. He looked like he could be an athlete or something."Hello." Kyrnios said."You ready to embrace me, my prince?" Zythos asked.Kyrnios took one look at Zythos and felt himself grow weak in the knees. His best friend and fellow vampire was drop dead gorgeous. Zythos came into Kyrnios's bed and they kissed. Kyrnios ran his hands over Zythos's muscular body. So fine and so firm and yet so smooth. He just had to get that body. He kissed Zythos from head to toe and even took his cock into his mouth. He looked into Zythos's beautiful face as he sucked him off, wanting to bring him maximum pleasure. He loved the taste and feel of the other vampire's throbbing manhood inside his mouth. When Zythos came, Kyrnios drank every last drop of his cum. The two lovers rolled around on the bed and Kyrnios climbed on top of Zythos. He felt Zythos's throbbing cock underneath him and just had to have it. He positioned himself to allow Zythos inside him. When Zythos entered him, Kyrnios felt the strange pleasure of letting go and letting someone else be in charge of his body and soul, something he never did. He felt Zythos's hardness inside him and grunted. He furiously stroked his own cock as Zythos fucked him. He looked at Zythos and saw the beautiful man close his eyes and knew what was coming. Zythos came inside him and Kyrnios screamed in both pain and joy. He went into Zythos's welcoming arms and kissed him. Moments later, they were asleep.When morning came, Kyrnios went to the Darkman Club. It was one of those new gothic clubs in London. He checked them out from time to time. He had been around for centuries. Kyrnios was twenty two years old back in the gloriousyear 1090 A.D. He was a young man living in Greece. He met a man named Mateo. Mateo was actually a vampire, one that had been alive since the time of the early Romans. He turned Kyrnios into a vampire. He taught Kyrnios a lot. He taught him how to appreciate the finer things in life and enjoy himself as only the undead could. Kyrnios embraced his new life as a vampire. He had the strength of ten men, and he could move as fast as a cheetah. He could leap incredible heights and survive all kinds of physical trauma and torture because of his body's ability to regenerate.All the perks of being a vampire. A lot of the things about vampires were crap. They couldn't turn into bats or other things. They couldn't fly. Crosses, garlic and holy water had no effect on them. Neither did silver. They were not crazy about sunlight because it sapped them both mentally and physically. It drained them of any energy they had but it could not kill them. They didn't burst into flameswhen exposed to sunlight but they were likely to fall asleep and become utterly helpless.Kyrnios went inside the Darkman. It was only twelve noon and there were already a lot of people around. Goths. He scoffed. He saw someone who looked familiar. One of the club girls. What was her name? No matter. She came to him, drawn to him because of his magnetic presence. He was tall and handsome, that was part of it but vampiric bodies emitted a sort of pheromone that affected members of both sexes. Kyrnios was not surprised when the young woman approached him. They started talking. It turns out her name was Katrina and she was twenty one years old. She was an aspiring actress in the city. And, oh, she had her eye on him for a long time.When she invited him to come "visit" a room backstage, he tried really hard to appear surprised.Kyrnios looked at Katrina. She was tall, with long black hair and alabaster skin. She wore a black leather bustier with a matching black leather miniskirt and black leather boots. She looked hot and she knew it. Kyrnios stared at her, she was a pleasant-looking creature. He made a small gesture with his hand and she came to him. He looked at her body. She had a supple form. Nice breasts, slim waist and great, nice, tight-looking ass. She smiled seductively at him and he tried not to roll his eyes. She kissed him. He looked away and she continued to kiss his neck and chest and made her way to his belly before unzipping his fine black leather pants. She tookhis cock out of his pants and was amazed at the size of it. It was not only long but also thick as well. A good ten and a half inches. She just had to taste it.She licked the head of his cock before licking up and down on the shaft and licking his balls. Her tongue was doing things to him, making his super sensitive skin feel... sensations. She took the cock into her mouth and continued to suck it. She was sucking on it energetically, like she wanted to suck the life out of him. He watched her pretty face as her head bobbed up and down on his cock. Her mouth felt warm around his cool flesh. He came inside her mouth and she drank his seed, drinking his inhuman seed.Seed that like him was immortal but could never create a new life. He closed his eyes and all he could hear were the slurping sounds her mouth made as she sucked his cock. He took her in his arms and placed her so that she sat astride him. She felt his hard cock underneath her and pulled back her skirt. She wasn't wearing anything underneath. He smelled her womanly smell. Hmm. Sharp and lusty, incredibly demanding.He penetrated her slowly. He started to fuck her slowly, establishing a good rhythm. He could feel her body growing excited ashis cock slammed inside her pussy. She was undulating and groaning. He thrust into her, always wanting to go deeper and achieving greater and greater penetration. He finally came inside her, shooting his jizz deep inside her pussy. She screamed as he came inside her and gripped his body. She held onto him as if for dear life. He was that good...A little while later...Kyrnios was exiting the club. He walked to his Porsche and drove back to his apartment. There wasn't much to be done during the day. Kyrnios had amassed a considerable fortune during the near-millennium that had spent walking the earth. He had a lot of wealth and power. He had things and business transactions to look after.He was driving when he saw a vision of true beauty... a tall black male who looked like an athlete. The brother was walking around the street, well-dressed and gorgeous. He was walking with an equally alluring black female in a low-cut dress.He liked the look of those two. He liked it a lot. He was trying to decide which one he was going to fuck when he felt... something.Elsewhere...something stirred underneath the Egyptian desert. Inside an ancient cave, something moved. Something that had not seen the light of day in many thousands of years.The creature that crawled out of the deep underground cave stood looking at the world for the first time in many thousands of years. It didn't look dangerous. It was tall and slender and decidedly feminine. It was also not human. A vampire. A female. A female vampire. It was all that and more. It was the First Vampire.The End
A little faerie with yellow and green butterfly wings landed on the bank of the little creek in the magical forest. She was completely naked, except for some daisies in her long wavy greenish hair. She could have been no bigger than six inches, and looked, if you would compare her to a human, like a teenage girl. She had nice slender legs and a tiny butt. Between her legs she nice little stripe of greenish pubic hair and she had a slim waist and nice, firm, rounded tits. If she had been human size they would perhaps have been 32B or C-cup. Her eyes were emerald green, and her skin yellowish.The little faerie sat by the edge of the water, enjoying the splashing of the little fish that swam in it. It was warm, and the sun was high up in the sky. But thankfully she sat in the shadow of her flower. The flower that had been given to her by the Faerie Queen to protect. A big responsibility. Especially as there were creatures in the magical forest who would love nothing more than to steal flowers from innocent little fairies.As the little faerie sat there for a while, she felt herself dreaming away thanks to the soft breeze and warm sun in her face. But just as she was about to fall asleep, she heard a noise behind her in the bushes. She turned her head and saw him, the biggest, baddest, meanest wolf of all wolves in the forest. And of all the flower stealing wolves, he had stolen the most. There could be only one reason why he was here.The faerie jumped up to defend her flower, her most precious possession, no matter how pointless it may have seemed. The wolf was at least ten times her size and way stronger then her, and he had a large mouth with sharp teeth, but she wasn't going to let him take her flower from her without a fight."Weeya, waaya, wowa, I smell a little faerie flowa!" The wolf sang joyfully as he saw the faerie and her flower. "Step aside little brat, then I'll pluck and eat your little flower! Hooowwwwlll!""Please don't take my flower, mister Wolf! I'll give you anything else you want, but not my flower. It was a gift from the Faerie Queen." She pleaded to the wolf."Ah yes, the Faerie Queen, a delicious flower she had. I really enjoyed taking it from her." The wolf replied, and the faerie swallowed. He had even taken the flower from the Queen? She was like the mother of all faeries! If the queen could not even prevent this wolf from taking her flower from her, then what on earth was she supposed to do?"Please mister Wolf, don't... I beg you..." She whined as she stood between him and her flower. But the wolf shoved her away and grabbed the stem of the flower and with one tug he plucked the flower from the ground. And then he ate it all. She screamed, but the wolf ignored it.As the wolf strode away, he looked back at the little faerie, who was defeated and about to cry. "Thanks for your lovely flower, little faerie, it tasted really sweet... Bye now my little faerie, my little Dagmar... ...Dagmar...""Dagmar...?""HEY! Dagmar! Wake up!!"Slowly the seventeen year old blonde opened her eyes. She had a pleasant, satisfied smile on her face. She was dazed for a moment, not sure where she was. "Uhhh... Wha...? What's up? Where am I? Who's yelling?" She stumbled as she was so rudely awakened from her nice dream. For that was what it had been, just a dream.Her teacher was standing next to her, angry that the girl had fallen asleep in his class. He had been trying to wake her up for at least five minutes. "Nice of you to join us again, young lady, hopefully you will find the rest of my lessons more interesting," he said. The whole class was laughing. The girl sitting next to her gazed at her with a look that showed both amazement and shock. Then she felt something weird between her legs. Dagmar looked down, there was a wet spot on the seat by her crotch. She felt her face getting as red as a tomato and more than anything she wanted to crawl as far underneath the desk as she could, but she couldn't... She had to sit it out for the rest of the period.Yes, it had all just been a dream... But what a dream...END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 66
I'm 22 and I work 2nd shift at a Ford plant in Michigan. My girlfriend, Vickie, is 19 and lives at home. She has a split shift working at a burger joint. Lots of times I'd go over to her house in the afternoons before her mother gets home and we'd have sex. I'm the only guy Vickie has ever done it with and she always makes me feel special.Vickie is 5'6" and a real doll. She has long brown hair, a great body with suckable tits and a nice, tight pussy. She likes to be pumped with me on top so we can kiss and so she can wrap her legs around me. She's also pretty smart, too. She's going to college as soon as she saves up enough money. Vickie's mom is Ruth. She's 42 and works as a dispatcher for a utility company in Detroit and she earns good money. She works from 8:30 in the morning to 4:30 in the afternoon and that meant Vickie and me could get together in her bed in the afternoons before I had to go to work at 4:00. One morning, Ruth called and woke me up. She told me to hurry over. I was half-asleep but I got there in fifteen minutes. Ruth was wearing a robe when she opened the door for me. She was pissed as hell. She told me she had gotten home early the day before and she had seen me fucking her daughter. She demanded to know how long we'd been "doing it," and who else knew. I told her that I loved her daughter and that I respected her and that we were only showing our love by having regular sex.Ruth listed to my story and when I stopped talking she said, "Fuck me, Sam." She shrugged the robe off her shoulders. She was naked and my dick couldn't help but get stiff as I looked at her full tits and hairy snatch. I'd always thought Ruth was a good looking woman, but she was my girlfriend's mother, so there wasn't much else to think. Her tits were bigger than Vickie's pointy boobs. The nipples were brown instead of pink, bigger and stiff. I guess she was already horny and I could smell her cunt as she oozed. "Show me your dick, Sam," she ordered. She had already put her hand on the front of my pants and was rubbing my boner real good. I wasn't sure what to do, but she stood there looking at me with her fists on her hips, so slowly I undid my pants and shoved them down. I wasn't wearing any under-pants.She stared me my slowly rising dick and moved her face close to mine. "You've got a real nice looking dick, Sam. Vickie sure seems to like it. I think I will, too. Wouldn't you like to try it in my pussy?" She took my right hand and put it on her cunt, palm up. I felt her wetness and stuck my finger into the slit between her legs. Ruth closed her eyes and moaned, reaching out to squeeze my dick. "Come on," she said. She pulled me by my dick down the hall to her bedroom. She reminded me that Vickie was at work. She tugged my jeans the rest of the way off and pulled me to the bed where she sat and eyeballed my dick and balls for a bit. I could feel her breath tickling the skin on my nuts and her hand slowly jerked me off. She sure knew how to handle dick. "So, this is the dick that's been nailing my daughter, hmm?" she asked. "And have these balls been making lots of spunk for her pussy? Tell me, Sam, how does it feel when Vickie kisses your dick?" I was shocked! "She doesn't do that," I told Ruth. Oh, I had asked her many times to suck my dick, but she wouldn't. She thought that was a nasty think to do. She said the same thing when I wanted to go down on her. "She doesn't? Well, I guess I should have taught her how to treat a man." Suddenly, she leaned forward and let my knob slide between her full lips. Shit, inside her mouth was heaven, soft and wet with her angel tongue flittering around and making my dick throb. I'd been sucked before but not by someone who knew what she was doing and enjoyed it so much. She squeezed and pulled at my balls and the whole time she looked at me to watch my face. "Like it?" she asked with her mouth full of dick. "Bet you want to cum, don't you?" She had that right and I groaned and nodded. Ruth sucked hard and took most of my dick into her mouth then she took her mouth away. At the same time, she gave my balls a tight squeeze. "Not so fast Sam, show me how well you eat my daughter's pussy." She laid back and spread her legs. Her pussy lips were brown and swollen and dripping. I told her Vickie wouldn't let me eat her. "Then let me feel what she's missing," Ruth said, grabbing my head as I knelt down. Her hands pulled my head between her thighs and my mouth quickly mashed against her wet lips. Her clit rubbed against my nose as I stuck my tongue between the puffed folds. "Ooh, yeah, Sam! Eat my pussy! You love that pussy, don't you? It's the pussy Vickie dropped from. If you love Vickie, love that pussy! Lick me, suck me, EAT ME!" Ruth was one wild woman, let me tell you. She didn't let go of my head until she had cum twice. The sheets were soaked with juice when she let me up and my face felt like it had been underwater for hours. Even my lips and tongue were sore. "Now, Sam! Fuck me, and fuck me good. If you want to keep fucking Vickie, then make me cum. As long as she's living here, you can be her rent. Now, give me a down payment and a deposit. Fuck me with that dick!" Her pussy felt like it was sucking my dick inside. My stiff piece just split her lips and slid in real easy. Ruth's pussy wasn't as tight as Vickie's but it felt hotter and wetter inside. And I could feel her pussy muscles tugging and grasping and squeezing around my dick. Hot stuff, all right. Vickie didn't seem to enjoy being fucked anywhere near like her mom did, that's for sure. Her hands clutched my ass cheeks and she pulled hard every time I thrust my dick into her. She loved to be fucked, that's for sure! "Make me cum Sam, I'm almost there... oh, yes, yes-s-s, FUCK YES!" Ruth's whole body went rigid for a second then she started quivering all over. Beads of sweat popped out on her forehead; her tits flushed pink; those pussy muscles of hers tensed around my dick like a milking machine and starting pulling my cum out of my balls. I rammed inside of her as far as I could and my cum squirted from my dick like I hadn't shot off a load in a week. "Oh Sam, I can feel your cum in me!" Ruth gasped and hugged me tight to her sweaty body. My hips jerked as spasms kept emptying my balls deep inside Ruth's hot pussy. Afterwards I just lay on top of her while my dick shrank and soaked in the warm mixture of our cum. When I finally rolled off her, Ruth let out a groan of satisfaction. Before I knew what was going on, Ruth had straddled my head and was lowering her sperm-filled cunt to my mouth. "Clean me out with your tongue," she ordered, "or else you'll never see Vickie again!" I didn't ask what she might do. I just opened my mouth and started sucking out Ruth's cream-filled cunt. I'd never tasted my own cum before but it didn't taste bad at all. A bit tart, slightly salty, but not bad, really. And it was mixed with Ruth's juices as well, so it was an interesting after-fuck treat. Ruth fingered her clit while I ate her clean and she made herself cum again in no time. After she got off of my soaked face, she told me that it was okay with her if I fucked Vickie so long as I gave her some action as well. But she didn't want daughter to know. Neither did I, for that matter. I mean, it was almost a dream come true, right? Getting to fuck mother and daughter.Oh, there have been a couple of close calls. Like the time I was getting a great blowjob from Ruth when we heard Vickie come in the front door. She had come home because they had shut down the restaurant because of some water problem. I hid under Ruth's bed and Vickie used the phone in Ruth's room to call my house. "Hmm, no answer," she said, hanging up the phone. "Well, I'll just change clothes and go over there. He's probably in the shower." No sooner was she out of the room than I hurried out the window and ran the three blocks home. I was getting out of the shower when Vickie arrived. We went to my room and fucked. Naturally, I was scared but there is definitely something very exciting about this situation. I was fucking her with her own mother's with a dick that had just been in her mother's mouth lees than an hour before.More than once Ruth has sucked my dick within an hour after I fucked Vickie, and I know the taste of Vickie's pussy had to be clinging to my dick but she didn't seem to mind at all. I keep having this fantasy about being able to get it on with both of them at the same time. It'd be great to have Ruth show Vickie the fine art of giving a blowjob using my dick. I can just imagine Vickie with her mouth stuffed with my dick and Ruth licking my balls and even tonguing my asshole. I wonder if Ruth would go down on her own daughter. She's told me she's had sex with other women and enjoys eating pussy once in awhile, which is why she doesn't mind tasting Vickie's cunt on my dick. But would she eat her own daughter's pussy? It sure is something to think about but no way was I even going to suggest it. Vickie messed around with a girlfriend of hers once and she has jokingly said that if she ever got thoroughly mad at me, she'd give up men entirely and become a lesbian. It makes me wonder...
Author Note: Please feel free to email me and give me some feedback on if you liked this story or not.***School dismissed and I rushed out into the courtyard. School was out for summer. I was 15, and in a hurry to get my summer underway. Mom was supposed to pick me up. I scanned the parking lot. She wasn't there.Mom and dad had been divorced for years. The years of heartache without dad mom had turned to a new affair. Drugs and alcohol. I was disheartened when I saw she wasn't in the parking lot, but it did not surprise me. It was only a few miles and I decided instead of waiting as the cars in the lot filed out leaving me very much there by myself I would walk home. Yeah walk home and give my mom a piece of my mind. I grabbed my bag, slung it over my shoulders with my shoes and socks inside, enjoying the cool grass beneath my bare feet.The warm sun seemed to mock me, almost directly overhead and seemed to linger there. Beads of sweat formed on my skin. My white blouse clung to me and I could feel the sweat dripping, tickling as it rolled down my breasts. I pulled my hair up and fashioned it in a ponytail to keep it from clinging to my neck. I hadn't wore panties today and could feel the perspiration in the creases where my legs came together. I felt sticky and wished at once I was home taking a shower. I hadn't wore panties for a while now to be honest. I was no virgin anymore and delighted in teasing the boys at Saint John's School for Boys, which incidentally was next door to my own catholic school.Truth was tease was all I did anymore though. A close pregnancy scare was enough to set reality back in for me. I didn't want that. Not at 15. So here I was, walking home and starting to feel sorry for myself. Little did I know my day was about to get far worse. I left the road, taking a small dirt trail. I used to fish there when I was little with dad and right now longed for that kind of nostalgia. I walked on by the creek, hoping to cut my time getting home nearly in half. Something flipped over my head from behind me. My hands came up, unable to see what had closed around my head. It felt like rough cloth, as someone tightened down on it behind me. I started hyperventilating and passed out. **When I awoke, I was undressed, and a cold sudden chill ran over my body and gooseflesh perked along my skin. I was in a small cramped room. A dirty mattress clung to the dirt floor. A sink, toilet, and shower were the only other comforts. I tried covering myself with my hands. It was dark and the air was musky. Damp. "Help! Please somebody help!" I cried. But no one could hear me. No one I'd care to hear me anyway. I was not bound within my small room and moved about freely. I was alone in there for what seemed an eternity. I sought a way out. The ceiling was too far overhead. There were no doors. There was nothing to use as a ladder. I started to cry, and not for the first time. Once I started again the tears flowed freely, and I balled up naked on that awful mattress and fell asleep.**I was startled awake by someone grabbing my ankle. I kicked away from him but he held tight pressing his large body over my petite frame. He was a black man, and he was naked also. "You'd best be quiet now suge." Was all he said as he held me down on my belly and spread my legs. I felt him spit on y shaved cunny and then he was pushing inside me. I screamed. He pushed grunting heaving as he fucked me, holding me down with his weight. I could faintly hear something behind him, but I was trying desperately to shut it all out. "Please! Please!" I whispered between sobs. He pushed harder raising my hips with his large hands so he could go deeper. And then I felt him cumming inside me. Actually felt him cum in me. I hadn't really felt that before. I closed my eyes and waited for him to finish.He held me down licking my back and neck and finally pulled out of me. I hurt. He clamps something around my neck then fastens it to a clamp on the wall. I realize it's a collar. He looks at me for a second. "My you are a pretty thing." He says, "Here's the deal. You will put out for me and my friends and whoever I tell you to fuck. In return you will receive food and water and whatever else you wish. If you don't, well, let's not let it come to that." He laughed and I wanted to cry but couldn't. He went back up a ladder then drew it up with him. Before the hatch closed from above he added; "I've left you some friends. Get acquainted. They are your initiation. After you're done, I'll cut the water back on for you and send down some food.""Fuck you!" I managed. The hatch slammed shut and something stirred in the room with me. Smacking sounds I couldn't make out but suddenly made me cringe. The light that lit my corner of the room was scarce and coming from somewhere overhead. The figures moved in that bitter darkness. They came closer. Dogs! They were dogs. Four of them. They moved closer nearly on top of me. I held out my hand and to my surprise they did not bite. The first licked my hand, as the others sniffed the air. The first one nudged my shoulder licking the sweat from my skin. "Stop it boy." I laughed as it tickled me. He nudged again this time a bit more forcefully. I toppled over and realized I set myself up. The weight of one of the dogs was on my back. I thought for a second it was playfulness. I was very wrong. His forepaws wrapped around my tiny waist, claws digging into flesh and drawing blood. I winced and yelled for him to get off me. The stuffiness of the room and this dogs fur on my back was making me sweat again. Then something sharp jabbed into my hind end. I jerked forward and the sharp thing suddenly slid inside my cunny. Then the dog began to hump me like a jackhammer, pistoning in and out of me and I could feel the sharp thing I could only assume now was his cock begin to swell inside me. He drove me across the mattress on my knees. As he fucked me I cried out, "NO!" I couldn't believe what was happening. His cock was so warm inside me the sensation of fur on my back and this cock inside me, oh god no. My own body was betraying me. I could feel it building inside me, involuntarily humping back to meet his thrusts, feeling what I would later know as the knot swell against me, shooting his doggy sperm inside me as my toes curled behind me and I came as he came inside me. He quickly dismounted, dog cum warm, ran from me and down my legs. He took a few licks, long raspy tongue stretching out across my clit so sensitive and inside me and finally across my asshole. I balled up again, knees into my chest, feet tucked under my ass, as dog cum dribbled from me and onto the soles of my feet pooling in my arches. The second dog mounted me awkwardly, and I braced myself this time. But this dog was clumsy, mounting then dismounting and I refused to move out of my ball. He mounted me from the front next humping against my face. I lowered my head best I could and just let it happen. There was little my small frame could do against these large dogs. He dry humped my back and I could feel the cum shooting all over my neck and back. He drew away, still spurting cum as the third dog waited his turn. He simply sat in front of me. Waiting. I remembered what the black man had said. This was my initiation. The smell of my sex was strong in the cramped room. My stomach gurgled. How long had I been down here? I wouldn't get food or water until the deed was done. How could I think about it? The truth of the matter was it was going to happen whether I wanted it or not and I was quickly learning that.I went towards the fourth dog who was lying on his side and I straddled him. I took hold of his sheathe and slid his cock out, easing myself onto him. He instantly began to expand inside me as I went up and down back and forth on him. The third dog saw me in this position and took advantage, gripping my waist tight. "No, wait your..." was all I got out of my mouth when his cock slid inside my anus. He started humping fiercely. I could feel him his knot not quite entering me and he was cumming inside me. So was the dog under me. My toes curled the feeling of being ravished, of being so completely full. I shook between them. I suddenly felt very ashamed of what was happening.The dog in my ass pulled free and I got up weakly from the other in my cunny. The light suddenly grew brighter. I was covered in sweat saliva and dog cum. The black man lowered the ladder once more and came down. He was holding a tray. He left the tray with the food on it and went back up the ladder. I scarfed the sandwiches down. The dogs eyed me, but I didn't care. I was starving. And I hurt. There was no way I could go at it again. Once I finished, they came at me again. I laid down, not allowing them to get me. They were content to dry hump me however, the first grabbing me around my waist, humping my ass-cheek. I felt warm fluid shoot over my skin. I quickly scooted from under him only this time he was growling. I cowered in the corner. I had to think fast. He was standing over my leg so I eased my foot up and rubbed against his sheathe. He started to hump against my foot. The redness of his cock poked through the sheathe and I let him hump my soft foot. He seemed content. Without warning the intensity with which he was cumming increased coating my foot and toes, hooting up my legs. He was finished, and sated, backing away to let the others at me. I laid on my back and let them come,, taking both feet to either side of them, taking them between my feet and letting them fuck my feet. It was a means to an end. The second finishes cumming blowing all over my feet and legs and cunny and belly. The third and fourth manage to finish and I find I'm completely covered down my front. I bite my lip, only to find the salty taste of jizz on my lip. The hatch once again opens, and the dogs dart clumsily up the ladder. I'm left there, pondering the consequences of my actions, my thoughts still lingering on the taste of dog cum on my lips and a very nasty thought crossing my mind. I was starting to enjoy this. To be continued? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 58
Perhaps I should give you some background on my sister-in-law, Donna, before I start my story.Donna was the oldest daughter in her family and married when she was 17 and is still with the same husband to this day. Wanting to raise her children "correctly" most of her time was spent being the prim and proper mother, wife, and organist at her church. Now in her late forties and 5' 7" tall with a trim figure and B cup breast and all her children grown, another side of her makes a brief appearance at times. Of course never around her husband, who like her, is a small town person and very conservative.In as much as she dresses conservative, I have gotten a few furtive looks up her skirt and she has dynamite legs. With the few times I have rubbed her shoulders for her and taken a peek over her shoulders I could tell that she wore strapless bras as her breast needed no real support. My wife and I had met her in a large city to do some shopping for the weekend. Not knowing I would be coming, she only reserved on room at the hotel and this weekend several conventions were in town, so there were no more rooms. After shopping we stopped to eat and have a few drinks, and very few drinks as Donna was not a drinker. I had brought a couple of bottles on wine and when we got back to the room I opened them and poured a few glasses. Of course we had several glasses and then decided to turn in. As my wife and Donna have trouble sleeping, Donna offered a sleeping pill to my wife and told her they were quite strong and she always took two, but my wife should only take one. After taking the sleeping pills Donna commented that she wished I would rub her back and shoulders for her which of course I agreed to do. After the girls had gone into the bathroom and changed into their night gowns they were feeling the effects of both the sleeping pills and the wine, so each laid down on a bed and I leaned over Donna's bed and began to massage her shoulders and neck. There was a knock at the door and room service said they had our food. I knew that I had not ordered any, so I attempted to wake both my wife and Donna. This was when I realized that both were out to the world and even bouncing them on the bed and turning them over did not wake them. I told room service that a mistake had been made and then he realized he was on the wrong floor and left. Going back over to the bed I took off my clothes and pulled on a pair of sweat pants and started to lay down next to my wife. At that point I realized how erotic this situation was. Never in the past had I taken advantage of anyone when they were incapacitated, but Donna looked really sexy over there and I knew that her husband had had high blood pressure for about four years and hadn't been very sexual with her.Soooo... I walked over to her bed and began the massage again, but this time I dropped both her straps to her gown off her shoulders and drew them down to about her elbows. This allowed me to massage a larger portion of her back and I massaged my way down to her hips. Then I went down to her feet and massaged her left leg and as I went high I noticed her legs seem to separate a bit and I could see her pussy.I pushed her gown higher and massaging the other leg I had her gown to the bottom of her ass and could see a beautiful pussy with fairly large lips staring back at me. I Pushed her gown over her hips and massaged a gorgeous ass, opening her cheeks to get a look at her virgin little rosebud. I reached down and laid on foot on top of her other leg and rolled her over and in doing so one breast became completely exposed. As I knew it would be, it was full and beautifully shaped with a pick nipple that stuck out about 3/4 of an inch and both nipples were standing straight out! Throwing safety to the wind I took one and then the other into my mouth and gently sucked on them allowing my tongue to roll around them as I drew my teeth across them. Pulling the hem of her gown up I laid down between her legs and breathed in a clean musty smell that made my cock throb. Sliding her legs further apart I very gently ran my tongue slowly up and down her full length of her pussy. As her lips began to part I let my tongue dip into her valley and work up to her clit. Taking her clit into my mouth, I gently suck on it and ran my tongue up and down it feeling it getting longer and longer. Her clit must have stuck out over and inch and her legs now went full open on their own! I took an ankle in each hand and pusher her feet almost to her ass and let her legs lay wide open. The nectar flowing out of her was about to flood me. I had never seen a woman so wet in my life!!! Pushing a towel under her to catch what my mouth missed, I heard a soft moan escape her lips. I continued to probe her cunt with my mouth and tongue and sucking on her clit. I then started to ease a finger into her flooded hole and found her so tight that my finger felt like I was rolling a rubber band down it! I fucked her pussy with that finger and tried in vain to push another finger into her. Unable to do this and with so much of her juices flowing down the crack of her ass I took another finger and as I fucked her pussy with one index finger and sucked her clit with my mouth, I let my next finger start to push against her little rosebud. With each push I felt her rosebud start to open and pretty soon I had my finger in up to the second knuckle... I was now fucking both her pussy and ass with my fingers and her hips were matching my fingers thrust for thrust. In no time she climaxed so hard I just knew it would wake her up, but my luck and the sleeping pills and wine held. My cock was straining so hard I thought it was going to bust. Pulling my self up I put the head of my cock at the entrance to her pussy and started to push. She was still so tight I thought for sure I would never get it in her. Finally the head popped in and I can't describe the feeling of such a tight hot pussy! As I worked the full length of it into her and started to fuck in and out with full strokes I watched as she came time and time again. Her pussy was grabbing my cock and before long I knew that I would not be able to wait much longer.With a final lunge I pushed deep into her and unloaded a load of cum like I have never done before! Realizing my cock was still hard I slowly fucked in and out of her until it was soft again. I got up and cleaned us both up and laid down next to my sleeping wife. As I tried to go to sleep, I looked at Donna and thought about what I had done and felt myself getting hard again. Moving back over to Donna I reached down to her pussy and more of my cum had run out of her and down her ass. Massaging her little rosebud I knew better, but just had to feel my dick in her virgin ass. Positioning myself I worked a finger in and out of her until she was well lubricated with pussy juices and my cum and then I pushed the head of my throbbing cock against her rosebud. I took about five minutes before I felt my cock head pop into that tight little hole. She groaned and moved a little and I stayed very still. But my cock was throbbing so I started to slowly fuck in and out and push a little more cock into her each time. I was holding her legs up by my head when I realized she was pushing down on my cock as I fucked into her ass! I looked at her pussy and it was gaping open with juices flowing out of it and her fingers moving all around it. As she was coasting down from an orgasm, I came and again could not bring myself to pull out before my cum drenched her bowels. Again I cleaned her up the best I could, but knew I was in for it the next morning. While Donna was taking a shower, my wife went down to get us some coffee and breakfast. I heard Donna call my name out and I went to the door to see what she wanted. She told me to open the door and come in. I did and tried to avert my eyes when she said she didn't think that was necessary. She then told me that the next time I felt like doing something like that to wake her! However she did tell me that if I ever tired her backdoor again she would kill me. Later that day, she sent my wife to pick up a few things she bought the day before, feigning a headache. After my wife left she sat on the bed and told me to come over there. She said she wanted to see what I was concealing and pulled my cock out of my jogging pants. In seconds it was hard and her mouth was around it. She turned around on the bed on her hands and knees and told me to hurry before her sister got back. I guess you can guess that she has held this over my head ever since and every time she gets horny, I now have to perform. I have learned my lesson. END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 48
Part 8 – The Fateful Encounter I could hardly wait until Saturday. I knew I had to be very careful though. I had to make sure this wasn't a sting. I figured LEA would never use real teen girls so if there were several playing on the escalators, it would be okay. Besides, I was not going to approach her so I felt pretty safe.I decided to take a chance and went to the mall Saturday afternoon.Here is what happened...***I got to the mall around 1:00pm and did some shopping so I had a few bags to carry. At about 1:45pm I found a bench in the main wing next to the escalators. I pretended to be reading a brochure I had picked up, all the while checking out the many young girls there. It was a good place, next to several teen and tween stores. Through the window of one of the stores I could see two fifteen year olds looking through the bikini racks and holding them up. I could only imagine what they would look like in them. In that same store there was a twelve year old with her mother. She was trying on leotards. Each time she did, she would come out of the dressing room for her mother's opinion. She was so sexy in the body hugging outfits I almost forgot why I was really there.Looking around I saw another group of girls, all in short/shorts. I couldn't believe how tight they were wearing them these days. The material really amplified their round butts.Finally I saw what I figured was Sally's group. There were four girls, all about fourteen and all in mini-skirts. Three were blonds and one had dark hair. All were wearing crop tops. When they stood just right, their midriffs were visible.One of the blonds had really big titties. Usually I prefer smaller breasts but I was intrigued at how hers jiggled when she walked. The others had little A-cups. They were equally fascinating to watch.It was pretty easy to tell which one was Sally but I knew I couldn't say anything to her. All I could do was watch. As they got on the escalator, I tried to get on a few steps behind them. Unfortunately, several other men pushed in front of me. I could only get several glances of the white cotton material beneath their skirts. The man closest to the girls was pretending to use his phone. I knew, however, he was really taking pictures. It sort of pissed me off that he was violating "my" Sally but then I realized this is what she liked.The girls stopped upstairs to window shop and then came back down. Luckily I anticipated this and was already at the bottom. Looking up I could see their little titty mounds beneath the crop tops.This time when they reached the bottom and headed back up, I was only three steps behind with an unobstructed view.And what a view it was. They were all wearing white cotton panties - a pedo's delight! I assumed they were bikinis because that is what she said they wore. But only the bottoms showed. I could see how the material really hugged tight to their little butts.I also got a pretty good look at their crotches from behind. The cotton fabric was stretched taunt against their pussy lips. I swear I could see some pubic hair peeking out the side of the dark haired girl's panty crotch. And there was a definite cameltoe in the shorthaired blonde's panties.At one point, the girl I suspected was Sally looked right at me but then quickly turned away.I really wanted to get an even closer look under Sally's skirt but didn't want to draw the attention of the mall cops or security cameras so I pretended to continue shopping. I was hoping to catch up to Sally and her friends again but I seemed to have lost them. I was happy there were plenty of other little teens and preteens to distract me along the way.When it started to get late I left, satisfied that I had accomplished my mission.That Saturday night I got the following email.***Dear Netman,Did you enjoy yourself at the mall? Did you like looking at my panties? I assume you figured out which one I was.There were lots of men but I think I figured out which one you were. You were the one in the blue baseball cap and jeans. I could tell because you were looking at me more than at my friends.I am very pleased. Not only are you handsome but also you look real sweet.I'd sooo like to meet if you could figure out a safe way how. We would have to be careful.XOXO, Sally***Dear Sally,You were right. That was me in the blue hat.And yes, I was looking mostly at you.It was easy figuring out which of the four girls was you. One had dark hair, so I knew that couldn't be you. Of the three blonds that were left, the girl in the red and white plaid mini skirt had really large titties so I also eliminated her. I figured the shorthaired blond was Cindy, which left you, the darker haired blond in the black and white plaid mini skirt! (And besides I recognized your body from your bikini picture.)And I think I figured out how we can meet. Let's meet at a public place where we can both feel safe.How about the same mall? When you first wrote, you said sometime you would just like to sit down and have a cola with the men you teased. How about meeting in the food court?I'd love it if you could sit down and have a cola with me. I'll be at the food court in the mall on next Saturday at noon. You know what I look like. I'll be sitting at a table and will have my blue baseball hat on. Sit at the table next to me and we can talk without people seeing us together.If you still want to meet, see you there!Soon!Netman***I was really nervous on Saturday. I don't know whether it was for fear of being arrested or for fear of Sally not showing up. Nevertheless, I went to the mall food court, ordered two colas and sat at a table near the edge. I made sure there were several empty tables next to me and placed a cola on one of them.At precisely noon, I saw a little girl desperately looking around. She was wearing the same schoolgirl miniskirt and white crop top as before. When she saw me, she walked hurriedly over and sat down on the table next to mine with the cola on it. I held out my hand between tables to shake hers."Hi Sally," I said. "I'm Netman. My real name is Fred. Nice to finally meet you.""Me too." she said, holding onto my hand a little longer. I felt an instant jolt of electricity just feeling her hand. It felt like I was in high school again. I have written lots of stories about little girls but this was the first time I actually touched one."I was afraid you wouldn't meet me," I said. "Between Jason and Mr. Smith I thought all of your curiosities might have been satisfied?" "This is true but I really wanted to meet the man who guided me to help make my fantasies come true," she said. We talked for a while, between the tables, getting to know more about one another. When we finished our colas, Sally said something that I had been waiting to hear from a little girl my whole life. "Do you still want to do those things to me that you wrote?" she asked."You know I do." I answered."Well maybe we can go somewhere now? Daddy dropped me off and I told him I was meeting my friends. They're not expecting me home until late."I did not have to be asked twice. We got up; left the food court, and Sally followed me out to my car, staying a little behind as to not cause suspicion. I live about 45 minutes away and I really didn't want to go all the way home. Luckily there was a motel nearby.Sally waited in the car as I registered. I didn't want to be spotted with such a young girl so she met me in the room after I texted her the room number.She was hardly inside the door when I pulled her against me and placed my mouth over hers. She immediately opened hers and kissed me back, even more passionately. We made out just standing there, with me waiting to see just how far she was really willing to go.Like I said, I've written about this situation but NEVER thought I would ever be in it! Fortunately I knew from her accounts, she always made the first move.And I was right. As we were making out, she led me over to the bed, lay down, and pulled me gently on top of her. Sally spread her legs so my now hard cock pressed into her panty-clad crotch. We dry humped for a while and then I felt her hand trying to undo my belt."Let's get out of all of these clothes." I said climbing off of her.I was completely stripped while Sally was still struggling with the buttons on her top."Please let me help you with those," I volunteered.I was looking forward to seeing the body I had fantasized about since seeing her picture. I undid the buttons on her top and spread open the front. Her little breasts popped out.They were perfect, just as I had imagined. Upon each of her little A-cup mounds was a dark pink nipple. I just had to have a taste before I moved on.I placed my lips over the right one and sucked until it expanded and got hard. I got so carried away that I tried to gobble her whole little mound into my mouth. I managed to get three-quarters of it in. Then I did the same to her left titty.When I was finished I removed the blouse completely and then reached for the clasp on her skirt.Pulling it off I finally got to see her panties completely. I was surprised they weren't the bikinis I expected. Instead they were white cotton little girl panties. Then I remembered. Many of my stories involved characters in little girl panties. They were a sign of innocence. She probably wore them to please me. She must have known we would end up like this. There was already a wet spot on her crotch. I could almost see her slit through the near transparent material. I bent down a licked over the fabric. She reacted by moaning. I loved the taste of her juices through the material. They were less pungent than any woman I had ever tasted.After a while, I reached up and put my thumbs in the waistband of her panties. She lifted her butt so I could pull them completely off. Then she slid the pillow under it. (She must have been used to this drill by now.)I was face to face with my first little girl pussy. This was better than anything in my fantasy stories. Like she said, her pussy was literally hairless. I saw only the start of a few light hairs on her pubic mound. Her outer lips were pretty thin yet I could imagine how plush they would someday become.Her slit was splayed open slightly revealing her wider open inner labia lips, which were even wetter. Towards the bottom was the real treasure. Her pussy hole was also splayed open revealing her moist, pink insides. At the top, her clit was just sticking out slightly.With her pussy at face level I leaned forward and put my lips on her clit. As I sucked it into my mouth, I felt it enlarge. This made it easier to lick with my tongue. I wanted to feel a little girl pussy so I slid my index finger into her pussy hole. It sunk right in. She was telling the truth about herself. Indeed she wasn't a virgin, or at least didn't still have her hymen.As I sucked, licked and fingered her I could hear her moans increasing. I love the sound of a girl who is getting turned on.After ten minutes of this, I felt her whole body explode against my face. She shook for a few minutes and then her body went limp. I had completely wiped her out. What a feeling!After a few more minutes she opened her eyes and pulled me up beside her. Fortunately I was already naked, and it wasn't hard for her hand to find my erect cock.Instead of pumping it, she seemed to be exploring it, feeling it all over. She sat up so she could have a better look."Wow, this is even bigger than Mr. Smith's," she said, continuing to feel it all over. (That did wonders for my ego.)Bending down she put the tip into her mouth. She must have tasted by pre cum, for she pulled away to say, "Yum!"Then she took me back into her mouth and slid me in and out of her throat a few times. Popping me out she spoke. "Would you like to fuck my little pussy?" she asked. "Do you have a condom?""Well I've had a vasectomy, so we really don't need one," I said. "But if you'd feel more comfortable, I'll use one.""No, that's fine. I really like skin-to-skin contact. How about you?" she smiled.I didn't even answer her. I just centered myself between her legs and started to push forward. The tip of my cock landed on her pussy opening and I continued pushing. It was not only wet but also it was also hot. I could feel the entrance of her pussy opening up to take me in. The more I pushed, the further in I went. At one point I heard Sally gasp. I really must have been bigger than she was used to.When I bottomed out, I hesitated a while to let her get used to me being inside her. I also wanted to enjoy the pleasure of being inside her. I never thought I would get to fuck a fourteen-year old. Looking down and seeing me over her naked body was almost enough to make me cum right then and there.Luckily I held off and after a while I started to pump in and out. I went slowly at first, trying to make every second last. Sally was a little more aggressive. She started pushing her pelvis up to mine, coaxing me to pump faster.That was all the encouragement I needed and soon we were both fucking each other at a steady pace. I was glad I wasn't wearing a condom. Our flesh seemed to melt together as I pumped in and out. I could feel the walls of her vagina squeezing the head and shaft of my cock.In all of my stories and even here I try, but there are really no words to describe the feeling of being inside a little girl's pussy.After fucking for ten minutes, I felt Sally's insides expanding and contracting around my cock. This caused me to also explode, spewing load upon load of hot cum deep into her pussy.I stayed inside her until I went soft and then my cock, along with a large load of cum, dripped out of her pussy. I watched in fascination. I have seen cream pies before, but never one flowing out of a hairless, fourteen-year old pussy. As if curious, Sally reached down, scooped some cum onto her finger, and took a taste. She looked pleased at the flavor.Sally was a really tender little girl. We spent the next hour naked in each other's arms. We talked and made out, all the time while pressing our bodies against each other. I loved the feel of her little titties against my chest.Luckily I brought some blue pills so I was hard again in a little while. We fucked again, this time with her on top. She told me she had never done this with Mr. Smith. I was happy there was something I could finally do that was a first for her.I had more stamina this time and we fucked for about a half hour. I loved watching her teenage body bouncing up and down over mine. This time it was me who triggered her orgasm as I shot another load up inside her. When she pulled up, the cum flowed out of her pussy coating my shaft and balls.When she saw this, she slid between my legs and licked me clean. It almost got me hard again but I saw it was getting late.As we cleaned up and got dressed, we agreed this was only the beginning and that we would get together a lot more. I was happy, even though I realized I would probably be sharing her with Mr. Smith.I drove her home and dropped her off a block from her house. We hugged goodbye and she skipped out of the car towards her house.I couldn't believe that a random email could lead to this.Plus it really freed up my writer's block.A week later I got the following email:***Dear Netman, I'm still thinking about what happened last Saturday. You really know how to "please" a young girl. I can't wait to get together again.Meanwhile, do you remember that guy at the mall taking pictures of my butt with his phone?Well I ran into him again and he asked if he could buy me a cola...Love,Sally***OMGThe End*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 85
After I got married I had all the pussy I could want. But I missed blowjobs and tried to train my wife to give them. She was a virgin and she never took a liking to it.In an effort to get her to expand her horizons and as time went forward, we 'discovered' porn, or at least I made it look like that is what happened.My wife really got hot whenever she watched the porn I fed her. She particularly liked to see women eat each other. We would fantasize all the time about her eating a pussy, so eventually I arranged a vacation to Mexico with the intent of getting her to eat a pussy. After we arrived in Mazatlan I asked a cab driver outside our hotel where I could find some young pussy. He said he knew exactly what I wanted and drove us up an alley to the back of a house. There were several beautiful women and young girls on display around a pool. While my wife was trying to choose a girl. I went to take a pee. A boy of about 16 came in the restroom and pulled out his cock to piss in the urinal. I glanced over and saw that he had a fairly big cock. I thought to myself; I sure would like to see him fuck my wife with that. I also imagined licking them both clean afterwards. Yes, I'm BI, although I haven't told my wife about that yet.When I returned the wife had selected a really young girl, maybe around 13 or 14 or so. We arranged for the girl to be delivered to our hotel room later that evening. While paying for the girl, I ask the madam about having the young boy as a chaperon. She smiled and collected some more money for him and my wife and I eagerly headed back to out luxury hotel. Sometime later when I opened the door of our hotel room to answer a knocking, my wife was surprised to see boy standing there along with the girl. As agreed upon, the girl said he was her brother and was there to protect her. She said that he would not interfere. I convinced my wife that it might be fun to have an audience and after all, we'd never see these kids again once we left for the states, so what could it hurt. I guess she was turned on by the idea and even said that she thought the Mexican boy was handsome.The wife wanted to bathe the girl so they went into the bathroom and took a very long shower together. While they were at it I took the opportunity inspect the boy. If he was going to fuck my wife I wanted to make sure he was clean. I told him to strip off his clothes, which he willingly did. Then I reached down and played with the boy's cock. It grew still immediately and as I suspected, he was well endowed at about 9-inces or so. I figured I would have time to get his first load of cum while the girls bathed. The boy did not disappoint, he shot a nice load into my mouth and I swallowed it like a man with an extreme thirst. I hadn't had another male in months and it was really satisfying to bring the kid off so fast. It meant that he'd enjoyed it as much as I had.I stuffed his cock back inside of his pants and went across the room and sat down. The women came out, both naked. The girl had said she was only 13 and she looked it, she was beautiful. The wife began to kiss the girl, holding her face and making out with her passionately. Then she pushed the kid down onto the bed and spread her smooth young legs apart and climbed between them and began licking her pussy. As the boy and I watched the girl had an orgasm, almost immediately, but my wife would not let up until she had sucked the girl to several more orgasms. In the meantime, I motioned to the boy to take out his cock and play with it so the wife could see him. I felt that the time was now time for me to fuck the young girl.My wife had finally rolled to one side to catch her breath, I think she was going to demand that the kid eat her pussy now, but while they'd been at it I had stripped and was naked and sporting a stiff cock.I walked to the bed and climbed on top of the girl and I put my cock at the entrance of her pussy, but had a bit of trouble getting my cock all the way inside of her. Her pussy was so tight. But, after a couple of shoves my cock slipped in to the hilt. My wife just lay to the side and watched me take the kid, I thought she might object, but her hooded eyes told the true story, she was getting horny all over again watching me fuck the kid.I fucked that little Mexican girl with steady long strokes. She was moaning and her neck got very red. Her pussy began to clinch and get even tighter. Then her body stiffened and he experienced a tremendous orgasm. Hey beautiful little brown body jerking with an uncontrollable orgasm set me off, I was about to cum. I pulled my cock out to cum on her stomach and not in her pussy. I knew the wife didn't like the taste of cum. I did not want to ruin her night of eating that young pussy some more. Then I admitted that I wanted to see her fucked by the boy while she ate the girl's pussy again. That got her attention. She asked me what I meant and I told her again that I wanted to see her fucked by the boy and that I wanted to fuck her while she ate the girl.Instead of being pissed off at me she just smiled and called me a perv, then rolled over between the girl's legs again. I got up behind her and started to fuck her with slow strokes as she liked the girl's twat again. After a few strokes I motioned the boy to come over. I pulled my cock out my wife's pussy and licked her pussy a few times. Then I motioned to the boy to put his cock in her. He eagerly moved up behind my wife and buried it to the hilt! The wife groaned and looked back over her shoulder to see what had happened. She smiled when she saw the boy was the source of such vigorous fucking. I went down under them and began licking her clit while the boy plunged his cock in and out of her pussy. I told him not to cum in her pussy. When he pulled out, I caught his cock in my mouth and drank his load again. The wife ate the girl to several more orgasms and I fucked her again. We rested and had some food and drinks. The wife asked if I had put his cock in my mouth because she felt my face against her pussy when he pulled out. I said yes I had sucked his cock. She said she wanted to watch me suck him. I was overjoyed and quickly began to get him hard with my mouth and hands. I was slow and deliberate in bring him off this time. The wife wanted to see him cum in my mouth. When he began to shoot I laid his cock across my tongue and caught his load. She was thrilled and hot again. She wanted his big cock in her pussy again. In a few minutes, the boy was hard again and shoved that big piece of meat into her pussy. He fucked her for a while and she had several orgasms. In the meantime, I fucked the girl again. When the boy finally did cum, the wife jumped up and straddled my face so I could lick his cum out of her pussy. What a night. She ate her first pussy. She got fucked by her first strange cock. She had her clit sucked while being fucked. She watched me suck a cock. All in all it was a great experience. I had loosened my wife up to more future sex games.END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this storyis meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anythingin real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in"real life" can look forward to many unproductiveyears getting it up the butt by a fellow convict intheir local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 81
My parents had rented a house for the week. My brother (the second oldest of four) was graduating from the academy and his wedding was planned to coincide. There was going to be a gathering of family, most staying at the rented house and just a few deciding to opt out for motels. We arrived at the house in the afternoon and were greeted by some of the celebrants who had arrived before us. Others continued to show up throughout the afternoon and into the evening. There was much catching up on the goings on of each branch of the family over much good food and, for the adults, not a little drink. With so many people staying, space was tight and many had to double up to accommodate everyone. I was to share a bed with my little brother. I was not too thrilled about that and decided that I could do better. I had explored the place when I first got there and discovered a very tiny room off the basement corridor. It was not much more that a large closet but it had a roll away bed in it and I figured any bed by myself was better that being kicked in the ribs all night by my kid brother. Later that evening, as everyone retired to their designated rooms, I retrieved my stuff from the car before sneaking off to the basement and to bed.I awoke from a deep sleep to the feeling of the covers being pulled from me. As I started to gather my wits, while lying on my back, I felt someone climb onto the bed and straddle my bare hips; I sleep in the nude. 'What the Hell?' I thought as I felt a naked female body press against mine and my mouth covered with a pair of hungry lips. A desperate groan escaped her throat as she shoved her tongue into my mouth. My hands reached up to steady her body as she started to grind her crotch into mine. I felt her hard nipples sliding across my chest as she drove her hairy center onto my rapidly hardening member. 'This is the best dream ever!' I thought as my quickly clearing mind tried to sort fantasy from reality."I waited so long for you to arrive," whispered the female form in the total darkness above me as she reached between us, grabbing my now fully raging hard-on. "I need you in my pussy NOW!" she rasped in a hoarse whisper as she raised up, positioning me at her wet center. Without hesitation she slammed her crotch down to meet mine, emitting a high pitched squeak. At that moment I recognized the voice of the woman above me as my Aunt Betty. My breath was taken away in a gasp as I realized that I was not dreaming and that my own brother's wife had just taken my virginity. "God you feel so big," she said as she started pounding her velvety hole down on my hard pole. I opened my mouth to speak when it was immediately smothered with her sucking lips and filled with her probing tongue. I gripped her hips as they worked away like a pile drive on my slickened pole. I slid my hands around to grab her sexy ass as her moans and squeaks got higher and higher in pitch. I started pulling at her ass, and pushing up hard with my hips trying to send myself as far up her juicy passage as I could go. I knew I wouldn't last much longer.Within a few strokes I was sent over the top. I felt my penis suddenly lurch and a great pressure within me release as I spewed wad after wad of my cum deep into Aunt Betty's sucking pussy. She broke our lip-lock to cry out in a loud whisper "Oh, YES; fill me with your cum." She then hunched over, resting the top of her head on my chest as her body went through a series of spasms, hunching her groin into mine, forcing my ejaculating penis deep up her hole. "Uhn, uhn uhn." she repeated in time with the lurches her body was making. After a bit the jerking stopped, hers and mine, and she laid down upon me and made a few soft mewling sounds. While stroking her ass and back I tried to take stock of all that had just transpired. I had just experienced a dream come true. Out of the blue I had lost my virginity to someone I had no clue had feelings for me.I was still buried all the way in my aunt's sweet pussy. My penis had never really gone soft. I was marveling at the feel of a warm, moist vagina squeezing it tight when my aunt said, "God, Bill, I've never felt you fill me so fully!" Oh, shit! She thought I was my brother. We are similar in size and it was totally dark in the room. She must have been waiting for him to arrive and mistaken me for him. That explains why I was to sleep with my little brother. "Oh, you horny boy. You're ready for another ride?" she asked in a singsong whisper as she started slowly sliding up and down my engorged penis. Aunt or not, if she was willing to give me another fuck, even if mistaking me for her husband, who was I to complain?She climbed up my body until just the tip was inside her and fucked herself with just my head as she said "Here, suck on these, will ya?" Finding a large mam in my face, I greedily sucked in her pointy nipple and nursed at her breast. I could now smell the musky scent of her sex filling the room as our joining made a squishing, smacking sound with each thrust she made."Oh you're fucking prick feels so GOOD in my pussy," she said as I switched to her other nipple. I could not believe how good sex felt and how suddenly I was in love with her tits. I could just suck them forever! I started running my tongue across the tip of her nipple as I sucked as much of her tit into my mouth as I could get. "You've never sucked them like that before," Betty whispered as she started taking quicker strokes at my hard-on. I reached for her right tit as I felt down past her belly with my other hand and ran my fingers along her pussy lips. I could feel them pull out as I withdrew from her hole and slightly turn in with my return. Searching the tip of her slit, I felt a hard knot of flesh that brought a sudden gasp from her lips at it's touch. As I started running my middle finger repeatedly over the hard little ball Aunt Betty started pummeling my rod with her sloppy center. It was becoming hard to maintain suction on her tit as she rode my erection. Aunt Betty fucked her cunt down hard on my pole as she once again started in with a high pitched "Uhn, uhn uhn." She suddenly stopped and let out a low groan and popping her tit from my mouth hunched over once again and went into those now familiar spasms. I felt the rippling caresses her vagina made all along my imbedded cock with each spasm of her body. Then I got lost in myself as I felt my own spasm rip through my center to send another series of sperm filled cum deposits deep into her passage.Once again she melted onto my chest and this time I slowly softened inside her. "We best clean up," she finally said as she pulled herself off of me and shifted on the bed. I suddenly smelt her strong musk in my nose as she straddled my chest and laid down once again. Grabbing my soft penis she quickly popped it into her mouth and started to suck me like I had her tits only a short time earlier. At the same time she ground her gaping gash down on my face. I opened my mouth in surprise and in time to have a big gob of our combined emissions drip down into my mouth. I immediately drove my tongue home and started lapping at her hairy, musky and very gooey slit. Her sucking had not gone unnoticed and soon my sixteen year old penis was once again standing proud. Having licked all the slime that I could from her rubbery lips and weeping hole I concentrated on the one thing that elicited the most response from my aunt. Licking all around Betty's clitoris, I settled on a quick, vibrating, side to side flicking motion with the tip of my tongue. At the same time she sucked hard at my penis, concentrating on the very sensitive rim just below the cap. Experiencing my very first blow job while lapping at my first cunt was too much for me and with a groan I popped off into Aunt Betty's mouth. She sucked my cum down until I could give no more; all the while I tried to concentrate on returning the favor. I guess it worked because once again the high pitched "uhn's" were heard has she pressed her crotch into my mouth. I opened wide to suck hard at her cooch as another thick dollop of goo was expelled from her spasming cunt into my awaiting mouth."Oh, God, our sex hasn't been this good in, like... forever!" Aunt Betty exclaimed as she pulled her mouth from my flagging penis and laid her head on my thigh. She was soon asleep. I could feel her breath on my prick and balls, her tits pressed into my belly and her gaping, wet pussy settled on my right cheek. Her musky scent filled my senses as her crinkly hairs tickled my face. At that point I fell in love with my aunt. I had always liked and truly enjoyed her company, but this was different. Having someone so relaxed with me that they could fall asleep in that position was a revelation to me as to what kind of a relationship two people could really share. I so wanted that in my life. I was so jealous of my brother. I explored my aunt's body with my hands as she slept and leaked her juices all over my face. Eventually, much too soon for my tastes, she woke and turned around. Smothering my face and lips with kisses she whispered "I so needed that. Thanks, Honey!"Eventually she said "Good thing you got fixed or I'd be knocked up for sure tonight. I have to get back to the kids before I'm missed. Get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning, lover."I lay awake for half the night thinking about the evening's events. I went to the bathroom around three and coming out I heard the front door close. On investigation I found Bill, having just arrived. I led him to my basement hideaway, telling him that he could sleep in undisturbed. Having got Bill settled, I joined my kid brother upstairs. In the morning I looked for signs that Aunt Betty had figured out what had happened the night before. She was her usual friendly self and gave no indication that our relationship was anything other than what we had always shared, though, through little touches and a side glance smile at him from time to time she did appear to be very attentive to her husband. I sweated bullets that she would find out and was very relieved when we were finally all headed home once again.As time went on I relaxed and practically forgot about ever getting caught although I did have a keen interest whenever Aunt Betty became the subject of the conversation. I heard that not long after my brother's wedding Aunt Betty was again pregnant. There was a bit of a stir in the family but because of my age, my folks kept me in the dark about it all. Whatever it was, it soon died down. I didn't see her again until after the birth of her third child; a nine pound boy. My mom went to visit and I went along to share in the driving and help out where I could. I was excited to see her after so long and at first sight I realized that, over time, my feelings toward her had only intensified. My mom made a big fuss over her new grandchild and Betty. I just tried to get out of the way and unobtrusively stayed in the corner. It had been a long day and eventually my mother, apologizing for her fatigue, went off to bed.I was alone in the living room with my aunt, reading the paper when the baby woke. Betty brought the baby into the room, sat across from me and unbuttoned her blouse. Baring a breast, she popped a nipple into her baby's mouth. "You don't mind do you?" Aunt Betty asked me. Of course I didn't object. I was so jealous as I watched him suckle on the first breast that I can remember sucking. A few minutes later, she slipped her blouse off her shoulders and exposing the other one, continued feeding on the other side. Aunt Betty just carried on a conversation with me about this and that while her baby sucked at her beautiful teat and I drunk in the sight with my eyes. Aunt Betty was going on when I suddenly realized what she was saying. Refocusing my attention to the conversation, but still keeping an eye on the tit show before me, I heard my aunt tell me about her miracle baby. She said that she had so wanted to have another child but that Bill had talked her into settling for just two. He had had a vasectomy not long before my other brother's wedding and as luck would have it Aunt Betty and Bill had sex too soon after it's completion. My cheeks burned from Aunt Betty's frank talk about her most intimate affairs and yet I sat there transfixed by the conversation and her open nakedness. "I'm so lucky that... according to Bill... we had sex when I was 'catchable' that time and the result was this beautiful baby," said Aunt Betty, nodding toward her child. "He looks like you, you know. It's really amazing how alike you and you brother are... and yet how unlike," she finished with a sly smile. Then to the baby she said, "You look like Jerry; yes you do." Continuing the singsong voice a mother uses with her child, she said to her son, "Don't you think you look like your daddy and your daddy's brother?" she asked her baby then looking deep into my eyes she smiled at me. I finally understand what she was trying to tell me. I can be so dense sometimes.Just then the baby spit up a bit on Aunt Betty's right boob. "Jerry," she asked me, "could you please get me a damp cloth?" I fetched a dish towel as instructed and returned to my aunt. Holding the baby up and to the side she then asked while glancing toward her fouled flesh, "Would you please?" Taking a deep breath and kneeling in front of my sister-in-law, I gently rubbed her breast clean. When I thought I was done my aunt asked, "You sure it's all clean?" Using any excuse given to me I once again and twice as thoroughly wiped her whole breast and nipple until it was puckered and standing up proud. Smiling at me Aunt Betty said, "I so needed that. Thanks, Honey!" Standing up she paused and with a twinkle in her eye said, "I have to check on the kids. Get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning, lover."END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 27
Some of the palace guard fingered their weapons and looked sullen, but there were good reasons for standing still. The first was the pile of ash where the Master-At-Arms had stood, the second was Will Spearshaker's cries of mingled pain and relief as the moat cooled his hot armor. The third and fourth good reasons were the gleam in each of the dragon's eyes as her snout swung back and forth across their ranks in continued threat. Hal followed up his advantage. "Two of you, get your cloaks off and give them to the girls." Hal's hand pointed towards Caelia and Chelinde, huddled together in their nakedness and staring at their father's powdery remains gently blowing away in the wind. An upsetting sight, slightly softened by the fact that the Master-At-Arms had always been a total bastard to everyone who'd had the misfortune of knowing him, especially his own family. But before anybody could move a patch of air between the soldiers and Hal clouded over as though a tiny fog patch was forming there, no bigger than a man -- and forming into the ghostly outline of a man's figure. An old man, a hunched man, a man with no hair above his ears and a white beard down to his belt, holding a long staff and wearing furs that belonged to no animal that had ever prowled in these mountains. Gaunt Gregory, chief warlock to King Argud, somehow appearing to them all as a shadow of his real self. Instinctively, every soldier glanced at the castle where the warlock had lived as long as any could remember, as homebound in his tower chamber as a miller's donkey tethered to a grinding stone. There, on the nearest castle wall, was the hulking figure of the King, waving his arms in great excitement, and beside him still stood the dwarfish figure of his sorcerer. They saw the smaller man lifting his staff, as tall as himself, and point it down towards the moat. At the same moment the warlock's apparition also raised its staff and pointed. At the place where both staffs were aimed was a head and flailing arms, the arms desperately struggling to support their owner's head above the filthy ooze of the moat. None of the witch's supernatural skills seemed to avail her now as she fought to keep her mouth and nose out of the squalid slime she was slowly sinking into. Gaunt Gregory's orders came not through Hal's ears, but like some message drifting into his mind from an already forgotten dream: "Save her, boy, save her! The King commands it!" Not only was Hal made aware of the warlock's appeal, so were the soldiers. They stared at him, then snapped to attention, as though the fools expected Hal to start drilling them. What orders did they think a bollock naked shitbucket emptier could give them? Yet suddenly he was doing exactly that. "Who's senior rank leader?" A gray mustached veteran clapped a hand to his cross-bow. "I am, boy." Corporal Clint O'The East Wood would have died rather than take orders from Hal but that wasn't an option on offer. Subjects who failed both the King and the Chief Warlock in important matters suffered far worse fates than simply ceasing to exist. "Get that net. Use your swords to cut it apart. Tie three of the long lengths of rope together. Then give me one end with a loop in it. I'm going to try to walk out far enough on the dragon's tail to throw it to the witch. Keep hold of the other end of the rope and when the witch has got hold of the loop, haul her in. You understand?" "Aye, boy, aye." It wasn't in the Corporal's training to throw a weapon onto the ground but he put down his crossbow with the greatest possible speed, pulled out his blade and went at the net as though it were a living enemy. Hal turned to Josephine, pointed at the witch, and then at the dragon's tail. "Can I walk along your tail to help the woman?" Josephine growled, then snorted, a hint of flames as insubstantial as the warlock's phantom presence flickering around her nozzles. The dragon was usually in a good humor, but apparently not where witches were concerned. Not witches who handled their broomstick like a tipsy gypsy aloft on an unbroken colt, nor yet witches who treated everything else in the sky as unimportant flying objects. Josephine was still deeply in the grip of sky rage. "Please, Josephine, the King and the Chief Warlock have commanded me to save the witch. Will you help me?" A sickly shade of green appeared on her skin: Hal understood her doubts only too well. The further he moved down her tail, the harder it would be for Josephine to support his weight on it. "Well, the best you can do, my lady. And quickly!" Her colors flickered and changed on her coat of scales again, and then she was backing her haunches over the edge of the moat, reluctance showing in every movement as she came into contact with the filth. Her tail she held as high as she could until she was half lying on the bank and half floating in the moat, and then she let it drop straight down on top of the partly dissolved turds floating on the scummy surface. Hal noted with surprise the depths and intensity of the shades Josephine was now displaying: he couldn't imagine where a nice young female dragon had learnt so much bad language. Then his attention was broken by two men-at-arms running up to him with the looped end of a rope between them. With them was Corporal Clint. "All ready, boy." "Get your men to on the other end and to be ready to haul like oxen. I need a man here at the moat's edge to put a turn of rope around one of the dragon's back spikes if you need her help in hauling the witch out." "Aye, boy." Corporal Clint O'The East Wood turned and pointed to one of the soldiers. "You, when I shout, go ahead -- make my belay." Hal grabbed the loop and stepped onto the base of Josephine's tail. Which was a big problem itself. The needle sharp spikes that ran down her back extended along her tail as well, gradually getting smaller but no blunter. Right here they were as long as dagger blades and he had to step between them with his toes pointed inward like a pigeon's. An uncomfortable position, rendered much more uncomfortable by the thought that if he slipped and fell astride the dragon's tail the spikes would instantly make sure that Caelia and Chelinde would be both the first and last girls he'd ever fuck. "Fria and Odin, Fria and Odin, help me, please!" He began moving. One step, two steps, three, with the slime of the moat lapping around his ankles, the dragon's scales becoming more slippery under his feet. Exactly as they had both feared, the further along Josephine's tail he went the harder it was for her to keep it up above the moat's surface. Hal stopped to regain his swaying balance and stared slack jawed at what was happening out in the moat. For now the warlock's mirage was hovering directly in front of the witch, arm and staff outstretched above her. Somehow he seemed to be supporting her because both her arms were raised above the mire, one pointing towards the castle and one towards Hal. And close to the castle wall her broomstick was rising again. Splintered and broken in the middle, the front half drooping down, the bundle of twigs mostly burnt off and spattered in filth, but still rising up into the air as lightly as a feather floating over a fire. The broomstick stopped at knee height above the moat and swung around like a rusty weathercock touched by a summer breeze. Then, close to Hal, a great bubble of air burst amidst the floating scum, close to where the witch's cat was still buried, the tom's tail marking its last resting place. Hal hoped so anyway, since it was his fist which had sent the feline familiar tumbling down into the deep shite and the memory of its malevolent green eyes would haunt his nightmares for a long time. Yet even as he looked the thickly furred tail began to disappear into the moat as if it were a plant which was shriveling instead of growing. Strange . . . As the tail vanished more bubbles broke on the surface of the moat like farts from a cart horse's bum, each one releasing smells which were even worse than those from the privy buckets Hal spent so much time emptying. Then a head appeared in amongst the bubbles and green eyes opened which regarded Hal in pure hatred. Yet this wasn't a cat which had surfaced, but a toad: a toad as big as the cat had been, a toad of brown and yellow, with masses of red tinged warts and spikes, an apparition so unlike anything in nature that one look was enough to know it as a perverse parody of anything the Gods had ever intended to live on the earth. Hal shivered in fear as he realized that nightmares were nothing compared to seeing a terrible enemy resurrected. The toad came swimming and slopping on its belly towards him, as near to being in its own element as any creature could be in this foul bog. It stopped about four paces from Hal and opened a mouth which seemed to be the ugliest part of the whole swollen monstrosity. A sack of living venom perched on a lake of poison, and a pair of emerald eyes looking at Hal with a promise of agonizing revenge. He longed to run home. But he could run nowhere from where he was and instead waited like a pig penned for slaughtering as a tongue as long and red as a scarlet tippet flicked through the air -- and stopped short of the loop of rope in Hal's hand. Again, the same thing happened. And this time the toad raised a webbed paw and pointed towards the witch. Suddenly, and incredibly, Hal felt almost gratitude towards the hideous creature. Because now he knew what it wanted him to do. Much more importantly he knew what he might no longer have to do himself. As well as he could he threw the loop towards the toad, watching as it landed just short of the witch's creature. The foul creation went forward in one quick movement before picking up the rope in its mouth as carefully as a cat holding a kitten. Then it turned and began dragging the rope behind it as it paddled towards the witch. Hal paid out the slack, swaying on Josephine's trembling tail, still terrified but at least hopeful that he need go no further into this shit filled slough. The remains of the broomstick reached the witch first, the upright handles on the broken front piece bent down towards her like a grazing deer's horns. At the same instant the dim figure of Gaunt Gregory disappeared, as if the two magics could not exist together. The witch began to sink again, her hands shot up over her mud choked hair and grasped the broom between the twigs and the break in the handle. Then the broomstick bobbed up and down in her desperate grip, as though it was floating on rippling water, but to no avail in lifting the witch from the clinging mud. A handhold on life she had, but nothing more. Unless her familiar could reach her with the rope. And, as big and strong as it was, the toad seemed to be struggling to pull out the ever increasing length of rope from Hal. In desperation he hauled out yet more line from the hands of the soldier on the bank and took another step along Josephine's tail. The dragon groaned, a startling thing for somebody so used to her normal silence. Nothing could show more plainly how painful it was for her to keep supporting him on her tail: it was as if Hal was trying to hold aloft a horseshoe on his little finger. He felt her trembling underfoot and the tail sink lower, so that he was up to his knees now in filth. But the toad had reached its mistress! Hal thanked his Gods as he saw her take one hand off the broomstick in a hasty snatch at the rope and then lift up the dripping loop. With one deft movement she dropped it over her head and wriggled the free arm through it before seizing the broom again in a double handed hold. Then she removed her other hand, pulled down the free arm and slipped it up through the other side of the loop whilst grabbing at the broom again. The loop was safely under her arms and now they could act! Hal waved to the Corporal and the soldier on the bank. A twirl of rope around one of Josephine's spikes and she was pulling on it, and so were the soldiers, stamping their feet into the turf as though they were trying to pull the castle walls down. The problem was that everybody was worried about the witch, not about Hal, and even Josephine moved so quickly he was left behind in the mire as her tail jerked forward. He lifted his feet clear of her spikes, then toppled sideways with a cry of despair and grabbed at the rope. It was certainly moving, moving too quickly, piling up waves of slime and shit into his face as he clung on to the slippery strands. The only recourse left to him was to roll onto his back and clutch the rope desperately to his chest, the back of his neck then taking the impact of the crusted filth. A brief glimpse of the witch behind showed her in much the same situation, but at least luckier than him by being able to lift her upper body higher because the broomstick was traveling with her, still offering the woman as much support as it could. Not that anybody could have recognized her as a man, woman or demon, not with the slime plastered over her limbs, her face, and her hair -- and Hal was in no much better condition when the Corporal's men hauled him onto the bank. The expressions of their faces as they had to touch him showed that: not that he had any sympathy for their fastidiousness; they should try his privy bucket emptying job once in a while. On the other hand he had every sympathy with the reluctance the soldiers showed in hauling the witch out of the midden. A dislike of scraping shit off somebody is one thing, getting up close and dirty to an enraged witch was akin to putting a muzzle on a mad dog. Worse, in fact, much worse. A mad dog might bite your balls off, but with a mad witch you could end up pissing out of your ear for the rest of your life. Which is an embarrassing place to have your cock put on display. But already the King was galloping out over the drawbridge on his white stallion and, whatever the witch might do, everybody else knew what Argud the Defiler would certainly do if his orders weren't carried out to the letter. So the soldiers helped the woman out onto the turf, where she shook them off her arms as easily as if they were half grown children. Then she strode across the lumpy turf to Hal, the broomstick drifting after her at waist height and two steps behind. Like a dutiful wife following her husband in a public place, Hal thought, a hurt wife yet silent and submissive in showing off her injuries. But there was nothing submissive about the hot coals glowing in the witch's eyes behind her mask of mud. And behind her and underneath the hovering broomstick was that revoltingly ugly toad, hopping along in great leaps which almost reached the broomstick at their highest points. Hal's reckoning was that in about five seconds he was going to be transmuted into something just as revolting. Unless he was fated to mix his ashes with the Master-At-Arm's. How odd if he should die the way he was now, as naked as when he was born -- and never of any more importance to the world than a coney born in a burrow and eaten by a fox. He looked around for the last time with mortal eyes and saw Chelinde and Caelia now wrapped in soldier's cloaks, staring at him with pity on their faces. Caelia waved at him, sadly, on this moment of parting. Perhaps it was some consolation that the girls seemed more upset about his fate than their father's. So when the witch turned, plucked the broomstick from the air and then knelt down in front of Hal, holding it in front of her as if it were a sacrificial offering to a Druid, every onlooker was stunned. Soldiers, girls, Corporal Clint and, most of all, Hal. "Take it, Master. Take it, as I have promised the warlock." "What? She lifted her face, those hot eyes fanned into blue burning coals with anger: "Put your hand on this broomstick, you bum ugly little fucker, or I'll skin you alive!" Hal instantly stretched out a trembling hand and touched one of the hand grips. It was like holding onto part of a water mill built over a raging torrent, the fierce energy of the rushing waters below passing through the structure for a curious bystander to feel. But before he could learn more he snatched his fingers away again as a shriek of anger came to his ears. Behind the King's magnificent stallion was an old donkey, the thin legs of Gaunt Gregory astride it, his even thinner voice cawing like a squabbling crow. Completely disregarding all the normal rules of the court he hacked at the donkey's side with his heels and rode past the king, limbs flailing and jerking in his haste like a scarecrow dancing with the wind, the long staff held out over his mount's big ears in a parody of a knight's lance. "What, Morgana -- you break your oath given to another who has crossed the Abyss between the worlds and returned? You dare to defy the Great Ones themselves?" "I gave my word to you to yield my person and my powers to my rescuer. This boy was my rescuer and I have kept my word, you jumped up little shit of a half achieved adept. I have submitted and forsworn myself to him. Now go hence and lick your own mortal master's backside!" Nobody present had ever heard or seen the like, a witch and a warlock squabbling like urchins over a wind fallen apple. And there wasn't one of the watchers who didn't wish to be many safe leagues away from the scene. But one at least had no intention of remaining a mere spectator. King Argud swung out of his saddle, dropping as lightly as a feather despite his huge bulk and large belly. He thrust the horse's reins into the hand of one of the soldiers, a man who blanched with fear as he realized that the strange events had lured him into a fatal error of lese majesty by not acknowledging his sovereign's presence until now. The soldier hastily dropped to his knee and bowed his head, an example followed equally quickly by all present save the two sorcerers, still bristling at each other. "Come, Gregory, what's amiss here? You promised to tame this hawk for me. Yet she sits not quietly on your gauntlet." There had once been a court jester unwise enough to make fun of the King's appearance by reddening his cheeks, puffing up his cheeks and somehow bulging his eyes so they seemed twice their normal size. The secret of how he'd managed that had died with him, in a unusual and distinctly revolting way, and since then nobody else had taken any gambles on finding King Argud in a good mood. Which was clever reckoning, because he never had any good moods. The best that could be said for his temperament was that sometimes he managed to control his blood lust if there seemed to be a good enough reason -- but that was never more than a temporary deferment of his appetite for death and agony. Even the warlock acknowledged the monarch's worldly power and presence by awkwardly dismounting from the donkey and bowing low to the wearer of the crown. But not so the witch. For all the scum and shit on her, she stood like a queen, arms folded in open contempt of King Argud, warlock and soldiers. Hal's eyes moved towards the now abandoned donkey which seemed uninterested in anything but eating grass. Would he have a chance of escaping on it if trouble erupted? Odin alone knew what this business of the witch and her broomstick was all about but, irregardless, Josephine had killed the Master-At-Arms as the court official was getting ready to kill Hal for tupping his daughters. That was enough to have Hal impaled on a spike in the market place for as long as it took to die. Better to perish trying to run away than wait until the King got around to passing the death sentence. Let the magicians fight each other and then he and Josephine could flee behind a curtain of dragon fire none would be able to pass. Left and right Hal glanced, awaiting his chance. Then a sword tip touched his bare flank and Corporal Clint whispered: "You'll stay here, dirty Harry." "Harry's not in this story -- Rowling would sue us to hell and gone. My name's Hal." "Whatever." The King's impatient voice called out: "You said you could make her your slave, Gregory. What happened?" The spindly legged little warlock was almost dancing with anger: "She promised to yield herself, body and soul, to whoever rescued her from the moat. But now she says it was the boy who rescued her and has pledged herself to him." "What!" The bulging eyes swung towards a trembling Hal. "First the dragon and now the witch. The Gods are making a plaything of this shithouse emptier. But what I saw was that it was your help, Gregory, which aided the witch long enough to call forth her own magic to her aid. All the boy did was to pass her a rope and even in that he had help from the dragon and that -- that thing." King Argud stretched out a boot towards the hunkered down toad, then jerked it back as a stream of steaming spit landed next to his toe, instantly turning a patch of green grass into brown stalks. The toad leered at him and noisily cleared its throat again. "Threaten my familiar once more, mortal, just once more, and I will turn you inside out through your own arse hole." The witch's voice was low and sharp -- and to be believed. "Twas the rope which settled the matter and had it not reached me when it did I would surely have perished. And without the boy that rope would not have been there. So I proclaim him my rescuer and anyone who disagrees may call on the Great Ones for judgement." The King looked at Gregory for his advice and the warlock bit his beard in frustration then threw up his hands: "Your majesty, nobody calls on the Great Ones without taking great risks. Their judgements are not to be reckoned on in advance and Morgana has -- I have heard -- some influence with them. She is now pledged to the boy and he is a pledged subject of yours. Let us be content with that. Hal, stand up." Hal did so, naked and frightened, and acutely aware of all the eyes regarding his skinny frame. Not to mention the Corporal's sword point pricking his backside. So this was where taking young girls for dragon rides had gotten him. Then he looked at the Master-At-Arm's daughters again and suddenly relaxed a little. To blame himself for wanting them was as pointless as blaming himself for wanting food -- he had a stomach and a prick, and both made demands on him that had to be satisfied. "Hal, tell Morgana to kneel down in front of the king." "Morgana!" Even he had heard of a witch with that name, a witch with a reputation that made the fiercest of warriors huddle close to the fireplace on dark nights. The warlock nodded in satisfaction: "Yes, the greatest witch of them all, Morgana le Fay. Your slave, Morgana le Fay. Now bid her kneel." The witch still stood as proudly as ever, and her eyes fastened on Hal's with a strength of character he could never begin to match. Nor could he forget for an instant the pain he'd already felt from her magical powers and was still feeling from that damned cat's claw slash. The last thing in the world he wanted to do was to try to give her any orders. Then he saw the King's face and remembered the spike in the market place. No, offending Morgana was the second last thing in the world that he wanted to do. What totally passed his understanding was why it should be expected that any witch who treated a warlock and a monarch with contempt would obey the lowest and least of all the King's subjects. But it seemed he had to try. "Morgana! Morgana le Fay, I command you to kneel for the king." Never before had any words of his been so attended to by so many people. Hal felt like an actor in a May Day festival, the one playing the part of a prince with a paper crown and a wooden sword. Yet though his words ended on a silly sounding squeak the witch did as she was told. Not only did she kneel, she knelt as an obedient woman should, on both knees, then demurely lowered her head until it almost touched the grass. The King laughed and clapped his hands in satisfaction, releasing a great sigh of tension amongst the soldiers as they suddenly felt much safer. Safer, but greatly puzzled. They looked at Hal's soiled and scrawny body with questions on their lips. Yet none had so much need of asking them as Hal himself. "Sire . . . Sire Gregory." The warlock beckoned him forward: "Give him a cloak, someone." In an instant Hal had a fine woolen cloak to pull around himself, a cloak instantly ruined by the filth he was spreading on it. But that was a matter of little consequence right now. Gaunt Gregory looked at Hal, at the still prostrate witch, then back to the boy again. Then, incredibly, he smiled, revealing a row of rotten and yellowing stumps in lieu of teeth. "Why, 'tis a simple thing that's happened, boy. Morgana here was nigh on drowning in our moat and I made her promise on pain of her witch's power to obey forever anyone who rescued her. I assisted her and so did you, and rather than give herself up to me she chose to yield to you. So now you will compel her to do whatever the King commands. You understand?" Hal nodded: "Yes, sire -- I understand." But did the warlock understand? If he was telling the truth Hal could command both Josephine and Morgana. With luck he could break free with both and leave this kingdom forever. Or better yet . . . "Boy, look around you." The King's voice was always a surprise to those hearing it for the first time, a high pitched squeak from such a bulk. But it was a small voice never used for small talk. Hal looked. Every man-at-arms had picked up his crossbow again and each one was aimed at him alone, from soldiers so widely spread out that Josephine could never burn them down all at once. "Boy, understand me. I can kill you whenever I wish. The witch would be delighted to be free again and she'll soon teach your dragon to behave herself. So be a loyal subject and bid Morgana to do my bidding, and all will be fair weather between us. As a token of which, I order you to kneel beside Morgana to be declared a Duke before all present." "To be . . ? " He must have misheard the King, but at least the gesture towards the ground was unmistakable. Hal knelt, and dared to do it on one knee, as the soldiers had done. "When you arise, Hal O'The Shitbuckets, you will be Duke Merlinus. But before I raise you up I would know what happened between the witch and yourself. How came she to fall into our moat?" Hal answered the King's question as well as he could by telling what had happened But, like Hal himself, the monarch had more questions to ask about his uncertain explanation. "So, she saw you tupping one of the Master-At-Arm's little beauties in the dragon's riding net. Why should she wish to interfere with that?" "Your Majesty, I do not know." "I can answer that," Gaunt Gregory said. "When mortals couple they sometimes reach a level of ecstasy which is a form of primitive magic. Since magics cannot exist side by side any practicing adept who comes close to an act of mortal tupping may find his or her spells much diminished and perhaps even completely canceled by the tupping effect. Their magic becomes -- how can I describe it?" "Fucked up," the King suggested dryly. The warlock bowed again: "Your Majesty has it in a nutshell. Yes, I believe Morgana flew close to the dragon to examine it without having the slightest suspicion that a mortal male could be taking a mortal female in the riding net. By the time she realized her broomstick magics were being, as you say, fucked up, there was no time to flee before she must fall from the sky, so the only thing she could do was to frighten the pair into abandoning their act of passion." King Argud chuckled: "Ha, boy, some rise by sin and some by virtue fall, but here was a great fall by a great witch because of your sinning. And were my Master-At-Arms still alive you might have smarted for your sins with his daughters." His voice paused as he looked long and carefully at the two sisters. "But a handsome pair of bolsters for any bed, I grant you, and since they wish for experience, I myself shall see they have as much as they can take." He chuckled again and drew his sword. "Boy, have you heard anything of my plans for you and your dragon -- and for this witch?" Hal couldn't stop himself from looking up in uncontrollable curiosity: "I know nothing of any plans, your Majesty." "Then tonight you will learn more, because I'm going to make you an offer you'll have to peruse. For there are good reasons why I now proclaim you Duke Merlinus of this kingdom." The tip of the sword tapped lightly on each of Hal's shoulders: "Arise, Duke Merlinus." Hal stood up and waited for Argud the Defiler to finish off his joke by decapitating him with the huge sword. But it didn't happen. Instead the King drove the tip of the sword into the ground and rested his hands on the handle, which was still almost as high as Hal's head. The boy found himself staring at the incredibly fine stitching along the sides of the Monarch's deerskin gloves. "Well, Duke Merlinus, you have bought the wickedest witch in the wide world with you as a dowry for your peerage, which is well to your credit. But you are still the dirtiest and vilest smelling peer that ever has stood before me. As for the mighty Morgana, she looks and smells like dog shit. Even your dragon has the stench of a midden about her. What's to be done with you all?" Hal gulped: "There is a stream in the hills, not far away. Josephine can clean herself there, under the waterfall. I would be happy to go with there with her." "Ho, my fine Duke, no doubt you would, but you won't. The dragon may go there and return presently. You, I have heard, have betimes bathed yourself in the drinking trough in the dragon's shed. You may do so now, and take your bitch witch with you. And we shall see if you are indeed fit to be a peer. For the two girls will wash both of you clean and afterwards you may finish your business with the one you were fucking before -- if you're man enough to do it with a squad of soldiers and a king watching you perform!" Hal stared dumbfounded at the smile on the King's face. "What's the matter, Duke Merlinus? Have you turned shy now you're a nobleman?" Even the soldiers were giggling like schoolgirls. But they didn't know about the dragon sweat, and they didn't know that there was enough of it left in that drinking trough to set a whole village heaving and humping like a boatload of Ice Land warriors let loose in a nunnery. Gaunt Gregory sneered at the filthy boy: "All your vigor gone already, Duke?" Hal stood tongue tied. He could tell them, warn them -- but dragon sweat was his great secret and he wanted to keep it his own. But the alternative! Master of Morgana le Fay -- and in the grip of the storm lust that dragon sweat brewed up. Odin alone knew what he might do, and should Morgana free herself afterwards she'd send him to hell for it. But afterwards, he might not care. "Why no, Warlock," Hal suddenly found himself answering with a grin to match the king's. "All I ask is a favor. If I start chasing your donkey after I've finished with the girls, for Odin's sake, please have me shot." king Argud bellowed with laughter and gave Hal a slap on the shoulder which almost sent him down on his knees again. "Why, my young Duke, perhaps you'll serve my needs better than I might have hoped. Let's put you to the test and see if your tupping can match your words." Somehow Hal found the presence of mind to look for his garments amidst the torn remains of the riding net, only to be swiftly rebuked by his monarch. "You no longer need those rags, Duke Merlinus. The cloak will suffice until you reach the palace and then we shall outfit you better." Merlinus -- Merlinus? Why that name? True, the Shitbucket family had a Tiberian name of Merdinus, now almost as forgotten as the long gone monks who'd bestowed it. A suitable name, since merdus was Tiberian for shit. But Merlinus -- was it because he was going to be allowed to fly with Josephine again, allowed to fly like a hawk? May the Gods make it so, for this seemed to be a day on which anything might happen. But the sight of Morgana le Fay's luscious hips swaying ahead of him was enough to make his glowing hopes fade like the sun hidden by gathering storm clouds. The likes of her were for warlocks and knights and persons of royal blood. Now he seemed to be trapped between king and witch and as sure as cats ate mice, one or t'other would have his balls spit roasted ere long. Perhaps she'd laugh at his love making attempts with the girls so much that he'd fail, despite the dragon sweat. Perhaps the trough water had made the sweat so weak by now that the power had completely gone and king, warlock, witch, soldiers and girls alike would jeer at his cock as it drooped like a willow branch. A boy's ending for all of his proud boasts of manhood, and with all the kingdom to hear and laugh about it afterwards. He sidled over against Josephine, the corporal close behind him at every step, Clint O'The East Wood's finger never leaving the trigger of his oversized magnum bolt crossbow. Hal desperately wanted to slip his hand underneath the dragon's wing to seek for a trace of sweat but there was no chance of doing it unobserved. Hal felt a sudden and unexpected anger burning inside him at being so closely guarded. Mayhap he'd teach these soldiers another lesson in dragon power before long. He spoke to Josephine. "My lady, go and clean yourself. When you return I may wish you to warm the water in your trough for me again. If so, you must make it as hot as you can." A twirling pattern of interrogation lines swirled around her neck. "Yes, Josephine, as hot as you can. Now fly -- and return quickly." The dragon lurched forward and upwards, her wings smacking against the air once more. The ever alert corporal noticed Hal's sad expression as Josephine flew off. "What's amiss, young Duke?" The boy shrugged his shoulders: "Why, to see my dragon fly whilst I cannot leave the ground." Clint O'The East Wood laughed: "Duke, how can a man want to fly? Do you want a nest with eggs to sit on as well?" Not for he first time Hal realized that he was closer to Josephine than he was to many of his own kind. Why, perhaps he was even closer to the witch as well. She might be evil incarnate but at least she was a flier too. Not that her broomstick seemed good for much right now, but perhaps it could be repaired and remagicked. If it could be -- oh, what a thought! For a second Hal dreamed of learning how to fly a broomstick. To flash over rooftops and meadows, around trees and across lakes, overtaking gaggles of geese and flying so high that the mountains themselves crouched down beneath your feet. All the filth and cruelty and everyday battles of life left below as he explored the kingdom of the sky, a kingdom which over-arched and over-reached all earthly ones. A fine notion, especially for a shit smeared boy who owned nothing in the world but a borrowed cloak. And then his high flying dreams fell back to earth as he found that the group had reached the dragon's shed. For some reason everybody else hung back and let Hal walk in first, even though Josephine was only a faraway dot in the sky. Yet the caution which most other people showed in approaching a dragon's den still seemed to be having its effect because only the girls walked in close behind him. Hal stepped into the sandpit and drew his toes through the still damp sand, then looked up, exchanging rueful looks with the sisters. How much had changed so quickly. Truth to tell, he was in no obvious position to complain. Dubbed a Duke, gaining a witch for a slave, praised by the King -- whatever the dangers to come, it was still far better treatment from the Gods than Caelia and Chelinde had received: orphaned, unprotected and lusted after by a ruler who treated his dogs far better than his women. Hal had never intended their misfortune but it left a bitter taste in his mouth after the joy the girls had given him. "What are we to do?" Chelinde asked him, looking suddenly grown up and serious. "Why, only what we did before. But first you'd best serve as Morgana's hand maidens. There are two pieces of soap left. One for her, one for me." "And afterwards? What we did before, Hal? With all these soldiers watching?" "Aye, and the King too, lass -- tis a Royal Command performance." The boy smiled and lifted his hand to chuck her under the chin, but paused as he saw the filth on his fingers and the momentarily revealed loathing in her eyes as she glanced to where the King was entering the barn. "Be of good heart, girls. What matters who watches if we enjoy ourselves? And what I can do for you later, I promise I will." Hal went to the trough, splashed his fingers in it, pondered. The water was still luke warm -- that was indeed a measure of how quickly his life had changed course. He filled two buckets and set them down in the sandpit. Then he turned towards the witch and gulped. For the first time since his one swift glimpse of her riding the broomstick Hal had a chance to run his eyes over the magnificent shape underneath the clinging mud. Morgana's breasts were perfection, her unskirted legs promised delights beyond belief; Hal gulped again, and decided that perhaps the diluted dragon sweat was still potent, even with the merest splash of it on his hands. "Lie down on the straw, Morgana. On your back." Her eyes glittering with repressed emotions, the witch obeyed. "Take off your cloak, Chelinde. Spread it over her." The girl's face was almost as angry as the witch's as she undid the throat cord, but she obeyed, her and her sister spreading the cloak over Morgana's body. Then Chelinde stood self-consciously, hands by her side and eyes downcast as she tried to ignore the soldiers lining each side of the barn, each of them grinning at her nakedness and with no threatening dragon around this time to distract them from leering at her body. "Your cloak too, Caelia. Strip Morgana and then clean her with the water and the cloak, as well as you can. Mayhap some straw will help as well." The King grinned but raised no objection at taking another look at the sisters in her raw state. Nor did he seem to mind that the girls were reaching underneath Hal's cloak to get at the witch's indecent attire. Argud was a hunter and enjoyed the thrill of a drawn out chase. His soldiers also licked their lips as they saw the swaying tits and taut bottoms of the figures kneeling at either side of the cloak to fumble with Morgana's tight fitting leathers. "Aid them, witch," Hal ordered. She looked at him, for a second only, and it was like being forehead to forehead with a mad bull. But her hands moved swiftly under the cloak, undoing the laces and straps which held her garments in place, then rolling from one side to another as she helped Caelia and Chelinde tug her jerkin over her arms. Hal would have liked to have kept watching but the desire to start removing the filth from his own body was even more compelling than staring at Morgana's movements underneath the cloak. So he took his own cloak off, seized two handfuls of straw and began rubbing down his arms and legs. Straw and sand and water, straw and sand and water, over and over, tickling and scraping and soothing his skin in turn as black rings of removed corruption spread around him. The King's voice boomed out in glee. "Plenty of sand for her as well, girls, all over her tits. I want them as smooth as your arses." At the king's jest several of the soldiers closest to the straw pile also dared to smile in approval. They were gaping at Morgana and when Hal stared at the wet cloak adhering to the witch's now naked body he understood why. There were curves and hollows and a sheer symmetry of female promise underneath the damp wool that was more magical than anything a warlock could conjure up, be he the greatest adept ever. Chelinde and Caelia put their hands beneath the cloak again to rub Morgana's perfectly shaped dugs, setting them gently swaying. The witch whimpered as her nipples were scoured and every soldier lucky enough to be able to see her instantly summoned up his blood and stiffened his sinews. In fact most of the men were already more tightly cocked than their cross bows. Hal grabbed his cloak and began wiping the traces of sand and wisps of straw from his skin. But his eyes stayed on the females, noting the increasingly coy glances the once proud Morgana was casting towards the crowd of watchers. Surely a witch couldn't be affected by the dragon sweat like a normal human? But there hadn't been any dragons around since time out of mind and maybe witches knew no more about them than anybody else. Morgana had certainly badly underestimated Josephine's abilities in their aerial bitch fight. Maybe the sweat did work on her. Certainly she'd had enough of the treated water splashed and rubbed onto her body to give it every chance. As for Caelia and Chelinde, just having their hands in the bucket seemed to be affecting them like piglets suckling on a barrel of mead. They were giggling at each other now across Morgana's body and blatantly shaking their own freshly budding teats for the audience's appreciation. The witch began twisting her legs and hips from side to side as the sisters scrubbed at her hidden body, her mouth half open as she began moaning. Morgana's long fingers rose up to stroke the girl's arms as though encouraging them to inflict more pain on her --- and Hal's own prick reared up like a stallion sniffing a mare in heat. He held the bundled wet cloak in front of him and rubbed it against his straining flesh as he decided what to do. "Morgana, stand up. Chelinde, Caelia, hold the cloak around her." The witch put her hands down beside her and sat up, got on her knees and stood, the sisters keeping the cloak up around the top of her swaying breasts, the damp fabric displaying the perfect contours of the unsupported flesh and the hard nipples, each as perfectly round as a Tiberian groat. Morgana's legs up and even beyond her knees were bare, showing off smooth thighs made in heaven for a man to slide his hand along. "Go to the drinking trough. Step into it. Then take off the cloak and the girls will soap you. All over." She obeyed, still walking with infinite pride, head and shoulders above her escorts, the girls beside her holding onto the cloak, their eyes darting from one male spectator to another. But always returning to Hal -- and the King. His Majesty was breathing even more heavily than usual and he seemed fascinated by the display being unfolded in front of him. There was scarcely a ripple in the water as Morgana entered it gracefully. Looking directly at Hal, she shrugged the cloak off her shoulders. Without a stitch on, she stood before them with one hand flat by the side of her leg, the other one between her legs. And what might have been thought an affection of modesty took on a different meaning when the spectators saw that the fingers pressed over her patch of dark hair were gently moving as she felt herself. The witch giggled at the open mouthed astonishment of the soldiers, lifted up both hands and held up her Eve's pair to the spectator's eyes. Certainly Hal's eyes felt as if they were popping out of his head as he watched her proudly displaying a body of pure wantonness. Then Caelia and Chelinde began working their hands over Morgana, leaving trails of suds and pure white skin behind them in spreading patches. Hal stumbled forward, stepped into the other end of the trough facing the witch and threw away his cloak, letting her see his rampant lance. Morgana smiled at him: "Shall the girls wash you now, Master?" "One of them," he grunted. He was grunting because Morgana's hand had reached forward and gently tweaked the tip of his cockhead. This was unbelievable, to have a woman like this in thrall of him, doing his every bidding. Then she moved back, holding her hands up behind her head for him to better see her body as Caelia continued soaping it. Chelinde in turn rubbed her hands over Hal, cleaning him quickly but thoroughly, arms, chest, back, legs and then rubbing her slippery palm up and down his shaft. Caelia laughed and applied her hands just as thoroughly to Morgana's milk white curves and the red roses tipping them. There was a vicious sounding twang and zip from nearby. Hal glanced around to see that one of the soldiers had accidentally fired his cross bow in his excitement, the bolt sticking out of the straw littered dirt floor only a few paces from the trough. But nobody seemed to care, not the King, not even the Corporal. In fact it seemed as if there might soon be some more accidental discharges amongst the watchers. None of them said or did anything as Morgana knelt down in the trough, water slopping around her waist, and put her hand with Chelinde's on the boy's throbbing pride. Together the two woman stroked it, and then Caelia joined them, her fingers tickling his balls. Hal called out in pleasure, his arms around each sister's shoulders and then something very large and fat plopped into the water between himself and the kneeling witch. The toad sank out of sight, down below the foam covered water and Hal's toes curled up in readiness for a savage bite or sting. It never came. What did come was a string of bubbles breaking between Morgana's opened legs and her response, a wild cry with her eyes rolled back in apparent pain. Hal wondered why the toad was attacking its mistress. And then he realized what was really happening as Morgana bent forward, pushed Chelinde's hand aside and took him deeply into her mouth in one swift movement. There was a gasp and a stir around the barn as everybody saw the boy's stiffness disappear between the witch's scarlet lips and her cheeks contract with the effort of sucking off her master. And all saw how her body was quivering and jerking as though she was being eaten from below. Which she most surely was. Now they all knew why a witch's familiar was so named. It was the King who moved first. He bellowed, unbuckled his sword belt, threw it aside and swayed forward like a bear untimely woken from winter's sleep. He seized Chelinde first, from behind, kneading her damp teats in his huge fingers, squashing them up with only the stiff tips standing proud of the royal knuckles. Caelia instantly bent forward to suck on her sister's nipples, sending Chelinde squirming and pressing her bare bottom against the King's crutch. He roared again, pushed her away and began tearing at the lacing in the front of his breeches The girls knelt before him, wild eyed, their fingernails tugging at his cords with the same urgency. Out from behind the loosened restraints came a cock that seemed as thick as Hal's wrist and almost as long as one of Corporal Clint's overlength bolts. Caelia still went down on her knees without hesitation to suckle on it as well as she could, her lips stretched out like an snake swallowing a rat. Yet the King was watching the trough, not the girl at his feet. "Fetch the witch out, boy, fetch her out! I'm going to give her a royal tupping!" It would have meant death to argue with the monarch at any time. Right then was certainly not a good time to even think about hesitating. Even when Hal was getting ready to empty himself over Morgana's tongue: "Out, witch, out. The King wants you." The King did indeed. He was already lying on his back and holding his thick veined scepter steady for one hand as Chelinde and Caelia licked the shiny red length like cows at a salt lick. As Morgana stood up he beckoned her to come forward. She glanced at Hal, he nodded and she obeyed, trickles of water and foam running down her beautifully proportioned legs before she stood astride King Argud and squatted down, her arms behind her back on either side of his legs to take her weight as Caelia and Chelinde rubbed the head of the king's donkey sized dick against Morgana's sex. Then she squealed and dropped down hard on top of the royal battering ram as if stopping it from trying to escape. Her hips jerked up and down and she leaned forward on her arms again, with a girl on each side of her,each girl holding onto one of Morgana's large teats, keeping the bags of flesh steady for Argud to squeeze. Morgana screeched again but Hal cared nothing for that in his need to finish what he'd begun with her. He stepped close to the writhing bodies, grabbed a tuft of Morgana's pitch black hair and thrust his hot flesh between her cupid bow lips again. She sucked on it as eagerly as before but Hal hardly noticed. He was staring wide eyed at the trough as the water in it splashed over the wooden sides and something moved inside it, something standing up where the toad had been, This was no toad though, nor was it a cat. It was something akin to a child, about as high as a grown man's waist, brown skinned, bald headed, large ears, green tinged eyes which glittered like iced moss in sunlight, a squashed nose and lips that seemed more horn than flesh. The small though wide shouldered figure leapt over the side of the trough, landed neatly and sprang forward. One thing about the goblin which was definitely a prominent feature was the prick and balls it displayed, a prick rampant for action and much larger than a normal one, for all the goblin's smaller size. It was more like a cock with a body attached than a body with a cock attached. But whatever the arrangement the body moved swiftly, the hard on in front bobbing up and down as short but hard muscled legs carried it forward to where it wanted to be. Which was behind Morgana, the glittering eyes staring at her jerking buttocks as the goblin rubbed some wet soap around his massive erection. He slapped her ass lightly with both palms as if to let her know she was there, guided his bulging shaft between Morgana's quivering crescents and then forced it deeply between them. Air spurted around Hal's wet shaft as Morgana screamed out in passion and Argud roared in satisfaction. He was so busy sucking and chewing on Morgana's nipples that Hal wondered if the monarch had even noticed he was sharing his feast with uninvited guests. Then the boy yelped with his own uncontrollable pleasure as he spurted into Morgana's mouth, making her splutter as droplets of white fluid rolled down the witch's chin. Chelinde put her arm across the top of Morgana's neck and began licking the spilt liquid up like a kitten cleaning a platter of milk, a licking which ended with a passionate kiss between the two females. Then Caelia put a hand up to Hal's shrunken organ and lapped at it with her tongue. All three of the females seemed to be mad with lust and as soon as Morgana and Chelinde saw what Caelia was doing for Hal they joined in enthusiastically. The boy turned one way and another to let each of them have equal access to him. It was, he thought, something which ought to make an entry in the Mead Brewer's Book of Records. One king, one goblin and one shitbucket emptier all fucking one witch at the same time, with a couple of hand maidens keeping things going. Not something you saw very often. The soldiers certainly hadn't. A group of them were standing within arm's length of Hal, eyes and knobs bulging at what were witnessing. Hal grabbed both of the sisters by the hair, lifted them and pushed them towards Corporal Clint and his comrades. "Go on, boys, help yourselves." It wasn't really what he wanted to do but he needed a distraction to throw those crossbows off their aim. And it worked. Bows and swords and belts fell to the ground as the soldiers grabbed the girls and threw them on their backs on top of the straw pile, bedding them down in convenient fucking positions. The rest of the guards saw what was happening and rushed to join the queues. The only thing which distracted them at all was a sound like a giant owl hooting, a sound coming from the goblin. Within seconds the sound was mixed with another yell of triumph from the King and a long drawn out yelp from Morgana. The trio of bodies collapsed in a tangle, the goblin and the king to lie undisturbed, but not Morgana. Clint O'The East Wood grabbed her arm, lifted her up and then dropped her on the straw pile next to two hairy backsides jerking up and down on top of Chelinde and Caelia. Very quickly the Corporal's arse was on public display as well as he fucked Morgana with all the expertise of a seasoned campaigner and military trained rapist. The accumulated lust in the air could have been set off by a candle flame and nobody even noticed Josephine slithering back into the barn. The men were either fucked, fucking or anticipating a fuck, and the females -- well, the females were otherwise occupied. Dragon sweated out of their minds and getting drilled from all directions So nobody saw the dragon enter: nobody who cared, anyway. And certainly nobody noticed Hal's nod towards the drinking trough, nor his wink to Josephine. The dragon bowed her head, put her snout into the water and snorted -- not once, not twice, not thrice, but four times. Hal grabbed a discarded sword, reversed it with his hands holding tightly to the scabbard, then ran around and up to the top of the straw pile. The Corporal was gasping in satisfaction as he pumped his seed into Morgana's body. He gasped even more loudly as Hal hit him behind the ear with the sword handle, but only once. Then Hal grabbed at the witch's hands to pull her out from underneath Clint O'The East Wood's stunned body. "Come with me -- now." "What?" "Come with me -- I order you." One of the waiting soldiers stepped forward and raised his fist to threaten Hal. There was a kind of thumping sound, water from the trough flew up and a bank of steam twice Hal's height rolled outwards as all the dragon fire in the trough mingled with the water and turned much of it into hot vapor. Visibility within the barn became a few paces, then scarcely one or two. Hal began hauling the witch in the direction he knew the door was. He knew because he'd noted the draught coming from it beforehand and simply followed the gap in the steam cloud. Or at least he would have if Morgana didn't seem to be taking so long to get moving. "Hurry up, you dozy bitch!" "Oh, Master, it's such fun . . . " "You stupid fucking woman, it's the dragon sweat in the water that's got us so excited. It's magic, we're spell bound, and we'll both be dead if we don't escape from the King. Run!" Morgana's normal iron will seemed to emerge again as she began to understand what had happened to her. Hand in hand they ran out through the doorway, then stopped, panting. Hal had never known a day like it for exercise. And before he could make another move he was astonished to see the goblin come running out the steam filled door as well, the tip of his now slack prick halfway to his knees and pulling Caelia alongside him by a long strand of her hair. But Hal's surprise at that was nothing compared to seeing Chelinde also emerging, squealing, jumping and being forced along by the splintered end of Morgana's broomstick jabbing at her bum. It suddenly occurred to Hal that when he grew up and started getting drunk at taverns he'd have at least one good story to tell in his cups. "Get into the castle, quick," Hal urged Morgana. "Josephine is coming with us. If we can get the drawbridge raised now we'll be inside and the King and most of his soldiers will be outside. Then we'll have a chance to parley." Morgana shook her head: "Better to tell the dragon to burn down the barn and have done with them all now." "No! If they die I'm a Duke no longer. There'd be no witnesses. The King must sign my letters patent and proclaim them. Seize the castle and we can negotiate with him." She nodded, still panting: "That warlock. He's not here. He could stop you." Hal knew she was right. And if Gaunt Gregory wasn't here he had a bloody good idea of where he would be. "Josephine, go to the castle. Put a fireball through an arrow slit in the top of the tower, Burn Gaunt Gregory's chamber right out and him with it." "No -- no!" Morgana shook her head. "My magical supplies are destroyed or lost. I need his. I must go now, take him by surprise. My broom will almost support my weight, even though it's damaged. Let me ride it and hold onto one of the dragon's claws. She can lift me to the top of the tower and leave me there to deal with Gregory. Then the dragon can help you in the courtyard to get the drawbridge lifted up." "So be it. Josephine, take Morgana up to the chamber's lookout platform." Some of the dragon sweat tainted steam was drifting out of the dragon's shed: half a dozen warriors inside were now visible, their breeches around their knees and all of them frantically jerking themselves off. "Huh", Morgana snorted as she swung her bare legs astride the broomstick. "I always did say that the military were a load of wankers." Then a giant figure came running out of the steam with a raised sword that glittered along its length in the high sun. The King was berserker angry, the dragon was spiraling upwards towing the naked witch on her broomstick and an equally naked group of two girls, one boy and a goblin ran for their lives towards Giant's Pass castle. Will Spearshaker was still sitting by the moat, stinking, scorched and sour at life as he watched the passersby without any great interest. You couldn't weave a good story out of happenings which seemed to make no sense at all. Which was about Hal's thinking as well, because now the moment of decision had passed he had no idea at all why he'd hit Corporal Clint O'The East Wood and provoked the king's anger. But he had an idea about somebody who might have cast a spell on him to make him do it. THE END ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 37
I could feel my prick spasm and my balls tense as my jism began to rise. I sat there at the table looking around at the faces surrounding me like a deer in the headlights of a truck.I knew that I was about to cum any second but there was nothing I could do to stop myself. I was beginning to pant and I knew that everyone in the room must know what I was about to do.When I'd first accepted Cheryl's invitation to Thanksgiving dinner at her folk's house during school break I'd never even thought about something like this. When we first arrived I was fascinated by Cheryl's large family gathering. Being an only child of older parents I'd never attended an event like this before. 'Event' was all you could call it. There were at least 30 people ranging from toddlers to grand parents, siblings and nephews, cousins, the works. At first I didn't notice Cheryl's younger sister. She must have been introduced to me when we first arrived, but with so many people to remember I guess I forgot I'd met her. That was soon to change.Cheryl's little sister was 18 and in between high school and college. Apparently she was planning on attending her freshman year in the new year. For some reason she seemed attracted to me from the first. Maybe it was the fact that I ignored her in the beginning and she wanted to get my attention, whatever the reason she soon reintroduced herself in no uncertain terms.I was standing on the porch sneaking a joint when I heard someone come up behind me and almost jumped out of my skin. Holding the joint behind my back I turned guiltily to see who the intruder was, only to find this young woman looking into my eyes with her smiling face.She said that she wouldn't mind a hit if I wanted to share. I handed over the joint and in the process of smoking it to the nub I found out that she was Cheryl's younger sister Stephy.To my complete surprise she took no time in offering to reciprocate. She said she had some Quaaludes in her room and left me standing there. But only for as long as it took her to get to her room and snag a couple of beers from the kitchen and her pills.So there we were, sipping on our beers and flying pretty high on 'Ludes' with the entire Robinson family milling around the property. I didn't mind though because I was feeling no pain.The fact that Stephy had her hand down the front of my pants as we looked out at the scenery from one end of the porch didn't hurt my mood either. She kept teasing me about Cheryl not being as good as her in bed, that I ought to try a really hot lover for a change.I just joked with her about Cheryl being all I could handle, but I didn't ask her to remove her hand. I also knew - vaguely - that if Cheryl caught us like this I was dead meat. But how do you turn down a nice hand job from a pretty stranger in - pretty much - public?My mind was getting even hazier, and I was beginning to drift pleasantly and all I really wanted to do was go to bed and fuck Stephy until I blew my load and then sleep. But suddenly we were heading in to the house. Apparently everyone was being called to sit down to Thanksgiving dinner.I was amazed at the spread of food on the table. It looked like one of those Rockwell paintings. There were two huge Turkeys a big ham and so many side dishes my confused mind couldn't even take it all in.I was sitting by Cheryl. I looked guiltily around for Stephy but couldn't see her. But even though only a few moments ago I had been thinking about fuck her brains out I was so distracted by my a sudden hunger that I almost forgot about her.Cheryl poured me a glass of wine and I gulped it down. I began to pig-out on Turkey and fixins' vaguely aware that this was the most food I'd ever seen in one place before. Although the conversation was getting past me I was enjoying myself and I was on my second glass of wine when I felt something bump into my leg under the table.Then my eyes widened as I felt a hand at the fly of my jeans, tugging away at my zipper. I stopped eating as I felt fingers slip into the opened fly and felt my prick being fished out into the open.I didn't know what to do. Should I jump up indignantly and shout at my attacker? Should I tell Cheryl that somebody was playing with my stiffening prick? Then it was too late. I felt hot moist lips and a tongue that quickly transported me into a hazy heaven of earthly delights.How could this be happening to me? I knew in the back of my mind that Stephy was the one doing this to me. I looked around the room and still couldn't see her. I didn't dare to look down under the table and bring attention to what was happening to me. How could I ever explain it to Cheryl?So there I was, in the middle of this huge family gathering, who were all gobbling food and having lively conversation, enjoying themselves immensely. And I was about to cum in the mouth of my girlfriend's little sister.I felt those fingers cup my balls as hot most lips began to ride my cock in an ever faster and more energetic rhythm until there was nothing but that mouth and those fingers making me quietly groan in extreme pleasure.I quickly looking down to see that the tablecloth was still covering my lap. I briefly noticed that there was movement under the cloth as if a head was bobbing against it. Then as I blew my load I looked over at Cheryl beside me. She looked at me and smiled. I couldn't believe that she couldn't tell what was happening. Then my body jerked as cum flew and I jerked again and gasped - I couldn't help it - my orgasm was so intense, what with grass, alcohol and ludes fueling it.That's when I saw Stephy come into the room. At the exact moment I was emptying myself into SOMEONE'S mouth! What the hell?! I was about to faint from my condition when 'whoever' it was under the table finally decided they'd had enough.I felt one final sucking motion then a tongue licked the head of my prick, cleaning it up, then fingers pushed my hot wet boner back into my pants and it was over.I sat there is confusion. What should I do?Finally I decided to do nothing. SOMEONE had given me a fucking fantastic blowjob, maybe the best one of my life, so what did I have to complain about.After another hour or so the family moved away from the table and Cheryl took me by the hand and led me up to her bedroom and we fucked for the longest time. She was surprised at how long I lasted. Actually I was so drained from that fantastic BJ that I could have gone for ever that afternoon, but just thinking about being blown by some strange woman under the table while I was sitting next to my girlfriend in a roomful of her family was enough to finally make me fill her cunt with me cum.***We packed up early the next morning to head back to school. We had a three hour drive ahead of us and Cheryl was raring to go. As we headed out of the house she said goodbye to everyone we met and I was shaking hands. I could hardly remember anyone's name but I had enjoyed myself immensely and was feeling pretty mellow.Just as he were heading to my car, a teenage cousin of Cheryl's came running over to us to hugged Cheryl, then he did something really strange. As I held my hand out to shake his he gripped it and leaned in and kissed me on the lips, pulling back he said, "You were great Brad, you really were. Thanks!" And he walked back to the house with a big smile on his face.Normally I would have pulled back to fend off such an attack on my manhood, but I guess I was just so shocked that I hadn't reacted. Cheryl giggled at me and as we pulled out onto the highway she explained that her cousin was gay.Thinking about the kiss he'd given me, she said, "You're lucky he didn't attack you for real. Bobby loves to give head and he's hard to fight off when he really wants some guy. I've known him to even use my sister Stephy to set up a guy for just that. They're quite a team those two. You're lucky you were with me."Luck had nothing to do with it I thought to myself...END
During the summer, when it was really hot in the mornings, I would wake up early. Through the night, I would throw the covers off and just lay there, totally naked, a gentle breeze blowing through the window caressing my body. I would awaken with a throbbing erection every morning, sometimes covered by a sheet, sometimes not.Then one morning something dawned on me. I probably wasn't the only one who slept naked in the hot house all summer. My sister's room and mine had an adjoining bathroom. She, too, probably threw the covers off, and I bet she didn't wear anything in the hot and humid nights. So that night I set my alarm for four in the morning.***Right at 4am, the alarmed buzzed and I quickly hit the off switch. I lay there wondering if I could go through with my plan. I felt myself getting really hard, just thinking about my naked sleeping sister in the next room. Finally, I crept quietly into the bathroom and approached the door leading to my sister's room.It was still dark outside and there was little light by which to see. I carefully turned the knob leading to her room and pushed the door open a crack, and stood there, my heart pounding, my cock pulsating with a mind of its own.A dim light shone in through the window, illuminating my sister's lithe form lying on the bed.Sure enough, she had kicked off her sheet during the night. The room was warm and only a portion of the sheet covered one leg.Except for the white sheet covering her calf, she lay there on her back, nearly naked.There was a nightdress of some flimsy material, covering her breasts, but during the night, the hem had risen nearly to her chest, uncovering most of her body.By the light of the streetlight outside, I could see her pussy fur, her legs spread slightly. My throbbing cock jerked at the sight of her laying there, her legs spread, her hole exposed to me. I pulled down my shorts and began to stroke myself. My cock had never been so stiff, so throbbing, so pulsating. In no time at all I shot my load into my waiting hand, looking at the dark patch of fuzz between my sisters legs. I could only imagine what it would feel like to sink my throbbing cock into that heaven.Gasping, I pulled up my shorts and crept back to my room. I lay there, pumping my hard dick furiously, again, till I shot another load. It was getting light now, and I crept out of bed again before anyone else got up.Her door was still open a crack, and I peered in again.She had moved in her sleep, and now, she lay on her stomach, her smooth ass cheeks parted as she had bent one leg beneath her. In the light of dawn, her skin was soft and smooth, flushed pink. Where her legs were parted, I could see two distinct pussy lips, wet and puffy and swollen. I knew that I woke up with a hard-on every morning but I had no idea what females felt, but she "looked" aroused to me, those puffy pussy lips looked so nice. I reached down and began to pump my hard cock for the third time that morning. I moved into the room and leaning close to her I gently parted ass cheeks, taking in the view of my sister's beautiful cunt.I came again, this time in a kleenex, and then moved silently back into my bedroom, and fell asleep.***During the day that followed, I looked at my sister, all day. I tried not to be obvious about it but I felt guilty and knew that if she looked at me carefully, she'd know what was on my mind.I noticed how beautiful she was, how her breasts looked firm and high. Her legs were slender and smooth. She filled out her clothing so well, so sexily. I noticed that she looked at me oddly a couple of times, probably from all my staring.***That night, I opened her door just a crack after I was sure that she was asleep. That way, I wouldn't have to turn the knob and make any noise so close to time to wake up. I knew it was dangerous to do this again, but I couldn't stop myself, it was the only thing I could think about all day and I even had a hard time falling asleep with my hard-on in the way.***The next morning, my alarm went off and I lay there for a while fondling my hard cock. Then, as daybreak approached, I decided that it was time to go take a good long look at my sister lying in bed. I knew that I was going to jack off again so I pulled off my shorts. I wanted to add to the thrill.The sun was just coming up and she lay there, totally naked this time. I couldn't believe my good fortune. She lay nearly flat on her back, one leg bent, her legs slightly spread. God she looked so fuckable.I crept close to the bed, peering closely at her body, watching her tits rise and fall with each breath she took.Then suddenly her hand reached out and grabbed my cock. Then she was sitting up in bed with a smile. I stood there with my heart in my mouth, but then she simply leaned forward and opened her mouth.I pulled back, a cold chill running down my spine. "Let me suck it," she whispered."Huh?" I tried to act like I was totally innocent."I said, let me suck it. You wanted to see me naked and you liked what you saw. Instead of jacking off, let me suck your cock."I moved closer to her. "How did you know I was here?""I found your cum stains on the floor," was all she said as she grabbed my dick and lead it to her mouth. My cock was engulfed in her warm wet mouth, and her other hand went below my rod to my balls and she massaged them with her nimble fingers. She went all the way down on my cock, sucking and slurping. I couldn't breathe, I'd never even imaged how good my sister's mouth could feel, it was just too much!She kept sucking and massaging me for a few minutes, and then pulled away and lay back down on the bed. She spread her legs and bent them at the knees. "Now you eat me," she said.Willingly, eagerly, I climbed onto the bed, my ass in her face. I bent down and found her pussy with my lips. At the same time, I could feel her lips against my balls. Then she took my cock in one hand and guided it back to her mouth. I let my tongue explore her slit and then those puffy lips, licking up one side and down the other. Then I flicked at her clitoris, parting her lips with my fingers. I'd read all about it, but when she began to writhe and moan slightly, and then her knees began to jerk spasmodically, I knew that I was doing it right.My sister sucked hard on my cock, taking it deep into her mouth, all the way to the back of her throat, I could tell. I could feel her swallowing, and then I came, shooting a load of cum deep inside her throat. I think she came at just about the same time, her spasms nearly lifting me completely off her and she began choking with the effort to breathe, have an orgasm and sucking my cock all at the same time.Afterward, gasping for breath, I lay beside her on the bed, her hand fondling my cock and mine rubbing of her tits, playing with the hard nipples."I'm glad you decided to peek at me," she said."Why?""Because now, I don't have to keep going in your room, after you fall asleep to look at your boner. I've been doing that all summer, staring at that hard piece of meat between your legs."END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 69
My wife Karen and I recently celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. We both had jobs and worked hard, but we felt that it was time for us to have a child. Karen stopped the BC pills which she was happy to do as she didn't tolerate the side effects very well. She did enjoy her job, but at age 30 it was time for a family. We timed our sex for when we thought she was ovulating, but the last 3 months we were unsuccessful. Then with testing our doctor pretty well pinpointed it to 13th or 14th day of her cycle. Karen was an executive assistant to the general manager, and he hated to lose her, but he understood that we wanted a family. It was easy to understand why he hated to lose her, as besides being very good at her job she was quite attractive, which was an asset when dealing with clients. She was tall with a very lovely figure, firm breasts and a waist that tapered into lovely rounded hips and ass, but a special asset was her long beautiful legs. Her penchant for short skirts enhanced these very attractive features, which she didn't mind displaying. Clearly men found her attractive, and sometimes she was careless with her skirts, her legs parting some, displaying herself so that there was a view of her legs above her stocking tops for some admiring male, and sometimes a view of her sheer lacy panties. She called this harmless flirting, and enjoyed being something of a tease. As she would shift in her seat her legs might part, as if by accident. She said that she enjoyed being admired and I knew she never strayed in her marriage. However, I had several times asked her not to do this; I didn't want to be married to and exhibitionist. She said, "I'm beautiful, so why can't I show off a little bit? You know I've never strayed, even though some men have tried to come onto me."Today being Saturday and we were both off work, so I wanted Karen to go biking with me. However, she declined as she had some shopping to do. Anyway I decided to go by myself, and did quite a bit of biking that day. That night at bedtime she reminded me that we were just starting into her fertile time, and looked at me expectantly. I was tired and already half asleep and I said, "Let's do it tomorrow."She was angry and said, "Maybe you didn't need to do all that riding today. You need to think about what's important, sometimes."I apologized once more and soon we were both asleep. The next day was Sunday and we had planned a picnic after church. We were up early and she put together sandwiches, snacks, fruit and a bottle of wine. Then we began to get dressed for church. Karen got partially dressed, beginning with her sheer stockings attached to a garter belt, then sheer lacy white panties and bra. She didn't usually wear gartered stockings and lacy underwear unless she was feeling sexy. Normally it was just cotton jockeys for her. Then she embraced me, and obviously wanted to make love.I said, "Honey, we just don't have time before church; lets do it after our picnic."She said, "How about let's forget church, this is more important!"I said, "You know we never miss church so let's just save it for later."She wasn't happy about is and she glared at me, "Oh, alright." But she was clearly angry. She finished dressing, putting on a half slip, and then a blouse and her usual short skirt, and then we left for church. After church we headed out to our picnic area which was a lovely spot near a waterfall. This was a private place which we had enjoyed many times, having the permission of the owner to use this area when we wanted. We always had it to ourselves, and enjoyed the quiet serenity of this special place. We needed gas and we stopped at a station near the city. As I got out I noticed a group of motorcyclists lounging around in front of the station. There were both men and women, all dressed in motorcycle clothes. After starting the pump I went to the washroom.On my way back to the car I saw my wife opening the passenger door and starting to get out. As she moved her legs out of the car her knees separated, affording the onlookers a good view of her thighs and panties. As she held this pose for a brief moment the audience erupted in whistles and cheers. Karen blushed as she moved from the car, heading to the washroom. After filling the tank I got into the car to wait for my wife.Catcalls and whistles erupted as she was returning to the car; also comments of a sexual nature, including requests to be services by her. She ignored them and entered the car -- she defiantly let her legs fall open again, giving them a good view of her thighs and panties, generating further suggestions from the audience. I was angry, and as we pulled away I gave them the finger. I was also angry with Karen and I said, "You didn't have to put on a show for them.""Well, they certainly were more interested in me than you seem to be lately," she replied.I said, "They're just animals and rowdy- the police ought to take care of them." I was fuming.We came to our picnic area, and we had to open a gate to get on the access road. We closed the gate and soon arrived at our favorite spot. We were on a grassy area with the waterfall in front of us and a wooded area behind. It was a delightful spot and we spread our blanket and opened the lunch basket and uncorked the wine. After a glass of wine we then started onour lunch. Just then we heard the sound of motorcycles, and I said, "My god, I hope they are not coming here." But they were coming to our spot, and they soon found us, much to our dismay. There were four bikes with a man and a women on each bike. They shut off their cycles, and then just stood looking at us and smiling. Then one of the men, apparently the leader said, "We'd like to join your picnic; you wouldn't consider inviting us would you?"We were both really afraid, they didn't look very friendly. I saw no way out of this except to be friendly, so I said, "We don't have much, but you're welcome to join us."The leader said, "That's very kind of you and we'll accept your invitation." They all crowded around, and soon our lunch and wine disappeared. The group cast frequent glances at my wife who kept tugging her skirt down to cover as much of her legs as she could. Then the leader, whose name seemed to be Karl, said, "We'd like to return some of this hospitality," and directed two of the men to get the booze, which they promptly produced from their saddlebags. They had paper cups and poured southern comfort into the cups and passed them around. When we said no thanks Karl insisted, looking mean. We were frightened and finally accepted. Then Karl said, "Bottoms up," and repeated the command when we hesitated. We finally did, Karen choking some, the others emptying their glasses, Karl soon refilling the cups. They seemed to have an unlimited supply. We tried to refuse, but again Karl insisted, so we downed our drinks along with the others. The group seemed intent on having a party and would not take no for an answer when they offered us more drinks.Finally I said, "We can't drink any more."Then it got ugly and one said, "We saw you giving us the finger, and we're trying to overlook that but now you're not being very sociable, not wanting to drink with us."I looked at him and said, "No, we just can't drink any more."Then Karl said, "You fucking better take another drink if you don't want to offend us. You hear?"I apologized and said I was sorry. Then he said, "Ok, if you're sorry you better have another drink with us."I was feeling the effects of the drinks, and I know was Karen was also, but we were both too intimidated not to take another swig or two. We downed our drinks and then one of the women said to Karen, "You know bitch, we didn't like you flashing our men like that back there."Karen, looking frightened, apologized to them, but that didn't help. Another one said, "It looked to me like you wanted our men to service you."Then Karl chimed in, "Hell yeah, we got your message."Karen shivered in fear, "What do you mean?"Then Karl said again, "We got your message, and we think that your husband isn't taking proper care of you. We can help you out."Karen's face went white, and now I was really afraid. Then one of the women said, "Why don't you show our men what you got, since you're so good at flashing them."Karen again apologized with tears coming to her eyes, but another of the women said, "Sorry doesn't cut it, you wanted to turn them on, so now's your big chance."The men were enjoying Karen's fear.I said, "Please leave us alone, we don't want any trouble."Karl just laughed and said, "This from the man that was giving us the finger. You don't appear so brave now, do you."Then the situation escalated as the big women who they called Jean told Karen to stand up. When Karen didn't Big Jean and another women pulled my resisting wife to her feet.I stood up to protect her but one of the men hit me in the stomach and I fell to the ground, gasping for breath. Then Big Jean said, "Why don't you flash our men again, show em a little more this time."My wife pleaded with them, tears running down her face. They all thought this great fun, they were enjoying this scene. I tried to get up again but Karl pushed me to the ground and said, "Tie the fucker up, I don't wanna keep being distracted." They tied my ankles together, and then tied my hands behind me. I pleaded with them, telling them that I would give them my money and would get more for them if they would just leave my wife alone. They just laughed and one of the men said, "He's not so brave now."I pleaded with them, promising them anything. Big Jean looked over at me and said, "He's getting pretty noisy-maybe we better shut him up."Three of the women pulled me up against a tree, then they unbuckled my pants, pulled the zipper down and dragged my pants and shorts down to my ankles to where my feet were still tied together. Then they pulled open my shirt with my hands still tied behind me so I was now naked before the smiling women. The men were watching this with amused expressions. Then the women turned their attention to my wife. She had tried to run but the men surrounded her and pulled her back. My wife was crying now as the women came up to her, still pleading with them. Then Big Jean said, "OK, you wanted to show our men your legs, you wanted to tease them, so go ahead and show em some more."Karen didn't move so Jean said, "come on, lift that skirt or we'll do it for you." Then another one of the women grabbed her skirt and slip and tugged it up in spite of my wife's struggles. Her thighs and panties were briefly exposed. Then Jean said, "Let's just have her strip, she can continue her little show for our men."Everyone liked that idea, so Big Jean told her to start stripping.My wife didn't move so Jean gripped her shoulder and twisted it till my wife screamed in pain. Jean then told her to unbutton her blouse. Karen was still hesitant and weeping, till Jean once again twisted her shoulder, making my wife scream again in agony.This time she obeyed, slowly unbuttoning her blouse and taking it off, exposing her bra. "Now the skirt, slowly." Jean commanded.My tearful wife did as she was told, unbuttoning and unzipping her skirt, pushing it over her hips till it fell to her ankles, then one of the women made her step out of it. Her sheer slip did little to hide the view of her stockings and her panties. The men were all eyes as they now viewed her body displayed so erotically. One of the women said, "Is this what you wanted to show our men?" Then another told her to take off her slip, slowly.Karen did just that, now realizing that she was helpless, and going ahead just as she was told. She hesitated when told to remove her bra, until the women moved towards her, and then she unsnapped and removed her bra, her lovely firm breasts revealed. Her sheer stockings held up by her garter belt, her sheer lacy panties doing little to hide her beautiful rounded ass completed the erotic picture. The women were having a great time with her, enjoying bending her to their will, as the men watched, knowing what was coming. Then another of the biker women said, "Let's have her walk around for us, like one of those porn stars." And they formed a circle and made her walk around, knowing what this would do. As she walked with her shoes on, her breasts were bouncing, and her ass was moving in a manner to further interest her male audience, and the female audience was thoroughly enjoying her humiliation. Jean had pulled the beret from her hair, allowing her brown hair to fall to her shoulders.My weeping wife was flushed with embarrassment, knowing how her audience was enjoying this exhibition of her body. She was humiliated, but for some reason I felt a tinge of excitement seeing my bride like that, all flushed and naked, with other men watching her nearly naked body. Then Big Jean said, "I think we're going to cure you of your flashing now," and then she said, "Take off those panties, slowly."When Karen hesitated Big Jean reached for her neck, but my wife shied away and hastened to comply. Slowly sliding her panties down over her hips and ass, and sliding them down to her ankles and stepping out of them. Her cunt was now fully exposed to her leering audience.Karen and I both realized that she was going to be raped by these men, that there appeared to be no hope. The biker women couldn't be happier as they looked my naked wife, and they wanting their men to teach her a lesson. To thoroughly fuck her, the woman who had been showing off to them. The women pulled Karen down onto the cleared blanket, and held her down as she was struggling. Big Jean reached down and pressed her fingers to my wife's cunt, and said, "Hmm, she's dry. Well we can fix that," and the women started working on her, stroking her body, stroking her breasts, pulling her legs apart and then caressing her thighs, and then her cunt.My tearful wife, whimpering, but finally stopped struggling, realizing it was hopeless, and I noticed also that her cunt beginning to moisten. I sat helplessly watching this scene unfolding in front of me, as they continued working on my wife till she was flushed and moaning. I was unable to prevent her arousal, and deep down secretly I didn't want to either. Now the men were stripping off their clothes, getting ready to fuck her, my helpless and now aroused wife. Two of the biker women came and sat beside me. One said, "Maybe this'll teach you not to give people the finger." The other two women spread my wife's legs as Karl advanced towards her, his large cock standing out straight from his body.Karen lay there wide eyed, held down, as Karl dropped down between her legs and directed his cock towards her cunt. Then he gripped her ass with his hands, holding her still as Big Jean grasped his cock and placed it at the entrance of my wife's cunt, while her other hand held the wet lips of her cunt open for his invasion.Karen was whimpering as she felt the touch of his hard cock against her opening, then groaning as she felt him pressing into her, finally crying out as he sank balls deep into her. The two women then held her legs up and spread as Karl began thrusting his cock into her. My wife crying out again as she was impaled on his cock, then groaning as he gave deep short jabs into her wet cunt, as it tightly stretched around his cock.Then this stud began long deep thrusts into her, pulling almost out each time, gradually thrusting faster as he steadily fucked her. At last my wife was responding to him, and the women no longer needed to hold her legs open. She was gasping, more and more aroused as this stud continued to fuck her, now thrusting powerfully into her. She lifted her thighs and spread them more, and her stocking clad legs folded over him, clutching him. It was so erotic seeing his cock thrusting into her stretched cunt. The women beside me were thrilled at what was happening to my helpless wife, and watching her respond to the thorough fucking she was getting. One said, "How do you like watching your wife getting fucked by a real man? It seems like she's enjoying it." The women began fondling me, one stroking my cock and the other stroking my body. Against my will I felt myself hardening, my cock soon fully erect. I was red with embarrassment, much to the amusement of the women working on me. At this point Karen cried out shrilly, her arms and legs jerking, clutching her attacker, her body shaking as her orgasm began, crying out again and again as she came. This triggered Karl, as with a groan he erupted into my wife, spurting into her stretched cunt. Her orgasm continued as she felt the head of his cock swelling, and felt his sperm flooding her cunt. Finally he moved his softening cock out of her, her ravaged cunt gaping, red and wet. Suddenly I remembered that this was her fertile time, and I blurted this out loud. The women picked up on it, and one said, "Great, then we'll make sure that she gets pregnant."My wife was sobbing now at how her body betrayed her, tears on her face. Karl said, "Next," as if she were in a barber shop. My wife brought her legs together, but the women easily stretched her legs and thighs open again, preparing her for the next stud, who now got between her spread legs, and easily advanced his hard cock into her stretched cunt, my wife gasping again as he filled her. This biker was so excited that he didn't last long, groaning as he added his load into her wet cunt. The women didn't need to hold her legs now as the next biker easily spread her, and also shoved his hard cock into her, this one taking longer, thrusting into my wife till she was crying out again, as spasms shook her body, coming a second time, her body flushed. Then the last stud mounted her, fucking her steadily till he to erupted into her. Then Karen just laid there, whimpering now, her legs spread widely, their juices visible on her stretched and open cunt. I thought now it would be all over, and to this point I had managed to keep myself from coming, in spite of the women taking turns stroking my erect cock. However, Karl got very excited again watching his fellow bikers servicing my helpless wife, and watching her responding as they punished her with their thrusting cocks. He said to the women, "Get her up on her hands and knees."My wife groaned, "Please, no more," as wide eyed she looked at his hard cock.I begged him not to take her again, but they all laughed as the women turned my wife over and pulled her up on her hands and knees, my wife too week to resist. They pushed her head and shoulders down to the blanket, and then pulled her thighs open. She looked unbelievably erotic with her ass in the air, her cunt opening, the garters to her stockings stretched tightly over her ass. Karl gripped her hips and positioned his hard cock at the entrance to her wet cunt. She looked at me, seeing the women stroking me, and then gasping as she felt the hard cock penetrating her, gradually filling her, impaling her even more in this position. She screamed as with a final deep thrust he was fully into her. He began pushing into her with long deep strokes, taking his time with her, feeling her finally responding to him.Her body was jerking to his thrusting, her lovely breasts swaying each time he pushed deeply into her. Soon, holding her firmly, he thrust harder into her, my wife groaning, and then crying out again and again as he continued fucking her, fucking her until she cried out even louder, and began shaking, her orgasm full upon her. At this point Karl pulled her tightly onto his cock, as groaning he erupted into her, holding her as he drained his cock into her again. Seeing my wife being taken like this, seeing his hard wet cock sliding in and out of her cunt, I finally lost control and spurted into the air as the women stroked my cock. I saw my wife looking at me as I climaxed, unable to prevent my eruption. I was flushed with embarrassment, but the women were thrilled at making me come. One said, "You really enjoyed watching your wife getting fucked, didn't you, and it looks like your wife needed a good fucking. You should thank them for servicing her for you."Karl released my wife when he finished with her, and she collapsed onto the blanket. Jean and another women turned her onto her back, and then Jean tied her ankles together with a rope, and then she tied Karen's wrists behind her. Big Jean said, "this'll keep all those sperms from leaking out of your cunt. Since you're fertile today we wanna help you and your husband start a family. You're certainly going to get pregnant by one of these handsome studs of ours, with all they put in you."Karen started sobbing again when Jean said this, tears streaming down her face. They wouldn't untie us. They just sat there enjoying their drinks for a long time. Finally they got ready to leave, and they untied only my hands, laughing as they left.My wife yelled, "Quick, untie me!"I struggled to untie my ankles, and then I went around and untied Karen. She immediately squatted, trying to drain herself. Some did drain out, but a lot more stayed in, and we had no way to rinse the sperm out of her."Anyway, it's too late now," she said, "I'm sure that they got me pregnant, tears flowed again. They had taken her panties and slip as souvenirs, but Karen finally got dressed. The bikers had thrown our car keys down the hill to further delay us, but we found them and finally got into our car and left. When we were driving away I said, "We're going to the police."Karen jumped, "No, we're not going to the police. I'm not going through their interrogation and examination, and being humiliated by the publicity!" Then she said, "Oh God, I need to wash up, I'm sticky from their come, and it's soaking into my skirt."And then the recriminations began. Karen started it by saying, "I saw you, you really got off watching them humiliate me, didn't you? I cant believe you came watching your own wife get fucked like that, getting raped by those bastards."I fought back, "I couldn't help it -- they just kept working on me till I came. Then I said, "And what about you? You came three times while they were fucking you. If you hadn't flashed them, opening your legs like you did, exposing yourself, they probably wouldn't have followed us."Then Karen said, "Fuck you! If you had taken care of me this morning I wouldn't have flashed them. And your giving them the finger didn't help. Also my cunt is sore from that pounding, so you're not going to put your cock into me for some time." She was sobbing again, and she said, "I know they got me pregnant. It was supposed to be you."We arrived home, and I got her inside, and she headed straight for the shower. The image of her being fucked by those these bikers, of her being taken again and again, her stocking clad legs spread widely, and then being fucked on her hands and knees; this image stayed with me for a long time.As expected, she was pregnant, and as she increased in girth, we both vividly recalled that day when she had been taken and thoroughly fucked by those men, remembering her orgasms, remembering her being shaken by her climaxes as they all serviced her. And I remembered how excited I was as they made me come while I watched her being fucked. ENDComments? See four prior stories by Hardy in Kristen's Directories, 15, 17, 18. Decide which ones are true. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 19
I was standing along on a seldom-used jogging path near the river. I noticed a woman running in my direction, about 100 yards away. I sat on a rock near the path and waited for her. By the time she got about 30 yards from me, she was walking slowly. As she past me, I grabbed her from behind, covered her mouth and held her firmly. I told her that if she didn't want to get hurt, she should do as I said.I forced her over to my van. I pushed her in and told her to lie on the floor. Then I tied her hands behind her back, her legs together, gagged her, and put a blindfold over her eyes. She was a pretty woman - 5'8", very slim, firm ass, and pointy tits. Her Lycra running shorts clung to her body and her shirt was damp with sweat. I told her not to make a peep. Then I sat in the driver's seat and started the van.I drove in circles for a while just to make sure no one was following. I eventually drove out to my cabin, about 30 miles away. My cabin is deep in the woods. The nearest neighbor is 9 miles away. When there, I untied her legs and made her walk to the cabin, guiding her along the way.When we got inside, I walked her to the center of the room and helped her lie down. I again warned her about making any noise. I untied her hands and took the gag out of her mouth. "Spread eagle," I said. I used my feet to spread her legs and arms. Her tight pants showed how nice her body was. Her mound was high and protruding through her pants. "You have a nice pussy," I told her. She didn't say anything. I knelt down next to her and asked her what she should say when someone gives her a compliment. She didn't say anything, so I told her to thank me in a complete sentence. "Thank you for saying I have a nice pussy," she said faintly.I knelt down and slowly pulled her shirt over her head, then I undid her bra and let her tits fall onto her chest. "You have nice tits," I said to her."Thank you for saying I have nice tits," she obediently replied."Good, you're a fast learner," I said back to her. Then I pulled her running pants down. She was wearing tight white panties that nicely outlined her muff. I gently rubbed my fingers over her mound and her protruding pussy lips. I then slowly removed her panties. She was lying there totally naked. I made her spread eagle again and knelt between her legs.I bent over and whispered in her ear. "I am going to fuck you. Then, I will make you suck my cock dry, so you can taste my cum and your pussy juice. But, first, I am going to make your pussy ache."I took out three clothespins I had sitting on the nearby couch. "The first two go on your little nipples." She screamed as I placed each one on her buds. Then I rested the third pin on her stomach. She was trying to hold back the tears, but her eyes couldn't contain the pain and she cried in agony. I gently rubbed my hand over her hairy pussy. "Guess where the last one goes?" I asked. "It goes on your little clit!"I slapped her cunt lips until they were red and puffy. I parted her lips and teased her with the pin by moving it around her pussy. I spread her lips far apart, felt for her clit, pinched it, and placed the pin right on her sex.I stood up to admire the sight. Her hips were bucking from the pain and her nips were red and hard. I stood over her and got undressed. I pulled the blindfold off so she could see me. I pulled the pins off her nipples - fast so she could feel them pulling her tits. Then I looked at her cunt and smiled. "This one will hurt even more." I reached down and yanked the pin off of her cunt. She yelled in pain. I smiled again.I quickly got between her legs and stuck my dick deep inside of her. I fucked her long and hard, making her whole body shook with each thrust. I came inside of her and then pulled out. She sucked me, as I promised her. Then, I stuck my fingers inside of her wet muff and made her lick them off.I tied her up, blindfolded her and gagged. I kept her clothes. I then drove her back to the spot where I picked her up and let her out - totally naked and abused.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 22
My name is Caity, I'm seventeen years old and I have a 33-20-36 body. If you asked boys who go to my school about me, they'd say I'm one of the hottest girls there. I babysat a 5th grader for the whole summer, He was only 12 years old and his parents went to work from 10 to 10, and they needed a babysitter. He was already taller than me, around 6'2. I was 5'8. He listened to me fine. He was one of the "cooler" kids. He wasn't childish at all. We'd joke around about sex all the time. Sometimes his friends came over to his room, and I heard them talking about me. Sometimes he'd work out in the downstairs next to the living room, and I would watch as his muscles flexed with the corner of my eye. One day, about two weeks into the summer vacation, I was watching TV and he was lifting without a t-shirt. I was wearing a tank top and shorts, sort of lying on the sofa. I noticed a huge bulge in his crotch area as I glanced at him from time to time. Once he was done lifting, he walked over to the bathroom to take a shower. Ten minutes later, he walked into his room, then later came out to watch TV. "Have you ever given a blowjob?" Here we go again, I thought, his sex talk."Yeah," I replied."Want to give me a blowjob?" The usual reply would have been "no", and laughter. But that day, I was kinky. I knelt between his legs and giggled at his gasp. I pulled his shorts off to reveal a massively hard cock. It was slightly larger than average, maybe 7 inches. I gladly took it into my mouth. I played with his cock for at least twenty minutes until he gave up and came all over my face. The rest of the summer, it was sex from 10 to 10. Sometimes he'd bring other friends of him and I'd let them fuck me too. But I was basically his sex servant for the summer. Last summer, when I was 16, I worked at the local country club. There were men ranging from 20 to as high as 60. Some I let them have my body, some I just gave them blowjobs. One man paid me a thousand to make me give him a blowjob. But most of the time, I would be in the management office next to the manager, doing anything he wanted me to do. I was often a prize for golf tournaments, a tool for all the office members to enjoy, and often part of negotiations. I remember the first day so clear I can even tell you the 27th man that fucked me. It was so damn many and intense. Let me put it this way. I drove my car to the place, and by the end of the day, I needed a person to drive me home because I was so sore. When I arrived there, the manager said hello. I got into his office, we talked about nothing special, I got out, met everybody, got outside of the building and met the landscape staff and the janitors, then I met some of the members. Then we all met in the pool. I was one of the three females who were there. The other two weren't as young as I was. There was the blonde, who just graduated, and a brown haired girl who was sparkling pretty. I knew at least two thirds of the men there since the country club was pretty close to my house.Then the fuck party started. Beginning with the manager of the place, us three girls provided ourselves to these hungry and horny men as they ravaged our bodies. I took as many as six men on me at once. One in my left hand, one in my right hand, two in my mouth as they played with my tits, one in my asshole and one in my pussy. About four hours later, I was covered completely in the oozing sperm. The men rallied on who should drink The Winner's Cup. I had no clue what it was, but I was picked almost unanimously. I was tied to a chair. The other girls started collecting the cum off me with their tongue, and spat the cum into the cup. When they finished cleaning me, men walked and circled them. The girls gave them blowjobs and spat the cum into the cup. Finally, both cup full of sperm was poured into a gold plated cup. I would guess it was around half gallon. I was ordered to open my mouth and chug the sperm. I did, but at least one third escaped my small mouth and dripped onto my body. We ate some food, then more fucking, and then the clock read 7. I could hardly walk I was so sore and sperm was dripping from my pussy constantly. A gentleman around 30s drove me in my car to his house and fucked me till his wife came home. I was hidden in a closet till the next morning, when he finally remembered where I was and fucked me much more. I went to the country club directly from there that day.This year, I plan to work at a construction company. I want to pleasure those hard working men. The image of fifteen muscularly and sweaty men fucking my little body like a tiger, or me walking around naked helping out any man with a bulge in his pants, or working in the office helping out the co workers. Maybe I'll go back to the country club and be welcomed back. I'll be involved in crazy parties and be gangbanged furiously all day. They'd abuse my body with their cock, and maybe I'd have to drink all their cum again. Maybe I'll be the only girl there.Babysitting wouldn't be so bad either. I'd eagerly each these young kids about fucking, and if they have any hot brothers, fathers, cousins, relatives, whatever, I'd fuck them too.Or maybe, I'll just work at my dad's hospital as a nurse and help out the patients, which my mom does everyday.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 33
The bi-sexual coach of the junior high cheerleaders provided most of the talent for both our "Cherry Picking" and "Tryout" series of short tapes. Someday I planned to edit together all our tape of first penetrations and we would have an hour and a half of screaming, humping and bleeding. She sent us nubile young girls eager for a screen test and we did the rest. If they were virgins, as most of the barely thirteen, if that - they starred in what the boys called an oil show since it was usually three on one and used lots of KY. If the pretty little things had already been popped, then we gave them what we usually called a thirty-minute test."I've got two for you this week, both cherry," Sandra said when I answered the phone. "Those sixth graders are getting bigger all the time, good boobs on both these unused cunts.""OK," I said, "you want one of each?""Sure, send me a nice lean stud and a big-titted blonde. I haven't had a good threesome in quite a while.""You got it, honey, but be nice, no rough stuff.""You know me," she said. "They'll be there right after school."I got the rooms and the cameras set, made sure I had two teams ready and then we sat back and chatted until the junior high girls appeared, ready for action, eager for a screen test, hoping to get a TV contract after starring on the Internet.I sent young Julie, an 8th grader who still looked quite child-like, off to room one with three junior studs after giving her a shot to calm her down and loosen her up. She squealed and blinked out a single tear, but she was ready and quickly signed the releases. She was a pretty little thing, barely nubile, but eager to please. On her form she claimed to be 34-22-34 but I doubted it.The other girl was the gem, a well-developed charmer who had probably been winning prizes for her beauty since she could stand up straight. She came dressed for the occasion as slut of the week and gave us a million dollar smile as she bared her rounded buttocks for the needle, leaning forward to display her surprising cleavage and plump little peach. My three seniors were just about drooling when they led her off to room three, her round jugs bouncing. I swear she skipped a couple of steps, she was so eager.By the time I leaned back and clicked on my monitors, the boys in One has already stripped Julie and had her up on the table, her feet in the stirrups and her head hanging back off the padded end. The drugs were working, but she was still asking questions when Phil stepped between her lean legs, positioned his slim rod and deflowered her with a wide smile on his handsome face and his hands filled with her small breasts. She screeched and leapt, straining the straps, mouth wide open. By the time he was finished, she had not come, but she looked shocked, like a person waiting for the dentist's drill. Ralph supplied it by spreading her legs even wider, cranking her knees back a bit and ramming his thicker cock up into her. She grunted and wheezed as he enjoyed her and produced a shuddering vaginal orgasm after five minutes or so of intensive pile-driving. I thought she was going to faint, and if she had seen what Joe had for she might have. Phil then occupied her mouth.I turned my attention to the other screen after Ralph pulled his dripping cock from the bleeding young girl and found my seniors standing around and being entertained by young Tiffany's slow-motion strip. She had shed her shoes and her frilly cropped top and was fussing with her demi-bra clasp, looking down between her lush boobs, when Joe snatched her leather skirt and spun her round, ripping off her thong panties and tossing her toward Mike who quickly sat on one of the armless chairs with his rigid cock in his hand. He pulled the squealing youngster to him by the buttocks and shredded her hymen before she could catch her breath, her hands still fussing with her bra catch, its slim straps hanging off her shoulders. She howled and tried to escape, leaning back until her hair brushed the floor. Joe then stepped up, yanked her upright, turned her head to the side and filled her mouth with his prong while Sammy made use of the lovely ass Mike held up for him to enter, his cock well-greased. In three seconds the lovely young girl had all three cherries taken, if they were there to take, and I was sure it would be fifteen or twenty minutes before the boys started trading positions, since they seemed to be getting into a three-part harmony and the writhing girl was starting to cooperate. Air tight, they called it. My boys were so well trained and sensitive of how things looked, that they left the lacy bra draped on the voluptuous young girl but pawed her boobs constantly.I slipped a thickly ridged Trojan on my hard prick and wandered over the Room One where Julie had her third young male deep in her cunt and her head leaned back to give what was probably her first deep blowjob with a set of balls around her nose. I did not know whether or not she had climaxed."How's it going?" I asked the boys and got three smiles as they noted I had come ready for action, my ten-incher sheathed and prepared."You want her ass, Coach?" Joe asked, his huge rod buried in her tiny pussy, moving in and out like a Dodge hemi on the starting line of a quarter-mile strip, drawing her lips back with it. "It's still cherry."Mike handed me the K-Y and Ralph cranked her buttocks off the bed, Joe withdrew and the girl sobbed. I thumbed her asshole and then ripped it open, thrusting six, then seven, then eight and then all of it. The girl screeched despite being thoroughly drugged as I sank my thick rod into her rectum, keeping my face turned away from the camera.I shook her young frame when I started fucking her, but she quickly adjusted and was soon smiling through her tears and bouncing up and down, her young breasts shaking back and forth in time with my efforts. After I eased out of her, the boys got her into position to treble-team with Ralph on the bottom, Joe in her pussy and Mike in her mouth. I picked up a close-up camera and did some work before I left that room where the girl was being initiated fully and just starting to enjoy it.In the other room Tiffany, the young blonde beauty, was looking a bit harried as she was the meat in a sex sandwich two of my bigger young men had constructed by getting her legs above one boy's hips and then having the other penetrate her ass while mauling her boobs. Her tiny bra now hung about her slim waist."I need a good sucking," I said, and Joe yanked his prong out of her butt and then pushed her head down so I could slide my slimy prick into her throat while Sammy continued to hammer her cunt with the girl arched between us, her head upside down and hair hanging toward the floor, eyes wide and flicking from side to side. I got it pretty far down her throat before she gagged.I had to smack her a couple of times to get her to suck but then she did a decent job while I mauled her large, round young tits, rubbing her nipples with my thumbs until they stood up fully hard. At four on the dot, we finished in both rooms and the boys went home after showering. I sat in my office with the two freshly fucked youngsters, waiting to make sure the drugs wore off, and they could speak coherently and get home OK.Tiffany, naked still, stroked her abused vulva with two fingers in among her yellow curls, her fancy bra still about her middle, and Julie just leaned back with her eyes closed. I got some Jolt into both of them and then helped Tiffany dress, pawing her fine boobs in the process, her nipples still hard and extended. Julie already had her clothes on since the boys had dressed her before they left."You all right?" I asked them, when Julie opened her eyes and shook her head. She nodded and gave me a small smile. "Did you do my butt?" she asked,"Yep," I told her. "I enjoyed it too.""Thanks," she said. "I'll never be afraid of what some boy can do to me.""Can I see the tapes?" asked Tiffany, giving me a practiced smile that likely got her everything she asked for since she was two. She slid on her skin-tight white shorts and pulled them up to make sure she displayed her puffy slit, leaving her top button undone."Sorry," I said, "you're too young.""When I get to high school?" she asked, wiggling precociously."Yep," I said, "you come see me.""I'm going to be a cheerleader," she said proudly, licking her lips and adjusting her tiny bra that barely covered the underside of her big boobs, giving them a needless lift. She shrugged up her rounded straps and then cupped and lifted her jugs."What size is that, honey?" I asked her, noticing that Julie was watching."32 C," she said, "but I've about outgrown it." She hefted both again and smiled at me. Her nipples looked like cherries and her big boobs barely bounced when she released them."Do either of you need a ride? It's nearly 4:30." Real jug's on such a young girl, my mind said to me, never saw that when I was a kid."I walk," said Julie."That would be nice," Tiffany said. Pulling her flimsy top over her ringlets and curls and wiggling it down over her high mams, noticing that I was watching. I collected the tapes, locked the office, sure I had pictures and sound that would make me thousands once I had time edit them.Tiffany buckled in, drawing the seat belt tightly between her high nipples, and gave me directions and a smile. I pulled up in front of her house in ten minutes. "Want to come in?" she asked, licking her lips rather salaciously for a 12-year-old, her hand on my thigh. "Nobody's home.""How long would we have?" I asked, my hand on her bare leg."About an hour. Mom gets here around six and my father's not home before seven, when he comes home at all."Once inside, she kissed me hard in the kitchen and ground her fine body against mine while I kneaded her butt."Are you on the pill?" I asked, pulling her top over her head and tossing it aside.She shook her head as I turned her around and got her braced against the counter while she stripped off her shorts and kicked them away. I pulled her thong aside and drove my big, rigid cock up into her hot and dripping young pussy, fucking her bare back. The girl squealed and came up on her toes. She was wonderfully tight and quivering steadily, rippling and moving her hips to and fro and exhaling loudly every time I thrust it up into her. I rammed deeper and harder into velvet tightness, holding her lean hips. She whimpered and her feet came right off the floor and hooked behind my knees. I reached around and grabbed her gorgeous breasts after ripping off her bra, pulled her to me and gave her a full fifteen minutes of high grade fucking, changing speeds and angles several times and enjoying both the feel and the sound of her passion as I banged her mercilessly, and she slowly sank toward the floor, gasping for breath, her legs rising behind me until she was nearly in the wheelbarrow position. I have no idea how many orgasms she produced, but she ended on the floor on all fours with my cock ripping her clutching canal all the way to the cervix and the tiles splotchy with various fluids. When I felt my balls churning, I yanked my throbbing ram out of her sucking hole, flipped her over and slipped it between her parted lips. Her eyes got very big when I came and semen dripped out of the corners of her mouth and down her chin where she caught it with her fingers and then sucked it off with a smile, licking her lips.I glanced at the clock, picked her up, tossed her over my shoulder, gathered up her clothes and carried her up the stairs, into the room she pointed out and then tossed her on the bed and stripped bare while she wiggled off her soaked thong. She begged me not to, when she saw the size and condition of my upright cock and then screamed when I spread her long legs and raped her on her back, but eventually she wrapped her legs about me, and we bounced and bucked for another fifteen minutes before I had to lay my cock between her breasts and come all over the chest and neck while she shivered with pleasure and lust. I left her there moaning, clad in only her new gym shoes.I met her mother out in the driveway and we exchanged pleasantries and names with a handshake. She was a fine looking woman, expensively and sexily dressed with a tiny mini skirt and silk blouse. I suggested that she get her child on the pill and she smiled and nodded. "Someday," she said, "when you're not busy, stop by and we'll talk about Tiffany.""Tomorrow, maybe 11AM," I suggested.""Sounds good, I'll be waiting."I watched her ass move toward the house and then went home and started working on the deflowering tapes. By midnight, I had two tremendous 15-minute video segments for our pay Internet operation where we would get a dollar a minute and the perverts would get their money's worth. I uploaded them and went to bed.END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 75
Misty Dawn and her fellow students were on a cruise and traveling on the large ocean liner from one island port to another. How she got separated from the others was still somewhat of a mystery to her and there was no way she could go to the police for help so her only option was to seek assistance at the ship's port office.Misty Dawn had listened to the two young men who just seemed to have shown up while she was shopping. They had inquired if she'd like to purchase one of the shorts and tops outfits she and the other girls seemed to think was needed as they continued their cruise of the islands.What made the school girls like the island outfits was how the shorts had a skirt design. The right leg of the sexually styled shorts wrapped around the waist from the crotch of the shorts up to the waist. The design was similar to that of a French cut bathing suit. The effect was to show off the front, center and right hip of the girl's body as the skirt didn't cover the side of the girl's leg from the waist down. This permitted a girl to expose half of her body to the boy or boys of her choice. The most notable feature of the garment was it didn't cover a girl's vagina, although it did covered the left leg in a snug fit. This permitted a girl's vulva to be uncovered and the girl could flip the skirt to reveal her sex if and when she wished and more importantly, to whomever she deemed worthy of viewing her youthful sex.The top was just as revealing because it had a halter tie on the right side of the blouse. This design feature showed off the side of a girl's breasts. If a girl didn't watch how she moved, the cup of her breast and nipple could be viewed by anyone the wearer choose to flash them her breasts.The first girls to purchase the outfits were flashing when they might not wish to do so, because they hadn't gotten the hang of wearing the revealing garment and would forget to be guarded in how they moved their tender young bodies. But the boys on the cruise were soon surrounding the girls with the island wear and this led most of the other girls to purchase the outfits.Wanting to get the most unique of the outfits was the reason Misty Dawn Miller was now stranded from her cruise mates. She hadn't returned in time to re-board the liner and she knew it had sailed at least four hours before. Missing the ship was the least of her problems Misty Dawn realized. She wanted to cry, but was attempting to remain strong as she wondered what would happen to her next. One thing the troubled teen recognized was she had joined a select group and the center of her loins was now tender and sore.Misty Dawn had been looking at some of the outfits in an outdoor booth when two attractive males whom she thought were clerks approached her as she looked at the outfits, trying to find the most unique one of all. Being a cheerleader, an honor student, student body senate member and a perky sixteen year old, Misty Dawn was a knockout and couldn't stand the thought other girls were one up on her. Because of her vanity, the comely girl had gone on a buying trip to find an even better set of the shorts and tops.Yet the attractive and bubbly teenager didn't have a stuck up bone in her body. Thinking at the moment, while looking at the clothes, she chuckled and told her self, "I've never had a bone stuck up my body either - I'm still a pure little innocent virgin girl," she spoke aloud, but in a voice she presumed only she could hear.Two males had heard her and they had noted how cute she was and begin their mode and plan on to best approach the sexy looking girl to set into play their main means of earning money, and that was a lot of money. For over three years the two had been working there scheme and this girl they realized was the nicest they had wished to attract into their web.They knew the clothes they designed meet the desires of young American girls to expose their bodies. This was also true of girls from other foreign countries besides the United States. Today they set in motion the plan that would snare another pretty girl from a cruise liner. Over the past three years they had selected eighteen girls to entice into their trap and now number nineteen was, they hoped, about to join what the other girls had endured.Misty Dawn was considered a leader of the fashion world in Chambers High School where she attended. The vivacious teen knew that next year she would be a senior and without doubt voted both the homecoming queen and prom queen. Never had another girl ever been so honored at Chambers by winning both major social designations and Misty Dawn wanted to be the first.So her search for the just right shorts and tops had caused her to hear one of the two young men ask what was she searching for in the way of island wear. Explaining she wanted the cutest "Flash Sports Outfit" the two young men told her, "We have the really sexy ones and special ones at our other store.""How do I find the other store?" the trusting teen asked the taller of the two men, and she thought, "Boy is he ever cute, and at school with his height he would assuredly be on the football team. He is the cutest black male I have ever seen. The other boy, who must be Caucasian and most likely he's European. He isn't as cute, but he's really buffed and must spend hours a day at the gym doing nothing but weight training."The black male told her, "It is only a few booths from here and on the next street over. Follows us. We will show you the cutest ones and one with lace that looks like a wedding gown. It is big seller. Come this way and it's just down this side street and then over to the next street, and will show you our best selection and make you star of cruise."Without thinking how he knew she was on a cruise, she then reasoned, "Duh, who else is my age, white and looking lost and more importantly seeking out one of the must have outfits, and what else could she be if she wasn't on the cruise."She hadn't paid attention to where she was being led, and had turned down a couple of streets until the three of them came to a small inlet in the façade of the buildings after one of the twisted turns she had made. The white male suddenly pushed open a hidden door and she wasn't exactly shoved into the building by the other youth, but bumped as if by mistake and he apologized profusely. Yet as the door closed, Misty Dawn felt an intense feeling just short of fear, although not of impending doom.Misty Dawn wondered if she was being kidnapped being alone as she was with the two males. Worst of all, the cute girl had no idea how she'd let herself be set up to be in such a position. "What are you doing? Where are we and you must let me go, because I don't believe this is where the clothes are you promised me?""Yes they are here. This is our production building and warehouse. See all the clothes; there is no way to put all of these in small street space. Come dear and look at the items here on the racks in the next room. Oh yes and by the way, I'm Dado and my friend is Barth," the white male told her. "Look and pick out which you like and there is a dressing room on the other wall. Here have a coconut juice drink and it will help you cool off and the taste is wonderful. It is a local drink and you might have tried one while exploring the island."Looking around Misty Dawn could see the male was correct about the large selection of clothes and her fears soon dissipated. Seeing all the outfits, and so many styles, Misty Dawn knew she would be the highlight of the cruise, and needless to say show off her body. Thinking I want a different outfit for each remaining day of the cruise, she selected three different outfits. Sipping the drink, she discovered the taste was very unique and almost immediately it seemed her body became heated, but yet the drink was cooling her off.Carrying the outfits she selected from the racks to the dressing room, she stepped inside of what Barth told her was the changing area was. There were mirrors on three sides of the changing room and an overly wide bench to sit on and enough room to place her things as she changed outfits.On the wall which contained the door she had entered, Misty Dawn noticed there were hooks to hang the clothes on she had carried into the room. Gee this try-on room is the best I've ever used in any store. They not only have mirrors all around the walls, but a nice cloth covered bench to sit on. And the hooks are ideal to hang the clothes which were on hangers that you're trying on.Slipping off her belly blouse and shorts, Misty Dawn stood in her thong panty. Studying her 34-B breasts, narrow 22 inch waist line and 33 inch hips allowed the adorable and delightful teen to know she was what the guys called "stacked" and the basis to try having sex with her. She also knew the blonde hair topping her five-one body looked great and just one other reason boys were always hitting on her.Another thing Misty Dawn knew was her round buttocks made boys wants to pat them if and when they could sneak a sudden feel without her knowing who had just gave her a playful, and sexual tap. When she would feel her butt being patted, she would pretend to be upset over the slight degree of molesting her body.In reality she enjoyed the playful feel of a boy's hand on her body - provided it wasn't on her breasts or between her legs. Those places were off-limits and had on occasions slapped a boy who became overly aggressive in his attempts to become personal in a sexual manner.A light feel of their round buttocks was the type of sexual harassment girls at Chambers High, on the most part accepted. Misty Dawn exercised at the gym and worked out twice a week, plus jogged five miles three moorings a week when possible, but no less than two miles other times. This was in addition to her three times a week cheerleading training classes.Misty Dawn's body was a trim and sleek 108 pounds that drew admiring glances from her male school mates or other men she simply passed by. Especially when wearing shorts or mini-skirts the adorable and pleasant teenager admitted to her self she loved the attention received from boys and older males.Taking one last glance in the mirror, she decided to remove her thong so she could see how the shorts would look and how exposed she'd be without any panties. Another cheerleader, Amy Brandt had shown that she didn't wear any panties with her Flash Sports Outfit, and to her surprise, Misty Dawn could see Amy's small patch of maiden hair Amy grow above her sex, but she was shaved below the two inch size patch of pubes.With her thong off, the sixteen year old girl could see the thick long hair at the top of her sex. There was also the small strips she didn't shave off along the lips of her cute little toy box. For a brief moment she reached down and fluffed the thick growth, being unaware that on the other side of the mirrors were men observing her, but five high powered video cameras recording her in digital image through the mirrors on the front and ends of the changing room.This part of the business was the main money making arm of the company the two young males owned. Selling of the videos and the price to sit in the comfortable air conditioned room watching females change into the outfits they considered purchasing. Those men who were lucky enough to be in the viewing room when the real action commenced in the dressing got additional action for their money.Slipping on the first Flash Sports Outfit she had selected, a light blue colored material with geometric patterns, Misty Dawn found it looked terrific on her. Then she confirmed that if she moved her legs just right, Amy was correct and her toy box was highly visible. "Boy will this knock Brandon Morrison's socks off when treating him to his first view of my cute little toy box.That sexy jock has been trying to feel me up from our first date, and on our sixth date he was an ass and grabbed my boob and sneaked his hand on my panty covering my toy box. That was his mistake, because if he had pleaded with me a little longer I was going to undress. But I would have made him undress as well as I want to see what a guy looks like in the buff. One thing is certain, Brandon is consistent and has asked me to undress so many times on each of our dates I can't begin to guess how many times he asked me and only wasted his breath asking I get naked for his jollies.Chucking to her self as she looked in the mirror and posed in various ways to see how her toy box would look and be able to be seen in the shorts, knew that Brandon would want her to go to his or her room on the ship and attempt to have her undress. Heck does he think I don't realize that if I undress it will be only minutes until he does me and takes my virginity. Even I know that a girl only undress for one reason and that is for "s-e-x" and I think I'm ready to do it like the other girls let guys do them. But I'm afraid it will hurt.Yep, he can just look at me for as long as he wants when I have this on and we are alone. Guess what Brandon, you will get to see my toy box, but only when I'm wearing one of these outfits - I think someone else will see me nude when we get back from the cruise.But you won't be the only one getting their jollies seeing my little toy box. Heck fire I just might let Mr. Walsh see me. I believe I know the answer, but I wonder for certain what Mr. Steve Walsh meant the day after Social Studies when he told me, "Misty Dawn you are the best cheerleader I've ever seen at Chambers. Boy would I love to see more of you - and it's a shame you can't stay at Chambers forever."Turning in various positions, and even standing with her foot on the bench so she could experiment with how to pose and allow as much of her toy box to be displayed as possible. "Wow, I swear it shows my toy box split apart and the inside shows, I'll bet Steve would love to see me nude."Brandon had asked her on their date the Saturday before leaving on the cruise, "Please undress so I can see all of you. This is our sixth date and so far you haven't allowed me a feel of your boobs. I promise not to touch you if you don't want, but I want to look at the entire girl I love."She had been alone in her room with Brandon, while other members of her family were away from home at the time; Misty Dawn nearly gave in to the boy's request. Just before she commenced to unfasten her top, her nerves had stopped her from completely removing her clothing.In what she knew was simply a way to stall the act of being nude with her boyfriend and if she become nude she would permit him to have sex with her if he asked. Something made her afraid of going all the way, and believed it was from all the tales other girls told in how it hurt to get them when getting their cherries popped.Stopping in the removal of her clothes, though remaining in her bra and thong style panty, the precocious teenager knew a considerable expanse of her body was visible to her teen boyfriend's eyes. Looking at the cute boy sitting on her bed, she could see his erection pushing against the slacks he was wearing. Now as she stood in her undies, Misty Dawn enjoyed the knowledge she could make Brandon get a boner.Smiling at the knowledge she caused Brandon to become erect by permitting him to see her dressed in the pretty bra, and especially viewing lots of her butt from the thong she was wearing as she rotated in a small circle in front of him. One thing was certain, her tong didn't cover much as it consisted of nothing but a two inch waist band, and a triangle patch from the top of her panty and narrowed to practically nothing at the bottom.With her back towards Brandon, the teenage girl decided to give the boy an even more exotic look at her butt and she reached behind her and pulled the string from between her butt cheeks and all the way to one side. Misty Dawn knew that her boyfriend wasn't able to any more of her body by her teasing act than when the strip of material was pulled between her buttocks."Oh man Misty Dawn - gezz but you're one hot looking girl! May I touch you hips; please?" and getting no reply if he could or couldn't touch the round smooth hips of the girl he loved, reached out until his fingers rested on her globes. As in slow motion Brandon eased his middle finger to the top of her hips and then slid it down in the crease, but didn't attempt to push the hips apart to touch her in the intimate way he wanted to do."Do you like seeing me like...?" she asked and bent over so her hips parted and presented her parted hips to her boyfriend's eyes. Misty Dawn didn't realize her pink and puckered anus would be visible to the boy she was teasing. When she felt Brandon's finger caress and then press against the center of her widely spread hips her body tingled and for a few seconds allowed the boy to explore the outer edges of her anus.Straightening up, she felt her body become a tangle of nerves in the knowledge something was happening she never knew was part of being intimate. Her mind considered telling Brandon he could remove her two remaining items of clothing and make love to her.Then Misty Dawn knew fear in her even thinking of having sex, but she turned to face the boy who had touched her in the most intimate spot of her body. Two more times she twisted around in a small circle as she teased the boy, on the first turn she eased the cup of her left breast down to completely expose her breast and she saw his eyes fastened on her nipple as if they were a magnet.Stopping in the turning of her body entirely on the second rotation, there was less than a foot's distance between the two of them. With a smile on her face that was actually a wicked look in a teasing way, Misty Dawn moved her legs apart and her feet were spread three feet or so and her right hand moved to touch the material of her thong. Slowly she eased the material to the right side of her body and she knew Brandon being seated on the bed placed his eyes directly on a level with her pubic area.She continued easing the material away from her sex and knew her toy box was being seen by a boy. When Brandon reached out to touch her, Misty Dawn stepped back, and still holding her thong away from her sex, spoke in a soft voice. "No - no Brandon, you mustn't touch me there. Just look for a moment," and as she spoke eased the material back over her toy box. Was she wicked by the performance in exposing her body in such a flirtatious manner?With a need to know being the prominent thing in her mind at the moment, she asked, "Did you enjoy seeing me for just a moment - you want more don't you darling?" and knew that she must dress before it leads to sex. Her body shook in the realization of her boldness and her exposing her body to someone for the first time although she considered the act as a tease.Yes Misty Dawn thought, except for the small strip of material that connects to the one inch or so of cloth at the underside of her toy box and up to the waist band in the center of her back she knew all of her hips and even some of the lips on each side of her toy box, and most certainly some hair on her lips were able for Brandon to see.Now the teen was glad she had removed her top and skirt. Thinking that she had given him more than enough of a show and seeing he was erect, Misty Dawn was certain if she took off the last two items of her clothes, she would certainly end up having sex. I'm not ready for that just yet she determined. Replacing her clothes as she spoke in what she considered a sexy and enticing voice to make sure he didn't get mad, "Brandon honey let's save it for the cruise."Brandon's sexual desires were at a peek in thinking he was about to see the loveliest girl he had ever known undress in his presence. Looking at Misty Dawn in her lacy bra and matching thong panty allowed him to view nearly all of the unadulterated girl's body. Darn it all to heck, I almost saw her nude sex and one breast, and she let me see and touch her butt hole. Holy Moses and man do I ever want to gaze at those luscious boobs and cute little pussy again. There was also in his mind that he wanted sex with Misty Dawn and with any luck she will eventually be completely undresses and I'll get her cherry like I did with the other girls.Unable to remove her clothes entirely, she made a comment to postpone the need to remove her clothes for her teen boyfriend. Lying as she spoke, but in order to stall the act of fully undressing for Brandon, Misty Dawn told him, "I promise to undress on the cruise and you will see all of me - every little bit and maybe more, okay darling? Brandon, you must promise not to touch me. Promise me you won't get funny when I undress for you on the cruise. Tell me darling, did you like what I did and let you see? What was it like when you touched my b-butt and did you enjoy?" She moved to sit next to Brandon and hugged him and had decided to let him see her nude and if he tried, she would accede to having sex with him - her first time."You are telling me the truth? I will finally get to see you in the nude on the cruise? Will you do it on the first night?" and kissed her with teen passions that including slipping his tongue into Misty Dawn's mouth.Having a boy try, much less actually put his tongue in her mouth Misty Dawn found revolting and she broke the kiss immediately. "Now look Brandon - you know I told you on our first date, kissing like that is gross. You need to leave now, or I won't let you see me nude on the cruise."Expressing to the senior football star and who had made the state first team, "I had just decided to let you see me nude, you had to ruin it for me. You need to leave - maybe I'll undress for you, but it depends on not pushing me and for some reason you just caused me to think it's embarrassing.""Damn it Misty Dawn, don't be a fucking cock teaser," and suddenly shoved his hand under her skirt and onto her panty covered crotch while his other hand moved to cup her right breast.Hearing Brandon say such a nasty thing to her and his physical assault of her body by his hands had told her she wouldn't do anything ever again with Brandon. On the cruise I will find other guys to mess with, just to tease him. Now as she stood in the dressing room in one of the three shorts outfits, she knew that allowing the guy who might have been her first, will get to see what he will never have. She wondered if Brandon had told his friends what she had done in her room with her, and especially his putting his finger on her butt.Slipping out of the first outfit and putting on the red set with the top made with stars and strips like the flag, noted it was cut even more daring. Under the flap of the bottoms it showed the shorts were cut out on the left leg and up across her stomach and pubic area. The way the shorts were cut permitted all of her sex and tummy to be exposed when the skirt part of the bottoms was pulled to one side. This showed off her cute toy box to an extreme. "Boy, I wonder what my good friend Steve Walsh will think when I stand by him on the ship in these shorts and top?Removing the revealing set of clothing and once more standing nude before the mirrored walls Misty Dawn felt a strange sexual excitement. Simply knowing the pubic area of her body would be visible to any male she choose to make it blatantly obviously she wanted him to see her private body parts turned her on and she became heated with desire.Sitting down on the bench seat, with her legs spread apart in front of her, the adorable teen girl looked in the mirror at the image of her toy box. The thought of masturbation entered her mind, and this was something Misty Dawn had only performed a few times in her life. Actually she was afraid to touch her self and did so only when her nerves became peaked with sexual needs and it was necessary to bring much needed relief. Although she wasn't truly religious, her Catholic upbringing had installed a fear of "touching one's self" and this alone had mostly curtailed the need for self sex.Now her needs had came to a surface when planning how the shorts would permit her to have a male see her naked charms. Her fingers moved to touch her pubes and used them to slowly stroke and pull the blonde mass of hairs. Slowly as if she was afraid to touch her sex, her fingers finally found the damp slit between the lips of her sex and touch the intimate area. Up and down her fingers moved in the narrow crevasse. Eventually she touched her clitoral hood and pressed the round ball at the end of the miniature penis shaped part of her vulva.Misty Dawn felt her clitoris immediately respond to her touch and her fingers begin a rubbing and stroking of her clit and slowly it started building her body toward a climax. Then the touch became nearly violent as she rubbed harder and faster and for the first during the few times she masturbated, her left hand reached to cup her breasts, one after the other. Her climax peaked and her body shook as her orgasm rolled over and though her body."Hooo, ohhhhh yes... Steve I'm coming for you! Aughhhh Steve, oh gosh Steve you make it so good!" she cried out with images of her teacher being the one to bring her orgasm to an end. Even the act of sex with the instructor was part of her fantasy as she climaxed, and Misty Dawn's legs kicked out in front of her and they spread wide apart and unwitting she displayed her parted labium to those watching or recording her from the opposite side of mirrored dressing room.Unknown to her, and something that had never happened before with the other girls, the act of masturbation was captured on digital cards and on video film by the cameras on the opposite side of the mirrors. Even the dozen men watching the scene were surprised and most had pulled their erections from their pants and shot off during the action in the dressing room.Slowly reality came back to Misty Dawn, and she stood and slipped on the outfit Dado referred to as the wedding set. It was satin and lace and had ivory colored material that intersperses with the white lace and satin.The upper part of the top was lace inserts within the satin and allowed the top of the garment to expose nearly all of Misty Dawn's breasts. She leaned forward and it fell away to reveal her rather small areolas and saw in the mirrors her pointed nipples. "Boy, this is something else to wear. Will Steve like this," she asked her self and realized she had somehow become hung up on the teacher. "Will I let him do me if he makes a move on me - oh yes, guess I will. Steve you are more than welcome to be my first?" and she turned to look in the mirrors at her image dressed in the shorts set.The satin material was an elastic material and the skirt part was more like an apron. The back of her right hip was mostly covered but, the front of her upper right thigh was nothing but a strap across to the left leg and the inside of the left leg of the shorts was only four small straps that ran from the center of her left thigh across the material on the inside center of her thigh and thusly her entire lower body was in effect totally exposed.Misty Dawn loved how her sex looked in the satin and lace and moved her finger to once more touch her clit. "Gosh, if Steve was here," she thought aloud. "My favorite teacher would soon have my virginity. Oh heck, any boy could have me now. Why do I feel so heated?"The young teen had enjoyed the coconut drink and wished she had another. Once more she studied her self in the mirrors and turned from one side to the other, bent over to look at her youthful perky breasts. Again she looked under the apron like front. Looking at the back of the shorts she noted her buttocks were covered so nothing would appear to indicate what was available to anyone she wished to see her most intimate sexual parts. Then Misty Dawn heard a tap on the door while again thinking of her Social Studies teacher and wondering what it would be like to have sex with an older man. He is my father's age... and her sexual imagination of what it would be like to have the older man penetrate her virgin body was again interrupted by another knock on the door."Yes. Am I taking too long - I'm sorry," Misty Dawn said in response to the soft knock on the door.The voice she recognized as belonging to Barth replied, "Your fine, I picked out a couple more outfits for you to try on, and a bathing suit that if you like you may have free for any three items you purchase. Also I have another coconut drink for you to quench your thirst. May I come in - are you dressed for company Senorita?" the voice ended with a playful laugh at the final words."Si. I'm dressed for company senor, actually for my wedding... night, yes senor for my wedding night, and she asked herself, "What kind of company is excluded from the wonderful clothes they make and I have tried on?" she asked herself.Before Barth entered the dressing room, Misty Dawn stood by the door and remarked, "At the moment I'm in my wedding gown, so if you are my handsome, newly wed husband, Senor Barth, come on in to see what life has forced upon you." Misty Dawn had spoken the stage like acting speech in a sing-song voice. Her body was heightened from trying on the outfits, masturbation and lastly her thoughts of Steve Marsh being her first. She hoped the handsome black male enjoyed viewing her dressed in his designer shorts, or undressed she thought if I try them out on a gay man, I needn't worry he'll assault me.The door opened and Misty Dawn looked at the surprise across Barth's face as he gazed at the bridal shorts set she was wearing. Her body had seemed to become more heated as she had stood looking at her self in the mirrors after dressing in the satin set, and enjoyed seeing the look of appreciation cross the young man's face.Taking the drink from Barth, she sipped several times before asking, "So you like me in your feature outfit?" and she sat down on the wide bench and took the additional outfits from Barth's hands and looked at each one for some time. Then she asked, "May I try on the bathing suit?""But of course," and he picked up his drink and took a couple of sips.Seeing Barth wasn't leaving the room, she thought, and highly incorrectly, he and Dado are gay, so he won't think anything of my undressing in front of him. Besides I've always wondered what gay men think if they see nude females. "Hee-hee," Misty Dawn giggled as she unfastened the top she was wearing and exposed her firm and very pointed breasts.Her hands eased the bottoms off as she stood bent over with her hips toward Barth and knew he must be about to die having a girl show her butt to him. Turning back around she stood for a moment facing the man, then she straddled the bench seat with her sex somewhat open by her legs being spread wide by the seat. Picking up the bathing suit once again she noted it was nothing but a criss-cross of material in straps."Your clothes are so revealing. This bathing suit doesn't cover much," Misty Dawn remarked as she studied the material. She noticed Barth studying her body and wondered how embarrassed she was making a gay feel by her being so openly nude before him?"This suit is called Papillion and represents a butterfly in flight. On you it will look perfect. Your skin is a luxury all women must wish they had. You have a luscious look about you - so innocent looking, and I don't mean that in an impersonal manner.As he spoke Barth allowed his fingers to trail gently from her forearms and up until they eased across her shoulders. Slowly his fingers teased the smooth skin of her neck in an impersonal touch which ensured he didn't wish to frighten the girl. Barth was aware of one thing and that was how he and Dado had made the women and girls believe they were gay and gained their confidence.Standing to slip on the bathing suit, Misty Dawn was uncertain how to get the suit to fit as she thought it must cover her breasts and vagina. Looking at Barth she asked, "Could you help me with this thing? Isn't this similar to those suits called spaghetti bathing suits? I always wanted to try one of them on, but when I asked my mother about purchasing one she flipped out. Now she isn't around to complain.""Sure, here. This strap goes over this breast," and as he spoke allowed his fingers to slide between the material and her erect nipple. Barth heard the quick intake of the girl's breath and the light jerk of her body. Yet she didn't protest nor attempt to move so his fingers weren't resting on the tip of her young solid breast. Repeating the action, he soon had both breasts covered and was amazed how hard the girl's breasts were.Now came the part where only a few of the females ever moved from his actions, and normally they were older women in the thirties or forties. He and Dado were always surprised when the teen or younger girls stood quietly and allowed their fingers to touch them in an intimate way.Once twin sisters became a part of their action and they were just short of their thirteenth birthday. They had strange birthmarks and permitted both Dado and Barth to touch the mole on their Mons Veneris. The mole was just at the top of the cleft on their mons. They each had a unique mole that rose up from the skin with a few hairs growing out of the dark raised mole.What made things interesting was the fact they hadn't reached the degree of adolescence where hair grow on the mons or labium. That fact didn't keep them from becoming vocal and animated when they were subjected to a cock in their youthful snatches. Barth had watched the video of his getting the twelve year old girl's cherry and she had screeched and punched at him when he was fully embedded deep in her young body. The camera had captured her youthful slender legs kicking out and waving around in the air as she was drilled by his cock.To his surprise he had listened to the girl ask him, "Could we do it again - only not so hard?" The girls were reported missing, but they were never found. One of the men watching them from the opposite side of the dressing room was a wealthy man from Brazil and the twins were placed on board his very large yacht and taken to one of his many estates in South America. That was the only time such activity took place from the business and Dado and Barth both understood such criminal activity could draw attention to them.Dado had an experience with a wealthy tobacco company heiress who drank four of the coconut cocktails and she was insatiable when it came to sex. She asked Dado to find a couple more males to help her enjoy the total day in the dressing room. Dado had gone to the viewing room and found three young males who were more than happy to mix it up with the forty something heiress.The videos of the woman, as were those of all females who were involved in sex in the dressing room were sent to Copenhagen and Brussels for coping and distribution. The biggest market for such videos was tourist from Japan. Such videos weren't legal in Japan so the men would take the cassettes apart and only take the tape and eventually when digital disk became available they were used as well for distribution. The videos of the twins and the heiress were the biggest sellers, but Barth knew that the American girl would likely be the best seller ever. Yet nearly all of the females believed in some form of their imagination that Dado and I were gay, Barth thought. Usually the girls had spoken of our being gay after having been sexual involved with us and wondered how a gay could be with a woman. When they found out the truth, the surprise on their faces and the comments they made when knowing we were straight showed somewhat of an image of having been had, and not in the sexual meaning.Now this lovely girl stood still and as he pulled the material so it covered her sexual parts, she didn't ask he not touch her. Although at the first contact of his fingers on her hair and lastly her vaginal lips, she flinched and her hips jerked backward, but her body didn't move away from the contact of his fingers."I'm Barth, and what is your name pretty one?" he asked as he removed his fingers from inside the suit, but ensured they eased up between her damp labium and across her clit. Then he spoke with an animated manner with his hands and voice in a manner that he was gay. He closed his comments by telling the girl, "Perfection, oh Senorita you are perfection in this suit. Dado won't know what he is missing in not viewing you in this bathing suit. Knowing in the future this will be worn by you is so wonderful, and you may have the suit even if you don't purchase any of the short sets.""You're giving me this suit? Oh by the way, my name is Misty Dawn. So you're Barth and the other man is Dado - what lovely names. Do you think I'm really as pretty and nice as you've said I was?" and she reached out and hugged Barth."You are a very special young lady. The boys must be all over you because you are truly a knock out. How old are you Misty Dawn? A very unique and lovely name and it fits you. Oh if I had photos of you in this suit I would be so pleased to hang them on the walls of our shop.""Really, you want to put my photos on your wall? Misty Dawn thought that no one would ever know it was her in the photos if she allowed him to take pictures of her in the suit, but she could see in the mirrors that her maiden hair was showing because the material of the suit was only large enough to cover the lips of her toy box. Then she remarked, "Barth I'm sixteen. Do you really want to place my pics on your shop walls?""Oh yes I would love to have your face and body grace the walls of our shop. So tell me Misty Dawn, if you wore this with your boyfriends I cannot imagine that he wouldn't be removing it and doing those things he enjoyed before the suit, only he would be so turned on looking at you in the suit he would attack you constantly and never allow you to leave him again.""Your silly and funny thinking like that. Heck, I'm still the innocent little girl - yep, a full fledged virgin. Honest Barth I've never done anything. No one has ever touched me like you did a little while ago, and your touching me wasn't sexual, but professional. Boy do I feel hot and not heat hot," she said. Misty Dawn didn't realize the two drinks were laced with a local aphrodisiac and she was now enjoying and having sexual fantasies as she looked at the attractive black male.Moving so she was standing against Barth, she asked him, "Help me take this off. Would you not be upset, because I know you're gay, but would you touch me like you did before? Barth, I've never been fully seen by a male before and I have never seen a guy naked before. Please don't be mad, but would you undress and allow me to see what a man looks like?"Looking at the lovely girl, he spoke in a gentle voice, "That is something else that you're requesting I do... Misty Dawn, what a nice name, if you want that I will try to do as you ask because you are so lovely and kind and most of all honest. Touching you will be hard to do, and not like when I was adjusting your bathing suit," Barth told the girl and knew the drugs were taking her to a place she hadn't expected. That place would be on the wide bench she sat on while he and the others observed her masturbating not that long before.Slowly he pulled the straps from the girl's body and knowing she was a virgin was a thrill he didn't expect, and he looked forward to being with her in such passion he wondered if he could keep from ejaculating in his clothes.Once she was nude, Misty Dawn asked, "May I undress you Barth. I will not insult you if you wish me to stop while doing so?" and she felt the need to be touched and realized she desired to be penetrated by a male's penis. Why do I feel so sexed up and wanting to be taken? Never have I felt such a need, and I hope that once I have him undressed, and even though he is gay, that Barth won't refuse to take me. Gosh, is this how virgins feel their first time to be with a guy? One thing is certain, I've never felt this passion around any guy before and that includes Brandon."Now the time had come and as she kneeled before Barth, the only remaining piece of clothing left was his silk boxer shorts. At last I will see a male sex thing, and what will it look like? I can see it must be erect as it's pushing his boxers out towards me. Her hands eased Barth's underwear down his legs and as they did, his penis came into view."Oh Misty Dawn, I hope you're not disappointed in what I have for an organ," the muscular youth said and wanted to smile but dared not."No - oh my Barth are all men this large. I thought guys were like six inches, as that is what I'm always hearing or reading about. You are - are," and as she spoke used her fist one over the other and up the nearly black skin covering Barth's erection and found it was as long as three of her fist as she moved them on top of each other; "you must be nearly ten inches long.""Does my cock bother you Misty Dawn... is it too black for you?" and as he asked felt her hands squeezing him tightly."No, oh heavens no. I love its dark black and it's so hard and the black color of the wood from an Asian ebony tree. So beautifully black and not only long, but so thick I can't begin to close my hand around your black stem - your cock. "May I call it Black Beauty, and I don't say that to insult you?""You use the name of a horse in a book and movie. Of course you may use that name," Barth replied as the young was squeezing his erection.Misty Dawn looked at the thick erection and in a soft voice remarked, "The end looks like deep purple velvet," and as she spoke gave it something she had previously believed she could never allow her self to do. Her lips kissed the smooth end and then all around the length of the long thick tube.While continuing to kiss Barth's cock, Misty Dawn asked, is the part I'm kissing the head - the head of your cock?" and her body shuddered as she opened her mouth in the belief she would perform oral sex. The sex she had previously determined had to be disgusting.Her mouth couldn't get past the thick cock head, and after a few moments she whispered, "Barth... I call my sex... my... toy box. Is that a bad name for my sex?" and she wanted the handsome black man to make her a woman."Your toy box - I've never heard a pussy called a toy box. Misty Dawn you have a very lovely toy box - very small and tight," and Barth used his finger to touch her clitoral hood and then ran his finger up and down the small penis like aperture and finally rested the tip of his finger on the clit at the end of the hood that was partially hidden within the foreskin of the sex organ.Setting up next to him, Misty Dawn whispered, "Make me a woman... and I know you might not want to do as I wish, but would you kiss my sex like men do with women. If you can't because you're... because you're gay I will understand."Knowing if he spoke he might laugh as the lovely creature still believed he was gay. He eased her back on the wide bench after having her sit at the end and then lay her back with her legs wide and open for him to do with as he pleased. Before him was a virgin and the image of her sex was without doubt the most lovely pussy he had ever had the pleasure to look at and inside. He could see she was tight and her hymen was close to the front and eased his finger against it to test the thickness as the opening was small."Augh Barth that hurt. What did you do darling?" she asked and didn't know her hymen was thick.Barth had known her hymen would be a tough one to breech, and confirmed such after he touched her virginity. "Sorry Misty Dawn, I will be gentle making love to such a lissome young woman. A woman who is like a vixen from heaven, and I don't mean vixen in a derogatory way my sweet Misty Dawn. Your sex is truly lovely and your legs are the most perfect I have ever seen."Finally his lips played all over the lovely sex between the girl's legs and enjoyed licking her young sex and lapping at her clitoris until he felt her hips bump up from the bench and her hands pulled his face tight against her sex. Her legs moved behind his head as she climaxed and uttered the sound like a wolf howling out its lonesome and desolate dark of night call.The building of her orgasm was like a perpetual and unending release of her sexual peeks and Misty Dawn felt overwhelmed as her release hit so hard and quickly she didn't care what anyone thought, she wanted this feeling to never end. She sobbed and cried out, "Ummmmm... eeeyieee, oh, what is happening to me... Barth... your tongue... I'm coming darling..."Rising up and using his strong hands, Barth eased the girl up further on the bench and moved on top of her. Knowing the girl was still enjoying the after glow of her experience, he eased his cock against the narrow lipped channel of her sex. Using his hand to move his thick cock head between her labium, Barth eased far enough inside the young pussy to lodge the thick head of his cock so he was aligned in the proper pathway before making what would have to be a sudden tearing and hurtful plunge through the virgin membrane that lay before his cock.Misty Dawn felt her sex being parted and couldn't believe she could stretch enough to allow the blunt end of Barth's cock head to spread he open. Then the unique pain struck her as the cock head reached and pressed against her hymen. "My, oh my Barth, oh the feeling is so... it hurts like that darling... aughhh, Barth be gentle."With a sudden shove forward and unable to enter fully, Barth pulled back and then made a vicious thrust once more into the small cavity of Misty Dawn's sex, and it was met with resistance initially, but the next jolt against the cherry completed its trip and he was soon jammed deep inside the lovely girl's sex."For God's sake you're killing me... oh my toy box... Barth augh, oh yes Barth oh my God, oh you're in me...darling wait a moment," Misty Dawn pleaded and understood her virginity was no more. She was no longer the maiden girl her mother was constantly saying she was.After a minute's time and having made some short and easy moves, Barth was finally able to work his thick cock back and forth in the narrow sex of the girl. He was more than pleased in finding this delightful girl and wished that it didn't need to end after this one day. He spoke gently and relevant to the girl, "Oh Misty Dawn I feel so honored. Not only was I the first to get you off, but you just gave me your toy box's cherry. Thank you my love - thank you. I don't suppose you would like to live her on this island?"And for the next ten minutes Barth took the girl and felt and heard her get off before he unleashed a load of his semen deep inside her tight toy box. "Oh Misty Dawn I'm going off in you... I'm coming... gee I just cummed in you."On the other side of the mirrors the cameras captured the best photos and videos ever taken in the dressing room. There wasn't one cock that wasn't being stroked throughout the ordeal the girl endured. Dado was among those watching and wished that somehow he could get with the lovely American. But alas, he got his cherries in the past and this time the luck belonged to Barth in getting such a delightful girl for her first time.In another hour Misty Dawn had sex for the second time in her life. At the end of that time, the sixteen year old girl discovered both the pain and pleasure of anal sex for her third sex with a man. When the anal sex was over, Misty Dawn told Barth, "I'm happy you did my butt, and I can tell you for a certainty that no one else shall ever do that with me again. My god I feel like a log was shoved up me. I must ask you to see if I'm bleeding back there?"Now the pretty teen girl was standing in the offices of the cruise line and a cruise line worker told her, "A plane will fly you to meet your group at the next island. The ship will dock this evening, so you must leave for the airport immediately in order to catch up with your group."With the story of her shopping and missing the ship the day before as the man topic of conversation, Misty Dawn was the center of attention. She was wearing the stars and strips shorts outfit and standing by the railing speaking with Mr. Walsh. Moving so her body was displayed to her teacher, she decided to go for broke and asked, "Steve, don't you have a cabin by yourself?"He was looking at the breast of the girl as she stood next to him, and the top had fallen away, and he knew the teen's action was giving him a choice view of her breast and nipple. In disbelief he looked as she twisted so the bottom of the suit fell away and revealed her pubes and part of her sex was visible. Deciding the game was dangerous, but his mind told him to go for whatever the teenager was offering, replied, "Yes, it is two doors from your room. Am I getting company?" he asked in a whisper."Tell me the truth, can you keep anything that might occur a secret?" and then Misty Dawn asked, "See anything that makes you hungry? Steve - may I call you Steve; you have something I desire and need and need now. Go to your cabin and I will follow you and knock on your door a couple minutes after you get in your cabin."Looking at the young beauty, Steve thought of all the reasons he should decline the invitation, but instead he asked, "Rumor has it you're a virgin. Are you Misty Dawn?"Smiling as she consider her reply and stretching the meaning of the term man, Misty Dawn finally replied, "Steve my love, you will be the first man to ever enter me. Promise to be gentle with me - our first time."Three hours later, and Mother Nature gave Misty Dawn a nice surprise for Steve, as her period started while having his hard cock buried deep in her body. That Steve wasn't as thick as Barth didn't matter to the teen girl. What matter was he was longer and during the five times she took her teacher, she made him finally beg her to give him a rest? She walked to her cabin and stepping in the shower could feel the come from Steve easing from her body.Two years later she was a college freshman and was the only one on the football teams cheerleading squad. Walking to her dorm, she was greeted by a familiar voice, "Ho Misty Dawn, wait up."Looking at the sound of the voice saw Steve Marsh approaching her. In a few minutes she discovered he was teaching at the university while working on his doctorate. Accepting his invitation to half a cup of coffee with him, she sat sipping the hot drink and in moments had agreed to go with him to his off campus apartment.To his total surprise, he listened as the attractive coed informed him, "My darling Steve, I had no idea you were on campus, but I must tell you something. Since you and I were on the cruise, not one other male member has parted my toy box. Now you bring me something I've been wanting for two years."END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 58
E-mail message:Det Sergeant Susan Miller was in a lot of trouble. Her assignment was to infiltrate a child pornography ring, and take them down. "Stupid, stupid STOOpid!" she thought to herself for the 100th time. The Captain had not approved an undercover strategy, back up, etc. The Purple Dinosaurs were, smart, experienced evil Mother Fuckers and a mistake could prove costly. But Susan had been in tight spots before, faced down truly wicked men and won. She figured she could handle this--and mayb look good in front of the boss who hated her. On an impulse she had gone to a bar they frequented dressed like a cheap slut. Susan had on a thigh high black leather mini and a purple tank top that showed off her sexy belly button. She figured they'd be more likely to let something slip, and she could learn something useful. Tonight was supposed to be light information gathering only--no real contact. Too bad it didn't work out that way. Too bad. Susan wasn't really good at talking to men. You can't blame her really. After all she was a lesbian. Oh she knew they were attracted to her body, but she didn't understand them, what turned them on. Or off."You want a drink darling? Can I get you anything?""I don't need anything from you, just leave me alone." she said in a distracted manner as she tried to concentrate on two of the porn dealers conversation. If she had really been paying attention she might have recognized the man talking to her.She might have been smart enough to watch her mouth. Pete Matuski was wanted for 2 counts of murder and the brutal rape of his own 14 yr old daughter. He had kept the poor girl as a fuck toy for two months. Raping her over 100 times. He decided to make some money off his stuck up, smart mouthed, sexy daughter. He had a friend into kiddie porn, and was introduced to the Purple Dinosaurs. Pete pimped his daughter to them. By day, she was filmed, and fucked by them. At night she was fucked and fondled by him. She was the star of 14 hardcore, filthy kiddie porn movies. Every couple of days his daughter was raped and beaten into making a new one. The only reason he had almost been caught was that one of her teachers was into kiddie porn himself and enjoyed the movie very much until he got a good look at her face. He recognized his student and knew she had not been in school for over 2 months. He anonomusly called the police. Pete had murdered the two policewomen when they came to investigate the complaint. Snapped their necks like chicken bones.Susan should have recognized Pete. His face was plastered all over the precinct's most wanted list. He had been hidinging out with the Purple Dinosaurs. Pete could not believe another sexy, stuck up, bitch was mouthing off to him. At least his daughter had been pure, a virgin. This slut looked like she had been rode hard and fucked away wet.Pete got up and was about to leave when Susan's Cell phone began to ring in the purse on the floor. She bent at the waist and slowly dug it out leaving that firm round juicy ass wagging from side to side. "Holy shit she's taunting me! That little bitch is trying to drive me crazy, " Pete snarled to himself and decided to teach the slut a lesson. He signaled to the bartender to lock the door. The bartnder escorted the 6 or 7 people he did not know outside, flipped the closed sign around, turned off the exterior lights and locked the door. There left only about 12 people in the bar all were Purple Dinosaurs or their women. When Susan got off the phone she noticed that something was odd. Several of the gang members were walking towards her, and the door was closed. The big guy who had been hitting on her was in the lead and had a cruel, deranged look on his face. He walked right up to her, grabbed the back of her head and locked it in place. Then he looked her right in the eye and began spitting on her face. Over and over again until she was coverd in it. "Wait...stop, ew that's gross!" The whole bar was laughing at her. Sick demented people were laughing at her shame. But the worst thing was the air of impending, evil--of sexual tension about to be sated. "Clean the little slut off and strip her. I want to fuck her, heh we ALL do. Pete said to one of the gang sluts. All the guys began chuckling, as they imagined just how they would rape Susan. She was fucking...lucious. A tall, tight honey blonde who worked out a lot. Susan was 29 and had high barbell shaped 36 D breasts. Her sweet firm ass was just the cherry on top for the guys, it sealed her fate. A small redhead walked up to Susan and began kissing her. Sucking and caressing and slowly licking her entire, spit covered face. Despite the situation Susan felt herself get aroused. The little tramp was a good kisser and obviously a submissive twat--just the kind of woman she loved to fuck. She pulled Susan's top off and undid her mini skirt. As usual she was not wearing a bra, and had on G-String panties, which the Redhead eagerly removed. That snapped the lesbian Policewoman out of her lusty haze. It was about to happen again. A man was about to rape her AGAIN. A cock (Ok several) cocks was about to split her ass, fuck her pussy and cum in her mouth. Filthy men were about to hurt her, she knew they'd enjoy it. "Please don't dothis. I am sorry, IamSO sorry. You don't undrstand--I'm a Lesbian. This is wrong. " If she had known men better (especially these kind of men) she would have kept that fact to herself. Every man (and two of the three women) were excited by the idea of raping a Lesbian. She was completely naked now and cowering against the bar. Pete pulled her to him with a vicious snarl and dragged her kicking and screaming to the pool table. "I'mgonna break you now. I'm gonna beat your smart little faggot ass--and I'm gong to enjoy it. I swear to god once I start I'm gonna beat you bloody. Do you believe me bitch? Good. Listen carefully. If you want to avoid that you better accept that you are our cheap little whore. Everyone in this room is going to fuck you as many times as we possibly can.We. Own. You. Slutty little Lesbian. Thinking you are too good for my cock? Well I'm gonna change you tonight. Tonight you're gonna beg for cock. Yer gonna beg for my cock right now. DO IT!!" Pete roared six inches from her face. His breathing was heavy and she could tell she was an inch away from getting hit by this large man. Suddenly she got chills as she recognized who he was. My god he had already killed two police women. This man was very dangerous. "Please sir...I want to live. I'll do it. I'll do anything you say, just don't hurt me. Um...may I please have your cock?" Pete pushed her back on the pool table and mounted her quickly. Another gang member grabbed her head and positioned it over the side. She felt both cocks slide into her at once. It was very painful. Pete had a big, thick dick--and she was still mostly dry. From fear, and from the very idea of a man fucking her. He fucked her open in two brutal strokes and began a vicious pounding rhythm in her cunt. Quick fuck, slow fuck, hard fuck, Grrrind. Repeat, repeat, repeat. The guy at her mouth was only average dick-length inside but the way her neck lolled over the side of the pool table was very dangerous. She could not breathe correctly as he held her on her back with her neck lower than the edge and drilled his dick deep down her throat. Luckily Susan had some prior experience with being raped by a cruel man. She did not panic, just concentrated on breathing thorough her nose and not letting him bend her neck too far down. Suddenly he humped his body on her face and sat on her face, resting all his weight on her. "Suck it slut. Suck my assmeat good." Susan could barely breathe as she stuck her tongue into him. She ws struggling with all her might to stop him from killing her. Pete had been fucking her hard for a good 5 minutes when he seemed to be jealous of the pain and fear the other man was causing her. "Ok whore I'm ready to have your ass now. This is gonna sting a little bit--so I want you to ask for it." The room laughed at his little joke and laughed even harder when Susan's ass muffled voice said," Please sir will you fuck my tight little ass? I'm a good slut, I need it." Pete savagely pulled those firm ass cheeks apart and ripped into her. He wanted to hurt this slut, to show off for his friends. They were cheering him on as he raped her ass hard. Wet sloshing noises could soon be heard, a thick paste of ass blood, dick cream, and brownbutt butter churned inside Susan. His balls made a slapping sound on her sweaty body. Susan's struggles became more desperate as she fel her neck tire, she could not hold the man on her face anymore and was getting scared. She took a chance and recaptured his dick in her mouth and began to slurp it hard. Sucking and licking and coughing and kissing for all she was worth. She had to get him off so he could, well GET OFF. It was working, perhaps too well as the guy felt he was about to cum he went nuts. Squeezing his thighs around her hard as he drilled his cock deep into her throat. For about 20 seconds she could not breathe, but continued to work her mouth on him. Pete was slowly tearing something in her ass, she felt it give way and began to cry."Oh that's it baby, that's it you slut. Yer mouth is so wet, here it cums, wait for it! ARRGH, drink me bitch, drink it all down. It's good for you." Susan had been without air for about 45 seconds when he finally got off her. He slapped hands with his buddies, and one of the gang sluts asked if she could lick him clean. He graciously agreed. One down, 11 to go. While the rest of the gang laughed and decided who got her mouth next, Pete kept right on ripping her ass apart. Every thrust was a fresh blast of pain. He began thrusting harder faster, and her breath grunted out of her in time to his fucks. "Mine, mine, mine. How do you like it? How does daddy's little dyke like his big dick up her ass?" He said as he slowly spewed thick, warm, wet fluid inside of her. Pete pulled out of her with a noisy popping plop sound. His dick was a clumpy reddish brown color, and he walked to her face and mounted her the same way the other man had. Then he began cruelly pinching and twisting her nipples, mauling her tit flesh until she screamed all over his dirty dick. "Wash me good, I want that little wet tongue to suck all this shit off of me. Get me hard again slut, I think I can go again. Somebody suck my cum out of this cunt's pussy and ass. I want it fresh." The sexy Redhead pushed the others out of her way and began to lovingly munch the older, Lesbian's pussy. Susan could not help herself. She wrapped her legs around her lover, and humped her hard. Pete fucked her mouth good and slowly his dick got hard again as he predicted. He looked down at Susan and pure lust overcame him. She was getting her clitty nibbled now, and had grabbed both of the eadheads ears and a fistful of hair. She planned to get off herself, she fucked that beautiful young face buried between her thighs and it was too much. She felt a small fire begin to build and bubble up from deep inside her when suddenly... Pete scooped Susan up, and sat her in his lap. He made her settle on his cock and then stood up. Susan was surprised, and felt his long thick cock go even deeper into her. She was so close, she could not stop. Even though it was a man, even though it was rape she clutched herself to his hard sweaty male body and humped down on his beefy man-cock. Kissing him, sucking his tongue wildly.That's how the police found her when they kicked in the door. One of the patrons had called in a tip when the bar suddenly closed leaving a lone woman inside with a gang of hard men. He just couldn't live with himself if he did nothing. Officer Susan Miller had done it again. The Lesbian Police woman had just singlehandedly taken down a Kiddie Porn ring. Captain Carl Jablonski was having a very good, and a very bad day. Good because every member of the Purple Dinosaurs had been arrested and would likely be convicted. Their rape of Miller had allowed him to get search warrants, for each of them and they found dozens of kiddie porn tapes, addresses of victims, and their portable film equipment. He should be happy, but he wasn't. Susan Fucking Miller was getting the credit. Again. How one inept, and morally corrupt cop could be so lucky was beyond him. He was glad they raped her. He wished they had gotten there a couple of hours later. The lesbian bitch deserved it after what she had done. Instead she was likely to get another promotion. It all started two years ago. Susan's life had changed when she met John Pressman The Lesbian Rapist. The asshole had confessed to raping 23 Lesbians. He had taunted the police on national tv. Pressman had just gotten off on a technicality. The Dept was obsessed with catching him. Captain Jablonski needed a real Lesbian to go undercover and set him up. He was authorized to give someone a significant pay raise, and promotion to Detective Sergeant if they could bring Pressman in. Problem was he only had one Lesbian in his Dept--Susan Miller. She was a pathetic Cop, the butt of many jokes. Her fellow officers called her Deputy Dike, right to her face. Many felt she was a glorified Meter Maid. She'd been on traffic Patrol for almost 8 years--it was he only thing she was good at. Still, Susan had always dreamed of more for herself. She wanted to make a difference. To be a real cop--a DETECTIVE. So she jumped at the chance. The plan was basically to rape another officer in front of him, to get him so hot, that he got sloppy. Susan selected a female cop she had secretly been lusting after for over a year. Beth Thomas was a tight, sexy little thing. She was was also Captain Jablonski's godchild and Dead Partner's daughter. Susan still got wet when she thought about how she had raped her. Squeezing her mauling her--raping her pussy and ass with her fingers. Sucking her tongue, licking that fresh, juicy pussy--straddling her face, and forcing her to clean Susan's soggy, dripping cunt. Hearing the tiny woman scream, beg for help. The bar was wired for video and sound. Captain Jablonski saw and heard what Susan did--Beth's pitiful, frantic pleas. He had to sit there and just let it happen, to ignore her. He would never forgive himself for betraying Beth. He would never forgive Susan for raping his little girl. But he had to catch Pressman, and Beth did agree to do "whatever" it took. The plan worked, John kidnapped Susan at knifepoint and took her out to be raped. That's where things went bad. John had discovered the hidden cameras and micro recorders they planted in his apt earlier that day. So he took her to his buddy's house instead. No one was listening when Susan screamed for help. Nobody came the first day or the second while Ron and John brutally took her oral, anal, and vaginal virginities. You see Susan was a true Lesbian. She had always known she was attracted to women. No man had ever put his filthy dick inside her. "Oh you fucking slut, yer so tight, thank you for making it so good for me. You sexy little whore, I love you! How does that feel? Ugh, Ugh, oh shit--don't you DARE make me cum this quick, or I'll spank that beautiful ass, John said as he raped her the first time. Next it was Ron's turn. He liked to make her kiss him, to humiliate her, to have her beg like a wild thing in heat for his cock. "I'm gonna say this one time you Lesbian whore. You think you don't need men, don't want men, right? Well you are my property now cunt, I own you. You will treat my cock with respect. Go ahead kiss it, lick it, worship ME! My god, do you know how much I will hurt you if you don't do everything I want? Heh, heh-ha," Ron chucled merrily. "Please, you don't understand I am aPoliceWoman, I am a Lesbian PoliceWoman--and are under arrest. Both of you take your dicks out of me and assume the position!" Apparently the position for the next two days would be two dicks in her at the same time. Ron and John were good friends, and experienced rapists. John loved asses, and Ron loved cunts. They both enjoyed Double Penetration. It was like they were competing to see who could make her scream the loudest, cry the longest.Over and over, they split her ass and pussy. Fingers, dicks and tongues explored her every hole. Both men started cackling at Susan's orders and raped her even harder. On the afternoon of the second day, Susan came to a realization. Help would never come, she was utterly alone. If she wanted to be saved she would have to save herself. Desperation led to a frenzied courage. Ron was fucking her throat hard, laughing as he made her gag and choke. John decided to eat her pussy, to see if he could humiliate her by forcing an orgasm out of her unwilling snatch. Susan seized the opportunity. She bit down hard on Ron's Dick, gnawing and chewing it. Meanwhile she locked her legs tight around John's face. Ron was shrieking in agony, there was no fight in him. She pushed him off and rolled over on John, pounding him as hard as she could in the back of the head. As they struggled he knocked her into the table and one of the many beer bottles that they had been drinking between rapes rolled into her hand. Susan reared back and caught John flush in the face and he went down. She then got to her feet and began kicking Ron as hard as she could, in the balls, stomach and neck. She kicked him until he stopped moving, and then she kicked him some more just to be sure. Deputy Dyke had won. She called 911 and said in her most professional voice, "This is officer Susan Miller requesting backup. I've got him, I did it! You better send a couple of Buses, cuz I kicked their ass!" That was almost two years ago. The dept had honored her promotion and raise--what choice did they have? She was a minor celebrity. Diane Sawyer and 60 minutes each did a feature on the Hero, Lesbian cop who was brutally sodomized--and singlehandedly brought two serial rapists to justice. The public ate it up. America loves stories in which pretty young women get raped. Take Jessica Lynch and Elizabeth Smart. Susan's rape was much more graphic. Throw in the fact that she was a Lesbian virgin, and she was all over the news. Her 911 tape was played on local and national broadcasts. She had a lucrative 3 millon dollar book deal and a TV movie coming out in 2005. Susan still wanted to be a cop, at least until the money came in. She had waited, wanted it for so long. She figured she'd give it everything she had for 3 years. If she made Capt she'd stay on the force. If not, oh well, she'd be a multi millionaire anyway. Captain Jablonski had planned to betray Susan--he never would have honored the deal on his own. After the way she raped Beth he did not care if the sick slut crawled in a hole and died. If word ever got out about his orders to let Susan be raped--killed if necessary, so he could get irrefutable evidence on tape...Let's just say his career would be over, he would be publicly disgraced, and likely headed to jail himself. No, all that he could hope for was to put Susan in increasingly dangerous situations, with inadequate backup, and hope for the best (Worst?) Her fellow cops hated her more than ever. Beth was very popular and when word spread what Susan had done nobody wanted to partner with her. Add in the fact that she had gotten a huge promotion, was in charge of cops with more experience and better records--and that she would be very rich soon... People were jealous. Ronald Sloptvik had suffered serious cranial injuries and liver damage. Susan had beat him so hard for so long he would likely never recover. His spleen had to be removed, he was a twitchy, shakey mess now. John Pressman was different. Even before he was convicted he began fanatically working out. John was obsessed with the idea of being raped himself. He would do anything to avoid it. His trial had not gone as well as the DA would have liked. It was mostly circumstantial. After all the police had recorded the wrong apt. None of the cops on site had seen Susan's rape. It was her word against his. Worse the tape from the bar showed Susan brutally raping Beth, and apparently going willingly with John. The look of disgust, almost hatred on their faces was something to see. It was decided that a jury verdict was too risky. The idea that The Lesbian Rapist might get off scott free--again was unacceptable. So they made a plea bargain. He plead guilty to Aggravated sexual assault in the third degree. The DA's office made a sentencing recommendation of 5 years. John also agreed to get sexual counseling, anger management, and conflict resolution therapy. Then the unthinkable happened. Less than 2 years into his sentence the Govenor backed a bill to allow Chemical Castration of Serial Sex offenders. It was voluntary, but if the psychiatrists agreed, it could mean an early release. This would save the state millions of dollars in prison costs anually --while still protecting the public. That money was used to provide healthcare for all minors who could not afford it. John Pressman volunteered to be injected with Depo Provera on a weekly basis, to lower his testosterone. After six months of shots and several breakthroughs in therapy, the doctors believed it was safe to let him go. This was not the first time John had been to jail. The woman who started it all was named Susan too. She was the first Lesbian woman he had fucked. She lied to him, pretended to like him, so he would do her work for her. When he found out, something snapped inside him. He raped the virgin whore good. She called the police on him and he was arrested. That was 7 years ago. John had gone back every year since he got out and raped her again. Just when she thought she was recovering he'd find her, rape her, and break her. He did her mother, sister, and best friend too. She was lke a hobby to him every year he'd find a fresh way to hurt her. Last time she just gave up when she saw him. She did not struggle, or scream. He just told her to get in his car, and drove her out to his cabin in the woods. He kept her for 3 days. Over and over Ron and John raped her Lesbian ass. John videotaped hours of her being fucked, sucked, fisted, cummed on and pissed in. That last night he made her a deal. "If you don't make me look for you next year I promise I'll only keep you for 1 day. I will not hurt you, and I won't rape your mother and sister. Do you agree?" "...Ok, I'll be good." John got hard just thinking about little Susie. It had been almost 3 years since he fucked his woman. She likely thought he was dead, that it was over. She probably had rebuilt her life, and was moving on. The next time he raped her would devestate her. He couldn't wait. The Depo Provera had affected him, at first it made it almost impossible to get hard. But John was developing a resistance to its affect. It did nothing to stop his mind, his desire to rape. It also gave him the perfect alibi. How could HE rape anybody? He had been castrated. He was gonna need a good alibi, because he had a new hobby. Officer Susan Miller was about to become his sex slave. He would not just break her. He planned to take her Lesbianism away, to make her desire men. To desire him. He would break her and never let her go. "You won the first round you Lesbian bitch. Round two is MINE."John knew he could not do it alone. The only man he trusted to help him Rape Susan was his buddy Ron.The fucking cunt cop had hurt him bad, and he was still in prison anyway. He gave it some thought and realized there might be one other person he could trust. Someone who hated Susan as much as he did. Heh, maybe more. Detective Beth Thomas was a good cop. Tough,loyal, smart. Susan Miller had ruined her life. It wasn't just the fact that she viciously raped her. No, the fucking lesbo slut had to go on tv and BRAG about it. All her cop friends knew that she had been raped by another woman. Oh they smiled, sympathized even, but there was a look in the guys eyes that made her feel cheap. Like maybe they fantasized about her naked and screaming and begging like a helpless bitch. Shit who was she kidding, they did not have to IMAGINE, they SAW and heard her do it on video. Somehow copies of her rape tape had disappeared from the evidence room and was being sold to other policemen. It did not stop there. Prosecutors, Public Defenders, Judges could obtain a copy for $50. A copy of Susan ramming her fingers in Beth's tight little ass and fresh young pussy. Beth purchased a copy herself, so she would know what everyone was looking at. Her peers could see her crying, blubbering for help while Susan humped her disgusting Lesbian Twat on her face. Beth thought she would die when she busted a drug dealer, and was interrogating him. "I loved your movie chica, you don't need to fuck no punta, or suck on her fat tetas. I'll give you my dick to suck on instead, I'll fuck you better than that bitch ever did." Most cops were nice, at least to her face. But Beth could not help wondering, "Has he seen me, has he seen my pussy?" It was too much, she couldn't take it. Her husband couldn't either. Some asshole sent him a copy, and he never looked at her the same way again. six months later he moved out. She would never forgive Susan Miller for ruining her life. "I wish that Bitch could pay for what she did. Instead she's gets a two grade promotion and is gonna be a millionaire! It's just not right," she thought to herself as hot bitter tears burned her eyes and trickled down her cheeks. She never saw John come up behind her in the parking lot. But she felt the knife sticking in her back."Hi slut, we meet again. You are one of those two lesbo cops who set me up. I think it's time for you to pay up. Now drive."John took her to a seedy motel room, led her inside, and locked the door. "Mmm let me get a look at you sweetheart. Aww aren't you just precious. I gotta have you. Strip Bitch! I want your Dyke pussy." Beth was in a panic. The Lesbian Rapist thought she was a Lesbian! "Mr Pressman Please, God, Please. I'm not a Lesbian, I swear!!" "Stupid cunt, who do you think your fooling? I was there! I saw you suck her pussy, I smelled your whore cream when you came all over her face. It's been two years since I fucked a nasty lesbo slut like yourself. I'll want a favor from you when we're done. But first things first. I want your lips wrapped around my dick. I plan to enjoy you slut. Fuck now, talk later," John said as he smacked Beth hard to the ground. He grabbed her shirt and ripped it off, shaking her from side to side. She was dazed from the slap and the situation. She did not put up much of a fight. Finally she was naked. John made her crawl to his cock and said, "Make it good for me, drink me dry Lesbo." This was The Lesbian Rapist. Beth had no thoughts of fighting this man, of pissing him off. She was just going to have to be raped again. Generally Beth was a submissive woman. She was no SLAVE, but she usually did whatever her male lover told her to do. She grabbed John's cock and began licking and slurping it. "Oh well if I have to be raped again, at least it's not by my female partner. " This was still horribly wrong, but it was not a betrayal, unnatural. John enjoyed fucking Beth's face but...something was wrong. She did not feel right. The Depo Provera shot he took 3 days ago made it hard to get, well HARD. But it was more than that. He had always assumed that Beth was a Lesbian. Sure Susan had raped her, but she was still a Lesbian slut. But the way she was slurping his cock down was unsettling. She was good at it, experienced. There was no revulsion, none of the hesitation that he loved. Could it be? "(One way to find out.) Ok slut that's enough, I'm ready to fuck you now. Go ahead put me in whichever hole you want--Ass, or pussy. It's up to you. Beth knew she was goig to get cocked either way, so she quickly stuffed John inside of her pussy, before he changed his mind and chose for her. It hurt. John was a big dicked man and she had a dry, tiny cunt. She tried to just pretend it was her husband, that she was fucking the man she still loved. Beth began to juice up. John lost his erection. No way this was a Lesbian, she had agreed to fuck him too easily. No outrage, no whining. Plus she was riding his cock too well. In the old days John could fuck (ok Make Love To) regular women. But now he only fucked Lesbians. It wasn't just what he DID, it's who he WAS. He realized now that Susan had raped her heterosexual partner. Maybe without the Depo he could have done it, could have finished. As it was his dick slowly shrivelled until it fell out with a wet plop. Beth was aroused and confused. Why the fuck was he stopping? She was dripping wet now, and had to cum. John told her to sit on the bed. He got on the floor between her legs and decided to get her off. With his left hand he played with her small proud tits, gently rubbing, cupping and flicking. With his mouth he kissed, sucked and nibbled her clit and sloppy, soggy, tight little pussy. He stuck his right thumb inside her cunt and his forefinger deep in her slutty ass. It did not take long for Beth to go into sensory overload. She was moanng and humping wildly on her rapist. She had never felt like this before. Part of the problem was she had not had sex in over two years, since her rape. Her husband had been unable/unwilling to touch her. After all she HAD volunteered for this assignment. To kiss, fondle, suck a lusty Lesbian Police officer. They were newlyweds and he had begged her not to do it. But Uncle Carl asked for her help, and she wanted to help put the Lesbian Rapist away. Plus they could use the money she would get as a Det. She never thought Susan would RAPE her. That she would strip her naked on camera and fuck her. That her dear Uncle Carl would let that happen to her. Her husband never forgave her, and he never fucked her again. John's Mouth, tongue and fingers, combined with her horny state to produce a massive orgasm. "That's it, that's it! Fuuuhk Me. Harder, damnit I said HARDER. Oh godohgod don't you stop, I neeed it. Hehhehhuff, oh shit... groan." John played her Pussy for several more minutes and made her cum hard again. It was not as good as fucking her, but he felt good that he could control the little slut detective. "Well cunt did you like that, did you have a good time fucking me? Cumming for your rapist? Are you ready to do me that favor now? I enjoyed you Beth, really I did. But well, you're just not a Lesbian. We both know who should be getting raped don't we. Promotions, millionaire, TV celebrity--and what do we get? I get 2 years in jail, and you lose your husband, get humiliated in front of your friends, and get brutally raped TWICE. It's not fair, and I want you to help me make it right. Beth was silent for a long time, as she thought about what he was saying. She couldn't help it. She felt a sadistic grin come over her previously innocent face. Susan deserved to pay for all that she had done. Beth wanted to help. "What do you want me to do?" Epilouge Susan Miller was scared. Actually she was a blithering, blathering idiot. He was out, they let HIM go. John Pressman The Lesbian Rapist was free. Susan knew she was in danger. Oh god this man had raped her for two days. He had ripped her insides brutally, savaged her in every way imaginable. She knew this man hated her. He had been out for 5 days, and Susan was constantly looking over her shoulder. She had placed a gun in every room of her Apartment including the bathroom. She purchased a fancy alarm system/service, door braces, and high quality dead bolt locks. Even if Pressman somehow got in, she'd shoot the motherfucker dead. Heer doorbell rang. She checked the peephole and it was Beth. Susan and the rest of the dept were still reeling from Beth's announcement that she was leaving the Force and moving across the country. She said she needed a fresh start, and there was nothing for her here now. She had lost her husband and Uncle Carl was dead to her now. "I wonder what she's doing here? Damn this woman is so sexy, I feel like raping her again, right now."Susan would never forget how sweet Beth tasted, how she enjoyed making the tiny slut scream. "Hey Beth, come in. I'm...surprised you stopped by." Beth looked Susan in the eye and said, "I wanted you to know that I have no hard feelings towards you. I know you were just doing your job. I told you to do ANYTHING, I accept why you raped me. I just couldn't leave town without clearing the air with you."Susan walked over to her and pulled her into a tight embrace hugging her close, smelling her hair and lightly grinding her crotch into Beth. "Maybe we can have a goodbye drink before I go..." Susan's mind was reeling. Could she get Beth drunk enough to fuck her?! She wanted to lick that pussy, to sip her sweet juices again. She jumped up, went into the kitchen and filled two 12 oz glasses with Grain Alcohol and a splash of fruit juice. She was about to go in her bedroom and get some of the sleeping pills her doctor gave her after the rape. She sensed Beth behind her but did not turn around. Susan never saw the 120,000 volt stun gun press against the back of her skull. She fell to the floor, dazed and confused. Her legs wouldn't work. "Whydyou dothat? What'sgoingon?" Beth let the coldness seep into her eyes and said, fuck you dyke. You have to pay!" Then Beth called John and let him in. She was too out of it to scream. She tried to crawl away, to somehow reach the gun in the kitchen. The last thing she saw was John's tongue licking her face. "It's over Susan, we have you now. You. Are. Mine," he said before taking the stun gun and zapping her again. Then all went dark. Susan was surprised to be waking up. She thought they would just kill her. She opened her eyes and looked around. She seemed to be in some kind of cabin deep in the woods. She was naked. She could feel the cum dripping down her legs and out of her ass. Her hands were manacled to chains that hung from the ceiling. Video cameras were set up. "Ah Susan, you're awake. I always wanted to be a Director. You are going to make me a lot of money. Porno mags, movies, the internet...Imagine how much people would pay for pictures and film of Jessica Lynch or Elizabeth Smart? Imagine if there was a new rape movie released on the internet every month? Think how much wealthy men would pay to fuck them anytime they want. To fuck YOU. Sometimes I'll pimp your juicy ass for money, but often I'll just want Fresh Lesbian pussymeat--an eye or an eye, a slut for a slut. I'll never have to risk prison again. It's gonna come right to my door. One more thing. I promise you'll never taste pussy again. That part of your life is done." Beth walked in the room then and gave John a wet kiss. "John's gonna let me help train you. I can't wait to try my new 14 inch strap on dildo. He said I could pierce you too. I'm gonna hold you down and shove a needle through your nipples, right through your puffy, sluttty, pink nipples. I'll find a new way to hurt you every day. I swear to god I will." Beth said as she locked Susan's head in place and kissed her roughly. Susan knew it was almost hopeless but she had to try. "Beth I'm very sorry for what I did to you. But I don't deserve this. You're a Policewoman too. You have to help me. I'm a LESBIAN Policewoman. You can't let me be a whore to a bunch of men, you just can't!" John and Beth paused at that, then they looked at each other and burst into hysterical laughter. Susan started crying, then thrashing wildly hoping somehow to free herself of her chains. "Get your dildo honey. I call her ass, but you can rip her pussy. We'll have her trained in no time." Susan's screams ecohed in the small cabin and rang loud and clear through the cold winter's night. End. Author's Note. So we come to the end of our intrepid Lesbian's adventures. I was really pulling for her, hoping she could somehow turn the tables again. Alas it was not to be. I wrote chapter one over 5 years ago! Hey maybe that means I'll finally finish Sis Betrayed too. No lesbians were hurt in the telling of this story. Um because that's it: It's just a fucking story. I have no pictures, or videotape of Susan. Yes I do have Pete's daughter's 1st movie, but I will only send it to people I know. You can find it yourself though. It's called "Raped 14 yr old Little Slut Get's What's Coming to Her." I highly recommend it if you are into that sort of thing. I of course am not. There, now I can rest easy. Drop me a line at ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 27
Rebecca was a 35 year old divorced mother of a teenager named Kevin who just turned 16 on his recent birthday. Becky knew that Kevin was using their computer for other things besides school work as she would check to see what web sites he was connecting to when she wasn't home. She never bothered to put any parental controls on their computer. She had also known him to have a few dirty magazines hidden in his room. When he was much younger and Becky would bathe him, she knew at that time, that he was going to grow into a big boy in more ways than one. She stopped bathing him when his cock would get hard from her washing his body all over.She missed that now that he is almost a grown man as she always drew some sexual pleasure bathing him in the tub and in the shower. Becky assumed that maybe Kevin missed it as well so she planned to approach him to see if she could do it again, at least once in awhile.One evening before bedtime, she asked Kevin if he had taken a bath yet. He had not and he did not seem to mind his Mom asking him if she could help him in the bathtub. Kevin told his Mom to come in to the bathroom when he was already in the tub with it filled up with hot water and soap suds. Becky was so excited and happy that Kevin was going to go along with it. Maybe he was just waiting for his Mom to ask, but in any event the time has come again to have Mom help him.While Kevin was in the bathroom, his Mom slipped into an ultra sheer negligee and on purpose, she did not wear any panties or bra under it. Her full formed breasts and nice full ass filled it out beautifully. She was ready and was just waiting for Kevin to call her in the bathroom. A moment later, he called to his Mom and said he was ready.She went to the bathroom, sat on a padded bench by the tub, took a wash cloth, worked some creamy sweet smelling body wash into it and started by washing Kevin's arms, shoulders and neck that was above the water. She moved the bench down toward the end of the tub and reached down for Kevin's legs and washed his feet and leg calves all over. When she was bending over, both her huge breasts were half coming out of her negligee as she had hoped, knowing Kevin could not help but notice her huge cleavage and pretty tits. Her nightie had gotten a little wet helping to reveal the shape of her body.Then Mom asked Kevin if she can go beneath the water and wash his thighs and around his private areas. Kevin is now remembering some of the things he saw on the porno sights and in those sex magazines. It excited him to think how it could be to have some of those experiences. Without another word said between them, his Mom washed his knees and thighs and then took her hand and reached for his genital area. She found that his cock was very hard, very big and warmer than the tub water. She soaped his cock all over making sure she reached underneath to wash his big balls. As expected from the early days when she bathed him, he grew very big as she was able to put both hands around the shaft of his cock and the head was still not covered by her hand. His balls felt wonderful.Then Kevin noticed his Mom's negligee was getting very wet and he asked her if she would like to take it off. She agreed, stood up, untied the bows and it dropped to the floor revealing her great shape, huge tits, full set of pubic hairs and a nice full ass which got Kevin even harder. All the while, Kevin was draining the tub of the soapy water and adding clean hot clear water to rinse himself off. Then Mom grabbed his arm and helped him get out of the tub. Kevin's cock was still very hard and rigid It was a full nine inches long and very big around. Becky remembered that she and her husband had decided not to circumcise Kevin as she saw that he was fully uncut. She grabbed two huge bath towels, gave him one and with the other, she was helping him dry off.She told Kevin that she already knew he was into porn sites and dirty magazines and wondered if he would like to try a few of those things with his mother. They both understood that it would be incest, but at this point, they were both so charged up sexually, it did not seem to matter at the moment. Becky took Kevin's cock in her hand and told him she was glad he matured so well as she was sliding the foreskin back and forth over his cock head which was huge and so beautiful. She remarked on how much she loved to look at and play with big cocks like his father had. While his cock was being jerked-off by his mother, Kevin reached out to hold both her big breasts in his hands and remarked how big and soft and beautiful they were. He confessed to his Mom that he had seen her tits a few times before when he would go into her bedroom after she fell asleep. Becky always slept naked. Kevin told her he would stand there playing with his cock hoping she would not suddenly wake up and catch him masturbating over her.Mom then asked Kevin to come in the bedroom now that his bath is over. She said we would be more comfortable in that big bed and that they would be able to have some more fun each other. They both lay naked in the bed when she asked Kevin if he ever watched any women sucking big cocks on the computer and if he had, would he like to have his Mom do it to him, that is, suck his big cock to make it feel good. She told him it would give him a much more exciting feeling being sucked-off over the feeling he gets from jerking himself off. She said her warm and wet mouth would feel better than his hand. He really wanted to experience it, so he grabbed his big cock and asked his Mom to take it in her mouth while she straddled over him. That way, he could watch her huge tits move around while she sucked his cock. Becky gave her son the best blow job he will probably ever have as she took in all his wet hot creamy cum into her mouth and swallowed it draining his cock dry of any more to cum.Kevin said to his Mom that he has seen men licking and sucking women's pussies on the computer. She wanted Kevin to try eating her pussy and told him it would feel so great to both of them. Becky told Kevin to put his tongue in as far as it will go, move it around inside to find the spot that will make her have a great orgasm. He put his face right into her pussy, licked and sucked all around the outside, spreading her pussy lips with his fingers moving his long tongue in as far as he could and moved it around inside her pussy. The pubic hairs felt good on his face and he liked the smell of her hot juices. His Mom was ecstatic. Her son had given her the best pussy licking that she ever had, much better than Kevin's father ever did.Becky told Kevin, let's do one more thing before we quit. She told him she wants him to fuck her hard by putting that huge hard throbbing cock deep into her pussy until they both have the best orgasm ever. This was Kevin's first time to fuck and he was glad to be able to fuck his Mom who he knows loves him very much. Becky laid back, spread her legs wide, took Kevin's huge dick in her hand, guided the big throbbing helmet shaped head into the opening of her pussy and told him to shove it in and work it in and out, in and out, in and out, because the more you go in and out, the better it will be until we both reach a climax with you filling my pussy with spurts of hot cum. They fucked for a long time and finished by rolling over and laying there in passion and love.Kevin and his Mom had sex all the time after that and what he learned from his Mom, he used on the women he dated when he got older and on his wife after he married. Being married, however, did not stop the incest relationship they had. Kevin and his Mom continued to have great sex for many years after Kevin was married.END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 62
Chapter 10Emma thought back to the paperboy. He had been cute, a bit young perhaps, she thinks he was about twelve, maybe? But he had shown gentlemanly manners when he had walked her back home. Also he hadn't been rough with her when he had fucked her against the wall of her house, most of the men usually were. "And he thanked me! Cumming in me is all most of them care about," she thought to herself.She knew that her language and manner had become increasingly course of late. It was difficult not to be influenced by those you associated with, your peer group.And Emma's peer group had become a particular sordid one. All the people she hung around with were guys, all of them. There wasn't one female role model except her mum, and she was unaware that her young, sweet and precious little daughter had become the local slut; Willing to drop her knickers and spread her legs for anyone who asked. She had no idea how many boys, and men, had unloaded their balls in her.-------It was a mild evening as Emma walked across the playing fields looking for her usual gang. She had dressed as normal, but considering the weather she didn't have on her big coat, just a navy blue skirt and a tan coloured T-shirt, oddly for Emma she also wore bra and knickers.As she hadn't been around for a while she seemed to have lost track of where the boys hung out. They were often moved on if they were found hanging around one place to long, groups of lads were generally unwelcome in most places.She had tried the usual one's but with no luck. She wondered across to the kiddies play area, she didn't think they would be there but it was worth a look.A quick walk around the climbing frame and roundabout brought her to the slide. There where bench seats under the slide that she hadn't noticed before.She felt strange being here, she tried to remember when she had last been here before but wasn't sure, it was almost as if she had dreamt it.Emma stepped under the slide and sat on one of the wooden benches. She felt odd, light headed as though daydreaming. She closes her eyes then snap then open instantly as she felt a hand touch her crotch.There was no-one around.Closing her eyes again, she leans back and then slides slowly along the back rest until she's led flat on her back on the bench seat.Emma has one leg on the seat, bent at the knee and the other on the floor, causing her skirt to raise to her upper thigh.She seemed to remember being here before. With her eyes shut she almost had it, it was just there ... out of reach. She had the feeling again that something was touching her but she ignored it. She looked further in to her memory.-------As Emma tried to recall her repressed memories, her right hand had slid down her body to her waist, and had bunched up the material of her skirt in her fist so that her white knickers where visible.Her mind seemed to become detached from her body, her mind currently in the present, was trying to remember what her body had felt in the past. Her hand slid under the waistband of her underwear.Her movements where slow at first, her hand sliding up and down in her knickers, gently brushing her soft pubic hair, then pausing before almost brutally she pushed two of her fingers in to her moist pussy. Her hips rose to meet it and a small moan escaped her.Emma's left hand had pulled up the front of her T-shirt and lifted the front of her bra over her breasts. Her nipples instantly hard as they were exposed to the air. Her hand moved to her right breast and began to squeeze and kneed it, pinching the nipple between her fingers.-------It was no use she couldn't remember, she thinks it was something to do with Ian, her old boyfriend. Maybe they had come here one night, first kiss or something, she thinks they may have gone to a disco? But it was no use, her mind was blank.She felt nice lying here: calm, restful. She allowed herself to drift in to a dream world, trying to find the memories she felt were just within reach.-------Emma was masturbating furiously, she had three fingers of her right hand in her wet cunt, her lips tight and wet around her fingers. The thin material of her white knickers pulled tight across her spread legs was rising and falling with the motion of her hand as she frigged herself.Her breasts were red and wet with her own spit as she licked her fingers and then rubbed her breasts alternately. She was moaning loudly, her hips bucking to meet the trusts of her hand.She was close to cumming, both hands where now in her knickers - wanking herself to a frenzy. Her left leg was raised up on the seatback, her right foot on the floor, legs spread wide. Her small bare breasts pushed together by her arms which formed a V down to her crotch, her nipples now hard due to her spit cooling as it dried on her skin. She continued to wank herself mercilessly. Emma cried out as she orgasmed, her hips bucking as her cunt spasmmed, her whole body convulsed as it was wracked with feelings of such intense pleasure, her back arched off the bench, nipples hard, cunt juices flowing, her mouth open wide in a silent scream as she orgasmed again and again over her fingers.She let out one final shuddering moan, her body relaxing, then passed out.-------He had no fucking idea who she was but he knew what she was going to get. He stood looking down at the semi-naked young girl.She lay on her back, both hands still down the front of her knickers, her breasts bare to the cool air. Her breathing was slow and regular, she slept deeply.He had been coming to the park to shoot-up for the past month, he was still high from his last hit about an hour ago, he didn't think anyone would be here at this time, well not the kiddies anyway, far to late for them, he thought.But shit, this little girl was probably still only a kid, out well past her bed-time. But fuck it, she got her legs spread like she was waiting for it, "guys have probably been pumping her all night," he thought. "Well, my turn with the bitch."He pushed his jeans down and picked up Emma's legs so that they where over his shoulders, he pulled her wet knickers up to her thighs. He positioned his semi-hard dick against her swollen lips, and pushed forward. Emma's cunt was so moist, his dick slipped all the way in to the hilt.He rocked back and forth enjoying the feeling of her tight cunt on the full length of his dick.He hadn't had sex for over six months. His girlfriend had dumped him when his habit had become two much. He had started stealing from her, and when he was high he became violent. So she had left. It wasn't long after that that he became ill. It was nothing really he told himself, just a cold, couldn't get rid of the bastard though.He started to rock faster, driving his dick in to the unconscious girl. Gaining speed, he started to pound her as he neared his climax, his balls slapped against her bare bottom."YES, FUCK!" He lent forward, leaning all his weight on her, pushing the full length of his dick in, right to his balls. He gasped as he came, his cock throbbing as he shot his load, his infected seed being squirted deep in to Emma's unprotected womb. Six months of rejection and pent-up anger was being pumped in to the unconscious teenager.He stepped back from the girl, spent, his face sheathed in sweat. He pulled up his jeans and again looked down at Emma. She appeared to be in a deep sleep, her small breasts rose and fell with her shallow breaths, his gaze fell to between her spread legs to her glistening, cum covered bush."Damn sweetest pussy I've ever had," he said aloud, "dumb stupid cunt." He wiped his running nose with his sleeve.He gave an evil grin as he took a thick wallet from his pocket and spread the contents on the bench. After a few minutes he was ready and it only took a second to find a suitable vein on the young girls thin arm.-------Emma came round slowly. The whole world was spinning, but everything looked just so... so wonderful!Emma had a huge grin on her face, she couldn't remember when she had felt so happy, life really is great she thought.As she looked around she saw a man sat on the bench with her."Hello," she said. Then burst out laughing.Excellent, he thought, play time again.The man moved close and kissed her deeply on the mouth, Emma responded immediately, tilting her head back.He pulled away slightly. "What's your name my high young friend?""Emma," giggled Emma"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" He slowly stroked her cheek with his hand. "Well Emma, I hope your on the pill because I've just shot my load in you, it's a shame you weren't a virgin as I would have loved to have taken that." His hand slipped down and cupped her naked breast as he spoke.Emma looked down and saw that her knickers where down to her knees and her skirt bunched at her waist, her bush was dark in places as though damp. She started giggling.The man took her arms and helped her to her feet. "Come on Emma, time for a little walk, but without these I think." He bent down and removed her knickers, dropping them at then same spot she lost her virginity. "This as well I think," as he removed her bra.Emma lent against him as they walked towards town, still giggling.-----The man wasn't taking Emma in to the middle of town, just to a house he knew on the outskirts. Even though, it was still a twenty minute walk, but with having to guide his new found, fucked up young friend, it was going to take a lot longer.Emma had difficulty walking. She saw just SOOOO much that she thought was SOOOO interesting. Emma had stopped again and was staring at the pavement with a huge grin on her face.The man put his arm around her waist and coaxed her to get moving. After half an hour of a slow pace the guy was starting to feel horny again."Hey Emma! EMMA!"Emma looked up at the man at her side, "Mmmmmm? Oh, hi-ya"They where just passing a three sided, glazed bus stop. He paused and positioned Emma so that she was facing the glazed back wall of the stop, facing the road.He unzipped his jeans and pulled out his already hard cock. He then reached down and lifted the hem of Emma's skirt until her pale arse was exposed to him.He used his knee to nudge Emma's legs apart a little, moving close so that his balls where touching her pert arse cheeks. He bent his knees, gripped his erect cock with his left hand and guided his member once again in to the drugged young girls willing pussy.He relished again the soft, sweet tightness of her cunt. God this girls gorgeous he thought, I'm gonna make a fucking fortune with her tonight. With that he quickened his pace so that his thighs again slapped against Emma's small bottom, Emma's pussy juices already coating his member, griping him tight.The first car that passed were an elderly couple. The woman actually did a double take as they saw Emma being shafted against the clear glazed wall of the bus stop.The second car slowed right down, and two men watched the young girl being fucked for a few minutes.The next vehicle was a bus travelling in the opposite direction and stopped on the other side of the road.Emma had her hands and forearms against the cool safety glass with her new best friend behind her stuffing his fat cock between her legs. God she felt happy. Emma had a big smile on her face as she opened her eyes and saw the fifteen faces on the bus looking back at her. She started giggling.The man was about to climax when he saw the bus pull-up, he slipped his hands around Emma's waist, took hold of the bottom of her T-shirt and lifted it so that her small, firm, pale breasts where visible. He then leant in to her so that her tits pushed against the cool, clear wall. Emma's nipples reacted and where instantly hard, with his increased thrusts, they seemed to move up and down the glass wall.The man pulled Emma's hair away from her face, bunching it in his hand so that her face was clear to see and pointed to the people watching on the bus and whispered in Emma's ear.Emma started grinning as she raised her hand and waved as the man really started to pound her.There were gasps from the people on the bus as they watched as the man obviously climaxed in the young girl, her breasts were visible against the glass, they could see her bush framed between pale legs, and they were staring her right in the face as the man came in her. The bus had just started moving as the man bent his legs and they watched as his obviously unprotected cock withdrew from her pussy.Emma's mum felt faint, her legs had started to tremble. She had recognized her instantly of course, she had the perfect vantage point from the bus. Her daughter, her precious little daughter Emma. She closed her eyes and in her minds eye saw a bulbous, cum covered penis withdraw from between her daughter's legs. She opened her bag and fumbled for her phone.-------The next needle was barely out of her arm as the next cock entered her. She was on her back on an old mattress in a small terrace that had been abandoned years ago.The men were being charged five pounds a go at the fourteen-year-old slut, legs spread ready for the next one.The men had been coming all night, literally. The house was known to every drugged out smack-head in the area and they regularly came to buy their next fix. The girl was just an extra.The man looked through the money he had made so far, shit he must have a couple hundred he thought. He looked down at another man between Emma's legs. She was completely out of it, she had to have been. The stupid slut had had half the town in her, shooting their cum up her cunt as a hit was shot in her arm. He had come in to the room a hour ago and some black kid had been shoving a bottle up her.He had stopped that of course, didn't want to damage the merchandise, but he was impressed how much of it had gone up her. The black kid had pulled the bottle out and thrown it against the wall were it smashed, the jagged base landing upright. He had then used her hair to masturbate, shooting his load and combing it through her hair as though it was shampoo, then left. Weird kid that, he thought.He took an old rag and began to wipe some of the cum off Emma's chest and stomach, he flicked away a piece of glass that had landed on the mattress. Emma lay on her back, her legs apart where the last guy had left them and a dreamy smile on her face, looking up at the ceiling. He shook his head as he continued to use the rag to clean off her thighs."WELL WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?"He jumped at the sound of the bellowing voice. Shit he thought, he'd have jumped if he had only whispered.Alan Jackson was the local hard man, drug dealer, leg breaker. 6ft 4 and he would be called fat if anyone dared ever to say it to his face. The sort of low life scum that was the cause of 70% of all crime in any town and the sort of person that everyone was scared shitless of, he was also seriously into young girls."Jesus Alan you made me jump, how's things?""Don't give me that friendly how's it going crap you smack-head piece of worthless shit, where's the girl you called me about."There was a noise that sounded like a small giggle, he looked down and saw her. Emma was still on her back but had raised herself up on her elbows.Alan stood silent for a moment. she was definitely young, small frame, pale but with those perfect round firm breasts that only one in a hundred girls have. She had a knowing smile and her hair had fallen across part of her face that gave her a naughty appearance, it had that wet look that seemed to be the craze.He let his gaze fall back down past her breasts to her flat stomach and rested on her brown bush now matted with the cum of several dozen men. "I'M NOT HAVING THAT SLOPPY PUSSY, IT LOOKS LIKE HALF THE FUCKING TOWNS FUCKING FUCKED HER!" the men sitting around the edge of the room flinch. He pushes the junkie out of the way and strides over to Emma.He reaches down and grabs Emma's thin arm and turns her over with barely any effort, so that she was face down. She turns her head to look over her shoulder at him.He kneels between her legs and pushes his tracksuit bottoms down to his thighs, his already hard cock matches his considerable size.He lays down on her back, crushing her into the mattress, and pushes the knob of his swollen cock against Emma's virgin ass-hole, leaning his considerable weight on his dick, forcing it in to her tight hole."Fuck me," he thought, "definitely a virgin ass." It took several minutes and a large amount of spit, but he pushed until the full length of his dick was embedded in Emma's ass. He grinned as he looked at the small, smooth back under him, thinking that his knob was probably up to her stomach she was so tiny.He gently pulled out until only his knob was still in, then slammed forward, all his body weight driving his dick in all the way to his balls. He pulled out then did the same again. He grabbed Emma's shoulders to stop her being forced off the end of the mattress.He didn't care if he hurt the slut, shit that's what she was for. It was only really fun when the bitch screamed, unfortunately this one was far to doped up, and had now seemed to have passed out. He slammed in to her with a loud grunt grinding his balls against her ass cheeks.The junkie could barely stand to watch. True he had raped the girl himself, twice in fact, and had watched a large number of men, most full time smack-heads, shoot their load into her, but this was brutal. He was grateful that he had shot her up just before Alan had arrived.Alan pulled his large swollen knob out of the girl's ass and then flipped her over onto her back. He lifted her legs over his shoulders and leant forward so that her knees where beside her ears, her ass fully exposed. He drove the full length of his dick into Emma's asshole again and continued to pound her.It was some twenty minutes later before the fat man finally climaxed. He had never felt anything like it before, his whole body felt like one big orgasm as his cock unloaded more and more cum in to the young girls tiny ass. Shit he thought, this girl must have put on a stone in weight with the amount of cum that's been pumped in to her.He lies on top of her, catching his breath and crushing hers. Then uses his huge arms to push him-self up. He stands at the end of the mattress looking down at the small figure, her legs had come back down and she was again on her back facing the ceiling.Her eyes open slowly. The half dozen men who had been watching were now completely silent, waiting to see what happens next, Alan grins and takes a small step towards her.Then the screams start.-------Chapter 11Detective sergeant Henderson sigh's as he heaves himself out of his car. His leg had been bothering him again, especially in the colder air like tonight. Plus he wasn't looking forward to the next few hours.He'd made good time on the roads, but considering what had happened he was hardly essential at this point. Best leave it to the people who photograph and analyse the crime scene first and then take a quick look round. His stomach churned at the thought, he didn't much like the sight of blood, even less so when a child was involved, a girl he thinks they said.He looks round for his deputy. All the faces are bathed in a strobe of overlapping blue lights from the half dozen or so Emergency cars and vans, it always makes picking people out difficult, but he spots him near the back of one of the ambulances and walks over."Hey Pete, any update on the.. Jesus! You OK?""Wha... erm, Sir, sorry. Yes fine... I'm just... I've just seen the body and... well the girl she's... well it shuck me up a bit, but I'm fine, really, I'm OK."Detective Henderson looks away for a second as though checking that the small crowd are being kept back, but really giving his deputy a few seconds to pull himself together. Jesus, they've worked together for almost two years, he's never seen him like this before."Erm, anyway sir, we... we should be able to go up soon, the junkies have been either carted to the station or A&E. There's quite a bit of blood I'm afraid, an artery in the leg was severed, It appears by a broken bottle. From the sense I could make out of the witnesses, no-one tried any first aid or anything, so death may have taken a few minutes. If it wasn't for one of them panicking and running out into the road, we may not have found the body for days.""Right, I suppose we best go up then, anybody notified the family?""Erm, yes," said the sergeant flicking through a small note book, "Mother, lives on the other side of the park, called the station about four... five hours ago, claimed that she had seen her daughter being abducted." "A car was sent to the reported scene, but no trace.""Good... good, let's take a look then," Sergeant Henderson leads the way up the stairs, his reluctant deputy following.As he reaches the landing he sees a young child's leg - a girls, through an open door, not yet he thinks... not just yet. Then he sees the blood.It had evidently been a main artery judging by the amount of arterial spray, which had managed to reach the ceiling in a graceful red arc. He looks down quickly. There are those types who would have found the fresh, dark red streak against faded water stained plaster as a sign of the soul trying to leave one last immortal mark on the world. He was not one of those types.The broken bottle had already been bagged and tagged, but a marker had been placed where it was originally. He could imagine pretty well how it had gone. Drugs, drink, a slip on that wet patch on the floor, he leans forward... yep - seamen, he thought so. Then an unlucky fall backwards, arms pin-wheeling for balance but to no avail, and the jagged edge of the bottle had cut deep into the inner thigh, slicing the femoral artery. Tragic, he thinks to him-self, tragic.He stares at the mattress for a few moments, trying to imagine what must have happened in those four – five hours since the mother had called. He closes his eyes, no... best not, not yet anyway. Though he feels that his imagination may well try its best later... tonight, when he leaves and is alone at home, yes - he thinks, it may well try.His deputy comes and stands besides him, "Ready for you now sir.""Good, thank you." He takes a breath and walks to the empty room the medics had been using next door, the room he'd glimpsed the girls leg.He hesitates at the door, they had cleaned off the worst of the blood of course but hadn't been able to do anything about her hair, which was matted with dried blood, probably got caught with the arterial spray, he thinks. A red blanket is wrapped around her shoulders.A medic stands and approaches him. "Physically fine, I've administered a sedative but that's all, probably needs counselling more than us.""Good... thank you, could you excuse us for a few minutes"The two medics and a female constable shuffle out the door and stand on the small landing. His deputy waits quietly by the open door.Detective sergeant Henderson takes a step forward and crouches down in front of the young girl. She raises her head and tilts it slightly to one side, for a moment he feels light-headed and his eyes threaten tears, then she's beaming a huge smile at him and he extends his hand to shake hers."Detective sergeant Henderson, miss""Hi, I'm Emma."-------EPILOGUE.She adjusts the shoulder straps of her backpack and carries on her walk. Its not far, only about 15 minutes from home, her new home. She enjoys walking to school, she doesn't dislike the bus, its just that she likes the feeling of the sun, and it is always sunny here.They moved about three months ago, it all happened pretty quickly. Mum had a cousin out here and that nice Mr Henderson had done something to help with references and residency permits. Then the house was sold: mum had some office work organised, we rented a house, and I enrolled at school... my new school.Three months: New home, new school, new country, and new friends. Friends who liked me for being me, not for what I could do for them. That was what the councillors had said, and I had spoken to quite a few over the months.The first one was a Dr George Browning PHD, child psychologist. In our first meeting he asked me to tell him about a normal school day so he could get to know me. After I had finished his face was red and he was sweating. Next time I saw a women called Rose who was really nice, I never saw Mr Browning again.They had told me about a bad man who had died and if I could remember anything about it, but I had shaken my head and said no, I'd asked how he had died but they would just say it was an accident. I genuinely couldn't remember anything from that night.But that's all over now, I like my new friends, most of them are girls, they make fun of my odd accent and I quite like it. I've been asked out a few times, mainly because I was the new girl, but I politely said no each time. Not just yet, maybe later, but I did like being asked.I can hear the bus coming up the road behind me, its yellow and there always seems to be a riot going on inside. I turn and look as it passes, someone, its too bright with the sun to see who, waves and I smile and wave back, then its passed.I can see the gates of the school entrance now, cars are pulling up and dropping kids off, the bus stops and people are jumping out. I adjust the straps again and quicken my pace, I like it here, I really do.-------No one sits next to him, they never do, if he were to start screaming and shouting they wouldn't hear. He doesn't blame them, he doesn't fit in: not part of a group, a clique, a gang. He's invisible in all but the true sense of the word.But this girl's different; she can see him, she waves to him, and by a one in a million chance, he has seen her too.Normally he's not that curious, but the picture was intriguing. It was a voyeur shot, through a window: a girl in a blue, too small T-shirt with her arms over her head, as though stretching, her face to the morning sun, and her beautiful brown haired pussy framed between pale legs.He downloaded the ZIP file from the voyeur forum and then quickly fell into communication with the poster, a university guy from England. Many emails and trades followed, starting with pictures, some obviously from camera phones, but moving on to high quality pictures and video, all of which the English guy had collected himself. And also text files, stories of things that had apparently happened, things she had done, and had been done to her, he hadn't realized how much a turn-on stories could be but he was masturbating nightly and could think of little else during the school day.Then the emails had stopped. No explanation, no more contact... nothing. He searched for weeks every night, finding every little scrap that was out there, collecting, hoarding, thinking of little else but his Emma.Then he saw her. He thought he was dreaming or else hallucinating, she was right there, actually there, walking alone as he passed by on the bus. She looked just the same. He recognized her instantly; her skin was still pale, though in the early stages of getting a tan, and her gorgeous auburn/brown hair, the straps of her ruck-sack pulling her T-shirt tight across her small, firm breasts. Yes, it was definitely Emma. HIS Emma.-------On the second Thursday of the month, Emma stops behind after the last lesson to visit the school councilor, just to chat, just to make sure she's settling in... just to make sure... Emma walks down the corridor - glad that another dull chat with Sandra-the-dour-councilor is over. She doesn't mind the 30 minutes repeatedly saying ."..yes it's great, no the people are really nice... ," but today the heat in the small office was oppressive. She was glad to be wearing just a T-shirt and skirt. She shrugs her shoulders out of the backpack and carries it in one hand, her back already damp with perspiration.She flaps the hem of her T-shirt, trying to cool down as she walks, "Damn, will I ever get used to this heat?" she says to herself. She thought that she'd have started to acclimatize a little by now, but everyday seemed as hot as the last.A boy appears beside her, startling her, but she quickly smiles, "Hey, don't I know you?."-------...His heart is pounding and his palms are sweaty. He has been waiting in an empty class for the past half-hour, waiting for her to pass. He knows her routine now, he's been watching her since that first day. He writes it all down when he gets home from school, who she talked to, where she went, and what she wore. He liked writing... planning... waiting.As she passed, he checked that the corridor was empty then stepped out and quickened his pace to catch-up.He's about to take her hand when she smiles at him, it's like being hit in the stomach, he feels his face flush and the breath catch in his throat... she says something - but he can only hear white-noise in his ears. He reaches out with his hand and takes hers... -------...Emma's smile turns to a curious half frown as the boy takes her hand, it feels warm, damp, clammy. He looks ill. She looks over her shoulder back down the corridor, but it's deserted. Then he's saying something, but quietly as though he's embarrassed or shy."Emma, I n-need to t-talk to you."He pulls her hand gently, using his other arm to push open a door she hadn't noticed.Emma glances up at the sign on the door as she's pulled though, and her smile fades completely. The door closes behind her.-------Sandra packs her briefcase - pausing only to glance at the picture of Emma on the inside of a folder. "Such a lovely girl," she thinks, "She's been through so much at such a young age." Though she has only been counseling Emma for a short while, she is really fond of Emma's ever-happy-mood, even after all that's happened. But she's confident that all that is behind her now, they've made real progress and cant imagine her getting into those situations again. She locks the office door behind her and walks back to the main entrance.-------Emma leans against the wall of the cubicle, the boy against the opposite wall, neither have said anything since entering.The smells and surroundings of the gent's toilets stir memories and feelings that have been trying to escape for a few weeks. She feels her heartbeat increasing; her small breasts rising and falling. She feels even warmer than before, lightheaded as though she might faint, but adrenaline is surging through her and a feeling... a feeling that she hasn't felt in a long time.As though in a trance - Emma reaches down with both hands, reaches under her skirt, grabs the flimsy material, and pulls her knickers down in a smooth and practiced movement.-------His mind is reeling, its all happening too fast. He feels ill, lightheaded, as though he might faint, his heart is like a trip-hammer in his chest, but at the same time he feels an acute high, hyper-aware of the smallest details. He see's not just her auburn hair, but each individual strand, and the small freckles either side of her nose that he has never noticed before in all the hours of video and pictures, and the rise and fall of her firm breasts.He realises that he is in love, and could never hurt this girl in any way; that he was a monster for thinking of the vile things he imagined doing. He opens his mouth to say that he was sorry when the movement catches him by surprise, and then he looks down at the white knickers pooled around her ankles.-------Emma crosses her arms in front of her, grabs the hem of her T-shirt and pulls it up over her head. She drops it on the floor near her feet, slips each bra strap off her slim shoulders and pulls the cups down, exposing her perfect, pert, pale breasts. She bends down and lifts one foot then the other - stepping out of her knickers.-------He hasn't said anything since Emma removed her knickers. He watches as her T-shirt falls to the floor, then her bra. Her breasts are perfect, he finds her pale breasts highlighted by the tan-lines an even more incredible turn-on.They break eye contact for the first time as she bends at the waist to step out of her knickers. When she straightens up, she isn't looking in his eyes anymore - but at his hand, unbuttoning his flies.-------The ceramic feels cool under her arms, it feels comfortable, familiar. She's bent over, her head rests on her forearms, and she's not as warm now, there's a coolness to the air which she can feel swirling all around her body - tussling the back of her hair. She dreamily opens her eyes, it takes a few seconds to focus, then she realises that she's looking down in to a toilet... she has a quizzical look on her face, looking to her right she spies her clothes in a pile on the floor... "now why would I... ," she looks back down at her bare breasts, then sees a pair of worn trainers appear between her own feet... she quickly turns her head and looks over her shoulder, "HEY! what the... UMMMMPFFF!"-------He frees his iron-hard erection and drops his jeans, exposing his scrawny legs, his cock jutting out from beneath his black T-shirt. Stepping up behind Emma as she bends over the toilet, he flips the hem of her skirt up and over, it flaps onto her back - causing her hair to blow from her shoulders. He stares at Emma's small pale bottom.He steps between her slightly spread feet and places the swollen knob of his dick against the moist lips of her pussy. The pussy that he has dreamt and fantasized about every night for what feels like a lifetime, he increases the pressure and the end of his knob slips slowly in. He places a hand on each side of Emma's ass, marveling at the soft coolness of her skin, then tenses his body... he feels her body stiffen under his hands... and then she's looking over her shoulder, shouting at him... starring into his eyes... he starts to panic... afraid of what he's about to do... after all this time, he grips her cheeks tightly and slams his hips forward.-------Sandra stands in the corridor looking at the small backpack on the floor. She knows it couldn't have been here long, if any of the pupils had seen it then it would have been stolen and emptied in minutes. She bends down next to it, close up it sort-of looked familiar. Reaching out her hand she stops - as she thought she heard something, sounded like a clap or a slap? She snags the strap of the bang in her hand and stands up... then freezes, she puts her head to the door nearest her, she can hear the slapping again and what sounds like muffled 'ummpffs'. She quietly shoulders the door open and slips inside.-------Emma looks over her shoulder at the boy who is fucking her from behind, his rhythm cause's her small naked breasts to bounce back and forth; his hips slapping against her bare bottom. She looks imploringly into his eyes."Pl-please d-dont... ummmpfff... n-not... ummmpfff... again." She was aroused, and knew it. She could feel the length of his meat pumping in and out of her dripping cunt, the ridge of his swollen knob causing her cunt tunnel to start to spasm. Her eyes filled with tears as she bit down on her lip - feeling herself on the brink of a long remembered orgasm.Emma's body was reacting on memory, her mind flashing images. She could imagine the seed in his balls waiting to be unloaded into her, his cum filling her; coating her insides, his hard dick squirting-pumping-exploding with baby making seed. Faces began to flash in front of her, most she didn't recognize, but all had the same flushed expression.Emma looks at him over her shoulder "F-fuck me Harder! Mmmmpff," she moans, and starts pushing her hips back to meet his forward thrusts.-------This is it, he can feel it building, Nothing! has ever felt like this before, all his intensity is focused on his cock, buried to the hilt in Emma's pussy, months of fantasies, months of masturbating, dreaming of this moment. He grinds his hips hard against her ass, grips her pelvis and pulls her against him... YES... he can feel... feel... FUCK!!!The feelings intense – painful. The back of his head bangs against the door, he can feel himself cumming - his dick ejaculating in to the air, he holds his head in both hands as the small cubicle spins.-------Sandra stands on the toilet lid of the adjoining cubicle and peers over the dividing wall, and takes in the scene in an instant. Without hesitating - she leans over, reaches down, grabs the boys long greasy hair and slams his head back against the door. His dick slips out of Emma and he ejaculates in to the air with such force that it hits her in the face. She jerks back in reaction, loses her balances, her heels slipping on the toilet lid, and falls.-------This is it, she can feel it building... she's about to cum over her rapists cock, but she doesn't care. She squeezes her thighs together, griping the cock with her pussy muscles, eager to take his seed and milk it dry... almost! Almost! Yes! Yes! YESSS!" ...then it was gone. Emma opens her eyes and looks down in to the toilet, then turns her head to see the boy leaning against the door - holding his head, then a bang and a scream makes her jump. The moment over, the spell broken, Emma picks up her T-shirt and pulls it over head. Then her arm is grabbed and she's pushed against the wall."N-no, I'm not finished with you y-yet." His face is inches away, her back to the wall, he bends his knees trying to get his tool in to her again, "Not yet, I have to... have to," he voice sounds slurry as though he's having trouble forming words but his cock is stabbing at her thigh, getting closer.Emma makes her choice, she smiles up in to his face and reaches down with her right hand, "Here, let me help you." Her small fingers wrap themselves around the swollen and slimy cock, she kisses him lightly on his lips then places her other hand on his chest to move him back a little, then she pushes down... hard.--------It's-going-to-be-alright, his head is swimming, but everything is going-to-be-alright. His beautiful angel still wants him, she's helping him, her delicate touch guiding him back to that warm, soft place. This time he'll be able to finish it properly and then... ...the pain is immense. His vision flares white, he feels as though something has broken, snapped! It's as though he's been split in two; he drops to his knees and vomits.--------Sandra clasps Emma's out-stretched hand and is helped to her feet. She's still a little shaken from falling off the toilet seat, but besides from a few bruises - she feels ok."Emma are you..." begins Sandra."It's ok, I'm fine now." Emma looks through the open cubicle door at the boy lying in a fetal position on the floor. "What will happen to him?.""Well by rights he should be locked up, but he's a minor and, no offence, but with your history he would probably walk anyway." As Sandra looks down at the boy a plan starts to form.--------Her mother would have been home from work for the past half-hour, but she knows that she has counseling on a Thursday so wouldn't be concerned that she's a little late. Emma adjusts the straps on her back and continues the walk home.Sandra had explained her plan before she set off. As the boy had come round, Sandra had given him a choice, either never mention any of this and hand over all material on Emma, or she would claim that 'he' had attacked 'her' and had also sexually assaulted her. She had bruises that would show she had been knocked against a wall and his seaman was on her face and blouse. Emma had only intervened to save her councilor after hearing a commotion, and had also witnessed the attack.Faced with this, the boy agreed to have Sandra, and her partner, accompany him to his house and surrender his collection on Emma, and not to divulge any details of her history. He quickly agreed.Emma was quite happy with this, to be honest, what had happened was quite mild by her standards. She had always known that a part of her history would always be with her where-ever she went, and she was content with it, knowing that she had her whole future ahead of her.But something had changed and she was very happy that it had, for the first time she had acted against what someone else wanted and had decided for herself what she wanted to do. And she was confident now that she would be able to make all her own decisions in the future, good or bad, they would be hers to make. For the first time in a year, she was truly free.She smiles as she passes two lads she recognizes from her school and they smile back, her smile breaks in to a grin as she continues on her way as she remembers that she is naked under her T-shirt and skirt, her knickers and bra still on the floor of the gents toilets. The boys turn as they hear a girl laughing. "That English girl's nice," "Yeah, sure is. And is quite happy by the sound of it too."Emma wipes the tears of happiness from her eyes and adjusts the straps of her back pack again. "Yep, I think everything's going to be ok, I think everything is going to be great." Emma, her choice made, walks home in the sun.--------This is the final part of Emma's choice. The character of Emma is based on an actual person, though the events are fictional. I met her when she was sixteen, and as described; she was small and slight with auburn hair and pale skin, and even though she could not be described as a stunning beauty - she had a sexual appeal that was universal in its effect on men. Emma, where-ever you are now, I hope you are living the life you always dreamed.Thank you for reading my story.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 40
My husband and I had recently moved to the neighborhood where I became acquainted with the next door gal(Pam),who was in her late 30's with a son (Tim) in college who would be home for the summer. I was 45 at the time and our son was already through college and married living in another city. I still had my girlish figure and considered myself to be trim and attractive and judging from the looks I received in the malls and around, I knew that I still had some great curves and other assets to admire.I loved to lay out in the back yard and absorb the sun's rays now and then. On this occasion it was the end of May and I was in my swim suit relaxing when I realized that a young man was in the next yard looking my way. I assumed it to be Tim and I waved and said, "Hi, you must be Tim." He sort of ducked his head and sheepishly mumbled, "Yeah, I'm Tim." He then went into the house. I was surprised at the shy reaction I got from this handsome specimen of a young man. Later when chatting with my friend, Pam, she informed me that her son was very shy around the opposite sex and had never had a real relationship with a girl because of his shyness. She said she had tried to get him over this shyness but he just didn't know what to do with a girl or how to act around them. I asked Pam why she didn't give him schooling in what to do, after all she surely had some experience. She informed me that she had suggested the same to him; teach him to talk sweet talk, ask for dates, take to dinner, dance, and smooch and stuff like that, but he had said, "Oh, Mom, not my mom!" There was a long pause as we looked at each other as I evaluated what she had told me thinking that there must be some way to get him over this shyness with girls, he was such a handsome guy too. Pam jokingly suggested that perhaps I would volunteer to be his teacher, after all when he had observed me in the back yard the other day, he had remarked to her as to how lovely the lady next door was.I thought about it a few minutes and wondered if perhaps I might be the one to conquer his shyness, after all I had dating experience and I would not be involved other than as a resource for him to learn from. "Pam, if Tim needs some advise from someone other than his mom, I think I could do that but of course I will ask my husband to make sure he is not opposed to the lessons." With that Pam was very pleased and thanked me for being so kind and understanding. After receiving permission from my husband, the lessons began. I began thinking of the lesson outlines and decided to play things as they came; first, Tim came over and we chatted about his concerns and perhaps what he would like to learn. I found out that he was not a good dancer, nor did he know how to kiss or make small talk. I didn't ask him about his experience in making out with the girls like playing with their breast, feeling their behinds etc because I was sure he had never gone that far and didn't want to embarrass him. At this session, I decided that Tim would call me up and I would ask him over to watch a movie with me. He agreed. I told him that we would have pet names for each other, I would be babe, and he would be sweetie and from now on we would address each other in that manner. When he called on the phone, we chatted a while and I invited him over to watch movies the next night as my husband would be working late and it would let us have some time undisturbed. When he arrived, I gave him a hug and kissed him on the lips to his astonishment. I said, "Sweetie, kiss me like you mean it. Kiss me like I am your girl friend, not your mom." We then tried it again and I held the kiss as I felt him kiss me back and he seemed to relax and held me tight. We moved into the den and I put on a romantic movie with lots of kissing and courting that I had selected. We sat on the couch for awhile and finally I moved next to him and laid my head on his shoulder and pulled his arm around my neck and placed his hand on my breast and whispered to him that I wanted him to feel his girlfriend's sweet breasts. "I am not your mom," I reminded him. "I am your dearest girlfriend." With that I found that he was warming up some and seemed to enjoy my presence. When the couple on the screen started kissing, I reminded him that I wanted that too, and he responded hard and long and I could tell that he was becoming aroused much to my surprise. "How would I deal with this young man being sexually attracted to me?", I thought. Surely it is a passing feeling and we are only doing this for his shyness. By the time the movie was over, Tim seemed to be enjoying his newly found knowledge of women, as limited as it was. When we parted I told Tim that I would call him for a date when I was ready for his next lesson.The lessons went on frequently and I could tell Tim was learning a lot as we practiced dancing and kissing and making small talk. I decided it was about time to do a full evening of rehearsal of what all we had learned so I told Tim that the nest date would be at my house while hubby was out of town on business. The date was complete with candles, wine, and chicken breast over rice (Tim's mom had told me it was his favorite). I was dressed in my black lacy bra and panties with a sheer black tight fitting knee length dress with splits up the sides to expose my thighs. After dinner, I remarked that the music (I had reselected the music and it was playing throughout dinner) was very romantic and was inviting us to dance. We both were feeling a little buzz from the wine and were giggling and cutting up like a couple of teenagers as we danced and he was feeling my butt and telling me what a nice behind I had. (this was quite a change from the shy guy I knew a month before). I would giggle like a teen girl and tell him that he had a nice hairy chest as I played with the hair on his chest. We were kissing and pushing against each other as if we were two young lovers needing each other. I knew that this had to stop or we would go too far. Was I really concerned about this? Had I not dressed for him or was I being a good teacher? Was the evil thought deep inside me and was just now coming out? The first time I had seen him, I had a funny little tingle down between my legs and it had never left, it became greater each time I saw him. I knew that he was about to get the final lesson in courtship from his eager teacher. I was wondering if he was thinking the same as I. We continued to dance and play and giggle and feel each other. I knew from dancing close to him and pushing against him that his manhood was standing tall and erect just as my womanhood was wet and inviting, wondering if it was time to invite him into bed and let him experience the final lesson in courtship. I whispered to him that he had learned well and there was one final lesson to be had and wondered if he knew what that was....? He pulled me tight and said, "I love you babe and want you to be mine tonight." "Yes my love, you are going to be mine too. I want you more than you will ever know. I think we both have earned this moment to enjoy."I took him by the hand and moved to the bedroom where we both slowly removed each others clothing admiring each part as it was revealed till we both stood looking at each other in admiration, with Tim saying, "You are the first women I have ever seen naked. You are so beautiful and you are here for me.""My darling Tim," I said, "you are so handsome and I am glad that I am the one you have chosen to do the honor of making you into a man, as I knelt and kisses his waiting hard cock. I realized that he was very close to having his orgasm and stood and whispered to him that it was now time that we give each other what we both wanted."With that we sank into each others arms and onto the bed where Tim nervously and quickly found my waiting womanhood to place his erect manhood, he gasp and groaned as he entered and I sighed and gasp for breath, him pumping with hard deep thrusts and was soon pumping his virgin seeds into his waiting lover's hot wet canal. As soon as I felt his young virgin cock filling me with his seed, I was screaming out that he was making me his woman, and that he is my stud forever, as I shook with spastic orgasms so intense I thought I was in a dream. I knew that I had just experienced something that only can be experienced once, a horny young virgin stud getting his first lesson in sex with a married woman who appreciates the value of the experience.As we lay there, Tim said that he would never be shy around the opposite sex again thanks to me and my lessons. He laughed and asked in a joking tone, if the lessons were over. I assured him that they were only started, providing he valued the teacher's lessons. He smiled and said that he was impressed with his teacher and hoped to continue learning. I always kept my husband informed about the progress of the lessons, which he enjoyed very much and he encourage me to keep teaching Tim till he got things right. Needless to say I never told my husband about the final lessons being taught to Tim, even though it made our lovemaking that much better as I dreamed of my young lover when me and my husband made love. END
Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is Steve Taylor and I had the most "Erotic Vacation" that I think that any man would envy. First of all, I grew up down south in a South Florida neighborhood with an upper middle class family. My father is an airline pilot and my mother is a successful attorney. I'm a 20 year old student who is studying for law school.My older sister Michelle, who just turned 23, decided to go to Beauty School. She became a successful hairdresser. She and I are different like day and night. I consider myself more serious and more focused than she is. She is a lot more spontaneous than I am.Michelle is in my own opinion, the most gorgeous woman on this planet! She's about 5'6 and she has blue eyes, and her straight light brown hair is just past her shoulders. She also has a fantastic body, like ample tits and incredible bubble shaped ass. She always has a perpetual suntan, because we live down in South Florida. Her main flaw though, is choosing the right guys to go out with. The guys that she meets are either bums or married men. Some of these guys are mean to her. It makes me so angry, because she is so beautiful, and most of the idiots do not appreciate her. She seems to be magnet for rotten guys.One of the great perks of having a gorgeous sister as a hair dresser is that she does offer me free haircuts. Our parents are hardly around the house, and most of the time the weather is usually pretty warm year round. She likes to dress in her skimpy spaghetti strapped tank tops and her tight shorts or skirts. I have often notice at times when she is cutting my hair; she does not wear a bra, so her nipples are constantly perking through her tight tank tops. It's hard to look up when she tells me to, while she is cutting my hair. I become too distracted at looking at her incredible looking tits. After she finishes with my hair cut, I always ask her, "How much do I owe you?" She then responds, "Just a hug will do!" Then I can feel her nice breasts pressed against my chest. As she walked away from me I could see her beautiful ass moving in those tight blue shorts of hers. It bothers me that I'm thinking this way, because after all, she is my older sister. However, she is also very sexy.I was in a relationship with my girlfriend for about 2 years, and my girlfriend and I were talking about the possibilities of becoming engaged, until I one day I found out that she was sleeping with another guy. I can home very upset that day, and my sister just happened to be home early from work that day.Michelle asked me," What's wrong, did you have a bad day?" I responded, "I really don't want to talk about it!"My caring sister came over and hugged me and said, "I can read you like a book. Is that stupid girlfriend of yours causing you a lot of pain?" I usually don't cry, but I started too then.She started to comfort me and said, "Oh, how I wish I can find a guy like you, you are so sweet, sensitive and understanding. There are not too many guys like you out there! Any woman out there would consider herself lucky to have you."She then said, "I have an idea that would cheer you up! Let us talk to Dad to see if he can get us some flight tickets to the Caribbean. Then we can relax and have some fun and enjoy ourselves."The thought of seeing my sister in a small bikini did turn me on to the idea, especially since this will be a vacation without the parents. So, she talked to Dad when he came home, and he thought it was a good idea too. So, she went to her computer to do a search on the internet to find us a nice place for us to stay at. She found this website than mentioned a "Caribbean Surprise" for a discount. The catch was: there are several resorts owned by this company, so we will not know where we will be staying at until we arrive there. We went to the airport to catch our flight, only to find that there was a long delay. Finally after 3 hours waiting, we were on our way to paradise! When we arrived at the airport, there was a gentlemen holding a sign that read "Taylor Party" and we knew that our adventure was about to begin.As we rode through the island on the shuttle van, I was noticing that Michelle was wearing a miniskirt and I had noticed her beautiful long legs. The road to our resort was very long and very bumpy. I had accidentally brush my hand on her leg and she just looked at me and smiled. When we checked into our Resort, it was absolutely gorgeous! We had noticed stunning view of the blue Caribbean Sea and the tropical foliage around the resort. She and I were so delighted that we finally made it here in paradise.The man behind the hotel counter said, "Congratulations there Mr. & Mrs. Taylor! We have upgraded your room to the Honeymoon Ocean View Suite." I started to say something about us being siblings, when my sister turned around and said, "Honey what a surprise!" She then winked at me.I then asked the guy behind the counter, "Excuse, but does this suite come with a sofa, just in case my wife and I do not get along?" He smiled and said, "Don't worry Mon, you do have a sofa in there, but remember, you are on your honeymoon!" I looked at Michelle and said, "Please don't worry Michelle, I will be sleeping on the sofa." She replied "No problem, I was going to take the bed anyways." When I was looking at the layout of the property in a brochure, I've noticed that it had a nude and non-nude side of the resort. We both were not expecting to see that! When we reached our suite, it was absolutely awesome suite! It had a 4 poster king-sized bed with a mirror on the ceiling, a separate living room area, and large 2 person whirlpool bathtub, and of course a little sofa for me.When Michelle opened the curtains to see the ocean, there was a rather large fat man walking around naked. She started laughing and said, "Guess which side of the resort we are on?" Then we both started laughing.Since we arrived so late, we decide to go to bed early. I was so miserable on that little sofa. My sister on the other hand was enjoying her big king-sized bed! When I turned the TV on I noticed that most of the TV channels were showing X-rated movies.Michelle laughed and said, "I guess that's to get the honeymooners in the mood." Then she said, "It is OK with me if you want to watch, I'm going to bed early anyway."As I was watching, I noticed that Michelle was taking a bath, when she walked out of the bathroom; she was only wearing a sexy and skimpy piece of red lingerie. I didn't know what to think, should I watch the X-rated movies or do I enjoy the view in my own suite! She hugged me goodnight and then went to sleep. As this point, I was going nuts literally, so I went into the bathroom and jacked off thinking about her, so I can finally get some rest. She was driving me crazy at this point.The next morning we went out to eat breakfast, since it was an all-inclusive plan, the plan included all of our meals & drinks were provided. We ate our breakfast with a beautiful view of the Caribbean Sea. After breakfast, Michelle said, "I'm going to the "non-nude" side to start on my tan. Do you care to join me? "I said, "Sure, why not!"We went back to our room to change. Michelle went to the bathroom to change. When she came out she was wearing a black thong bikini, I was in total bliss and surprised! She has a fantastic looking flat stomach as well as her nice tits & ass.She looked at me and grinned, "What's wrong little brother, you never seen a thong bikini before?" We found a place to layout and tan. It was very peaceful and quite. There wasn't anyone there sun tanning. Michelle then asked me to rub some suntan lotion on her which I had eagerly agreed to do! I was in heaven rubbing her soft skin, and I thought I was going to cum in my swimsuit right there. Her body is incredible.She said, "Don't forget my legs!" As I rubbed the lotion on her, I was admiring her nice ass glistening with lotion in her thong bikini. After a while, we were starting to hear music playing and people laughing. Michelle said, "This non-nude side is too boring for me! Why don't we go check out the nude side of the resort instead?"I then looked at her and said, "Hello you are my sister, remember?"She said, "Not according to the man at the front desk, remember that he said that we are a Honeymoon Couple."Then she replied, "Besides, no one knows us here, and I want a full body tan."She had a good point. Who was I to argue with her at this point.My heart was beating real fast, knowing that I will be soon be seeing my gorgeous sister completely nude! We went to the locker room area, and me being kind of bashful, I walked out with my towel wrapped around me. But, there was Michelle in her full glory! Wow, she was completely naked and I can see her nicely trimmed pubic hairs of her pussy.She then looked at me and said, "OK mister, off with your towel, we are now in the "nude section" of the resort." I was so embarrassed, because I can feel my dick starting to have an erection with the excitement.She looked at it, and smiled and said, "Not bad my not so little brother!" She then took my hand, and said, "Remember that you are now my new husband, and I want you to stay close to me, because I don't want any naked perverts after me." We found a place to lie down, and there were naked people all around us. Michelle was holding my hand the whole time. There was a variety of different people around us. It was very erotic and unusual. Then there was a man who worked at this resort said, "O.K. who is ready for some sexy games, we will be giving away a free bottle of rum for the prize?" Michelle perked up and said, "Let's go and play, because I want to win that bottle of rum." I replied, "I don't know sis. We have been drinking a lot of alcohol here. " The game started with 6 couples with me and Michelle. The object of the game was that the guys are to sit at the edge of the pool in the shallow area, and then the girl's job is to cause her man to have an erection the fastest without actually touching his penis.I looked down at Michelle and said, "Are you sure about this?" She had just winked at me and then said, "Relax Steve, just don't forget that you are on vacation! Just enjoy yourself."The man then blew the whistle, and first the girls started to warm up by showing and playing with their tits. Then one girl said, "The hell with the bottle of rum, I'm going to suck my man's dick hard." After that, all of the girls were doing the same, except for Michelle. Then what happened next completely blew my mind! Michelle looked up at me with those beautiful blue eyes and smiled and said "I hope you enjoy this honey!" There I was getting the best blow job of my life by my own sister. I was in pure heaven as she started to lick the head of my penis, then she started bobbing up and down on my very erect penis. Then to finish me off she started to deep throat me, and by then I was blasting globs of sperm down her throat. I could not believe what was happening to me! One thing was for sure, I was not going to sleep on that small miserable sofa tonight.When she finished, she got out of the pool and gave me a deep kiss.I asked her, "Why did you do that? You are my sister?'" She said, "Because you are the only man in my life that's good to me." Then she added, "Don't worry we are not even yet!"Michelle ended up winning the bottle of rum after all. I would say that she definitely deserved it after that wonderful performance! Later, that evening we went back to our Honeymoon Ocean View Suite to get ready for the dinner. Michelle came out in a white tight tank top dress, and I complimented her on her splendid tan.She smiled and said, "Yes, and the great part about it, is that I'm tan all over by body now." It was so relaxing listening to the ocean and the soft calypso band while we dined under candlelight. I felt so lucky to be with this most beautiful girl on earth, my own sister. She said, "Let's dance to the next song, after all we have to show them that we are on our honeymoon!" I told her that it will be a great pleasure to dance with her.We slowed danced and I can smell her sweet perfume, I was totally hypnotized by her. She then whispered in my ear, "Do you want to try out our whirlpool bath in our suite together?" She said, "Remember, you owe me one!" We walked hand and hand like new found lovers to the suite, joking around on the way to the room. We opened the bottle of champagne that was in our suite, and then we stripped off our clothes and climbed into the whirlpool bath together. Michelle grabbed me and started to French kiss me. I was so confused, but at the same time, I was so consumed by lust for my own sister.She then sat on the side of the tub and said, "Remember that I said you owed me, well I was wondering if you would eat my pussy now? "I could not believe I was hearing this from my own sister, but it was so erotic. I leaned over and tasted her heavenly pussy. I licked the sides of her outer lips and then I gently used my tongue to tease her clitoris, by then she was moaning very loud! She kept saying, "Oh yes! Oh yes!" She was cumming like crazy.She then said, "OK my lover boy, it's time to go to bed now."I was now so confused, I thought I have just turned her on? So I started walking towards the little sofa bed. Feeling frustrated, I did not know what to think. She said, "Hey silly are you going to sleep in my bed or what?" We both climbed into her bed naked, and then she said, "Are you ready for the night of your life?" I replied, "You bet sis!" She proceeded to give me another fantastic blow job, but then she said, "Now I want you to cum inside me." I then asked, "Wouldn't that be incest?" She laughed and said "Duh?" Remember, we are a Honeymoon Couple in our Honeymoon Ocean View Suite. " I then replied, "I didn't bring any protection. I wasn't planning to have sex with my very own sister?"She responded, "Don't worry little bro, I'm on the pill! You can fuck me all night long if you want to! " I was now convinced, so I slid my cock inside tight pussy and it felt so good! We made love for a long time and then I eventually came inside the most beautiful girl in the world, my own sister!It was so wonderful waking up naked with my own beautiful sister. We ordered breakfast from room service, then we made love some more. This time I sucked on those gorgeous tanned tits of hers.After that Michelle and I went out to do some shopping in a nearby town. We walked hand and hand like we were lovers. I helped her find some sexy clothes and we also bought some interesting artwork. The rest of the vacation we spent giving each other erotic naked massages, and dancing the nights away, dining, tanning, playing sex games at the pool area, and most of all we enjoyed fucking in our 4 poster bed in our Honeymoon Ocean View Suite.It was then time for us to leave the resort, and I felt very sad and depressed.Michelle asked, "Didn't you have a fun time with me?"I then replied, "Yes, very much so! But, I'm just bummed out that this vacation is now finally ending!"She then winked at me and said, "Don't worry little brother, remember that our parents are gone most of the time." So we will have a lot of privacy.Then I laughed and said, "I guess that means I still get free hair cuts?" She chuckled, "Don't worry you get more than that when we get home! But, we are going to have to be very careful and discreet!" I looked at her and said, "I can't wait till we can celebrate our anniversary!"She looked at me and giggled, "You are so bad! Now let us leave this resort because we are going to miss our plane flight back home."END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 47
It all started innocently enough. I was running some errands at the local mall of our college town on my day off. Just the usual stuff, you know, picking up some food for the dog and cats, getting a prescription filled, and browsing through the department stores looking for bargains- one of my favorite hobbies. As I was looking at some blouses, I overheard a man's voice that I recognized, but I couldn't place. He was talking to someone else nearby in the same department. When I turned to look, I recognized him immediately. It was Randy, someone I had had a fling with in the distant past, about 30 years before. It really hadn't been much of a fling. I had fallen hard for him when we were both students at the university. He had sandy brown hair and was a member of the university soccer team. I remembered thinking that I couldn't believe someone as attractive as him could be interested in a girl like me. The first time I was alone with him in my apartment (when he had come over looking for my roommate), I had impulsively started flirting, then making out with him. I wound up giving him a blowjob right in the living room. I felt a little slutty, but at that time I had multiple boyfriends and was far more adventurous than I was when I settled down and got married. As it turned out, Randy had not been interested in me, but only used me to fulfill his needs. I would blow him whenever he wanted, dutifully swallowing every drop, while he never did anything to pleasure me. One night when I had finished sucking him, I blurted out how much I liked him. He replied that he did not feel the same way and that he had a serious girlfriend out of state. I was only some convenient entertainment. It had been a real blow to my self esteem.Now here he was, apparently he was a salesperson in the department store. I immediately felt very shy and hid from his sight. However, just the thought of those adventurous days had made me a little excited.That night my husband of 30 years and I made love. I had a crashing orgasm, helped along by my fantasy of seeing Randy again. I assumed that it would remain only a fantasy. My husband Jim and I had what I would call a satisfying sex life. He was quite a considerate lover, always assuring that I had an orgasm by eating me or playing with my clit. I enjoyed sex with him, though his penis is quite small, about 5 inches long when fully erect and pretty skinny as well. I remembered that Randy's cock was much larger, a good 7 and a half to 8 inches long and very thick. I had always longed to have it in my pussy, but he had never obliged me, insisting that I suck him off. Jim and I were very open about our fantasies and desires, so when he asked me what I was thinking about when I had my big orgasm, I told him about seeing Randy that day. Jim knew the whole story about Randy and me, and even seemed to enjoy hearing about my slutty days. We talked for a while and lay in the afterglow of our lovemaking. Suddenly, Jim said, "You know, I bet if Randy knew what he had missed and how hot you are still, he'd jump at the chance to have sex with you." I liked to think that this was true. I have gotten myself in shape over the years running about 3 miles a day and exercising. My breasts are still perky for a woman of 48 years and I am slimmer than I have ever been. Jim continued, "If you wanted to try and seduce Randy, I wouldn't mind, though I would like to see some of the action." I laughed and dismissed him, though I knew that he was serious. He had often brought up the idea of me having sex with another, and this appeared to be a great turn-on for him. I always said that it was him who wanted to have sex with a man. Anyway, I had always assumed that these fantasies would never become a reality. However, as the days went by I found myself more and more consumed with thoughts of Randy and what he would think of my now. I decided to give him a little show of what he had missed one day. Donning a short black skirt with thong underwear, sheer black hose, high heels, and a clingy top that gave an ample view of my cleavage, I decided to visit the department store for a little shopping. I had to admit I looked sharp as I viewed myself in the mirror. What could be the harm in a little flirting. At the store, I spotted Randy. He still looked handsome and in shape, a quite attractive man. I approached him as if to ask him a question, pretending not to recognize him. He recognized me immediately and gushed about how good I looked. I know I must have blushed with the attention. We chatted a while, I found out that he had moved back to the area recently after divorcing. When he asked if I was married, I hesitated, and then said no. I don't know why I did that but I was enjoying the attention from him so much. I felt prettier than I ever had before. He said we should go out some time and I impulsively asked him to come to dinner at my house. He immediately accepted. My head was spinning as I left the mall. What had I just done? Why hadn't I told him that I was married? Deep inside, I knew why. I was hoping to have one last fling with him. I tearfully confessed to Jim that evening. Jim seemed taken aback, but then he said that he wouldn't mind if I had a one night stand. He did say that he would like to watch the scene if we could figure out a way to do it. When the night came, I was dressed to kill. I was wearing a red silk blouse without a bra with the first two buttons undone. My nipples were constantly erect in that top. I had on a tight knit skirt, black hose, black shoes, and no panties.We had devised a hiding place for Jim. He would watch from our living room closet as the show unfolded. I had never been so excited in my life. Randy arrived and greeted me warmly. He was already being more affectionate than he had ever been when we were in school. We had a nice meal and some wine. I made sure to bend in front of him, nearly revealing my nipples several times and I could feel his eyes on my ass when I bent over, which I did often. I suggested we go sit in the living room and we did so. We were drinking wine with some music on and the feeling was getting very cozy. When I sat down in the chair across from him, I let my skirt ride up my legs. As I crossed my legs, I know he got a glimpse of my shaved pussy. I know because his eyes nearly popped out of his head. "Oh Carrie," he said. "You look so beautiful." I teased him some more, showing more and more of my pussy as my skirt slid up. "You know Randy," I said. "I never could get you to lick my pussy before. Do you think that you could do it now." He immediately got up and walked over to where I was sitting and kneeled between my legs. What a switch this was! Now I was the one being serviced! He lifted my skirt to reveal my twat in all its glory. I threw my legs over his shoulders as he began licking my clit furiously. Soon I had my legs up in the air as wide apart as I could get them while he raked his tongue across my open pussy lips. I could not believe I was exposing myself like this to a man who wasn't my husband. Very quickly I had a shuddering orgasm and groaned loudly.We began kissing frantically after that and he pulled my top and skirt off, leaving me clad in only my black hose. I helped him out of his clothes and took my turn kneeling in front of him. His cock tasted so good and I knew I was driving him crazy. I squeezed and kneaded his hairy balls with my free hand. Then I stood and leaned over the couch, exposing my ass and pussy to him. He quickly took his place behind me and began pumping furiously. His dick felt bigger than I had had in 30 years and it was driving me to ecstasy. He reached around and fondled my breasts, caressing my rock hard nipples. Suddenly, I felt something I hadn't felt in 30 years, a searing orgasm as I was being fucked. That took Randy over the edge and he spurted his load inside me. It seemed to go on forever as he groaned over and over. When he finally pulled out, his cum poured out of my reddened pussy. Afterwards, Randy told me how beautiful he thought I was and he apologized for the way he had treated me in college. We shared a long kiss at the door. I had almost forgotten about Jim in the closet. I found him cum stained and happy. Without my knowledge, he had taken a video of the whole escapade. We watch it often now as a prelude to our lovemaking. Randy has called me often trying to arrange another meeting, but I have turned him down so far. It's kind of fun watching him be the one who is left hanging. END
They taught me about the Oedipus complex in my first-year psych class at university, but let's get real. I didn't believe it for a second. No fucking way! A son actually wanting to fuck his own mother? That was fiction... Shit, it was science fiction! When it came to the real world, mothers and sons couldn't be more distant from one another. I didn't even think of my mother as having any sexuality whatsoever, let alone find her sexy. At least not until that night when I walked in and caught her doing something you only see in porno films.She must not have expected me home for several more hours. I myself had planned on staying out later. After all, the girl in question had given me certain indications that I had taken as a sign that she was ready, willing, and able to screw me stupid. Unfortunately, when I made a move to act on that belief, the little prick-tease slapped my face and told me to leave. What choice did I have? When a bimbo changes her mind, she changes her mind. So I hightailed it back home, not having the slightest expectation of finding my own Mom spread out naked on the couch fucking a ten-inch, black dildo into her wide-spread cunt. I don't think she even heard me walk in. I just stood there, open mouthed. as I watched my mother's lazy hand slowly manipulate the artificial cock in and out of her juicy, hairless pussy. Yep! That's what I said, hairless... totally fuckin' hairless! My mother's twat was a bald as a baby's butt! She must have shaved it daily to get it so damn smooth. I couldn't even see any stubble! God, I never would have believed it, but staring at my Mom lying there with her legs spread open like that, fucking herself with a huge plastic prick, made my cock jump to attention real fast. Did I mention that she was bare-ass naked? Well, she was, so I could see everything, from the pink flush on her tits, to the tiny goose pimples on her erect nipples, to the tiny pearls of sexual sweat on her pussy lips as they bulged around the impossibly large dildo. She sighed audibly, as if comfortable with hearing herself purr from self-induced sexual pleasure, and then she sped up the in and out strokes of her black, plastic pleasure-pole. My nuts were already hurting from my cock-teasing girlfriend... make that EX-girlfriend!.. and now they were aching even more fiercely from the effects of watching my sexy, naked mother make love to herself like some hot whore in an XXX-rated movie. I don't know why I had never considered the fact that she might masturbate. It had been several years since she and Dad split up, and Mom was still a fairly young, vital woman. I guess it was just the old taboo that stopped me from thinking of her in that way. Now I stood in the frame of the doorway leading from the hall to the living room, my tongue hanging out all the way to my knees as I watched Mom fuck herself slowly and steadily with a dildo at least two inches longer than my personal piece of equipment. All at once, she gave a startled little squeal and sat up straight. The dildo was still deeply imbedded in her bald pussy, but most of it disappeared from sight as she closed her legs tight. "Danny!" she gasped. "What are you doing home?" "Mom!" I replied, gently mocking her tone. "What are you doing fucking yourself?" Her attractive face, which was still years younger than her true age, turned a bright beet red color. " I didn't think... I didn't expect you to...." "You should be a lot more careful, Mom. Somebody could walk right in and get overly excited by what you're doing... like me for instance." I walked up to the couch and placed a hand between her knees. She parted her thighs automatically, causing the huge, black phallus to pop back into view. There was maybe two or three inches of it sticking out of her hairless twat. The rest of it was buried deep inside her, and I could tell from the way that she squirmed her naked ass into the couch that it had to feel damn good. "You sure have a gorgeous pussy, Mom," I whispered. I squatted and rubbed my face against the interior of her legs. I started low, around her dimpled knees, but quickly worked my way up the insides of her creamy thighs until I was bumping my head against the dildo. Mom groaned, sounding as if she were in agony, but I was sure her moans were the result of intense pleasure rather than pain, especially since her hips were making tight little circles and there was a glistening film of cunt-juice smeared all over her shaven crotch. "Uuuuhh, Danny..." Mom gasped. "You really shouldn't be doing that to your own mother, sweetheart! I thought for a moment about the taboo we were about to break and had second thoughts. But then I saw the unmistakable look of lust in my mother's eyes and knew what I had to do, for both our sakes. I didn't give a shit any more about rights or wrongs. I just reached down there and grabbed the hilt of the dildo to pop it out of her. The long, thick fake prick came out of Mom's pussy with a noisy sucking plop that made it obvious that she was plenty wet. "Let me fill you with something better, Mom," I whispered. "Wouldn't you like some of the real thing for a change, instead of that cold, plastic imitation?" "Oooooh! Yessssss! Darling! I always knew you were wild!" she replied. Mom lay back down on the sofa, spreading her legs so wide that one foot was planted on the floor while the other was lifted up on the back of the couch. I stared hungrily into her moist, open pinkness as I tore off my clothes and knelt between her open thighs. When Mom saw the size and hardness of my cock her eyes lit up with delight. "Danny! I never knew you had such a big prick, baby!" gasped Mom, reaching for my throbbing manhood. "It's gorgeous!" "Tell me how much you want it, Mom." I grinned lewdly. "Beg for it!" "Ohhhhh, God! Pleeeease fuck me, Danny! Cram mommy's pussy full of that big fat young cock of yours, and fuck the shit out of me!" Undisguised passion showed plainly in Mom's lust-glazed eyes and her shameless enthusiasm had my prick twitching with the desire to just jump on top of her and fuck her, but I had other things in mind first! "Sure, Mom! I'll fuck you!... I'll fuck you alright!" I grinned staring hungrily at my Mom's delicious-looking twat. "But first I'm gonna have me a little snack!" Mom shuddered with incestuous delight as she realized I was going to suck her pussy. I knelt between her open thighs and lowered my face towards her ripe, musky cunt-slit. "You smell good, Mom!... Real good!" I moaned, sniffing the heady aroma of female arousal wafting up from her steamy snatch. Sticking out my tongue I ran my tongue lightly up between the gaping lips of Mom's hairless twat, teasing her hot, seething flesh with just the tip. I'd never sucked a pussy with no hair on it before, and the novelty was a real turn on. It was like eating out a little girl. "Ummmmmmmmmmm! Deeper, Danny, you little tease! Lick deeper! Really suck your Momma's cunt hard!" "Okay, Mom!" I grinned, slipping my hands under her naked, squirming ass, " asked for it!" I forced my mother's satiny thighs as wide apart as I possibly could and inserted my tongue into her juicy wet pussy, licking and sucking at her tortured slit like a maniac! "Ohhhhh! Fuck! ... Jesus, Danny! ... That's fantastic!" screamed Mom, as I snuggled my face into her smooth, succulent gash. In response, I nibbled at her hairless cuntlips and sucked her clit into my mouth. "Ooo! Yessss! Ooooh! Danny, darling! Suck me! Pretend it's one of your sexy little girlfriend's slits you're eating! Oh fuck! YESS!" I moaned a muffled reply into her pussy, too busy lapping at Mom's tasty cunt to answer properly. "Uhhhgg! Yes, suck Mommy's clit!... Suck it hard!" she squealed, shoving her cunt repeatedly up against my face. My mouth made loud, wet slurping sounds as I ate out my mother's quivering pussy. I was no novice at sucking cunt, as Mom soon found out. When a girl won't let you fuck her, it's the next best thing. So I'd had plenty of experience. I knew exactly when to lick, when to nibble, and when to suck real hard. Mom's climax peaked rapidly as I tongued her clit and ground my chin into her wet, gaping fuckhole. Suddenly her mouth opened in a silent scream as wave after wave of intense pleasure spread outwards from her spasming cunt. She began to buck wildly but I held on tightly to her ass and kept my mouth plastered over her gushing cunt as I rode out her orgasm. "Ohhhhh! Fuck, Danny!...Uhhhhh! Oh, God!... I'm cummmmming!" screeched Mom. One thing I can say for my mother is that when she comes, she REALLY comes. I expected the neighbours to come rushing in at any moment thinking someone was killing her. She calmed down slowly and soon lay sprawled out on the couch just panting softly. I wiped my juice-smeared face and grinned at her. "Jesus, Danny! Where'd you learn to suck pussy like that, baby?" smiled Mom dreamily. "Kids these days don't just kiss and feel each other up on dates you know, Mom!" I grinned back. "Mmmmmm! I'll bet!" said Mom. Her eyes were on my cock sticking straight up from my hairy crotch, like a solid steel bar. I leant forward and ran my fingers through Mom's satiny cunt-slit, feeling the moisture fill my palm as I cupped her juicy sex. She parted her legs for me, and I took the opportunity to examine Mom's pussy in detail. Her plump, hairless twat was a wickedly exciting sight. Her whole mound was still rosy and glowing from my energetic sucking, and her cunt-lips gaped lewdly open, revealing the hot, wet deliciously pink flesh inside. I had never seen a more cock-hardening sight in my life! My Mom's cunt was just begging for a cock. It looked open and wet and swollen... just waiting to be fucked. I glanced up at Mom, and the look in her eyes made my cock swell and throb even more. "Come here, baby," she husked. "Time to give your horny ol' Mom some of that long, hard cock-meat!" Mom pressed the tip of my cock into the mouth of her cunt. She used the fingers of one hand to spread her pussy-lips, holding them wide open, while using the other to position the big, flared head of my prick directly into the tiny opening of her cunt-hole. When I felt the lips of her cunt close tightly about my cock, I hunched downwards, and just as I did, Mom's hips lurched upwards... the result was devastating! My cock plunged into my mother's pussy like a hot knife through butter, plowing so deeply into her open cunt, that my balls slapped resoundingly against her puckered asshole. "Ooooooooh, Jesus!" wailed Mom, as my cock slammed into her cunt. "God, you're in so deep, Danny!.. Jesus!.. Give it to me! Uhhh, yes... yes.... fuck hard! Fuck the shit out of me!" It was an incredible moment for me as I stared down at my cock buried deeply in my own mother's cunt. At her age, I had expected Mom's cunt to be a bit loose, but she was surprisingly tight. My shaft filled her, spreading her swollen cunt-lips wide. I flexed my prick inside her, getting used to the wonderfully hot, tight sheath before starting to pull out for the first time. As I withdrew, the lips of Mom's cunt pulled out around my cock, gripping it like vice. "Shit, you're tight, Mom!" I panted, staring at the way her cunt-lips clasped my cock like a hot little mouth. It was almost like fucking her in the asshole, she was so damn tight! "Just fuck me, Danny!" Mom ordered, humping her hips up at me in frustration. She was obviously very horny now and eager to get this show on the road. I needed no encouragement to do that at all. The pleading look on Mom's pretty face was all it took. "Jesus! I'll fuck you alright!" I gasped, slipping both hands under the cheeks of my mother's wiggling ass. I dug my fingers into her soft, firm butt and looked down into her wild, glittering eyes. "Hold on tight, Mom! 'Cause this is one fuck you're gonna remember for the rest of your life!" True to my word, I began to fuck Mom with long, deep, powerful thrusts, slamming my cock into her upthrust cunt with a savage vigour that made my mother squeal with ecstasy. Spurred on by her cries of pleasure, I clenched my ass-muscles and fucked my prick into my mother with all the strength I had, pounding her juice-filled cunt into a creamy froth. Mom was moaning incessantly with the deep, powerful penetration. Her hands were on my ass, pulling me into her crotch as I fucked her bouncing cunt like a demon. Soon, she began to moan louder and kind of squeal rhythmically. By the look on her face I knew Mom was about the have another powerful orgasm, so I kept on fucking her solidly, grinding the base of my prick against her clit. As Mom's climax overtook her, I felt the contractions deep within her cunt and began to fuck her harder, using long, deep strokes which penetrated her very womb. "Fuck! I'm coming, baby... Yes! Yes, oh fuck, yes... I'm cummmmming!!" screamed Mom. She hunched and jerked her cunt around my pistoning cock, wagging her hot ass as I fucked her through a screaming orgasm. As she squirmed and shuddered in ecstasy beneath me, I rammed my cock hard into my mother's tight, spasming hole, urging her on. "That's it, Mom!" I panted. "Cum! Cum for me! Cum all over my mother-fuckin' prick!" I felt my own release approaching as Mom screamed her way through hers. As her cunt convulsed around my cock, my balls tightened and I began to squirt a veritable torrent of cum deep up into my mother's pulsating pussy. Lights blasted in my brain as wave after wave of intense pleasure washed over me. I'd never come like that before, but then again I'd never fucked my wild, horny mother before either. We both lay together for a long time just holding each other and talked about the future. We both agreed that despite any feelings of guilt we may have, the pleasure we'd given each other was real and something which neither of us was prepared to give up. When my cock went limp and slipped out of Mom's cunt, she took me by the hand and led me to her bedroom. Needless to say, my virile young cock was soon throbbing stiffly again... in my mother's hot, sucking mouth. In all, I must have fucked her five or six times that first night. I even got to do something none of my girlfriends had ever let me do... fuck their assholes. Mom loves it! So do I... it's a lot tighter and deeper than her cunt and I can reach round and play with her juicy, wet puss at the same time. I haven't been dating so much since I discovered my mother's insatiable weakness for hard young cock. Why bother with frivolous, moody girls my own age when my own sexy, wanton Mom is always ready and willing to fuck and suck with me all night long? By the way, Mom doesn't use her big black dildo much either. :) The End~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 70
His name was Thad Guerwitcz. He was an offensive lineman for the Couguars,one of the best football teams out there. He was one of the best players on the team. A big, bulky man with darkish blond hair. He was a roughneck. He was also a man with a struggle. A struggle that consumed him. It was something with which he struggled most of his life. He tried to get rid of it. But he simply could not. No one could change their nature.Ever since Thad Guerwitcz was little, he knew he was different. He fought it.He decided to play sports and he did. He tried harder than anyone else at football. In high school, he made quarterback. He was a shy guy but he was decent and he tried to toughen himself up. He went out with some girls in order to fit in as normal. He didnt even want to think about what happened. What he was. He didn't want people to find out. Thad Guerwitcz had a nasty little secret inside his closet.On the Kinsey scale, he was a Five. Bisexual at the very least. He tried to hide it by dating girls but no one arose his desire. He thought that if he played sports and had a successful life, he would be all set. He was so glad the day he made it into one of the NFL's most coveted football teams. He was gonna play on the same team as his heroes.He made friends with the guys. Demetrius "DH" was one of his buddies. DH was a cool black dude. Thad's only problem with him was that he did drugs. Well, to each his own. Once, Thad helped him get ready for a big game. DH was fresh out of his favorite substance. Thad went to the dealer in his stead and got it for him. Thad was ashamed but he wasn't going to let down a co-worker. He hung out with the team's best guys.Leon, another black dude, the one with the domestic problems. Derek McConnell the womanizing blond guy and Eric Olczyk, the cool bald headed dude. There was also one of Thad's best pals and his favorite team member, the chubb-man himself, Kelvin 'Buffalo' James. He hung out with them, going to clubs and stuff. That's how he met August.Oh, August. She was a nice brunette he met. She was so beautiful. For once, he felt attracted to her both emotionally and physically. She was the answer to his prayers. He thanked God that the Lord sent him this woman. He loved August. She was so cute and funny. Unlike the rest of the team, Thad had been actively looking for a woman. A good one to marry and settle down with. He did not want the life of a womanizer and certainly not that of a fruitcake. So he saw August for a few months. He could never get tired of her. She was warm and nice and understanding, not at all like the bitches he heard the guys complain about. Leon complained about his nagging wife. Derek was always trying to fuck whatever walked by as long as it had breasts. DH was the P.I.M.P. par excellence.Thad thought he had it all figured out. He would play football and lead a decent life. He would make his poor Eastern european parents proud. He was already the pride of his hometown of Chicago just by being on the single greatest team on the NFL. He wanted the life and for the first time in his life, he felt okay. But it would not last. One of his worst nightmares and greatest fears was about to come true.David returned. David was this guy Thad met in college. He was so young and vulnerable in those days. He was fresh from high school, a naive young man still trying to come to terms with his bisexuality. He had vowed never to reveal it to anyone and to only be with women and lead as normal a life as possible. David changed all that. He was cool. He had loads of friends. He wanted to be friends with Thad. Thad was naive enough to think David wanted to be his friend. Once, David got him drunk and.....well, the rest is history.Thad had been horrified at what he'd done. He requested a transfer immediately. He even contemplated suicide. If it hadn't been for his friend Alicia and his dream of one day being in the NFL, he would have jumped off a cliff. He got as far away from David as possible. But the annoying little creep kept coming back, trying to blackmail Thad and calling him awful names. God, why couldnt he just leave Thad alone?So for awhile, Thad put up with it. He joined the Couguars. He made the team. He was fortunate enough to meet August, the most special woman ever. He'd been in love once in his life, and that was with Alice, the girl who understood him. Alice encouraged Thad to come out but Thad thought that was a bad idea. He decided never to act on his not-so-straight urges anymore. David just thought he was a Tragic Closet Jock. He came back and threatened to expose Thad. He even alerted the local papers. The whole team was under scrutiny as it was suspected that one of them was not straight. Thad kept his cool even though he endured some cold sweat.David sent pictures he had taken of Thad long ago when he practically raped the young athlete in college. The pictures went to Coach. The team found out. Thad denied it. Had he been sober and conscious, he never would have allowed this to happen to him. But the other guys weren't so understanding. They called him awful names. They bullied him. They made his life miserable. Thad wasn't a quitter. He was a nice man trying to do the right thing. He wanted to lead his life the way he wanted it. Had he been a woman he could have said David raped him, but male victims of rape were often ridiculed by other guys while women went to support groups. He wanted to have his life back. He asked August to marry him. Oh, God. The look on her face. She was so happy that he asked. So happy."I love you Thad," she said. She threw herself into his arms.Overcome with emotion, Thad hugged her back. He loved this woman! She was so great ! He just wished he wasn't so screwed up. He promised himself he'd treat her like a goddess. His beautiful goddess who loved him and was the only one who could save him from himself.Things were tolerable, until a phone call ruined it. A team member called August and told the facts to August. The look of pain in her face melted Thad's heart. Oh, God. He told her it wasn't true. She wanted to believe him. In fact, she did.He went back to the team. They were still treating him like an outsider. For God's sakes, he was one of them! He liked those guys like they were family. They treated him badly because he was different. He didn't want to be, damn it. How could anyone choose to be, like that? Unless you were a woman with a lot of frustration with men? David threatened to leak the story to the press. Coach had to make a decision. Either he would keep Thad and risk embarassing the whole team or put him on injured reserve and hopefully trade him next season.Thad refused to be traded. The other guys mercilessly beat him up. He went on the field and played better than he had before. He was like a whirlwind out there. He took down the other team, cutting them down with all the hatred and animosity he could muster. He felt so angry, at the world, at God for making him this way and at himself for being so weak!The media were awed by Thad "Superman" Guerwitcz. He was perhaps the best player on the team. Better than the ever-whining Leon. Or even macho man DH. After the game in the locker room, coach decided that Thad Guerwitcz would be traded. He would go to play on another team for a better salary.Thad was pleased. He looked at his former teammates. He told them what he thought of them. He told them his secret. He told them he wasnt scared anymore. Then the owner of the Team showed him a video of himself buying up booze to help that treacherous DH. Thad shuddered. He was losing. He would not be going to Chicago. He would not be transferred. His career was over, unless there was a miracle. He walked out of there, his head hung low.He went home. While driving, he saw a car accident. The driver was a tall, slim young man with dark hair. Thad recognized him immediately. It was David. He was dead. Apparently he had been following Thad. Probably to try to blackmail him some more. Thad would have smiled at the irony, if he could laugh at anything right now. The whole team knew he was bisexual. The fact that he only wanted women as partners in spite of it all meant nothing to them. He was just a freak. Coach made the guys promise they would keep the secret or lose their jobs. The man was serious. He shook Thad's hand as the young athlete walked out of the locker room. His thoughts were on August.When he went to her home, he got a surprise. It was August. She just stood there, looking all beautiful. Her long dark hair was hung in a ponytail. She wore a cute pink dress. He loved the way she looked. So gorgeous. God, he wished he could have her. He just wanted to hold her and kiss her and be with her forever. But that was not to be. How could anyone want him? His buddies had abandoned him. He was an out-of-work athlete. "Hello, Thad," she said."Hello, August." He sat her down. He took a deep breath before he told her."You better hold on for this," he said.He sat down and poured his heart out to her. He told her everything. Everything. His first love, Samantha. Alicia, the first girl he ever made love to. David, the bitter fruitcake who raped, blackmailed and ruined him. He spoke of his high school days and his friends and family. He told her of his loneliness. How once he wanted to kill himself. His dream of someday having a wife and children, though this was clearly not to be. And finally how he felt when he met her. The second time he ever felt emotional or sexual desire for a female...August sat through all this, listening to him talk. She didn't say anything. Then she was angry. "Get the hell away from me, you... you freak!" she said.Thad flinched. He understood. He was not worthy of her. He was a tragically flawed man. Right down to the genes. He had no matter of luck at all. But he couldn't hide any more. He was bi-sexual. He felt okay. He had admitted it to himself mere hours ago. He wanted a woman who would love and accept him as he was but that was just wishful thinking. He thought about the bitterness of the world. When a woman was bi, she was popular and trendy. A man was seen as a freak. Unfair. Whoever said that life was fair? he got up."August, for what its worth, I love you. I wish I could be normal, really I do. But that can never be. I'm sorry I hurt you." with that, he left.Three months later...Thad had left the Chicago area. He went to New Jersey. He stayed there with his aunt Selene. he got a job fixing cars. He was a gifted mechanic. Machines were simple, unlike life.....or people. He kept to himself. He did a lot of soul-searching, reading interesting books and trying to understand himself.His aunt Selene was a great help. She was the only member of his family who knew the truth about him. It was a secret she guarded fiercely. He told her everything that happened. Falling for August. The return and death of David. The outing to the team and how they practically killed him. Basically Thad had no idea what life had in store for him. He had never met a man he really desired. he fantasized about guys but most of the time, he yearned for a woman. No woman could accept his dual attraction. Bisexuals often said they enjoyed both worlds. This was a load of bullshit. Thad wasn't getting any and was feeling pretty lonely right now.He stood in the driveway, trying to change the oil in aunt Selene's BMW. It was a gift from him to her, back when he was a football player who made $340,000 after taxes. Now, he had nothing. He did not want anything to do with his old life. So many mistakes and disappoinments. He stood there, thinking. Invariably his thoughts went back to August. He still thought about her often. He missed her smile. He missed holding her into his arms. His heart ached when he thought of her, and he remembered the sad and angry look on her face as she basically kicked him out. He suddenly felt a presence. He rose his head from what he was doing, and gasped. He froze. It was her. She'd come all the way from the windy city to NJ.August. She was standing there. She had changed a lot since he'd last seen her. Her long dark hair was cut short. It was spiky on top. She wore a white shirt over blue jeans and boots. " Hello, Thad." she said. Thad looked at her."Hello, August."They looked at each other. There was pain in her eyes. A bit."How have you been?" she asked.He told her he was okay. They made small talk. He decided to cut to the chase. "Why are you here, Aggie?" he asked.At the mention of the word "Aggie," August flinched. This was the little name she adored. The one only Thad called her, back when they were...together. He saw how emotional she'd gotten and impulsively he hugged her."Oh, Aggie, I missed you," he said.She hugged him back. "I missed you too, Thad."Thad held her. Right then and there he knew. No matter how many boys and girls there were in this world, he would never love anyone as much as he loved August. Even though he was bi, even now. August looked up into his eyes. She just looked at him."Thad," she said.He looked at her. "What?""Tell me you love me!"He was surprised by her request. "I love you, Aggie."He felt something in him rise when his arm touched her bare skin. His pulse quickened. August looked into his eyes. She understood. He took her by the hand and led her into the house. His aunt was gone. He took her to the living room and she grabbed him and kissed him. He was a bit surprised and she was so passionate! She was naked in the blink of an eye, and she was kissing his neck and then his chest. Her hand found his erect member and any thought he might have had of stopping her vanished. August took him in her mouth, sucking his big cock. Thad closed his eyes and enjoyed what she was doing to him. God, she was good! He opened his eyes, fascinated by what he saw. A very beautiful girl, sucking his member and pleasuring him! If his old teammates could see him now... he felt a rush in his loins."Aggie... I'm gonna c-cummmm!"August rose her head. "So cum," she said.She sucked his cock and swallowed him as his cock spat out jets of cum.August drank it all, not missing a single drop."Oh, God." he said. "That"August smiled. "Hon, you aint seen nothing yet."She came and knelt so that his face was buried between her legs and she sucked his cock. They did a 69. Then she straddled him. She put her hands on his knees for support and began bouncing up and down on his erect member. He was lovin it. He thrust hard and deep into her, fucking her tight pussy. He lay her on her back, and took her like that, hammering her pussy. August was moaning in pleasure and caressing her boobies as Thad fucked her like a pro. Finally, he came in long spurts inside her. They screamed as their bodies orgasmed, sending simultaneous waves of pleasure through them.They lay down, entwined in love. Thad kissed August on the forehead. He went to sleep. August looked at the sleeping man, and smiled. The aphrodisiac she bought from that dude at the oriental market sure did work. Thad was fast asleep, after giving her a good fucking.She smiled, content with what she had done and looking forward to her new life with her lover.The End
Author Note: This is a true story by a drop dead gorgeous mid-thirties housewife (so I've been told) who has been proudly black owned for the past three years. Many of the details may not be as graphic as you would like, but I am putting this together from three years of memories.***PART 1I stood before my dressing mirror, heart racing, as I inspected myself. When smoothing my dress over my hips the glint of my diamond and wedding band caught my attention. I considered taking them off, but remembering Carla's comments about the popularity of married women, decided to leave them on. I was pleased by my sexy, inviting reflection. Having ample breasts, I seldom wore a bra, and the thin fabric of my dress seductively outlined my breasts. I had spent more time than normal getting ready. I was freshly showered and on an impulse I put on my wedding and engagement rings resulting from the wanton thoughts and desires that had taken over my being after another year of my cuckold husband serving another tour in Iraq. It wasn't that I was cheating on him, it was what he wanted. I reflected back on the journey that had brought me to that moment. I was raised in a conservative suburban town. Growing up, I accepted without question my parents' belief that blacks were just as good as we were, but as far as relationships go, each group was meant to stay with their own kind. I would actually feel revulsion when I saw a white girl walking with a black man because I had been taught that what they were doing was unnatural.By the time I was in college, I saw some of my white classmates dating black men, and rationalized that if the races were truly equal there should be no reason why they shouldn't be together if they desired, but I definitely felt it was inappropriate for me. All through college, all my boyfriends and lovers were white. I was curious; however, as to why I saw many more white women with black men than the other way around.By the time I was twenty-five, I was married to a professional soldier older than myself. I had been attracted to him because he seemed so much more mature than the guys I dated in college, and he was already financially established. For the most part, I had a good life. We lived in an upscale neighborhood. I drove a Mustang convertible. After ten years of marriage, he started saying he wanted to see me being fucked by other men, and suggested we join a swingers club, have an open marriage and meet other men for sex. David used to be extremely jealous and possessive and now this. He thought he would become a better lover if he had some competition. He is 6', 180 lbs. with a respectable 7" cock. I'm of Middle Eastern descent, 5'10", 38-28-38, with brunette hair, almond shaped eyes and look very much like the porn star Ona Zee. After several months, we joined a swingers club. They had weekly parties for couples only, couples and singles, and bi, gay, and lesbian parties. After six months, I was enjoying the sex with different men, David and I were having sex more often than ever, and he was better in bed, always trying to prove he was better or just as good as my other lovers. Then David received orders for Iraq in six months. He said he wanted me to continue swinging at the monthly singles parties, as I would have a variety of lovers and he wouldn't have to worry about me cheating on him. The singles group had four black members, younger then myself. At the previous parties, we never had a chance to meet, because I was always in attendance of someone else. I use to look at them and wonder if what they said, about black men being more endowed than other men, and several of the ladies at the club said they most certainly were. As I was talking with Barbara our hostess, a 6' well built black man appeared at her side. She introduced him as Derek, and said he was an amateur photographer, who would be available to all members to take pictures of them for placing pictures of themselves Swinger Magazines or upload them on the Internet at no cost to themselves. Derek said he would really like to get me into his camera lens, as I had a great photogenic body. David and I talked to Derek some more and agreed on the coming Wednesday evening at 6:00 PM at our place.Derek arrived at our house at 7:00 pm Wednesday evening and David greeted him at the door. He had his Digital and video camera with him. I came out of the bedroom wearing a matching black bra, garter belt and shaved pussy, I knew she I was hot and ready. I told Derek to take me into the bedroom for some solo poses to warm her up before David would come in for the action shots. About fifteen minutes later, I called for David to come in. Derek was laying, spread eagle, bare-ass naked on the bed, as I was stroking his hard eight inch cock. I told him to take the camera and take some pictures of Derek and me. He picked-up the camera and got familiar with the settings and said he was ready. I moved to Derek's cock, looked at David and with a smile or a smirk on my face, opened my mouth and took his black cock into my mouth. I asked Derek how long his cock was, as it was much bigger and thicker than David's was. He said it was 8" long and that some of his friends had cocks as large as 12." How do you know that? I kidded him, are you bi-sexual? He said that some of the wives that he had sex with, wanted to gang-banged by three or four black guys, and he couldn't help but notice their size. I stopped sucking his cock and lovingly rubbed it against my face and said; "Damn, 12?" That's twice the size of yours David. I'd love to have a cock that big, fucking me, but I'll have to work my way up to take something that big. Derek, do you want to fuck me? I've never had anything bigger than David's 7" cock in me. Anything you can give me beyond 7" is virgin territory, and will always be yours until a bigger one comes along. Derek looked at David, and I said, "Well we're swingers now, open marriage, and all that, swinging is about sharing and experimenting with new lifestyles." Derek smiled as he said, "Once you try black, you never go back." "I love sucking your black cock and I want to be your naughty wife-slut with you, and be a good swinging wife. I've always fantasized about having a black lover." "Hun, I love your hard black cock," I said as I went back to sucking his cock. David and I had discussed our fantasies, and he never knew she had a thing for black men. David had several black friends, and I never showed any special interest in them over my other friends. I was going to have to show him that I didn't have any previous fantasies. I would always gag when sucking David's 6" cock, and would always act like it was a chore to do, But, I was sucking more than 6" of Derek's cock, and I haven't had to gag yet. My saliva was flowing now, and I was slowly sucking his cock, taking pleasure in tasting every inch of him.I looked up at David and said, "Are you taking some good pictures, keep the camera steady, I don't want any blurred pictures. I'm going to want to look at these pictures of me and Derek every day and masturbate." David was shaking, and he had a hard time keeping the camera steady, I wish he had a tripod, as I continued enjoying Derek's cock. Maybe now I would give him more and longer sessions of oral sex. Maybe.Derek began moaning, "I'm going to cum, I'm going to cum now baby, swallow my cum baby." I stopped sucking his cock, preparing myself for the onslaught of his cum, but he told me keep sucking. As he came, I tightened my lips, and swallowed about three times, my eyes showing shock, and gasping for air as he came two more times, his cum flowing from my gaping mouth. When I regained my breath, I exclaimed; "I thought you were pissing in my mouth, I never knew a man could cum so much. If you fuck me, you are sure to make me pregnant the first time you cum in my pussy." "Ok baby, are you ready to lose your virginity again?" "Oh Yes, give it to me, let me feel your big, black cock where it belongs." Derek got up, and laid me on my back, spreading my legs, his still hard cock pointing towards the opening of my pussy. "Tell me what you want, baby; tell me what to do!" "Fuck me. Fuck me with my first black cock, show me why black men are so much better lovers. Make me cum for your cock, make me cum for you Derek." Derek lowered himself, letting the head of his cock home in on my wet pussy. When he felt my open lips touch his cock head, he impaled me with half of his length, and started stroking my cunt with ever increasing more cock, until his pelvis was meeting mine. I was moaning, gasping, screaming, and yelling, as he filled my pussy with his cock, for about fifteen minutes, until he came again, filling me with his seed. "That was the first, second and third time I've ever cum, from being fucked. David's mouth was agape, as he heard this from his wife. David never made me cum this strongly.Derek said, he had to leave, that he was wearing out his "Boys night out" time. I said, "When can we get together again." Derek said, his white wife was a non-swinger, but she allowed him out 2 or 3 times a mouth to pursue his "needs." "But I want to see you again!" I said."If you still want to fuck black guys, contact Barbara, she's a slut for black dicks also, as are some other wives at the club. Ask her for James's phone number. He's young, hung and will show you a good time. And after you experience James and you want more black cock, ask her about Zebra Night parties.After Derek left, I remembered that he didn't take any action shots of me, and David, and told him so. "Oh, don't worry. I've got some money saved, and we can by our own digital and video camera, and have Derek's friends take some pictures of us, and you take pictures of their black cocks pleasuring you, ok? He said. "You know, honey, I feel turned on to sex again. I don't mean that sex with you isn't good, it just that were so predictable with each other. Now, with swinging, having an open marriage, and having sex with other men, I feel like a little girl in a candy store. I want to sample everything, boys, men, and women.We had sex the next night, and I gave him the best blowjob ever. When we fucked, I responded with new vigor, moaning and squealing more than I ever did. I wondered if it was because I was less inhibited, or because I was fantasying about fucking more black cocks.During the next couple of months, I had sex with other men that David and I met at the parties, but didn't pursue any black men, thinking I could do that after David left for Iraq. After David left, I missed him most, when I went to bed at night, woke in the morning. I was to busy the first ten days, taking care of all the things that David used to do, but as thing slowed down, my craving for sex began to intensify. It was another two weeks until the next party, so I called Carla the hostess of the club, who was also now a very close friend. I had phone numbers of the various men we had met over the previous months, and I called two of them, but they had dates that weekend. I told Carla about them, and asked her if she could suggest someone that I haven't met yet? Carla said she knew what I liked and was open to, and for me to dress-up sexy, wear my black garter belt, short skirt, 3" heels and a blouse that would show-off my big tits and shave my pussy and she would call me back. My pussy was neatly trimmed, but she said to shave it. I had shaved my pussy once before, and it felt so smooth and sexy but it itched like hell when it began to grow again. I had time so I shaved it baby smooth again. Carla returned my call forty-five minutes later saying that my date, "James" would meet me in the parking lot of a singles bar at 7:00 PM. I asked her if he was the same James that Derek had told me about? She said possibly. She had given him my name and what kind of car I would be driving. She said he was prime meat, a "A" lover and not to worry about anything, that he was a perfect date and was certified safe and clean of any diseases. She also invited me for coffee Tuesday afternoon after work to discuss my date with James and also meeting other men while David was away. I said thanks, hung-up, and continued dressing. When I was ready, I reviewed my efforts in the mirror. I wore bright red lip-gloss that accented my full lips and David had said invited my lips to be kissed. I also wore one of David's white shirts, tucked into the waist of a short black skirt that had slits on both sides and under that my black garter belt, beige stockings and 3" heels that made me 6'1" tall.I arrived at the parking lot 10 minutes early, and prepared to wait, thinking more about what disasters that may wait, than anything positive. A shadow fell over the hood of the car, then a gentle tapping on glass and a deep baritone voice calling my name through the partially open passenger window. "James?" I questioned. He said yes. I unlocked the door and he slid into the passenger seat. He was a large man, broad shouldered, over six feet tall, short military cut hair and very, very handsome. I tried to speak, tried to say something, but I just said, "Handsome!" He said, "I'm very glad to hear you say that, you're a very, very beautiful woman." He said he was in the military, never married, but came very close a couple of times, lived in the barracks, and that he had promise his friend that he could use his car, as he had planned on going out with the guys tonight. I said, "I don't believe you don't have a different woman every day of the week?" He said, "I enjoy being with the ladies, but like to balance it by going out with the guys every once in a while."Continued in part 2...
Rachel begins to lead Sean away from the car, and he feels himself walking through tall grass, going downhill. Soon, they reach the bottom of the hill, but keep walking. After taking a few more steps, Sean notices that they're no longer walking through grass. The ground is becoming increasingly squishy, and Rachel sees a smile of recognition spread across Sean's face. He hears Rachel laughing next to him, happy that he is pleased. Rachel keeps leading him further out, and soon Sean can tell that the mud is a little more than ankle deep. He's getting quite antsy, dying to take off his blindfold, and Rachel decides it's time. Rachel is also quite eager to get at Sean's cock, and she can see how hard Sean still is through his pants. Rachel gets really close to him, and Sean can feel her breasts pressed up against him, her groin against his and her breath on his face. She raises her arms, put her hands behind Sean's head and begins to untie his blindfold. Meanwhile, he has his arms wrapped tight around Rachel, and is rubbing her back and ass. She can tell how hot he is, and she tells Sean she feels the same way. Rachel leans in and begins to kiss Sean deeply, and while doing so, she removes the cloth that was covering Sean's eyes. Rachel can feel Sean's lips turn into a smile when he notices their surroundings for the first time. They have just walked down a hill of moderate incline, maybe 20 yards from the top. Ahead of them, the way they're facing, Sean sees a large expanse of mud stretched out before them. There are trees and grass to their left, and a mushy-looking wet field to the right. On the far side of the mud-pit, he can see some trees in the distance. They are quite secluded and already enjoying ourselves. Rachel tells Sean how she hopes this will alleviate his boredom. He laughs, and says of course it will- it already has. They smile at each other for a while, then her hands slide up to Sean's chest and begin to unbutton his shirt. Sean reaches his hands up to Rachel's chest. He's pleased to see her looking really hot in a white, low cut tight tank top and little itty bitty jean cut-offs. He smile grows, and he begins to rub his hands all over her, while Rachel finishes unbuttoning Sean's shirt.He starts to kiss her neck, making it difficult for her to unbutton the shirt, but somehow she succeeds, and tosses it onto the bank. Rachel turns around, facing the far side of the pit, takes Sean by the hand and leads him farther out into the mud. He has a great view of her from behind, and is really enjoying himself. Her ass looks great in those tight shorts, and you can see her feet tromping through the mud, appearing above the surface with each step she takes, allowing the mud to slowly slide off a bit, over her toes, before she plunges her foot back into the dark depths. Together they make our way out deeper, until they are both messy up to right below the knees. At this point, Rachel lets go of Sean's hand and turns around to face him with a conniving grin on her face. She gives him a quick kiss on his face, then slide her hands down to Sean's waist, where his jeans are. Her hand finds the button and zipper, and undoes both of them. Rachel begins to slowly push Sean's jeans and underwear down over his ass so that she can have a great view of Sean's cock and balls. She feels the need for a closer view, so she begins to slowly lower herself down into the mud, letting the warmth seep up first over her knees, then slowly up her thighs, turning her white flesh a messy brown. Rachel moans a bit as she slides deeper into the mud, really enjoying the feeling.While she slithers down onto her knees, Rachel keeps her hand up by Sean's cock, just holding it gently. Then, when she is finally down on her knees, and at mouth-level with Sean's cock, she look up and smiles at him. Sean smiles back, and his hands find their way to the back of her head and slowly, gently, push her mouth closer to his cock, until he feels her lips touching the head, and she can feel the moist pre-cum that's already present. Rachel licks it up, slowly, savoring the taste. Then she slides her lips further over Sean's cock, covering the head. Her hand goes down to Sean's balls and begins to play with them a bit, but she's mostly concentrating on sucking him. Her tongue is pressed tight against Sean's cock, and his hips are trying to push it further into her mouth. Unexpectedly, Rachel slides her entire mouth around Sean's ready cock, and begins to stroke it with her tongue. She is moving quickly, and gripping tightly. Her lips are sealed around Sean's cock, and her tongue couldn't be any closer. She's moving quickly up and down, at the speed at which Sean's thrusts are coming. Rachel is working him expertly and getting him quite hot. The taste of Sean's pre-cum becomes more evident in her mouth, and Rachel knows it's time to stop. She pulls her mouth off of Sean's cock, and strokes it a few times with her hand, reassuringly. Then, with her face upturned to him, Sean cannot resist the urge to do something; he stoops over, grabs a handful of mud, and brings his hand back towards her face. He raises his hand just over her head and Rachel knows what's coming. She closes her eyes, and lifts her face up a bit towards the sky. Sean see how beautiful she looks, and you let the first splat of mud hits her face.A big, brown, slimy blob of mud lands right on her left cheek, and then slowly slides down towards her chin, leaving a streak behind it. After the first drop, the mud falls quickly now, leaving Sean's hand and landing on various parts of her face - her forehead, hairline, nose, chin, cheeks, jaw and lips.Rachel raises her hand up to her face, smooths some of the mud from her forehead back into her hair and wipes some from her lips and eyes. Then she looks up at Sean again, this time all messy and muddy. He looks down on her, and love the sight he sees- her entire face are covered with mud, and it is dripping down off her head, landing on her shoulders, chest and breasts. Her pale skin is now becoming spotted with the thick mud, and Sean couldn't be happier. Sean holds his hand out for Rachel to take, and he helps pull her to her feet. As Rachel stands, the mud that was on her shorts and legs from kneeling in the pit falls off of her in big globs, landing back into the source of it all. Sean's hands are all muddy, and as he begins to rub them all over her breasts, he leaves a lot of the mud behind. The mud on her tank top makes it cling even tighter on Rachel and Sean can see that her nipples have responded to the attention - they are now quite hard, and are nicely accented by the muddy shirt now covering them. The weight of the mud on her shirt is also pulling it down a bit further, and more of her breast are exposed, only barely covered in the mud. Sean decides that he wants to see more, so he raises her hands in the air and grasps the bottom edge of her shirt, pulling it up over her tummy, then breasts, and finally her head. Of course, Rachel is wearing no bra, and is now totally exposed up top. Sean looks down at her shorts and sees them only as a barrier, stopping him from seeing all of her. Rachel stands compliantly as he begins to undo her shorts the same way Rachel just did his, and then slides them off of her hips and into the knee-deep mud. Rachel has to lift her feet up out of the mud to step out of her jeans, and in doing so, she notice that he seem to be watching her do this. Because of Sean's interest, Rachel keeps her feet out of the muck a few seconds longer than necessary, and gently runs them through the surface of the mud, letting her toes plow through the mess, and has it slide over her whole foot. Then she picks her foot higher out of the mud, holds it in the air, and lets Sean watch the mud drip off of it, plopping back into the pit. Due to the show Rachel is putting on with her feet, he's forgotten the fact that he just got her out of the shorts, and now her pussy is visible. Her bush is still clean- the mud didn't seep through the denim. Sean decides to change this, and drags his hand from the top of her stomach all the way down to in between her legs, dragging a lot of mud with him. The mud clings to her pubic hair, offsetting the nice red color of it with the mud's brown trail. Sean slides his slimy hand deeper in between her legs, and onto her clean pussy. Rachel loves the feeling of Sean's messy hand touching her as it slips between her thighs and gently rubs against her lips and clit. His touches are soon too much for her, and her hips begin to slowly gyrate in time with Sean's motions.Rachel leans her head back, and allows a few moans to escape her lips. She has her arms wrapped around Sean for support; this is so intense that her balance isn't very steady. However, as Rachel get more and more into Sean's actions, it's harder for her to remain upright, and he feels her beginning to sway. Finally, Rachel totally loose her balance, and falls straight into the mud, landing on her ass. Rachel lets go of Sean before she falls, and he gets a good look at the dark mud pouring in over her skin as she makes her way deeper into it. It washes over her, now completely covering her bush, hips, legs and stomach. She look up at Sean, laughing a bit, and then reach her hand up, as if she were asking for help to stand. He falls for it, and gives her his hand. Before Sean can make any effort to pull her up, Rachel gives a sharp tug on Sean's arm and sends him into the mud right on top of her. He lands on Rachel, and now they are face to face. The mud in between them and covering them and making every movement much more sensitive, and they begin to wiggle and writhe, enjoying the feelings. Their lips find each other again, and they begin to kiss passionately. One of Sean's hands goes to support the back of her head, so that it stays clear of the surface, and he pus his other hand straight to the bottom of the pit in between her legs right up against her pussy, which is really hot now; the closeness of Sean's arm turns her on. Rachel slides a bit closer to it, and soon her pussy is tight up against it, rubbing up and down feverishly. They are still kissing, and now the hand holding her head is picking up mud, and stroking it through her hair, until all of it is completely slicked back with the black mud. Her arms are locked tight around Sean's neck, and Rachel is pulling you tighter to her, holding you as close as possible. Rachel is dying to feel Sean's cock in her, and has been wanting to since even before they left the house. She begins to sit up a bit, and in doing so, Rachel pushes Sean upright, so that he is now leaning back on his heels with the mud up over his belly. Rachel is still sitting opposite of him, and she then plunges her hand into the mud right where Sean's cock should be. At first, her hand slides right alongside of Sean's cock, but doesn't quite get it. The feeling her slippery hand gives Sean are enough to make him want more. Rachel moves her hand up towards the surface again, and then plunges it deeper, once again trying to find Sean's cock. She wants to stroke it really badly, and she knows he wants it, too. Finally, her hand slides right down over Sean's cock, fitting right over it. The mud helps her to slide her hand all the way over him, down the shaft, and then back up again. The palm of her hand grazes the tip of his cock, teasing Sean even more. Rachel begins to pick up speed though, and soon she is stroking you fairly briskly, and exciting the both of them. Under the surface, the mud is squishing through her fingers and all around Sean's cock as Rachel strokes him, and the noises are getting really funky. Sean's breathing grows heavier, and Rachel knows now is the time to fuck. Rachel lets Sean put his legs straight out in front of him, and she puts her knees on either side of him, startling Sean's pelvis. Slowly Rachel lowers herself towards Sean's cock. Her hips are visible over the surface of the mud, and he can see the black mud dripping off of her, especially as it drips off of her pubic hair. Her face is still more or less clean, and Sean would really like to see it get muddy while they fuck. Eventually, her muddy pussy finds its way down to Sean's cock, and she begins to push herself onto him. It's slipperier than they've ever felt it, and the mud also helps to make Sean's penis a lot more sensitive. Rachel slides her pussy slowly over the length of Sean's cock, smiling down at him as she does so. Rachel now sits with Sean about half-way inside of her, and all of a sudden, she just slams her hips down towards his, and begins to grind her pelvis, loving the feeling of Sean's cock deep inside of her. She begins to ride him slowly, lifting her pussy off of Sean's slippery cock before she buries him inside of her again. Sean loves watching her muddy body move as she fucks you, and you love the expression of pure ecstasy on her face as you do so. Her face is stark white in contrast with the rest of her muddy body, with the exception of a few black streaks here and there. She decided it's time to totally cover herself in the goo, so she climbs off of him, and turns around, kneeling on all fours in the deep mud.The surface of the mud is just covering her breasts, so her head is easily clear of it, but not for long! Her ass is high in the air, and Sean positions himself behind Rachel, his cock rubbing all over her slimy ass. The way the warm mud feels on Sean's cock is getting him really hard, and he'd love nothing more than to fuck Rachel. But first, he remembers he's got to see her get all muddy. Sean raises a hand to the back of her head, and gently pushes it forward, towards the depths of the mud. Rachel closes her eyes, expecting the best, but she doesn't feel any mud on her face. Next, Sean moves his cock closer to her pussy, and begins to rub it around the outside of it, teasing her as he do so. He lowers her face even closer to the mud, and push slightly so that the very front of her face is momentarily submerged before he pulls me back up by her hair. The mud is dripping of her chin, sliding down to her throat, and dripping of her nose. Rachel sees Sean crane his neck so that he can see how good this looks, and she turns her head a bit to give him a better view, and lets out a soft moan, still feeling his cock on her pussy. Suddenly, without warning, he slams himself deep into her, making Rachel loose her balance. She careens forwards, and her face lands right in the mud, right where he wants it. However, moments before her face was covered with the mud, he heard her moan out in pleasure, now that his cock was finally inside of her. He also heard the squelch of the mud as her body lurched forward in it. Rachel's whole entire face was dipped into the mud, and is now totally and completely covered, the way he's been waiting for. He slowly slides out of her pussy, and looks at her face, now pulled above the surface. Rachel is moaning quite a bit now, what with all of the good feelings washing over her-Sean's slow fucking, his hands on the back of her neck, and the warm mud now completely drenching her face and slowly dripping off... She thinks about how much she wants him to fuck her deep and hard. Sean must have read her mind, because just at that moment, he buries himself deep inside of her again, and begin to move quickly in and out. Rachel's head is thrown back now, so he can see a bit of her mud covered face, and her muddy red hair. They both love how the slimy mud makes them move on each other, and are already close to orgasm. Sean is driving his cock into Rachel with so much force; his pelvis is slamming up against her, and Rachel can feel him so deep inside. When Sean thrusts in, he gyrates his hips a bit, grinding himself even deeper into her, and then slowly pull out before he thrusts himself into her again. One of Sean's hands is now holding Rachel at the waist, keeping her steady while he fucks her hard. Sean's other hand has gone around to the front of her waist, and his fingers have worked their way down towards her clit. Still fucking her hard, he presses the palm of his hand tight against her mound, right on her clit. This way, when he thrusts deep inside of her, her pelvis automatically is pushed up against Sean's hand, stimulating her clit. This feels so good-she loves the way Sean fucks her and his hand feels wonderful on her, getting Rachel so hot. She listens to Sean's heavy breathing and panting for a bit, and he to hers, intermixed with the squishing sounds of the dark mud around them. This gets both of them really hot - they make the most beautiful fucking sounds, especially in the mud! Rachel feels Sean's cock grow more rigid inside of her, and she feels the same way herself; she knows that they're both close to orgasm. Sean's hand on her clit is just too much for her, what with everything else going on, and her orgasm comes quicker. The mud feels really warm on her nipples, and Sean's slippery hot hand on her clit begins to press a bit harder, and move around, stimulating her even more. Sean's thrusts are coming very quickly now, and Rachel can barely breathe. Her whole body tenses, and the first feelings of climax shoot through her, making her quiver. Rachel's slippery, hot pussy tightens around Sean's cock, gripping him, pulling him deeper into her as she comes herself. With a few final thrusts, Rachel can feel Sean cum, squirting deep inside of her. Before he's done though, Sean pulls out of her pussy, and unloads the rest of his cum on her mud-covered brown back and ass. The white hotness of Sean's cum looks so good against the slippery brown of her skin, and as Sean finishes his orgasm, he enjoys this sight. Rachel finishes her climax just as she feels Sean's seed shoot onto her. It just drives her crazy, knowing that they can do this to each other; they have something special.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inany way, shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out anyof the scenarios in this story should seriously consider seeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 78
Written from the perspective of a married woman.I was weary. The conference has dragged on and post-conference meetings had rather boringly ensued, so much so that I sat there gazing out the window and mused on my life up to its present day. Dave and I had married relatively young and for both of us were each others first love. Our honeymoon was marvelous and Dave was all that a young women could desire, tall athletic and very handsome, dynamic and adventurous in bed, so much so that I enjoyed the envious looks my female friends would bestow on him and think to myself hands off he's mine! Dave was very attentive and caring towards me and we had two children quickly. The joy of motherhood engulfed me and I loved the time and devotion I lavished on them as they grew. The time I needed to spend with them diminished as they grew and found myself some part time work in advertising which slowly grew into a full time job as the children matured and set forth on their own lives. Dave in the meantime work hard in developing his landscaping business into a fairly large organization which seemed to eat into whatever spare time he had. His rugby playing diminished as he matured, something which I didn't mind as some of his friends were a bit coarse and he went to golf but the business growth soon put and end to that.I in the meantime had time to go to the gym and work out and the exercise soon returned my form back to pretty well about my girlhood figure, as accomplishment not lost on Dave as he would often complement me on the way I looked and praised my figure. I sometimes looked in the full length mirror in our bedroom and could see that Dave did indeed have reason to be proud. My stomach was flat and, thanks to years of wearing good bra my breasts were still firm and high and just the right size, but matured from the days of a teenager. Dave would often comment how other married men would sneak admiring glances at me as we went to social occasions, and also see their wives frown as they caught them at it. Some of the men had even made passes at me but I was in love with my husband and paid them no heed, not that I didn't appreciate their attention.Lately however Dave was working harder and harder and our quality time together faded, our love making was usually brief, not very satisfying and less often than I desired, a fact that I thought was fairly common among couples at our stage of life and I found myself musing at times about how I wish we could go back to our earlier more sensual days. Lately I have resorted to pleasuring myself in order to release my sexual tension and to avoid any stress on our marriage. I usually do this in our bedroom after Dave has gone to work as it feels naughty and slightly unfaithful in a way and I wouldn't want him to know that I do it. My fantasies ranged far and wide in the privacy of our bedroom and covered many situations from innocent schoolgirl petting, pretending to spurn their advances, to being coerced into sex, only apparently unwilling. These fantasies were usually satisfying and made me content. The more intense emotions came from a voyeuristic situation when I would dress myself in everyday clothes, a dress or a skirt and blouse, never slacks and imagine I was being watched as I lay on the bed, pretending to tease my "audience" as I thought of "him" watching my every move from my growing arousal as I stroked my body through my clothes and proceeded to advance slowly forward imagining the pleasure he was getting from the view of my increasing arousal and gradual progression of my "show" as I slowly allowed myself to succumb to my inhibitions, drag my dress up my thighs and allow more and more of my body to be exposed, which greatly enhanced my feelings that grew and grew.Thinking of him rubbing and stroking his erect penis as he saw the pleasure I was giving myself, The emotion of naughtiness enhanced my feeling as I lay on the bed, my blouse open, bra undone, my erect nipples point to the ceiling, my dress and slip high up on my hips, my panties halfway down my thighs, my legs wide open and my knees bent, pleasuring myself before experiencing unusually intense orgasms, imagining him ejaculating at the same time, as his semen shot forth from his cock. I enjoyed these the most and would try to hold the moment as long as possible for myself, usually feeling quite exhausted from my strong orgasm. But I didn't really understand why I should feel like that, I was always careful about the way I sat and dressed and I knew that no man had ever seen anything that could be considered as revealing. I was always so aware to be careful about crossing my legs and always kept my knees modestly together and although I wore attractive underwear it was never seen by any other male but my husband. I was sure that no man had ever seen any part of me that could be thought of as evocative in the way I behaved, excluding my Dave of course, as I would occasionally flash him with a peek up my skirt and sometimes even when we were in company if I could manage it, but always carefully so that nobody ever knew what I was up to, I would have been very embarrassed if anyone had seen me doing this. I loved to see the look of surprise on his face that would quickly change to a knowing smile as the usually brief show passed, leaving me with a little twinge of excitement at what I had done. I had even practiced in front of our bedroom mirror, experimenting to see how much he would be able to see. I would change my dress or skirt to see which colour or fabric would offer the better shot and also tried various coloured panties and material, nylon satin or cotton to see which would afford the most pleasurable vision for Dave. These sessions would usually end up with my masturbating as I found performing and changing clothes in front of the mirror would leave me moist and aroused from the visions I would see looking back at me as well as the thought of deliberately planning to expose parts of myself to my husband. The sight of the tantalizing view up my skirt with my rounded thighs slightly parted just revealing my panties and crossing my legs reflecting back from the mirror would slowly arouse me as I tried other outfits to potentially tease my Dave. The lighter coloured summer dresses allowed the better sights as they let more light through but more especially front buttoning summer frocks are the most revealing as the gaps between to buttons would allow much more light through to my thighs and even to my panties which would be highly visible and even allow a glimpse of the shadow of my pubes when wearing slightly transparent nylons panties which I thought looked the best up the valley of my thighs It makes me moist to think of the pleasure I still get from these little episodes.During one of these meetings I looked about at my colleagues, and saw a wide range of personalities, the work dedicated ones who slaved away and their reward was a pat on the head from the principal, others who just treated it as a pastime, those who seemed to have lucrative contracts fall into their laps and seemed to coast into management easily still others who seem to think they are god's gift to women and hit on any available female seeming to think they are irresistible, these people I avoid as they are so false and untrustworthy and so transparent.There are also the women in the company and they fall roughly into the same categories but with the added venom that only women have! I decided then it was time to fan the embers of our relationship and I went out to a lingerie shop to see what was available as a new wrapping for my body was needed. Well the range of sensual undergarments was astounding and I had much trouble in selecting what I thought would create the desired effect and eventually purchased a range that I was sure would inflame Dave's libido.I went back to the hotel and bathed luxuriously in the ornate surroundings that only hotels can provide and lying back in the perfumed bubble bath decided about how I was going to seduce Dave. I shaved my legs and bikini line enjoying the sensation of massaging my slender well formed legs and thighs, a sight my husband always enjoyed, my plan was simple, I would come out of the airport in my business suite and greet him, my jacket would be undone so if was observant enough he would see my new semi transparent blouse and a hint of my new bra underneath, then as he held the car door open for me.He was always a gentleman, I would slide my legs, slightly immodestly of course, in the door but not so quickly that he could not fail to notice that I was wearing stockings as I subtly flashed him, and in the car my skirt would ride up apparently unnoticed, and my legs would part a little and hopefully gain his attention. Lying in the bath I mentally rehearsed the way I could accomplish this without being to obvious and knew I could do it.The tiredness I felt and the warm caressing bubbles plus the glass of wine I was drinking made me feel languid and sexy and the tingle that went through my body made me squeeze and rub my thighs together in anticipation and I knew I was really looking forward to the task of seducing my husband. I closed my eyes and pictured the glimpsed the erotic snapshots I would provide for his eyes, sliding into the car seat, feeling the cool evening air on my naked thighs above my stockings, feeling my thighs rubbing together sensually, enjoying the naughtiness of parting my legs on the way home and feeling my skirt tight across my thighs, moving about in the seat to encourage my skirt to slide up my legs to tantalize Dave with the sight of my stocking tops peeping out under the hem of my skirt.I dressed in my treasure trove of lingerie and after perfuming myself in his, and my favorite fragrance and slipped on my new garter belt, a delicate item with just enough lace to be attractive but not so much as to be tarty, reached into the bag and took out the black sheer stockings and gently rolled them up my smooth legs and snapped then into place with the silver suspender clasps, next came the beautiful bra, a sexy half cup number that only just covered my nipples, finally the sheer panties seductively slid up my thighs to cover but not completely hide my neatly trimmed pussy. I found a mirror on the wardrobe door and stood there and admired the effect I had created and it did look good. I slowly stroked by body, lightly caressing my breasts, feeling my nipples press in response against the lacy material of my bra at the attention they were receiving, then down over my tummy and thighs and back up between my thighs relishing the feel the suspenders and of my naked thighs above my stocking tops and thought how sensual in felt in comparison to wearing pantyhose, and up and lightly massage my pubic mound feeling my silky patch under the smooth panties. I bathed momentarily in the erotic vision reflected back at me by the mirror my pretty white underwear, dark stockings and lightly tanned flesh contrasting seductively. I slipped my skirt up my legs, donned the semi sheer blouse, deciding to leave one more button undone than necessary, put on my sling back black heels and lastly my jacket, and again looking in the mirror to see myself as his more demure wife, but with a secret waiting underneath for my unsuspecting husband and felt a flutter pass through my stomach as I smoothed my skirt over my thighs, smiling to myself as I felt the bumps of the suspender clips under my palms.I settled the hotel bill and requested a taxi informing the desk of my flight time only to be told the flight had been cancelled and the next flight was leaving at 11.30pm but I was welcome to wait in a small reading room and wait for a taxi which they had booked for me, I was deflated and I sighed as I realized that my little plan was falling apart. He brought me a hot cup of coffee, a glass of port and some magazines to read saying that when the taxi arrived he would come to the outside door which I could leave through and close behind me as it was a one way door. Well, there I was pleasantly tired, with reading material a cup of coffee, a port, and two and a half hours to kill, not to mention feeling sexy, very aware of my sexy under attire awaiting my husband's approval. I drank the coffee, started to read and sip the port. Shortly the receptionist let in another guest and said much the same about his flight being delayed till midnight and he was welcome to wait as there were no more people to check out. As I was reading I didn't pay any attention to the other person sitting across from me and continued with the article that interested me. The wine I had earlier in the evening and the port had made me drowsy and soon my eyes closed as my magazine rested on my lap. Some time later I roused from my nap and slowly became awake to look about the room, on the seat across from me there sat a man about fifty plus looking fairly distinguished and moderately attractive, I glanced down to my magazine and to my embarrassment as I was sleeping I must have slid down in the seat raising my skirt somewhat to expose a bit too much thigh to be modest, but also my legs had parted of good few inches and as I was facing the light my room companion must have had a good eyeful up my skirt and surely a glimpse of the surprises intended only for my husbands eyes to gaze upon. I was quite horrified at my inadvertent display I had unknowingly provided the other person in the room. Avoiding moving quickly I carefully sat up pushing my skirt down and modestly put my knees together and to the side, I was sure I was blushing profusely but could not see any reaction from the man across from me as his face was in shadow. I hid my embarrassment behind the magazine and went on reading. Just then the deskman came in and spoke to him saying the hotel was closing and he could leave much the same as I had been told, he thanked the clerk and as he moved forward I could see he had very dark spectacles on and then I realized he was blind when I also saw his white cane. After a while I thought back to how silly I had reacted, but also became aware of what an erotic situation it had been and felt a little twinge of excitement creeping up on me as some of my masturbation fantasies flashed before me. I could not believe how ideal this scenario matched my sexual imagination, what better or safer audience could I have, a blind man, in an anonymous hotel room with almost no possibility of being interrupted. The sensual feeling kept creeping on me no doubt fuelled by the wine and port but also the sexy underwear, the stockings I was wearing as well as the anticipation of seeing Dave and the evening I had hoped we would have had, and also the reason I was wearing them. I continued to read but after a few minutes I kept glancing over to the man, sitting there so impassively, almost statue like. His outline, for that was all I could see of him, was manly and certainly attractive and I found myself looking at him openly and boldly, knowing full well that I was not going to be caught out and embarrassed, studying the firm chin, the way he carried his head, and his general demeanor indicated he was probably a manager with some authority. As I gazed at his silhouette, the situation of ten minutes ago came back into my mind, that I had inadvertently allowed him to "see" up my skirt, to see what a woman wants no, well almost no other male to see. There was no denying the tiny flutter growing in my stomach as this thought lingered in my mind. So I thought, what the hell, turned my legs gently so the were pointed directly at him, my skirt rising a couple of inches and sat still for several minutes, imagining my peeper, his eyes fixed on my knees, trying to will me into relaxing myself and perhaps let my knee drop a bit, this I did and knew what he could "see" as I had practiced such a movement in the privacy of my bedroom, to allow a glimpse up the shadowy valley beneath my skirt. I stayed like this several minutes as the fluttering in my chest traveled down to my stomach. I then, ever so slowly allowed my other knee to drift open, just a little, making sure that they were facing him and enjoyed the growing situation, bathing in the sensuality of being so brazen in front of another male but also knowing I was safe because he couldn't see the shadowy vision between my parted legs that I was offering him. I pictured the view he could observe as I had seen in my bedroom mirror at home when masturbating to my fantasies. I waited till traffic went by and used the sound to hide the fact that I crossed my legs as my nylons hissed quietly as they rubbed together, not carefully as a lady should but more openly knowing he could "see" the view I offered to him. As more vehicles passed I continued to tantalize my unseeing companion but more likely myself by crossing my legs more and more overtly, lifting my knee higher each pass and bathing in the erotic scene I had contrived. "Do you like looking up my skirt... can you see the stockings I am wearing... would you like to see more?" I silently whispered to myself. By now I was feeling quite aroused and could not deny the heat forming in my panties. I couldn't believe that I had the opportunity to put safely into action the little visions I had practiced at home in front of my mirror, and I knew what he couldn't see, all this was extremely arousing to me not only to act out my fantasies but with the assurance that I was completely anonymous to the man who was the beneficiary of my desire. All the time I slid ever so slightly down the chair which had the effect of sliding my skirt up and combined with my leg crossing was showing a generous amount of my upper limbs, to expose fleeting snapshots of the white triangle of my new sexy white panties, not to mention the intensely sensual feeling of my bare thighs above my stockings rubbing together and taking the opportunity of squeezing them together as well. By now I was getting into the moment so undid my jacket "showing" him my light blouse with my lacy bra clearly visible underneath and undid another button to he could "see" my cleavage. My arousal was growing, displaying myself, a demure married women in her thirties behaving so blatantly in front of another man, almost inviting him to gaze on my increasingly aroused body and taunting him, the fact that he was blind gave me the boldness to be so naughty, to expose myself to a man who was not my husband. My breathing was starting to become more erratic and I had to open my mouth so there wasn't so much sound and this also added more excitement to my feelings As I glanced down I could see the tops of my stocking mid thigh and the bumps in my skirt that hid the suspender clasps and, I then knew I wanted him to see more, much more. So, with a gentle sigh I surrendered to my arousal and let my legs slowly drift further apart so that my skirt was tight across my thighs and knew that everything under my dress was there for him to "look" upon, all my secrets, my stocking clad thighs, the naked flesh above, my suspenders, my sex covered only by the now moist sheer material of my panties, were all on display for this stranger, I couldn't believe that is was me doing this, that somehow there was another being inside me inciting such lewd behavior, overcoming my reserve and nature, but the intensity of my emotions had overruled my modesty completely!I lifted my hands to my breasts and stroked them lightly, feeling my nipples respond quickly and push through my bra and blouse into my palm of my hands, Oh I felt so wicked as my breathing increased and my chest rose a fell more and more, and soon the fantasy engulfed me and swept me along its erotic path sending my hands slowly down stroking over my thighs and slip my skirt slowly up over my stocking tops past my suspenders and exposing the bare pale flesh above, the sensation of doing this was so intense I had to will myself not to gasp as my skirt slid sensually and slowly up my bare sensitive thighs.All the time I kept looking at him but never saw him react as he sat there his face to the side and resting his hands on his cane. I looked to my lap and could see all of my naked thighs, the lacy straps of my suspenders, and the tip of my new snow white satin panties peeping out, I eased my thighs even further apart and was tempted to say to him, "Do you see my skirt pulled up over my bare thighs, do you see my dark stockings, the pretty white lace of my suspenders across my naked thighs disappearing under my panties, I bought all this purposefully to excite a man, can you see my pretty panties, I specially bought them for only one man to see, my husband, do you see my legs spread wide for you, can you see the satin of my pretty white panties getting wet with my desire, my arousal, shall I undo my blouse and let you see my breasts, covered by my pretty lacy bra with my nipples hard and erect, would you like me to tease my titties for you." But I didn't, those words they would stay locked up in my mind only for me to know, but even the thought of saying these naughty words inflamed my eroticism to a higher level, as I closed my eyes and fought to keep my breathing under control My hands then crept up to my blouse and slowly undid each button, one by one, teasing my innocent companion in lust, opening my blouse, uncovering the rest of my sexy underwear. I caressed my breasts through the sheer lacy material as they strained against their confinement, I then slipped my hands into each cup and gently squeezed each hardened nipple before revealing them for his approval by unsnapping the front opening clasp. The cool evening air making my nipples pucker even more becoming deliciously sensitive peaks. My desire was now complete and I knew I would have to satisfy myself and did not wait for the passing cars to hide my actions, my left hand strayed down to my thighs and ran my nails over their heated smooth bare flesh moving me up to yet another plane of arousal as I massaged and pinched the inside of my naked sensitive thighs for several minutes my feelings building and building my breathing deeper and deeper as my thighs trembled and swayed at the attention they were receiving.Soon my hands which I didn't seem to have any control of slowly and surely moved up to the front of my panties to massage my pubic mound, found their way to my rapidly moistening cleft and stroked up and down over the smooth material as I bit my lip at the feeling, encouraging a release of more wetness, then sliding my skirt up over my hips, slipped under the bow on the elastic of my knickers and down over my smooth stomach and into my soft downy bush then further to my pussy lips and a gasp escaped from me as I contacted my sensitive clitoris. My companion then moved for the first time, almost imperceptibly and cocked his head slightly to the side, as it came to mind that a blind person usually has acute hearing and he could surely "see" very clearly the performance I was delivering. I dropped all my reservation and openly masturbated myself for this stranger.I lifted my breast to my lips and licked my nipple till it was wet and slippery then proceeded to squeeze and hurt it which made me inhale sharply, sending little bolts through my stomach to the heated junction of my thighs, my fingers found their way into my hot dewy slit, slipping in easily as I was so wet, and I thrust two fingers in, causing my hips to rise up welcoming their assault, it was so sensual to look down and see the front of my satin panties rippling with the movements of my hand inside as it worked its magic on my secret place and my hips straining and rocking provocatively toward my unseeing audience. I was moaning quite loudly by now but was too absorbed in my lust to care. Finally it became too much for me and I went over the edge keening noisily and clamping my thighs together trapping my hand under my panties as it completed its work. I thrust and moaned for what seemed like minutes as the best orgasm I had experienced for ages washed over me and seemed to get stronger before fading, leaving me gasping and panting, chest heaving and my writhing body now relaxing but still twitching from the intensity of the occasion. As I lay there spent and exhausted, I slowly came around, opening my eyes and with a start realized what I had done, a demure and loyal wife and mother, happily married with a good man for a husband, was lying on a hotel sofa, my blouse and bra undone with my naked breasts open to view, squeezing my aroused tits, my skirt pulled up and rucked around my hips, my stocking clad legs and thighs spread wide, and my hand thrust deep inside my pretty white panties, brazenly masturbating myself in front of a complete stranger in sexy underwear intended only for my husbands pleasure. What on earth would anyone think, how would Dave react? I couldn't even begin to imagine how he would react, but I knew that nobody would ever know of this as it would remain my, well our secret, me and my anonymous partner.Eventually my breathing returned to normal as I lay there recovering from my intense feelings, watching my companion, wondering how much pleasure he had experienced, had his balls tightened, had his penis grown stiff with desire, for me, I wanted to ask him if I had affected so. I could see him breathing more deeply now so I knew I had stimulated him somewhat, and it pleased my to know that, but I would never know how much as he had not really reacted in anyway obvious whatsoever and there was no way I would ask him! But I was enjoying the afterglow of the event reveling in the sensuous feeling of lying there in my semi nude state for the appreciation of my blind "unseeing" partner looking at me and feeling sorry for the gentleman as he had "seen" an event that no other living soul, not even my dear husband had witnessed.I slowly sat up and did up my bra and blouse and rearranged the rest of my clothing and smoothed my skirt down over my stockings, glancing at my watch saw it was time for my taxi. My lustfulness was not quite spent and as the taxi arrived I got up walked close by my companion in secret and as I passed I dropped my moist warm delicate satin panties onto his hands on his cane, He quickly smiled and mouthed "thank you". As I went through the door I couldn't resist looking back only to see him press my delicate white panties to his nose and inhale the fragrance of a woman in lust – my fragrance, and once more a thrill went through my body.Dave never knew anything of this and never will, and as the plane was very late and we were both tired we quickly went to bed and to sleep, I woke up in the middle of the night and with Dave sound asleep beside me relived those glorious lust filled moments in that hotel room, a smile spread over my face as I thought what my companion in lust would be probably doing with my panties. I'll bet he was stroking the dainty silky white material, still moist with my pussy juices, up and down his stiff cock as he visualized that intensely erotic scene in the hotel waiting room, and my smile broadened as my pretty panties were probably very wet with his love juices that he would have ejaculated into them and mixed his with mine! The thought of my delicate white panties still moist from my passion now probably soaked with his semen almost caused me to moan out loud as I thought of what he could be doing it into my personal garment that had covered the most intimate part of my body. I moved gently away from my husband in order not to disturb him as my sensual feelings began to overtake me and I knew that I was going to indulge my desires again. The fact that Dave was sound asleep beside me only a few inches away simply inflamed me more as the naughty emotions kept sweeping up on me I didn't resist as my hand found my moistness between my thighs as I gently caressed my hardened nipples and squeezed my tender breasts, with my fingers once again invading my most secret place and repeated the ecstasy be it in a more subdued and quiet manner, gently spreading my legs and letting an intense orgasm wash over me yet again.I envisaged the scene that he could have seen and I resolved to recreate it again in front of my mirror and to witness the pleasure it gave me, and to see the performance I had given to him. It felt so wicked, and so erotic to do such an act next to my peacefully sleeping husband as the bed shifted slightly as my hips rocked welcoming their invasion, and the fluid sounds of my fingers working their magic and my inflamed wet womanhood. I lay there breathing deeply coming down from my orgasm, I wondered why I had so much pleasure from the experience and a flurry of emotions ran through me as some of the explanations came to mind I smiled widely to myself and thought that there could be a possibility that it might happen again, the naughtiness of the vision again sent a thrill through me almost in anticipation of it happening as I clutched my breasts gently squeezing them as my fragrance of my lust wafted up to my nose, then I couldn't resist the temptation and tasted my fingers, a sensation I knew I would try again one day, and before I went back to sleep I hatched a plan and knew with this new experience how I could spice up our sex lives. Or maybe just mine!END
Cherry had been on-line for a year meeting female mistresses and slaves. She had a longing for years to be a slave to another female, especially a black lady, but was afraid to commit. She had a daughter starting college this year and a mother who lived in town. She couldn't afford the risk. At present, she just enjoyed playing with herself and acting out her fantasies with whichever mistress she could find on line. At 41, the younger mistresses were always the most interesting calling her names and making her do all kinds of sluttish things which most of which she lied about complying with most of the time. One in particular was a young black lady who she finally had to quit communicating with because she was getting too close.At the craft store in town she owned and worked at, things had been fairly slow lately. She sat on the stool daydreaming about her fantasies as the door opened and a young black lady entered dressed in a short leather skirt and blouse. She sat back on the stool and admired the lady body as she strode around looking at various objects in the store. Several times they made eye contact only to smile at each other and then the lady would continue to look. At one counter, the lady bent over to look at something on the lower shelf and her skirt rose halfway up her ass exposing her butt to Cherry view.The lady had no panties on!Cherry mouth watered at the site of her cunt and ass peeking out from beneath the dress. Several times the lady shifted it around to pick up the object and then return it while Cherry felt the dampness in her pussy watching the view. She failed to notice the woman had turn around to look at her in her stoned glaze."Did you enjoy the view?" The girl asked.Cherry woke with a start."Excuse me," she replied."I said did you enjoy looking my butt?" The girl continued enjoying her humiliation. "I could see you in the reflection of the painting.""I noticed you didn't have any panties on, Cherry replied, trying to maintain her composure. "That was all. Can I help you with anything?""No. I'll just continue looking." She said turning away.Cherry wanted to fall on her knees and beg the girl to let her kiss her ass but couldn't get up the nerve. She watched her walk around to the back of the store. At the back, she bent over again to look at something except this time she helped the skirt rise farther up her ass exposing her butt hole to Cherry view. Cherry reached down and rubbed her pussy through her pants admiring the lady ebony ass. She felt her tongue wagging looking at her ass and cunt.The lady rose up and signaled to Cherry to come over.Cherry walked over weak in the knees. She was a good foot and half taller than the ebony girl with a well-rounded ass of her own with middle size tits."Can you get that out from below for me?" the lady asked.Cherry eyes locked with the lady for a moment and she couldn't move as she stared at her beautiful dark eyes. Regaining her senses, she bent over to find the object she had pointed to.She almost had the statue, when she felt a hand from the back grip her cunt from behind and stroking it. She wanted to stand up and move away quickly but her body betrayed her as she maintained her position as the lady toyed with her cunt in her own store. She prayed no one would come in. Imagine a grown woman such as herself bent over with a young black lady massaging her cunt from behind."I ask you again. Did you enjoy the view?" The girl pressed on frigging her clit.Cherry finally found her voice."Yes!""Yes what?" The girl asked again."Yes, I enjoyed looking at your ass. I'm sorry;" she managed to reply as the fingers between her legs were driving her crazy in excitement."Yes mistress," the lady stated behind pinching her cunt with her forefinger and thumb from behind."Yes mistress," Cherry replied."Drop your pants," came the next command.Cherry woke with a start. "Someone may come in she stated quickly. I can't be seen...."She never finished as the lady slapped her ass with her hand hard."Drop them now." She demanded.Cherry without thinking started unbuttoning the front of her pants. When undone, she let them fall to the floor and stayed in position bent over with only her blouse and panties protected her exposure."Drop the panties too;" the lady said slapping her large ass hard again.Her cunt was totally wet as she slowly reached back and lowered her panties down to her knees. She hated to think what she looked like with her bare ass sticking up in back to anyone who may come in.The black lady was rubbing her ass globes in back, goosing them and grasping the cheeks to spread them out. Her ass was moving in back helping her as she favored the feeling of the moment. Hell with whatever else was going on. She heard her tell her that she was going to spank her ass 10 times for peeking and then felt the first slap as she pushed back for the next. It felt so good. The next was harder as she clenched her ass cheeks for the next. By the tenth, her ass felt totally warm in back. It hurt, but her cunt betrayed her real feelings as she longed to rub her cunt."On your knees slave and turn around slut." The girl demanded her.Cherry immediately obeyed dropping to her knees and turning around to face the young mistress. The lady had her back to her and slowly raised her skirt so that her ass was exposed just inches from her face."Kiss my ass slave." She told her.Cherry pushed her face in the lady ass, kissing her ass cheeks all over and then working between the cheeks on the inner side and then down to her asshole. Her asshole was clean as she started favoring the taste as she kissed it."Use you tongue and french it." She heard from above.Cherry started working her tongue in the tight hole. Slowly it started working it way in as she used it as a small dildo wetting it first and then inserting it slightly at first and then deeper with each thrust. She wanted her tongue all the way up her ass as she drove to get it deeper. The lady continued to ground her ass cheeks on her face as her tongue drove inside her butt. Finally she stepped forward almost causing Cherry to fall face down on the floor."Pull your panties and pants back up slave. I'm going to take you home with me." She told her."I can't go home with..."Again, Cherry never got to finish as the lady had slapped her across the face as it stung in pain."I said get up and pull your pants up now slave. Hurry up." The girl commanded.Cherry got up red faced and pulled her panties up and then her pants. She felt totally humiliated at being so controlled by the younger girl barely over her daughter age. She wanted to ask about her car but was afraid she would get slapped again as she quickly grabbed her purse and followed the lady like a puppy would his master. Quickly, locking the door, she saw the lady already in the car and opened the passenger door to get in."Did I say you could sit in front? Get in the back seat slave." The girl told her.Cherry close the door and opened the back seat getting in as fast as she could hoping no one saw her and her embarrassment.The car no sooner pulled out the parking lot than the lady told her to remove all her clothing and throw them in the front seat.They were still driving through town as Cherry hesitated till the command was repeated stronger and started removing her pants and panties. Each item she threw in front with her shoes. She hesitated removing her top as cars were passing by."If you don't want to be punished hard tonight, I suggest you get that top off now." The girl told her again.Cherry unbuttoned her blouse trying to slump back in the seat so no one could see her as she finally had it off and tossed it up front and then unhooked her bra and repeated it. Her hands covered her middle size breast to prevent cars nearby from seeing them."Get your hands down slave. I see I'm going to have to teach you to listen better." The girl laughed.Cherry removed her hands letting them drop to her sides as she tried to avoid looking at cars driving by. They had entered the poorer side of town, which was mostly black as she became afraid at the thought of what might happen to her. They finally pulled up to an apartment building, which was fairly run down. Several older kids were playing outside. She watched in horror as the lady got out and looked back at her through the car door."You can either stay out here naked and maybe one of those boys will come fuck you or you can crawl your white ass out and follow me inside. Your choice," she said, slamming the door shut leaving Cherry alone in the car to think about it.Cherry didn't need that long.She jumped out the back and tried to catch up with the lady. She had one hand around her tits and the other covering her ass between the crack in back hoping the kids wouldn't see much. She caught up at the doorway and following the lady in. There was a tall stairway leading up as she trailed behind. Several times she heard voices but dared not look back. Down the hall, the lady opened a door and walked in with Cherry following close behind.There was very little furniture in the living room area but Cherry did notice a computer on the table. The place looked like a three room apartment with a living area, bedroom and small kitchen area."On your knees slave." The girl commanded pointing to the floor.Cherry dropped down on her knees with hands to her side as the lady went to the bedroom for a moment leaving her on the floor anticipating what was to come. She waited for a few minutes, as the lady returned with several handcuffs in her hand. She walked around in back of her and pulling her hands behind cuffed them. She then pulled her feet together in back and cuffed her ankles."That should keep you still," she said looking down at her. "If you haven't figured it out by now, I am Mistress Dianne who you have been teasing for months now with promises to obey. I done my research on you and found out all about you and your family. I planned to own you."Cherry felt a lump in her throat at the words. This was the mistress who she had cut off communication with because she was trying to find out to much about her. The woman had been very cruel on the Internet. She feared she might be that way in real life as she looked up at her with fear in her eyes.A hand stuck her across the face."Never look up at your mistress without approval," Dianne said. "Put your face to the floor."Cherry quickly lowered her face to the carpet.She heard the woman walked around for something and then returned behind her as she wondered what to expect next. Her worst fear became a reality.Whack.Her ass felt on fire. Something had hit in from behind that hurt like hell as she tried to turn around to see what it was when the next hit came. She rose up and screamed."Get your face back on the carpet or I'll double it," Dianne said.Cherry lowered her head as the next hit came. The pain was bad as she tried to wiggle forward to avoid the next hit only to have it land again as she screamed out."Please, no more. I'll do what you ask." She begged.Whack."You bet your ass you will." The girl yelled.Whack.Cherry started squirming on the carpet as the blows kept coming. Her ass was on fire and she knew she could run. Finally she was crying and begging giving up hope of escape. The blows finally quit as she laid panting for air.Diane removed her clothing and let it drop by Cherry side. She walked over to the computer table and sat down on a stool with her ass hanging out the back of it."Get over here and lick my ass while I email some friends," she called back at Cherry as she turned and started typing.Cherry still in tears got up on her knees and crawl over behind Diane. She started lapping her ass globes underneath the stool having to keep her head tilted in back to reach upwards. She began worshipping her ass all over with her tongue spending most of the time between her crack up her asshole. It felt like hours before Cherry finally pushed her head back from underneath and got off the stool looking down at her red flushed face."Do you want my pussy slave;" Dianne teased reaching down to her cunt spreading her lips wide for Cherry view."Yes mistress," Cherry whispered."Crawl here and lick it." She told her.Cherry crawled forward but as soon as she tried to lick, Dianne would back away making her crawl forward again. She was getting frustrated trying to obtain her goal of those beautiful cunt just inches from her face. Dianne just laughed at her efforts."Come to the bedroom slut." Dianne turned and walked away leaving Cherry frustrated on the floor. She crawled on her knees to the bedroom where Dianne was sitting on the edge of the bed. She had a small ruler in her hand."Come lick bitch." Dianne demanded.Cherry crawled forward finally reaching between her legs and diving in her cunt, lapping as if it was her first meal. She felt a sting on her right tit and yap out in pain in Dianne pussy."Faster bitch." She yelled at her.She increased her pace enjoying the taste of her cunt. She had dreamed about it for years and now she was living her dream. Several more slaps can on her tits while she licked but she didn't care as she desperately try to get her new mistress off. Twice Dianne came on her face as she licked all her juices from her snatch."Crawl to the bathroom slut." She was told.Cherry was dripping in her cunt as she crawled to the nearby bathroom not knowing what to expect other than to please her mistress.Diane arrived a moment later with a strap on around her waist."Get your face in the toilet slut. You been telling me shit for over a month now of how you been fucking your ass. We'll going to see." She warned her."Please," begged Cherry, "I never use anything that big."She felt Diane grip her hair forcing her face inches from the toilet water. Her ass was gripped wide in back as she felt the cock at the entrance of her ass and then the pressure of the intruder trying to enter. Her ass muscles were tight but her sexual scene earlier had loosened it too much to stop it as it forced it way inside. Her asshole was on fire from the pain as it continued to work in. She begged for mercy as her hair fell in the water and her face plunged in several times. The young girl was raping her asshole and there was nothing she could do but yell in the toilet bowl trying to keep her mouth and nose out of the water. Finally, it worked as far as Diane wanted it as she stopped and let her absorb the plug for several minutes. The pain started to subside as she got use to the feel and was starting to enjoy it when it started working slowly out and in. Despite the pain, she felt herself getting excited again and started working her ass back and forth. She hadn't come all day and the cock in her ass was getting her off. She climax shortly dropping her face in the toilet in pleasure. She moaned in disappointment as she felt it slipping out her asshole in back.Diane withdrew the cock and took it off. Turning on the bathroom water, she started taking a bath leaving Cherry lying with her head on the toilet bowl. She wondered what was going to happen next as her cunt tighten with the thought. She remained that way till her mistress finally got finished and stepped out.Getting out the tub, she demanded Cherry come over and helped her in. Taking the dildo she shoved it in her mouth despite her begs."Enjoy your bath slut. I'll be back shortly to get you." She told her.Cherry just laid in the tub. Her hands were still tied behind her and her ankles were too. She couldn't do anything but lay there and determine her fate with her own ass taste in her mouth. She felt like a disgusted slut that she had only dreamed others were. Finally her mistress returned and removed the cock and clean her mouth with soap. She helped her out the tub and dried her off as she stood totally absorbed too any command. Diane attached a collar to her neck and led her back to the computer in the living room. "One of my slaves is checking in," she told her, "I think you will find her interesting. She has her own video cam turned on right now."Cherry looked at the screen and stared in disbelief. There was her own daughter on her knees in her own living room. She was totally naked with nipple clamps on and a dildo shoved up her cunt. Another was in her mouth. Cherry face dropped at the sight. Her own daughter a slut. Where did she get the toys and how long had this been going on. How could she not have known.Diane was enjoying her look of amazed. "I'm think I will have her go to the bathroom and get the plunger and shove it up her virgin asshole. She'll do anything I ask without question unlike you." Dianne laughed at her facial expression. "Maybe 6 inches in her tight butt should do the trick. I got a black man nearby that I could call to go over afterwards and widen it farther."Cherry started pleading with Diane for mercy for her daughter. She promised to do anything she asked if she wouldn't hurt her too bad.Diane pulled out a sheet of paper on the desk and told her to sign it.Cherry started to read it before her face was slapped and the command to sign was repeated again. She had glanced long enough to know she was giving Diane something. She didn't know what, but it didn't matter. The lady owned her ass now anyway.Diane put the paper in a desk vault on the side."Time to play with that fuck toy daughter of yours. Come here and lick my pussy while I use your twat daughter." She laughed.Sherry got back on her knees and crawled under the desk and began licking Diane pussy while she typed on the computer. She came several times in her mouth before she told her to get up and stand before the screen. As soon as she got up she stared at the screen to see her own daughter Jeannie looking at her with the same astonished face she probably displayed. She never realized that Diane had a cam on till now as both mother and daughter stared at each other in surprise. She didn't know what to do but stare as her daughter met her glaze."Turn around bitch and bend over. I told that cunt I was going to spank your fat ass in front of her." Dianne told her.Cherry slowly turned around in humiliation and bent over with her large ass towards the screen. She knew her daughter must have been getting an eye view. Her wait was not long as Diane started slapping her sore ass with the palm of her hand. She was wiggling wildly at the screen, as her ass was being beaten and extremely sore."Spread your ass bitch." She demanded.Cherry reached back and spread her large ass cheeks as Diane reached down and got her pen and shoved it up her asshole. She moaned as it was inserted all the way up. She heard Diane typing on the keyboard in back."Turn around bitch and see what your daughter has in her ass." She told her.Cherry turned around and saw Jeannie in the screen. Her ass only was in view and the toilet plunger was shoved up her asshole. She knew she must be perverted as her own cunt was soaking wet looking at her daughter exposed like that.Diane pushed her aside and type a few lines on the screen before shutting the computer off."Time to go to my new home," she smiled at Cherry. "The one you gave me while ago.""Now come bitch," she said, grabbing her lease and leading her out the apartment still naked and exposed. "I told your daughter we would be there soon and gave her a list of items I wanted her to do."Cherry followed behind with her head bowed. Her own cunt has cost her everything she had earned. She was still deep in thought when they came out the complex and the kids were waiting at the door very excited at the view."Bitch, give the kids the pen in your ass as a gift." Turning to the boys, she told them they could rub her ass only as they made the way to the car.Cherry almost died in embarrassment reaching behind and pulling the pen out of her asshole as one boy took it immediately. They started rubbing her ass as she maintained her pace behind Diane. The little perverts, she thought. Someone should spank their..."Owwww." One of the boys had slapped her ass. "Oww," again.She was trying to protect her ass in back as the kids started slapping it till they reach the car and Diane let her in the back with the boys still slapping her ass till she was all the way in. The seat hurt as she sat but she dared not complain and have to get out again. Diane started the car as she sat in back dreading what was going to happen next.Just a fantasy, how was yours?Pallidan~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 42
It all started one day when I was given the job of cleaning out the garage. My parents had gone shopping, and had promised to give me $10 to go to the movies if I had the garage spotless by the time I got home.I was moving some boxes that had been stored in the corner for years, when I happened upon a great find. It was this little magazine printed in England. It was years old, and by today's standards was nothing even close to a porno magazine, but to a 11 year old boy, this was heaven. It was sort of like a photo strip tease. There were three parts to it. Each part started with a picture of a woman dressed in fancy clothes. On the next page was a picture of the same woman sitting with her legs crossed showing quite a bit of her legs under her skirt. I was fascinated by the fact that all the women wore stockings that ended halfway up their thighs instead of the pantyhose that I had seen in Mom's underwear drawer. Going on to the next page I saw the same woman again, but this time she was holding her skirt up around her waist showing her panties. All three of the women had on these real frilly panties with lots of lace, and they all had these lacy slips bunched up around their waists with their skirts. Then they were shown with their dresses off, just wearing panties, bras stockings and these garter belt things to hold their stockings up. Now there really wasn't anything up to this point that I hadn't seen in the good old Sears catalog, but somehow these women were different than the models in the catalog. Something about the expression on their faces, or the look in their eyes made them somehow more exciting. When I got to the next page, I knew this wasn't a Sears catalog. Here they had taken their bras off! This was my first real look at fully grown women's naked tits. As I studied those pictures carefully, I felt something new happening in my pants. My little dick was somehow getting bigger. It seemed to be trying to push it's way right out of my pants. I reached down and tried to move it so it wouldn't be so cramped, and when I touched the end of it, I found that it felt real good. I rubbed it a little, and discovered that it made me feel even better. Two of the three parts of the magazine ended right there with the women showing their bare tits, and looking at the camera with this strange look in their eyes. The last part, however, had one more page. In this picture, the woman had pulled her panties down in the front! Not all the way, you understand, but enough to show this triangle of curly hair on the bottom of her belly. I knew this had to be what all the guys called her pussy! I studied this last picture very carefully. She still had her stockings and garter belt on, which I thought looked really good. And she was still wearing her high heel shoes. But she was just holding her panties down, showing everyone her pussy! My little dick was kind of throbbing now, and I actually started to get worried. Maybe something was wrong with it. I figured I better check, so I pulled down my pants and underwear to take a look. It seemed to be fine, except for the fact that it was standing straight out, and was stiff. I wrapped my hand around it and pulled the skin back and forth to see if there were any sore spots on it or anything. As I did, this big chill ran up my spine, and I just wanted to keep rubbing it. As I did, that chill got bigger and bigger, until it felt like an electric shock running up my back. All of a sudden, I realized that my eyes were blurring, and my hips were jerking back and forth. I thought I must be really sick, having a seizure or something. Just about the time I thought I was going to pass out, fireworks went off all over my body! I had never felt anything so good in my entire life. My little dick was jumping in my hand, and then I saw this white stuff shoot out of the end of my dick. Three or four times this stuff shot out, and then I didn't want to touch my dick anymore. In fact, it hurt when I tried to keep rubbing it. Now I was really afraid. What if I had really hurt myself? I did see that my dick wasn't stiff anymore, so I pulled up my underwear and pants, and hoped it would heal itself. I sure didn't want to hurt myself again, so I threw that magazine out with the rest of the trash. I just finished with the last of the trash, when my parents came home. They were really pleased that I had gotten my job done, and handed me a ten dollar bill. That night I went to the movies with three of my friends. I just couldn't help telling them about what had happened that day. Two of them were really shocked, and worried like I was that something might be wrong with me. The other guy was a little older, and he just laughed. He explained that what I had done was called jacking off. He said all guys do it, and he had done it every day for that last year, and it hadn't hurt him a bit. He said he had heard that even some girls did it, but he wasn't sure how because we all knew that girls didn't have dicks. He was real disappointed to hear that I had thrown the magazine away. He said that he had some pictures that some older guy had given him of some girls with their tits out, that he looked at when he jacked-off, but none of them showed the hair between their legs. He really would have liked to have seen that.When I got in bed that night, I started thinking about those pictures again. As I imagined each picture, I noticed my dick swelling up again. This time I didn't worry about it. I just wrapped my hand around it and started to rub. I imagined those women taking their clothes off in front of that photographer. Then I tried to imagine what it would be like to have been taking those pictures. I started feeling that chill again, so I kept rubbing, and imagining. I started to imagine what it would be like to see one of the girls in my class, pulling her skirt up, showing me her panties, then pulling those panties down. I wondered if any of the girls my age had hair between their legs like that woman in the magazine did. Then I imagined what it would be like if it were one of those girls on my bus form high school. Those high school girls had real tits, just like the women in the magazine, and I'll bet they had hair on their pussies too. I remembered those few times on the bus when one of those girls had bent over in front of me to pick up her pencil off the floor. I remembered seeing down the front of her blouse and actually seeing the top of her bra, and the swell of her tits above that white cotton bra. Suddenly I remembered that other time when I was sitting across the aisle from one of the high school girls. She had the whole seat to herself and had stretched out on the seat with her feet towards me. I remembered when she got up to get off the bus, she put her feet down one at a time. I froze that instant in time in my mind when she had one foot on the floor and the other still stretched out on the seat towards me. For that brief instant I had been able to see up under her dress, way up between her thighs, and had seen a flash of white. I had seen her panties! And now I knew (or at least thought I knew) what was under those panties. \I kept playing that scene over and over again in my mind, wishing that I had looked harder, wishing that she would have stayed like that a little longer, wishing that those panties would have been a little thinner. I might have actually been able to see a real live girl's pussy! Just then those fireworks went off in my head again. My body arched up off the bed and my dick jumped in my hand. That white stuff was squirting out again. Once it was over, my dick started shriveling up just like it had that afternoon. And it hurt to touch it just like before. Suddenly I realized that I had gotten that white stuff all over my sheets. I couldn't let Mom find it! I jumped out of bed and grabbed some tissues and quickly tried to wipe it up. Ugh, that stuff was slimy and sticky. I sure hoped it wouldn't leave any stains.***For the next month I jacked off at least once a day. Some days I did it three or four times. I loved it. Now I wished I had kept that magazine too. When I wanted my dick to get hard I would imagine those pictures, or that girl on the bus. Sometimes I would imagine girls in my class, with those little bumps on their chest that would grow into real tits. Sometimes I would look at the bras and panties in the Sears catalog, or sometimes (but very rarely) I would find a picture in the paper of a girl in a bikini, or a girl sitting with her legs crossed so I could see up her skirt. I would wait until Dad had thrown the paper in the trash, then I would tear out the picture and hide it in my school books. I would then wait until everyone was asleep at night and get out my special pictures and jack off. By this time I had learned to shoot my white stuff (cum as the older guys called it) into some tissues, to make it easier to clean up.One time one of the older guys had shown me a picture of a girl with no clothes on. She was laying on a bed with her tits in her hands. Her eyes were closed and she had this pained expression on her face. Her legs were slightly apart and I could see not only that dark triangle of hair, but down between her legs there was what seemed to be a slit. He told me that slit was her pussy and when people had sex the man put his dick inside that little slit. I wasn't sure if I believed him, but I sure wanted to have that picture. He pulled it out of my hands and said no way would he give it up. But he said he had other pictures that showed people actually fucking. Close-ups of guys dicks stuck inside girl's pussies. I begged him to show me those pictures, but he said I was too young.Every night when I jacked off, I dreamed about seeing a real live girl taking off her clothes and showing me her pussy. I still remembered that first magazine, and all the girls in my dreams wore stockings, garter belts, and high heel shoes. I even started to imagine what it would look like to see two people fucking. Even in those fantasies the girls had on those sexy stockings, even when they were getting fucked. That guy never did show me those pictures of people fucking, but about a month later I did get to see a picture of something else. One of the guys in my class came in one day with a playing card. Instead of a picture of a king or queen, it had a girls face, and she had the end of a hard dick in her mouth! He said she was giving the guy a blow job. From looking at the picture it looked more like she was sucking than blowing, but I didn't really care what it was called, I just knew it had to feel great! That night when I jacked off I imagined some girl taking my dick in her mouth. Running her tongue all around it. Just the thought of that hot, wet mouth wrapped around my dick made me shoot more cum than I ever had before. Some day, I thought, I'm going to get a girl to do that to me.Several weeks passed, and I was really getting desperate. I wanted to see a real live girls body, and I wanted to see it now. I began picking seats on the bus across from good looking girls hoping to get a peek up their skirts. I tried to peek down girl's blouses whenever I got the chance. I even tried dropping things on the floor in class, hoping that when I was down there I would be able to see up some girls dress. All to no avail. Oh, sometimes I would get a little glimpse of a bra down some girls blouse, or maybe a glimpse of thigh as someone would cross their legs. But I was looking for a real good peek, at least to see their panties, but no luck. I even tried to hang around the door to the girl's locker room, hoping to get a glimpse of someone changing clothes when the door opened, but all that got me was a trip to the principal's office for loitering in the halls. I even got the idea of saving up my allowance and paying some girl to undress for me, but after saving for three weeks, I realized that I would be afraid to ask anyone even if I could pay them.***One night I was out walking in the line of trees that separated out house from the ones behind us. I just happened to look up and saw a light come on in one of the rooms on the second floor of the house behind us. I knew that three girls lived there. One was in my class, and she had two older sisters, one 14, and the other 17. As I watched, the 17 year old, Kathy, walked to the window and pulled the curtains shut. They didn't quite meet in the middle, and through the crack I saw her reach down and pull her sweater off over her head. I really couldn't see very well, but I knew she was walking around right up there behind those curtains in her bra! My dick started tingling as I thought about the face that at this very minute she might be getting totally undressed! I had to get a better look. I saw this big tree right behind their house, and thought I might be able to see better from up in that tree. I scrambled up into the tree, and found a big limb that grew over towards her window. I propped myself up on the limb and waited. I could only see a small part of the room through the gap in the curtains, and Kathy was not in sight. I waited about 5 minutes, and finally she walked past the window. She was wearing just her panties and a bra! The bra was one of the white cotton things that I had seen the top of down all those blouses. It covered her tits from top to bottom except for the middle which dipped down to show the space between her tits and just a bit of those soft mounds that I had been dreaming about. Her panties however, were more than I had hoped for. They were little white bikini panties that just had a kind of string holding the front to the back. When she had her back to the window I could see the top of her butt crack over the top of the panties. And when she turned around, I was sure I could see a little bit of hair peeking out above the top. I got out my little dick and started jacking away. Just as I was about to cum, she walked to the other side of the room where I couldn't see her, but it was too late to stop. I shot my spurts of white cum out into the dark night air.From that night on, I spent a lot of time in that tree. I still hadn't seen what I wanted, a totally naked girl, but I had seen all three of them in their underwear. Kathy was my favorite. She was the oldest, and had the biggest tits. Her 14 year old sister Kim, was pretty nice too. She seemed to spend more time in her room than Kathy, and usually ran around in her underwear a lot. I almost saw her tits one night. She had unhooked her bra and started to slip it off just as she walked out of my sight. Her tits didn't look as big as Kathy's form outside her bra, but they certainly would do. Sarah, who was in my class at school, had the room all the way at the end of the house. I usually couldn't see too well in her window. One night, however, she walked into Kathy's room wrapped in a towel. I guess she had just gotten out of the shower. She apparently wanted Kathy to look at something on her back since she turned away from me and dropped her towel! She stood there in just a pair of white panties. Her butt was still a little wet and the panties stuck tight to her. I could see her entire crack right through the panties. I quickly got out my dick and started beating away. Suddenly she turned around! There she was with nothing on her top! Unfortunately her chest wasn't much different than mine. Her little tits were just beginning to swell and she almost looked like a guy standing there. As I looked down however, I saw her panties were sticking between her legs too! I could just make out the shadow of her tiny slit. I really couldn't see any hair, but the sight of that real live pussy started the cum gushing out of my little dick. I almost fell out of the tree that time.Almost a week went by before I was able to sneak back up in that tree again. It seemed like my parents started staying up later than usual, and by the time they went to bed, all the lights were out in the house behind us. Finally one night they went out to a meeting and said they wouldn't be home until quite late. As soon as it got dark, I headed for my favorite tree. Kathy's window was dark, But Kim's light was on and her curtains were open a couple of inches. I scooted as far over in the tree as I could, to get the best view in hew window. I waited quietly for a few minutes, then saw Kim walk in. She was wearing a white blouse and a short blue skirt. I patiently waited, knowing that she would strip down to her underwear soon. I didn't have to wait long. She brushed her hair for a couple of minutes, then started unbuttoning her blouse. When she had the buttons undone, she pulled it out of her skirt and slipped it off. WOW! She was wearing a new bra. It was white like the others, but this one was real thin. I thought I could actually see her nipples right through it! Instead of walking out of my sight like she normally did, she stayed right in front of the window and unzipped her skirt. She had her back to me when she dropped it to the floor and her little blue panties had worked their way up into her crack so I could see almost her entire little butt. I got out my dick and started whacking. She kept her back to me, but I watched her reach back and unclasp her bra! She shrugged it off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. I was looking at her entire naked back... if only she would turn around! Next... OH GOD! she slipped her fingers into the top of her panties and pulled them down! I could see her naked ass!! OH PLEASE! TURN AROUND! I was just about to get off, when I heard a voice below me saying get out of that tree right now!I looked down, and there was Kathy! She again told me to GET DOWN RIGHT NOW! I was frantically trying to get my dick back in my pants and get them zipped up when I lost my balance. I fell right in front of Kathy! I wasn't hurt, but when I looked down. OH NO... my dick was still sticking out of my pants. Kathy grabbed me by the arm and started dragging me toward their house. She told me that they all had thought they had seen someone trying to peek in their windows for weeks, and they finally caught him. I was almost crying from embarrassment as she drug me up to her room. I didn't even remember to zip my pants, but my little dick had shriveled up and slipped back inside anyway. I was relieved to find out that their parents weren't home. But I was still afraid of what they might do. Were they going to tell my parents? Or their parents? Or call the police? I was begging with her to let me go. I promised I would never try to peek in their windows again, but she said she would have to talk this over with her sisters before deciding what to do. She pushed me into her closet, and locked the door. She said she would be back for me after they decided on my punishment. Here I was in the bedroom of the girl I had been lusting over for the past three months. Right here surrounded by all her frilly sweet smelling clothes. There on the floor was even a pair of her panties that I had been dying to get my hands on. But I was too scared to even get excited. I was too scared to even remember to zip my pants.It seemed like I was in that closet for hours before I heard voices outside the door. Suddenly the door was jerked open. The light from the room blinded me for a moment. When my eyes finally focused, I saw Kathy, Kim, and Sarah all standing there looking at me. They demanded to know what I had been doing up in that tree. I almost couldn't get the words to come out, but I told them I had been peeking in their windows. They asked me If I had seen them naked. My face got red as I told them no, but I had seen them in their underwear. I was almost crying as I told them that tonight for the first time I had seen Kim's naked butt. Her face got red as I said that. I even told them about seeing Sarah's panties sticking to her wet body both in back and in front. They wanted to know what I did while I watched them. My face was burning now as I told them about jacking off in the tree. Kim giggled and told her sisters about my pants still being unzipped. I quickly started to pull the zipper up, but Kathy stopped me. She explained that since I had been peeking at them when they were getting undressed, they felt it would only be fair if they could see me getting undressed. Now I was really embarrassed. I wouldn't even get undressed in front of my parents. How could I possibly take off my clothes in front of these three girls?They told me my only choices were to get undressed, or have them tell their parents, and my parents, and maybe call the cops too. I did start crying then, but I also started unbuttoning my shirt. I dropped the shirt on the floor and reluctantly reached for the button on the front of my pants. I took a deep breath, then opened the button, pulled down the zipper, and shoved my pants down around my ankles. I stepped out of them and pulled off my shoes and socks. I begged them to let me keep my underwear on. I told them I had never seen them naked, just in their underwear. Kim reminded me that I had seen her bare butt, and Sarah reminded me about seeing her in wet panties. Knowing I had no other way out, I stared at the floor and stripped off my jockey shorts. The girls all whistled and applauded as I stood there, bare ass naked. Kim told her sisters to look at my tiny little dick. It had shriveled up to the point where it could barely be seen. I had to listen to them laugh as they talked about whether I had to use tweezers to jack off, or if I needed a magnifying glass to find it.By now I was totally humiliated, and wished that I could disappear into the carpet. Then I heard Kathy telling me to jack off. I couldn't believe my ears. I slowly raised my eyes to her and she repeated the order for me to jack off. I told them that I couldn't, that there was no way I could possibly do that in front of them. Kathy reminded me that I had jacked-off quite a few times while watching them from that tree, and now I was going to do it where they could watch, or she was going to call the cops and tell them that I had tried to rape her little sister! I knew that it would be impossible to explain to the cops what I was doing in these girl's bedroom with no close on. I knew that I was caught. I would have to do it.I heard Kim snicker as I reached down and tried to find my shriveled up little dick. I noticed that Sarah was watching with quite a bit of interest and wondered if she had ever even seen a dick before. I pulled on my little dick, and rubbed, and pulled, but there was no way it was going to get hard. Kathy reminded me that she was waiting to see me jack off. I told her that I just couldn't make it hard. She wondered aloud how I could always seem to get it hard when I was up in that tree. Kim replied that maybe I needed some incentive. She had gotten dressed again in the same clothes that I had seen her take off earlier. I watched as she sat down on the bed and slowly spread her legs. I could see right up her skirt to those thin white panties! I felt a little stirring in my groin. My dick wasn't hard, but at least it was out where it could be seen. She told her sisters to help out a little. Sarah just pulled her pink skirt up to her waist showing me a pair of pink and white stripped panties. Now I felt my dick start to swell. Kathy, who had on a black skirt and sweater, sat on the bed next to Kim and slowly raised one leg. My eyes traveled quickly up under her skirt and OH GOD! she was wearing dark stockings just like those women in that magazine that had started all this. I saw the tops of her stockings and bare thighs above them. And those sexy black garter straps running up along those beautiful white thighs. Now my dick really was hard, I no longer cared that I was standing in front of three girls. I just wanted to feel my cum. My eyes were still glued to the show under Kathy's skirt as her leg went higher. Now I could see up to the juncture of her thighs covered by shiny black panties! My hand was now flying up and down my dick as I looked at these three real live girls right here in the same room with me showing me their panties. Suddenly Kim spoke up saying that she thought I was having too much fun. After all this was supposed to be punishment, not a treat. Kathy agreed, and before i could cum, they grabbed my arms and forced them behind my back. They sent Sarah into the closet to get one of her sister's cloth belts. They used the belt to tie my hands behind my back, and then tie them to the doorknob of the locked door so I couldn't move. My poor little hard dick was waving in the breeze. Kathy returned to the bed and spread her legs wide. I could see right up her dress to where I knew her pussy was covered by just that thin pair of black panties. Kim laid back on the bed next to Kathy and pulled her knees up, propping her feet on the edge of the bed. I could see up her skirt too, right up to the bottom of her ass cheeks poking out from her white panties. I could feel my hips pumping back and forth as if the friction of the air might somehow make me cum. Sarah seemed fascinated by my hard dick. She watched it as it twitched and jerked in the air. Sarah was still holding her skirt up around her waist, but the look on her face almost made it seem as if she was feeling sorry for me. Kathy and Kim, however, were really enjoying watching me squirm. They had both pulled their dresses up around their waists and were rolling around on the bed. I looked carefully and I thought I could see some blond curly hair through Kim's panties. Kathy put her hand between her own thighs and rubbed the crotch of her black panties. I wondered if that was how girls jacked off. Her face seemed to be getting really red, and she was breathing real hard like I do when I jack off. She kept rubbing herself there until her hips raised up off the bed and her eyes went tight shut. She fell slowly back down to the bed and just laid there for a few minutes. I wondered if she had cum? When Kathy finally opened her eyes, she told her sisters that I had been punished enough. I was still struggling with my bonds, trying to get free so I could get myself off. Kathy told Sarah that maybe she should help me. Sarah walked over next to me, still holding up her skirt, and looked at my hard dick. She had no idea what to do. Kim told her to wrap her fingers around my dick like I had been doing earlier. Tentatively she reached down and wrapped two of her fingers around my twitching dick. Then they told her to move her fingers up and down along its length. She looked at me, for permission I guess, but I was too embarrassed to look back. She began sliding her hand up and down along my dick. She only jerked it two or three times before I felt my balls tighten, and AAAAAGGGGGGHHHHH!!!! the cum started shooting out of me, flying in long arches and landing on the carpet. Sarah watched in amazement as my hips jerked back and forth and the white gobs of cum spurted out of the dick in her hand. I almost collapsed to the floor, but the belt holding me to the doorknob held me up. Sarah got a little drop of cum on her finger, and I watched her examine it, and then was shocked to see her touch it to her tongue!By this time Kathy and Kim had gotten up off the bed and were untying my hands. They made me clean up the cum from the carpet,, then finally let me get dressed. They told me that if they ever caught me peeking in their windows again, I would be in real trouble. Sheepishly I promised never to do it again, and quickly headed for the door. Needless to say, I stayed away from that tree from then on.Even after what happened, I still found myself trying to get peeks up skirts or down blouses everywhere I went. I found that standing at the bottom of the stairs at school was usually good for at least one quick look at a pair of panties every day. On weekends, I would go to the mall and hand around shoe stores. Usually I would get to see at least one woman in a short skirt try on shoes. No matter how hard they tried to be modest, they would usually open their legs at least once during the process, giving me a look at their thighs and sometimes at their panties. I even saw one woman that I think wasn't wearing any panties. I think I saw the hair between her legs as she tried to pull on a new pair of boots!***About two weeks after my experience with the girls in the house behind us, I got a call from Sarah. She said she wanted to apologize for the way her sisters had treated me. She said she had been scared when she thought some stranger was peeking in her window, but once she had found out it was me, she actually kind of liked it, knowing that I found her worth peeking at. She thought her sisters had been very rude to embarrass me like they did. She wanted to know if I could come over to her house later that night. I asked her why, and she said she wanted to show me something that she thought I might find interesting.I walked over to her house about eight, and she met me at the front door. She told me to be very quiet. Her parents were gone, but her sisters were home, and they didn't know I was there. She took my by the hand and led me up to her bedroom. She locked the door behind us. She turned on her T.V. and said we would have to wait a little while, but not long. As I watched TV I kept glancing at her, trying to decide what she was up to. Actually Sarah was kind of cute. She had blond hair like her sisters, and kind of nice legs for a twelve year old. I noticed that her chest actually had started to develop. I mean she really didn't have real big tits or anything, but from this close up I could see that there was some swelling there.After about 15 minutes, she got up and went in her closet. She came back out and motioned for me to follow her, and be quiet. She led me to the back of the closet, and pressed her eye up against a little hole in the wall. She grinned and moved her head, pointing for me to look. When I pressed my eye up against the hole, I found myself looking right into Kim's bedroom! Kim was walking around in just a white bra and panties! Sarah whispered in my ear to keep watching. She said her sister always masturbated before she went to bed! I peered through the hole and watched Kim putting some things away. Then she reached up and took off her bra! this time she was facing right towards me and I could see her bare tits! UMMMM, they looked even better than I thought. They weren't that big, but they stood out from her chest really nice, and they jiggled as she moved. Her nipples were a real light pink, and I watched as they seemed to get hard and long just like my dick when I get excited. She reached up and rubbed them, like they itched or something. Man, would I like to touch those! I looked over at Sarah and whispered that I had seen her tits. She grinned and motioned for me to look some more.When my eye returned to the hole, Kim was just sliding her fingers into the tops of her panties and pushing them down. I felt my dick pressing against my pants as those panties slowly went down. OOOOHHHHHHHH, there it was! A real live pussy and I was looking right at it! My eyes were drawn immediately to that triangle of blond curls on her lower belly. they looked so soft and soooo exciting. Then I moved my gaze down a little lower, right there between her legs...and YES!...I could see that little slit... there it was! I was looking at her pussy! My dick was throbbing and threatening to burst right out of my pants. Kim reached down and ran her fingers through those blond curls as if to straighten them. My eyes opened wide as I saw her reach even further down between her legs and sort of rub that mysterious slit. She rubbed it, I whispered to Sarah. Just keep watching she giggled. When I looked back Kim was laying on her bed. Her legs were spread wide open and they were pointed right towards me. Now I had a really good look at her pussy. That little slit ran all the way between her legs, almost to her butthole. On each side of it were these two rolls of flesh, almost like lips, and they were a darker color than the rest of her. She was rubbing her tits now, and pulling on her nipples, making them stand up farther from her tits. I couldn't take my eyes away from that hole. She pulled her legs up towards her chest and spread them even wider. Those lips of her pussy actually started opening as she did. I could see up inside of her!! It was all pink, and looked like it was wet. Then I saw her finger snake down over her belly and slip right down along her slit. OHHH, this was it!! She ran her fingers up and down the lips several times then seemed to settle right at the very top. She kept working her finger around in that same spot and started rolling back and forth like she was getting really excited. I wanted to reach down and rub my dick, but I knew that Sarah was right next to me. She kept asking me if she was doing it yet. I was too intent on watching to answer, but finally nodded. Kim now had both hands on her pussy. One was spreading those lips open while the other was still rubbing around on that same spot. Now I could see way up inside her. It was really wet in there, and I could see a hole that looked like it went way up inside, and right there where she kept rubbing was a little lump. Every time her finger touched that lump, she jerked. Suddenly I felt something touch my dick! I started pushing against it, but was too interested in watching what was going on to find out what it was. Now Kim's hips were bucking up and down, just like mine do before I shoot my cum. What happened next was really amazing. She pushed one of her fingers down towards her hole, then slipped it right inside! That finger went all the way in her pussy, right up to the palm of her hand! She was really rolling around now, and I could hear her moan right through the wall. I could also hear Sarah giggling at the sounds she was making. Kim suddenly straightened out both legs and stuck them straight up in the air. Her body went totally rigid, and her fingers were a blur on her pussy. She slowly lowered her legs, and stopped rubbing herself. She just laid there like she was totally worn out, just like I do after I cum. So that was how girls jack off. WOW, that was really something!I finally took my eye away from the hole and looked down. Sarah had her hand pressed up against my hard dick! She looked a little worried as she asked me if I liked what I saw. I told her it was great. She squeezed my dick and asked shyly if she could jack me off like she did the last time. Of course I was going to let her, but I told her that if she would play with herself like her sister did while I watched, I would let her jack me off. Her face got a little red, but she agreed. We walked back out of the closet holding hands. She told me she would do what her sister had done, but she was afraid that I might be disappointed. I asked her why and her face got really red as she told me that her tits weren't as big as her sister's, and that she didn't have nearly as much hair down there. I laughed and told her that my dick wasn't as big as the older guy's either, but I was going to let her jack it off. She giggled and said okay.She shut the closet door and rechecked the bedroom door to make sure it was still locked. Then she turned off the main light, and turned on the lamp next to the bed. She was wearing a blue school dress, and after taking a deep breath, grabbed the bottom and pulled it off over her head. Now she was wearing only a pair of little white panties and a lacy white bra. She reached up to the bra and said that she really didn't need to wear one, but her mother made her. She peeled off the bra and I got my first real close up look at her tits. They really weren't like real tits, but they didn't look like a boy's chest either. They were like two little soft curves, with these bigger lumps in the middle. Her nipples though were much bigger than mine, and as the cool air hit them, they got hard and stiff just like Kim's. She started to pull down her little panties, but I stopped her and asked if I could do it. She nodded. I dropped to my knees in front of her, hooked my thumbs in the waistband, and slowly pulled them down. As her lower belly came into view just an inch from my nose, I saw just a few fine hairs starting to grow there. As I pulled them down further, I could see the top of her little slit going back between her legs. I reached around to pull the panties over her butt, and my hand accidentally grazed her belly. She jumped like I had shocked her. I pulled her panties down her legs and off without taking my eyes off that magic spot between her legs. She stepped back and lay down on the bed.She spread her legs and told me I could lay right down between them and watch, but she begged me not to touch her. I lay down with my face less than a foot from her little almost hairless pussy. I noticed that the lips of her pussy looked fuller than her sister, and they weren't nearly as dark in color. I could smell a strange odor, not at all unpleasant, which seemed to make my dick twitch in my pants. Sarah was rubbing her little tits just like Kim had done, and pulling on her nipples. I could hear little sounds coming from her throat almost like a kitten purring. Slowly her hand worked its way down her belly to that little slit between her legs. I reached down and rubbed my dick through my pants as she ran her finger along her slit. I saw shiny wetness on her pussy and on her finger as it parted those puffy lips. She was breathing faster now as her finger started rubbing at that spot up near the top of her slit. I asked her if she could spread it open so I could see better. She reached down with the other hand and spread her lips wide. Now I could see that same fleshy lump and that she was rubbing all around it with her finger. I asked her what it was. Gaspingly she told me that was her clit and it was something like my dick. She said that when it was rubbed just right, it would make her cum. She also told me it felt good to have something in her pussy while she rubbed her clit. She slipped her finger down into her hole like I had seen Kim do, and her hips started pumping up and down. I asked her if I could put my finger in there. She shook her head no, it seems like she was having trouble talking. I reminded her that she was going to get to touch my dick, and she managed to gasp okay, but go slow! I reached up and ran my finger along her slit, picking up some of the moisture from it. I then pushed the tip of my finger between her lips and felt around for that hole. She was pumping up and down so much that I was having trouble finding it. Finally the tip of my finger slipped in! I pushed a little more and my entire finger went right up inside her! I heard her gasp, and it felt like her pussy was squeezing my finger. I could only imagine how fantastic it must feel to have your dick in a tight, wet, hot hole like that. I heard the start of a scream come from Sarah, before she clamped her mouth shut and raised her hips high up off the bed. Her body shook for about ten seconds before she settled back down and just laid there.Her breathing slowly returned to normal, and she looked down at me smiling. She told me I could take my finger out of her pussy now. I had been so engrossed in watching, that I had forgotten that it was still up inside her. I grinned in embarrassment and pulled it out. I got another strong whiff of that odor I had smelled earlier. I sniffed my finger and my dick jerked. I stuck my finger in my mouth and found it tasted really good. In fact it was making me even hornier. Sarah made a face and said UGH how could I put that in my mouth? I reminded her that the last time we were together she had tasted some of my cum. She told me that was different, my cum tasted kind of good. I told he that her juices tasted good too, and to prove it I lowered my face quickly between her thighs. My tongue slid up along her slit and flicked over that little lump that she had called her clit. She acted like my tongue was an electric wire the way her body jumped. Before I could continue, however, she pulled my face up and told me it was time for me to keep my end of the bargain.I wasn't about to argue about this, so I got up on my knees and unzipped my pants. I reached in and carefully pulled out my hard dick. I moved up to where she could reach me, but she told me that I had to take off all my clothes first, just like she did. It took me less than 30 seconds to pull off everything I was wearing. She grinned at my naked body, then told me to lay down on the bed. I stretched out on my back. My little dick pointed straight up in the air and waved back and forth. Sarah knelt next to my hips and just looked for a minute before reaching out and wrapping her hand around my dick. She started slowly running her closed hand up and down my dick while she rubbed my chest with her other hand. After just a couple of strokes my hips started hunching up to meet her. She seemed pleased that she could get me so excited so quickly. She leaned down and flicked her tongue tentatively over the head of my dick. Oh how I wanted her to take it all the way into her mouth. Before she could even think about it, my hot cum started gushing out. She jumped back in surprise, but not before the first spurt hit her right on the upper lip. She continued pumping away with her hand as I shot the rest of my load all over my chest and belly. She smiled broadly and licked the drop of cum off her lip.As I laid there coming down off my high, Sarah jumped up off the bed and got a warm washcloth from the bathroom and cleaned me off. She leaned over and gave me a big kiss right on the lips. I smiled and thanked her for an absolutely fantastic time. She asked me if I really enjoyed watching her sister. I assured her that I did and quickly added that I enjoyed watching her too. At that point I felt really close to Sarah, and went on to tell her all about my efforts to peek at girls bodies. I told her about the magazine, and my episode on the bus, the mall, and about the stairs at school. I even told her more about the times I jacked off in the tree in their back yard while watching her sisters getting undressed, and about the time I had cum while looking at her in her wet panties. She told me that she too liked to look at boys and girls, but never really had the chance to see many boys. She asked me if maybe we could make a deal. She would try to get me some real good peeks at some girls, if I would help her see some boys! Then maybe... just maybe... we could get together like this again and masturbate each other.She went in her closet and returned with some Polaroid pictures. She begged me not to tell anyone about what she was going to show me. Most of the pictures were of Sarah and some of her girlfriends that I recognized from school, at what appeared to be a slumber party. Most of them were of the girls running around in their panties and bras, but a few showed some of Sarah's friends with nothing on their tops! While most of them were mostly undeveloped like Sarah, but a few of the girls had real tits! As I got to the bottom of the stack, one picture really turned me on. It was a shot of Kathy with one foot up on her bed fastening the top of her stocking to her garter belt. Sarah told me that Kathy wore outfits like that a lot when she went out dancing. The incredible thing about that picture was from the angle of the camera, I could see right up Kathy's skirt, and she wasn't wearing any panties! The blond hairs and pink lips of her pussy were clearly visible. Sarah saw me linger over that picture and said she noticed that I really seemed to like stockings and garters. I agreed that they did really turn me on. She said that when we got together the next time, she would wear a pair of stockings just for me, and she would get some film for her camera so I could take some pictures of her dressed in them. My dick started to get hard again, and Sarah giggled. She said I had better go for now, before someone caught me in her room. I reluctantly got dressed. Before I left, she gave me the picture of Kathy that I liked so much. She told me to enjoy it, and squeezed my dick, but just don't wear this out before we get together again.***When I got home, I went straight to the bathroom to jack off. I got out the picture of Kathy and stared at it as I jerked my dick. I imagined what it would be like to feel a a hairy pussy like that, and maybe even push my dick right into that pink slit. I thought about how great it was going to be to see Sarah dressed in stockings and garter belt, and to play with her little pussy, even if it didn't have much hair on it, and to have her jerk on my dick until I shot off. My dick twitched and the cum flew out of it in long arcs right into the bathtub. As soon as I had caught my breath, I began to plan how I was going to get Sarah to see some of the guys with their dicks out. As I washed the cum out of the bathtub, I finally got an idea.The next day in school I started to put my plan together. I took all the money I had saved up to use as a bribe to get some girl to show me her panties and took it to the guy who had showed me the pictures of the naked girls. I asked him if he could get me some movies. He took all the money I had and said that would be just enough to rent one movie for one night. I argued with him, but he said take it or leave it. I told him to go ahead and get it for next Saturday night.I then told all the guys that they were invited to a stag party at my house next Saturday. My folks were going to be gone until quite late and I would have the house to myself. That night I wandered around the house looking for a place to hide Sarah, so she could watch what happened. I finally decided that we would watch the movie in the family room downstairs, and she could hide in the laundry room right next to it. There was a vent through the wall and by standing on the washer, she would be able to see everyone through the vent without being seen. The next day I told Sarah about my plan. She smiled broadly when I told her and squeezed my dick through my pants. She handed me an envelope and told me not to open it until I got home that night. During math class, which is the only class that Sarah and I have together, I looked back at her and winked. She looked around to make sure no one else was watching, then spread her legs wide for a second, letting me see the yellow panties she had on under her green skirt. That night I opened the envelope that Sarah had given me. It was another Polaroid picture, this time of Sarah. She was wearing a white bra, white bikini panties, a garter belt and white stockings! She was rubbing her crotch and had written, I hope you look at this and jack off every night. I'll show you more the next time we get together. Well, I sure did jack off, and thought about how it would be to see her in person dressed like that. And how it would feel to pull those little panties off her sexy legs and feel her soft wet pussy. Saturday afternoon I started getting things ready for the party. I arranged the chairs in the family room so they all were visible from the vent where Sarah would be watching. After my folks left, I got the projector and screen set up for the movie. About 6 o'clock, the guy who had taken my money showed up and handed me one 8mm film saying he hoped us kids would enjoy it. My friends were due to arrive at 7 so I ran over to get Sarah. She met me in the back yard saying that she couldn't wait to see the show. I took her in the laundry room and helped her up on the washer. As she climbed up, her short black skirt rode up in back, and I could see her white panties. I reached up and gave her butt a little pat under her skirt. She giggled and told me to wait for later.Only five guys showed up that night. They all gathered around the screen in the family room and waited as I threaded the projector. I dimmed the lights around the screen, but left them on where we would be sitting so Sarah would be able to see. The movie was of terrible quality, out of focus and grainy, but nobody seemed to care. It started right out with a naked girl on a bed shoving a coke bottle in her pussy. The guys started out laughing and making crude comments, but as the movie started getting them horny, things got much quieter. There weren't any guys in the movie, just 3 girls, who shoved fingers, bottles, and even cucumbers into themselves. About halfway through, they started feeling each other, and then one of them stuck her face between another one's legs and began licking her pussy. I looked around and all five guys were rubbing their crotches, but nobody had gotten their dicks out of their pants. I realized that if Sarah was going to get to see anything, I would have to get them started. I slid down in my chair and moaned a little to get their attention, and then unzipped my pants and got out my dick. I started rubbing myself and hoped that the others would do the same. Sure enough, one of the other guys got out his dick and started whacking off, then another, until all of us were beating away at our hard dicks. I looked over at the vent and smiled. I hoped Sarah was getting a good look. Soon one of the guys stood up, let out a roar and started cumming. One by one, we shot our loads on the family room floor. The movie ended just as the last one shot his wad. We sat around for a few minutes as the film rewound, all kind of embarrassed at what we had done. They all decided to go get some pizza. But I told them I had to stay and clean up. They looked at the mess on the floor and said they would see me Monday in school. As soon as they had gone, I went into the laundry room to see how Sarah had liked the show. She was laying back across the washer with her skirt pulled up and her hand stuffed in her panties. I could see her fingers rubbing her pussy. I didn't say a word, but bent down, pushed the crotch of her panties to one side, shoved her fingers out of the way, and pressed my mouth against her wet soft pussy. She didn't try to stop me this time. My tongue found her hard clit and flicked across it. She gasped and pressed her pussy even tighter against my face. I sucked her little bud between my lips as I slowly pushed my finger into her pussy hole. Her hips jerked up against me and she shook all over moaning that she was cumming. She finally relaxed and smiled at me saying that was the best cum she had ever had. She jumped down off the washer and knelt in front of me. She pulled down my zipper and fished out my hard dick. I watched in awe as she opened her mouth and put my dick inside! I felt her hot wet tongue swirling around me as she moved her mouth back and forth along my dick. I couldn't say a word. The feeling was totally overwhelming. Sarah was sucking my dick! I didn't last more than about 30 seconds before I was humping my dick in and out of her mouth and felt my cum shoot right down her throat. She looked up at me as she tasted the first squirt with her eyes gleaming. She swallowed once, then twice, and finally three times before she had me drained dry. My knees felt weak and my eyes were blurred. I pulled her up and kissed her, my tongue slipping between her lips and dueling with hers. I could taste my own cum in her mouth as we held each other for what seemed like hours. Finally she whispered that she had to go, but she would have a surprise for me the next weekend.***The next week at school seemed like the longest week I had ever seen. Sarah was still teasing me in math, letting me see her panties whenever she got the chance. She even helped me get some other peeks during the week. Once she stood at the top of the stair railing talking to one of her friends while I stood down below looking up both their dresses. Her friend was wearing these little lacy black panties that didn't quite cover her butt cheeks. I wondered how many other girls in the seventh grade wore panties like that to school. Another time she "accidentally" hooked her books on another girls skirt as she was standing up from her locker. She managed to pull it all the way up before she noticed, just as I happened to be walking by. That girl just happened to be the most popular girl in the seventh grade. After seeing her legs all the way up, and those tight pink panties stretched across her round little butt, I could understand why she was so popular. I hadn't forgotten about Sarah either. I took my Polaroid to school one day and hid in the dropped ceiling of the shower room. I got pictures of the entire football team in the showers. One guy even had a hard on. I even managed to get a picture of one guy jacking off in the toilet stall. I sealed those pictures in an envelope and gave them to Sarah after school. The next day she gave me a note saying that the pictures had made her wet, but not as wet as I had made her with my tongue. The note went on to say that she had masturbated every night while thinking about my hot cum squirting into her mouth. It ended by saying that I should meet her in the back yard Friday night at 8. Inside the note was another picture. It showed Sarah in the same stockings and garter belt as before, but this time the panties were gone! She was bent over with her back to the camera with one finger shoved deep in her pussy and another pressed right into her butthole! Friday night I was waiting in the backyard by 7:30. Just in case she was early, I didn't want to miss a thing. She finally showed up right on time at 8. I was kind of disappointed because she was wearing jeans and a tee shirt. She must have seen my disappointment, because she squeezed my hand and said don't worry, you'll get to see me just the way you want. Just be patient. We went back up to her room and she told me what she had planned. Two of her friends were coming over in a little while to try on clothes for the big dance. I could hide in the closet and watch. There was a big grill on the bottom of her closet door, and by laying on the floor I would have a good view of the entire room. She said I could jack off in there if I wanted, but to save some for her when her friends left. Then she gave me a box of tissues, just in case I made a mess, gave me a quick kiss, and shut the door.Just then I heard the doorbell and watched Sarah run out of the room. She returned a couple of minutes later with two other girls. One I recognized immediately as Jennifer, the popular girl whose skirt Sarah had "accidentally" pulled up for me last week. Jennifer had to be the best developed girl in the seventh grade. Her tits were huge, for a twelve year old, and her long legs, blue eyes and blond hair made her the dream of every seventh grade boy. The other girl I didn't know very well. I remembered her name was Stephanie and she was in my history class. She was a tall girl with very long legs. She had red hair and a cute smile. Her tits were bigger than Sarah's but not even close to Jennifer's. They were all dressed like Sarah, in jeans and shirts, but they were each carrying several bags of clothes.They sat around and talked for a while, mainly about boys. Most of the talk was about who was going with who, and what girls had let what boys do what when they were out. I was surprised to hear that Stephanie had let several boys touch her tits. Jennifer said that she was thinking about letting her boyfriend actually touch her pussy, through her panties of course. They all giggled about that. I wondered what they would think if they knew what Sarah and I had done! They then talked about a girl that I didn't know. They were all sure that she had gone all the way at least once. Hmmm, maybe I should get to know her. They even talked about masturbation. Sarah said she played with herself almost every night. The others said they did too. I guess girls are a lot more open about that kind of thing than guys are.Sarah suggested that they better start trying on clothes if they were going to be ready for the big dance. She went to her dresser and pulled out three or four dresses, holding them up one at a time for approval. The other girls went digging through their bags doing the same thing. Soon they were all striping off their jeans and shirts to try on the dresses. Sarah was out of her clothes first. She had on a frilly little blue bra that made her look like she had more tits than she really did. Her panties were blue also, the kind that were cut real high on the sides. They really made her legs look long. Jennifer had on a white bra that barely held those big tits of hers. They kind of spilled out the top and sides and looked really soft. She had on a pair of bright red bikini panties that were cut really low in front. When she turned towards me I could see a line of brown hair peeking out the top. So she wasn't really a blond, hmmmmm, that might be useful information sometime in the future. Stephanie pulled off her shirt and surprised me. She wasn't wearing a bra, and her tits were bigger than I thought. I mean, they weren't the big soft pillows that Jennifer had, but they stood right out almost in a point. Her skin was really white, and she had freckles all over, even on her tits. Her nipples were light pink, and were starting to get hard in the cool air. When she dropped her pants my dick jumped. She was wearing a pair of white string bikini panties that fit all the way up in the crack of her butt. From the back it looked like she was completely naked except for that little white string around her waist. Her butt cheeks were round and firm looking and covered with freckles just like her tits. When she turned around I could see her red pussy hair right through the tiny panties. The other girls kidded her about looking like a stripper in her g-string. Stephy grinned and did a little bump and grind with her hips, pulling the top of her panties down to show her red bush. I had my dick out and was stroking it as I watched the girls clown around in their underwear. Sarah came over to the closet and stepped inside to get another dress. She shut the door behind her and grinned at me laying on the floor rubbing my hard dick. She grabbed the dress she wanted, then bent down and kissed the head of my dick. I almost came right then. She giggled and handed me a tissue, reminding me to clean up my messes, and not to wear it out.After the girls had all tried on three or four dresses, Sarah told them they should have something nice under the dresses too. She went down the hall to her sisters' rooms and came back with a stack of stockings, garter belts, camisoles, tap pants, bras, panties, and corsets. Her friends squealed when they saw what she had and quickly stripped off their underwear and grabbed for the sexy lingerie. When Jennifer stripped off her panties, I saw that the hair covering her pussy was really fine. It definitely was brown though, and not blond. She wrapped a blue garter belt around her waist, fastening it behind her back, then sat on the edge of the bed to pull on a pair of blue sheer stockings. As she raised her leg to put on the stockings, I got a good look at her pussy. The lips opened up so I could see her pink hole, and it looked like it was getting wet! What really impressed me though, was her clit. It actually poked out from between her lips, almost like a little dick. When Stephanie`s panties came off, she rubbed herself between her legs saying she wished there was a man around. The other girls giggled, especially Sarah, knowing that there was one just a few feet away. Stephy's bush was thicker than either of the other girls, and was bright red. She put on a black corset which held her pointed tits even higher, and then selected a pair of black stockings. The black lingerie around her red pussy really did look good. When she pulled on her stockings, her pussy gaped open, and there was no doubt that this girl was wet. Each time she smoothed the stockings along her thighs, her hand continued up to brush against her slit. The other girls kidded her about waiting until she got home to play with herself.Meanwhile Sarah had put on the same white panties, stockings and garter belt that I had seen in the pictures she had given me. The little bra that she wore was so sheer that I could see her pink nipples right through it. Jennifer had found a pair of blue string bikini panties to go with her outfit, and a blue mesh bra. Stephy, decided that she really didn't need panties with her outfit. She said when she flashed the guys at the dance she wanted them to remember that they had been flashed. They then went back to trying on the dresses over their lingerie. Some of the dresses were too short for their selected lingerie, leaving the tops of their stockings and some bare thighs showing. Personally I thought the length was just right. They pranced around in their dresses for a while find out important things like how far they could bend over before their bare thighs showed, or how much thigh showed when they crossed their legs. Stephy sat on the bed spreading her legs until her red bush was showing, asking if the other girls thought that the guys would be able to take a view like that. I don't know about the other guys, but one look at her sitting that way caused me to fill one of those tissues with cum. After getting off, I laid back on the floor to catch my breath. When I looked back, I couldn't believe my eyes. Stephy still had her legs spread like before, but now she had her hand between her legs playing with her pussy! As she laid back on the bed to get more comfortable, Jennifer was pulling down her own panties and was brushing her finger along that huge clit of hers. Sarah had laid back on the bed next to Stephy and had pushed the crotch of her panties to one side and was sliding her finger all the way inside herself. My dick sprang back to life as I watched those three girls masturbating. I couldn't believe what happened next. Jennifer laid down on the bed and Stephy threw her leg over Jenn's body, facing away from her. She then bent down between Jennifer's legs and began licking her pussy as she lowered her own red bust to Jenn's waiting mouth. Those two girls were eating each other. I had heard of 69, but this was the first time I had ever seen it. Jenn buried her face in Stephy's pussy, licking her clit and shoving a finger deep in her hole. Stephy had her lips wrapped around Jenn's protruding clit and was moving her head up and down just like Sarah had done when she sucked my dick. Both girls were squealing and moaning as their bodies jerked around the bed. When I finally looked away from those two, back to Sarah, she had one finger buried all the way up her pussy and was pushing another into her butthole! She was having trouble getting that finger in her butt, but she seemed to like the way it felt. All the while she was flicking her clit with her thumb. From the way Jenn and Stephy were jerking around I knew they were cumming. Just then Sarah jammed her finger the rest of the way up her butt and screamed. Her body shook all over as she came. The three of them just laid there for several minutes without saying a word. My dick was jerking in my fingers and I realized that I was about to cum too. I let go of myself and tried to think of something else. I definitely wanted to save this cum for Sarah. When I looked back in the other room, the girls were getting dressed in their jeans again. Jenn and Stephy thanked Sarah for a great time and left.Sarah straightened the white dress she had put on over her lingerie, and came over to the closet. She pulled open the door and grinned when she saw my hard dick. She told me she hoped I had enjoyed the show. She said that she had invited those two girls because she had known that they liked to get each other off like that. I told her that I had enjoyed watching them very much, but that I had enjoyed watching her even more. Her face got red when she realized that I was talking about her putting her finger up her butt. She said she had heard about that from Kathy, and found out that it made her cum much harder that way. She said that Kathy uses a hairbrush handle on herself back there and Kim had told her that Kathy had even let her boyfriend put his dick in there too. She blushed even deeper when she said that. I hoped it was because she was thinking about me doing that to her.Sarah saw the wadded up tissue and giggled about me not being able to wait. I told her it was only fair because she had cum once already too. She asked me when I had done it. I told her about Stephy sitting with her legs spread so I could see her pussy. She laughed and said that if I went to the dance, I would probably get to see the same thing again. She said Stephy was a real prick teaser. She just loved to get the boys all turned on and then leave them panting while she went and got herself off with Jennifer. Jenn on the other hand didn't have to do anything to turn the guys on except stand there. Her body drew boys from miles around. Sarah said she was surprised to hear that Jenn was considering letting a boy touch her pussy, she always seemed to be more attracted to girls for sex.I noticed Sarah eyeing my hard dick as she talked. She kissed me then raised her finger to my mouth. I licked her finger, tasting her juices, then realized that I wasn't sure if that was the finger she had in her pussy or her butthole! She told me to get undressed. I quickly stripped off my clothes and reached for her. She stepped back grinning and said since I liked to peek, I would have to just look for a while. I smiled and wrapped my hand around my dick. Just don't use it all up too soon, she teased. Sarah sat down on the side of the bed in front of me and motioned for me to sit on the floor. In this position my face was level with her knees. She crossed her legs, allowing her dress to open up on one side. I sat there looking right up her skirt. I followed the while stockings up under her dress to her bare thigh above the top. I could see the white garter strap hooked to the stocking pressed tightly against her soft flesh. My eyes followed the strap up to where it disappeared under her cute little bottom. She let me stare for a while, then slowly uncrossed her legs. As she did I got a quick glimpse of white panties between her legs. She laughed as she saw my hand grip my dick. Ever so slowly her knees spread apart. I licked my lips as I looked between her widening legs. First the stockings, then the bare thighs, and finally her sexy white panties came into view. When she felt I had enough of this, she pulled her knees up, leaving them spread wide apart. Her dress fell back into her lap, leaving her panty covered crotch wide open for me to look at. I could see the outline of her puffy pussy lips through the panties, and the wet spot there form her juices. It was all I could do to stay there on the floor and not press my lips against her sweet pussy. She reached down and ran her slender finger along the crotch of her panties. Her body twitched as she did and she was making little mewing sounds in her throat. She rubbed herself a couple more times through her panties before her finger slipped in through the leg opening and found her bare lips. As she continued to rub herself, the crotch of her panties got pushed to the side revealing her almost hairless pussy. My dick was throbbing, I wanted to reach down and get some relief, but I was enjoying this too much. Very slowly her finger slipped between those pink lips and disappeared into her pussy. I heard her gasp and her thumb started brushing across her clittie. She stopped just long enough to pull her panties off. Now when she spread her legs I could see all of her pussy, and her tight pink butthole as well. Her finger returned to its place deep inside her pussy as she continued to rub her clit. Now her other finger was pushing against her butthole. It seemed awfully tight, and the finger didn't want to go in. She wet the tip of her finger in her pussy, then returned to her butt. this time the tip slid in and I watched her little ring tighten around it. Her breathing was rapid now and I knew she was about to cum. I couldn't stand it any longer. I leaned forward and pressed my face against her sweet smelling pussy. She moved her hand to make room for my probing tongue as it found her swollen clit. I ran my tongue down the length of her slit and pulled her finger out of her butt. I poked my tongue against that little pucker and heard her cry out. I licked back and forth from her clit, down her slit to her butthole several times. Each time her cries got louder. I wrapped my lips around her clittie and slipped my finger inside her tight pussy. Her hips were thrusting up and down. I felt around with my other finger until I found her butthole and started to push it in. She held back a little scream, then said WAIT.She slid up on the bed, pulling my fingers out of her. She rolled over on her tummy with her knees over the side of the bed and reached back, spreading her butt-cheeks. She started begging for me to put it in! She was moaning loudly now and kept saying, "Put it in me... put your dick in my butt... please shove it up my butt!"I moved behind her and licked her tiny rosebud. She raised her butt to meet my tongue as she repeated for me to stick it in. I used my finger to bring some of her juices from her pussy to lubricate her bottom. I then stood up and pressed my hard dick against her butthole. I pushed..and she groaned, but nothing happened. I pushed again, this time hearing a gasp and felt the resistance decrease. Another push, this time she pushed back, and I felt the end of my dick go into her butt. Sarah had slid her hands under her and was frantically playing with her clit. "OH YES!" she gasped. "PUSH IT IN!" Her hips were thrusting up to meet me now as I tried to push it in further. Slowly I felt it sink in. Further and further my little dick was going right up her butt. I couldn't believe how hot and tight it felt in there. I pushed one more time and it slid all the way in. My balls were bouncing against her pussy. She was screaming now. Her fingers were rubbing her pussy furiously and her hips were jerking against me. I heard a low growl start in her throat that kept getting louder and louder and her thrusts became quicker and quicker. The moan went back to a scream as her body just shook all over. I felt her butthole clamp down on my dick and my cum started pumping deep into her. I suddenly realized that I was screaming right along with her. We both collapsed down onto the bed. My dick still lodged in her butt. Two twelve year olds glowing in the exhaustion of their first coupling. We didn't move for a long time. My dick shriveled and slipped out of her butt. Finally we rolled over and held each other. I knew that no matter how many skirts I peeked up, no matter how many pussies I felt, no matter how many girls sucked me, or fucked me, or did anything else to me, never would it be this good again. I feel obliged to add one more thing before I end this. Some of you may be interested in what happened to the people in this story. Kathy graduated from high school and went on to college. During her undergraduate years, she managed to fuck her way through the entire Ohio State football squad. She later got her PhD and in the process kept several professors very happy in the local Day's Inn. She is now married to a CPA in Cleveland and is President of the school board, has the perfect family of 2.3 kids, a St. Bernard, and drives a station wagon. Kim also went to college and dropped out during her freshman year to become a nude dancer in San Francisco. The last time anyone saw her, she was selling her body in the Marina District.Jennifer and Stephanie now run an art gallery in Sedona Arizona. They live together and are currently trying to find a church that will allow them to get married. They come back through this part of the country a couple of times each year, and we still get together. They finally found out about me hiding in the closet that night and thought it was great. They both still like to tease men, and I always look forward to their visits when we recreate parts of that night in Sarah's bedroom. They really put on a great leg show, and seem to get an extra kick out of having someone watch.Now for Sarah, I'll bet all you think that we got married right out of school and lived happily ever after. WRONG! Actually Sarah and I did continue dating through most of high school. She did finally grow tits! I guess she was about 14 when she really came into bloom. At least technically she remained a virgin all the way through school. She never did take anything more in her pussy than a finger even though while we were dating she got me off at least twice a week in her hand, in her mouth, or in that incredibly tight ass of hers. Anyway, I went away to college, and she married, of all things, a preacher! I met a girl in college who seemed to share many of my professional interests and we ended up married and living in Toledo. Several years passed and I found that things just weren't working. While our professional lives were compatible, our sex lives weren't even close. She was always getting pissed off about my interests in other women's legs, and her idea of sexy lingerie was an old pair of my jockey shorts and a tee shirt. One afternoon after work I stopped in a little bar for a drink before going home. I looked across the room and saw this incredible set of legs! This lady was sitting in such a way to make sure that every man in the place knew that she was wearing stockings and a garter belt. No matter how she moved, there was always a bit of bare thigh showing. As I watched, she uncrossed her legs and treated me to a flash of white panties. My eyes finally moved off her legs to her face, and you guessed it, it was Sarah! We struck up a conversation, and I found out that she had been divorced for almost a year. She said she just couldn't stand the restrictions of being a preacher's wife. Her ex was constantly harping at her to stop dressing like a slut. Well, to make a long story short, she is sitting here next to me, helping me to write this. We are getting married next week. Right now as I look down, I see those sexy legs, covered in shimmery stockings, and she is swinging her legs open and closed giving me little peeks at these sheer lacy panties. I just can't seem to keep my mind on writing, so we are going to move to the bedroom and find out what other little surprises she has under her clothes. We may be back to write some more... and then again... we may not. END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 67
My wife and I run a small daycare in our home in a suburb outside the hustle of the big city. We take care of only 3-5 children a day, but we make up for lost money on the side. Amanda, my young, beautiful, and depraved wife came up with the idea to 'take care' of more than just little kids in order to generate some cash flow. We have two websites to advertise the business; one is our official site that brings in parents of small children while they work, and the other site draws a much different crowd entirely. I'll get to them later. This is a typical day for us at "Sunny Skies" daycare.The parents drop their kids off in the morning, and everyone is in by 9:00 a.m. On this day we have 3 boys and two girls, just what we need to make our 'other' clients happy. ***"It's 10 O' Clock, Amanda. Better get the boys upstairs," I told her. She gathered them up and took them upstairs, where they were to be locked in a bedroom while we conducted business on the first floor. I instructed the girls to sit on the couch and wait until Amanda came down. I looked at my watch. Our customers would be here in fifteen minutes and Amanda was taking too long. I went upstairs to see what the hold up was and entered the room to find my wife squatting on the floor in front of one of the little boys. His pants were around his ankles, and she was sucking away at his tiny, immature penis. One of her hands was down the front of her skirt while the other reached behind him to push his pelvis towards her face. She slurped on him lovingly, moaning as the boy stood there with a blank expression. He was too young to know what was going on, and my pants began to bulge at this taboo display of lust. "Amanda! Come on, it's time!" I snapped at her. I wasn't mad, but I needed her to get herself together before the arrival of our guests. Amanda stood up and composed herself. She pulled the boys pants back up and told him to go play with the others, locking the door from the outside on our way out. Amanda kissed me hard. Her pupils widened with lust as she said, "Oh Jason, I can't wait till we have one of our own. I'll love him every day, you know I will. He'll never want to leave his mommy." Her face was gorgeous and her long black hair smelled like flowers. She pressed her breasts into me, tempting me to take her right there, but the doorbell rang.Amanda jumped and rushed down the stairs to greet them in her tiny black miniskirt and 'fuck me' pumps. Our new guests always felt more at ease when she met them at the door instead of me. I followed close behind her and went to where the girls were sitting and told them to stand so that I could get them ready for playtime.Some men never make it to work on time, but sure enough, these guys were all piled up at the door right on time. Amanda led them down to the basement and told them to have a seat and relax. They looked around nervously and took there seats, distancing themselves from one another, as they were all only meeting each other for the first time. Their ages ranged from about 20 to 45, and the only one of them that seemed to be completely comfortable was a man who Amanda called 'Joseph.' "So what have you got for us today, Mandy? You look lovely today, by the way, but I'm afraid you're a bit old for my taste," Joseph said to her. Amanda smiled and told him she had exactly what was promised; two fresh young honeys for their enjoyment. All of the men relaxed just a bit and spoke cautiously with Amanda when spoken to. She had them introduce themselves, with false names of course, at her urging. She told them since they were all going to be naked soon, they might as well get to know each other a little. She had a soothing effect on nervous men, and these dudes were no exception. While my wife buttered them up, I prepared the girls upstairs. When they were ready, I took them into the basement to meet their new playmates. The men stood up as if two adult women had entered the room and a few of them sighed at the sight of these pretty young girls. "Gentlemen," I began, "meet Brittany and Jolie." We had dressed Brittany up in a cute little school girl's outfit, complete with plaid skirt, bobby sox and blond hair tied into pigtails. She smiled sweetly at their compliments and her green eyes twinkled. Jolie was outfitted with a simple pink bikini, altered to be cut as a thong in behind. She had long brown hair that lay freely on her shoulders and beautiful large brown eyes to match. She was a little more reserved than Brittany, and answered questions reluctantly. One of the men asked, "So how old are you sweethearts?" Brittany piped up first, "I'm five and a half!" Jolie shyly echoed her words. Amanda spoke, "Well boys, you're on the clock, so I suggest you get in as much as playtime as you can." Brittany was excited, anxious for something fun, "What are we playing?" None of the men spoke, instead they rose to their feet and began to remove clothing. Brittany giggled, apparently not understanding the gravity of the situation. Jolie, by comparison, withdrew and hid behind me. I pulled her aside and told her to go talk to the nice men and gently shoved her towards one of them. Joseph called to Brittany, and she happily skipped over to him. She laughed again, and said to him, "I can see your pee-pee!" Joseph's cock began to harden, and suddenly Brittany stopped laughing. She could sense what was coming."Close your eyes and open your mouth, Brittany, and I'll give you something sweet. She hesitated, a confused look upon her face. Amanda Knelt beside her and spoke softly, "Go ahead, honey, it's ok." The little girl trusted her and did as she was told. Joseph delivered as he promised, but I don't think his big cock was quite as sweet as she expected. Her eyes popped open and she pushed away from him, but she was in his grip. One of the other men knelt behind her and secured her arms while Joseph grabbed the little girl's pigtails like the handlebars of a bike. He pulled her in hard, slamming his pelvis into her cute, little face. She struggled, but to no avail.Meanwhile, Jolie reacted in horror, attempting to climb the stairs, but the other three men were on her. It seemed they no longer felt her little two-piece was necessary, as they roughly stripped it from her body, Jolie kicking and screaming the entire time. The men did not say a word, but they worked together with one goal in mind. On of them lay along the floor, his erection straight up in the air. They hovered the kicking girl over him and straddled his waist. He moaned at the feeling of her warm, young pussy sliding across his swollen dick. Looking on, Amanda shook her head at there fumbling, "There is no way they're gonna get that thing in her without some proper lubrication." "So go give 'em a hand." I said. She looked at me, and I saw that same look in her eyes she had while playing with the little boy upstairs. "I'll be right back, don't go anywhere!" she commanded me, and set off to help the men with Jolie. "Hold on boys, hold on!" She said, "Bear with me." Amanda took the lying man's cock into her mouth and sucked up and down while they held Jolie just above. Amanda deliberately slobbered on his tool, giving it the lube he needed. "OK, now try it," she said, and helped lower the fledgling female onto her first lover. Her pussy was unbelievably tight, but they managed, sinking every inch into her sweet little sugar-hole. Jolie's pretty eyes bulged with painful surprise. She wailed in shock but everyone held her down. Amanda then began to lick the little girl's tiny bung hole, preparing it for entrance as well. The second man came around behind her and positioned his cockhead at the tightest of all female orifices. He grunted, struggling to get his penis into her soft, little behind. His cock bent up and down at the resistance, but soon enough it burrowed its way inside. He showed no patience or mercy, driving all six inches up her forbidden ass. The two men violated Jolie with extreme prejudice, fucking her forcefully while she screamed and cried. The third man, unwilling to just sit by and watch, decided to help the little girl become airtight. He squatted down, his butt uncomfortably close to the guy on the floor, and rammed his cock into Jolie's cute, round face. Her cries were cut off in an instant, replaced only by the slick sounds of hot sex. The three of them penetrated her simultaneously, filling her sweet miniature body with man-meat. They groaned and moaned at the intense pleasure of her. Meanwhile, on the sofa nearby, Brittany was on all fours, taking it hard from behind with a face full of dick. They had not bothered stripping her, as they loved the school girl getup. He was pounding her hot, young twat underneath the cute, plaid skirt. He held onto the material, pulling it back forcefully towards himself so that he could feel her envelope his grown manhood. Joseph sat on the sofa, still using poor little Brittany's pigtails as handles. He would skull fuck her until she turned blue in the face, then he would let her up at the last moment for a breath of air. She tried to speak, "I want my daddy," she said pitifully. Joseph replied, "I am your Daddy, sweetheart." Her big eyes were the most beautiful he had ever seen, and that mouth! Oh he needed more! Joseph plunged himself into her mouth once again. She gagged and spit up on him, but he kept it up. Gobs of drool leaked out of her mouth and down to his ball sac. "Oh, baby," he said in pleasurable agony. "Daddy's gonna cum. Oh pretty honey, here it comes!" Joseph convulsed in his seat and delivered the sweet present that he had promised her. He lost pints of semen down her narrow throat, crying out in agonizing bliss. She had no choice but to choke it all down to her belly. On the other side, the second man pumped away at her toy-sized buttocks, but he was having trouble hanging in there. When Joseph began to climax, he could no longer hold it himself. He was holding Brittany's soft-skinned belly when he felt her spasm each time she gagged and swallowed Joseph's cum. He too, unleashed his seed within her, filling her 5 year old vaginal cavity with warm, sticky goo. Brittany's body shut down. Her little mind and body could not take two men cumming in her at once. When they were finished with her, they tossed her aside like yesterdays garbage. She lay on the carpet, copious amounts of semen dribbling out of her pussy and mouth.Amanda pulled out an old drafting table that we kept for these occasions and strapped Jolie to it with the help of our guests. She was frightened and in pain, but no one seemed to care or notice. She was sprawled out on the table with her head at the slightly raised end, and her arms pulled straight away from her body and tied down. Her legs were left unbound and at the control of whoever was having their way with her. Amanda instructed all five men to line up to take their turn, one at a time.Amanda talked to the scared girl and told her everything was going to be alright. Then she tied a blindfold around her eyes and placed a red ball gag in her mouth. "This is for your own good," she told her. The first violator stepped up and readied himself. At my wife's command, he seized her petite ankles and entered the sweet, young thing's cunt, throwing his head back in ecstasy. He groaned as he shoved his sausage of a cock into her sex. Jolies cries were muffled by the ball gag, yet she struggled unsuccessfully against the restraints that held her down. The others stood impatiently in line, stroking themselves to the evil spectacle in front of them. The man strained at temptation, but he could go no more. "Remember the rules of the game," Amanda reminded him. He pulled out at the last second and yelped in agony as he spewed his cum onto Jolie's cute, little belly. Man number two moved in and pushed the first guy out of the way. He just couldn't wait to get inside. This man opted for her little rosebud asshole and crammed himself in as quickly as he could. Jolie bucked and arched her back in painful shock. Screams filled her throat, encouraging the man even more. He fucked her hardest of all, in and out of her ass with a hateful look upon his face. "Fuckin' bitch, little fuckin' whore! I'll teach you, you stupid cunt!" He howled at her. I was amazed that her puny rump could take so much dick. He gave her a few more vicious thrusts and withdrew himself from her ass. He quickly walked around and stroked his dick furiously over her nose until gobs of cum milked out onto her blindfolded face. The poor girl shook her head from side to side, but she could not avoid it. He covered her face and immediately ran up the stairs with his clothes and left the house. The third guy had his dick in her pussy already. He was a little gentler than the last, but he liked to switch from her snatch to her ass, and back again. He just wanted to feel a little of both, perhaps to get more out of his money. He too, shot a thick load onto her torso, adding to the mess. Man number four never made it to intercourse. He had yet to bust his nut today and was too built up to perform. He exploded everywhere; semen landed on her face, hair, crotch, belly, and even on her tiny titties. He thanked us profusely and fled the scene.Joseph was up, but he instead offered his place to me. "Oh, no thanks, Joe," I said. This sort of thing just wasn't my cup of tea. Joseph insisted, and Amanda encouraged me as well by reaching into my pants and fondling my balls. She whispered in my ear, telling me how much she wanted to see me do it. I think she had it in mind from the start. Reluctantly, I stood and approached the sweet little victim that lay before me. She was a mess. It looked as if someone had doused her with a bucket of cum. I pulled my pants down halfway and placed my engorged knob at her impossibly small entrance. Amanda came to me and helped me out by guiding me inside. Her pussy was unimaginably undersized, and the sensation was amazing. Jolie was slick and warm inside, and this made me moan like never before. Amanda watched in perverted wonder as I rocked my hips back and forth. "There you go baby, doesn't that feel nice, honey? Sweet, little baby pussy just for you. Yeah, that's it. Push it all the way in!" Amanda teased as I slowly enjoyed this pretty little creature. Jolie wept softly, still flinching with every thrust. She took every inch of me, and it was pure heaven. Amanda kept at it, fondling my sac as she spoke, "You want to cum, don't you, sweetheart? It's going to feel so good when you do. Just like when you're going to cum in our little girl. I'm pregnant, baby." She picked a fine time to tell me. Her nasty words sent me into the most glorious orgasm of my life. I refused to pull out, sending wave after wave of my seed into Jolie's forbidden pussy. Joseph removed her ball gag and jerked himself into her wailing mouth. She had been crying until she took a mouthful of sticky goo. Her gurgling made me cum even harder. I slammed that sweet, young ass harder than I do my own wife. After that, my immediate memory is fuzzy. Brittany and Jolie are regulars here, but when our daughter arrives, she'll be reserved for Mommy and Daddy only...END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 44