Chapter 1---------My name is James Doone, I'm twenty-five, and I'm a fitness buff. Until that summer in the Rockies, I thought I was just a normal sort of guy, no kinks, the usual sexual preferences, and happily married to a girl who was also a physical education teacher.So, when I applied for a summer job with Camp Good Health Inc., I was outraged by the personnel officer's line of questioning. He wanted to know if I had a record, and I replied, honestly, that I was clean. Then he pushed further and asked if I had ever had "relations" with a minor.Well, I turned red with anger and he must have seen the look in my eye because he hastily assured me it was a routine line of questioning. Every applicant, he told me, had to be carefully screened because parents sent their offspring to the summer camp in good faith; and it was up to him to see that faith would not be shattered.He went on to ask about my sex life with my wife. I told him to mind his own business, but that it was normal. He asked me what normal was. I finally told him twice a week was as normal as I ever wanted to be. Little did I know that I almost blew the job with that answer.But he went on to dig into my past, and when he heard that I had been working with kids ever since I left college, he was much nicer to me. And before the month was over, I had been notified that the job was mine.At the end of May I drove up to the camp. It was a big place, long huts set among the trees, gravel paths and rolling lawns, sports fields, and a central building made of brick which housed administration and indoor activities. All this had been fenced in with ten foot high wire fences with barbed wire on the top.Around the camp, several mountain peaks rose way up into the light cloud obscuring the blue sky. It was very peaceful, not an unnatural sound, just birds and the gentle wind easing through the treetops. Several of the instructors had already arrived, and were sitting on benches outside the administration building.We introduced ourselves. A tall, thin man called Lester Phipps told me he was there as a dietitian, and a strong tanned fellow by the name of Mark Dennis was in my department, that of PT. The only girl in our little band of early worms was called Elsa, and she attracted me strongly.Tall and blonde, tanned evenly and golden, she wore a simple white shift and sandals. Her eyes were wide open and blue, a quality of innocence in them that appealed to me. And her hair was yellow as straw, but soft as silk, and gathered in a loose knot at the nape.She smiled at me when I told her my name, her mouth wide, teeth white and even. For a second I had a vision of that mouth around my cock, sucking at it like my wife would never do. Then I felt ashamed and pushed it out of my mind."Want to walk around?" I suggested. "I'd like to get the feel of this place before the others arrive.""Great idea," she said, and we left Phipps and Dennis to their own devices.She walked with a long, springy step, as if the energy bottled up inside her was about to explode into an unbridled sprint. I like that in a woman. Her arms swung by her side, small muscles rippling along her upper arms. She was lithe and strong, but full-breasted and round-hipped, just as a woman should be.We explored the other limits of the camp slowly, checking the wire, looking inside the orderly huts, and talking about the days to come. I felt a terrific longing for her suddenly, I don't exactly know why. I guess it might have been the circumstances -- we were all alone, right at the other end of the entrance, behind the last hut on a small lawn. The sky had cleared and the sun fell brightly over everything.I looked her in the eye, my hand gripping hers. And she responded. Her hand gripped mine just as hard. Her eyes bored into me. Wordless we sank to the ground and pressed our lips against together.My cock was hard and burning, pressing against my tight trousers as if it meant to burst them. Her hand caressed it briefly, tracing the outline of my knob. Quickly I shed my clothes, watching her slip out of her shift. She stood up straight, her arms bending back to undo the snap of her bra. When it came loose, the bra fell off, sliding down her arms, to reveal firm, upstanding tits, white as snow, with big pink nipples.Her panties followed, and she stood before me with the tan of her body interrupted by the whiteness of her tits and her ass, as if she was wearing a subcutaneous garment. Our naked bodies met, standing toe to toe, embracing each other and feeling muscle and tit, cock and cunt, meet.I slid my hands down her back, savoring the smoothness and the firmness of her flesh, the way her back sloped inwards to the small waist, then jutted out suddenly to form two hard but yielding buttocks separated by a tight furrow. I squeezed her flesh and drove her loins harder into mine while her hands fumbled with my aching cock and tried to insert it.She was in too much of a hurry, I thought to myself, and gently I moved back, pushing her down onto the lawn. When she reclined she relaxed a little, and waited while I enjoyed the spongy firmness of her tits, the flatness of her belly, and finally the down of her cunt.But that's where she started to get nervous. My hand moved deep down between her rounded thighs and pressed into the hot, hairy crotch in an effort to locate the hole of her passion. Almost reflexively, her hands shot down and removed my explorer, to put it back on her tit. I looked at her in surprise but she avoided my eyes by kissing me fiercely.Well, I thought, if she wants to play hard to get, that's okay. We've got all the time we need. And I leaned over her to take her nipples into my mouth one by one, to suck at them. How pleasant that was! The more I sucked, the more thrilling it became. I sank into her tits, deeper and deeper, relishing the smooth, pulvinated flesh, her nipple becoming hard as a little bullet. I squeezed the flesh up so that it formed hard balls of tautness, and let it relax to bury my face into it once more.She enjoyed that immensely. Her breathing became labored, and her torso twisted excitedly with every new development. Once again I sent my free hand to sneak down to her little arbor, almost reaching the top of her cleft before she literally threw my hand off.I sat up, pissed by now, hard and frustrated, and earnestly desirous of touching her cunt with everything I had. "What the fuck is the matter with you?" I asked heatedly. "You think my hand isn't good enough for your cunt?""I just don't like people to touch me there," she said sullenly, averting her eyes."Are you crazy? You mean no one ever ate you out or jerked you off?""Certainly not!" Her eyes blazed as she turned her look on me like a death ray. "That makes me scream when I'm touched there.""How do you get on then?" I asked, genuinely curious now. "Do you enjoy sex or do you just do it.""Of course. I enjoy it. Just don't touch my box."I sighed and decided I had better make use of my hard-on while I had it. I pushed her back into the grass, opened her legs, keeping my hands at a respectful distance from her blonde cunt, and waited for her to guide me inside.Despite her orneriness, it felt good to be fucking her. She groaned slightly, pushing at my buttocks with every stroke I drove inside her, and generally let me know I was doing all right. But there was something amiss, I couldn't put my finger on it though and kept on fucking.I could tell by her steady breathing that I was getting nowhere. Though my dick is by no means a toddler, and my technique has been refined by years of trying to give my wife a climax, I was faltering. She was, I thought, just like my wife. You could plug away all night and get nowhere. It was so discouraging!Suddenly a rage welled up inside of me, a vindictive white hot anger. If she wouldn't fuck with me, I would fuck on her, and that was that!I threw out all consideration and sensitivity, to plough into her like she was a piece of liver, or a blow-up dummy of Jayne Mansfield. Screw her orgasm and screw her finer feelings, I would fuck her like a pig!I fucked violently, driving my prick up her moist cunt as my hands mauled her soft tits to my heart's content. Banging away, thinking only of myself, having fantasies about other women and other sex symbols while I raved on top of her, impervious to her existence.She must have sensed it because she began trying to throw me off. She might as well have tried to topple the Rock of Gibraltar! I was on to stay. Slamming my prick up her nearly dry cunt, I relished the friction and the elasticity of stubborn flesh.I came with a sharp jolt and got off immediately. She lay on the ground, her legs still open, her eyes filled with reproach as if I had violated her favorite pet. But I was in no mood to console her. I threw my clothes on and waited for her to get dressed with my back towards her.When we walked back to the administration building, she apologized for her "idiosyncrasy," and groped for a psychological reason for it. Her parents, she said, had always taught her that the vagina is dirty and to be shunned. Perhaps that was it!"A lot of parents tell their kids that," I said roughly, "but a lot of kids grow out of inhibitions like that just the same.""You think there's something deeply wrong with me?""Could be--I don't know. I've never come up against such a problem before."I could see she was really worried. Her big blue eyes were clouded with it, her high, smooth brow was creased with tiny frowns. But since I didn't know what to say, I kept silent.We reached the administration block to find a dozen other instructors there. Introductions became confusing, in the end we just laughed and said we'd catch the names later.The rest of the day was filled with instructions, rules, lectures, and finally, towards the end of the afternoon, bus loads of noisy kids, all between the ages of ten and fifteen. They were all city kids, kind of tough and pale, and all girls.Because it was a girls' camp, there were only the three male instructors, myself included, and the other twelve were women. I looked them over and saw nothing to excite me. Only Elsa looked fetching and sexy. The others stood around like concentration camp guards, middle-aged and squat, like small patrol tanks.And because there were only three males in the whole camp, we got an enormous amount of attention from the girls coming out of the buses. They poured out like syrup and gathered around the instructors, eyeing them off with a kind of insolence that was entirely new to me. It felt as if they had the numbers, and they could do as they pleased. It was an odd sensation, one that made me shiver briefly.The patrol tanks organized the girls in alphabetical squads and marched them off to various huts where they were to deposit their belongings and get indoctrinated. I looked after their retreating figures, all those young buttocks swinging under thin cloth, budding tits and the first sprouts of pubic hair pressing against the material, young snatches that had not yet tasted man, nor knew what to expect.Again, that tremor ran through me like a little earthquake. I shook my head and carted my baggage over to the room I'd been given. It was a comfortable little place, designed for one person. A single bunk, a wooden table and chair, a matching chest of drawers, and a mantle radio. Spartan, but I was glad to get so far away from my wife's vulgar attempts at redecorating our home in neo-occidental or early Filipino rococo. The whole house was a veritable museum of bad taste.Later, just as the evening meal was finished and I began the short walk back to my room, a girl rushed up to me and insisted on introducing herself to me as Laura. I shrugged and said my name was James, and she clapped with delight, as if I had just asked her to make a deal."I saw you when we got off the bus this afternoon," she told me, walking alongside me uninvited, "and I thought you looked very handsome, like a very nice person who I'd like to get to know."I looked down at her. She was about five feet tall, twelve if she was a day, her thin halter top giving way to slight tits, her tight pants pushed out by firm little buttocks. She was cute. Big brown eyes, her hair wavy and long, upturned nose and red cheeks, a bright little girl I decided."So here I am," she went on, skipping to keep up with my long strides. "Do you mind this? I mean, are you upset that I disturbed you or anything?""Not at all," I said diplomatically. "I like to get to know the kids.""I'm not a kid!" she exclaimed, cross now, her high voice rising, "and I'm not just one of the kids either--I'm Laura, I'm a person!""Okay, I'm sorry," I said, seeing her eyes flash, "but you must understand that with a couple of hundred kids here, you get to see people in terms of numbers."I don't know why I explained myself to such lengths, but she seemed satisfied. She walked along till we reached the door of my room, and I paused to take my leave of her."Aren't you going to invite me in?" she asked."You'd have to be kidding!" I said, shocked at the idea. "They'd run me out of here on a rail!""Oh, I see, you're chicken," she said, and turned away. "Okay, chicken, I'll see you after midnight."Before I could say any more she had disappeared into the evening. I shrugged my shoulders and went inside. The fresh mountain air had made me tired and I soon sank into a sound sleep. I would have slept till late into the morning, but suddenly I was shaken awake.I sat up. It was pitch black all around me. I asked who was there, and a high-pitched voice answered me in a conspiratorial whisper, "It's me, Laura, be quiet!""Get out of here!" I whispered, already having visions of ignominy and a life in the streets. "What're you trying to do, ruin me?""Nobody knows I'm here," she said, and I heard the rustling of clothes. "I checked. I'm careful and I'll be gone before anyone's out looking. Now be cooperative or I'll scream.""Oh damn it!" I groaned, falling back into the pillow. I felt the bedclothes lift and suddenly her tender warm body was close to mine. My eyes were becoming accustomed to the dark by this time, and I saw her shining eyes looking into mine."Girls grow up faster than boys, don't you know that?" she whispered."And Laura grows up faster than girls," I said sarcastically, fighting back the sharp eroticism of the situation. "Now get out of here before you do something you might regret later.""I know what I'm doing, James," she said, trying to sound very adult. "My mother has told me all about these things.""If your mother knew you were here right now she'd kill you!""Maybe. But she doesn't know, and I'll be the last to tell her."She sounded smug, and I felt her little hand on my cock. To my shame it was as hard as a rock, and she chuckled deep down in her throat when she noticed that. Reassured, she nestled in even closer, and I felt the soft, sparse down on her chubby little cunt brush up against my thigh.At this point I lost what self-control I had, and gave in utterly to the welter of brand new sensations that had been building up inside of me. Her slender, silken body, her hard little tits and the firm young buttocks all became the object of my hottest caresses, switching from my former adult stance to one of hedonistic enjoyment in one second.Her little arms embraced me, her head against my hairy chest as her narrow loins crushed into mine. Slowly, savoring the forbiddenness of it all, my hand went down to feel her little cunt--and there it was, in my hand, practically naked to the touch, its wide cleft accentuated by its chubbiness, hot and moist, slippery.And while I groped around, sensing her silken purse with every nerve at my disposal, she stroked my prick and balls with all the zeal of a child with a new toy. My cock felt twice as hard and twice as big as it had earlier in the day with Elsa. It was so erect it almost pulled me up to the ceiling.Suddenly I became suspicious. I pushed her back and padded over to the door. I unlocked and opened it to look out into the darkness to see if anyone was near. Not a sound, nothing came to my eye. I locked the door again and checked the one window in my hut. The curtain was big and thick enough to protect us from the most piercing of peeping toms.With a sigh of relief I switched on the little lamp and looked down into the bed. Laura's big brown eyes looked back at me, sparkling with mischief mingled with an oddly womanish kind of arousal. The covers had been kicked to the floor, and she stretched out naked.Her breasts were like upturned saucers, white, with pink and innocent nipples. Little shoulders of chicken bone delicacy, her torso straight and narrow all the way down her firm hips, brown where her bikini had left her exposed to the sun, white loins with that charming little cleft poking out pertly.I could hardly breathe, and I was trembling so hard I had to sit down in a hurry or fall down. Never before had I been so aroused, so totally hard, and focused on the one cunt. She consumed me. And she knew it.As soon as I was back on the bed, she took the red knob of my throbbing dick into her mouth, stretching her lips to the utmost. She barely managed to encompass it, and the pressure on it sent delicious chills coursing through my whole body. I looked at the way her back curved when she was in that position, slender, sinewy, suddenly blooming into two jutting, round buttocks, firm as footballs, untouched by housewifery or nuptial drudgery.I lay down alongside her, after gently dissociating my prick from her eager lips, and slid down into her crotch. I had to taste her, lick her, eat her up! Smooth lips, silken, firm, smelling of baby powder, piss, and the womanly odor of mushrooms. A delicious combination! My head reeled as my tongue ran down between her parted cunt lips, licking up secretions from her excited hole.And then, at long last, after I had tortured myself for minutes with residual decencies and qualms, I shoved my tongue up her cunt hole as far as it would go. It passed through a tight, elastic washer to get inside, and she groaned as it gave way to me. I thought of the inflated cock pulsing between my legs, and wondered if my tongue wasn't enough for her for a few years to come.I held her tight buttocks in my hands, cupping them and squeezing them while my tongue worked into the walls of her cunt, licking at the olive juices oozing out and breaking new ground. My prick was wedged between my belly and the sheets, rubbing back and forth in the vain, and subconscious, hope that I would blow before I would be driven to make love with her.But she had ideas of her own. Her childish voice turned womanly while my tongue fucked her, and told me to do it to her."Do what?" I asked, interrupting my licking for a moment."You know what," she said, her breathing harsh and irregular. "You have to do to me what grownups do."I didn't answer, but her words brought a mad rush of excitement to me. Still, I was unprepared, and I did my best to postpone the moment. First I raised her ass and brought my tongue down to her little asshole, pushing my tongue in and causing her to jerk spasmodically, still begging me to fuck her.Again I thought of the size of my prick and that tight little hole. It was impossible! She would die if I took her seriously. And yet the thought grew and took shape in my head. I could already feel her tight ring gripping my prick, the popping of the cherry, entering uncharted territory, smooth and warm and wet.Despite myself I moved up higher, just tempting myself, determined to just touch her cunt with my knob before retreating. And when I was there I thought I'd push it up a little, just to show her how impossible it would be.Laura didn't seem to care. Her teeth sank into my neck as she opened her legs wide and submitted her body to me. No longer was I dealing with a novice -- she was all woman.I slipped it further into her cunt hole, taking advantage of the spit and the juices already there to drive my swollen knob in even further. Already we were in deeper than I had thought possible, and my dick showed no signs of stopping.Suddenly she uttered a muffled cry, her teeth sank deeper into my flesh drawing blood, and her nails raked painfully down my back. I felt something warm and viscous flow over my balls, and I knew she had arrived. From there on in, I showed no compunction. Lubricated and wide open now, her cunt took all of me and could have done with more. I rammed and thrust, while she pressed her face into my chest to stop her cries from being heard all over the camp.I don't think she came on that first night, nor did it matter. I knew that losing her virginity excited her much more than the finest orgasm could. And I felt proud at having done such a good job on her.We lay in each other's arms for some time after we completed our fuck. Our breathing mixed into a duet of gulping pants, gradually slowing down into regular deep breaths, just as our bodies slowly returned to normal. She said she felt pain, but that it was a beautiful pain, and she wished it pained her more.We talked for some time before she left, and I got her to tell me why she had been so determined to lay me. It seems her girlfriends back home had all got rid of their cherries long ago, and she was the only one on the block still burdened with one."So naturally I wanted to be rid of it," she said, now sounding more like a child trying to sound adult, instead of the woman she had become momentarily, "and when I saw you I had this feeling right inside here," she rubbed her loins, "that you would be the one to do it. Why waste time, right?"I laughed and told her she had to be crazy for being in such a hurry. "You're a very pretty girl, somebody would have done it for you soon enough.""I don't intend to waste my life waiting for boys to ask me," she said tartly, "and you're a good example. What would have happened if I hadn't insisted? You would have ignored me and we would have missed out on all this."From the mouths of babes and fools, I reflected, come the biggest truths of all--something like that. But it was getting late, and I sent her off to bed with the strict warning not to breathe a word of this to anyone, and especially not to write home about it, or it would be my neck. She promised. I wouldn't have been surprised if she knew the legal aspect of her decoration.Chapter 2---------Two days later. Laura had been a little bandy the day before, but when we set off on our hiking expedition along with forty other girls, she was as athletic as the best of them. She was really very pretty, and I had been disappointed that she didn't visit me the previous night. But maybe her purpose had been achieved, maybe I had been dropped.I tried not to think about it. Ridiculous for a grown man to get wrapped around the finger of a little girl. But then, I reflected, little girls are often the most dangerous. I remembered a friend's five-year-old girl who had done such a number on me one day that I had got as hard as a rock! Coy, teasing, dropping her pants and pressing her soft little chest against me at the slightest pretext, the tot had exuded a heavy sensuality that was all female. I had been shocked and astonished, and since that time I had viewed all women with equal suspicion, nine or ninety, it didn't matter to me.It was a hot day, the sun burning down relentlessly from a taut blue sky. I led my chattering gaggle through picturesque glades and up densely wooded slopes. They followed me as if humoring me. Talking and giggling, they took no notice whatsoever of nature's works. A few of them lit up cigarettes, affecting a blasé air of the city girl who really finds the country too, too boring.I took them several miles into the forest, and I would have walked all day with them if they hadn't started complaining. Some wanted to sit down and have a quiet cigarette, others wanted to go back to camp and sleep, and the rest didn't care just so long as I didn't exhaust them altogether.This was something of a dilemma for me. I was used to handling classes of boys and girls, but not girls alone. Once again I found out what power they exert on a mere male when they're all in a bunch. Luckily a compromise presented itself to me in the form of a small lake, about an acre in area, lapping at the foot of a thickly forested slope."Okay, okay!" I shouted, and the chattering died down a little. "Here's a good place for you lazy people to take a break. Smoke, eat, swim, do whatever you like, but shut up!"With shrill cries, most of them tore off their clothes and rushed into the cool waters. They dove and splashed, and I sat down with my back resting up against a tree trunk, to take in the sights.Most of the girls were just budding, their buttocks still boyish and their legs long, stilt-like, vaguely gangling. Their little cunts were bald as eagles, and their tits, if they had emerged at all, still looked out of place.Only a few were already ripe. One dark girl had a brown thicket of hair covering her generously proportioned box, and heavy, hard tits that barely quivered when she walked. Brownish pink nipples riding high, she walked with her shoulders thrown back, proud and conscious of the stares of the other girls. They cooed when they saw her pubic hair especially, checking their own cunts out, and those hanging between the legs of neighbors, before turning their gaze enviously back to the matted triangle of the precocious little woman.This was the girl who hung around me for most of the afternoon, together with her friend. The little woman's name was Angela, her friend Doris. And where Angela was fully developed, womanly, and ripe, Doris was the opposite. Pale, skinny, blonde, washed-out eyes, a bony chest and protruding pelvic bones, even her cunt looked thin and undernourished.They hung together by nature. Every good looking girl has a plain girl friend who admires her, envies her, and bolsters her ego whenever it's needed. Doris was Angela's fan club--and I wouldn't have minded becoming a member.Apart from Angela's precocious development (she was just fourteen), she had the face of a sex symbol already. Oval, brown, her lips a red cupid's bow, her nose small and straight, and her eyes almond-shaped, turned slightly at the corners. She could melt a man just by looking at him.Several times she walked out of the water directly at me, her long dark hair slicked back over her shoulders, her eyes deep and unfathomable, those round, high tits with the young nipples staring at me, and her smooth round belly with its triangle of hair swaying towards me as if she was challenging me to a sexual duel. Behind her, like the faithful servant, came Doris, pale, neutral, and thin, but always ready.Angela would stand close to me, looking through me, her cunt inches from my mouth, and address Doris. They would talk about the weather, with Doris giggling asinine replies. Then she would turn and walk back into the water, her big round buttocks moving like oiled orbs. I knew I was staring, and I knew the other girls were watching my every move--but I couldn't help myself.They swam for an hour and one by one retired, taking the towel out of their junior knapsacks and reclining in the shade, naked as the day they'd been born. What a feast for me! Trying to seem cool but inwardly burning, I looked up dozens of little cunts peeking back at me from innocently opened legs or provocative postures.Angela was last to come out of the water and took her towel to stand in front of me again. With a distant look she began to dry herself, paying inordinate attention to her fully fledged tits, and drying her box as if she meant to wear the hairs off it.Doris came up beside her and dried herself down too, graceless, awkward, trying to copy Angela and failing. I just sat there and looked directly into Angela's box. What was the point pretending I didn't care? The girls were all watching me like hawks, and doubtless Laura had told them of our midnight tryst."Why don't you take a swim, sir?" Angela said in a surprising voice. I had expected her to sound husky throaty as if she'd been smoking since the crib. Instead, her voice came out reedy and silvery, like a five year old boy without balls."I don't have my costume," I replied."Come on, sir!" all the girls yelled as if conducted, "take a swim!""We don't have costumes either," Angela reminded me primly. "Do we, Doris?""No," said Doris. "We don't have costumes.""I'm sorry," I said firmly, "but that would contravene camp regulations.""And I know something else that broke the rules," said a voice from the crowd. Laura stood up and gave me a big, cautioning smile. I sighed and took my clothes off and they all cheered, and dove into the water.It was as if the fleet of Lilliputian was after me. Dozens of girls jumped in after me, swimming with short, brisk strokes while I headed for the center of the lake to get away from them. Angela, it seemed, had earned her tits by exercise. Swimming. She was right behind me, no matter how I poured the juice on. And, towing along in her wake, was Doris.The others dropped away as the three of us tore across the smooth surface of the lake. I kept looking around to see if they had given up yet, but no, there was Angela's head, just visible above the water while her strong arms dug in and out to keep her hot on my trail. And just behind her was the head of Doris.We reached the opposite shore and sank down on the grassy embankment exhausted. Angela lay down beside me, her chest heaving, her tits quivering, wet and beat. And Doris lay alongside her, near death."You can certainly swim," I told Angela. And she, despite her tiredness, answered she could do more than swim--for the right guy. "Oh, come on," I replied. "You're only fourteen, what do you know about things like that.""Enough," she said cryptically, and Doris added, "She knows everything.""You'll only get me into trouble," I said, my eyes drinking in her firm tits and hard belly which were gleaming in the sun. "They'll fire me. You wouldn't want that would you?""It won't happen -- if you cooperate.""What's that supposed to mean?""We know all about Laura and you," she said calmly, "and you have our word that it won't go any further, just as long as you cooperate."I could hardly believe it! In her silvery angel's voice she was laying down the law to me as if she was the head of the toughest gang in town. Oh well, I thought, if they're going to blackmail me into it, I may as well enjoy it."Okay, I'll buy your silence with my cooperation. What do you want me to do?""I want you to make love to me," Angela said curtly, "and I want you to show Doris what it's like too.""Yes," said Doris. "I want to know about it too.""So what do you think is a good opening?" I asked.Angela looked at me for a moment, then determinedly took my prick and tried to stuff it up her dark, downy cunt. I lay back and watched this little spectacle, letting her perform while I relished the electric tingles of pleasure shooting up through me.In the end she became peeved and asked if I always let the woman do all the work. I laughed, and began to cooperate in all seriousness.I motioned her to come sit on my face, and she straddled my mouth with tense excitement. Then I directed Doris to get her lips around my prick and make it stand up. She thought that sounded like fun and attacked my prick with gusto. And while her thin lips did their best to take all of my limpness inside, I let my tongue rove in Angela's softly overgrown cunt.It was a fat little thing, swollen and firm, opening easily to give me a generous view of her tight pink cunt hole. She looked down at me, her hands timidly stroking her big tits, waiting for my tongue to take its toll on her stability.She didn't have long to wait. I located her tiny clitoris and gave it everything I had. Circling it with my tongue, nibbling at it with my teeth, sucking it out and drawing at it, till it was time to get back down to the pit again. I shoved my tongue up her cunt. She tasted like Laura, but more womanly, more mushroom than baby powder.My prick rose and filled Doris' mouth to bursting point. She gagged and coughed, but bravely returned to purse her lips around the throbbing head, her little hands working around the base of my cock and down into my big balls. It felt good. For an amateur she was making a lot of professionals look stupid.I rested for a moment, content to look up into Angela's dark box, fingers idly caressing her clit, and prying up her cunt, rimming her anus. She had her eyes tightly closed and breathed only with effort. Her chest heaved and I had to squeeze her tits briefly before returning my attention to her cunt.She was wet and restless, her hips shuddering with an unearthly rhythm, so that I found it difficult to put my tongue in the right place. But it seemed that any part of her little cunt at all was a good place, and so I began licking with abandon, slobbering all the way up and all the way down, tasting her and kissing her, sucking more juice out of her hole when she paused for a second, waiting for her to explode.Doris worked on my prick most conscientiously, but I got the feeling the whole affair was lost on her. And so I told her to bring her bare cunt over to where I could get my fingers into it. I felt sorry for her. All her life she would have to play second riddle to somebody, at least I could give her a little break.She shuffled over on her haunches, her cunt open for my prying fingers to do their utmost. With one hand I held Angela down over my face and with the other I did everything in my power to stimulate Doris into a self-forgetful reverie in case I couldn't satisfy both girls.She was getting the hang of it, quicker than I thought she would. Her pale, thin loins bobbed over my two fingers till they were up her snatch to the knuckles, and the juices ran wild! I'd never seen such a wet girl. Dripping down over my hand, and down the inside of her thighs, pouring as if somebody had knocked over the container.I almost forgot about Angela in my attempt at reducing Doris to an insentient jelly of ecstasy. But the downy hot box pressing into my mouth made her impossible to forget. I bit into her, shielding her tender flesh from my teeth by keeping my lips between them. She groaned and began to thrash about.Automatically I rolled over and covered her body with mine. Her eager hands guided my prick inside. She was wide open and loose. I was amazed at the capaciousness of her cunt, Angela must have lost her virginity to a super stud when she was ten, I thought, while my prick banged inside barely touching the walls of her dripping wet cunt.Doris adjusted her position to fit in with us. She lay with her ass against the top of Angela's skull so that I could eat her out while fucking her friend. Pissy and tangy, a little sharper than Angela's box, and running wet, she excited my senses so much that I had to grit my teeth to stop from blowing. I hoed into her, meanwhile plowing my prick into Angela's quivering cunt relentlessly.They were both moaning and groaning, shaking and begging for more. I was like a ten-armed god, titillating, eating, squeezing, and fucking, absorbed completely in their flesh and smell, listening to their love songs with eager ears. Angela's cunt slurped loudly with every stroke and her fists beat against the grass in an effort to contain all of the passions coursing through her young body. Doris was squealing high and loud, her voice echoing reedily through the forest.I saw Doris' face, tense, pale, her eyes shut tight, her mouth wide open, and I decided it was her turn next. Without warning I withdrew my prick from Angela's cunt and stood up to seize Doris' thin body with both arms. For a moment fear flashed through her eyes, but I gave her no chance to think about it. I turned her around so that she found support against a tree trunk, and shoved my greasy prick right up her tiny cunt.She screamed high, like a whistle, and began to droop. I held her up and pushed the dick further inside. She was wet and ready, but suddenly she squealed again and the trickle of blood that ran down my thrusting prick told me I had scored yet another cherry.This excited me beyond reason. I drew back once more and this time drove it in to the hilt, splitting her almost in two. Angela came over and helped to steady her struggling friend, one hand on her own hairy twat to keep the juices flowing for when I came back.But for the time being I was more than happy with Doris. Skinny she might be, but her cunt was a masterpiece. Inside, muscles quivered and massaged around cock, producing the weirdest thunderstorms of emotions in my loins. I fucked harder and her box worked harder. It was not something she did deliberately. Rather it was a gift, a consolation prize for having been born plain. The boys would get the message down the grapevine soon, and Doris would be snatching them out of Angela's arms, if only for five minutes at a time.She brought me to the brink of blowing. I withdrew all but my throbbing knob and waited for a few seconds till the sperm subsided. Then I started all over again, slamming it inside, parting her naked cuntlips and extending her hole to the maximum.Doris no longer made a sound. Her thin back shook and swayed, her hands clutched the tree trunk as if it was the only thing left in her world, and her full weight was resting on Angela by now, since her knees had turned to jelly. In one way she was a pathetic sight, in another she was the perfect fuck.I reamed up her cunt till I came close to blowing again and pulled out. It was as if she had been de-boned. She collapsed in a sobbing heap on the ground, released by Angela who was already busy trying to stuff my prick up her cunt again. Patiently, I laid the full-bodied girl on the ground and fucked her some more, slowly this time, taking it easy, curious to see how long this child-woman would last.Pretty soon she started to breathe with that special urgency that heralds an orgasm. I raised my loins slightly so that my prick would rasp against the top of her cunt and give her clitoris that extra booster. She began to growl, her childish voice cracking, faster and faster, till she came apart in a fireworks orgasm. Her face screwed up tight for a second, then relaxed into a beatific smile while her body wilted and melted into liquid.Doris was still on the ground, an intense look in her eyes as both hands attempted to exhort a climax from her soaking cunt. Once again I was moved by her predicament, and so I walked over and slid my prick up her cunt for dessert. She cried out, her ass high into the air and her face on the ground, her body open to me.I slashed it up her and grabbed her skinny hips with both hands to ram her back and forth till I thought her eyes might drop out of her head. She loved it. Yelling and encouraging me, she let herself get dragged and pulled around, her face skittering over the grass along with her bony knees. Her cunt slurped like a bilge pump and farted out air pockets while I poked it up with all my might.Then she came. With the force of a shotgun she exploded into a thousand pieces, threshing and crying, her mouth wide open and gulping in much needed air, before she fell back and grinned weakly up at me.I stood over them both with my throbbing prick in my hand and delivered a number of strokes to it. The sperm squirted out over their prostrate, naked girlish bodies, dropping on them in white wads which they curiously licked up. Then I sat down heavily and rested for a bit.Half an hour later we swam back. The girls were still swimming, some of them asleep in the grass, others already dressed waiting to go back to camp. Our return was cheered and hooted. Some of the older girls gave me knowing looks, their evil eyes checking out my limp and shrunken prick.Then Angela and Doris appeared, and another cheer went up. Angela grinned broadly and affected an exaggerated bandy walk. But Doris blushed and quickly put on her clothes.I took Angela aside and impressed upon her the need for keeping this a secret."Don't worry," she said, favoring me with a melting smile. "I know where it's at.""That's kind of you.""Not at all," she said, turning around to get her clothes. "I just know that if I play ball, you'll play ball, right?""Yeah, right," I said, watching her undulating buttocks walk away from me. Cunning as a shithouse rat, that girl, but trustworthy enough.I counted heads and led my party through the woods, roughly into the direction of Camp Good Health. My sense of direction has never been too good. If I'm faced with a choice of directions, I will invariably pick the wrong one. This has become such a strict pattern, that lately I've taken to going into the direction opposite to the one I choose to go in originally, and so far it's worked. However, on that day I took an entirely erroneous course and landed back at the lake.Just as I was about to turn back and find a tree to climb, I heard a strange noise. I came in closer, motioning for the girls to shut up. Sensing a distraction, they did, and watched as I crept through the bushes.Then I saw them. Else and two girls, a third standing watch. They were all naked, Elsa lying back on the grass with one girl between her legs, another on her face, all of them sucking and being sucked, writhing around and groaning earthily.Angela appeared at my side to take a look. I tried to shoo her away, but it was too late. Her eyes grew round and feverish at the sight, her hand unconsciously slipping down to her crotch to satisfy whatever pangs might spring up. Next to arrive was Doris, and then they were all craning their necks to get a good look.Elsa and her friends had noticed nothing. The sentinel was far too absorbed in the tangle of bodies at their feet to bother looking around. As for the trio, all they could see or hear was cunt.Elsa got up on her knees after shaking her friends off gently, and began licking the sentinel's box with long strokes. She trembled, her girl's face flushing with the unmodulated sensations coursing through her, and she had to hold on to Elsa's blonde head for support.She had certainly chosen well. The two girls got up and watched Elsa regale the sentinel. Both were quite well built for their age, straight backed with round little asses and tender budding tits with pink, delicate nipples. Blonde and freckled like Elsa, innocent eyes like Elsa, they might all be her daughters to look at them.One of them stepped up closer and took Elsa's big hairy cunt in her hand, to squeeze and knead it while Elsa's tongue slipped up the trembling sentinel's cunt. What a contrast, I thought, between the naked little cunt and Elsa's densely overgrown pussy. Little girls get bigger every day.The girls in my party began to giggle. I supposed they were amused to see women do it together, that is, if they had seen men and women do it together. I tried to keep them quiet, because Elsa had the sentinel on the ground and was starting to fuck her with her pubic bone gnashing into the girl's cunt--but the giggling grew till they alarmed the fucking foursome.Elsa jumped up, her eyes wider than ever, scanning the bushes. When she saw me she became furious and opened her mouth to curse me out--but then she saw forty pairs of eyes around me, and her mouth fell to like a steel trap.Some sense of mutual respect made us all withdraw. The girls in my party had enough on Elsa and me to send us up the river for years to come, but I knew they had other plans. The victorious look Angela threw me, and the smug smile on Laura's face was enough to tell me that.We got back to the camp in time for dinner, after which we sat around the fire like idiots and sang songs. Angela sat at one side of me, Laura on the other as if guarding their property. I wondered who would visit me that night, and then I began to wonder if they'd keep me waiting long.I was developing quite a taste for young flesh. This thought alarmed me a little, but then I shrugged. Whatever I might decide, these fiends in girl's clothing had me in their power. Nothing persuades like blackmail.Chapter 3---------On the way back to my cabin I ran into Mark Dennis the muscular bronzed hero of all Good Health. He gave me a broad smile and invited me into his room for a drink. I agreed and followed him inside.His place was the same as mine, except for one or two important details. First, he had a cocktail cabinet filled with liquor and fitted into the wall, and second he had three little girls resting on his bed watching a portable television. Mark saw the look on my face. "Shocked, old boy? Don't worry. This is my fifth consecutive year here and believe me, if you don't fuck yourself silly here the girls will rip off your balls.""But the rules," I stammered, "I mean, what if you're caught?""Who's going to catch me?" he shrugged. "All those middle-aged ladies you saw organizing the girls are too busy planning Snakes & ladders tournaments. Of course, now and then you get a girl with principles who wants to lift the lid, but the other girls deal with that. A little internal terrorism, you know what I mean?"One of the girls on his bed, a pretty thing dressed in very tight, crotch-hugging shorts, lit a cigarette and took a sip of her drink, her eyes unwaveringly fixed on the television. The other two lit up as well."I see," I said slowly. "But what about the director of this place? Doesn't he care about what happens?""The director has a postage stamp collection that's dearer to him than anything in the world," Mark shrugged. "If you bother him with anything but philately, he's likely to snap your head off.""Sounds ideal, and here I was taking all sorts of precautions, that seems silly now.""You know," he said slowly, raising his martini glass up high, "I have never asked for a raise in pay." He laughed and we drank it down.He poured another, and freshened the drinks of his girls. One of them complained how hot it was and removed her halter top. She was pretty well built for her age, he thought. She stroked her breasts and gave me a sidelong glance. I felt my cock throb, but I fought it down. With my choice running into the hundreds I wasn't about to be bulldozed by anyone.We drank to our month at the Camp, and then I returned to my cabin. For a moment I felt like a pop star who comes back to his apartment only to find the hallways choked with eager groupies. There were about six of them, all sitting on my doorstep, some more inside, and others hanging around the hut with a nonchalant air about them. It was up to me to say who could come and who could go without.I ran my eyes over them--young, lissome, some as flat-chested as boys, others with their shoulders thrown back to accentuate the little plums under their flimsy tops. A few of the girls were in nighties, far too short, their long foal's legs loosely crossed to give me tantalizing glimpses of naked cunts, hot and new.I couldn't come to a decision. Finally I told them all to undress and we would decide by means of a contest. They all stood outside my cabin in a row. Naked, their little bodies shining in the lights, cleft little chubs poking out from between their legs, naive little cunts and unbruised little tits. I gazed into their eyes, and they too were innocent. But a little spark of mischief danced in them.Apprentice women, I thought, about to submit their bodies to the instructor in an attempt at broadening their lives."Okay, I want you all to race to that hut over there and back. The first two to get here will spend the night with me."As if set off by the same trigger, the girls began running like dervishes towards the indicated hut, their little buttocks shaking and twisting with the effort. Long gawky legs pounded over the grass. Squeals and nervous giggles resounded through the night. The first one touched the hut and turned to head back, but other girls got in her way and made her trip. She struggled to her feet, crying out, getting in the way of others who fell and, in their turn, tripped up running girls.A ball of naked girls fighting to disentangle themselves. I stared intensely, my eyes searching out the little boxes from the heap, my eyes peeling away the darkness to see more closely. Finally, a figure broke loose and ran straight for me. It was Doris.Deep inside I cursed my rotten luck. Poor little Doris. She was covered in scratches and bruises received from the melee. The second girl was a lot better. Tall, high breasted, narrow hips and full ass, she came running at me like a nymphomaniac after a year in a woman's prison, and for a second I felt timid in the face of such sexual drive.But then I took them both inside and slammed the door shut before the other contestants could take their anger out on me. For a few minutes there was shrill arguing going on outside, but eventually they all went to bed to take care of themselves.I waited till Doris and the other girl, Irene, had caught their breath, meanwhile admiring Irene. In the dark she had looked good, but in the light she looked even better. Her skin was dark, her eyes a deep brown, but her hair was a natural yellow color, a fact born out by the thin fuzz on her cunt.This beauty's tits were almost on her shoulders, they were so high, and she had high cheekbones, a touch of oriental in her blood I guessed. She was a true beauty, thirteen, perhaps fourteen, but already poised and sure of herself.I took my clothes off and Doris immediately huddled up between my legs to bring life to my prick. I took Irene by the hand and drew her close to me. Now that she was the girl for the night, I could see she was having grave doubts, and would take any excuse to get out of here.She began to tremble when I took hold of her, her eyes nervously flicking to the busy head of Doris. I patted her paternally, soothing words coming from my mouth, while my eyes devoured her. Caressing her, stroking her arms, trying to make her feel at home, till her eyes became less shifty.I brought my hand to her tit and carefully brushed over her tender flesh. Her eyes closed for a moment as if in pain, but her chest moved closer to me. The next time I touched her more positively, squeezing her subtly, rolling her nipple between my fingers till she was totally relaxed.Only then did I take a handful to knead and, when she showed pleasure, I leaned over the reclining Doris to kiss her nipples and suck at the taut flesh, my lips and tongue regaling her tits with all the pleasures at my disposal. Her breath came less regularly and her eyes closed to become small slits.Slowly, my eyes upon her for the slightest misgiving, I ran my hand down her silken belly and let my fingers rummage through the fine down covering her pubic bone. How good she felt! She looked uneasy, her eyes open again and searching mine for reassurance. I smiled and kissed her on the mouth. Below us Doris was making slurping sounds around my hard cock.My hand moved down a fraction, a finger hooking into the top of her cleft. Smooth and tight, giving elastically when I tugged at it to get her started. She responded well, her legs opening ever so slightly, the fear draining from her.I wanted to eat her up right there, but Doris lay between us like an old inhibition! I didn't know what to do about her. The girl was probably unbalanced or something, and might very well be having delusions about me. Maybe I had been the only person to treat her nicely. Some girls mistake sex for that. Yet, somehow I had to get rid of her.Irene looked at me, then down at Doris, and back at me with a frown. I nodded, still trying to think up ways of doing away with Doris without hurting her feelings. She had a way of being hateful and pitiable at the same time. Still with her mouth around my dick, slobbering and gagging, her thin frame racked with deep tremors."Damn!" I said suddenly, "I wish we had something to drink in this place. That's the way to really get turned on."As I expected, Doris could hardly wait to please me. She jumped up, her face wet and flushed, and volunteered to borrow beverages from Mark. I told her that was a great idea and, as soon as she was out the door, I locked up behind her.Then I went back to Irene. She was lying back on the bed, her eyes closed, the light shading her face so that her fine bones stood out and gave her a regal air. Little girls get bigger by the minute, I thought to myself, letting my eyes feast on her high tits, pointed slightly towards her armpits, firm and still, her nipples rigid. She had her arms by her side, so I could see the smooth plane of her belly, the way it flowed down into her sparse little bush.Her legs were slightly parted, the full cunt open just a crack. The wide cleft polarized all my senses. My eyeballs felt like popping, everything in me was drawn towards her, and she lay there exercising her magnet with lazy assurance.I stumbled back onto the bed and let my face sink into her resilient flesh, my tongue licking at her dew, tasting her and finding she tasted different from any woman or girl I had ever been with. At first there was almost no taste, just a tingling fragrance that I identified as bath soap. But as I sucked at her pink hole, more came down. A subtle taste appeared, setting my taste buds on end, a fine flavor of crushed leaves and moss.I couldn't get enough of her. She lay quietly while I tried to swallow her. I forgot about her. A serious mistake, now that I look back on it, but I couldn't help myself. This was heaven. Her smooth little cunt, polished talcum stone but yielding, wet and hot, those little downy bristles brushing against my nose while I dug in deeper with my tongue to reach for more fluids, and the nectar taste, all of it combined to make me lose all self-control.Hours could have passed, I don't know. I recall hearing an hysterical knocking on the door, but it never really registered. I drank and ate, lost in her loins, eating her asshole along with her cunt, sinking my teeth into her springy buttocks just to taste her firmness, and pushing fingers up all orifices. I was a victim of frenzy, and it wasn't till much later that I thought to see how she was doing.To my consternation, there was no expression on her face. If there was one, it might have been a trace of disgust. For all her wetness and all her heat, she hadn't enjoyed this one bit. I sat up, wiping my face and feeling a fool."You don't like me to do this?" I asked.She shook her head, sending her yellow hair flying, "No, not at all. I mean, it feels nice, but there's something missing. It's as if you're jerking off over me, like I'm not here."Her cunning eyes looked into mine with a note of appeal. A sensitive one, I thought, and wondered how to rectify the situation."That's not true," I told her. "I'm just lost in you, your beauty and your sexuality. It's all about you, you're the reason I'm doing all these things. Do you see that?""Not really. I mean, we're lovers, so we should talk shouldn't we? But you haven't said a word."I was losing my temper. There she was, naked on my bed, the sexiest little girl in camp, and she wanted to fucking talk! My prick was burning, it demanded hot action, right now! And she wanted to discuss the junior prom or something."We'll talk later," I said, and pushed her down on the bed, at the same time covering her body with mine and nudging the throbbing knob towards her cunt hole. Her eyes opened with fright at the first contact, and when I pushed it further in she began to protest.But I was in no mood to listen. Feeling her silky figure below me, her helplessness, her distilled sensuality, all of it made me rock hard and desperate to get inside her young sheath. I pushed harder and she screamed. That was the end of that cherry, I thought grimly, and began to poke my dick up further, fighting against the elastic resistance put up by her little cunt.I moved my loins back and gave it to her good, not sparing any of the horses. My cock was inflated with a powerful lust, and the rest of my body was at low power so as to send all excess energy down into my prick. I lay over her, all dead weight, my hands holding on to her fine shoulders for support, my face buried into the pillow. I felt the spit dribbling out of my mouth and I was powerless to even swallow.In and out, out as far as the tip of my knob, in up to the hilt, widening her cunt despite the fact that she was drying out down there. The resistance was terrific, it was starting to feel as if I was fucking a cunt made out of life-like plastic! And it proved too much for me.The friction set my prick on fire. My knob contracted as a spurt of hot sperm rushed up through it, tearing it apart and blasting up her cunt with gale force. More sperm followed in hot bursts each salvo draining me of life force. Till finally I grunted like a bull that's been stuck for the last time and fell over her."Get off!" I heard her say, and small hands pushed at my shoulders. "Get off you dirty pig!"I wanted to oblige her, but I couldn't. Vaguely I heard her insistent demands, and I heard the hysterical knocking again, but I was on the brink of consciousness, trying to rally. Slowly my blood flooded out of my prick and back into circulation. And just as slowly I regained all my senses till I was able to get up off Irene and stand back to gaze over my handiwork.Her eyes were shooting sparks of fury at me. For a minute or so she lay on the bed in the same position, the sperm oozing out of her box and over the sheets. Blood was mingled with it, coloring the stain red. She was flecked with sweat and dribble, there were bruises where my hands were and she was mad."You fucking pig!" she said, and it sounded almost comical coming from her childish lips. "You'll pay for this!"She jumped up and rushed for the door. I caught her in mid-flight and threw her back onto the bed."Now listen," I said in a reasonable voice, "it's always hard to take the first time. Give me a second chance and I'll show you how good it can be."She stood her ground, quivering with rage, her childish form taking the sting out of her words. "You disgust me!" she screamed. "First you put your mouth where I pee and then you nearly crush me! You've caused me to bleed and you messed me up inside and now you want me to let you do it again!""You don't understand. You'll see how different it is the next time. Just think how it felt in the beginning before Doris left. That felt good, didn't it?""Yes. But that was before you got disgusting.""You'll learn later that all men like to do that to a girl as pretty as you.""You think I'm pretty?" she said, her manner changing in a flash. "Prettier than Doris?""I'm prettier than Doris," I said, "but I would say you're the prettiest girl in the whole camp.""Now you're fibbing," she said, but I could see her glow with pleasure. She sat back down on the bed and began to wipe herself. I got a basin of warm water from the shower, some soap and a cloth with which I rinsed her little cunt free of blood and sperm. Then I massaged it gently till she said she was all right.The massaging had made me feel a lot better too. My fingertips still tingled with the sensation of her full labia. I kept my face as cool as possible, though, till she announced her willingness to try again. But my cock kept bobbing nervously, slowly refilling."You see, when I put some of this stuff on you down there, it won't hurt so much. In fact, it'll give you nothing but pleasure. Do you want me to put some on you?" I asked, extending the jar of Vaseline.She sniffed at it and finally nodded. Her body grew tense as my finger applied it to the rim of her cunt, but relaxed while I took my time. Rose pink, almost round, firm and warm, gleaming under its coat of Vaseline, the mysterious darkness beyond hinting at untold pleasures. I had trouble holding myself back from brutally plowing into her.But I wasn't about to take any chances. I finished greasing her, replaced the top on the jar, and sat on the bed beside her. We talked for a bit, a few laughs, my hands caressing her back and shoulders, now and then lightly brushing over her tits and belly, but staying clear of her cunt. And I felt her recline towards me.She was ready and we both knew it. Her eyes flicked down at my cock, her shy hand reaching out to stroke it, and hold the knob like it was a delicate flower. I wanted her to give me some head, but I knew better than to suggest it. Instead, I took to stimulating all her parts till she was driven to put both her little fists around my proud erection and jerk at it instinctively.When she felt up to it, she lay back and invited me to enter her. I told her she'd better get on top of me, that way I wouldn't crush her. She gave me a dubious look, but complied.Under my direction, she squatted over my hard cock, and carefully eased over it. The Vaseline certainly helped. She almost slipped right down to my pubic bone and had to clutch hold of me. But then she felt the intense pleasure of it and actually forced her way down to around my hilt.She stayed in that position for some time, her tender loins bobbing over my cock. My hands cupped her taut buttocks and steadied the motion till my cock was subjected to an intensely pleasurable rhythm that made me squirm with the effort of holding back.It felt so good that I lost my perspective again! Even as I write this, I feel annoyance at myself for making the same mistake twice, but what happened, happened, that's history. I closed my eyes and gripped her spring chicken ass more tightly, savoring each beat and each buzz-bath of sensations it provided my cock. Emotions rippled through my system and broke in my head. My awareness of her physical presence was complete. Her slender form, her high tits, her boyish buttocks and her long, gawky legs, all of these were imprinted on my mind.But I was ignoring the part of her that she thought most important. Suddenly she got up off me and made for the door. I snapped out of my euphoria as if somebody had turned the ice water on me, and jumped up to stop her."Let me go!" she yelled, struggling as I dragged her back to the bed. "You don't care about me! To you I'm just a machine."I couldn't talk. My mind was a cloud, all I wanted was to fuck, my cock demanded it, my body seconded the motion, and no one, especially not this little girl, was going to deny me my fulfillment!I threw her on the bed and fell on top of her, my cock reaming up her oily snatch so that my pubic bone slammed into hers. She screamed with pain and fear. I didn't care! She had asked for it.She shuddered and fought. Her nails raked through my skin and her teeth bit at me. The pain only intensified my pleasure. Harder and harder I fucked, my prick plunging in and out with lightning speed, trying new angles, bumping into new spots, nothing availed. She kept fighting and spitting, biting and scratching.Something happened to me during that tussle. Suddenly her button-small pink asshole bloomed all over my mind, there was nothing in the world I wanted except that, and I would have it. Seeing as she was in such a bad mood anyway, there'd be no harm in taking it.I pulled her off me and flipped her around. With quick, determined movements I slipped a pillow under her belly and pulled her arms back so her back arched and pushed her little ass upwards.There it was. Xanadu! I pushed my oily knob up against her ass and began pushing so hard my rock-like dick almost snapped in half. Her screams resounded through the cabin, adding fire to my fury. I felt my dick slip inside, up the hot, smooth passage, and get gripped all over by alarmed muscles and nerves.I blew almost immediately. Using the sperm to slip all the way inside, I held her pinned down, impaled like a butterfly in a collection, till my breathing was back to normal and she stopped screaming. Whimpering, still mad but impotent, she lay still, just waiting for me to give her a break.Finally I got up, and like a shot she was at the door, fumbling with the lock and out. Before she disappeared into the night, she turned around, waved her clenched fists and shouted, "You'll pay for this, you pig!"A few minutes later Doris came inside. Her face was tear stained, her hair limp from a drizzle of rain that had fallen while I had been fucking Irene. She looked like a cat that had drowned.Since all my nasty emotions had blown themselves out by this time, I felt sincere pity for her. I invited her inside, closed the door, and let her crawl into bed with me for the night. Lovemaking was out of the question, so I just cuddled her till she fell asleep.I slept with all the soundness of a man with a good future ahead of him. Doris' little body lay hard against me, her breathing regular, her cunt twitching nervously against my ass now and then as if she was dreaming of things to come. And the cabin was quiet and peaceful after the evening's struggle.Little did I know the storm that was brewing up just for me in the huts surrounding the cabin. As I said before, girls together form terrible pacts, and if a man doesn't toe their lines, he might as well wave himself goodbye.Chapter 4---------I noticed the change at breakfast. The fan club that had sprung up so suddenly, had disappeared just as fast. Silence fell over the dining masses when I walked in, cold glints appeared in the childish eyes, and the few greetings I issued went unreturned.The other instructors were ignorant of all this, and greeted me as usual. But Mark knew what was going on. He beckoned me over to sit beside him, and whispered to me."What did you do, old boy? They're giving you the collective cold shoulder, you know. You must have really upset somebody.""This little girl, Irene, must have blown the whistle on me," I shrugged. "We didn't see eye to eye on a few things last night.""You mean you fucked her badly," he asked. "That's big trouble, old fruit, big trouble indeed.""You've seen this kind of thing happen before?" I asked."Oh, yes, every year somebody cops it. Usually it amounts to little more than a suspension, a few days of ice, then he's back in favor again. Tell me, how badly did you fuck this Irene?""She was as mad as a hornet when she left," I said, "But I thought I'd done rather well by her.""If she was mad, you failed, doesn't matter what you think. So, well, maybe you'll get three days for it, could be a week. They'll make it tough for you till then.""What the fuck is this!" I said, suddenly impatient. "They're just kids and we're adults. They do as we say, that's how it is. I'm not putting up with any nonsense from them. That's for sure."He just grinned and said he wished me luck before going back to his breakfast. On the surface of it, everything in the mess hall was back to normal, giggling chattering girls, all of them dressed in thin shirts and little shorts, ready for a day of exercise and games.Straight after breakfast I had to take a hundred of the girls for gymnastics. Nothing complicated. Just a series of routine exercises. But it didn't go too well. The girls pretended they couldn't hear me, and I was yelling so hard I went purple in the face. Then they messed up their exercises, and burst out into giggles, just making a shambles of their class.I tried to upbraid them, and snap them back into line, but nothing worked. Not one of them did anything that was specifically wrong. If they messed up, they did it in a bunch. It was very scary the way they cooperated among themselves. At the end I decided to punish them as a group by making them run around the camp twice.They accepted this order and began to run to the perimeter so they could follow the fence. But they weren't caring! Their pace was slow, and when they got tired they simply walked. Laughing and giggling, shoving each other, cracking jokes at my expense, ignoring my orders to shape up. For the first time I realized what a ruthless band of cutthroats they were!For the rest of the day I had to take a party of forty hiking again, and once in the woods, I was supposed to organize them into teams to search and evade each other. To this end they had all been given compasses and a lunch pack, and I had been given detailed instructions on how to conduct them.But they found a comfortable spot, sat down, and ate their lunch, not heeding my commands at all. In the end, I sat on my own some distance away from them and ate my lunch out of sheer nervousness.By the evening I was a nervous wreck. No one came near my cabin. Even Doris had obviously been warned to keep away. From the adjoining cabins I heard shrieks and giggles, the popping of corks and masculine laughter. Even the timid-looking Lester Phipps, camp dietitian, had girls lining up outside his door. And Elsa was holding a little party for select friends.Only I was alone. The middle-aged ladies were busy in their cabins, planning the fun for the coming day. I could imagine them, bent over a strategy board, pushing mock regiments of girls around from place to place till they had devised some satisfactory, health-inducing, game plan for everyone.But I had nothing to do. I thought about my wife and what she would be doing right now. Playing bridge with her friends, no doubt. Bridge had displaced sex for her. I hate the game. She had taken the game up during our honeymoon, playing it with other honeymoon couples while I played a lot of sports. And now, in the fifth year of our marriage, she was playing bridge full-time, going to matches, clubs and casual card evenings.As for the full deck of cards between her legs, she had forgotten about them. Not so these little girls. They were just discovering them, and dealing them all out! My flesh hungered for them, anyone, even little Doris and her bald, underfed cunt. If I could only get my hands on one!I took a walk. It was a hot night, many of the huts were already in darkness, all the windows open. I peered inside some of them. Mostly I heard regular breathing or high little voices mumbling sleepily. But in some the girls were wide awake and conducting their own pleasures.One hut was especially active. I took up a well-concealed position and watched as four girls stripped in front of a dozen spectators and set to making love with unbridled energy.They were all very pretty, and seemed to have been chosen for the color of their hair. One girl was black, very black, in fact, her skin glowing in the bright lights, silky sheen. She had tiny tits with big nipples, the first emerging little curls spreading over the top of her cunt. Another was white-blonde, about ten years old, no tits, just a deep cleft in the chubbiness between her long legs. The third I recognized as Angela, the little precocious woman. And the fourth was a redhead, snow-white little tits with startling pink nipples and red down over her crotch.The four of them were engaged in some kind of erotic dance, cheered on by the audience. One by one they assumed a static position, making love to their partner lightly at first, but soon growing heavy.The black girl and the redhead were in a tight embrace, kissing, tongues poking out their cheeks, their chests pressed together and their loins grinding. The blond and Angela were on the floor pretending to fuck, and slowly getting the measure of tribalism till it became real enough for Angela to cry out in ecstasy.Then all four of them jumped up on a big table. The black girl and the redhead stood at either end of it, facing each other. The blonde and Angela squatted at their feet, asses touching, their mouths burying into the red and black cunts, hands clasping buttocks as their heads bobbed and their mouths sucked.I was getting very hard and restless. For a moment I considered storming inside and throwing my feverish body into that puddle of flesh, grabbing at those nude little cunts and sucking whatever came into my mouth. But the experiences of the day warned me against it. They would either ignore me, or run screaming into the cabins of the middle-aged ladies.I watched for a few minutes more as the girls amused themselves, the audience cheering them on and helping out with willing fingers wherever necessary. Restless little girls, nervously fingering their own boxes as they watched their friends up on the table fucking and sucking. Little practice runs, I decided, but with an over-ruling passion for the flesh such as can only be caused by boredom.I moved on, and headed unconsciously for the showers and the bathroom. The layout of this camp was so innocent! Simply by climbing up on the roof of a hut, one could look over the walls, through the wide gaps that had been left to expel the steam and smells. That's what I did, and there's where I stayed for a long time.There was something about my situation that nearly drove me crazy with lust. Only a few girls were showering at this hour, and three or four were on the toilet. They went about their business unaware of my prying eyes, and that's what made it so arousing to me. These wisps of women, these nude children, washing themselves like little grown-ups, wiping their asses, and taking a leak, their bodies still young but their mannerisms ancient. I don't know how to explain it, I just felt a lot of rushes and sharp shivers running through me while I was up there.But eventually that failed to satisfy me, and I moved on. I checked out the party cabin and saw all the girls on the point of leaving. Most of them were already dressed, the others were in the process. The girls who lived in the hut were crawling into their beds, their cunts still gleaming wetly from the evening's proceedings.An idea occurred to me. I hung around at the back of the cabin, hearing their silvery voices bid each other goodnight, while I waited for the last one. Perhaps one of them would stray from the herd.My luck was good. The tall, black girl was late in getting away. She walked around the cabin to get to her hut and to get there she had to pass me. Burning with lust, but my brain cool, I seized her around the waist, one hand clasped over her mouth, to carry her back to my cabin.She put up quite a struggle but it wasn't good enough. I pushed her inside and locked the door. For a moment it looked like she was going to scream, and I rushed over at her, my fist raised as a warning. She took the hint. Not that there would have been much point in screaming. With the color television blaring next door, and Elsa's stereo playing the top forty at full blast, no one would have heard her.She was frightened. She stood in the far corner of the cabin, her hands over her mouth as her wide-open eyes looked for a way out. I poured us a drink from a bottle borrowed from Mark to pass the time. She shook her head, and pressed deeper into the corner."Come on," I said, as soothingly as possible, "there's no need to be afraid. All I want is a little company. Here, take a drink, it'll make you feel better."She shook her head again, but relaxed when she saw I wasn't going to ravage her. And ravaging was the furthest thing on my mind. I knew if I was to ingratiate myself with the leaders of the girls, I had to give a mighty good performance. This, then, was the lucky girl.But the lucky girl seemed disinclined to accept her good fortune. She reluctantly sat on a chair, her long, gleaming legs crossed as if throwing up additional barriers. I guessed her to be twelve years old, well-developed, her buttocks extra round and firm, dimpled at the flanks, her breasts promising big things for the future.I asked her her name, and she whispered it was Sandy. I sat down opposite her and poured her a glass of scotch, adding plenty of water and ice. She sipped at it, pulled a face, but didn't put it down. I took a tug on my drink and continued my quest."You're a beautiful girl," I told her. "Extremely beautiful. But I guess you've been told that so often that you're sick of hearing it, right?"She smiled thinly and shook her head. I went on to praise her lovely limbs, long, rippling muscles running along them at each move she made, then told her how I loved broad shoulders on girls, especially when they had such terrific breasts to go with them. Sandy liked to hear me tell her such things. She showed it in the way she looked down at the ground and grinned.Embarrassed but pleased, she finally told me to stop jiving her and to give her a refill. I sank my drink and gave us both another shot. I asked her questions about her home and her past, and slowly we got a conversation going in the course of which her shyness gave way to a sassy kind of street toughness. I liked that a lot.I sat down on the bed and patted it. She grinned at me with knowing eyes, but she came and sat with her back resting up against the wall, her legs drawn up under her. Her eyes were big, long lashes fluttering, childish, but smart. I knew she wasn't going to be easy, but I also knew that if I didn't make it with her, I was as good as dead.Another drink helped things along. She was getting a little giggly, and more outgoing. She got upset over something I said and jokingly punched me. I punched her back, laughingly, and we began to wrestle. She was lithe as a panther, surprisingly strong for a girl her age. But I soon got the drop on her, and pinned her down on the bed. She struggled harder, her face screwing up with the effort of it all, but finally she had to admit defeat. I fell down beside her, both of us breathing hard and laughing.Obviously she had overcome her inhibitions towards me. She lay close to me, her head on my shoulder, snuggling in occasionally. My hand moved over to her breast and squeezed it gently. She gave a satisfied little groan, so I slipped my hand under her halter and tasted her hard, smooth flesh."Wait a minute," she said, and her voice had grown husky, "let me give you more to play with." She undid her halter and let it fall to the floor. "There," she said, and lay back, her eyes falling too with contentment, "now squeeze 'em."I hurried to comply, flexing them in my hands and bringing my lips to the dark nipples. I let my teeth slide over the rubbery little protrusions, my tongue slithering around them, till I heard her breath grow hard.My hands went down to her shorts and undid the top button. For a moment she seemed to panic. Her hands flew down to stop mine, but then she relaxed and pulled back. I undid the button, and the others. And, when the shorts were hanging only by her pert cheeks, she lifted up and let me slide them off all the way down over her feet.Before I went any further, I undressed so as to be ready for anything. She didn't look at me, as though she didn't want to be confronted by my throbbing, heavy cock. I took the hint, and lay on my belly by her side to return to kissing her tits.She pushed them out at me, delighting in the wet trail my tongue was leaving over them, and the subtle sensations my teeth evoked. Slowly I sent my hand sliding down her tough, flat belly down into those tiny curls over her crotch, taking care to see that she was ready for it.She didn't object at all. In fact, she brought her loins up higher to press my hand into her cunt. I dawdled, plucking gently at the little black threads so that the skin came up and tugged at her cunt's nerve centers.It wasn't long before her legs parted, the green light, and I let my hand descend into her slit to enjoy the warm, barely moist nakedness of her lips. Her hips began to jerk spasmodically, quick staccato outbursts, then nothing, then another, each burst accompanied by low little moans.My prick was so hard I thought it might burst out of its skin like an overdone sausage. My brain threatened to close down at any moment. But by dint of sheer will power, I kept a good grip on myself, and teasingly went on with my seduction.Actually, Sandy was ripe and ready, and just waiting for me to poke my agonized prick up her wet little cunt. Her black lips were shining hysterically with the juices running down her legs, and her tits quivered with each harsh breath she took. I was debating with myself whether to go down on her. My taste buds were up in arms, crying out for a sample of her ample juices. Only my bad experience of the previous night held me back.Then I threw all caution to the wind and let my tongue run down her hard belly straight into the open cleft and into her tropical hole. For a moment I waited to see how she would react. To my relief her legs shot open like the arms of a mother at the return of her soldier boy, and I buried my head into her bare little cunt as if looking for hidden treasure.She tasted nutty somehow, nutty and wild. I drank her down like mother's milk, slobbering, my face wet with her sticky fluids and my sweat. Sandy arched her back, her little fists beating at her sides, gasping for breath, all the while shoving her loins harder into my face.My hands cupped her firm, squeezable soft buttocks, pressing them down onto her asshole to give her a bonus tingle. She really liked that. I let go of her ass and concentrated on her asshole. She nearly jumped through the ceiling, but in no time at all had recovered herself, and was pushing down for more.I gave her everything, delighted to have found a girl who tasted like heaven and loved to be eaten. I made a pig of myself, meanwhile fingering her asshole and squeezing her muscular cheeks, one hand reaching up for her small, hard tit and rubbing her nipples. She was groaning like a ship at sea, her legs wrapped around my neck for extra traction, and I knew if I didn't plug her soon my prick would self-destruct out of sheer spite.With a swift motion of my whole body, I covered her, and the swollen knob of my red-hot prick eased into her little cunt without resistance. She was so wet it sopped as it moved up the spout, slurping in a most unladylike fashion. Sandy cried out, an animal cry of bliss, and I bashed the remaining inches of meat right up her.We settled into a violent fuck. Our loins worked furiously but in time. For a girl of twelve she had grown up awfully fast. But then in some parts of the city they're ready for marriage at that age. Periods begin at nine, childbearing at eleven, there was no need for me to be surprised that she was neither a virgin nor incompetent.At one point during our mindless, all-consuming fuck, she interrupted briefly to change position. She stood on the floor and rested her long, slender torso over the bed so that I had to get behind her and fuck her standing up. This excited me even more, so much so that I had to take a quick breather so as not to run over.But finally I got it together. She presented her full black buttocks to me most charmingly shaped like an upside down heart, her tiny asshole and her shining, naked lips poking out from between the cross of buttocks and strong thighs. I rested the purple head of my shining, oily prick up against the hole for a second, then shoved it right up her so that my pubic bone slammed against her ass and she gulped for breath."Beautiful!" she cried out, and I knew I was on the right track. My hand found a grip on her slippery ass, and my whole body swayed to deliver each thrust with the maximum of power. Each blow to her cunt sent her face sliding over the sheets, her hands vainly grappling about looking for a support.We were ascending together. I leaned back while my prick ploughed into her, my head was heavy and I let it lie back, closing my eyes and breathing in through my wide-open mouth, while the remains of my brain tried to keep my knees from buckling. She was breathing like a car without a muffler, her pitch heightening with every master stroke.The moon was within reach. Both of us were puffing, she fucking me back for all I fucked her. I felt my innards cramping up for the final explosion, just as she was gasping for a shred of oxygen to spark her orgasm off with, and then the roof fell in.At least, that's how it felt. The door burst open and a swarm of irate girls rushed inside, cursing and pulling me off her. I didn't have the power to beat them back, I was so stunned and so horny. From the corner where a dozen little girls were holding me, I saw Sandy writhing with unfulfilled ecstasies. One of the older girls rushed over and, with several skillful thrusts of her bunched fingers, tipped Sandy over the brink of an explosive climax. When that was done, they all turned to me with menace in their eyes."What's the matter with you," said the older girl, licking at the juices on her fingers, and eyeing me, insolently. "Do you want to get busted or something? We can oblige you, you know, anytime we feel like it.""Yeah," said a ten-year-old next to her, raising herself on tiptoes to impress me, and so bringing the hem of her nightgown high over her little cunt, "we can bust you, mister!""Now, listen," I said, "I'm tired of you girls thinking you can lord it over me. Sandy and I were doing very well until you came barging in here, I'll thank you to leave us alone."They laughed sarcastically. The older girl turned to Sandy and told her to go back to her hut immediately, or she'd be reported. Sandy walked out, and the girl called out she'd be reported. As Sandy stormed from the room the girl said she'd see her later about this. Then back to me, unfriendly to the extreme, "This is your last chance, mister," she said, pointing her finger at me. "If we find you with another girl this week, your ass is grass."With that she turned and left, followed by the other girls. Each of them seemed to think they had to add weight to the threat by eyeing me darkly. The door fell to and I was all alone with my enormous palpitating erection, and no place to put it.Those little fucks, I thought bitterly, they really pour it on when they've got it in for you. I resigned myself to jerking the load off myself, but then I heard a timid knock on the door. I walked over quickly and opened it. No one there.Just as I was about to shut it, a pale figure flashed through the dark and ran inside, pushing the door shut and resting against it. It was Doris. She was pale and frightened, shifty-eyed, and begged me to switch the light off in case anyone saw her.I did what she asked, knowing I was lucky to at least have her on my side. In the dark she undressed and we went to bed where she set to taking care of my painful hard cock with her mouth.But I wanted to fuck. With a dab of Vaseline I took a shortcut into her cunt. My big dick slipped inside her, and, without further ado, I fucked her. She seemed to enjoy it. One day she would make someone a dutiful wife. Until then she was my safety valve.Her little arms curled around my back and her skinny legs came up and around my waist as my dork ploughed into her cunt. She was still dry, but the grease made it enjoyable. Slowly she got into the spirit of things, gripping me more tightly and moaning like a puppy.A sense of compassion made me hang onto my impatient wad. Gnashing my teeth I fucked her till she was happy, helping her along by rubbing her tiny clitoris and so giving her a diminutive orgasm all of her own. She was very pleased with that.Then, with all the forces unleashed, I slammed my prick into her little cunt from a high angle to get that extra friction, and brought myself totally undone. A hot geyser of cream rushed up her youthful tube, and I felt relieved like a boil that's been lanced.I rolled over on my side and fell asleep, her arms around me and her loins against my ass. A dutiful wife, I thought, before dropping off. Plain girls make the best wives. They have to try harder!Chapter 5---------Several days went by. Doris hung around me like a puppy in love, and sneaked in late at night to take receipt of my surplus lust. This kept me going. But then fate struck another blow. Doris' parents came to the camp and took their daughter home. It seemed they had received an anonymous letter written in a childish hand warning them of their daughter's incipient insanity.The cunning little bitches, I thought. Not a hint of immorality. Insanity. Nice and decent. Oh, well, they had done me out of my last recourse. Why should I worry? I had done without sex before, certainly for longer than three weeks.Besides, there was Elsa. She might feel like a real fuck for a change. The way she had been cohabiting lately, I figured she had to be glutted. Or, if worst came to worst, one of the middle-aged ladies might enjoy a young piece of meat for her hope box.I told myself there was nothing to worry about. The girls would see who was the smarter. Smug, even grinning, I walked around the camp to police their activities, not in the least disturbed by their indifference towards me. Elsa. I recalled her thickly-overgrown blonde cunt with vague pleasure, and her kinks. Perhaps I could straighten her out before we left this place.I walked around, watching a class of little girls bending and touching toes under the direction of Mark. He waved at me, smiling broadly. I waved back, and walked on, trying to erase the memory of his ribald cabin from my mind. For the past three nights his place had been the center for all the action, and the giggles, the squeals, and the ominous pounding sound of his bed, were driving me crazy. Now that Doris was gone, I would have no consolation at all. At least her poor little body had a hole in it.Elsa waved at me, too, standing by the side of the pool instructing a class of youngsters in the art of swimming. They were lined up on the edge, their little buttocks encased in clinging, wet material, all of them paying strict attention to her.She looked delicious to me. She wore a brief bikini, her full breasts bulging out over the top, tanned and shining with health, her ample buttocks covered by the skimpy garment. And she knew I was looking at her. But ignored me, just the same.I grew more depressed while I wandered through the camp. The middle-aged ladies were joyously taking troops out into the woods, or sending them off on treasure hunts, teaching folk dancing or some other wasteful pastime. They didn't even know I was alive. Maybe it was just as well, their cunts probably had cobwebs in them.The only one to talk to me was Lester Phipps. Looking thinner than on the first day, he was nevertheless a lot happier. Obviously, he, too, had developed a craving for the tender flesh of little girls, just as an animal may recapture his lust for meat if it's encouraged. We didn't talk about that, though, not directly. I just mentioned that he'd been having a lot of company lately."Oh, yes," he said airily, putting his menus aside for the moment. "The girls seem to like me, and I certainly like them. You know, my guess is that they miss their parents, and that we're the substitutes. So I do my best for them, you know. It's the least one can do.""Of course," I replied, and for a moment I felt doubt creep in. Perhaps Lester was straight arrow. "I like the girls, too," I went on, checking him carefully, "even though they've been giving me a hard time lately.""I've noticed that," he nodded, "and I've been meaning to ask you why that is. Are you too strict with them? I do believe in leniency, you know.""That could be it. I wish they'd give me a second chance, though. They're such an unforgiving bunch.""Well, I'll have a word with them. Perhaps I can help change their attitude," Lester said, picking up his pen again and smiling as if to say goodbye. "I do think I have a little pull in that direction, frankly.""I hope so." I walked on, thinking about Phipps. His cabin was as noisy as Elsa's and Mark's. What was he doing, holding a bingo game or something? I shrugged and resolved to find out later.For the time being there was nothing for me to do but wait till after supper. Maybe I could get Elsa away from her admirers. I decided I would try her first. If that failed, I could try and think of something else.As soon as dinner was over, I stuck with her and walked her back to her cabin. I asked her if she felt like fucking with me again, and she hesitated for a moment, perhaps taken aback by my direct approach. Then she shook her head and hurried on. I wasn't satisfied. When she passed my cabin I grabbed her around the waist and pushed her inside.I switched the light on and faced her, holding the door shut. She looked angry, not very angry, more as if I was in her way."Come on, James," she said, and tried to get past me. "I have things to do tonight. Later, we'll get together later, is that all right?""Now," I said, moving towards her and taking her into my arms, "I need you here and now, Elsa. I haven't stopped thinking about you since that first day. I need you. I must have you. You're too desirable to resist any longer.""No, James, I don't have the time. Besides, I haven't changed my views any. I still don't like to be touched on my--my--well, down there!""I won't touch you there, and I won't take up much of your time," I said through clenched teeth. Just touching her made me horny, her big, firm shoulders with those fleshy tits quivering just below my hands. It was strange to hold a grown woman again, not unexciting, and my cock rose up despite my tight trousers."Damn it," she said moodily, seeing the determination in my eyes. "All right then, but hurry up about it."She pulled loose and took off her halter top and her shorts, to lie down naked on the bed. I got out of my clothes in a hurry before she could change her mind, and went straight for her generous cunt with my tongue. She screamed, angry and flushed, sitting up to take me to task, but I apologized and contented myself with sucking her springy tits.Elsa lay back down and accepted my blandishments with a certain quiet grace. My mind wandered back to Irene and her modulated expressions of arousal, and Sandy's loud approbation, Laura's tight little screams and Angela's animal outburst--somehow it took much of the fun out of making love with Elsa.But I persisted, mainly on the camel principle, which means storing up so you won't need it later. Nonsense, of course, one can't store up on sex, or sleep, or food; but in the realm of imagination it holds true.Elsa lay perfectly still, her arms by her side, her face calm, like a prostitute who's doing her last trick of the shift. I kept on sucking her tits and trying to caress passion into her via indirect means. But doing that without the aid of the nerve-laden cunt is no mean feat! Her shoulder blades proved unresponsive, her belly was the no man's land, just as her thighs were a DMZ in themselves.That left her tits and her calves. Kissing her didn't seem to bring her on either. I did my best for a while, squeezing her tits and sucking at her pink nipples. But all of a sudden I felt like a giant fool! Who was she to tell how to do it? Dammit, I was the man and she had to take what I handed out.I grabbed hold of her calves with both hands and pushed her legs up and back, pressing down so she couldn't move, but lay trapped under her own legs. Her face lost its smug expression. Her knees pinned down her shoulders so she couldn't even get her hands to my head when it fell down into her wide-open cunt and sucked at it for the first time.She became desperate, her legs doing their utmost to kick me off, her fingers scratching at any part of me that was within reach. But I held her down with all my might, and her box was open to my mouth like a split fig.I couldn't figure out why she was so against it. She tasted great, even though she'd sprayed some kind of vaginal deodorant up there, which made my tongue tingle numbly for a while afterwards. For the rest, her cunt was great. The lips were densely haired and swollen, the clitoris was huge, standing up like a fierce miniature prick, and her hole was a deep pink, moist, and pulsing.For a moment I was tempted to forget about biting her box, and to plunge my throbbing cock into that wonderland. But I was out to teach her a lesson--and with so many bridges already burnt, what did it matter if another became a charred ruin?So I went ahead and bit deep. My tongue explored the oozing walls of her cunt, oozing in spite of her angry protests. My nose rubbed against the hard clitoris, nuzzling and pressing till she subsided a little, even relaxed under the stimulation I was giving her. And, to top it all off, I jammed two fingers up her cunt while my lips pursed around her clit.She was still uncomfortable about it, convulsing now and then in a bid to escape my grip. But her cunt was in a vise, nothing could shake me loose. I had even locked the door to make sure the vigilantes couldn't rescue her. All the while I sucked and licked, giving her cunt all that it must have missed over years of willfulness.I ran my tongue around her clitoris for some time, then descended, once around the rim of her cunt, then down to her asshole, flicking inside, exciting her more than ever, keeping up a constant pressure now that I had her.She signaled her complete surrender by taking my cock in hand and masturbating it gently. I crawled closer to allow her to make more generous strokes and she did that. I took my fingers out of her box and stuck them into her mouth, experiencing the wet warmth of her tongue as she licked them clean. Slowly we moved around, almost as if neither of us wanted the other to know--but suddenly it was there, her mouth around my prick!I was elated! I let her legs down and rolled on top of her, my belly on her tits, my chest on her belly, she eating me, me eating her, an embrace that locked us into the other's body as far as it was possible to go. Her juices ran free. My loins began to bob, so that I was literally fucking her in the mouth. My loins were on fire!Time to fuck for real. I tried to get up but her arms held me down. I insisted. So did she. I couldn't figure out what her plan was. But while waiting, I lavished attention on her cunt, my nose sticking up her ass as my mouth sucked the juices down. Her hard clitoris poked against my chin, so I moved my face regularly to give it its due. She was breathing hard, sucking at my cock as if she was trying to extract something from it.I tried to get off again to plunge my dagger into her wide-open, super-ready, dripping cunt, my whole body waiting for the moment of entry--and again she held me back. This time I tried a little harder, and she, just to show me she meant business, bit into my cock. Not enough to hurt me, just enough to let me feel what it could be like.Cunning was my only way out. I pretended to return wholeheartedly to eating her out, my loins still bobbing over her mouth shallowly. But my thrusts went deeper and came up further. Just a little higher and I'd be able to pull my prick out of her mouth safely, and break her embrace at the same time.She was ready for me. Just as I decided the time had come she closed her teeth ever so gently around my prick so that the ledge of my knob came to a stop right there. I grew desperate. I wanted only to fuck. What had come over her? She preferred fucking!I soon found out. She began sucking at my cock even harder, her hands pressing the cheeks of my ass together and a lone index finger creeping down into my furrow to tickle the rim of my asshole. Tiny flashes of pleasure shot through me. These grew as her finger edged past the tight sphincter muscles and up my ass, where she crooked the top joint of her long finger to tickle me in vital places.Right where the sperm emission control center is located, that's where she tickled me. And I, at the mercy of my body, could not help but begin the short buildup to my climax, my prick pumping into her mouth till she gagged and brought her free hand up to govern my loins. My prick contracted sharply, then blew out a load of sperm that could have choked a horse. But not Elsa.She threw me off and got up, spitting the come out on the floor. She took a long drink of water, rinsed her mouth, and spat again. Then, with a withering look, she put her halter and shorts on again, and stalked out of my cabin.I was still on my bed, bewildered by this. What did she have in mind? Then it struck me. She only wanted to pull my plug out when she saw there was no other way of getting around being fucked.Well she had succeeded. I felt a fool. For a second, a white hot anger rose in me, choking me up. But then I took a drink and thought about it some more. It wasn't a total loss, Elsa sure gave a hell of a blow-job. The thing that bothered me was her calculatedness. Just like the other girls, always a few steps ahead of me. They were playing too dirty for my liking.But two could play at that. I didn't know what I would do in retaliation, but I would think of something. In the meantime, I wanted to check out what Lester Phipps did with his leisure time.I left my cabin and walked past Mark's ribald cabin. The door was wide open, and naked little girls were romping around, playing tiggie or something, while Mark lay fast asleep on his bed, two girls at his side. Flashing pink cheeks, tiny quivering tits, firm bellies and naked cleft whirled past my feverish eyes. How I envied him! Somehow Mark had it all down pat. That could be me, lying on that rumpled bed, fast asleep with two little slaves just waiting for me to get another urge. Fuck it!I walked on in a hurry, my mood growing worse by the second. When I got to Lester's cabin, I found the door closed. But I went around the back, and he had forgotten to draw his curtains, probably thinking everyone was trustworthy.There were about four little girls in his cabin, none of them older than ten. Utterly hairless but for cute blonde curls, their chests barely swollen, three of them stood by the side of his bed masturbating each other, while Lester had the fourth beside him on the bed.He was doing something to her asshole, I couldn't quite see what it was. But then she turned around and he bent down. What they were doing was stuffing a silk handkerchief up the other's ass!My nagging dissatisfaction was displaced by curiosity. What the hell was Lester's bag? His thin, hairy ass opened wide as the little girl stuffed the hanky up his asshole, frowning with concentration. She left a little tuft sticking out, and then she lay back with her little legs wide open.Lester checked both her hanky and his own before he presented his limp dick to the three masturbating maidens. The middle one opened her mouth wide and took it all inside, to chew on it lightly. Soon life flooded into it, forcing the girl back a pace, and it became hard for her to encompass just the knob.All of Lester's growth energy seemed to have gone into his prick. Longer than mine, and thicker, it stuck out from his skinny frame incongruously, like a tree growing out of a branch. I was kind of horrified to think he was sticking that monster into the tiny snatches of ten-year-olds, but they didn't stagger back in awe, so I figured they must have had it up there enough to have grown around it.The three girls devoted their whole attention to the monster member, stroking it, licking it, sucking at the balls drooping way down in his long sac, their nimble little fingers working hard to excite their aging stud.Lester reached the critical point and set the girls back into their masturbating routine. They leaned against the wall and watched closely as he applied his throbbing purple knob to the tiny but wet entrance of the little cunt on his bed. She stared down, slightly fearful but with a wild lust in evidence.One more check of the handkerchief, changing her position slightly, and then the long insertion began, slow, short jabs bringing him in deeper and deeper, the cock disappearing as if by magic. Perhaps it telescoped in, I thought, craning to look more closely, that little body couldn't contain so much! But now I realize I was just underestimating women again.She took it all, and her face showed she could have accommodated more. Briefly I thought of the Roman arena where women would be fucked by donkeys. I marveled at it all.Lester began his stroking, long and hard, the little girl under him opening up as wide as she could to give him maximum access to her miniature heaven. I watched as his cock emerged right to the tip of his knob, and plunged back in, reflecting how fatherly Lester was being, truly a parent to his wards.The little girl uttered a tiny, animal scream, her body twisting with the agony and ecstasy of Lester's boa. He pumped it into her and I could see her belly bulge as it reamed right up inside. Lester's face was fanatic and blissful, his body taut as a bow string while he plunged his all into her.The three girls up against the wall masturbated more fervently, hardly able to stand up. Their fingers flew and manipulated, providing a slurping cricket's chorus to back up the brilliant solo Lester was performing for them. Even I could only hold myself back from applauding with much will power.Lester was doing extremely well. I felt my deflated cock rising sharply while I watched him plough into the little girl, whose face was pressed up against his chest. She seemed to be enjoying it too, as were her girl friends.The moment of climax was drawing near. I saw Lester's face redden, flushing a violent Vermilion, his low, grating grunts starting up like a rusty tractor, while the little girl clutched at him, her loins uncontrollable. Her face was red, too, as if she were holding her breath for the big moment.I peered more closely, my face hard against the window, hand on my cock, rubbing a little. The three girls leaning up against the wall had slid down to the floor and were on their backs helplessly finger-fucking each other. The bed squeaked horribly. Lester bellowed like a bull, his little girl friend screamed, and I saw their hands tug violently at the tuft of handkerchief sticking out of their asses, to rip it out just as they reached their mutual climax!They exploded! I had never seen a climax like it. Lester lost weight in front of my eyes as he shot his bolt. The little girl turned into a shuddering mass of limbs and cries. And their audience delivered the final strokes to each other. It was a beautiful scene. I leaned breathlessly against the wall of the hut and began jerking off.Lester wasn't finished yet. He waited for the girls to recollect themselves, then he got them to suck his huge cock till the last drops of nectar and sperm had been removed. They worked like little ants, sucking at the big, fat, shrinking head, licking his dangling balls, their mouths running up and down the thick stem of his cock as if it was a lollipop, while Lester sat back with his eyes shut, grinning.Paternal, my ass! I thought enviously. Lester was the most cunning of us all! Walking around looking like the local vicar who wouldn't say a damn for a dollar, meanwhile setting himself up in the nicest underage harem I had ever seen. If only I hadn't fucked up! I'd be surrounded by them, dozens sleeping in and under my bed, regaling me with every sensual pleasure devised by man since the dark ages.I stood back from the window a little mad at myself but still interested in the situation inside. Lester's cock had shrunk down to what would for most men be a praiseworthy cock, and the three girls toyed with it idly, as if it were a new pet. The girl who had been fucked so well was asleep on the bed, her legs wide open and her naked chubby slit still running with sperm that oozed out in globules.At a signal from the master, one of the girls got down on that runny little snatch and sucked it clean. While she was down there, Lester's erection restored itself sneakily and, without warning, he suddenly rammed it up her tiny snatch as she bent over his previous victim.The girl straightened up as if she'd been bitten on the ass by a snake. Then, as her cunt adjusted to the enormous member, she pitched forward and spread her legs as wide as possible to make it feasible for the trouser snake to crawl right up inside her.She lay half over the first victim, who kept on sleeping. The other two girls did their best to help Lester, separating her buttocks and lifting her ass a little for maximum accessibility, till he was up in her to the hilt. Then they stood back and respectfully watched while the girl got fucked.She couldn't have been five feet tall, I guessed from my position outside the window, skinny, titless, hairless, pretty in a sugar candy way, her golden curls hanging down over her face like a lace curtain. Her hands groped along the bed and over her girl friend, looking for support, and her tiny ass rose and fell in accordance with Lester's strong strokes.My prick ached for a little cunt to call my own. I looked around in the dark, there was no one around. It was quiet in the camp now, most of the lights off, only a few giggles echoing now and then. I needed to fuck! I considered bursting into Lester's place and ripping off one of his girls--but my position was shaky enough without aggravating him.What could I do? I felt as if I had drunk a draft of werewolf brew, my eyes yellow slits of desperation and lust, hairy all over, cock hard and throbbing, my entire being focused on only one thing--cunt! All around me were huts, and in every hut were dozens of little cunts, bald and hairy, loose and tight, cunts sweating in the warm summer night's air, cunts with fingers in them, cunts dripping a last drop of piss on the sheets, four hundred cunts!One last look at the fucking of Lester, at that moment driving his cock up her cunt till it threatened to dislodge her tonsils, and I went off into the night, melting as it were, into the shadows.I felt like baying at the moon...Chapter 6---------I found a hut at the outer fringes of the camp, far enough from the others to make it difficult for one of the occupants to raise a general alarm. The place was in darkness, not a sound came from it. I checked around carefully, making sure no one had seen me.Then I eased in through the door and bolted it. I waited for a moment until my eyes were accustomed to the dark, and made my first move. I stripped. Naked and hard, I got into the nearest bed and took a handful of young cunt. The young cunt screamed. Lights came on, commotion threatened to erupt, but I took fast action."Okay, everybody keep quiet," I hissed, leaping out into the middle of the hut, "I want you to do exactly as I say or I'll make you wish you had never been born, understand!""You'll pay for this," said a voice in the background, "we've got your number, fella.""I don't care anymore," I said loudly, raising myself to my full height, "I refuse to be blackmailed any more. Tonight it's my turn, and you girls better enjoy it, because you're going to get it whether you do or not.""What's to stop us from screaming and bringing the whole camp down on you?" one girl asked."Just this--after tonight no doubt someone will inform on me, which means my future is shot anyway. So you see before you a desperate man. And I'll beat the shit out of the first one who yells. You hear me!""You're full of shit," said a tall, older girl, "you lay a finger on me and you'll have all twelve of us on your neck."I was so mad with lust and frustration that I could hardly think straight. The girls were sitting up in their beds, some in nighties, most nude, their tiny tits poking pertly out at me, their young curving bodies unaware of the power they exercised over me. I wanted to fuck them so bad I had trouble keeping my breathing regular!"Try it!" I hissed, walking up to her, my erection waving in front of her nose. "Just you try it, girlie!""Help!" she screamed, and opened her mouth for another outcry but I filled it with fist. She reeled back, her eyes wide with astonishment. Obviously no one had ever hit her before. The pain shocked her as much as the fact that I had actually carried out my threat.The girls gasped as she fell back onto the bed, her mouth bleeding. Dead silence reigned in the hut. Curtly, I told them to strip, and they did so, their eyes open wide and fixed on me. They thought I had gone mad--and I had! My vision was obscured by a red mist, all I could see sharply were their little cunts as they emerged from bedclothes and nighties. I lined them all in a row, and walked up and down, my finger checking for the firmest, the fullest, the finest cunt there.What tactile delight! Each of them shied away some as I ran my index finger up their wide slits, but stood their ground bravely. I fingered right down the line, exploring their sweaty boxes and tasting the faint drops of dampness of each with the air of a connoisseur.Out of the twelve I found three I really wanted to fuck. The rest I ordered to stand around the bed in a tight cordon while I arranged my three girls on the bed with me. I took my time, arranging them like a housewife with too much leisure arranges her living room. And, just before I started the proceedings, I warned the girls once more:"If any of you leaves this place, so help me, I'll get her for it. And they'll be responsible for their friends losing some teeth too. Remember that. Just try to make the best of things."The stubborn silence that greeted my words disturbed me somewhat, but first things first. The three girls of my choice were truly beautiful. One, Sylvia, was five feet six, only thirteen, small hard tits about to bud, not a hair on her body. She looked like a model, long and lanky, but perfectly proportioned for all that. The second was called Benita, little and plump, full-breasted at fourteen, down on her cunt, her ass full and prosperous with youthful tautness that would soon give way to a comfortable spread--but not yet! The third was Gloria, an aloof girl of eleven, no sexual characteristics bar her nude, fat little cunt, and her face. She had very long lashes, jet black hair, big brown eyes, her skin white as white can be, in stark contrast her hair. But she looked through me the whole time I was arranging, as if she didn't know I was alive.For that reason I began with her. Slowly drawing her closer to me, I pressed a hot kiss to her firmly-shut lips. She accepted this unflinchingly, her eyes wide open, her body rigid, only waiting for me to stop. My knob was ready to be launched.I touched her breasts, feeling the subtly-pulvinated chest with delicacy. Strangely exciting for non-tits, that invisible fullness. I caressed her hard belly and moved down into the naive gully of her cunt, dry and warm, smooth as polished stone and almost as unyielding. By searching through her valley most thoroughly, I hit upon her tiny clit and began to massage that with two fingers.No girl can resist that. Gloria, for all her coyness, began to shift uneasily, trying to move out of my embrace, but I tightened it and continued the same stimulation. I sat with her between my legs, her back against my chest. I held her firmly with one hand on her subcutaneous tits, the other deep in her smooth groin, my prick chafing up against her ass.The other girls were still silent, but the atmosphere in the hut was slowly changing. From resentment to naughty lasciviousness. It was creeping through their systems, making them less intractable, more interested in the proceedings.My other two partners came a little closer, bending over to see what I was doing. I found Gloria's tight cunt hole and eased my finger up it, pushing to get as much as possible inside. She was dry, but smooth, hot, her muscles resisting at first but slowly giving in. I was hooked inside.Finally she lost her aloofness and began to breathe with difficulty. Her back pressed into me, and her knees lifted to give me more cunt to play with. I took it all. First I extracted my finger and brought my hand around, under her thigh, and shoved my thumb up her moist passage. The finger that was already oily circled around the rim of her asshole, lubricating it till it was able to slip into the elastic vise, and begin working its way to the top.She writhed timidly, a little ashamed of her own passion. I worked harder. Soon she cast aside all her inhibitions, as if she was no longer aware of anyone around her. Silence still reigned. The two other girls had shifted position so they were in front of Gloria, watching my busy hand sending rigid fingers up her cunt and asshole, one nimble finger manipulating her hardening clitoris.I moved a bit so that my dick pressed into the furrow of her taut ass, sliding against her to get that touch of friction my knob raved for. My mind was clearer now, more patient with my lot since I was surrounded by cleft little chubs.Before I went any further I wanted to fuck. And then I wanted a side show, and then I wanted to fuck again. I looked around the circle of girls once more, to make sure I had the best girls with me, and, satisfied, I set to work on Gloria to the exclusion of everything and everyone else.I lifted her up by the thighs and brought her over my head so that the front of her thighs rested on my shoulders, and her box was flush against my mouth. I buried my nose into the tight furrow of her ass and began sucking at her as if she had a dozen oysters concealed in her person. And Gloria, dangling down, just managed to swallow the red knob of my dick, to regale it with instinctive spiraling of her tongue.The other girls took the initiative. Benita held Gloria in place so that my hands were free to feel her and Sylvia up. I did with relish. Benita's plump little cunt was soaking wet and pulsing with ecstasy. Two fingers slipped up easily and I finger-fucked her with both barrels. Sylvia perched over my other hand felt like a candelabra. Both hands occupied, my tongue dabbling about in Gloria's wet, tight cunt, her lips stretched about my swollen knob, and the girls around the bed getting twitchy and sticky, at that moment I envied no one in the whole world, not even Lester Phipps.My faithful cock, that had been kept waiting for so long, finally got its due. I pushed Gloria forward and rose to my knees, holding her ass up high, the rest of her stretched out over the bed like an offering to the gods. Then, lining her cunt hole up with my burning cock, I took aim and shoved it right up her so that she choked.How good it felt! Her cunt clamped around my dick as if to hold it in there forever, but I pushed harder and it made it to the top. I felt her hard flesh push against my pubic bone, and I rubbed it in just to get her clitoris to send her flying.Her moans were childish at first, highly-pitched, like she was seeing spooks in the nursery. But as we fucked harder, so her moans became more womanish. Strange thrills coursed through me as I saw her little-girl face contort to give vent to such grownup passions.Sylvia and Benita were flat on their backs at either side of me like town hall lions, masturbating to beat the band, their little fingers rubbing in tight circles about their clitorises. Hips shaking, mouths open, eyes glassy, their groans set the other girls into motion as well till the space we were in smelled of concentrated cunt.I fucked on. Taking it easy, reasoning that the longer it lasted, the more I would get out of it. And watching the other girls get their rocks off, which inspired me as well. I closed my eyes, breathing in deeply and savoring the sensation of sending my cock rushing up her tight wet cunt, tight and new, her hymen already a memory but new enough to be squeaky.Candles and coke bottles appeared from nowhere, one girl even produced a professional dildo, and the girls spread out over the neighboring beds to do themselves in. My head started spinning. There they were, ten-year-old girls manipulating the candle as well as they ever would, their pink cunts shining in the light, fluids running where no fluid had been, the candles sloughing in and out with faint slurping noises, the smell of young cunt thickening by the second.Gloria was crying out, her slender body convulsing as her first climax burst upon her like a private thunder storm. I felt well-pleased. Now that she'd had it, I could comfortably move ahead and have mine.I tightened my grip and sent my cock reaming up her cunt, ignoring the sudden stiffening and the small cry of pain. Bashing it in, my belly slapping against the tense pink cheeks, battering her box with my balls, my senses folding one by one. Careless of everything, I just focused on her cunt, and what my prick could do with it, a pinpoint of sanity.She must have felt how my mood was changing, because she tried to escape. I gripped her little ass like it was a subway strap and swung my hips in with some whip to send my cock roaring into her nervously contracting cunt. She cried out in protest. I left my knob stuck in the bottom of her cunt and began a staccato beat with my pubic bone grinding into her asshole, hard and fast like a man gone berserk.Which is what I was. The combination of the whole day, its frustrations, temptations, the sights and sounds, the opportunities lost and gained, the masturbating chorus about me and the polished soft skin of this kid in front of me, all of it added up to an explosive chemical, which had ignited.I didn't care about anything anymore, only my own satisfaction. None of this playing and watching, always careful to keep the woman up there with you. None of that. I fucked her like she was a piece of liver, or a knothole!Everything speeded up and intensified. I felt my mind bend under the strain, then snap. A rattling rhythm of a pneumatic fuck, then a gushing explosion of hot sperm and a dull, empty feeling which sent me tumbling in a loose heap all over Gloria.All I heard was my own rasping breathing. The blood boiled in my ears. Sweat poured out of every pore. It took a long time to settle down. And when I did, it was only to see all the girls sitting primly on the nearby beds."What's the matter with you girls?" I said feebly, getting up off Gloria who was complaining about getting crushed. "Haven't you ever seen anyone fucking before?"They ignored my silly question. I sat up and surveyed each of them. Their faces were hostile, as if they wanted to do me in. Gloria struggled up and walked over to the other side of the cabin, rubbing her sore cunt and crying softly."Enough of this nonsense," I said sharply, "Benita, get over here and suck me off, look at my poor prick, all greasy and limp-- come over here and get down on it."She came, dragging her feet, looking for assistance among her friends. But they, in turn looked over at the girl I had hit, and changed their minds. Benita bent her plump body over and gingerly took my prick in her mouth. I picked her up and laid her down between my legs so she could concentrate better."Now you and you, get on the foot-end of my bed and give me a show," I ordered. No one responded. "Goddamn it! You want me to get nasty or something? Don't forget, I've got nothing to lose anymore!"The girls I had indicated came forward and sat on my bed, their legs crossed, hands in front of their cunts so I couldn't see them."Kiss each other," I said. They looked at me, daggers in their eyes, but I knew I'd chosen accurately. These girls had something going. I could tell by the way the audience giggled.The older one resolutely turned her head towards the other, and pressed her lips hastily against hers. Then she looked back at me, appeal on her face, but I told her to do it again-- properly!She kissed her friend harder, but it still wasn't good enough. On the third try her reluctance gave way to resignation. They kissed for a long time, slowly becoming absorbed in the act of osculation till they almost managed to forget about me. But I interrupted with malicious timing:"Now fuck," I said, and my voice was loud with power, "fuck till you drop, and make it real."They glared at me again, and the audience muttered restlessly. I brandished my fist, and they got down to it. The older girl lay on her back so that her head rested against the foot-end of the bed and her cunt faced me. Her friend got on top of her, and with rising pleasure I watched as the two young cunts met and flexed to instill passion in each other.As before, at first they didn't want to, but when the river gets flowing it doesn't stop till it reaches the sea. So they were caught up in their own buzzing feelings, and their fucking became so real it helped the audience to forget its hostility for the moment to once more join in with the band.What pure pleasure to have wrought this scene! I sat with my back against the wall, watching the asses bob in front of me and the cunt folds stretch and contract, as the pink holes began to gleam and flood. Around me, oily fingers slurped up tender cunts, and I could feel it all.All my sensory nerves thrilled in tune with the sensations they felt. I knew what it felt like, those hot and smooth cunt passages wet with nectar and pulsing with passion. Those yielding little contours inside the cunt were as familiar to me as the palm of my hand, though a lot more exciting.Girls fell back on the beds, helping each other jam the candles up higher, crying out, while the twosome in front of me fucked themselves into oblivion. I moved forward and rested my head inches away from the undulating flesh, my cheeks brushing against the wet thighs, just to see the cunt lips tug and be tugged.I motioned for Sylvia to lie on top of me, her belly on my back and her naked little crotch pressing into my ass. She felt good, giving my spine a little pleasure while her flesh and mine met in passionate discourse. My tongue reached out till the tip slid along the two bouncing boxes, tasting of their free-flowing dew as my ear caught the fine nuances of their wet sounds.Sylvia rubbed her long, thin body all over mine, moving forward, pressing her cunt down against my skin, and then moving back to get that friction she needed. Her arms were around my chest and she wriggled harder and harder, hooking the top of her slit into me and bringing herself undone in a chain of sighs and groans and mad contortions.While she rested, I nuzzled deeper into the conjoined cunts, and they pressed closer into my mouth. My teeth nibbled at a clitoris here, my tongue sank into a wet hole there, or I just sucked greedily at the rivulets of nectar streaking their anxious thighs.Under me, my cock was getting harder than ever. I waited for a moment while Sylvia was peaking, then I rolled around and told her to suck me. She was on me in a flash, her wide mouth taking me inside and moving my head against the wild, wet tissue till my loins began to fuck her face. I stayed in that position for some time, fucking her cunt-like mouth and sucking at the fused boxes with my head tilted back and pressing into the mattress. My head spun. I wanted to fuck again. Suddenly I sat up and pointed at Benita:"Come over here, you little pudding, and sit on my dick.""No," she said, shaking her head violently so the dark curls flew, "I'm saving myself for marriage.""And you're just about to collect the interest," I quipped, pulling her over. "Come on, baby, squat on this."She struggled mightily, protesting and appealing to the other girls for help. But she couldn't fight against me, I was in no mood to be sporting.I picked her up around the waist and planted her like I'd put paper on a spike. Her dark downed cunt split open and a trickle of blood ran down my cock into the pubic bush. She screamed so loud I thought she'd punctured my eardrums. The other girls hopped up in alarm and tried to pull her off me.But there's something mighty powerful about picking cherries, and nothing on earth was going to wrest this one out of my hands. I kept pushing my dick up her wet hole, oiled with juices and blood, till it was up to the hilt. The girls were tearing at me, slapping me, calling me names, but I was resolute.Both my hands held around her waist, planting her up and down, slurping into her, impervious to the scratches and slaps. Benita quivered like a pudding of flesh, her little tits shivering, the nipples alive. Her face was white with pain and fear, but slowly I managed to bring a blush to her checks.Her screaming stopped. We were fucking well now, I was able to relax my hold on her, and her loins took over the lion's share of the work. But the girl I had hit earlier still took it upon herself to make a dash for the door.I threw Benita off me and ran after her. I caught her just as she was undoing the lock, spun her around, and slapped her right across the face. She fell back onto the nearest bed, crying, and holding her hands up in defense.The other girls swarmed over me like an army of hornets, pinching and scratching. I shrugged them off like a bear shrugs off attacking dogs, locked the door again, and ordered them back to their original positions.Their faces glowering with anger and hate, the girls sat back down on the surrounding beds, and watched as I mounted Benita once more. This time she was anxious for more of my beef bayonet, opening her chubby white legs right up before I could even get on top of her.I slipped up to the hilt and fingered her swollen clit as I fucked her. She loved it. My erection was like reinforced concrete, driving up her soft, palpitating hole with brutal strength. In the meantime, I kept a careful eye on the audience, in case any of them tried to play tricks on me before I was finished with Benita.Her hands were on my ass, pressing down on me with every thrust. Her cunt was wide and wet now, slurping like a real woman as I pumped my prick into it, and her fleshy legs wrapped around my waist for extra support. She was open as far as she would go, the silky wet rim of her cunt brushing down my plummeting cock in such a way as to tease me into self-forgetfulness.Absorbed in fucking her, my senses attuned to her breathing, her whispers of passion, her song of lust, and the heaving of her soft bosoms as I ploughed harder and harder, driven by the forces of the flesh. She kissed me with all her might, her tongue searching my mouth for more of me while her nails dug into my clenched buttocks as if drilling for blood.I felt her body tighten suddenly, her breathing became rapid and tense and her eyes were shut. This was it. I lowered the boom a little, scraping up against the division between her cunthole and her ass to give her all the benefits at once. She cracked wide open and came to a shuddering climax.Only then did I feel free to indulge myself. With short strokes, I let the knob rub up against her fleshy walls, deriving a throbbing pleasure from this which soon led to a contraction of all my innards, to explode into a burst of sperm and grunting. I crashed down on top of her like a felled oak, and lay there breathing raspily.I heard the padding of bare feet over the floor of the hut, and the bolt slide out of its socket, but it didn't really register for a while. I was in a fog, and whispers and shuffling, nothing clicked--till the sharp voice of Elsa pierced through my reverie."You dirty pig!" she said, and my head cleared as if I had sniffed up on ammonia, "You filthy pervert! You'll pay dearly for this, I promise you that! These girls are in our custody, we should protect them, not ravish them!"The righteousness throbbed through every syllable. I got up painfully and looked at her, my eyes conveying the scenes I had witnessed of her and the little girls she'd had sucking her box like leeches. But there was a hard, marble gleam in her eyes, apparently she was prepared to overlook her own weaknesses.I shrugged and told her that if she fucked with me, my defense would upset a lot of people. She asked what I meant by that, and I didn't reply, just smiled as if I had a complete dossier on them all.This bothered her, I could tell. She became less self-assured, and turned to the girls instead to order them into bed and not to say a word about this to anyone till she had researched my case further.I went back to my hut and readied my camera for a new expedition the following night.Chapter 7---------My name stank in Camp Good Health the following day. It didn't matter what orders I gave, they were all disobedient. So, rather than subject myself to an exercise in futility, I remained in my hut for most of the time, reading and listening to the radio, thinking things over.As soon as night fell and the camp's nocturnal action ground into motion, I was up and about with my camera. I had adjusted it to take good shots in minimum light so I wouldn't disturb anyone with flash bulbs, and as a result I managed to take some lovely snap shots.Lester had expanded his harem considerably, eight little ten-year-olds all in a row on his bed, their feet dangling above the floor as one by one they reached for his extended, distended cock and sucked at the tip of the knob. That's all they could fit into their mouths, I figured, once more awed at the size of his monster.I took some nice profile shots of him, then went over to Elsa's cabin. She just had her girlfriend with her head between her legs, and was busy talking with a dozen girls who were fully dressed. But that one shot was all I needed.On to Mark's hutch. Mark was stretched over a tiny girl whose face was screwed up in agony as he drove his cock up her tiny bald cunt. A number of girls were playing cards on the floor and drinking whiskey. Cigarettes in their cupid-bow mouths, they looked like parody tough guys. Not one of them paid much attention to the goings-on on the bed.Then, on impulse, I walked over to the cabins of the middle-aged ladies. To my surprise they weren't busy with games and fun things to do. In fact, I doubt if the camp entered their minds at all!All ten of them were seated around the recreation room quite naked, their heavy breasts sagging over rounded abdomens, and their blue-rinsed hairdos looking faker than ever matched with the greying pubic hair curling plentifully about their old cunts. It looked to me like they were playing musical chairs or something.While I photographed them, a strapping black man walked out of the bathroom, drops of piss still dripping from his shining, massive cock. I recognized him as one of the camp maintenance men. I used up a whole roll of film on the little play-off the old ladies held for his favors.For some time I stood there watching. They blindfolded the black man and spun him round and round, all the women giggling and smiling, hands wringing in their laps. Then they all sat down and the black man stumbled over at one of their number, to pick the lucky woman. When they took off his blindfold, I saw him first scoop up a little pile of notes in the center of the floor, then take the old lady by the elbow and lead her over to the couch at the far end of the room where he set to fucking her with mighty strokes of his giant phallus.I grinned to myself as I walked off into the night. So that was why one oughtn't to judge a book by its cover. The last stop was the director's house. He was home with his wife, a highly respectable looking couple, gray hairs and great poise. They were watching television, innocuous enough--except for the two little girls that were sucking them off in the process.I changed the roll of film and used up my second roll for the evening. This was one scene I wanted to be sure of getting. Then I went back to my cabin, well-pleased with myself, and hid the rolls in a secret spot, under the floorboards.The rest of the evening was mine. For once I didn't care that all the others were fucking. I had had enough. Peace and quiet were enough for me. I lay back on the bed and closed my eyes, feeling the tiredness stretch into sleep, that would in turn be a night's coma.But it was not to be. The door burst open, and there, with her arms folded and her face blazing with vigilante fervor, stood Elsa and her Little Raiders. About twenty of them in all, they filled my hut and kicked the door shut before a word was uttered."We've come to take our revenge," Elsa said gravely, and I didn't know whether to laugh or flee. I decided not to resist unless they threatened to do me violence; in which case I would lay every one of them out!Not till Elsa produced a gun, then, did I think there was anything serious going on. The sight of the snub-nosed little ladies' gun changed everything. I had never looked up the barrel of any gun before this. Of course I had seen it on TV, and there had been times when I asked myself what I would do under such circumstances. Usually I came up with a particularly glib ploy that got me out of danger.But right then, looking up the barrel mesmerized me into complete inaction. I sat still, hardly daring to move in case I caused her finger to twitch. The girls stood back, seeing I would not put up a fight."Strip," Elsa said harshly, and I hastened to obey. "Now lie down on your bed, your face in the pillows." I didn't argue. "And don't forget, if you move, it's all over.""You can't shoot me!" I cried suddenly. "You don't think you'd get away with it, do you?""Who'd tell?" she shot back, and her cold but accurate logic dawned on me. None of the girls would talk, and even if they did, who would believe them? I wouldn't be missed, at least no more than the average PT instructor who had dropped off a cliff in a remote neck of the woods.So I tried to relax. My ears picked up every sound and tried to analyze it. I couldn't imagine what they would do to me. And the last thing I expected to happen, did happen.I felt the firm, silky body of one of the girls slide up and down the back of me. She was rubbing her cunt all over me, I realized, as some of the sticky wetness clung to me, and I felt the outline of her firm lips on my flesh. I could just see it, her naked little cunt wide open and leaving a snail-like trail on my body.My prick reared up, worming up between the bedclothes and my belly to find room for expansion. I lifted my ass a little to give it a chance and immediately an inquiring hand darted into the gap and squeezed my dick as if taking its temperature."He's getting there," reported a girl's voice. I didn't understand any of this, but relished the little girl's gyrations and was soon lost in her flesh blandishments. She let her nipples run lightly down my back, just chafing ever so subtly, and brought my hand to her belly so that I would discover her firm, nude cunt.I was so hard that I was prepared to fuck my bed if nothing better came along. The motion began all by itself, nervous and reflexive, driving the knob of my dick into the blanket where it found some pleasure in the roughness of the cloth."He's there," said the high voice. I waited to see what they would do next, in the meantime squeezing the little pussy in my hand. Suddenly a great rush of ice-cold water was tipped over me. I jumped up, spluttering and cursing, only to see that gun barrel staring back at me."Get down and stay down," Elsa said icily, and I did as I was told. The bed was wet and unpleasant, I was shaking all over from the shock and the cold, and my prick was as limp as wet rope. Little fingers curled around my cock and pulled it back. A piece of string was tied about it, just below the knob. It wasn't tight, not painful, but this time I knew what they were driving at.I gritted my teeth, determined not to give them the pleasure they were looking for. The girl sat back down on me, rubbing her cunt against the cheeks of my ass, and another began to tickle my balls, weighing them in her hand, and kissing them. Nothing would succeed because I resisted their success.How wrong I was. And how mortal my flesh. Within minutes, I felt the blood pour into my prick. The girls worked harder. One had her finger up my ass and crooked the top joint to inflame my passion at the very base of it. My balls were in someone's mouth, and hard cunts brushed up against my arm and hand, while in the background I heard the soft moans of love-making.I couldn't resist anymore. My erection blew itself up like a balloon on a hydrogen tank, and at once the string bit deep into the sensitive flesh of my dick. I cried out in pain, and turned my thoughts to accounting and horse-raising so as to bore my system back to normal numbness.No use. They stimulated everywhere they could find an erogenous zone. My ass was treated to a series of caresses that made my mind reel, kisses and prying fingers, the nibble of little teeth, and the chafe of dry cunts working themselves up into a lather against my flesh.One of the girls isolated my index finger and jammed it hard into her cunt, where it lodged in a clasp of dry, hot flesh palpitating all about it. Naturally I reached for more, my thumb circling about her clit, and the other fingers exploring as far as their tether would let them. She got moist very quick, and began to fuck my finger.Through all this, my prick felt as if it was being garroted! I wanted them to stop, and I wanted me to stop cooperating. Deep down I couldn't believe they would actually shoot me if I put up a fight, and yet, there was something crazy about Elsa, she might very well do it just to revenge herself on me for the other night when I had defiled her sacred shrine, the one between her legs.With terrific effort I cut my mind off from the flesh, and to my relief I felt my cock subside, driven down by pain and will power. When they saw it was no use they took the string off, and conferred briefly to devise a torture even mote excruciating. I waited with bated breath. I was getting mad, ready to hit them all into a stew if they provoked me further. Only the idea of Elsa and her stupid lady's pistol held me back.Their next inspiration was to turn me over on my back and tie me to the bed. I let them do it, counting on their inability to tie a good knot. I must have been stupid. Those goddamn girl scouts tied me up like professionals, and then they all gathered around and stared at my prick, lying limp on my belly.At least I could see what was going on. Elsa had sat down on a nearby chair, the gun still on me. The others had stripped and were either making love among themselves, or were staring at me. A timid hand reached out and began to jerk me off, bringing new energy to my cock.How I cursed its ability to stand up whenever the vibrations were in order that night! They got me so hard it almost lifted me off the bed, and then the gamest little girl squatted over it and began to fuck me, much to the delight of the others.I enjoyed that. Her little cunt fitted over my prick like a benign strait jacket, and the smooth friction of her made me feel like fucking all night. She got wet in seconds, the moisture opening up new territory for my ever-curious knob, till she was sitting with her ass flush with my belly.For a moment I thought perhaps they had punished me enough, and were in the process of making up for it. But when they saw me close my eyes and begin fucking her back, they ripped her off my cock and whipped my prick with pieces of string, stinging little whips that brought water to my eyes with pain.And suddenly they all began beating me. Fists and open hands battered my body, teeth sank into me, nails raked my stomach, drawing blood and red welts. I wrestled with my bonds to defend myself but they had me trapped.Else sat in her chair, grinning, the gun in her purse. While she watched me, she began to masturbate, her finger deep into her hairy cunt, in and out, her pink hole wide open, gleaming with moisture. She grinned more broadly as the girls slapped me around harder, her hand squeezing her generous cunt and rubbing it as if she was getting off just on seeing me get hurt.Then she stood up and said: "Okay, girls, that's enough. We're going to leave you here, mister, and tomorrow night's going to be even worse for you. Don't bother calling for help, no one will hear you. Anyone who helps you will get the same treatment, you see. That's all."She turned to leave, but I called her back and said: "I just want you to know I have incriminating evidence on all of you, so don't bother thinking you'll turn me in later.""What sort of evidence," she said mockingly, "illegal love letters or something?""Photos," I said curtly, "of you and all your girls and of everyone else in the camp as well.""I told you we should have got him last night," one of the girls said heatedly, but Elsa shushed her."Where are they?" she asked. "Give them to me before I shoot you.""They're on their way to my lawyer," I lied, "together with a note indicting all of you in case I die.""I don't believe you.""That's your prerogative," I shrugged, "but check out my camera over there, and see if I couldn't have taken photos in the dark without you knowing about it."This convinced her, but didn't change her mind about leaving me tied up: "Okay, so we won't kill you, but we'll make it rough for you. Come on girls, it's our bedtime."They marched out and slammed the door leaving me alone, tied up to the bed, smarting from the thousand slaps and the cuts and bruises they had inflicted on me. A dull, impotent fury burst inside me--I'd kill them all if they gave me a chance. And I would kill them slowly!Somehow I fell asleep, a restless night that left me more tired in the morning than I had been before. But my mind was clear enough to figure out a way of releasing myself.The bed was a steel frame set into slits in the foot and head ends. By rocking the bed I turned it and me on the side and, by pulling at the head end, and bashing my buttocks against the frame, I managed to dislodge it. From there on, it was easy. I slipped free from the bed, untied the ropes, and sat down while the blood circulated through the formerly constricted passages.Revenge burned in my heart. When I stepped outside there was no one around. It was a hot day, the sun high in the sky and burning relentlessly, so I figured they'd be at the lake swimming. I ran through the woods, still naked, running with the ease of an Indian, thinking what I would do when I caught them.Elsa's troop was the first that I spotted. I rested for a moment on a low hill above them, surveying my position. Then I crept down through the bushes and stopped once more when I was mere feet from the party.They were giggling and carefree, some of them in the water, the rest dozing or chattering on the grass slope that ran down to the water's edge. Elsa was asleep with a girl in her arms, both probably spent from incessant sex.I found a good-sized stick and was about to make my entrance, when I noticed something. The girl swimming the furthest away from the edge was in trouble. I could just pick up her faint cry for help, and see her arm sticking out of the water, waving to catch someone's attention.I remembered someone telling me there were some very treacherous undertows in the lake, and suddenly all my petty considerations were tossed aside as her peril took over. The girls on the beach screamed when they saw me sprint past, naked and covered in cuts, the living image of vengeance, but I kept going, diving into the water and swimming out with long strokes.She was going down for the third time when I caught up with her. I felt the cold current of water suck me in, and my body contracted sharply to preserve its heat. Quickly I grabbed her around the chest and swam back into the warmer water before it was too late.We got back to the beach in record time. She was hardly breathing, unconscious, blue with cold. I threw her down on the grass and applied artificial respiration. She coughed up water for some time, till she was able to breathe normally and the color returned to her cheeks.The emergency had brought us all together again, and the question of revenge faded without even coming under discussion. Elsa was especially grateful, since she had been asleep on the job, and it would have gone badly for her had the girl drowned."Anything you want from now on," she told me, "is yours. I'm sure all the girls agree with me when I say all has been forgiven, and all is yours for the asking."A great cheer went up to confirm this. I sat down and tried to think of what I wanted most. Forty young girls thronging about me, I could have my pick of them--wouldst that I had forty pricks, I would fuck them like a hedgehog could fuck forty mice!I found two girls that appealed to me particularly, and pointed them out. They leaped forward, smiles on their faces, and followed me into the woods. I searched till I found the right spot, a small clearing shaded by the dense crowns of elms. They sat down beside me, and stared at me till I told them to relax.One was named Ingrid, the other Kathy. Ingrid was a white-blonde girl, golden brown, a pale down on her cunt and light pink nipples topping softly swelling mounds. She was probably fifteen, fourteen maybe, with shrewd blue eyes and long legs.Kathy was tall and slender, twelve, no tits, black hair and dark skin. She sat in the lotus position, the lips of her cunt pulling away from her untouched valley of love, nestling up against her heel, on which she rocked gently.After the frustrations of the previous night, it took me no time at all to get up a full-sized rip-roaring erection, and they looked slightly intimidated at the sight of so much dick. I told Ingrid to taste it and she crawled over through the grass to timidly kiss the flushed head, and began to lick up and down the stem.Kathy came closer. I lifted her up and planted her cunt on my mouth. She crowed with delight. Without wasting time she crouched down in the right position and rocked over my face while my tongue dabbled into her valley, sucking at the hole to get the fluids down, and flicking at her clitoris.She was a natural for this kind of thing. Her cunt literally streamed over me, great waves of pleasure rushing through me every time a fresh load of nectar dribbled down my tongue and into my throat. Her hairless cunt was open wide, the lips full and fat, responding to my tongue by parting even further.Ingrid was getting the hang of my cock, sucking and licking it like an expert. I was boiling with lust. That old ache for cunt struck me again. I propped my head up on my arms and watched the little cunt sway over my mouth. It was almost out of focus, it was so close.I ate and got eaten. Both girls were enjoying themselves immensely but Ingrid was the first to take the initiative and ease her loins over my burning cock. She took it slowly, trying to prevent pain from happening inside her tender young cunt. But she cried out in intense pain when she busted her hymen on me and immediately tried to get off. I had different ideas. With both hands I pushed her all the way down over me, almost toppling Kathy in the process.That made the pain more tolerable to her. With the shadow of a smile, she moved her body up and down, getting as much of my throbbing cock as she could. Kathy lay down beside us and began to masturbate furiously, her eyes on the spot where my cock entered Ingrid's blonde cunt.I pulled her down over me so that her body was on mine, and then rolled over to mount her. Her legs spread instinctively, her long thin legs way up in the air as she abandoned her newly broken-in cunt to the wiles of my prick.The heaving of my loins pushed her through the grass each time I delivered a power stroke, and so we moved through the small clearing, me in pursuit of her and catching her at every lunge. Kathy rolled behind us, breathlessly jamming fingers up her little cunt, changing position whenever she lost sight of my prick ripping into the tender pink flesh of Ingrid's snatch.What an epic scene it must have been for an innocent onlooker. I hunched over little Ingrid like a ravening bull, plowing into her and shoving her through the grass like a barrow without wheels, while Kathy pursued us like a hot dog, beating off in a fury.I took out all my frustrations on Ingrid's newly initiated cunt, ramming home my dick knowing I would, this time, be allowed to complete the act. So I hung back, fucking her in different positions and from different angles. Then I gave her a little rest while I fucked Kathy as an interlude, and ate out Ingrid's relaxed, wildly wet box.Back to Ingrid, Kathy pressing her cunt against my face while I mounted her from behind and rammed my dork up between her tightly clenched ass cheeks. Eating and fucking, lost in space, tasting Kathy's fresh juices, still smelling Ingrid's horny fumes.I rammed home the final strokes, that set Ingrid groaning like the demons had possession of her, and caused Kathy to roll in the grass, high up on her back, her legs waving in the air, while three bunched fingers forced their way into her cunt.We reached the vinegar stroke together and pushed on through the flimsy barrier between dream and reality. The orgasms were fine and consuming, hurtling us into the zone of bliss for a period.Then we came down, gulping and panting, our eyes closed with exhaustion, tumbling back into the grass and resting, me on the bottom, two slight bodies prostrate over me. Ingrid's hands were over my cock, rubbing it, and spreading the white sperm over my belly among the curling blond hairs absentmindedly.I don't know how long we lay there. It grew cooler and the sun disappeared, a soft rain descended on us, and still we didn't see the need to move. Only when we heard thunder in the distance did we stir and begin the long walk back to camp.What a difference in the reception I got when I walked inside the cafeteria that evening! Girls smiled at me, their eyes checking out my crotch once more, and the promise of much sex dangled before my eyes like a carrot dipped in the most intoxicating champagne!Elsa sat down beside me and reaffirmed that all had been forgiven. She even went so far as to grope for my balls under the table cloth, but I knew she didn't like to so I told her it was okay.It was okay, sure enough. Those shining young eyes upon me, and all those pre-pubescent cunts on the long benches, shifting uneasily as the anticipation of harsh fucking grew in their subconscious minds--I'd made sure it was okay!Chapter 8---------Despite the grandiose evening the girls treated me to that evening, I still went into town the next day to have my photos developed privately. It took me some time to find a photographer who could be bought for a sum I could afford. Finally I found a man who required little more than a masked set of his own copies.Because I didn't trust him, and because he understood why, I was in the darkroom with him while he developed them, and scratched out the faces on the copies meant for his collection. The other copies, and the negatives, went to me.They were perfect shots, every one of them. Gloating, I sent the negatives to my private post office box, and tucked the developed prints into my wallet. To celebrate I went into a bar for a quick drink.The day stretched out before me. I was free till I chose to return to the camp. If the director, or anyone else for that matter, wanted to take me to task for it, that was fine with me. But I felt pretty sure no one would jeopardize his future just to slap me on the wrist.The bar was quiet. All decent folks were at work. Only myself, a few local characters, and a middle-aged woman were in there drinking. The middle-aged woman took an interest in me, and considering the kind of competition I had in that bar, I didn't blame her.After downing my drink and ordering two more, I sat down beside her and slid the spare glass over. She smiled gratefully and we struck up a conversation. The usual talk, was I at Camp Good Health, yes I was and what did she do for a living, stuff like that. The whole talk was just a preamble for bed, and we both knew it.It turned out she was married to a sailor who was, at that moment, somewhere in the Mediterranean. Her children were at school, she was lonely, looking for distractions, perhaps I could help? I said I would sure try, if she would only take me to her place.She drank her drink down in a flash and was on her feet before I even had the whole sentence out of my mouth. It was only a few blocks before we reached a neat suburban house with a two-car garage. She opened the front door and showed me into the living room. Then she excused herself for a moment.Actually, seen in the light of day, she wasn't nearly as middle-aged as she had seemed in that bar. In her thirties, I guessed, maybe she'd had a hard life. But she was a well-built woman, full-breasted, full-hipped, and she carried herself well.I relaxed with the drink she'd set up for me, and enjoyed my holiday away from the camp. It was good that I had met her, perhaps screwing with an older woman would make it easier for me to readjust to my wife when I got back home. Because I realized how dangerous this new appetite of mine was. I only had two hopes of escaping its deadly pincers: to fuck my way through and out of it, or to find a more alluring alternative.Her name was Bertha, not provocative, being more reminiscent of Big Bertha and Boxcar Bertha, but one didn't fuck the name. She led me up to her bedroom. I noticed she smelled very sweet, and that her ass wobbled freely. So that's what she had been doing while I relaxed over a drink--taken her corset off, and put on that cloying perfume.She smiled broadly when I embraced her and pressed her ample loins into mine as her mouth found my lips, and we kissed. There was something peculiar about kissing her, not just the taste of cracking lipstick or the smell of nicotine on her breath, but its loose wetness. I didn't like it, it was too sloppy, too worn for me.And yet I kept it up, feeling the faint stirrings in my prick as if it was willing to give it a try. I caressed her back, feeling the yielding flesh of her big ass, a real woman's ass, round and fulsome and that more than anything else got me aroused.Clothes were scattered about the room, our flesh appearing from layers of civilization. Her full bosom turned out to be two enormous sagging jugs with stretch marks running down them like wood grain. Her stomach was full and rounded, tapering down into a triangle of bushy grey curls. Big thighs pressed together above her knees, the flesh off-white and shot with blue veins, the bulges of her ass visible even from the frontal view--I hesitated.But my prick seemed undaunted. It stood up from my belly and bobbed restlessly in the direction of her cunt. She grabbed it greedily and sank down on her knees before me to stretch her red painted lips wide to accommodate all of it in one frightening gulp.I stood my ground, my hands not knowing what to do with themselves while she sucked at me. I looked down at her back, the flab hanging down, curving out into big hams that were deeply indented by her heels. More than anything, I felt sorry for her.She, on the other hand, seemed to feel everything but sympathy for me. She had much of my horn in her mouth, and was feeling me up with both hands. Only by means of her expert stimulation did she keep me hard. Maybe she knew it. She ran her hands down my legs and back up, feeling my balls, fingering my ass, and squeezing the buttocks, while her breathing rasped feverishly.Her head jerked back and forth over my dick, trying to masturbate me with her mouth. Then, when she thought I was horny enough, she stood up and kissed me deeply before reclining on the bed, her legs wide apart, her face eager.I looked at her grey-haired box and was reminded of nothing so much as frosted swamp grass. It had become shapeless with age and wear, the lips flabby, and hole too big and too red, and I just knew what it would feel like around my dick. So, rather than eat her out, which is what she wanted me to do, I got on top of her and quickly poked my dick up her before it would be too limp for penetration.I had been right. Like fucking a quaking bog. Her face was ridiculously radiant, her breathing forced, and her tits felt like old wet sponges sewn up in bags of skin two sizes too large. Suddenly I couldn't do it anymore, as if the off switch had been flicked way down in my balls.The erection simply vanished. The look in her eyes was one of tragedy, and I felt terrible. Nothing is quite as humiliating as losing your hard-on during your first date. But I knew the reasons for it, and I also knew I'd better not tell her or she'd take after me with a cleaver."I think it's a vitamin deficiency," I told her in confidential tones. "I know about these things, being a PT instructor, and it wouldn't have happened if I had had access to the camp supplies of Vitamin E. But they didn't have any, and I've really been burning those calories up lately, so...""Is that all it is?" she asked, with relief in her voice. "Well, that's easily fixed. I'll just go to the drug store and get you some.""Don't go to any trouble," I said hastily. "I'll go and get some myself and then I'll come back tomorrow to make up for this.""No, no," she said, getting up and dressing. "I don't want a pretty fella like you escaping me, no sir! You just relax now while I get those vitamins. It'll take me half an hour to walk to the drugstore because I don't have a car, since I smashed it up last week, but don't you worry. And I'm taking your trousers, just in case you get impatient."She walked out, her ass bouncing with an air of triumph. I gnashed my teeth. Fucking old whore, she knew all the tricks and more! Taking my goddamn trousers. Well, I couldn't say she was dumb.A few minutes after she had left the house, I heard the front door open and footsteps coming up the stairs. I expected it to be her, she probably borrowed some from next door, just to speed up the showdown. But to my surprise a very pretty young girl of eleven walked in.She was only mildly surprised to see me. "Are you my mom's new man?" she asked, sitting on the edge of the bed."I guess so," I said uncertainly, "what's your name?""Julia, just like my mom," she said, fiddling with a lock of her long brown hair, "and I have a boyfriend.""Oh yeah? What do you do with him?""We play mummies," she said, "only he calls it mothers and fathers.""And what happens when you play that game?" Something impelled me to pursue the matter. She sat on the edge of the bed, swinging her legs in the air. What a morsel she was! My mouth watered at the very sight of her. Fresh, naive, innocent of everything that her mother had had too much of."Johnny lets me see his thing and then I make it stand up," she said proudly. "It always stands up for me.""Let's see," I said, "I don't believe you can make mine stand up, so let's see you do it.""Where is it?" she asked, responding to the challenge as if still in class.I threw the covers back and exposed my limp member to her wide open blue eyes. She reached out and took it in her moist little fist, jerking up and down. Awkward at first, she soon got the hang of it and sure enough, she made it stand up."You see?" she said victoriously, "I make it stand up every time.""What does Johnny do to you in return?" I asked."He makes me take my pants down and tries to stick it up me. Do you want to see where he tries to stick it, mister?""Yes, I would, I'm curious about things like that."Her pants came down, a little grubby from playing at school, and her chubby, firm cunt appeared. What a feast for the eyes! Round, with a wide split running up the middle, her little ass cheeks visible behind it, I couldn't resist touching it just for a second.She drew back at that, and told me only Johnnie was allowed to touch her there! I told her that, since she had touched my thing, I should be allowed to touch her thing. That gave her food for thought. Eventually she said I could touch her."How about taking all your clothes off then?" I proposed, "Then we can touch each other all over.""My mummy wouldn't like it," she hesitated."She'll never know," I said, side-stepping the obvious reply to her statement. She nodded and undressed. All pink and soft, her chest slightly full, just puffy, with her pretty face flushed with uncertainty, till I took her hand and pulled her down on me.Once our flesh met she sensed what to do. She kissed me. Her mouth was hard and wet, and she smelled of candy and chewing gum. I slipped my tongue deep into her mouth just to savor all those childish tastes, and she drew back coughing. I apologized and told her I would buy her candy later, which was the quickest way to mollify her. She came back into my arms and we tried again.Vitamin E wasn't in it. My dick was as hard and hot as a red poker, just aching to get into her little snatch. She seemed to be warming up pretty quick, and, to keep her on the ascent, I began kissing her soft breasts, pressing into them and drawing the nipples out till she panted with excitement.In some ways she was like the primitive person who experiences sun for the first time--delighted, a little frightened and in awe of the phenomenon. Her excitement exceeded anything she had experienced before and she snapped in the middle of our love making so that her resistance vanished and she abandoned herself to me utterly.She lay back, her stomach curving out as her loins pressed into my mouth when I reached her cunt, and I could tell by her face that my tongue was doing a grand job for her. I fell into it, almost, sucking and licking greedily, savoring each trace of piss and sweat, the remains of baby powder and the smell of cotton underwear, along with the womanly odor of her juices that ran freely from the moment I laid my mouth on her.I drank my heady draft deep, fingering her tight cunt to relax the muscles gripping around the rim. She groaned and struggled in closer, her little hands on her tiny tits, caressing them with random squeezes.My dick was in the process of boring a hole into the mattress. I wanted her so badly I was willing to forsake her pleasure for the sake of mine but I kept a hold on myself. I wanted her to reach her peak before I inserted myself so that taking her over the top would be a simpler matter. One thing I had learned in the past week was that without an orgasm, a fuck is just like burning the bridge. I licked her ass and ran my tongue up the tight furrow between the two firm orbs of flesh, my fingers titillating her nipples till they were hard with passion. Her slender body was racked with pleasure, choppy seas of passion causing her to jerk and writhe around the pivotal cunt.Finally the whistle blew and I mounted her speedily. My cock found its own way in, simply knocking the door down and barging right up her hallway without further ado. She screamed in a pitch that almost defied my hearing, but I recognized it as the expression of a full pain and pleasure mixture.Blood and juices all over the sheets, my balls banging up against her button asshole, feeling her lithe body beneath mine. Her arms came around me and held me close while each stroke I delivered sent her off into a paroxysm of passion. I thought my cock would fly off like a bung under pressure.The clamp of her hot, pulsing flesh around my stroking dick proved too much for my self control. In a final wild flourish of pneumatic strokes I brought us both into a hearty climax and it was over. We grinned at each other the way people do when they've just made each other happy, and then I got up quickly. If her mother came home and found us like that, it'd be the sheriff's office for sure."Come on," I said, ripping the sheet off the bed, "find another sheet and throw this one away, or else your mom's going to know what we've been doing."She looked at the patch of blood and stain, and saw my point. From the chest of drawers she took another sheet and, while I placed it over the mattress, she ran downstairs with the soiled one and disposed of it. I made the bed and sat down on it when I was fully dressed, i.e., as fully as a man can be when he has no trousers.Little Julia went down into the kitchen and fixed me a cup of coffee and brought it up to me. Just as I took my first sip, the front door slammed to and big Julia came in."So you met my little girl, huh," she said, "and you got dressed for her sake. That's mighty decent of you, but it wasn't necessary. She's seen them all, all the men I've had in this bed. Anyway, here's your vitamins, take a handful to be sure."She looked uglier than ever to me, but I swallowed the pills and undressed once more to join her in the bed. Julia, to my surprise, remained in the room, sitting down on the chair next to her mother, and watching while she tried to seduce me.I wanted to oblige the mother if only to make up for the decoration of her daughter. But my prick has a mind of its own and, since it had been sated, it showed no inclination to budge. At first I was able to pretend that I was waiting for the vitamins to take effect, and the older Julia indulged me.Little Julia sat on the chair, swinging her legs and sipping at an ice cube, watching us gravely as if endeavoring to pick up pointers for her own sex life. Her presence gave the affair a dash of flavor, anyway, and her mother tried to enliven the proceedings by tugging at my limp member and pressing her ragged lips over mine.That turned the flame right down. She felt the limpness become complete and, with a sound like a snarl, dove down to give me head.I lay there, looking up little Julia's skirt, doing my best to get erect. The mother's mouth drove down to the very base of my prick and went even further to fish up one of the balls and suck at it.She was an expert. In the barrenness of my loins she managed to grow a few feeble flowers, and, with the aid of little Julia's leg-swinging, panty-peeping exhibition, those blooms turned into a sunflower. The mother got up, grinning triumphantly and made to squat over my erect prick. I wanted to tell her she had to be quick if she wanted to catch it, but I was too ashamed.And sure enough. No sooner did the flushed knob catch sight of the hoary bog than it sagged in the middle and slipped out of her hand like a swooning damsel."What the fuck does it take to get you hard!" Julia said angrily, "do you expect me to suck all day just to get a thrill!""I don't know what's wrong with me," I said humbly, fingering my dick and trying to persuade it, "maybe the vitamins are old, let me see the bottle."She tossed the bottle at me. The date showed they were fresh, at the peak of their effectiveness in fact. Her face was dark with fury and frustration. She sat down on my thighs and began to masturbate me. I could feel the wet hotness of her twat and wished it was the next day."Can I help you, Mommy?" Julia said, hopping off the chair and coming over."Sit down and shut up," said her mother. She blew her chance, I thought sadly, watching the little girl clamber back up on the chair awkwardly, so that her dress rode up and gave me a full view of her cotton drawers."Why don't you let her help you," I said, trying to look scientific about it, "you never know, she might learn something from it all.""The kid's eleven years old!" Julia protested. "She's not supposed to know a damn thing about things like this!""That's why she's in the room with us?""She gets lonely," the mother muttered, "all right, kid, come here and take your clothes off. Maybe it is time you put some of that learning into practice."My cock shot up like a jack-in-a-box, and the older woman turned her curious gaze on me instantly. Then she nodded and grinned to herself. Little Julia got into bed with us and wrapped her arms around me, her warm nude cunt pressing against my side. I got so hard I thought I would burst, and the mother took advantage of my condition to slip her big cunt over it.My hands went over to little Julia, pressing her inchoate tits once more with feeling, and fingering her wet cunt, savoring its firm smoothness, so different from her mother's fucked-up swamp.And yet, that swamp didn't feel bad as its silky, worn insides quivered along the sides of my cock, and the juices bubbled and slurped around it. I lay back, moving my loins into a better position, and began kissing the little girl while her mother fucked me harder to get my attention back. She fought a losing battle.Little Julia knew the score. She squatted over my face and let me eat her out while she held on to the bedpost and moaned. Her mother was amazed to see her daughter behaving like that, but soon took it in her stride. Besides, her eyes got glassier by the second as she felt the virility of my upright prick barge into her ancient temple.All of us were becoming increasingly heated. The bed creaked ominously as her massive ass belted down upon me. I was terrified she'd miss her goal, the power of those motions would surely snap my prick in two. But she was an old hand at it.Little Julia squirmed over my face, losing track of my tongue and sitting on my nose or my forehead, even my chin, wherever she could find the pressure her naive cunt needed so badly. Her mother came like a poleaxed ox, but didn't break her beat, just kept on fucking even while she teetered and gasped on top of me.Little Julia and I found her spot together. I nibbled at her tiny clitoris and she came with a squeal of surprise, alarm, and bliss. She lost her balance and fell back against her mother's bouncing breasts, where she rested contentedly for some minutes before coming back to my mouth.I wanted nothing more than for the mother to get off me so I could plant the daughter on it. How I longed for the firm clasp of her flesh! Recollections of our passionate fuck flooded my brain. I couldn't take this loose bog anymore, I had to have the girl.With an angry shrug I threw the mother off. She was unprepared and fell off the bed. It must have knocked her out, because she didn't move. Like a flash I was up into little Julia, and we began fucking like lunatics who've just come out of isolation.She had been dying for it the whole time, and now that I was giving it to her, she nearly went crazy with joy. Gasping and screaming, her thin legs curling around me and holding me tight, she banged her loins into mine while my giant wild prick ploughed into her.Her cunt became mine. I could feel all the sensations she was feeling, as well as my own. The way the flesh parted under the pressure of my ravaging dick and how the fluids oozed out of the dark cavern walls. My head hummed with the sharp tingles and blanket ecstasies she gave it, and I drove in deeper, deeper, while my groin ground against her cunt to bring her undone.We fucked up a lather. She was shaking, dribbling, gulping hysterically for air whenever she forgot to breathe, and climaxing wonderfully. Finally I blew my wad into her snug little cunt and lay on top of her.When I looked up, the elder Julia was on the chair, rubbing her head and looked very pissed off with both of us. She ordered her daughter to bed without supper, and she told me to get the hell out of her house before she could fetch the shotgun from her closet.I can take a hint if nothing else. Dressing hurriedly, I bade my young love goodbye, thanked my hostess, and ran out of the front door while she made threatening motions from the closet. Out in the street I just kept going, trying to guess what sort of a range a shotgun had.After a quick drink, I got back into the car and sat there for some time before I turned the ignition and drove slowly back to Camp Good Health. My heart was still beating wildly with the excitement of the afternoon, and I felt the die had been cast for good. Older women were out, younger girls were in.And when that truth finally established itself in my mind, I could hardly wait to get back to the camp to take my pick of the spring chickens walking about in there with nothing to do but provide pleasure.What a life--a couple of weeks ago nothing and in that short a time I could fuck myself silly without the slightest risk of apprehension, or of the supply running low.Somewhere, some time, I must have done something right, I figured.Chapter 9---------After two weeks, Camp Good Health had declined into a running orgy. The director had heard about my snapshots and had instantly withdrawn into his cottage, thus creating a power vacuum. No one else dared fill it, in case they should earn my wrath. The photos hung over the camp like the sword of Damocles and the result was chaos.Organized hikes and physical exercises just weren't in it anymore. The girls were quick to take advantage of the relaxation of discipline and scoffed at any attempt to get them to do things for their own good. Instead, they hung out in the huts and on corners, smoking and playing cards, forming gangs and terrorizing other gangs.As for us leaders, we cut our little morsels off the bunch and consumed them in the privacy of our cabins, living high and sleeping late, with occasional runs into town to replenish supplies of liquor and beer.I got kind of tired of this wholesale debauchery, and at one stage contemplated taking over the reins of the camp myself, till Elsa showed me some indelicate photographs of me cavorting with a troop of little girls. So we were all equal!For a few days I went along with the riotous goings-on, walking into huts late at night to play blind man's buff, also known as blind date. This was amusing mainly because you never knew who you would screw beforehand, and some of the plainer girls got their oats this way. But then the cheating started, prior arrangements, attention-getting gimmicks, and quarrels.Besides, much of the pleasure had gone out of fucking. With everyone doing it all the time, it had become like brushing your teeth under orders, or passing a qualifying test. I felt fucked out and listless, nothing excited me anymore, and as the days went by I began hiding out in the woods with a good book.One day I gathered a beach towel, a transistor radio, and a book, and traipsed off into the forest, headed for the lake. Behind me, girls screeched with laughter while watching Elsa and her Little League lesbians perform a symphony of sucking, and further down were Lester Phipps and his Maidens demonstrating a number of tricks designed to intensify sexual delights. Mark had disappeared long ago with about twenty girls and enough food to keep them in the woods for a week.I felt tired, a little heartsick. It had been such fun before, why did it have to get gross? Mumbling to myself, I walked through trees and shrubs, soon lost in the silence of the forest. Suddenly I heard snapping twigs. I stood still and pricked my ears up. I got the direction, then saw the vague flash of a figure coming towards me.It was Sandy. Tall, lithe, her black skin shining with sweat, and her little tits heaving from the exertion, she stumbled up to me and fell around my neck while trying to catch her breath. In a strange way I was pleased to see her. Ever since the time we fucked, I had often thought about her, recalling her panther-like body and the supple muscles under her smooth skin.Finally, she found her voice and said, "Let me stick around with you, James. I'm so pissed with those girls I could throw up.""Why, what's the matter?""Ah, they're all giving me the treatment. You know how they are, all mouth when they're in a group. Besides, I hate girls, they're nothing but bitches.""Why do you say that?" We began walking, following a faint trail towards the lake. "You seemed to have a lot of friends last time we met.""They were just out to get you, not to look after me," she said, looking straight ahead with a touch of bitterness appearing in her voice, "and then that Southern bitch, but forget it. You don't mind if I hang out with you, do you?""I'm glad you found me." I said. "Let's get away from all the others, right away. Maybe we'll never come back. What do you say?""Oh, that's too good for words!" she cried, throwing her arms around my neck and kissing me with her wide, full mouth. "Man, I could really dig to see the last of those assholes!"We walked hand in hand through the deeply-shaded woods, and reached the lake early in the afternoon. There were a few girls swimming on the opposite shores. They were a small minority who didn't like the others either. And, since we left them alone, they stayed clear of us.It was warm and sunny, a cool zephyr blowing across the rippling surface of the lake. We stretched out in a dense patch of grass and unwound into the relaxed atmosphere of the place. Sandy had on shorts and a halter top, her long legs drawn up so I caught the beginning of her rounded buttocks just below the wide shorts. Faint tingles ran up my insides like air bubbles in an aquarium.She saw the look in my eye but didn't respond. Her face struck me in all its beauty, the high cheekbones and the turned down almond-shaped eyes, the skin stretched taut over her firm jawbones and down over her long, finely-muscled neck. Just looking at her took my breath away. But then she turned to me, and her queenly, aloof beauty became friendlier, more approachable."Do you like me, James?" she asked. Her voice was high and silvery, young even for her tender years."I like you very much," I said huskily, the words catching in my throat. Her lips caught my eye, full and wide, the brilliant white teeth flashing behind them, lips that I recalled in minute detail from our one night together. How I longed to kiss them again."Why do you like me?" I wondered if she was teasing, or just looking for reassurance."Because you're beautiful and you're yourself," I said. She smiled and came a little closer to me. I took her hand and she squeezed mine. She told me how horrible she had felt when the vigilantes had rent us asunder, and she had found it impossible to get to sleep that night."Maybe this time it'll end differently," I suggested."Oh, I hope so, James. You made me feel so good last time and then, just as I was near to feeling perfect, those bitches interrupted and I felt like I had a broomstick up my cunt for the whole night.""Let's take a swim," I said. She nodded and took off her clothes. Once again, she charged me up as if the sight of her jumped me. Those smooth long limbs, the blackness of her cunt with the tiny curls just pushing up out of her skin, and those hard tits with the dark nipples, all of it combined into a potent brew. Then, as she walked towards the lake, I saw her dimpled buttocks, round and pressed together into a razor-thin furrow, rolling smoothly as oiled bearings.By the time I hit the water, I was as hard as a board, raring to go. But we had all the time we could need, no sense in hurrying anything. She cried out in pleasure as she leaped about in the water, splashing me and diving under, her short cropped curls flat down her exquisite skull, looking more like a water sprite than a twelve-year-old schoolgirl.I stood up to my waist in the cool waters, and watched her play. The sun sent golden dusty beams through the foliage to play about her, bouncing off the waters and created an aura that lit up her skin and made her teeth flash brilliantly.In spite of the cool water, my cock rose with dizzying speed, the flushed knob peeking out over the surface as if providing her with a beacon to home in on. And she did. Still playing, splashing, pretending not to notice me, she came closer and closer, till she threw her arms around my neck and made me lose my balance.We toppled into the water, kissing and embracing till we were forced up for oxygen. Breathless and laughing, she waded through the water away from me, jumping when it became shallow enough to vault the water, and ran onto the beach to fall headlong in the grass.I ran after her, tugged by my trembling erection, my eyes wide, staring at her graceful figure plunging to the shore. The water resisted my progress but I was hardly aware of it. I could only think of making love with her.On the grass beside her, my hands running over her wet skin, feeling the curves of her flesh, its resilience, my fingers easing into the tight furrow of her cheeks and burrowing in deep till they touched her tiny asshole. She pressed in close to me, her flesh setting mine on fire.Holding onto her ass, I slid down into the join of her thighs and allowed my tongue to tarry between the top of her wide cleft, caressing the pulvinated skin and relishing each tiny curl peeking out of it. Her back arched tautly, bringing her cunt up higher so I would dig my tongue up her hole, and I obliged her happily.She had a taste all of her own. Though she refused to use perfume, she favored bath oils, one in particular that smelled like an orange grove, fresh, a little bitter, fragrant without being cloying. I could smell the remains of it in her cunt, together with a tangy blend of human secretions that added up to olives and mushroom, but could instantly change to quite a different taste like a sweet meat, or almonds.I sucked all of it into me, tasting it all the way down my throat and smelling it with all the power of my nostrils. The sticky fluids and the spit mingled to cover my face and absorb me all the more into the wonderful world of her box, while she writhed and groaned, her back as taut as a bow and quiver.Her legs came around my neck so that her sinewy thighs were clasped about my ears. I pulled the cheeks of her ass further apart so that the dark valley stretched wide, and ran my tongue up in hard licks, concentrating about the clitoris that had appeared out of its tuck of skin and reared up like a mighty midget, hard as a bullet.How she danced when I chafed it subtly with my teeth, the fluids gushing down and running over my fingers into the furrow itself. I lifted her up higher and gave my mouth free rein in her ass. It nipped and nibbled, licked and tasted, caressed and chewed, rimming her asshole, then the elastically constricted hole of her cunt, easing in and out, flicking at drops of nectar wherever they were.Her hips began to jerk convulsively and she begged me to give her a break, just for a moment, so she could absorb all the rushes of ecstasy I had triggered off in her. I wanted to keep going but she slid out of my grasp and before I could retrench, she was down on me.I saw she meant business, so I lay back and relaxed. Her instincts were either working at full pelt, or she had had lessons from the other demons disguised as little girls, because she worked me over like a blowjob queen.Her wide mouth stretched around my vibrant cock, to linger around the burning head for a moment before plunging down around the sides. I groaned and tried to dig into the ground with my back under the sheer force of feeling. She went up and did it again, and again I could hardly take it all. She was like an arsonist, setting my body alight with the sudden brilliance of a flash cube.Suddenly I wanted nothing else in this world than to be blown by her. And that, for me, is peculiar, since I have never thought highly of men who go into sexual escapades just to have their peeny-weeny sucked. She was good, super good, her lips and tongue shivering around my flesh till it threatened to disintegrate into ecstatic ashes.But she brought me too close to blowing, and in the back of my mind the idea of fucking was still very strong. With a titanic exertion of mind over flesh, I pulled free and laid her out on the beach towel.She looked at me, ripe and ready, her eyes focusing with effort, and smiling distractedly when I covered her body with mine. Her hand went down to my groin and guided my aching cock into her soaked hole, where it slipped inside as though there was a vacuum to suck it in.My cock felt as if it would explode into a fountain of hot cream at any second. It was all self-discipline for me, hardly able to enjoy the feeling of her tense, wet flesh clamped around my cock like a silken sheath rubbed with precious oils.She simmered while I fucked carefully, flying up and boiling over now and then when my cock hit the spot, and subsiding once more into a hot time bomb of a woman set for Any Time. Fucking her was like playing a perfectly tuned violin; you knew that, as long as you stroked correctly, she would respond totally.Though I had to gnash my teeth and keep my thoughts at bay, I knew I had reached a state of bliss that is denied most men. We fucked tightly, cautiously, knowing that one wrong move would trigger off a welter of discords and send us erupting into premature climaxes, thus dissipating a moment which ought to last forever.There was nothing childish about her now. The woman in her, that had been lying barely dormant ever since she was born, had burst through all the veneers, leaving only a child's body to do it all with. And who needed more? Firm and strong, her tits madly exciting despite their lack of volume, her loins deft and supple, her cunt a masterpiece and torrid, she was all I wanted.We barely moved for some time, our bodies just squeezing up against each other in a slow, regular motion. My prick was up to the hilt in her cunt, regaled by juices and the softest flesh. Only our pubic bones came together, nudging each other towards a climax on the grand scale, but doing it slowly, as if we were spinning a silk cocoon.Enveloped in our womb of passion, we fucked, speeding up now that the end was in sight, ascending up the mountain recklessly, knowing that wherever we dropped we would land in each other's arms. Her cries grew higher, tighter, till they were barely audible squeals--one more thrust, and her voice abruptly dropped several octaves to give out a full-throated roar of pleasure.That was my cue. My body rocked and shook as my loins gave way to all the pent-up energy, and slammed each thrust home rapidly, lightning reaming, my cock agitating her insides till the juices splattered and dribbled down both our thighs. Then my body convulsed from head to toe and I let fly a wad as big as a howitzer shell which burst up high and sent her off on another thrilling spasm.I tumbled off her, stretching out in the cool grass and letting it bring necessary relief to my quivering nerve ends. Her black skin shone with sweat and the varying rays of sun bursting through the foliage above, and once more she made me dizzy with her exotic beauty.She rolled over towards me and I cradled her in my arms as we both dozed off, utterly spent and content, our bodies enjoying one of the rare moments granted us on earth, a moment when we have no needs at all. Famous beauties could parade past me at such times, they could poke their cunts at me, try to force their strawberry nipples down my throat, and I would not turn a hair.When we woke up it was late afternoon. The girls who had earlier been swimming had disappeared, and we had the entire lake to ourselves. Without words, we walked into the water and swam towards the raft that had been anchored in the center of the lake, where we climbed aboard and rested in the fading sunlight.The forest spread out away from the lake into every direction, and the polychromatic rays of the sun bathed it in a dazzle of colors, while turning the sky a dark blue at one end, and painting it red at the other horizon, with tiny clouds streaked red, orange, and purple hanging near the sun.Still silent, we watched it go down, disappearing finally in a crescendo of fragmented hues and tints, till it became quite dark over the lake. But it was still warm, all the heat absorbed by the water during the day oozing upwards now to keep the temperature even with the air."Couldn't we build a hut here," she said finally, "and live here forever, just the two of us?"I didn't answer, but I certainly thought about it. Hell, to have her with me permanently would be more happiness than I was prepared for. But people would talk, and they'd drag us apart, just as they always did with those who diverged from their standards of normalcy.Instead of answering, I kissed her, and she pressed into me with a natural urgency. My hands roved over her hard body, slipping over the polished skin, the sinews and long muscles, the bones, feeling her all over and holding her so close that we almost merged.Her breathing came to my ears like whispered music, a guide for action. My touch seemed to excite her instantly, like flicking on the lights, and it was contagious. My hand found her breasts and squeezed them tenderly, kissing her nipples and rolling my tongue around them till they were erect and she pushed them further into my mouth.I stuck with her tits for a long time, kissing, sucking, holding them in my palms, rubbing them soft and hard, while she moaned and indicated she could take that for a long time. She was like a barely tame cat the way she responded, curving her body and purring way down, her face expressing an animal excitement that would only be tempered later when people taught her how to act like a lady.While I sucked I went through all the phases of tit-consciousness, beginning with babyhood when the tit is the center of the universe, graduating through childish fantasies about those bobbing bundles of flesh behind the motherly blouse, and adolescent tit-fantasies that require bigger and bigger tits before satisfaction may be attained, till tits look like mountains, and their bearers fade out like the Cheshire cat.All added fuel to my fire, though there was hardly enough tit to go round. Yet what little there was, was indeed precious. Tender flesh, innocent and new, blacker in the night, and sweeter than any I had tasted. But finally I parted from them, when her breathing came harshly and her trembling became critical.I contented myself with a quick drink of her cunt, there was no need for further foreplay. She was sopping wet and very hot, the trembling shaking up her whole body, her way of telling me to fling it into her.But rather than subject her tender skin to the risk of picking up splinters from the wooden raft's rough planks, I lay on my back and brought her on top of me. She eased aboard with a deep sigh of contentment, on her knees for the moment while my prick plumbed her depths.Then, when I was way up into her, she lay on top of me so that the maximum amount of her pressed against the most she could get of me, and my prick was wedged securely between her closed thighs, bent a little, just the knob sliding up and down the hot canal of her cunt.She squirmed subtly so that her clitoris could get the most out of it, and I imagined I could feel the hard little knob writhing against my prick. But I knew I could feel her cunt-- smooth and wet, it entrapped my prick in a heavenly hold, palpitating slightly to do maddening things to it.We lay like that till she came with a sudden shudder, after which she got up and squatted over me with her back turned to me. I waited to see what she had in mind.With both hands she pulled at the full cheeks of her ass, exposing both orifices to me. And I, taking my sorely throbbing cock in hand, steered it at her asshole. At first I didn't think she would go through with it. The first touch of my prick alarmed her, and when the knob pushed at her sphincter muscles, she emitted a small cry of pain.But with rare courage she pressed on, and slowly my well greased member worked its way up her ass, fighting to separate the constricted walls while her asshole stretched excruciatingly. I think she was sobbing a bit but she kept on going, her ass taut and heart-shaped in front of me, shining in the soft glow of moonlight, her long, slender back and her broad shoulders curved forward while she supported herself on both hands to get the rest of me inside.We did it. She sat down on my pubic bone with a long sigh, and rested up awhile. Then we struggled together while I got up on my knees and loomed over her to begin fucking her ass with short, slow strokes. My prick was so hard and swollen I thought it would choke inside her tiny channel, but somehow it found the margin and the flexibility necessary to get cracking.I ploughed in and out, taking longer strokes as her cunt juices lubricated the smooth, damp tissue around my intruding cock, and her pain slowly melted into pure, sharp pleasure. Faster now, my loins driving the prick home to the hilt with a snapping whip that forced high cries out of her throat, cries of inhuman bliss.Her ass held me in a vise, and I knew my erection had only a short span of time before it would succumb to this fanatical embrace of passion. Quickly, I brought my hand around, down her flat belly, to her cunt, where I found her wide open cunt, and began fingering her clit with all my might.I had pressed the right button. She took a mighty breath and exploded! What a beautiful feeling. My hand caught the running juices and rubbed it all over her belly, thighs, passing some on to her for her tongue to relish. Meanwhile I fucked on, sending my cock flying up her ass, leaning back and watching it clamped between the cheeks with primitive delight.And there it went. I couldn't hold on any more, the orgasm was wrenched from within me, collapsing me inside. I heard myself draw in more air with a strange, prolonged growl, till the balance had been restored, and I rested on her for awhile.Without extracting my rapidly shrinking cock, we tumbled into the water, and began the long swim back to the beach. It was dark now, and, but for the silver glow of the moon, we would never have found our spot again.We swam slowly, on our backs most of the time, just kicking at the water and propelling ourselves with indolent strokes of our arms. The experiences we had had together still thrilled through us, we could hardly take our eyes off each other even if it was hard to see anything.Back on land, I found my towel, the radio, and the good book I had intended to finish, and, gathering these, we walked back to the hut. Again she started to talk about leaving the camp before the month was up. I told her I had a wife at home, but that didn't disturb her. With her child's logic she told me to leave her. And, seen as a solution, it was plausible enough.Still, I didn't want to make up my mind straight away. I told her about laws, and how hard people can make it for other people, if they gang up. She understood that, and said she would ask me again tomorrow.Not much time to think things over. However, I felt as if there were possibilities that I had not yet explored, and perhaps the light of day would throw them into relief for me.I led her back to my hut; there was no question of her parting from me now. Funny how quickly I had become dependent on her company--but I pushed it into the back of my mind, waiting for daylight, when the sun would burn away this infatuation, and reality would show me the way out of the dilemma.Chapter 10----------But the light of day did nothing as coherent as I had hoped for. First it put the whole of Camp Good Health in the worst possible light for both of us, and secondly she looked even more beautiful in the morning.I didn't know what to do. We walked together to the cafeteria for our breakfast, only to find the place a shamble. Girls were swarming over the serving counters to get at the dwindling supplies of eggs, and others were frying them on the range with gay abandon. In the end they just threw the eggs up into the air so they broke open on the range, and removed the shells when they were fried.We left the place, but not before a gang of girls had ridiculed us. Ashamed, we stopped holding hands, and walked off like the teacher and his pupil. But it was on. The news spread through the camp like wildfire, and soon little girls, some dressed, some naked, were taunting us with silly epithets like 'James loves Sandy, nyaah, nyaah!' and others rolled their eyes heavenward when we passed, mooning to themselves.The pressure was on. Sandy used this opportunity to press home her demands, but I clung to my silly ideas for a little longer. But then we saw little girls dead drunk lying half in and half out of the huts, staggering around pissing themselves, or lighting cigarettes with trembling fingers.Elsewhere, there were fights and arguments, scratched and bleeding girls running after each other and cursing. The middle aged ladies had locked and barred their huts and lived in fear of gang violence and my photos. Mark still hadn't been seen. And Lester Phipps had been tied to a tree near the administration building.We walked up to him and asked what he had done to deserve this. He looked at us, pale and obviously shaken, and told us he really didn't know for sure, but that he had overheard some of the girls talking about a wholesale revenge on the male sex.And sure enough, a troop of girls burst out of the woods with Mark in tow. He looked bewildered, stumbling with his hands tied behind his back, while the girls hit him with sticks and ridiculed him. That was enough for me. I turned and hightailed it back to my hut, Sandy behind me, threw my few belongings into the bag, and rushed out to my car.She got in beside me, and I locked all the doors, wound up the windows, and drove toward the main gate. I found it had been chain-locked. Looking around, I saw a gang of girls come at us, brandishing sticks and throwing rocks, some of which bounced off the trunk. Time for a quick decision. I measured the thickness of the chain with my eyes, and slipped the car into drive. Then I stomped on the accelerator, and the car nosed into the gates.The chain snapped instantly, and the gates flew open to let me out. The tires spat up gravel and grit as I made good my getaway. I didn't stop for a few miles, bouncing over the dirt road with the vision of the ugly hordes vivid in my mind. Only when we reached the expressway did I take it easy."We forgot about your things," I said, "did you have much there?""Oh shit," she said, frowning for a moment, but then she grinned and said it didn't matter, they were only a few old clothes. We drove on down the expressway, still wondering what to do. Suddenly I pulled over to the side of the road and said:"No, we'll go back later tonight, and I'll get the stuff for you. It'd be a shame to leave it all to those little bitches." Her face lit up, obviously she had been prepared to sacrifice the stuff for me.We drove back to the dirt road and found the way to the lake, where we parked for the day. Except for going back to civilization to get hamburgers and coffee, we did nothing but laze and swim, dozing in the shade when the heat got too much for us, just waiting for a chance to get the rest of the stuff and disappear from this place.I wondered what had become of Mark and Lester, and deep down I felt bad that I hadn't stayed to help them. After all, men ought to stick together to defend themselves against women. I grinned, and resolved to see if I could help them later.Finally it was near enough to midnight to give it a try. Sandy locked herself in the car, which I had concealed among the bushes to make sure she would be perfectly safe. Then put on my sneakers, jeans, and dark sweater, and snuck through the woods.Camp Good Health had turned into a child's bedlam. All the lights were on, a bonfire threw its erratic glare over the administration building, and loud whooping echoed through the still air. I circled the perimeter warily, afraid they might have posted sentries. But I overestimated the girls, they were all too busy having fun.Staying within the deep shadows cast by the huts, I moved in closer. Sandy's hut was empty, so I rushed inside and found her locker. Packing her gear into her bag hurriedly, I moved on to check on Lester and Mark.Both men had been tied to trees, ominously close to the raging bonfire, which was fed by a long line of girls throwing furniture and boards into it. Lester seemed to have fainted with fear, while Mark did his utmost to keep up a cool front. But even from where I stood, his jaw could be seen to tremble.Elsa appeared suddenly, standing with her back to the fire and her arms upraised. She shouted for the girls to stop and listen to her, but she, too, was ignored. In the end she just shrugged and sat on a bench in front of the building, gazing dully into the fire.In a flash I remembered her pistol, and I ran silently to her hut to see if it was still around. All her belongings had been scattered about the room, but I didn't give up hope. I rummaged through her bed, looked under the mattress, and tore at the lining of her handbag--no luck."All right, mister, freeze!" said a girl's voice from behind. I knew what was expected of me. My arms up in the air, I turned slowly around. Three of the older girls flanked Irene, who had the pistol pointed at my belly. They sniggered when they spotted Sandy's bag beside me, but didn't pursue the matter. Instead they ordered me to lay face down on the bed, and not to move a finger if I wanted to keep on living.The whole affair reminded me of a rotten film, but I did as I was told. Nimble fingers stripped me of my clothes, and I heard one of them lock the door to and draw the curtains. From the remarks they made among each other, I gathered they meant to take their pleasure with me before abandoning me to my sorry lot with the other men.I figured I was well advised to take my enjoyments as they came, instead of worrying about the future. The girls ordered me to lie on my back and for me to watch them take their clothes off. I did, and with pleasure.The three lackeys were well developed for their age, while Irene looked lanky by contrast. I didn't know the names of the others, and no one introduced me, so I just let my gaze wander over the budding breasts and the sparsely overgrown cunts, stiff looking callow between thin thighs, like fruit that needed to ripen more.Slowly the four of them came toward me, their cunts steady as they went, three pairs of tits wobbling, one pair quivering; and, just as they were almost on the bed, they broke out into a frantic rush to get to my dick first.Irene won and sank her small mouth over it, swallowing it greedily, while the other three fought for my mouth. The biggest won, and settled her chubby brush over my lips leaving the other two to their own devices. I was happy. Irene was performing wonders with my dick, apparently spurred on by the competitiveness in the air. And the big girl's cunt was a veritable treasure chest of delights, making my tongue tingle and lap to relax her wide open.I couldn't see much else but cunt. For a while I did my best to keep an eye on the two left-over girls, but the only indication I got that they were still with us was heavy breathing. My imagination did its best to construct the scene, while my eyes feasted on the hairy cleft just within focal range.My prick rose so fast it almost choked Irene. She forced a tactical retreat, and lapped around the red head of my cock till she was ready for another plunge. Her lips quivered deliciously about the taut skin and made my loins come close to eruption. My hands grabbed at the other girl's plump flanks, digging into her flesh and pulling her closer to my face as my tongue went down her cunt and up her hole for more fun.Suddenly the big girl uttered a hoarse cry and fluids rushed plentifully down her chute. She moved back, her full ass bumping Irene out of the way, and then she settled over my prick with a vengeful thump of cheeks against my belly. She took my breath away. While I lay back gasping, trying to screw my rod further up her soaking cunt, Irene launched a counter-offensive.I didn't care who won, just as long as somebody fucked me. The chances were good. The two spares were on the floor, finger-fucking each other and playing with their tits, both with an eagle eye on me in case of a vacancy.The big girl casually drove her elbow into Irene's stomach, sending her tumbling off the bed and to the floor. Irene began to sob angrily, rearing up and lunging at the girl with claws extended. The girl measured her approach, then let fly with a square punch to Irene's fine nose. Blood spilled over her mouth and down her breasts as she reeled. The big girl grunted and got back down to fucking me. Somehow I maintained my erection through all this, and the girl began to rut over me like a pig in heat. She sank her fingers into my sides and began banging her cunt down over my prick, bending it cruelly. Her eyes were shut tight, she bit her lip and inhaled noisily through her nose as she fucked, and suddenly I knew what a girl must feel like when she goes to bed with a sudden-death man.She came, got off and curtly motioned one of the other girls to take her place. My dick was wilting rapidly, but the next caught it just in time. She was less moody, and worked gently at resurrecting it by manipulating her cunt muscles around my sensitive knob.I began to enjoy it again, relaxing while my prick rose like a reversed film of a toppling smokestack. The girl did her best till she felt me fully expanded inside her little cunt, then began to ride me as if I was an unruly horse!Irene got up, holding a hanky to her nose to still the flow of blood. Softly she walked up to the girl on top of me, then, crooking her arm around the unwary girl's neck, pulled her off brutally, and immediately swung on top of me. Her cunt was dry and tight, she had trouble slipping it on me.For a moment she became a little girl again, looking at me with appeal in her eyes. My heart melted enough for me to extend a helping hand. I took her buttocks in both hands and spread them out so that stage by stage she sagged down over me.Soon, her juices paved the way for faster fucking and she wasted no time. Again I was made into the victim and I was getting sick of it. When she least expected it I seized her by her chicken bone shoulders and brought her down on top of me, then I rolled around and ploughed my dick into her cunt, spading it open till she was putty in my hands.Irene liked it, but the other girls thought I was going too far. They jumped up and grabbed me with sticky, cunt-covered fingers to bring me back again, Irene staying put and rising like the keel of a capsized ship.That was enough for me. I played along with this charade till they had been lulled into a false sense of security. My eyes roved around the room, and saw the gun lying forgotten on a window sill, just above where the other girls were masturbating each other. Their faces were grim, there was more effort than pleasure in their beating off, but boredom turns the mind to sex naturally.I waited for Irene to approach her climax before I made my move. In a way I was reluctant to shift, it felt so good. Her nude cunt was bouncing up and down on my pubic bone, grinding into me to give herself all the thrills.I tossed her off and bounded over to the window sill. The girls shrieked and tried to stop me but I had the element of surprise on my side. I took the gun and jumped in front of the door, menacing them with the snub weapon."Okay, I've eaten enough shit," I snarled, playing my part with relish. "You, Irene, tie these girls up like a good girl scout. You're to be my hostages from now till I get out of here safely."When they were bound together, I checked the knots and tied Irene in with the others.Then I marched them toward the administration building, carrying Sandy's bag and once more dressed in my guerrilla outfit.My appearance startled the whooping, drunken girls. Suddenly the entire camp seemed to fall silent. Elsa looked up from her bench, a ray of hope in her eyes, and Lester cried out for me to save him. I nodded and ordered the girls to release both men.At first they refused, and a cordon of angry little girls formed around me. They were all naked, and had painted their bodies with lurid cosmetics and anything else they could find. The flickering fire cast an eerie glow over them and as they closed in I was tempted to throw the gun away and run for my life.But I got a grip on myself and shouted I would shoot all four if another step were taken. They were convinced I meant it.Each of the adults took a turn at packing their gear and rejoining the brave little band holding out against impossible odds. Then, warning the girls to stay back, we sidled our way out of the camp. Once out, we released our hostages.Lester and Mark went in one direction, Elsa and I in another. The wild whooping behind us gave our feet wings. We ran through the woods, groping our way through the pitch blackness, steering only by patches of moonlight dotting our way.We ran for several miles, somewhat in the direction of the car. We stopped and listened. Not a sound. They had probably chased us for a while, till their fear of the dark sent them scurrying back to the bonfire. Elsa sank down to the ground and I joined her."Remember how we made love the first day?" I asked, and I saw her white teeth shine in the dark as she smiled. "You know--I'd like to make love with you just one more time, symbolically."I used that pitch because I was still frustrated from the bad fuck the little girls had given me. Besides, there was something bovinely sensual about Elsa, an inescapable attraction centering about her ample cheeks and the blonde thicket covering her generous cunt.She sat close to me and stroked my arm, dwelling over the muscle lovingly. I couldn't explain her change of attitude to myself, but I figured it had to do with the way all her girl friends had turned on her.I reached out and found her tits, bulging out of her bra. I lingered reflecting that it might be the last such tit to fall to my lot.She unbuttoned her blouse and took it off along with her bra, and I saw the round white orbs of flesh tumble out into freedom. Her skirt followed, and then her panties, absurdly big pink things she inherited from her grandmother.I stood up and quickly undressed. We arranged the clothes over the leaves and lay down beside each other, restless hands squeezing and prying. Her flesh was so resilient and suddenly her fist clenched my cock and began to jerk at it softly.This time, when my hand descended down into her dense shrubbery, there wasn't a murmur of protest. Instead her ample thighs opened up slightly, letting my finger dwell in her moist cleavage, running up and down between the heavily forested lips, to eventually plunge into her cavernous cunt hole.She groaned, already dripping wet and trembling, her arm tight around my neck, the other jerking me off with a coarse expertise. Her fingers loosened as I expanded, and, when I went down on her, she went down on me.Deep in the forest and deep in each other the only sounds breaking the silence were the occasional slurps of a suck that parted the lips, and the increasing harshness of our inhalation.Eating her was like eating a fig through a fur coat. In a way I really enjoyed her muff but slowly I withdrew myself, turned, and drove my prick through the heavy tangle to ride deep into her cunt, and we screwed most agreeably there in the night. Her full curves supported me on cushions of flesh, her thighs lifted and came around me like padded supports. I got lost in her, enveloped in her flesh, and fucked her as one would fuck one's mother.When it was over she dressed and walked with me to my car. Sandy was a bit disturbed at seeing me with Elsa, but when I opened the back door for the teacher, she took that as a sign that the older woman was second class which is what it did mean.I drove Elsa to a bus stop, then began the long drive back to my home town. We talked during this trip, trying to decide on what to do. Sandy told me she didn't care if she ever saw her parents. She was prepared to go anywhere with me. And I would go anywhere for her--but where could we go?That isn't so easy, but finally we hit on a solution. Mexico. She would pose as my ward. My Spanish wasn't bad and I could easily get a job teaching. We could set up house together.We both became enthusiastic and talked for hours. By the time we got to my place, it had been decided. I would get some clothes and the necessities, and we would leave and wait together until she was of an age to marry me.It was early morning when I stopped the car around the corner from my place, and snuck down the street with my key in my hand. Sandy stayed in the car, I didn't want her to get into a confrontation with my wife. Already I dreaded seeing her as I just knew she'd be in curlers and that greasy dressing gown she wore at the start of each day.Into the house I crept and up the stairs to see if she was to home. Maybe she'd eloped with the muscle man from the beach?No. She was at home, but not alone. And when I saw with whom she was, I nearly fell over with the shock.The kid from next door was in bed with her. I knew him well, and I had known that he had eyes for my wife, but then most adolescents are cunt crazy about the nearest woman. He was fourteen, had a paper route and played basketball, that's all I knew about him.I stood in the doorway watching the stirring of the blankets and his putting his arm about her. I moved back out of sight and waited. My wife moved and groaned and nestled closer to him. Slowly he pushed the covers back and exposed both their naked bodies. He was as hard as a billy goat.Suddenly a hand was on my shoulder! I whirled and it was Sandy come to check on me, afraid that my wife had lured me back to the connubial bed. I indicated the charming scene before her, and her eyes opened wide when she saw what was transpiring.We smiled to each other. It looked like this was one marriage that would work out perfectly.The End*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 56
Chapter 2I couldn't sleep much that night, thinking of those little scamps and all the hot sex I had witnessed between them. When I did drift off I had a great dream: Perry came up to me in my backyard. I was lying in my lawn chair gazing at him hungrily. The sun was shining and it made him radiant. He grinned at me and pulled down his underwear, which was all he was wearing. He held his little boner in his fingers, his little briefs around his knees. He thrust his hips out at me. "Go ahead, he said, "you want to, don't ya'? He climbed up over me and slipped his cock into my opening mouth. As I began to suck it I heard Sean giggling. I glanced up to see him near us, watching me suck Perry's cock. He was jerking on his own peter and suddenly he groaned and sent a volley of fresh boy cum spraying all over Perry's tummy. It dripped down over my lips as Perry began to blast his load into my mouth. I lapped and lapped at all the boy cream, gulping and swallowing and groaning with joy... Then Sean was bending over my lap, sucking my hard-on to the root, while Perry slid his wet cock around on my lips, temping me to take it in again, He was still hard, and it was so wet and juicy looking I felt I had no choice but to taste its vibrating length... Now Sean was up at my head again, smiling and pointing his hard little boner at my already filled lips. I opened wider and took him in. I was covered with warm, sweating boy flesh and greedily sucking their rock-hard peters while they sighed and smiled down at me...I made sure I was out that morning when they passed me on the way to the bus. I had put on a pair of gym shorts that were a bit too small for me and showed my package nicely. Aside from that I was just wearing an old sweatshirt and some beat-up sneaks. I looked like any guy out to water his lawn that morning, something I proceeded to do, so as to have something to be doing.I waved at them and said good morning to them. They waved and smiled back, a little shyly. I noticed their eyes glittering with interest. Both kids had stolen glances at my crotch. That got me feeling tingly down there and my cock grew a little, making the shorts bulge out a little further. "Last day of school?" I asked. They stopped. "Yeah," Said Sean, "How'd you know?" "I have a nephew about your age. It's his last day, too." I said."Oh," he replied.Perry said, "Yeah, we're lookin' forward to summer. We got a lot of plans. Mom said she'd take us to Six Flags this summer.""Neat," I said. I was feeling a little awkward."Say, how come you never go to work" Perry asked, "Don't you have a job?""I work from home. My office is upstairs. Sometimes I work pretty late." I said, giving him a knowing grin. Both boys flushed a little. They glanced at each other quickly, then turned and smiled at me. "That's cool," Perry replied, "Must be nice, bein' able to stay home all day.""Yeah, I can do a lot more and I get to know what's going on in the neighborhood." I said, still grinning. "I'm John, by the way." I stuck out my hand. They both shook it, one after the other.. God, their hands were so soft and silky in mine. They introduced themselves, then Sean said," Well we gotta go. Can't miss our last day!" "See you, then. Have a good day, boys.""See ya!" They cried, walking off. As they walked away I heard them giggling and whispering to each other excitedly. I decided I would work off my tension today by getting some yard work done. I cut my lawns and did a little weeding, and worked on cleaning the pool. While I worked I kept turning over in my mind how I would get myself in on the action the next time the kids came out to play. I developed my plan and went to work on it that morning. I went over to the fence that divides my yard from Perry's I carefully hammered out a couple of boards and set them back in place so it wouldn't look like they'd been removed. There was enough space for me to squeeze through without making a lot of noise. From there I could gain access to the bushes near the tree where their tree house was located. My cock grew hard and tented my shorts as I thought about how I was going to surprise the kids the next time they came down out of that tree at night. I was glad the neighbors weren't around to see me working in my backyard with my hard cock jutting out, nearly ripping the fabric in an effort to leap out and be free. By this time the shorts were all I was wearing. The days were still hot and I had long since taken off the sweatshirt. I was feeling pretty damned lusty by then, sweat glistening warmly on my trim body and soaking the thin fabric of those tight shorts. I spent a few more minutes working off some energy by lifting weights in my garage.By noon I was feeling tired from my efforts. I had lunch and showered and decided to take a long nap. I wanted to jerk off since I was still feeling pretty horny, but I decided to put it off in hopes the kids would come down that night. I wanted to be randy as possible for that, or I might not have the courage to carry through with my devious plan. Now naked, I lay on the couch, watching some TV until I drifted off. I awoke to the sounds of stifled giggling. I glanced in the mirror I have hanging over the fireplace. From the couch I can see the whole room. I saw the two boys peeping into one of the side windows. From where they were I knew they could see everything. I closed my eyes and pretended to be still asleep. The idea of them watching me, seeing me naked, had the expected effect. My cock started to grow. I could feel it snaking up over my thigh and lifting its head. There was some whispering and then dead silence. I lifted my lids just enough to see they were still there. I let my cock grow to its full length, seven long meaty inches of man-cock. My balls rolled around reach other in their hairy sac. My heart was pounding as I got more and more excited from the peep show I was giving them. I spread my legs and let one fall over the edge of the couch. My ass was slightly spread and I knew they could now see into it, if they looked closely. My asshole twitched as I thought of them looking at it. I made my cock jerk up off my flat belly. It pulsed and squeezed out a single fat drop of pre-cum. Pretending to still be asleep, I slowly let my hand drift over my chest, rubbing over my erect nipples. I let my hand move down towards my hot crotch. My fingers grazed over my boner and my lips curled into a sensual smile. I flicked my fingers up and down the length of it, feeling hornier by the minute. It took all my willpower not to grab my cock and beat it off right then. I lazily ran my fingers down over my moist balls, squeezing each one and sighing. The tension was unbearable. I thought that just maybe I could get these kids interested enough to make a move of their own. If I could get them in this room with me, oh what fun I could have then! I wouldn't have to wait until tonight or whenever they next decided to come down out of that fucking tree house! I pretended to awaken, stretching my limbs and smacking my lips like people do when they are waking up. I glanced into the mirror furtively once more. They were gone. Shit!I sat up and shook my head. My cock was deflating with the disappointment. I consoled myself with the thought that I still had my first plan in place and it might be only a matter of time before I'd be sexing around with those two horny little faggots. For now, I had to take a wicked piss. I hopped up and went into the bathroom. Standing at the bowl losing my piss felt good, too. My piss made my dick tingle warmly as it streaked out the length of the shaft and the delicious smell drifted to my nose. After my piss I decided I needed to put something on, so I wouldn't feel so distracted with lust. I slipped on some sweatpants and sat down at my computer, trying to concentrate on my work.Yeah, I know, cut to the chase. Okay, so I waited until nearly 11:00 o'clock that night. By this time I was beside myself with horniness, and very worried that they wouldn't come down after all. I wished I had x-ray vision to see through the walls of that tree-house because I knew they were up there, I had seen them go up around 9:30. I had just about given up hope and was ready to give in and jerk myself off when I heard their by-now familiar giggling. Looking out my window I saw them descending the ladder. This time they were completely, wonderfully naked! Perry was down first. He looked up at Sean's pert ass as the boy hit the first rungs."I see somethin' good enough to eat!" He whispered loudly."Go ahead, then!" chortled Sean softly. He wiggled his ass seductively, and stepped down another rung so that his little naked butt was a few inches from Perry's upturned face. Perry's cock was hard and it jerked up twice as he climbed up a rung and got right up to Sean's tan tail.Perry balanced himself with his feet and one hand on the rail, lifting up on his tiny toes. He reached up with the other hand and peeled apart Sean's luscious cheeks. Craning his neck and extending his tongue he pushed his eager face into the soft tan mounds, moaning softly. Sean moaned too as he felt Perry's little licker running around on his pouting boy-hole. Faint sounds of wet sucking drifted up to my window. Sean arched his back and ground his ass into his buddy's mouth. Perry pulled his head back, his eyes glimmering in the faint light."Ooohh, sooo nice," he murmured."Kinda stinky, though, ain't it?" Sean asked, looking over his shoulder and grinning."Kinda. But you know I like it. Anyway it's just sorta sweaty in there. Tastes good, man! Come on down so I can really get in there!"I moved my ass. I slid out of my sweatpants, my cock bobbing up hard as a nightstick. I headed down into the yard naked as the day I was born, feeling extra sexy being outside like that. I headed over to the fence and peeped through the crack between my two loosened boards. Sean was standing, his hands pulling apart his ass, giving his buddy full access to his sweet asshole. Perry was on his knees behind him, his face once again buried between Sean's firm little buns. He was moaning and moving his head in small circles as his licked into his friend's hot butt. Both boys seemed lost in their sex-trance, breathing heavily and cooing occasionally with lusty pleasure. Carefully I removed the boards and set them aside. As quietly as possible I slipped through the opening and stood in the tall bushes, reaching down to give my ultra-hard cock a relieving stroke or two. It felt so wicked, so wonderfully crazy to be doing this, to be so totally naked and spying on the two young hotties as they engaged in their wanton boy-sex. The cool night air ruffled the hairs on my balls and made me shiver. Not with cold, but with pure horniness! I felt the dull ache of a wicked piss building in my abdomen. I knew what I was going to do then, how I was going to get those naughty kids' attention.Sean groaned and turned to face Perry. He dropped to his knees in front of his pal and threw his arms around his neck. He pushed his face up to Perry's and pressed his soft lips to the other boys. They began to kiss, deeply, wantonly and with the passion of young boys. I was just a couple of feet away, thrilled to be witnessing such an erotic scene. My bladder was burning now, begging me to release my piss. I am one of those guys who can piss from a hard cock. I love a piss hard-on in the morning. I usually wait until I'm in the shower and then spray the tiles. I love watching my piss flow, spurting straight up over my head and splattering all over the place. I knew I'd have no trouble doing what I had in mind. I let my bladder relax and flung a line of hot piss over the two kissing boys. It whipped over their faces and down their sides. At first neither one seemed to notice. Then Perry broke the kiss."What was that?" He whispered."It's wet! What was that?" Sean said, looking around in confusion. I let go again. This time the stream didn't die off. It just bent down, weakly. Then it gathered force and leapt out at them, soaking their hair."Shit! What the hell?" Perry yelped, leaping to his feet."It's coming from over there!" Sean cried, pointing straight at me.Grinning, I emerged from the bushes, my hard cock still pissing. I hit Perry right on the groin with it for a few seconds while he stood open-mouthed, obviously in shock. "Hi, boys," I said, "Remember me? I'm the guy you were spying on this afternoon."I pinched off my flow, feeling the hot fluid burn down the length of my rigid shaft of fuck meat.Perry reeled back a bit, before regaining his feet. He blushed and his prick began to lose starch."W-w-what d-do you want, Mister? What are you doin' here?" The boy looked scared. Sean was also staring at my open-mouthed, shocked. I noticed his eyes move straight to my crotch. I took my cock in my fist and shook it at him, playfully."First of all, you can call me John, none of that 'Mister' stuff. Secondly, I just want to join in the fun! I've been spying on you, too. You studs look like you know a lot about sex! I just want to get in on it! "You sure have a weird way of showin' up. You pissed all over us!" Perry said. He was pretending to by angry about it, but I could see the glint of interest in his blue eyes."Sorry, I thought you liked it!" I said, grinning down at him. "You sure drank enough of each others last night!" Perry blushed looking flustered and, well, pissed off. Sean came to my rescue."Come on, Perry, look at that cock! Don't you want to? He already knows everything. C'mon, lets let him in on it!" Perry looked back up, his eyes glazing a bit as he caught sight of my thick, rigid flesh pole sticking up at him. "You gotta promise you won't hurt us, or do anything mean to us," he said."I won't do anything you don't want, I promise," I said, holding up my hand like I was taking a solemn oath. All you have to do is tell me to stop, if you don't like something, I swear I'll stop. Besides, I'm into the stuff you are into. I don't want to hurt anyone. I just want to have fun, don't you?""Sure we do!" Sean spoke up, his voice sounding sexy and girlish. "Yeah, Okay! We was always hopin' we could get a guy like you to play with us anyway! You sure got a nice cock and all. You're right. We did see you naked in the living room today and it was hella sexy! What do you want to do, Mister... Uh, John?""I really have to let the rest of this piss out!" I said, "You boy's want to try some man-piss?""Why? What's different about a man's pee?" Perry asked, the corners of his lips curling up into a sly smile."Nothing, except it comes from my big cock!" I replied. Perry laughed and dropped to his knees beside Sean. He reached his arm around his buddy's waist pulling him close. He looked up at me and grinned. "Go, ahead, man, piss on us both. Hell, you already soaked us, go ahead and give us the rest. And since you know we like to drink it, don't be shy about pissing in our mouths either!" He opened wide still smiling and wiggled his tongue around as is begging for a drink. Sean giggled again and snuggled up next to Perry, rubbing his wet sides against the blonde boy. "Yeah, fuck, man, piss on us!" he piped."Oh yeah, you bet I will," I groaned, "and then you can piss on me!" I couldn't wait anymore. My piss lips seemed to open on their own. A torrent of fragrant hot yellow urine shot out and hit Sean squarely on the chest. I aimed over to Perry, splattering his tits and watching it run down his sleek belly. The horny little fucker jogged his hips up and groaned lustily as he felt my hot bladder cider run down his naked body. His nostrils flared wide as he sniffed the scent. I aimed higher, letting my hot hose-flow piss out over his neck then up towards his chin! He dropped his jaw, his eyes squinting a little and he stuck out his tongue, eager for a taste. I let him have it. My thick sparkling rope of man-pee flooded his mouth. My cock lurched in my hands and I felt a tremble of dirty lust shake me, making my feel weak in the knees. Shit! I was pissing right into a little kid's mouth! Right between his innocent little lips! I gasped as I saw him gulp his hot mouthful and open for more. He bent his head forward and grabbed my cock. He aimed it right onto his tongue, gargling delightfully. His own pink peter slapped his bald pubes, spreading his pre-cum around on his wet little tummy. Then, snickering, he aimed it at Sean's face. Sean's big brown eyes opened wide as he tried to focus on the splattering stream. My piss filled his mouth and poured over his lips. Then he too was swallowing. He moaned appreciatively and gulped down a couple of warm mouthfuls Perry moved my prick back and forth, splashing piss all over their eager faces, filling their mouths to overflowing and letting it rain down over their wet hair.All too soon my flow began to dwindle. Both boys were leaning in to get a last taste. I sent a few more spurts out across their soft cheeks as they both held their mouths wide open, groaning with dirty pleasure. Their hot little tongues licked out at the dribbling knob, making me almost swoon with pleasure. Two horny naked kids were licking on my cock, fighting each other playfully for the last drops of my piss. It was unbelievable! I staggered back, feeling my cum-juice rising in my balls. Perry leaned back on his heels and began to rub my piss into every hot pore, cooing and moaning. His small hands wiped my pee up and down his fair chest, over his pink, pointed tits and down his thighs. He rubbed over his soft, wet nutsack, his head thrown back in ecstasy, golden drops dripping from his hair and down his sleek backSean seemed lost in a trance. His mouth still gaped open, his little tongue licking his lips. He stared dumbly at my aching prick as I towered over him. Just then, I saw his slim weenie jump in his lap. His pee-slit pouted open and liquid stripes of white juice leapt out into the night air. The kid was cumming! Without even touching himself, the horny little boy was shooting his juice. It streaked up his soaked chest, then pelted his flat tummy. One shot flew out and flipped over one tiny tit-disk, gleaming in the dusky light. He never lost his look of complete submission, seemed stupefied by his own desire. I doubt as if he even knew he was cumming at that point. He gazed at my stiff man-cock as if it were his idol. More jizz-pulses ran thickly down his thin vibrating shaft and dripped off his hairless berries into the dirt below him. It was the hottest thing I had ever seen!My cock swelled up hard as a diamond, lube running down the bulging cum-tube. I knew that one touch would bring me off. I gasped and fell to my hands and knees in front of the boys. I bent forward and slipped Sean's still cumming cock into my mouth, swallowing it whole, right down to the bare root.I was desperate to taste his kiddy-cum. I swirled my big tongue all around his cummy little tool rubbing my lips into his soft groin and tender balls. I hummed with brain-reeling lust as I tasted his sweet, alkaline boy-jelly. It was delicious, warm, slimy and slick. I felt it slide down my throat and thrilled to the knowledge that his baby-sperms were swimming down into my belly. He gasped and groaned as I suckled his thin prick,"Oh, God," he squealed suddenly, "too much, no, no, too... much!" He was giggling hysterically with the unendurable tickle of my mouth on his super-sensitive boner. He was pushing my head back, trying to free his prick. I pulled back, letting his cock pop wetly from my hungry mouth. I was worried about all the noise he was making, but I couldn't control myself. I turned my body a little and slipped Perry's stiff peter between my lips. He groaned softly, and then louder as I gave his pissy boner the same treatment, eager to have his splashes of boy-seed fill my face. Like a wild little animal, he grabbed my head and began to fuck my face. His wet pubes smacked my face repeatedly. He panted and moaned in his girlish tenor, clutching at my hair convulsively as he gave me his ramming prick over and over. He was losing all sense of where he was and began to squeal with frantic lust. I was suddenly alarmed. I thought about what would happen to me if his parents suddenly came out and saw us. A full-grown man, sucking off two naked little kids, right out in the open like this? Kneeling, bare-ass, slurping on underage cock! I shuddered at the thought. I pulled off him quickly and sat up on my heels, looking around in a sudden terror. Perry groaned loudly as I backed up, not caring about anything except that his aching meat was not getting the attention it needed so badly. But Sean had recovered enough to be feeling the same paranoia I was feeling. He scooted over on his knees to his buddy and threw his arm around the boy's head, clapping his hand over Perry's moaning mouth. "Quiet man!" He hissed sibilantly.Perry's eyes opened slowly, still unfocused and glassy with lust. He seemed to come to in an instant. His eyes darted back and forth and he nodded his head, still held in Sean's firm grasp."Mm-hum!" He mumbled through his buddy's fingers. Sean released him."Perry was still breathing hard, He panted for another few seconds and then looked up at me. "Sorry, man, but your cocksuckin' was getting me waay too horny," he whispered, grinning sheepishly. "Shit, I'm so ready to blow my load, I can't stand it!""Let's go into my yard," I suggested, "The shrubbery is over six feet and goes all around the fence. No one can see a thing, and the bushes will probably deaden most of the noise. We can roll around on the grass all we want and take a swim afterwards to clean up.""Yeah! Okay!" The boys, whispered excitedly. I got up and led them over to the opening I had made. They snickered when they saw it."You must have been planning this for awhile!" Perry whispered, looking over the gap in the fence. "Only since last night, actually. Since I found out about you guys spying on me in the window this afternoon, I guess it's only fair to tell you I was lookin' out my window upstairs and saw you guys making out last night."Yeah?" Sean asked, blushing a little, but smiling irresistibly with that pretty, wet pixie face turned up at me."Yep. You boys are the hottest young studs I ever saw!" I grinned."Perry was blushing too. He turned away a half-smile on his lips and stepped through the gap. We followed him, my eyes filled with the lovely sight of their pretty, flexing buns and long, slim hairless legs. When I had squeezed back through I quickly replaced the two boards and pushed through the foliage to see the two bare-ass kids standing, looking around the yard."Wow, this is awesome!" Perry said."Yeah, you got a really cool yard!" Sean said, in a half-whisper.I grinned at them and lay down in the grass spreading my arms and legs wide. "Thanks," I said, "Now, how about feeding me that pretty cock of yours Perry-boy? Get up over me and fuck my face!" The blonde kid eagerly complied, squatting over my face with his large feet on either side of my head. He sat his damp rear on my chest, right between my hairy nipples. Smiling down at me he got his hairless boner in his fingers and pointed it down at my lips. He played the rosy, drooling tip around on my lips, painting them with his goo. From the look on his face I could tell he was close to cumming, getting off on watching his cock slide around on a man's mouth. I let him enjoy the sight for a minute or so, but I was getting impatient to have him in me again. I dropped my jaw while at the same time grasping his pissy ass and lifting his pelvis to my face. I engulfed his rigid pecker in an instant. My cheeks hollowed out, collapsing around the warm, tasty little rod of hard boy-flesh. Groaning low in his throat, he fell over me onto his hands. His legs straightened out on either side of my body while I held his pillow-soft butt-cheeks in my hands and fucked his cock deeply into my face.I can't describe all I was feeling at that moment. I just I wanted to stay this way forever, having a smelly, warm kid over me, my mouth sucking his sweet young dick. Waves of pure passion spread from my cock out over my flesh. My fingers seemed to tingle as they softly squeezed his wonderful baby-ass.My mouth had a life of it's own. My tongue licked and lapped like a wet snake on his peter-flesh. My lips seemed to tingle to the feeling of his damp pubes bumping them over and over. His little nuts slapping my chin heightened my lusty, brain-melting sex-high.He was fucking frantically now. He didn't have a care in the world except for the feelings I was giving his rock-hard peter. I felt his body curl around me, his elbows and knees nearly touching on either side of my head, his ass spreading wide. He crouch-fucked me, humping frantically into my mouth, lunging as deep as his cock could go. And I just let him, inhaling the rich scent of drying piss and boy-crotch and reveling in being this kid's fuck-hole."AHHH! AHHH!!" He panted like a freight train, fucking my face like a horny puppy getting his first bitch. The kid's prick was swelling up to its hardest and leaked his slimy pre-cum down my rough lapper. Suddenly I was feeling something warm and wet on the knob of my own cock. My face was covered in Perry's hot groin and I couldn't see what it was. But it was easy to guess. Sean was having his way with me. I moaned, my sound muffled by the boy cock thrusting in and out of my mouth. I felt Sean's little wet tongue flicking over my sensitive cock-knob as his lips slipped down slowly over the pounding shaft. Shit, a pretty little boy was sucking my cock! I wrapped my mouth tightly around Perry's tool as it pounded the back of my mouth. I knew he was as close as I was, teetering on the brink of a mind-blowing orgasm. I snuck a single finger into the cleft of his warm, damp ass and rubbed it over his sweet asshole. His cock gave a mighty lurch and he groaned loudly. We were past all reason then. I shoved my finger into him, roughly. His rubbery little ring sucked and clutched at my finger as I probed it up him, searching for his prostate. I hit it, feeling the little nut pulse with his heartbeat. I pressed into it and sucked for all I was worth. Suddenly he froze in position over me. His prick swelled up to its full length. "OHHHH! AH, JES-SUSSS! CUMMING... OH, I'M CUMMINGG!!"I grabbed his cheeks and shoved his body towards my mouth. I sucked like I had never sucked before, trying to suction the approaching jizz-wads right out of him. He went rigid and I felt the first strong stream of pure boy-seed gush out, bathing my tonsils. His dick writhed in my happy mouth as it spurted glob after hot glob of his sweet ball-cream. It was too much for me. My brain exploded like an atom bomb. I jogged up my hips and felt my cock push into Sean's sucking mouth. With a muffled shout I spurted off, right along with Perry, shooting torrents of steaming hot jizz. It just hosed out of my throbbing fuck-meat. It jerked against the ribbed roof of Sean's sucking mouth, filling the boy up. I could hear the kid sputtering and coughing as he about drowned in the stuff. He stayed on my spurting man-meat though, obviously loving it. He was trying valiantly to gulp it down his throat but there was just too much. I had held my dick-snot for so long that it just poured from me, like I was pissing. It backed up his nose and pulsed out his tiny nostrils. It ran over his pretty lips and coated his chin. Still, he kept gulping. He lashed my flaring cock head, playing in the flow with his slime-coated tongue. Perry slumped down on me, his prick pulsing more of his boy-syrup down my taster. I massaged his ass-walls with my finger getting more jizz to flow from his pumping prick for me. Our orgasm seemed to go on for long minutes. Finally, it ebbed away and we were left panting to recover our breaths. I rolled Perry off of me, and he fell back in the grass like a rag doll, completely wiped out. I looked down to see Sean still sucking my cummy prick, and fisting his own slim erection, snorting and cumming off. His jizz jetted strongly, spouting up and streaking across my hairy calves. My cock never lost its stiff core. Watching the randy tyke getting off on my cum-load, and tasting the little blonde's juices coating my own mouth just made me hornier for more wild action!Sean pulled his head up, letting my hard-on slid from his cummy lips. He grinned at me, his jizz coated tongue sticking out a little."That was... awesome! He exclaimed, smacking his lips. "Man, John, you sure got a lot of fucking spunk in those big balls! He reached down and rubbed his soft, sweaty hand around on my hairy nuts.Perry sat up, his arms behind him, his thin legs spread. I felt a thrill run through me when I saw that his pretty little prick was just as hard as ever! "Wow!" he said, "What a fuck! Sean, you have to try his mouth. It's hot as hell!"I turned on my side and reached out to give his soft leg a caressing pet. He was so soft, with firm, small muscles just under his skin. He felt sticky and moist from my drying urine. I grinned back at him, my prick bobbing up hard between my squeezed together thighs. "You liked it, huh? You liked fucking my mouth like a fucking animal?" I teased, brushing my fingertips down his loin. "Yeah. Sorry if I was too rough," he replied, shivering a little from my sensuous touch."Nah, I loved it, too, kid. Love it when a guy gives my face a good fuck!" I chuckled and reached up to rub his skinny shoulder reassuringly. Sean got to his feet and knelt beside us. He put his hand to my chest and rubbed over my sensitive nipples, and caressed the light dusting of hair on my chest. "We like it like that, too, man," he said, "We love to get real wild. "Shit when you creamed my mouth I thought I was gonna drown, but the feeling of all that shit choking me and runnin' up my nose... Man did I ever pop off! It was just so intense!" He licked his lips, gathering more of my melting seed into his mouth. Impulsively, I reached over and cupped my hand around the back of his head. I pulled him down to me until we were face to face. "You're a great cocksucker, Sean," I said, "Can't believe you took me so well. You like my cum, Baby?""Yes." He breathed. His lips were less than an inch from mine. I sucked in the sweet odor of his rushing breath. I could smell my cock and cum and the fresh scent of his apple-sweet breath. I pressed my lips to his, closing my eyes in bliss. He reacted by opening his and pushing his scummy lapper into my mouth. He ran it over my cheeks, groaning into my mouth. His tongue danced wetly on mine. I licked up over his and pursed my lips to suck it. I sucked off my own juices from his wet taster, moaning myself with the joy of kissing this willing little boy. Finally I broke the kiss and began licking my spunk off his cheeks and lips. He giggled at the sensation. "Gee, you must really like the taste of cum!" He said as I lapped over his pissy, cummy face.I just kept it up, swiping my big rough tongue over his smooth face, gathering my scum up. Then I turned to Perry. He had been watching us all this time. His face showed he really wanted in on the action but was unable to figure out how. When he saw me turn towards him, my lips pursing, he brightened up and pushed his face to mine. He kissed my scummy lips passionately. I opened up and pushed some of the jism I had collected into his mouth. He let out a mumbled whine of pure lust and whipped his tongue in my mouth, seeking out more. He grabbed the sides of my head in his hands, grinding his lips hard on mine, his tongue pointing and thrusting towards my throat. He was breathing hard, his breath coming in rapid bursts. His taster moved into every corner of my mouth, questing for more hot splooge. What an aggressive little queer! I thought, 'Really taking charge to get what he wants!' I wondered if the two ever played any Dom/Sub games with each other. I doubted it. But, if they hadn't, I was going to show them some new tricks pretty soon! Sean seemed like the more submissive of the two and I knew that I could awaken the slave in him, if I took it slow and made it seem fun. I pushed those thoughts aside for the moment and concentrated on the passionate kiss I was sharing with Perry. He was still lashing his tongue around in my mouth, seeking every atom of sperm. He finally came up for air, panting like a he'd run the mile. "Piss on me, now!" I said. I turned to Sean. "Both of you! Piss on me like I pissed on you!""Both boys jumped to their feet and stood over me. They laughed and pulled and squeezed on their boners trying to soften them up so they could let go."You really want it? You want our hot, dirty piss all over ya'?" Perry asked, his face a mask of eager passion."God, yes! Please piss on me! I want us all to be piss soaked! I've wanted your piss since I first saw you guys! Do it, pee on me, you little studs!" "You gonna drink it, like we did?" Sean asked, pinching down harder on his cock."You bet I will! I want your sweet piss everywhere! I want it in my face, down my throat, everywhere! C'mon, please?" I begged. I hunched up my hips at them like a slut.Perry aimed his half-hard prick down. He squinted his eyes and his tummy muscles tensed. Sean sucked in his breath as he squeezed his snaky wiener. Finally, Perry's tiny pisshole gaped and a line of his golden bladder juice whipped out and hit me on the chest. His flow gathered force as it flew out of him, washing over my stiff tits and pecs. "Hmmm..." I moaned. His flow was body-hot, and the lovely scent rose to my widened nostrils. If felt so good, finally getting his wet, yellow urine on me. Sean thrust his hips out and his prick spouted out his stream. It arched up and fell over my heaving stomach."Oh-h-h-h...! That's great!" I groaned. I brought my hands to my torso and began to rub their hot pee all over. What a thrill! Two naked little boys spurting their sweet piss on my hot flesh! The boy's were grinning with delight as they splashed their piss all over, moving their pricks up and down with their fingers to aim at new spots. Sean's piss drummed down my belly and flooded my crotch. He played his stream up and down my stiff cock and pelted my nuts. Perry snickered and whipped his piss up my neck and into my face. His stinging line of hot juice hit my nose and spattered into my eyes. It stung, but I liked the sensation and though I was blinking furiously I willed my lids to stay open as much as possible, wanting it to wash into my eyes. Up his piss flew into my hair, soaking it. I opened my mouth and he aimed right at it, filling my mouth. It sounded like a glass being filled at a tap. Just as it bubbled over my lips I gulped it down. It tasted so good! Salty and tangy and slightly sweet. It smelled even better, pungent and also very fresh and boyish. Indescribable, really, but maddeningly intoxicating! I had to have more. "God, that's good, Perry!" I cried. "Sean, let me try yours now! Sean chuckled and pissed up my body until his stream flew into my face. I dropped my jaw and let his lovely brew fill me up. Sean's pee was stronger and saltier, like chicken broth, I thought, grinning to myself.Perry dammed up his piss and knelt down on one side of my head. He beckoned Sean to do the same. Sean cut his piss stream and knelt on the other side of me."Let's see how much you can take," Perry said, sticking his pissy bullet-nosed prick in my open lips. Sean did the same. His wrinkly little foreskin pouted like a fleshy funnel tip. I opened wide, whimpering like a horny bitch. Sean's juice spurted, followed quickly by Perry's. The twin streams of prick juice filled my eager mouth in a second. I gulped and guzzled, drinking it as it came, straight from their little bladders. Of course it was way too much for me to handle without lots of it spilling out. It was sliding down my cheeks in sheets. None of us cared. My only regret was that the piss leaving my mouth was piss I would never get to drink and I wanted it all! It warmed my belly from the inside and made my cock tingle like it was an electric rod. I sighed in bliss and closed my lips around the two boy-rods filling my face. I did my best to suckle at them like twin straws. Perry was laughing and Sean giggled, but as I slurped on their pissing boners they grew quiet, absorbed in the sight of a man sucking down their reeking pee, and licking hornily all over their sweet penises. All I could hear was the rasping of their hot breath, the tinkling splash of their piss, and at intervals, the sound of my own gulping."Motherfuck!" muttered Sean. He pulled his prick out of my face, the last spurts streaking across my cheek and onto Perry's bare crotch. He moved back on his knees, and then bent over my face. With a groan he let his face fall and pressed his lips to the corner of my mouth. His lips wrapped around Perry's prick-root and covered mine. His tongue toughened and thrust into my piss-filled mouth, lapping around my teeth and Perry's still pissing dick. The kid really was getting turned-on as he frenched me and lapped his bud's cock at the same time. I reached out to grasp his iron-hard tool and jacked it in my fingers for him. He made little whimpering, mewling noises as he slurped up his buddy's pee and nibbled at my lips. As I jacked him he ran his hands across my chest, until he found one of my nipples. He squeezed it tight in his fingers. I hummed my approval of what he was doing through a mouthful of hot boy-pee. Perry's hand quickly found the other, and both boys were pinching and twisting my nipples. I was lost in pleasure, feeling their slippery little digits twisting and tugging at my stiff, hair-ringed tits.Sean's tongue fought mine to lap over Perry's pissing prick-head. The child's stream began to dwindle out as we played our tongues over him in my mouth. A couple of strong spurts, and finally the last dribbles flooded into me. I held it in my mouth, not wanting to lose it just yet. It was so good, hot and tangy and filled with his pheromones. Better to me than the finest wine.Now drained, his thin cock pulled up, popping free of our sucking lips and a few drops of his sweet pee splashed across our cheeks. "Let me see, man," he murmured, "let me see your mouth filled with my hot piss!"Sean moved away and I opened wide. Perry peered down, his face lighting up with lusty delight. He still toyed absently at my nipple as he looked into my face."Shit, that's fucking hot!" he exclaimed. "Swallow it now!"I did as he wanted, letting his juice drain down my throat, bit by delicious bit."Wow!" was all he could say.I smacked my lips. "We're a bunch of fuckin' piss-studs," I said, "ain't we?""Yeah!" Sean said, his face beaming just above me. "I love piss, man!""Me too!" Perry chimed in, "I always loved it, the smell, the taste, everything about it!""Yeah? A real piss-lovin' motherfucker, huh?""Sure!" He said, grinning happily. "Before I got Sean to fuck around, man, I used ta drink my own!""Really?" I asked, eager for more details."Yup. I used to get in the bathtub when my folks were out and piss all over myself! One time I got so horny I thought I'd try tasting it. It was so hot, I drank all I could catch. After that I always drank it. I even kept a cup under my bed and after I was supposed to be in bed I would get it out and piss it full and drink little sips of it while I played with myself. "I used to think I was real sick, until I found some magazines my Dad stashed in the garage. They showed pictures of women pissing, and some where they were drinkin' it out of each other's pussies. That was hot enough, but the last few shots showed a guy drinkin' it out of them and then he pissed in their mouths, too! Fuck, when I saw that I started thinkin' about a hot cock pissing in my mouth! I about killed myself pullin' on my prick all night!"Sean giggled at this. He blushed a bit and sat back on his heels. His hand was now running through my chest hairs, caressing me as lightly as a bird's wing. "So, how did you guys start playing with each other?" I asked.I don't know. We just sorta started messin' around once and we both liked it, so we kept doin' it. I was the one who got Sean to try piss. I begged him to piss on me once in the bathroom and he gave in and did it. I told him how good it felt and then he wanted to try it too.""Yeah, and he was right, it did feel good. It felt great!" Sean said, smiling at his friend."Yeah, you got so hot you opened up and let me piss in your mouth!" Perry went on,"I couldn't believe it, but he dug it. I had to tell him I had tried it to. After that we started doin' that all the time, when we sexed around.""Yeah, sometimes even at school, when no one else is in the boys room, we'll go in there and feed each other a load, just to keep each other horny." Sean volunteered. "How about you? I didn't think grownups did stuff like this." Perry asked me."Duh!" Sean broke in and then laughed. "What about those guys in the magazines?""And, what about your Dad?" I said, grinning as well. "Why does he have that stuff anyhow?""God! Not my dad!" Perry exclaimed. "There were other pics in there, ya know. That peein' stuff was in the back. Most of the other pics were just chicks with their legs spread.""Eww!" Sean piped in, before he thought about it. He looked at me to see my reaction. I gave him a quick wink and he brightened up again. Perry went on: "I can't imagine Dad's really into that stuff. He just likes to look, I think. Maybe he doesn't even look at that one. He put it away near the bottom of his stack. I don't think he even missed them.""Maybe," I said, "But you never know." I'll bet you guys never thought I would do this stuff with you!""Never!" Sean said. He rubbed his hand into my chest, his boner bouncing happily in his lap. The kid had already cum twice, but seemed like he was ready to fire off again, whenever the action got started. I went back to fondling his cock, sending a slight shiver through his slim frame. Perry was still kneeling near my head. I reached out with my other hand and held his pink tool, slipping the skin back and forth over the solid core. He pushed his hips out, showing me I could have his cock all I wanted."Anyway," I said, "I probably started around the same time you guys did. When I was eight or nine there was this older kid who let me be his friend. I was so happy this kid wanted to hang around me I would do almost anything he said. He was so handsome, too. Black hair and blue eyes, real sharp looking. He must have been about 12 or thirteen. He had a little shed in his backyard that we turned into a sort of fort. We used to sleep in there, just like you guys and your tree house. He used to tease me a lot, telling me how much hair he had on his dick and sayin' he knew I didn't have any. He was right of course. One time he offered to show it to me. I really wanted to see it. The only other hairy dick I'd seen was on my Uncle when I was four. That fucker made me suck his dick once, but that was a long time before this. Anyway, my friend opened his pants and showed me. There wasn't as much as my Uncle's but it was there all right. His prick was nicer than my Uncle's too. It was smaller and had a foreskin and well it looked really nice. I knew I'd like to suck on it, if he would let me. "Did you?" Sean asked, his eyes sparkling with anticipation, "Didja suck him?"Yeah. He acted kinda silly. He said he never played with himself like he knew I did, which sort of bothered me. But then he said he would, just to show me how big it got. He kind of liked to show off, and remind me that he was bigger and more sophisticated. I didn't say anything so he pulled his pants off and lay on one of the cots we had put in there. He started wagging it in his fingers, calling it his 'tail". Slowly, it got harder and longer. It probably wasn't all that big; after all he was still young, too. But it sure was bigger than mine at the time. I was real turned-on watching him. He started jackin' on it when it was fully hard, watching my reactions. He was a hot little exhibitionist, I realize that now.Then he said I should take my pants off, too. I didn't want to. I felt inferior to him and it made me shy. He said I had to, since he showed me his. I remember that he never stopped jerking off while he was telling me this. He probably got off on making me do this. I finally agreed but I told him he couldn't laugh or make fun of me. I pulled down my shorts and showed him. He did laugh though, and said he knew I didn't have any hair. I was embarrassed and mad and started to pull my pants up again, but he told me he was sorry and he wouldn't laugh anymore. He wanted me to come over and let him touch it. I don't know why I did. But as I recall I was getting pretty hard and maybe I was just horny enough to do it. Plus, I guess I thought if he wanted to play with mine, he didn't really think it was so puny and laughable after all. I came close and he reached up and grabbed it and started doing the same to mine as he was doing to his. It felt really good! No one had ever touched my dick before, not even my dirty uncle. He said I had a nice pecker after all, even though I didn't have any hair. He let go of it and pushed a sleeping bag onto the floor and made me lie down with him. I did as he wanted and then he wanted me to play with his. He didn't seem at all ashamed about it and it made me feel more relaxed about the situation. I touched his and can still remember how it felt. So warm in my fingers and smooth, yet hard as wood just under the skin. I don't know why, but I offered to put it in my mouth. He said he shouldn't let me, but he would try it. I moved down and got real close to it. As soon as I smelled it I knew I wanted to do it, and bad! It smelled like him, kind of... well, spicy and a little like some really good cheese and there was a slight smell of pee in there too. I rubbed his pubic hairs with my fingers to see what they felt like. They were soft like kitten's fur. He was breathing heavy and waiting for me to open up. He jogged his hips up and the moist head bumped against my lips. I just opened wide and took it in then. He started to groan and said it felt great. He said I should try and take the whole thing. I did that. It just fit in my mouth, perfectly. The tip just barely hit the back of my mouth. I sucked him for all I was worth. I knew how to do it, from my Uncle having taught me. He started fucking it in and out, then gasped and told me I should get off of him. I was confused. I thought I was making him feel good. Why did he want me to stop? But, I did as he said. As soon as it was free of my lips he grabbed it and jacked on it like crazy. His belly tensed and I loved the feeling of his muscles tightening against the side of my face. He said to watch his dick, that he was going to shoot something out of it. I wanted to back off, thinking he was going to pee, but something held me there. As I stared at his pee-hole it suddenly opened, and something thick and white came out. It squirted out fast and hard, and hit me in the face. I sat up then and watched in fascination as he shot his little load all over his tummy. He was huffing and puffing and groaning as he jacked it out. When he was done he told me that was sperm, and that it was what made girls have babies. I said I already knew about that. Although my uncle hadn't cum off like that, I knew from reading books my mom gave me that guys had sperm and it came out of their dicks. But I had only seem pictures of sperm under a microscope and thought it looked like a bunch of little guppies or something. I looked closely but shouldn't see anything like what the books had showed. He thought I was just trying to get a taste, so he told me to try it. At first I didn't want to, because it came from his dick and anything that came from a dick was supposed to be gross. But, he said it tasted good to some people and he dipped his finger in some of it and held it up to me. Before I could back off he pushed his finger right in my mouth! I got a little taste of it then. At first I didn't know what to think, but it tingled on my tongue, and for some reason, it made me feel like I was tasting him, the real him. I swallowed the little bit in my mouth and that made me horny as hell. I sucked the rest off his finger. When he pulled it out of my mouth I said it did taste good. He told me to get the rest, so I bent over his lap and licked off all I could. After I was done he looked at me in such a knowing way. He said he would feed me lots of it if I wanted. I didn't know what to say. He held his cock up and told me to suck the rest of it off his prick. I did that too. Afterwards he pulled on my little prick until I felt I was going to go crazy or die, or something. I begged him to stop, but he wouldn't. Suddenly I felt something really powerful come over me. I was gasping and my head reeled. It felt better than anything had ever felt before. I looked down at the center of all this feeling, my cock in his jerking fingers. I couldn't believe anything could feel hat good! The feeling eventually died away. He let go of me when I started to laugh and say that it tickled. He said that's what cumming felt like, except I was still too young to shoot off like he had. I was a little disappointed that I couldn't do it yet. But as soon as I knew what it really felt like to cum I wanted to do it again and again. What's more, I wanted to do it to him again and again! I knew how wonderful it felt now and I wanted to make my older friend, who I adored, happy, so he would like me, I guess. We did it several times after that. We had a big old wine jug we used to pee in so we wouldn't have to go in the house at night. I remember that the smell of pee was always in the room. I guess I started to associate that smell with sex. We never played any peeing games, though. I don't think we ever thought of doing that, although he loved to have me watching him when he pissed. I moved away a few months later and didn't see him again for a long time. When I went back to visit him, things were different. He was into girls and had some porn with women showing their pussies. He showed them to me and got hot and jacked off, but he wouldn't let me touch him. He said he had a girlfriend now and he only had sex with her. I was so disappointed. I went home and never saw him again.""Huh," Perry said, simply. Sean got really quiet. He suddenly looked up at Perry and said, "You wouldn't do that, would ya? Stop playin' with me and just go for girls?" Perry laughed. He got up and went to Sean, bent over and gave him a hug. "No waay," he said, "I like dick, not pussy! And you're my best friend!" Sean sighed, relieved, and reached up to hug Perry back.I marveled at how easily these boys accepted their sexuality. In my youth, being a queer was something horrible, laughable, forbidden. I had struggled for years to be okay with my own feelings. These kids felt perfectly fine with being Gay. I felt both a happiness for them and regret at my own past. Having to carry that burden of guilt for so long, holding back when I wanted to be free to express my own longings and make them reality. Well, all right; I would make up for lost time, I thought, and these kids would be where I started. "Well, that was a long time ago," I said, "things were different then. Now I think that those guys who like only girls, or who tell themselves they do, are the unlucky ones. Guys like us can have all the fun we want and never have to worry about things like getting some girl pregnant, or any of that stuff. We're really lucky, if you think about it. We can be best buddies and sex around and have great times together.""Right on!" they both said together."You don't mind that we're still young, do you?" Asked Sean. "I mean, we ain't got hair yet, either. And we're not all grown up and buff like you.""Not at all!" I said, a little too eagerly. "Why, I like your hot bodies a lot! You both look real hot to me. I like that you don't have hair, its really cute and sexy! You may be young, but you sure shoot a good load, both of you! You guys are just my type!" All right!" Perry exclaimed." Man, I am so horny! What else ya want to do?"I beckoned to Sean. "Come here and sit on my face." I said. "You can suck off Perry while I lick your asshole!"Sean got up and got his big feet on either side of my head. He squatted down slowly, wriggling his little tail at me. I thrilled to the sight of those tan buns coming at me. As he bent his legs his sweet boy-cheeks parted and I could see his lovely little pucker, berry-brown, winking at me from the soft, satin-soft cleft. I smacked my lips and gazed up at the enthralling sight. A moist, wrinkled little pucker the size of a penny. I had to have it! I reached up and held his cheeks, feeling my fingers sink into the warm pillows of flesh. I pulled him down until his hole was pressing my lips. I didn't waste any time. I stuck my tongue out and gave it expert, loving laps. I swirled the tip around the wrinkly dimple. It tasted so hot, so funky and moist. His body trembled over me as I attacked his hole. I pointed the tips of my tongue and poked it at the moist center, pushing his ass-lips aside and slithering up the furnace of his rectum. Perry, meanwhile, had gotten up and stood astride my loins. He pushed his prick at Sean. The boy opened up and accepted the blonde's throbbing peter into his happy mouth. Above me I heard the sounds of sucking and slurping, and the wet smacking of Perry's groin humping into Sean's face. The kid hummed as he ate his pal's cock. Perry groaned softly when Sean wrapped his arms around his butt and held him close.I went crazy on Sean's tasty hole. His butthole opened up to let me in and I took advantage, sliding my slick tongue deeply into his musky ass. My mind melted down as I tasted him. His butt was a cocksucker's delight, sweaty and funky with his essence. I could see why Perry loved to rim the boy. I fastened my lips to his rubbery ring and sucked hard at them, out of my mind to please this kid's hot boy-pussy. I probed up him mercilessly, eager to slurp up his ass-juices and traces of boy-shit from his rectal walls. As I shoved my taster deeper I suddenly encountered the tip of his hot little turd! Moaning crazily into his ass I licked at it. It was just at the very tip of my extended tongue. My mouth muscles ached as I tickled at it. I grabbed his hips and pulled him down further on my face. I was smothered in those delectable cheeks sitting on my sweaty face. I leaned my head back to free my nose a little, sucked in a deep breath, then pushed my head up, sending my tongue back up him. He squealed and shuddered and ground his butt into me, spreading his legs wider to give my full access to his guts. "Fuck, this is so fucking hot!" Perry said excitedly. I could feel his toes digging into the ground next to me and knew he was getting a lot of pleasure from his buddy's hot little mouth. Once again my tongue tip grazed over Sean's hard little boy-turd. I felt rich slime melting off of it and coursing down my tongue. My senses were flooded with the dark, rich pungent flavors. I had never gotten into shit like this! Oh, I had tasted it before, anyone who rims ass does. But this was a real turd, and it was up a pretty pixie-boy's sweet asshole! I was licking his actual shit-log! I should have been appalled, should have reacted with revulsion. But I didn't... far from it! I wanted it, wanted to taste it, wished he would slide it right out into my mouth! But I didn't know how they would feel about that. I didn't want to turn them off or freak them out. They might be into a lot of things, but I doubted they were into shitting into a man's mouth, yet. Besides, for all my lust, I wasn't sure I could actually take it. I eased off a bit, and just licked around his slimy ass-walls, enjoying the feel of his hot ass, and sucking at his pouting ass-ring with relish."How's it feel, Sean?" Perry asked. Sean backed off his cock just long enough to answer, "Fucking hot, man. His tongue is all the way up me and it's got me so horny I never want him to stop!" He went right back to gobbling Perry's meat. Perry let him suck for another minute, and then he said, "Well, I want to feel that, too. You know I love it when you rim me, Sean. I want to see how he does it. C'mon, man, get up and let me try it!""Sure!" Sean said, pulling off his cock again. He got up, his knees wobbling a bit. He stepped over my head a little unsteadily, his young cock whipping out free and rock hard. I sat up, my face shining with saliva and the kid's tail-juices. "I want your hole, too," I said to Perry, "lie down and let me get over you, and really eat you out!"Perry plopped down on the grass and lay back. He folded his legs up to his chest, spreading them wide. He grabbed his knees in his arms and rocked his butt up, urging me on. I got to my hands and knees and crawled over to him. I got my face down close, sighing with joy as I inhaled the scent of his sweating little ass. His hole gleamed, rosy pink and meaty looking. I grabbed his thighs and pushed my face up his skinny ass. "Ahhhhh...!" he sighed as I put my lips to his butthole and sucked at it. At the same time I flicked my tongue up and down the wrinkled slot, pushing in at each pass, swirling my thick tongue around on it. I snorted softly in piggish lust and pushed my lapper up there. His hole flowered open immediately and he let me in. His asshole felt like melting butter as it surrounded my tongue. It tasted salty and sweet. The smell rising from his butt-valley was both musky and keen. I wallowed my face in his naked trench, making him gasp and wriggle up at me."Ah... ah... ahh!" He gasped as I slid up him and worked my hungry mouth on his sweaty, pissy little hole.Sean wasn't about to stay out of the hot action. He got down to his knees behind me and stuck his face up to my upturned ass. His hands caressed my butt and the backs of my thighs. He purred softly as he felt me up and sniffed at my asshole."Fuck, it's so hairy, and it smells so... good!" He sighed. Then I felt his nose brushing into my crack."Damn, buddy!" I said, raising my head out of Perry's hairless butt, "Ohhh... God... your nose is in my ass! Eat me, Sean! Eat out that ass, man!"Sean gave a muffled groan as he smashed his face into my furry ass-furrow. A shock of pure sexual electricity went buzzing up my spine as I felt his wet little lapper lick over my sweating anus. I went back to Perry's hole and attacked it. By now the sweet little slot was pouting and gaping, the soft, moist inner flesh of his rectum exposed to the air. I shoved my tongue deep into his shitter, slathering my spit up him. He was gasping and panting like a puppy. I could hear Sean's dick making wet, flipping sounds as he beat off behind me. He held my butt open with one soft hand while he snuck his tongue into me. I was almost sobbing with joy, eating one little kid out while another one rimmed me out!Perry was going wild, writhing around, humping his tail into my face! He pulled his legs back until his feet were up at his ears and I felt his fingers twisting into my hair. He pulled at me like that, trying like hell to cram more of my thrusting tongue into him."Shit... shit!" He cried out. "God that feels so good. I... I gotta get fucked! Go ahead, John, fuck me!" I raised my head again and looked down at him, His eyes were shining with feral lust. His face was flushed and his mouth hung open, panting rapidly."Come on, guys, let's go in the house, now! That way we can fuck our brains out and get as loud as we want!" I said.Sean pulled his head away from my butt and rose to his feet. I got up and helped Perry to his feet. The kid was trembling all over, his cock hard as a nail and vibrating like a tuning fork. "Hurry!" he urged. "Let's get in there so you can fuck me!""Will you fuck me, too?" Sean asked as we made our way over the patio. I looked over those two cuties. Both kids were smeared with grass-stains, dirt and cock-juices. Their butts, dimpled as they stepped, making my cock lurch and my heart pound. "You bet I will!" I exclaimed. "Boys, you are both going to get this cock, if that's what you want!"They giggled as I slid the sliding door open for them. They scampered in, eager as only young boys can be.****-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 38
My big brother Basher is the kewlest dude you ever wanna meet. Oh I know you think I am just a dopey ten-year-old kid who idolizes his older bro, but believe me dude, that's not the case. He really is kewl. He does the fucking kewlest stuff. He's seventeen, and a really mean motherfucker. His name is really Steven, but nobody has called him "Steven" since my old man up and split four years ago. I can still hear the big fat looser, "Steeeevennnn what are you doing?" shit, that was the best day for any of us, when the fucking loser left town with that bleached blond twat he took up with. Of course it wasn't too good for Mom, which may explain why she drinks wine until she turns purple and shacks up with one hunky mindless ape after another. So I was left pretty much alone at six and Basher brought me up. Basher was never any good at school, but he told me that school don't matter. Only two things matter in life. Being the meanest motherfucker you can be, and fucking all the twat you can get your dick into. Okay, so I'm too young to fuck twat. But I seen Basher fucking his teen cunts lots of times, shit he even lets me rub their tits and pussies sometimes and twice he let me put my tiny little dick into the cunts of his girlfriends. He convinced the cumb twats that it was a good deed for them to teach me about fucking. It was fun and my dick got hard and all, but of course nothing came out. Jesus H. Christ, does Basher shoot a load, when he blasts, there is fuckslop all over the place. Basher hardly ever wears clothes in the house he loves to walk around with his big eighteen-year-old dick swinging and his huge fat balls slapping his thighs. Even in front of ma. Basher don't take no shit from the old lady. More than once, he has lifted his big dick at her and said, "You know you want this, Bitch!" Ma says, that's no way for a boy to speak to his mother, funny since she's hardly even our Ma at all since she's never around when we need her. She does want his prick though I can tell from the way she sneaks looks at it. She'd love Basher to fuck her until she couldn't walk. But that's not what this report I am writing is about. This report is about how my brother "Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevennnnnnnnnnnnnnn," got the name Basher, and why he has the name. Basher has this kind of gang, a bunch of guys who hang together. You know, drink, smoke, do funny shit, kick back. Basher says when I get hair above my dick, I can maybe join if I got the balls. Damn right I will. It's a tough gang to get in you gotta rape a chick. Among other sick things that are way kewl. But the main fun my bro and his gang have is bashing fags! That's where he got the nickname. Cause when Basher bashes a fucking faggot homo, the guy is never ever the same again. I should mention to you that Basher is really good looking. All the girls say so and even the other guys admit it. He is really hot. He has a great body, and a really awesome dick and balls and ass, as I already told you, cause my Ma is hungry for it. Basher has this thing he does once or twice a week. He will go out and pick up a faggot. Shit, faggots of all ages hit on him he is so damned sexy, and when he turns it on and acts all interested in them, well any faggot at all is easy pickings. Sometimes he brings them home to the house, and then I even get to join in the fun and the games. After Basher has the guy, usually he picks a young cute guy cause its more fun to fuck him up, after he has him a bit drunk and head over heels in love begging to suck his dick or take it up the ass, then Basher starts getting rough. He tells the faggot that he better behave and make him happy. sometimes he starts out by spitting in the faggots mouth, huge gobs, I get to gob in the queer mouth too. It's fun to watch the faggot get all sick and gaggy. Sometimes Basher picks in his nose and feeds it to the faggot, or blows his fucking nose in the queer's mouth. Its wild. All the while, he's kicking the faggot in the ballsack. He makes the queer strip and dance for us. Sometimes, he makes him put on ma's panties and bra, or even a pair of my tiny underpants. I asked Basher if it wasn't queer of him to make the faggot suck his dick, and to fuck the faggot in the ass. Holy Shit, I've never seen him so angry at me. He beat the shit out of me. He told me that to use a faggot doesn't make you a faggot. He told me that faggots love to get ass fucked and suck dick. They even secretly love to bet beaten up and abused, he said it makes a man more of a man to fuck a faggot. That was the first time Basher fucked my little nine-year-old ass, I was nine then. I thought I would die. I know I'm not a faggot cause I really didn't like it at all. I was sick for three days after, only I couldn't tell Ma what was wrong. Now, I'm used to his big fat dick of course, and he only fucked me like once a week or so, more of a discipline thing than anything else. I still have to suck him off in the morning when he wakes up, but I don't mind cause his fucking dick is so amazing. And all in all, he's pretty damned good to me. He protects me and stuff, so if I have to take it up the ass once in a while to show my loyalty, no big deal. I know he's made his other buddies take his dick too. One night Art slept over and was really wasted and I heard Basher fucking him in the ass and Art begging him to stop and go easy. Basher says he will fuck anything or anyone, he says he lives to FUCK. That's just how I wanna be when I grow up. Basher often ends his sessions with a faggot by breaking some bones. If the faggot has behaved and licked Basher's balls real good and licked out his ass with lots of energy, Basher might only break a couple of the faggot's fingers or toes just to show him who is boss, but if a faggot is a wise ass, Basher has been known to break both arms and legs. Or he will mess up some pretty boy's face forever, take out his teeth, flatten his nose, you name it. Basher and his gang love to make Faggots do sick things like drink piss, eat shit and even have sex with animals. Eccck, I know that sounds gross, but it is really funny to watch some crying faggot sucking doggie dick or taking it up the ass. If Basher takes a shine to a certain faggot, that's what he calls it, taking a shine, he will keep the poor faggot coming back week after week. Each week he will think up some new humiliation or degradation for the queer, each one worse than the week before. Sometimes the queers have nervous breakdowns or commit suicide cause they can't stand the abuse. Which Basher says proves they got no balls to begin with. I seen Basher tie a guy to a chair and burn his tits and balls with a cigarette. He even let me burn some young faggot's dick with a candle once. It was really fun cause the faggot kept begging me to be good to him. I love it most when Basher shoves stuff up the faggot's ass. It is fucking hysterical the stuff Basher gets up some dude's asshole, and the guy is screaming all the time that it's too big and won't fit up there, well Basher says, see, you were wrong Faggot cause the baseball bat or whatever fits up there just fine. This one time, Basher put a guy's dick in a waffle maker and heated the fucking thing up. That was really funny. One time, one time, Basher told this 16 year old faggot, he would stop torturing him if the faggot brought around his nine year old sister for Basher to fuck. God damn if the faggot didn't do it. Not only did Basher fuck the little bitch, but he made the 16-year-old faggot fuck his own sister too. Honest to Pete, I was laughing so hard at that, I almost pissed my pants. Here is this cute 16-year-old high school kid, crying like a five year old and slamming his dick into his sobbing nine-year-old sister. Then Basher sat the 16 year old and the 9 year old next to each other and fed both of them his big dick. Five strokes in one mouth and then five strokes in the other. He said the one who sucked dick best could go home, and the other one was going to get belt whipped. I forget who won and who lost, cause Basher is always playing games like that but I do remember that the party ended with Basher having me put my dick into the fuckhole of the nine year old girl. He taught us how to make out how to tongue kiss and feel each other up, we were both nine and in the same class in school. I'd like to fool around with her again, but she don't even look at me or talk to me. I think the twat is embarrassed. Maybe when I start to shoot bullets, Ill rape her and get her pregnant, just to get back at her. Basher has gotten twenty-three girls pregnant. I told you he was fucking kewl. One time Basher kept this faggot in a dog cage in the basement for a whole week. My ma was home and everything, and this queer was gagged and starving in the basement, taking Basher's big dick three or four times a day not to mention the dicks of the rest of the gang. I used to go down and piss on the faggot. More than anything in the world, even more than fucking, Basher loves to get his ass eaten out. He says it's the ultimate proof of being a leader that others eat your ass. I know the other guys in the gang have eaten his ass as part of their initiation into the gang, and it's the only part I am really afraid of. I know I can do it but shit, what if I get sick or something or puke that would totally put me in disgrace and it would insult my big bro who I love more than anyone in the whole world. Lately Basher says he is going to fuck Mom, he says the old bitch really needs a real man to teach her a fucking thing or two. He says she would make a hell of a slave around the house, doing all kinds of shit for us. He says once she tastes his dick, she'll do anything for him. That's how all the cunts are, once he fucks them or they suck him they just go nuts over him. Cunts are calling the house for him all day long. They give him really expensive gifts too. Anyway, I don't know how I feel about Basher fucking Mom, I guess it's okay cause I know she secretly wants it. Basher says she probably spends hours sucking on his dirty jock straps and underwear.Cunts are like that. Cunts and Faggots. I am so fucking glad that I am normal. Normal, just like Basher. END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 24
At only a couple of months short of nineteen Kerry was no virgin, but she was only too aware that she couldn't yet really class herself as sexually experienced either. Her occasional contact with porn had told her that she still had a lot to learn and a lot to experience, and although some of the things she had come across she doubted that she would ever want to try, there were also things that just thinking about doing gave her a thrill. Her difficulty was that Ben, her boyfriend and so far her only lover, had yet to realise that there was more to sex than just sticking it and moving it about until he shot his load, and there was little hope of him wanting to try anything even slightly different. His one concession to sexual exploration was to let her go down and suck him off. Not that it ever occurred to him to reciprocate. Why, she grumbled to herself, were men so slow to mature in the bedroom? She was rapidly coming to the conclusion that an older man would be a better lover, and a much better tutor. Someone like Nathan would do nicely, she told herself, contemplating her next door neighbour, who was in his mid-thirties and therefore nearly twice her age. Okay, he was tall and skinny and his hair was already receding, but he had an air of confidence about him that attracted her. She was sure he wouldn't leave her bored and frustrated. The silly thing was that he had hit on her several times in a half-hearted kind of way without realising how tempted she had been and how it had only been teenage insecurity that had prevented her from responding. But how could he know that if he pushed just that little bit more his flirting would have paid off? She swore to herself that one day he would make light-hearted advances once again and she would surprise him by saying 'yes'. Then one afternoon, when these thoughts were still fresh in her mind, he called to her over the dividing fence. 'Joan's going out tonight, I wondered if you fancied coming round and keeping me company?' It wasn't the most imaginative of chat-up lines and it caught her by surprise, and so at first she automatically shrugged his approach off, giving him the usual disdainful roll of her eyes and turning her back. But then, even as she turned away, she was thinking that maybe, just maybe, this was the day to do as she had promised herself and let him seduce her. It wasn't as if she had anything else lined up, and either it would give her an evening to remember or it would have called his bluff and he'd leave her alone in the future. Yes, she decided impulsively, she would take him up on it and be damned with the consequences. She turned back to accept his invitation, but having received the expected rebuff he was already moving away. Never mind, she could call around anyway and surprise him, knowing that if he really wanted her, he wouldn't mind. She dressed with care, a tee-shirt top with no bra, a short white tennis skirt, and tiny white cotton panties - she'd read somewhere that men liked the innocence of white cotton panties. She let her hair loose into a honey blonde cascade that tumbled over her shoulders, applied what she considered to be just the right amount of make-up to make her seem sophisticated, then gave herself a quick spray of her mother's perfume, and she was ready. She stood before his door, fighting the urge to turn around and run. A deep breath and then she gathered her courage and rang the bell, pausing only to give her nipples a quick tweak to make them stand out. The door opened and it was too late to chicken out. Nathan's expression was one of total shock that quickly faded into lustful delight. He opened the door wider and bowed her in with a mock flourish. 'Welcome. I'm glad you could make it.' She didn't reply in case her voice squeaked, but instead she just walked on through into his living room with her heart pounding. All she had to do now was to make sure he knew why she had changed her mind. 'Coffee, or something else to drink perhaps?' She shook her head and took another deep breath. 'That's not what I've come round for.' She was surprised at herself for being able to state things so brazenly, but at least it was out now. 'Then what have you come round for?' His lowered voice told her that he already knew the answer to that question; he just wanted her to verify his belief. Again she didn't answer with words, this time because she didn't know what words to use. Instead she walked boldly across and took his hand, placing it firmly on her right breast, instinctively choosing the one that was furthest from her thumping heart. 'Does that answer your question?' It was his turn not to answer verbally. There was a moment's hesitation while he digested her words, and then one hand went around her and pulled her to him while the other squeezed firmly on her breast. She tilted her head back and smiled nervously up at him, her arms going around his back in confirmation of her meaning. He looked down, smiling in his turn before lowering his mouth to hers in a long and passionate kiss, his fingers playing with her rapidly swelling nipple. She felt her body melt as natural arousal began to take over. She wriggled herself against him, murmuring soft encouragement while he squeezed and moulded her breast, playing with her flesh through the thin top and pinching her nipple. His kiss became more fervent and his tongue began to probe her mouth, and her own tongue answered, each one probing and exploring in a way she had not experienced before. She was becoming more and more turned on and her feelings were already getting out of control. She had envisaged leading him on, keeping control of what they did, but her body was betraying her, turning it around and making her his plaything. It was so exciting it was scary. She pulled her mouth free of his for a moment. 'Yes.' She told him flatly. If she was going to surrender to him, she would at least do that in her own way. He stared at her in momentary confusion. She giggled with confused embarrassment. 'Anything you want with me, it'll be yes.' 'You mean that?' He asked, finally understanding her capitulation but wondering how far it really went. 'Yes.' She nodded resolutely. 'Anything and everything.' 'If you're sure.' He pulled her back to him, closing his mouth over hers once again, kissing her as fiercely as before, his fingers tweaking her nipple once more through her top before his hand moved down, looking for the bottom of her tee-shirt. She knew immediately what he wanted to do and released her embrace, stepping back and raising her arms over her head as a signal for him to continue. The material of her tee-shirt rubbed against her breasts and the hem caught on her nipples as it passed, causing her to jerk and gasp from pleasure and making him smile as he carried on, pulling it over her head and tossing it carelessly to one side before gripping her by the shoulders and gazing down at her appreciatively. 'Ben's a lucky young man.' He told her, his eyes fixed on her pert little breasts. 'So are you tonighth' she countered, seizing a chance to exert control by reaching for the fastening of her skirt and letting it fall to the floor. 'I guess I am,' he agreed, grinning hugely and letting his eyes roam down her body. 'You look nice in white.' He didn't add the word panties, it wasn't necessary. For a few moments they just stood there, he just luxuriating in the sight of the young body before him, and she feeling both excited and embarrassed under his gaze. 'Shall we go upstairs?' She answered with an eager nod. He followed her and she could feel him ogling her nearly naked form as she ascended the stairs a couple of steps in front of him. Far from feeling uncomfortable, now it gave her a quiet thrill to be looked at and wanted, and she deliberately moved slowly to give him time to stare. She stood at the top of the stairs, unsure which way to turn in this unfamiliar house and waiting for Nathan go ahead. But instead of leading her he placed his hands on her shoulders from behind and walked her through into the bedroom, guiding her to stand facing a full length dressing mirror, seeing herself with him gazing at her reflection over her shoulder. For a few seconds they both just stood silently looking into the mirror, Nathan with his hands on Kerry's shoulders and she with hers hanging by her side, a tiny smile of satisfaction on her face. It was really getting to be nice to be stared at by a man with such need, such hunger, in his eyes. She felt excitement and contentment in equal measure at knowing that this older man wanted her. Suddenly his hands moved, sliding from her shoulders down her arms on their way around to the front to cup her breasts, squeezing them gently but firmly before rolling her nipples between fingers and thumbs. A tiny animal sound came from the back of her throat and she leaned back against him, her hands swinging back to hold on to his hips. In response he bent his head forwards and kissed her exposed neck, adding to her pleasure and increasing her arousal. Her hands explored behind her as if of their own accord, instinctively moving to find his crotch and stroke his erection through his jeans. 'That's nice,' he whispered into her ear. She smiled at the mirror and nodded, her fingers searching for the toggle to his zip, listening to a sharp intake of breath when she found it and pulled, sliding it down. It was not straightforward, fumbling behind her and trying to find the way into his fly, trying to burrow a way to the rock hard cock she had been stroking, but she succeeded, feeling the hot shaft on her palm and the tip against her fingers. She eased it out, bending and pulling it through the layers of clothing, hearing him gasp, maybe from pain, maybe from pleasure, maybe a bit of both. But then she had it out in the open behind her and she pushed herself back on it, using the flat of her palm to press it against her bottom over her panties. Nathan moaned softly and squeezed her breasts harder, making her groan with pleasure. Then he nipped at her neck with his teeth, gripping her nipples hard between his fingertips and pulling them, extending them until they slipped from his fingers making her wince and gasp as they jumped back. It was something Ben had never done and it turned her on even more. She felt a sudden urge to return the pleasure, but she only knew one way for sure. She twisted from his grip, turning sideways and dropping to her knees to take the head of his cock between her lips, her tongue instantly at work on its tip. She could see Nathan's reflection from the side of her eye and saw how his body language betrayed that she had caught him by surprise again. She also saw how quickly he recovered, turning to face her squarely again, then placing his feet apart and his hands on her head, moaning softly in appreciation and allowing her to lap and suck on him. Although she didn't know why it should, Kerry had expected an older man's cock to feel different in her mouth, but the only variations she noticed were that he was bigger than her boyfriend and that his hands rested more lightly on her head than Ben's, who was always trying to push her harder onto his shaft. She was glad of the easier approach, because now she found that she could do it how she always wanted to, gently licking his tip, swirling her tongue around the head of his cock, taking him deeper and then pulling back, doing all the things that were not possible with Ben, who simply wanted to fuck her mouth. As she worked she watched the mirror and listened to Nathan's reactions, noting in her head what she was doing that caused the most intense reaction and the loudest and heaviest moans, and learned what was liked and what did very little for him. He liked her fingers around the base of his cock, stroking him in opposite time to her mouth, he loved her tongue sweeping gently around the head, and he liked everything slow and amorous rather than hard and rapid. She didn't mind, it made a change to have a man who didn't just want her to make him cum as quickly as possible. Soon she had him groaning deeply, his fingers entwining themselves in her hair and his hips moving just a little in answer to her mouth. She smiled inside, happy that she was learning how to do things properly, how to really pleasure a man. This was one reason why she had wanted a more mature partner, and it was working, helped by the fact that she could see in the mirror what she was doing. It was working very well too, for it wasn't long before his head was tilted back, his fingers were entwining themselves in her hair, his hips were twitching and he began to make tight little gasping noises. She thought she recognised the signs, feeling proud knowing that he was going to come soon and she was the reason. She wasn't mistaken, for it seemed that within seconds he had jerked forward with quick little gasp and the first spurt of his cum flooded into her mouth. Even though she was anticipating it, the sudden gush of fluid caught her unexpectedly and her head jerked to a stop until her lips closed around the head of his cock and she began to swallow. The thought went through her mind that he would think her young and naïve if she couldn't keep him coming and so, even as she fought to swallow the first load, her fingers closed around his shaft and rubbed frantically, wanking him into her mouth as if that was what she had intended all along. She'd never done that with Ben; but then she'd never needed to. He'd simply fucked her mouth and unloaded without thinking about how she was taking it. But Nathan was different, she realised that he couldn't stop himself coming even if he wanted to, but at least he made no attempt to ram himself down her throat. Instead, she noticed gratefully, he relaxed his grip on her head so that she could draw back if she needed to. In the event she didn't need to and she welcomed every last drop into her mouth, swallowing it all, smiling inside with pride and pleasure all the time at was she saw as her success. Even when his spurts had died away and his cock began to soften in her mouth she still licked and sucked at it, enjoying her task and hoping that he was too. 'Fuck, that was good.' He gasped finally, gently withdrawing from her mouth and looking down with a worn out smile. She smiled back. 'It was for me too. I like doing that.' It was true; she did like doing it - with him. She climbed to her feet and stood back, looking at him uncertainly, wondering what to do now. Nathan looked her up and down, making her feel vaguely embarrassed even after what they had just done, and then nodded coming to a decision. 'Take them off,' he instructed, pointing at her panties. 'It's your turn.' She did as she was told, kicking them away and speculating how it was going to be her turn when she was certain that he wouldn't be hard enough to fuck her for a while yet. But he was also undressing, casting his clothes onto the floor behind him, so he obviously intended something. 'Sit on the edge of the bed.' Again she did as he asked. 'Lie back.' She obeyed, still wondering. His cock, now that he was also naked, hung limply in front of him, little use for anything as yet. He knelt between her knees, pushing her legs open. She gazed self-consciously at the ceiling, knowing without looking that he was staring at her pussy and feeling an embarrassed pride that he would want to. He shuffled closer, pushing her legs even wider. She expected to feel his fingers seeking her entrance, looking for a way into her, but instead in her peripheral vision she saw his head move forward and she felt his warm breath on her pussy before his mouth closed over her clitoris. She almost jerked away, and perhaps would have done if his hands hadn't hooked themselves around her thighs, keeping her open and holding her still. Nobody, absolutely nobody, had ever kissed her down there before and she wasn't sure what to make of it. It wasn't that she didn't want it, she did, desperately, but it was so unexpected, so new to her, and so far out of her comfort zone, that she felt herself tense involuntarily. He lifted his face and looked up at her. 'Don't you want me to do that?' He asked. 'Yes!' She gasped. 'Yes please. I just didn't know you were going to do it.' 'You did say yes to anything.' He reminded her. 'And I mean it. Really I do,' she assured him. 'Ignore me; I'm just not used to things like that.' He looked at her for a moment and smiled, nodding, and then he put his palms under her thighs to push them up and back, folding her legs and exposing her to him completely. This time she was expecting to feel his mouth on her pussy, and this time, even though her heart was trying to hammer its way out of her chest, she was able to let go and enjoy the new experience.It was wonderful. His lips were placed directly over her clit, sucking at it gently, drawing it from its hood so that the tip of his tongue could flick across it and set off a quick surge of pleasure. She let out a gasp and her hips jerked, but then it happened again, and again, and again, and she couldn't keep up, the separate sensations merged into one continuous moan and a lift of her pelvis. She wanted more and more, and she looked at him plaintively when he finally pulled his mouth away. He looked up and gave her a little reassuring smile before turning his attention back to her pussy, but now instead of kissing her there he used his thumbs to brush back her curly brown hair from the sides of her slit and then to hold her labia open, leaving her to hold her own legs wide. Left unsupported her legs wanted to drop into a more natural position, but she hooked her hands under her own thighs, pulling them right back, holding them wide apart to give him free access to her cleft, knowing that he was now seeing more of her than anyone else ever had, including Ben. It was an exhilarating thought that had her heart pounding again. This time, when he lowered his mouth to her once more, he didn't concentrate on her clit, but instead he used the flat of his tongue to sweep all along her slit, up and down, from her vagina to her clitoris and back, making her squirm with pleasure. At first the movements were long and deliberate, his tongue pressed firmly against her all the way along her held open pussy, but slowly they changed so that he was licking her more quickly, more lightly, the tip of his tongue coming into play, probing her vagina and then brushing lightly between her labia to flick at her clit when he reached the upper end. She had never thought that oral sex could be so beautiful, so exciting, and she could soon feel an orgasm developing, a long intense build up that she could already tell would make her climax protracted and powerful. Now, instead of wriggling, she found herself jerking forward in answer to the jolts of sensation that his tongue was giving her, her motion pushing her up against his tongue, intensifying the feeling even more. She lay back, trembling with pleasure, so aroused she was almost out of control, just waiting for her orgasm to detonate inside her. Then his tongue tip caught her clitoris perfectly, making her cry out in ecstasy and thrust up with her pelvis. His tongue, already going down to explore her vagina when she moved, overshot and went skating over her perineum to find itself in the little hollow of her anus. Her eyes shot wide open in surprise and she tried to pull herself away, not because she didn't like the feeling, because she did - very much, but for the reason that she was sure Nathan would find it distasteful and unpleasant. But to her astonishment, instead of recoiling in shock and horror, Nathan gripped her hips and held her tight while his tongue deliberately circled her rear entrance, leaving her the option of accepting his attention there or actively forcing him away. There was little she could do, and besides, she wanted this new pleasure, this new and in her young eyes rather kinky pleasure, to continue. She lay there, groaning and gasping, wild-eyed and with her fingers digging deeply into the back of her thighs as she pulled her legs right back as far as they would go, and just let it happen. His tongue now started to travel the full length of her slit, probing and licking each hole in turn and then brushing across her clit before returning to her anus to begin again. Her orgasm, delayed by what had happened, grew again, just as strongly as before if not more so, and it was becoming imminent. Nathan seemed to realise, for he licked her harder, faster, probing more deeply into her two holes. She gave little cries of alarm and excitement as his tongue pushed against her sphincter as if to enter, wanting him to succeed but worried that he might. But then she felt her sphincter giving way just a little and she involuntarily jerked away with fright. He pushed forward, finding her anus once more and stabbing at her with his rolled tongue, trying to enter. But her orgasm chose just that moment to arrive and she was swept away on waves of pleasure, unable to control the jolting and shuddering of her body, unable to stay still so that he could find his target again. He gave up, contenting himself for the moment with returning to lick her slit from top to bottom, intensifying and prolonging her orgasm by doing so. By the time it was over she was lying back, trembling from head to foot, her chest heaving and her mouth hanging open in wonder. He pulled back a little and stared up her body, grinning at her as she let her legs drop back and pursed her lips to blow a silent whistle of amazement. She looked at him with an expression of both guilt and happiness. 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen....' Her voice trailed away as she tried to explain. 'I know.' He assured her. 'But you liked it anyway, didn't you?' She nodded mutely, unable to admit it out loud. 'And so did I.' With those few words he dismissed her qualms, and as he spoke he climbed to his feet and wheeled the dressing mirror around to the side of the bed, climbing on and gazing into it to check its position. 'C'mon. Let's lie together.' He patted the bed between himself and the mirror. She knew they would be able to see themselves in the mirror, that's why he had moved it, and what would have previously been a cause of embarrassment now seemed positively exciting. He would be looking at her twice, once in reality and once in the reflection he would see beyond her. She scooted backwards up the bed to lie level with him, still not sure if she could believe his enjoyment of what they had just done. But she noticed that his cock was erect again, so at least it hadn't put him off, and maybe he really had liked doing it. He held out his arms to her and pulled her close, pressing their naked bodies together and running his hands slowly along the length of her back. She tilted her head up for a kiss, forgetting until their tongues were dancing together exactly where that tongue had recently been. But she couldn't taste anything not nice and so she just shrugged mentally and enjoyed their embrace. If he didn't mind, why should she? After a few minutes he brushed her hair from her face and then, kissing her lightly, he gently pushed her onto her back, glancing into the mirror as his hand went to her breast, cupping and squeezing her soft flesh before moving on, skittering over her belly and making her skin flutter until he found her pubic mound and his fingertips began to explore her slit. She moaned and wriggled deeper into his embrace, letting him do it, wanting him to touch her. He turned slightly to play more easily in her slit and at the same time to take her nipple between his lips, licking and sucking it and flicking at it with his tongue. She groaned at the sensation and parted her legs wider, encouraging him to do as he wished, hoping that he would fuck her, although she realised it might still be a little while before he was able. Even though full sex seemed to be a vain hope for the moment, he was more than content to kiss and nibble her breasts and play gently with her clit, and she was more than content to let him. The way he stroked and rubbed her little button was sending wonderful surges of pleasure ripping out in concentric rings like waves on a pond. It seemed as if he was intent on demonstrating to her that a man could do far more for a woman without actually fucking her than she ever expected. She spread herself wider still, raising her knees to make her pussy more available, urging him to play with her more intensively, needing his fingers to find and explore her wet and slippery vagina. She didn't have the nerve to ask him directly, but a finger or two inside her would keep her going until he was hard enough again to fuck her properly. She looked towards the mirror, seeing her reflection as if a strange girl lay there with her legs wide apart, waiting to be fucked. My god, she thought to herself, surprised at how brazen she was capable of feeling with Nathan. Perhaps he understood, at least in part, because his abruptly fingertips left her clit and began to explore the rest of her pussy, running along the inside of her labia, touching her so lightly that it seemed all the more exciting because she could hardly feel him. Up and down he went, stroking and caressing her, until, without any warning, his first two fingers found her entrance and plunged deep into her vagina. She clutched him hard and cried out with surprised delight, her own fingers digging into his shoulder, her hips automatically pushing up to meet him and envelop his fingers as he finger fucked her. She pressed his head firmly against her breast with one hand while she clung to his shoulder the other, trying as hard as she could to convey her approval of what he was doing. At first he had the other two fingers bent over to glide up along her pussy every time he pushed into her, but then he moved and, without taking his mouth from her breast, he shuffled just a little further down the bed and uncurled his fingers so that they pointed downwards. She caught her breath, because now they were passing over her perineum, getting dangerously close to where his tongue had been before. Was he thinking of doing with his finger what he had done with his tongue? She wasn't sure, but he was certainly getting closer and closer and if he was she wouldn't stop him. She was nervous, frightened even, of the prospect him playing with her there, but she'd promised herself to try new things and what he had done before had been far nicer than she would have expected. Now, every time his fingertips slid over her perineum, her grip on his shoulder tightened in anxious anticipation. Would this time be it she wondered each time, but each time it wasn't. But then, just as she had come to the conclusion that he wasn't thinking of doing anything remotely that kinky and realised that she was strangely disappointed, his fingertip found her anus and, without halting his regular thrusts into her vagina, he began to circle, very gently but deliberately stroking around her entrance. She gripped him harder again, holding herself almost rigidly tense, wondering what he intended to do next, aware that wetness from her pussy had trickled down and made all things possible. She wanted him to go further, she knew she did, but at the same time she was scared of it being unpleasant and so she just conveyed her unease with her vice like grip and silently let him continue. He was beginning to press against her and she murmured unintelligibly in expectation, keen now that he should do it, wanting to try having his fingers in both holes. She felt his finger wriggle at her entrance, seeking a way in, and she pushed back onto it just a little bit, just enough for his finger, lubricated by her pussy juices, to enter. Not far in, just as far as the first knuckle, but a definite penetration. She gasped as he went in, both of then suddenly freezing, holding still until each was sure the other was happy with what was happening. 'Yes.' She told him, voicing a certainty she hadn't felt only a few moments before. 'Yes?' He queried, lifting his head from her breast and looking at her for confirmation. 'I said "yes to anything" before, remember?' 'So you did.' His finger slid right in, pushed in slow stages in time with his finger thrusts into her vagina. 'All right?' 'It's good.' She told him truthfully, a look of wonderment lighting up her face and her anxious grip relaxing again. She surprised herself by finding that she genuinely wanted his finger in her rectum and liked the feeling of it inside her as deeply as it would go. With his little finger curled out of the way, Nathan soon set up a steady stroke, thrusting into both holes, filling them with two fingers in one and one in the other so that she could actually feel them pressing together through the thin dividing walls. She had never felt anything quite so erotic, so thrilling and so daring, and so damn arousing. She looked at him, wild-eyed and beaming with excitement, holding onto him as his rhythm increased until his fingers were going into her hard and fast and right up to the hilt. It didn't take long before she felt the effect he was having on her. 'Oh god, I think I'm going to cum again.' She told him, surprised at the possibility of two orgasms so close together. Nathan didn't answer; he simply increased his pace once more, slamming into her with all the speed he could muster, maintaining the tempo until her back arched and lifted from the bed and her muscles spasmed, a series of guttural groans her only sound as a short but violent climax ripped through her. As he sensed her orgasm fading and her grip on his shoulder began to relax, Nathan slowed his rhythm, letting his fingers move more slowly and less forcefully until they finally came to a halt and he slipped them from inside her. She gazed up at him now in awe, her face red and sweating and her mouth hanging open as she gasped for breath. He smiled silently down at her until she finally licked her lips, closed her mouth and swallowed and then smiled back at him. 'Was that nice.' He asked, semi-rhetorically. 'Was it ever?' She answered breathlessly. 'Can you go again?' 'I don't think I could stand that again for a while.' 'Want to try something better?' She looked at him curiously, not understanding what he might mean. She shrugged and shook her head to show her bewilderment. 'Have you ever been fucked there?' His eyes flicked down to indicate where he meant. She felt herself shiver as understanding hit her. 'No, never.' 'Want to try?' She glanced down, seeing that his hard on had returned, as big and as shiny as ever. 'Will it hurt?' By using "will" instead of "would" she had already unwittingly told him what she wanted, and Nathan picked up on it. 'Not if we're careful.' The size scared her even though she knew in her heart that there could only really be one answer to his suggestion. Still she prevaricated with herself, lying there silently fighting to come up with the honest reply. Eventually she said the word that she knew she had to, even though it frightened her to death. 'Okay.' 'Go on your hands and knees then.' He told her. He waited until she had done as he had asked before leaning over and opening a drawer in the bedside cabinet. She peered sideways to try and make out what he was after, seeing what looked like a number of adult toys of various kinds. She wasn't familiar with such things and she just hoped he wasn't thinking of using any of them on her. He removed what looked like a relatively harmless tube of medication and slid the drawer closed, turning back to smile at her anxious face. 'Lube.' he explained, showing her the tube more clearly. 'Joan uses it.'He didn't say what it was used for and Kerry was left with her own ideas. Nevertheless, she thought, it was kind of reassuring that he was considering her comfort. She never thought that he might equally be considering his own. He moved to kneel behind her and she turned her head to watch his cock nodding and waving in the mirror as he moved into place, looking to have taken on a life of its own. She shivered again, nervous and excited in equal measure. 'Fold your arms so that your bum sticks up.' He instructed. She felt very, very vulnerable positioned like that, her bottom raised high and exposed, but she wanted it to happen and if this is what she had to do, then she would. She buried her face in the duvet to hide from the indignity of it and waited. 'Arrgh!' The sudden cold made her jump with surprise before she realised it was just the first touch of lube coated fingers on her anus. 'Sorry,' she gasped. 'I wasn't expecting it, that's all.' She heard him chuckle softly as his fingertips circled her anus. The gel felt cool now rather than cold, slippery in a lovely, silky smooth way. He was spreading it gently around her entrance, making it possible for her to be penetrated without discomfort, fingertips dipping into her briefly as he prepared her for what was to come. The sensations were quietly enjoyable and she felt reassured, even if she could feel herself still trembling slightly, although she thought that maybe that was just pure arousal now. She sensed him move more closely into place, edging nearer her, ready to do it. This was the moment. She hadn't expected this to happen when she had accepted his indifferent invitation to call round, and she wondered for a moment if she should back away. Did she really want kinky sex with an older man, her neighbour, her married neighbour? She knelt ready, knowing that the answer was yes, she did. She was prepared to experiment, to try new things, kinky things, and that meant finding a partner who knew what to do and was willing to do it, and in the context of her having the usual youthful and inexperienced circle of friends, that meant Nathan. His fingers pulled at her cheeks, separating them, pulling the open, and she felt the cold tip of his lubricated cock touch her bottom just above her entrance. 'Sure?' he asked. 'Yes.' She turned her head to the side where she could see his rigid cock, shiny with lube, lined up to enter her, and then she closed her eyes and rested her cheek on her folded arms, waiting submissively for him to begin. The end of his cock nudged against her and she stiffened automatically. 'Relax, sweetheart.' He told her softly. The unexpected use of an endearment helped her to let go, reassuring her and allowing her to do as he asked. Then he pushed gently but firmly against her, not forcing his way in but just persuading her slippery sphincter to admit him. She felt it happen, she felt herself stretch open and the head of his cock slide into her. It was a strange and not altogether comfortable feeling, but it didn't hurt, not in the slightest. He paused to let her get used to it and she opened her eyes and smiled a little smile of triumph into her arms, happy at her adventure and counting it as an achievement. He waited for what seemed like ages and then, just as she was about to tell him to go on, he pushed further in, his cock sliding deeper into her rectum. The feeling of his cock inside her tight rectal passage was wonderful. She hadn't expected the sensation of being stretched to feel so nice, so exciting. She wondered what she had been worried about, this was fabulous. 'Oh yes, that's good. Do it. Push it right in, all the way. Fuck me there.' She muttered the words into her arms, startled by what she wanted to say and too shy to say it out loud. But he acted just as if he had heard her, pushing forward until his front was pressed up against her bottom, his cock buried full length inside her. She pressed herself back against him, wanting even more. The toe she had wanted to dip had turned into a need to dive headlong in the deep end. 'Is that okay?' He asked, anxious not to hurt her. 'Oh god, yes.' This time she lifted her head and spoke clearly, voicing her increasing need. 'Don't stop, whatever you do, don't stop.' He responded by slowly thrusting in and out, not yet fucking her hard but still setting up an insistent rhythm. 'Harder, Nathan, do it harder.' She was shocking herself. It was as if doing something different had released some kind of slut in her. Now he could thrust deep into her, harder and faster, fucking her without worrying if she was enjoying it, because he knew by her words that she was. She felt him adjust his grip on her hips, letting him pull her hard against him with every thrust. Her body was reacting with the tiny beginnings of an orgasm, the kind that she knew would be slow to arrive but that would leave her wrecked in its wake. God, but she was glad she'd risked calling round when she did. She parted her knees a little, setting herself more firmly so that he could do it harder still. 'Okay?' He asked her again as he plunged into her, misunderstanding her movement, his voice breathless with effort and arousal. 'Yes.' She gasped. 'Stop asking, keep going. I'll tell you if it isn't.'The feeling of his long hard cock sliding in and out of her rectum was divine, an awareness of a sexy fullness coupled with the sensation of her sphincter being pulled back and forth as his shaft slid through it. She looked sideways into the mirror, seeing her kneeling form, bottom high and head low, and watching his cock sink into her body, wet and shiny, and very, very solid. She'd never experienced anything like it and all she wanted now was for it to last long enough for her to climax and then, and only then, to watch him empty his balls deep into her bowels. Her only concern was that he might come before she did and, although she wanted desperately to feel him come inside her, she didn't want to be left high and dry if he beat her to it, not while she was being fucked in this gloriously kinky way. He was putting all he had into fucking her now, ramming himself hard forward and dragging her back and forth by the hips in time to his thrusts. She gasped at the force of his fucking, watching them both in the mirror and loving every moment of the sexiest thing she had ever done. Inside her the budding orgasm was growing, a tiny point of heat that was becoming broader and hotter, growing perhaps more slowly than if it had been normal sex, but growing steadily all the time. It was just a case of who would get there first. Then suddenly, as if it had crept up on her unawares, her orgasm arrived, the intense and hot feeling blossoming out and tearing through her body, flooding her nerves with incredible sensations. She came like the proverbial train, screwing her eyes shut and uttering sharp little gasps each time his cock plunged into her, trying her hardest to hold herself still for him, but with her hooked fingers scrabbling at the duvet and her mouth contorted in passion. It was the strongest, most overwhelming climax she had ever had, wave after wave of pleasure rushing through her as if it would never end. It did end of course, the surges of pleasure gradually dwindling until she was spent, trembling and sweaty, but with Nathan holding her up by the hips and still into pounding her. Part of her wanted him to stop, to give up and let her subside into a post-orgasmic heap, but the rest wanted to feel him come inside her and bathe her bowels with his cum, and that was the strongest part. She knelt before him, head down, her cheek rubbing on the duvet where she had gathered in into her hands, and just let him have her, trying to recover from her climax and get her breath back while he still fucked her. She knew he wouldn't last long and she so wanted him to come inside her that it was worth it. 'I'm coming.' She wasn't sure if she felt relief or disappointment. She still wanted to feel him inside that forbidden hole, the naughtiness of it still exciting her, but she was beginning to feel a little sore there now that she had climaxed. Suddenly he gripped her hips and slammed himself forward, burying his cock as far into her rectum as he could go, and then groaned loudly as it twitched and jerked, the first spurt of his cum bursting into her. She looked into the mirror, wanting to see him shooting into her, but he was holding her so tight against him that she could no longer see anything of his shaft, just his sinewy body pressed tight against her, his back arching and his head thrown back, his eyes squeezed shut this time and his teeth bared in a rictus grin. As she watched he rammed himself at her several times, trying to penetrate even deeper as each time he shot another spurt way up inside her. Eventually it was over for him too and he collapsed back onto his haunches, releasing her hips so abruptly that she fell forwards onto the bed. She rolled onto her side, and looked at him, kneeling there, his head hanging, mouth open, his chest heaving and his legs trembling. He licked his lips and swallowed, looking up at her and smiling. 'Christ that was good.' Then it was as if he suddenly remembered that she had been an anal virgin and his face took on a look of concern. 'Are you all right? I mean, was it okay for you? I didn't hurt you, did I? Did you enjoy it?' The disjointed questions spilled from his lips in such a torrent that she couldn't help but smile as she replied. 'It was lovely.' She assured him. 'You made me come, didn't you?' He nodded slowly. 'Yes I did, didn't I?' 'And you didn't even fuck me properly.' She giggled as she alluded to their kinky intercourse. 'I will next time.' He told her. 'Next time, I promise.' She felt her heart leap. There was to be a next time. So she had been good enough for him to want her again. She had found herself a teacher, an older man who could tutor her in bed, to show her how to enjoy sex properly, and how to enjoy it adventurously. She couldn't wait. END
Chapter 1---------Charlotte Dayton's beautifully sculptured face turned into a scowl as her car coughed again, sputtered, and died."Damn it!" She looked at the gas gauge for the tenth time. It registered the same three quarters of a tank. She pumped the pedal and turned the key in the ignition. The motor whined and refused to start."Balls," Charlotte muttered, giving up. She opened the door and climbed out of the car, glancing around. "Damn, why did I listen to George? Taking this stupid shortcut!" She talked to the wind as it tousled her thick red- hair.Reaching inside the car for the latch, she unlocked the hood. She hauled the hood up with a grunt and peered inside.She shook her head and straightened up. As she stood with hands on her hips, her eyes scanning the deserted area, she spotted a large house about a quarter of a mile down the road."Shit! It's the last time I listen to you, George," she said, annoyed, as if he were there. Her face grim with determination, she trudged down the road to the lone house. After a phone call, she would be on her way... again In no time.She stumbled up the path to the house, her high heels catching in the pebbles. She groaned, walking uneasily up the narrow path, her well-rounded ass swinging in the tight-fitting designer jeans. She reached the crest of the path, her soft tits rising and falling underneath her sweater as she caught her breath.Knocking on the large old fashioned door, she relaxed. Things could be worse, it could be night, and this God-forsaken house could have been ten miles down the road. The door creaked open."Yes?" A tall statuesque blonde appeared, her voice deep and sultry. Her wide blue eyes quickly took inventory of Charlotte's lush petite figure.Charlotte caught the glancing appraisal and immediately sensed the erotic aura that surrounded the tall beautiful blonde. "My car broke down," Charlotte began. "Could I use your phone to call a gas station?"The blonde's exquisite features broke into a smile, a sizzling smile that reeked of sex. "Come on in. The phone's over there on the table."The tall blonde stood aside, allowing Charlotte to enter. She feasted her eyes on Charlotte's delicious swinging ass encased in the skintight jeans. Her tongue slid across her full lips, her body tensed like a large cat ready to pounce on an unsuspecting sparrow.Charlotte felt the woman's eyes on her. For some reason it made her shudder as she picked up the phone and dialed information. She held the phone to her ear, a quizzical expression on her pretty face.Charlotte's green eyes swept over the luscious blonde as she tapped the button. "Your phone's dead," she told her, swearing to herself that it wasn't her day."Really?" The blonde's eyebrows arched, her long graceful legs bringing her to the phone. She listened intently, tapped the button a few time, and shrugged. "You're right." She tapped the button a few more times, still listening as she held the phone to her ear.Charlotte was a full head shorter than the blonde woman. Her sparkling emerald eyes followed the curve of the elegant blonde's neck, down over her huge melon tits to her slim waist, and stopping as the waist flared out into full, voluptuous hips. The woman's sexual aura was overpowering and Charlotte stepped back, quieting the tremor in her stomach.The blonde turned slightly. "I'm awfully sorry. I don't know what to suggest." Her exquisitely toned voice, everything about her, suggested only one thing: sex--pure animal sex. It was written in her deep-blue eyes, across her full red mouth, and exuded from every pore of her perfectly proportioned body.Charlotte was aware of the blonde's obvious leer. She felt as if she were being stripped of her clothing. It was a powerful sensation. "If you could drive me into town... I know it's an imposition but I'd be willing to pay you."The blonde laid her hand on Charlotte's slender arm. The contact was charged with electricity. "My brother is away for a while," the statuesque woman explained. "I'm sure when he returns he'll be glad to take you into town." Her face glowed with animal magnetism, her strong features radiant. "Maybe he can look at the car himself.""I couldn't--" Charlotte refused, then thought better of it. Her face brightened. "It would be wonderful.""Good," the blonde said. "We can have a drink and get acquainted while we wait." She turned and her clinging silk dress licked her knees as she strode elegantly into the living room. Her well-proportioned body turned to Charlotte. "I have just the thing to take the chill out of you." Her blonde fluffy hair was like spun gold caressing her face.Mesmerized, Charlotte followed. She was glad George wasn't here, he would be drooling. This intoxicating woman appeared to be exactly what George liked. She was certainly the sexiest female she had ever met-- not just sexy but blatantly sexy without trying, with a touch of danger thrown in to make the juices flow. Charlotte bit her lip, forcing back the thoughts from her mind. She blushed, her cheeks burning as the blonde turned, catching Charlotte's gaze.The same sultry smile came to the blonde's lips, revealing a hint of pearl-white teeth. "Since we'll be together, I think it would be nice if we knew each other's name." Her sensual body floated as she went behind the bar, her long, graceful fingers bringing out two tall glasses. She moved with total ease. "I'm Felicia." She dropped ice cubes into the glasses and her eyebrows raised expectantly."I'm Charlotte. My friends call me Lotty." Charlotte surprisingly felt her breath shorten and her heart skipping.Felicia splashed scotch over the ice in liberal amounts, carried the drinks over to the coffee table and handed one to Charlotte. "This'll warm you up.""Yes, it is a bit chilly out," Charlotte said, then sipped the potent drink slowly. "Mmmmm. This is a coincidence. My favorite scotch served the way I like it, over the rocks. "Felicia was seated on the large comfortable velvet chair and motioned Charlotte to the couch opposite her. "Sit down... relax." Felicia crossed her long sensuous legs, the silk dress gliding effortlessly up her thigh. "Craig, my brother, will be a while."The husky note in her voice was heavy. Her long fingers, the nails dabbed in a brilliant red, curled around her glass of scotch. Her other hand toyed with one of the buttons of her dress.Charlotte settled into the soft luxurious comforts of the couch, draining the savory scotch almost to the end before realizing she had done it. "God, I needed that."Charlotte's gaze reverted to the button of Felicia's dress for the third time, watching the long painted fingers playing with it. Charlotte thought again of George and was again glad he wasn't here.This woman was dynamite!"You're very beautiful," Felicia said abruptly, her voice heavy, laced with sex. "Craig will be very happy to help you."Charlotte felt a twinge of discomfort. She forced a smile anyway, suspicious about what she might have to do for the help."I'm married," she told the blonde woman plainly, setting her empty glass down on the table in front of her. "George, that's my husband, will be very grateful for all the help you're giving me." She kept her warm smile on her face. "You married?""Not yet." The button finally came open. "Maybe someday I'll meet someone who can make me happy."Charlotte leaned back comfortably into the soft cushions of the couch and relaxed. She hadn't felt this good in years. She sighed aloud and then was startled that she had. She began giggling, surprised at herself for acting so silly."I'll bet it'll take more than one man to make you happy." Charlotte's hand instantly flew to her open mouth, her eyes widening in shock. She swallowed uneasily, trying to comprehend her actions. Her thoughts being blurted out like that, without a moment's hesitation, she thought it absurd. She began giggling again. The sound of her own voice was strange, eerie.Felicia laughed with her, a sizzling throaty laugh that oozed of lust."Maybe a couple of women, too."Charlotte's head was whirling. "I-I... didn't--Women? You like women... sexually?" She gulped harder, a tremor sweeping through her groin. She felt funny, fuzzy around the edges and all warm and gooey inside."I like anything that will give me pleasure," Felicia purred, "whether it's a man, a woman..." She paused, looking Charlotte right in the eye. "...or animals.""Animals?" Charlotte gasped incredulously, the room whirling even faster, her body tingling from her head to her toes. She tried getting up, but couldn't co-ordinate her muscles properly. Her limbs didn't seem to respond to her wishes."Ohhh, yesss," Felicia hissed in her catlike tone, her eyes glittering dangerously. "Animals and women can be very exciting." She stepped closer to Charlotte. "Have you ever made love to a woman--or a dog?""No." Charlotte's answer came out of her mouth like a whisper, her voice raspy, her throat dry, parched. "It's so..." Her sentence hung lifeless in the air as her mouth dropped suddenly. Felicia was stripping off her dress."I see you're shocked," Felicia purred, an expression of delight and excitement in her eyes. She eased the dress off her shoulders. It whispered to the floor, a puddle at her feet. "Wouldn't you like to kiss me, touch me, feel my body, my tits, my pussy?"Charlotte's eyes shone like glass with the effects of the strong drink. In Charlotte's mind, she wanted to leave, but another part of her seemed drawn to this beautiful creature. Charlotte shook her head, ineffectually clearing it of the buzz that was careening around in her brain."I can tell you want me," Felicia said, her soothing tone hypnotic and soft. "We can enjoy ourselves together until my brother returns.""Nnnooo," Charlotte mouthed half-heartedly, finding the very thing Felicia suggested revolting and yet desirable at this moment. She had to get out of here! She attempted to stand up, but her limpid body fell back to the couch, her head reeling, all of her senses heightened.Charlotte couldn't help but notice the intoxicating perfume that this golden goddess wore. It seemed stronger now. Her stomach was fraught with butterflies and she knew her panties were soaked. She couldn't comprehend this. Never, never in her life had she felt this way. Fragmented thoughts plagued her dizzy mind. A woman, the mention of animals... Those repulsive, sickening thoughts whirled through her head like a storm. Yet she desired what the woman suggested.She couldn't understand the dramatic change in herself. All of a sudden, it hit her like a bolt of lightning. The drink! Her eyes widened with the realization. She had been drugged!Felicia saw it on her face. "Yes, my gorgeous little pet. I put something in your drink. Nothing dangerous. It is truly a wonder drug. Wipes away all will, leaves a person highly susceptible, clears away all inhibitions." She winked. "You're already thinking about how nice it would be to touch and kiss me," Felicia said knowingly.Charlotte found herself nodding in agreement, unable to stop herself.She anticipated the taste of the luscious woman's red glistening mouth. A hungry expression flooded Charlotte's face as she stared hotly at the tall, beautiful blonde.Chartotte's eyes wandered to the goddess's tits--large, melon-shaped, encased in black lace, an ample amount spilling out. Charlotte's dreamy-eyed gaze swept down her golden body to the wispy band of lace that hugged Felicia's hips and concealed the delights of her pussy. Charlotte's eyes continued down Felicia's long never-ending legs, stopping at the smooth curve of her calves. She kept her eyes there, fighting the perverted urges that were growing inside her."Look at me, Lotty," Felicia mewed, her voice dripping with desire."Look at me and want, want what I have to offer."Charlotte lifted her eyes slowly, drooling as she stared wide-eyed at Felicia's cunt wrapped in a package of black lace. She wanted Felicia's pussy, wanted it so badly she could actually smell the aromatic scent exuding from between Felicia's sensuously long legs.Felicia stepped closer. She was within Charlotte's reach. Her perfume and body musk attacked Charlotte's senses and added to the power of the drug. "Take off my panties, Lotty. Look at my cunt."Charlotte obeyed willingly. At this moment, the most important thing in her life was to feast her gaze on Felicia's blonde-haired pussy. Charlotte's hands touched the exotic woman's hips, static electricity seeming to sizzle from the tips of her fingers. Latching onto the elastic of Felicia's panties, she slipped the black lace down, baring her full hips and then a neatly trimmed triangle of silky blonde pussy hair. She swallowed, her head in the clouds as she let Felicia's panties drop to the floor. Felicia stepped back and out of her panties."Your pussy is beautiful," Charlotte admitted openly. She couldn't believe herself blurting out things she never would have even thought about in the past. "It makes my mouth water. I'm so hot!"Charlotte gave up fighting her urges. Whether they were born of her own self, or induced by the drug, it didn't matter. They were there and she craved to satisfy them. Charlotte looked up at Felicia. "I'm hot.""Then do something about it," Felicia said. "For now, I belong to you."Her flashing eyes said exactly the opposite.Charlotte staggered to her feet. Her legs wobbled for a second and she moved unsteadily, but it passed. Her green eyes burned into the twin mounds of golden tittie flesh trapped in Felicia's bra. She had to free them. Satisfying her impulse, her hands went to the goddess's shoulders, slipping the straps off. Trembling on her feet, Charlotte spotted the hook in the front and snapped it open. She heaved a sigh of relief. She was gorgeous!"Ummmm," Felicia moaned, reveling in her freed tits. She was always hot, always turned on. She caressed Charlotte's flushed face that was almost level with her tits. "You're such a beautiful doll, so delicate, so fragile."Felicia's deep sultry voice caromed in Charlotte's brain as her hands spanned the golden tits, her fingers sinking into the bloated softness. Charlotte was captivated by her creamy golden skin."Mmmmmm, your tits are so big, so beautiful." Charlotte squeezed the tits and heard whimpering sighs of pleasure escaping Felicia's lips. It was music to Charlotte's ears.Felicia took her hands off Charlotte's petite body, the bra floating to the floor. She stepped out of Charlotte's grasp. "It's not fair for only one of us to be naked."Charlotte quickly and clumsily pulled her sweater off, tugging it over her head and tossing it carelessly to the floor. Her breathing was shallow, rapid, noisy. Her hands peeled the tight jeans off her slim hips and down her slender legs. She exhibited herself before the elegant blonde, modeling unashamedly, treating Felicia to a luscious look at her own small compact body- -a smaller version of Felicia's perfection.Charlotte's lush curves, sweeping hips, jutting tits were sweet and innocent, with a sexual subtlety. Felicia's strong physical beauty was blatantly sexual, an advertisement for lust.Eager to be naked, Charlotte snapped off her bra and kicked off her panties. Charlotte gasped, as naked as the tall jewel who waited patiently for her."You're even more beautiful naked," Felicia purred. "Kiss me." Her arms opened for the petite woman, her tits billowing as she breathed, her swollen nipples pointing.Charlotte went into Felicia's waiting arms, melting against the larger woman, her head tilted back, her mouth open and anxious for the fiery red lips to kiss her.Felicia encompassed the smaller woman with her embrace and plunged her tongue into Charlotte's waiting mouth. Felicia's hands pawed hungrily, kneading, exploring the smaller woman's flesh, feeding on the softness, the newness of another female. Her legs slipped easily between Charlotte's thighs, feeling the heat of her red-haired cunt mound. Felicia's thigh grazed the juicy pussy and was immediately drenched with cunt-cream.Charlotte's dainty frame turned into a blazing fire of lust. She fused her body into Felicia's sucking her tongue-meat, scraping her cunt against Felicia's smooth thigh, and rubbing her tits urgently into Felicia's sizzling hot flesh.Slowly, they both sank to the floor, their fiery bodies burning up on the inside, their passion fire melting them on the deep-piled carpet. Their passion-filled moans floated through the room as their hands and legs became entwined. Their mouths pressed urgently together, their lips working feverishly. Their bodies twisted on the soft carpet, wriggling in spasms, hands and fingers delving--one with the exuberance and curiosity of inexperience, the other with the deftness of an expert.Charlotte gasped when her mouth came away from Felicia's hungry lips. "Oh, my God," Charlotte moaned, "I've, I've never... ooooohh. I'm so hot!" She pawed Felicia's golden body, delighting in her catlike murmuring purrs. "I want you so much, sooo muchhhhh..." Charlotte lost herself in the larger woman's bloated tits.Charlotte slipped her body free of Felicia's embrace, kissing, licking and tasting the succulent flesh of the golden goddess for the first time. She was delicious! She worked her mouth down Felicia's swanlike neck, over her graceful shoulders to the firm and pulpy meat of her tits. Charlotte hummed, her hot busy mouth fervently sucking the silky-smooth flesh of one of the goddess's tits, her hand massaging and gently squeezing the other.Felicia hissed like a snake, content to let the inexperienced Charlotte indulge in the sheer pleasure of making it with another woman. "Your mouth is so hot," Felicia told her, squirming on the rug. "You're making me all juicy between my legs. " Her long fingers weaved through Charlotte's red hair and pressed her head down firmly. "Bite! Bite!"The small and delicate Charlotte nipped the massive tits, sinking her sharp teeth into the bullet-like tips. Charlotte sucked a swollen nipple with ferocity, grinding her mouth and teeth into it. Charlotte was purring deep in her throat, gurgling on her own saliva as she washed Felicia's tits in her drool.With her slender hands, Felicia pushed the delicate creature down gently, urging the hot sexy Charlotte to explore her entire body. "My pussy, Lotty. Lick my pussy."She spread her long legs and, while Charlotte feasted eagerly on her massive tit, Felicia stroked her own finger through her blonde pussy, coating it with warm cunt- cream. She brought it to Charlotte's lips. Her juice-coated finger went into Charlotte's mouth.The pungent flavor inflamed Charlotte's mind and she delighted in the special taste of Felicia's cunt. Sucking the juice-laden fingers made Charlotte forget the soft tittie flesh and she gobbled the fingers into her mouth, sucking them clean."Delicious," she rasped."There's plenty more where that came from," Felicia moaned heatedly. "I have an unlimited supply right between my legs. Go down there and see for yourself." She pushed Charlotte down with more determination this time.Charlotte was still dazed and wavered in the strange sensations of her drugged stupor. She allowed Felicia to guide her down to the delights of her cunt mound as she licked a fiery path over her belly, sloshing warm spit into her bellybutton. The musky scent grew stronger as she slowly descended to the object of her desire--the goddess's pussy."Eat me," Felicia moaned between jagged breaths. Her ass humped, tempting Charlotte. "Eat me!"Charlotte busily slobbered over Felicia's thighs, en route to her sensitive pussy. Charlotte stopped, her mind swirling in a vat of bubbling passion. Her eyes became fixed on the reddened cunt and the white cream oozing from deep within Felicia's body. She licked her lips in readiness for the tender delicacy of Felicia's choice pussy-meat."Don't torment me," Felicia whimpered excitedly. "Do it! Do it quick before I lose my mind." This was no longer a game. Her lust had encompassed her in its web. She was trapped, unable to be freed until she was satisfied. "Lick it. Tongue my pussssyyy!" She opened her red swollen pussy tips for Charlotte. "EAT!" It was a hoarse gurgling demand. "EAT!"Charlotte raised her head from between Felicia's long, sexy legs. Charlotte hissed, seeing the animal lust on the goddess's face. A sly grin spread across Charlotte's mouth as she spoke."When I'm ready.""Ewwwwwwwww, you little bitch," Felicia crooned, liking Charlotte's response. The tiny creature was a natural! Felicia tingled with the fantastic joy of knowing she would have her for an entire week. "Eat me!" One blissful week!Charlotte, her inhibitions gone and her passion in control, jabbed a finger into the hot gulping pussy and gouged into the spongy wet walls. "You like that?" Charlotte rasped."Yesss," Felicia answered, her high-shrilled voice breaking. She rode Charlotte's finger in her cunt, her cunt muscles squeezing as much pleasure from it as she could. "Now your tongue. Use your tongue!"Charlotte pulled her finger out from Felicia's pussy and wiped it clean with her tongue. With her head whirling round and round, she swooped down to the blonde woman's cunt, ready to feast on the velvety lips and oozing slit of Felicia's pussy. She clamped her mouth tight against the hot cunt, holding steadfast as Felicia contorted with wild spasms."Ahhhh, Lotty! Suck! Suck!" Felicia went berserk on Charlotte's clamped mouth, grinding and twisting in frantic gyrations, her huge tits jerking with her erotic contortions. Her hands sought out her own flesh and began clawing. "Tongue me!"Charlotte was overwhelmed. Her small hands grasped Felicia's hips for a moment, then slid under her humping ass, her mouth still clamped onto Felicia's delicious pussy. She dug her fingers into the woman's ass cheeks and plunged her tongue deep into her pussy.Felicia cried out in bliss. "Ohhh, YESSS!" She went crazy, thrashing on the floor, her mouth open, moaning incoherently, her fists pounding the carpet.Charlotte sucked with a vengeance, lashing her tongue across Felicia's oozing pussy and tasting the buttery sauce. She lapped up the flavorful pussy ooze, the seeping cream adhering to her face and mouth. Charlotte knew what to do. She sucked the swollen lips of Felicia's delicious cunt into her mouth, reveling in the scrumptious meal. She sucked on the woman's cunt the way she liked George to do it to her. Her mouth released Felicia's pussy lips and drew in the hard, bloated clit. Charlotte was at once rewarded with a piercing howl that made her shiver.Felicia went into a violent rage. "Ohhh, Lotty! Bite my ditty! Chew it! Hurt meeee!"Charlotte obliged with overwhelming fervor. She chewed on the frantic woman's clit as if she were chewing a piece of tough rubbery meat. She nipped it with gusto, turning her captor into a mass of whimpering squirming flesh."Lotty! Lotty! I'm sooo, sooo close!" Her hips hammered the carpeted floor, her pussy continually creaming, her tits bouncing, her arms and fists pounding the rug. "Ohhhh, I'm I'm... ooooh!"Charlotte reveled in getting another woman off with her mouth. It spurred her on. She sucked and chewed on the tender meat of succulent pussy with renewed vigor, plunging her tongue deep inside the pulsing cunt, then slashing it across the hard button clit again for the final assault."I'm cummmmminggggg!" Felicia moaned, her siren wail piercing Charlotte's ears. An explosion rumbling deep inside her pussy spread like wildfire to encompass the rest of her twisting body. Felicia soared. A tidal wave of orgasms swept through her lush body like giant waves curling and gaining momentum to slash their fierce power against the shore.Charlotte needed no announcement of Felicia's climax. The gyrating, jerking body of the larger woman and the river of hot cunt- cream told her before the shrill cry. Charlotte rode the fury of Felicia's orgasm, her teeth clamped tight to the throbbing blood-gorged clit, where all the pleasure originated. Once Felicia's clit was tightly trapped in Charlotte's teeth, she used her tongue and beat it back and forth, until Felicia went mad.Felicia, trapped in the pangs of orgasm, ground her pussy into Charlotte's mouth and mashed her clit between the eager novice's teeth. Felicia's head snapped from one side to the other, her face a burnt-red, her blue crystal eyes dilated, focusing on the spinning ceiling."I'm creammmmminggggg!" Felicia clawed the rug with her talon-like nails, her legs flailing, her heels thudding into the floor.Scalding white cum gushed from Felicia's oozing pussy, drowning Charlotte in a pool of it. Charlotte drank it and found it to be the most delicious juice she had ever tasted, a sumptuous feast. She renewed her attack by gnashing her teeth into the woman's clit, hurling Felicia once again to the summit for another wild ride into ecstasy.Felicia's back arched, her head thrown back, blonde strands of hair fanned out across the carpet. A violent orgasm wreaked its destruction on her jangled nervous system. She screamed hoarsely and tremulously, hot shivery spasms racking her body, tearing through her cunt and stomach.The last wave of her orgasm washed over her and she collapsed back on the carpet, squirming and twisting from its aftermath. She tumbled with the crashing waves, lightheaded and swirling in the white water until her orgasm left her beached on the shore. Her magnificent body quivered silently, then she sighed, a soft purr.Charlotte came up from between the woman's sticky thighs, her face drenched with the filmy cum-cream. "I loved it," Charlotte moaned, still not believing it. "I really loved it."Felicia rolled away. "You're going to love this even more." Felicia scrambled down to the petite woman and licked her face and chin clean of her own cum juice.The blonde goddess reciprocated, turning Charlotte into a bundle of bubbling energy. She sucked Charlotte until she climaxed.When Charlotte came back to reality, she clutched Felicia's body. "I don't believe the things I'm doing," Charlotte confessed dreamily. "Is it the drug?""Partially," Felicia's husky voice purred."I hope it lasts forever," Charlotte said, floating in a state of euphoria and liking the freedom of having no regrets, no conscience."Soon you won't need the drug. You'll be like you should be -- open with no repressive thoughts about sex, especially with animals.""George wants me to make it with a dog," Charlotte giggled while she held Felicia, luxuriating in her softness. "Maybe you should give my husband some of this stuff you gave me. He'd be able to give me the drug and he'd have his wish." She giggled again as she thought about it."Maybe you won't need it," Felicia said, crawling out of Charlotte's arms. "When you leave here, you might have a whole new perspective about sex." Felicia reached into a drawer under the coffee table. "Look at these." She handed the naked Charlotte a packet of photos.Charlotte's eyes bugged out at the sight of the pictures. They were of Felicia and a giant Doberman pinscher. The close-up shots of the dog's giant cock looked menacing, disgusting, yet Charlotte's mouth dried up, then watered in speculation."He's my pet. His name is Khan," Felicia explained in her husky tone. "My brother gave him to me a few years ago. His cock, as you can see, is abnormally large."Still under the spell of the drug, yet slowly coming out of it, Charlotte leered at the pictures. She was fraught with mixed emotions. Disgust and desire struggled inside her."God, I'd like to have him fuck me." Charlotte tried gulping back the vile words, but her thought had already been spoken."You'll have plenty of time to enjoy Khan," Felicia promised. She stroked Charlotte's soft silky thigh flesh. "You'll learn to enjoy all the excitement of a dog, his long tongue, his long cock; everything. You'll fuck him, suck him and he'll lick your cunt." Her intoxicating voice was soft, having that same melodious quality that had been present earlier."I can't wait," Charlotte said slowly, suddenly feeling sleepy. "I-I..." She was drifting. She looked to Felicia for help. The beautiful image of the goddess turned fuzzy. Her head spun. The room spun. She didn't know what to do.Felicia cradled her, bringing her tightly into her arms. She felt Charlotte shudder, then drop into a light sleep. She eased the dead weight out of her arms and gazed with hunger one last time at the petite morsel of delight sleeping soundly on the floor. After a few moments, Craig came into the room."Take her up to her room, Craig." She stood up, stretching her long catlike body. Every muscle, every inch of her glowing flesh was alive.Craig smiled. "I got it all on film." His long body leaned over as he scooped up the sleeping Charlotte into his powerful arms."We're going to have a ball with our guest before she goes. A real ball." Felicia still had her eye on Charlotte.Craig laughed. "My cock is aching already." His one hand was strategically placed under Charlotte's ass, a finger in the wet oozing gash of her dripping pussy. "I can't wait." He turned and carried her away.Felicia plopped back down in a chair and heaved a sigh, her hand going to her pussy. She settled back, her eyes closing. The hot torrid session with Charlotte had worn her out.Chapter 2---------Charlotte opened her eyes. She felt numb, fuzzy, still filled with the cobwebs of sleep. Drugs! She bolted up in bed. The sudden jerk practically sent her brain spinning. She moaned, half-asleep.She sat on the edge of the bed holding her head. An image of what she had done flashed vividly before her eyes like a silent motion picture."Oh, my God!" she said to herself.Warily, she glanced around. She was in a beautiful room. She stood, then realized for the first time that she was naked. A whimpering gasp escaped her mouth. Her eyes darted around the room for her clothes. Panic gripped her--she didn't see them! She ran to the closet, threw it open. Empty. The drawers to the dresser--the same. Empty. She went to the door and tried the knob. It didn't turn. Fear twisted its grip on her heart. Her throat tightened, it was impossible to swallow. She was a prisoner!"Jesus... ooooh... GOD!" She shook, every nerve in her body caught up in her fear.She spun on her bare feet, seeing another door. Relief swept over her, and she dashed over to it. Halfway there, she was stopped short by a clicking noise. She froze, her feet cemented to the floor."I see you're awake," Felicia's sultry voice floated out of nowhere. "I hope you don't have too bad of a hangover."Charlotte swiveled, looking around, searching for where the voice was coming from. "Where, where are you?""In another room," Felicia purred. "Do you remember this afternoon? How delicious our first meeting was.Charlotte gasped, the awful memory of what they had done flashed through her mind. Each detail of their encounter was crisp and clear and revolting. The hot torrid voice spoke to her through the loudspeakers with a jarring recount of her perverted lust."It wasn't me," Charlotte screamed to the walls. "It wasn't me! I was drugged, drugged! I couldn't help myself!" She began to cry, sinking to the bed. She sobbed into her hands."The drug only allows you to be yourself," Felicia told her through the speakers. "You were absolutely delicious, too. I hope you're ready to explore some other facets of your sexual personality."She was appalled. Fear flooded Charlotte's face. "What, what do you mean?" She was trembling, frightened out of her scull."You remember," Felicia taunted. "Your interest in dogs and how exciting it would be to make love to one."A wailing sob racked Charlotte's lung. Desperation made her run to the other door, her small firm tits quivering as she frantically yanked on the knob. The door was locked, just like the first one. She rushed to the other door and tried it again."Let me get out of here! Let me go!""There's so much left for you to enjoy," Felicia continued. 'You're my guest and it's my duty to see that you're made happy.""My husband, my husband will miss me... the police... if I don't show up at my sisters you'll go to jail--" She was ranting, looking for the one thing to say that would force them to let her go. "I'll never say a word if you let me leave now."The laugh was genuine, with a hint of the macabre laced through it. "Everything's been taken care of," Felicia said. "Don't fret. Enjoy your new home for a while and the pleasures I'll introduce to you."Charlotte's fists drummed on the door. She was screaming and crying."You'll tire yourself out," Felicia said soothingly. "I would think you would want to save your strength for Khan."Charlotte stopped her pounding. Sniffing back her sobs, a new fear surged inside her. "Khan? I, don't--" The name was vaguely familiar."You remember, Lotty. Khan is my special dog that my brother gave me a few years ago. I mentioned him to you.""I, don't know about any dog," Charlotte spat, hoping it were true."You seemed so interested in making love to him, too." Felicia made clicking sounds of disapproval with her tongue. "It's a good thing Khan isn't listening," Felicia laughed. "His feelings might get hurt.""Ohhh, God," Charlotte moaned. "Dogs." She leaned against the door, lightheaded, woozy. "I won't do it with dogs! It's...""Wonderful," Felicia broke in. "Dogs are wonderful lovers and can be such good company when you're alone. You told me yourself your husband would like you to try it.""No!" Charlotte wailed, remembering that conversation only too clearly now. "Pleeeease let me go!"Suddenly, there was another clicking sound. Her eyes darted to the door across the room."Yes," Felicia said, "I promised you a treat and here he is."As she spoke a square flap in the door opened and a large black head peeked in. Khan pointed his muzzle, sniffing the new scent.Charlotte let out a scream as the giant black Doberman pinscher came into the room, the flap in the door dropping back into position with another click. The white shiny fangs glistened perilously as the dog growled. His coal-black eyes burned into Charlotte's shrinking body. She cowered, trying to blend in with the woodwork."Take him away! Take him away!" Charlotte cried hysterically.Her eyes filled with overwhelming fear and she gulped, frozen to the spot where she sat. She swallowed her voice as the dog took a step toward her. Whimpering sighs of helplessness emanated from her quivering mouth as her body trembled uncontrollably. Her heart beat in her throat, the thumping sound echoing in her ears.She shut her eyes, expecting to wake up from this horrible dream, only to be disappointed when she reopened her eyes. The monstrous dog was still there, only closer.Charlotte's eyes flitted about desperately, seeking safety. There was none, not even a window to leap through. Her face brightened, noticing the flap in the door where the dog had come through. Holding her breath, she inched around the room, closer and closer to the door. She gasped. Freedom was only inches away and the dog was only watching, not attacking.She slithered down, her fingers crawling along the wall to touch the metal flap. She pushed. It didn't budge. She pushed again, becoming frantic."Sorry," Felicia's hot, sexy voice purred. "It locks automatically. It looks as if you'll just have to let Khan entertain you for a while." A deep throaty laugh followed. Then a snapping noise reverberated in the room. It was a signal to Khan.The Doberman growled, his lips drawing back, showing his full set of sharp, dangerous teeth, the sparkling white fangs dripping saliva. When he saw Charlotte freeze, he came toward her, his paws padding silently on the thick carpet."Noooooooo, noooo, noooo!" Charlotte whimpered like a lost child, sinking to the floor, her legs unable to function correctly. "Noooooo!"She curled up into a ball, sobbing into her hands, her eyes closed, every nerve in her body twitching as she waiting to be ripped apart by the demonic-looking beast.Khan sniffed her thighs, his cold nose brushing lightly against the trembling skin."Aaaayiieeee!" Charlotte squealed, going into hysterics. Her body cringed more tightly into a ball. "Don't bite me. Don't bite me."The dog, used to the screams of frightened women, never flinched. He continued to sniff out the new smell of the small- framed woman. The terror exuding from Charlotte's pores was almost as stimulating as the heavy musky scent of dried pussy juice. His cold, wet nose flared and his tongue swiped over Charlotte's thigh flesh. He lathered her curled-up legs with his warm doggie drool.Once he was satisfied with the shuddering woman's thighs and calves, the huge black beast began licking her arms as she held them pinned to her chest. His tongue slapped out across her hands, glued to her frightened face. He growled, a low unearthly sound that brought hard sobs from the cringing Charlotte."Take him away... ooooohhhhhhhh... pleeeeease!" She was scared senseless, afraid to look up, afraid that at any second the dog would bite a chunk out of her. "Go away! Goooo... aaawayyy!""You shouldn't be so snobbish," Felicia's familiar voice floated out through the loudspeaker system. "Khan only wants to be your friend. He loves women, especially pretty women like you, with nice soft silky bodies."Felicia was watching the closed-circuit television, her pussy soaked with her seething cunt-cream. She leered at Charlotte's naked body shivering on the floor and rubbed her own juice-laden pussy, moaning to herself as her swirling fingers caressed her blonde cunt mound. She was always ready, ready for either man, woman, or beast. Her boiling juices flowed over her active fingers, her blazing stare fixed on the television. Her sultry voice flowed through the room that held Charlotte prisoner as she spoke into the microphone.Charlotte wanted to lash out at the soft perverted voice that was filling her head with loathsome thoughts. The dog was licking her hands and face and becoming increasingly active with his lapping tongue. She blamed it on the seductive voice, associating the two.The dog whimpered, his bluish-red tongue going into Charlotte's ear. His tongue was long and wet, with warm spit dribbling from around the edges. Khan nibbled on her tiny earlobe, then slashed his whip-like tongue across her neck, and nuzzled his pointed snout between her bent elbows. He sought the tender flesh of this new woman's tits, the flesh he had grown to like on Felicia, his mistress."Allow him to lick your tits," Felicia moaned to Charlotte, her voice tight and heavy with passion. "You'll love it. He's so gentle."All the hideous memories of what she had done with Felicia bombarded Charlotte's mind. Khan persisted in his quest to get at her tits and it made her sick. This seemed like a dream -- a nightmare -- a hazy nightmarish dream of terror.Khan growled, his stubby tail wagging furiously. He barked and shook his long head, his cold nose snuggling between Charlotte's forearms and finally touching the flesh of her bare tits. He continued, barking and nuzzling. His strength forced her arms apart for a moment or two before he pulled back and barked his disapproval."You better give him his way," Felicia warned. "Khan gets very angry when he's deprived of what he wants." She paused, her own fingers imbedded inside her pussy making her quiver. "He'll bite you, bite your arm if you don't give him your tits."It was a threat Charlotte believed and her throat constricted. Her choices were limited-- refuse the beast the flesh of her tits and be bitten, or give into him and suffer the depraved act of having a dog lick her.Slowly, fearfully, she lowered her arms. At least she wouldn't be maimed, at least she hoped not. Her eyes shifted to the camera peering down at her, hating the thought of giving the bitch pleasure -- pleasure she knew Felicia was having by treating her in this inhumane manner. She felt sick just thinking about the things they had done together.How she had enjoyed the perverted things she had done to the blonde.Now it sickened her."Aaieee!" Charlotte whimpered as the dog's hard tongue slapping violently on her tits brought her quickly back to the present. What was happening now was worse, even more sickening!Her eyes widened. She stared at the black, hairy dog intently licking the flesh of her soft tits. Her eyes followed his tongue as it whipped across her tittie mounds. Each contact of his wet tongue brought a shuddering groan from Charlotte's throat and a churning of her stomach. Her hand went to her mouth, and she was afraid she was going to be sick."Feels good, doesn't it?" Felicia's voice tormented. "It makes me jealous to see you enjoy all of Khan's favor."Charlotte looked up at the camera. She was ready to kill the woman whose voice was tormenting her, whose drug had turned her into a vile animal like the blonde bitch.Her hands clenched into fists. She moved towards the camera and its impersonal eye focused on her naked body.When she moved, Khan growled, nipping her arm.Charlotte froze. Being licked was better than being chewed alive.The ferocious-looking dog was happy again as he slobbered his spit between Charlotte's two tittie mounds. They were smaller than his mistress's and he enjoyed the difference. His nostrils reveled in the aroma of a new pussy as he licked the naked woman's tits, his tongue whipping over both fleshy mounds and across her nipples. They were pointed and rigid with fright. He whined, growling low, nuzzling his pointed snout in between her firm tits and tasting the succulent meat.Charlotte was slumped against the wall in shock, her eyes seeing but not believing what was happening to her. Her heart was trying to leap to her throat. Her sour stomach was tight and tumbled in somersaults. Her mind was trying to comprehend all that was happening to her."Like having your tits licked by a dog?" Felicia asked. Her body tingled as she watched the cowering Charlotte with a hungry passion. "His tongue is marvelous." Her eyes closed for a second and thrilled to the sexual joys that she and her pet shared. She heaved a shivery sigh and continued to watch the monitor.Charlotte was horror-stricken. She cringed, utter horror sweeping over her face as she saw the ugly beast, tired of sloshing her tits with his vile spit, sniff down lower, catching the scent of her cunt. Afraid of touching him, yet not about to let him do those horrible things to her cunt, she pushed a finger against his snout. "Go away, go away."The giant Doberman took her timid nudge as a sign of affection. and licked her hand, whimpering playfully.Charlotte screwed up her face in disgust and pulled her hand away. Her body twisted around, trying to protect her pussy from the shiny black beast with the dangerous coal-black eyes and the slobbering tongue.Khan caught the scent of Charlotte's pussy as it drifted up to him. He inhaled, his cold black nose quivering. He nudged her with his huge head, trying to get at her pussy, his body slinking down. He renewed the search for her cunt from another angle but the woman's legs still hampered him.Charlotte was afraid the dog would eventually squeeze through her legs to get at her cunt. She turned, uncurling her legs from her fetal position and covering her pussy with both hands to protect herself. All of a sudden, she realized in this position her tits were completely vulnerable to the peering eye of the camera and the gaping blonde bitch. Knowing this, Charlotte turned her head, slowly and furtively inching around to face the wall, trying to hide her body from the prying eye of the camera and her cunt from the persistent dog.Khan, anxious for the taste of sweet pussy-meat, nipped Charlotte's thigh, his eyes glowing menacingly. He yearned for that special taste which his mistress had introduced him to and he had cultivated a taste for.He nipped Charlotte again with his front teeth, turning her into a mass of trembling, squeamish nerves."Ohhhh, ooaaahh," she cried, believing this time she would be maimed by the brutish dog's dangerously sharp fangs. She began to cry again, going into loud racking howls that annoyed Felicia."Don't be a stupid little shit, Charlotte," Felicia snapped into the microphone. "Let the dog have your pussy.""Noooo," Charlotte wailed. "It's vile, it's--" She was too scared, too intimidated to speak. The black beast was biting her legs on his way up to her pussy."It's fabulous," Felicia said softly. "Give him a chance." Her voice was suddenly laced with anger. "I'm getting impatient, Charlotte."Charlotte trembled as the dog nipped her tits, catching her off guard. She turned sharply, falling back, more vulnerable now as her arms went to brace her fall. She tumbled to her stomach, still having the presence of mind to protect herself.Khan pawed her smooth back as she lay frightened and trembling on her stomach, her legs fused together, her arms underneath her body. He growled again, snipping his teeth on her ass and making Charlotte cry louder. He sniffed the crack of her ass, his tongue darting out and swiping inside the wrinkled, deep crack."Nnnnnn," she whined through clenched teeth. The dog was feasting on her twin ass cheeks and the crack that separated them.Khan soaked her ass cheeks as he had soaked her delicious tits. He bit her ass flesh, nipping it playfully and barking anxiously for the meat of her sweet-smelling cunt.Charlotte's head was spinning. No matter which way she turned some part of her body was open to the dog's tongue. She found herself losing control of her senses. She was hysterical, crying, trying to crawl under the bed and find some port of safety from the vicious animal and the blonde bitch who was watching her every move.Khan saw the naked woman trying to scramble under the bed and his mouth opened. Latching his jaw around her trim ankle, the black beast growled his warning. His jaw gripped her ankle as if it were a bone and he shook his head, holding her ankle with his teeth, but not breaking the skin.A piercing laugh floated out the loudspeakers. "You better not try to hide under that bed. He'll rip off your leg."With that warning, Charlotte stopped. She would surrender to her maniacal captor and her vicious dog. She lay on the floor, defeated, ready to let the dog have his way and be done with it. She closed her eyes, not able to move a muscle. She was a petite piece of white creamy flesh, readying herself for what she thought was the slaughter.Khan growled deep and menacing, his huge head motionless, his jaw still holding her trim ankle, his black eyes alert and waiting for Charlotte to try to escape. Getting no resistance, his mouth opened and he dropped her ankle. There was spittle all over her flesh and an indentation evident in her smooth skin from the sharp tips of his teeth.Leisurely, Khan licked her leg, working up the back of her calf.Charlotte buried her face in her arms, shutting everything from her mind--the dog's slapping wet tongue and Felicia's dirty and perverted suggestions that came to her over the loudspeaker system.Felicia settled back in the comforts of her chair, her hands delving between the lips of her juicy pussy. She was drooling. She watched her pet Doberman swipe his tongue over Charlotte's sweet creamy nude body. Felicia licked her lips, the taste of Charlotte's pussy still lingered.Khan soaked the back of Charlotte's thighs, casually nipping her ass, his tongue working up a frothy lather between the cheeks of her creamy, firm ass. He nestled his nose between the back of her thighs, his head shaking, forcing the docile Charlotte's legs apart. His tongue hit the back of her pussy.Charlotte wailed, terrified. She began to shake like never before. She quivered in sheer fright. She crunched her fists up and prayed.At last attaining his goal, Khan growled with satisfaction. He buried his snout between the folds of her hot cunt and snorted, his tongue delving into the dry pussy-hole. He plunged his tongue-meat inside, his doggie spit lathering the hole into a wet foamy soup. He shoved his nose inside the sweet warmth of her pussy. Charlotte's whimpering cries of anguish were lost on the horny beast as he tried to shove his tongue to the very depths of her cunt.She cried, afraid to move, afraid that if she did the dog would bite her pussy the way he had her ankle. She suffered the degradation of the animal's tongue as it snaked into her cunt and up through the crack of her ass, praying it would end soon.Khan enjoyed the scent of her cunt as he worked it feverishly with his tongue and spit. He dropped to his haunches between the frightened woman's legs, devoting his tongue to her pussy. He licked, slurped, and reamed out her delicious cunt. His spit turned her once dry cunt into a white slimy mess. He squirmed on the floor,, his black body, sleek and glistening, beginning to get aroused, his mammoth prick beginning to peek out from the thick- skinned sheath that housed it. He whimpered excitedly, his black snout white with his foamy spit.Growling with intense excitement from Charlotte's succulent pussy-meat, he forced his nose deep into her pussy. The harsh, rough action jerked her body and caused friction on her clit. The scent of her savory cunt was growing stronger the more he licked and nudged his nose inside. It acted as an incentive for the horny dog. He became more determined, stretching her pussy with his pointed muzzle, his teeth nipping her swollen cuntlips gently.Charlotte was still crying, inwardly fighting the warm feelings that were beginning to wash over her. The dog's tongue was bringing out the animal in her that had always been lurking below the surface. She battled her surging lust, holding her own against the dog's persistent tongue.Despite herself, she felt herself slipping. She forced her mind to think of other things as the dog's lapping tongue drew her like a magnet to the murky depths of depravity. She concentrated on her husband, George. Then she erased the thought. He would probably enjoy this. For the five years they had been married he had wheedled and hinted that he wanted her to do it with a dog. His familiar voice raged inside her brain. Now that it was happening he wasn't even aware of it. It was ironic.The dog nipped her cuntflesh, presenting her with the real danger of being chewed alive. He barked, seemingly frustrated.A grim angry mask dropped over Felicia's face. Charlotte had plenty of will power. Felicia's hand was between her legs and she pinched her own clit, feeling a small tantalizing orgasm wash over her.Still seated in her chair, Felicia knocked on a door, feeling the wonderful tremors of her lingering orgasm. "Craig. If you're done with your dinner, come on out. I'm going down to the room and fix our sweet little guest." There was an acknowledging grunt from the other side of the closing door.Wearing only black crotchless panties and a black lace bra, Felicia hurried down the hall. She took a key from atop the door and fitted it into the lock. It clicked and she opened the door, staring at the scene before her. It made her blood boil tantalizingly."KHAN!"The dog instantly looked up from the delectable pussy he was feasting on. His stubby tail wagged.Felicia snapped her fingers and Khan leaped to her side. He sat down, glancing up at his mistress for approval as she stroked the top of his head."It looks as if you're going to need something to relax you," Felicia said to Charlotte, with a wicked smile. "No need for subtleties now."She brought a hypodermic needle out of the leather pouch and stepped towards Charlotte. "A simple prick of the needle and you'll lose all this silly prejudice about making love to my handsome dog."Terror swept over Charlotte. "OHHH... NOOOOOOO!""Yes, my sweet," Felicia said, kneeling over the prostrated Charlotte. "When you come to your senses, you won't need this." She jabbed the needle into Charlotte's arm and smiled. Charlotte flinched and bit her lip.Chapter 3---------"You bitch!" Charlotte spat at the tall exquisite blonde petting her sleek, black Doberman. "YOU rotten bitch!"Felicia was smiling down at her, her whole body tingling, waiting for the subtle change to occur in Charlotte's behavior. "Don't be so nasty," she purred. "It's for your own good."Already Charlotte was beginning to feel the effects of the drug. "Why?" she sobbed, "W-why?""Let's just say I have a desire to help people overcome their inhibitions so they can enjoy themselves to the fullest capacity. I can already see you agree with my ideals.""You are a bitch, you know?" Charlotte was wavering. She could feel her muscles relaxing. Her heart was thumping erratically and she could feel herself succumbing to the influence of the drug."Yes, a hot bitch who likes eating your pussy."A dreamy smile played at Charlotte's dainty mouth. "I wish it wasn't true, but I loved eating you, too." She saw the dog in a different frame of mind. The pictures she had seen of him and his mistress clouded her thoughts. They seemed so erotic now. "He's so sexy, in a demonic why.""Isn't he?" Felicia agreed.Felicia walked across the room and sat in a chair, spreading her legs. Khan went immediately between them, nuzzling his pointed snout in her blonde cunt mound. His cold nose wriggled happily through the lace of her crotchless panties to her seething pussy.Felicia murmured dreamily as Khan's tongue slipped inside her cunt. "He's so fantastic! I don't know how you can refuse him." Her ass squirmed in the chair, her blonde pussy humping at her dog's snout. Her face was masked in lust, her long fingers pawing her fleshy tits inside the lacy bra.Charlotte drooled. Watching Khan digging his snout into the other woman's cunt made every nerve in her body tingle. She yearned for the same!Charlotte licked her lips and crawled over to them. "I won't refuse him now," she told her captor. Sitting on her haunches, the naked Charlotte petted the beast's black fur, her hands caressing him lovingly, hypnotically, every sense geared toward having this giant dog. "Let him lick me."Felicia leered down at the kneeling Charlotte. "Only after you've salved Khan's feelings. You were very rude to him and he is very sensitive. You have to make it up to him." The dog's tongue was heaven between her hot pussy-lips. She squirmed in the chair and scratched the dog's head as he licked her.Charlotte rubbed her tits against Khan's shiny coat and stroked the dog's flanks. His short-haired coat prickled her sensitive skin like tiny needles. "Ooooo! I want him. I want him between my legs.""Touch his cock first," Felicia demanded in a light, dreamy voice."Touch Khan's prick.""Yessss," Charlotte agreed. Her trembling hand slid down under the dog's belly toward his cock sheath. She was shaking, her mouth salivating as she remembered seeing his enormous prick in the photographs. Her hand touched the furry hard-skinned sheath. Her fingers skimmed around it, feeling its size and imagining what his cock would look like."It won't stick out," Charlotte whimpered, pouting, longing for the dog's cock more than ever. She needed the joy it would bring, the joy she saw on Felicia's beautiful face as Khan licked her foamy cunt."Play with it, Lotty. It'll grow. You get it hard and I'll let you have him for your pussy.""Mmmmm," Charlotte moaned light-headedly, stroking the dog's cock sheath with more determination. She wanted to get him hard. She squeezed the sheath, stroking, pulling and jerking back and forth with her fingers. Rubbing her tits into his fur, she trembled, her inhibitions melting.She was slipping lower--she had to see his prick!"Felicia!" she gasped in delight. "It's sticking out! It's coming out for me!"With her fingers gently stroking, urging the dog on, she glared at the emerging red tip of Khan's wonderful prick. It filled her with passion and she played with his sticky prick and dangling balls, thrilling to see his cock growing larger and larger right before her very eyes.Felicia was floating on a soft sensuous cloud as Khan's tongue slurped up the sticky froth that constantly seeped from her cuntlips. She stared at the naked Charlotte who was laboriously working the Doberman into a frenzy."Is it hard yet?" she sighed, ramming her cunt into her dog's digging snout."Yesss," Charlotte answered triumphantly. "It's a damn tree stump! Ohhhhh, God, it's sooo thick and long." Charlotte was foaming at the mouth at the monstrous prick. Her dazed green eyes were saucers of desire.Felicia felt another rippling orgasm surge through her. Khan's tongue was keeping her high in the clouds, lifting her up to another heavenly plateau. "You'll know, in time, how great his cock feels buried to his hairy balls inside your tight pussy."Her body stopped humping her pet's snout as the last volley of tiny orgasms spiraled through her. Her massive tits heaved and her head swirled with bliss at this new and exciting plateau of desire. She pushed Khan away from her cunt.Khan whimpered, licking Felicia's knees, dejected for being deprived the juicy delights of her pussy."Soon, my handsome pet, soon." She leaned over and grabbed Charlotte's arm. "You better stop fondling him, or he'll cream all over your hand and waste it."Charlotte's breath had quickened. She was shaking with a craving desire to feel the dog's tongue once again on her pussy. "Let him lick me.""Lie back," Felicia suggested in her husky tone that was always coated with a thick layer of passion. "You can have your first doggie treat."Charlotte immediately fell back on the floor, squirming like a snake on the carpet, her legs wide. She used her fingers to open the puffy lips of her aching cunt. "Let him lick me. Make him eat me!" She was distraught, so overcome with lust she didn't know what to do or say.Felicia got down on the floor. She ran her long slender fingers over his open panting mouth, playing with the cream of her cunt that was on his snout. "You want to lick this delicious woman?" she asked her pet. "She tastes great, huh?" She smacked her lips together in remembrance.Khan whimpered excitedly, his cock fully extended, his stubby tail going a mile a minute. His tongue hung out of the side of his jowls for the chance to eat the red-haired pussy in front of him."Don't make me wait," Charlotte wailed, twisting on the floor. She was a bundle of passion, needing and craving the dog's tongue to send her into bliss. "I need it so bad. I'll do anything you want." Her voice had a pleading note to it."You'll do anything I want anyway," the tall blonde replied with assurance. She bent down and kissed her Doberman on the mouth, feeling his hard tongue going into her throat.Charlotte gasped at the erotic, perverted sight. Her misted eyes blinked. She gurgled, the sound of her own voice eerie.Felicia's tongue whipped across Khan's tongue, her hand reaching under him and grabbing his stiff cock. "She did get you nice and hard," she cooed to him, continuing to tease the squirming Charlotte. "She was mean to you, too," she added, and leaned back. "Do what you want, Khan. She's ready for you now." She released the dog.Khan instantly went to Charlotte's vulnerable pussy."Ooooo, my Christ!" Charlotte squealed. Having her cunt finally attended to was overwhelming. "Ohhhhh, Felicia, thank you." She squirmed and wriggled on the plush carpet, riding the horny dog's snout as he lapped up her oozing juices."Tell me all about it, my innocent little housefrau." She was delighted by the sight of Khan's bluish-red tongue going inside Charlotte's red-haired pussy. "Tell me all about it as it happens.""Eeeeww, yes," Charlotte purred wantonly. "His tongue, I feel it digging--ahhhhh! It's slapping my clit now--ooaahh, God, it feels so good." She swallowed, moistening her dry throat that was parched with excitement. "Oooooohhh! His tongue is inside me again. It's wilds She humped up, her pussy, steeped with her oozing buttery sauce, banged into Khan's digging snout.His long hard tongue delved inside the gooey opening and lugged out gobs of seething cunt-cream. His nose nestled in between her sudsy cuntlips and he furiously whipped his tongue in and out. His gawkish legs lowered his slender body to the carpet, his erect cock coming in contact with the rug. He was jittery, high-strung and aroused to the limit, but he continued to please the whimpering Charlotte with his tongue.Felicia purred, delighting in watching her Doberman feasting on the exotic wonders of Charlotte's tender, sweet cunt. "Ream her, Khan. Shove your tongue deep!" She urged the beast with her frantic voice, her hand groping for his monstrous prick. She finally clutched it, squeezing the thick hunk of cockmeat, the sticky juices making her break out in shivery goose bumps. "Ohhhh, lick her, boy. Lick our horny guest good."Khan was whimpering. His mistress's fingers around his cock stem was driving him wild, spurring him on to greater feats of cunt-lapping. Strenuously, with the compelling force to cum welling up inside him, he gave Charlotte the best tonguing he could muster. His mistress's hand manipulating his raging hard cock made him work overtime on Charlotte's cunt. He began to growl, his small front teeth nipping the soft loose flesh of Charlotte's pussy lips, his tongue alternately snaking inside and lugging out lumps of gooey cream. He snarled, his head shaking, cuntmeat In ms Jaws.Charlotte's eyes were filmed over with lust and she was plunging into bliss. Her cunt humped in perpetual motion, acute tingling sensations attacking her. She was reaching her orgasm, but was unable to grab hold of it.Charlotte went berserk. "He's, oooooo... biting my pusssyyy!" She ground her cunt down, squirming against the wild frenzied actions of the dog's snout, reveling in the danger of what was happening to her and the joy she was receiving. "Ohhhhhh, Felicia, oaahhhhh! KHAN!KHAN!"The dog responded to his name by plowing his tongue into the steamy wet oozing depths of her cunt. His back end shook, his cock sliding through his mistress's tight fist. He reamed the red-haired pussy and flashed his tongue inside, his teeth against her clit. He pushed, growling, his pointed muzzle drenched in creamy froth."His tongue! His tongue!" Charlotte's eyes widened in rapture. "Felicia! His tongue is so fuckin' deep!" She clawed her own belly with her nails. "I can feel him all the way up in here!"She struggled and squirmed, twisting against the horny dog's nose. Her soft tittie mounds jiggled with her erratic jerking, the nipples aching painfully, ready to burst the moment her cunt exploded. A gurgling moan erupted from her throat."He's tonguing me!" Charlotte howled. "Sooooo deep!"Felicia swooned, her hand tightening around the thick stem of doggie cock. It was as if she could feel his tongue inside her own cunt. "Let me see you cummmmm," she moaned to Charlotte, her voice low, wavering with passion. "Cum on his face. Drown him with your juice!"The dog growled, his head nuzzled between Charlotte's sticky thighs. He tried to free his cock from his mistress's tight grasp, but Felicia refused to release his cock.Felicia rested her head on him, stroking him. "Eat her! Bite! Bite!" Her fingers toyed with his ass, teasing his asshole and clawing under him, turning him into a wild beast.Charlotte screamed with agonizing pleasure. She was the recipient of the dog's violent reaction to his mistress's torment. He began nipping with more fervor on her tender cuntlips. He jammed forward with more ferociousness, driving his nose into her squishy pussy."He's stretching me! My GOD! He's shoving his whole fucking head in me!" Charlotte convulsed into spasms.Khan tongued deep, snaking inside the hidden depths of her pulsating pussy hole, his snout stretched her open, wider and wider, attempting to shove his entire head into Charlotte's turned-on body. He opened his powerful jaw and shook his head. He jabbed forward, every muscle of his sleek, jet-black body rippling. The muscles in his powerful neck were taut and his growling snarls were muffled by soft cuntmeat.Felicia's eyes popped. She was caught up in Charlotte's cyclonic whirling passion, safely watching the turbulence from the eye of the storm, unaffected by its violence. She watched the storm wreak havoc upon the glassy-eyed Charlotte. Her spastic body wrenched and twisted, her eyelashes fluttering, her sporadic convulsions quickening as she floundered to-and-fro on Khan's digging snout.Through hazy eyes Charlotte saw the exquisite blonde fingering her own cunt. Then her gaze shifted to the giant black Doberman between her legs. The overpowering stimuli were too much to handle. She soared to the peak, a dizzy realm of passionate bliss kept her he head reeling into ecstasy. She opened her mouth, her words were trapped. She struggled in the stormy rage of her rapidly approaching orgasm.A gasping cry came out her mouth and her eyes bulged in rapturous ecstasy. "I'M CUMING!" Her words ripped from her throat as her climax ripped through her pussy and spread throughout her body leaving devastation and destruction in its path. "I'm creaming all over Khan!"Charlotte shook in spastic convulsions, thrashing on the rug in the midst of her orgasm. Her tits bounced with her uncontrolled quirky movements and her hands clenched and unclenched in rhythm to the contracting storm in her cunt. She beat her legs against the carpet, then raised them high in the air, spreading them wide apart an erotic vee, giving the horny Doberman ample room to lick and eat her.The horny black beast didn't retreat from the fury of Charlotte's orgasm. He didn't flinch from her lunging pussy on his snout. He battled back, driving his tongue into her ramming cunt and stretching her gushing cunt with his muzzle. He shook his head, the milky river of Charlotte's cum washing over his black snout, through his open mouth, and out over his jowls. He was also caught up in Charlotte's raging storm. His black eyes glowed and he grabbed her extended clit, taking the blood-gorged button between his sharp teeth.Charlotte screeched at the top of her lungs. The dog's nipping teeth sent her spiraling higher and higher until she began to babble incoherently in a continuous murmuring sound. She writhed and contorted in the throes of her orgasm, and Khan was controlling it.The large black dog tore at Charlotte's tiny clit as if it were a piece of raw beef. Growling and snarling, he lashed his head from side to side, her clit raw flesh meat. Her sticky cum gushed over his jowls, making him look as if he were a rabid beast foaming at the mouth. He growled, sounding like muted thunder, and attacked her pussy again, biting her tender exploding clit and whipping his tongue across the protruding meat.Charlotte shrieked, piercing the air with her cry. "He's chewing me up!"She pushed down with her cunt, trying to devour his entire head as she climaxed onset and over again. She grabbed herself behind her knees, her legs still up in the air, leaving her pussy open to attack, an attack she welcomed with undying pleasure. Her head snapped from side to side, her red hair slashing her flushed face. Her eyes were glittering green emeralds blazing with fiery passion. She trembled as the dog continued to torture her in the pangs of her orgasm.Charlotte's screams brought Felicia out of her stupor. She blinked, watching her dog turn petite little Charlotte into a screaming mass of exploding flesh. She was the onlooker and she devoured the sight, thrilling to the intensity of Charlotte's orgasm. It brought on a rippling orgasm in her own pussy and a quiet murmuring sigh was heard as it gently washed over her.Charlotte was going out of her skull. The dog's tongue and frenzied biting were keeping her from coming down to earth. Her orgasm had wiped her out, but Khan was still driving her to the brink of insanity. Her head turned to Felicia. "Help me! Make him stop! Ohhhh, God, stop him!"Felicia smiled like a cat. "Like it?"Numb, Charlotte nodded. "Yes! YES!" She was struggling, trying to squirm away, but the dog refused to let her go. "Please!"She began to gurgle on her own spit, thrashing as another orgasm caromed through her pussy. She screamed, then twisted away, wrenching her body and squirming in agony, trying to rid her body of the hungry dog.Felicia snapped her fingers. "KHAN!"The dog instantly raised his head.Charlotte gasped with relief.Khan barked. His own passion was overwhelming. Cum dripped from his snout and his tongue hung out, coated with a thin film of pussy cum. He sat up, whining to his mistress that he needed to be satisfied, his huge thick cock jutting out as his ass squirmed on the rug.Free at last, Charlotte scrambled away from him, panting and blinking back her vision, still trembling in the aftermath of her horrendous orgasm. "I, thought I was going to die." Racking gasps filled her lungs with air. "Christ, I practically blacked out!"The tall blonde's eyes were blue fire, the pupils totally dilated--two onyx gems staring at the red glistening cock between her dog's legs. A hunger grew in her body, a hunger for doggie meat.Charlotte noticed this overpowering lust glittering in Felicia's eyes. Following the tall, exquisite blonde's vision, her eyes popped when they saw the dog's gigantic cock."Oh, my, God," she whispered, her jaw dropping. "Oh, my God, it's even bigger!" The photograph had showed that he was gigantic, but seeing his prick glisten like a fiery red club made her woozy. "God!""It is beautiful, isn't it?" Felicia droned, not once taking her eyes off Khan's gorgeous prick. "It's magnificent in action." She tore her eyes away from it for a second. "You want to see me eat him?"A boulder clogged Charlotte's throat. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She nodded her assent."I'm glad," the statuesque blonde mewed, her voice still dripping with heated desire. She crawled over to her panting Doberman and stroked his fur with even smooth strokes, soothing him. "Lie down, boy. I'll take care of you right away."Khan whimpered urgently, licking his mistress's face. Docilely, he lay down, his head lifting as his black eyes pleaded with her to end his suffering. His gargantuan cock scraped the carpet."Watch, Charlotte," Felicia mewed, pushing her dog over on his side."Watch me turn the beast into a whimpering lump of flesh."Charlotte was entranced. She crawled over and saw the immense size of Khan's prick up close. "God!" she mumbled under her breath. "He'd split me apart for sure.""You'll be begging for his cock soon," Felicia promised, stroking his belly with affection. "Soon, you'll crawl on your knees for his cock!"Charlotte stared, her eyes wide with awe. She licked her dry lips, anticipating Felicia's mouth on that magnificent piece of cockflesh. She knew the words Felicia spoke were true. Deep inside, she knew it, but she still believed it was the drug that was making her see things the way Felicia wanted her to. It didn't matter now. Her only thoughts were on the dog, his cock, and what Felicia was going to do--eat him off.Felicia's massive tits heaved as she breathed loud rasping breaths and stroked her whimpering dog. Her long fingers finally curled around the monstrous stem of his colossal prick. Her hand held the dog's cock as if her life depended on it.The dog whined, his long, powerful sleek body quivering, the taut muscles rippling. His head lifted, his eyes glowing like two burning coals. He whined again, his tongue lolling out. In a rippling flurry, he jabbed his cock through his mistresses tight gripping fist, seeking relief from the aching pain in his hairy swollen balls.'Easy, boy," Felicia soothed lovingly. "I'm gonna suck it for you and make you all better." Her voice calmed him. She wiped her tongue across her lips and crawled down to his belly, her mouth within inches of his prick."Come closer, Lotty. Watch."Charlotte scrambled around for a better angle, resting her head in her hands no more than a foot away from Khan's prick. She drooled."Lick him good," Charlotte whispered to the exquisite blonde. "Lick him. Make him cum."Felicia, her mind set on Khan's prick, concentrated all her attention on it. She stroked his prick with her hand, up and down, then like a snake, flicked out her viper tongue, catching Khan's cock tip, her tongue making the dog whine in a frenzy.Seeing Felicia's tongue wetting the tip of the dog's prick sent shock waves through Charlotte's pussy. She gasped lightly, her eyes unblinking, staring in wonder.Felicia moved her mouth closer, her lips clamping around the cockhead. Her hand released his prick and she swirled her tongue around the width, slowly sinking down, deliberately taking his cock inch by inch into her mouth. Her cheeks drew inward as she sucked, sending Khan off on a whimpering binge. She smiled inwardly, aware of Charlotte's own desire to do what she was now doing.She stroked her pet between his legs, caressing his heaving balls, his inner thighs, and the thickset prick. Her mouth seemed to be devouring the entire length of his unnaturally large cock.Charlotte watched in utter amazement. Her throat gagged as she intently watched Felicia's mouth devour the entire length of Khan's meaty cock. She choked as if it were her throat being stuffed with doggie cock. She reached out with a trembling hand, stroked the shaking dog's hind leg, and eyed the cock disappearing into Felicia's rapacious mouth. The role of onlooker was not for her. She wanted to be a part of what was happening.Khan quaked, his cock in his mistress's hot mouth. His whimpering yelps grew louder as his mistress engulfed him with her scorching mouth. He humped her face, driving his prick into the depths of her throat. He tore into her gullet, his pointed cocktip spearheading the invasion. His huge hairy balls whacked her chin as his entire body geared for his impending orgasm.Felicia gurgled on his cockmeat, taking his shaft to his balls and reveling in the power that surged through his hulking prick. She used her teeth to scrape against his sensitive cock, hearing Khan howl in blissful torment. She scratched his ass, her eyes shining brightly as her nails turned the giant humping dog into a whimpering puppy.Khan pawed the rug with his front paws, his ass jerking and jabbing his cock relentlessly into his mistress's face. He raised his head to look at her, the black eyes rolling, the bloodshot whites appearing, his eyes floating up into his skull. His head dropped to the floor with a thud as he jerked and trembled in spasms on his side.Felicia doubled and redoubled her efforts to get her pet to cum. She sucked deeply, chewed on his stabbing cock and tortured his asshole with her finger. She pressed forward, taking him deeper with each lunge and whipping her tongue along the bottom of his prick like a leather belt. Her teeth gnawed, her lower jaw moved back and forth. She felt the dog's cock swelling in her throat and knew he was ready. She signaled to Charlotte of the dog's approaching orgasm."Yeaaaaah," Charlotte gurgled, her throat hoarse.She balled her fists, swallowing her leaping heart as she waited. Her eyes were glued to Felicia's mouth and the red cock that stabbed her over and over again. It made her dizzy to watch and she sighed, swooning with a longing to do the same. She rested her hand on the dog's hind leg again, wanting to feel some part of him when he blasted.Khan roared, whimpered, and whined, his body quaking with his orgasm. Foamy spittle drooled from his rubbery lips as his cock ruptured. Jet streams of glutinous doggie jism splattered the back of Felicia's throat and oozed down her gulping gullet.She took the lumpy wads of doggie goo with hunger. The wads grew thicker, heavier as they spilled out of Khan's prick. It turned into a steady stream, flooding her mouth and overflowing her clinging lips. The stringy lumps of cum oozed down her chin and onto the rug as she sucked hungrily, trying to satisfy her never-ending thirst. She drew it out from deep within his rumbling balls, drinking, sucking, catching the pulsing rhythm of his spitting prick.Khan jerked in spasms. His huge body became a tightly coiled spring that had unwound. He plowed his mistress's vacuum-like mouth, jabbing, whimpering, and howling. His lips were drawn back, his fangs were bared, and his eyes were rolling. He ripped into the tight gullet and creamed again, drenching her with his streaming load.Charlotte was totally immersed in Khan's climax. Her mouth dropped with hunger for some of his spume. Her eyes popped, wishing she was the one sucking off his magnificent prick. She kept her eye on the red squirting cock skewering the blonde woman's throat and thrilled to the doggie cum that gushed past her lips. She was envious.She placed a finger on Felicia's clinging lips and snatched up some of Khan's doggie jizz. She licked it off her finger and almost fainted. She felt a sudden sense of disgust mixing in with her overpowering lust. The drug was beginning to wear off.Khan lunged, Felicia drank his spewing load. They battled each other, the squirting cock and the gulping mouth. Felicia took one long tremendous pull on his cock with her sucking mouth, hearing the dog howl. She still held him with her teeth even though she knew the beast was struggling to be freed.Trapped in his mistress's mouth, Khan yelped, squirmed, and twisted. Familiar with her ways, he knew she would let him go soon, but he didn't stop struggling.Felicia drank the last gob of cum and broke into a smile, relinquishing his cock at last.Khan licked his shrinking cock, soothing it with his swiping tongue.Doggie cum dripping from Felicia's mouth, she swiped her lips clean with her tongue and glared at Charlotte. "Well? Doesn't it make you hungry for some doggie cock?"Charlotte shrank back, her conflicting emotions battling it out, repulsion intermixed with passionate lust. She nodded her desire for what she craved, then quickly shook her head in shame, not understanding and hating herself at the same time."You shouldn't fight your natural desires so much, Lotty. It isn't healthy." She reached out for her. "You want me to eat you?"Wordlessly, Charlotte declined, shaking her head."You want Khan to eat you?" A hint of a smile was on Felicia's cum-stained lips."Nooooo," Charlotte finally said, but not with as much determination as she wanted. "Nooooo!""How about having that marvelous prick in your pussy?" Felicia coaxed."I saw the way you were drooling over it."Charlotte began to cry, overwhelmed, her mixed emotions convulsing her. She was in turmoil. She shook her head weakly, knowing she was succumbing to her own desires, to the animal inside of her. She fought it, crawling to the bed to hide."Yes, Lotty, you sleep. I'll come back later tonight and we can talk.Maybe you'll change your mind.""Never!" Charlotte spat vehemently, but not really believing the conviction of her own words. "Never."Felicia laughed, a deep sexy laugh. "Nearer is a long time, my sweet china doll. More like a few days." She went out, closed the door, locked it, and left Charlotte to think.Chapter 4---------Charlotte rolled over in the soft bed, luxuriating in the black satin sheets. She stretched with a gaping yawn and kicked the covers off her lithe naked body. She sat up, her face bright, relaxed, her eyes alert and full of life.She stretched again, her tits rising, the nipples pointing toward the door. It had been three days since she had knocked on Felicia's front door, three days of discovering herself and her desires. At first, she had been over come with shock, then shock gave way to disbelief, and the night before disbelief had been displaced by her own passions.Without the drug, she had become the temptress, flaunting herself at Felicia and her handsome brother, Craig. After dinner, she had ended up in bed with them both for one of the most fantastic fucks of her life. Except for the rare moments with George when she had let her hair down, this one had been the best. A new beginning.A knock on the door brought her back to the present. "C'mon in," she purred contentedly. Since she had succumbed to her passion, the door was kept unlocked.Felicia pushed open the door and came in. Khan was by her side, obedient and ever alert. "How do you feel this morning?"A soft dreamy expression swept over Charlotte's beautiful face. She fell back on the bed and laughed. "Marvelous, Felicia. Absolutely marvelous!" She slapped the bed and smacked her lips at the jet-black Doberman. "C'mon, Khan, canon up here."Felicia tapped the monstrous dog on the rump and he leaped up on the bed, wagging his stub of a tail and panting happily, his long tongue drooping out the side of his mouth.Felicia watched with an interested eye and a twinge of satisfaction. Her judgment about the petite woman and her dormant passions had been right. It made her feel good."Ooooo, you handsome pooch," Charlotte purred. She hugged the large beast with the glossy black fur. "Today is going to be our day," she told him, squeezing him affectionately around his thick neck and rubbing her tits into his fur.Felicia sat on the edge of the bed, her large tits jiggling under her flimsy black lace robe. She stroked Khan's rump, enjoying Charlotte's enthusiasm. "You ready to come down to breakfast?""I don't know," Charlotte said, feeling deliciously naughty, just like when she had played hooky from school. "Maybe I'll just lay around in bed all day and play with my pussy--or yours--or Khan's cock.""Feeling pretty good, huh?""Better than good! Terrific! Last night was something out of a dream. All week has been like a dream." An exciting tremor swept through her as Khan licked her face and neck. Instinctively, she backed away as some of her old fears surged through her."You still have a few of your fears to iron out," Felicia laughed. She pulled the Doberman over to her by his studded collar. "I guess you'll still have them for a while.""Not for long," Charlotte vowed. "Not after seeing all the things I've been missing and how repressed I've been. If George could see me now!"She giggled devilishly, fondling herself freely, kneading the flesh of her tingling skin, no longer shy, no longer ashamed of the sexual feelings she had always denied herself."George would be proud. Speaking of George," Charlotte said abruptly, "how did you ever fix it so he wouldn't worry about me when I didn't show up at my sister's?""I was wondering when you'd get around to asking," Felicia said, a grin on her face, her blue eyes sparkling devilishly."I was going to ask you, but I've either been fucking or sleeping. And last night--the three of us, you and your brother and me--we sort of got carried away.""You mean, you got carried away," Felicia corrected. "It made me feel good to see you act so naturally--and without the drug too." Felicia stroked the quiet dog's head, her long fingers touching his jowls.Charlotte leered at the huge black-haired beast, her eyes bright, glistening with a desire to take the dog on her own. She blinked. "About George... I want to know how you managed it.""It was simple," Felicia paused. "George knows all about it." She let the statement hang.Charlotte's face reddened with shock, then blazed with rage. "The rotten bastard!" she snarled maliciously, her jaw tight. "The dirty rotten fuckin' bastard!" She was breathing hard, anger welling up inside of her small, compact body.Felicia stroked Charlotte's slender leg. "Think about it for a moment, Lotty. George did you a favor." Her hand skimmed up the small woman's thigh to her pussy mound and the thick foliage of dark-red curly cunt hair. She kept her hand there, cupping the furry mound. "He loves you.""Then why this?" At that moment she hated him, hated her husband with all her heart.Felicia's hand began to move almost imperceptibly on Charlotte's pussy, caressing the soft mound with her palm. "If you think about it, you'll know why. You've been married quite some time now and George has asked you to do many things, but you've constantly refused him. You wouldn't try anything different, or even give him the notion that you would consider it. Your sex-life has been very dull."Charlotte was calming down and the words rang true, only too true. She blinked, a tear rolling down her flushed cheek, and she heaved a heavy sigh. She found herself nodding in agreement."He could have said, the hell with you, and had affairs or divorced you, but he loves you. He wanted you free from your hang-ups and the way you were raised by your parents so that you two could enjoy the rest of your lives together."Charlotte felt foolish. Every word Felicia said was true. She had been, except for rare occasions, very selfish in bed, accepting, never giving--only receiving."How did he meet you?" Charlotte finally asked. She squirmed, Felicia's thumb going into her cunt."I've known George for a long time. Craig introduced us.""Did you ever fuck George?""I made it with him and my brother. And a few times with George and a dog." She smiled at Charlotte. "George certainly got off when I made it with a dog."Charlotte was amazed and needed to know more. "Was it before we were married?""Yes."Charlotte felt a load being lifted off her shoulders. If he could be faithful while having all the exotic delights at his fingertips, then he must certainly love her."I met him again a few months ago," Felicia continued to explain, her thumb turning Charlotte's pussy into a pool of oozing cunt-cream. "We got to talking and the conversation got around to you, and I suggested this. At first, he was reluctant. Then I explained that if his feelings about your latent sexuality were true, he'd be doing you, as well as himself, a favor. He agreed and we set it up for this week." She slipped three fingers into Charlotte's pussy, feeling the heated wetness. "I hope you understand now.""Unnnnn," Charlotte hummed, her hips wriggling. She pressed down against the woman's fingers in her cunt--her tantalizing fingers. "You won't say anything about me fucking your brother, will you?""It doesn't matter. George understands. He knew that once you were here, my brother and I would both enjoy you."Charlotte gulped. "He did this all because he wanted me to make it with animals?""No," Felicia corrected. "He did it because he loves you and wanted you to enjoy sex the way it should be enjoyed, the way you always inwardly wanted to enjoy sex, but were too afraid to admit to yourself. You did nothing here that you didn't want to do--the drug only heightened those desires that were hiding in you. We only brought them out in the open for you and your husband to enjoy."Charlotte's head was spinning, half from the torturous fingers in her cunt and half from the knowledge she just received. "Then I might as well learn everything there is about my own sexuality.""I'm glad you feel that way. George knew that once your barrier was broken and you were home again, you would be a more loving wife and he, in turn, would be able to be a more loving husband. What happens to you in this house will be an experience the two of you can enjoy over and over again in the future. Most of your visit here has been filmed. The films are a present from me."Felicia took off her robe. "How would you like to have a taste of Khan's prick before we go down to breakfast?"Charlotte's head whirled. "Whewwwww," she sighed. "I- I...""Think of George and how much pleasure you'll be able to give him once you come to grips with yourself completely. You've already accepted sex with me and three-way sex without the drug. Why not climb over that last hurdle and make it with my handsome Khan?" She placed her juice-stained fingers at Charlotte's mouth. "Taste your own cunt-cream."Greedily, Charlotte sucked the creamy foam off of Felicia's fingers, enjoying the taste of her own cunt. "I'm nervous," she admitted, "but I want to--not only for George--but for myself." She stared at the dog, seeking courage. She wanted Khan, the ache in her cunt told her that.Felicia climbed to the head of the bed. Her massive tits bounced as she became comfortable, crossing her long sensuous legs and sitting like an erotic golden statue, her eyes glittering mysteriously. "I'll watch."Charlotte cuddled up to the dog, rubbing her naked body against his fur. She shivered with a growing desire for him. The dog's fur felt warm against her flesh and she wrapped her arms around his thick neck, letting her fingers trail along his mouth and teeth."I'm creaming myself," she sighed aloud, his stubby tail hitting her clit as it wagged. "Even drugged all I ever did was play with him and let him eat me.""It was all you needed to overcome the initial shock of having sex with animals. You watched me eat him. It's just like eating George.""I never ate George that much," she confessed."I know," Felicia said, then winked. "You two are going to have a lot of catching up to do once you return home."Charlotte giggled in nervousness. A growing passion soon replaced her uneasiness.Khan whimpered, squirming on his side, waiting for Charlotte to do something. He lifted his head and licked her face.Charlotte purred, accepting his affection as she climbed over the giant beast. The thick red hair on her head was tousled and her green eyes mirrored her enthusiasm and lustful desires. Her tits jiggled delicately as she plopped down next to Khan, one of his hind legs between her thighs."Gonna suck you, my handsome stud," she said as she licked her lips, stroking his cock sheath. "Gonna suck you off like your mistress does."Khan slapped his tongue out and curled it into Charlotte's open mouth. He plunged into her throat, then out over her soft lips, trembling in anticipation of what was going to happen to him. He whimpered like a small pup, his hind leg getting juicy from Charlotte's seeping pussy.Khan glanced over at his mistress at the head of the bed, his black eyes glassy. His tail wagged slightly, relaying to her that he was happy. Accidentally, his hind leg jabbed into Charlotte's clit."Ooooaahhh!" Charlotte cooed, humping the beast's leg. She reached down for his cock again, rubbing his balls urgently. "Ooooo, Khan, get nice and hard for me. Let me see how big I can get you." She devoted all her attention to the docile animal, exercising his devil-cock from its sheath.She flicked out her tongue, swiping up the drool from Khan's rubbery tongue and slapping her tongue across his pointed fangs. A hot sizzling ripple raced up her spine. Her hand scratched him behind the ear while her other hand kneaded his cock out of the sheath, bringing it to life.Khan was wriggling in bliss, the woman's hand making him crazy. He licked her face affectionately, soaking her in doggie spit. His tongue slapped across her eyes and mouth and he whimpered, jerking his head as Charlotte tried to grab his tongue with her mouth."Ohhh, Khan, you do make such a good lover."Charlotte was swimming in a sea of passion, exotic passion, and she was thrilled. She gouged his large paw through the puffy lips of her scalding hot pussy, scratching her clit with his nails. She jerked in heavenly spasms, her head snapping, her eyes rolling.Felicia anticipated the last few days with Charlotte and the things they would share with Khan. Her fingers played at her own cunt until her seeping cream coated them. She licked them clean, purring, her blue eyes glued to Charlotte and Khan.Charlotte dragged the dog's paw through her moist pussy. A spasm rippled through her cunt and was followed by a rumbling tremor when his claw came in contact with her exposed purplish-red clit."Uhhhhh, doggie, nice!" She was in heaven.Closing her thighs, she clamped the dog's leg against her cunt and clit and grabbed his thick sheath, finding his cock sticking out halfway. She stroked him with wild fanaticism, her small, delicate hand riding up and down the thick red glistening cockmeat. She was creaming all over his leg and getting his prick stiff and hard at the same time.Khan, used to the attention of women, lay docile, his hips moving subtly, whimpering with pleasure. His front paws rested on Charlotte's shoulders and he licked her face again.Longing to see his cock, Charlotte sat up, her glassy eyes riveted to the red cock that jutted out from between his hairy back legs. Her mouth was dried up, parched from excitement, and her eyes watered with a sense of euphoria. She had tackled her fear!She gazed hypnotically at her hand that had held his cock shaft. It was sticky and gooey from his prick and she brought it to her mouth and licked the palm of her hand. She purred out loud, her cheeks flushing red, her blood boiling in her veins, carrying the lust for the massive beast and his giant cock to every part of her trim, naked body. She was cured of her fear of making it with a dog, in fact, she loved it, even craved it!Khan looked at Charlotte with longing, wanting something done to his aching cock.Charlotte knew what he wanted but ignored his whining pleas. She wanted to play, to enjoy what she was doing, before tackling his prick and sucking it. She straddled his mouth with her cunt and jabbed, banging her clit into his muzzle."Bite it, pooch! Bite me!""Don't tease him," Felicia moaned, her own lust brimming at the surface. "It's not right to tease. Give him what he wants."Charlotte turned her head to face the naked woman. "What does he want?" she asked breathlessly, a hot leer on her beautiful face."He wants your mouth." Felicia realized that conversation added to Charlotte's stimulation. "He wants to put his nice hard doggie cock in your mouth so he can cream your throat with his cum.""Ooooo," Charlotte sighed, dizzy with the idea of drinking the cum of a dog. "Ooooo, Felicia! I don't know if I can really do it.""You can," Felicia purred. "You just want to be coaxed."Charlotte tossed back her mass of long red hair and laughed in total abandon, completely free of restraint. She humped her cunt at the dog's snout, reveling in his tongue snaking inside her creaming pussy as he licked her."Ooooo, he's eating me! Licking my cunt!" She was ready now, anxious to begin the real delight. She dropped to her side, wriggling down to his cock, her hands gripping the tremendous hard-on that jutted out strong and fierce. "He's sooo big. He'll choke me to death!"Felicia came down to the foot of the bed to show Charlotte what to do. "Lick it like this," she said, her tongue slithering up the length of the dog's cock. Khan shook.Charlotte nodded and followed suit, her tongue sliding up the sticky length of Khan's giant cock. She shook from the first contact, pulled her head away and gasped."Ohhh, my God, I did it! I really did it!""Not quite," Felicia giggled, her huge tits crushed beneath her as she lay on her belly, her rounded ass perched high, her fingers gouging out her own cunt. "Do it again." She humped her fingers, her eyes on fire, glaring at Charlotte and the dog's cock. "Do it again or I'll suck him off and you'll go hungry." She was hot, bubbling hot, her fingers sticky with Juice."Oooo, noooo," Charlotte gasped, going back to Khan's cock. "His prick belongs to me this morning." She licked his prick, bringing her tongue up from his balls, over his extended shaft and across his seeping piss slot.Khan shivered, his taut, muscular body rippling with power. His whimpering cries were ignored for the moment as Charlotte continued to use him as a toy."Easy, Khan," Charlotte purred, stroking his furry balls and the tight knot at the base of his cock. "Be patient and I'll suck you dry." She giggled, hefting his huge balls in her small hand. "God, he must have a gallon of the stuff in him.""It'll seem that way when he's coming," Felicia said, keeping herself at a delicious peak, waiting for Charlotte to stop being frivolous and get down to a real blowjob.With her heart pounding, Charlotte opened her mouth, clamped her lips against his exposed cock, and sucked, her tongue swishing across his prick. She gulped, keeping her mouth around his hulking cock and sliding ho fused lips back down to his balls. Her courage mounted as she slid back tip his pointed prick with her clinging lips.Khan whined. Tiny yelps of ecstasy and helplessness came from his huge powerful-looking body. He jerked his back paws and tried to attain a foothold with his front paws. He didn't succeed. He had to cum, but Charlotte's slow pace wouldn't allow it.Khan's head turned to his mistress for help, his eyes pleading. Felicia was too involved in watching Charlotte's mouth and too busy with her own pussy to be concerned. The horny beast dropped his head back to the mattress, a pawn to the passions of the two beautiful women.Felicia sat up abruptly. "Let him fuck your mouth," she exclaimed, her face aglow with desire. "Get on the floor. It'll be so much better!"Charlotte lifted her head. Her eyes were hazy, flooded with a passion that knew no bounds, and she swallowed uneasily. "I'm afraid..."Yet, she craved it. An image of Khan mounting another dog formed in her mind. Her mouth would be the other dog. She would be the bitch. She nodded her approval before she could change her mind. Quickly, she got down on the floor."Like this?" she asked excitedly."Yes," Felicia hissed. "Lean your head back." She climbed off the bed and snapped her fingers. Khan leaped to her side, whimpering annoyingly. She stroked his head. "You're gonna get it now, boy, don't worry. The right way."Charlotte trembled, waiting for Felicia to help the dog into position."Hurry," she urged, her voice straining, cracking. "Hurry!"The tall blonde led the giant Doberman between Charlotte's outstretched legs, allowing Khan to lick her face before she helped him up. "Okay, my horny pet, she's all yours." She tapped the bed with her hand, and Khan barked, immediately understanding. He had done it this way often enough.Charlotte moaned and uttered a childlike gasp. The monstrous dog slapped his huge paws on the bed and blanketed her head with his body.Charlotte gazed in panic and lust at the gargantuan cock angled for her mouth. She wiggled into a better position.In the blink of an eye, Khan was jabbing her face, aiming haphazardly, furiously trying to plant his doggie cock in her mouth. Whimpering and dancing on his back legs, Khan stabbed Charlotte's face, seeking entry to the wetness of her mouth. But he couldn't find it. His prick jabbed her teeth, her cheeks, her chin, everywhere but where he wanted.Finally, as Charlotte adjusted her head to accommodate him, he found his mark and his prick delved headlong into her waiting mouth. He let out a woeful howl, mercilessly jabbing, relentlessly thrusting.Charlotte gagged and choked, his prick spearing down her throat, stretching her wide. She understood why Felicia had chosen this way for her first experience in doggie sucking. There was no way she could change her mind --she belonged to the dog and there was no opportunity to get away. She was grateful to the blonde for her decision. Charlotte knew the dog's first jab would have thrown her into a panic and she would have taken her mouth away.His cock tearing into her throat made her concentrate on him. The initial shock had passed and she gripped his haunches, holding him, feeling the power of his slamming body. Her hands flowed up and down his humping frame, her fingers digging into his fur. She experienced strange and wonderful sensations as her mouth was stuffed with doggie cock, and she wallowed in it. She was actually sucking a dog's cock! It staggered her mind.Having found the warm wetness of Charlotte's mouth and throat, Khan went insane. Having been tortured for so long, he fucked her face savagely, burrowing his cock in her throat with his massive, pointed cock tip leading the way. He leaned forward for maximum depth, his huge paws firmly planted on the bed, his back paws prancing, maintaining his balance as he wildly fucked the sucking mouth in front of him.Charlotte found herself shaking in desire. The doggie cock in her mouth was more than she had asked for--wildly exotic and wantonly exciting! She used her tongue, experimenting, enjoying, sucking, her teeth grazing along his thick prick while he rammed her to the hilt.Khan howled in raging excitement as her teeth dug along his sensitive prick, his mighty body lashing his cock into her throat at a reckless speed. His prick swelled and his balls ached, his heavy load multiplying.Charlotte was delirious. She sucked and whipped her tongue along his cock, grating her teeth along the length as he whipped it in and out of her mouth. Reaching under him, she caressed the balls that would soon rupture and drench her with their burdensome load of cum. She could already feel the warm doggie jism oozing down her throat."Play with his ass," Felicia cried in a hoarse tone. "Play with his asshole!"Felicia's words finally penetrated Charlotte's fuzzy lust- sopped brain. She was so caught up in the dog's fury, that her pussy was creaming against itself. She reached around him and placed her finger on his wrinkled ass opening, grabbing his stubby tail with her other hand while he jabbed his cock brutally down her throat.Khan went berserk. He lunged to rid his asshole of the finger. The action drove his cock farther down her throat, his heavy balls whacking into her chin. He growled, his rubbery lips drawn back over his pearl-white fangs. His taut, lean body glistened with a black sheen and his snarl appeared demonic."Finger him! Finger-fuck his asshole!" Felicia shouted deliriously.Charlotte obliged with fervor. She plunged her finger in and out of his ass, feeling the rumbling explosion in his ramming cock that would soon drench her in doggie jizz. But she still was not prepared for the next thirty seconds.Khan's neck stretched to the limit as he glared toward the ceiling, his black eyes rolling. The next flurry of blows brought a fireball of jism out his spitting cock tip. He roared his rage, his prick gushing a bubbling outpour of doggie goo into Charlotte's gurgling throat.Charlotte drank it. Thick clumps of jism splattered against the back of her throat and before she could swallow it all, more followed. A steady barrage of thick wads turned into a river of cum. It flooded her mouth, her throat, and gushed from her nose. She choked and spluttered, doggie cum seeping out the sides of her clinging lips with each horrendous plunge of his prick.Even with the awesome load, Charlotte never faltered. She swallowed as much as was humanly possible, her cheeks full of doggie cum. It poured down her throat. She took the dog's savage pace, her finger still imbedded in his asshole. Her finger was held deep, crooked, her nail scratching his tight ass wall.Khan became enraged at not being able to rid the finger in his ass. He yelped, humping her face, his hind legs performing some kind of erotic dance to keep his balance. His ass jerked in an effort to dislodge the annoying finger. His prick plowing her tight throat with a constant deluge of hot molten doggie spume.Charlotte swooned under the devastating attack. She used her teeth on his plowing prick, driving and urging him to greater feats of speed. She sucked his thick cock and drank his river of cum before it dried up into a last few dying spurts.She held him, refusing to let him go. She was in shock, her teeth clamped onto his prick. Her body was stunned, cum dribbling from her nose and her lips.Khan growled his discontent and battled the imprisoning mouth. He sprang forward, landing on the bed, his aching prick finally free from the maniac who had tortured him.Felicia stared at Charlotte, an expression of disbelief on her face. Charlotte did it on her first try! She saw the cum oozing from the dazed woman and pounced on her, licking her face, sucking her mouth, and drinking the cum that Charlotte, in her lust-dulled state, had forgotten to swallow.Finished, Felicia sat back on her haunches with a hot, sultry grin on her face."How did I do?" Charlotte asked in a daze."Fabulous!""You think George will like it?""He'll cream his pants. Now, you go shower and come down to breakfast."Charlotte nodded, still overwhelmed. She hauled herself to her feet. She swung her ass on the way to the bathroom as if she were selling it on a street corner."You certainly know how to pick them, George," Felicia muttered to herself. The spent Doberman walked slowly by her side as she left. "You certainly have got one fantastic wife!"Chapter 5---------Charlotte finished showering and wrapped a towel around her wet, naked body. She fluffed her hair and left for the kitchen, starving for some food. Sucking Khan had given her a ravenous appetite."You look delicious in that towel," Felicia said, looking up as Charlotte padded into the kitchen. "Doesn't she, Craig?"Craig's smile widened. "Fantastic!" He set his coffee down to admire her.Charlotte basked in their compliments. She felt wonderful, excitement coursed through her veins. She felt their eyes on every move she made as she fixed herself some toast. She dropped into a chair, taking her first bite of the hot buttered toast."God, I'm hungry.""You shouldn't be with all that cum you drank this morning." Felicia turned to Craig. "You should have seen her, up in the bedroom, turning Khan into a puppy with her mouth. I thought she was going to bite his damn prick off."Craig leered across the table at their guest. "I remember her mouth on my prick. She's as good as you, Felicia."Their conversation swelled Charlotte's ego. "Maybe I'll suck you off again today, Craig," she said to him, holding his eyes with her own."I'll be looking forward to it." He stood up and kissed his sister, then walked over to Charlotte. He whisked off the towel she wore with one quick yank and grinned. "You look better this way." He squeezed one of her firm, pliant tits and planted a kiss on her cheek. "Keep it hot and wet. I'll be back in a few minutes. I need a shower."After Craig left, Charlotte looked to Felicia. "I don't believe how relaxed I am. Christ, last week, I was a... now look at me." She shook her head, the random half-thoughts conveying their meaning clearly to Felicia.Felicia nodded. "George is going to love the new you." She wriggled out of her robe and stood up. "If you're gonna be naked, there's no reason for me to wear anything." She rubbed her tits. "C'mon into the other room."Charlotte followed the tall, exquisitely built blonde. She anticipated something exciting. "Do you have something planned?" she asked Felicia."I do, yes." Felicia dropped to the couch and spread her legs, Khan going between them and dining on the oozing lips of his mistress's pussymeat. "You ready to fuck this horny devil?"Charlotte's legs buckled as she stumbled to a chair. "Ohhhh, Felicia, isn't sucking him enough for one day?" She was trembling. "I still haven't gotten over taking his prick in my mouth."Felicia laughed, parting the lips of her cunt as Khan slipped his tongue deep inside. "Ooooo, Christ!" She squirmed on the couch, her cunt muscles milking his tongue as it invaded her pussy. "Don't be a shit."Craig came into the room, his groin tightening into a ball as he saw his sister's legs spread wide and Khan feasting on her blonde cunt. He walked over to Charlotte, his gargantuan prick pressing against the towel that was wrapped around his waist."You can pull my towel off me," he laughed to Charlotte.Charlotte tore her eyes away from Felicia's pussy and the hungry dog's snout and gazed at the tent Craig's cock formed in the towel. She giggled and grabbed his prick."You're as bad as the damn dog, always hard and horny!""Why don't you do something about it?" Craig moaned as her hand mauled his prick.She yanked the towel away, caressing his long thick prick as it jutted out like a thick spear. "You're so damn big, Craig." She drooled at his giant, veiny shaft. "My pussy is still sore from last night."Craig tossed his head back and roared with laughter. He grabbed her slim waist with one of his bear-like hands and pulled her small, almost childlike, body up.He was taller than his sister and Charlotte's head came only to his nipples. He put his hands under her arms and lifted her up as if she were weightless. He plastered his mouth on hers, plunging his tongue beyond her lips into her throat.Charlotte melted against his huge towering frame, locking her legs around his hips. She sucked greedily on his invading tongue, her arms wrapping around his neck. "Ohhh, Christ, Craig, you're so damned strong." She wriggled against his massive body, her tits scraping into the coarse hair of his chest.His hands dropped to her ass, cupping each rounded cheek. "You're a sexy little piece, Lotty. George is very lucky to have you."She toyed with his mouth, licking her tongue across his face, biting impishly on his lips with her teeth. "He's a lot luckier now, than before I came here." She wriggled her ass. "I feel your cock, Craig.""Slip it in," he groaned, holding her in his powerful grip.Charlotte tossed her full head of dark-red hair back, the soft strands swishing across her bare shoulders. She looked over at Felicia and Khan. "Should I?" she asked her.Felicia looked up, a dazed, tormented expression on her face. Khan's tongue was turning her blood to boiling steam. She nodded. "Fuck him blind." She lashed her pussy at her pet's snout. "Make him cry uncle." She spread her swollen pussy lips to accommodate Khan's muzzle jamming all the way into her pussy. She screamed, trembling in spasms.Charlotte bit her lip and wiggled down, taking the bloated head of Craig's cock between the velvety folds of her cuntlips. "Unnn, you're stretching me." She leaned back, confident of his strength. Her tits ached, the nipples were sore. She scratched her nails along his wide chest, leaving thin red lines in their wake. "You want it all in me?"Craig leered at the sex kitten squirming in his arms. "You keep scratching and I'll drop you. ""If you do, you won't get fucked," Charlotte giggled, her ass squirming, her body begging to be filled with his bloated prick. She twisted her hips, taking more of his thick cock into her pussy. She latched her arms around his neck again. "I'll hold, you play with my tits." She was the complete female animal, no more hangups or shyness. She was totally at ease. "Squeeze them."Craig pawed the soft flesh of Charlotte's tits. He enjoyed the tiny package of dynamite. She was the opposite of his sister, small, like a child. He kneaded her tits, feeling the bullet tips pressing against his palms. His prick throbbed in the heated furnace of her pussy."Ahhhhh," Charlotte cried, wriggling down and gulping the rest of his prick into her pussy. She twisted and churned, her hips rotating in frantic circles, her pussy muscles pulsing around his buried prick."Sweet little baby," Craig groaned, his voice deep and powerful. He spanned her hips with his fingers as she clung to him precariously. "Gonna give you a wild, crazy ride, sweet thing."She looked at him, her emerald green eyes glittering desirously, her mouth glistening as she licked her lips. "Yessss," she hissed, her limbs curled around him like the tendrils of an octopus. "Rip me apart, Craig. Give a nice, fast fuck ride." She held tight around his neck, easing up her grip with her legs. "Do it! Do it! Fuck me!"Staring her directly in the face, Craig raised her off his prick until only the head was immersed in her cunt juices. "Ready?" he groaned."Uh huh." She trembled in anticipation. Her pussy pulsated and the tight walls waited greedily to be filled with cock again. "Yeaaaaah!"He caught her as she sucked in air and slammed her lithe, lightweight body down on his cock. His cockhead pierced her tight, spongy cunt and stretched her to the limit. He held her tight, his cock stuffed to the hilt, rocking her hips back and forth and screwing her down on his prick.She squealed in joyous delight. She creamed, warm lubricating juices flowing from her cushiony pussy down over his buried cock, greasing it for action. Her body twitched and her hips rotated in sync with his brutish jerks."Ohhh, Craig, you fuck great!"Craig's head spun deliriously. The hot little bitch on his cock was a wildcat. He gritted his teeth, the muscles in his jaw hardening. He lifted her up, then slammed her down, again and again. He watched her joyous expression turn to lust, then crazed desire. He picked up speed, his huge, muscular arms plunging her body down on his enormous cock, then lifting her up the next instant.Charlotte's entire body bobbed at a reckless pace as she was hurled up and down. Her tits bounced, her dark-red hair swung to- and-fro and her cunt slammed down onto the solid lump of gorgeous cockmeat.His tree trunk legs held them both, his feet firmly planted on the floor. The hammering ache in his balls enraged him, spurring him on. The shuddering warmth of her cunt engulfed him, compelled him to cum.She squealed in heavenly bliss, jerking and twisting as he speared her pussy with every bulky inch of his long cock. Her tits swelled with passion, her head snapped from side to side, and her arms held him tighter as her body flew up and down. She urged him on, using her body and her drumming cunt muscles to torture his plowing cock.As he relentlessly impaled her on his prick, she twisted and gyrated her hips, making each slam more exciting. She lashed her body at him, grinding her cunt down and catching his rhythm. "Cream meee, you hard giant! Cream meeee!" she panted heavily. "Squirt it all the way up into my throat." She humped forward, her clit scraping against his tough groin as he rammed her down hard.Craig strained. His thighs ached and his arms pained him. But he didn't stop. Her voice and her hot, sizzling impish grin burned into his brain. His cum-swelled hard-on enlarged and hardened. His heavy balls rumbled to be relieved of their heavy aching load. He brought her up and slammed her down at blinding speed, his balls erupting, his prick spewing jet streams of cum into her gulping pussy."I'm cumminggg!" His voice roared like thunder and ricocheted off the four walls. His spouting prick saturated Charlotte's pussy with its continuous load. "I'm cumming!""I can feel it," Charlotte squealed, his cum flooding her pussy. "Ooooo, Craig!" She went insane on his cock. She tried to claw her way to the peak, scratching her way to an orgasm that seemed to float somewhere out of reach. "Fuck me! Harder! Faster!"The muscles in Craig's arms surged with power. He plummeted the slim, naked woman up and down on his spearhead cock, his cum overflowing her pussy and running down his huge balls and taut thighs. His eyes bulged, grunting gasps rasped from his heaving chest and lungs. He growled like a mountain lion, humping and slamming his cock into Charlotte's pussy with all his might.Charlotte attained the summit and hovered, unable to go over into bliss. She began to wail helplessly. Racking moans blended with Craig's deep thunderous roars. She felt the hot cum squirt in deep, then ooze out of her clinging cuntlips. Her grasp was weakening from around his neck. She was becoming hysterical. Her hands came away, and she fell back, a piercing scream filling the room.Still climaxing, Craig held onto her body, his bearlike hands clasped around her trim willowy waist. He grunted loudly, his body shaking as the last of his orgasm tore through his groin and blasted from his prick. His chest was heaving and his eyes were glued to Charlotte as she swayed uncaringly on his dying cock.He eased her up. Using the last remaining ounce of strength he possessed he took her quivering, twisting body off his prick. "I've had it," he panted. "Christ, you totally drained me, sweet thing."Charlotte was distraught. She slithered down his long muscular body like a wriggling sensuous snake. She whimpered, trembling in a nebulous cloud, unable to descend, needing to climax, needing the release of her mounting passion. She licked the droplets of cum that ran down his thickset thighs. Her tongue darted out, lapping his sticky balls and tasting her own flavorful pussy cream along with his gooey cum. Her tongue busily lapped up his limp meaty cock as it hung like a fallen tree against his thigh. She sucked it, trying to breathe life back into it.Craig grunted and flung himself down in a chair. "Go use your mouth on Khan," he moaned, pushing her away from his exhausted prick. "He'll fuck you."Charlotte's face brightened as she crawled over to the giant dog who was lapping noisily between Felicia's thighs. She licked his hind leg, nibbling on it, insane with passion, completely engrossed in her own wanton desires.Felicia saw the crazed Charlotte and giggled. "Don't bite him." Her tone was heavily laced with lust. "I saw what you did to Craig. You ready for Khan?" She squirmed her soft ass on the couch.Charlotte hissed and stood up on wobbly legs. "First, I wanna give him a ride."She straddled the giant Doberman, rubbing her cum-filled pussy along his back and soaking his glistening black coat with a mixture of cum and pussy cream. She glared at Felicia who was receiving the tonguing of her life.Khan's tongue invaded the steamy depths of Felicia's pussy. Hot shivery waves of bliss swept over her elegant body as the Doberman's tongue reamed her. She reached down between her legs and grabbed Khan by the ears, riding his digging snout in agonizing pleasure. She ground her clit into his hard teeth.Charlotte watched the mask of passion drop over Felicia's face. "Ohhhh, God, Felicia. Cream the fucker! Cummmmmmm! Christ, cummmmmmm!"Charlotte humped her pussy along the dog's lean back, her clit in torturous contact with his short-haired coat. Backwards brought sighs, forward, against the grain, brought whimpering sobs. Her eyes bugged out as she watched Felicia soar into her orgasm."I'm cuming on Khan's mouth!" Felicia screamed, humping the dog and suckling his reaming tongue with her cunt muscles. "I'm cuminggggg!" Her eyes rolled, focusing on Charlotte's lithe naked frame straddling the dog, her small, perfectly formed tits bouncing wildly.Charlotte drooled, her eyes glued to Felicia's lush, statuesque body in the throes of orgasm--her huge creamy tits jerking, her head lolling on her shoulders, the blonde hair whipping back and forth across her face, hips jerking and thighs clenching tightly onto the beast's buried head. This erotic spectacle kept Charlotte at the peak, swirling in a pink haze of lust, but she was still unable to take the final leap into rapture.Felicia arched her back. Her legs parted and she shoved downward with her cunt, smashing her clit into the dog's mouth and jowls. Another series of orgasms washed over her and she lost sight of Charlotte's naked body, greying out. She shuddered and collapsed-back on the couch with a mass of tingly fires throughout her body."Ohhhh, shit," Charlotte moaned, riding the dog's back as he licked his chops clean of his mistress's cum-cream. She jerked her body on his back and tiny shock waves exploded at the base of her skull as she sought to cum without him fucking her.She screamed as one orgasm rippled through her pussy with the promise of more to come. It toppled her from the dog's back and she sprawled out on the floor, writhing like a snake."I have to cum!" She caught sight of the red prick hanging between Khan's hind legs. "Oooo, Khan! It's just the two of us." She rolled to the tame animal, reaching for his cock. "Everyone else has creamed--Felicia on you, Craig in me." She stroked his prick, rubbing it into a hard throbbing steel girder.Felicia dropped down to the floor beside Charlotte, caressing her skin and massaging the soft flesh between Charlotte's thigh. "His cock is the answer to your problem," she purred. "It feels nice in your hand. It'll feel great in your cunt.""I know, I know!" Charlotte squealed, enjoying her self- torture. "I know it will."She rolled under the dog's belly and lifted her head to lick his balls.She nipped the tip of his cock, making him whine.Quickly, she rolled out. "I'm a hot bitch in heat, and he's my stud." She hauled herself to her hands and knees, whimpering madly for Khan's doggie cock to plunge into her hot pussy. "I'm all empty now. It oozed out all over my legs. I need another load." Her tits swayed as she wriggled her ass in Felicia's face. "Help him to fuck me. I want his cum in my pussy."Felicia purred, stroking her dog's back and getting her hand wet with pussy juice. "C'mon, boy." She let him sniff the swollen lips of Charlotte's cunthole. "Sniff it out good, boy. This is what you're going to get."Khan, sensing he was going to get his nuts off, barked. He drove his muzzle into Charlotte's pussy and lapped up her flowing cunt-cream, drinking the last oozing drops of Craig's cum. His meaty cock ached and he was anxious to mount the naked woman.Felicia calmed him with her hand. "Hold steady, Lotty." She calmed Charlotte with her voice."Ohhh, God," Charlotte wailed, trembling as she presented her body to the huge beast. "Ohhh, God, get his cock inside me. I'm going crazy!"Felicia helped the monstrous Doberman up onto Charlotte's back. "Hold steady," she soothed the nervous bundle of sex."I can't," Charlotte moaned, feeling the weight of the dog as his front paws rested on her back. "Ohhh, GOD! He can't get his cock in me!" She began to shake as the spearing cock tip whacked into her ass cheeks and the back of her thighs. "Help him! Help HIM!"Deftly, Felicia guided Khan's thick meaty cock into Charlotte's pussy. She kept her fingers there feeling the dog slicing through soft cuntlips. "Better?""Ooooo, GOD in heaven... yesssss!" Charlotte cried. "He's tearing me apart. His cock is, aaaooohhh! Felicia, oooooh!"She held steady, bearing the dog's lunging weight and riding the fury of his stabbing prick. She turned her head, not believing what she saw. She was getting fucked by a dog! This was no drugged illusion, no trick, this was really happening to her. Seeing the dog behind her plunging his cock into her cunt almost made her faint.Khan yelped as his elongated cock sliced through the cushiony hole of Charlotte's pussy. He held onto her, his front paws clamped on either side of Charlotte's back, his hairy hind legs dancing in place. He maintained his balance while fucking Charlotte's wet pussy hole with quick and careless plunges.Charlotte thrilled, taking a doggie cock made her happy. She shoved back at Khan's lunging prick, gulping his cock with her body and rocking her hips back and forth, turning the dog into a whimpering, yelping beast.Felicia mauled Charlotte's tits and pinched her blood-gorged clit. She squeezed the dog's cock when it appeared from out of Charlotte's gooey cunt and shivered when his cock slid through her fingers back into the snug, tight pussy. Felicia dropped down onto her back, drooling at the sight of Khan's hairy balls slapping back and forth with his lunging body. The sight was so overwhelming, Felicia was about to cream.Charlotte was in seventh heaven. She didn't care what Felicia was doing. All she cared about was the dog and the fantastic fuck he was giving her."C'mon, Khan, fuck me! Fuck meee!" Her voice rose an octave, Khan's cock slamming deep. "YESSSS!"Khan whined, blanketing Charlotte's white, creamy body with his muscular frame. His powerful hind legs kept him steady, his body heaving forward, thrusting his prick at a fantastic speed into Charlotte's small, vulnerable frame. His front paws squeezed as he leaned forward, his tongue lolling out, drool dribbling onto her back. He fucked his prick in to the root time after time after time.Charlotte felt the fur of his body, his wet tongue, his hot panting breath, and the unending joy of his thick cunt-splitting cock. She rocked. She found herself being drawn toward her orgasm, an orgasm that had eluded her. She stiffened her arms as the brute-force of Khan's horrendous jabs almost knocked her off balance.She turned her head and saw that Craig was watching. "He's great! GOD! Soooo fast!" she said to him.The dog's blinding speed had Charlotte reeling. She pushed back, wriggling her ass, hearing the beast yelp. "Oooo! Oooo! OOOOH!" She was delirious now, rocking in the cadence of Khan's violent jabs. His lunging cock expanded to full-size, bloated by his heavy load of cum.Khan's fury swept them both up in its path. His prick whipped through her grease-lined cunt. His balls were swinging like lead weights, the cum bubbling like an active volcano. He was ready to spew his lava and drench the cunt in his path.Charlotte sensed the new and demanding urgency in the dog's slamming body. "He's gonna cum! He's gonna cummmmm!"She became insane with that one thought. It set her own orgasm into motion. Swiftly, she attained the summit and was catapulted into endless space. Just knowing the dog was about to spray her pussy was all she needed to take that final step."I'm cuming!" she screamed, her high-pitched voice shrieking. "I'm cummmingggg on a dog!"She went off the deep end. She began to thrash and jerk against the dog's heavy pounding body like a bronco trying to throw its rider. She humped and churned, drool seeping out of the corners of her mouth."I'm cumming everyone!"Charlotte's shrieking announcement and the gushing pussy-cum that drenched his ramming cock drove the horny animal into his own cyclonic orgasm. He barked, his prick spewing a geyser of doggie jizz into Charlotte's climaxing pussy. He lifted his head to howl his bliss, his black eyes shining, his tongue swaying as he pummeled Charlotte with his gushing cock."He's creaming me!" she cried hysterically. "He's creaming my pussy! I can feel it!" She turned, seeing the dog's face. "Oooooooo! Cummmm you fuckin' beast! Cum all over me with your gorgeous cock!"She rode the fury of the high-strung animal. Her cum mixed with his, drenching her climaxing cunt to the limit. It oozed out of her cunt like lava, wetting the back of her thighs and the dog's swinging balls. It splattered Khan's hairy legs as he lashed in and out of her cum-drenched pussy. She opened her mouth to scream as another violent orgasm swept through her pussy, toppling her over. She dropped to her face, her ass perched high, her pussy still being pounded with all the fury of a hurricane."AGHHHH!" she screeched, clawing the rug with her fingers and rocking her ass back and forth, impaled on the dog's prick. As he continued to ram her into oblivion, she battled him, forcing herself back up on the palms of her hands, her arms stiff and straight, holding her weight. Her pussy felt like raw meat. The room was spinning. Everything turned fuzzy."AAAAAYIEEEEE!" she screamed, her voice trailing off. She surrendered to the soft cloud of unconsciousness and blacked out. She tumbled to the floor, the sudden drop deprived the beast of her wet cunt.Khan barked, the last drops of his cum spitting from his pointed cock tip.Charlotte trembled as she lay on the rug, her battered body completely satisfied. She was fucked out, exhausted, but happy. Whimpering cries came from her open mouth as she slowly came out of the grey numbing world she had drifted into. She rolled and sat up, propping herself against a chair.She looked first at the dog licking himself, then at Craig smiling, and then at Felicia, who was also smiling. "I hope you all enjoyed the show.""Immensely!" Craig said, rubbing his limp cock. "It almost makes me want to fuck you again.""Oh, no," Charlotte moaned, clamping her legs together. "No more fucking for me until I shower and have a nice cozy nap. I'm beat.""What about me?" Felicia purred. "You could at least let me lick you clean."Charlotte staggered to her feet. "See your brother. Have fun with him.I'm going up to shower, then sleep."On achy legs, she staggered upstairs, a warm feeling in the pit of her stomach. A few minutes later, she stood under the steady raining spray of the shower, thinking about how much she had changed in such a short time and how much George would like it.Chapter 6---------George relaxed in the soft club chair, his eyes glued to the large television screen. His prick ached painfully. "Jesus Christ, Felicia," he moaned as the film ended. "You wouldn't believe she was the same person I married.""She has changed, hasn't she." Felicia laughed, a low sensuous laugh. "You really knew it was all buried right below the surface. I sensed it myself the first time I saw her standing at the door.""The few times she let herself go in bed told me," George said. He sighed deeply. "I don't know how to thank you.""You don't have to thank me at all. It was a ball. Christ, she's an animal once she gets started.""Just like you, huh?" George said, leering at Felicia and remembering the times he had been lucky enough to make it with her."You certainly know how to pick them."George leaned over anxiously on the edge of his chair. "Well, I've seen the movies, when do I get to see Lotty?""You're drooling, George." Felicia stood up, her silky robe clinging to every delicious curve of her long statuesque body. She walked like a cat toward the door, every move a study in sexuality. Khan's sleek body moved in sync with his mistress's.She stopped at his chair, a long nail caressing down his cheek. "Maybe the two of you will stop by some evening for a visit. Craig and I can use a change once in a while."A tremor seized him. "After Lotty and I have a chance to enjoy our new life together, I'll mention it to her." He slapped the blonde playfully on the ass. "Now bring me my wife or I'll tear the place down searching for her."Felicia smiled mischievously and went over to the door and opened it."Come on in, Lotty. George is straining at the reins."Charlotte came into the room wearing the same tight-fitting jeans and sweater she had worn a week earlier when she had first come to the house. The only noticeable difference was in her face and the way she moved her petite body. There was an aura of sexuality about her, her face radiated it and she moved with a catlike assurance, unlike the stiff way she used to walk. Liquid sex was the only thing George could think of as his wife came towards him.Charlotte smiled. "I should be mad at you," she purred, ruffling his dark wavy hair and perching her ass on the arm of the big chair, her hip bumping into George's arm. "I'm not mad though. But when I first found out, killing you went through my mind." She laughed, not a stiff laugh, but an open and honest one. She plopped over into his lap, kissing him full on the mouth, her tongue plunging into his surprised wetness."Unnnnnn," he moaned, devouring her tongue, the fire in his balls raging out of control. He mauled her arms and shoulders, groping for her tits."I'll leave you two alone," Felicia said, a satisfied smile on her full, glistening lips.Charlotte nodded to Felicia, sucking on George's tongue and waving her hand with an air of casualness. "Ooooo, George," she mewed, rubbing her soft denim-clad ass against his prick. "Your cock is hard as a rock.""From watching all those movies of you," he groaned, his hands pawing her tits through her sweater as she squirmed on his lap. "It drove me crazy, watching you.""I'm glad," she murmured, feeling his hard-on throbbing against her soft-rounded ass. "I'll bet Felicia turns you on too, huh?" She reached down and wiggled her fingers under her ass, jabbing his cock."She's sexy as hell," he groaned.Charlotte purred, "Am I sexy?"Christ, yeah," he moaned. He buried his face in her neck, chewing on the warm flesh. "Sexiest bitch in the world.""Mmmmmmmm, I'm glad you think so," Charlotte sighed. Already the fire in her pussy was spreading. "Did you like seeing me with Khan?""Unnnnn, yeaaaaah," he moaned heatedly. The scent of her sweet-smelling perfume attacked his senses. "I almost creamed myself." He cupped a bare tit underneath her sweater and squeezed the few meat."Oooooo, George." She pressed his band harder against her tit. "How about the films of Felicia and me?" She was swirling in a cloud of passion. "Did you like them?""Shit, baby," he growled. He lifted her sweater, baring her firm creamy tits. "It drove me out of my fuckin' skull!"She stood up, swaying on her feet in front of her husband.He leered at her heaving tits, the sweater up around her neck. "Let's get out of here and go home," he groaned. "I gotta fuck you.""Why not here?" she asked, licking her lips. She flipped her sweater up over her head and rubbed her tits openly, brazenly, a thing she had never done for George before. "I'm so hot, my sexy husband."He stared at her, absorbing the change in her. She was completely at ease, the hot sexy bundle he always knew she could be. A lewd grin passed over his strong-featured face. "Why not?" he said."I'm glad." Her fingers worked the zipper of her jeans. She peeled them down and George watched them drop to her ankles. She stepped carefully out of her jeans, completely naked, her petite body perfectly shaped, her reddish patch of pussy hair neatly trimmed. "You surprised?""It's hard to imagine you like this. You always acted so prudish, so shy." He forced back a lump in his throat."I've always been like this, George." Her body swayed. "I think you always knew it. I guess I was too backward to admit it. But not anymore." She parted her cuntlips for him, the red oozing gash visible to George's hungry stare."It's marvelous losing all my damn hangups," Charlotte added, feeling wonderful. She stepped to the side of his chair. "Finger me, honey, my pussy's soaked."George gouged his fingers through her moist cuntlips, the juices flowing over his imbedded fingers. He felt the tugging muscles inside her tight pussyhole."Ahhhhhhhh!" Charlotte humped her husband's fingers with frantic jerking motions of her hips. "George, ohhhhhh!" She rode his digging fingers, rotating her trim hips in tight quick circles. "Ooooooo..."Pulling away, she stood in front of him again. Her face was flushed.She snapped her fingers.Khan, who was seated on the other side of the room, loped over to her side. She hissed in her breath, petting the obedient dog's large head. He licked her thigh with affection."I used to be afraid of him."George was out of his skull. The sight of his sexy wife standing naked beside the giant, menacing-looking Doberman staggered his mind. The film of her sexual games were mild compared to seeing her here where he could reach out and touch her while she played with the black-haired, ferocious-looking beast.Charlotte saw the expression on his face. "You're not dreaming, my darling." She grabbed Khan by his studded collar and pulled him over in front of her. She humped her red-haired pussy into his snout slowly and erotically. "Ooo, I love it when he licks me, honey. His tongue goes soooo, soooo deep into me."George's hand gripped his harden, it pounded like a raging toothache. His entire groin was in agony. His eyes were fastened on his wife's crotch and the dog's beastly snout. He watched the hairy animal lick his wife's cunt and lap up her seeping juices.She pushed her cunt into the dog's muzzle with more determination. "George! His tongue is wiggling inside my cunt. I'm creaming on his tongue. God, it feels good!" She stared at her husband, her eyes telling him she was in bliss. "Am I making you happy?"Wordlessly, George nodded, then he cleared his throat while rubbing his cock through his pants. "Yeaaaaah, baby!" His voice was laden with emotion. "You're driving me out of my fuckin' mind!""I want to make you happy, George." She dropped to her knees and crawled between her husband's legs. "I'm going to make you real happy now, my darling."Her fingers were quickly on his zipper, pulling it down. She fished inside his pants. Her tiny hand wound around the thick throbbing meat of his cock and she lugged it out, whimpering with joy when she laid her eyes on it. Her desire for her husband's cock was fully evident in her sizzling hot gaze."Unnnnn, honey baby!" he groaned, delirious with happiness as her hot hand milked and squeezed the shaft of his aching prick. "Christ, I'm going out of my God damn fuckin' mind!" He jabbed up into her tight fist, his balls swelling with his rumbling cum."I'm glad," she moaned. "It's always going to be like this." Her hand shifted up and down his cock. "There's so many things for us to do together, now that I've-been liberated from myself.""Suck it, baby. Put my cock in your fuckin' mouth!" He was wildly insane with lust for his wife."Like this?" She straightened up to bring her mouth to his prick. Her hot, wet mouth engulfed his prick as she swooped down on him. Her throat hummed, her mouth full of his cockmeat.George watched her in awesome amazement. She took the entire length of his prick down her throat. "Jessssssus!" he hissed, "GOD!" He jerked up, his prick surrounded by her gripping throat muscles.Slowly, scraping her teeth along his veiny prick, she raised her scorching hot mouth off his cock, her eyes misted with lustful adoration for her husband. She looked at him, her tongue swiping across her lips."You are delicious, honey. You like the way I did that?"His voice was gone for the moment. Then he nodded."I practiced on Khan," she sighed. "I practiced a lot. It's like swallowing a sword at the circus." She took his pants down. "Lift."George lifted his ass off the chair, his eyes still on his wife's ass and the sniffing snout of the Doberman. "Do it again," he groaned. "My pleasure."She gulped his cock into her mouth again. Slowly, her tongue fluttering, her teeth clamped tightly onto his skin. She lowered her mouth until the hair of his groin was flush up against her lips. She hummed and rippling vibrations caromed through George's prick and balls. Her fingers scratched his tight groin, clawing and scratching, adding just a tinge of pain. It blended exotically with the pleasures of her suckling mouth and whipping tongue. "Oooo, baby," George groaned in a daze.He humped his groin into his wife's face, hurling the head of his steel-hard cock down her gulping throat. His hands balled into fists and he arched up off the chair, his face turning red. His wife performed tricks with her tongue whipping around his hard prick."Ahhhhhhh! Honey, Jesus!"Charlotte pulled out all the stops. She wanted to show her husband everything she had learned. She whipped her wet tongue up and down the length of his rigid cock, her head bobbing. She used her teeth, biting and alternately sucking. She cradled his balls with her hand and tried sucking the cum that was swelling the aching sacs.George twisted in the chair, his prick ready to burst. During their entire marriage, she had only sucked him twice, maybe three times in all, and he had had to do a lot of pleading to get her to do it. Now she was gulping down his cock as if she had been doing it all her life."SUCK ME! CHRIST! Aghhhh! Your mouth is fantastic!"Not wanting his cum yet, Charlotte pulled her mouth off his cock. She looked up at him, a mischievous gleam in her eye, her hand stroking his spit-soaked cock."George. You can't cum yet. I have so many things to tell you. I want you to know everything.""At home, baby," he groaned deliriously, "at home. My balls are busting."Charlotte giggled dirtily. "You always complained I rushed. I just want to show you how much I've changed--in every way."George stared down at his ravishing, naked wife, his eyes traveling to the huge Doberman who was sniffing and licking her ass. He groaned. He was out of his fuckin' mind."Tell me at home.""Don't you want to see Khan lick my pussy... or watch me play with his cock?" She was pouting like a small child. "Please... I know it'll make you happy."A load groan emanated from George's throat, followed by an agonizing nod. He wanted to see her do the things she mentioned, wanted to badly. He managed to bring himself under control--an almost impossible feat."Mmmmmmm," Charlotte sighed dreamily, kissing her husband's bulky cock as her ass wriggled back at the dog. "His tongue is reaming out my pussy." Her voice, like herself, was dripping with sex. "I like his tongue in my pussy. It feels so wonderful."George was reeling. It was a dream come true.Charlotte rolled away from her husband's hard-on and played with Khan-- a naked nymph romping on the floor with the giant black dog. "He's sooo gentle too," she purred to her husband, her hands ruffling up Khan's fur. She wiggled her pussy, Khan's snout in between the soft puffy folds. "He just loves pussymeat." Her legs went up in the air. "Ooooo, his tongue is..." A shudder racked her as Khan's teeth nipped her erect blood-gorged clit.George was hypnotically entranced. He sat numbly in the chair, a frozen body, a slave to his own lust. "Make his cock hard," he told his wife, his tone coming out raspy and strained.She giggled, rolling on the floor with the giant Doberman, capturing Khan's prick with her hand. When the dog fell to his side, she yanked his cock up and down, her eyes on fire. She hungered to obey her husband's every wish, yearned to make him deliriously happy."See! See!" she squealed like a delighted child, pointing out Khan's huge purplish-red cock that had expanded to full-size. She looked to her husband. "I'll do anything, anything you tell me.""Lick it," he said at once, his eyes bulging.Charlotte immediately lowered her mouth, her tongue fully extended. She lapped from the dog's balls to his cock tip, then back down again, her tongue sliding down the sticky wetness. "Like that?" she asked, her eyes bright. She needed to be reassured that her husband was happy with the change in her.She crawled on her knees to her husband, the Doberman leaping to his feet and nuzzling his snout in her pussy from the rear. "I've done so many things since I've been here," she said to her husband, grasping his prick in her small delicate hand. "I'm dying to show you everything."She kissed the tip of George's hard-on. "I love your cock, my darling."She licked his weighty balls, drenching them in her bathing spit. Her tongue played along the inner flesh of his thighs and then up under his balls, lavishing her affection with his cock.George was in a state of rapture. He had figured his wife was going to be great, but he never expected this. She was fabulous! "Has the dog fucked you?" he asked, already knowing, but wanting to hear her say it.Charlotte brought her mouth away from her husband's prick. "Ooooh, yes, George," she sighed hotly, "he's fucked me blind. His cock goes so fast when its inside my pussy. He fucks great." She smiled dreamily at the memory. "You wanna see him fuck me?""Not now," he groaned hoarsely, yearning to fuck her himself. "I'll fuck you blind.""You'll have to buy me a dog, George," she continued. "A nice trained dog that likes pussy." She giggled devilishly."I will, honey. Maybe Felicia will help us pick one.""I know she will," Charlotte purred, stroking her husband's cock with lazy pulls up and down his hard prick. "Khan's licking my asshole with his tongue. "Ooooooh! His tongue is wiggling inside!"George couldn't control himself any longer. He shoved his naked wife on the floor. "On your fuckin' back!"She laughed, blissfully happy, tumbling over. Her legs flailed, the dog going between them, licking her cunt mound. She humped her cunt at Khan's digging snout, looking up at George, watching him tear the clothes off his body."We'll fuck my way," she told him, scrambling away, Khan in hot pursuit.George didn't care which way they fucked as long as he buried his cock inside her sweet little pussy. It had been a long week without her, an entire week without fucking, and he was out of his mind. Like a madman, he looked down at his wife with his leering dark stare."On your back, George. Get on your back," she purred, fondling Khan's cock. "I'll ride you. I don't want you shooting off your load too quickly." She glared at the camera on the wall and smiled, knowing this film would be a classic and that they would both enjoy watching it again and again.The muscles in his face tensed, his cock aching as if it were his whole body. He had taken enough from his teasing wife. He grabbed her by her dark-red hair and hauled her to his raging prick."Suck it!" he demanded, wanting to blast her mouth with his cum for the first time. "SUCK!"She struggled, loving him more for taking command. "No." She was adamant. "No!"He slammed her face into his groin, jamming his hard-on into her mouth. He lashed at her with his raging prick, sinking it to the root in her throat, his balls whacking her chin. She had driven him over the brink. He didn't care about anything except filling her mouth with his jizz.With her mouth stuffed with cockmeat, she willingly surrendered. Her arms snaked around his hips, and she clawed his ass with her nails. Gagging, she adjusted to his ramming plunges, working her mouth in unison with his forward lunges, using her teeth to scrape along his plummeting prick. She whipped her slashing tongue across his cock head when he brought it out of her tight gullet. George went insane. A week of abstinence and now this bombardment of sexual stimuli all at once transformed the horny husband in to an enraged madman. He flushed, his muscular frame tightening, a demonic glare in his eyes. His prick had swelled larger than ever before and his balls rumbled with a fury. He glared at the ceiling, seeing the camera that was filming the entire fuck. It was knowing that this suck was going to be on film that triggered the explosion in his balls.His prick burst like a spewing volcano, his body quaking in a seismic shudder. Bubbling hot white cum erupted from his piss slot and showered the back of his wife's cock-stuffed throat. "I'm cumming, honey!" he roared in ecstasy. "JESSSUS!" His fists grabbed his wife's hair and he slammed her face over and over again onto his squirting cock. A river of endless cum gushed from the bloated head of his prick.Charlotte's finger had worked its way to his asshole and was now digging inside his wrinkled opening, making him jerk wildly in a vain effort to stop her. She swallowed the heavenly load of jism and savored each gooey drop. Her mouth sucked like a vacuum, drawing the stringy cum up from his emptying balls.Small sensuous orgasms rippled through her as she used the knowledge she learned from Felicia to please her husband while he creamed her mouth, teeth, lips, tongue, and gulping throat.George spewed a constant torrent of viscid cum. His legs buckled under the strain and he bellowed a blissful howl. Jerking frantically, he jabbed her face in a furious rampages his fingers losing their grip on her hair. He lunged forward with a few final plunges, his prick draining, his balls relieved of their weighty, aching load. His few last jabs were less demanding, easing, slowing as he skittered down the other side of his fabulous orgasm.Charlotte, her pussy inflamed and yearning for a cock, took every last drop of his cum in her mouth. Her head bobbed now as her husband slowed. She sucked and chewed as his prick lost the unresisting hardness of steel and slowly became the tender pliable muscle of soft cockmeat. She beat her tongue on her husband's shrinking prick then pulled away with a contented smile. She fell back on the floor."Christ, baby," George groaned, his sanity returning. "I couldn't help it. I had to cream your mouth.""It doesn't matter. We have all afternoon to use this room. Felicia is filming this all for us."He nodded, his body numb. "I noticed."Charlotte leered at his limp cock covered with cum and spit. "I'm looking forward to getting you hard again. We'll fuck while Khan fucks my asshole at the same time.""Has he--?""No, I've been saving that for us.""Jesus, baby. You're the greatest!""Then come on down to the floor and let me prove it to you so that you'll never forget it."Chapter 7---------George got down on the floor with his naked wife. He still marveled at the fantastic transformation that had taken place in just one week. He grabbed her, pulling her into his strong arms."I still can't get over the change in you, Lotty."Charlotte melted into his heavenly embrace. Khan still sniffed his cold nose at her ass. She rubbed her body against her husband. Her body raged with a fiery passion that only his cock could quench. She wriggled out of his arms."What are you... going to do?" he groaned as her mouth began a feverish descent from his neck to his belly."Eat your body while Khan licks me." She brought her mouth back up to his nipples. "I want you to be completely satisfied with the new me. I want to know that you're deliriously happy and still in love with me before we go home."He looked at her and held her tenderly. The loving silence and the way he cradled her told her what she wanted to know."I do, baby. I do," he said with a gentle tenderness. Her teeth began nipping him. "Christ, you're perfect!"She looked up at him. "You haven't fucked me yet!"She bent her head, ready and anxious to undertake the task of getting him hard again. She clawed his taut groin, her lips and tongue working overtime on the limp piece of cock flesh lying on his thigh. She crawled between his legs, perching her ass up for Khan's delight. Her tongue slapped wildly on George's cock."Khan's tongue is fucking me, George. His tongue is in my pussy."George groaned his response. His head was in the clouds. She was everything he had dreamed of. His senses were being bombarded with sexuality--she reeked of it. "How does it feel, baby? Tell me what Khan is doing." With his passion sated for the moment, he was able to revel in what the Doberman was doing to his wife. A tremor seized him, seeing the dog's rump swaying in back of Charlotte, knowing that his tongue was touching and licking her cunt.Charlotte slapped her tongue on George's limp prick and stopped to speak. "His tongue is almost as deep in my pussy as his cock when he fucks me." She bit her husband's inner thigh flesh with playful nips. "Roll over, honey."George moaned as her mouth urgently followed him, biting the cheeks of his ass. "Nnnnnn, baby!" Her tongue was soaking the flesh of his ass and thighs. "God damn, you're fantastic, honey!""We're going to be happy from now on," Charlotte mewed. "Our sex-life will never be what it was again."Her hand skimmed under his body, grasping his cock. As she held his limp prick, she soaked his asshole with her drool, then buried her face between his twin ass cheeks and licked the wrinkled hole. Has hand squeezed his prick rhythmically all the while.George squirmed, his wife's mouth driving him crazy. She stirred the embers in his balls, stoked the fire, and brought his passion fire back to a roaring incinerator again. He heaved a gasp, a moaning rumble."Inside! Stick your tongue in my asshole!""You want me to lick out your ass the way Khan is licking out mine?" she mewed wantonly."Uhhhh... yeaaaaah..." He was delirious.She purred, her nails scratching her husband's ass cheeks. "Khan's tongue is in my asshole now. Ooooo, he's reaming out my ass. Reaming it deep as hell!" She plunged her face back to her husband's ass and plowed her tongue into his-ass canal. She reamed George as the Doberman reamed her narrow shitter. Khan's prick throbbed, his tongue whipping deep inside Charlotte's ass. He snarled, pressing his wet, snorting muzzle beyond the wrinkled crack into her tiny asshole."Ahhhhhhnnnnn..." Charlotte's muted sounds were lost in her husband's ass. She clawed George's groin, manipulating his cock with her other hand. She licked him down behind his balls, humming, sending vibrations up through his body to his hardening prick, Craving to show her husband everything she learned, Charlotte crawled over to the coffee table and sprawled herself out on her back, her ass scooting down until her pussy was flush with the edge of the table."Watch me, George, watch me take the dog's prick."George's prick was stiffening. He rubbed it, his eyes following the contour of her petite naked body, her legs opened wide for the giant Doberman's hulking cock."C'mon, you fabulous doggie. Khan! Fuck me! Show my husband how good you are!" She humped her pussy in a lascivious manner, her ass slapping against the smooth surface of the table.Khan whimpered at Charlotte and padded to the meaty pussy that was being offered to him. Standing between her outstretched legs, he licked upward along her pussy crack, cunt-cream oozing out freely over his pointed snout. He slurped around in the steamy depths of her bubbling cunt.George's mouth dropped. He came closer, feeling Charlotte's tits and squeezing the pulpy meat. His prick throbbed again. Blood gorged his prick again, turning it once again into a piece of fiery steel.Charlotte leered at her husband from glassy emerald eyes. "His tongue is so deep!" She slapped the table with her hands, and the dog immediately leaped up, lunging his gigantic hard-on at the waiting hot oozing pussy."Aaaaaaahhh! GEORGE! He's in MEEEE!" She met the dog's thrusts with her jabbing hips, feeling his cock reach deep. "Fuck me! Fuck me!" she said to Khan, mauling his sleek hairy body, humping her cunt on his prick, feeling his thick doggie cock stretch the tight pulsating walls of her pussy.Khan's eyes glowed. He licked Charlotte's flushed cheeks, his hot breath warming her face. He whimpered, his hind legs dancing, his heavy balls swaying and haphazardly whacking into Charlotte's wet, juicy ass. His neck strained, his fangs bared, his prick swelled to the limit. He began to howl his pleasure.Charlotte gave George a dreamy expression, her hips jerking on their own power. "He's so deep! He's stretching my pussy for your gorgeous cock, honey!""Your asshole. Let him fuck your ass!" His voice was cracking with lust."Ooooooh, George." She began to jerk away from the dog's lunging cock, her hands pushing the huge Doberman away."Khan! No! No! Stop. I want you to fuck my ass."Khan pulled out, whining, yelping, Charlotte's hands shoving him away. He licked his long giant cock with his thick broad tongue. There was cunt juice smeared all over it."Oooooo, shit, George," Charlotte panted heavily. "Help me roll over.""I have a better idea. You ride me. The dog will fuck you like you suggested earlier. I want both your holes stuffed with cockmeat.""Ooooo, yesssss," she moaned enthusiastically, rolling off the table, her eye catching sight of her husband's gargantuan prick. "Ohhhhh, yessssss." Exuberantly, she pushed George onto his back and grabbed his cock, straddling him.George was amazed. He couldn't get over it. She was definitely a sexual animal. He jabbed up, his hands grabbing each tit."Noooo," she purred, dragging the head of his cock through her seething cunt. "You lay still. It's my show. When we're back home, I'll belong to you again, body and soul."George dropped back, willing to give in. Wasn't this what he always wanted? He grunted, content to let her have her own way. He was ecstatic!Charlotte crammed the head of George's prick between the loose puffy lips of her cunt, swallowing the bulbous head. She released his cock and remained poised, ready to pounce any second. She was reeling in happiness. She rocked back and forth, the room spinning, her passion bubbling in her veins."You ready?"George nodded that he was ready.Charlotte plunged down at once, impaling herself on his stiff prick. She swooned, her body stuffed with her husband's cockmeat. It was as if they were fucking for the first time.She held steady, unmoving, gazing into his face. "You're throbbing, honey." She leaned back, her tits pointing up at the ceiling. She clawed her way down her body until she pressed a finger into her belly. "I can feel you all the way up in here."Quickly, she came back into position, keeping his cock buried to the hilt, holding it tight with every muscle in her overheated pussy."Khan! Come and lick." She slapped the jiggling cheeks of her ass and leaned forward. Her tits huge in her husband's face, enticingly accessible for him to paw.Khan rushed over, his long red cock jutting out, looking meaner and thicker than before. The pointed cock tip seeped the jizz of his heavy balls. He caught the exotic scent of Charlotte's turned-on body. He ran his tongue from her cock- filled pussy up her ass crack."Did you feel his tongue?" she asked her husband, her mouth parted in a deliciously lewd expression as the dog swiped his tongue along her deep ass crack.George nodded, feeling the dog's tongue lap eagerly on his balls and the base of his cock where the juices from Charlotte's pussy had settled. "He's licking my cock!""Like it?" she cooed, shivering in ecstasy. She bent forward and licked her tongue across George's mouth. "Uhhhh... his tongue is licking my ass now!" She swiped her tongue over her husband's mouth again. "He's licking me like that.""Baby, baby, baby," he groaned, his hands anxiously roaming over his wife's lithe, sizzling body. "Jesus, honey!" He jabbed up, his prick throbbing in her tight pussy."Not yet," she moaned. Her eyes rolled back in her head from the force of George's jabbing cock. "Sssoooon. Wait until Khan's cock is in my asshole first."Anxious for it to happen, George reached around his wife's hips and spread the firm cheeks of her ass, exposing the delights of her wrinkled hold to the dog's muzzle.She wriggled, jabbing back at Khan. "C'mon... come onnnnn!" she urged the dog. She was becoming frantic. The desire to have her asshole plundered by the dog was an overwhelming obsession. "Ooooo, fuck me, Khan. Fuck my ass." She wiggled her cunt on her husband's cock.George held her ass cheeks apart, the dog's tongue cleaning his balls as Charlotte's pussy continued to flow. He tightened, the look in his wife's eyes driving him berserk. "Yessss, Khan, fuck her pretty little asshole."Khan's snout jabbed the round wrinkled opening. He sniffed, then barked, his prick swinging like a bat. He whimpered and nipped her ass, his passion pounding inside his achy balls. Still whimpering, he jumped up, his huge paws landing on Charlotte's back.Charlotte groaned in heated desire, her small body almost buckling from the dog's sudden jump. She grunted under the weight of the giant hairy beast. "Oooooo, George! Oooooo!" She held still, waiting for the dog to rip into her asshole. "I'm frightened.""Easy, baby," he soothed, keeping her ass cheeks apart for the Doberman. He felt the dog trying frantically to sink his cock into the tight canal of her almost virgin asshole. "Easy. Relax."Charlotte looked adoringly at her husband. "I'm glad I saved my asshole until now." She gulped back a rising panic, feeling the dog's prick whack into the flesh of her ass cheeks. "Oooohh, Khan, do it! Do... AYIEEEE!"Khan did! His cock sliced right through her wrinkled opening and plunged deep in her asshole. He howled, his jabbing body lunging. He pranced in closer, slamming hard, ripping through her tiny asshole and cracking it wide with his swelling cock.Charlotte's head snapped back. "He's in meeeee! Ooowww! He's ripping me apart! Ooooo, GOD!" She bucked and bounced on the two cocks. Her pussy was being stuffed with her husband's prick while her asshole was ravaged by the beastly Doberman pinscher.George weathered the fury of his wife's jerking and floundering body. He could feel the pounding weight of the dog as he lashed his wife's asshole with his doggie cock. Her pussy pulsed against him urgently, and with the dog stretching her asshole, he felt her pussy tightened around his firmly imbedded cock. He was stunned, feeling the jabbing strength of the dog through the thin skin that separated the two delicious holes."Ride it, baby, ride it!" He was still, letting her adjust to the dog's cock ramming in and out of her ass."Oooooo, George!" She squirmed wildly. "It burnssss! Ooooo, how it burns."Tears were streaming down her cheeks from the pain. Her head was whirling in agonizing pain and joy. It was a toxic mixture. She came down on her husband, her face buried in the crook of his neck, her ass poised, Khan stabbed his cock at horrendous speed into her ass.George held her, caressed her smooth back, his hands brushing against the dog. It was exotic! "Fuck her! Fuck her!" he chanted to the dog, swept up in the moment. "Fuck her!"The pain began to subside. Being in her husband's arms and having his cock plugged inside her pussy helped. She began to let herself float free, beginning to enjoy her ass fuck."He'sssss... he's..." She pushed back, experimenting. "Oooooo... George! George!""Yeaaaa, baby. Take us both on. Both our cocks." He humped up, skewering her cunt with his meaty shaft, making the warm creamy juices flow again.Khan yelped, adjusting to Charlotte's movements as she fucked the two cocks. His hind legs danced, his tongue hung out and his black eyes were gleaming with a passionate luster.Charlotte welcomed Khan's ass-splitting cock. She shoved back at him, catching the dog's rhythmic lunges and smiling dreamily into her husband's face. "He's fucking me blind, honey! I'm stuffed with doggie cock." She used her cunt muscles on her husband's prick. "I'm in heaven! Ohhhhhh, God, I'm in heaven."She worked her ass in tight frantic circles, Khan's whimpering cries and her husband's pleasurable grunts were swirling her around and around in a whirlpool of passion and excitement.George began to pick up speed, his cock swelling in the tight, snug greasy channel of her pussy. His hands skimmed around and grabbed her tits. He mauled them, his fingers digging into the soft supple mounds.Man and beast fucked the tiny compact woman. Mercilessly, they slammed into her-- George from the floor slamming into the tightness of her cushiony soft pussy and Khan from behind spearing into the tight canal of her ass. Their thick aching cocks turned Charlotte into a mindless body that bore the passion and overpowering strength of them both.Charlotte went berserk. She devoured both cocks with her body, gulping up their driving meat with both her holes. Her clit, swollen and puffy with blood and lust, scraped into her husband's groin, sending hot sharp jolts of pleasure through her entire frame. She looked down at her husband and watched his hands manhandling her tits."Ooooo, I feel you both. You're making meeee... ooo... making me crazy!" She jerked between them, George's hard, muscular frame beneath her, Khan's hard, hairy body behind her, his paws clamped to her sides, his hind legs rubbing her thighs. She wallowed in both man and beast fucking her, her mind slowly floating out of reality and into a fuzzy world of heavenly sensations.George held her tits, his ass humping, his cock lancing her pussy with a flurry of wild jabs. His ass thumped methodically.Khan, yelping like a lost puppy, drove the naked woman forward with each frenzied stab of his prick. His heavy balls seemed to rumble their approaching eruption. He leaned forward, his hairy frame covering the silky smooth skin of Charlotte's body."Cummmmmm," Charlotte growled, her eyes showing passion and ardor."Cummmm! Cummmm! Cummmmmm!"She was out of her mind. The two plunging cocks had robbed her of her sanity. She twisted against the invasion of her pussy and ass, sinking lower and lower into the murky depths of depravity and lust."Cream my cunt, George," she rasped hungrily. "Cummmmm!" Her head twisted around and she saw the demonic-looking beast fucking her ass. "Cummmm, fill my ass with your doggie cum!" She ground her cunt into George's groin, an explosion careening through her small frame. She was cumming!"Yessss, baby! You cum!" George pounded his cock into his climaxing wife, tattooing her pussy with a strength he didn't know he possessed."CREAM MY COCK! CUM!"Charlotte swirled around the summit, her clit raw from the friction, her head was swimming, her pussy in spasms, her ass devastated by the Doberman's cock. In the midst of her whirling orgasm, she opened her mouth and her eyes popped."He's cumming! Khan's creaming me with his junk!"Khan's growling snarls echoed in the room and blended with Charlotte's shrieks of joy. His cock spewed a deluge of cum into Charlotte's waiting, grasping asshole. Harder and faster, he pounded the small-framed woman, his cock sinking deep into her ass. His cum squirted even deeper, his cock releasing a torrential downpour of the hot, liquid spume."My belly! He's shooting it into my fuckin' belly!"Explosive convulsions racked Charlotte's body and she wrenched herself between the two spearing cocks. A hot searing jolt ripped like lightning through her spastic cunt and she soared."I'm cumming, darling!"Babbling cries of idiocy followed. Her orgasms rendered her speechless, unable to utter anything but a gurgling cry. Her body contorted into twisting, churning gyrations, forming unbelievable positions as wave after wave of crashing orgasms beat upon her distraught body.George, swept up in the fury of his wife cumming and the giant dog creaming her ass, exploded. Jet streams of cum blasted from his prick, shooting deep and filling his wife's cunt quickly.Thrashing and writhing between two plowing cocks, Charlotte's body drank in the spraying cum that drowned her. Greedily, Charlotte's body absorbed the doggie jizz and the hot squirting cum of her husband. She gurgled as if the cum were filling her throat. Her red hair slashed across George's face as she writhed. Her arms buckled, and she finally collapsed, her ass still being skewered by Khan's spurting prick.Khan's hind quarters shoved his prick deep, the last few squirts of his doggie spume flooding her ass completely. He yelped and pulled out. His prick was sore, rapidly shrinking back into the safety of its thick-skinned sheath. He whimpered, sniffed and licked the hole he just plundered, lapping up the goo that oozed from her tiny asshole.Khan went whining off across the room, away from the growling, moaning human bodies on the floor.With her body unencumbered by the dog's heavy weight, Charlotte was able to give full vent to George and his still spouting cock. She hauled herself up, bouncing on him and swung around, clawing the air as another eruption burst deep inside her scalding cunt.George's eyes bugged-out at his wife. His hips lunged up and down like untiring pistons, turning her pussy into a thick soup of cum. His hands gripped her with urgency and he plowed her with a vengeance, his prick jettisoning the last of his load. With a roaring grunt, he stopped, depleted, completely satisfied for the first time in his life and their marriage.A swirling climax spiraled up through her pussy. She squealed an unearthly sound and froze. A quivering rumble shook her body. She looked at George, saw his smiling face through a haze, then twitched on him. She slipped easily into a light faint.George eased her off him and held her in his arms until she recovered.* * *Later, after they dressed, George and Charlotte stood at Felicia's front door, where a prudish Charlotte had first entered seven dates earlier."Come and see us sometime," Felicia said to them, planting good-bye kisses on their cheeks."We will," Charlotte promised, after looking at George for his approval. She glanced around. "Where's Craig?""Here I am," he answered, leading a huge gawky Doberman by a leash. "We have your present here.""He's almost as well-trained as Khan," Felicia told them. "The rest is up to you. His name is Matsu and Khan is his father.""Oooooh George, isn't he gorgeous?" Charlotte bubbled. "I don't know what to say!""Say, you'll both come back and visit once in a while," Craig put in."We will," George assured them. "We'll call you in a week or two.""Don't forget to bring Matsu," Felicia said, her eyes on Charlotte. She winked. "With two dogs we can really have a ball."George and Charlotte made their way down the path with their new pet, a whole new life spread out before them.The End~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 56
My name is Jack Harkin. I am 24 years old and single. I am 5 feet, 10 inches tall with a medium build. I teach at a suburban Junior High School and also serve as faculty advisor to the school newspaper. The student editor was a girl named Janet. Janet was a 13 year old eighth grader. She was an above average looking teen, about 5 feet, 6 inches tall, brown eyes and redish-brown curly hair. Janet had a typical young teen body, flat and straight. Her breasts were nice emerging B-Cups. Her legs were long and smooth. She was also the most intelligent and mature eight-grader in her class.At first the relationship between us was quite teacher/student professional. She would approach me during the day with newspaper questions, sit next to me, in the circle, at weekly staff meetings, and only hold work sessions when a number of other student staff members could be there. She also dressed in typical Junior High garb, jeans and a tee shirt. As the school year went on, Janet's behavior started to change. She started to wear more dresses and skirts, that were often on the short side. The tops she wore were tighter, as if to show off her growing breasts.Some of her questions to me were more personal. She asked things like - did I a have a girlfriend, or what did I like to do on dates, etc. I always felt the relationship and conversations between teacher and student should be strictly professional.We had weekly staff meetings. At these, the whole student newspaper staff sat around in chairs in a circle and talked about assignments and the upcoming issue. I noticed Janet had moved from my side, to sitting opposite from me at those meetings and at the same time she started wearing more dresses and skirts. From this vantage point, she afforded me an unobstructed view of her legs and thighs. At times she would shift, uncross, and spread her legs, giving me a good view of the panties beneath. I tried to concentrate on the meetings, but found myself constantly glancing over, trying to catch another view of those silky thighs and beyond. Sometimes I caught her staring back at me. The work sessions, dedicated to laying out the newspaper were becoming even more uncomfortable. What used to consist of five or six student members, dwindled down to just her and I. Oftentimes, while I was at the computer, she would lean into me from behind, on the pretense of pointing out something on the screen, and press her braless, B-Cups into my back. When she sat at the computer in tight skirts, the hem would often ride up well above her thighs, revealing the fabric on the crotch of her many different colored cotton panties. One time, I don't think she even wore her panties for I detected the hint of a reddish-brown bush as she typed away on the keyboard. I was in an almost constant state of arousal around Janet. Once, when we accidentally bumped into each other face to face, body to body, I swear she could not only feel, but enjoyed, my eight inch erection digging into her pelvis, for she didn't immediately move away. Yes, she was a student, and under my charge, but I was having a hard time viewing her as just that anymore. As it so happened, our newspaper was given an award, by the Junior High Student Newspaper Association, in the category of Outstanding Student Editorials. Janet, being the editor, was asked to make two workshop presentations at the annual Spring conference on the topic of "How To Make School Changes Using The Editorial Process." This year's conference was at a large Hotel/Conference center nearby in a neighboring suburb. As faculty advisor, I was to accompany Janet to the conference, introduce her at the workshops, and generally chaperone the thirteen year old to keep her out of trouble. We didn't need to book a room since this year's conference was in our backyard.On Saturday, I arrived with Janet at the conference. She was wearing a short pink cotton sun dress with black babydoll shoes. She looked like a living Lolita. The first thing we did was register, get our name tags, and packets. We were told that Janet's presentations were spread out, one at 9:00am and the other at 4:00pm. Janet was exceptional at presenting the workshop. She held the attention of the student audience, answered all their questions, and completed the session within the allotted 45 minutes.As she finished and we gathered up her presentation materials, I said, "Now what. Which sessions do you want to attend before you have to repeat this at 4:00?""To tell you the truth Jack. I mean Mr. Harkin," Janet answered, "I'm feeling kind of weak and queazy all of a sudden. I don't think I can do another workshop. I need to lie down and rest. Is there any place here to do that?""I saw some lounge chairs in the lobby," I said, "maybe you can rest there?""Oh, I think that would be weird," Janet said, "do you think there would be any way to get a room for a few hours?"I did not know if this would be a good idea, yet I knew I was responsible for her and wanted her to be OK for the afternoon presentation, so I told her I would see what I could do.I returned a little later, holding a key card in my hand."We're in luck," I said, "They have many rooms left, and I got the conference rate. It's room 222." (Ironic, since that was the name of a teaching show, where the lines were often blurred between teacher and student, many years ago.)As we walked to the elevator, Janet was standing much closer than before and leaning into me quite closely. She grabbed onto my arm as if to steady herself as we walked. Once at the room, I unlocked the door and we both went in. It was a typical hotel room, with one king sized bed and other appropriate furniture. I removed the bed spread and pulled back the sheet."OK young lady," I said, "Lay down and get some rest. You've got another workshop ahead of you.""I don't want to wrinkle my dress," Janet said. "turn around Mr. Harkin."As I turned around, she began pulling the dress over her head. Little did she know, or maybe she did, that I could see everything through the reflection in the mirror on the wall. I saw that she did not have on a bra once again. Her breasts were even larger and nipples more pert, than I had imagined under her many thin tops. She had on pink, cotton, bikini panties that matched her dress. And I could not help admire those long legs leading up to the silky thighs which framed the cotton crotch of her panties.Once undressed, she kicked off her shoes, scooted under the sheets, and said, "You can turn around now Mr. Harkin.""Ok, I'll let you get some rest." I said, as I started to leave."No, don't leave," she said, "I don't want to be here alone.""OK," he said, as he sat down in the chair next to the bed, "now get some rest."With that she closed her eyes to nap. She was a rather restless sleeper, and before long the sheets slid off her down to her ankles. She turned around landing on her back.I could not help but stare at the luscious body of this 13 year old. Her breasts were the size of plump, ripe peaches, and just as succulent I imagined. I came closer and sat on the edge of the bed. The cotton fabric of her pink bikini panties pretty much hid the treasure of her crotch. However, I could detect the outline of her pussy through the panties. Her pussy lips seemed to be full and protrusive. She had what some might characterize as a significant "cameltoe".After a little while she stirred and her eyes opened up. She made no attempt to pull the sheets back over her."Hey what's going on Jack?" Janet said."I think you shouldn't be calling me Jack." I said."I think you shouldn't be sitting here staring at a half-naked little girl." Janet shot back."I don't think there's anything little about you." I replied."Wow, are you saying you consider me a big girl now," she said, "Jack, it's about time. I've been trying to get you to notice me all year.""Oh I noticed, I just didn't let on that I did, nor act on it." I said."Well then, I guess the time to act would be now!" she exclaimed, as she reached up, put her arms around me, pulled me close, and gave me a hot, wet passionate kiss.I knew this was wrong, I knew I could lose my job, I knew I could go to jail, but really now, when does one ever have the chance to be with a nubile, 13 year old junior high coed? I threw my arms around her and kissed back, thrusting my tongue deep into her open mouth.While we were doing this, I reached over and began caressing her breasts. She sighed loudly as my fingers massaged the nipples, causing them to get hard and rise to attention.Then, all of a sudden, Janet pulled away. "This is hardly fair," she said, "I'm almost naked and you still have all of you clothes on.""That's easily fixed." I said, and I removed everything but my jockey shorts. My eight inch penis was hard and formed a huge tent in my shorts."Oh my, what do we have here?" Janet said. "It looks like someone's happy to see me. You know I've never seen a grown man's thing before. May I see it?""You may, and it's called a penis, by the way." I said.With that I pulled off my shorts and she got the first glimpse of my eight inch penis."Oh wow, it's so big, and thick," she said, "I think I need to examine him closer."She reached over and clutched my member around the base. Then she felt all of it, up my shaft to the head, squeezing it tightly. As she did this, she felt a few drops of waxy fluid leak out the tip. She couldn't believe how something could be so hard yet feel so soft at the same time. "Speaking of fairness," I said, "I've never seen a 13 year old 'thing'. May I see it?""Yes you may." she said, "and it's called a pussy.""Actually vagina," I said."I know silly," Janet replied, as she hooked her thumbs in the waist band and slid off her panties.She then lay down and spread her legs wide. "It's your turn to explore now," she said.The view was even better than I imagined it to be beneath the fabric. There was a full bush of reddish-brown pubic hair, covering a puffy, plush set of pussy lips. I could detect a thin coating of moisture, just covering the slit. At the top of her slit was the hood, housing her clitoris, which was not yet peeking out.I rubbed my finger up and down her slit, transferring the lubrication from front to back. Then I did something I just love. Using both hands, I grabbed each pussy lip with my thumb and index finger, and spread them as wide as I could. This gave me a spectacular view deep inside her pussy. The walls of Janet's pussy were pink, smooth, moist and deep. I used one hand to keep her pussy open while I rubbed the palm of my other hand inside, on her walls, savoring the hot silkiness of her inner womanhood. Janet must have liked this too, for she was moaning and rocking her hips. After massaging her inner walls, I took my middle and index fingers and pushed them all the way in."Hey, I don't feel a hymen." I said."Tampons." she answered. "I'm still technically a virgin." Thank God, I thought. I wanted her to remember the pleasure not the pain of her first time.As I continued to finger her, I decided to try one other thing. I put my face between her thighs and started to lick and suck around the area of her clitoris. It wasn't long before the hard, pink button popped out beyond the protective hood. My lips clung tightly around the erect clitoris, and my tongue licked the tip in a circular motion. This was too much for a little 13 year old pussy to take. She screamed loudly, and her body bucked wildly, mashing her pussy against my mouth. When this happened I could feel a release of fluid, which I lapped up greedily, and an aroma, sweeter then the most expensive French perfume."Wow." Janet said, "I never felt anything like that before. But I want more. I want it all. I want you Mr. Harkin.""You mean Jack don't you?" I said. With that I gathered her back into my arms, lay completely on top of her, and pressed my chest onto her breasts. The contrast between the soft mounds and hard nipples was fabulous. She spread her legs and I dug my crotch into hers, rubbing my penis against her soaking wet pussy. She then surprised me by reaching underneath, grabbing my penis, and placing it firmly, not just at the entrance, but actually into her hot, wet pussy hole. It took only the slightest lunge forward then, to bury it all the way to the hilt. I stayed still for a moment, letting her get used to the feeling of having me inside her. Then I started to pump in and out slowly. Janet looked up at me with an expression of abandon.I continued to pump, although faster now, nevertheless, with long deep strokes. This virgin 13 year old seemed to love the feel of the first penis inside her. Her hips again moved upward to meet my every movement, her breathing deepened, and her moans grew more frequent. Then her whole body began to shake and her pussy muscles contracted. The feeling of her hot pussy walls squeezing my hard shaft pushed me over the edge. I felt the unmistakable tightness in my balls, telling me I was about to release my biggest load ever. Not wanting to get her pregnant, I started to pull out. She, however, reached up, grabbed my butt, and held me in, pushing me all the way down. I couldn't help but empty my hot, creamy love juice deep into her pussy. Barely able to speak, Janet whispered, "Don't worry, it's a safe time, I'm supposed to get my period tomorrow." Janet then lifted her face up and gave me a deep passionate kiss. "Oh thank you, thank you Jack," she said, "I wanted this for such a long time."I didn't say it, but so had I. I stayed inside her until my penis went limp. As it popped out, the flood of semen dropped onto the sheets.We then both rolled over and fell asleep.A few hours later, I was awakened from a light sleep, with an amazing feeling coming from by crotch area. As I looked up, I saw a 13 year old naked Janet, with her mouth completely engulfing my flaccid penis and sucking."Hey shouldn't we get ready for your afternoon workshop?" I asked."We've got plenty of time," she said, "besides, when are we ever going to get a chance like this again?"I couldn't argue with that, so I just laid there and enjoyed.The suction of her hot, wet, mouth was doing its job. My flaccid penis soon expanded to its full eight inches. This was helped by her tongue simultaneously licking the underside of my shaft, from the base to underneath the head. When I thought I just about couldn't take any more of this, she stopped. She scooted up over my body, squatted, and positioned her pelvis over mine. Without using her hands, she wiggled her splayed open pussy over my hard penis and pushed her whole body down. I feel first the head, then my entire penis sink into her still wet pussy. Janet began to rock up and down as I began to pump in and out. The moisture from her juices combined with my previous fluid, left the walls of her pussy feeling sticky and spongy, creating a grip on my penis, tighter than ever before. Soon our thrusting increased and I felt her whole body stiffen up and then release in yet another powerful orgasm. Surprisingly, I did not shoot my load with that, having cum a few hours earlier.Janet climbed off of me and noticed I was still hard. Seeing this, she slid her head back down between my legs and popped my hard penis back into her mouth.She resumed, where she had left off, sucking me deeply and licking my shaft. Although the feeling in her pussy was tight, the suction of her hot, little mouth caused me to discharge my second load of cum of the day, into her mouth. As she struggled to swallow it down her throat, a good quarter of the load leaked out, between her closed lips and my penis, leaking onto her cheeks and chin. As she removed my penis from her mouth, she used her fingers to scoop up the excess cum from her face, drip it into her mouth, and swallow.I was beginning to wonder just how innocent this girl was. With that is was time to go. We took advantage of the room and grabbed a quick shower together, each cleaning each other's bodies', then put back on our clothes, and left for the workshop.Janet completed the session, as she did the morning one, although she seemed distracted at times as her eyes caught mine.I drove her back to the parking lot at school where her parents were waiting and thanked me for taking care of their daughter. If they only knew! Working with Janet the rest of the year was torture. We never had the opportunity to hook up again. Her short skirts, tight tops, and casual body brush ups, drove me crazy, since I could not act on them. Nothing in my life would ever compare to that one afternoon we had together in April.Unfortunately when the year ended, she left to go on to high school.I did, however, see her one more time. Two years later, while at another student newspaper conference, I caught sight of her walking in the hotel lobby, arm in arm with an older man, who appeared to be her faculty sponsor.I wondered how he would advise her this day...THE END *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 73
I have always hated grooming my yard. It's what sets me apart from everyone else in my neighborhood. I tell them it's because I want a "natural" look, but the real reason is that I just don't see the point. Why should I shell out a few hundred bucks for a machine that will chop off my toes, annoy my neighbors, and spew more toxic fumes into the air than the tailpipe of a car?Of course, I couldn't hold out forever with this mentality. I may not have cared about the yard, or the general neighborhood's disapproval, but Sheila did and I ended up getting a lawnmower. Not an expensive one.That was my rebellion. I got an old bargain machine at a yard sale for 40 bucks. Sheila laughed when she saw it, and asked if I was still concerned about safety, noise, and pollution. No matter. I had bought this thing so that I could make it fail.And fail it did. The first time I mowed the lawn, the engine conked out three times from being shoved through the tall grass. Thereafter, I always made it a point to wait until the grass was tall before mowing again, so as to put more of a strain on the engine. I also got the idea of intentionally running over sticks and small stones, but this idea was reconsidered when a small piece of wood got spewed out of the motor onto my shin, making a gash three inches long and plenty deep. And when I got the bandage on, Sheila still made me go out and finish the lawn.I didn't have to wait long for my plan to take effect. Barely a month after its purchase, the lawnmower died for good. I was shoving it through a large thatch of grass when it suddenly lost power and began to spew out plumes of oily blue smoke. I shut it off and put it back in the garage, then went in the house and told Sheila that it had broken.From then on, whenever Sheila would remind me that the lawn needed mowing, I would be able to say, "I can't, honey, the lawnmower's still broken." Then I would go back to reading the paper, or watching the game, or just unwinding on the porch. Sheila would remind me that the mower had been broken for XXXXX days, and that we would need to get it fixed, and I would say either 1.) "Honey, I'm too busy this weekend to take it in to the shop," 2.) "Honey, it's probably going to cost a lot to fix, and we don't have the money for that right now," or 3.) "Honey, I called the shop. They said I can't bring it in this weekend, because they're too busy right now."My plan was brilliant, except for one factor I hadn't foreseen: Two weeks after our mower broke, Sheila got the idea of asking one of our neighbors, the Fredericks, to lend us their machine. By this time, our grass was a good four inches high, and they were glad to be of assistance, just to see our yard assimilated back to the two-inch neighborhood standard. Once again, I trudged over the yard, pushing the damn mower, and missing the first quarter of the Niners game. At least our neighbors' mower had a bag, so I didn't have to rake clippings.I suppose I could have gotten around the problem by breaking this mower as well, but my conscience kept me from destroying the property of others in pursuit of my own laziness. So I treated it nicely and pushed it back to driveway outside the Fredericks' house.When I rang the bell, the door was answered by Katie, our neighbors' daughter. Katie was seventeen year old junior in high school. She was on the track team, and the Fredericks had invited Sheila and I to come watch her meets many times. She was a very fast runner. Today she was dressed in baggy sweatpants and a big old T-shirt, but I had seen her run enough times to know that the pants hid a fantastic pair of strong, tan legs, and that the breasts beneath the shirt were both large and firm. Judging from the way I could see them move, I guessed that Katie wasn't wearing a bra this morning."Hi, Mr. Grabel!" She said, leaning against the doorframe. "Are you here to return the mower?""Yes," I answered, somewhat out of breath. The worst thing about mowing my yard is that since I don't do it very often, the tall grass makes pushing the lawnmower that much harder. It's a vicious circle, really. Katie saw my worn-out state and said, "You look exhausted. Do you want some lemonade?" I agreed readily, and she let me into the house. I stood in the foyer, afraid to move lest I drip sweat on anything, but Katie beckoned me to follow her into the kitchen in the back of the house. When I came into the kitchen, I found a chair that didn't look too fancy and sat down as she poured me a large glass of lemonade.I accepted the drink gratefully, and took a long sip as she put the jug back in the fridge. I admired her butt through the sweatpants as she bent over to put away the lemonade. I knew I shouldn't have looked, but how could anyone not look at a butt as fine as hers? I was able to pull my eyes away by the time she stood up and closed the door."Thanks for the drink," I said. "When you get as old as me, doing these types of things can really get you exhausted." Katie laughed when she heard this. "I can't believe that, Mr. Grabel. How old are you, 28?" "36," I replied, "but thanks. And call me Brad. Calling me Mr. Grabel makes me feel even older.""OK," she said, cocking her head to the side a little. "It's not so bad to seem older, Mr. G-- I mean Brad. I don't see any problem with that at all." I was a little confused. What did she mean by that? "Well, maybe you don't have any problem with it, but I do. There's a lot of things that I could do in high school that I can't do anymore.""Like what?" She said."Well..." I started, but stopped for a second to think. I *did* have some examples, but most of them were things you weren't supposed to talk about with your neighbor's teenage daughter. "Well, I was able to mow the lawn and not get this tired. And my lawn back then was bigger than my lawn now."Katie was not impressed. "So? Maybe you just need to do it more often. I mow our lawn every week. It keeps me in shape. See?" She pulled up the bottom of her T-shirt and invited me to look at her midriff. I did. It was very flat, and very tan. I could see a slight tan line just above where her sweatpants met her waist."That's true," I said, "but you also do some running, so you have an excuse to stay in shape. Why should I stay in shape? I'm supposed to be settled down now." Katie looked at my body appraisingly. "Mrs. Grabel doesn't mind if you're out of shape?"That stuck. "Of course she doesn't!" I said it a little too quickly. Sheila *had* been inviting me to come to the gym with her lately, but if mowing the lawn was pointless, then paying $20 a month to walk on a treadmill is just stupid. I knew Sheila was going to win on that one anyway: Ever since she had started working out again, she had become more active in bed. I would have to start going with her just so I could keep up with her afterwards.Katie shrugged her shoulders. "If I was married to a guy, I'd make sure that we were always fit. I hate guys that are out of shape. They get so out of breath. Oh, sorry Mr.-- Oops, I mean, sorry Brad.""None taken," I said, lying just a little bit. "Do you make sure your boyfriend doesn't stay in shape?" I assumed he would be just as much as a jock as she was. But instead of answering me, she looked away slightly, and shook her head. "I don't have a boyfriend."This confused me. "Why not? You're gorgeous. Any guy would want you." I was definitely on the wrong track, because as soon as the words were out of my mouth, tears welled up in her eyes and she ran out of the kitchen. I followed her, instantly sorry of whatever I had done. Katie was a genuinely nice girl, and I didn't want to just leave her with her feelings hurt.I looked around the house for her, and stopped by the closed door to her room. Listening closely, I could hear the faint sounds of crying coming from within. I knocked gently."Katie?" I called. The crying stopped for a second, and I could hear a couple of sniffs, but she didn't answer. "Katie? Is it all right if I come in?" There was still no answer from inside the room. I didn't want to burst in on her, but I didn't want to just leave her in her condition, either. "Katie," I said, "I'm going to come in now, and just tell me to go away if you don't want that." I gave her a good five seconds to reply, then I gently opened the door.Katie was slouched on the bed, looking away from me. She gave a loud sniffle as I walked towards her. "Katie," I said, "why don't you tell me what's going on? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.""It's not your fault, Mr. Grabel," she said to the wall, "it's just that there aren't any boys that want me." I was dumbfounded. Katie was gorgeous, with long legs and arms and a long thing face that still managed to be cute. She still had the awkwardness of a seventeen year-old, but she was a lot better looking than any girl I remembered going to school with. I decided I needed to impress upon her how pretty she was."Katie, I just don't see how that could be true. You're young, you're in great shape, you've got a great body...""What's so great about my body?" She asked softly. Uh oh. I stammered for a few seconds before I decided that it was best to be honest with her."Well, Katie, you've got great legs. You're a runner, so that's just natural. All runners have great legs. But your upper body is really nice too. You've got a nice tan, and your arms look like they're really strong." I held out my hand towards her upper arm, "May I?" Katie allowed me to test her biceps, and I continued as I stroked and massaged her arm. "You've got strong arms, Katie, and that's really attractive, you know."She shook her head and shifted her gaze from the wall on the other side of her to the window in front of her. "Boys don't like that. All the boys on track are going out with soft girls.""That can't be true. None of your girlfriends on track have boyfriends that work out?" She stopped and thought for a second. "OK, so some of the guys like track girls, but they've already got girlfriends. The rest of them don't like girls like me.""Well, what about other boys?" I countered. I had moved down her arm, and was now massaging her hand in my own. She gave my hand a little squeeze and said, "I don't know any other boys.""Sure you do," I countered, "What about boys in your classes? Aren't there any that seem interesting?" Done with massaging her hand, I gently tried to pull my hand away, but she held me fast and shook her head, looking at the floor. "They're all jerks. They never talk to me."I pulled my hand from her grasp and began to rub her shoulder. "That's because they're afraid of you, Katie." She looked at me in terror. "They are?" "No! No! I didn't mean it that way. I mean they're afraid to talk to you. They all think you're too pretty, and aren't interested in them." "How do you know that, Mr. Grabel?" She stared at the floor.I paused a second, hesitant to proceed, then said, "Because that's the way I was in high school, and I know I would have been terrified to talk to you." "Why?" "Because you're gorgeous! If you ignored me, I would have been crushed. It was a lot easier to talk about how cool it *would* be to talk to you with my friends."Katie smiled slightly, a definite plus. "Do you really think I'm pretty, Mr. Grabel?""Yes," I said, "and call me Brad." "Thank you, Brad," she said, and leaned over to give me a kiss. It was a very chaste kiss, just a quick smack on my lips, but I was very quickly becoming hard. I felt it was time to leave and began to get up, but Katie grabbed my arm. "Could you stay with me a little while longer, Brad? I really like talking to you." If only she knew how much I liked talking with her. Her grip on my arm was light and warm, but it was also firm, and I sat back down, slouching a little bit to hide the growing bulge in my pants."Brad," she said, "if boys are so afraid of me, then how can I get them to talk to me?" I thought for a second. "How about going up and talking to one of them? You know? Just pick out a guy you think is really cute, or really nice, and go up and talk to him about something." "Like what?" "I don't know, like classes. You can talk to him about classes, can't you? And just go from there. And if you're really daring, you can ask him out.""No way!" Katie giggled, making her breasts quiver. "I can't do that!" "Sure you can," I said. My erection was now beginning to cause problems. "It's just like when you kissed me a minute ago. Just do it.""Okay," Katie said, and she leaned forward and kissed me on the mouth again. I had meant that she should just ask the boy out, but I didn't mind the way she interpreted me. This kiss was longer and slightly harder, and I could taste her lips as they met mine. Katie drew back and looked at me with an odd expression on her face."Brad?" "Yes, Katie?" "Do I kiss okay?" Now I was in deep water. "Yes, I think so. It was a little intimate for a friendly kiss, but it was very nice." She pouted a little. "I know how to give friendly kisses. Could..." she stopped, and let the silence hang in the air. "Yes, Katie?" I prompted her.In a small voice, she said, "Could you show me how to make out?" I should have left the room right then, but I couldn't. Katie was staring at me, her eyes wide, and it looked like she was about to break down and cry if I said anything other than "yes.""Yes," I said. "What would you like to know?""Well," Katie bit her lower lip. "How do you kiss when you make out? I made out with a boy once, and he said I kissed funny."I thought about that. "Well, what did you do, Katie?" "Here, I'll show you." She leaned towards me, puckered her lips, and placed them right on mine. And held them there. I tried moving my lips around to return the kiss, but she held her position. I gently pulled my head away."Well, Katie, I think one thing is that you need to relax your lips more. Just a little bit. Keep them thrust out, but the lips themselves soft. Here, feel my lips." I puckered, and Katie lifted a finger to my mouth. I kept the outside very soft, and slightly moist. When she pushed, her finger was able to slide into my mouth slightly. Before I realized what I was doing, I applied some suction, and drew her finger in even more, licking it softly with my tongue. Katie smiled a bit, and drew her finger out. Then she tried pursing her lips like I had, and leaned in for the kiss.I could smell her shampoo, and a little bit of her sweat. I figured that she must have worked out earlier today. Our lips were much softer against each other now, and much more sensitive. I sucked in a little, and she sucked back, sealing the bond between us. We held that position for a while, then I tried to snake my tongue into her mouth. Katie jerked back with a giggle, and looked at me like I was crazy."You didn't like that?" I said. She didn't say anything, but kept looking at me, noticing that my now-huge erection was causing a very visible bulge in my shorts. Then she leaned back in and kissed me again. This time we both opened our mouths, and her tongue met and slid over mine as we sucked ourselves together. She placed her hand on my leg lightly as we kissed and began to run her nails over my thigh. I gave a desperate thought of Sheila, but it evaporated as I slid my hand from her back to her right breast.I squeezed her through her shirt, feeling the double-smoothness of shirt and skin fall away from my fingers. Katie froze when I did this, and looked me in the eye. She didn't tell me to stop. I trailed my hand down her T-shirt to her waist, then put my hand under the shirt and rested it on her stomach."Usually, when you make out with a boy, he will try to go as far as he can with you," I whispered in her ear. "For instance, just now you let me feel your breast through your shirt, but I want to feel the bare skin." Katie's breath quickened as I slid my hand up to the soft mound and found the nipple. I rolled it in my hand, tweaking it slightly.As I played with her breast, her hand became tight against my thigh. I leaned forward and whispered "You can feel me up too, if you want." As I moved my mouth back to hers, she slid her hand up my thigh and under my shorts, until it was inches from my crotch. She stroked my inner thigh very slowly and deliberately as I continued to play with her breast. I was exploring the inside of her mouth with my tongue, running it along the ridges of her teeth gently.Katie's hand was still stuck on my thigh, so I broke the kiss. "You know what felt really nice, Katie? When you were gently running your nails down my leg. If you did that now, it would feel incredible." As Katie began to run her nails down my thigh, I grabbed the bottom of her T-shirt and began to pull it up. She took her hand off my leg to allow me to remove the shirt, and I got my first look at her breasts in all their glory. They were very large and firm, with only a small bit of sag at the base. The nipple that I had given so much attention to was standing out with a very dark red hue. Her other nipple was still pinkish and a little soft. As she replaced her hand on my thigh, I lowered my head to her left nipple and took it in my mouth.As I sucked on Katie's breast, I undid my shorts and pulled them down, leaving myself in my underwear. Not leaving her breast, I took Katie's hand and guided it to my cock, signaling to her that I wanted her to stroke it. She closed her grip, feeling my rod through my soft cotton briefs. When she gave an experimental squeeze, I hissed in my breath and bit on her nipple, causing her to gasp in turn. She began to take the measure of my cock, running her hand up my shaft to the head. When she felt that I was warmer there, she gave another squeeze, and I almost came in my pants as I jerked my head away from her breast.Katie was stunned. "Did I hurt you?" "No," I said, placing my hand on her thigh. "I'm very sensitive there. You almost made me cum." Katie's eyes went wide. "Can I see it? When you come?" I squeezed her thigh and said "Sure. But not right now. I want to hold off for a bit." I moved my hand up to the fork of her legs and took her mound into her palm. I could tell that she wasn't wearing anything under her sweatpants-- nothing substantial, at least. Katie sat nervously as I ran my finger up and down her slit. All thoughts of Sheila were gone now as I stroked her through the fabric.Katie looked worried, so I asked her "Is it all right if I do this?" She looked at me, almost afraid to give me an answer, then nodded her head very slightly. "You aren't... turned off, or anything?" I laughed as I shook my head no. "Of course not. Why should I be turned off? Did you think you were ugly down there?"She didn't answer, but became visibly more relaxed as I continued to play with her slit. I took my hand away and slid it down the front of her sweat pants. She was sopping wet, and when my finger passed through her bush she shivered slightly.I found her slit, and began to push my finger in a little bit. She whined at me, and I kissed her lightly on the neck. "Is this the way you get yourself off?" She shook her head no. "How do you get yourself off, Katie?" In a small voice, she said, "I just play with my clit. I haven't stuck anything up there yet. I'm afraid.""Of what?" I asked, when it seemed that she would not continue. "Are you still a virgin, Katie?" With moist eyes, she slowly nodded her head. "Don't worry. I won't break you. Relax. Spread your legs a little bit." I lay down beside her, and pushed my finger back into her pussy as I leaned over and began to suck on her tit. "Relax."My finger slid inside her slowly, due to her tightness, and the nervous clamping of her legs. As I began to stroke her tunnel from the inside, she relaxed somewhat, and opened up more. I brushed up against her hymen, and pushed slightly as I bit her tit gently. Katie whined and began to pull away from my finger, so I eased back and worked on her clit.I took my head off her breast and brought my mouth to hers. She sucked my tongue in greedily, urging me to probe her mouth as much as I was probing her vulva. I pulled my finger out of her wetness, and wiggled her fleshy clit with my fingertip before I pulled my hand away completely. Katie tried to move her hips with my hand, but it was no use. I pulled my hand from under the elastic and disengaged myself from her mouth.Katie watched me intently as I brought my finger up for her to see. It was covered in her juices. I smelled her essence on my hand for a second, then, to her surprise, I put my finger in my mouth and cleaned it of her fluids."Eww, gross!" Katie made a face. "How can you do that?" "You mean you don't think you taste good?" I asked her. "I wouldn't do that," she replied.I slid myself down her body until my torso was nestled snugly between her legs. "Well," I said, "I like the way you taste, and I think you're going to like this." I gave her a big grin and lowered my head between her thighs."What are you going to do?" she asked, knowing full well what I was going to do. I started by running the tip of my tongue from the bottom of her slit to the nub of her clitoris. Katie shuddered with pleasure, and her hands shot to my head. She pushed me away for a second with revulsion, then changed her mind and pulled my head back to her mound. "That's dirty, but I love it." She whispered. "Don't stop. Please."I didn't intend to. I resumed licking her slit and twirling my tongue around her clit. Katie closed her legs and pushed my head down, burying my face in her bush. I stuck out my tongue and snaked it inside of her as far as it could go. She tore at my hair as I slithered my tongue over and through her slit. I persevered, and soon she was begging me to keep going."Oh, Brad, yeah, keep licking me, yeah, oh god, it's so dirty, it's so wonderful, don't stop, no, I like... oh, oh, OH, OHHH!" she curled forward as the orgasm raked its way through her frame. I kept my tongue in her pussy as she came down, lapping her gently. I looked up to check how she was doing."How did that feel?" I asked. Katie giggled a little bit and gave me a big smile as an answer. "I thought you'd like that." I said. "Can I see your..." Katie looked a little embarrassed, "you know.""Sure," I said, and I placed my hand next to her head for her inspection. "Not your hand, silly! Your... you know, your thing." "And what is that thing?" I wanted to hear her say it."Your dick" she said in a soft voice. Katie looked up at me. "Please?" I stood up and pulled down my briefs, then lay back down next to Katie, positioned so that my cock was almost resting on her breasts. Katie stared at it, brought forth her hand, then stopped."It's okay," I said. "Touch it." I was rock hard at this point, at my full seven inches. A little bit of pre-come leaked from my head. Katie ran a finger over the shaft, testing the smoothness, and the way the skin slid easily over the flesh beneath. She made a ring around my cock with her finger and her thumb, and began to jerk me off gingerly with the ring."You can squeeze, if you want," I said. "Show me how," she whispered. I pulled her hand off, and showed her how I gripped my cock. When I let go, she emulated me, carefully wrapping her fingers around me as if my penis was made of crystal. "Now move your hand up and down." I told her. "Stroke me."Katie squeezed me lightly and began to pump my penis. Her grip was firm enough to stimulate, but still light enough to make my cock expand, begging for more. I leaned in for another open-mouthed kiss and began to play with her pussy again. Katie eagerly returned the kiss and pressed her mound up into my hand. Her movements on my cock became a little more rapid and less controlled as I continued to stroke her clit."Put my balls in your other hand," I said quietly, breaking the kiss and pulling my finger from her snatch. She gently ran her hand over my testicles as she continued to stroke my penis, carefully avoiding the pre-come that was running over the head. As I licked her juices from my finger, I lay back and enjoyed her ministrations.What Katie did next surprised me. Leaning forward, she blew her hot breath over the head of my penis. I looked up when I felt this, and almost came on the spot at the sight of Katie's mouth barely an inch from my member. She turned her head and looked at me."Does it taste, you know, okay?" I brought my finger to my cock and took a little bit of pre-come from the tip, presenting it to her mouth. Katie looked reluctant to taste, so I brought my finger to my mouth and licked it clean. Normally I only tasted my semen on Sheila's tongue, but I felt this situation called for more extreme measures."I think I taste sweet," I told Katie. I brought my finger down for another dollop and said "want to try?" Nervously, she stuck out her tongue and touched it to the bit of semen on my finger. She held her position for a second, trying to discern the taste, then licked the rest of the come from my hand. "I guess you taste okay," she said, "you're kind of sweet.""Thank you," I said. "Would you like to take me in your mouth?" Katie looked at me in horror. "Please?" I said. "You know, if you do this to a boy, he'll be more likely to eat you out, like I just did." That seemed to embolden her, but she still wasn't convinced. "I won't get... sick or anything, will I?" I shook my head no, and she dipped her head to lick the underside of my penis. She started out with light licks, but as she grew accustomed to my taste, her tongue became more bold. Soon she was running her tongue the full length of my cock, from my root at the base to the top of my glans. It felt heavenly, and became even more so when, without any prompting from me, Katie positioned her mouth above my cockhead and circled the bulb with her tongue."Yes! That's wonderful!" I gasped, and Katie gave me a quick grin before she returned to work on my penis. Unafraid now, she opened her mouth and let my head slide in. Her tongue darted over me, swirling around my head before it returned to the top to lap up any pre-come that may have leaked out. She continued this torture for a couple of minutes before she decided to see how much of me she could take in her mouth. I had to restrain myself from shoving into her face as she lowered her head on my penis. She was going so slow as to be almost imperceptible, the only giveaway of her motion being the steady increase of warmth around my cock. As she went, she continued to swirl her tongue around my shaft, treating me like a long peppermint bar.Katie had to stop after getting five inches of me into her mouth. It wasn't exactly a deep throat, but I wasn't about to force her to take the last couple of inches. She pulled back a little bit to make herself more comfortable, and began to concentrate on using her tongue to turn me on. She was very successful at this, and soon my cock was stiffer than I had ever experienced. As she laved my cock with her tongue, I guided one of her hands to my balls. She cupped them gently, and began to squeeze me in time to her licks on my shaft.After a few minutes of this treatment, I was in ecstasy. "I'm going to cum soon, you know." I told her. "Would you like to taste it?" Katie came up for air from my penis, and considered the offer. "Does it taste any different from this?" She asked, licking up a little bit of my pre-come."No," I said, "there'll just be a lot more of it." With a little smile, she asked "Do you want me to taste it?" "Yes, I would love that," I said, smiling back. "Okay," she said, "then I will."Katie took me back into her mouth and began to suck harder, milking my cock as well as she could. It wasn't long before she had returned me to the edge of my climax. Noticing that my body was tensing up, she sucked and worked her tongue even harder than before, which triggered me into a thunderous orgasm. As the waves swept through me, I began to shoot my load into her mouth.The first blast caught her by surprise, and she opened her mouth and let it drip down her chin. As soon as she realized what was happening, however, Katie clamped her lips back around my cock and began to suck out the come from my body. I poured squirt after squirt into her mouth, which she sucked directly down her throat. After my orgasm subsided, she continued to work on me, making sure that I had spent my entire load. When she finally let me slip out, she began to lick the base of my cock clean, where she had allowed some gobs of semen to spill."So how did you like it?" I asked when she finished. "It was fun," Katie replied between licks of my penis. "Your skin tastes nice. The come tastes OK, I guess, but your skin tastes nice. I like sucking on it." To prove her point, she took my now limp dick in her mouth and ran her tongue around the head once before letting it slide out again. "So when will you need to borrow our lawn mower again?"***Five days later, I said to Sheila, "Honey, I'm going over to the Fredericks' to borrow their mower."Sheila was incredulous. "But the lawn's barely grown, Brad. I thought you didn't like mowing it."I gave her a kiss on the cheek as I walked out the door. "I know, Honey, but I've begun to enjoy the exercise."THE END
1: Marie Clair Goes To the Wrong School "Why sure, you may sit here, Sir," Marie Clair said to the kind-looking, middle aged gentleman. She was glad to have a "gentleman" sit next to her on the train, considering there was some "riff-raff" getting on behind him. She sure wouldn't want to sit next to one of them. Her aunt had warned her about some of the people who might be on the commuter train. "My name is Marie Clair, and I'm on my way to Saint Catherine's School for Girls in town. I've never been to the city before." she said, introducing herself. The man looked her up and down, making her blush, and said, "It's my pleasure, Marie Clair. My name is Dr. Hardman. I'm an instructor at Saint Catherine's. What a small world." "Well this is my lucky day and tomorrow will be even luckier!" she said cryptically. "Why is that, my dear?" "I'm going to be fourteen! It's my birthday tomorrow." "My, my, I would never have guessed. You look much younger," he said. "Wouldn't it be strange if you were the student housekeeper we've been expecting? Maybe I should call Mrs. Hardman to see what to do. Then you wouldn't have to take the bus on in to campus. You could ride home with me and settle in a day early." "Oh, I wouldn't want to inconvenience you Dr. Hardman." Then she added, "But I have been worried about getting on the wrong bus." "Yes, I'm sure your mother warned you about getting on the wrong bus, didn't she?" "No, I lived with my Aunt and Uncle, because my parents are deceased, but, yes. My Aunt warned me about lots of things. She made the city sound like such a scary place." Marie Clair replied, looking down at the floor. He feet did not touch the floor of the train car, and she was nervously swinging her feet apart and together. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your parents," commented Dr. Hardman, and patted her on the knee. "You are very fortunate to have your Aunt and Uncle." "Yes, I suppose," still not looking up, "Auntie was usually nice, but Uncle John was also my teacher, and sometimes he was pretty strict." "What do you mean - strict?" "Well, sometimes when I didn't learn things fast enough he would spank me." "Sometimes little girls need spankings, though. Don't they?" he asked her and patted her knee again. "I'm sure if he spanked you too hard your Auntie would have said something." "Hmm, Now that you mention it, he usually spanked me when she was gone. But a few times when she was home, she would come into the study and watch. Once she even said she should spank me more when he was done... to help me learn my manners and to show some gratitude." continuing, "And another thing, he never pulled my panties down when Auntie was home. Uncle John always said I would learn my lessons better without all that padding." "Now, now, Marie Clair," patting above her knee, "Whatever they did must have really worked because you are so sweet and polite. I'm sure Mrs. Hardman and I will be able to use you as our housegirl, just because you have such good manners." "I wasn't sure what kind of a job Auntie had arranged for me, but this would be great." "Of course, we may need to paddle you occasionally, but only for your own good. You want to continue to be a good little girl, don't you?" patting a little harder on the inside of her knee. "Auntie said I should follow directions without asking so many questions." finally smiling at herself. "I bet I do such a perfect job that you won't ever have to spank me, Dr. Hardman." Marie Clair's plaid, school skirt reached to just below her knees. Her black, patent leather shoes and white knee socks completed her uniform. The collar on her starched, plain white shirt had ruffles that almost touched her chin. The plaid tie and v-neck sweater matched her skirt. She had matching plaid ribbons on her pig tails on the sides of her head. Surprisingly, her sandy-red hair didn't clash with the red plaid. No make-up adorned her pretty face with turned up nose and full lips. Even with all those modest clothes anyone coud see that she was slender. "Now, let me guess, Marie Clair, you must weigh about 110 pounds?" asked Dr. Hardman. "No, Sir. More like 95, even with all these clothes on," almost laughing."I don't feel afraid anymore." And further explaining her laughter. "I was really worried about getting my suitcase and finding the right bus." They were pulling into the station. "Just come with me Marie Clair. I'll call my wife from the car and have her get your room ready. We'll make you feel right at home. She might even have a maid's uniform to fit you." Marie Clair wasn't sure about a uniform. She had bee taught to remain modestly covered at all times - from her chin to her toes. She had been hoping for some reason to wear "regular" clothes like girls her age did on television, which she was rarely allowed to watch. "Um, Dr. Hardman, do you have a television set? I almost never get to watch it at home," Marie Clair ventured, hoping for a positive answer. "That's a privilege you will have to earn, Dear. But I'm sure you will do a good job," walking to the car. He was carrying her small suitcase. "You seem to be travelling light. For someone planning to be away at school for four years." "Well, Auntie said I'll have to do my laundry almost every day. She said if I earn some money I'll be able to pick out my own new clothes." and looking around at all the people and confusion, added, "I'm sure glad I met you so I don't have to try to find that bus!" In the car he phoned his wife. Marie Clair only heard half of the conversation. Her feet did not touch the floor in the car which made the dress ride up exposing her knees between the stockings and skirt. "Hello. This is Dr. Hardman. Is Mrs. Hardman near the phone?" Pause... "Hello, Darling. I've run into one of the Saint Catherine's School for Girls students on the train and I'm bringing her home with me. She weighs 95 pounds and will be needing a maid's uniform. We should be there in about 45 minutes." pause. "She's about Susie's size. Remember her?" "Oh, yes. Good idea. I'm sure she'll be wanting a bath. Go ahead and get everything ready." Longer pause... "No, I'm sure she'll be very obedient. She's a darling little girl. Be sure to put in a new tape. I'm not sure about shaving supplies, so check on it." With his hand on her knee, patting each time he mentioned what a good girls she was. Marie Clair could not help but overhear and had several questions, but she didn't want to interrupt. "Her aunt and uncle had to spank her when necessary, so we will need to find the canes and paddles, but we might not need them." and he winked at her. "What?" pause, "I'll ask her?" Looking directly at her, he asked, "How many pairs of panties do you have?" Blushing, looking down, "Um, I think six." Back into the phone, "She'll be needing some panties, and, oh,yes, I forgot to ask." Looking at Marie Clair again, "How many bras do you have?" "I don't have one. Auntie says I don't need one," brightening, "But I wish I had one so I could be like the other girls." Patting her bare knee, he said to Marie Clair, "Don't worry, Child, we'll get you several pretty, little bras. I hope you'll like them." "Oh, I'm sure I will. I never put one on before." "We'll help you, Dear, don't worry about a thing. You're going to be so pretty. What size do you need?" Looking at her chest, "It's hard to guess through all those clothes." Blushing again, but looking at Dr. Hardman, "I don't know. They're very little. How do you tell what size they are?" "Take your sweater off and I'll be able to tell. Then when we get to the house, Mrs. Hardman will measure you for sure after she helps you with your bath." Uncertainty showing in her face, Marie Clair began taking off her sweater. "Why do I need to take off my sweater, Dr. Hardman?" More firmly, "You will need to learn to follow directions, young lady, without asking so many questions. You want to live with us for your full scholarship, don't you. We'll provide room and board and in exchange you will help our housekeeper, serve meals, and so forth. You will need to follow whatever directions we give you. Not only Mrs. Hardman and myself, but also some of our distinguished guests. Do you understand?" "Yes, Sir." pulling off her sweater, flipping her pig tails back and forth, "I'll do whatever you ask and I'll try not to ask so many questions. Sorry." "Good girl. Now unbutton your blouse." Seeing her hesitate, "All the way. Hurry up, I'm on the phone. Mr.s Hardman needs to know this so she can get out the correct sizes." "Yes Sir. See, I'm following your directions." Looking a little worried and unbuttoning as fast as she could. "There - all unbuttoned." She said with a sigh of relief. "Oh, you have a T-shirt on, too. Lift it up so I can see what size bra you will need." "Yes sir." She untucked her T-shirt, bunching it in her fingers, and lifted it all the way up to her chin. "I'm looking forward to getting my first bra, Dr. Hardman." Into the phone again, "Well, it looks like almost a "B" cup already, even though it's her first one. I'll check the firmness." With that he reached his right hand to Marie Clair's breasts and began a few minutes of "firmness checking." Occasionally taking his eyes off the traffic, Dr. Hardman determined that they were indeed very firm, pointing straight out, with no crease underneath. "Darling, yes, she's almost a "B" cup and has very firm, pointy breasts. With small pink nipples by the way." Pause. "Yes, Dear, I'm sure you will. Did I tell you it's Marie Clair's birthday tomorrow? Yes, yes. You could take her shopping. We can have a cake tomorrow evening. Perhaps our guests could bring presents and help with the spanking. Call and tell them. Bye, Dear." and he clicked off his cell phone. With her blouse now back in place, Marie Clair was glad she had proved she could follow directions without asking so many questions. She also wondered why her breasts felt so tingly. Had she been alone, she may have continued to test her own "firmness" for awhile longer. She wondered about the birthday shopping and other guests spanking her. They drove the next half hour in almost complete silence, each lost in their own thoughts. The long driveway led to a Victorian house with a spacious lawn. Marie Clair was excited to see such a grand house. Questions rattled in her mind, but she resolved to keep them to herself and just follow directions until she got to know the Hardmans better. As if reading her mind, Dr. Hardman said, "Welcome to your new home, Marie Clair. I'm sure you will enjoy your stay here. Just remember to do whatever we tell you, even if it may seem silly or embarrassing at the moment. OK?" patting her knee again, a little higher. "Yes Sir. I'm sure glad I met you on the train." Dr. Hardman carried her suitcase into the foyer and introduced his wife and their maid, Inga. Marie Clair had difficulty not staring at Inga's maid uniform. The short, black ruffled skirt barely covered her lacy white panties which showed when she curtsied or moved. Black mesh stockings covered her long, slender legs, and you could see the black garter straps fastened to the tops. Marie Clair guessed Inga's age at about 21. The white apron only covered the front of her very-short skirt and reached up to her low cut sheer blouse. Marie Clair also noticed that the top half of Inga's breasts were exposed, almost like they were resting on a stiff corset platter. Not that they were large - "about orange size," thought Marie Clair, but the way they were presented made them seem even larger. Everyone noticed Marie Clair's stare. Inga was also checking out "Little Marie" as she later called her. The adults stopped talking and watched the girl's mutual staring. "Inga! Take Marie Clair's suitcase on up to her room now and then start the bath, while we show Marie Clair around her new home," directed Mrs. Hardman. "Yes, Mum. Right away," before turning, she bowed deeply to Marie Clair, offering a clearer view of her breasts to the the shorter girl. "And pleased to meet you Miss Marie." Inga turned and bent farther than was necessary to pick up the small suitcase, offering another, better view of her sheer, lacy panties to Little Maire. She picked up the suitcase and headed up the stairs. Marie Calire watched her ascend. "Marie Clair? Marie Clair! Look here. We need to get your picture." After several snapshots of Marie Clair, Mrs. Hardman said, "Come with me now and I'll show you around." Then to her husband, "Douglas, I had Inga lay out her things and will give her a bath before dinner. And just in case of further day dreaming, I also got out the canes and paddles as you requested." "Oh, I'm sorry, Mrs. Hardman, I was just thinking of Inga's outfit. I've never seen anything like it before," apologizing. She led Marie Clair on a tour of the first floor, explaining some of her new duties as they went. When they went into the living room, Marie Clair picked up the remote control for the TV and clicked it on. "Young lady! Who said you could do that? You must ask first. You are a servant here. Since you're so new I'll only give you five hand spanks. Now turn around and bend over." commanded Mrs. Hardman. Turning off the TV and turning around as ordered, Marie Clair said, "I'm sorry. I didn't know the rules. Please don't spank me." "Pull down your panties and be quick. That's three more. Since it's your first day, I'll spank lightly." "Yes Ma'am," not wanting to offend the hostess. She pulled her cotton panties down to her knees, keeping her feet far enough so that they wouldn't fall to the floor, and bent over. "Come over to the couch, Marie Clair. I'm going to sit down and I want you to..." taking Marie Clair's hand, standing her up and walking her to the couch. Marie shuffled, trying to keep her panties from slipping down over her knee socks. It didn't work. "Why Marie Clair! Your panties are touching the floor. Just take them off and give them here." and with that Marie Clair stooped and picked them up. Turning, she handed them to the now seated Mrs. Hardman. "Turn around. Lift your skirt." "Yes, Ma'am." "Put your feet farther apart. Bend over farther. Back up until your legs touch the edge of the couch. Put your feet farther apart. Hold on to your ankles." Marie Clair was obediently holding that position, waiting, waiting. Thinking, "When is it going to start?" "Good. Just try to bend a little farther." Her skirt flopped over her back so her entire bare bottom was exposed. "I want you to count these Marie Clair, and say 'Thank You, Ma'am after each spank. Do you understand?" Quietly, "Yes, Ma'am." Another pause. Marie Clair holding her ankles, waiting. Smack. "One. Thank you, Ma'am." SMACK! much harder. "Ouch." and standing up, rubbing her bottom. "Two, thank you, Ma'am." "I didn't say you could stand up. I didn't say you could rub your bottom." Continuing in a level, patient tone, "So that's two more. Do I need to get Dr. Hardman or Inga to hold you?" "No! I'm sorry. I'll do better." And with a flip of her dress she bent all the way over again, her legs touching the couch on either side of Mrs. Hardman's legs. Instead of another smack on her bottom, the next thing she felt was Mr.s Hardman's fingernails tracing little circles on her fanny and down her thighs. Then SMACK! SMACK! Maintaining some composure, eager to please, Marie Clair said, "Three. Four. Thank you, Ma'am." "That's better, dear." SMACK! "Five. Thank you, Ma'am." Thinking it wasn't so bad afterall. Hearing footsteps coming into the room, Marie Clair stood up again. Turning she saw both Dr. Hardman and Inga enter the room. Marie Clair turned a bright red and looked down in embarrassment. "What's the trouble, Dear?" Dr. Hardman said to his wife. "Marie Clair can't seem to follow simple directions," Mrs. Hardman said to the others. "What should we do?" "This is her first day here. Perhaps Inga should demonstrate obedience," stated Dr. Hardman. "Marie Clair, watched Inga demonstrate the proper way to get a spanking." agreed Mrs. Hardman. With Marie Clair watching intently, Dr. Hardman sat down in a stuffed chair. Without raising his voice, "Come here for a spanking, Inga." Inga walked to the chair, lowered her sheer panties to her ankles and stepping out of them, bent over with legs apart. Backing up until her legs touched the chair. She bent down to grasp her ankles and said, "Ready, Sir." "Very good, Inga." He gave her several pats and before she could count them he said, "Good job, Inga. You may put your panties back on now." "Thank you, Sir," she said with a curtsy and picked up her panties. Dr. Hardman rose and he and Inga walked over to the couch. Dr. Hardman sat down beside his wife and Inga walked around behind the couch which was sideways in the large room. "Marie Clair, bend over again and I'll make this quick. Is her bath ready yet, Inga?" While Marie Clair flipped her skirt up and bent over again - legs apart and straight - grabbing her ankles, Inga answered, "It will be ready in a few minutes, Ma'am. Shall I go check on it?" "In a minute. I want you to watch Little Marie's next few spanks." Marie Clair could have put her palms on the floor, thinking, "I'll show them how obedient I can be!" No spanks. waiting... then Dr. Hardman said, "Legs a little farther apart." "She is getting much better, isn't she?" inquired Mrs. Hardman. Both were patting and tickling her bottom and thighs. Then with a firm pat, not quite a spank, she said, "OK, Little Marie, let's just go on up and take your bath now. You girls run on up. Inga, help her undress. We'll be up in a few minutes." "Yes, Mum," Inga said with a grin. She seemed to skip out of the room. THE BATH It was the largest bathroom Marie Clair had ever seen. Ruffled white curtains, several furry, white area rugs, and a big tub, almost full of scented bubbles. Marie Clair had never had help undressing before, but thought she'd better cooperate. Besides, she was fascinated by Inga. Marie Clair timidly asked several questions while they were still alone, but all she got for answers were several cryptic, "You'll see." for answers. When she was completely undressed, covering herself with crossed arms, she started to step into the tub which stuck out into the middle of the room. Inga prevented her from getting in with a gentle restraint on her arm. "You're so pretty," Inga whispered into her ear. "You'll like it here." "Thank you," Marie Clair said out loud. "Shhh!" still whispering. Mrs. Hardman entered and closed the door. "Inga. Five spanks. Now!" "Yes, Mum," Inga replied as she quickly removed her panties and presented her bare bottom to Mrs. Hardman who was now sitting on the wooden stool dear the dressing table. Inga bent all the way over. From this view Marie Clair could see that she had no public hair. Although she was surprised by this observation, Marie Clair decided not to say anything. While spanking Inga, Mrs. Hardman explained to Marie Clair, "She wasn't supposed to be talking to you yet." Coming to Inga's defense Marie Clair said, "She didn't talk to me, even though I kept asking her questions. I was the only one talking because I didn't know we weren't supposed to. So I should be getting the spankings, not Inga." "My. That's commendable, Marie Clair, but we saw and heard you both talking on the security cameras. There are cameras all over the house - in every room. So don't try to fool me. But I know you meant no harm." Stopping after just three spanks on Inga's bare bottom, Mrs. Hardman said, "I think that's enough. Seems like you have a new friend, Inga. Why don't you undress and hop in with her? You can help me wash her." "Yes, Mum. I would really like to." Inga began undressing, needing a little help unfastening some of the underthings. "Now, come here Marie Clair and let me inspect you closer. I can see already we'll need to shave the fine, reddish hair on your legs and your little tuft of red, pubic hair." As Marie Clair stood in front of her, trying not to show her nervousness at being touched this way by a woman - or anyone for that matter. "Hold up your arms. Turn around. Good. Now hold your fanny open and bend over. Farther." She was blushing - because Inga was watching and because Mrs. Hardman was inspecting her bottom so closely. "Looks very clean. Nice pink anus and such pretty, tiny, pink nipples." "Thank you, Ma'am," not knowing what to say. "Bring me the scissors, Inga, so I can snip off this little patch of red hair before the bath. We'll do something nice with this hair tomorrow on our shopping trip. Now turn back around and face me, Little Marie."As she was snipping off most of Marie Clair's tuft of pubic hair, Dr. Hardman walked in. Marie Clair immediately bent forward and crossed her arms in front of herself. Her attempt at modesty actually squeezed her rather small, pointy breasts together and forward between her arms - in a very innocent, but erotic way. Dr. Hardman chuckled. Inga chuckled, now naked and standing at attention by the tub. Mrs. Hardman said, "Marie Clair. Stand up straight. Put your hands at your sides. Let me clip the rest of this off." pulling Little Maire towards her with a tug on her remaining pubic hair. "That's so pretty," said Dr. Hardman, "Let me see." holding out his hand for the next snippet of hair. Mrs. Hardman snipped off a small bunch of fine, reddish hair and handed it to Dr. Hardman. "This is so pretty, why don't we leave a tiny patch just above her slit?" "You got here just in time. Hand me the shaving cream and I'll shape this to a narrow strip." Dr. Hardman dispensed some foam into her hand which she rubbed on Little Marie's pubic area, working it in, especially between her legs. Marie began squirming, but keeping her hands at her sides. "Open." said Mrs. Hardman, forcing her hand back to Little Marie's fanny. Marie Clair put her legs farther apart, still squirming, beginning to enjoy the stimulation. Mrs. Hardman began shaving with her right hand while her left was back between Mraie Clair's legs rubbing shaving cream on her bottom. Marie Clair squatted slightly to put her knees farther apart, and pushed her hips forward to help. Dr. Hardman turned and began to leave. Both Inga and Mrs. Hardman chuckled at the bulge in his pants, but Marie Clair was watching the shaving and didn't notice. "We'll have her all cleaned up in about 20 minutes, Stanley," said Mrs. Hardman to her departing partner. Inga and Mrs. Hardman washed her very thoroughly - every square inch. Marie Clair couldn't remember ever being bathed by someone else. It felt great. She didn't understand the strange feelings she was getting. Sitting between Inga's legs with her elbows resting on the sides of the tub, she realized the hard bumps rubbing against her back were Inga's nipples pressed against her - moving - while Inga's hands 'washed' her tummy, breasts, and pussy - pulling Little Marie tighter against her. No talking. All three of them enjoying the bath experience. The slender, 40ish Mrs. Hardman was kneeling outside the tub, sill in her sleeveless blouse and above-the-knee navy blue skirt. She had finished shaving Little Marie's legs and armpits, with lots of washing, caressing. Inga and Mrs. Hardman working in tandem, sometimes one spreading her pussy lips while the other washed her clit. They helped her out of the tub, patted her dry with pink, fluffy towels, and led her to the dressing table. After brushing her hair, the two women decided to leave it down - almost shoulder length. They stood her up - she was completely docile not, not questioning anything - just enjoying the new feelings. While standing in front of the mirror, Marie Clair noticed the narrow strip of reddish pubic hair, starting about an inch above her slit and going up about two inches. It was about 1/2 inch wide and uniformly short. The fine hair laying flat against her. Her skin had a pink sheen to it, with hundreds of so-pale freckles giving her a 'metallic glow. In fact, Marie Clair almost felt like she glowed. "Here you are, Dear, your new bra." Holding it for Marie Clair to step into. Her breasts stretched out the sheer cups in the 34-A bra, but Marie Clair was thrilled. Her first bra. Going away to school. A pretty woman giving her a bath. Her first train ride. Shaving her pubic area.... so many new experiences in one day! There were matching sheer, silky panties with a pink ribbon trim and a tiny bow in front. Inga and Mrs. Hardman put ribbons in Marie Clair's hair and taught her to apply make-up and lipstick. Dr. Hardman stopped in several times to check their progress, even taking a few snapshots during the make-over. Marie Clair objected but didn't dare say anything. 2: Dinner With The Harmans She wore a shirt skirt and sheer blouse over her new bra and panties to dinner. She had never worn high heels before and felt a little awkward. The white ruffled ankle socks made her slim legs appear even longer. Everyone commented how lovely she looked, including the three dinner guests. Although Dr. and Mrs. Hardman and their guests did seem to check out her sheer blouse intently, nobody said anything. She figured they were noticing her pretty new bra with the pink bow which showed plainly. Actually the looks made her feel very pretty. As Marie Clair was introduced to each guest in the foyer, she curtsied and said, "Pleased to meet you." Each of the guests gave her a hug and kiss. In Marie Clair's family they often kissed when greeting an adult they hadn't seen for awhile, but they just kissed her on the cheek. These visitors kissed her right on the mouth! She found that she was always being 'trained' to the Hardman's customs even in these social situations. Mrs. Hardman coached her on making their guests feel welcome. "When a gentleman bends down to kiss you, put your arms up around their neck. Kiss them as long as they want to kiss you. We may have to practice some more."The three gentleman seemed happy to help with further training, giving her several types of kisses. From a hand shake and peck on the cheek, to a long lasting wet kiss with a firm hug and one hand patting her bottom. She was flustered with the practicing, trying to get it right. At first she was concerned because her panties were almost completely exposed when she reached her arms up, but soon forgot about it while trying to concentrate on the kissing. Mrs. Hardman smiled her encouragement. "She's kissing so good that we might not need to spank her until her birthday!" "Perhaps not," said one of the gentleman. "I'm planning to shop for her presents tomorrow. Let's practice a few more kisses, Marie Claire, you almost have it right." This was the gentleman who flicked his tongue across her soft lips each time they practiced. Marie Clair was glad he was so concerned with her learning. Inga served. Again wearing her maid's uniform, which surprised Marie Clair. "Nobody seems to notice Inga's short skirt - so short you can see her panties each time she bends over to serve..." Marie Clair was thinking to herself. "Maybe it's OK." Near the end of the meal Inga filled one of the guest's coffee cup so full that it overflowed into the saucer. "Inga!" said Dr. Hardman, "You spilled Mr. Long's coffee! Bend over for five spanks." She sat down the silver coffee server, lowered her frilly panties to her ankles, put her feet as far apart as the panties would stretch, then in one motion flipped her skirt up while bending down straight-legged to hold her ankles. Marie Clair could see her bottom and bald pussy from just two feet away as Mr. Long gave her five hard smacks. Then Inga pulled up her panties, said "Thank you very much, Mr. Long, Sir." and then continued serving coffee as if nothing had happened. Marie Clair was beginning to find this family a little strange... but fascinating. The kissing practice, watching the spanking, the way her new panties felt on her no hairless pussy - all were beginning to make her feel 'funny' inside. She noticed that she was pressing her legs together tightly and squirming in her seat during 9 brief spanking episode. When Marie Clair finally took her eyes off the sexy Inga, she noticed the guests were watching her reaction and blushed a bright red. She often blushed as red heads do, but her body heat told her this might be a record. "Marie Clair will probably enjoy her birthday dinner tomorrow," chuckled one of the guests. The others laughed their agreement, as she glowed even redder. After dinner Mr. Long held Marie Clair's hand and led her to the living room. As the others joined them carrying their after dinner drinks, he sat in a big stuffed chair and pulled Marie Clair onto his lap. With one hand on her back and his other hand resting on her knees he began to rub her with both hands at once. She enjoyed the attention and being able to sit with the grown-ups. She laughed along with them, even though she didn't know what they were talking about when he said, "Little Marie Clair is going to love her battery toys tomorrow, don't you think?" Several of them predicted that she might turn as red as the stripes in the flag when they 'buzzed' her tomorrow. Marie Clair continued to laugh along with them. They joked about her birthday spankings, too. She unwittingly replied she wasn't scared at all since she had been spanked before. "Lots of times, sometimes without any 'padding' on, so I'm not worried about a few birthday spankings." Mr. Long had turned her on his lap so she was facing away from him. She put her feet back on the big stuffed chair so that they straddled his legs. He scooted her back towards him. Now her feet were next to his hips and her bottom was pressed tightly against him. "So, spankings don't worry you. But are you very ticklish?" asked Mr. Long as he scooted his hips forward a little. "Let's see if you're ticklish." And he began tickling her sides. As she wiggled around on his lap he accidently lifted her skirt out in back so she was not sitting on it. Now she was sitting atop a stiff thing in Mr. Long's pants, not knowing her skirt was lifted in back and tucked into her waistband. He could see her brief, sheer panties which did not completely cover her buns. "See if you can hold still with your arms straight out while I tickle you sides." "OK. Try it. I can hold them out." she laughed. "I'm not real ticklish." She was thinking to herself, "I hope he's not mad. His thing is stiff just like my Uncle's used to get when he spanked my bare bottom on the couch at home. I hope I'm not hurting Mr. Long's thing. It's right under me, but I'll pretend not to notice." Then aloud, "OK, Mr. Long, just try to tickle me. I can keep my arms straight out." and she held her arms out, trying to stifle a giggle. To the other adults, "Sounds like she's trying to challenge me. Let's see how soon she brings her arms down." And he began stroking up and down her sides - so lightly she could hardly feel it. She wiggled and squirmed on his lap, trying not to laugh or bring her arms down, and sometimes conscious of the stiff bulge pressing into her panties. Sometimes she jumped several inches off his lap. Wiggling, squirming, jumping - up and down, side to side, but still she didn't laugh out loud or bring her arms down, even when he accidently tickled so far around her sided that he accidently tickled her breasts. She pretended not to notice that either - "When in Rome..." she was thinking, enjoying the total experience. "If the adults here want to play like kids sometimes, it's OK with me." And thought there was something different about the way they were playing, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it, still thinking, "I hope I'm not hurting him with all this bouncing." Now he was tickling harder - sometimes lightly, sometimes almost pinching - up and down her sides, back, and especially all over her tummy and breasts. Still she held her arms straight out as she wiggled and bounced even more. The other adults were enjoying the show and their drinks, not talking very much. They all watched as Mr. Long even pinched her breasts one at a time, while tickling her on the other side everyone noticed her tiny, but very stiff nipples protruding through her sheer bra and sheer white blouse. Mr. Long was also extremely stiff, enjoying the tickling as much as Marie Clair, and enjoying the way her panties were slipping down, exposing even more of her fanny as she continued to bounce and wiggle. "OK, you win," said Marie Clair as she finally brought her arms down, still squirming. Laughing out loud even though she lost. Her pent up giggles all coming out. Mr. Long discretely untucked her skirt as her wrestled her around sideways on his lap again. "Anyone else want to tickle her? She lasted longer than I expected." "No, we've some plans to make for tomorrow. I'd better take her on upstairs and get her ready for beddie-bye," said Mrs. Hardman. "If she's good, I'll bring her back down to kiss you all good-night." She came over and took her hand to lead her away. Marie Clair tried bravely not to show how much she really wanted to stay. As she led Marie Clair upstairs the other gentlemen and Inga looked at the smiling Mr. Long. He was looking at his own lap, noticing the dark moist area on the front of his light grey suit pants. "It wasn't me," he said looking up, "she must be really wet." Mrs. Hardman led Marie Clair into the bathroom and helped her undress. "Why Marie Clair, did you wet your new panties? Feel how wet these are." holding out the flimsy, white silk panties for Marie Clair to feel. "Umm, I don't know why they are so wet Mrs. Hardman. Honest, I didn't peepee, but I really have to now." "Are you sure you didn't? Well, go ahead and peepee. I'll wait here with you and then show you your new nightie," she said, "You're getting the new nightie a day early." They both listened to her tinkle. When she stood up Mrs. Hardman put a washcloth under the faucet and let the warm water run a minute. "Better let me wash you off before you try on your new nightie." And she proceeded to wash off Marie Cair's now totally bald pussy. She dried it off and felt it to make sure it was dry. She walked the naked Marie Clair to her room where her nightie was laid out on the bed. "Where's the rest of it?" asked Marie Clair. They could see the bed spread clearly through the sheer, white, material. "This is it." said Mrs. Hardman, "Isn't it pretty?" "It's very pretty, Mrs. Hardman, but I can see right through it." "Yes, dear, that's how it's made. You'll like the way it feels, so soft and silky. Aren't the embroidered designs pretty?" She helped Marie Clair try on the nightie. The ruffles around the bottom edge went down to her waist, but not onto her legs. "Ohhh, this does feel soft and silky like you said. It's awfully short, though." And she walked around by her bed fluffing it out with her arms. She walked over to the big mirror and studied herself. "It makes me feel so pretty. Like a grown-up. It makes my skin tingle." "Put on these slippers and come back downstairs with me to say goodnight to our guests," she said quietly, but her tone said there was no choice in the matter. "But you can see right through it! I can't go back down like this. I'm almost naked." "Then make a choice, dear, the nightie or naked." seeing her balk, Mrs. Hardman compromised, "If I give you something more to cover yourself, will you come willingly?""Yes, Ma'am. I want to see them."Mrs. Hardman walked to the dresser and pulled out another handful of something white and silky. Try these thigh-high hose. they will cover your legs, dear."Marie Clair gladly put them on, along with some high heeled shoes, and reaching up to take Mrs. Hardman's hand, Marie Clair said, "Well, OK. I might be embarrassed, but they do all seem so nice they probably won't laugh at me." Near the bottom of the stairs, Marie Clair softly confided, "I'm starting to feel tingly again, Mrs. Hardman." The men stopped talking as they walked in. All looked at her approvingly. And Marie Clair was right - nobody laughed. "You look lovely in your new nightgown. Put your hands down and turn around," said Dr. Hardman finally, "Doesn't she look lovely, Gentlemen? Inga, get Marie Clair a soda and she can stay up with us for a little while before going nightie-night." "Yes, Sir," Inga responded and turned towards the kitchen, smiling. Everyone wanted to hold Marie Clair on their lap to kiss her good night and to play the tickle game for a couple minutes. She felt like she was being passed around. Several men complimented her firm, budding figure and said that in a few years she would be a beautiful woman. Each man fondled her tangerine-size breasts after tickling her and said something about how nicely she was developing. She began to relax after the first ten "shy" minutes. "This nightie makes me feel tingly all over." she confessed to one of the men. He shared her comment with the others.Marie was sitting on Mr. Long's lap, facing him, with her knees on either side of his legs when he asked to see the lacy tops of her hose."Oh no! You would see too much," pleaded Marie Clair."Mrs. Hardman came angrily over to stand behind her at that remark. "Don't ever refuse the request of a guest, young lady. Now put your hands out to your sides again.""Yes, Ma'am," as she held her arms out.Mrs. Hardman reached down over Marie Clair's shoulders and took the hem of the nightie in her hands and lifted it up to Marie's chin - exposing her completely.They played for about an hour and sent Marie Clair up to beddie-bye - to dream and anticipate her birthday party. "What a day!" Marie clair thought. "First train ride, first bra, some new friends, and now a job as a live in servant and student. What next?"3: Marie Clair's 14th Birthday Party "I feel so dressed up," Marie Clair said to Inga and Mrs. Hardman who had just helped her with all the starched slips under her short ruffled white dress. She was wearing her ruffled ankle socks and 2 inch heels. Her sandy-red hair was combed into two pig tails with white ribbons to match her dress. With her sheer, white, nylon panties and bra made her feel like a pretty 2nd grader instead of a 9th grader! At first she was disappointed that only 3 adults came to the dinner party. Her disappointment turned to relief after dinner when she saw all the beautifully wrapped presents and learned about the 'game' she would have to play to get the presents. All three of the guests along with the Hardmans and Inga would give her 14 spankings for each gift, along with some "directions-following" challenges. They all told her how pretty she was and lavished kisses and good wishes on her. Marie Clair enjoyed being the center of such attention and resolved to go along with their 'games' no matter how silly they seemed. "Let's video tape Marie Clair's party tonight," Dr. Hardman suggested before they left the dining room, "OK, Marie Clair?" "Well sure, Dr. Hardman. Nobody will see it except for us, right?" Blushing, "Especially since you said I would have to pull down my panties for the spankings." "Only birthday guests will see it, Dear," Mrs. Hardman replied for him. "Don't you worry. You might think it's funny later." They all went into the living room while Inga cleaned off the table. Everyone was dressed up tonight, and even Inga had on a longer skirt. "Where are the rugs?" Marie Clair asked. "We put the Persian rugs away for our party. We thought we were going to have more guests." Answered Dr. Hardman. "First you need to open this one Marie Clair." said Mr. Long, as he sat in the middle of the couch with a pretty package. "Now for your 'directions following test' - Lift up your skirt, pull your panties to your knees and try to walk over here without letting them fall all the way down." Dr. Hardman was working the camera as she walked over to stand in front of the couch. "Front or back first?" asked Mr. Long as he slapped his hand with a paint stirring stick. "Remember, I will spank softly on the front and really hard on the back." "Well, then let's start on the front," giggled out the excited Marie Clair anxious to open presents. "Should I stand here." as she lifted her skirt higher right in front of him."No, lay on your back across my lap." And he pulled one of the cushions down beside him for her head and shoulders. "Let me pull your panties down to your ankles so you can get your knees farther apart. Don't let them fall off, but just keep them stretched between your ankles. That's a girl. Put your knees as far apart as you can. Each time I spank you say, 'Thank you for the spank. Please do it a little harder, sir.' OK, Marie Clair? Now open wide!" Dr. Hardman stopped taping for a moment. "OK, I'll say it, but please don't spank too hard." Dr. Hardman started the tape again - just before the first front spank hit right on the open mound between her legs with a soft 'smack!' "Thank you for the spank. Please do it a little harder, Sir." The next 13 spanks got slightly harder each time. Her body twitched with each stroke, but she continued to keep her knees wide apart while Dr. Hardman zoomed in. Mr. Long stroked her lightly between each spank. Then she sat up on his lap and began opening the first gift. When she pulled out the leather ankle and wrist cuffs, each with a metal ring, she didn't know what to think. Mrs. Hardman presented the next gift after 14 medium-hard spanks on her bare bottom. She took the time to massage Marie Clair's burning fanny between spanks. To everyone's surprise, Marie Clair thanked her also, "Thank you for the spank. Please do it harder, Ma'am." Then Marie Clair opened the present, clutching the navy blue silk panties with no cotton liner, and a matching sheer bra which she held to her chest with an appreciative laugh and a hearty, "Thank you, Ma'am. I love these." "Come, Sweetheart, let's go try on your gifts and hurry back down." "No, no. It's just us. Try them on right here in the living room. Besides, we all saw you naked yesterday." reminded Dr. Hardman. The others agreed. So while the video camera rolled, Marie Clair took off everything but her shoes and tried on the new dark blue panties and bra. They helped her with the ankle and wrist cuffs. Mr. Long took a leaf out of the table, leaving a gap, and put a pillow on the edge. "Let's play over at the table now Marie Clair. Put your legs apart so we can tie your ankle bracelets to the table legs." "Are you sure, Dr. Hardman?" "It's part of the game. We'll fasten your arms to the other end and your pretty new bra will hang in the center of the table where Mr. Long took the leaf out." Dr. Hardman coaxed the somewhat reluctant Marie Clair, patting the pillow. She leaned over the pillow and they pulled her feet next to the table legs and fastened her cuffs with rope. They stretched her arms forward to make it easy for Mrs. Hardman to put the ropes through the metal rings and fasten the rope to the legs at the other end. Mr. Long had clamped the table open wide enough so her breasts would be suspended where the table leaf had been removed. Mr. Jones put a pillow on the other side of the gap for Marie to rest her head on."These spanks will sting a little, Marie Clair, but be sure to say 'thank you' again." "Yes Sir." she replied without much enthusiasm. Marie Clair resolved to answer with enthusiasm even if it did sting, because she wanted all the presents. Fourteen spanks later - all on video - they opened her present for her. She didn't know what it was. It looked like a flashlight body made of white plastic. Mrs. Hardman twisted it and it started making a buzzing noise. She put it up against Marie Clair's arm. It tickled. "That tickles, Mrs. Hardman, but it feels good." she commented as Mrs. Hardman walked it along her side, pausing to tickle Marie Clair's new bra while Dr. Hardman zoomed in on her face. When Mrs. Hardman began tickling Marie Clair's new panties he zoomed back in on her face. "Ohh, that really tickles, Mrs. Hardman. Umm" as she began squirming. "Oh, Mrs. Hardman. What is that thing?" "We'll tickle you with this some more after you get your next two presents." She promised the girl. Then to her husband, "What time is it? Do we need to hurry?" "Yes, we'd better give her the next two presents right now. Let me open these for you Marie Clair." and he began on the next one of the packages, setting down the video camera. Mr. Long and Inga helped open the other one in front of the curious Marie Clair. "What's the rush?" Marie Clair asked them while trying to figure out what the rubber ball with the leather strap through it could be for. She knew what the blindfold was for. "Is this stuff for the game?" "Yes, Marie. Before we play the next part of the game we want you to say this into the camera." and he gave her the lines. "But of course, WE won't spank you any harder. OK?" She practiced once and then said enthusiastically into the camera, getting into the spirit of the strange game, still enjoying being the center of attention of the 5 older people, and looking forward to getting 'tickled' on her panties again. "I love to get spanked and tickled - front and back. I'm going to pretend to object and struggle but it's just part of the game. I really like to get spanked. Please spank me real hard. I especially like to get spanked on my bare bottom! Maybe you could even put your fingers in me. I would like it if you did. Please spank me REAL HARD!" Then they put the gag in her mouth and blindfolded her. As promised, Mrs. Hardman began tickling her panties with the white plastic thing. It felt so good that she began to squirm around whenever the buzzer pressed right between her legs, causing a wet spot to develop on the dark blue panties. She felt vulnerable with her ankles tied to the table legs, her arms stretching her forward over the gap in the table, only wearing sheer bra and panties, ruffled white ankle socks and her high heels, unable to speak or see, but the feeling between her legs was holding all her attention, until she heard the doorbell. 4: Maire Clair's Party Guests The older adults all left to get the door. Inga slapped Marie's extended bottom with a laugh. "Get ready for your party, Honey." pressing her panties into her with the vibrator. Then she left to greet the new guests. She heard several adults walk in talking with the Hardmans when the doorbell rang again. Marie tried to break free to no avail, her pleading cries sounded like, "Ugghh, unnff unggngh." She began to pick up parts of conversations as the new guests entered. "Mrs. Hardman, You remember Brian, don't you? He just got his temporary driver's permit so we let him drive us over tonight. And since Nick is only 12 we didn't want to leave him home alone. Neither of the boys wanted to come to a girl's birthday party, but I told them they might enjoy it." Lots of hands were playfully patting Marie Clair's bottom but no hard spanks yet. She could feel herself turning red - brighter than her red lipstick. "Well, of course the boys are welcome. They can help us spank and tickle her. But first let's all watch the video we recorded earlier tonight." The room got quiet as they all watched the video on the big screen TV. "The boys will like this part where she pulls down her panties and lifts her dress. Now, boys, look how she twitches each time the little paddle hits her pussy, but you can tell she likes it, can't you?" "Yes, Ma'am," said two young voices. "She is so pretty." "Could I please get a copy of the video, Mrs. Hardman, asked one of the young voices?" "Why Brian, that's a nice idea. But first I'd like to get shots of you and your brother spanking her. Wouldn't you like to be in the video, too?" "Yes Ma'am. That would be cool! Could I show it to my friends?" "That's up to your mother, but I suppose you could show it to your friends at your house, just don't make copies. OK?" Marie Clair could hear herself getting spanked on the video again, and begging for harder spanks - front and back! Then she heard herself saying how she was going to pretend to object and struggle but that she really liked getting spanked and wanted the guests to put their fingers in her! "Mrs. Hardman," asked the younger voice, "Is Aunt Sarah coming over? Maybe she could bring Billy. I know he would like to spank Marie Clair, too. And he'll be studying about girls and sex and stuff in his 6th grade health class." "Maybe I should run home and get my kids, too." said a woman's voice, "They should learn about this." "Splendid idea. I'll go call Sarah. Meanwhile why don't you two boys give her a few practice spanks. It's OK for you to touch her anywhere you want. Ask your mother if you can pull down her panties in a few minutes." "Oh, it's fine with me, Helen. I think it's healthy for boys to learn what girls look and feel like. Go ahead boys," said their mother. The boys spent the next 15 minutes giving her playful spanks and feeling her legs and panties. Marie heard the door close without a doorbell sound, which told her that the woman left to get her kids. She wondered if they would be boys or girls and how old they were. Her skin turned a brighter pink - redder than her hair. "Ungggh! Oggghh! Nnnnfgh!" moaned Marie Clair as she fought again her bindings. "Ungggh! Unnngh!" mimicked Brian, laughing. "She's really pretending she wants to get away, isn't she Brian. Oh, look. How's come her panties are wet here?" asked Nick, the younger brother, while he patted her fanny. "Did she pee in her panties?" More visitors were now entering the room, including 12 year old Billy who ran over to join his cousins. "She really likes this, Billy," said Nick, demonstrating a hard slap on her fanny, "You want to try it?" "Oh neat!" said Billy, "Let me practice the drums on her butt!" and started laughing as he gave her a dozen rhythmic but hard slaps. "Why are her panties so wet?" "You boys! She's wet because she likes getting tickled with this thing. Let me show you how to use it. Watch how she wiggles when I press this up against her," said Inga. She pressed the vibrator against Marie Clair's panties, "Let me pull her panties aside and put this most of the way into her. You boys watch and tell me when it falls all the way out. OK?" Then Inga pulled Marie Clair's panties back over the vibrator to keep it from falling right out, and pulled them up snugly - tight as a drum - trapping it in her. Whenever the vibrator started to slide out, it formed a 'tent' in the wet area of her panties. "Unggh! Agghng!" as she tried to pull her knees together, squirming. "Unnnngh!" mimicked the boys, laughing again and pulling the panties tighter whenever 'the tent' started to develop. It took almost 5 minutes for her to wiggle it all the way out into her panties. But that wasn't really fair because the boys 'accidently' pushed it back in several times before it came all the way out. While the boys were thwarting Marie Clair's efforts to expel the vibrator, the door opened and Marie Clair heard two more kids enter the room, one of them running over to look at her. "Look at her panties," said a girls voice, "She must have peepeed in them?" followed by some giggles. "Heather, maybe you should go watch the video with your mommy before you start saying stupid things." explained Billy to the younger girl. "It's not pee. She's excited to have us spanking and tickling her. But you're too young to know that. When big girls get excited, that gooey, wet stuff comes out." "I'm almost as old as you, Billy, so shut up." Then to Inga, "What's making that buzzing noise in her panties?" "Ok," said Inga who had pretended not to notice the boys kept pushing it all the way back in. "Look how much wetter her panties are now. We'll be pulling them off in a minute." As Inga pulled the slim vibrator out from inside the panties. She pointed out to the curious boys how wet and slippery it was. "Feel it, Nick. Let Heather feel it. This is a slim one - about the same size as Dr. Hardman's finger," holding it up for everyone nearby to see. Several women raised their eyebrows at Inga's last remark. The vibrator was glistening with Marie's pubescent lubricant. "It's about the same diameter as two of your fingers, isn't it Nick?" "Here, Brian, You try it. Then you can try in on her bra, too, if you want to, before you pull down her panties. Oh, Hi, Robby, I didn't see you come in," said Inga. "Oh boy, this thing tickles my hand! Here, feel this, Nick. You go first. You guys can tickle her with it. I want to go feel her bra." The boys were talking quickly and laughing, encouraged by the adults who were now giving their drink orders to Inga. The doorbell rang several times as other guests arrived. Marie Clair heard several of the adults say things like, "Boys will be boys. Her dark panties are wet already. It's a great way for the kids to learn anatomy." And so forth. "Go ahead and pull down her panties now, boys. We're going to give her some more spankings so she can earn more of her gifts." "Uuu, look. Her panties are sticking to her where they are wet," said Nick. "It looks gooey," exclaimed Billy, getting a close look. "Can I touch it?" asked Heather. "Of course, Dear," answered Heather's mom. "I wanted you to see this." "That 'gooey stuff' won't hurt anything. Girls do that when they get excited. It's how their bodies make it easy for things to slip into them," explained Mr. Long. "That's it, boys. Pull them down as far as they go with her feet fastened that far apart. Then you can take turns putting a finger into her if you want. Did you each give her 14 spankings yet?" Dr. Hardman's deep baritone voice added, "With her legs that far apart you'll have to really stretch them. Maybe we should cut them off on one side. What do you think?" The boys were now eagerly pulling them almost to her knees, when the material ripped on one leg, so that the panties slid all the way down to her left ankle. All the adults laughed at the sound of the ripping panties. Heather was giggling. The video was playing for the new arrivals. One of the adults suggested that the boys see how slippery the wet stuff was that was glistening around Marie Clair's totally exposed, upraised, bald pussy. A man wet his finger while showing them how to push in slowly at first to make sure there is plenty of lubrication. "She is really wet. That means she's ready for things to slip in, but first you'd better each give her the spankings." saying this just as someone turned up the volume on the TV so everybody could hear Marie begging to get spanked harder. All four of the boys and Heather had their heads close to Marie Clair's bottom, looking intently. "Come over here a minute, kids, and watch this and you can see when she started getting wet. You can see other ways her body changed when she received some front spanks, too." They reluctantly accompanied Dr. Hardman to the TV. He rewound to the beginning of the front spanks and paused the tape. Marie Clair heard him explain, "You can see inside her pussy in this close up shot before the spankings started. Notice she is completely dry and all the tissue is soft. It's difficult to distinguish the different parts. Watch how that changes over the course of the 14 spanks." Everyone, including the adults, watched quietly, which made the relative volume seem even louder as Marie Clair twitched in the video with each spank and begged to get spanked harder, and thanked Mr. Long for spanking and rubbing her. Although Marie Clair could not see the video she heard several comments about how she seemed to get wetter with each spank. "Now here's a close up after the last spank. Notice how wet she is and see how the little bump in front is swollen. All of her tissue appears much firmer and somewhat enlarged, doesn't it, boys? You can distinguish the separate parts. See how easily Mr. Long can slide his fingers over the erect ridge down the center. Her magic button is at the bottom end of that ridge, just where it flares out into two tiny flaps beside her hole."Yes sir. You can see the difference." answered Brian for the group. "That indicates that she really likes hard spankings. Observing those changes in her pussy may help you in your Health classes, too." He chuckled at his own humor. Several adults asked to watch that part again as Heather and the four boys went back to Marie Clair with renewed interest in female anatomy."You can use your hand, one of the wooden paddles, the belt, the hairbrush, this riding crop, or the cane, but don't hit too hard with the cane. Maybe you should each try a few swats with each one," said Mr. Long. "Each type of paddle makes a different mark and a different sound. Pay close attention and take your time. You'll get to finger her soon enough." Then added in a quiet, fatherly voice, "And boys... and you too, Heather... remember that she kept saying that she likes really hard spankings." then he gave them a knowing wink. A lady's voice suggested, "Billy and Nick, why don't you give her the spanks for your mothers. Then you can begin putting your fingers in her and playing with the vibrator."Several more adults came over to watch this round of spankings. The adults would give their spankings later when the kids lost interest. One of them had been videotaping the boys' fascination with little Marie Clair's bottom with a new tape. "I want to try that riding thing." said Nick eagerly, as he swished it through the air. "The paddle," said Brian "Well, I want to try all the paddles, starting with the ping-pong paddle." SMACK! on Marie Clair's left cheek. Brian then bent closer to watch as the area reddened. "Can I spank her in the same spot each time? Or should I hit different areas?" "Unnnngh!" Marie Clair squirmed. "Wherever you want to, Brian," said Dr. Hardman, smiling and patting him on the head. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! went Brian - all three in the same spot, laughing with the other boys at Marie Clair's noises and writing. "She really likes this doesn't she?" They proceeded to each give her 14 hard spanks with all of the different 'tools' provided, sometimes stopping to rub her fanny and check to see if she was getting wetter, even Heather checked. They had each surreptitiously slipped fingers in while rubbing between spanks, noticing the changes in Marie Clair's posture. She tried to hunch forward away from the paddles but then arched back into the probing fingers - as if trying to wiggle closer. "Brian, let's see who can make her twitch or flinch the most," challenged Billy. "OK. Let me try the belt next." Marie jumped in her bindings as the next two swishes of the belt stung her bottom. Brian winked at the crowd as he said aloud. "Now for a really hard one. Stand back. Zoom in close on her fanny." still grinning as he swished the belt over the top of Marie Clair's back, missing her fanny completely. Everybody laughed at Marie Clair's flinch when she heard the sound of the belt in the quiet room. They laughed some more and patted and felt her and taunted her with things like, "Bet you're sorry I missed. Let me see if she got wetter with anticipation - Yep, she did!" And more laughter as all five children investigated her pussy."Maybe we'd better wait before giving her the spankings for your moms." suggested one of the ladies. "Let me feel how wet she is now." Marie Clair felt a long manicured fingernail flick her button several times and then slide easily all the way into her. "Oh yes, boys. You're doing a fine job on our little birthday girl." The boys began sliding their fingers into her pussy, commenting on how tight it felt inside. They commented on the viscosity and color of the silvery wetness. Billy and Nick almost started fighting - trying to get in first, when someone suggested they see how fast they could take turns. Marie Clair was now holding still so they would not miss the center. She even lifted her bottom higher, standing on her tippy toes and arching her back to present an easier target. Billy's finger plunged in the instant Nick's came out - over and over."Mr. Long, Dr. Hardman wants you to plug this wire in the back of the video camera so everyone can get a close up view on the large TV," and Marie Clair heard some clicking as it was plugged in. "If she's 14, why doesn't she have any hair?" asked Billy while he was getting his fingers wet in the oozing pussy. "Oh, this feels slippery, almost greasy." "We shaved off her little tuft so you boys could see better," answered Inga. "I shave mine, too. Can I get you kids some pop? Remember, this is a party. I'm sure our little birthday girl wants her guests to have a good time!" "Can we look at yours, Inga?" asked one of the boys. "Maybe later, for comparison." interjected Dr. Hardman. "She's busy now."After the boys had been taking turns fingering and feeling Marie Clair, someone suggested that the younger boys try two fingers at once. "This is really fun!" said Billy. "My fingers just slide right in." "I want to try those 'front spanks,'" the taciturn Robby, finally speaking, "OK?" Mr. Long asked one of the other men to take over the video camera and set up the kids so Robby could give Marie Clair some 'front spanks.' "Billy and Nick, I want each of you to put a hand on her fanny and your other hand on her thigh just above her knees. That's it. Now pull her open so Robby can hit the target." "Hold her open a moment, boys," Dr. Hardman continued his 'lessons.' "You can see part way up her vagina when she is pulled open like that." That comment renewed Marie Clair's attempt for some modesty so she tried to squeeze her pussy shut, but each time she tried, the pull of the boy's hands re-opened her. The kids and the crowd were quiet as they noticed that each 'squeeze-shut' effort pushed out almost a 1/2 teaspoon of her pubescent, glistening 'wetness,' which dripped out to form a small puddle on the polished wood floor between her fastened feet - all caught close-up on the video. Robby was very timid with the first few spanks, not wanting to hurt Marie Clair and not wanting anyone to know how much he was enjoying this. With encouragement from the crowd he gave her some harder smacks - right on her very firm little button. He paused several times to check Marie Clair's wetness, enjoying his task, but still not smiling. Then the four boys took turns fingering her hole or feeling the different parts in front. Two of the ladies were discussing other nieces and nephews who might enjoy learning anatomy this way. "If nothing else, we could share our video with them." Mr. Long said, "Here's another idea for you boys. Billy and Nick, pull her fanny open again. That's it. Let me show you something else. You could also put your fingers in her bottom. You have to go slow and dip several times in front to keep your finger slippery." He finally pushed his finger all the way in even though Marie Clair was squeezing as tight as she could. "She's trying to squeeze shut, boys, so get your fingers really wet and push in slowly - but hard." "Let me try it," said Brian, "I bet I can get mine in all the way the first time." Everyone quieted down while he pushed his finger in all the way. "Ummmggh," said Marie Clair beginning a rhythmic squeezing with her anus, in attempts to block his finger. All the boys tried it. "See if one of you can use the 'tickler' while you take turns on both holes. Bet you can't do it." dared one of the adults. On the third time two fingers were in at once while she was being tickled Marie almost lifted the table she twitched so hard. "Maybe we'd better stop for a few minutes boys, and let her rest," suggested Inga. A couple of the other adult women concurred and the boys headed towards her bra. "Brian, take your friends to the bathroom first and wash your hands. We'll be having some ice cream and cake in a few minutes," said Mrs. Hardman. The boys returned so quickly that Marie Clair heard several adults chuckle comments that they couldn't have washed very well. "Get under the table, boys and see if you can unsnap her bra in the front," said Mr. Long. "But don't touch her titties yet. I want to show you something." They had some difficulty trying to unfasten it, but their determination eventually succeeded. The elastic pulled the bra up to the back of her neck to hang over the backs of her outstretched arms. Mr. Long knelt beside the table to explain about Marie Clair's breasts. "Our next anatomy lesson will focus on her breasts. Look closely and you'll see that the pink part in front looks soft and rounded. Those are her nipples. Watch this one while I massage and pinch it." While he fondled her right breast he explained to the boys that the nipple was getting harder and pretty soon the little bump on the tip would stick out. They look kind of soft like marshmallows until you get her excited," as he patted Marie Clair. When he removed his hand, they could all see the difference and were eager to try for themselves. "No, just watch a minute and the other one will firm up, too. Even if you just blow on it, it might stand out for you in anticipation." The boys started blowing before he finished his sentence, even Robby - betraying his excitement. The older Brian had been adjusting his trousers as he sat under the table, aware that other things were stiffening up, too, besides just Marie Clair's tits. He didn't know it, but all the adults in the room were noticing bodily changes of their own. Heather wanted to feel them, too, which was fine with her mom. Several adults asked the boys to have fun with Marie Clair's tits, but not to pinch too hard. "Try to describe what they feel like. If her tits were fruit, what type of fruit would match their size?" Marie Clair cringed as Heather and the boys discussed her attributes. Thinking of others seeing the video tape - with close ups of her private parts and her begging for harder spanks, and her very visible wetness, all adding to her embarrassment. 5: Ice Cream and Cake... And Games "Ladies and Gentlemen. Boys and Girls, ice cream and cake is served. You kids sit over here and watch while we unfasten Marie Clair's arms for a few minutes. She may need to go the the bathroom after drinking all that pop at dinner." announced Mrs. Hardman to the world. While people were changing places and setting up some folding chairs nearby, Mrs. Hardman whispered in Marie Clair's ear to see if indeed she did need to go to the bathroom. "Ummmgh, ummm," which Mrs. Hardman interrupted as "Yes, Ma'am." "Inga, bring it in," ordered Mrs. Hardman while two men unfastened her arms and helped her stand up, but they still restrained her hands. They did not unfasten her feet. Marie Clair felt herself being lowered onto a seat right there in the living room. "Hold her knees apart. If you kids want to watch her pee you can come over in front." Marie Clair heard the five of them come over to sit under the table, very close to her. "OK, Marie Clair, You can go now." "Unnggh. Unnnn" She wiggled as the pressure on her bladder mounted in her upright position. She was thinking how much better she would feel once she had gone. And, "There's no way I could be any more embarrassed than I already have been." she was thinking to herself. So she went ahead and started peeing with her knees held apart on the little portable toilet and two men holding her arms out. Then she farted! How embarrassing! As the pee started again, she farted again. The children were roaring with laughter as she finished and squeezed out the last drops with another fart. When the laughter subsided, Dr. Hardman continued his instruction, "When you put your fingers into her bottom some air got pushed in. That's why she farted. So don't laugh too much, it's not her fault. Now we'll wipe her off with warm washcloths and dry her." After she was cleaned they helped her stand again, feet still wide apart, fastened to the table legs. "If any of you kids want to feel her some more while she's standing up, go ahead. Notice how her breasts stick out like lemons while she is standing? She doesn't really need a bra to support them, does she?" The boys laughed in agreement and began to feel her. "Look, her pink nipples are getting stiff again. She must like this," observed Brian. Heather's small fingers felt different to Marie Clair, but there was no way to object, as Heather experimented with one then the other breast - squeezing, lifting and letting it drop, twisting and pinching the nipple. Marie Clair moaned in spite of herself. She heard people bringing in the plates of ice cream and cake and then felt her feet being unfastened from the table and refastened to a bar of some kind which kept her feet about 2 1/2 apart - the bar resting behind her ankles and extending about four inches past her ankles on either side. They fastened her wrist cuffs to another bar which kept her ams straight out. They took off her shoes and socks so she could get better footing. They led her back from the table taking wide steps, unable to get one foot within 2 feet of the other.She was able to take short forward steps by leaning her weight to the side and hopping the other foot forward. The other kids laughed as she practiced. "Maybe she needs some spankings to speed her up," suggested Brian, laughing to the point of coughing. "That might help her learn faster," agreed one of the adults. "But let's have our ice cream and cake first." Two of the men helped Marie Clair sit down. Then they laid her back onto some pillows so the bar would not hurt her back. "OK, kids. Anybody want to eat some icing off the 'Little Marie' table?" and Marie Clair felt someone put a spoonful of icing on each nipple. "We'll wipe her off after each person gets done so you won't get any germs." and then he put a dab of icing into her belly button and another on her thigh. "We'll put icing on different spots and you can lick it off." "Can I do it, too?" asked Heather. "I want to try it. Can I eat her belly button? Please, please. I want to play, too." "Well, of course, Dear," answered Heather's Mom and Mrs. Hardman at the same time, laughing, "Settle down, you'll get plenty of time to play with our birthday girl." For the next five minutes Marie Clair could feel the kids eating the icing off her. She was quickly wiped off as each spot was licked clean, and another dab was placed somewhere else. Marie Clair was wiggling around as the tongues tickled her tummy, legs, breasts, and neck. She could not tell who was who but hoped she would get to see the video later. The dabs near her lower tummy kept getting placed closer to her mound - then on the top of her slit. She tried to sit up but couldn't get her balance because one of the kids kept wanting to eat icing off her neck, chin and even her lips which were stretched over the rubber ball with the strap through it. All the kids were enjoying themselves and the adults enjoyed watching. One of the boys kept licking lower and lower on her slit. Heather was playing with one of her breasts with her fingers. "OK, kids. Let's stand her up now. Let's watch her practice walking." Marie Clair could take short, hopping steps. She waited several seconds between each step, wondering why she heard the table being rolled away. "Brian, since you had the idea of how to speed her up, take this paddle and we'll all see if your idea works," suggested Mrs. Hardman. With a gleam in his eye Brian took the paddle and walked over behind her. Marie Clair stood up straighter trying to tell by sound where he was standing. SMACK! right on her fanny. SMACK! SMACK! two more hard ones in the same spot sent her in a hopping gallop with her feet hardly staying on the ground. The crowd applauded Brian's training methods. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! and she was practically running in a wide circle, unable to get away from Brian who was spurred on the laughter and clapping of the audience. "Bravo, Brian!" "That's got her going!" "Good job, Lad!" "See how her titties jiggle, Mommy?" "Perfect aim, Brian!" "Harder!" and other comments as he 'trained' her to go faster for several minutes. He stopped spanking and she slowed down, then stopped, trying to guess where he was. Everyone got quiet as she slowly turned around in the center of the floor. Brian was smiling broadly as she unknowingly turned her red bottom right towards him. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! and he followed her around the floor, walking, while she tried to get away again - galloping as fast as she could, and jiggling all the way around the room. The crowd cheered as he spanked her about every five seconds, speeding her up. "Let's let her rest a minute," Mr. Long finally interceded. "Maybe the other children would like to help you 'train' her," said Mrs. Hardman. "You can give her some more 'standing up spankings' - front and back, while she tries to walk around. Now, how does she like them, kids - hard or soft?" "Hard!" answered all the kids at once. They ran to get their favorite paddles, belts, and so forth. Heather grabbed the belt which worried some of the other would-be spankers who admired her enthusiasm but did not trust her aim. Two men led Marie Clair back to the center of the room and moved the remaining chairs and other furniture out of the way. Dr. Hardman pronounced, "Brian will get a prize for the hardest spank so far." Robby got back just as the men let go of her and smacked her mound with the stir stick. As she turned around to hobble away from him, he smacked her harder on the fanny with the wooden paddle. He had a paddle in each hand! As she tried to hobble away she felt the belt slap the back of her leg just above the knee. "Maybe we'd better just let 2 kids spank at a time." Suggested Dr. Hardman - his request an order. Mr. Long became the judge and timer, letting Brian and Heather go first. Mr. Jones was the camera operator. Heather's next swing with the belt hit her on the side of the hip as she turned so that the tip of the belt smacked directly onto her pussy, which bent Marie Clair over. As she bent over Brian smacked her fanny with the riding crop - standing her quickly back up again. The adults and kids all laughed as Marie Clair hobbled around, making her lemon shaped tits jiggle and bounce. After 3 minutes of spanking, the referee said to stop and to go kiss and rub the birthday girl. Of course Heather liked the 'kiss' idea and went right for her tits - just below her mouth level. Brian asked if he could check her wetness while he tenderly rubbed her bottom. The judges looked at each other and then nodded in silent permission. Reaching between her legs from behind, his finger slipped all the way into her pussy - no resistance at all. "She likes this game." he announced sagely, holding up a glistening, wet finger to the crowd awaiting his verdict. Applause and laughter. "Three Cheers for Maire Clair!" said Mr. Long. "And three chairs for the helpful spankers!" said several grown ups. "See, the kids are learning a lot playing this game," commented one of the parents. "And I'm glad Marie Clair is enjoying her role, too." "The next two spankers are Billy and Nick. Are you ready boys?" asked Mr. Long. "No, I'm waiting for the belt," said Nick. "Here it is," offered Heather. "But can I test her wetness before I sit down? Please, I want to test her, too." "Sure, Honey," answered Mrs. Hardman. Heather started fingering Marie Clair with gusto - slipping two fingers at once into the stationary Marie Clair. "Bet that feels good, doesn't it Marie Clair?" chided Nick as he tested a short piece of the belt on her fanny. "Don't be mean, Nick," warned his mother. "But she said in the video that she likes it hard," protested Nick with a wicked grin. "And I bet I can spank harder than Brian!"Laughing agreement, "You're right, Honey. Spank her as hard as you want." "Go!" said the referee SMACK went the belt across the tops of the backs of Marie Clair's legs. And less that a second later the riding crop smacked her bare pubic mound in an upward blow. Marie Clair began hopping and turning as the boys gleefully spanked her, thinking her noises expressed pleasure. The belt continued to strike the backs, sides and fronts of her legs from her knees on up, sometimes wrapping to the inside. The stinging blows also hit her fanny and sometimes the tip of the belt stung the front of her pussy.The crowd was laughing as Marie Clair jumped around, hobbled by the two poles attached to ankles and wrists. "Look how her tits jiggle, Mommy." giggled Heather. "She is so funny." "Break!" interrupted the referee after just two minutes. "But that wasn't three minutes," objected Nick's mother. "Start all over." The red lines around her legs and fanny and across her lower tummy showed everyone where the blows had been landing. "OK. They can have another two minutes with different paddles." said the referee, "But first they might want to let her rest while they check her wetness." Mr. Long wanted to give her time to catch her breath. "Marie Clair, try to squat down and open you legs for the boys. That's a good birthday girl." As she spread her knees, hunching her pussy forward for their easy inspection. She wanted them to keep inspecting her for two reasons. Mr. Long had and idea for making it a little easier for the nervous contestant. Her perspiration mingled with her perfume giving off an sweet aroma. Her whole body glistened with her sweat and there was also a slippery trail of thicker wetness down the insides of her legs. "Boy, this if fun, Nick. Isn't it?" as they each inserted a finger into her slippery pussy at the same time - for a very tight fit. "Help me kneel her down. Why don't you do some softer front spanks while she puts her head and shoulders down on this pillow with her fanny up in the air?" "Sure," said the boys. "Well, I would rather just feel her tits some more," said Billy. "Let me give the birthday girl her choice." said Mr. Long. "If you want some gentle 'front spanks' and want Billy to feel your tits instead of spanking you, just lean forward and put your head on the pillows. If you want them to see how hard they can spank you for a few more minutes, then stand up." With that she knelt down immediately. Nick looked at her upturned fanny and changed his mind. "I would rather put my fingers in her holes instead of spanking her." Mr. Long thought this over. "I'll ask the birthday girl again. If you would rather have Nick put his fingers in you instead of giving you a front spanking, then put your knees farther apart." And - her knees slid wider apart on the wood floor as she arched her back tilting her 'holes' up for easier access. "I want to, too, Mommy. Please. Can I finger her again?" "You already had a turn, but maybe Nick will let you do a few for him." "No," said Nick. "I want to do all fourteen in each hole myself." While the crowd was ordering more drinks from Inga, Heather went over and whispered something into Nick's ear. Billy was happily fondling Marie Clair's firm, young tits as the crowd refocused on the next round of fun after getting their drinks. "I'm going to show Heather how to put her fingers into the birthday girl, Mom. She hasn't tested Marie's fanny yet. Harummmp, Marie Clair, listen up. I want to show Heather how to put a finger in your fanny. Your challenge is to squeeze so tight that I can't put my finger in. But first I'm going to put lots of your juice in, so relax while I do that. Put your knees a little farther apart if you accept my challenge." Marie put her knees even farther apart, arching her back more so that her chest was completely on the floor. Mr. Long put more pillows under her outstretched hands so the bar wouldn't press into her back. Nick dipped out some of her lubricant and began pushing it into her bottom, until his finger slipped easily in and out. "OK, now try to squeeze so hard that I won't be able to get my finger in. Wiggle your ass if you're ready." Marie Clair wiggled her fanny back and forth then tightened her anus as tight as she could and waited. Nick got his finger wet again, waited a moment, placed his fingertip on her puckered anus, and then pushed slowly in - all the way, while turning his hand back and forth slowly as he pressed. "See Heather, that's how you do it," explained the triumphant Nick. The audience clapped and laughed again as Heather got her fingers wet and tried first with one finger - then two, while Nick probed the front hole. END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 68
Chris, still in a sexual daze, left his room and walked tentatively down the hallway at his mom's call. As he reached her door he braced himself for what was coming. He knew he had gone way too far, but he had been right. She had wanted it. She had really wanted it. He turned and stepped into her room."Chris... Chris, come he... no, I... uh, Chris I... I just wanted to tell you goodnight honey. Don't be upset. Don't think I'm angry, I mean, I am but it's not just your doing. I'm upset that I let things get so completely out of hand. Everything just... just got out of control. We'll get past this and we'll talk. Tomorrow morning we'll have a nice breakfast together and everything will be fine. We'll make everything fine. We can't let this come between us."In an attempt to lessen the tension she forced a smile, "And I'll put the laundry in the chute tomorrow, ok? Chris? Promise?"Chris mumbled a little shamefaced, "Yeah, I guess so.""Goodnight Chris.""Goodnight mom.""Hey, uh... mom.""Yes?""I... uh... never mind, nothing.""Chris, it's ok. I'll be ok. We'll be ok. It just, happened."Karen lay back pulling her sheet tightly to her chin, her insides shaking. She closed her eyes, trembling at how close she had come to asking him to lie down with her. She wanted to be held, needed to be held so much, missed the feel of a man's strength enclosing her, the smell of his skin, his hands holding her breasts. She just had so little time for relationships. The men at her office were such jerks and most of them her subordinate. She turned gazing at the luminous LED of her clock and once again felt the hard length of Chris in her hand, the warm smooth skin. Eyes closed, her fingertips lightly touched as her hand again caressed... her lips softly pulled apart as she felt the warm wetness splash against them and fall to her breast. The tip of her tongue touched her bottom lip as her teeth lightly bit, her hunger aching, scolding her that she had not pushed her lips over him...With a soft cry of despair she turned to her back. Somehow, she had to control him, control herself. Could she deny him and keep their closeness. She mustn't lose him, yet, if he continued to push her what could she do. Could she play this game just a little, and yet keep him at some arm's length?She got out of bed and walked to her son's room pushing the door open peering into the darkness. She walked to the edge of his bed."Chris.""Yeah mom.""Chris, will you hold me. Just hold me for a little while if I lie down?""Sure mom.""I just want you to hold me, that's all. Just for a little while, please Chris?" she quietly asked laying down and turning her back to him.Chris put his arm around her pulling her close, yet trying to keep his hand from her breast. He felt himself stirring and lengthening against her. Karen tensed and Chris began to pull away."No, it's ok Chris, I understand. It doesn't bother me, just hold me and I'll get up in a minute."Karen's eyes fluttered, opening in some confusion then remembering where she was. Chris' hand was holding her breast, his hips and legs were folded tightly against her. She could feel the outline of him pressed to her. He was asleep. Pulling his hand tightly to her, her hips instinctively pressed against him. She could barely remember when she had felt so warm, comfortable. Pushing herself away Karen got up and silently went back to her room. "Good morning Chris. Here baby, sit down. I have your breakfast ready. I think after we eat and I clean up the kitchen I'll run down and have the car washed. I won't have a minute to do it next week."They ate quietly with a nervousness and hesitant smiles."I have to run to the office for a couple hours after I have the car cleaned. Then I'm meeting Jane for lunch and we're going shopping at the outlet mall out on the edge of town. I may be late. Is there anything you want me to pick up for you?""Uh... no. Hey, mom, look, I'm sorry, last night I didn't mean... I just.. I don't know."Karen's heart ached at the misery on her son's face, his eyes filling with tears. Reaching across the table she lay her hand over his."No Chris, stop. It's ok. We're ok. It, it just happened. I'm still your Mother and you're still my son and I love you so very very much. I don't want us to be sorry for what happened, but, we can't keep up with this tension between us. I can't think, I can't work. I never know what you're going to do. I don't know, but we'll work it out."She got up moving around the table to hold his head against her breast and kissed him on the forehead."Now lets just try to forget it for now, ok? So tell me, what are your plans for today?""I don't know mom, mess around the house some. Maybe catch a ride or walk down to the Garden Center and see what I'm going to be doing. I'm going to start as soon as schools out.""Well, before you leave be an angel. While I'm cleaning up here get the dirty clothes out of your room and start the wash, ok?""Yeah, sure mom."He heard the door swing closed and the car start as his mom backed out of the drive. Chris closed his eyes and felt the fullness of her breasts against his cheek when she hugged him at the table. He had watched the soft curves of her ass stretch her skirt as she turned and walked across the kitchen. An instant stirring forced him to shake off the thought. A long walk to the Garden Center would pass some time and expend some of the pent up energy he felt.Chris found where he would punch the clock and what his starting duties were to be. Some of the people that worked there knew Chris and his Mother and they were glad he would be joining them for the summer. The woman showing him around pointed out the huge array of flowers they had in stock. It seemed every time she leaned to point at something she brushed her almost matronly large breasts against his arm."This is a perfect place to work Chris. You're right here where you don't have any excuse not to pick up some flowers for your girlfriend. You do have a girlfriend don't you?" "Uh, yeah, yeah I guess I do, kind of." "Well here, take this vase of spring mix. It's marked down and she will love them. Don't you know we women love flowers. You men are so... well anyway tell the cashier I said to give you the employee discount and the sale price because your going to be working here.""Thanks Mrs. Sovell.""Oh don't worry about it, and Chris honey, don't call me Mrs. Sovell. Please, call me Joan."The cute girl at the register looked him over and asked who the flowers were for. Chris stammered out that they were for his Mom. With a little brighter smile she told him how sweet he was to get them for his Mother and that she was really happy that he would be working with them this summer. Chris blushed and mumbled a quick thanks.He caught a ride home with a customer he knew. Setting the vase on the kitchen table Chris went to his room and changed into a pair of gym shorts. His mom's exercise bike and a weight bench were in the spare room and he flipped on the radio as he lay back on the bench to work out a little."Karen... Karen, wake up!" Jane called out as Karen stood staring into the store window. "Where are you today? Or for that matter for the last week. Is everything all right at home? At work? You just seem really out of sorts. Come on, lets go sit for a minute.""I'll get us some coffee and you tell me what's going on.""I don't know Jane. It's just that some days, most days, I think Chris is about to make me crazy. He's too old for the teenage years but he grew up a lot slower than his class for some reason and he really missed all that, which was wonderful for me at the time. It just seems like he's deep into them now and one minute I think I want to strangle him and the next I want to love him to pieces."Looking over the edge of her styrofoam cup Jane asked, "Ok, so whats he doing?""I think it's his hormones raging. I swear Jane I think he's just a walking hard-on."Jane shrieked with laughter. "Oh my God Karen. Is that all? Are you kidding? Then find him a girlfriend. My God he's so hot. Have you ever really looked at him? I can't believe the girls aren't calling him day and night. He looks like a Greek God. On second thought, just send him over to my house. I'll work off those hormones for you.""Now how are you going to do that?""I'm going to fuck him all day long.""JANE! Oh God Jane don't you say such a thing. You wouldn't!""Oh wouldn't I? I would fuck the boy silly, and while I was at it I would teach him how to treat a woman. "Hush Jane, someone will hear you.""Well, there are things he needs to know. Things a Mother can't teach, or maybe not anyway. Well, Karen, I would. An older woman would do well to show a young man how to treat a girlfriend or wife. Some night during her moment of bliss, his lovely wife will thank me. And, while I'm teaching... it would be nice to have some of that delicious young manhood sending little shivers and quivers of delight all over me.""JANE, that's my son we're talking about. Now stop.""He's working at the Garden Center this summer isn't he?""Yeah, he starts the week after next I think.""I know a couple of the girls that are working there. Those wild hormones will be taken care of soon enough Karen.""Jane, I don't want him in any kind of trouble with some young girl. He has college, an education to worry about. He just wants a job and that would be a wonderful place for him to work.""Karen, I didn't say anything about young girls.""JANE, God you're impossible. I don't want my son messing around with any of those females down there, young or old. He has a future to look out for.""Mmmmmmm well, I do have a few things he could do at my house. Like... me?""That's enough. You've got me a nervous wreck now. I won't be able to trust you around him, or those little summer bitches at the Center. I have to get home. I haven't anything laid out for supper and now you about have me sick with worry."Jane laughed as she got up kissing Karen on the cheek, "Well, all right dear. Maybe I'll give him a ride home from work some day."Grabbing her purse and laughing with her as they parted Karen warned, "You stay away from my son. If anyone is going to corrupt him I will."In shock, Karen suddenly realized what she had said as she walked down the concourse towards the exit. "Oh my God, I can't believe I said that. Surely Jane didn't hear, or make anything of it," she thought.As she drove home she bemoaned the thought of the girls working at the Center as well as Jane. In a moment of thought, seriously, would she rather it be one of those girls or someone like Jane? At least an older woman wouldn't be trouble. And Jane was right about most men being such louts when it came to knowing what a woman needed and wanted.Chris groaned as he pushed up the barbell one more time and rested it on the supports. He lay there waiting for his arms to relax. His thoughts soon turned to the girl working the register at the Garden Center. She was really hot but the image of Mrs. Sovell, Joan, soon replaced her. She wasn't too much older than his mom. He could still see the soft curve of her breast as it disappeared at the white edge of her bra. Her full breasts strained against the material of her blouse as she twisted, turned and bent over showing him the garden stock. She had the soft full rounded hips of an older woman and yet still promised a nice figure hidden beneath her clothes.A stirring beneath his gym shorts, slowly reached uncomfortably down his thigh. Chris reached down pushing his shorts below his hips and wrapped his hand around the growing member. Eyes closed, his hand began moving up and down the rigid length as his thoughts returned to Mrs Sovell... Joan.Karen stood in the kitchen, her eyes misted in tears looking at the flowers Chris had brought home for her. They were so beautiful. Her heart was melting at his thoughtfulness. He could be such an angel when he wanted to be. She heard the radio from the spare room and walked down the hall to hug him and thank him for being so sweet.Staring in shock, and then captivated, Karen stood quietly at the doorway watching her son move his hand up and down the hard swollen shaft. Closing her eyes, she couldn't remember, perhaps it was the way he was laying, that made it look like... he looked so big... As she watched agape unbidden thoughts tugged at her. Who was he thinking of? Was he thinking of one of those girls? Of Jane? No, God no she was being silly, not Jane, yet she could not stop gazing at his movements and wondering with the slightest tinge of... jealousy?Chris suddenly opened his eyes and looked toward the door. "Oh Jeez mom, I'm sorry. I swear I didn't know you were home. Mom I'm sorry," as he began to sit up.Grasping her courage before she fled, Karen walked quickly across the carpet with the corner of her lip turned up in a slight smirk."What Chris? You think you know how to do that better than me? Better than a woman?" Kneeling down next to the bench she pushed her hair back and smugly quipped, "This is only yours to carry around. It actually belongs to women, or someday your wife. So, I'll show you how you should really do it."Her small hand slipped around the base of the swollen shaft. Slowly Karen began moving her hand up and down the length of him. She reached with the palm of her other hand and lightly circled the rounded tip spreading the little droplets that her grasp was coaxing from him. Fingertips lightly caressed the underside of the velvet curve as her hand continued its slow rhythm. Reaching lower her hand carefully held his balls, lightly squeezing each time her hand stroked downward. Over and over her hand slowly slid up and down his cock. Her long nails softly scratched the wrinkled skin below as they moved upwards toward the base and finally pushed her other hand higher on the rigid warmth.Both hands now encircled him and began to move quicker pumping up and down. Karen slid them together, the fingertips and the heels of her palms touching as she now held his throbbing cock between them slightly rocking back and forth as they caressed up and down the hard length. Her heart pounding Karen gave a soft cry at the sight between her hands. The swollen reddish tip, the veins slipping down the length disappearing beneath her hands, skin pulling tight as she moved her hands downward and the little beads of slipperiness as she slid upwards. She closed her eyes and leaned forward pressing the warm tip against her cheek as her hands continued to slide up and down.Chris couldn't believe what his mom was doing. The incredible feeling of her hands. He knew he couldn't wait much longer, felt the tightening, his muscles tensing, fingertips digging into the bench. He had watched his mom, her lips lightly parted as she stared entranced, heard her quiet wail of need as she pressed his cock to her cheek."Mom, oh God mom, It''s... I can't wait..."He looked down at her holding him tightly against her cheek. Without thought he reached down grabbing his cock pressing it to her lips."Chris, no, noooo," she moaned trying to turn away but his hand followed pushing harder.Karen could feel him begin to thrust harder, his hips beginning to lift. She held him tighter waiting for the rush of wetness. Startled as his hand moved over hers pressing the rigid tip against her lips, she turned trying to move away. Chris pressed harder forcing his cock against her. With an aching cry of abandon Karen took him pulling him deeply into her mouth. With a moan of hunger she moved her lips quickly up and down his cock."Mom, Jeezzz mom I'm... I'm going to cummmm... please..."Karen's hand moved furiously pumping up and down the throbbing hardness. Her lips barely caressed the tip as she whispered, "Ok baby, ok, come on Chris... come on... cum for me... come on baby... please, cum for me... yes... oh yes, oh God there it is... there it is... cummmmm baby..." She quickly slipped her lips over him as the warm spurts of cum covered her tongue. Karen quickly swallowed as Chris groaned and spilled more cum into her. Her lips slid tightly up and down the length of his cock as her hands squeezed the last drops from him.Patting him on the stomach she pushed to her feet. Karen whispered with a voice thick with a need of her own, "There Chris, now that's how you do it."As she turned the corner from the doorway she ran down the hall and up the stairs to her room. Closing the door behind her she leaned back against it gasping, her heart pounding. Her hand slipped beneath her skirt to touch her panties now soaked with her desire. She hurried to her dresser reaching for her dildo and the bottle of lubricant. Kicking out of her panties and skirt she fell to the bed in a moan as she poured the slippery liquid into her hand and spread it over warm folds of her pussy. Karen pressed the hardness between the slippery swells and a soft cry escaped her as she moved to take the entire length inside her warm opening.As her hand moved back and forth between her thighs, behind closed eyes Karen was entranced. The sight of her hands wrapped around Chris' cock. The velvety soft feel brushing against her cheek as she held it tightly to her, the warmth as it throbbed beneath the touch of her fingertips... the feel of the warm hardness as her lips slid over him, the wetness spilling inside her mouth covering her cheeks, tongue... she tensed turning to her side thighs closing tightly... an aching cry of release.It was the last week of school as Chris tentatively stepped into the kitchen. His mom had stayed in her room though he thought her heard her once after he went to bed."Good morning Chris. I loved the flowers, they're beautiful. That was so sweet of you. Did you pick them out?""Uh, no, Mrs. Slovell helped at the Garden Center when she was showing me around.""Well, I don't believe I know her."She's kind of nice. Told me to call her Joan but I don't know. She's alot older.""Older? Well, I hope you mean older than me. I guess you should call her what ever she wants. Is she your supervisor?""Yeah, sort of. I guess I'll be working with her most of the time.""Well, I should meet her sometime.""Sure mom. Hey, I have to go or I'll be late."Chris hesitantly leaned forward, then kissed his mom on the cheek.Karen watched as her son walked down the drive. Mrs. Scovill? Joan? Her lips tightening she decided she would have to meet this Mrs. Scovill that wanted her son to call her Joan. The phone rang and she walked to the counter to answer."Hello.""Karen, how are you today? Feeling better I hope?""Jane, yeah, much better actually. Maybe I just needed some rest.""Well, you had me worried. Is Chris available to do a couple of things for me this afternoon?""What? uh, oh... JANE," Karen laughed, "You leave your hands off my son you wanton bitch. I remember what you said.""Oh, well then, I guess you decided to follow your own advice?""Well Jane, just what advice was that?"Jane laughed, "Well if you're not going to let me corrupt him, then I guess you've decided to do it yourself? Remember? You said?"Karen stood stunned. Her heart skipped as she tried to regain her breath, her voice."Karen? Karen, I didn't drop the call did I? Are you still there?"She forced her heart to slow, "Jane, that's uh... silly. You can't imagine... you can't think...?""Oh Karen, I'm just kidding. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. I do want to stop over later. I need to drop off your carpet cleaner I borrowed and I've bought this wine I heard of that you'll just love. I got a bottle for you too so I'll see you about five, ok?""Sure, stop on by. I'll make sure I'm home from work by then. I'll stop and pick up something for us at that new Italian place. You can have a bite to eat here... Yeah... ok.... bye."Swinging around and glancing at her watch she had to grab her purse, briefcase and rush for the door.Jane pulled the cork on the wine, filling their glasses."Where's Chris? Isn't he awfully late?""I don't know. He may have had something after school. He should be along soon. Why?""I just hoped to see him. It's been a few weeks.""Maybe he stopped at the Garden Center for something. I swear Jane, he brought me the nicest flowers. Over there on the counter, see.""And who suggested them?""Well probably his supervisor at work. But it was sweet of him to bring them to me?""Who is she, did he say?""A Mrs. Sovell I think? Joan, she told him to call her Joan.""Hmmm, I know her. She's married to the branch manager at the bank just down the street from there.""Is she nice?""I think so. She's alone a lot and that's why she works. I think they make him put in a lot of hours. Here have some more wine.""Jane, it's my third glass. I can barely speak without slurring now. You know I rarely drink.""Oh quit whining," with both of them laughing at that and turning at the sound of the door."Hey, Hi Chris, we've been waiting for you. Well, at least I have. I think your Mother has had one or two or maybe three or four glasses or wine too many.""Hi mom. Sorry I'm so late. I was at the Center and Mrs. Scovell was showing me around some more.""Hmm, Mrs. Shovelli is it," Karen slightly slurred laughing. "Oh, I'm sorry Chris. We tried to wait but I didn't know you were going to be so damn late.""No, it's Mrs. Sovell, mom. You drank too much didn't you.""Oh God Jane, I don't think I can stand up," stumbling as she pushed herself up. "And I have a terrible day ahead tomorrow. I told you not to give me so much wine.""Well, it's late. Chris and I will help you and then I have to get home. The wine was really nice wasn't it, and the Tortolini was wonderful.""Chris, help me. We'll take your mom up and put her to bed."They got her up the stairs and Karen lay back on the bed."Chris, I'll hold her while you get her shoes and jeans off. She can't sleep this way."Jane pushed her up pulling her sweatshirt off and over her arms as Karen protested. Chris tugged and pulled her jeans over her ankles trying not to stare at the French briefs that almost rolled off with her pants."Ok Chris, throw a blanket over her and turn the light out. I'll call tomorrow. I might have some things you could do for me at my house. Think you would have time?""Sure, just let me know when.""Ok, take care of your mom. I'll let myself out."As he heard Jane go down the steps he threw off his shirt, kicked off his shoes, and pushed his jeans over his feet. He stood staring at his mom, his cock achingly hard. His fingers grasp the waistband pulling her panties over her hips and ankles. Amid her continuing mumbled protests he unsnapped her bra and tossed it on the chair. He pulled open her dresser drawer and poured a puddle of her lubricant in his palm. Moving over her and straddling her hips he kissed the soft slope of her breasts. His lips pulled her nipple as his tongue traced little circles, flicking over the stiffening pinkness."Chris, Chris, stop honey, what are you doing?" her hands weakly pushing at him.His fingers dipped between her thighs pushing through the thick dark tangle of curls. The pink bareness hidden beneath was quickly slippery. His fingers lightly massaged her clit, slowly moving lower easily sliding inside her then moving back out and lower between her cheeks, his fingertips toying... teasing as he felt the muscles of her ass squeeze him."Oh God baby, that feels so good. Chris? Chris? Wait. Oh no, no you can't, please, we can't. Stop Chris," her arms pushing against him. "We have to stop baby. Here, please, come up here, let me do this. I'll do this for you."Karen pulled him up to her, taking him into her mouth, the tip of her tongue tracing the warm hard length. Her fingers wrapped around his aching shaft swiftly moving back and forth as Chris' hips moved against her."No, no... I want you, I want inside you." Chris groaned as he pulled away moving between her legs forcing them apart."No Chris, we can't baby, please, please come back up here. Let me... I can make my baby feel so good. Please come up here."Karen's legs were straight and tense as Chris tried to push them apart. He held himself up with an elbow taking the hard length of his cock, slowly sliding it up and down. The rounded tip smoothly slipped between the warm slippery mounds of her labia... then higher to caress her clit and then again moving lower... pressing between her rounded cheeks to tease, circle, torment... hearing her gasp as her cheeks clenched tightly around him... then slowly moving higher. "Chris, no.. don't do that, please, stop, stop doing that baby, you have to stop doing that." Karen gasped, a little cry as she felt the hard shaft press between her cheeks, lingering, pressing against her harder this time. "Oh God no, no Chris... not there, please stop, please baby... I can't stand that."Yet her body trembled, the soft smooth roundness of her ass clenching tightly around the teasing hardness as her hands held his arms tightly. With each whispered protest, with each time he slid the warm enticing hardness across her sensitive skin, her thighs opened a little wider her knees lifting higher... higher until they were pulled against her breasts. His arms held him over her as his hips moved sliding his cock across her, pressing between her cheeks, then higher, the smooth wet tip softly kissing her clit."Oh my God Chris, Chris honey, please, please don't... I'm your Mother, you can't do this to me, you can't, we can't... please baby, this isn't right. Please, don't do this.""I want you. I want you mom, I can't help it, I'm not sorry and I can't wait any more." Chris breathed as he paused, then began pushing inside her.Karen's fingernails dug deep into his arms as she felt him begin to enter her. "Noooooooooo oh nooooo." Karen moaned as she felt each inch of him slowly push inside her. So slowly, her breath held... until... their hips touched, resting, pressed tightly together.Then he pulled away and began a slow seductive... mesmerizing rhythm. Over and over he pushed deep inside her as she gently rocked back and forth against his hips. Her eyes closed, lips slightly parted lost in her desire. Karen lifted her head, hands pulling on his arms, straining to look between them. Her breath came in trembling gasps, watching as his cock glistened with wetness moving in and out of her. Her pussy clung tightly to him as he moved inside her. She sensed his quickening, sensed the throbbing, the swelling inside her, her head falling back."Ok baby, ok, come on... I know... it's ok, I know, soon now," her own eyes widening as she felt her hips pressing harder against his thrusts."I'm... I'm... mom I'm going.. to cum..." Chris moaned as he began pounding hard against her."It's ok, come on, come on baby, cum for me..." she whispered, her breath quickening as her arms pulled him closer her lips resting against his cheek. ""Come on baby... cum for me, please cum for me... please... come on, oh God please... hurry, cum in me Chris... I need it... need it, so bad... hurry."Karen felt him tense, his muscles tighten as he began filling her with a wet warmth, "Ohhh God there... don't stop, please... harder baby... fuck me harder... please baby... there... there... oh god I'm cumingggggggggg! Fill me... please baby, I want it... it's mine, all of it... again... oh God there it is... again... ohhhhhhhhhhh."She leaned against the hallway wall her fingers muffling her gasps. Her legs were trembling, her heart beating wildly as she tried to move silently down the stairs.As she backed out of the drive she pulled over, her hands shaking. She felt her panties against her skin, soaked. Her face buried in her hands, she cried... in what, she wondered. The horror of incest? Or was it the incredible desire searing through her? The beauty of them together, they were so beautiful? Jealousy? She had just watched her dearest friend... Screwed? No, no... made love to? Fucked? Yes, fucked, incredibly fucked by her... son? By Chris?Jane closed her eyes, Chris looming into the darkness, looking down at her, quivering and helpless, his strong body pounding against her, whispering in her ear, cumming in her... pouring himself inside her. She shivered, her teeth biting tightly against her bottom lip as her orgasm rippled through her.Opening her eyes, she drove down the road wondering, what she would do. Could she ever let Karen know that she knew? Anyone? That she had watched in stunned silence?She knew one thing certain. She had to have Chris. Had to make him want her, Jane's fingers were white as she gripped the wheel...***~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 54
Back in 1967 when I was approaching 13 years old, my parents were both killed in a car accident and being left with out a dad and mom, my mother's sister Elsie took me in and continued to look after me. She was 34 years older than me at that time and had been divorced for a number of years. And since she had no family and was living alone, we became very close friends. And eventually, this was in more ways then one. After moving in with her, I still had about 6 weeks of holidays left before I had to go back to school.I guess you could call aunty Elsie a BBW as her body was quite plump with big heavy breasts, and large hips. But regardless of her shape, she was a very kind person with a happy personality. And right from the first day when I moved in with her, she did everything to make me feel close to her. I'm sure she was wanting to help me to get through the trauma of loosing my parents and so when bed time came, she had me sleep with her instead of alone in her spare bedroom. For the first few nights she would allow me some privacy time to put on my pajamas first and then get into bed. Then, when it was time for her to change into her night gown, she used her spare bedroom. And after changing, she would used her bathroom across from me before getting into bed. But for some reason when she did, she never completely closed the door and I could hear her peeing into the toilet as clear as anything. I can still remember to this day listening to her pee-stream hissing and bubbling as it poured into the toilet. And when I was imagining what it looked like, I would always get an instant erection. And then, when she came to bed, she would give me a good night hug and kiss. And while she was doing that, I tried to keep my lower body away from her so she wouldn't see or feel my embarrassing problem down there.When things settled down and the sting of loosing my parents lessened, she eventually became more relaxed in the way she did things. And if I live to be 100 years old, I'll never forget the night when we became very intimate with each other.As I have already mentioned, being close to 13 I was getting a lot of erections but I still didn't know about masturbation. And to make my problem even worse, when it was time for her come to bed, she didn't go to her spare bedroom to change. But she came in and sat on the side of her bed with her back to me and undressed down to her brazier and panties. Then she asked me to undo her bra so she could take it off. Well, by this time my cock was standing up like a pole. And as she was putting on her night gown, I could see the sides of her big breasts swinging around as they hung down in front of her. Then she stood up, reached up under her night gown and took her panties off. After that, she went to her bathroom as usual to have a pee, and once again I could hear her stream splashing into the toilet, which made my cock so hard that it started to hurt..When she had finished and came to bed, I quickly turned around with my back to her trying to hide my erection. But once she was in bed with me, in her motherly way she turned towards me to cuddle me up by putting her arm over me and pulling me back up against her big soft tummy and breasts. And as she did that, her hand accidentally touched my hard penis. Well, when she realized what it was, she started feeling it all over and then she said, "Oh my! You seem to have a problem down there, don't you Kenny? It isn't healthy for you to leave it this way... Here, turn over on your back and let me look after it for you." Well I didn't know what to do. What was she going to do to me?Next thing I knew, she was helping me to turn over on my back. And because she was older, plus being my aunt, I viewed her as knowing everything, So I did as she said. After helping me to roll over, she sat up, put the light back on and pulled the covers down. Then she said as she started to pull my pajama bottoms down, "Its OK honey, you will feel so much better after I help you to get rid of all that pressure inside your penis." As soon as my erection was in plain view for her to see, she took it between her thumb and finger and started to move my foreskin up and down. Then she asked me if I was jerking off yet. Since I didn't know what she meant, I guess the blank look in my face told her that I wasn't.So, she asked me to wait for a moment while she got a towel. Then kneeling down on the floor beside the bed, she asked me to move closer to her and she put the towel on my stomach next to my cock. Then squeezing and rolling my balls around in one hand, she started to masturbate me again. And as she was moving my foreskin up and down on my cock she said, "Does it feel nice when I rub it like this?" Well I was getting more excited by the second as a strange new feeling was building up inside my cock and I think I whispered in a shaky voice, "it's starting to feel funny aunty." When I said that she said, "It's OK sweetie, soon it will shoot some thick white sticky liquid out on the towel and you will feel so much better."No sooner had she said that and I could feel a totally new throbbing feeling filling my cock and spreading down to my balls. Suddenly, my cock felt like it was going to burst open. And when she heard me starting to moan, and noticed the head turning almost purple, she started to move her hand up and down the shaft very fast making me almost pass out from my first orgasm. Finally, I had to grab her hand to stop her because the head on my cock was just to sensitive to touch. As I looked down to see what happened, I saw her squeezing and milking me as a small amount of clear stick virgin syrup came out of my pee hole and ran down the sides of the head. And when there was no more, she wiped it off with her finger and then put it in her mouth. As she did that, she said, "Mmmmmm, that tastes so good."Following that, she helped me to recover from my first orgasm , by continuing to massage my balls, rolling them around inside my tight skin bag. Then she said, "Well sweetie, didn't that feel good, since your body is beginning to change into an man, your penis will continue to get hard many times a day and when it does, I want you to feel free to come to me and I will help you to make it soft again. Will you do that for me?" Still being totally overwhelmed and shaking with excitement, I told her that I would. Following this, she took my pajama bottoms right off and then she pulled the covers back over us and put the light out again. Facing me like she did before, she cuddled me up against her big warm body, and as we were settling in for the night, she started saying to me, "I guess I was wrong sweetie, when you went off, I was expecting you to shoot some thick white semen out on the towel, but I guess your body isn't making it just yet. But you do have some clear sticky syrup at this time." Then she went on to explain to me what semen was and how it comes out. And that I shouldn't worry because my body will start producing it any day now. As I was thinking about my new experience, I noticed that my cock didn't go soft like she said it would. And so I asked her why. Then she reached down and as she felt it, she said, "oh my goodness Kenny, maybe one treatment wasn't enough." So after pausing for a minute, she then said to me, "Kenny, lets try something different." This time without putting the light back on, she pushed the covers back down. Then rolling over on her back this time, she reached down to pull her night gown up enough so that she could spread her legs apart. Following that, she asked me to climb up on top of her. With my knees still on the bed and my chest resting on her big soft stomach, she said to me, "Oh sweetie, you need to move higher up on top of me dear." As she helped me, she said, "Kenny, a woman has a special opening between her legs called a vagina, that's where a man can put his hard penis, here, let me help you to find it." She kept moving me to the right place, she took my cock and aimed it into her vagina. Then she said, "OK sweetie, now push it in as far as you can." As I did, I felt the head slip into a hot, wet place and it felt wonderful. But because I still wasn't all the way in, she lifted her big legs up higher to make more room for me, and then she said, "Now Kenny, you can push it in deeper, push sweetie, push it in as far as you can, let me feel your testicles touching my bum hole." I pushed real hard and I could feel myself going in real deep this time. And like she said, I could feel my balls pressing up against her body. The feeling of her hot wet hole made my hard aching cock just throb. Once I was all the way in she said, "That's good sweetie, now make yourself nice and comfortable and I want you to start moving your penis in and out of auntie's vagina, here, let me show you how." She grabbed me by my bum and helped me to move in and out at a nice slow steady pace. And just like she wanted, I could feel my balls pressing up against her each time I was all the way in.Like I said earlier. What a night that was for me. Although she still had her night gown on, and I couldn't see her big soft breasts, there are no words to describe how good it felt as her hot wet vagina wrapped itself around my aching penis. And in no time, I was feeling that same throbbing pain that I had felt before in her hand. But this time it was so much stronger and I nearly fainted from the wonderful unexplainable feeling that exploded all over my body. When it was finally over, I had to stop to get my breath. "Wasn't that great honey? Now I want you to stay on top of me like you are right now and lets see if your penis goes soft this time, OK?, and if it doesn't, then you can do the same thing again to me." After saying that, she told me that when boys my age are going through puberty, it's the most wonderful time of their life because it takes a lot to make their penis lose it's hardness.Well my penis still didn't get soft, and no wonder because she kept squeezing it with her vagina. I could feel her moving her muscles and squeezing me continually and this was making me stay harder then ever. So she told me to start moving my penis in and out of her again. This time though, I felt her reach down and she started to rub herself just above my cock. I continued to thrust in and out of her vagina, I noticed that she was also getting very excited this time. Then suddenly she started breathing very fast and as she squeezing my body with her legs, Then I heard her let out 2 or 3 real loud grunts. Well, when that happened, I quickly stopped as I thought I was hurting her. But as soon as I did, she quickly whispered between breaths, "No, no sweetie, don't stop, keep going, I'm going off right now!" Then she let out another 1 or 2 loud grunts.While she was doing this, I felt her vagina muscles squeezing my penis real hard, and once again I began to have that same wonderful feeling for the third time. This time I'm sure I even saw stars. When it was all over, I couldn't move. I just lay there on top of her and she hugged me tight in her arms. After we both got our breath back, she kissed me and said, "Oh Kenny, that was just wonderful, wasn't it?" Aunty Elsie had the same beautiful feeling that you did." And then she explained what an orgasm was.As I was resting on top of her big soft body, this time my penis did gradually lose all it's hardness and so she put the light on and got me to pull out of her vagina. And as she got up, I remember seeing a big wet spot on the bed where she was laying and when she saw it, she said to me, "Oh my god Kenny, I must have pee'd myself while we were having sex." Then she quickly got another towel and placed it between the sheet and mattress to soak up the wetness. And then she took some kleenex and reached under her night gown to wiped her pussy. Once again I have to say, this was a night that I will never forget. It was such a wonderful way to experience the joys of sex for the first time. I know that some would not view it this way, but for me, I will never be able to thank my aunt Elsie enough for what she did for me. She kept sex dignified and there was never any guilt attached to it because she made it all so natural for me. Following this, she placed another towel on top of the wet spot and then we both got back into bed. After pulling the covers up over us, she once again turned the light off and then she cuddled me up against her big warm body and we both went to sleep.Sex must be a wonderful sleeping pill because it was quite late when she woke me up as she was getting out of bed to have a pee. And when I told her that I needed to go too, she asked me to come to the bathroom with her. When we got there, I had no pajama bottoms from the night before, and so she saw my pee-hard on standing straight up against my stomach. As she was looking at it, she smiled at me and said, "Oh my goodness Kenny, how will you be able to pee into the toilet when it's hard like that? Maybe if you wait for a few minutes it will get soft again, in the meantime, I'll go first, OK?" At this point, what happened next would only make my cock harder than ever. Up until now, I had only heard her using the toilet. But now I was actually going to see her peeing and I could feel a whole new excitement building up in me. She must have had to go real bad because she had no sooner turned around and lifted the back of her night gown up when she started peeing into the toilet, even before she had actually sat down on the seat. But once she was there, she let it pour out of her full speed. I guess she knew that I was wanting to see her, so she spread her legs apart and let me watched as her big yellow stream was squirting out of her and down into the toilet. At this same time, I think my eyes nearly popped out as I looked at the thick patch of hair she had between her legs. This was the first time that I had ever seen a woman's pussy. I still remember the way her pee was coming out of the hair. All I could hear was a loud hissing and bubbling noise as it sprayed in different directions from the force behind it. Finally it dwindled down to just a dribble and then completely stopped. When this happened, she wiped the hair with some toilet paper. As I think back about that moment, I remember how this seemed to catch my attention because she didn't finished with 2 or 3 short squirts like I do. And when I asked her why, she told me that men are different. Their pee stream doesn't all come out and then stop like a woman's does. They make the last little bit come out in short squirts. Well by this time, my cock was so hard that the head was Turing blue and it was just throbbing from me watching her pee. And yet I needed to pee and there was no way I could bend it down to aim into the toilet. It was at this time that I remember my aunty Elsie getting a large drinking glass from the shelf. Then she got me to stand over the toilet bowl and she held the glass up side down just above my cock with the head pointing into it. When she was ready, she said, "OK sweetie, start peeing." I can still remember how my stream was squirting up into the glass and then running back down into the toilet. Like I said before, she was a very special woman. Only she would have thought to do that. Then as my stream was ending, and without thinking, I made the last little bit come out in 3 or 4 short squirts. Well, when that happened, she smiled at me and said, "yes Kenny, you are definitely a man." And then we both started to laugh.Since my cock was still extremely hard, I guess she knew that it also needed some sexual relief again. So after putting the glass in the sink and flushing the toilet, she closed the lid and sat down on it. Then she got me to move in closer to her and without saying a word, she took hold of my aching cock in one hand and started to move my foreskin up and down at a nice steady pace. At the same time, she put my balls in her other hand and began squeezing them as she rolled them around in my nut sac. And much like the previous times the night before, that same beautiful feeling began filling my cock real fast. Then suddenly the very same unexplainable cramp-like pain exploded in my cock, and my legs almost gave out from under me. I think I actually held onto her shoulders for support to keep me from falling down. As it slowly came to an end, I saw a little bit of clear sticky fluid coming out of my pee hole. And then she started squeezing and milking my cock like she did before to make every last drop come out, and as it was running down over the head, she leaned down and licked it up with her tongue. Then sitting back up, she look at me as she was licking her lips and said, "Mmmmmm, that virgin cum of yours tastes so good, I don't think it will be very long before you will be squirting out a lot of real thick white semen for aunty." Finally, I went and put my pajama bottoms back on and we both went to the kitchen and she made some breakfast for us. Following breakfast, she suggested that we both have a shower and get dressed for the day.Now, as I think back about that morning and also the night before, I'll never forget all those beautiful moments that I spent with my aunt Elsie as she taught me about pleasures that I never knew existed. And I was so captured by them and I didn't want her to stop. Even after having 4 orgasms all within a 12 hour period, my libido and sex drive remained extremely high. And my mind seemed to be in a state of constant wonderment. Back when I was around 11 or so, I think a desire for some basic sexual things was starting to cross my mind such as wanting to see a farm animal doing it. or wondering what a girl had between her legs. At this time too, I remember having erections, sometimes when I needed to pee, or other times when I thought about sexual things. But as time went by and I had turned 12, I started having them more often as I became a lot more curious about sex. I really liked the feeling it gave me each time my cock got hard. Then, by the time I was 13 and had moved in with my aunty Elsie, my cock seemed to be hard most of the time. Even just hearing her peeing in her bathroom was enough to make it throb and ache like crazy. And yet, up till that time I had never learned about masturbation . So now you know why I say that my first sexual experiences were so special to me. You can only imagine what a 13 year old virgin like me was going through that night when she gave me my first 3 orgasms, and then another one the following morning. This was all so new and exciting to me. And when she let me put my cock inside her vagina, I was so overwhelmed that I didn't fully understand what was happening. And again the following morning when I saw all the hair between her legs and the big yellow piss-stream gushing out from it, all of this was just more than I could comprehend.After we had showered and were dressed for the day, my aunty Elsie had to go shopping for some groceries. And because I was now, so attached to her, I wanted to be with her all the time, so I tagged along. I really loved her very much because of her kind motherly personality and since she didn't have any children of her own, she also loved me as her son. We had become extremely close to each other. **It was early afternoon when we got back home and I helped her carry the groceries into the kitchen. After unpacking things, she made us some lemon aid and then came and sat beside me on the couch where we chatted for a while. As we were talking, I told her that I had been doing a lot of thinking about all the special things we had done together the night before and again this morning, and I was wondering if she would teach me some more things about sex. I remember her looking at me and smiling, and then she reached over and cuddled me up in her arms. Instead of saying anything, she just held me for a while and kissed me on my cheek and forehead 2 or 3 times. Then looking at me again with a nice smile, she said, "I have a feeling that my little man would like to see my breasts and my vulva now, isn't that right? You know something honey, I can hardly wait to show them to you." Then holding my face in her hands, she said, "Why don't we go up stairs right now and take all of our cloths off and get into bed, and then I can show you everything, would you like to do that sweetie?" Well, when she said that, my whole body started to shiver all over with tremendous new excitement and my heart was just pounding. And I quickly whispered in her ear, something like, "Oh aunty Elsie, I can hardly wait, thank you." She got up off the couch and taking me by the hand, we went up to her bedroom.When we got there, she sat on the side of her bed and helped me to take all my clothes off first. When finished, she immediately noticed that my cock was already hard and standing straight up, and as she put her hand on it and said to me, "Kenny, your penis amazes me, look at it, all ready to go again, it just never seems to get tired, does it?" Then she bent down and kissed the head with her soft lips and that sent shock-waves all over my body. After that, she stood up and started to take off her clothing, leaving only her panties and brazier on. Well once again I was just shaking from being so excited. And while we were both standing, she cuddled me up again and said, "Isn't this exciting Kenny, being all naked like this, and you can play with my breasts and vulva all afternoon, and I will teach you all about sex, oh Kenny, I'm so horny right now."Then she turned around and asked me to undo her bra. And when I unhooked it, this time she turned back to face me, and then let it slowly fall off her to the floor, exposing her two big heavy breasts to me to see for the first time. And my eyes could hardly blink as I looked at each large nipple sticking out like a finger. And the area around them was all brown and puckered up like a prune. WOW, the first time I had ever seen a woman's real tits, and I remember my cock felt like it was going to burst open from being so hard.As I was staring at them, she said, "So what do you think sweetie, they're all yours, and you can play with them for as long as you want to, but before you do that, I have something else to show you." She sat down on the side of her bed and then laid down on her back. As soon as she was settled, she said, "OK sweetie, now aunty wants you to take her panties off for her." By this time, my hands were just shaking as I reached down and started to pull them off her. As I did, she lifted her big bum up a little to make it easier for me to pull them out from under her, then down over her legs and right off. And then I saw it, the part that I wanted to see most of all, a woman's pussy. It was so exciting for me, that I didn't know what to do. I was shivering and shaking so bad as I just stared at it, a big patch of thick dark brown curly hair growing on the bottom part of her big tummy and down between her closed legs. It was totally overwhelming for me. There I was, my heart just pounding and my mouth was so dry as I tried to swallow. Yes, I was finally looking at what all virgin boys were wanting to see.As I think back to that time, I will never, ever be able to thank my aunt enough for the way she taught me about sex. Even small things that I would need to know as I went through life. For example, before showing me more, she sat up again and asked me for her panties. Then she turned them inside out and showed me the crotch part which had a wet stain on it. And after smelling it first, she held them up to my nose and asked me to do the same. As she did, she explained how a woman's vulva is always wet and that boys love to smell this wetness. And as I breathed it into my nose, I immediately noticed the strong odor she was talking about. Almost instantly, it made my cock throb even worse. Then I told her that my thing was really hurting now. And as we were both looking at it, she pulled my foreskin down off the head and it was almost purple in color and all swollen. And some clear stick liquid was coming out of my pee hole, making the head all wet. As she pointed to it, she said, "See that sticky liquid there sweetie, when a boy's penis is getting ready for sex, it starts to produce some lubrication like that, it's call pre-cum." Then as she squeezed my balls, she continued, "Honey, even your testicles feel swollen right now, so all of this, your hard aching penis, the pre-cum coming out of your pee hole, your swollen testicles, all of this means that you need to have an orgasm so you can ejaculate your semen out of you."So getting up off the bed, she then asked me to lie down, putting a pillow under my head. Then kneeling on the floor beside me, she held my cock in her hand and told me that she was going to do something different this time. This was when she explained what oral sex was, and described how a woman does it to a man. "Kenny, some people call it, "Giving a blow-job." Then she added, "women also like to have a man do that to her too. I will explain that to you later sweetheart, right now, you need to cum, so just relax sweetie as I give you your first blow-job." Then fondling and squeezing my balls in her hand, she leaned down and put my cock in her warm. wet mouth. Well, the sensations were unbelievable. My whole body literally jumped as her tongue touched my throbbing clitoris-like head. And immediately, I found myself in the land of no return when an even more powerful feeling exploded inside my cock, nearly driving me insane. It's hard to find words to describe it. Maybe this way, an extremely strong, "burning" "cramp-like pain" that gave me the most beautiful, heavenly feeling I have even know. As she continued to lick and suck on the head, this unexplainable feeling just wouldn't stop. My balls felt like they were on fire. Spasm after spasm of muscle contractions kept erupting and filling my cock to the bursting point. Because of it being such a new experience for me, I think this orgasm must have been beyond normality. It seemed like there was no end to it. I'm sure the pure ecstasy which I was experiencing just then, almost made me delirious. But like all beautiful things in this world, it eventually did come to an end and I was completely exhausted. And taking her mouth off my still rock hard cock, she smiled at me and said, "Well sweetie, I thought my young man was going to fly off the bed for a few moments, what an orgasm you had, it must have felt wonderful." All I think I was able to do was shake my head and whisper "yes" to her. Still holding my sore aching cock in her hand she said, "Well sweetheart, this is only the beginning." Then kissing my cheek, she climbed over me and lay down beside me on the bed. And turning me to face her, she cuddled me up against her big soft breasts and held me as I regained my strength back. Continuing to holding my cock in her hand, she kissed me over and over as she recounting our sexual activities since she first masturbated me. Then she said, "You know something Kenny, you actually ejaculated a little bit of semen on my tongue this time, isn't that wonderful, and it tasted so good, sweetheart, I'm so proud to be your first woman." Not saying another word, she just held me for a while. And when my cock slowly went soft in her hand, she let go of it.After a short rest, I remember noticing her big soft tits pressing against me under my chin and once again, my curiosity got the better of me. So I lifted one of them up so I could see it better. And as I did, she looked at me and said , "Hi sweetie, is my young man ready to go again?" Then rolling over on her back, she invited me to touch and play with her breasts for as long as I wanted to. And as I was examining them, she answered all my questions and explained everything I want to know about them. I still remember, how her nipples fascinated me. They were so sensitive when I touched them and would pucker up and turn all hard as they stood up like stubby fingers.While she was showing them to me, she suddenly noticed my cock and then she said in an excited voice, "Oh my god, I don't believe it, you're getting another hard on again, what am I going to do with you sweetie." Then, as she grabbed me in her arms, she started laughing as she said, "Oh, to be young again." Then after giving me one more kiss, she looked at me and said, "how would my young man like to give his aunty some oral sex now?"Well, that was like pushing my "on button" and I started to get all excited again. I could even feel my cock getting harder by the second. And since I could hardly wait to try it, I said to her, "Yes aunty Elsie, but you will have to show me how." So she cuddled me up in her arms again and then whispered in my ear, "oh sweetie, this is going to be so exciting for me, and I'm so horny right now." So she started by explaining that I need to be very gentle and not rush when I'm giving a woman oral sex. Give her lots of foreplay first, kissing her all over her body while spending extra time with her breasts and nipples. Then looking at me, she winked and asked, "Are you ready sweetheart?" Then she rolled over on her back and said, "OK young man, I'm waiting." Well about this time, I remember a whole new excitement raging all over my body and mind and I could hardly wait to start playing with her breasts. But because they were so large and heavy, they hung down on each side of her. So she moved them up onto her chest with her arms to make it easier for me to touch them. Once she had them in place for me, she asked me to start licking and sucking on the nipples. I think at that moment, my young mind and body were so excited and as soon as I put each one in my mouth, they quickly became big and hard. And she started to moan and say, "Oh honey, that feels so good, you're making her feel so horny, mmmmmm I can hardly wait for you to make her cum." So, spreading her legs apart as far as she could, she asked me to move down between them on my tummy and get nice and comfortable.Once there, her big hairy pussy was right in front of my face and I could smell her strong musky odor coming from it. And I will never forget to this day the effect that smell was having on my cock. It was so hard, it was actually hurting me. As I lay there looking at it, I could see a light pink area peeking out from between her big hairy lips. Being so totally overwhelmed, I wasn't exactly sure what I should do at that point, even thought she had just described what oral sex was to me. So I asked her and she said, "all you have to do sweetheart, is spread the lips apart and start licking everything between them." So that's what I did, and my eyes were just glued to the most amazing sight I had ever seen. Everything was all wet and sticky from her pussy juices. Then I got my first smell of her strong musky, pee odor and it made me so excited that my mind was almost numb at times. And as soon as I started to lick it, the pungent, salty taste of her wet juices sent powerful shock-waves throughout my body. As my mind was trying to absorb this extremely unbelievable sight before me, I could hear her beginning to moan a little bit from the pleasure that I was giving to her. This whole thing was so erotic. Any wonder I remember it so well. As my tongue was moving around between her lips, I found the opening to her vagina. So I pushed my tongue into it, and as I did, she started humping her hips and saying, "oh god Kenny, that feels good."After spending some time doing that for her, I returned to licking her whole pussy again and as I moved up towards her tummy, I suddenly noticed a lump that was getting bigger and harder by the second. And when I started to lick it, she yelled out, "Yes! YES! That's the spot, keep sucking on it, oh god, that feels good." I began to concentrate on it with my tongue and as I did, it made her hump her hips and ass up and down in time with my licking. At the same time I could hear her breathing becoming more pronounced as she continued to moan and groan almost steady. As I was sucking on her throbbing clitoris, I felt my chin getting very wet. I moved back down for a moment to find a pool of hot sticky lubrication coming from her vagina and filling the area between her pussy lips. So I quickly licked all her delicious liquid up, and then went back to her big swollen clit. For a young inexperienced boy like I was, it's intoxicating musky odor and taste was just heavenly, and it was making my throbbing cock almost burst from being so hard.It was almost impossible to describe what I was feeling just then. With no previous experience and all of this being so new to me, my mind was in such a spin that I couldn't comprehend everything. But I do remember sucking mostly on her clitoris and stopping now and then to lick up her lubricating juices from the other areas of her pussy.I don't remember how long I continued to give her oral sex, but she was really enjoying it and I could tell that she was getting more and more excited by the minute. It may have been 10 minutes or more before she finally reached her orgasm because I can still remember how my tongue kept getting tired and I would slow down for a moment or two to rest it.Then suddenly she yelled out to me, "oh honey, aunty is going to cum." and then she lifted her big bum up in the air and let out a long loud grunt. Following that, she yelled out, "don't stop, don't stop licking me, oh god, I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMING! DON'T STOP, PLEASE DON'T STOP!" And then she let out another real loud grunt and as she did, she squirted some hot salty pee all over my face. But, because she wanted me to keep on sucking on her clitoris, I didn't let that stop me. Finally she let out a third long moaning grunt and this time she closed her legs on my head and gripped it like a vice for a moment. Following that, some more pee squirted out on my face again as she let out another long grunting moan.Finally reaching exhaustion, her big her bum and legs fell flat on the bed. After catching her breath, she reached down and asked me to come up beside her. And then she cuddled me up in her arms and thanked me for making her cum so beautifully. She gave me a nice wet kiss on my lips and then said, "Oh honey, that was just perfect, I don't ever remember having such a wonderful orgasm like that before, now I'm spoiled, and I will be wanting that all the time, will you do that for me?" I said I would, and then she kissed me some more. When she felt my hard cock pushing up against her, she took it in her hand and said, "Oh sweetie, you need to cum again, don't you?" Rolling over on her back again, she asked me to push it into her vagina. And when I did, it was so hot and wet inside her that my throbbing cock quickly reached the point of no return again and I think I nearly lost my mind as another long powerful orgasm exploded inside it and spread all over my body.**After that, she became my one and only lover, friend, guardian and special aunt right up until I was 23, and then likely due to her being over weight, she suddenly passed away from a heart attack. Although she couldn't always reach an orgasm as often as I could, she did make sure that I did. She was a wonderful person and I still miss her very much. Yes, I will never forget her.After her death, I have remained single up until now. But I did become involved with a number of older women ranging in age from their late 40's to their early 60's. And I have to admit, all of these older ladies were wonderful sex partners.ENDMy e-mail address is <> If you have enjoyed having sex with an older partner, I would love to hear from you.Ken*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 58
PART 6I watched from my kitchen window as Eileen and Debbie made their way to the bus stop, but waited until 7:30, as Karen had asked. The movie started at 7:15, but she figured by 7:30 we would be safe. We would have a couple of hours alone.I strolled across the alley to Eileen's as casually as I could, trying not to break into a sprint. Karen met me at the back door with a kiss. The passion rose quickly but Karen pulled away."What's wrong?" I asked."Nothing's wrong," she answered, "We just need to be cool.""I'm cool.""You sure?" she said, walking away."Yeah," I said, "It's just that we ain't got all night.""Settle down mister," she told me, "I'm gonna get ready for bed.""I'm ready!""You're always ready," she chuckled."Fuckin'- A. Born ready! Let's go."Just give me five minutes.""Need some help?""Five minutes!"She disappeared and grabbed a coke from the fridge. I fidgeted and wandered around for as long as I could. After three or four minutes I had to knock on the bedroom door. "Just a minute," came the voice through the door."Okay," I sighed. Karen made me wait the full five minutes before she slowly opened the door and stood behind it. Stepping inside was like stepping into another world. The shades were drawn, the room was lit by candles and scented with incense. It wasn't the cheap incense I used to cover up my pot smoke, it was an aroma I had never encountered – delicate and feminine – some exotic flower My eyes adjusted to the dim light I saw her still behind the door. "What are you doing back there?" I asked."I dunno," she answered sheepishly."Then get on out here."She stepped from behind the door and looked down at her feet. She was wearing a bathrobe that looked a little big and a whole lot frumpy."Is that your grandma's robe?" I asked her."No," she shot back, looking up without lifting her head."Is that supposed to look sexy and romantic?" I asked, trying to be funny."Shut up!" she said. I knew I'd hurt her feelings. "Wanna see sexy?""Yeah."She let the robe slip off one shoulder to reveal a bare shoulder. I drew a deep breath and held it. She was still hanging her head, but when I looked at her face she was looking up at me through the hair that hung down, hiding her face. When I moved toward her she withdrew and pulled her robe back up, clutching her arms across her breast."Now you show me something."I pulled my shirt off and threw it aside. She smiled and said, "Nice chest, muscle man.""You making fun of me?""No! I mean it. You have a nice chest," she said sweetly. I was lean in those days but strong. I swam a lot and had fairly well defined muscles, but wished I was bigger."So do you," I said, trying to return the compliment but sounding stupid. She laughed and I felt like an idiot. "Show me," I said, reaching for her. She pulled away again.She turned her back to me, bared both shoulders and looked at me over one naked shoulder. I trembled with excitement. When I stepped toward her she said, "Settle down. Let's take this slow.""I can't settle down," I said, "I've been waiting..." I paused, thinking I'd say I'd been waiting since she got back, but said, "I've waiting all my life for this.""Aw, Drew," she said and bit her lower lip. She let the robe slide down her arms and fall to the floor at her feet. She stood there, with her back to me, wearing a simple, white, satin slip. I could tell she was trembling."Turn around and let me see you," I said, and she did. She turned slowly, covering herself as best she could with her arms. I was convinced that she was truly the most beautiful girl in the world and the sexiest sight I had ever beheld. "Damn!" I muttered, under my breath. I stepped toward her and she stepped back. I took another step forward and she took another step back. She had an expression on her pretty face that I couldn't quite define. It was excitement and fear, but mostly lust and desire. Still she was so reserved that I wondered if she'd ever let me touch her. With my next step forward I'd backed her against a closet door. I leaned forward and placed both hands on the door, one on either side of her shoulders. I gazed deeper into her eyes than I ever had, pressed my lips to hers, but she turned her head."What's wrong?" I asked."Nothing's wrong," she said, "It's just that..." "It's just that, what?""You know.""No I don't know," I said, "Look at me!" Karen turned her face to mine but was looking down. Her eyes were moist, welling with tears. "Are you sure you're okay?" I asked."Uh huh.""Karen?" I pleaded, "Look at me." When she did, a tear rolled down her cheek. I wiped it way with my thumb and said, "Should I just go? If..."Before I had a chance to finish my sentence she threw her arms around my neck and said, "No! Don't go! Hold me Drew! Hold me." I took her in my arms and squeezed her gently. I felt her warm body on mine, the cool satin between my bare chest and her firm, young breasts. I felt her heart beating as fast as mine was. I went to kiss her again and she let me. Before my tongue could touch her lips she broke the kiss, pressed her cheek to mine and whispered, "Oh, Drew. Oh Drew." I waited to hear the rest but she ducked down, slipping from my grasp. She ran to the bed, giggling like the little girl I remembered from years before. She jumped into the bed and pulled the sheet up to her chin. She watched me with a wild, excited, feigned fright in her eyes, much more playful than before. She chewed her lower lip as I stealthily moved toward her, one slow step at a time, as if reading myself to pounce on my prey. She stifled her giggles as I approached. Once I reached her I loomed over her and she cowered under her covers. She looked down at my shorts and the bulge inside them. I undid them and let them fall to the floor. Her eyes grew wide as she gazed at my hardness. "Oooh!" she exclaimed.It wasn't because of the size, I'm sure. It was probably the same sort of awe I felt when she dropped that robe to the floor. I embarrassed before Karen for the first time. I felt myself blush. She pulled at the sheet and let me into her bed. I took her into my arms and we kissed, tenderly and sweetly. She was shivering."Are you cold?" I asked her."No. A little scared, I guess.""Scared of me?""No. Of this whole thing."I kissed her again before she had to think any more. It was like tasting her for the first time. We were in a world of our own. There was nothing beyond that bed, outside that room. She was the only other person that existed. The passion within us, the passion that Karen had struggled to keep smoldering had ignited. It was slow burn but the temperature rose with each passing second.Our tongues danced and dueled with a new found maturity. We seemed to understand each other better than ever before. Even with my eyes closed I could see her in a brand new light. My mind swirled back to the first moment I saw her – that pretty little girl, the first time she smiled at me – my heart skipped a beat that moment , the first time we touch, the first time we kissed – a children's kiss – the first time our naked bodies embraced. At that though, Karen moaned into my mouth. She must have had similar thoughts. All that had led to this."Oh Drew," she sighed, "I – I..." I wanted her to say the words I longed to say, but couldn't find. "Oh Karen!" was all I could manage."Yes! Yes!" came her reply and I knew she understood. I knew that I did. I kissed up and down her slender neck, down to those soft shoulders. She effortlessly pulled off her slip to reveal her lovely young breasts. I kissed each one and she moaned.. She tangled her fingers in my hair as my lips found a nipple and latched on. "Oh my god," she whispered. I wanted to devour her. I kissed and licked and sucked her other nipple. Her hands moved down my back. One moved back up to the nape of my neck and the other traveled down to my ass. I kissed down her belly intent on showing her that I could indeed eat pussy. I wanted to show her that I could please her as well as her little sister could. Once I reached her mound and filled my nostrils with the intoxicating scent of her arousal she gripped my held and pulled me away.She didn't have to say it aloud. I knew what she wanted – what she needed. She wanted and needed exactly want I wanted and needed. "Yes, Drew!" she whispered, "Yes!" she seemed to answer me. I knew. She knew. And I rose to meet her needs.She pulled me up between her thighs. She wrapped herself around me – arms, legs, heart, mind and soul. My mind went into the past again – to those younger times when were just naked babies, squirming and wiggling together, making love the only way we knew how. I felt my hard cock on the soft hair of Karen's mound. That mound that had once been so bare and smooth. I moved down and the head of my cock touched the puffy lips of her pussy. She moaned.My cock slid along the dripping slit. I remembered how different it had once been, so very long ago. We were young and excited then, but that couldn't compare to the feelings we were discovering. I loved her as I had loved that little girl, but multiplied by a thousand. She was that little girl and my teenage lover at the same time. We were about to accomplish what we had tried so many times as children. "Uh-huh! Yes!" she muttered, as if in agreement to my memories. I knew then that Karen not only felt the same way, but seemed to think the same thoughts at that moment. "This has to be true love" I thought as I felt the lips part for me. The head was enveloped in wet warmth."Yes!" she cried out. "Oh! Oh! Oh my god!"I could almost sense her feelings. There was joy and immeasurable pleasure. But there was pain, physical pain. I stopped and held still, poised there on the brink – near the end of virginity. I was full of feelings, physical and emotional that I couldn't quite contain. There was that urgent need, that burning desire, a deeper love than I had ever known, a need to satisfy that same need in Karen – to make her cry out and make the sort of sounds I'd heard her make from outside her window. But I knew she was in pain and I couldn't bring myself to hurt her for the world."Do it!" she whispered. I pushed into her until she cried out, "Oh!" and I stopped. It was so hard not to thrust with all my might that I was shaking. "Do it!" she whispered once more and I inched into her until she screamed, "Oh god!" She was whimpering and panting and I was shaking and struggling to fight my instincts. Instincts that told me to hump and pump and fuck her hard. "Do it, then dammit! Do it!" She grabbed both cheeks of my ass and pulled me all the way in. She let out a scream that should have startled me, should have had me fearing all her neighbors would hear, but there was no one else on the planet just then, so I didn't care.My only concern might have been that I had hurt my tender young lover. But my instincts had taken over. I did hump and pump and fuck Karen the way I had always wanted to – the way she's always wanted me to. I had longed to get Karen to make the sounds her little sister did. That night she made all those, the sweet, sexy little moans and whimpers. But for me she moaned and groaned, screamed and cried. I knew there was pain as well as pleasure in the sounds she emitted. I knew exactly how she felt at ever second. I was not only in her hot, tight little pussy, but I was in her heart and her head. I knew then and there that no one would ever know her better or love her more. I knew too that she was and always would be mine."Yes! Yours!" she cried in answer to my thoughts. I loved it that she could read my thoughts. I knew too that this was true love, and was deeper than I could have ever imagined. It was at that moment that I peaked. She pulled me inside her. She pulled with her legs around my waist, with her hands on my ass, with muscles in that unbelievable pussy. She pulled me into her heart, her mind and her soul. I exploded into her with a force I could not have imagined. It seemed to come from the very core of me and into the deepest regions of her womb. We became united at that moment – bound together forever. I spewed my lava-hot cum deep into my little lover with shot after shot after shot. It was more than I had ever cum. It seemed as if it might never stop and I didn't want it to. I knew Karen didn't want it to stop either. She wanted me to fill her to over-flowing. As the last seemed to flow from me I felt I was about to shrivel to nothing. "Don't stop!" she muttered. "You can't stop now." She was right. I couldn't stop. Although I hadn't an ounce of strength left, I kept humping and pumping and fucking that girl. She was still writhing and wiggling and bucking me. I knew what she needed and that was what I was there for. I was going to satisfy that need, not just that night but for the rest of her life."Yes, baby! Yes!" she cried. "Make me cum!" Every muscle in her body tightened, including the ones in that magnificent pussy. She began to twitch from head to toe, inside and out, convulsing in orgasmic spasms. She clutched me tight. She scratched me, she bit me. She sobbed and moaned. She broke down in tears. I was scared to death.She finally relaxed a bit, she looked at me with teary eyes and sighed, "Drew? Don't ever leave me.""I won't Baby. I want you to marry me.""Of course I'll marry you dumb ass. You gonna give me babies?""Yeah we'll have babies" "I love you Drew" She whispered. "And I love you Karen," I said. "Don't leave me!""I won't. I promise.""Not tonight. Not ever.""I won't," I muttered. Exhausted and spent, we drifted off to sleep in warm and sweaty embrace, drained of physical energy, but filled with the exuberance of young love. I'm sure we dreamed the same dreams – ones of life in home together, surrounded by love and laughing children.***~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any ofthe scenarios in this story; should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 75
Author Note: I got a bit carried away when I wrote this and realized I was more than 40 pages in. I broke it up into multiple chapters. I still haven't finished it but I thought I'd post the first chapter and see if there's any interest. Please let me know if you'd like to see more!***Chapter 1I was at that (legal) age where women were starting to make more and more of an impact on my thought processes. I would see one and want to see more of her. It didn't matter if they were skinny, fat, young, old, black, yellow, short or tall. I didn't care, I was horny. I had my favorites, or course, but I wanted all of them. I had somehow gotten ahold of a playboy magazine and read every word in it. I had taken my favorite pictures and folded them down and stuffed them in my wallet. I showed them around my school. All the boys wanted to see. They were as horny as I was.It was Friday afternoon and this was the last class of the day. I was day dreaming about my teacher's chest. It was big and I wanted to see it. She was not very attractive, actually she was old. She must be almost forty. She had just had a baby so she was fat too. I didn't care. I wanted to see her chest. She had on a blue blouse with ruffles on the sides of it. The ruffles ran from her shoulders down to her belly in a V. She had a white shirt on underneath. I was wondering how much I would be able to see if she went to the bathroom and took that undershirt off. The V of the ruffles went so low and the shirt wasn't too tight. I'm guessing I would be able to see her nipples every so often as she walked about. I would bet money on it. I moved in my chair as my pecker started to harden in my jeans.She put her hand up to her white undershirt and pulled up on it. She tugged at it. I watched her chest bounce as she did this. She was talking about something to do with class while she tugged on that undershirt. She should take that right off with her bra. She has plenty of shirt left without that on! I imagined what it would look like. I could almost see those great big hooters.She tugged at it some more. I watched those big mamas bounce as she pulled. My erection jumped in my jeans just thinking about those big babies coming out to play. I could feel my pulse in my manhood, pumping. Man I wanted to see them! She kept right on talking and tugging on her shirt. Take it off! Take it off! I chanted in my head, as if a crowd were watching her. She tugged at it again as if it were really uncomfortable. I looked up at her face. What the hell was she doing? I looked back down at those bouncing mounds. I didn't care. Take it off! Take it off!She turned and walked out of the room. As she closed the door the room erupted in conversation. Everyone was talking about something. I leaned back to Dale. "Did you see them baby's bouncin?" I asked."Yea, you think she's got ants in her shirt?" He laughed.The door opened. In walked Mrs. Clark in a huff. Everyone went quiet. She slammed the door behind her and rapidly walked to the front of the room. As she walked her blue ruffles opened up in the wind and I saw one! She had taken off her bra and undershirt! Her boobs were free! I saw her nipple! I looked back at Dale. His mouth was a gap, just like mine. I quickly turned forward and watched her chest.She started up talking as if nothing happened. She was pointing to the board and turned the other side. There was the other one. I could see it hanging there! A great big nipple hung out at the end. That thing could feed a village! I wanted to touch it. The way she was standing, about half the room was able to see her left breast. All the boys just stared at this plumb masterpiece. She turned, using chalk and her pointer on the board. I wanted to see that again. She turned the other way but her blouse was pushed in now, I couldn't see. Pull out your blouse! Pull out your blouse! I chanted in my head. She did! She reached right up and pulled on it as if trying to get cool air into her shirt. We could now see that fat milk maker plain as day! Holy hell! I pinched my arm. Nope, not dreaming. I looked back at Dale. He had a huge grin on his face. I bugged my eyes out and made a facial gesture as if to say 'what the hell is going on?' He shrugged and smiled, nodding forward. "Donny! Face forward!" She said, closer than I realized she was.I turned and there in front of me was the hugest pair of breast. I could see everything except the nipples. Wow, those are beauties! The nipples were making a big impression on her shirt. They were pointing straight out. The material around her nipples was damp on both breasts. I could tell because the color was a little bit darker. She was standing about a foot from me. I wanted to lean forward and put my face into her cleavage. I could smell her perfume, it was wonderful. I inhaled deeply, not taking my eyes from her chest."My eyes are up here Donny!" She said. The class laughed. I looked up. "Do you need to go to the principal’s office?" She asked. I could feel my erection shrivel right up."No, ma'am." I said."Then pay attention." She said. She turned and walked to the front of the class, her blue ruffles flying in the wind. I went back to looking for some nipple but they didn't come out again. They stayed hard and pert. The dampness on her blouse became wetness by the end of the class. The front of her shirt around her breasts was soaked. I wanted to suck on those huge nipples and play with her fat breasts. It didn't take long before my woody came back.When the bell rang, most emptied out of the room. I didn't move from my seat. I wanted to see more of her chest. Dale hadn't moved either. One of the boys was actually there to ask questions about the homework. What a kiss up. I looked back at Dale and nodded forward. We both got up and sat in the front of the class. There were two other boys there. They got up and sat in the front row on our right. I looked at them. They wanted to see her some more too. We all smiled at each other as if we knew something the rest didn't.The kiss up left. She bent to get something out of her bag. We all sat up, waiting for her blouse to open and give us a nipple view. It didn't happen. Her shirt was stuck to her breast from the wetness."What can I do for you boys?" She asked, looking up at us. She was still rifling through her bag.No one said anything. We all just stared at her huge wet chest. "Boys?" She said raising her voice, looking at Jimmy sitting next to me."We just, we all wanted, we thought we, maybe we could help with those." Jimmy nodded towards her."With what?" She asked.He stood up and walked towards her. I couldn't believe it. John stood and closed the door. She looked after him and furled her brows at us. Jimmy walked right up to her, definitely within her personal space. She stood up, she was taller than he was. She looked down at him."Those." He said and nodded at her chest.She looked down and seemed to realize what everyone had been looking at the second half of class. She jumped up and pulled her shirt away from her body so the nipples weren't sticking out. She aired it out, as she had before, trying to dry her shirt out. "Oh! How did that happen? Where are my pads?" She bent back down to her bag. This time her shirt wasn't stuck and we all got an eye full of her huge breasts. My erection came strained at my jeans. I could see the skin was pulled taut on her breast. They were so tight and full! She continued to pull the material back and forth giving us a view and then taking it away. I wanted her to pull one of them out so we could see her beautiful breast out in the open. Pull it out! I chanted to myself. She continued waving the shirt with one hand and digging through her purse with the other.Pull it out! I chanted again. She waved the material and then lifted her hand and gently traced the outside of her breast with it. Her hand was on the inside of her blouse. As she lower her hand, tracing down, the blue ruffles went to the outside of her right breast, exposing it to us. By the time she got to the bottom, the material was wrapped around and under her breast."Yes!" one of the boys yelled. She looked up quickly but then went back to looking in her bag.Jimmy bent down as if to help her look in her bag. He reached out and grabbed her huge nipple. Dale and I both stood up. "Jimmy!" She screeched. "What do you think you're doing?"He let go of her nipple and stepped back. She straightened up into a standing position. Her plumb right breast fully exposed to the world. I looked over to Dale, he was as slack jawed as I was. I looked down. He had a tent out in front of his sweat pants. He was as hard as I was."You took it out! I thought you wanted some help with it." Jimmy said."Took what out?" She asked quietly.We all looked at the taut skin of her fat right breast. She followed our eyes and shuddered when she saw it. "What the hell? I went through the whole class like that?!" She looked up at us. We all took a couple steps towards her. Jimmy reached his hand out towards her again. She slapped his hand away. "Take the other one out." He said to her."What? No! I couldn't have gone through the class with my boob showing!" She said to him. She shook her head. Take it out! I thought. Take it out! Jimmy reached up again. This time she swiped at him but seemed to have lost all her stream. She missed. He didn't stop. He made contact with the underside of her big boob. Then he started to caress her breast. We all ooh'd and ahh'd. She didn't stop him. She put her left hand into her blouse at the top and gently traced the outside of her left breast. As she lowed her hand her breast fell out of her blouse. She sighed. The material of her blouse now wrapped around and under both of her ample boobs. We all groaned in satisfaction. I grabbed my hardness through my jeans. I was going to split right through them! This was great!She looked down at her chest and whimpered. Jimmy was getting closer to her nipple with his hands. He was closer now, he had closed in on her. His face was down low. We all watched and waited, including Mrs. Clark. Whatever she had been looking for in her bag, she forgot about it. She watched his hand getting closer and closer to her big nipple. He was making big, gentle circles on her tight skin. Caressing it with the tips of his fingers. Each time getting a bit closer to her big hard nipple. He got closer, and closer. We all inhaled. He touched it. She whimpered and shook. Little goose bumps shot up on her tight skin all over her boobs and neck. He looked back at us and smiled, his fingers full of nipple. He tweaked and pulled on it. Some juice came out. He dove for it. By instinct or horniness, no one could say. Whatever the case, he did it so fast she didn't have time to react or stop him.He took her huge nipple into his mouth. I looked up at her face. She looked up at the ceiling. Dale and I ran for the other one at the same time. I was faster. I clamped my mouth around her huge left nipple and sucked her in. My first nipple suck and man was it a big one! Her big nipple took up half of my mouth! Her taut skin was warm. I but both of my hands on her breast, caressing it. I used my tongue on the tip of that hard, rubbery, morsel in my mouth. I moaned into her skin. I felt a hand on the back of my head pulling me to her. I looked up. Mrs. Clark had her hand around Jimmy's head and mine. I felt something warm enter my mouth. Wow! I let it rest on my tongue and swirled it around my mouth a bit. More came out. It tasted wonderful! I swallowed. I flicked my tongue on her nipple again. This good tasting stuff was flowing out of her!I eagerly sucked harder and the flow increased. Is this what's supposed to happen? I heard her moan. My pecker jumped in my pants. Something nudged my right arm. I looked over to Jimmy. I looked down; he was stroking the outside of his jeans. I looked back up. He had a mouth full of tit. He was looking right at me. He brought both of his hands up to the sides of her huge boob and held it up. It looked like he was holding a volley ball in his hands. He kept his eyes on me and slowly removed his mouth from her nipple. He kept his mouth open. There was milk shooting in four or five different directions from the tip of her nipple. All of it went into his mouth. She pulled his head into her. He smiled at me and closed his mouth on her again. I felt a nudge on my other side. I kept on sucking and swallowing the nectar. I looked over. There was Dale. A motion caught my eye. I looked down; he was stroking the outside of his sweats. I looked back up. His eyes were all bugged out looking at me as if to say 'What the hell man? I want a turn!'. I felt a huge disappointment flow through me. I didn't want to stop but he hadn't had any yet. I gave him the 'come here' gesture with my index finger. He got his face closer. I left half of her big nipple in my mouth and told him "Don't you waste any!"He knelt down and got even closer. The sweet juice was still flowing into my mouth. I closed my eyes pulling more into me. I could feel his breath on my cheek. 'Damn it! I guess this is all I get!' I thought. I opened my eyes and counted it down out loud. "1, 2," I took a hard pull on her nipple getting as much as I could " 3" and I pushed it over to him. His lips touched mine. I guess he was taking this seriously. He immediately latched onto her. She released my head from her grasp and took his in.He was bent at the knees with his arm up on her desk for support. He was going at it with eagerness I hadn't shown. She made a cooing noise, calming him. He was slopping and slurping and making all sorts of noises. I stepped back and looked at her. My god, what a sight! I put my hand down and squeezed my hardness. I looked over; Jimmy was standing next to me. He had given his nipple to John. I looked down. He had his dick out of his pants and was stroking it. His was a good size, not as big as me but big. I couldn't believe he had it out of his pants. What if she saw it? I wanted to take mine out. I squeezed mine again, stroking the length. I looked at him. He was smiling at me looking at my hand on my dick. He walked towards her. His dick sticking out in front of him. I walked with him.He walked right up to her and took her hand from John's head. She didn't resist. She still had her eyes shut and her head up at the ceiling. He pulled her hand down and stepped forward. It didn't reach. He kept walking forward, pulling her hand until she made contact with his dick. He kept walking pulling her hand down, getting the right angle. He wrapped her fingers around his pecker. Her head bobbed up. She looked down at him. His manhood was like mine, it was a good size."Jimmy! What do you think you're doing?!" She stage whispered this as if it were a secret but not really. "We're milking you, you can milk us!" He told her.I stepped up and took her other hand. I unbuttoned and dropped my pants. I never wore undies. I placed her cool hand on my hardness. She gripped it and looked down at me. "You too Donny?" She asked.I raised my eyebrows. I looked over to Jimmy. He had his phone out. I heard the telltale sound of the camera clicking. She looked down at him, taking in the scene. A boy was sucking each breast and a dick was in each of her hands. Her face turned bright red. She gripped my dick, hard. I winced. She closed her eyes and looked back at the ceiling. I heard her exhale loudly. She let up on my cock and started to stroke it back and forth. Jimmy took a couple steps back, too far for her hand to follow. Her hand went back to John's head. Jimmy took another picture. He took a few quick steps and jumped up onto her desk. His dick bounced and flailed all over. What the heck was he doing?He walked over to her, kicking papers and books on the floor. When he got to her his dick was about two feet over her head. She looked up at him. He took another picture straight down, capturing her face, his cock, my cock and two boys sucking her huge tits. That one would be a winner.He knelt down and poked his dick into her cheek."Open up." He told her."I don't do that!" She said in a huff."You do now." He smiled at her waving the phone in his hand.She grunted and opened her mouth reluctantly. Her hand stopped stroking me. He looked up at me and smiled. He put the head of his dick onto her tongue. She just stood there with his dick on her tongue."CLOSE your mouth!" He yelled."Easy! Don't yell." She looked over at the door as she said this. He poked her with dick "Ok, ok." She said. She closed her mouth around him."That's better." He said."Hey! No teeth!" He pulled himself completely out of her mouth and slapped her face. The sound echoed. He had hit her hard. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Both of the boys looked up at him. They didn't let go of her nipples though. They kept slurping away at her nectar. Her hand left my dick. I grabbed it and put it back on me. She was shaking but I didn't want her to stop stroking me. It felt much better than me stroking myself. I was getting close too.She brought her other hand to her face and felt where he had slapped her. He bent down so his face was inches from hers. Her fat jowls under her neck were shaking."No fucking teeth on my cock you bitch! You rub my dick with your teeth again and I'll blacken your eye! Got it?" He scowled her. She nodded whimpering.He put his dick back in her mouth. She closed her mouth gently and moved her head on it. He smiled down at her and nodded. Her hand started to move on me again. She closed her eyes and groaned. What the hell was that from? I looked down. Dale had her skirt up in the air on his shoulder. I could see the rolls of fat on her upper legs. I could see Dale was making motion under her skirt with his hand. I couldn't tell what he was doing but she was liking it. John was looking down. He let her tit fall out of his mouth."Mine went dry." He told no on in particular. Jimmy was grunting louder. I looked up."Suck it harder!" He was pulling her hair forcing more of his hard cock into her. She choked and gagged but he didn't let up. She was twisted around, her front was still facing the classroom but he was kneeling on her desk. He groaned loud and pushed harder into her. Her choking didn't let up. She brought both of her hands up and tried to push against his waist but he had her with two hands full of hair. He wasn't going to let her go.Movement caught my eye. I looked down. John had a large pair of white panties in his hand. He tossed them towards the desks. He went face first into her thighs, under her skirt. Dale still had his hand down there doing something to her. He was still clamped onto her nipple sucking away. She continued sputtering and coughing. That's when Jimmy erupted. He grunted loudly."Gawhhh!" He groaned. He pulled her face into his groin getting his full length down her throat. He slammed into her over and over. She coughed and pushed on his waist. Cum was dripping down her fat chin. He fed it into her over and over blasting her with his seed. She coughed and sputtered cum everywhere. He slowed down and finally relented releasing her hair. She didn't move. Her choking subsided. She continued to suck on him, getting the rest out of him. He smiled down at me."Your turn." He said.I jumped up on the desk and knelt next to him. She looked up at me. I looked down at her and then down her body. John was on his knees with his pants off. His face was buried in her hairy bush. She had her right hand pulling his face into her. Dale had his pants off too. His skinny dick was slapping into her thigh. He was still nursing her tits. He switched from side to side, making sure both were empty. Her legs went weak and she groaned. I looked down at her. Her eyes rolled up in her head. Her lower body shook and shuddered. She pulled John into her harder. I put my cock on her lips. They quivered on me. It felt wonderful. Her hot breath and wet lips were like nothing I had ever felt. I poked into her lips but her mouth was shut. My cock head hit her closed teeth. I didn't care. I humped her lips, trying to get into her cheek. Her quivering finally subsided and she came back to us. She turned her whole body to face me on the desk. Dale fell off her tit as she turned but John remained buried in her bush. She grabbed my dick down low at the base and pointed it at her face. She looked up at me."You're a big boy! Even bigger than your friend here." She nodded towards Jimmy. He was just sitting on the edge of her desk now watching; his deflated cock in his hand. I nodded and smiled."You're fatter and longer." She whispered to me. I smiled at her and humped my hardness into her teeth. She opened her mouth. Then the most fantastic thing in the world happened! She closed her mouth on my cock. Oh my god! It was so warm and wet! It was like nothing I had ever dreamed of! My mouth went open and my eyes filled with stars.She looked up and me and opened her mouth. I blinked and caught my breath. She smiled and closed her mouth again. I threw my head back; my mouth wide open. Oh my god! Oh yes! She took in the first few inches. I thought I was going to lose it. I grabbed her head and looked down at her."Oh god! Stop, stop!" I whimpered. I thought my insides were going to twist apart. She smiled as best she could with my cock in her mouth. Then she dove down, engulfing nearly half my length. I felt the tightness of her throat. I swear my eyes crossed. It felt like my insides were going to tie into a knot. I humped into her on instinct pushing her head down farther. The rest went in. Oh god, oh god! Wait, this was good! This was really, really good! She coughed and sputtered. I pulled out and she pushed back down. It was too much for me! I humped into her again pushing her head down into me. The knots in my insides tied up tighter and tighter. I exploded! All the knots untied at once and a rush of sound as if I were standing very near a passing train filled my ears. I pumped into her again and again. Some distant part of me knew she was coughing but I didn't pay attention, I drove into her again and again. I shoved my entire length down her tight throat. My instinct told me to bury my cock into her. So I did. I had never felt anything like this before. The train finally started to leave the station. I could hear her sputtering and coughing. My humping motion slowed and my vision started to clear. She was still coughing and sputtering up my cum. I let up on her head. I looked down. My right hand was twisted in her hair and my left had a handful of her neck fat. I let go immediately. She continued sucking my half hard cock."Oh oh g-god, I'm s-sorry," I stuttered out. It felt like my entire being had just left through my tiny little piss slit. I looked down. There was a glob of white goo on the end of my dick. She took it back in her mouth and worked it over with her tongue. I laid back. Why was she groaning? I looked down at Dale and John. John was still buried in her fat pussy rolls but Dale was busy shoving his cock into her from behind. Jimmy was down there standing next to him, stroking his hard cock. I blinked my eyes and looked down at her. She was sucking my entire flaccid cock into her mouth greedily. She was pulling on it with her mouth.I looked back up. Holy shit! Dale was fucking her! Holy shit! He was mounted to her backside like a little dog! Her fat ass had puckered rolls banging back and forth. I looked down her body. She wasn't that fat. Maybe I was making it out like she was bigger than I thought. She pulled back to lick my dick head. I pulled her hair towards my groin. I liked it when she had the entire thing in her mouth. With it soft like it was, she could really work it over with her tongue. She went down and used her tongue on my entire length."Yes, I like that." I told her. She groaned and then stopped. Her mouth buried on me. She moaned and shuddering. I felt a twitching. I was getting hard again. Her whole body shook through her orgasm. Her tits swayed from side to side. They were now empty and no longer as tight skinned as they had been. I looked down, Dale was slamming into her his last few shots. Just watching him I could tell he was cumming in her. He grunted and humped into her a few more times, then collapsed onto her back. He was there a few seconds then his face shot up like he had been electrocuted. He looked up to me with a worried look on his face. He looked down into Mrs. Clark's back and then around the side to look underneath her.I didn't see anything before Jimmy pushed Dale out of the way. I looked down; John was still busy eating her bush. Hadn't Dale's cock just shot into her? What the hell was he doing still eating down there? I bent lower to see better.Jimmy stepped up to her. He rubbed his cock up and down her crack and then bent low. I saw John take Jimmy's cock into his mouth. What the hell? I bent lower. I saw Dale bend in my peripheral vision. John had Jimmy's cock in his mouth! I wasn't seeing things. He took in a few inches and then released him. Jimmy straightened up. I looked up at Dale. He nodded at me then pointed to his skinny dick and then at John. I looked at him with my brow furrowed. He nodded and made a blowjob motion and pointed to his dick and then John again. 'He sucked your cock?' I mouthed and pointed to his dick and then John. Dale nodded and made blowjob motions. Holy shit!Jimmy grabbed her big fat butt cheeks and spread them wide apart."Hold these right here, John." I heard him say in a low voice.She continued working on my dick. I was fully hard now. She had her hand under my balls rubbing them gently. It felt nice.I watched Jimmy. It was an odd sight. John's hands came around her bulbous ass cheeks pulling them apart. It looked like her arms and hands were coming out of her body the wrong way. She groaned and mushed herself into John's face. I bent down again and looked. John was going to town on her wet snatch. He must be eating up all Dale's jiz! Holy hell! I could hear him slurping away at it.Jimmy backed up and speared into her. She straighten her back and nearly removed my dick from her mouth. She umphed and moaned. She went back to work and swallowed my cock. Dale came over and sat down next to me. He was playing with his flaccid member. I smiled at him and nodded at her. He smiled and nodded pulling on his pecker. Jimmy was going at it good now. He was all the way in and taking long hard strokes at her. John's hands were still up holding her ass cheeks apart. I bent to the side and saw he still had her in his mouth. Though he was probably getting some of Jimmy on his tongue now too. I shook my head and straightened back up. Jimmy pulled out and spanked her ass. Not really hard but hard enough. She looked back."Spread your legs apart a bit more. I want you lower." He said. She did as told. She was taller than all us kids. She put me back in her mouth. It felt so good. Nothing like the last time but it was wonderful. She was only working the first five or six inches, nothing deep. I didn't want her to stop. I grabbed a handful of her hair so next time it would be harder for her to stop. I humped into her. I could feel my dick head enter her tight throat. Oh, that's nice! She coughed and tried to pull away. I didn't let her. I pushed harder, getting more into her. My god her throat felt good! She brought both hands up and pushed on the desk. That was too much for me, she pulled off my cock and worked the first five or more inches again. Jimmy was at her again, he was riding her easy. Back and forth nice and slow. Then he pulled out and stepped back. I saw him make an adjustment and then he pushed in again. She straightened up and tried to pull off my cock. I was ready this time. I pushed back down with my handful of hair. She tried to say something but I buried my dick in her throat. She started to gag and push off with the desk again. I wouldn't let her go. I was pulling her hair hard; some of it was coming out in my hand. I humped up off the desk so she could use it to get away."Not my ass Jimmy!" She said. But with my cock in her mouth it sounded like 'Nart ma sas immy'. We all knew what she meant. I looked back at Jimmy. He was going to fuck her ass?I humped into her, pulling her head into my groin. I buried my cock in her throat. It was tight and I got it all in there for the first time since I came. Her arms were fully extended on the desk, she couldn't pull away. I pulled out two or three inches and humped into her throat. She wasn't coughing, choking or sputtering. I pulled her down to the desk with me. She came willingly, unbending her arms on the desk. I fucked into her throat like a champ.Then she straightened and screamed but she didn't really scream. She had my cock in her throat. She gurgled loudly on my dick. The vibrations from her scream felt awesome! I humped into her hard. I could feel those knots tying up in my gut, legs and chest. I opened my eyes and saw why she was screaming. Jimmy was buried balls deep in her ass. He had his lips up and his teeth gnarled together as if he were in pain too. He wasn't moving. I grabbed handfuls of her hair on both sides of her head and rammed into her throat. The knots in me tightened. I had to get deeper! That instinct was telling me to bury it as far as I could. I couldn't take it. I rammed into her hard forcing her face to mash into my pubic bone. Her nose was mushed into me. I fucked into her hard. My cock was all the way down her throat. I wanted to climb right in there.She was still screaming. The sensation was driving me nuts. The need expanded and the knots tightened in me. I humped into her over and over, only pulling out an inch or two and slamming home. I slammed her face over and over into my pubic bone. I fucked into her throat as hard has Dale had fucked her pussy. She coughed and shuttered but nothing like she had before. I didn't care anyway.The knots tightened and my back spasmed. I pulled hard on her hair with both hands. I could see hair getting pulled out of her head, but there was nothing I could do about it. I exploded. The train came and was all I could hear. My whole being was centered on my cock and my cock was very happy. My body felt like jell-o and the whole thing was getting squeezed out of my piss slit! There must have been a bucket full of cum on that first shot. This stopped her screams. At first she made a wet scream and then she choked, gurgled, sputtered and then started sucking. I shot and shot and shot into her. I rammed home each time but didn't really pull out. I could hear the train leaving the station. I didn't want it to go. I slammed into her a few more times but the need was gone. I let go of her head. There were tuffs of hair caught in my fingers. I looked over at Dale, stunned. He had a shocked look on his face. I settled back down onto the desk, sitting on it.She followed me down, still sucking my cock. I looked up. Jimmy was having his way with her ass. He was giving her all he had. He had both of his hands full of love handles pulling her hips into him. He looked like a rabbit fucking a wolf. He hammering her fast but she was much bigger. I felt a cool hand touch my arm. I looked up. It was Dale.He grabbed a handful of her hair and brought her head up. My dick made a popping noise as it left her mouth. He brought her over to his hard skinny cock. She moaned and fell all the way to the base of his sparce pubes. He threw his head back. I could see her hands working on his balls as they had mine. She was moaning and groaning into his dick. "You fucked her?" I asked Dale. He looked over to me. His head was still back enjoying the blowjob. He smiled and nodded."Which one was better?" I indicated her mouth and pussy. He shrugged."Which is better cake or ice-cream?" He smiled at me. "They're both good!" I looked down at my deflated cock. There was a glob of white goop on the head. I took my dick in my hand and rubbed the wet head on her blouse. I looked at the cum spot and smiled. My dick twitched in my hand. I looked down at it and tried to stroke the soft member. I stood up off the desk and walked behind Mrs. Carter. Jimmy was still hammering her fat ass. John was still holding her cheeks apart for him. I walked close to them, walking right up to her side. I looked down at John and my cock touched his hand. I hadn't meant to do that. He looked up. His whole face was wet and on the edges he was crusty. He grabbed my half hard cock in his hand. 'Whoa!' I thought but didn't say. He had me in his mouth in a half second flat. Holy shit! His tongue flew all over the head of my cock. I was hard in an instant. This was nothing like what Mrs. Carter had done. He was eager and moving a lot. He buried my cock half way down his tiny throat. He stopped, not getting it all in. Holy shit was he tight! His throat was half the size of hers. He didn't choke but pulled on my ass with both of his hands. As if he were forcing it down his throat no matter what his throat wanted. Fuck it! I grabbed the back of his head humped into him, helping. We got it in here but it hurt! It was so damn tight. He didn't move. Then he did something I'll never forget.He swallowed. The muscles along his tongue and throat constricted from the base of my cock to the head. I almost came right then. It was amazing. He did it again and again. I pulled his head off me. It was too much. I looked over. Jimmy was finishing up in her ass. I wanted to fuck her.Now that John wasn't holding her ass cheeks apart Jimmy was pounding into them. They were like waves. When they came back and hit him it made him go harder, encouraging him. He was grunting and pumping into her like an animal. I stepped away from John. He went back to work on her fat pussy. I looked down his body. His short dick was sticking straight up at his belly button. Had he even cum yet? I bent down and took one of her nipples in my mouth. I sucked and licked at it. It was jiggling back and forth with Jimmy's efforts. Nothing. No milk for me. I tried to get to the other one but I didn't want to go down there with John. I glanced up her body. Dale had both of his legs wrapped around her neck, fucking his cock into her mouth. He had both of his hands full of her hair. He was humping into her frantically. I stepped back behind Jimmy. I heard him nut a while ago. He was just pumping his deflated cock in her now. I stroked my now hard cock a few times and looked at her fat ass. I put my hand on Jimmy and pushed him. He didn't move. He looked back at me."Hold on." He pulled his dick out of her ass with a pop. She sighed back at him. He bent his knees and John took him in his mouth. John took him all the way in, right between Mrs. Carter's legs. "Oh come on, you can do that on the side." I pushed him to where I had gotten my blowjob from John. Jimmy went willingly. I stepped forward. Wow, she had a nice fat ass. I poked at it with my pecker. I fucked my cock between her fat cheeks. It felt nice but I wasn't fucking. I didn't know what I was doing. I bent down to take a look. I pulled her ass cheeks apart. There was her puckered asshole. It was red and angry looking. Jimmy's cum was caked onto it. I looked down. I released my grip on her cheeks and pulled them apart lower down. There was her pussy. It was pink and hairy. The hair was long and sparse. There wasn't much there but she didn't shave. I could see John had made a lather of his spit and Dale's cum. It was all white and frothed.I released my right hand and felt around her pussy looking for the hole. She wiggled into my hand. I smiled, that was neat. Mrs. Carter was responding to my touch on her cunt.I had seen the playboy pictures but that was it. My finger searched around and eventually dipped into her. Ahh, here it is! I stood up keeping my finger in her. I didn't release her left cheek so I could see what I was doing. I had to bend my knees to aim. I had to remove my finger to guide myself into her. I poked my hard dick at her and missed. I poked again and missed. She moved her feet together, getting higher. I poked and missed. I poked again and the head of my cock entered into her. Oh, my, god!My eyes rolled up into my head. I pushed farther in. My body convulsed. Holy shit! I was cumming. I pumped into her but it was over. Wow, that was overwhelming! My vision was full of stars and colored glowing balls of light.I heard Dale grunting and groaning. I looked up. I blinked my eyes over and over. My vision came back to me. He was pumping a load down her throat.I looked down. My cock was still buried in her sloppy pussy. I grabbed her hips and pumped into her. The rhythm came naturally to me. My half hard cock slid in and out without issues. My cum, Dales cum and John's spit made sure of that.It felt great! I could feel myself getting harder as I pumped. I pulled her hips harder. I spread my legs for a better angle. Yes! This was it! I was fucking! I was doing IT! YES!She bumped back into me, forcing me to pull out more on the back stroke. Oh, ya! That was nice. Ok, I get it! I pulled out more and pumped into her with fuller strokes. YES! I was doing it! It felt sooo good! Her fat ass was making contact with me speeding up my strokes. I started to pick up my pace. I closed my eyes. My entire being was focused on my fucking her. I could feel the sweat beading up on my forehead. My hands were slick on her sweaty sides. I could feel her cheeks making contact with my pubic bone. I pulled and pushed, pulled and pushed. Wow, this was great!This was not cake to her ice-cream. This was cake to her soup. This was great! I still liked her soup but man, it didn't compare to this cake. What the hell had Dale been doing wrong?I was pumping into her with nearly half strokes. I felt like a jack hammer on automatic control. I let go of her hips and bent my back, looking up at the ceiling. I hammered into her in that position. I grinned to myself, eyes still closed. I felt like my body knew more what to do than I did. I laughed. This was awesome! I bent forward, hammering into her harder and faster. I heard her grunt and groan. I opened my eyes. Dale and Jimmy were sitting on the desk, talking and watching. Her back was arched, giving me full access. Her body was shuddering. I was making her cum! Me! Little Donny was making Mrs. Carter have an orgasm! The big O! Holy shit! I fucked into her with renewed vigor. YES! I'm a fucking machine! I felt the knots start to tie up. I closed my eyes. Not all ready! I was just getting into this. My gut twitched. I hammered her harder. I grabbing handfuls of her hip fat and pulled her into me. I bounced and bounced off those fat cheeks.I spread my legs like a cowboy, getting my cock as far up her hole as I could. The knots got tighter. I heard her moaning, she was still cumming. I wasn't going to last long. Then I felt it. Something warm and wet hit the underside of my cock on the back stroke. The surprise nearly made me stop but I was a machine. That wasn't going to stop me! I bucked into her. The train was coming! I could hear it. Then the warm wetness moved back farther. My balls and asshole raked across the warm wetness. That was it! The train was here! I used everything I had to pull into her and push down onto that warm wetness. It felt sooo good! I pushed and pulled and exploded. That first shot jolted my legs. I nearly fell. I felt a hand go up my back and then the wetness was licking my asshole and balls again. I jerked frantically, fucking into her with my last few jerks. I pulled on her hips and pushed down on the wetness. It felt great on my asshole. I bounced on her cheeks but not nearly as hard. The train was leaving. I bumped her and bumped her, still on autopilot. The hand on my back was joined with one on the front. I slowed my rhythm, the dance was over and the music was stopping. The hands pulled me out of her. My body continued the humping motion. My head was thrown back. My hands still pulled on her hips. A mouth took my cock in. Oh WOW! That was nice! My hands let go of her hips and grabbed the head. I humped into the warm mouth with my deflating cock.The hands rubbed my front and back. The mouth left my cock and licked my balls and asshole again. It felt good! My jerking motions died. I pushed my ass into the face. I pulled my cheeks apart so the tongue could get a better angle. I felt Mrs. Clark move forward. I dropped my head and looked around. She was sitting on the desk with Jimmy in one hand and Dale in the other. Both were soft. They each were sucking on her tits.I looked down. John was on the floor between my legs. His tongue was going crazy on me. It made my entire body feel relaxed. I shut my eyes. His tongue penetrated my ass. My eyes opened. That was enough! I took a step forward. He looked up at me. I looked down at him and gave him the 'thanks a bunch' smiled and a thumbs up. I sat on the desk next to Dale. John stood up. When Mrs. Clark saw he had an erection, she jumped down from the desk and dropped to her knees. Both of her tits dropped out of the boy's mouths. She took his hard member into her mouth greedily. He pumped once, twice and then started cumming. He must have cum a bucket load. She slobbered and slurped on him making all sorts of noises. He weakly pumped into her a few last times then took the last few steps and sat down next to Jimmy, sighing loudly.We all looked down at her. She sat with her skirt covering her lower body. Her legs were folder under her and her right arm was extended to the floor, holding her up. She was licking the cum off her fingers that had leaked out. Her hair was pulled apart and pieces of it clung to her. Her shirt was ripped and her tits were hanging down. She had cum in her hair, blouse and on her skirt. Her lipstick was a mess. She looked like the joker in that Batman movie with her lipstick all over the place. She had that black stuff under her eyes running down her cheeks. Oh, there was more cum on her face. Her right cheek was still red from where Jimmy had slapped her. Her neck was red and looked raw from where I had used it as a blowjob grip.She was a mess! Holy shit! We just fucked the shit out of her! I chuckled to myself. Jimmy actually did fuck the shit into her! I chuckled louder.Jimmy picked up on it. He started to laugh. She looked up at us. She was licking the cum out of the palm of her hand. She looked like a cat licking her paw. She started to laugh too. Snorting out her laugh and licking the cum. Before long, everyone was laughing."Wow, that was awesome!" Dale said. I slapped him on the back and agreed.We watched her fish her bra out of her purse. She removed her shirt down the shoulders. I took a snapshot in my mind. I wanted to remember that! There she was with both her mammoth tits hanging out. She put the massive white bra over her chest. We all sighed. She looked up and smiled. She did something behind her back and then pulled her shirt up. She got up and started walking towards the door."You better not go out like that!" Dale told her. She walked back to her bag and got her mirror out. She looked at herself and then up at us."Holy shit! Look at me!" She exclaimed. We all giggled. We had never heard a teacher curse before. She looked up at us. "You little bastards fucked me good, didn'tcha?" She said angrily. We all nodded dumbly."How the hell did this happen? What the fuck am I going to tell my husband?!" She whimpered."Want me to talk to him?" Jimmy asked still giggling. "No! Jesus. No!" She cried out. "How the hell did this happen?" She spoke softly. "My god, I've never been so thoroughly fucked in my life. And you kids did it! My god that was good." She shivered all over.She walked over to me. I wasn't sure if she was going to slap me or what. The smile dropped off my face. She reached down and grabbed my soft dick. Ut oh. She bent down and sucked it into her mouth. Ohh ok. She stopped and then kissed it on the head. She went down the desk and did this to each of us in turn. "Thanks boys. I guess I really needed that." She smiled at us pleasantly. Her face covered over with a scowl. "Don't you ever tell a soul! You got it?" She looked and pointed to each of us. We nodded.She packed up her stuff, combed down her hair with her fingers and left.To be continued...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any ofthe scenarios in this story; should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 75
It was a quite day at McDonalds. Farah was enjoying her salad meal. She didn't eat fatty stuff as she wanted to remain slim and fit.She was eating McDonalds somewhere in Texas, where she lived and worked. Farah was 28; slim, had nice olive complexion, long black hair, hazel coloured brown eyes, very fit, very sexy, very good looking and was very proud of her Persian heritage.As she sat and ate by herself on one table, she saw two other tables not far from her. One had two white Anglo American kids in their teenage years eating and making jokes. Another had an Arab guy eating his Big Mac. He was fat. On the table where the two white boys were sat down eating and drinking, Farah could hear what they were talking about. One boy had medium blond hair and the other had brown hair. Both were skinny geeky types. Farah listened to a joke they were making. It was about Arabs. As the two kids laughed, she also started laughing. As she continued laughing, she then noticed that the two boys started looking at her direction."Sorry about that. You know we are just making a joke," the Blond kid smiled. "Oh no. I don't care about that. I thought it was funny. That's all," Farah smiled at the Blond kid."Wow so you are cool about our jokes. I am surprised," the kid with the brown hair said."Surprised? Why?" Farah asked."Well because you are the first Arab lady we know who doesn't care about what jokes we make about Arabs," the kid with the brown hair smiled."I am no Arab," Farah started getting annoyed and scowled at them.Persians resented being mistaken for Arabs by Westerners."So you're Hispanic?" the Blond kid smiled at her."I am not Hispanic either," Farah gave him angry look too.Persians hated being mistaken for Hispanics either."So what are you then?" the Blond kid tried being polite but was worried that the look Farah gave him was as if she was going to eat his brains out."I'm Persian," Farah shot him a strong look."So you're Persian?" the brown haired kid tried getting it straight."That is what I said," Farah still upset about their comments about her."Sorry lady. We just thought that Persians were Arabs. That's all," the Blond kid stopped smiling and trying to hint that they meant no harm or offence."Persians are not Arabs. We are a great ancient civilization. We build things. We gave the world maths, science, architecture, arts etc etc. Arabs are disgusting creatures. They look ugly. They are fat. They eat crocodile meat. They are lucky that they got oil because without oil they are nothing," Farah letting all her frustration out. To some extent Farah was correct. While she, like many Persian American women, were not religious and often dressed up in sexy attires and lived the Western dream, many Arab women wore headscarves and allowed their religion and men to rule over them, even while living in the West.The fat Arab guy who sat not far from Farah got up from his seat and walked towards where Farah was sat. He stood by her table."I find your comments very insulting. It is your country Iran that supports global terrorism," the fat guy shot her a strong look."All the suicide bombers are filthy disgusting Arab creatures," Farah screamed at him."I think we better get out of here," the Blond kid told the other kid."Good idea," the brown haired kids responded.Both Anglo kids got up their seats and walked away. "Look what you said is incorrect. We Arabs have contributed to maths and science," the fat Arab guy said.The fat Arab guy had thinning black hair; strong black eyes, very fat, strong Semitic features and same height as Farah."You people have contributed nothing," Farah smirking.As Farah smirked, she noticed that the fat Arab guy was eyeing her up-and-down."Listen how much you charge?" the fat Arab guy started smiling."Charge?" Farah was astonished at the question. She got the idea that he was hinting that she was some kind of prostitute for hire, as she had been dressed very sexy and did not wear a burka.Farah shook her head, thinking that all Arabs men were disgusting savages who paid women for sex."So where are you from?" Farah asked."I am from Dubai," the Arab guy nodded and still continued smiling."And what is your name?" Farah asked him."I am Sayed," the fat Arab guy smiled.Farah got up from her seat and picked up her bag. "Well Sayed. Fuck off. I don't date Arabs. Arabs are beneath us Persians," Farah told him off.As Farah was about to walk off, Sayed grabbed her right arm. Farah turned around and saw how angry he looked. "Hey let go of me," Farah shouted. "You are one stupid bitch you know that. I am trying to be nice to you. I just want to be your friend," Sayed was looking angry.As Sayed tried to kiss her, she kicked him on the balls. He let go of her and fell to the floor.As Farah tried walking away, she screamed at him, "Stay away from me you dirty Arab."She knew that Sayed wanted to have sex with her because she was attractive.Farah walked out of the McDonalds restaurant.As Sayed was still inside the McDonalds restaurant, trying to get up, he was contemplating revenge."You will pay for this you Persian bitch," Sayed mumbling to himself.ONE MONTH LATERIt was Thursday evening. Farah just got back from work and she saw a package by her doorstep. Farah worked as a gym instructor. She picked up the package, took out her house key and got inside her house.She lived all by herself but had seen guys regularly and never stayed with any one of them for long as she cherished her freedom. Farah took a shower and changed into something more comfortable. She wore a hot pants and a small leather jacket, revealing her black bra. Underneath her hot pants was her black panty.Farah was sat by her dining table and opened up her package.It was a couple of CDs. Relaxing yoga type CDs. Three CDs. She didn't know how it came from but thought that it was probably from some of her girlfriends who were into this kind of spiritual NEW Age yoga thing. Farah walked towards her lounge, turned her laptop on, put in a CD and listened to what she perceived as relaxing music. As the music played some harmonious beat, she sat down, rested her back against the sofa seat and closed her eyes.This is the life, she thought. She was going to call her friends later. To ask who of them sent it to her. But for now, she just wanted to sit down and relax. After sitting down for ten minutes, her mind was allowing itself to be free and going into some deep flow. Her subconscious part listened to every single word. Including the ones that were going to start brainwashing her."Your mind is being emptied for re-programming. As you have continued listening to the words of this CD, you would enter a new phase. Your mind will enter a new phase. That of obedience. Your mind is bringing back the memory of the Arab guy that you fought with at McDonalds. The one named Sayed. Your heart feels guilty for having been rude to him and now you know that you are to make up for your behaviour towards him as he is innocent and you attacked him," the CD continued brainwashing her.The CD gave her three instructions:- to remember what Sayed's cell phone number was- to tell him to come over to her place- to tell him that she is to be his obedient slave for as long as she livesThe CD continued brainwashing her subconscious part."At the count of ten you shall wake up. Once you wake up, your new programming shall take effect. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One," the CD finished counting. The CD stopped.Farah woke up. She looked all around her. She now knew what she must do. She has to call Sayed, apologise to him and also to giver herself to him. As his slave. A part of her hated it but she had to make up for the way she acted towards him and only slavery to him would compensate for it.Farah walked towards her bag and picked up her cell phone. She called Sayed's number. She waited for a while until he picked up."Hello who is this?" Sayed asked from the other side."Hello. Sayed. It's me. Farah," Farah said.She sighed as she talked to him."Farah. Who are you?" Sayed asked in an angry tone."I was the woman who was rude to you about a month ago. In McDonalds. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the way I acted. I want to make up for it," Farah sounding guilty but also just as scared for having to call him like this for no logical reason."Oh right. You were the Persian woman who called me a dirty Arab. Now I remember you," Sayed sounding all bold as if his feelings were hurt."Yes. Listen I want to make up for what I said and how rude I was to you. Listen. Do you want me to come to your place?" Farah asked."No Farah. I will come to yours. Tell me where you live," Sayed suggested.Farah told Sayd where she lived."Ok. I'll see you there at say nine. Once I am there we can discuss how you can atone for what you did. Bye," Sayed hung up rudely and on purpose too.Sayed smiled. Everything worked according to plan. He didn't need to ask her where she lived. Just a couple of briberies and the people at her working place told him all her details.As he often ate at McDonalds, he always saw her there (long before he tried hitting on her and she never paid attention to him or someone like him). At one point when she was sat all by herself, he was sitting in an opposite KFC and the spy he hired sat next to him. He gave the spy the binoculars and pointed to him who his target was. It was from that onwards, that the spy followed Farah and learned where she worked. It took nearly a whole month but it paid off. Sayed had time and money at his disposal (he was wealthy).Sayed hired someone to create for him a Mind Control CD and had it all wrapped up and sent to her place.It was finally paying off. And Sayed was contemplating the fun he was going to have with his new "Persian slave" or "Persian bitch".**It was nine o' clock in the evening and there was a knock on Farah's front door. She walked towards it and opened the door. Sayed stood outside her doorstep. She noticed that he was carrying a suitcase."Come in," Farah letting him through.Sayed walked past her.Farah closed the front door."Would you like a seat," Farah leading him towards the lounge."Don't mind if I do," Sayed walked towards the sofa and sat down. As he sat down, she could smell him. He didn't bathe that day but then again as far as Persian stereotypes were concerned, they never did. "Would you like a drink?" Farah behaving politely."Coffee," Sayed started becoming bossy.Farah walked towards the kitchen and made Sayed a cup of coffee. She went back towards the lounge and placed on the table in front of the sofa.Sayed picked up the cup and started sipping on it."I called you here to say that I am sorry for the way I treated you at McDonalds. I am really sorry and now I have to make up for it," Farah admitting even if she did not want to.Sayed put down his cup of coffee."So you want to make up for it? How do you plan to make up for it?" Sayed getting excited but trying not to smile. yet."Sayed I'll do anything you want," Farah gulped."What? You'll do anything I want," Sayed said.The mind programming was taking an effect on her brain cell. She was giving herself away and putting herself down for... slavery."Sayed what I did was wrong. I'm offering myself to you. My life is yours. I am giving myself to you. As your personal slave," Farah sighed.Sayed smiled. His crotch was getting stiff."So you are surrendering yourself to me. Offering yourself to meas my slave," Sayed started smiling."For as long as you want. My life is yours. I will do anything you want. Anything. I am giving myself to you as your slave," Farah automatically saying things that she would not want to say but knew that she had to say for no good reason."I will do anything to make you happy," Farah sighed."This is good to be true," Sayed smiled.He eyed Farah up-and-down."Ok. Now these are the rules. From now on you must call me Sahib. Do you understand," Sayed becoming drunk with his power over her."YesSahib," Farah responded meekly."Sahib" was Arabic for "Master"."Good," Sayed starting to smile wickedly. "And I will always refer to you as slave. Now come here and kneel before me," Sayed pointing to the spot in front of him."Yes Sahib," Farah meekly responded.She walked towards the spot in front of him and knelt before him. As she knelt before him, Sayed started laughing."I finally get my revenge," Sayed laughed.cruelly.A part of Farah feared that he was going to do nasty things to her and make her do humiliating and degrading things."You know what you are. You are a Persian bitch. Say it," Sayed shouted."I am a Persian bitch," Farah meekly said.Sayed laughed."Say it again...slave," Sayed intent on humiliating her."I am a Persian bitch," Farah meekly responded for the second time.Sayed made her say it...for about 20 times.Farah started looking and feeling low.As Farah still knelt before him, he pulled down his zipper and strokes his cock out."I want you to give me a good blowjob. Got that slave," Sayed cruelly grabbing her by her long black hair."Got it...Sahib," Farah looking scared.She saw his cock. It was a large cock. She opened her mouth and started sucking his cock. She could smell his cock and it stunk like the rest of his body.She was sucking him and stroking the side of his cock, so as to get him to ejaculate inside her mouth. "Wow slave. You give a good blowjob," Sayed putting a hand on her head, as if keeping her in her placeFarah continued sucking his cock until he started ejaculating lots of his Arab sperm into her mouth. She knew she was drinking and taking in Arab sperm. The thought of what she was doing disgusted her but she was a slave. She had no rights now and had to do this really demeaning act. She hoped no one she knew saw her doing something like this. Farah sucked his cock for nearly an hour until Sayed told her to stop.She looked at him with Arab sperm stain all over her proud Persian jaw."You look better this way. To have my more superior Arab sperm all over that arrogant Persian face of yours," Sayed mocking her.Farah looked at him with not just a sense of self-defeat but also giving him the look that he was succeeding in having humiliated her."Slave your name is Farah right?" Sayed asked."Yes Sahib," Farah meekly looked up to him."From now your name is Who-Ra. Got it," Sayed making fun of her name."Got it Sahib," Farah responded.Sayed picked up his coffee, quickly finished his drink and handed it to Farah."Put this away and then come back here," Sayed pointing to the spot where she was kneeling.Farah got up and walked away with the cup.Farah returned to the same spot where she knelt earlier. Her "master" was now standing up."Who-Ra I want you to take off your clothes. All of it," Sayed smiling towards her, as his cock got more stiffened. "Yes Sahib," Farah responded very fearfully. This was the moment she dreaded.Farah got off her slippers and tucked them to the side. She then stripped off her small leather jacket and also tossed it aside. "Yes Who Ra. Take it all off," Sayed smiling wickedly and having a horny look on his fat Arab face.Farah unzipped her hot pants and tossed it aside. Farah was only left to her black bar and black panty. She looked hot and sexy in it. Sayed licked his fat lips like some kind of wolf.Farah then took off her black bar and tossed it aside. Sayed could see that she had large pale breasts. Farah then pulled down her black panty and tossed it aside. She was revealing her black pubic hair to her Arab master."Excellent," Sayed licking his lips.Farah gulped. There was no way out of this one. She gave herself away to him as a slave and now has to pay the price for it.On top of the wooden table, there were stacks of magazines. With one swoosh from his fat left arm, Sayed pushed all of them towards the carpeted lounge floor. "You have a nice body Who Ra. Real nice body," Sayed walking all around her. As Sayed kept on waling, he patted her ass very strongly with one hand and groped one of her breasts with the other. Farah moaned. Sayed laughed."Now I want you to go to this table. Climb on it and position yourself like a dog," Sayed pointed to the wooden table. "Yes Sahib," Farah responded. Farah walked towards the table. As the table was not so high, she easily climbed on top of it and positioned herself to be on all fours. The ends of her feet were to the side of the table. Sayed was eyeing her ass. He walked behind her. He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. He put his hands on her ass, groping it really hard."Now this is what I want you to do. While I fuck your Persian ass, I want you to put those nice Persian fingers into your smelly pussy and finger yourself, like the whore you are. Got it," Sayed commanding."Yes Sahib," Farah obeying and sealing her fate.Sayed thrust his fat smelly cock into her ass. Farah squirmed in pain. Not only was his cock huge but it was also jamming her tiny asshole. Farah positioned her body a bit upwards and started using some fingers from both her hands and she started fingering her pussy. She was playing with her clitoris. She further moaned as playing with her sexual organ was getting her excited, as much as her ass getting fucked from behind.Sayed then grabbed one of her hands and helped her continue to finger herself.Farah screamed louder and louder."That's it Who Ra. You know you are a whore. That is what you are. Say it," Sayed hammering her ass and helping her to fuck herself."I...I am a whore Sahib. That is what I am," Farah saying it as she cummed to her own fingers. Sayed laughed with sexual excitement. "Now while you continue to finger your smelly Persian pussy, I am going to play with those nice boobs of yours," Sayed letting go off her hand and started groping both her boobs, squeezing them both very hard. Farah started screaming much louder. Her nearest neighbour was actually a mile away and so no one would hear her scream at all. Sayed was hurting her boobs. His groping was hurting her and her boobs felt like they were burning. Sayed was enjoying himself. He was fucking her ass and hurting her boobs. With one strong pull, he squeezed her boobs and pulled her upper body backwards while still ramming her ass, flooding it with lots and lots of Arab sperm (from Dubai). Both Farah and Sayed screamed loudly and extremely sexually at the same time. As Farah was being pulled by her boobs, she closed her eyes and tears flowed down her brown eyes, from both fear and pain.Sayed finally pulled his cock out of her ass. He saw his sperm flooding her Persian asshole. He grinned. He pushed her upper body down, so as to make her go on all fours on top of the table. He walked towards her face and he was stroking his cock towards her face. Some of his sperm squirted on her face. Sayed laughed."Look what you made me do. I want you to clean my dick with your mouth. Understand that Who Ra," Sayed shouted at her.He yanked her long black hair really hard. Farah nodded."Yes Sahib. I will do as you command," Farah nodding like some kind of Indian Kowloon boy. She was starting to get more and more scared of him. Not only was he cruelly fucking her and humiliating her but his shouting was also getting to her.Farah opened her mouth.Sayed quickly thrust his cock inside her jaw. His cock was hurting her jaw and making it ache.Farah started sucking his cock, so as to clean the sperm stain all over it. "Now that feels nice. To have a rude mouth like yours working this way," Sayed looking down on her.As she was giving him oral sex, she continued to finger herself. Sayed enjoyed his cock being taken care of. After 20 minutes, Sayed hit her on the head."Ok Who Ra you can stop now," Sayed said.Farah opened her mouth and he pulled his large cock out of her jaw. "Stop playing with yourself and lie down on your sofa," Sayed ordered her."YesSahib," Farah slowly stopped fingering herself. She got off the table and walked to the sofa. She laid her back on it.Sayed could see her cum oozing out of her pussy and her black pubic hair now looked sticky and stained."Clean your fingers with your mouth," Sayed ordered.Farah started sucking on her cum-stained fingers. Sayed enjoyed the sight of her like this. He just laughed and laughed."You Persian women really are whores. You let any man fuck you and you drink your own cum in front of them. What such disgusting creatures you are," Sayed laughing at her. Sayed took off his clothes until he was also completely naked.Farah could see how fat he was. his body disgusted her.But she still had to fuck and service him.As Farah continued sucking her own fingers, Sayed then gave her a scowling look."I think your fingers are clean already. You can stop cleaning your fingers Who Ra," Sayed sneered."Farah stopped sucking her fingers and pulled them out of her mouth."Now let's go to the kitchen," Sayed suggested.Farah got up from the sofa, saying, "As you say Sahib."As Farah lived in a two-storey house, the kitchen was in the same floor as the lounge. Farah walked towards where the kitchen was. Sayed followed her from behind, looking at her moving ass.Farah's kitchen was very large. It had a stove. It had cabinets. It had an oven. It was also very clean. As white as snow.Sayed led her by the hand towards one of the kitchen counters and helped her sit up. She was revealing her stained black pubic hair to him. Sayed thrust his cock into her pussy while squeezing her boobs.Farah started screaming again, like she did before. His cock was hurting her pussy really bad. It also smelled really terrible too.Sayed also started screaming. "I always wanted to fuck a Persian woman inside her own kitchen. Especially when it is so nice and clean," Sayed sneering at her. As Sayed continued hammering her pussy, he then started going down on her right nipple and started sucking on it really really hard.Farah shook her head frantically. She had never felt so much pain. As his mouth was sucking very hard on her right nipple, his right hand's fingers were twisting and pulling at her left nipple. Farah felt his Arab saliva touching her soft Persian nipple.She begged for all of this to be over.Sayed stopped sucking on her right nipple and also stopped twisting and pulling on her left one.Sayed started sucking now on her left nipple and twisting and pulling on her right one while at the same time hammering her pussy without mercy.Sayed was having his way with her.Sayed enjoyed touching her flesh and abusing it this way. To him this was what he always wanted to do to Persian girls. Especially ones who hurt his Arab feelings. Sayed stopped sucking on her left nipple and now started twisting and pulling on it, like he was doing her right one.With one cruel pull, Farah screamed really really loud.Her scream was music to his ears. "Now I want you to raise your legs high up in the air," Sayed letting go off her nipples and started grabbing her thighs.Farah started raising her legs as high on the air as she can, making it out as if she was spreading her legs upwards. Sayed was using her thighs as if they were reins while at the same time continuing to fuck her pussy. Sayed was starting to fuck her pussy a lot harder now.He continued to put more sperm into her pussy. His sperm were flooding her frontal sexual body organ, even touching the inner side that was near her anus.After an hour, Sayed pulled his cock out of her and let go of her thighs. Sayed could see his sperm stain on her pubic hair.This time there was more sperm stain (on her pussy) than even the ones he left on her anus."Who Ra you are full of Arab sperm," Sayed breaking out into his chuckle."Yes Sahib," Farah acknowledging her inferiority.Sayed looked at his own dick. His dick hole was still steaming with Dubai sperm."Who Ra get down here on your knees and clean me off," Sayed pointing to the spot in front of him."Yes Sahib," Farah bowed.She got off the counter, walked to him and knelt before him. She opened her mouth, grabbed his cock and out into her mouth, slowly lapping her tongue and using her jaw muscles to clean off his own sperm stain."You really are good at giving a head," Sayed complimenting her blowjob skills.Farah just sucked and sucked and sucked, like as if some mentally trained soldier.After cleaning his cock for fifteen minutes, he hit her on the head."Ok you can stop now. I think I want to go to your bedroom," Sayed looking down on her."As you wish Sahib," Farah meekly responding.Farah got up from her knees. She led him out of her kitchen. She then led him down the corridor. She then walked up the stairs. Sayed followed her. As Farah walked up the stairs, Sayed saw his sperm dripping out from her asshole, towards the steps. Sayed licked his lips, as he enjoyed what he was seeing. "I can see my sperm dripping out of your ass," Sayed commented.Farah felt his smelling hot sperm inside her anus and cunt. She hated his sperm and the way it smelled.Once they were on the upper floor, Farah walked towards a bedroom door and pushed through it.Farah's bedroom was big. There was a large bed in the middle, with four bed posts on each side. "This is excellent," Sayed thinking of what other things he could do to her.Farah just stood naked by her bed's edge."I want you to lie faced down on your bed Who Ra," Sayed walking behind her and spanking her ass really hard."Yes Sahib," Farah responded.He saw her climb on top of her own bed and she lied face down. Sayed helped spread her arms and legs towards the bed posts. She was now spread eagled except she faced the bed and not the ceiling. He could see her abused ass. "There," Sayed smiling.Sayed's cock was getting more stiff from all this excitement. "Now stay here and don't move," Sahib walking out the bedroom door."Yes Sahib," Farah made a low response as she faced downwards.Sayed walked down the stairs, towards the lounge.His suitcase was still lying on the sofa. He picked up his suitcase and then walked towards the stairs, heading right up and all the way back to the bedroom.Once Sayed was in the bedroom, he placed his suitcase by her table counter. He opened his suitcase."All the things I need," Sayed smiled.The suitcase was filled up with sex toys, normally used for bondage and BDSM.The first things Sayed took out were his set of handcuffs. 4 sets of handcuffs. He placed them by the counter and took one of them first.Sayed walked to the bed.Sayed walked to where Farah's right arm was, took her right hand's wrist and cuffed it with one end of the hand cuff. He then cuffed the other end towards the upper bed post to the right. "Too bad you don't have any neighbours but then again here in the south, people love living far away from everyone else," Sayed breaking out into some truthful cynical laughter.Sayed then went back to the counter, picked up a second hand cuff, went to the bed and cuffed Farah's right ankle to the bed post nearest to it.By cuffing an ankle and a wrist first, Sayed was partly stretching up her body. Sayed finally cuffed her left wrist and ankle.As Farah's body was now totally helpless and stretched up, this meant that she now had no chance of minimizing any pain inflicted upon her.Sayed licked his lips. He climbed on top of the bed and laid his fat body over her back.Farah sighed, as his weight was too heavy even for someone as fit and strong as her. she whimpered in defeat and in pain.Sayed then thrust his cock up her asshole.Farah screamed really loud. Sayed started fucking her ass as she lied faced down. He started fucking her ass faster and faster.Farah just screamed and cried. Tears were flowing down her beautiful brown eyes. This was even worser pain than any he had inflicted upon her that night."You like that huh. Huh. You like that you fucking bitch," Sayed hurting her ass and at the same time yanking her hair really hard.Farah screamed as she felt her body was being broken and being pulled apart, as the cuff wrists kept her body stretched and Sayed (her master) was flooding more sperm inside her body. This time his sperm felt like they were drowning her organs from the inside. Farah felt tired out and her vision was becoming blurry and hard.Sayed finally pulled out of her ass. Her brown ass cheeks were much fully covered now and coated with his white sticky Dubai sperm.Sayed got off the bed, walked to where his opened suitcase was and took out a vibrator.Sayed went back to the bed and thrust the large 8 inch-size vibrator up her ass. Farah screamed really loud.Sayed laughed at her pain and agony.The sight of her helplessness and state of pain and not being able to do anything about it was the best form of excitement he has ever gotten. The vibrator was ripping her already stretched up ass further apart. Sayed then SWITCHED it on.The vibrator was working itself inside Farah's ass.After 15 minutes of having the vibrator break her ass, he switched it off and took it out and placed it back by the counter.Sayed went once more back behind her and stared fucking her anally as the vibrator's actions made him excited to fuck her from behind once more. Farah's mind was in mental agony.After fucking her from behind, he finally stopped.He also un-cuffed her wrists and ankles from the bed posts. "Who Ra, turn around," Sayed commanded.An exhausted abused Farah tried moving her arms and legs and tried turning around. Just by moving her muscles like this further worsened her pain.Sayed saw how defeated and hurt she looked.Farah looked really weak. The physical agony was too much for her body.Sayed knew that if she became too weak, the fun would eventually stop."Do you have any power drink?" Sayed kindly asked.Farah nodded.weakly and meekly."In the fridge. Red Bull," she whimpered.Red Bull was a power drink.Sayed went down to her kitchen and came back with a Red Bull drink for her."Drink this," Sayed holding the back of her head while forcing the Red Bull can drink down her throat. His Persian slave was drinking and drinking and taking it all down in her body. "How do you really feel?" Sayed asked."Much betterSahib," Farah looked stronger and ok again. Sayed placed the Red Bull can by her bedside table. "I just want you to lie down here," Sayed walking away.Sayed headed down the stairs and towards the lounge. He sat down by the sofa and turned on the TV with a remote control. He needed to give his slave some time to recover. Her body needed to properly heal. That much he knew.After thirty minutes of watching the news, he turned off the TV and headed back upstairs towards Farah's bedroom.Farah still lied on the bed."Now time to have some fun again," Sayed smiled.Sayed cuffed her ankles and wrists towards the four bed posts that it was previously cuffed to.She was once more spread eagled and her body once more stretched up.Sayed could see that his sperm stain on her pubic hair dried up. Her black pubic hair was now having a certain odour and looked like black mashed potatoes that had been cooked up.Sayed also took the same vibrator that he used on her before. This time he thrust up her cunt and switched it on.The vibrator was pleasuring her already broken up Persian pussy.Farah closed her eyes and sexually moaned, as if the machine was making love to her.Sayed then cruelly pulled the vibrator out of her cunt and thn thrust it instead onto her ass.Farah screamed really really loud, as the pain was unexpected.Farah was shaking her head frantically. Sayed finally switched the vibrator off and took it out her ass, snickering and laughing at his own cruel actions."You Persians are such loud screamers," Sayed shaking his head.He then moved the vibratot towards her face and she saw the vibrator. Her eyes shot up in horror."Your cum stain is still on it. I think you should clean it as I can still smell your smelly Persian cum on it," Sayed said.Farah opened her mouth and Sayed pushed to her mouth.She started sucking on the vibrator, like as if it was a human cock.Sayed snickered as he watched her suck on it, looking him directly in the eyes and looking defeated. It was as if she was begging him to stop torturing her like this.Sucking on the vibrator's front bit was hurting her jaw and making it really ache badly.After making her suck on his vibrator, he pulled it out and finally placed it back it in his suitcase.Sayed then took out something.A candle stick. He placed it by the suitcase. A match box. He took out a match stick and set up a small fire. He lighted the candle stick.Sayed picked up the candle stick and went to the bed, climbing next to Farah.Farah's eyes were full of horror. She saw the candle stick with its small burning flame she knew what to expect next and how painful this was going to be.Farah wanted to say no.Farah wanted to protest.But she was a slave and as a slave she had to please her master at the expense of her own happiness and comfort.Sayed moved the candle towards her right nipple.A drop from the candle wax towards her right nipple.Farah screamed really loud.Her right nipple instantly became red, instead of brown.Sayed then move the candle towards her left nipple.He let out a wax drip towards her left nipple.Farah screamed once more. Her left nipple was just as red as her right one.Sayed then went down to her pussy.He noticed that her black pubic hair had gotten thicker from his sperm stain holding her pubic hair together.Sayed was pissed.He tucked the end bit of the candle stick towards her cunt.Farah screamed as her pussy was being treated as some kind of candle butt holder.Sayed went to where his suitcase was and took out what looked like a powerful hair shaver.He pulled the candle stick out of her pussy and placed its butt on her reddened right nipple.Farah felt pain on her right nipple, as the butt and her nipple were in physical contact.Sayed started shaving her pubic hair. Farah's pussy felt refreshed after feeling more and more of her stained pubic hair being removed from her body.Sayed left the last pubic hair bits by her pussy bone.He placed the shaver back to the suitcase and took out what looked like some kind of wet cloth. He placed the wet cloth on Farah's pussy and with one pull, it pulled out all her last remaining black pubic hair bits.Farah screamed.Sayed tossed the wet cloth on the bedroom floor.He took the candle stick from her right nipple and then moved it closer to her shaven off pussy.He let some candle wax drip on her pussy.Farah frantically screamed. It was far more painful on her pussy than on her nipples.Sayed's saliva dripped down to her pussy. This was the best moment of this entire night.The moment of moments.He let more and more candle wax drip towards her pussy.Farah's brown Persian pussy became more and more copper-ish in appearance.After Sayed tired of inflicting wax drippings on her pussy, he blew off the candle stick flame. He tossed it on the floor and then thrust his cock into her pussy.His cock was hurting her abused pussy.Farah screamed as Sayed was getting carried away with his "abusing" of her body.Sayed fucked her pussy while at the same time squeezed her boobs together and taking turns to suck each nipple very hardly and always with the other un-sucked nipple being twisted and pulled.Sayed just fucked her frontally and was using her boobs as something to hold on to, squeezing them roughly.Farah screamed and screamed and screamed.Sayed could see her really crying it all out.He was making her life a living hell.Sayed finally stopped fucking her and squeezing her boobs."We need a break," Sayed said.**Sayed and Farah were inside the bathroom. They were inside the shower tub.As Sayed was fucking her ass from behind, he was guiding her fingers towards her pussy, making her finger herself like a cheap whore.With one thrust up her ass, Sayed and Farah both screamed.He kept on thrusting her anally this way until he got tired.As they were in the shower tub, Farah ran them a hot warm bubble bath. They both lied inside the tub.Farah was washing her master's body very lovingly, while he was fondling with her breasts.She had never seen Sayed so excited in his life."You are the best slave I ever had. Obedient. Beautiful. You know what I think Who Ra?" Sayed smilingly asking Farah."No Sahib. I don't know what you are thinking about," Farah washing his body and rinsing it with soap, while on her knees."I think every Arab man should have a Persian slave like you," Sayed smiling.Farah gulped at what he just said."Now that you belong to me I think I will keep you for a while. I will make you go to Arabic school to learn Arabic. And when I finally return to Dubai I will take you with me. And when I am finally tired of you I will just sell you off. I think you are worth about ten thousand dinars. A Persian slave costs even more than a white slave, black slave or Oriental slave," Sayed chuckling and not caring at all about how she felt about all this.When they finished bathing, they finally went back to Farah's bedroom.Farah was once more in bondage like before. Faced down. Her Sahib was fucking her ass and as he fucked her ass she was worried about her new life and the future that awaited her. After raping her anally, he un-cuffed her wrists and ankles.That same night he was fucking her pussy and sucking on her boobs, when the lights in the bedroom were finally off.As her master was asleep, his cock was still inside her pussy. It squirted some sperm into her vagina and she could not fall asleep that easily.Many questions were racing in her mind.Is this my fate?Is this the end of me?Will I become this melly disgusting Arab's whore in Dubai?But most important of all.Is this the end?The End?
Chapter SIX It was late afternoon when the boat arrived at a small island in the Bahamas. Cooper could see the broad band of white sand curving away in both directions. He guessed the island was hardly more than a mile across. The sand was a white ribbon dividing the green jungle from the azure blue water. The boat had been very quiet for hours with only the occasional beep from Martin's computer breaking the rhythm of waves hitting the boats hull. The splash of the anchor seemed to wake everyone from the hours of languid sunning. As Bonnie opened her eyes she struggled to figure out where she was. Ramón was standing above her doing something with the ropes. As she woke feeling the warmth of her skin she knew she had spent too long in the sun. She would have to do better tomorrow or she would be seriously burnt. As she watched the skipper she thought on how attractive he was and then unbidden came the question of how good a lover he would be. Not might be. Would be with the certainty she would make love to him. She watched him move to the bow of the boat, stepping over Judy and Mandy as he went. Up front he tied off the ends of the jib that had been taken up by the auto-furl unit before the dropped anchor. Bonnie watched Judy and she slowly rose and walked the few steps to where Ramón worked with the ropes. She saw Judy wrap her arms around his waist with her hand clearly grabbing the crotch of his cut-offs. Then to Bonnie's surprise Judy wheeled around and marched half way down the boat before yelling in a very angry tone "Martin, what's this Ramón says about not having time to spend with me""Sorry, no he doesn't," Bonnie could just hear Martin answering, "We are already pressed for time to get things set up for the Luau before we loose the light. He and Brian are need to load up the dingy and it can't wait" "Damn! I'm horny as hell and I want Ramón to fuck the shit out of me NOW!" Judy retorted. "Can Cooper help Brian?" she added in a more pleading tone."O.K. but don't take too long," Martin concluded. With out being asked Cooper got up and moved to the back of the boat, disappointed to be missing the action. With the yelling everyone was sitting up and watching Judy as she went back to Ramón, who was now leaning back on the railing, and said loudly enough for those on the bow to hear, "You herd him, we gotta hurry." With out hesitation she unbuttoned his shorts and pulled them down in one motion. He wore no underwear so his exceptionally thick, uncircumcised tool swung free. It was already swelling when she leaned over to lift it to her lips. Heather and Tina shifted places to get a better view so Bonnie swung around to let her feet hang off the side of the cabin. She winced with pain as Tina straddled up behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist. "Ohhh - be careful I'm a little burned" "Yea, I guess you are" Tina replied leaning back a little so her boobs didn't press quite so hard on Bonnie's back. They watched as Judy worked on Ramón's hard-on, rather than just bobbing up and down like most people, she slowly went down then holding when she had completely swallowed what now was not only a thick cock, but one that was on the large size. Not a crazy porn star size, but perhaps an inch longer than Cooper's six incher, and thicker besides. Bonnie guessed she must be doing something she could not see because as Judy held her position, Ramón would groan in ecstasy before Judy would come up for air. "I guess from this morning you got the idea that sex is a spectator sport on this boat" Tina whispered in Bonnie's ear "I've never seen and one who can give head like she can." Tina's hands slid up and cupped Bonnie's breasts. "She once told me she can make a guy cum by just doing that alone, just by using her mouth muscles to pump him." Mandy who had been patiently sitting just behind her mother-in-law, moved to her knees and began stroking Ramón's iron hard ass. Bonnie did feel something amiss that she now blocked their view of Judy giving head, but Tina piped up quickly "Hey Mandy, move over your blocking the view." With out protest Mandy scooted around so as to not block the view, but that was not necessary because Ramón was fully erect and ready to do what Judy wanted in the first place. She turned around and grabbed the opposite rail for balance as Ramón drove his stake home with one powerful thrust. Bonnie noticed he used a kind of corkscrew motion as he worked on Judy. Tina must have known what Bonnie was thinking and quietly said "He is a great fuck, I've never had another guy do it quite the same way." Heather must have heard because she added, "Oh Yea. Last night I just wished it would go on forever. It's hard to describe what he does, but I just know it is good." Bonnie watched as Judy's thighs shook with every stroke. "Well, I guess I'm not the only one here who isn't a hard body" she quipped. Heather and Tina quietly sniggered. Judy turned her head and made eye contact with Bonnie and smiled saying, "Now, this what I needed." Then she turned her attention to Heather who's hand was slowly moving between her legs. Their eyes locked and Judy's face became hard as she concentrated on her building orgasm. For several minutes Judy's gaze was fixed on Heather as Ramón did his magic inside of her. Suddenly snapped her head back and screamed out at the top of her lungs. She quivered for a good minute before sagging down. To Bonnie it seemed that the only thing holding her up was Ramón now still but buried completely inside her. He gently removed himself and lowered her to the deck where she lay panting hard. He stood and said with a thick Spanish accent "I am sorry Senora LeMarco, I really must go now or we will not be able to have the luau. We will finish this later. ¿Si?" He backed away before even finishing what he said. His penis was still rigidly pointing up. Tina leaned back to Tina and whispered "I guess Cooper isn't he only one who can fuck with out cumming." "Boy, when she comes, she CUMS" Bonnie said to no one in particular. Breathing heavily Judy looked up to the women on the cabin and in a labored voice said "Thanks for watching, it helps me cum harder and faster." "It's not hard to know when it is done right." Martin LeMarco's voice came from behind Bonnie. He was stepping up to the cabin roof as he spoke with his camera in his hand. "It will be an hour or so before the guys get everything set up for our Luau." It was the first time Bonnie had seen Martin nude, and judging from his intense erection he must have like the show as much as she did. She was not impressed by either his body or his tool, which though it would be average size was noticeably smaller than Cooper's when he is hard. "So I thought now that the sun isn't as bright, we could do some photos." He said "I got some good ones of Judy and Ramón, but I thought you might like some glamour shots." He continued "Mandy, you want to show our new comers a little about modeling." And for the next hour the four women had a wonderful time playing model. This was no problem for Bonnie because Cooper had been shooting nudes of her since before they had kids and to pose for some one else was a treat. The girls by unanimous agreement stuck with glamour type poses like in Playboy. They posed individually and in groups. During the impromptu photo shoot Judy and Mandy told Bonnie about the 'After-Cruise' party they held each year in April. At the party Martin presents each cruse member a portfolio of the best photos he takes. Tina added that Martin is quite good and several of the individual photos he took of her hang in her bedroom. *** The sun was nearing the water's edge when Brian brought the dingy back and announced that the luau was ready. Judy brought up a box from below and handed out grass skirts to everyone, short ones for the men and longer ones for the women. She also gave out nice silk flower leis. After donning their costumes, everyone piled into the dingy and motored to shore where Cooper and Brian were tending the fire and turning the spit on which a large ham and vegetables were cooking. The LeMarco's had really planned this out. The skimpy costumes were so sexy and fun. There were mats and pillows on the upwind side of the fire. A small barrel held some lightly alcoholic punch with coconut cups to drink out of. The two Mrs. LeMarco's had even learned the Hula so after a long and wonderful diner the Bonnie, Tina and Heather attempted to learn some Hula much to the amusement of the men. True to her word as the group feasted Judy looked over to Bonnie across the fire and shouted "Bonnie, what's this about Cooper not being allowed to fuck any of us?" After swallowing the food in her mouth Bonnie shot back, "I never said any sort of thing." "Cooper seem to think you did." Cooper seeing he was going to be the villain in all this broke in, "Wooo, hold it, I said we had never talked about it, I did not say she had told me no.""Well this is as good a time as any, so talk about it." Judy said raising her voice again. Bonnie really didn't mind him doing the other girls. Cooper was right, it just had never come up." Judy evidently saw an opportunity to have some fun out of this, put down her food, stood and in and in talk show host voice she began. "What we have here is a man, who to the best of my knowledge has fucked only one pussy in his whole life. IS THAT RIGHT?" she used her fork as a microphone and put it in his face. Cooper unsure of what to do just sat. "IS THAT RIGHT?" she repeated. "Yes," Cooper croaked after which followed several comments along the line of "no way" and "what is wrong with him?" Martin shouted "How did we get a virgin on this cruise?" to which Tina replied "because his wife is a fucking slut" which brought general laughter. Judy continued as she walked around the circle. "So the question is not does his slutty wife who has been known to fuck perfect strangers, allow him to do other women, because I can tell you with first hand knowledge, that she would LOVE to see his dick ball deep in any, or all, of the pussies here tonight. But the question is does HE want to fuck any of the pussies here tonight?" Cooper turned very red and wished for somewhere to hide. "So," Bonnie continued talking into her fork/microphone "Lets find out" She stopped behind Tina. "Here we have this man's lovely secretary. For three years they have spent uncounted hours together, but has he ever tried to seduce you?" Bonnie pushed the mic into Tina's face "No, never - but his wife has," Tina offered. "Not the same thing," Judy told the group. "Brian LeMarco, how many days did Heather work in your office before you attempted to seduce her?" "Days or hours?" Brian asked to the laughter of the group. "How long did it take before you and Heather were doing the dirty in your office?" Bonnie continued. "It took a whole month before she put out. It about drove me crazy," Brian answered with a grin. Judy walked back to Cooper "So what do you have to say for yourself - have you ever fantasized about playing hide the sausage with Tina?" "Well of course" Cooper said in defense "So do you want to do it with her?" "Yes?" was the only answer he could come up with. Judy walked around the circle and continued "So, this virtual virgin admits he has imagined doing Tina and would like to, but has been too much of a coward to try anything." She stopped behind Heather "Here is Brian's stunning secretary, whom he had the good sense to start boning as soon as she would let him. This morning your wife gives up the opportunity to go down on that amazing pussy so that you could have the pleasure. And did you fuck her afterward?" Cooper stammered "But.,." before Judy cut him off she yelled "NO. You didn't. Once again you miss an opportunity." Bonnie walked up behind Martin "Mr. LeMarco, did your wife, this very day let this man know she wished to have sex with him?" "YES SHE DID" he shouted with glee. "And what was she wearing when she did this?" "Nothing, she was naked and ready to be had," Judy answered. Judy walked back toward Cooper saying "And did he bend her over the rail and ram his manhood home?""NO HE DID NOT!" Martin shouted. "So an extremely, an amazingly, a stunningly beautiful nude woman tells you she wants you to do her then and there, but you once again miss your opportunity. So you have had ample opportunity but have failed and you freely admit your loving wife has not told you not to have sex with these women. Therefore it must be concluded that you, not your wonderful and sexy wife, are the reason you are a virtual virgin." She had planned to use Heather as the center of the activity she had planned well in advance, as she was both new to the group and the youngest by several years. However, Judy could not miss such an opportunity changed her mind. Motioning for Ramon' to take bring her a bag, she donned a fathered headdress and taking a demanding pose she began. "As the High Priestess of Yuke Suke Lala the goddess of this island it is ancient tradition that she be paid with a gift of virginity as tribute for visiting her island. As we know no one her is virginal" She paused for the laughs, she continued "Yuke Suke Lala will not be pleased. But, there any is a virtual virgin? Yes?!" Pointing to Bonnie, she commanded "Bring forth the virtual virgin!" Grinning from ear to ear, Bonnie got to her feet and led Cooper to the make shift Hula area where Judy now stood."Disrobe the virgin," Judy said with an imperial voice. Where upon Bonnie pulled the bow that held on Cooper's grass skirt. Feeling a little silly his dick was small and shriveled. "YOU," she said to Bonnie, "Prepare the sacrifice for Yuke Suke Lala.""What does that mean?" Bonnie asked quietly "Get him head, silly," Judy whispered back before turning to Ramón who had been clearing the dished and packing them into boxes "Senior Ramón, you can do that latter, Yuke Suke Lala requires all who visit her island to participate."Bonnie thought to her self "Now this is a night to remember" and as she went to her knees in the sand and put Cooper's shrunken penis to her mouth. The flash from Martin's camera went off for what must have been the hundredth time during the luau. At first the flashes were a little annoying, but now she was glad he was taking photos, in what had become Cooper's night in the spotlight. "As the sacrifice is prepared" Judy, the High Priestess declared as Bonnie was sucking her husband's dick to life "We will give the sacred chant of 'Oie Fukie Suckie Ooh Fukie Suckie' as I beseech the goddess for a way to appease the wrath of Yuke Suke Lala for not providing a real virgin." She raised her hands and closed her eyes after a few moments of silence she broke character and looked said in a normal voice "your supposed to all chant Oie Fukie Sukie Ooh Fukie Sukie" then resumed her pose.It took a few tries to get the chant in rhythm but soon the group were chanting heartily. Oie Fukie SukieOoh Fukie Sukie Oie Fukie Sukie Ooh Fukie Sukie Bonnie was trying to give her best blow job ever, and fortunately Cooper who had been hard much of the day with no relief was soon ready for what ever Judy had planned. Bonnie looked up to Judy, "OK he is ready" "The sacrifice is prepared" Judy declared "Lay him in the sand of Yuke Suke Lala and you may guide him into the holy cunt of the High Priestess. Continue the chant until the sacrifice is complete" Oie Fukie SukieOoh Fukie Sukie Oie Fukie Sukie Ooh Fukie Sukie Cooper lay down in the sand with his feet toward the chanting group and Bonnie knelt beside him. Her heart raced with excitement as Judy, who was now joining the chant, straddled Cooper facing the worshipers and ever so slowly, squatted down over her husband, spreading the grass skirt on either side. Bonnie with now trembling hands pointed his dick to the descending Judy. This was far sexier than she thought it would be. She spread Judy's lips with her free hand as it came within inches of Cooper's swollen head. Cooper on the other had felt no thrill only stress. He knew Bonnie was not trying to be hurtful during her little show earlier, but it made him feel like a dope in front of these guys. Likley none of the other guys probably could even remember all the girls they had fucked. Now with everyone watching he had to stay hard so that Judy could play her game. It did help when he opened his eyes and could see his wife holding his penis in her hand as he saw Judy's ass lowering toward him. Watching Bon spread another woman's lips for him to enter was indeed a fantasy come true - but it would have been better if the woman weren't his bosses wife and if he didn't feel he had to compete with the one that Ramón had given her earlier. Bonnie could not remember being so turned on with out even being touched as Cooper's head passed Judy's lips and she felt Judy's warm soft flesh push her hand down her husband's shaft until it was flat on Cooper's pelvis. She thought about moving her hand be it was so sexy feeling Judy begin to move back and forth on her husband. Judy looked down to Bonnie. "You may rejoin the others."The chanting continued: Oie Fukie SukieOoh Fukie Sukie Oie Fukie Sukie Ooh Fukie Sukie "NOW" Judy shouted "He is a virtual virgin no more," with a flourish she swept back the grass skirt and leaned back so everyone could she her lips swallowing the base of Cooper's member. The chanting changed to hoots and hollers congratulating Cooper. "But" Judy continued in her commanding tone. "Because this was not a true virgin, each of us owes Yuke Suke Lala a debt: A debt that must be paid, if you are to avoid her curse. As this virtual virgin filled me, the High Priestess, I had a vision of what the goddess demands. To prove you are not a closet monogamist, each and every person must join with not one but two people as I am joined with the virtual virgin." "We need to fuck two people, that's all?" Mandy spoke out."AND" Judy continued as she rode Cooper in an exaggerated fashion "To prove you are loyal servants of the goddess she says each of you man and woman must taste the sacred seed. She cares not if you receive it directly from a man or it acquired from a woman who has received it, but each who wishes to avoid the curse must." She paused as if to think then changed her command "Wait the goddess says it must be the sacred seed of two that must pass each of your lips. Two, not one, thus says Yuke Suke Lala." Cooper was not really listening but Bonnie was. Judy was the kinky one. She wanted everyone, men and women to taste the semen of two guys. Well that's a way to ensure an all out orgy. But, Judy was no novice to this and she wanted to be shocking, even to this group. Cooper was just enjoying the feeling of Judy's soft tissue enveloping his penis. She was, he could tell, larger inside than Bonnie and her lips were fleshier. But unlike Bonnie, Judy used her interior mussels to grip and release him. This was very cool. He knew Bonnie had moved back to the others. He imaged her fucking Ramón as he laid back to enjoy what Judy was doing to him.But it was not Ramón who Bonnie was embracing. It was Tina. All day she and Tina had been flirting and messing with each other. Bonnie slipped onto the mat next to Tina and wrapped her arms around her pulling her tight as their lips met. With the fire of untrammeled lust the two women lips and tongues reached and groped to find new hidden joys. They were oblivious to the shuffling around them as the other's moved into their own carnal delights. For now all Bonnie wanted was to consume Tina's body and soul. Her, oh so sensitive, nipples pressed hard into Tina's breasts as what seemed both an eternity and a fleeting second as they reveled in the joy of one another. Fifteen feet away Cooper's lips met Judy's now that she had reversed position and was now facing him as she pressed her clit into his pelvic bone. She rocked back and forth on his shaft. He loved the way her big tits felt as they swayed across his chest. Her kisses where light. Though it was strange to have the boss's wife riding him, it was even stranger to put his lips to hers. She, however, was in no mood for light kissing for long and she drover her tongue deep into his throat as if fucking him with her tongue. She was so loose and wet, he wasn't in any danger of coming yet. It was good for sure, but not going to send him over the edge. By now he could hear the sounds of sex all around him. He wanted to see what was happening but with her aggressive deep kisses he could not move. His thought was broken by a Brian's voice above him. "Hey mom, any room for more meat in your box?"Judy let off her mouth attack and sat up and looked up at Brian, "I don't know, Cooper is bigger than your dad, let's give it a try and if its not comfortable I'll let you know." She looked down at Cooper as Brian moved behind her. "I'm sure you noticed I have a big box down there, and a discovered a long time ago that if I can put two dicks in. It feels real good - but I have to be careful as to the size. I could never do this with Ramón." As she spoke she lifted up so that Cooper's penis was only head deep in her and then leaned forward. Though he had just heard what she had said it was a shock when Cooper felt Brian's hand take hold of his cock and pressed his own tool down along his shaft."O.K. Mom, push back." Before she moved Judy told Cooper "He calls me that when he wants to be dirty.""Yea, that's dirty" Cooper began but before he could finish what he was going to say he saw Judy's face screw up. Cooper now felt his dick was in a very tight place. He could feel her on half his dick the other half was pressed on Brian's meat. He could now feel Brian's balls on his own. It was quite a sensation, he just didn't know what he thought about it. But since he was the new comer her he just laid still while Judy and Brain decided what to do. It took a minute or two before Judy looked over her shoulder and said in a pinched voice "OK, now give it a try, but be gentle." With that Cooper felt the dick on top of his slide back then forward. Part of him wanted to object to having a guy's dick rub on him, but it felt good. With each stroke the head of Brian's dick slipped across the underside of Cooper's. After some dozen stokes Brian's cock had slipped to the side so now the simulation was different but still amazing. Cooper was even getting off on feeling Brian's balls slapping his own with each down stoke. There was no mistaking it just a few more minutes of this and Cooper was going to have one massive orgasm. But that was not to be, because Judy pulled forward so that both cocks flopped out and sat on Cooper's pelvis. "It's not that it didn't feel good, but it was just too tight. If we do that anymore I won't be able to move tomorrow. And I do want to go shopping in Port Royal. Maybe we'll do this on the last day, because the two of you make a great pair. Brian help me up will you." And just like that Cooper was laying on his back alone. Cooper sat up still trying to take in all that had just happed in the last, what 30 minutes? He looked around and nearest to him was Bonnie on top of Tina in a 69. "Not surprising" he thought how Bonnie hates getting sand on her and this was about the only position to keep her completely sand free. They looked great. Cooper supposed this was the continuation of what happened at the Christmas party. Not far from them in the flickering fire light, a blanket had been thrown down and on it Mr. LeMarco was laying with a withered dick, apparently recovering, while in a threesome Ramón was doing that funny corkscrew thing on Mandy doggy style as she had her face buried between Heather's legs. What stood out to Cooper was how quiet everything was and how little obvious motion, so unlike orgies in porno movies. Cooper expected Brian to go to keep Heather busy, but he went to his knees just over Tina's head and pressed his hard on in the shadowy area between Tina's face and Bonnie's ass. Bonnie as lost in bliss ash she silently made love to Tina's cunt. She took in the taste and fragrance as an end in itself. He tongue was getting a little tired as it had been playing it this garden of delight for well over a half hour with out a break. Her rapture was broken with out warning when Tina suddenly stopped the delightful ministrations that had brought Bonnie several lovely orgasms thus far. At first she thought Tina was going to finger fuck her again, but soon it was evident a penis, not fingers was filling her. She had to consciously reminded herself that she and Tina were not having a private party and who ever was now beginning to increase his speed was not out of line. She stopped herself from looking preferring the excitement of not knowing who was fucking her. She just relaxed and enjoyed the feelings as the unknown man hammered for all he was worth and Tina tickled her clit. By focusing on her pleasure alone it did not take the orgasm that was building before her pussy was invaded. The tension rose in her thighs, involuntarily she began to thrust her hips back at the hard driven cock. Just before the tide burst on her the man behind her begin to jerk up and down as he pumped his seed into her. As his quivering began to abate her orgasm arrived. Perhaps not as strong if it would have been if he had waited for a moment more, but a strong and long lasting one none the less. It was the nearest thing to a simultaneous orgasm she had ever had and it left her drained. She sunk down on Tina's hard body and felt the back flow of cum she knew must be dripping onto Tina, but she was too tiered to care. Cooper had watched Brian fuck his wife hard for no more than five minutes before cumming in her, but that was understandable because he had been with Judy and before that he surely had done someone else, he didn't know who. Brian flopped down for a rest. Tina was evidently gobbling all the goo out of Bonnie as she recovered from what appeared to be a strong orgasm. When Bonnie sat up and looked around it seemed to be a breathing space for the group as only Ramón was still in action and that seemed to be coming to a close as she could hear his breathing become more irregular and labored. She pulled Tina's her mouth to hers. The lips were sticky and their French kiss was heavy with the taste of both she and the semen from whom she still did not know.Cooper not wanting to be completely left out, had move beside Tina just as they began kissing. Tina was very a very attractive woman by any standard. He had indeed fantasized about her over many a coffee break. He looked over her hard body once again and his cock stood at full attention. To his left he noticed Ramón in the final throws of an orgasm pressing deep into Mandy. Judy had joined her husband and was suckling his member back to life. "Don't I get a kiss too?" Cooper said in begging child's voice. The girls released their hold and Tina looked at him "Does little Cooper-pooh feel left out?" Cooper could see the drips of cum still on her cheeks. Cooper nodded. "OK, we don't want you sad" she like she was taking to a baby. She turned and pressed her open mouth to Cooper. She still had the strong salty taste of the same cum he had eaten out of Heather this morning. As the kissed she took the liberty of jacking his stiff tool. Bonnie seeing Cooper and Tina would be busy for a while moved to the blanket. She was glad for a way to stay out of the sand. In a week full of surprises, what Bonnie saw next was perhaps the most shocking of all. On the blanket Judy was still nursing on Martin. Mandy was still on her hands and knees with Heather's face pressed between her smooth round buns cleaning Mandy's dripping snatch. None of that was a surprise, but Bonnie's eyes nearly bugged out as Ramón, exhausted, lay next to Mandy with Brian cleaning his spent rod. No one seemed to even take any special notice that Brian had Ramón's dick in his mouth. She could not help staring. She thought she should be disgusted, but on the contrary she thought it totally hot and before she had a chance to think better of it she sat down next to Brian and asked if she could join him. Brian move over slightly and held Ramón's dick for her to go down onto. Even soft it was thick and long, she couldn't take but half of it in her mouth. Brian sucked the balls as she attempted to down the shaft. Being soft allowed her to press her lips into the flesh and draw back. As she did so a few drops of remaining cum bubbled up out of the slit at the top. She licked it off thinking to herself "I got my two tastes of cum and one fucking already". She was enjoying his slowly stiffening rod, learning its every texture when she heard Brian in her ear saying "time to switch". She was now getting a little tired of Brian, he seemed to think his wants paramount. She decided to show him he was wrong and lifted her mouth just long enough to say "Not until I'm ready" and went back down on Ramón. She knew it wouldn't be good to piss Brian off so she only worked on the semi-hard organ for a few more minutes before hopping up and saying in a chipper voice "OK your turn" before moving to sit next to his father. Judy's face still in his lap while he shot a few photos of his son going down on Ramón. In front of her were Heather and Mandy, laying down just lightly kissing. "Well Judy," Bonnie said. "You do know how to throw a party" Martin said "It helps to have been to about a hundred of them to see what works and what doesn't." Judy came up from his lap to add "Don't listen to him, he didn't have a thing to do with this, I Mandy and I planned every bit of it. Didn't we?" she directed the question to Mandy who rolled over to face them. "Yes, don't' believe that old fraud. If he did the planning it would be just line the girls up and have round robin fucking all night" Cooper could hear the chatter behind him, but ignored it. He was looking down at Tina below him. She wasn't just a secretary she was his friend and had been for years. Though he knew she wanted him he just had to ask "Are you sure this is OK with you?" before he pressed his penis through the folds of her labia."Cooper" She looked him in the eye and said firmly "You are my friend. No matter what else you are my friend." The getting a big grin on her face "And I fuck all my friends, so ram it home before I get mad." He found her much tighter inside than Judy, and when she squeezed her muscles he could hardly move his prick at all. He with deliberation stoked as he kissed Tina with real passion. He really did like Tina a lot and it was very easy to move from fucking to love making with her. She wrapped her legs up around his waist driving him deeper into her depths. Her heels dug into his back as she used those strong legs to pull him into her. He drove in as if he were trying to melt his entire body into her. "Brian" Judy barked from beside Cooper, "Have you gotten him ready yet? I've been waiting since three for him to finish me. Brian held Ramon's now fully erect penis up in a vertical position "Ready and waiting.""About time" Judy said before getting up, walking the few feet to Ramón and without any ado, dropped to her knees above him letting Brian guide the missile into her as she quickly descended. She turned to Brian and said "Thanks" Bonnie found herself a little put out when he stood pushing her drooping cock to his step-mother's face and said, "Here, thank me this way." Evidently Judy was not put out because she took him down to the root with out hesitation.Martin looked over to Cooper and Tina. From their angle he could clearly see Cooper's shaft making short stokes into his secretary. "So Bonnie," he said firing off a few more shots with his camera, "I guess you're going to have to blow him every day after work to see if he tastes like Tina." "Why does Judy do that?" she rebutted. "Actually, not every day but we do have a game where if I did get some at the office, she tries to identify who I taste like." "You are so bad" She said, reaching to his crotch to make sure he was still hard. "How does she do?" Martin was all too eager to answer "If I get it at the end of the day and it is one of the office staff she can guess right about half the time" "So I guess I'll have to drop by the office occasionally, for Judy's sake." With that Bonnie swung a leg over Martin and settled in his lap facing him. "That is if you'll have me." She could feel his cock pressed against the front of her. She began rocking so his penis rubbed her clit. "Honey," Bonnie raised her voice toward Cooper "Do you mind if I fuck your boss?" Cooper, clearly becoming exhausted from a good 20 minutes of hard work on Tina, said "Not if you don't mind me fucking my secretary." "That's OK, I did her first." Bonnie said after she had guided Martin into her. His dick was noticeably smaller than Cooper's, but he could kiss. And as the kissed longer and longer she noticed he stayed hard almost indefinitely with only the smallest rocking on her part. This was nice and she could do this all night. Cooper knew he was going have to take a break, his stamina was just not going to let him do this as long as he wanted. When Bonnie announced she was going to fuck Mr. LeMarco, it was just the little push he needed. His balls began to tighten and he felt the orgasm rising. The back of his thighs began to hurt and he made one final push to get deeper into Tina as he felt the semen move up from his balls and with a loud "Ahhhh" he sprayed her insides with the first of six hard blasts of cum. Behind him he heard Mandy say "Yea Cooper let her have it" and his wife say "That's it, cum big"But the orgasm continued as a good dozen waves of pleasure radiated from the head of his penis and his whole body shook for some time before collapsing on Tina. And collapse he did, totally out of breath he simply could not move. From below him he heard Tina "Boss, you sure know how to make a girl feel appreciated. But you need to get off before I suffocate" Cooper rolled off still gasping for breath. "What are you trying to do Tina? Kill Bonnie's husband?" Mandy said with a laugh. Laying on his back with his eyes closed, he heard Tina say "Who hasn't had their two tastes of spunk? From the amount running down my leg I have enough Cooper cum for everyone to have a taste." Though he wanted to look to see who wanted a taste of him. He simply could not move and just looked up at the canopy of stars above him. It was a funny time to start pondering the mysteries of the stars, but that is exactly what Cooper did as he recovered from what was nothing less than an amazing orgasm. Bonnie didn't see either because she was lost in her own world with the best kisser she had ever been with. She was hardly aware when Martin, with out breaking the kiss, laid her on her back and began to slowly stoke her. Time passed but neither Mr. or Mrs. Campbell was aware of it. When Cooper finally came back to life it was much darker as the fire had turned to coals. There had evidently been a lot of fucking while he was in Never Never Land. Mr. LeMarco was still on top of his wife. Mrs. Judy LeMarco was on her side with one leg held high by Ramón who was fully inside her not moving. "one of them must have just come," he thought to himself. Tina lay resting with Heather laying on her thigh, Cooper assumed she had been the one to claim his "sacred seed". What Judy would tell him later out later that night is Tina had gone around to each person and scooping cum from first her thigh and then from inside her cunt, she gave every single person a taste of him. She was intent on appeasing the goddess Yuke Suke Lala. Brian was banging away on his wife doggies style. The fires was burning low and Cooper knew where he had put the rest of the wood, so he dragged himself to his feet to find the wood. When he returned it was clear that Judy had been the one cumming. She lay like a rag doll while Ramón now held Heathers slim waist in his hands so that her hips where a foot or more off the blanket skewered by his still firm staff. Cooper began working to revive the fire. It was cool to watch the cavorting in the unsteady light. It took some doing but the fire was again burning bright. Once again the dancing light played on the bodies still writhing in erotic pleasures. Judy had come to sit silently by him. Cooper pulled her close and wrapped his arms her. He recounted in him mind her story about Brain as a teenager and combining with what he had seen tonight he knew there was more to the story."So how did it work out on a day by day basis to have Brian living with you guys living your swingers lifestyle.?" "What?" Judy responded, as she picked up Martin's camera and focused it on Ramón and Heather. "When Brian moved in as a teenager, how did it work out with you guys living your this kind of lifestyle?" Judy gave a small half laugh as she began to talk with out putting down the camera "Oh I remember the first day he arrived. It was mid-June and hot. His dad had picked him up and taken him to lunch. Martin told me he had reminded Brian that we were going to try living as if he weren't even there. Evidently Brian had been imagining what it would be like for months and was very eager." Tina walked up to Judy "You going to finish the story of Brian as a teenager?" "Yea, have a seat" the added "If you have done your duty to the goddess""Oh yea - all done" Tina answered. "So have we." Judy continued as Tina sat "Like I said, he was eager, but in reality he was not as ready to go from his mom's world to ours. When he and his dad arrived from the airport, I had been cleaning with the air conditioning blasting so I was fully dressed when they got home. After his dad went back to work he asked if he could watch a video. Not in the house fifteen minutes and he wants to watch a porno and jack off in front of me. I told him fine, but I had been cleaning all day and wanted to go out to the pool. "I could tell he was having trouble making up his mind, so being the bitch that I am I turned to go to the pool, pulling my shirt off as I went. If you remember he had watched a number of video's of me during spring break, but had never seen me naked in person. I was not surprised that he rapidly decided to go swimming. I made sure to walk fast and to leave my cloths behind me for him to see. By the time he made it outside I was under the water. I swam a few laps the just as he had gotten out of his cloths I got out of the water and laid out on my chase." "I knew full well that for the past few months that that sixteen year old had been whacking off every day imagining fucking me. I had to put an end to that idea right quick. I was not going to jail because his holier than thou mom reports me for raping her virginal son. He was so funny, I think his only real experience with sex was from movies. As smooth as he could he got out of the pool, sporting a raging hard-on, and offers to rub sun screen on me. It was all I could do not to laugh for the lameness of his lines. "What I did do was put on my adult face and said told him plainly that just because his father and I don't hide our lifestyle doesn't mean we he was part of it. He was crest fallen, so as kindly as I could I told him that he was free to bring as many girls his age home as he wanted to skinny dip and/or fuck by the pool. I told him that we would provide all the condoms he needed for girls his own age. But he just bemoaned the fact that he was not a sixteen year old virgin out of choice."Tina interrupted Judy's narrative "But I thought he fucked your friends?""Yea, I had to eat my words on that front, but like I said it wasn't until the wedding over a year latter that I let him do me for the first time, and that wasn't exactly planned by me. I had been doing it for hours and I was so tired when I felt a guy spoon up behind me I didn't even look back to see who it was until he began to talk and that was after he'd been up in me for a good while.""What did you do when you realized it was Brian?" Tina asked. "Enjoyed, what to you think. The deed was done, so I just let him do me. But it's not like we become lovers, even now, we usually only screw at events like this." Looking at Cooper, "see, I do have some morals." While Judy talked she used Martin's camera to take an occasional photo. The three watched as Martin was now working on Bonnie from the rear and Ramón continued to hold Heather's hips screwing with his characteristic corkscrews motion. Mandy, also still active, now sat on Heather's face while at the same time sucking her husband who was standing to her left. "Where was Martin while your friends were at your pool" Tina asked "From what I can see he would want to participate." "Golf of course, that is his religion. I don't know which he would pick if he had to give up golf or sex." Judy went on. "That first Saturday nothing actually happed because I had made it clear to him nothing would. That didn't keep him from coming out to watch four grown women sun a'natural. The first week he even wore swim trunks. But I guess Sharon and Monica had discussed it during the week and the next Saturday they jumped him. I went in to go to the bathroom, when I got back they had him splayed on the pool deck and he had already blown his first load. I guess I was pretty mad at them at first but as I was ranting Monica had already downed his prick again. "I just called them whores and went inside. Of course once I cooled off I watched from the window for the next hour as he suffered through two more orgasm as their boy toy. When I went back out he was looking very proud of himself, no longer a virgin. What was I to do? I just made sure they understood that Martin can not know about this. And it was well after Brian turned 18 that he found out. I think it was that day he decided to stay for the whole summer." "Martin and I are not really nudist and usually wear cloths around the house, but, if for instance, one of us goes to get the morning coffee as often as not we don't put anything on, unless it's cold. The reason we are naked around the house more often is that we get in a randy mood and get it on right were we are." "As the summer wore on he kept our home made porno's on the big screen TV most of the day and was more often than not walking around sporting his boner. I didn't realize that between the tapes I brought with me and the one's Martin already had there were over 100 tapes of Martin and his friends or me and mine. Some of the tapes of me I had never actually watched and many of the guys I did I didn't remember. During the day I would usually find some reason to be naughty and parade naked for a little while, but most of the time he saw me nude was by the pool. That first few weeks, when his dad would come home he would get dressed and put back the tapes." "That changed when one evening in the early fall when Martin had come home early telling me about a threesome he had with a client and one of the new girls at the office. Of course that always gets me going and so ten minutes later when Brian comes home from school, he walks into the kitchen I am bent over against the door frame taking it from behind. Brian almost runs into me as he comes in looking for an after school snack. Martin only misses one stroke before recovering and asks Brian how school was, as calmly as can be. Brian wasn't nearly the man of the world he thought himself to be and just stood there looking down between my buns at his dad's dick going in an out of my pussy. Martin had to ask him again before Brian gave a incoherent reply and stared to back away. Martin knew he had to say something or things would get tense, so still as normal as can be, he tells Brian can leave if what we were doing upset him, but he is free to stay if he wants. Brian was way freaked out by now and went up to his room. However, less than five minutes later he was back though, now composed he scooted by me to get into the kitchen. It was painfully funny to see him trying to act as normal as he could he got a Coke out of the fridge and asked what we were doing for supper. While Brian watched Martin and I fuck, the three of us discussed where we wanted to go out to eat. When Martin was ready to cum told him to do it in my mouth because I didn't want to get the floor sticky, so I turned over and swallowed his jiz. Brian meanwhile, watched, but clearly wanting to look like he was just waiting for diner. It wasn't until years later that Brain told us how that had been the strangest day in his life.""The next evening Brian turned on a tape of me he particularly liked just before his dad was due home. When Martin came in the living room Brian was beating his meat with abandon. I of course had told Martin that Brian did this almost every day, so he was not phased when he walked in. Martin commented about how sexy I was and went to our room to get changed. From then on nudity and sex was a non-issue." "Wow," I wish you'd have been my step mother" said Heather who had been rung out by Ramón had joined the relaxing group on the other side of the fire. "My step mom was a total bitch and my dad. well I'll put it this way he actually called the police when he found my boyfriend sneaking out of our house early one morning."Cooper poked at the fire. While Judy had been talking, he watched when Heather flailed in response to Ramón's magic before she too collapsed in exhaustion. Martin, still fucking Bonnie watched Heather's big O and then arched his back in what was apparently his orgasm. Brian was working on his own wife in the missionary position with a steady slapping sound coming from his work. Cooper figured he was not ready to quit any time soon. "So Judy" Cooper asked "Did the boys who ran off after you caught them jacking off at spring break come back?" "Oh yea. Brian wasted no time in bragging to his friends that his parents let him watch porno in the living room and that his step mom tans in the nude. This of course made our house very popular. At first the boys would just happen to drop by soon after I would lay out at the pool. They didn't come out, but I could hear them at the windows. At first it was funny, but then it was just annoying, so I finally just walked into the house buck naked and asked the boys why they just look out the window rather than come swimming. That was too much for some of the boys, but a number started coming out to the pool. Some, but only one was brave enough to follow Brian's lead to skip the trunks." Cooper was listing carefully when he noticed Mandy motion Bonnie to come over. Bonnie did so and soon Bonnie was atop Mandy's face. Cooper's attention was drawn however, away from his wife to his boss who had was now sitting next to Ramón, and to Cooper's immense surprise, took both hands and began to give Ramón a hand job. Cooper completely lost what Judy was saying as he starred at Mr. LeMarco's hands going up and down that thick shaft and when Mr. LeMarco's mouth covered the fat head he was all the more lost. Cooper remembered Mr. LeMarco talking about getting cum from the source, now he knew what he meant. Part of him knew this was disgusting, a guy sucking a guy. But, given the fact that Bonnie lay not three feet from them receiving oral sex from a woman seemed sexy - why should two girls be hot and two guys be gross? This is too much to think about. Cooper could see Brian watching his dad suck dick, but rather than repulse him Brian was soon collapsing after shooting his third load of the night. With out hesitation, Mandy moved her body around so she and Bonnie were doing a 69. Of course Brian's semen would now be dripping into her mouth. Until this past summer Bonnie never would eat cum, now she seemed to love it. But to be honest he also liked eating cum. Taking a cue from the women, Ramón and Mr. LeMarco were soon doing each other in 69. Then unbidden the realization came to him, he would gladly switch places with any of the four engaged oral sex. He would love to eat a pussy oozing with cum or he would, as Mr. LeMarco had said, take it from the source. Cooper realized that Judy was no longer speaking. He looked over at her to see a look of concern on her face. "I hope Martin and Ramón aren't freaking you out?" "To be honest at first it was a shock. I've never seen a guy suck another guy before." "But you like watching a girl go down on a girl" Tina chimed in. "Yea, that's just it." Cooper admitted. Heather added "And you didn't hesitate to go down on me this morning after Brian had creamed my pie." Cooper could not disagree. She continued "So your not a total homophobe. It think it's cool to watch two guys go at it" "Yea - OK - I'm not a homophobe," Cooper said defensively. "So ya want to try it?" Heather sounding anxious "Not at this second." Cooper retorted and then added, "I'm just too tired to do anything right now." "Let him off the hook Heather" Judy said in a motherly voice "Now you have interrupted my story, and I was just getting to the that stuff anyway. You see, Martin has been willing to do guys in group settings since before I knew him and it was just a matter of time before Brian stumbled on a scene of his dad taking it down his throat." "The first time it happened I was actually there, it was a video of Martin of and the second Mrs. LeMarco, and she was taking it reverse cowgirl in an easy chair. Well Martin got in front and started liking her clit. Brian is whacking away watching this. Then the camera shows he is actually licking both her clit and the guys dick. I'm not sure if Brian realized it at first but a few seconds later she lifts completely off this guy and Martin makes a couple of oral strokes on the post before putting her pussy back on this guy. "Now I knew there was no way Brian had missed that, but like I said before, Brian wanted to seem so grown up and sophisticated, and here in this video was his dad at a party of beautiful sexy people and no one seemed to take notice that he was giving this guy head. So Brian chose not to notice it either, even though his dad repeated that several times until the last time this guy starts to cum and she lifts off just as the first shot of jizz shoots out, Martin swallows the rod whole before the camera moved to another couple."*** A week or so latter, though Brian asked me if Martin were gay, I had to laugh at that one. I pointed out that I'm not a lesbian but I eat pussy much more often than Martin eats cock. We had a nice talk on sex just being fun and not trying to make it into something its not. I told my first few sex partners were girls simply because they were my friends. Then I put him on the spot when I asked if he and his buddies had jacked each other while watching the porno's. He blushed and said they had. So I told him giving head is simply jacking with your mouth. A couple of weeks latter when I got home from shopping Brian is all excited and says, "We did it." I had not clue what he meant and he told me he and his buddies had blown each while they watched one of my tapes. This was the first time he would tell me of his sexual exploits, but not the last.""It's just not fair," Heather said. "I needed a step mom like you. NOT FAIR!""OK I'll be your step-mom Heather." Judy said reaching back to hug her, "You can come talk to me anytime you want." Cooper returned to Judy's story, "But if any other guys from his school found out about that he'd be dead". "Yea that would have been true but the four guys never let that out to the school. This all happened in August and school started soon after and with school came girls. We threw a big Labor Day Pool party the second week of school to help Brian meet new people. I had the best caterer in town provide far more food than they thought was necessary, that was a hit with the guys. I wore a tiny thong bikini, that was a hit that was also hit with the guys. "I made sure our pool house had over a dozen loaner thong bikinis, that was a hit first with the girls and then of course the guys. I guess there were about 25 kids there and when they explored the house and found they found had three unused and unsupervised bedrooms they were excited. "When the word got around that the every bedroom had mirrors above the bed and bowel of condoms. I acted like I was asleep as I heard the kids discuss some of the things they found in the house. I could see we had hit a home run. Of particular interest to the kids was the large nude oil painting of me that hung in our game room. I got a little nervous when I saw the kids passing around the Home Grown box with me on the cover and a photo of me doing two guys on the back. I had Brian retrieve it for me. "Of course by then the rumor was that Brian's dad's live-in girlfriend was a porn star. I guess it was because of that Brian's friends liked hanging out at our house. For those two years he was in high school we seemed to have kids at our house all the time. Brian quickly became popular with both the girls and guys. What was funny was, that after the initial rush of kids, he found he was most comfortable with the academic crowd."Cooper asked. "With all those kids there what about your commitment to not changing your life style?" "We did modify it some, but we didn't quit. When there were new kids in the house we didn't know we were very careful. But as time went on and the same six or eight kids were there all the time we loosened up.""For instance eventually I went back to occasional nudity around the house when only the regular's were there, remember that those were the same guys who watched me sunbath for over a month. Like with Brian the real issue was when and where could we have sex." "We didn't really intentionally resolve it, it just took care of itself. The kids who liked hanging out at our house were somewhat sexually active, but still in the experimental stage; I knew that because of my talks with the girls and Brian's regular updates on his sexual activities. As the condom supplier, via the bowels in the bedrooms, I also knew this group progressively used more and more condoms so we gradually became less careful about when and where we did it. As you can expect the gang eventually walked in on us." Cooper, very into the story asked, "What happened?" "One Sunday afternoon in December, Martin, Monica and I were in a fuck pretzel on the game room floor, between the bar and the pool table, and because of the music we didn't hear the kids come in. I guess they didn't see us because where we were. First thing we know is about eight kids (guys and girls) were looking down at the three of us on the floor. We couldn't just tell them they could watch like we did with Brian, but we didn't want to pretend we were embarrassed. It came to me; I looked up from Monica's crotch and asked did they want to shoot pool now, or could we have the room for a while longer. "Not surprisingly they let us have the room. After that we didn't worry if the kids were in another room we just did it when and where we liked, and if they came in we just asked a similar question. It wasn't long before we started walking in on couples or groups and they would ask us something the same." "Except for me and Jeanette," said Brian, who had joined the group a few minutes earlier. "You liked watching us do it, didn't you?" "Yes I guess I did" Judy answered "I think I mentioned Brian did have a long term girlfriend in high school. Her name was Jeanette. She was one of the girls who hung around a lot before they became a couple. She was also one of the kids who walked in on Martin, Monica and I.""Hey, If they are going to hear about my sex life in high school, I'll tell it." Brian began, but he was interrupted by a noticeable groan form the other side of the fire. It was evident to Cooper that either Martin or Ramón had cum - or maybe both and clearly swallowing every drop the other man had to offer. Now only Mandy and Bonnie were still busy and Cooper could hardly see any movement at all as they lay side by side in Sapphic mutual pleasure. "As I was saying before my dad so rudely interrupted by cumming so loudly" Brian continued. "I'll tell you what happed. I caught bits and pieces of what she was saying about me during that first summer at Dad's place; doing her friends on Saturday afternoons, and about me and my buddies giving each other head. Did she tell you how when I would go into the living room and start jacking off by myself to one of her tapes she would regularly just happen to take a shower and wonder through the room naked. "Oh yea she was quite a tease. And she was about to tell you about Jeanette. I first met her at that Labor Day party. She was with her boyfriend Mike Hammond, but when I went up to my room during the party I found her fucking Steve Billings in my bed. I knew I would like her when she didn't flinch when I interrupted her getting it doggie style; just smiling at me as I closed the door. That fall went on we became good friends and like Judy said, she was one of the regular crowd at my house." "The night my friends and I walked into Dad, Judy and Monica having sex in the family room, It was a bit much for most of them to actually see Dad and Judy doing it right on the floor of the pool room, and the fact they were both doing it with some woman as well was way over the top. They hustled up to my bedroom after they had all gotten over the shock of what we had seen. Up in my room there were some giggles and then to a discussion of how different my parents were from theirs about sex. "As we talked the crew agreed the most shocking thing of all was that after being caught, completely naked and doing the nasty, that Dad and Judy didn't even try to hide or even cover up. I had to tell the crew about their lifestyle and how having sex in front of other people was normal for them. From their reaction it was clear that although none of them were virgins, none of them had done it in front of other people, and certainly couldn't imagine "old people" doing that. I didn't dare tell them about me and Judy's friends." "Of course they knew about the spare bedrooms with condom bowls, but only now they realized why the three spare rooms all had mirrors over the bed. There was a mixed reaction to the idea of someone seeing you have sex and it was at this point one of guys, who had seen the some of my parents home videos suggested we watch one with the girls. Most of the girls had seen the box of Judy's Homegrown Video before and evidently had talked among themselves about wanting to see it. Jeanette was quick to tell us that fact, and told me to turn one on. I loved shocking them so I decided to pull out one of the newest videos which I knew none of the guys had seen. "I got one that had been shot in the house some time in that spring or early summer. It had Dad and Judy and 2 other couples having a skinny dipping party in our pool. The video opened with everyone already naked and playing in the water. It wasn't long before we were watching one of the women sit on the side of the pool with Judy eating her out as she stood in the shallow end then dad pushed Judy out of the way and began to fuck her with Judy just sitting next to them watching." "I think it was Suzette who was most shocked because she couldn't understand how Judy could deal with dad fucking that women right in front of her. Jeanette said she thought it was totally awesome and wanted that kind of relationship, I could tell that that did not get a great reaction from her boyfriend Mike. That is when I first really took an interest in her. Well Jeannette went on to say how she thought monogamy was unnatural and she had no plans to ever be monogamous. When Mike said she had better be monogamous since she was 'his' girl, it lead to a nasty fight which ended in Mike storming out and Jennet yelling he was going to miss a great show watching her get fuck us guys." "A few uncomfortable minutes went by as we all watched the video on the TV the there was a 3 man - 2 woman tangle of bodies on the family room floor with the extra woman acting as cameraman and narrator. Then with out saying a word Jennet gets up and left the room. We all assumed she was leaving to patch things up with Mike when she came back in with one of the condom bowls in her hand. She threw one to Brad, Ken and I and put down the bowl saying 'let's get with it'. At first we thought she was joking, but when she had pulled off her tee-shirt and undid her bra we knew she intended to do what she said." "Now remember that Jeanette was 16 at the time, and although she was no beauty queen, she was pretty. I guess to most people she fit the image of the nerd, school news paper editor. At that time she was about 5' 3" and I guess 125 pounds, short mousy brown hair and standing there topless, great teenage tits; full and firm. This was just too much for Suzette, she left right off, but Tonya just sat in my desk chair glassy eyed. With out boring you with the details, in quick time we were all over Jeanette and putting the condoms to good use one after another. For the whole first round Tonya just sat there mesmerized. It was halfway through the second round of condoms that, with out a word, she slipped out of her cloths and onto the bed. "I guess we fucked for hours, because by the time we ran out of steam it was late afternoon. Finally when the guys and Tonya left, Jeanette and I lay on the bed for the next hour or so talking, of course never bothering to get dressed. It was a first time experience for me. She had lots of questions and I ended up telling her about me jacking off in front of Judy, Judy's being nude at the pool and in the house and me fucking Judy's friends by the pool and even the fact that I by then identified myself as bi and had blown both Ken and Brad. I just told her everything. If she hadn't seen Judy and Dad fucking in the game room that morning I'm not sure if she would have believed it all, but as it was she did." It was like an hour latter when Judy opened the door to my room and seeing us laying there naked just "I guess it's not just us old folks". . Jeanette was not prepared for that and the fact that Judy didn't immediately shut the door was both scary and reassuring to her. She told me later she had to make herself lay still, exposed on the bed when her instinct was to cover up. Judy had come upstairs to tell us she would have dinner ready soon and Jeanne was free to join us, and as she was turning to leave she added with a smile that if we wanted we could get dressed first, but it wasn't necessary. "After Judy went down stairs Jeanette asked if Judy was just kidding. Of course I assured her she was not. Though Jeanette said she considered waltzing down the stairs in her birthday suit, she was spared the decision because when she called home to check in her parents told her she needed to get home, but not before we had one last quickie." "Though Jeanette and I began to talk on the phone regularly, she had patched things up with Mike, but did not tell him of our talks. In our calls she kept talking about how fun and free she felt that day at my house. She kept telling me how good the sex had been as a group thing and how she could live that way if Mike could just buy into it. It didn't help matters between them that my house had become the hang out place for most of our friends.""On many Friday and Saturday nights from about midnight to dawn our group would just hang out - we would talk and down beers from the fridge, watch MTV or movies with out being hassled by parents. When things began getting kinky the dating couples, like Jeanette and Mike, would move into the spare bedrooms to fuck in private. But those of us who were unattached would just have fun I the game room as a group. Some times it was just messing around flashing and stuff, some times there was just some feeling up or even blow jobs. A couple times there was even some discreet fucking under the afghan on the couch." "It was on a Saturday night in the spring after Mike had gone to sleep in a guest room that Jan came downstairs angry at Mike for not bothering to ensure she got off before he passed out. Since Mike had done his thing and crashed in less than a half an hour things were just getting started down stairs. Now to be honest, none of us in my group were exactly model types, we were the nerdy set, generally ignored by the beautiful popular kids.. So when Jeaneet arrived she found Karen giving Brad head on the couch while Tonya was topless and were playing a game of pool with Ken and I. It did not look like a porno movie because we were not all gorgeous -but being 16 or 17 the girls bodies were still tight, even Karen who was a little on the heavy side looked hot when on occasion she let her young double D tits swinging free. Brad and I who were both skinny as rails but Ken who was more physically developed and just happed to have the biggest dick in our group. But it curved oddly to the left when hard." "Jennet knew we all played arround when she and Mike went upstairs on these hang out nights, but seeing us for the first time just made her more mad at Mike. After asking if she could join us shooting pool or should she join Karen working on Brad's cock. I, of course, asked us to join us and half jokingly suggested she loser her shirt like Tonya. Not to be outdone by her friend, she did toss her top and bra on the bar but then pulled off her shorts and panties as well to shoot in the buff. "As you can imagine we didn't shoot to much longer. An hour or so later Trey and Melissa came down after they had been playing upstairs, found all six of us naked and busy. I was drilling Jeanette on the couch, while the other four were engaged in a group grope on the rug. At first it appeared that Melissa wanted to leave, but they got beers and watched for a while. After some discussion they shed their cloths and began to play, first just doing each other then splitting up with other people. This was the first big orgy any of us had been in. Jeanette was riding Ken, while leaning over to play with Melissa's nice C cup tits when Mike stumbled in. It was evident before he said anything he was angry and when Jeanette invited him to join in he exploded. Jeanette took her time to get off of Ken, but when she did and tried to reason with Mike, it got bad."When she refused to get dressed he called her a whore. That was when she lit into him, yelling she did not belong to him and would do who she wanted when she wanted from now on. She screamed at him to leave and let her get back to her fucking which she pointed out was much better than any she got from him. He left calling all of us sick perverts." "Of course the screwing had stopped and we were unsure what to do next when Jeanette suggested we take a beer and piss break before we get back to business. We started to do so when Judy appeared at the door asking if everything was all right, because she had heard yelling. Well you never saw such a scramble for cover as those kids did then. Like a flash everyone was behind something, except Jeanette and I."Brian stopped his narrative and looked at Cooper "For those have never been to dad's place, the game room is off the kitchen. It's a good sized room with a full sized pool table, an old pinball machine and a full wet bar in addition to a couch and two Lazy Boy rockers. So the kids had plenty of places to hide from .. "bum. bum . bum" .the parent. Jeanette and I didn't flinch though, sipping our beers in our birthday suits and my prick standing at full attention. Jan explained that she and her boyfriend had just broken up, but everything is fine now. So, Judy left after apologizing for disturbing us and for her appearance explaining she thought someone had been hurt. When everyone came out from hiding there was amazement that Jeanette and I didn't hide, and that Judy didn't even comment on the fact we were naked or that we were holding cans of Coors and, from those who had peeked out from their hiding places, about Judy's appearance. "During the cooler months of the year Judy wore a tee-shirt to bed, but not a night shirt, a normal tee-shirt which as often as not did not cover her pussy, and several of my friends had peeked out to see my step-mom standing in the door with a Beatles tee-shirt that failed to cover her from the clit down. It was agreed I had the coolest parents in the world, and one of the guys added the hottest step-mom." "Before the party broke up we had to go upstairs and get more condoms out of the bowls upstairs. I had done all four girls at least once but none of the guys since we didn't know how Trey would react by male bi stuff. That didn't stop Jeanette - she tasted all three girls snatches as well as taking on all of the guys. Although I've been in more orgies than I can count, that first was special. When we were cleaning up the can's and condoms it was Jeanette who suggested we leave the condom wrappers in the bowl and took a pen and wrote 'Thanks Judy' on the top wrapper. That became a tradition that when we had parties to leave the open condom wrappers in the bowl with a thank you.""Jeanette and I became an item after that, though by mutual agreement neither of us had any intention of being monogamous. With the help of her friends who pretended to have her sleeping over she generally spent one night a week with me. Sadly, Mike made sure she quickly gained a reputation as a first class slut." "I guess it was the fact she was a natural leader at school and the president of the honor society, that she didn't cower at the slurs. In fact after Mike told everyone she would fuck just about anyone. Most high school girls would be weakened by such attacks, but it gave her strength and courage to openly espouse her newly found opposition to abstinence and monogamy. She styled herself as a neo-hippy and began dressing and acting the part at school. She latter used her position as the Honor-Society President and notoriety as a free love hippy to persuade her friends, and later the school nurse, to launch a safe sex campaign at school. This became her whole lifestyle during her last year in high school""I remember one night during the fall of our senior year we crashed a party of the jock crowd. She had a bowl of condoms and contraceptive sponges to hand out. "She had done this at other parties but this was the only time I went with her and saw her in action. It didn't take long for one of the macho ball players to make a crack about using a condom on her. This was her cue to begin what she said was a routine which she used at most parties, Her prepared answer was 'sure, if your up to it' he backed down. "She later told me that the first guy rarely followed through. One of the football linebackers said he would use one on her and he motioned for her to follow him to another room. She stood firm and in an impatient tone said this is an educational visit and it would do no good to hide in the bedroom, then she ridiculed him by asking why was he afraid of doing it here and reached over and began undoing his pants. "It was obvious that he wanted out of this but she left no face saving way to do so. So when she stooped down in front of him and pulled his pants and boxers down to his ankles, he just stood there red faced -and limp. After several minutes of trying unsuccessfully to perk him up with her hands, she stood and asked if there was anyone on our school's ball team with a working set of balls. By this time several guys had obvious bulges in their pants, so with out asking she stooped down and unzipped the nearest pair of bulged jeans. "This time she first reached into the open fly and rubbed the boy to full staff before unbuttoning his pants and pulled the red organ free. With a flourish she ripped open the condom pack. Looking around the cheerleaders and girlfriends she said 'girls, safe sex means the condom goes on before you give head.' And she rolled the purple latex down just before putting the head in her mouth. She didn't give him head too long because it appeared he was going to pop, so with out letting go of the cock she stood, turned and flipping up her miniskirt revealing she had no panties on. "She braced herself against a big lineman and with her free hand and guided the stunned quarterback into her. In less than ten thrusts he was cumming. Less than five minutes after unzipping the quarterback's pants Jan was done and handing out condoms to the still stunned girls. For the next half hour she ignored the other guys pleas to let them do her and chatted with the few girls who did not see her as a pariah. "Just before she left she asked the girls who was the nicest guy there. They pointed out one of the trainers. And she gave him the same as she gave the quarter back, but he lasted a good 15 minutes before blowing his load into the condom. All this time I had just waited inconspicuously near the door and when she gave the trainer a thank you kiss, she and I headed out. We had been there just at an hour and I was painfully horny. Over the next year she did this same 'safe sex' party crashing at least a dozen times with different social groups. I say crashing because she got a reputation in the city was invited to a number of the parties, usually by girls involved in safe sex projects." "A few weeks after that first orgy it was mid-April and warm enough to open the swimming pool because it was heated we could start swimming before it was warm enough to sun. Of course it was only a matter of days before Jan and I went out to the pool to find Judy already there. Jeanne knew I had jacked off in front of Judy, and as we played in the water, she began to get hot on the idea of letting my step-mom watch us fuck. Thus after just a few minutes of playing in the pool she began to mess with me. First just little flirts, then diving under the water for a quick dick suck. Soon I was standing in about four feet of water with Jeanette's legs wrapped around my waist bobbing up and down on my pole. While she rode my dick she carried on a conversation with Judy who soon took a seat on the steps watching us. Jan used the opportunity to ask many questions she had been waiting to ask about Judy's sexual history. It was during this conversation that dad came home from work and came out onto the pool deck. "As you all know dad doesn't need an engraved invitation to a fuck party and with out asking he striped out of his work cloths right on the deck and waded into the water to sit next to Judy. Dad, being dad, wasn't going to just have a pleasant conversation while watching a couple fuck: son or no son - and in short order she was standing on the steps was dad plowed her from behind. Now we were the voyeurs. I'd seen them fuck before but this was way better and when Dad began to cum I did too." "That whole story was to say from that day until I left for college we rarely bothered to go upstairs to play, most of the time we were on the pool deck, or in the family room. Judy loved to watch us go - and at that age we could go on for hours. More than once I saw dad attacked by Judy as he walked in the door because Jeanette and I have been fucking all day. "During that summer between our junior and senior years Jan almost lived with us. Judy did finally have to put some restrictions on when the whole gang could come and hang out because she had her own friends and they couldn't come while all those minors were naked fucking in and around the pool. Of course that rule didn't apply to Jeanette, but we were a little more discrete when Judy's friends were over. The core of our group hung out on Friday and Saturday nights and on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. The gang who were almost were there were Jeanette and I, Ken, Brad, Tonya, and Karen, with a dozen or so others coming and going. By mid-summer, as long as it was the six of us Judy didn't pay much attention and regularly sunned by the pool. Now it was funny to see the gang's face the first time they were all skinny dipping and Judy walked out to her chase lounge and then dropped her towel before laying out in the buff. As Judy lost her inhibitions around the gang, they too soon lost the inhibition to stay naked even out of the pool and after Jeanette and I set the example by fucking on the chase next to Judy as she tanned, the gang began fuck when ever and where ever they chose, even if Judy was around. Jeannette as part of her free sex bit was all about bi-sexuality. Though the girls were quick to follow her lead, and the guys had all done each other, it took some persuading by Jeanette for the guys to go suck dick with the girls present. But Jeanne could be very persuasive, one day she got the girls to agree not do give any head unless we gave each other head in front of them. Blue balls are a powerful motivator so after that bi was the norm if were just the six of us. That is not to say it was always or usually just the six of us, especially at our late night hang out sessions on the weekends. I guess we usually had ten or twelve people hanging at the house. After the big to do that Mike had made after the first group sex day, we tried to be careful about what we did around people we did not know. All in all it was a pretty cool senior year for me." Brian's story wound up but Mandy looked at Judy and queried "Did you really keep your hands off all those young guys naked at your house?" Judy smiled, "ME? Do an underage boy? Outrageous you should ask." Brain added, "She's never admitted doing them before they turned 18, but during my senior year my friends turned 18 one at a time and I know most of them received pussy from her for a present." Judy added with a laugh "Most? If I missed any it was a mistake." By now everyone was once again turned on, but even with dicks hard and cunts dripping, it had been a long day and no one had the energy to much more than stroke themselves or someone close to them. It was also getting a little cool now that the sweaty bodies were no longer active, so blankets coverer most of the exposed skin.After a pause Judy resumed her narrative. "Brian and Jan were really busy with school, college entrance stuff and their clubs. He didn't mention that he wrote for the paper and was working as in intern for his dad. This gave them odd hours that often conflicted. Starting in the summer Jeanette began coming over to tan even when Brian wasn't home. She evidently didn't have a great relationship with her mom, so she sorta adopted me. When they were both off together I must say they were hot. Many times I would be watching TV in the family room with Jeanette when Brian and his dad would get home from interning and they would immediately go at it. Usually they would just start on the couch making out but they would inevitably end up on the floor. I must say I never saw anyone who could fuck as long with out a break as Brian could in those days. Once I remember they started just as a movie was coming on. The laid on their sides spooning slowly as they watched the movie, then got more active during the commercials. But during the whole 2 hours movie I don't think his dick came out of her once. As you all know Martin works long hours, but when he comes home he is ready to go at it, Walking in on Brain and Jan on the floor just fuels the fire- and of course I'm more than ready after watching hem for an hour or more. I guess at least once every week or two Martin and I were on the floor next to them but there was no way Martin could keep going like Brian. So even if Martin and I started an hour after them we would be laying exhausted while the teenagers where still fucking and sucking." Brian cut in, "But like she said we were busy with conflicting schedules. So it was convenient that we had an open relationship. I would dare say very few days went by when I didn't get some pussy or dick." "That's probably true" Judy added "And when you were with one of your regular crew I might find you in any room of the house banging or slurping away, It was only when you did it with Jeanette did I sit and watch or did your dad and I do it in the room with you" "Yea, but you found lots of reasons to come around while I was busy with different people," Brian retorted. Judy gave a wide eyed denial "You think I made up reasons to come into the room you were using?" "Like the time Ken and I were doing Karen in the formal dinning room" Brain looked Judy then turned to the others "Oh yea, Ken and I had convinced Karen to let us make her into a sundae on the dinning room table. For those who've not been to Dad and Judy's place the formal dinning room has one entrance opening to the family room and a swinging door or the wall going into the kitchen. Of course we knew it was likely that Judy would "catch" us messing around, but that was part of the fun. The whole gang loved it when Judy or Dad would catch us in the act, it heightened the excitement. Well we had her lay on the table naked, and had poured the chocolate syrup and strawberry topping and just started with the whipped cream when Judy walks by. A few minutes later when we were finishing by putting cherries on each tit, Judy comes back barking at us saying we had better not get any of that on the chairs or carpet. We assured her we would not and would clean up all the mess and she left. I was eating the sundae between Karen's legs when Judy came back saying not to mind her she just needed to get something out of the china cabinet." Judy cut in "I was doing spring cleaning." "Yea right, it just happed then. You were voyeuring," Brian shot back with a smirk. "Well maybe a little." "Well over the next hour or so while Ken and I first licked up Karen, then while she made a double sundae of our two dicks and then licked us clean Judy came in and out three more times. We decided the table might not take all of us on it so we went to the game room to fuck. Karen was the only one of the gang who really liked to have Ken's big dick in her ass, so he sat on one of the lazy boy's and she sits on his big post facing me so I could do her cunt. She loved to be double fucked, especially if she had an audience. And she was right to think she would have an audience because no sooner had I pushed my dick all the way in, Judy decides she needed something out of the game room.""But I did leave the game room" Judy protested the smiled broadly ".but watched from the kitchen for a while." Martin ended the stories, buy telling everyone we were due in Port Royal tomorrow and had to get back to the San Denero. Continued in part 7... *** Permission granted to Kristen's Archive for the entertainment of their readers. Copy-write retained by the author.
It was that time of year when woodland plants, newly charged with liquid power, churn the earth in their struggle to the light, and when birds and frogs monotonously advertise their availability. Dreadnaught, as he printed his proud hooves in the soft April soil and rocked smooth muscles beneath his master's loins, was dreaming of complaisant mares. His master, too, was not immune to seasonal blandishment. Mr. James Gosford, 21, was an honourable man whose ruminations about his beloved Miss Elizabeth Carleton usually lay upon the highest moral plane. But not today.Thus as he rode along, in the eye of his genius he imagined Miss Carleton sprawled before him upon a bearskin rug, her well-turned and deliciously bare ankles peeking out shyly from beneath her frock. And now, with an insouciant and wanton air, she was drawing up gown and petticoats alike, exposing in a trice to his concupiscent gaze her alabaster limbs, from sole to mid-thigh. But she drew no higher.James ceased his deliberations at this point, but not out of a sense of delicacy toward Miss Elizabeth. He firmly believed that a man's private thoughts harm no one. Rather it was because of the unfortunate fact that Mr. Gosford had never actually seen what lies between a lady's legs, nor despite considerable effort had he ever been able to quite imagine what might be there.One might think that, as master of his domains, he would long since have seized upon some wretched serving wench and subjected her to an intimate and embarrassing inspection under the pretext of looking for some missing trifle. But dissimulation was not a part of his character, nor did he fancy fouling his own nest.Or visiting London, perhaps he could have engaged the services of a doxy, who for a shilling would have shown him her secret parts and for half a crown introduced him to their usage. But his natural decency and genuine respect for all of womankind encompassed even the bawd. James sighed deeply as he approached the stables and dismounted stiffly. Once again he mused upon how difficult it was to remain pure.As he handed off Dreadnaught to his man and approached the manor, he reflected upon the words of St. Paul."It is better to marry than to burn." It was time to write the most important letter of his young life. SodallApril 17, 1813 My Dear Mr. and Mrs. Carleton,It has scarcely been a fortnight since I was the recipient of your most kind hospitality at Dallylong, and it would under normal circumstances be presumptuous for me to request so soon that you once more extend that same generousity. But Mrs. Carleton did importune me on no less than four occasions to return quickly, lest I lose the hand of Miss Elizabeth to another suitor.Black ink can hardly express with what eagerness I anticipate seeing Miss Elizabeth again. How pleasantly the time passed at my late visit! In particular, I remember the evening before I left, when we were all assembled in the drawing room and Miss Elizabeth played upon the lute and sang. Perhaps it was my fulsome praise which caused her to cease in embarrassment. I could have listened for hours. In any event, when she put down her instrument and began to speak to me in a most pleasant, sprightly, and witty manner, (even on occasion teazing me delicately), I somehow managed to respond in kind. We smiled and began to laugh. And so the two of us, in the presence of your handsome family, engaged in a most delightful intercourse. But so smitten was I that I was often adrift in the sea of her wit, and to some of her sallies I could scarcely ejaculate an appropriate reply.I pine to see Miss Elizabeth again, and am determined to know if what is in her heart matches what is in mine. If it does, there may yet be a certain impediment to our union. As this is of a most delicate nature, I shall discuss it with her alone. But I assure you as a gentleman that my intentions are honourable, and favourable to your family.You may share the contents of this letter with Miss Elizabeth, so that she might prepare her heart for my visit. But if I have misjudged her, and she desires not that I come, please advise me plainly, and I will remain here in deep sorrow. Otherwise, please give to my servant bearing this missive the earliest date convenient. I await your reply with great expectations. Your obedient, etc.Mr. James Gosford, Esq.The reply to his letter being wholly favourable, Mr. Gosford instructed the cook to prepare him a pic-nic luncheon for his journey. His friend the Earl had invented a cunning means of placing meat between two slices of bread. James commanded that several of these be made, and packed beside them two goatskins of the very best sack.He mounted Dreadnaught early in the morning. They took the main road on a southwesterly course through Knobrot, Sheepshag, and all the other estates which annoyingly interposed themselves between Sodall and Dallylong. By late afternoon he believed he must be near his goal, but as one forest looks like another, he could not be certain. Dreadnaught was tired, and snorted at the smell of water. James therefore led him off the main road and down a small path which led through a tiny meadow to a brook. They both drank deeply and returned to the meadow. Dreadnaught began to graze. James unpacked and laid out all his victuals upon a cloth. But before he began to eat, he took a quick look about him. Finding himself quite alone, he unbuttoned his breeches, drew out his pego, stood astride the small path, and began to water the earth.But scarcely had he begun this necessary task, when to his utter amazement there suddenly appeared in front of him, exiting the woods on the very path he stood astride, none other than Miss Elizabeth Carleton!"Good day, Mr. Gosford", she cried. "I have come from..." but then, perceiving his delicate state, she could not continue, but instead burst into merry laughter.Mr. Gosford did not immediately reply, for Miss Carleton, being distracted, was advancing upon him relentlessly, and it seemed certain they must collide. Immediately he jerked to his left, so that for a tiny moment a lovely golden arc hung in the air, illuminated by a single dappled ray. Its evanescent beauty dissolved in an instant as it spattered upon the thirsty earth. Miss Carleton, too, turned abruptly to her left, and so by this elegant pas de deux, so reminiscent of their gavotte at the Bumfodder's ball, she was in no wise besmirched."Good day, Miss Carleton. It seems that upon our every meeting I am somehow reduced to mortification." he said dryly.This comment instantly cut her to the quick. They indeed had a long history of mutual mortification. Their respective pride and prejudice had caused each of them to grievously misjudge the other at their first meeting, and for many months thereafter. When the truth came out, it was so at odds with their previous misconceptions that they both were entirely mortified. She quickly uttered the first thing that came to mind in a desperate attempt to atone for her immodest merriment."My dear Mr. Gosford, please excuse if you can my rude behavior, which unexpectedly issued out of thoughtless surprise. What you are doing is what we must all do, and therefore there is no shame in it. Nor am I distressed, for I am not completely innocent of the sight of the male organ of generation."But hardly had she spoken, than she clapt her hands over her mouth, as if to silence herself. But her words echoed accusingly in the air."My dear Miss Carleton, I believe you have read the letter I sent to your father, and know I come to Dallylong as a serious suitor. I would not think ill of you, but I must request a further explication of your last statement.""Very well, Mr. Gosford, I will gladly do so, and you will realize that there is no impropriety whatsoever in it. Late last summer all my family were invited to Crimcon estate for some festivity, I disremember what. Perhaps it was a bear-baiting or a fox-hanging or other similar harmless country amusement. But as I was slightly indisposed, I remained behind."While taking a constitutional about the grounds, I heard an angry cry from the stable. Fearing an injury to a servant and wishing to give succor, I called out at the entrance. The stablemaster quickly appeared, and suggested that I return to the manor. I told him plainly that he was impertinent, that all parts of the demesne are open to any family member. I charged him to tell me what lay inside. Still he hesitated, stating that the matter in question was not a fitting one for the eyes of a young lady. I spoke most severely to him. He then relented and said that he had caught the stableboy locked in the carnal embrace of a lamb. I immediately ordered that the miscreant be brought before me at the manor house. That being done, I dismissed the stablemaster. "The boy, a comely lad of about 15, stood before me with downcast eyes, blushing so prettily that there was scarcely any doubt in my mind as to his guilt. As he was quite unable to utter a word in response to my enquiries, I ran my hands about his chest, expecting that some small bit of wool might have clung to his clothes, providing clear evidence of his depravity. But I found nothing."Then it occurred to me that it was most likely that the lad had not, in fact, been wearing clothes at the time of his alleged indiscretion. I therefore directed him in a most stern manner to undress. Of course he demurred, pleading with me most piteously that I should spare him this indignity before a woman scarcely four years his senior. I remained adamant, and told him that if he refused my request, I should give him the sack. Now trembling in terror, he made haste to comply, and in short order stood abashed before me in a total state of nature."I knew that the circumstances of the case compelled me to put aside my maidenly modesty and look unflinchingly upon those parts which might have been in close contact with the unfortunate lamb. Casting my eyes upon the newly fledged curls which adorned the base of his manly parts, I noticed an odd grey fragment. Plucking delicately at it with my fingers, I drew it away and held it up to the light. I recoiled in horror when I ascertained it to be a telltale bit of wool. I believed this to be indisputable evidence, yet sought to perform one more test before convicting in certitude."I therefore placed my hands about his belly, which was unaccountably so slippery that my hands in error slid briefly lower, which caused him to cry out in innocent surprise. Then, bringing my hands to my face, I smelled a peculiar odour. Can you guess, Mr. Gosford, what it was?""Was it oil of wool, Miss Carleton?""Indeed it was. Therefore, finding him guilty, I bade him dress, and took him to the stablemaster, charging him to punish the boy as he saw fit. Yet I asked him not to be too harsh, for though the boy's sin was clearly an abomination, it was an abomination commonly seen in our country youth. The boy is still in our service, yet whenever he sees me, he blushes and averts his eyes."Now, my dear Mr. Gosford, I have told my tale and you have long since completed your business. Would it not be best to put that part away where it belongs, beneath the buttons of your breeches?""Unfortunately, Miss Carleton, I cannot.""And why not, Mr. Gosford?""Because during your discourse I entered into such a state that no longer can the part in question fit within the small compass my breeches provide.""And how long might we expect to see you in this regrettable condition?""If it were possible by exercise of my genius to remedy this grievous fault, it had long since been done, for I would not willingly give offense. But unfortunately, I cannot control my natural humor. Therefore it may take some time, nor of course can we appear at Dallylong while I am in this state.""Are you quite sure there is no hope, that by some subtle manipulation space may yet be found? It is said that I am quite clever with my hands.""You are most welcome to try."Miss Elizabeth was indeed quite skilled in many jobs of the hand. All sorts of needlework and the playing of musical instruments came easily to her. But of course this was new. And though she tried mightily to place the whole into the small space provided, turning it first this way and then that, it proved at last to be quite impossible. And in fact, by the time she accepted defeat, she found to her amazement that the task had become even more difficult than when she started!James then suggested that they proceed with the pic-nic, saying that if they discoursed about any topic other than that which had lately concerned them, his trouble would in time repair itself. And so they seated themselves upon the cloth and began to eat, and drink the excellent wine within the goatskin bags. They talked about where to find the best coopers and farriers, of the illnesses of horses, of the pleasure of riding to hounds, of the balls they had attended together, and of many other things. Miss Carleton was, on the whole, quite careful to keep her eyes fixed upon Mr. Gosford's handsome face, with only an occasional regrettable lapse. Yet when he at last found it possible to return to its nest that which had strayed, she felt a small pang of regret, nor did she fail to notice that James did not remember to do up his buttons.The wine had brought a most welcome flush to Miss Elizabeth's cheeks, as well as a petite and ladylike hiccup to her lips. It also emboldened her to enter as a topic of conversation a certain matter referred to in Mr. Gosford's letter."My dear, dear Mr. Gosford. You mentioned in your missive 'an impediment to our union of a most delicate nature' which you could only discuss with me. If there is some flaw in me which impedes our union, I beg you to speak of it quite truly and plainly, and if it is within my power to correct, it shall be done. And though I believe you to be the most handsome and honourable man that ever lived, if you perceive some fault in yourself, speak of it freely, and we will dispose of it. Nor should you be concerned that you might shock. Should your discourse, of necessity, touch upon country matters, I give you leave.""Very well. Quite simply, Miss Elizabeth, I do not know if we are a good fit.""Well said, well said, Mr. Gosford. There is no doubt that we have had many a misunderstanding. We have imagined in each other faults when there were none, and ignored the good. But are not those days behind us? Are we not filled with a most miraculous comprehension? Shall I not be bold and say we love each other?""Miss Elizabeth, if I do not love you, no man has ever loved. But you mistake my meaning. You have given me leave to talk of country matters.I shall speak of children, and then of the wedding night."Children are the blessing of a kind Providence, and to one day pass Sodall on to them is my heartfelt desire. Yet we all know of marriages from which there flows no issue. I cannot speak of fault; no man knows why this is so. No man, finding himself without breed, will talk of his shame. But in his cups, he may hint. And from these hints, I have come to the distressing conclusion that there are some marriages in which, by reason of anatomy alone, connubial bliss has never been realized."Let us imagine I have before me a pistol. The powder having been inserted, it is time for the wad. I place the wad at the base of the bore with a ramrod, a tool cunningly designed so that it fits within the barrel of the pistol, not loosely, but close fitting. The ramrod must slide up and down within the barrel freely, yet must fit tightly enough so it does not rattle. And so it is between a man and a woman. I have sworn to myself that I will marry no woman 'til I know that we do fit. Do you understand?""My dear Mr. Gosford, you quite take my breath away."James was concerned that Miss Elizabeth might swoon, but she did not, and in a short time she was able to continue."I had not considered this matter in the least until this very day, when I held within my hands that awesome prodigy which burst unbidden from your loins. Then I did wonder, as I sought to return it to its rightful place, what discomfort, along with what pleasure, I should feel upon my wedding night. But I soon disabused myself of all anxiety, for I understood in an instant that my womanly passage, though it at one time may be only as wide as the quill of a pen, yet at another may accommodate the head of a baby. So that its compass is not forever a fixed state, but varies greatly by necessity of task."And therefore I must state plainly that your exemplum of the bore of a pistol is an unhappy one, for a bore is ever unchanging. I offer my metaphor in its place. Look you at this goatskin bag, now empty. As it lies here flat, the sides of its neck lie against one another, leaving no space, yet we know that the wineskin may be easily filled from a keg."Let us assume that the keg has a wooden spout, which I believe is commonly called a 'woodie'. The woodie may be forced into the neck of the wineskin, which stretches about it tightly. Where the lips of the bag once lay loose, skin against skin, now they clasp about the woodie. As it pushes forward, the skin slides down on it and grows ever more tight, bulging out with the force of the thrust. The skin has obediently opened wide, and the vessel is readied for filling. And this, I imagine, for of course I have no experience in this matter, is how it must be between husband and wife."Mr. Gosford was most intrigued by the strength of this metaphor. It was fortunate that he had neglected to do up his buttons, for once again he found that the small space within his breeches was quite inadequate. He was about to beg Miss Elizabeth's pardon, for his parlous state had not gone unnoticed, when she unexpectedly continued her narration."Again under license to speak freely, I wish to illuminate something more of the secret nature of woman. It has always seemed to me an odd contrivance of society which says that a man must always be pursuing, and a maiden fleeing. It is presumed that he is ardent, she unwilling. This may be true at the onset of a courtship. But let that maiden fall in love, and all is topsy-turvy. Then she shall desire him as he does her. Is this not good? That they shall come together at last in the marital embrace, each as eager as the other? "Do not condemn me, I beg of you, for being immodest, for I must speak truly. I love you with all my heart. And it is from that love that I pray that you listen with care even if I speak indecorously. I shall shortly give you one more reason to put aside all fears you may entertain about our wedding night."A woman in love, as I am with you, shall, as I have said, feel desire quite equal to that of her swain. In his kind and gentle hands, she shall then, perforce, produce about her nether regions a copious balm, its purpose being to smooth her intimate passage. I cannot yet this day be so bold as to say what I would wish you to do to me, and I to you, were we married this day, and this pic-nic cloth were our wedding bed. But my imagination, being fierce, has sufficed to engender this lotion. I can thus offer you silent proof of my love, if you will but give me your hand."With this, Miss Elizabeth grasped his right hand, and to his utter astonishment, (and extreme gratification), slid it underneath her frock. Nor did she tarry there, but cleverly threaded his hand in a circuitous route over and under sundry articles of intimate clothing until it came to rest directly upon the mossy mount of her womanhood. She withdrew her hand.Mr. Gosford was all awhirl. Beneath her equator, he knew, lay much terra incognita. Should he not be like stout Cortez, and explore? His deep respect for her honour argued that he should remove his hand. Yet, he considered, as she had placed it there, would it not be rude to exit so soon? Therefore, he began to move it ever so gently about. Directly she showed by certain joyously exuberant motions and small satisfied cries that his attentions were not unwelcome. And as his hand naturally descended in a southerly direction, he soon came to appreciate the copious nature of her nethermost balm.Miss Carleton, being now of two minds, was now mixing the modest with the immodest in her demeanor. Her bold action in seizing his hand was designed to show nothing more to Mr. Gosford than that he should have no fears about the wedding night. If that were solely her intention, a decent respect for her virtue would have commanded his withdrawal. But now her natural humor was in the ascendency, and he could hardly be faulted if he ascertained by certain signs that she wished him to continue his amatory investigations.Thinking now about his reveries in days past, he gently drew up her frock and petticoats, expecting at any moment to hear a sharp reproach. But to his surprise, Miss Elizabeth not only made no outcry, but assisted him fully, until her privy parts lay quite bare before his astonished eyes.Mr. Gosford had wondered so long and with such futility as to what might lay between a lady's legs that he could scarcely believe his good fortune. He bent forward in close observance as he continued his exploration with both hands, but it was difficult for a man of his inexperience to quite understand what the purpose was of each of the secret parts he unveiled. Fortunately, Miss Carleton offered guidance, by moving about with greater or lesser ferocity as his hands meandered to and fro, so that he came to understand by example which parts engendered the greatest pleasure. However, the general trend of her vigor was ever upward. Her state became so perilous that Mr. Gosford could at last comprehend nothing at all, and removed his hands against such time as Miss Carleton could be satisfied with a more Platonic examination."Oh, oh, Mr. Gosford, I thought you meant to ruin me!" she cried." Miss Elizabeth, I would not be truthful should I not say that I entertain that desire. Yet I shall struggle to overcome it, out of love for you.""I had thought you would compromise my virtue!""Nay, I shall not.""I had thought you would sully my name, and that of my family!""Perhaps it will not be so.""And ravish me!""If that is your wish.""Oh, Mr. Gosford, it is!"James struggled to remove his riding boots and breeches, and brought his hands to the buttons of his shirt. This gave Miss Elizabeth time to reflect upon her decision. That her choice was unflinching was made evident when she drew off her frock along with all the numerous other items of her attire. They stood then in an utter state of nature, looking at each other in sudden wonder. They embraced and lowered themselves to the pic-nic cloth.Any slight maidenly discomfort soon gave way to the most exquisite amatory pleasure. And they both sang the same tune so perfectly that the very height of his passion was the height of hers, as if they had practiced this bliss a thousand times.When they had recovered in some measure and lay together in a transport of intimate delight, Miss Elizabeth looked down and with some amusement remarked upon a certain diminuition. Mr. Gosford responded by assuring her that such a lessening was entirely temporary. She asked him if there was aught she could do to hasten his renascence. And so they continued in pleasant badinage for awhile until they fell silent in each other's arms. They embraced not in passion, for that was spent, but in a tender and loving manner, each feeling the heartbeat of the other. And it seemed to each that they had lived all their lives as halves, and only now were they complete. And neither one felt shame, but rather that the hand of God was upon them.It was with great reluctance that they finally rose, dressed, and packed up what lay upon the ground. Mr. Gosford mounted Dreadnaught, and grasped Miss Carleton's hand. She climbed on behind him, and reached around his waist. She clutched what she believed was the pommel of his saddle. They rode off in the direction of the manor house."Mr. Gosford?""Yes?""When we are married, how often do you imagine we shall do this?""I should think every day, if you are so disposed. And if I have been away, twice upon that first day.""Most agreeable. And since, as one might say, you have been away...""Yes?""I shall come to you this night, when all the family are asleep.""And I shall speak to Mr. Carleton directly upon our arrival, and insist upon an early date. And we shall forevermore regard our wedding night as being but in a small way premature, and nothing more."She squeezed the pommel familiarly. And on they rode.END
It had been a hot summer and things only got hotter when I went to Las Vegas for a break with two of my girlfriends. We had received comped rooms from one the girl's employers and decided in the middle of the heat wave encompassing the nation to just jet out there and relax in the air conditioned comfort that only Las Vegas can provide.We really had no plans to do anything more than some gambling, some swimming and sight seeing, but like all complicated plans something went wrong along the way. On our first day there, our room was broken into and all of our belongings were stolen while we were downstairs in the casino. The hotel made it all good and issued us some vouchers for local outlets to pick out new clothes. We had a ball being able to select whatever we wanted and I'm sure we made a dent in their budget for this sort of thing.On the way back to the hotel, our cab was broadsided, nothing serious, but we had to fill out some police forms as to what we witnessed. Boy was this turning into a strange trip I thought. On our second day there though things began to look up a bit. My two girlfriends had hit it big in the casino the night before winning about $1500. So on the third day they were all gung-ho to return to the scene of their success while I had not had much luck and decided to spend the day at one of the pools surrounding the casino/hotel.Before I go any further I suppose I should introduce myself, my name is Cheryl and I'm now 24, soon to be 25, years of age. I'm married to an older man of 48 and no, I was not a trophy wife. But I guess most people think that.I stand 5 ft and 6 in tall and have long blonde hair and bluish green eyes. My complexion is fair and I have been confused with a certain Baywatch former TV star at times. I tell them they need glasses but I do get a fair amount of flattery about my body.I weigh just less than 130 pounds and my measurements are 36c-24-36. I am also a compulsive exhibitionist and I love having sex with strangers, both men and women. There's nothing I haven't tried or done, as long as it isn't dangerous.Anyway, I put on my black bikini that really is a modified thong. I found a lounger under some trees and after swimming a bit I laid down for some casual sunning. Soon two hunky guys who looked like football players joined me and while I can't tell you the names of the guys or the teams they play for, you've seen them on TV before, beating up on the likes of the Dallas Cowboys among others.They just sat down beside me and soon had me laughing at their jokes and after a short while we were like old friends. In the water they got very handsy with me as we wrestled in the water and to all appearances we could have been very good friends, maybe even lovers. As we sat on the loungers after our swim, they invited me up to their room for some other activity and when I asked what that might be, they rolled their eyes and laughed and told me to use my imagination.I pretended to be deep in thought for a few seconds and then I said, "I suppose you guys'll want me to take a shower first to get all clean and the chlorine of me, right?"They just sort of smiled and said, "Okay, that sounds good for a start."I then said, "And I suppose then you'll have a towel just a bit too small for me wear while I'm there, right?"Again they smiled and thanked me for the idea. I again appeared in thought for a few and then taking a deep breath I said, "Then I suppose you guys'll want to fuck me, right?"They didn't bat an eye as if this sort of thing came up every day and who knows maybe it did, anyway they just said, "Sounds like a plan."I stood up and gathered my things and said to them, "Well lets go get clean then."With a smile and slight laugh, they both stood up and with me between them and we sashayed off to their room. I enjoyed the looks and stares we got as we crossed the pool area and entered the elevator. Of course some of the stares were the evil eye saying, "she's a slut" look at me with those two black men. But others were looks of envy.Once in the room they wasted no time and I soon found myself in the shower with these two hunks and they made sure every square inch of me was squeaky clean. They used their hands to wash me over and over again. I in return made sure their cocks were especially clean using my mouth and tongue to make sure no chlorine had found a microscopic place to hide.Three very aroused people left the shower and fell as one onto the king size bed, our bodies soon making a wet shambles of the linen as they just crashed into me and sandwiched me between them.In almost no time I had one large cock in my pussy and my legs spread very wide to either side of his body. My mouth was being used as a pussy for the other guy and as they mauled me with their hands I was so turned on by their assault that I came several times before the first of them filled my hole with their cum. Like most young well conditioned men of their profession, their recuperative powers were exceptional and it seemed like sometimes they never even got more that semi soft after cumming in or on me and soon their hard cocks were saluting again dying for attention.I took numerous loads of their cum down my throat and in my cunt and several times deep in my bowels as well. I was so tuckered out from all the fucking I was giving that it wasn't till my stomach began growling loudly and embarrassingly that I finally looked at the clock. In shock noticed it was 9 in the evening and I had met these guys about 11 a.m. No wonder I was starving.I had to make my good-byes but I suggested we get together again tomorrow but they told me they were checking out the next morning to go to the team's first training camp. So with a heavy heart and a body full of their cum and a lifetime of memories, I said good-bye and went to my room.I found my roommates in a state of excitement. It was because they had won even more money. They looked up at me as I entered the room and asked me how my day had gone. I told them, "Oh I got lucky too," and I went on to tell them the whole story.Now that I've told you as well and I can't wait to watch the football games on TV because they promised to wear a black bandana with a yellow stripe down it's center. That was their signal, that they remembered me.You all be sure to watch a certain football team that used to be in our nations capitol, okay? Love and kisses, Cheryl
FAMILY CATSby Paul ShackelfordLast night had been maybe the hottest and muggiest of a hot muggy summer. I could've slept indoors, but the air conditioner keeps me awake and makes my sinuses hurt. So instead of tossing in a sweaty bed, I'd slept out on the second floor deck. It wasn't much cooler than inside, but at least there was a little natural air moving. That's how I happened to be around when it started.My folks had gone back east for a funeral, and Aunt Sally had gone with them. That left me and my sister Traci at home. Us, and Karen, who had been delegated to stay over with us.Karen is Aunt Sally's daughter. She is maybe the finest babe around, though my sister would have to come pretty close. They look more like sisters than cousins -- it must be the Shackelford genes -- but they don't like each other very much.It started years ago, when Karen cremated some of Traci's Barbie dolls, and it's just escalated by degrees since then. They're always bitching and quarrelling. You wouldn't think two such primo wenches could _ever_ know how to be as bitchy and as catty as my big sister and my cousin act most of the time.Anyway, Aunt Sally said Karen had to stay with us while she was back east -- I don't think she trusted her to be at home alone -- and that really made Traci's day.Me, I was kinda happy, because I was hoping I might get at least a quick peek at Karen with her clothes off. She's dynamite in a bikini, but ever since I started getting hair on my dick I've been trying to find some way to cop a look at her goodies.I've already seen my sister bare-assed, and it's an eye-catching sight. Like I told you, Traci is a real babe. But Karen would be the hat trick as far as I was concerned.They'd both gone out the night before, and neither of them had come in while I was awake. Bar-crawling and guy-chasing, no doubt. They're both not quite twenty-one, but that's what fake IDs were made for, right? Me, I'm eighteen, and I look a lot younger, so I couldn't crash a bar even with a shitpot full of fake ID. And girls think I'm a wuss, though I'm not. I want to make that perfectly clear from the start. I just need to work out my technique.Anyway, I was sacked out on the deck. A bird was chirping not far away, and I opened my eyes slowly. It was earlier than I usually get up, but nature doesn't operate at my convenience. I sat up, yawning and greeting the new day, and wishing I had a shoe I could throw at that goddamn bird.My mouth was still open when I heard the sound of my sister's voice from down below. "Well, you bitch, it's about time you were coming in!"I slid off the chaise lounge and onto the floor, as quietly as I could, and I peeked through the slats.Karen was standing in the backyard. She was a knockout in her black minidress. It was the same one she'd worn last night, when she and Traci went out, but it looked like it had been slept in. Even so, she was a knockout. Take my word for it. She was holding her high-heeled shoes in her hand, and she stood with a devil-may-care slouch, one hip cocked out."So what's it to you?" Karen asked casually, tapping her shoes on one smooth thigh."You cunt," my sister replied. "You went home with Tommy, didn't you? And you fucked him, too, right?""Mmm," Karen purred, "you're a lot smarter than you used to be."I couldn't see Traci. She was on the patio, just below the deck on which I was perched. But I could almost feel the rage that was steaming upward from her. Holy shit, I thought, what was going on?"If you get any redder, you'll explode," Karen said. "But maybe that wouldn't be so bad. What's the matter, cousin? Were you just itching to get Tommy's big dick into your hot little pussy? And it just spoiled your day when I got him before you did?""Whore," my sister growled. Jesus, I knew that sound! And Karen had better watch her ass! Traci was nothing to fuck around with when she got pissed. She'd whacked me black and blue a couple of times, and I'm a guy!But Karen didn't stop. I could see the smirk on her face, the same one she always gets when she thinks she has everything under her thumb. She's a primo babe, but to be honest, she can be a real bitch when she wants. And that was exactly what she wanted right now."Well," she went on, "just to satisfy your pathetic curiosity, he wasn't all _that_ good. Maybe you'd have found it a real thrill, but I was a little bored. Of course, he did tell me that I was the greatest piece he'd ever plugged, so most likely I've spoiled him for other women. I doubt that he'd ever be satisfied, now, with anything you could give him ... "Traci shrieked, a sound that chilled my blood, and then she came running out from under the overhang of the deck and she threw herself onto Karen.My eyes bugged out. I'd never seen two girls fighting before, not even at school. And Traci wasn't kidding as she attacked Karen.She knocked Karen flat onto her ass, and she was screeching and hissing. No wonder they called it catfighting! There was a feline fury in my pissed-off sister that took my breath away.Traci wore a robe, but it flopped open, completely exposing her, as she pinned Karen. They were in the grass, just below me, and I could see everything. I'd seen Traci naked before, but it hadn't been quite as exciting as it was now. With her robe hanging open, she was atop our cousin, holding Karen's wrists, their bodies rocking violently. Traci hissed and gurgled, gone far beyond words."Offa me, you crazy cunt!" squealed Karen, fighting like hell to dislodge the pantheress that was atop her. Her legs kicked up in the air, and I could see all the way up to her panties.Holy shit! She wasn't wearing any panties!Her legs opened wider, and I got an eyeful of a smooth, shaved pussy, set high and ripe between her long slender thighs. The more she kicked, the more I got to see."Get her, Trace," I prayed in a whisper.Then Karen brought one of her knees up, jabbing into my sister's crotch. Traci squealed and rolled over, her robe falling off her shoulders as she went onto her back in the grass. Son of a bitch, when had Trace shaved her pussy? She was as hairless as Karen.I couldn't hold back a smile. This quarrel was obviously big shit to the girls, and I was really hoping this fight might go on for a while longer. I had the best seat in the house.Karen got on top of my sister then, slapping at her -- not very effectually. Guys would have been bloody-nosed and broken-toothed by now, but the girls missed about as many times as they hit each other.Traci's tits flopped around. Karen grabbed them suddenly, her fingers pinching hard at the inflated nipples. Traci gurgled and squealed again."Oh, shut up, bitch," Karen giggled. "You always did think that just because you have big tits, the world is yours. Wanna know a secret? Tommy said he liked mine better, 'cause they didn't _sag_ as much as yours. And he said he thought you had _hairs_ growing out of your nipples. Do you, cunt?"Traci shrieked again, like a banshee in heat, and started pounding on Karen's chest with her fists. Karen panted hard, dominant now, but she didn't let go. She squeezed harder on Traci's teats, as if she meant to stretch my sister's nips a couple of inches long. Traci kicked and squirmed and wriggled, and I kept glancing at her exposed crotch and the way it was cut in half, very neatly, by that deep pink crease. Sometimes her cunt winked open, and I could see the even pinker interior.Karen growled. "I oughta bite these fuckers off," she threatened, leaning down toward a nipple, her teeth clicking ominously. Traci writhed, and as she did, her fingers locked into the top of Karen's black minidress. She pulled, hard, and the front of the dress tore. Karen's tits popped out."You slut," my cousin said, "you tore my best goddamn dress!"It fell down to her waist, but she didn't stop. Turning slightly, and giving me an even better view of her boobs, she made a quick grab for Traci's crotch. I shivered as I saw her take hold of my sister's smooth-shaven pussy. Her fingers dug into the soft-looking flesh, and Traci squealed shrilly.I'm still amazed that none of the neighbors had come out to investigate the sounds, but the nearest occupied house in this subdivision is almost a block away, so I guess I was just lucky. Of course, we did have a big redwood fence enclosing the whole back yard, and I'm the first to say, thank God for privacy! Karen mauled Traci's cunt, squeezing it. "Oh, yeah, you like that, don't you, whore?" she said hoarsely. "Bet you played with this thing all night, wishing it was Tommy's dick inside you, rather than my finger. Right, bitch? Is that what you did?""Fuck you," Traci husked. She made a slapping thrust at Karen's tits, but my cousin evaded her attack. Karen was still holding one of Traci's nips, and she gave it a threatening squeeze, which caused Traci to whine again.I saw Karen's eyes light up, but what she did was a real shock to me, as it was the last thing in the world I ever expected to see. She stuck her middle finger into the mouth of my sister's pussy, and gave it a corkscrewing shove that took her deep into Traci's hole."Oh, yeah," Karen panted, "you're all wet inside, I bet you've been jacking off all fucking night ... "The words "jacking off" sent a shiver up my spine. I'd been so engrossed in the watching that I didn't realize _until that very moment_ that my dick was hard as Chinese grammar and already sticking out the fly of my shorts. The knob tapped the deck of the patio, and I fought hard to stifle a groan.What the hell was wrong with me? This was better than any porn video I'd ever sneaked into the VCR while my folks were out, and I wasn't even taking advantage of the once-in-a-lifetime experience!I grabbed my penis and started to jerk on it -- not very fast, because I could feel the cum boiling in my balls, and I was afraid I'd squirt off too soon. Not just my dick, but all of me, was hot and throbbing right then.Karen worked her finger in and out. Traci was still squealing, but there was a difference in the sound. It was more rhythmic, breathier actually, with a very erotic tonality. I fisted my cock in tempo with that rhythm, my eyes following the slick progress of Karen's middle finger reaming Traci's twat."Oh, you bitch," Traci gasped, "don't do that! You queer cunt!"Karen giggled. I could see now that she wasn't pinching so hard on my sister's nipple. Her fingers relaxed, and began to trace the curvature of Traci's tit. She was breathing softly, and the froth on her lips seemed to have dried up a little."You like it, don't you?" she whispered, so softly I almost missed the words. "You like the way that feels."Her fingers firmed up an already stiff nipple. They rolled delicately around the stubby red tip, and she didn't miss a stroke in Traci's pussy. Carefully, she slid off my sister, settling down beside her in the grass. This was the closest I'd ever seen them get without guerrilla warfare, and it was certainly something worth watching.Except for their coloring, they look a great deal alike. Traci's blonder, with a great tan and a set of 36-Cs. Karen's closer to brunette, but she has a tan second to almost none, and even if her tits are smaller than Traci's (as a longtime lingerie examiner, I'd say they're about 32-B), they're fucking perfect tits, high and firm, with oval-shaped brown nipples. I'd never seen Karen's tits before, but they had been worth the wait, exposed now by the ripped, fallen-down dress.Her skirt was up high, and her bare pussy was also on display. I think that was what warmed my weinie more than almost anything else. Both of them were positioned so that I had full view of their crotches. I could see Karen's finger easing sexily in and out of Traci's cunt, and there lay Karen, her own pussy slick and shaved, its crack idle for the moment.Damn, I had something in my hand that would have died for a chance to do to Karen's twat what Karen's finger was doing to my sister's. For a really crazy moment I was tempted to stand up, announce my presence, and show the girls what I was working on, thanks to their visual stimulation.And then I got my senses back. They'd probably have joined forces and kicked my ass upside down. No, I needed to stay where I was and see what else was going to happen with these family cats.Traci's eyes were closed now, and she pumped hesitantly at the finger that continued to ream her cunt. She said, "Ohhhh ... " in a soft, dreamy voice, and her thighs moved, rubbing at Karen's fisted hand where it rested between them.Karen still held one of my sister's tits, and Traci took hold of the other. She cupped it from beneath and let her fingers stroke lazily across the erected tip of a fine red nipple. Her other hand began to move slowly, and I held my breath, hardly believing what I was about to see.She touched Karen's nearest bare tit, brushing the nipple with her fingers. "Mmm," Karen said. "That doesn't feel bad at all.""You bitch," Traci replied, and I thought for a moment they were going to get into another session of catfighting. I wouldn't have minded that, either, but what actually happened was _much_, much better ...Karen stood up, her finger sliding out of Traci's hole. Either she'd brushed it through the dewy grass as she was extracting, or else the inside of my sister's pussy was one _wet_ little precinct. I could see the glisten on her finger. Jesus, I could almost smell the pussyjuice!Karen wiggled her ass, and the minidress slid down her long legs. I think she has better thighs than my sister, but it's a tossup whose ass looks the best. I'd have to look at them both, a long long time, before I made up my mind on that point.Karen did a slow turnaround, not nearly as long as I needed, but God, was she ever naked, and was she ever gorgeous! And then she dropped to her knees, beside Traci, once again."You know," she said softly, putting her hand on my sister's shoulder, "we've spent ten years hating each other's guts.""Twelve, actually, but who's counting?" Traci giggled."Time to kiss and make up?" Karen suggested. Traci lifted her eyebrows. Karen smiled and pulled my sister's face closer. I almost squirted my fist full of cum when I saw their mouths mesh together.There's something about women kissing each other that makes my gonads want to explode. I just wished to shit I had some binoculars so I could get a closer look at the way their red lips and pink tongues played together while saliva oozed from one moist mouth into the other, their noses brushing awkwardly as they prolonged that kiss, almost as if they meant it for my benefit.The two of them eased down into the grass, still kissing. Karen took my sister's hand and brought it to her tits, pushing the small, conical mounds into Traci's exploring fingers. She made purring sounds as her nipples were toyed with, teased into even longer erectile points. Her own hand moved down Traci's lushly contoured body, and I knew she was headed back to the pussy she had been fingering a few minutes ago.She tickled it, making my sister giggle, and then she bent down and took a nipple into the her mouth. She didn't have much lipstick left, after that marathon kiss with Traci, but there were stray traces of bright red on the tanned curve of my sister's big hooters. I was pumping my peter a little harder now, hoping that the sound of my raspy breathing didn't reach the girls' ears and bring this session to an untimely end.Karen knew what she was doing. She kissed her way down Traci's body, leaving tongue trails and smears of red, and then suddenly she was face down in my sister's crotch, right there in the grass, in front of God, me, and -- well, I guess the only other observer was that goddamn bird. I could hear the greedy guzzling sounds she made as she started to feed on my sister, and I heard Traci squeal in unalloyed delight."Do me, too," Karen panted, raising her face for a moment. She tossed her thigh across Traci's pneumatic chest."I don't know how," Traci confessed. "And _where_ did you learn all this, you dyke?""See what you've missed being my enemy all these years?" Karen smirked. "We could've been having a _lot_ of fun. Oh, shit, it's easy, girl! Just sniff my nookie and stick your face in it. Do to me everything you've ever wished some guy would do to you. And I'll be right down here, giving you exactly what you want. Try it, baby, you'll have no trouble at all. I guarantee!"And they moved into a position out of my absolutely wildest dreams and fantasies. Sure, I love to watch a couple of chicks doing it in some fuck film, but this was my goddamn sister and my cousin, rolled up in a 69 on our own fucking grass!I had a better view of Karen at work, the way they were lying now. I had to take it on faith, and from Karen's occasional squeaks and tremoloes, that my sister was actually eating her pussy, but I could see very clearly that Karen had a mouthful of Traci's twat.She spread the shaven crack wide open, and it expanded into an almost perfectly circular ring of near-scarlet flesh, glossy and gleaming. Her tongue poked into the hole, then came up to suckle at Traci's clitoris for a while, too. From the way Traci wailed, it was pretty obvious her clit was really up for a suckjob, too.Karen mouthed Traci furiously. She was really into this stuff, no question about it. She jabbed two or three fingers into my big sis, fucking her like a man with them while she kept on nibbling and licking and sucking at Traci's clit. And as she grew more and more energetic, I could tell she was getting something almost as good from my not-so-shy sibling.Me, I was jacking my dick like a son of a bitch, unable to believe the good luck that had visited me this morning. If I never saw anything like this again, I would remember every fucking moment of this until the day I died, and I expected to beat off three or four times a day, till then, just reliving the sights I was now feasting my beady little eyes upon.Traci started bucking and writhing, all of a sudden, and I knew she was coming. It didn't look as explosive as when Tori Welles does it in a movie, but it was a vision to remember all the same. She squealed and wrapped her legs around Karen's head, trapping our cousin in that funky, Nair-bare cunt.Karen sucked her like a trooper, mouthing pussy until Traci's excitement subsided, and then she sat upright, pushing her own snatch down into my sister's scarfing mouth. She played with Traci's tits, feeding my sis on her pussy, and when she reached up to take hold of her own hooters, I knew she was almost there.My cock was raw by now; I'd almost shucked the skin right off the thing. My nuts ached with the pent-up excitement of the load they were holding back, and as I saw Karen start to quiver, as I heard her say, "Oh, shit, baby, you're gonna make me commmmme ... " I just closed my eyes, squeezed my peter, and let my cum splash onto the floor of the deck. I may even have passed out for a moment, because everything went black and all I knew was that my dick was gushing.When I opened my eyes, the girls were picking up their discarded clothes and, hand in hand, coming toward the house just like the best of friends."Was he really such a dud?" I heard Traci ask, with a giggle, as they passed beneath the deck and entered the house."You'd probably get a better fuck from _Paul_," Karen confided, and they both erupted in almost hysterical laughter as they entered the house.The fucking bitches! Well, they just _might_ get a better fuck from me than from that jerk Tommy. If they never found out, it would be their loss.And mine, too, goddamn it, I had to concede.So things have changed a lot in our family. Our folks can't get over how Karen and Traci have stopped their feuding and become as close as sisters. Karen sleeps over a lot now, and some very interesting things take place in Traci's bedroom, after (they think) everyone else in the house is fast asleep.I'm saving up for a video camera of my own, and as soon as I can figure out how to do it without getting caught, I'm going to bug Traci's room. I don't plan to blackmail her with the tapes, but even though I'll never forget what happened the day our family cats turned into the family pussies, it would be nice to have a souvenir on VHS that I could replay any time I wanted.Of course, I'm still angling for some way in which I can show the girls that Karen's would-be slur about me was actually right on target, but so far I haven't found the right moment. If I make it, I'll be sure to tell you all about it, so wish me luck, okay? I hope you'll be hearing from me again, real soon.THE END
Dan and his daughter, pretty little eight year old Colette, returned home from the stables late Saturday morning where they had been riding since early in the morning. Dan had a grey Arabian horse, a gelding, named Smokey."How did it go today," Aurelie, Dan's wife asked."Fine, fine. Colette's new stretchy tight jeans are great. Good idea for her not to wear panties. Her crotch presses tight against Smokey when she rides bareback, and there is damn little between her clit and the horse. That stimulated her clit pretty good, didn't it Sweety, especially when you cantered around the ring, and moved in a fucking motion like I taught you to do?""Yeah, Daddy, it felt good! Good on my clit! I like it when I don't wear panties." Little Colette giggled and gave her father a broad smile."I know, Darling. I like it too when you don't wear panties, and Mommy likes it best of all, don't you Mommy?" Dan asked his wife.Aurelie replied, "Colette would never wear panties if I had my way. Just like me, and we know daddy loves that, makes him want to lick me, and lick me. Let Daddy give you his special horsey ride now. It's playtime for you and daddy. "First, go change and wash up, clean that beautiful little pre-teen nude pussy of yours, as it's probably dirty from riding. Put on your tiny skirt outfit, the one that looks just like the one I have on now, and no panties, of course. Daddy loves it when you have a short little mini-skirt on and no panties. Just right for the horsey game. And he really adores it when you and I both dress sexy and look exactly alike.""Oh, Aurelie, Colette's doing really good cantering Smokey. I think she'll be a real rider soon. She sure has the proper fucking motion down pat. Takes after her mother! Ha!" Dan laughingly said with a big lewd grin. "There's nothing like little girls and horses!""Daddy!" Colette and Aurelie exclaimed together, and laughed. "OK Mommy, I'll clean up and change." Colette then answered obediently as she walked to the bathroom.Colette was eight years old, a pretty little girl. She had darkish blonde, curly hair, pulled back in two pigtails, soft, large brown eyes, dark eyebrows and eye lashes. Colette was tall for her age, and slender, just like her mother, in fact they looked very much alike. She was maybe 4'9" or so, and about 80 pounds. She had her mother's wide mouth and thin lips, and delicate nose.Colette went into the bathroom, took off her clothes, ran the water in the sink, and got the washcloth soapy. She looked at herself in the full length mirror. She had nice shapely, slender long legs, not too thin. She turned and looked at her butt. It was small, and tight with two nearly round butt cheeks. Her dad loved her tight, tiny ass, and was always patting it and rubbing it. Her mother said she had the most beautiful cunt she had ever seen on a little girl. Just beautiful, she said. She looked at her hairless nude cunt. It seemed large for her body, larger than her mother's considering the difference in sizes. Her mother told her she'll grow into the size of her pussy, in the meantime it's wonderful to have a cunt that's big for her size, she said. Colette thought she had a pretty vulva, a nice little mound. It protruded from her body slightly, the flesh covering the outer pussy lips was a little puffy, and her pussy lips were always slightly parted, exposing just a small hint of her soft pink colored inner lips, and also a part of her clit at the top of the little pussy slit. Colette's mother had told her that her clit was made for only one purpose, and that was to give her pleasure. She was flat-chested, but had small beautiful nipples. The areola surrounding her nipples was pink and the nipples themselves a soft brownish pink, with the tiny tips sticking straight out in a point.Colette had a fair complexion but a good overall light tan. She and her parents went to the nude beach often, and to a nude hotel in Palm Springs, as well as a local nudist resort. Her mom had told her all about sex when she was very young, maybe four or five, and told her more all the time. And taught her all the words too, both the correct words, and the slang words. Colette remembered when she was five her mom took her to her doctor, a pediatrician, to have her hymen removed. It really wasn't very big, but her mom said little girls stick things in themselves and might hurt themselves so she wanted it removed. The doctor did it in the office. He gave her a couple of shots to deaden the pain. He was careful and it didn't hurt much, and she hardly bled at all. Colette washed under her arms and face, then put more soap on the washcloth and washed her pussy, spreading her legs, so she could get inside her opening, and finally her anus, using a finger to dig the washcloth in her anus opening as she bent over, spreading her legs even wider. She liked doing that. It felt good to stick something a little way in her ass. She took her time, wiggling her finger in pretty good, then wriggling it around once it was in. She rinsed off and dried herself then went into her bedroom to put on her micro skirt outfit.It was a short beige mini-skirt, coming down only maybe four inches below her cunt, and layered with several rows of short sparkly type fringes that shimmered in the light. It sat low on her hips showing off her "inny" type belly button, and flat stomach. Her top was a little vest of the same material and color. It ended just a little below her nipples, and was open four inches or so from her neck to the end where it was held together with a clasp.She didn't put any panties on as her mother had told her. She knew she looked pretty sexy in the outfit. Her dad always made a fuss over her when she wore it, and wanted to look under her short skirt at her pussy. She always let him do it. She liked showing her Dad her pussy. He really liked it. Sometimes he'd touch it. Mommy was always telling him to kiss her and touch her pussy, kiss her little sweet pussy. She liked it when her Dad touched her, and loved the horsey game they started a few weeks earlier. It made her pussy feel so good and was a little like the sex games her Mommy and Dad played. Colette liked becoming a part of that, at least in a small way.Dan went in the bathroom off their bedroom and cleaned himself up too. He put on a pair of thin, stretchy running shorts, with nothing underneath, and nothing else. He too looked in the mirror at himself. He was 5'10', 170 pounds, slender, athletic, nice looking with black hair and dark blue eyes, clean shaven. He had just turned 35, and his wife Aurelie was 28. Je had met her years earlier at the Sorbonne in Paris when he was studying French literature. He loved her attitude on sex. It was essentially anything goes. Yes! When he went back in the living room, Colette hadn't come out yet."Today's the day, right?" Aurelie asked."Yeah, I'm ready and so is she, I think.""I know I am. I get so damn horny every time I look at her, don't you?" Aurelie queried."Yeah, me too. Later, when I'm at the office, you'll show her the things she can do on the rocking horse, won't you?""You bet! Been waiting to do that for months!"Colette was a beautiful woman, tall, about 5' 8" with a model figure, around 120 pounds, with the same dark blonde curly hair, shoulder length, and brown eyes as her daughter. She loved sex with Dan, and loved sex with women too. They had many threesomes. Her daughter had turned her on for years. Dan and she had talked about having sex with little Colette for some time, and had been grooming her for sex, talking to her a lot about it, touching her, french kissing her, and Aurelie had even masturbated Colette several times. They let her come into their bedroom in the morning when they were nude, and let her watch their sex play so she knew about oral sex, intercourse and masturbation. Then, lately, they started the horsey game, which kind of tied into going riding on Smokey, the real horse, by stimulating her clit, although the resemblance stopped there. They were also nude a lot together at the nude beach and other places, and talked openly to her about sex, and how they thought her body was very sexy.Dan sat near the end of the couch, waiting for Colette who soon came in."You look beautiful Darling! Just like your Mom, only a smaller version. You're both delicious looking. I could eat you both up!""Oh, Daddy, you're so nice, always telling me I'm pretty.""That's because it's true!"Aurelie was sitting next to Dan on the couch. "Come on over Colette, let Mommy put some nice lubricating oil on your pussy so you'll slide smooth and slippery along Daddy's leg."Colette walked over in front of her Mom, and pulled her short skirt up, standing with her legs apart, and looked down at what Aurelie was doing. Aurelie poured some Astro Glide onto her hand."That's it honey. Doesn't she have a pretty cunt, Daddy?""Gorgeous!"Aurelie cupped her hand and slid her oily fingers all along Colette's cunt slit, then worked her fingers into her cunt, oiling it all very well. Then she poured a bit more oil on her fingertips, and massaged Colette's little clit, getting it very oily."Feel good Sweetie?""Yes, mommy, it feels good when you do that, real good.""Ok Dan, a little oil on your leg too, right leg, right?""Yeah, right leg, forward, from the knee back a ways." "Keep your skirt pulled up a little. Now straddle Daddy's leg. Good! Now ride Daddy, ride, fuck Daddy's leg!" Aurelie said excitedly, getting very aroused with her massaging of little Colette's cunt, and seeing her daughter straddle her husband's leg.Dan sat near the edge of the couch, and Colette straddled his leg near his knee. He held her hips, saying, "You feel so good honey, all nice and slippery. Your cunt feels so nice on Daddy's leg! Lean forward a little, put your hands on Daddy's shoulders. That's right. Now pretend I'm Smokey and you're riding him, cantering him around the ring. Remember you have to do a fucking motion. Good girl!" Colette leaned forward as her Dad told her, and began moving her hips back and forth as Dan helped her with his hands on her hips, sliding her back and forth, while at the same time jiggling his leg up and down. It felt real good to Colette, the rubbing back and forth on her clit. And her pussy slit was apart too so she could feel her Dad's leg as it slipped along her inner pussy lips.Colette looked into her Dad's eyes and smiled, then started moaning slightly as she did as she was told and simulated a fucking motion of her Dad's leg. "Ummm! Ohhh! Ahhhhh!" sounds came out of eight year old Colette's mouth in her little girl voice as she responded to the sexual stimulation."That feel good baby?" Dan asked after a moment or two, as his dick stiffened with the sexual excitement he felt at feeling his little pre-teen daughter's nude tiny pussy sliding on his leg, and her obvious enjoyment at the sexual feelings it was giving her. "Yes, Daddy, real good! Real good!"Aurelie had leaned back on the couch as she watched, and pulled her own mini skirt up, exposing her fully shaved pussy. She put a little more Astro Glide on her fingertips and started masturbating as she watched her husband and daughter's sex play, rubbing her clit, then finger fucking herself, back and forth between the two."Baby, see you've got Mommy all excited. I just have to masturbate as I watch you sweetie. You like seeing your Mommy masturbate?""Yes, Mommy. I like seeing your nude pussy! Like mine, no hair!""Daddy only like cunts with no hair, like yours. That's why I shave mine. He likes to lick it when it's all smooth, don't you Dan?"Yeah, Mommy, all smooth and slick is best, just like Colette's. Yummy!" Dan nearly groaned."Daddy's getting big," Colette giggled as she saw her father's erection sticking up in his thin shorts."Yeah, Daddy gets hot for his little girl and that makes his dick all hard," Dan said to Colette. "Mommy, why don't you pull my shorts down and masturbate me. Colette would like that.""Mommy I want to see you play with Daddy's dick. Maybe you'll let me play with it too?""Of course Baby, you can play with Daddy's dick. He'd love that!""Yes! Yes! Yes!" Dan replied excitedly. "First, Honey, let's see if you can cum for Daddy." Aurelie pulled Dan's shorts down and pulled out his very hard dick. He was not that thick, but long, maybe seven inches or so. He wasn't circumcised but his foreskin was not long, just covering his dick end neatly when he was soft. When he was hard, as now, the skin was all tight around his dick, and his red dick head completely exposed. A little pre-cum had started to dribble out. Aurelie slowly masturbated Dan, keeping her thumb over his pee hole and rubbing the pre-cum all over his dick head. Dan was really getting hot. With her other hand Aurelie kept masturbating herself."Colette, baby, take one hand and put it around your Daddy's dick and we'll masturbate him together. I'll let you make him cum, shoot his white stuff out for you.""I want to do it Mommy! Goodie!" Colette exclaimed with glee.Colette took one hand from Dan's shoulder, and wrapped it around Dan's dick, and let her mother help guide her as she went up and down, up and down, pulling Dan's foreskin up over the ridge of his dick head, then back down again. It was exquisite pleasure to Dan to feel and see his little daughter's hand on his dick. Her hand was so tiny, but she was loving masturbating him, and wanted to get him off. And he took such pleasure in his wife's more than obvious pleasure in helping her eight year old daughter jack him off."Colette baby, your little hand and fingers feel so good on Daddy's dick. You're doing it just right. Just right for Daddy!"Colette was getting more and more excited at all that was happening. She loved the feel of her Dad's dick, hard, and at its tip, his bulbous dick head soft too. She could see in his eyes, and the way he was slightly groaning with pleasure that he really liked having her masturbate him, and her Mommy wanted her to do it too. This was fun! She began to move faster and faster on her Dad's leg, and dig her clit in with more pressure, all to increase the very erotic sexual feeling all over her pussy, and especially her clit. Colette started moaning louder, it was feeling oh so good. As her climax approached she instinctively went faster and faster, and her eyes became half closed in her pleasure, as she tried, somewhat unsuccessfully, to keep up her up and down masturbating of her Dad at a nice tempo.Dan could sense his little girl was about to cum, and helped her by thrusting her back and forth faster and faster and jiggling his leg faster and faster. "Yes, Colette baby, that's it, do it faster, and faster, cum for you Daddy! Daddy wants his little girl to cum for him. Cum, cum for Daddy. Let it all out little girl, That's it Baby, let it go!"Aurelie added, "Colette your Daddy wants you to cum for him like Mommy cums for Daddy. Yes, let yourself go, that's it baby. You're so beautiful when you're about to cum, so beautiful!"Suddenly Colette felt a rush of pleasure all over her cunt area and in her thighs and stomach, as she exploded in her first ever orgasm. She cried out, "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Ohhhh! Ahhhh! Ohhh!" as she convulsively gripped Dan's leg as tight as she could and convulsed over and over, driving her little girl quim into Dan's leg."Such a good cum for Daddy, my little girl, such a good cum! Oh Baby, ytou're such a good girl for Daddy, such a good girl!, Dan said with pride and pleasure as his little pre-teen daughter had her first orgasm as she fucked his leg with her gorgeous hairless tiny cunt.As Colette's orgasm subsided she said, "Mommy and Daddy that felt so good. I had a cum didn't I?""Aurelie replied, "Yes you did my beautiful little daughter, yes you did! You made your Mommy and Daddy so happy. Our little girl had a good cum with us. We want you to have lots of cums with us, lots of them. You like that?""Yes, Mommy, yes!""Now Colette, Daddy needs to cum too. We can lick his dick together and make him cum, and kiss each other too. Stay on Daddy's leg, scoot back a little and lean over. I'll lie down here on the couch and we can both lick Daddy's dick. That's it."Anticipating the delight in having his daughter and wife eat him at the same time, Dan said. "Oh such beautiful pleasure, my two loves licking and sucking my manhood at the same time! You know just what to do to make you're Daddy so happy!"Dan leaned back against the couch, Aurelie lay down, positioning her head over Dan's erect dick, while Colette slid back on Dan's knee, leaned over, propping herself up on her elbows, positioning herself just above Dan's dick too. Aurelie and her daughter's head were right next to each other.Aurelie said, "Colette, let's kiss, a nice wet french kiss, touching and licking our tongues together. I want to feel your little tongue in my mouth, feel what it will be like on Daddy's hard dick."Colette turned her head to her mother, and Aurelie kissed her on the lips, then stuck her tongue out and licked her pre-teen daughter's lips, then pushed her tongue deep in Colette's mouth, searching for Colette's tongue. Colette had kissed her Mom and Dad like this before and really enjoyed it. She flicked the tip of her tongue on the tip of her mother's tongue, then licked her mother's lips, and put her tongue in her mother's mouth. Aurelie sucked her daughter's small tongue, loving the eroticism of it all, her husband's dick hard and ready to be licked, a few inches away, her eight year old daughter french kissing her with passion. It was great! They continued kissing for a few minutes."What a nice kiss Colette. You're a good french kisser. I could kiss you for hours, but Daddy needs our tongues and mouth." "You're a good kisser too, Mom!" Colette giggled, loving it that all three were playing sex games. She wanted to do that for a long time, since her Mom and Dad let her in the bedroom in the morning to watch them having sex together. They had so much fun together she quickly wanted to join in their play. "You watch me Colette, do what I do. We'll take turns kissing, licking and sucking Daddy's dick, then kiss each other too.""Ok Mommy. I want to do it right for Daddy!""Honey, you couldn't do it wrong for Daddy, believe me! Ha"Aurelie then showed Colette how to lick the bottom ridge of Dan's dick head, then around his dick head in little circles."That's great honey" Aurelie encouraged her daughter. "You've got a tiny tongue. Now try to stick in in Daddy's pee hole. Good. He'll like that! Now put your mouth all around his dick head, and slowly go up and down, up and down, and lick his dick head at the same time, and suck him in your mouth. Great!""Colette, Baby" Dan moaned, "You're so good, so good. Daddy loves you Pumpkin. You're going to make Daddy cum for you. I want to cum for my little daughter." "Let's kiss some more Colette. Mommy needs your tongue!" Aurelie said as she was getting Dan getting close to cumming.Colette and her Mom french kissed as before, this time with growing abandonment and passion by both of them, particularly Colette as she was really enjoying the sex.After a minute or two, Aurelie said, "OK, back to Daddy, like you did before Honey, your mouth all around his dick. Good, baby! Now Daddy will cum for you pretty quick. His white stuff, his cum, will shoot out with a lot of force. Try and keep him in your mouth and swallow his cum. Daddy will love that, won't you Dan?" Aurelie laughingly asked."Oh God, Yes!" came the muffled response, as Dan tried to hold back his orgasm with the extreme eroticism he was feeling at having his pretty little pre-teen daughter eat his dick. Finally he couldn't hold it any longer, and exploded with a tremendous climax, yelling, "Colette, Colette, Baby, Daddy's cumming for you, Daddy's cumming for you, ahhhh, it's so good, so good!" and shooting wad after wad of cum into his daughter's mouth. Colette tried to hold her father's dick in her mouth, but it slipped out between his numerous spurts, but she got it back in again, and as her Mom had told her, she dutifully swallowed as much as she could of her Dad's spunk. Aurelie licked up the spilled cum, then licked her daughter's face where the cum had leaked out of her mouth and one cheek that got a full wad of it splashed on her. Then the two females french kissed and tasted Dan's slippery cum in each other's mouths.Aurelie lay back on the couch next to Dan, continuing to masturbate, saying, "Colette, you're so good! I love watching you eat Daddy!"Colette replied smiling broadly, her eyes twinkling with her sexual excitement, and feeling of acceptance in her parents sex play, "Mommy I love eating Daddy! I like eating his cum too! I like it's taste."Dan answered, "My sweet daughter, you're perfect, just perfect, you made Daddy all excited and Daddy came just for you, well, and your Mommy too. And you had such a good cum on Daddy's leg too."Aurelie, still very horny and needing release said, "Colette, Baby, eat Mommy now, lick my clit. See, I'll pull my pussy lips apart for you. See my clitty there. It's all big and ready to be licked. Daddy wants to see you lick me, don't you Dan?""God, yes!" came Dan's immediate response.Colette, still straddling her Dad's leg with her legs, her oiled pussy still spread, and pushed against Dan's leg, leaned over a little more and did what her mother asked, putting her hands on her mother's hips, she licked her Mom's clit up and down, up and down, then flicked the tip of her tongue side to side across Aurelie's clit."Oh, Yes! Yes! Yes! That's it, Baby! Just like that! Oh yeah! Now suck it all in your mouth and lick it as you suck it. Ahhhhh! Oh, My little girl! My little girl! I'm going to cum! Ahhhhhhh!" and with that Aurelie had a big, big orgasm, convulsing, grabbing Colette's head and pushing her hard into her cunt.Finally Aurelie's orgasm subsided."Mommy, you had a good cum just like me and Daddy! I like to cum! I want to cum some more," little pre-teen Colette said.Dan said, "Don't worry Baby, your Mom and I want you to have lots and lots of cums. You're so good. You like sex don't you Baby. Like sex with your Mommy and Daddy? Now give Daddy a big wet kiss." Colette sat up and threw her arms around her father and gave him a big wet kiss, which Dan returned passionately, then slowly licked her lips, and explored her small mouth with his tongue as Colette did the same. Dan could feel growing excitement as his Dick started to quickly harden again."Oh I wish I could stay here and have more sex with you girls, but I've got to go to the office for a few hours now. Let's take a shower together. I think your mother made some nice sandwiches for us for lunch. We'll have sex again when I come home.""Ok Daddy, more sex later. Goody" Colette said as she grinned mischievously."Yes, Dan more sex later. Promise?" Aurelie asked."You bet, honey bunch, you bet," Dan said with a wide smile foe his wife and daughter.They all took a shower together and took turns washing each other all over. Dan noticed that Colette liked having her butt washed, in particular her anus, seemed to get pleasure when he worked his forefinger in her tight little rosebud a little ways. Aurelie noticed too. Then they all changed, Dan casually. The girls changed into hot pink short shorts, with, of course, no panties on underneath, and plain white blouses.They had lunch and Dan left for work."Colette, you know your rocking horse, the one we gave you for Christmas? It's a special rocking horse. We didn't show you before, but now it's time for you to see it. Let's go in your room.""Ok Mom."Aurelie first went into she and Dan's bedroom and got a box out of the closet. It was a nice wooden hobby horse, made in Prague, Czech Republic. It was black, and beautifully painted, about the size of a small pony. It had a thick white mane made of real horse hair from the mane of a horse. The contrast of the white mane, and black horse gave the rocking horse a striking appearance. The saddle area was covered with a thin fleece bare back pad. Dan had found it on the Internet. The wooden horse appeared to be galloping, with its four legs attached to heavy duty springs and the springs in turn attached to a solid metal frame with long runners on the floor. Colette liked to ride it and could get it to jounce pretty good, stimulating her clit like on Smokey, the real horse.Aurelie undid the bareback pad, turning it over she found the area in the center that was a square zipped together on three sides. She unzipped it and replaced the pad on the rocking horse and secured the pad. Now there was an opening in the pad to the wooden saddle area on the horse. She pressed a little indentation and the cover to a hole in the back opened up. She removed the cover and there was a round solid rubber cylinder recessed in the hole. Aurelie opened the box she had brought from she and Dan's room and took out a flexible rubber hose type device tapered and closed on one end that fit over the cylinder in the horse. After attachment it protruded about four to five inches above the pad. Then she went over to Colette's bed and emptied the box out."See Colette, these are different size dildos, and butt plugs, etc. Remember, Daddy used one on me when you watched us having sex. They fit on the end of the fitting on the rocking horse I just put together. This little plug goes in the horse, underneath him, and is plugged in so the dildos vibrate. What do you think?"As Colette watched all that was happening her eyes got large as she figured out what it was all about. "It's neat Mommy, I can fuck myself on Horsey!" Colette called her rocking horse Horsey."Yes, Honey, you can. You want to watch Mommy fuck herself on Horsey first, kind of get you hot, and show you how to do it?" "Oh yes, Mommy" Colette said relieved as she wanted to watch her mother fuck herself first on Horsey before she did it.Aurelie slipped out of her short shorts, and took off her blouse."Mommy's going to lie down on your bed, Honey. I want you to eat Mommy like you did before. That'll get Mommy real hot and ready for Horsey."Colette got out her shorts and blouse too, while Aurelie lay on the bed, her head low on the pillow, her legs spread wide. "Here, turn around, that's it. Give Mommy your beautiful cunt to eat too. Get on your knees, face towards my feet, now lean your butt back into my face. Oh, so sweet, your little butt. I've got to lick your sweet anus. You like that don't you Colette, you like your butt hole played with?" Aurelie spread her daughter's butt cheeks wide, and licked her anus over and over, then spread them even wider, and dug her tongue part of the way in Colette's anus and wiggled it around. Then she wet her first finger with her mouth, and wiggled it half way in her pre-teen daughter's rosebud. "That feels so good, Mommy, your licking my ass hole, and I love your finger in there too. It feels so sexy. Don't stop!""I won't Baby, now lick me, lick me!" Aurelie begged.Colette was soon at work licking Aurelie's quickly moistening cunt all up and down, sticking her fingers in it, and sucking her Mom's clit.Aurelie, still keeping a wiggling finger in her daughter's ass, started licking her clit and cunt. She had never eaten a pre-teen cunt before, and marveled at how small everything was, but it was all there, including her pre-teen clit, an organ whose only purpose was to give pleasure to her daughter. Aurelie started easing her middle finger in her daughter's slit and soon found she was getting wet. Wasn't that something! Her daughter getting wet as she, her mother, ate her sweetness!"Oh, Baby! You did it. You got your mommy all hot. I'm going to fuck Horsey now," Aurelie said as she reluctantly stopped eating Colette and stopped finger fucking her daughter's ass and got up. Colette was disappointed too as she wanted to have her mother eat her some more, and finger fuck her ass. That really felt good to her.Aurelie looked at the various dildos, and chose one like her husband's dick, long and slender. She attached it, then put attached the plug for the vibrator."Here some Astro Glide Colette. Oil up Mommy like she oiled you up for Daddy." Colette did as she was told, and enjoyed the slippery feel of her Mother's cunt, her clit, and especially inside her cunt as she stuck her small fingers deep inside.Aurelie slowly mounted Horsey, letting the dildo fill her completely. It was well designed, and moved easily back and forth and side to side and up and down as Aurelie moved on Horsey. She got into a good rhythm, holding on tightly to Horsey's mane as she fucked the dildo, fucked Horsey. The stiff springs gave her a really nice motion, enhancing tremendously the fucking she was getting. "Fuck Horsey, Mommy. Fuck him." little Colette cried out with glee as she saw her mother start to really enjoy herself.Soon Aurelie had a good climax, crying to Horsey to fuck her. Colette laughed and laughed thoroughly enjoying the sight of Horsey fucking her mom.Aurelie got off Horsey and together with Colette they looked at the selection of dildos and butt plugs."Here, try this one first Colette. It's shorter than the one I used, but not much smaller around. You know your Daddy wants to fuck you in the worst way. If you can fuck Horsey with a good size dildo you can fuck your Daddy too. You want to do that, don't you?""Can I fuck Daddy, Mommy, can I please?""Of course you can, baby, of course you can. Now let me oil you up and you try it." Aurelie attached the smaller dildo, then oiled Colette as she had before for Dan. Colette mounted Horsey, standing in the little stirrups as she slowly lowered herself on the dildo."Colette, go down slowly. Let the dildo go in your cunt a little bit, then stand up again and let it almost come out. Each time you go down, go down a little further. Pretty soon it will be most of the way in. I don't think it's too long for you, or too big around. It should be the right size. Does the vibrating feel good on your cunt?"Colette did as she was told. "Oh yes, mommy, I love the vibrating. I can feel it in my butt too. That's nice."Soon Colette had worked the dildo deep in her little cunt, and was really enjoying herself."You're in deep enough now daughter. Now fuck Horsey like I did. Hold tight to his mane. That's it. Fuck that horse, fuck Horsey! Good girl!"Soon little pre-teen Colette had a good motion and was fucking Horsey with vigor, loving the oh so erotic feelings centered in her cunt and thighs of the vibrating dildo in her little cunt. "Fuck Horsey! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Colette cried out in erotic joy. Like her mother, Colette loved fucking Horsey, and quickly had a great orgasm, yelling out Horsey's name over and over. As her orgasm receded, both Colette and her mother laughed and laughed with the joy and eroticism of it all.Colette dismounted. Aurelie said, "Colette you like it in the ass. We have a tiny butt plug here. It won't go deep in your ass, but far enough to make you feel good. I'm going to put it on Horsey, and oil up your ass good. Want to try it in the ass?""Oh yes, Mommy. I love it in the ass!"Aurelie oiled her daughter's ass real good with the Astro Glide, digging her forefinger almost all the way in Colette's ass hole as Colette leaned way over with her legs spread wide. Aurelie was surprised at how much Colette loved it in the ass, getting real excited as Aurelie played with her anus getting her all oiled and ready for Horsey. Aurelie attached the small butt plug to Horsey, and Colette mounted him. This time she just kept pushing down until the butt plug pushed itself through into her anus, then she rode Horsey directly up and down, not the forward and back motion when she fucked Horsey with the dildo. It was tremendously erotic to Colette, but she wished it would go deeper in her ass. She liked being fucked in the ass. although it took her quite a while she finally had another orgasm. The little preteen girl was pretty tired by then."OK little girl, we've had enough for now. We've got a couple hours. Lets take a nap together, and when daddy comes home we can play some more. You're a tired little girl. Three cums today for you! I'm so proud of you! We're going to have so much fun together having sex!""Mommy, I love sex with you and Daddy. Just love it. Let's go to bed now. I want to be fresh for Daddy."Colette went with Aurelie to her parent's bedroom, and Aurelie and Colette snuggled in bed and kissed for a little bit before falling deeply asleep. They woke up shortly before Dan was expected home. They cleaned up, putting their short shorts on again. then went in the living room to wait for Dan.Dan arrived just a little early. "I got home as quick as I could. I want to be with my girls," Dan said enthusiastically. "I want to eat my little girl, that's all I could think of all afternoon, your sweet little cunt, Colette, Daddy's little girl, and her sweet eatable cunt.""I want you to eat me and fuck me Daddy. Mommy showed me how to fuck Horsey today, and I fucked him good, didn't I Mommy? And Horsey fucked my ass too, didn't he Mommy. And I had two cums, one while he fucked my ass and the other when he fucked my cunt. And Mommy licked me too and I licked her some more. She put her finger in my ass hole too. I really liked that. I like sex Daddy.""Yes, Dan, she did all those things," Aurelie said as she beamed with pride at her daughter's sexual prowess. "Oh, baby, that's music to my ears, a symphony! Let's go in the bedroom right now! All three went into the bedroom. Aurelie pulled the covers down, and got out of her clothes, laying on the bed, she started to masturbate herself. "Lay on the bed, Colette, Honey, on your stomach. Spread your legs wide for Daddy. You know Daddy loves your tight little pre-teen butt. He wants to kiss it and lick it too. Leave those sexy shorts on, Daddy will take them off and your blouse too."Colette smiled and did as she was told, looking forward to her father eating her, and hopefully fucking her too. Dan quickly got nude, and lay between his daughters legs. Her tiny butt in the pink short shorts looked delicious to Dan. He started kissing her legs, particularly the inside of her thighs, and her butt, licking the part of her butt that stuck out from the short shorts, the place just where the shorts stopped and her smooth girl skin began. He breathed deeply of her little butt, smelling a freshness of the soap of her bathing, and a smell of her young girlhood.He turned her over and removed her blouse, kissing and licking her soft beautiful nipples, then removed her shorts, turning her over again, putting a pillow under her stomach to raise her butt up, then spreading her legs wide. He spread her ass cheeks wide, and licked her puckered little anus, then tried to stick his tongue in it deeply. Colette loved it that he was paying lots of attention to her ass. She loved his tongue in it!Oh, Daddy! It feels so good. I love it when you lick my ass!"Then he turned Colette over again to concentrate on her front, her cunt. First he french kissed her deeply, and Colette returned the kiss, the kisses with passion, as she loved french kissing her parents. He put his hands behind her back and drew her stomach to his lips, feeling how little she weighed, how supple and yielding she was to him, to his touch, to his caresses of her. He kissed her belly button softly. It was an "inny". He put the tip of his tongue deep inside, pushed against the center, and moved the tip all around. He puts his lips all around it, and sucked it in, feeling her pushing towards him. Dan spread her legs further and spread her pussy lips wide, looking deep inside her pinkness, seeing the glisten of her girl cum, her wetness. He took his index finger and slowly slipped it in her cunt. It easily slid in, then he did the same with his middle finger, in and out, in and out, then faster and faster. The inside of Colette's cunt was slippery, smooth, oh so erotically inviting. He turned his hand while his middle finger was deep in her, then curled it towards him, and against her inside, searching for her G spot. He looked deep in her eyes, as she into his eyes."Baby, you've got a G spot, that's a place that feels real good to you, it's about where I'm rubbing you now. Tell me when it feels real good.""Daddy, that's it. Right there! Ohhhh, Ahhh, it feels so good." Dan kissed and licked the length of her tiny slit, licking each side slowly and erotically, then burying his tongue inside her girl slit, her little pre-teen girl cunt slit, as deep as he could. He tasted her girlness, and it was like her smell, clean, fresh, young, virginal. He loved the taste of her. He moved up and found her tiny clit, licking all around it, then flicking his tongue back and forth over it, pulling all her clit and more into his mouth, and sucked and sucked her girlness. While sucking her clit he ran his tongue all around it and over it. Colette was getting more and more excited. He pushed her legs up and licked and kissed all between her legs, her inner thighs, her tiny butt, then settled down to lick her anus some more. He just loved that little rosebud, Colette's anus, even the sound of those word were erotic to him. Lick, lick, lick, then bury his tongue deep in her ass hole, her sweet pre-teen anus. It became wet with his saliva, and he slowly worked his forefinger in her ass hole, her rosebud, and wiggled it around, then slowly butt fucked her with his finger. He moved up and started licking her, by now, very wet cunt, as she spread her legs as wide as she could for him. He could tell she was close to having an orgasm. Unbelievable!. It would be her fourth today, and she was as hot as the first time. Sex with his daughter was going to be great, simply great!Colette just loved everything her Daddy was doing to her. She was getting so hot she wanted to have an orgasm, knew what it was now, and wanted it badly."Colette, Baby, I'm going to fuck you now. I just have to. I won't hurt you, but I have to fuck you now. Aurelie, why don't you french kiss her now. I know Colette would love that.""I want you to fuck me Daddy. I'm not afraid at all. I want it. Kiss me Mommy."Aurelie got kitty corner on the bed, and began french kissing Colette. Dan put another pillow under Colette's butt, then spread her legs wide, and while on his knees guided his long dick to the entrance of Colette's cunt. She was slippery and wet with her girlcum now, ready for fucking. Dan's dick head was covered with pre-cum, and he pushed it gently into her opening then pulled it out, sliding it the length of her little opening and on to her clit, in, out, slide, repeating it over and over, each time pushing his dick head in a little deeper. He was surprised at how easy it was going in. He knew he was long, but not that big around, but an eight year old pre-teen, his little daughter taking his dick right in her? Hard to believe, but it was true. His dick slid right in, but he didn't try to put it all in, not yet. Tight? Oh, yes, firm and tight, but just right!He began a steady slow motion, not all the way in, but until he felt the start of her uterus. Dan was very careful, he didn't want to hurt her. Once he figured the distance he made sure he didn't go in too far. He still had a couple of inches of his dick outside her at his deepest penetration. He started a steady rhythm, not too fast, not too slow. Aurelie had stopped kissing Colette so she could watch it all. She leaned back and steadily masturbated herself."Fuck her Dan, fuck our little daughter. She wants your dick in her pre-teen cunt. That's what little girls are for, to fuck, Dan, so fuck her, fuck her good!!" Aurelie urged Dan on, as she lost herself in the erotic moment. He fucked her harder, increasing his tempo, abandoning himself to his pleasure, wanting her so bad. Colette wanted him too, wanted her Daddy to fuck her good. She looked in his eyes, and he in hers."Fuck me Daddy. Fuck me good. I love how you fuck me. I want it bad!" Colette, in her little girl voice urged her Dad on. Then she kept up a steady moan of ohhs, and ahhs and ummms as her orgasm drew near, and she fucked her Dad with greater intensity. Dan's thrusts became more urgent as his own orgasm drew near. Colette's little body jerked back with each thrust. Finally he was fucking her furiously and they were both crying out each other's names as their orgasms drew near. "Daddy! Daddy! Do it. Do it!" and "Daughter! Daughter! Fuck Daddy, Fuck your Daddy good. Fuck him!"They both exploded with a giant mutual orgasm, both crying and sobbing and shrieking with joy, release, and the wonder of it all. Dan pumped and pumped his great loads of cum deep into little Colette's cunt. over and over. Then he collapsed on top of his daughter, but Colette loved his heavy weight on her, loved the feel of his hot cum as it exploded in her cunt. loved that it was her Daddy who was fucking her. Her Daddy! What could be better. As his orgasm subsided he got back on his elbows, taking the weight off her."Well, well, well, my little daughter, you're something else. I just adore fucking you, just adore it. You are so damn good, I can't believe it. Just can't believe it. What do you think Mommy?""I think we have a little girl just liked we dreamed of, a little girl that loves to have sex with us." Aurelie replied contentedly."Yes Mommy, and Daddy. I love having sex with you both. I really do.""Yes Baby. I know. I know," Dan said softly.The EndThis story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental, and unintentional.Author's email address: I welcome comments of all kinds and will answer your emails. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 66
Miriam Smith had it all. She was attractive, well liked, had a fantastic job as a kindergarten teacher as well as a loving husband, Maurice. Although, the only thing that she lacked was children of their own, the little ones in her kindergarten class helped her fill that void. At first Miriam thought it was her own body betraying her. She enjoyed sex and offered her lovely body willingly to her husband on a regular basis, Miriam still couldn't get pregnant. After a visit to her doctor, it was determined that she was fully capable of conceiving children. Was Maurice the cause of their lack of babies?Maurice was reluctant to visit the doctor because he had rightfully suspected the cause was with him. As it turned out from the very low sperm count report, a childhood illness robbed him of the capability to become a father. Miriam was devastated by the bad news. She realized that she would never become a mother and have her own babies, at least not with her own husband. Maurice felt extremely bad about this as he had been told that he might never be able to become a father after his childhood illness. He had planned on telling the love of his life before they married but he was worried that if Miriam found out that he couldn't father a child that she would marry someone else. This was the first secret that Maurice had withheld from his lovely blonde wife.Miriam was fairly content with her life by being a surrogate mother and letting the children in her kindergarten class be the substitute for her own children. The natural motherhood instinct in Miriam induced a terrific longing for her to bear children of her own. A thought came to Maurice one evening that made his own dick hard. "What if Miriam slept with another man?" he thought to himself. He knew that Miriam loved only him but she had little experience of her own in the sexual relations department. While Maurice had sex with a number of girlfriends in high school and college, Miriam was his first virgin. He took her precious maidenhood that she had saved for her wedding night. Maurice tried very hard to teach his new wife the joys and excitement of sex. She did enjoy having sex but she was still quite timid in bed.One night at dinner, Maurice suggested to Miriam that she take a lover to produce a child. Miriam certainly wasn't for having sex with a strange man but her husband assured her that he would not become a jealous husband. Miriam said that she didn't like the idea but her manner in bed that night betrayed her own feelings. The pretty blonde wife was a real wildcat in bed. It was very good for Maurice as his own dick had been hard since dinner when he first mentioned her taking a lover.*******Maurice recently promoted to Area Sales Manager at the big insurance company where he worked. Along with a nice pay raise, he also got a real office out of the deal. No more little cubicles for this guy. As one of the regular sales agent, he did not have internet but now he did. Besides some privacy in his new office, the other thing that his new job afforded was he was granted access to the world wide web of the internet. Like a lot of people, Maurice became addicted to the internet. He knew the company's policy about not using the computer at work for personal use as well as not visiting taboo porno sites but like a moth lured to a flame, the internet lured Maurice to pornography. Not only did he read up about husbands who liked to see their wives with other men, he also downloaded short videos on the subject. One of the sites he stumbled upon was a website for white couples who were looking for black men to have sex with the attractive white wife. This new site really intrigued Maurice. Maurice was visiting when he heard the knock at his office door. He quickly clicked off the internet and looked up to see who was at the door. While he had a private office, there was a full-length "side light" pane of glass beside the door designed to keep his office from being 'completely' private. Maurice saw a young black man standing there waiting to be invited in. Maurice motioned him in with his hand."Mr. Smith?" the young black guy asked."Yes, that's me. What can I do for you?""Actually, it's what can I do for you?"Maurice seemed a little puzzled."My name's Marcus Taylor from the IT Department. You called the Helpdesk earlier today and I'm here to look at your computer.""Oh," Maurice was relieved. He had called IT earlier today and submitted a problem that he was having using one of the new computer software programs. He had also been worried that maybe the IT Department was monitoring his illicit internet usage and that he would be fired.Maurice told him the problem and Marcus showed him what to do. "That was pretty easy," Maurice said."Yeah, it is when you know what to do. That's why they pay me the big bucks." They both laughed at the joke.Marcus motioned to the 8"x10" photo of a pretty blonde woman on Maurice's desk."Is that your wife?" the black IT guy asked.Maurice flushed."Yea, that's my wife," he replied."What a cutie. If she were mine, I'd never let her outta my bed."Maurice's face turned beet red. However, the thought of this black man with Miriam made his dick hard."She looks pretty hot."The photo was one he took earlier in the summer at their little cabin on a remote lake in northern Alabama. Miriam was in one of her skimpy little bikinis sitting on a boulder beside the lake. She was barefoot with one leg stretched out and toes pointed in a "pin-up" pose. The other leg was bent and her elbow was touching her knee with her hand cradling her pretty face. Marcus could see her diamond engagement and wedding rings sparkling in the late afternoon sun. The pretty blonde wife's smile was even more dazzling than the diamond on her finger.Marcus could see for himself that Maurice's wife was very attractive. Her beautiful blonde shoulder-length hair framed her face very nicely. The sparkling blue eyes looking at him from the photo were the color of the clear blue sky in the background. He also noticed her trim waist and the nice full curve of her breasts. The hardened nipples could even be seen through the thin bikini top material. Maurice was real proud of this photo. He took it with his new digital camera but had it printed at the photo lab. The photo lab guy even asked if she was a model. Maurice noticed that the black IT guy was staring a little too long at Miriam's photo. He hadn't noticed it earlier, but as he was sitting and the black guy was standing, his eyes were at the waist level of the black guy. Maurice noticed a sizable bulge in the young Negro's slacks. Was it really true what they said about black men?"Call me whenever you need help with anything and I do mean anything as he eyed the photo sitting on the desk." "Okay," Maurice replied as he watched the black IT guy leave his office.*******Marcus went back to the IT department and pulled up the records of the websites that Maurice had recently visited. He had to smile to himself when he saw that Maurice had gone to on more than one occasion. If this guy was looking for a black man to "service" his wife, then it might as well be Marcus to do the job. He formulated a plan that had worked on several other occasions.******* That night, Maurice could hardly wait to get his wife into bed. The image of the black IT guy with Miriam burned a hole into his brain. As he was making love to his wife, he whispered in her ear, "Have you ever wondered about black men?"The comment must have triggered a hidden response in his wife as she was very energetic in her love-making that evening. They had talked about acting out fantasies before to help spice up their love life. Miriam remembered that one of her sorority sisters in college had dated a black guy. She raved about having 'Nigga' sex with him and about how big his black cock was. The sorority's officers heard about her friend's 'black experience' and voted her out of the sorority. Miriam's friend was not only black balled by the sorority but she was also black balled by her Negro lover.******* Marcus didn't want to wait too long to act on his plan. He didn't want some other black guy beating him to that pretty little blonde honey.The next day he knocked on the door to Maurice's office. Maurice waved him in."Hey, Marcus," he said. "What's up? I'm not having any computer problems.""May I sit down?""Sure, why not?""Maurice, I send a report to management every week regarding internet usage by the employees. I've noticed some highly unusual websites that you visit on a frequent basis during company time. Do you know which ones I mean?"Maurice swallowed hard."Yes," Maurice said. It came out as just a little louder than a whisper. "Is there anything I can do so my name doesn't show up when you submit your report?""I'm glad you asked and yes there is," Marcus said as his eyes went over to the photo on Maurice's desk.Maurice followed the eyes of the black IT fellow. He had to swallow again as his throat became very dry when he saw the Negro eyeing the photo of his lovely blonde wife. At the same time, Maurice's dick came to life in his pants."I've been tracking your visits to and I know what you've been looking at."Marcus continued, "Has that pretty little wife of yours ever had a black man before?"Maurice was shocked by the question. "Ahh, no," he stammered. "I don't think that she ever has.""Good. Then I'd like to be her first." Marcus was not smiling.Maurice couldn't believe what he was hearing."If you don't let me sleep with that beautiful little blonde wifey of yours, then my report goes to management. You will probably get fired for cause. You won't be able to work again and that also means that you won't even get unemployment pay. You'll have to put that little honey of yours to work at night on her back trying to make some money to make ends meet. How about this for lyrics, 'Let your honey, make you money.' I coulda been a rap star," Marcus laughed. Maurice couldn't believe that this was getting out of hand so quickly. He tried to put up a tough front, "I don't think that my wife will sleep with a black guy.""Oh, yeah. Well, then you gots some convincin' to do, that is, unless you want this report to go to management. Ya better set me up with your little cutie pretty soon or you're gonna have to take your chances that they'll go lenient on you. I'll bet my paycheck that they don't. You, my friend, are gonna be in deep shit."*******That night after dinner, Maurice talked to his wife about the possibility of taking a lover. She said that she just wasn't very interested in having sex with another man. "Will you just think about it?" he implored. She said, "I will but please don't rush me."However, that night in bed, Miriam made quite a lover. Thinking about another man had reached down deep into her own psyche. She had never dreamed about men other than her own husband but Maurice had planted the infidelity seed of desire into her soul. Now it just needed time to grow and blossom.*******Marcus dropped by Maurice's office later that week. "How's it hangin', my man?" asked Marcus."Look, Marcus. I'm not your 'Man' so please stop calling me that. If anything, I ought to be calling you, 'Boy.' What do you think of that?""Man, that's a low blow. Speaking of low blows, how's your pretty little wife? I've love to get her sweet lips wrapped around big Willie.""Shhh, Marcus. Keep your voice down, please. I certainly don't want the whole office to hear everything we say.""Your wife gonna be ready for big Willie this weekend? My big, ole one-eyed monster is ready and waiting for her. You best get her ready soon.""Marcus, I'm working on it. It's not as easy as it looks.""Oh, it's pretty easy, my Boy. You just tell her to open up those pretty legs of her and let me come in. I'll takes care o' the rest."*******Maurice stopped by the liquor store on his way home before dinner and picked up a couple of bottles of Miriam's Miriam favorite French white wine, Chateau Soixante' Neuf. That's 'Castle Sixty-Nine' for those of us who are not schooled in the French language.Dinner was fabulous as usual as Miriam was always a fantastic cook. The wine musta done its trick as Maurice once again asked his wife to take on a lover. This time she said, "Yes, I'll give it a try. If I don't like it, I'll stop."That night, Miriam and Maurice fucked like rabbits. He had never cum three times before but tonight he had. He also thought that Miriam had an orgasm in her own little way.*******Friday morning came and Maurice called Marcus. "Can you come to my office, Marcus? I'm having another computer problem.""I'll be there in fifteen minutes," the black IT guy said.Maurice's thoughts were of his pretty blonde wife with the black IT guy. This would be her first with another man as well as her first Negro. He wanted to tell her that her new lover would be black but he also wanted to keep it a secret from her for fear that she might turn it down. Before Maurice knew it, there was the knock on his door. It was Marcus grinning like the Cheshire Cat."Come in, Marcus, and shut the door, please. Have a seat.""What's up Boss Man?""My wife finally agreed to do it. Are you available Saturday evening?""I actually had other plans for Saturday night, but for you, Boss, I'll make an exception and cancel my prior engagement. I certainly wouldn't want to keep your pretty little wifey waiting too long for some black cock, now, would I?" "Good, then, let me tell you how it's gotta be, okay?"Maurice laid out his cuckold plan to Marcus. Maurice and Miriam would go up to the lake cabin on a small, remote lake in Northern Alabama. Marcus could join them after dinner. "I'll have Miriam primed, ready and waiting. Ahh, is it okay if I take some photos of the two of you?""Yeah, it'll be alright just so ya don't plaster them all over the internet, okay. I might even bring my own video camera.""Good idea. I'd like to get a copy of the video. I've seen some several hot amateur interracial ones lately. I'd love to see my wife doing one of those."*******Miriam was more than just a little nervous on Saturday afternoon. She and Maurice spent the afternoon swimming in the lake. After sunning herself most of the afternoon, she went inside to get ready for her first lover. Miriam took a long, relaxing bath and shaved her legs and underarms. She also trimmed the soft, curly pussy hair surrounding her mound into a little triangle pointing downwards towards her lovenest. Her erect clitoris had been throbbing in anticipation of tonight's activities. They had an early dinner with more wine. It was just getting dark at seven o'clock when Maurice heard the knock on the door. He knew it would be Marcus. Miriam was waiting in the bedroom."I'll get it," Maurice called out to no one in particular.Maurice opened the door to find not one but two black men standing there."Ahh, hello, Marcus. Who's this?" Maurice stammered. He wasn't expecting two people. Maurice hadn't even told Miriam that her new lover would be a Negro."I brought my cameraman with me. He's done this plenty o' times. Maurice, meet Tyrell Turner."Maurice extended his hand and the huge strong, black hand engulfed his. Maurice noticed a number of crude tattoos on his hand and arms. There was no way for Maurice to know that these were 'prison' tattoos that were like a badge of honor and respect amongst hardened criminals. Tyrell also wore a 'Red Badge of Courage' from the multitude of criss-crossed scars across his broad back that he had received at the hands of a white skinhead group who called themselves, 'The Aryan Nation.' His ultimate revenge was his when he finally got out of prison early for 'good' behavior. He personally hunted down and raped each and every one of those white bastards' wives or girlfriends. There was some pretty good looking white pussy amongst that group of bitches. Hell, he wouldn't even mind taking another whipping if he could get some more of that pretty little white ass. Now here he was in a remote cabin in the middle of bum-fuck-Alabama and the cute little blonde bitch of a wife was just a beggin' to be black fucked. Tyrell had the equipment that she would never forget, that is, if she lived through her ordeal."Honey," Maurice called out to his wife. "They're here." He sounded like the madman Jack Nicholson from the movie, 'The Shining.'Tyrell already had the video camera running when the pretty wife came out of the bedroom. She was all that Marcus had described to him and then some. This was some prime white pussy.Miriam was wearing a red cropped-top that showed off her midriff. The top was thin and Tyrell could see that the pretty blonde wife wasn't wearing a bra as her nipples were standing at attention. She was so proud of her trim shape and knew that men loved to see her bare belly with its little golden belly ring. Her faded short blue-jean skirt came to mid-thigh and did little to hide her long, shapely legs. Her cute little feet were in a pair of high-heeled sandals that displayed her red-painted toenails.Both of the black men had instant hard-ons.Tyrell caught her confused expression on the video as Miriam looked from the two black men to her own husband."Ahh, Maurice, could we talk, please?"They went into the kitchen out of earshot of the two black visitors."Maurice, they are, uhhhh, Negro.""Miriam, I thought that you got extra excited when you talked about having sex with black men. Besides, I won't let them hurt you. You'll do this for me, won't you, Honey?" Maurice saw the glimmer of fear in his wife's pretty blue eyes turn into anticipation as she nodded yes."Guys," Maurice called out. "Would you like some beer or wine?""We'll both take beer," Marcus chimed out.Miriam came back into the den with another glass of white wine while her husband had beers for their black guests.Marcus sat in the easy chair while Miriam timidly sat on the sofa. Marcus sat down next to the lovely blonde wife while Tyrell manned the video camera.The music was turned on to a slow jazz CD and Marcus moved in closer to the pretty wife. He really couldn't believe that the naive white couple had gone through with this. Marcus knew that cell phones didn't work in this remote part of Alabama and Tyrell had cut the telephone line. He had also quickly disabled Maurice's car. This pretty young wife was going to pay with her body for all of the years of racial injustice and cruelty that had been imposed upon the slaves from Africa. Miriam jumped when she felt the hand on her firm thigh. She didn't know what to expect but this was happening rather quickly. A black man had his hand on her bare upper thigh while her husband was taking photos of her with his digital camera and another black man was doing a video. It felt like she was doing one of those interracial porno videos like the ones that her husband had shown her. It kind of excited her.The Negro put his arm around the timid blonde wife and pulled her closer. His hand went up under her short skirt as her hand tried in vain to stop him."Hey, Maurice," Marcus called out. "You know your little wife is wet for me already?"The Negro held up his hand and showed everyone the feminine juices running down his middle finger. He put his fingers between his thick lips and smacked loudly."Damn, this little honey tastes good too! She tastes like chicken, that is, finger-lickin'-good chicken." Miriam blushed.Marcus leaned over and kissed Miriam full on the lips. His tongue explored the deepest recesses of her sweet mouth. She could faintly taste her own pussy juices lingering on his probing tongue.Miriam's heart skipped a beat as his fingers found her excited clitoris as his other hand massaged her firm breast. He cruelly pinched the nipple between his thumb and forefinger causing Miriam to yelp in pain. With her mouth open, his tongue plunged in deeper."Okay, Honey. Let's show Daddy what you've got."Marcus stood up and indicated for Miriam to do the same. "Take off your top. I wanna see those tits."Miriam turned to demurely remove her top but Marcus put a strong black hand on her shoulder turning her back around towards him."I wanna watch you do a striptease."The pretty blonde wife reluctantly picked up the beat to the music and seductively pulled the top over her head releasing her beautiful twin orbs."Man, oh man," he said. "Some little black boys are gonna wanna suck on those two little beauties but I wanna suck on them now."Marcus moved in closer towards Miriam and took her breasts in his strong black hands. Miriam looked down and saw the taboo contrast of black skin against white skin. The black IT man suckled on her firm tits. "Man, these boobs are perfect. Anything more than a mouth full is wasted," he said as his teeth greedily nibbled on her erect nipples. Miriam moaned at his expert ministrations.Marcus turned Miriam so that she was facing the video camera and moved behind her. She could feel his huge erection brushing against her buttocks. One of his hands came around and caressed one of her bare breasts while the other hand was on her firm tummy. His fingers slipped into the top of her skirt and into her panties. The black hand worked its way through her silky pussy hair before finding her blood-engorged clitoris. Miriam leaned her head back against her black lover's broad shoulders and moaned with her excitement. Marcus whispered in her ear all the things that he was going to do to her. "Ohhh, Honey. I'm gonna make love to you like you've never been made love to before. Baby, your husband will never be able to satisfy you like I can. I'm gonna fill you so full and take care of your every need. I'm gonna make you wish that you were born black, Honey, but we're gonna make up for lost time. Just you and me, Baby. I'll make good luvin' to you every night. Honey, once you've gone black, you'll never go back."His black fingers parted the puffy folds of her pussy and worked them in and out of her excitement-slickened vagina. Miriam moaned her pleasure. She turned her head and searched for the black man's lips. Miriam found his willing lips and the two kissed, tenderly at first then greedily with a hunger that needed to be filled.Miriam had never felt this way before. The spark and the excitement of making love were missing with her own husband. In the arms of her new black lover, this wasn't making love but was pure, raw, unadulterated primal sex. This was going to be what she had heard called, 'Jungle Sex.' The sorority sister in college who had the black boyfriend had confided in Miriam about the great Jungle Sex she had with her boyfriend. It was nothing like she ever had before. Since then, Miriam had always wanted to experience sex with a black guy but was too concerned about being found out that she was just another white whore for big black cock. She had dreamt of something like this happening but was too shy to mention it to her own husband. She couldn't believe that he was the one that suggested and set this whole thing up for her. Now was the time for her to get her fill of black cock and she was going to cherish every moment of it.Miriam's hand came up behind her black lover's head as they kissed as she felt the kinky hair on his head. His hand left her breast and found the underarm of her raised arm. Marcus felt the freshly shaved smooth skin and massaged it with her fingers. He took in the perfume on her neck as he nibbled on her ear. Miriam's lovely blonde head lulled to one side as if offering her smooth neck to her black lover. Marcus nipped at her white neck with his teeth. Love marks would show on her tender neck but he didn't care. This bitch was his to do what he wanted.Marcus turned the lovely blonde wife around and pushed her towards the floor. "I want you to worship your new black god," he commanded.Miriam didn't understand at first but she caught on quickly.Both Maurice and Tyrell moved around to get into a better position to photo and video what was about to happen. Maurice was glad that he bought extra memory cards for his digital camera and extra rechargeable batteries that were fully charged. He certainly didn't want to be out of memory or batteries at a crucial time like this. Tyrell bided his time and waited patiently while he videoed his friend taking the attractive white wife. He wanted to make sure that she was well broken in by Marcus before fucking the shit outta the beautiful blonde bitch. His own impossibly thick black cock was twitching in his pants but he knew to wait. Marcus hadn't let him down before and he would get the leftovers in a little bit. It was like a dog getting tasty scraps at the dinner table but he liked it that way. Tyrell was the one who cut the telephone line and disabled the white couple's car. Cell phones didn't work way out here in the boonies so there was no way for them to call for help. He was going to turn this good-looking white bitch every which way but loose. Maurice and Miriam were at the mercy of Tyrell and he never gave nobody no mercy, especially honkies! The brutal black ex-convict was gonna turn her pretty blonde pussy inside out. Miriam still had on her blue jean skirt and her high-heeled sandals as she tucked her legs beneath her. The lovely blonde wife timidly reached up to her new black lover's belt buckle and began to unbuckle it. She slowly unsnapped his pants and brought down the zipper. He wasn't wearing any underwear and Miriam wasn't prepared for what she saw."Ohmigawd!" she gasped as his huge black one-eyed monster sprung to life. It was much longer and thicker than her own husband's fairly good-sized dick.Miriam's hand encircled the proud black manhood at the base and cradled his swollen balls with the other. She stroked his giant rod several times back and forth before licking the enormous head with her little pink tongue. She had always refused her husband when he wanted her to suck on his dick but she couldn't deny her new black lover. His cock had a pungent taste and smell but she was too far gone for it to really matter to her that she had a great, big unwashed black cock in her sweet, little virginal mouth. Though this was a first for Miriam, she closed her lovely blue eyes and swirled her tongue around his big black cock like she was born to be a true cock-sucker. Her hand left his huge, sperm-laden testicles and went to her own pussy. Miriam diddled her own lust swollen clitoris and was pleasuring herself like she had never done before. His black hands were entangled in her beautiful long blonde hair as he face-fucked the wife of one of his white colleagues from work. This was not the first wife that he had seduced and introduced to the pleasures of black cock. Marcus searched out the attractive white wives of the other employees and nailed them too. Not even the company president's beautiful trophy wife was spared. She had been so black-cock hungry that he had to turn her over to one of the other brothas to keep her satisfied while he found others to initiate into enjoying black sex.As much as he wanted to, Marcus didn't shoot his thick wad into her warm succulent mouth. He had other plans for his potent sperm. Marcus knew about his white colleague's low sperm count and not being able to get his delectable wife pregnant. The black IT guy planned on planting his dark seed deep into this beautiful blonde wife's soon-to-be-stretched womb. The beautiful blonde wife was really into the black cock-sucking scene now working it with everything she had. Miriam wanted to please her new black master. She would willingly do anything she was asked and then some.Marcus lifted Miriam up and placed her on the sofa. He bent down between he legs and pushed up her blue jean skirt revealing her lacey, white bikini panties. He started with her dainty feet still encased in the high-heeled slippers and kissed the tips of her red-painted toes, then the inside of her trim ankles. Marcus worked his way up her smooth legs to her firm thighs. He could already smell the heady aroma of her heated loins. "This bitch is ready," he thought to himself. Marcus pushed her skirt up even further and slowly pulled down her dampened panties revealing her beautiful blonde mound and its throbbing clitoris. Miriam had one of the prettiest little pussies he had ever seen. It looked good enough to eat and that's just what he planned on doing.Marcus removed her fragrant panties and held them to his broad black nose taking in the intimate scent of her most inner being. He looked up at her husband who was taking photographs and tossed his wife's useless panties to him."She's not gonna need these no more," as Marcus laughed at his own joke.Marcus quickly shucked off the rest of his clothes. His black head now dove between her widespread legs and voraciously ate her beautiful blonde pussy like it was offered to him on a silver platter for the taking. And taking he did!Miriam squirmed as the rapacious tongue delved deeply into her moist womanhood. This was another one of the sex acts that her husband wanted to do to her but she wouldn't let him because it was just too dirty of a thing for a nice girl like Miriam to do. Now she was writhing beneath a black man as he ate out her very tasty pussy. Her hands went to his kinky black hair and pulled his head further into her excited pussy. Miriam moaned in ecstasy and had her first orgasm. Her husband watched with rapt attention as his wife was being pleasured by a black man. Even as he took photos of his wife, he had unzipped his pants and was now stroking his meager penis. His own little white dick was no comparison to the big black monster that was currently in his lovely wife's sweet mouth.Marcus released his hold on her slim hips went to her full breasts as his lips skipped over her skirt and settled on her navel with it's little golden belly ring. He pulled on it with his lips but not hard enough to ripped it from its skin. A look of fear passed across Miriam's pretty blue eyes before the black man moved further up to her breasts. His tongue played with her erect nipples and then moved on to the exposed part of her neck under her chin. Miriam turned her head in surrender as he sampled her neck. She would have bruises for a long time to show for her night of wild, uninhibited jungle sex. Marcus hovered over his beautiful white prey like a mountain lion about to devour a wounded female deer. Miriam could taste herself on his probing tongue as he soul-kissed his lovely white captive. He raised up so he could see the look in her eyes as he entered her for the first time."Aren't you going to use a condom?" she asked."I don't have one to use," her soon to be black lover replied."My husband has one you can use.""Ha," he laughed. "Do you think his little peckerwood condom would fit me? Besides, I don't use no slicker suit.""Please put on a condom. I might get pregnant," the beautiful blonde wife pleaded again."I ain't using one and that's it. If you want some black cock bad enough, Honey, you'll put it in for me. Put it in, now," Marcus whispered hoarsely.Miriam reached between her parted thighs and found his huge throbbing manhood. She looked down and saw the monstrous black African spear that was about to thrust into her. It seemed to have gotten even bigger from just a few moments ago. Her husband caught the look of fear in her eyes with his camera when she realized that this brutally large manhood would soon be tearing up her insides. She timidly guided his giant cockhead to the inevitable black mating. Her eyes opened wide in terror when he thrust the first couple of impossibly thick inches into her quivering pussy. She realized too late that he was just to big for her to take comfortable.The terrorized, impaled wife put his hands against his chest to try in vain to stop him from going any further. Marcus was in and right on target as he thrust forward with a mighty push. Miriam screamed as it seemed like she was being ripped open from her insides. Her screams were caught on video but would not save her now. Maurice was shocked at how rough Marcus was and went to intervene to save his lovely, innocent wife from being ravished by her black attacker. Tyrell grabbed the white husband's shoulder and turned him around before connecting with a roundhouse blow to the chin knocking Maurice to the floor. His bout with Golden Gloves when he was a kid paid off not only in prison but also now. Tyrell could kill this white husband with just his hands."Mothafucker," Tyrell roared at the fallen white husband. "You can watch all ya want and take photos but ya best not interfere! If ya do that again, ya gonna end up dead meat."Maurice could only nod in acquiescence. Blood was spilling from his own split lip. Miriam looked over pleading at her husband as she was being impaled by the huge black shaft but he couldn't do a thing to help his lovely wife now. She was on her own. Tyrell went back to videoing the white bitch's first nigga fucking. "This video is gonna make me a ton o' money on the black market," he thought to himself. White guys bought a shit-load of amateur interracial videos, especially the ones where the white bitch was roughed up while getting black-fucked for the very first time. The very successful series was called, "Black Initiations!" Another series he started was called, "The Soul of Desire." These were the ones he made after they had submitted to their new black masters. Several videos would be made from fucking this beautiful blonde bitch this weekend. Tyrell made Marcus a legend in the amateur interracial video market. Tyrell made the money as they sold like hotcakes. What Tyrell really liked the best was after Marcus had finished with them. They were too far gone to resist what Tyrell had in store for them but not so far gone that they didn't have any fight left in them. He loved fucking struggling white hoes.Miriam's widely-stretched pussy finally relaxed enough for her to enjoy her first of many big black cocks. He smooth legs went up and grasped his humping black hips with her firm calves. She moved in rhythm with his deep thrusts which just about knocked the wind from her each time. On the outward thrusts, the walls of her vagina clung to the huge black cock as they were suctioned outward. Miriam shuttered as she had another orgasm. Finally, Marcus raised his head up and roared like a lion as his hot, potent sperm blast out of his expanded cock buried deep into Miriam's battered womb. It felt as if a volcano was erupting inside her womanhood. The beautiful blonde wife orgasmed together with her new black lover, something she had never done before with her own husband.Marcus lay spent on top of the satiated white wife. After a moment or two, he rolled off of her pulling out his still massive cock. Miriam's abused blonde pussy gaped open as gobs of thick gooey jism spilled out. She laid there limp with her legs spread wide open. Her husband took several photos of the messy results of his wife's lovemaking."Clean her up," Marcus commanded to her husband. Maurice turned towards the bathroom to get some towels to wipe of the mess."No!" Marcus bellowed. "Use your tongue!"It took a moment before Maurice realized what Marcus wanted him to do. Was he supposed to eat the cream pie? He had never done that before but had seen the white husband do it after the wife had gotten black-fucked.Miriam didn't resist when her husband got between her legs and began lapping up the spent lovemaking juices. He had always wanted to eat his wife's pretty little pussy now it was gaping open right in front of his eyes. Maurice never thought that he would be slurping up another man's sperm but he was doing so now. Miriam's hands came down to his bobbing head and she had another orgasm.When Maurice finished cleaning up his wife's pussy with his tongue, he got her some ice water to drink. She had a light sheen of perspiration covering her entire body."Are you ready for Round Two?" Marcus asked no one in particular. Miriam could barely nod her agreement. She couldn't get enough of the big black cock that she was just introduced to."I wanna fuck her like the bitch that she is," Marcus said as he placed a sofa cushion on the arm of the sofa. Miriam reluctantly got up and bent over the arm of the sofa awaiting her next debasement. Her useless skirt was still bunched up around her trim waist.Marcus spread her ankles and moved up between her firm thighs. He shucked his thick cock several times before inserting it between her still slickened, well-used pussy lips. Miriam was still tight down there but not as much as she was before. One of his hands went to her breasts and the other one found her throbbing clitoris. He bit into the soft flesh of her shoulder as he entered her pussy deeply from the rear. Miriam howled in pain as Marcus drew blood with his sharp, black panther-like teeth. He had the beautiful white wife where he really wanted her.With his teeth sunk into her flesh of her shoulder, he wrapped his arm around her trim waist. Marcus extracted his huge cock from her moistened pussy and aimed for a higher target. It took Miriam a moment to realize that she was about to be sodomized when she screamed again for help from her husband. Maurice just stood there helplessly as Marcus rammed his thick black cock deep inside her virginal buttocks. Miriam screamed in pain from the teeth embedded in her shoulder as well as the black cock embedded deeply in her wrecked rectum! She howled like a wounded banshee.Marcus finally let go of her shoulder and rose up. He grasped the sides of her skirt around her waist like reins and rode the sodomized white bitch like a bucking bronco. Her black sodomizer grabbed Miriam's long blonde hair and pulled backwards so her husband could see his wife's pretty face being tormented. Maurice even took a photo of his beautiful wife in pain as she was getting her first black butt-fucking. Marcus just about wore out her pussy. Miriam collapsed on the sofa and rested up for her next ordeal. About that time, the abused wife looked up to see Tyrell taking off his shirt. She saw the prison tattoos and the brutal scars on his chest, sides and back.Tyrell unzipped his pants and let them drop around his ankles. He too wasn't wearing any underwear so his manhood was quickly on display."Oh, my God," Maurice heard his wife whisper. He turned to look at Tyrell. "There is no way that a human could have such a bull-sized weapon like that!" she exclaimed. But Tyrell possessed such a weapon between his muscular legs. It was a weapon of mass destruction, a weapon that he especially liked to use on pretty white women."Let's go to the bedroom. I like to be more romantic," Tyrell said to the exhausted blonde wife. He took her hand and led her to the bed that she normally shared with her husband. Marcus and Maurice followed the couple into the bedroom and brought the video and camera gear. Tyrell yanked off the covers and threw Miriam on the king-sized bed. There was terror in Miriam's eyes as the black ex-con pushed her thighs up against her chest. She knew in her heart that this would not be a gentle fuck but she wasn't prepared for the shock as the giant black cock tore into her pussy. She opened her mouth to scream but Tyrell covered her mouth with his thick lips, effectively smothering her moans of pain. It felt like her insides were being ripped out and they were. This massive black cock was way too big for even her wide-stretched pussy to endure. There was no way for her pussy to adjust to the huge black cock that was now plundering her body. No one could rescue her from her fate, not even her timid husband who was still taking photos of her abuse. The massive black cock impaled her to the bed. It seemed like forever before his thick nigga cum finally burst into her womb like a red hot explosion. Tyrell had much more cum in him and he knew where he wanted to put it. He turned the beautiful blonde wife over so that she was lying on her stomach. He crawled up on top of her so that his knees forced her thighs apart. Tyrell then reached one of his muscular arms around her neck in a choke hold so she wouldn't be able to squirm away. He took his free hand and guided his black cock towards its intended target. In a split second before it happened, Miriam realized what was about to take place. With all of her might, she tried in vain to get away. She thought that it was bad when Marcus was in her backside but it was no comparison to what was about to happen to her now. Tyrell was about to rip her a new asshole.The Negro above her viciously turned her head in an unnatural position so he could she her face as he was about to enter her rectum. Tyrell liked to see the terror on the white bitch's pretty face. Miriam bucked inhumanly trying to get away from him as he rammed all the way into her innards. Maurice thought that the black man riding his wife might kill her like that but he still did nothing to save her from the horrible abuse. Tyrell's thick lips descended on hers like a vulture going after road kill. Miriam was nailed to the bed. Tyrell even reached back to grasp one of her ankles and bring it cruelly backwards allowing him even deeper access to her battered and abused opening. It seemed like a lifetime to Miriam before her attacker finally blew his wad deep inside her rectum.Tyrell finally got off the battered wife. There was not only thick cum spilling out from between her wide-spread legs but also some of her blood. Mixed in with the red blood on the white sheets was some brown matter which Maurice suspected correctly was some of his wife's fecal matter, also know as shit. Tyrell had literally fucked the shit out of Miriam. Her abuser told him to clean it up. Maurice obediently got between her legs and began lapping it up like a dog.*******Maurice and Miriam never forget that first of many weekends. Miriam went on to star in a number of other of Tyrell's video productions series called, 'The Soul of Desire". Maurice quit his job to take care of the black baby that either Marcus or Tyrell had fathered that first weekend. They lived off of the money that his wife made whoring out to black cock on the side. The beautiful blonde wife was always in demand by her black clients. Tyrell even gave Miriam referral fees for all of the other attractive white wives that she brought to him for his videos. Miriam truly had experienced 'The Soul of Desire.'END
"But I'm on the pill, so I won't get pregnant, and you'll be there with me, so nothing will go wrong.""Dolly, don't be ridiculous, There could be lots of things that could go wrong. What if one of them hurts you before I can stop him? What if... What if I get jealous? What if word gets out? What if you get VD? No, honey, I won't let you do it! Why do you even want to?""So I'll know what it feels like. Look, I've never had sex with anyone but you. "She's thirty-three years old, and she's only slept with one guy." I like sex with you a lot, but I might like it differently with other men. If I do, I want to know what it feels like, while I'm still young enough to pull it off, and I can do it only if you to share the experience with me.""But, a gang bang? Why? Why not just sleep around? This is way too dangerous. What if things get out of hand?""It won't. They won't. I've got it all figured out. No one will even know anyone else's name. It'll be totally anonymous. We'll rent a hotel room. I'll put an ad in the paper. We'll interview each man beforehand. You'll be with me all the time and I'll tell you when I want to stop. If you don't want me to go through with it, I'll back out. Even if you just feel uneasy, I promise, I'll stop. Please be open-minded, Tom. I really want to do this.""Is this research for another story?""Well, yes, but I also want to see how much sex one woman can reasonably take.""Then ask some prostitute, or masturbate.""But I want to know for myself, for me. And I lose interest in climaxing when I masturbate. Besides, it's not as the same as actually having sex. Come on, Tom, please. You've got it up more than once lots of times. I really like multiple intercourse with you, and I'm sure having additional partners will keep me going. Tom, please let me do this. I promise, it will be just this one time."Tom looked at her in wonder. He didn't believe it at first, but now he saw that Dolly was deadly serious. Strangely, as he gave it some consideration, he actually felt the stirrings of excitement in his loins. "Face it, buddy," he told himself, "it's pretty erotic to have a wife who is so fascinated by sex that she would be willing to do a gang bang."Dolly had always been an excellent lover, especially recently. She was enthusiastic and always willing. She had learned to suck cock really well and to grab and manipulate his inserted cock with her cunt muscles when they fucked. Maybe the other men would be a little envious to find out that such a sexy woman was married to him. Would she really do it? If he knew Dolly she would. But, what would it mean to their relationship? He knew he loved her, and she loved him. Hopefully, nothing could change that. But the whole idea was so scary, and yet so sexy!"You'll really back out if I say so? Even at the last minute? And stop if it bothers me too much?""I said I would and I will. Please, Tom, at least think about it. C'mon. Heck, you might even enjoy it.""You're sure? OK, maybe you're right. It might be interesting to see how I'll feel. The idea scares me, but maybe it will work. OK, let see if we can pull it off."* * *"What's the Bowflex for?" Tom looked at the box sitting in the hallway."For me to work out on. Sex isn't a low calorie exercise. I've got to be in good shape. I don't want to give out physically before I'm fully satisfied sexually, and I didn't know how long that will take. I've also got this." She held up a new cookbook. The title read: "Low Fat, High Energy. Plus I've got a new exercise schedule full of stretching and bending, especially the inner thighs.""Wow, you're really serious." Tom shook his head. "Maybe I should work out a little myself.""You'd better- I want you in the mix as well."* * *Over the next three weeks, Dolly stuck to her routine. She even managed to lose a little weight, bringing herself to a trim 110 pounds. Her firm flesh glowed with health. Tom was taking it pretty well; he had helped her interview the men. They advertised for potential partners, looking for about twenty five total. They specified that they wanted men who were competent love makers. The whole idea was for Dolly to have as many climaxes as possible, not just fucks. Tom was surprised at the number of males who responded to the ad. They even had a number of women respond. Dolly considered that, but finally decided she wanted to keep it to straight sex, though. That's what her storyline required. He and Dolly had discussed how they would do it and planned it in some detail. She was glad to find that he actually seemed to be getting turned on by the idea. She sure was. Their sex life was better than ever. The week before the event they had sex twice a day, both when they went to bed and when they woke up the next morning.She and Tom decided to keep the hotel room pretty cool, since so much physical exertion would be going on in it. So to keep herself warm, Dolly had bought two new baby-doll pajamas. They were pink-and-white with short puffed sleeves and a fringe of lace at the hem. Dolly knew she would feel better, and thought she would probably look sexier, if she were partly clothed. Actually, Tom had suggested the idea. She would buy the baby-dolls and wear just the top. As he pointed out, they wouldn't interfere with her fucking, and her cute little slit and bottom could peek out enticingly beneath them. They talked at length about whether she should shave her public hair. She had done it a couple of times, years ago, and had liked the feeling, but had eventually gone back to letting it grow. They decided to leave it the way it was. It was fine and soft, anyway, and might provide some extra protection for her if she were fucked too long or violently. Even though Tom would be there, and they didn't expect any problems with the men they had picked, he might not move fast enough if one of the men got too excited.And lastly, they decided to be scientific. Since Tom would be there anyway, they decided that he would note the beginning of each sex session and record the times that that it took Dolly to climax. Dolly knew she had an easier time cumming than many women did, but she felt that it would be interesting to know exactly what her reaction time was, especially after she had come a few times. She felt warm and excited about what she was going to do, and she sincerely wished she wouldn't get tense and not be able to enjoy the men sexually as much as she hoped to. Fortunately, as the day got closer, she felt calmer and more sure that everything would go all right.* * *Finally the big day arrived. After leaving their kids with her sister and brother-in-law, she and Tom drove to the airport and rented a car, then drove across town to the motel. The sun blazed in the blue sky and Dolly's spirits were as high as the fluffy white clouds that sailed through the heavens. Tom checked them in at the motel at about five in the afternoon, paying cash and using a false name. Dolly couldn't stop giggling. She felt giddy and jazzed. They went directly to the room. Dolly had had a hearty lunch, and was far too excited to eat. Tom unwrapped the food and drinks he'd brought for the men to consume while they waited, and he snacked on some as they got things ready. While Tom spread one of the large white beach towels they had brought onto the bed, Dolly took a long hot shower. She came out glistening, her hair slightly damp, very relaxed. With Tom's help, she rubbed skin lotion over her whole body, between her legs and onto her breasts. A small drop of perfume behind each ear, on her shoulders, under her arms and just above her slit, and she was ready."You get me first, darling. I need to warm up." She pulled Tom into the bed and on top of her. He pushed her onto her back, spread her legs and went down on her eagerly. She was already sopping wet with anticipation, of course, but she got even more excited as she held his head as he devoured her. Good God, her man sure knew how to please a woman! Dolly thrashed and moaned as Tom tantalized her aching clit. Soon she couldn't wait any more and wanted him in her. Tom dropped his pants and noted the time. They both laughed at the artificiality of it, and then he pushed his hard cock into her. He rooted it around inside, poking and prodding. She squirmed under him, enjoying his fervor. Soon she threw her arms around him and pushed up against him, crying out as she came. A few minutes later he gasped and groaned and climaxed strongly, deeply, into her. Afterwards, they hugged each other, content.The doorbell rang. Tom got out of bed, tucked his shirt in and zipped up his pants. He looked down at Dolly. She smiled up at him; their lovemaking had been fast but enjoyable. Tom felt a pang of sadness as he eyed Dolly's sweet body. Her breasts were still firm and well shaped. Her stomach was almost as flat as it had been when they were first married. Her ass was still trim and tight. Her legs were long and slim. But it was her cunt, her beautiful, sweet, cunt, that he loved more than anything else, and that was the place he felt most at home. Dolly was a necessity to him, the center of his existence. Now, he feared that his life with her was about to change irreparably. During all of the time that they were married she had clung to him, and he had been faithful to her. Now she was going to move beyond that, beyond him alone, and share herself with other men. Still, she was her own master. He would not deny her. She wanted this, and he would not interfere. He stood for a second, then bravely walked through the living room, opened the door and welcomed the first four in. He asked them to wait, and then stuck his head back in the bedroom. Dolly had donned the pajama top and was sitting demurely on the bed. "Still want to go through with this?""Bring 'em on." Dolly fluffed the pillows and lay back. Her nipples were hard and pointy under the sheer top. She looked ravishing, her cheeks glowing and her eyes bright. Tom saw her blush, and then she smiled at him and mouthed 'I love you.' He shook his head in wonder, stepped into the living room and motioned to the first man, opening the door wide for him and following him in. Dolly looked up at the candidate that she and Tom and decided would be her first. She remembered talking to him during the interview. This fellow had impressed them both with his levelheaded seriousness. He hadn't been nervous, macho or embarrassed when she and Tom had described what they had in mind. He had nodded and said he would "be pleased to participate." Now he gazed solemnly down at her, and she blushed and her sex tingled as his large brown eyes scanned her half-naked body crouched on the bed. Tom sat down in a chair, and noted the times of his lovemaking with Dolly, as the man started to undress. "So," he said, "am I your first?""The first other than my husband," Dolly nodded toward Tom, who blushed despite himself. "Don't be afraid to let me know what you like," he said. "I want you to really enjoy fucking me. I know I'm going to enjoy fucking you."He removed his shirt and shoes, dropped his pants, and slid his boxer shorts down his legs and off. He stood still for a few seconds, letting them both look him over. He was tall and slim, with wide shoulders and strong runner's legs. His skin was a luminous blue-black, and his hair, short beard and chest pelt curled tightly against his skin. "Wow, you have a great body," Dolly told him. Dolly had wanted a black man and an oriental man as her first two sex partners, partly so she would know what interracial sex was like, but also to add variety and interest. The rest of the man's body was smooth and almost hairless. He did have a thick matted bush of public hair though, starting at his navel and flowing down around his crouch. His penis sprang out of the middle of it like a black trout out of a stream, his dark balls hanging loose below. "Thanks. And I know how to use it.""You keep in shape.""Yeah.""Doing?""Round ball.""Hope you don't dribble," she said smiling."I've never had any complaints." He walked slowly over to the bed, his pendulous meat swinging side-to-side, put his knee on the sheet, and crawled onto the bed with Dolly. 'With my wife,' Tom thought. 'So she's really going through with this.' He shook his head again. 'She can't have properly prepared herself,' he thought. 'After all, it's not like she's challenging her physical strength, but instead the resilience of her sensitive sexual organs. How can she know they won't be damaged? This is not the way normal people act.' His throat felt sore and he swallowed. He hoped he wasn't going to be sick.The man kneeled in front of her, looking down at her shining face. His white teeth gleamed a wide smile. He put his fists on his hips and clinched the muscles of his ass. His penis jumped a little. Dolly started as it moved, then swallowed, nodded and licked her lips with her small pink tongue. His strong legs framed his hanging dark organ, which was now dangling right in front of her face. Since this was the first time she had seen any adult man's penis but Tom's, outside of videos, she studied it with interest. It looked a lot different than Tom's, even aside from its color. Tom was circumcised, his glans plainly visible. This man's cock was entirely covered with skin, except for a small opening at the tip. "May I?" she asked."Please do," the man said. She reached out and touched it shyly, letting her small fingers play over it, weighing it in her hand. She jacked it back and forth, and it started to swell even bigger. "Ewww?" Dolly said admiringly. She cherished the feel of it getting harder in her hand. As it grew, she noted a reddish flush under its dark surface. She rolled the warm flesh with both hands now and watched in fascination as it rose before her and the foreskin pulled back. The smooth glans was darker than the shaft. A clear drop of pre-cum seeped out. Dolly looked up at the man, touched it with her thumb and spread it over the cock head, turning it shiny. She smiled questioningly, her face luminous in the soft light from the lamp on the bedside table. The man looked down at her and nodded. Dolly continued to play with his cock, squeezing and rubbing it.As she played, Tom clinched his jaw. He had seen lots of cocks before, of course, in gym class at school and in the locker room and the showers at his health club, but this one was unique. The woman he loved so much, and who, he knew, loved him as well, was about to let it enter her body. This particular cock was going to fill his loving wife's sweet vagina, where only his had been before. That didn't bother him so much. Dolly's body was hers, and she could use it as she saw fit. He did feel somewhat inadequate, though. After all, he had made love to Dolly thousands of times over the years and had brought her to many joyous climaxes, and had even given her two healthy children, but he obviously wasn't enough for her, sexually, any more. Tom wasn't jealous of this individual man; that, at least, was one advantage of a gang-bang. No, Dolly obviously didn't prefer any other man to him. It was just that suddenly, for some reason, she needed more sex than he could provide. His chest felt tight, as though he wanted to cry.The black man reached out, put his large hands up under Dolly's pajama top and hugged her skinny ribcage. She preened as his palms played over her round breasts, his thumbs flicking her nipples, and shivered as his dry palms caressed her sensitive skin. She rubbed his upper arms and shoulders, feeling the tough muscle underneath. She stared hard into his eyes, wondering what he was thinking. She found herself fantasizing about what life would be like if she and he were married. He was well groomed and healthy, obviously a professional who made a good income. She wondered what he did for a living, and how he spent his spare time. If he were her husband, how would their friends treat him? How would his friends treat her? If she had children by him, how would the other kids in school react to her kids? He leaned down and kissed her. She kissed him back, tasting his soft coppery lips. The man lowered two fingers between her legs, pushed her labia apart and inserted a digit, finding her wet and ready. She groaned as the tip entered her, and her vagina pulsed with excitement.The man rose up and ranged his hips in front of her, his cock fully erect now and pointing straight at Dolly's face. She took it in her hand again, inspecting it closely. It was nicely stiff and long, extending, she guessed, about seven inches from the man's loins, maybe more. It was quite massive as well, looking to be well over an inch and a half in diameter. She leaned forward and tasted it, carefully licking around the head, but when she tried to put it in her mouth, she found that it was too big to hold comfortably. She licked down its length, though, wetting it with her tongue. She sucked the tip again and it seemed to grow a little larger and stiffer. The man moaned with pleasure and took Dolly's face in his hands, pulling her away from him. He shifted his hands to her shoulders and pushed her upper body back toward the bed.Dolly leaned backward until she was reclining on her elbows. She shifted her legs out from under her until they straddled the man's knees and tipped her hips up, exposing her welcoming pussy. It gleamed pink and ready.The stranger supported himself with one hand on the mattress while guiding his dark member down toward her with the other. She was forced farther and farther back as the man's body came down on hers. She breathed in deeply, drawing the smell of him into her lungs. Stopping him with one hand against his chest, she looked down as his stiff meat approached her cleft. The dark bulb disappeared behind her pubic mound. She spread her slim thighs wide, as the tip touched her welcoming pussy lips and pushed them apart. "This is it!" she thought to herself. "Now I'll find out what it feels like to have a cock other than Tom's inside me!" Then her mouth formed into an "O", and she sucked a breath in as the black man's bulbous glans popped into her, and she fell back on the bed. Tom wrote down the time and waited.The mass of hard meat slid quickly up her slick vagina, expanding it as it went. She gave a little grunt when it bottomed out against her cervix. The man didn't pull out immediately, but remained fully inserted, pressing large against her insides. Dolly sighed. His cock felt very good in there, as Tom's always did. She stared at the face of the stranger above her. He looked down at her, and his brown eyes sparkled. She felt a moment of disorientation, she was so used to seeing Tom's pale face and blue eyes there, and then she lifted a hand and touched the stranger's cheek. He kissed her palm then pulled back out of her a little and leaned down and kissed her warmly on the lips. She kissed him back, then opened her mouth and licked between his lips. He opened his mouth and let her tongue explore the inside of his cheeks and his teeth. He moved to kissing her cheeks and neck and moved his hips back a little, then steadily forward again, forcing more of himself into her than he had before. Again she grunted, and the man looked down at her. "Is it okay?" he whispered. She nodded, and he drew back a little, then slid forward a third time, going even deeper. Dolly swallowed in awe as the hot meat filled her. His cock was considerably bigger than Tom's, and she was having some trouble accommodating him. Little tears welled at the corners of her eyes and she blinked them away. He slid back again, then pushed in strongly, until he had finally forced his pubic bone against her clit. Now that his cock was all the way inside, Dolly lay still. The man rested on his elbows, his hands holding her head. He lowered his face and kissed her forehead, then lowered his mouth and nibbled her ear. She stretched her body sinuously, and hugged his cock, squeezing its base with her cunt, and rubbed her engorged clit hard against him. He squirmed around above her, massaging her breasts with his chest. She felt a surge of primal sexual pleasure and let out another sigh. This was even better than she had hoped. The man pulled up her pajama top and plumped and tweaked her breasts. She put her hands behind her head in acceptance as he kissed, nipped and suckled her tits. Then he lifted his body up with his arms and started moving in and out of her.As the man's muscular ass bobbed back and forth, Tom gritted his teeth with exasperation. So, she was actually doing it. Now he had to endure while another man fucked his pretty wife, and he even had to watch. Tom's view was restricted to Dolly's legs laying flat on the sheet and the man's ebony back, ass and legs moving between them, but he could hear the squishing sound of the man's cock moving in and out of Dolly's cunt and the sounds of heavy breathing and moans the two were making. Dolly started moaning loudly with obvious pleasure, the man was panting and grunting, and Tom blushed with embarrassment at being present at such an intimate moment. Still, his face flushed as he watched the heaving bodies. His cock stirred. The man's hard muscles flexed under his ebony skin and a sheen of perspiration formed on the surface. His hips moved steadily, back and forth, as though exercising on a gym machine Tom shifted around the table so he could see better. Dolly was rolling her head and making little noises in her throat. The man arched above her, his eyes staring down at his cock. Tom could just barely make out the dark flash of cock meat on the backstroke, but he could hear the man's stomach slap Dolly's lower belly as he smacked his pubis against her clit. Tom winced. It was as though he were watching an X rated movie. Neither his wife nor the stranger was paying any attention to him. They were living only for themselves, and what they were doing to each other. Dolly started gasping and crying out, the mattress vibrating as her bottom bounced anxiously on it. She raised her knees and put her feet on the man's hips, tilting herself up. Tom recognized the signs. He bit his lip, waiting, and, predictably, she screamed out loud when she climaxed. The man groaned louder as Dolly's inner muscles massaged his implanted love tool. Tom shook his head, surprised that Dolly could have actually cum so soon. Then he remembered that he had brought her to climax only a short while before, so she had probably still been turned on from that. In fact, as he thought it over, he found he was actually pleased for her. Dolly certainly seemed to be enjoying what was happening, and Tom did like to make her happy. He noted the time of her orgasm on the pad, and returned his eyes to the bed.Dolly rocked up on her elbows and looked down at the shiny black cock as it continued to slide in and out of her now-satisfied cunt. To her it was a beautiful sight, not at all sordid or base. She had always enjoyed having sex with Tom, and was glad to find that she liked it as much with this other man. The person spearing her so well had a hard attractive body. He was years younger than she was and it made her proud to know this handsome stranger desired her sexually. His long cock drove strongly up into her and filled her wonderfully full. He was sweating with effort, she was a little glowy herself, and he was obviously trying to add to her pleasure, moving his hips around when fully inserted, to stimulate and tantalize her clit. His engorged cock was very hard, like a plastic dildo or her vibrator. Her sensitive cunt lips grabbed at the slick sides as they slid by. Suddenly it swelled larger, the man stopped and shuddered, and Dolly readied herself as he erupted his alien sperm into her. She hugged him closely as it spurted strong and hot against her cervix, pleasuring it like Tom's always did, but this time excitingly foreign and mysterious. She looked up at this welcome intruder as he gasped above her, enjoying his passionate enthusiasm, wondering again who he was, what his life was like. She would never know, just as he would never know anything about her except how she made love. Her eyes were shining, and she felt glitteringly alive. She scrutinized him and tried to commit this event to memory. She caressed his back as he collapsed and lay a few minutes on her soft and satisfied body, nuzzling him as he kissed her face and rested his head against her neck. "Right, baby, you're sure as hell no dribbler," she whispered to him. He grunted, rocked back, pulled slowly out of her and stood up. "You're hot, Momma. You're a lucky guy, dude," he said to Tom as he dressed, putting his shiny used penis into his slacks, buttoned his shirt and walked out. Dolly straightened her pajama top and with knitted brow, looked over at Tom. Her concern was not for herself, she had thoroughly enjoyed her first extra-marital experience, but she was worried that her husband might not have. Tom looked at her steadily; she couldn't read his expression. She was still extremely turned on though, her vagina was anxiously anticipating another visitor, and her nerves were singing out wonderfully. She sure didn't want to have to stop now. Tom raised one eyebrow at his wife questioningly. "Well?" he said. She smiled brightly and nodded. Tom nodded back. He could give her this if she wanted him to. He opened the door and invited the second man in.This man, although ethnically Japanese, was almost as tall, but much heavier, than the black man. He looked like a Mexican outlaw, with his slightly swarthy skin and stiff black mustache. He nodded to them as he came in and went to the corner of the room to take his clothes off. As Dolly watched him undress, she recalled being unsure of him during the interview; he was physically so big. He pulled his knit shirt over his head, exposing a massive chest and belly. "He must weight 250 pounds," Dolly thought as he dropped his slacks and exposed thick, solid legs. A bulge in his briefs betrayed a partially erect sex muscle. Dolly motioned him over, and he moved to stand in front of her where she kneeled on the bed. She reached out, grabbed the waistband of his briefs, pulled them over the bulge, and lowered them to the floor. His cock was even whiter than her husband's, and a real contrast to the black one she had just had. She lifted it up. It was smaller than the last man's, at least so far. She leaned down and kissed it, holding the tip between her lips as she ran her hands down the man's hips to his thighs. She grabbed his ass and pulled him to her, pulling his cock into her mouth and caressing it with her lips and tongue. The man groaned and started breathing hard. She frigged him with her lips, taking him deeper into her throat as she got used to him.Tom watched as his wife swallowed three, then four, then five inches of hard meat. He had seen her suck his cock, of course, but from the top it didn't look like much. From this vantage point her talents were much more impressive. "How can she take so much?" Tom shook his head in wonder. Dolly pulled back, holding the pale cock in her hand like an ice cream cone, gave it another couple of long licks around the rosy head, then sat there, looking the man over, calculating. She nodded her head decisively, rolled over and presented her round rump to him. Her twice-fucked slit glistened wet and ready, the damp pubic hair around it shading from light brown at the edges to dark brown near her hole, an inviting bulls-eye. With a glance at Tom, who nodded, the big man crawled up behind Dolly, ran his hands over her tight buttocks and fitted his cock tip into her waiting labia. He pulled on her hips and slowly probed her center. Dolly turned her head and watched as he worked it all the way in. As Tom recorded the time, the man pulled out a little, aligned himself, then whapped his haunches hard against Dolly's bottom, pounding his cock viciously back into her, shaking her with his lunges. She screamed with surprise. Tom stood up, but stopped when Dolly raised one hand while gasping with obvious pleasure. He sat down and eyed them while the man's hard member continued to piston in and out of his wife. He could see this cock clearly. It gleamed with Dolly's juices and the semen that he and the other man had injected into her. Tom smelled the classic smell of sex. He tried to imagine what Dolly must be feeling. Her buttocks were spread wide, seemingly receptive. The oriental man's hanging scrotum with its two large dangling balls swung up hard against her clit on the in-stroke. The globes of her ass vibrated as his loins hit them. Dolly grunted in time with each ramming blow.As this, her third man this evening, banged away, Dolly moved her slim hips around, whimpering and crying out when a particularly hard thrust found her. The man fucked her well and tirelessly, Tom admitted, moving up and down, back and forth, his hands rubbing Dolly's back and asshole and reaching down to hold her breasts as he drove his hard organ in and out. Dolly was working hard herself, weathering the stronger blows, engulfing the hot meat that fortunately for her wasn't as big around as the black man's, but which felt longer. Of course, Tom seemed to go deeper when he fucked her doggy style, and that was sure how it felt with this man. She spread her legs wider, opening herself to it. Now that she was used to it, the hard oriental cock slid into her well-fucked cunt easily, but the size of the man's body resulted in some substantial blows to her bottom. She rocked back and forth as his upper thighs attacked her round buns. Finally she braced herself against the headboard with her hands, absorbing some of the shock with her arms. Tom saw her arch her back. He caught himself panting in time with the man's strikes and his wife's moans. Tom clinched his teeth and whimpered as Dolly clinched her teeth and sucked in little gasps, then Tom moaned out loud as Dolly pulled back her lips and opened her mouth to scream as another stroke hit, and her third orgasm of the evening filled her. Tom collapsed back in the chair, then pulled himself up and noted the time. He looked over at Dolly, who was gasping and crying, trying to support herself as the man continued to pound his meat into her. As he watched his wife indulge in her new sex partner, Tom found himself wondering: "What would it be like to be able to have intercourse time after time, climaxing again and again until you were fully satiated?" as Dolly seemingly could. As a man, he would never know what really continuous sex could be like, unless he tried anal sex as the recipient. He wondered how many times he could achieve an erection if he had a group of pretty girls to inspire him. At best, he probably couldn't climax more than four or five times in a session, while Dolly seemed to have no such physical limitations. He had heard about men who could climax without ejaculation, and promised himself that he would look into that possibility in the future. Drawing out of his reverie, Tom looked up as the man grasped Dolly's hips, pulling them hard against his groin as he groaned and came. At first the man held Dolly's ass tightly against him so he could deliver his sperm as deeply as possible, but, as Tom watched, he could see that the white foamy emission was starting to bubble back out of Dolly's cunt, frothing out around the man's hard, inserted cylinder, and soaking their entangled public hairs. The man looked down and saw what was happening, then pulled back until his cock head was just barely inserted. His strong pumping continued to fill Dolly's distended vagina. When he had topped her up, he carefully let his still-stiff cock slip slightly back until her lips closed up around it, climbed off the bed, dressed, and Tom let him out.Dolly had collapsed with her shoulders slumped on the bed, her ass still riding high. Tom and the two men had left her vaginal chamber swampily full of hot semen, a strange and lascivious feeling that she had never even imagined before. The heat if it infused her lower belly. She rolled her hips, and the mass moved around slowly, as though it was alive in there. She flexed the muscles of her lower body, sloshing the hot syrupy sweetness around inside her. As she luxuriated in it, it began to stiffen up, hardening into a foamy plug. She pressed her hand sensuously to her belly, then reached up between her legs and, using her fingers, capped off her slit, sealing her opening. Still rolling her hips, she clinched and unclenched her stomach muscles, forcing the copious load hard against her confining fingers, building the pressure inside her vagina. She clenched her stomach hard again, and then quickly removed her fingertips from her opening. A spurt of glutinous white shot out of her, landing in a sticky pool on the towel. She closed herself up, and then pressed again strongly against the mass inside her, flipping her fingers in rhythm, sending pulse after pulse of it into the air. Breathing hard and grunting with the effort, she continued ejaculating until she was empty. She rolled onto her hip, avoiding the wet spot, then stood up and walked carefully to the bathroom. Tom looked down at the white pool; there must have been nearly a half a cup of semen there. Folding the soggy towel carefully, he took it off the bed and spread a dry one out. He could hear the sound of tinkling, followed by a wipe and flush, then water running and splashing. Dolly came back in looking somewhat spaced out, her eyes half-closed, but smiling contentedly. She sauntered over and kissed Tom passionately on the mouth, grabbing his head and pulling him hungrily toward her. Even after her ablutions, he could smell the sex in the air. She rubbed the crotch of his jeans with her hand; her wedding ring gleamed. She turned and walked sensuously back to the bed, shoulders turning, hips swaying, her tight round ass bouncing below the pajama top. She smiled at him over her shoulder, clearly ready for more. Tom grinned in spite of himself. It might be an act, but it was a damn attractive one. She lay down languidly on the bed on her side with her slim legs slightly spread, leaning on her elbow. The baby-dolls tented her upper body, but her cute patch of damp and matted pubic hair, and her ready and waiting shining slit, beckoned for attention. She nodded. Tom went to the door and called to the third man.This man was shorter and younger than Tom, but built stronger. He was very handsome, reminding Tom of James Dean. "Hi, guys," he said informally. He eagerly stripped off his shirt, undershirt and jeans; he wore no underpants, and jumped onto the bed, smiling with anticipation. Unlike the other two men, he was already fully erect, his hard cock sticking out stiffly from his fuzzy brown bush. Dolly looked at his compact muscular body with admiration. "Isn't he beautiful?" she asked Tom as she ran her hands over the boy's wide shoulders, down his hairy chest to his hard stomach, her fingers touching his tight abs, then eagerly down through his curly public hair. She squeezed his hard cock, hugging it. "And he's certainly ready!" The boy looked at her like a puppy, practically panting with anticipation. "Is this your first gang-bang?" she asked. He nodded."I'm glad I didn't have to wait any longer," he said, happily.The boy leaned over, put his hand on Dolly's cheek and kissed her on the lips, then lowered his head and lifted her pajama and kissed her nipples. He continued a while, nipping and sucking her tits, as she held his head to her breasts. He lifted his face and kissed her, while she rubbed his strong shoulders and back, then she rolled him onto his back, his hard root rampant and challenging. Dolly smiled with anticipation. She felt complimented by the boy and eager to please him. She crawled over next to him, took his tool in her mouth, and sucked it rapidly. The boy arched his back. "Don't!" he pleaded. She raised her face and smiled down at him. She rose up on her knees, and he helped her climb on top. After she had stroked the underside of his eager member with her vulva, wetting and stiffening it even more, he held it steady while Dolly ranged herself up and lowered herself cautiously down. She felt the head enter her and stopped momentarily, letting the kid align it a bit before she lowered herself further. Tom watched it disappear into her. Again his cock stirred. He could almost feel Dolly's sweet muscles caress his hard rod.When the young man's cock had disappeared completely, and all Tom could see were two hairy, swollen red balls below his wife's ass crack, Dolly sat still for a while, moving her clit against the man's pubic bone, feeling him fill her. Then she slowly lifted and lowered on him, rising higher and moving faster as she went. Her body sang out with pleasure, savoring every inch. She tipped her head back, stretching her long neck. Tom glanced up from watching the man's hard organ invade his wife's cunt and saw her smile. Dolly and Tom fucked like this often, and he recalled the delicious slippery feel of her vagina caressing his vertical tool. She started bouncing up and down on the kid's stiff pole, zealously working it. Tom watched it disappear and reappear again and again between the two globes of her tight ass as her legs rocked away. She lowered a hand down and put two fingers around the base of the kid's hard spike, holding them there when she came back down, manipulating her clit while at the same time exciting her partner. "Oh, yeah," the boy groaned. Tom envied him, and thought again about what constant sex would be like. Maybe that was what souls did in heaven?Dolly came down solidly against the boy and moved her hands to her hips. Tom saw her ass rotate and knew she was starting to work on the boy's cock with the belly-dancing moves she had learned in a class she a taken a few years before. He envied the lucky kid. Dolly really knew how to make an implanted love tool feel great. He recalled the rolling caresses she delivered to his erection during what she lovingly called her "final exam." Suddenly the boy cried out loudly and came, and, as Tom watched, Dolly came too. Tom could just make out the pulsations of her puffy cunt lips when she rose up, and the pulsations of the boy's cock as Dolly's fingers wrung them into her, as she often did with him.Tom counted over twelve strong pulses from the boy's cock, but mainly he could tell that climaxes were occurring because the boy and Dolly were screaming and moaning uncontrollably as they came. Dolly squirmed and bounced and rode the young stallion until she was exhausted. She collapsed back down and sat still a long time, leaning on her hands and panting, waiting as the hardness in her subsided. Then she lifted her hips and let the boy's flaccid instrument fall out. Tom sighed. He had been holding his breath. Dolly swung her leg over the boy's hips and sat on the edge of the bed, panting, while the boy got up, dressed and left. Dolly sat unmoving, her eyes closed. Her love for Tom sang through her. He was actually helping her do this! Her sex nerves still sent thrills of pleasure all over her small body. She was so grateful to Tom for these feelings he was allowing her to experience, that it was like he was making love to her in the form of the other men. It was a special high all by itself. She looked up at her husband, smiled, and nodded toward the door.Tom smiled himself. He had been scared that he would feel jealous or anger about his wife's infidelity. What he actually found was pleasure. He was truly enjoying watching Dolly share herself with other men. For one thing, he felt less stress about his own ability to perform, since she could always go to someone else. But even more, there was something really exciting, even tantalizing, about her offering herself so eagerly. Her enthusiasm was contagious. He had never felt so jazzed before. He went to the door and motioned for the fourth man. This man undressed slowly and deliberately, neatly folding his clothes instead of letting them fall on the floor as the others had done. Dolly watched him with interest. He was skinny and somewhat older than the others. There were wrinkles around his eyes and gray in his hair. He had a little potbelly and gray hairs peppered his chest. His smallish penis hung limply between thin legs. He nodded to Tom as he sat down beside Dolly. He turned to her and said, "You are a very pretty woman," and gently put a bony hand on her thigh. "Thanks, I'm glad you think so.""And I want to thank you for what you're doing.""What do you mean?""I mean, well let's face it, I could never have been able to have sex with someone as nice as you under other circumstances.""How about a prostitute?""That I could never do, I'm afraid. I could never do anything to support that lifestyle. Those poor women?""You'd be surprised," Dolly replied quickly. "But you're willing to have sex with me?""Yes," he replied, looking over at Tom. "Why not?""No reason." She leaned back and spread her legs to him, smiling, wondering what he would be like. He seemed so old and hung up. But he lifted her top and gazed excitedly at her firm breasts. He felt them gratefully and took one nipple in his mouth. Sally leaned back as he suckled and rocked him in her arms. He moved to the other nipple and kissed, sucked and suckled that one until it was hard. Dolly shivered and preened as he made love to her full, bouncy boobies. He grabbed one of the pillows from behind her, plumped it and guided it under her hips. She reclined back, her hips now higher than her head. Her pajama top fell down toward her shoulders, exposing her stimulated breasts. She seemed to be offering herself to this man. She looked up at him as he lowered his face to her cunt. He buried his nose in her folds, and ran his tongue around her tissues and flicked her clit. She got excited; he was really good. She wondered where he had learned so much. He sucked gently, and she found her body rising to the occasion. As he licked and loved her, she shouted out loudly and came in his mouth. He licked up her liquids and kept after her clit. She continued to come, pulsing as he ministered to her. "Wow!" she thought to herself through the haze as she rolled and squirmed on the bed, "I'm going to have to teach Tom how to do this." Tom noted the time; this was her fifth orgasm. When she finished, the man rubbed his face on her muff, then rose up, moved up to her and stroked his floppy penis up and down her wet slit. As it stiffened and caught her clitoris, Dolly smiled. When he was hard, he pushed into her easily, and then remained fully inserted while he moved his hips, reaching down and massaging her clit some more as he fucked her. She grinned and moved her hips against him, obviously pleased with his technique. Tom saw her yawn and thought that maybe she was getting tired, but she ground her hips even harder as the man began to move horizontally back and forth, fucking her deeply. He bounced against her harder and made her belly and breasts jiggle when he hit. Dolly spread her legs wider for him, obviously enjoying herself. His erection wasn't as big as the earlier men's were, but Dolly didn't mind. As he reamed her with his male meat, she welcomed him by raising her legs and hooking them over his shoulders. He rubbed her firm thighs and reached down to spread the globes of her ass so he could get deeper. Dolly was relieved that she all she had to do was just accept him, and relax. He was talking to her, telling her how great she made him feel, and she was gratified that she could make him happy while enjoying herself so much. It occurred to her that the whole idea of the harem that she had learned about in her belly dancing class should be reversed. What the world really needed was to allow women to have multiple husbands. She was sure she could keep three or four men satisfied full time, and the extra incomes would certainly result in a rich lifestyle. The man started moving faster, and Dolly felt his climax build inside her. The emotion welled in her chest and she felt great joy. He yelled out, spraying her strongly. The man continued to pound her eagerly, even as he was still cumming. He pulled out pretty quickly, picked up his clothing and went to the bathroom to wash. He came out fully clothed, went over and kissed Dolly on the cheek and shook Tom's hand as he left. Tom walked back over to where Dolly still lay arched over the pillow and dropped his pants. His hard cock stuck out stiff and horizontal. "Now, that's something I can get around," she said. Dolly rolled up, sat on the edge of the bed, kissed it and took it in her mouth, sucking and lapping it with her tongue. She leaned back, hooked her feet on the bed rail and spread her knees, and Tom stepped toward her, his cock slipping into her well-fucked cunt with no effort on either's part. Still standing beside the bed, he started fucking his wife, diving down into her depths while kissing her face and rubbing her body with his cheek. She held his head in her arms and curled a lock of hair around her finger. He lowered his head to her breasts, lifted her pajamas and suckled first one nipple, and then the other as his hips pounded into her. She kissed his hair and leaned back as a light and fluttery climax suffused her. Tom felt her grab his cock deep inside, very pleased that he made her cum. As far as Tom could tell, Dolly didn't feel any different inside than she normally did, even after having had sex six times. Her insides were warm and very slick, of course, but her vaginal tube was still slim and tight, firm and caressing around his cock. The other men had left her brimming, and their semen gushed out onto his balls, but the delicious squeezing ability of her internal organs was unimpaired. He moved more quickly, breathing hard and cumming very soon after, adding his donation of sperm to the mixture she had been collecting all evening. After he pulled out, Dolly sighed and sat up, and kissed and licked his penis until it was clean."Are you OK, honey?" he whispered as Dolly lay back on the bed, while he buckled his belt and zipped his fly. He walked over and wrote down the last times."I'm very OK. This is everything I hoped it would be, and more. How about you?" "I'm feeling pretty good. In fact..." He gestured toward his still hard cock. She laughed, God, she loved him, and then she helped him change the towel. While Dolly went to the bathroom, Tom went to the bedroom door. He looked out to find that the last man had let in the four additional that had been scheduled for the second hour. Tom called two of them in and asked them to undress. Dolly returned and saw the two naked men with Tom. Her eyes went wide, wondering. What was going on? Just what did Tom have in mind for her? Her husband led her over to where they were standing. They were both a little overweight, and there were rolls of fat above their cocks. Dolly grabbed their two cocks, one in each hand, and, looking to make sure Tom was watching, started stroking them. As they hardened, she fell to her knees licking and sucking on them alternately. She giggled, working on each in turn, having an excellent time, until they got big and hard. When they had stiffened, Tom motioned her to stop. He looked at her kneeling on the floor, one cock in each hand and a big smile on her face. Her body looked so small between the large male bodies. Each man probably weighed twice what she weighed. Their legs were as big around as her narrow waist. If she stood up, she would barely reach their chests. But Dolly didn't look the least bit worried. She held the two cocks proudly. They were stiff and long. Tom couldn't imagine how her small body could have room for them. Well, it had already performed some marvelous tasks, and most likely it would do so again.He had her get on the bed on her hands and knees, her feet hooked over the edge of the mattress, then he spread her knees apart until her round smooth ass was stretched wide, her well-worked labia puffed, her vaginal opening ready and waiting. He had the more erect of the two step up behind her, insert his cock and begin banging away. Tom recorded the time, and then had the other man get on the bed, and present his cock to Dolly's face. She took it into her mouth and continued her earlier efforts, using her tongue to control the depth so she didn't choke. As Tom watched, Dolly moved amorously between the two men, her fine body resplendent, her bottom being pounded by one man's hairy cock and her mouth being thoroughly invaded by the other man's rosy erection. Her skin shimmered, drops of perspiration covering it. She rolled her ass around and moved her head, sucking on the two cocks with her two mouths, coaxing them to cum. Although the man behind her tried to hold back, and actually managed to avoid cumming a couple of times by sheer force of will, Dolly kept enticing him until he couldn't hold it any longer. He finally erupted, but, at Tom's command, kept moving in and out of Dolly as he did. Tom even counted for him, snapping his fingers in time, so that he could keep the same rhythm he had used while fucking as he ejaculated. Tom had the second man get off the bed and quickly led him to position behind his wife. When the first man had finished, even though he was still hard, Tom made him step away and the other man quickly took his place, starting to fuck Dolly immediately, with nary a break in the rhythm. Dolly started galloping now, moving back and responding ardently to the second cock she had prepared so well. She had been really turned-on when the first man climaxed without stopping his fuck. Having a second cock instantly replace the first was enormously erotic. The last few loads of semen were being pushed hard against her womb, and she imagined them being forced through her cervical opening by the hydraulic pressure of the second man's hard rammer. His thighs pounded her buns, his balls pounded her clit, and she bit her lip and came with a scream. Tom walked to the table and wrote, then returned to the bed. He and the first man watched as Dolly eventually received another injection of foreign sperm to augment what she had already absorbed. Tom checked his watch. She had been fucking continuously for over 25 minutes.After they had dressed, Tom let the two men out and called in the next man. Dolly was panting, her face flushed and sweat running down her temples. She stayed on her hands and knees, looking up at them. As the man undressed, Tom went over to her and touched her hip. She collapsed on her side onto the bed, still breathing hard. Tom leaned down and kissed her, then looked up at the now-naked stranger. Tom took Dolly's upper knee and pulled it aside, then took her other knee and forced her legs very wide apart, exposing her glistening pink genitalia and stretching her open. He stepped back, and adjusted the pillows so she was comfortable and well-supported. The new man nodded to Tom, and looked up at him rather than down at Dolly as he climbed on top of her limp body, his small penis nestling in her sopping wet vulva. He stirred it back and forth as it grew larger, and, when it was engorged, he lifted his hips and fed it into her. She shook her head side to side as it went in, trying to talk, but nothing came out. Then she lay quietly. Tom wrote down the time. The new man fucked her gently, rotating his hips and moving smoothly in and out. He murmured into her ear as he took her. She raised her arms to hug him, but barely had the strength. After a few minutes, he arched his back and came strongly. Dolly dug her fingers weakly into his ass as he filled her, but Tom got no indication of her climaxing.As that man left, the next walked in. He looked first at Tom, then over at Dolly, who was lolling on the bed, barely able to move. He and Tom stood together, as Dolly curled up on her side and apparently fell asleep. The man raised an eyebrow, but Tom shrugged and gestured to the bed. The man took his clothing off, settled his bare body in behind Dolly's, pulled the sheet over them, and claimed her exhausted cunt by fingering his erection into her from the rear. She moved a little as he entered, and cuddled back against him. He started thrusting slowly into her, then moved his upper body away, sliding his hips back and forth on the towel. His fingers played down Dolly's back, and they touched and toyed with her asshole. Tom watched them move under the sheet and found he was getting stiff again. The man finally popped off inside Dolly, puffing and grimacing. Tom watched carefully, but saw no response from his wife. After he had finished and the man sat up, Tom dropped his own pants and rolled Dolly over, face down, on the bed. As the man dressed and watched, Tom proceeded to skewer his wife's cunt with his own stiff meat, lying heavily on her prone body, his cock tip scribing the front of her internal cavity. She groaned under him. As the stranger looked at them, Tom pressed down and pushed hard. His cock swam around in the hot liquid that filled her. He had to work a long time before he finally felt Dolly cum. He himself spurted into her feebly, no jism left. The man clapped his hands in applause and exited the room.Tom pulled back. Dolly lay like a dead person on the bed. He spread the sheet over her, and she moved her head to a more comfortable position on the pillow.Tom checked his watch. She had been going strong for almost two hours. The next group would be arriving shortly, if he didn't leave the message at the answering service that they were not to give out the address. He thought of calling, but decided to wait and see how Dolly felt after she had had a nap. This was her show, after all.After writing on the pad, Tom went into the bathroom to pee, then walked out to the kitchenette and got a drink of water. His cock was sore, and he wondered how Dolly felt. She was obviously physically sapped. Her sexual energy had to be ebbing after so many climaxes, and there may have been some pain involved in the more vigorous fucking she had done, and maybe even due the muscular spasms of all the climaxes she had had. She had been fucked eleven times and had climaxed seven. Wasn't that enough? 'What is it she's trying to prove?' he thought as he walked back into the bedroom. Dolly was still lying on her stomach, apparently sound asleep. Tom pushed her legs apart and examined her cunt. It was swollen and lax, and runnels of bubbly white semen seeped out between the folds. He put two fingers into her and spread them apart. They slipped in easily, and the tips opened the soft and limp inner tissues widely. Dolly didn't move. Tom felt around inside her some more, slipping three, then four fingers in, testing, and then walked back to the living room, thoughtfully licking his fingers. When the doorbell rang he opened it, letting the next four men in. He picked the two biggest of them to go with him to the bedroom. As they undressed he explained what he wanted them to do.He had the larger one lay down on the bed on his back, rubbing his cock so that it would get hard. Tom and the other man adjusted Dolly's slack body on top of him until she was lying with her legs spread, her opening just above the man's now-hard cock. Then Tom had the second man lie down on top of her. He positioned their two cocks together; one on top of the other, then, with Tom holding the sides of their cocks to keep them aligned, the men shifted Dolly slowly down between them until their tips were at the entrance to her passage. Tom reached out with his fingers and spread her slit apart, and guided both cocks until they were just started in. Then he grabbed Dolly's spread thighs and pulled her down further, carefully, until a few inches of both cocks were up inside her. They were about the same length and diameter. Tom and the two men were working her down some more when, suddenly, Dolly made a noise and opened her eyes. Tom held her thighs tightly so she wouldn't jump away. She stared down in alarm at the man beneath her and turned her head, looking up at the man lying on top. She looked around anxiously, finally looking down and spotting Tom. He nodded his head encouragingly at her, and drew his hands down, pulling at her thighs. She resisted at first, but when he wouldn't let her loose, and kept coaxing her, she grit her teeth and, with a grunt, pushed her hands against the sheet and rocked her body down, moaning, impaling herself further on the two hard cocks. The man on top raised himself up to give her more room. The man below her started hungrily kissing her nipples, exposed now since her pajama top was all bunched up about her shoulders. She started to slowly oscillate back and forth, moving just an inch or two, careful to not let either man slip out. The man on top buried his face in her hair. As she continued to rock, her vagina expanded some more until she got almost all of them in. She rotated her hips, clinched her muscles and squeezed at their cocks. At the request of the man on top, Tom came over and gently fingered his balls. His scrotum rose up. The man on the bottom was breathing hard. Dolly, sandwiched between the two men, was breathing hard herself. She spread her legs wider and pushed down harder. The upper man's pubic hair tickled her asshole while her clitoris was pinched by the pubic bone of the man below. Her vagina was stretched to the limit. That was it. She held them all.Tom again brushed the balls of the man on top. His scrotum was tight and round now, as was the one of the man below. Dolly rotated her hips one more time, a look of mute panic in her eyes, biting her lower lip. With a cry, the man on top began to cum, as, at the first pulse, did the man below. Dolly groaned as the double consignment of strange semen exploded into her stretched vaginal cavity. She strained between them, and then came herself, violently, throbingly, clutching the two cocks spasmodically, jerking and squirming between the hot bodies as though trapped and trying to escape, her hands gripping and ringing at the wrinkled sheet. Her eyes closed and tears ran down her face. Tom noted the time and continued to watch her as the men filled her. They couldn't move so they just stayed still.When both men were done, Dolly levered herself out from between them, sobbing. She staggered into the bathroom, and Tom heard the toilet seat fall. He could also hear crying. Tom came into the bathroom and put his hands on his wife's shoulders. She sobbed even more strongly. "What's wrong, honey?"She couldn't talk. Finally she forced some words out. "What... Why did you...? What do you think I am?""What do you mean? Those guys didn't hurt you did they? I thought you would enjoy it. It's not every woman who gets to handle two guys at once.""I feel like such a slut! I... It's... it's like they pissed inside of me! Am I nothing but a bag of flesh for men to spurt bodily fluids into? What won't I do next?""But honey, you came! I know you did. You got pleasure from it, I saw you. That's the purpose of tonight. Take the pleasure when you can. Come on, now, you'll feel better after you've cleaned up." With a kiss to her forehead, Tom left to fix the bed.She looked down between her legs, tears still running down her cheeks. Her cunt was sagged and gaping. She felt as though her insides had been pushed around. She sat and panted, her forearms on her knees. Her legs spread as she tried to cool her hot cunt. Sullenly, she took a cold washcloth and put it between her legs. The cool moisture soothed and tightened her distended tissues. She shivered at they thought of what she had just done. She sat on the toilet, letting the semen seep out of her, as she laved her legs and hips. Slowly, she began to feel better. She stood up and, walking carefully, as she really was quite sore, returned to the bedroom. She threw her wrinkled pajama top into the corner and donned the fresh one. Immediately she felt even better, but was still a little disgusted. Tom finished smoothing out another towel."Had enough?" Dolly looked up at him and swallowed, then shook her head. "No, I don't want to end with that." She looked toward the bed with distain. Tom couldn't understand what was bothering her, but he knew he had gone too far. He had made a serious mistake. He shouldn't have taken over. He was not in charge here.He went to the door and gestured to the next man, thinking to himself that this was becoming routine. The man came in and started undressing. Dolly stood eyeing him, then sat down on the bed and spread her legs to his gaze. She bravely licked her finger and lowered it to her weary clit, massaging it while he undressed. As she touched it, she winced. "I can imagine," the man said. He walked over, bent down and buried his face between her spread legs. She looked up at Tom and laughed out loud as the man's tongue touched her tender tissues. Tom licked his own lips, making Dolly laugh again. She continued to giggle as the man performed an excellent session of eating pussy. Finally, she lifted his head, and the man wiped his mouth on her muff. His erection obvious, he climbed up her body. She tried to sidle away from him, still giggling, as though his swaying club were menacing her. He reached for her ankles, caught them and pulled her back toward him, spreading her legs wide, then dropped his hips down, pinning her with his cock. She whooped as he filled her. They laughed together face-to-face, as she lay spread eagled on the mattress. With a grin he moved his shoulders up. She raised up on her arms to get a better view and saw that he was so long that, even though she was fully filled, a couple of inches of his cock still remained uninserted. She grabbed his hips and pulled them up close to her, stretching her vagina but engulfing him completely. She hugged the sides of his body with her legs and rubbed his shoulders with her hands. He tipped her back horizontal and started to slide in and out. Tom looked over at his dancing ass and yawned. Dolly saw him, giggled and crossed her legs behind the man's back. She held him to her as he rocked back and forth, his cock delving into her, stretching her vagina like a rubber band. His pubic bone rubbed her clit and her emotion climbed. She lifted her knees, and, as the man held himself tight against her, they both came, Dolly laughing with real pleasure. Tom had to help the man off; he was so wiped out by his climax. He staggered as he dressed and wobbled out. "One left.""Send him in. I've got my second wind." Tom opened the door and welcomed the last man. They shook hands. Dolly had laid herself back down on the towel, her legs spread, her knees up. She rubbed her inner thighs and ass sensuously, cooing up at him. This man undressed quickly and jumped between her knees. She grabbed his penis and milked it as he loomed above her until it was hard. Then she pulled it down toward her vagina, guiding its tip into her and threading the rest of the length in to follow. She lay back and put her hands behind her head. The man started banging away at her. She felt him slide high up, and she climaxed almost immediately, surprising herself by her response. Tom made a note, this was number ten. The man bucked against her a few more times and came himself. His groans as frenzied as his lovemaking had been.When he left, Tom checked his watch. "Almost nine. Want to call it a night?" "I can do some more.""Are you sure?""Positive.""Aren't you sore?""Somewhat, but not enough to quit." Tom was glad that her unhappiness had disappeared. He brought her a glass of water. The doorbell rang. He went to the living room and let in the next group. One of the men mentioned that he'd been expecting the cancellation and complimented him on his wife's stamina.He led the first one in. Dolly was sitting demurely with her legs tucked under her, her pretty face beaming. The man undressed quickly. She rose up on her knees and, when he joined her on the bed, she playfully pushed him onto his back. Taking his limp penis into her mouth, she sucked him erect. She held him still while she viewed her handiwork, then she threw a leg over his hips and mounted him. She cried out when his cock head forced itself through her tender tissues, but, as he pressed on up into her, she relaxed and started in working on him, moving carefully. She spent much time sitting, trying to grasp him deep inside. He gazed up at her, sometimes running his hands over her hips, sometimes feeling her perky breasts. She caressed him back. Tom felt a stab of jealously. He was glad she was enjoying herself, but she seemed to be enjoying this guy way too much. Dolly had again forgotten her husband was there. She agitated her sex up and down on the man's bulging bat, the prior sperm drying and cracking on her inner thighs. The man groaned with effort, but, each time she thought he was going to ejaculate, he grabbed her hips and stopped her from moving until he calmed down. Finally, when he couldn't hold it any longer, he burst forth inside her, and she came herself, an eleventh time. Afterwards, Dolly started to climb off, but the man immobilized her hips with his hands and held her to him. She looked down at him in some alarm. Tom got ready to intervene, but Dolly raised a hand at him. Something strange was happening! The man wasn't getting soft!Dolly felt his cock move even higher in her. Instead of shrinking, it seemed to be growing! She waited, then gulped and followed his lead as he raised and lowered her on his enlarged staff. She rode him easily, greedily taking the pleasure he was offering a second time, until he came just as strongly as before. She didn't come, but she felt very good to feel him pounding within her. When he finished, she looked down at him questioningly and bit her lip, not knowing what to expect, but he didn't stay hard much longer. She climbed off of him and went to the bathroom again, to apply a cool compress to her cunt.When she returned, Tom said, "I'll ask the rest to go, if you want." "No, it's all right. Send in at least one more." Tom shook his head, but walked to the door and called the next man in. Dolly stood as he entered. As he undressed, she inventoried herself. Her muscles were nicely exercised, and physically she could continue, but her cunt was sore and her insides felt numb. She knew she would have more trouble climaxing as the night wore on. She was still excited by the fact that she was naked with a strange man, though. The chance to look at, play and experiment with unfamiliar bodies and hard penises still excited her. She couldn't really explain why. She knew that she was doing something rather dangerous, on a lot of levels, and she also know that she would probably only do it this once. "Well, then," she thought, "I'll just have to get as much out of it as I can."The man walked toward her. She looked down at his hardening cock, then down at her sore cunt while her forehead knit in worry. Finally, she stepped toward him and lifted his dick, rolling it with her fingers. When he was fully rigid, she climbed up onto a chair and beckoned him over. She put both hands behind his neck and had him lift her thighs up with his forearms. With the back of her knees lodged firmly in the crook of his elbows, she lowered her bottom. The man held her easily, but couldn't reach his cock to guide it in, so she asked Tom to put his cock head on her cleft and start it into her, which he did. She took a breath and said the word "Yes!" loudly and drove herself hard down onto him, burying him in her. Tom watched as they moved around the room, Dolly swinging herself carefully back and forth on the man's cock. She cried out with pain when she moved too fast or too roughly. Before long the man got tired and carried her over and pressed her back against the wall. He then proceeded to give Dolly a good solid fucking. She whined some as he penetrated her deeply pressing her back against the wall, but held on bravely until he was done. He pulled out; leaving her slumped on the floor, and got dressed as Tom called the third man in. Dolly didn't move. When the man was naked, he asked Tom what he should do. The two of them walked over to Dolly. They moved her until she was lying on her back on the rug. Tom raised her feet into the air. He spread her legs wide apart. The man dropped to his knees between them and lay down on her. He got into Dolly quickly, taking her as she lay, legs spread and cunt frothy. He bore down into her, smacking his pubis on hers. She grimaced in pain as he pinched the tender folds of her sex between them. He came strongly inside her, and somehow she herself came again. Number twelve. Dolly fell asleep. When she awoke, she rolled over to see Tom talking with the last man. Tom was explaining something to him, and he was nodding while taking his clothes off. He walked over to her and gently helped her until she rested on her hands and knees. The man slipped first one and then two fingers into her overflowing snatch, then slid them, one after the other, into her anus. She looked up at Tom, who shrugged. The last man's hard phallus touched her slickly prepared anal opening, and, pressing strongly, forced itself in. She closed her eyes and gasped as he distended her. He held still for a second then started thrusting in short little jerks. He worked her asshole like the other men had worked her cunt. After her asshole had dilated around him, he began to stroke more deeply. She looked up at Tom, and then her mouth dropped open! Tom had a raging hard-on! It was sticking out of his fly and he was stroking it lovingly. Dolly looked back at the man sodomizing her. She had him stop moving, and then the two of them dropped down onto the rug. She carefully rolled over until she was lying on top of him, face up. She had him put his legs between hers, then spread hers wide, opening herself as far as she could go. She waved Tom over. He dropped his pants and lay down on her. He pushed his cock into her cunt and carefully started pumping away. After about 5 minutes, Dolly stopped her husband, and rolled back onto her side, both cocks still tightly in her. She rolled over onto Tom. Sandwiched between the two of them, she alternately let the man on top stroke into her and then stay tight inside while she stroked her husband below. Her ardor grew. The two cocks provided entirely different sexual feelings. Tom's felt hot and hard in her vagina. His pubic bone rubbed against her clit when she moved on him. The cock in her ass stretched her butt hole wide, but she couldn't feel it inside. When it stroked her she just felt satisfied, entirely satisfied. The man was lasting a long time. So was Dolly. She felt like she could do this forever.Finally the man couldn't hold it any more. He pushed all the way into her and came warmly. She felt his pulses, pressed her clit hard against her husband and came a final time.The man pulled slowly out of her ass and walked into the bathroom. Tom hugged her to him. They remained lying on the floor. The man came out dressed and reached down to shake Tom's and Dolly's hands before walking out. Dolly looked at Tom."Did you?""Yeah, I called before the last guy came in. You looked pretty played out.""Thanks. I peaked at about twelve, I think. Of course," she looked down at him mischievously, "if I'd done more like the last one, who knows how far I could have gone?" He shook his head. They lay there until Tom finally pulled out, still stiff. He dragged the towel off the bed, undressed, shut out the light while Dolly crawled in to bed. She cuddled up against his warm body. "How many in all?" she asked. Tom got out of the bed and retrieved the pad, turning on the reading light."It's a little mixed up, actually. Let's see, according to my count you had sex twenty one times with seventeen men, counting me. That is, if you count the guy who climaxed twice as having sex two times and my fucking you but not coming as one.""Oh, I've got to give you both full credit. Now, where the hell did you get the idea of having me take on two guys at the same time?""From you. You said you wanted to experience things you never had done before. I hope they didn't hurt you.""It felt like having a baby in reverse. But I have to admit that having those two cocks in me really brought me back to life when they both started pumping! Unfortunately, when I woke up like that between them, it was like I didn't know them; that I was just a thing for them to use. Well, no harm done, I guess. OK, so getting fucked twenty times is certainly reasonable for my heroine. How many climaxes?""Thirteen, I think. Lucky thirteen.""Wow. No wonder I'm exhausted. Not bad for a thirty-three-year-old wife and mother of two though. No wonder my insides feel dead. How do you feel about it now?""It was erotic, I admit. I certainly got excited watching you get fucked and seeing you enjoy it so much. Why, do you want to do it again?""God, no. It was OK this once, but it wouldn't be as interesting a second time. You're all the man I need.""I'm glad, because I love having you for myself." Dolly snuggled into the crook of Tom's arm. As he looked down at her she yawned, shut her eyes and fell sound asleep.END
PART TWOJosie walked into work with butterflies in her stomach. Memories of last night were sent waves of pleasure through her body. How would Dave act? Would it be weird? Did she want it to happen again?She caught her reflection in a passing window and she blushed. She wore a green shirt with a plunging neckline that really brought out her eyes and a dark blue skirt that accented her ass.Josie blushed and felt heat grow between her legs. She knew she dressed to catch Dave's eye and that if she were truly honest, then she would admit that she hoped Dave would want a repeat performance tonight. She adjust her skirt and continued on her way. After all, Cady would be home tomorrow and this little fantasy world would be put on hold.The morning flew by until she got an email from Dave asking to meet for lunch. This time they met at Pompeii. Jose licked her lips when she saw him walk up. He was wearing a red flannel. She loved when he wore flannel. He smiled as he took a seat across from her.Her nervousness disappeared as they fell into the usual work chatter. Her boss was acting like an ass. His had started ducking out at 4:30. It was only towards the end of lunch that a wicked smile on Dave's face started the butterflies a fluttering."Last night was a lot of fun." He leaned forward, flushed. "It's been a while since I spent a whole movie in a make out session."Jose winked. "With dry humping don't forget!"He laughed. "Yes, can't forget the dry humping."She tried to keep the nervousness from her voice and asked. "So tonight's another night alone?"Dave nodded. "Yeah, Cady doesn't come home until tomorrow.""So tonight could be another make out session." Jose perked up. She felt a warmth beginning to build between her legs.He smiled in response. "That's true... What about Ryan?""Yesterday was practice. Tonight's a game. I usually go, but I suppose I could make an exception." As she trailed off, Josie leaned forward. She watched Dave try to avoid staring at her cleavage. She kept from laughing. He had been trying to avoid looking at her breasts ever since they had first met."Hmmm..." A wicked grin spread across his face. "But I want to do my choice instead of dry humping.""Your choice?" Confusion roiled through her and then she remembered. "I-I..." She stammered.He grabbed her hand and held it tight. "I think you are hot Josie and this would be an incredible turn on."Jose felt a blush rising in her cheeks. "Ummm... well... will we still make out?"Dave nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! I really enjoyed kissing you. You have a very playful tongue."Josie laughed and shifted in her seat. The warmth between her legs was beginning to grow hotter. "I think that we can do things your way.""I don't know, you seemed awfully hesitant." Dave winked. "How do I know you are serious?"Josie and Dave locked gazes and she felt the heat grow hotter. A wicked idea began to form in her mind. Before she could reconsider, she moved out from the table and stood up. Dave moved to get up, but she leaned forward and breathed into his ear. "Be right back."A few minutes later, she returned back to the table. Primly, she sat down and began to finish her salad."Well?" Dave asked."Well what?""Why'd you step out?""I wanted you to know I was serious.""And you going to the bathroom..."Josie broke into laughter at his confusion. Finally she took pity on him. "Give me your hand under the table."Confused, Dave followed her instructions. Intently she watched his face as his fingers felt something soft. She curled her fingers over his, until his fist was closed. He pulled back his hand and looked down. Confusion melted into excitement and passion."These are...""Yes that's my panties. You get to keep them until... later tonight. Until then, feel free to think of me pantiless for the rest of the day." Josie felt incredibly naughty and shivered in pleasure. She wondered if she'd get anything done at all today herself. "Now let's get back to the office."She couldn't help but notice the obvious bulge in Dave's pants as they walked back to the office.***Dave's teeth gently nibbled on her bottom lip. He pulled it and smiled as Josie squawked in mocked protest. He gripped her hair tighter. She moaned in pleasure and melted against his body. From the moment she had walked in the door, they had started kissing. There was no pretense this time. Just kissing... lots and lots of kissing.They had moved from the door to the kitchen; from the kitchen to the couch. There they had spent the next hour and a half, teasing each other, grinding against each other. She was still wearing the skirt from work and it rode up, exposing her legs. Occasionally, he'd rub his hands on her thighs, but never so high that she felt uncomfortable.The heat between her legs grew hotter... demanding.She licked her lips and kissed him with renewed passion. Surprised at her renewed energy, he pulled her back with his grip of her hair. They locked eyes. Deliberately, he moved forward. Without breaking eye contact, he moved closer. She felt his hot breath on her lips. Slowly, gently, he pressed his lips to hers. And then pulled back.Josie groaned in disappointed and leaned forward but he gripped harder and held her firm. She opened her eyes to see him smilingly devilishly. He moved forward again and just barely brushed her lips before moving down the jaw line, leaving behind goosebumps. He nipped her earlobe.And then pulled back again.His grip held her firm, but now even that was crossing the line from pain to pleasure. She didn't look down, but was worried just how far her skirt had ridden up. Dave moved forward. His tongue slipped into her mouth and this time there was no teasing. Lust pushed their lips together, almost violently. She encircled him with her arms, pulling him close. Her body felt so alive! With each caress, each kiss, the pleasure built.How long they kissed, Josie didn't know. Her body radiated pleasure and goose bumps continued to ripple over her body. She needed release.As if sensing her need, Dave leaned back, breaking their kiss."Are you ready for the next step." To her surprise, he had her panties in his hand!She blushed, but nodded."Should we lean back here and watch each other?""Hold on a second." Josie stood to straighten her skirt and then bent over to hurriedly to undo her shoes.SMACK!An electric jolt of pleasure spiked from where Dave spanked her to her pussy. Josie froze, lost in the surprising sensation.Her reaction was not lost on Dave. "Oh, you like that..." SMACK!A whimper of pleasure escaped her lips.SMACK!Of her its own volition, her hand snaked between her legs. Dave's hand was rubbing her ass. SMACK!Her fingers slid up and down along either side of her labia. She felt him pull up her skirt so her ass was completely bare. She knew she should tell him to put her skirt back down. But all coherent thoughts were out the window SPANK! The sharp retort of hand on bare skin echoed through the room.SPANK!Her finger was on her clit now, each rub heightened the passion.SPANK!Each wave of pain pushed her closer.SPANK!"Oh yes! Yes Dave!"SPANK!Her legs began to shakeSPANK!The orgasm crashed through her body, wave upon wave of euphoria. Josie continued with her finger until her clit was too sensitive for any touch. She collapsed on to the edge of the couch, her legs barely staying upright. She gasped for breath and heard Dave move on the couch. She felt soft, warm kisses where he had spanked her. She also felt a rhythmic motion and realized he was jacking off to this! A trickle of liquid slid down her leg from her own orgasm.The kisses disappeared. She heard Dave gasp and she felt his cum on her ass, spurt after spurt."Wow..." Dave breathed. "Here stay like that! I'll go get some paper towels!"She heard his footsteps stop. "What's the matter?" She craned her neck to see him looking at her with a huge grin."Nothing," he shook his head ruefully. "You just looked incredibly sexy so I had to take a second look."She returned his smile and wagged her ass playfully. "Too bad your wife comes home tomorrow."To be continued?Have comments? Sure you do! Write
Proms had to be the worst inventions the evil gods of high school had ever created. Pimply faced, stinky teenage boys sat around saying that they were taking this hot girl from a different school only to come back a week later and ask if somebody has a “friend”. Girls spent months and hundreds of dollars trying to find just the right dress. And for what? It was really nothing more than another high school dance, just with the mediocre dinner at the beginning. Oh, and if you were a cool kid you might end up going to a pretty fun party afterwards.Of course, I wasn’t one of those cool kids. I was an 18-year-old high school girl—a senior just like all the other kids I knew. I was to the shorter side of normal, but still average. I wasn’t skinny, or fat, or curvy, or just about anything else that would make my body stand out. My light brown hair was shoulder length and straight—again nothing remarkable. I wasn’t good at sports, or music, or drama. And of course, I carried a B average. There really was nothing remarkable about me.Well, that really was only partly true. There was one thing that did set me off from the other girls—I was a lesbian. Yes, I was a dyke, a carpet muncher, queer or whatever else you want to call it. The fact is I went to a small rural high school and I liked girls. I wasn’t out, but there were rumors. That kind of thing happens when you get caught checking out Caitlin Brooks, the cheerleading captain, after gym class. Luckily, there were only a few months left in my high school career. After that, I was going away to a college in a city that was hours away from this town.So to me, the problem was really a nonevent. Nobody was going to ask me. I was not going to ask anybody. And I would not go. At least, that’s what my plan was. How could I have predicted that the path to my happily ever after started on prom night.If there were one person that I would have gone to the prom with, it would have been Caitlin Brooks. She was perfect! Though possibly a little bit on the short side, she was athletically slim with perky teenage breasts. Her short blonde hair was so light that if you hadn’t known her for her entire life you would think that it was bleached. And she had the cutest freckles. She was every teenage lesbian’s dream.We had always been friendly, but were never friends. However, as high school passed I began to feel some kind of vibe from her. It was almost as if she could tell that I would check her out discretely. Normally, when I looked at her breasts or her behind, she would give me a knowing smile as if it’s okay to do this. However, I was busted one day after gym class. Caitlin had looked especially beautiful that day and I was positive she noticed I was checking her out. I actually thought something might happen because strangely, she opted to take a shower after gym class which few of the girls did. I just stood around the locker room waiting for everyone else to leave. I was one of those invisible kids, so nobody would notice if I stayed, at least that’s what I thought.When I thought everybody was gone, I positioned myself so I could look into the shower. Somewhat to my surprise, Caitlin had positioned herself at the one shower nozzle where from my angle I could look in and see her. As she showered it seemed like she didn’t know I was looking. That was strange, considering she seemed to have a sixth sense for whenever I checked her out. Watching her, I began to feel a tingling between my legs. I had this often when I looked at her, but never this intense. Not able to resist it, I unsnapped and unzipped my jeans. I let my hand wonder down into my panties, and I began to play with myself. Within a few seconds I was lost in the feeling, though still staring at Caitlin.Unfortunately, I hadn’t kept track of everybody. One of the girls who didn’t particularly like Caitlin, but liked nothing more than bullying me had also stayed behind. When she saw what I was doing, she yelled “Dyke!” And ran out of the locker room. Caitlin looked at me, and gave a sad shrug. Ashamed and scared, I quickly grabbed my stuff and left the locker room.Later that day, rumors were flying around. Vicki Jackson was a lesbian, who had been masturbating while watching the hottest girl in school take a shower. There were comments, and even some pushing. At one point though a bunch of boys were saying they were going to rape me to turn me straight, Caitlin came walking up. Part of me wanted her to tell everybody it was true but that it was okay. But I also knew that wouldn’t help. The prettiest girl in school, though, did something even more helpful. She told the boys that she had seen me the entire time lost in study. She said she had not seen my pants down or me playing with myself. In fact, Caitlin said that she was pretty sure I hadn’t even noticed her until the bully said something. Quickly, it became a ‘she said, she said’, leaving everybody to decide if they were going to believe Miss Perfect or some stoner.So when prom time came, there were occasional jokes about whether I was going to take a girl. There were even comments about me not going because I was gay. But in general, it was okay. There was only one thing that bothered me, the big after party was going to be at Caitlin’s parents’ house, and they would not be home. I knew, though, that even if I were going, I would never be invited to a cool kid party.Kids choose to go to the prom for strange reasons though. Some kids have a significant other they think they will spend the rest of their lives with, while some think it will be the last big time out before they go to college and drift away. Some kids want to go with their friends just so they can experience the night. I became one of those rare cases who went to the prom because I liked somebody other than the person asking me.Dennis Michaels would have been out of my league even if I was straight. He was the star baseball player who everybody expected to have a shot at the major leagues. In addition, he was one of the smartest kids in school. But most of all, he was also one of the nicest guys, generally liking everybody and acknowledging everybody’s presence even mine. The thing that sold me on going to the prom with him, though, was that he was close friends with Caitlin.It happened about a week before the prom. I was sitting alone in the cafeteria, reading a romance novel. In general, I hated them but I also knew that the straight girls had started to read them. So essentially, I was false advertising that I was just like them. Out of the blue, Dennis came and sat in front of me. He explained that his traveling baseball team was supposed to have an away game that day. Unfortunately, it had been a very wet winter and the field they were supposed to play at was underwater. As there was no way it would be ready in time, the game had been canceled. He really wanted to go to the prom, but at this point everybody he knew had a date. He continued, saying that we had been in some classes together and I seemed nice. He knew it was a long shot, but he was wondering if I wanted to go as his friend. All of a sudden, I had a date who could give me access to Caitlin’s party. Strangely, he didn’t seem surprised when I said yes right away.I was able to borrow a dress that fit OK from one of my cousins who lived nearby, and my date was able to get a tuxedo in time. We didn’t match, and there weren’t any of the other niceties like a limo or a corsage. Instead, Dennis pick me up in his dad’s car and treated me like a friend who he respected. He didn’t try to romance me, but at the same time he didn’t try to talk to any other girls. Most importantly, he didn’t try to do anything physical. He was the perfect date for me.The hardest part, though, was that we ended up sharing a table with Caitlin and some of the other popular kids. All of them seem to ignore me most of the time. Only Caitlin, along with Dennis, would occasionally involve me in the conversations. It was frustrating to be at a table with my biggest crush, and have to there her with some loser from the football team. Luckily, they weren’t all over each other.However, eventually the stress got to be too much. I politely excused myself to the ladies room, but instead of going there I went outside, found a quiet place, and began to cry. I didn’t expect it when I heard a gentle voice asked me if I was okay. In my wildest dreams, it would have been Caitlin coming after me, but it wasn’t. Instead, it was one of the guidance counselors, Miss Abigail Morris. I tried to brush it off and say that I was just overwhelmed by the number of people and the fact that I was even there, as this is something that normally I wouldn’t be involved in. However, she could tell that I was lying and just simply told me that she knew how frustrating things could be. She didn’t say what she was referring to, but I knew. We sat in silence for a few minutes enjoying the warm humid spring air. Then when I had regained my composure, she helped me to my feet. With a tender smile, she looked me straight in the eyes and told me, “it gets better.” For a moment I got lost in hers, which were blue like the purest water. They were like tiny oceans in a young looking face framed perfectly by golden blonde hair. When she hugged me, I felt like I wanted to say I love you and kiss her. She almost made the pain of not being able to touch Caitlin go away.It was only a second, though, before we parted. With a hand on my back, she led me back into the dance, which was mercifully winding down. Dennis, who after all was a guy, hadn’t considered that something might be wrong. And though I said I was tired, he insisted that I go to Caitlin’s party with him.Caitlin’s party took a strange turn almost immediately. Her date immediately started getting fresh with her, which she publicly showed was unwelcome. However, it seemed artificial, almost rehearsed. Even when one of her date’s buddies showed up and she kicked both of them out it seemed as if it wasn’t unexpected. I tried to talk to Caitlin a couple of times, but she kept telling me politely that she would talk to me later. Eventually, people began to filter out. Dennis was still very nice and kept me as entertained as I could be. However, he did refuse to do one thing—take me home. As the party wound down, I asked several times, but each time he put me off a little bit. Eventually he said, that he wanted to help Caitlin clean up. I was pretty sure I knew what was going on. Caitlin had ditched her date so she could end up with Dennis, and Dennis had only come as a cover to be with Caitlin. I had never felt so used.Finally, it was just the three of us left. We did the basic clean up together, with me feeling like a third wheel. I felt relieved when Dennis said he was going to head out. The torture being so close to Caitlin was almost unbearable, and now it would be over.Most people think that life has a smooth flow from one event to the next with things foreshadowed in one way or another. If that is true, I must have been the most oblivious person on the planet because when I turned to go get my stuff I was shocked to feel her hand on my shoulder and hear Caitlin say, “Please, don’t go.” Turning and looking at her, she looked sad. It was a particular kind of sadness though, the one of fear tinged with embarrassment when you think you may have put something on the line and lost. I didn’t see her face as I stared at her, instead I could see her soul. She was like me.I didn’t respond, but both she knew I was going to stay. When Dennis came back with his stuff, he had a huge smile on his face. Caitlin grabbed him and while sobbing kept thanking him. As he stroked her hair, he said that she had always been his best friend and he wanted nothing more than to see her happy. With that he gently kissed her on the cheek, then hugged me, and then walked out the front door.It was awkward. The two high school lesbians finally stood alone, face-to-face, finally having to answer the unrequited crushes they had for each other. At first we stood chatting about what the problem was like. But eventually we ended up sitting on the sofa talking about our lives and our dreams. It was late and I was feeling tired, but I came back to life when the most beautiful girl in the school leaned over and gently kissed me. One’s first kiss is always a shock, probably just because you’ve actually done it, but it’s even more of a shock when you’re gay because it’s rarely the way you dreamed it would be with the person you wanted it to be. However, with Caitlin everything seemed perfect and in a few minutes we were heavily making out.Eventually, we ended up in Caitlin’s bedroom. As we lay on her bed heavily making out, our dresses quickly came off. I hadn’t needed to wear a bra, and Caitlin had managed to somehow go without one too. So as our chests rubbed together I got more and more turned on. It was Caitlin who started to push things further, gently kissing down my neck and onto my chest she kissed around my breasts and ended up sucking on my nipples. It was the perfect combination between playful and passionate. The perfect thing for a high school lesbian’s first time. After a few minutes, her hands slipped under my panties, as she gently played with and sort of twirled the shorthair I had down there, I went from being wet to totally soaked. When she slid between my legs and began to pull my panties off, I lifted my hips to let her. Then she returned to her task kissing down my stomach and onto my thighs. Finally, one of my masturbatory fantasies actually happened, Caitlin’s tongue licked my pussy. At first it was unfocused. Apparently, she had no experience with this. To help her, I made a point of responding to everything that felt good, and soon she was concentrating on my clit while she fucked me with two fingers. I ended up coming the hardest I ever had in my life.When I came down from the high, I was more than happy to return the favor. I figured that Caitlin had done to me what she would have wanted done to herself, so I followed the exact same pattern. I was surprised at how big her nipples felt in my mouth, and how hard they actually were. And as I kissed down her breasts to her stomach I could taste the salty perspiration of her first time. When I finally got to the place of my second fantasy, she was already soaking wet. I cannot describe what the taste was like, but to this day it is still the best thing I had ever tasted. In almost no time, I had her exploding in orgasm.Later in life, I would have cuddled with her naked. However we were teenagers and didn’t understand the etiquette of being lovers. While we did cuddle and share a bed, we each wore a pair of Caitlin’s pajamas. She looked beautiful in hers, while the pair I wore was much too short for me but somehow still seemed to hang off of me. I drifted off to sleep thinking life couldn’t be any better.By the time we got up the next morning, Caitlin’s mother was home. When we got downstairs together, she had bagels and cream cheese waiting for us. It was awkward and welcoming at the same time, as Mrs. Brooks acted like there was nothing strange about her daughter bringing another girl downstairs. While one could have put it off as her mother not knowing what happened, it became abundantly clear that she did when her mother said that she was very happy Caitlin had found me and she hoped I would be around for a while. Looking at Caitlin, who was disheveled from sex and the night’s sleep but still was immeasurably beautiful, I said that I would be there as long as we were in the same place.For the second time in less than a day, life shocked me when Caitlin practically flew across the table and started kissing me. It was the frantic happy kisses that one gives when your partner does something surprisingly wonderful for you. At first I didn’t understand why she was telling me she would stay with me forever then. We were both going off to college and I assume to different places. However, Caitlin explained that when she saw somebody was going to a small women’s college she assumed that it was me. I knew somebody else had been accepted to the same school as me, but I never figured that it would be her. Almost immediately, we declared ourselves a couple.With Caitlin at my side, I came out to my parents later that day. It turned out to be the smallest deal one could imagine, almost disappointingly so. Neither of my parents were surprised, though my father was a little confused because he thought I had already come out to my mother. Apparently, she had told him I was a lesbian and he assumed that she and I had a conversation. Realistically, they had always figured. They gave me their blessing, and asked Caitlin if she would come over for burgers that night.Young love makes you reckless, and you do things that if you were older would seem like a bad idea. Today though, Caitlin and I were young and in love. So during a walk in the park that afternoon, we decided that we would publicly come out—not just as a couple, but as full-blown lesbians. We drove to a mall about an hour away, one where nobody would know us and bought a lesbian magazine at a bookstore. Then while sitting in the food court we picked out haircuts and new clothing styles. When we got back to my parents’ house that evening for burgers we looked more like stereotypes than anything else, but we were happy and new things were going to last.The reaction at school on Monday was mixed. Though the bully kept gloating that she had been right, nobody really paid attention. Some kids, mainly the Super Christians, made nasty comments. Others like Dennis and, surprisingly, Caitlin’s prom date were very supportive. In fact, the cool kids were our biggest allies. Most of the kids, however, couldn’t have cared less; they were too focused on graduation.The next few years were better than I had ever imagined they could be. Caitlin and I came to college as a couple and stayed a couple the entire time. We eventually stopped being in-your-face lesbians, at an all-women’s college there were enough other girls like us that we didn’t feel we needed to make a statement. I studied education, while Caitlin studied journalism. We stayed on at the college long enough for me to get my Masters which would improve my job prospects.Gay, straight, or other, college couples face what is often an insurmountable hurdle—graduation. We had been together for over six years, and Caitlin and I had never talked about what would happen when both of us were finally done with our degrees. While I had been finishing my studies, Caitlin had been writing for the local underground newspaper. In only two years she had developed a really good reputation and had job offers from a number of places. I had gotten very good grades and had already started to develop a good resume. Unfortunately, Caitlin and I wanted different things. It came to a head one night when a phone call came offering her a job writing for a magazine in San Francisco. We both believed in LGBT rights and she thought it would be a great place to make a mark. I on the other hand, never saw myself teaching in an urban school district I wanted the quiet suburban life—slightly differently than other people, but I wanted that nonetheless. I also thought that I could better make my mark by teaching and showing that lesbians are just normal people. There was no fighting that night, but there was a lot of sadness. We had promised each other that we would be together forever, but that forever had turned out to be only long enough to become adults. On the day our lease ended, we kissed one last time before getting into our respective moving vans and starting out to the next places in our life—her to San Francisco, and me to this school outside of Richmond, Virginia.There was a movie from back when I grew up, “He Man and the Masters of the Universe”. It’s really a pretty bad movie, but I learned something very important from it. In the movie, they never said goodbye. Because they always believed that they would see the other person again, they instead said “good journeys”. On the day I had to report to my new school I understood how true that was. My first stop after the general staff orientation was to meet the principal. The plaque on her door said, “Abigail Morris.” What probably should have been a getting to know you talk, was really reminiscing about what things had been like my old high school. It turned out that the brief conversation with me at the prom and a quick hug had ended her career at my high school. The reason why she knew what I was feeling was because she was a lesbian too. She confessed that good judgment had never been her best trait. At first when she had come to the school, she kept her sexuality hidden and didn’t date. But eventually, she became enraptured by one of my classmate’s mother and they secretly began an affair. The façade of friendship had been suspect to a lot of people. When the bully who had first caught me masturbating watching Caitlin saw that Abigail hugged me at the prom, she decided she would make trouble. It probably would have blown over, but her lover got scared and led the drive to get her fired. With all the shouts about not wanting a dyke teaching their children, Abigail knew there was no way she could stay. She could have fought in court, and she could have outed my classmate’s mother, but she had character. So instead, she quietly took a generous buyout from the school district and found a new job.We were both in better and more comfortable places in our lives than we had been when I was in high school, and being in a lot of way peers we were able to become friends very quickly. Abigail introduced me to the lesbian scene in Richmond, small as that was, and more importantly to the larger one in Washington DC. Eventually, we got to be almost exclusive friends. Then on a weekend trip to a Delaware beach, Abigail asked me if we could be more. Looking at a woman who was 15 years older than me and pushing 40 years old, I noticed her face still look youthful framed by slightly aged but still beautiful golden hair. And her eyes—her eyes still were the blue of purest water. I couldn’t help but say yes. That night in our small bed-and-breakfast, we made love. I had only been with one woman in my life, Caitlin, so it was with sadness that I made an awkward attempt. With Abigail’s coaching I did fine, but was hard for me to concentrate as only about six months before I had lost the person I thought I was going to spend my life with. It wasn’t beautiful, but I hoped eventually it would be.Unfortunately, my new love didn’t like it the same way my old one had, instead she liked things a little rougher. Instead of sucking on her nipples I needed to bite them. Instead of gently using two fingers on her, I needed to have three in her pussy and two in her ass. Instead of making love to me gently like Caitlin did, she like to pinch my nipples hard. At first it would feel good, but eventually I would end up in pain. The only reason I did it was because I saw the smile on Abigail’s face. And Abigail was a pillow princess, she would not go down on me. She was fine using toys or her fingers, but her tongue was out of the question. The one thing that always frustrated her was that I would not let her use a strap-on on me. I had never had anything other than Caitlin’s fingers inside of me, and had no desire to have anything else penetrate me.We kept things discreet until the end of the school year, at which time I transferred to a different school. I was just starting my career and the move would be easy. Abigail, on the other hand, was an administrator and would’ve been much harder to move. I had quickly fallen in love with her, so I was more than happy to do what it took to make us work.And that was the way things stood for several years, Abigail and I lived together as lovers but kept telling people that we were “roommates”. We would make love when Abigail felt like it, which I was willing to do because I loved her. We went where she wanted to go on vacations, tended to hang around her friends. We always referred to them as our friends, but in reality I hadn’t gotten to know anyone else in the area because I got involved with Abigail so quickly. All of ‘our’ friends had been friends with her before we met. Our end was quick. The night after Abigail’s 40th birthday party, she seemed down. When I asked her what was wrong, she said that even though she was a lesbian she still really wanted to have children. I couldn’t understand what she meant. I don’t believe it was abnormal that in high school I didn’t think about children a lot of girls do because many don’t. And then from prom night I had known I would never be with a man. I wanted to be with women and had no interest in the opposite sex. Children, in my opinion, did not fit into that equation. The discussion got even more uncomfortable. With her age, Abigail was afraid of carrying a child. Her solution to that problem was for me to carry the child. And with that, the fight began. I reminded her that most people thought I was a single straight woman and that if I showed up unmarried and pregnant it might be even worse than coming out as a lesbian. However, Abigail was insistent. So finally, I agreed I would think about it, but needed some time.That week end I decided to make an unannounced visit to my parents. When I showed up late Friday night, my parents were happy to see me, but concerned about how I looked. We stayed up all night talking about what was going on with Abigail and me. Their firm belief was that I needed to get out of the relationship, which I didn’t want to hear. They were an old straight couple, who could lead a good life together, whereas I was a lesbian. When they were young they were able to freely dates and find people. While I could have done that at college, I hadn’t. I had given all of my love and my youth to Caitlin Brooks and that had come to nothing. Now I had to take whatever I could. When I started sassing back like a teenage brat, they just hugged me and said we can talk about it more the next day.I must have been feeling particularly self-loathing the next afternoon, because when my parents were out shopping I decided to take a drive out to the Brooks house. When I knocked on their door Caitlin’s parents were surprised, but invited me in anyway. Part of me hoped beyond all reason that Caitlin might have been there and that my first love would have missed me and wanted me back. But she wasn’t. It turns out that she had only been in California for about a year when she met another woman. As soon as Massachusetts had legalized same-sex marriage, they had taken off for Boston. Now my ex-girlfriend was an aspiring writer married to an elementary school teacher and talking about starting a family. It cut me to the heart. Nine years ago, I had fallen in love in this house, and now it was crushed. When I thanked them for their hospitality, they told me I could stop by anytime I was in town. I was grateful, but I told him that I didn’t think that would be a good idea. They hugged me with such love, but it physically hurt knowing that this was really the end of my first love.I spent the rest of the day in a fog. I drove around the town, eventually ending up at the mall where Caitlin and I had gotten our haircuts years ago. The name was different, but I found the same salon and decided to make a change. Describing the best I could the haircut that made me look like a lesbian almost a decade ago, I decided I was going to make a statement. I was who I was, and I was not going to let anybody change that. Abigail could take me for what I was, a lesbian who had no desire for children, or she could leave me.A few weeks later, it was I who ended up doing the leaving. When I moved into my new apartment, I was more nervous than I had ever been. As an adult, I had never been alone. I had no real adult interests to keep me busy and no friends of my own. For about a year, I reverted back to the high school me. I kept to myself, mainly reading books and not getting close to anyone. Then one day while I was walking the park it hit me out of the blue, a bicycle. Even though I said I was okay, the rider still wearing sunglasses and a helmet insisted on calling an ambulance. She kept me down and made sure that I was comfortable until the paramedics came. When they were satisfied that I didn’t need medical treatment, I finally realized who it was. My old bully from high school had almost killed me.The frustrations of my adult life quickly came rushing back, and I asked if she knew who I was. Turns out that from the second she saw me on the ground she did. Her name was Jill Sable, which I had known but had never really considered important, and she was a different person than she was in high school. She started by apologizing, with sincerity I had never seen in a person, for how she had treated me. A little while later over coffee, she told me that she was now a nurse and married with two children. She most definitely was not a lesbian, but through college and work had realized the pain she had caused me. She had hoped I wouldn’t recognize her but it was almost a relief that I had. We ended our coffee exchanging email addresses and saying we should get together sometime.Still wallowing in my sorrow, I really had no intention of being friends with anybody much less Jill, but she pressured me. Eventually I gave in and had dinner with her. Remarkably, we shared the same taste in music and books. It really wasn’t much, but we were able to start building a friendship on it. Eventually, she introduced me to a lot of nice people, all straight unfortunately, and I even started hanging out with her family. For the first time in my life I had a real friendship.The best part was that I never developed an attraction to Jill. Maybe it was because she set boundaries well, or maybe it was because we couldn’t devote our full attention to each other. I’m not sure exactly what it was, but there was something that kept the friendship a friendship. With that settled, Jill became my biggest supporter. Eventually, when I felt like I was caught in a rut in life it was she and her husband who encouraged me to take a chance and get a degree in school counseling. A few years later, I was ready to look for a job as a school counselor.It was also Jill who accidentally made me the happiest woman in the world. It happened one night when one of the Baltimore universities was hosting a symposium of authors. The theme was about when people found their voice and writing. Two authors were featured. One was a guy from near where I grew up, but had become the consummate Maryland author, writing books about the watermen and farmers of the Eastern shore of Maryland. I had never read his stuff. The other was the reason I wanted to go, Caitlin Brooks.Jill did everything she could to stop me from going. She warned me about my self-destructive streak, and told me how it would bring nothing but pain. However being the great friend that she was, when I insisted on going she offered to come with me.It went even worse than I could have expected. I intentionally hadn’t read anything Caitlin had written, I thought it would be too painful. If I had even skimmed a review of her latest book, I never would have come. It was a book meant for teenagers and it was about a high school lesbian finding love and a girl very different from her. She admitted it was semi-autobiographical, but that was an understatement. It was our story from her point of view. It went right up to our breakup, and her pulling onto the interstate headed for her new life. If the story was correct, her tears as she got into her moving van were a lie. Because the story ended with her thinking about what she had learned from the relationship and how she was now strong enough to be an adult. She didn’t include that I had been crushed. After the symposium, Jill was at my side when I confronted my ex-girlfriend, the love of my life. Like so many other things in my life, it didn’t go the way I expected. Instead of being embarrassed or regretful, Caitlin was happy to see me. She thanked me for everything I had given her and said we should get together sometime. I could tell she didn’t mean a reunion get together, she meant something more along the lines of meeting her wife and children. Luckily, before I could give an answer she excused herself to go to the airport. When she offered me an autographed book, Jill politely turned it down for me and suggested that I buy one from the other author.Having a good friend can be annoying. At the exact moment you want to wallow in self-pity and convince yourself that everything’s wrong in the world, they go ahead and do something to snap you out of it. Again, what Jill did was unintentional. Really, she was just worried that I would somehow hurt myself more than mentally. So rather than taking me home, she insisted that I stay at her house that night. So there, alone and restless, I started to read the book by the other author. I was surprised at how much I liked it. He spun these beautiful stories about sadness and hope about the loss of a way of life but the belief that there would be something else that could come up. I was hooked.By the end of the school year, I had read everything the guy had written. Most importantly, I had read about him and how he had met his wife. I really couldn’t relate because it involved dating three sisters and hooking up with their mother, but it did for the first time in my life give me a belief that maybe things can work out in the end. Most importantly, it doesn’t have to work out with the person we expected it would.Jill was supportive when I said I needed a change, and encouraged me to apply for jobs as a guidance counselor. I ended up applying for positions in three areas, two schools near Baltimore, three near Washington, and on a whim I applied to one out on the Eastern Shore where my now favorite author’s books were set. I ended up getting two offers, one outside of Washington at one of the most prestigious public high schools in the country and the other at the small rural high school on the Eastern Shore. The former made all the sense in the world. It had prestige; it paid better; and it was near a city with an excellent gay and lesbian culture, which would be perfect as I was feeling like I was ready to start dating again. Of course, I chose the other school. I don’t know whether it was fear, or fate, or a gut feeling, but something told me that that was the right choice.With the help of Jill, her husband, and all the wonderful people I had gotten to know through them, I sorted through all of the things I’d accumulated over the years. Most of my stuff was meaningless, IKEA furniture and that sort, but some of it had sentimental value. Everybody encouraged me to keep the stuff that reminded me of my parents or reminded me of the past few years. I gladly got rid of everything that I shared with Abigail, and kicking and screaming got rid of the last things that I shared with Caitlin. The only thing involving her that I kept was a picture that my father had taken of us at graduation. Our arms were around each other and we held our diplomas in the air. Standing behind us and hugging both of us was Dennis Michaels.When I saw the picture for the first time in the 11 years it had been since Caitlin and I had broken up, I didn’t know what to think. On one hand, that super nice guy had helped me get exactly what I wanted back in high school. However, that led me to exactly where I was now, alone. My relationship with Caitlin had been painful. And then Abigail had caught me in that pain and taken advantage of it. It had been nine years of fake love and pain. If it hadn’t been for that bicycle accident with Jill ending a year of isolation, I’d probably be miserable. But though I was alone, the last seven years had been good. With friends that really cared and no pressure to make anyone else happy, I had actually learned who I wanted to be and what I wanted to do with my life. I couldn’t blame Dennis for how my life was today. How was he to know that getting what I wanted would hurt so much? We had all been teenagers—me, Dennis, Caitlin, Jill. None of us had really known anything. We just did the best we could to try to be happy, and in Dennis’ case to try to make other people happy. Though the decisions of our youth are visited upon us as adults, we can’t hold ourselves responsible for any mistakes we made. It may be unfair that the decisions we make that have the biggest impact on our lives are the ones we make with no experience. As they say, youth is wasted on the young. And whenever things get bad, it’s never too late to go in a new direction.I took the picture and I packed it away in a box of mementos that I knew I wouldn’t open anytime soon. I quickly sent off an email to my parents asking if they had any of my old prom pictures left. Knowing what somebody who barely knew me did try to help me be happy made me smile bigger than I had in years. I decided that I needed to have a reminder of this nice guy who, though his time in my life was fleeting, had a bigger impact than he could ever have imagined. What I really needed though was a reminder that didn’t have Caitlin in it.Public schools are bureaucracies; one should always remember that. And like all bureaucracies things often get screwed up. It turned out that my paperwork was totally screwed up, and it took the better part of the summer to get everything worked out. So by the time I finally got through my orientation and was able to set up my office, it was already the week leading up to the first day of school. The only thing I had been able to do was brush up on the cases of some of the most high risk students. I hadn’t even been able to read through the names of all the teachers. In fact, the only thing I really knew about any of the teachers was that the faculty morale was at a low point. It had nothing to do with the district or the students. It was because one of the most popular teachers, a really nice guy, had just been left by his wife. He was now a struggling single dad with three young children. Needless to say, I was worried about how it would go when I had a first meeting with the sports coaches. High school athletes often have special concerns the counselor needs to deal with. Not only do they face the pressures of sports, but many feel pressure to use steroids or other performance-enhancing substances. The really good ones have to deal with choosing whether they want to do sports and colleges. When you’re a counselor the biggest ally you need in helping these kids are their coaches. My mentor had told me that this was usually one of the most difficult groups to actually get help from, and when I found out that the teacher in question was the baseball coach I was convinced the first meeting would not go well.When I walked into the faculty room, there were a bunch of men and women standing around, with one guy slumped back in a chair. They all seemed concerned, even a little angry. I wasn’t sure anybody had even seen me, as they just kept talking as the door closed. Suddenly I was thrown back to my high school days, when I could be in a room and nobody even noticed me and then was slapped in the face by being involved with women to whom I didn’t even matter, I felt like crying. But then I got a good look at the man slumped over in the chair. Even sitting down he looked tall, and though approaching middle age he seemed to have a good body. When I caught a glimpse of his blue eyes, I knew who he was. When he suddenly threw his hands up over his eyes and asked if there was anyone who would be able to give him the help he needed right now, it was only natural for me to say, “Yes, Dennis. I will.”“Vicki? Vicki Jackson?” Dennis asked looking up from the chair. When I nodded that I was, he flew across the room and hugged me. “Vicki, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for everything that happened. If I had known what she was going to do, I never would’ve gotten you two together.”It was inconceivable. A man who had just been left by his wife and didn’t know what he was going to do to keep his life together was apologizing to me for introducing me to the girl that I wanted to be with. He might look 17 years older than when I saw him last, but he hadn’t changed. He was thinking about me more than himself. I hugged him back and whispered, “Anything you need.”Of course, I really didn’t know anything about how to help Dennis, so I let him take the lead. For the first few months of being friends again, I just let him talk. He let me know what had happened in his life. After high school he had been drafted by a major league baseball team and unfortunately got stalled in single A level ball. His fourth year, he was playing for a team here on the Eastern shore and decided to call it quits. He still loved baseball and wanted to stay involved. At the same time, he decided he needed a real job. So, he decided to marry those goals by going to one of the universities nearby and studying education. When he graduated there was an opening at one of the high schools nearby and within a few years he was teaching history and coaching the junior varsity team.Just after he had started, he met one of the local women. They hit it off pretty well, and became very comfortable with each other. Eventually, they decided to get married. He said it was like marrying his best friend. Things were fine until their third child was born, when his wife began to grow distant. They plodded on for a few more years with Dennis gradually taking over more of the home and childcare responsibilities. His wife on the other hand decided she needed to have getaway weekends. Though he was concerned that she might be cheating, he thought if he gave her space whatever was going on would pass. Then a few months ago he came home to a note, saying that she had been living a lie with him, but after reading a book—Catlin’s book—she realized she needed to be honest with herself and him. She was moving away to start a new life and didn’t want him or the children to contact her. Rather than tell anybody the truth, he told people she ran away with another guy. He thought that as bad as being cuckold would look, it would look even worse if he had married a lesbian.Though I could sympathize with his soon-to-be ex-wife’s feelings, I also understood how hard it was to be left, especially when you feel like everything had been a lie. That’s how Caitlin made me feel when I heard what was in her book—that goddamn book. Luckily, when I let him know that I could relate he didn’t feel as if I was belittling his feelings at all. Instead, he wanted me to talk about how I felt first when Caitlin left and then when I heard about her perspective in the book. He was aghast when I told him about the reading and her attitude afterwards.The hardest part of our discussions, though, was when he would ask what he could’ve done to make his wife a lesbian. As much as I tried to tell him that people were probably born gay and that no matter how hard you try they’re never going to be able to change. No matter how great a guy he was, she would have always been who she turned out to be. I let him know that even with all the heartache Caitlin and Abigail had given me, I considered myself lucky. I had always known who I was and never tried to pretend I was anyone other than that. I don’t know whether he started to believe me in the next few months or whether he just began to numb, but he seemed better about it.As the school year continued I arranged my sessions so we could eat lunch together. It was great to have a friend to talk to, sort of a male version of Jill. What was even better was that there was no talk or rumors. To the other teachers and his friends, Dennis had always said one of the things he had done that he was most proud of was setting up Caitlin and me. Hence, everybody knew I was a lesbian before I even walked in the door. And no matter what anybody thought about me or my orientation, if Dennis Michaels considered me a friend I was a good person.Autumn ended, and winter came. Instead of getting bored with each other, Dennis and my friendship continued to grow. When a freak December snowstorm prevented my parents from coming down for Christmas, Dennis was good enough to invite me to celebrate with him and his children. So Christmas morning was the first time I got to meet nine-year-old Davey, seven-year-old Samantha, and five-year-old Norman. We spent the day with the children opening presents in front of a roaring fire, while Dennis and I drank mulled wine and cider. It was such a good day, that I stayed around talking with him after the little ones had already passed out from sugar and excitement.I had still never thought about having children myself, after all I was still a lesbian, but I didn’t mind being around his kids. Each of them had a most wonderful personality. Davey was a carbon copy of his father, polite, helpful, and always thinking of other people. Samantha, or Sam as she preferred, was the hyperactive middle child always seeking attention. She played baseball like her father did and maintained that she would not switch to softball. Norman was quiet, the kind of kid that took everything in and knew exactly what was going on. Whenever I would go to their house I wanted to stay longer and longer so I could have just a little bit of time with each of them. When baseball season started, I happily volunteered to do the pickups after school, to make dinner, and to start the kids on their homework. I really had no idea what I was doing. While I could manage students in a classroom, I was clueless when it came to managing their lives around the home. And I wasn’t a very good cook either. All I could really do, was listen to how their days were, answer homework questions if I could, and be a playmate if that’s all that was needed. Though I usually felt flustered by the time Dennis got home, I never minded staying.On the personal level I made new friends. They were mostly other teachers and people I met through them, but eventually I had a small group of positive affirming people around me. Every so often I would still go back to Baltimore to visit Jill, and even convinced her to bring her family out to visit me. She was shocked to find out that I was hanging out with Dennis so much. And I think she almost passed out when she found out the role I was playing in his children’s lives. She warned me to make sure I knew what I was doing, as the kids were probably too young to understand that no matter how well we got along I would never be interested in their father. Though I assured her I knew what I was doing, in reality I wondered what was going on. I was finally at a point in my life I should be pursuing the things I really wanted, but instead I wanted to spend time with this guy and his children.On the relationship front, my life began to look up as well. I met a woman who was a professor at one of the local colleges. She was a few years younger than me, and just as in-your-face a lesbian as I had been when I first went to college. The great thing about the relationship was that she didn’t pressure me for sex. I had only been with two people in my life, and had gotten terribly hurt by both of them. When I said that I wanted to make sure the relationship was real and was going to last before we had sex, she understood.I don’t know how long she thought she would end up waiting, but I kept making her wait. Even with romantic weekends and such, my attention was never fully on her. I found myself calling Dennis to see how he was doing when I was away. Once I even insisted we cancel a day trip because Norman was sick and I wanted to help out. At first my girlfriend made jokes about whether I was really a lesbian. Eventually though, she got accusatory, saying that I was in love with Dennis. One night two years into our relationship I tried to explain that I liked being around him because he treated everybody so well, and that he was a good father, and that I couldn’t think of anybody I admired more than him. When she shot back that it sounded like I was describing my dream lover, I tried to make her see that with what Dennis had done for me back in high school the least I could do was to help him now. Finally, she screamed that I should just go ahead and marry him. Then she packed her things and left.I wasn’t devastated; I wasn’t even numb; but I did want somebody to talk to. So late at night, well after his bedtime, I’ve drove to Dennis’s house. I didn’t bother to call him until I was standing on his porch, mobile phone in one hand knocking on the door with the other. Without question or a angry word, my old friend let me into his house and stayed up most of the night with me drinking tea and talking. We didn’t talk much about the breakup. It didn’t really feel all that important for me to talk about. What was most interesting to both of us was the cause. Not only had my girlfriend noticed how much time we are spending together, but some of her other friends thought it was a little weird too. We laughed agreeing that maybe we couldn’t even understand our friendship.In as much as I leaned on Dennis, I was there for him to lean on when he needed somebody as well. About four years after she left, his ex-wife contacted him. She had finally figured things out and was ready to be back involved in the children’s lives. She was indeed a lesbian, and was living with a woman near Philadelphia. After a few months of negotiations, we agreed to let the children spend the weekend with them. We met at the travel plaza in Delaware to shuttle the children between cars. As his ex-wife, her girlfriend, and his children pulled away I could tell he was tense. For some reason it felt natural for me to take his hand in mine. Our fingers intertwined and we held hands as something other than friends. I was even more shocked to find myself embracing him leaning my head against his chest and telling him it would be okay. It did not even feel weird when we held hands most of the way home.That night I couldn’t sleep. I didn’t know what was going on with myself. I had just shared a stressful but then tender trip with the man who was my best friend. He was a man who I wanted to be around all the time, whose children I wanted to have as part of my life. I respected him and couldn’t stand it when I wasn’t around him. But something was wrong with it; I wasn’t supposed to feel about a man that way. I was a lesbian!I went to the Internet and started looking at porn. I thought that may be over the years I had missed something. Maybe I really did like men in one way or another. But it wasn’t true; some of the men’s bodies I saw did nothing for me, but many outright disgusted me. The women on the other hand got me excited. Black ones, white ones; young ones, middle-aged ones; small ones, big ones; it didn’t matter they all excited me. Back in bed, I masturbated thinking about all the women in different shapes, colors, and sizes, about how beautiful their bodies were. I got myself off to a very satisfying orgasm. As I was coming down from the high, I leaned over to cuddle with my pillow. As I nuzzled it, my mind drifted to Dennis and I pretended it was him. When I realized what I was doing I started to cry. I had no idea what was going on or where these feelings were coming from. All I knew was that I wanted to be with him right now.The next day I casually called Dennis under the pretense of seeing if he was doing OK. I was almost happy that he seemed a little down because I didn’t feel guilty when I offered to hang out. We ended up going to the mall together, as we each could stand to pick up a few things for around the house. Though everything seemed normal for Dennis, I swung between feeling comfortable and awkward. When we sat and talked everything was fine, and I felt about the same as I always did when we hung out. But then I noticed little things, like how I would stand a little closer to him than I used to, or like how I couldn’t help smiling whenever I looked up at his eyes. It was driving me crazy it wasn’t supposed to happen like this.And then with the most unexpected event, the die was cast. As we walked out of one of the department stores, we saw a young couple yelling at each other. As people moved away, I noticed Dennis inching towards them. When the woman slapped the guy in the face, he pulled his hand back to hit her. But then in the second Dennis was between them. He strongly suggested that the woman leave, and told the guy he wanted to talk to him.Over the next few hours I sat with Dennis and this young guy he had never met while they talked about everything that was wrong in the guy’s life. He had been a high school football star but had gotten his girlfriend, the woman who had slapped him, pregnant. He had wanted to go to college or maybe join the military, anything but end up in a small town doing some kind of menial work. Instead, they ended up here with him repairing farm equipment. I could tell that though he was only in his early 20s, this guy was already a shell of a man.Most people would politely listen for a while, then given some platitudes about how life always gets better, and sent the guy on his way, but that’s not what Dennis did. Instead, I sat there while this remarkable man talked through possibilities that the guy could do with his life. They worked out small steps and big steps that he could take. And Dennis also had him take into account the things his wife wanted to do. By the time we dropped the guy off at their trailer, he had a smile on his face and was actually excited to go inside and talk to his wife.Sitting in the passenger seat of the car, I knew I wanted this man. I wasn’t lusting after him like I might after a woman. What I wanted was to have him inside of me, to possess part of him, to hold him in the most intimate way hoping that a part of who he was would stay inside of me. I didn’t know how to go about seducing a man but I knew that this afternoon was going to be my first.When we walked inside the front door of Dennis’s house, I decided to make my move. After we had both slipped off our shoes I put my arms around him and pulled him towards me. Then standing on my toes I leaned up and kissed him on the lips. His face was scratchy which I didn’t like, but when our lips touched I knew I wanted to keep going. When I pulled back Dennis was in shock. When he asked me what I was doing, I was honest and told him I didn’t know I just knew that I needed him. Stammering over his words he said that he had developed feelings for me a few years ago, but he had thought I was a lesbian. I started to cry telling him that I was one, and that men’s bodies still did nothing for me. Except his—well, not his body—there was something about him that made me want to be with him. I wasn’t attracted to his body, I was attracted to who he was, the person who had been willing to help Caitlin and me back in high school, who was a great teacher, a great father, a great so many things, a guy so good that he would even spend hours trying to help a young man he didn’t even know. That’s what I wanted. That’s when I realized I had fallen in love with.I ended up having to plead a little bit more, but finally Dennis relented and quietly led me to his bedroom. There standing next to his bed, we kissed not with lust or passion, but with the desperation of two people who want to be joined together. It transcended gender, sex, or orientation. It was two souls that wanted to be part of each other.In general, I let Dennis take the lead, but for some things I coached him. I think we were both aware that if I were to enjoy this on a physical level we would need to be creative. After all I was a lesbian and was attracted to women. Dennis was understanding, and while I lay naked next to him under the covers of his bed he let me guide his fingers on how to play with my clit while he asked me to describe the kind of women I liked. His gentle understanding voice made me feel that it was okay to be fantasizing about women even though I was with him. As he got better at pleasuring me the excitement began to build. Though I was thinking about numerous at girls, it was him telling me how glad he was to have me in his life that sent me into an orgasm.I knew it was his turn now. I was nervous almost to the point of shaking. I remembered back in high school a girl saying that the first time hurt, I also couldn’t picture having a man inside of me. But Dennis was different. When I looked at his penis it didn’t seem like the appendages stuck on men I saw in pornography. It looked like a part of him, a natural extension of his body, one that would fit inside of me. It wasn’t Dennis’s cock that would be inside of me, it was simply Dennis, the whole man.Quietly, he asked if I was ready. With a gulp I said that I was. Luckily, I was still wet from my orgasm and my hymen must have been broken somewhere along the way, because Dennis was able to slowly slide himself inside of me. For a little while it did hurt, but then it just felt weird. Another person was inside of me moving in and out, sometimes gently, sometimes hard, but always inside. In the abstract, the idea was disgusting. But looking at Dennis’s face and knowing that it was him inside of me and that he was enjoying it made me want it more than anything else. Eventually, I wrapped my legs around his back and hugged him tightly around the chest. I wanted him pressed against me, on top of me, inside of me. I just wanted to be one with this wonderful, wonderful man. It wasn’t the feeling of the movement that did it for me, but when I saw the satisfaction on his face as he started to come inside of me, I had another orgasm. It was much smaller, but it meant so much more.After getting cleaned up we decided to drive to Annapolis for dinner. At a nice little restaurant overlooking the bay, we discussed where things were going to go from there. By the time we had finished our after dinner drinks, we agreed we would take a chance. Dennis would marry another lesbian, and I would commit to spending my life with the man. I wouldn’t change who I was, I couldn’t if I tried. But we were both ready to commit to each other and hope for the best.Needless to say, people were shocked when we told them. After a while though, in a weird way it made sense to most of them. In fact, most of our friends said that if I wasn’t a lesbian we would have gotten married years before. The children reacted well too, being incredibly happy to have me there all the time. They loved me as much is I loved them. They were aware that there was something different about the relationship their father and stepmother had, but they were willing to accept it for what it was.I can’t say everything is easy. Outside of the bedroom things go very well. In a lot of ways, we complement each other where one’s strength around the house or with the children covers the others weakness. Intimacy is also easy we share our feelings very well and most of the time I want to have my arms wrapped around the wonderful person to whom I am married.The only problem is sex. Often, just my touch excites Dennis, which becomes a problem because I always want to be hugging him and cuddling with him. But sometimes it’s very hard to get in the mood. Even talking about beautiful women or watching lesbian porn cannot always get me to a state or I can have him inside me. But we’ve worked to find a middle ground. When I can’t get in the mood for sex, I’ll give him a hand job. If he doesn’t think that will be enough I’ll give him a blow job, though I don’t really like doing it. On rare occasions, I have even used enough lube so he could get inside of me even though I didn’t really want him in there. Those times, I told him to just hold me down and fuck me until he was done no matter how long it took. And while he goes in and out of me I just simply think about why am doing it and who I am doing it for. The more I think about that the easier it is, and one of those times I even ended up having a huge orgasm just knowing that I was making myself available to him.I’m a lesbian. I was born one; I came of age as one; and I will always be one. Being married to and in love with this man, Dennis Michaels, does not change that. If he was not in my life there would be a woman or there would be nobody. He just happens to be the person I connected with on levels people are not supposed to connect on. It’s that connection and the respect I have for him that make him the exception to the rule. I like women, but I also like him.I am a lesbian, he is my plus one.-End Story-Check out my other work story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life in any way, shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any of the scenarios in this story should seriously consider seeking professional help.--------------------------------------------------------Kristen's collection - Directory 83
"My name is Eiko Moriyama. I have reservations, two rooms, together." I punched her name into the computer and, sure enough, two rooms with an adjoining door. As I entered her credit card information I looked her over out of the corner of my eye. She was in her forties, pretty but kind of conservative, her deep black hair cut straight across at her shoulders, parted on the side, and she wore a trim knee length skirt and blazer. I sort of compulsively flirt with women, and when I handed her the room keys and asked her if she needed any help with her bags I tried to catch her eye and give her a smile, but she stayed serious, not meeting my eye, giving me a formal, "No, thank you, we will carry our own bags." She turned to the couches in the middle of the lobby and called out, "Nobuko, Keiko, come." I hadn't noticed the two teenage girls sitting on the couches, evidently Mrs. Moriyama's daughters. They got up and lugged their suitcases to the elevator, which was right next to the desk. As they reached the desk their mother turned to me and asked, "Please, where may I purchase a newspaper?" I pointed her toward the gift shop, telling her she could find one there. She instructed the girls to wait where they were while she was gone.As she walked away, I turned to the girls. "Which one of you is Nobuko and which is Keiko?"One of them gave a bashful little laugh and said, "Oh, I am Nobuko, she is Keiko," Pointing at her sister. The girls looked similar, but evidently had very different personalities. Nobuko, the one who had spoken up, was wearing a baggy pair of jeans and a tight tee shirt that showed off her belly button, and had on bright pink lipstick. Her long black hair had streaks of brown dyed into it and she really seemed flirty, looking me in the eye and grinning, in contrast with her sister, who shyly looked at the ground while we talked. Keiko didn't seem to wear any make-up at all, her hair cropped a little past her ears, with bangs in front, and she was wearing a red and yellow dress that was several inches below her knees. I found out from the girls that they had just arrived with their mother from Japan, and were on vacation for a week in LA before heading to Hawaii for another week. As we talked, Mrs. Moriyama returned and herded the girls into the elevator. I certainly had my hopes up about bumping into the girls during the week, though.And I ran into them sooner than I expected. My shift was over at midnight and I stopped by the kitchen to talk with a friend of mine for a minute, then headed toward the parking garage. As I cut through the central courtyard and approached the swimming pool I saw someone at a poolside table, reading something, and as I got closer I saw someone else sitting by the edge of the water. To my surprise, I saw it was Nobuko and Keiko. Keiko was leafing through a magazine and Nobuko had her pants legs rolled up and was dangling her feet in the water."Hi girls. Staying up late?""Oh, hello!" Nobuko said with a big smile. "We cannot get to sleep. We are not used to, um, you know, change in time yet.""At home, it would be afternoon now." Keiko added, looking at me shyly. I sat on a table between the girls and asked them how they liked LA so far. Nobuko said they hadn't seen much of it yet, but told me all the things they were planning to do. She got up from the edge of the pool and sat down on a chair at the table I was sitting on, looking up at me with her big friendly grin. Keiko stayed in the chair she was in, about ten feet from me, looking me over, kind of warily though, with her knees together and her hands in her lap.After talking a while, I asked them, "Do either of you have a boyfriend?"They both looked at each other and giggled. "No, not really," Nobuko shrugged."You're both so pretty, I thought you would." They both looked at the ground with bashful grins.Nobuko asked, "American men, they only like women with blond hair and big." Holding her hands in front of her chest."Nobuko!" Keiko whispered, embarrassed."Oh, not me," I answered. "I like Asian women a lot. Japanese women are absolutely beautiful." Their faces brightened as they looked at me expectantly. "Do you two like Japanese or American guys better?""I don't know. They are both nice," Nobuko shrugged."She likes all boys," Teased her sister."Shut up!" Laughed Nobuko. We sat there talking for the next half hour or so. I asked the girls if their father was traveling with them, and they told me he had died over two years ago."Our mother had not gone out or dated much since," Said Keiko. "We asked her to take us on vacation to America. We hope that it will help her, having her meet new people.""It probably will. I hope the two of you have some fun too.""Having our mother around, I don't know if we will," Laughed Nobuko. "You think I am pretty?" She asked with her flirty little grin."I think you're very pretty. In fact, I'd like to kiss you. I want to make sure you have some fun while you're here." She laughed, putting her hand on my leg, then got up and sat down on the table next to me. I circled my hand on Nobuko's back, her breathing a little heavy, her beautiful almond shaped eyes wide in anticipation. Her sister was still at the other table, half reading her magazine, half watching us. I rubbed my hand around her back and kissed her, softly a couple times, then I pressed into her soft lips, gradually working up the intensity. I opened my mouth a little and ran my tongue around her lips. She opened her mouth, circling her soft slippery tongue around mine. I stroked her long silky hair, then slipped my hand under her tee shirt. I ran my hand over the smooth skin of her back, then worked around to her stomach. We came up for air after a few minutes, looking at each other and smiling. Nobuko rubbed her arms. "Brrr, it is getting cold. Would you like to come up to our room for a while?" There was a little twinkle in her eye.Keiko looked over at us. "I don't think mother would like that, Nobu.""I'm sure she is asleep by now. We will be quiet. She will not know."Nobuko quietly unlocked the door and, peeking in, saw that the adjoining door to their mothers room was ajar. She tiptoed in and carefully closed it, then signaled for us to come in. With sort of goofy smiles on our faces, I reached my hand out to Nobuko. She took it and I sat her down on the edge of the bed. Keiko seemed kind of wary, and sat down at the table at the other end of the room and began nervously flipping through her magazine. Her sister and I resumed where we had left off. Under her tee shirt, I felt her small breasts underneath her bra, skimming them lightly at first, then pressing into them, feeling the bump of her nipple. She ran her hand over the muscles of my arm and chest, then worked down to my stomach. Our lips locked together, I guided her hand toward my dick. Feeling the outline of it through my jeans, big and hard as a rock, I felt Nobuko take a sharp breath.I took my mouth away from her. Taking the bottom of her shirt in my hands, I pulled it over her head, her long black hair, with streaks of brown, cascading down. She unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off. I undid her pants, and as she stood up the loose fitting jeans dropped to the floor, revealing a pair of brief pink cotton panties. In her underwear she was awesome-;A small, delicate little body, but it looked like she spent a lot of time outdoors, and was fairly athletic. Her olive skin had a glow to it, and her leg muscles looked very firm, maybe from gymnastics or track and field. I pulled off my shoes and pants and we both lay back on the bed. Keiko was studiously trying to ignore us, keeping her head buried in her magazine. We kissed some more, Nobuko breathing heavily, running our hands over every inch of each other's bodies. Stroking her back, I popped open her bra, then ran my hand underneath it, feeling her unbelievably soft little tits. I took the shoulder straps of the bra and pulled it off. Her small nipples were standing erect, and her soft pink areola, about the size of a dime, were quite swollen as well.Putting my lips around one of them, I sucked the small breast into my mouth and ran my tongue around. Nobuko squealed and groaned, stroking my back. I moved down a little and slid my hands along her hips, under her panties, pulling them down slowly, Nobu squirming around to help them off. I circled my hand around her sparse, deep black pubic hair as she giggled and scrunched up her face in nervous anticipation. She sat up and put her hands on the waistband of my boxer shorts as I lay back. Pulling downward, my stiff throbbing dick, which had been uncomfortably confined for some time now, sprang instantly upward. She drew a deep breath through her mouth, her eyes even wider.She looked up at my face, then back down to my pounding erection, half laughing, half in shock. She called over to her sister excitedly. "Keiko, look at how big it is... Keiko, look!" Her somewhat more innocent sister slowly, a little reluctantly took her gaze from her magazine and glanced over. Asian women can't hide it when they're turned on- Keiko's face instantly turned a deep red as her eyes settled on the long, thick, red veined pole pointing toward the ceiling. Her lips slowly parted and her eyes grew wide. She seemed shocked, but couldn't take her eyes off it. Propping herself up next to me on her elbow, Nobuko traced her fingertips along my erection, squeezing the stiff shaft with its bulging veins, feeling the big, spongy feeling head. She lightly, tentatively wrapped her hand around it and stroked, looking at my face for approval. Seeing her soft little hand around the thick shaft, delicately jerking me off, I gave a sigh, which encouraged little Nobuko, her hand moving faster and more firmly, a big grin on her face.I reached around and circled my hand over her pussy. She giggled and squirmed around nervously at first, but as I worked my finger in a little, exploring, finding her tiny little clit she relaxed, opening her legs a little. We played with each other for a few minutes until Nobu seemed like she was about to come. She let go of my dick and dropped her head down on the pillow, breathing deeply through her mouth and closing her eyes. Her face was flushed and a sheen of sweat formed on her forehead as I firmly circled my finger around her clit, the young Asian girl sighing, then groaning as she exhaled, till she squeezed her eyes shut, opened her mouth and let out a long squeaky gasp. She lay there, massaging her tits with her fingertips till she recovered, slowly opening her eyes, gazing at me with a look that seemed to say, "Oh, I would do anything for you."I lay back, stroking her arm, looking from her face to my dick. Biting her lip, she seemed to think it over a second, then as she delicately stroked the shaft she bent down and kissed the throbbing, pounding head, her lipstick leaving a soft pink smudge. Holding onto the shaft securely, she took a little of the tip into her mouth and dragged her lips along it as she went upward. Gently bobbing her head up and down, she took in a little more each time. When she had gotten the head and an inch or two more in, which was quite a mouthful for her, she started working up and down, not sucking hard though, and just letting the tip of her tongue touch my dick. She wasn't being very vigorous, but that was fine with me. I wanted this to last a while.Putting my hand behind my head, laying back on the pillow, I took a deep breath and groaned, taking in the sight. Nobu's beautiful almond shaped eyes looking up at me, her cute little nose, her small delicate mouth, pink lips stretched around my big, deep red erection, sucking up and down. I stroked her long silky hair and ran my hand over her soft body. Her skin was a really beautiful color, a light yellowish-olive, lighter where a bikini top and bottom would usually cover her. I looked across the room at her sister. Keiko had given up any pretense of reading her magazine, instead staring, mouth slightly open, transfixed at the sight of her sister sucking my dick. Keiko's cheeks were blushing a bright red. I reached around and rubbed Nobuko's pussy, then worked on of my fingers slowly inside of her to see how difficult a time I would have with her. Nobuko wiggled around and squealed as I eased my finger in and out, which felt great with my dick still in her mouth. She seemed like she would be a very snug fit, but she felt slippery and well lubricated enough, so I figured she could take me okay as long as I took it slow.I sat up and guided her down on her back. Circling one hand over her little tits, I tried slipping two fingers in her to loosen her up a little more. After coming just a minute ago Nobuko was very relaxed and pliant, her eyelids heavy, her legs wide open. I figured she was ready as she would ever be, so I got on top of her and put the head of my dick against her little opening. Pushing, the head popped in easily, but her young vaginal muscles resisted allowing any more in. I eased as much as I could in and out, coating it in Nobuko's slipperiness, every so often giving a firm push, working a fraction of an inch more in. Poking, prodding, feeling her soft, warm pussy gradually but reluctantly open up for me, I finally got enough lodged in her, but had some difficulty when I started trying to pump her."Nobuko, try pushing your hips up when I push down," I whispered to her, but the young Japanese girl was totally out of it. Her eyes were squeezed shut and she was gasping through her mouth, and I don't think she heard a word I said. With her young vagina still clinging tightly to my desperately throbbing erection, I put my arms under her legs, lifting them into the air. With her pelvis elevated a little I was able to start pumping, groaning as I plunged my dick into her, her velvety soft little pussy squeezing down on it. I was trying to go slow, not only to take it easy on her but also so I would last a while, but as she produced more lubrication, mixing with my own pre-cum, I couldn't help taking a few quick pumps and, with a loud grunt, my orgasm suddenly hit. My first spurt instantly filled the girl, spilling out of her, then spurt after spurt followed, each one gushing out of Nobuko's completely flooded little private area. After I had shot it all into her I started easing in and out again, the feeling of her tight pussy coated with my hot, thick slimy semen better than I could believe.With an exhausted groan I rolled over on my back and lay there, hands over my eyes. I don't know how long it took me to recover, but after a while, with another groan, I hauled myself out of bed and headed to the bathroom to wash off my dick. As I walked back out Nobuko walked in, and I heard her turn on the shower. I pulled on my boxers and sat on the bed. I glanced over at Keiko, who had a kind of glazed expression, her face flushed with a little sweat on her upper lip, looking like she had gotten a good fucking herself. We sat there while her sister showered, the silence getting a little uncomfortable."Um, I hope we didn't bother you, Keiko." She gave me a quick glance and a bashful smile, shaking her head, before looking back down at the floor, clasping her hands in her lap and crossing her feet. Maybe it was my imagination, but I thought I might have read a little something into the shy smile she gave me, like maybe she was a little interested...Nobuko came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, taking off a shower cap and shaking out her hair. She gave me one of her big grins, squinting her eyes. She went over to where Keiko was sitting and whispered something in her ear, tugging on her sleeve. Trying to stifle a smile, crinkling up her nose, Keiko shook her head. "Please," Nobuko said, turning toward me, "Would you like to do it with my sister?" "No!" Keiko squealed, giggling, yanking on her sister's arm, trying to get her to stop. Keiko seemed like she had lightened up a little bit, looking at me more directly and showing a little interest in the way she looked at me, but she still seemed pretty nervous, and kind of hesitant to come over to me.I got an idea to get her to relax. There was a bathrobe over the back of one of the chairs, and I reached over to it and pulled the belt out. I sat back down on the bed and put my hands behind my back. "You can tie my hands behind my back, Keiko. I won't be able to do anything you don't want me to."Nobuko looked enthusiastically at her sister. "OK?" Keiko didn't answer, just kept looking at me, biting her lip, slowly starting to smile. She looked at her sister and gave a little nod of her head. Nobu jumped on the bed and put my hands together behind my back and carefully tied the belt around one wrist, then the other. I rolled over on my back as she turned toward Keiko and enthusiastically waved her over.Nobuko pulled off the towel she had been wearing, exposing her naked little body to me, and said, "Kei, take your clothes off!" Keiko, blushing, bashfully unzipped her dress and pulled it over her head, then pulled off her loafers and short white socks. In her white bra and baby blue panties, her body was a little paler than her sisters, with thin arms and legs like she spent most of her time indoors, studying or practicing music. She walked over to the bed, carefully sitting on the very edge. Nobuko grabbed the bottoms of my boxer shorts and pulled them down. My semi-erect dick was flopped over to the side, drawing giggles from the girls."Keiko, take off your bra," I said. She was still a little bit anxious, but I think she liked the power of having me tied down, with her sitting over me. She thought a moment, then reached around and undid it, shrugging it of and putting it on the bedside table. Her tits were the same small beautiful shape as her sister and her areola were the same puffed out light pink kind, but hers were noticeably larger than Nobuko's, almost the size of a quarter. She took a deep breath, trying to stifle a shy smile, and slipped her panties off, revealing a thin, neat triangle of pubic hair."Kei," Nobuko said softly to her sister, pointing at my dick. It had started to slowly rise, and the girls watched in fascination as it got more and more erect, eventually reaching its full height, throbbing gently. They looked at one another, teenage horniness not only in Nobuko's eyes, but also in Keiko's. With the two naked sisters on either side of me, Nobu made the first move, eagerly wrapping her hand around my hard-on. Jacking me off, she smiled as she heard my groans of pleasure.After a minute she pushed it over to her sister. "You try." With a quick peek at my face, Keiko bit her lip and took the thick shaft in her hand. "Go up and down!" Encouraged her sister. She began carefully stroking, every so often squeezing it, finding out how this strange new thing felt."Kei, here, I will show you how to suck on it." Bending it toward her, Nobu leaned down and took my stiff dick delicately in her fingertips, then kissed the head, ran her tongue up and down it a few times and then opened her mouth wide and engulfed it. Her lips stretched around the thick shaft, the head filling her small mouth, she started bobbing her head, sucking more confidently than the first time. Nobuko was being a little more aggressive this time, caressing my dick with her tongue and using a lot of suction. After a couple minutes she pulled her head up, making a 'pop' as my erection pulled out of her mouth.She pushed it over toward her sister. "Now you. Do it just like I was doing." With Nobuko holding onto the shaft, Keiko, with a nervous deep breath, bent down, closing her eyes as she took the head in her mouth. She held still, frozen in place for a second. "Suck it," Encouraged her sister, giggling, "Go up and down!" Keiko started very slightly bobbing her head, just a fraction of an inch."More than that," Laughed Nobuko."Let her take her time. She'll get used to it," I said. After a while she got more confident, relaxing her tongue and throat muscles and taking in as much as she could, although just skimming it lightly with her lips and barely letting her tongue touch it. I groaned, telling her how good it felt. Her sister, getting a little jealous I think, pulled my dick away and started working on it herself, sucking quickly and enthusiastically. The two traded off every minute or so, Keiko getting more and more into it, really loosening up and getting giggly. With my hands tied behind my back it was really a new experience for me, and I kind of liked it, laying there helpless, these two young girls able to do anything they wanted to me.I don't think she even realized she was doing it, but I noticed Keiko had let one of her hands slip between her legs, and was massaging her pussy. As they took turns they both tried to outdo each other, really sucking hard and moving smoothly up and down the long shaft. While Nobu had her mouth full, Keiko sat up and really started rubbing her pussy, using both hands and rocking back and forth. Nobuko and I looked at each other and gave a little laugh, watching her shy little sister humping herself, eyes closed, face red, letting out a faint, 'uh', every so often. Watching her as Nobuko stroked my dick, eventually she opened her mouth and took a deep breath, tilted her head back and let out a soft, satisfied sigh. With her eyes tightly shut she kept rubbing herself, keeping her orgasm going. As she slowly recovered, I started trying to untie my wrists."That looked like it felt good," Nobuko grinned to her sister, reaching over and putting her hand on her knee, Keiko looking bashfully downward. It was pretty easy to untie the belt behind my back, and as I got it off I sat up, scooped Keiko up in my arms and laid her on her back in the middle of the bed, then sat on her legs so she couldn't get up."Aaaa!" She squealed, laughing and shrieking, gigglingly trying to keep me from running my hands along her naked little body, trying to squirm away from me. When she saw she couldn't get away she lay back, smiling, breathing heavily, holding her arms out to the side and waiting for me to make the next move. After being teased for the last ten minutes by the girls, my dick was throbbing, pounding, hard as a rock. I massaged her little tits with my fingertips, then slid my hands up and down her body, working down to her inner thighs. I took her ankles and parted her legs. Rubbing her pussy, I slipped a finger in. She was even tighter than her sister, and didn't seem to be very wet, even after coming just a minute ago. I worked my finger slowly in and out, and when I got an inch or so in I felt what I was sure was her hymen.Nobuko took her sister's hand. "Don't worry. He will be careful." Without makeup, and with her short hair Keiko looked very young and innocent, and her skinny body made her look very delicate. Looking up at me trustingly, with a mixture of eagerness and nervousness, I promised myself I would take it very, very slow.I put a glob of spit in my hand and ran it along the stiff length of my dick, then another just to make sure. I lifted her butt up and slid one of the pillows underneath. Kneeling in front of her, I lifted her legs into the air, then worked my way forward and put the thick shaft up to her tiny little slit, rubbing it up and down, then poking the head in. I first carefully thrust just the spongy tip of my erection in and out, getting her ready. After a couple of minutes I pushed gently, squeezing maybe half an inch in. The saliva on my dick was helping, and I figured it wouldn't be as difficult as I thought. Working into the incredibly soft, hot walls of her vagina, I pumped slowly, deeper and deeper, eventually meeting up with the thin membrane of her hymen. As I carefully worked further in I felt it stretching, then opening up against the sensitive head of my dick, allowing me into the most private and intimate parts of Keiko's body.As I slid in and out the spit that was easing my entry began to dry up. The firm walls of her pussy were clinging tightly to the shaft, but further in the head of my erection was sliding along more easily. Her young, inexperienced body was trying desperately to produce enough lubrication to take me. Slowly pumping her, the little bit of moisture she was producing was pulled from deep inside her down along the shaft of my dick. Once I had a light coating all along the length I started an easy but firm motion, Keiko and I groaning together at the incredible feeling. Nobuko had her hand on her sister's shoulder, watching carefully, making sure I didn't hurt her. Kneeling in front of her, the young girls hips elevated by the pillow and her legs in the air, I pushed down on the backs of her legs to hold her steady. I picked up the pace a little, an anxious squeal coming from Keiko, grabbing onto my forearms, but it sounded like she was still okay.With her slick, tight pussy squeezing my dick, I felt my orgasm coming. Keeping my promise not to pump little Keiko too hard, it took an agonizingly long time, easing slowly in and out, but when I did it was incredibly intense. I let out a long groan as I began shooting jet after jet of cum, long thick spurts deep into the girl. Her cervix, only minutes before securely protected by her hymen, was now flooded with a thick coating of my semen.Laying next to each other, panting, Nobuko stroked her sister's leg. "Wasn't that the best thing you ever felt? He is very good at it." Still breathing heavily through her mouth Keiko wasn't able to answer, but managed to give her sister a little smile. She let out a long satisfied sigh, stroked my stomach, then headed toward the bathroom. Nobuko laid back on the bed and turned on the TV, clicking through the channels. I hauled myself up out of bed and followed Keiko into the shower.With her in the shower, I washed myself off at the sink. She had left the shower curtain open and I watched her soaping herself up in the mirror. The soapy water covering her skin, combined with the lighting in the bathroom made her skin a really beautiful color, kind of like honey. Seeing me looking at her a shy but still flirty smile broke out on her face. She slowly rubbed her hands over her body. I couldn't resist. I stepped into the tub with Keiko, the warm water running over us and took the bar of soap from her, circling it around, then lathering her up with my hands, going over her little tits, her waist, the curve of her cute little butt. I was a good head taller than she was and had to bend down to soap her up between her legs. With the soapy water on her, her skin felt incredibly soft and smooth. Keiko took the bar of soap and ran it around the muscles of my arms and chest, lathering it with her other hand, working down, across my stomach, gigglingly circling her hand around my butt, then carefully running the soap around my groin. She lathered it up on my pubic hair then circled her hand around my limp dick, stroking, washing off the coating of cum.Did I say it was limp? As she thoroughly soaped it, my dick began to grow, Keiko watching fascinated as it slowly inflated in her hand. Once it was fully hard, she stroked the soapy water along the big, stiff muscle, then looked up at me shyly and said, "I, um... I kind of liked it when I was, you know, sucking on it in my mouth. I didn't get to do it much. Nobu would not give me a chance." I smiled at her and ran my fingers through her wet hair. She eagerly kneeled down, rinsed the soap off it, then without hesitation engulfed it, quickly running her mouth up and down the length of it. I closed my eyes and groaned, putting my hand on the back of her head."What is taking you so... Hey!" Nobuko exclaimed, laughing, seeing the two of us in the shower, her sister sucking my dick. "You cannot have him for yourself." She pulled off the tee-shirt and panties she had put on, then climbed in with us. With her younger sister on her knees, bobbing her head up and down, Nobu hugged herself against me from behind, stroking all over my body. "You are so wonderful. Could you do it to me again? Please? I reached back and squeezed her cute little butt. I patted Keiko on the head and pulled my now throbbing, rock hard erection out of her mouth. Turning toward Nobuko, my dick poking her in the stomach, I took her shoulders and turned her around, then bent her forward. With the warm water still running over us, she held onto one of the faucets to steady herself. I had to bend my knees quite a bit to line myself up with her, and then, holding onto her waist, I nudged the head of my dick against her little opening.Pumping, I slowly worked my way in, snug and tight but after the fucking I had given her I was able to squeeze myself in without a lot of difficulty. This being my third time I wasn't worried about coming too soon so I set up a good quick motion, as fast as I thought she could take, little Nobuko giving out a squeaky gasp with each one. Enjoying the great feeling, I looked over at the mirror facing the shower and took in the sight- Nobuko bent over in front of me, my thick erection sliding in and out of the small, slender girl, Keiko behind me, hugging her arms around me."Please," Keiko's voice spoke up behind me, timid but expectant, "Could you do it to me again, too?" What, do these girls think I'm Superman? Just so she wouldn't feel left out, after I had given Nobuko a good poking I slipped my dick out of her and turned toward her little sister. I turned her around and bent her over in front of me and aimed my erect penis, pumped up, throbbing, ready to start spurting at any moment. As I touched it to Keiko's pussy, I could tell her young body had learned quickly how to prepare its self for sex pretty well. Her little opening had a light coating of lubrication, feeling almost like it was pulling my dick inside her as I touched it to her little slit. Pushing myself forward, I put my hands around her waist and pulled her into me, the two of us riding each other, the warm slippery softness crushing down on my dick, faster and faster, till with a long groan I started spilling another quantity of cum into the young girl, the overflow being washed away by the stream of water from the shower.We were all pretty much fucked out, the girls looking like they wanted to fall asleep right there in the shower. I managed to get them dried off and into bed, then pulled the covers over them. As I got dressed, Keiko said to her sister, loud enough so I could hear, "It has been so long since our mother has had a boyfriend or has, you know, been close to a man. I'll bet she would like to."Nobu glanced at me for a split second. "I know. I am sure she would. Perhaps we could find someone for her..." She turned slightly toward me, looking at me out of the corner of her eye. Mrs. Moriyama wasn't bad- no teenager, but she had a nice trim figure and a very pretty face. She seemed so reserved and businesslike though, I didn't know if I could help them out. Then again, I had been admiring her ever since she had arrived, and, well, if it would make the girls happy, I could at least try to chat with her and see if anything developed. I quickly finished dressing and headed toward the elevator. Yes, I usually stick around till morning, but in this case, with their mother in the adjoining room and a hotel manager who looks down on things like this...Around five in the afternoon the next day, after straightening out some mixed up room assignments, I was handed the phone at the front desk. "Hello! It is Nobuko. I wanted to tell you that my sister and I had a very good time last night, " She said with a little giggle. I told her that I had fun myself, that they were two beautiful girls. "That is very nice of you to say," She answered. "Um... we were wondering if we could talk to you sometime tonight. We will be going out with our mother around 6:30...""I'm on my break at five thirty. Would you like to meet by the pool?" She said that would be fine and agreed to meet me there.There were a few people around the pool, and a couple of kids splashing around in the water. I saw Nobuko and Keiko waving at me from the other end of the pool, at a table off in the corner. I sat down with them and we exchanged greetings, grinning, and I asked them what they had been up to."Oh, we have been having so much fun," Nobuko said. "We walked along the beach all morning, then visited Universal Studios, then went to Beverly Hills and walked along, um, that street...""Rodeo drive," Offered Keiko."Yes, Rodeo Drive. Tomorrow we will go to Malibu and see the museum there.""The Getty Museum?""I think that is the one, yes," Answered Nobuko. "We were talking with our mother, and, um," She jabbed her sister in the arm. "Tell him," She whispered.Looking shyly at the ground, Keiko spoke up. "We were... We were speaking with our mother, and Nobu mentioned you, saying the man who was at the front desk when we checked in was very good looking, and I said I thought he was too, and she said yes, he was a very attractive young man." The girls looked at each other and giggled. "You think she is pretty?" Nobuko asked."I think she's very pretty. I didn't think she noticed me, though.""Oh, she does not show how she feels in public," Said Keiko. "It is the way older Japanese people are. You would like to, maybe, go on a date with her?" The girls looked at me with hopeful smiles."Please?" Nobuko added. "She has not had a boyfriend since our father died, over two years ago. You are so nice, you could make her very happy." The girls exchanged glances."Well... I'll tell you what. Tomorrow's my day off. I have some stuff to take care of in the morning, but maybe I could show the three of you around town in the afternoon, and we could see if she's, you know, interested. Okay?"The girls smiled broadly and took my hands, thanking me. They were just getting up to leave when Nobuko pointed over to the door leading back into the hotel. "There she is. I will go tell her." Mrs. Moriyama had evidently been searching around the hotel for them. Nobuko ran over and pulled her by the arm over to where we were both sitting, telling her mother about the offer I made.We shook hands and exchanged greetings, Mrs. Moriyama bowing her head slightly. "I had some free time tomorrow," I told her, "So I thought I could show the three of you around town, if you'd like."She gave another slight nod of her head. "That is very kind of you." I was wondering if she would be worried about me trying to hit on her daughters, but she didn't seem concerned, and really seemed glad to have someone show them around.At a little after three in the afternoon I knocked on the door to their room. They were all ready to go, dressed for the warm weather. It was quite a change for Mrs. Moriyama; instead of her skirt and blazer she was wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a brightly colored short-sleeved shirt, probably bought for her by Nobuko and Keiko. I made a point of looking her up and down and telling her how nice she looked. She gave a little nod of her head and a "Thank you." She didn't meet my eye, but the corners of her mouth went up very slightly.They had already seen the Santa Monica Pier, but I walked them down to Venice, where w e strolled along the boardwalk. The three of them were wide-eyed, gawking at the street performers, musicians, bums, roller-bladers and basketball players. "This is not like Japan," Nobuko said in amazement. As we walked by the open air section of Gold's Gym the girls both grinned and giggled, watching the muscle-heads working out, but their mother seemed to be trying not to stare.I touched her on the arm and pointed over, encouraging her to look. "They like people watching them." She took a brief glance at the sea of tanned, bulging, rippling muscles then quickly looked down, trying to stifle a giggle with her hand. The girls looked over, glad to see their mother having a good time, and Nobuko asked her, "Do you like them?" But Mrs. Moriyama was too flustered to answer. We walked along looking at the street vendors, and as Keiko and Nobuko tried on sunglasses and looked through tee shirts, I led their mother over to a bench facing the ocean."How do you like Los Angeles so far, Mrs. Moriyama?""Please, you may call me Eiko." She thought about my question for a moment. "It is very different, very colorful... Very nice," She said with a smile and a bob of her head.I asked her about the part of Japan she was from, and we talked about the other parts of the world we had seen. We looked out over the water for a minute, then I turned to her and said, "You really look nice today. You look good in a pair of shorts," Glancing at her legs. And she did. She was fairly short but her legs had a nice curviness to them, and looked very smooth. She tightened up her mouth to keep from smiling and looked away bashfully. "I'm sorry if I offended you," I said, touching her arm."No, it is all right. I am just not used to people speaking in this way." She glanced up at me. "In America you talk like this. It is nice to have someone say things like that." "If there's ever anything you'd like to say..." Just then Keiko and Nobuko ran up, tugging on their mother's sleeve, asking her to buy them some tee shirts. It was close to six o'clock, and as we walked back I offered to take them to dinner. They agreed, and I suggested an Italian place that was around a fifteen minute walk away. Mrs. Moriyama said she would enjoy that, but as we walked along I noticed the girls exchanging glances."Um... Keiko and I would rather go to the McDonalds across from the hotel. You could both go to the restaurant, though..." Evidently the girls had this pretty well planned out. We dropped Keiko and Nobuko off, then Eiko and I headed over to Montana Avenue.I made sure to order a bottle of wine. She had slowly been loosening up and getting more relaxed all afternoon, and with a few glasses of wine in her, well, the girls' scheme might just pay off. She had started the day not meeting my eye at all, but as I complimented her and joked around with her, she would take a peek at my face every now and then, and toward the end of our dinner her gaze was really lingering on mine, her eyelids a little lower, the corners of her mouth coming up a bit more. Over coffee, I reached across the table and put my hand on hers. "You're really beautiful, Eiko. The girls told me it's been a while since you've been out with a man. You must think about it... a man running his hand slowly up and down your body..."She took a slow, deep breath, looked down at the table, then from side to side to make sure nobody could overhear, then softly said, "Yes."We walked along the boardwalk back to the hotel, walking close to each other in the cool night air, the waves crashing in the distance. I had my arm around her, stroking the curve of her waist. In the elevator back at the hotel, I pulled her against me and, looking into her beautiful eyes, ran my hand up and down her back, working down to the curve of her butt. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. As the door to her room clicked shut, I came up behind Eiko, hugging her against me, moving her hair out of the way and kissing her neck. I turned her around and kissed her on the mouth. I kept my tongue out of it, though, figuring a demure and straight-laced woman like her wouldn't like me getting too carried away. As we kissed I ran my hands over her small body, curvier than her daughters, but still very petite and delicate. Mrs. Moriyama was getting a little more bold, feeling the muscles of my back, circling lower and lower. Eventually she gave in, stroking my butt gently, then really massaging it with both hands.I took a step back from her. She stood there anxiously, wide eyed, waiting for me to make the first move. I reached forward and slowly unbuttoned her shirt, taking it off, then undid her belt, unzipped her shorts and pulled them down. She stepped out of them, then I took her sandals off. I stood up and admired her body, slender and pale in her white bra and panties, Eiko blushing with her hands folded in front of her. I waited, and eventually she started undressing me, with a mixture of bashfulness and enthusiasm. Pulling my pants down, she came face to face with the large bulge in the front of my shorts, first quickly averting her gaze, then shyly taking in the sight out of the corner of her eye.I put my arms underneath her and picked her up, her body surprisingly light. I carried her over to the bed and set her down, then lay down next to her, propping myself up on my elbow. I ran my hand over her soft body, her legs, hip, her stomach, then slipped my hand under Eiko's bra, feeling her erect nipples. I reached back and undid her bra, then pulled it over her head. I could see the family resemblance- she had the same kind of light pink areola as Nobuko and Keiko, but her tits were considerably larger, probably a B-cup. I sucked one of them into my mouth, running my tongue around, flicking her nipple. She let out a breathless gasp, stroking my back. After working on one, then the other for a few minutes I ran my tongue along the center of her body, circled it around her belly button, then pulled off her panties, exposing a neat, dark black triangle of pubic hair, straight rather than curly. I parted her legs and began rubbing her pussy, pushing in a little, finding her clit, massaging it, pinching it a little between my fingers. I figured I could be a little more aggressive with Mrs. Moriyama than I was with her daughters. Hopefully they would be happy with the job I was doing.With Eiko gasping, I opened her up with my fingers and ran my tongue around her erect little clit. I put my lips around it and sucked it into my mouth, flicking it firmly with my tongue, then scraping it gently between my tongue and teeth. Demure, dignified Mrs. Moriyama was trying to keep quiet, but eventually gave in, groaning deeply, gasping, her eyes squeezed shut and thrusting her hips up and down. "Oh god..." She finally managed to gasp. After a few minutes of tickling her, Eiko off in another world, my tongue got kind of tired so I decided to take over with my hand for a minute. As I sat up, I happened to glance over at the adjoining door and- oh great. It was open a crack, and I could see Nobuko and Keiko peeking in. Their mother had her eyes closed and was pretty much out of it, so I kept rubbing her pussy to keep her that way, and with my other hand tried to wave the girls back, get them to close the door. They closed the door a little but kept peeking through. There was no way I could get up to lock the door without letting Eiko know her daughters were watching, so...I leaned back in and resumed caressing her, pinching her clit between my lips, working up the intensity, the girls' mother gasping, her chest heaving, getting close. She ran her hands through my hair, pushing me into her. Breathing more and more quickly, after a minute she took a deep breath and let out a long, satisfied, uninhibited groan. Keiko and Nobuko had never seen their mother like this, I'm guessing. In the midst of her rather noisy orgasm, I took over with my hand and moved into position. I lifted her legs up into the air, worked my way up and poked the head of my dick into her, coating it in her slippery cum, then slid it in. Kneeling in front of her I eased it in and out, slowly at first, but quickly picking up the pace. Her pussy gripped my dick nicely but she was definitely an easier fit than her daughters, my pumped up erection sliding along easily.I lay on top of her and really started giving it to her, pumping her small body, dignified Mrs. Moriyama wrapping her legs tightly around me and pumping herself into me, groaning, almost grunting with each thrust. With her face red, covered in sweat and breathing through her mouth, I felt like I was going to be coming in a minute myself. My thick erection intruding deeply into the snug confines, I took a few quick pumps and, with a grunt, my orgasm exploded, filling her with semen, jets of cum gushing out of my dick, flowing into her. After I had shot it all out, I resumed easing in and out of her, kissing her. I hope the two teenage girls in the other room enjoyed the show.I rolled over on my back, exhausted. Mrs. Moriyama was breathing through her mouth, legs still apart, not knowing where she was. Blinking, she slowly opened her eyes, looked at me and gave a little "oh," and reached over and stroked my stomach. After a minute she got up to pee, and I took the opportunity to push the adjoining door shut and lock it for a little privacy.She came back and lay next to me on the bed, wrapping her arms around me tightly, and, with a sigh laid her head on my chest and closed her eyes. I slowly stroked her butt and hip, trying to get her to sleep. After five minutes or so her breathing became slow and deep. I called her name softly and shook her arm and got no response, so I figured she was out for the evening. I carefully disentangled myself from her arms, got up and put the covers over her, then pulled on my shorts and gathered my clothes together.I unlocked the door to the other room and stepped through, the girls peeking in, seeing their mother fast asleep. Both the girls were dressed for bed, Nobuko in plaid pajama bottoms and a white tank top, Keiko in an oversized Mickey Mouse tee shirt. As I quietly closed the door they both stood on their tiptoes and kissed me on the cheek. "Oh thank you! You are so nice to make her feel good," They said enthusiastically, "She has needed to be with a man for so long."I flopped down on the bed. "Well, you two shouldn't have been watching, you two little perverts."Nobuko giggled, "What is pervert?" I didn't answer, and she sat down beside me on the bed and tugged on my arm. "What is it? We are not!""Someone who doesn't think about anything but sex," I answered."We are not!" She said, socking me on the arm. "You are pervert." I grabbed her and pulled her on top of me and held her as she struggled, laughing, to get away. I tossed her on the other side of the bed and smacked her butt.She smacked back at my hand and jumped off the bed. "You are pervert," She grumbled, sitting in the chair across the room, pouting. Keiko lay down on the bed on her stomach, kicking her feet up in the air, looking up at me. "You enjoyed it, with our mother?" I nodded. "How many, you know... how many times with her?""Just once.""Why only once?"I shrugged. "I think it was enough for her. She isn't a sex maniac like both of you.""What is... sex maniac?" Giggled Keiko. "Shut up, you are mean," She said, pushing my leg. "It looked very good when you were, you know, putting your tongue between her legs." She looked at me invitingly. "Did she use her mouth on your penis?""That's none of your business, nosy," I said, pinching her cute little nose.She laughed and rolled over on her back. "You are very nice. If there is anything you would like us to do for you..."I asked them, "When you were both little, did you ever wrestle with each other?""When we were little, yes, we used to wrestle all the time," Nobuko said, adding, "I would win every time." She jumped out of her chair and flopped on her stomach on the bed next to her sister."No you didn't," Laughed Keiko, shoving her Nobuko's shoulder. They argued back and forth, pushing at each other, Nobuko eventually grabbing both her sister's skinny wrists. They both got up on their knees, laughing and shrieking, trying to push the other back. Nobu twisted around, throwing Kei on her back, sitting on her and pinning her arms down."Whoever can get the other one naked wins," I suggested. With both the girls struggling, Nobuko grabbed the bottom of Keiko's Mickey Mouse tee shirt and pushed it upward. Keiko fought, but her more athletic sister managed to get it over her head and pulled it off, exposing Keiko's pink panties and beautiful little tits. To help skinny little Keiko out, I grabbed Nobuko's arms and pulled her off, and pushed her onto her back. Keiko took advantage, and quickly sat up and grabbed the waistband of her sister's pajama bottoms and pulled them off, taking her panties with them."That is not fair," Whined Nobuko, now only wearing her brief tank top, her very narrow hips, cute little butt and sparse patch of pubic hair exposed. With Keiko wearing only her panties, the two rolled around, battling, first one on top, then the other. I pulled my dick out of my shorts, stroking the now very stiff length of muscle. Nobuko finally gained the advantage, sitting on top of her sister, facing toward her feet. She tried to pull her little sister's panties off, but Keiko kept her rear end firmly pressed into the bed, preventing it. With Nobuko concentrating on trying to pull them off, Keiko sat up as much as she could and managed to pull her big sister's tank top over her head."I win," Keiko said triumphantly, "She is naked!""You cheated- he helped you!" Protested Nobuko, wrestling her sister over on her stomach and yanking off her panties. They both collapsed, breathing hard, red faced, exhausted.After they had caught their breath I asked them, "Did you two like that, being naked together, rolling around?" They glanced at each other with bashful grins. "Lots of girls like to have fun with other girls, to kiss them, rub them, make each other feel good... "After a moment of shyness, Nobuko said, "When Kei and I used to wrestle, when we were little, it would give me a strange feeling. Afterward, I would rub myself, you know, here," She said, putting her hand over her little pussy. "It felt extremely good.""You did?" Keiko said in surprise, looking at her sister, adding bashfully, "So did I."With me on one side of the bed, Nobuko on the other, and Keiko in the middle, I told Nobuko to stroke her sister's stomach. She reached out and gently ran her hand up and down. "Now rub her breast." Anxiously, biting her lip, she very softly circled her hand around. "Does that feel good Keiko?" Wide eyed, mouth slightly open, all she could do was nod her head. "Kiss her. On the lips." Nobuko hesitated a minute, exited but nervous, then slowly brought her head down, the pretty, delicate Asian features of her face approaching her sister. Breathing nervously, they touched the pink lips of their small mouths together for just a split second, pulled away, then touched them together a moment longer."Lay on top of her, Nobuko." Her almond eyes wide in wonder, she glanced up at me, then down at Keiko, and slowly, gently lay on top of her, their small breasts touching, little nipples erect. With their lips softly together Nobuko slowly ran her fingers through her sister's short hair, Keiko tentatively touching her back, working up her nerve gradually, stroking up and down. I took her hand and ran it down Nobuko's back, bringing it to rest on the curve of her cute little butt. She held still for a moment, then slowly circled it, pressing down, feeling the soft flesh."Try sucking on one of her breasts." This was a totally new experience for her, and she seemed like she was in a bit of a daze. Looking up at me, wide eyed and breathing deeply through her mouth, she worked down and softly kissed her sisters little tit, very slightly sucking on it. Keiko moaned. "She likes it Nobu," I said. This encouraged her, more boldly sucking the nipple and areola into her mouth."Run your tongue down her body." She thought a moment, took a deep breath and stuck out her pink little tongue and ran it down, between her sisters tits, along her stomach, stopping when she reached Keiko's thin patch of pubic hair. She then looked up at me. "Remember what I did to your mother, with my tongue?" The girls looked at each other, eyes even wider. With Nobuko's face at her sister's hips, I parted Keiko's legs. I took Nobuko's hand and put the tips of her delicate fingers on Keiko's little opening, then ran it around in slow circles. I let go of her hand. She kept circling it around, Keiko looking down, sighing, watching her sister playing with her. After a few minutes, Kei really getting into it, I took Nobuko's hand away and opened her younger sisters' little slit with my fingers.I touched my finger to her tiny clitoris. "Run your tongue around it." Although nervous, Nobuko complied, sticking her tongue out and poking at the little bump, pulling back, then trying again. With some instruction from me, she started carefully running her tongue around it in circles, then flicking it back and forth. Keiko dropped her head back on the pillow, gasping, putting her hand on her sisters head. With them started, I lay back and stroked my dick, which was hard as a rock by now, protruding from my boxer shorts. It didn't take long before Keiko's chest started heaving, her face flushed and shiny with sweat. With Nobuko wiggling the tip of her tongue inside her sister, Keiko let out a little squeak with each breath, then a high-pitched squeal, pushing her head back into the pillow. She lay there for several minutes, gasping, eyes squeezed shut.When she recovered, Nobuko asked, "Kei, it felt good?""It was... It was better than... Oh, it was incredible!"Nobuko looked at her sister and the corners of her mouth went up in an eager but sort of bashful smile. "You will do it to me now?" Nobu lay back and little Keiko got ready to start licking her pussy, but I encouraged her to take her time, kiss her sister for a while, stroke her body, suck on her tits and run her tongue along her body. After spending several minutes up and down Nobuko's small, beautiful body, she opened her up with her fingers and started exploring with her tongue, sort of tentatively at first but slowly working up her courage. Nobuko really began groaning as I gave Keiko encouragement, running the tip of her slippery tongue around Nobuko's delicate little vagina. Nobuko came even quicker than her sister, gasping and squealing with her eyes squeezed shut, stroking Keiko's short hair."She's coming, Keiko, keep going. Really push your tongue in." She firmly flicked her tongue up and down, then back and forth on her sister's clit. After a couple minutes Nobuko opened her eyes, took a deep breath and let out a long sigh."Oh, I never imagined it could feel like that." I rubbed Keiko on the back and told her she could stop now. "Thank you for showing us how to do that," Nobu said with her wicked grin. Noticing the long, stiff pole poking out of my shorts, Nobuko nudged her sister, pointing at it. I stroked it, looking over the bodies of the two young, naked Japanese girls. The girls looked anxiously back at me. Finally Keiko giggled, "What would you like us to do?""We would do anything," Nobuko said, biting her lip to keep from laughing.I lay back and put my hands behind my head. "Pull my shorts off." With the sisters on either side of me, they took the waistband in their hands and slid them down, the girls laughing as my erection sprang back up. Nobuko put her hand on the tip and let go, the stiff rod springing upright, then Keiko tried, both of them looking at each other and giggling. I told the girls to take turns sucking my dick, but do it nice and slow. Nobu made sure she went first, grabbing my dick and bending it toward her. She took the head in her mouth and, following my instructions, slowly lowered her mouth along the upper part of my long erection, then carefully brought her head back up, teasingly caressing it with her lips and tongue. I relaxed and took in the sight, knowing this was going to last a while.It was an interesting contrast, Nobuko's soft, smooth, glowing honey-colored skin and her soft pink lipstick, compared with the color of my erection, deep red and heavily criss-crossed with blue veins, disappearing into her mouth. After watching her sister slowly working on my dick for a minute, Keiko pulled it away from her. With both girls holding onto the lower part, Keiko, remembering my instructions, slowly and teasingly ran her mouth up and down the head and upper part of the shaft. I lay back, groaning, putting my forearm over my eyes, concentrating on every sensation. Keiko didn't wear any lipstick but her lips felt very soft as they slid along my dick, like she used Chapstick or something. Her tongue, slippery with saliva, tickled the sensitive underside of my erection as she slowly and carefully sucked, and the big head of my dick, filling her small mouth, felt the roughness of the roof of her mouth.The two traded off every few minutes, and after ten minutes or so began speeding up, Keiko laughing as Nobuko began bobbing her head up and down faster and faster. My dick had about enough teasing and I was about ready to start coming, so I let them go. Keiko took over, her lips stretched around the thick shaft and tried to go even faster than her sister, giggling as she did."I can go faster than that!" Laughed Nobuko as she took over. With the two sisters working on my dick like crazy, I knew I'd be coming any minute. Frantically bobbing on the rock hard shaft, first one then, the other, as I felt it coming I told them to take their mouths away from it and jerk it up and down, squeezing hard. With Keiko gripping the shaft and Nobuko's hand on the head, they eagerly stroked it, cum spilling and gushing and spurting out as they both quickly jerked my throbbing erection with their delicate little hands. I lay there groaning as the girls smeared the slippery semen up and down, still squeezing tightly. They both squealed and scrunched up their faces at the feeling of the warm, slimy cum running over their hands.I pulled the two sisters up next to me, one on either side and hugged them against me, running my hand along their soft little bodies. I was completely knocked out and just about asleep when Nobuko jiggled my arm, saying, "You ought to get back in bed with our mother. I'm sure she would like to wake up with you. Hey..." She shook me till I opened my eyes. With Nobuko pulling on my arm and Keiko pushing me from behind, I stiffly got up and staggered to the door to the other room. I slowly pulled the covers back and slipped into bed with Eiko, who was sleeping soundly. Just as I pulled the covers over us she woke up, looking over at me, sighing, smiling. She turned on her side and started stroking my chest, then my stomach, and then she ran the palm of her hand around my overworked dick, which had seen more than its share of action over the last couple days.To my surprise, and probably Mrs. Moriyama's delight, I felt myself get very slowly hard. When it was about half way up she climbed on top of me, reaching back and pushing my dick in her. With the bed squeaking, my erection gradually reached its full length as she eagerly bounced herself up and down. I remember I told the girls their mother wasn't a sex maniac like they were, but maybe now I was beginning to see the family resemblance... The End~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 69
Charlie Sheen slipped into the back door. All was quiet, just as he had expected it would be. His nephew Danny, a precocious red-headed ten year old, had been over his house that morning, rambling on and on about the camp out he and his friends were having in the backyard tonight.Charlie loved his nephew, but he talked too damned much. He needed a drink. But when Danny told him Laurie was babysitting him, Charlie's ears pricked up. "Laurie is babysitting you?""Well, I wouldn't call it THAT," Danny said with a superior tone. "I AM ten years old now. Laurie is just... keeping an eye on me.""Of course," Charlie humored him. "So where's everyone else going to be?" He asked his nephew nonchalantly."Mom, Keith and Reuben had to fly to New York to talk to the record label about our new record.""And YOU'RE not going?" Charlie teased.Danny waved dismissively. "That's why I pay Reuben the big bucks," He grinned. "Chris and Tracey are staying at our grandparents'.""That's cool," Charlie replied nonchalantly once more. A plan went into motion inside Charlie's head. "Hey, Danny, I have something you and your friends might like for your campout."He went up to his bedroom and brought back a paper bag."What is it?" Danny asked curiously."You'll see. But don't open it until ten minutes to midnight, or I'll know if you open it sooner."Danny laughed, but part of him believed his uncle. He took the bag and thanked him and left.Fast forward to midnight... Charlie slipped into the backyard quietly. He saw the tent but heard nothing. He slipped over to it, unzipped it and peeked in.He grinned. As he hoped, there were Danny and his friends out cold, candy wrappers strewn all around them.The drugged candy worked. It was something he kept around for some of the hard to seduce girls. He knew it would keep Danny knocked out for what he had in mind.Zipping the tent back up, Charlie slipped into the back door and through the kitchen and living room to the stairs to the second floor.He made his way up and stopped outside a door. Placing his ear against it, he heard nothing. Carefully turning the knob, he eased the door open. The room was dark and quiet.Perfect.Charlie slipped in and shut the door behind him. He put down the sack he'd brought with him and withdrew two things. He opened one and poured some on the other. Then he slipped across the room. He turned on a lamp. It was on top of a nightstand. Next to a bed."Uncle Charlie?" Laurie, his fourteen year old niece said, half-awake and half-confused as she sat up in bed, the covers sliding off of her.Charlie slid the cloth in his hand up to Laurie's face, over her mouth and nose. For a moment, her eyes went wide. Then they closed as she was knocked out by the chloroform.Charlie pocketed the cloth and dragged back the bedcovers. Laurie had on a long, old fashioned nightgown. He pulled it up and off of her young, slim body, dropping it on the floor. All she had on were a white cotton bra and panties. He could see her thick brown bush through her panties. Charlie let out a moan as he rubbed his hardening cock through his jeans.He quickly stripped her bra off of her C-cup tits and then her panties. Laurie moaned in her stupor.Going back to his sack, he pulled out four pieces of rope, two long, two not so long. He used the shorter pieces to bind her hands firmly to her headboard. Then he used the longer ropes to position Laurie's legs up and open, exposing her hairy pussy, tying her legs behind her knees to the headboard also.Laurie moaned, starting to wake up. He went back to his sack and pulled out a bandanna. Then he retrieved her panties.Her eyes fluttered open. Confusion soon filled them."W-what's going on, uncle Charlie?" She said groggily.Charlie balled up her panties and stuck them in her mouth. Then he tied the bandanna around her head to hold the panties in place, making sure her nostrils were unblocked so his niece could breath.He stepped back. "I've been watching you for a long time, Laurie," Charlie began, undressing as he spoke. "Watching you grow into a beautiful young lady. I've wanted you SO long, waited for this opportunity..."Laurie's eyes widened in horror at the realization of what her uncle planned to do. She couldn't let him do this!Laurie struggled at the ropes, hoping to break free. No good. He tied them too well. She glared at him angrily. But inside, Laurie wasn't as angry as she wished she was. She loved her uncle Charlie, he was a very handsome man, especially for his age.When he lowered his jeans and briefs Laurie's nipples betrayed her outwardly by hardening. She had seen Chris, Danny and Keith's cocks before, and admittedly Keith's turned her on.But none of her brother were ever hard when she saw them. Uncle Charlie's was a monster! It was all swollen up and red. She swore it was about to breathe fire [though unbeknownst to her it was soon to spew something entirely different.].Charlie climbed up on the bed. Laurie tugged on her bonds once more. But resistance was futile.Laurie was torn; part of her wanted to hate him, but another part of her wanted this. But he was her uncle! Then again, she herself lusted after Keith.Conflicting thoughts raced through her mind. She knew this was wrong, she had to stop him, but he was so handsome, and his cock looked SO good...Charlie slid his hand between his niece's legs. She moaned. As he rubbed her pussy she began to grow wet.Laurie fought for control. She tried to will herself not to enjoy what he was doing. But it felt so good!Then he lowered his face to her pussy. "Oh my god!" Laurie gasped to herself. "He's not going to..."Charlie did. He slid his tongue into her pussy. Her back arced and she groaned. Laurie hated that she was enjoying this!But it didn't last long. Charlie only licked her long enough to ensure Laurie was wet enough. He knelt between her legs and pointed his cock at her hole. He spit on his hand and coated his cock with it, aiming it now."This is going to hurt you more than it'll hurt me," he joked.Laurie struggled once more before she felt the head of his cock penetrate her pussy lips. He slid forward until he felt her hymen. He stopped. "What is he doing?!" Laurie wondered.Suddenly he pulled back and rammed through her hymen. Laurie shrieked what would have been an ear-shattering sound if she hadn't been gagged."You're a woman now," He said softly as he slammed into her over and over.Laurie was crying now; but only from the brief pain. She didn't regret she just lost her virginity. She did wish it'd been Keith but she couldn't cry over spilled milk.The pleasure slowly began to grow. It started from her pussy, radiating outward through the rest of her body. Laurie couldn't stop herself from writhing on the bed as Uncle Charlie fucked her. Soon she shrieked into her gag as she had her very first orgasm ever. As she came several times, Laurie cane to realize her uncle must be a great lover to make her cum so much!Laurie continued to have orgasm after orgasm as he fucked her almost forty minutes. Then he grunted as she felt his cock grow bigger inside of her. Then she knew he was cumming. Her uncle was cumming inside of her! Laurie thought excitedly.He shot jizz into her seven or eight times but then kept fucking his hot, young niece. And she loved every minute of it.He lasted another hour before cumming in Laurie a second time. He finally pulled out, his jizz and her cream oozing out onto the bed. She lay there in a euphoric daze as he dressed. Then he ungagged her, pocketing the gag, and pulling her panties out of her mouth.He kissed her on the lips, groping her breasts, and Laurie eagerly returned the kiss."Thank you for the good time," He whispered in her ear before he retrieved his sack and headed out the door.Laurie laid there with a goofy grin on her face usually boys only have.He was already long gone - not worried about Laurie telling anyone, he knew she wouldn't - when a thought occurred to her."Uncle Charlie?" She said, though not very loudly. "Aren't you going to untie me?" THE END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - TV, Sitcom & Movie Archive
Why did it have to rain today-the day of all days??? The coldness and wind was bearable but not the rain. This meant a change of clothes and shoes not to mention being late. Well if this was nature's cruel way, so be it. Just as she was contemplating this thought the rain began to fall harder and faster. Wildly looking around her, she saw the pain path dashed through it and towards the house."How can you lose her again Daniel?" his brother bellowed. This was the third time in two months since Ari-Ana had arrived."It's not my fault she keeps wondering off. She knows the rules, you speak to her and leave me alone," he hotly replied."I expect you to take full responsibility when she's with you. God," rolling his eyes but the anger didn't back down."Is Ari lost again?" grinned Dean poking his head out of his room when he heard loud voices."No thanks to the genius of a brother" replied Dante."But it wasn't my fault. She's hot tempered, strong-head..." he never got to finish"And fine" replied a calmer female voice.Everyone turned to see Ari-Ana standing in the hallway dripping from her rain- soaked coat."Where the hell were you?" Daniel asked walking towards her."I must've wondered off. I'm so sorry for causing all this commotion," she nervously replied."Well at least you're safe. Daniel I expect better from you," his eldest brother scolded before heading upstairs."Ari, you ok? Better get changed before you catch a cold," Dean called before closing his door."Yes Ari, you better," mocked Daniel."I really am sorry," replied Ari-Ana sincerely."Whatever, just get changed before I get the blame again. One more thing, in the future you either stick with me or go out by yourself" he said before walking away.She didn't realise she'd been holding her breath the entire time and exhaled quickly. He seemed really mad, but it was her fault; she had wondered off again and before she knew it she was stranded in the middle of the woods with the rain looming. Luckily she wasn't totally lost and found her way back even though she'd encountered most of the rain.She began to shiver from the wet clothes and quickly removed her coat, hanging it outside. Her dress was damp and clung to her like second skin. Running up to her room she left her door ajar she proceeded to take off the dress. Mid-way she stopped abruptly; it almost felt like she was being watched. Shaking the silly notion from her mind she changed into the drier clothes and took her soiled dress to be washed."Do I smell spaghetti," Dean grinned as he walked into the kitchen."Indeed you do," she replied whilst serving it into a large dish for them all."Dante, Dan get down here, dinner's ready!" yelled Dean before he sat down with her."Mmmmmmmm, delicious," Dante said as he smelt the food."Where's Daniel?" she asked as the two brothers dished out for themselves."I'm going out" came Daniel's reply as he leaned against the kitchen door."Can't you at least sit down for ten minutes? After all she's gone through the trouble of cooking for tonight," Dean said."I'm sorry Ari, but my friends are expecting me" replied Daniel as sweetly as he could. He wanted to be as far away as possible from her. He was still angry with her from earlier."I'll keep some for you," she said, but by the time she turned around he was gone."Ignore him. He's just being a jerk from earlier," smiled Dante."Well more for us," grinned Dean before putting in another mouthful.Ari-Ana was reading her book quietly in front of the lamp in the front room when she heard the door open. She realised it must be Daniel and went back to her book. She frowned when she heard a female voice too; another of his conquests no doubt."Shhh you'll wake up the whole house," came his voice which sounded a little slurred."In an hour they will," answered the girl in a giggle making Ari-Ana shiver in disgust."Go up, my room is the third on the left," Daniel instructed the girl before closing and locking the door.Just as he reached the staircase, he noticed the dim light coming from the sitting room."Well well if it isn't little miss bookworm," he mocked as he walked in to find her sitting quietly."You're 'girlfriend' is waiting for you," she replied without taking her eyes off the page.He was too tipsy to answer and remembering the girl turned around and headed up the stairs.Anger rose deep within her. They'd never got on since childhood. His brothers were fantastic, but Daniel was a completely different enigma altogether. She continued to read pushing away her thoughts until sleep consumed her.Slowly getting up, she headed towards her room which was a floor below his. She could hear the annoying giggles of the girl. She was too tired to think or care about the situation, as long as it didn't involve her, he could do as he well damn pleased.The morning sun shone right into her eyes as she slowly opened them. The day definitely seemed warmer and drier than yesterday. Sitting up she stretched her arms before leaning back and planning her day. Going out for most of the day was top of the agenda so she'd first have a shower, eat breakfast and then head out. The guys wouldn't mind, so she was free as a bird."Hey hey, what's the plan for the day?" Dean asked with his usual bright smile when he saw her walk in. She was his little 'sister'."I'll be out for most of the day, planning to get some reading done outside then go out with some friend later" she replied whilst filling a little basket with fruit."Good morning Mr. Noisy," winked Dean as Daniel walked into the kitchen.Ari-Ana blushed at the remark and only Daniel's eyes caught this."Stop teasing him Dean. But he's right you were a little noisy," smirked Dante before he burst out laughing."Can I help it if women find me irresistible?" Daniel replied before taking a bite from an apple."Is she still here?" asked Dean."Sorry big brother, she just left," before taking another bite."You heart-breaker," laughed Dante."I'll see you later guys," Ari-Ana said before exiting quickly."Dude you do owe her an apology for last night" Dean said more seriously looking in Daniel's direction."What for? I had to go out," he replied shrugging his shoulders."Yeah, but you could've sat with us for a little while. You know she didn't get lost deliberately" continued Dean."Just lay off guys, I did apologise. If she's stupid enough to get caught in the rain, then that's not my problem," he continued."Daniel! That's enough!" Dante barked.Daniel just walked off to have a shower himself. He didn't need all this aggro from his brothers."What the hell was that about?" Dean asked puzzled."Beats me. Hey you don't think?" Dante asked with a frown on his face."What, that he likes her but is being a total asshole about it? Come on-you've seen the way he is with her?" Dean said laughing out loudly. But the same thought had also crossed his mind too.Ari-Ana sat on a thick layered blanket out on the meadow. She was soaking up the sun whilst she read. Lost in her book she didn't hear footsteps coming up from behind her. Suddenly her book was snatched off her hands."Don't you ever get bored of reading?" asked Daniel flicking through the pages."Don't you ever get bored with picking on me," she replied with her hand out."Whatever. I hope you don't plan on getting lost or being late again. I'm tired of those two constantly on my back because of you," his words had such venom as he handed the book back."I said I was sorry. I lose track of time easily, I honestly didn't mean to get you into trouble," she replied."Hmmm. Well maybe if you got your head out of the clouds and back into the real world you wouldn't be the way you are," he said looking at her intensely. He could still remember the outline of her curves as he'd walked past her whilst she was changing."What the hell is that supposed to mean?" anger in her words."You shouldn't be sitting here by yourself with your nose stuck in a book. You should be..."He never got to finish."Under a man, pleasuring him?" she abruptly replied.For the first time in his life Daniel was stunned at an answer. He quickly composed himself. "I mean look at you! I'm embarrassed to be seen with you," he said."What?!" looking at him in bewilderment more than anger."I may spend my nose in books, but you spend yours in my business," she replied calmly. She couldn't believe her ears, who did he think he was talking to her like that? He'd always been distant with her from the start. Sometimes if looks could kill she's be dead.Oh no he thought. This wasn't the reaction he was expecting from her. The hurt in her eyes and voice was evident and he mentally kicked himself for making such stupid remarks. She had a habit of getting under his skin. She didn't do anything; it was the way she was.Too lost in thought that he didn't notice she wasn't with him anymore. She'd walked off. He couldn't believe it. No woman had ever done this to him before; they idolised and worshipped the ground he walked upon. She didn't.Ari-Ana stormed into the house and went straight for her room-slamming the door so loudly that Dean and Dante rushed out of their rooms."Daniel," they both said in union.The next few days there was a lot of tension between the two; neither of them spoke to each other. She was too angry and he was too proud.Daniel went around the house looking for his brothers. Just as he was wondering where they might be, he walked into the kitchen. He groaned inwardly when he saw her. She was eating cereal."Erm hi. Where are the guys?" he attempted to make it as polite as possible."Out at a concert," she replied."I'm off too. I might not be back tonight, so don't wait up for me," he said."I won't," her answer had no feeling.Once she heard the door slam, she looked up from her bowl. She could still feel his eyes on her like that day in the meadow. Padding off to her bed, she began to feel a warm tingling feeling in the pit of her belly. Knowing full well that she was all alone till the early hours of dawn, she decided to make full use of it. Once inside the bed, she slowly pulled her nightdress off and then proceeded with her pants before spreading her thighs.She began teasing her nipples, pulling and twisting them till she could feel her nether lips puffy and moist. She could feel her juices flowing freely out of her before reaching down to tease her slit. Moving her hand away a string of clear wetness clung to her fingers, this drove her over the edge making her jamb two fingers inside her vagina, as hard and as fast as she could, moaned in pain/pleasure. She kept repeating this up till up till she was ready to climax before stopping herself making the experience a delicious one.Leaving her heat and just concentrating on her breasts made her want to climax even more, but she didn't want to rush such a pleasurable thing. Now her juices were really flowing, she could feel them slide down her ass. Reaching down she grasped her clit between her finger and thumb and began to roll it vigorously. God it was hard and very sensitive. Working herself up to a maddening frenzy she began to pump her fingers back inside but harder this time, until an orgasmic wave washed over her, hard. The orgasm itself was so intense that she moaned loudly as her insides clenched from the pain.The whole thing had left her drained and she just managed to pull her nightdress over herself before pulling the duvet and falling asleep. Luckily the door was shut and locked, but being alone was something totally different and more private."We're going to a festival this Saturday night, wanna come," Dean asked Ari-Ana just as she was stepping out of the house."Sure. I'll ask my friends too. Count me in," she said before leaving."You think those two have made up," Dante asked before sitting down to have his late morning coffee."Donno, but that's their problem," Dean replied as honestly as he could.Saturday night came around after three days."Whoa young lady. Where do you think you're going dressed like that!?" Daniel's voice crept up behind her."What's the matter now?" she asked impatiently. Her friends were waiting for her."That dress is way too low," scolding her but never taking his eyes off of her.She looked very sultry in her chocolate brown dress which had a deep plunge giving an ample view of her breasts. It clung to all the right curves and the skirt part stopped just below her knees flowing freely. Her smoky eyes enhanced her brown shade and her lips looked enticing with the brownish/red gloss. Her dark brown hair hung off her shoulders in loose ringlets making her look like seductress. Though she wore flat shoes, he only dwarfed her slightly."I'm already late as it is," she replied whilst pulling on her wrap."There are lots of jerks at these places," he finally said.Without replying she left him starring after her. When had she become a woman? All those times reading, when did she have time to fill out so nicely. He shook his head. How couldn't he think of her like that, did Dante and Dean too?Unaware to him, his brothers had watched the scene and nudging each other. Yes she did look beautiful but they saw her as their 'sister'. The look in Daniel's eyes told something completely different. Lust."Hey Ari, we thought you'd never make it," Lucy teased."I was being given a lecture by Daniel," she explained."Mmm wouldn't mind being lectured by him or his brothers. God they're a handsome lot," Lucy said dreamily."Well if you like arrogant, self-righteous men, go for it," Ari-Ana replied."What Dean and Dante?" asked a shocked Gwen."Oh no, they're lovely," she said.Just as she finished her sentence the three brothers came towards them. Lucy was right all three were tall and handsome. Whereas Dante and Dean looked sweeter, Daniel looked gorgeous. All three were well built and very masculine, but he was something different. Women were drawn to him instantly and he made full use of his natural charms.Daniel looked at Ari-Ana with a disapproving look and she was quick to catch it and also to ignore it. A girl walked up to Daniel and gave him a passionate kiss in-front of them. Everyone whistled making him respond by pulling the girl closer in.The music was great to dance to and people were allowed to leave and enter when they pleased. At one point Ari-Ana was swaying her hips with a handsome looking guy. Daniel's eyes never left the couple. He could tell she was oblivion to her surroundings because she was genuinely modest. After the dance the guy kissed her cheek and walked off. She too left the tent but in the opposite direction. He followed her.She was standing on a patch of grass and looking straight ahead into the far distance when and strong hand grabbed her elbow and spun her around to face an angry looking Daniel."Where in hell did you learn to dance like that?" he whispered angrily."Let go of me," she shot back as she moved away."I told you that dress top is too low, now you'll have all the men getting the wrong impression," he flatly stated. He knew what guys like that were after and she was too naïve to see it. Even the girl with him tonight was nothing compared with Ari-Ana. He'd never seen nor accepted her as a sister but more like a thorn in his side. However tonight he'd felt like fucking her hard and he was sure most the guys here felt the same too."I'm 24 years old; I'm not a child anymore! Stop manhandling me, treat me with some respect and stop poking your nose where it's not wanted," her voice was getting louder.God he could strangle her."Why don't you both do us a favour and go back to your whore," she replied."Why would I do that, when I've got you," the words left his mouth before he could stop them.Her eyes widened at his words. She walked up to him, "You bastard," and slapped him as hard as she could. Even in the dim light she could see an imprint of her hand beginning to appear. Her hand stung from the force of the blow and so did her eyes from the tears they formed. Turning around she walked off, leaving a very stunned Daniel rooted to the spot.Fifteen minutes later Daniel went back in to rejoin the group. The girls looked at his face in shock as did his brothers."Hey little brother, what happened to you?" Dante asked when he noticed the red hand-print on his brother's left cheek."I got put in my place by Ari," he replied meekly."Where is she anyway?" asked Lucy looking around the tent."Beats me. You know how strong-headed she can be," laughed Gwen."Guys I have a really bad feeling. I don't think she's just walked off too cool down. She's not that irresponsible," Daniel said. He just had an eerie feeling; especially about the guy was dancing with her."Wow Dan you look really serious. Should we be concerned?" asked Dean."I'll be less concerned once we find her. Come on," he said dragging his brothers away from the music and girls."Where exactly do we go?" asked an annoyed Dante."I'm starting over there in that disused barn," Daniel pointed out.His brothers took different directions. He walked up to the barn and looked through the ajar door. The scene practically made his eyes pop out of their sockets. There on the hay lay Ari-Ana with guy from earlier between her spread thighs. However something just didn't look right. She lay motionless beneath him and that when it hit him in the pit of his stomach that she was being raped.With uncontrollable anger he ran towards them and grabbed the guy off her then punched him out cold with his fist. Running over to her, he looked at the damage the prick had caused. She was out cold. There was a big bruise forming on her right cheek and her dress had been pushed up. Her thighs had finger marks already forming and her vagina was looking slightly red. He quickly covered her up and carried her in his arms.As he walked through the barn door, he saw Dean and Dante running frantically towards them."Oh my God," Dean whispered."I found that prick trying to rape her," he answered calmly."I'm calling the police, you two take her home and take one of her friend's with you," said Dean as he began to dial.Gwen volunteered to go with them. She along with Daniel cradled her in the car, but she didn't come around."The asshole must've punched her real hard," Gwen said bitterly."Let's just take her upstairs and get her into bed. She'll be sore for the next few days," Daniel said whilst stroking her head."How is she?" Dante asked when he saw Gwen appear."Well I've cleaned her up as much as I could. She'll have more bruises, but they'll heal. Oh by the way, I don't think penetrated her. She's lucky you got there when you did," Gwen informed them."Thank God," Dante said. Looking over at Daniel he noticed how quiet he was."Are you ok Dan?" he asked."What the fuck do you think?" he said before storming upstairs and slamming the door."He'll be fine. Just a shock for him," Gwen said reassuringly.Ari-Ana opened her eyes slowly, her head pounded. She reached out to touch her cheek and God did it hurt. She tried to remember. All she saw was a guy forcing his tongue into her mouth and when she tried to push him off his hand made contact with her face and then nothing.A noise brought her out of her thoughts. She saw Gwen making herself comfortable on the rocking chair."Gwen?" she whispered."Ari! You're awake. How are you feeling?" Gwen asked walking up to her."Sore, my head anyway. What happened?" she said trying to sit up before she realised it was a bad move."Do you remember anything?" she asked whilst pouring her some water."Only a guy hitting me and then... nothing," she said with a frown."Honey you missed everything. Daniel punched the guy's lights out and he's been taken by the police," she laughed."Did he. Erm you know..." she couldn't finish her sentence."No. Daniel got there just in time," Gwen answered. "The police will want to speak with you too, but only when you're ready.""I'd like to be alone please," she said before looking away.Gwen placed the glass next to the bed-side table and closed the door behind her.Ari-Ana turned her face to look outside the window. Was it her fault that she nearly got attacked, even though she couldn't remember anything? He had warned her, but she thought he was interfering as usual. She closed her eyes."How is she?" Dean asked. He hadn't slept all night, in-fact no-one except for Ari-Ana had."Well she's awake, but she doesn't remember much which is somehow a good thing I guess," Gwen said before collapsing onto the sofa."Let's try and get some sleep otherwise we'll be useless," Dante said whilst throwing on a blanket over her.Ari-Ana turned towards her door when heard it open. In walked Daniel with nothing on except a pair of black shorts. Under different circumstances she would've found him attractive, but her head hurt too much to think."Hey Ari, how are you feeling?" he asked smiling as friendly as he could."Besides my cheek and head, I'll survive," she said.Remembering last night made him angry. "How could you be so bloody careless?" he suddenly said."Daniel, under normal circumstances I'd love to indulge you to a defence but I have no strength to argue and my head feels like a train passed over it" she simply replied.He felt guilty attacking her like that, but he would never have forgiven himself if he hadn't gotten there on time either.Weeks had passed from the incident and everyone seemed to be putting it behind them including Ari-Ana, she was grateful that she couldn't remember much as well as the attacker had been caught. However Daniel seemed to have problem. Every time he closed his eyes he could see the image of them and how motionless she was. He kept wondering if she'd encouraged him but then it got out of hand, with the way she looked that night he'd been enticed too.One evening she'd left tea to brew in the kitchen whilst taking a shower. Thinking she was alone instead of getting changed first she went downstairs, whilst sipping her tea, she heard a soft gasp and spun around to find Daniel standing at the doorway still as a statue staring at her.She only had a towel which went till mid-thigh; her hair which normally was straight swept behind her ears. Standing the way she did left little to the imagination. She smiled at him before picking up her tea and heading to the sofa."I thought no-one was home," she said sitting down in a way that kept her as modest as possible."I just came back," he replied, following her."I'm just going to drink this then head up stairs," taking another sip and letting the warmth sooth her throat.As he sat next to her, watching her intently as she swallowed each sip and traced the droplets of water as they cascaded down her neck and disappeared between her breasts. He felt himself harden instantly. Was she playing with him?He was brought out of his thought when she leaned forward and pecked him on his cheek. Her lips were as light as a feather; she smelt a rich mixture of cinnamon and vanilla. His reaction was to kiss back. She opened her mouth as he ran his tongue along her bottom lips gently before pushing it and stroking her tongue with his. She moaned at the touch and leaned backwards taking him with her.He fumbled with the towel, but finally managed to open it before placing a palm over her breast and kneading it softly before rolling her nipples between his fingers. She arched her back and he took it as an invitation to bend down and take the hard nub between his lips and suck on it hard. She moaned in response. He went on to do exactly the same to her other breast before moving up to her throat and sucking on the hollow area-most girls he knew went crazy and she was no exception.With his other hand he let it travel down her belly and delve between her soft thighs. Her mound felt free of hair and he smiled at the discovery. He ran his fingers up and down her slit which already began to gather some moisture and moved up to rub her clit which was swollen as he went back to her nipples alternating between them.The next time he touched her slit, the lips were very puffy. Very carefully he pushed in his in middle finger. She felt hot and tight. Feeling no resistance he pushed the entire length in, her hips jumped slightly. He was a little disappointed not to be her first, but was enjoying the moment too much. He placed his finger in his mouth. She tasted sweet. She was ready.As he leaned back to unbuckle his jeans, he noticed her breathing was shallow and steady. She'd fallen asleep!!! He couldn't believe his luck. She looked so peaceful that he almost laughed aloud at the situation. He was horny as hell. She'd got him so worked up and nowhere to go. He had a choice of his hand or real pussy. He chose real pussy.The next morning she woke up to find herself in a towel, and then last night came into her mind. She blushed when she remembered his touch and how his finger had felt inside of her and then... nothing. She must've fallen asleep because of the tea and he'd brought her upstairs. She felt a little stupid.She got up and pulled on some clothes when she heard Daniel's voice from the landing below. She ran out of her room but stopped dead on her tracks when she saw the girl from the concert. It looked like she was leaving and giving him one of her farewell kisses. Her heart sank. Before she realised, tears fell down her cheeks.She had been so close to giving herself last night only for the idiot to go after someone else. As Daniel closed the door, she wasn't quick enough to dash back without being unseen. He just shrugged what difference did it make she wasn't available but this brunette was.Dean and Dante were still not back from the night before. She was busy cleaning up her room when she felt his presence behind at the doorway. She tried her best to ignore him, but he didn't seem to take the hint. Daniel was the first to break the silence. He was still pissed off from last night."I'd appreciate if you didn't spy on me next time," he suddenly said."I wasn't. I didn't know you had a friend over," she quickly replied."Can you blame me? You get me all worked up and then fall asleep," he shot back."It was the tea and I don't want to discuss it please," she finally said."Well I do. Is this your trait falling asleep under men? How did you ever lose your virginity?" he mocked stepping into her room."What the hell is that supposed to mean? Are you implying what happened was my fault? Just because I wanted to look nice means any man has the God given right to force his dick into me?" she shouted.The crudeness of her words left him speechless. She continued."Oh and one more thing, just because you managed to get a finger all the way in does not imply that I'm not a virgin Casanova" throwing the towel onto the bed she stormed out pushing past him. He ran after her.He found her on the landing sobbing violently. He went over and took her in his arms. At first she struggled, but then gave in. She needed strong arms and a soothing voice to tell her everything would be ok.She pulled away and looked up into his eyes. "Why do you hate me so much?""I could never hate you. You're my Ari," he replied kissing her hair."But you've always treated my differently," she said puzzled at his answer."They've always seen you as their little sister, ever since you were born, I did too," he said."Did?" frowning at his last word."As you began to grow I realised I just didn't feel about you the same way as they did. I guess I treated you differently cos I thought there was something wrong with me for feeling the way I do about you. The more I'd push you away the easier it would be, but when I saw you in the barn, I..." he stopped."Shush. I'm ok. I didn't know, I always thought you hated me, but now I see you don't. But why did you go to her last night? Her voice was full of hurt and sorrow."Because I'm an idiot. Because I wanted you and she was the closest thing I could find. Because I wanted to be our first," he said stroking her hair."But I've never been with anyone," she said."I know hun," he said leaning in to kiss her lips when they heard his brothers' voices called after them.Dean and Dante noticed that for the past few weeks Daniel and Ari-Ana had spent a lot of time together. Sometimes alone. They were happy, but knowing their brother they hoped he could maintain this attitude."Hey you don't think, well you know," grinned Dean."Ewww, that's our brother and 'sister' you're talking about. You've got such a nasty mind" replied Dante one evening when they were going on a night out with their dates."Just saying what's on my mind," he said with a cheeky grin.Whatever was on people's mind, Dante hoped Daniel would do the right thing and stop acting like such an asshole he sometimes was.Daniel and Ari-Ana sat on his bed listening to soft music. Her head rested on his shoulder and his hand stroked the side of her arm. She lifted her head and turned around to face him, before leaning in to kiss him. He lazily opened his mouth but she sat back making him snap his eyes open. What she did next surprised him.She pulled her t-shirt off and tossed onto the chair next to the bed. Daniel had a naked woman from the waist up and he was staring at her like an idiot. Sensing his shock, she took his hands and placed them on her breasts and let him do the rest. She sucked in her breath sharply as he began to softly knead her breasts before sitting up and leaning in to kiss the sensitive undersides. His mouth worked restlessly against her breasts, weighing the firm mounds and teasing the rosy pink tips until they tautened. He took one nipple into his mouth and swirled it around with his tongue before moving onto the next. He kept doing this for a while before sitting back and watching the wet trails he had left on her. His fingers were strong and rough, enough to arouse but not enough to bruise.Pulling her towards him, he lightly rolled her onto her back and began to cover her belly and navel in wet trails too before reaching her pants. Hooking his fingers into the sides, she helped him roll them down hips, thighs and legs until they were discarded with her t-shirt. Kneeling before her spread thighs he stared at her pussy which lightly glistened. She fought back a soft moan as his mouth descended upon her virgin flesh making her shiver. He dragged his tongue over her flesh in a long, slow stroke from her asshole to her clit making her squirm. Over and over again, he licked her, each stroke teasing soft, muffled sounds from her throat. The feeling of his tongue sliding deep inside her making her quake from head to toe. His tongue lightly lapped into her cunt and watched as she writhed on the bed. She couldn't stop or help herself. He slipped one long finger into her tight slick heat causing her to arch as her pussy dripped and juiced for him. Ari-Ana gasped at the intrusion and the pleasure he caused her. She fought to keep from lifting her hips against his mouth. His lips closed around her clit teasingly, tugging gently. The more he licked, the more her body tightened. She had to swallow hard as she came from crying out too loudly. He removed his finger and she watched as he sucked his finger with her juices still on it.Recovering from her climax she sat up to help him remove his t-shirt and help he take her place. She looked at him dazed but leaned forward to suck on the hollow part of his throat just like he had done that night. She felt his heat through his shorts poking her belly. Continuing her feather like kisses she moved down to his nipples tugged his ring on the left, each tug caused him to go harder. She moved down until she reached his throbbing member which jerked as she took hold of it through the fabric. He helped her remove his shorts and he smiled at her reaction. She studied the large shaft with its throbbing veins visibly pulsing before using her finger to trace the head and smear the pre-cum across it, dragging her nail lightly along the slit. He gasped at her touch.Gently she ran her hand up and down his shaft using his natural lubrication. She bent forward and circled the glans with the tip of her tongue before feathering it across with the lightest of kisses. The muscles in his back strained as she teased him before she finally guiding him into her hot, moist mouth. Experimentally she alternated between licking, sucking, stroking and teasing his glans and balls. Hearing his desperate groans she finally settled into a steady rhythm. Gripping the base, she was able to suck on the head whilst pumping his shaft.His fingers reached down to lace into her hair and encourage her to take him in deeper. She continued this for a while before taking her mouth off of him only to slide back down on him again. God, her mouth felt so good. The constant bobbing of her head and low humming sent sharp vibrations of pleasure through the course of his body and before he knew it he felt his balls tighten and glans swell with the oncoming release he so desperately needed.He pulled her off him. "Ari if you continue like that I can't be held responsible for my actions" he moaned. Straddling his hips, she threw one leg over and spread her thighs as wide as possible. Taking hold of his throbbing dick, Daniel rubbed it up and down her slit feeling the juices scolding the tip. With gentle care he lined it with her entrance and began to push upward until he slipped in. Taking hold of her hip he pushed a little harder until he was fully embedded within her. They both groaned in union.Once fully impaled, she began to rock back and forth shuddering at the fullness she felt, he was rewarded with a clenching squeeze around his cock. She began to pick up pace as she began to ride him faster and harder, grinding herself against his pubic bone. Arching her back, she presented him with an enticing view of her breasts as they bounced and swayed with each movement. Her parted lips and half closed eyes were enough to make him sit up and take a nipple into his mouth and suck hard on it.He lay back again and she reached forward and laced her fingers with his as they continued to make love. Suddenly her back stiffened, her pussy squeezed and contracted hard around his cock to hold him deep inside of her as she came. He began to thrust upwards making the intensity of climax tenfold. She whimpered as she felt pulsing shots of cum being released deep inside her womb. Her snug walls instinctively clenched around his shaft milking him dry.They both felt complete. Ari-Ana collapsed onto his chest with him buried deep inside of her. Her heart was racing as was his. He rubbed her back which lulled her into sleep, but she didn't want to. Making little circles around his left nipple with the ring, she tried to match her breathing with his."I love you," she finally said."I love you too. I love you more for choosing me to be your first," he replied.She blushed at his remark. She was about to say something when he got there first. He sat up taking her with him, still intimately joined."Marry me, Ari. Please say yes," his voice was full of love and sincerity."Don't you want to share the news with Dean and Dante too?" she asked with a big smile.His eyes radiated with love at her answer."Nah, let's stay here and practice for our wedding night" he said rolling her underneath him.END
My name is Mike, and I was an average size young guy about 5'7 and tipped the scales at a lean 165 pounds. I was often told that I was an attractive guy that resembled the younger version of the county western singer Clint Black. I felt that I was a good looking kid and I liked to flirt and flaunt my sex appeal. I was 19 years old and drudging my way through community college while working the midnight shift in a local convenience store. My royal blue shift shirts were typically unbuttoned one notch below the manager's tolerance level exposing my chest for the occasional peeper. My ass was intentionally snuggled firmly into my favorite pair of white Guess jean. I refused to wear anything under them and often wondered if my dark brown hair or package was noticeable through the material. I guess I was a typical kid of that age who had a little bit of potential and a whole lot of cocky attitude. At the time I was living with my steady girlfriend in a tiny apartment. I was not in love, but she was steady rent money and a quick, easy release for my over charged sex drive and super thrived sexual curiosity. At that age I had basically self-restricted my sexual adventures to heterosexual fun. I admit that I was a selfish boyfriend and really basked in the benefits of being a young stud. I took every available opportunity to take sexual 'advantages' of the inexperienced younger girls merely by convincing them that 'I LOVED THEM' at that moment, regardless of my live-in girlfriend status. However, like most kids, when I was a young teenager I experimented a little with bi-sexuality. Often, my friends and I would do the infamous, teenage 'double dare' each other into circle-jerks while someone took their turn at dreaming over the Hustler or Swank magazines that we stole from our father's secret hiding spot or the occasional collection we found in the local woods. The nasty porn magazines with the pages all stuck together with dried cum. I would often close my eyes and imagine myself secretly watching some horny, perverted dude stroking his cock while fantasying about his neighbor's daughter; milking his cock all over the centerfold pages of those nude young girls. I admit that I enjoyed the feel of my buddies' dicks in my grip jerking them until their sperm splattered all over my hands. I would continue to stroke them until my palms were fully drenched and cum dripped from my fingertips. There is not much to do when you work the midnight shift at a 7-11 store in Dallas, Texas except get in trouble somehow. I spent many of my early morning shifts jacking off in the storage room while browsing our wide selection of porn magazines that the store distributed. There was a camera in the backroom and I often wondered if anyone every reviewed the tapes. I secretly hoped that someone had watched them at some point. Sure, I was supposed to be stocking shelves with fresh merchandise or peering down the 'would be' shop lifters. But, I thought I could leave most of that hard work to the dedicated morning shift. I spent most of my available time on more personal entertainment, having trashy phone sex with strangers. You see our store was located just on the border of the controversial, artsy side of town. In other words, we were positioned next to the gay section of Dallas known as Oak Lawn. Each and every night I would get dozens of calls from primarily men. These guys had frequented our store at some point and saw me behind the counter. I am a very social person and enjoy talking to everyone. Well, at 2AM after the bars had closed and the buzz had turned to drunk, these guys had only one topic to discuss, SEX!!! I was a horny young guy and had bad intensions mixed with kinky sexual curiosity. I enjoyed most any kinky sex, role playing and even voyeuring a buddy butt fuck my girlfriend after we arranged for her to have far too many Tequilas to drink. I loved listening to these guys squirm as I would taunt them with seductive possibilities. I must admit that each conversion left me horny as hell and needing to jerk off. Furthermore, I was starting to allow that old teenage sexual exploration to surface again in my hardening groin. I could spend hours on the phone teasing in a low, sexy, pleading voice describing my sexual desires to become the party favor at a gay sex orgy. I pleaded to be tied face down on the kitchen table with my boxers yanked around my knees while blindfolded for complete strangers. I enjoyed describing how each guy would force his way in line to be the next cock pumping my tight little pink ass hole. Another favorite tease I often shared was a fantasy of how I had to suck off some son-of-bitch that was black mailing me with sexual exploration pictures of me engaged in fag sex. All this teasing was done in jest and was just an outlet to kill the boredom during the lonely 11-7 AM shift knowing full well it was basically bull-shit ramblings to a bunch of drunken masturbating perverts. However, I was opening Pandora's Box and I loved it. My sexual appetite and insatiable curiosity started to control my better judgment. I started to agree to casual hook-ups with a few of the more vocal, demanding types. For whatever reason, this personality trait was prominent in the older guys. I personally wasn't aroused by the softer boys who were in touch with their decorating or fashion side. I went with what I knew best from my past teenage bi-sexual experiences, hand jobs. I offered a few of the more nasty men a naughty, oiled up hand job. I told them to pick me up outside the store an hour or so before my 11PM shift and I promised a nice nut blowing orgasm in their car. I met with several guys and I was really starting to enjoy myself again and realized the thought of a hard cock remained in my mind throughout the days. I started to receive several calls from a guy named Bill. He claimed to be 51 which would put him at least 32 my elder. He went into full details of each and every dimension of his body. Bill described himself as an average Caucasian working stiff with a 'never ending marriage' and that his wife was well beyond her hormonal prime or interest. His weight was a chubby 230 pounds on a 5'10 frame. He had a spare tire around his midsection that hung just over his belt and his hair was '27 years of boring marriage' worth of gray hair. However, he made up for what he lacked in sophistication with a 7.5'' uncut cock that could stay hard all night. I remember that he called himself a 'shower and not a grower', he said his cock hung a good 6.5'' limp. His description made me chuckle because that is a fine size in my opinion and a full inch longer than mine when fully erect. He had a bad attitude and was in poor physical condition. He was absolutely nothing that I would be attracted to and probably would be even a little on the gross side for my age. Something about this guy just seemed to intrigue me and turn me on. I think the nasty wrongness of the whole situation is what made it so sexually appealing. We arranged to meet outside the store about 10 pm. I was actually off work that particular evening but, I liked to keep that a secret as it is a great excuse for me to return promptly. Bill was on time and drove up in a standard, clean, older model Ford pickup. I walked to the passenger side window and as he lowered the glass. I quickly noticed he wore a pair of navy blue Dockers slacks with a black long sleeve shirt with the cuffs rolled at the wrists and the hem was untucked at the waist. He was listening to 60's rock music on some local radio station while a high-ball glass adorning a Jack Daniel's insignia rested on the dash. He spoke, 'You ready for this, kid? Let's go!' It wasn't much of an introduction and the way he spoke seemed to make me question the romance of the situation. His voice was rough as if he smoked most of his early years and the tone was that of a person who doesn't handle his liquor pleasantly. I climbed in the passenger seat and surveyed the situation. The truck was clean with a full single bench seat across the front. The dash had a long crack from the relentless Texas sun. He had a plastic tray holder on the floor and a 5th bottle of Jack Daniels in the cup resting spot. He offered his hand and said 'Ya made it'. His grip was powerful and I felt he was trying to make a statement with it. He offered up his bottle of Jack. I asked if he had an extra glass I could use and in a seemly uneducated replied he stated, 'You don't need no glass boy!!' Sometimes we should listen to our inner voice and retreat from danger but, I ignored common sense and said, 'Let's roll.' We took off in the truck down West Mockingbird Lane as I moved over closer to him on the bench seat. If you're not familiar with the Dallas throughways let me tell you that road is busy at 10:30 PM, even on a weekday evening. We didn't have much in common to talk about except our usual nightly phone sex topics. He requested that I get naked as we drove. He said it was a short drive to where we were going. He wanted to see young body nude and the tight ass that he jerked off to nightly. I told him I was worried about the police busting me being nude. He just looked at me long and hard without much expression. Hesitantly, I removed my shirt and pants and sat them on the floor. His eyes penetrated my body up and down. We both continued to hit his bottle with some reckless abandonment. Surprisingly, he snatched up my pants and placed them on the dash as is they were a trophy of his accomplishment. The windows were down from our earlier introduction when I approached the truck. The night breeze felt soothing on my aroused, engorged skin and the whiskey buzz had really started to loosen up the atmosphere. I leaned into him and started to rub his leg and squeezed his crotch while whispering sexy trash as he drove. I unzipped his pants and lowered them enough to get hand access to his cock and balls. His cock was long and hung limp at least the 6'5" that he described. He had a large mushroom shaped head that was partially hidden by his uncut foreskin. His balls were large and floated in the ample room of the sack that old men seem to acquire through many years of gravity. I gripped his cock and began to stroke him with while my imagination lusted to see him fully erect. This was the first time that I had been completely naked in front of one of my hookups. My nervous were tense with excitement and my cock was rock hard. He enjoyed stroking my bare back as I leaned in closer to be near him. My heart raced as I stroked his hard cock on the open road. He changed lanes from right to left in order to pass a slow moving car. I stopped masturbating him and reached for my clothes. He grabbed my hand and returned it to his cock reassured me that is was dark, just relax and stay low. I crouched down as he placed his firm grip over my hand and began to methodically masturbate himself with my hand. I have no idea if the driver noticed me hunched over in his bare lap or not, but I felt totally exposed and I was completely lost in the lust of the moment. The embarrassment of being possibly caught stroking another man's dick drove my libido over the limit and made my balls begged for relief. We shared this hide and seek ritual threw several red lights and past a few sight seers in the slow lane. Soon, we turned into a large parking lot. The space was adjacent to storefront buildings at each entrance and a 24x7 adult book store nestled into the center. This area is known for late night activity of hookers, porn stores and drug dealers. Bill parked the truck along a chain linked fence. He released the seat and slid it back for more comfort. There were nearly a dozen vehicles in the parking lot with men coming and going oblivious to our circumstance. Many of them lingered in the parking lot desperately lurking for any sign of romantic invitation while others flogged through nudity magazines with the dome light in their car's providing the only entertainment for self-relief. I thought to myself that this is a lot of effort for a hand job, but my hormones took over where my brain questioned. I was drunk and completely naked in a stranger's pickup truck that was stowed in a parking lot of a porn store. I was chaperoned by an older 'beer gutted' pervert whose pants were positioned around his ankles. I oiled up his cock with baby oil and I began to hammer stroke his swollen cock while I delivered some trashy rehearsed porn prolog to stimulate his sinful imagination. 'Yeah Bill, you like me stroking that fucking cock, don't you?' "I can tell by your hard cock that you like a young MAN stroking that dick, you fucking pervert!!" His cock was rock hard; his head was resting back on the seat and would only rise if he heard voices nearby. My body was slid close to his with my head resting on his shoulder and chest muscles while my eyes betrayed me with voyeurism of my own hand pumping another man's cock that was tucked well below his healthy gut. Bill reached for his glass of whiskey and slurped what remained in the glass. He was moaning uncontrollably and stammering in a low, barely audible voice. "That feels so fucking good, ahhhhhhh, fuck yes, that's it boy.' My hand slipped up and down over his long oiled up cock. I noticed he had a thick vein that bulged out from one side and ran the length of his shaft. I enjoyed caressing it because it seemed to apply sensation to him that was visually apparent in his reactions. I felt Bill's hand sliding up and down my back with increasing tension as his breathing seemed to announce his approaching orgasm. Determined, he placed both hand on the back of my head and shoved my face downward over his belly and buried in his lap. His actions startled me and I quickly attempted to rise from his crotch. 'SUCK THAT FUCKING COCK you god damn tease,' he said. His left hand gripped his cock and guided the tip straight up toward my face. His large powerful right hand engulfed the back of my head and with much strength pushed my mouth toward his crotch. My lips brushed against the oily mushroom. 'Come on boy, let's go, suck that cock!!' I could smell the musky scent of a working man's sweaty balls. I could taste the salty mixture of oil and cum lubricant that darned my lips. My mind filtered through a millions reasons why to resist this, but my lust was overpowering my judgment. I opened my mouth and allowed his bare dick to slip past my tongue with a nonstop decent down my throat. I have never given a blowjob before, but I had plenty of experience encouraging non-cooperative young girls on their first oral attempt. His hands gripped my head firmly as he seemed to use my mouth to masturbate his erection. I didn't have to assist much; his hands freely forced my head in a bobbing deep throat rhythm. The more I gagged on his head penetrating my throat the deeper he pushed the next thrust. My hands were resting on his thighs levitating my body against his downward force. My eyes were watering with each thrust into my tender throat. I began to submit and was no longer resisting his face fucking. I began to sinfully moan uncontrollably with each pump. He lifted my head to just at the tip of his cock and began to hump my mouth from below. His hard cock trusted deep into my mouth with discerning revenge for the men whom I had taunted in the past. I leaned in his lap motionless as he fucked me in a steady pattern. He lowered his hips to the seat until his mushroom was at edge of my lips then trusted it deep into my swollen throat. Each of his pumps rolled his foreskin back exposing a pink silky texture below. The taste of his cock was incredible and a huge turn on. I loved being treated like the slut I portrayed in my phone fantasies. He repeated, 'Suck it faggot, take my cock you fucking bitch'. Bill was close and did a final hump upward to initiate his eruption into my mouth. He continued to milk his dick into my mouth using my head to message his ejaculation. I wanted his load; I wanted to swallow it for him. I gulped the way I encouraged all my prior girlfriends to do when I blew in their mouths. The taste was salty and thick and coated my tongue. I enjoyable the flavor more than I ever imagined and I feared I was a cocksucker for life. It was going to be a challenge to return to our missionary sex with my girlfriend. He released my head and I rose from his lap and blame it on the booze or my hormones, but all I could come up with was, 'God Damn! That was fucking hot! I want more!' I just stared at him speechless. He raised his pants and said, 'Can't wait to do that again,' and started the car. I spent the drive back making out with his cock. I kissed and caressed the silky skin over my face. I licked the slit at the mount of his head while deep throating his shaft beyond my comfort level. I did not care if anyone saw us or was disgusted by me. We returned to the store and parked in the employee spots directly behind the building. I finally found relief masturbating in his front seat as he described his 'fuck' plans for my body. 'Call ya tomorrow night,' he stated as he reached and dropped my jeans out his driver's side window. I exited his car and made a bare ass dash to get my pants on before any customers drove past. I laughed the whole time thinking how much damn fun this was. ENDContact me if you want more details,
My sister is two years older than me and she has always been a cause of total sexual frustration. Megan is now 32 years old and has a 16-year-old son. As you can see she had a child in high school and has not seen or heard from the father in 14 years. When the father left she decided to put all her energy into raising her son. Megan never dated again after he left, which was a shame as she was an absolutely stunning woman. Myself, I bounced from woman to woman, never satisfied. I could not get my sister out of my mind. Growing up, I used to listen to my sister get fucked in the next room. I would have my ear to the wall with my fist on my cock, wishing it were I plowing her with reckless abandon. I would hear her on the phone with her girlfriends complaining how sexually unsatisfied she was with her boyfriend. I thought that was the reason she stayed single. I was wrong. We lived two hours away from each other but I always tried to see her at least once a month. I would call her up and let her know I was coming down to see her, which always pleased her. It also gave me fresh visions of her so I could jerk off thinking about her. I wanted to surprise her so I decided to come down unannounced. Megan had given me a key a couple of years ago to watch her house for her when she took her son Todd to Disney and she had never asked for it back. When she was gone on that trip I would jerk of twice a day all over her panties. I was constantly doing her laundry. I couldn't wait to surprise her this time. I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I pulled out my key and let myself in. It was four in the afternoon and I was surprised she was not home as she always tried to be home when Todd got back from school. I sat myself in the kitchen and helped myself to a beer. As I drank it, all I could think about was her panties waiting for me in her bedroom. Maybe I could run upstairs, wrap her panties around my cock for a quick one before she or Todd got home. As I made my way up the stairs I could hear noises coming from her room. I quietly made my way to her door that was slightly open. I looked in and I could not believe my eyes. There was Megan sitting on the edge of her bed totally naked with someone's head buried between her legs. Her tits were slightly bouncing as she was being eaten. She looked amazing. Her eyes were closed, her head was tilted back and her long black hair rolled over her ample breasts. I had a perfect view of her but only saw the back of the man's head. She lay back on the bed, raised her legs and demanded this guy to lodge his tongue deeper into her wet pussy. She grabbed her knees and spread her legs as wide as she could. My cock was ready to burst out of my jeans. She couldn't see me and didn't know I was there. I undid my pants and stuffed my hand down to stroke my rigid prick. Megan rolled over onto her stomach and arched her ass in the air. "Eat my ass!!" she screamed. The man dove into her ass like a pro. You could hear the wetness of his tongue on her ass. He used his hands to spread her checks apart and the view was breath taking. I loosened my pants more so I could get a better grip on my cock. "Rub your cock against my hole" Megan demanded. Again the man complied and I must admit, the guy had a pretty big cock but not as thick as my eight inches. He held it in one hand and ran it from the top of her ass through to her soaked pussy. Megan was squirming against his cock. "Put it in me now!! Fuck me, fuck your Mommy good Todd!"Excuse me? I couldn't believe what I just heard. I stood there in shock with my prick in my hand. No wonder she didn't have a boyfriend. Megan's own son was fucking her. How long has this been going on? I was furious, I was hurt, and I was fucking turned on. I watched Todd stuff his cock into Megan's waiting ass. He slowly pushed in until you couldn't see his cock anymore. Megan was shaking. Todd held himself there and just applied pressure to his mother's ass. "Fuck me hard or I will never let you in me again!" she screamed. Todd grabbed her ass with both hands and started to pound her ass at a furious pace. The bed was rocking and Megan screamed with every violent thrust. I as well picked up the pace on my own cock. "Mom, I'm gonna cum soon," said Todd. "Don't you dare cum in me, cum on my ass. Cum on my ass!!" I was close as well and I leaned in to get a better view and noticed Megan's panties on the floor beside me. I picked them up and wrapped them around my cock. I watched Megan slide off the bed, drop to her knees and bend over. "I want you're cum to run down my back!!" Todd and I jerked ourselves as fast as we could and I watched him spray my sister with a heavy load. I then dumped my own load into Megan's soft, wet panties. It felt wonderful. I stood there in amazement and stared at my sister as gobs of semen ran down her ass and back. Megan then sucked all the remaining cum off her son's dick. I quickly did up my pants and ran down the stairs back to the kitchen. My mind was racing. Should I leave? Should I confront her? Should I take advantage of the situation? A devilish smile came over my face and a plan started to formulate in my evil little mind. It was time to finally get what I wanted, what I needed, what I desired. My sister was in for a twisted ride. I laughed to myself and sat down at the kitchen table to wait for Megan. I heard Todd barrel down the stairs shouting to his Mom, "I'm off to Baseball practice, see ya in a couple of hours." Out the front door he went without going through the kitchen. Soon I heard Megan coming down the stairs. My heart was starting to race. I had to be careful how I played this out. I can do this, I know I can. Megan came into the kitchen wearing a short silk robe. Her nipples were still hard pushing through the soft material. She didn't have a single thing on under that robe. She stopped in the doorway with a shocked look on her face. I was sitting at the table with a big shit-eating grin on my face. "David, what the hell are you doing here? When did you get here?" "Hello dear sister, surprised to see me?" I said with pride. "How long have you been here? Did I forget something? Did you tell me you were coming down this weekend?" She was obviously totally unprepared. "You sure have a lot of questions don't you. Are you alright?" I responded. "I'm fine David, I just didn't expect to see you." "You look great Megan, you look... satisfied." "What do you mean by that?" "I've been here for a while Sis, as a matter of fact, I went looking for you." Megan's face went from red to pale. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. "Is your ass sore sweetheart?" I asked. "You saw!" was all she could say. "Not only did I see Sis but I watched and I came!" "David, let me explain..."I cut her off. "What would our friends think if they knew, what would our parents say? What would your neighbors think?" "David, please, you can not tell anyone, it would destroy our lives forever. Please don't tell, I'll do anything, don't tell, I'm begging you." Bingo, just what I wanted her to say. I took out her panties from under the table and through them in front of her. She looked at them and saw the huge wad of cum all over them. "That's right Sis, that's my jizz all over your panties. I have wanted to tell you for such a long time how much I've wanted you and now we're going to find out."Megan stood there stunned. "David, I can't..."I cut her off again. "I want you to bend over and eat my cum off your panties or I'll tell everyone what you're up to." "David!""Now Megan, do it!" She was silent for a few seconds, then spoke, "If I do this one thing, will you keep quite?" "No, dear sister, this is just the beginning." You could see her weighing her options in her head. Megan slowly lowered her head and ran her tongue along my fresh load. "That's right Megan, eat it all up."She was looking at me as she began to lick up more of my spunk. I pushed back my chair and pulled my fully erect cock out of my pants. I started to gently rub my cock as I watched my sister try to lick it up. I reached over with my free hand and pushed her face into her soaked panties. When she raised her head, her face was covered with my sperm. Her tits were half hanging out of her robe causing me to pull harder. I was in heaven. I stood up and walked closer to her face. She continued to eat off her panties and I slid my cock along the wet panties. Megan's tongue grazed the tip of my cock and I thought I was going to explode right there. I had waited so long for this and I was going to make the most of it. She ran her tongue along the length of my prick and I placed my hand on her firm ass to steady myself. I pushed away the silky fabric to expose her battered ass. "See Sis, this is not so bad is it. Have you ever thought about your dear brother this way before?" Megan stopped licking my shaft to answer me. "Actually, I have watched you masturbate a few times before when we were younger and I did like it. I would sneak into the bathroom and listen to you moan as you soaped up your cock. I would search the tub after you left and sucked up any remaining jizz I could find. I was just too scared to say anything to you." Now I was the one that was in shock. With that comment, she took my cock completely into her mouth and started to swirl her tongue around it. I grabbed her head with both my hands and started to slowly fuck her mouth. The view was outstanding and she began to softly moan. "Stand up and let me see your beautiful body." I said. Megan stood up and I approached her and undid her robe. She let the robe drop to the floor. Her skin looked soft and perfectly touchable. Her breasts were full and her nipples were the size of thimbles. Megan's bush was groomed into a dark diamond and I drooled to get a taste of it. She was looking at me like she was going to start crying. "This doesn't have to be a bad thing Sis. You could actually enjoy this." She smiled and I reached out to hug her. Megan pushed me back and said, "Take your clothes off so I can see you." I complied and stood there for her to see my body. She walked forward and held me close. Megan whispered into my ear, "Be nice to me and I will be nice to you David. I have thought of you before and fingered myself to exhaustion wondering what your cock would feel like inside me." I held her close to me and grinded my cock into her pussy. We stood there for a while and grinded each other, exploring our bodies for the first time. I could feel the change in her. I could now sense that she wanted this too. Megan sat down in the chair facing me and spread her legs so I could get a good look at her wet cunt. As I approached her, she clasps her breasts together and I slid my prick between them. She spit on my cock and I started to fuck her tits. Her large breasts buried my cock and I began to pump them hard. We both stared at the tip of my cock as it disappeared and re-appeared between her tits. Every time it was visible Megan would drop her mouth over it. I would hold it there longer each time allowing her to suck away. I had to give my cock a break or she would be wearing my seed too soon. I dropped to my knees and forced my tongue between her cunt lips. She tasted better than my fantasies and her wetness allowed my tongue to easily glide along her. I took as much of her cunt into my mouth and I started to suck her roughly. I looked up and watched her twitch her nipples and squirm around with uncontrollable passion. I added to her pleasure by inserting two fingers into her wet hole. I started to ram my fingers into her and she began to ride my hand. "Faster, finger my hole, fuck it with your hand. Make your sister cum all over your hand. Fuck it." I didn't need to be told twice and I held her in position as I started to frig her cunt as fast as I could. Megan's mouth was hanging open and she was holding her breath waiting for orgasm to overcome her. "OH FUCK! I'm cumming!" Her body rocked around my hand and I could feel her cum running down my hand. Megan's cunt lips closed down on my hand almost crushing my fingers. She stood up and sat on the kitchen table. Megan looked me in the eye and said, "My ass is killing me so I want you to fuck my cunt and cum inside me. I want my brother's seed inside of me. Fuck me hard and don't stop until you cum." She didn't wait for an answer; Megan just lay down on her back and lifted her legs waiting for me. My cock slid into her easily and the warmth was driving me insane. "What are you waiting for, fuck me hard. Drive into me now!" I grabbed both her tits and started to pound her with my meat. The power I possessed at that time was like nothing I had experienced before. I gave it all I had and was relentless with her. "Yes, Yes, that's it. I have never been fucked so hard before. Cum in me! Cum in me!" she shouted. I growled and let loose a torrent wave of cum into my sister. She could feel every squirt and she went into her second wave of orgasm. I collapsed on her and tried to catch my breath. She was breathing heavily as well and said to me, "That was the most intense fuck I have ever had." After showering, we were back in the kitchen trying to digest what had just happen. We were both staring off into the distance and she spoke first, "What the hell do we do now David. Things can never be the same now. I'm fucking my son and my brother, I should be sent to a mental institution." "Calm down Megan, think about it. We are both the most sexually satisfied we have ever been. We get along so well. It was meant to be." "What about Todd though David, what will I say to him?" "We will let him decide if he still wants to be involved. The kid is going to start dating soon away and I have no problem watching the two of you go at it," I said with a smile. "That really does something for you doesn't it David? I have to admit that you watching us was a real turn-on though.""I have an idea Sis, when does Todd get home?" The three of us had dinner together and in a weird and sick way, everything seemed right in the house for the first time in a long while. We watched a movie together and just hung out like a real family. It was late and we were all ready to pack it in for the day. Todd said he was heading up for the night and Megan and I smiled at each other. While Todd was brushing his teeth, I hid myself in Megan's closet, leaving it slightly open. The lights were off in her room and there was no way Todd could see me. Megan checked to make sure and slipped into a red teddy. She looked amazing. Megan's closest doors had mirrors on them and Todd always enjoyed watching things transpire so it wouldn't be too hard to get him to stand in front of the closet door. I pulled my pants off and waited. I was already rock hard with anticipation. We both heard him turn off the bathroom light and head towards his bedroom. "Todd, can you come into my room for a second?" asked Megan. Todd came in and saw his mother standing there in her red teddy, the light from the hall silhouetting her shapely body. I could see the part in her beautiful cunt lips. "Mom, Uncle Dave's downstairs, what are you doing?""It's OK Todd, he's passed out on the couch and I really need to suck your cock, that's all. I want you to cum on your mother for me. Will you?" Megan began to rub her index finger between her legs. "Let me see that cock of yours!" Todd could not resist a sight like that, who could? He pulled his cock out and started to stroke it. I had a perfect view and could not resist touching myself. "Come stand in front of the mirror so you can watch your juices spill down my face." "Actually, I would love to cum on your big tits Mom. They look extra beautiful tonight," he said.Megan placed herself sideways in front of the mirror and dropped to her knees. She was only two feet away from me. Todd got in front of Megan and started to jack himself looking at his mother. Megan squeezed her tit and drove her finger into her cunt. "My cock is a little dry Mom, do you mind wetting it for me?" asked Todd. Megan took hold of his cock and slowly buried it into her mouth. She made sure I had a good view and to Todd it look like she was looking into the mirror but she was looking straight at me. Megan made sure to slurp as loud as she could to drive me crazy and it was working. "Let me see your tits. I want to cum all over them!" demanded Todd. Megan let Todd's cock out of her mouth and pulled down the straps exposing her ample breasts. Todd's breath was staggered and the sight of his mother's tits drove him over the edge. With one hand he clenched his balls and with the other he jacked himself with great speed. Todd lowered his body and started to slap his cock against his mother's tits. It was hard to keep quite in the closet as I was on fire. Spurt after spurt of white-hot semen drenched my sister's tits. The squishing noise of Todd's fist and the sight of his cum on my sister were intoxicating. "Now off to bed with you and close the door behind you so your mother can clean up," instructed Megan. The door closed and I came barreling out of the closet. I knelt down to the same position as Todd and forced my cock into Megan's mouth. I looked into the mirror and watched my sister suck me off with her son's cum hanging off her tits. Some was starting to drip off as Megan rocked back and forth sucking my aching cock. "Cum on my tits too David," demanded Megan. I did exactly as her son had done and slapped my cock against her wet tits. I exploded hot lava all over her tits. She was completely covered in semen from her two men. She turned and faced the mirror to examine her tits. I knelt down behind her and undid the snap exposing her snatch. We watched in the mirror as I fingered my sister to orgasm. She scooped up as much cum as she could and put it in her mouth. I kissed her on the check and wished her a good night. **I had only one night left before I had to go back home for work. I wanted to make this extra special for Megan so I came up with another devious plan. I asked Todd if he had ever been drunk before to which he replied, "I've had a few drinks before Uncle David but I have never been really drunk before." "I think we should have a party tonight, just the three of us. We'll get dressed up and have a fancy dinner, then tie one on, what do you think Megan?" "It's about time we celebrated together," said Megan with obvious excitement in her voice. "Well, let's get to the grocery store, clean the house, clean ourselves up and start this party!" I was just as excited as Megan. She winked at me as Todd and I headed out the door. Megan looked so happy at dinner, she had a permanent smile on her face. She kept looking at the two of us all dressed up, celebrating the moment. Megan was a vision of beauty. She was wearing a simple black low cut dress that hugged her body and showed off her large breasts. She wore black stocking, black heels and her long black hair was tied up off her shoulders. I caught Todd a few times checking out her ass, which looked perfect. "I was kind of thinking of moving back this way. I talked to old man Meager today and he showed some interest in selling his store to me. What would you guys think of having me around more often?" Megan and Todd both sounded delighted to have me close by. I thought Megan was actually going to start crying. "Well, I've made up my mind. I'm moving back." We sat around the table all night, drank and talked about all the things we could do together, like a real family. Time passed quickly and we were all getting pretty hammered, especially Todd. I caught Megan on the way back from the bathroom and told her we better get things started before Todd passes out. "Let's all go into the living room and relax," I said. "I'll get us another drink and we can watch some TV together." I picked up the remote and started flicking around. "Hey, Todd, have you ever ordered the porno movies off the dish before?" The kid blushed and said that he had. He said he never lasted very long because he would get too horny and have to go wack off. We all had a big laugh and I suggested that we watch one now. Todd looked at his mother and she nodded to say it was OK. Todd agreed but warned that he may have to leave the room to wack off. We all laughed again and sat down together on the same couch, which was a tight squeeze. Megan sat in the middle with a man on each side of her. The movie started and it got quiet real quick. Todd's eyes were glazed over as he watched a woman get it from two guys. "It must be pretty hard for a woman to take on two guys," said Todd with a slur in his voice. "I don't know," said Megan, "I could probably handle it pretty well." Todd looked at his Mom and smiled. "I guess you would have to be comfortable enough with all the people involved for that to happen, right Megan?" I said. I noticed Todd put his hand on his mother's lap and Megan put her hand on my lap. Megan began to rub each of her men's crouches at the same time. Both Todd and I were already rock hard. Todd looked at his mother and as if to ask her what she was doing and he saw her other hand rubbing my dick. Todd's mouth fell open and Megan looked deep into his eyes and said, "It's alright son, we have all become so close. It just feels right. This will be a family secret and none of us will ever tell anyone about this. Understood?" Todd held her gaze for a second, smiled, and then nodded. With that out of the way, Megan stood up in front of the television. She lifted her dress over her head and showed of her sexy outfit. Black high heels, black stockings, black garter belt, black panties and a black bra made her the most attractive woman either of us had seen in our lives. "Let me see both of your cocks," She said.Both Todd and I pulled down our zippers and produced two very stiff cocks. Megan began to sway and run her hands all over her body. I started to pull on my swelled cock and Todd did the same. Megan began to entice us by moving closer and slipping her finger under her panties. She brought her foot up on the arm of the couch, bringing her musty smell closer to my face. She asked me to remove her shoe and asked Todd to move beside me. Once the shoe was off, she placed her silk covered foot onto my cock. Her stocking glided easily over the length of my shaft. Todd looked on with his mouth hanging open. Megan pulled her wet finger out of her snatch and placed it in her son's mouth. Todd sucked on his mother's finger like a hungry cub. Megan moved her foot to her son's cock and I reached out to touch my sister's sweet ass. I slide my hand under her panties and searched for her asshole. I pushed my finger into it and felt her squirm with excitement. "I want the two of you to stand up and take all your clothes off," demanded Megan. Without hesitation Todd and I pulled every stitch of clothing off. Megan swung us around and sat on the couch. She reached out, put a cock in each hand and pulled us toward her. First she put Todd's cock in her mouth. I watched as she sucked away on her son's prick. Megan moved back and forth between each cock becoming more excited as each cock popped into her mouth. She then pulled us together and our cocks were touching as she attempted to stuff both in her mouth at the same time. I don't know if it was the wonderful view I had or the feeling of Todd's cock against mine but I felt like I was about to explode. Megan's mouth stretched as far as it could and she took as much in as she could. Todd began to shake uncontrollably and proceeded to shoot his load all over Megan's beautiful face. I quickly grabbed my prick and jerked myself into a frenzy as Megan tried to clean off her son's prick. I exploded all over the side of my sister's face and she turned her head to catch the rest. Her face was completely covered as she squeezed my prick to get some more. Todd dropped to the floor and he pushed his mother's panties to the side and slid his tongue into her. Megan was moaning as she worked my cock to get it hard again. I reached down her back and released her massive tits from her lacy bra. Her tits feel out and I reached down and started to squeeze her nipples. I played with both her tits as Todd hungrily ate his mother's cunt. I pulled Megan up into a standing position and moved behind her. Todd pulled her panties down and sent his tongue back into her wet hole. I started to grind my cock between her ass checks and steadied myself by latching on to Megan's breasts. Megan grabbed her son's head and drove it harder into her cunt. Cum oozed out of my prick to help it slide against her ass. "I'm going to cum boys!!" she yelled. I dropped to my knees, spread her ass checks and stuck my tongue into her asshole. The two men of her life worked her hard to bring her to an earth shattering orgasm. She screamed out loud as her juices ran down her stockings. Megan pushed her son onto his back, feel on top of him and put his cock into her mouth. I was standing over top of her and her ass was waving into the air. I knelt down and inserted my prick into her soaked cunt. Megan lifted her head, grunted and put Todd's cock back into her mouth. With my hands firmly planted on her ass, I began to pump my cock into her. Megan grunted again as I enforced a heavy thrust into her cunt. It pushed her son's cock out of her mouth and shot her up Todd's body. Todd reached down, cupped her breasts and started to pump his cock between them. Megan was breathing so heavy. "Do you feel good Sis? What do you want now? What can we do for you?" I asked. "Take your cock out of me," she said and then crawled up Todd, reached under her and inserted her son's cock into her cunt. For a split second I felt jealous until Megan yelled at me. "Put in it my ass David!" Megan steadied her son as I began to slowly insert my fat cock into her waiting ass. Megan arched up with her mouth open, trying to accommodate the both of us. Her tits hung above Todd's mouth and he popped a nipple into his mouth. With both of us completely lodged into Megan's ass and cunt she began to speak, "Now slowly on the count of three, start pumping me. I will tell you when you can go faster." I could feel Todd's cock inside her, as I'm sure he could feel mine. We slowly pumped in unison and Megan struggled to keep it all together. She was shaking with a mixture of pleasure and pain. Todd and I were at her will. Her face looked strained and contorted. "A little faster," was all she said. Todd and I picked up the pace and Megan seemed to accept it well. "What are the chances of having to two of you cum in me at the same time? I want you both to go for it now and don't stop until you both cum in me." There were no words spoken by Todd or I and I was amazed Megan could speak at all with two eight-inch cocks buried deep inside her. We both began to pump like mad men into this beautiful woman. Megan's head dropped and all that came out of her mouth was one steady "Aaaaaahh!" Her voice wavered from each thrust into her and I wondered how much of this she could actually take. Megan's body was bouncing all over the place. Her tits were swaying, and her two men were grunting like a bunch of cavemen. It felt like we were going to break her in half we were thrusting so hard. We all matched our rhythms and began to rock at a furious pace. Todd was the first to hold his prick into her and blow his load. I could feel the spurts and that just sent me over the top as I began to dump my load into my sister's ass. Megan was shaking with what appeared to be another orgasm. We lay there like a family sandwich as we all tried to collect ourselves after this incredible experience. One by one, we pulled our messy cocks out of Megan and looked at each other in silence. Megan was covered in sweat and cum and was a vision of beauty to me. Todd looked absolutely spent and ready to pass out. I on the other was the happiest man on the planet. Finally my dreams had come true. I was actually satisfied for the first time in my life. END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 63
It was in the evening of the following day after Jessica and I had enjoyed that memorable picnic, that she asked the question I'd been dreading: "Can I ask Sarah over to play tomorrow?" It seems ridiculous for a grown man to fear the presence of a ten-year-old child; but I knew I had to make a decision that could very easily hurt either Jessica or myself. My little lover had confessed to me (or acknowledged: there was no sense of guilt) that she and her best friend had thoroughly explored each other's bodies over recent weeks, to the extent that Sarah had accidentally popped Jessica's cherry with her finger. She had, naturally enough, wanted to share with her friend the exciting new discoveries I'd helped her make; and had been a little put out when I'd sworn her to secrecy. I'd had no choice, though, I felt. I was willing to trust Jessica to keep a secret, if I could impress on her the need; but I knew nothing at all about Sarah. If the child wasn't able to keep her mouth shut, I'd probably be facing a long jail-term. Not to mention never seeing Jessica again.It would be unreasonable to refuse permission, though. Unfair, and totally unthinkable to refuse my darling anything. So I agreed, casually enough; but I lay awake that night, beside Jessica's sated, slightly snoring little body, and tried to decide what I was going to do. I knew Jessica's loyalties would be torn between the promise to me, which probably seemed pointless to her, and her habit of confiding everything to her best friend. I knew that, if possible, I must give her permission to confide in Sarah; but I couldn't do so without getting to know the child, judging if she could be trusted. Yet I could imagine them disappearing upstairs, resuming their experimental love-affair, Sarah wanting to know how Jessica had found out all these delicious new ideas...When I finally fell asleep, I had a dream about Jessica riding on a camel. It was the two-humped kind, and she perched between the humps, grinding her crotch against the fatty lump pressed against it...I woke, in the morning, with the answer fully formed. "Jessica," I said casually at breakfast, "how do you fancy you, me and Sarah going to the zoo today?"She looked at me curiously, and I thought I saw a trace of suspicion and disappointment. She'd obviously been looking forward to whatever they might do together in private, and perhaps even suspected my motives. On the other hand, a trip to the zoo wasn't to be sniffed at, especially in the company of both her boyfriend and her girlfriend. And perhaps that precocious part of her mind that suspected what was going on also recognized the wisdom of my plan."That would be great, Steve," she said, jumping up to kiss me passionately.She ran off to phone Sarah and tell her of the change of plan, then ran off to dress (she hadn't bothered to do so for breakfast, as she hadn't the previous morning). She returned looking absolutely ravishing, wearing a pair of skimpy yellow shorts and a yellow-patterned boob-tube (if it's legitimate to call it that, when it's being worn by a boobless child). I'd seen her dressed like this countless times before, and I'd always found it made her look cute. Now, for the first time, the outfit looked unbearably sexy, and I wanted to rip her clothes off and take her right there, on the kitchen table. I suppose context is everything.Jessica stood looking at me in the doorway, her head on one side, half posing, half unconscious of the effect she had. "Love me?" she asked, her eyes suddenly bigger and younger than usual. I knew her well enough to be aware that, although this was largely pure flirtation, she was also asking for reassurance. It occurred to me, for the first time, how important today was for her, how nervous she must be."Just try coming within reach," I told her, grinning, "and you'll find out just how much I love you."Jessica giggled, and sidled closer. "Oh yeah?" she demanded."Oh yeah," I replied, and grabbed her round the waist. She giggled again and pretended to fight, clearly with every intention of losing; so I lifted her up, one arm slipping under her arms, the other slipping down, so that my hand held her by the crotch. She screamed with delight, as I swung her onto my lap and began seriously snogging her, stifling her cries. I found my kisses being returned passionately: in two and a half days, Jessica had become an expert at kissing. So she explored the interior of my mouth with her tongue, while I took the opportunity to let my hand explore the interior of her shorts.I was just beginning to think we were going to have to do something about my hard-on and her wet cunt, when the doorbell rang. "It's Sarah," Jessica shrieked, jumping off my lap to answer the door, leaving me with a stiff cock and wet finger and a sense of bewilderment.Almost too excited to contain herself, Jessica showed Sarah into the kitchen. I'd just had time to straighten myself up, adjusting my trousers so that my erection wasn't too obvious. The first thing that struck me about the child who entered was that she was wearing clothes almost identical to Jessica's, except that Sarah's shorts and boob-tube were a red and blue pattern. I suspected that this may have been arranged on the phone, and wondered what my devious little darling was planning.The next thing that registered was surprise at how attractive Sarah was. When Jessica had mentioned her, the other evening, I'd remembered her as a lumpy, plain child, and I'd thought it strange that a girl as stunning as Jessica would have chosen such an ugly duckling to share sexual experiments with. But I saw now that I'd been wrong. Not that I'd remembered the wrong girl; just that I wondered now how my judgment could have been so off.Sarah was a big girl, in height and build: not fat, nor even plump, but solidly built. She had light-brown waist-length hair, partially gathered on top of her head by a big hair-slide, smiling blue-grey eyes and a pleasant face with rosy cheeks. While she hardly compared with Jessica's sultry beauty, she looked a sweet little girl; and, I have to admit, my previously-aroused cock gave a few distinct twitches, when I saw her. Was it my new-found interest in little girls making the difference? Or could it be that I was now seeing Sarah through Jessica's eyes?"Hello, Mr. Cardew," she said, in a gentle, polite voice. "Thank you for saying I could come."With the situation as sexually charged as it was, I had to restrain myself from saying I hadn't decided on that yet. Instead, I said, "Oh, call me Steve, Jessica always has. It'll be more fun, if you're with her, won't it?"Sarah grinned, and I wondered uneasily if I'd put in some kind of double meaning that was obvious even to a ten-year-old. I glanced briefly at Jessica; but she didn't appear to have noticed anything.***It must have been all of four days since the girls had seen one another; so they chattered and giggled together in the back of my car, all the way to the zoo, catching up on everything they'd missed out on. It did occur to me to worry about just what, in such an unguarded excitement, Jessica might consider news; so I kept an ear on their talk, while seeming to concentrate on the road. I needn't have worried. Most of their talk seemed to be about computer games, Pokemon cards and the new Harry Potter book.All three of us had a great day at the zoo. I hadn't been for some time, and I enjoyed it in my own right. But my main pleasure came from the fun the girls had: the wild, unrestrained joy that only children can experience at a treat. We watched the lions and tigers being fed (Jessica turned up her nose and called it "gross", but I noticed that Sarah watched with a detached fascination). They weren't doing elephant or camel rides any more, like when I was little; but they were able to have a pony ride. Jessica looked so cute, perched on the pony's back, unsure but determined to look as if she knew what she was doing. Her natural grace carried it off. They both adored the monkeys and chimps, and all three of us played the time-honoured game of solemnly pointing out which of our companions each chimp most resembled.The weather was so glorious that, instead of having lunch in some stuffy cafe, we bought sandwiches and drinks and took them to the picnic area. There was a playground beside it; and the girls both wolfed down their share (and some of mine) and ran off to play; while I sat back, sipping my coke and watching them have fun.There are very few things (at least, not counting those that involve intimate physical contact) that are as much fun as watching children play. Really play: totally, unreservedly, with every bit of their bodies, hearts and imaginations. Although it had never held the slightest sexual connotation for me until now, I could understand how guys get hooked on watching playgrounds.But I wasn't just enjoying myself. I had a perfect opportunity, now, to watch Jessica and Sarah together, when they weren't thinking about me. I still hadn't come to any conclusion about Sarah. She was a difficult child to read: deeper, I suspected, than Jessica, who was hardly shallow herself. Sarah certainly didn't have her friend's brilliance; but I was beginning to see something of the solid reliability that, maybe, Jessica unconsciously knew to complement her own mercurial nature.I watched them, after a while, start a wild, screaming, giggling game of catch-me-if-you-can, all over the climbing-frames and slides. I couldn't quite follow what the precise rules were; but both girls seemed to know. Gradually, various other children began to join in; and I marveled, as always, at the ease with which children can play with total strangers, seizing the moment, and then happily say goodbye when it's over.Watching them together now, playing together exuberantly, I could see the interactions between Jessica and Sarah much more clearly. On the face of it, I'd have expected Jessica to have run rings around her heavier, less athletic friend. Certainly, Sarah couldn't keep up; but she waited patiently, making no attempt to keep up, pouncing when Jessica got to close. That gave me plenty of food for thought.Both girls were a bit quieter on the way home, their heads together, murmuring and giggling too softly for me to make out what they were saying. About halfway back, I saw in the rear-view mirror Jessica lay her head on Sarah's shoulder, and the other girl put an arm round her friend, drawing her gently to herself. They cuddled like that for the rest of the journey; and, in an odd way, I think that was what made my mind up.Sarah ran upstairs for the toilet, almost as soon as we got in; and I turned to Jessica. "OK," I said, "I'm convinced. I'd still rather keep it to ourselves; but if it really means a lot to you, I won't object to you telling Sarah."Jessica flung herself into my arms, with a squeal, and started smothering me with kisses: child's kisses at first, gradually starting to push my lips apart with her wet mouth, poking her little, flicking tongue behind my teeth. She kissed me passionately for a while, before pulling back. "Oh, Steve, I do love you so much," she murmured. Then, in a rushed tangle of little-girl limbs, she was rushing up the stairs, calling, "Sarah, come in my room."I tried to settle down; but I was too jittery. I checked my answering machine, checked for e-mails, made myself a coffee, settled to watch the news on TV; but, all the time, I was half-expecting a shriek from upstairs, the clatter of feet down the stairs as Sarah made her escape from the pervert's house; to wait then for the outraged call from her parents, the knock on the door from the police...But everything was quiet. In any other situation, I'd have thought it was too quiet, considering two ten-year-olds were together upstairs, and I'd have been tempted to investigate. As it was, no news was good news.I must have dozed off for a few minutes; because the next thing I remember was being woken up by a weight on either knee. I focused my eyes to find Jessica sitting astraddle one leg, Sarah the other. Both girls were half-kneeling, faces almost level with mine, gazing at me with a mixture of curiosity, anticipation and scorn."Wake up, sleepyhead," Jessica said. "We've got something to ask.""Yes?" I asked. Seeing their expressions, I suddenly felt far less nervous; but I still wasn't sure where this was leading.They exchanged glances, suddenly all giggles. "You tell him," said Jessica. Sarah shook her head, her face turning red. "I can't," she said. "You do it.""I don't mind which of you tells me," I said mildly, "but would someone let me in on this?"They looked at one another again, and Jessica took a deep, exaggerated breath. "Well," she said, putting a lot of emphasis on the word, "I told Sarah all about what we've been doing, and how much fun it is...""And I said," put in Sarah, her face now like a beetroot, "I wished I had something to... to do that with.""I thought you wanted me to tell him," said Jessica."Oh... er... yes. Please." She went into an embarrassed flap again."Well," said Jessica, with the same heavy emphasis as before, "I sort of, said, well, sort of, we could, you know, maybe all share it together. If that's all right with you," she added, looking up at me. Her eyes were wide and doing their cute look, and her face was almost as red as Sarah's.I didn't answer for a moment. Of all the possibilities, this had never occurred to me. It surprised me (and, I admit, hurt a little) that Jessica seemed so willing to share me. Was our lovemaking really any more than a new game to her?But I knew it wasn't really like that. A child of her age simply wouldn't have the same concept of exclusive love as an adult. After all, Sarah wasn't just anyone, she was her best friend; and one of Jessica's many endearing qualities was her generosity. Of course she and her new lover would help Sarah to find the ecstasy she'd enjoyed.But that wasn't the only consideration. Jessica was offering my services to have sex with a child I'd just met. Until a few days ago, after all, the suggestion that I should have sex with a ten-year-old girl would have deeply shocked me. My closeness with Jessica, and her unforced enthusiasm (realistically, she was the one who seduced me) had helped me to rationalize what I'd done; but I'd been disturbed, since then, at my reaction to other little girls. Now I was being faced with a decision. If I included Sarah as my second child-lover, was I admitting that I really was a pedophile?Then I looked at the two little faces, cheeks red from embarrassment and tension, eyes shining with excitement, both looking as if they'd burst if I didn't answer soon. Could I really disappoint them? And... I started thinking about Sarah, what it would be like with her, how cute her bum had looked in those little shorts as she played this afternoon. I found myself wondering what her nipples and pussy would look like, how tight she'd be...I was interrupted by the dirtiest giggle I'd ever heard. "He's going to say yes," Jessica stage-whispered. "Look how his willy's sticking out."I glanced down, instinctively, and saw that my trousers had a tent-pole in them. Was this the effect that fantasizing about Sarah had on me? Should I take that as my answer? I looked at Sarah, who was gazing in awe at my hard-on. Then she glanced up and gave me a shy smile, biting her lower lip. My resistance melted."All right," I said. "If Sarah wants to join in, that's OK with me."Jessica gave a squeal of joy and leant forward to give me a deep, wet kiss. Then, to my surprise, she turned to her friend and kissed her in the same way. Sarah stiffened for a moment, clearly not used to it; then, apparently, decided that she liked it, and melted into the kiss. For nearly a minute, I was in the privileged position of having two beautiful little girls sitting on my lap, locked in a passionate, erotic kiss. I think my erection grew.When they broke off, none of us moved for a moment. The girls were both looking at me expectantly; and, at last, Jessica tutted and rolled her eyes. "Well, Steve, aren't you going to give her a big kiss?"I looked at Sarah again. Her face was still flushed, there was sweat on her forehead, and she still looked a little shy; but she closed her eyes, opened her mouth and leant towards me. I kissed her, trying to make it as erotic as possible without forcing myself on her; and she returned the kiss, more clumsily than Jessica, wrapping her arms behind my neck and pulling herself in to me. Her body was very hot, and guessed how aroused she must be."Come on, then," said Jessica impatiently, "shall we go upstairs and do it on your bed?""Hang on a moment," I said. I glanced at the clock: quarter to seven. "Sarah, what time's your mum expecting you home?""Oh... about half-six, I suppose," she said; then, following my gaze to the clock, she added, "Oh."There was silence for a moment. "You could stay over, couldn't you?" Jessica suggested. "Your mum wouldn't mind, would she?""Uh, I suppose not," said Sarah. "I'd have to phone her." She glanced at me."It's over there," I said; and she jumped off my lap to go over to it. Jessica took the opportunity to swing her leg right over, so that she was kneeling astride me, her crotch pressed against my cock. Turning her head sideways, she nuzzled her head against my shoulder, oblivious to the conversation Sarah had just begun.I certainly wasn't oblivious. It had occurred to me, belatedly, that I hadn't specifically warned Sarah about what to say and what not to say. Although I'd decided to trust the child, my over-jumpy imagination heard, in those few seconds, a dozen possible conversations, mostly containing some variant on "Mum, can I stay over to have sex with Mr. Cardew?"I needn't have worried. Sarah's actual conversation went more like, "Hi, mum, can I stay over with Jessica tonight?.... Yes, she asked him, he said it's fine.... Oh, it was great, mum... No, I can borrow a pair of Jessica's... Yes I can, she's got some loose-fitting ones... Yes... Oh, mum, of course I'll be good... Love you too, mum, bye."She walked slowly back to the sofa, where Jessica was draped over me, and sat down beside us. I put my arm round her, and she let herself be drawn to me. "She says it's all right, Steve.""Good," said Jessica, lifting her head up. "Lets get started.""Just a sec," I said, lightly restraining her from jumping off my lap. "There's a few rules, first."Sarah stared at me. "What rules?" she asked."Rule One," I said. "If anyone's doing anything to you that you don't feel happy about, you've got to say so." She nodded gravely. "Rule Two. If anyone says they don't like what you're doing, you've got to stop doing it at once.""And don't do it again," Jessica added, in a tone of mock-sternness."Well, not until they say you can, at least. And Rule Three. None of us are tell anyone else about what we do, unless all three of us agree. Is that all right with you, Sarah?"She nodded slowly, her mouth slightly open. "Yes," she whispered."Then lets stop messing about," said Jessica impatiently, tugging at my arm. Laughing, I put one arm round each girl and stood up, holding them each under an arm. Jessica shrieked with laughter, as I'd expected; but Sarah only gave a nervous giggle. I hoped she wasn't having second thoughts.I regretted the impulse, before I got to the top of the stairs: ten-year-olds aren't all that heavy, but carrying two of them upstairs is still quite an effort. Still, having made the gesture, I could hardly back down in front of my girlfriend and her girlfriend; so I made it to the landing, kicked my bedroom door open and deposited two squirming little bundles onto the king-size bed.Almost at once, Jessica knelt up; she leant over and whispered in Sarah's ear, between giggles, her eyes shining. Sarah looked shocked, but in a pleasant way: she stared at her friend with wide eyes, flushed cheeks, as if unsure whether to gasp or to join in the giggling. After a moment, she nodded.Turning to me, Jessica ordered, "Lie down on the bed, we won't be a moment." They both jumped up and headed for the door. "You can get undressed, if you like," Jessica added, turning in the doorway. Then they were gone.Feeling a little foolish and unsure of myself, I quickly slipped off tee-shirt, jeans and socks. I hesitated over whether to leave my briefs on; and, just then, the girls came back into the room, still giggling, still fully dressed, but carrying Jessica's portable stereo. Putting it down, Jessica struck a pose and announced, in her best imitation of a sultry voice, "Lie back, honey, and enjoy the show."She set it playing some record or other, which I knew was one of her current favourites; and both girls started dancing, wiggling their bodies and provocatively thrusting their hips at me. I don't know quite where they'd picked up the concept of erotic dancing, but it was a fairly approximate impression. If I'd been a casual observer, I'd have no doubt found it rather funny. But the knowledge that these two little girls were deliberately trying to arouse me, as a prelude to a threesome, made it the sexiest thing I'd ever seen.Then they turned to each other and, still wiggling and grinding, they began a deep, passionate kiss. I almost came on the spot, when I saw that Jessica had her tongue halfway down her girlfriend's throat.When they finally broke the kiss, the girls looked at each other, they looked at one another with that expression of uncontainable excitement, mischief and wonder that only children can produce; and, in a very audible stage-whisper, Jessica said, "Now." In complete unison, each took hold of the other's top and pulled it off. Again, it was done in a very matter-of-fact way that wouldn't have gone down well in a professional show; but that hardly mattered, when two beautiful ten-year-old girls were undressing one another for my benefit.I was a little surprised that, in contrast to Jessica's tiny swellings around her nipples, Sarah's chest was completely flat. I suppose I'd unconsciously assumed that, being a bigger girl, she'd be at least as well-developed. Of course, I knew that had nothing to do with it. She had that slight convexity of her chest and belly that you sometimes get in prepubescent girls, with small nipples and a very cute belly-button. I found myself wondering what her little pussy would be like, and felt my cock hardening at the thought.The girls looked at each other again, their faces flushed with excitement and arousal. They were still wiggling their bodies to the music; and Jessica reached down between her girlfriend's legs and started rubbing Sarah's crotch through the material of her shorts. Sarah flung her head back, rolling it from side to side with a soft moaning, and began pumping her hips back and forth, meeting Jessica's rubbing.I saw a slight look of exasperation cross Jessica's sweet, flushed face; and, grabbing her friend's hand, she firmly placed it on her own crotch, giving a few thrusts to make her meaning clear. Taking the hint, Sarah began rubbing with wild abandon.After a few moments of this, however, they looked at each again, expectantly, and both nodded. Moving slowly together, each hooked their fingers in the waistband of the other's shorts and slowly tugged them down. This time, it was more obviously erotic. The girls were still (unconsciously, I'm sure, by now) swaying and waggling in time to the music; and to this was added the wriggling and thrusting of their arousal. As a result, it took them rather more time to work the short down past slim hips and little bums. Finally, both turned to face me, hardly able to contain themselves, and wiggled the shorts right down their legs, until they could step out of them.I knew that Jessica wasn't wearing panties (after all, I'd had my hand inside her shorts, when Sarah had arrived) but I was momentarily surprised to find that Sarah wasn't either. Then I thought about it, and wasn't surprised at all.I feasted my eyes on the two ten-year-old pussies wriggling and waggling right in front of me. I knew Jessica's well, by now, though I never got tired of looking at it; but Sarah's fascinated me. Whereas Jessica's had begun to outgrow the way it had been as a young child, Sarah still had a fat, baby pussy, its puffy lips now open and soaking wet."Well," said Jessica, split three ways between giggling, sultriness and impatience, "see anything you like?""I can see lots that I like," I told her. "I'm just not sure where to start.""That hasn't seemed to bother you before," she said acidly. Then her voice took on a more seductive tone. "Look at this, Steve. How could you resist such a gorgeous pussy?"For a moment, I thought she was talking about herself. Then I realised that she'd started fingering Sarah's pussy, rubbing it slowly and sensually. I was surprised how expertly she was doing it, till I realised, with a glow of pleasure, that she was applying what I'd done to her, know what felt good and how to reproduce that effect. She stroked the inside of the plump lips, parting them, lubricating her finger with Sarah's juices; then she slid up to give the girl's tiny clit some attention, before working her way down the slit again, making her friend gasp a little as she pushed her fingertip just into the hole.Jessica had never taken her eyes off me. "Like it for yourself, lover?" she asked, in a voice she clearly thought sounded incredibly adult and sexy. In fact, it sounded what it was: something she'd obviously picked up from TV or a film. But that didn't matter: my ten-year-old girlfriend was deliberately offering me her best friend's pussy, to do with as I chose."Come here, Sarah," I said quietly. Sarah, biting her lower lip nervously, glanced at Jessica, who nodded emphatically. She walked towards the bed, then climbed up to kneel at the end, staring wide-eyed at me. "Closer," I said, and she shuffled on her knees further up, till I could reach out and put my arms around her. "Don't be afraid," I whispered, pitching it too softly for Jessica to hear, above the music that was still playing. "The whole point is for you to have fun." She gave me a radiant smile, and I realised that what I'd taken for fear was only nervous excitement. She'd already decided to enjoy herself.Drawing her into a kiss, I began playing with her pussy, just as Jessica had. She gave a little sigh of pleasure; and I realised that she was not only even wetter than I thought, but a lot closer to orgasm, too. I'd been intending to draw this out, get the child turned on and wide open, before I attempted penetration, hoping that I'd last out myself. But it was clear, now, that Sarah was about as wet and turned on as she was going to get. She was ready."Hurry up, Steve," Jessica told me. "She's going to come in a minute. Do I make that much noise?""You're much noisier, sweetheart," I said, over Sarah's shoulder. "You sound like a jumbo jet taking off." She spluttered with laughter. "Come here, darling, and help me play with her."Still laughing, Jessica jumped up on the bed beside me, and watched, fascinated, as I lifted Sarah up, one arm under her armpits, the other hand grasping her buttocks, and held her crotch directly over my rock-hard erection. "Help it in," I told Jessica; and she took hold of my cock, bending down to give it a quick kiss, then aimed the tip straight at her friend's pussy-hole. "Stop squirming," she ordered Sarah, who was wriggling and squealing in a pre-orgasmic frenzy. "OK," she told me, giggling, "your ship is cleared to enter the docking-bay."As I lowered Sarah onto the head of my erect cock, and felt it nuzzle between her wet, open lips, it belatedly occurred to me that I hadn't found out whether Sarah, too, had lost her virginity to ten-year-old fingers, as Jessica had, or whether I should have warned her that it was going to hurt. But it couldn't be helped. I'd like to think that I could have stopped myself if I'd had to, though it wouldn't have been easy; but Sarah was too far gone to care. Come to think of it, popping her cherry when she was in a state like this would probably distress her far less than in any other situation.Did I really think of that in the throes of passion, moments before I penetrated my second prepubescent pussy? Or was that just something that occurred to me later? I'm not sure.In any case, once Jessica had guided the head of my cock into Sarah's soaking hole, I didn't give any of us time to think. I pushed the little girl down hard onto my erection, kissing her at the same moment, which muffled what would have been an ear-splitting scream, as my cock punched through the membrane, breaking it into pieces, and plunged all the way into her tiny passage, forcing the tight muscles apart.It was impossible to tell whether the wetness that bathed my cock was blood or pussy-juice; but I didn't have time to consider. Sarah was going wild, impaled on me, her little body flopping about crazily. It was quite clear that she was having a massive orgasm: her breath coming in little, gasping cries, her crotch grinding against mine, her cunt squeezing convulsively at my shaft. Even without that, her hole was almost too tight to bear around my cock; and the squeezing finished me. Feeling my balls fill up and my head go dizzy, I filled Sarah's little pussy with spurt after spurt of my spunk.When I became aware again, a hot, wet little girl's body had fallen forward to lie on top of me, exhausted and breathing heavily. Jessica had snuggled up beside us, and was kissing and caressing Sarah's still-trembling body. After a while, my new lover turned her head, and the two girls enjoyed a long, passionate and very wet kiss."Hey," I said lazily, "don't I get any of that?"Jessica turned Sarah's face up to mine. "OK," she said, "give her a big kiss, then you can put your willy in me. I feel so good down there.""Hang on a moment," I told her, feeling a little alarmed. "I've only just come. It's going to take a little while to get hard again. Hi," I said to Sarah, in between kisses, "are you all right?""Oh yes," she said, with such enthusiasm that I almost laughed. "I don't thin I've ever felt so all right before. When can we do it again?""What you girls want," I said, with feeling, "is a robot programmed to stay permanently hard." They both giggled, but looked a little disappointed. "Tell you what, why don't the two of you have fun together. If you put on a sexy enough show, you might get me hard again more quickly."They glanced at each other dubiously. "Like... what?" Jessica asked."You know how I lick your pussy?" I asked her. She nodded. "Well, you could do it to each other, at the same time."She frowned in puzzlement. "But... how do we both do it?" she asked. I realised that, whenever I'd gone down on her, I'd slid down and lain between her legs. Perhaps it wasn't so obvious as it seemed."Lie top-to-tail," I suggested. "That way, you can both put your faces between each other's legs."They looked at one another. "Lets try it," said Sarah eagerly. "What does it taste like?"Jessica put her face closer to her girlfriend's crotch, and wrinkled her nose. "I don't know about mine," she said with distaste, "but yours is all bloody."I reached out and slapped her on the bum. "Run along to the bathroom," I said, "and bring a couple of wet flannels. You and I are going to pamper Sarah." As she jumped up, I winked at her friend. "Don't worry," I said, "I can guarantee, Jessica's pussy tastes absolutely scrumptious. I have to stop myself eating her all up, and only leaving the hair."I kissed and stroked Sarah, till Jessica came back with the flannels; then, working together, we carefully cleaned up the child's pussy, washing away all the blood and come and juices. I could tell that this attention was getting her worked up again; and, when we were finished, I made room for Jessica to lie down the opposite way on the bed, the lips of her face playing against her friend's cunt-lips.Neither of them had ever eaten pussy before; but Jessica had had it done to her, and took the lead, coaxing Sarah's little tongue to do what mine did, trying to guess how to get the same effect with her own tongue. In a very short time, both girls were very aroused again. I too, watching them, had fully recovered my erection; but the children had forgotten all about that, reveling and wallowing in their first ever sixty-nine.In no time, both girls were moaning through their mouthfuls of pussy, wriggling their bums around. After a while, Jessica started getting carried away and moved over Sarah, so that she was lying on top of her friend, eating Sarah out while she sat on her face, wiggling about to encourage her tongue to greater efforts.And me? I was sitting on the bed, watching two beautiful ten-year-old girls putting on a lesbian show, just for me, that would have outdone most professional adults in enthusiasm. Not surprisingly, I was stroking my cock, and it was now straining rigid again.At last, I could stand it no longer. Jessica's lovely little bum looked so cute, so inviting, as it waved in the air; and she had asked for her turn, earlier on. I don't think either child was even aware of me, as I moved round to the end containing Sarah's head and Jessica's arse. I caressed my girlfriend's buttocks for a moment, then parted the cheeks to play with her rosebud. Jessica giggled and sighed, pushing her bum back at me, as far as she could without pulling away from Sarah's mouth.But that wasn't my target. Slipping my hand in through her crotch, I lifted her up a little, positioning the head of my cock between her open pussy-lips. Sarah started giggling too, and was alternately licking Jessica's clit and my shaft.When I eased my erection inside, I found that it slid in with surprising ease. I'm not sure if it was down to Sarah's efforts giving extra lubrication, or to the stretching that her pussy had enjoyed over the last few days; but it took no more than four or five thrusts, that seemed to cause no pain, before the head was nuzzling against her cervix. I pumped in and out of her, while Sarah redoubled her tonguing, occasionally breaking off to give my balls a suck.Since it wasn't long since I'd come, I held out longer, and felt Jessica go wild, shaking about as much as she could, pinned as she was between her two lovers, her little cunt overflowing with slurping juices. Always before, after my little girl had come, I'd stay inside her, share the wonderful post-orgasmic feeling as closely linked to her as we possibly could be.This time, however, I had another object in mind; so, as soon as she'd stopped trembling, I pulled out of Jessica's cunt, with a sucking pop, and moved up to the other end. "Hey, where you going?" Jessica slurred."Fair's fair," I told her, giving her bum a playful slap. "You and me are going to do to Sarah what we've just done to you.""Wow," she exclaimed, all thoughts of being aggrieved instantly vanished. "Can I lick your willy as it goes in and out?""Sweetheart," I told her, "you can lick my willy any way you like, whenever you like. It's your slave, my princess."Looking up at me, with a big grin on her face, she looked unbearably sexy, her dark eyes shining, her cheeks glowing, her entire lower face smeared with Sarah's cunt-juices. She watched carefully, from point-blank range, as I positioned myself between Sarah's open legs, lifted up the little girl by the hips and slid myself beneath her arse."Let me," Jessica insisted breathlessly. Taking my stiff, slick cock in one hand and parting Sarah's lips with the other, she stroked them both lovingly for a few moments; then, concentrating so hard her tongue was poking out, she guided my cock-head between the pussy-lips and against the wet hole, still very small even though it was wide open. Bending down, she kissed Sarah's clit and my shaft once each; then she whispered, "Now, push."I think my cock went halfway up Sarah's cunt on the first push; and the child went into convulsions, as if she were getting a hundred volts through her body. Her pussy spasmed; and, taking advantage, I got as far in as I could on the next thrust. She nearly pulled herself off me, thrashing wildly about; but Jessica lay down hard on top of her, wedging her girlfriend into place, so that I could fuck her hard.I don't know how many orgasms Sarah had, while I was pushing in and out, or if she came down at all between them: I think she'd just gone into a state of continuous orgasm, coming with an intensity I've never seen in adult or child. I pounded her pussy hard, and Jessica's tongue was working overtime, licking Sarah's little clit when I was in and my shaft when it was pulled partially out. At the same time, one of her hands moved round my bum until, for the first time ever, she was playing with my arsehole.After having just come once, I'd have expected to have lasted a long time; but, between Jessica's enthusiastic attentions and the wild, bucking spasms of Sarah's pussy, I soon felt my balls tighten and achingly fill up. "Here it comes," I yelled and, thrusting as far in as I could, let go spurt after spurt of my come. For the second time that evening, I flooded the little girl's virgin cunt with my semen.Both Jessica and I twisted round so that we could hold Sarah, as she gradually came down from the heights of her ecstasy. She was breathing hard, mouth open and eyes shut; and she said nothing, her trembling, sweaty body limp between us. I caressed her lovingly; and, after a while, my hand met Jessica's, doing the same. I took hold of her hand; then I reached over and kissed her."I think she's asleep," Jessica murmured, after a while, sounding close to sleep herself. Sarah was, inside, now breathing evenly, still and relaxed. I could feel my mind phasing in and out; but, just as I was drifting off to sleep, Jessica whispered, "You shot your stuff in her twice, and I didn't get any."For a moment, I thought she was being genuinely resentful; then I realised that her voice was about ninety percent teasing. The remaining ten percent simply wanted reassurance. "You can have it whenever you want, sweetheart," I replied. "This is Sarah's special time. That was what you wanted, wasn't it?"She didn't say anything; but I felt her squeeze my hand. Then she lay quiet, until I was sure she was asleep; till she suddenly whispered, "Steve?""Yes, sweetheart?""Does this mean you love Sarah, too, now?"For just an instant, I found myself weighing up what answer Jessica might want, and whether Sarah really was asleep, before I reminded myself that I'd decided, from the start, I was going to give Jessica nothing but honesty. "Darling," I said, "I'll never love anyone else like I love you. We've had too much of a head-start for that. But... yes, I do care very much about Sarah, for who she is. After all, she's your best friend, so you must know she's very special. I love you both in different ways; but you're my girl, and you always will be.""Even when I'm ninety?""Well, if I'm still alive then... yes, even when you're ninety."She was silent for a few moments; then she simply said, "OK, that's cool. Goodnight, Steve. I love you." She reached over and kissed me briefly; then lay back. Within seconds, I could tell that she was asleep.I lay awake for a few minutes, luxuriating in the love and joy of the evening. I avoided any thoughts of problems, and the practicalities of the world outside: tonight, everything was perfect. Nothing existed but Jessica and Sarah and me."Night, sweetheart," I whispered at last. "I love you too. Now, and for ever."To be continued...Please send any comments, suggestions or feedback*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*This archive does not condone child abuse, we also donot censor authors. Anyone acting out such scenariosin "real life" can look forward to many unproductiveyears "getting it up the butt" by a fellow convict intheir local penitentiary.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 6
Chapter 1========="Just what did you mean by that?" Mike Peters turned slowly around and faced his wife. He had already opened the door, intending to stalk out, but now he slammed it shut again, and Sandra recoiled from the look of cold anger he was leveling at her. But she continued to stare back at him, fury flashing in her green eyes. Tossing her sleek, raven-crowned head, she fought the beginnings of fear which were trying to root deep inside her."Just what I said!" she retorted bitterly. "You've got some plan in mind for that little vixen... I saw the way you were looking at her!""For Christ's sake, Sandy, try and be reasonable!" Mike snapped, resisting the temptation to go over and shake his wife until her teeth chattered. He felt extremely uncomfortable and just a little bit guilty. A guy can't help looking, he told himself, when a broad as well-built as Eve Slater comes into view, and as the girl was going to be working for him, he had to be friendly to her, hadn't he?"Are you sure she's from the Agricultural College, and not just some little number you've...""I'm sick and tired of listening to your accusations," Mike interrupted, "and I haven't got all day to stand here and argue with you. Miss Slater," he went on quietly, "is a student from the College, and perfectly qualified for the project. She is majoring in Dairying, and will be with us for three months. Anything else?""You can't tell me she knows anything about farming," Sandra persisted, feeling her anger and jealousy combine and stick in her craw, choking the hot bitter words out of her. As she continued to rail at her husband, a suffocating feeling of futility and frustration swept over her. I didn't mean to nag him like this, she told herself hopelessly. I can't help it... but she's so young and attractive, and the way he was looking at her..."I have to go now," Mike said tonelessly, "it's almost milking time.""That's right," Sandra hurled, "go back to your damn cows... and your girlfriend!" Great gulping sobs convulsed her, and tears ran down her face as she stared at the departing figure of her husband. God, why does she have to cry like that? Mike shrugged as he slammed the door behind him. As always, he was moved by the sight and sound of her tears, and felt the guilt inside him strengthening with insidious speed. He would have liked to take her in his arms, caress and soothe her, stroke away her fears, in spite of her nagging and accusations, but somehow, he couldn't. He knew he was afraid that she'd reject his offering of peace, and felt that he couldn't stand the humiliation. If she wants to be like that, why should I be the one to give in? he reasoned angrily, as he hurried over to the barn.***Sandra crumpled like a rag doll onto the leather couch. Her sobs resounded in the small room, and the fading daylight cloaked everything in the office with ominous ambiguity. She felt small and alone and unprotected and totally incapable of drawing the strings of her life together. The woman who had screamed at and harangued her husband over a trivial incident was not the real Sandra Peters. The real Sandra was a loving, warm woman who stood by and encouraged her husband in all ventures. But who was that whining domineering shrew? I can't help it! she told herself again, burying her tear-stained face in her hands.The vitriolic, stinging memory of her discovery of her husband's infidelity of over a year ago came rushing back with painful clarity - the humiliation, the feeling of complete insecurity, the anguish of it all was as fresh as if it had just happened. Even though they had made up, and she had sworn to forgive and forget, and Mike had tried, and was in fact a model husband since then, she couldn't purge herself of the bitter memory. She knew that she had taken every opportunity to get back at him, remind him of his indiscretion, to throw it up in his face on occasions when it was most wounding to him. She knew that the misery, the unhappiness of their co-existence, because it couldn't be called a marriage in the usual sense of the word, was mostly her doing, and yet, nothing would erase the jarring, searing memory of that dreadful time last year. She hadn't waited to verify her discovery, find out how long his involvement had been going on, or how serious it was. She had confronted him immediately, threatened divorce, court action, instant ignominy, and had relented only after weeks of ceaseless apologies, declarations of future fidelity and sworn avowals of love by her distraught husband. In a way, she had to admit to herself, she had enjoyed his obvious distress at her threat to leave, and had basked in his repeated statements that "he couldn't live without her." But the satisfaction she gained from the knowledge that he couldn't do without her was short-lived, and her ego had suffered too bruising a blow for her to maintain for long her role of sweet, forgiving but slightly-martyred wife. So her veiled recrimination had begun, and had gradually become more open and venomous, culminating in her accusations of today.But she couldn't fool herself into thinking which she knew in her heart were unjustified, that her misery and discontent sprang completely from her husband's behavior. Even in her present misery, she was forced to admit that her unhappiness was accentuated by underlying discontent with her whole life. She had never dreamed when she had got engaged to the up and coming junior executive in the largest New England textile firm, that they would end up in the heart of New Hampshire farmland. She and Mike had such a good time in Boston, their first apartment, actually a tiny terraced house, their fast little sports car, their young, happy-go-lucky friends. She had enjoyed so much being a working girl and wife, and her job as assistant buyer of Sportswear for a large department store was flexible enough so that she could take that bit of extra effort which made her dinner parties such a success. All her clothes were of the very latest fashion, and even though she got a discount on them, Mike's salary and hers combined had been generous enough to allow her to afford the extras, like that pale pink silk full length dress and matching coat which she had got for the opening of the Opera season. Everything was going their way, and Sandra actually enjoyed the weekends they spent in the White Mountains, away from everybody, in that fishing cabin Mike rented.At that time, she thought rural life was romantic - sitting before a roaring fire in the big stone fireplace, lighting the kerosene lamps at night, cooking the fish Mike had caught. After their hectic weekday round of activities, it was great being alone together, and when they got back to Boston, all their friends used to exclaim enviously over their rustic experiences.It was just after their second wedding anniversary when the blow fell. Mike's company was moving South, and Mike decided to resign. Sandra was glad about that, shuddering at the thought of moving to a small town in South Carolina, and had naturally assumed that Mike would take up another position with a similar company. But her husband had other ideas. His uncle had willed his rundown old farm in New Hampshire to Mike, and he had always had a strong urge to try his hand at farming. He had looked upon his company's removal from Boston as an act of Fate, and had felt that he had enough saved to enable them to give farming a try. Dividends would keep them going for a while and the capital would be sunk into the renovation and working of the farm.Even now, six years later, Sandra still shuddered at the memory of that appalling first year on the farm. The cold draughty house, the constant presence of the builders, with their clouds of cement dust, ceaseless hammering and banging, cooking and washing and existing in the most primitive conditions - Sandra thought that she would never survive. All her clothes got torn and muddy and she had ceased to care about her appearance that first year. But the greatest change had been in Mike. He was obsessed with the farm - every spare minute was spent on it; it occupied his mind completely; nothing seemed to matter to him but the farm. Sandra had nurtured the secret hope that the whole project would collapse and they could go back to the relative civilization of Boston. But nothing seemed to deter Mike - not even the loss of their small herd at the end of the first year through foot and mouth disease. He had become strangely stoical, and shrugged off his loss, and grimly went about restocking his farm with more of the huge, ponderous black and white animals of which Sandra was deathly afraid. Mike used to tease her at first, saying that the languid Friesians wouldn't touch a fly, but he had gradually become more and more impatient with her when she refused to share his enthusiasm over them. As time went on, she lost her fear of them, and even developed sympathy for them, and she was unable to bear the mournful lowing that rent the air when the tiny furry calves were taken from their mothers so soon after birth.Resentment had built up in her over the years as Mike became more and more immersed in farm life, and his often stated feeling that he was glad he had made the step from the City irked her considerably. Gradually, their friends from Boston stopped coming to see them, rapidly losing their idealized notions of rural life when they saw the day to day reality, and now Sandra had lost touch with them completely. Her life was empty, pointless, she felt, and her husband's involvement with the agricultural instructor last year was the last straw for his demoralized wife. Life was no longer worth living, she thought - nothing would ever change; things would go on just as they were, with herself and Mike completely estranged.She felt like crying again, but no tears would come. In fact, she felt devoid of all emotion, and the emptiness inside her at least eased the pain. Her mind was a blank as she got up from the couch, and wearily stretched herself. She felt old and tired - and beaten. I'm not old - why should I give up living? she asked herself, catching a glimpse of herself in the full length mirror that hung behind the door of the office, which was once a small bedroom. She knew her figure was still good, and she ran her eye critically over her reflection, noting the firm, braless upsweep of her full breasts through the raspberry colored angora dress she was wearing, the womanly curve of her graceful slender hips, the long expanse of her creamy legs. I'm not over the hill yet, she told herself, running a hand through her silky black hair which fell to just below her jaw line where it swung into a synch on either side of her oval face. Luxuriant dark lashes framed her vivid green eyes which even in her weariness sparkled back at her. What's the use? she mumbled to herself, turning away from her reflection. Who's going to see me here, vegetating in the wilderness? She conquered the fresh wave of bitterness rising inside her and with a sigh, sat down on Mike's swivel chair, in front of his untidy, littered desk. It was already the first week of the month, and she hadn't done the accounts for the previous one. Idly, she swept together the crumpled, disorganized sheaf of papers which was a jumbled mass of invoices, receipts and cancelled checks. Glad of something to take her mind off her troubles, she plunged into the task of sorting everything out and was soon immersed in her work. When she had made everything into three separate piles, she pulled open a drawer in the desk, and began to rummage about, looking for the ledger to make entries for the month. Why the hell doesn't he keep his desk tidier! she muttered to herself as she eased a long, hardbound book out of the drawer. As she removed it, her eye fell on a bulging manila envelope which had been wedged between another book and the one she had withdrawn."Now what's this doing here?" she muttered to herself, irked at the disorder in the files she had arranged only recently. Frowning slightly to herself, she fumbled with the envelope and discovered that it was full of photographs.Puzzled, she eased one out of the envelope."Oh my God!" she gasped aloud, unable to contain herself. The blood rushed to her face, crimsoning it a deep red. Tumultuous feelings of horror, disgust, anger manifested themselves in a single sensation of overwhelming nausea. A numbed haze blinded her for an instant, and then she began to stare with bulging, disbelieving eyes at the colored print she was holding in her hand. Every detail was startlingly portrayed and the two figures in the photograph seemed amazingly alive. For a moment, Sandra couldn't believe that she was seeing right, but there was no doubt about it - it was actually a photograph of a nude man and woman, sprawled out together, the woman's blonde head dipped between the man's widespread thighs, his grossly inflated penis clamped tightly between her ovalled red lips. The man's head was turned away, but there was no mistaking the expression on the rapt woman's face. She was enjoying taking that man's hardness in her mouth - her lustful desire was etched clearly on her eager face.Sandra felt her heart thudding painfully in her ribcage. She had heard, of course, that people did that sort of thing, but had always somehow felt that such an act did not belong in a normal marriage. The lascivious scene seemed to come to pulsating life under her hypnotized stare, and the huge blood-filled penis seemed to throb with lewd intensity as it lay cradled between the full, ripe lips that were clasping it so tenaciously. The woman's half-closed eyes seemed glazed with passion, and Sandra felt a shudder of unknown sensation ripple through her. She couldn't seem to draw her eyes away from the obscene photograph. Her fingers seemed to be soldered to the glossy print, and somehow she felt that if she looked away from the perverted sight, she would tear herself away from a tenuous reality which her moribund emotions so badly needed, and go berserk with disgust and horror. How could he keep such filthy, lewd pictures? her mind began to question. Does he look at them often? Where did he get them?Her curiosity broke the spell the obscene photograph had on her conscientiousness, and hurriedly, she drew out another of the colored prints. Her eyes flew immediately to the scene, and a sudden, strangled moan of horror broke from her lips."Oh no! It can't be!" she groaned as she stared fixedly at the second photograph. This time, the shot was taken from a distance, but near enough to display in detail the pink moist delineations of a widespread vagina, the glistening lips gently swollen around a dark star-shaped opening. A man's face was juxtaposed over the splayed mouth, the tip of his long tongue poised at the entrance to the delicate roseate furrow. And there was no mistaking that face, so wreathed in anticipatory lust. It was Mike! For a moment, Sandra couldn't believe that it was actually her husband who was portrayed in that disgusting snapshot, the wavy fair hair, his deep blue eyes, his fleshy sensuous lips. Numbed shock rushed in a roaring torrent to her head, threatening to explode, and she had to hold onto the arm of the swivel chair to steady herself. Mike! How could he do this to another woman? How could he let himself be photographed like that? She wanted to scream, to beat her fists against the wall, to turn back the clock and forget that she had ever seen the lewd pictures. Through the dim of her hurt and disgust, another thought nagged at her brain. This lascivious blonde in the photograph, who had splayed her legs so unreservedly for her husband, was not the same woman that Mike was having an affair with last year. So there had been others! New thundering anger swelled inside the distraught wife at the thought that she had been deceived, and furiously, she snatched the remaining photographs up and scanned them. Each one, seemingly more lewd than the previous one, leaped up at her horrified eyes as if to taunt her with the spectacle of her husband engaged in all different positions, with different women, and sometimes with more than one!"That bastard! That dirty bastard!" Sandra gasped, and in a fury of temper, began to splash out at the contents of the desk, scattering papers, letter trays, pens; everything went flying in all directions and fell to create untold chaos on the floor. Her anger unleashed beyond control, she yanked at the file drawers, pulling them completely away from their moorings, and dumped the files she had so carefully put in order, in a disheveled heap on the floor.As suddenly as it came, her demonic flash of temper deserted her, and she sank back in hopeless bewilderment on the swivel chair. All around her, the records of the past eight years lay in disarray on the floor, and a dreadful sense of futility convulsed her."Oh God," she sobbed, "what did I do to deserve this?" She buried her face in her hands and her shoulders shook with the racking sobs which enveloped her. How many more were there? she asked herself piteously, torturing herself with images of various women that both she and Mike had known. Had he had an affair with all their friends? she wondered bitterly. In her jealous humiliated anger, new images began to inject themselves into her consciousness - glimpses she had caught of various naked bodies with full voluptuous breasts and creamy sinewy thighs, stretched out in opulent sensuality, seemingly oblivious to the unknown photographers who were busy snapping away as her husband caressed and stroked and kissed those velvety bodies. Her mind seemed unable to banish the lewd images, and fresh ones began to superimpose themselves in her fervid imagination. Mike kissing and slavering an open, exposed vagina, lewdly displayed and eagerly offered to him... Mike sinking his wildly excited penis into a greedy, grasping vaginal orifice, strong supple thighs egging him on... Mike lying back as luscious red lips encircled his bloated penis... The obscene snatches from the vile cache of photographs she had unwittingly uncovered played relentlessly in her mind, mocking her with their leering evidence of her husband's infidelities.She felt broken in mind and spirit. The actuality which those photographs seemed to point to was too shocking for her to bear. Under the thin veneer of city sophistication she had acquired, Sandra was still basically a conventional American wife, strict enough in her own way to the code of morality to which her family and all before her had subscribed. She had looked upon marriage as sacred, even in this day and age of quickie divorce and pre-marital and extra-marital sex, and had automatically assumed that any philandering on the part of her husband would stop after marriage. And she was sure it had! That was the hard part. She had been so snug and secure, even in the dark days of their early times on the farm, feeling cocooned in the sanctity of the wedded state, and that accounted for the tremendous shock she experienced when she had discovered her husband's affair last year. And now! She had uncovered devastating evidence that pointed to a whole series of adulterous infidelities! Involuntarily, she reached for the pile of photographs which had fallen to the ground amid the shambles of the office.Almost disinterestedly, she scanned them over again. Yes, there was no doubt about it! There were three or four different girls involved in the debacle, and the pictures showed Mike involved with each and every one.She studied a particularly lurid one, showing him and a tall lithe brunette stretched out, touching at only two places. His mouth was firmly planted in the nest of her dark pubic curls, and her mouth was tightly clasped around the red thick length of his penis. The girl's eyes were half-closed and her thick luxuriant hair fell in tendrils around her face, giving her an almost angelic look as she exalted in the feel and taste of Sandra's husband's penis in her mouth. Sandra continued to stare at the lewd shot. What did it feel like, having a man's male hardness locked tightly in your mouth? she wondered, amazed at the look of almost reverent ecstasy on the girl's face. Mike had tried once or twice, she remembered, pushing her head down under the blanket, and she had, of course, refused to do anything like that. She had always thought it perverted, somehow, and yet, this girl seemed to be thoroughly aroused by it. And that blonde in the first picture, she mused in horrified fascination, flicking back to it, seems in ecstasy, too. Her attention was caught by one she hadn't scrutinized before. It showed a well-built redhead, her breasts full and vibrant, spreadeagled beneath Mike, whose engorged prick was sunk halfway into the soft, hair-fringed tunnel of her vagina. The girl's legs were wrapped around her husband's lower back and her spine was arched up off the bed as she strove to open her depths wider and deeper to him. Sandra stared in lewd fascination at the minutely detailed photographs of sexual intercourse. Even her animosity to her husband seemed to retreat as she studied abstractly the obviously impassioned couple. The redhead's head was thrown back, and her mouth was open. Her hands were dug into his shoulders, and her whole body seemed afire. Mike's hands were clutching at her firm, upswept breasts, and Sandra could see the reddened tips of her fully turgid nipples slipping out through his fingers. There was a look of pure animal desire on her husband's face, a look she hadn't seen in a long, long time! Despite herself, Sandra felt a little tug of jealousy. She remembered how she used to arouse that complete passionate frenzy in her husband, how he used to be almost aflame with desire for her, and her alone, she was sure, and now, this redheaded hussy was the one who was making him act like that...Sudden tears surprised her as they swam in her eyes. It isn't fair... she murmured to herself. It was so long since she had seen Mike crazed with desire, so long since he had even made love to her... She felt a sudden emptiness inside her, a feeling which she recognized as vague desire. It began to gnaw at her, worming its way insidiously into her depths, gaining a foothold in her numb body. He never tries to kiss me there anymore... the thought leapt into her head. It was years since he had tried to persuade her to allow him to put his head down between her thighs and kiss her pussy, but she had so vehemently and absolutely refused him when he had made the attempt. It can't be so bad, she muttered to herself, her eyes glued to another shot, this time of Mike with his face buried in the copper fleece of the redhead's openly throbbing cunt. Sandra could see the moist flanges of the girl's vagina rimming Mike's wetly glistening nose and mouth, and her thighs were clamped and straining eagerly around his steaming face. The girl's eyes were closed and it was obvious that she was in the throes of complete abandon. Then, in spite of the shock and revulsion of seeing her husband locked in lewd, naked embrace with another woman, Sandra felt a tingle beginning between her own legs, a ripple that seemed to grow as her eyes continued to focus on the spectacle of her husband's groveling between another woman's widespread thighs. How did it feel, to have a man's tongue licking and sucking and blowing his hot, passionate breath into that secret place, have his mouth warm and caressing around your clitoris, feel his kiss on your nakedly exposed pubic mound?Her feverish mind threw the questions at herself, and suddenly, she felt hot all over, covered with a cloying clamminess that made her feel like tearing her dress from her body. She was dimly aware that she was unconsciously clenching her heated thighs together and imperceptibly grinding her buttocks into the leather of the swivel chair. The tingling in her loins grew and the gnawing inside her burst into a devouring flame and she wondered vaguely what was happening. Her eyes flickered aimlessly to another picture, and a startled gasp eluded her as she stared in disbelief at what she saw. Sandra thought that the photographs she had already examined had prepared her to a point where she was beyond surprise, but she was wrong. She gaped in astonishment at the candid snapshot, unable and unwilling to believe that it was her husband who was actually inserting his huge, lust-hardened penis in the blonde's tiny puckered anus!But there was no doubt about it - the photograph showed in unerring detail the enormous girth of Mike's blood-inflated prick encircled by the brown crinkled little rectal mouth, stretched cruelly around the massive circumference. This lasciviously depicted anal entry was too much for Sandra. Revulsion swept through her - disgust at the knowledge that the man she had married could and did indulge in such an animalistic, carnal act, a thing she, a grown woman, had only heard about in whispers. It was too shameful to even think about; it was disgusting! And yet, Sandra noticed in amazement, the blonde didn't seem to mind it. In fact, she seemed to like it, judging by the lewd look of delight on her passion-contorted face. Oh God, what was going on? Her world seemed to have gone topsy-turvy, and all the opinions she had held on such matters seemed to have been refuted by the pictorial evidence she held in her hand. These girls weren't being abused, subjected to a man's whim or desire - they were actually enjoying it! They seemed to love all the obscene things Mike was doing to them... they were reveling in what to her would be the lowest kind of debasement.Bewilderment crowded in on Sandra, and she felt completely out of control of the situation. Her hands rose slowly to her breasts, and she gasped as she felt the electrifying effect her own touch had on the now sensuously throbbing mounds. But she couldn't take her hands away - somehow she felt that she had only herself to turn to help her get over this terrible discovery. She felt strangely lucid, as if her perusal of the lewd pornographic pictures had touched off a streak of insanity in her, and she could no longer control her stampeding libido. Her mind was fermenting with images of the various positions she had seen in the photographs, and lurid thrills were beginning to shoot up and down her body. Involuntarily, she pressed her palms down her sides, along her hips, and then dipped them between her nylon-encased thighs. Immediately, she felt as if her vaginal mound was straining to reach the comfort of her own hands, and she felt a rush of inner moisture proclaim the intensity of the weird sensations. She could feel that the crotch-band of her panties was slightly moistened and her fingers inched forward, like individual bloodhounds on the scent of a relentless target.Moments of rationality broke intermittently through the clouds of her frenzy, and taunted her with unanswerable questions. What had turned her into a roiling mass of feverish desire? Was it because Mike hadn't made love to her for so long? Or were the dirty pictures having an illicit prurient effect on her?Her fingers kneaded at the burning lips of her moistened pussy through the flimsy panties and Sandra winced from the delicious contact. Why should I be denied pleasure? her mind argued dimly. All those girls were enjoying themselves; Mike was pleasing them... it's not fair that I should be left out...As though they had received assent, her fingers burrowed hurriedly under the leg band of her panties and teased over to the tingling flesh of her swollen pussy lips, and Sandra felt the fleshy folds pulsate under her sensitive fingertips. She sighed from the exquisite sensation, feeling relief flow through her. This is wrong... YOU SHOULDN'T DO THIS! Veiled threats echoed through her mind, hidden warnings from schoolgirl-filled corridors... dark messages about evil masturbation...But Sandra was too intoxicated with the rush of pleasure to pay any heed to her own somber warnings, and her fingers continued to plunge into the warm deep recesses of her desire-drenched pussy. Nothing mattered to her now - the whys and wherefores were unimportant - all that she was concerned with was quenching the raging fires that had sprung up unattended in her loins, and which required heavenly fuel to feed its lascivious hunger before it allowed itself to be put out.Suddenly irritated by the impediment of her panties, her hands began to tear impatiently at them, and she raised her hips from the swivel chair, and eased them down over her thighs, leaving them dangling at her knees. But she didn't care about that - her hands were rolling up her soft angora dress and bunching it about her hips, and she reveled in the freedom of exposing her passion-enflamed loins to the cool evening air which was rushing in from the half-opened office window. Her fingers dug impatiently again at her burning furrow, and convulsively probed at the trembling hole of her clasping cunt."Aaaaaahhhhhhhh..." she couldn't suppress a sigh as her hand cupped onto the now moistly pulsating orifice and she felt the heated walls close in like a vise on her sunken middle finger.The passion inside her was goaded on to greater fever by the lurid thoughts which had taken possession of her head and would not yield. Obscene thoughts framed by the disgusting photographs she had seen, images of desire and lust instigated by many actions and acted out in many forms. She was almost convinced that a large heated penis was ramming into her eager, open pussy, that she was one of those girls whose head was thrown back in complete abandon, whose mouth was open and from which a stream of sighs was rushing, whose hips were churning under the delicious onslaught of a heavy, passion-bloated cock which was plunging deeper and deeper and harder into her...Waves of heat were washing over her now as she ground her buttocks down into the leather of the seat and revolved her saturated fingers around inside the velvety interior of her febrile vaginal sheath. A feeling of dizziness was taking control of her, coupled with a wonderful sensation of relief, and now she knew she was cumming, because she felt so good all over, and her hips were jerking uncontrollably, and a mist of hot, feminine orgasmic fluid washed down over her churning fingers, and she felt the office revolve around her and her head was torpedoed by a kaleidoscope of collaged nude figures, male and female, all fucking and sucking and licking in total frenzy, and she was at the center of it all, and she was loving it, every minute of it...Sandra slunk back against the chair, drained of all energy, curiously devoid of all feeling but a satiated stupor which controlled her and made it impossible for her to do anything, not even pull her dress down over her naked thighs. Her legs were splayed, her panties hanging uselessly at her knees, and in the dim of the mortification which was beginning to manifest itself inside her, she reassured herself icily... "he'll pay for this... I'll make him pay for this..."***Sam Maguire eased himself down from the ledge under the office window, and with a furtive glance around, slunk off into the foliage that surrounded the Peters' house. He was still trembling with excitement, and could hardly believe what he had seen. Later, when he got to his quarters, he would go over it all again in his mind, dwelling on every single detail of what he had seen. He couldn't quite believe that he had been so lucky. He thanked his lucky stars that he had decided to have a peek when he saw the window open in the office, and heard muffled sounds from inside. Of course, it was fairly dim inside, but still, he could see what was going on.I seen her! I seen her finger-fucking her own pussy! he chuckled to himself, treasuring the memory of the faint glimmer of hair-lined pink he had glimpsed between her open thighs as he eavesdropped on the demented woman. He had seen her flimsy white little panties dangling at her knees, too. Who'd have thought that he, a mere farmhand, would have got a front row seat, and seen with his own eyes the beautiful wife of his boss, playing with herself? All the nights he'd dreamed about the lovely, haughty Mrs. Peters, all the times he'd imagined what she'd be like with her dignity lost and stripped bare-ass naked... now he'd seen her, half-naked anyway. She didn't see him, didn't know he'd been watching, but he had been, and God, he wouldn't have missed it for anything.Chapter 2=========Mike hurried over to the dairy and went straight to the milking parlor. He spotted Eve right away, standing to the right of the long row of cows already chained in the milking passage. She had put on a white coat, and her blonde hair was piled high on her head, and capped with a small band of white. Even with her fair, creamy skin, she did not look washed-out, and Mike thought to himself how attractive she looked in the white dairy coat. Her ample curves were cleverly accentuated by the tightly belted garment and Mike could not resist running his eyes over her proud, full breasts jutting out like snow-capped peaks, the slight sway of her molded hips, the long arch of her shapely legs. She was talking to Sam Maguire, and turned when she heard Mike come in."Good Evening, Miss Slater. I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long.""Oh no, Mr. Peters. Sam here has been showing me the ropes and making me feel at home. And do call me Eve, please.""All right, Eve," Mike laughed. "We don't stand on formality here, so you might as well call me Mike."Mike felt more at ease when Sam had ambled off to attend to the animals already milked. He felt a warm friendliness exuding silently from Eve, and it comforted him somehow, as he was still stinging from Sandra's verbal blows. He felt that her accusations had been unjust; he had bent over backwards over the past year to make up for the affair she had found out about, and yet nothing seemed to please her. She had changed so much over the past few years, he mused sadly to himself; she wasn't the same woman he'd married, laughing, full of fun, ready for anything. She had turned into a nagging, whining shrew and didn't seem to care whether he was there or not. It was that feeling of not being wanted that had made him seek refuge in other women. Of course, he felt guilty about it, feeling like a rat as he slunk off to his clandestine meetings, but he had to do something, or he'd go mad. Still, it was unfair of her to accuse him of being interested that way in Eve. He'd be mad to try anything with her, right under Sandra's nose. Not that he'd mind."A penny for them!" Eve's light-hearted voice chimed in on his rambling thoughts, and her interruption caused him to blush to the roots of his hair."I'm sorry, Miss... Eve, I mean... I've been so rude; I was completely carried away..." he stammered, conscious of her twinkling gray eyes fixed on him. He felt awkward, like a schoolboy. Her searching graze was so intent, he felt sure for a brief instant that she must have read his thoughts, but knew that was ridiculous."Well," he began lamely, "do you think you'll enjoy working here?""Oh yes," she exclaimed, smiling widely. "Everything's so up-to-date, and you've got a fine herd. Sam showed me around everywhere, and I even saw your donkey herd. That broken-colored stallion is magnificent!""Yes, he's a fine fellow, isn't he? Imported from England from one of the champions over there. I hope to have some good progeny from him next year.""How is he working out as a sire?" Eve asked interestedly. Mike started, her question disturbing him. What did she mean? She knew he had only just got the stallion, that there wouldn't be any foals till next year."Eh, what do you mean?" he asked guardedly."I mean, does he do the job properly? He looked pretty young to me!"Mike found himself coloring again. What was the matter with the girl, asking questions like that?"He's able to manage," Mike faltered, and immediately turned his attention to placing the clusters on the first cow's teats. Normally, the dairy girl and Sam did the actual milking, but as Eve was new, and the machine might be unfamiliar to her, Mike had decided to help her, in case she needed any instructions or had any problems."I love the feel of a cow's teat in my hand," Eve mused to him, moving on to the next animal. "It feels so soft, so sensuous," she went on dreamily, "and it almost comes to life as the milk flows through it, and the thick frothy cream spurts out of it..." Mike was glad he was hidden from her sight, and that she couldn't see the flushed look of astonishment on his face. Her voice was so hazy, her tone so sultry, and Mike could see out of the corner of his eye that she was caressing one of the pink-tinged teats as tenderly and lovingly as if... He felt stunned by the impact of his own lewd thought. As if it were a man's cock! That was the thought that leaped into his head and drummed persistently at his consciousness."Mike, could you help me please!" she called out suddenly, and he found himself rushing over to her, glad of the chance to be near her again. She was hunched over one of the milk tube clusters which was lying on the ground, and Mike's eyes were drawn, as if by a magnet, to the exciting split between the tops of her creamy white breasts. He was mesmerized by the enticing glimpse of her deep cleft and had to drag his eyes away when she looked anxiously up at him.I seem to have lost one of the tops," she said worriedly, and Mike got down on his knees beside her, and scanned the straw for the dark-rimmed cap."Here it is!" he said suddenly, picking it out of a golden sheaf, and he began to screw it back into the tube."Oh thank goodness you found it," Eve breathed, laying one of her small white hands on his thigh, "I was so worried." Her touch was like a firebrand on his flesh and when he looked at her, she was smiling at him."Well, we'd better get on with the milking," he said weakly, and reluctantly, it seemed to him, she removed her hand from his thigh. He suddenly felt bereft, as if a part of him was missing. Pull yourself together, he chided himself, you're acting like a teenager, imagining all sort of ridiculous things.They worked silently, preparing all the cows for milking, and Mike's thoughts were swirling around in his head. He couldn't shake loose the memory of her touch on his thigh. Did she mean to do that, or was it just an accident? And what did she mean by all that stuff about the teat?Finally, Mike switched on the milking machine, and the barn was filled with the vibratory sounds of the pulsator."Mmm, it's hot in here!" Eve said suddenly, and began to unbutton her dairy coat."D'you mind if I take this off?" she queried Mike, and when he replied, "of course not," she removed it, and Mike saw that she was wearing a red see-through blouse and a tight black mini-skirt. He could see that she was wearing a matching red bra, really only a strip of lace, and his eyes were riveted on the generous mounds of her ivory breasts which were visible through the red nylon."Do you like them?" Eve's voice broke in on his distraction, and he could only stare open-mouthed at her. Had he heard her right? His heart began to thud uncomfortably in his chest and he was at a loss as to what to do."Would you like to see them?" Again her gay, mocking voice startled him."Wha..." he could only stammer."Would you like to see my breasts, Mike?" she asked again with exaggerated slowness, walking a step closer to him."Are you out of your mind?" Mike snapped, afraid that his mind was playing tricks on him. "This is no time for games!""I'm not playing any games!" Eve said silkily, and Mike watched in boggling disbelief as her fingers fumbled with the buttons on her sheer blouse. Gaping, he saw the edges fall away and reveal the exquisite form of her perfectly molded breasts, made all the more provocative by the dainty confines of her lacy bra. He could see the alabaster flesh heaving slightly and was hypnotized by the rhythmic rise and fall of the luscious orbs.Incredibly, he saw Eve's hand slip around to the back, and in a moment, she was shrugging the thin satin straps from her smooth, pearly shoulders."Christ, they're beautiful!" He couldn't resist gasping as the full glory of her exquisitely sculpted breasts came into his astonished view. Craning his neck, his eyes bulged as he stared at the creamy expanse of the silky mounds, surmounted by delicate pink nipples, semi-erect from the rustling of her bra. Her hands crept up and cupped the full rounded young spheres, thrusting them out, pointing the hardening little buds at her disbelieving employer."God, Eve, I..." he murmured, unable to tear his eyes away from the half-naked girl. His head was swirling - things were happening too fast for him. He could feel the protuberance of his cock growing, and it was beginning to swell against the confines of his pants. His hands fidgeted by his sides - they itched to reach out and clasp those glorious globes of young college-girl tit flesh, to knead and pummel them. His mouth longed to take the tiny budding nipples between his lips, coax them into turgidity with his tongue, nip on their sweetness with his teeth. God, she was driving him mad, standing there half-dressed, like some youthfully naked Venus. She moved closer to him, so close that her naked breasts brushed against the blue denim of his work shirt, and the delicious contact sent eddies of almost intolerable pleasure soaring through him. Sinuously, she rubbed the hardened tips against his chest, purring like a cat, her arm resting casually on his thigh again. He wanted to pull away, order his errant young employee to get dressed, get on with the milking, but he couldn't. What he really wanted to do was take her in his arms, crush his mouth down on hers, knock the breath out of her with his kiss, caress those ripe boobies of hers, and then fuck her, yes, fuck her to within an inch of her life. Instead, he managed to inch backward a little."Eve... we shouldn't..." he faltered, his eyes dropping again to the sensuous grace of her unadorned breasts."We shouldn't... what?" she queried boldly."We... you shouldn't... tease a man like that!" he gasped, feeling his face flush. Yes, that's what she was doing, teasing him with her naked tits, her sulky voice, her veiled hints. Well, she'd better watch her step, or she'd get more than she bargained for!"I'm-not-teasing!" she enunciated, her hand slowly reaching for the side zip of her brief black skirt. With a horrified stare, he watched as she eased the skirt down over her full hips, slipping it down her thighs, and kicking it aside as it reached her ankles, leaving her nude except for a tiny pair of bikini briefs the same startling red as her bra."For God's sake, Eve, anyone could come in..." Mike gasped, his eyes riveted on the golden triangle of pubic curls squashed beneath the sheer fabric of her panties."So what?" Eve laughed. "You're a man, and I'm a woman. What we do is our business... isn't it?""You're crazy!" Mike rasped. "You'd better get dressed before... before I...""Before you go out of your mind?" she taunted, moving in a little circle around the demented man."That's right, you teasing little bitch!" Mike rasped, his control snapping like a straw inside him. "You can't expect to go prancing around in front of a man, naked like that, and not affect him. You should know what this could lead to, the temptation you're putting my way. I'm only flesh and blood, and this is more than any man can take!" He railed on, his mouth dry and his voice hoarse, fighting to control the demons of lust which were mutinying inside him. She continued to look at him with her mocking eyes."Poor Mike!" she clucked, her hand dropping down and cradling the considerable bulge of his swollen prick in her palm. "What are you getting so uptight about?" she crooned as she began to massage the growing organ, feeling it pulse hotly in her hand.Perspiration broke out on Mike's face. What the hell did she think she was doing? Poor Mike indeed! She thought she could twist him around her little finger. Well, he'd show her he wasn't the Milquetoast she thought he was!"Now listen, Eve," he began, but her hand was already drawing down the zipper of his pants, and his demented cock, rejoicing in its sudden freedom, leaped up, cleaving the air, the red bulbous head grotesque in its palpitating arousal. His mouth hinged open as he stared down at the apparition of his own blood-engorged prick, and he moaned from the tremendous contact between her cool fingers and his heated, throbbing flesh. Her hands stroked and kneaded the elongated rod, drawing it out into an even greater length and Mike felt powerless to do anything but stand there and allow his new employee to stroke his ever hardening cock in her masterful, exciting way."Mmmm, what a nice big cock you've got, Mike!" Eve hummed, continuing her rhythmic pummeling of his pulsating organ, "I just know I'm going to enjoy working for you..."Her hand reached in and cupped the squirming sac of his testicles in her palm, and Mike felt rising shivers of ecstasy course through him, emanating from the sensitive balls. Mike leaned back against the edge of the stall, lost in the sensual reverie that Eve was weaving around him. God, her hand felt so good on his cock, stroking and kneading like that... it was a long time since he'd felt a hot hand on his prick... too long, in fact... Sandra never touched him there... SANDRA! The memory of his wife jarred him back to reality. She could easily walk in here, find him like this, being stroked and caressed by this young voluptuous agricultural student! It would mean the end of everything, their marriage, all they had worked for! She'd never forgive him!With a tortured groan, he wrenched back from Eve and backed out of the stall. His face burning, he stuffed his long suffering penis back into his pants, and hurried over and turned off the milking motor.I don't know what came over me..." he mumbled. I must've been crazy... anybody could have come in...!" Unable to meet her gaze, Mike hurried over to the cows, and began to undo the clusters frenziedly, his fingers shaking."Mike!" Eve's soft voice was directly behind him. Squatting to remove the clusters from the cow's teats, he half-turned and saw Eve standing directly behind him."My God!" he gasped, the milk-clusters falling from his hands. She was stark naked! She was standing with her legs slightly apart, and he could just barely see the faint pink sheen of her pussy lips peeping out from under the soft resilient thatch of golden curls. His throat felt arid, and his voice failed him. He could only stare. She was like a creature from another world. A strange, exotic female who towered over him, and was omnipotent. She held the power to transmit incredible sensual ecstasy to him, and he was her slave."Eve..." he managed to croak feebly.And then she was beside him, kneeling on the soft straw, pushing him gently back. He was unresisting, borne along on the wind of her tremendous sexuality. He was completely in her power, and yielded as she once more freed the heated protuberance of his bulging cock. He sighed an uncontrollable moan as it sprang up from the forest of his pubic hair and gasped again as her fingers once more encircled it, pulling on it gently. Her fingers were easing off his pants, and were playing titillating along his thighs, sending chills of pleasure rippling up and down and along his skin, and kindling great flames of heat deep in the pit of his stomach. Like a robot, his hands reached up eagerly for the target they yearned, and grabbed the full soft mounds of her tender breasts, and clutched at the delicate flesh with his talon-like fingers, making her wince from the sudden pain, and leaving little red welts on the smooth white skin. His fingers drubbed the hard little beads of her nipples, rubbing them mercilessly, tugging on them until they were rigid little spears. Beside him, the cow fidgeted nervously, anxious over the unaccustomed disturbance at her feet, and Mike felt a moment's paralyzing fear lest her hooves lash out at his prostrate body. But all practical consideration fled from his brain as he felt his young milk maid settle herself over him, her long smooth thighs straddling his naked hips and Mike could feel the graze of her soft curling pubic hair as it brushed against his naked stomach. Still grasping his distended cock in her hand, she began to guide it towards the warm grasping furrow of her cunt, and Mike sighed with pleasure as he felt the hard rubbery head caress the soft delicate tissue already moist with expectation.She began to sweep the bulging head of his inflated prick along the length of her pulsating cuntal split, and the fluted edges of her moistly glistening inner lips clung tenaciously to his hard masculine flesh, and the bulbous head became lubricated with her free-flowing vaginal juices. His head was swirling and a wave of pleasure, such as he had not experienced in a long time, was washing over him again and again, and with each cleansing wave, he was laved of any doubts and fears he might have had. Gone was all worry about his wife or anyone else finding him stretched out with his naked young female employee; gone completely was any fear of discovery. All that mattered was the unbelievable thrill of ecstasy he was feeling and which he knew would mount up to an incredible crescendo of hedonistic delight."Mmmmm..." Eve sighed, "your cock feels so good against my pussy..."The lewd words coming from the young, innocent faced girl's lips excited Mike even more and he felt lust mushrooming inside him and threatening to turn him into a raving beast. His hands flew down and grasped the girl's slim tapering hips, and held her in a vise-like grip. Hungrily, he began to rotate her entire pelvis until she was revolving over the spongy cap of his burgeoning penis still grasped firmly in her hand. Gingerly, she began to position herself over the jutting instrument, easing herself down slowly, until she had managed to insert the huge distended head up inside the tender inner folds of her cunt mouth."Aaaaahhhhhhh..." she sighed, accustoming herself to the hard feeling of a heavy, pounding prick inside her. But the initial contact unleashed the fury of Mike's lust, and with a savage snarl, he crashed the helpless girl's pelvis downward, driving his thick rod upwards with flesh-splitting cruelty."AAAARRRRGHHHHHHHH..." Eve screamed out and struggled in a vain attempt to dislodge the terrible instrument from her unsuspecting depths. But she was completely skewered, and the fleshy hair-lined outer lips of her pulsing vagina were resting on the tickling nest of Mike's blond pubic forest. Beside them, the cow snorted, frightened by the ear-piercing scream, and began to paw the ground ominously.Mike's fingers clawed at the soft resilient flesh of Eve's smooth rounded buttocks as he raised her loins upward, feeling her sensitive inner membrane cling to his hard fleshy rod as her heated vaginal sheath slid upwards. He held her poised above him, leaving just the hard burgeoning head still buried inside her, and then he crashed her down again, feeling the spongy global mounds of her buttocks flatten down against his pubic area as his tunneling prick plunged far up inside her, cleaving her unaccustomed flesh with cruel obstinacy. He could feel the pliant entrance of her cringing womb yield before his unabated onslaught and a gasp of mingled shock and excitement escaped her as she felt the unexpected pressure so deep up inside her impaled belly.Eve's eager vagina had accustomed itself to the ponderous girth of Mike's trammeling penis, and she began to move up and down freely, establishing a yo-yo like rhythm. Mike's palpitating cock seemed to expand even more inside her and she responded with a gentle tentative flexing of her practiced inner muscle which seemed to excite him to even greater lust. His hands shot up eagerly and enfolded the enticing orbs of her breasts in his palms, and they rubbed and caressed her throbbing flesh, sending chill after chill curdling through her blood, making passion pulse hotly through her veins."Oh God, Mike..." she gasped, her hands clutching at his tensely corded thighs, "your hands feel good on my tits... as good as your cock feels inside me..."Tremors of passion were spasming through Mike. Eve's lewd words of praise sent lurid shivers running up and down his spine and doubled the already incredible pleasure he was feeling. He could hardly believe what was happening! Only this morning, this girl was a complete stranger, newly arrived from Agricultural School, and now, after a turn of events which had left him breathless, they were fucking, or rather, she was fucking him! Yes, she was the one who had seduced him, and who was now riding him like a savage Indian girl on a half-wild mustang, her thighs clenching his hips viciously, and the soft inner hole up between her legs milking furiously on his rampaging cock. He had never experienced anything like this before - stretching out on the soft golden straw, being screwed by a real woman - because that's what Eve was, there was no doubt about that. Beside him, the cow lowed deeply, finally accepting the strange, nakedly writhing couple beside her, and Mike felt her breath, warm and sweet scented, wafting gently over his perspiring face.Mike glanced up and saw that Eve's face was coated with perspiration, her mouth was half open and her head was flung back. Her luxuriant coils of curls had become undone and her silky flaxen hair was streaming down like a silver stream over her bare creamy shoulders. He had released his savage hold on her breasts and now the full ripe spheres were bobbing from her exertion, the reddish-brown nipples jutting out like berries, and the brown aureoles were crinkled in their contracted excitement. His lust-glazed eyes traveled down the length of her magnificent body, coated with moisture, reveling in the soft yet supple milkiness of it, the provocative curve of her womanly hips, the lemon-colored fleece of pubic down which meshed so indistinguishably with his own. Her long slender thighs were like alabaster columns and Mike could see that the inner tendons stood out like whipcord against the ivory inner skin. She continued to grind wildly up and down on his jerking prick, making a little teasing rotary movement as she rose up. Her fingers slipped around behind her squirming buttocks and stroked the squirming sac of his testicles in a sudden swift movement which sent his roiling sperm into a frenzy of churning liquid deep inside the darkness of his balls."Christ, Eve," he panted through the breathlessness of his mounting passion, "you're... you're incredible!... oh God, keep tickling my balls like that..."Mike felt a rush of heat that started in the pit of his stomach rise up in an overpowering curtain and steam through him, and at the same time, his cock began to jerk uncontrollably and the ache in his writhing balls had become unbearable."AAAAAGGGHHHHHHH... keep fucking... keep fucking... I'm cumming! I'm CUUUMMMMIIINNNGGGGG!"And then his body was caught up in a gigantic whirlwind, and he thought he would lose consciousness because a blackness appeared in front of his eyes, and he felt he was drifting away, but his faltering rationality was arrested by Eve's own hoarse screams."Oh God Mike, I'm cumming too. I'm... AAAHHHHHHH!" And she was cumming too, her pelvis pounding against his like gigantic waves against storm-tossed rocks. Her fingers were like razor-sharp spears cutting into the flesh of his hips, and the interior muscle of her vaginal sheath was an insatiable entity of its own. It was sucking, demanding, and getting, its life-giving quencher of his thick store of semen, which suddenly began to spurt along the pulsating tube of his spasming penis and hose hotly up into the heated cavern of her pussy. Almost immediately it seemed, the frothy liquid trickled back down around his pumping prick and seeped into the matted pubic curls, already moistened with the shower of her orgasmic release. The cow was blowing hot puffs of breath down onto Mike's steaming face, her big liquid brown eyes staring in boggled amazement at her two temporary stall companions. Her big, wet white nose just touched Mike's face as the last heave convulsed his dying prick and he emptied the final drop of his boiling semen into Eve's still hungrily twitching pussy. At last, the exhausted girl collapsed onto his panting body, and his now limp prick slipped easily from her wet, cock-stretched passage."That... that was the best fuck I've ever had!" Mike acknowledged gratefully. And it was. There was something about the spontaneity of the act which impassioned him to fever pitch, and the girl's own total sexuality, and lack of restraint, unleashed a similar characteristic in him. "You're quite a girl, Eve," he added admiringly."You're a real man yourself, Boss," Eve praised, smiling down at him. "You sure know how to please a girl!"She lay her face down on his chest so he couldn't see her widening grin. Things are working out just great, she thought happily. She had been thrilled when she had met her new boss, captivated right away by his virile good looks, and now she had discovered that he had above average talent in other respects, too. Yes, she murmured to herself, I think I'm going to enjoy myself very much on this job!Chapter 3=========Sandra threw her corduroy jacket over her shoulders and stepped out into the yard. There was a slight breeze which alleviated some of the premature heat of early May, and she began to amble towards the barns. She was glad the house was a short distance away from them - she didn't think she could stand it if the animals were milling about directly outside the front door. There was nobody about and Sandra was grateful for that. She didn't feel like talking to anyone this morning, and particularly not to Eve, who turned out to be a very talkative type, always anxious to engage herself or anyone else in conversation. Sandra had seen her several times talking to Sam in the yard, and she had caught several glimpses of Mike and Eve laughing intimately together.Mike himself had been very incommunicative when she brought up the subject of the new dairy help and how she was working out. Of course, she reflected, after that dreadful fight they'd had, she couldn't expect him to confide in her. She wished now that she hadn't been so hasty in accusing him of being interested in Eve, that she had kept her suspicions to herself, but the damage was done, and now she couldn't help thinking that there was something going on between them. It was several days now since they'd had that fight and Mike usually tried to make up with her right away after such an argument, regardless of whose fault it was, but this time, he just didn't seem to care. That was the part that hurt, he didn't seem to care anymore what she thought or felt. She felt it was a stroke of luck that he'd gone into town early this morning and wouldn't be back until tomorrow. It would give her time to think, and maybe even plan some strategy for getting back in his good books. But if he is really interested in that girl, I don't know what I'll do, she worried, afraid she might have gone too far. She hated to admit it to herself, but there was no denying that Eve was really attractive, and she had a slow, sensual way about her that Sandra knew was exciting to men. She felt a twinge of jealousy stab at her, and tried to banish from her mind the nagging suggestion, almost a certainty, she feared, that Mike had become involved with the new dairy maid. No matter what happened, she didn't want to lose Mike. But should I just sit back and let him play around with that little blonde right under my nose? she argued. Almost painfully, she thought again of the cache of pornographic pictures she'd discovered, lewd filthy photographs of Mike in disgusting positions with different women. The shock of finding them still affected her, and her subsequent action of getting aroused by them shamed her through and through. She didn't even allow herself to think of that evening, when she had shamelessly fingered her own vagina and actually reached a climax, all from the sensations, evil, wicked sensations, aroused in her by the vile snapshots. Every time the thought came into her mind, when the memory tried to torment her, she had brushed them back into oblivion, waiting for time to erase the sharp-honed edge of her humiliation."Good morning, Mrs. Peters," a voice sang out suddenly behind her. It was Sam Maguire, and Sandra, turning around, saw that he was leading Jacob, the donkey stallion."Good morning, Sam," she replied, feigning cheerfulness, and immediately turning her attention to the animal. She hated having anything to do with the hired hand. She never knew what to say to him, always being afraid of sounding too familiar, or worse still, acting very haughty with him. She began to stroke the donkey's strong arched neck."Jacob seems to be in fine shape," she mused, running her eyes admiringly over the animal's sleek black and white body."All the exercise he gets keeps him trim," Sam smirked, and Sandra turned to look at him."I thought he's kept inside for the season..." Sandra puzzled. The donkeys were the only animals she was really interested in on the farm, and it was she who had encouraged Mike to keep them in the first place. They were becoming very popular everywhere, and top quality foals could fetch very high prices. They had ten mares, and just this one stallion."That's what I mean," Sam leered. "His mares keep him busy, and he sure knows how to rise that big rod of his. Yes sir," he went on, staring intently at her, "them she-donkeys sure seem to love that long prick of his shoved far up in their.""How-how dare you!" Sandra gasped, her face scarlet, mortified with embarrassment at the farmhand's lewd words. Who did he think she was, that he could talk to her like that, use such filthy language in her presence? Anger seethed inside her like bubbling oil, threatening to overflow and scald everything within distance. But she managed to control her feelings and said in a low, even voice, "Please watch your language, Sam. Mr. Peters does not tolerate obscenities, and I would hate to have to report your despicable behavior to him." Even to her own ears, her words sounded dictatorial and stuffy, but her shock was still electrically alive inside her, and she was incensed at the liberty the worker had taken with her. She had a good mind to tell Mike, and perhaps even have Sam fired for his insolence.Sam looked the picture of the abject servant. He held his old cap in his hand, and his reddish-gray hair glinted in the morning sun. His head was slightly bent and Sandra saw with satisfaction that his face was suitably blanched with fear and consternation. Jacob stood by calmly, seemingly totally unaware of the minor drama his presence had caused.Without another word, Sandra stalked away, leaving Sam glaring after her. Fucking bitch, he spat. Can't even take a joke. Well, she'll get her come-uppance one of these days; I'll see to that! In fact, tonight just might not be a bad time!Sandra felt irked by the sound of the back doorbell. She had just settled down to watch TV and was looking forward to relaxing for a few hours. She had spent most of the day in the garden, digging and transplanting the seedlings she had sown in the spring, and she felt tired and wind burned when she finally came into the house and fixed a cold supper for herself. The heavy physical work of gardening had taken her mind off her worries, and now she had been hoping that the television would do the same, and that she would feel sleepy after watching a few shows, as she usually did, and that she would then drop off easily to sleep.With a sigh, she got up and went through the kitchen and opened the door. She experienced a flicker of distaste that coupled with her annoyance when she saw who was there."Good Evening, Sam," she said tonelessly, not bothering to hide her irritation.Sorry to bother you, ma'am," Sam muttered, fidgeting with his cap, his eyes downcast. "But the fuses went in the barn an' I can't see to do my work.""Well, I think I've got some in the kitchen," Sandra said curiously relieved that he had a legitimate reason for calling on her so late in the evening. She found, somewhat to her surprise, that she had a new fear of the farm worker, a fear born from his distasteful remarks to her that morning. She sensed that there was an underlying hostility or arrogance in his attitude to her, and that his disrespect was a form of that aggression.She noticed with displeasure that he had followed her into the kitchen, and willing herself to take no notice of him, began to look for the fuses. She wasn't quite sure where they were and rummaged around in the kitchen drawer. They weren't there and she knew that they must be on the top shelf of the kitchen cabinet, where she kept the electric light bulbs."I'll get them, ma'am," Sam suggested when she told him, but she declined. She couldn't stand the thought of his dirty, and she supposed, clumsy hands on her clean kitchen cupboard, and unable to suppress a sigh, pulled the kitchen steps over in position. Mounted on the third step, she noticed that Sam had moved even closer to her so that he was almost directly under her. Thank goodness I'm wearing slacks she thought as she groped around for the fuses. Relieved to find them easily, she began to descend, thinking maybe now he'll go away and leave me alone.Suddenly, she stiffened. The blood pulsed wildly in her veins and a sudden wave of heat engulfed her and threatened to overcome her. She just couldn't believe what was happening. His hands were on her buttocks, feeling them, squeezing them - he was actually caressing her back there!She didn't know what to do. Fear washed over her, followed quickly by revulsion, disgust, anger. She hesitated for a split second on the steps. Should she order him to stop, or should she just ignore it? If she got angry, perhaps she might intimidate him, but on the other hand, he was brazen enough to touch her like that, and he might get violent. But conversely, if she just ignored him, might he not interpret that as an invitation to continue? Oh God, what should I do, she wondered wildly. His work-coarsened hands continued their lewd manipulation of her softly yielding ass cheeks, kneading and clutching, and it seemed to the agonized woman that an eternity passed in those few seconds.Then, she could stand it no longer."Take your hands off me, you disgusting old man!" she shrieked, almost falling from the steps in her sudden angry horror. Relieved, she found herself on the ground once more, and gave vent to her feelings."How dare you? How dare you lay your hands on me? I'll see you're fired for this. Your impertinence today was enough, but you've gone too far this time!" She stood glaring at him, panting from her exasperated speech, her green eyes flashing like sparkling emeralds."No need for you to get on your high horse with me, lady," Sam leered, an arrogant sneer on his weather-beaten face, "'cause I know what you're really like!"Sandra was thrown off balance by his unexpected retort. She had anticipated apologies, sullenness, even a denial, but she had not expected him to be so completely defiant."What do you mean?" she asked, striving to keep a condescending tone in her voice. Her eyes swept contemptuously over his stocky, over-alled figure, and she imagined she saw him cringe under her proud stare."Hmm, guess not even your husband knows what you get up to when he's not around..." he said contemplatively, and Sandra's heart missed a beat. Just what did he mean? He was acting so strangely, not at all intimidated. She was beginning to feel worried. There was something menacing about this sudden change in their hired hand, and her pulse quickened in fear. She thought about screaming, but knew it was futile, because the other workers were in their quarters on the far side of the barns, and besides, the television in the lounge was blaring, and likely to drown out any cries for help she might make. Sam moved closer to her again, and she drew back suddenly from his insidiously searching hand which reached out and touched her hip."Get-get away from me!" she gasped, her terror mounting."C'mon now, honey, I happen to know you need a little lovin'!" Sam rasped, his eyes roaming freely over her trembling figure."I-I don't know what you mean!" she stammered. What was he hinting about?"Don't play dumb with me, baby, 'cause ol' Sam knows more about you than you think!" There was a new ominous sound in his voice, an ugly, threatening note.Sandra's heart raced with fear. He seemed to have something on his mind, something he was trying to threaten her with."I don't know what you're talking about!" she said defiantly, hoping to inject her voice with courage."Let's put it this way!" he taunted, rubbing his hands together. "You had a real nice time cleaning out the office the other day, didn't ya?"Sandra blanched, and suddenly her throat felt dry. She could only stare in horrified amazement at the triumphantly grinning figure of the workman. She just couldn't believe that she had heard him correctly, yet the enormity of the implication of his remark was slowly etching itself on her disbelieving brain."No... no!" she gasped, unable to stop herself."Oh yes!" Sam laughed, delighted at the effect of his bombshell on her. He was glad he'd waited to drop it on her, strung her out a little first, got her ready for the big one. "Yessirree," he went on, unable to relinquish his stunning victory over her, "cleanin' out the office was a real pleasure for you that day."Sandra continued to stare in numbed silence at him. Did he know - had he seen her? Was that what he was hinting at, that he'd seen her looking at those pornographic pictures, seen her pushing her own panties down to her knees and fingering herself, seen her reach orgasm?"What I do is my own business," she said flatly. She felt devoid of all strength, completely stripped of the will to put in his place this lewd uncouth worker who was bent on tormenting her."It sure is," he conceded, "but I'd say them glossy pictures are Mike's business, too."Did he know about the pictures, too? she thought wildly, suddenly desperate to get away from this vile man."Will you please leave?" she said in a tone of quiet command, but Sam only edged forward, and then suddenly, grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her close to him. His other arm closed tightly around her, and he peered with lewd suggestion down at her."I could tell you really liked them colored pictures... you got real hotted up when you looked at them, didn't ya?"Sandra was paralyzed with fear. She was afraid to struggle, afraid to waken his real anger, which she sensed was lurking near to the surface of his demented personality. She decided that if she ignored him, he might get tired of his little game."That one where they were sixty-nining is a real winner, ain't it?" Sam taunted. "That's your husband in the photograph, and did ya see the size of his cock jammed into the broad's mouth?" Sandra felt a rush of nausea, and fought to keep herself from retching. He's insane, her mind screamed, you're not safe with him... Oh God help me..."...and did ya see her pussy, all red and juicy and ready? I bet Mr. Peters really liked getting his tongue in that little hole!""Oh stop it! Stop it!" Sandra screamed suddenly, beginning to struggle wildly, unable to take any more of her captor's leering obscenities."What's a matter, honey?" he leered, his hand tightening roughly around her breast, crushing it painfully through her cashmere sweater. "Don'cha wanna talk about them pictures?""No, No, please leave me alone!" she whimpered, her reason deserting her and leaving her a cringing mass of fear and bewilderment."How did ya like the one where Mr. Peters was giving it to the blonde in the ass?" Sam taunted again, and Sandra felt a fresh shudder of revulsion convulse her. As if by magic, a startling clear reproduction of that vile photograph leaped into the terrified woman's mind, and she could see the lewd scene finely etched on her brain - the straining white mounds of the girl's buttocks, the tiny dark ring of her anus nestled between the creamy spheres; Mike's hugely distended penis already inserted in the tiny puckered entrance. She couldn't banish the lurid apparition from her mind, and she felt suddenly that she was going mad. She wanted to scream, to shriek and wail, do anything to shatter the terrifying reality which encircled her, a reality of disgusting perversity, peopled by such lascivious monsters as Sam Maguire and her own husband, Mike. Part of the revolting present was the hired hand's tight convulsive clasp on her breast, and even as awareness sunk once more into her brain, she felt that same hand slip down along the curve of her waist and once more cup her buttock, squeezing it intimately in a lustful gesture. Sandra felt totally devoid of control over her own body and mind. Something had snapped in her when she had finally realized that this lowly farm worker had witnessed her surrender to her own lewd response to the filthy pictures, and now she realized his domination over her was complete when he had revealed an intimate knowledge of those same dirty photographs. Had Mike shown them to his employee? How many other people had he shown them to? New, more frightening thoughts alarmed the despondent woman. How long had Sam been aware of Mike's infidelities? Had Sam felt pity for her, Mike's wife, every time he saw her, knowing of Mike's secret life?Sandra was barely aware of Sam's hand insinuating itself into the waistband of her slacks, flicking open the button, pulling down the zipper. Her racing, panic stricken mind occupied all her attention. The wife is always the last to know. The hackneyed statement jumped into her mind, and taunted her. Yes, she thought bitterly, I was the last one to know - even the farm hand knew before I did!Her heart somersaulted inside her as she felt Sam's wandering hand press against the softness of her belly and move downwards toward the panty-clad mound of her pubic triangle. Oh God, what is happening? she thought wildly, really aware for the first time that the farm worker's hand was actually inside her slacks and was edging down towards her now trembling vagina!"Oh God, stop it! STOP IT! !" she shrieked, struggling wildly. She couldn't let this happen - no matter what, she had to stop his lewd advances before they got any further. Her startling thoughts had thrown her off balance, putting her off guard, and now, this revolting man was trying to fondle her down there!"Hold still, baby," Sam rasped hoarsely, "and let ol' Sam give ya li'l pussy what your two-timin' husband has been neglectin'."Sandra stood stock still. Did he know that Mike hadn't made love to her in weeks? Had Mike told him? Oh God, it was too much to bear! Sam took advantage of her immobility and eased his hand inside the flimsy nylon protection of her panties and slipped down to the soft, hair-covered pelt of her vagina. The fingers hesitated there for a moment before slipping upwards and teasing slowly into the warm moist furrow of her pussy.A shudder coursed through Sandra as she felt his hard insistent fingers down between her thighs on her naked genitals. She felt powerless to move. There was something irrevocable about his intrusion there - as if there was nothing to fight any more. He had forced his hand inside her panties - she had allowed things to get this far - and now, there was nothing she could do about it! She felt broken, a victim of events initiated by her husband when he had first started being unfaithful to her. His illicit actions had started the ball rolling for her subsequent acquiescence to the farm worker's lewd manual play. It was Mike's fault!Sam's fingers probed and searched in the softly yielding cuntal folds, exploring the smooth, slightly pulsating lips, teasing about with confident insistence. Sandra was surprised at her own reaction to another man's hand between her legs. She knew it was partly because of her disembodiment from physical feeling, but couldn't deny that the strange fingers didn't feel bad down there."How d'ya like it, honey?" Sam hissed lewdly, "better than finger-fucking yourself, isn't it?" Unwillingly, Sandra admitted the memory of her own frantic fingering of her excited vagina, her scurrilous search for release. Shame flooded through her at the thought of how she had writhed under her own probing fingers, how she had squirmed her naked buttocks around lewdly in orgasm as she plunged her fingers deeper and deeper inside her. What was happening to her? First, she had enjoyed her own lewd masturbation, and now she was beginning to like the hired hand's fingers working deeper now up inside her gradually moistening pussy!No, it can't be! Her mind screamed, it can't be happening to me! But there was no doubt now about it - she couldn't deny it. She was beginning to ENJOY Sam's fingers in her pussy, and in spite of her mind's horror, her traitorous body was beginning to undulate gently in time to the farm worker's insistent fingers between her thighs.Sam felt a surge of triumph on sensing her submission to him. There was no denying that she was beginning to like it - he could feel a tiny, but sensuous flexing beginning inside her trembling vagina, and her whole body was beginning to shiver in anticipatory pleasure. He had won, he, the lowly farm worker, had succeeded in taming this heretofore haughty wife of his boss, who had so often looked down her nose at him! He could hardly believe his luck in catching her playing with herself in front of those dirty pictures of her husband in the study that afternoon.Tiny mewls of pleasure began to spew from Sandra's lips and she leaned back against Sam and began to writhe, her loins churning in simulation of copulatory rhythm. She was being subjugated by the betrayal in her body, her will to resist curbed by the greater mastery of desire. Awareness of the reality of the situation was fading; consciousness of the growing tingle in her vagina was taking its place."How does that feel now, Mrs. Peters?" Sam breathed. "How do my fingers feel touching your pussy? His other hand was working at her firm rounded breast, squeezing and tweaking the hard turgid nipple through her sweater. Then, with a sudden upward movement between her legs, he ground his fingers hard into the wetly throbbing opening of her cuntal passage and wormed their stubby tips far up inside her."Ooohhhhhhhhhh..." Sandra moaned, jolted by the searing entry, tormented by the grating of his nails against her sensitive inner membrane. His fingers continued their wild rotary plundering inside her, and Sandra felt weird new sensations cavort through her body. Oh God... This is better than when I did it... she thought helplessly in the daze of her passion, as she pressed her now hungrily pulsating clitoral bud down on the relieving hardness of Sam's hand."You really love it now, don't you, babe?" he gloated, hardly daring to believe that this was really happening to him, that his own boss' proud little wife was really squirming under his manipulation."Oh yes," she hissed through passion-clenched teeth, "Oh yes, it feels so good... Mmmmmmmmm..."Sandra's entire crotch was a throbbing mass of aroused nerve endings, and she felt as if an uncontrollable fire had been kindled there. Her clitoris felt round and hard and was pulsing strongly with the heated blood of desire, and the swollen fleshy outer lips of her hair-lined split were moist with passion. Chills rippled through her spine which contrasted with the heat which was rising from her groin, rising up to cover her face and neck in a hot, rosy flush.She was moaning uncontrollably now, unconscious of everything but the delicious pleasure which was seeping into every crack and crevice in her weary body and infusing her with a joy she hadn't experienced for a long time. She felt as if she was soaring on the wings of some magical mythical bird which was flying high and taking her to a warm heavenly place where he could deposit her in a comfortable nest where nothing or no one would ever harm her again.And suddenly, she was there, in that unreachable nest, gliding down into a feather soft resting place."Oooohhhhhhhhh..." she chanted, "I'm there... oh it's so good..." Her hips were jerking in a heathen rhythm, and she was mashing her vagina down onto Sam Maguire's tiring hand in ceaseless motion, and her hotly seeping pussy juices simmered down onto his fingers and lubricated them completely as they continued to instigate new and exciting pleasure inside her. Then, finally, when the heated sensations of passion had subsided and her body was reduced to convulsive twitching, a blanketing peace came over her and suddenly he left her alone to slumber in her long sought magic nest.***Sandra didn't know how long she was asleep, and it was dark when she woke. Blindly, she groped her way into the bedroom, and threw herself down on the bed, not bothering to remove her slacks or sweater. Her slacks were slipping down around her hips, but she was too tired to care. All the feeling of pleasure had deserted her body, leaving her an empty shell of misery and guilt. She could hardly allow her mind to dwell on the disgusting event from which she was just recovering, and her brain, almost jeeringly, refused to even reconsider the delight her body had experienced, but insisted in emphasizing the lewd aspect of her abhorrent submission to the farm hand's lewd handling of her naked vagina.Feelings of self-loathing rose up in her and filled her with contempt for her own weakness. Kaleidoscopic pictures of her husband in different pictures with different girls, performing different prurient acts of self-gratification tripped through her mind, lascivious embroidery on the photographs she had actually seen, and they tormented her into a state of humiliated frenzy, until finally she dropped off into a fitful, disturbed sleep, her mind insisting in a last crippling blow, you're as bad as he is.Chapter 4========="For God's sake, Sandra, will you stop shouting? Do you want everyone on the farm to hear you?" Mike was getting exasperated. Ever since he'd come back to the house for dinner, she'd been nagging at him, and it was getting to be more than he could take. It had been like this for several days now. It seemed to him that his wife was forever harping on at him, like a harridan, about one thing or another, and nothing he did pleased her. She seemed to be particularly distressed ever since he came back from town, and he wondered worriedly if she had found out about him and Eve. He felt a lightening of his worry when he thought of his blond dairy helper - if it weren't for her, and the comfort she gave him over the last week or so, he'd have gone out of his mind."You mean you don't want your little blonde girlfriend to hear, isn't that it?" Sandra shrieked bitterly. She knew that she was acting like a fishwife, but she didn't care. The last few days had been hell for her. Tormented with guilt over the episode with their hired man when she had joyfully reached orgasm from his manipulation, she had taken out her feelings on her unsuspecting husband. The fact that he was rather furtive and silent with her didn't help matters, and although she longed for some sign of warmth from him, her nagging and complaining prohibited any show of tenderness. Consumed with guilt over her own infidelity, she had no trouble in imagining her husband to be engaged in similar action, and she was haunted in particular by the photographs she had uncovered. She felt she couldn't trust him - he had concealed a period of stealth and deceit from her, a period when he had had numerous adulterous affairs, and she had no reason now to think he was not continuing his old ways."You think I don't notice," she went on relentlessly, "but I saw you with your arm around that hussy yesterday! Where were you taking her? Into the cow-stall to screw her?"Mike flinched under her verbal assault. He hadn't realized that she'd noticed his friendliness with Eve, and hoped that she was only guessing wildly about what was going on."Don't be ridiculous!" Mike retorted, feigning nonchalance, his heart thudding at the memory of how he had in fact lead Eve towards the hay barn. He tingled even now at the memory of the passionate fire of their fucking, how her creamy, resilient body had fused with his as they writhed nakedly together on the hay, how she had welcomed him inside her with all the certainty of true womanhood. He shivered as he remembered how her tight, eager young pussy had felt as it had contracted like warm, throbbing liver around his pumping organ, how her pliant fleshy breasts felt under his caressing hands, how her full ripe lips felt as they returned his ardent kiss."Hah, you're thinking about her now, aren't you?" Sandra taunted, glaring with blazing eyes at him. "Have you forgotten about all the others?" She felt a stab of triumph when she noticed his sudden crimsoning, his quick look of worried fear."You didn't think I knew, did you?" she jeered, enjoying the look of perplexity that masked his face. She hadn't meant to throw it up to him about the other women in his life, but somehow, the expression of rapt pleasure he assumed when she knew he was thinking about HER, unleashed the green-eyed monster in her, and she couldn't hold back."W-what do you mean?" Mike said lamely. A worried knot of agitation was churning in his stomach, and he had an ominous premonition that Sandra had found out about his affairs."This is what I mean, you cheating bastard!" Sandra snapped, holding aloft a bundle of photographs, which Mike recognized with a sinking heart. She had found them!"Have you forgotten about this blonde," Sandra jeered, waving a snapshot, "the one you're screwing in the ass?"Mike blanched under his wife's taunting obscenities."That's enough," he said, his voice icy cold."What about that cute redhead, the one whose pussy you were licking and sucking? Have you forgotten her already?" Sandra went on hysterically."Give me those photographs, Sandra," Mike commanded calmly, although he was a turmoil of emotion inside. He had dreaded Sandra ever finding those lewd incriminations, and told himself that he should have destroyed them. Now he was paying for his procrastination. He had no idea how he was going to extricate himself from the results of his indiscretions, but he would worry about that later. All that mattered now was recovering the snapshots."Give-me-the-photographs," he enunciated again, and Sandra felt a quiver of fear. But she was determined not to give in."Like hell I will!" she taunted, and Mike, aggravated by her obstinacy, made a grab for them. Laughing shrilly, she held them up in the air, and began to dodge around the sitting room, laughing and tittering at her husband's attempts to retrieve the snapshots."Catch me if you can!" she yelled wildly, ducking behind the sofa. Mike, snarling with rage, threw himself at the settee, but his agile wife slipped out from behind it and once more prancing around the room."Stop that, you little bitch!" Mike spat, incensed at his wife's mockery of him. He made another lunge at her, and this time, managed to grab her wrist, holding her immobile."Now give them to me!" he ordered, his breath coming in pants from the unaccustomed exertion."Never!" Sandra gasped, looking wildly around the room and struggling vainly to escape."I'm afraid you've no choice," Mike jeered, give them to me, or I'll take them." Sandra was desperate. Somehow withholding the coveted snapshots from him was a symbol of some kind of victory over him, and she wasn't about to relinquish that so easily."I'm waiting, Sandra," Mike intoned, his fingers digging into her wrist."Then wait, you son of a bitch!" Sandra snapped, and with a defiant look of triumph, threw the bundle of lewd photographs onto the burning fire!"You bitch! You goddamn little bitch!" Mike spat. She had burned his photographs!His fingers tightened cruelly around her wrist as he stared at the burning photos. His raging anger had finally mastered his embarrassed self-reproach, and her spiteful sarcastic taunts echoed in his mind as the pictures burned, the glossy sheen curling and distorting the naked forms. As flames engulfed the mass of photographs, he pulled one away from the burning heap.With unseeing eyes, he stared at the half-burned snapshot, the two naked figures on it barely recognizable. Shame and indignation boiled over together in the cauldron of his emotions, and with a growl, he threw Sandra down against the large ottoman at the foot of the sofa."I'll make you pay for that, you fucking little bitch!" he screamed, clutching wildly at her cardigan and tearing it open, sending several buttons flying, and ripping away her bra, revealing her full sensual breasts jutting out timidly. The sight of their naked glory only seemed to inflame him further, and he stared at the smooth ivory orbs, his face blushing beet red, and the cords of his neck stood out like rawhide."What do you think of that, eh?" he snarled, thrusting the half-burned picture in front of his terrified wife's eyes. "Is that what made you so disgusted?"Sandra tried to turn away from him, but his hand suddenly dipped into her shiny black hair and wrenched her head around to face the wretched remnant of snapshot, and as her eyes swam with tears, she could barely make out the entwining forms on the photo. The figures were distorted and crumpled, but she could see clearly a thick, blood-expanded penis imbedded in a small dark anal ring, surrounded by soft white cheeks of deeply impaled buttocks!Shudders of terror convulsed the cringing woman. She was deathly afraid of the mountain of anger she had moved in her husband, and was fearful lest he lose complete control."Well, how did you like that?" he shrieked, pointing at the disgusting photograph."Please Mike, I'm sorry, let's...""It's too late now to be sorry. You're gonna have to pay for this, you little bitch. I'm sick and tired of listening to you nag and complain. I've had all a man can take, you goddamn spoiled bitch!" His teeth were grinding in fury and his face wore an expression of bestial sadism. With a sudden movement, he grabbed her thin skirt, and yanked it hard, making the zipper give, so that he was able to rip it from her body. She lay there cowering beneath her furious husband, clad only in a thin pair of white lacy panties."Oh Mike, please don't!" Sandra whimpered, cringing against the ottoman, her arms clasped protectively around her breasts, her legs drawn up to protect the fulcrum of her body.Mike stood over, a curious lust-satisfied look on his contorted face."Now let's see how brave you are!" he taunted, grabbing her again by the wrist, and throwing her face downward on the leather-covered hassock. Cruelly, he forced her face down onto the hard leather, his fingers locking in her hair. He could hear her blubbering into the ottoman, but her terrified fear only incensed him. His eyes traveled down the milky whiteness of her body, resting on the graceful flare of her panty-covered hips. He could see the twin orbs of her silky smooth ass clenched together beneath the flimsy material, and as he stared, a jeering memory of all the nights of cold, unsatisfying sex he had experienced with his complaining wife, came back to haunt him, and something boiled over inside him when he realized that she had been able to make him ashamed of his own natural masculine instincts. But even as he stared at the shivering figure of the helpless Sandra, he felt a familiar twinge that began in the pit of his loins, and rapidly spread to send his pulsating prick climbing into hard turgidity. He could feel his hardening rod pressuring against the fabric of his pants, and it was hot and throbbing against his inner thigh. The realization that she could still excite him, after what she had put him through, angered him to boiling point.Angrily, he pulled down the last vestige of decency down over his wife's curvaceously rounded hips, and discarded the sheer panties on the floor. Her delicate ass cheeks stood out unprotected, vulnerable, the flicker pattern of the hearth fire shining over her soft polished flesh. Barely discernable between her quivering legs was the soft dark fleece of her pubic hair, and beneath it the faint sheen of her trembling little vaginal split.Breathing hard, Mike placed his hands on the quivering spheres of alabaster flesh, and slowly drew the palpitating mounds apart.Staring for a moment at the crinkled brown ring of her little rectum, Mike reached forward and probed experimentally at it with his finger. "Oooohhhhhh!" Sandra jerked forward as though she had been prodded by a hot coal. The high sprawling ottoman blocked her effort to draw away, and there was nothing she could do but submit. Mike's fingers were worming mercilessly up between the tender globes, holding her painfully in place. Sandra felt resistance drain from her. Her body was helpless, to be used as he desired - the responsibility was out of her control.Mike ran his hands slowly up her smooth inner thigh all the way to the hair-lined lips of her moistened cunt."Mmmmm..." he slavered, his balls tingling with renewed excitement. There was something luridly arousing about the submissively kneeling posture of his wife, and he felt a soaring feeling of power as he sensed her terrified acquiescence. His palms spread over the smooth glossy ass-cheeks, cupping them firmly and slowly pulling them even further apart. The skin around her anus was straining outward as he pulled tighter and his fingers probed sharply at the puckered little ring like punishing electric needles."C'mon," he rasped bitterly, "spread 'em wide, real wide!" Sandra moaned under her husband's crude demand. She tried weakly to flare her buttocks, to do what he asked her, ever fearful of arousing his violent temper.Mike continued to tease at the puckered little circle with his finger, relishing her agonized cringe against the unnatural contact, while his other hand kneaded without mercy at the soft buttock mounds. Bending his reddened face downward, he lashed out with his long moist tongue, and swept it along the length of the quivering crevice, leaving a shimmering wet saliva path between her trembling globes. Sandra couldn't control a shudder of revulsion on feeling his tongue there, and she could barely suppress a gasp as he suddenly bit viciously into her pliant buttocks, covering the soft sensitive flesh with sharp little bites. Then his pointed tongue was probing at the tiny exposed anal mouth, testing and teasing, trying to stretch the tightly-clenched, unyielding ring of her asshole."Oh my God, my God," Sandra sobbed, why is he doing that to me? Is this really my own husband torturing me like this?Mike was jubilant when he heard her fresh sobs. That'll teach the little bitch to play games with me, he thought venomously, suddenly ripping down the zipper of his pants, and releasing the long swollen length of his lust-hardened cock. He sighed with relief from the feeling of freedom as the hotly throbbing rod jutted up proudly in the air. Stretching the straining white buttocks even more, he lay the full length of the palpitating member between her open ass-globes, resting the smooth bloated head against the tight little opening of her anus. Gleefully, he began to slide his heavy protuberance up and down the exposed brownish valley, a drop of premature semen lubricating the hungrily searching tip.He placed the swollen head of his blood-engorged penis against the small hairless opening, and aided by his insistent fingers, the giant rod began to push and buffet against her nakedly defenseless rectum.Although she tried to suppress the nauseating thought, Sandra was struck by the realization of what her husband had in mind for her. He was going to try to sink his huge hardened penis into her rectum! IT WOULD KILL HER! How could she take it? It would tear her in half - the pain would drive her out of her mind. And worst of all was the realization that her husband was really capable of this depraved act!Her dazed thoughts ran back to those horrible photographs. Etched on her mind irrevocably was the image of his animalistic penetration anally of that lewd blonde - the look of debased pleasure on her face. Sandra shivered in revulsion and as she did, her tiny puckered sphincter brushed against her husband's rock-hard prick, electrifying her with the insistent reality of her own shamefully kneeling position.Tears ran from her eyes and streamed down her cheeks. She began to sob, low whining sounds, and struggled weakly to release her behind from her husband's sadistic grip."Shut up and hold still!" Mike snarled, and Sandra forced a stop to the convulsive quivering of her body. With a sudden, vicious lunge, Mike tried to shove his hot, throbbing prick through the tight rubbery opening. But it wouldn't go! It was too big! It pushed harshly against the unyielding membrane and Mike cursed softly at his momentary defeat. Sandra was shaking; she couldn't expect any escape from the depraved act that was to be performed on her. She only clenched shut her eyes, trying not to think, hoping that whatever was going to happen to her, would happen fast and be over with. For the very first time in her married life, she was desperately, deathly afraid of her husband, and she quaked under her terrifying fear.Her face was numb from being pressed down into the leather and her whole body ached from the cramped awkwardness of her position. For a moment, a split second, she had been relieved that his huge penis had failed to pierce her anal passage, and had nurtured the faint hope that he would give up his disgusting intention. But he was trying again!"AAAAARRRGGGHHHHHHHH! Oh God, stop it!" A blinding, tearing pain shot up her back bone. She felt a slight popping sensation at her anus and... OH GOD, HE WAS IN! Her own husband was raping her rectum! The startling pain took away her breath. The stretching, groping in her back passage was unbearable - as if someone were trying to plug her up back there with a huge barrel cork.Mike was surprised at the virginal tightness of her anal passage. He hadn't expected so much resistance and his anger had steadily mounted as his patience drained away. His hard insistent cock was demanding satisfaction, and now he had finally inserted it just inside the tight rubbery circle.The lust-maddened husband lurched forward again, sinking more of the enormous shaft into his wife's tiny tortured rectum."UUUGGGHhhhhhhhnnnnnnnn... oh no! NOOOOooooooo!"Sandra's pelvis bucked and jerked against her husband's maniacal impalement, the barbaric pain giving her new strength. Futilely, she twisted and gyrated, trying to shake off the brutal skewering of her flesh, but Mike only grinned lasciviously and inserted his massive cock farther into her inflamed back passage, drilling mercilessly up the virginal channel.Violent, shattering pain racked Sandra's body and choked sobs caught rasping in her throat. She was hopelessly caught on his merciless rod. Mike pulled at her hips in a relentless, inflexible grip, flexing his loins as he inched even deeper into her tightly resisting sheath. She squirmed desperately, tugging her severed asscheeks away from his granite-hard member, but her struggles only helped to bury the devastation of the advancing cock further into her agonized rectal canal. The stiff circumference of her husband's cock stretched the tender ring of her ass until it seemed to clutch in helpless desperation at the huge pole and suck it even deeper into its violated interior."Oh Mike, please stop! please stop... I can't stand it!" she sobbed piteously.But Mike only gritted his teeth, and with a final savage grunt, ground the full length of his monstrous shaft into her tortured passage. He had buried the full length of the elongated rod in her soft, brutalized flesh!Mike hesitated for a second, enjoying the tight, inflamed throbbing of his wife's sensitively throbbing rectum around his deeply imbedded prick. Then he began a slow, abrasive pulling out of the extended shaft. His withdrawal along the stolen path brought fresh moans of new pain from his tormented wife, pulling it out until just the swollen bulbous head alone remained engulfed by the clinging flesh of her ass. Then, closing his eyes in lustful pleasure, he once again rammed its merciless bulk into her now forever stretched anal channel, feeling the smooth buttery cheeks of her whitely rounded buttocks settle quiveringly around his hardening balls, as he once more sunk every inch of it in her tortured depths. He began a slow sawing motion in and out of her, the movement becoming easier as her distended rectum relaxed a little and allowed his rummaging cock to pursue its bestial rape.Sandra moaned and whimpered as he sodomized her, her body lost in a labyrinth of pain. She had never felt so totally abased and humiliated in her life. Not even Sam, the hired hand's, lustful finger-fucking of her naked vagina compared to the ignominy of this horrible anal rape by her own husband. She wished that the ground would swallow her up, because she didn't think she could ever hold her head up again.Mike continued his illicit fucking, his pile-driving pelvis pounding against her upturned backside, his leaden penis churning deeper and deeper into the softness of her violated interior, slapping his loins against her wet buttocks, his mind lost in the abandoned perversity of the vicious anal fucking he was giving her.His breath stiffened and he began to gasp in short rasping snorts. His cock ached beyond belief and seemed to inflate even more as the sperm, boiling in his steaming, writhing balls, clamored for release.The massive rod began to slice faster and faster in and out of the wide stretched rectum, and Sandra tried to ease the cramped muscles of her buttocks, to lessen if she could the excruciating pain. She felt her husband's hands clutch even more convulsively into her now slightly bruised buttocks, roaming over her hips. His pelvic thrusts pounded wildly against her numbed and flattened ass cheeks hard against her hip bones as he began to shout strange growling sounds, mingled with threats and lewd obscenities.His body stiffened, swivelled only at the hips, his toes dug against the floor."Hump back, bitch... move your fucking goodie, goodie ass..." He shrieked insanely through tightly clenched teeth. "Oh God, I'm cumming now, I'm cuummmiiinnnggg in your asshole! AAAGGGHHHHHHH!!"He buffeted against her, a final breathtaking clap of flesh against flesh, his lust-stiffened rod knifing into unfathomed depths of her agonized rectum. A scalding white-hot stream of liquid shot into her hotly clenching anus, searing the mercilessly ravaged membrane. He jerked against her like a rag doll shook by an angry child, her thighs and buttocks crushed by the violence of his final assault, as he emptied the full measure of his thick burning semen into her forever-stretched anal passage.Then he fell forward, flattening the lovely curves of his wife's body under his distended bulk.She lay there, dry sobs convulsing her as his softening penis slid out of her wet, sperm-flooded anus, feeling soiled, dirtied forever by her husband's vengeful attack on her helpless anus, her bowels gurgling slightly from the heated pool of it he had hosed up into her.Chapter 5=========Sandra lavishly applied the black eyeliner, rimming her clear green eyes heavily. Coupled with the woody brown eye shadow she had smoothed onto her eyelids, she had achieved a stunning effect, and her eyes had a hazy, smoldering look. Several coats of black mascara on her long dark lashes completed her eye make-up, and she decided to have another cup of coffee before putting on her lipstick.She poured herself a cup from the still-simmering coffee pot, and added a liberal dash of brandy. She liked the combination, and felt herself beginning to relax as she leaned back against her chair, relishing the steaming aromatic brew. It was her third such cup already this morning, and she was glad that she had decided to add brandy, because its tranquilizing effect was salve to her troubled soul. She knew she was also feeling a little better because Mike would be out for the day, supervising the laying down of a new electric fence at the boundary of their property. The last few days had been hell for Sandra. Mike had tried several times to make up with her, apologizing for his dreadful behavior, but somehow, Sandra felt she had passed the point of no return. She felt a shudder of revulsion every time she looked at her husband, and the memory of the bestial anal assault he had perpetrated on her seared her brain like a branding iron, giving no respite to her jumbled thoughts of revenge and hate. She had retreated into herself since that terrible evening, refusing to listen to his feeble explanations, her hurt and disgust feeding and strengthening the anger that was germinating inside her, a slow, seething anger that wouldn't be appeased quickly. This morning again, just before he left for the day, Mike had lost his temper with her once more."All right, have it your way!" he'd yelled, "If you want to sulk like a child, go ahead. But don't expect me to get down on my hands and knees to you.""And don't forget, you're not exactly a model wife yourself!" he'd hurled at her as he slammed the door. His last rebuke had stung most of all. Her husband had bit nearer the truth than he'd imagined. Her record wasn't exactly spotless, she thought bitterly, remembering her unadulterated ecstasy as Sam Maguire had fingered her freely in the secret confines of her eager vagina. A shudder ran through her now as she involuntarily relived the scraping, titillating feel of his coarsened fingers as they slid up the tight, contracting sheath of her cuntal passage, how his hard hand felt as it squeezed mercilessly on her breasts, evoking a strange sort of pleasure through the unbearable pain. Many times during the past week, Sandra had puzzled over her mind and body's acquiescence to his lewd handling, wondering, in the clear light of following days, how she could have let herself give in to him. She realized that he had thrown her completely off balance by his disclosure that he had watched her through the office window as she had made herself experience orgasmic release with her own fingers, and also the fact that he seemed to be intimately familiar with those pornographic pictures had stunned her. But she forced herself to admit that in addition, he had overpowered her by his self-assurance, and his crude masculine way of dominating her. Again she felt a tingle chill her spine as she recalled his roughness with her, his complete disregard for her expressed feelings. There was something perversely exciting to her, she acknowledged now as she finished her coffee, in the way he had treated her, even abused her. There was little pinpricks of fire niggling between her legs and she realized that she had been grinding her pubic region down unconsciously against the upholstery of the chair in a lewd rhythmic motion. She stood up, swaying a little and had to steady herself against the table. Her head felt pleasantly afloat, and her body felt warm and light. She made her way back to the bedroom, and hurriedly applied a vivid splash of lipstick and ran her brush through her gleaming hair. She had no clear idea of what she was going to do, but the thought foremost in her mind was a desire for revenge. She had to retaliate on Mike for the unforgivable thing he had done to her! There was something else, too, a gnawing aching emptiness deep inside her, like a worm eating away at her. Her body felt restless and taut, and she knew it was because she had not made love for several weeks. She had become accustomed to regular sexual intercourse during the years of her marriage and her body was reacting to this neglect. Mike wasn't interested in her anymore, that was obvious. But Sam was! There was no denying that the farm worker was definitely interested in her and her flagging ego in its desperation found the thought not unattractive. She suddenly longed for masculine attention, a little appreciation of her as a woman, even a little flirting!Almost without realizing it, she wandered out of the house and found herself in the yard. The brightness of the sun seared her eyes and made her feel a trifle dizzy, but she became accustomed to it after a few moments and began to feel better. She was wearing a light cotton knit dress which she knew was too short for her, really, falling as it did to just the top of her thighs. The light material stretched tightly across her full, unconfined breasts, and she knew that the horizontal stripe pattern added to the general provocativeness of the dress.She found, to her mingled dismay and surprise, that she was almost desperately looking for Sam, her eyes darting back and forth among the scattered outbuildings, trying to catch a glimpse of his burly figure. He was no where in sight, and feeling a pang of disappointment, Sandra began to head back for the house. What do I care if I see him or not? I'm not interested in a mere farm worker, she told herself, walking slowly in the direction of the house.Then she heard his voice, calling the dog, coming from the direction of the barn where the recently calved cows were housed. Her heart began to pound in her ribcage, and she had to stop herself from running over to the shed. What's come over me? she asked herself, acting like a lovesick teenager!She stood in the doorway, and peered around in the dim interior."Morning, Mrs. Peters!" Sam's gruff voice rang out, and the dog suddenly rushed up to her, sniffing excitedly at her ankles, his big shaggy tail wagging furiously."Down, King, Sam ordered, and the friendly collie crept away unhappily, and lay down by Sam's feet."Hello, Sam," Sandra replied, her voice stiff and unnatural. Her hands felt clammy, and she was sure there were beads of perspiration on her face. I shouldn't have come here! She fought to control a wave of fear which was swelling inside her, the man's quietness, the still, dusky interior of the barn, frightening her unreasonably."That's some dress you're wearing, Ma'am," Sam praised, and Sandra found herself flushing."T-thank you, Sam," she floundered, not knowing what to say."Well, what can I do for you this morning?" Sam drawled, an arrogant note in his voice. Sandra could only see the glowing tip of his cigarette - the rest of him was lost in the murkiness of the barn. It irritated her that he could see her clearly, silhouetted against the doorway, and exasperated, she stepped inside.She almost stumbled, her feet unaccustomed to the deceptive softness of the straw, and she had to put a hand out on the rough wall to steady herself."Are you all right?" Sam asked, and Sandra froze when she realized that his voice was closer, much closer. Her eyes were dazzled by the brilliant sunshine and she just couldn't see a thing!"W-where are you?" she asked in a small voice, fear suddenly taking hold of her again."AAAGGGHHHHHHH!" Sandra screamed as she felt strong hard arms around her, clasping her tightly, and then tobacco-scented breath hot on her face."Stop it! Let me go!" she hissed, struggling desperately to escape as her courage to go through with her plan faded in her mind.Then his mouth was on hers, his lips bruising against hers in a sweltering unrelenting kiss, his tongue, wet and hard pressing against her teeth, forcing entry, coupling lewdly with her own mutinous tongue. Sandra was fighting for breath as just as suddenly as she had begun, she ceased to struggle under the farm worker's illicit embrace. All fight went from her and as her fear diminished, she realized that she was beginning to enjoy being grasped roughly in her husband's employee's arms, to enjoy his hard grinding kiss on her tender lips. His tongue swirled around in her velvety mouth, and he was crushing her breasts against his chest, and Sandra could feel the hem of her tight dress riding up on her hips. She gasped as she felt Sam's knee pry apart her thighs, and then moaned involuntarily as she felt the bony kneecap rub unremittingly against the burning zone of her vagina. His crude caress awoke the sparks that had kindled in her sensitive pussy earlier that morning and she found herself grinding her throbbing warm flesh against the hardness of his knee. It seemed to her as if the kiss lasted an eternity, and then, abruptly, he threw her down on a bed of straw, and Sandra fell clumsily, her legs sprawling uncontrollably.Sam smiled to himself as he stared for a moment at the spreadeagled woman. He caught an enticing gleam of white panties up between her legs as she fell, and a shiver of anticipation coursed through him. His eyes were riveted on the expanse of smooth milky thigh which be could see clearly, accustomed as he was to the dim light, and his prick gave an excited spasm. His mouth was on fire from the passion of their kiss, and it was all he could do to restrain himself from pouncing on her and taking her right then and there. But he had other plans for his boss' hot pants little wife. He knew right away what was on her mind when he had seen her standing in the doorway, barely covered in that scrap of a dress, her face painted like some street slut. She wants cock, that's what she wants, even if she's fightin' it, and ol' Sam is only too ready to oblige the boss' wife!Sandra lay panting on the ground, her dress still askew, hardly daring to move. She felt helpless. His kiss had overwhelmed her, and although she wanted to get up and run from this dreadful place, she just couldn't. She quivered as she felt his hands on her again, feeling, squeezing, caressing, running down the length of her flattened body, sending coarse shivers of pleasure rippling through her awakening flesh. She sucked in her breath as she felt the roughness of his palm on her naked thigh, felt it slither up the smooth creamy skin, realized that his fingers were tugging at the soft flimsy material of her panties. Her head was spinning, the brandy she had gulped down taking a loosening carefree effect on her. She found her hips arching, to help him ease off the thin nylon panties, and in a daze, she felt them sliding down over her hips and thighs to her ankles, where they were discarded in a useless little heap on the hay."Mmmmmmmm..." she sighed as she felt his thick fingers graze against the softness of her palpitating pussy lips, felt their tips dip against the growing moistness of her velvet soft folds. She felt his hot breath as he peered down at her, and then he plunged his middle finger into the wet, viscous hole of her trembling cunt, and she jackknifed against him, her legs shooting out on either side, to allow his invading fingers deeper and easier access to the mounting furnace of her tight hot pussy. His fingers groveled around in the slippery channel of her cunt, drubbed the hardened knob of her blood-filled clitoris, searched and probed among the secret wet crevices and creases of her nubile young vagina. Her entire body felt aflame, and she was lost in lust, oblivious of the fact of how lewdly she was sprawled on the straw, how obscenely she spread her legs to allow the workman to allow. It was what she wanted, the feel of male hands on her body, to feel the rising beat in every pore of her flesh which signaled the coming of the climax for which her love-starved body craved. She didn't really care whose hands were manipulating her crotch, whose fingers were whirling around inside her buttery-soft cuntal sheath. She didn't care what happened! All she wanted was the joyous ecstasy of release, and oh God, she was going to get it!Sam smirked down at the twitching, writhing body spread out below him. God, the high and mighty little bitch is really getting hot, she's really ready for it now! Let's see what she thinks of the surprise Uncle Sammy has for her...He withdrew his fingers from the excitedly pulsating lips of her pussy and he heard her gasp with disappointment."Oh please, don't stop now... I'm nearly there..." the passion-wracked woman sighed piteously.Sam gave a laughing leer, and then snapped out: "Here, King!"Sandra, in the throes of her thwarted orgasm, heard uncomprehendingly Sam's command, and felt near to tears from her so nearly won climax. Oh, if only he hadn't stopped...Then, it started again! Only this time, it was a thick wet tongue, warm and curling, that was slavering along the quivering folds of her passion-inflated pussy, sending eddies of new pleasure drifting through her. She felt a momentary stab of horror at the thought of a tongue licking so intimately up between her open legs, but it was lost in the wave of pleasure which engulfed her, and eagerly, she thrust her pelvis upward, grinding her bare bottom against the straw, bumping in crude tempo with the frantic licking of the demonic tongue."Oh God Sam, it feels so good, so good she sighed, unable to control the spasms of ecstasy convulsing her. She had to have more of it, she had to have that tongue deeper inside her, had to feel it in every tiny nerve end of her excitedly flooding pussy...Savagely, her hands reached down to force his face further and harder down on the burning fulcrum of her body...Instead of Sam's wiry red hair, her hands met with soft silky fur, long, satin-haired ears..."OH GOD NOOOO!" Her scream shattered the silence of the barn as it reverberated throughout the high-ceilinged shed. Realization dawned, followed by an immediate retching nausea, on the lust-demented woman. Too late she remembered Sam's command, "Here, King!" Suffocated with repulsion, she realized the truth. The dog was crouching down between her thighs licking her vagina!Sam was delighted with the progress of his plan. He derived a perverse thrill from watching the golden shape crouched between his proud screaming boss' wife's legs, watching the shivers of ecstasy which still lingered, despite her almost insane revulsion at the act being performed on her."Attaboy, King!" Sam praised, proud of the trick he had taught the willing dog."For God's sake, Sam, make him stop... please..." the desperate woman wailed, but even as she did so, new spasms of unbelievable sensation were twisting her into incredible knots of sensual fervor. She couldn't help it! It was too late for the revulsion and horror in her mind to register with the rebellion in her body. It was too late!"OOOOOhhhhhhhh, keep sucking... keep succckkkiiinngg!!"Her hands dashed down again and entangled themselves in the golden fur on the dog's head, pressing his nose and swirling tongue further into the wet, tangled flesh of her throbbing pussy. She felt the cold wet nose press against the maddened bulb of her clitoris, felt his hairy shoulders rub against her sensitive inner thighs. The dog was licking her pussy, and she was loving it, and she was going to cum!"AAAAAAZHHHHHHHHHH... Ohmygod, I'm there... I'm... cuummmmiiinnnggggg..." Her shrieks rang out, and desperately she ground her pussy down against the wet, lubricant soaked snout of the laboring animal, her thighs closing in his head like a scissors, her buttocks mashing uncontrollably against the hay, as wave after hot flushing wave of tremendous pleasure washed over her, bringing her back again and again to the shore of calmness, only to toss her once more in a raging sea of her unleashed desire.Finally, the cumming was over, and the dog slunk away from the widespread legs of the exhausted woman, and padded over to Sam, who gave him a perfunctory pat on his moistened head."Good boy, King," Sam beamed, his own prick a hardened lump of lust-inflated flesh. His teeth bared in a sadistic leer, he headed over to where the dazed woman was panting, trying to get her breathing back to normal."Are you ready for me now, babe?" be rasped, hovering over her."Get away from me!" Sandra screamed with vitriolic suddenness, her hands reaching up for Sam's face. He tried to slip to one side, but her nails caught his cheek, raking it savagely, leaving four red welts of crimson blood in their wake."You little bitch!" Sam spat, "Now, I'm really gonna teach you a lesson..."But fear made Sandra agile, and she leaped nimbly to her feet, heedless of her discarded shoes and panties, forgetting to pull down her dress, and dashed towards the doorway, anxious only to escape this lewd monster who had subjected her to such a debasing ordeal.But the farm hand, too, was quick, and before she reached the safety of the doorway, she felt his hand close viciously over her wrist."Oh, leave me alone..." she sobbed helplessly, "let me go..." She tried to struggle, but it was useless. Sam was much the stronger of the two, and he pinned her cruelly against the wall."Now, my haughty beauty," he snarled, "you'll have to make up to me for this," his hand pointing towards his painful scratches."Take your filthy hands off me!" she screamed, revulsion shuddering through her."WAAAGGGHHHHHHH..." she screamed suddenly as she felt the full weight of his open palm against her face. Tears sprung to her eyes and cascaded down her face, stinging her smarting cheek."I'm sorry, Sam," she sobbed desperately, "please let me go.""Don't forget it's my turn now! King had his chance," he snickered, "now it's mine!""Oh please Sam, I couldn't take any more..."Sam's only answer was to wrench her dress higher still, and run his hands down the quivering curve of her hips. She trembled under his rough touch and tried to cringe against the cold cement of the wall, her soft ovoid buttocks squashing against the hard surface. Terrified, she heard the whirr of his zipper and then she heard Sam grunt."Look at what I've got for you, bitch!" he spat, and involuntarily, Sandra's eyes dropped. In the semi-darkness she could just make out the Herculean erection of his bulging prick, and she couldn't suppress a gasp."Like it, eh?" he snarled, pressing closer, and then, Sandra felt the slightly moistened head rub against her thigh, hard and rubbery and relentless. Oh God, help me... she sobbed inwardly, shrinking helplessly against the wall.She felt his hot breath coating her face and then his knee was forcing itself between her clamped-together thighs, prying them apart. She tried to hold them together, but couldn't. She moaned aloud as she felt the hard rubbery head of his bulbous cock jut against her quivering vaginal flesh, still moist and tingling from her so recent ecstatic release. Lewdly, he teased the tip around the fleshy, blood-swollen outer lips, nudging her tender membrane unbearably, parting the softly curling pubic hair and guiding the monstrous erection inexorably towards the small, trembling opening to her quaking body.Sam held his aching prick poised against her sensitive little cuntal hole, his eyes bulging at the sight of the frightened, shaking woman in his power. He loved the feeling of mastery which he had, the knowledge that he held in his hand the instrument which would he was sure, subjugate her completely to his will. He couldn't believe it was really happening at last, that his proud mistress was forced to bend to his wish. Now, he'd pay her back for her nose-in-the-air attitude, show her that he was a man, after all, and not just an automaton working on the farm. Yes, he'd show her... and with a brutal snarl, he lurched forward."AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHH! Oh stop it, please stop it, it hurts, it hurtttsss..."Sandra's hips thrashed wildly, trying to dislodge the huge, hardened rod of driving male flesh which had succeeded in penetrating her, the hard lipped head lodged just up inside the softness of her vaginal passage. The pain of his sudden, splitting entrance blinded her, and her buttocks were sore and raw from being forced back against the wall. Desperate, she grasped the stocky shoulders of the hired hand and tried to force him back, to give her some release from the shattering pain, but it was no use. He didn't move, just surged forward again."UGGGHHHnnnnnnnnn..." Sandra sobbed again under the force of another thick inch being sunk up inside her tortured cunt. Sam was beside himself with self-congratulation as he listened to the half impaled wife of his boss' desperately pleading cries, and encouraged by her pain, continued to press forward into the tender, widely stretching walls of her naked pussy."NOOOOO!" Sandra wailed again as with a bestial lunge, he succeeded in sinking every widely-expanded inch of his pounding prick in her wetly clasping glove-like interior.He left his mammoth cock imbedded there for a moment, the rubbery head tipping against the soft yielding membrane of her cervix, and then began to withdraw it, looking gleefully at the tendrils of soft pink skin and moistened pubic hairs which clung to the hardened pole. Then he viciously rammed forward again, impaling the suffering woman as completely as before, feeling the contracting interior of her vaginal wall throb softly around his palpitating prick.He began to fuck in and out of her, trying to establish a rhythm, each forward thrust lifting the horrified girl completely off her feet, crushing her tender ass-cheeks mercilessly against the rough wall, his balls slapping like a wet towel against her moistened inner thighs.Sandra felt mortified beyond imagination. Never had she felt so debased in her whole life, not even when her husband had assaulted her anally. Yet, she was fully aware that she had willingly come here, and had submitted to his fingering, being aroused to the point where she no longer had the will to fight when the dog had started licking her. She had actually reached release from the animal's frantic licking! And now, she was being fucked, yes, fucked, liked some two-bit whore, stood up against the wall, her dress bunched lewdly around her hips, while this lowly farm hand, her husband's employee, was pumping like a jack hammer into her helplessly exposed vagina. God, she couldn't bear it!"Hump back, baby. Put some life into that hot little pussy..." Sam panted as he swung his pelvis rhythmically, crashing into her like some giant pendulum, "move that pussy of yours, you little bitch..."Sandra was repulsed by his crude words. Her body seemed to have become immune to his coarse assault, and she no longer cared what happened to her. She was lost, lost! Mike didn't care what happened to her, and now Sam, their own employee, was using her as a receptacle for his own debased desire.As the impassioned workman continued to pound into her, Sandra again began to feel the stirrings of change deep within her. At first, she couldn't believe it was happening, but then, after a while, it was undeniable. Needlepoints of lewdly kindled pleasure were beginning to pinch her, sending little ripples of delight coursing through her. She was beginning to enjoy it! Her rational mind was aghast at the lewd rebellion in her body, and she tried to quell it, but it was no use. Her body was reacting in an age-old way, over which she had no control. She was a woman, and her womanly flesh was responding to a man's lustfully driving cock inside her, the way it had from the beginning of time. Her body and consequently her reactions were out of her control!She began to mewl with pleasure through tightly clenched teeth, unwilling to let her adversary know of his victory, but he had already sensed her submission and was jubilant. Her body was more yielding, fighting less and less against his intrusion, until finally it was swaying in pagan rhythm with his own fucking, her hips grinding forward to welcome his massive shaft deeply up inside her belly, her softly quivering buttocks pressing hard back against the wall, to draw out the pleasure of his slow, teasing withdrawals. Oh Christ, he thought dazedly, this is better than I thought it would be... the bitch really knows how to fuck.Sandra was moaning now with the intensity of her desire. Every particle of her body was crying out for satiation, and her pores seemed to open in welcome to the force of Sam's feverish screwing. Every nerve ending was trembling with passion, and the ache in her loins grew with each long, clean stroke of the hired hand's gigantic prick. She felt aroused as she never had before. Mike had never been able to awake her to this degree, and she had thought that she must forever forget true sexual arousal as she felt sure it would be. But this crude, rough and ready farm worker, by the very lewdness of his actions, had unlocked the key to her responses, and was eliciting unknown reactions in her. She was desperate for release, yet she hoped the wonderful sensations inside her would never cease."Mmmmmmmm... Sam, oh it's so nice, sooo nice..." she gasped, her hands shooting down and clasping his hips, pulling him closer to her. She felt she couldn't have enough of him, and her pussy was sucking desperately at his cock in an attempt to engulf more and more of his delicious penis up inside it.Sam was perspiring, his short frame hot and cold in turn as he fucked wildly into the hungrily squirming woman. He knew that he couldn't hold out any longer, and he wanted to, because this was definitely the best fuck of his life. He wanted to make it last but..."Oh God woman, grind that ass of yours... I'm... going... to... CUUUMMMMM! AHHHHH!"Sam was gyrating like a whiplash, his pelvis crashing and battering Sandra with renewed strength as he felt the rumble of his hot boiling sperm deep in the darkness of his balls and then he felt the headlong rush of the fomenting seed as it gushed along the pipe of his bulging prick and rushed out in a frothy waterfall into the desperately sucking cavern of Sandra's wildly writhing cunt. From the deep daze of his cumming, he heard Sandra cry out in an agonized, delighted tone."UUUUUUMMmmmmmmmmm... I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I'm... AAAAGGGHHHHH!" And her body, too, was tossing like a gyroscope, a bottle adrift at sea, the only lifeline being the relentless pole of Sam's battering prick which continued to shoot incredible spurts of creamy hotness into her hungrily contracting pussy. She continued to moan as the rising tide of her orgasm swept over her like a tidal wave and finally engulfed her, only it wasn't fearsome as she supposed, only sweet and heavenly and gentle, bobbing her along on its crest like a complacent gull, and she was riding the beautiful white surf, pleased and relaxed in her new found proficiency, forgetting the reality of being fucked up against the wall, remembering only the unbelievable sheets of pleasure which billowed over her, bathing her with an ecstasy she had never experienced before. It was Sam, the hired man, who had initiated her into the wonderful realm of sun-drenched pleasure, and as she felt his limp, spent penis slip exhausted from her, and felt at last the quieting of her own internal earthquakes, she slithered down onto the softness of the hay, allowing herself, legs still spread wide, to drift off into a blissful euphoria, into which Sam, and only Sam, had given her a ticket of admission.Chapter 6========="Yes, I have to admit I belong to the 'Ban DDT' camp," Jeff McLean drawled as he sipped the Scotch and soda Sandra had fixed for him. He leaned back comfortably in the wing chair, and Sandra found herself thinking how attractive the veterinarian looked, his handsome face boyish under his mop of dark brown hair."I admit it has its drawbacks," Sandra replied thoughtfully, "but surely its usefulness outweighs any disadvantages."She felt curiously elated, a girlish thrill surging through her as she talked with McLean. He had lingered in the kitchen after attending to the cows, giving them their annual Tuberculosis test, and had accepted with alacrity her offer of a drink. She felt like a new woman as she talked with him, his comparative urbanity infusing her with liveliness, and his intelligent conversation starting the wheels of her own brain turning slowly."Its usefulness!" McLean laughed sardonically, getting his drink down. "Do you call polluting the land and sea useful? Not only does DDT destroy fish life, it is also beginning to poison the phytoplankton in the ocean. Do you realize what that means?""Not exactly," Sandra had to admit, secretly enjoying his indignation."It's from phytoplankton that we get almost 50 per cent of oxygen replenishment," he explained. "We are on our way to suffocating ourselves with that damn DDT!"Sandra took another sip on her drink."But what about the wonders DDT has worked with malaria in Ceylon, for example," she suggested, remembering an article she had read recently."Modern technology is one of the casual factors of the world's troubles. The universe is a hard task master and only the fittest should survive. Merely keeping millions alive so they can live another day with a pain in their bellies from hunger is doing them no favor!""But almost a billion people have been saved from malaria over the last twenty-five years or so," Sandra exclaimed. "Should they have been left to die or waste away, for the sake of a few fish and water plants?""Of course not," McLean answered indignantly, "but a little foresight should have been used. Merely spraying the Anopheles mosquito isn't the answer; provision in the way of family planning, agricultural instruction and so on should have been made to take care of the extra millions. Instead we are bent on ruining what we have!" He finished his drink in a long swallow. "You can see that the subject is really one of my beefs!" he laughed."People should care!" Sandra said carefully. "Living in the countryside, we tend to forget the problems of the world because we are so insulated and free from them all.""Besides," McLean interrupted, "a beautiful woman like you shouldn't have to worry about such things!"Sandra flushed pink with pleasure under his frank compliment. She did look very attractive, she knew, and was pleased that the veterinarian had noticed it. She felt a rush of gratitude to him for being interested in her mind, also, and felt that even her thoughts and opinions were beginning to reflect the freedom and lucidity she was experiencing through her body. Ever since that morning last week, when Sam had taken her so harshly in the stable, her life had undergone a change. The rough workman had unleashed a torrent of sensual desire in her, which could only be dammed by his urgent, passionate lovemaking. She had adapted herself thoroughly to a new regime of wild, unusual sex out in the barn with Sam, tinged always with a sense of urgency and illicitness, and she could hardly remember what it was like before. Her body never seemed to get enough of him, and he always succeeded in arousing her to fever pitch, making her more frenzied, more demanding, more willing each time. Yes, I'm really a new woman now, she mused as she rose to fix new drinks. Her hips had a new provocative swing to them, she knew and she was aware of the vet's eyes on her enticing buttocks. She was revitalized by Sam's attentions, his body, his hands, and she had begun to take a new interest in herself, discarding her country casuals, and wearing new slinky type dresses, low cut blouses, curve clinging pants outfits. She had even begun to pin her hair up occasionally, even though it wasn't really long enough, and letting little tendrils fall down becomingly over her smooth cheeks. She had someone who cared how she looked now, she reasoned, feeling younger, more attractive, more wanted than she had for years. Mike didn't seem to notice the change in her, or if he did, he didn't say anything. In fact, he didn't seem to say much at all lately, and Sandra had felt pronounced relief when he said curtly that he'd be away for a few days, buying new stock for the farm. That was two days ago, and she had enjoyed hours in her husband's bed of unworried abandon in Sam's arms. Already her brow darkened at the thought that her husband would be back the following day.But her smile brightened again when she brought the drinks in and handed one to McLean."You've certainly changed since I saw you last!" Jeff smiled, running his eyes admiringly over her pale pink silk dress, which she had artlessly left unopened to reveal the tops of her translucent ivory breasts. His last visit was three months ago, and Sandra remembered how dowdy and unhappy she'd been."For better, or worse?" she quipped brightly."Better, of course, much better!" Jeff laughed, "Mike must be really taking care of you!"Sandra blushed, and to hide her confusion, enjoined, "Country air must be good for me!""Yep," McLean agreed, "a spell in the country works wonders for anyone! People change their views on a lot of things after a rural sojourn."Sandra took a long swallow on her drink, hoping Jeff wouldn't notice her discomfiture. Guilt about her liaison with the farm worker came so suddenly and abruptly to the fore that she was sure he must suspect something."But you're still a city girl at heart, aren't you, Sandra?" McLean said, a new note in his voice. Before Sandra realized, he was leaning over her, her forearms grabbed tightly in his hands. His breath was warm on her face and his mouth was looming closer."No, stop!" she gasped, struggling to escape his over-powering grip."Hey, what's the matter? I thought you might like a little city loving after all that pastoral stuff!"Sandra's mind was reeling. What had come over him?"Let me go, Jeff!" she said, her voice quietly authoritative. Anger stirred in McLean's taut body."Now wait a minute!" he snapped. "Don't give me any of that innocent crap! I know you're hot for me - why not admit it!"Sandra's heart pounded wildly in her chest. She had found him attractive, it was true, but that was as far as it went... wasn't it?"Please Jeff..." she began."You're not so standoffish with Maguire, are you?" he demanded, rage boiling hot inside him.Sandra gasped, her face crimsoning. Did he know? Could he have found out?"W-what do you... mean?" she whispered, frightened and tremulous."You know what I mean, honey," he rasped, squeezing her tighter, "and you can give me a little of that pussy of yours too!""H-how dare you?" she stammered, unable to suppress her irritation. He knew, that was obvious!"Listen, baby," he snapped, "I get a taste of that hot little cunt of yours, or Mike will suddenly find out all about your little game with Maguire. What would he say to that?"Sandra shivered at the change in the man's voice. It seemed cruder, more ominous. All the polished suavity was gone from it, and now it was edged with lust. Mike would kill her if he found out! The thought stood stolidly in her mind. What can I do?Suddenly, his mouth bore down on hers, he was pushing her down on the couch and kissing her in a hard, bruising oral embrace which reddened her lips and trapped her breath. Everything vanished from her mind, fled from the overwhelming power of his kiss, and her arms reached up and encircled his neck while her lips strained against his, clinging desperately to them. Her nipples stiffened under the thin dress, jutting against his chest, and his hands slipped down and ran expertly over her back, her hips, her thighs. Her lips parted to admit his swirling tongue into her hot orifice, and she quivered under the force of the passion he was beginning to arouse in her. She felt resistance fall away from her body, and she felt a mild protest forming in her brain."No, this is wrong," she murmured, feebly trying to free herself from McLean's unrelenting embrace. "I can't let another man do it to me!""Come on now, honey," he whispered in her ear, "you're a little more generous with Sam... Mike wouldn't like you to be stingy with me..."Mike! He'd tell Mike if she didn't comply... As she hesitated, she was aware of his hands fumbling at the buttons of her dress, opening them all the way down... his hands suddenly on the eager orbs of her throbbing breasts... her nipples burgeoning hungrily into his palms... Her eyes dropped involuntarily to the growing bulge between his legs. She could almost see the protuberance of his pulsating organ growing before her eyes, and a stab of longing coursed through her. Her eyes drank in the sight of his broad, strong shoulders, his firm sensual torso, his cruel exciting lips... and then dropped again to the fleshy promontory between his thighs. Her body began to ache with sudden intensity - every nerve ending seemed to tremble with suppressed desire. Oh God, it was no use... her body was too strong for her... she wanted this man... she wanted this strong, virile male, just like he wanted her!Jeff sensed her acquiescence, his half-closed eyes mesmerized by the enticing sight of her half naked body, its shimmering whiteness like fine marble against the Giorgone-like sheen of her silk dress. His prick was pulsating fervently against his leg, branding his flesh with its hot passion. He exulted in his victory over her, her obvious desire for him. Sam's right, he mused, she's a hot little bitch! He had been skeptical when Sam, barely suppressing his excitement, had blurted out to him the details of his incredible affair with the young farm wife. He had imagined that it might be wishful thinking on his part, but Sandra had seemed to be upset by his references to the farm worker, and now, she was mewling with excited desire! A change certainly had come over her, he thought, remembering the uncooperative disinterested wife he'd first met six months ago, and on his subsequent visit three months later, her shabby, gone-to-seed appearance. Nevertheless, he'd been interested in what lay beneath that dowdy exterior, but of course, had never dreamed of finding out, not until today, of course! And now, he certainly was going to find out...Sandra sighed as she felt his mouth close over the crest of one trembling upright breast, his soft firm lips enveloping the tender throbbing flesh of her turgid nipple. She became vibrantly alive under his touch, excited and aroused as she felt the nearness of his heated masculine body. She could feel the bloated strength of his still-encased penis as it pulsed against her thigh and her loins began a tentative churning in time to the internal palpitations that were caressing her desire-ridden flesh. His mouth was trailing down her body, licking and kissing her warm, pliant flesh, glorying in her naked offering to him. His eyes fell lustily over the dark ebony fleece of her slightly raised pubic mound, and he felt an impatient tremor spasm through him. Christ, this is going to be good... he murmured passionately, his hand fiddling with the fly of his pants.Sam gripped the edge of the window sill, his eyes bulging, his nostrils dilated with anger. He had to stifle a bellow of rage as he stared in disbelief at what was transpiring in the Peters' livingroom.Sandra's eyes jumped to the huge, fleshy rod of the veterinarian's cock as he eased it out of the confines of his pants. The excitedly hardened head gleamed a bluish-purple and the lengthy red base seemed to pulse with hot, angry blood. She felt a quiver of anticipatory fear mingled with masochistic pleasure as she continued to stare mesmerized at the lewd instrument, which McLean was obscenely encouraging to even greater proportions with crude caresses of his powerful hands. Unconsciously, she spread her legs a little wider, arching her pussy up in a primitive invitation to his waiting cock.Christ, the fucking little bitch really wants it, Sam thought viciously, his own prick throbbing inside his workpants as he pressed against the outside wall, his face riveted to the glass of the sitting room window.Jeff's gaze was riveted on the entrancing sight of Sandra's flexed pussy mound, barely concealing an enticing gleam of moist pink flesh between the swollen fleshy outer vaginal lips. He could see the red, lust-angered knob of her clitoris nestling beneath the crown of darkly resilient curls, and a faint pulsing drew his hypnotized gaze to the small, clasping little hole of her cuntal mouth."Oh, Christ, Sandra," he rasped hoarsely, "I'm going to fuck you now..."Sandra's blood quickened on hearing his lewd, lust-inflamed words, and her own yearning magnified on realizing the extent of his animalistic passion.She felt him settle between the insides of her widespread, welcoming thighs, felt the nudge of his rubbery hard pole against her sensitive inner skin, felt the first jarring contact of his rigid, impermeable shaft against the delicate folds of her waiting cunt.McLean slowly guided the solid rod of flesh towards the small, star-shaped cuntal mouth, and poised it there for a moment, the knobby distended head pressing lightly against the fragile membrane. Then he rammed forward with all his might, and sunk his petrified weapon with a single lurch in the depths of the flabbergasted woman."Oh no, it's too big... it hurts!" Sandra sobbed, feeling her interior vaginal wall stretch with painful intensity from the huge mass of granite hard flesh imbedded inside her.Sam stared dumbfounded at the spectacle of the skewered woman, his eyes welded on the sunken shaft barely protruding from Sandra's ovally stretched vaginal hole.McLean continued to plow forward, his massive prick tunneling effortlessly through her widening channel until the huge head came to rest at the mouth of her cervix. His hands dipped down and grasped the fleshy spheres of her satiny buttocks, reveling in their resilient softness, and then pulled her crotch even further down on his sunken cock, swiveling her pelvis around on his hardened shaft, grazing the sensitive entrance to her womb against his rock hard penis. Sandra drew in her breath at the novel sensation, dizzy from the new feelings soaring through her, and then her busy interior muscles began to contract and squeeze on the entrapped masculinity within her, wringing gasps of unexpected pleasure from McLean.He began to fuck in and out of her, with long, practiced strokes, sinking his driving prick to the hilt in her willing cavern, withdrawing it almost entirely out of her now warmly contracting pussy, matching thrust for thrust as they bucked and slapped against each other, their dark curling pubic hairs brushing together and entwining. Sandra's hair flung out around her face as she tossed her head from side to side, and tiny mewls of ecstatic pleasure forced themselves from between her grinding teeth. McLean was arousing new sensations in her and her body was responding with a hedonistic answer of its own. It was heavenly, writhing about in pagan delight under the passion-demented body of a man - a man who was depraved with desire for her! The idea that she had aroused him to such a fever pitch thrilled her. Her body had incensed him like this, enflamed him with uncontrollable lust. Her flesh tingled with the wanton abandon of it all, being fucked, and fucking back, for all she was worth. Gone were any lingering thoughts of husband, of Sam... her body was the master now, its desire her only duty to satisfy.Outside the window, Sam felt that he was going to explode, so intense was the crackling ache in his balls and the urgent call in his cock. His anger had faded to excitement as he continued to watch his mistress going crazy from the fucking the veterinarian, McLean, was giving her. The lewd sight excited him unnaturally; his fury with McLean for tricking him giving way to jealousy as he observed the other man's pumping body, his ecstatic look of pleasure that coated his face, the willing, responsive body of Sandra beneath him. It was all too much for him... he couldn't take it any more...Sandra was riding the waves of an indescribable joy. Her body was completely in tune with McLean's; they were as one, sliding and twisting and rocking together on the star-studded way to the acme of their desires. Her body was reaching, striving to achieve the unrebukable climax which was building up in her, and which wouldn't be long in coming.From the back of her mind, Sandra heard a sound which turned her blood to ice. The door was opening, and someone was coming into the room!Terror flooded through her, paralyzing her responses momentarily, and the icy fingers of fear clutched grotesquely at her heart. Turning her head slightly, she could just see through a chink in the tangle of her and Jeff's bodies, the lower torso of a naked man!Her eyes widened at the sight of the huge, obese penis which jutted out obscenely from its base, and there was something slightly familiar about it. The stranger was standing stock still, and Sandra blinked her eyes, wondering for a moment, if it wasn't all just a lewd mirage.When she focused again, she had to bite back a blood-curdling scream. The torso was coming, coming, towards her, the elongated shaft bobbing obscenely. Nightmarish terror threatened to send her hurling into unconsciousness.Then she felt herself being turned over, to the side, McLean's arms still grasping her tightly, his tireless cock still slicing ceaselessly in and out. Oh, God, she sobbed silently, what is happening. Who is it?The pounding of bare feet came nearer, and then a coarse, lust-crazed voice rang out, "For Christ's sake, McLean, wait for me!"It was Sam! Her throat was arid and she wanted to jump up and flee from this ultimate degradation but she was a prisoner of her own body, still responding heedlessly to McLean's insistent hammering. Agonized, she felt the trim smooth ovals of her buttocks being spread apart, heard Sam's excited gasp as the dark little ring of her anus came into view, and then she sobbed aloud as she felt the hard, stubby head of his dancing prick come into direct contact with the tight little hole. What was he going to do to her? her mind pleaded in silence, suddenly terrified by the confrontation with her lover.The sight of Sandra's round firm buttocks jerking backward enticingly under McLean's frontal thrusts egged Sam on to a new plateau of desire, and with an excited grunt, he pressed his thick forefinger against the crinkled little sphincter, worming it into the tightly resisting little passage until he had intruded as far as the first knuckle."Nnnggghhhhhh..." Sandra groaned as she felt the maddening pain begin in her back passage, and she began to struggle wildly, twisting her ass around in wild staccato attempts to dislodge his firmly imbedded finger. Her feverish flailing seemed to incite McLean to boiling point, as he continued to fuck heedlessly into her ravished vagina."That's it... move that ass..." he groaned, seemingly oblivious to the farm hand's entrance.Sam rotated his finger around inside the tight little rectum, sinking it deeper inside her, until he suddenly pulled it out abruptly with a loud plop! which gave Sandra a momentary feeling of relief.But it was short-lived, as she felt again the hard, excruciating pressure of Sam's rock-hard prick head against the cringing little anal mouth, and as he continued to jab and pressure the tiny hole, paralyzing realization of what was going to happen washed over her with tumultuous force."Oh God, please don't, Sam..." she shrieked at the same time as he lunged forward in a snarling, brutal surge, and forced the vainly resisting muscle to yield under his greater strength."AAAAARRRGGHHHHH! No! No! Please stop!" she sobbed as she felt the splitting pain of his brutal anal entry."PLEASE STOP, SAM... PLEEASSSSE!" she continued to wail as he began to inch forward, forcing open the tender internal membrane with his merciless onslaught."Oh God, it hurts! It hurts too much!" the demented woman implored her lover, but to no avail. By dint of pure strength, Sam managed to slide forward until the full length of his lust-driven cock was imbedded in her back passage. Her whole backside was a sheet of raw fiery pain which pushed unmercifully up the length of her spinal column, culminating in a shattering pain in her brain, which was actually the force of the knowledge of the utter degradation the two men were subjecting her to. She was like helpless chattel between the two of them, a mindless being existing only for their pleasure, as they double fucked her, one in front and one in back and filled the air with their animalistic groans of pleasure.Sam began to screw slowly in and out of her throbbing rectum, and she shamefully remembered the similar assault by her husband, which had been fading into a bitter memory, and was now recalled with new venom. Then, slowly but surely, the soft rubbery walls of her back passage were beginning to widen, thus mercifully lessening the incredible pain. When the agonizing pain had finally cleared, Sandra was sorry it did, because it revealed something which added more shame and humiliation to her debased ego. She was beginning to enjoy it, enjoy the lewd anal screwing her lover was giving her while McLean continued to fuck her in front. No! No! her mind screamed as she lay sandwiched between the two sweating male bodies, trying to will the rising tide of pleasure to ebb. But she failed."Oooohhhhhhhhh..." a low pitched wail of animal-like pleasure rang out... she couldn't resist the primordial call of her body any longer. SHE LIKED IT. She liked being buffeted like a scrap of paper in the wind, mercilessly battered between the two heaving bodies. Masochistic ripples of pleasure eddied along her spine as she began to revel in her complete subjugation to the two men. She began to glory in the power they had over her, not only physical power but their potency which invoked such responsive delight in her. They were like wild stallions, luring her, the domestic mare, out to the bitter-sweet freedom of the plains, and she had responded, throwing aside the security of suppressed sensual excitement for the excruciating sweet agony of a completely freed libido."Mmmmmmmmm... oooohhh it's good..." she moaned, arching her back and flaring her buttocks to receive Sam's jack-hammer thrusts in back and then flicking forward to welcome Jeff's pile-driver shaft in front."Oooohhh that's it... hurt me! Fuck me harder!" her voice rang out, raucous in its obscenities, and Sandra could hardly recognize it as her own. She was in another world, piloted there by the unbelievable spasms of pleasure she was receiving in her dual passages, as the two hard, plunging pricks dove in unison and surfaced as one, leaving her breathless with excitement. It was incredible, being fucked like this by two men at once... far far better than anything she had ever experienced before. She wanted it to go on forever!But her body had climbed to the topmost peak of sensual ecstasy, and there was nothing left for her but to tumble down.Her piercing wail rent the air, and then her body was spasming uncontrollably, slippery as an eel between the sandwich of human flesh."AAAAARRRRRRRNNNNnnnnnngggggg... I'm cumming! Oh God, do it harder! Harder! I'm THERE!"The two men were driven by the whiplash of her lust-hoarsened voice and they pounded against her, their driven cocks tormented beyond belief by the dynamic contractions of her pussy and rectum, until they, too, could hold out no longer.Their deep masculine voices sounded out, distorted with passion, as the floodgates of their lust were loosened, and the torrents of their bubbling white liquid scorched from the vats of their testicles along the pipes of their plunging pricks and poured with spasmodic ejaculations into the writhing, squirming twin passages, where they commingled in an effervescent pool of frothy male sperm in Sandra's womb. They continued to flood her insides, their reservoir of semen apparently never-ending, until finally, their exhausted cocks finally acknowledged defeat, and began to slip like spent worms from her widely dilated passages. Gurgling with pleasure, Sandra slipped to the floor, her body floating on a sea of happiness, shielded on both sides by her two lovers.Chapter 7=========Sandra was applying nail-polish to her long tapering nails, when she heard Mike's car pull into the driveway. She gave a little start, surprised at his early homecoming. She hadn't really been expecting him until the morning, and already her mind had been wandering ahead to the long evening of pleasure she would experience with Sam. Her body still tingled from the incredible fucking she had received from Sam and the veterinarian simultaneously, just the previous evening, and the wild three-way act had honed the edge of her sexual appetite to such a pitch that she thought Sam would never finish with his chores, and come to her. Damn him, why did he have to come home early? she complained silently, putting aside her cosmetics and heading for the kitchen. Still, maybe Mike... It was weeks since Mike had made love to her, and she felt a sudden, urgent longing to feel his body near hers again, experience him through the body of the new woman she had become. Her face brightened as her husband hurried into the kitchen."Hello, Sandra," he called, "any coffee ready?" Sandra looked at him uneasily. He was slumping tiredly in a chair, his eyes roaming aimlessly around the room. He didn't even seem to see her!She handed him a steaming cup, and without even acknowledging it, he picked up the Vet's report which was lying on the table."That's one good thing anyway!" he muttered, his eyes roaming over the report."What's that?" Sandra asked, puzzled."The Vet's report - the cows all passed the TB test - or did you ever bother to read it?" There was an ominous coldness in his voice which made Sandra shiver.Draining his coffee cup, he rose and headed for the door."W-would you care for some dinner? I've got...""Later!" he interrupted, "I'd better check on things in the dairy!" And before Sandra had a chance to reply, he was gone.Sandra stood stock-still. She didn't really know what kind of greeting she had expected from her husband, but she certainly hadn't anticipated his coldness, indifference. He didn't care what she was thinking or what she felt about his return. He just didn't care! Fear clutched relentlessly at Sandra's pulsing heart. Was she in danger of losing Mike? Was her marriage actually dissolving in front of her? Numbly, she tried to reassure herself. She knew in her heart that the intoxication of her new found sensual freedom was a paltry return for the security she had taken for granted, and which was in imminent danger of toppling! Did Mike suspect what she had been up to? Anxiety gnawed at her viscera like a dog at a bone. She sunk down into a chair, her lovely young body shaking with convulsive tremors, as she fought a rising wave of panic.The minutes ticked by, but Sandra's uneasiness had not abated. She felt worse than ever, with only herself to blame. For the first time, she began to realize the seriousness of her actions, and to wonder about their consequences. In the back of her mind, she had assumed that Mike would not find out. She also believed that nothing that she did would make him turn against her! Had she been wrong? Was Mike sick and tired of her, her bitchy, demanding ways, her lack of consideration for him? But I love him, I still do! her mind protested. She had to tell him, tell him now, ask for his forgiveness, get his reassurance that everything was all right. At the back of her mind was the paralyzing fear that Sam, unable to restrain himself, would brag about his conquest...She knew Mike didn't like her to disturb him at work in the sheds, but she couldn't wait until he came back. It might be too late...Sandra ran lightly across the yard, and headed straight for the dairy, relieved to find a light there. She let herself quietly in by the back way, anxious not to disturb him, and stealthily made her way towards the far end where the machinery was. She could hear muffled voices, and silently prayed that Mike wouldn't be angry at her for disturbing him.Suddenly, Sandra froze, her blood running cold. She had to stifle a scream as her husband's voice wafted across to her."Oooohhh Eve darling, I've missed you so much..."God what were they doing? She had to find out...Her blood racing, she slipped inside the next to last stall, and peering between the slats of the wood partition, her eyes darted restlessly, trying to find her husband.Then she saw him!Her eyes bulged as they focused on a blurred tangle of naked arms and legs. Mike, her husband and Eve were sprawled, stark nude, on several sacks of animal feed, their bodies locked together in a tight, passionate embrace.Sandra felt a blood-curdling scream rise in her throat and she had to cram her knuckles into her mouth to suppress it, as she saw the young blonde, Eve's, strong white hands wrapped tightly around Mike's neck, and as she glimpsed her husband's hungry wet tongue slipping into the shapely blonde's receptive mouth. Their twisting, writhing bodies lay only a few feet from Sandra's horrified gaze, and she could see that Eve's large gray eyes were beginning to dilate and an unmistakable smoky haze of passion drifted across them as Mike slowly caressed her ripe golden body.Sandra watched, paralyzed with shock. Every nuance on their faces was distinct to her view; she stood there breathless, unable to turn her eyes away from the lewd display of flesh and passion.She watched as Mike's mouth tore away from the glistening fullness of Eve's lips and began to trail hot, wet kisses down her vibrant swan-like neck, sucking ardently at the tender flesh, leaving a path of raw, red little patches in his wake. The blonde's hands were digging desperately into his shoulders and from her gaping, half-open mouth, it was obvious that she was already deeply entangled in passionate sensual excitement.Sandra was hypnotized by the sight of the eager couple wallowing in unabashed lust. Her heart felt crushed by the evidence of her husband's infidelity, but still, she couldn't tear herself away from the incredible spectacle. She wanted to run in and separate the adulterous couple, yet she was immobilized by the scene. She had never in her life seen anything so mesmerizing, so compelling. It was strangely, perversely exciting, and every nerve, every sense in her body seemed sharpened to extraordinary intensity.Sandra watched, her eyes bulging, as Eve, her blonde hair flowing like a sheath of golden hay, stretch free of the tangle of arms and legs and slowly spread her perfectly sculptured thighs, revealing the honey-colored muff of her pubic triangle. Her arms hung languidly by her sides and her firm full breasts rose up and down with her frenzied breathing. Sandra could see the nipples spring to attention, the dark pink buds jutting up erectly from the crinkled brown aureoles.She gasped, stung with unbearable jealousy, as Mike squeezed the ripe flesh as he kissed first one and then the other buttery globe. He rolled the thickening nipples between his thumb and forefinger, wringing little mewls of pleasure from Eve. Then he raised his head and Sandra could see the livid pink stretch of his tongue darting out as it flicked down the smooth soft plane of her lithe body, stopping to poke at the tight, deeply imbedded little navel, licking it lovingly, as his hand continued to massage the smooth plane of her belly.Sandra's dimming eyes were riveted on the tall tanned body of her husband as it hovered over the prostrate girl, and her eyes dropped to the huge, fleshy protuberance of his cock as it dangled out obscenely from the blonde pubic thatch. It prodded lewdly at Eve's parted thighs, and Sandra could see the girl's hips churning in unmistakable invitation."Oh darling, please fuck me now... I want to feel your beautiful hard cock inside me..." Eve's passion distorted voice pleaded. Her fingernails were digging into his muscular back, and Sandra winced at the girl's lascivious desire.Sandra had never seen Mike so aroused, so lust-crazed as he was as he hovered over the pleading girl. A new wave of jealously swept over her - she had never been able to arouse him to that extent!Suddenly, he leaned forward and grasped Eve's quivering legs and lifted them high up, till they dangled over his shoulders. He looked down at the lewd spectacle of her naked open vagina, lust gleaming in his eyes, and Sandra herself could see the moist, pink furrow throbbing with excitement. She could see the eager clasping hole of her vagina, opening and closing, trying to suck in something to fill her desperate void. The outer lips were swollen with passion and the red bulbous tip of her clitoris quivered and pulsed through the soft blond pubic fuzz.Mike grasped his long, thick penis in his hand and guided it towards the enticing pink split, running the thick burgeoning head deftly along the moistened crevice, lubricating it in Eve's already flowing vaginal juices, while she mewled piteously."Ob please Mike, do it to me now... please do it to me now!"Her lewd words seemed to galvanize Mike into action, and he suddenly rammed forward and with an explosive groan, thrust the hard bulbous head into the tiny, hair-fringed hole between her legs."AAAAhhhhhhmmmmmmm..." Eve sighed, and Sandra felt the first stirrings of anger on hearing the girl's sibilant moans of pleasure. Her lewd fascination with the incredible scene had suppressed any anger she might have felt, but now a slow burning resentment was seething inside the bewildered wife. It's just like I thought, she fumed inwardly, he was interested in that little slut right from the beginning! Her own deviance from the marital path was forgotten as rage simmered inside her as she watched her husband in his joyful rendezvous with the young blonde milkmaid. No wonder he wasn't interested in me, she bridled, and to think I was rushing out to apologize to him, the lousy cheating bastard...She watched, rage boiling like a furnace within her, as Mike continued to plow forward, sinking his elongated shaft all the way into Eve's upraised pelvis."Ahhhhnnnngggghhhhh!" she moaned as Mike's desire hardened cock reached the back of her womb, and his hairy pendulous balls slammed hard against the soft silky cushions of her upturned buttocks.Sandra craned her neck, eager suddenly not to miss a second of her husband's frenzied fucking of another woman.Her rage was receding again, and jealousy was once more taking its place... envy, and a vicarious sort of excitement. There was something hypnotic about her husband's smooth, long strokes and his short, sharp strokes which evoked a responsive rhythm in her own loins. Her initial state of shock was wearing off, and she felt horribly rejected, she was left out of the paradise which the two lovers were enjoying, and she was overcome by a feeling of loneliness and rejection. The obscene magnetism of the violently fucking couple - her husband and, his mistress - was drawing her into its lewd spell, and she wanted to run and leave the scene of adultery, but she couldn't.She was caught in the web of the lurid act transpiring a few feet away, and she had to wait to the end, had to see all of this incredible copulation between her husband and the young girl.Suddenly, she froze in her bending forward position, her heart thumping with terror. Someone was behind her! She wanted to turn around, discover the intruder, even scream, but she couldn't! She couldn't let Mike know that she'd seen him, that she'd been spying on him! Her flesh crawled as she felt hands behind her, strong, calloused hands on her thighs, easing up her short flared skirt, caressing her naked skin. The hands were tugging on her flimsy white panties, peeling them down over her full rounded hips... the fingers were probing at her now nakedly exposed vagina... OH GOD, SHE COULDN'T STAND IT! She had to turn, stop whoever it was."Ssshhh, it's only me..."It was Sam! Relief flooded through the terrified wife. But what was he doing? Sandra wanted to ask him, wanted him to go away, let her witness alone her husband's infidelity."Aaaaahhhhhhhh..." Sandra was unable to stop herself moaning as she felt the searing, unexpected contact of Sam's mouth on her naked pussy! He had ducked under her skirt, and his face was buried between her thighs!Oh God, Sandra thought desperately, what's happening? She had to stop him, stop his disgusting assault on her genitals, had to pull away."Oh Mike, you know how to fuck me... your cock feels so great in me... Mmmmmmm..."Sandra's attention was once more crudely arrested by her rival's lust-enflamed sighs, and she felt her skin tingle from the girl's obscene words. Her eyes flew to the bucking, writhing bodies as they slapped wetly against each other, coated with perspiration.Dimly, she realized that she was yielding to Sam's pressure on her thighs, easing them apart. In the daze of her confusion, she could hear him rasping:"I'm gonna lick your pussy, suck it and bite that little clit of yours... make you cum that way while you watch your husband fuck that li'l blonde..." His lewd incantation sent excited shivers coursing through her. Did he think she would allow him to touch her there, where he had ordered the dog to? Her mind shrank again from the memory of the oral licking she had received from Sam's dog, and how she had enjoyed it..."No, Sam, no..." she whispered feebly, terrified Mike would hear. But her pleas were lost in the slavering sound of his tongue as it swept and lapped against her trembling cuntal split, brushed electrically against the hard button of her clitoris, prodded the soft velvety folds of her pussy. Against her will, Sandra felt the excitement, arousal, enjoyment, building inside her. She couldn't help it... the hired man's tongue felt good against her quivering cunt... His wet mouth continued to stroke the full length of the moistened pink furrow, his taut voracious tongue inching its way deeper and deeper into her eager young pussy. Prickly shoots of pleasure stabbed up into Sandra's belly, radiating a vivid halo of sexual excitement from her glowing womb as his crude, direct sensuality seemed to snap her whole being into lustful attention.She had to bite her lips to suppress the sighs of intense pleasure which were trying to force them into sound, and she gripped the wooden top of the stall, as she felt his tongue dip and tease the hot, fiery opening to her cuntal passage.Oh God, what's wrong with me, her mind questioned suddenly as her eyes focused again on the wild pagan bucking of the grunting couple in front of her. Their lewd scene had become part of her own blazing, uncontrollable lust, and her own obscene witnessing of her husband's adultery was as arousing as the burning, tingling touch of the man's tongue beneath her skirt. She had transversed an unfathomable boundary in the short time since she had worried and fretted alone in the kitchen when her husband had hurried out. The last half-hour was a real milestone in her life, and she knew that she could not retrace her steps across that boundary. She was watching her husband fucking another woman while her own cunt was being sucked by the hired man, and her mode of life till then, was a thing of the past. She knew, as she continued to gaze raptly at the panting, jerking figures of her husband and his mistress, that all her concepts on what life was all about were disintegrating... life as she knew it was disintegrating! The future was indescribable, but she had charted her own course, and she knew she would follow it, for better or worse...Involuntarily, Sandra found her thighs closing in around Sam's head, trapping his sweating face in the heat of her hungrily dripping pussy, his fiery red hair tickling her throbbing cuntal flesh. His tongue was like a dynamo, washing and slashing and slavering, teasing the throbbing knob of her clitoris, sucking the tendrils of her inner pussy lips, plunging stiffly into the burning hot orifice of her vaginal sheath. Her hot steaming cunt walls enveloped his intruding organ as it plunged, contracting, twitching, the engorged lips glistening from the dribbles of her secretions.Sam dug his rough fingers into her madly thrashing ass-cheeks, his tongue working like a jackhammer, probing, searching, driving into the soft luscious folds, possessed of a mind of its own.Mindless, uncontrolled lust shook Sandra and her upper body was pressed hard and roughly against the wall of the stall, and she ground her pelvis down on his imprisoned face. His tongue and lips and hands became a feverish stampede of lustful, frantic action, licking, biting, sucking as he groveled greedily in her desperately writhing cunt, all striving in unison to uncap the earth-shaking eruption from her passion tormented body. Her hands tangled in his hair, smashing his blood-flushed face into the boiling cauldron of her pussy. Sandra's mind was a wandering panorama of obscene pictures, in the forefront of which was the image of her husband and his mistress welded together in a carnal union of breathtaking passion.Sandra's glazed eyes swung over to the steaming, twisting couple. They were careening into a flailing collision of lust-driven fury... now accelerating... now finally far beyond any human control as their passion finally crested...They were cumming!Their lewd, hoarse shrieks of release were shatteringly near, and then began to fade, as Sandra's brain slipped at last utterly away. She was dissolved in a screaming rocket of head-long desire as shudder after shudder convulsed her. She felt the power of her approaching climax building, expanding deep within her womb.And then, a tremendous hot flash drove through her."Unnnnnggghhh..." she grunted out loud, her mind dissolving in the intense radiation of pure lust. She bucked forward, her pelvis engulfing Sam's exhausted, moist face. Another blinding wave of heat exploded within her, traveling with gathering speed up the thrashing length of her spine.Her head fell back, her mouth hung open."OH MY GOD! SAM! SAM!" she shrieked mindlessly, as another wave struck, and another, until the mounting shockwaves seemed to gather into a continuous thunderclap, converging on her lewdly tumbling body. She opened her mouth again, screaming wildly, oblivious of everything but the insatiable monster of her lust."I'm cumming! I'm cumming! AAARRRGGGhhhhhhhh..."Her screams seemed to go on forever, echoing throughout the huge building, rising and falling, dying and rising from the embers of her hoarseness again like a phoenix, the full throated release of her passion buoyantly hurling her about in the momentum of her orgasm like a matchstick bobbing in the wind of a hurricane.Blissful peacefulness was beginning to descend on her, wiping everything away but the glowing aftermath of her unbelievable release.Reality intruded with crude brutality as fingers dug into her shoulder."Mmm, oh please don't..." she murmured, her eyes fluttering open.Mike was standing over her, still stark naked!Her eyes widened in terror, her voice tried to call out, but no sound came."You bitch!" he spat, "You fucking little adulterous slut!"Chapter 8=========Sandra wished the ground would open up and swallow her. Shame and mortification flooded through her, crimsoning her downcast face. She was paralyzed with fear, too terrorized even to pull her skirt down over her still lewdly splayed thighs. She was painfully, desperately aware of her husband standing over her, his eyes traveling over the naked plane of her vagina, over her white nylon panties so casually discarded, over Sam's cowering, abject figure.Unable to stand it any longer, Sandra hid her face in her hands, and started to sob helplessly, her body shaking with the force of her weeping. This was the end of everything! Mike had discovered her with Sam, spying on him. Sam would tell him everything, about the dog, about the veterinarian, McLean... Fresh sobs convulsed her as she thought of his rage, his fury. He'd kill her!There was an ominous silence, broken only by her stifled sobs. Why doesn't Mike say something, do something? her mind wondered, anything to make this terrible moment pass. It seemed an eternity since he had called her those names. Now at least, anger, abuse would be natural! This silence wasn't."Well, Maguire, what are you waiting for?" Mike's voice, cold and toneless with rage and hatred rang out. "You're not going to stop now, are you?"New terror gripped the frightened wife. What did Mike mean?"I... uh... I..." Sam mumbled, his face beet red."Get on with it!" Mike snapped, and Sandra recoiled from the edge in his voice."W-with what?" Sam mumbled dully."You can't leave the little lady lying there waiting, can you?" Mike sneered, a sarcastic pitch sharpening his voice.A new flood of embarrassment washed over Sandra. Oh God, what punishment was he planning for her?"No," Sam answered fatuously, his eyes turning to Sandra's sprawled figure."Okay then, let's see what it is that she can't do without!" Mike jeered.Sandra couldn't help herself."No Mike, please...""Shut up, you little whore!" he snapped, his eyes blazing.Sandra cringed back against the wall, trying to stand up straight, but only succeeding in falling against the bales of straw in the corner."What do I have to do?" Sam asked, relieved to find Peters' anger directed towards his wife."I'll tell you what to do!" Mike snarled, "but first let me get the little lady, sorry, the whore, ready!"Sandra cowered piteously as Mike approached her, and shielded her face with her arm. He grabbed her roughly by the shoulder, and pulled her to her feet. With one swift pull, he tore away her skirt, leaving her hips and thighs stark naked. And with a further exertion, he ripped the buttons of her blouse, tearing it from her shoulders. Last of all, he snatched away her blouse, leaving her totally naked."Oh God, please don't..." she sobbed, trying to cling to her husband's arm, trying to elicit some warmth in him. His only response was to fling her roughly onto the hay covered floor, where she fell in a disorderly heap, skinning her elbow against the stall, her body bruised from the unyielding surface. She wanted to cry, but couldn't. She could only lie there, a victim of her husband's mounting fury."Eve!" he called imperiously, "come and watch the show!" Sandra was aware of the young blonde milkmaid, slinking out of a corner where she had taken refuge. She was still naked and she looked very young and frightened, and she flattened herself against the wall, terrified of what was going on."All right, we can begin the show," Mike sneered, "and by Christ, the leading lady had better give a good performance!"Sandra lay prostrate on the floor, unable to feel anything, conscious only of a desire for the whole perverted thing to be over with."Okay, Maguire, we're waiting for you! Get ready!"Sam numbly began to undress, lifelessly discarding his clothes, until he, too, was stark naked, his prick banging semi-erect, jutting out half-heartedly from a tuft of reddish hair."Now let's think of a name for our show." Mike continued to jeer, "What about 'Wife turned Whore', or let me see. What about 'What Happens to a Cheating Wife'."There was silence all around.Unperturbed, Mike snapped, "There's your cue, Maguire! You're on stage!"Sandra stared at her husband in disbelief. Was he really expecting them to go through with this travesty? Had he gone insane?Incredulously, Sandra saw Sam shuffling towards her. He couldn't, he wouldn't touch her in front of Mike!"Okay, Maguire," Mike's voice rang out again, "spread the lady's legs wide, real wide!"Sandra shrank back down into the hay as Sam ambled nearer, and then she had to stifle a scream as his hands rested on her ankles."No! No!" she screamed, trying to keep her legs together. But he was too strong for her, and slowly, he forced her thighs apart, revealing the deep pink cleft of her trembling pussy. Shame crept like a smothering blanket over her as she felt the evening air rush in on her moist pussy. Oh God, I wish I were dead, her mind sobbed."Well, well, look at that!" Mike jeered, his voice dripping with scorn. "A nice juicy cunt, all wet and ready! You did a good job earlier, Maguire. Let's hope you can keep up the good work!"Sandra wanted to put her hand down to cover her nakedness, but she was afraid of what Mike might do! She knew it would be fatal to cross him now, the mood he was in."Now, bitch," her husband spat, "it's your turn! Take that nice big cock that you're so fond of, and make it nice and hard, 'cause you don't want a limp prick in that cunt of yours, now do you?" Sandra felt a retch of nausea cramp her stomach. She couldn't believe that this was the man she had married, her husband!"I'm waiting, slut!" he snapped, edging closer.Sandra's heart thudded painfully. She was afraid to appeal to him again. That only seemed to incense him. But she couldn't, she just couldn't do as he said! But she had no choice. She trembled at the thought of what he would do to her if she refused. He'd kill her! Mike edged even closer, and Sandra made up her mind. She had to comply! There was no way out!Her hand was shaking as she reached up and tentatively slipped her fingers around Sam's awakening prick. The lewd words seemed to have an exciting effect on the workman, and his member was already bobbing out, cleaving the air like a snake, the surface glistening with the blood of passion. Sandra could feel it throbbing under her touch, and she sensed that it was growing in dimension as she held it."Put more life into it!" her husband commanded, his voice perilously near, and Sandra began to move her fingers slightly, hoping to satisfy his demand."Tickle his balls, bitch!" Mike ordered, his voice shrill, "tickle your lover's balls!"Numbed with mortification and fear, Sandra obediently cupped Sam's hairy pendulous balls in her palm and massaged them gently, feeling the roiling of his sperm as they gathered in the darkness of his testicles. Her body ached from soreness and the hard floor, and she thought she'd pass out before much longer. Faintly, she hoped for a miracle, that her husband would grow tired of his game."Now, we're ready for the big one! Now, leading lady, look at what your lover has got for you!"Sandra forced herself to open her eyes, and they dropped to the bulging red protuberance a scant foot away. It was huge and thick and long-much bigger than she'd ever seen it!"Is it big enough for you? Is it? Is it?" Mike shrieked, his face reddening in his excitement and fury."Yes, it is..." Sandra mumbled wearily, sinking back against the floor. If only it was all over..."Kneel down in front of your mistress, Maguire!" Mike's thickened voice rang out again, and the wretched hired man, torn between fear and mounting desire, obediently settled himself between Sandra's quivering legs."Now slut, this is what you've been waiting for! Take hold of his prick and lead it towards that starving little pussy of yours!"Sandra blanched when she heard her husband's latest demands. It was too much - she had suffered enough. She couldn't do it, couldn't degrade herself further, and in front of Eve, too... Oh, God, what was she to do?"You heard what I said!" Mike's voice was livid with rage. It was no use! She had to do it...Fighting back her tears, Sandra reached down once more and grasped the rock-hard cock in her hand, and slowly, began to guide it towards the tiny cringing hole of her pussy. She rested the hard, bulbous head against the delicate petal-shaped opening, her breath quickening in fear."All right, Maguire, get ready. I'll tell you when to go!"All feeling left Sandra. She was suffering the ultimate degradation. And she didn't care. She was beyond any normal emotion. Her body was left to take the punishment, while her mind sought refuge in numbness."Get ready, get set!" Mike's voice, quivering with excitement, called out. "One, two, three... GOOO!"Sam sprang forward on his boss' order, oblivious to everything but his rising passion and his desire to appease his employer. He surged forward with brutal strength, crashing through the soft, unresisting barrier of her outer cunt lips, slicing through the tender vaginal sheath like a knife through melted butter."WAAARRRGGGHHHHHHHH..." she sobbed helplessly, her hips thrashing wildly to escape the skewering pain."Oh please stop, it hurts... it hurts meee..."Her screams were drowned out by Mike's hysterical laughter."That's it, Maguire! Give the bitch a good fucking!"Sam's grossly inflated penis was like a cast-iron cudgel splitting her insides, sending shooting pains ricocheting through her. The hard, smooth head rubbed irritatingly against the delicate flesh of her cervix, and she felt that the fragile membrane at the entrance to her body would tear from the unnatural stretching. At last, he began to withdraw his lust hardened cock, grating the inner sheath with its veinous underside, sending painful shudders rippling through Sandra's body. The pain obliterated any other feeling, and dominated her whole being."OOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhh..." she wailed again as Sam drove forward with even greater force, raising her pelvis a few inches from the ground as he bore into her with flesh-splitting strength. He began to establish an arduous rhythm, forcing her strained vaginal passage to give a little as he began to plow into her."Fuck back, you little whore!" Mike screamed, his eyes dancing with lewd perverted excitement. His eyes were riveted on the enormous shaft as it plunged in and out of his wife's aching pussy, and he was enjoying the spectacle of her debasing pain. His own cock was standing out like a flagpole, goaded into erection by the incredible luridness of the act he had instigated.He was mesmerized by the straining whiteness of his wife's subjugated body, by the palpitating milkiness of her breasts, the trembling strength of her thighs.Sandra was relieved when the pain finally subsided and Sam's actions took on a regular rhythm. Her body responded in kind, recognizing the familiar action, and she felt some of her degrading feelings easing. It would soon be over...She couldn't believe it when she felt the first tingle of excitement - a familiar pinprick of pleasure deep inside her.She wanted to quell it, stamp it out, but knew she couldn't. Her body was responding as it did on the other occasions when she had been debased and humiliated... it was responding to a man's penis inside it, and nothing else!"Ooooohhhhhhh..." she sighed involuntarily as her hips almost unconsciously took on a deep sensual churning, a passionate grind of its own, a direct answer to Sam's insistent demands. Flushes of heat were rising up her body, blushing her face, making her mewl with excitement, causing little beads of perspiration to break out on her upper lip. Her hips began to grind upward as Sam plunged downward, and then pressed back against the softness of the hay as he began to withdraw, her interior vaginal sinews milking his blood-filled prick with tight, possessive little contractions.Mike ran an excited tongue over his dry lips when he noticed his wife's excitement, her acquiescence to Sam's pile-driving cock. She was enjoying the fucking her lover was giving her, right in front of him, her own husband! The lewd thought excited him even more. His eyes were glued on the increasing tempo of the fucking pair, darting here and there to catch a glimpse of a bobbing breast, a dipping cock, fleshy cunt lips! He had forgotten completely about Eve, cringing still in the dark corner, fearful to show herself. He had forgotten everything but the presence of his wife and her lover who were becoming oblivious to him, and the mounting pressure in his own balls as they sent urgent messages to his throbbing prick.Suddenly, he couldn't take it any longer. His cruel, sadistic trick had backfired - he had engendered an excitement in the two which was getting the better of him also... he no longer wished to be just a director...Sandra was carried away in the wind of her own undeniable excitement. She was being fucked by their hired man again, who had elicited so many wonderful responses in her before, who had initiated her into incredible realms of ecstasy, and this time was no exception. She had momentarily forgotten about her husband's initial part in the act, and was aware only of Sam's body buffeting against her, his thick, lust-hardened prick slamming into her pelvis, his hard rough hands kneading the flesh of her hips. Then, suddenly, the rhythm which was carrying her along on the road to climax was shattered. A hand was grappling with her hair, making her squirm with excruciating pain. Her eyes flew open... and she saw a cock, a long, red, throbbing cock a scant inch away from her face!Her eyes riveted on the burgeoning instrument, jutting out proudly from a forest of blond curls... it was Mike!"Open your mouth!" he commanded, his voice laden with depraved passion. She continued to stare, mesmerized by the lewd instrument, until it leaped forward and slipped past her lips in a swift abrupt movement. Surprised, she found the fleshy hardness of it in her mouth... a strangely agreeable sensation! Timorously, her tongue began to swipe the rod of flesh in her mouth, tasting for the first time the masculine piquancy of her husband's prick. Shivers of strange pleasure rippled her skin. She began to suck gently on the palpitating organ, caressing it with her lips, nibbling at it with her teeth. Her tongue darted into the tiny slit at the top, stretching it mischievously, and then slipped down to coat the heavy webbed underside with saliva. She was beginning to like sucking her husband's cock... while her lover fucked her!Her hand reached up and cupped the squirming sac of his scrotum, kneading the fermenting balls, cradling them in her warm palm. Mike's hands tightened in her hair, forcing her mouth further down on his throbbing prick, till the smooth spongy head was pressing against her larynx, making her cough slightly from the unaccustomed contact.Mike was driven to frenzy by his wife's hungry sucking on his cock. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her full ovalled lips circling his rock-hard member, and his hands released their frenetic grip on her hair and dropped to knead savagely at the smooth orbs of her breasts.Sam continued to pump furiously into the gyrating woman, feeling her body jackknifing against him with each demonic stroke of his blood-hard prick. His hands were like eagle's claws on her hips, and his body was straining every muscle taut as whipcord as he pounded mercilessly into her.Sandra was a fiery furnace of excitement and passion. She had never felt like this before. She loved being fucked by Sam while she was sucking her own husband's cock... loved the feeling of Mike's prick plunging far back into her throat while Sam's rod plundered her pussy. She was being buffeted by two men, fucked by both at once, and she reveled in the lewd three-way act.She began to suck furiously as she sensed her husband's imminent release. She could feel his body tense, and then she felt the rumble of his white-hot sperm along the tube of his cock, before it spurted in a boiling stream of frothy white nectar into the sanctuary of her throat. She swallowed and gulped as it continued to flow in a thick jet down her burning gullet, and her cheeks hollowed and filled as she strove to keep up with the never-ending shower, her lips tightly convoluted around the pumping cock, so as not to lose a precious drop of it."Keep sucking... keep suckingggg..." Mike to drain every last drop into his wife's eager gulping throat.Sam stiffened like a bowstring just then, and his hoarse guttural cries sounded out as he began to batter against her like a bulldozer, his heavy pelvis slamming cruelly against her upraised crotch, squirting jet after jet of hot white semen into her hungrily churning belly in a constant river of his pent-up passion.A feeling of disappointment flickered through her as her husband's penis, at last spent and limp, slipped from her mouth, but just then, her own release was triggered by Sam's frantic pounding into her, and she felt herself lifted up in the arms of a giant whirlwind, and spun round and round, until she was flying by herself in a never-never land of complete euphoria."I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" she chanted, her body tossing and gyrating like a spinning top, flailing about under Sam's deep hard thrusts into her.Shriek after shriek flew past her sperm glistening lips as she was caught in the throes of spasm after delicious spasm of indescribable delight, each of which carried her far beyond the wildest bounds of what she had experienced before.At last, she was still, her body still twitching a little, as her nerve endings surrendered the last vestiges of their pleasure, and she lay back on the softness of the sweet smelling hay, beside the panting body of her husband and the satiated grunting figure of her lover.Chapter 9=========Sandra's feelings of complete satiation was marred only by a nagging feeling of animosity... towards Mike. Even though things had turned out all right in the end, she couldn't rid herself of the desire for revenge. She couldn't forget how penitent she'd been when he had first come home, how she'd followed him out to the dairy, expressly for apologizing, how she'd discovered him making love to Eve, and worst of all, how he'd forced her and Sam into the debasing debacle. She knew she'd always hold a grudge against him until she'd laid that ghost to rest. Her body was aching with a pleasant sort of weariness, and groggily she staggered to her feet, peering around in the semi-darkness. Both Sam and Mike were still half-sprawled on the floor, and Sandra could just make out the whiteness of Eve's body as she stood in the corner against the wall. The thought that her husband's mistress had witnessed her degradation added to her indignation, and a plan was forming in her lust-depraved mind. Yes, I'll pay that bastard back... making her way over to where Eve was standing silently.***Mike was afraid to look at Sandra. Afraid, and ashamed, too. His anger had gotten the better of him, and had faded with his arousal; now he felt nothing but regret. He knew he'd gone too far when he'd forced his own hired hand and his wife to perform in front of him. He'd no right to do it, he knew now, especially when he himself had just been fucking Eve. Who was he to throw stones? For all he knew, catching him and Eve in the act might have set the ball rolling for his wife and Maguire. I shouldn't have been so hasty...Apprehensively, he watched Sandra get up. Where was she going, he puzzled, and then drew in his breath sharply when he saw her heading over to where Eve was still cringing against the wall.What was she going to do to the girl? he wondered, tempted to call out and warn Eve. His wife was probably angry enough for anything, maybe even for attacking the girl!"Sandy..." he called softly, but she didn't seem to hear. Afraid, Mike got to his feet, and hurried over to where the two women were standing.Sandra was looking intently at Eve, taking in every inch of her soft golden curves, feeling a stab of jealousy on seeing the girl's youthful perfection.There was a look of abject fear on her face, and her pale hair, seen in the dim light, made her look ghostly, a sad apparition."Please, it's not my fault!" she whimpered, suddenly terrified of her employer's wife who was standing beside her. With relief, Eve saw Mike coming towards them. He'd protect her, save her from that madwoman..."Sandra, leave Eve out of this! Mike said authoritatively, and Sandra threw him a haughty glance."No fear!" she scoffed, throwing her head back, "I'm going to find out just what it is you've been so interested in!"Sandra reached out her hand and rested it on the girl's shoulder, and then began to caress the soft flesh, dropping lower still until her hand was covering one of Eve's soft round breasts."Sandra, for God's sake..." Mike broke in."Mmmm, not bad..." Sandra noted, her hand moving to cup the other full white orb in her hand. Eve's brown berry-like nipples leaped into erection at Sandra's touch and jutted out provocatively against her palm. Now Sandra was embracing the astonished girl, gathering her in her arms, pulling her toward her breasts, and then, Sandra lowered her mouth onto the girl's quivering lips, and planted them with soft, passionate kisses. Sandra could hear Mike's sharp intake of breath and felt a thrill of pleasure when she realized that her plan was working. I'll make him sorry yet... she promised, as she continued to shower hot little kisses on the surprised girl's lips, neck, throat. Sandra was actually surprised by how pleasant it was to hold the other woman in her arms, and was glad that she was so pretty and soft and appealing. She realized she felt a sort of sympathy for the girl, a mild desire to comfort her for what she had to go through.Mike stared dumbfounded at the two women, their arms entwined around each other. He couldn't believe it. He had been sure they were going to come to blows, instead they were lovingly caressing and kissing each other. Eve had suddenly come to life under his wife's attentions and was reciprocating with passionate leech-like kisses. Her mouth was closing in on one of Sandra's pink little nipples, enclosing the hard little knob between her full ripe lips, sucking on it deliriously. Sandra was emitting little moans of pleasure as she clung to the blonde, and Mike had to rub his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things. Sam, too, had joined him, his mouth agape at the incredible sight."Well, I'll be hornswoggled..." he murmured, his eyes widening as he watched his mistress and the dairymaid melting together in passionate embrace. He looked awkwardly at his boss, wondering what to say, but Mike was looking away embarrassedly, ashamed to look his employee in the eye. So they both turned their attention back to the girls...They had slipped to the floor, golden body fused against creamy white one, and the two men watched in disbelief as Sandra began to slide along the ground, trailing kisses down the length of Eve's body, coming to rest on the golden triangle between her long slim legs.Sandra poised above the yellow thatch of pubic curls for a moment, and then dipped still lower, and slowly drew apart the girl's buttery thighs. Her eyes gazed raptly at the enticing pink slit which appeared before her, crowned by a golden fleece. She could see the thin hair-feather outer lips throb slightly and placing a thumb and forefinger on each soft, tender flange, gently drew apart the fleshy folds, revealing the moist pink glory of her delicious young pussy. The tiny pink tip of her clitoris peeped out from beneath the flaxen curls, and just below it, the small rosebud-like opening of her vagina glistened wetly. Sandra had never seen a woman so close before. It was all new and strange to her, yet she was driven by she didn't know what instinct. She had forgotten her initial desire for revenge; she was enraptured by the sculptured wonder of the girl's soft, yielding body, and she was borne along by an inclination which was getting more clamorous as minutes ticked by.Slowly, she lowered her face towards the golden gateway, and drawing out her tongue, ran it along the full length of the narrow pink aperture.She felt the young girl draw back from the strange sensation, but she continued to touch the girl's tender young flesh with her tongue, tentatively licking and swiping with her own sensitive organ. Her long slim fingers were pressing against the tender flesh of the girl's smooth thighs, and she began to grow more familiar with the other woman's perfumed young cunt, sweeping her tongue in long, caressing strokes along its velvety folds, dipping and probing and drawing out the ambrosia of her femininity. She enclosed the turgid little button of her clitoris in her mouth, fastening it between her teeth, and titillating it with her tongue, making Eve squirm and moan with ecstatic pleasure. Sandra's tongue searched and explored the secret creases and indentations of Eve's pussy, sending chills of pleasure rippling up and down her spine, making her grind the golden peak of her body down on the other woman's feverishly licking mouth. She was beginning to mewl incessantly, her whole frame wracked with tiny spasms of pleasure.Mike just couldn't believe it. The two women were twisting around on the floor like fish out of water, and Eve was moaning and sighing under his wife's oral love-making. He could feel his own prick beginning to rise again, a new, piercing ache throbbing through it. He was overcome with desire for his wife, and for his mistress, and experienced an acute agony which stemmed from the knowledge that he was excluded. They didn't need him... they were sensually aroused without him...He continued to watch astonished as Eve suddenly began to swivel around, until her head was reaching down for Sandra's loins. Sandra, realizing what was happening, languidly spread her thighs, and Mike gasped as he saw Eve lower her pale oval face between the creamy columns of his wife's legs. Eve was going to suck his wife's pussy!Sandra moaned into Eve's steaming crotch as she felt the first touch of the girl's cool tongue on her burning vaginal lips. It felt so soft, so soothing and she sighed, stretching out her legs as Eve continued to tease her twirling little tongue along the length of her hot pussy, soaking up her free-flowing juices, nibbling the little bud of her rigid clitoris, jabbing experimentally at the clasping hole of her cunt.Sandra never knew that kissing and licking a woman's pussy, and being kissed and sucked by a woman in return, could be so exciting, and yet so relaxing. Safe, somehow. She felt instinctively that the girl wasn't going to do her any harm, and she, in turn, wished to give Eve pleasure, nice, soothing pleasure.Their bodies were fused together, dark hair against soft blonde pubic curls, blonde head against soft dark pubic curls, the gold and the white blending in a delicious sinewy streak of smoothly naked feminine flesh. They licked and sucked and slavered in each other's pussies, oblivious of the hard breathing, and unabashed gaping of the two men, completely nonplussed in their sudden, unexpected exclusion.The tempo of the rhythmic churning increased, and the bobbing heads became more frantic in their movements, and then the men saw that the two bodies became as taut as plumb-lines, before collapsing in a series of head-to-toe spasms, which culminated in muffled sighs and moans, drowned in the steaming softness of the two twitching cunts.Sandra felt her body rise and fall like a feather floating in a gentle breeze, as Eve's tongue whipped her into achieving a climax unlike any she had before. She could feel Eve's cuntal walls contract tightly around her nose and mouth, almost smothering her, and tugging painfully on her slashing tongue, before ejecting a warm mist of softly-scented moisture which bathed her face and signaled the girl's simultaneous climax. The mistress and wife clung tremulously to each other, their mutual embraces helping to still the last quivering vestiges of their orgasms.Sandra felt as if she were floating on Cloud Nine. Everything was working out. She had got her revenge on Mike, while at the same time discovering a new dimension in sensual excitement which she hadn't suspected existed. Her latest experience had acted as a salve for her preceding ordeal, its gentle feminine satiation the perfect counterpart for the animalistic satisfaction of the other.But her peaceful reverie was brought abruptly to an end as she felt hands once more curving around her buttocks."W-wha..." was all she managed to stammer, before she found herself being pulled up on all fours. The hands were kneading the soft pliant flesh of her bottom, caressing and pummeling it in turns. She winced as she felt the unmistakable burning shaft of an engorged penis prodding at her, the hard, mushrooming head probing obscenely at the tender folds of her pussy half concealed by the flesh of her thighs.Casting around in the semi-darkness, she could make out Sam standing near her, his huge, sturdy penis held aloft in his hand like some barbaric weapon, his eyes glinting eerily in the half-light. It was Mike then, who was positioning himself behind her!A weird shudder ran through her at the thought that it was her husband who was prodding her with his giant weapon, her husband who was poising the rock-hard head of his prick at the quivering entrance to her still tingling vagina. He's going to take me from behind, her mind realized, and then..."AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH..." she called out, unable to stop the shriek from sounding as she felt the first nudging of his pounding cock as it insinuated itself inside her hotly trembling cuntal sheath."NNNnnnngggghhhhhhhh..." she continued to moan, as it plowed inexorably on its way, separating the yielding membrane of her vaginal passage as it advanced into her depths. With a smack, she felt the dangling weight of his balls slap against the flattened arcs of her backside, and then felt the niggling tickle of the hard round head as it probed the sensitive zone of her womb. Her husband's hands dug into the soft fleshy cheeks of her ass, and pulled them even further back, skewering her even more on his pistoning rod, making her knees rise up from the ground, burying every single inch of his weapon in his wife's heated interior.He held her there in position for a moment, flexing his prick slightly inside, feeling her internal muscle throb in joyful answer, before slipping out again, almost all the way, until just the glossy hardness of the bulbous head was still imbedded in her tight passage. Then he rammed forward once more, shaking her body violently with the force of his entry, making her breasts jiggle as they hung down from the whiteness of their moorings."Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh... mmmmmm... it's good..." she began to sigh as he commenced to screw in and out of her with long, hard, smooth experienced strokes. He was amazed at the expert, new response in his wife's body, and tried not to think of who had been her teacher, just willed himself to enjoy the incredible pleasure that she had to give.Sandra continued to screw her backside back on her husband's oncoming pole of hardened flesh, feeling the spheres of her ass flaring around the wiry tangle of his pubic thatch, feeling the hardness of his pelvis as she swung back against him. For the first time, she was enjoying, really enjoying, fucking and being fucked by her husband, relishing his masculine body more than she had ever done.Through half-closed eyes, she saw Sam suddenly pounce on the still prostrate body of Eve, and roughly spread her legs wide. Sandra felt a sympathetic wince as she noticed the girl's eyes open wide in initial alarm at the size of the huge male cock prodding at the quivering flesh of her tiny pink vaginal slit. Sam's eyes were bulging with obscene pleasure as he gazed down at the supine body beneath him, not being able to believe that she was lying unprotesting under him. He held his huge palpitating cock there between the splayed thighs for a moment, and then with a bestial grunt, charged forward, and sunk it right to the hilt, in one savage movement, in the astonished young girl's pussy."UUURRRGGGHHHHhhhhhhhhh..." she gasped from the harshness of the farm worker's entrance into her soft body. He hesitated just a moment before withdrawing it again almost completely, and immediately he began to fuck in and out of her with fast, hungry strokes. Impatiently, he grasped the girl's slender ankles, and forced each one back up over his shoulder, revealing the whole naked plane of her trembling little cunt, unprotected before his onslaught.Sandra, enjoying the easy rhythm of her husband's thrusts into her from behind, leaned forward, eager to soothe the troubled girl, whose face wore a distinct look of pain as she bore the savage rapidity of the workman's instrokes. She began to kiss the agonized girl, finding her young lips warm and tender against hers, slipping her tongue past the guardian teeth, encouraging Eve's dormant tongue into a lewd ecstatic dance of joy, whipping up a froth of frenzy as they lashed and swirled and fenced with each other. Her hands reached down and clasped a golden sphere in each, titillating the enticing little buds into erect little knobs which jutted up erectly from the crinkled brown aureoles.Sandra continued to kiss and caress her husband's mistress, while her own lover screwed brutally into her, and while she herself was being fucked canine-fashion by her own husband!Sandra was thrilled by the lewd implications of the wild four-way act she was involved in. This was even more incredible than she'd ever imagined... she had certainly run the gamut of sexual experiences today. Already her mind was jumping ahead to even more exciting adventures, more perverse, more lurid... more pleasurable.But right now, her body was afire with unbelievable flames of passion. Her husband's pelvic thrusts grew more and more frantic and her own churning was more frenetic as her wet asscheeks slapped against her husband's pelvis and his hot pounding prick tore into her with the energy of an electric drill. And the soft touch of Eve's lips under hers and the delicious feel of her breasts in her hands added a hundredfold to her pleasure, as all four raced each other in a wild free-for-all for the biggest prize of all.And Sandra herself won! She was the first to cum, and her body twisted and jerked out of control, throwing her into the hands of an earth-shattering climax which shook her like a volcano, sending molten lava flying over her flesh, electrifying her into new, incredible spasms of wild, passionate pleasure."OH GOD... I'm there..." she sobbed out, as she tossed and writhed like a captured snake, desperately trying to milk her husband of his life-giving nectar for which her tortured sheath cried out. And she succeeded."Oh Christ Sandy, fuck back... fuck back, because I'm... I'm... AAAGGGHHHHHHH..." And he was battering against her like a mad bull, his huge enraged prick ejaculating with the strength of a fire extinguisher, scalding her raw passage with jets of hot fluid which shot far up into her voraciously accepting womb. Her thirsting passage greedily drank in all of the warm offering, begging for more, trying to squeeze every last drop from his exhausted prick. From the back of her mind, she was aware of Eve and Sam cumming simultaneously, their cries hoarse and untamed as they slapped and pounded against each other in a mutual demand for release.All four collapsed together in a wanton, abandoned heap, arms and legs all akimbo. Sandra was utterly exhausted, feeling certain she would never again have the strength to make love again, but Sam and Eve and her husband all united and proved how wrong she was, right into the early hours of the morning, when finally Sandra dropped off into a satiated trance, her mouth curved into a Mona Lisa smile. "Mmmmm, what a day this has been..."Chapter 10==========Sandra absently shuffled the application forms around the crowded desk, pushing aside the big leather bound Farm Accounts book. Yesterday had been a hectic day for her, and she was glad to be taking it easy today. Five interviews she had conducted, starting early in the morning. Their farm was expanding so they needed another farm worker, and Sandra was in charge of selecting an applicant. Not that she minded that job. It was all part of the new arrangement she and Mike had come to about the running of the farm, several months ago. It seemed like years ago now since that day, which was a turning point in her life, when she and her husband and the two hired workers had entwined in an incredible foursome in the dairy. But that day had been the start of a whole new way of life for her, and for Mike, too, Sandra thought, feeling a little twinge of jealousy as she remembered Sheila, the new redhead who had taken Eve's place. Although part of the agreement they had reached was that her husband could have a free hand with the new student, Sandra couldn't help feeling a stab of envy at times.Still, she was well compensated for having to share her husband with another woman.Yes, she thought, stretching her long sinuous legs out under the desk, I've nothing to complain about! Mike had agreed to her continuing her relationship with Sam, but she found that he alone couldn't satisfy her completely and she found herself looking further afield for satiation. And of course, her neighbors were only too glad to oblige. The veterinarian's visit was due next week, and Sandra felt a tingle of appreciation tickle her groin as she recalled her last incredible bout with the Vet, when he had taken her in front and Sam had fucked her anally. It seemed to her as if this was the way her life had always been, and she couldn't remember what it was like before. Her body was the boss - her desire, her passion governed her completely.She enjoyed her husband's body more and more, too, and didn't mind that their relationship had evolved into one of convenient mutual sexual satisfaction - and nothing else. Still, it meant she could go on savoring the offerings of all her neighbors and friends.She ran her eyes over the resumes of the applicants she had interviewed yesterday. Two in particular stood out in her mind, and she knew that the choice lay between them."Mmmm," she murmured, tapping her teeth with her pencil, "Pablo seems to know a lot about the job, and is certainly very handsome, but on the other hand, Bill looks as if he were hung like one of our breeding bulls..."The End~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 49
Ben was a successful business owner and had a lovely brunette secretary name Jill. Jill and he had several extramarital affairs on the road and he was crazy about the woman. He was married to Jean who was a rich blond and sometimes was a total bitch. If he could trade wives he would have, but he knew she would take him for all his money and probably lose the business. Jean was also sexually active, enjoyed the BDSM scene with him, and enjoyed being his slave on numerous occasions. He tried to get others involved but she refused to participate with others whom she felt was lesser than her status. He finally had brought it up to Jill who was very interested in the idea of making Jean her slave and having Ben whenever she wanted. Jean treated her like a common worker, rarely considering anything else than a common laborer to be use for the business. Ben arranged a weekend vacation in an isolated mountain resort to start the plan in action.The couple had arrived and been in the resort house for less than 6 hours when Jean heard a knock on the door and opened it to see Jill standing there in her regular secretary outfit."What are you doing here," Jean said ignoring with the woman for interrupting her planned with her husband."Your husband said he had business to attend and said I could stay in the guest room at night so I could be around to do the paperwork for him." Jill replied.Jean frustrated with the interruption, told Jill to get her stuff and go to the back door where the guest room was but don't disturb them unless Ben called for her."It's our vacation," she said, "and we prefer to keep it private as much as possible."She didn't even wait for Jean to say anything as she closed the door on her and went to see her husband."I thought this was our vacation." she said irritated at him. "That bimbo secretary of yours appeared at the door so I sent her to the guest room. We was supposed to have some fun and sexual activities, not work.""No problem," said Ben. "She is just here when I need her."He got up and started kissing his wife while slipping his hand down to her pussy and the other rubbing her ass. Jean still upset was already horny for action and returned the kisses, wiggling her butt and pussy on his hands."I free like having a slave right now," said Ben, rubbing her crotch harder."Not with that Bimbo in the house," said Jean. "I'm hot as hell, just fuck me dear."Ben was not to be denied however and started to press the issue. He told her the doors were locked and she wouldn't hear anything anyway, as Jean finally agreed. She needed his cock bad even if she had to earn it today. The idea of tying her up today was not very appealing but she finally accepted it. While she got undressed, Ben got some rope and tied her hands together and then got a bar to spread her legs and tied them to the ends of it. She thought he was going to fuck her standing up as he rubbed his cock on her pussy, but instead he grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands down to the bar and attached them to it. Jean didn't like anal sex too much and told him to fuck her pussy first if he wanted a piece of her ass. She also wanted to suck his cock first before he started anything in the back. Ben laughed and told her soon enough as he walked behind her and gave her several hard slaps to her broad ass that made her waddle around for awhile. "You know I don't like it that hard honey." Jean yelled at him. "Just fuck me please.""In a little while," said Ben, "I have to go to the bathroom first as he departed the room leaving Jill bent over in frustration.The bastard, she thought, I like to go to the bathroom on his face. It was about 15 minutes before she heard foot steps in back of her and turned her head to see Ben and Jean standing there naked with smiles on their faces. Stunned at her exposure, she started to waddle out of the room but Ben grabbed her by the hair. She pleaded with him to let her go and get Jill out of the room. Ben just laughed."Better get used to it," he said. As of today, Jill is your new mistress and can do anything she wants with you.Jean sensing her betrayal, started begging and trying to get loose."I didn't know she had such a large ass," said Jill walking up the wife and started groping and spreading her ass cheeks. "All I ever saw was her ass swinging in and out of the office in those rich dresses she buys. And what have we here. Why she has a brownie hole like everyone else. You wouldn't have thought so from her attitude."Jean was as mad as hell and humiliated at the same time as Jill was toying with her precious ass while her husband held her head. Her cunt was getting wet despite her madness and she started to cussed Ben and called Jill several names."I wouldn't be talking like that," Jill said keeping the ass spread.She shoved her finger deep in Jean asshole while the wife clenched her cheeks to prevent the assault."Honey," she told Ben. "Why don't you get some soap and wash you wife dirty mouth out while I teach her how to walk pretty in front of her mistress."Jill started driving her finger deeper in the wife ass and pushing her forward as Jean found herself waddling around the room. She was cussing and swearing at Jill, threaten everything she could before she realized the situation was impossible and accepted her fate for now. She would get even later. When Ben arrived with the wet soap bar, she refused to open her mouth till Jill pulled her pussy lips hard downward causing her to scream as John slipped the soap bar in and applied duct tape to her mouth to prevent it from slipping. Jill pulled her finger out of her ass and told her to stay in position while she enjoyed her husband large cock for awhile. She and Ben sat on the sofa and Jill put her face in his lap and engulfed his cock in her mouth. She positioned herself so she could see Jean reaction during the ordeal as the woman looked on with disgust in her eyes. Jill sucked for about ten minutes and then went up and sat on his cock with her ass pointed to Jean face and started to ride it. Jean tried to turn away, but her pussy was dripping wet from watching the action and she still haven't got relief from the earlier events. She was even wishing after a while to her surprise, that her face was in his crotch sucking on his cock as it went in and out of her pussy. She hated the feeling but she was in heat right now.Every once in a while, Jill would spread her ass and taunt her about what a wonderful cock Ben had and it was hers now. She told Jean, she may let him stick it up her ass if she was really good sometime.Jean red in the face could only stand there and watch in humiliation. The taste in her mouth was horrible and her asshole was sore. Please get the bitch off, she thought. I need sometime now in my pussy.Jill turning and see the wife straining to clench her thighs laughed and got off Ben."It looks like we have a bitch in heat," she said laughing at Jean situation.She walked over to the fireplace and grabbed a poker iron and return. Shoving the handle in Jean pussy she patted her head and told her she could play with her toy while she continued with Ben. Returning, she sat down backwards on his cock so she could watch Jean.Jean meanwhile was engulfed with desired. She started riding the handle of the rod attached to floor below and lowering her pussy slowly up and down on it. Puny cock she thought."You can thank me later," said Jill. "Next time I'll put it in your asshole."Jean was riding up and down on the poker handle as Jill finally got off of Ben and walked over to her. Ben was laughing at her telling her she had found her place in life at last. When he said he had to go clean up, Jill told him to come to Jean and let her clean his cock off. Jean was shaking her head in protest but Jill promise to shove the other end of the poker up her ass if she didn't. When the tape was removed, Ben shoved his cock in his wife mouth as Jean almost choked on the taste of Jill's pussy. She started to bob her head up and down on the shaft, as the rod in her pussy was just not enough to get her off yet.Ben was commenting Jill on her training of Jean and said he was tired and needed to rest. Jill gave him a kiss and said she take care of Jean while he was asleep. As soon as he left, Jean started pleading with Jill who leaned back and started slapping her ass as hard as she could making her shift forward and the poker slipping out of her pussy."Listen bitch." Jill told her. "Your husband and I are going to be married soon and you are going to be our new pet and toy to play with so you just as well get use to it."Jean couldn't do anything as she went to a bag and withdrew a huge dildo and started to push it in her asshole in spite of her pleas. She then released her hands from the bar but keep them tied together. There was now way to escape with her hands tied and the spreader between her ankles but it felt good to be allowed to stand up.It was a brief moment; however, as Jill grabbed her ears and led her to the kitchen stool and made her sit on it with the plug pushing deep in her ass. She gave her a pad and pencil and laughingly told her to take a dictation. She also picked up Ben's belt and told her if she didn't follow every instruction she was going to take a belt to her ass.She was required to write the following letter:I Jean agree to be Master Ben and Mistress Jill slave on my own free will. I will serve them as the slut I am and begged for punishment for my worthless ass. I want to be their toy and plaything and as willing giving all my assets and shares of my husband company to Jill so I can worship her body. Signed Slut Jean.At first she refused, but several slaps with the belt on her thighs and ass, she quickly complied.When she was done, Jill went and put the letter aside and returned to her chair. She spread her legs wide and started rubbing her pussy telling Jean to beg to lick her cum soak pussy. Jean fearful of the belt and her betrayal by Ben had little choice. She told Jill have beautiful a pussy she had and how she would love to get on her knees and worship it. Finally, Jill demanded she get down and lick her feet and then work up till her pussy was ready for her slutty face. It took Jill help to get down but Jean was finally able to down off the stool on the floor below and drop to her knees. She started licking her feet. A couple swats on the ass with the belt and she was sucking her toes before working up the legs and then having her hair grabbed, in her pussy. Jill was totally enjoying the tongue in her pussy and every once in a while picked up her legs and moved the wife face down to her hairy ass for more tongue action."Not too bad slut for the first time," she said. "I think it time to wake your husband up with a nice blowjob."With that, she pulled Jean up by her hair and tied her hands across the door to the handle on the other side. She then locked it so she couldn't get away."Just something to keep you warm," she said delivering ten hard swings with the belt to her plugged ass. "And don't play with your pussy on the doorknob."Jean could hear the moans and groans from the bedroom. She was frustrated that Jill was enjoying her husband cock while she could do nothing but stand against the door with a sore and plugged ass. She was desperate for a cock at present and even the doorknob looked pretty good at the moment. She tied to squat on it and masturbates her pussy as her arms were stretched to the maximum to reach it. It felt so good but she needed a cock at present. She was rubbing up and down and didn't notice Jill and her husband had returned and was watching her slutty performance."A true slut," said Jill as Jean froze in position on the doorknob. "And I even saved all your cum in my pussy for the little slut. Do you want your husband cum, slut?"Jean was desperate even though she knew she would have to clean Jill pussy to get it and begged to allow her to clean it. Ben unlocked the door and retied the rope on her hands to each other in front. He also untied her ankles from the spreader bar and retied them to each other as Jill sat on the chair and spread her cum soak pussy in anticipation.Jean got down on her knees and crawled towards Jill. Sticking her tongue in her pussy, she started lapping her cunt as a dog being fed from a bowl. Ben was laughing behind telling her to be a good doggie and she had found her true place in life. Since she had rarely let him fuck her ass in the past, he was now going to enjoy it for the rest of his life.He got down in back of her and slowly spread her ass cheeks wide and removed the dildo from her ass only to replace it again with his huge cock. Jill needed it bad at present started rocking back and forth on it as she continued to please Mistress Jill. Jill was smiling down at her and telling her that since she didn't need clothes anymore, Ben was nice enough to provide her with all of her prior garments. He even gave her the car she owned since she would be a full time secretary to her and Ben from now on and wouldn't need it anymore. Ben continued his pumping and started slapping her ass telling her to oink for her mistress.When Ben had shot his load in her ass, Jill decided it was time for a ride as she mounted Jean back and started slapping her ass telling her to keep oinking as she rode her around the room. Her ass was on fire from the slaps but she struggled to keep crawling and finally returned to Ben who held his cock to her face for cleaning. As she was cleaning it, Jill said that they should take her for a walk outside later and let her take care of her doggie needs. Ben thought that was a good idea but he was getting hungry at present and wanted the slut to fix them a mean first.Jill retied Jean hands for a looser position and told her to go bathe and return to prepare sandwiches for them. Jean got on her knees as the slave she finally decided she had always longed for but never knew and started crawling towards the bathroom with cum on her face and ass. She was now a true slut and longed to please her master and his new mistress.Just a fantasy, how was yours?Pallidan~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 42
It seems like only yesterday I was encountering her beautiful round belly and her beautiful milk filled jugs that I could not wait to get my hands on and suck and then fill up a dome-shaped belly with hot, thick streams of cum. Today, I am going to stop some leaky eyes, and pump some thick fluid up the beautiful pussy of a woman whose marriage just went down the drain.Mrs. Melanie Moore's house was my first house of the day. I was supposed to start working on her pipes at ten o' clock, but there was two cancellations and I had to start earlier. She had some broken pipes beneath her sink, and her husband never had time to fix them. I did not know what I was in store for. Her husband had left for work at six that morning. I arrived at her house on Tuckerberry Avenue. It was a small vinyl siding beige colored house- nothing immaculate or even that beautiful. The house was just perfect for a new couple-, which is what her and her husband were. I pulled into the drive, wrote down the house number and done all of my verifications and even called my boss to let him know that I was there. Now, I am a plumber, and I know that people normally have their first impression of a plumber. They picture this ugly, hairy, fat, half-bald guy with sweaty armpits, and half of his crack hanging out above the belt of his pants, but I am not that type of a plumber. I am five feet, eleven inches tall, really good physique, and I am rather tanned. I am also thirty-five years old and was surprisingly single. I work out at the gym on my spare time so I am quite muscular. Ah, but listen to me rattle on about myself when I should be telling of the experience of a lifetime. Here I was at the house that forever sticks in my memory.When Mrs. Moore opened the door, my jaw nearly dropped to the floor, but yet I was strong enough to keep it in place and be professional. I had too. There she was, a beautiful five feet and five inches tall, long brown hair, soft blue eyes, and there only covered by her husband's button up shirt was a beautiful round bulging baby belly and nice, voluptuous breasts filled with warm milk. She had a beautiful smile, perfect teeth, and a sweet, sleepy attitude. I hoped that she would not look down and also that my tool belt would hide the beginning of a bulge that I had in my pants just looking at her."Hey," she exclaimed sheepishly."Hi," I replied as calm as I could be."Come on in," she responded. "I didn't expect you this early. I apologize. I just got out of bed.""That's ok, ma'am," I assured her."Do you want some coffee?" she asked, yawning."No," I replied, thinking to myself that I would only want it if the cream in it either came from her breasts or her pussy.Oh, if that woman only knew what I wanted as I stepped gently into the sunlit doorway of her small house. Now, before I go on any further, pregnancy is a turn-on to me. And might I add, a major turn on. Melanie had to be about seven or eight months along. I can't help but to think that her body is healthy enough and fertile enough to produce children and the process it took for that beautiful belly to be fat like that. The process of that cream filling up her pussy and her muscles contracting to grab every small sperm of it possible is just almost ecstasy to think of. I also can't look over the fact that pregnant women loved to get fucked. They always have a good sex drive."Where is your kitchen sink?" I asked her."It is in here," she replied. "I don't know what happened to the stupid pipes. They just busted.'"Don't worry," I reassured her. "I have it under control."She led me to a nice, small kitchen with soaked towels spread on the floor. I kicked them aside and opened up the cabinet underneath the sink and saw the unsightly pipes. I reached under the sink and began loosening them and examining them. They would need to be replaced. She disappeared into the back of the house without noticing me watch her fine ass as she dragged herself down the hall. I ran out to my van to get the pipes I would need to replace hers. All I could think about out at my van was sitting her upon that sink and licking that oozing pussy, then gently bending her over her couch in the dining room fucking her and satisfying her sexual hunger.What a pervert, I thought to myself. She is married and so sweet. How could you think that, you fool?I went back inside with the tools and the pipes that I needed to replace Melanie's. I lay on my back on the floor and slid myself under the sink to do my work. About five minutes into my work, there came that gorgeous creation in the same shirt standing over my body bent over with the top open up enough that I could see just the top of those delicious filled jugs when I leaned up."Would you like something to drink? I have tea?" she asked.Was this little bitch trying to tease me or what? I answered her question with a quick no, as I watched her pretty legs step over me and carry on about her way. "Ok," she replied. "I will be back in the back if you need anything."She had no clue what I needed. I needed some of that warm milk oozing out of those pert wide nipples onto my tongue. I continued on, halfway focused on busted pipes and halfway focused on that beautiful pregnant body. I needed my eight-inch cock slipping in and out of that wet pussy with those muscles throbbing and a baby only centimeters away from my hard cock. I needed Melanie's beautiful mouth wetting my cock as it slid up and down it with me gazing at her glowing cheeks and her beautiful sky-blue eyes.Ok, Brent, get back to work, I kept thinking to myself. For the next twenty minutes or so, I tried hard to keep focused on pipes, valves, and wrenches and other things only beneath a kitchen sink. I quickly wiped them down and then mopped her floor looking around to make sure that she wasn't in the room. I figured that would help her since she was a stay-at-home new mom. I set the mop aside. Then, I turned the water back on with the cabinets opened so that I could see if any water was leaking and if I needed to do any extra adjustments. My work was finished. Brand new pipes installed and not one single leak. I pulled the bill out of my back pocket and wrote down what had been done, what parts I used, totaled that up, and then I added what she or her husband owed for my labor and service call.I looked in the living room, and she was not there. I looked in the dining room, Melanie was not there either. Where was she? I called her."Mrs. Moore," I called.She came out of the bedroom and on down the hall brushing her hair. I handed her the bill. Her eyes grew wide with a look of dismay and worry. She then began shaking her head and lifted her small hand to her mouth."Ma'am, I know that you don't understand why the price is rather high on your bill. May I explain why, in itemized detail, why the bill is what it is?"She nodded with her hand still up in front of her mouth. I proceeded to go into a bit of detail on what is charged for labor, service calls, her pipes, and basically everything that was listed."That is not the problem. I understand the bill perfectly. I just don't know how my husband and I are going to pay this amount. This is more than he makes in one week and I wish I had this money and hand it to you. With a baby and all, money is so tight for us," she said. "Is there anyway I can pay it in monthly notes?"My mind went to clicking. I didn't know at that exact moment how to handle her crisis the way I wanted it handled. What could I say to her, I began thinking. "Alright, Melanie- may I call you that?" I asked.Almost crying, she nodded quickly. "Oh, please don't cry," I begged her. "We can figure out something, besides you are too beautiful to cry."She smiled a little. "Do you have any milk?" I asked as I placed my hand on my chest."She looked down at her breasts and then placed her hand on her own chest."Well, they started producing last week, but I don't know if I am willing to go that far for this bill.""You don't understand, Melanie, that is not it.""Sir, it would be hard enough to give you my milk, but to go any further than that would be completely against my vows."I start laughing because she completely misunderstands and she then starts breaking down."O.K, I will do this, but please stop laughing and you can't breathe a word to anyone that I did this for you."Melanie turned around and walked in her bedroom, still clad in her husbands button-up shirt and loose jogging shorts. I was reluctant to follow her because I had never done this before and then again I was horny as hell standing there looking at her round belly, her enormous, milk filled titties, and her long brown hair. I walked down the hall about ten feet behind her. She turned and went swiftly into her bedroom. I paused a moment, took a deep breath and went on down the hall. To my amazement, as I turned into the room, there lay Melanie on her and her husband's bed. Her shirt was open exposing her beautiful large areoles, her perfect dome shaped belly, and oh, my heavens, her shaved opening. What hurt me a bit was that she put her pillow over her face to hide the shame of having sex with another man. That did not stop me, I was already thinking with the wrong head. As I was pulling my pants down, my cell phone fell out of my pocket. What a wonderful idea, I thought. I picked up my phone and snapped a few pictures of her legs open wide, waiting for my cock. I then dropped my phone, and then proceeded to crawl and mount. My eyes rolled back as my cock went into her pussy. It was hot and wet and somewhat beautifully shallow. At this point, I didn't care if I pleased her. She was my fantasy. I was getting what I wanted. As, my humping proceeded to get faster in that pussy, I reached up there, grabbed that fucking pillow off of her beautiful face."Look at me, bitch," I aggressively exclaimed, "you are already committing the perfect sin, and you might as well enjoy my big cock up in there."I slapped her titty slightly to get her attention, and then milk just began oozing, my throbbing dick got harder and I could not get my mouth on her nipple fast enough to catch that sweet creamy milk. As I sucked them, she started moaning. I could feel the muscles in her pussy contracting and constricting my large cock. I knew that she was having multiple orgasms. I was so torn at that moment between the two most beautiful places on her body. I didn't know if I wanted to keep sucking her warm milk out of those beautiful titties, or keep fucking that hot, wet cunt she had. Damn! I was having the best time I had ever had. She was enjoying it too. She had several more orgasms. I kept pumping her full of my cock until my excitement overwhelmed me. I could not hold off any longer. I asked her where she wanted my hot cum to go. She couldn't bear to allow my cock out of her pussy. "Just keep going! she cried. "Just keep going!"She was in the middle of what seemed like her sixth orgasm and her eyes were rolling back and her head was tilted as far back as it could go. I released hot globs of cum into her throbbing pussy where her cervix lay waiting. If she hadn't have been pregnant, when I got through with her, she damn well would have been. As I quivered my last drop of cum into her. I pulled out and started toward the door feeling a bit guilty now as the blood got to the right head. But what startled me is what she said as she sat up in bed as I was pulling up my pants."When and how many more payments do I owe you?""I will be in touch,"I said, sternly. About two months later after she had her baby, I called her again from my work number. She remembered exactly who I was."I guess I owe you another payment," she said naughtily."You are right you owe some more. When is the best time that I can come and collect my payment?""About 7 am," she said, "but my husband has not even touched me since you and I did it. My six weeks have just passed.""That's fine," I told her. "I'll be more than happy to open your beautiful pussy back up and get some fresh milk.""But, Brent," she said.I stopped her in mid-sentence."You do want those pipes to stay under the sink don't you? I still have your bill in my truck."I had paid for it myself about a week after my escapade with her, but she didn't know that. I still kept her yellow carbon copy in my wallet, however."O.K." she said, surrendering. "Great, then I will be right over."I went over to her house. She met me at the door in a white t-shirt, no bra, and a little pair of jogging pants. Those tits were still beautiful and enlarged. I barged my way in and closed the door behind me. I took her by the hair of her head and pulled her in to me for a deep kiss and caressed gently over her titties, and then forced my hand down her jogging pants and started fingering her pussy."Have you missed me, Melanie," I whispered in her ear."Y-yeh... yes," she stammered."Good," I whispered back.We went off to her bed where we had made passionate love before. She reached into the drawer beside her bed after she had taken off all of her clothes. She pulled out a condom that her doctor had given her for protection. I took it from her and reached in my wallet and pulled out her bill. She took it."What is this?" she asked."I thought we were trading things. You are going to give me a condom and I am going to give you the bill," I said.Tears started swelling up in her eyes as she traded the bill back for the condom.She tried to explain to me that she didn't want another child this soon after she had the baby."What the hell are you talking about, Melanie? You know that you can't get pregnant while breast-feeding a child," I told her.Her eyes lit back up a little. "Oh, ok, she said as she lay back down on the bed. I removed my clothes. I crawled up on top of her beautiful body. I began sucking the sweet, thick milk out her right breast then I alternated to her left breast. She began moaning so softly. As I was getting my milk, I reached down and began fingering the soft lips of her pussy. She was unbelievably wet. She was going to leave a wet spot before I even got started. This was enough for me. I had to get my cock into her pussy. I backed up and thrust myself into her. Her eyes rolled back and it was as if I were two times my own size. She immediately orgasmed off of one single penetration. I had her. The more that I fucked her the more she moaned. I didn't know how long I could hold off on unleashing loads of cum into her waiting womb the more that I thought about getting her pregnant with my child and how she would have to explain to her husband that it was his baby. It only seemed like two minutes and I shot long, hot streams of cum into her. I knew that she would be pregnant with my child in a matter of hours.We got up to go clean up. We took a shower together. I loved watching her close her eyes and tilt her head back up under the warm water. Seeing the water run down over those beautiful milk-filled breasts made my cock keep a hard-on. Then I looked on down at her just-flattened womb and my cock rose even harder as I thought that my child was in there and it would be no time that that beautiful belly would be growing again and those beautiful titties would stay full of milk. I leaned over and began caressing her titties as the water run down in between us. I pulled her to me, kissed her and I had to have some more milk. I leaned down and picked each of them up as I fondled her nipples simultaneously. They were big enough that I could put them together and suck them both at the same time. I placed them together, and just as I did her milk began running out of them so easily as the warm water ran over them. I began sucking them and her head went back again. She wanted more. She reached down and started stroking my cock. It was an unbelievable feeling to suck milk out of her tits in a shower as she stroked my cock. I had to have her again. I turned her around and she grasped the knobs of the shower as she bent over just enough where I could penetrate that beautiful pussy again. I began plunging my cock in and out of her pussy as she moaned and begged me for more. As I was dumping my load into her for the second time, the handle she was grasping so tightly began cracking and leaking. Lucky for her, I knew how to pack and fix things. After we got dressed, I went out to my vehicle, got the tools and supplies that I needed and done a quick repair on her shower. As I got finished, I turned to see her standing in the doorway in nothing but a towel, I looked her up and down, and there running down her leg was my cum. To my utter amazement, my cock got hard again at just the sight of it. So, I get up, pull my pants down and turn her and bend her over in the doorway and after what seemed like an eternity of pounding her, I finally bust my third load of the day. My dick instantly falls soft. She left to go and freshen up in the half bathroom of her bedroom. I started packing my tools. Just as I was heading down the hallway after a full day of fucking and fixing, a young skinny, lanky guy walks in the door. I knew immediately it must be her husband. "You have a great day, sir, your shower is now good as new," I quickly told him."My shower?" he asked, confused. "What was wrong with it?""You had a leaking valve I had to replace," I told him. Depressingly, he asked, "Well, how much do I owe you for it?""It won't be as much as the kitchen sink was, but I will have to tally it up for you as soon as I put my tools away."I walked out of the front door. As I walked out, Melanie came and met her husband in the living room with a hug and a kiss."What happened to the shower?" he asked."I slipped and almost fell and caught myself on the knobs and broke it," she replied. "I am lucky he came straight out."I knocked on the door and her husband answered and asked how bad was his bill. After presenting the bill, he asked me if I would hold another check like I am still holding the last one. "I am sorry, sir, I cannot hold this check. I am already holding one and my boss is fussing," I told him. "You will have to take care of this one, Mr. Moore."As her husband walked into the kitchen to get himself a beer, he told her to pay me. As Melanie dug deep into her purse to get her last dollars to pay me, she gave me the most gruesome look. As I took the money with my right hand, my left hand reached under and grabbed her pussy. It made a noticeable wet spot which I knew was my cum. If her husband had not been there, she would have got a fourth dose of baby cream. As I turned to leave, her husband walked back in with his beer, and I told them that I would be back in a month to check for leaks at no charge."If you need me before them," I said as I looked Melanie in the eye, "Call me. You have my number."***The days and weeks flew by quick for Melanie, until the day I showed up and her husbands truck was there, so I came back the next day. When I got there, I knocked and Melanie answered the door in her typical morning attire of her husband's dress shirt and her panties, but she was holding a towel and was ghost white. I asked her what was wrong. She claimed she was extremely nauseated and had been throwing up for the last week. That was why her husband apparently had used up all of his vacation time to stay home and take care of her and the baby. How nice he was, I thought, to take care of her and my growing baby. "I can't do this now. I am just too sick, she told me. "My period is supposed to be starting and I think that either this is just a stomach virus along with my PMS."Not knowing what to say, I agreed to come back in a week. But things for Melanie didn't change much. Her "stomach virus" lessened, but her period never came. The following Monday when I came back, I knocked. She opened the door. She was worried about her missing period. I advised her that her sickness and everything was probably just her stress, and that it was common to miss her period after having a baby and while breastfeeding. I told her that I had a girlfriend that missed her period because of the same thing. That made her feel somewhat better. I handed her her money back and tells her and told her that I would much rather her pay in installments. With her hurting for money the way they were, she easily accepted it and smiled. She also thanked me. "Have you had any problem with your plumbing lately?" I asked her."No," she replied. "No problems other than my own.""Then would you be willing to pay me my third installment?" I asked.She looked at me and told me that she wished that I would not call it an installment and that I made her sound so cheap. I readily agreed to stop doing so, but I didn't see it that way. So, I walked over to her and began rubbing and caressing her face. I kissed her. As I began kissing her, I started caressing her breasts. Once again, we went back into her room and we fucked again as we had done times before. I plunged my cock once again in and out of her pussy and it felt so good since I knew my baby was in there. As I was popping my second nut in it, my cell phone rang. It was an emergency service call on Eleventh Street. I had to go.Work kept me busy over the next few weeks. Service call after service call. It seemed as if every time I turned on Tuckerberry Avenue to go and see the mother of my baby, my phone would ring. Finally, a break and I got to go see her, but I was not greeted very kindly this time. As she answered the door to my knocking, she immediately held out a pregnancy test with a positive reading."There is nothing wrong with the plumbing," she scolded me. "I trusted you. I know this isn't my husband's baby. He wears protection religiously.""Are you sure its mine?" I asked. "Condoms break, you know.""I do know and I also know that they don't work if you don't wear them, Brent," she replied. All I could do is ask her what she wanted me to do. She told me nothing that I had done enough. So, I turned and left. I did not see her and my baby for nine months.After about a year of not seeing her, I decided to take a risk. I had to see her and my baby. So, I snuck over and busted, quickly and quietly, an outside faucet. Her husband walked outside the next morning to go to work and immediately discovers my damage. He gets on the phone and calls me. I told him I would be there within an hour. He thanked me and then calls his wife as he is backing out of the driveway to inform her that I would be fixing the outside faucet. She quickly wanted to call a different plumber to see if one could come quicker. He told her no, that I would be there within the hour and was probably on my way. I arrived at their house. Melanie frowned when she answered the door."I understand that you have a broken faucet outside. Your husband just called me," I calmly told her. She was dressed in her nightly attire: her husband's button up dress shirt, and a pair of boxers this time."And how are your babies," I asked her with a little smirk."They are fine," she told me.I went outside fixed the pipe and come back inside and reached out to touch her tit and she pushed my hand away. "Don't you think you have done enough damage," she angrily questioned me.I pulled out my cell phone and scrolled to the few pictures that I snapped of her beautiful pussy that I got the first time I fucked her. I held the camera in front of her with her picture on it of her dripping pussy and her legs open wide."I could do more if you don't let me see my baby and let me have some milk," I cockily told her.Her hand went to her mouth and her eyes swelled red with tears. She then led me to a room at the back of her house and there, lying in the crib, was a beautiful brown-haired girl fast asleep. She was beautiful and resembled me somewhat. I almost cried.I reached out and put my arm around Melanie, walked up behind her and whispered in her ear. "She looks like us, doesn't she? How did it feel carrying my baby?""It felt good," she said so innocently.There was nothing to be said. "So, can I have some milk, Mama," I whispered in her ear as I reached down and started caressing the end of her wet nipple. Her head went back against my shoulder and she closed her eyes. We walked back to her bedroom and I gently kissed her neck as I unbuttoned so slowly, the buttons on her husband's shirt and I made my way down her chest with my tongue and lips and curved the path onto those beautiful titties. I started on her right breast sucking it and getting my fill of its sweet creamy milk and I sucked and then began on the other one. I loved the feeling of its sweet cream gushing on my tongue with every suck I gave it. I then began kissing and licking on down her stomach that I would fill up again. Her beautiful legs were open so wide as I made my way on down to her bikini line. I reached her pussy. Again, it was so wet and so beautiful. She moaned and her body rose up off of the bed as I began stroking her clit with my tongue. I began flicking it really fast which sent her to extreme heights of pleasure. She was almost screaming with pleasure and ecstasy. I quickly undressed myself to reveal to her my eight-inch cock and I plunged it immediately into her waiting pussy. I stroked back and forth so rapidly and so deep. I was hitting that cervix with every stroke so it seemed. She grabbed my sides so tight and pulled me into her deeper. I reached up and grabbed those beautiful jugs and started squeezing them as I fucked her so hard. More milk gushed out the end of those huge brown nipples and oozed down on my hands and fingers. I stuck my fingers in her mouth, and she sucked every single drop of it off of my hands. I plugged her pussy harder and faster and deeper until I just could not stand it any longer. I immediately shot long, hot streams of cum up into her womb again filling it up. If carrying around my first child felt so good to her, that bitch was going to carry one around a second one. I told her to tell her husband once again that she'd be paying me in installments. I knew that little pregnant slut wanted my big cock. I knew from the way her pussy was so tight that her husband wasn't worth a shit. I know that little fucker had to shoot a long way for that sperm to penetrate her beautiful egg. With me, them little bastards didn't have far to swim. I knew from the look in her eyes and the way that they rolled back with each stroke that she had never had a cock penetrate her as big as mine. She was so innocent and beautiful and she would be pregnant soon with my second child. Those beautiful jugs hanging on her chest would stay full of milk and that dome shaped belly would have my child floating around in it soon. She was a baby-making machine and I knew it. I wanted her so bad. I wanted that pregnant pussy to have my cock shoved up in it. Melanie had my second child nine months later. In that time, her husband invited me over for beers, barbecues, and picnics and even to just come and spend his time off with her and my child. He wanted me to come to the hospital when she had my baby. I could not turn that opportunity down. I wanted to be the one in there cutting the cord on my own baby, and seeing that pregnant pussy completely open up and that child come out of it, but I stayed outside in the waiting room thinking of how beautiful it was just to be able to create that baby with her. From the way, Melanie's husband treated me with the beers, barbeques, and picnics, and just things he told me, I knew that he must not have had too many friends, and he was a little pussy. I also realized the more I watched Melanie with my babies and her without her husband even realizing things, I was falling in love with her. I wanted her. I knew that I could be the man that she needed. I knew how to do things. I had gotten her pregnant with my children. She loved my cock. I wondered the more I was around her if she loved me. I never caught her staring at me, or I never caught any underlying messages or emotions of mutual affection or reciprocated feelings. After my second child with her, I did not want to get caught. I didn't want Melanie to be mad at me nor did I want to be the cause of a good marriage to come to an end. So, I decided to quit trying to make passes at her. I quit fondling her breasts and touching her pussy when her husband was out of the room. Mr. Moore tried to set me up with other women, because he didn't want me to spend the rest of my life without someone, but I knew that they would never be as good as Melanie. A year passed. Yesterday, I got a call from her. This wasn't a service call. Mr. Moore left Melanie because the bills got to be to high after the idiot quit his job. Today, I need to go stop up some leaky eyes and pump some fluids up the beautiful pussy of a woman whose marriage just went down the drain.END
My friends were quite envious when I brought back of my stunning Filipina bride, Jasmine. I guess the fact that she was twenty years younger than me and the sexiest woman I had ever met may have had something to do with it... Jasmine is very petite, standing 5'1" tall and extremely well-proportioned with round small breasts, a slim waist, girlish hips and a tight firm little bottom. Her legs are small and thin like a young girl but she is in fact now 19 years old. As if this were not enough, her face is really cute and she has those slightly wide ever-smiling Filipina lips and dark brown eyes that men find irresistible. Her black hair flows down her back to complete the delightful and attractive package. Jasmine is a street wise Filipina girl who like many of the Filipina women I have met has those sexy piercings in her tongue and pussy lips and a tattoos they get on the street. I guess this is because Filipina women, unlike their western counterparts are brought up from a young tender age to be skilled in the art of giving and receiving sexual pleasure and genuinely enjoy sex. Filipina and Thai girls unlike western girls are taught and encouraged to practice and take pleasure in the sexual act. My wife like many young Filipina girls likes to dress very sexy too. I am so proud of her and she is so desirable naturally have no wish to stop her showing off her body. Especially as she tells me that it is her culture to do. Jasmine is in the habit of wearing those very tight bandeau lycra tops with no bra and matching mini-skirts, stockings and high heels or leather boots that seem to attract the interest and lingering stares of other men.She moved over to the UK after we got married and after being homesick for a while she seemed to be adapting well. Things seemed okay until I took a new job that had me travelling for long spells and I suggested she try and see her friends when I was not there.I had gone away on a business trip to Malaysia. When I phoned my wife, she told me that she would be travelling down to London to stay with her Filipina friend Arma. My heart pounded fast and my throat was dry with fear and anticipation. I was angry and excited at the same time. Alma was a charming and sexy 20 year-old Filipina who had met her husband in a Makati bar, married him for a visa at passage to the UK, then divorced after a year when he found out she was pregnant with her black boyfriends child. Alma like most Filipinas really enjoyed sex and she could not stay long without a man. When she had first divorced she had fell crying into my arms. I had kissed and reassured her and one thing leading to another she had fucked my brains out. Now she was on the prowl for a new husband and every time we saw her it was with a new boyfriend. I knew that if my wife slept there she would be exposed to temptation and goaded by her friend to go out at night, find a stranger in some bar and get some cock in her while she waited for my return. I found myself getting excited, thinking of my lovely little wife fooling around. As I truly loved my wife I knew I should consider her happiness first so I swallowed hard and instead of telling her what I thought I encouraged her to go to London and have a good time with her friend Alma. Jasmine thanked me saying I was a loving and understanding husband. I knew Alma would tempt and lead my beautiful and lonely wife into being promiscuous and unfaithful. It would not be long before she too would be cheating on me but the thought of another cock stuffed in her pussy just gave me a real hard on. I tried to phone my wife up the next day but I was unable to reach her cell. I tried several times during the next day with no luck and my worry grew. In desperation I called Alma and she reassured me that my wife was okay. She had left her purse at home containing her cell so I could not reach her. They had both been drinking the previous night she told me. My heart raced as I knew alcohol made my wife behave in an uninhibited and sluttish way. The girls had met two guys in a club they had gone to and they had danced and kissed in the dark to the slow music. Alma had gone home with her man and Jasmine had gone off with hers."Don't worry, darling," said Alma. "He was good looking guy, very macho. He was probably up all night with her making her very happy and satisfied, fucking her pussy good for you, darling."My horny Filipina wife was getting the deep-dicking she so richly deserved. I realised my wife's purse contained her pills and my legs went weak... Misinterpreting my silence, Alma added:"If her pussy is too swollen and she is too tired I will fuck you when you get back, darling. We can make baby too..."I shook my head depressed. This was a real nightmare. When we first met in the hotel where we had stayed they seemed to know her well. Jasmine was a very passionate woman and really enjoyed sex. I remember the very first time we got together in person she had screwed my brains out within an hour.I had met Jasmine chatting online. She had told me that she was looking for a smart and interesting man. She asked me if I was serious. I told her that I was and when she said that she was single and looking for a life partner I told her that I was too. She was very polite and shy at first. She seemed charming, young, and sincere. I told her I was not rich and she replied that she would be very satisfied with a modest and simple life style. She spent a few hours every night chatting up western men from her internet café in downtown Makati. It was love at first sight and we hit it off right away. It was not long before I told her I loved her and she told me she loved me too and was happy for me to be her boyfriend. I asked her if she had a boyfriend over there. She replied that she did not have a steady one at the moment but there was this guy she was seeing off and on. Seeing that I was living so far away and that we had not actually met, I thought it would be for me to ask her to give up seeing the guy. After all she did not love him or she would not be spending time chatting with me. She told me she had joined the dating/chat line to find a western husband and that she enjoyed spending time flirting online. The idea of a young Filipina woman willing to marry an older men from a western country did not phase her. After all to her, western men were more faithful and offered financial security. As for me I saw nothing wrong with marrying a young beautiful Filipina girl especially as she seemed to be loving, very sweet, and romantic. I considered myself very lucky if I were to win her Filipina heart for marriage.When we chatted online, we would often be interrupted in her chat by a call on her cell and her eyes would wonder to other parts of the screen and she would type away but nothing would appear. I asked her if she was chatting to other men too and she admitted that she had several others who were courting her and that she was flattered by their attention and affections. She told me not to worry about it. I asked her if she liked chatting with other men. She told me of course and she admitted that she was quite attracted to several of them. Three of them had offered to marry her already but she had not found the right one yet. She laughed as she told me that one of the guys, Joe, was a well built black with a big cock... I asked if she had met any of them. Jasmine replied a few had come over to see her and they had spent a good time with them, mostly back in their motel but that none of them had followed through and been serious about her...As we chatted she would lick her lips and give me a sexy pose asking if I was hard for her. Well being a man that was not difficult, especially when she asked to see my cock. She would open her legs and rub her pussy, sending a finger up her wet sleeve then licking it. She made me so horny I felt I would die. I told her I needed to make love to her. She laughed and said sure, get on a plane and come over. She told me she would love me a long time and that she wanted my cock inside her too. As she told me that rubbing her pussy her eyes were fixed at another part of the screen and I saw her lick her lips and smile. I think she was chatting with another guy at the same time! I knew that she asked them for money too...As I jerked off I asked her what she would do now that she was so horny. She looked at me embarrassed and admitted that she would find her male friend and ask him to fuck her wet pussy for me. My cock felt as if it was going to explode. Instead of telling becoming angry and telling her not too, I suggested she bring him here back into the private booth and let him fuck her there in front of me so that I too could enjoy watching her being fucked. Not only was I encouraging my girlfriend to fuck the guy, but I was telling her to do it right in front of me so I could see!She was hesitant at first but I could see the idea worried her and turned her on at the same time. She kept asking me if I was sure. If that would really be okay. I told her I would not mind at all and that it would make me happy to see her so fulfilled sexually. Her eyes had shown with mischief and arousal. I knew she was horny and wanted to have some fun. She hesitantly left to fetch her lover.As he took off her clothes and kissed and touched her body before the webcam, she kept glancing at the computer pleadingly and asking me if this was really okay with me. If I did not mind him touching her, my fiancée, like that. I was so proud of her: She was so beautiful and fuckable. I told her that I would enjoy watching her taking cock. I encouraged the couple, taking out my own cock and stroking it as the guy fondled my girlfriend's pussy. Jasmine groaned and gave in to the growing pleasure, pulling the man on top of her and guiding his long brown cock into her wet sleeve. Her eyes were watching me and she bit her lips with pleasure as her entered her.I could hear her let out a little groan as he began to pump her pussy and she gripped his body hungrily with both arms and legs. I stroked my hard cock faster as she groaned and gripped him tighter, thrusting her pelvis to meet his cock. Her eyes were glazed with bliss. At that moment I just I wanted him to cum inside her pussy for. He came loudly with a groan and I watched as he pulled out his long cock from her cum filled sleeve. It went without say that he had not used a condom and I knew that at the time Jasmine was not on the pill.... I came like crazy watching her having sex with her male friend and I guess that after that I could not stop thinking about her having sex with other men.Before I decided to marry her I visited Philippines to meet Jasmine and spend some quality time with her and her other family member, trying to understand her upbringing and her culture, making sure she would be compatible. Then as well as after my marriage I had become obsessed with the idea of my wife fucking other men. Jasmine was highly sexed and enjoyed watching Asian hardcore porn with me as we fucked, I would often tell her to imagine that this or that person was fucking her too as I fucked her deep while she rubbed her clit. She would cum hard, screaming like a slut as she watched those cocks stuffed into tight Asian pussy. I regretted the day that I had suggested she take a lover. She had protested a bit at first saying that she was married and a faithful and dutiful wife and she had never thought of straying and that she could never do such a thing. I knew well that before we had married she had enjoyed sex with many men and I had watched her cum with her Filipino boyfriend inside her pussy on the webcam. I had insisted and I had asked her whether she would like to have another man's cock inside her again for real, the same as she had done before we got married. I could tell that she was turned on and tempted by the thought right away. She had smiled at me shyly then whispered "yes" in my ear followed by a lustful kiss. "Just because we are married and living together does not mean that we are chained together. You can do what you please and see others. I do not think there should be restrictions on our marriage, instead I want it to be free and open to experience life and other sensations. I love you, honey with my heart and mind, but sex has nothing to do with that. Fidelity is not necessary for a relationship to work," I said.She became quite horny. She realised that being a slut and by teasing other men there were actually two advantages. First she made my cock hard and vigorous, second she got to fuck another man and got his strong cock inside her. My hand was right between her legs now, under her skirt. Jasmine's mouth opened but all she could manage was a low moan. She was blushing hard as I stroked her pussy. She admitted to me that she wanted to get fucked by other men and then bring me back me her freshly fucked pussy. We had made love. We had fantastic sex.I had posted a pic of my sexy Filipina wife on an adult dating site. I had announced that my wife was petite, young and attractive. That I was 49 and she was 20. I said my Filipina wife and I both loved threesomes and that we would love to chat and share experiences. The response had been very good and we had chatted with this guy called Steve together. I had confirmed that my wife was from the Philippines and that she would love to experience a young hard cock again. He took out his cock and began to fondle it. He was built like bull with a very large cock. Jasmine's eyes went wide and she licked her lips nervously trying to hide her troubled feelings. He told us that he would love to look at her hot naked body, She had hesitated at first and licked her lip. She had glanced at me nervously, her eyes questioning, asking for my permission. I had nodded my approval and she had stripped off for him. She smiled at the guy as she took off her clothes in front of the webcam. On the other end I could see him as he jacked his cock. She began to touch herself, watching him. She was so horny and hot looking at his cock. She just could not believe it that I, her husband, would let her do this and tell me that she wanted other cocks. I could see her pussy was wet from rubbing it and her acting like a slut for Steve.He told her that she had a hot body. That her cunt looked soft and juicy and that he would love to lick it then pump it full of his spunk. He told me that he would love to fuck my wife in front of me and put everything in her mouth, pussy, and of course in her that tiny little asshole. She was thrusting a finger in and out her cunt as he told her this and I could tell she was trying to reach a climax.He asked her to send him a sexy picture and we emailed him one of her pussy with my cock in it. She was so hot after that that when we went to bed she told me to lick her pussy and then to pretend Steve had just fucked her. This made me so hard. I fucked her like crazy while she was repeating that she wanted another cock, that she wanted to have Steve come inside her pussy.It did not take much to convince her to go out with Steve. The idea of her going out and seducing and fucking another men, then coming home with her tight little Asian cunt full of spunk gave me a massive hard on. I wanted my wife to have a succession of hard cocks in her pussy to keep her loving pussy constantly wet and freshly fucked for me.Given my condoning her infidelity and the arousal I could see the idea provoked in my spouse's eyes, I had little doubt that she would soon give in to his advances. After all, she was a cute twenty year old Asian chick with a sexy slim brown body and a natural appetite for sex. She seemed quite eager and agreed to go out with the other man whenever I would set it up.She had hugged me and kissed me open-mouthed with an intensity I had never encountered before that day. She told me that she was married to a wonderful husband whom she adored so much and who loved her and knew how to take care of her needs. The following morning my slutty little Filipina Wife woke me up by straddling my face and telling me to lick her pussy. She told me she could not wait to fuck Steve and even had me lick her asshole. She also told me to lick her freshly fucked pussy. When I asked her if I could please fuck her she said no but she let me rub my cock against her pussy a little bit. Then she went to get ready for her first adultery.She reappeared wearing a tiny very short mini skirt that clung to her body and revealed the upper thighs of her short slender legs, showing skin in all the right places. She certainly did not find it out of place or degrading to show off her slender body and cleavage as this defined her female sexuality, a sexuality that had been defined and celebrated throughout the porn industry. She looked like what she was to become that evening, a loose promiscuous wife on the way to meet and fuck her new lover, cuckolding her husband with his consent. As agreed, I followed and watched from afar. I saw her reach up on tip toes and kiss Steve mouth to mouth under the street light. I knew that her nipples were hard and erect through her lycra top as she pressed against him, knowing this guy was hot and hungry for her body. Steve pulled her tight against his crotch and it looked like they would be making out there and then. My cock felt as if it wanted to jump out of its pants as I watched my wife wantonly flirting and encouraging her friend Steve. I had the biggest hard-on of my life when I saw him touching her. She was obviously horny and I knew that in the state she was in, my wife would just want to get his cock in her dripping hot pussy and ride it until he came deep in her chaste womb. She just wanted his hard cock now, any cock, and it did not matter if it was mine or not. She was so aroused I knew she was committed to go through with it now. She would let him screw her like a bitch and cum screaming on his cock... I turned away and headed back home, my cock hard in my pants, leaving them arms wrapped around each other.**That night was the most anxiety-filled and sexually charged of my life. Four hours later Jasmine came home, guilty, flushed and tired. I tried to kiss her but turned her lips away and winced, her lips sore and her body bruised. She tasted and smelt of spunk..."Darling, did you enjoy today?" I asked softly.She looked at me sideways with a wry smile then told me:"I can still feel him in me. It was unbelievable... so hot." She shivered as she recalled the tremendous pleasure she had experienced. Her voice was hoarse from screaming with ecstasy. "He screwed my horny cunt for three hours making me come like crazy. My small pussy is all stretched and still dripping from his hot cum...""You rode him bareback?" I gasped in horror."Yes, dear," said Jasmine. "I like to hold a real cock inside me. I did it for you so you can lick out his cum. He fucked me so good baby, I'm full of his thick sticky cum. You can suck his seed out of my pussy and my ass if you like."I did as I was told, licking out her wonderful cum-filled pussy while she came hard on my face. Apparently Steve had an enormous dick and had fucked her in every position imaginable. I asked if she wanted to see him again, and she said yes, absolutely.After that she went out with Steve quite regularly after work, staying out late or even all night and coming home her half drunk, her make-up and clothes a mess and bruises on her body from their intense love making. I would hug her, kiss and make love, fucking tired promiscuous and well used cunt repeatedly with my hard cock while she lay exhausted and half asleep on the bed. After we had sex, I would then put away her cum stained panties and cuddle up to sleep with her. Her open infidelity made me angry, jealous and tremendously aroused. I did not stop her affair with her male friend Steve, even if I hated what I had encouraged her to become made me sick and upset. I wanted my wife to be happy and sexually satisfied. In fact I loved her so much and I was happy to see her so fulfilled. I wanted Jasmine to continue to enjoy the intense addictive carnal pleasure of having her cunt used by another man on a regular basis. Now that her pussy belonged to me I wanted to encourage her to lend it even more freely to other men and bring it home well used every day to me. After all it was normal for a woman to be sexually active, experienced and promiscuous. I knew that she had already notched up many lovers with as much variety as possible in age, gender, jobs before when she lived in Philippines. So what was one more, really? She really desired to have sex with this man and live in a state of desire and promiscuousness then who was I to interfere? It made me so horny to kiss those beautiful lips that had sucked her lover's cock and then taste his semen still there, buried deep inside her unprotected juicy pussy. I loved her passionately and wanted her to be sexually free to fuck other cocks. She did not seem to get enough of her new admirer, sometimes going off to fuck him three times a day at first.I did not object even when she began bringing her lover home to our house and I stayed downstairs masturbating while she went up to our bedroom and had sex with Steve in our marital bed. I could hear the bed squeaking and her moans of bliss as he thrust in and out of her warm soft feminine sleeve totally soaked with her promiscuous juices of sexual desire. Soon after that we tried a threesome with Steve. Jasmine had gone upstairs and I heard her cry out as Steve fucked her. Then she fell silent and called me upstairs. I found her on the bed, lying there spread-eagled underneath Steve who was plowing into her little Asian pussy with his enormous cock. She looked helpless beneath him, totally at his mercy. My eyes were glued to the scene as I watched the rod press deeply into her and bury itself inside her only to reappear seconds later. She looked up at me seriously and informed me that she wanted was ready now to get two cocks in her vagina. She told me she wanted to have us both come in her pussy at the same time. I asked her if she had tried it before, admitting I had once. She replied that she had not done a threesome since she had known me, well only once in Philippines when I had gone back to the UK to do the marriage paperwork after we got engaged. I asked her how many men she had fucked before we had married her."You must have had so many cocks in your lovely pussy. Tell me, I want to know..." I said.She was such a beautiful and sexy little Asian slut. I wondered how many cocks she had screwed her tight little cunt After a moment of thought she said, "Does it matter, darling? That was before. Now is now. I fucked lots and lots of cocks before, honey."I insisted and she finally admitted she did not know, maybe three hundred. I asked her if she had done it for money before. She answered:"Of course! You know I like it when a man pays for the privilege to cum in my pussy, honey. They paid me to fuck them lots. Well mostly, darling, but not always." Seeing my expression she added:"I satisfied them, so its normal they pay me. Come here now," she said spreading open her labia like butterfly wings, flat against her where they were being displaced by the root of Steve's thrusting penis. The insides of her thighs were wet as was the area around her opening. As I sat on the bed kneading and kissing her breast and nipple. She threw back her head and winced with pleasure as the we both kissed her breasts and touched and rubbed her pussy while Steve continued to fuck her. She gasped then reached down and took Steve' long hard cock, stroking it firmly, pushing it in and out of her wet pussy, staring me in the eyes, her pupils dilated with sexual desire.My large and hard penis was standing out horizontally. As I kissed her I tasted his cum on her lips from their love-making. My wife has gotten the penis she needed in her. Now she needed a second one there to feel totally fulfilled by her lover.She raised her ass slightly to and I held Steve's cock and I reached forward and pushed my dick in alongside his in her tight sleeve. She groaned with pleasure as we gave her a double vaginal penetration. She had died and gone to heaven. Without doubt no woman can say she has been truly fulfilled unless she has experienced two hard cocks thrust lustfully inside her pussy at once and in unison. As I plunged into my wife's birth canal I knew I was pushing Steve's cum deep into her womb. We fucked her hard until she came screaming, clawing wildly at my back like an evil bitch in heat. A few weeks later she came back home crying in my arms. I was very worried and concerned and I asked her:"What happened? Don't tell me Steve hurt you?" "No," she sobbed. "I'm sorry darling. Really I am... I'm so ashamed..." She cried and I looked at her blankly. "What do you mean? What happened?" I insisted."I'm sorry... He caught me by surprise...""What Steve?""No Trevor..." She sobbed. "I didn't mean to cheat on you but he came on to me and well... his black cock was so big and tasted so good.... We did it, I mean we had sex. Four times he made me cum, darling. I'm so sorry I could not help it. It was so good. I came like a real slut on his big black cock..." She managed between sobs.I held her tight kissing her, telling her it did not matter as long as she had liked it. Reassured she began to kiss me and we made love passionately, like animals. She brought Trevor home the next day like a cat brings in a bird and introduced him to me. After drinks we went upstairs to the bedroom."Get me wet for him..." She whispered in my ear, her tongue licking my neck.As I fucked her sideways on the bed she rubbed the black man's cock across her erect nipples and between her breasts. I accelerated and she became more agitated, letting out little cries of pleasure as I went in and out of her exceedingly wet snatch. Holding her breasts firmly together and kneading them, she threw her head back and moaned out aloud while the black man masturbated his cock and rubbed it on her breast, then moved it up over her lips. She opened her mouth, gasping with pleasure, allowing him to slip the cock head between her rosy moist lips and into her mouth. He pushed it in and out against the wall of her mouth, wanking it and letting her rub her tongue over the whole stem every time he withdrew it while I fucked her."Oh yes! Give it to me! Fuck me harder with your cock.... I want to feel you deep inside my pussy..." She groaned."Babe, does it taste good his cock? You really look so happy sucking it." I managed "Don't worry, Babe, you don't need to speak with your mouth full. Just keep on sucking his nice cock until it is really hard for you."I watched as he held her hair and fucked her face. Her eyes were half shut and her hand was gripping his leg hungrily as she continued giving him a blow job. He withdrew from her mouth as she threw her lovely head back and with his hand he rubbed the tip of his cock over her outstretched tongue and in between her lips. She hungrily swallowed it again and began to suck faster. He held her head tight against his thigh as he fucked her face. As he moved back she licked her lips and smiled. I saw the guy's cum running down the sides of her mouth.I moved away and he fucked her doggie. She really seemed to appreciate it. Her back was arched with her bottom pumping towards his thrust cock and her toes were curled with pleasure. Her head reached upwards, eyes shut with ecstasy and mouth open and groaned and she tossed her hair as he continued to move smoothly inside her Asian womanhood. He fucked my wife in the ass about ten minutes before filling her full of cum. My wife was moaning and groaning with pleasure the whole time he was fucking her. After that episode and her third time with Alma, Jasmine and her friend began to frequent different men. She would stay out late and come home with gifts of clothes, jewelry or other presents she was given. She always seemed to have lots of cash and she was always out during the evening and received strange calls. She would disappear at odd times. Alma admitted to me they were both working as call girls for an oriental escort agency in London fucking other guys for cash. That back in Philippines they had been bargirls together. Like many Filipina girls they had both ended up in debt, pole dancing and lap dancing naked at a bar. Their friends at work had introduced them to prostitution as an easy way to make the money she so needed fast. They had encouraged them to take sexually explicit and provocative photographs of Alma and Jasmine dressed only in panties and advertise for sex online. Alma told Jasmine that selling sex was a great way for a women to make a living, after all they all did it. Jasmine had desperately wanted to believe her. After all she felt that the free expression of her sexuality was positive empowerment and a woman's route to liberation. And it was a way that could make her lots of money fast and give her even more power over the men that paid her. And now both girls needed to earn some money to send back to their families and repay their pimps back home so they had turned to the only thing they knew and did well. When I confronted Jasmine about her activities, she had shrugged and told me I would have to get used to it. I asked her if she enjoyed what she did and she said of course. They would pay her and it was her duty to give them pleasure. She admitted without the slightest shame that she liked fucking another man's cock. "They say I am cute and fuck me very well. Some time I suck and fuck them bareback if I am horny and let them cum in my pussy. I love that, darling," she said. Admitting her favorite position was doggie with other men and that she enjoyed taking a cock in her cute submissive butt.After that I got to fuck her loose cum-filled and squishy pussy and asshole many times and kiss her sweet lips that smelled of cock. END
The next morning Sam woke up at looked at the clock above the dresser and saw that it was after eleven. He had fallen asleep sometime after two in the morning and only after he had made himself cum.Sam looked up at the ceiling as he thought back to everything that took place the night before and could still hear Julie screaming out as she was screwed. Julie actually screwed a black man last night and how many times after he went to bed, he will never know unless she talks about it.Sam got out of bed and put on his clothes and made the bed before going into the bathroom and going pee. That's when Sam noticed his chin and saw that there was dried cum under his mouth from having Julie sit on his face last night.Sam washed his face in the sink making sure he got all the dried cum off and thought about eating Julie's pussy last night and tasting her pussy filled with cum from another man for the first time.Sam wondered if Tom ate Becky's when she had sex with Larry or was he the only one that would lick another man's cum from their wife. Worst yet was the fact that Julie must have told Frank what he had done last night and would be embarrassed when he saw Frank.Sam finished in the bathroom and walked out into the hallway and past the master bedroom and saw that the door was cracked open. Sam cracked the door open a little further and saw his wife laying on her usual side with Frank's hand resting on her hip as they slept.The bedroom was a mess with blankets on the floor and clothes strung around the floor. Sam saw a book sitting on the chair near the door with a black man and white women on the cover. Sam leaned into the room to get a better look at the book and noticed the name on the cover which said it was an interracial handbook for members and it was an edition for wives.Sam carefully picked up the book and made sure Julie and Frank was still asleep and closed the door leaving only a small crack like he had found it. Sam hurried into the kitchen and put coffee on and sat on the stool and opened the book to its index page.There were fourteen chapters in the handbook with chapters that covered everything Sam had read or heard about and more. Sam's heart began to race as he read some of the chapter headings and got up and poured some coffee before sitting back down and opened the book again.There was a chapter on everything a person involved in the lifestyle could think of and the first chapter was about the black boyfriend and how a white wife should handle certain situations that might arise.Another chapter focused more on the husband and dealing with emotions and hurt and how to making the husband feel special when she is in the middle of sex with her black boyfriend.Another chapter talked how to form a good trusting relationship between the black boyfriend and the husband. The last chapter was titled interracial pregnancy and below it said planned and unplanned.Sam noticed the page was folded on the first chapter and thought that Julie must have just begun to read it. Sam closed the book and noticed the author and was surprised to see that it had been written by Janet, the woman at the club.Sam thought that he should take the book back before Julie noticed it missing and got up and walked back toward the bedroom. Sam carefully opened the door and leaned inside to put the book back on the chair and glanced over at the bed and saw Julie and Frank embracing and kissing.Not wanting to disturb them, Sam shut the door carefully again and went back out into the kitchen and poured himself another coffee.Julie and Frank didn't get out of bed to well past three that afternoon and when Julie came out into the living room she was wearing a short black nightie and looked tired. Julie gave Sam a kiss as he poured her a fresh cup of coffee and sat on the sofa next to his wife.Julie sat stretching her legs out and rubbing her thigh and looked down between her legs than leaned against Sam and said, "Frank's taking a shower and should be ready to leave shortly. He wants to come over next Friday evening and take us both out to dinner."Sam replied, "I thought you were going to meet Frank every Saturday night just like Becky does with Larry next door?"Julie replied, "Frank would like to get to know you better because I told him you were still nervous with him staying here during the weekends."Sam put his hand on Julie's thigh feeling how soft her skin was and saw the red bit marks on her tits and noticed many more area's than he did last night. Sam even noticed there were bit marks on her inner thighs as well.Frank walked into the room with a towel in his hand and walked over and leaned down and kissed Julie on her lips and said, "That was a wonderful blow job you did this morning. I didn't expect you to swallow and lick up every drop. You're full of surprises."Frank held his hand out to Sam to shake and said, "Hope that you are feeling better this morning and get some rest tonight. I'll see both of you on Friday around seven."Frank walked to the door and Julie got up and met him there as they hugged and Frank squeezed her ass cheeks with his large hands. Sam saw that they were kissing than Frank whispered something to Julie than left.Julie walked over to Sam and gave him a kiss and said, "Baby. I'm going to go take a shower and get dressed."Sam waited until Julie was in the shower and walked into the bedroom and looked for the book but noticed it was gone. Sam looked around the bedroom and finally noticed it tucked under the side of the bed on the floor and Sam sat on the floor and opened it to the index page and began to read it again.There was a new page folded over and Sam knew that Julie or Frank or maybe both of them were reading through the book sometime today. The page that was folded was a chapter called conditioning the husband.Skimming through the pages, Sam read a few of the paragraphs and it was giving instructions to the wife on how to limit and control her husband's desire for sex. Sam read one paragraph that got his heart beating fast again which read; "Practice depriving your husband sex when he asks you for it until he learns that your black boyfriend's sexual desires come before his own."The next paragraph was giving examples in detail and said, "Tell him you are tired or you just want to cuddle. Tell him it would arouse you to see him play with his dick and fantasizing about you screwing your black boyfriend. Tell him how talented he is with his tongue and his mouth and you would prefer that he suck on you while you play with his dick."Emphasize the fact that your black boyfriend is very large and your still sore from the last date You should always tell your husband that you love him very much and always remind him how aroused he gets when he watches you performing sex with your black boyfriend.Sam wanted to read more but heard the water turn off in the bathroom and slipped the book back under the bed where he found it. Sam walked into the hallway just in time because Julie was in the bedroom picking up the blankets that had been tossed on the floor.**Later that evening Julie and Sam went out to dinner and when they returned home, Julie went into the study and on her computer. Sam took the opportunity to sneak into the bedroom to read something new in the book.Sam searched under the bed but the book had been moved again so he searched in the drawers and in the closet but couldn't find it anywhere. He figured that Julie put it away somewhere special and he would look another time.Sam walked into the den and put his hands around Julie who was sitting at the computer writing something and gave her a kiss on her cheek and said, "Do you feel like having a little sex before we go to bed tonight?"Julie turned and kissed Sam on the lips and said, "Baby. I'm so tired from being up most of the night last night. Maybe we'll cuddle when we get in bed later and we can watch some television together."Sam rubbed his wife's shoulder as he leaned back up and glanced at the computer screen before leaving the room. Julie was doing exactly what that book had suggested by depriving him of sex.He also noticed that Julie was writing a diary on the computer tonight and Sam was going to get in there and check it out as soon as he could.It was Thursday evening and every night that week Julie had an excuse for not having sex with him. Sam only had a couple opportunities to search for the book but hadn't had any luck finding it. It wasn't any more than an hour later that Sam went into the bedroom and saw Julie laying on the bed and reading the book.Sam was pretending to look for something in the closet and noticed Julie's metal jewelry box was sitting out and open. It was the sort of box that you would lock all your important things under lock and key and Sam figured that was where she kept the book but he didn't have a key.Julie startled Sam while he was in the closet when she began to talk to someone and when he looked out on the bed he saw that she had called someone on the phone.Sam listened to Julie as she said, "Becky. I'm reading the fifth chapter now and I have a few questions for you. Do you think you could come over now and I can show you what I need to know?"It was Becky she was speaking with about the book and waited until she hung up the phone and walked out of the closet as Julie said, "I need to go over to Becky's about something important. She can't come over so I'm going over to her house for a while but will be back shortly."Julie gave Sam a kiss and took the book with her over to Becky's house and Sam got an idea to see what she had been writing on the computer every night.Sam was looking through Julie's documents and found something called the club and clicked it open. The folder had daily entries on it with the last entry being today. Sam clicked on the first which would have been that past Sunday when Frank left their house.It was a diary that Julie was making and everything she learned about Frank was noted including his favorite positions for sex, where he was ticklish, Frank's reaction when she performed certain sexual techniques including sucking his cock.Sam backed out to the main folder again and saw his name and clicked it on and began reading the first entry. Reacted positive while eating Frank's cum from her pussy and got Aroused talking about Frank staying in their room and a note saying that he looked concerned about bit marks Frank had given her.Sam didn't know how much time he had so he skipped a couple days and opened yesterday's entry. Asked for sex again but complained of a headache and suggested that he play with himself while fantasizing about her and Frank making love.There were other entries but Sam didn't want to get caught and shut off the computer just as the phone rang. It was Julie and she was still at Becky's house and said, "Baby. Would you mind clearing a section of your closet out tonight? Frank will be bringing a few of his things over tomorrow and he will need a place to hang a few shirts and pants."Sam replied, "Does he have to hang them in my closet?"Julie replied, "Baby. Mine is full of dresses and besides, you have some old things you need to get rid of. I'll see you in awhile as soon as I'm through talking to Becky."Sam didn't mind making room for a few of Frank's things in his closet. He was more concerned why Julie took the book over to Becky's house tonight and why it was such a big secret.Julie just left Becky and Tom's house with the member's guide for the wife and Becky had given her some advice on how to determine what arouses the husband.Tom walked behind Becky who was finishing some dishes in the sink and said, "I think Julie is going to need advice on handling Frank rather than her husband. I told you Larry said he was a kinky son-of-a-bitch."Becky wiped her hands and turned to Tom and hugged him and said, "Yeah. Julie is so sweet and innocent and doesn't have a single clue that Frank is using the member's guide to his advantage."Tom replied, "Everyone at the club is aware that Frank has the largest dick in the club and sometimes he is the largest dick if you know what I mean. Only one weekend together and Julie is gaga over that large black cock of his like a little school girl that has never had a doll."Becky said, "That's all Julie talked about is how Frank used that big dick on her last weekend and how he made her feel so special. Frank's also giving her a big line about how he thinks Sam is very shy and how Sam can't tell her his true feelings.Tom said, "Yeah. He's already beginning to brainwash Julie into thinking she is doing things for Sam because he is too afraid to tell her what he wants. If I say anything to Sam about it, he might cause some problems down at the club."Becky leaned against the kitchen counter and crossed her arms and replied, "I'll just have to keep my eye on her and talk with her next week and see how its going. I may have told her too many positive things about our lifestyle. Maybe we could have Larry talk to Frank and tell him to back-off a little."Tom said, "Frank's not going to listen to Larry, he's been wanting to do anything and everything to Julie ever since you gave him her picture a few weeks ago. You'll just have to keep an eye on Julie and have her keep him under control."Becky kissed Tom and said, "This is going to be easier said than done."It was late Friday afternoon and Julie had gone out that morning and bought a skirt and top to wear.Frank told her how he loved to see her dress really sexily and wanted her to show her tits when they went out together so Julie had picked out a black skin tight top which revealed her tits and allowed her nipples to poke through. The top came down above her belly button and the black skirt was short and had a belt and rested very low on her hips.Frank's request was that she never wore any panties when they were out because he loved to be able to reach underneath at any time and feel a nice smooth pussy.Julie had finished getting dressed and decided to check the closet to see how Sam had finished clearing an area for Frank's things. Julie smiled when she saw that Sam had did what she had asked.She walked out into the living room where Sam was reading the paper and took it away from him and sat on his lap and put her arms around him and gave him a deep passionate kiss.Julie sad. "Baby. You're such a wonderful husband and I love you very much."Sam put his arms around Julie and kissed her again and said, "Want to have wild sex before Frank arrives?"Julie hugged Sam and kissed his face several times and said in a childish voice. "Oh. Baby. I just got all ready for the evening and Frank will be here soon. I promise that we'll have some wild sex as soon as Frank leaves on Sunday morning."Julie sat on Sam's lap and cuddled with him as Sam rubbed the palm of his hand across her thighs feeling her soft skin. Julie kissed his lips as Sam gently moved his hand under the short skirt and touched her bare pussy.Julie moaned when Sam pushed his finger into her slit which was wet and kissed her on the lips again until she said, "Take your pants off for me."Sam stood up and took his pants off as fast as he could because they hadn't had sex in a couple weeks and waited for Julie to strip but she said, "Sit on the coach for me and spread your legs."Sam did what he was told and Julie got on her knees and took Sam's dick in her hands and leaned down and licked the head than put it in her mouth and started to suck him.Julie was very well skilled at the art of giving head and licked his dick and balls with her hot wet tongue.Julie was so beautiful and Sam stroked her really long blonde hair as she continued to give him head. Sam was aware that Julie hadn't had much experience before they were married but he had taught her the art of sucking a dick over the past few years and she did it expertly.Sam was moving his hips as Julie moved her tongue around the head as she lovingly sucked her husband's dick. Sam couldn't hold out any longer as he started to groan and yelled. "Honey. I'm going too cum."Julie continued to move her tongue skillfully around his dick until she felt the first wave of hot cum entering her mouth and she swallowed it as another spurt entered her mouth. Julie continued to lick and suck the head of his dick as she carefully moved her hands along his dick squeezing every last drop of cum that remained trapped inside his veins.Julie raised her head and leaned forward and kissed her husband sending her tongue into his mouth as he sucked her tongue he tasted his own cum. This was the first time that Julie had ever done that to him and after she spit a tiny drop of cum into his mouth and continued to hold the kiss for several more seconds Julie looked at him and smiled.Julie leaned down and kissed his chest and looked back up into Sam's eyes and said, "Did you like tasting your own cum that you squirted into my mouth?"Sam kissed Julie and replied, "I didn't expect you to do that but it turned me on."Julie smiled and said, "I thought it would since you liked eating Frank's cum from my pussy last weekend. You never have to be shy with me about your feelings and if that arouses you than we'll do it more often. If you're too shy to say anything to Frank while he is here than I'll tell him what you like to do."Julie giggled at something she was thinking and Sam said, "What's wrong?"Julie replied, "I thought of a few other ideas that we can do with Frank together but I want to surprise you. We better get ready because he'll be here in another hour and I still have to apply makeup."Sam got up wondering what Julie had thought was so funny as he pulled his pants up. Frank arrived on Time and they all went out to dinner where Frank insisted that Julie sit next to him at the restaurant which got them a few stares from the older women at the nearby tables.Frank was rather polite and friendly with Sam because after all Frank was now screwing his beautiful wife. Julie felt good that Frank spent most of his time talking to Sam on every subject imaginable but stayed away from their arrangement and sex completely.Julie was naive to think that Frank was so concerned with things that Sam liked and wanted to know more about him personally.When they returned to Julie and Sam's house, Frank brought his things into the room and neatly hung everything in the closet. Julie helped him arrange a few things while Sam fixed the drinks.Frank had asked Sam for a particular brand of Vodka and when he said he didn't have it, he volunteered to go out and purchase it. Sam got into the car and drove off to the liquor store leaving Julie with Frank sitting near the pool with some candle's burning.Sam returned thirty minutes later and still seen Frank and Julie out at the table near the pool. They hadn't noticed he returned from the store and saw that Frank seemed to be explaining something to Julie because of the way he was moving his hands so animate.Sam put the package on the kitchen counter and began mixing the drinks and could hear Julie laughing and talking loud and heard Julie say. "No. You got to be kidding me."Sam figured that Frank was telling her a joke or something but heard Frank reply loudly and said, "You can read it yourself because its right here in chapter nine."Getting curious on what Frank was talking about, Sam walked out near the living room and saw that Julie was busy reading something and stepped a few feet closer and noticed she had the member's guide for wives.Sam was trying to remember what chapter nine was all about but hardly had time to look through much of the book because Julie kept it locked away from him.He hurried back to the kitchen and added the ice to the drinks as fast as he could and carried them out on a tray where he saw that Frank had moved his chair closer to Julie and rested his big hand on her thigh.Julie was still intensely reading the handbook as Sam passed out the drinks and asked Julie. "What are you reading?"Julie was trying to finish a paragraph and didn't reply verbally but took Sam's hand in hers and held him tight as Frank laughed and said, "Julie's reading something that you don't have to be concerning about."Julie finished reading and was still holding Sam's hand and pulled him close as he leaned down and they kissed as she finally replied, "Honey. Would you get the pretzels off the refrigerator for us to snack on?"Sam retrieved the pretzels never getting a reply from Julie and walked back out to the table and found Julie gone. Sam looked at Sam who immediately said, "Julie went to put her book away and to change into something."Sam sat at the table and Frank was eager to talk and stated the conversation and said, "Sam. You shouldn't be embarrassed practicing this life style because I've met a few white husbands' who felt the way you do when they actually got involved."Sam replied, "I've really been surprised with my wife because I didn't expect Julie to be so eager to get involved."Frank started to laugh and replied, "The wives are always eager once they get the green light from their husband's. I haven't seen a wife yet that wanted to quit because she didn't like the lifestyle."Frank continued. "Julie seems to like the lifestyle but she has been worried about you. She seems to think you're very unhappy because she hasn't heard any encouragement from you."Sam asked, "What do you think I should do to let her know that I'm not unhappy?"Frank replied, "With my experience I find that the wives feel guilty if their husband's don't. Verbally give them encouragement in the presence of their boyfriend. Julie is just like other wives and for example, they like to hear their husband's make suggestions for the evening."Sam said, "I get really excited thinking about Julie having sex with another man but I guess I expected to be involved a lot more."Frank replied, "This is your chance to get involved and let her know you enjoy watching and seeing her being aggressive and taking charge in your relationship. This lifestyle involves many sacrifices from you as the husband which might be humiliating to you but that's the emotional high you got involved in this in the first place."Frank added. "All three of us are involved in this for different reasons and your fantasy is being Julie's cuckold so you have to let her know that you want to be her cuckold."Sam replied, "What should I tell her?"Frank said, "Sam. It may humiliate you to be honest with your wife about your desires and your fantasy but you have to swallow your pride and let her know what you want."Sam said, "Do you think Julie will stop feeling guilty if I tell her what I want to see her do with you?"Frank replied, "Sam. Julie wants to please you and she is waiting to hear you give that approval to her so she can start pleasing you and fulfilling your fantasy. Julie will expect you to give me approval as well to help her fulfill that fantasy."Sam sat thinking about Frank's suggestion as Julie walked into the room wearing a tiny black transparent baby doll without any panties. Julie spun around so Frank could get a good look at her and instead of going to him she walked over and sat on her husband's lap giving him a kiss and putting her arm around his neck.Frank was giving Sam good eye contact to see if he was going to carry out what they were just talking about. Sam was massaging his wife's thigh and feeling how soft she felt and kissed her arm and near her neck giving her tiny little bumps on her neck.Julie was still kissing her husband and looking into his eyes with a babyish expression on her face. Sam finally said, "I bet Frank would like to get a better look at you in your little baby doll, would you like to get up and dance for your boyfriend?"Julie gave him another kiss and replied, "Baby. Frank's going to want to do other things if I get him excited with a dance."Sam kissed her shoulder again as he replied, "Honey. Frank's definitely going to want to screw you tonight."Julie replied, "Is that what you want Frank to do?"Sam swallowed hard and said, "Honey. I'm really getting excited thinking about watching Frank screw you with his black cock. From now on I want you to decide when you want to screw Frank. You never have to ask for my permission because I love to watch. If you're horny and want a black cock inside you than I think you should screw him as often as you wish."Sam glanced at Frank and said, "Frank. You have my permission to screw Julie anytime she allows you because I'm her cuckold and I love her very much."Julie was kissing her husband's face and said, "Honey. What about you? Do you still want to have sex with me or are you happy watching Frank make love to me?"Sam had to think about this question and knew they would want an answer and finally figured out something to say and replied, "Honey. I'm excited watching you screw your boyfriend and want you to be horny and fresh for him when he is here. I'll screw you only when you or Frank allows me."Julie was surprised to hear Sam's answer and said, "Baby. Would it be more exciting for you if I only allow my boyfriend to make that decision?"Sam swallowed his pride and glanced at Frank and replied, "Frank. I'll wait until I have your permission to screw my wife and that will include the time you're not here."Julie kept kissing Sam's face and whispered. "Baby. Frank told me this would excite you because most of the men love it and I'm sure he will allow you to screw me when he's not here."Frank could hear Julie whispering and he could hear what she had just told Sam and sat with a grin on his face and knew the fun of this swinging relationship was just the beginning.Continued...Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you would like to know more about me, please visit my web site at;
PART THREE: Raising the Flag of Revolution***Chapter SEVENTEENCooper had traveled a good bit, but had never done more than transfer planes in New York. Even for a seasoned traveler New York was a bit overwhelming. It was late by the time the stood outside the terminal and hailed a cab. Even at night the traffic seemed daunting and the buildings seemed to close in around them as they drove into the city. The traffic, the crowds, the noise all reinforced Coopers dislike for big cities.Their hotel room was small, but well appointed. The bed was comfortable, and that's what mattered most. It had been a very busy week and though they talked about going out on the town, they ended up eating at one of the hotel's restaurants and simply taking a stroll around the hotel before going to bed early.The opening wasn't until 1:30 so they spent the morning touring the New York sites, but returned to the hotel so they could freshen up and get dressed for the opening. While Bonnie worked on her make-up, Cooper reviewed his notes for possible interviews. Amy had emailed him early in the week that she would be counting on him to help her field the questions about the philosophical position on public sexuality and the FFF's position.Bonnie had also emailed Amy, but her questions were about appropriate attire. As a consequence she had brought one semiformal outfit for the afternoon opening and a gown for the Gala Opening in the evening.The cab ride to the gallery was not long, and as they pulled up in front of a fairly typical New York multi-story building with the bottom floor given to retail. Cooper couldn't help but be amused that even in New Your City, the display cases were empty except for a sign that read CENSORED.At the door was a man in a back tuxedo. Cooper had to present their tickets before entering. The door was opened and they were politely escorted in.The gallery was a Spartan affair, essentially a large warehouse with exposed second story steel structure. There were no walls that went to the ceiling, only ten foot panels attached to support columns. But it was airy and conductive for large groups.Directly inside the door was a bronze sculpture of what was styled to be an old vine wrapped tree, rising well above the separator panel behind it. But as part of this exhibit. it was in fact a larger than life sculpture of a couple, standing, making love. The man comprised the tree trunk and the woman, standing on one tip toe was the counterpoint. One of her legs jutted out at a ninety degree angle, like a limb of the tree and her hair, resplendent in gold leaf, spread out a good twenty feet like golden willow branches. It would have been very nice, but not unusual work if the sculpture had omitted the thick bronze penis spreading a very visible pair of labial lips. From the ground looking up it was indeed the most explicit sculpture he or Bonnie had ever seen. Moving on they had to negotiate around small groups of people deep in discussion. Many had hand held computer devices on which they were making notes on each piece. Cooper noticed a good number had badges around their necks labeled PRESS. He tried to read who they represented, but it was difficult without being too obvious. Moving around they could clearly pick out Amy's works, they all had a lushness that none of the others could match.Rounding another sculpture, this one a life sized bronze of a couple making love resting on an actual, wood and upholstery, antique divan. It was quite striking, having caught the couple's passion in mid-stride.There were a number of paintings by someone with an interesting primitive style. Those paintings looked as if they had been uncovered by archeologist rather than recently painted. Another artist used a more impressionist approach, giving more a feeling or the moment. They had been looking at a group of three paintings of the same couple when Bonnie turned around, and there, taking up the entire with of the twelve foot wide panel was their painting. She whipped Cooper around to see. It was magnificent. It was all their painting at home and much more. The size gave a presence and gravity that took their breath away."It was worth the trip just to see this," Bonnie said."I can't believe how much more she put into it. And the sheer size" Cooper gushed.They stood and discussed every inch of the huge painting before moving on. Very pleased with Amy and themselves, they looked at an interesting mixed media using real organic matter and what they guessed to be clay. From this vantage point, Cooper saw what was surely the live art display.Four bamboo pedestals held a tangle of dense vegetation. A fan from above caused the leaves and vines to sway gently.He urged Bonnie to follow "Now just stand and watch this for a minute," he said quietly."What am I looking for?" she whispered."Just wait" he askedAfter about ninety seconds she said, "I see it. There is a couple having sex in there.""I was beginning to wonder if you would.""How did you know?""Amy told me about it about a month ago."A middle aged woman standing near Bonnie asked, "Where do you see that?"Bonnie pointed, "See, his feet pointing up and there is her thigh. She's pained like the plants"Then the lady said, "Oh, yes. I see it. She is just barely moving on him, but, oh yes, it is the real thing, they're not faking it. That's a ballsy move to have live sex at an exhibit. No one has done anything like that since the days of Andy Warhol and The Factory." She jotted something down on a steno pad she was carrying, then asked "Did I hear your friend say Amy told him about this. Did he mean Amy Douglas?"The woman speaking was silver haired and slightly heavy set. She appeared to be in her fifties, but still was very fashionably dressed, even provocatively, with a low cut dress showing a good bit of cleavage, especially for a woman her age."Yes, she's been a friend of ours for years." Bonnie said, then with some pride she said "That's us" pointing across the way where they could see part of the big painting behind a panel."Oh," The woman was now clearly interested. "My name is Claudia McPherson, I write for the New York Daily News. And you are?" "I'm Bonnie Campbell and this" puling Cooper over to her "is my husband Cooper. Amy asked us to come for the opening because she wanted some of the model couples to come and because Cooper writes a lot of the stuff for their non-profit."The reported put out her hand and reintroduced herself. "So, Mr. Campbell, in my briefing I was told you are the spokesman for the Final Freedom Foundation.""Well, I don't know we have an official spokesman, but I am on the Board and I have written a good bit of the material that was released to the press. Did any of that material come your way?""Yes, I read some of it in the press release and your article in Salon. I do both arts and culture work for the Daily News, that's why I was given this story, it appears to be a bit of both. We could talk here, but I'd really rather have a sit down with you." "We are only in town for the day.""How about right after the exhibit closes?""I'll say yes, but I haven't even told Amy I'm here and don't know if she has something for me to do."The reporter stuck to her guns and said "I'll meet you at five then. How about I'll take you two to dinner and we can talk then." Cooper, feeling a bit out of his dept agreed. No sooner had he done so than the aggressive reporter scurried off.He looked over at Bonnie, "That was weird."She gave him a wry smile, "So goes the life of fame.""Yea right, I don't' even rate being a talking head."They had toured the entire exhibit before finally finding Amy. She was engrossed in a discussion with a group of people, none whom he recognized. He and Bonnie slowly moved into her field of vision hoping to get her attention. His plan worked and Amy waved for she and Bonnie to come over."I'm so glad you're here!" Amy exclaimed as she gave Cooper a hard kiss on the lips then gave Bonnie the same. He was sure she was making some point to the onlookers, but did not know what. She then introduced Cooper and Bonnie to her audience: an art critic, a writer for an art magazine and reporter for The Village Voice. Then she continued "I hadn't seen you and was afraid you didn't make it." Amy looked great. Her salt and pepper hair was shorter than it had been when he saw her last, but it was beautifully done. She wore a silk kimono with a floral motif. She looked professional, in charge and beautiful."We've been here for a good while, but couldn't find you." Cooper said"The show is absolutely terrific." Bonnie added "I love our painting, it is even better than the one you gave us"Amy then explained to the press people that the large paining was of Cooper and Bonnie and how they were an upstanding southern couple, active in their church and community and they had agreed to let her paint them making love last winter.Cooper corrected "That's all true but we are also old friends of Amy and her husband."Amy agreed "Oh, yes that's true. That's how I knew that Cooper is the true Renaissance man. He is an extremely talented architect, a philosopher, a teacher and a passionate lover."Cooper was shocked she had said that. He knew she was opening her life up, but did not think she was going to go that far. Evidently she saw his shock because she added "but that is strictly off the record." Then she winked at him and said "but it's the truth". "Well boys" she said to the reporters "That's enough for now, I'll answer more questions at the press conference after the doors close at 3:30.Once the reporters left Cooper asked, "How do you think it's going?" "I think really well, our publicist did a good job of inviting the most liberal minded press people. So far I've only heard positive things, but I'm new at this working with the press." "So am I," Cooper agreed. "I got cornered by a woman from the Daily News.""How'd it go?""I got roped into doing dinner with her.""It could have been worse. You heard what I said about the press conference. I want you to join me and the other artists on the panel to field their questions.""I'm not sure if should be there, it's your time to shine.""But I want you there to discuss the open sexuality philosophy with them. And Besides I want to them to meet the real couple behind what the press is calling my best paining.""OK, we'll come, but we will sit to the side and if you need us we will be there."A woman with a press badge around her neck approached prompting Amy to agree to Cooper's suggestion before she and the reporter began to discuss her paintings. Cooper and Bonnie moved off to look at the rest of the exhibit.They took their time and talked to several people so that the time passed quickly and thus passed the time until the gallery closed and about twenty chairs were set up in the front of the gallery, facing a rectangular table with four chairs on one side. It was a low keyed affair, and apparently most of the reporters and critics knew each other well. The questions were mostly about their background and how they came to create the exhibit. Amy related most if the story that she had told Cooper, but she completely omitted the fact the artists were sleeping with each other before they did it to be sketched.One of the obviously gay critics asked why all the art was of heterosexual couples. Amy answered "We actually do have quite a few works involving same sex couples and of groups that include same sex couples. We excluded them from this, our first exhibit, frankly for political reasons. We didn't want to fight more than one battle at a time, if we had put them out the entire press reaction would have been about homosexuality. That brings me to mention the FFF, the Final Freedom Foundation for which this show is raising money. Let me introduce Mr. Cooper Campbell and his beautiful wife Bonnie."She motioned to Cooper and Bonnie who were sitting to the far right of the table. "Cooper and Bonnie are old friends and they were among the first couples I asked to paint. For the record they have been married nearly 20 years, are active in their rural Georgia church and have two wonderful teenage children. The large painting on the north wall you all liked so much is of Bonnie and Cooper. Cooper is a highly regarded architect but has recently moved to the academic arena and teaches at Augusta State University. He is one of the co-founders of the FFF and writes most of our position papers. Cooper, could you come give a brief summary of the FFF position on gender and sexuality."This was Cooper's moment; he had given hundreds of presentations to groups of this size, but not on this subject. It was only a matter of feet from where he sat to the table, but it seemed much father as the tension rose in his stomach. He so wanted to do this well.Approaching the table he began to speak. "The FFF rejects the modern dichotomy of hereto or homosexuality, instead we take the more traditional philosophical approach to human sexuality. We believe humans are naturally sexually responsive to both genders and that preferences for one gender or the other is a matter of taste influenced by a myriad of mostly environmental factors. For instance many young people are sexually attracted to people with tattoos and piercings, most older people are not, but that does make those who are somehow fundamentally different than those who are not? Of course not. Similarly, could under the right circumstances a non-body art practitioner have enjoyable sexual relations with someone with body art? Of course they could. Thus the FFF position is that people are sexual and under the right circumstances nearly all people can and will have enjoyable sexual retaliations with people of either gender."The reporter from the Village Voice asked "So does the FFF support gay rights.""We support and promote everyone to come out of the closet. We support each person's right to live out their sexuality, publicly, in their own manner. We support the right to be celibate, we support the right to be monogamous, we support the right to sexually involved with as many people as you may choose. We support sexual openness in all it's forms but we oppose the hypocrisy of public stands for one sexual standard while living a different standard in private.""So do you support gay rights?""I said we support openness. In my part of the country not too many years ago, sexual relations between blacks and whites was illegal, yet few African Americans do not have some European genes. Just as public taboos on interracial sex have been discredited, so must similarly ignored taboos about gender. I would suggest that it is not just the religious right that stifles sexual openness in this area, it is also the sexual-political left that does the same. Back in the 1950's Kinsey found that about 25% of males had had sex with a male in their adulthood, yet most studies today find less than 7% of men identify themselves as gay or bi-sexual. "Why is that? I would suggest that by the gay political community's insistence on labeling, the majority of men who on occasion have sex with other men are driven further underground. The FFF would suggest that by letting people just be people with out sexual labels. For instance, a number of my male friends, who would never associate with the gay movement, will, in certain settings, enjoy having sexual contact with other men. It is the labeling by both the left and right that dives sex underground.""Would you be one of those men?" the reporter asked"We are committed to diversity. We do not exclude any race of people from our sexual world and similarly I would not be breaking confidence by saying everyone I know involved with the FFF is open to enjoying either gender on occasion."The next question went back to art style and so Cooper sat down. It was the very last question that again involved someone other than the artists. A reporter asked "I would like to asked Mrs. Campbell a question"Amy, who was the moderator agreed. "Mrs. Campbell, as a woman and a mother, first I'd like to know how your feel about these ideas of openness and second I would be interested in knowing how it makes you feel to have such an explicit painting of you in such a public place"Bonnie, though she had been a high school teacher, and had taught classes in church for years, was totally unused to speaking in a professional setting. She sat frozen until Cooper pushed her slightly. She almost stumbled over to the table. Using one hand to brace herself she stalled "Can you repeat your question?"After he did, with a dry mouth she began "As a woman and mother?" she continued to stall "I should say that I'm not just a woman and a mother, but a Southern woman and mother. I live in a modern Mayberry where a middle-class morality is enforced by an aristocracy who do not feel themselves obligated to obey. So in my world sexual repression is just a tool of the old biddies to control everyone else. So, what do I think of the idea of sexual openness? As a woman it brings about more equality of in both social class and gender. "As a mother it is simply advocating to others what we Cooper and I have practiced in our home and recommended to our friends. Nudity and sex has never been an issue in our home. Because we have always treated sex like a normal part of life our seventeen year old daughter doesn't have to hide the fact she is as well. Because I myself am sexually active I can lead by example when it comes to demanding respect from those with whom I am sexually involved as well as in safer sex practices. Is that what you wanted to know?""Yes, but what about the explicit painting?""As far as the painting goes, it is beautiful. Why should I be anything but thrilled? That painting will be viewed and appreciated for generations."With that the press conference was over. Bonnie asked Cooper anxiously, "How'd I do?""You were great. You couldn't have done better."Amy came over as he spoke and agreed "You were fantastic, both of you. I wish I could thank you more, but now I've got to get ready for the big show tonight." She leaned forward and gave each of them quick, but open mouth kisses. Then before she left, she said "It will be crazy tonight so if I don't see you then, I want you to come to the after show party in the Hospitality Sweet at the Warwick. We'll all get drunk and naked, for artistic reasons of course. It's suite 3106" She smiled a wicked smile and was off."So are you two ready for a great New York dinner on the Daily News" Claudia McPherson asked from behind them.Though he really didn't much like this woman, he was hungry. "Lead on, the tourist will follow."With a jolly air she said, "You're not a tourist, your on business and that makes you one of the people who make this city go." Bonnie racing to keep up as Claudia headed out the door "Where are we going?"Hailing a cab she said "Now if you'll promise me a great interview, I'll take you to the Blue Hill, my favorite place in town, but we've got to hurry our reservations are for 5:15""We promise" Bonnie said as Claudia pushed them into a cab.She wasn't kidding, the meal was amazing. So she and Cooper tried to make it worth her while. For a long time Claudia took notes as Cooper discussed the FFF's philosophy or political freedom is impossible without sexual freedom then continuing on to their central premise that the continued censuring of public sexual expression is a violation of basic human freedoms."So" Claudia asked "the FFF would say that if a couple wanted to get naked and have sex in central park they should be allowed to do so?""Absolutely, the state has no vested interest in telling them to stop.""What about in this restaurant?" she asked."The state has a vested interest in public health and we would not oppose the laws requiring full clothing where it already deemed necessary for hygiene, such as restaurants. As a general rule, the FFF would say that the state has no right to prohibit nudity or sex in most public outdoor settings.""So you link public sex to free speech?""Yes, the courts have long supported the concept that clothing is speech, as is non verbal communication, such as mime. We just suggest the two should be linked."As they were finishing dinner Claudia moved to Bonnie and Cooper's personal life. Starting by quoting Bonnie from the press conference she said "Bonnie, you said that you are sexually active and said you demand respect from those with whom you are sexually involved. Does that mean you are sexually involved with people other than your husband?"The sudden shift of focus took Bonnie off guard; however, she was ready for the question. "Claudia, from the research I've done, there are very few healthy women of my age who have been monogamous since their first marriage. I think it is less than 15%. So the fact I am not monogamous, makes me in the vast majority of women. I'm sure your experience, like mine with my friends, would support that contention. "What is unusual is that I will sit in front of you and my husband and freely admit that I have had a good many sexual playmates. Now I don't have a lover as such. Cooper doesn't object that I have adult fun with other people, but he has asked that I not have a lover as such. We discussed and agreed to the conditions of our open marriage a good two years before I first acted on that agreement, so I abide by that restriction as firmly as I did monogamy for all the years we had an excusive marriage."Claudia busily wrote notes long after Bonnie finished. Then she looked at Cooper, "She seems to indicate that she initiated the practice of open marriage. So you were monogamous after she was not."Cooper simply said "Yes" but Bonnie elaborated "It was over a year after I became sexually active that he first had sex with another woman, and even then I was there encouraging him or he might not have.""That's seems unusual, I would have guessed it would have been the man pushing for open marriage" Claudia said almost to herself.This annoyed Bonnie and she, with some irritation launched into Claudia "I would suggest you have been listening to the radical feminist who thinks all men are sex maniacs and all wives are oppressed. I live in the most conservative part of the country and I can tell you with some certainty that the married women today are at least as sexually active as the men, if not more so. So I think maybe you should do some research and write a story on that" Claudia backtracked and said, "I guess I need to rethink some things. I didn't mean to offend you. Let me ask this to make sure I have it right. You two have an open marriage, but it is Bonnie who most often has other sexual partners?"Bonnie agreed that was correct."Is the FFF also in favor of open marriage?"Cooper answered "The FFF does not have a position at all on that subject. What the FFF favors is openness to practice what ever type of union two people might choose to have.""two or more people," Bonnie added."Yes, or more." Cooper agreed "You might not know it but among young people there is a trend to group dating, where a group of kids go out together rather than in pairs like we did as kids." Bonnie took over "And in that group they are sexually active with each other on a fluid basis. A girl might be with one guy one time and another guy or girl the next night, but they don't consider themselves loose because they keep it within the group.""Is that what your daughter does?"Bonnie said, "I've said all I'm going to say specifically about her. I won't violate her privacy by telling you more with out her permission."Claudia answered, "I understand that.""But I will say in general terms, that among the teens I know there are far fewer hard and fast couples than there were when I was their age. In fact I can't think of any of Misty's friends who have a long term monogamous relationship.""This might be a story in itself. I will do some work on the new sexual attitudes of teens," Claudia said."Be sure to remember that not all teens are city kids, or even suburban. Rural America is alive and well, even if you New York folks don't know it."After dinner Claudia dropped them off at their hotel, they had less than an hour to change into their formal clothes and get back to the gallery. Cooper had a black tux and Bonnie was a designer knock-off she had found on the net. It was an ankle length gold chiffon halter neck gown with thigh high slits up the outside of both legs. It was made of many layers of gossamer, almost weightless silk and it flowed over her body like a waterfall. The neck's halter style was low cut and two sides that covered her breasts did not connect until low on her waist so that the sides of her breast were visible. As she moved the motion of the many layers made her appear to fly through space. She would have to be careful however, because if she moved two quickly her breasts might free themselves of their covering entirely.Cooper found it extremely sexy and wasted no time in putting his hands under the fabric to ascertain that she wore nothing at all underneath. It they hadn't been pressed for time they would have had a quickie before they left but as it was they didn't walk out of the room until the time they planned on being at the gallery. As the cab pulled up it was clear this was a very different kind of event. There must have been two dozen or more press, all with cameras, in front of the gallery. These were not art reporters but rather the infamous paparazzi waiting for stars. It was unnerving when the cab stopped and before they opened the door it was surrounded by peering faces. However, nearly all backed off once they saw that Bonnie and Cooper were no one of interest. The disappointed cadre of photographers made way for the nobody's and they presented their tickets and went inside.Once inside the gallery, Bonnie was glad she had spent the money for the dress, the women were fabulously dressed and no matter their age beautiful and sexy. This group was at the gallery for clearly different reasons than the first. There were few people looking carefully at the art and most stood around preening and talking. Though Cooper was not a People Magazine type and didn't recognize many of the stars, it was not hard to tell who were the VIP's; they were they were the best dressed and had an entourage in tow.Compared with the dozens of photographers outside, inside Cooper only found one photographer, but he was busily shooting photos of just about everyone, even Cooper and Bonnie, though he clearly took more interest and more photos of Bonnie.He saw Dr. McKinnon from the FFF board in an animated discussion with a group of well dressed, apparently socialites. She saw him, smiled and waved before launching back into her discussion with those around her.He did notice a short older man taking a great deal of time looking at the art and it wasn't until he began to talk to him he recognized Woody Allen's voice. It was not so hard to recognize Parris Hilton wearing a nearly transparent dress. Bonnie recognized a couple of famous models and a couple of musicians, but the highlight of the evening was meeting Angelina Jolie whom both Cooper and Bonnie thought was the most beautiful woman alive. They'd been there for an hour or so and were beginning to get board when they saw Amy talking in her animated style, not far from their painting, to a couple of people were facing away from them. Amy, seeing them waved them over and said "Cooper, your just in time, Ms. Jolie was asking about the FFF.Cooper almost fell over himself, she was stunningly beautiful and he felt completely unnerved and began to stammer. Amy rescued him by saying "This is Cooper and Bonnie Campbell, they were the models for the painting over there" she gestured to the painting of them, "and Cooper wrote most of what you have read about the FFF.The beautiful star put out her hand and said "Call me Angelina. The painting is absolutely wonderful, I will most certainly put in a bid for it."She went on to ask about the FFF and Cooper was delivered from having to really talk because he just repeated the spiel he had now given a dozen times. Even still he quickly excused himself as soon as he'd answered her questions. Bonnie, as usual, was more confident in social situations and she stayed and discussed the art for quite a while longer.Cooper, as he waited for Bonnie watched people's reaction to the live art piece. Most, he saw, did not see it for what it was and simply walked by. Perhaps one in four stopped short when they realized at what they were looking. Naturally when one person in a group saw it, they alerted the others who then were equally as shocked. Though shock was the initial reaction of nearly everyone, few appeared offended by the live art, and most appeared, to Cooper, to be sympathetic to the piece.He again ran into Dr. McKinnon after she finished a discussion with a reporter. Sliding over to her he asked "What you think of all this Denise?" she smiled.By the time he and Bonnie left to go to the after show party, they had seen dozens of faces they recognized from the media, but with out a doubt the highlight was talking to Angelina Jolie. The most important talk however was with Andrea Canning of ABC news for use on Good Morning America. As had been arranged by the publicist, ABC had exclusive rights to bring a video crew in during the last thirty minutes of the show. While they were there they did brief on camera interviews with each of the artist and at Amy's insistence did an interview with Cooper about the FFF. All the interviews were done right in front of their big painting. According the man with the video camera, it was big enough that they could include just a part of it in the frame so as not need any digital blurring to get it on the air. His interview was short, perhaps five minutes. Cooper was told that it edited down to a minute or two and would be held as a filler piece on a slow news day sometime in the next few weeks.The party was in the main room of the suite that Amy and the other artists had shared for the past few weeks. It had been rented by one of the patrons that had made the exhibit possible. At the end of one of the hotel's wings the common room was fabulous, with several sitting areas, a wet bar, and a baby grand piano. The regular rooms on either side had adjoining doors to make the group of rooms the size of a house.The main room at the height of the party had a dozen and a half people and did not begin to seem crowed. Amy arrived not long after Cooper and Bonnie. She was very visibly relived and after a couple of glasses of white wine was positively mellow. Sunk down in the deep comfort of one of the large couches she said, "I really don't think that could have gone better. When the gallery suggested a publicist I thought they were crazy, especially when I found out how much it would cost, but now I realize why.""I must say, I'm no big celebrity follower, but I was impressed by all the people I recognized," Bonnie agreed.Amy continued "And those celebrities not only got out the press but drove up the bids for my paintings. We should be in at least a half dozen national magazines and on ABC. If we can't get the FFF going with that kind of publicity, nothing will."Cooper said, "I must admit, I was not expecting to give interviews like that. It was a little unnerving.""You did great," Amy said. "My guess is that we will need some help handling all the responses and inquires we get."Bonnie, with out planning to do so volunteered, "You know I'm not working, I'd be glad to help.""As executive director of the FFF, I accept your offer and name you the correspondence secretary for the FFF" Amy said "I'll email you the password to the FFF account and you and Cooper can work up a way to handled the responses."The reporter for the Village Voice, accompanied by another young man came over and sat in a love seat. They were both good looking and immaculately groomed: obviously gay. In fact as Bonnie looked around she realized she counted thirteen men in the room and only five women, including herself. And of those men, there were three obviously gay male couples, one lesbian couple and one unattached man in quasi-drag. Then she thought about it; she was an art party in New York, what else should she expect.Amy introduced the reporter and his friend; "This is John Russell and his partner Mitchell Markelburg. You already met John, but I don't think you've met Mitchell. He was instrumental in us securing the Foundation money to put on the show. None of this would have happened with out him"Modestly he replied "I would hope not. I would like to think others would have stepped in if I hadn't. You and your friends are the real pioneers, pushing forward a progressive agenda that has been moribund since the 80's." Then he stepped up and offered his hand to Bonnie then Cooper. "John told me what you both had to say at the press conference: I thought it was great."It was obvious to Cooper this was a man who was used to being in charge. "And what do you do when your not promoting erotic art?" he asked Mitchell."Ah, I'm just another Wall Street suit."Amy corrected "No, not just another suit, the brightest young star in the city. Why do you think he had the clout to get those foundations to fund us.""Let's just say I have a talent for the market. I was interested Cooper, about your groups position on gay rights. It seems you evaded the issue at the press conference.""I did so intentionally. For the same reason Amy did not show her paintings of men with men or women with women in the exhibit. If I had answered the question directly the FFF would inevitably be seen as just anther gay rights group. I'm sure it's no different than in your business, if you target a certain sector of the market that doesn't mean you aren't' bullish on other sectors, its just not what your doing at the time.""That makes sense but why the vague response to the question regarding your experiences with men?""It is the same reason, it is that I don't want to confuse the issue. And besides I told them we in the FFF don't make a straight/gay dichotomy.""You're still not answering the question""Certainly I am. Since I believe for most people sex is a matter of being in the right place and in the right mood rather than gender, I am saying the normal experience is that healthy sexually active adults will, at least on occasion, have sexual contact with both genders. Thus when I I say that Bonnie and I are not monogamous we are saying, by definition, that on occasion we both have sex with our own gender on occasion.""Why all the words, why not just say your bisexual?""You're not getting it, we reject those labels entirely. We believe nearly all people can be, using your label bisexual, unless pressured to be otherwise. I would suggest that we should adopt the label unisexual to describe those who are unable to respond sexually to both genders. So I will say I am not unisexual. Does that answer your question?"Mitchell just leaned back and smiled, then as casually as could be pulled a bag of pot from his pocket and some rolling papers. Cooper and Bonnie tried not to show surprise. After all they were with a very different group here. Cooper hadn't even see a joint since he was in college, and even then he didn't partake. Similarly Bonnie hadn't seen one is just as long, though she did partake at the time, but that had been a long time ago, long before they were parents of two teenagers. Both Bonnie and Cooper became very uncomfortable. Both were ready and waiting for the other to suggest they leave. Neither was ready though, to initiate a retreat and so they stayed as the pot and booze worked its way until the group was largely talking nonsense and laughing a lot. Though generally an abstainer Bonnie downed a few glasses of wine and was laughing with the rest. Cooper however, was and had always been a tea-totaler and stuck to sodas as the room filled with giddy laughs and sexual innuendos.Denise McKinnon arrived last with a good looking middle aged man Cooper had seen her talking with at the opening. Sitting on the arm of a couch she told Amy, "Sorry we're late, Pete here, wanted me to meet some of his friends. It seems someone actually did read my book and even more amazing I'm not universally despised in the feminist community."The man behind her reached out a hand to Amy and said, "Hugh Goldsmith, of Rolling Stone Magazine. Your art is a breath of fresh air, I'm thrilled to meet you. This show will be the talk of the town by Monday. How long do you plan on running?""We have the gallery for two more weeks. Some of the pieces will be auctioned next Friday but we have another dozen pieces to show, including another with of Denise here."He stepped forward and put an arm around her "She didn't tell me until we'd left the gallery that one of the paintings on display was of her. She really practices what she preaches in her book doesn't she?""She the real deal all right" Amy agreed"I suggest you schedule some more evening showings, from what I heard from my colleagues, you will most defiantly get some good reviews.""That's a relief; I really didn't know what kind of reaction I'd get."While they continued to talk, Cooper slipped off to the restroom, he returned to find Denise and her friend had gone again but Jim Peterson was now saddled up next to Bonnie, whispering in her ear. Cooper went to get a glass of Coke from the wet bar and when he looked back, Jim had one hand under the straps of the low cut dress massaging her breast. Cooper grabbed a bar stool. Near the piano, an impossibly good looking young man played show tunes. Nearby another god like male danced slowly to the music, a joint hanging from his lips as he slowly undressed to "Those were the Days".Though Cooper didn't remember being particularly sexually attracted to men, but watching this man slowly remove each piece of clothing until he danced nude stroking his erect penis captivated him, and turned him on. He reached to move his nearly fully erect penis to a more comfortable position in his pants. "Hot isn't it?" Mitchell's voice said from the wet bar behind him. "Yea, he is."The god-man was now dancing close with his equally nude date, an older and less attractive man."The nice thing about being rich and queer in New York is the best boy toys in the world live here."Mitchell took a seat next to Cooper and they watched the two men dance and kiss hard before the older man dropped to his knees and began to caress the younger man's genitals."Looks good doesn't it," Mitchell said.Cooper said nothing but inwardly wished it was his taking that penis in his mouth."Do you like to suck cock?" Mitchell asked."Yes. On occasion, I do," Cooper answer with out looking away from the show in front of him."I can see your wife does too" Mitchell said as he looked over to his right.Cooper swiveled his head to where his wife sat. Though he could not get a clear view, he could see his wife bent double, her face down in Jim's lap. She was most defiantly giving him head.With out any warning, Mitchell unzipped his pants and pulled a good sized, erect penis into the open "So, do you want to blow me?"Though surprised at the forthright offer, Cooper slid off his stool and stood in front of Mitchell, wrapping his hand around the warm shaft. "But what about John, aren't you two a couple?" Mitchell said, "Yes, but we are no more monogamous than you and your wife are."Cooper was not prepared for what happened next, though he made no effort at stopping it. Mitchell leaned forward and kissed Cooper, pushing his tongue between Coopers unsuspecting lips. Though a jolt of revulsion knotted his stomach, he responded and offered his tongue to Mitchell.Though he grew more aroused by the kiss, the sick feeling in his stomach was growing fast. To stave off some embarrassing unpleasantness he broke the kiss and, squatted down and stuffed the firm organ in his mouth.It had been since the party at the LeMarco's that he had tasted a man and with abandon he went to work on the penis shaft and head. The taste of the salty musk of the shaft and feel the rubbery bulbous head washed away the sick feeling in his stomach and replaced it with the burning desire to taste this man's semen. Holding the silken sack in one hand and griping the firm tube with the other Cooper focused all his being on the smells, taste and sounds of his pleasuring this man. He had lost all sense of time as he pressed his lips tight moving up and down, face fucking. He relished the exquisite taste of the first drops of pre-cum on his taste buds and redoubled the pace of his work. Then with a groan from Mitchell he felt the sack tighten and soon the stream of sex filled his mouth. If Mitchell hadn't pushed him back he would have gone for a second load as soon as he swallowed the first."You really are into sucking cock aren't' you?" John said standing next to Mitchell as he looked up. "Why don't the three of us move to one of the beds and get more comfortable before we continue." With out waiting for a reply Mitchell and John moved toward an open door at the end of the room.Cooper looked around. The older man who had been sucking cock was now bent over the back of the couch that he had last seen his wife blowing Jim Peterson. "Where did my wife go?" Cooper inquired as he followed.Mitchell said, "Oh, she, Amy and Jim went to the other bedroom a good ten minutes ago."Later, back in their hotel room Cooper told his wife about his first all male sexual experience "It was, to say the least, intense.""What did you guys do?" Bonnie asked as she carefully hung her dress up."I'll put it this way, I had one of them up my ass for at leas a solid hour, when one would pull out the other would start. I've never been fucked so long that it didn't feel tight any longer, well tonight it got that way.""So you got fucked, and I saw you blowing Mitchell before I went into the other room with Amy and Jim. Did you blow John too.""Oh yea, a lot of the time one was fucking me, the other put his dick in my face to suck.""Did you like that?" she asked while cleaning the makeup from her face.Cooper, who was now as naked as his wife, lay back on the bed "When they had worked up a good rhythm where the one behind and the one in front thrust at the same time it worked good. I found, with an average sized dick I can usually take the whole thing in my mouth with out gagging, since neither of them were real big it was cool when one would fuck me hard pushing the one in my mouth deeper."She smiled, "Yea, I know what you mean, I like that too. They did use condoms, right?""Yea, when they fucked me they used lubed ones, it felt good. But I sucked them raw.""Cooper!" Bonnie said with irritation. "You can still catch things from oral sex. I know you, I'm sure you swallowed."Cooper blushed and nodded, "I did." Just thinking about feeling each load explode in his mouth brought his dick up to half mast. She finished her face and turned to her husband, noticing the growing hard on she crawled over to him on the king sized bed, "You like sucking cock don't you?"He nodded. She said "So do I" and leaned down to kiss him deeply. She could taste the semen in his mouth and he in turn tasted semen in hers as well.He pushed her away, "Hey, your raging me about letting them cum in my mouth, but I can taste cum in your mouth as well!"She sat back with a Cheshire grin. "I guess we both like cum." He pulled her back to him and pressed his tongue back into her mouth. They made slow love for the next hour as they told the details of what they had done in their separate rooms. Contrary to Amy's prediction Dane was not inundated with local press upon his return home. It seems events in the Middle-East took a dramatic turn the day of the exhibit's opening and since the media seems to only follow one story at a time Cooper's moment came and went. Over the month of June Cooper did do five interviews, all national publications. It was a relief to both Cooper and Bonnie that the show and the national dialogue that the show had begun had not yet seemed to find it's way to their little town. They supported the cause, but they were glad it had not yet shifted from an intellectual pursuit to an hysterically emotional one.That would not come until winter.***Fortunately for Amy and the FFF, the shift in front page news did not seem to affect the arts community. Inquiries and donations flowed into the new foundation. Amy took Bonnie up on her offer to help with the clerical duties; processing and forwarding email, recording and depositing donations, sending out literature, etc. At the next board meeting two weeks after the show Bonnie became the first employee of the FFF: Office Administrator, part time. The board was not yet ready to set up a permanent office but with over $50,000 in proceeds from auctioning a dozen of the art works in New York and requests from gallery's from Chicago, San Francisco and London to do the exhibit in their cites it was clear the foundation was on it's way.A committee was assigned to find suitable space for a corporate office and Amy agreed to discuss taking a sabbatical from the University of South Carolina to spend a year full time with the FFF. Although she was wrong about Cooper being assailed by local news outlets, she was right about the political backlash against her and the University of South Carolina. There had been more that a few calls that she be fired for making "pornographic" paintings, but the University was standing by her: so far.The Campbell's study was converted into the FFF office. Though technically a part time job, Bonnie threw herself into the work and then dragged Trisha and Sherry in to help her. Every week in the month of July a national publication produced a story on the art show, the FFF or the issues it raised. In addition to the New York newspapers they were written up in, The Rolling Stone, The New Yorker, Esquire, Playboy, GQ, Cosmopolitan and even Time Magazine did a short piece. Each time an article came out, they received more inquiries.Even though the FFF began to take up more and more time for Bonnie, a girl's trip to Miami was instigated in mid July, by Marcy approaching Bonnie with the idea. Actually it was instigated by Sarah pestering her mother to talk to Bonnie. It was after their second day of tanning at the Campbell's pool. Sarah, who had by then announced to her family she was a nudist and forswore clothes at the house. She initially had bullied her mom into abandoning clothes when it was just them at home but by the end of July Marcy also spent nearly all the time at home naked, and enjoying it, though it would take later events to bring her dad, Mike, around. Sarah practically blackmailed her dad into putting up a privacy fence by telling him she didn't care that some of the boy's in the neighborhood had been spying on she and her mom laying out naked by the hot tub.Unlike Misty's whole group of "open to anything" friends, Sarah found only one friend, Katie, willing to lay out a' natural on the back deck and that was only occasionally due to her boyfriend, Kevin. Kevin was extremely controlling and demanding of her time. It was only when football practice stared in late June did Katie get to start spending time with Sarah again. Katie was ready to break it off with Kevin, but didn't know what to do.Through June and July, Sarah was at the Campbell home so much she had become a rather a fixture, almost a second daughter. This is not to say that that her mother Marcy didn't come, for she continued with the regular tanning group but also on other days she would stay when dropping off Sarah. Sarah applied her new commitment to nudism at the Campbell's. When Sarah told Bonnie she was now a nudist, she quite naturally supported her. But when one day when it began to rain and they all came indoors and Sarah sat in the family room watching TV in the family room, Bonnie felt hypocritical covering herself. So by the end of June Marcy dropped off Sarah at their house she went naked from literally the moment she stepped in the door, until opening the door to leave. Thus one day Bonnie realized she had gone three days with out putting on any more than a sun hat. It was she, combined with the differing mixes of Euro Club members, their boyfriends, Lamar & Byron and their adult friends, all coming over to sunbath at their home in the buff that pushed the Campbell family into becoming effective nudist. Prior to that summer, the only place the Campbell's were regularly unclothed was the pool, with only occasional nudity indoors. It was Sarah who had moved the nakedness from the pool to the entire house.At the same time a variety of teens, that she only vaguely knew came to the house. She now hardly thought of herself or the others as being naked. It was only when a newcomer stood bug eyed did she think of it. She also found herself playing the role of the oracle of relationships and sex. Rarely a day at the pool went by when she didn't sit on her chase and listen to some girl's problems. So it was no surprise when Sarah brought Katie to the house in early July.At first she thought she was going to have to call Marcy to come get the girls; however, that did not happen. Though Sarah didn't even bring a suit, Katie stayed in her one-piece suite for several hours while they swam and sunned, finally with some coxing from Sarah she sat next to Bonnie and began to talk. For an hour she told Bonnie how "for weeks I increasingly she felt that, to Kevin, I am nothing but somewhere to put his thing."Sympathetically Bonnie said "Oh, doesn't' sound like much of a relationship."Since that party over the 4th of July weekend" Katie said, "He doesn't want to talk on the phone and we haven't been on a date. I know football practice takes up his time but the only times I've even seen him he comes to my house just long enough for him to do his thing, and leaves. You know I live with my mom and older sister, and they both work a lot, so no one sees what he is doing."Katie was somewhat of an introvert and made little effort to make her self sexy. She could have been very pretty, but was more committed to her literature and poetry than popularity. Sarah had been surprised when she first went out with Kevin in February. But soon it became obvious to her, that her friend, who had been a virgin when she started dating Kevin, was simply an object of convenience to him. Beneath her stogy clothes she was a slim hipped, 32 DD, and Katie knew full well that is what attracted Kevin. Of course, Katie wouldn't hear it, she had to see it herself. Now she did. Their break up the week before had been messy with him calling her a whore and Kevin spreading the story of Katie blowing half the football team at the party kicking off the new football season. Kevin's was saying she had been a gift to the new varsity players. The worst part was that when Sarah asked Katie about the rumor, she said it was true. That is why she brought her to talk to Ms. C."No, I wasn't raped, or even drunk. I was lied to." Katie said in a monotone voice "The party was at that huge house of Quint 's. After about an hour, Kevin takes me to an empty bedroom and I think he just wants to do it. He does me at every party we go to, it makes him feel like a stud to do me and then tell his friends what we just did in the other room. Once we get in there are three guys I know, who have joined the varsity team: Steve Richter, Josh Lackey, and Drew Gilstrap. Kevin told me that it was a tradition to for the returning Varsity players to introduce the new players into manhood. "I asked him what that meant. He said I, as his girlfriend, was to blow these three guys, but he wanted me to take my top off and show them my boobs first. He assured me that cheerleaders were actually fucking the guys in the other room but since I wasn't a cheerleader I only had to blow them. When I said I didn't want to, he told me that he would be humiliated if his girl were the only one not participating. Then he said that this is how I can show team sprit would gain the respect of everyone."Sarah, sitting on the foot of Ms. C's Chase lounge snorted "And you believed that?""I believed Kevin. And I had seen for myself at the party after the sports award banquet last spring some thing similar when a few of the cheerleaders did every guy who was graduating from the varsity team who did not have a date. I didn't actually see them have sex with those guys but I saw them go in a room and come out telling their buddies what positions they had done it in. So it wasn't too much of a stretch to believe his story. And to be honest, his friends are constantly talking about how their girls give head and he only talks about my big boobs, so I wanted to see how I would do. And besides, I've had a thing for both Steve Richter and Josh since we were in elementary school.""So you sucked them off?" Sarah said accusingly.Bonnie rebuked her. "Let her talk.""Yea I did, and that was just the beginning. They all loved my boobs and that made me fell sexy. I really had a good time and so I did all three of them twice. It was like half way through that I decided that I really did like giving head. I like to listen as I controlled their arousal and decided how long to go before I made them cum. Then to hold their dick and balls and feel them cum, it was such a turn-on. It wasn't until the Steve came a second time I realized there were more guys in the room.""Did you swallow?" Sarah asked."What else was I supposed to do? Then for, well I don't know how long, I did dick after dick. Sometimes I'd already swallowed the guy's jizz when I looked up to see who it was. The whole time I was listening to all the compliments about my talent for giving head, it kept me going until I think I did about a dozen different guys. I was so tired. It was, for sure, the longest I'd ever gone doing something sexually."Katie paused and looked at Bonnie "I hope you don't think I'm a slut but I really enjoyed that part, if they had wanted to have sex with me I would not have stopped them. Actually I think they would have, but when Kevin caught guys playing with my tits or reaching under my skirt he threatened to beat the crap out of them. When I got up to hug Kevin I was sure he was going to be beaming with pride because I had shown so much team sprit. I know I some of the semen was in my hair and on my shirt because sometimes I just couldn't take it as fast as it was coming. But he wouldn't hug me, he wouldn't even smile at me. That was my first hint that something was wrong, he just gave me this cold look."Bonnie laughed "That wouldn't be Cooper. He would have stuck his tongue down my throat and fucked me right there as he licked the goo from my face.""Well, Kevin didn't kiss me but he did fuck me. It's like he didn't want to see my face, he made me bend over the bed, I was wearing a mini skirt, and he roughly pushed it up and pulled down my panties and fucked me hard in front of the room full of guys.I mean real hard, so hard it hurt. It took just a couple of minutes for him to cum then he zipped it up and he left the room. And it that was the real end of our relationship." Katie was now crying Sarah moved over and held her close.Bonnie said, "You know why he got mad?""No. I did exactly what he said.""He got mad because you liked it. This whole thing was to prove you would do anything for him in front of his friends. But when you liked it, he lost that control." Bonnie explained slowly "When the guys would try to feel you off, did they get very far?""Well Kevin had made me take off my bra before we got there, so a couple got a handful of my tits and one guy got had two fingers up me while Kevin went out to take a piss.""Did you try to stop them?""No way, it was so much hotter than anything I've done with Kevin.""See, that is why it killed your relationship with him. You were breaking the rules by being in charge of your own body. In his mind you belonged to him."Katie sat sadly for a few minutes. "Yea, I guess he did. He knew I was a virgin when we first went out and in just a few weeks it was like ether I let him do it or I get dumped"Sarah with exasperation said, "But I told you then to dump him." "Yea, I know, but wanted him to like me and I really thought by letting him do it he would."Bonnie sadly said "It's a hard lesson we girls seem to have to learn over and over. No guy will ever love us for letting him treat you like property."Sarah sat for a long time then stood up "Well that is the last time any guy is going to think he owns me." and pulled the top of her suit down to her waist, freeing her very full bust, then pulled it down over her hips and threw it at Sarah. Their play became more and more sexual. When Bonnie went in to make dinner she looked though the window to see Katie's legs wrapped around Sarah's head. She knew Sarah wouldn't be sixteen for a week or two so she pretended that she hadn't seen.The next day Sarah's mom called Katie's mom and asked if she could go with them to Florida the first week of August. As the summer went on, Misty had proved quite the entrepreneur. She had found out the true ownership of "her" website and sent a few photos of she and her mom, topless at the hotel pool. After several weeks of negotiations, she had gotten Mr. Kyle to agree to a price of $3,000 for a set of fifty photos. She was surprised how many people she knew evidently had joined the site because they emailed her when the new photos were posted. She wasn't going to tell her mother, but she needed to set up a bank account for the money and she couldn't do that on her own until next spring when she turned 18. So as she prepared to leave for the trip she contemplated the value of more photos.To be continued...Permission granted to Kristen's Archive for the entertainment of their readers. Copyright retained by the author.
It was some years ago on a warm Summer evening; my wife and I were sitting and talking together, reminiscing about days gone by. Somehow, the discussion turned to the wild sexual adventures we had before we met and fell in love, and almost in passing, she mentioned that when she was a teenager, she used to let the family dog lick a bit more than her hands or face. Of course, I was consumed with curiosity and dying to hear more about my poised, cultured and beautiful wife's straying into that most outré of lusts. It happened more than once, she said, with more than one animal, but she never let any of them fuck her and she never jerked any of them off in exchange for their attentions. She was reluctant to tell me more at the time, so I let it drop with an appreciative comment, but I was really curious. Although women and dogs hadn't been one of my cherished sexual fantasies, this revelation of hers moved it near the top of the list. Many people think it's all about dominance and humiliation, but it doesn't feel that way to me: the thing that really turns me on is women who are game and wild for sex... and doing it with a dog has got to be as wild as it gets. A year or so after she first told me about this, when she was really horny and in a loving mood, she invited me to "do whatever I liked" with her. I'm sure she thought I'd ask to fuck her in the ass, like I'd done a number of times before when faced with the same invitation - she says that's what most men will do if you tell them that - but instead, in a voice hoarse with excitement, I asked her to tell me about the time she let the dogs lick her. I was ready for an angry refusal or a blithe and witty change of topic, but I was pleasantly surprised when, after a brief pause and a shy smile, she began her story. One morning, she said softly, when the rest of the family was away running errands or at sports practice, she was sitting at the breakfast table in her bathrobe enjoying her solitude. As she sat there eating a bowl of cereal and reading the paper, she was startled by a wet nose and warm, rough tongue between her legs. She pushed her chair back and looked down to see the family's pet Lab looking up at her wistfully and licking his chops. Her first reaction had been to push him away, but she found herself aroused despite her misgivings no one had ever licked her down there and she was curious to know how it might feel. Her brief contact with him had turned her on and she felt the moisture between her legs as she thought about what she should do. She is really juicy down there, by the way, more than other girls I've known. The first time I ever grabbed her crotch it was just sopping wet kissing and playing around with me under the stars, and much later, after we were married, on a bright, sunny afternoon, I was working her over with one of those "barber massage" vibrators that you slip over you hand, and I was thrilled to watch the little drops of clear, lubricating fluid leaking out of the glands that nestle just inside the mouth of her vagina down by her "taint." They came out of her beautiful cunt: drip, drip, drip, sparkling in the sun that streamed in the window. Anyway, there she was looking at the dog, poised between desire and convention, and making her decision, she parted her beautiful white thighs to see what might happen. Of course, the dog was attracted by the sight and smell of her then very wet vagina and nuzzled up to her again. He sniffed her and then started licking her. As he did, more of that clear, scented fluid began to ooze out of her pussy. As he lapped away, she slumped lower in the dining room chair, spreading her legs further apart, and almost immediately she came with a shuddering orgasm. As she did, she looked around nervously and realized how exposed she was in that compromising position to whomever might look in the kitchen window. She felt perverse and a bit guilty, but she had really enjoyed the first head she ever got and she was still horny; so standing up and gathering the disheveled robe about her, she started upstairs to her bedroom calling him after her. Of course, he trotted along behind her. She locked the door, opened the window so she could hear if anyone came home, walked up to her bed, pulled the robe off her shoulders, and let it drop to the floor. Turning around to face him, stark naked, she lay down on the bed. She moved her bottom to the edge of the mattress with her feet on either side of her and her legs spread wide. Her vagina was stretched open before her very interested pet, her outer labia covered with long, red hair and her long, pink, curly-edged inner labia spread open, revealing the red and very wet mouth of her open and dripping vagina. She called him over to her in a soft, inviting voice: "Come on; good boy, let's do it again," she said. As he took her up on the invitation and started lapped away, she spread her long legs even farther apart, and thrust her vagina into his eager mouth. By now her come was pouring out of her in torrents which he gulped down greedily as he continued to lick her and thrust his tongue into her hot snatch searching for the source of that sweet juice. His interest never flagged and he continued to lick her and suck the nectar that flowed freely from her cunt. His tongue was long and rough and seemed almost prehensile as it snaked up through the muscles at opening of her cunt and down into her vagina in its search of more honey. Her vaginal juices tasted good to him and aroused him in turn. She was almost blind with lust, her heart thumping with perverse passion. She had been pulling at her nipples but then reached down with both hands to pull her sex open even wider for the slavering animal. Finally, the first of a long series of orgasms exploded within her and she bucked and moaned and quivered rhythmically as he continued to drill into her with his tongue and she continued to come, again and again. I was fucking her the whole time she told me these stories, which I just loved. I kept moving my penis in and out of her lazily as she told me the story and I asked her questions about the details. Her wet pussy made it obvious that she was enjoying herself immensely. First, I asked if she played with her clitoris while he was tongue-fucking her, and she said that she didn't need to: she just lay back and had orgasm after orgasm with him going to town on her and her fantasizing that it was his big, red dick thrusting into her instead of his tongue. I asked her if she thought of following through with that fantasy and letting him actually fuck her. She said, yes she did consider it, and it was obvious that he really wanted to: when she got up from the bed he was jumping up on her, grabbing her with his forelegs, and humping away, but she pushed him down and didn't even jerk him off, let alone give him head, to relieve his frustration. She was a virgin when this happened and she didn't want her first fuck to be a dog. She also didn't like the thought of him shooting his load inside her and filling her vagina with doggy sperm. I told her I would think she would be aroused to think of his sperm swimming up inside her as she went about her business during to day, but I think her post-doggy-sex guilt would've made her feel too "dirty" filled with his come. As I said, she told me she did this with him more than once and that she also did it with other dogs. To get ready for them, she would pull at her nipples and play with her clitoris, then masturbate with one, the two and then three fingers up her cunt until the juices really started to flow and she smelled like sex to them. They weren't always as interested as they could be - which I can understand what with the major dose of blue balls they must've had from this one-way sex. Once, to get a dog interested, she smeared her pussy with peanut butter, which at least got him to start in on her; of course, once she began to feed him her warm, fragrant pussy juice, he got into it and lapped away like a champ.Since this happened more than once, I thought that somewhere in there she might have fucked one of them or at least jerked one off and didn't want to tell me about it, but I guess she was telling the truth because I think I really did convince her that I would admire her, not look down on her, for having done so - God knows I would be thrilled to hear her tell the story of how some horny dog had been excitedly pumping his fat cock into her! It all was really wanton and lascivious, both the stories and the fact that she had had dogs bring her to orgasm many times. I'm so happy she told me about it, and as you can imagine, it's become the source of many pleasant fantasies. After she finished the story, she told me that, although it wasn't a big fantasy of hers, she'd fuck a dog for me while I watched, if I really wanted to, but unfortunately, in the cold light of day, without my prick in her and these memories fresh in her mind, I don’t think she really wants to; and it isn't that easy for me to set up. We don't have a dog and if I went out and got an un-neutered male dog of the right size (like a German Shepherd, Lab or Dalmatian) she'd say that I only wanted one to make this fantasy come true and I could "forget about it and take him back." Still, maybe someday we'll house sit for someone who has a suitable pet, or come by an appropriate dog some other way. I'd love to watch an medium to large-size dog stuff his bright, red glistening penis into her. I'd like to see her on her elbows and knees and watch him climb up on her back with her sticking her ass in the air, waving it around like a bitch dog. He would mount her with his forelegs wrapped around her hips, jerking his haunches against her beautiful bottom as he tried to stick his fat, pointed seven-inch cock into her cunt. After a few futile and misguided jabs that sprayed her bottom and thighs with come, I'd spread open her pussy lips with my fingers, and help him put his prick inside her, watching it disappear into her dripping vagina. As he was fucking her, I'd wrap my fingers around his prick so I could feel it sliding in and out of her. I'd enjoy watching her long, delicate inner lips get pushed in as he thrusts his penis into her, and then see them cling to him as he pulls back to penetrate her again. A mixture of her juices and his constantly squirting come would drip out of her cunt as they continued. I'd love to see him use his powerful muscles and curved, flexible spine to fuck her with fantastic power and speed. Her breasts would be swinging beneath her as he shoved her back and forth with his wild humping. The sound of his dick squelching into her overflowing cunt and the impact of his haunches against her bottom would be answered by her low grunts and moans as she writhed beneath him, pushing back against his thrusting cock. He would start panting louder and louder as he pumped into her faster and faster, come squirting out of her as he increased the tempo, until finally he shoved his knot into her and quivered slightly as he held his throbbing penis in her and pumped her full of his, hot sticky sperm. Of course, he’d tie with her and they’d be locked together both of them enjoying the throbbing of her multiple orgasms and the rhythmic pulsing of his pointed dick and knot deep inside her pink pussy. I would wait until he lifted his leg over her and they stood asshole to asshole. I’d watch closely as his red dick softened, the knot slipped out, and his penis slithered out of her with a pop. Then I'd move him to the side and quickly stick my rock-hard dick in her used, sloppy, wet cunt before his hot, slippery come poured out of her. As I fucked her with him looking on, I'd feel his sperm inside of her and feel it running out of her cunt and dripping down my prick and balls as I filled her up to the top with my own come. As you can see, I've enjoyed many fantasies from my wife's revelation of her sexual experiences with dogs. Maybe some day, I'll have the opportunity to bring one of them life. Just to watch a dog lick her, as they did when she was a young girl, would enough to fuel my fantasies for years to come. END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 45
The first time I walked in on my wife having sex with a young friend of my son, I was shocked and saddened. She begged me for forgiveness, claiming she had too much to drink, and I let her stay, she said she'd never do it again.As I pounded her hard that night, re-establishing my territory, my mind kept drifting to the scene as I had seen it when I walked in the house - her straddling him on the living room couch, bouncing up and down on his cock, her tits firm and bouncing in his face, his hands on her hips. The look of ecstasy on her face when she was doing it was what I imagined as I came inside her that night, and I replayed it in my head 24 hours a day for the next week.You can imagine my shock a week later when I once again walked in on them, this time in my own bedroom, seeing her on her back, her legs wrapped around the same guy (kid, really, maybe 18), his pounding forcing filthy words out of her mouth as she took his cock. I was shocked, yes, but with all my fantasies that week, I found myself getting hard, and hated it, and once again she begged my forgiveness as he ran from the house. I threw her out, but she was only gone to her mother's for a few hours when she called me, crying to come back. I relented, hoping it was just a slip in our almost 20 years together. She was hesitant around me that night, not knowing how to approach me, until I told her I was going to bed and she better be naked and in bed when I got there. She eagerly ran upstairs, and when I got into bed she attacked my cock with her mouth. "You haven't had a shower, have you?" I asked, looking down at her. She looked up, shocked. "Oh, no, I'll go take one now!" she said, starting to get up. I pushed her back down. "No, you were a slut, and now you'll be a slut for me," I told her. I shoved her head back down hard on my cock, and she had no choice but to take it deep.After a few minutes, I threw her on the bed on her back and slid my cock up into her used pussy. It was slick and very wet, and I knew it was mostly from her excitement, but also from another guy. I found myself once again seeing her riding him on the couch, and seeing him pumping her on the same bed we were in right now. I just couldn't help myself."You like that cock, don't you?" I asked her as I fucked her, smooth, long hard strokes deep inside, then out. "No, No!" she said, wide eyed and a little scared. "No, it was... I don't know, it wasn't good, no!" she exclaimed. I moved down and kissed her hard, and she responded, our tongues clashing together, our lips crushed against each other as I drove my rock hard cock deep inside her unfaithful cunt. I pulled away from the kiss and fucked her harder. She smiled, looking relieved that I had accepted her answer. But I hadn't. I grabbed her ass and started pumping her pussy and said again, "You liked that cock, didn't you?"She looked up, startled. "Baby, I told you, no, it wasn't like that, it was wrong, I'm sorry, it wasn't anything..." she looked up at me, confused. I thrust again and again, emphasizing each word with a pump. "You... liked... that... cock... didn't... you?" I asked again as I slammed it deep.A look of realization dawned on her face, but she still wasn't completely sure. "Yes?" she said, softly, questioningly. I groaned for her. "You liked that cock, didn't you?" I asked again, thrusting. She grew bolder. "Yes, I liked that cock, baby, it felt good!" she said, watching my face. "You liked it so much, you just had to have it again, didn't you?" I said, my cock pounding her pussy as I asked her again. "Yes," she said with a wicked grin, "Yes, I fucking loved his cock, and I had to get fucked by it again, I wanted it so bad, baby!" she moaned as she pushed her hips back against my cock."The first time I caught you, was that the first time?" I asked as our bodies slapped together in rhythym. She was into it now. "Oh, fuck, no, hon, that was like the 20th time" she said happily, "I've been fucking him for weeks," she added as I struggled not to add another load into her pussy. She knew I was hers. She looked up at me, knowing my struggle, and said, "You want me to fuck him again, don't you, babe?" she pushed her hips to meet my slowing thrusts. I moaned. "Say it, baby, say you want me to spread my legs for him, tell me you want me to suck his cock AGAIN, tell me you want him to cum inside your hot little wife..." she went on, her dirty talk pushing me closer and closer until I screamed out my agreement, filling her up with cum and giving her the permission she wanted and needed. ***The third time I walked in on them, I wasn't shocked, just turned on, because I had arranged for him to come over, and my wife had told him he no longer had to worry.I ended up watching a lot more than I joined, I found I liked seeing her perform for me, and for the next 4 months, he had my wife at least 4 times for every 1 time I had her, and that suited us both fine. When he finally left for college, she was sad, but it was only 2 weeks before she was once again underneath another young guy, talking dirty while her husband watched.END
I am fortunate enough to have someone to clean my 2nd home in Cheshire which I use when I am at my office in the North.Because of my position in the Company I am able to utilise my office cleaner an older lady of 65years.Sheena is a little on the plump side and short in stature being only 5ft tall. She has help from her husband and very attractive daughter Mandy but their skills on the cleaning front leave a lot to be desired. The following tale is the result of a long standing performance issue in my office cleaning.***Sheena the Cleaner: A lesson learnedYet again my office had not been cleaned to an acceptable standard and I had to talk to Sheena about her husband's work skills or to be more exact lack of them.Of course she blustered on about making ends meet and not being able to afford extra help. The long and short of it was that he would have to stay and she would try and get him to do a better job.I then gave her an ultimatum, "Either he improves or you will have to pay for his inefficiencies in some other way. If I have another problem then I will have to deal with you next time you come to clean the house. Is that understood? Rest assured you will know about my displeasure in advance as I will leave you a note in the office to that effect and I will be waiting for you in Langley on your following visit."Sheena looked at me and asked, "What do you mean?""That is for me to know and you to ponder on, but I suggest it would be in your best interests to get Jimmy to do his job properly. Do I make myself clear?"Another look, this time with a hint of a smile and off she went to do her job throwing just one word over her shoulder."Perfectly!!"It was a couple of weeks later that I came into work and found that my office had not been touched. As promised I left a note for Sheena telling her how annoyed I was and that I would expect her at Langley the following Monday morning as usual.During my drive up on the Sunday evening I went over my plans for dealing with my hapless cleaner. A spanking was of course essential but should I then try to have sex with her and should it be just a straightforward fuck or should I move on to some of my more extreme sexual practices as was now the norm with Jean & Jane.At the end of my 3 hour drive I had come to no conclusion and decided to play it as the events of the morning unfolded.What I had decided was that I should spank her in the bedroom and also that I should have the video set up to record it for prosperity and my future enjoyment. On arrival at Langley I unloaded the car and then went about the task of setting up the video camera in the best possible place to record Sheena's spanking and any possible sexual athletics that might follow.Monday dawned bright and beautiful and as I showered I again pondered on the possibilities that lay ahead. By the time I was finished I had a massive erection that promised great pleasure for Sheena and loads of fun for me. Would she be all coy or would she be the flighty madam I expected?At 9.00am prompt she arrived and I was pleased to note that she had made quite an effort with her hair, clothes and make-up. Things looked promising.I wasted no time on preliminaries in an effort to keep her off balance."Well, madam what have you got to say for yourself and your lazy, good for nothing husband?"A moment's pause as if she was considering her options and then she replied."Absolutely nothing at all Jonathan. I fully deserve whatever it is you have planned for me. Anything will be better than loosing the income from my job."This took me somewhat by surprise but I quickly recovered and asked her what she thought might be in store for her or what she thought might be appropriate in the circumstances."Well having glanced at some of the books you have left lying around I suspect I might be due for a spanking!"I paused for effect then asked her if she had read any of the books to which she replied in the affirmative."Can you give me any reason why I shouldn't spank you?"Sheena looked me straight in the eye and firmly shook her head."Excellent. I suggest therefore that you go and fetch me a dining chair so we can get on with the matter in hand. I am going to spank you quickly now then take you upstairs to my bedroom where I will put you over my knee, lift up your skirt and pull down your knickers before giving you a longer, jolly good spanking. Now fetch the chair Sheena."With that she meekly went to the dining room and fetched said dining chair which I made her place in the centre of the room.Without further ado I seated myself and swiftly pulled her across my lap.As soon as she was still I delivered a dozen short relatively gentle slaps to her upraised bottom, protected by her skirt and whatever underwear she was wearing, before helping her to her feet and guiding her swiftly upstairs."Is that it?" was her immediate comment."Certainly not. That was just to warm you up now get up those stairs; now!"As I followed her upstairs, watching her chubby bottom oscillate as she climbed; I asked her if she had ever been spanked before to which her reply was only as a child and then only a couple of times and she could hardly remember those occurrences."Well Sheena, one thing you can be sure of is that you will remember today's spanking for some time to come as you have probably already realised and it is best we get it over now so your bottom has some time to recover before you have to sit in your car and drive home!!"By now we had found our way to the bedroom and without further ado I seated myself on the edge of the bed and taking hold of her arm I pulled her forcibly across my lap.What a picture she made her tiny form arched gracefully across my knees her upper half resting on the bed with her feet inches of the ground and her bottom at my mercy.In a trice I had hold of the hem of her skirt and with practiced ease I had it up her legs over her bottom and folded neatly across her back.What this revealed confirmed my suspicions that Sheena had been both expecting and was prepared for this.The white cotton panties that covered her buttocks were complemented by a pair of dark hold ups encasing her legs. Something I was sure was not the normal hosiery of choice for my cleaner.Immediately I hooked my fingers into the waist elastic of her knickers and rolled them down over her buttocks into a band round the top of her thighs.My arm then went round her waist and before she could move complain or change her mind I brought my right palm down firmly and squarely onto the target that now presented itself. I watched fascinated as her pale flesh at first wobbled then reddened to show a clear imprint of my hand.The sound of the blow was emphasised by Sheena's gasp of surprise tinged with a hint of pain."Ouch, that hurt," she gasped, when the shock wore off. "That is nothing to how it will feel before I am finished, now let us get on with it."With that I began to spank her. As my palm rose and fell onto her upturned chubby bottom so the room was filled with the sound of Sheena's gasps then yelps of pain and anguish.Before long she was begging me to stop and as I lowered my aim to the top of her thighs so her language became a little choicer and her struggles more determined.After 20 or 30 smacks I stopped and surveyed the scene; noting the red blotchy hue of her derriere and the heaving of her chest as she sobbed and blubbered."Well, Sheena has that had the desired effect or do you want some more?""Oh yes, Jonathan, it has certainly had the desired effect but not just on me. From where I am lying it has clearly had an effect on you and quite a big one too!!"This was clearly an invitation too good to miss, so without further ado I pulled of her knickers, rolled her off my lap and had lying on the edge of the bed with my trousers unzipped.In short order I had my cock out, had taken hold of her legs, lifting and spreading them and was standing close against her with my cock threatening her hairy cunt. She certainly had a veritable forest down below.I paused for a moment taking in her rounded belly with its' puckered caesarean scar and stretch marks. Then with the fingers of my left hand I opened her sex which was slick with her juices and she moaned as I parted her lower lips and presented the swollen head of my cock between her puffy lips.My hands grasped her thighs to brace her and then I thrust long and hard burying all 8" deep into the soaking wet tube of her vagina eliciting a long low moan as Sheena was filled for the first time in what I suspected was a long time."Oh my god Jonathan, that is thick. I have had 5 children but never have I felt so stretched before. Christ you are hung like a horse!"This was to be no slow sexual experience, this was short sharp sex and the room was soon echoing to the liquid sounds of our coupling, the slap of my belly against her naked thighs, my balls slapping her still red and sensitive buttocks and our moans and groans as I fucked Sheena my cleaner to a noisy climax.As we fucked I rolled her onto her side to change the angle of my penetration and tighten her sex with her legs closed.It lasted only 5 minutes but when we came it was huge as her belly rippled and her muscles clasped my pulsating rod as it squirted jet after jet of come deep into her womb.So copious was my emission that it oozed out of her sex and ran in a river down over cheek of her arse and top of her right thigh.We collapsed onto the bed on our sides my cock still hard and trapped in her spasming vagina."Oh my God, Jonathan, that was wonderful. Jesus you are so big and still hard does that mean you can do me again?""That was just the start Sheena, just let me play with your tits for a while then I will fuck you again."With that I reached round and undid her blouse and pushed up her bra revealing her small but firm tits with nice big swollen nipples that were still engorged with blood following her massive climax.Cupping them in both hands I began to massage and squeeze them eliciting moans of passion from Sheena as I nipped the nipples between my fingers and slowly began to move my cock in and out of her clasping sheath.Carefully I rolled onto my back taking her with me so she lay on top of me.Letting go of her breasts I helped her so she was straddling me her back toward me but facing the hidden camera."Oh my God, this is magic. You are so strong and big it feels like you are coming out of my throat." So intense was her passion that she began to ride me grinding her arse on my belly and impaling herself more and more on the 8" of thick cock that even now threatened to split her in two."Take it slow, Sheena, there is plenty of time I will stay hard for hours so let us make the most of it.Get off me and suck my cock. I want to see your mouth stretched round it as you give me head, just as you no doubt read in the books."No hesitation she slid of my cock giving a low moan as it came out of her cunt then knelt beside me, took my erection in hand and lowering her head opened wide and engulfed 5 of my 8 inches into her mouth.Being on the small side her hands and mouth only emphasised the hugeness of my prick and as she sucked on it and bobbed her head up and down her curly hair sometimes obscuring the view of my cock stretching her lips wide open. The deeper she took it; so it pressed into her cheek pushing it out, distorting her face.I knew I had to be a little cruel as I did not want to give her the option not to swallow and as I felt my next orgasm approach I clasped the back of her head forcing my cock into her throat and came.The coughing and spluttering were intense and I looked on in fascination as come oozed out of her mouth such was the volume and force of my ejaculation.When I finally let go of the back of her head she looked up at me her face covered in the thick white sticky stuff."Swallow it Sheena or you go back over my knee and when you have swallowed it down then you must lick up what has spilt onto my belly.As good as gold she swallowed then bent to the task and then slowly ran her come covered tongue up and down my cock and over my belly hoovering up the strings of spunk that lay slowly oozing into a puddle.At last she sat back on her heels licked her lips and smiled."Mmm not bad. I've often wondered what it tastes like, a bit salty but on the whole not bad. Jimmy is such a prude he would never let me suck his cock so I have just had to imagine it. I could get quite addicted to the flavour and to nearly choking on your prick. So what comes next, you have not got to rush off to work have you. I feel in need of a really good seeing to, something I have not had for years.""Well if that is the case then the morning has only just begun. I have no meetings so I suppose I will just have to stay here and fuck the arse off you; will that be O.K?"She replied by example rather than words. Reaching out to the bedside table she took hold of the candle from its holder lay back onto the bed head lowered her head against the headboard, stuck her hand between her wide spread legs and stuck the thing up her cunt and then said. "Come on big boy; give a girl a good time."With that she turned over and got up onto her knees and spread her legs. Glancing back over her shoulder she smiled and wiggled her arse a bit before she said."What I need now is that big thick cock of yours drilling my cunt and anywhere else you care to shove it."I of course needed no second invitation so without further ado I was of the bed, one hand spreading her pussy lips with the other I fisted my tool and drove it deep into the sloppy maw of her cunt.A couple of good thrusts for lubrication, then I pulled out again and parted her buttocks with the fingers of my left hand and brought the slimy head of my cock to bear on the rosebud of her brown tinged puckered anus."Brace yourself Sheena; this is going where the sun never shines!!"With that I thrust and to my surprise met little resistance as the head of my thick member slid effortlessly into her bowels to the accompaniment of a low moan of obvious passion from my hapless cleaner."Oh you beauty; I just love it up my arse. Now bugger me senseless and fill my bowels with those lovely juices of yours."I needed no second invitation and thrust down hard until all 8" were deep in her bowels and the thickest part of my cock was stretching her anus to the limit."Jesus Jonathan I hadn't realised just how thick it was stop, stop, please stop."I of course ignored her pleas and began to bugger her with passion each downward thrust accompanied by a moan from Sheena as her rectum was stretched wider and wider.Her tightness however was causing me a problem as she was not lubricating enough so I pulled back until the head of my cock was lodged just inside her bottom then taking some lubricating oil I dribbled some along my shaft and let a little puddle collect where my cock and her arsehole were joined."What on earth is that?" she moaned as I snapped the lid shut."Just a little lubrication, Sheena my love, to ease the passage. We wouldn't want to damage you for future use; would we?"With that I ploughed on reaming her arse with long slow strokes building up the pace until I was sodomising her as freely as if I had been in her cunt.After 10 minutes I felt my climax hit me and shot a load up her arse then pulled out flipped her onto her back and let the rest of my climax spray her face and drip into her open mouth."Well Sheena let that be a lesson to you. If my cleaning is not up to standard in future then you will receive more of the same. Now I suggest you shower then get on with cleaning the house. Do you have anything to say?""Well, if that is my punishment then I think you can expect an untidy and unclean office on a regular basis."With that she ran her finger over her face collecting the come that still lay there and stuck it in her mouth licking it clean before getting of the bed and walking to the bathroom.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 58
Roy's parents were planning their yearly trip to the High Sierra's. Roy had just turned 13 and his parents surprised him by asking if he wanted to invite on of his little friends along. Roy hated the way his mother was always calling his buddies "his little friends."How ever he was thrilled with the possibility. He enjoyed camping with his Mom and Dad but now that he was a teenager. Now he had the opportunity of having some company on vacation.They had a 16 foot camping trailer that they usually slept in, but on this trip, he and his best friend Billy were going to sleep in the pickup. His Dad had put a shell on several years ago and carpeted the entire inside. They all arrived early in the morning after driving all night. The boys helped Roy's father set up the trailer and unloading the lawn chairs and fishing gear. Everything went along quite normal that first day.Everyone was tired since the night before no one had much sleep. When Billy and Roy climbed in the truck and Roy's Dad shut the door they were faced with their first dilemma. Roy asked "Billy what do you sleep in?" Billy replied "Just my underwear." Both boys stripped off their clothes and crawled in their sleeping bags. They started talking about the girls in school. Now that they were beginning to see girls in a different light, their conversation was about trying to get girls, feeling them up and more.Now 8th grade girls were starting to shun their little girl clothes and wear more revealing outfits. They talked about the way they could look up girl's skirts as they sat at he lunch tables. Billy asked "Do you ever get hard at school?" "All the time" said Roy.He continued "I got one right now" Billy confided "So do I" "Show me" Roy saidBilly threw back his sleeping bag and indeed his underwear showed a distinctly tented out. Roy threw back his cover and show Billy his bulging underwear.Both boys looked at each other and started to pull at their peckers. Roy pulled his out of his underwear. Billy stared at his friend's hard-on. He had never seen another boys cock close up. He had seen some men's cocks in magazines but never a real one.Roy said "Show me yours" Billy pulled down his underwear, exposing his stiff little rod. They looked at each other for a few seconds and Billy asked "Do you ever play with it" "You mean jack off?" said Roy."Yes" answered Billy "So do I" "You shoot yet""Yea" said Roy "You want to do it now"Both boys stated pulling at their cocks. It didn't take long before their cocks began shooting cum. "Have you ever tasted your cum" said Roy. Billy shook his head no. Roy scooped up some cum from his own belly and put it in his mouth, and smiling he said, "Mmmmmm, try it!"Billy slowly mimicked Roy, scooping up a big glob of cum. He slowly moved it toward his lips. "Go on" Roy urged. Billy stuck his fingers into his mouth and smiled. "I thought it would taste bad, it's not." He scooped a second helping. They both laughed.After cleaning up they inspected each others soft cocks.Soon they were both hard again and played with each other for awhile. They soon tired of their activity covered up again and fell asleep. They next day after breakfast they went fishing with Roy's Dad. Catching their limits quickly they returned to camp early. When they finished lunch they decided to go hiking. Roy's Dad cautioned them to stay close to the stream that feed the lake and they would always be able to follow it back to the campground.It was a hot spring day and after hiking about 20 minutes they came upon an area where the stream entered a large meadow. It flattened out and meandered across the expanse of tall grass.They came across a grassy area and decided to stop and rest for awhile. Billy took of his shirt and laid back in the cool grass. Roy followed Billy's example and they soon drifted off to sleep.When they woke Billy suggested that they take a dip in the stream. Both boys stripped and jumped in the stream. Even though it was in the eighty's the mountain steam feed from far away snow run off was very cold. Enjoyable but still frigid the boys soon exited and returned to the grassy bank.They lay there sunning them selves letting the now welcome warmth from the sun dry their young firm teenage bodies. Roy fell asleep again. Billy rolled over and started to play with his best friend's soft penis. Roy stirred and felt his buddy stroking his prick.He turned on his side and rolled up into a sitting position. He felt something about Billy he had never felt before. Before last night he had never seen hard cock, oh he had seen other boys in gym class but never thought much about it they were just like him.But now something came over him and he bent down an took Billy's cock into his mouth. Billy cooed with obvious approval.After a few minutes they switched and Billy sucked Roy's cock.Roy came up with the idea of how they could do it to each other at the same time.After getting into the "69" position they continued to enjoy each other's stiff poles. Billy began to feel his cock swell and knew he would soon shoot. Warning his young friend of his impending ejaculation. Roy did nothing but suck harder. When Billy came he felt wonderful having never cum inside something.Even if it wasn't a girl's cunt it still felt exciting. After regaining his composure he continued to suck Roy's cock until he also spurted his cum. Billy thought it was almost as good as cumming. Feeling his buddies cum spray inside his mouth.Roy feeling his cock shoot into Billy's mouth was so very special he almost began to cry. He got off Billy and pulled him into his arms. They held each other for several minutes. They pulled back and looked into each others eyes. They kissed sweetly at first then with more passion. Awakening feeling in each other that were wonderful yet confusing.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 54
I have to tell somebody about this, and I can’t tell anybody I know, so I guess it’s gonna be you. My name is Rick, I’m 16, and I’m a junior in high school. I live with my mom in a two bedroom apartment on the outskirts of downtown Chicago. Mom cuts hair and does facials and waxing for a living.Every morning at 6:00 AM sharp she comes into my room with a cup of coffee and wakes me up for school. She always puts the coffee on my nightstand and then sits down on the side of the bed. "Hey Big Guy, up and at ‘em. Time to rise and shine!" Same time, same routine every morning."Hey Mom." I roll around under the covers while she shakes my shoulders, pats my butt and kisses my neck. "A few more minutes?" Same thing, every morning. "Sure," she says. "You can get to school late. What college is going to care if you don’t get to class on time?""Crap." I yawn, roll out of bed in my boxer shorts, grab the coffee, and head for the bathroom. Same thing, every morning.So one night a few weeks ago, Mom went to a PTA meeting. As soon as she left, I called up my girlfriend Cindy and asked her to come over. We smoked a little weed and drank a little beer in the backyard, and then made out for a while in my room. It got late, my girlfriend left, and I fell asleep.Next thing I knew: "Hey Big Guy, up and at ‘em!" "Arrgh." I was a little hung over."C’mon, Rick, get up." She put one hand on my shoulder and the other hand on my butt, and started rocking me back and forth. "OK, I’m up, I’m up!" Mom stepped back as I pulled away the covers and stood up. I heard her gasp, and I looked at her. She was staring at my crotch. I looked down. Shit! After Cindy left I had fallen asleep in the nude. Now I was standing right in front of my mom with a serious morning hard-on: all 8 inches was pointing proudly right at her. As I stood frozen there for a moment, her eyes never wavered from my dick."Shit, Mom, I’m sorry!" I said as I climbed back into bed and pulled the sheet over me. "What?" Mom hadn’t moved. She seemed to be in some kind of trance."I forgot I was naked.""Oh. That." She finally came out of it, and sat down on the bed. She put her hand on my stomach – dangerously close to my still rock-hard cock, I thought. "Honey, I’ve seen everything there is to see on you... although, not for a while, I admit. You’ve... um, been developing nicely, I see. Nothing to be embarrassed about.""Jeez, Mom, I’m embarrassed that I was standing in front of you with a hard-on.""Honey, that’s perfectly normal, especially in a young man your age. I’m your mom and I love you, and nothing you do can embarrass me, Sweetie." She gave me a little hug and stood up. "Now, get up and get into the shower." She stood back from the bed and waited.Feeling sheepish, I pulled back the sheet and rolled out of bed. As I stood up, I saw Mom’s eyes move downwards towards my erection again. Before I could walk to the bathroom Mom stepped towards me, put her arms around me, and gave me a big hug. As I hugged her back, I felt my cock pressing through her nightgown and against her leg. "I love you, Rick," she said."Me too, Mom."She let go of me, and I grabbed the coffee cup off the nightstand and walked out the door, feeling my mom’s eyes on my ass as I left. As usual I jacked off in the shower, but this time as I did it I was thinking about how my mom’s eyes had been glued to my erect cock. When I came, the force of it almost made me fall over. Hmm, I thought, I’m going to have to try this again.***The next morning when Mom came in, I was naked again. I got up and grabbed the coffee cup. "Sleeping in the nude now, are we?" she said."Yeah, I sort of like it," I said. "Me, too," she said. I looked at her. She was staring at my hard-on again. Her eyes quickly moved up to mine, and her face reddened. "I mean... What I meant was, I sleep in the nude, too."I looked at her nightgown."Of course, I throw something on before I make the coffee and wake you up.""Why, Mom? Are you embarrassed to be naked around me? I thought you said there was nothing to be embarrassed about." I sipped at my coffee."Umm... no Sweetie, of course not, but... well, I’m your mother." As she said this, her eyes couldn’t help straying down to my crotch again. I’ve never been the exhibitionist type, but I was starting to enjoy being naked around my mom. It gave me kind of a thrill that she liked looking at my dick."OK, Mom," I said. I gave her a hug, once again feeling my erection pressing into her. She hugged me back and gave my naked ass a little pat, which turned into sort of a caress. Then I walked off to take my shower, once again imagining that I could feel her eyes on my naked body as I moved.***The next morning when Mom came in to wake me up, she was naked, too. I got out of bed and stood up, and we looked at each other. My mouth hung open. My mom was a knockout! Long, toned legs. Slim waist. Beautiful full, firm breasts. Her nipples were erect. My first thought was, "She’s cold," but then I detected the faint scent of her sex in the air. My mom was aroused.As we continued to stare at each other, my penis, which had been soft and hanging down against my legs, now began to harden. My mom watched as it slowly thickened and hardened to its full 8 inches and pointed directly up at her. "Is this OK, Rick?" she said. Shyly, as if she were afraid that I’d be shocked, or that I wouldn’t approve of her body. "I enjoy being naked, and after our, umm, our talk yesterday morning, I decided that it was silly for me to hide my body from my own son.""Sure, Mom, of course it’s OK. My god, you’re beautiful! I had no idea. You could be a model."She blushed, then did a little pirouette that let me see her gorgeous, tight little ass. When she had turned all the way back around, I realized for the first time that her vulva was totally hairless – either shaved or waxed. Also, although she was tanned, there were no tan lines anywhere on her body. Her flawless tits and ass were uniformly browned like the rest of her."Thanks, Sweetie. I try to stay in shape.""It’s working, Mom. You’re hot! Can I ask you a question? How do you get an all-over tan? Do you use a tanning bed?" I was hoping to keep the conversation going as long as possible, afraid that I’d never get another chance to see my beautiful mother’s naked body."No," she said. "Sometimes when you’re at school, I lie out in the backyard and get some sun."I drooled at the thought of my sexy mom lying naked by the pool. "Really?" I said. "What about the neighbors?""They can’t see anything over the fence, Sweetie. You should try it sometime. It’s good for the soul.""Maybe I will, Mom."Although she was talking to me, she was staring at my dick. I looked down. I was so excited that my erection was actually pointing up at a 45 degree angle, rather than just jutting straight out in front of me. Every time my heart beat, my dick would bounce up and down a little. It felt harder than it had ever been before. As we watched, a little drop of pre-cum oozed from the tip and slowly dripped towards the floor, trailing a long thin line behind. When I looked back up at my mom, she was licking her lips involuntarily."Can I ask you another question, Mom? I see that you don’t have any hair... down there. Do you shave it?"She tore her gaze from my hard-on and looked up at me. "Oh, no, Sweetie. A friend of mine at work waxes me, and I wax her.""Why do you do it?" I said."Oh, well, it just makes me feel really clean and sexy. And it makes... umm, well, some things, umm, more fun to do." As she said this, her hand moved down and unconsciously rubbed her mons. I thought I would cum right then, and a little gasp escaped my lips. She realized what she was doing, quickly removed her hand, and blushed again. The smell of her sex was stronger in the air now."I get it, Mom." I looked down at my own hairy balls and dick. "Maybe I should get waxed, too. Could you or your friend do that for me?" Not that I wanted to get my ball hair pulled out, but I was excited by the thought of my mom actually touching me down there."Well... I’ll think about it. For now, you’d better hit the shower, Sweetie.""OK, Mom," I said. I stepped over to her and hugged her. I’m just a little taller than she is, and when we came together my erection pressed up against her bare vulva. I felt my pre-cum against her skin. She gave a little shiver, then hugged me back. When her hand moved to pat my ass, I moved my own hand down and rubbed her ass, too. She shivered again, then gently pushed me away.I grabbed the coffee cup and walked toward the bathroom, my hard-on leading the way.***The rest of that week, Mom was naked when she came in with my coffee, and I was naked when I rolled out of bed. Rather than getting comfortable with the situation, I was more excited every day, waking up early and anticipating her arrival. I always had a rock-hard erection when I got up, and Mom always looked (and smelled) aroused as well. Our "naked hug" was always the high point of my day, and I was turning into quite the exhibitionist.The next week I took it up another notch. On Monday I woke up early with a raging hard-on, and decided to jack off in bed rather than in the shower. I put on headphones, but didn’t turn on the MP3 player. I pulled the sheet down, uncovering my nude body, closed my eyes almost all the way, and slowly started rubbing the length of my erect shaft.When Mom came through the door, I heard her gasp through my headphones. To her, it looked as though my eyes were closed and I was listening to music as I slowly jacked my erect cock. Her eyes were riveted to my prick as she slowly walked to my bedside and placed the coffee cup on the nightstand. I thought she would leave, but she just stood there, only a couple of feet away from me as I continued to jack off. Keeping my eyes almost closed, I moved my other hand down to the base of my cock, then began to caress my balls. I heard her moan a little, and watched as her left hand moved down and began to stroke her hairless pussy, while her right hand moved up and stroked across the tips of her erect nipples. I smelled the scent of her sex, stronger than ever before. I was turning on my own mom!I was incredibly excited. Here I was jacking off in front of my mother, and it was making her horny. I was hoping that she would keep watching until I came, but was disappointed to see her suddenly walk out of the room. I guessed that maybe I had embarrassed her, or that the taboo of watching her own son engaged in a sex act was too much for her. But only a minute later, she returned carrying a small bottle. She sat down on the bed next to me and put her hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes, feigning surprise. "Mom! Oh, jeez, I’m sorry!" I took off my headphones, but kept one hand on my prick."That’s OK, Sweetie." She looked down at my erect cock, and licked her lips. "What you’re doing is natural and healthy for a man your age. I brought you something that will make it more... enjoyable." She held up the little bottle, and I read the label. "Astroglide?""Yeah," she said, flipping the top open. "I use it when I... it makes everything slick." She squeezed a little drop out onto her finger and rubbed it around for me to see, then rubbed her wet fingers on my arm. "See? Would you like to try it?" She held out the bottle."Umm, sure," I said. "Go ahead."She looked at me. "You mean you want me to put it on you?" she said."Sure, I guess," I said. I figured that she would just drip it onto my dick, or into my hand. But instead she squirted some into her hand, put the bottle down, and rubbed her hands together. I let go of my dick and watched in anticipation as her hands moved toward my pulsating cock.When her hands touched me, I couldn’t help moaning. It felt so good! First, both of her hands caressed my erection, moving up and down and twisting lightly around, spreading the Astroglide over the entire shaft. Then she moved one hand down to caress my balls, spreading the liquid across my nut sack as her other hand continued to work my cock. I looked at her face: she was staring at her hands moving up and down my erection, and gently moving my balls. She was breathing in short little pants, and her nipples looked hard enough to cut glass. Then she pulled her hands away from me and stood up."There," she said "That should make it a lot more comfortable for you.""Don’t stop, Mom! Please, oh god, it feels so good!"She stared at me without speaking, and I thought that maybe I’d gone too far. But then she sat back down on the bed and once again grabbed my big fat cock in her little hand. Again, I had to moan as she began working her hand up and down my shaft. I moaned, "Oh, Mom, yeah" and she started jacking me off faster. The Astroglide made it feel great, much better and much more sensation than jacking off dry. And it also made things noisier: Mom’s hand made a rhythmic slap-slap-slap sound as she really began getting into it. After a while, I felt the familiar tingle. "Mom, I’m gonna cum!"Her response was to moan a little, and to jack me faster than ever. The feeling started in my groin and spread up my stomach and down my legs. I watched as the first shot of my cum erupted from the tip of my cock and shot maybe three feet straight up into the air, then fell back down onto my legs and onto my mother’s arm."Ohh! Aaaaah! Aaaaah! God! Aaaaah!" I bucked and moaned as I continued to shoot my cream all over myself and my mother’s hand and arm. I placed my hand on her back and squeezed tight as my orgasm overtook me. "Yes, Baby" she hissed. The orgasm was so strong that I saw stars, and for a moment I was afraid that I might pass out. Slowly, my vision cleared and my cock stopped pumping its jism. Mom’s hand stopped its jacking motion, and her thumb moved over the tip of my cock, smearing my cum all around the head. It felt incredible. I was in heaven."There," she said. "Better?""Oh god, Mom, that felt amazing. The stuff is wonderful, and it feels so much better when someone else is doing it."She looked at me, still rubbing the head of my dick with her thumb. "Do you do this every day, Sweetie?""Yeah, usually in the shower."She looked away and was silent for a moment. "I could do this for you every morning, Rick... if you want.""You’re kidding," I said. "You’d really do that for me? Why?"She looked back at me. "Yes, Sweetie. Because you need it, and because I love you, and because... I enjoyed it, too.""Sometimes I jack off two or three times a day," I said hopefully.She laughed and stood back up. "Let’s just make this a morning wakeup thing for now." As she said this, she noticed my cum dripping down her arm. "I’m going to get something to clean us up," she said. I watched her naked ass move as she walked out, then watched her tits jiggle when she returned carrying a washcloth and a towel. She sat down and gently cleaned off my cock, balls, and legs, then wiped my cum off of her own arm and hand."You’re still hard," she said."Yeah, well, this is pretty exciting for me.""Me, too, Sweetie," she said. "Now, hit the shower."I stood up and hugged her. This time, I let both of my hands grab onto her ass-cheeks, and pulled her body into mine. She moaned and ground her vulva into my erection, then put her hands on my shoulders, gave me a little kiss, and pushed me away. "Off with you," she said.I grabbed the now lukewarm coffee and walked to the bathroom.***Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were the same: my beautiful naked mother entered my room at 6:00 AM, carrying a washcloth and the little bottle of Astroglide. She pulled sheet down to uncover my nude body, and applied the filmy liquid to my cock and balls. If I wasn’t already hard, she played with my penis until it was fully erect, then lovingly and expertly jacked me off until I erupted hard. I couldn’t believe my good luck!I desperately wanted to caress her tits, play with her pussy, and more, but I was afraid that if I did, it would shock her and put an end to my fun.On Friday morning she came in at the usual time, naked, but without the washcloth and Astroglide. Shit! Had she decided that jacking off her own boy was wrong? My hard-on was aching for her touch."Mom?" I said.She smiled. "Don’t worry, Sweetie, I’m still going to take care of you. I just thought we’d do it a little differently today, if that’s OK." She pulled the sheet and knelt between my legs, taking my raging erection into her hand."Are you going to jack me off dry?" I said."Not exactly." And with that, she bent down and took the head of my cock into her sweet mouth."Oh god, Mom!" I moaned. I watched as her head bobbed down, engulfing maybe half of my penis, then back up again, then down and up again several times. She tongued me all over, wetting my entire shaft, then took me back into her mouth and bobbed her head all the way down until my entire 8 inches were in her mouth, and her lips were against my pubic bone. My own mother was deep-throating me. I can’t describe how good it felt."Mom, your mouth feels so good on my cock!"Her answer was a moan. She began to suck me off in earnest: while her head bobbed quickly up and down, her lips created a strong vacuum that intensified the feeling. Then she encircled the base of my penis with one hand and used it to follow her lips up and down. She was working every part of my dick all of the time, and it did the trick. I felt the tingle start."Mom, watch out, I’m gonna cum soon!" I expected her to pull her head away, but instead she moaned again and began sucking me harder and faster. I exploded into her mouth."Aaaaaaah! God, Mom!!" I began my usual bucking, and she put a hand on my abdomen to hold me down. Her mouth never left my cock, and I knew that she was swallowing my cum. No girl had ever done that for me, but my own sweet mother was doing it now. My orgasm finally subsided, and I stopped bucking."Ohhh," I said.Mom pulled her mouth away from my dick and looked at me, and I could see a little trail of my cum dribbling down from her lower lip. As we looked at each other, her tongue flicked out and captured the cum droplet. She moved it around in her mouth for a moment, savoring it, then she swallowed. I shivered a little, and she smiled at me."Like it?" she said."Are you kidding, Mom? Can we do that every day?She laughed. "Could be," she said. Then she bent down and licked up some of the cum that had continued dribbling out of my cock-head, and swallowed that, too. She frowned up at me. "You’re still hard."I reached down and gently grabbed under her arms, and pulled her up to lay on top of me, face to face. "It’s because you’re so beautiful Mom," I said. My left hand moved down to caress her naked ass as my right hand moved behind her head, and I pulled her down to kiss me. Her eyes closed as our lips met, and her lips parted as my tongue found hers. She moaned deep in her throat, and ground her pussy into my hard-on as we passionately French kissed.Then her eyes flew open and she pulled away, as though she’d just woken up."Well, umm... that was nice! I guess... I guess we should get you off to school now, heh heh." She stood up. "I sort of forgot to make coffee; I’ll do that while you shower."I stood up too. "Mom, did I do something wrong?""No, Sweetie, I just... we have to be careful is all. Do you understand?""Sure, Mom, I guess," I said. What I understood was that although she was willing to get me off, she didn’t want it going any farther than that. She had drawn the line, but was maybe having a bit of a hard time staying on her side of it.I moved to her and engulfed her in a hug, making sure that my erection pressed into her vulva again. I grabbed her ass and pulled her body into me, moving my hips a little so that my penis would rub against her pussy. "I love you, Mom," I said as I bent to kiss her. Once again, her eyes closed and her lips parted and we ground against each other as we frenched. She moaned and grabbed my ass with both hands and pulled me against her as she moved her own hips to increase the rubbing contact against my rock hard dick. I knew then that she would let me bend her over the bed and fuck her, and I knew exactly how wonderful that would feel. But I didn’t want to be the one to cross her line. I pulled away, and she opened her eyes. "Rick?" she said."I’ll go take that shower now, Mom," I said. "I love you.""Oh, I love you too, Sweetie." She smiled at me.I slowly walked through the door and down the hall, hoping she would call me back to her, but she didn’t.***On Saturday Mom let me sleep in, but I was awake by 6:00 anyway, my body in need of my mother’s touch. I got up and messed around until 9:00, then went into the kitchen for some coffee. Mom was already there, dressed in linen shorts and a white cotton halter top."Morning, Baby," she said. Then she grinned at me. "It’s going to be a beautiful sunny day, and I thought I’d work on my all-over tan. Wanna join me?""Umm... honestly, Mom, I’m not so sure," I said."C’mon, Sweetie, like I said, it’s good for the soul. You’ve got to try it at least once.""Well... okay."So I went to my room, got naked, wrapped myself in a big beach towel, and walked through the sliding glass door off the breakfast nook to join my mom out on the patio. Our house is on a cul-de-sac and has a good sized backyard with a patio, a small pool, and several large trees with bushes and flowers between them. Because of the curve of the cul-de-sac, the neighboring houses are offset and our fenced backyard is very private.Mom arranged two chaise lounges next to each other, and then removed her towel, revealing her beautiful nude body. She put the towel on her lounge and laid face down on top of it. "Ahhh," she said. Then she looked up at me expectantly.What the hell, I thought. I took off my towel and laid face down, too."There," Mom said. "Doesn’t the sun feel good on your naked bum?""Yeah, I have to admit that it does."Mom reached under her lounge and pulled out a bottle of lotion. She squirted some onto her hands and rubbed it onto my back, my legs, and my ass. "We can’t have you burning that fine little butt of yours," she said."You think my butt is nice?" I asked.She stopped rubbing it and looked into my eyes. "Rick, you have the nicest body I’ve ever seen, and I’m not saying that just because I’m your mom. You have a gorgeous body, you big hunk!" She slapped my ass to make her point, then handed me the lotion."Now me," she said, laying back down."You want me to put this on you?" I asked. Stupidly."Yes, dummy, I don’t want to burn my fine little butt either."I trembled a little as I squirted lotion onto my hands, then massaged it into her back. She sighed as I worked on her shoulders, then moved down to her middle back. My hands lingered over her breasts, which were smushed against the towel and sort of pushed out on either side of her. "We don’t want these to burn either, right?" I said."Nope, sure don’t!" she answered. I spent as much time fondling her breasts as I dared, then moved on to her lower back. I got more lotion and began to work it into her tight little ass cheeks, and she sighed again. As I moved further down she parted her legs a little and I had a beautiful view of her bare pussy mound. Was I supposed to put lotion there, too? I didn’t know, so to stall for time I stroked lotion into one fine, toned leg, and then into the other. Down and back up, one hand on each side of the leg. As I slowly moved up each leg, my inner hand would brush up against her pussy, and she would give a little shiver, but she didn’t say anything. Emboldened, I squirted a little more lotion onto my hand, then placed it gently onto her pussy mound and began to rub."Uhhn," she said, but nothing else. Her pussy was wet, so I knew that she was horny. I rubbed harder, up and down her pussy lips, and lingered over her clit."Mmmmm," she said, and propped her butt up a little higher to give me better access. I gave up all pretense of spreading lotion, and started rubbing her clit directly."Oh, Rick," she said. As I continued to stroke her clit, I wiped the lotion off of my other hand and slowly inserted first one, then two fingers into her pussy."God," she said, and began grinding her mound against my hands. "Faster and deeper," she said, and I complied.By this time my cock was hard as granite and dripping pre-cum onto my mom’s butt. Again, I knew instinctively that I could mount her right there, and I wanted to do that in the worst way, but I was scared to go that far over the line."Rick! Ohhh... OH! God, aaaaahhh!!" Mom’s body tensed and her moan became almost a scream as she climaxed. "Ahhh, AHHH, Oh god, oh, oh, AHHHH!!" A little stream of cum shot out of her pussy and onto my hands. I hadn’t known that women could do that! I slowed down, but continued to gently stroke her clit and pussy lips. First her body began to relax as she came down off her orgasm, but then it tensed again and I felt her vagina tighten around my fingers. My mom was having another orgasm! This time, she bucked like crazy and really did scream a little. My hands were dripping with her juices, and the towel beneath her was soaked. As she came down from it, I removed my hands from her pussy and gently stroked her back. She looked around at me, and I was surprised to see tears streaming down her face."Mom? Are you OK?""Wonderful!" she said. "Oh, Rick, that was... certainly the best suntan lotion application I’ve ever had. I’m sorry about... all the noise and stuff.""I enjoyed it a lot, Mom." I touched her pussy again, and she shivered. Then I brought my hand, covered in her juices, up to my nose. Mom watched as I inhaled her wonderful scent, then, one by one, put each finger in my mouth and sucked her delicious moisture off.She shivered again as she watched me, then pushed me face-up onto my own lounge. "Sweetie," she said with a smile, "I think it’s time to do your front."***I fell asleep shortly after Mom finished sucking me off. I awoke to the sound of a female gasp of surprise. Was somebody there with me? Afraid to move, I opened my eyes and looked through my dark sunglasses to see a young neighborhood girl staring at me through our sliding glass door, her mouth making a little ‘O’ of surprise."What is it, Jenny?" I heard my Mom say from the living room. Jenny didn’t answer; she just continued to stare at my naked backside. Mom joined her at the window and smiled."Oh, I’m so sorry, Jenny. I’d totally forgotten that Rick is out there getting some sun. Do you want me to wake him up and have him put something on?"Little Jenny never looked away from my body. "Uh... no, that’s okay," she said.Mom looked at her, then at me. "Are you sure, Honey? Can you still help me clean up here with a naked boy asleep in the backyard?""Uh... sure! I was just a little surprised, but really it’s okay, Mrs. Johnson.""All right, Jenny. Why don’t you start on this big window while I run down to the ATM to get some money to pay you with? I’ll be back in a little while.""You got it, Mrs. J!" Jenny was recovering her cool.After Mom left, I watched as Jenny slowly washed the inside of the big sliding glass windows. She must have done a crappy job, because her eyes never left my ass. The whole thing had given me a hard-on, and I decided to give her a good show. While she watched, I pretended to move around a little bit in my sleep, then turned over to lie on my back, with my head angled enough so that I could continue to watch Jenny surreptitiously from behind my shades.Jenny gasped. My erection was standing proud and high, sticking up in the air over my stomach. With the sun directly overhead, and Jenny only ten feet away on the other side of the big window, I knew she had an excellent view. I wanted to grab myself and start jacking, but I didn’t think I could get away with going that far.While I watched, Jenny slowly slid the screen door open and crept onto the patio. She walked to the side of my lounge, then knelt down next to me. Her face was maybe six inches from my cock, which was bouncing up and down a little bit in time with my heartbeats. Jenny licked her lips nervously and looked around."Rick?" she whispered. "Rick, are you awake?" She put her hand on my thigh, so close to my cock and balls. "Rick?" I moved a little and tried to make breathing sounds like I was asleep. Emboldened, Jenny slowly moved her other hand onto my rigid prick. I couldn’t help moaning a little, and Jenny started. I moved around some more and settled again, trying to convince her that I was still asleep. After remaining motionless for a minute, Jenny began inspecting my body in earnest. First her tiny hands played with my rock hard penis, moving up and down and around the shaft, and moving the skin around. Then she became fascinated with my ball sack, playing with the loose skin and moving each testicle around a little. Then back to my penis. I wondered if I was the first guy she had seen naked, or maybe just the first guy with a hard-on.Finally, she encircled the shaft with both little hands and clumsily began to jack me off. I didn’t want her to stop, but I figured that she’d be suspicious if I didn’t wake up now. I moaned, "That feels good," and put my hand on her back. "Jenny? What are you doing?" I took off my sunglasses and looked at her.Her little hands stopped moving, and she looked at me in sudden fright. "I’m sorry, Rick. I just... I wanted to see the stuff come out.""The stuff? You mean, my cum?""Yeah, I wanted to see your cum, Rick." It was so sexy hearing those words come out of a little girl’s mouth. "Have you ever seen it before?" I asked."No. I’ve seen my mom and dad naked and making out before, but not close up." Her hands started moving on me, and I moaned again. "Let me make you cum, okay, Rick?""Okay, Jenny," I said. I reached down and showed her how to hold me for the greatest effect, and what rhythm to use as she jacked me off. When she got going right, her hands started making a familiar slap-slap-slap sound."Is this right, Rick?" she asked."It’s perfect, Jenny. It feels great. You’re a natural. I’m going to cum in no time."She smiled at the compliment, then looked down at my dick. "What’s this stuff?"I looked down to see that pre-cum was streaming from the tip of my cock onto my abs. "It’s called pre-cum, and a guy’s dick always makes some when he gets excited. Grab some of it onto your fingers, and use it to lube up my dick."She grabbed a big wad of my pre-cum and rolled it onto my shaft. It felt so good that I moaned yet again. She continued jacking me off with one hand as she raised the other hand first to her nose to smell my juice, then to her mouth. Her tongue darted out and tasted my pre-cum. I thought I was gonna cum then and there!"Salty," she said. "But good." She started jacking me hard again using both hands. I felt the tingle start."Jenny, you’re doing real good. I’m about to cum."She quickly moved her head directly over the tip of my penis, so as not to miss the show. Part of me wanted to warn her about how far my cum would shoot, but a bigger part of me wanted to see this happen."I’m cumming, Jenny, I’m cumming! Right now!! Aaaagh!!" My body started bucking and I watched as the first ropy wad of my cream shot directly into Jenny’s face. She gasped in surprise and pulled her head back, but not far enough: the second spurt of my cum landed right in her open mouth!She’s a trooper, though; she never stopped jacking me off. What a sight for a horny young teenager: a pretty little girl, both small hands working up and down my spurting prick, and a big wad of my cum slowly dripping down her forehead and cheek."Ith’s in my mouf, Rick!" My body was still bucking and I was straining to get the most pleasure out of my orgasm, but I fought to keep my eyes on her face and was rewarded by seeing her swallow a big mouthful of my jism!Finally, my climax was over, and I had to grab Jenny’s hands to stop her from continuing to jack me off. "It’s too sensitive right after I cum," I said."Oh, sorry Rick," said Jenny. She sat back on her heels."Umm... you’ve got some on your face," I said."Oh." As I watched, Jenny used a finger to wipe my cum off of her cheek and forehead, then popped it into her mouth and sucked it down!"How does it taste, Jenny?""I like it!" she said. "You’ve never tried it?""No," I said, taken aback. "That would be kinda gay, I think.""Who’s gonna know?" she said. Then she scooped a little cum from my stomach and held her finger in front of my mouth. "Try it," she said.So I did. I wrapped my lips around her finger, sucked, and pulled my head back. Her finger made a little popping sound when it left my lips, and I had some of my own cum in my mouth. "How does it taste?" she asked.I rolled it around in my mouth and swallowed. "Salty, and kind of slimey, but okay, I guess.""I like it," she said again, and then bent down and started licking the rest of my cum off my abs, my balls, and my cock. By the time she was done, I was rock hard again."Do you want to do it again?" she asked.I looked at her, and over her shoulder I saw my mom watching us from the window. Shit, how long had she been there?"Umm... not right away," I said. "You’d better do some cleaning before my mom comes home." Hearing that line, my mom hustled back into the living room and out the front door."Okay, Rick, but I want to do this again with you!" Jenny scampered back inside, just as my mom ‘came home.’"I’m back!" said Mom. "How’s the cleaning going?""Fine, Mrs. J!""Oh, I see that Rick flipped over onto his back. Are you still okay with the nudity?""Sure, no problem," said Jenny.Mom smiled at her, then pointed at her cheek. "You’ve got something there on your face, dear. Let me." Mom wiped the last trace of my cum from Jenny’s cheek as Jenny turned bright red from embarrassment. "Some kind of cleaning gook, I guess," said my mom, still smiling."Yeah, I guess," mumbled Jenny, looking at the floor. My mom looked at me and, as I watched, she sensuously licked my cum from her finger. My mouth dropped open, and my hard-on raged.Mom smiled. "Well," she said, "I’m going to go wake up my boy. I don’t want him getting too much sun out there." She came outside and pretended to shake me awake. "You’re insatiable," she whispered. "And that girl is only 12 years old!""It just kind of happened, Mom," I whispered, feeling guilty."I understand, really I do. I was young once, too," Mom said. Now get up and get inside; you really will get burned if you stay out here much longer." She pulled me up off the lounge and pushed me towards the house. "Shouldn’t I cover up?" I said, pointing to the towel."Why?" said Mom. "Jenny’s pretty much ‘seen’ everything already, right?" Jenny looked up at the mention of her name, and stared at me standing there stark naked."Right, I guess so," I said, and walked into the house past Jenny, my hard-on bouncing in front of me. As I walked down the hall, I heard my Mom say, "So, Jenny, do you want to help me clean every weekend?""Sure, Mrs. J! And, umm, if it’s okay, I’ve got some friends who might like to play, er, clean here, too.""We’ll see, Jenny," said my mom. "We’ll see."***Later that afternoon, I was lying on the bed reading when my mom came in, sat on the bed, and began unfastening my shorts. "Mom?" I said.She smiled at me as she pulled my shorts down, exposing my cock. "Honey, after what I saw this morning, I realized that you need more than our usual once-a-day ‘treatment.’" She immediately bent down and took my entire soft cock into her mouth. I quickly hardened as she worked on me, and in no time at all she had me moaning and bucking on bed and shooting my cum into her soft, warm mouth. She looked up at me and let her mouth open a little, and I could see that she was swirling a mouthful of my cum around with her tongue. She closed her eyes and swallowed, then licked her lips and looked at me and smiled."God, Mom, thanks!" I said. "But...""But what, Sweetie?""It’s just not as much fun when you’re dressed. I really like looking at your body.""Oh. Well, I can fix that pretty fast." She stood up, shucked off her clothes, then laid back down next to me. I turned to spoon into her, and she pushed her butt back against me."Rick, I want you to know that any time you want me to get you off, I’ll be there for you. Hand job, blow job, or more. As many times a day as you need."For the first time I reached around her and put my hands over her beautiful tits. My cock started to harden again."Mmmm, nice!" she said. She snuggled back even tighter against me, pressing my cock against her ass crack. I played with both of her tits, paying special attention to her hard nipples. One of my hands moved down and began gently stroking her pussy lips. She moaned and ground her ass against my hard cock."Mom, it’s okay for me to be touching you like this, right?"She sighed, then turned in bed to face me. "No, Sweetie. None of what we’ve been doing lately is right.""But I just meant...""I know, but let me explain. What we’ve been doing is called ‘incest.’ Do you know that word?""Yeah," I said."Our society believes that incest is wrong, mostly because bad things can happen when close family members have children together.""I know," I said. "We learned that in school.""Also, people are afraid that if parents and their kids have sex, it’ll mess up the kids’ heads.""That won’t happen to me, Mom.""I know, Rick. You’re a lot like me."I waited."I haven’t always been an old fuddy-duddy, kid.""Mom, you’re not!""Just hear me out. I first started having sex when I was Jenny’s age. I loved it, and I couldn’t get enough. Your old mom is a bit of a nympho, Sweetie. I had to have it all the time." Mom frowned. "After your father died, I pushed my sex drive down deep into a part of me that I’ve kept locked up for four years. But seeing your beautiful naked body and your big fat hard cock unlocked that part of me, Rick." I was a little shocked by all of this. Also, I’d never heard my mom say, "Cock" before, or anything stronger than the occasional, "Oh, shit!" when something really bad happened."I woke up a little at a time. First, you showed off that gorgeous body to me every morning, and I told myself that it was okay and healthy. Then you wanted to see me naked, and I convinced myself that that was okay, too. Then when I caught you masturbating, I really wanted to do it for you and you made that easy for me. Just a mother who loves her son and wants to give him some relief and pleasure – nothing wrong with that, right?""You bet, Mom!" "But I’ve always loved sucking cock, so I just had to have yours in my mouth. It was easy to rationalize moving from jerking you off to sucking down your jism: same result, only we were both getting what we wanted, you see?""Sure, Mom." Her dirty talk was really turning me on.She rolled over onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. "Today when you made me cum out on the patio, though, it became clear to me that what I really want is for you to fuck me. I need your big thick cock deep down inside of me, and I need it now. Can you do that, Sweetie? Can you fuck your mother without screwing up your psyche?""Oh Mom..." I rolled onto her and kissed her deeply and passionately. "I’ve been desperate to fuck you for so long, but I’ve been afraid to even touch you!"She kissed me and held me to her. "Don’t be afraid, Rick. You can touch me anywhere, and do anything you want to me. But right now, I need you inside me." She reached between us and grabbed my hard-on, and positioned the head of it against her very wet pussy lips. "Have you made love before, Sweetie?"I was trembling as I felt her lubing my rod with her pussy juices. "Sure, Mom, a few times, but... I’m afraid I’m not very good at it."She chuckled. "Oh, trust me, you’ll be fine. And we’ll both get better with practice. And, we’ll be practicing quite a lot, I think. I have to warn you, though: I’m a bit of a screamer, and I might bite and I might scratch a little. I sort of go a little crazy when I fuck. Ready?" As she said this, she pushed up a little bit, and the head of my dick pushed between the soft, wet folds of her pussy lips. We both grunted at the same time."Oh, yeah!" I said. I think I might have yelled it. "God, Mom, you’re so tight... tighter than Cindy!""That’s nothing," she said. "Hang on..." She grabbed my ass with both hands and pulled me down onto her, and my full 8 inches plunged into her cunt.The feeling was indescribable. She was so tight that my entire dick felt encased in a hot, slick vise. She started a low moan that quickly rose in volume and pitch. I could feel her vaginal muscles rippling around me. She started bucking and her head thrashed back and forth. It felt like my mom was cumming, and I hadn’t even started moving yet!"Mom, are you all right?" I said.She looked up at me. Her eyes were beginning to tear up, and her breathing was ragged and shallow. "Yes," she panted, "I am." She grabbed my ass harder. "Now, fuck me! Fuck me hard, Sweetie!" I started moving my hips, slowly working up to a good rhythm. "No, goddammit! FUCK ME!!" She started bucking her hips up to meet mine, twice as fast as I was moving.I got the idea. I started moving faster, really slamming into her, pistoning my cock in and out, grinding my pubic bone against hers as I bottomed out against her cervix. All the while I could feel her vagina contracting around my cock, and her juices spurting out, coating me. The vise-like feeling increased, and I didn’t know how long I could hold out, but I kept slamming into her. Sweat began to drip from my forehead onto her face."Yes, YES!!" she screamed. "GOD, OH GOD RICK!! FUCK ME BABY, FILL UP MY CUNT, MAKE ME YOUR WHORE!! OH GOD, OHGODOHGOD, AAAAAAGH!!!" Her vocalization was constant now, a mixture of moaning, screaming, and filthy talk, and her fingernails dug into my back. I couldn’t believe that this woman was my own, sweet mother! "SUCK MY TITS, BABY, OH PLEASE, BITE MY NIPPLES!!"I sucked and nibbled both of her nipples as I continued pounding into her, and then finally felt the approach of my own orgasm."Mom, I’m going to cum." I started to pull out of her, but she grabbed my ass and pulled me to her.""NO!! Don’t you dare pull out, DON’T YOU DARE! I need to feel you cum inside of me, Rick, I need it!!" She wrapped her legs tightly around me and began to buck up against me even faster, milking my dick, willing me to cum."OK, Mom, here it is... right now... Unngh. Ahhh! AHHH!! Oh god, Mom! OHHHH!! I’M CUMMING!!" I closed my eyes and rode the waves of my orgasm. I know that there’s really just a little fluid in an ejaculation, but it felt as though I were pumping quarts of jism into my Mom. The sensation was incredible; I almost passed out from the pleasure of it."YES, BABY, YES!!" she screamed. "CUM FOR MOMMY!! CUM WITH ME, BABY!! OH, GOD, YES, I CAN FEEL YOU CUMMING INSIDE ME!!!"Finally we were both spent. She stopped bucking against me, and I collapsed on top of her. We were both breathing raggedly, and with my chest pressed up against her sweaty tits, I could feel both of our hearts beating a mile a minute. Mom slowly regained her composure, and her eyes focused up onto mine."Oh, Rick, Sweetie, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to let myself go crazy like that. Did I hurt you at all?""No Mom.""I know I was screaming for a while. Did I say anything too shocking?""It was... different. But I liked it. I liked making you do it, Mom. Umm... did I make you cum?"She burst into laughter. I thought she was laughing at the thought that I’d be good enough to bring her to orgasm. My face burned, and I started to pull out of her, but she grabbed me and forced me to stay deep inside of her."Sweetie, I’m sorry, I’m not laughing at you. You were, in a word, magnificent! You’re a wonderful lover. I’m laughing because I started cumming the second you jammed your cock into me, and I didn’t stop until you came, too, and stopped moving. That’s just the way I’m built. When I make love, I can’t stop cumming until I feel my lover’s cream spurt inside of me. Weird, huh?"I kissed her. "Not weird, Mom. Great. It’s excellent that you can cum like that. I loved feeling it, and hearing it, and knowing that I was doing it to you.""You don’t mind the screaming, Sweetie?""No, Mom, it’s a serious turn-on. Just thinking about it makes me want to do it again.""Great, Baby!" Her hand moved between us and encircled the base of my cock, and she started moving her hips. "How about right now?""Wow, Mom. And you called ME insatiable!""Oh, that reminds me, Sweetie. Jenny and I had a little talk today. She understands that she can’t let any adults know what you did this morning. In return for that, I’m letting her bring two girlfriends over tomorrow to, uh, ‘sunbathe’ with you. OK?" She smiled sweetly up at me, but her smile was replaced with a gasp and a moan as I started moving in and out of her again."Sure, Mom," I said as I pumped her hard. "Maybe I’ll let them put some lotion on my ass."Mom started cumming and thrashing around again. "Yeah, oh, YEAH RICK, POUND ME!! POUND THAT FAT COCK INTO ME!! SQUIRT YOUR CUM INTO MOMMY LIKE YOU SQUIRTED IT INTO JENNY’S MOUTH, LIKE YOUR GONNA SQUIRT IT IN THEIR FACES TOMORROW WHILE I WATCH, OH GOD, BABY, FUCK ME HARD!!!"Life is good, huh?*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 37
"Well, ya see, there was this feller by the name of Virgil I used to run with when my daddy lost his job and I was stayin' with my granny in Ohio for a coupla years while him and Ma went out to look up my uncle Ned in Fresno. Ned had him a worm farm out there and my daddy figured he could hit him up for a job. Big mistake. Anyway, this Virgil was a couple years older than me, but he was in the eighth grade, same as me."He was a real ugly sucker, with bright orange hair, a shitload of freckles, and big ole nose holes you could look right into. More times than not, they was full of boogers. He was always workin' a finger in there and scoopin' 'em out. If you didn't watch out, he'd flip one at you when you wasn't lookin'. Nobody wanted to mess with him. He was tough as nails and mean as a snake. Someone tole me he put one of the teachers in the hospital once, but Virgil wouldn't talk about it, so I never knowed for sure if it was true. "For some reason, he took a shine to me. I could never figger out why, but he latched onto me like I was his long lost buddy the first time I ever set eyes on him. I was takin' a piss in the boys' room and he elbowed up beside me and took hisself a look at my pecker. I wasn't no slacker in that department, even at the age of fourteen. But Virgil put me to shame. After he seen the size of my pecker, he whipped out this thing that looked like a horse dick and waved it at me. Then he slapped me on the back and said that me and him was gonna be buddies. "He was quite a guy once you got to know him. He showed me how to swipe empty pop bottles from behind the A&P and cash 'em in at a carry out near his grandma's house. We come near gettin' caught a couple of times and had to lay off for a while. But we made up for it one night when there was this big blizzard and the snow was drifted up to our asses. We loaded up a couple sleds and made off with ever' bottle they had and put 'em in the garage at Virgil's grandma's. After that they put up a fence, so we had to find us another way to get money. "Virgil always had somethin' goin' on to get him some money. Sometimes he'd cut me in on one of 'em. Like, there was this old guy with one arm that run a little corner grocery store. He'd take Virgil back in the stock room after he was closed and give Virgil twenty dollars to play with his peter and let him cornhole him. Virgil took me over there with him one evenin' and tole me to let the guy put his hand in my pocket so he could feel how I was hung. Purty soon, that ole guy had his hand down inside my pants and was squeezin' my balls. Then Virgil tole me to let him put his peter in me and there'd be ten dollars in it for me. It hurt like a son of a bitch even after he greased me up with some lard or somethin', but Virgil said it would be easier the next time. "After that, I'd go over there ever' week or so and get my ten bucks. Virgil would collect the other ten for hisself when the ole guy cornholed him. I guess that was fair. He coulda jest kept the ole guy to hisself and I wouldn'ta got nothin'."I only ever seen Virgil cry just one time. That was the day his momma come home from the hospital. She'd been in there for a while and I guess the inshorance run out because they brung her home to Virgil's grandma's and put her in a upstairs bedroom. I run over that Saturday to see if Virgil wanted to go throw some snowballs at cars from the overpass. I found him sittin' on his grandma's back porch cryin' like his heart was broke. He got all pissed off when he seen me watchin' him and come after me with a big ole snow shovel. I could always outrun Virgil, but he come close to brainin' me with that shovel. A coupla days later, he come around all contrite like and tole me about how his momma had been brung home from the hospital that day and how he had felt so bad about it. "Virgil didn't have a lotta free time after that. He had to help his grandma take care of his momma 'cause they couldn't afford no nurse. Helpin' his grandma meant that Virgil had to do ever'thing. His grandma was this toothless ole skank with big ole titties that hung down to her belly button like a coupla stretched out water balloons. She was always heftin' and scratchin' em inside one of them men's undershirts that don't have no sleeves while she lain out on her sofa and watched soap oper's all fuckin' day. Then she'd run out and play Bingo two or three nights a week. "Virgil took me up to see his momma one night about a month later when his grandma was out playin' Bingo. He tole me after school that day to come over after seven thirty. His grandma wouldn't be back till eleven or so, so she couldn't give Virgil a hard time for lettin' me in to see his momma. When I come to the door, Virgil was there waitin' fer me and tole me to come in and follow him. We went up to his momma's room and I seen her fer the first time. She was layin' under a sheet on this big ole hospital type bed with rails on the sides and cranks on it to set her up or raise her feet up."I could see right off that she was a real looker, if you didn't pay no mind to the blank stare and the vacant look. Virgil said she had some kind of a fit at the bowlin' alley one night and she was in a coma and wouldn't never wake up. He said he needed to give her a bath and ast me if I would like to help him. I said I guessed it would be all right if he didn't mind me seein' his momma nekid. Then he pulled the sheet and some kinda gown offa her. She was wearin' this big diaper, but the rest of her was nekid. I could see her big purty titties with great big nipples stickin' up on 'em. I started gettin a boner from lookin' at her titties and I turned away to hide it from Virgil. I didn't want to piss him off for gettin' a boner from lookin' at his poor nekid momma. "But that was what Virgil had in mind all along. He wanted me to get a boner from lookin' at her 'cause he wanted me to fuck her. When he seen my pecker jumpin' around in my pants, he grabbed onto it and ast me if I'd like to put it in his momma's pussy. Now I may have been ole Virgil's buddy and all, but Virgil wasn't the kind to give anythin' away for nuthin'. "So I knew that there'd be some price to pay for fuckin' his momma. I just hoped I'd be able to pay it, 'cause all of a sudden I really wanted to fuck her. Virgil said he'd already give her her bath and that she was good and clean. He tole me to go ahead and touch her titties if I wanted to. They was really nice. I squoze on em for a bit, then Virgil tole me to go ahead and suck em. "Them big ole nipples felt awful nice in my mouth. My boner was gettin' so hard that I thought it might bust outta my pants, so I unzipped my fly and pulled it out. That was when Virgil tole me I'd haf to suck his dick after I fucked his mom or I could forget about it. I tole him I reckoned I could do that if I had to. So he took that big ole diaper offa his momma and showed me one of the purtiest pussies I ever seen, before or since. Course I hadn't never seen no pussies before that, 'cept in a coupla dirty magazines. "Virgil tole me to go ahead and put my peter in her. He lifted up her legs one at a time and spread 'em apart with her knees up so I could get into her. I guess all that squeezin' and suckin' on her titties got her pussy all juiced up, 'cause it was good and slick when I shoved my pecker in her. It didn't take long before I cum in her. It didn't seem like it had lasted near long enough to be worth lettin' Virgil put his peter in my mouth, but I knew better'n to argue. So Virgil climbed up and sat on the bed and had me stand in front of him to suck on his pecker after he seen I had cum in his momma."It was all I could do to get my lips around that big ole pecker of Virgil's. He grabbed me by the head and started shovin' it into my mouth 'til I could feel it in my throat. It was still only 'bout halfways in, but he couldn't get no more of it in me, so he started pumpin' it in and outta my mouth. He wasn't like me. He took a long time to cum. When he finally did cum, he squirted so much of his jizz into my mouth that I couldn't swallow it fast enough to keep up with it and some of it run out of my mouth onto his leg. He made me lick it offa his leg and swallow it after he took his peter out of my mouth. "Virgil said since he had to take care of his momma he wouldn't be goin' to school no more. He said ever' day when he come home that big ole diaper was so full of shit and piss that it took him a good hour to clean his momma up and change her bed. His skanky grandma couldn't be bothered to tear herself away from them fuckin' soap oper's long enough to change her own daughter's fuckin' diaper. She said she done changed it plenty when Virgil's momma was a baby and she shouldn't hafta do it no more durin' her 'golden years'. "Anyway, Virgil was already sixteen, so they couldn't make him go to school no more. Virgil said I could fuck his momma any time I had a notion to, but I'd haf to suck his peter after I was finished. I didn't mind suckin' on him all that much, but Virgil was fuckin his momma five or six times ever' day hisself. If I sucked on him after he'd already cum four or five times, his jizz would be kinda thin and watery like and I didn't much care for the feelin' of it in my mouth. So I took to spittin' it out or pullin' offa his pecker when he was about to shoot his wad. Virgil would get hoppin' mad and slap that big ole peter in my face like it was a piece of hose. It hurt like hell. I tole him I'd druther he put it in my ass when his jizz was runny like that. He said fine, but he still wanted me to suck on him sometimes if I cum over early. "Takin' that big ole thing of Virgil's up my ass shore was a lot differ'nt than bein' cornholed by that ole one armed guy. Virgil used some lotion that he was s'pose' to rub on his momma's body to keep her skin from gettin' sores on it and rubbed it all over his pecker. Then he greased up my ass hole with it and got behind me on his momma's bed and tried to shove his pecker up my ass. Virgil said I could lay on his momma and suck on her titties while he fucked me, but I couldn't fuck her again unless I give him some money. "I had already used up the ten dollars I got from the one armed guy, so I jest laid on his momma and sucked on her titties while Virgil fucked me. I thought he was gonna kill me when he started shovin' that big ole peter in me. When he finally got it in me, he shoved it in and out of my ass 'til I could feel his big ole nuts slappin' against my own. Then he took his own sweet time fuckin' me like he had all the time in the world. When he finally cum, he pumped so much of that runny jizz into my ass that I could feel it squishin' around in me when he shoved his pecker all the way in."When he pulled his peter outta me, my ass hole was stretched so much that it stayed open and a bunch of that jizz cum out of it and run down onto Virgil's momma's legs. Virgil got real pissed off and made me lick it offa her. I'd have druther just sucked him and swallowed his runny jizz than haf to lick it up with some of my own shit mixed in. After that, when Virgil fucked me, I'd real quick put my hand over my ass hole and keep it all in me till I got offa his momma and made a run for the crapper."Sometimes I'd get over there early enough to suck on Virgil before his jizz would get too runny. But most of the time, after I was done fuckin' his momma, he'd shove that big ole peter in my ass and grind away in me for a good half hour. "Virgil was s'pose' to turn his momma over on her belly for a few hours ever' day to keep her from gettin' bed sores. One day I ast him if I could fuck his momma in the ass. Virgil thought that was a good idea. So we greased her up real good and slickened up my pecker and I shoved it in her ass hole real easy. Virgil said she was real relaxed because of her condition and he'd never had no trouble gettin in her ass neither. Anyway, I started humpin' her ass and ole Virgil starts greasin' up my ass hole. I ast him what the fuck was he doin' and he said we could kill two birds with one stone."After that, ever' time I fucked his momma in her ass , Virgil would fuck me in the ass at the same time. If his jizz was already runny, he'd fuck me in the ass when I was fuckin' his momma's pussy too. "Virgil tole me one day that he didn't have no time to run over to see the one armed guy no more and I should go there twice as often to let the ole guy cornhole me. Virgil said he'd split with me fifty fifty, so I thought it was a purty good deal for both've us. The ole guy was a little pissed, but Virgil paid him one last visit and then he seemed to be okay with it. So I had twice as much spendin' money after that."Virgil was real smart. He got this real good idea about how him and me could make some money. He tole me to get a couple of sixth grade boys and bring 'em over to his grandma's house one night. I picked a couple that I knew would keep their mouths shut . One was named Merle and the other was named Harold. Merle was this skinny little rat faced blond headed runt with one eye that looked way over to the side. Kids in school called him Wall Eye. Harold was big and tough lookin' fer a sixth grader. He had brown hair in a crew cut and carried a pack of Lucky's rolled up in the sleeve of his tee shirt. They was both dumb as bricks. I seen the two of em one time swipin' candy bars and sun glasses and some other shit from the drug store when Mr. Willis was busy fillin' a perscription."I grabbed onto 'em when they come out of the drugstore and ast em if they wanted to go to jail where they fuck young boys or would they druther suck on my peter. They pissed their pants and cried and said they didn't want to go to no jail and get fucked. So I took 'em to where there was some empty train cars sittin' on a sidin' all abandoned and startin' to rust. We climbed up in one and they took turns suckin' on my pecker 'til I cum in Harold's mouth and made him swallow it. I took half what they had stole and tole them they had to split fifty fifty with me from now on when they stole somethin' or I'd see they went to jail till they was eighteen."Anyway, I took them two boys over to Virgil's grandma's one night when she was off playin' Bingo. Virgil met us at the door and tole us to come inside quick. When we was all inside, he ast them boys if they had ever seen nekid titties on a woman before. Merle said he hadn't. Harold said he seen his momma's titties when his little sister was suckin' on them, but only got a peep before his daddy smacked him and tole him to turn his head. Virgil ast if they would like to see some nekid titties up real close and maybe even touch 'em. I could see they was real excited at the idea. They both said that would be really great and looked like they was afraid Virgil was just funnin' with 'em."Virgil tole 'em to follow him and the four of us went up to Virgil's momma's room. Virgil's momma was already nekid on top when we come into the room. Them two boys' eyes purty near popped outta their heads when they seen her big titties stickin' up with them big ole nipples on top. Virgil give 'em about five seconds worth of lookin' at her titties; then he pulled the sheet back up and covered em with it. He tole 'em he had give 'em a free look 'cause they was friends of mine. But if they wanted to see her titties some more or touch 'em, they'd haf to pay him. Both boys reached real quick inside their pockets and come up with three dollars and some change between 'em. Virgil took their money and said they could look at his momma's titties for three minutes and they could touch 'em for the last minute. "Harold ast Virgil if they could suck on his momma's titties too. Virgil tole him that suckin' cost more. He tole both boys to bring him their lunch money ever' week and they could touch his momma's titties for five minutes and suck on 'em for the last two minutes. Virgil pulled the sheet back down and both boys looked at Virgil's momma's titties for the next two minutes like they was watchin' a real good movie and couldn't take their eyes off it. After two minutes was gone, Virgil tole them to go ahead and touch his momma's titties, but no suckin'. They squoze on them things llike they was tryin' to make bread or some such. Harold really liked takin' hold of them big ole nipples and pullin' and twistin' em. Merle just liked squeezin' them big round titties with both of his little hands."When the time was up, both boys was real eager to come back and give Virgil their lunch money. He tole 'em to come back in a week and bring some other boys they could trust not to tell anyone. He tole 'em they didn't never want to find out what would happen if anyone tole someone about it. They both promised them or their friends wouldn't never tell no one and then Virgil tole them to beat it 'til next week. After they left, Virgil give me one dollar and tole me I'd get a third of what he got from lettin' other boys see and touch his momma's titties for their lunch money.. "Purty soon we had about fifteen boys comin' over ever' week to look and squeeze and suck on Virgil's momma's titties. Some of 'em was just little guys in the fourth or fifth grade and a couple was classmates of mine. Virgil and me was makin' out purty good by then. He was takin' in seventy five dollars ever' week from them boys' lunch money and givin' me twenty five for helpin' him set things up. After a bit, the two older boys wasn't satisfied with jest playing with Virgil's momma's titties. They ast Virgil if they could see his momma's pussy and maybe fuck her. Virgil acted like he was all pissed off, then he said what the hell, they was both friends of mine and he guessed he could make allowances fer 'em if they was able to come up with twenty dollars apiece. "That was what Virgil had been plannin' on all along. He wanted to get them fellers real int'rested so they'd be the ones to bring up the idea of fuckin' his momma. They said that was a lot of money and Virgil said his momma was real precious to him and he couldn't let them fuck her for less than fifteen dollars apiece. They finally agreed to pay fifteen dollars to fuck Virgil's momma and Virgil give 'em a free look at her pussy as a jester of good will. "When word got around secret like that you could fuck Virgil's momma for fifteen dollars, it got real busy at Virgil's grandma's house. Sometimes four or five boys at a time was lined up to fuck her. One night, they had some kind of problem with the 'lectricity at the Catholic church where Virgil's grandma played Bingo and she come home early in a real huff. She run straight to the refrigerator to get herself a beer. When she seen some boys waitin' in line on the stairs, she ast 'em where the fuck Virgil was and run up to find him. She walked in Virgil's momma's room when this geeky guy with curly hair and real thick glasses named Artie was poundin' away in Virgil's momma."When she seen what was happenin', she give a big chuckle and ast Virgil if he'd been drinkin' her fuckin' beer 'cause there was only one bottle left and she was real thirsty. Virgil tole her I'd run out and get her some beer from the carry out and ast her if she'd like me to bring her some chips or pretzels too. We didn't never have no trouble gettin' beer from that there carry out. "Well we was afraid all along that we'd have all kinds of trouble if Virgil's grandma ever found out what we was doin' with his momma. After she seen what we was doin' and didn't seem to mind none, we had boys comin' over purty near ever' night of the week to do one thing or another with Virgil's momma. We was makin' more money than we knew what to do with. Then Virgil's momma got knocked up. "We didn't know nuthin' about no birth control. Anyway, we didn't know she was knocked up 'til Virgil ast his grandma to look at his momma's titties. They was startin' to look diff'rent. They was gettin' bigger and them big ole nipples was gettin' kinda rough feelin and swole up at times. Virgil's grandma took one look at them titties and whapped Virgil on the head with her knuckle and said we'd gone and got his momma knocked up. She said she wasn't gonna take care of no fuckin' brat after his momma popped it out. We didn't need to worry none about that fer a good while yet. "When Virgil's momma's belly finally got real big, we had to put her on her side and pull her knees up so she could get fucked from behind. Virgil weren't able to fuck me in the ass when I was fuckin' his momma that way, so he'd fuck me on the floor after I cum in his momma. That floor was old and creaky like and it made a shitpot fulla noise when Virgil was fuckin me on it. His grandma come runnin' up one time to see what all the fuckin' noise was and like to bust a gut laughin' when she seen Virgil shovin' that big ole peter of his in my ass. "Virgil's grandma didn't want no one to find out about how Virgil and his friends was all fuckin Virgil's momma, so she got some ole woman she knowed to cum over when Virgil's momma was purty near ready to pop out that baby. That ole woman knowed what to do, and purty soon, Virgil had hisself a little baby sister. His grandma said she looked jest like Virgil's momma when she was a baby. She decided to name her Bonnie Lou after some fuckin' hillbilly singer she used to like. She still said she wasn't gonna take care of that fuckin' kid. She reckoned Virgil would haf to find someone to take it in. Virgil thunk on it fer a couple of days and tole his grandma he had a better idee."That Virgil was one smart fucker. He knowed this girl named Scarlet that him and some of his buddies used to fuck a couple years back when they was all in the eighth grade and Virgil was in the seventh grade. Scarlet had got herself knocked up by some tree trimmer that come into town and latched on to her pussy. He run off when Scarlet tole him about her little bundle of joy that was on the way. Scarlet's mom kicked her out of her house and Scarlet was gettin' welfare and stayin' in her granny's damp fuckin' basement with that baby."Virgil tole me to watch his momma and the baby while he run over to have a talk with Scarlet. I didn't figure it would do no harm if I snuck a quick fuck while Virgil was off talkin' to Scarlet, so I fucked his momma in the ass real quick and cleaned her ass hole good as new before Virgil cum back. That baby shore cried up a storm while I was fuckin' her momma."When Virgil come back, Scarlet and her baby was with him. He was a cute little fucker 'bout a year old with real curly hair and big blue eyes. Scarlet was a whole nuther story. She was real skinny and had big dark circles under her eyes. Her hair was all scraggly and she looked real pale. She mighta looked real purty if she had took a notion to take care of herself. "Anyway, Virgil tole me Scarlet was movin' in to take care of Bonnie Lou . Scarlet tole the welfare folks that Bonnie Lou was her kid an' they give her twice as much money as she was gettin' before. Virgil tole her she could keep haf of the extra money and he'd keep the rest. It worked out purty good. Scarlet had her a nice little room in Virgil's grandma's attic for her and her little boy and Bonnie Lou, and Virgil didn't haf to give his little sister away and got him some more money in the deal."After Virgil's momma popped out Bonnie Lou, her titties was all full of milk. Scarlet fed Bonnie Lou with a bottle, so Virgil and me took to suckin' that milk outta his momma's titties ourselfs. It tasted real good and it was nice and warm. When some the other boys seen milk leakin' out of Virgil's momma's nipples, they wanted some of it too, so Virgil tole 'em they'd haf to pay an extra dollar to suck out his momma's milk when they was suckin' on her titties. With Virgil and me and all them boys suckin on her titties and drinkin' her milk, her titties and her nipples got real big and they was always full of milk."Virgil didn't want to ruin a good thing, so he made the boys use rubbers when they fucked his momma's pussy. She kept on givin' milk for 'bout six months 'til one of them rubbers musta broke and she got knocked up again and her milk dried up. "It was about that time when my daddy and Ma showed up and tole me we was all goin' to Texas where he had him a job drivin' a big oil tanker truck. I only just had that evenin' to say goodbye to Virgil and his grandma and Scarlet before we piled into my daddy's station wagon and headed for Houston. Virgil acted like it wasn't no big deal, but I could see that he was fightin' real hard not to cry when we was sayin' goodbye after he fucked me one last time. I guess ole Virgil was the best friend I ever had. And I never seen no peter even close to bein' as big as his, and I seen plenty of peters. Sometimes I'd catch myself thinkin' bout that big ole thing slidin' in and out of my ass hole and get kinda nostalgic like about them times."Virgil wasn't one for keepin in touch, but I'd hear from some of them other boys from time to time about how things was goin' for him. Ever' once in a while , Virgil's momma would get knocked up again and pop out another baby. Virgil and his grandma and Scarlet was rakin' in a shitload of money from them welfare folks, not to mention the money comin' in for his momma's disability. And there was always lots of new boys goin' over there to fuck Virgil's momma or play with her titties. One night one of the older boys was fuckin Virgil's momma when she give out this long sigh and shit all over the bed and died with his pecker still in her. Virgil cum near to killin' that boy 'til some of the boys still waitin' in line pulled him off and held him down while his grandma called the 'mergency squad. "Scarlet wanted Virgil to marry her, but Virgil said them welfare folks would stop payin' all that money if they got married. So they stayed together with them six or seven kids 'til they was all growed up and on their own. Then Scarlet got some kind of cancer and died the same year Virgil's grandma died and left everythin' to Virgil."I was passin' through that part of Ohio a coupla years back with a tanker truck full of gas when I seen in the newspaper I was lookin' at over lunch that ole Virgil had got hisself killed tryin' to beat a B&O freight train to the crossin' outside of town the night before. I had to be back in Houston the next evenin' , but I had me a few hours after I dropped off that load to run by the funeral home and pay my respec's. They was all closed up by the time I got there, but I seen a light on in the basement so I looked in and seen someone down there sweepin' up. It was my ole buddy Harold. They had a entrance in the back where they could bring the dead folks into the basement. I tapped on the door and ole Harold come to see who the fuck was at the door so late. "He wasn't none too happy to see me, but I showed him a fifty dollar bill and he let me in. I tole him I wanted to see Virgil's body and pay my respec's and I was short on time. Harold said they wasn't showin' Virgil's body 'cause he'd been chewed up purty good by that train. I tole him I wanted to see Virgil anyways and give him another fifty. He went over and pulled open this big long drawer where they kept the dead folks on ice 'til they got 'em ready for their loved ones to look at. There was this big black plastic bag with a zipper on top and a tag with Virgil's name on it. Harold unzipped it and showed me what was left of Virgil."It looked like what you might expec' to find in the garbage can at a butcher's shop. Ole Virgil had been chopped up like hamburger with bones and gristle mixed in and a few bigger pieces here and there. I grabbed up that push broom that ole Harold had been sweepin' up with and started stirrin' 'round in that bag with the handle of it. I wasn't real sure what I was lookin' for 'tiI seen ole Virgils peter layin' there purty as you please without a mark on it. It was cut off real neat with some of them orange hairs still stickin' off it. I palmed that sucker while ole Harold was bent over pukin' and thanked him for lettin me pay my respec's. "Anyway, to make a long story short, you fellers ast me what was in this here jar and now you know. It's purty well pickled by now. Let me show you. Dern! This fuckin' thing's gettin' hard to open. Hey, fellers! Where you goin'? I was just fixin to get the next round! Come on back! "Haw, haw, haw! It works ever' time."END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 44
I've enjoyed a pretty successful life; both romantically and professionally. I'm certainly not one to boast about girls, but I have certainly enjoyed sharing some of my stories with my closer, like-minded friends. There was 'R', a 19 year old boyish looking honey I dated for some time. Small, pert, cute and with the best fashion sense, she certainly made others green. Then there was 'N', a model no less, with a body which never lost its heart-stopping effect no matter how many times I unwrapped it. Despite all this however, I've never had the urge to share publicly my tales. This story is a little different however, as for reasons which will become obvious; I haven't been able to tell anyone about it.I briefly mentioned my professional success; something which I am not shy of as I worked terribly hard for a long time before I began to reap the rewards. Anyway, I reached my 30th birthday without ever having bought an expensive car. Some of my friends had recently updated their own cars and so I decided I would treat myself for my birthday. I was still scared of a huge financial commitment so I decided instead to contract hire my treat: a Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder. Now, I could be tempted to forget the story and just tell you all about the car – believe me it was as much fun, as head-turning and as jealousy-inducing as any pretty woman; but I'll save that for another day. Suffice to say I attracted looks everywhere I went in the car.My route home from work varied, simply because there were two or three routes available which were quicker or shorter than each other depending on the time of day. On the day in question I had picked the more direct route, as it was earlier than usual and therefore way before rush-hour. Home is in a rather exclusive village, fringe commuter belt and a mix of nouveau-riche middle class, the indigenous upper class landowners and a scattering of farming families. I fall firmly into the first category. I was about 6 or 7 miles from home when I started to notice the bus-stops were full of school-kids. It was about that time. Its human nature to have a look isn't it? It was a rare sunny British summer day, the coats and sweaters were off and the girls, all 11-16 looked lovely. There were some absolute stunners too, mid-teens, many in short skirts, white socks etc. It was a lesson in St. Trinian-esque tartiness. Slowed in school run traffic, I passed the fourth or fifth bus-stop and was enjoying my sneaky little girl-spotting when I saw her for the first time. It defies sense to suggest that in that moment I felt anything like the significance which she would come to represent in my life; and I didn't. What I did experience however, was the most beautiful, angelic and strangely elegant teenager I have ever seen. For the sake of chronology we need to pause for a second, hold the moment as I sailed past her at maybe twice walking pace and saw her for the first time...I would guess she was about 5' 6", and had long silky black hair, layered into a style fashionable at the time. I think it was her hair which first caught my eye; it was that shampoo advertisement hair which women spend fortunes each year on trying to emulate – dark, silky, shiny and with every single strand moving in complete independence to the others. She had a lovely skin tone, lighter than olive, but just as pure, with dark freckles and even darker large eyes. I have simply never seen a more pretty face, and when she smiled she presented perfectly formed white, glowing teeth.She was slim, and stood out from the other girls because of the way she was dressed. There was no skin-tight skirt, no short-sleeved shirt, no rebelliously-tied necktie, and no sluttish knee high white socks. Instead, she wore a long-sleeved white shirt, and her necktie was correctly tied and smart, her skirt was above the knee, and pleated. The grey fabric looked tailored and gave a hint of wealth less evident in some of the other girls. She wore dark tights which no doubt added to the effect of the shiny, sleek and lithe legs which they covered. Her feet were covered with sensible black shoes which just added to the image. The only hint that she wasn't straight out of a catalogue was that her shirt hung out of the skirt at her back.So this is what I saw with my first glimpse, and she saw that I saw too, catching my eye as I drove past, her mouth opening into a smile or a laugh with as she shared a joke with her friends. The whole experience lasted just a few seconds, but began to have a profound effect upon me. I thought about her a lot over the next few days, to the point where I decided to take the same journey at the same time several days later on my way to play squash with a friend. Needless to say she wasn't there.My frustration at not seeing her led to more frequent 'early finishes' and careful timings until I saw her again. It was about two weeks since I had first seen her, and was another baking hot day, allowing me the luxury of enjoying the roof down on the car again. This time she was sat down in the bus stop with her legs crossed, and was chatting with another girl. She noticed the car as I approached and they both looked up. She made eye contact with me, but as I risked breaking a smile at her, she looked away; the friends seemingly continuing their conversation as before. Over the coming weeks two things developed; first of all I began to learn a pattern. She clearly had alternative travel plans on all but Tuesdays and Fridays as these were the only days I ever saw her. Secondly, I began to dread the end of term as I knew I would not see her again, at least for some time. These things in mind, I began to 'see' her every Tuesday and Friday. I know it sounds mad, but I was kind of obsessed, besotted even with this beauty. My condition was not improved during this time when the school had what seemed to be an 'own clothes' day. Whilst so many of the girls wore their Nike tracksuits, or other common outfits, the object of my attention decided to wear an outfit which blew my mind – and probably those of all the boys at school. It was another hot day, and I began to get excited as I approached her bus-stop as I had already seen at the early stops that kids were no t wearing uniform. She did not disappoint. She had on a cotton, bright pink halter-neck top that was completely backless, white linen trousers and little pink strappy shoes. Her hair was up in a pony-tail. I am not ashamed to admit I would have been embarrassed to have to stand up at that point. For the third time she caught my eye, and this time, I presume because she was stood alone, she followed my eyes and returned my smile. It was a sweet moment; she lowered her eyes and almost giggled a little smile, before looking up again briefly and then turning away as I passed further away.That was a Friday, and four days later, thanks to the British weather, and several coincidences; things took a significant leap forward. I had become fairly regular in my visits to see her, and this Tuesday was no exception. On the way I was worried I might miss her, not just because of the torrential rain, but also as I was ten minutes later than usual, and was struggling to make up time despite the Italian engine behind me. As the bus-stop came into view I could just make out one figure, unusual as there were normally 5-10 school-kids there. I approached and was delighted to see 'my' girl. She was wearing a short black tailored raincoat, but despite it was looking a little damp. She also looked a little concerned and didn't even notice me approaching until I was upon her. Before I had time to think better of it, I pulled over and wound down the window."Is everything ok?" I asked, rather feebly."Sorry?" She seemed a little taken aback, and it took me a moment to realise it must seem a little forward of me. She may well have become prominent in my mind, but she didn't know me from Adam."I'm sorry, just trying to be a Good Samaritan. You looked upset, and alone, and..." I smiled cheekily at her, "...just a little bit wet!"To my relief, she suddenly warmed to conversation and turned to me properly, giving up her searching looks to the horizon behind me."I think I've missed my bus, and yes, I'm drenched!" she said."I'm going your way if it would help?""You don't mind? I live way out in 'D'...?" she told me. My heart leapt."Really? I live in 'D'. We're virtually neighbours!" She lived in the next village, just three or four miles from me. I was initially surprised I'd never seen her before, but I guess we hung out in different places.She climbed in and apologised for wetting the leather in the car, then she said, "I thought you were local, I've seen the car around!" So, she had been spying on me?"I can't believe you've given me a lift today when nobody is there to see. My friends won't believe me if I tell them." She was joking, but without thinking I answered, "Well, I'll just have to pick you up again, when there are more people around."She smiled, wondering if I was teasing, or being genuine.So, here she was the object of my dreams, in my car. Her legs extended into the foot-well and I struggled not to stare at their beauty. I took my opportunity to discover as much as I could from her. She was 14 years old, a fact which made me both ashamed and excited at the same time. She lived with her Dad in a rather isolated converted farm (he was in business, and by the nature of the address was very wealthy). Her Mum had died when she was young, a fact which I discovered clumsily, allowing her the opportunity to show her maturity and put my mind at rest. She was called Rachel – I finally had a name.Having spent 5 minutes making her comfortable, and using my best life skills to gently and subtly interrogate her whilst not appearing too interested, I then screwed up,"So how come you only get the bus on Tuesdays and Fridays?"She didn't respond immediately, but after a few seconds raised her eyebrows slightly and turned her head to me. Seeing my embarrassment at being caught out she smiled, "Have you been spying on me?""Not at all..." I lied, "'s just hard not to notice a pretty girl.""God, that's so cheesy. And it's crap!" she laughed.There was silence for a few seconds whilst I tried to recover myself and think of something to say. She saved me the trouble."On a Monday my Dad drops me off and picks me up before he goes away for the week. On Tuesday I come home and my Auntie stays with me and cooks me dinner. Wednesday and Thursday I stay with her, which is in 'O', so I get a different bus. Friday I get the bus home and my Dad comes home Friday night or Saturday morning.""Well, that's a full answer. I wasn't being nosey, just making conversation.""Sure..." she smiled, sounding unconvinced, "...but I guess I should be flattered to be noticed." She certainly wasn't shy.I laid off a bit after this, not wanting to come on too strong after my mistake. She could justifiably be freaked out. I eventually dropped her at the gates to the substantial house and she climbed out into the rain. Before she shut the door, she leaned in and teased, "See you Friday then?" and closed the door before I had chance to answer. She then opened the gates and skipped off in the sexiest, cutest, teenage way I have ever seen. It must have been deliberate.Needless to say, Friday could not come fast enough. I decided to take the day off, went to the gym, bought some new clothes (I know, I know) and just popped into the office later. I left bang on time and felt my anticipation rising as I neared her bus-stop. Rachel was there, and my pulse raced. As I neared, her body language and that of her friends changed. She didn't point at the car, but she kind of flicked her head indicating as if to say, "Oh, he's here!" She then walked to the curb as if expecting me to stop. Her friends looked shocked and amused. I pulled over, and she opened the door so coolly, shouting a casual goodbye to her friends as she climbed in. I drove off and it was a hundred yards before the coolness left her and she started to scream with excitement, kicking her little feet in the limited space of the car. "That was just so cool. Thanks so much for doing that! Oh my God they will be so green..." How could I have failed to pull over? It wasn't just me making an effort today. Rachel had lost the tights, and the sensible skirt was replaced with slightly shorter one, allowing me an unfettered view of her long, golden, silky legs. My God, this girl was beautiful"My pleasure, but what on earth did you tell them?" I said, meaning "When am I going to be arrested?"She laughed, "Don't worry, I said nothing. When I saw you I just said, "See you, my lift is here!"She had told me not to worry. Did that mean she knew why I was worrying? Did that mean she knew of my thoughts? In turn, did she therefore approve?"So what will they say? Or more to the point, what will they think?""I don't know what they'll think. But they'll be jealous. Karen really fancies you, and I suspect Dawn does too!"I nearly exploded, "What?" I laughed."Yeah, they see you lot's these days. We do talk about boys you know!""Am I not a little old for your friends though? I mean, I'm nearly 30." Ok I know, but a little poetic license must be allowed."I guess, but boys at school are so lame. Most girls like older men!"This conversation was held without eye contact, and I could sense the tension, or was it electricity?I asked, "So what about you? Is your boyfriend older?""Now you're being lame..." she laughed, "...and no I don't have a boyfriend and the moment, and yes I like older boys!"We were at her house already, and I was conscious her father would be home soon. It is a few years since I was scared of a girl's father. "Well, it's my turn to be flattered..." I said, "...I never expected to be fancied by younger girls. Thank you!"She laughed again, regaining control, and this time looked me in the eye, "Don't thank me, I never said I fancied you!"I was instantly put in my place. "I'd invite you in for a drink, but Dad'll be home later and, well..."Enough said."I understand. Nice thought though."I dropped her off, and spent a few seconds watching her walk across the large driveway. In this short skirt her legs were almost fully visible and I was turned on by her adolescent gait. She didn't have the swaying hips of a catwalk model, but the lithe direct walk only young girls have. I picked her up again the following Tuesday, to the general mirth of her friends. In the car she announced that they were teasing her about me being her new boyfriend."So did you tell them that you didn't fancy me?" I teased, hopefully."I didn't say I didn't, I just didn't say I did!" She replied forcefully.We spent much of the journey listening to music, or listening to Rachel skipping through the tracks on my iPod. As we neared her house, Rachel said, "I can't invite you in again, my Auntie will be there." She was already acknowledging that our relationship had some component which needed hiding. This was both scary and exciting for me. I didn't know what to say."But my Dad won't be home until late Saturday night, so I may be free on Friday!"Had you announced to me there and then that the world was going to end in 5 minutes; I couldn't have been more shocked. I nearly swallowed my own tongue and she seemed relieved by my stammering."Well, s-s-s-sure. That sounds great. I guess you owe me a brew after all the lifts.""Ok, well don't pick me up, just come around 6 if you like."She suggested that we swap mobile numbers in case anything changed, and I let her punch her number into my phone. It was like being a teenager again, I was so excited. I drove away asking myself if I had a date, or if she was just being polite.The next few days were unbearable, I was living for Friday afternoon, and I don't mind admitting I spent a considerable amount of time in the shower that week. By Friday morning, I was struggling to restrain myself from texting to check everything was ok. I only didn't because I feebly thought my text could be used as evidence.In any case I needn't have worried. At midday my phone beeped and the screen announced I had a text from Rachelx. I took a few minutes to compose myself, and then opened it."Make it 7 then we can get food 2. If thts ok?"I couldn't reply quickly enough, but tried to remain cool."See you then" I typed.It seemed like an absolute age, but 6.45pm eventually came, and I set off. I'd dressed casually in chinos and a white shirt. As a last minute thought, I picked up a bottle of chilled white wine from the local shop. As I approached Rachel's house I realised how nervous I was; it felt like I was a teenager again. I really didn't know what to expect. I drove up to the gate, but before I needed to get out to find a buzzer, the gates opened as if by magic. I smiled to myself and drove in.The next couple of minutes were the most amazing of my life. As I already said, I didn't know what to expect, as I really didn't have a clue of Rachel's feelings or intentions. The one thing I was sure of was that I didn't expect the sight I was presented with as I pressed the doorbell.Rachel answered the door with a radiant smile and my heart stopped in its tracks. She was in evening dress and was simply the most amazing sight I'd ever seen. The dress (Gucci I later found out) was a black silk halter neck, completely backless and with a plunging neckline. The material was loose and draped around her frame apart from at the hips where its short skirt tightened to hug her thighs and backside.Rachel's hair was up, and held in place by a beautiful little diamante clip. Her neck was long and slender and as she turned to lead me to the lounge, I could see the full length of her back and the teasing hint of muscle movement with each step suggesting the beginning of a buttock. To cap the rear view off, she had two symmetrical dimples at the base of her spine. Her legs seemed endless and silky and olive coloured. On her feet she had tiny strappy diamante shoes with long slim heels, surely adding to the image of those legs. "Would you like a glass now?"I was snapped from my reverie, and saw her indicating the bottle of wine. "Sure..." I replied, """Well, I shouldn't, but who'll know?" And with that she winked and walked off leaving me once again staring at this backless beauty.I shouted in the direction she had disappeared, "I feel a little under-dressed now!""Don't be silly..." she responded from somewhere unseen, "...this is new and I just wanted to try it out! Besides, I was always taught to dress for dinner!"My mind was in bits by now. Here I was, alone with a 14 year old girl in her house whilst her father was away. She was flirting with me, and I wanted her. It was wrong, but strangely everything felt so right. Rachel returned with the wine and we sat in front of the log fire on the huge comfy sofas and talked a while. It was that nervous moment when two people have implicitly agreed to advance their relationship, but nothing has been said. Because of the circumstances I was determined not to make the first move, but rather leave each proverbial door wide open. We chatted about my work, her school and hobbies and friends, my car. It was nice, and it was easy to forget that Rachel was only 14. She was intelligent, mature, knowledgeable and cultured. My worry about the first move was answered fairly quickly. Rachel jumped up and said, "We should choose some food if we're going to eat, it'll take ages anyway. Indian or Chinese?"I plumped for the latter and she grabbed a menu from some cabinet behind me and came back, jumping onto the sofa next to me. She sat sideways next to me, her uppermost knee spread across mine. We read the menu together. This girl really was a master at putting people at ease. We chose food, and she called the takeaway from her perch right next to me. When she'd finished she got up and returned the menu, put on some music (Bach Piano Fugue for those who care) and came back to sit next to me. This time she knelt side-on, facing me and asked, "So what shall we do while we wait? Want to watch a movie?"I agreed, probably a little too easily, but then I was in heaven, and had no reason not to go along with everything as it was offered. Rachel jumped up to grab the SKY remote and said, "Save kissing me until later then? You seen "Titanic"?"She was so confident, yet such a sweet girl. Perfect really! But I sensed I was being a little too passive."What did you just say?"She came back with the remote, flicking through the SKY recorded movies."I said have you seen Titanic?" Now she was sat back next to me, that delicious back pressed against me, her head in the crook of my arm, and her knees pulled coquettishly up to her chest. She pretended to be intently looking for the movie on the large TV screen."I meant before that...""Oh that! Well I presumed that you'd want to kiss me, but it'll wait if you're not ready!" She clicked the button to start the film."I've been ready for weeks Rachel. I promise you."She didn't respond, but just snuggled slightly closer in to me, allowing her head to rest on my chest, and bringing her knees round to rest on my legs. Her back was bare, her skirt was as high a decency would allow above her silky bare legs, and the halter top covered her breasts enough to be sexy and decent, but allowing a glimpse of roundness at each side and down the middle to underline her femininity. In the circumstances, I found it difficult to find a suitable area to rest my hand and hold her close to me. In the end, I settled for her tummy, feeling her taught youthful tone. She snuggled in again, suggesting satisfaction with my choice.We started to watch the movie, and slowly melted into each other's company, gradually the tension easing and the closeness and comfort with each other developing. I gently stroked Rachel's thigh with my fingertips and she responded with delicate little mews of appreciation. I kissed her head, taking in the smell of her youthfulness and cleanliness. In the midst of this, the buzzer sounded as the Chinese had arrived. I gave Rachel some notes from my wallet, and she went to the door. She returned with the bag of food and skipped past me towards the kitchen, "Grub up!"I followed her this time, my eyes glued to her bare back, knowing this time that I would enjoy this girl, that she wanted me too. She placed the bag on the surface and turned to get some warm plates from on top of the Aga. As she turned I was there in front of her, and decided to delay no longer. Her eyes suggested she knew my intention. I reached out and took her head in my hands, my fingers intertwining with her silky soft hair, probably messing up the style. I pulled her to me and closed my eyes, kissing her lips gently. Slowly, softly, gently I kissed her, and she kissed me back, slowly opening her mouth. Her lips were soft and moist and I was in heaven. Gradually our kiss became more urgent, her hands moving from my shoulders and encircling my waist. After what seemed like an eternity, we gently broke, and smiled at each other. "Shall we eat?" Rachel asked. I wasn't sure if it was a rhetorical question or not, but we let go of each other and served up the food, taking back into the living room to watch the remainder of the movie.We ate and watched and cuddled some, but neither of us spoke for quite some time. After a while I decided to clear away the plates and left Rachel watching the movie. I grabbed the wine whilst I was in the kitchen and went back to the lounge to top up our glasses."Are you trying to get me drunk?" She asked, coquettishly."Will I need to?" was my instinctive and slightly bold answer."Need to for what?"Her attention was now completely focussed on me, the movie seemingly forgotten. Not for the first time I was stuck for words, but as ever Rachel came to my assistance."Are you planning to have your way with me?" She smiled as she teased me,"Sweetheart, I have nothing planned but just enjoying every moment of this. It's such a perfect evening."She suddenly looked a little serious and vulnerable, "I'm still a virgin, and you'll have to be very gentle." Her eyes lifted from the floor and looked into mine, she was gently relinquishing the control she had held over me for so long. Suddenly it was SHE who was in uncharted territory.I hadn't anticipated this moment; I had dreamt of it many times but never allowed myself the luxury of believing it would come true. Now I was stuck between the opportunity to fulfill a dream with the most perfect, most beautiful girl on the planet AND face prison for it, or I could walk away. There was no competition.She stood up and pointed the remote at the TV, the image disappeared and the room fell slightly darker, just the roaring, crackling fire behind Rachel now lit us. Without hesitation, she slipped the halter neck of the glorious dress over her head and slid her hands down her body to push the material from her hips. The dress fell into an inelegant heap at her feet. Next she removed the clip in her hair and let it fall across her shoulders. Finally she slipped of the tiny white silk bikini panties she was wearing and stood in front of me, complete.I can't begin to describe the sensations I felt at that moment, but I imagine you can work at least some of them out for yourself. What I can describe, as best as mere words will allow is what I saw before me in the flickering light. Her deep dark silky hair fell in waves around her face and shoulders, catching the light and bouncing with every movement. Her eyes, large and round and dark, framed by long black lashes, blinking with insecurity at this moment, not sure of her own actions or what to expect in my reactions. Closer up those dark freckles on her olive cheeks highlighted her youth and innocence, yet deepened her beauty. Her lips, unadorned with paint, were full and luscious, the bottom one bitten between her perfect white teeth. Her hands were clasped firmly behind her back and one knee was bent slightly in front of the other, painting an innocent yet seductive picture. Rachel's skin was, is something to behold. It is tanned, olive, and smooth as a pebble and with a silky sheen. Her breasts were small but perfectly formed, falling firmly from her shoulder line to small, wrinkly, tight brown nipples and curving back underneath to her chest. Somewhere between an A and B-cup I'd guess, but just perfect. Beneath her breasts, the soft smooth skin led to a divine belly; vertically flat from her pubis to her ribs, her belly was toned and tight and firm. Shadows gave hint of the muscles in her belly leading v-shaped to the prize below. Her legs were long and slim, the muscles in her thigh defining thigh from butt cheek. As she turned to display herself to me, I saw that wonderful bottom, tight and toned, hips just hinting at womanliness, but with narrow hips and tight round buns still awfully boyish. She completed her spin, and I allowed myself to look upon her, that magical V, her mons pubis plump and naturally bald giving way to a small patch of short thick black hair just above her slit.She came for me, and took me by the hand, leading back to the sofa silently. She straddled me gently and slowly began to unbutton my shirt, occasionally kissing softly while she did. For the first time I laid my hands on that incredible backside, enjoying the firmness and the feeling of playing with a 14 year old girls beautiful rear.When she had unbuttoned my shirt she peeled it off me and stood up. She slowly put it on herself, leaving the buttons undone. The white of my shirt against her bronzed flesh was incredible, the eroticism of her wearing my clothes indescribable. She suggested me go upstairs, and I followed, hypnotised by the moment. She led me to her bedroom, a huge room with a big strong oak bed, made up with plump Egyptian cotton bedding. In the corner of the room a door led to the ensuite, a big wet room tiled totally in dark blue slate, and with a glass screen separating the basin from a large shower area. Rachel finished undressing me so tenderly and then walked into the steaming shower still wearing my shirt. I followed, mesmerised by the sight of her through the wet translucent fabric.She soaped me and gently washed me all over with a large natural sponge. The feeling was incredible as she occasionally brushed against me with her breasts or hips. I was as hard as a rock, but she saved that till last, going down on her knees and gently washing my balls then my cock with the sponge – her mouth just inches away.When she had finished, Rachel pulled my shirt from her shoulders and let it drop, passing me the sponge she then turned her back and pressed her hands high up against the wall, allowing me unfettered access to her wet, nubile, firm, young body.I followed her lead, and soaped her all over, starting with her neck and working down her back. When I reached her ass, I took my time, being gentle and slow, then slowly worked down to her thighs, allowing myself the pleasure of stroking her innermost thigh with the sponge so slowly, and ensuring I occasionally glanced across her labia.After her legs were done, i turned her round and kissed her on the lips, then dropped to my knees and started from her feet, working upwards this time. When I reached her pussy I was so gentle as almost to tickle, and then worked upwards again, past her belly and up to those delightful pubescent breasts. I lingered here, and casually dropped the sponge, allowing my hands to circle around the soapy flesh, feeling her nipples tighten into taut little bullets. She kissed me and my hands wrapped around her, pulling her close to me, and pressing my hard cock into her belly.We rinsed down in the steaming hot water and then stepped out to the bedroom with huge white fluffy towels. Rachel skipped playfully across the room and turned out the big light, leaving just a small lamp on and setting the mood. Then she came back and started to dry me, herself wrapped up to the armpits in her towel. It was a lovely moment, sensitive, intimate, beautiful. She tickled me and I returned the favour and we giggled and played in each others' arms. We were dry now, and lying naked on her bed, in each other's arms. Clearly the time had come, and Rachel looked at me square in the eyes and said, "Make love to me, [P]!"I leaned across and kissed her tenderly, allowing her tongue into my mouth. I touched her with my fingertips, feeling the Goosebumps rise as I did so. I tickled her arm, then the side of her chest, that lovely flat, firm belly and gently cupped her breast in my hand. I kissed down her chin, her neck and slowly worked my way down to the breast I was gently kneading with me hand. Rachel gasped as I kissed her hard nipple and sucked it into my mouth. I made circles around it with my tongue, lightly flicking the tip and blowing on the wetness gently, making the hard nipple even more so. She arched back her head, and I followed by kisses down her belly.I took time, intending to savour every moment, kissing, touching, tickling and blowing. Eventually I reached her young pussy, and manoeuvred my way between her legs. I kissed and toyed with her inner thighs, getting gradually closer and taking in that honeydew aroma. I licked her mons and her hips bucked unwillingly; slowly, gradually and gently I reached that pure bald cleft, I let my tongue open her, which wasn't awfully difficult as she was a wet as I was hard. I sealed my lips around her pussy, French kissing her whole pussy while my tongue sought out her little clit. I varied between fast and slow, hard and soft, occasional stopping with my tongue to just kiss all over her pussy, occasionally pushing my tongue into her virgin hole. As the tempo increased, Rachel leaned down and grabbed my hair with one hand; holding me in place, demonstrating her approval, and showing clearly with each firm grip what she liked the most. It wasn't long before I heard her whimper, and felt her muscles tighten. Her back arched, her pussy pushed into my mouth and she came for me, her juices in my mouth.I didn't move, but continued to kiss gently around her thighs and mons, occasionally darting my tongue softly over her clit – each time I did she tensed uncontrollably. I started to climb as if to mount her, but she got up, smiling sweetly at me and using her hands on my shoulders to lay me down. Then she knelt at my knees and bent to take my cock in her mouth. She licked me all over; looking up at me with those big eyes as she did, then she took me in her mouth, bobbing her head almost painfully slowly up and down my cock. When I was wet all over, she came closer, straddling me with that fit body. She held me cock and placed it in her virgin pussy, and slowly began to fuck me. Inch by inch, moment by moment we progressed until I was deep inside her. She whimpered that sexy little noise throughout, occasionally shivering with the first pleasure, or with a twinge of pain. Her face was serious, eyes closed, mouth partly open.There was no Eureka moment, no noticeable breaking of her hymen, just tender, sweet love-making, and a tight, tight pussy. We took our time, and over the next ten minutes made love in this position. Slowly, sensually, kissing and caressing throughout. As I began to reach climax I realised that I had taken no protection (what could I do) and began to ask her what she wanted to do. I barely had got my mouth open to ask before she put a finger to my lips, sat up astride my cock, and smiled sweetly and smugly as she fucked me slowly to orgasm. It was the best of my life, and I swear I fell in love at that moment. My life changed irrevocably. We made love two more times that night, catching sleep as it came. We woke wrapped in each other's arms, only half under the covers. Rachel got up for a shower, thinking I was asleep. I watched her walk naked across the room, amazed that even for this short time that she was mine, and stunned by the beauty of this nymph. I waited for the water to start, and then followed her into the shower. I'm sure you can imagine how the rest of the day went before I had to leave at lunch.Rachel and I didn't finish there, but things have been awfully difficult.I'd appreciate feedback!*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 56
My name is John and my wife Kelly and we've have been married for about 5 years (I'm 27 and she's 25) and we enjoy a pretty active and varied sex life. We like to take pictures and videos of ourselves while having sex and on occasion, we also like to use various toys. We have a pretty good collection of toys consisting of about 10 dildos/vibrators that vary in size from a small finger sized vibrator to a giant 18" black rubber dildo with a suction cup on the base. I am open enough that I like to use these toys as much as my wife does. Well, this story is about me, my wife, and a girl friend of hers. Jennifer is 24 and is really good looking. She's not married, but has a boyfriend that she's been seeing for about a year. Lately, she and her boyfriend Jeff have been having some trouble, the details of which I don't know, but she often calls Kelly crying after her and Jeff have had a fight. Jennifer, like Kelly, is very sexual and open. She has seen our pictures and toys and, although we have never done it before, Kelly and I have talked about trying to get Jennifer to join us for a threesome. We both think she is open enough to consider it, but Kelly says that the time has never been right to actually ask Jennifer about it. A few weeks ago, Jennifer called after fighting with Jeff and told Kelly she wanted to go out bar hopping to forget about her troubles. Kelly also told me that Jennifer was thinking about leaving Jeff. I thought that that sounded like good news for us. I told Kelly that she should try to steer their conversation towards sex during their night out and kind of feel Jennifer out about a threesome if she could. She thought this was a good opportunity too.Kelly got ready and came down just as Jennifer rang the doorbell. She looked great in a short skirt, tank top, black stockings with garter, and high heels. Before she opened the door, she lifted her skirt to show me that she wasn't wearing any underwear. I'm not one for the bar scene, so I rarely go out with her and it doesn't bother me what she wears or even if she flirts and dances with other guys. Jennifer and Kelly dress a lot alike when they go out and tonight was no different. Jennifer was wearing a short, loose fitting skirt, spaghetti-strap top, and high heels. They both looked very hot which caused me to start to get a hard-on, something that I think Jennifer noticed cause I was wearing an old pair of thin, somewhat tight sweat cutoffs with no underwear and she looked at my lap and then up at me and grinned. I like wearing these shorts just for that reason.Well, they didn't stay long and I was soon alone so I decided to spend the night in front of the computer. I like to read sex stories and chat with women when I'm home alone on the weekends. I hook the video camera up to the computer and sometimes cuseeme with women. I have a number of online women friends I talk to and flirt with on a regular basis. It was about 11:30 pm when Kelly called and said they were on the way home. She said that Jennifer had drank a bit too much and she was having to practically carry her to the cab. They had also seen Jennifer's boyfriend there and since she was still pissed at him she wanted to go. Kelly gets very horny when she drinks so I knew I was in for some hot sex when she got home and doing it with a guest in the house made it even more exciting. At about midnight they stumbled in and I could tell they were both pretty well wasted. I was on the couch drinking some margaritas and watching TV at this point and got up to help them in. Jennifer was worse off than Kelly, so I held Jennifer's arm to help her to the couch. When we got in front of the couch she fell down on the couch taking me with her. Trying to break her fall, she put her hand right on my cock. She didn't seem to notice, but I swear she squeezed my cock a little bit, which caused me to start getting hard. I got up and sat back down in a chair while they sat on the couch saying that they wanted to stay up for a little bit and watch TV. After a few minutes, Kelly said she was going to get into her night shirt. When she got up, Jennifer asked if she had one she could wear. Kelly said she did and said she would bring it to her.I thought they were going to change right there in the living room, but when Kelly got back, she handed Jennifer a long shirt and said she could change in the bathroom. Kelly helped her to the bathroom and closed the door. She then started to undress there in the living room and when she had everything off but her stockings, garter belt, and high heels, she grinned and walked over and stood in front of me. I sat up and smiled at her, then I took my hand and started to caress her smooth cunt mound. She spread her feet apart some to allow me easier access as I slowly slid my fingers between her lips and found out she was soaking wet, so I started to fondle her hard little clit. Her eyes closed and her head fell back while I pumped two fingers in and out of her wet cunt while fingering her clit with my thumb. After a few minutes of this she was moaning louder and just about to cum when we heard the door to the bathroom open, so I stopped. I looked her in the eyes and licked my hand clean, she pouted cause she was so close, but then grabbed her night shirt and pulled it on. Jennifer walked in just as Kelly had got herself covered up. Jennifer smiled, sniffed at the air, and said it smelled like she had interrupted something. I leaned back in my chair and Kelly finished removing her stockings, garter, and high heels.Kelly went to the bathroom to clean up a bit (and probably finish herself off) while I went into the kitchen to make some more margaritas. After making a pitcher of margaritas I got a interesting idea. I took the pitcher in one hand, pulled out my semi-hard cock, and slowly stuck my cock into freezing mixture. Of course, it was too cold to keep my cock in it for too long, so I pulled out quickly and wiped my now shrunken cock of with a towel. Just as I put my cock back into my shorts, Jennifer walked in. I thought, "oh shit!" I hope she didn't see what I had done. Luckily, she didn't seem to react as though she had. I was thinking about jerking off into the mixture, good thing I didn't, she would have seen that for sure. Anyway, Jennifer said she had come in to help get the drinks. So I made three glasses and Jennifer and I carried them in to the living room where Kelly was sitting on the couch. I sat back down in the chair and Jennifer sat next to Kelly and handed her drink to her. We have a pretty good selection of movies so we decided to watch Aliens. After about thirty minutes, we were all on our second margarita when I noticed the girls had drifted off. Jennifer was leaning back with her legs up on the couch and spread apart slightly. I could see that her shirt was just barely covering her butt and during bright parts of the movie I could see up her shirt enough to notice that she didn't seem to be wearing any panties. I got up and shook Kelly to wake her. Then I whispered to her that Jennifer was asleep and asked if she wanted to give me a blowjob there in front of her. Kelly grinned at me and nodded. I slid my shorts off and sat back down while Kelly kneeled in front of me. Kelly grasped my cock and started to lick and suck my balls. I spread my legs over the arms of the chair to give her better access to the area under my balls and my ass, which I love to have licked. She was pumping my cock up and down while licking and tonguing my asshole, causing me to breathe harder. I tried to keep quite so I wouldn't wake Jennifer. As Kelly took my cock in her mouth I watched Jennifer in case she woke up. She bobbed up and down on my cock for a few minutes when I got an idea. I stopped her and asked her if she wanted to see how heavy a sleeper Jennifer was, especially with all the alcohol in her system. She said she thought that was a great idea. Kelly got off her knees and sat back down beside Jennifer on the couch. She started by gently resting her hand on Jennifer's leg. When Jennifer didn't seem to notice, Kelly started to slowly rub her leg, moving her hand towards Jennifer's upper thigh. She then gently pushed the bottom of Jennifer's shirt up to her hips. The shirt was baggy enough that she could do this without pulling on the shirt. Kelly kept watching Jennifer's face for any signs of her waking, but seemed to be out cold. When Jennifer's pussy was exposed, Kelly looked over at me and grinned, noticing that I was slowly jerking off while watching. We both saw that Jennifer also shaved all her pubic hair and since there didn't seem to be any stubble, I figured she had just shaved today. Kelly then slowly spread Jennifer's legs a little further apart. Jennifer was now leaning back on the couch with her legs spread, her shirt up around her waist, and her bald pussy exposed. I got up and mouthed that I'd be right back. I went to our bedroom and got some toys; a small 5" vibrator, a big 11" vibrator with small bumps all over it, a 5" vibrating butt plug, a strap-on with a 9" dildo, and some KY. When I got back to the living room, Kelly saw what I had and smirked. I put the toys and the KY on the floor in front of the couch where she could get them easily, but also where she could just push them under the couch in a hurry if she needed to. I sat back down and continued to watch my wife play with her sleeping friend. Kelly licked one of her fingers, gently placed it in Jennifer's slit and started to gently rub her finger up and down Jennifer's slit. As she slowly circled Jennifer's clit with her finger, I noticed her other hand was between her own legs. I could tell that Jennifer was breathing hard now, but she was still dead to the world. Kelly started to put two of her fingers in Jennifer's pussy while rubbing her clit with her thumb. I couldn't believe that Jennifer was sleeping through this, thank god I made those margaritas so strong. Jennifer was also starting to move her hips a little and make small moaning sounds. This encouraged Kelly to pump her fingers in and out of Jennifer faster. Jennifer was breathing harder and making small whimpering noises, she really seemed to be enjoying Kelly's fingers even though she was asleep. After a few minutes, Kelly pulled her fingers out of Jennifer's pussy, they were glistening with Jennifer's juices. Kelly sniffed at her fingers a little, looked at me with a little grin, and then licked and sucked her fingers clean. Kelly got up and then knelt on the floor in front of Jennifer. She looked at me and patted the spot on the couch next to Jennifer where she had just been sitting. I got up and went to sit down on next to Jennifer, while Kelly proceeded to spread Jennifer's pussy lips and gently began to tongue her clit. I pumped up and down on my cock while watching my wife taste her first pussy. Kelly was fingering herself while she licked and sucked Jennifer's clit and pussy. After just a minute or so, I could see Kelly shutter and I knew she had just cum. Meanwhile, Jennifer looked like she was also getting close. I didn't know if she could cum while sleeping or not, but she was breathing hard and moving her hips as Kelly licked and sucked her. Suddenly, Jennifer sucked in her breath and went still. Knowing she was cumming, Kelly kept licking and sucking until Jennifer stopped moving altogether. Kelly stopped and got up to come to me and kiss me with Jennifer's delicious juices still in and around her mouth. She then bent down in front of me and sucked my cock a few times before getting up and getting the 5" vibrator on the floor. Then she kneeled in front of Jennifer, turned on the vibrator, and started rubbing it over Jennifer's clit. I got up and walked around to the end of the couch where Jennifer's mouth was. I rubbed the head of my cock on her lips while pushing trying to get her to open her mouth. Just then, Kelly pushed the vibrator into Jennifer's pussy and started to fuck her with it. This caused Jennifer to gasp a bit and open her mouth. I took the opportunity to push the head of my cock in to her mouth. With my cock head in her mouth I started to push in little by little. Now I'm not huge, but I'm at least average, about 7" and with a good thickness. So I started to slowly fuck her mouth, going deeper with each thrust until I there was just a couple of inches left. I didn't want to put too much in fearing that I would choke her and wake her up. Kelly was getting close to another orgasm by fingering herself while fucking Jennifer with the vibrator. She stopped fingering herself and watched me fuck Jennifer's mouth while she licked her own fingers clean, then she picked up the larger studded vibrator and lubricated it a little by licking it all over. Then she turn it on and started rubbing her wet slit with it, slowly working it in and out of her hot pussy. She started fucking Jennifer at the same pace she was fucking herself and after a few minutes she started to cum again. This time she moaned pretty load and shuddered while cumming hard. Seeing this sent me over the edge and I pulled out of Jennifer's mouth thinking that if I came in her mouth, that that would wake her for sure. After pulling out of her mouth, I moved over so the tip of my cock was pointing towards Jennifer's wet pussy while Kelly continued to fuck her with the vibrator. I fisted my cock faster and faster and after a few more seconds, erupted what seemed like a pint of cum all over Jennifer's cunt and belly. Kelly held her legs together keeping the studded vibrator buried in her cunt, while using her free hand to rub my cum in Jennifer's skin and her clit. When I was done cumming, Kelly pulled the vibrators out and set them on the floor. She then reached for the strap-on and I knew what she wanted to do next.I went back to sit next to Jennifer on the couch while Kelly put the strap-on on herself. This strap-on has a 6" dildo on the inside to pleasure whoever is wearing it and an 9" dildo on the outside for the one they are fucking. She kneeled in front of Jennifer's spread legs and took some of the KY and rubbed it on the 6" dildo that was on the inside of the strap-on and the 9" dildo that was attached to the outside of it. She pushed the 6" dildo inside herself and then started to rub the tip of the 9" dildo along Jennifer's slick cunt. Kelly then started to slowly push the head of the dildo in and out of Jennifer's pussy. After a minute or so, Kelly was fucking Jennifer with all 9" of the dildo. She held Jennifer's legs up with her knees spread apart while she started fucking her faster and faster. Watching this I started to get hard again, I couldn't believe Jennifer wasn't waking up, but thank god she wasn't. As Kelly was fucking Jennifer, I reached over and started to rub Jennifer's hard clit while starting to stroke my hard cock again. Jennifer started to respond again by moving her hips and moaning and biting her lip. After a minute of this I decided to finish what I had started before, so I got up and when in front of Jennifer's face. I rubbed the head of my cock against her lips again and this time they parted easily, seeming to want my cock inside her mouth again. I pushed almost all of my 7" into her mouth and started fucking her warm, wet mouth harder and deeper. My balls were soon slapping against her face as I somehow pushed past her throat with the tip of my cock. Noticing that she didn't gag or wake up, I held the back of head with my hands and started fucking her face really hard. Kelly saw that I was fucking her friend's face hard and also started fucking her harder with 9" dildo attached to the strap-on. I grabbed Jennifer's knees from Kelly and pulled them back even more, spreading Jennifer's bald pussy lips even further allowing Kelly to fuck her even deeper. Kelly was really fucking Jennifer hard when she pushed her shirt up to her neck, revealing Jennifer's tits. Kelly started to rub Jennifer's tits and pinching her nipples, when she leaned over and started to lick and suck them. Kelly stopped and looked up at me and said, "Jennifer has told me a number of times that she really likes her nipples sucked and bitten... she also told me about something else she like a lot." Kelly then grinned at me and lifted one of her legs and put her foot on the couch next to Jennifer's leg, straddling her legs between Jennifer's. Kelly then reached down and grabbed the 5" vibrator and sucked it into her mouth to make sure it was clean. Then she took the vibrator and reached under herself between their legs and slowly started to push it into Jennifer's ass. Well this blew me away, here I was fucking face of an unconscious woman while my wife fucked her with a strap-on and now she was starting to fuck her ass with a vibrator. I was getting very close and I could tell that not only was Kelly getting close to cumming too, but the unconscious Jennifer seemed to also getting close to cumming for a third time, and she was STILL passed out. Kelly closed her eyes and was starting to cum again while she fucked her friend while also fucking her friend's ass with a vibrator. I held Jennifer's legs far apart while I fucked her mouth so hard and deep I couldn't believe she was still breathing, but at this point, I don't think I cared if she was, so long as I came in her hot, wet mouth. Kelly started moaning louder signaling that she was close to cumming. Jennifer, although still dead to the world, was also moaning and thrusting her hips to fuck my wife back, while I was fucking her face harder and harder. Kelly and I both started fucking harder and harder, approaching our orgasms. We looked into each other's eyes as we pumped our cocks into Jennifer. We both started to cum as we fucked Jennifer, Kelly her cunt and I her mouth. Kelly screamed that she was cumming as I pushed as far as I could into Jennifer's mouth, unloading what seemed like a pint of cum directly into her throat. Kelly thrust into her a few more times as did I, draining my balls of their semen into Jennifer's stomach. As Kelly and I both came, we watched Jennifer's body as she too came, arching her back and then freezing. Jennifer moaned around my cumming cock and then fell silent and still.Kelly and I looked at each other in disbelief, both of us not believing that Jennifer had endured so much without waking, but she just laid there as Kelly pulled the 9" dildo out of her wet, stretched cunt and I pulled my softening penis out of her mouth. As soon as I pulled out of her mouth, Jennifer seemed to swallow and suck a little more, getting all the cum she could out of her mouth and throat. She even had a little smile on her face, seemingly content with what I had just fed her. Kelly fell back on her butt on the floor, exhausted. She looked up and me and grinned. I walked over to her and gave her a long, deep kiss, and then bent down and cleaned off the 9" dildo sticking out in front of her. She got up and removed the strap-on and threw all the toys on the ground and then pushed then under the couch with her foot. She then pulled Jennifer's shirt back down and covered her with a blanket, letting her sleep on the couch with a slight smile on her face. I turned off the TV and Kelly and I went to our bedroom to get some sleep.THE END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 68
We've come home from the Caribbean after a week of great sexual explorations that help us to discover the intense erotic needs that we both have hidden away too long. You had to go back to work today, but I have one more day off. So I'm unpacking my suitcase and I come across the satin panties that I was wearing that dark night a week ago. They haven't been washed, and I know that they carry the scent of my excitement. Just thinking about it gets my juices flowing, but I keep myself from reaching down to touch myself. All I'm wearing is a long nightgown... nothing else. I'm enjoying teasing myself with just these shivering thoughts and the feel of the fabric rubbing over my nipples.Now I've just finished doing the laundry left over from the trip. It has evoked so many sexy memories of all the crazy things we did last week. Each piece of clothing I touch is whispering secret stories into my ears. My whole body is getting charged up and alive.Ironing is normally such a drag, but I get out the ironing board. And that's when I hear a knock on the door to my apartment. It's you! A computer failure at the office gave you the rest of the day off. And right away, you can tell from the look in my eyes what it is that I have in mind. As if I wasn't obvious enough, I slowly lick my lips. I can almost hear your mind churning; you're looking around the apartment looking for a prop to use for a new sexual adventure. Whatever it is, I know that it will be good.Your gaze settles on the ironing board. What do you have in mind, I wonder. You turn me around and gently guide me over to the narrow end of the board. I hear you pull down the zipper of your trousers, and then the rustle of your pants dropping to the floor. Then you reach around me to pull off the ironing board cover, leaving only the vinyl protector. Grasping the gown at my waist, you inch the material upward gradually until I feel the room air on my rear and on my cunt hair, which is soaking wet. It feels so cool; it makes me shiver. I can't help but clench the muscles of my cunt, which squeezes out more of my vaginal fluid. Your hands rise up my sides, knuckles bumping along my ribs, lightly tickling, bringing a giggle to my lips. As your hands reach my armpits, I raise my arms, and you lift the nightgown all the way up and off. I leave my arms straight up in the air, and you toss the gown aside and cup my breasts, gently pumping, fingers straddling my nipples You push me forwards with your hips... actually, it is your semi-hard cock that probes at my ass and pushes me forward.The blunt end of the ironing board bumps into my cunt, and I can't help but to push my mons against the cool vinyl. Even through my thick labia, I can feel the pressure against my enclosed clitoris. Mmmmm.You step back from me and I turn my head to watch you strip off your clothes. I'm sure I know what's coming. You are going to bend me forward and plunge your cock into my cunt. I'm picturing it and anticipating it, wondering if you are going to tease me by slowly going in, a quarter inch at a time, or are you going to push into me all in one stroke? I know that I'm wet enough for you to do that easily if I concentrate on loosening all my cunt muscles. I slowly wiggle and shimmy my ass at you, and wink with my eye. If you could see my crotch right now, you would probably see it winking, too.But instead of accepting my wanton invitation, you start walking away across the room. What do you have in mind? Into the dining room you go, and then you come back with a couple of dining chairs. You place one just beside my right foot, and one beside the left. What on earth!! On your instructions, I step on to the chairs, with my legs spread. Then you step up behind me and lay your cock straight out onto the tip of the ironing board, which is at the perfect height. I can look straight down between my breasts and below my sparse and matted cunt hair to see your cock, which is drooling onto the vinyl. That is all I can see of you without turning around. Your hands grab my waist and gently pull me down, and down. I lean forward and grip the sides of the board, and then settle down the last few inches so that my cunt opens wide and my labia part around the length of your shaft. I now can see only the head of your cock. Your hands come up to my breasts and tweak my nipples, and I can't stop myself any longer. I quickly discover that I can move forward and back and rub my clit over the length of your cock. Your pre-cum is mixing with my flowing juices, and there is plenty of lubrication. My labia are literally swallowing your cock, licking the sides like dual tongues. And best of all for me is the feeling that I get as my clit pops over the raised edge of the crown of your cock. It's like you were licking me and I was licking you at the same time. I'm glad that I bought this heavily-built ironing board, because I'm really starting to rock back and forth faster and harder. I can hear your encouraging whispers and grunts, and I'm gasping and panting too. My long blond hair hangs straight down and I start whipping it around as my head dances. You remain perfectly still as I caress your cock. I don't know how you have the discipline. My own body is thrashing and pistoning with no way that I can control it. I'm going to have my orgasm now, and you can sense it, I'm sure, since you tell me that you too are about to come. And there it is. I stop pistoning and start vibrating and squeezing my thighs together rhythmically. Looking down between my breasts, as my eyelids flutter, I can see the jets of your come spurting forward along the ironing board. Fireworks are going off in my head, and more of my juices are flowing down onto your cock. I loose my ability to stand on my legs and fall forward onto the ironing board and your pools of cum. I'm so exhausted and satisfied. It's too much for me, and I loose consciousness, falling into a sleep that I know will be as filled with erotic dreams as my cunt will be filled with your rejuvenated cock later today. I hope your post-orgasmic nap is as sweet as mine. END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 63
I lie completely naked on a chaise lounge with my legs spread wide apart and raised in the air to give my 16-year old son a good view of my sexually aroused pussy glistening with moisture.At the same time, my daughter's 15-year old boy friend stands over my head with his wonderful youthful cock in his hand, jerking himself off and rubbing his cock all over my face as he does so.My son holds my legs up with one hand while excitedly jamming the fist of his other hand up and down his beautiful erect teenaged cock. Inserting my pretty feet into his mouth, he starts to suck on my red polished toes and lick the soles of my feet. His tongue darts between my long, sexy toes, across my instep to my ankles and heels, and wetly slithers across the soles of my feet.I place my hands between my naked thighs and spread my cunt lips wide apart, knowing this will sexually excite the three of us even more. My daughter's boy friend is getting ready to cum and I want my son to see the handsome young boy shoot his hot sperm all over my face. I start to masturbate and know I will cum quickly from the licentious carnal pleasures and sensations I am feeling from this incredibly wicked lascivious scene.Aroused beyond belief by this lurid act of simultaneous sexual intercourse with my own handsome son and my daughter's boy friend, my heightened sexual passion leads me to spread my ass-cheeks wide apart. My son can now see my ass-hole as well as my lewdly gaping cunt.With two of my fingers now plunging in and out of my cunt, I insert two fingers of my other hand into my ass-hole. When the two boys see me remove my slick fingers from my ass-hole and put them in my mouth and start licking them off, they both start to cum. My daughter's boy friend's cock shoots torrents of hot, steamy cum all over my face and into my eagerly awaiting mouth.My son, who is still sucking and licking my saliva slicked toes and feet, starts to shoot his load of hot cum onto my thighs, belly, and breasts. Needless to say, as this delicious shower of teenage semen inundates me, I too start to cum. I quickly pull my son down between my legs so his wonderful spurting cock can feel the blissfully pleasurable spasms of his mother's rapidly contracting cunt before he gets soft.My son's cock is now fucking me in my cunt and I can feel his cum-laden balls slapping against my ass as they continue to force endless gobs of sperm deep into my womb. At the same time that he and I are sharing this exquisite incestuous orgasm.I take my daughter's boy friend's still stiff cock into mouth in order to swallow the rest of the cum that he is still ejaculating. I continue to cum as both my cunt and mouth fill to overflowing with the outpouring of these two beautiful cocks.Meanwhile, in an upstairs bedroom looking down at this lewd and wicked spectacle, are my naked 14-year old daughter and the equally naked father of her boy friend.As they stand at the window, looking down at the three of us, the older man fucks my pretty daughter from behind, his very long and thick erect penis burrowed deeply between her beautiful young buttocks, plunging in and out of her very aroused and wantonly inflamed young cunt.With his hands gently but erotically massaging her still developing breasts and squeezing her erect nipples, she can feel the older man's enormous cock rub delightfully against her very sensitive ass-hole as it slowly slides in and out of her cunt. It is turning her on to watch her happily married mother so lewdly getting fucked by her handsome brother and her very own boy friend. And it is giving her great carnal pleasure to be fucked by this very attractive and virile older man who is her boy friend's father.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 21
"Gee, do you really think we'll get in?" asked Cari a bit nervously. After all, she and her friend had only just turned fifteen a few days ago and twenty-one was the absolute youngest legal age for admittance to a registered cum bar according to the latest writ of the Council of Virgins' Law-creed. Briefly the girls had discussed trying to slip into a non-registered bar, but popular rumor was you could never tell what you might be served in one of those places."Sure," said Gail, tossing her healthy sheaf of long blonde curls, her blue eyes flashing. "Aunt Jennifer said these fake ID's should work fine, just as long as we used a bit more makeup than usual. And you padded that bra of yours a little," she added with a taunting giggle.Gail herself of course had not needed any extra padding upstairs. The dark-haired beauty looked every inch a woman of twenty-one or even older. It was Cari who looked no more than her fifteen years. The long-awaited blooming of her small breasts had only begun over the past six months or so, and even now amounted to no more than peach-sized swellings, their summits capped with ripe pink cherry nipples that ached deliciously when Cari "exercised" them in bed each night before sleep, an exercise that unfailingly led to a brisk session of exercise farther down in another portion of her trim young body before sleep as well."Here we go," hissed Gail as the two approached the double-doored entrance to the establishment named "Sonya's Cream Palace" on the glittering sign set high above. "C. of V. c-club license # 23608" was imprinted on the mounted certificate lower down and to the right.First Gail and then Cari flashed their ID's and sweated out the long seconds as the greeter girl examined them closely. There was an breathless pause as the g-girl glanced up from the celluloid covered cards and into the desperately calmed faces of the two young women who had presented them.Cari felt her heart stop as the g-girl shifted her eyes from Gail's to her own. The g-girl pursed her white-lipsticked lips (the color all greeters at c-clubs wore) and seemed to consider a moment. Somehow Cari knew she and Gail were dead, found out. Her mothers would kill them both, simply kill them. They'd be grounded for life, lucky to get out of their domes even when they did turn twenty-one.Her mom might even take away her vibration! This idea was particularly scary to the young girl. Despite all the talk in the media about teenage girls becoming hooked on the electronic devices, her mom had let Cari keep hers so far, although she had extracted her daughter's promise to keep her use of the thrilling banana-shaped toy at an absolute minimum, something Cari had found it far from easy to do. She'd learned lately to cover her head with her quilt and even two pillows when she slipped in an extra late-night session. It was the only way to keep her sharp little screams of pleasure from being heard throughout the dome and cluing her mother to her above normal use of the thing.But, god, what if her mom took her toy away entirely? Her passionate young body might burst without its accustomed method of release!Cari felt like crying, she was so afraid, as the seconds of the g-girl's silent scrutiny drew on and on.Finally, the woman looked about her, as if checking to see if anyone was close enough to the three to overhear what she was considering saying. Then she leaned down close to the girls and whispered between barely parted cream-colored lips. "Go on in," she said. "THIS time," she added. "But don't you girls ever come back here again. Not until you're REALLY twenty-one."Cari stood open-mouthed in shock. Gail grabbed her arm and pulled her quickly through the now open doorway and into the darkened c-bar.If it hadn't been for Gail, Cari remembered afterwards, she herself would never have gotten through the events of the next few minutes. Even with all the examples occurring all around her in the warm, dark, womblike bar to show her how things worked here, she would never have gotten up enough nerve to finally take things "in hand" without her friend there to prod her.Through the synth-smoke filled interior Cari could make out only dim indistinct shapes apart from the strobe-lit action on the huge dance floor. Fashionably dressed young women twirled there on the meters-wide polished steel circle in couples and triples, moving in complete and frantic abandon, as if under the stimulating effects of one of the Old World drugs of the early 1990's.Cari noticed several groups of females nuzzling each other intimately in mid dance. Gail must have noticed this blatant lesbian activity as well because she nudged an elbow softly into Cari's side, pointed to these dancers and grinned.Cari and her friend had been experimenting with some girl-on-girl play of their own of late at Gail's instigation. Nothing serious, Cari insisted to herself, just a little necking and almost innocent groping, though their last session, in Gail's bedroom when her parents had been out for the evening, had led to one actual orgasm for each of the girls at the hands of the other.Gail had screamed out at hers, and Cari had herself been unable to hold back a peeling cry of ecstasy as her friend had finger flicked her little clitty over the edge.That had been Cari's very first climax at the hands of another. She still preferred the thrills she received from her vibration, though. She liked it better when she and Gail lay in one or the other's bed together and vibe'd off side by side. Cari supposed she was simply more into sex with males than with her own sister females, and she couldn't wait until she was finally of pairing age.At fifteen, Cari's age of consent and pairing was a long way off, and no matter how badly her developing young body might ache for mating, she'd just have to wait.But here, tonight, thanks to her Aunt Jennifer who well understood a young girl's yearning curiosity and awakening sexual hunger, Cari was approaching a crossroads of a similar kind. She was actually in a registered c-bar! And soon, very soon, she'd be taking a closer, though premature as far as the government was concerned, step toward her womanhood.Gail's voice startled her from her reveries. "Look, there's the bar, it's in there!" She pointed to a smoky blue blur at the far end of the big room and tugged Cari along with her off in that direction.As the two girls approached the details of the bar area became more distinct, until Cari felt a deep, sudden blush. Oh, my god, she thought to herself. It's really true!The bar itself was a gleaming length of golden yellow allow, nearly forty feet long, fronted by dozens of fixed position bar stools in a deep metallic blue. Light seemed to filter out from within the substance of bar and stools alike, though some additional illumination came from glowing fixtures set at intervals upon the long counter's surface. These fixtures were fashioned in the unmistakable likeness of an item of human anatomy Cari had never seen before other than in the text-disk illustrations she'd studied in the medical library at school.But what really made the cute little fifteen-year-old blush was what was molded to appear frothing up out of the rounded tip of each lamp. Milky white, rich looking, pearly eruptions, frozen in time in the artwork of the lamps, which pulsed there in the throbbing light of the bar.And beyond the bar, attended by the dozen or so near naked young female c-bartenders? Just as her Aunt Jennifer had said. Men. Naked men, naked and hairless. Bred hairless, Jennifer had told she and Gail. Men that had been bred and trained from birth by the government exclusively for their duties in the government run c-bars.Males bred for one purpose and one purpose alone. To provide their rich, thick male cream on demand for the nourishment and entertainment of females.Adult females, Cari thought suddenly, darting her eyes about her, looking fearfully to make certain she and her likewise underage friend had not been noticed as such. But everything appeared normal, or at least what passed for normal in a c-bar.At nearly all of the bar's blue metallic stools sat thirsty young woman. And before each of these women knelt handsome, naked men, erect and hairless penises jutting eagerly forward at the level of each young mouth. Aunt Jennifer had said that each male knelt upon a specially fitted platform imbedded in the counter's surface so that the offered sex could be adjusted by the nearest bartender to the level of each customer's mouth.What else had Jennifer said? She had told about the breeding program that selected the most prime males from the government's breeding pool, not for fertility in this case, but for taste, flavor, richness, consistency and output. Especially for output, she'd said. The finest c-bar males could spurt up to an ounce of their sweet semen, cream sweetened even beyond specially bred nature by special diets heavy on things like cinnamon and nutmeg and clove.Cari watched as a newly arrived young woman seated herself upon one of the few vacant barstools, fished her government debit card from the small male-skin pouch that hung about her neck and slipped the card into the slot in the bar before her. Buttons glowed there in response and the woman pushed several of them.She's placing her order, Cari realized, remembering her Aunt Jennifer's instructions. "Now, you girls don't run up my debit balance, you here? Just two drinks for each of you, okay?" "Yes, Aunt Jennifer," the two fifteen-year-olds had assured her. Just two drinks each. Two warm gushing drinks of sweet male honey, then they'll leave and come running back home early in case one of their mothers' happened to call to check up on them.The woman pushed a final button in the bar and a bartender appeared to deftly hand the woman an immaculate looking white silk napkin. The woman tucked the napkin into her lap and watched, along with a hugely wide-eyed Cari, as a male of the type the woman had selected rose up on a hydraulic lift from an opening in the bar and hushed to a stop with an as hugely erect, angry red penis jutting eagerly forward at the level of the woman's face.The bartender who had proffered the woman the silk napkin now used unseen buttons on her side of the bar to adjust the level of male penis against female mouth. The young female customer nodded when the position was satisfactory, and then, with switches of her own, caused the male figure to glide forward toward her until her open mouth had engulfed the rose-colored mushroom tip of the penis she would soon be drinking from.The male figure was naked, and he knelt proudly upright with hands bound together behind his back. Jennifer said that this was for the safety and convenience of the customers as orgasming males were sometime apt to lose control. As it was, each male would have been highly trained to restrain all but the tiniest involuntary movements, allowing their temporary female mistresses to have absolute control over when they would reach their ultimate release.The eyes of the fellated male were aimed forward, as were those of all the other males being suckled, and each looked upward at a slight angle as well; they were not permitted to look down into the faces of the young women who sucked and drank their essence. They were trained to remain as aloof and detached as possible from their pleasure, though at that instant, even above the loud, raucous throbbing of the music, Cari clearly made out the guttural, deep, animal grunt that she instinctively knew to be the barely suppressed cry of a male erupting forth his cream.Cari stood there frozen. She couldn't quite believe it, even while seeing it with her very own eyes. It was like a dream! She found herself licking her lips as she watched the woman draw the long, thick male penis deeply into her throat, something Aunt Jennifer had cautioned the girls not to try on this first visit.Once again it was her friend Gail who startled Cari from her wondering trance. "Come on!" said the girl. "Aunt Jennifer said what we want is all the way down to there on the left! Let's go!"Cari hardly felt the girl take her arm, as she was drawn along. What they wanted? Oh, yeah, now she remembered. The boys. The boys! Jennifer said that since the girls were limited to only two drinks a piece, they could go for what she called "the good stuff." Boys. Boys of Cari and Gail's own young age. Perhaps even a bit younger, Jennifer had said, "If it's a good night!"Time for young Cari seemed to flash past from this point on. One instant she and Gail were seated upon adjoining stools, Gail doing the business of inserting Jennifer's debit card and entering the access code she had given them. And then Cari was seeing the most incredible, wonderful, unimaginable sight she'd ever seen, a vision she'd remember the rest of her life. A gorgeously tanned, deliciously muscled, and beautifully naked male was floating up from the bar before. "Thirteen," the bar's readout display said. "Blonde hair, blue eyes."God, he was beautiful! Cari couldn't take her eyes away from him even for long enough to check out her friend Gail's selection as it rose into position a moment later.Eyes as blue as tropic ocean waters, hair as gold as sunlight, skin naked and honey-brown. Then Cari's eyes dropped to the real prize. Seven inches long, slender in its youth, the rod of erect male flesh stood out strong and stiff before her, throbbing delicately to the sweet beating of the boy's trembling heart.Cari's mouth absolutely watered! She was actually about to her first taste of male sex flesh for the first time in her young life. And not long after that, she'd be tasting sweet male cum-cream for the first time as well.Cari thrilled from the tip of her quivering fifteen-year-old clitoris to the tip of her trembling young tongue as she opened her mouth and dipped her face forward toward the throbbing male boy-cock before her.Yet another cry from her friend Gail beside her startled young Cari, but it was her own cry as she felt herself grabbed from behind as well that finally distracted her from the erect penis she had been just about to taste.She frantically looked around her. Police! Council Police! The girls had been discovered!With some difficulty, the two fifteen-year-olds were wrestled off through the laughing, applauding, and heckling bar crowd. They struggled as fiercely as if they had known what punishment awaited them.Which, of course, they did not. The girls' parents had thought their daughters much too young and innocent to even consider breaking one of the Council's morals regulations.So they're parents had not told them about the severe punishments such violations imposed.So, some time later that same night, the two young girls went unsuspecting along with their attendant guards down into the depths of the lower level of their city's Bureau of Enforcement building.But the girls fought fiercely once more when those guards began stripping them both naked, tearing clothing and panties away quickly, until they were but two wriggling things of flesh.They were then strapped down screaming, side by side, to adjoining vinyl padded tables.Then the electric wire clips were attached to pink young nipples, quivering pear-shaped girl-breasts shaking beneath. The butterfly lips of the girls' young womanhood were drawn aside, and clips nipped home to each of those as well.There were renewed screams as twin, banana-shaped metal probes were perfunctorily slid into place deeply up into the tender narrow passageway of the girls' tight young anuses, and pure howls of tortured agony as two final electric cables were clipped firmly down onto the tiny buds of their delicate young clitorises.And, of course, these cries were all as nothing when compared to the shrill, inhuman wailing, the high, choking caterwauling, the primitive unendurable animal shrieks the two young girls would emit once the variable electrical circuit had been closed, as it would remain throughout the next seventeen hours of the girls' "correction."But with all that, Cari and Gail would have been thankful, even grateful for these fine torments had they known what punishment their Aunt Jennifer had been condemned to as the instigator of their little crime.Even now, their favorite aunt, at twenty-five years of age was having the bud of her own clitoris slowly cauterized away in a long, protracted operation. An operation performed, as the law decreed, without benefit of anesthesia.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 64
I doubt there is a sight as heart tearing and gut twisting as watching the face of your wife, seeing her emotions, while someone else is shagging her.That thought crossed my mind as I was humping my neighbor's wife, whom I love dearly, watching her in the dresser mirror. All I could see was her chest, shoulders and neck. I watched the expressions of pleasure cross her face as her orgasm built, then I caught her eyes in the mirror, and we watched each other's faces as we climaxed together. Her eyes clenched with each squirt of cum I poured into her womb, then a wave of pleasure crossed her face as she ground her own orgasm out on my cock.She climbed off and flopped down next to me, and drifted off to sleep, cum slowly seeping its way from her sex.I lay there thinking.I had a lot to think about. There were rumors at work there would be lay-offs, and union rules say last employed, first fired. I had only been there three months, so was sure to go, if they happened.My Boss has a gorgeous ginger haired wife, and he fucks around behind her back. If my woman looked half as good, or was half as loyal, I would ever do anything like that to her, but he had no principles.The next couple of days at work were real quiet, and my boss had me doing errands for him, including pick up his family and drop his kids at school, and his wife down town. I didn't object, I liked his wife, and enjoyed the opportunity to spend time with her. Later that after noon, The phone rang, and as my boss was elsewhere, probably knocking off one of the office girls in the store room, I answered it, it was his wife, she needed to be picked up with her shopping. I gladly obliged.I pulled the company car up at the curb and helped her load her goods into the trunk, all except one smallish bag that she held onto, and wouldn't let me see at all. I was a bit curious, but said nothing, looking down her top at her ample cleavage was enough to keep my mind busy for now, it was certainly entertaining helping her load the trunk. We chatted as we drove, nothing much, but as we neared her house, she asked me directly "Have you got a girl friend?"I thought hard and fast, I was 19, but looked 17 or 16. In all the stories you read, a woman asks that when she thinking of screwing you, so I decided to lie."No, I don't, but I sure would like one," I looked at her hard, "I'd like her to look like you "I added quietly.She said nothing for a while; a tinge of color came to her cheeks. We pulled up at her house, and I helped her unload her goods and carry them inside. It seemed as if I could see down her top a lot more than usual this time, I wondered about that, but decided not to question a good thing, just enjoy it.When we were done, she asked me in for a cool drink. I gladly accepted. We chatted some more, and then she asked me a question."If I asked your opinion, would you give it to me honestly?"I looked at her, then answered, "Yes Maam, as honest as can.""Would you keep it... um, confidential?""Sure, for you, anything," That was no lie at least."What it is, why I ask you that is, I um... I bought some, well undies." She was blushing now. "And I want to know if they look, well, I want to know if I look sexy n them, but I don't want to look silly in front of my husband."My eyes opened wide and I stared at her, my mouth dropped open, and I couldn't say anything. She reached out with a shy smile and gently closed my mouth, smiling as she did."I'll change now, before I change my mind." She said and picking up her little bag, she skipped off.I was surprised, to say the least by this turn of events, but I was looking forward to seeing her in her 'sexy undies' so much I thought my heart would jump out of my chest it was banging that hard.I sat there, with a hardon from anticipation, sipping nervously at my drink, thinking of the absurdity of the situation. Me, in my bosses house, alone with his wife, who is drop dead gorgeous, and she is going to show me her knickers, If anyone walked in, it wouldn't look good."Are you ready?" she called out, her voice had the faintest tremor in it, she was as exited and nervous as I was."When you are Maam," I answered.She came into sight down the hall, wearing a transparent mesh bra and g-string, the garments hid nothing, her hard nipples clearly visible as they pushed out against the light gauzy fabric, and her light ginger bush showed through her panties, her pussy lips also clearly visible.I stared, she was as good as naked, She was even better than I dreamed, in my wettest dream, her skin flawless milky white, her hair more gold than red hanging over her shoulders contrasting splendidly.She turned, then stopped, a little clumsily, nearly tripping, causing one breast to pop out of its flimsy restraint momentarily.I sat and stared, mouth open again, heart in danger of exploding."You ...look... more than sexy," I stammered out"You really like it?""Y--yes, wow, you're beautiful."She walked toward me, and placed a hand on each shoulder, and looked me in the eyes, I looked at her breasts, feeling the warmth of her body, so close now to mine. She ducked her head, and grinning put her face in front of mine."Thanks, I value your opinion." She hugged me. Squeezing her body against me, I stood there for a second, then returned the hug, feeling her naked back under my hands, her warm smooth baby like skin, I ran my hands over her back, to her g-string, over her bra straps, along the sides of her soft breasts, trying to slip my hands under the bra cups to feel her breasts properly.She pulled back from me, and gripped my hands, grinning at me."Will you do something else for me?" She asked again, holding my hands.Breathless, I nodded."Good, I bought something else, and I want you to model it, for me." She led me by the hand back up the hall to their bedroom, she walking backwards, me staring at her gorgeous near naked body.I was entranced by her, the sway of her barely covered boobs, the way one pussy lip disappeared after the other as she walked backwards. I had never played around like this with another woman before.She kicked the door open and led me into the room, motioning to the bed, he said, "Try this on for me?"I looked down and saw a little bag; I curiously opened it, and inside was a miniscule g-string, for a male.I looked up at her, a questioning look on my face."I bought them for Michael, it our anniversary tomorrow, I wanted it to be special, but I want to know that they don't look silly, either."I shrugged, and started to shed my clothes, She watched me unbutton my shirt, then she slid it down my shoulders, taking it off me, and folding it, before placing it on the bed. Then she grinned at me, and started to unbuckle my belt, I helped her undo my jeans, then she slid them down my legs, brushing her face against my stiff cock as she did.I stepped out of the jeans, and she stood and folded them to, putting them next to my shirt, and she stood in front of me, hands on my briefs, my cock poking into her belly through them. She slid them down, watching them dragging my cock downwards with them, until it sprang back, released from its confinement.She dropped the briefs with the other clothes, and held the g-string out for me to step into.I did, and she pulled it up my legs, pulling the string firmly between my arse cheeks, and then knelt in front of me, She considered my erection for a moment, then she gripped it, and tried to tuck it into the pants, it would not fit, springing back to point at her face. Giggling, she stood back, and looked at me. I felt more naked wearing my bosses g-string than I had when I was wearing nothing."I feel, well, naked," I said. "You have a bigger, um, thingy than Michael," She observed, "Turn around for me?"I turned on the spot, feeling a bit silly, cock sticking straight out, on display."Yep, it is sexy, real sexy, I like it... except... come here a moment," She said.I approached, and she hugged me again, I felt her bra covered breasts warm an soft against my chest, then my cock was pushing against her soft belly, She squeezed me against her, her hands roaming over my back, along the g-string, over my bum cheeks, then I jumped as she slid her finger the full length of my arse crack."I'm just seeing how it feels," She explained. I stood still, my cock feeling as if it would burst, then she fondled my balls. I wasn't going to question a good thing, just enjoy it, I closed my eyes as he ran her fingers lightly over my cock, then my belly, I felt giddy, and sat back on the bed, nearly pulling her over on top of me.She giggled and pushed me back onto the bed, so I was lying down, then she lay next to me, saying as she lay down, "You look like you wouldn't mind testing these things out properly."She shifted so she was astride me, my cock resting along her bum crack, She pulled her knickers aside, then in a smooth movement, she mounted me, slipping my cock over halfway inside herself, then she stopped, and looked at me for a second. "Are you OK?" I managed to gasp.She nodded, "Your thing is just... so much bigger than Michael's, I wasn't expecting, well, so much!" Then she pushed steadily down, taking the rest of me into herself.She stayed there a second or two gently rocking, then she slowly lifted herself up, until I nearly slipped out of hr, and then dropped her whole weight against me, forcing my full length inside her at once, her face was a picture of pleasure and delight. Like a little girl who found a new toy.I looked around the room, seeing her dresser mirror; she was reflected in it, down to her waist. I watched her making love, as she humped and ground out her pleasure on me, the delight on her face when she looked down at me, and realized once more, it wasn't her husband, but another man, a boy, who as far as she knew was loosing his cherry to her. I watched the intense waves of pleasure cross her face, as they grew in intensity, then as she rapidly humped into her orgasm, then ground it through, taking me into her as deeply as she could, grinding our pubic bones against each other, then as she looked down at me, invisible in the mirror, and felt me shooting my cum into her. I could tell that she felt each squirt, her eyes flicking as I poured my seed into her hot wet womb.She collapsed onto me, breathing heavily. "Did you like that?" She asked."Yes Maam, I liked that, and any time you want to try out new clothes again, or even old ones, I'll gladly help."She sighed, "I don't... I've never done this except with my husband before, I don't do it with anyone...""I won't tell a soul, I promise," I looked into her eyes and saw this meant a great deal to her, that it remain secret.I kissed her, the first time, just a peck on the lips, then again, deeply, She kissed me back, and I felt my cock harden inside her again, she felt it too, and I rolled her over, until I was on top, and started to make love to this woman, my bosses wife, deeply, and seriously, Her breasts, warm and soft under my hairless chest propped me up so I could look into her eyes as I worked my cock into and out of her soft body, I knew I was deeper insider her than anyone had ever been before, and this turned me on even more, knowing that although she was married, and had a daughter I drooled over regularly, I was touching parts of her with my cock that had until now remained untouched.I relished the sensation of my cum inside her too, making her even slipperier than her own juices ever could, I felt the tension building in my balls then at the base of my cock, I pumped into her deeply, grabbing her arse cheeks, and pulling her onto me with them, my fingers meeting on her arse hole, as I came in her, I pushed both index fingers into her arse, steadily pulling it open then feeling my cock through her inner tissue.I have never cum so much before in my life, I seriously thought I was going to die, my life force leaving me in huge squirts through my cock, and I couldn't have been more happy to do just that.When I finished, I collapsed onto her, feeling her lovely breasts squashing under me. I realized my fingers were still invading her arse; I explored her a bit there, then slipped my semi hard and slick cock out of her pussy and slid it into her arse.She clamped her muscles hard onto me, her eyes wide, until now she had been lost in her own orgasm, but the sensation of a long cock entering her back passage bought her out of quickly.I lay there, wondering at the feelings her body produced in me, her arse seemed to be gently swallowing my cock, it was tight, extremely tight, in a ring of muscle, then a nice firm caress inside her body along my shaft.I lay there, feeling her bowels milk my cock dry, and as it went totally limp, it slid out, a faint smell of shit in the air.We looked at each other, and quietly said, "Wow," together."Happy Anniversary," I said as she played with my cock.I looked at the clock next to the bed, and noticed it was near school out time, I got up from the bed, and she Michaels soon to be anniversary gift, it was wet from our juices. I headed for the bathroom to clean up, where she joined me."You made my arse a bit sore," she said, giggling a bit from her post-orgasmic high. "You made me sore inside too, a little bit." We cleaned each other, and then dressed.As we headed for the car she spoke again a little reflectively, "You realize, I'm going to need you now, regularly."I stopped and looked at her."I will," she said again. "I've never been so, so, full... inside before," her hand unconsciously rubbed her lower belly. It won't ever be the same with Michael, he never could... satisfy me like you just did."She was nervous; trying to express things she had never in her wildest dreams felt or thought before."If you need me, just call me, I'll be there for you."She nodded, and blushing, we got into the car to pick up her daughters from school.As I dropped them off at the house again, she took my hand, and holding it gently, she looked into my eyes, and said, "Thanks, for ... well, everything. I will want to see you again, soon."I nodded, and she left.I drove back to work, and walked inside, just in time to be collared by a puffed and red-faced boss, his clothes were creased and he generally looked as if he had run a marathon. He had a grin on his face like the cat that got the cream. He pulled me aside and panting told me, "That Tracy, man her hubby's got a wild cat there!" Then he stumbled into his office.I looked into the reception area, and sure enough Tracy's hair was a little awry, her makeup smudged a bit, her clothes a bit creased.I walked up to her, pissed off she let Michael fuck her. She was a doll to look at, and a personality to match. She was also naive and trusting, too trusting by appearances."Hiya Tracy, Michael told me what you been doing..."Her head snapped up from her work and she blushed beet red, "What!""He told me that you're a wildcat, and that your husband's a lucky man to have a great cock sucker like you."I lied about that bit, but the smudged lipstick gave it away, along with a single pearly bead of semen in her raven black hair. Her face fell, her shoulders slumped, she was ashamed."He said you let him cum inside you and, and with no rubber, nothing." OK I lied about that too, but I knew he wouldn't have used a rubber. "Shit, oh shit, now Clint will find out, oh shit he'll kill me!"She was one worried girl now, and not likely to let Michael into her pants again for a long time to come. I hated that man."You just gotta be more careful who you open your legs for, you know. Once you're branded a slut, that follows you, like the wet spot of Michaels cum that staining your skirt right now."Her hand dove under her skirt, the look on her face told me I was right, she had leaked, and it was showing. The shamed, crestfallen appearance of her made me feel sorry for her. And, incredibly horny, I was remembering Michael's own wife, a few minutes ago, as I went back on my own slops for seconds."If you head for the ladies, I'll follow you there so no one notices it, and you can clean up a bit."She flashed me a smile as if I had rescued her from death, and I followed her to the ladies restroom, and headed to the security room, to check the tapes.Our company has CCTV in each room on the premises, although not even our boss knows about it yet, because I put them in, and hid the cameras. I did it initially because my lunch was getting nicked on me, but soon found that spying on the other employees made interesting entertainment. And the steamier subject matter I sold for a profit. And recently I've made a nice little bundle on black mail.All told, I make enough cash money from the activities of the co-workers; I don't really need to work, except I wouldn't have access to the cameras, and now my boss was firing me. That meant an end to my sex videos I sold. He had to pay.I Thought about this a lot, as I flicked through the tapes, finding the one, Michaels favorite room, the room we used especially for sales and meetings, it had the only locking door in the building, apart from his office.Tracy was lead into the room, reluctantly, at the start of lunch break, according to the time on the recording, Michael dropped his [ants and offered his cock to Tracy, who looked at it and then went to move away. He got mad and grabbed one of her large breasts, and twisted it hard. She knelt and sucked. When he pulled out of her mouth after thirty seconds or so, and shot his cum in her face, he told her to bend over.She looked reluctant, but he grabbed her breast again, and she complied, lifting her heavy denim skirt. He pulled her panties aside, and slid in, pounding away at her for a full minute, (No wonder Michelle said she wouldn't be satisfied by him again, should have called him 'Two Stroke') then he went frenzied, and stopped, pulled out of her, and wiped himself clean on her skirt, slapped her backside and walked out of the room, leaving the door open while she tried to fix her clothes.In my opinion, Tracy was raped. I ran a few older tapes through the machine, and chanced across one, three months old, where Michael and Tracy were drinking in the room, rather she was, he looked like he was, but wasn't, Tracy passed out and Michael wasted no time opening her clothes, she had great tits, awesome, heavy pearl white globes, tiny nipples, pink areolas, ginger brown pubic thatch, and best of all, big fat bald pussy lips. I watched as he got out a cheapo Polaroid camera, and snapped a few pictures, then wanked himself hard, and holding her pussy open, slid in, and snapped a few 'penetration' pics. He put the camera down, and fucked her, just held her tits, and fucked her, until he came, he pulled out of her, and squirted his cum onto her pussy, all over those lovely fat pussy lips of hers, and then took some more pics. He paused a moment, wanking himself hard again, he couldn't do it, he managed only a half one, and laid his cock inside her open mouth, and snapped some more photos. That done, he dressed, and left the room, with the door open.I thought that was the end of it, she would wake up, get dressed, and go home, the time on the tape showed well after 7 pm, so it was obviously after work. The tape flickered as the motion sensor cut the recording (It saves wasting tape on an empty room.) Then the picture came back, the janitor was in the room, looking at the still unconscious girl, naked and obviously recently used.He checked her breathing, then tentatively touched one of her splendid breasts, she didn't respond, so he started to grope her in earnest, squeezing his cock through his pants as he did. Then he stopped, pulled his cock out of his pants, and moved between her open legs, and lined up the fattest cock I ever saw with her open pussy. It took him several attempts to get it totally inside her, but he did, and he could fuck, he pumped away at her for nearly half an hour, before pulling out of her, and cumming all over the table next to her. He cleaned up the room, made a halfhearted attempt at fixing her clothes, and left. Shortly after, Tracy regained consciousness, she sat on the table a while, holding her head and tenderly rubbing her well stretched pussy, then got up and left, she walked slightly bow legged now.I was hard as a rock watching her being raped. Don't get me wrong, I am dead against rape. But these were two people I work with, and one I don't, he just happened by and used her.It sickened me, and exited me.I grabbed as many tapes as I could fit into my jacket pockets, and left my secret alcove.As I walked down the corridor, I bumped into Tracy, literally.She squealed as the edge of one of my video cassettes jabbed deeply into her breast."What the hell have you got in your coat?" She asked, rubbing her breastI thought fast, her husband was still out of town, I was losing my job, she would most likely lose hers now, if she didn't quit after what I had said. I made a decision."I've got the tapes of you and Michael, security tapes, you might like a look, there's more to it than you think, and you aught to know."She flushed deep scarlet, from the bottom of her neck to the roots of her hair.I spoke again, "I'm not going to black mail you like he is, Ill give the tapes to you, but you have to come to my house first, and I need to talk with you."She gasped, at the mention of black mail, but nodded her agreement. She would come.I left early, she left on time, because she arrived at my house nearly an hour after I did. I don't have a TV; I have a laser projector, bought with my ill-gotten gains, that uses a whole wall as a screen.I raced around the house, throwing out old pizza boxes, beer cans, booze bottles and the usual debris found in a teenage kids house, getting it ready, as if it was a first date.Tracy pulled up at the front; I let her in before she could knock."What is this about?" was her first question."You should know, I've got every room at work under surveillance, so I know what goes on."Her eyes widened, "How... Why?""Some one was knocking off my lunch, and I wanted to find out who," I said with a shrug. "But I found out more than I thought, and I sell some tapes now and then, it pays for this," I waved my hand around the room.I motioned to the living room, "Come in, sit down, have a drink, whatever you like, I'm putting on the tape." I walked to the projector to start it, she headed for the drinks fridge, pulling out a UDL, a premixed bourbon and cola, and came to the only seat in the room, I started the tape, and we sat down side by side to watch.She gasped as the tape started, startled to see her self, twice as large as life, entering the sales room with Michael. She drank deeply on her can.She watched as Michael went about his business on the film, stripping, raping, posing, then left her naked and open on the table. "The bastard," she kept repeating under her breath.The tape flicked, and the janitor appeared in the scene now. Tracy choked on her drink as she watched him maul her unconscious body in the film. There were tears freely running down her face as she watched the cleaner feeding is oversized cock into her, and pound away. For the whole time, all she did was mutter curses and threats of vengeance against the men. The tape flicked off. I got up, gave Tracy a straight shot of bourbon, and changed the tape, putting in today's effort.We watched in silence as she was again forced into a nonconsensual sex act. When she saw the expression on Michael's face as he was wiping himself clean on her skirt, she threw her drink at the wall, it hit where his head was in the film, the and screamed."You bastard, you using, uncaring SHIT!"Then she sat down again, and curled into a ball, sobbing her eyes out.I moved toward her to comfort her."Get away from me you perverted shit, you filmed this, you are as bad as he is!"I let it go, and got her another drink, I held the can out to her, figuring if she threw the can, it would do less damage than another of my shot glasses."I want to get him for what he did to you, if you give that tape to the police, and tell them about what he is doing to you, hell go to jail, for sure, that's outright rape."Tracy stopped her crying, and looked up at me. "He told me... he said I got drunk, and... I loved it."I sat down again."He said... he said I asked him to take the pictures, to prove how big his cock is in me."I let her tell her story."I didn't know the cleaner... did it... too. I thought it was all Michael."I held her hand as she talked now."You know," She looked up at me through her tears, "I always wondered why he never felt that big, and why I was so sore after that night. The freakin cleaner...""You want to tell me what exactly went on?" I asked, getting up to turn the lights back on."Yeah, OK, It was after I sold that big J. Grant account, I made the company a cool half a million, Michael asked me to stay back, he wanted to celebrate, he had something special for me.""He sure did, by the look of it," I added."Yeah, after, he showed me the photos he took, and threatened to show them to Clint, my husband, if I quit my job, I was offered a better one, but he wanted to keep me here. Then it started to be sex too, then he made me suck his stinking cock as well.""And now he brags about you to everyone" I added"I used to love sucking Clint off, now I cant face the thought of seeing his cock near my face."I looked at her, a picture of helplessness, venerable, young, learning the hard way, and suffering for it.I took a deep breath, it was now or never, I asked her, " Will you help me pay the bastard back, before we give the tapes to the cops?""Just tell me how!" Tracy agreed readily.We talked way into the night, discussing, rejecting plan after plan, until we agreed on one. A simple plan, it would involve a bit of camera know how, but it would make an impression on Michael he would carry to his grave.At two am we got up from the couch, well drunk, wobbly legs. Tracy fell against me, her soft breasts pushing into me. I steadied her, and suggested she stay the night. She agreed, and I showed her to the bedroom. "You don't have a spare bed?" She asked."There's plenty of floor," I offered."What the ... I got nothing you haven't seen already," she stripped off, and flopped into bed. I stripped and joined her.We lay there, I cuddled her from behind, gently roaming my hands over her luscious body. She smelled of soap, and booze. I played with her breasts, and she moaned gently. "Mmm, I like that."I groped her openly now, squeezing and pulling her breasts, feeling their weight, pulling her tiny nipples gently, making them stand out hard from her soft body.She rolled over in my arms and wrapped a leg around me, pulling her bush against my belly. I slid a hand down between her open thighs, feeling her fat pussy lips, parting them, and tugging tenderly on her pink inner lips, making her hips buck against me.I guided my very hard cock into her wet ready sex, feeling her lips part to accommodate me. Tracy rolled over now, pushing me onto my back, and sliding the full length of my pole into herself at the same time."Mmmm, a girl could use this a lot" She cooed softly as she worked herself up and down, back and forwards, grinding into my pubic bone.I could feel the entrance of her innermost parts, her womb, as it rode on the tip of my cock.I filled her perfectly.I couldn't last long, Id been hard for half a day nearly, and been screwing the rest it seemed.Tracy came before I did, barely. I felt a tide of goose pimples climb her skin, starting at her hips, and rising up her body, over her breasts, making them lift and harden, up to her face, as she orgasamed.Then I came, deep inside her, jetting my seed directly against her womb.She sat atop me, black hair framing her face, panting, looking into my face."You know, you're the second man I ever made love to, in my life.""Yeah? Really?""Yeah. Clint was my first, when we were fifteen, then Michael raped me, so that doesn't count, I never wanted it with him, ever, and now you. I wouldn't kick you out of bed, you know, you're pretty good."I grinned in the early morning light."Its five am, you got three hours before work, you want to sleep?""OK, Mr. Sensible," Tracy lay gently on my chest, my cock still embedded inside her, her big soft breasts against my chest, and we slept. We woke early, Tracy cleaned herself up and got off to work, I called in sick, and took off to visit a friend of mine, Craig. His father owned a funeral parlor, and it was rumored he got off on corpses.I wasn't sure about that, but it was believable.He was a huge man, I stand six foot seven, he towers over me. He also has three stainless steel teeth that make him look evil, his hair does nothing to help either, the sides of his head are shaved, and he rest is pulled into a waist length pony tail that hangs between his shoulders.Craig is the best friend I ever had. I flogged him once, when I was drunk, and aiming at suicide. He respect me now, and I him.I called on him, and told him of the plan Tracy and I had agreed on. He got really wound up at the thought of it.We went back to my house and set up a couple of cameras, hooking them into a direct feed line to the laser projector.We organized rope, a soft cloth rope, one used for tent guys, and a couple of ball type gags, big ones. Last of all, we ran around like mad digging up as many digital cameras as we could get our hands on.Finally, we were ready.Tracy just had to do her bit now, and I had no doubt she would. She was going to invite Michael, Michelle and the Janitor over to my house, for a night of 'going over old times', a 'company celebration'.Evening fell, Michael and Michelle arrived, I let them in, gave them drinks, we sat and talked, listened to some music, and waited for the others.Tracy arrived, and shortly after, the janitor. This surprised Michael, to see him show up, but he said nothing. We were getting comfortable, Michelle was obviously interested in me again, being her first 'fling', she wasn't too subtle in her intentions, but Michael, totally trusting her to be too stupid to have her own mind, didn't notice.I waited for her to go to the kitchen, and got up slightly after to follow. I flicked the outside light switch as I went past, a signal for Craig. I heard the front door open as I closed the kitchen door to give Michelle and I some privacy. I wrapped my arms around her and we kissed, deeply. I pushed her back against the sink, lifting her red cocktail dress and sliding my hands under her underwear to finger her wet sex.She wrapped her arms around me, and opened her legs a bit wider for me.I heard the sounds of scuffling in the living room, and knew it was time to sneak her outside and take her around to my bedroom, we would go in by the French windows.I did exactly that, after first opening her dress totally, so she would pay less attention to any noise Craig was making inside.We slipped inside the bedroom, after a giggling dash through my back garden, Michelle's boobs were exposed all the way, and she was horny, we stopped to kiss and fondle twice on the way, I removed her gown the second stop, so she was clad in skimpy underwear as we snuck into the room.I made an excuse, and left to see that everything was going OK in the living room, I got there to see Craig, wearing a balaclava, with the Janitor and Michael tied up and Gagged, laying on the floor. Tracy was sitting in the corner of the room, listening to the music, calmly drinking her soft drink.I made the OK sign and they both smiled.Craig lifted Michael up and bodily carried him to the sofa, dumping him belly first across the back of it, so his bum was in the air, and his face was on the seat. Tracy grabbed some cushions ad put them under his chin, so he could see the wall better.Craig went to work on Michaels clothes with a knife, cutting them from his bound body, running his huge gnarly hands over Michaels flabby white body as he exposed it. Michael tried franticly to struggle free, but was quieted with a massive blow to his kidney area.He gasped in pain around the ball gag.Tracy followed me to my bedroom, waiting outside until I gave her another prearranged signal.I went in, and smiled naughtily at Michelle, "The boys are busy for a while, we wont be disturbed." I hugged and cuddled her, like a long lost lover, the thrill of what we were doing was arousing her. We stripped each other, and I produced a blindfold.Michelle balked."What is this for?""I thought, since Michael is out there," I indicated the other room, "You might like to say honestly, you saw nothing, ahhh, untoward."Michelle giggled, and I slipped the blindfold on.I opened the door to let Tracy in at the same time. She came in, armed with a video camera, the one connected to the laser projector. I slipped on a satin mask, and lay Michelle gently on the bed. I kissed her lips, and then her breasts, Tracy started the camera, and I knew Michael was seeing is wife now, willingly giving herself to someone else.I whispered " Tell me, how it feels, am I better than Michael?""Oooohhh God yes," I kissed her lower belly, at the top of her bush. "OOhhh yeess, like that, please, kiss me there please."I did, she opened her legs, Tracy focused the camera only on Michelle, on her face and upper half of her body. Michelle squirmed and wiggled as I tongued her clit, and sank into her sex as far as my tongue would reach.I rolled over pulling her on top of me. She rose up on her knees, reaching between her thighs to guide my rigid pole into her sex, totally unaware of Tracy's presence, or the fact that by now, Michael was watching, and himself being penetrated by Craig's massive tool, Craig would also be telling him how good he would look in the pictures he was taking, with his cock wedged in Michael's arse. Michelle sank onto me, fully, taking my shaft in one slow stroke."OOohhh lover, you're so much bigger than Michael. You touch me where he never could."I wanted to hear that, Michael was watching and listening to this live, larger than life, on the wall in the living room, while he himself was having his own backside reamed. Literally.I quietly encouraged Michele to vocalize, to tell me what she felt, how she liked it, that she wanted this.Michelle willingly complied, as her passion and pleasure built, so did her noise, until she screamed through her orgasm. Tracy focused on Michelle's lower parts now, as Michelle came, and my balls contracted as I unloaded my seed inside her.I lifted Michelle off, and Tracy filmed the cum sliding from her open sex, then she quietly shut of the camera, and left the room. I gave Michelle a spiked drink, to make her sleep for the rest of the night. As she slept, I dressed, removed my own mask, and slipped out.Tracy met me outside, and kissed me passionately. "That's so you remember who is better in bed," she whispered.We walked out to the living room together.Craig was still sawing away at Michaels soft pudgy arse, obviously enjoying himself. He paused as we entered the room. "Already?" He asked I nodded."It's got to happen sometime," I said.Craig laughed softly, and a chill ran up my spine, it was a sound of pure evil. Straightening up, he pulled is member from Michaels backside, His cock was huge, Tracy gasped at the sheer size of it."Forget it lady," Craig said with a hint of humor in his voice, "this is for men only."With that, Craig flipped Michael over onto his back, then he forced his legs open again, and started to force his oversized cock into Michaels battered arse again.As he did, he grasped Michael's cock, surprisingly, it was erect."The bastards a closet gay, you knew, look at this," Craig wiggled Michael's cock, "he's loving it!"Tracy dropped her skirt and panties now, and moved astride Michaels face, she lowered herself onto it, and started to grind her sex, unwashed since we made love, so a bit on the nose now, into it. At first she moved timidly, then as she replayed the visions of her own rape through her head, she moved more vigorously, until she was grinding into his face violently, her own face screwed up into an ugly mask of passion. Craig was further aroused by watching her and wanked Michaels small cock as he rammed his own oversize member into him.Tracy achieved her climax, and sat on Michaels face, recovering. She had cum so hard she was piddling on him as she sat there. She realized what was happening, and stopped the flow with an effort getting up to reveal Michael's now very battered face, and a bloody nose from her efforts.Tracy walked over to the still bound Janitor now, he was facing away from proceedings in the rest of the room, he was only secondary to this, and deserved no enjoyment from watching Michelle's pleasure, or Michaels torture.Tracy stood astride his body, he lay in the fetal position, and she pissed on him. When she finished, she moved around behind him, and kicked him in the balls, not just once, but repeatedly. I watched, feeling a bit sorry for him, but he had taken advantage of the girl while she was helpless, so it was only fair she have her turn."Oh man," Craig half groaned. "Oh man, girl, don't stop, you're my kind of woman, why don't you shit on him now? you're going to make me cum!"Tracy looked up at Craig, and grinned.She moved astride the prone janitors form, and squatted over him, and screwing her face up with effort, started to squeeze out a turd onto his head. Its smell filled the room, it landed on his head with a wet thump sound. She wiped her backside on his clothes, and walked off to put her clothes back on, and returned with a fist full of tissues. Kneeling, she wiped the shit all over the janitors face and neck.When she finished, she stood up, and after tucking the tissues into his pocket, walked off to the bathroom.I heard the shower start running, then Craig grunted."Ungh ahhh, oh man, wow, that is one hot babe you have there man, better than the one we watched on the wall."He stopped his pumping into Michael's now bloody arse, and after taking a deep breath, pulled out, his cock dribbling cum as he did. He held it so he dribbled cum all over Michaels open arsehole, then, he snapped a few pictures with the digital camera.Then he rapidly worked his fingers up and down on Michael's erection, making him ejaculate, and snapping photos as he did."OK, that's the job done, I got the photos, I busted his lily white arse, and loved every second of it.""Thanks man, Thanks a lot, I appreciate it," I told him."No man, thank you! I got his arse forever now, or I post his pictures all over town. I got a video that is dynamite, and man, his arse gave me such a sore cock, I want him again, now!" I looked down at Michaels slimy, bloody face, and saw the tears running from his eyes as it slowly dawned on him exactly what had happened.His wife was belonging to me now, and his arse would be getting a regular reaming by Craig and whoever he wanted to lend it to.His life of using others was over, as of now, and from now on, he would be used.I left to join Tracy in the shower, Craig would clean up the others, and I figured he would be taking them down to the gay bar to raise a little spending money. He often rented out men there, poor sods who he was teaching a lesson to for some reason or other.He rented their bodies, used them as male whores.Michael would have a long, long night ahead of him; the janitor, Craig and the devil would be the only ones who would know.I opened the bathroom door and was greeted by the scent of shampoo, and woman, and the sight of Tracy naked. I dropped my clothes, and joined her. As I did, I remembered, I still had Michelle on my bed.I never was one to question a good thing, just enjoy it.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 19
It was -10 C outside, and inside the house, much like all the other houses in the village, today, the Temperature, was just about freezing. The village had been without power for two whole days and nights, due to a major Power failure, caused by a prolonged blizzard.12 year old Belinda was standing in the kitchen, in her pyjamas and dressing gown, as she and her twin brother, Timmy, watched their Mother boiling a kettle on their portable gas stove, which they used for camping in the Summer. Their Father had been marooned on the other side of the Country by the severe Weather. Luckily they always stored the Camping equipment up in the loft, and Timmy and her Mum had climbed up and got the Gas and the cooker down .It was their sole means of cooking and heating water. Their Mother had the idea that they might as well all go back to bed for the day, as their natural body heat, combined with the heat from the hot water bottle , would keep them from freezing."There you go kids," their Mother said as she tightened the stopper on the Hot Water Bottle.She placed it in the woolen cover and handed it to Timmy. "Ok , you two, off to bed together, and that should keep you warm enough for now. I am going to bed too, as there is no TV and we cannot get out, so owe need to keep warm or we will catch our deaths in this Temperature."She handed the Hot Water Bottle to Timmy who held it close to him and headed for the stairs, followed closely by Belinda.As they climbed the stairs, Timmy asked," whose bed it to be then?""I am not bothered just use mine then it is nearer," she replied, her face slightly red with embarrassment. She had never been to bed with anyone else in her life, and she was a bit worried about going to bed with a boy, even if it was her own Brother. " Mind you , we are so well wrapped up , we will not see each others body, I suppose," she said to herself, as they approached her room. Timmy opened the door, and closed it behind them."Are you taking off your pyjamas?" he asked her."No way it is too cold, are you taking off yours.""I might later if we get warm enough.""You better keep your pants on then.""OK."Belinda took of her dressing gown, and hung it up on the hook at the back of the door. She did not see Timmy looking at her . For the past few months , Timmy had wondered what his twin Sister looked like naked. For years they had bathed together several times a week, but when they were about 11 years and 6 months old there parents told them that they were now too old to be in the bath together.He thought that, like him she probably had hairs around her fanny, just as he had a little black bush of soft hairs around the base of his little cock. When he played with his cock , it got stiff and erect and was about 4 inches long, which he thought was quite a good size for a 12 year old boy. He could see that she had two swellings on her chest, and that these would eventually grow in to nice little breasts.When he though about his Sister naked at night when he was alone n his own bed, he got hard, and he would masturbate and cum on his smooth flat belly. He had started producing boy spunk about two months ago, and wanked off nearly every night.Continued in part 2...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 42
Part 6: Nancy's Second First TimeAll of this leads us to 2014. One day out of the blue, Nancy called me. She told me she would like to talk. Her husband was out of town and she asked me to meet at her house. I actually hadn't had any contact with her since Tammy was my student so I was anxious to see her again.When I arrived at her house, Nancy greeted me with a hug. It had been over thirty years since college but her appearance was still basically the same. She looked exceptionally good for a fifty-four year old woman. Her blond hair was still short and in her jeans and tee shirt, you could see she still had great breasts and a firm butt. She literally looked the same as she did thirty-four years ago. "Jake," she said. "Lately I have been thinking a lot about you. I don't know why? My husband is great and I love him dearly but I just felt the need to see you now. Maybe it's because we are forever, albeit secretly, bound by Tammy? Or maybe it's true what they say – that you never get over your first love? In any case, I had to see you!"Try as I might, I really had no words for her. I simply took her back into my arms and gave her a passionate open-mouthed kiss. She returned it slipping me her tongue. It was a memory we both evidentially longed for.After kissing like that for the longest time, she took me by the hand and led me into her bedroom. Before I could resume the making-out she spoke."Wait here for a moment. I have a surprise for you," she said slipping in the bathroom and closing the door.When she came back out, she had on the same nightshirt that she wore the night we both lost our virginities. It was the pink cotton one with teddy bears on the front. It was a bit faded and worn out but it was indeed the very same nightshirt.And like the first time, it was so short; it barely hid the pink cotton panties beneath it and I could clearly see the outline of her breasts, which seemed a little fuller than the B-cups of her youth.For a moment I felt like I was back in 1977. They say you can never go back but they are wrong. I again grabbed her and continued making-out. As I did her hands were all over my clothes undressing me.I still had her in my arms when she got me completely nude and I felt my hard cock slap against her inner thighs and rest on the damp cotton crotch of her panties. Even though Nancy must have touched me a hundred times, she reached down and felt it as if it were the first time.With my open mouth still over hers, I guided Nancy onto her back on the bed. Pulling away, it was now my time to strip her. I started by pulling the nightshirt up and off of her body. I stopped to re-explore her breasts. Of course with age, they sagged a little more but they also seemed fuller and the nipples seemed bigger.I took a moment to feel the heavy mounds and sucked each nipple to attention. Then I turned my attention to her panties. Although they were pink and cotton, they were not the tiny bikinis I was used to. They were a fuller cut, more mature women's panty, perhaps designed to hide her slightly rounder abdomen. The wet spot on her crotch was the same, however, with an even more arousing aroma.Pulling the panties off, I again got to see the pussy I loved so much. Her outer lips were much plushier now, her clitoris was clearly sticking out and she had a lot more pubic hair, which was still blond but now with hints of gray. My mouth was attracted to it like a magnet. I licked up and down her slit, sucking her clit and lapping the juices out of her opening. It was a taste I had wanted again for many years. Nancy too was craving this. She was pushing her pussy up onto my mouth with every lick of my tongue. Finally her whole body shook in an orgasm just as I remembered it.After resting a while, Nancy started to move her mouth down to my cock. As much as I enjoyed her blowjobs, I had waited too many years and just wanted to be inside that pussy again and pulled her back up.Turning her onto her back, I climbed between her legs and centered my cock over her pussy hole. It needed no help by either of our hands to find its way into the familiar opening.I pushed forward as Nancy pushed up and I sunk all way into her pussy. It was looser than I remembered which was good – any tighter and I would have cum on the spot. After I got used to the feeling, I settled down to some good fucking. I resorted to my slow and steady pace where I pushed in deep and then came all the way out with every stroke. Nancy seemed to enjoy this as much as she did as a teen.As I pumped in and out, I could feel her pussy hugging every part of my shaft and cockhead. My cock was touching parts of her insides that I hadn't felt in years.As I pumped in and out slow and steady, I could tell she wanted me to speed up. I resisted the urge because I not only wanted it to last; I wanted us to cum at the same time.With apologies to my wife, we weren't just fucking we were making love. It was perhaps the best sex I had in over thirty years.After about a half hour, we were both getting anxious so I speeded up. Nancy wrapped her legs around my hips, coaxing me to plunge deep.When that happened, neither of us could hold off any longer. As I felt the muscles inside her vaginal start to expand and contract, I began spewing load after load of hot cum deep into her pussy. We stayed connected together, giving each other deep open-mouthed kisses, long after the contractions in her pussy and throbbing in my cock subsided. Finally my cock went flaccid slipping out and releasing a cream pie onto the sheets.Since both my wife and her husband were out of town for the night, Nancy convinced me to stay over. We stayed in bed, hugging, making out, reminiscing, and fucking all night long. Luckily I brought some blue pills.In the morning, as we showered together, our hands took time to explore each other's bodies like we did years ago. This of course led to one last fuck, with Nancy straddling me in the shower. After cuming inside her again, we washed the cum down the drain, dried off and got dressed.Over breakfast, Nancy made a confession to me."Jake," she said. "There's been something I need to tell you.""What's that?" I asked."I know about you and our daughter Tammy," she said."Know what?" I asked."I know you were having sex with her. I knew all along and I didn't say anything, or even try to stop it," she admitted."Why not?" I asked."Well I knew she couldn't know she was your daughter, and I knew you couldn't have a normal relationship with her, yet I still wanted you two to be close, so that's why," she explained. "Wow, you must really love both of us?" I said, hugging her."And to show you how much I still love you, I have another surprise," she said.Just then there was a knock at the door and in walked a thirteen-year old, cute shorthaired blond little schoolgirl."Jake," Nancy said. "I like you to meet Britney, Tammy's daughter – my granddaughter.""Nice to meet you," I said holding out my hand.Britney instead leaned forward and hugged me."Dej Vue!" I thought.The End, Almost...
My sister and I were very close growing up. She was only a year younger than I. We did everything together, including our early sexual experimentations. Both between ourselves, and with boys. Now I know just how wrong that was, but at the time it just sort of happened and we thought it the most natural thing in the world.We quickly discovered that my sister had a dominant, and sometimes twisted, streak in her. I on the other hand was, and still am, the submissive type. This combination has carried through our lives, even now with my husband, who is also the dominant type. In any event, it made for an interesting time during my late teens, and early adulthood. One episode that comes to mind occurred during a summer visit to our uncle's farm following my junior year of college.My sister and I had not seen each other for a couple of months as we were both busy with exams. So we made plans to meet out at our uncle's farm for a visit before taking off for our summer jobs. She got to the farm a day ahead of me. So, by the time I got there, she was already rested from the trip and energetic. When I arrived, the family had been making plans for a trip into the nearby town the next day. I begged off to rest, and my sister volunteered to stay and keep me company. Little did I know, she had plans for me. The next morning, after all had left for a day in town, my sister suggested we go play in the barn like when we were youngsters.I knew what she really meant was that she wanted to take me out there and tie me up for a sexual encounter as her slave. I readily agreed. She hinted around that she might have a "friend" join us, so I should be dressed appropriately for company.Before going out for our "games" in the barn, we took a luxurious bath together, sharing a glass of wine and delicately sponging each other with bath oils.. Then she helped me get "dressed." I ended up in red panties, the thong type, which slid right up between my cheeks. I was also wearing a red garter belt, and red stockings with a small gold seam up the back of the legs. This was topped off with a red halter dress, and matching high heels. My sister wore all black. Stockings, a garter belt, a black leather dress, and a pair of black boots; Perfect for as strong mistress. We walked together through the empty farm yard to the barn. The lighting inside was dim, only sunlight coming in through the rafters. My sister wasted no time getting me where she wanted, in the back by the stables. She quickly tied my hands tightly behind me with a leather strap, then tied my ankles together with a second one. After examining her handy work she looked at me with one of her twisted smiles she told me it was nice to have me enslaved again. All I could do was just stand there and watch her, not able to move.She came forward to me and placed her hand around the back of my head. Then pulling my long brown hair back to expose my neck, she began to kiss me and run her other hand over my body, down to my crotch and back up over my breasts. This got me quickly excited and damp. "That should get you warmed up a little" she murmured. Releasing my hair. she moved to the tie on the halter and undid the bow, letting the dress fall down around my feet. Forcing me down onto my knees, she told me "Now, it is time for you to serve my pleasures. Do me well, or you will suffer later. Be good, and maybe I'll surprise you."She removed her dress and stood before me in the black stockings, garter, and boots. She was a vision of power and heat, wickedly in control. She shoved my head down and made me kiss her boots, and lick all the dust off of them. I did so, slowly running my tongue all over them, from the pointed toe all the way up to where they passed her knees.When I was through, she pulled my head back up and bent me backward straddling my face. Her warm vagina covered my mouth. "Please me," she ordered, "Now!" I tongued softly at her vaginal lips, sliding up and down her sweet labia. I also jabbed lightly at her clitoris with the tip of my tongue, flicking back and forth. This caused her juices to start flowing hot and fast, which I eagerly lapped up.Her body twisted around, and I found my nose rubbing near her vaginal opening and my tongue by her anal one. So, I started to tickle her anus with my tongue, which caused her to explode in a wrenching orgasm.After regaining composure, she lay me flat on my back. Untying my hands, she spread my arms out and retied me to two stakes she had pounded into the dirt floor. Then she knelt down and started to kiss me. First on the lips, gently, then down on my sensitive neck. Sliding her head further down she started tonguing my nipples, running around in little circles then sucking them in with her lips. At the same time, she used her hands to caress my belly and down around my thighs.I felt my panties becoming soaked from my own hot fluids flowing in arousal. Slowly she moved down my body, kissing and licking. When she reached my waist, she slid her fingers inside my panties and gently slid them down to my ankles. Neglecting my excited vaginal area she rose moving down to my feet and untied the leather strap from my ankles and removed my panties. She then retied a strap to each ankle and fastened them to stakes, spreading me taught and wide open on the ground. She removed my shoes and started to tickle the soles of feet causing me to scream in hysterical fits of laughter."I see we will have to shut you up," she cackled, "or you'll bring in the whole neighborhood." She grabbed my sopped panties and stuffed them into my mouth, then tied a strap around my neck and mouth to ensure they would stay there. This left me efficiently muffled, sucking on my own juices. Resuming her attention to my toes, she tickle tortured me for a full ten minutes. When she was done I lay bound in a exhausted heap, shaking and sweating from the strains.While I recovered, she deftly lowered herself so she was straddled over one of my stocking feet, and started rubbing her vaginal lips over the nylon material. As if on queue, I used my foot to slowly masturbate her to second raging orgasm. As she recovered, she crept up and started to tease my breasts again, making the nipples hard as she tongued and bit them.Slowly her hand crept down across my belly towards my furry mound of hair, gently caressing me. Down between my legs she lubricated her fingers on my fast flowing juices. Then, with a slight twist of the wrist, she slid two fingers inside me. Finally, I thought, she would bring to me the much needed release for sexual tensions building within. Continuing to tease my breasts with her mouth, she slid her fingers deeper inside, massaging my vaginal walls. Not knowing at an earlier time what she had planned, I had made sure to insert by birth control device, a diaphragm, inside myself before dressing for her. When her fingers reached it, she hooked one around the rim and pulled it out.Tossing it aside, she stated, "My plans for you don't include this." Then she slowly lowered her head to my vagina and started to tease me orally. Having forgotten about her earlier mention of having anyone join us, I assumed this was what she had in mind, I didn't think much else of the action at the time.As I lay below her, writhing under her caresses and stimulation I saw the shadow of a figure cross over us. When I looked up, I saw a large black man standing over us. He must have been six and a half feet tall, and he had muscles bulging down his huge arms.I managed to make some noise through my gagged mouth, which caused my sister to look up. "Hi Peter," she said smiling like a Cheshire cat. Dear, she said looking at me, "This is Peter. He is one of our uncle's farm hands. I thought he might like to join us." Laying there as I was, I obviously was in no position to say much about it.Leaving me there, frustrated and very hot, she stepped up to Peter and gave him a long, deep, kiss. "Let me make you more comfortable." she exclaimed while undoing the catches on his overalls and unbuttoning his shirt. When she peeled the shirt off oh him, it revealed his huge muscular chest, rippling with strength. She pulled the overalls down around his feet, and as he stepped out of them she stood up on tip toe and started kissing him again.He effortlessly lifted her off the ground and pushed her up against the stable wall, fondling her body and returning her kisses with a passionate power. Wonderful, I thought to myself, now I get to lay here all hot and bothered while watching these two make like a rut of Bull Moose. Slowly she started to descend down his huge, muscular, black body; kissing and nibbling at his chest, teasing his nipples. All the while, running her hands over him. When she reached his boxer shorts, she took the elastic band in her teeth, and slowly pulled them down using her mouth, all the while caressing his hard, muscular, legs with her hands. With his boxers off I could see his large dark penis hanging down between his legs. Not yet hard, it must have extended eight inches down, looking like a pendulum swinging in a clock. Gently, she tongued him, first the head of his penis, then along its length; slowly bringing it to life.I watched as it slowly hardened, the veins protruding around causing his shaft to thicken. Then, she enclosed her mouth around the head and started to suck it in. I remember thinking to myself that this was a strange occurrence, as my sister generally preferred female company. She bobbed up and down on his now rock hard member, at an ever faster pace. I could see him become more and more excited.After a short while he withdrew his penis from her lips, and started to lift my sister up against the stable wall again. He got her slightly above his waist and was just about to lower her onto himself when she pulled up and said Stop! Bending down, she picked up the diaphragm she had removed from me, and told him "I had some problems with my birth control and had to take it out. So, we shouldn't have intercourse. But, as you can see, I was playing with my sister here, and she is in the perfect position for you to enjoy."I realized her lie instantly, but bound and gagged as I was couldn't say or do much of anything. He turned around and looked at me, then started forward towards me. Looking at his hard penis I could see how swollen and in need he was. It was as big and round as a large ear of corn; now ten or more inches long, and at least three inches thick.I gave my sister a pleading look hoping she would stop him. But she just smirked at me, with her twisted smile, enjoying what was about to happen. So, I lie there spread out, unable to move; open, helpless, and unprotected. He came to me and knelt down between my tied legs. He ran his hands up and down them, feeling the nylons, then up around my waist and breasts. He grabbed my hair, and holding my head firmly on the ground, kissed me. It was a long hard kiss, and he pushed his tongue deep into my mouth. He roughly massaged my breasts. Then, sort of squatting above me on all fours, he started to run his penis along the length of my legs. I could feel the friction against the nylon material. I began to think maybe he would cum all over me from excitement, but not enter my unprotected vagina. I found myself scared, knowing he could do his will, and in my current state make me pregnant, without me being able to resist at all. Yet, at the same time, I was becoming aroused to the point of losing control. Every part of my body was super sensitized to his touch.Slowly he lowered his head near may ear. In a soft quiet, yet firm voice, he told me " I have always wanted to fuck a white bitch. Especially one related to the boss. Helpless, creamy white, and unable to stop me." I again gave my sister an imploring look. She smiled, and blew me a kiss...He descended on me. Large, dark, and muscular. He positioned the head of his penis near my opening. Then slowly teased me by running it up and down between my lips. Next the head slowly pierced my vaginal opening. Momentarily he stopped, waiting to see my face. He smiled at my frightened look, and with a purposeful shove, pushed his entire length into me. His size, coupled with the force of his insertion, made me feel as though I would be split wide. He started thrusting with a force I had never known. Pushing me flat, bouncing me off the ground, again and again. He pounded me for a long time, always building the heat between us. My sexual tension rose higher and higher. Finally, we exploded in orgasm. I in a thunderous crescendo of convulsions, and he spurting great heaping ejaculations of hot cum, deep within me. After he regained control of himself, he withdrew from me. My sister untied the strap around my neck and pulled the panties from my mouth. Then Peter forced his penis in my mouth and made me lick off all of his sperm, and my juices, from it. Finally satisfied, he dressed and left us alone. I looked at my sister, and she just smiled at me. Bending over she untied my legs.I thanked her and asked if she would help me up so that I could return to the farm house and douche, to remove Peter's sperm from inside me. But she leered at me and retied my legs together. Then in a honeysuckle voice she said, "No, I want that hot, blackman's sperm inside you. I want it to have a full use of you, without you be able to stop anything that might happen."With that, she untied my wrists from the stakes, and retied them tightly behind me. Then, after stuffing my panties back into my mouth, She rolled me over face down in the dirt floor, picked up her cloths and followed Peter out of the barn; leaving me tied tightly, full of sperm, to contemplate what had just happened.I lay there for a long while, the day getting warmer, and the barn becoming very hot. The sweat dripped off me an I was getting stiff from being tied. My sister came into the barn looking fresh and sweet. I just had a wonderful shower with Peter, too bad you weren't there. She undid the ropes from my legs and pulled me up on my knees. "You look a mess, I should take you back inside before the family gets home. But, I feel like a little more fun first. Come along," she said while pulling me up on my feet. She led me over by the stable portion of the barn. Here a waist high wooden fence separated the stalls. In older days this would have kept cows apart, or maybe some other animal. Now the area was used for storage. With my hands still tied behind me I was bent over the top of the fence rail. She tied my ankles to some posts in the fence, feet spread about a yard apart. Then she untied my hands and pulled them forward and secured them to the same posts, stretching me tightly over the fence to reach them. This left me pulled up on my toes, waist over the fence, head looking back through my spread legs. Taking a small board in her hands she proceeded to spank me on the ass and legs. Each swing hard enough to lift me off the fence rail. I grit my teeth and didn't make a sound except for small gasps when each strike hit. When she was satisfied with my flaming red cheeks, she put the board down and left the barn. I watched her depart through the barn door, her bottom swaying as she walked. while mine burned from the abuse.After a while she came back followed by four swarthy looking Mexican field laborers. They were all hot, sweaty, and dirty from the days toils. She bent down and looked at me through my spread legs."These fine gentleman have worked hard today, and I thought they deserved a little bonus, and you are going to be it." She rose and turned to them, "She's all yours, if you want her. I'll be back in about thirty minutes. You may use her however you please, but you must leave here tied where she is. S"Si," one replied. With that, she left leaving me alone with them. They all encircled me, laughing and talking in Spanish. One reached over and slapped my already flaming backside. Then he knelt down behind me. He was hot and smelly, seat poured from him. Working his way in close he bit my bottom, causing me to yelp through the panties in my mouth. Seeing these, he removed them. He pulled his pants down to his knees. Then pulling my head by the hair, hauled it to the fence and forced his penis into my mouth.I figured he wanted to have me suck him, but before I could do anything, he started to pull my head up and down on his shaft, screwing himself with my mouth. I held my lips firmly around him and in a few minutes he ejaculated down into my throat. After he withdrew, the next man stood behind me, his penis extending out through the fly of his jeans. He was already hard and ready. He slid between my vaginal lips and lubricated himself on my juices. He parted my cheeks with his hands and placed the tip of his penis at my anal opening.Then, sliding his hands around to my hips, he grasp tight hold of me and forced his cock inside my anus. At first the pain was incredible, I thought for a moment I might pass out. But this quickly went away and I found myself becoming excited by his thrusts, and the feeling of fullness from him being inside me. Soon a third Mexican man knelt before me and pulling my head up he plunged his penis into my mouth. Now I was filled both in my anus and mouth. I eagerly started to suck on his long shaft. My bucking from the thrusts into my ass caused my head to jerk up and down on the man's penis. They both came at once gushing hot loads of semen and yelping with delight. I was tired and unable to move as they withdrew, but still so aroused. I waited for the last laborer. He came forward towards me and ran his hands along my back and thighs grabbing handfuls of my hot flesh. When he pulled down his pants it revealed a large thick penis. Not quite as wide as Peter's, but every bit as long. Slowly he placed it in my crack and ran it back and forth.I watched as the head protruded from the uncircumcised shaft. Then, working his way up to my vaginal opening he thrust himself inside me with a mighty stroke which lifted my up as far as my tied ankles would allow. He pumped into me as fast as he could and I quickly reached orgasm in great violent waves, shuddering from the force of my own convulsions.He pounded into me faster and faster until he also came with a mighty yell and great heaping spurts of hot sperm shooting up inside me. After he finished he wiped himself clean on my panties, and stuffed them back into my mouth. Then the four left.After a while, my sister came back and untied me. She gathered up my clothing and led me off to the farm house. I followed her, naked except for my garter belt and stockings, while Peter and the four farm hands watched and smiled. Later, while soaking in a hot bath, my sister told me she was pleased with my performance. I just lay there, too tired to move.That night, she tied my spread eagle to the bed in her room. She made slow passionate love to me. Using her hands and tongue caressing me all over; bringing me to a slow, steamy, orgasm. When she was through, she tucked me in and with a sly grin told me, "Sleep well, for tomorrow a whole crew of farm hands will be in to harvest the orchards. There should be thirty or more people. I have great plans for you. I think I'll tie your hands behind you and shackle you to an apple tree where they can all use you at will. I can just see it know, all those horny men shooting gallons of sperm into your unprotected vagina, mouth, and ass hole."Then she curled up around my restrained body and dropped off into a deep sleep.END
There can't be anything worse than being 18 and having your mother catch you fucking your boyfriend right? Wrong. Mom caught us alright, but she not only caught me, she caught my cousin, Ann, too. We were both in my bed, with my boyfriend. She walked in just after Jim came in Ann's pussy, and Ann continued to suck my clit for about 10 seconds before she was aware that, as she put it, "the jig was up." Mom was pretty cool, since we were both 18, and Jim was 20. But she made Jim leave, and then told us to meet her in the living room after we got ourselves dressed. Mom and Dad divorced when I was eight, so she had taken the time to explain sex to me at an early age, and even get me on "the pill" when I turned 15, telling me that she wasn't condoning sex at an early age, but she knew all too well what urges would be stirring within me. Mom was only 17 when I was born, and she didn't want me to go through the same things. Now, I was afraid that her "cool" would evaporate, having seen me let Ann lick my pussy. She started out tell us that she thought we were being reckless, and that we should be old enough to know how to protect against being "discovered" like that. She went on about having "unprotected" sex, even though she knew Ann was on the pill. Her cool had gone, but she wasn't really pissed off, just a little bit irritated. We were told to go to our rooms, and Ann went into the guest room, while I plopped on my own bed. Mom had said something about figuring out the proper "punishment" to "teach us a lesson". I was too young to be sentenced to dishpan hands, and the idea of spending my summer dragging around a vacuum cleaner and washing windows didn't appeal to me, either. I heard Mom make a few phone calls from the front of the house, and then go into her study. The clacking of her computer keyboard could be heard, and then the printer's buzzing. Not long afterwards we were called into the hall, and Mom gave us a couple of forms and ballpoint pens. "Answer these questionaires, honestly! I'll give you thirty minutes." she said. The way she emphasized the word "honestly" made me curious. We were sent back into our rooms, alone, to answer the questions. The form was a sex-quiz, and I thought that she was trying to see how much we knew. The first few were easy. "Have you ever had intercourse? If so, how many times (approx)." Then, "Do you masturbate? If so, how often?" As I went down the list, answering somewhat honestly (yes, more than 10, yes, twice a week, and so on), I stopped at the next few questions. "Have you ever put anything in your rectum? What?" "Have you ever had anal sex? How many times? Did you like it?" "Have you ever had oral sex? Give or receive? Did you like it? Why?" "What is your favorite position? Why?" "What is your favorite sexual fantasy (briefly)?" "Have you ever had sex with another woman? Did you like it?" "Have you ever had sex with more than one or two people at a time?" You get the idea. There were almost thirty five questions, and with just thirty minutes, you had to answer truthfully, or say no to them just to get through them all. Mom lied. We got forty minutes. She collected the forms and told us to wait in our rooms. About ten minutes or so later, she called Ann into her bedroom and talked to her for about fifteen minutes. Then she called me in, with Ann returning to her room, looking sheepish. "Darling," Mom began, "I'm glad you enjoy sex, but you need to know how to treat it. It's not the most important thing in the world, you know." I nodded. She told me that sex was fun, and that sex and love were two different things, but sex WITH love was the best. I nodded again. Then she handed me one of the forms and told me to read it. I did, and quickly noticed that it was Ann's left-handed scripted writing. Ann had answered honestly, as far as my memory went, saying that she had had sex, masturbated almost daily, had done anal sex, oral sex, and liked it "doggy style", and had been to bed with women (me included), and group sex. But what got me was her fantasy. "To be eaten out by Julie while three guys take turns pleasing me, in front of a group of other people." I'm Julie. Mom's eyebrow raised when I looked back at her. I knew what I'd written as my fantasy (my second favorite actually), and that was to make love with two guys outdoors in the warm sunshine where anyone could see us. "Ann's got a crush on you." Mom said. "How do you feel about that?" I loved Ann, and we'd pleased each other several times since she'd come out from back east for the summer. "I'm glad," I said, truthfully. Mom only smiled and told me to return to my room. I realized that she'd probably shown Ann my answers, and felt a little embarrassed about being so open, myself. I heard Mom making some more phone calls, and wondered who she was calling. More to the point, I wondered if she was telling someone about all of this. Before I could try to eavesdrop, she was off the phone and calling us into the hall. Mom told us to shower, shave our legs, and get dressed in the clothes she would lay out for us, and that we should hurry. We would be leaving at half past six. That gave us only about forty five minutes, so Ann and I went into the bathroom, stripped and jumped in the shower. With time against us, we didn't play around (well, not much), but we both wondered what Mom was rushing us for. Wrapped in towels, we returned to our rooms to get dressed. On my bed, Mom had laid out a light cotton halter dress. I was going to my dresser to get underwear, when I noticed something under my dress. It was a deep blue garter belt and a pair of sheer nylons. Something inside me told me that whatever mom had planned, I'd probably enjoy it. I opened a drawer to get a pair of panties, and stared at the empty drawer. Inside was a note on one of those post-it notes: "Julie, you won't wear anything except what is on your bed." Mom had even put a pair of her sexy shoes on the bed, so I dressed, fumbling with the unfamiliar clasps of the garter belt. The halter dress was light and airy, coming down only to about three inches above the knee. I have nice breasts so the dress felt snug, holding my breasts firmly, although they tended to sag a little in this particular dress. Once dressed, with five more minutes to spare, I tried to dry my hair. Both Ann and I have long blonde hair, which seems to drive guys crazy. Mine is down to mid-back, with Ann's just below her shoulders. I could hear Ann's hair dryer blowing, too. I quickly finished my makeup, and met Mom and Ann in the front room. Ann was beautifully dressed in a short denim skirt, dark stockings, and a peach colored midriff top that showed off her flat, tanned tummy and her sexy navel. Her hair was still damp, mine was wet. The best part of living in Las Vegas is that your hair dries quickly, especially in the summer. Mom was wearing one of her sensible dresses, and carrying a nylon bag that I assumed held her exercise stuff. Tonight was Thursday, and she went to the gym every Tuesday and Thursday night. She herded us into the car and began to drive, ignoring Ann's questions about where we were going. Just outside of town she stopped. "I'm taking you girls to some place very special," she said. "And, right now, I want you to trust me completely." This seemed a little melodramatic, but we nodded our agreement. She handed us a pair of black masks, the type some people use to sleep during the day. Mom used to work as a dealer in some of the casinos, sleeping while I went to school, and I'd see her use these masks. We put on the masks, and after she checked them, the car started moving again. "This place is very special, but I don't want you to know where it is. Not just yet anyway," she said. "Otherwise, I may never get you two out of it." I began to wonder if there was a brothel nearby or something. Or maybe it was one of those nudist camps people talked about. All sorts of things went through my mind. We drove for about twenty more minutes before the car stopped. We were told to keep our masks on, and then led inside a building with three steps. A woman's voice greeted Mom as an old friend, and then we were led to another room. Mom removed our masks, and we were standing in a locker room. I wondered what kind of spa Mom had joined, thinking it was her gym. Mom led us to a locker and told us to remove only our dresses and shoes, and to put our masks back on once we'd finished. She went back around the corner and we heard her open a locker and begin to undress, too. Ann and I shrugged, and removed our dresses, putting our shoes in the locker with them. Ann wasn't wearing a garterbelt, but pantyhose, without the panty part. They looked like pantyhose equivilants to garterbelts. She eyed my garterbelt, running her finger along a support, brushing her hand against my bush lightly. I slapped her hand playfully, and we waited for Mom, putting our masks back on. Mom told us we both looked very sexy, and took our hands, leading us out of the locker room. We entered another room, with deep soft carpeting that felt good between our toes. There were other people in the room, and I felt embarrassed, and excited, as their voices hushed. A woman greeted Mom and asked her if we were ready. She said yes, and that we had been very cooperative. I felt a presence in front of me, warm, radiant, and sensual. The woman's voice was soft, yet husky. "Welcome." She said. "We're going to introduce you to pleasures like you have never imagined. At any time you may elect to leave, and no one will stop you. All you must do is say the word 'Choirboy', and you may leave. We will not force you into anything you do not want to do, and the way you express that is to say the word 'Orchid'. Do you understand?" Her soft, sexy voice seemed to caress the ear. I nodded, even though it seemed like a silly way to do things. Both Ann and I were to repeat and explain the meanings of both words. After this was done, she asked another question. "You have had sex with each other, yes?" We told her we had. "Kiss each other." She told us. Ann and I, blindfolded, found each other and kissed. It was incredibly erotic, standing almost naked in front of people we couldn't see, our breasts touching, and kissing one another. Somewhere, I also knew my Mom was watching. "Good." The woman said. Another woman came up, and she told Ann to come with her. "This way, Ann," the other woman said. Her voice was higher, and very pretty. I wondered if she was as pretty as her voice. I'd already decided that the husky-voiced woman was about my height (five foot six), nicely shaped, with long dark hair, and a wide, sensual mouth. She led me across the room, and now I felt nervous, without Ann nearby, I was alone in a crowded room. She showed me where a table was, and a chair, and a sofa. Then, we stepped back a little and she told me to spread my legs. Nervously I did, stopping when she was satisfied. "Now keep your hands against your legs," she cautioned. I felt a hand caressing my breasts tenderly, tracing their shape, and running underneath them where they are sensitive. The hands slid down my hips, and I felt lips close softly around my right nipple. I was sure it was a woman by the touch, probably Ms. Sexyvoice. Wrong. She began telling me that I was to receive pleasure, and that I need not give pleasure unless I wanted to. The lips around my nipple switched breasts, and continued. I sure did want to GIVE as well as receive! I wanted to see, then kiss, Ms. Sexyvoice before I ate her pussy! The lips left my breasts, and I was told to kneel straight down, as there was someone waiting to lick my pussy below me. I knelt, feeling hands guide my hips down, and then someone's face between my legs, licking me slowly, even lovingly. It felt great, and I relished the sensations (or is that SINsations?) Things began to move faster, and someone standing to my left began fondling my breast. I touched the arm, feeling a man's arm, strong, and a bit hairy. I let my hand explore, and I found his swollen cock. It wasn't huge, but it was nice. He was stroking himself while he played with my breast. Another hand came to my right breast, and my hand found another cock quickly. I liked this idea of two guys give me pleasure slowly, calmly. I could hear other voices, moaning in a sexual way all around the room. The man on my right pressed his penis to my mouth, and I let him enter, tasting his rubbery cock and catching his musky scent. He moved in and out of my mouth, slowly, letting me tongue the head and shaft. My pussy was soaking wet, and whoever was eating me was enjoying it and getting me really hot. The guys that were near me switched, with the other man giving me his cock to suck. His was a nice cock, not too big, not too small. It filled my mouth where I just had to stretch, but not so it was uncomfortably wide open. They went back and forth changing off, and I was getting excited, thinking of them both coming. The girl sucking my pussy (I'm sure it was a girl), reached up and squeezed my tits, running her hand so sensually over me that I moaned out loud. I could hear Ann moaning, her sweet voice saying that she didn't want someone to stop whatever it was they were doing. I heard a man's voice, near and in front of me, say "Ready guys?" and I wondered what he meant. Just as he said that, the girl began sucking my clit hard, her fingers sliding into my dripping pussy. I felt like I was going to come, and she kept me there, her tongue wandering off just before I came. I rocked my hips, trying to get her to make me come, but she knew how to keep me on the verge without letting me go over. The cocks were out of my mouth, which was fine, I was breathing hard and concentrating on my own orgasm. I reached for my clit, only to feel strong feminine hands pull my arms behind me and hold them there. "Let me cum!" I moaned, only to hear Ms Sexyvoice tell me that I would come soon. I was trying to make the girl suck my clit, working my hips all around on her face, but I couldn't make the contact I really wanted. I heard a deep groan from one of the guys, and then a warm gush of his sperm landed on my tits. It felt warm, and it ran down against my nipple as more spurted onto me. I moaned, wanting to come right then, when another spurt, this one from the right, landed on my cheek. I felt his cum running down my neck and he kept on spurting until the side of my face, and my lips were warm and wet with his cream. It tasted pretty good, and I remembered that I was being watched, not only by strangers, but my own Mother! The man in front of me came then, his jism hitting me like a hose. I opened my mouth and felt him spurt onto my tongue, then my neck and chin. It all felt good. Warm, wet, salty, and slick. I swallowed what was on my tongue, tasting his slightly tangy taste. Suddenly, my clit was being sucked. Rotten timing! I was getting really close, and the sperm dribbling down my chest made me exquisitely hot. I moaned loudly, shaking as I felt the first twinges. Then, then, THEN SHE STOPPED! "Make me cum damnit!" I moaned, only to feel hands lifting me to my feet. Ms Sexyvoice spoke in soft, sexy tones. "You will have your turn to come." She said. "But we want to give you a night to remember." Shit! They'd already done that! She took my hand and walked me across the room, the cum on my breasts running down onto my belly, and some even dripping onto my thighs. We stopped and Ms Sexyvoice told me to kneel down on all fours, and to keep my hands on the ground. I did, only to feel a man slid his cock into my pussy. God it felt great! Then a cock pressed against my lips, and I sucked it. These guys worked like it was one, long cock, the one in my mouth pulling out as the guy behind me pushed it. The one in my pussy was big enough that he stretched me a little, making me quiver with a need to come. I felt a mouth on my right tit, licking the cum off my nipple. This went on for a while, until without much warning the guy came in my pussy, flooding me with his warm cum. I wanted to reach back and get myself off so bad!! I moaned, and kept trying to milk his cock into my pussy, so he would keep fucking me until I came, but he pulled out. Just as I felt his creamy sperm leaking out of me, I got a mouthful of sperm from the other guy. I swallowed it quickly, trying to keep up with his thick cum. He pulled out and a woman's mouth met mine, kissing me and licking my tongue and lips, and even my face. I stuck my tongue out tasting sperm on her face too, and I was incredibly excited by that. I could hear Ann, closer to me now, moaning like she was about to come, and that made me moan, too. Ms Sexyvoice returned, leading me over to what felt like a weight bench. It was narrow and padded. I was told to lay down on my back here, with my legs on either side of the bench. I felt lips against my neck, and a tongue licking me, and then another pair on my left nipple. I felt hands roaming all over my stomach and breasts, rubbing the cum into my skin. There were two, maybe three girls, touching me. Then, feminine hands slid up my thighs, and fingers spread my pussy open, rubbing against my sopping cunt, spreading around my juices and the sperm on my thighs. I couldn't stay still, moaning and trying to get them to touch me where I wanted. I was floating it seemed, and they were making me so horny that I thought I'd go crazy. I reached out and each hand found a breast, warm, full, and soft. I began playing with them too, enjoying their soft skin. I felt a cock press against my pussy, then realized it was the third girl sliding a dildo into me. I raised my hips up, letting her fill me with a huge dildo while her hair brushed my thighs. I felt so good, so sensual, so HORNY! I didn't care anymore. I floated along, enjoying the sensations. The dildo was long and thick, and she worked it slowly at first, going faster and faster with each stroke, building up the speed like a slow freight train. I was really enjoying this when I felt her press a dildo to my anus, and I got nervous. She had a remedy, licking my clit and teasing me until I relaxed my rear, and she could slid it into me. It stretched me open, giving me a very full sensation, and coupled with the fake cock in my pussy, I felt wantonly wicked. I began shaking, so very close, yet so far away. Nothing existed except me, the girls, and those dildos. I was moaning, and realized that a pussy was being lowered to my lips. The hair brushed against my lips and nose, and I licked at it. I licked it eagerly in fact, tasting fresh pussy juice and sperm mixed together. I found her opening and licked up the thick creams, and then found her clit. She had a large clit, and I sucked it like a little cock, flicking it with my tongue. She moaned and suddenly my face was getting soaked as her pussy squeezed out the sperm still inside, her own creams adding to the warm flood. Her hips rocked into me, and I stuck my tongue inside her pussy, feeling her spasming muscles grab at my tongue. She got up and another pussy replaced hers, this one shaved bare. This girl had the sweetest tasting pussy, and no sperm in her. She even pulled her labia wide open and rode my mouth, rocking back and forth wildly. My own hips were rocking, working in time with the dildos in my ass and cunt, getting closer, getting ready. The girl was pumping them fast, alternating the strokes. I moaned into a naked shaved cunt, licking her sweet juices and letting her soak my face. Again, things stopped just before I came. I was getting really frustrated with not getting off. I was so horny that I'd do anything to come. This is just where I was supposed to be, I found out days later. Ms Sexyvoice led me again to another part of the room, and made me sit down, legs out and leaning back on my hands. I felt hands from behind me cup my breasts, and then guys were coming on me. The girl cupping my tits just held them, letting the thick sperm ooze over her fingers and my tits. I don't know how many guys came on me, but when I was led back to the bench, I felt drenched. My face was wet, come running down my neck and breasts, even down into my pubic hair. This time, at the bench again, I was told to stand up and straddle the bench by Ms Sexyvoice, and lower myself slowly. As I did, I felt her hands spread my ass cheeks and a cock, a real, live, warm cock press against my butt. He wasn't very big, and he slipped in easily. It felt awfully sexy and really nasty when my legs were lifted off the floor so that all my weight forced him fully into my butt. Feminine hands lifted my legs, and my arms were put around their shoulders. They began lifting and lowering me onto his cock, holding my legs wide open. The guy lay still for a while, then the girls held me up, letting him fuck me from below. I was hot, and when he came, he shot what felt like a quart of his jism into my ass. I was ready for anything now, and I wanted to come so bad that I was ready to fight so I could finger my pussy. Ms Sexyvoice returned once again, and led me over to the middle of the floor, and made me sit down. Again, legs wide and leaning back on my hands. This time, I heard another voice telling someone to kneel down, and I felt warm, damp skin brush my inner thighs. I knew it was Ann, and I was very excited, knowing that she would make me cum if anyone would. "Your masks are going to be removed." Ms Sexyvoice said, and you will be given just three minutes together, to do what you wish." My heart jumped. We can make each other come! The mask was removed and I blinked. The lighting was soft, somewhat dark. Ann was kneeling in front of me, and she was as covered with sperm and pussy juices as I was. Her hair was matted in places, and there were still thick streams of sperm near her mouth. We kissed each other quickly, and then she stood up, pushing her cunt into my face. "Suck me bitch! Make me cum!" She spat. I sucked her clit, and shoved three fingers into her slippery cunt, fucking her madly with fingers and tongue. Ann began to moan and shake, pulling my head against her and rubbing her pussy against my face. I stopped and looked up at her. "Eat me, too! Make me cum with you!" I pleaded with her. "Don't stop, you fucking slut!" Ann hissed back, shoving my face to her pussy. "Make me cum all over your face!" Ann was as bad off as I was, so I pulled free and pulled her down. Instead of fighting it, Ann turned around and lay her slick body down on top of me, spreading my legs wide and sucking my cunt crazily. Her own pussy pressed against my mouth and I began sucking her, too. We fingerfucked each other and sucked our clits, until, at last, at long fucking last, I could feel my orgasm starting, and Ann's too, her pussy grabbing my fingers. Just another few seconds. Someone pulled her off of me, and hands pushed me down, pinning my arms to the floor. "NO! GODDAMNIT I WANNA CUM!" I screamed. Ann was screaming the same way. My mother showed up, and I couldn't believe my eyes. She stood over us both, dressed in thigh high leather boots, with a leather harness that had large rings around her nipples, chains that ran between her legs, and fingerless leather gloves up to her elbows. She stood with her hands on her hips, looking down at us. "Let these sluts suck each other off," she said. Ms Sexyvoice told us to that we could make each other come. I turned and looked at her, seeing a lovely woman of about 28, with large full tits, dark hair, and a very sensual mouth looking at me. Then I saw that her pussy was shaved bare, as was another, younger girl's who was fingering Ms Sexyvoice's cunt. Ann moved over and we resumed our sixty-nine, both of us knowing that we could come. Ann and I fingered and sucked each other, and I felt my pussy tightening up, getting ready, with no stopping now. Ann's pussy was doing the same, and we were about to go over the edge together. Ann came first and she rocked her hips wildly. Then I came, with a gut-wrenching, moaning, thrashing climax that sent my brain reeling. I could feel Ann shaking on top of me, and my own body shuddered and shook, too. When we finally finished, Ann stayed on top of me, and I kissed her soft, wet pussy gently. She returned my kiss while her hand stroking my thigh. After a moment, Ann rolled off of me and we looked around. The room was like a large living room, with chairs and sofas, the bench, several foot stools and a coffee table. All around the room, people were either naked or dressed in sexy clothes. I realized that Ann was nude, and so was I, our stockings had been removed, but neither of us had remembered it. I saw a blonde with a shaved pussy straddling a huge cock, and then a man with a small prick start to fuck a thirtyish woman's asshole. Ms Sexyvoice was having her shaved pussy eaten by a girl who looked about our age, sitting on the sofa with her legs over the girl's shoulders. A man was jerking off next to her, and Ann and I watched as he shot his jism across her full tits. The girl stopped sucking pussy and began licking the man's cock. She then turned and began licking his come from Ms Sexyvoice's tits. Ann pointed and I saw a woman laying over a footstool, her pussy getting fucked by a nice sized cock, and her face buried between another woman's legs. This was an all out orgy! I looked for Mom, and saw her. I blinked, then looked again. Three guys were shooting their cum all over her face and tits, while she rode another woman's face. Mom was greedily licking their cocks off when a redheaded woman came over and began rubbing the sperm all over her face. Ann and I looked at each other, and she wiped some cum from her chest onto my face. It felt sexy, and very nasty. My own tits were soaked and I pushed her back and she started licking them off. A guy kneeled down, holding his big dick near my tits and jacking himself off. "Shoot your jism on her face," I told him, and he did a few seconds later. Some of it splashed against my tits and Ann sucked his cock. We kissed, and she had a thick glob of his cum in her mouth. We chased it around and then she swallowed it, kissing me even harder. The man watched, and I felt my pussy being probed. I looked back, and saw a woman wearing a strap on dildo kneeling behind me, spreading my buns. She knew how to use that dildo, too. After a few moments, she was pumping me and I was thrusting back, riding it to another orgasm. Ann slid out from under me, and I saw her get up on all fours for a man who looked about fifty. He had a trim body and a short, thick cock which went right up Ann's ass. I watched this until I began climaxing. The woman fucking me leaned over and thanked me, kissing my ear before she wandered off to find another girl. Ann was getting her butt fucked nicely, and I rolled over to lay under her and to the side, kissing her. I felt a cock in me and let him fuck me until he came. I just wanted to kiss Ann and pinch her nipples so she would come again, too. I felt cum shoot into me and the guy's cock was replaced by a woman's mouth. She was licking my sperm-drenched pussy so good, I knew I would come quickly. I wanted to see who she was. I looked down and saw long, straight, red hair. The woman lifted her head up and said "I always knew you had a delicious pussy!" and then she went back to licking me. I knew her! "Miss PALMER!?" I said, shocked to see my English teacher naked, sucking my cunt with abandon. She sat up, her small breasts covered with large, rosy nipples, and her face glistening wetly. She smiled and told me that she'd always wanted to suck my pussy, then she slid three fingers inside me, using her thumb on my clit while she sucked and licked my breasts. The man came in Ann's ass, and he held her for a while, both of them watching Miss Palmer lick my tits and finger me to climax. She then offered her red-haired pussy to Ann, who sucked and licked her, making her moan. I got up and sucked her small, pointy breasts. "You girls are so hot." She said. "Such naughty little sluts. I love it!" She came, giving out long, low moans, and soaking Ann's face. We kissed her, letting her finger us both, until she got up and left. Around us, there were more people than I remembered, and sure enough, I saw that some faces (okay, bodies) were new, and some, like Miss Palmer and Ms Sexyvoice had gone. Mom was lying on her back, getting fucked hard and eating out a girl about 25 while she was getting fucked. A man of about thirty asked us if we wanted a drink and led us out of the room to a bar. We both had some orange juice, and the man told us that we were the hottest two gals he'd ever seen. We thanked him and returned to the room, finding my Mom sitting in a chair, getting her pussy licked. I went over to her. I asked her how much longer we were going to stay. "If you want to go home," She said, "the car keys are in my locker. It's number 358." The girl eating her pussy began fingering mine, too. "I can get a ride from someone I know here. Otherwise, you're free to stay as long as I do." I told her we were going to go home, as both Ann and I were exhausted, and a bit mentally blown away. Mom said she'd be home later, and that we could do anything we wanted now, including fucking our boyfriends in the house. Ann and I went into the locker room and got the car keys. We got our clothes, and after getting dressed, realized that all we were wearing were halter dresses and shoes, nothing else. Too, we tried to wash up a little, neither of us realizing that there were showers behind the last row of lockers. We started to leave, and stopped to ask a man how to get back to Las Vegas. "Follow the signs." He said. He was a little busy, as he was fucking a big breasted girl's breasts. We walked out into the warm night air, and found the car easily. We got in and drove out, following the signs until we found a road we knew. "I don't believe what's just happened!" Ann said. "Do you realize that we were a couple of absolute sluts in front of all those people?!" "And my mother," I reminded her. "Yeah! And your Mom's into kinky shit, too!" That had me a little worried, but I was sure she knew more than I did. "Did you see you see how your Mom loved having those guys cum on her?" Ann asked me. "You liked it too, didn't you?" I said. "Well, yeah, but..." "So did I. And you were soaked with cum when our masks came off," I reminded Ann. "ME!?" She cried. "Shit girl! You had sperm dripping off all over you!" "And you loved it." I shot back. "Just like you did." Ann said sharply. All this talk was reminding me of the sticky feeling I had on my tits, stomach everywhere else. My rear felt sticky and my pussy was still sopping wet. I drove carefully, not wanting to get a ticket. THAT would be embarrassing! "And what was that bit of calling me a bitch and a slut?" I asked Ann. "I'm sorry, but I wanted to come so bad! But you stopped sucking my clit just as I was gonna cum. Boy, was I pissed!" "Listen, you greedy little slut, if you'd done a sixty-nine with me in the first place..." I was getting mad, because Ann wasn't thinking of how horny I had been. "Slut? Greedy SLUT?!" Ann said. "You wait until we get home, and I'll show you a greedy slut!" We both paused, and then began laughing. We fell silent and I thought about the evening. Had there been a purpose to this? Had Mom wanted to show me something? Something about sex? Something about sex and love? About it being better if it goes together. Without conscious thought, I glanced over at Ann. She was staring at me. Once we got back to my house, we went inside quickly, and took off our clothes, kissing each other right in the kitchen, where we'd never dared before. Ann's hand went between my legs quickly. "Wait a minute," I said. "I need a shower. I feel dirty and sticky." "Hmm," Ann said, "Me, too. I feel like a sticky, sperm covered slut who wants to suck your cunt until you beg me to let you cum." "Oooh, you're my favorite little slut. Let's take a shower." We went to the bathroom and I started the shower. Ann didn't give me much of a chance, kneeling and sucking my pussy while the water warmed up. She had me soaking wet again, and her fingers shoved up my cunt when I saw the steam curling around the door. "C'mon greedy." I said, opening the shower door. "You can eat me in the shower, too." Ann stayed still, licking my clit and making me hot and lusty. She kept on, getting me closer. I decided that after I came, we'd take our shower. She got me within an inch, then stopped. "Okay, let's get in the shower." She said, standing up. "You fucking slut!" I said to her. "Don't stop now!" "Awww, are you ready to cum?" Ann asked coyly. "Eat me, you bitch. Suck that clit!" I said, forcing her back down. Ann began to tease me, and it felt awfully good. "I bet you'd love to suck cum out of my pussy right now," Ann said. I moaned, trying to push her back between my legs. "Or maybe, you'd like a mouthful of cum spurting cock?" I moaned again, saying, "Shut up and make me cum, you fucking slut!" Ann laughed and then began tonguing my clit. I came with a body weakening and mind numbing shudder, holding on to Ann's head to keep from falling. After a few moments, I thanked Ann and kissed her. We climbed into the shower and cleaned each other off, with me sucking her pussy until she came. Afterwards, we crawled into my bed, and did a lot of kissing, touching and holding of each other. We ate each other out several times, with Ann even coming against my breasts, covering me with her sweet juices. We were both naked, curled up and fast asleep when Mom came home. She woke us both up by turning on the bedroom light. It was warm, and we'd only had the sheet drawn up half way. I'd been sleeping with my arm over Ann, cupping her breast. Mom smiled at us, and asked us if we had a good time. Sleepily we both said yes, and she came over to the bed. "Here," Mom said, "I bought each of you something on the way home." She handed us each a gift wrapped box. We opened them, finding vibrators inside. Both were large, and real looking. And they had batteries!! "Neat!" Ann said. "Thank you!" I echoed that. Mom kissed us goodnight and went to bed. Ann and I stayed up and played with our new toys for a while. We found out why these things never go out of style -- they're fun! The next morning, Mom got up before we did, and woke us for breakfast. Ann was behind me, cupping my breast, and my vibrator, although turned off, was still in my pussy. We showered and dressed, and while Mom left for work, we thought of all the uses we could put our vibrators to. This was going to be a long, H O T summer!
Normally I would find such a hike invigorating. The trail was well worn and clear of debris. The rolling forest was southern pine, with a fair amount of hardwood thrown in, oaks and hickories, and the occasional yellow poplar towering up out of the low areas. The hills were small, but added character. It was a clear day, and while it was warm it was not uncomfortable. So it should have been an enjoyable walk, had I not been so distracted.We were about twenty minutes into the walk, and I was watching my wife as she moved ahead of me, looking quite out of place in her thin cotton summer dress and stockings. Not the usual hiking attire, she at least had on practical athletic shoes. The contrast of the shoes with the nylons, which I knew to be stretch thigh highs, was a bit unsettling, but the sight of her muscular legs quickly pulled your attention to more important areas. Armed with the knowledge that she wore nothing beneath the dress, I watched her lovely behind move under the thin material as she effortlessly strode up the next hill.The rest of our troupe fit more comfortably into the surroundings. The stocky short one, Steve, led the way, followed by Don and Leah. To my rear was the big, quiet guy, Jason, who had hardly spoken a word since we met two hours earlier. The guys were all dressed in cut-off jeans and tee shirts, with good hiking boots, and each with a full backpack. Full of what, I did not know. The girl Leah had baggy army pants and an equally loose fitting camouflage shirt covering what appeared to be a slender body, with boots on her feet as well. She was the real mystery, her black hair and black eyes, with the dark make-up she wore, giving her a somewhat grim appearance. She was self-assured, and most of the words uttered from her mouth to this point took on the form of instructions. There was no doubt that with a more feminine approach, she could be quite attractive, but she seemed to consciously play down her looks.As we walked, my mind churned on these new acquaintances, pondering their possible roles in my immediate future. My wife gave no clues to her intentions, and from the recent experiences we had shared, I knew better than to press her on it.The day had started innocently enough, with the anticipation of sensual pleasures that had become the pattern whenever we got time alone. Having traveled to her parents home the previous day, we left early in the morning to head off on our own, the kids staying behind to spend the long weekend with their grandparents. While I expected we would head directly to the beach, instead I drove the car north at my wife's instructions. When I questioned her for details, she simply lifted her skirt, my eyes confirming that once the nylons ended at mid-thigh, the lightweight dress was all she had on. She was up to something, and the excitement that settled in my gut grew as each hour passed.Her directions were simple and clear, and as I drove my right hand often found its way beneath the hem of her dress. Each time, she would permit a short exploration before fending me off, knowing full well I would soon be back. In this way, the drive was effectively shortened, and as lunchtime approached she announced we were near our destination, providing navigational directions through the beautiful hill country to a café she somehow knew of. My curiosity grew.The restaurant was simple and about half-full, the kind of country place where you can stop with confident expectations of a good sandwich and a cold beer. We made our way through the building to the large deck at the rear, nestled under tremendous oaks. When my wife headed directly to a large table with three men and a woman, it was with a familiar approach that caught me off guard. My surprise increased when it became clear that she knew the names of the guys, although she seemed to have them mixed up at first. I was to find out later that they had previously only communicated by E-mail, a reasonable explanation for her confusion. She did not know the woman, and it was evident by my wife's reaction that her presence was the only thing that was unexpected.I was introduced, and we sat for lunch. The three guys were friendly enough, and over beers the talk from Steve and Don flowed easily, with only Jason holding back, even though his manner was cordial. They were all in the business of web-site design, which I found to be unusual for such a rural location. The woman Leah was quiet at first, and I found her direct stare to be discomforting. She was obviously sizing me up, or so it seemed, and I couldn't help but wonder what information my wife may have shared in her correspondence with this group.My wife mixes easily, today being no exception, but there was an unusual edge of nervousness to her behavior. While I managed my end of the conversation, I wondered just what she was up to this time. It was a large group, which was as frightening as it was exciting, and as we talked my mind wondered. Along with the slight unease I detected in my wife, I was quite aware that I was wearing my own underwear beneath my clothes, a change from her usual humiliation tactics. I tried to piece the clues together, but made little progress in deciphering her intent.Towards the end of the meal, Steve arose and asked my wife to join him. I pondered on this as well, and it would be a couple of weeks before I learned she was signing certain releases and agreements, a fact I was glad to be ignorant of in retrospect. While she was gone, Leah joined in the conversation, asking questions about my work, my kids and in particular my wife and myself. Her manner suggested that only short, direct answers were of interest, and it felt for all the world like I was talking to my boss at work. She wasn't unfriendly; she simply had an air of being all business.When Steve and my wife returned, we gathered our things to leave. Where to, I had no idea. Before we left, my wife asked the four of them if all her conditions were going to be met. They readily agreed, and we headed off, the four of them piling into one vehicle, with us trailing behind. As we made our way down winding roads to the point where we picked up the hiking trail, my wife added to the mystery.'When we get where we are headed, things are going to happen that will surprise you, and probably even shock you. I want you to understand now that it's my wish, it's being done at my request.'Was that vague enough? After our last two adventures together, what was left in her mind that could possibly shock me? What was I in for? There were a dozen questions I wanted to ask, but I knew it would be a waste of effort. She was taking control, and I was again to be her helpless victim.'Any clues?''None at all. Just trust me, this will be fun, and I really want it.'Those words now rolled through my head as I watched her lovely ass swaying under the cotton dress in front of me. Was it any wonder I felt less in touch with nature than I normally would?The trail suddenly spilled out into a small clearing which ran up to a lake that until now had been concealed by the trees and the rolling terrain. It was a large, beautiful lake that wound through the low, wooded hills, and disappeared around a bend in the distance. A crude picnic table, dirty and heavily initialed with the carvings of previous visitors, sat next to an open burn pit, circled by rocks. There was a long wooden bench, also crudely made and well worn. The table and bench were situated under a huge, and ancient, oak, with limbs extending shade in all directions. It was an idyllic setting, and our new friends moved into the open space with the ease of people who had been there often.Steve, Don and Jason set down their packs and immediately went to arranging things, sliding the table away from the water and setting the bench off to one side. Steve removed his shirt, revealing his muscular chest, confirming the stocky build of a guy who worked out often. It was a testament to the changes in me, engineered by my wife, that I noticed such things at all, much less with the lingering stares I was now guilty of. With growing unease I again wondered what she was up to, and I relocated my gaze to soak in the beauty of the setting as I realized that I was nervous, but game for whatever was to come.Looking to my wife for reassurance, I noticed once again the fidgeting that belied her own nervousness, and as before it gave me pause. In our previous two experiences, she had been calm and coldly calculating, but that was clearly not the case today. Catching my eyes on her, she recomposed herself and gave me a smile and a wink. I couldn't help but admire her standing there, hair flowing freely across her shoulders, with the thin cotton dress accentuating her slender form and the bareness of her breasts beneath. Likewise, I couldn't help but notice Leah, who quietly stood off to one side with her arms firmly folded across her chest, eyeing my wife more openly than I was.The big guy Jason picked a pair of handcuffs from one of the packs, and came directly towards me. With resignation, I realized it was starting. From the paces my wife had run me through the past two months, I had learned, and demonstrated in undeniable terms, that I enjoyed this newfound aspect of my sexuality. But just like the two previous occasions, fear and anxiety were key elements of the transition from a man's man to a slut toy, and I would not have been surprised to learn I was visibly shaking as he approached. 'Sit with your back to the table, at the end.'I did as told, sitting on the bench that was integral to the picnic table. I was facing the lake as he knelt at the end of the table, and offered no resistance as he cuffed my hands together. The cuffs went around the table leg, which also combined as the support for the bench, and I was quite aware of the swelling in my groin as I was fixed to the table.'This is at her request, so you won't be tempted to get up.'With that he walked away, leaving me to ponder any secret meaning in his unexpected words. So I won't be tempted to get up? He joined Don, who was pulling video equipment from the bags, and together they started setting up two separate video recording devices. My knowledge of electronics is limited, but it was clearly more elaborate equipment than the average home video. They set the tripods at either end of the table, where they stacked spare tapes and battery packs.Leah came and sat on the bench beside me, as the bare-chested Steve approached my wife with leather straps in his hands. They were very similar to the restraints she had used on me at the hotel, and my wife willingly allowed him to buckle them in place on her wrists. Using what I thought of as a rock climber's snap ring, and the D-rings on the restraints, her two wrists were locked together in front of her. In this position, my wife's arms pressed her breasts together in a delightful manner. My curiosity was working overtime now, with the realization that whatever was to transpire, my wife's role would be something other than leader this time around.Next he blindfolded her, and my puzzlement grew. She allowed it without complaint, and it would only be much later that I would deduce that in addition to adding to her excitement, the blindfold also concealed her identity. Next to me, Leah pulled her own shirt from her pants, where it was tucked in, and started unbuttoning it. She interrupted this to remove her boot and socks, and looking back to my wife I saw that Steve had set her on the bench and was kneeling before her, gently removing the shoes and socks from her feet. With the dress only reaching her knees, my wife used her joined hands to hold the hem between her thighs as he lifted each leg, preventing him from being able to see up her dress to her bare pussy. It was amusing to see her act so demure when, already partly bound, there could be little doubt that he would see her body soon enough.Between where I sat and the lakeshore, Don was whistling contentedly, like a guy who enjoyed his work, as he fed a rope over an overhead oak limb. He had tossed it through a crook in the limb, and the weight of a hook on the dangling end helped to lower it to chest high. With my wife's shoes now removed, Steve helped her to her nylon clad feet and carefully guided her to where Don stood. Don then attached the hook on the rope to the snap-ring between my wife's wrists. Pulling on the rope, her hands were lifted up over her head, causing her dress to lift up to mid-thigh. Don pulled the rope until my wife's arms were high but not quite stretched tight, allowing her a small amount of slack, then began tying off the rope to a cleat on the tree trunk, the type used to secure boats. This left my wife exposed and vulnerable, and me with the realization that perhaps this day was more about her than I. Noticing for the first time that the cameras faced where she now stood, bound and helpless, the thin material of her dress doing little to conceal the erectness of her nipples, my curiosity was on the rise, when Leah startled me by leaning into my ear.'I understand you have some special talents.'I swallowed hard, not sure what to say to that as I wondered if my analysis of the situation was wrong. Maybe my wife did have plans for me after all? Leah gave me little time as she read my body language, scraping a long sharp fingernail down my cheek.'Yeah, I thought so. She E-mailed us some video captures of a blindfolded guy. They were crude, but explicit. Before we're done, maybe we'll show her how to change video to electronic stills properly.'Computer lessons? It didn't seem to fit as I looked into her eyes. Dark brown eyes show little emotion, offering no contrast with the pupil, making it impossible to tell if the coldness in her voice was real or contrived. Face to face, my earlier observation that she could easily be considered pretty by simply removing the dark gothic make-up was confirmed. Glancing down, her slightly open shirt revealed black leather and the hint of an ample bosom. She chuckled.'I see you're the quiet type, but I doubt she will be. I hope to make use of your talents in the future, it would be something new for me, but today is business and you're a spectator.'With that she squeezed my crotch through my shorts, and stood. Business? My confusion was growing, but my swelling cock was at least focused enough to respond to her touch.Steve had put leather straps on my wife's ankles, and had then attached each strap to opposite ends of an adjustable spreader bar, causing her legs to be held well apart. I had seen such spreader bars on pornographic web sites, but this was the first time to see a real one in use. He adjusted the length so that she was spread and open, but still able to stand with reasonable comfort. With her hands bound over her head and her legs forced apart, she was quite an erotic sight, having yet to utter a sound as she willingly allowed herself to be restrained. Steve now had two long eyebolts, and turning her so that she was sideways to where I sat, he drove them into the ground adjacent to her ankles with a small hammer. The outside D-rings on each strap were then attached with snap-rings to the eyebolts, so she was no longer free to turn.Leah had moved to a position directly in front of my wife, and was now openly looking her over as she removed her own shirt. Her pants were next, and the change in her was stark. Where she had previously been wearing baggy army style pants and shirt, she now had on a tight leather outfit, the name for which I could not recall. Lifting but barely covering her breasts, it fit snugly around her waist, enhancing the swell to her hips, and ending just above the hipbones with hanging garters. To these were fixed black fishnet stockings, which covered her well-shaped legs. Her pubic area was barely concealed by the scantiest string bikini bottom imaginable, tied at either side. As she moved, I could see that her bare ass cheeks were firm and round, and again I was struck by how easily she could be transformed into a very pretty feminine form. But instead she chose a darker look, and it reflected her manner as she now took command of the proceedings.Don had moved to the fire pit and started a small blaze with the wood that was stacked there. Jason busied himself with setting and aiming the cameras, which were now on. Leah looked about with authority, 'Well done, guys.'They had hardly spoken to each other as they set this scene up, executing their separate roles like a professional team that had been through this many times.'Thanks. No sign of second thoughts or resistance out of this one', Steve answered.As he spoke, he leaned in from behind my wife and started to gently caress her shoulders. At first her body stiffened, then after a few minutes you could see her visibly relax under his massaging hands. I wished my own aching shoulders, pinned behind me, could be so lucky as I watched his hands move up to her neck, caressing as they went. She leaned her head forward, now at ease and clearly enjoying the firmness of his touch, when without warning he grabbed the neck of her dress and ripped downward. The force pulled her back, as her dress was suddenly torn from her left shoulder and halfway off her body, baring most of her back, her left breast and a large portion of her right. His quick action brought a gasp from her, and a chuckle from Leah, who now examined her bare breast with unabashed interest as she spoke to my wife.'Have you told your husband what you've asked us to do? Or how bad you want it?'Still breathing hard from the shock, my wife stammered, 'No, I guess not. Not really.''You mean he doesn't know of the yearning inside you that he's never bothered to attend to? He's not aware of his failing?'It appeared she started to say something in my defense, then changed her mind. 'No, he doesn't know.''But your E-mails to us were so explicit.' It was delivered as a statement, and my wife chose not to respond, even seeming a little embarrassed. Leah went on, 'Have we met your expectations so far?''Yes. Well, except I thought it was just them.' It took me a moment to realize she meant the three guys.Leah laughed a cold, hard laugh. 'Hard to tell through E-mail, isn't it?' She studied my wife for a moment, then went on. 'We swap out depending on the situation. I've known since the beginning that I wanted you as my subject. Any woman who treats her man as you do is worth getting to know.' Again Leah laughed. It was hard to tell if she was being honest or sarcastic.My wife appeared uncomfortable with this explanation, and I imagined she was trying to read between the lines to see what she had gotten into as Leah's 'subject'. For myself, I was both perplexed and turned on. My wife had shared many lesbian fantasies with me over the years, mostly originated by me, but to my knowledge never had any actual experiences with another girl. She told me she had once come close with our friend Robin, high enough that particular night to go along if only she could bait Robin to make a move. When she told me about it later, the thought made me crazy with desire. But to my knowledge, other than that one time she had never come close to fooling around with another girl, and while she was willing to fantasize about it with me, I had concluded years ago that it didn't truly interest her. It was clear the presence of Leah was an unexpected development, and it would not have surprised me if this were cause for my wife to back out of whatever she had planned. But she made no move to do so, which was surprising and arousing at the same time. At no time in our relationship would I have lifted a finger to stop my wife if she was attracted to other women, the very thought turned me on, and I wondered with no small amount of hope how far this might go.Steve had moved around to the front of my wife, and without pretense ripped the dress from her right shoulder. The dress buttoned from top to bottom in the front, and he grabbed either side and pulled it apart, sending buttons flying in all directions as he removed the now tattered rag from her body and tossed it onto the growing fire. As my wife shifted her now nude body and I saw her dress burning, it occurred to me that she now had no clothes to wear for walking back to the car.There was nothing that turned me on quite like my wife's naked body, and as she stood before these new friends, blindfolded, legs restrained well apart, and arms bound overhead, I admired her with husbandly pride. The regular workouts and the deep tan on her slender body gave her a youthful appearance. The fact that she had been stripped naked by a man, essentially a stranger, in a rather violent manner, left her chest heaving as she fought to regain her composure. The thigh high stockings had slipped down a little, and my heart skipped a beat as Leah reached down and pulled them up, straightening them so they lay against her skin properly. It was an erotic sight, enhanced by the fact that my wife was naked, while the four people around her were for the most part dressed.As they stepped away and looked her over, I found myself fixing on her tan lines. Her backyard bikini would be considered daring in a public setting, and the contrast between the white areas, which barely extended past her most private geography, and the tan skin that was most her body, was deeply arousing to me. No doubt it would show up well on the video. Realizing she was being scrutinized as they passed around her body, she squirmed, but there was nothing she could do to satisfy her modesty reflex. Bound as she was, she was open to their gaze, and anything they chose to do.Don brought one of the packs over and set it between my wife and I, then the three guys backed away. Don and Jason moved to the cameras as apparent operators, and Steve moved behind me and sat on the bench on the opposite side of the table. I hardly noticed them as Leah stepped up to my wife, running a hand gently across her cheek. With one of her long fingernails, she traced under my wife's chin, down her neck, and continued a trail down between her breasts to her abdomen. My wife hardly moved, until Leah hit a ticklish area on her stomach, which caused her to try and twist away. I was watching intently, hoping to see more, when Leah spoke.'You realize that anyone on or near this lake can see you hanging helplessly?'I heard the unmistakable click of a camera, and looking over saw that Steve was busily recording the scene with a zoom lens.When my wife didn't answer, Leah flicked her left nipple with a sharp fingernail. Coming without warning, my wife jumped, but could not move away. 'Answer me.''Yes. Yes, I realize it.''You like that idea?'She hesitated for a moment, then said, 'I hadn't really thought about it yet. It does turn me on.' My wife had been an avid exhibitionist before the arrival of kids required a more conservative lifestyle, so I knew she was likely speaking the truth.'Good. We're going to have fun with you, and with luck someone will get a free show.' This brought a shiver from my wife. I'm sure she liked the thought, but she didn't expect Leah to be here, and no doubt had reservations about being exposed at the will of another woman. Leah added, 'This is park land, who knows who might be around.'She paused, then went on. 'Does my being here still bother you?''A little, yes', came the honest reply.'Want it to end here, before we go further?'My wife thought about this for several minutes, nervously squirming from side to side against her bonds, as Leah waited patiently. When she finally spoke, it was barely audible. 'No.''That's good. Its not like I'd be willing to stop now anyway.'Leah left that comment hanging as she moved to the bag and squatted down, giving me an excellent view of her nearly naked behind in the process. Looking past her and my wife, I realized one could see a great distance. As the lake wound through the hills, substantial shoreline was created, much of it having a direct line of sight to where my naked wife stood. It was a high-risk setting, which the cameras would capture well from their well thought out vantage points. When Leah arose from the bag, I again studied her lovely butt, until I noticed the coiled up leather strap in her right hand. It was about a half inch wide and flat, and when she dropped one end it looked to be about six feet long. The end in her hand was curled up along the axis, and wrapped tightly with thin leather bands, like shoelace material, creating a handle. Without warning, she swung with her right arm and the strap made a smooth, wide arc, hissing lightly as it cut through the air, landing across the back of my wife's thighs with a slap, the long end wrapping around to sting the front of her right leg.Blindfolded, my wife never saw it coming, and the blow brought a scream from her lips, as her body arched upwards in response to the pain. Her arms went slack momentarily as she went up on her toes, her scream echoing across the lake. As she came back down flat-footed, she tensed for the next blow that never came.'Is that what you wanted?' Leah asked.'Yes.' Her answer was soft and tense, and had barely crossed her lips, when the next blow landed square across her naked buttocks, wrapping around her hip. Leah knew what she was doing. The brief conversation had put my wife off guard, and again she was unprepared. Letting out another scream, she tried desperately to move forward without result. Leah moved quickly then, striking her three more times, once across the upper back, once on the lower back, and again across the buttocks. With her back to me, Leah whipped my wife with practiced grace, and my initial concern was quickly over-powered by the exotic sight of this pretty gothic woman beating my lovely, naked wife.My wife wanted this? I tried to put the pieces together, and they all clearly pointed to the fact that my wife had set this up on purpose. She wanted to be whipped; it was the only answer. My cock swelled as I studied her now, arching forward to escape the next blow. Her butt was tightly clenched as she pressed her pelvis forward, which simply exposed her pussy more to the camera on my left. Her breasts jutted out with her back arched as it was, and her rigid nipples were clearly outlined against the blue sky behind them. Her face pointed upward, her mouth was open as she whimpered, and a tear spilled from under the blindfold and ran down her cheek. Red welts had already risen up on her back, legs and ass. It was an intense scene.'Had enough?''No', she gasped. I couldn't believe my ears.'I didn't think so. You may be a natural.' With that the lash fell across her back again, the loose end slapping her right breast. Again and again it fell, from her shoulder blades to her calves, and though I lost count, I knew my wife had taken more than a dozen blows. Leah moved quietly to the far side of my wife, who was now hanging against the rope, gasping for breath. The camera beside me never stopped clicking. The new position gave her access to my wife's front, and this time Leah laid the strap across her exposed breasts. From this angle I could clearly watch the end of the leather wrap around my wife's body. She let out a howl from the pain in her breasts, and tried now to move backwards away from this new attack. When the next blow landed across her stomach, it was certain the scream would attract the attention of anyone who happened to be around the lake as it echoed off into the distance.Leah paused for a few minutes and studied my heaving wife with glee. She grabbed the top of her outfit and pulled. Her breasts were exposed as snaps were released, and the covering removed. The leather still remained snug under her large breasts, lifting them up so that they stood out proudly from her body, capped by large erect nipples. Her breasts swayed deliciously as she laid the next few blows across my wife's thighs, eliciting more screams. Then stepping back a short distance, her skill with the strap was demonstrated as she landed two consecutive blows on my wife's right hip, her spacing causing the end of the lash to curl in directly on my wife's pussy. My wife howled as she again lifted up on her toes, reaching for the sky as she tried to escape in the only direction she had limited movement. When the next anticipated blow didn't come, she slipped back down, hanging limply from the limb over head. Her head slumped forward, as she muttered softly, 'Oh God, oh God, oh God!'Leah coiled up the strap and laid it on the table as she sat next to me, leaning in to my ear with her left hand covering my crotch. 'I see this turns you on.' My eyes never left my wife, and I swallowed hard before answering. 'Yes.' She laughed, nuzzling into my cheek, pressing her bare breast against my arm as she openly rubbed my groin. My wife's breathing was starting to level off, and she shifted more of her weight back to her legs to relieve the strain on her arms. As the sheen of sweat that now covered her body began to dry in the light breeze off the lake, chill bumps could be seen rising up on her skin. The stockings now had tears front and back where the strap had fallen, with the redness of the skin beneath showing through. The erotic sight of her welt-covered body, naked and suspended from a tree, complimented the welcome hand on my crotch, as I responded to Leah's touch.Leah continued to rub my crotch, but her attention was now clearly on my wife. As the minutes of silence ticked by, the anxiety in my wife became visible as she fidgeted against her bonds. Leah whispered in my ear, "I bet she's more turned on than you are', then arose and went to the bag, offering me another good look at her ass. Moving from the bag to my wife with something in her hand, Leah again stroked her cheek, the tenderness of the act in contrast to the brutality of the whipping she had delivered. It was a calculated move by a person knowledgeable in her craft, as evidenced by my wife's welcome response to the gentle touch. When Leah suddenly kissed her, I fully expected my wife to pull back. In all our fantasies of lesbian acts, the one thing my wife wouldn't discuss was kissing another woman. Her fantasies centered on other women's breasts, and she tolerated my discussions of oral sex, but she did not enjoy talk of her kissing another woman. This had always been a private source of disappointment to me, as there were few things more erotic in my mind than two women kissing.So it was with a great deal of shock that I watched as my wife welcomed Leah's lips without hesitation, immediately kissing back in earnest, opening her mouth to share her tongue. They kissed passionately for several minutes, the camera clicking away beside me head, and I watched in amazement as my wife chased to the limits of her bonds, trying to maintain contact, when Leah finally pulled away. The yearning in my wife was visible, as Leah turned to me with a wink, 'See what I mean.'With that Leah dropped her head and sucked my wife's right breast into her mouth. My wife groaned with pleasure as she pushed out her chest to Leah, exposed on the side of the lake to all the world as a woman sucked on her nipple for the first time. It only lasted a minute, then Leah moved to the left breast, showing it the same loving attention as she extracted another groan from my wife. When Leah stood again, my wife's wet nipples were poking straight out, eagerly awaiting more affection, as Leah's hand cupped my wife's right breast, squeezing it so that the nipple poked out even further. But Leah did not have affection on her mind as she attached a clip to the nipple, releasing it to apply it's biting pressure. My wife stiffened up at the pain and let out a moan that was more surprise than pleasure this time. The clip was attached to a chain, and the chain had a clip on the opposite end that was quickly clamped in a similar manner onto my wife's left nipple.Leah stepped back and dropped the chain, the weight of it snatching at the clips and pulling down on the nipples to which they were attached. My wife squealed and leaned forward, as if she could relieve the effects of gravity. Leah just laughed and walked back to the bag, her bare breasts swaying as she gave me a wicked smile.'Is it true she's never been with another girl?''Yes', was all I could muster.'She certainly seems willing.''Yes.' She certainly did, and I was fascinated.'I'd love to play, but it's time to get back to work.' The words disappointed me as I watched her ass, carefully aimed at me once more as she reached into the pack. She came out with what I assumed to be a cat of nine tails, numerous long leather lashes attached to a common handle. She turned so I could see the unique handle, which was hard and smooth, jet-black, and shaped like a man's cock. Turning back to my wife, with one quick swing she laid the whole set of lashes harshly across my wife's ass. She jumped forward with a squeal, the chain swinging wildly as her breasts responded to the sudden movement. This brought a whimper from my wife, which turned to a scream as more blows landed on her lower back.Leah stepped to her front as my wife once again was gasping for air, her heaving chest causing the newly affixed chain to rise and fall in an irregular cadence.'Ready for me to stop?'My wife didn't hesitate. 'No, please don't.''You sure?''Yes, whip me more. I need it. I want it.''But this is more like a beating than a whipping. Is a simple whipping all you want?''No. Beat me. Please beat me. Oh God, it hurts, but don't stop.' I was mesmerized. I knew my wife liked rough sex, I knew she liked her nipples pinched harshly, I knew she loved brutal fucking, but I never would have guessed this.Leah laughed. 'Usually people are begging me to stop by now.' She reached out handle first with the whip, between my wife's legs, bringing it up to make contact with her pussy. She responded immediately, grinding down against the handle. She couldn't see what is was, but it applied pressure in the right place, and that was all that mattered. Leah held it firmly as she let my wife do all the work, wantonly working her pussy back and forth. It was quite a sight, as she hung her head and ground her pussy against the whip, the chain on her nipples swinging freely between her breasts. With her free hand, Leah grabbed the chain and pulled outward, stretching the nipples away from my wife's chest. Her head snapped upwards and she let out a gasp at the pain, but her hips never stopped moving against the object pressed up into her pussy.Leah held her like that for a full minute or two, the nipples pulled well out from my wife's body, and the hard handle of the whip pressed up into her grinding pussy. My wife's face pointed straight up with her mouth open in a silent scream as she put on a depraved display for all of us to see, and anyone else who may be watching. Even I was starting to pant now, wanting nothing more than to stroke my own cock as I watched this evil woman play my wife like a finely tuned instrument.Just when it seemed certain my wife would reach a climax, Leah released the chain, letting my wife's breasts fall back into place. The sudden release caused my wife to throw her head forward with a gasp, and Leah quickly moved the whip handle from my wife's pussy to her lips. My wife accepted the whip into her mouth and eagerly licked her own juices from the handle. 'My, my, we can't come yet', was all that Leah said.Stepping away from my wife, Leah now repeatedly lashed my wife's helpless breasts with the whip. The onslaught moved downward without pause, until she was openly whipping my wife's pussy. My wife jumped with every blow, howling in one continuous cry of agony. Leah paused for a moment to change position, then resumed the attack on my wife's back, concentrating her blows on her ass and upper thighs, as the chain beat a sympathetic response against my wife's abdomen. The stockings fell away from her thighs in tatters as Leah beat my wife relentlessly, as she had been begged to do.When she stopped, my wife continued to jerk about as if the blows were still landing. Turning the whip in her hand again, this time Leah knelt before her, bringing it straight up to enter my wife's pussy, shoving it in deeply. Holding it there, it only took a moment for my wife to erupt in orgasm as Leah reached up and this time tugged downward on the chain suspended from her nipples. The climax made it clear my wife enjoyed this torture, and I found myself hoping that Leah would lean forward and go down on her. But it was not to be, as Leah released the chain and stood, leaving the whip embedded in my wife's pussy.Leah walked directly to me, her hard nipples indicating her arousal. Without a word, she loosened my belt, then unsnapped my shorts and lowered my zipper. Hooking her hand on either side, she whisked my shorts and underwear down and off my legs, casting them aside. As my rigid cock sprang upward, 'nice one' was all she muttered. Again my hope of what might happen next was off target, as she turned to find something new in the pack. My naked wife was now hanging limply from the rope, every muscle in her body slack, her head hanging forward. Her skin was red and covered with welts, and the lashes of the whip hung lewdly between her legs. Her strength had given out for the moment, causing her legs to bend slightly at the knee, the ruined nylons in a puddle around her ankles. Her nipples continued to stick out boldly under the pressure of the clips, and the chain rose and fell with her breathing. She looked spent, and I was suddenly concerned about her. Leah took out a large squirt bottle, and kneeling carefully at the shore, filled it with lake water. Aiming it at my wife, she squeezed and hit her with a strong spray of water, starting at her chest and working up and down. It must have been cold and the shock caused my wife to jump, moving her weight back to her feet as she tried in vain to escape the spray. Leah repeated this process several times, until my wife was soaked front and back, from head to toe, panting in frustration. When the water torture stopped, my wife was visibly relieved. As Leah leaned in to lick the water droplets from her face, my wife responded eagerly to the tenderness, to my surprise seeking Leah's lips with her own. Leah simply laughed and walked away.Taking a butt plug from the bag, Leah walked back to my wife and unceremoniously shoved it in her mouth. It was short but wide on the end, with a narrow neck just above a wide flat base. My wife accepted the plug, her cheeks puffing out around the bulb and her lips closing tightly around the narrow portion, with only the base sticking out of her mouth. Leah came back to the bag, and then finding what she wanted, went back to my wife and started adding lead weights to the chain hanging from her still dripping nipples. They were offshore fishing weights, of fair size, and as each one was added and released, my wife let out a grunt around the plug in her mouth. Standing back to admire her work, I heard the camera clicking again, and I hoped to get a copy of this image of a bare breasted woman standing before my naked wife, whose wet body glistened in the sun, a weighted chain hanging from her nipples, a butt plug in her mouth, and a cat of nine tails protruding from her pussy.Turning towards us, Leah addressed Steve. 'Can you lower the rope a little?' I had all but forgotten the three guys, and when Steve came around to the cleat on the tree I was surprised to see he was nude, his hard cock swinging as he walked. It was short like he was, but thick and powerful looking, a perfect fit for his stocky build. He released the rope, and as Leah pulled my wife's shoulders forward, he slowly fed out length until Leah said, 'that's good.' Winding the rope back around the cleat, he leaned against the tree and idly stroked his cock as he eyed my wife, who was now leaning forward about 45 degrees, bent at the waist, with her arms held high in a somewhat awkward position. She hung her head, the weighted chain hanging freely from her nipples, the plug still in her mouth and the whip still in her pussy.Leah returned to the pack one more time, poured lubricant on her hand, then went back to my wife and started rubbing it into her ass. It wasn't hard to figure what would happen next, but I wasn't looking ahead. Instead I was fixed on Leah's hand, which seemed to linger at my wife's asshole a bit longer than necessary, at least in my active imagination. When first one, and then a second finger clearly slid in to my wife's anus, my erect cock twitched involuntarily in time with my wife's own lurch forward at the intrusion. But while she may have found the initial penetration a surprise, it didn't take long for the passion built up within her to respond, as she started to push back against the probing fingers. This brought a laugh from Leah, and a smile from Steve, who continued to stroke his own cock as he looked on in approval.When Leah pulled her fingers out, my wife let out a small moan, which could have been interpreted as relief or regret. Leah removed the plug from my wife's mouth, then returned to her backside and pressed it against her asshole. She simply held it there and watched my wife intently. It took a couple of minutes before it became clear that she would get the result she was obviously seeking, as my wife started to visibly press back against the plug on her own. Holding it firmly in place, Leah allowed my wife to work herself onto it without assistance, showing the cameras what an unrepentant slut she had become. It took a little effort, which in turn caused the weighted chain to swing provocatively from her nipples, and when she finally got the angle and the leverage correct and the bulb slid past her sphincter, she let out a long, low groan as she now pressed back and accepted the entire plug up her ass.One of the guys on the cameras muttered, 'Damn.' I agreed. The more my wife degraded herself for these people, the more turned on I became, my hard dick pointing to the sky.Coming back face to face with my wife, Leah leaned in to kiss her. When my wife felt her lips, she responded eagerly, her tongue blatantly probing the other woman's mouth. They kissed long and hard, like experienced lovers, my wife the aggressor even though she was restrained, seeking out Leah's lips for more every time she tried to pull away. It was a game Leah was enjoying, as she teased my wife into a frenzy, pausing to ask, 'You're sure you've never been with another woman?'No', my wife responded. Leah thought about this, then looked to me, her eyes more on my hard cock than my eyes, asking me for the second time, 'That true?''As far as I know, yes.' I tried to be convincing, but my wife's behavior made it sound like a lie.Turning back to my wife, she said, 'Well, you seem to learn quick.' She accentuated this with a kiss, which my wife returned in earnest. Then standing erect, Leah used her left hand to lift her right breast, placing her right hand on the back of my wife's head. When Leah guided her in, my wife latched on without hesitation, sucking the nipple and a large portion of Leah's breast into her mouth with obvious delight. I was breathless as I watched my wife suck on another woman's breast for the first time in her life. I locked on to this scene, trying to burn it into my memory. And what an incredible scene it was, my wife stripped naked, tied in what had to be an uncomfortable position, welts all over her body from a beating she commissioned herself, her tattered stockings collected at her ankles, a whip sticking from her pussy, and a plug deep in her ass, as she lustfully sucked on the breast of her tormentor. Looking past her momentarily to the wide expanse of water beyond, I wondered if anyone else was truly watching this.Don appeared to my right, carrying a camera, now naked just as Steve was. He was a tall, skinny guy, and his hard dick was long and lean as well. I looked over at Jason to my left. His shirt was off and it appeared he was also naked, his lower half mostly hidden behind the table. I couldn't help but think my wife would enjoy being able to see. Don started taking photos, this time from much closer range, as Leah shifted my wife to her left tit. She was in no hurry, as she allowed my wife to suck on her breasts contentedly. The violence of the afternoon seemed to slip away to tenderness, as both women enjoyed the awakening of a new, or perhaps suppressed, passion within my wife.When Leah finally pulled away, her nipple gleaming, my wife let out little grunts of frustration. Unconcerned, Leah squatted and removed the whip from my wife's pussy. Pushing it into my wife's mouth, she told her, 'Don't let this slip out.' With her body bent forward and her head down, it took a little effort to hold it in. To simplify the task, my wife lifted her chin high, pointing the whip upward at an angle placing it parallel with the line of her back. It was an erotic sight, with the sun shining on the wet part of the handle left exposed, showing that it had been quite a bit deeper into her pussy than it now was in her mouth.Leah walked to the bag directly in front of me, and while staring at my rigid member she untied the strings on either side of her bikini bottoms. As they fell away from her body, my eyes fixed on her pussy, which was shaved bare, the skin smooth and white. Smiling at my obvious interest, she tilted her head and batted her eyes sweetly, affecting a deep southern drawl as she said mockingly, 'Why grass doesn't grow on a busy highway, honey.' I had to laugh, noting once again that with the proper make-up and clothing, she could easily be converted to the type of girl you'd be proud to escort to church, or home to see mother. That image was quickly destroyed as she dropped to the pack and came out with a long black penis-shaped dildo, attached to latex material. She wrapped the latex around her crotch, and after a moment it became clear that the material, once snapped into place on either hip, formed what amounted to a bikini bottom with a rigid dildo attached. The latex fit her very tightly, and as she wordlessly walked back to my wife, her 'cock' swayed back and forth much like Dan's did before her, only hers was much thicker.I was transfixed, my dick aching, as she eased up behind my wife, placing a hand on either hip. She turned my wife's ass towards me as much as the restraints would allow, then smiling at me she eased forward until her cock head made contact with my wife's pussy lips, which were now partially visible to me. My wife responded immediately, rubbing back against the contact, and I wondered if she understood it was Leah that was about to fuck her. I excitedly urged Leah on in my mind, and when I saw the cock head penetrate my wife, a soft moan of joy escaped my lips. This amused Leah, and she turned her full attention to my wife as she pushed all the way in. My wife accepted the cock with a show of gratitude, wantonly working herself against the stiff prick now deep inside her. When Leah leaned forward and reached around to my wife's breast, her own tits fell against my wife's back, causing my wife to pause in surprise.'Yes, it's me,' Leah snickered.I don't know if it bothered my wife to suddenly realize she was being fucked by another woman, but as Leah's hands cupped her breasts, milking them outward so that the tortured nipples, with the clips attached, were pulled away from her body, the willingness in my wife's body quickly returned as she responded to the rhythm of Leah sliding her cock in and out. Using the grip on her breasts to pull back on my wife, Leah offered her some support to relieve her aching shoulders, but at the same time further restrained her body as she drove the hard cock into her pussy. I watched in fascination. On every stroke Leah's body made contact with the butt plug, pushing it deeper into my wife's ass. As she fucked my wife, she kneaded her breasts, working her fingers deep into the flesh as the chain swung wildly about on her nipples. My wife had her head laid all the way back as she tried desperately not to lose the whip, which was still between her lips, her breathing loud and rough. Just when it appeared my wife was ready to orgasm, Leah released her breasts and grabbed the chain in both hands, pulling it forward so that the nipples were stretched away from her body. My wife threw her head forward in agony, and as she screamed the whip slipped from her mouth. Leah caught it deftly in her right hand, then released the chain and stood up, the strap-on dildo still deep within my panting wife.'I warned you not to drop it.'Reaching forward, Leah grabbed my wife's hair and pulled, causing my wife to come erect while still impaled on the hard rubber cock. Reaching around, Leah used the whip to slap my wife's stomach. It was an awkward position, but she still made good contact, and once again the serenity of the lake was shattered by my wife's squeals as Leah distributed blows up and down her body. I watched in wonder, breathing hard myself and working against my own bonds, as amazingly my wife began to mutter, bobbing up and down on the cock in her pussy, 'Oh yes, beat me, It hurts so good. Oh God, it hurts so good.' On and on she went, pausing only to squeal when Leah landed a particularly effective blow. Leah slapped her directly on the pussy, which brought an agonizing scream of 'Oh yes' from my wife. This spurred Leah on, and she returned with the whip to her pussy over and over until my wife could take no more and bent forward again in an effort to escape the blows. With my wife now bent forward, Leah merely stood erect and let my wife move herself back and forth on the big dildo as Leah laid blow after blow on her back and shoulders. It took only a minute of this abuse for my wife to explode into orgasm, her body shuddering as she found release, the howl of pleasure echoing across the lake. Leah held my wife by the hips, holding the full length of her cock inside my wife's pussy as she leaned into the butt plug and rode wave after wave of orgasmic delight as it passed through my wife. When at last she slowed down, her body slumped against the rope as all strength passed out of her. Compared to the violence of only a few minutes ago, it was an act of kindness when Leah unsnapped the latex, leaving the cock buried in my wife's pussy, and moved around to support my wife and reduce the strain of the bonds, offering her breasts again to the willing mouth of the woman I loved.Looking about, it was almost amusing to see Don trying to take pictures with one hand and stroke his cock with the other. Steve had leaned flat back against the oak and had his hips thrust forward, and I saw he had come as he milked the last drop of semen from his cock. I was not surprised, but I was jealous as my own deprived cock wished for relief as well.The filtered sunlight speckled their bodies as my wife sucked on Leah's breasts, her own body still rising and falling from her labored breathing. Holding my wife against her chest, Leah motioned for Steve to release the rope. As he played slack into the line, Leah separated the hook from the cuffs on my wife's wrists, then pushing my wife back away from her, she let my wife slowly lower her arms to her abdomen for the first time since they had started. The grimace made it clear how stiff they were, as Leah eased her unresisting body to her knees. My wife's naked body was red all across the front, and on the shoulders and back, where the lashes had fallen, offering contrast to the alabaster white of Leah's partially nude form. The spreader bar still had her feet locked firmly in place, and the spread position looked awkward as she knelt. She appeared as if she wanted to fall forward onto the muddy ground, and Leah held her shoulders to keep her upright. My wife was a beautiful sight, kneeling nude in the dirt, blindfolded, with her hands bound before her, against the backdrop of a pristine lake and forest. Leah knelt and reaching under, removed the large dildo from my wife's pussy, getting a moan in response. Standing again, she brought the dildo to my wife's lips, which opened to accept it without question.Motioning for Don to slide the bench over, Leah sat before my wife and looked over at me with a sly grin. 'Now we'll see how much she's learned.' Her manner had softened considerably, the whipping of my wife seeming to drain the harshness out of her. She took hold of the dildo, worked it in and out a couple of times, then pulled it out of my wife's mouth. Reaching down to remove the weights from the chain, she talked as she worked.'You seem to like the taste of your pussy?'My wife nodded, and Leah chastised her, 'Say the words.''Yes. Yes, it turns me on to taste my pussy juice.''Perhaps you'd like to try mine?'My wife was totally still for a minute, as Leah eyed her carefully. When she spoke, it was in a very faint and uncertain voice. 'I think so.''Think so? Maybe not then. I was hoping for more commitment.'Again my wife hesitated, clearly running through the scene in her mind. She knelt in silence for several minutes, and from my own experiences I was pretty sure of the turmoil she felt inside. She was considering stepping across a line, and there would be no stepping back. When she spoke again, her voice was stronger, and her words excited me beyond description. 'No, I'm sorry. No. I mean yes. Yes, I'll taste your pussy.'Leah chuckled. 'I knew you would.'With that Leah slid her hips up to the very edge of the bench and spread her legs. No more than ten feet away from where I sat, I could clearly see her pussy as her hands came to my wife's head and guided her forward. As my wife leaned forward, with her feet still bound, she reached a point where her lack of balance caused her to reach forward with her bound hands, looking for a way to steady herself. Her hands went between Leah's legs and hit part of the bench support, where her hands settled. Feeling more confident of her balance, she once again let Leah guide her slowly forward. My anticipation grew as they inched forward, my heart skipping a beat when I saw my wife's lips make contact on Leah's belly just above her pussy. Leah removed her hands and placed them flat on the edge of the bench behind her, leaning back. She left my wife to her own initiative, her own willingness, as we all watched breathlessly, Leah demonstrating without doubt how effectively she had broken my wife.To her own credit, my wife moved slowly, savoring the moment. She kissed Leah's stomach, then licked a trail first left and right, then down into the space where thigh met crotch, sliding over to kiss the inside of Leah's thigh. She repeated this on both sides, as Leah watched her contentedly, happy to have such a patient student. Finally, the anticipation becoming too great, my wife licked her way down Leah's slit, until I watched as my wife's mouth closed over another woman's pussy for the first time ever. Whatever concerns my wife had about oral sex with another woman, such thoughts were clearly out the window as she devoured Leah's womanhood with relish. If there was any surprise at finding Leah's pussy devoid of hair, it did not show.Don was busy clicking photos again as my wife boldly tongued Leah's pussy, working deep into the folds. As she settled to suck on the hairless clit, Steve moved in behind her, and started to unfasten her feet from the pegs embedded in the ground. As he worked, his eyes were fixed on my wife's pussy, spread for him as she knelt before Leah, the plug still buried in her ass. Once complete, he helped her to slip forward slightly into a more comfortable position, even though the bar still held her feet apart. Then he leaned in and buried his face in my wife's pussy. She moaned in satisfaction, never slowing her tongue on Leah's clit.The two women starting moaning together, leaving no doubt this intense scene would end quickly. Once again I wondered if any lucky souls around the lake were seeing this display, and I hoped it to be true. Leah's hands rigidly gripped the back edge of the bench, her elbows and shoulders locked forcing her breasts outward as her body tensed one last time, then she reached orgasm first, letting out a squeal of her own this time. She held her position with her eyes closed as she let my wife's mouth lead her through her climax, her toes extending as her feet came up off the ground. As Don clicked off photos, I prayed to get a copy of this moment as well for fear that my memory may one day fade. It was an awesome sight, and I slumped my aching shoulders against the table, as my dick throbbed and Leah relaxed, grabbing my wife's head and holding it firmly in her crotch. My wife followed right behind her, moaning into Leah's pussy as Steve's tongue brought her off. With Leah holding her head, she wiggled her behind lewdly against Steve's face as the joy of orgasm passed through her. Then much too quickly for me, it was over. Leah released my wife's head and stood, commanding Steve to remove the spreader bar from my wife's feet. My wife knelt patiently as he did so, Leah's juices glistening on her chin in the sunlight.I was staring at my wife, but I heard Leah's voice. "Jason, I think she's ready for you.'Without a word, Jason ambled over, naked like the rest of the guys. He was a big man, and I could now see that his cock was in proportion. Only partially hard, it was easily as long as my own, and thick, just like him. He took a seat in front of my wife, who was now kneeling in a more reasonable position with her feet free, and without pretense grabbed her head in one hand and his cock in the other and brought the two together. There was no hesitation this time in my whore of a wife as she opened her mouth and accepted his cock. It only took her a few minutes to stiffen him up, and while his cock did not grow substantially in length, it filled out in girth. Realizing what she had, she pulled off for a second and muttered, 'Oh my God', revealing a huge head on a heavily veined cock, before closing back down on it once again.The other two guys stood nearby watching intently, their own cocks at attention. Don took the occasional picture, but was mostly enjoying the show. Leah stood behind my wife, stroking her head, 'Jason's special, isn't he? Show him how much you like him.'My wife brought her bound hands up, and closed them around the base of Jason's massive cock. With a slow, steady motion, she milked his cock into her mouth, her hands barely closing around it in their restrained condition. At first Jason merely sat there and watched my wife with amusement, but her milking action began to have the desired affect, and he closed his eyes as the feelings grew stronger. Sensing he was getting close, Leah pulled my wife back, leaving his giant prick shining in the sun as her hands continued to stroke it.'Jason's only good for one shot, so let's don't waste it.'As if on cue, Jason laid back flat on the bench, his huge cock pointing to the sky. With Leah's help, my wife stood and straddled the bench, then Leah left her to find her own way. She was quite a sight, hands bound, blindfolded, body covered with welts, the remnants of her only clothing item in ruins around her feet, as she searched with her bare ass for his big cock. Making contact, everyone watched mesmerized, without helping, as she lifted up to try and get the monster in position at her pussy. It was a struggle that was erotic to watch, and as her actions became more desperate, with her standing on her tiptoes and whimpering in frustration. It was clear she had to have this big cock in her pussy. Finally she found a solution, passing over his cock, moving from his head to his feet, until it popped up in front of her, then moving forward again, capturing it against his belly with her hungry pussy.Working herself against his cock, she finally got the head into her pussy. Obviously aware she was being watched, she placed her bound hands on his chest, then pushed his cock vertical again, holding it there a moment before forcing her body down on it. I was certain it was the biggest cock to ever enter her body, and she gasped as she filled her pussy with it, only managing to get three quarters of it inside herself. She held it there, hands on his chest and body stiff, chain swinging between her breasts, her mouth hanging open as if to exclaim to the world how full she was, but remaining silent. Jason remained perfectly still, hands behind his head, letting her do the work as she slowly started to fuck herself on his massive manhood. After several strokes, she finally had the entire cock inside her pussy, and she collapsed on top of him in ecstasy, her hands folded to her chest. Jason continued to lay there, smiling, as the other two guys stood over her with their cocks in their hand. Leah had taken over the camera and now walked around the two, taking pictures from all angles. My wife lay on top of Jason and ground her hips down against his crotch, forcing the cock as deep as it would go. Her ass was to the lake, and anyone across the water had a perfect view of this monster cock buried in her pussy, and the butt plug in her ass. I could only imagine how full the huge cock and the large bulb on the plug made her slender body feel. I had not noticed Leah trade the camera for the cat of nine tails, and when she landed a blow across my wife's ass, I couldn't tell who was most surprised, her or I. Her head shot up and she squealed, but she offered no resistance as the next blow landed. She started fucking herself on that giant cock like a woman possessed as blow after blow landed on her ass, back and shoulders.'Oh God yes. Oh God. Fuck me, beat me. Oh yes, fuck me, beat me.' Her chant went on and on as she drove herself down on Jason's cock in time with the blows delivered by Leah. Jason reached up for the chain and tugged on her nipples as she rode his cock.It only took a few minutes of this brutality before she roared into another series of orgasms, letting out a deep guttural cry of passion and pain that spilled across the lake as Leah beat her ass all the way through her extended climax. Leah finally let up as she once again collapsed on Jason, her head buried in her hands in sobs of pleasure as the heat from the whip burned red into her back and ass.Don muttered, 'Jesus', then stepped forward beside Jason and lifted my wife's head from his chest. Turning her towards him, he brought his hard cock to her lips and she offered no resistance as he slid into her mouth. While she had pleased herself, Jason wasn't done and he placed a hand on either of her hips and lifted her slightly, then started working his cock up and into her pussy. As Jason settled into a regular cadence, she was limp in his and Don's hands, allowing her pussy and mouth to be used for their pleasure. Steve eased up behind her and started to remove the plug from her ass. I knew where he was headed, and was eager to see her with three cocks buried in her body, all holes filled, as my own cock throbbed with the frustration of inattention. But Leah stepped forward and stopped him. 'Wait your turn, her ass is mine.'I wasn't sure of her meaning, but I was certainly for Steve plugging her ass with his short, fat dick. Leah's words sent my imagination into overdrive, compensating for my disappointment.Steve wasn't going to have to wait long, as the moans from Don pointed to his nearing orgasm. Leah was once again taking photos, giving the whip, and my wife, a rest. As Don's moans became more frantic, Jason, the quiet one, spoke to my wife. 'Make sure you take it all, I don't want it spilling on me.'He steadily fucked her pussy as Don finally reached his limit, holding her head and crying out as he pumped his come into her willing mouth. She swallowed every drop. Steve didn't give him much time to cool down, pushing him away and bringing his own cock to her waiting mouth. She was able to take him all the way in with ease, his pubic hair pressed against her nose, and it was literally only a minute before he also filled her mouth with semen. Once again she took it all, sucking him dry as he pumped into her mouth in time with Jason's cock pounding in her pussy. Jason was getting frantic now, and he suddenly lifted her up and stood, snatching her away from Steve's depleted cock, easily holding her tiny form on his giant cock. Holding her off the ground skewered on his manhood for a moment for us all to see, he then spun around and laid her back on the bench. Bringing her nylon covered ankles to his shoulders, he came down on her, pinning her knees against the clamps on her nipples as he drove his huge dick in and out of her pussy. The pounding was ferocious, her breasts slapping forward with every beat, as she lay beneath this big man and took everything he had to give. Leah came and sat next to me, and I wished she'd grab my cock as I watched my wife be brutally fucked by this man and his monster cock, her usual litany of lust spilling from her lips. 'Oh God, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. Oh God fuck me with that huge cock of yours. Fuck me.'On and on she went, as Leah leaned in to my ear, stroking my cheek. 'She's incredible. Does she always orgasm so much?' I only nodded as I watched, wanting Leah to touch my cock, to help me.When they both reached orgasm together, it was an incredible sight, there on the side of the lake, out in the open before God and everyone. Obviously working for the cameras, Jason pulled out of her pussy and fired stream after stream of hot come across her body. The quantity and the force was impressive, beyond anything I could ever muster, with come extending from her chin to her pussy, Jason directing a large portion of it across both breasts. My wife wailed through her orgasm, trying to grind her pussy up against Jason, tossing her head from side to side as hot semen rained on her body. Come shots on the internet were never a turn on for me, but seeing this display in person, my wife the recipient, was one of the most intensely erotic moments of my life. When it ended, Jason crawled off my wife and she lay spent on the bench, naked and exposed, drenched in come, her bound hands up over her head, the chain connecting her two nipples rising and falling as she panted in satisfaction. Don was taking pictures as Steve looked on in admiration.As my wife cooled down, Leah told Steve to remove her blindfold. She lay there naked, her eyes closed, not yet ready to come face to face with her tormentors just yet. Gradually, she opened her eyes, blinking to adjust to the brightness of the day. She surveyed the naked guys around her, then looking over her right shoulder, settled on me, my hard-on pointing skyward as Leah continued to rub my cheek. She watched me for a few moments, then slid off the bench, and with some difficulty on her stiff, sore legs, came towards me. The video cameras continued to run, capturing her now uncovered face, but she seemed not to care as she dropped to the ground between my legs, staring up to Leah as if to ask permission.'Go ahead, he deserves it for letting us share you.'My wife shifted her gaze to me, asking a question with her eyes. 'It's OK baby', was all I could think to say, as my eyes shifted from hers to the milky wetness covering her breasts. She gave me a weak smile, then leaned forward and took my throbbing cock into her warm, wet mouth. It was clear that I was going to follow the same timing as Steve, too turned on to hold back, and she slid off and licked the underside down to my balls to prolong the moment. Licking back up my cock, hers eyes locked on mine, and when she reached the top she stopped. In a weak voice she asked, almost pleading, 'You knew I liked it rough?''Yes.' I tried to sound reassuring.Her voice was very soft. 'I wanted to take it to another level, but I knew you could never hurt me. I couldn't possibly explain to you how bad I wanted it.''Now I know.' I paused, then added, 'You liked it?''God, yes.' And with that she swallowed my cock again, moving her head up and down as she sucked on it. Leah's hand rubbed across my thigh for a moment then went to my wife's head, lightly stroking her hair as she went down on me. My head rolled back in pleasure, and the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes were the other three guys standing around my wife, watching her suck cock. The pressure in me built momentarily, then exploded as I finally found release. Surprised to feel her pull me from her mouth, my eyes popped open and watched in amazement as my dear wife directed my come all across her own face, the small crowd cheering her on. When I heard the click of the camera, I hoped yet again to see the shots of this incredible scene, my naked wife kneeling before me, her bound hands directing my come to her face, as a nearly naked woman tongued my ear.It was some time later before we hit the trail again, and for the walk back out, Leah gave my wife her shoes and socks back. That was it. Her dress was gone, and the remains of the stockings had been thrown on the remnants of the fire. She had not been offered a chance to wash off in the lake, and she had not asked for one, the come drying on her body and in her hair. As she walked before me, I watched her naked form carefully, ready to act quickly should her exhausted body fail her on the difficult footing of the path. The butt plug, still buried in her ass at Leah's instructions, swayed deliciously as she made her way along the trail, seemingly undisturbed by her nudity. Her breasts swung beautifully, the chain now gone. The leather straps had been removed from her ankles to make way for her shoes, but those on her wrists remained, although they had been separated so she could use her arms for balance. The mood among the camera crew was light as we made our way along, and Leah, now dressed in the clothes she had worn in, was eyeing my wife with regularity. She smiled at her softly when they made eye contact, and asked how she was doing, the gentleness she now expressed as sweet as her torture had been evil. There was a connection between them that I watched with interest.When we arrived back at the highway, the guys loaded the gear as Leah, to my surprise, again attached my wife's wrist restraints, this time behind her back. My wife offered no resistance, simply hanging her head as a pick-up truck passed not ten feet away, the two young male occupants hooting in joy at seeing a naked woman on the side of the road. They hit the brakes, but quickly moved on as big man Jason stepped forward and simply shook his head no.Leah looked at me. 'You planning to stay at the hotel in town?'Just me? 'Yes.''The guys will take you there. I want to use your car.'It wasn't hard to tell I was confused and concerned. It was also clear my wife was surprised, but she said nothing. She remained totally passive, which was out of character for her, a remarkable change. Leah let me worry for a moment, then added, 'This one is special, I haven't had enough. I want to take her home to meet my roommate. I'll bring her back to you at the hotel tomorrow.' The guys looked on in silence, as another car drove by, my wife totally exposed. I looked her over, Her body had a slight sheen of sweat from the hike, and numerous welts were still clearly visible, scattered across her front. Her nipples were red and swollen, and I remembered how she had screamed when the clips had been removed, the returning circulation bringing pain with it. As I stared at her beautiful naked body, readily available for inspection with her hands bound behind her back, I felt a stirring in my groin, despite my uncertainty about the situation.Leah turned to my wife, placing her arms around her shoulders and pulling her naked form up against her own body. With erotic tenderness, she leaned in and kissed my wife. My cock definitely stiffened as my wife responded eagerly. The kiss was long and passionate, their heads tilting in opposite directions and their eyes closing as their mouths opened to accept each other's tongue. When they finally paused, Leah held her close, and looking deep into her eyes, asked, 'You want to come with me.' My wife hesitated only a moment, then nodded a yes, never losing eye contact.Watching this exchange, their could be no doubt that wife was knowingly agreeing to be Leah's lover for the evening, and probably her roommate's as well, male or female. It turned me on, plain and simple. When Leah turned back to me, I handed her the keys without a word. My wife came up to me and kissed me, tenderly, but with less passion then she kissed Leah. She looked at me with pleading eyes. Her question was simple, 'OK?'I smiled. 'OK.'As my naked wife stood before me, on the side of the highway, her hands bound behind her back, I knew she wanted to do this. I knew my beautiful, strong willed, ever dominant wife, a model mother and a leader within our community, wanted to be a love slave to the woman who had just beat her, out in the open, in broad daylight, to numerous orgasms. I wanted her to do it as well. When she turned to walk to the car, the butt plug was still deep in her ass. Leah helped her into the passenger seat, closed the door, then went around to the driver's side, got in, and drove away with her prize without a word.The half hour drive to the hotel seemed longer, and I was quiet as the other guys talked freely about how exciting the day had been, and how hot my wife was. I heard enough to know Leah's roommate was a submissive college girl, and that these guys ran an adult web site on which my wife would soon be a featured model. The last part was a bit unsettling, but I also realized my wife knew that all along.As their talk turned to the need to relieve their horniness, I felt a twinge of anticipation as I wondered if they had plans for me. Leah made it clear my wife had told them about our previous adventures, and while I had never done anything with another guy when my wife wasn't around, I found I was turned on by the thought of being forced to offer relief to these three. But they simply dropped me off with a friendly good-bye, unloading my bags, which had been transferred from the other car.It was a long and lonely night, and I masturbated numerous times, turned on by the events of the day and thoughts of what my wife must be doing. Sleep was difficult. Leah brought my wife back to me mid-afternoon the next day, when my anxiety was nearly spiraling out of control. My wife was dressed in a simple white dress, which was made of thin cotton and did little to conceal the fact that she was naked underneath. Red marks were still visible on her thighs. Leah was warm and friendly, and kissed me deeply. She then kissed my wife as passionately as the day before, right there in the parking lot, catching the interest of a couple of other guests that were milling about. Leah offered a word of thanks, and then she was gone.My wife was exhausted and needed sleep, drifting off almost immediately as she lay contentedly in my arms on the hotel bed. Suppressing my urge to ask questions, I held her as she slept, wanting desperately to know what the night had been like. I knew she would tell me, and as I deviously unbuttoned her dress as she slept, I got my first clue. Her pussy was as bare as the day she was born.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 35
This couldn't be more cool. A sunny day driving around with her older cousin Todd in his excellent convertible. She might have just turned eighteen, but she felt so grown up. Todd was almost twenty two. That was older than anyone she knew.Pam brushed her hair out of her face. She liked the way he looked at her. It made her feel like he wanted her. It was weird to think something like that of her cousin, but he was a cute guy, after all.She kept thinking about what Melanie told her when they were driving home from her boyfriend's house. Somehow they started talking about guy's things. Melanie called them cocks, but she said they were also called dicks or penises. Pam asked her about her boyfriend's penis and Melanie told her something that surprised her."Todd's is bigger," she said.Pam was confused. "Bigger? Does that mean it's better?"She nodded and grinned. "Bigger is always better."Now she was dying to see Todd's thing. At the time she did not think to ask her cousin how she knew so much about her brother's cock. As she thought about it, though, she decided she must have seen it accidentally one time or another.Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and the tail blew in the wind. She loved the feel of it on her face. She was wearing one of her brother's old hockey jerseys with nothing underneath. Her breasts rubbed against the rough fabric, making her nipples tingle.Todd drove to the lake and parked in a spot overlooking the water. Below and a short way up the shore some kids were swimming and a small sailboat drifted slowly on the water. The lake wasn't very big. She could see the houses on the other side."So, when do you go home?" Todd said."Sunday. School starts again on Monday."Todd nodded. "Do you have a boyfriend now?""No," Pam said. What was he getting at?"Did you ever kiss a guy?""Yes," she said."Did you ever ..." he started to say."Ever what?""Did you ever see a guy's dick?""Yes, I did. I even touched one, too," Pam said. She could not help feeling smug.Todd looked shocked and that pleased her."You sucked one? Who?""My boyfriend's.""I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend?""I had one. That was last year."Todd nodded with his jaw set firmly. Pam glanced down at his lap and was shocked. Standing up along his right leg in his jeans was a long, thick ridge, much bigger than the lump she had seen in Melanie's boyfriend's jeans. Melanie hadn't lied. Todd's penis was much larger."Did you ever let him touch you?" Todd said."Touch me?""Yeah. Like this." Todd reached across the seat and his hand slithered between her thighs and under her skirt.Pam gasped. Her thighs parted. Todd's hand slipped up her leg to her crotch before she could squeeze them shut. The touch of his hand on the bare inside of her thigh was like an electric current shooting through her body.His fingers quickly wiggled under her white cotton panties and touched her warm crotch. Pam was frozen to her seat. She never felt a man's hand between her legs. Todd pressed his mouth to hers. His tongue forced her soft lips open and pushed into her mouth.Pam moaned. Her breasts throbbed. She didn't know what to do, so she stayed still with her knees apart and her cousin's hand between her thighs. His fingers probed in places only she had ever touched, and it felt terrific. Should she let him touch her there? If she did anything he would stop, and she didn't want that. So she met his tongue in her mouth with her tongue."You like that?" Todd whispered.He rubbed a spot on her crotch and Pam groaned. She slumped against the door, feeling weak. Her legs were still spread and her mouth was still open, with a drop of saliva on her chin. She never felt anything so good in her life. Her chest was heaving when she looked at him again."You liked that, didn't you?" Todd said.Pam nodded."You want me to do it again, don't you?"Pam nodded again. She would give anything if he would touch her like that again.He looked down at her lap. "Take your panties off."Pam stared at him for a second, panting. She pulled her skirt up over her hips and pushed her panties down to her ankles. Her crotch was moist and warm. That only happened when she touched herself, and it always felt good. Todd's hand felt so much better.She sat back and spread her thighs. Todd stared at her crotch with a gleam in his eyes. Just being looked at like that made Pam tremble with excitement.His hand brushed her thigh. Pam gasped. She could hardly stand the anticipation. As his fingers neared the soft mound between her legs she spread them wider, moaning.Todd moved closer to her and she looked up at him. He leaned forward and kissed her. Pam pressed her hands into the seat and raised her pelvis toward his hand. His lips pressed gently on hers and his tongue searched in her mouth. Todd's fingers pushed between her delicate lips between her legs. Pam squealed. It was the best sensation she ever felt.She put one arm around his neck and pulled him down. Her other hand squeezed the door handle. His finger wiggled up inside her so gently. She felt a slight twinge of pain, but the pleasure was so good. She thrust herself toward his hand.Suddenly he broke away and sat on his end of the bench seat. She stared at him, feeling terribly disappointed. It seemed there had to be something more to what he was doing to her, although she had no idea what.He was panting as hard as her. She glanced down at his crotch again. His hard penis was still there. She longed to take it out of his pants and touch it and kiss it and feel it in her mouth."You need someone to show you more about sex," Todd said. His hand rubbed the ridge in his pants.Pam looked away, pretending to be bashful."I'd like it if someone showed me how to do it.""What about me?" he asked.She avoided him with her eyes. "You?""I'll show you how."She looked at him. He was playing with the zipper on his jeans."You would?" Her eyes trailed down to his lap. She hoped he would give her permission to take out his penis."Sure," he said, and took his hands away from his lap. "Go ahead."Pam stared at the ridge in his pants for a few seconds, working up the nerve to touch it. She reached across and put her hand lightly on his right knee. Todd sucked in a breath. Her fingers moved slowly toward the long ridge that stuck up in his pants. She could feel its shape and hardness through the fabric. She was breathing hard."Take it out," Todd said. His voice was a choked whisper.Pam undid his jeans and Todd lifted himself off the seat so she could push them down. His penis jumped out at her and she squealed. Todd sighed.It stood up from his lap like a pole. Pam stared, fascinated by it. Todd's was a lot like her old boyfriend's, only much longer and much thicker. It had ridges and bumps and fat blue veins that ran just under the skin. Her eyes followed its length to his balls.She reached out to touch it with her trembling hand. Todd groaned deep in his throat. Her fingers closed around it. The skin was burning, and the bone inside was as hard as a rock. She moved her hand up and down slowly. Todd groaned again. His head tilted back."It's so hot," Pam said in a soft voice. "What should I do?""I think you should kiss it."Pam turned her eyes up to him. She was crouched on her knees over his lap with one hand around his penis and one hand around his balls. He was staring down at her with excited eyes. She leaned forward, squeezed the shaft of his penis tightly, closed her eyes, and pressed her red lips to the round head. The feel of the spongy head on her soft lips sent a shiver through her body."Oh yeah," Todd said with a groan.He must have liked that. Pam kissed it again and he groaned again. She liked the way she could have such an effect on him, and she liked the feel of his penis in her hands and against her lips."Stick your tongue in that hole on the end. That's where my stuff comes out."Her brows crossed. Stuff? What stuff? What came out? She stared at the tiny slit at the end. How could anything come out of that? Still trying to figure out what he meant, she poked her tongue out and licked the slit.Todd sighed. "Oh yeah. Lick it again."Giggling, Pam licked the slit again, then the whole head. She ran her tongue up the side of the shaft and she stroked it in her small hand."Now suck it," Todd said in a deep, rough voice. His hand pressed on the back of her neck.His sudden roughness startled her. He wasn't hurting her, but he held her down firmly and mashed the head of his penis against her lips. She whimpered. He was scaring her.His hand pushed her head down harder. The head of his penis forced her lips apart. She opened her mouth all the way and Todd forced his penis in. It stretched her jaw wide and jammed her tongue to the back of her throat, making her gag. She squirmed under his grip, but somehow she was excited. Her private area felt warm and moist and tingly, like it did when she touched herself in bed."Now move your head up and down," Todd said, his voice a growl. His strong hand eased its grip to let her head come up, then gripped her firmly again to force her head back down.She moved her head reluctantly, gagging and choking under Todd's grip, and becoming more and more excited. The head of his penis rubbed over her tongue and touched the back of her throat. It was the biggest thing she ever had in her mouth and felt like it would to strangle her. She squeezed her lips around it and moved her head up and down as much as she could, although Todd tried to force his penis deeper into her mouth than she wanted."Do it faster," Todd said, his voice a hiss. "You're gonna make me cum."Make him come? What did that mean? He released his hold of her neck and Pam was sucking him all on her own, moving her head and her hands up and down rapidly. She loved the feel of his huge, hard thing filling her mouth, but she was confused by what he had said. Where was she going to make him come from?"Oh god ... Oh god," Todd moaned.Pam turned her eyes up to his face while she concentrated on sucking him. Todd looked like he was in tremendous pain. She should stop and make sure he was okay. She would hate to find out she was hurting him.Then Todd grunted. His butt lifted off the seat. His muscles became very tight. His penis throbbed in her mouth, and suddenly some kind of warm, thick fluid was pouring down her throat. She squealed, but her voice was muffled by the penis. She took it out of her mouth to cough, and while she was looking at the tiny slit at the tip of the head, a huge glob of white stuff shot out of it and hit her on the face.Pam screamed. Another glob of the stuff shot out and hit her upper lip. Most of it went into her mouth. Pam tried to get away, but the next shot hit her on the neck. She was too shocked to scream, holding the penis away like a snake that had bit her. More of that white stuff dribbled out of the tiny hole and ran down the side of the shaft, covering her hands.Pam didn't know what to do. It was all over her face and hands and in her mouth and on her neck and leg and dripped down her chest, and she didn't even know what it was. He said the hole was where his stuff came out. Was that what he meant by his stuff? And did she made it come out, like he said?"What is it?" she mumbled, trying to speak with her mouth full."It's my cum. You made me cum."Pam spit it out and wiped her mouth with the part of her wrist that wasn't already covered."What's come?" she said.Todd chuckled. Pam felt humiliated."It's my sperm. It's what makes a baby."Pam felt a moment of panic. "Will I have a baby now?"Todd laughed again. Pam couldn't understand why he was laughing. He handed her a handkerchief to wipe her hands."No, don't be silly. You won't get pregnant unless I cum in your pussy."Pam felt confused again and hated not knowing what he was talking about."My pussy?" she said. She couldn't imagine him putting that white stuff on a cat, even if she had one."Your pussy," Todd said. He reached between her legs and touched her mound. "Here. This is your pussy. This is where babies come from." He wiped up some of his stuff with his finger. "And this is the sperm that makes babies."He held it up for her, but she cringed away. She had enough of it in her mouth and didn't like the taste.Pam cleaned her hands and face and wiped up the droplets of sperm from her chest and leg. She could have a baby. All she had to do was make Todd's penis come in her pussy. The only thing was, she didn't understand how a thing as big as Todd's penis was supposed to go in her pussy. She looked down between her legs. It looked way too small.When her hands were clean she handed the handkerchief to Todd and he cleaned his penis. Pam was tempted to ask him to put it in her pussy, but didn't know what words to use."We should get back home," Todd said, and started to pull up his jeans. "My Mom's gonna have dinner ready for us soon."Pam saw her only chance disappearing and tried to think fast. She turned sideways and put her feet up on the seat, leaning back against the door. She smiled at Todd and let her knees fall apart.He looked at her suspiciously. "What are you up to?""I want you to lick me now," she said, trembling with excitement as she spoke the words.His eyebrows arched up. He looked shocked, and for a moment she was afraid he might be angry. Then his face softened into a smile and he leaned toward her."You deserve to get licked," he said as he lowered his face close to hers and kissed her. She put her hand around his neck, teasing her fingers in his hair, and kissed him back. His body lay between her legs, pushing her thighs apart, and it was a delightful feeling.One of Todd's hands slipped under the hockey jersey. His fingers touched her nipple. Pam moaned into his mouth. Her knees squeezed against his sides. Todd pushed the jersey up. Her breasts fit in the palm of his hand with pointy, pink nipples at the tip. Todd leaned down and licked her nipple and Pam gasped. An incredible tingling sensation shot through her body from her nipple."Oh, Todd," Pam moaned as she squirmed under him. She bit her lower lip and squeezed her eyes shut. It felt so good she wanted to burst. The more he licked the weaker she felt until she was limp and whimpering beneath him.His tongue and lips left her nipple. She felt the cool air on the saliva on her skin. He moved between her legs and she opened her eyes to see what he was doing. He was moving down, lowering his head to her warm, private area. Pam's chest heaved. She felt Todd's breath on her bare belly and in the few fine hairs on her mound.He kissed her. She whimpered. His tongue came out and licked her. Pam closed her eyes and sighed. Her lower lip quivered. His tongue moved around her pussy and she especially loved it when he pushed the tip of it inside, where his fingers had been. He licked a certain spot down there he had touched with his fingers that thrilled her. When he licked it over and over she felt like she would explode. Pleasure rolled through her body in waves, building and building until she couldn't take it any more, then she was exploding.Her small body writhed and bucked. She was screaming out loud, but all she noticed was the light of the explosions behind her eyes and the heavy waves of pleasure that crashed through her body.When it was over she lay still, breathing hard. That was what was missing, when he was rubbing her with his fingers and quit before it was finished. She opened her eyes and looked at Todd, smiling. This was what it was all about, she had no doubt. She wanted to feel that again and many times, and if she didn't have Todd to do it to her she would find a guy, she decided.Todd was on his hands and knees between her legs. She could see between his legs. His beautiful long penis hung straight down and looked very hard."Don't get up yet," Todd said. He had his hand on her pussy."What are you gonna do?" Pam said, her voice quivering.He moved up so her spread legs were around his hips. "I'm gonna take your virginity," he said.Pam gasped. Todd took his penis in his hand and suddenly she knew what he was going to do. He was going to put it in her pussy. As he raised his penis and pointed the head at her tiny pussy, she bit her lower lip and whimpered. She was filled with fear and anticipation at the same time. His fingers pushed the lips of her pussy apart and he pushed the head of his thing against them. Pam giggled."That feels funny," she said.He pressed himself forward. She watched the head of his penis disappear inside her pussy and she gasped. It was a strange sensation of being spread open. He pushed it a little deeper. She felt a twinge of pain and gasped again."That hurts a little bit," Pam said in a meek whisper. The pain was a concern. She didn't want it to hurt. She wanted it to feel good. He pushed again and she winced. It was hurting more."I think it's too big," she said, hoping he would reconsider, but he didn't. He pressed forward until his penis came up against something inside her pussy that stopped it. Todd hesitated and Pam sighed with relief that he wasn't going to cause her more pain. She was shaking. The pain of her pussy being stretched eased slightly.Todd shoved his hips forward. Pam felt something tear inside her, followed by a searing pain, and she screamed."Ow! Todd, stop. It hurts," she cried.Tears rained from the corners of her eyes. She tried to move her legs or push him off, but he was too big. Todd ignored her. She couldn't understand how he could be so mean or why he would want to hurt her so badly."Hold on," he said. He shoved more of his penis into her pussy and she screamed in pain again.She was sobbing and screaming and pushing on his chest and his penis was still sliding into her. His hips pushed her legs farther apart. She was pinned under him and felt helpless to his assault. She was confused and hurt and angry at him for doing this to her."Take it out. Take it out, please," she pleaded as she sobbed. Her eyes blurred with tears that streamed down her cheeks.Finally, Todd stopped pushing, but the pain did not ease."It's in now," he said, wiping the tears from her cheek."Why?" Pam sobbed, her chest heaving. "Why did you do this to me?""We're making love," Todd said in a soothing voice. His hips moved slowly back and forth. "Don't you want me to make love to you?""But ... it hurts," Pam sobbed, and winced in pain when his hips moved forward and pushed his penis a bit deeper into her body."It always hurts for a girl the first time."The sharp pain began to ease, if only slightly, but she was still angry at him for hurting her. She stared up at him with a scowl on her face, sniffling. Her crying had stopped except for the pools of tears in her eyes and her shuddering breath.Gradually, she began to notice a new sensation, one she felt over the occasional twinge of pain. It was the sensation of Todd's thick penis sliding in and out of her pussy. She began to concentrate on that sensation while she stared up into his eyes. It felt strange at first, then she began to like it. The pain was fading rapidly, replaced by a deep, lusting ache deep in her belly.He was doing it. They were making love. Pam began to respond. Her breathing became heavier. Her nipples tingled. She started to like the feel of his penis moving in and out of her body.Todd's hips moved faster. His eyes were locked with hers; she could not tear herself away. Pam moaned in shallow, rapid breaths. Her small hands stopped trying to push him off and stroked his sides."Oh, Todd," Pam whispered. She felt that thing building inside her, just like it did when he was licking her pussy and she was overjoyed. He was going to make it happen for her again.She was panting and moaning as he went faster and faster, and didn't even notice when he groaned and his penis started throbbing. She felt a warm fluid filling her insides and she knew he was spilling his white stuff in her belly.Todd lay on top of her for a minute or two, panting. Pam brushed her fingertips over his sides, squeezing his body between her thighs. He lifted himself off and sat behind the steering wheel. His long cock drooped over his lap and it was covered with shiny fluids."We better get home before my Mom asks why we're late," Todd said, and pulled up his jeans.Pam sat up and pulled her panties snug against her crotch. The whole way back home she couldn't stop smiling. The warmth of Todd's stuff spread through her whole body, and she could feel it leaking from her slit, soaking her panties.END
Author's note: This is another true account of my K9 experiences as a young boy. Hope you enjoy.***First Time Taking The KnotAs a young boy growing up in northern Wisconsin, there wasn't much for me to do with my spare time. Hunting, fishing and hiking were my usual past times. That all changed last week, I had a new hobby now. I had become a bitch for the neighbors golden retriever Rambo.It all started a month ago, before my 13th birthday. I had jacked off the neighbors dog Rambo. Rambo was a big even tempered dog with a huge cock. I thought it was so cool to feel him throbbing in my hand as cum spewed everywhere. I liked it so much I did it again... and again. It soon became a regular thing for us. It was so much fun to play with his dick and make him cum! I thought about it constantly and couldn't wait to do it again. I was becoming obsessed with Rambo's cock. Last week, 2 days after my birthday, I let Rambo mount me and he gave me the best birthday present ever. An ass full of dog cum! I had taken him out behind the barn. Got on my hands and knees. Pulled down my pants. Stroked him until his cock started to get hard and presented my bare ass for him to use. He was a little slow at first but when I slapped my ass and told him to "Come on." He proceeded to mount up and fuck me silly. 3 days later I let him fuck me again. Both times, my cock was rock hard when he had finished with me.It felt so good to have him mount me and use me like a fuck toy. His cock stabbing into my ass and getting hard inside me. Feeling the length of his cock sliding in and out of me. Stuffing his cock deep inside me and feeling it throb while he filled me with cum! Having him use my tight ass for his sexual pleasure. After the first time, I knew I was hooked. He had such a big beautiful cock I had to have more. When I measured it, it was 8 1/2 inches long. Almost 11 with the knot and 1 3/4 in diameter. Fact is: I loved being his bitch and he was more than welcome to fuck me any time he wanted! I wanted to satisfy his cock and make him cum as often as possible. I smiled when I saw him walking through the field toward the house. I knew what he wanted. I also knew we both wanted the same thing. His cock buried inside me! As I headed for the door, my cock was already getting hard in anticipation of being his bitch for the third time. This time I knew what to expect and I knew what I wanted. I wanted to be his total bitch boy. I wanted to be used like a bitch in heat.Just when I stepped out the door, Rambo rounded the corner of the house. He walked up to me wagging his tail and whining. I scratched his ears and threw a stick for him. He looked at the stick, then back at me and scratched at my leg. I let out a small laugh and said "Alright let's go." We then went around the barn into an old tool shed and shut the door. Once inside, I was in my glory. I was going to get fucked in the ass by a monster dog cock! Again! Only this time I was going to give myself to him totally! I took off my shoes, socks, pants and underwear and put them on the work bench. As I stood there, naked from the waist down, my cock was hard and my ass was tingling. Knowing that I was his to do with as he pleased. Rambo pranced around and whined while he waited for his prize. The tip of his bright red cock was already sticking out of its sheath as I got on my hands and knees. Without a word, I spread my knees far apart for easy access and slapped my bare ass. Rambo jumped right on and began to hump. I raised my ass and grinned with satisfaction as I felt the wet tip of his cock searching my ass for its new home. I moaned quietly when it slid easily inside of me. He grunted in my ear as he pumped it in the first few times. That's when something different happened. When he got situated behind me his cock slid even further inside me. He must have really like it because he stood on his hind legs and dug his front claws into my hips. Before he was always on top with his front feet on my thighs while drooling on the back of my head. Now he was standing tall with a tight grip on my hips. I looked over my shoulder to see him staring at the roof while fucking me hard with short fast strokes. It felt great!! I had never felt so full before. I could feel his cock snaking deep into my cock hungry bowels. His balls slapped against mine with each thrust of his hips. I squeezed my ass as tight as I could and fucked back in rhythm to his thrusts. I was in heaven! This was the best fuck session yet! I squealed with delight as he stood there and fucked the hell out of me. I couldn't feel his shaft driving in and out of me, but I didn't care. My cock was so hard it hurt and I was getting royally fucked by a dog. I was so into this, I could hardly stand the pleasure.Then he drove his cock deep and froze. I felt him throbbing inside me. It was so deep inside me; it felt like the tip of his dick was pushing my belly button out. I closed my eyes and moaned with pleasure while picturing his cock spewing cum! Filling my guts to the brink with his juicy dog seed. He pumped into me a few more times and we both relaxed when he had finished cumming. Still standing behind me and his cock still inside me. I began to reflect on how good that felt and how happy I was to discover this new hobby of mine. Then he hopped down and with one mighty pull, he jerked his cock out of my freshly fucked ass with a loud pop. There was a searing pain in my ass hole and I squealed loudly. I closed my eyes from the pain and my butt hole convulsed in spasms of pain and delight. I didn't know what was happening. My hips bucked back and forth while my ass hole continued to convulse.I looked down just in time to see the last spurt of cum shoot out of my cock. "Holy Shit!" I thought "I just came! I got fucked so hard, I came! Holy Shit!" I watched as a drop of cum dripped from the tip of my cock. While Rambo's cum dripped from my balls. I peered over to Rambo while he licked his cock and said, "That was awesome!!" He just ignored me and kept licking his cock. That's when I knew for sure. I was his bitch boy to be used whenever he wanted. The End?.... Not by a long shot! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 42
My slave hubby and I just attended the most exciting spanking party ever. My pussy still tingles with the memory of it.It was at my girlfriend Sally's mansion. Her slave is ultra-rich and she controls him wonderfully.The party was for both Masters and Mistresses and their slaves (male and female). The only criteria: Everyone had to be attractive (gorgeous women and handsome sensuous men only).We arrived at 7 as per the invitation, observing the dress code. Mistresses and Masters were to wear sexy black outfits; their slaves, white.The invitation specifically read: "Dress to excite."I chose black thong bikini panties and a shorty nightgown that buttoned in front – no bra (of course).I made my hubby Joe wear tight white jockey shorts and a white T-shirt saying ("She Slaps MY ass; I Kiss Hers.")I got a lot of smiles, laughs and compliments on that T-shirt.I began getting hot from the very beginning of the party. It was great foreplay in itself just walking around looking the various outfits.Most of the slaves were on leashes. Some had to crawl on hands and knees. I allowed Joe to walk upright because I'm very proud of the great bulge in his underpants. He's huge and I enjoyed seeing the envious looks I got from some of the Mistresses and gay Masters. Even the slaves were giving him the eye. He's lean, fit and sexy – the cutest, most spankable ass you've ever seen. With his short blond hair, he looks like a surfer. Some of the Masters were flirting with me too, and that was nice.As we led our slaves around, socializing, meeting each other (slaves weren't allowed to talk, of course), I happened to notice a guy, clad in tight black underpants and a black T-shirt that read: "MasterSpanker." He was dark, Italian by the look of him. Strong and very sexy I must say. Like a bodybuilder with black, hair and confident brown eyes that looked fearlessly into those of whoever he spoke to.He was very polite to the Mistresses and other Masters – both gay and straight -- but I could see a streak of playful meanness in those eyes.His slave was a beautiful blonde in a white teddy. I took an instant dislike to her. She reminded me of a rich, Little-Miss-Perfect cheerleader I knew in high school who always got the guys and looked down on me. For a quick moment, I entertained a fantasy of taking her over my knee.He led her on all fours on a leash and I must say his masterful control of her excited me a little – even though I'm all-dominant (nothing "switch" about me).Our eyes met several times during the night.At one point I cornered Sally and complimented her on the party. "I'm already hot," I told her. "And the spanking hasn't even started yet."She kissed me lightly on the cheek and giggled. "Don't be so sure," she said. "Harold got a little surly with me earlier and I had to discipline him a little." She turned to her athletic husband who stood beside her, dressed in white undies. "Show Jeanne my handiwork, dear."Harold looked embarrassed. But I could see he was far too well-trained to disobey. Reluctantly he turned around and slid his jockeys down, exposing his wonderfully smooth, tight buns."Lean forward and give her a good view," Sally said.Humiliated, he leaned forward, revealing a nice red glow on his cheeks. Not quite blistered, but clearly, she'd given him some stern attention.Sally and I both laughed. "Wow," I said. "He has a bee-autiful ass and you've done a lovely job on it." (Harold's face began to turn almost as red as his ass).I noticed Joe, my husband looking away. I gave his butt a playful slap with the leash and said, "What's the matter honey? You think it's too mean of Sally to paddle her guy and show him off to me? Do you identify with him?"I was enjoying this. I knew Sally was too. Slaves were allowed to speak when they were spoken to. So he said, "It looks like it hurts."Then I got a devilish idea. "Well why don't you kiss it and make it well?"Sally laughed her delightfully dirty laugh.Joe stared a me, incredulous. "Oh, come on Honey. You wouldn't make me do that," he said.I grabbed his ear and forced him to his knees. "How dare you get insolent with me? Now, not only are you going to kiss Harold's ass. You're going to get a tail-warming of your own. Now kiss it!"Sally made Harold lean over even further and we cheered as I made Joe plant a kiss on each of the poor guy's reddened cheeks. So delightfully humiliating!Some of the guests nearby got a kick out of it too. They applauded and whistled.I was already becoming the hit of the party.I heard a great booming laugh behind me and turned to see the sexy, dark "MasterSpanker." "That's great!" he told me. "You have a terrific imagination."Then he led his Britney Spears doggie away."Who is that hunk?" I asked Sally, enjoying the flush of jealousy I knew I was setting off in Joe. Sally told me his name was Brad and his poor honey was called Debra.I asked her if there was a private bedroom where I could take Joe for his spanking. Although we'd been to several spanking parties, I was still a little shy about spanking Joe in front of others. I enjoyed watching others getting spanked though. I found it very erotic.Sally pointed me to a bedroom at the end of a long hall. "Give him a good one," she said, kissing my cheek. "And I want to see your masterpiece when it's finished. We can compare it to mine."Maybe we'll make Harold return the kiss."I laughed heartily, I really admired Sally's boldness.As I led Joe toward the bedroom, I passed several other rooms and noticed the spanking was already beginning. Some of the doors were open and I could see inside.In the first room, there were two couples – one gay; one lesbian. Their slaves knelt on the bed side by side, bare fannies up, with their panties/jockeys down around their knees. The Master and Mistress stood behind them, reddening their respective servants' rear ends. The Mistress was beautiful and so was her lesbian slave. The Master was big and bearded, like a lumberjack and his gay slave was slim and kind of girlish.The Master and the Mistress both held paddles and were taking turns. She would smack her woman. Then the massive mountain man would hit his boy-toy's rear with a resounding SMAAACKKK.The Master and Mistress were laughing together and having a lot of fun. But their slaves were taking it bravely. Not so much as a whimper.Later I heard the Mistress and Master had made a bet: The winner was the first one who could make his/her slave "yelp" (make a noise like "ouch" or "ow").In the next room, two masters, dressed in cowboy hats and chaps had their slaves on their hands and knees and were astride them, riding them around the room. One slave was a woman the other a man. But for the purposes of this little game they were both horses – a stud and a mare.The guys rode them hard, making them "trot." The woman slave was a lovely model and I was surprised at her strength in being able to carry the guy on her back like that.The male slave was very believable in the role of horse (his huge penis hung a good 11 inches down as his Master walloped him with a riding crop). It gave my pussy a real tingle to see him handling that big-dicked "pony" so masterfully. The Masters would call out "giddy-up" and "Yee-Haw" having a wonderful time.In fact all of it was getting me super-hot and really in the mood to get Joe over my lap.I led him into the bedroom and closed the door. There were two double beds in the room, right next to each other. I sat on one and made Joe slide his underpants down and lie over my lap. I held his big cock (which was always hard when he was near me) between my thighs. That's how I held him in place.I can't begin to tell you how hot it gets me – the feeling of power of having my sexy man under my control like this. It drives me absolutely out of my mind.He's a wonderful lover and knows how to use that "heavy equipment" of his. There's nothing like the orgasm I have in our post-spanking love-making sessions.I started as I always do, giving him a few slaps, then rubbing my hand over his ass soothingly, then continuing. If I pace myself and have the willpower to resist making him fuck me long enough, I can keep spanking him for as long as an hour or two like this – bare hand to bare behind – getting turned on beyond belief.He jumps and twitches when I really smack him. I allow that.But I've long since broken him of the habit of putting his hands back to shield his buns, or trying to escape off my lap.Early on, he learned that if he doesn't take it like a man, I tie him up and paddle him with my favorite kitchen spatula.When I do that, I'm merciless!So he takes my hand-spankings bravely.When I'd been hand-spanking him for about 10 minutes and his ass was just beginning to get that rosy glow I love to see, I heard a rustling and the door opened.I looked up, startled, and saw that guy Brad, the MasterSpanker, and his cheerleader cutie Debra walk in.Brad was as startled as I was."Oh, I'm sorry," he said. "I thought the room was vacant."Our eyes met and I must admit I flirted with him."That's all right," I said. "I should have locked the door." I could see him scanning my body, giving me the once-over. And the already sizable bulge in the front of those black pants seemed to expand a little."Looks like you're doing a pretty good job on him," He said."Why thank you Sir," I said, batting my eyelashes like a southern belle. It gave me a little shiver to know how humiliated Joe must have been to have these two strangers looking at his exposed red bottom."Debra here needs a little of the same," Brad said. "We'll find another room."Now, as I say, I had never spanked Joe in front of anyone before. I'd threatened too and teased him about letting my friends watch. However, usually at these parties, I'd get turned on watching others get spanked, then apply my discipline to my husband in private.So I don't know what came over me. I was just so hot at this point in the spanking. Plus, this man was so very sexy, that I must have been a little out of my senses.Something made me say: "Would you like to join us?"Joe was stunned. He looked up at me. "No, Honey. It's too embarrassing," he said.I gave him a hard slap, right in the middle of his bottom."Who asked you?" I said. "You'll stay right here and you'll apologize to our guest. Say, 'I'm sorry Brad. Please stay.'"I couldn't believe my own boldness. But he obeyed me.Brad sat facing me on the bed opposite us and ordered Debra onto his lap. Our knees were less than four feet apart. She lay over his strong legs and he slowly slid her panties down, exposing a beautiful derriere.Something made me say, "Wow, your slave really has a nice ass. So creamy and white."She scowled at my impudence, but I didn't care. She was well in hand and couldn't retaliate. "Enjoy looking at that creaminess while you can," Brad said. "It's not going to keep that paleness for long."And sure enough he began to turn it bright crimson.Like me, he was a hand spanker. But he carried such an impressive wallop that a belt or paddle would have been superfluous.I found myself trying to compete, hitting Joe harder and harder. But it was no contest.Still, there was a powerful undercurrent happening between us. As we spanked our respective slaves, we were flirting shamelessly. And I found myself getting hotter by the moment.Soon we were talking to each other and it was doubly thrilling for me. Not only was I incredibly hot for this guy. But knowing how jealous I was making my slave hubby gave me an added rush.I could feel Joe's enormous dick getting harder. I knew the idea of having a "rival" for me was working wonders on him.And I could see Debra was jealous of the vibes between us too.I don't know what made me do it. But at one point, between slaps, I said to Brad, teasingly, "Gee, it's hot in here. Do you mind if I undo my nightie a little?""Why not at all," he said, smiling. "You should be relaxed."Joe jerked his head up and looked at me. "Honey! What are you saying?"Again I slapped him a good one and said, "Shut up, slave."I undid the top button, continued spanking, then undid the second. I could see Brad was loving my little "striptease." And Joe was getting more jealous and turned on.Soon all the buttons were undone and my breasts were completely exposed, standing up nicely if I do say so myself, my nipples hard as diamonds.Their firmness wasn't lost on Brad. "Wow," he said. "What fantastic tits you have -- so beautiful. I love the way they stand up as you beat his ass. You are one hot woman."Debra, whose poor fanny was red as a beet by this time. Said: "Stop flirting with her."Brad gave her the hardest slap yet. "Boy, you sure can hit," I told him. "I wish I could get Joe's ass that red. I know it's because you're so much stronger than I am, but still . . .""Not completely," Brad said. "Would you mind a little helpful critique of your technique?""Not at all," I said.He told me to extend my arm and raise my hand higher into the air, and he demonstrated. (Smackkkk down on Debra's lovely cheerleader fanny!)"The arc gives you more power," he said.I tried it and could feel the difference right away – So could Joe, of course. My hand smacked his butt with more force than I'd ever delivered before. "Yee-ouch!" Joe said.And Brad and I both laughed.I don't think I had ever been so hot. My new found hitting power coupled with the strong attraction I was feeling for this masterful stud and the sensation of holding Joe's big, rock-hard dick in place between my legs was sending shivers all through me. And I could see by the way Brad was eyeing my breasts that he was getting turned on too.We were... like, "partners in crime" I guess you could say, feeling a strange bond.Gradually, I became aware that this heightened erotic state of passion was putting some new, sexy ideas in my head."Wow, this is such fun!" I told Brad. "I've never seen Joe's ass so red. Thanks a million for the tip."Brad smiled a devilish smile. "It could get redder," he said."What do you mean?" I asked him."Would you like to see it REALLY glow?" he said, winking.Somehow, I knew exactly what he was suggesting. "You mean you think YOU could brighten it up?" I asked.Brad nodded, and gestured to the MASTERSPANKER logo on the front of his shirt. We both laughed."I guess something in me wants to show off for you," Brad said. "But yes. I think I could impress you with the spanking I could give him. And I'd love to see you spanking my honey here."Suddenly, both Joe and Debra at once jerked their heads up to look at us incredulously."What?!" Joe asked. "You wouldn't let her spank me!" Debra said to Brad.And instinctively we both landed an extra-hard slap on their asses. "Shut up!" we both said at the same time.All at once there was nothing I wanted to do more than to get that haughty little bitch across my lap – and watch Brad give my Joe the tail-warming of his life. "Shall we just make them trade places?" I asked Brad, trembling with excitement."I'd like to try something else first," he said.Brad's idea was much more creative. He made Joe and Debra kneel on the bed -- naked as jaybirds -- right next to each other, their heads down and their cute bare asses up, exposed and vulnerable for us.I enjoyed the rear-view of Joe's big stiff dick and balls.And I could see that, despite her humiliation, Debra's pussy lips were moist and glistening. Brad and I stood there awhile just looking at them. Debra's fanny was considerably redder than Joe's. But we had both done an excellent smacking job. It was a turn-on seeing them together like that.And so was seeing the massive bulge in the front of Brad's underpants. I was trying to figure out a sly way to ask him to take them off for me when he looked at me and said, "I bet the crotch of your panties is soaked. Wouldn't you be more comfortable taking them off?"I slid out of them quickly and faced Brad, my shortie button nightie undone, my breasts exposed, and proudly showed my body off to him. I even turned slowly to give him a good look at my bare ass.Then I turned and faced him again."Looks like that big dick of yours is straining to get loose," I said. "Maybe you'd be more comfortable stepping out of your shorts."We both laughed as Brad took his black jockeys off, exposing his huge cock. Between the two men, it's hard to say which guy had the larger penis. But believe me I was very pleased with the view – Double vision!As all this was going on, the slaves were seething with jealousy, stealing looks back at us.Finally we got on with the spanking. I stood behind Debra and Brad stood behind Joe. We spanked them with both hands, alternating left right.It was thrilling to feel my palms stinging that stuck-up little bitch's ass.And it was doubly thrilling to watch what Brad was doing to my hubby's poor bottom. Man! His powerful arms extended fully over his shoulders and each smack sounded like a firecracker going off. Joe started wriggling, moving his ass around trying to avoid the slaps. I know it was mean of me, but the sight of him squirming his bottom around like that aroused me and I couldn't resist teasing him. I spoke to Brad and said, "I think your little doggie likes you. Look at how he's wagging his tail for you." Brad laughed. "Yeah." He commanded Joe. "Wag that tail for me."He hit him several super hard slaps and, indeed, poor Joe did exaggerate his fruitless efforts to avoid the smacks by "wagging his tail even harder."In spite of my self I giggled like a schoolgirl. "Good doggie," I teased.Brad laughed to and told him: "Let me hear you bark for us."Joe was humiliated. But he was not about to disobey. "Arf! Arf!" he said.Brad and I nearly fell down laughing.Several times Joe tried to escape, attempting to crawl over the other side of the bed. But each time, Brad's strong hands seized him by the waist and pulled him back, effortlessly.I can't explain why the sight of that – and the spanking he was giving him got me so hot. But it did.I kept teasing Debra as I spanked her. "Bet you never thought you'd have a woman spanking your ass in front of your master tonight did you?" I asked her.When she hesitated to answer, I gave her an extra-hard swat. "DID YOU!!??" I repeated."No," she said. "That's a good girl," I said and impulsively "rewarded" her by gently rubbing her pussy. I was amazed to feel how wet it was. I knew she was humiliated and turned on too. So I kept alternating between hard slaps to her ass and sensual strokes of her cunt.Finally we decided to take them over our laps.Brad and I took our places on the bed again – the same position we were in before, but this time sans undies.Brad made Joe lie nude across his knees, and red-faced Debra lay across mine.We spanked them for about half an hour. And when our hands were tired, true to his promise, Brad had "painted" Joe's bottom the darkest shade of red I'd ever seen – I mean STOP SIGN red. And speaking of red, Debra's face was nearly as red as Joe's ass. I had continued teasing her, asking her embarrassing questions like, "How do you like the way my tits are turning your man on?" and "How to you like seeing the job your master is doing on my guy?"If she hesitated to answer, I'd whap her extra hard.When she'd say, "It makes me jealous," I'd reward her for her honesty by stroking her pussy.She actually came several times – nice shuddering climaxes that made me tingle as well.When we finished, Brad and I rewarded the slaves for submitting to us. We found some soothing lotion in a bureau drawer and allowed Debra lay on her tummy on the bed as Joe gently applied the lotions to her stinging fanny.Then, Joe lay across the bed and Debra rubbed it on him."Don't pretend it doesn't turn you on, to massage my slaves ass," I said to Debra.She blushed, proving me right.Brad chimed in: "That dick of your is pretty hard, buddy,: he said to Joe. "I think you like my slave soothing your ass."To cap the evening off I did what I'd been longing to do all night: We made Joe and Debra get up and stand – one on each side of the bed -- and watch, burning with jealousy, as I lay on the bed, naked, with Brad and we made out like hot teenagers. I jacked his immense cock as we kissed, and complimented him, loud enough for Joe and Debra to hear: "Thanks for the powerful spanking you gave my husband. You got me so hot."He kissed me passionately and massaged my nipples. "It was my pleasure," he said. "Looking at these marvelous tits gave me inspiration."Then, rubbing my sopping wet pussy he added: "And thank YOU for spanking Debra for me. It was great seeing her in such good hands."Then we got up, and all of us put our outfits back on.We led our slaves back out into the party, knowing we'd shared one of the hottest nights of our lives.END
Author's Note: If you would like to email me:***PART 12: The Family NightThis had been a Friday night of "Firsts", a Family Night of "Firsts." Dorothy, the mom, Jack, the dad, Bert, the Grandfather, Gregory, the son, and Kathy, the daughter, had all experienced a number of firsts on this Friday night. The family had played strip poker which had resulted in a number of sex acts being performed on each other. Dorothy had eaten her daughter's pussy, sucked on her tits and even tongued her ass. Jack had fucked his daughter in the cunt, albeit with a rubber but never-the-less he was her first. Gregory had fucked his sister in the ass, without a rubber, and he had filled her ass with his cum. Bert had cum in his granddaughter's mouth also without a rubber and she had swallowed almost his entire load of cum. Kathy was the initiate for the evening's festivities. Real cocks had penetrated her cunt, her asshole and her mouth for the first time in her life. She had also seen her mom piss on her brother and her brother swallow some of her mom's pee. Kathy had enjoyed several intense orgasms as a result of all the activity, her mom had cum several times herself and the three men were pretty well spent. They had agreed to take a break and all of them, except Gregory, were sitting in the family hot tub, all naked and, even with all they had done so far, all of them were still very horny.After his mom had pissed on and in him, Gregory walked into the house and used the shower in the laundry room his mother had used a while ago. He took a quick shower, didn't bother to dry off, and went to join his family in the hot tub. Once he got settled, his mom looked around, "Wow, have we had some fun or what?" All of them agreed that they had.Kathy spoke up, "If I had known sex could be this much fun, I would have started a lot sooner, when you get a chance, thank James for me." "Speaking of James how would you all feel if I called him and gave him an update?" No one had any objections so the "gopher" – Gregory – got out of the tub to retrieve the phone and string a long phone line from the house to the pool. While Gregory was gone, Dorothy revealed her son's desires to her family. When she mentioned that he wanted Bert to fuck him in the ass and he wanted to give his dad a blow job Bert suggested that they do that at the same time. Kathy smiled, "And I could suck his cock at the same time, couldn't I?" "Yep," her dad mused, "she is going to be a cock hound for sure." With that he stood up, "I know we are supposed to be taking a bit of a break but I sure could use a blow job right now." Kathy slid over so she was in front of her dad and immediately pulled his cock down level with her mouth and started sucking him. Gregory returned with the phone and set up the speaker phone. Dorothy dialed my number and Louise answered. "Hey, Dorothy," Louise said, "how are you, how have you been?" Dorothy told her they were on the speaker phone and Louise indicated that was fine with her. Dorothy made the introductions of everyone and Louise asked if they were having a " party..." Dorothy told her they were and were taking a short break in the hot tub. "Well," Louise said, "I hope you all are naked, let me get James but before I do, would it be okay with you if we used our speaker phone here?" Again no one objected. The phone was quiet for a minute or two and Kathy continued to suck her father's dick. "Hey there," I said, "how's the family meeting going?" Dorothy replied, "Wonderfully, we have been a busy little group, haven't we? Kathy, stop sucking your daddy's cock for a moment, and tell James what all we have done so far." Kathy stopped but continued to fondle her father as she told me about the poker game and how they had played for sex acts, she told me about having her dad and grandfather sucking her tits, and she told me that so far she had been fucked in the cunt by her dad, up her ass by her brother and in the mouth by her grandfather. Louise spoke up, "Kathy, has your mom eaten your pussy yet?" "Oh yes I loved it and I want to do it for her." "Maybe you'll let me eat your pussy sometime soon!""Any time you want but only if you let me eat you too."We heard David, James and Louise's son in the background, "Gregory did you like fucking your sister in the ass?" Gregory laughed, "God yes, it was so tight and felt so good." "I sometimes wish I had a sister but I am damn glad I have my mom!" Louise giggled in the background."I'll be your sister if you want, then I can have two brothers fuck me at the same time or anytime they want!" Bert spoke up, "James, you have helped create a cock hound in this young lady, you know that don't you?" I replied that I hoped that was okay with everyone and heard a chorus of "yeah's" and "damn right's". "I'll fill you in on all the details tomorrow, James, I just wanted to give you a quick update like you told me to do. And Kathy wanted to tell you she really appreciates all of your suggestions.""Wait, before you go have you taken any pictures yet?" Dorothy said that they hadn't and I told her that she really should, just for posterity if nothing else. As I was suggesting that, poor Gregory was once again getting out of the tub to get the camera for them. We were about to hang up when Bert asked if he could talk to me privately. Bert went into the house to pick up the extension and told Dorothy to hang up the speaker phone. When the other line clicked off, Bert said, "Look I know Dorothy has to get your permission to do things so I am kind of anticipating that and I wanted to ask you to let her and Kathy do something with me tomorrow evening." "Perhaps what have you got in mind." He proceeded to tell me that he belonged to a very private, very exclusive club. He wanted to take Dorothy and Kathy to his club and show them off. He was going to suggest to Dorothy that she wear her see through blouse and the altered skirt. I told him that Dorothy would find a matching outfit for Kathy in the stuff she had picked up from the clothing store. "That's perfect that is perfect." "But, Bert, Kathy is under age, you could get into some real trouble if you get caught." "I hear what you are saying but don't worry. All of these guys are good guys, there will be no fucking, I promise you that. But, they will want to dance with the girls, you know, feel them up, play with their ass and tits, that kind of thing. And, if they want, the girls can do some blow jobs but I swear no one will force them to do anything they don't want to do, I really think it will be a lot of fun." I told him to hang on a second and let me think about it. "Okay, go ahead and have fun, just take care of them. Here's what we'll do. Sometime tomorrow morning, before she calls, broach the idea to Dorothy and tell her you mentioned it to me. You know she will have to discuss it with me, but at this point don't say anything to Kathy. That way Dorothy will know I have had a chance to think about it and she will have a chance to think about it before she calls me, when she asks I'll give her my blessing and I'll agree to let her take Kathy. How does that sound to you?" "That sounds great, I really appreciate it. Ah, one more thing if I can." "Go ahead.""Well, I may be way out of line here but how would you feel if I extended the invitation to your wife, Louise?" "Mmmmm, that could be interesting. Hold on." I covered the mouthpiece, told Louise what Bert had said and asked her if she would like to go. She readily agreed. I made a mental note to go to our clothing store and make sure she had the same outfit as Dorothy and Kathy. "She would love to go, and we'll make arrangements tomorrow, oh, what time should she plan on?" Bert told me that things didn't usually get started until around ten o'clock at night so maybe they could all get together around 9 or 9:30. "That should work it'll give David a chance to get a little of his mom's pussy before she goes out. Talk with you tomorrow." We hung up and Bert went back to the hot tub to find that Kathy was now sucking on Gregory having let her father cum in her mouth.When they asked what he had talked about all he would say is that they would find out tomorrow. Dorothy is about to suggest some activities when Gregory began to fuck his sister's face, then held her head as he shot a smallish load of cum into her mouth. Kathy sucked him dry, leaned back, smacked her lips and said, "See, I told you that you would get luckier later on, didn't I." Gregory leaned down and kissed his sister. Bert stood up and waded over to his daughter-in-law. "You know its like Jack said you have been so busy helping all of us you haven't had time for any fun and that is going to change right now. Why don't you get your new toy?" Dorothy reached into the bag and pulled out the huge dildo, she handed the dildo to her father-in-law, "Dad, will you do the honors?" She stood up, turned around and bent over the edge of the tub. Bert stepped behind her and held the dildo out in front of Kathy. "Honey, why don't you grease this monster up, grease it good though, yeah, that's it, make like you are jacking it off." Kathy could barely get her entire hand around the dildo, but she made a gallant effort as she greased the plastic cock. "Mom, are you sure you are going to be able to get this in your ass?" Dorothy looked over her shoulder, "That is what we are about to find out, isn't it?" She was waiting patiently when she felt a tongue on her asshole. "That's a great idea, Gregory," Jack said, "eat your mom's asshole and get her loosened and ready." Gregory had vowed to eat his mom's ass and thought that this was the perfect opportunity. He was able to push the tip of his tongue up her ass and could feel her muscles squeezing it. His mom moaned with delight."Oh yes, sweetie, you are doing so well, god I love your tongue on my ass!" "Enough," Bert said, "at least wait a bit, she made need you to kiss her ass to make it all better after she experiences this thing. Are you ready, Dorothy?" She nodded her head and waited with anticipation. Her family gathered close to her so they could see if she could take the dildo in her asshole.Bert stood behind her and rubbed the head of the dick up and down her ass crack. Then he had Kathy put some KY on her fingers and then push them up her mom's ass. "Kind of twist them around, make sure she is greased up really good."After a short bit, Kathy pulled her fingers out. Bert pressed the head of the dildo against Dorothy's asshole. He pushed and discovered he had to push fairly hard. Dorothy moaned and then cried out, "Oh god, Bert, wait don't pull it out but wait a minutes." She was breathing fast and the dildo had hurt her asshole but, as she knew from past experience, it would pass. After a minute, "Okay, go ahead," she said. Bert again began pressing the dildo into her ass and everyone was amazed when fully two inches of the big dick were inside her asshole. "Hold it again, just for a minute," Dorothy gasped. Bert reached down between her legs, found her cunt and then rubbed her clit. "Maybe a little distraction would help." Dorothy wiggled a bit, "Okay, go ahead push more in." As Bert began pushing he discovered the dildo was going inside her without him having to push as hard. Five inches, then six, then eight and then ten inches of the cock were in Dorothy's ass and she was cumming. "Oh god, damn, shit, oh wow, I feel like I am a stuffed, turkey, god it feels good, okay Bert, slowly, and I mean slowly, begin to fuck my ass with it." Bert did as she asked, pulling about eight inches out and then pushing them back in. "God mom," Kathy said, "you really did it that is so huge, I wonder if I will ever be able to do that." Gregory cupped his sister's ass and slipped a finger into her asshole, "You may have to get butt fucked several more times but I am sure in time you will be able to take it." Their mom began moaning and whimpering, "Oh I am cumming, fuck my ass Bert, fuck my ass, fuck it hard." Bert pulled the dildo all of the way out of her ass, pressed the head against her asshole and with one push he had shoved ten inches of the dick into her ass. It pushed her over the edge and she came, hard and long. Bert was pulling and pushing the dildo as fast as he could and he watched her asshole seem to turn inside out when he pulled it out. Dorothy reached around behind her, found his hand and said, "Oh stop, please, I can't take it anymore!" Bert eased it out of her asshole, looked at Gregory and nodded. The young man knelt behind his mom and began licking and tonguing her well stretched asshole. "God mom, your asshole is still stretched, wow! Mmmmm I love it." He backed off and showed his family that he could put three fingers into her ass without even pushing. Kathy looked at her dad, "Would you do that for me someday?" Her dad nodded as her mom managed to straighten up and sit down. "Oh my I am going to have a tender ass for a bit, I think someone else is going to have to volunteer for any more ass fucking!"Bert extended a hand to her and helped her out of the tub. As he rubbed her dry with a towel he said, "Now, let's give you some other pleasure, okay?" She grinned and the two of them walked over to the picnic table which still had the foam pad on it. He got on the table top, lay down on his back and helped her get on top so they could go 69. With little preamble he clamped his mouth on her cunt, sucking her clit deep into his mouth, parting her pussy lips and licking her, tongue fucking her pussy and fingering her asshole. For her part, Dorothy didn't need any encouragement, she lowered her head and began sucking his cock, fondling and licking his balls and sucking them into her mouth. What they didn't see was Jack lifting his daughter out of the water so she could sit on the side of the tub. He knelt between her legs and began to eat her cunt. She was so enraptured with the ministrations his tongue was giving to her hot, wet pussy and knew she was going to have another orgasm. Gregory didn't want to be left out, so he got out of the tub, walked over to his mom and grandfather and bent over so he could tongue fuck his mom's asshole. The double tongue assault on her cunt and asshole was delicious and Dorothy loved it. Gregory felt his cock getting hard from both eating his mom's ass and thinking about eating his sister's asshole. He found that he really liked the kind of earthy taste his mom's ass had. Nearby, Kathy moaned and then almost screamed as her father ate her to another orgasm. Dorothy was on fire as her father-in-law and her son ate her pussy and asshole. She had been turned on by all of the activity thus far and even if it was soon after the dildo in her ass had made her cum, she felt another orgasm building. She sucked all the harder on Bert's cock hoping that he would be able to cum in her mouth. Poor Bert was so empty of sperm that nothing Dorothy did could make him cum, oh, to be sure, he enjoyed everything she was doing to him but there was no way he had any cum left in him. She pushed her cunt down hard on Bert's face as though she wanted it inside her pussy. He sucked her clit, holding it between his lips and he whipped it with the tip of his tongue. Gregory stood behind her and slipped first one and then two fingers into her asshole and finger fucked his own mother. The combined sensations finally had their way with her body and her orgasm literally erupted. She thrashed about on Bert's face, her ass was moving so much Gregory couldn't keep his fingers inside her, and then she felt someone pinching her nipples, hard enough to hurt but the hurt was so good. She took her mouth off Bert's cock and moaned, "Oh god, what a cum, oh shit, oh god, I can't believe what I am doing, oh don't stop, suck my clit, oh, oh, oh...Bert, please stop I can't take any more." Bert released her clit as she lifted her hips so that her cunt was no longer mashed on his face. She managed to lift herself up and, with her son holding her hand, she managed to climb down off the table and collapsed into a nearby chair. As the others were resting, Gregory got the camera and snapped pictures of his spent mom with her legs spread wide and her clit clearly visible, she even struggled to her feet and bent over so he could photograph her asshole. He took a picture of his grandfather lying on top of the table unable to get up for the moment. He walked over to the hot tub. Kathy had been sitting in the tub but, as her brother approached, she got up, sat on the edge of the tub, spread her legs, put her hands on her knees and got an impish look on her face. Gregory took a photo and then posed her with her hands cupping her tits, bending over with her asshole showing, and sitting in a chair with a dildo in her cunt. His dad came and stood next to Kathy so that she could hold his cock while Gregory took a picture and then had her suck his dick into her mouth. At one point he looked at his sister, "You know, I have fucked you in the ass and in the mouth but I haven't felt your cunt holding my cock yet!" Kathy eased off the edge of the hot tub, walked to her brother, grasped his cock and said, "The next time you have a hard on it goes into my cunt before it goes any place else, agreed?" Her brother kissed her and replied, "Agreed! But, I really think we all need a rest about now." His observation was seconded by everyone present, even Kathy. Kathy loved being naked in front of everyone. She took every opportunity to let them see her tits, her ass and her cunt. Since Gregory had the camera she posed for him in any position he asked including one where she was on her back, her feet up high and spread wide. The photo seemed to be shot right down on her cunt and she felt a wetness beginning to build again. "Hey," she said, "since you all are resting, can I go and look at the pictures you guys took already?"Dorothy looked at Jack and shrugged her shoulders, "I don't care, do you?" "Not really but one of us has to go to use the passwords to give the kids access, I guess I'll go." Dorothy smiled at him, "I love you!" Jack got out, toweled himself dry and walked with Kathy and Gregory into the house. He went to their computer, booted it, and then entered the passwords to give the kids access to the pictures. As he walked back out to the tub he heard Kathy say, "Did mom really do that, I mean, did she fondle those two strange guys?" He barely heard Gregory's response as he walked out the back door. His wife was bent over the edge of the hot tub and his dad was fucking her from behind, Jack couldn't tell from his angle if his dad's cock was in his wife's pussy or in her asshole, all he could hear was her grunting each time his dad shoved his cock into her. "Hey," Jack said, "I thought we were taking a break!" Dorothy looked over her shoulder at her husband, "Sweetie, remember I haven't cum but a couple of times and your dad said he needed a piece of ass, my ass I might add!" His dad looked at him, "Even after that dildo your wife has one tight asshole." Bert continued to pound his cock into Dorothy's asshole while his son watched. "I can't tell you how much I love to fuck her asshole, I swear it is as tight as the first time I did it to her! And I know that Kathy's asshole is tight and I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to fucking her." Jack stepped around in front of his wife, "Suck my dick, I could use another good cock suck right now and you are one hell of a cocksucker, honey!" His wife opened her mouth and her husband pushed his cock between her lips. He and his father soon established a rhythm, both would shove their cocks into Dorothy and then both would pull out at the same time. They had been fucking her like that for several minutes when Bert suggested they switch places. He pulled his cock out of his daughter-in-law's ass, walked in front of her, and watched as she opened her mouth. "Fresh from your own asshole," he said just as Jack worked his cock into his wife's ass. Dorothy pressed her lips around Bert's cock and muttered, "Mmmmm!" as she worked her mouth all the way down his shaft. After about ten minutes she had managed to cum twice. As she came each time the two of men would shove their cocks deep inside her, Jack made her gag a couple of times with his cock. Finally the two guys couldn't take any more and both men pulled their dicks from her mouth and asshole. Jack looked at his wife, "Do you know one of the most erotic things I have seen so far tonight?" His wife gazed at him and shook her head "no." "It was when Gregory was fucking you and your tits were jiggling, I mean they almost seemed to be rotating, or counter rotating each time he shoved his cock into you!" "Honey you just haven't been paying attention, any time you fuck me, my tits rotate like that. When Kathy's tits get a bit bigger, they will do the same thing." Bert grinned, "Yeah, I love to watch a woman's tits do that, it really turns me on!" Dorothy cupped her tits and jiggled them at both her husband and his dad. They walked to the hot tub, got fresh drinks, and eased into the hot water.The kids came out of the house about thirty minutes later. They too got into the hot tub. "Mom," Kathy said, "if I called you a slut would I be in trouble," she giggled. "Me, a slut, your own mother, a slut, your mother who fucks your brother a slut, your momma who has eaten your pussy a slut, your mom who has just had your dad's cock in both my ass and my mouth AND your grandfather's cock in my ass and mouth, your own momma who likes golden showers, I mean really, do you think I am a slut?" Kathy waded over to her mother, sat down beside her, hugged her and then kissed her full on the lips. "Mom, I hope I can be as good a slut as you are...Mmmmm!" "Gregory and I found a really sexy way to look at sexy pictures." Her mom looked at her questioningly. "With Gregory's hard cock in my ass at the same time!" Gregory blushed as Dorothy, Jack and Bert all burst out laughing. Jack was smiling at them, "Okay, enough slut talk," he said, "I think what we should be talking about is what we are going to do the rest of the night, I mean it is almost ten o'clock and Kathy has a lot to do yet." Kathy smirked at her dad and then looked at her grandfather, "Grandpa Bert, I hope you won't be upset but I want my first double...what did you call it Gregory... oh yeah, double penetration to be daddy and Gregory. They can pick but I want one in my cunt and one in my mouth at the same time." Bert smiled, "Honey, you couldn't upset me if you tried well, I guess you could if you don't let me watch!" She stood up, reached between her legs to pull her pussy lips apart and laughed, "Grandpa I'll always let you watch me!" Dorothy looked at her daughter and smiled, "Sweetie, you are turning into a slut, you know that?" Kathy grinned and nodded, "And I'm loving it!" Gregory had leaned over and whispered in his dad's ear and what he had said made Jack grin from ear to ear."Okay," Jack announced, "that's settled and after that, Gregory has suggested we play "Guess Whose Cock" with a slight variation, go ahead, you explain son." "I think we should go into the house," Gregory started, "and move the little love seat out from the wall. Mom you and Kathy would kneel on it after we put blindfolds on both of you. Then, dad, grandpa and I will cut cards to see who goes first. Mom, the first one will fuck you in the ass but only for twenty strokes, he'll pull out and then fuck Kathy's ass also for only twenty strokes. While he is moving, the second one will take his place in your ass, and we will continue to move and fuck you both until we make you cum." His mom wiggled her finger at him indicating she wanted him to come and stand in front of her. As he did, she reached down and grabbed his cock. "So, you are going to take this," as she bent and kissed his dick, "and shove it in my ass for twenty strokes," she kissed his dick again, "pull out and shove it up Kathy's ass," she kissed his dick again, "and fuck her for twenty strokes, and so on," as she kissed it again? Her son smiled, "That is about the size of it." Dorothy looked at Kathy who nodded her agreement, "Son, you have a deal! But, can I make one little suggestion?" Gregory nodded. "Well, we two women have some sexy nighties, why don't we put them on and then instead of having two naked women to fuck, you'll have two sexy broads?" "Mmmmm," Bert said, "we are going to be fucking sexy broads instead of a mother and daughter, sounds interesting, I vote yes on the nighties." Dorothy nodded her head at Kathy and the two of them climbed out of the hot tub. She and her daughter dried off, picked up the bag of stuff and headed into the house. Jack looked at his son, "I guess this means you and I are going to double team Kathy while she is wearing some sexy negligee." Bert looked at his son and grandson, "Gregory, if I heard correctly, you were interested in me fucking you in the ass and sucking your dad's dick, right?" Gregory nodded so "Well, I kind of think we are going to have a few minutes of down time, so why don't we do that only me and your dad won't cum, we'll save that for the girls, okay." Gregory smiled, got out of the tub and went to kneel on the grass. His dad walked around in front of him and knelt down. Gregory immediately sucked his father's dick into his mouth. He felt his grandpa playing with his asshole and knew he was getting greased up. Then he felt pressure as Bert eased his cock into his grandson's asshole. Gregory thought that it felt a lot like the butt plug his mom had pushed into his asshole earlier on in the evening. He had to stop sucking for a moment, "God, this is great, I guess I am becoming a cock hound too," he said as he went back to sucking on his father. Once he had gotten used to the cock in his ass, he told his grandfather to fuck his ass hard. With each of his grandpa's strokes, Gregory felt himself getting closer to cumming and he didn't want to do that right now. So he stopped sucking and asked his grandpa to pull out telling him he didn't want to cum. The young man moved so he was sitting, he looked up, "Any time you guys want to do that, let me know, okay?" Bert grasped his own cock, wiggled it at his grandson and said, "You got a deal, kiddo!" Bert went into the kitchen and made a phone call. He called his friend who ran the exclusive club he had mentioned. Bert told Frank he had three gorgeous women who were interested in coming to the club on Saturday night and having a little fun. He made it clear there would be no fucking but one or more of the women would probably give some blow jobs. He told Frank the women would be wearing some very sexy, very revealing outfits and he asked him to try to get fifteen or twenty guys to show up. Frank told him that it shouldn't be a problem, he would arrange everything. The last thing Bert told him was they would be there around 10:00 PM or so. They hung up and Bert walked out to the back yard. He had barely sat down when his daughter-in-law and granddaughter announced they were ready to come out side. Dorothy and Kathy came out the sliding back door and stood in front of the men. Their negligees were identical, different sizes but identical. The tops were transparent, a dark, almost royal blue gossamer that covered everything and revealed everything at the same time. There was glittering lace around the neck line, around the hem and the sleeves. The panties were the same color and had the same lace around the waist band. The women revealed the panties were crotchless as they slowly turned completely around and bent over revealing their asses. When they began walking toward Jack, Bert and Gregory the guys could see their tits jiggling. Dorothy and Kathy had put on dark red lipstick with blue eye shadow. The overall effect was to make two very pretty women gorgeous in anyone's book. Jack looked at his wife and daughter and let out a long, piercing wolf whistle. Bert applauded and whistled as well.Gregory had never really thought about his sister being pretty or not but he realized at that moment that she was a very, very beautiful young girl. Dorothy and Kathy smiled back and forth at each other, "Well, I guess from your reactions that we pass the 'sexy broads' test huh?" Jack stood up as his wife neared him. He stepped out of the tub, dried off, took her in his arms and kissed her. "Honey, you are gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous." She smiled at him, "And absolutely fuckable too huh?" He couldn't help but grin at her reply. Bert touched her shoulder and when she turned, he took her hand and kissed it in the European fashion. "My dear, you are beautiful beyond words!" Dorothy blushed and then saw her son take his sister into his arms and gently peck her cheek. "Sis, if anyone ever says you aren't the prettiest girl in your class, I'll deck him, you are really pretty." Kathy copied her mom, "And pretty fuckable too, huh?" Gregory grinned, "Yep, you both are very fuckable." Kathy stepped back a little, "Well, if I am so fuckable how come no one is fucking me?"Her brother looked at her, then at his dad, "Do you want to DP her just to shut her up?" He laughed and hugged his sister, "I was just kidding, but remember, we have to get ready, rubbers and all that. Where do you want this DP to take place?" Kathy smiled back at him, fondled his dick, "Mmmmm, feels like you ARE getting ready, how about over there," indicating a towel in the back yard? Dorothy spoke up, "Hey, what do you say to moving this orgy into the house, might be a little more comfortable and then afterwards we'll play "Guess Whose Cock!" "Okay," Kathy said. She turned and walked into the house followed closely by her brother and father. Dorothy and Grandpa Bert picked up some glasses and the leftover food, took that stuff into the kitchen, put it away and then went into the living room to join everyone else. Jack and Gregory were naked, as they had been for some time, and Kathy was modeling her night gown. "Mom, we've decided, I am going to give Daddy a blow job and let him cum in my mouth and Gregory is going to fuck my cunt. Listen to me, two days ago I would have been horrified if someone used the word 'cunt' and here I am today saying it all the time. I guess I am on my way to becoming a slut and I want cock, cock and more cock!"Dorothy smiled, "Well, if that is what you want then I would suggest you kneel between them so Gregory can fuck you from behind and you can more easily take your dad's cock in your mouth."Kathy got down on her hands and knees and wiggled her ass at her brother. "Here's one hot pussy waiting for a hard dick." Dorothy had remembered the condoms and she helped Gregory put it on his cock. He told her he loved the feel of her cool hands on his cock and then grinned when his mom leaned forward and sucked his dick for a moment or two. "Mom, he is supposed to be fucking me, please!" Gregory knelt down behind his sister as his dad lay down on the floor. Jack wiggled around and soon had his hard on right near his daughter's mouth. Gregory pressed his dick down and then moved forward a bit until he felt it enter his sister's pussy. He had to admit that crotchless panties sure made things easier. His mom looked at him, "I don't think you need to wait all that much, I think her pussy has been stretched enough for you to slide your dick all the way in." Gregory pushed his cock into his sister's cunt and felt her pussy muscles gripping him. When he was all the way in, he paused as Kathy leaned down on one elbow, grasped her dad's dick with her free hand and then lowered her head onto his cock. At that point, Dorothy looked at Gregory's ass, "Honey, you have your butt plug in!" "Yeah mom, I wanted to see if you were right, if I could still fuck with it in my asshole!" He concentrated on fucking his sister's pussy. As he watched her ass jiggle each time he pushed his dick into her he had an idea."Kathy," he said, "want to try something?" Even with her dad's cock in her mouth, Gregory was able to hear her say, "Un huh!" "Okay, lift your head until about an inch or so of dad's dick is between your lips. Then, I'll shove my cock into you and it should make you go down on dad. Want to try it?" She kept her dad's cock in her mouth and muttered "Un huh!" Gregory began shoving his dick deep and hard into Kathy's pussy. He went slowly but each thrust drove her down on her father's cock. Jack was enjoying what was happening and told her to keep it up. He looked over and saw that his wife was sitting on his father's lap. When Dorothy noticed Jack looking at her, she spread her legs and pulled her pussy lips apart to show him that Bert had his dick in her asshole. She grinned and said, "Your dad really loves a piece of ass!" Gregory had looked over at his mom and seen what his grandpa was doing to her, "Grandpa, remember, try not to cum, we are saving that for later, right?" Bert nodded but replied, "Pal, the way things are going I can cum in your mom's ass and be ready to go again in about thirty minutes." Gregory reached around his sister and cupped her tits in his hands. "Pull on my nipples, Gregory, please pull on them hard," Kathy told him. He got her nipples between his thumb and forefinger and pinched. "Oh, oh, oh, yes like that, pinch my titties, oh yes, that feels so good." Jack pushed her head back down on his cock, "Oh yeah, baby girl, suck your daddy's dick for him, let him shoot off into your mouth so you can taste his cum!" Gregory was pounding his dick into Kathy's cunt and felt himself on the verge of cumming. He eased his dick out of Kathy's pussy, much to her chagrin, but lay down on the floor, moved his head between her legs and sucked her clit into his mouth and resumed pinching and playing with her tits. "Oh god," Jack moaned, "I'm gonna cum, baby, get ready to swallow my load!" Kathy was slamming her cunt down on her brother's face, forcing his tongue deep inside her, and she felt him slip two fingers into her asshole. She had to lift her mouth off her dad's cock, "Oh damn," she whimpered, "I'm cumming, suck me, suck me!" She immediately dropped her head back onto her dad's cock just as his first spurt of cum erupted from his balls. She managed to close her mouth over his cock and take his entire load down her throat. She was experiencing so many things at once it was almost an overload. She let her dad's dick fall out of her mouth and literally screamed, "Oh, oh, oh, yes, yes, yes, suck my clit, finger my ass, oh god, I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" Jack looked over and saw that Dorothy was lifting her ass up and down Bert's cock. Bert had one finger from each hand driving into her pussy. His thumb was rubbing on her clit and, like her daughter, the sensations just washed over her and she had an orgasm. "God, dad, yes, oh god I love your cock in my asshole, fill me with your hot cum, yes, yes, yes...damn...I'm cumming again!" Bert shoved his dick as deep into her asshole as he could, held her still and felt his cum shooting into her. "God, oh yeah, I love fucking you in the ass, honey, damn, you are so good, oh, yes... damn!" He could feel his own cum oozing out of Dorothy's ass and dripping on his balls even with his dick inside her. He was more than a little surprised when she suddenly lifted herself up, turned to face him, dropped to her knees and sucked his cock into her mouth. She sucked him clean and then licked all around his crotch, scooping up every drop of cum her tongue could find. "Damn," Gregory whined, "I thought the deal was that we were going to wait to cum until we played 'Guess Whose Cock' and you two guys shot your wads, damn!" "Come here Gregory and let mom take care of you. And then, these two guys will just have to wait for the game. Besides, you are young and recover a lot faster that your dad and grandpa. Let me suck your cock for you." Gregory walked over, stood over his mother and watched as she sucked his cock into her mouth. He loved the things she did with her tongue and lips. She stopped sucking, "Tell you what, how would you like to fuck me in the mouth?" "Huh?""Come here, I'll show you." Dorothy got up and walked over to Jack's easy chair. She had to wiggle around a bit but soon she was upside down, her legs were over top and her head was hanging down. "Now," she told her son, "all you do is stick your cock in my mouth and pretend like it is a pussy, fuck my mouth with your hard dick and shoot your cum down your momma's throat." She opened her mouth as her son knelt down in front of her. He felt his mom's hand on his dick and then her lips and tongue began to work on his hard on. "Pal," said his dad, "when your mom said you were to fuck her in the mouth that is what she meant, fuck her mouth with your cock. She is good at that and she likes it when a guy shoves his dick deep into her throat, go for it, fuck your mom's mouth!"His mom sucked Gregory's cock into her mouth while she cupped and played with her tits. Dorothy first licked the head of her son's cock and then sucked on the head. She reached between his legs and pulled on his ball sack. Her son put his hands on her tits, squeezing and pinching them and began to stroke his cock in and out of her mouth. His dad and grandpa were encouraging him to get his cock all of the way into her mouth. So he began to push and, as he looked down, he saw his entire cock, all seven inches of it, in his mother's mouth. Dorothy had relaxed her throat in order to deep throat her son and she loved the way his pubic hairs tickled her nose. Gregory pulled back and pushed his dick forward again. "Yeah," Jack said, "just like that, keep fucking her god this is such a turn on." As Gregory was thrusting he felt hands spread cheeks of his ass and then someone was tonguing his asshole. He looked over his shoulder and realized that Kathy was the one kneeling behind him. Kathy reached between his legs and began fondling, pulling and gently pinching his balls. His mom stopped his cock with just the head between her lips and began to jack her son off. "Mom," Kathy said, "let him cum on your tits so I can lick them clean for you, please, I want to watch him shoot his cum on your nipples." Dorothy stopped, "It's your choice honey, you can cum in my mouth or on my tits so you can watch your sister lick 'em clean!" Gregory wanted to cum in her mouth but the idea of seeing his sister licking his cum from his mother's tits was very exciting. He managed to pant, "On your tits mom, I want to watch Kathy licking your tits!"He resumed fucking his mom's mouth as his sister was licking his ass crack and playing with his balls. "Damn mom I'm gonna cum, oh yes, jack me, Kathy, oh yes, damn, oh your tongue, here it comes mom, I'm gonna cum on your tits." She moved down so that his cock was right over her tits and she continued to jack him. His first spurt of cum landed on his mother's left tit so she aimed his cock for her right tit and was rewarded with a spurt of cum that landed right on her nipple. His mom squeezed and stroked his cock draining every bit of cum she could. Her husband watched as his son's cum bathed her tits. Jack and Bert had been stroking their own cocks watching what the other three were doing. As soon as he was drained dry, Gregory moved to the side. Kathy shuffled forward on her knees and began licking the hot cum from her momma's tits. She kind of hummed and murmured as she licked, "Mmmmm, oh, nunh, Mmmmm, love cum, Mmmmm." She finally licked her mother's tits of all the cum and she sat back on her heels in front of her mom. Dorothy got out of the chair with Bert's help."You know, mom you are right.""Right? Right, about what?""The taste of cum, it is different for each guy but I am getting to where I really like the taste." She straightened, leaned forward and kissed her mom on the mouth. As they kissed, Dorothy fondled her daughter's perky tits. She intentionally pinched them very hard and heard Kathy, "Mmmmm, oh yes, I like that." Dorothy then leaned down and took one nipple into her mouth. She closed her teeth over the nipple and bit down, gently at first but harder and harder. She was a little surprised when Kathy started moving her hips like she was fucking someone. "Oh mom, I love that, god do I love that." Dorothy let her daughter's tit go and said, "If you liked that, then I have another surprise for you."She walked over to the hot tub, reached into her bag and pulled out a small bunch of little packages. She walked back to her chair, put the packages on the table near her, and said, "You are gonna love these and, just in case, I got enough for all of us. But first, we have to take off our tops." The men watched as the two women slowly lifted the hem of their tops and eased them over their heads. Even though they had been able to see Kathy and Dorothy's tits under the top, it was very erotic. Dorothy opened one of the packages and pulled out a pair of nipple clamps. It was kind of shaped like an elongated "U" with a bar across the bottom and another bar near the top of the "U" that had a screw protruding from it. "Here, Gregory, give me a hand, after I get this on her tit, pinch and pull her nipple out." Gregory did and his sister moaned softly as he pinched her nipple. They both watched as their mother slowly turned the screw so that the two bars came closer together and soon had Kathy's nipple pinched between them. "This way you can make the clamp tighter for a bit more pain or looser. But, in any event, do not leave them on for more than about fifteen minutes or so, I am not sure why but everything I read about titty torture says that." Mother and son worked to get a clamp on Kathy's other tit. Then son and daughter put a pair on their mom, Gregory clamping one nipple and Kathy doing the other. As Kathy was tightening the clamp Gregory reached between his mother's legs and eased a finger into her cunt. "Mmmmm," Dorothy said, "I love the attention!" After getting her second clamp, she looked at her son and held a pair of clamps out for him, asking with her eyes if he wanted to try them. He nodded so she handed one to Kathy. They opened the packages and, partly because his chest was pretty flat, they had to work a bit and getting the clamps on his nipples but finally did. They all stood, side by side, and faced Jack and Bert. Jack picked up the camera and took a series of photos of the three of them, sometimes alone, sometimes with someone else, and sometimes all three of them together.Dorothy had noted the time so they could take the clamps off when they were supposed to. "Jack," she asked, "what about you, nipple clamps?" He grinned and nodded. Kathy and Gregory each took a clamp and went to work on their dad while Dorothy snapped pictures. They did the same to Bert and someone made the comment that it would be neat to have a picture of all five of them at the same time. Gregory excused himself for a moment, got the tripod, set the camera on it and gathered everyone together. He had the two women kneel with a bit of space between them. For the first picture, Jack stood between them while Gregory stood next to his mom and Bert stood next to Kathy. The two women reached up and fondled Jack's cock while the camera clicked three pictures automatically. Jack and Bert traded places and again, the girls fondled Bert's cock while the camera took the pictures. Finally, Gregory and his grandfather traded places and his mom and sister fondled him. Right before the third picture Kathy turned slightly and sucked her brother's cock into her mouth. "Wow," her mom said, "that was really exciting, I can't wait to see the pictures." Gregory stood with a pensive look on his face. "You know mom, if you thought that was exciting, why don't we make a video?" Jack, Bert and Kathy were seconding the idea and talking about how neat it would be to watch themselves on television. Dorothy was a little reluctant but finally gave into her family's wishes. Gregory suggested they turn on more lights to make the lighting better.As Dorothy watched her naked family moving about she marveled at how relaxed everyone was with the nudity and the sexual activity. She still wasn't sure how Kathy would react to the knowledge that her mom wanted to be gang banged or wanted to fuck a couple of black guys or, and this one she wasn't at all comfortable mentioning to her daughter right now, that Jack wanted to watch his wife fuck a dog. "Well," she thought to herself, "we'll just have to see how things go." Gregory and his dad worked for a few moments to get the video camera set up but finally they were ready. "Alright, I've agreed to this but the first one will be of just me and your dad. Once we see how that goes, well we'll just see." Gregory has spread a blanket on the floor and was acting like a movie director. He had his mom and dad lay on the blanket. "Now you guys act like there isn't an audience so just make out and I'll do the filming." Jack and Dorothy began kissing each other and Jack was fingering his wife's cunt while she was fondling his hardening cock. "Mom suck dad's dick for a minute." She did as her son had instructed and was soon sucking her husband's cock. Gregory zoomed in for a close up and then told his mom to spread her legs wide. He caught his dad's fingers going in and out of Dorothy's pussy. "God, Jack if we keep this up I am gonna cum. Let's see what we have, okay?"Gregory popped the tape out of the camera, walked into the family room, turned on the television and VCR, put the tape into the machine, re-wound it and then hit the "play" button. After just a moment Dorothy was watching herself on the TV. It was as though her hand had a mind of its own as it trailed down her stomach and she began to stroke her pussy. She was incredibly turned on. As she looked around the room she saw Jack stroking his dick while he watched intently, Gregory's cock was flaccid and she sensed he was critiquing his work, Kathy had her hand on her grandpa's cock and Bert was playing with her tits. "Well," Dorothy said getting everyone's attention, "I guess from the reactions around the room, you guys liked this!" All of them nodded."Mom, can Gregory and I star in the next one, please, please?" Her mom nodded."Come on Gregory, you and me! Daddy can operate the camera, right daddy?" Her father moved to pop the tape out of the VCR and put it in the camera."Got it, you two kids go for it!" Kathy looked at her brother, "You lay down." Gregory did as she asked and then watched as she knelt beside him, sucked his dick for a moment and then maneuvered her body so they were going 69. As she sucked his dick, he attacked her pussy with gusto, sucking her clit into his mouth, driving his tongue into her cunt. As the two kids enjoyed themselves, Jack was moving around the room with the camera catching the two of them from a variety of angles.Dorothy was watching the action intently when Bert sat down beside her. "You like the nipple clamps?"She took a clamp in each hand and jiggled her tits for him, "Yeah, they are great." "Would you like to try something with them?""Sure what have you got in mind?" He told her he would be right back as she turned back to watching her kids. Bert returned a couple of moments later and had her turn slightly to face him. He had gone out to the garage, gotten some of Jack's fishing weights and managed to rig some small hooks on them. He took one of the weights and hung it on the bottom bar of Dorothy's nipple clamp. "Oh," she gasped, "wow, the weight pulls my tit down and makes my nipple longer." Her father-in-law grinned at her, "The object is to see how much weight you can take, I once saw a gal hold a gallon of water with her nipples pulled out about two inches, it was amazing." She continued to face Bert as he put several more weights on her tits. He looked at her, "You have about a half pound on each of your nipples right now, how does it feel?" Dorothy grinned at him, "It feels good but I don't think I am ready for much more right now, maybe more later, okay?" He nodded and lifted the weights off her tits and she watched as her nipples slowly resumed their normal shape. As they looked back at the two kids and Jack, Kathy started cumming with her brother's mouth on her cunt and two fingers in her ass. She wasn't able to say much with a cock in her mouth but mumbled, moaned and whimpered. Finally she had to lift her head, "Oh god, Gregory, suck my clit hard, yeah, like that, oh, oh, oh...oh god, oh shit, suck it, I'm cummmmmmmminnnnnngggg!" It took a couple of moments for them to catch their breaths and they watched Gregory's cock slowly deflate."I want to see me on TV," Kathy exclaimed, "can we do that?" Jack got the tape out of the camera, put it in the VCR and hit "play." Jack had to run the tape back a little bit but right there on their television, Kathy could be seen sucking her brother's cock and could see what her brother saw while he was eating her pussy. "God that is so cool, maybe we can make one of me fucking, huh?" Her brother grinned at her, "And maybe even one of you with two or three cocks inside you, how about that?" She smiled and nodded. Bert looked at Dorothy, "Can I try that with Kathy's tits?" Dorothy grinned at him, "You know the rules, if she agrees you can do anything you want." "Kathy honey," her grandfather said, "come here I want you to try something." As she walked to him, the clamps seemed to emphasize the jiggle of her tits. Bert had her kneel in front of him and she immediately reached out and grasped his cock. "Not now sweetheart, let's try this." With that he put one of the weights on her nipple clamp. "Oh grandpa, that feels, well, I don't know, it feels good, I like it, more please." Bert continued to hang the weights on his granddaughter's clamps, stretching her nipples longer and longer. As he looked up he saw that Gregory was videotaping the proceedings. Finally her tits were supporting about the same weight as her mom's tits had a bit ago. "Okay now stand up and walk around a bit, let the weight's pull on your nipples with each step." They all watched as Kathy got up and then walked around. "Grandpa, these feel really neat, I think you have found something else I like." Bert grinned at her, wiggled his finger at her and, when she was standing in front of him, he slowly removed the weights. Her mom undid the clamps and pulled her down slightly. Then she and Bert each sucked one of Kathy's nipples, "Mmmmm, that does feel good." While they were having fun, Gregory and Jack had moved the love seat into the middle of the room as they had planned. Gregory nodded towards the kitchen beckoning his father to follow him. He reached down and began to fondle his father's cock, "Dad, I have an idea but I wanted to talk to you about it first, it's about the game we are going to play." Jack was enjoying his son's hand job, "Go ahead pal, your other ideas have been fantastic, so this should be good too." Gregory explained what he wanted to do and his dad agreed with the plan. The young man leaned down and gave his dad's dick a quick suck, "That's just to remind you that at some point soon, you are going to fuck me in the ass!" Gregory was mildly surprised when his dad leaned down, grasped the boy's cock, sucked it and stood up, "And that is to remind you that soon you are going to have to fuck me in the ass, too!" The two men walked back into the family room where they saw Dorothy and Bert still sucking on Kathy's tits while her mom fingered her pussy and her grandfather fingered her asshole. "Okay, you three, time to break it up. It's game time," Jack declared! Poor Kathy had been on the verge of having another orgasm when her dad interrupted things, "Aw daddy, I was ready to cum, darn it." "Honey I am sure you are going to cum a lot here in just a bit. Now you and your mom come over here and kneel on the love seat." When the two women were in place, Jack handed Bert the blindfolds, "This is so you can't see who is fucking you in the ass, you are going to have to guess just by feeling the dick in your butt!" While Bert was getting the blindfolds in place, Jack had gotten the KY Jelly and began applying it liberally to his wife's and daughter's asshole. "Mmmmm," he said when their butts seemed to gleam, "that should about do it." He stood between them so he could slip his greased up fingers into their pussies and he was able to finger his wife and little girl at the same time. His cock was hard and he swore it was getting harder.Gregory came back in the room and held up the strap on dildo, when his grandpa started to say something, Gregory put a finger to his lips so Bert wouldn't ask any questions. Gregory also moved the video camera around so it showed both women kneeling with their shiny asses in the air. "Okay," Bert said, "let's cut cards to see who goes first!" Gregory won the cut so he would go first, Bert would be second and Jack would be bringing up the rear. Gregory pressed the record button on the camera, stepped behind his mom and pushed his dick into her asshole. She gasped slightly as his dick penetrated her sphincter and was glad when he paused. Then he pulled back and began counting, "One, two, three, four..." and so on until he got to twenty. He pulled out and moved to his sister's ass. He did the same thing, penetrated her asshole, pushed in and paused and then counted each stroke. He looked over and saw his grandfather fucking Dorothy in time with Gregory's counts. The two men grinned at one another and when they reached twenty, they pulled out, Bert took Gregory's place in Kathy's ass while Jack began fucking his wife in the ass. Kathy felt the cock that had been fucking her slip from her asshole to be quickly replaced by another one. "God mom," the girl said from behind the blindfold, "this is wild, I guess this is what it must feel like to be gang banged, you suppose?" "Honey," her mom said as the cock in her ass reached bottom and began to withdraw as the men counted their strokes, "I can imagine this is what it is like although when I get one, I am going to insist on seeing who is fucking me." Kathy laughed, heard someone say 'twenty' and she felt the hard cock slip from her asshole. Within seconds, another dick was stuffed into her butt and the fucking resumed. Jack had whispered to Bert what Gregory was planning to do after the boy had fucked both women twice. Gregory finished his twenty strokes in his sister's ass and stepped aside so his grandfather could stuff his dick into Kathy's ass. Gregory walked around in front of his mom and lifted her blindfold while holding his finger to his mouth. Dorothy nodded and he wiggled his finger for her to follow him. In the kitchen, he handed his mom her strap on dildo, "What dad and I figured is that you could join us in the round robin fuck of Kathy's ass, want to join us?" Her answer was to take the strap on from her son and put it on, strapping it around her waist and thighs so the fake cock would stay in place. Gregory knelt in front of his mom so she could fuck him in the mouth and adjust the strap on so it was tight. Then the two of them walked back to the living room just in time for Dorothy to follow Jack. Jack finished counting, pulled out, and Dorothy stepped up. She noticed that her daughter's asshole was stretched and didn't close as soon as Jack's cock slid clear. She pressed the rubber cock down slightly, stepped behind her daughter and pushed the cock into Kathy's asshole. Kathy had been keeping up a running commentary about how the cocks all felt different and how the guys all fucked differently but each time she had admitted she had no idea who was fucking her at that moment. The fake dick was just a little bit bigger than the three live ones that had entertained her already. As she was sinking the dildo into her daughter's butt, Jack moved in front of Kathy, grasped his dick and brushed his daughter's lips with the cock head. She immediately opened her mouth and sucked in three inches of her dad's dick. When Jack pulled his dick out, she said, "Mmmmm that has a bit on an odd taste, not bad but different!" Her dad leaned to whisper in her ear, "That was fresh from your own asshole, honey!" "Oh god daddy, I was sucking your cock after you had fucked me in the ass? Can whoever is fucking me now bring their dick around here so I can suck it too?" Jack laughed, "We'll see if we can accommodate you." Kathy's round robin ass fucking continued. Each cock in her asshole would fuck her for what seemed like just a moment and then be immediately replaced by another dick. The same was true of the dick in her mouth, the fact that it was fresh from her own asshole made it all the more erotic for the young girl. Whoever was fucking her ass suddenly grabbed her hips and drove his dick deep into her ass, she tried to make out whose voice it was but couldn't, all she knew for sure was that he was shooting a load of cum inside her. The cock in her mouth kept fucking her face and she suddenly felt the beginnings of an orgasm herself. She tried to hold the cock in her mouth but lost it and she was able to pant, "Oh god, I'm cumming, oh yes, let me cum, oh yes, fuck my ass, fuck it hard." The cock in her ass was pulled out and the next cock kept up the furious pounding of her ass and that helped to sustain her orgasm. She heard "...twenty..." and felt the cocks change in her ass. The rapid fire assault on her ass continued. She felt a cock on her lips, opened her mouth and the dick slid right in. It was a though she was suspended or skewered on cock and she wanted it to go on. The cock in her ass erupted with another cum, filling her ass with hot sperm and pushing Kathy's orgasm along. She now knew that two of the men had cum and felt a third cock being roughly shoved into her asshole. This time the fucking was long and slow. The dick would travel all the way up her ass, pause and then slide all the way back until just the head was inside her asshole, there was another pause and the cock started back inside her. Again, she heard "...twenty..." and was a little confused when another hard dick was stuffed into her ass. Even through the haze of her orgasm she couldn't figure out what was going on. She heard "...twenty..." one more time and another cock worked its way into her asshole. She didn't get a cock to suck but whoever was in her asshole pulled her hips back and then the sound of grunting and the tremors of a cock cumming in her ass. She squeezed her ass muscles trying to hold the dick inside her but lost the battle only to have a hard cock shoved into her ass. When that cock was pulled from her abused asshole, someone, she assumed it was her grandfather, knelt behind her and began licking and tonguing her asshole. She waited and then felt the tip of a dick brushing her lips. She opened her mouth and the cock slid in, she sucked and tongued it but it didn't feel like anything she had sucked so far. Someone lifted the blindfold from her eyes, she looked up and saw her mom's tits. Kathy was barely able to focus on the cock in her mouth and realized she had been sucking the strap on dildo around her mom's waist. It took her a moment to realize what had happened, "Mom, have you been fucking me in the ass too?" Her mom smiled down at her, "Yes, honey, but this is the first time you have sucked on 'my cock'." Her daughter reached up, wrapped her hand around her mom's 'cock', "But it won't be the last time, will it?" Behind her, Bert stood up, "Now that was one of the best cum shakes I have ever had, thanks sweetie."All of them were spent. They had enjoyed so many orgasms so far, Dorothy was pretty sure there would be no more fucking, at least for that night. Gregory told the two women about the video and Kathy wanted to watch it so her brother set it up and she sat enthralled as cock after cock had been slipped into her asshole. She even marveled at the way her mom's 'cock' have fucked her. While she was watching, the rest of them talked about the sleeping arrangements. "I don't know how you all will react to this," Bert said, "but I sure would like to have Kathy alone tonight. I mean I'll share her and all tomorrow but for tonight, I'd just like to have her alone." Dorothy looked at her father-in-law, "If she is okay with it, I am, what about you two, you want to both sleep with me?" Jack and Gregory grinned and Jack said, "I don't have a problem with it, in fact it might be a hell of a lot of fun, right Gregory?" Gregory nodded and smiled, thinking about what might yet happen. His mom noticed that her son's cock was starting to harden, "What, you're getting another hard-on? Thinking about what all you are going to do to your momma's body?" Her son blushed and nodded, "And maybe to dad's too!" Dorothy looked at Bert, "Now, you have to promise nothing too weird and only if she wants to try it, right?" Bert grinned, held up three fingers in the Boy Scout salute, "Scout's honor, I promise, scout's honor!" The video had come to the end. Kathy joined the rest of her family, "Mom, the next time I watch that, I am going to have to have a butt plug in and use one of your dildos, okay?" Dorothy nodded, "Honey, your grandpa has asked that you and he sleep together tonight, are you okay with that?" Kathy walked over to her grandfather, wrapped her hand around his cock, and nodded, "Sure that's great. Are Gregory and daddy going to sleep with you?" Her mom nodded. "Remember honey, your granddad can ask you to do anything he wants but you have the right to refuse, okay?" Kathy nodded while she fondled her grandfather, "Let's see mom, I have been fucked in the mouth a bunch and swallowed cum, been fucked in my pussy twice, had you eat my cunt, there I go again using 'cunt', watched you give my brother a golden shower, and had my ass gang fucked...gee, I guess I am just about up for anything." "Well, just remember you don't have to do everything, okay?" Kathy dropped Bert's cock, stood in front of her mom, "I hear what you are saying mom, I'll be okay," and she kissed her mom. Jack went around locking up the house while the rest of the family helped to straighten the house, get the dirty dishes in the washer, and put things away. Kathy and Bert headed upstairs to Kathy's room. Jack watched as his father was fondling her ass and he knew that there was going to be a lot of fucking going on in her room. "You guys ready to head up?"The three of them headed up to the master bedroom. "Before we do anything," Dorothy said, "I am going to take a shower, how about you two?" The two men nodded to her, Jack said, "Yeah, I could use one and I am sure Gregory can as well." As they went into the bathroom, they heard the other shower going. They took turns taking showers and then settled into bed. Contrary to what she had been thinking, there was going to be a lot of fucking going on in her house, a lot!Dorothy's Story continues in Part 13 – The Saturday Morning After*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 76
My stepdaughter had left home long before I met, and married, her mother. She is really a stranger to me, I think I have met her at a couple of Thanksgivings that's all. Her mother, my wife, calls her a slut, which is a laugh when you think what she gets up to these days with my friends. Her daughter lives over the other side of the country.It was a surprise to my wife and myself when we got an invitation to her wedding. At first my wife didn't want to go; she didn't want to travel all that way to see her daughter, whom she didn't particularly like, getting married to some poor sucker she had probably conned. She suspected that Chrissy was probably pregnant and that was why she was getting hitched and expecting us to pay for the wedding.It turned out, however, that it was going to be held in a swanky hotel and the groom's parents were going to pay for the wedding, he comes from a moneyed family! Not only that but they were going to pay for us to fly there and spend a couple of nights in the hotel. I finally persuaded my wife that we should go. She agreed, reluctantly, but when we got there, and she saw the hotel, her mood changed and she began to look forward to the event.We met Bob, the bridegroom, and he seemed a reasonable sort of chap, and Chrissy genuinely appeared to like him. I must say that not having seen Chrissy for a few years I was stunned to see that she was now quite a chick.The wedding? Well what can you say about a wedding? It went without a hitch, very well organized. I managed to keep control of my wife, as far as her drinking went, although I could see her eyeing up some of the guests. I had decided to keep her for myself, sexually, for this couple of days; I didn't know any of the other guests so I wasn't going to arrange any parties!At the reception Bob came up to me, when I was alone, and said to me "I hope you will come to the consummation". He must have seen the look on my face, he laughed, " No", he said, "I'm not claiming she's a virgin. There is going to be a little party for some selected male guests later. 9pm in our suite, 4008. You're invited, just you, you understand, not your wife" and he drifted off into the throng.I went back to my wife and, over the next few hours, relaxed my control of her a bit and let her drink and flirt fairly freely. By about 8.30pm she was in a suitable glazed state for me to take her to our room, fuck her, and put her to bed without any arguments.Just after 9pm I walked to the elevator and took it to the 40th floor.I knocked on the door of 4008 and it was opened cautiously. I was obviously expected because when the best man saw who it was I was ushered in and the door locked behind me. There were six or seven guys in the living room, over the far side, near the bedroom door, but no sign of Bob or Chrissy. I followed the best man over to join the group by the door. It was pretty obvious that someone was being fucked on the other side of the door. We listened to the girl moaning louder and louder and then screaming out as she came. The door opened and a guy came out holding a video camera. "Not long now" he said, closing the door behind him, and the others laughed.A few moments later the door opened again and Bob was standing there, naked. His penis hung down between his legs still fairly engorged. "She's ready," he said. "Let the consummation begin!"The others pushed past him into the bedroom and I suddenly realized that I was the only one fully dressed, the others had stripped when the photographer came out of the room. Chrissy was lying on the bed just wearing her bridal headdress and her stockings.With very little preliminaries someone stuck their dick in her mouth whilst the others caressed her boobs, thighs and cunt. Her cunt was still dilated from Bob's work out and in moments someone had taken possession of it and was fucking her hard. He didn't last long, he shot his load, pulled out and finished off onto her. Someone turned her over, face down, and thrust his erect dick into her. When he came the next guy took advantage of her position to stick his dick in her anus. This gangbanging of my stepdaughter was far more ferocious than anything my wife had undergone back home.She was very noisy during the anal fucking, this one and the one that followed immediately after. I noticed that no one was daring to put his dick into her mouth now in case it inadvertently got bitten off, it was that ferocious! Her hands were fully occupied all the same jerking guys off and getting them hard enough to enjoy her.After they had fucked her anally a few times she was flipped over onto her back again and her cunt was used again and again.I've probably missed a fuck or two but when it was all over the amount of cum oozing out of both her cunt and her ass hole was incredible. I guess my wife was right, she is a slut. Did I fuck her? Well... she was only my stepdaughter and not really a blood relative...end
Sam was 13 and on a vacation with his parents. In other words he was in hell. Or at least to his mind that was used to sound bites and 30 second commercials, it was hell, but basically it was just incredibly boring. I thought summer vacation was suppose to be fun. he thought to himself as he flipped through the basic cable channels of his uncle and aunts grainy 25 inch TV. His parents and him were on a "road trip" and on the way they had stopped at Sam's father's brother's house. Of course he had protested on going on the three weeks of torture that would most assuredly be the vacation, but his mother had put her foot down. She argued, no told, resolutely that soon he would be to grown up to go on a family road trip and that they should spend time together while they still had a chance. Blah, blah, blah, so on and so forth. After several minutes of an intense bout of channel surfing he finally decided to watch a Telemundo soap. He sank back into the uncomfortable spring couch and started to try to fall asleep to the incomprehensible yell of high pitched Mexican models. He didn't fall asleep. He missed his couch, and his satellite, and his Playstation, and all sorts of other modern commodities. He numbered them off in his head to keep himself occupied. Tony's pizza, 13, my shower, 14.He sighed to himself, One and a half weeks, that's all that's left. His sixteen year old cousin, Miranda, walked into the room while in the middle of an especially loud spirited speech by one of the women in the Spanish soap and number 47 on the list, his soft toilet paper. "Why are you watching this crap?" interrupted Sam's cousin in his reverie, using her most bitchy tone. She had two tones, she could vary the volume and intonation, but basically there were only two, bitchy and whiny. "It's funny," yawned Sam sleepily. He hated her, but as he took a longer that usual glance at her he admitted that she was incredibly hot. In fact a little blood rushed to his cock just looking at her perky medium sized breasts, her wavy auburn hair, and her sculpted frame. Oh and what a face, beautiful green eyes, pouty lips. "Give me the remote." she interrupted once again, snatching his only source of power over his situation away at the same time. She started to go through the channels but then gave up. "It's fucking one' o'clock, there's nothing on." she then turned off the TV and tossed the remote on a comfy chair, a position that was as far away as possible from Sam. "Go read a book or something, I'm taking a shower." What a bitch, he thought to himself as he watched her round backside sway as his unimaginably hot cousin walked to the bathroom. He closed his mouth, tore his eyes from the bathroom door, and then turned the TV back on. Miranda was right, the soap was really quite stupid. Slowly his mind turned to other, more interesting subjects. Soon after he, frustrated, turned off the TV he heard the shower turn on. He closed his eyes and he imagined Miranda taking off her clothes and stepping under the stream of hot water, the heat making sending streams of sweat down her tight body. Her sparkling green eyes close as the steaming water hits her. Then she sexily parts her full lips slightly as the water cascades down her perfect chest, washing away her sticky sweat while at the same time titillating her slightly. His dick got slightly larger once again.Sam fantasy continued. Miranda begins lathering up her naked body the white suds making contrast with her unblemished tan skin, and he began to start getting a true boner. Without noticing, Sam had begun stroking his privates. He looked down shocked at what he was doing and quickly tore his hand away from his crotch. He NEEDED to let out his sexual energy somehow. So he got up and slowly crept to the bathroom, hoping to get a glance of some thing... interesting. After tiptoeing for what seemed like ten minutes (to only get to something about 12 feet away) he finally got to the bathroom door.His shaking hand reached forward and grasped the doorknob expecting it to be locked, but, surprisingly, the doorknob turned open easily. Holding the door knob, he slowly opened the door a crack. He, after the shock of the first crack of light appearing, continued to open the door slowly and carefully, wincing every time it creaked. Then when it made a especially loud creak, Sam not only winced, but jumped up, like he had been poked in the butt with a needle, and sprinted to the safe haven of the couch. His mind raced. What was he going to say when she got out, investigating how the door opened, with Sam the only other person in the house. After Sam had thought through many excuses, ranging from the incredibly stupid to stupid, he finally decided to simply deny it. After reveling in his cleverness for a few content moments, he noticed that nothing was happening. The shower had kept on going all through out his problem solving process and when he looked over his shoulder the door was still the way he had left it. He felt extremely stupid. She couldn't possibly hear even the loudest creak over the roar of the water. He then quickly realized that she might be getting out soon, even though she took especially long showers, and that he had better get to work on his voyeurism.He quickly sat up, a determined horny teenager at his best, or worst depending on how you think about it, and walked to the bathroom door. Once he got there he deciding to be careful about peeking around the door frame, for even though she couldn't hear him that didn't mean that she couldn't see him through the semi-transparent shower curtain that he was also counting on to be able to see her. He carefully stuck his head through the opening he had made, so carefully, earlier. What he then beheld first shocked him, then, after the immediate intake of breath, made his already throbbing boner virtually jump out of his pants. Miranda's blurry image was leaning against the wall of the shower and quickly moving two of her fingers in and out of her lower middle regions. She was violently masturbating in the shower.He backed away looking like a stupefied fish, then, still with his shocked expression and huge member, he quietly walked into his uncle's bedroom, closed the door, pulled his pants and boxers down in one motion, and tore off his shirt with another. He hardly ever masturbated, as to not to get addicted, but this was one of those times when he was so horny he needed an orgasm or else he felt like he would explode, probably ruining his boxers in the process.He wrapped his hand on his now full hard dick and started moving it up and down, groaning with intense pleasure the motion provided him. In fact he was so engrossed with the rhythmic motion he didn't notice the shower turn off. He moaned louder and louder.He had no reason to worry about his dad, mom, uncle, or aunt hearing because they had gone shopping and wouldn't be home for another hour at least, but even if they had been home, he wouldn't have cared. He was too engrossed in the pleasure of his motion, coupled with the image of Miranda jerking off, that, even if the pope had been watching, he wouldn't have stopped. Lucky for him, only Miranda was home.He moaned just as the door behind him opened, so he didn't hear it make the slight creaking sound that all the doors in the old house made. Nor did he see the person walk in, since his eyes were shut tight while he recalled the image of his beautiful cousin jerking off."Sam?" said a sexy female voice. Sam opened his eyes, wondering whom in the house talked in that manner, and again beheld his own personal idol of beauty. Though this time not through a blurry shower curtain, this time Miranda stood before him in a towel still dripping from the shower, but just as before she was moving her hand in and out of her pussy. At first he looked at her in his fish expression not noticing the movement in her nether regions. Still in horny teen mode, he was unable to keep his eyes from scanning the sexy figure before him, so he gave up, and began soaking in her image. Her hair was wet and water still dripped down her shapely body. He didn't mind the Pope, but seeing the person who he had been the cause of his sexual excitement in the first place standing half naked before him was to interesting to let slide. Finally, after his gaze virtually covered the entire rest of her body his gaze, which up to now had been avoiding trying to appear to be trying to get a look at her snatch, Sam noticed Miranda fingering herself under her towel. At that his eyes opened even more widely, seeming to defy all natural law. Though Sam was not the only person bug eyed in shock. Sam then noticed that Miranda's eyes were also opened wide and her mouth was, though not quite a drastically as Sam's, gaping. The reason for Miranda's shock was for a completely different reason than Sam's. She was not surprised to see Sam jacking off, for she had seen him peek around the doorway and catch her in the shower satisfying herself, and it was a perfectly natural reaction. What so shocked Miranda was what he was jacking off with. For she, who had some experience with penises, knew that Sam's, which looked to be a little bit more than eleven inches and a half inches long, was incredibly large.Sam didn't know what to do. Is she fingering herself because of ME? he thought , but soon enough the decision was made for him. Miranda took the knot she had tied to keep her towel from falling off and undid it slowly, then simply let gravity do the rest. Her towel fell gracefully to the ground around her feet. Sam opened his mouth ever so slightly larger. He ran over what had happened in his mind. She had, had a towel on a few seconds before; now it was off. His mind raced to connect the two events together, to find some cause for why the towel could have gone from being on Miranda to being on the floor. The only reason he could come up with, after scanning his memory, was much to absurd to believe.Miranda's large green eyes were still fixed on Sam's large genitals as she licked her luscious lips. She stepped out of the towel that draped around her feet and walked to Sam, whose tongue was also hanging out the side of his mouth, though in a much less sexy manner, and seemed to be going through some kind of temporary paralysis. Once in front of him she got on her knees and flashed him a smile of anticipation. At first she merely stroked the member softly, wonder at the it's size which seemed to fit more a donkey than a man, or in this case a boy. He gasped and had to change positions to keep from falling over. Miranda then bent her head down only slightly, for the penis's length almost touched her face already, and licked the tip of his throbbing genitalia. Sam let a small groan escape his dry lips. Then Miranda, starting at the base, moved her tongue up the side of his shaft. She looked up and saw that he was enjoying her manipulations greatly, but she knew that he'd enjoy what she was about to do even more. Opening wide, she took the bloated cock in her mouth, and then proceeded to slid it's length down her throat as far as she could go, leaving only 3 inches between her nose and pubic hairs.Sam was letting his breath out in short gasps, he couldn't believe this was happening. Just a couple minutes ago he had been ogling Miranda as an unreachable goddess of beauty, now she was giving him a blow job, no, not just giving a blow job, but virtually gagging on his penis inserted 8 inches down her throat. Her head went up and down over his dick at incredible speed all the while her skilled tongue swirling around it's head. Then amazingly she started to go faster. Acting on a mix of instinct and the sparse bits of porn he had seen, Sam reached down to his cousin's chest and started rub her hard nipples. She stopped going up and down to moan through a mouthful of dick, though Sam wasn't complaining. The vibrations made from her groan of pleasure more than made up for the absence of movement. Soon, she worked through the new pleasure of Sam's touch, and was able to start up again with just as much, if not more, fervor. He pinched, squeezed, and pulled at her breasts loving the feel of them and the fact that he was able to incite such pleasure from her. He felt his balls begin to swell. He was about to go over the edge. "Oh god," Sam moaned "it's coming." Miranda took his huge cock out of her mouth, wrapped her right had around it ("Oh my go, I can barley hold it!" she thought to herself) and started moving her hand up and down his cock. "Oooooow." Sam cried as he erupted more violently than he had ever done before. As soon as the first spurt of cum came Miranda took his cock back down her throat. This was to much for Sam, not used to such intense pleasure, and he began reflexively trying to get out of Miranda's throat, but she refused and grabbed his butt to keep him from leaving and the cum kept on coming. Sam had never had this much before. It in such large amounts that even Miranda, an expert swallower, was not able to kept small streams of it from coming down the outsides of her mouth. Finally the cum abated and after Miranda had sucked the last bits of it, she took Sam's slightly smaller cock out of her mouth with a slight "plop". "Now you do something for me." said a beaming Miranda."W-What?" whispered Sam still in shock.Miranda took him by the shoulders and made him kneel on the floor in front of where he had just sat. Then she sat where he had received his treatment and pointed at the tender lips of her pussy, which were now slightly moist "I want you to lick this." Sam had seen a girls privates in sites on the net but had never touched one or had any idea of what to do...with it. "Umm, just, uh, lick it?"Miranda answered with a smile. Okay, thought Sam you can do this. He lowered his head towards her vagina now looking slightly tenderer with some fluid wetting it. Swallowing he feebly poked out his tongue. Sam realized how bad he was doing and how stupid and inexperienced he looked and looked up at his cousin questioningly. Miranda smiled at him warmly and proceeded to tell (and show) him about the various parts in the vagina. "Just be inventive and if I seem to like it, keep doing it."Sam shrugged "Okay."At first the 13 year old was hesitant just lightly licked the outside of what had learned was the labia. It enticed a moan from Miranda, and he liked the taste, so he continued what he was doing. Soon the lips parted slightly, almost invitingly. He, on pure instinct, slid his tongue into the crack. This again made her let out a gasp. He licked and swirled for a while with his tongue, enjoying the fragrant smell, sweet taste, and the cute little moans his cousin gave out. He decided to probe his tongue a bit deeper, and then he found a true discovery, he felt a harder lump with his tongue and when he touched it Miranda gave her loudest moan and shifted slightly. She had said to keep doing it if she liked it, so he continued flicking the lump, which was probably the clitoris that Miranda had told him about.Miranda moans increased in fervor, and the mound got bigger. Sam could put the thing between his lips now, so he tried that. Miranda whimpered slightly. Sam lifted his head up to see Miranda in pure bliss. "Is that okay?" Sam asked hesitantly. All she could do was nod.As Sam went down again he got a look at what he was licking and kissing. It was white and just above where her now much larger hole was located. Before he started licking it again he decided to touch it with his finger. A tiny whimper again escaped Miranda's lushes lips, and she forced my head down to her organ.This time I immediately put my lips around he white knob, and I decided to kind of suck it like she did my dick. This got a very violent reaction. Miranda screamed and bucked, and started shuddering. When I tried to lift my head she forced me back down. Then she grabbed my hand, and put one finger in her opening, "Come on fuck me with your finger!!" she screamed.The kid did as his cousin commanded. He moved his finder in and out of her hole and sucked the white knob some more. Miranda thrashed about, but was amazingly able to keep he genitalia in the same place. She was shuddering violently, and the inexperienced boy thought he was hurting her, but she still kept his head against her will her hand. . This went on for what seemed like an hour but was probably only a minute or two. Finally, she sagged and let her hand go, and completely wiped out, fell back. Sam fell back, too, amazed at the experience that had just happened, but it was far from over. "Wow," Miranda murmured "that was really, really good."Sam cheeks started to go red, partly from the complement partly from the realization of the situation he was in. His sexy cousin, completely naked, was lounging on the bed sexily while he sat there, also naked, his dick hanging out. How had this happened? His thoughts buzzed, as he went over the events from the day. His uncle asking if Sam wanted to come as he showed his parents the sites, him on the couch watching TV just 15 minutes before, Miranda in the shower.Sam hardly notice Miranda get up. He felt her warm body against her, then her soft lips touch his cheek, then her hand. Sam felt himself jump. What was she doing now?As her hand caressed his swollen member Miranda began to playfully nip at Sam's ear. Before long Sam's boner had reached its full eleven inch glory. Miranda paused in her stimulation of Sam's ear to whisper "lay down." Her hand glided up to Sam's chest then suddenly pushed him down onto the bed. Then Sam's cousin raised her slender leg over his and positioned herself over him. Sam's mind began to race. This couldn't be right. Oral was one thing, but this was his virginity. Miranda slowly, carefully, began to lower herself. What if she got pregnant? Would there offspring have congenital defects. Sam's mind sped along, but his body, in total shock, wouldn't move. Sam didn't know if he was ready. He had always thought he would lose his virginity to someone he loved, not on a fling with his cousin. I have to stop this.Miranda's slow decent suddenly made contact and as soon as Sam's member brushed Miranda's pussies lips all the doubt and confusion left him and all that remained was pure unbridled passion.Miranda sank lower.Pleasure like none Sam had ever known enveloped him.Miranda mound slightly as a few more inches of Sam slipped inside her.It felt to Sam as though fireworks were exploding in his body, though he knew he had only been having sex for a few moment it felt as if it were an eternity and he was sweating like a dog.Miranda raised herself a little then she screwed up her face and quickly took all of Sam inside her.If he had thought what he had felt before were fireworks he now realized was just a fuse. An incredible explosion of pleasure like nothing he had ever felt or even imagined feeling erupted through his body. Sam so consumed in pleasure didn't even register the scream that came from Miranda which might have been pleasure or pain or both. Sam felt the telltale feeling of cum about to burst forth, but when it did it made his other ejaculations look like a stream compared to rapid. And after the first shot of cum more kept coming on and on waves of pleasure until finally it ceased and the cousin sweaty naked bodies embraced exhausted on the bed."That was incredible," whispered Sam. Miranda though was looking towards the doorway in a mixture of shock, horror and of course the unfatigable haze of post-orgasmic pleasure. Sam slowly turned his head towards the doorway and saw what had so horrified Miranda so. Standing there was his uncle and two parents, open-mouthed and completely flabbergasted."Hey," Sam mumbled feebly "have a good time?"END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 27
I.The summer of 1959 in Eastern Oklahoma was a time of the sound of cicadas humming in the trees, and the smell of the red earth baking under the summer sun. Goldenrod was ripening and if you had any allergies at all, this wouldn't be a fun time of year.At 11 Tommy loved the summer months and the freedom to run the neighborhood, fields, and the park in his small town. The hot days and warm nights spent playing with and visiting his friends in the small Midwest town was a fun way to spend his youth and to learn and test his curiosity.Many of today's' problems didn't exist yet. There were no drugs, and kids didn't have money for them if they did exist. Smart mouth any adult and you'd just as likely get whacked. Their money went for an Eskimo pie or a Dr, Pepper pulled from a washtub full of ice at Mr. Davis' local corner grocery.Both his parents worked, Dad at the mill and Mom at the small local hardware store. His sister, Maggie, was nominally in charge, but she had her friend Joanie, and they were always giggling and gossiping about other girls, and mostly about something they knew nothing about: Boys.The days were filled with baseball games and evenings swimming at the town swimming pool where he would meet up with his friends and they would play "Marco Polo" or have races and show off for the young girls that attended with their watchful parents or older siblings.Why he wanted to show off for these girls was not completely clear in Tommy's mind, but the need was there as well as a burning curiosity about the mysteries they had hidden under their modest bathing suits.Some of the girls, he noted, had small breasts the size of walnuts (he laughingly told his friends they were hickory nuts). He was even more interested in the plump outline of their vulva against the wet material of their suits and the rounded bottoms of these girls, his classmates the rest of the year.Summers were for exploring these mysteries, and Tommy made it his goal to explore these mysterious things in his spare time. He tried unsuccessfully to sneak peeks whenever he could, but to no avail, until, as a last resort, he decided to try and peek at his sister, Maggie.Now Maggie, at 13, was no beauty yet. She stood 5'3" and weighed 90 lbs. soaking wet and seemed all legs and knobby knees. Her breasts were very small, almost of the "fried egg" variety, as Tommy liked to tease, but she did have a sense of humor and of fun. Her sunny smile was marred only by the braces she wore and a swath of freckles across her cute little nose and the mischievous twinkle in her eyes gave her the appearance of someone on the verge of a giggle all of the time. She had dark brown hair, softly curled and worn short during the summer heat.Tommy and his sister seemed to get on each other's nerves most of the time, but she was a tomboy and he was only 5' and weighed 80 lbs. He was no match for her physically in their frequent tickling and wrestling matches they had on the living room carpet when Mom and Dad were watching something boring like Milton Berle. Laughing and sweating, they tickled, pinched, and prodded one another much to the consternation of their parents, who only wanted a little peace after their working day.In reality Tommy adored his sister, and anyone saying anything about her braces was in for a fight if they were close to him in size. He thought she was cool beans in every way.Likewise, Maggie loved him and watched out for him. She attended his little league games regularly (there wasn't that much to do in a town of 4000 in the middle of nowhere), and went to the pool with him most days. She was mostly interested in meeting her friends and trying to flirt with the boys their age, but she also loved the gossip and tales told by the other girls about their romantic escapades, such as they were.It troubled Maggie that no boys were interested in her, but her mother reassured her that she would soon lose the braces and blossom into a beauty that would have the boys hanging around her house with their tongues hanging out. Not having any other boys following his sister around suited Tommy just fine.Wonderful as that image seemed, Maggie couldn't quite get herself to believe it. Still, she was a happy, playful, and curious little girl, with an imagination born out of her dreams and fantasies.II.As June turned into July, Tommy would try to sneak peeks at Maggie when she went into the bathroom to bathe or her room to dress, but he never seemed to get the timing down just right. He often saw her in panties and t-shirt before bedtime, but never what he really wanted to see...the plump little mound that was so well outlined between her legs all the time. Skinny as she was, her mound was full and her bottom was round and saucy.And Tommy was determined to see it if he could!With their parents both working, they spent plenty of time together and talked about everything under the sun. Most of it teasing, of course. But both had friends of their own, and one day Maggie had her friend Joanie over and they were busy whispering in Maggie's room. The subject this day was boys, something neither knew anything at all about.Where Maggie was thin and petite, Joanie was curvaceous and plump. Unfortunately, Joanie had a stutter around stranger and would blush furiously when any boy spoke with her, but in her heart, she was dying for that first kiss from a guy. She never stuttered around Tommy or Maggie of course.So with this in mind, the two youngsters were giggling and playing what if while Tommy hid beneath his sister's window to listen and watch so he could tease her about it later on."So who do you think would be the better kisser, Elvis or Frankie Avalon?" asked Maggie. "Definitely Elvis" replied Joanie, 'he has such nice lips, and I loved watching him on TV the other night on Ed Sullivan.""I'm so jealous!" exclaimed Maggie. "We never get to watch anything except old people shows. I could just spit. Does he move his body like I heard he does?""Oh yeah" said Joanie, "my sister says he'd be a great fuck!"Now Maggie knew the word, but she never had heard it from her friend before. Both of them gasped and collapsed in squeals of laughter at the shock, Maggie for hearing that come from her best friends lips, and Joanie for having blurted it out.After a bit the giggling subsided and Maggie had to ask "Has your sister really done it?""Naw, I don't think so, but she sure does talk about it every chance she gets. She even showed me how she plays with herself.""Whatcha mean she 'plays with herself' and what the heck for?" Asked Maggie."She says it feels really good and she does something called cumming when she does. I never tried it but she sure is funny when she cums, all red in the face and sweating and breathing hard and making funny squeaks and groaning. Then when she's done, she laughs and is way happy.""She rubs a place between her umm... pussy lips and that's called masterbatin'""Have you done it before?" asked Maggie."I tried to, but I must not know how to do it right because all it did was feel like I had to pee.""And you didn't tell me this sooner?" Giggled Maggie, and she jumped on her friend and started to tickle her.Soon the girls were wrestling and laughing and the larger, stronger Joanie was sitting on top of Maggie and had her wrists pinned above her head."You're a lesbian" squealed Maggie through laughter. "Are you gonna kiss me next?"This idea sent them both into paroxysm of laughter and Joanie started to pretend to try and kiss Maggie. Maggie tossed her head from side to side to avoid this while in her mind the thought of finally getting to kiss someone, even someone of the same sex, caused strange sensations to flood her vulva area and set off a tingling she hadn't felt before.After a bit Joanie released her arms and sat on top of her best friend, mound to mound, with a conflicting set of sensations flowing through her young crotch herself.With a blush and a smile, Joanie bent and softly kissed Maggie's mouth. The taste of juicy fruit gum on her lips made it seem so sweet to Joanie and she felt something flow between the lips of her labia.All Maggie could think of to do was to kiss her back. She could feel the same wetness pouring from her vagina as she did something she'd never once thought about doing, much less enjoying.Soon the kiss broke, and Joanie rolled off Maggie blushing and unable to meet her friends' eyes for a bit."That was cool", said Maggie. "We should practice kissing so when we have boyfriends they wont think we're complete dummies.""Yeah" said a relieved Joanie with a smile on her lips. "That made me feel so weird, but I liked it. Prolly because it was you, and we're like sisters, almost." Joanie said with a sideways glance to see how Maggie really felt about it.Maggie said "That was cool. It made me feel really funny and tingly down between my legs, but I liked it. Wanna practice some more?" She said.Now Joanie's tingling hadn't subsided either, and she agreed quickly, and soon their lips were pressed firmly against one another's when suddenly Joanie's lips went soft and her mouth opened, and her tongue slipped into Maggie's mouth and began to explore her tongue and the inside of her sweet mouth.Outside, Tommy couldn't believe what he was seeing, but he couldn't have stopped watching if he wanted too. On top of that, his wiener was as hard as a tent pole and it felt like a swarm of crickets was walking up and down it.As he continued to watch, Maggie was once again responding to being kissed by another person in ways that had nothing to do with her lips. Her mound was wet and throbbing and she found herself sliding her tongue into Joanie's mouth and pressing hard against her and pulling the larger Joanie on top.There they lay kissing, Joanie between Maggie's legs, lying on top of her as the one explored the others mouth with their tongues. Joanie found that the hard pubic arch of Maggie felt wonderful against the small bump at the top of her slit, and she moaned softly when Maggie suckled her tongue and ground against her.Maggie too was feeling sensations she'd never felt before, and confusing though they were, she certainly didn't want it to stop. The feeling of Joanie grinding against her mons sent wave after wave of sensations rippling through her belly. Shortly her hands found their way to Joanie's butt and she held her hard against her.Good as it felt, it was frustratingly tantalizing and they felt a need for even more 'closeness'."This is fun" whispered Maggie "but I feel really weird down between my legs.""Me too" said Joanie. "And I'm all wet, but I don't want to stop. Practicing kissing is the most fun we've had all summer."Maggie shyly looked at her to see Joanie's reaction, and said "Can I see what you look like naked?""Only if I can see you" Joanie giggled.Outside the window Tommy could feel his heart racing and his penis throb and twitch at the thought of the 2 little girls naked. He held his breath in anticipation.The sweating youngsters removed their shorts and t-tops and then their panties, and in the case of Joanie, her training bra while Maggie watched.Maggie's body was as slim as her skinny legs suggested, but her breasts consisted of large dark puffy nipples on small rises on her thin chest and between her legs she had a plump, round mound with a small patch of pubic hair just starting to grow. Her lips were swollen and a dew of moisture shown on the bright pink inner lips seeping from between the aroused young girls' labia. Her clitoris was swollen and extremely large for a woman, much less a girl. The sheath on it had pulled back due to its erection, and the tip glistened with moisture.Joanie, on the other hand, had a plump and rounded figure, with a round bottom, and breasts not quite to an "A" cup, but topped with tiny pink nipples that were erect and wrinkled from her excitement. She was flushed, and her vulva was swollen and open to the point that you could see her inner labia drooping and dripping.Tommy felt like fainting. Never in his life had he seen a naked girl (seeing his sister when she was 7 and he was 5 didn't count did it?). His eyes ached he was staring so hard at them.Nervously the 2 girls stared at each other, noticing the differences in their bodies while noting the similarities."Wanna kiss some more?" asked Maggie."Sure" giggled Joanie.Facing each other on their knees, they moved closer, placing a thigh between one another's knees so they could let their bodies touch. It was like electricity was coursing through their nipples and mound as they softly kissed. Soon they found one another's tongue and were sucking it as their hands gently explored one another's electric skin. Each could feel the goose bumps raised on each other's skin, and the dew of perspiration coating the down on their backs and arms.The convenient thigh of the other they found between their legs soon found their rapidly swelling vulva lips pressed against the other, and pressing against it only made the juices flow faster and the pulsing throb of sensations flow though their clitoris'. The wetness flowing from their vaginas onto the others leg caused, at first, their vulva's to slip causing a burst of sensations to shoot up into their stomachs.Soon they were kissing and their little buttocks were clenching and grinding their clits onto the exposed flesh.Maggie pulled back and shyly asked Joanie "do you want to lie on top of me and pretend you're was a boy and was "fucking" me?"In a flash, Joanie pushed Maggie back on the bed with a giggle, and lay between her friends legs, pressing their mounds together and beginning a slow circular grinding. Amazingly, she could feel Maggie's engorged clitoris slipping in and out of her slit as Maggie matched her slow thrusting. Their mouths again found one another and Maggie and Joanie could feel a swell of ecstatic pleasure building in their young pussies and bodies.As if in response to some natural call, the grinding of their pelvises against one another turned up a notch and the kissing and sucking got harder along with the slippery sliding pressure of pussy against pussy.Suddenly their pleasure erupted simultaneously with pulse after pulse of their first orgasmic spasms shook their bodies as they frantically thrust against each others swollen and wet pussies.Outside a shocked and confused Tommy watched in awe as his sister and her cute friend writhed in pleasure, making squeals and moans of what he knew to be pleasure, but sounded like pain.Eventually their first orgasms wound down to a sweet pulse and when they could take it no further, they threw themselves apart and lay their gasping for air. Once they could breathe, they stole a look at the other and suddenly began to giggle just like little girls do."What the heck was that?" asked Maggie."I think we just 'came'" replied Joanie. "Wow was that ever boss!"Maggie simply thought in silence for a few minutes and then said "I don't feel like a lesbian. I mean I still want to have a boyfriend, but that was fun!"Joanie squealed in laughter. "I don't think that makes us a lesbian, just two friends that have a special secret friendship. You won't tell anybody will you?" said Joanie."Gawd no!" then slyly, "but I did like how it made me feel.""It'll be just our secret" said Joanie, "and we can practice again some time""OK" said Maggie.Now that they were relaxed with one another, Maggie took the time to really look at Joanie and noticed the differences between their bodies. "We never really got to look at each other like I wanted too," said Maggie. "Can I see your pussy?" she asked.The use of the word 'pussy' sent Joanie into a laughing fit, and at the same time sent a thrill through her pussy at the prospect of Maggie looking closely at her most feminine of body parts.Joanie lay back and like a kid drew her legs up and held them with her hands. The movement and position caused her labia to spread open and without thinking Maggie reached down and holding one of Joanie's lips between the thumb and forefinger of each hand, pulled them further apart. The hot pink glistening folds and the swollen inner lips and small, pulsing vagina filled with her lubricant, filled Maggie with a thrill and caused a flush of new pleasure to eel it's way into Joanie's pussy. In addition to the open lips and vagina, Maggie could see Joanie's pink puckered rectum twitching in tandem to the pulses flowing though her sweet plump pussy."Wow, mine doesn't look anything like that, and you have more hair," said Mags. "May I touch it?""You kinda are," giggled Joanie, but sure if you want," she said as a thrill of anticipation for whatever her friends hands were about to touch.Maggie released one labia and took her index finger and touched Joanie's clitoris, causing Joanie to moan and squirm. Maggie giggled and next took her finger and slid it into her friends' vagina. In spite of herself, Joanie sighed with pleasure and squirmed.Maggie could feel her friends' tight vagina pulsing and squeezing her finger. At the same time, new lubrication flowed onto her finger, and she playfully pretended it was a penis, and she was "fucking" her friend, and began to move it in and out.While Joanie enjoyed this new form of sexual play, she wanted to examine her friend as well, curiosity and a newfound interest making her want very much to return all the favors Maggie was showing her.Tommy was feeling faint as he peeked quietly through the blinds at Joanie's open pussy and his sister's finger going in and out. His little penis was aching and throbbing in his shorts, but it was his sister's open pussy he was dying to see, as he thought her much cuter than Joanie, although Joanie was very pretty."My turn" Joanie announced, suddenly, and tossed Maggie on her back."Aww, it was just getting good," said Maggie. "You sure were squirming when I put my finger in" she said with her mischievous twinkle in her eye."Yeah, but now it's my turn. Open up so I can see too."Maggie pulled her legs up and her lips popped apart exposing her wet opening and her amazingly big clitoris. Her clit looked like the tip of someone's little finger standing there peeking out from under it's sheath, and as she lay there, a drop of moisture from all the excitement, dripped down between the crack of Maggie's butt, and over her puckered little pink rectum.Joanie could hardly catch her breath as she looked at her sweet friend. Pulses of throbbing want beat through her own clitoris and all the way up into her tummy. She bent forward for a much closer look than her friend had taken, and on a spur of the moment, reached down and kissed Maggie's clit.The surprise and electric shock of it made Maggie gasp, then reach and pull her friends mouth down for another "kiss", or at least the touch of her friends lips on her sensitive clitoris.Joanie couldn't catch her breath. The bland saltiness and taste of perspiration mixed with vaginal secretions on her lips tasted like heaven to the little girl. As Maggie pressed her mouth against her pussy, obligingly Joanie began to kiss her friends clitoris, then began to "French kiss" Maggie's clitoris and vagina. Her tongue rolled Maggie's clitoris in a circle and Joanie slid her hands under Maggie's ass, cupping a buttock in each hand and lovingly tasting her best friends sweet pussy juices running into her mouth and on to her face. She pressed her mouth into and between her lips, occasionally her tongue slid into Maggie's vagina causing the other to moan and roll her head from side to side.Amazingly, Maggie's clitoris grew in Joanie's mouth and her suckling caused Maggie to cry out and begin to thrust against her mouth, twining her hands into Joanie's hair and pulling her hard onto her wet, grinding pussy."She's fucking my mouth" thought Joanie excitedly. This was something neither would ever forget. Suddenly Maggie could take no more and she began to come, gushing her juices into Joanie's mouth where she greedily swallowed them down, gripping Maggie's ass tightly as she sucked and whipped her head from side to side against the swollen clitoris.Suddenly the pleasure pushed Maggie beyond control, and urine began to squirt with each pulse of her orgasm, right into Joanie's mouth. Joanie was loving it, and was wanting more.Finally Joanie could take no more. She was excited beyond belief at her friends orgasm and her part in it. She slid up between Maggie's legs and began to grind her pussy against Maggie's, kissing her so hard their teeth clashed, and within seconds, Joanie started on an orgasm of her own, bucking and grinding and repeating "Oh God, oh God, oh God..." over and over until she shuddered to a slow grinding halt.Joanie's mind suddenly filled with questions regarding how Maggie would view her in light of the impromptu oral sex she had just given her friend. What's more, she had loved doing it to her and loved the juices and pee she had drunk as a result of it. How could she face Maggie?To her surprise, Maggie began to kiss and hug her friend and giggled, "That was amazing. I never knew we could have so much fun. Did you like it? Did you cum too? Are you mad at me for pulling your hair? I couldn't help myself" the words tumbling from Maggie's lips.Joanie began to giggle herself, and soon the youngsters were hugging and holding each other as they laughed, once again like the kids they really were."We have to try this with a boy," Maggie said."We don't know any boys, besides, I wouldn't know what to do, what they like. It seemed natural with you because we're both girls and I just did back to you what you did that made me feel good," replied Joan."Well, if we don't, maybe we can try it again," said Mags.After a bit of cuddling and kissing, Joanie suddenly sat up, and with a wicked grin said, "I know a boy who we can practice on.""Who?" asked a puzzled Maggie."Tommy," came the reply."Great idea, after all he is just my brother. You can do it but he's off limits for me. Besides, I don't think he likes me that much, He's always teasing me.""Baloney, he beat up Wilbur Cox for calling you a scag and told him he'd kick his ass every day for a month if he ever did it again. He adores you and would prolly do anything for you."Maggie had to laugh at this because she knew deep inside, her brother did love her. What she couldn't know is he thought she was the cutest girl in the world, even if she was his big sister.Outside, Tommy couldn't believe his ears, but he flushed with pride at Joanie's words. He'd have to stick up for her too after this."We could at least show and tell," said Joan. "I've never seen a boys 'prick'." Maggie squealed little girl laughter at the word prick and soon both couldn't look at the other without going off into a new fit of laughter."Well we could," said Joan after she'd calmed down. Besides, he's cute. If he was 13 I'd want him for a boyfriend maybe.""You're hot for my little brother!" teased Maggie."No, but he's the only boy I know well enough to ask him to let me see his thingy." She blushed. "Could you ask him sometime if we could?""OK," she said. Tomorrow before you come over. Now we better get dressed before my parents come home."Quickly they dressed, Maggie's mind swirling over how to ask her brother, and secretly excited and curious herself. No way was Joanie seeing his 'prick' unless she did too.Unbeknownst to them, Tommy slipped away from the window excited and confused at what they had planned for him. He was quite embarrassed by his little 'prick' as Joanie called it, but the prospect of seeing one or the other girls pussy close up would make him submit to almost any humiliation.III.The next day, after breakfast, Maggie and Tommie's parents went off to work for the day."You kids play nice," was Mom's parting shot every morning."Hey squirt," said Maggie. "Why don't you hang out with me and Maggie today. We can all get a soda at Davis' Market and maybe swim the afternoon session.""Sounds great," he responded. He was excited and nervous at what the girls might ask of him.Shortly Joanie arrived, looking nervous and flushed with excitement herself. Many secrets would be sworn too today if she had her way.The girls went into Maggie's room and asked Tommy to join them there.After a bit of back and forth whispering, Maggie nodded to Joanie and her friend took a deep shaky breath and turned to Tommy."Do you know how to play 'truth or dare?" asked Joan."No," said Tommie. He had heard of it but never participated."I ask you if you want to do a truth or a dare, and if you say either one you have to do it. If you say truth, we ask a question and you have to tell the truth, and if you say dare, we dare you to do sumpin' and you have to do it, then it's your turn to ask one of us to do a truth or a dare. Maggie wants to play too so anything you ask one of us, we both get to do, and anything either one of us asks for, you have to do it."The possibilities seemed endless in Tommie's mind after the display he had witnessed the day before. "Sure," he replied with a grin."Me first," said Joanie. "Truth or dare?""Dare," he replied."I dare you to kiss your sister on the lips."This came as a complete surprise to both siblings, but Joanie was determined to get Maggie involved.After a moment's hesitation, Tommy sat next to his sister on the bed and leaned into her and softly kissed her lips. They were the sweetest, softest things he'd ever touched in his life, and a thrill ran through his tummy.Maggie also felt a thrill of excitement as it was her first kiss on the lips by any boy, and she knew he didn't mind her hated braces. That, combined with the forbidden element of kissing her brother in a sexual way, excited Maggie and gave her labia a unexpected tingle."Ok, show me your boobs," he suggested."No, you say 'truth or dare' first.""Sorry, truth or dare.""Dare!" they chorused, then giggled.Without a pause, Joanie whipped off her top and removed her bra. Next to her, slowly, Maggie did the same, exposing her large, succulent, plum sized puffed out nipples.Tommy felt those same critters crawling up his weenie he'd felt the day before, and his penis started to engorge. He managed to gasp "They're beautiful, both of you" with a look of complete and utter awe on his face. If he'd just seen the Loch Ness monster, he wouldn't have been more taken back than the view of this sweet forbidden fruit."Flushed with pleasure at his unexpected remark, Maggie said 'truth or dare'.Dare had been good to Tommy and without hesitation, he said "Dare.""Let us see your penis" said Joanie. "And we want to look at it real close."The little boy boner made him blush furiously, and he said "Come on sis, do I have too?""Those are the rules" said Maggie, more excited than she had imagined at the prospect of seeing his little prick.Slowly he stood in front of them and undid his shorts and pulled them down along with his underwear. His rigid little penis sprung free and slapped his tummy.At 4 inches and a bit, it was about slightly larger than the diameter of a man's index finger. The red tip blazed.The girls eyes grew huge looking at this forbidden object of so many fantasies."Is it always so hard?" they asked. "No" he mumbled "I don't know why it's like this."Without a thought Maggie reached out and held his hairless penis in her hand, lifting it and peering closely at his scrotum and testicles. "Wow "she said in awe."Let me touch it too" said Joanie. All rules of the game forgotten, her hands touched the silken skin of the shaft and the velvet head while Maggie cupped his small sac and felt the marbles within.It was almost too much for Tommy."I get to see your, uh, thingies too." He said.With a giggle, both girls removed the balance of their clothes and lay back on the bed, spreading their legs for him to see.This was the most amazing, exciting, and beautiful sight an 11 year old had ever witnessed. With shaking hands he reached out and touched the lips of his sister's pussy with one hand and cute Joanie with the other.Both girls gasped and squirmed at the exciting feel of a boy touching them, even if it was one of their little brothers.Remembering the day before, Tommy suddenly dipped his head and kissed his sisters' soft pussy lips and slipped his tongue between the folds as he'd seen Joanie do the day before.His sister squeaked and sat up. "Where'd you learn to do that?" she asked.Busted, Tommy thought. "Well, I was watching yesterday when you and Joanie were messin' around on the bed and I saw her do that to you. Did I do it wrong?"Both little girls were blushing furiously, all the worse for Maggie because the memory of his kiss on her pussy was burning through her body while her mind wanted to die from shame at his knowledge that she was a "lesbian" maybe.Joanie only smiled. She had seen Maggie squirm, and Tommy's penis twitch when he tasted his sister. This was going to be fun, she thought."OK" said Joanie, "I want to practice kissing with Tommy."With that, she knelt on the bed in front of the kneeling Tommy and snuggled closer to the smaller boy. As she straddled his knee, she slyly pressed her plump little pussy against his thigh and leaned forward and closed her eyes, waiting for the expected kiss.Having watched pretty carefully the previous day, Tommy knew what was expected and gave Joanie a soft kiss on her parted lips. As he did, his left hand gently held her waist and his right cupped her small but pretty breast.It was heaven for both kids, and Joanie slipped her tongue into Tom's mouth and at the same time, slipped her hand around the shaft of his rigid little penis. Now Maggie was feeling mighty left out, and she leaned close to observe their mouths and placed a hand on each other child's' back. When she did, Joanie broke the kiss and turned to Maggie who took the opportunity to kiss her friend and suck on the offered tongue.The 2 sets of hands on Tommy were kinetic and watching the girls kissing less than a foot from his face was beyond exciting to the kid. He kissed his sister's ear and she turned to him and kissed his mouth hard as Joanie kissed his neck.Shivers of ecstasy and excitement raised gooseflesh on all three kids, while the touch of the hands on one another's bodies created sensations Tommy had never dreamt of. The feel of Joanie's hand on his wildly twitching penis was almost more than he could stand.After a bit Joan pulled back and slid off Tommie's leg, leaving a wet streak from her flowing lubrications."What do you want to try next?" asked Joanie, their ringleader by default."I want him to kiss my muffin" aid Maggie.Tommy nearly choked laughing at the use of the word muffin used in relation to his sister's sweet round little lips. Confused, Maggie thought he didn't want too.This was quickly cleared up when Tommy pushed his sister back on the bed and spread her legs. He leaned forward and kissed her on the mouth again, and as he did, the tip of his young penis pressed between her wet, swollen lips. Maggie gasped at the electricity of his touch, and he twitched at the heat and moisture he found there.Tommy slid down until he was lying on top his sister, kissing her as her tongue explored his mouth. The shaft of his penis was pressed hard against her clitoris, it's full length between her lips, and the hot, wet folds against the top of his penis."This feels great" thought Maggie. "Come on, kiss it Tommy" she whined.Reluctantly Tom slid down her body, kissing her fat little nipples and licking them, enjoying her sharp intake of breath and then tickling her belly button with his tongue.Finally he reached her moist plump pussy and as she pulled her legs up, the movement opened her labia for his nose to pussy inspection, and inspect he did. He wanted to memorize this moment in case it never happened again (he couldn't imagine this was more than a one time event). Then he dipped his head and lovingly tasted his sister's sweet, salty juices. His tongue explored each fold and crevice and slipped into that holy of holies, her vagina, tasting all her deliciousness. Soon he found her fat clit and began to lick and suckle it, encouraged by his sisters writhing and moaning, followed shortly by her hands grabbing his head and pressing his mouth even harder against it. His touch was gentle, as he was afraid of hurting his beloved sister in his excitement, but his own erection was once again, raging and a complete flock of butterflies seemed to be flying inside his tummy.Joanie was completely in awe of the young boys effort, despite his lack of skill, and soon her own fingers found themselves between her slit, massaging her own wet little clitoris and poking in and out of her vagina, spreading the free flowing juices between her lips.Writhing in ecstasy, Maggie saw her friend touching herself inches from her face as she watched this incestuous orgy taking place. Maggie reached out and touched Joanie's wet opening with her hand, and Joanie bent and kissed her hard. Joanie knelt over Maggie's head and leaned forward, putting her face close to Tommy's as he worked happily on his sister's pussy and clit. Tommy raised up for a second and kissed Joanie's mouth with his juice covered lips, and both kids giggled. Behind Joanie, Maggie found herself in extreme pleasure, and without thinking pulled Joanie's fat, pink slit down to her mouth and began to suckle her friends clit, just as she had done for her the day before.Joanie couldn't believe it and pressed her head in next to Tommy, who had resumed his most delightful chore, and she began to lick one side of Maggie's huge clit, while Tommy attacked the other side. Occasionally their tongues touched and then the kids kissed and sucked each other's tongues while Maggie continued to suckle Joanie's gushing pussy. She found her nose against Joan's vaginal opening as her lips sucked the small but rigid clitoris and loved it.The sensations the two girls were feeling were so far beyond the fumbling efforts of the previous day, that when they began to simultaneously orgasm, the shuddering, grinding jerking body movements coupled with the crying out and squeals of pleasure, scared Tommy into thinking he was somehow hurting his beloved sister.When he lifted his head to check, Maggie took exactly that moment to squirt a shot of orgasm caused urine directly into Tommy's eye.Now Tom was sure he'd hurt her, and when the girls fell apart to recover from the pleasureful events, Tommy slid up and hugged his sister and started telling her how sorry he was. "I'm so sorry sis, I didn't mean to hurt you. I only wanted you too feel good like yesterday with Joanie." He said.Maggie gaped at him in disbelief, "You silly, that was the most exciting thing I ever felt in my life." And she grabbed her little brother and planted a warm, wet kiss on his mouth.Now it was Tommy's turn to be confused, "Then why did you pee?" he asked.Maggie stared at him, "Whaddya mean, peed?" she asked.Joanie giggled and said "You peed, and you peed yesterday when you came too!"Now Maggie was appalled. "I didn't know. I'm so sorry."Joanie just smiled and said "I thought it was kinda hot when you did."To their surprise, Tommy said "Yeah me too." Then he furiously began to blush.Maggie sighed in relief, and just then she noticed her brother still had his raging hard-on. She knew that Joanie had touched it, and in her aroused state, she knew she wanted to examine it closely herself.Slyly she looked at her brother and said "Lie back and let me see your weenie!" 'Prick' lay somewhere in the future as she remembered the laughing fit of the day before, and at this point, the last thing she wanted was for he brother to get mad and go play baseball before all her questions were answered.Tommy did as requested and his young penis stood straight up as both girls leaned forward for a very close examination.Squirming under their scrutiny, Tommy still, nonetheless, was excited. It felt like bees were buzzing inside his scrotum as his sweet sister grasped it in her hand and pulled his legs apart so she could handle his ball sack.The shaft skin was as soft as velvet under Maggie's fingers, and she definitely wanted to take this to another place, but she wasn't too sure where.Next to her, Joanie bent to the rigid little cock and sniffed it, then licked the red tip in her friends' hand.A firecracker stuck in his butt and lit off wouldn't have caused the reaction that tongue on Tommie's penis did.His jerk and intake of breath made Maggie release her hold and both girls looked at his expectantly. "It's OK" he managed to stammer.Now Joanie had never had intercourse before, but years of playing softball and teeter totter and running and playing had long since destroyed her hymen. She had no idea, but her sister had told her that the first time she 'fucked' it hurt.Despite the warning, an opportunity like this may never come again, and she suddenly announced, "I want to sit on it."Maggie giggled, not fully understanding, but knowing her brother really enjoyed having his 'prick' touched by them..To Maggie's surprise, her friend straddled her brother and bent to kiss him. Her young pussy was inches from his spasmodically jerking penis, the lips parted and moisture glistening within.Maggie couldn't resist and her fingers found their way to Joanie's pussy and she began to explore while watching her friends face as she kissed her little brother. She found the hard little nodule of pleasure and began rolling it gently and used the natural lubricant dripping from the small open vagina and wet her fingertips to help them slide over and around the cute little clit and in and out of her pussy.The view was amazing, and soon Maggie couldn't resist but had to lean over and lick her brothers cock shaft from balls to tip. This was exciting beyond belief to all three children, and Joanie could take no more. Sitting up, she took Tommie's penis in her hand and positioned it at her vaginal opening and placed the glans at her opening.It felt like fire to Tommy, and he could feel a drop of moisture from her pussy running down his shaft, coupled with his sister's fingers brushing against his penis as she continued her ministrations to Joanie's clitoris. He held his breath praying she wouldn't stop.Maggie couldn't believe her eyes and she was stabbed with a pang of jealousy, coupled with a wild excitement, at what she was witnessing from inches away. She was about to witness her friend 'fucking' her brother right before her eyes!!Joanie could feel the head of Tommy's cock just inside her vagina, and she slowly started to let it slide into her warm, wet pussy, just lowering herself down onto it, fully expecting some type of pain, but it never happened, and shortly she found herself fully impaled of the slender shaft of her best friend's brother's cock!Her vaginal walls pulsed and twitched with excitement and his young penis quivered inside her.Tommy grabbed her round chubby bottom and pressed himself as far into her wetness as he could. The movement sent electric current shooting through her pussy and body. Joanie's breasts ached and perspiration broke out on her upper lip and her eyes glazed and breath came in gasps. It was excruciatingly sexy and rivers of pleasure ran through her veins.Joanie answered Tommy's pressure by grinding her clitoris down on his pubic bone and bending to kiss him, Tommy sucked her tongue in and automatically began to thrust his young penis into her wet pussy as Joanie answered by grinding her pussy in circles as they kissed.The wet squishing was anything but funny to Maggie as she realized Joanie was fucking and it was her little brother. Not fair, but I'll make up for that she promised herself. Meanwhile, the bent forward position of Joanie was providing a once in a lifetime view of Tommy's cock wildly pumping in and out as Joanie's ass jerked back and forth against the boy's penis, and suddenly Joanie cried out as a giant orgasm clutched her vagina and her juices gushed out and ran over Tommy's balls.Tommy was in ecstasy, and suddenly he had the feeling that his balls were exploding as he had his first orgasm of his life. He felt like his insides were flowing out through the end of his penis, in fact he could feel the orgasm in his rectum. Lucky for Joanie, Tommie wasn't old enough for sperm yet, and only a clear viscous liquid ran from his penis into Joanie's thrillingly hot pussy.From Maggie's view, she knew both had come because she could clearly see the contractions of Joanie's butthole and the clenching of Tommie's butt cheeks.Joanie fell off to one side, and for the first time in 2 days Tom's cock shrunk to normal dimensions.For a bit no one could think of anything to say. They could only stare at one another, until Joanie began to giggle. Even though he wasn't sure what the laughter was for, Tommy soon joined is because smiling just wasn't enough for this event. Next Maggie joined and then all three kids piled on each other and began to tickle and play with each other.After a while the laughter subsided and the kids just lay there in a tumble of arms and legs until the snorting and snickering was broken by Maggie's blurted question "Well, did it feel good? Was it as fun as you thought?"Joanie gaped at Maggie and grabbed her by the arms and said "Are you crazy? It was awesome! It was the greatest feeling I've ever had. We're gonna fuck all summer!" she blurted. Then fell back in a new paroxysm of laughter.They lay there and thought about this for a bit. Finally Tommy broke the spell. "I'm gonna go wash it off" he said. "I'll help" aid Maggie. "Besides, I need to go to the bathroom.""Again" chorused Joan and Tom simultaneously? And they all laughed again.IV.In the bathroom Tommy took a washcloth and ran the water till it was warm, then he soaped up the cloth.Maggie was leaning her butt against the bathroom counter watching when she grabbed the washcloth and knelt and began to wash Tommie's flaccid young cock.She smiled up at her brother with whom she had shared so much pleasure. and was pleased to see the new smile of arousal on his face. She grasped his shaft and, using the cloth, washed up and down the shaft, reaching under and thoroughly cleansing his sack and even between the cheeks of his butt, pressing against his rectum with the cloth until he squirmed and grinned at her.Next she rinsed the cloth and carefully cleaned all the soap from his member and balls and butt.She noticed that his penis, previously flaccid, had begun to enlarge a little bit, so she playfully took it and sucked it into her mouth to the amazement of her brother. She just held it there and sucked it gently, circling the tip with her wet tongue, and soon she could feel it filling again as it slid further and further into her mouth until it was all the way to the back of her throat.She smiled at her brother and pulled it out to a groan, but it was accompanied by a smile of gratitude from her brother for the nice reward of her mouth on him."I've gotta pee" said Maggie."Can I watch?" asked Tom. "It was hot when you peed before.""OK" she said and sat on the toilet. To her surprise Tommy knelt and spread her knees for a better look. This was exciting to Maggie, and she had an idea. "Let's get in the tub. Then you can see better" she suggested.The naked youngsters hopped in and Maggie turned and bent over while Tommy again knelt behind his sister with a nice clear view of her still swollen lips.As the first drops began to fall, Tommy spontaneously reached up and parted his sister's lips and watched as a stream of urine spurted from a tiny hole next to his sisters' beautiful vagina (he was sure it was the most beautiful in the world) As she. Peed, Tommy found her stream squirting against his chest and running down between his legs and across his penis. He couldn't help it. It was so exciting. Hot, warm, wet pee. He stood up behind her and pressed his penis against her gushing pussy to let it get the full flow. He so surprised and excited her with this that she pressed back against him, and when she did she felt his rigid little cock slide effortlessly inside her. As his penis pushed aside the flesh inside her vagina, the excitement set off a spurting action from her stream of piss and Tommy could feel it splashing against his balls as her pussy engulfed him in a heat he'd never felt before. It was the sweetest pleasure he could imagine. His sister's pussy and her hot pee on his balls.Once she was through peeing, she turned around and kissed her younger brother and sucked on his offered tongue. Once again he pressed against her pussy and she rewarded him by squatting slightly and opening her legs and his cock once again slid inside her wetness as pee dripped down his legs. He was in heaven and so was his sister."We better rinse off" she said with a blush."I love you" was Tommy's only answer, with a dreamy smile on his face and the memory of his sisters' vagina around his penis. "Thanks. That was the coolest thing ever in my life" he said.She turned on the shower and they both rinsed off the pee lest Joanie smell it. After they dried off, they reappeared in the bedroom where Joanie lay playing with her pussy."You were sure gone long enough" Joanie teased. "Did he fuck you?" she asked with a smirk "or did you just pee?"Maggie had to suppress a grin. The little shit had peeked.With a smirk Maggie said "We fucked a little."All Tommy could do was blush furiously."I see he's hard again, do you want to do it this time or can I have another turn?"Tommy thought he'd pass out! He figured things would surely end now and this episode would pass into memory and longing for his beautiful big sister. More sex, even with Joanie was beyond his ability to get his young brain around.The curiosity coupled with the brief penetration in the shower had the nerve endings in Maggie's clitoris burning for more."I'll just let him put it in to see how it feels" said Maggie. "If I like it will you play with me like I did with you?" she asked."You'll like it and I'll play with you if ya want" Joan promised. "But I want to watch close up like you did with me.""OK, but I want him to put it in me from behind so I can see it in the mirror on the dresser. You get under me and you can watch from there while he puts it in and I can still see." Said Maggie. She had obviously given this some thought.The girls rapidly arranged themselves with their heads between one another legs, both having clear viewing access to the others pussy. Maggie on her knees with her little butt in the air and Joan lying on her back with her legs apart.As Maggie curiously watched in the mirror, Tommy knelt behind her and looked in awe at his sister's sweet saucy little round bottom, open and exposed. His eyes moved to the fat little girl pussy with the petals of the inner lisp swelling out from between her lips, and he felt his penis swell and pulse. Her hard clitoris was a thing of fascination to him as well and he wanted to be in two places at once: screwing his sister and sucking that sweet big clit that gave her such pleasure.As he knelt there he saw Joanie grasp his shaft from beneath, and point it directly into his sister's open and waiting vagina. He slid it in slowly, gripping her hips, while trying to get used to the exquisite feeling of her rapidly pulsing vagina gripping and squeezing his organ inside her body. He pushed it all the way in, and the feel of her wet slit against his crotch and balls was delightful. Her gasping intake of breath told him she liked it too, causing him to look into the mirror where he caught her eyes looking at him and they smiled at one another in delight and lust."This is the nastiest thing I could do" thought Maggie "but I love how he feels inside me and I know he loves me for me and would never hurt me on purpose." This thought was followed by another "and this feels too good to believe!"Her little ass began to squirm in a circle against his cock, and he started to pump it slowly in and out of her, watching all the while in the mirror where he could clearly see him in her and she watching themselves fuck. She was sopping wet but Tommy could have cared less. If he fucked her all day like this life would be perfect for him and his beautiful sweet sister.Each time he went all the way in, Maggie ground back onto his cock making a wet sucking sound that was driving Joanie nuts as she watched from under her friend with a perfect view of Tommy's cock slowly fucking her best friend. She could see him push inside and each time the friction caused Maggie's lips to be pulled and stretched inward and then they were released with the extraction of his cock. That plus the sucking wet sounds were making Joan crazy.As if on cue, a wet droplet of Maggie's girl juice dripped squarely onto Joanie's lips and her tongue automatically reached out and slurped it into her mouth for examination by her sensitive taste buds. It was delicious and it was all she could take.Raising up on her elbows, Joan teasingly licked Maggie's hard clitoris, rolling it from side to side under her tongue. Maggie grunted and tried to squirm in two directions at once: Against her brother's cock to the rear, and on her friends tongue torturing her from beneath,At last Maggie decided to just enjoy the potpourri of sensations coursing through her young pussy and simply watched as her brother continued to pump slowly in and out of her pussy as her friend suckled her clit.Tommy could feel his sister's twitching, and loved seeing her in such pleasure. Joanie didn't ignore him either and would occasionally lick the juice from his shaft as he pulled it from his sister's body, and for a while. Once when he was fully pushed into her, Joanie sucked his testicles into her mouth. The sensations, coupled with his sisters grinding circular motions against his pubic bone and cock were electric.In her excitement, Maggie rested her head on Joanie's mound. On realizing her friend's pussy was only inches from her mouth, she spread Joanie's petals and dipped her tongue between the folds, tasting her and then sucking on her friends' clit as her friend was sucking hers. The idea of what she was doing, coupled with the feel of being fucked and sucked at the same time was finally too much for Maggie and she began to spasm in a huge orgasm, squeezing her brothers cock within her pussy and gushing juices over Tom's balls and Joanie's face and mouth.Joanie's hands, grasping her friends ass, brought her fingers in contact with Maggie's asshole, and without thinking, Joan slid a finger inside Maggie's rectum. She could feel the pulsing of Maggie's orgasm as well as the hard shaft of Tommy's cock pumping in and out of Maggie's pussy, through the walls of her vagina. She began to wriggle her finger against Tommy's shaft as she continued to suckle her friend's juicy clitoris.Maggie was in the purest ecstasy she had ever imagined. The finger in her ass, the cock in her pussy, the mouth on her clit, were all almost too much. She could feel a new orgasm gathering within her body and she sucked Joan's pussy with joy, and when Joanie pulled her legs up and exposed her own little rectum, Maggie took that as a signal to slide her own finger into it.The three kids continued to fuck and suck, groaning and moaning in pleasure. Tommy began fucking his cute sister's pussy faster and faster. The sound of their squishing only spurred him on. Joanie's wriggling finger against his cock was magical while he screwed and screwed.Joanie had her lips wrapped around Maggie's clitoris and was sucking and moving her mouth up and down in a fucking motion, letting the clit fuck in and out of her mouth while Tommy's balls periodically rubbed across her chin. Maggie's mouth and the sucking and rolling of her clitoris was making Joanie begin to squeal and writhe in pleasure as was the finger in her ass and soon a monster orgasm shook her young body as well.Suddenly, simultaneously, all three kids felt the eruption begin to overflow. Maggie ground into Tommy's cock with a new gripping orgasm as she felt Tommy's emissions spurt into her vagina. Her movements were spasmodic, and she and her brother cried out in pleasure. Maggie could feel the sudden pulsing of Joanie's rectal sphincter on her finger and Joan began to orgasm as well. She was squeaking and grunting and she ground her pussy against Maggie's mouth as her buttocks clenched over and over with waves of orgasm.With a final thrust and pulse, Maggie ground back as hard as she could, milking every drop of pleasure out of her climax, and once again, a stream of pee squirted on Tommy's balls and onto Joanie's face.As Joanie lay there looking up at Tommy's prick impaling her friend, and as pee dripped from Tom's sack on her face, Joan couldn't help but begin to giggle.Knowing why caused Tommy to begin to laugh as well. Peering into the mirror at the giggling pair, Maggie asked "What the heck so funny?" With a snort, Tommy announced, "Old Faithful just erupted again!"It was too much. Realizing what they were commenting upon, and seeing her friend's dripping face and Tommy's dripping legs, Maggie was laughing right along with them. They all laughed until tears ran down their cheeks, falling into a heap one on the other in a naked tangle of legs and bottoms. There they snuggled and petted each other unconsciously as the erotic tension finally began to subside a bit. They all knew it would never be far away from them again when they were together."That was the coolest thing ever," said Tommy.And they all began to giggle like kids again. After all, that's what they were.Summer for the three young friends would never be the same again.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 25
After seeing this site I knew I had an outlet to tell my story properly without shame or prejudice. I am a working mother with a young daughter of 14 years old. Her daddy died and left us to fend for ourselves. I was married quite young at the age of 16 because of being pregnant but my husband loved me and our baby. At thirty I managed to keep a distance from most men since none were worthy of caring for my daughter.So for the past ten years I've lived almost a monk's life and masturbation was my best friend. Not that I couldn't have lovers. Many have offered but I can't just lie down for anyone. Some say I look like Kim Besieger with my blonde hair and shapely body. My daughter is a spitting image of me with long blonde hair and at 14 a beautiful body that I'm sure the boys in her school are plotting to get at.But so far my baby has done nothing to shame me in the way of sex. My life has been a series of lonely episodes of porn movies and masturbation. I wait for my daughter to go to bed and I stay up late watching hot sex on my TV. I miss my husband but want to care for my daughter first before venturing on to another man. My daughter to date has not asked about sex though I have broached the subject on several occasions. She smiles her beautiful smile and just ignores the conversation.My anniversary was coming up and it is always a bad time emotionally for me. I usually mope around the house and my daughter tries desperately to get me in a happy mood. She took me shopping at Fredericks of Hollywood to buy some sexy things and I laughed at the delicate undergarments she chose for me. Some were very sexy. Others were downright obscene. But it made her happy to see me buy them. She disappeared for about ten minutes shopping too and did not tell me what she purchased. She only replied that it was a very special surprise. That night she made supper and drinks for us both and did everything to make my day and night special. After several good strong drinks I felt great and lightheaded. She told me that it was time to get her big surprise. She made me sit on the couch and ran giggling upstairs to her room. I lay back on the couch feeling wonderful and very drunk. Soon I heard music coming from our stereo. It was soft and sexy. I heard her coming down the stairs slowly. First her delicate bare feet then legs then my baby dressed in a very sexy bra and panty outfit. She moved like a dancer turning and twisting while smiling at me with those big green eyes. I must have sat with my mouth wide open in true surprise as she strutted and danced for me wearing only the briefest of underwear. Her small breasts were barely covered by the lacy bra and her panties were actually tiny thongs that hardly covered her pussy. My pulse quickened as I watched her move lithely to perform for me. I admit that after watching many porn films that the girls always turned me on. The lesbian scenes did not repulse me but I looked forward to seeing them.But here was my own daughter her sexy body twisting and turning in a sexual way before me making me very hot and wet. I cursed myself trying to convince myself that it was only the drinks that was causing me to act this way.Yet her body was incredible to look at. Almost boyish with a bit of curve. Her tight young bottom beautiful to look at. Her lovely breasts straining against the thin fabric. Her tiny nipples poking like tiny erasers against the bra. God she was getting excited too.What made her decide on doing this? What was she trying to do to me?The music built up into a very sexy jazz number and she moved close to me dancing seductively her eyes alight and her smile beaming. She turned showing me her lovely ass and shook it slowly moving it against my knee.My heart was racing at the power of her sexuality at only 14 years old. I couldn't help but feel hot and sexual even if it was my daughter. She was beautiful and sexy. I had never been with another woman but if I did it would be a girl like her. My pussy was soaked and I knew that I would need a porn movie session tonight. But my baby had other things in mind.She moved closer sitting on my lap moving her ass around in circles. I was shocked and wonderfully surprised at her ability to do this. Her ass rubbed hotly down against me and it sent sparks of pleasure through me. I must have groaned because she turned to look at me and winked. Suddenly she leaned back against me her hot little body pressed back into mine her tight ass squirming down in circles. Her face was but inches from mine as she moved like a snake against me. Her tight little body was hot and delicious looking and I wanted so much to touch it but my mind knew to hold back such temptations.Yet I kissed her face as she continued to grind into me. I opened my legs instinctively wanting to feel her against my cunt. She took advantage of this and began to push back against my thighs bumping me over and over making me want to cum. God what was my child doing to me?She reached back and grabbed both my hands and placed them on her stomach. At first I hesitated but let her continue with the surprise dance. I felt her hot silky skin and couldn't help but push her back against me to heighten my pleasure. Her eyes closed she complied and moved her ass faster sending waves of pleasure to my pussy. Her hands still on mine guided them further up till they covered her breasts. I was shocked and too drunk to argue as she moved my fingers over her hard nipples. She arched her back a bit as I instinctively began to pull them and pinch them. I realized then that this show was meant to seduce me and she did most convincingly. Where she got such an idea I cannot imagine but she must have known how sexually needy I was. My 14 year old baby was turning her mom on and doing it incredibly. I knew that what I was doing was so wrong but at this time this night this moment it was only the two of us alone and both very very hot.Her hot little ass was still grinding into my crotch as I played with her breasts and she moaned aloud as I slid my hand beneath the delicate bra capturing her tiny morsels in both hands. I began to kiss her neck and ear and then her cheek making her body move faster. My fingers pulled and massaged her tits. They felt incredible so soft and firm. Her nipples like hard diamonds between my fingers."Ohhhh mommy......" Cried out my little girl as I began to bump back against her ass as if fucking her.Soon she slowed and I hesitated waiting for her next move. She pulled away from me still dancing. My heart raced and my sexual pulse was roaring in my ears. I looked down at my jeans and saw that they were soaked but not from my juices but from hers.I watched as she reached back and unhooked her bra letting it fall to the floor. Her breasts were swollen and excited. Then she turned and slowly slipped her thong down her legs to the floor bending over to show me her incredible ass.She turned to face me her eyes showing love and lust and I noticed her pussy was completely shaven."Is it like the girls in your movies mommy?" She asked in a soft voice filled with sexual bliss.It was then that I knew where all this stemmed from. She must have found my stash of porn movies, watched them and calculated my sexual interests. She knew that I didn't date men. So the obvious conclusion was that I like women. She had planned and set up the perfect present for me. I smiled at her and nodded."Yes baby just like those girls."She moved back toward me and lay right over me. Our bodies were pressed together and I could feel her heat her hot body pressed to mine. Our lips met in a hot wetness and I groaned at our first sensual kiss. Her mouth opened and our tongues entwined in a snakelike dance. God she was fantastic. She must have studied the moves of the girls in the films and decided to seduce me with them. She was indeed a fast learner. "Oh god baby you're so hot..." Came my breathy reply.Her body moved with mine trying to rub herself against me for pleasure. My hands reached down to grab her tight ass cheeks and she moaned into my mouth. I spread them wide knowing that it was making her pussy quiver in pleasure. I ran my hand down her ass crack over her asshole and down further till I touched her sopping pussy lips. She opened her legs wider giving me more access and I took advantage of it by sending a finger inside her.She arched her back again crying out as I slid my finger deeply inside her warm wet cunt. God she was so wet. Her tight pussy muscles were twitching around my finger. "Ohhhhhhh mommy...ohhhh its feels so good...." She moaned into my ear as I began to fuck her. I used my other hand to reach under her and attack her from the front. I pulled on her young baby clit making her groan loudly. Removing my finger from her pussy I moved it upward and began to push it inside her asshole. She was soaked and well lubricated and it went in easily. With the other hand I started to slide a finger back into her hot cunt. We both got into a rhythm as my hands and fingers gave her pleasure. She began to grind back against my fingers driving them deeper.My lips captured one of her hard nipples and sucked it into my mouth. It tasted so sweet. Her body was moving faster and faster as my fingers flew in and out of her body. Her ass was soaked and my finger slipped easily in and out. She cried out as her body shook from her orgasm. Hot cum squirted from her already drenched cunt over my fingers and hand."That's it honey don't stop. Keep cumming for mommy."I encouraged her as I slipped another finger inside her pulsing pussy. She took it easily and drove her ass downward hard to fill herself with them. Her legs went around my own leaving her pussy wide open to me. I sucked her nipples more making her groan anew.A third finger joined the other two sending her into a hard cum. Hot wet splashes of girl cum hit my hand. She cried out over and over as I continued to jam my fingers deeply into her. A second finger slid wetly into her ass and she pushed back against it. She was being double fucked both front and back and loving it. My hot little girl was a luscious little slut. She was loving every thing being put into her body and cumming like a guy. I was so fucking hot that I came in my jeans wetting them further.I made her turn around so her ass was facing me and replaced my fingers deep inside her ass. I told her to finger her pussy while I fucked her ass. She immediately complied pulling on her clit as I began to fuck her slowly. Her ass was so soaked with juices that it easily took my third finger stretching her asshole wide. Her silky anal sheath felt incredibly soft and wet to me as I fucked her by pushing my three fingers in and out making wet squishy sounds."Open your legs wider baby so mommy can watch you play with your pussy."Her eyes closed in pleasure and her lips parted she spread her legs wide showing me her swollen drenched cunt. Her tiny nimble fingers were pulling and pinching her girl cock and she was pushing back against my embedded fingers. I knew she was close again for a drenching cum and worked hard to get her there. Her ass was taking more of my fingers and she was building to a great orgasm and then it happened."Arghhhhh... MOMMY! Ohhhhh!" She cried out as I felt her ass tighten around my fingers and her pussy pulse. Soon she squirted hot and heavy sending splash after splash of girl juice over me and my hand.She stood after a while and told me to remove my clothes. I did and she then showed me what else she learned. It was a great anniversary.THE END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 44
Barbara Johnson was a little shocked by what she found under her son's mattress. She had been cleaning her son's room when she came upon the boy's stash of porn. Three slick magazines and a small paperback novel. The magazines showed picture after picture of naked women, posing in the most obscene ways imaginable. Their long legs spread to reveal their moist cunts, their hands pushing their big boobs up and offering them to the camera. Women masturbating themselves with fingers, hairbrush handles and even dildos. One magazine showed several women and men engaged in various sex acts. The novel was an outrageous story of a woman who seduced and had sex with various young boys. It was written crudely, and at first Barbara had sneered at the crassness of it. But, as she read more, she felt her own pussy heating up and moistening. Upon reflection she didn't know why she should be so shocked. She knew boys and men enjoyed this kind of thing. But, Jason was so young! How could he have gotten hold of the obscene material? It seemed to her that just yesterday he had been a sweet little kindergartener beaming at her as he showed her his latest creation from school and babbling to her about his little friends on the playground. She let the book drop into her lap and considered. Jason wasn't that little boy anymore. He was nearly twelve. Of course she had seen his naked body. The Johnson's were casual about nudity. Every summer they went for a week to their favorite nudist camp, and around the house it was nothing for any of them to walk out of the bathroom, still drying themselves with a towel, fresh from a shower. And, the whole family slept nude. Barbara was nearly naked herself. She wore only a thin short robe of light cotton and a pair of slippers, her usual cleaning attire. Her large boobs were almost out of the top of the thing. She thought about Jason's young body. He was still hairless at his crotch; at least it looked that way. But it would be hard to tell, since he was so blonde. A little peach fuzz might be developing, too light to show, really. His body was still slim, but muscular, in the way young boys were. She had often thought his little penis was rather large for his age. She had never seen it hard, but even soft it hung a good two and a half inches from his naked groin. His scrotum was still pink like the rest of him, but growing larger, a nice little handful. What was she thinking! She actually was imagining what it would be like to cup her own son's young balls in her hand. She had felt a stab of pure lust in her groin that made her pussy tingle and grown even moister. She looked down at herself. The bottom of the robe had parted and she could see her pubes. She realized she was dripping and that her womanly juices were staining her son's bed sheets. No matter, she was going to wash them anyway, but still! Thoughts of her son's boyish equipment were turning her on. She wondered how Jason's dick looked hard. She reached between her legs and gave her cunt a squeeze. It must have been that filthy book, she thought, that was making her have these thoughts. She hardly dared name them. She looked through the last magazine. It didn't help. A man and a boy of about fourteen were having wild sex with a beautiful woman. Picture after picture, hardly any text. The man with his cock deep in the woman while she had the boy's cock in her mouth. The boy was very cute and seemed to be enjoying having his slim teen cock blown. More pictures of the boy fucking his cock into her dripping pussy. The man licking at the place where boy-cock and womanly cunt were joined as he jacked off his big cock. Astoundingly hot pictures of the kid on his knees at the edge of the bed, his slender cock rock hard, his face stuffed into the woman's slick folds. Further images on the next page showed the man getting behind the boy. Then licking his little asshole. And finally, inserting his big hard cock into the kid's ass while he ate the woman's dripping pussy. The last few were the most amazing to Barbara. The boy was now fucking the woman's cunt, then bending his cock to her asshole and fucking into it. From behind the man was still fucked into the boy. Then, the man's prick withdrawn and shooting a huge load on the boy's white, sweaty asscheeks. Another shot of the boy withdrawing his prick and shooting a load of jizz on the woman's asshole and pussy lips. His young prick looked slick with juices. He had a look of pure joy on his cute face. Barbara hadn't even noticed she was rubbing her own cunt until she felt her climax rushing upon her. It was too late to stop it. She gazed with glassy eyes at the hot sight of the young male, his body stretched up and back like a bow, slick sperm dripping off his small, pale ass, his own rampant cock shooting its little load of immature male seed on the woman's juicy holes. Without thinking she shoved a finger deeply up herself. Using her thumb to rub her clit furiously, she trembled all over, mewing and gasping, and came. Her orgasm rocked her from head to foot. She thought about Jason doing those things with her and warm juices gushed from her opening and coated her hand. "Oh, Jayssy, Jayssy!" She cried out, using her favorite pet name for her young boy. Suddenly she knew what she wanted. It didn't matter if it were right or wrong. She wanted to molest her own son, to suck his baby cock, to feel it up her cunt. To have him sucking her titties like a baby and fucking the shit out of her! She gasped as another hot climax rushed on the heels of the first. She writhed on the bed, her robe falling open to reveal her still slender and shapely body. She jammed another finger up her cunt franticly and sawed them in and out, lost in the thrilling and forbidden sensations. Oh, she was cumming on her son's bed, she could smell him in the room still, the enticing and yet familiar odor of him. She fell back on the narrow bed her legs wide open and thrashed her head about, her face a mask of orgasmic lust. He own auburn hair flew in waves over the pillow. The boy's bed was redolent with his sweet boy-odors. She arched her back and fingered herself shamelessly and came and came. Finally, she fell back exhausted. As she drifted a little with the pink pleasure of her orgasm flowing from her, she thought of how she could make her dreams come true, how she could seduce her precious son and show him what a good time he could have with his mommy.Upon closer examination of the pictures, Barbara noticed how in every case the woman's cunt was shaved. Either she had no hair, or just a narrow fuzzy strip. She thought that Jason might be into this, might prefer shaved pussies to look at. She wondered a little about the last magazine with its graphic images of bi-sex. She wondered if her boy were bisexual. Well, so what? It meant he could have the best of both worlds, didn't it? She wondered if he had experimented with other boys. She had read that boys his age did things like that. He was probably varying his masturbation with a little mutual masturbation with one of his friends. It might be that Wilson boy Jason liked to hang out with. The boy was doubtful to her. He came from a large and very poor family on the other side of town. Although he was polite, to her and her husband, he had a reputation for being a wild boy. And Barbara wasn't sure he wasn't trying to undress her with his eyes when he was around her. He was always staring at her tits. When she had caught him at it he hadn't seemed the least embarrassed. He just grinned sheepishly and had turned to follow his friend to Jason's room. Little wolf! She thought he was probably the one who had given Jason the porn. Barbara thought of herself as worldly in matters of sex and she was no prude, far from it. She didn't mid the kid's interest in her body, but she still thought it a bit... impertinent... somewhat precocious. If she knew the truth about the kid she would have been deeply, deeply shocked. She had no idea... She had no way of knowing at that moment, that the last magazine, with its graphic, perverted images were pictures of young Markie Wilson' own family!She got up and stripped Jason's bed, putting the sheets to her nose to breathe in his young smell once more. There it was, that sweet odor, mixed with the faint leftover tinge of laundry soap and her won pussy juices. It made her feel horny again. She quickly returned the book and magazines to their place under the mattress and grabbed his pillow, stripping off the cover slip. She bent over to gather up a pile of his clothes she had gathered together earlier and that was when she noticed her robe was still open. What the hell, she thought. She dumped the clothes on the bed and took it off, adding it to the pile. It felt sexy as hell to be naked in her son's room. Her cunt was heating up and melting like butter. Her firm nipples pointed upwards. She signed happily, gathered up the clothes and walked through the house, nude into the laundry room. She decided she would stay naked all day. It certainly was comfortable and she thought it would be really hot to be nude when her son got home from school. She sorted through the clothes separating the dark clothes out. She went through Jason's pockets and found the usual assortment of boyish things. Marbles, matchbox cars, bits of string, a few coins. She put them aside and pushed the load into the machine. She poured out the detergent and started the washer. Then she began to sort through the whites. She gathered together several pairs of the boy's underpants. There were tiny stains on all of them, yellow spots in front and occasional skid marks in the seat. She suddenly had an uncontrollable urge to see what they smelled like. She brought one of the cleaner looking pairs to her face and inhaled tentatively. There was none of the mature odor that her husband had down there. It was lighter, nuttier and intoxicating. She leaned against the vibrating machine, getting her crotch right on the warm enameled surface. As she sniffed the boy's heady crotch odors she felt her body responding to her lust. She pressed herself more firmly against the washer as is sloshed and vibrated. She took a deep hit on her son's underpants. What was she doing! She was sniffing her son's dirty little underpants like some pervert and getting off to it! Tingling thrills ran up from her pussy. She had to stop this! She dropped the white briefs and pulled herself together. When she leaned off the washing machine she saw gleaming streaks of her own pussy juices on it. Backing away, her knees trembling she turned and walked out of the room. She stood in the kitchen feeling a little dazed. She realized she had almost cum again from that little perverted moment. She hadn't expected to feel this way. Her bladder felt full. She was glad of it. It would take her mind off thoughts of seducing her little boy. She let it build while she went about the house, doing her housework. After awhile the need became urgent. She decided it would be a good time to have a shower and get ready... ready for what? Ready to molest her son? She shivered at the thought. She went into the bathroom and turned on the water to the large shower. Soon the room was filled with steam. She flipped up the lid of the toilet and sat down. Almost immediately she felt her piss streaming forth from her cunt. For some reason it felt incredibly sexy. She looked down, over her tits to see her golden stream gushing from her hairy cunt. She thought about her husband and his own perverted tastes. Jack had asked her more than once to piss on him. She always had said no, that it was disgusting. He always wanted to eat her cunt after she pissed, and she had let him do that a couple of times. Then there was the night when they had both come home still pretty drunk form a wild party they had been to. They were both feeling loose and horny. They had gotten undressed and he had been munching on her cunt, making her feel really hot. He had pleaded with her to piss in his mouth. Like a little boy, pleading for a piece of candy, she had thought. Giving up she had agreed. She had let him have it right in the mouth, thinking that he would have his fill and maybe even get sick from it. It would serve him right. But, instead of getting turned off or sick, he had guzzled it all. Barbara had felt herself responding to her husband's gulps and groans of pleasure. She pissed it all into his sucking swallowing face and came like a sky full of fireworks. While she was still in the throes of her orgasm he had stood up quickly and then fell on her, spiking his hard cock fully into her. They had fucked wildly. They had cum together in a crashing climax that left them both utterly exhausted. In the morning she remembered smelling her piss and pussy juice on his face and had been a little turned off by it. But even though she had not done this with him again, she found it alluring. She didn't mind Jack being a pervert like that. He came up with al sorts of nasty and hot ideas that kept their sex life going strong. But, well, the pissing thing... it was just too sick. She knew she would have to get roaring drunk to do that again for him. And so far, it hadn't gone like that. But... thinking of Jason sucking the piss out of her cunt... Oh god, what was she turning into! A crazed sex slut? She had to cut this out! She finished her piss, feeling almost angry with herself for her awful thoughts. She stepped into the shower, hoping it might cleanse her of her dark desires. The water felt good. She liked it warm like this, almost hot. She soaped up and washed her body, using her various scrubbers and perfumed soaps. She washed out her cunt. As she did she remembered about those pictures. She reached for her razor and held it, staring at it, undecided. Should she? Why not... Even if she didn't go through with her plan to seduce Jason, Jack would probably get hot seeing her pussy shaved. She applied her favorite shaving cream and began scraping away at her bush.After about ten minutes it was down to a narrow strip, lining her vaginal lips. Now there wasn't enough left to bother about. She quickly shaved the rest off and then did her legs. When she emerged form the shower she grabbed a towel and went over to look at herself in the mirror. Thank God Jack had gotten the fog-free jobs. She hated having to wipe off steamy mirrors and wait for the warm mist in the room to settle. She looked at her body turning this way and that to see the effect. She was still young and slim. Childbirth hadn't left much of a trace on her. For a woman in her late thirties she looked pretty sexy, she thought. Her breasts were still full and perky. She hadn't gone for breastfeeding. She had used the breast pump and fed Jason with bottles of it but she was vain about her tits and hadn't wanted to let them get all saggy and chewed up. Jason had been a good baby, and it didn't seem to hr like he missed it at all. She gazed, entranced at the sight of her own naked pussy. She looked like a teenager herself down there. She felt more naked than ever. It was a sinful, delicious feeling. How lovely it would be to have Jason rubbing his naked pubes into hers while he sent his virginal cock into her warm, wet eager cunt! She dried off and went into her drawer to find a thong to wear. She wanted something to wear that would make her feel sexier and sluttier. She found what she wanted. A tiny, sheer thong with lace, all black. She slipped it on and marveled how pretty and seductive it looked against her soft, pale skin. The string at the back nestled deeply into her shapely asscheeks, rubbing against her asshole deliciously. Barbara was no ass-virgin. She had let Jack fuck her up it many times and had gotten to where she loved it as much as he did. She felt the tiny strip of fabric tease her ass-lips and got that warm, melting feeling again. She felt like a total slut, a whore. Her tittie-points stiffened with lust. That's when she heard the front door slam. Her boy was home! Would she do it? Barbara struggled in her mind for a moment, but her lust won out. She threw all caution to the wind and stepped out into the hall and went towards the living room to find her sweet hot little boy!2.Jason was just swinging his backpack off his slim shoulders when she walked in. He looked up to see his mother coming into the room wearing nothing but a small black pair of panties. They almost weren't there. Jason had seen his mom naked many times, and when he was younger it never even fazed him. But lately, he looked at her differently. He had always thought his mother was beautiful, but in a little-boy way. He adored her. But today he thought she was downright sexy. His eyes went right to her big tits. Gosh, they were fantastic! They weren't as large as the women in the magazines, but they stood up with the nipples pointing upwards. He longed to reach out and touch them, to feel them in his fingers. His cock stirred in his pants and he blushed. He tried to look away, but they drew his eyes. He felt a little embarrassed. Shit, his own mother was turning him on! It didn't seem right, somehow. He wasn't supposed to think of her as a hot babe. But, he really did!"Um, hey, Mom," he said, trying to smile."Hi, Jacey," She replied, giving him a beaming smile, "I'm so glad you're home, dear.""Okay," he joked, "what do you want? Did ya find a bug that needs squashing or something?"Barbara laughed. "No, dear. Nothing like that. I was hoping we could have a little talk, though.""About what?" the boy asked."Things," she replied mysteriously. "Why don't you sit down here with me," she said, touching the couch. She swept around it and sat down and patted the cushion beside her. Jason shrugged and flopped down next to her. Barbara took her hand and gently brushed the hair out of his eyes. "So tell me about school," she said, trying to keep her voice casual and light. "Oh, it was the usual, you know, nothing special.""Did you have sex-ed today?""Yeah, sure." We have that every Wednesday. Why?""Well, dear, you know sex-ed is a good thing and I have always approved of it, "Barbara said, "I hope you are learning good things, like how to protect yourself and all that."Jason blushed. He felt uncomfortable discussing such things with his own mom. "Yeah. Of course. I know all about that stuff." He replied, glancing away."Good, dear. You know, I know they teach you all about the mechanics of it and all, I'm sure. But, you know there's a lot about sex they can't teach you.""Like what?" Jason asked. He looked up at her and saw something strange in her expression. Her lips were parted slightly and she seemed to be breathing a little more rapidly than usual. Her eyes looked glassy. Jason wasn't sure what his mother was driving at. There was a strange and intoxicating scent coming from her. Barbara fixed her gaze on his. She looked straight into his eyes, sending messages the boy couldn't quite make out, that held him as in a trance. "Well, like the feelings and emotions behind it all. They can be pretty powerful and ver-ry pleasurable. I mean, well, at your age I'm sure you've touched yourself once or twice."Jason gulped and looked down, his face reddening. Barbara laughed lightly. "She reached out and lifted his chin. ""Don't be embarrassed, dear, we all do it.""I know," he said, his voice almost at a whisper. "So you know how good it feels for you. It does feel good, doesn't it?""Mom...""Doesn't it?""Yeah, I guess...""You guess?""I- I mean, yeah, it does.""But what do they teach you about how to please your partner? How to make a girl feel good?""God, Mom, they don't say anything about it!""I didn't think so. Would you like to learn?""What do you mean, Mom? Who's gonna tell me about that stuff?""Well, I guess I'm going to have to." Barbara said, matter-of-factly, "That is unless you don't want to," she added."You? I mean... you're my Mom!" Jason said, slightly shocked."Who better? I mean I am a woman, after all," she said, laughing again.Suddenly Jason was very interested! "Don't you think I'm pretty? I mean, for my age?" She said, brushing back her hair and looking into his eyes again."Y-yeah! I think you're beautiful, Mom, I always have!" "You're a very attractive boy yourself, Jace, did you know that?" "No one ever told me that," he admitted. "Well, I think so. Pretty soon you're going to have all kinds of girls interested in you. You should know how to treat them. Especially in bed. A guy who is good in bed will never disappoint his lover.""A-are you going to... teach me... that?" Jason asked, his high voice trembling. He suddenly had put two and two together. His Mom was going to do more than tell him. Oh, he hoped it was true! She was going to show him!"Yes, son, if you want me too," Barbara said. She had spoken quietly but the words sounded in Jason's ears like echoing thunder. His legs felt weak as water. His young prick swelled, snaked down the leg of his pants and leaked a drop of clear lube. He couldn't speak; he didn't trust his own voice at that moment. He just nodded his head, barely."Well, then, let's start with kissing. Have you ever kissed a girl, Jason?""N-no..." he managed to squeak. Barbara leaned in close. She could smell his apple fresh breath, feel the warmth of him. She saw the downy fuzz on his cheeks that would not mature into a man's beard for many, many years. She closed her eyes, leaning closer and closer until she felt her lips touch his. An electric shock ran through her. Jason's lips were so soft, and slightly sweet to the taste. His warm breath rushed over her face. She pressed her lips to his and opened her mouth a little. Her tongue came out and she licked over those honeyed lips.The boy couldn't believe what was happening. He had seen this kind of kissing in movies and had heard the boys making snickering references to "slipping her some tongue". It had always sounded gross, but heavens above! It was wonderful. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth, letting her tongue push in. Her tongue sought his, lashing the tip over the sensitive surface. He wondered if he should do the same. He tried it, wriggling the tip of his tongue a bit. She responded, moaning and letting out her breath. Her tongue moved over his more urgently. Jason guessed she liked what he was doing. He became more assertive. He pushed his tongue into her mouth as she had done to him. His head reeled as he licked the inside of her mouth. She tasted good in a way he couldn't explain, but which was absolutely irresistible. He heard her moan again and then another voice joined hers. He realized it was his own light soprano. He never wanted it to end. He felt his cock grow painfully hard. He wished he could take it out, but didn't want to stop this kiss even for that. If it broke off and he bled to death, he thought, at least he'd die happy. He felt her arm reach around him and encircle his neck. She pulled him closer, tangling her tongue with his. Barbara's cunt was soaking the thin material of her sheer panties. It felt like she had put them on wet.She was amazed at how quickly the kid was picking up on her subtle clues. He was frenching her like a pro already! She didn't want to stop kissing him, but she was about to pass out from lack of breath. Finally she broke away and gasped for breath. He panted as well for a while. "Wow," she said finally, "You sure learn fast son, you're a great little kisser!""Oh mom, that was so nice," he whispered."Do you want to touch me, baby?" She asked touching her forehead to his and breathing heavily."W-w-where?" He asked.Touch Mommy's titties, baby. You want to don't you? I've seen the way you look at them. Go ahead, Jacey, touch my titties.""Oh, Mom! Really? I... before he could finish speaking Barbara grabbed his wrists and placed his sweaty hands on her breasts. She sucked in her breath and felt a fireball streak up her groin and explode in her heart. Right there, with her son fondling her soft breast-flesh she was cumming again!"Oh, baby, play with Mommy's tits, please honey!" She mewed. Jason stared down at the soft globes in his hands. He couldn't believe this! Finally, he had beautiful, womanly boobs in his hands. He squeezed them gently and rubbed his thumbs across the taut nipples. Without thinking he bent his head down and took one eraser-sized nipple in his mouth. He mumbled his lips on it and began to suck at it gently. "Oh, Baby, oh, Jacey, that feels so good, honey. Suck Mommy's titties." Barbara moaned. Her son's wet moth sent tingling pleasure through her heated body. It was so good, better than she had dreamed. It seemed Jason was a natural at lovemaking. She clasped the back of his head in her hands, stroking her long fingers through his silky hair. "Baby, I want to touch you, honey. Do you want Mommy to touch you... down there?" She gasped as he moved to her other nipple and took it in his warm mouth. "Mmm-hmm..." He moaned in reply. 'Oh my God', he thought, 'she's gonna touch my dick! I hope I don't cream off!' He began to lash his tongue over her sensitive tit points feverishly. He loved the taste of them in his mouth.Barbara reached down and closed her fingers over the straining lump in Jason's pants. She felt it, running her fingers over it and giving it a gentle squeeze. She could feel his prick tip and the gooey stain of pre-cum in the fabric. The boy moaned loudly with his mother's tit in his mouth. He felt his senses burning, felt the onrush of his orgasm approaching with reluctance he pushed her hand away and let her tit slip from his mouth. "What is it, baby, did momma hurt you?" Barbara asked, alarmed at his sudden thrusting away of her grasping hand. Jason leaned back; his eyes squinted shut as he willed his young cum back into his balls. "N-no... no... it just... felt too good... I didn't want to... you know..."Barbara giggled. "Oh! Yes, I know, darling. I forgot how young you are. Don't worry baby, I won't be mad if you do. But it's good that you are learning a little control.'Why don't we go into my bedroom, honey, and get more comfortable." She suggested. She took a deep breath and hoisted herself up off the couch. She had to laugh when she saw the wet spot she had left on the cushion. "See what you do to me?" She asked, giggling and pointing to the moist stain."Wow," Jason said. He put his finger to the spot and rubbed the tip of it into the wet fabric. Then he brought it to his nose. He sniffed deeply at it. "Wow," he sighed again. Barbara laughed. You like?""Oh god, Mom, I love it!""Well, come on, let's go get in bed. Then you can have more, a lot more!"She led the way. Jason stared at her firm pear-shaped ass as she walked in front of him, swaying her hips like a slut for him. The boy could hear a faint squishing sound as she walked and realized his mother was wet... wet between her legs. He had heard about that, how women got juicy in their pussies when they got horny. He wondered what it felt like, smelled like, tasted like! His cock throbbed as he walked. He reached down, pulling at his pants, trying to free the rampant shaft from its uncomfortable position.When they entered the bedroom Barbara peeled down her thong and stepped out of it. Jason gazed in awe at her shapely ass as she slipped the thin material down her long legs. Then she turned and smiled warmly at him."Well?" she said, raising her eyebrows, "How about you? I'm naked. Don't you think you ought to be, too?"Jason was suddenly shy in front of her. He had never been naked in front of her with a hard cock. He wondered if she would be turned off by his leaking juices. "Well?" She said again."Okay," he said like a little boy. "Only...""Only what, honey?""Well... it kinda is wet," he blurted out, "I-I can't help it. It always does that..."Barbara laughed softly. "I hope it is," she said. "Don't worry about it, dear. All boys get that way. Girls, too. Its nature's way of helping us have better sex. Jason grinned with relief written all over his pretty face. "Okay, here goes," he said and reached for his belt. He unbuckled it quickly and tore at the button of his pants. He unzipped and sighed as he felt the pressure being relieved on his rock-hard boy meat. Barbara lay down on the bed, on her back and spread her legs, showing off her glistening cunt. Jason slid his pants down quickly and kicked them off his feet. He wrestled his t-shirt off, revealing his slim, boyish chest. His own boy-tits were revealed to his mother's sight. They had just begun to swell with his surge of hormones. They puffed up a little darker than his pale skin. The tiny nipples were pointy with his excitement. Barbara admired his thin but muscular arms and the forming cups of his pectorals. His waist was so very slim and his bare tummy was flat, and just a tiny bit soft with traces of baby fat. He stood there, blushing down his chest in his little white briefs. They were tenting in front and a wet spot was growing where his little cockhead pressed the white fabric. Oh god, he was sweet! She thought. He grinned sheepishly at her and hooked his thumbs into the band of his underpants. "Here goes, he sighed. He pulled them down his slender thighs, so pale and creamy. His young hard-on bent down then snapped up, hard and free. It waved in the air like a miniature flagpole. It was so pretty, pale pink like the rest of him, the tiny moist head pushing out slightly purple from the glistening folds of his foreskin. Below it hung a lovely pink sac, the size of an egg. Within the soft wrinkled skin two ovals the size of grapes weighed it down. His pale crotch was white, untouched by the sun. He looked down at himself, pouting a little."I-It's not too small is it, Mom?" He asked, looking up at her, pleading for reassurance. Barbara licked her lips and gave him a beaming smile. "Oh no, baby. It's very nice, just right for a boy your age. Now come over here and lie next to me. Let's get to know each other's bodies a little better."Jason scrambled onto the bed; he stretched out on his side along side her. He put his hands up to her big soft boobs and began to fondle them again. As he did their lips met once more. As they kissed Barbara encircled his waist with her soft arms and pulled him closer, until his slick little peter was rubbing on her smooth thigh. As he fondled her tits and pressed his face close to hers she reached down and grasped his young hairless meat in her hand. Gently she stroked it. She went slowly, not wanting to make the boy cum off, but wanting to drive him crazy with pleasure. He moaned into her mouth and ran his hands all over her breasts. She loved his warm, sweaty hands roaming on her tits like that. She felt his boyish cock oozing slime into her hands. She broke the kiss and moved her lips to his soft ear. "Oh, Jacey, you're doing so good. Mommy likes the way you're touching her. Do you like the way I'm touching you, honey?""Oh yes mom! I love it. It feels so nice.""Good, baby. Would you like to touch Mommy's cunt now?""Yes, please mom, can I?"She didn't answer him. She simply grasped his hand and brought it down to her quivering, wet pussy. With shaking fingers he reached out and felt along the dripping slit. "Ooooohhhh!' he gasped. He opened his eyes and looked down. He could see his hand actually touching her, tickling her lovely pussy-lips. He could also see her slim white hand grasping and squeezing on his cock. His mind seemed to be melting away. He couldn't get over it, how he was actually touching his beautiful mother's lovely, soft pussy with his own hands! You shaved it?" He blurted out suddenly. "Yes I did. Do you like it that way?""Shit, Mom I'd like it any way at all, but it looks so sexy, so naked and pretty..."Barbara shivered at her son's words. Se let go of his slim cock and rubbed the tips of her fingers over his soft pubes. She couldn't feel a single hair there. It seemed so dirty, sexing around with a kid this young, so delightfully sinful! That it was her own son, the boy she had given birth to made her head reel! Barbara didn't know what was happening to her. This was wrong, by anyone's moral compass, but it was much to late to stop now. She let her fingers slide down to his naked balls and stroked over the wrinkled sac. "Oh, Jacey, you're so sexy. I like how smooth you are, too, baby. "Fuck, Mom, what are we doin'?" Jason said groaning a little as his mother's fingers stimulated his kiddy-nuts."Going crazy, I guess." Sit up here, honey, lean against the headboard and let Mommy do something nice for you.Jason clambered into the desired position. His slender pink cock slapped his tummy wetly as he flopped back. Barbara turned, twisting her body until her mouth hovered over Jason's exposed crotch. "Oh shit! I can't fucking believe it!" Jason thought, Mommy's gonna suck my cock!"3.This wasn't Jason's first experience with blowjobs. He and Mikey had tried it a few times, when Mikey had slept over. They started out getting naked and pulling their puerile pricks to the hot pictures in the magazines Mikey had given him. Mikey had been the one to suggest sucking cock. Jason had excitedly agreed. They had lain down on their sides with their head at each other's feet and 69'd like that. Jason remembered Mikey warning him he was going to cum and how he had pulled away and jacked his cock for him until the boy spewed his seed on Jason's chest and his own belly. It looked so hot that Jason started to cum as well. He whispered hoarsely to his friend that he was about to blow, but instead of moving off his prick, Mikey had just groaned and slid the whole length to the back of his throat! He had gulped it all down. Jason had loved the feeling of shooting off in his buddy's sucking mouth. Afterwards he had felt guilty and decided to at least try his pal's sperm. He had licked a little off the side of his fist. It was good! Musky, salty and spicy, very hard to describe, but delicious. He had ended up making his buddy giggle by licking the rest off his soft tummy. Since then they had traded blow jobs every once in a while. They swallowed each other's cum happily. But Jason thought that it was just because they were boys that they did something so gross. He never expected a girl would even like sucking cock, much less getting a boy's creamy load in her mouth. He never dreamed a full-grown woman like his hot mom would ever come close to sucking his dick. He couldn't believe his awesome luck!Barbara brushed back her long auburn hair and gazed down at the beautiful sight of her son's hairless hard-on. It stood up hard and juicing on his flat tummy, four inches of pink flesh. Tiny blue veins traced around the length of it, just under the delicate skin. Her mouth salivated. God, how she wanted it! As her lips approached it and her warm breath rushed over it she saw it jump and a line of pre-cum gushed from the pouting piss-lips. Jason's hands clutched at the sheets on either side of his nude body. He watched his mother moving closer and closer to the drooling head of his eager cock. His whole groin seemed to tingle with heat. His heart was pounding in his chest. Would she really do it?Barbara extended her tongue and licked at the slimy, purplish head. She could smell the same odor that his underwear had held but stronger. A slightly musty smell of pure boy crotch. She felt the boy tremble beneath her. He moaned loudly as she slid her tongue over his pert cockhead. She danced her taster down the bulging tube underneath and then lapped it over his balls, washing them in her spit. He tasted so good, slightly salty and warm. His pre-cum tingled on her tongue. It was almost sweet and thinner than Jack's. It made her pussy throb to taste it in her mouth.Jason was moaning, thrashing his head, his eyes rolling back in his head. His small fingers dug into the mattress and balled the sheet in his fists. His own mother, his gorgeous mom was lapping over his dick and balls like some hungry bitch in heat! He bit his lower lip and peered down as Barbara lifted her head and once more brought her lips to his penis-tip. Barbara could wait no longer. The taste and feel of her son's pretty little prick was driving her crazy with horny lust. She opened her lips and took the juicing head in. She closed her lips tightly around Jason's rampant cock and slid them down the adorable shaft. "OOHHHH! OOOHHHHH! MOMMY!!" Jason squealed as he felt his mother's warm mouth engulf his prick. He felt her tongue lapping all over it felt the pressure of her lips suctioning hard on it. It was too good!OH... Shit, Mom, Mom! I'm going to cum! I'm gonna..."Jason couldn't stop the onrush of orgasm. He thought his mom would stop sucking him, but just like Mikey had she just moaned and jammed her face down, until her hot lips were pressing into his hairless pubes. She even managed to let her tongue out and lap over the tops of his balls! Christ, she wanted it! Wanted her own little boy to shoot his boiling hot jizz in her mouth! The crazy thought and the incredible sensations she was giving him shook him all over. He heaved up with his slim hips and let her have it! His sperm strings leapt from the tip of his prick and sprayed into her sucking mouth. Without thinking, he reached up with both hands and held the back of her head, clutching frantically and squealing with pure delight as he emptied his balls into his mother's hot slimy mouth. Barbara felt and tasted her son's throbbing cock shooting into her, filling her mouth with warm cream. God it was good! Like his pre-cum, it was thinner than a man's and sweeter, fresh and virginal. She gulped down the precious fluid as if her life depended on it. Her tongue tip gave his boy-berries another swipe then she took it back in and wrapped around the shooting little shaft. She felt the boy's hands on her head, pushing her down as he humped his naked hips up at her face. Oh, what a little Man he was! Taking control of the blowjob, forcing her to submit to his young desires!A gong went off in her head. She reached down, clutching at her dripping cunt. Her thumb jammed into her cum-button. She orgasmed wildly, snorting and groaning around the cum-spewing prick in her mouth. She felt like such a whore, but she couldn't help herself. Her son's pretty cock was feeding her the most delicious cum she had ever tasted! She held him deep in her mouth until the boy collapsed in exhaustion and his prick stopped shooting. Then she milked up the shaft with her lips, squeezing the last runny drops out of it. She let it from her lips and turned to look at his face. The kid was blissed out, his eyes mere slits, a sleepy but broad smile on his cute face, making his adorable dimples show. "How was it, Jason, dear?" She asked, licking her lips."Oh! Jesus Mom, it was wonderful... wonderful!!" he sighed."Would you like to learn how to do that to a girl, now, honey?" She said, leaning back on her elbow and gazing into his face. "Yeah, sure, Of course I would!" Can I?" the boy said, his eyes popping open with new excitement. His young cock had never gone soft, and now it stood at attention, slick and shiny with spit and cum. He was horny all over again at the thought of finally getting to sample some of his mom's dripping pussy. He had always wanted to try eating out a cunt, but of course had never had the opportunity. Now it was being presented to him on a sliver platter. He lifted himself up and turned, getting on his hands and knees. He bean to crawl down to his mother's crotch but she stopped him. Wit a sec, she said, Don't just dive in, honey. You have to make a girl feel special, make her feel like a princess. Turn around dear and do exactly what I tell you..."4."Tell me, baby, do you love me?" Barbara said, softly."Oh Mom, you know I do! You're the most wonderful Mom in the world! You're so pretty, so sexy...""Then kiss me, honey, Kiss your way down to my pussy. Take your time. Think only of how you're making me feel. Show me how much you love my body, baby."Jason leaned down and gently kissed his Mommy's stiff nipples. He licked over them and over the soft flesh of her breasts. Then he moved down and began kissing over her ribs and down her soft belly. He loved the taste of her, loved the tenderness of her skin against his hot lips. He felt her trembling against him and his own cock throbbed in response. He began licking at her as he moved down, savoring her. He got down to the dimple of her navel and kissed it tenderly. He dipped the tip of his tongue into it and pressed his lips around it, suckling it. This was where they had first been joined, right here. He heard her groan as he flicked his tongue into its depths. He was shivering with lust as he slowly moved down over the soft curve of her tummy. He looked up briefly to see her face. Her eyes were closed in bliss, her red lips twisted into a sweet smile. She put her hand to his head and gently stroked his fair hair. "Oh, yes, Jacey, honey, just like that!' She breathed. Finally the boy had kissed his way down to the top of her opening. He lifted his head to gaze at it. "Oh, Mommy, your pussy is so pretty!" he moaned."Look at it, Baby. See my clitty?"The child looked, He saw the protruding flesh, a tiny wet nubbin peeking from the top of her folds. "Is this it?" He asked and bent to kiss the place. "Oh my god! Yes! Ohhhh, yes, that's it honey! Lick it for me, Jacey, lick it softly for me."Jason did as he was told. He lapped gently over it, and tasted his mother's wetness. So nice, tangy and musky at the same time. He felt his mother shiver as he licked her most sensitive spot. Then he moved down, eager to taste more. He licked and kissed the parted, slick slit, smearing his lips with her cunt juices. He couldn't help himself now. He dipped his tongue into her. Oh, it was so good! He pressed his face into her slimy pussy lips and lapped into the slick walls of her cunt. He relished the flavors he found there. His cock tapped his belly urgently. He felt like he was going to cum again. Eagerly he stuffed more of his face into her cunt, lapping and sucking at her like a bear cub after honey. Barbara gasped and moaned, her voice shaking as she felt the incredible sensations of her little boy eating out her wet cunt. She had always loved getting her pussy reamed. Once again it seemed her twelve-year-old son was proving himself a natural cunt-lapper. She looked down and the awesome sight of her little boy stuffing his face into her shaved pussy sent hot stabs of lust into her. Mewing like a kitten she spread her legs wider for him. She reached down and held the back of his head.Jason was totally lost in eating his mother's hot, wet cunny. He twisted his head and sent his tongue in deep, fucking her with it. His prick jerked again and again and drooled a long filament of crystal slime down between his legs. He felt a fireball rising from his hairless nuts and racing up his throbbing boy-Peter. Without touching himself his slim cock lifted and spurted forth his fresh cum. Spurts of it flew out and draped over his mother's smooth legs. He was so entranced in eating her out he hardly noticed it. He shook and twisted his lips between her pussy lips and sucked down his mother's hot juices. Barbara saw and felt the boy's prick juice spouting out, as if in tribute to her delicious cunt. It drove her over the edge again. She pushed his head into her and reared up, lifting her ass off the bed. With a squeal she came off, sending out a gush of juice that covered her son's buried face. When he finally lifted his head his face was gleaming with it, from ear to ear. His eyes glittered with unquenched lust. He had never felt so turned on in his life! His cock simply refused to go down. His tummy rose and fell rapidly and his thin cum drooled in a long string form his slimy little prick. He dove down into her again , rooting around in her sloppy cunt like a little pig. He pressed his face in, his nostrils bubbling in her hot sticky juice.Barbara let her little boy eat her out until she was tingling all over again. Her lust seemed to be fed by his. She was incredibly turned on to the boy and his youthful eagerness, his boyish stamina. Horny thrills swept through her as she watched her son wallow his sweet round cheeked face in her dripping cunt. She couldn't wait any longer. She wanted Jason to fuck her. She wanted him to put his juicy little boy-cock up her and fuck her good and hard!Jason had his little tongue buried as far as it would go in his mom's sweet pussy and was licking the slick walls. He gathered her juices into his mouth and gulped them down. He wanted to explore every inch of her. He lifted his head slightly and began licking around on the puffy lips. He wiggled his tongue around on her piss-hole. It tasted slightly different there. He flicked his tongue-tip over it and heard his mother's whines of pleasure. It made him feel wonderful to know he was pleasing her. He didn't care a bit that this was the place she squirted her pee. It was beautiful, like the rest of her. As he licked at it he felt it squeezing out a drop or two. Jeesus! That was her piss! Her actual womanly piss! Mikey had told him about watersports and it had grossed him out to hear of it. But he was so turned on that anything from his mother's sweet cunt seemed rare and precious. He let the drops streak over his tongue, tasting them. Not bad! He thought. He licked at the tiny opening again and was rewarded by a few more tiny drips. He smacked his lips and swallowed. Warm and tangy, salty and tingly. His slim rod jumped at the thought of drinking down her pee. He suddenly wished she would just let it all go and flood his mouth with it! But, she'd never go for that, would she? She might think he was some kind of pervert and stop doing what she was doing with him. He sighed a little, his warm breath rushing over her tender groin. He lifted his head to see how she was reacting. She was gazing down at him, her lovely lips parted, her eyes glassy. She was blotchy and sweaty, but it looked good to him. He could tell she was in a deep heat. He saw a flicker of hot flame in her eyes and watched her as she caressed her tits, squeezing the nipples and rubbing the palms of her hands around on them. She was such a slut now, not just his mom anymore but a beautiful sexual animal like he was. He reached down and squeezed his vibrating cock, gasping. He looked into her eyes as he pinched his dick. Mom, I... I want to fuck you! I've just gotta! I want to feel that, please? Please Mommy... I'll die if I can't!Barbara giggled. Oh yes, Baby, of course! I want it too, son. Get up here and fuck me, baby! Oh, I'm so happy I get to be your first fuck! Hurry, baby, hurry! Mommy needs you in her!"5.The boy jumped up, his heart racing, his cock pounding. He straddled her larger body and wiped the juices off his face with the back of his hand. He stared down at her. It was really true! He was going to fuck a real woman for the first time.Not that it was the first time he had fucked. But that really didn't count, did it? He remembered the time that Mikey and he had stolen a bottle of wine from his parent's cellar and had gotten high. They had both felt loose and hot and had started in on their usual sex games. Mikey kept giggling and pretending to be a girl and Jason had joined it the game. Mikey had gotten Jason to climb up on his back and fuck his prick between his tightly clenched thighs. It felt good, but it felt even better when Mikey rubbed some lotion in there. It was a slick ride. Jason's pre-cum added to the slick mess and soon he couldn't keep his dick from sliding out and up the crack of Mikey's ass. Before he knew it the head of his pecker was bumping against his buddy's hot wrinkly asshole. That made them both moan. After a few seconds of Jason's cock rubbing over his twitching shitter Mikey had reached behind him and parted his cheeks wide. "Go ahead, Jase, put it up me! Shove your hot cock up my ass!""You really want me to do that?" Jason asked, both shocked and incredibly turned on. "Won't it hurt?""Hell no, it won't hurt ya'," Mikey replied humping his ass up into his friend's crotch, It'll feel good man, go ahead!""I mean you, dumbass!" Jason giggled."Oh hell no! I love it! Dad's been boning me since I was a little kid. I love a cock up my ass!""Shit, Mikey, really? Your Dad fucks you?" "Yeah, man. He's says I'm real good at it, too, that my ass is real talented. He says I'm a natural at it. I must be, 'cause I sure love it. I'll squeeze your cock real good make it feel great, really hot and tight!""Doesn't that... make you... a q-queer, or something?" Jason asked, a little unsure. "Hell I don't know, dude! I love pussy and all, but I like this too. Who cares, man? Are you going to do it, or are you gonna chicken out?" Mikey humped his ass again, making his hole slide along the underside of his buddy's hot prick. "Oh, fuck! Yeah, I'll do it! I'll fuck ya, if that's what you want! I ain't a chickenshit!" Jason replied. He grasped his dripping boy-tool and placed the moist head to Mikey's tiny butthole. Before he could even push in the little brown muscle opened right up and engulfed the entire head of his cock! Groaning, Jason fell on his buddy's firm buns and whipped his hips forward. Mikey buried his face into his pillow and screamed in mingled pleasure and pain as his buddy spiked him full. Jason had been wild, and had fucked his friend like an animal. He had passed into a world where he didn't care about how Mikey felt or what he was even doing. All he wanted was to get his rocks off up that incredibly hot, tight hole!That suited the other kid just fine. He loved being used like this, like a fuckhole. And he had always wanted to have his hot little buddy fuck him. He loved the boy's blonde good looks, so different from his own olive skin and nearly black hair. Jason's prick was small and slender and didn't fill him up like his daddy's but it didn't matter. Mikey was getting off to having the boy he secretly adored using him like his horny bitch. He humped his ass and squeezed his shitter muscles on Jason's hot little flesh-horn until the boy was trembling and panting like crazy. He humped his own cock into the sheets beneath him. They came within seconds of each other. Jason felt that tight hole squeeze his cock like a slimy fist and jammed it in deep, shooting his watery seed into the kid. Mikey felt the hot squirts shooting up his boy-cunt and with a muffled shout he spewed his own crystal load into the sheets. He fucked his own little stubby cock through the warm mess he made and shivered and shook in completely fulfilling orgasmic thrills. Afterwards, both boys had been exhausted. Jason fell asleep, right there on Mikey's back, his arms hugging his pal's warm body. Mikey drifted off, happy with the light weight of Jason warming him all over. But all that seemed like kid stuff now. The naked boy climbed into his mother's arms his pre-teen prick rubbing a line of drool up her belly. Barbara spread her legs around his thin hips and hugged him close. They kissed passionately, rubbing lips, tangling tongues, twisting their heads and rubbing all the skin they could reach with hot hands.Jason felt his little cock slide down between her legs and rub into her moist slit. He humped forwards but was unable to find the opening. His cock bent to the side painfully. He grunted in pain."Here, let Mommy help," Barbara whispered. She reached down and grabbed his pulsing cock in her fingers. Oh, it was so nice. Hard as stone but soft skinned. She bent it down to the entrance of her cunt-tunnel and pressed it into her. She heard Jason sigh with pleasure. He pushed his hips towards hers as he realized his prick was now inside her. "Ohhh! Ohhhhhhh! God that feels so good!" He whimpered, as he slid it through her warm wet tissues. He never thought it would feel this good. It beat anything he had dreamt of. Her cunt was alive, sucking at him, making his prick tingle all over. It was so wet and hot, so soft and yet it clung to his shaft like it was holding on for dear life to him. It was like wet velvet clinging to his achingly hard little prick. He pushed his skinny hips and sank into her to the balls. "Ahhhhh..." He sighed. He covered his mom's mouth with his own and shoved his tongue deep into her mouth. Barbara responded by sucking his tongue like it was a cock. He lifted his pelvis and then thrust into her again. His prick rubbed around on the walls of her pussy. He gasped into her mouth and rubbed his bare pubes against hers. Jesus, it was good!Barbara was more turned on than she had been in years. She whimpered in his ear and lifted her womanly hips to meet his thrusts. Her boy's little fuck-rod tickled her pussy delightfully. She gasped and moaned in mind-melting lust as she felt him begin to fuck in and out of her. "Ohhh... That's right, baby, fuck me! Fuck me! Do it as hard as you like! Mommy wants it! Do it Jacey, fuck me!! She brought her hands down and placed them on his butt and caressed it almost roughly, kneading into the firm flesh of his ass-globes. Jason groaned loudly and bounced his groin against hers. His balls slapped the bottom of her slit and became coated with hot cunt-slop. His mother's hands roamed up his skinny, sweaty back and then she ran them down his rigid arms. "God! Oh, Godd!" She squealed as he drove into her to the balls time and time again. Mindlessly she wrapped her long legs around his thin hips and pulled him tightly to her. Jason was panting and moaning and thrusting for all he was worth. He didn't think of her as his mom any more, she was a slut, a slut for him to fuck, just as much as he wanted, just as hard as he wished, He put his strong young back into it slamming her harder and harder, trying with each thrust to bury himself as deep as he could. His cock seemed to burn red hot with the friction, but just as he thought it was too hot to bear he felt her cunt gush forth more slick fuck juices. His arms began to tremble with the strain and he let go, falling upon her, spiking her full with his pre-teen prick. He reached up and grabbed her tits desperately. He dropped his face into them and wildly kissed and sucked at them. Barbara thrashed her head back and forth, nearly screaming with dirty pleasure. Her hands clutched at his shoulders. She humped at his digging cock like a madwoman. Multiple orgasms ripped through her, one after the other, leaving her breathless. She soaked the sheets with her gushing juices, felt it running down her ass. She never wanted this to end. She loved having her strong little man fuck her like this. Jason was glad now that he had cum off. He knew he wanted this to last and last. He humped her cunt, wishing he could drive his whole young body into her, just sink in and be engulfed in her hungry, sucking cunt. The wild thought drove him on. He began to swirl his hips and stir his cock around in her sloppy cunt hole. He wanted to feel it all on his throbbing dick. Suddenly Barbara was wrapping her arms around his skinny torso. She turned, taking him with her. She twisted him around until he was under her and she was sitting on his groin. Jason just let it happen. He flopped onto his back and spread his arms and legs loosely. He looked up at her grinning. Her big boobs hung in his face. He grabbed one in his hand and brought the nipple to his lips. He began to suck at it like a baby as she began to hump his cock. Barbara made little mewing noises as he switched from one nipple to the other and back again. She drove her hips down and lifted them, panting and squealing with hot lusty pleasure. "How do you like it, baby? How do you like your first fuck?""Oh, Mom! It's fucking fantastic! Harder, mommy, harder," he piped. He ran his hands up and down her creamy thighs and then up her belly and then grasped her breasts again. Now it was Barbara's turn to work her hips. She twirled them about and ground his hard little prick into her cunt. Every time she drove down on him she felt his wet nuts rub into the crack of her ass. She felt like a whore, a slutty, dirty whore and she loved it! Another powerful climax shook her. As she came she threw back her head and howled like a bitch dog. She reached down to grasp Jason's puffy little nipples in her fingers. She rubbed and pinched them, causing the boy to cry out in shocked pleasure. Jason's eyes popped open and his chin dropped as he felt the zapping sensations of pain and pleasure in his chest. It seemed that his tits were connected to his cock with live wires that shot hot electric thrills through his slender frame. He bucked up with his hips and cried out, his voice high and girlish. His head dropped to the pillow and his face contorted into a primitive mask of trancelike ecstasy. His cock reared up inside his mother's hot sucking cunt and shot. Hot streams of kiddy cum pissed out of the tiny pee-hole, splashing like a little geyser, bathing his cock in warmth. He gasped and sobbed, shaken beyond any emotion he had ever had. His heart pounded and his body seemed to ring like a huge bell. Tears of utter pleasure streaked from his eyes and clear snot leaked from his cute pug nose. He was crying like a baby, but from pleasure and joy like he had never known. His eyes closed and he saw only misty red on which he seemed to float endlessly. He heard his mother dimly as she wailed out in the throes of her own rocking climax. She rammed her cunt down and amazingly he felt his nuts slide into her. Her cunt engulfed his whole package. His cock throbbed out another series of strong shots into her as his balls soaked in her hot body.Not long after they lay exhausted in each other's arms. Jason's little cock finally went limp and slithered from her, leaving a trail of pussy slime and boy-cum stringing over his thin thighs. They held each other tightly and lazily kissed until they both drifted into a dreamless slumber.Continued in part 2...Suggestions and comments welcome: bLACKFLAg can now be reached at*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 42
Chapter 1 My name is Melissa. I grew up in a medium-sized Midwest city, the youngest child and only daughter of the Chief of Police, one could say I had a rather sheltered life. Most boys were a little too intimidated by my father to ask me out during high school and those that weren’t would get bullied away by my two older brothers or turned down flat by me since I was raised to be a good Christian girl by my family and Godfather, the Police Chaplain. By the time I had finished high school I was pretty much a younger image of my mother. Just like her, I had dark green eyes unlike the hazel ones of my father and brothers. We were both only 5’4, a good five inches shorter than either my brothers or father, and despite being fit and athletic, I still developed a 34DD-25-35 figure that matched my mothers, though I had straight black hair to my shoulder blades while she preferred to have hers up in a braided coil most of the time.My mother objected only slightly when I chose not to become a teacher like her, but instead followed in my father and brothers’ footsteps by becoming a police officer. I guess she figured that the three of them could look out for me. Applying to the local Tech College, it only took me four years to graduate from the law enforcement program, earning myself an associate degree in Liberal Arts while waiting to enter the academy program. I was just 22 when my father told me how proud he was and swore me in as a rookie patrol officer.I was just two years later, four months shy of my 25th birthday when my life changed dramatically.Sergeant Wolfe had driven me home from the hospital after we had both been checked out and debriefed following a high speed chase. The chase ended with my cruiser wrecked and gunfire exchanged between the suspect and Wolfe and I, though neither of us were hit and the suspect was taken into custody with just one minor gunshot wound. Department policy required that we both were put on administrative leave, with pay, while the incident was investigated by the State Police.Wolfe and I had been partnered now for several months. He drove the department’s K9 vehicle, with Diego, a five year-old Labrador-shepherd mix. I drove a standard patrol car either nearby or following him and would transport any suspects to lockup.I considered him attractive. He was muscular of course, around three inches taller than me, in his mid-thirties, an Army Ranger before joining the force and had piercing blue eyes under thick, dark eyebrows that always seemed a bit brooding and intimidating. Since he wasn’t my supervisor, we chatted a lot and spent some time together off the clock, normally involving some play and bonding time with Diego, but I never really felt at ease enough to do more than some awkward flirting and midnight fantasizing about him at night when alone in my apartment.Arriving home from the hospital, I was still a little shaken and didn’t want to be alone, so I invited Wolfe upstairs to my apartment for coffee. Diego came along too of course, after visiting the fire hydrant.I dropped my work bag by the couch while Wolfe started the coffee and Diego sniffed around my apartment. Coming back to sit with Wolfe on the barstools by the counter separating the kitchen from the living room, we started talking, the conversation was pointless and it felt like both of us were purposely avoiding the incident. As the conversation went on however I didn’t feel myself relaxing at all, but feeling more and more awkward and self-conscious as time went by.My agitation must have shown, because I felt Wolfe’s hand on my shoulder and turned to look into those blue eyes of his. Feeling myself lean in closer as his hand slid up the side of my neck, I suddenly found myself being kissed by him. I gasped, opening my mouth as I felt his tongue slide past my lips and began to wrestle back with my tongue.Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I felt his hands stroking the back of my neck and down my spine. My eyes had long since closed and I was enjoying the sensations rising in my body as I was touched, but still squeaked in surprise and protest when his hands slide down to cup my ass and lift me up off the barstool.Clinging to him, I was forced to wrap my legs around his waist as he carried me to the living room. Still kissing him, my heart raced and I could feel a tingle starting between my legs as I realized that the lump in his pants was grinding against my pussy as he carried me towards the couch and sat down on it with me straddling his lap.I remember combing my fingers through his hair and kissing even more hungrily as his hands stroked up from my ass and in front of me to begin opening my shirt. I weakly shook my head, but made no move to stop him as he undid the zipper and pulled the shirt up out of my trousers. Stroking his hands over my tummy and sides up to my sports bra, his touch made me shiver and my heart pound in my chest.I wiggled my ass between his thighs as he spread them apart, still grinding against that growing lump in his pants. "Oh my god, he’s HUGE!" I thought to myself, shivering slightly. My mind reeled and I felt dizzy there in his lap and I shook my head again in protest as he stroked over my breasts, teasing them and squeezing them in his strong hands as they heaved on my chest.Soon he had pulled my sports bra up to my neck with both hands and broke off kissing me to dip his head down and take my left nipple into his mouth, causing me to cry out. This had gone way past the appropriate limits of our partnership, and was much further than I had let any of my boyfriends go when I was dating. I tried to tell him to stop but all I could do was cling to his shoulders and lean back while letting out soft moans as he teased first that nipple and then the other into throbbing, painfully hard peaks.With a deft move of his hips, I was rolled onto my back under him on the couch, my head facing the right armrest and with his legs straddling my right thigh. His right knee was pressed up between my thighs and against my pussy as he continued to kiss, suckle, and lightly bite at my nipples. All that attention left me helpless and pinned beneath him, combing my fingers through his hair and moaning softly as he quickly undid his own uniform shirt and pulled it off.Tossing his shirt away over the coffee table, he paused in his attack on my breasts only to sit up and pull his undershirt off, exposing that firmly muscular chest and flat abs I had fantasized about so many times after seeing him in the precinct gym. He dove back down into my heaving breasts once his undershirt had also been tossed away, making me squeal again and wrap my arms around his head, pushing my tits up and together in offering to him with my upper arms as I heard the heavy thud of his equipment belt hitting the floor.His hands returned to my tits, caressing and fondling them. My nipples were tingling hard and I could feel the itch building between my thighs as I ground against his knee. With a surprised gasp, I arched my back and thrust my chest out to him as his attention there caused me to have a sudden, small orgasm.Somehow, unnoticed during my orgasm, Wolfe managed to open the front of my trousers. My eyes shot open and I gripped his hair, trying to pull his head back as I shook my head and tried to protest, but all that came out of my mouth was a strangled moan as his hand slipped into my panties and past my neatly trimmed bush to plunge two fingers into my embarrassingly wet pussy.I shuddered and moaned as I felt fingers that didn’t belong to me or my gynecologist entering me. My pussy was instantly on fire again as he thrust and wiggled them in and out of me. His thumb started to tease my clit back and forth, making me grind helplessly against his knee. His teeth began to tease and gnaw lightly on my nipples, making them ache and throb more as I felt myself falling deeper and deeper into a whirlpool of pleasure even as my mind shrieked in protest."I don’t want this," I thought, "I’m saving myself for marriage."I gripped his shoulders, arching my back and moaning. I didn’t have the strength to push him away. I wanted to but I couldn’t. I shuddered again, my nipples feeling like they were about to explode under his sucking and teasing lips as my pussy fluttered and juiced through a mind-numbing orgasm. I’d never had someone else make me cum before.His hands circled around my hips and cupped my ass, lifting me up and starting to slide my panties and trousers down. He got them past my hips and almost to my knees by the time my head cleared and I was able to speak again.“No,” I whispered weakly, then louder, “No! I can’t!” Grabbing his wrists I weakly tried to keep him from pulling my pants down further and tried to think of a way to get him to stop.“Please,” I said, my mind racing, “I can’t, I’m a virgin I, I’ll suck your cock, okay?”I couldn’t believe I said that. My face was flaming from embarrassment as I looked up into his lust-filled eyes. I had done it a few times with previous boyfriends, but still without letting any of them get me anywhere near as exposed as I was now. “Okay,” He relented, “but at least let me see you naked.”I blushed even harder at his request, but nodded. Sitting up, I took off my boots and stood up facing away from him. I slid my trousers and panties off, feeling like my face was on fire and that his eyes were boring into my back as he sat up and watched me. Then I slowly let my shirt slide off to the floor and reached up for my ponytail.“Leave your hair up,” he said, “it’s sexy that way.”I couldn’t stop blushing as his eyes roamed over my body from behind. So I finally pulled off my sport bra the rest of the way, letting it fall from my trembling fingers before turning around to face him, reaching up at first to cover my breasts, but letting my hands fall to my sides as I watched him look me over from head to toe, never, ever having been seen by anyone this way before.“You are just perfect,” he said, looking me over teasingly slow. I watched as he adjusted himself and closed my eyes with a soft shiver. He spread his feet apart and pointed to the ground, “kneel.” There was a note of command there, like he used when we were in the field, it made me shiver again as I obeyed, my breathing getting faster and making my tits heave as he again cupped them in his hands and stroked my nipples back and forth.I reached up between his thighs stroking them with my hands. My hands were trembling as they passed over that bulge in his lap and opened his pants up, pulling them and his boxer-briefs down slightly and letting that monster free.I gasped as his cock sprung out, nearly hitting me in the face. It was thick, throbbing, and veiny, with a slight odor of gamey sweat. Licking my lips I took the base of it in my right hand, unable to close my fingers and thumb around it as the purple head looked straight up at my eyes. Measuring it with both hands, it stretched out from his pubic hair so that with one pinky against the base, thumb stretched out to touch my other pinky and my left hand’s thumb stretched towards the tip, it didn’t even touch the crown of the head. He was at least 10 and a half inches long and thicker than my wrist.I looked up at him, seeing those blue eyes watching me as I held onto his cock and began to stroke it with my right hand. Then, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes, I planted a kiss on the tip and slowly let it slide past my lips, stroking along the underside of the head with my tongue.Hearing him groan, I swallowed, then began to bob my head, slurping around the head and taking a couple inches of shaft into my mouth as I stroked the base with my right hand. It felt so naughty, so embarrassing to be doing this on my knees during broad daylight in my apartment, and my other hand reached back to tease my clit and pussy. I let out a soft moan and tried to take him deeper as I pushed two fingers, then three into my pussy, not filling it like his did, I felt frustrated by that fact, his had felt so much better. Still I could feel my juices flow and my inner thighs getting sticky as I began to bob my head faster, trying to take the head of his cock further into the back of my throat.I felt his hands on my head, guiding me to move slower, then lifted me up off his cock. Letting it slip free of my mouth with a whimper, I looked up into his eyes as he pulled me close and hugged me again, kissing me deeply, his cock throbbing against my belly and spreading my saliva on my skin.“Now, fuck your tits with my cock, pet,” he said to me in that same tone of voice as before. It made me shiver, but still, I moved to obey, sliding my knees closer to the couch and resting my tits on his thighs. Pressing them together around his cock with my hands, I began to slowly bounce them up and down, watching that purple head emerge from my cleavage again and again.I felt him move, reaching over to his right as I concentrated on pleasing his cock with my tits. It felt oddly good, my tits were tingling as they rubbed along his spit-slick cock and I couldn’t help it but I pinched and rolled my nipples between my fingers and thumbs, throwing my head back with my eyes closed and moaning as my pussy continued to itch and squish as I squeezed my thighs together. “You are such a sexy bitch, Melissa,” I heard him groan, his right hand caressing my cheek. I turned to kiss his palm, sucking his thumb into my mouth as he caressed my lips with it. My eyes were still closed as I enjoyed the lustful feeling of his cock throbbing between my breasts.He caressed along my throat with both hands, then reached up to guide my head back down towards his lap. “Suck me,” he said, and I opened my eyes to look at his proud erection, licking my lips to moisten them before sliding them back down over his head and shaft, scooting my knees back away from the couch.“That’s right, get down on all fours for me,” he said, and I moaned softly. Swaying my hips back and forth, I moved my knees back on the carpet until I was on all fours, my back arched and my head bobbing up and down over his shaft. I felt a little awkward, and even more naughty this way, but I felt like I was getting more of his cock down my throat as it started pushing past my tongue.He firmly guided my head down by my hair until I was on my elbows and knees, my mouth lined up with my throat. Rocking forward and back now instead of bobbing my head, I kept sucking on his throbbing cock. I could feel his cockhead bulling into my throat, going deeper and deeper until I felt my nose bump against his pelvis."Ohmygod! He’s fucking my throat!" My eyes shot open and watered as I couldn’t breathe with my throat so full of cock. I felt helpless as he held me there for several seconds, then began guiding me back and forth, letting me pant through my nose as his cock slid out of my throat, then guiding me to take it all the way down to the base again.He pulled me in close again and my nose was burrowed deep against his pelvis as he led me there. I tried to breathe through my nose and could barely get any air, my eyes were tearing up and I suddenly felt something cold and wet against my ass. Diego was behind me, I had completely forgotten about him!Diego began sniffing at my pussy as Wolfe held me in place. I couldn’t believe it. His hot breath tickled my wet folds and made me shiver with fear and confused arousal as I was held there, Wolfe’s hands going to my waist, his tummy pressed against the top of my head, trapping me.“Let’s see what he does, Melissa,” Wolfe growled, his voice thick with lust. Trembling, I began to cry, wanting to protest, to get out of this weird situation, but I couldn’t. Held in Wolfe’s powerful hands, I couldn’t do anything as Diego began to lick at my dripping slit with that wide, rough tongue of his.I squealed and sobbed around the cock in my throat as Diego began to lap at my pussy, teasing my clit and labia. I shivered as his tongue kept teasing my poor clit and pussy, making them throb with need. I couldn’t stop dripping as that dog’s tongue worked fast and rough on my helpless pussy.I let out a muffled shriek and my eyes bugged out as Diego’s tongue poked between my lips and into my pussy. He quickly started lapping in and out of my vulnerable hole as if searching for the source of my pussy-juice. Letting out a shuddering, sobbing moan, I felt my eyes flutter shut and I began panting faster as the dog’s talented tongue brought me closer to the edge. My first orgasm from having my pussy eaten was going to come from a dog, and not from my future husband!My moans became panting, shuddering sobs as I came for Diego’s tongue. Shivering from head to toe, I felt my hips grinding up and down as Diego’s tongue raped me. Helpless tears were flowing from my eyes and I began to gag around Wolfe’s cock as I sobbed in humiliation.“That was so sexy,” Wolfe moaned as he leaned back again and began to pull me back and forth to continue fucking my throat. “You’re a kinky little slut, aren’t you Melissa?”Sobbing around his cock, I looked up at him with my eyes blurry from tears. I had never felt so humiliated in my entire life. I just wanted Wolfe to cum and then leave. I felt broken inside as I just sucked harder on his cock, trying to please him even as he called me such hurtful names.My jaw was starting to ache I couldn’t believe he was lasting so long. I sobbed and panted, Diego continuing to try and lick at me as I thrust myself forward and back, helping Wolfe to rape my throat. I was so lost in my own feelings of humiliation and self-pity that I almost didn’t respond as Diego suddenly jumped up over my ass and planted his front paws in front of my knees.“Mmmm-hmmfh!” I moaned around Wolfe’s cock, looking up at him pleadingly with tear-filled eyes, silently begging for mercy as Diego mounted me, but I made no move to resist.“Yeah, you want to pop this bitch’s cherry, don’t you Diego?” Wolfe said, making me shudder with fear, “you’d like that, wouldn’t you Melissa?”I tried to shake my head no, but made no other protest as Diego started to thrust. I sobbed around Wolfe’s cock as I felt the pointed head of Diego’s bump against my ass several times before he finally found my pussy. Wailing pitifully, I cried even harder as the dog pumped into me and ripped through my hymen.“Take that you cock-teasing little cunt,” Wolfe growled, his cock throbbing and jumping in my throat, “you’re a real bitch now, aren’t you?”I felt Diego’s balls bump against my clit, his furry belly scratching my ass. I felt completely broken and nodded in defeat. I had been teased, humiliated, and now I was being raped by both my partner and his dog.“Take all that dog cock, you horny little slut. You love it, don’t you?” Wolfe continued degrading me, his voice thick with lust as I sucked his cock as best I could. “Get ready to swallow my load you dog-humping little bitch. You’d better not spill a drop of it”I gurgled submissively around Wolfe’s cock, grunting with each thrust of Diego’s hips as he started to pump wildly. I swallowed reflexively as Wolfe began to erupt, his cum shooting town my throat, up into the back of my nose and over my tongue, coating it with a salty, metallically bitter flavor that made me want to gag, but I gulped down every bit of it, not wanting to upset him.Wolfe finally pulled his cock from my mouth and I collapsed onto my chest, my arms shaking as Diego kept thrusting.“Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! AH-HAAAAAAAAH!” I moaned out in humiliation as I had a sudden, powerful orgasm from being dog-raped. Arching my back further and throwing my head back as Diego kept raping me with his super-hot doggy cock.“Enjoying yourself Melissa?” Wolfe asked, deepening my humiliation, “you know you’re Diego’s bitch now, aren’t you?”“Yes,” I sobbed, moaning as I felt the base of Diego’s cock starting to swell, that growing mass pushing into my sore, throbbing pussy again and again.“Say it then, slut. Tell me what you are.”“I’m Diego’s bitch now,” I sobbed, moaning as I felt another forced orgasm on its way.“Oh my God!” I cried out as the base of Diego’s cock got stuck inside me and began pulling me back and forth, “Oh my God! OHMYGOD! What is that? I’m stuck! What is that?!?”“That would be his knot, little bitch,” Wolfe said, chuckling at my predicament, “You’re loving that doggy cock, aren’t you?”I moaned, unable to speak any more. Gripping at the carpet helplessly as I was dragged back and forth by my stuffed and knotted cunt. My nipples throbbed painfully as they were rubbed raw on the carpet.Diego suddenly stopped thrusting and I felt warm, wet splashes flood my pussy as he began to cum. “Oh God! He’s cumming! He’s cumming inside meeeee!” I screamed, my scream changing to a wailing moan as my second orgasm on his cock ripped through me. My entire body vibrated as my muscles turned to jello, leaving me weak and drained on the floor with my ass held in the air only by Diego’s throbbing knot.As my orgasm faded away, I lay there under Diego, his balls still flexing against my clit and inner thighs as he finished flooding my womb with his cum. I began to sob again, huge, body-shaking sobs as the realization that my virginity was gone hit me. I had lost it in the worst way, raped from my body, by a dog no less, while the man I trusted, was attracted to and might have wanted to give it to eventually, just sat there and watched after raping my throat with his own cock.I don’t know how long I lay there on my chest crying. It seemed to take forever, but finally Diego’s knot went down and he slipped out of me with a wet slurp and a gush of mixed juices down my thighs. I didn’t resist as Wolfe got off the couch and knelt on one knee beside me, pulling my elbows together behind my back and locking them there with a pair of flex-cuffs from my bag.“Are you going to rape me again?” I asked, “If you are you don’t need those, you’ve already ruined my life.” Turning my head to look up at Wolfe, my eyes opened wide as I saw for the first time that he had been wearing his patrol glasses. He must have put them on sometime either while I was sucking his cock, or before Diego mounted me. My heart froze in my chest, a new fear gripping me as I saw the micro camera mounted on the frame of those protective glasses and the confident, almost evil smile on his face.“Rape you?” He asked, a falsely puzzled look on his face, “You offered to give me a blowjob, didn’t you?”He stroked over my upraised ass with his hand, making my skin tingle. My flesh crawled from his touch, terrified of what he might do to me now that I realized he had been recording it all.“And didn’t you enjoy yourself with Diego? You DID say that you’re his bitch now, didn’t you?”I didn’t answer him, causing him to give my ass a sharp, painful spank.“Yes!” I yelped.“What was that, bitch-pet?” he asked, humiliating me further with another spank, making my ass burn.“YES!” I almost screamed, sobbing from the strike to my ass, “I enjoyed it! I’m Diego’s bitch now!”He spanked my ass again, making me gasp, then stroked over my flaming cheeks with his hand.“You’re MY bitch too, aren’t you Melissa?” he asked, giving me another spank.“YE-HESS! I’m your bitch too Wolfe” I sobbed, getting another spank from him.“Then you will call me ‘Master’ from now on little slut, do you understand?” and again he spanked me.“Master!” I cried out, “Yes, Master!” yet another spank turning my ass an even brighter red.“So what are you now, little slut?” He kept testing me, spanking me again as I struggled to find the right answer to satisfy him.“I’m your bitch, Master!” I cried out, sobbing again, “I’m Diego’s bitch and Yours, Master! I’m a cock-sucking, dog-fucking slut of a whore for you, Master!”He spanked me one last time, then caressed my ass softly for several minutes as I sobbed on the carpet. I kept my ass raised up for his hand, terrified and trembling, afraid of what was coming next.“Remember that,” he whispered into my ear, making me tremble, “because if you do anything, anything at all that displeases me, I will send the video of what you did today to your dear Daddy, is that clear, fuck-slave?”“Yes Master!” I agreed, nodding my head rapidly, my right cheek burning against the carpet in my eagerness to convince him not to send that video to anyone.“Good girl,” he said, petting my ass like I was a pet. Taking Diego’s collar off, he then buckled it around my throat, giving me a physical reminder of what I had become. “Now, be a good girl and stay right where you are. I’m going to go get some things for you, and save this video. We’ll continue this when I get back.”“Yes Master,” I said, surrendering. He stood up and got dressed, then left my apartment. I started to sob and cry again as soon as the front door closed. My life had just changed forever, the sun was setting outside on my last day as an independent woman and my first as my Master’s fuck-slave.End of Chapter 1...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inany way, shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out anyof the scenarios in this story should seriously consider seeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 78
Once again, my soldier stood at attention.Students filed one-by-one into the classroom. All female, all looking absolutely gorgeous in their uniforms (as some of you can guess, I teach in a private school). I'd ogle over their tight young bodies... then snap myself back into reality."The girls'll notice. Don't do it."Instinctively, I rearranged my cock so that it wasn't so obvious. Thankfully no-one had noticed.My eyes glid across the class of fresh, supple-bodied girls. They were all ripe for the picking, but one was especially enticing: my chosen one, Janine Macey. Fourteen years old, blonde hair cut in a bob, which brought out her facial features, a tight, slender young body, with small handfuls for breasts, ending out in long, creamy legs, which she always had covered up in a pair of sheer stockings, making her legs shine. She was my Zenith, an epitome of youthful sexuality.And little Richard knew it too. I quickly sat down at my desk, just so I could adjust myself. Then I stood to deliver my lesson.After the period bell rang, I asked Janine to stay behind. I could tell there was a look of curiosity on her face; after all, having a straight-A student stay behind after class was unusual, to say the least."Yes, Mr Talon," she asked me, as she approached my desk. She was dressed impeccably in her uniform, with a crisp white blouse, red and brown tartan ladies' tie, and a neat plaid skirt with the same tartan pattern on it, which wasn't exactly short, but short enough to qualify as a skirt. Then came her white stockings and finally a pair of black school shoes, the kind with the single strap across the top and the covered toe, which had been very well polished that morning. On the left collar of her blouse, she had the school pin, squared up perfectly. I tried to look down her blouse, but I knew that she was wearing a white bra, and possibly white panties too.I reached down and opened a drawer in my desk, pulling out a plastic bag which was tied at the top. "I want you to see me after school, in this classroom, and make sure are wearing this," I told her. I then let her leave for class.Janine entered into the toilets and pulled out her mobile, immediately dialling a number. A 'Hello' came from the other end."Mum, Janine. I'll be late home from school this afternoon... Okay, thanks Mum... Bye."She slipped the mobile back into her bag, and opened up the plastic one her teacher gave her, quickly closing it back up after she realised what was in it. Red with embarassment, she departed for class.Finally, school was over for the day. Not that all the students were bad; indeed, some of them were quite good behaviourally. But I was still glad when the bell rang. It signalled the end of professionalism, and the beginning of immorality. I packed my books away in my shelves, drew the blinds, and waited.A weak knock came at the classroom door. I stood and walked towards it, then opened it. Janine was standing there, still in her crisp, clean uniform. Yet I knew something was different about her, and gesture merely proved it. Of course, I didn't try to show it."Come in, sit down," I greeted. She did just that, at the desk in the middle of the room. Again, the tent pole went up, but this time I did nothing to stop it. Instead, I walked over and knelt beside her. Taking her face in my hand, I then kissed her, softly and passionately. This lasted a good twenty seconds, before I broke it. A weak smile had broken out across her face; she enjoyed it.I unzipped my trousers, and pushed the fabric of my jocks aside, allowing its captive to escape. I took her right hand on my left fingers, and lead them below my beltline. I then placed her entire hand on my dick.Janine felt dirty. She had felt dirty putting on the things Mr Talon wanted her to wear, she felt dirty as she came to his classroom, she felt dirty when he kissed her, and now she felt even more dirty touching his cock. As much as she wanted it to happen, she knew it was wrong, and it was that that made her feel dirty.By the time Mr Talon had stood up, her entire hand was attempting to encircle his dick. An unrecognisable sensation had come over her, and she felt it, especially in her private regions. Instinctively, and in response to this new feeling, she took the head into her mouth.It was a new kind of pleasure, as I felt the warm inside of this young girl's mouth. I placed a hand softly behind her head, as she sucked more and more of my length in. Her soft red lips encircled my girth, as her beautiful face was interrupted by a seven-inch cock. (I admit, mine was not exactly the most attractive tool in the shed, but it did the job, and that's all I ask for.) She was about four inches in when she gagged.I withdrew slightly. "Try not to take it all at once," I advised.She took my advice well. Allowing her hand to work the lower half of my cock, she commenced working her lips along the upper part. The feeling was astounding, but I needed more than astounding.I withdrew myself from her mouth, and knelt again, reaching across to her blouse to unbutton it. I was careful not to break one; the buttons looked to perfect to damage. I finally had it completely open, as I surveyed the prize in from of me.She was wearing the teddy I asked her to wear. A white silk thing, sheer like her stockings, and her exact size too. Flowers were embroidered all over it. But it was not the teddy I wanted; it was what was inside it.I pulled one of the cups down over her breast, revealing it to me. The soft, silky skin was heavenly to me, as I took the nipple into my mouth. Her moans signified her enjoyment, as I sucked on it tentatively. Raising myself away from it, I looked across at the other one, which was still covered. Again, I lowered the cup, and sucked on the nipple.By this time, I had become more wanting of the ultimate prize. I moved down to her legs, and at the stockings on them. I lifted up the skirt, and took hold of the pair of stockings, and began to remove them. At the knee, I stopped to remove her shoes, and then continued on, removing them completely. I looked back up along her legs, her womanhood was hidden behind the silk of the teddy. I moved up and shifted the fabric to the side, exposing her flesh. Then, like a cannibal, I went down and began to eat her.The feeling of his tongue inside of her made her do two things: let out an audible moan, and part her legs a little more. She lay back, as she enjoyed the sensation of his working her cunt.But it wasn't just that that would make her feel special. It was what he had in store for her next that would be her -- and his -- defining moment.I was able to pull myself away from her lovely, warm vagina, and bring myself up to her mouth again, allowing her to taste her own juices. As I did, I brought my cock up to her entrance, resting the head upon it. I then made my way into her, all the time kissing her, even as she let out a small 'yelp' at the feeling of her first penetration.Janine's yelp was not caused by the pain of having her hymen broken, but at the shock of it happening so fast. It was only when Mr. Talon broke his kiss with her that she realised the extent of what had happened: his cock was buried five inches into her slit, and he was pressing to push it further."Do it," she whispered, wishing her menstrual cycle was not at the point where she could conceive.I buried myself up to the hilt inside of her, before I began a pistoning action inside of her, slowly at first, then speeding up gradually. The stimulation I was giving her cunt made her moan in short, sharp, gradually rising tones.It was about five minutes before I was going at my fastest. Our groins were slamming together, her moans high and staccato, when my balls finally decided to do their thing. The first drop of my cum in this lovely girl came out quickly and voluminously. Every squirt after that filled her up even more.The warmth of his cum filled her body, as she felt his cock bury itself completely inside her. Every squirt came thick and fast, hitting her cunt walls, smearing them with sticky goo.Finally he leaned down to kiss her, as the spurts subsided. This time the passion that was present in the first kiss had matured, and she kissed him back with the same amount of passion. She felt like a woman, his working her making her feel older and more experienced.Mr. Talon then withdrew, before depositing a few more streams of cum on the desk. Janine, as carefully as she could with a pussy full of cum, picked herself up and leaned over to the cum deposits, licking them up before licking of his cock. She then proceeded to dress, on her teacher's insistence. She did, and left his classroom, quietly confident of her sexual prowess.END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 42
Part One: The Incestuous Seduction of a SonIt was a warm Sunday afternoon in August and Tammy was sunbathing by her pool in a very tight, skimpy bikini and had just taken her top off so her tits would have a nice even tan. Her bikini bottom just barely covered her pussy and was so small and tight that you could just see the top of her pussy slit and the clear outline of her pussy lips and her slit valley. She was watching her 14-1/2 year old son, Donnie, practicing some of his dives on their three meter diving board. Donnie was a freshman in high school and the lead diver on his school swim team and Tammy was admiring his 5' 11" lean, muscular, tan body with its slim waist and broad shoulders, paying special attention to the very large bulge in the crotch of his tight spandex swimming suit.She thought he must have a very large thick cock guessing that it must be at least a seven incher when it was hard and she wondered if he was still a virgin. (A cock that big would sure make sense she thought since Donnie's father, her brother David, who she used to fuck on a regular basis after she turned 11 years old, had an 8 inch cock himself.)Donnie was up on the diving board getting ready for another dive and looked over at Tammy and said, "Wow Mom. You're a real fox. Great body and those tits are fantastic. The best trolling bait I've ever seen for sure!"Tammy laughed and replied, "Thanks honey. You look pretty good yourself baby. That bulging package of yours looks good enough to eat. I bet you're getting a lot of action from those hot little honeys on the girls swim team."Donnie laughed and said, "Not nearly as much as I would like Mom, and no where near as much as I bet you're getting. Sometimes I think those gals on the swim team are all a bunch of dykes and I'm never going to get laid." And he hit the springboard for a perfect one and a half with a full twist splitting the water with just a ripple and no splash.Tammy thought to herself, 'God I hope I get to be the one to give you your first fuck and suck off your magnificent cock to taste your cum baby'. She was feeling extremely horny as it had been at least a month since she had been fucked. She had dumped her latest boyfriend because she had gotten tired of supporting him and now she was tired of having to finger fuck herself to relieve her sexual tensions. Tammy's husband, Rick, had been killed in an auto accident when she had just turned 21 a year after they were married two days after her 21st birthday. That was a little over 7 years ago.Rick had made a killing in the internet with a dot com company that he had started and when he died Tammy was left with over fifteen million dollars. His death had hit Tammy very hard. Not because of how wealthy he had become, but because she genuinely loved him. He had met Tammy and fallen in love with her and her 4-1/2 year old little boy, Donnie, when Rick was still struggling with trying to build a software company and asked her to marry him. At the time Tammy had been working as a female bartender for about six months and was having a tough time making a living for her and Donnie.Before then, Tammy had been a whore. Before her, her mother had also been a whore, and when Tammy was 11 her mother and her brother started training her to be a whore just like her mother was, teaching her how to suck cocks and eat cum, tongue out ass holes, eat out cunts, and which were the best ass fucking positions. Her brother only fucked her in her ass hole for the first year and let her practice cock-sucking and eating cum on his cock and when she turned 12 he broke her cherry and spent the next year getting her cunt prepared for heavy duty fucking and letting her practice her whoring skills on him. She didn't find out until several years later that this had all been part of a plan orchestrated by her mom to train her to be a whore.Her debut as a professional whore was on her 14th birthday when her mom auctioned her off for a 24 hour whoring gig to the highest bidder among a group of her mom's regular johns who got off on fucking young and tender cunt meat. For 24 hours she performed any kind of sex act on the winning john as he wanted as many times as he desired. After that she became a featured special attraction for the next 4 or 5 years in her mom's stable of whores.But right after she turned 19 her Mom and her brother, David, were both killed in an auto accident when they both had been coming home very drunk from a big sex orgy with a bunch of other whores and a group of out of town conventioneers. David had been driving and evidently was speeding and lost control of the car and crossed the median and had a head-on collision with a big semi-trailer truck.Tammy was devastated as she had really loved her brother, David. In spite of his pimping ways, he was her first fuck and the only man who had ever been able to really satisfy her sexually, and he was the father of her beautiful little boy. But she soon came to realize in her grief that she and Donnie were now alone in the world and she was the only one alive that knew that Donnie's father had been his uncle David.That's when she suddenly realized that she and Donnie were now alone in the world and would have to fend for themselves from that point on, and so she decided to try and change her life and gives up whoring and had taken the job as a female bartender in a topless bar. She had to bare her tits while she was working but that sure wasn't a problem for an experienced former whore like she was.It wasn't because she didn't like being a whore that she decided to change her life. The fact is that she loved fucking and sucking men and driving them so insane with lust for her body that they would do anything to her that she asked them to do in order to get her to satisfy their most erotic and degenerate fantasies. Most of them would even suck her ass and stick their tongue into her ass hole and let her piss all over their face and in their mouth when they were eating her cunt which really excited her.But she knew that whores did not have very good prospects of ever becoming independently wealthy before their bodies wore out so she decided to try and change her life before it was too late for her. When she met Rick he was a young 22 year old computer expert trying to make it big as a designer of computer software. He fell in love with Tammy and when he asked her to marry him she immediately said yes. She was having such a tough time making ends meet for her and Donnie that she was almost ready to give up and return to whoring again because she could easily earn as a whore more than twice what she was making as a bartender.Rick had been her knight in shining armor that she had been praying for. He was deeply in love with her and he totally accepted little Donnie and won his heart over as well. Donnie was by then a little over 5 years old and Rick was the perfect father for her son. Rick was the magic life saver that she had been praying for and she fell hopelessly in love with him even though he was a very naive man- a real computer geek- and totally unsatisfying as a lover as the only thing he knew about making love was how to fuck in the plain vanilla missionary position and how to suck her tits and massage her pussy with his hand.Tammy loved and missed the raw, unbridled sex she had been used to having when she had been a whore, but she never let Rick know that he rated a poor D- in the fucking and sucking department. She was hoping that slowly over time that she would be able to introduce him to exciting sex practices like cunt sucking and ass fucking and having his cock sucked and cum eaten in such a way that he would never suspect that she had ever been a whore. But his untimely death made all of those plans irrelevant.At first she was afraid that a happy life for her and Donnie was just not meant to be and she would have to return to being a whore. But then the executors of Rick's estate told her that she would inherit $15 million dollars. She took her inheritance and invested it in government bonds at 5% which gave her an annual income of $750,000, and that's when she knew that she would never have to be afraid of returning to the whoring life again. But once the hard reality of being alone again sunk in, and her grief over losing Rick had abated, she began having yearnings for the raw, erotic and unrestricted sex that she had loved so much when she had been a whore.So she bought a small two bedroom condo across town from where she and Donnie lived in the beautiful home that Rick had built for her when they were married to have a private hideaway for meeting her lovers when she needed to relieve her horniness. She wanted to keep her sex life separate from her life with her son and also didn't want her neighbors to begin gossiping and maybe complaining about the young rich and beautiful sexy widow that was constantly entertaining a string of men to satisfy her sex needs. She sure didn't want to give any of those wives any reason to think that their husbands might be dipping their wicks in her cunt. She damned sure didn't need that kind of trouble.None of her friends or neighbors knew that she had ever been a whore and she wanted to keep it that way. There was always plenty of studs available sniffing after her pussy hoping to snare a piece of her fortune. She would choose the best hung one out of the bunch and let him service her until she got tired of him and then moved on to the next one. She even occasionally let some of the better studs live in the condo until she tired of them.This had been going on for over seven years, but now Tammy was getting tired of the constant parade of cocks and balls who were only interested in servicing her cunt and mouth with their cocks as the key to the gateway to her wealth. She wanted something more honest, permanent and dependable- someone who wanted her for her and not for her money, but she despaired of ever finding a genuine good man among the constant parade of well hung gigolos.But now as she watched her son practice his dives admiring his lean, muscular, hard body with it's very large cock and balls "package" she could feel her pussy tingling and her cunt getting wet and she thought to herself, "I think it's time to initiate Phase Three", and she began to think about an action plan to make Phase three a reality.Phase Three was the last part of a long term strategy that Tammy had developed about 14 years ago to one day turn her son into her lover when he became sexually mature. Her mother was the one who had unknowingly planted the seed of an idea for a plan that Tammy would develop after her son, Donnie, was born that she hoped would make Tammy's son lust after his mother and want to become her lover and protector when he became sexually active.Tammy's mom had made her own son, David, Tammy's older brother by three years, her lover when he was 12. But she wasn't very subtle about it. When she caught Davidjacking off one night she said that he didn't have to do that when he had his mother's great whore's cunt available and she gave him his first piece of ass. After that David had fucked his mother on a regular basis whenever she did not have a paying date to fuck and suck a john.Tammy saw them fucking each others brains out one night right after her 11th birthday and complained that it wasn't fair for David to get to have all the fun, and their Mom agreed and said that David could fuck her too if she wanted him to, but only in her ass hole. David said he would be happy to fuck his sister's tight ass hole and that's how she became her brother's little fuck mate. Neither David nor Tammy knew at that time that their mom was starting a training program for preparing Tammy to be a whore. On her 12th birthday Mom let David break Tammy's cherry and he did such a good job of fucking her easy that she had a marvelous orgasm and became really hooked on cunt fucking and especially on her brother's cock.For the next year and a half Tammy and her Mom and her brother, David, fucked and sucked each other every chance they could get. Tammy's Mom loved to eat and suck on Tammy's cunt especially after David had fucked it and filled it up with his cum. She said that she had never seen or eaten finer tasting tender cunt meat as Tammy's cunt meat, and the mix of David's cum with Tammy's honey sweet cunt juice was pure nectar. For the next two year's Tammy's Mom taught her how to drive a man wild with her cunt and how to eat and suck out a pussy and how to suck a cock and eat cum. Tammy especially loved to suck David's cock and eat his thick, satiny cum and feel it slide down her throat and spread all over her insides.David loved that period of Tammy's whore's training and sexual transformation because he got to have his pick of two women to fuck and to suck his cock according to his mood- one a highly experienced mature whore who knew every sexual trick in the book for driving a man wild with ecstatic pleasure, and the other a young sweet budding beauty who surrendered her body to his every weird and kinky desire in her eagerness to completely satisfy his every sexual need to please him and make him love her as she loved him.As far as cunt sucking was concerned he had a slight preference for the honey sweet taste of the cunt juice produced by Tammy's young, tender, cunt meat flesh, but when it came to cunt juice production, there was no contest between Tammy and their Mom. Mom could produce and squirt quarts of delicious cunt juice when she really got into a cycle of continuous orgasms and David loved to suck it all up and swallow it down.It was two months before Tammy's 14th birthday when she missed her period. By then she had really blossomed into a beautiful young woman with a pair of well developed tits with large nipples that David loved to suck in between fucking sessions with Tammy while he was letting his balls regenerate new batches of cum. The training that David and his mom had given Tammy turned her into a real dedicated fuck slut and she was not happy unless she had David's cock in her mouth, cunt, or ass hole. She was a little worried when her period didn't come when she expected it. However, she didn't say anything about it to anyone because she knew that her mom was planning her whore's debut on her 14th birthday by auctioning her off to the highest bidder for a 24 hour use of her body for anything he wanted. Also it was the beginning of the six month convention season and her Mom was busy every night fucking and sucking off johns in hotels, sometimes not even coming home for several days at a time and when she did come in she would flop in bed and sleep for hours and then get up, shower and hit the whores circuit again, and Tammy didn't want to create a problem for her mom that would interfere with her earning lots of money during this peak revenue production season for whores.Besides, Tammy had David's cock to fuck and his cum to suck up and eat all to herself. David was having a great time fucking her and sucking out her sweet cunt juice every night for the last two weeks while mom was trolling the convention sites for johns and Tammy didn't want it to end. By that time she had fallen madly in love with her brother and his 8 inch cock and she had become his sex slave gladly doing anything he wanted her to do to him to include sucking and tonguing out his ass and letting him piss in her mouth while she was sucking his cock and drinking it down which really turned him on and greatly increased the quantity of his hot cum when he exploded in her mouth to her great delight.She missed two more periods before she finally confided in her brother that she thought she was pregnant. He was real cool about it and said it was exciting to know that he made a baby in her and it really turned him on and he wanted to fuck her immediately. Tammy was ecstatic at his reaction because she thought he would be pissed at her for not being more careful.After David fucked her and they were both recovering from their massive orgasms she asked him what they were going to do about the baby. First, he said they couldn't let Mom know because she would be really pissed that Tammy had screwed up so bad and might even be mad enough to kick her out of the house on her ass to fend for herself. And second, he told her that they would have to get it aborted but also told her not to worry because he knew a place where they could get it aborted but it would cost a lot of money so she was going to have to help earn it by whoring and selling her pussy to his buddies and their friends who would love to fuck her tender cunt. He said that for $25 bucks each for a fuck and a cock sucking working at night when their Mom was out working as a whore that they could raise the money in about three months.At first she was a little reluctant because she said she wasn't sure how a pregnant whore was supposed to act with a john. It had only been three weeks since her whore's debut and she was still learning the ropes. But David just laughed and said don't worry sis, just do what comes naturally and spread your legs and open your mouth and you'll know what to do when you taste that strange cock. You're going to like it because you're going to get to suck all different types of cocks and taste a lot of different varieties of cum. You'll be a natural sweetie. And that's how she started out as a whore.When David spread the word that his 14 year old pregnant sister was available in 30 minute sessions at very reasonable prices for cunt fucking and cum eating cock sucking, and for small additional charges other kinds of sex acts that she would perform on them such as ass licking and sucking, ass hole tonguing and ass fucking with her tongue and drinking piss from a cock pissing in her mouth while she sucked on it, she quickly had more customers than she could handle. It only took two months to raise the price of an abortion, but business was so good and the money was rolling in so fast that David kept the real facts from her and kept most of the money for himself.After she had been whoring for David for almost four months she asked David if they had enough for the abortion yet and he told her that they still didn't have quite enough money and she would have to just hang in there and keep on whoring for about another six weeks. Tammy was worried and told David that she thought that would put her very close to the six month point in her pregnancy, and she had heard somewhere that abortions beyond the six month point were very tricky and dangerous. David said not to worry. He had it already all set up, and the doctor was a very experienced pussy doctor and had done hundreds of abortions and knew exactly what to do.What Tammy did not realize is that she had somehow miscalculated when her pregnancy had begun and was off by about a month and a half which would put her just over the seven and a half month point if she continued whoring for another six weeks. But she trusted David, not imagining for a second that he would lie to her about something like that because she "knew in her heart" that he loved her and so she kept on whoring for him. The truth is that by then she had begun to really like being a whore and was excited by the effect that she had on men and enjoyed having them lust after her body to fuck her in her cunt and ass, eat her cunt and suck on her ass hole and tongue it out.About five weeks later she was being fucked by a john with a really big, thick, long cock guessing that it was close to a nine incher and was really enjoying it and as her orgasm was hitting its peak she felt this rush of fluid start squirting out of her cunt as she was cumming and thought she was having a great orgasm and her cunt was producing a flood of cunt juice like her momma's cunt sometimes did. It excited her john so much that he pumped a really massive amount of cum into her cunt.She then took on two more johns in quick succession who she both fucked in her cunt and then sucked off their cocks and was just beginning to suck off the cock of a third john after he had just finished fucking her and pumping even more cum into her cunt. She had his cock in her mouth wetting it down and slicking it up with her tongue and saliva before starting to suck on it, when she felt a sharp series of pains in her abdomen that hurt her so much that she involuntarily clamped her jaws down hard on the cock in her mouth breaking the skin with her teeth and causing the john to scream in pain as he jerked his cock out of her mouth.David came running into the bedroom to see what had happened. The john was writhing on the floor holding on to his bleeding cock and screaming that the little bitch whore tried to bite his johnson off and he wanted a refund. At the same time Tammy was having another series of sharp stabbing pains in her lower abdomen and cried to David that she thought the baby was coming.David panicked and ran out to call 911. When the medics arrived six minutes later Tammy was in full labor. And three minutes later her baby's head popped out of her cunt and the rest of him slid right out into the waiting arms of the female med tech. After a quick smack on the ass, Tammy's little baby boy, Donnie, started squalling.As the med tech started to clean up the baby she noted that this baby was unusually small and suspected a preemie and Tammy said that she thought she had only been about six months pregnant. (In reality, she was closer to 8 months) The med tech said that her baby was a preemie and needed to be examined right away by a physician and loaded them all up into the ambulance.On the way to the hospital the med tech was cleaning the baby and noticed some strange milky, sticky like fluid on his head and face and all over his body and suspected what it was and asked Tammy if she had been fucking anyone that night. Tammy said yes she had been fucking some guys and why did she want to know? The med tech shook her head and laughed and said because this little fellow is covered in cum from his head and face all the way down to his toes.Then Tammy told her what had happened and the med tech said, "Child, that wasn't an orgasm. That was your water breaking, and you mean to tell me that you fucked three more johns after that happened?" Then she looked at the baby and said, "Poor little fella. Here you were trying to make you're way out of your mamma's cunt into this cold cruel world and you run into a big snake shooting cum all over your head and face trying to drown you and then you slide out in a river of cum. Welcome to the world little fella."When Tammy's mom found out what had happened she rushed to the hospital to see her daughter and her new baby. She asked Tammy why on earth she didn't say anything about being pregnant. Tammy told her mom that David had warned her not to say anything because he said that their mom would be so mad that she would probably kick Tammy out of the house. Her mom said that she would have been mad all right, but she wouldn't have kicked her out. She would just have had that little bugger immediately aborted that's all.Then she said not to worry they would just put it up for adoption and that would take care of the problem. When Tammy heard that she recoiled in horror and began pleading with her mom to let her keep the baby saying that she loved it because it was David's baby too and she loved David and he loved her too and wouldn't want her to give their baby away. Tammy begged and cried and pleaded with her mom to let her keep the baby.Her mom must have been feeling a little guilty because she was the one that gave Tammy to David for a fuck mate and she finally relented. She said ok, Tammy could keep the baby, but babies were expensive and Tammy would have to become part of her mom's stable of whores and work extra hard to earn the baby's keep. She said Tammy would have to be a full time whore and not just a specialty whore with her young tender cunt for men who loved to fuck young pussies and have their cocks sucked off by sweet looking young girls. Tammy told her not to worry because she already knew how to be a full time whore since David had found lots of men for her to fuck and suck off for $25 apiece. David had been saving her earnings and they almost had enough to pay the $2000 for an abortion when the baby was born early.Her mother laughed derisively and said that the going rate for quickie abortions at that time was only $750 and that she had really been royally fucked over if David was pimping her out for only $25 a fuck or suck. She said that a prime piece of young tender pussy meat like Tammy's would go for a rock bottom minimum of $250 and many men who had a yen for young girl's tight cunts and ass holes would pay as much as $500 an hour to sink their cocks into those tight little cunts and asses. Tammy told her that she didn't believe David would take advantage of her that way and cheat her so badly because he loved her and she loved him.Her mom then told her that she loved her son David too. And she especially enjoyed sucking him off and eating his tasty cum and letting him fuck her with his big hard cock. She said that she couldn't exactly explain it, but the fact that David was her son and the knowledge that it was her son's cock in her mouth whenever she sucked it off and could feel his hot cum sliding down her throat really seemed to amplify the erotic pleasure she felt far more than when she was sucking off some john's cock. And then when David shot his cum down her throat it gave her a special thrill to know that she was eating her son's cum and it really intensified her orgasms and made them much more powerful than when she was just eating some john's cum.She didn't really understand why this was the case, but she thought maybe it had something to do with the mothering instinct and the mother-child bond knowing that the cycle of birth was coming full cycle as her son who began from a shot of some anonymous john's cum fertilizing an egg in her cunt that developed into the son who was now shooting another load of cum into her cunt looking for an egg to start the cycle all over again. Or maybe it was because she had no idea which of the many johns she had fucked was David's father or which john was Tammy's father too for that matter because she got a bigger thrill out of sucking out Tammy's cunt than any other woman's cunt.She said it was all a mystery to her, but the one thing that she did know for sure was that as much as she loved to be fucked by her son and to suck his cock and eat his cum, he was still just a man, and he was just like all men who treated all women as just potential fuck sluts to fuck and have their cocks sucked off and used them for their own benefit like David did when he pimped out Tammy for a back alley whore's price of $25 and then kept most of her earnings for himself.Tammy's mom said it really wasn't David's fault that he was that way because it wasn't his fault he was a man. She told Tammy that it's all right to fuck and suck men and they're fun to have around sometimes, but don't ever make the mistake of believing that a man ever has a woman's welfare at heart. She told Tammy that she needed to look after herself and never trust a man, even her own brother, to look after her and protect her. Tammy began her life after that as a full time whore six months before her 15th birthday and grew to really love her work. She still fucked and sucked David for her own pleasure because she rarely got any sexual pleasure herself out of being a whore because all her energy was devoted to giving her johns the best sexual experience they could ever hope to have. That kept them coming back for more of her delectable body. But when she fucked and sucked David she could let herself go and let him give her the best orgasms she had ever had. David really did have a marvelous cock and his tongue in her cunt licking the interior flesh right behind the fleshy entrance gates to her cunt drove her crazy. Mom was right about it being fun sometimes to have a man around, but she had learned the lesson that her mom had taught her and she never fully trusted David again. She kept her whore's earnings for herself and her baby, Donnie. She even made David pay her the regular whore's fee anytime he wanted any of her special services such as fucking his ass with her tongue or his special delight of pissing in her mouth while she was sucking his cock.When Tammy's baby, Donnie was about nine months old, she and her mom were changing his wet diaper one after noon with little Donnie laying on his back on Tammy's bed. He was laughing and cooing and reached down to pull on his little pecker with his small fist and Tammy's mom laughed and said that was just like a man- already trying to jack himself off. She smiled at Tammy and said I think I'll help him out and she leaned down and took his little pecker in her mouth and started sucking on it and it actually got hard and was about 1-1/2 to 3 inches long when he let out a stream of pee into Tammy's mom's mouth which she drank down and smacked her lips and said that was pretty good tasting piss and it saves a diaper change too.Tammy asked her mom if it was all right to be sucking on his little dick at his age. Her mom laughed and said she had started sucking David's cock when he was just about the same age and regularly sucked his little pecker until he was almost five years old and he used to love to pee in her mouth as well. She stopped when she did because she didn't want him to have any well developed memories of his cock being sucked by his mom as a baby and accidentally tell someone and get her in trouble for child abuse. But she was sure that the subconscious memory of having his cock sucked and peeing in his mom's mouth so often when he was just a little guy had a lot to do with how much he likes to be sucked off today and how much he loves to suck her cunt and fuck her.That episode caused Tammy to begin thinking. She had heard a TV program not too long ago about how to program babies to have an appreciation for classical music by playing classical music while they were in their cribs asleep or awake and playing. The idea was that their subconscious mind would develop a love for classical music that would last for the rest of their lives.She thought about this idea and she also thought about what her mother had told her about never trusting or depending on a man when David had pimped her out and kept almost all the money she had made fucking and sucking off johns and even eating out their asses and drinking their piss while she was carrying his baby. But she also noted how David really doted after their Mom and did everything for her. He didn't treat their mother like just another cunt like the way he treated his sister.Tammy knew she was a young good looking whore today with a tender tight cunt and ass that men lusted after and would pay a premium to have her service the full range of their kinky and degenerate sexual needs. Giving birth to Donnie didn't damage her cunt at all. He was such a small little preemie tyke and her cunt was so full of cum that when he came pushing down her cunt it was so well lubricated with cum that it was like he was sliding in a mess of grease and he just popped out without hardly stretching any part of her love hole.But Tammy was a smart girl and she also knew that if she decided to pursue a career in whoring as her mom did, that one day she would be an older whore with a much looser cunt and ass that men wouldn't look twice at, and that's when she knew she would need a good man to depend on who would care for her and protect her.She really did believe what her mother told her about men. And she also knew that it would be very unlikely that as a whore, that she would ever find some good man to love and marry her and take care of her and Donnie. But she thought maybe her Donnie could be an exception and someday become a man that could protect her, and for her to depend on like David had become for their mother. But for that to happen she thought that she would have to find a way to make sure that he would always love her and be totally committed to her in every way- emotionally, physically, and sexually. That's when she hatched her three phase plan to program Donnie to want to be her full time lover and protector when he became a young man and sexually mature.Phase One of the plan began when Donnie was nine months old and Tammy's mom first sucked his little pecker and drank his piss when he peed in her mouth. The end of Phase one would occur when Donnie was about 4-1/2 to 5 years old. During those approximately 4 years Tammy would regularly suck Donnie's little cock at every opportunity while he was a baby and let him pee in her mouth as often as he felt like it and drink his pee down to imprint on his subconscious mind how much fun it was to have his mother suck on his cock and drink his piss.As he got a little older and became a toddler she would take him out of his crib and let him sleep in the bed with his naked mother encouraging him to explore and play with her pussy and tits and suck on her nipples after he had been weaned off her milk. She would take baths with him and suck his little prick to make it hard and then drink his pee when he pissed in her mouth.About the time he turned two she introduced him to the pleasures of sucking on her pussy and cunt. She accomplished this by painting her clit and pussy slit with sweet watered down jelly and encouraged him to lick her pussy and suck on her clit. Donnie loved the taste of Tammy's pussy juice with its strawberry and grape jelly flavors and did not have to be encouraged to get in bed at night because he knew he would get to lick his mom's pussy.After about three months of this she began gradually reducing the amount of watered down jelly that she would paint her cunt with until after about five months Donnie was eating her pussy and sucking on her clit without any flavoring needed to entice him to bury his little face in his mother's cunt.That last year of Phase One was really a lot of fun for Tammy and Donnie too. He had really gotten used to having his little cock sucked by Tammy and enjoyed peeing in her mouth as often as he could. He also loved to lick Tammy's pussy and became so good at sucking her clit with his little lips and tongue that she actually had a number of orgasms which caused her pussy and cunt to generate a flood of juices which little Donnie used to love to suck up as well.But she knew it was time to bring Phase One to an end when she and her next door friend, Amber, were sitting on her kitchen stools having some wine and talking about how the whoring business was going- Amber was also a whore- when little Donnie stuck his head under Amber's skirt and started licking at her cunt through her panties.Amber giggled and said to Tammy that it looked like she was going to have a regular cunt licking cocksman on her hands when he got to be a teenager. Donnie had just turned four years old and Tammy realized that he was getting very close to being able to develop permanent memories of eating his mother's cunt and peeing in her mouth when she sucked his cock, so she knew it was time to end Phase One and transition to Phase Two of her plan.Phase Two was designed to get Donnie used to seeing his mother's "private parts" as a normal part of every day living as he was growing up. She would not be very modest about her body when she was dressing or taking a shower and would let Donnie be around her when she was in her bedroom changing clothes and her tits and cunt would become exposed to his view treating it as just a natural thing to happen.She started wearing very short see through Victoria Secret style baby doll pajama tops that came to only a couple of inches below her cunt with no bottoms for bed at night. Then in the mornings she would get Donnie ready for school and make his breakfast wearing only her pajama top and he would get plenty of opportunities to see his mom's great tits and cunt and would just think it was normal. When she sunbathed around her pool in her skimpy bikinis while Donnie was playing in the pool, she would take her top off to get an even tan on her tits. And at night when he was from five to maybe 8 to 9 years old she would let him sleep with her and cuddle with her body and maybe suck on her nipples from time to time when he felt like it and so on.The whole idea of Phase Two was to use that time between the end of Phase One to the time when Donnie would begin to become sexually aware, to be familiar with his mother's body, especially her tits and pussy in an apparently innocent and normal way.Phase Three is where Tammy would take advantage of Donnie's awakening and raging masculine hormones and come up with a scenario that would "accidentally" inflame Donnie's desire for his mother's body and make it easy for Donnie to make a pass at his mother in an attempt to seduce her and fuck her. Tammy would at first pretend to try to talk him out of fucking his mother but would quickly fall under his "irresistible" masculine power and totally surrender her body to him for whatever purpose he wished. She would let him fuck her in the cunt and in the ass and suck his cock and eat his cum as often as he wanted. She would in essence become his sex slave- the woman that, in his mind, he had conquered and made his own to possess in any way he wanted and anytime he wanted through the power of his undeniable masculine essence.Tammy knew that the scenario that she devised would have to be carefully crafted to inflame Donnie's lust for his mother's body and make him want to fuck her but at the same time not make it seem to him that Tammy was inviting him to fuck her, that is that she was intentionally seducing him. It was important that he view himself as being in total control of the situation when he possessed his mother's cunt.Tammy had been into Phase two for several months when she met Rick and the miracle happened when he asked her to marry him. She stopped Phase 2 of her plan when that happy event happened since Rick was now her love, security, and protector. And besides, she was then sleeping with Rick and fucking him at night which made it kind of difficult to create opportunities for little Donnie to become familiar with his mom's tits and cunt. But when Rick died she was so despondent in her grief and despaired of ever finding another man who would give her the love and protection that she craved for herself, and not just because she had a lot of money, that she initiated Phase two with Donnie again when he was about six years old. It was easy to do because Donnie missed Rick almost as much as Tammy did and did not want to sleep alone at night and so Tammy took him into her bed at night and let him snuggle up to her naked body for security in her comforting embrace. In that way during his childhood years he became intimately familiar with his mother's body as he was growing up into an adolescent.All during Phase two Tammy was very careful to not ever let any thing occur that might be construed as sexual activity to occur between she and her son except on one occasion when he was eight years old and began asking questions about why he had a cock and balls and his mother didn't, but instead she had a hole between her legs.She then explained to him in a very matter of fact way all about the "birds and the bees" and how babies were made when a man stuck his cock into a woman's pussy hole. But then when he wanted to try sticking his little cock (which by then was almost five inches long when it got hard), into Tammy's pussy hole to see what it was like to satisfy his curiosity, Tammy let him do it for just a couple of minutes. When nothing happened as Tammy knew nothing would happen, he just said "yuck, it sure is slippery mom", and then pulled his cock out of her cunt and lost all interest in the difference between cocks and pussies for the next few years until he began to enter puberty.The idea was that when he did start to become sexually aware, usually between 11 and 12 years of age for young boys, and then started puberty at around 12 years of age and started thinking about tits and pussies and wishing that he could suck and fuck them he would remember that time when he had questions about the differences between males and females and his mom had let him see how his cock was supposed to fit in to a pussy to make a baby by letting him stick it in to her pussy, he would naturally focus on his mother's body and her delectable tits and pussy that had been so familiar and natural to him over the years, but which he would now look on as the objects of his sexual desires and fantasies. That's the point where Phase Three would kick in.Tammy was thinking about all of these things when Donnie walked over from the pool dripping wet and leaned over her outstretched body in the lounge chair with water dripping off of him onto her stomach and tits and grinned and said,"Those are really spectacular tits mom- eminently suckable I would say. Mind if I have a little suck mom?"And as he started to bend down Tammy pretended to recoil in horror and covered her tits with her hands and giggled and said,"Now stop that Donnie! I don't think that would be a good idea honey, even as good as I think it might feel and as much as I might like for you to suck my tits. You know you're too old now to be sucking on your mother's tits like you used to do when you were just a little guy. If you want to suck on some tits, I suggest you hit on some of those girls on the swim team with their nice fresh titty meat. I bet it wouldn't be hard at all to find one that would love to have you suck on her tits."Donnie laughed, and replied,"I'm just joking mom. Don't panic. I know sons aren't supposed to fool around with their mom's that way."And he gave his mom a kiss on her cheek and said he was going to take a shower to get all the chlorine off. As he started to leave for the house he drug his right hand across her tits and gave her left tit a nice squeeze and said,"Very nice and firm Mom," and just before he stepped through the patio door heading for the shower he paused and said "But I can always dream mom, can't I?!" and then stepped through the door with a laugh.Tammy was hot all over. His hand stroking across her tits had generated electric jolts all through her body and deep in her cunt. She had a good look up close at Donnie's package through his skin tight, wet spandex suit when he was standing over her and she could clearly see the outlines of his bent over rock hard cock and its big cock head and was sure it was at least a seven incher and could easily have been an eight inch love rod. He clearly had a raging hard on caused by Tammy's spectacular tits and body and it was all she could do to resist the urge to pull it out of his bathing suit and start sucking on it. And then he stunned her when he made the crack about "dreaming" when he was leaving for the shower.Tammy suddenly realized that Donnie was trying to entice her, his mom, into making the first move in fucking her son by flaunting his hard cock in her face, caressing her tits, and making cracks about sucking her tits to inflame Tammy's sexual desire for his body. At the same time she was tying to do the same thing to him by wearing that tight bikini bottom that perfectly outlined every feature of her pussy, pussy slit, and cunt and removing her top to expose her beautiful tits to his gaze. And at the moment she thought that it looked like he was winning and she couldn't have that. She had to be in control and not Donnie.Tammy decided that it was already too late for trying to create some cutesy pie little scenario for leading Donnie down the path of possessing and ravishing Tammy's body. She needed to take some kind of clever direct action now before Donnie broke his cherry with some cute little cunt on the swim team that would take the edge off his desire to fuck his mother. Then it came to her in a stroke of genius!She jumped up out of the lounge chair and literally ran to get to her bedroom. Donnie was still in the shower in the hall bathroom and would have to pass by Tammy's bedroom door on the way to his room. Tammy left the door to her bedroom cracked open about 6 or 8 inches and climbed into bed laying on top of the sheets completely naked and reached into her nightstand and pulled out her favorite vibrating dildo and shoved it into her cunt. Donnie would have to walk down the hall past her bedroom door to get to his room when he left the shower, and when he did he would hear Tammy moaning in passion as she fucked herself with her dildo in her bed. Tammy was counting on him hearing her and entering her room to see what was happening, and when he saw her with the dildo in her cunt she would act mortified at being caught like that and start crying hoping that he would try to comfort her and then nature would take its course and he would fuck her brains out.Tammy lay there in anticipation slowly massaging her cunt to get the cunt juices flowing. She didn't want Donnie to walk in on a dry cunt. She was beginning to feel really good as she pumped that vibrating dildo in and out of her cunt and could feel her cunt juices starting to flow. Then she heard the door to the bathroom open and she started her moaning and humping her hips up and down on the bed, "OWwwww......., Ohhhhhhh.........., Oooooohhhhh god......, ohhhhhh, god..., Aaahhhhiiieieeeeeeee......Donnie was walking down the hall with a towel wrapped around his waist and when he approached his mother's bedroom door he heard her groaning and moaning and pushed open her door and was shocked to see his mom totally naked, writhing on the bed fucking herself in her cunt with that dildo and writhing and moaning in ecstasy. He ran to her bedside crying out,"MOM! MOM! WHAT ARE YOU DOING MOM! You don't have to do that mom! Stop! You're going to hurt yourself!"When Donnie came rushing to her bedside Tammy quickly pulled the dildo out of her cunt and shoved it under her pillow as she half-way sat up and turned her body away from Donnie's eyes as she pretended to be embarrassed and mortified at being caught naked fucking herself with a dildo and simultaneously tried to cover her tits with her right arm and her cunt with her left hand and cried out,"Oh my god! I'm sorry Donnie! I'm so sorry honey...... I didn't mean for you to see me fucking myself like that... I couldn't help myself... I just couldn't help myself..., I'm so tired of being alone with no one to love me and hold me..., I'm just so unhappy baby...," and she started to cry and sob heavily.Donnie sat on the bed next to Tammy and put his arms around her and pulled her up against him hugging her tight against his chest as he said,"It's all right mom, its all right. Please don't cry mom. I know mom. I understand. I know how it is for you without a husband. I love you mom. I love you. Please don't worry mom. I'm going to take care of you mom. You'll never have to be alone again. I'll be your man for you. I love you momma. I love you."Donnie could feel Tammy's tits and hard nipples rubbing his bare chest, and that feeling together with the fantastic erotic vision of his mother fucking herself with her legs spread wide and humping her cunt up into that dildo was driving him crazy with erotic lust for his mother's body and he felt his cock get rock hard under the towel around his waist.Tammy felt that hard cock also pressing into her belly and she said between sobs,"I'm so sorry Donnie but I've been so unhappy and unfulfilled as a woman since Rick died. He would have been a wonderful father for you and I loved him dearly. He made beautiful love to me making me feel like a woman. Ever since he died I have searched for a man like he was who could love you and I as he did. But all I have found are men who only wanted to get control of our money and made me feel like a cheap whore whenever I slept with them so I gave them up baby.But I'm a woman darling and I have strong sexual urges just like I'm sure you do too and sometimes those urges are too powerful for me to control and so I resort to fake cocks to fuck myself. I don't think I'll ever find a man like Rick who would love me and fuck me just for me as a woman and not as a cash register to get to my money. I just don't know what else to do honey...I'm so unhappy..., I just need a good man to love me baby," and she broke out into another round of deep sobbing.Donnie was in almost a trance like state now with the overpowering urge that he had to fuck his mother and he gently lowered her down on the bed on her back, and started talking,"It's ok mom. I really do understand mom. I love you mom and I'll take care of you... don't worry... please don't cry now...," and he slid his face down and started sucking on her tits and began massaging her pussy mound with his left hand as his cock was pressing into her clit area. Tammy thought to herself with joy, 'You have him now Tammy...don't rush it......let him take you and possess you when he's ready...,' and she waited about 10 seconds and then said, "Oh my God that feels wonderful baby, but this isn't right honey. I'm you're mother Donnie, and mothers and sons shouldn't be lovers no matter how great it feels....But oh my god it feels so good......, oh lord soooo deliciously wonderful and good..."Donnie gently pushed her legs apart and slid his body over on top of hers between her legs with his cock resting in Tammy's slit valley and began sliding it up and down in her slit valley pussy juices. Tammy reached down to feel his hard cock and said,"Oh god Donnie, you feel just like Rick used to feel baby only much bigger, but we shouldn't do this baby. It's incest darling, but oh my god it feels so fantastically wonderful." And Donnie replied,"Please mom, please let me love you. I love you mom. I'll be your man mom. I've dreamed about loving only you mom. I don't care about any of those up tight swim team girls or your money or anything else mom. You're the only woman I've ever dreamed about loving. I'll always be here for you mom. Please let me be your man to love you and take care of you mom......," as he started pushing the head of his cock through the wet fleshy entrance of her yearning cunt.Tammy was concentrating hard on manipulating this seduction of her son to make sure that he would think that he was the one that was seducing his mother against her will so she knew that she would probably not be having a spontaneous orgasm on this first fuck and would have to really fake a good one to make Donnie feel like he had totally possessed his mother to pump up his masculine ego.Tammy sure knew how to fake a good orgasm since she had faked hundreds of them during her teenage whoring years. She gasped as she felt his cock penetrating her cunt and she knew that it would not take him long to blow his wad in her as excited as he was so she began her act right away."OH MY GOD DONNIE MY LOVE! I can feel your massive cock head penetrating me now......... it feels wonderful in me darling... Oh please God help me because I can't help myself sweetheart...... Oh God I know this is wrong baby but I don't want you to stop... love me darling, love me.........ram it home baby, fill me up with that wonderful love rod of yours...," and at the same time she began humping her hips up to push her cunt hard up against his thrusting cock and began writhing her body and moaning incoherently.Donnie could not believe he was in his mother's cunt. It was better than he had ever imagined it would be. He marveled at how hot, moist, and soft the flesh of her inner cunt was as it gripped every part of his cock sucking it deep into her body, the strong muscles of her cunt walls squeezing and rippling against the head of his cock and its long shaft as it pulled his stiff hot meat hard up against her cervix. Donnie cried out,"Oh my god mom, I'm in heaven. I never dreamed it would feel so good to be in a woman's body. You're cunt is alive mom, squeezing and massaging every inch of my cock in your hot, moist, tender flesh sending little electric jolts all through my body. I can feel my balls churning mom. God it's the most exquisite feeling I've ever had."Tammy sighed and said, "I know my love. I know. I'm feeling it too darling. I'm flying baby...... flying in ecstasy to know that I am the first woman you have ever fucked...... oh god it's so wonderful to have you back in me where you came from darling...... I can feel that delicious, delirious feeling starting to build deep in my womb and cunt. You're magnificent baby. Fuck me hard darling. Take me for your woman. Possess me my love. Fill me up with your wonderful love juice. Oh god I think I'm going to cum baby............ Fuck me darling...... fuck me hard and deep......... fuck your mother's brains out.........,"and she threw her legs around Donnie's ass and crossed her ankles locking him tight in her humping cunt and began wildly caressing and lightly scratching his back with her fingernails.Donnie was lost in the ecstasy of his building orgasm and automatically began thrusting his cock hard in and out of Tammy's cunt until he could feel it penetrating her cervix and could feel the cum boiling in his balls starting to make its way up to his cock and he cried out,"I can feel it boiling in my balls mom. I'm going to cum momma, its heading up for my cock, god it feels wonderful............,"Tammy gasped, "Let it come darling...... shoot me full of that wonderful love juice......... I'm cumming baby, I'm cumming baby............ empty your balls in your mamma's cunt............ I want to feel that hot love juice in every part of my body......... in my stomach, throat, mouth and tongue,.......... oh god, oh god, oh god, I'm cumming darling, I'm cummmmmiiinnnng.........."And at that moment Donnie's hard cock started shooting big wads of thick, hot cum into Tammy's cunt and cervix and he was hollering,"I'm cumming mamma, oh god I'm cummmmmmiiiiinnnnggg......, oh jesus mom, I feel like I'm dying momma.........."And at the instant Tammy felt her son's powerful jets of hot cum shooting into her body she began frantically arching her back and thrusting hard up against her son's cock and began shrieking,"Oh my god I'm cumming baby...... I feel your hot cum filling me up......... jesus, god I'm cuuummmmiiiinnnnggg...,"as she violently arched her back in a giant upward thrust against his cock lifting him off the bed and held it there and screamed,"OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD......AHHHH..., AHHHHH, AHHHHHHH, .. AHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE..... ......." as she faked her giant orgasm and then collapsed limply back on the bed with Donnie lying on top of her in total amazed disbelief at the power of his mother's orgasm- the orgasm that he had caused her to have and he felt a sudden surge of masculinepride in his ability to so totally possess his mother and drive her to such heights of ecstasy.Tammy was lying there with her eyes closed trying to make her body totally limp underneath her son with his still hard cock in her cunt. His cock had not yet started to soften and she was resisting an almost overwhelming urge to keep humping her cunt against it. She had faked that giant orgasm but she had been very close to almost reaching her own natural orgasm when Donnie started pumping her full of his hot cock sauce and so she couldn't wait. Now she was resisting that powerful urge to keep on humping her cunt into his hard cock to complete her own orgasm because she wanted him to believe that the fake one was the one he gave her and that it was so powerful that she was drained of all energy.Donnie looked into his mom's face with her eyes closed with such a beautiful serene look about her and thought he saw a tear beginning to form in one of her eyes and started to think that maybe he hurt her in some way and started to pull out of her cunt when she stopped him by gabbing his buns and pulling him in tight against her cunt and said,"Don't pull out yet honey. I want it to last as long as possible. My god, you were wonderful. I have never......," and then she let out a sob and the tears started pouring out of her eyes.Donnie got worried and said, "I'm sorry mom. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to force myself on you mom. I just couldn't stop myself. I just snapped mom. Please don't hate me mom...... please don't cry, oh please don't cry...... I would never hurt you mom......"And Tammy said, "It's ok Donnie my love. You didn't do anything wrong darling. I loved being made love to by you angel. You have made me the happiest woman on earth by honoring me and choosing me to be the first woman to have sex with you. No one- not even Rick- has ever made such powerful love to me like you just did my darling.You didn't force yourself on me my sweet. I could have stopped you if I had had the will to do it. I knew that what we were about to do was incest and I would be turning you into an incestuous son if I let you fuck me. I'm your mother and I should have had the will power to stop you but I didn't. I let you fuck me and I loved it better than any man has ever fucked me before.I'm crying now because I let you commit incest with me baby and as much as I loved the way you have honored me by choosing me to be the first woman you fucked, I know that its wrong to let you continue to be my lover and I will never again know the heights of ecstasy that I achieved with you my love.""No Mom, No!", said Donnie. "Please don't think that Mom. I love you Mom and I want to take care of you always and forever. It's ok Mom. It's really ok. I don't care about incest or anything like that. You deserve to be happy Mom and I want to make you happy.You're the most beautiful sexy woman I have ever known and I want to be your man and your lover. You won't ever have to search for some other man to satisfy your desires and feel like a whore ever again. Forget about that incest word. It doesn't mean a thing to me and besides we aren't the only mother and son that like to make love with each other."Tammy looked surprised and replied, "Oh Donnie honey, I love you too baby and I want you to be my man and lover as well but if it ever became known that we were having sex with each other, the do-gooders in society would charge me with a crime and break us up and I couldn't stand that baby. And what do you mean that we aren't the only mother and son having sex with each other?"Donnie said, "Alan Everly, one of my swim team mates, told me that Eric Spalding and his twin brother, Scott, have been fucking their mother on a regular basis for the last year. Eric and Scott are juniors on our swim team and their dad spends a lot of time traveling for his business and is often away from home for months at a time. I think you already know their mom. She is the real good looking blonde woman with the stacked tits that always comes to our swim meets. I think her name is Evelyn, or Ethyl, or something like that.Anyway, Eric told Alan that last year when his dad was away on one of his trips that his mom caught him beating off in his room one Saturday night after his girlfriend got him all worked up and then wouldn't let him fuck her. His mom heard him beating his meat and came into his room and told him that he didn't have to do that and she pushed him back on the bed, dropped her panties, and climbed up on top of his body and fucked his brains out and then gave him a great blow job.While she was sucking his cock, Scott walked in on them and said that if she was going to fuck and suck Eric, then she would have to fuck and suck him too or he would spill the beans to their dad. Well, that was just all right with their mom. She said that she would probably need two cocks to keep her satisfied anyway.Ever since that time, Eric and Scott have been fucking their mom almost every night whenever their dad is away on one of his business trips, which is almost every month for at least a couple of weeks at a time. Eric told Alan that his mom is really one horny woman with such a super powerful sex drive that he and his brother have a hard time keeping her satisfied whenever his dad is away.I've also heard rumors about some other incest situations involving a couple of other guys and their moms and even a few girls at our school who have supposedly bragged about fucking their fathers, but I haven't actually heard them for myself say those things so I don't know for sure how true those rumors are.But mom, the point is that incest is not so rare and other moms and their sons engage in it and don't think there is anything wrong with it as long as everyone likes and enjoys what they're doing. So don't feel bad Mom about what we did. You loved it and I loved it and that's all that matters. You're a beautiful, sexy young woman and you need a man mom. Please let me be that man mom. No other man can love you the way I love you. I want to be your lover Mom. Please let me be your lover."Tammy said, "Oh god, you're right baby. I do love having your magnificent cock deep in me. And I feel your magic cock getting stiff again. Are you ready again lover? Do me again angel. Fuck me hard again and fill me up with your hot cock sauce. Oh god I'm in heaven with your cock buried deep in my cunt. Fuck me Donnie my love......... fuck me hard and deep my darling..... take me again and again and again as often as you want me whenever you want me.... I'm your woman now honey and you're my man now angel, so fuck me baby! Fuck my brains out until I scream for you to stop and then fuck me even harder!"Donnie began thrusting his hard cock in and out of Tammy's cunt with power and energy exulting in the effect he was having on his mother, and Tammy let down all her cautions and went wild with passion humping her cunt hard against Donnie's thrusting cock and let herself fly on the wings of growing delicious ecstasy until she exploded in a massive orgasm as Donnie again began shooting his hot cum into her body. She was wild with desire for his body and as soon as her orgasm subsided she rolled him over on to his back and pulled his cock out of her cunt and began to suck it dry of all the remaining cum in its piss hole exclaiming how much she loved the taste of his hot cock sauce.Donnie was ecstatic. This was the first time he had ever had his cock sucked and he was swooning with pleasure. "Oh my god mom! That feels fantastic. Your lips and tongue are electric making my cock tingle all over with waves of pleasure shooting through my body. Don't stop Mom, don't stop! I think I feel another orgasm starting to build."Tammy continued sucking and soon felt the head of Donnie's cock begin to throb and she knew he was close to shooting his wad again and she paused for a moment to exhort him on and said,"C'mon baby. Shoot me your hot load. I want to feel it on my tongue and taste it's sweet flavor and feel its satiny texture as it slides down my throat spreading and coating my insides all over. Cum in my mouth darling, cum in your momma's mouth......", and she began stroking his cock with her hand as she started sucking on the head again.Donnie was wild with erotic lust for his mother. He had never imagined her as such a wanton sexual animal begging him to shoot his cum into her mouth as she devoured his cock with her mouth and he could feel the cum boiling in his balls again as it began racing up into his cock to shoot out into his mother's mouth in a serious of four delicious excruciating spasms that fired every nerve ending in his body. Tammy eagerly sucked his cock dry and filled her mouth with her son's warm, sweet cum and then let it slowly slide down her throat feeling it coat the insides of her throat and stomach.For the next four or five hours Tammy and Donnie enjoyed each others bodies to the maximum. Tammy gave Donnie several more mind blowing cock suckings eagerly eating all of his cum and she introduced Donnie to the pleasures of eating pussy and sucking out her cunt since he had not yet experienced that delight. Then she showed him the best 69 positions so they could both enjoy the pleasures of oral sex at the same time. She also taught him how to fuck her in various different positions such as the back door doggie position, the cowgirl tit sucking position and the butterfly scissors position. Tammy was amazed and at the same time ecstatically happy over the sexual power and stamina of her son. He was capable of sustaining his hard on for hours at a time and could generate huge loads of cum and orgasms every 15 minutes.Finally, after they were pretty much exhausted Tammy said to Donnie,"My love, this has been the most wonderful afternoon I have ever had in my life. You are a powerful lover baby- the best I have ever had, and I hope I can be your woman in every way from now on sweetheart. But before we make that hugely important decision, there are some things we need to talk about first, ok?"Donnie replied and said, "Sure mom. Whatever you say. But first I want you to know that you have made my wildest dreams and fantasies come true today mom. I love you mom. I love you because you're my mother, but more importantly, I love you as a woman so much that it hurts and no matter what I will always love you and I hope we can always make love with each other like we did today. Tammy replied,"I love you too Donnie and I too hope we can always be lovers as well. And I'm sure we will be lovers for a very long time darling, because after today I cannot conceive of ever wanting any other man but you to make love to me. But there are a couple of things that need to be understood by both of us honey.First, it's very important that you understand that what we did today in the eyes of the law was a crime, and if it became known, I could be prosecuted and sent to jail and you would be sent to a foster home. I'm not talking about incest now. We engaged in incest alright, but incest isn't a crime in this state. The crime is when an adult, like me, has sex with a minor child before the age of consent, boy or girl. In this state, boys are considered to have reached the age of consent when they are 16. But for girls, it's still 18. And it doesn't make any difference whether the adult is a parent, a close blood relative, or just some stranger. The law considers that to be rape and the penalty could be as much as 20 years in prison.So it's absolutely imperative that no one ever knows that we are lovers as long as you are still a minor. That means until your 16th birthday at the earliest. You will be 15 in about three months so that means you will have to be very careful for the next 15 months to not inadvertently say or do anything that might give someone a hint that we are lovers and having regular sex with each other.Please understand honey that I'm not ashamed of us being lover's darling, and I'm not afraid of the police or some other law enforcement agency discovering that we are lovers. As long as we are very careful and always have our sex with each other in private it's not likely that anyone in authority or in law enforcement would ever find about it.The real danger is some of the self-righteous, holy-roller, church going type people in our community who would not hesitate to turn us in to the authorities if they knew we were having sex with each other. But after you turn 16, if you want to shout it to the world that I'm your woman and your lover, nothing would make me prouder. But until then, you can't breathe a word about us being lovers to anyone.But to be perfectly honest, I would prefer that even after you turn 16 that you try and keep our sexual relationship private. That's because all those self-righteous, "do-gooder" type people in this community would gossip and complain about us and try and make life miserable for us and make as much trouble for us as they could to try and force us to move away.Donnie honey, the reason I'm worried about this is that it seems evident that from the rumors you have heard about other guys and even some girls at your school having sex with their parents that incest is happening in this community and the kids are bragging about it among themselves, and that baby is very dangerous.I do know Ethyl Spalding. She and I have talked a lot at the swim meets and have sort of become pretty good friends and I really like her. She is really a pretty cool woman. But I'm also not surprised that she and her twin son's are fucking each other. I already suspected as much by observing how she and Eric and Scott acted around each other. But Eric is acting very recklessly in talking about it with Alan. If Alan knows about their incest, and you now know about it, I wonder how many other people in the community now know about it.Now I'm going to make it a point to make sure that Ethyl knows that Eric has confided to some of his friends that she and her sons are fucking and sucking each other so that she can warn him about the dangers of loose talk. Don't worry. I won't mention Alan's name or yours. I'll just tell her that I have heard rumors and that she needs to caution her sons about bragging about the great fucking and sucking they are getting from their mother when their dad's out of town.Now in our situation, I have no doubt that there are people in this community who would love to see me get into serious trouble. I'm a very rich, still young, beautiful, and very sexy widow and some of the wives in this community look on me as a threat thinking that their husbands will be chasing after my pussy. They would be very happy to see me get into serious trouble and they wouldn't hesitate to make a complaint to the police if there were ever any rumors about us being lovers. So you can't ever talk about our relationship with anyone baby- for sure before you're 16 and I would prefer that you not talk about it even after you're 16. I know that all young men like to brag to their buddies about all the great sex that they might be getting as sort of a one-ups-man-ship game among themselves, but you must resist the urge to ever do that honey, ok?"Donnie said, "I understand Mom. I would never reveal the private details about the sex we have with each other. And if by some outside chance someone gets curious and makes a lucky guess, I'll just deny everything. As long as no one ever catches us in the act they will never be able to prove a thing."Tammy replied, "That's the idea honey. Never admit anything and we will be just fine. Now another thing that I think we need to talk about angel, and this is really important, is how I feel about you with other women and how you should feel about me and other men, on the extremely remote chance that any other man or men should ever be a factor in my life again.From this day forward I am going to be your woman and your sex slave baby. You're a young man now with raging hormones and you have a powerful sex drive and you are going to have frequent needs for sex. I want you to know that anytime you feel horny for any kind of sex that I will always be available to satisfy your needs no matter what they are- a good fuck session, a quick hand job in the car on the way to school or somewhere, a mind-blowing cum eating blow job, or maybe just a yen for eating my pussy and sucking out my cunt.I also have strong sex desires and I want and need to enjoy your body as much as you want to enjoy mine angel. So as long as we're together, I will always satisfy your needs for sex no matter what they are, and they will be varied as you get older and we experiment with different kinds of sex acts to satisfy our desires. But I'm also your mother baby, and I want you to have a normal upbringing and development during these very important teenage years as you grow into a fine, strong, self-confident, mature man.What I am getting at Donnie is that a major part of the fun of being a young, horny, teenage man is chasing the pretty young girls with their shapely bottoms and budding tits to see how many you can score with and comparing results with your buddies. I don't want you to deny yourself that pleasure just because you are already getting all the great fucking and sucking you need at home with me. I want you to have girlfriends and to fuck as many of them as you can score with, but only if they want you to and let you fuck them. Never ever force yourself on a woman baby. There are too many fish in the ocean that will be more than willing to be penetrated by your magnificent cock to waste time with some gal who thinks her pussy is so special that she is "saving" it and who might try and cause trouble afterwards if you fucked her anyway.I am a very experienced woman honey and for the next year or so I am going to teach you how to really make love to a woman, and not just stick your cock in her cunt and fuck her, but to make love to her in such a way that she will do anything for you that you want her to do.The secret to scoring with women darling is to give them such erotic, sexual, pleasure, when you have sex with them, that they will beg you for more and be willing to satisfy your every sexual need to get it. Men who are great lovers understand that the real secret to having a woman satisfy their every sexual need, fantasy, and desire is to first make sure that they first satisfy their woman's sexual needs and desires.Now to make it easy for you to score, with your young, hot, classmates I'm going to give you access to a two bedroom condo that I bought seven years ago after Rick died. I'm pretty sure you don't know about it because that's where I used to meet my boyfriends over the years whenever I needed to have sex with them, which I admit was pretty often. I didn't want to bring them to our home while you were still a little guy and confuse you about what was going on. So you won't have to worry about having to sneak off to a motel or struggle in the back seat of a car to fuck your girlfriends.I have just one unbreakable rule about the condo baby. You must not ever let any of your buddies or anyone else use the condo for any reason- especially to fuck their own girls. It's for your exclusive use only baby. And if any of the women that you will take there get too inquisitive about it, just tell them that it belongs to a good friend who stays gone a lot and let's you use it when he is out of town.It is important to me that you know and understand baby that you will never have to worry about me being "a jealous woman" about you having sex with other females. I'm your woman sweetie and will always be here for you no matter how many other women you fuck. Some day when you are a young man, some hot, beautiful babe is going to steal your heart and you will make her your wife. When that happens, no one will be more happy than me. I only hope when that happens that you will still have time to fuck your mother now and then when the opportunity is right.Now, as for me, I don't think that I will ever be interested in another man again now that I have become your sex slave sweetie, but you know we can never predict the future. So there is always the very remote outside chance that I will someday meet another man closer to my age that I will develop a relationship with. I doubt very seriously that if that should ever happen that it would ever end up in a marriage.In any case, whatever might happen will never, and I mean never, interfere with my being your sex slave baby. I will always be available for you anytime you want to have any kind of sex that you might need with me baby. So you must never worry about, or become jealous, of any other men honey. I am totally, completely, and forever your woman now."Donnie replied, "Don't worry Mom. I will never leave you and will always be your lover no matter what happens. If I ever do decide to have a wife it will be with the understanding that she has to share me with you and that your sex needs will always come first with me. And if she can't accept that, then she will just have to hit the road because I will never give you up mom.But I really don't think that will ever happen Mom. I love you more than ever before. And anyway, you are really only about 14 years older than me. There are many marriages where the age difference between husbands and wives are even much greater than that Mom.In just a few years I will be fully grown and even though we can never be married because you're also my mother, I can't see any reason why we can't just continue living together just as if we were married. I can't imagine having any other woman to sleep with and have sex with than you Mom.In the meantime, I'll chase girls until I'm 16 and even until I get out of high school if you think I ought to. I'm sure it will be fun and I guess it would probably be kind of suspicious if I didn't. People might start thinking I was queer or something, or maybe might start wondering if I was getting sex at home. But whether or not I ever get to fuck any of them is not important to me now Mom because I will never find another woman who is more sexually satisfying to me than you. I love you Mom and I am your man forever."Tammy thought to herself in sort of a silent tribute or prayer to her mom,'Thank you Mom, you clever old whore, for giving me the idea for the three phase plan for conditioning my son to become my dedicated fuck mate; and you were right too about the special erotic intensity in orgasms that are generated by fucking your son and sucking his cock and eating his cum.'And then she said out loud, "My darling I can't begin to express how happy you have made me. I love you sweetie more than I could ever possibly express with mere words. We are going to have a wonderful life together baby and I'm going to let my actions speak of my love for you."Then she reached out to stroke her son's cock which was now standing up hard as a rock in all of it's 7-1/2 inch glory and said,"Wow honey! I see your beautiful love rod is ready for action again. What is your pleasure darling? Shall I suck him off with a good cum eating blow job or would you rather fuck my brains out first? Your desire is my command honey."Donnie replied, "You first Mom. Tell me what you want me to do to your body. What are your desires Mom? I want to learn as quickly as I can about all the things that make you have the most satisfying and powerful orgasms than you have ever had before."Tammy said, "That my love is a beautiful and perfect answer. I can see you have really been listening. We're going to have lots of fun honey teaching you how to pleasure a woman in order to maximize your own pleasure. The basic rule will always be that in order to receive pleasure you first have to give pleasure.So why don't you begin by gently caressing my body all over with your hands for a few minutes and then gently start sucking on my tits and nipples for a while and then follow that up by lightly licking my pussy slit and clit with your tongue until I'm good and wet and then suck out my cunt juices with your mouth and tongue. Then you can decide whether you want to fuck me in my cunt or in my mouth, or maybe you would rather just lay back and let me suck off your hard cock and eat up your tasty hot load of cum, or perhaps you might like to try a little sixty-nine action where you can eat my pussy and cunt while I suck off your magnificent cock and gobble up your tasty cum."And as she lay back on the bed to let her son begin to work his magic on her body, she exulted in her success in claiming his virginity and turning him into her fuck and suck mate and started thinking about how to best begin the task of introducing her son to the many different kinds of erotic sex acts that women love, but more importantly how to insure that her son developed a strong male ego and sense of self-confidence,and pride in the power of his masculine sexual power.The End: Part OneComments and feedback gratefully accepted. Please direct THEM to: (*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 53
I had worked with Castro Kitchens and Bathrooms for about 4 years and we would take about one to two weeks to fit a really good kitchen. We worked as a small team of two joiners, a plumber, electrician and tiler with the floor being fitted by outside contractors. My job, I suppose, was foreman, as I had to coordinate everyone and keep the job on schedule. At 35, I was the oldest of the group and in pretty good shape. Apart from my age, I was the odd one out in another way, I was gay. Not screaming, camp, effeminate gay, just an ordinary guy who looked the marrying type but gay!My latest sidekick was Gordon. He was the sort of guy who worked for today and his wage packet at the end of the week. He did what he was told but couldn't plan from one end of a work surface to the other. He was 21 and not a bad joiner, just a bad planner. As the others tended to come and go on each job, Gordon and I found ourselves together for much of the time and talked about anything and everything from last night's television, to football to his unsuccessful or successful dates. We had been working together for about 9 months before the subject I knew was going to come up, did. We had been discussing his new girlfriend, some 18 year old bleached blonde called Carla, when the question was asked."So Lewis, how come you never married?"I decided to go for, "never met the right one," but it didn't work. It's funny how simple minds can often be the most incisive."But if you never go out, you're never going to meet anyone and, let's face it, you aren't getting younger!"It took him one more day before the penny dropped. "God you don't look gay at all. You're just like the rest of us." Then the questions started. "Do you actually stick it in a guy's bum" and "what exactly do you do," came next?I pointed out that my penis had, in fact been inserted in a number of anuses but I actually enjoyed the feeling of man meat in MY anus."Doesn't it hurt – what if it's a big one – do you wear condoms?" The questions continued driving me mad. He knew absolutely nothing about gays or the gay life but give him his due. He didn't go blabbing to the other guys about it either, which was a blessing. I wasn't ashamed of being gay but couldn't be bothered with the hassle.Now Gordon was a bit thick but he was also cute. I like guys to be a little broader than he was but I had gleaned from him that though he was slim and wiry, he was quite well blessed in the lower regions and if anything is attractive to me in a guy, it's a big dick. Once he found out I was gay, I had to be careful about investigating his sexual attributes too much in case he thought I was coming on to him. It didn't seem to cross his mind that I would though.For the purposes of eroticism, perhaps I should describe Gordon. He stood about 5 feet 10 inches, very slim, probably only about 29 inch waist, but he had good muscles and a beautifully shaped bubble butt. His jeans were always washed out and showed real promise with a hose sliding down his left leg that I would dearly have loved to have in my mouth. His boxers, frequently showed above his jeans, further adding to my excitement. His face was a slim clean shaven face a bit like a 21 year old pre-teen. It looked like his body had grown up but his face still looked as though he hardly shaved. His chest had a few little hairs but that was it. So again, not really my type but it's funny how non-availability makes someone sexy. My 6 feet height and broad body seemed to tower above him. I presume you now have the picture so now the story.Carla and Gordon had been seeing each other now for almost 4 months. She had given birth at 16 to some anonymous boyfriend and now had a council house supplied to her as a single mother for a peppercorn rent. This gave Gordon a bolthole from his parent's house where he still officially stayed. I had seen Carla. She had a body most men would love to get their hands on and provided she didn't speak, I'm sure most would enjoy. Her hair was blondish though I had a feeling her pubic hair didn't match it but she had what looked like a 38 inch bust, 26 inch waist and 38 inch hips. Pear shaped bums do little for me but I presumed hers were perfect as far as girls go. Her teeth were dazzling white and until she spoke, she could pass as a model. Sadly her knowledge of the English language was somewhat limited and four letter words beginning with "c" and "f" seemed to make up about 50% of her vocabulary. However according to Gordon she went like a rabbit and was "game for anything." I presume if he got her drunk enough to shut up, he could still enjoy himself. Gordon was no scholar himself so perhaps he enjoyed knowing someone who looked up to his "superior knowledge!"Anyway it was Monday morning and after the electrician had left and we were alone in the house we were kitting out, Gordon suddenly mentioned that he had bought a video camera at the weekend "off a mate." It was seemingly brand new, latest model Sony and only £200.00. This suggested to me that perhaps his mate had acquired it through dubious means, especially since the instruction book was missing."It'll be great to take videos of the little one as she grows up," said Gordon, the "little one" being his 18 month old surrogate child."Yeh," said I in a disinterested manner."Do you know much about them," he kept on. "You can save all your videos on the computer and edit them can't you?""Yeh," I repeated. I had done a bit of editing but I couldn't tell him the type of films I was expert at editing and burning to DVD. Let's put it this way, you could guess the ending in all of them!"If I took films you could sort them for me couldn't you""Yeh."It took until mid afternoon before the subject returned. "We fancied making some homemade porn movies," he said, "Carla really fancies doing something really dirty."Now that moved me away from monosyllabic answers!"Really," I said, "and how are you going to do that since you'll be in the movies?""Shit, I hadn't thought of that!"The silence lasted a further five minutes. "You could do them for us. You being gay and that, you wouldn't be fancying Carla so I wouldn't be jealous and you are also discreet."God bless him. It hadn't occurred that I may not get turned on seeing Carla being fucked but would sure as Hell be turned on seeing him doing the fucking."Carla wouldn't want that," I said."Carla would be as hot as fuck if you were filming us. She thinks you are sexy."I was beginning to like where this was going. "Well as a favour to you two I would be happy to take the film and also to edit it and make it into a DVD for you.""That would be awesome," he said. "I can't wait to see what Carla thinks."It seemed that Carla shared his enthusiasm and he secretly told me she wanted to see what I had in my pants so would ask that I was stripped too so they wouldn't be embarrassed. No problem there for me as long as the little horndog gave me plenty opportunities to see his cock in action and film it!It moved really quickly from there. Saturday night next was the date. We would meet at 7.00pm, have some drinks, go back to her house where baby was being farmed out to Gordon's parents and they would fuck while I filmed. Sounded great! Saturday came, we met, we drank, they got quite pissed but I tried really hard to hold back as I wanted my wits about me for any eventuality, and by 9.30 pm the pair of them were staggering into her front door. They went for a communal shower while I set things up. The camera had a little tabletop stand so it could stand alone and I made sure the lighting was right. The house had little furniture but did have a large sofa bed, so I pulled part of that out for a base and that was it. I could hear giggling and squealing from the bathroom and a few minutes later the arrived back into the main room, her in bra and pants and him in his boxer shorts."Come one, get 'em off," said Carla.I stripped down to my briefs and that seemed to satisfy them. Carla's tongue was down Gordon's throat anyway so I started filming. His shorts were tented where his cock was already struggling to break free and she was squeezing the tip. He released her tits with some difficulty by popping her bra up, then eventually managing to release the clasp. She looked at me as he sucked her tits. It was 18 years since I had seen a female naked and sexually aroused and it hadn't done much for me then but this time the pressure wasn't on me so I could watch and get aroused at Gordon's arousal. My cock started to grow just as Gordon, lowered himself to his knees and pulled Carla's panties down. She stepped out of them now fully naked. She kept looking at me, obviously enjoying me watching her. Gordon was oblivious, completely engrossed in what he was doing. As his tongue started to lick her pubic area, he delved between her neatly trimmed "V" shape to insert it into her crack. She looked and smiled at me, nodding in the direction of my erection. "Looks like I can raise the dead," she said.I hadn't the heart to point out that it was the prospect of seeing her boyfriend's cock at long last that was creating the effect. He pushed her back on to the couch and I zoomed in on her open cunt. It was wet from his mouth and he stood slightly back to give me access with the lens. Carla pulled the lips apart. Gordon dived back in again licking and slurping. He moved up and kissed her heavily and slightly clumsily on the mouth, his tongue diving into her mouth as he did so. Carla asked for another wine. I laid the camera down and gave it to her. Gordon was licking her out as she drank."Give Gordon the camera Lewis," she said, "and let him film me."I handed the camera to him and as I stood alongside them, she pulled my briefs down. I tried to move back but she grabbed my stiff cock. Gordon started to film, rubbing his crotch with his free hand. I thought, "If this turns him on then I might as well go along for a few minutes."She sucked me and, to be honest, the erection failed slightly but when Gordon dropped his shorts and released his cock I jumped immediately. Out sprung a long, uncut cock which was about 8 inches in length but surprisingly thin. It had a slight bend towards the left but not too much. His hair was thick around his cock and balls but he was not excessively so. His balls were quite small in comparison but hung loosely below. My cock was hard as nails as Carla slurped, happily assuming that her action was working on this poof. My 7-inches were at least thicker than his and it crossed my mind that it would probably be more satisfying to a girl. He moved across and though obviously excited by Carla's actions, ignored me sexually, taking his hands to her breasts. She took her free hand and started to stroke his cock. I checked that the video, now standing alone on a table, was still filming this. She pulled his cock to her mouth and tried to suck both of us. Just the feel of his hot flesh as our cocks made contact, made me grow more."I've gotta fuck her," he said.I slipped my cock out of her mouth and returned to my "professional" role as photographer my cock sticking out and up obscenely. Gordon rolled her over and lay behind her, lifting her leg as he entered her. I assumed he had seen this position from the porno movies as it gave me a perfect shot as his cock slid into her cunt. He started thrusting, with both hands holding her tits as he did so.Her juices were clearly visible on his cock flesh as he pumped in and out. This was great footage and I was really looking forward to wanking off to it in the privacy of my own home later. I have to say that Carla looked absolutely pissed. Her reactions to him were quite slow and she was responding almost automatically rather than in the height of passion."I want fucked by Gordon," she slurred."Shit," I thought, "I don't really want to fuck you."Gordon didn't hear her so she repeated it. "I want Gordon's big cock in me!""Eh – well OK, but he is a poof," he said, almost as though I wasn't involved in the decision.I handed Gordon the video as I made my way between her legs and felt my slowly dwindling cock enter her warm soft channel. I didn't usually fuck much but when I did, I preferred the tightness of a guy's arse to this. She clenched herself and I managed to get some rhythm going, all the time looking at Gordon stroking his lovely cock for my visual support. He filmed and I fucked for about 10 minutes. Carla grunted and made lewd comments but sometime after minute 8, I think she fell asleep."Here, give her to me," Gordon said in a rather impatient tone. "I'm so fucking horny I could shag my mother. She's always doing this to me just as I'm ready to fucking cum."He slid in behind her prone body, took some lubricant and slid his finger into her arse. She made an "ow" sound and then drifted back to sleep. He lubed his cock and started to push into her hole and I videoed every minute of this. He managed about 2 inches in before she shot bolt upright and screamed "fuck off!" He plopped out.She went back to sleep. I shrugged my shoulders as Gordon stood with a very hard cock in his hands, looked very pissed off.He looked at me. "Do you want it," he said?"What," said I naively?"This," he said thrusting his cock out obscenely. "I'm no poof but if I can't have her arse, I'll have yours."Call me cheap if you want but you wouldn't believe the speed I moved at. The video was set up (I wasn't going to miss this) and I was lubed in seconds. He wasn't protected by I was well aware that both of them had recently tested negative for HIV and I knew I was. I really didn't want anything to change his mind. He pushed me doggy fashion on the floor, with Carla sleeping not a yard from me and started to enter. He was surprisingly patient as he slid into me. He took it an inch at a time, pulling back and sliding in until his entire beautiful, heterosexual, dreamy boy meat was all inside me. He then started to fuck. Boy could he fuck! He took a good steady pace and held my hips as he shagged me so beautifully. He leaned down on to me as he fucked and kissed my back. I so wanted his lips but knew that wouldn't be forthcoming.I was flipped over on to my back and my legs lifted as he entered me from the front. My cock was like a flagpole sticking straight up in the air. He actually took it in his hand and stroked it in an amateur way before returning to fucking me. He held both my ankles and he hammered away and then told me he was cumming. He groaned as I gripped his cock with my sphincter and then with one push, he stopped, making only small moves as I felt the hot fluid pump inside me. Eight long squirts could be felt pulsating in me before he withdrew."Cum on her face," he said, nodding to the sleeping Carla.I couldn't refuse him. He took the video and with just three strokes, my cock exploded over Carla's upper chest, face, and hair covering her lips as it did so. He zoomed in on her. We both laughed nervously."Can you edit the middle bit out before you give us the movie," he asked. "Yes if you want," I said, "but there won't be much in the middle bit to make a separate DVD," I said."We might add to it though," he said innocently."I'd like that," I replied as we nervously started to mop up and dress.We did, and I had a wonderful DVD for the times in between. Sorry to say he didn't turn gay but when he was horny and being refused, I was happy to be the spare hole to keep him
I. Cherie and CindyNobody ever accused Cherie Johansson of being a good mother, or a particularly nice person for that matter. But she was beautiful. Even her bitterest detractors had to give her that. To see her at a distance one might describe her as small but this is not the right word. Not quite. At 5'4'' and just over 115 lbs with exceedingly delicate bones, petite comes closer to the mark. Doll-like is closer still if one reckons this to be a word. Her 34C breasts were high and firm with just the right degree of pout to prompt even younger women and girls to take notice. Her legs and abdomen were toned almost to the point of hardness with a hint of lingering summer tan. Not bad for a single working mom of 28 years. Cherie's body was indeed inviting but her face could stop one cold. It began innocently enough with a bounty of soft natural blond tresses which when loosed snaked their way halfway down her back. The hair framed a face which, like the rest of her body, was devoid of blemishes or other such imperfections. But her jaw was maybe a little too strong, her full lips in a seemingly perpetual frown and her large pale blue eyes did not hint of mirth.Life for Cherie up until this point had been a mixed bag at best. She had hardly known her father whom her mother regularly derided as a worthless drunk and who had been shot to death back in Tennessee twenty years ago by his best drinking buddy during a discussion of who drank the last beer. Cherie's mother was an unbalanced and bitter woman who went to psychotic lengths to keep her only daughter under control. The one truly formative event in Cherie's life occurred when she was 13. Mother believed little Cherie had kissed a boy after school so she wrestled the girl to the floor and cut off her hair with a handy pair of scissors. When Monday morning came, Cherie had to show up at school looking like one of those French women during WWII who had taken German lovers and then had fallen into the hands of their liberated countrymen.What young Cherie needed was an exit strategy and, at 16, she found it in the person of an 18 year old mechanic's apprentice who in his innocent way worshipped Cherie as the most beautiful girl he ever saw. After only the second date he proposed, she accepted and the two virgins wed at the county courthouse. That night Cherie consented to have her clothing removed, albeit in the near total darkness of their motel room, and lay on the bed waiting for her new husband to mount her. Cherie was a modern American teenager and she knew full well what was about to happen to her. Still, nothing could have prepared her for the blunt trauma of his swollen phallus as it clumsily but surely shoved its way through Cherie's hymen into the very back of her shocked vagina. Cherie never actually saw her husband's erect penis but she was certain it had to be enormous. She cried out once but did not move or make another sound. The hard thrusts which followed hurt like hell but were mercifully few in number. Morning found Cherie in a bed with bloody sheets next to a sleeping boy she hardly knew. Within a few days Cherie was gone. She did not bother with the formalities of divorce, or even saying goodbye. She just threw her things into the car and left. Some weeks later Cherie learned she was pregnant. While staying with an aunt and uncle in New Mexico, Cherie gave birth to Cindy. Little Cindy was a delight from the very beginning. The burbling, fair-haired infant quickly budded into a bright and sunny little girl. Cindy was curious about everything and everyone. She relished the attention of adults and instinctively knew how to get it and hold it. In appearance she was almost an exact copy of her mother except that Cindy's features grew softer and more refined with each passing year and her eyes radiated warmth where her mother's were cold. Cindy was always smallish for her age, like her mother, but where many girls are thin and gawky in the years leading up to puberty, Cindy's body was always unmistakably feminine. This was especially true of her legs which looked as though they could have belonged to an older girl who happened to be a figure skater. Cindy's natural charm and good looks did not go unnoticed by Cherie who saw in her daughter a way to live out one of her own girlish fantasies, if only vicariously. Starting at the age of four, Cherie entered Cindy in every little girl beauty pageant in the Mid West. Money was always tight but Cherie spared no expense to see that her daughter wore the cutest handmade costumes and dresses and that she received the necessary dance and voice lessons to hone Cindy's considerable natural talents. For almost seven years Cindy worked the Little Miss Whatever circuit and accumulated a raft of trophies taller than her.Cherie's happy career as stage mom came to an abrupt end shortly after Cindy's eleventh birthday. While Cherie sat at her kitchen table one evening making travel plans for yet another pageant, Cindy nonchalantly informed her mother that beauty contests "aren't cool" and that she did not want to do them anymore. Cherie responded by slapping Cindy hard across the face."You listen here, you ungrateful little bitch. You do what I say, when I say it. You do it good and you fucking smile while you're doing it! You got that?""This-is-so-unfair-I-hate-you!" screamed Cindy as she bolted out the backdoor. Cherie watched without undue concern as the crying girl disappeared around the corner of the neighbor's house. She then returned to finalizing her plans. Cherie won the battle but lost the war. Just a week after the confrontation in the kitchen, mother and daughter drove three hours to a large, prestigious pageant in St. Louis. They hardly exchanged a word. The contest itself was a disaster. Cindy was uncharacteristically graceless and self-conscious. During the talent competition wherein she sang a precociously suggestive rendition of "Come on a My House," a song Cindy had performed hundreds of times; she flubbed the lyrics not once but repeatedly. When the ordeal was finally over and the smattering of polite applause subsided, the girl fixed the judge's table with her baby blues and explained sweetly, "I forgot the fucking words."Cherie was mortified. She grabbed the child by the elbow and quietly but firmly guided her outside to the back of the convention hall. There she cut a handful of bare switches from a hedgerow with a Barlow knife she had for years carried in her purse for just that purpose. She then proceeded to stripe Cindy's bare calves and thighs all the while calling her a bitch, a spoiled brat, an ingrate and a lot of other ugly-sounding nouns. The tirade did not end once they were back on the road. "I have never been so humiliated!" ranted Cherie. "I should have paid the doctors to suck you out. I should have sold you to the goddamn Gypsies!" Cherie punctuated each such statement by pounding her wrists into the steering wheel or by slapping her palm down hard upon Cindy's welted thighs. This went on for over 250 miles. When they finally got home Cherie collapsed exhausted on her bed. Cindy, feeling more free than she had at any previous time in her young life, sneaked out of the house to call on the next door neighbors: Tam and Eddie.II. Tam and EddieTam and Eddie were what folks in those parts would call a handsome couple. At 31 years of age, Eddie still looked like the quarterback he had been in high school and junior college. He stood 5'10'', and had a full head of black hair and hard angular features. He moved with the easy grace of an apex predator in the prime of life and everyone agreed he had a commanding presence. Tam was a statuesque woman of 29. Although she was quite slim in the waist, her hips were wide in the way the hips of Hollywood starlets were 50 years ago and her breasts were round and ripe. Light red hair fell freely across Tam's shoulders and light freckles dappled the bridge of her nose between hazel eyes. Petite Cherie on an unconscious level found Tam, who stood 5'9" and outweighed her by some 40 lbs, physically intimidating.No one seemed to know for certain what Tam and Eddie did for money but they did not seem to be hurting. They owned a late model sports car and an SUV and, although their house was small, it was expensively decorated. Cherie had been in their home many times and had an eye for such things. Tam and Eddie had no children, at least not yet as Tam liked to say, and they adored Cindy. This suited Cherie just fine since her work as a paralegal and freelance private investigator often required her to work long, irregular hours and she regarded the friendly couple as a free babysitting service. Tam and Eddie often had Cherie and Cindy over for dinner.So it was that several weeks after the St. Louis debacle Cindy informed Cherie that they were invited over to Tam and Eddie's for dinner and maybe a movie. Cherie had just gotten in from work and she did not bother to change out of her black skirt, black high heeled sandals and thin, white blouse. Cindy still wore the tiny t-shirt and shorts ensemble she had been lounging in all afternoon along with an old pair of white Keds and ankle socks. Tam met them cordially at the door and ushered mother and daughter into the front parlor. This was a room in the house that was well appointed but seldom used on account of the home entertainment center being located in the den. As the three of them passed through the parlor, something caught Cherie's eye. It was a portrait on the wall she had never noticed before. It appeared to be a greatly enlarged photograph that had been retouched to look like a painted portrait. Cherie was familiar with the technique and had always considered it a little tacky but this time she was transfixed. A regal middle aged woman stared back at her. Her hair was long and dark and her full red lips turned up ever so slightly at the corners. She wore a flowing blue gown cinched tight at the waist and a round pendant of diamonds and sapphires on a thin gold chain graced her generous décolletage. Her hands rested possessively upon the shoulders of a prepubescent girl in a white sun dress. The girl's reddish hair was braided and her eyes were downcast. But it was the woman's eyes that made Cherie freeze. Blue, cold and imperious. They were Cherie's eyes."Who is this woman?" asked Cherie.Tam patted Cindy on the rump and gestured for her to go on into the den and say hello to Eddie. Cindy bounded out of the room. "Uncle Eddie!" she squealed. "There's my baby girl!" came a man's voice in reply. Tam stepped behind Cherie and placed her hands familiarly upon her hip and shoulder. Cherie stiffened. She hated to be touched by anyone."That was my Aunt Etta," replied Tam. "She passed away some twelve years ago. She wasn't really my aunt but that's what she liked for me to call her. She taught me so much. I couldn't begin to tell you.""Is that you?" asked Cherie pointing to the girl in the picture.Tam nodded."You don't look all that happy.""I was still too young to understand. I understand now.""Understand what?" Cherie wanted to ask but before she could get the words out Tam was steering her towards the den. Eddie reclined in an easy chair in front of the TV. He and Cindy were playing tickle games and the young girl was wriggling in his lap."Hey Eddie, why don't you unhand that child long enough to fix our adult guest a drink?" Tam then smiled brightly at Cindy and invited her to come into the kitchen and help with dinner.Cherie plopped down on the sofa and exhaled a puff of air upward through her bangs. Eddie proffered her a gin and tonic. "Tough day at the office?" he asked conversationally. Cherie shrugged. Eddie leaned over and slid a couple of pills across the coffee table. "What say we get a head on before dinner?"Cherie trusted Eddie more than most men and she loved pills when they were free. Before dinner ever made it to the table, she was out. The last thing she remembered was the sensation of cool steel manacles clamping snugly upon her wrists but by then she was too far gone to have much of an opinion about that.III. The Cup MaidensCherie came to feeling like her brain was wrapped in gauze. She was lying on a hardwood floor and golden afternoon sun filtered through strange curtains. Cherie had a vague recollection of having traveled in the back of a van or SUV far out into the country. As more of her senses came back on line, Cherie became better able to take the measure of her surroundings. She seemed to be in some sort of anteroom with no furniture, some closets and antiquated ceiling fixtures. At one end of the room was a heavy wooden door, presumably the exit, and at the other end was an arched doorway closed off only by a curtain of hanging beads. Over the doorway were the words SHED YOUR INHIBITIONS PUT ON PERFECT PEACE stenciled in blue. As best as Cherie could tell, she was alone but her hands were cuffed around an interior column. Her clothes were rumpled but still on her body except that her feet were bare.The natural reaction of most people in Cherie's situation would be confusion followed by fear, if not abject panic. Cherie was just pissed."Hey! Hello! Somebody? Anybody? Get me out of here! NOW!" Cherie rose shakily to her feet and, pounding her handcuffs against the column, drew in a breath for more yelling. "Eddie! Goddamnit!"Cherie heard a rustling in the next room, a murmur of voices, male and female. Somebody was coming which was a damn good thing because she was about to verbally rip somebody's head off. But when the bead curtain parted, all Cherie could do for the moment was gawk in embarrassment and disbelief. Tam emerged from the archway flanked by two women Cherie did not know and they were all completely naked. To one side of Tam stood a willowy 5'7" black woman in her late teens with hair in tight ringlets spiraling thickly about her head and neck. She had narrow hips, lovely cone-shaped breasts capped by large dark nipples and there was something vaguely Asian about her features and skin tone. The other woman could not have been much older than 19 either. She stood 4'10" and might have weighed all of 90 lbs. From the look of her nude body she could easily have been mistaken for a 14 year old or even an athletic twelve year old boy except that her barely there breasts were topped by hard, quarter-sized nipples and the cleft between her legs made no effort to conceal full, succulent lips. The boy-who-is-not-a-boy effect was further accentuated by hair dyed to an unnatural shade of deep red and cut short in the elfin fashion. "Ah, our little party girl is awake at last," announced Tam as she approached. "Introductions are in order. Girls, this is Cherie and she is our very special guest. Cherie, allow me to introduce Andronica and Io. You are in Aunt Etta's house and we are her cup maidens."Questions flooded Cherie's mind; such as where was she and why was she handcuffed to a pole, but the first one she blurted out was, "Why isn't anyone wearing clothes?"Before Tam could answer, the elf-child Tam introduced as Io took Cherie's still clothed breast in her tiny hand and squeezed with surprising force causing Cherie to jump. "Because we are all going to fuck you," she hissed. The black woman called Andronica just fixed Cherie with her golden-brown eyes and nodded."Because," Tam answered patiently, "clothing is not permitted in the inner sanctum. The rules will all be explained and then you will follow them to the letter. Do you understand?"Cherie hardly registered Tam's words. Something awful occurred to her and iced the pit of her stomach. She was going to be stripped. She was brought here to be stripped. Once when she was nine a group of neighborhood children, older boys mostly, enticed her into the pond where they were swimming and proceeded, playfully at first, to try to strip the bathing suit from her body. Little Cherie screamed long and loud enough to cause them to hesitate and she got away. Now Cherie sunk to her knees and tried to curl into a protective ball around the pole to which she was still cuffed."NOOOooooo!!" Cherie shrieked with a volume and force that almost rent her vocal cords. Surely this could not be happening. There had to be someone she could bargain with, reason with. Where the hell was Eddie? Then another thought tore across her mind like a shard of hot metal; where is Cindy? What have they done with Cindy?!As if on cue the beads parted and Eddie came and stood over Cherie. He too was naked with his fists resting on his hips. Cherie looked up to see his fully engorged nine inch cock and scrotum hovering over her and looked away, red-faced. "Eddie, please. What have you done with Cindy?""Cindy is fine. We're just keeping an eye on her for you. Your little beauty queen is going to be our insurance policy. Do as we say and obey the rules and no harm will come to her. She'll be safe as kittens. When our little initiation ceremony is over we will take both of you home and I can promise you will both be truly happy for the first time in your lives. Try to buck and we will make little Cindy the guest of honor. Then we will make candles out of both of you."Cherie was a smart woman and her mind was racing now. "C'mon Ed, we're all friends here. Nothing has happened that we can't all laugh about over a few beers. I may want to join your little..." she struggled to find the right word, ", but first let's all go back to your place. We can talk it over in the den. You and Tam can tell me all about your beliefs. I got nothing against religion. But let's keep Cindy out of it, for now anyway. Okay? "Cherie's hopes soared. Her words sounded reasonable enough and she thought they might have found their mark. She could talk her way out of anything. Eddie handed a tiny key to Tam who silently removed the handcuffs and disengaged Cherie from the pole. But before Cherie could even get to her feet or rub her aching, swollen wrists, the nude women who called themselves cup maidens seized her arms and re-cuffed them behind her back. Eddie placed his large hands on either side of Cherie's face and gently pulled her up to her knees."The rules are quite simple really," Eddie began with the air of a schoolmaster. "You will submit to us, all of us, promptly, completely and without protest. Don't worry; you don't have to like it. But you will still remember your manners and always say 'Thank you.' If we decide to ram electrodes up your twat, you will say 'Thank you for ramming electrodes up my twat.' If we decide to brand your ass cheek with our sacred symbol, you will say 'Thank you. It is very fashionable.' Remember that any resistance, any back talk, any flash of that trademark temper of yours will be considered a breach of our little agreement and the consequences will be immediate and severe. "Do you understand everything I have told you so far? Good. We have other rules, protocols really, but you don't need to concern yourself with those right now. There is one rule that is the most important rule of all. Are you listening? Good. If one of the men, and there are many of us, should see fit to give you the gift of his seed anywhere in your unworthy body, you will hold every drop as sacred for that is your purpose and reason for being. Thus spake Etta." At these words the cup maidens bowed their heads in supplication."Oh and one more thing, just to see if you were really listening," Eddie continued. "After we cum in you, what do you say?""What? Um...thank you?" answered Cherie in a confused, quavering voice."Thank you what?""Thank you for cumming in me.""See there?" Eddie chortled, "I told everybody you were smart and nobody believed me. In a few hours you and your baby girl will be at home snug in your beds. Trust me."This is all a sick joke, Cherie told herself. An elaborate fucked up sick joke. She did not want to accept that anything truly bad was about to happen. Part of her was willing to play along with these Etta people and bide time until the opportunity arose to grab her kid and get the hell out of there. The other part which housed that trademark temper howled.Before Cherie could weigh the wisdom of her words, she fixed Eddie's eyes with her own cold blue orbs of fury and spat, "You can do what you want with me but if anybody harms my daughter I swear to God I will kill every one of you sick motherfuckers!" Stupid! Why did she have to go and say that? Cherie winced waiting for the blow she knew was about to fall. After a moment or two during which nothing untoward happened, she cautiously opened one eye and then the other. This time her eyes begged forgiveness. Eddie merely gazed down at her, his head cocked slightly to one side and a smile of mild bemusement on his lips. "Fair enough," he said.With an ease that bordered on tenderness, Eddie used just his fingertips to present Cherie's lips to the head of his cock. Her eyes closed, her lips parted, her jaw relaxed, and just that quickly the thing she swore would never happen happened. A man's penis was in her mouth. Eddie was thick but Cherie found she could open her mouth wide enough to accommodate. She could not help but notice the smoothness of the head as it pushed toward the back of her palette and her tongue registered the veins which bulged underneath. A faintly musky taste came off his skin and dissolved in her saliva. Cherie did not want to know where this dick has been. She felt her stomach getting small but she willed herself to continue, for Cindy's sake.She had not given up hope. Not yet. Yes, she was being forced to suck Eddie's dick but she had not been otherwise violated and her clothes were still on. He was the only man she had seen since her abduction and maybe if she could satisfy him he would let her go. As for these crazy women who call themselves cup maidens, they could go back to doing whatever it is they do with each other. Cherie drew in another deep breath, pressed her lips and tongue around Eddie's cock to envelop it snugly, and swallowed as much of the long, fat shaft as she could without gagging. Then she commenced to moving her head up and down the shaft to simulate intercourse. As she did this, she cut her eyes up to look into his as if to ask, "Am I doing it right?"Cherie's task might have been somewhat more bearable had she not had an audience. The cup maidens were sitting on the floor watching in rapt fascination. Tam for her part did not seem to approve of the way Cherie was sucking her husband's cock, "For God's sake Eddie, make her take it all. Your dick's still half dry.""For real," Io piped in. "if I had a cock like yours it would be halfway to her stomach by now.""I heard that," chimed Andronica."Now ladies, let's not be too hard on our guest. This is her first taste of cock and we don't want to ruin it for her. We have the rest of her life to teach her how to go down all the way" As Eddie said this he gripped the hair on the back of Cherie's head in his hands and commenced to rhythmically probe the back of her mouth."First taste, my ass," proffered Tam, "I bet this little slut's on her knees every morning sucking all those lawyers dry for breakfast.""Make a yummy-sound, ho," commanded Andronica as she rubbed a hand on her brown belly, "like this, ymmm!" Everyone was laughing, except Cherie obviously. She was trying to do her best. She was trying to pleasure Eddie without accidentally biting or puking. But her task kept getting more difficult. The penis in her mouth was growing longer and fatter and more insistent upon finding the entrance of her throat. Now she was being mocked by the awful cup maidens. She hated that as much as she hated having her mouth raped by Eddie. It just wasn't fair. She was starting to hate those women."Hey look everybody! She's crying." Io snuggled in close at Cherie's side. It was true. Cherie's eyes were shut tight but a steady stream was flowing down each side of her face. Io leaned in closer and opened her mouth. Cherie felt sopping heat on her cheek and then the rake of Io's tongue piercing as she lapped up the entire tear stream and smacked her lips in Cherie's ear.The sight of this was too much for Eddie. He shoved his cock faster and deeper into Cherie's throat. She was on the verge of panic. She could not breathe. And then Eddie's dick swelled to a volume Cherie had not thought possible and commenced to pulse in her throat. "Suck it all down, little cherry!" rasped Eddie as a bitter viscous brine flooded the back of her mouth. She commanded her stomach to accept the strange liquid she was frantically trying to swallow. Still it kept coming as Eddie's grip on her hair tightened and his penis continued to throb angrily in her mouth.At long last Eddie's orgasm subsided and he visibly slumped in the shoulders. Tam, Io and Andronica each had a hand nestled between their legs. For once they were silent, even reverent. Eddie's cock was beginning to slump too and he slowly withdrew it from Cherie's mouth. As the head exited, it secreted a snail trail of semen across her lower lip. Eddie's eyes fixed upon Cherie's. He quizzed her, "What is the most important rule?" Their eyes remained locked as her small pink tongue obediently came out to gather the residue from her lip and disappeared back into her mouth."Now say it," he commanded."Thank you for letting me drink your cum." To Cherie those words tasted as nasty as his rancid seed."It's best when it's fresh, ain't it?" whispered Andronica in her ear but Cherie was not listening to her. She wasn't listening to anyone. All she could think of was that she had done what she had to do and now she ought to be allowed to leave. She did not care about anything or anyone else. Cindy was probably at home waiting for her. She likely had been there all along. All Cherie wanted was to go home, throw up in the shower and burn Tam and Eddie's house to the ground, more or less in that order. But the Children of Etta had other plans."Stand her up," commanded Eddie.Grabbing an arm, Andronica and Tam pulled Cherie roughly to her feet. Eddie placed one powerful hand around Cherie's throat. The other hand plunged beneath the waist of her skirt and panties. Cherie yelped at the sudden unexpected invasion of her person. Eddie had his fingers buried in her pubic bush and he balled them into a tight fist. He could have lifted her off her feet by her pubes. His grip was that firm. Instead, he gave her pelvis a good shake. "Ladies, you know the rules. I want this chicken plucked!""Roger that!" chirped little Io.Eddie disappeared through the beads. The cup maidens fell upon Cherie, tearing and ripping at her clothing. Within seconds her skirt and slip were just rags on the floor. They would not risk removing her handcuffs to take off her blouse and bra. Instead they cut them off her body using her own Barlow knife. As her bra fell away in halves, all three women stopped to admire Cherie's perfect breasts. They hardly needed any support at all for they stood high and proud on her chest. In the center of each was a small red nipple that puckered demurely in the cool air."Nice," commented Io appreciatively."Damn." Andronica moistened her full, sensuous lips.They had stripped Cherie down to her last article of clothing. She was wearing a no-nonsense pair of blue cotton panties. When they were gone there would be nothing left to protect her. Through her sobs she pleaded with the women, "Please don't do this. Please!"They paid her no mind. Tam fell to her knees before Cherie. "I've waited a long time for this," she said, her voice thick. Cherie felt long fingernails dig into her flesh as Tam took hold of the elastic waistband and rolled the panties slowly off her hips and thighs all the way to her ankles. She then ordered Cherie to step out of the rolled up undergarment. Cherie continued to sob softly but she did as she was told."There she is, girls," Tam said with a flourish to her cohorts. "I give you Cherie Johansson's pussy."As with most everyone, modesty was a reflex for Cherie. Her knees clamped together defensively and her ankles turned out slightly leaving her standing pigeon-toed and blushing with shame. Her chin was at her sternum and hair dampened by tears partially hid her face."We've fucked around out here long enough," Io decided. "Let's get her into the chamber."Cherie was not the least bit curious about what lay on the other side of that beaded curtain. In her mind those cheap hippie beads marked the boundary beyond which there could be no return, the very edge of the world. Every instinct in every fiber of her being warned her not to cross that line and blind animal panic took hold. She screamed. She begged. She tried to roll up in a ball on the floor. None of that mattered. Her hands were bound securely behind her back, and besides, any one of her tormentors, even tiny Io, was more than a match for her physically right now. Then Tam offered up the inducement that would brook no delay."C'mon C.J.," Tam said good-naturedly, "let's go see Cindy," and she gestured to some unseen point beyond the curtain. This had the desired effect. Cherie continued to sob and beg incoherently but her body gave up the struggle. Still, her legs refused to bear her weight and Tam and Andronica practically had to drag her into the inner sanctum.IV. Ties that BindThe beads parted and the room Cherie found herself in was spacious, perhaps 20' x 40', and dark. The air was cool and smelled faintly of cigarettes, sandalwood and sex. There were no windows and the walls were paneled in ancient redwood and thick redwood rafters eight feet over head held up the roof. This inner sanctum might have made a fine mead hall in medieval times but there were no roaring fires, no furniture whatsoever unless one counted the few overstuffed pillows strewn about the floor, and there was thick beige carpeting in lieu of straw. The walls were bare save for one life-sized, nude portrait (an actual painting) of Etta, her arms extended palms up in the classic come-unto-me-little-children pose. A tiny alter cluttered with candles and dried flowers stood at the portrait's base. In the wall at the far end of the room was another arched and bead-curtained entrance identical to the one through which she had just passed. Cherie's eyes scanned the dark expanse of the chamber frantically. She saw no one. More to the point, she did not see Cindy. A feeling of relief washed over her. They were bluffing! They don't have her! It was just as she suspected. But then the scanning eyes stopped to take in the room's central feature.A single 100 watt bulb hung from a conical light fixture in the center of the room. It threw a circle of light upon the floor that was twelve feet in diameter. Within that circle was a blue vinyl mat much like one might expect to see in any gymnasium. The mat was only four inches thick and approximately five feet long and two feet wide. A steel hook was imbedded in the floor about three feet beyond the long end of the mat and two steel rings were set in the floor four feet apart at the center of the mat's length. Lengths of thin rope of the kind used to tie off boats lay in three small piles near at hand to the rings along with what looked like pieces of scrap lumber. To the side of the mat were two concrete blocks beneath a three inch hook set deep into one of the redwood beams. It was to the circle of light that Tam and Andronica pulled naked Cherie while Io capered about them like a mad pixie. Cherie was thrust onto the mat and pushed back painfully upon her bounded arms. While she blinked under the bright light, Andronica went to work on her leg. Andronica took one of the lengths of rope and handed it to Tam. With the other she fashioned a small loop at one end which she slipped around Cherie's foot and pulled roughly up her leg to just above the knee. Tam did the same with the other leg. Next they took the third length of rope, which was shorter than the others, and fashioned a loop around each foot with only about six inches of slack between the loops. Then the women threaded the longer leg ropes through the rings in the floor and, using the rings for pulleys, each began tugging with all her strength."Make a wish!" joked Tam as Cherie's knees began to part. Cherie screamed for them to stop and fought to keep her legs together. In truth, she probably had sufficient strength in her thighs and buttocks to win that contest but for the pain of the thin rope biting into the soft flesh behind her knees. As she moaned in resignation, her legs yielded to the ropes until they were spread a full 180 degrees. Cherie felt as exposed and helpless as a frog awaiting dissection. With nautical efficiency Tam and Andronica secured the leg ropes to the rings without making so much as a millimeter of slack.Tam walked to the foot of the mat to admire her handiwork and to take her first good long look at the delicate pink folds of Cherie's vaginal lips. "How are we doing down there, girlie girl?" Tam asked in mock solicitude. "If you could see yourself the way I'm seeing you....God, I would give anything to have a dick the size of my arm right now!"Cherie said nothing but instead turned her head and wept softly. Tam tapped a finger on her chin and affected a pensive expression. "I can't shake the feeling that we forgot something. Girls, help me out." Io and Andronica just shrugged. "Oh, now I remember. Andronica, Io, sit her up."Tam came around the mat and produced the cuff key she had tucked behind her ear. Without ceremony, the cuffs were again removed only to be clamped back on, only this time her arms were extended over her head with the point of the hook in the floor threaded unto the cuff's center link. Tam inspected all the bindings and found them to be tight, tight, tight. Looking over at Andronica and Io, Tam gave the order for them to "go round up the equipment. Me and Miss Johansson are going to have us a little chat, woman to woman."Tam sat down on her knees at Cherie's side. "Are you comfy? Did we get those ropes tight enough for you?"Cherie lolled her head from side to side. "My legs hurt," was all she could say. She really did not want to talk to Tam right then. Tam ran her hands along the insides of Cherie's thighs, gently kneading the taut muscles with her fingers."Does that feel better?"Cherie did not answer."You don't feel like talking? That's okay because I really need for you to listen right now. What I have to say concerns you, and it concerns Cindy." For emphasis Tam cupped Cherie's breast and looked into her eyes to be sure she had Cherie's attention."Those eyes. You and Cindy are lucky to have those eyes. They are so like Etta's eyes. Everything I know and everything I am I owe to her. I owe my very life to Etta. When she found me I wasn't as old as your daughter and I was living on the street. I had just run away from my fourth foster home. Etta came to me. She called me by name. She said she had seen me in a vision and knew we would meet. Can you imagine what that must have been like for me? One minute I'm behind a bakery looking for stale donuts in the dumpster. The next I'm looking into the eyes of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen and she is telling me she had seen me in a dream. Me! That's a pretty heavy trip to lay on a starving ten year old. She told me I was to come with her and she would make me her cup maiden."Io and Andronica returned with a cardboard box of the sort used to store file folders and sat down on the carpet next to Tam and Cherie.Tam continued. "Of course, I had no idea what that meant, 'cup maiden'.""What does it mean?" Cherie decided that it would be to her advantage to keep Tam talking. And besides, she was a little bit curious in spite of herself."A cup maiden is special." Tam's eyes sparkled as she warmed to the topic. "You see, Etta knew what no prophet or holy man in history ever figured out or dared tell anyone. There lies a path open only to women whereby we might experience a vision of the Divine and become transfigured. We do not need to worship a god or submit to some doctrine created by men. We need only partake of the essence of the male from the womb of the cup maiden."Cherie forgot her pain and terror for the moment while her mind struggled to parse out the precise, practical meaning of that last statement. Tam forged on, taking no heed of her captive's consternation."The tricky part is finding a cup maiden. We are the rarest of human creatures. Etta only had to lay eyes on a woman or girl to know with absolute certainty that, yes, here was a cup maiden. She said she could see a halo of dancing blue and white lights emanating from down here." Tam placed her hand on Cherie's lower belly just inches above her bush. This was a gift only Etta had. Until she came to the world no one had any idea, not even the cup maidens themselves. I certainly didn't. Etta used to see some dried up old woman near death who still possessed a faint glow about her frail hips and be moved to tears by the thought of what might have been.""But this was not my fate. Oh, at first I was, how shall I put this, reluctant. I had only been living in Etta's house for a month but I felt strength and joy flowing back into my body. I had already put on ten badly needed pounds and I felt secure for the first time in my kid life. I had finally found a mommy I could trust and love. Then one night Etta roused me from the bed we shared. She told me to remove my t-shirt and panties. I wanted only to please Aunt Etta, and besides, she was naked too; so I did. She led me here to the ascension chamber and had me lie down on this very mat. She told me she was about to give me something that would make me the happiest little girl in the world. I loved and trusted her so much I willingly spread-eagled myself so she could tie me up.""Then, as Etta looked on, a 200 lb grown man crawled out of the shadows and mounted me. He busted my little cherry wide open and fucked me hard just like Etta told him to while I screamed. Etta used to say she loved best the flavor of naked male lust and aggression spiced by the nectar of a new maiden's sacrificed innocence. It made for the sweetest honey, she said. And she always insisted a cup be thoroughly pounded before she would drink from her." "The man on top of me grunted and shuddered and then pulled out only to be replaced by another man and then another until my kid pussy overflowed with their juices commingled with my own. Etta nestled down on her knees and elbows in the wide space between my legs. She scooped both her hands beneath my bottom and lifted my tiny, battered cooch to her mouth." "What happened next was, in its way, more frightful than the brutal raping I had just received. Her eyes practically rolled back into her forehead and her teeth ground hard into my softest parts. Etta was a woman possessed and she growled like a she-lion while she sucked and sucked my pussy. Then I felt her tongue probing deep inside my pelvis and something dawned on me. She had just imbibed the essences of three strong men from my little cup and now she just wanted to savor me, Tammy. Through me Aunt Etta had ascended to yet a higher plane and, in her ecstasy, she sank her divine teeth into my flesh here," Tam opened her knees wide to reveal the livid scar of teeth marks on the inside of her right thigh just inches from her now sopping wet vulva, "and here," running her fingertips over a similar lividity above her left breast, "thus marking me for all time as her favorite."Andronica and Io looked sullen but said nothing. "I gotta level with you, C.J.," she went on, "After that night I was scared shitless of Aunt Etta and didn't much care for having to play cup maiden to her and her 'daughters.' You saw the portrait in my house. Not a happy kid, right? I was shut up in this house for two years being home schooled in the secrets of the Church of Etta and the finer points of being the perfect little fuck-slave. Then Aunt Etta made it up to me." "She walked into my room late one night, since we no longer shared a bed, and she was naked. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and followed her into the chamber. I had long since ceased to wear clothes around the house so there was no need for me to strip. I obediently laid down on the mat and spread my legs wide at the knees. "While I did this I could not help looking around the room so as to get an idea of how many men I was going to have to fuck before I could go back to bed. I saw only some huge black guy smoking in the corner and, I swear to God, he had the biggest unit I ever saw. It was like one of those cop flashlights, the kind that takes four D cells. Now I'm not thinking about sleep anymore. I'm thinking maybe this is the night tiny Tam's vessel gets shattered for keeps." "So I'm lying here starting to cry (so don't feel like you're the first, Cherie) when Etta comes over and lifts me to my feet saying, 'no baby, he is not for you.' Etta then takes my place on the mat and tells me to bind her arms and legs up tight. Now I'm confused but I did what she said." "Then while I'm sitting here on the floor next to her, the guy comes over and sinks that huge dick into her all the way up to his balls. All I can do is gawk as he proceeds to tear her up with that big thing. And all the while Etta's just gasping and moaning. It seemed to me she was in agony. This must have gone on for 20 minutes before the guy bucked hard into Etta's thighs about a half dozen times and collapsed on top of her. I had been a cup maiden long enough to know what had just happened. The man pulled out, waved goodbye and left." "Etta lay there panting and glistening with sweat, juices oozing from between her pussy lips. She fixed those eyes on me and said, 'quick child, drink from my cup.' This was unheard of. Nobody drank from Etta. Nobody fucked Etta. Now she was offering herself to me. Let me tell you I didn't have to be asked twice. I lay down on my belly and took a long lick from her asshole to her clit. The effect was like atomic pop rocks going off in my brain. I ground my nose and mouth into her sacred snatch and practically tried to crawl tongue-first into her womb. All the while Etta is just straining against the ropes binding her limbs and repeating over and over 'drink from me, child, drink from me'.""And so at the age of twelve I got my first glimpse of what I was truly meant to be. I wasn't going to grow up to be a mere woman, to just be somebody's wife and mother, and have some bullshit job in an office or factory. Not this chick. I had taken my first step on the path to becoming a goddess. This is what it means to be a cup maiden of Etta. In the Church of Etta, we love our men but they are just drones we milk for their essence. "It is we who are the heart and the soul. No one ascends to the higher reality except that they suck the pussy of a cup maiden. Nothing in an ordinary life could ever compare to the look of absolute devotion and gratitude I get from a woman I have just allowed to drink from my cup. I never cum so hard as when I drink from one of my sisters unless it is when one of my sisters drinks from me. This is what binds us all together."Cherie listened as attentively as she could but this was getting to be too much. She had had no idea. She began to weep softly again but these were not tears of dread or frustration. These were tears of remorse. She had to be the worst mother ever. Cindy had trusted her mommy implicitly and Cherie's self-centeredness had driven her into the hands of cunt-sucking Tam and Eddie the mouth raper with whom Cherie had blithely left her child for hours and days at a time. She had had no idea. Cherie knew she could never forgive herself, come what may. And while these thoughts churned in her tortured brain, the voice of Tam continued to buzz and rattle over her."There are many of us in discrete sects scattered all around the country, the world even. The people you have met and will meet tonight are just a small welcoming committee of sorts, handpicked for the Rite of Ascension of the Incarnation of Etta. You really don't know how lucky you are. You see, we have a little problem. Without Aunt Etta, we have no way of bringing new cup maidens into the fold, so to speak. I drank from Etta yet I could walk past a potential brand-spanking new cup maiden on the street or playground and have no idea just as she herself would have no idea. Only Etta's eyes could 'see' them." "But before she left us, Etta confided to me that she would return incarnate in the body of another. That she would ascend and lead us again. And that I would know. When I learned who had rented the house next door and I saw those eyes, I knew!" V. Floor ShowHere at last was an angle that might just set Cherie free. Tam had these people believing that Cherie somehow had the spirit of this Etta person living inside of her. All Cherie had to do was disabuse them of this notion, to convince them that someone (Tam) had made a terrible mistake and that this was all just a misunderstanding. "Is that what this is all about?" Cherie made her voice sound incredulous. "You think I'm Etta? You got the wrong woman. I can't see shit!" Her voice became more strident. "I am not Etta! This is crazy. Let me go!"Andronica told her to shush up. While Tam talked, Andronica and Io had been busy. They had removed various implements from the box and set up a work station of sorts by Cherie's side. Tam again focused her attention upon Cherie's body splayed out beneath her and commenced to rub Cherie's pubic fur between her fingers."Maybe you have noticed we girls are as bare as the day we were born." Io and Andronica spread their thighs and lifted their arms in the air revealing sleek, hairless bodies. Tam put her thumbs and forefingers together to form the shape of a heart over her bare pubic mound; her forefingers coming together beneath the hood of her clit. "See? Not a feather on us."Cherie had in fact noticed the complete absence of pubic hair on the bodies of the cup maidens but had not given the matter much thought. She had had other things on her mind. Even now she still could not comprehend what any of this had to do with her. Cherie's bush was a feature of her intimate geography to which she had never given much thought. It was naturally quite small consisting as it did of a single swirl of reddish blond hair almost but not quite as light and fine as the hair on her scalp. It had never occurred to Cherie to shave or trim it. What would have been the point? Then she felt something hot, or at least very warm, along its fringes. Andronica was using a wooden tongue depressor to trowel a hot goo onto her bush which she then covered with a cloth strip three inches long and almost an inch wide. "You know the drill, sugar: wax on, wax off."Before Cherie could register the full import of her words, Andronica gripped the cloth strip with her thumb and forefinger and ripped it from the side of Cherie's mound. A hot spark of pain shot through her torso and she jerked against her restraints but she clenched her teeth and refused to cry out or make a sound. She was not going to give them the satisfaction. Io was delighted by this spectacle and eagerly came around to the other side to share in the fun. Together, Andronica and Io applied the wax strips to Cherie's body and then violently tore them away taking patches of her pubic fur with each one. Growing impatient, little Io would apply a cloth strip to the hot wax and, bringing her face down close to Cherie's pussy, blow gently to make the wax cool and harden faster. As the cup maidens' progress brought them closer to the sparse hairs lining her outer labia and the cleft above the clitoral hood, the pain grew more intense until Cherie screamed through gritted teeth. The women were visibly aroused by her suffering and they devised ways to draw it out as the very last follicles were ripped free. Satisfaction was something Cherie was giving them plenty of.While the cup maidens were gleefully playing with their new toy, first Eddie and then three other naked men entered the chamber and sat cross-legged on the carpet to watch the proceedings, their cocks stiffening. This was what being in a creepy sex cult was all about. They were proud of their girls.Cherie at first did not notice that she and the cup maidens had an audience of males. She was a little preoccupied. Tam squeezed some lotion into her hand and began rubbing it liberally onto Cherie's denuded pubic area. As she did this, she let her long fingernails slide between the folds of Cherie's inner labia. The sensation made Cherie shudder with dread. All this time she was just being prepped for the moment of her ultimate violation and that moment was surely at hand. What else could they now possibly do to her?Tam took hold of Cherie's chin so that she could look directly into her eyes. "We gave you a Hollywood wax job for free. We just saved you a hundred bucks. What do you say?""Thank you," was Cherie's meek response."Thank you for what?" Tam demanded."Thank you for waxing me." "Now Cherie, some gentlemen have come to call on you. Won't you say hello to them?""Hello." Cherie's voice was tiny and her face and throat were flushed deep red. The eyes of the men, and the women too, were like tongues lapping up her nakedness and she did not even have her swirl of pubic hair to shield her innermost private parts from their gaze. Never had she dreamed she could feel so utterly helpless and exposed. Why would not someone intervene and help her? Where was the humanity, or was that quality not to be found in the Temple of Etta? She began again to plead to be released but something in their eyes made her come up short. Further begging would not help her cause at all. Nothing, she knew, would delight Etta's Children more than to hear her pleas for mercy while these male beasts took turns fucking her. Cherie fought against her restraints but the effort only leached away her strength and will to resist. Resignation and a dull physical ache were settling deeply into her muscles and bones and she felt herself begin to drift. Then Tam's voice brought Cherie back into the moment.Tam stood up and addressed Eddie and the three other men who sat in an arc just outside the spotlight."Not everyone is here yet but let's go ahead and get started. I would like to welcome you fine men to this very important ceremony. Each one of you was picked especially for this occasion by Andronica, Io and myself because we love you very, very much."The men all blushed and grinned slyly at each other. Tam wanted them to feel privileged and they did. Few pleasures in this life could compare to intercourse with a cup maiden. And now for the Rite of Ascension (except for Eddie, none of the men really knew what this meant, but no matter), this lovely little blond morsel was pinned to the floor in front of them. She was still crying and struggling which is to say she was still fresh. Everyone, or almost everyone, was in for a fine evening indeed.Tam continued. "Now allow me to formally introduce our very special guest, Miss Cherie Johansson. First, for your pleasure, we four ladies are going to put on a little floor show. After that, you will all have a chance to get better acquainted with Miss Johansson. Then the Rite of Ascension can begin!"As Tam spoke, Andronica positioned her lithe dark body between Cherie's legs and in one fluid motion lay down on top of her. Her body felt hot to Cherie who had never permitted another person to press so closely against her flesh except for the night Cindy was conceived. Cherie was no Lesbian, certainly not, and she had never liked black people particularly. Now she found herself in some twisted "floor show" as the plaything of Andronica, a young woman in whose strange brown eyes Cherie saw only cruelty and disdain. Still, having another female writhing on top of her was far preferable to what the men would surely do to her and Cherie allowed herself to relax and recoup a little. Andronica felt some of the tension go out of Cherie's body and would have none of it so she upped the ante. Cherie's eyes opened wide with alarm when she felt Andronica's long, pink tongue enter her ear and lap wetly into the back of her aural canal. She as much felt as heard a low purr emanate from deep inside Andronica's throat as she proceeded to slide her tongue slowly across Cherie's cheeks, eyelids, nose and lips. Propping her weight upon one elbow, Andronica brought her free hand down across Cherie's forehead and pinched her nose between thumb and forefinger. When the need to breathe compelled her to open up a little, Andronica pounced and thrust her tongue deeply into Cherie's mouth. Cherie realized she had little choice but to allow herself to be kissed in this manner and was even beginning to kiss Andronica back. What else could she do? But it was not Andronica's intention to make out with Cherie like horny teenagers in a church parking lot. No, she had something she wanted to tell her. Panting softly, Andronica placed her lips against Cherie's ear and in a low, husky voice said, "I got a surprise for you, sugar. I'm a squirter. Do you know what that means?" Cherie did not know but said nothing. "Your mouth still tastes like Eddie but your pussy's gonna taste like me."The black girl lifted herself off Cherie and, spreading her knees wide, lay on her back in the opposite direction so that her vagina and Cherie's eyed each other from a distance of just twelve inches. Io removed a small length of tubing from the box and handed it to Tam. The tube was of a clear polymer material some sixteen inches long and ¾ inch in diameter. Tam took one end of the tubing and jammed a full four inches of it into Cherie's vagina. The sudden intrusion caused her to squeal with discomfort which amused the onlookers greatly. Andronica used one hand to hold the other end at just the right spot by her own vaginal entrance as Tam commenced to rubbing Andronica's swollen clit in a slow circular motion.Rarely had Andronica been so aroused. She was going to bust a nut inside this stuck up white bitch. Cherie, for her part, could not grasp the point of this latest outrage against her person unless it was to deepen her already considerable humiliation. All she could do was loll her head from side to side and plead to no one in particular, "Why won't someone help me?"Within minutes Andronica was closing in on a splintering orgasm. While Tam expertly ramped up her ministrations, the black maiden gyrated her narrow hips in counterpoint to maximize the friction to her clitoris. Knowing precisely how to stimulate each other was one of the joys of cup maidenhood and Tam loved taking her sisters to the heights of sexual pleasure as much as they loved doing the same for her. Andronica was at the summit now. Her jaw went slack as every muscle in her legs and abdomen tightened to a steely coil. In a strange, thick voice she called out to Etta. She called out to Tam and to Io who was watching intently at Tam's side, "Watch me soak this bitch!" With Io's help, Andronica pressed her end of the tube tightly against the entrance of her vaginal canal even as a series of guttural rasps, more animal than human, welled up from the bottom of her throat and convulsed her entire body. Her coil was sprung at last and released thereby a hot blast of pure female ejaculate with a force no man or boy could ever hope to equal. Despite the presence of the opening of the tube at the point of eruption, the sudden spurts of clear liquid could not be constrained to flow docilely into such a narrow aperture and droplets of Andronica's juices spattered Tam and Io. Cherie too felt the hot rain down the front of her body from her chin to the insides of her thighs. This first gush was followed by another and another until the volume and pressure abated to a thin stream that trickled down Andronica's crotch and puddled the mat between her and Cherie.If truth be told, the idea of using a length of hose so that one woman could cum almost directly into another had not worked as well as the cup maidens had hoped. Very little of the essential liquid found its way from Andronica's end of the tube to Cherie's. No matter. Andronica pulled herself up and, still roiling from the aftershocks of her climax, inserted her end of the tube into her mouth and blew its entire contents deep into Cherie's cunt. Cherie had the sickening sensation of being inflated "down there" followed by a feeling she found even more strange and revolting. Her soft inner membranes had just been lubricated by the vaginal secretions of another woman. This could not be happening. She began to sob softly anew."Cherie, what do you have to say to my girl Andronica?" queried Tam."Thank you for...that." She honestly did not know what else to say. Io, who could never sit still for very long, had been watching these proceedings with mounting anticipation. Andronica lifted her backside off the mat by her hands and feet and backed crab-wise to the margins of the spotlight. It was now at last Io's turn to take center stage with Cherie. She stood over her with a foot on either side of Cherie's shoulders and peered down into her face with a smile that could best be described as predatory. Io wanted to afford Cherie an opportunity to take a good look at her fine, fat pussy. But she also wanted proud Cherie to know that she, little Io, was about to take her down to a whole new level of subjugation."Guess what," said Io. "I can squirt too." With that, Io hopped into the air and kicked out her legs. Like a gymnast on a balance beam, Io came down with her legs split wide. Before Cherie could even flinch, Io landed cunt-first squarely onto Cherie's face with a wet, meaty slap and commenced to grinding her pelvis up and down upon Cherie's nose and lips. Cherie tried to cry out her surprise and disgust at what the tiniest cup maiden was doing to her but the sound was muffled. Io did not so much hear as feel Cherie's screams and the heat and vibration of them against her swollen pussy sent her into a face fucking frenzy. She snaked her fingers into Cherie's soft blond hair and held her head firmly in place as she pumped and slathered her juices liberally about Cherie's nose, lips and chin. Io's clit, of which she was especially proud, was now a ripe protuberance fully the length and width of her little finger and Io concentrated on placing it hard upon the center of Cherie's mouth so that her every breath sent little Io closer to a mind blowing and very wet orgasm. Cherie felt she was being suffocated by Io's tangy feminine bouquet filling her throat and nostrils. But Io was not ready to cum just yet. She wanted to toy with her prey first. With her head bent low to watch, the cup maiden lifted her crotch off of Cherie's face. Cherie seized this chance to inhale a deep draught of fresh air. When she did, Io sprung the trap and adroitly inserted her clit to where it would be sucked full into Cherie's mouth. Cherie tried to dislodge the invading organ with her tongue but Io's clit was insistent and it was slippery. The feeling for Io was everything she hoped it would be."That's it," she cooed with malevolent pleasure. "Fuck me with your tongue, you tight little cunt! Eddie got to feel your tongue. Andronica got to feel your tongue. Now your face belongs to me. I'm going to spew my honey down your throat!"Enough was enough. Eddie's foul semen still roiled in her stomach. She was on display, tied up and butt naked. Her pubic hair had been ripped from her body and some black chick's pussy juice was leaking down her taint. And now this demonic little maiden's genitals were being stuffed into her mouth while people watched and laughed. Laughed! Cherie wondered what she had ever done to deserve any of this. Deep inside of her, fear soured into self-pity which festered into blind, uncaring rage. The heat of it rushed up her spine and spiked white hot into the top of her skull. Enough was enough. The time had come at last for this bitch to show her teeth.Io must have sensed something had changed. Her pliant human toy had suddenly gone rigid causing Io to remove herself from Cherie's mouth, none too soon. At precisely that moment Cherie's jaw snapped shut. Her teeth grazed the tip of Io's clit as they clicked together. She lunged again but bit nothing but air. Io was already on her feet hopping around the room. Her eyes blazed with triumph, as if she had just won some sort of bet."Did you see that? Did you see that?" little Io's energy was manic, frightful. "Bitch tried to bite me! Everybody saw it, right? We told her the rules, didn't we Eddie? We had a deal. Now get that little skank in here. I mean right now!"Eddie stood up and pointed to Cherie. "Tam, Andronica, untie her and get her on her feet. Io honey, we are going to need for you to calm down a little, okay?" but she ignored him as she continued her mad dance around the circle of light. With a nod from Tam, Eddie exited through the archway at the far end of the chamber.Cherie was loosed from her bonds, except for the manacles on her wrists, and stood uncertainly on her feet as one of the men gripped each elbow. She did not know what was about to happen and did not care much. Nothing the Children of Etta might do could possibly be any worse than what she had already endured. At least now she was beginning to regain circulation in her lower legs and feet. But whatever feeling of victory or relief Cherie was experiencing at that moment vanished. Standing in the far archway was Eddie with a child in his arms. As he stepped forward she saw with horror and remorse that the child he carried was her own little beauty queen.VI. DisciplineCherie was crestfallen. Eddie had not been bluffing. They had had her all along. Eddie placed little Cindy upon the very mat her mother had lain not two minutes earlier. It was still warm. Cindy was naked except for white footies, the kind with the pink puffballs on the ankles, and white cotton panties Cherie had picked out for her. Cindy looked wide-eyed about the ascension chamber, more curious than fearful, and she meekly submitted to having her legs spread and bound by the cup maidens but kept her arms folded defensively in front of her nascent breasts. Tam squat down and said something low and soft to the girl and she yielded up her wrists to be held fast just as her mother's had been.Cherie called out and tried to run to the girl but she too was held fast. Cindy gave her a puzzled look. "Mom, where are we and who are all these people?"Cherie struggled for some semblance of composure. She had to be strong for her little girl. "Don't worry about a thing, baby. Uncle Eddie and Aunt Tam and their friends just want to talk to me. No one is going to hurt you. Mommy won't let them."Eddie cocked an eyebrow. "Really." He nodded to the man called Brian. Brian, who appeared to be in his early twenties, was younger than the other men. At 5'8" he was compact with a thick waist and broad shoulders. He had dirty blond hair and a clean, wholesome face except that his teeth were as wide and white as bathroom tiles. The effect of this was that even Brian's friendliest smile appeared unsettling and sinister to the beholder. In fairness to the young man, it was something that could not be helped. Neither could he help the unsettling effect his fully erect penis could have upon small women, or spread-eagled little girls for that matter. At a mere eight inches he was not quite as long as Eddie but he surpassed him in width by at least a half of an inch at the base with a bulbous flared head that would make him feel even wider to a recipient and harder to expel.Brian stepped into the space between Cindy's outstretched thighs and settled to his knees. He allowed himself to loom over the helpless girl so she could see up close the massive thing he was about to drive into her body. Cindy still did not understand. The panties Cindy was wearing had a tiny red, white and green rosebud stitched into the center of the thin elastic waistband. The man leaned down and, resting his broad forehead upon Cindy's stomach, gripped the rosebud in his teeth and tore it free. The violence of this assault upon the girl's panties caused the elastic to snap. Brian tore at the thin cotton fabric below the broken waistband like a kid on Christmas morning. Before Cindy could offer any protest, what remained of her panties was torn from her hips. The harsh spotlight seemed to focus on the region just beneath her bare, tiny mound and all the congregants leaned in for a better view. The child's pussy winked out at them as opalescent and delectably vulnerable as a mussel on the end of a fork. Still the child said nothing even as the man designated to be her first rapist gave her a wide, hungry grin and stroked his cock. She merely peered up at him quizzically.Cherie's heart was breaking. Because of her actions her daughter was but seconds away from being mortally violated. She had to do something, but what? It was this moment that Eddie chose to offer his counsel. "Personally, I would take no great pleasure in raping a child but I'm afraid some of the others here don't have my scruples.""Please don't let them hurt her, Eddie! You love Cindy. You can stop this." Cherie struggled to control herself. She was almost hysterical. "Please just let us go, Eddie.""We will let one of you go," answered Tam from the floor where she still held the girl's wrists. Tam was a little peeved. She was the High Cup Maiden and she would be damned if she was going to be excluded from the conversation. "We love little Cindy more than you ever did and want to keep her here with us. All you have to do is say the word and you can waltz your tight ass right out of here. We promise to take good care of her. Hell, before you leave we'll even let you pick out which dick gets to fuck her first, you know, for openers."Eddie took over. "If you choose for us to set Cindy loose, you will have to stay and accept discipline from us. Then the ascension ceremony will commence. But you're a strong woman. I think you'll survive.""Then will you let me go?""You don't get it, do you?" interjected Tam. "Once you say the word and your daughter goes free, your ass belongs to Etta, to us. We'll never let you go. Now choose."Except for Io smacking her gum, the chamber was silent. What Cherie wanted was to start blasting away with a 9mm in each hand, or to scoop up her daughter and together disappear and re-materialize some place else, or just to wake up from this very bad dream. But these options were not on the table. In the long silence Brian took the massive head of his penis and pressed it hard against the inner lips of Cindy's vulva.Cindy broke the silence. "I'm scared, mommy! Please don't let them hurt me, mommy!" she pleaded in a high small voice.Cherie could delay no further. She knew what she had to do. "Let her go. You can have me.""Well, well. You're a good mother after all," sneered Eddie. "Who knew? Alright everybody, you heard the lady. Cut the kid loose."Young Brian was crushed. Just like that, the tightest pussy of his life had been snatched away from him. And he had come so close too. The bonds were duly removed from Cindy's legs and she stood and turned to leave."Remember that momma loves you," Cherie called out. "Now get away from here. Run!" But she did not run. With more dignity than one might expect from an unclothed eleven year old girl who had just narrowly escaped a most harrowing sexual assault, Cindy walked out of that chamber of horrors with her head high and eyes straight ahead and disappeared behind the beaded curtain of the far entrance. All eyes then turned to Cherie. "Okay boys," commanded Tam. "Let's put her on the hook."Cherie was lifted by her wrists until she was hanging by her handcuffs from the hook screwed into the ceiling beam. Her feet lacked at least four inches from touching the floor and the pain in her wrists and shoulders from being suspended in this manner very quickly became unbearable. Almost by reflex, Cherie kicked out her legs until her feet found the blocks set beneath the hook. She counted it a blessing to have something on which to stand. However, from Cherie's perspective, there were three things wrong with these blocks. First, they lacked a couple of inches of being tall enough. Thus, Cherie was forced to stand on the balls of her feet. Second, the blocks were situated not directly beneath the hook but several inches back so that, in order to stay on this perch, Cherie had to make her spine curve. This, she knew, put her bare, heart-shaped bottom prominently on display to anyone who walked behind her. Finally, the blocks were set a full two feet apart.Chained to the hook, Cherie looked down to see Etta's Children gathered on the floor in front of her in a semi-circle not three feet away. During those horrible moments when she was forced to choose this fate, Cherie had not noticed four more men—two white, two black, all naked—had entered the chamber. She noticed now and she felt their eyes and the eyes of all the others on her body. She considered how she must look to them. Just as the placement of the accursed blocks forced her to spread her legs and stick out her butt, so too did they cause her to bend slightly forward at the waist and thrust her breasts practically into the upturned faces of her tormentors. The insides of her thighs were wet and glistening with horrible Andronica's cum and she still could not draw a breath without tasting Io's pussy on her face. The picture she now presented was in many ways even more revealing and humiliating than when she was splayed out on the floor and the thought made her blush scarlet down the front of her body. She was grateful she did not have to look at her reflection in a mirror. Cherie drew some small measure of strength and solace too from the knowledge that while she held everyone's rapt attention, her daughter was effecting her escape and would no doubt lead the authorities back to this very room.Io stood over Tam with her hands on her narrow, boyish hips. "Can I get started, or what?" she asked with more than a little impatience."Yes, Io. Her ass is yours. Enjoy."Whatever feelings of hope and relief Cherie may have been nurturing in her breast were quickly forgotten to be replaced by a heart-chilling fear. She was about to receive discipline from Io. One might expect Cherie to be inwardly grateful for this. After all, Io was by far the most diminutive of the assembled Children of Etta. This is a fact from which Cherie took no comfort. She had already been made intimately acquainted with the wiry strength contained within that 4'10", 90 lb frame. But it was something more than just Io's physical strength that frightened her so. All of these people were disgusting pervert rapists who deserved to fry for what they had done to her, and God knows who all else. But none of them was in the same league as the girl they called Little Io. She was the one true psychopath of the group. And not 15 minutes ago Cherie had tried to give her a clitorectomy. Io produced a metallic object from the box and displayed it to Cherie like merchandise on the home shopping channel. The thing she held before her consisted of two tiny electrical clamps affixed to opposite ends of a thick silver chain with links the size of dimes."These are tittie clamps. Guess where they go."Panic seized Cherie; her breasts shuddered. "Io, I'm sorry," she stammered. "Please don't...ooww! God!! Ooww!!"Io had come up from underneath and attached a clamp to the reluctant tip of one of Cherie's nipples and then the other. The clamps had strong jaws and needle sharp steel teeth that bit deep into the tender, sensitive flesh. Pain shot through her breasts and up and down the whole front of her body. What is more, the pain did not fade but instead grew more persistent. While she moaned and cried, the woman hanging from the hook tried to shake her torso in an effort to dislodge the merciless little teeth but, with the weight of the connecting chain swinging between them, her exertion only magnified her discomfort.The cruelest cup maiden then tugged on the chain to get her attention. "You need to save your voice. I want you to meet a friend," she said as she held in front of Cherie's face a stock of wood and leather about a foot long from one end of which sprouted four thongs some three feet in length. The thongs were of soft leather cut in one inch wide strips. It was apparent that here was an instrument of instruction designed less to bite than to sting. "This is the conductor, Lawrence Welt. He is going to make you sing, bitch!" hissed Io as she rubbed the butt of the stock up and down the center line of Cherie's body beneath her navel.The sight of the flail in Io's hand and the black fire in her eyes made Cherie forget for the moment the gnawing pain in her breasts and she threw her head from side to side. "No! God help me. No!""Sssh!" Little Io placed one forefinger against Cherie's lips and, leaning in as close to her ear as she could, whispered, "Don't you worry about a thing. You're a lucky little fuck doll. I'm going to give it to you just the way I like to get it."Cherie was not mollified.Io padded slowly around to Cherie's rear. Cherie tried franticly to keep an eye on her but, alas, she could only turn her head so far. Io was now squarely behind her and out of sight. What happened next dismayed and confused Cherie into silence. She heard Io make a soft blowing sound and she felt a tendril of air slide across her exposed and protruding buttocks, then in between over her wet anus, perineum and vulva. The next thing she felt was the brush of Io's lips as they planted a kiss on the base of her spine and whispered the incongruous words, "I love you."Then, as quickly as Io could turn and take two steps back, she brought the leather flails down with terrific force upon the precise spot where her lips had been. Cherie let out a yowl and leapt from her perch. She swung from the hook as her feet churned ineffectually in air. The Children were beside themselves. The sight of the woman swinging and screaming while Io used her bare ass for target practice was just too damn funny and they were literally rolling in the floor with laughter. By the time Cherie's feet had regained the blocks, Io had landed at least a half dozen blows to each buttock.With Cherie back on her perch, she and Io settled into a rhythm. Io took aim and brought the whip down upon Cherie's body once every three seconds with metronomic precision. And with every loud clap of leather upon flesh, Cherie cried out in anguish. Her back felt like a bubbling mass from her arm pits and shoulder blades to the base of her calves. Tufts of blond hair became entangled in the thongs and fell to the floor. The red welts had risen on the front of her body too as the flails curled around Cherie's rib cage or waist to sting the sides of her breasts and belly. Sometimes, just to keep her prey "on her toes", Io would employ an underhand stroke like a softball pitch to bring the leather thongs up across Cherie's labia and clit before snapping against her enflamed mound. Then Io would jerk the whip back across that same narrow crevasse. This stroke, which Cherie thought to be especially cruel, always dislodged her from the blocks as she tried to pull in one leg in a vain and, to the onlookers, amusing attempt to shield her most private and tender parts from further outrage.Somewhere in Cherie's mind she knew she must surely either die on this hook or go insane. The insistent gnaw of the nipple clamps and never ending strokes of the lash made Cherie feel like she was dipped in a boiling pot of pain. Io had been right about one thing. Cherie could be made to sing. But her song of agony had trailed off to a thin, high shriek as her remaining strength ebbed away. Then, in spite of everything, Cherie noted something odd. Through her fog of suffering she could have swore she heard an echo of her cries each time the whip came down. No. There was no echo in the room that could account for what she heard. As her own yelps became weaker, someone else's grew louder and deeper. They were coming from behind, from Io. The tidy three second interval was abandoned as the blows fell faster and faster upon Cherie's reddened buttocks and thighs. She could cry no more but instead let her body go limp and waited for life or consciousness to depart from her.But as abruptly as the blows had started, they stopped. While Cherie hung there waiting for them to resume, she heard a thick bestial huh, huh, huhh sound coming from somewhere below and behind her. She was able to turn her head enough to see that the flail had fallen to the carpet and so had Io. She was on all fours except that one hand was buried in her crotch."Fuck me! Why won't somebody fuck me?" Io's face had gone as red as her short, dyed hair and was streaked with sweat. "Tam, make one of them fuck me. I'm in heat bad."Tam turned to Eddie who nodded to one of the three men who had entered the room with him. Martin was his name and he appeared to be in his mid-forties but he looked like he spent a lot of time in a gym or health club for his body was lean, hard and tanned. He still had a thick head of jet black hair except for small silver wings combed back above his ears and his face bespoke intelligence, if not kindness. He was as naked as everyone else except for the Rolex watch on his wrist and his fully erect penis, which was of more or less average proportions, was uncut.Martin crawled over to little Io who rolled onto her back and spread her legs wide for him. Her face, which moments before had been a contorted mask of carnality, now had by some strange alchemy recast itself into a visage of innocence and child-like gratitude. As the older man leaned in to mount her, Io took his cock and guided it into the tumescent folds of her vagina. Then she enfolded her legs around his hips and gasped, "Oh, daddy. I've been so bad. Fuck me, daddy! Fuck your little girl."Cherie was glad the beating had stopped. Maybe now the others would take her down off this hook and remove the clamps biting into her nipples. Surely the worst of her ordeal was over. She slumped her head forward and a surfeit of unruly soft hair obscured her face. Without having to be prompted, she said in a hoarse whisper, "Thank you for correcting me. I'm sorry I tried to bite you, Io. I won't do it again." But Io was otherwise occupied and paid her no mind.Eddie whispered something into the ear of the man called Brian who gave him a big, toothy grin and stood up. This was the man who had almost violated Cindy and Cherie felt a new dread for what his participation might now entail for her.Brian casually stepped over Martin and Io lasciviously rutting on the carpet and made his way behind Cherie to the box from where he produced a spray bottled filled with a light greenish-gold liquid. He began spraying a cool, soothing mist upon Cherie's welted and throbbing backside. Her nose recognized the scent. It was olive oil. She wondered distractedly if this was meant as some sort of anointing. He then thrust the spray nozzle hard against her anus and pumped twice."Whoa!" Cherie's head shot up and she reflexively sprang forward off the blocks. But as she swung back, Brian caught her by the hips and held her fast. Cherie could feel his engorged member nestled between the sorely mistreated twin lobes of her ass and she was powerless to dislodge it. Brian bent slightly at the knees until the head of his cock, as broad and firm as an apple, pressed menacingly against her tiny anal rim. It was impossible, Cherie knew, for something that large to penetrate so small an orifice. But Cherie's notions of what was possible were about to be rudely redefined. She groped in her mind for some stratagem that might save her. She had to connect with her rapist on a human level, make him see her as a person and bargain with him. It had to work. It was a matter of life and death."Please don't take me from behind, Brian." Cherie struggled to modulate her voice to strike just the right note of sweet feminine reason. "It will hurt both of us. I liked that you sprayed oil on me. That felt good, Brian. I want you to know I think you're really a nice guy. If you put me on the floor you can make love to my mouth. Would you like that, Brian? I would. I would like that a lot.""Slut," jeered the young man as he thrust his pelvis violently upward, all of his penetrative power concentrated upon her tiny anal cherry. It was no contest. Cherie felt the horrible rending and tearing of her delicate sphincter muscle. The massive head bore up with authority into her anal canal. The pain of it was the worst she had ever experienced. Not even the pangs of childbirth could compare. Cherie could feel herself being sundered and split to pieces as she was impaled by her own weight upon the head and shaft of her rapist's cock.Cherie's head was thrown back and her mouth open. There issued from the bottom of her throat a raw shriek of agony and abasement. Still, inch by terrible inch, Brian's prick disappeared into Cherie and she could feel every bulging vein and ripple of the thing as it penetrated high into her rectum. Her anal muscles involuntarily contracted causing her tender inner lining to invaginate the intruder."Ohh, Jesus! Pull out! Pull out! You're killing me, you son of a bitch!" "That's it, cunt! Keep it up. I love it when you holler. It feels good on my dick!" Brian began to pump and thrust his cock higher into the recesses of Cherie's bowels. Each thrust was so forceful it made her hair flounce and the wind was punched from her lungs. Hah. Hah. Hah. With one hand he clutched her breast while the other bore into her delta. His middle finger crushed her nether lips and clit against her pubic bone.The young man placed his lips against Cherie's ear and hissed, "You love this, don't you, you little whore! Only whores take it in the ass. You can't wait to feel me cum, can you? Whore."A curious thing happened. A fragment of Cherie's consciousness wandered outside of herself to consider these words. Could they be true? Was she a whore? Cherie had been frigid all of her adult life. She never gave much thought as to why this should be. It was just who she was. Now she found herself stripped naked and hanging from a hook while she got fucked up the ass by a stranger for the amusement of other strangers. And there was not a goddamn thing she could do about it. A whore at least had some control. She had the freedom to choose to participate in her degradation. No, Cherie was not a whore. Her station was even lower. She was meat. Meat being devoured by wolves.Cherie's moment of clarity dissolved in the thickening of her anguish. She could feel her rapist's penis begin to swell inside of her as his strokes came faster and deeper. The sensation of being stuffed to the point of bursting was sickening. With a remorseless tightening of his grip upon her tit and pussy, Brian commenced to grunting into Cherie's ear as his cock spasmed and spewed deep in her gut.With his penis still cradled high up in her colon, Cherry heard Brian's voice behind her ask, "Is there something you want to say to me, slut?"Cherie's head slumped to one side. The wind was knocked out of her and she could hardly speak at all."Thank you," she gasped, "for almost killing me.""Wrong answer, wiseass!" countered Brian as his fist found the silver chain between Cherie's breasts and twisted it cruelly."Okay! Okay! I'm sorry. Thank you for...for...sodomizing me.""That's more like it, Cherie." Brian seemed appeased and he unhanded the chain. Cherie was again left hanging as he uncoupled himself from her backside. Everyone gave him a standing ovation.Everyone, that is, except Martin and Io. They lay on the carpet panting and sweaty. Io had insisted they change position so that she was on top. She wanted to watch Brian skewer Cherie's ass while she feverishly milked the semen from her drone. They climaxed together just as Brian came inside Cherie.Tam turned to face the congregants. "The time has come to prepare for the Ascension," she informed everyone. "Eddie, get her down." VII. AscensionEddie lifted Cherie by her wrists until her cuffs were free of the hook. He tried to set her down on her feet but she was too weak to stand so he poured her onto the mat. Tam and Andronica removed the clamps Io had placed upon the tips of Cherie's nipples and they massaged them gingerly to restore circulation. Then they slipped the loops back onto Cherie's legs at the knees but not at the ankles. And this time they made a point of being a little gentler as they went about it. Cherie wanted to protest but could offer no meaningful resistance. First Io and then Brian had done their work well. There was no fight left in her.Andronica excused herself so she could go over to Io and drink from her. Tam secured Cherie's manacles to the hook in the floor. "This will all be over soon," she assured her. "You're doing great."Cherie found herself back on the mat in the same obscene position as before. Her mind refused to ponder what horrors may yet lay in store for her. Her attention was focused instead on what was happening on the floor not ten feet away. Andronica was upright on her knees. The backs of little Io's thighs rested upon the black girl's shoulders. In this elevated position only Io's shoulders touched the carpet. Io's fingers caressed Andronica's scalp through her tight curls while Andronica placed one hand on the small of Io's back and the other on her belly, sandwich fashion. Her head rotated from side to side as she lapped and sucked from Io's young moist cup with audible relish. Cherie could not help but be oddly moved by the tender intimacy of the scene unfolding in the margins of one cup maiden drinking from another. But what most seized and held Cherie's heart, even through the storm of her own dread and suffering, was the look of bliss that had suffused Io's face. Pealed away was the mask of some terrifying undiagnosed psychosis. Gone also was the coquettish little girl façade she put on for the drone Martin. Io's face had been transfigured. She had put on perfect peace.Cherie's reverie was cut short by the person of Jeff. Jeff was the other of the three men who had entered the chamber with Eddie. He was a tall, reedy man in his early thirties with long, stringy brown hair and a thin beard to match. As he knelt before Cherie, the feature that most filled her with new apprehension was his cock. It was a full 14" long and was as straight and narrow as the handle on a bathroom plunger. Surely he did not expect to put something like that inside of her.He did. With one hand he rubbed the head of his cock against Cherie's clit just so she would know what he was about to do to her. Then he guided it down between the delicate innermost petals of her pussy until he was knocking upon the very Gates of Venus. Cherie flinched and gnashed her teeth as the tall man pressed forward with his hips and pried her open. But Cherie would not yield up her treasure so easily. Her vaginal muscles were fresh and strong and they contracted to bar the way. Jeff shoved hard and grunted with the effort but he only succeeded in getting most of the head inside her.It was a contest Cherie was in no position to win. One push followed another and with each push a little bit more of his cock lodged itself in the natural moistness of her vaginal well. Cherie's "girl", as she was sometimes wont to refer to her sex organ, was none too eager to juice up for Jeff's dick. Andronica's input made this irrelevant, however. The intruder withdrew until just the tip remained inside her. When it did so, it brought some of the precious female essence with it and slathered it liberally about the vaginal entrance. Thus lubricated, Jeff leaned in for another firm, steady, inexorable push.Cherie's poor "girl" did not realize the game was up and that she had been overcome. The muscles tightened and gripped the invader in a vain effort to halt its inward progress and prevent the plunder of her womb. The effect of all this exertion was to drain away whatever strength Cherie had left while pleasuring her rapist."She's fighting my dick," Jeff reported to the other men. "It feels so good." The men, and women too, grinned and nodded with approval, their eyes and teeth glinting in the shadows."Oh God no! NOOOooo! Aayeeeiii!" Cherie arched her spine and strained against her bonds. She could feel every inch of Jeff's long penis as it probed ever deeper into the upper reaches of her pussy. Her vaginal canal tried to elongate itself in order to accommodate the intruder but it was no use. She was just too petite. Much to Jeff's obvious gratification, his cock found Cherie's cervix, penetrated it and thrust high into the back of her uterus.He was buried in Cherie up to the hilt now and pounding with mounting fervor. Cherie was in unspeakable agony as the cock head battered against her diaphragm and sent cramps like shock waves through out her abdomen. In her mind's eye she saw herself as the captive and pregnant plaything of the Children of Etta and wailed her despair even as her long, lanky rapist pumped his seed directly into her womb."Say it," he commanded."Thank you for cumming in me."The man called Jeff pulled out of her. Eddie took one of the pieces of lumber, a 10"x 8"x 2" board, and shoved it beneath Cherie's backside. The board was unfinished and rough on her sore bottom. The men gathered around Cherie in a tight circle and were all standing on their knees nervously stroking their erections while each awaited his turn to rape her. Pinned to the floor, all Cherie could see in any direction was cocks and balls, hairy abs and thighs. The smell of testosterone and proglastin closed in on her. The sound of their breathing was drowned out only by her pointless sobs and the frantic beating of her heart.For all of Cherie's adult life, preserving the sexual sanctity of her body had been an overriding priority. This was no longer an issue. Obviously. The name of the game now was simple survival. All Cherie could think about was that she did not want to be fucked to death on this mat in this room. When would help arrive? Where were the police? Where was her daughter? She had to find some fragment of hope to cling to. When Cherie cast her eyes down the center of her body to the man who loomed up in the wide space between her outstretched thighs, hope eluded her grasp. She was about to make the acquaintance of the man they called L.T.L.T. was one of the black men who showed up late to Cherie's little coming out party. He had a broad, middle-aged face and bald head set on a thick neck and shoulders. He was a full foot taller than Cherie and weighed at least twice as much as she did. His cock was every bit as thick as Brian's and a full three inches longer. Addressing the other men, L.T. said, "I hate it for the rest of you boys but I'm about to tear this little pussy up.""Please don't hurt me," Cherie whimpered.The big man gazed down upon the helpless young woman and smiled. His dark eyes seemed to drink in her nakedness. "Hurt you? Little lady, I'm about to give you something you'll remember for the rest of your life. I fucked Etta good back in the day. Now I'm gonna fuck you."With that he inserted the aubergine head of his cock into the mouth and neck of Cherie's vagina and pressed his powerful loins into her. Cherie was too hoarse to scream but she screamed anyway. She figured darkness and pain were about to wash over her one last time and then this would all be over. These animals could go right on fucking her until her body hit room temperature. It would make no difference to her anymore. Her spirit would be somewhere else and she did not care where.But Cherie did not die, or even pass out. L.T. wanted her to know she was being fucked. He did not want to kill her. The big man lay down on his forearms with Cherie pinioned beneath him so that the only parts of her visible from above were her bound wrists, calves and feet. With a slow, rhythmic pumping motion, L.T. discretely introduced his formidable manhood to the satiny back wall of Cherie's bruised and battered vagina. All the while he spoke soothingly to her telling her he was not really going to hurt her and everything would be okay. He told her it was okay for her to love him and that he would take her to some safe place far away where she would be his cherished woman.No one could have been more surprised by Cherie's response to these sweet nothings than Cherie herself. Since the moment she woke up to this nightmare, she had received from the people who called themselves Etta's Children nothing but hatred, sadistic cruelty and unspeakable perversion. She desperately wanted someone, anyone to just be nice to her. Any act of simple human kindness, no matter how small or perfunctory, would be taken wholly to heart. Cherie responded to L.T.'s words by willing herself to open up and receive him, all of him. The muscles around her vagina and uterus relaxed and the vagina itself elongated and lubricated bountifully. Yes, she was going to be this nice man's woman and he would free her from her bonds and carry her away from this awful place. As he ever so gently worked more and more of his great cock up the neck of Cherie's pussy, her cervix yielded for him.L.T. knew exactly what he was doing. He told Cherie he loved her; that he would be her deliverer and salvation and all she need do is ask. While he mouthed these words into Cherie's ear, he sank the rest of his cock into her all the way to his balls and let it stay there without moving. Cherie had never felt so mastered by anyone. It was as if she had been molded body and soul around this man's organ and her body could not so much as draw a breath without first getting the permission of the big dick lodged in the center of her. She knew her dark lover could feel her every breath and heartbeat and it pleasured him. Cherie arched her back and moaned with something like fulfillment."Cum in me, darling," murmured Cherie plaintively. "Fill me up and take me away from here."This was the kind of response L.T. had been hoping for. He had never been content to just rape a woman's body. Now he could begin fucking Cherie in earnest. He withdrew the entire shaft of his cock from Cherie's pussy. She looked at him questioningly. L.T. raised up on his massive arms and flashed Cherie an ivory grin as he plunged into the back of her cunt with all his strength. Seismic tremors of pain roiled through her body and she wailed with shock and the sharp sense of having been betrayed. The tremors piled up one on top of the other as L.T. fucked her without mercy for what seemed like forever. Cherie's womb was being ransacked and she was sure she could feel the tissues of her reproductive organs perforating under the assault. The big man roared as he began filling Cherie's raw, wounded pussy with copious jets of essence.With his swollen cock still pumping out the last sticky ribbons of semen, L.T. pulled out and, leaning forward, placed the head against Cherie's lips. "Don't forget the first rule," he growled.Cherie enclosed the cock head in her mouth and sucked as hard as she was able while L.T. pistoned the long shaft in his fist. Cherie saw and tasted only a small amount of her blood on the man's organ. With one last powerful leap, his cock plastered her palate. She swallowed as she let her head fall back on the mat and thanked him. She was learning how to be a good little fuck doll.Another board was shoved under her and a new drone commenced to reaming out her pussy. And then another. Cherie was coming to realize that getting raped was hard work. She was bone tired. The women seemed willing to go a little easier on her after her ordeal on the hook. The men had no such compunction. It was as though there was some unspoken competition between them of who could pound her the hardest. Who could fuck her the deepest was not at issue. L.T. and Jeff had already split that prize. Cherie fixed her eyes upon some vague spot beyond the ceiling beams as each man in his turn strained and raged on top of her. She barely had the strength or presence of mind to express her gratitude to each of her rapists."Thank you for cumming in me."Profound physical discomfort ripened into screaming pain as the planks began to stack high beneath her. Only her shoulders remained on the mat as her pelvis was elevated ever higher. The thin ropes cut deep into her flesh at the knees and she felt as though her legs would be torn from her body. Then the thought occurred to her that this was not intended as simply some cruel enhancement of a cruel ritual. They meant to fill her up. But to what end?Another thought had been floating near the back of her mind like a rudderless ship adrift in fog. Now in her extremity, this vessel at last found its port. Had not Tam told Cherie her ass belongs to Etta? Her ass belongs to Etta. These words bobbed in and out of Cherie's consciousness all the while she was being beaten, sodomized and raped repeatedly. Her ass belongs to Etta. But wait. Cherie was Etta, or at least Etta's incarnation, was she not? From some yet unviolated place deep inside of her, Cherie willed up perhaps her last reserve of strength. She wanted to address her tormentors. This chick had something to say."This is how you treat the Incarnation of Etta? No wonder your guru died. You people killed her!"Everyone froze and an uncomfortable silence fell over the room. A man who was about to enter Cherie turned to Eddie in confusion. Cherie herself was impressed at the change her words had wrought. She was so impressed, in fact, that she did not hear the rustle of beads at the far end of the room. Andronica and Io noticed first and heralded the others. Soon a murmur electric in its effect passed through the chamber. "Ascension!" each of the congregants was heard to say in excited whispers. They formed up in a double line kneeling before the one who had entered. Cherie strained to see the cause of all this sudden activity but could only make out a tiny figure standing poised in shadow.Cherie's heart sank in dismay even before her mind could acknowledge what her eyes now clearly saw. The newcomer to the rite who now drew the adoration of cup maidens and drones alike was but a child. And not just any child. It was her own little Cindy.This time Cindy was completely naked except that she wore a round diamond and sapphire pendant on a thin chain around her neck and her abundant blond hair was piled high on her head above a woven tiara of blue bells and baby's breath. She walked slowly on the balls of her feet towards the center of the chamber stopping to touch the neck and face of each of her supplicants.Cindy stepped into the circle of light and coolly surveyed the panting wreckage of her mother. Then the girl turned to Eddie who was seated nearest her and said, "We did good, didn't we, Uncle Eddie?""We sure did, baby girl.""I want to give you your reward, right here and now." Cindy placed her hands upon Eddie's chest and pushed him lightly onto his back. She then straddled Eddie's chest and stomach on all fours with her back to him. They were so close to Cherie she could have reached out and touched them had her wrists not been bound. Eddie salivated at the sight of Cindy's delicate little girl snatch mere inches from his mouth. The child looked back at him and, smiling sweetly, lowered her tiny cunt onto Eddie's lips so that he could give it a nice long tongue kiss. Cindy sighed with evident pleasure and made tight circles on Eddie's mouth with her pelvis for a full minute; then she wrapped her fingers around the base of the man's thick nine inch penis and leaned forward. The child turned with the same sweet smile to her helpless, ravaged mother and cooed sardonically, "I'm scared, mommy. Please don't let them hurt me, mommy."With that, the little girl turned and, with a forward thrust, gobbled up a full six inches of Eddie's cock. She sucked hard molding her lips and tongue around it and pulled up slowly so that three inches of Eddie's shaft eased wetly into view. Cindy took a deep breath through her nose and the sides of her mouth before leaning forward again, all the way this time, and buried her little nose into the top of his scrotum. Eddie took hold of her ass cheeks and sank first one forefinger then the other into Cindy's pussy. Then he let his middle fingers penetrate her tiny exposed anus. With the purchase this gave him, Eddie pushed the girl forward and down upon his cock while he pumped his loins to meet each thrust.Cherie's spirit sank and died as she watched this lewd tableau. As jarring as it was to witness her eleven year old daughter being throat fucked by a grown man, the same man who had earlier raped her own throat, the thing that really left her undone was the dawning realization that her little girl had conspired and actively participated in the sexual sacrifice of her own mother, body and soul, to the cult of Etta. Indeed, Cherie was beginning to see with frightful clarity that her daughter had, for several weeks or months, planned and orchestrated every nuance of her suffering.Eddie's cock began to broaden and pulse in Cindy's throat causing the little girl to purr with delight as he tightened his grip upon her ass and pumped her mouth hard. When he sighed and let go of the girl, she slid her mouth off of his still rigid penis and thanked her Uncle Eddie for putting his milk in her tummy. Cindy rubbed her belly for emphasis. Tam then seized hold of Cindy and, enfolding the girl in her arms, gave her a long searching kiss as her tongue sought out the familiar taste of her beloved husband's essence in the recesses of little Cindy's juicy mouth. Cindy allowed herself to be kissed in this manner for only a short time before she extricated herself from Tam's embrace and went over to the mat and knelt down before Cherie's upturned and sorely abused vaginal cup. Mother and daughter's identical cold blue eyes met and Cherie frantically cast about in her mind for words to say but Cindy spoke first. "Oh mom," she said with the air of someone whose patience had been tried but not broken. "You got it all wrong. You're not the Incarnation of Etta. I am. And I have chosen you, dear mommy, to be my cup maiden."Cherie swooned from exhaustion and defeat. The last thing she felt before she slipped from consciousness was her daughter's teeth grinding into her clit as she drank greedily from Cherie's womb.THIS IS NOT OVER.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 51
Jason carried his books with him out to the fence. He stood looking at the slackers. His fingers curled around the chain link. He had seen Erin with her friends but had not talked to her.He saw her glancing over at him; she was sitting on the hood of the GTO with two other girls.She was talking to some guy who was touching her arm, stroking his hand up and down slowly. Erin said something to the guy and he stopped stroking her arm. She sat staring at him, waiting.Jason walked to the end of the fence, if he went around it into the parking lot, there would be prices to pay.If he went the other way, he would go home. There would be prices to pay.He turned to look at Erin; she was looking at him around the other boys shoulder.Jason decided."Erin, want to go for a ride?" he asked her holding out his hand to her.Erin smiled, she took his hand."You do know there are prices to pay if you go for a ride with me," he told her."Here's a down payment," she said pressing close and kissing him hard on the lips.Much to the surprise of those gathered around."Erin I need a girlfriend, badly. You want the job?" he asked her as he put an arm around her waist and led her to her little car."Do I get the full treatment, dances, dinners, presents, dinner with your parents?" she asked looking up into his face."Oh yeah, most definitely you get to meet my parents." he said laughing.Erin laughed and slid her hand down inside his jeans to grip his asscheek."Jason are you wearing boxers?" she asked with an evil smile playing about her lips.Jason just smiled at her.The End
Earlier this month, my girlfriend and I were sitting around looking for a good movie to go see. It seemed that most of the good movies were playing in theaters that charged high prices, and we were looking over the ads when Kay began to laugh. "Oh boy! How about 'Hot Nights' and 'Fiona on fire'?" Kay said. Kay and I had been together for a long time, even sharing a guy in bed once. I laughed too, knowing that she was kidding. We kept looking over the ads but nothing was playing close to home that we wanted to go see, yet we both wanted to get out of the house for a while. "Why not?" Kay asked later. "I've never been to one before." It took me a second to realize that she was seriously suggesting that we go to an adult movie, in a theater. We'd both seen pornos on tape, with our own boyfriends, but never together, and never with each other. "No, I'm not wild about those things." I said. Too many of the movies are made for men, and women get treated a sex objects. Sometimes, if the mood is right, that's okay, but not generally. "Well, I want to do SOMETHING tonight." Kay said. We were still debating driving several miles out of town to see a movie when Sam called. Sam is a good friend of mine, good looking, and fun to be with. He'd called to ask me if I were going to a club meeting that weekend and Kay, knowing who was on the phone, decided to joke around with Sam. "Wanna take a couple of girls to a porno movie?" Kay yelled so Sam would hear her. "Sure, sounds like fun," was Sam's calm reply. "Debbi, are you okay?" Kay asked me when I looked at her. I'm sure my face showed shock at Sam's quick reply. "Umm, Kay was teasing, Sam," I said, giving Kay a stern look. Kay laughed, realizing that Sam had agreed. "No I wasn't, get your ass over here and let's go!" Kay laughingly yelled. Sam chuckled. "If you want to go, I know a new movie that's playing here in town. And Hustler said it was pretty good." "Riiight!" I said back. "Hustler said it was pretty good. That makes all the difference in the world!" After some more bickering, Sam finally decided to come over, since he only lived around the corner. When I hung up the phone, I gave Kay a stern look and chewed on her royally for getting Sam all keyed up. Five minutes later, Sam knocked on the door and came in. After a few kisses and hugs, he sat down and pulled out a copy of the Hustler men's magazine and showed us the review. After reading about how the plot was decent and the acting was decent, Kay was all set to go. Of course, that's Kay, anything to do with sex gets her motor going. Sam knows I like women as well as men (sometimes better), but Kay didn't, and he pointed to a paragraph and let me read it. It said that the movie had one of the hottest bi-girl scenes in years, with a surprise twist at the end. I wasn't completely convinced. Kay took the magazine and read the review over while Sam said that he should have brought over some tapes. "Oooooo!" Kay exclaimed. "There's a scene were a girl takes on three guys and a girl!" We looked at Kay, Sam probably because she's always so enthusiastic about sex, and me because I was wondering if Kay was also bi, or just all around eager. At long last, we finally decided to go, with me being the reluctant one. Sam drove, and during the ride, Sam told us what to expect once we got to the theater, and that we might see some guy jacking off in the audience. ***We got to the theater and inside, finding some seats near the back five or six rows. The movie had just started, with the credits rolling along. Kay and I sat next to each other, with Sam sitting next to Kay. The movie started and I watched as the actors went through their scenes. Like most movies, they got into sex pretty fast, and as a gal took her "husband" anally, I looked around the theater. Sure enough, there was a guy one row back with his hand moving up and down in his lap. A strange feeling came over me, and I found myself getting just a little bit aroused. The movie continued and I half watched it, and half watched the audience. They were mostly men, with a few couples here and there. Several rows in front and over was a couple, and it was obvious that her hand was working in his lap as I could see her shoulder moving in a steady rhythm. I'd been half watching the movie, and a guy had just finished with a woman who was supposedly married. The old "quick! My husband!" routine followed and he left via the window. It wasn't her husband, but another woman. They both got hot and heavy, with the new girl licking the guy's sperm from her stomach, then they got into dildos. The scene was really hot, and I felt myself watching intently. I could almost feel their thrusts and my panties were getting really wet. They used a pair of huge double-headed dildos, one in their pussies and the other in their asses, and really began rocking each other. I was getting very hot watching this scene, and I glanced over at Kay, and noticed she was staring at the screen, her chest rising with short breaths. Maybe she was bi, I thought. After the girls finished, the phone rang and the "wife" answered it. She was arguing with her husband, and her friend got up, and went to the kitchen. She took one of the big dildos with her and went out to the front room, pleasing herself with it on the sofa. Now the twist came up. The "daughter" and her boyfriend enter the backyard. The daughter comes into the house, looking for her mother. She sees mom's friend and watches, then is seen by the older woman. They end up on the floor, naked and using the dildo on each other (not bloody likely in real life). The older woman is fucking the younger girl with the dildo, and the boyfriend comes in, looking for his girlfriend. He takes a left turn and walks down the hallway, and finds the missus of the house in her bed, doing herself with the other dildo. They engage in sex too. Now we have a bi-girl scene going on and a straight scene and they flip back and forth to show how hot everyone is. Enter another one of the "wife's" lovers, and he joins in with the daughter in the living room with the other woman. As this was going on, I was getting really excited, as the bi-girl scenes were making me wish that Kay really was bi. The young stud fucking the "mom" comes like a flood, and spurts all over her big breasts. In the living room, both girls have taken turns humping the guy, and now he shoots a gallon of come all over the daughter's face while she rides the other woman's face. Just then, the husband/father comes home, parking in the driveway and honking the horn as he tries to get a new TV out of the back seat. Everyone flies around the house, looking for clothes. Mom, lover, bi-girl, daughter and boyfriend all meet in the hallway, and see each other just after hot, wet sex. All ends well with "dad" coming into a house that seems normal, but with a bit of company. ***The house lights didn't come on, but we didn't stay for a second show. Sam waited for us at the aisle, and I could see a large bulge in his pants. Kay gently patted it as she passed by, and I smiled, thinking that Kay would likely find a way to get us all into bed. On the drive home, Kay turned to me and asked point blank what I thought of the lesbian scene with the daughter. "That was pretty hot." I said non-committally. "Hot!? Shit, I soaked my panties!" Kay said. Sam "hmmm'd" softly, smiling. Kay leaned over to me and whispered into my ear. "Deb, are you straight?" Her warm breath sent shivers down my spine. I looked at her in the darkness, and shook my head. Kay didn't say anything but she squeezed my hand and smiled. "Well?" Sam asked. "Was that movie hot or what?" "Hmmm, lukewarm." I said, getting a look from both of them. "Compared to my normal love-life." Laughter and another squeeze from Kay, this time on my thigh. "How about you Sam?" Kay asked. "Stir anything up?" Kay ran her hand down the inside of his right thigh. I saw Sam stiffen in his seat. We got home, and Kay turned around and kissed Sam as he closed the door. He kissed her back. I watched them, wondering about the contrasts of their bodies. Kay is a very fair redhead, with an ample figure. She's 35C-21-33, and only five foot four. Sam is dark haired, with a nice natural tan, and good sized. Sam is six one, about 180, and much to our joy, ten inches long! I've brown hair and eyes, and 36C-22-34. Sam would later say he was smothered in tits! Kay released Sam, and he looked at me. I kissed him too, feeling very hot, and very ready. Most of all, I was ready to take Kay into my bed, but with Sam there, I figured we'd have to wait. In short order, we made our way into the bedroom and undressed each other. Kay helped Sam undress me, and then I helped Sam undress Kay, then we both undressed Sam. Kay went crazy when she saw the size of Sam's 10 inch cock. I liked it too, but I wanted to feel Kay's tongue in certain places even more. We crawled into bed, and Kay and I sucked on Sam's cock. I liked his silky smooth head, and his balls were big too. I tongued his balls while Kay sucked as much of his monster as she could. Sam laid back and enjoyed. He enjoyed a bit too much. Kay was working on the head of his cock and I was tonguing his heavy balls when he moaned softly several times. Kay moaned and pumped his cock with her hands, then Sam came. Kay kept him in her mouth, and I sucked on one of his balls gently, feeling the sensations of his shooting sperm deep down in his balls. Kay sat back, and I licked a small drop of cum from the head of Sam's cock. Tasty I thought, not very bitter. I looked at Kay and she pulled me to her and kissed me. I wasn't sure at first, then her tongue entered my mouth, followed by Sam's thick cum. Kissing Kay, and getting my mouth filled with sperm at the same time drove me a little crazy. Kay and I were kissing each other for a long time, tasting his cum and chasing each other's tongues around our mouths. Sam's hands on our breasts brought us apart, and he said he didn't want to disturb us, just keep going. We did. Kay and I kissed like lovers reunited after a long absence, and Sam played with our tits. Sam was hard again and his cock pressed against my breasts. Kay climbed up on top of him and slowly sank down on his huge cock. Sam pulled me onto his mouth and began to suck my now dripping pussy. Good as he was, I knew that Kay would be better. As Kay rode his meaty prick, we kissed some more, until Kay began sucking my nipples. Her tongue traced around the areola, and her lips tugged on the hard, budding nipple as she let Sam's cock slide in her pussy. We changed positions, and Sam's cock was so big, I thought I'd never get it all inside me. When I finally did, I felt completely filled with cock, almost unable to breath. I moved up and down slowly. "Doesn't his cock feel soooo good?" Kay asked. I leaned forward to kiss her, but Kay leaned down and began to lick at the top of my bush, teasing her way down to my clit. I leaned back to give her access, and I could hear Sam making slurping noises at her cunt. Kay only teased my clit, lifting me higher into passion, before she sat up. "Just think how his cock'd feel up your ass." Kay hissed in my ear. I didn't want to think of something that big in my ass, but the way she had said it made me shudder. Then I felt her fingers on my clit, mouth on my left nipple. Sam's cock filled me again, and each stroke was bringing me closer to a tremendous orgasm. I began to move faster on his cock, wanting to come and have him come with me. The faster I moved, the faster Kay's fingers danced on my clit. I was going to come! Waves of pleasure and orgasm hit me and Sam's cock kept moving, filling me then leaving, the wall of my cunt contracting, grasping to keep him in me. I moaned loudly, and slammed down onto his thick cock, feeling him hit bottom. The pain mixed with pleasure, and it felt like he was getting bigger and bigger with each stroke. I was still coming, Kay sucking my tits and moaning too. Kay sat up straight, clenching her tits in her hands hard. She moaned and closed her eyes, her hips bucking against Sam's face. I could hear wet noises coming from her cunt as she fucked his tongue. Kay's hips swayed and shuddered and I could hear Sam moaning, lapping up her creamy juices. Those creamy juices that I wanted to taste, to rub on my face. Kay got off of Sam's face, and his face glistened with her juices. His hands grabbed my hips and he began to fuck me hard and fast. Kay kept pinching my nipples as my tits bounced all around. Sam's cock was driving me crazy, and I was going to come again, very quickly. Sam slammed into me, bottoming out again, his cock huge and filling my cunt completely. He groaned and I felt his cum flooding my insides, warming me and spurting over and over. Kay leaned down and licked at my clit, sending small electric shocks through me. As Sam relaxed.Kay pulled me off his cock and she began to suck my pussy. Kay put her whole mouth over my pussy and began licking greedily. She sucked me like she was starved, and her tongue knew all the right places to send me over the edge. I came again, locking my legs around Kay, grinding my cunt into her mouth. I could feel Sam's sperm and my juices running down my ass which Kay had in her hands. Her face was slick against my thighs, and her tongue was still probing inside me, licking me and making me spasm in delight. I collapsed in a heap and dreamily dozed. Kay and Sam kept going, and I let them have some room. I was floating somewhere soft and warm when I heard Kay moan loudly, panting and rocking the bed. I rolled over and looked. Kay was on her knees, with Sam behind her. I realized that little Kay was taking Sam's huge 10 inch cock in her ass. I played with my pussy as I watched her slowly take his thick cock all the way, then begin to move it in and out. I was getting very hot watching this, and Kay looked over at me. "Come suck my clit, baby. Oh, suck my clit!" Kay moaned. I moved over and slid underneath her into a classic 69 position. Kay's clit was hard and sensitive already, and her pussy was literally dripping into my face. I reached up and spread her ass wide, and flicked over her clit with my tongue. She jumped, and then jumped again at the second flick. I ran my tongue down, parting her lips and tasting her delicious, thick cream. Sam was moving faster now, and each stroke made her pussy contract. I slid two fingers into her sopping cunt and began to fuck her with them. Kay began moaning and rocking her hips back and forth against us. Kay slid her fingers into my pussy too, and began sucking my clit. It felt so good, and her tongue told me I wasn't the first girl she'd ever eaten. Sam moved faster and faster, driving Kay into a frenzy which she took out on my clit, and I took out on hers. We kept sucking and fingering and fucking our way towards a three-way orgasm, moaning louder and louder as we went. "Cum in my ass," Kay moaned against my cunt. I don't know if Sam heard her over his own groans, but he was pumping his cock in her asshole faster. Kay's juice was running down my cheeks and onto my neck. Sweat covered us both, and Sam's balls brushing my forehead were tempting my tongue. I leaned back and licked them, feeling their heavy softness as they swung to and fro. Kay had three fingers in me, and then four. My cunt was wide open, and her hand was fucking me as hard as Sam fucked her ass. Just as Kay slid her whole hand, thumb and all into my stretched open pussy, Sam surged hard and deep into her ass. "I'm -- gonna -- cum!" Sam panted. Two more strokes and he did. My hips were jerking up and down, fucking Kay's hand and my mouth was on her clit, sucking hard. Sam pumped his cum into her ass, then pulled out, making Kay gasp and moan. Her pussy spasmed against my face, and then I felt a warm gush against her cunt and on my face. Sam pointed his cock against her cunt and spurted cum, and more cum, and more! Kay was rocking her sperm soaked cunt against my face, and I licked and sucked her slippery clit until she finally came, her juice flowing out of her and soaking me even more. A second later, I came, Kay's hand still buried in my pussy. I'd never been fist-fucked before and now I came long and hard, rubbing my face against the cunt of this woman who was making cry out for more. Kay finally slid her hand slowly out of me, giving me several mini-orgasms. We all lay there, panting and sweating for a few long minutes. Kay came up and began kissing me and wiping the cum off my face, licking her fingers and my face as she did so. Sam lay beside us, caressing us both and smiling. I kissed Kay back, tasting my own juices on her lips, and then we kissed deeply, not caring that Sam was being left out. We dozed for a while, and Sam left about two a.m. That left Kay and I to explore each other, and for me to feel her suck my pussy without distractions. We made each other cum several times, and then, we curled up and slept until late the next morning. One thing for sure. We're making up for lost time!END
"Oh goody!" Jeanne squealed. Her husband had just announced she was invited back to deer camp this year. She had a hot flash remembering the wonderful time she'd had last time.One of the older wives that had done the camp for years had moved away and all the guys had pressured her husband to let Jeanne fill the vacant spot. He hemmed and hawed but they kept reminding him of all the years he had been to the camp and it was his turn to contribute.You sure couldn't blame the guys for asking. Jeanne was the best eye candy around. Just turned 18, she'd been married to Billy Bob for only a year. Her hourglass shape with firm D cup tits and nice tight buns even gave the ministers at her church a hard on when she wiggled by.You couldn't blame Billy Bob for being reluctant. Deer camp in Southeast Arkansas was just a good excuse for a four day sex orgy. More two legged "dears" got bagged than the four legged game animals. With eight guys to three women, at least one of the bunks had a humping couple in it at all times. In the evening there would be guys waiting near the beds, sippin' shine and stroking their peckers, ready for their next turn with whoever didn't have someone between their thighs.Billy Bob remembered how difficult the first part of their marriage had been. He had struggled to get her to spend more time in the marital bed than back with her Pa, three brothers, and an uncle. He'd made damn sure she took her birth control pill every morning! They had to move further away to break her habit although she would still go over there a couple of weekends a month. What would this gang bang do to their marriage? One of the other wives who had been a regular for years offered to talk with Jeanne. She reminded Billy Bob of how many times he'd been between her legs and she still loved her husband. Actually even more because he was OK with letting go once a year like this. Marybelle was in her late thirties and this would be her eleventh year at the camp. Since there were always some changes in the roster of guys attending, she'd fucked probably twenty or twenty five different cocks during that time. She was plump and blond and a squealer. If a guy had a smaller dick she'd take it up her ass too.Billy Bob was a bit dismayed with the enthusiasm his wife showed when told what the invitation entailed. Her “tail” to be exact. She looked at Billy Bob and asked, "Honey, why didn't you ever tell me what you was doing at that camp? Wow, eight guys! That'll be like family reunions. If it was fun fer you then it will be fun fer me too. Only fair!"Billy Bob didn't have an answer to that logic. He'd fucked family plenty so that part was already even. Jeanne tried to reassure him a bit more, "Honey, yer the only man I love, besides family of course. Any other peckers is fer fun jest like you and that married lady down at the feed store where you work. Of course Ah knows about it. She told me that yer cock's bigger and better than her old man's and I'm lucky to get it so much."Jeanne was disappointed this wasn't a good excuse to get some new clothes. Marybelle had told her that the women didn't wear clothes much since it was a bother to take them off all the time. That’s alright, she thought. She liked running around nekkid anyway.On the ride to the camp Jeanne was in the back of a pickup with four of the guys. They'd already been into the shine and got to squeezing her fun parts. She squeezed back and the guys all had their peckers out before long. She'd mostly seen family ones which were pretty similar so there were some interesting differences to see and touch. They all tasted pretty much the same though.At the big one room cabin everybody piled out and got the gear unloaded. The women were busy getting the kitchen in shape so the guys had to leave them alone for a bit. Jeanne knew the other women. Sally Jo was about sixty and skinny with saggy tits. Her crotch was bushy too. She'd been doing the camp for thirty years and kept coming even though her husband had passed away. The guys were happy to have her there because she could do things with her cunt muscles that no one else could. And she sucked a mean dick too.Everyone got more shine and got nekkid. Peckers rose all over the cabin when Jeanne took it all off. Dinner got cooked in spite of the distractions, then the fun began. Of course all the guys wanted a piece of the new hot young stuff so Jeanne wrote numbers 1 to 7 on slips of paper and the guys drew. She said, "I ain't never fucked more than four guys in a row so that's how many kin have me tonight. The rest of y'all will get my pussy tomorrow. Marybelle and Sally Jo need seein' to, you know, so go get with them."There were four sets of bunk beds at one end of the big room with some curtains hanging mostly to give a little privacy from the rest of the room. Jeanne picked out a lower bunk and lay back with spread legs. The light was pretty good so she could see the new peckers before they was buried in her snatch. Her first guy gave her a good licking to get her juicy then pushed his pecker in to the hilt. He was so horny and turned on by this beauty he only lasted a few minutes. She kissed him and said, "You come back for seconds, ya hear!" He nodded and pulled out. She wiped her twat with a towel and the next guy got in bed with her. He wanted to play with her magnificent tits. She enjoyed that a lot and her pussy started to tingle. His pecker was longer and thinner than the first guy and he pushed right up against her cervix on every stroke. She came right after she felt his hot juice spray her insides.The third guy put her on hands and knees and cupped her swinging boobs as he rammed his thick dick in her slippery slot. She looked over at the other bottom bunks and saw her husband doing the same thing to Marybelle. She smiled at him but he wouldn't smile back. He was still a little jealous. The fourth guy wanted her on top so he could get real good tit play and she loved the stuff he did to them.The first guy was back with another erection. Jeanne got on top so she could control the fuck better. She encouraged him to suck her tits and got herself off just before he shot his load again. Her other guys wanted seconds too but she said she was tired and sent them to the other women "who needed their share too". After her last guy pulled out and left the bed her husband got in. Putting his hand on her pussy she said, "There's five loads of man juice in there. Ah expect you won't be needin' any of my pussy for a while the way I seen you banging them other women. Ahm a little sore so I'll give you some in the morning."Billy Bob asked, "So you're alright then?""Why shore. You know I likes hard dicks rubbin' in me. And feeling their seed squirt out way inside me knowin' they's trying to plant a baby is real hot too. Momma told me that a pussy just can't be wore out. It's kind of excitin’ feelin' peckers in ya that you haven't known all your life. So what happens tomorrow?"Billy Bob replied, "Well, half the guys go hunting and the others stay here to have fun with you women. After lunch they trade."Jeanne had heard about Sally Jo's cunt talents and talked to her about it. She watched the older woman in action and tried to use her own pussy muscles as she was screwing her guys. After watching the other women do it, she also tried doubling up with two guys. That had real potential for fun.After lunch there was a set of fresh peckers to drain. Husbands took turns like everybody else. Jeanne got to spend some slower time with each of the men and got to know them better. Good opportunities for cunt muscle training too. Just like her family, each one fucked differently and you could make the best of that when you knew them.Following dinner the pace was a lot slower since folks had been screwing all day. They all watched some porn flics on the big screen. At bedtime Jeanne did her husband first, then he watched as she banged three of the guys. After they finished enjoying her body, Billy Bob dipped his half hard pecker into the slippery mess but he was too fucked out to shoot off again before they slept. As she was drifting off to slumber, Jeanne thought about how many kinds of sperms were wiggling around inside of her. She hoped her birth control kept working!And so it went for the rest of the time at the cabin. What happened at the hunt, stayed at the hunt. No one talked about it and no one hit on the women afterwards. Of course if a woman wanted some more cock from one of the men she could ask for it. Sally Jo had lots of choices and never lacked for cock.Jeanne talked to Billy Bob, "Since I ain't hardly screwin' my family no more, Ahd like to get me some strange once in a while. I know yore tapping that widder woman at work so Ahd like to take care of Wilbur."He was the first hunter guy she'd banged at the cabin. She continued, "He's pretty old but has a good pecker and no woman to use it on. I liked humpin' him and he says my furry box reminds him of when he wuz young and all the girls wuz that way."Billy Bob liked getting in the widder woman, who was always a hot fuck even though he knew she was putting out to at least two other guys, so he agreed.He could always tell the days his wife had screwed Wilbur. She'd meet him at the door naked and they wouldn't even get to the bedroom before he was in her sperm filled box. If he brought a buddy home, she'd screw him too when she was wound up like that.Yes, Jeanne was ready for deer camp. Her cunt muscle control was a lot better and she wanted to show off for the hunters. She wondered if there would be any new guys to try out... To be continued?
Archivist note: The original story was written in 1999, then revised in 2000 and now it has been updated to the complete version. Enjoy a great read. Well done Dark Dreamer.***Kristen had whined the entire week before they left. She had whined and sulked during the plane flight, and was now whining, sulking, pouting, and occasionally snarling. Going on an African safari, far from chili dogs, pizza, MTV, and her friends, was not her idea of a holiday.For once, though, her parents had held firm. They intended that this would be a good old fashioned family holiday, and were determined to enjoy it if it killed them, and her. No amount of whining, cajoling and begging had managed to sway them.Thus she was now standing on the runway in a baking heat, watching her father wave forlornly at baggage handlers who zipped by as if he were invisible. It was little wonder, what with the enormous amount of luggage sitting beside him.Kristen herself was very far from invisible to the baggage handlers, as well as all the other bemused, astonished and wondering Africans within sight. If she noticed the stares, she gave not sign. She was, after all, used to be stared at, though not in quite the same way.She was, as she well knew, a lovely, even stunning young woman. Her development had started early. Even when she was eleven years old, her physical maturity was such that she was taken for a girl several years older. She'd learned quickly that the men who looked at her so closely could be manipulated in a variety of ways to her benefit.At eleven, that merely meant cooing and blinking her eyes. By twelve she was wearing tight or revealing clothes and positioning her body in such a way that older boys and even grown men would groan and flash carnal visual images in their minds.By the time she'd turned thirteen, she was an expert at manipulation, at controlling and maneuvering men, using their weakness for her nubile teenage body to make soft jelly of their hearts and minds, and hard steel of their prongs.She'd lost her cherry before entering high school, to a handsome teacher who'd responded by changing her F to an A. Usually she didn't have to actually sleep with them of course. A little cooing and sultry whispers, combined with a kiss or two sometimes did it.For more difficult cases, she'd casually rub herself against them, or let them cop a feel of her boobs, or crotch, and sometimes even jerked them off.She'd gotten great grades in High School without having a particularly nimble mind, or studying hard. Others wondered about that, but as a leader of her peer group in school, few openly questioned her methods for academic achievement.It was the same in college. She'd started just this year, and had found the college professors even more willing to come under her sway. The high school teachers had the added worry, first of arrest, and even after she passed the age of consent, of firing, if caught with her.College teachers didn't really have to worry about that. Affairs between students and teachers weren't unusual. They could freely make use of what she offered in exchange for good grades, and not worry about consequences.Now, as she stood on the runway, clad in her tight short shorts and her purple tank top that was cut off just below the breasts, she was the near perfection of a sexual creature. She didn't even have to try and pose anymore. Any position she took could automatically bring males organs to erection.Her body was that of a goddess, perfect in its Ivory Whiteness, gleaming with health. There was not a pimple, mole, or freckle anywhere on it. She was tall and effortlessly graceful, her movements that of a ballet dancer.Her breasts were large enough to cause double takes, but not large enough to detract from the perfect symmetry of her shape. They were high and perfectly round and of a firmness few young women ever achieved, even during arousal. Her nipples were tiny pink nubs in the exact center of each breast, which, when hard, lengthened to an almost unnatural length, standing out hard and ultra sensitive.Her legs were the kind that made men run into poles, so transfixed were they by the long gleaming contours of her perfect thighs, shapely calves and sweet and lovely knees.Her ass would have won awards if such were given, and if she had ever deigned to enter any contest. It was the perfection other women longed for, had operations for. Not an ounce of fat, not a hint of imperfection marred her sweet and sumptuous buttocks. They were more perfect in their shape when she slouched in her sneakers than most women achieved in six inch heels and tightly shaping pants and jeans.Her face was the profile of delicate loveliness. Her eyes were wide and bright, bright blue. When she wanted, they were the eyes of an appealing child. Within an instant they could turn sultry and wanton.Her nose was a mere button, a little snub thing that made the women sigh and smile. Her mouth was narrow and luscious, her lips full and sensuous, her teeth, brilliant white perfection. Taken as a whole, her face was enough to make grown men and women weep, the men with regret, that they would never know her intimate acquaintance, the women with amazed jealousy.Her hair was the perfect frame for such a wondrously sculpted visage. It was chest long and as feathery soft and fleecy as the finest silk. At the same time, it was luxuriously thick, cascading around her head and splashing over her shoulders and down her chest and back like a lustrous waterfall halted in mid-fall.All of these taken together drew lustful and envious stares and gasps wherever she went, and contributed to what was, admittedly, more than a hint of arrogance, haughtiness and vanity. Being rich always tended to draw people into immodesty. Being rich as well as stunningly, dazzlingly, ravishingly, gorgeous, gave her an ego hard to reign in, even on those odd occasions when she tried.Of course, her luscious silhouette and mouth watering face were not the only reason she was drawing stares at the moment. The main point of attraction for the Africans was her hair, which was a bright, but not unattractive shade of pink.If she had been aware of the amusement, or confusion her hair color was causing, she would have simply sniffed about the crudeness and lack of sophistication of the watchers, utterly certain that wherever in the world she happened to be, whatever she happened to be wearing was THE height of fashion, and that included hair coloring and style.She was not aware of the bewildering looks though, since all her attention was focused on herself, and the unhappiness and uncomfortableness she was presently feeling. These were not things Kristen was normally forced to contend with.Seldom in her short life had she been refused any pleasure, comfort or want, however fleeting or transitory. Everywhere she went she was granted boons favors and generosity. At home, her slightest wish was her parent's most important demand. Nothing was denied her.Of course this went a long way to explaining her self indulgent nature, her selfishness and vain outlook on life. Kristen was about as spoiled as any human being that walked the face of the earth, and as shallow as a dried river bed.Though she was far from stupid, an original thought had never crossed her pretty little mind. She followed the dictates of her social group to the letter, her every move governed by whatever happened to be "IN."Now here she was sweating, SWEATING! In a sauna that was permissible, but out in the open, in her clothes, it was utterly intolerable."Dadddeeeeeeeeee," she whined. "Can't we go indoors where it's air-conditioned?""The building isn't air-conditioned sweetheart. It's hotter than out here," he replied."Not air-conditioned?" She was truly amazed. In her experience all buildings were air-conditioned. What kind of a place was this?"Ahhh, here comes our driver I think," her father sighed with relief.Kristen turned to see a boxy looking car racing towards them in a cloud of dust. She squinted her eyes against the sun, then put her hand over her mouth as the thing drew up in front of them, hurling small pebbles and dirt all around."You Charles Taylor?" a voice demanded."I am.""Righto."A figure jumped out of the box and moved around to stand in front of them. Kristen looked up in disgust. The man was in his early thirties, tall, with coarse dark hair and weathery tanned skin, he wore a cheap brown short sleeved shirt and dark green pants tucked into boots, not even designer boots.He was sort of handsome, in a rugged, cowboy type way, with a thick, barrel chest and enormous, biceps. His hands were big and rough from work, and his chest hair curled out through the half open shirt. Kristen wrinkled her nose in distaste."Pleased ta meet yah." The man said, holding out his big hand at Taylor. "I'm Joe Steel.""How do you do?" Charles said, shaking hands."This is my wife Lucy...""Charmed." Lucy said, waving her hand back and forth in front of her face to stir a little breeze."And my daughter Kristen.""Hi there Kris." he grinned, his eyes sliding quickly and appreciatively up and down her body."Kristen." she said, stiffly, glaring in reproach.It didn't do to let the help become to chummy to begin with, and nobody dared call her Kris.With no further delay Joe had begun hefting their bags one and two at a time, and tossing them into the rear of the "Rover" as he called it. He showed not even a hint of effort at the heavy bags and was quickly done, whereupon he jumped into the driver's seat to await them.Charles held open the rear door and Lucy and Kristen carefully stepped in."Don't you have air-conditioning?" she complained."You're joking?" He laughed. "Air-conditioning! What a laugh!" He then proceeded to laugh, long and hard, before stomping on the gas pedal. The three passengers were thrown back against the weakly padded seats as the Rover bumped and bounced across the dirt field and out through the airport gate.In a short length of time, they were driving through an incredibly dirty and tacky looking excuse for a city, with hordes of Black people wandering around aimlessly and shrieking in some ugly foreign language that Kristen knew wasn't French or Italian, the only two acceptable languages other than English."How far is the hotel?" She grumbled."Hotel? We ain't goin' to no hotel, gorgeous. We're heading right for the jungle. We'll pick up the rest of the gear in Bankoland, then head inland.""You mean we'll be traveling in this?!" she demanded in astonishment."That's it beautiful.""But... but... but... we CAN'T travel in this!" she exclaimed.He looked back at her in irritation. "And just what's wrong with this? This is a helluva fine machine, girl. It'll take you through damn near anything without stalling.""How long do we have to be riding around in this thing?" She demanded."This is your ride for the duration, Princess." he grinned."Daddeeeeeeee!""Now look, precious, we could hardly travel in a Rolls in the middle of the jungle," he tried to placate her."Couldn't you get something that was at least air-conditioned!?""You'll never get acclimatized with air-conditioning pinky." Joe grinned."What?""He means you won't get used to the heat, darling.""I don't want to get used to the heat!" she stamped her foot on the floor."You ain't got no choice there, pinky.""Don't call me that!" she demanded, furiously.He laughed, which did nothing to cool her temper. She folded her arms tightly, despite the heat, and sank back in her corner of the seat, determined to sulk until she was back home again. The Rover continued to bounce along until they reached a small village outside town.There they stopped. There was six other four wheel drive vehicles there waiting. Joe looked at them in disbelief. "What in hell?" He jumped out and went to the waiting native drivers, chatting furiously."You told me to find everything on the list and bring it here with drivers." The man in charge said, shrugging."What in hell was on the friggin list?!" Joe demanded. He poked his nose inside the rovers and jeeps, his face growing more and more incredulous.Finally he came over to stand in front of Charles."Are you nuts?" he demanded."Excuse me?""What in hell is all this junk? You got furniture here, fer chrissake!""Yes, a few tables and chairs, and cots.""Tables and chairs!""I suppose you've never sat in a chair or at a table." Kristen sniffed, disdainfully. Joe glared at her, then turned back to Taylor. "You have any idea what this is costing you?""Of course I know." Charles said with dignity."How about how long it's gonna take us to pack up and set down?""I'm sure they'll manage."Joe closed his eyes and counted to ten."It's your funeral," he said before finally, stomping over to the other drivers."Really." Lucy said. "Couldn't you have found a better guide, Charles?""He is supposed to be the best, my dear.""He smells badly." Kristen sulked."I dare say we'll all smell badly soon." Her father said, altogether too happily. Both women looked at him in disgust.They bounced down dirt roads for several more hours, with the other cars riding along behind. They left the road then, going through the jungle on even more bouncy trails. Just when she was certain she couldn't take another minute, they stopped in a small clearing by a river."All right. We're here." Joe said in obvious relief. He almost dove out of the rover, moving as far away from Kristen as he could get. Never had he had to bear such a constant unending barrage of whining complaints, and snotty comments.If she had known the fantasies he'd used to try and block her out for most of the afternoon, Kristen would have been outraged. In truth, they weren't all that different from most men's fantasies about her, except for being considerably more violent.The dozen natives proceeded to set up the camp, which included two large tents, each ten feet by twelve feet and tall enough for a tall man to stand. Inside each they carried a large round plastic bathtub, which they set up in a curtained corner, along with the portable toilets.They attached round curtain rods to the tubs, then put on the curtains. A pipe with a shower nozzle on the top was put into place, and a generator to power the pumps, along with other gear, was started up. One large vehicle was entirely filled with big drums of water, which were rolled over and attached to the pumps.Joe sat on the front bumper of his Rover and watched in stunned amazement as the tubs, along with tables, chairs, benches and cots were all unloaded and brought into the tents. Each time Kristen saw him, she turned up her nose and sniffed in disdain. Joe imagined what a good sturdy leather belt would do to her round little behind.The Taylors wandered around, enjoying the scenery, what there was of it no further than a dozen yards from the camp at least. Kristen accompanied her parents, shrugging and sniffing at everything they pointed out.He's got a big campfire going, for the atmosphere, Charles had said, since of course they'd brought portable propane stoves and lanterns for heat and light. The fire drew the only appreciative statement from Kristen Joe had heard all day. She'd allowed that it was "OK."Soon after things were installed, the Taylors all retired to their tents and the pumps started up. Joe's mind filled with the image of the pink haired girl having a shower and despite his irritation at her, found his loins stirring.Normally he wouldn't have dreamed of it, but the little bitch had been such a snotty little thing that he almost felt she owed him one, a look that is.With nobody in sight, he unzipped the tent and poked his head inside, then walked in, poking his head out to be sure nobody had seen him. He moved across the room to the little curtained alcove, then looked inside.The curtain that ran around the tub was in place and water pattered off it weakly. The pumps were only as good as the power source which had to be small enough to cart around. Still, a good spray of water enveloped the girl as she stood under it.The plastic curtain was solid, and only her shadow showed through. Not a man to hesitate, Joe wandered across the few feet that separated it from him and pulled it aside slightly.Her back was to him, and what a back! Despite his many experiences with women he had to swallow a sigh of appreciation. He shook his head as his eyes beheld her beautifully proportioned body, the lovely round swells of her buttocks and magnificent legs.She turned and he let the curtains fall. Then opened them a crack. Her head was tilted back and her hands were rubbing shampoo through her long hair. He closed his eyes for a second, then opened them again. No, he hadn't been imagining."Good Christ!" he murmured, his voice easily covered by the sound of splashing water. What a body! His eyes lingered over her upturned breasts, looking even more golden and perfect as she unconsciously thrust her chest up and out.Her belly was smooth and flat and looked like the softest thing on earth. Her damp pubic hair, she was a blonde, he saw, barely covered her dark little slit as she stood with legs slightly apart.The water trickled off her gleaming wet skin, giving her a slick, oily look that set his heart pounding and his cock pulsing. It was all he could do to keep from jumping in and screwing her right then and there.Luckily, he was a strong man mentally as well as physically. He backed away and stumbled out of the tent his eyes wide and dazed. No matter her personality flaws, he was going to have the little bitch if it was the last thing he did!He set out to please her as soon as she returned from her shower. His attempts to curry favor and amuse her failed dismally however. She was used to men trying to charm and please her and was in no mood for it. Besides, he was as far from her type as it was possible to get without actually being ugly.His smile became strained over the course of the evening, as his most gallant, courteous and congenial attempts to strike up friendship, or even a conversation, failed dismally, shot down by snotty remarks, arrogant condescension and rude and brusque dismissals.He was in a foul mood when he went to sleep that night. It didn't get any better the next day, as she repeated her whining and complaining to such an extent he was reduced to angry growls and snarls himself. When she haughtily summoned him to her tent that evening, he was in no mood to be pleasant.Her constant sniveling had driven him to tear into his stash of brandy far sooner than normal, and he was ready to bite somebody's head off. None would be better than hers.Kristen was wearing a light white designer shirt, that, because of the heat, she'd completely unbuttoned and then tied together below her braless breasts.That her magnificent orbs were thus encased in two tight sacks that became translucent as she sweated, did not apparently occur to her, and if it had, she wouldn't have cared. Tormenting men, even ones she disliked was commonplace to her.Her shorts were the kind of baggy, multi colored things currently in vogue in California, and looked preposterous here, but again, that didn't occur to her."What is it?" He almost snarled after pushing through her tent flap."This thing doesn't work," she complained, pointing at the shower."So what do you want me to do about it?" She looked at him like he was exceedingly stupid."Fix it," she said, pronouncing each word carefully as she stared at him."It ain't my shower," he glared."You were hired by my father...""To guide you through the jungle. You want a plumber go and find one.""How dare you!?" she glared in outrage."Oh stuff a sock in it," he snapped."When I tell my Daddy...""You can tell Daddy whatever the bleeding hell you want you silly little cunt. I'm tired of listening to your whining and bitching and complaining!" He moved right in front of her, staring down angrily from inches away. She backed up in consternation, but he kept moving forward until she was backed against a table.He jammed his face right up against hers. "Your shit don't stink! Do it?"Kristen's eyes and mouth opened in amazement. Nobody, but nobody had ever talked to her like this before."I-I...""Oh can it! I'm sick of listening to your whining voice!" He shoved his face even closer, forcing her to bend backwards across the table."You are the snottiest little ice maiden I've ever seen in my life! You and your goddamn bathtubs and goddamn CD player and your goddamn pink hair! What kind of a crazy wears pink hair anyway!?"I-it's the latest s-style," she stuttered."Style! Ha!" He backed up slightly, his eyes glaring as he looked her up and down. "And your clothes. You wave your little ass around and show off your fat tits and then look down your nose at anyone that takes notice!"He poked his nose in her face again, forcing her back. "What you really need is a hard belt across your dainty little rear end! Or better yet a good hard cock up your tight, cold little hole!"Kristen gasped in shock, her skin flushing red in embarrassment and outrage."I bet for all your showin' off your still a stinking virgin!" he snarled."I-I... am not!" she whined."Bullshit! I can't imagine you letting any man between those legs of yours!" He reached his hand down and cupped her left breast through the sweaty blouse. "The only one that's ever touched these are you!" He sneered, again putting his face right up against hers.Kristen was now terrified. She was in a situation she'd never faced in her life. Someone didn't like her! Someone was being mean to her, yelling at her and calling her names. She didn't know how to deal with it and gaped at him in shock, not even trying to slap his hand away from her hot, sweaty breast."What about it, little Miss Ice Queen?" he smirked."Or are you a lesbo? That wouldn't surprise me. A man hating little homo!""A... am not!" she whimpered."Yeah?" He curled his lip into a sneer, then abruptly, jammed his big hand down the front of her shorts. The button tore off, popping across the tent as his hand forced into the thin garment. Kristen gasped again, her eyes staring down in shock.Joe's hand slid right under her panties and cupped her bare flesh, squeezing up against her pussy mound. His eyes continued to stare into hers and as she looked up, she felt held there, her own eyes unable to pull away as his fingers began to rub up and down over her cunt.Chapter 2---------Her breathing came faster and faster and her body experienced a different kind of heat. Joe's fingers slid into her body, pumping slowly as his big rough thumb rubbed back and forth across her clit. Kristen whined in protest, but held unmoving, her fearful eyes staring up into Joe's hard angry ones.At first, she wasn't even aware of her awakened arousal. For despite her many sexual encounters, Kristen had had an orgasm only once. That was with a woman high school teacher when she was fourteen. The woman had put her mouth down there and a feeling of such overwhelming pleasure had come over Kristen that it had frightened her.She'd never allowed another woman's hands on her since then, for fear that she was in fact a homosexual, which, according to societies dictates, would have made her something less than perfect. Her trysts with men had been a cold sort of thing.Mostly she just laid there and let them do as they wanted, a necessary evil for her to achieve something or other. She had moaned and groaned at the appropriate times, but seldom felt even an inkling of excitement herself. Her body was a tool to be used and admired, nothing else.Most of her encounters in fact, had ended before actual intercourse. Kristen was skilled in overexciting me and then bringing them off either by hand or, if absolutely necessary, but mouth. She had only "gone all the way" half a dozen times, none of which had lasted more than a few minutes.Now, the unaccustomed feelings coming from her crotch, combined with her flustered and fearful confusion towards Joe's confrontation and rudeness, left her in a floundering mental daze.She half leaned, half sat back against the table, her legs slightly spread and her body bent back. Joe's hand continued to work away at her groin, which was responding with a tremendous wave of hot, tingling pleasure."Like that. Don't you baby?" he hissed, his lips pulled back into a snide, ugly smile.He thrust his fingers harder and faster inside her now moist hot little pussy chamber. His thumb pressed down hard on her clitty, rasping across it with intense pressure.Kristen was trembling and shaking, her body gripped by confusion and a sensual passion she did not know how to deal with. All she could do was continue to stare at Joe's face as his hand rubbed and pumped and squeezed down inside her shorts.Then he growled, his left hand going behind her head and gripping a thick chunk of pink hair tightly. He jerked her head to one side, making her cry out, the cry, a low bird like chirp of confusion and fear. His mouth came down on hers, which was open anyway.His tongue shot inside, rasping and whirling within her oral cavity. He held her tight against him, his hand rubbing roughly away at her crotch, his body pressing hers back against the table. The kiss was long, endless, when he withdrew, Kristen gasped, her chest heaving as she sought to draw breath.Her eyes were wide and staring still as he pulled his hands free, grabbed the center of her tied blouse and tore it open, letting her hard swollen breasts drop out. His hands immediately captured them, cupping them from beneath, holding them up as his fingers kneaded the gleaming moist flesh.His mouth descended, his lips sliding across her left nipple, then seizing, locking onto it. He chewed the nub as he sucked it into his mouth. Kristen moaned, a high pitched sound of bewilderment and negation. Joe drew his lips out, sucking the firm pink flesh.Her nipple lengthened and expanded as it hardened, his lips enfolded the long stiff little bud as he ground them softly from side to side. He pulled away, then turned his attention to her right breast, her nipple, already hard and elongated, seemed to burn as his mouth enfolded it, and Kristen gave a shuddering moan."Oh!" she gasped. "Ohhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhh!"Joe buried his face between her fat meaty mounds, squashing them in together from either side. His face rubbed up and down, then slid up along her throat, chewing and sucking until his lips locked on hers again. He held her tightly, his crotch grinding into hers.His hand once again found her hair, twisting her head up and back for his lips. His right hand moved down and unzipped her shorts, then shoved, letting them fall to her ankles. Clad only in her thin silky bikini panties, Kristen found her legs unconsciously spreading.Joe's hand slid inside, his fingers penetrating her sopping pussy, his thumb rubbing ruthlessly up and down on her hard clit. Kristen's groin humped against him as her body responded against her will. Her breathing was coming in short, harsh straining gasps.She felt her body burning with a fiery heat. It was centered at her crotch and getting worse and worse. She was losing control of her muscles as her legs became weak and wobbly and her body trembled and shook alarmingly.Then a roaring blast of hot blistering pleasure roared through her body, like an inferno it seemed to consume her very flesh as she convulsed in quivering, shuddering climax. Her hips humped out and down against Joe's sticky wet thrusting fingers and her legs parted widely, her body sitting back further on the table and her chest shoving out and up as her back arched.Joe held tightly to her hair, fighting her body's jerking, humping, shaking contortions as he stared down at her gaping sightless face with deep satisfaction.As her orgasm ended and her shaking subsided, he grabbed the panties and tore them right off, hurling them into a far corner. He shoved the girl back against the table until she lost her balance and fell back on it. His hands gripped her calves, shoving her legs wide, wide apart until her thighs ached with pain, the tendons strained alarmingly."Now you look good," he leered. "Now you're in the proper position." He abandoned her legs, his hands going to his own shorts. "I'm gonna give you that ride you been asking for, sweetheart." he grunted, taking his raging erection out and pointing it at her gleaming wet cunt crack.Kristen laid exhausted, her chest heaving. She stared up at him, her mouth gaping, her eyes wide. She didn't know what was happening to her, or even why. She watched as if in slow motion as Joe's big cock moved closer and closer to her crotch.Then she felt it, felt it wet and rubbery and yet still hard as iron as it pierced her oily cuntlips and pushed into her sodden cunt tunnel. Almost instantly it reignited her arousal. She felt her cunt expand to take in the intruder, then clamp down hard, drawing it further inside.It was bigger than most of the cocks she'd known, but her pussy had little difficulty accommodating it. Joe's hands came down on her legs, holding them wide, almost parallel to the table edge as he stuffed his hot fuck tool, balls deep into the twitching, shivering little pink haired teenager.He jammed it in hard, then tore it back out and slammed it in again. A good hard ride he had promised and a good hard ride she would get. He used full steady strokes, but sent them hammering down into her body with bruising impact.His hips slammed into her spread thighs and buttocks with a meaty slap and a protesting creak from the table legs. His cock was a blurring piston as it rutted into the bewildered girl. Wave after wave of intense sexual fever washed over her, rendering her helpless and stunned.When Joe let go of her legs to fasten his iron fingered hands around her meat swollen tit mounds, the force of his grip sent shock waves hurtling through her chest. It was as if her tits were bags of bubbling hot boiling sexual water and his hands had squeezed them flat, sending the liquid shooting into her body where it burned with maddening and agonized fervor.Her body quaked, then rocked, her ass bounced up off the table without her willing it, then did it a second time. Her hands, resting on the table above her head, flopped and jerked and trembled, then her back arched with terrible force and she cried out in ecstatic release.A loud groan of orgasmic satisfaction drifted out of the tent, causing the native porters to give each other knowing looks, but fortunately not reaching as far as the girl's parents, who were listening to a Brahms' symphony.Kristen's head thrashed from side to side and her teeth gnashed as her body was gripped by an electric current that refused to let go. She shook furiously, her ass bouncing wildly on the table as Joe's hard boner continued to pound into her sizzling cunt chute."Yeah! Yeah! Go for it, baby!" Joe groaned, his cock flaring and steaming along its entire length. His hands gripped her waist, almost completely encircling her tiny waist. He hauled her back and forth on the table like a rag doll, jerking her against his savage thrusts.Then the girl's cum finally subsided. Her body's shaking eased into light trembling and twitching. He bent forward across her, his cock screaming in excitement as he kept pumping it to her. Then he came, his cock like a firehouse as it jetted boiling white scum down into her exhausted, languorous body.He laid atop her panting, sweat covered body as they both recovered. Neither spoke. His cock softened within her and he slid it slowly out, watching her glistening cuntlips slowly close together once more. He reeled back a pace, his shaking hands pulling his spent cock back inside his pants and fastening them together.He shook his head, then looked down at the girl, lying there in a semi-conscious daze, and staggered out of the tent. Kristen laid atop the table for long minutes, her legs still spread wide as the furnace between them slowly cooled.She raised her head wearily and looked around, then blinked slowly and with a groan, pulled her legs together and sat up. She shoved herself to a sitting position on the table, then eased off, almost falling as her rubbery legs failed to support her properly.She was in a state of shock, her body and mind still staggered by the events they'd just experienced. It had been the first orgasm she'd experienced except by her own hand since fourteen. It was certainly by far the most powerful.As her mind cleared it turned more and more to how it had happened. How had she let that... that... that animal turn her body into his own personal plaything? The kind of man that attracted her was smaller, handsomer, well... prettier, she thought. She'd never liked the rough tough jock type.How was it then that her body had responded to him as it had? She blushed as she remembered how she'd cum with his hand down her panties, rubbing her off like that. How humiliating! How could she!? She wobbled across the canvas floor to her bed and practically fell in.She was mortified! How could she possibly face the man in the morning? It must have been the heat, she decided. The heat and boredom and some kind of weird animal reflex on account of her being in the jungle like this. It wasn't her fault at all.***The next morning, Joe expected a change in personality. He was surprised and angered when it didn't turn out. His pleasant greeting was greeted by a turned up nose and a sniff of disdain. Kristen was intent on pretending last night had never happened."Sleep well?" he asked, slightly chastened."That is certainly none of your business, MISTER Steel," she said, contempt lacing every word."What's with you?""If I want to converse with you, which I doubt, I'll let you know." She sniffed, walking away. He glared after her in confusion.Kristen tromped off into the bushes, her hands deep in the pockets of her knee length pink pants. Her bikini top was slightly too small for her perfect breasts, but then, all her tops were slightly too small. She glared around her, still upset by last night, and still not able to understand it.She heard water and shifted direction towards it. A minute later, she came out on the bank of a swiftly moving river. She sat down on a stone and took off her shoes, dangling her feet in the water as she pondered the weakness her body had displayed.Perhaps it wasn't her body at all, she thought. A man like that probably haunted whore houses and such. He must be greatly experienced in such things, though she would have thought he'd have been little better than a boorish slam-bam-thank-you-ma'am type.She heard a strange sound and turned. Her eyes opened wide and she gasped in surprise and fear. A fat, round Black face stared back at her from a foot away. His eyes were equally wide as he beheld the strange looking beauty.She screamed. He scrunched up his face and then put his hand over her mouth to stop it. His strong hands easily fended off her weak shoves and slaps and a quirky smile appeared on his face, then he scooped her up and carried her several yards upstream to his canoe.He shoved the squirming girl down into the canoe, and with the speed and precision of a rodeo cowboy, had her hands behind her and bound tightly to her ankles within seconds. That done, he shoved the canoe out into the fast flowing water and paddled out into the center of the river.The canoe raced downstream as Kristen squirmed around onto her side and gazed up at him. He was a nightmare come true. He wore only a loincloth, and his dark Black skin gleamed in the sun. A bracelet of some kind was around his upper arm, and another around his ankles. He wore no shoes and his feet were enormous.Kristen wondered if she were to be eaten. He looked like the old pictures in the National Geographic she'd had to look at in Geography class. What was worse, sitting beside him in the handmade canoe, was a small ax and a bow. A knife was stuck into the side of his loincloth's belt.Kristen quivered in fear, praying someone would rescue her before this savage cooked her for dinner or chopped off her head.For his part, Mbinga, a member of the Bantu tribe, was more amused than anything. He'd never heard of a race that had pink hair before. In fact, he'd never even heard of the color pink.Downstream was the rest of his hunting party and he was anticipating their own amusement and astonishment when he presented this strange looking female.Joe was the first to arrive at the riverbank. He couldn't see any sign of Kristen, and first feared the idiot girl had fallen into the fast moving water and been carried away, then his eyes scanned the bank and saw the outline left by the canoe. He hastened over and examined the big footprints.He took off his hat and wiped the sweat off his brows as the jungle resounded to the trampling sounds of the Taylors and some of the drivers. They were gonna love this, he thought with resignation. He turned and looked downstream. Well, that little girl is sure gonna get a lot of fucking now, whether she liked it or not.He was more remorseful that it wouldn't be him doing it than that she'd get her little hole plugged. He had little fear for her life. The Bantu who inhabited this area might not be exactly civilized but they wouldn't kill anything as harmless as the pink haired teenager."What's going on!? Where's my daughter?" Charles cried as he burst through the bushes. Joe through out an arm and caught the man just before he fell into the river, dragging him back out from the waist deep water at once."Don't wanna be goin' in there, Mister Taylor. There's some pretty nasty types live in this water.""Where's Kristen?" Lucy cried, arriving in front of several of the Black drivers."I'm afraid Kristen has gone for a little ride." He sighed. And I'm the one who's gonna have to go and fetch her back, he cursed inwardly. Silly little twat!***Kristen's wrists were pinched tightly by the thin vines. Her shoulders ached from having her arms pulled so tightly back, and her hands were starting to go numb. Her ankles were in no better condition. The savage had tied her very tightly and efficiently.Her clothes were soon soaked with river water, for the canoe, though well made for its type, was not waterproof and an inch or so of water was always in the bottom.Twenty minutes of paddling through the fast current landed the canoe in a small lake. The far bank held half a dozen canoes and Mbinga paddled across to them, calling out in the shrill sing-song greeting of the Bantu. There were answering calls from the eight men on the bank who were drying fish and skinning a boar.Mbinga brought the canoe up against the bank, then jumped out and pulled it up after him. "Come see. Come see," he called excitedly. The others walked over to him as he lifted Kristen from the canoe and tossed her carelessly on the wet sand."What is this?" Contaw demanded, frowning."I found this strange looking female sitting alone by the river.""Alone? A female?""She must have been banished from her tribe." Mbinga said."With hair like that, it is no wonder," Verwinti sniffed."What color is that, anyway?" Niyou asked."I do not know. I have never seen its like.""Perhaps she is marked by the Gods.""Or the devil," another suggested."All females are marked by the devil."There were knowing nods from most of the men at that. Counta's woman had cheated on him and bore him another's son."What do we do with it?" Niyou wondered."Are you sure it's female?""Of course it's female. Look at it's mammary's there," he responded, indignantly.Counta pulled out his knife and carefully slit the vines binding the woman's wrists and legs together. He slid a hand under her right arm and hauled her erect, where she stood trembling and staring at them."What if she is a witch?" Niyou hissed. There were murmurs of worry and several made a warding sign against the devil. They stepped back from the girl, who's head kept whipping from side to side, staring at them all."Red is the color of witches," someone said."She is not red she is White.""Her hair. Her hair is red!""That is not red.""What is it if not red?""If she were a witch she would not allow Mbinga to capture her.""Perhaps she wants us to bring her back to the village so she can ensorcel us all."There were more warding gestures."I am sure she is not a witch," Mbinga said indignantly."We should leave her.""But if she is a cast out female she will die.""Let her.""That is not an honorable thing to say.""We can not take the chance.""There is no chance in it," Mbinga said. "I will prove that she is no witch right here.""How? You mean...""I will make use of her the way a man uses a woman. No witch can stand that for she would lose her powers.""She will not let you," Banga said, making more warding signs."I tell you she is not witch." Mbinga said. He moved against the girl and before she could react, tore her bra top in half. Kristen squealed and closed her arms over her breasts, trying to back away."Watch out Mbinga," someone warned.Mbinga twisted the female around and held her arm firmly, his hand reached for the strange garments she wore on her hips and pulled downwards.They easily slid down over her well rounded hips. Mbinga paused a moment to admire the perfect tone of her White buttocks, then grabbed the shorts and pulled, causing the female to fall on her back as he jerked them up and off."She is calling out a spell!"The others moved further back, except Randow who was braver than most."At least bind her so we might survive!" Banga cried.Kristen screamed and begged them to let her go, but they either ignored her or seemed to not understand. One of the natives stripped her naked and tossed her onto the ground. They were in a low clearing with dirt and a slight stubble of grass beneath her.The two natives who hadn't backed off pulled her wrists to the ground. One of them held her right hand down while another picked up a rock and a foot long stick. Kristen screamed again, fearing they were about to drive it through her hand.Instead the stake was driven deep into the ground. The second native tied a vine tightly around her wrist, then tied it to the vine. This was repeated with her other wrist, and her ankles, until Kristen was spread-eagled and tied securely, hardly able to move a limb."Look. Her hair is a different color between her legs!""Surely that means she is a devil.""I am not worried," Mbinga said, for he had once lived in the city and did not believe in witches any longer. He pulled off his loincloth and pulled on his long flaccid penis, watching the female struggling uselessly against the bindings.She was not particularly attractive, though her hips were decently round and her breasts could feed many sons. He considered her too skinny though. The most attractive thing about her was her smooth unblemished flesh. For despite varying skin tones, he had never seen anyone with such pure and flawless skin.He skinned his fist up and down on his organ, squeezing his fingers tightly. His eyes slid up and down the female's body, admiring the perfection of the ivory skin. He knelt beside her, still rubbing on his organ. His other hand moved to her groin and squeezed. It certainly felt like a true woman's.Kristen's arms and legs pulled frantically at the tight vines, despite the pain it caused her bare wrists and ankles. Her eyes were wild and terrified as the savage knelt beside her and then began pawing at her crotch.She let out a sob of defeat as his hand squeezed her crotch, then slid slowly up and down her body, caressing her smooth flat belly, then the skin of her chest above and between her breasts. Finally his hand rolled up and down over her upthrust breasts, pausing atop each little hillock to fondle her nipples.Her eyes kept flicking from his hand on her skin, his skin rougher even than that pig from last night, and his prick, which was rapidly hardening under his flicking fingers. Then he let go of it and positioned himself between her legs, falling forward on top of the hapless girl.She groaned in disgust and revulsion, feeling his hard, sun baked flesh atop hers. His skin was coarse and rough as it pressed down on her firm rounded breasts, irritating them and rasping across her twin nipples. His cock was a hard bone like thing pressed against her belly.Then the man jerked up on one elbow and grabbed his cock. He pressed the uncircumcised head against her cunt. Kristen was terrified of it. She had never seen or heard of an uncircumcised cock before and thought it must be some kind of mutant thing, as if the man wasn't even human.It pushed against her cuntlips like a normal cock though, and she felt her lips yield under its unrelenting pressure. It moved inside her body as she jerked against the vines once more, helpless and sobbing in misery and fear.The cock pushed down deeper and deeper despite her tight squeezing of her pussy muscles. It rasped hard against her tight dry cunt as it moved in, bringing pain to her shaking body.The man grunted and threw his hips forward, jamming another several inches of cock meat up into her belly. Kristen gave up resisting, she wept and let her head fall back, staring up at the sky as the man drove his cock fully into her body, his balls pressing against the underside of her buttocks as he sighed and rested atop her.He pulled back almost immediately, then began a quick, forceful rutting against her crotch. Kristen grunted in pain as his long cock slid back and forth inside her pussy tunnel. The sky above gradually began to blot out as the other natives moved forward, somewhat reassured now that she was no danger, now that Mbinga had deflowered her.They watched intently, making sure it could not be some trick. Their eyes followed Mbinga's organ as it moved back and forth, sliding in and out of the female's love hole.Kristen's breath was harsh and uneven as she slowed her sobbing. Her eyes were watery with tears and saw everything blurry. Her ankles ached as the native raping her threw his hips against her crotch with a flurry of very hard thrusts, slamming her small, light body upwards against the bindings on her ankles.Then he grunted in pleasure and came inside her. Kristen was as horrified as most women would have been if a dog or pig had cum inside her. She imagined the foul wet stuff burning away inside her belly, like some terrible acid."You see. I told you," Mbinga sighed."I will try and see," Niyou said."You do not think she could still be a witch," Mbinga accused."No." Niyou grinned. "But if you are going to sell her, I should find out how she rides first."There were several laughs, though several men still looked worriedly.Niyou knelt between the female's legs, his own organ already hard.Kristen groaned in dismay as the second native climbed on top of her. She watched dully as his fat cock pushed against her pussy and then drove inside. This one was much more eager than the first. His hands roved across her body, squeezing and caressing her skin.His hands folded atop her breasts as he held himself fully inside her, and he began to fondle them roughly, then his mouth bent and he kissed her on the lips. Kristen almost threw up in disgust. She closed her teeth and lips tightly and turned her head away.The native grabbed her pink hair, a move that brought ooohs of worry from some of the men watching. He held her head tightly and kissed her again, preventing her from shifting aside. Still, her lips and teeth remained tightly closed.He cursed and backhanded her, knocking her head to one side. The Bantu did not tolerate defiance in women and certainly not in captured slaves, which was what Kristen was for the moment. He slapped her in the other direction, then backhanded her again.She surrendered with a woeful sob and her mouth opened. Niyou's lips closed against hers and his tongue shot into her mouth. His hands slipped under her and clutched her round buttocks his nails sliding deeply into the tender, malleable flesh.He resumed his wild pumping, his cock pounding in and out of her cunt tube so hard that her body was half lifted with each stroke. Kristen felt strange tastes in her mouth and wondered what manner of awful thing the savage ate.Her cunt ached from the ferocious assault of his hammering cock tool. Her ass flesh was being squeezed and kneaded as he hauled her up against his downward thrusts. He humped against her fiercely, now raising up his chest and howling in glee. His body was arching backwards as his cock slammed deep into Kristen's body and spewed out its load of hot white semen."Her love tunnel feels almost unused," he gasped to the others. "It is amazingly tight on my manhood."Most of the women in the Bantu were heavy and their pussies were consequently larger than the comparatively skinny girl now staked out on the grass.The next native tore off his loincloth and dropped between her legs. Again, a hot male organ was driven deep into Kristen's body and the humping renewed. She closed her eyes, tears spilling down the sides of her face as she was raped for the third time.The sun blazed down overhead on the lewd and carnal scene, as one after the other, each of the nine men present got on top of the skinny White girl and used her body for their own pleasures. Mbinga then used her for a second time, to restate his ownership of her.Finally, all were satisfied. They were satisfied not just in their lusts, but that the female was no threat. No witch could have any power after being ridden so hard by so many Bantu men.Kristen's arms and wrists were cut loose and the weary, miserable girl was hauled to her wobbly feet. Her hands were bound behind her once more, but her feet remained free as the natives put her aboard one of the canoes and set off down the river again.Chapter 3---------Joe knelt and stared at the tracks in front of him. It had taken more than two days to get a motorboat and then find where the Bantu had come out of the river, and now all it showed was that they'd gone back in again soon after. He glared at the tracks in frustration.Actually, the signs told more than just that. The stakes were still in the ground, and part of the vines were still attached. It didn't take a great deal of imagination to guess what had been tied down like that and why.He let out a cold smile. He kind of wished he'd been there to see it. He was willing to bet the little bitch had gone nuts. He sighed again and walked back to the boat, waving the pilot to start up again. He hadn't brought a lot of men. He knew he wouldn't have to take Kristen back by force.The Bantu sold their captives and he had more than enough to outbid anyone else for her, at least, anyone among the tribe. The motorboat eased back into the river and then shot forward.He cursed again, how was he even supposed to find the proper village anyway? There were scores of Bantu villages around here. He just hoped he got her before she was pregnant. If that happened and the Bantu became aware of it they wouldn't part with her until the brat was dropped.***After two more hours on the river, the canoes slowly pulled ashore. There were a number of other canoes there and the natives pulled out all their canoes and rested them alongside the others. None of the vessels belonged to any one village, they were shared by those who happened to want them at a particular time on a first-come-first-served basis.After overturning the canoes, they set out down a narrow trail that became almost imperceptible after a hundred paces. Kristen was dragged along behind them, still completely naked and her wrists still tied behind her.Mbinga tied a long vine around her throat and led her behind him exactly as if she were a goat. A goat however, would have been much more sure footed.Kristen had difficulty almost from the start. The natives set off on a natural pace that ate up the miles rapidly. For her it was almost impossible to keep up. Another problem was her bare feet. The natives had no need of shoes. Their soles were hardened from years of walking.Kristen kept stepping on rocks and pebbles and sharp twigs. She hopped and whined and cried out in soreness. Mbinga kept tugging on the rope to encourage her onward but she kept falling in pain. Finally the column stopped and Mbinga went back in exasperation to examine her feet.One examination told him that her feet were like the soft city people. He could not understand this since she hadn't been wearing any footwear when he'd captured her. Nevertheless, he hauled out a long strip of hide and bound it around her right foot, doing the same with the other.They set off again, her feet now somewhat protected. Still, Kristen kept falling back. She was panting exhausted within a few minutes and dragging back on the vine. Mbinga glared back in irritation, then handed the line to Cowqe.Cowqe pulled the female on while Mbinga drifted back behind her. He picked up a light stick a foot long from the bush and began smacking it down on her round ass cheeks whenever it looked like she was lagging behind. Each whack produced a satisfying burst of speed, as well as a yelp of pain. The stick would not damage her perfect skin, for he knew that would be the main selling point of this girl, that and her tight love hole. The girl fell back again and he whipped the cane across her ass again, making her cry out and run faster.Kristen would have wept in misery but she had no breath for it. Her chest burned and ached as she trotted along behind the natives. Every time she slowed the one behind slashed his hard stick against her behind. She yelped again as the stick descended.She was getting dizzy and lightheaded as her pain numbed body neared the end of its resources. No matter what Mbinga did she would have to slow down.Mbinga slapped at her behind again, then again and again, and again, soon making the entire area red with pain and soreness. The girl kept yelping, yet did not increase speed significantly and then not at all. In fact she was slowing down further. Mbinga growled and whipped her harder.Kristen gave a final panting gasp and fell forward into the grass. The natives halted and Mbinga came up to stand over her frowning. She would not bring such a good price if she were indeed this weak. He reached down and grabbed her by her long thick hair and jerked her up to her knees, holding her there despite her best efforts to collapse."It is no use. We will have to wait for her to rest," he told the others."But we have long to go, Mbinga.""We can not rest this soon, else it will take us days to reach home.""Then we must carry her," Mbinga shrugged."Only if we share in her price."He frowned angrily, then tugged viciously on the vine, making the sweating girl choke briefly."All right then," he agreed, sullenly, all his visions of profits tainted by the weakness of this female.Niyou and Counta chopped down a tall bamboo and skinned it quickly, as Mbinga and Contaw rebound her wrists and ankles in front of her. The pole, about eight feet long, was then thrust between her arms and legs. Mbinga and Counta took the first shift, lifting her off the ground and setting the pole on their shoulders.They set out once again, Kristen bouncing beneath the pole, her wrists and ankles burning with pain as her weight hung suspended from them. They ignored her complaints, continuing their unhurried, ground eating pace for long hours.Kristen gradually lost the feeling in her wrists and ankles and a numbness set in around them. Her head bounced and jerked as she moved through the grasses, her tangled hair sometimes covering her face completely. She fell in and out of consciousness, her body utterly drained by the day's events.Then the natives cut across a miles wide grassland. Kristen's body, carried along only a foot or so above the ground, slid through a near continuous wave of tall grasses. They slid like coarse feathers against her upper thighs and buttocks, then downward across her cunt, and down off her as she passed over them.Her ass felt as if an endless revolving brush was rubbing across her entire nether area. Her cunt, peering out from between her legs, was especially sensitive to the continuous sliding caress of the grasses. It began to tingle at the light massage.Slowly, with Kristen totally unaware of it, her body became aroused. Her mind, what was left conscious of it, was too caught up in her own misery to even notice. Still, her cunt soon sizzled and burned and itched with need, providing yet another source of profound aching in her young body.The tingling grew greater and greater, the raping caress of the grasses making her ass jerk and tremble instinctively. She needed something, needed relief, needed something more than these light constant, endless rubbing stalks.She moaned, then moaned louder. Her delirious body jerked and jumped on the pole. Her eyes fluttered open and closed and she whined in seeming pain. The two natives carrying her stopped, calling to their comrades. They set her down and peered at her uncertainly, wondering what was the matter.Mbinga hurried back, glaring down at the woman and beginning to wish he'd never taken her. "What is the matter with her now?" he sighed. They pulled the pole free from her, leaving her on her back. The girl's eyes were closed and she gave no sign of the source of her pain."Perhaps the bindings are too tight," Niyou ventured.Then the girl's bound hands slid downward into her crotch. Instantly her behind humped upward against her hands and her fingers pushed into her love hole. The watching men stared in amazement. "What is she doing?" Rayogh wondered.Mbinga knelt beside her and pulled her hands away, jamming his own between her crotch. Again, she shot her behind upward, arching her back and moaning loudly. His hand came away sopping wet. He held it up to the others with astonishment and happiness. This sign of her heat would definitely increase her price."She needs a man's organ in her hole," he said."That is a wondrous thing indeed," Ghougumba said, shaking his head."Perhaps it is this way with these people," Niyou said. "Perhaps their females need a man's organ every few hours or else are in pain.""I envy their men," Counta said, causing laughter."Well, I will take care of her," Mbinga said."I will help if you like," Niyou said."I am sure I can sate her fires," Mbinga replied with dignity.He turned the girl over onto her belly and hauled her up off the ground so she was kneeling on all fours. Her arms promptly gave way and her head and shoulders sank back to the ground. Mbinga knelt behind her and brought his organ out from his loincloth.He didn't bother to undo her wrists, but cut away the bindings on her ankles and spread her legs apart. Now her knees started to give way. His hands slid around her waist and held her steady for a moment, then, holding her with one arm, he used his other hand to place his organ against her tight and very wet love hole.He replaced his grip on the female's waist, then thrust forward hard. The girl yowled like a kicked dog. Her head shot up and her back arched and then she shuddered all over. Before the startled Mbinga could move she began rutting furiously back against his organ, humping her ass with a bizarre desperation.He began to respond in kind, pounding his groin against her behind with eager desire. Her love hole sucked and slurped at his organ more than any he had ever plumbed. He could not withhold his white love juice from her as his body shook and she sucked out all of his seed.Counta moved in at once and he sheathed his own organ in her spasming love hole. He humped like a mad dog, shooting off inside her in seconds before being replaced by Niyou. He took her with long, hard thrusts that drove her from her knees.His big hands kept hauling her back up to meet his strokes and all there saw the White female's body tremble all over once again as grunts of pleasure came from her pretty lips.The tribesmen continued to sheath their sabers in the girl long after her body spent itself and knelt, then laid unmoving. Finally, they lifted her on the poles again and carried her a few more miles before camping for the night by a stream.***Joe had finally found where they'd come out of the river, at the communal fishing point for the long neck bands. That was some help but not much. There were over fifty separate villages on that side of the Reboogie River that made use of this spot.He was forced to wander inland, instantly losing their trail amongst the scores of others that had wandered up and down here in the past two days. There was nothing he could do but visit each of the villages and hope that she was in one of the closer ones.If she wasn't then he was in trouble. The further villages were much more war like. They had to be for they vied with the Pouta tribes in that area. The Pouta tribes were extremely dangerous, especially to White men.He moved down the trail, accompanied by his three bearers. He knew though, that they'd abandon him if they came close to the Pouta areas. None wished to be eviscerated by the angry tribes of the north.***It was night. The sound of crickets and other night insects filled the air. The tribesmen knew the insects as their friends, their guards through the night. For if ought approached the insects would cease their song to tell them of danger.They sat quietly around their small fire, speaking in low voices. Some ate quietly, gulping down tough pieces of dried meat. In a corner, Kristen sat, propped against a tree. She was conscious now, though not greatly alert. Her wrists were bound behind the tree and her head lolled forward.She shivered with cold for the air had chilled with the loss of light. Her dull eyes gazed bleakly around at the savages sprawled about her and she started to wonder not if, but whether she would ever return home. She wept silently, feeling immensely sorry for herself and cursing everyone and everything that had brought her to this place.Her dreams were filled with big barbarous Black savages and their immense prongs.The tribesmen woke before dawn and began making preparations for the continued journey. They ate lightly and relieved themselves away from the camp. Kristen was cut loose and placed on her hands and knees, then several of the tribesmen took her... casually, though with pleasure.Her hands were bound behind her and the vine attached to her throat again. Then they all set out. Kristen's legs ached ferociously, and were unbearably stiff. But under the continued pressure of the rope around her neck, they soon heated and became more limber.She jogged behind the natives, keeping up at first. After ten or fifteen minutes though, she began falling behind. Mbinga began lashing her behind with a cane which sped her up for a while, but finally she collapsed like the previous day and they were forced to carry her again.The Bantu were not cruel without reason, and, not wanting to cause the woman any unnecessary pain, stopped and took her at regular intervals. They were pleased that this seemed to work so well.Several hours into their journey the Bantu slowed, becoming more cautious. They removed their bows from around their shoulders and held arrows to them as they moved through the grass. Their voices became mere whispers as they moved along.Kristen hardly noticed this however as she had become numbed by the long journey and repeated rapes. Every portion of her anatomy ached terribly and her brain reeled with despair.Early that evening, they finally came into the tribe's territory. The men hailed guards and minutes later, jogged into the brightly lit village. Kristen was set down with the other parcels and packages as the men greeted wives and comrades.She looked around dully, then became more alert. After two days naked in the company of the small hunting group she'd become accustomed to it. Now though, scores of men women and children crowded around, all chattering gaily and staring at her.She covered her nudity as best she could, her skin reddening in humiliation. A number of the people were pointing at her and chattering. A small child rushed forward and poked her with a stick before being chased away by Mbinga.She was carried into a hut and deposited on the dirt floor. There she waited in the dark for some time before a native woman, a fat thing with huge hanging breasts and a kind of skirt around her waist, came in and shoved a bowl of some unidentifiable substance into her hands.She looked at it worriedly and the woman made eating sounds and lifted her hands in an obvious pantomime that Kristen should eat the stuff. It was hard to see it in the dark of the hut but it smelled good. She brought it to her lips and began to slurp it down.Satisfied, the woman left. Kristen finished the stuff, which was surprisingly filling, and rolled onto her side, eventually falling asleep.***"I tell you it isn't that dangerous," Joe glared."No go, Boss man. No go," the man shook his head firmly. Joe sighed and nodded. It would be pointless to try and argue any more. The men dumped his things and started back down the trail.He picked up the necessities, including his 30-30 with the scope and the little Uzi submachine gun, neither of which he hoped he'd need. He loaded on extra ammo and rations, a change of clothes and a few other things, then started uphill.Within minutes he'd left the impaled skull that had been left as a warning far behind. He found himself panting and cursed under his breath, trying to ease the sound of his breathing.He reached the top and started along a very faint trail, hoping he didn't run into the fellows who'd made it. Out in this part of the jungle the Bantu, just like the Pouta, would kill anyone they ran across before even stopping to see who it was.He made decent time the first several hours, but then had to slow down to move more quietly. Every now and then he stopped when he heard some unidentified noise, then moved forward more carefully. By nightfall he'd made only a half dozen miles.He climbed a tall tree and tied himself to a branch, spending an uneasy night up there. When he got that little bitch back, she was gonna owe him a good hard ride, that was for sure.***The animals wakened with the brightening sky and so did the tribesmen and women. The little village bustled with movement as the women hurried out to take care of the animals and cook the morning meal. Kristen was visited once more by the big fat faced woman who gave her some gooey substance on a thick chunk of leaves and insisted she eat it.That done, her hands and legs were untied and the big woman hauled her out of the hut and through the early morning bustle. Kristen tried to cover her nudity with her hands but the big woman had a hold of her left so she only had her right, which she held over her right breast, her hand in front of her pussy.She was led down to a stream where several other big women waited. The big woman with her waded out into the stream, dragging Kristen behind her. When they were waist deep, she shoved down on Kristen's head, submersing her in the water.Kristen surfaced with a spray of water, coughing the water out of her mouth. Three women surrounded her and began to rub at her body with coarse weeds. She protested weakly, trying to draw away but they treated her as if she were a baby that needed washing, and did so.The weeds were coated with a soapy goo they'd made and soon had her skin tingling and stinging as they rasped roughly across. They soaped up her hair and face and between her legs without a trace of bother at touching another woman's private parts.When they were finished they dunked her underwater several times and then hauled her ashore. The first big woman led the sputtering teenager up the low hill to the village and then sat her down on a small stool outside a hut.A coarse comb soon ran through her hair as the woman brought the tangled mess to semblance of order. A chastened Kristen bore the pulling of the comb bravely, hardly yelling at all. When it was done the woman beamed at her, pointed a finger at her and said something, which Kristen took to mean, "Wait here."She sat there wet and naked, holding her arms across her chest and her legs tight together, for almost an hour. Then Mbinga came for her. He pulled her to her feet and then walked around, inspecting her. He nodded, pleased, for the journey had left no mark on her flawless skin.He pulled her by the arm out into the center of the village. Kristen had no choice but to go along. In the center of the village was a round platform of sorts. It was made of wood and about a foot high. In the middle of it were two thick poles, placed several feet apart.Each was over eight feet tall, and a third, horizontal pole was lashed across their tops forming a crude frame. This frame was usually used to hang especially big animals that a brace hunter had killed, so the tribe could admire them.Now it was Kristen that was lashed between the poles. Her arms were pulled high above her and tied to either pole so that she was standing absolutely erect. Then, despite her abject protests, her legs were also pulled apart and lashed to the poles.She was thus bound very tightly in the shape of an X, and left there. Mbinga wanted her displayed in such a way that she could be easily examined. Crowds of people came close and examined her as Mbinga called out to them that she would be sold in one half hour.The people were amazed at her strange hair coloring, though Mbinga allayed their fears by assuring them that if she ever was a witch, she couldn't be now. He also confided to them about her especially tight love hole, and stroked her skin as he pointed out how perfect and unblemished it was.Numerous villagers came up next to her and slid their hands over her body, marveling at its smooth soft texture and pale ivory tone. Prospective buyers squeezed her breasts and felt between her legs, making sure all her parts were intact. Several also forced her mouth open and inspected her teeth.Kristen gazed around in terror and humiliation. This was worse than her worse nightmare ever had been. She bit her tongue and moaned as men and women of all ages crowded up against her naked body, fondling and caressing her.She was afraid she was going to be subjected to some kind of mass rape and was horrified at the number, and looks of the people who might do it. She yelped as a big woman stuffed her thick fat finger up inside Kristen's asshole, searching for signs of bleeding.Never could she have imagined being so utterly degraded and abased. She wept in shame as more and more of them crowded around her, their eyes sliding excitedly over her nude form, their voices cackling in her ears.After the hour was up, Mbinga began to take offers for the female. Initially, the bids were low, as she was on the skinny side. However, when he described how hot and tight she was inside, and how her race seemed to need sex regularly, there was considerably more interest.Instead of pigs, goats were offered, along with several spears and bows. He began to think he might well profit from the weak White female, even after splitting the cut with his hunting comrades. Then a truly deep voice spoke up from the rear of the crowd.Lunga had no need to push his way to the front. At seven feet tall, he could easily see over everyone else's head. His thick, powerfully muscled frame stood on two tree trunk sized legs that could almost outrun an elephant. Indeed, when Lunga ran the ground rumbled like an elephant was passing.Lunga, in fact, meant elephant in Bantu, for at birth he had been so enormous that his mother had barely survived his parting and her love hole was never the same. He was easily the strongest man in the village, able to lift a water buffalo."Three goats." he offered. It was a wonderful offer, but then Lunga was the wealthiest man in the village, other than the chief. His hunting skills were extraordinary. No one sought to top his offer and Mbinga clapped his hands, signaling the end of the bidding.The crowd parted before Lunga who tromped up to the girl hanging on the frame and examined her with interest. Beside him were his two wives, Churla and Gumne, both weighed in at over two hundred pounds and both were shaking their heads at their man's foolishness."She will provide you with many satisfying rides, Lunga." Mbinga said. If she doesn't split apart, he silently added. Lunga was a man of few words. He nodded with a low rumbling grunt. He slid his huge hand onto the girl's front, covering her entire belly easily."Soft!" he grunted."She's weak and small," Churla sighed."Will get stronger.""But no bigger. She looks fully grown, if skinny.""Feed," Lunga said."We'll have to feed her a cow," Gumne sniffed.Lunga paid them no heed, as was the way of men with women in the Bantu. He reached down and tugged on the vines holding her ankles, snapping them like seaweed. Then he pulled on the vines holding her wrists to the poles and she came free, dropping into his massive arms. She gazed at him in shock, her small body held against him like a child against her mother.Lunga held one hand under her behind and walked back to his hut with her, his two wives trailing behind and still shaking their heads.He carried the female into the hut and put her down on the floor, where she nearly collapsed from weakness. Then he turned to his two wives and grunted a demand that she be prepared for him for later. He picked up his spear then and moved out, going off to hunt.Churla and Ghumne gazed down at the skinny female in disgust, then sighed and set to work. They cut the remains of the vines off her wrists and ankles and then sat her back against the side of the hut. Churla brewed up some special medicine that the clan long knew as a powerful aphrodisiac.It was not for Lunga of course, since both wives knew of his enormous sexual drive and hunger. No, Lunga's partner would need the brew to fortify her, to convince her body to respond with all the necessary actions that would minimize the trauma involved with mating with Lunga.Lunga was not named after an elephant merely because of his body's size, but because of his "trunk," as the Bantu laughingly called it. His male organ was a source of much pride to he and his wives, being far larger than any other man in the village possessed.It was, had the Bantu any such measuring devices, well over a foot long and six inches around, making it somewhat thinner than a baseball bat. Many awed comments were made about it on the occasions when he was nude, such as the ceremonial potency dance.When erect it became as hard as the hardest iron and both wives had cause to worry about whether this small framed female would survive the first introduction to it.Chapter 4---------Joe knelt behind a large coconut tree as the group of Pounta warriors moved past. He held the Uzi in his hands, almost not breathing until they had passed. An encounter now would have made it extremely difficult to continue the search, to say nothing of the danger to his skin.He heaved a sigh of relief when they'd passed, then lowered the gun. Just as he did an arrow thunked into the tree next to his head. He dove flat and rolled, hearing several other arrows zipping past him as he rolled behind a bush and pair of trees.He peered through the bush, seeing nothing. Looking back at the tree, he could see the direction the arrows had come from, just behind that set of trees there, he decided. Then one of the bushes shook and he fired an entire clip into the area, shaking the gun from side to side to spread out the impact area.As soon as the clip was empty he jumped to his feet and raced back the way he'd come along the trail. There were no sounds behind him. Even if he'd hit one of the natives and not killed him the man would not have made a sound.After thirty seconds, he turned and jumped as far as he could off the trail, landing and rolling. Then he began crawling as fast as he could without making noise. He clutched the reloaded Uzi to his chest as he moved as far from the trail as possible.Once out of sight of it, he jumped to his feet and struck out at an angle, moving swiftly, but quietly. Nobody could outrun the natives of this area, so his only hope lay in silence, in them not knowing exactly where he was.He cursed furiously as he moved. He was reasonably sure he'd killed a few of the Pounta, if that was indeed them in the bushes, and that meant they'd never stop tracking him. This was going to make it damned hard to find that girl, unless he brought an army back here.He heard no movement behind him, but he knew better than to take heart in that. The Pounta wouldn't make any noise. His little jump off the trail wouldn't fool them for more than a minute, and despite his precautions as he moved, they would find his trail very soon.He moved between a pair of tall trees, then stopped. He quickly reached back and pulled a thin spool of fishing line from his pack, tying it and then stringing it around one of the trees, through the bushes and around the other tree trunk. He attached a grenade to either end and then raced away, knowing they couldn't be far behind now.He was right, less than thirty seconds after he started running there was a loud double explosion behind him. He smiled grimly. If they hadn't heard him running, they might have been watching the ground more carefully. Now they'd have to slow down considerably to avoid any similar traps he left.That gave him time, which was what he really needed. He was no slouch at losing pursuit, and given enough space between him and his pursuers he was reasonably sure he'd be able to lose them. The trouble was he was heading directly away from the Bantu villages and towards the Pounta ***Kristen wrinkled her nose and pushed away the bowl but the old fat woman insisted, pushing it back at her again. She'd already drank a bowl of the foul smelling stuff and didn't want any more, but couldn't seem to get that across to the big woman.The heat and smell of the first bowl was already making her sick. Her chest felt on fire and her stomach rumbled. Nevertheless, she began sipping on the bowl, thinking forlornly about the cases of spring water in the jeeps they'd brought.Only after she finished the terrible stuff did the old woman let go her hold on the bowl. She looked at Kristen curiously, her fat hand feeling Kristen's belly, then her chest, between her breasts, then her forehead. She nodded then moved away, saying something to the other fat woman.The two of them picked up another pot of something. Kristen groaned, praying it wasn't something else she had to eat. She didn't think she could keep anything else down. Her stomach was feeling more quivery and unsettled by the minute.But they didn't hold the bowl near her face, instead they turned her over onto her hands and knees, pushing her down and holding her there, though she didn't resist. One of the fat women took a handful of thick goo that looked like a kind of dark honey or molasses, and rubbed it against Kristen's crotch.Kristen was startled, but didn't move away. The fat woman rubbed her hand up and down Kristen's pubic mound for a few seconds, then slowly thrust a finger in between Kristen's pussy lips. Kristen tried to move away, but the other fat woman snapped something angrily and Kristen trembled but held still.The finger inside her pushed deep into her cunt tunnel, then wriggled around, pressing first one side, then another, then another, then another. It withdrew, then slid in again. It withdrew, and then two fingers were thrust into her.Kristen could feel her pussy oily and wet with the greasy slime she'd put on her cuntmound. The two fingers pressed against opposite sides of her pussylips and opened her up. Now two more fingers, then three more were placed against her pussy mouth, all holding her cunt wide open.She whimpered in pain as the first fat woman held her cunt wide open. The second fat woman slapped heaping handfuls of that smelly oozing molasses stuff against her, then began to thrust several fingers into her pussy, rubbing the stuff into her good.Kristen had no idea why they were doing that, in fact, she was finding it increasingly hard to think anything coherently. Her brain was in a strange muddle and she didn't know why. Suddenly, she giggled, then stopped, amused at nothing in particular.The woman behind her continued to rub her fingers in and out of her pussy tunnel. The second woman let her cuntlips go and they closed tightly around the second woman's three fingers, which continued to slide in and out of her cunt tunnel.Churla pulled her fingers free from the White girl's love tunnel and stood up, wiping her fingers off on her skirt. She accepted a drink of retgha from Ghumne and watched the still kneeling girl. Beneath her legs, as if she had released it from her bowels, was a wet pile of Churla's brew. More continued to dribble out from her love hole now that it was closed.That was all right. Lunga would not be happy if the girl was a mess down there. Churla gave her love hole a few minutes to push out the excess liquid, then moved back to her. By this time, the girl was humming softly and moving her head from side to side like an imbecile.Churla led her a few feet away from the pile of liquid, then knelt beside her once again. She wiped the girl's crotch dry, then began to rub her finger up and down the little pink slit. She found the centerpiece of woman's enjoyment, up at the top of the love-hole, and began to manipulate it carefully.Churla had done this a number of times before, always with new virgin wives. Normally the Bantu girl's married as soon as they began menstruating, and as such the girl's were often of small size compared with the men. The men married only when they were old enough to pay the bride price to the girl's father.The girl's humming became more highly pitched as Churla worked on her love button. The girl's behind began to push back against Churla's rubbing fingers. That was good. Churla knew that the girl's own love hole would now be manufacturing its own grease to ease Lunga's passage.She kept rubbing the little button though and the girl pumped her behind out at her with more vigor. Churla stopped then, though the girl continued to rut her ass backwards for several seconds. Churla waited a time, then began to rub the little button again.By the time Lunga returned half an hour later, the White girl was sobbing and shaking with need. Churla had never brought a girl to such heights of need before. Were it not for the immensity of Lunga's organ she would not do so now. It was a cruel thing to do.Though neither could understand the White girl's language, they could both recognize the pleading and begging and weeping, and felt sorry for the girl. They both knew that it was for her own good however. She would receive her reward many times over when Lunga took her.Churla gave her trembling body a final rub, then stood up. She and Ghumne lifted the girl by the arms and carried her to a big log that was covered with a blanket. Even they could not take Lunga's massive weight upon their body and of course, no one could expect this slight creature to do so.They set her down belly down, across the log. It was almost too high for the girl's knees to touch the ground, though she was not a short girl. They balanced her carefully, with her top draped down one side and her ass sticking up in the air.Each pulled a leg apart, opening up what was now a steaming volcanic pit in the girl's crotch. Lunga nodded with a grunt and the two moved aside.Lunga stripped off his weapons and loincloth, standing there naked. He smiled happily as he looked down at the trembling White buttocks looking up at him. His hand went to his manhood, which was already at half erection. Fat fingers shucked up and down as he knelt behind the girl.Very quickly, his manhood rose up between his legs until it was pointing straight out towards the girl's gleaming moist pussy mouth. Lung looked at her smoothly rounded ass cheeks with interest, dropping his big leathery hands on them and kneading the soft flesh.He grumbled with pleasure, then took his right hand off to fold it around his thick penis. He pushed the uncircumcised head against the opening to the girl's love hole and slowly pushed forward. At first, her love hole flatly refused to open before his blunt nosed organ.He was a warrior however and used to challenges and adversity. He pushed harder, then harder still. Slowly his organ began to sink into the incredible tightness between the girl's legs. As he did, she whined and mewled and shook her body atop the log.Kristen was dazed and unhappy. She didn't know what was going on, but her body felt tense and wet and itchy. The itch was most pronounced between her legs, being so itchy and tingly that she kept trying to touch and scratch it. The women wouldn't let her though.The strangeness in her belly grew and grew and she began to whine, then suddenly, she felt something push firmly against her cunt opening. She mewled with pleasure for firm pressure was what she instinctively knew she needed to gain the release that would satisfy her belly.The firmness became greater and greater, and she felt a pain, almost a tearing between her legs. She whimpered in pain, trying to draw away, but was held in a grip of iron. The pressure mounted and she felt her pussy lips being forced unnaturally wide around something.She kept trying to crawl up over the log and escape but couldn't move an inch. Her pussy lips continued to open, to spread as some massive thing pushed against her. She felt it stab into her body, prying open the front of her cunt tunnel as it drove into her.Her elastic cunt spread wider than ever it had before, the silky flesh of the tube straining to absorb the giant girth of the object pushing into it. Thick gobs of grease and girl juice eased the way as the huge cock pushed deeper, a full three inches inside her now and spreading her cunt wide, splitting her cheeks and body.Lunga threw his hips forward and the girl screamed in pain as three more inches jammed into her small belly. She was even tighter than Mbinga had said. He swatted, not with the effort but with the tremendous pressure being exerted on the front of his manhood.He pulled back an inch, then thrust forward, jamming three more inches into her belly. He grumbled, the sound like a lion, then drew back two more inches. He lunged forward, his bloated organ stabbing in several more inches.Kristen trembled in shock, sure she was being killed. Her entire lower body felt grossly swollen around some massive log that had been forced up into her. She hugged the log, her fingers White as she felt the log press even deeper inside her.She felt its end crushing up against her cervix with tremendous force. Her belly ached and screamed, cramps rolling through it as her organs were forced apart. Even her pubic bones were slowly forced wider, as if she were in childbirth.Still the pressure continued as more and more of the log was fed into her overstuffed fuck tunnel. She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, waiting for the feeling of blood gushing from her crotch.Then the thing jammed even deeper, seeming to push right up into her stomach. She almost threw up, gagging as the thing forced its way up the length of her body. She wondered, dazedly, if it would actually go up through her chest and into her brain.But it moved no further. It held within her, unmoving. She trembled around it, and felt it throb within her body. She wondered what kind of a log or weapon they had used that it should seem to breathe with a life of its own.Lunga rubbed his hands over the woman's widely parted buttocks. At last, the entire length of his manhood laid within her. His fat, heavy balls, the size of tennis balls, hung low beneath his crotch, resting against the side of the log as his manhood shaft laid enfolded in the fiery heat and crushing embrace of this White girl's love tunnel.He waited patiently, knowing he must. Churla had been only thirteen when he'd first taken her, and no bigger than this. Ghumne had been the same age. He knew that the woman beneath him was older than they had been, though not quite as large as them at their first use.He slowly pulled his manhood back, retreating only a few inches for fear that the entire tunnel would collapse behind him. He pushed forward again, then retreated. Slowly he built up his speed as her muscles surrendered beneath his immensity.Certain now, that the girl would survive Lunga's lovemaking, Churla and Ghumne left the hut to begin making the afternoon meal. Lunga humped faster and faster into the girl's love hole, his hands now moving more freely across her wonderfully soft skin.Kristen could hardly believe she was still alive. The thing that had pushed into her cunt was now moving in and out, fucking her like a cock. Wearily, she pulled her head up and turned around to gaze behind her. There was a giant behind her and he actually was fucking her.She stared with disbelief at the size of his massive prick as it moved in and out of her body. She could hardly believe her cunt had managed to absorb something that size without splitting wide open. There was no sign of blood, though his cock was completely Black and would have made that difficult to spot.Weakly, her head fell back and she groaned as the giant fucking her picked up the pace. His enormous cock was thudding down into the end of her cunt-pit with tremendous force, causing her pain. It felt like there was a fist repeatedly punching her deep inside her body.Her cunt tunnel, so widely stretched, felt like it was being rasped by sandpaper as the fat fuck-stick drove in and out. Every hair on Lunga's shaft cut along the super taut skin of her rubber cunt tunnel. The pain however, began to ease, partly because her cunt had somewhat adjusted, but mostly because her muscles had given up and were no longer functioning.She felt the repeated impact, not just of the giant's cock tip against her cervix, but of his heavy belly and hips against her ass and thighs. The impact was hard enough to bruise her painfully, but there was nothing she could do to stop it. In fact, the power of his thrusting grew.Now though, without the agony she had first experienced, her body's previous sexual arousal began to reassert itself. Her clitty was being buzzed furiously by the thickness of the cock driving over it, her cunt was being ploughed, skewered.Her belly, already cramping and fluttering with the deep and thick penetration, resumed its sensuous dance as her already dazed mind suffered under new assaults of feverish need. Her body shook, trembled. Already it was jerking and humping as the giant cock threw it forward and pulled it back, but it increased its movement.Then a minor orgasm swept through her, leaving her breathless. Rather than calm her body down it merely stoked the fires higher. She was burning up with sexual fever, her body bubbling and boiling as her nerve endings twisted and quivered.A second orgasm hit her, wrenching her reality and making her cry out at its sudden shocking force. Her body shook and trembled, and her ass actually pushed back against the monster prong fucking her. Again, she clutched the log, now holding it as a child caught in a whirlwind, seeking an anchor to reality.Her body convulsed and she howled in torment and delight. A fireball of sexual ecstasy exploded in her lower belly, sending hot steaming streamers shooting out into her body. She was being royally fucked, and in the dim recesses of her mind knew it.The giant's fingers hauled her upwards, lifting her off the log and carrying her across the floor to a bed of straw. She was dropped back down onto her knees again, and the reaming continued, with even more force. Now the huge fingers, which totally encircled her belly, hauled her back against the fuck-pole rutting her.Her body was jerked back and forth like a rag doll, her head flying up and down with the sudden changes in direction, her breasts whipping back and forth. Spit drooled out of her gaping mouth as she stared at multi colored lights bursting before her eyes.She came again, her entire body seared by a super-nova, blasting through her. Sexual electricity ripped up and down her spine, causing muscle convulsions. Her back arched, then began to bounce up and down wildly.Something huge and hard and heavy was slamming into her buttocks with terrible force, but the feeling was hardly noticeable beneath the impaling power of the mighty cock within her. Giant fingers like sausages whipped around her breasts then squeezed them with an awful force, making her screech in response.Her chest exploded with agony and ecstasy, her breasts burning and throbbing and rippling with sexual electricity. Fat fingers caught her nipples and twisted them, pulled them downwards, distorting her breasts. The nipples were stretched out a full two inches from her tits, almost touching the ground beneath her.Then she came again, the top of her head blowing off as her body flailed and writhed and danced in madness. Her head lashed from side to side and her entire nervous system screamed and flared out. Then, just before she lost consciousness, she felt an immense flood of liquids gushing into her belly. She knew it was her blood and that she had just died, but she died happily.Lunga felt his seed shooting into the White girl in great fat heaping wads of shiny white potency. Her body collapsed after a final wailing shriek as he emptied himself into her. He gave a satisfied sigh, and pulled his fingers from around her waist.Her arms collapsed, dropping her head and chest down onto the ground. Her knees slipped apart and her ass slowly sank down, her cunt sliding over his softening cock before finally pulling free and dropping her flat on the dirt. Thick gobs of White sperm dribbled out of the still open love hole, but Lunga knew enough had been pumped into her to do the job.***Joe giggled weakly as the sound of the distant explosion echoed through the jungle. He'd started laying false trails hours ago, finally creating enough of a gap between him and his pursuers to plant the thin wire, then double far back, climb a tree and climb and jump from branch to branch through the densely packed growth for a hundred yards.The explosion signaled the Pounta had found the end of his trail miles distant and heading in the opposite direction. Now, unless he hit bad luck, he was safe, at least from that group. He rested his weary frame for a half hour, then rose and began making his way back north.By darkness he'd recovered most of the ground he'd lost during the morning's pursuit. He slept in a tree, then continued at dawn, leaving that particular tribe's boundary a few hours later. He reached the first of the Bantu villages, and after a nervous few minutes, was welcomed generously enough.He had lunch with the village chieftain, who professed no knowledge about a White skinned female in this area and looked at Joe like he was crazy when the White guide tried to explain what the color pink was.Joe managed to gain a guide further north, to the Clantae village a dozen miles away, reaching there by nightfall. The girl wasn't there either, much to his disgust and weariness. He decided to camp there for the night.Around the fire, he told the chief of his trouble with the Pounta and how he'd escaped them. The chief and his warriors howled with laughter as he described the Pounta being blown up by his explosive booby traps. The chief called him "Loitiiea," which meant roughly, tiger-man, and presented him with one of his daughters for the night.The girl, a young thing who's body still bore the slimness of girlhood, but also the wide hips and rounded breasts of womanhood, giggled at the sight of his reddened prick. Her body was a gleaming, shiny Black in the dim light as he slowly caressed her body.Her small brown nipples tasted of smoky meat as he suckled gently. His tongue slid downward along her belly and then in between her legs. She allowed him to part her thighs, glancing in astonishment as his tongue began to move up and down her slit.He slid a finger inside her, and began to pump it in and out as his tongue found and began to slid back and forth across her clit. She was extremely curious as well as wary, but relaxed completely when the pleasure began to course through her body.She whimpered, murmuring in wonderment as her body steamed with sexual heat. The Bantu were hardly the world's greatest lovers. The men simply drove it in and humped for a couple of minutes until they came. Orgasm was not totally unknown among women, but seldom happened in actual sex. As for masturbation, it was technically forbidden to women, though the older ones all did it from time to time. This girl, though, seemed not to have. Her eyes were wide with excitement and bewildered pleasure as Joe's tongue whipped back and forth across her clit.Then her back arched. "Oooooooooohhhhhhh!" she gasped, pushing her small cunt up against his face. His fingers slid in and out of the little pink slit as his tongue writhed against her.When she stopped shaking, he climbed up the length of her body and drove his cock into her tight pink hole. She threw her arms around him and kissed him, their lips meeting wetly and forcefully. His hands went under her ass and jerked her up against him as he began to pump into her with excited speed.Then he came, his cock spewing out his jism as she writhed in pleasure under him. He sucked hard on her nipples, his hands fondling her ass as he humped continuously into her pink hole.***Kristen was awakened by Lunga's wives, who slapped her face and tossed water on her to bring her to consciousness. Churla rubbed her hand against Kristen's cunt gently, smiling in sympathy and saying something Kristen couldn't understand.They helped the teenager to her feet and walked her outside into the sun, sitting her down on the ground as they sat on low stools beside her. They began sewing hides together, making a skirt for someone. Kristen tried to sit, but couldn't do it comfortably. Her behind and cunt hurt too much when she put pressure on them.One of the women said something to the other, and they both looked at Kristen and laughed. She flushed in embarrassment. Then one of them got up and picked up a basket of some dirty clothing and pulled on Kristen's arm.Naked, she followed the woman down the path to the stream, where the woman dumped the basket, then picked up a sarong. She brought it over to a rock and dumped it into the water, then started rubbing it on the rock. She motioned to Kristen, who stood beside her watching.Then she moved away and pushed Kristen towards the thing, obviously wanting her to do it. She sighed and began rubbing the thing against the rock as the woman stood by and watched in satisfaction. The woman produced another wad of leafy gooey stuff, like the women had used to clean Kristen earlier.She rubbed it against the cloth and signaled Kristen to keep rubbing it as she watched. There were several other rocks and the other woman began to clean clothes on one, as Kristen cleaned them on the other.After about an hour, she found herself wondering why these people didn't get a washing machine, then smiled at her own foolishness. The fat woman saw her smile and smiled back, saying something happily.Kristen followed her back into the camp, looking around more carefully than she had before. She noted that there were several nude people in the camp besides herself. Most were women, but a couple were men. She guessed that these too were prisoners of some sort.In fact, they were slaves, as she was. But the word slave simply didn't enter her mind. She thought of herself as a prisoner, that was all. The fat women taught her how to pound meet with a rock, for what purpose she didn't know, and had her stirring a deep smelly pot of something.After that, she began to sweep out the hut with a rough broom thing, then carried in fresh straw from a pile under a lean-to. The giant man came into the hut just then. He pushed her down onto her knees and knelt behind her.Kristen whined in anxious worry and tensed up. He pulled her legs apart and then slowly forced his huge organ into her body again, pounding furiously against her until she cried out and collapsed with exhaustion. When he'd poured a load of hot cum into her, he left.She was given more clothing to wash, then a small bowl of goop to eat for lunch, after which she had to follow a girl of about ten to a small pasture where there were goats. The girl showed her how to milk the goats, and despite her revulsion, Kristen had had to sit down and begin to fondle the thing's teats, sending milk shooting into a wood barrel.By dinner, she was exhausted. She had to keep working though, as the two fat women, their numerous children and the giant man who'd raped her, all ate.When they had finished, she was given a bowl of the same sludge she'd eaten before, along with a bowl containing the scraps from their own meal. She looked at it in surprise and disgust, but she was ravenous after working all day and had no choice but to eat the partly burned, partly undercooked, cold meat. In fact, she wolfed it down quickly. Mildly surprised that she could even force it into her mouth.Shortly after that, one of the fat ladies led her across the village to a small hut. This one was much more strongly built than others, and had a door of sorts, made of strong young tree branches lashed together. She was pushed inside and the thing closed behind her.Churla pushed the bolt into place across the slave shack and gave a sigh of relief. Now she could go back to her hut and get some sleep. She glanced behind her as she walked away, hoping the White girl would be all right in there.Normally, slave women slept in their owner's hut. Only slave men were kept in the strongly locked little shack. However, out of kindness for her body's needs, they had put her in with the two slave men. She had only been taken twice during the day and they worried that was not enough.Lunga's huge girth could not be used by her always though. After all, Churla and Ghumne needed its use as well. From Mbinga's description, the girl needed to be used many times, and Churla was confident the slave men would see to her.Chapter 5---------Joe bid farewell to the Claintu village and headed east towards the Minra clan village thirty kilometers away. Again, he was accompanied by a guide, a thin, grinning teenager who moved along far to cockily for Joe's comfort.Close to the village, okay, but after half a dozen kilometers he began to worry if the boy might be showing off in a rather dangerous way. He had to continuously shush the boy as he insisted on talking in overly loud whispers.It was more in resignation, then in surprise then, that he saw a blur next to him and then watched a spear pin the boy to a tree. The boy was looking at it in astonishment as several more spears chunked into the ground and bush around him.Joe dove behind another tree, then edged around towards were the spears were coming from. There was no sign of movement and no sound from whoever had fired the arrow. He knew the general direction and that was all. Then the bushes suddenly jerked apart and a dozen screaming Pounta warriors raced forward.Joe brought the Uzi up and sprayed bullets towards them, felling several, then he swung the butt around to knock aside a stabbing spear, kicking the man in the crotch and shooting two others as they approached from the other side.He shot the first warrior then, jumping atop a low hill and firing wildly behind him. Half a dozen feet away another warrior slammed his spear deep into the Bantu boy's belly.Joe raced through the bush, reloading as he dodged spears. He kept spraying the gun behind him as he ran, forcing the pursuing warriors to dive to cover. Then a long flying spear caught him in the side, bowling him over.The surge of adrenaline he was riding allowed him to jerk it out, almost screaming as blood welled from the wound. He tore a spare shirt from his pack and wadded it up, pressing it against the hole, then getting up and staggering off.Most of the warriors were dead behind him, and he shot two more who wouldn't quit before he left the last of them behind. He managed to stop finally, and pull bandages and disinfectants from his pack, carefully bandaging the wound before falling unconscious.***Kristen couldn't see anything in the darkened hut, but then she heard, and sensed movement. She was standing with her back against the door and she pushed against it worriedly. It failed to budge. There was some light in the hut from barred windows high up, but there was nothing to see.Then something moved into a section of light. She heaved a sigh of relief. It was only a man. Two men, she corrected herself. Both tall and Black, and looking at her with astonishment on their faces. One of them said something to the other.Kristen was surprised at the words, for she thought she'd come to recognize the sing-song language of the people who'd captured her and this was different. The men moved closer, and she saw that they were naked. They must be prisoners like her, of course, she chided herself."Who are you?" she asked, hoping they would speak English. They looked back blankly. "My name is Kristen." She patted her chest. "Kristen.""What does she say?" Craw asked."I do not speak her language," Sno replied."Why is she here?""Why would I know.""It has been long since I have had a woman.""You may never have another if her master catches you.""Why would they put her in here if not as a reward to us?""I do not know all the ways of the Bantu. Perhaps it is a test.""If so, I intend to pass it," Craw said, a long smile appearing on his face as his eyes slid up and down the light skinned female standing before him."They may kill you.""I am tired of this anyway. At least my member will enjoy itself before I die." He reached for the female and drew her in close to him, his hands running up and down her body. Her skin was amazingly soft."I have never taken a White woman before," he breathed.Kristen had no idea what the two were talking about. It was plain what the first one wanted however, when his hand began to caress her breasts. She stood acquiescently as his hands roamed her lithe body, sliding down between her legs to cup her pubic mound firmly.The man looked at her, as if wondering what she would do. Kristen looked back blankly. She had no idea of the low status these men held, and was afraid to resist in any way. What was the point, anyway?The man pushed her down on her back on a pile of straw and lay down on top of her. She spread her legs resignedly and felt his hardness press against her belly. His mouth slurped around her right nipple and his teeth chewed lightly. She winced, for his teeth were odd and sharp.Then she grunted a she felt his cock pushed into her pussy hole. Her sore pussy lips spread and his member pushed into her. Her cunt adjusted quickly, despite her lack of sexual excitement. Perhaps the long fat cock of the giant had loosened her cunt forever.She grunted in disgust as the man's mouth came down on hers, his lips rubbing forcefully, and his tongue sliding into her own mouth. His hands were all over her, like mad, uncontrolled animals, they were fast and rough as they moved from place to place, squeezing and fondling her.His hands slid under her then, cupping her ass cheeks as he began to stroke into her. Like most of the natives she'd been raped by, he had not a trace of expertise, at least as she'd come to know it. There was no gentleness in his fucking, instead it was a harsh, fast, brutal fucking.He humped furiously into her, his cock slicing in and out of her pained body. His hips smashed down into hers, his pubic bone cracking against her crotch and lower belly as he rutted against her. She felt the speed of his cock burning up her cunt, sending pain shooting into her belly, but knew she could do nothing about it.His breathing became faster and faster as his excitement mounted. His cock pumped brutally, his body hammering down into the slim White girl. Kristen's ass was bouncing up and down on the ground, in the grip of the man's iron fingers.He jerked her groin up to meet his brutal downward thrusts, sending his cock shooting down her fuck tunnel with powerful force. He began grunting with the effort as he humped against her. The tiny shack resounded with his gasps and grunts, and the wet slapping sound of his body coming against hers.His cock pistoned back and forth inside Kristen with incredible speed, and her body was hammered repeatedly by the brutal pounding of his groin into her thighs and crotch. His lips were bruisingly demanding as they roved hungrily against hers.They moved all along her throat, stopping every few inches. Wherever they stopped his sharply pointed teeth came out and nipped her tender flesh repeatedly. He gripped her twin mammary mounds and squeezed them up and together, then rubbed his face back and forth across them.His hands seized her head firmly and pressed his lips against hers, his tongue wriggling around in her mouth as his breath was forced into her and then sucked back out. He ground his hips into her, his prong buried deep in her silky fuck-tunnel.Kristen moaned, her body becoming aroused despite her unhappiness. All her resistance to fucking had been broken down in the past days. She was no longer embarrassed or even bothered much by strange men taking her without her leave and consent.Her body, without the resistance of her mind, responded as a woman's body will, her clit, repeatedly hammered, rubbed and sawed by the man's cock and belly, send hot quivering blasts of sexual bliss through her belly.Her pussy, stuffed and pumped, sent its own steamy message of enjoyment. Her breasts, sucked, man-handled, squeezed and kneaded, their small pink nipples chewed and bothered, became hot and swollen with sexual heat, the nipples hard and erect.Tentatively, at first, she began to respond, to push back against his pounding fuck-tool. Her heels ground into the dirt, pushing against it as if to lift herself upward onto that plunging organ. She drew her heels up, then raised her legs into the air in short little bounces.As the hard, savage fucking continued, she brought her legs up around the tribesman, hugging him to her as she opened her crotch to even deeper penetration. Her moans were added to his grunts as the steely cock continued its' rasping pump.She whimpered in ecstasy as she felt his cock-tip high in her belly, and ground herself harder on it. His hands came down around her ass cheeks, pulling her even tighter against his crotch as his excitement became uncontrollable.He pounded his cock down her slimy wet cunt tunnel his body sweating and gleaming in the moonlight coming from the window. Her fingers dug into his back, clawing at him as she began to cum. Then she threw back her head, her mouth opening in a silent gasp of delight.Her head thrashed from side to side and her body jerked and shivered as an orgasm washed over her. All awareness disappeared as her cunt flared and exploded around the humping, pistoning organ within it. Then it pulled and sucked ferociously on the moving cock and long wet wads of sperm gushed forth."She gave you a good ride!" Sno said, appreciatively. "Let me use her now.""There is much time," Craw groaned, laying flat atop an unmoving Kristen. He gave a final gasp, letting out a great breath of air, then rolled off the girl. Sno quickly took his place.Kristen felt another cock pushed into her cunt. She lay in a daze, half conscious. Her eyes were closed as the second man settled atop her and began to pump. She didn't move, lying spread-eagled on the straw covered ground as he eagerly humped her.She slowly opened her eyes, watching the man's straining face as he humped down into her crotch-hole. She could feel his cock working its way back and forth and could feel it was thicker, though shorter than the first man's.She lay there, tiredly enjoying the second fuck, her cunt relaxing also at first. His mouth came against hers and she kissed him back, lightly. His hands squeezed her breasts, then his mouth lowered onto her right nipple and bit sharply. She moaned at the sudden sharp pain.A small drop of dark appeared on the nipple, outlined in the shaft of moonlight, and the man's mouth closed around it, sucking fiercely. Kristen felt him sucking on her blood and wondered if he was some kind of cannibal. Somehow the idea excited her.Or perhaps it was the steady sucking and chewing on her outraged nipple, or the furious rutting cock within her fuck-box. Her body began to steam with sexual heat once more and her crotch slowly began its up and down dance against the stranger's fucking.She felt her frame seized in the carnal embrace of sexual arousal, and once more gave herself over to its embrace.By morning, Kristen was an utterly exhausted wreck. For Sno and Craw had been without a woman for more than two years. They took her over and over and over again, seemingly tireless, and her body responded each time. She lost track of the orgasms that had racked her, of the gut wrenching spasms that had torn her belly open, and the groaning gasps of pleasure she had uttered.Unfortunately, she was hardly permitted an hour's sleep, when the fat woman came for her. She was brought back to the same hut as yesterday, given a little gruel, and then placed on her knees as the giant took her again. His huge organ had pounded into her relentlessly, finally sending her into a shrieking orgasm that dropped her unconscious to the hut floor.She had been wakened and set to cleaning the hut, then the surrounding area. After that, many other tasks awaited her, from gutting fish, to drying meat and hides. Nor were the Bantu inconsiderate enough as to let her go without rutting.Though the slaves were busy in the daytime, Lunga had considerately offered her favors to his friends. Every hour or so, one would show up and either push Kristen to her knees where she stood, or pull her into his hut, or just into some bushes. Then he would enter her body and fuck her furiously.By nightfall, she was barely able to walk, and practically fell onto the straw after the fat woman placed her in the shack again. The two slaves were waiting for her, though, their lust hardly sated at all by the previous night's work.Again they took her repeatedly, one after the other, only tiring towards dawn, for they had heavy work to do in the day. Kristen's fuck tunnel was more heavily used than a forty-second street hooker's, and was beginning to chafe and bleed from overuse.Her eyes were dull, exhausted slits, and her body became whiter than ever as she slouched and slumped her way through her daily tasks. She fell asleep while milking the goats and was slapped awake by the annoyed boy tending her.***Joe woke up in the night. He felt better, the pain still there, but diminished considerably. He didn't move at first, taking in his surroundings. He was lucky some animal hadn't come upon him in the night and started eating, he thought grimly.Slowly, he sat up, then staggered erect. His head swam, but he held still and the dizziness passed. Money ain't worth this, he thought, miserably. He sat back down again, then unwrapped his arm and looked at it. It didn't look too bad. Didn't seem infected or anything.He carefully rewrapped it in fresh bandages and then ate some dried food from his pack. It was nourishing if tasteless and he felt considerably strengthened. Now where the fuck am I, he wondered, bleakly.He tried to replay the events of today, especially concerning the direction he'd run. He couldn't be that far from the village, a few klicks at best. He could probably make it back by morning. How they would receive him, considering the boy who'd gone with him was dead, he wasn't sure and didn't intend to risk it.He knew the general direction of the next Bantu village, and now was probably a good time to head for it. By dawn, the Pounta would be on his trail, and he was in no condition to be running. He slid his pack over his shoulder and set off slowly.Luckily there was a full moon out. Still, he kept careful watch on the ground as he moved, and still managed to trip a number of times. He wasn't making much progress, so concentrated instead on obliterating all trace of himself.After several hours, he was exhausted. He found a tree and climbed upward, then settled in for a nap as the sky began to light around him.His watch alarm woke him several hours later. He felt stiff and sore, as he always did when sleeping like this. His arm felt sore, but no worse than before, which hopefully meant it wasn't going to start turning yellow and green.He lowered himself to the ground and set off again, this time making better time. He encountered no signs of the Pounta, and by mid day was approaching the Bantu village. A mile from its outskirts he was challenged by a sentry and yelled back a greeting in Bantu.Twenty minutes later he was standing before the chief, who, like the previous one, wanted to know all about his adventures with the Pounta. He sighed quietly realizing the necessity of the tail. It would only serve to ingratiate him with the Bantu if he told them of all the Pounta he'd killed.Finally, he was able to get to the point and ask about Kristen."No. No White girls here. I have not seen a White woman since..." the chief thought carefully. "Not for many years anyhow." He finished, lamely."None of your people have heard of a White girl being taken by neighboring villages?" he asked, wearily.The chief shrugged, then called out the question to those surrounding them. There was a chorus of negative responses, then one man, who had been out hunting, trotted into the village with his catch of snakes and overheard."You wish to know of a White woman with the Bantu?" he asked."You know something?" Joe asked, eagerly.The man looked at the chief, who shrugged."There is a White woman at Retewq," he said."For how long?""Not long. A few days. She is very sweet to look upon, though skinny. Her hair is an odd shade.""That sounds like her!" Joe gasped."Is she one of yours? She has a strange appetite.""Strange?""They say she must receive a man's organ very often or else she suffers pain.""Huh?""That is what they say," the man shrugged."Where is Retewq?""Not far. Only a half day's journey north.""You can not set out now. You would arrive after dark and be shot by the sentries," the chief said. Joe looked at his watch and realized that was the truth."You stay with us the night. I have two lovely daughters to offer you," the Chief beamed, throwing his arms around the giggling young women as they looked shyly at Joe."Well now. That's right kind of you, Chief," Joe grinned.He stayed with the girls that night, surprising himself by taking both twice. Like most of the African girls' he'd had, they were astonished at his foreplay, and would probably be more than a little displeased with their next lovers.After a hard day's march, he arrived at the environs of Retewq. As at the previous village, he was challenged and then welcomed into the village. He trotted in behind the young sentry, wading through a small stream and then climbing a low hill at the edge of a clearing.He stopped suddenly, attracted by something moving only a few feet away. His eyes opened wide as he peered around a bush. There she was! Kristen was on her hands and knees, her legs apart and a look of satisfaction on her face. A dark skinned Bantu warrior knelt behind her his cock plunging back and forth in her cunt.The man felt Joe's eyes on him and looked up. He smiled and waved. "She will be free for your use in a few moments, Stranger, should you want her.""Uh, thank you," Joe stammered, watching the man, matter-of-factly return to his fucking. Kristen didn't even look up. Her eyes were closed and her jaw hung low. Her fat breasts were swinging back and forth beneath her as she humped her ass back against the man's plunging cock-strokes."This way, Joe-boss," his young guide gestured. Joe took a last look at the odd scene and followed him up the path to the village. A short time later he was explaining his journey again to the local chief, stressing the many Pounta he'd killed to reach here.In the midst of the explanation, Kristen walked past, naked, her arms laden with hides. She didn't notice him again, her shoulders slumped and her eyes on the ground."We did think it strange, she was out on her own," the Chief admitted, glaring at Mbinga."I was very close by, Chief. If your man hadn't been on a swift river, I'd have caught up long since.""Still, the matter is out of my hands," the Chief shrugged. "You may kill Mbinga for stealing the woman, but she has been properly sold to Lunga, who bought her not knowing of any prior ownership. If you want her back, you will have to buy her from Lunga or kill him."Joe looked at the one called Lunga without a great deal of encouragement. The guy was huge!"I'm sure we can work something out," he said."That is between the two of you. For now, you are an honored guest." He gestured at the woman and food was brought. Joe sat down, knowing he had to observe the amenities first.He ate gladly, sick of dried food. During the meal which Lunga shared, Kristen came out from a hut and Lunga called to her. He had her serve him, looking at Joe challengingly, then slapped her on the behind, setting her cheeks jiggling as she moved on some errand.After dinner, she moved quickly to Lunga, who nodded and tuned, gesturing to his hut. Joe followed him across the village until the big man sat down on a rough stool in front of the hut. Joe sat down next to him as one of the man's wives brought water.They both sipped the water, a nominal welcome to his home, then Joe settled down to business."I hope this skinny, weak woman has not been a burden on you, Lunga," he said."No. No burden at all. I have enjoyed her love-tunnel enormously. It is very tight and friendly.""Yes. That is true. Still, she can surely not compare to your wives."Since his wives were standing behind him, Lunga could hardly disagree."Being as weak as she is, she will not long survive in Retewq."Lunga frowned and one of his wives prodded him with her fingers."See. I told you.""Shut up, woman.""She is, as you can tell, of little real use in chores," Joe said, playing to the women. "She knows nothing about cooking or cleaning or any of the womanly duties.""She gives a man a long hard ride," Lunga growled."This is a woman's first duty.""True. True. Still, in a very few days she will waste away until she sickens and then dies. Then all your money will be gone and you will have nothing to show for it.""Why do you want her if she is so sickly?" Lunga demanded."Well, I will take her back to her people, where she will not sicken. There she will be happy and healthy once more.""Woman. Come here." Lunga called into the hut. Kristen emerged a moment later and Lunga pulled her down to her knees beside him. His hands stroked her head, as if petting a dog, then cupped her breasts and squeezed them."And how much will you give me for this worthless woman?" he asked."I hear from Mbinga that you paid two goats for her," Joe said. Lunga frowned and glared across the village towards the man."This is true," he admitted."I do not have any animals with me, of course," Joe said. "But I do have the government paper that you can exchange for livestock with others."Lunga nodded. He knew about money. Some of the villagers had been to the city, or to the farming towns not far south of the river."And how much of this paper will you give me?" he asked, stroking Kristen's breasts and belly."I will give you enough to purchase three goats," Joe said."Three goats. That is a lot for one skinny woman.""Yes, I know. But I can see that Lunga is a great warrior, and he deserves a high price.""My women have spent many hours training this female in woman's duties. That is now wasted," Lunga observed."Ahh, but three goats. Think of what you may trade for that.""Not as much as four goats.""Four goats! That is too high a price for this one.""Not for a man who has come so far and been to so many villages in search of her," Lunga observed shrewdly."You are a very smart man, Lunga," Joe sighed. "I will have to see if I have enough money." He pulled out his wallet and carefully counted the money in there, knowing how much he had but putting on a show. Finally he sighed and looked up glumly."You take the very food from my mouth, Lunga," he protested."Ahh, but such fine skin and soft flesh is worth it." Lunga smiled, sliding his hand down between Kristen's legs and squeezing her crotch. They had been talking in Bantu, of course. Kristen had never even looked at him during the conversation, her dull eyes staring at the ground.Now she groaned low in her throat and arched her back, pushing her crotch forward. Joe watched in disbelief as she rubbed her pussy back and forth across Lunga's motionless hand, her eyes closed."See how much she wants my manhood?" Lunga's teeth gleamed. "Never have I met a woman like her. In truth, it is proving time consuming to satisfy her. She gets little done since she is always on her knees.""Then we have a deal?"Lunga looked regretfully at Kristen, who was still humping against his hand in slow, grinding movements, her head rolling around weakly."I will miss the tightness of her love hole." He sighed. "But we have a deal." He spit on his hand and held it out. Joe did the same and they shook hands.Chapter 6--------Joe handed the money over to Lunga, who gave Kristen's crotch a final squeeze, then took his hand away."She is yours." he said, eyeing the money dubiously. He knew what it could bring, but didn't really like the stuff. He looked back at Kristen, who was still humping slightly, her own hands coming down to her crotch."She is in need again." he observed. "I do not envy you having to return with her on your own. Perhaps I should accompany you so you are not overly tired by her.""I'll manage," Joe assured him."So you say, yet she is obviously in need here. Will you not relieve her?""Uhhh...""You may use my hut," he said, generously. He clapped his hands and one of his fat wives lifted Kristen to her feet and led her inside. Joe tried to think of a way of avoiding it, knowing the girl would probably be pissed off when she regained her senses, but couldn't find any alternative.Where the Bantu had come to the conclusion that Kristen needed a rodding every so often, he couldn't guess, but they'd think him a poor master if he left her in pain.He sighed and followed the girl into the hut, where the fat woman was placing her on her hands and knees. Kristen assumed the position eagerly, spreading her legs apart and raising her ass into the air. Joe's cock gave a lurch as he eyed her naked crotch and its glistening fuck-hole.He got to his knees behind her, his hands slowly running across her taut ass flesh. "Oh well," he said to himself. He opened his pants and drew out his bulging cock, pointing it at Kristen's cunt sheath. "Well, baby. I told you I'd ream you out after I got my hands on you. I just didn't think it would really happen so literally," he thought.He pressed his cockhead against her tightly closed cuntlips and she moaned in response, pushing back against him. He had no idea what had happened to her mind since he'd last seen her, but figured she'd probably be seeing a shrink for the rest of her life.He pressed his cock between her lips, forcing them open, then thrust forward, driving himself deep into her cunt tube with a single stroke. Her chest swelled suddenly at a quick intake of breath, then she arched her back and almost purred in pleasure.He pushed forward, jamming his cock fully into her tight, warm fuck hole until his balls rested against her. His hands slid up and down her sides, from her hips to her armpits, then up onto her shoulders. He ground himself into her, twisting his cock around inside her.Then he drew slowly back, his hands sliding under her and squeezing her round tit meat. He began to fuck her, using slow, even strokes, using the full length of his cockshaft as he rode back and forth in her belly.Lunga came in while he was rutting her and watched nonchalantly. Joe was used to the ease with which these people treated sex, but he was still bothered at the audience. Still, Kristen's box was stroking against his shaft with too much pressure and heat for him to pause.He thrust into her again and again, his cock sliding in and out of her pierced fucklips as he rode her like a bitch dog. His hips moved faster and faster, sending his cock pounding down the tight silky fuck-tunnel to the bottom.He felt his sex juices bubbling around in his crotch and knew he would cum soon. He knew that Kristen was on the verge of cumming too, and had to wait until then, otherwise the Bantu watching would think him weak. He clenched his jaw as he fucked into her, pressing his cock downward against her clitty.He slid his hand down beneath her, stroking her belly, then sliding it in between her legs to manipulate her clit. She gave a loud gasp and redoubled her own pounding movements, sending her ass slapping back against his thrusting cock-rod.Then she came, arching her back and shaking her head from side to side as she gurgled in pleasure. Her body shook and trembled as the orgasm blasted through her and her cunt clenched and unclenched around Joe's stabbing cock.She drew him in tight and his cum spewed out into her belly, bubbling down her fuck tunnel to her cervix and on into her womb. His fingers gripped her hair, drawing her head backwards as he bit deep into the side of her throat and sucked hard.Finally he stopped and pulled his softening cock out of the sagging girl's sheath."Would you mind if I rode her a final time?" Lunga asked deferentially. His cock was sticking straight out from his crotch and Joe was amazed at the sight of it. To turn him down would be considered awfully unfriendly.He waved and nodded, crawling a few feet away and sitting down. Lunga quickly knelt behind Kristen and held his enormously thick cock in his fist. Joe stared at it in awe as it pushed against Kristen's crotch hole. If that was what she'd been getting for the past week, no wonder she was insensible.He watched in stunned amazement as her cuntlips spread wider and wider to engulf the massive organ. Then it slid into her, inch by inch by inch, until Lunga's belly was pressed against Kristen's sweet round teenage ass. Joe shook his head slowly, wondering where she'd found room for it all.Without preamble, Lunga began to pump into her. His strokes were powerful and savage, his body hammering into Kristen's ass cheeks relentlessly. The girl shivered and shook and bucked like a bronco ready to throw its rider. She groaned and grunted and shook as another cum roared through her.Joe watched her eyes roll back in her head, watched her body stiffen, then shake and shudder repeatedly. He watched Lunga's gigantic cock rutting brutally into her slit, spearing her with its immense size and brutal force. His own cock stiffened again.Ignoring her orgasm, Lunga continued to ride her, rodding his fat cock back and forth, driving it deep into the young woman's belly as he drove his hips in and out. After long minutes of fucking, Kristen came again, this time grunting in almost animal like madness.Lunga jammed his cock deep within her quivering body and held still. Joe could imagine the fat wads of cum blasting into the girl's belly as Lunga came. Kristen whined and yowled like a stuck cat, then her head and body began thrashing madly.Lunga pulled his cock back slowly, a look of satisfied bliss on his face. He held it for a moment, then drove deep into her body again, almost lifting her from the ground. He did it a second time, then a third. Finally, he pulled out, leaving Kristen to sag to the ground, almost unconscious.The Bantu found a native skirt and hide top for the girl, and gave Joe the hide slippers they'd made her. Joe left the village, waving behind at the villagers as he led Kristen forward, the rope around her throat.Out of sight of the village, he untied the rope, then, reconsidering, slid it around her narrow waist and retied it, afraid she'd wander off. They journeyed for a few miles before stopping."Kristen," he said, in English.She looked up dull eyed."Remember me? Joe?"Kristen continued to stare at him."I'm going to bring you back to your mother and father.""Uhhnnggghhh?""Your mother and father. Do you understand me?"She nodded."Say something then," he said, in exasperation.She didn't say anything."Kristen? You remember who I am?""J-Joe?" she whispered."That's right, babe. And your name's Kristen.""Kristen," she said, cocking her head. "My name is Kristen.""I know that, girl." He sighed and opened his canteen, swigging several mouthfuls of water."J... Joe?""Uh huh.""You're going to take me home?""That's right honey.""To my mother and father?""Uh huh.""Not to the big man?""Nope. Forget him. You won't see him again.""Or the other men?""I'll take you to your father and then you can go home to California.""California," she said, wonderingly. Her eyes were blinking repeatedly. "I'm tired," she said, at last."Well, we'll be at the next village around noon. You can have a nap then."They didn't make it nearly that far though. Joe wasn't thinking about how weak the girl was. They only made it a half dozen miles before they had to rest. During the rest, she fell asleep, and he figured they might as well camp and eat.He woke her up to eat some dried food, then let her fall asleep again. "Probably good for her," he muttered, somewhat impatiently.She slept most of the afternoon. They made a few miles before dusk, then she ate, exhaustedly and fell asleep again, sleeping until after dawn, when he woke her up. It was the first night's sleep she'd had in days, though Joe didn't know it.She didn't talk much during the trip back to the other village, mostly just responding to his questions if he asked them. Still, at least she was responding.She was reluctant to enter the village, but moved forward at once when he glared and raised his voice. They ate with the Chief, who eyed the girl with interest.Joe decided to leave the village, rather than spend the night. He knew he'd have to offer her to the Chief if they stayed and wasn't sure if that would send her back into her bleak dullness.A dozen miles outside the village, they stopped and Joe let her sleep again, cursing the delay. He kept careful watch as she slept away much of the afternoon. Then woke her and continued on until it was dark.Now back in the heart of Pounta country, he didn't want to stay on the ground. He lifted her into the tree and tied her to a branch, then settled down himself and slept soundly.After a couple of days straight travel, they had reached a roadway and were walking south on it, hoping someone would come by and give them a lift. Kristen had regained her senses, though she seemed strangely agreeable, for her, and not very spirited.Since he'd never had the occasion to be with a woman who'd just been subjected to repeated rapes over a number of days, Joe wasn't sure what to do or say. After some time though, she finally voiced what seemed to be bothering her the most."I just don't understand," she said."What?""I... Well... You wouldn't understand.""Try me.""I don't understand how I could do that.""Huh? How you could do what?""You weren't there. You didn't see me," she groaned, shaking her head."See you doing what?""Promise not to tell my parents?""I promise.""I was... I was a total slut!""A...""I the a nympho from hell! I screwed like I was crazy!" Her eyes were wild as she stared at him in disbelief."You have no idea how many times I came, how I acted, and the things I said!""Well, I'm sure...""No, no!" she shook her head. "You don't understand! I wanted them to do it! Not at first, but then, oh how I wanted it! How I groaned and wiggled and waved myself in their faces to get them to fuck me! Especially that giant man!""Lunga?""Was that his name?" she asked, wonderingly. "I never knew. All I knew was that he had this huge, big cock and I wanted it in me!""You were exhausted and beaten down. You hadn't eaten or slept...""But I knew it was wrong! I couldn't' help myself! I wanted his cock! I wanted all their cocks!""I ain't no shrink, Kristen. But what's wrong with wanting a good screw?""But they're savages!""They were men.""Savages!" she shook her head. "And I rutted with them like a complete slut, like a bitch in heat!""I don't think that's any big crime.""You didn't see me," she repeated."Well, with a cock that big...""You saw it then? You saw his... Did you... did you see him... fuck me?" she asked, swallowing."Uh, well, he wanted a final fling before you went.""So you did see. You saw me with him. Did you see how I shook and moaned and acted like an insane nympho?"Joe easily resisted the idea of telling her that he'd fucked her first. "I saw you. You looked hot and sexy.""I always look hot and sexy," she sighed. "But I never acted like a complete whore before.""You acted like a cocktease.""All girls act like that," she smiled tiredly."There must be something in me, some kind of raw, carnal whore that likes doing it with savages.""You acted pretty happy when I did you in your tent," he said. She blushed, the memory coming back to her. "I... I'd forgotten.""I didn't. I couldn't. You were one hot little number. I don't think you're changed much.""I don't understand why I let you do that, why I responded to you, or to them.""Your body responded. Hell, girl. Why fight it? So you enjoyed yourself. So what? Nobody else has to know.""But what about now? What about in future? Am I going to drop my pants every time some guy looks sideways at me?""Somehow I doubt it," he grinned.***Another day, and several rides got them south of the river. Another day and they'd be back in town where he'd left his jeep. Kristen had continued to mope, though she didn't seem quite so bad. She was not at all the argumentative girl he'd traveled with before, for which he was grateful, and she hadn't remembered that he'd taken her in the village.Then the truck they were riding on stopped at a roadblock. There were a dozen soldiers standing around with their rifles. They demanded everyone's papers, and studied them carefully, gazing at the owners suspiciously. When Kristen was unable to produce any papers, she was ordered off the truck.Joe got down with her and the truck drove on."Look, Captain...""I am no speak to you!""But I am the girl's guardian.""What means guardian? Are you husband?""Well, no.""Are you brother or uncle or cousin.""No, but...""Then shut you up," he turned to Kristen, his eyes examining her strange costume."Why do you wear this?""Uh... My clothes were lost in the river.""You get these from Bantu, yes?""Uh... yes, I guess so.""Bantu are bad people. They fight against government. Where you see Bantu.""It was far north of the river in...""I ask you? I not ask you!" the captain snapped."Look, Captain, I can get her papers if..."Someone hit him on the back of the head with a rifle butt. When he came to, his guns and watch, and other valuables were gone. He was lying by the side of the road with nothing much more than his clothes.The roadblock and the soldiers were gone, and so was Kristen. He held his head, which throbbed with pain and gazed up and down the road furiously. Right on the fucking edge of town, he thought, viciously, thinking of the things he'd do to that Captain when he caught up with him.***Kristen was sitting in the back of the army truck, her eyes looking down at her feet. Soldiers sat all around her, most of them staring at her body, most of which was revealed rather well by the Bantu outfit. The man beside her slid his hand along her thigh and laughed when she moved slightly aside.Her skirt was held together by a single knot at her hip. The soldier worked it loose and pulled the skirt open, revealing everything to their lust filled eyes. Kristen pressed her knees tight together, her hand bunched at her lap to hide her nakedness.The soldier pulled her hands aside and forced his hand between her thighs, squeezing her roughly."I think the Captain wants her for himself." One of the others warned."Will he know?" The first one asked, staring furiously around. The Captain was in a jeep up ahead of them. Nobody said anything, though several of them grinned.The man gripped Kristen's hair and twisted it cruelly, making her cry out in pain, then he forced her down onto the floor of the truck and around to her knees so her face was between his knees. The soldiers sitting across from him stared into her naked ass with admiration."I have heard that White women like the taste of a man's organ." The soldier panted, undoing his pants and taking out his erection. Kristen whined in denial, but couldn't move at all as the man's fingers kept a tight hold of her hair.He pointed his cock at her and pulled on her hair, forcing her face closer. "Take it in your mouth, White woman!" he hissed. Kristen could not understand his words, but knew what he wanted well enough. She opened her lips and slid them around his cockhead.She hadn't sucked a cock since coming to Africa. None of her numerous lovers had known about fellatio, being too crude and ignorant to know much perversity. This soldier came from the city though, and though more sophisticated than the Bantu, was considerably crueler.He forced Kristen's lips down his cockshaft, humping up at her as she began to suck on his tool. The others watched eagerly, bulging erections showing in their uniform pants. One of the soldiers opposite stared into the White girl's crotch and fell forward off the bench, pulling at his pants.He knelt behind her and then pulled out his hard, black cock, pointing it at her slash.Kristen grunted into the cock as she felt another one drive deep into her cunt. Hands held her hips as the cock began to work in and out of her furiously. She tried to concentrate on the cock in her mouth, but the ferocious ruttings of the man fucking her kept throwing off her pace.The man sitting before her growled and slapped her face, cursing at her. She redoubled her efforts, trying to ignore the pounding against her ass. The man shoved his cock deep into her mouth, cursing at her angrily. His hand fastened around her hanging tit and squeezed it tightly, twisting it around painfully.She moaned and jerked back, but was held in place easily. Her tit was twisted again, and the cock pushed against the back of her mouth. Then the cockhead slipped past her mouth and lodged in her throat. At once, the man lunged forward, driving the cock down her throat.He began to throat fuck her, timing his strokes with the man raping her fuck-hole. The two of them lunged into her together, jamming their cocks into her weak, helpless body and crushing her against them. Both of them were grunting and laughing with pleasure.Then the man throat fucking her came, his cum shooting down her throat into her stomach. He slid his cock back out of her throat and Kristen gasped for air. Another man knelt in front of her then and gripped her hair, forcing her head up and back as his cock pushed between her lips.Cum spewed down her fuck hole and the soldier pulled out, another taking his place. Kristen's head reeled. She had never been taken like this, so meanly and cruelly. She'd never been fucked by more than one man at a time.The Bantu had been rough, but out of ignorance and not out of cruelty. They had never knowingly inflicted pain on her as they used her body. These men were different, city men, army men, who could do pretty much as they liked to the helpless, and much used to rape.Their hands dug into her flesh, pinching nastily, slapping her without reason and cursing her continuously. Their nails dug into her nipples, grinding hard to make her cry out. Their cocks hammered her with brutal savagery, causing the maximum pain to her soft flesh.Her hair was pulled and twisted, her face and head slapped. Her breasts were crushed and mashed and pinched and slapped, and fingers abused her clit, not to pleasure her, but to cause her pain. Each cry of pain brought laughter from the men who surrounded her.They had raped many girls and women, but never a White woman, and they were getting the most of this opportunity, knowing another would probably not present itself.The cock in her throat shot its load and pulled free. It was not immediately replaced, though the dazed girl didn't know why. The cruel men turned her so she was facing down the aisle between their benches, then the man rutting her pulled free.At first, she didn't know what was gong on. Then she felt a hard, sharp pain at her anus. She moaned in fright as she realized the cock was trying to force entrance there. She had never, ever done that before, thinking it disgusting and filthy.Now she felt her pained asshole forced open as the soldiers watched with glee. A hard, fat cock was pushed slowly into her anus. Every cry of pain made the soldiers laugh and giggle as they urged on the man behind her.The cock drove deeper and deeper into her rectum, twisting and thrusting with no regard at all for the pain she was experiencing. She had put up with a lot from the Bantu, but now Kristen felt shattered and lost. She had never encountered men like these before. They were worse, much worse than the Bantu.She cried out in pain as the cock wormed deeper into her anus. Tears poured from her eyes as the prick sank to the bottom of her asshole and lodged firmly and tightly inside her. Hands slapped her and squeezed her. The cock held still but a moment, then pulled back, hurting as much as it had going in.The soldier began to rut furiously, humping in and out, tearing his cock around inside her, ripping her flesh and reaming out her asshole. He beat down her sphincter and crammed his long, oozing cock pole down into the deepest pit of her asshole.Then her hair was jerked viciously and her head pulled up. A fat Black cock stared her in the face. Seconds later someone cuffed her hard, rocking her head. The cock prodded at her lips and she meekly opened them, allowing the man to stuff his cock into her mouth.Again she was hammered from two sides. One cock slammed up and down her tight anal sheath, the other slid back and forth over her shapely, pouting lips. The man fucking her ass was pounding into her with relentless force, his cock slicing in and out of her with brutal ease.He was grunting, a high singing song of conquest and satisfaction. He drove his spurting rod deep into her guts and sprayed a hot load of salty seed into her body. His hands squeezed her ass cheeks, then he with-drew, immediately replaced by another.Another hard cock penetrated her anus, thrusting deep inside her. This one was longer than the other and caused painful cramps deep in the recesses of her belly as it brought hard pressure to bear inside her. The man showed now mercy, ripping the cock up and down her anal passage as his hands slapped out a crude, brutal tattoo on her soft White ass cheeks.His hands soon turned her ass red with pain as his cock continued to skewer her tight asshole. His hands moved up her body to her ribs, his knuckles pressing hard and making her wince with pain. Then his hands slid under her and started squeezing her hanging tits.The man fucking her face, jammed his cockhead deep down her throat, then spit out his dirty sperm. As he withdrew, the man raping her asshole, jerked her back against him. His hands slid under her arms, then up behind her head in a full nelson, pulling her way up and back, bowing her back as his cock ground deep into her ass.She was half sitting on his hard cock, her back arched painfully and her head pressed downward. He rubbed his hard cock back and forth in her ass tunnel as others around them pawed and fondled her breasts and crotch. Fingers slid up her cunt tunnel while her nipples were pinched and twisted.A cock was pushed against her face and she swallowed it, sucking instinctively now as her body burned with pain and fear. The men manhandled her like a rag doll. She was pulled back down on the floor of the truck bed, on her right side. Her head was forced back and the cock in her mouth slid down her throat.The man ass fucking her knelt behind her, holding her left leg high in the air as he rutted into her. Another man knelt in front of her at her crotch. He helped the man behind her force her leg higher still so her tendons screamed in pain. Then his cock was pushed against her cunt.She whimpered in confusion and misery as the man's hard erection forced open her tight cunt and worked its way into her. Her entire crotch was afire with pain now as her skin was tautly stretched between the two raping cocks. The soldiers were not to be denied, however, and soon her cunt tube was stuffed with male meat.The two men sawed their cocks back and forth in her body, churning her guts into a boiling frothy mixture of pain and bewildered arousal. She seemed to no longer have control of her bodily functions as her skin rippled with heat and her guts fluttered and spasmed.Out of nowhere, her arousal blasted into the stratosphere and consumed her body. Her frame was slashed with razor sharp sexual shocks that blasted into her with the impact of an explosion. Her body was speared by three giant cocks and helpless to withhold its hot sexual fever of carnal response.Chapter 7---------Joe arrived at the little town several hours later. There he found Moure and a pair of Rovers. Moure was sleeping under one and Joe had to lay down on the ground and stick his leg underneath to jab the man awake.Inside the Rovers was the equipment he'd been unable to carry with him down river. There was a second Uzi, and a number of other weapons, including explosives. Joe pulled out a stick of dynamite and looked at it, promising himself he was going to stuff it up that Captain's asshole and light it."Where we go, Boss?" Moure queried."Where's the nearest army base?""That be north, near Bwale.""That's where we're goin'.""Them no good, Boss.""That's for sure. I gotta find someone, though.""Hokay, Boss."A couple of hours later they were parked across the road and a half mile down from the entrance to the army base. It wasn't a big place as things went, but it was heavily guarded. Joe studied it through his binoculars, looking for the most likely buildings where they would take prisoners.Fortunately, there weren't many. Most of the structures were obviously barracks. A few were supply type buildings, and a garage or two. There were only two buildings that looked likely to be housing prisoners, and one of them, the one with an extra barbed wire fence around it seemed to be number one.He watched the soldiers doing their rounds and curled his lip. They were typical of African soldiers, sloppy and poorly disciplined and trained. He didn't think it would be very hard to penetrate this base. Getting through the second fence would be only slightly harder. There were no guards on it, but plenty of light.He looked around the base a little more. There didn't seem to be any kind of generator. That meant that the power came in from the big dam fifty miles off. It would not be hard to cut the wire outside the base. Barring bad luck, he'd find Kristen tonight, or rather, tomorrow morning, around three.***Kristen had come several times before the multiple fucks ended. The truck slowed near a fence and several of the soldiers pulled her back into place on the bench and put her clothes back around her. One even gave her a rough wipe between the legs and over the tits with a rag.The truck pulled through the gate and into what seemed to be some kind of army base. They drove over to a building with another fence around it and the truck stopped. A few seconds later the officer in charge came back from the jeep and Kristen was pulled down from the truck, which drove away.The man led her through a gate and up the walk to the two story windowless building. There was a thick steel door and he pounded on it. The door opened and she was dragged through. She looked around, her eyes wide. She was in a very dimly lit little entrance hall. Narrow halls led off in three directions and a stair well led both up and down.The officer said something to the men there and then led her across the hall and down the concrete stairs. They emerged in an even more dimly lit hallway. It was all concrete and lit only by a few naked bulbs hanging here and there along its length.There were steel doors placed against the sides of the corridor and they stopped in front of one of them. The man opened it and pushed Kristen through. Then the door slammed shut behind her. She was in a very small concrete cell of some sort. There were no furnishings. No cot or anything.The cell was lit by one small light bulb up high. The walls were covered with scratch marks and stains. The floor was filthy and covered with old straw, stained with ugly looking, foul smelling things. Bugs moved all around on the walls and in the straw.She stood in a corner, not wanting to touch anything. She didn't know what she was going to do if she had to stay here for any length of time. The idea of sleeping here was horrifying. She just couldn't bring herself to lie down on the horrible looking floor, despite her exhaustion.Hour after hour, she stood there in the corner. Her legs were becoming stiff and weak. Finally there was a clanking sound and the door opened. A harsh voice called out and she moved to the door, then shuffled out. There was another officer of some sort. He grabbed her arm roughly and led her back down the corridor and into another room, this one bigger.There was a bored looking man standing in the room. His eyes widened with interest when he saw Kristen. The two men spoke to one another and then the man moved to Kristen and began pulling off her clothes. She sighed and did nothing to stop or hinder him. In seconds she was nude.The man pulled her over into a corner where there was a shower. He turned the water on, cold of course and tossed her a bar of soap. She just looked at it for a second and then back at him. He gestured impatiently. She started to scrub herself, glad to clean off some of the filth she'd accumulated.She felt itchy all over just from being near all those bugs in that filthy cell and scrubbed her feet repeatedly. She also scrubbed between her legs and over her tits. She only wished they had a douche and mouthwash so she could get rid of all trace of the stinking sperm that had entered her body.After she'd scrubbed herself, the water was turned off and the man pulled her away from the shower and over to a table. His hands slid over her body, lingering for a while on her breasts, which he squeezed repeatedly, like a small child, fascinated with a new toy. His hands slid between her legs and squeezed her pussy as well.He looked at his watch and then sighed, apparently with regret. He fetched a towel and threw it to her and Kristen began to dry herself. After that, the man gave her a brush and led her to a little table that had a cracked and dirty mirror over it.Well, it was the first one she'd seen in a week and she was grateful, until she saw herself. She winced at he horrible mass of tangled hair. It took fifteen minutes of relentless attack before the tangles were out and her hair fell more or less straight.What she needed, she sighed, was a full perm, as well as a complete massage, oil down, and makeover. She could stand to have her nails done too. The man didn't seem likely to offer that however. He grunted impatiently, then pulled her away from the chair and out the door into the corridor.There was another soldier waiting there. He exchanged his hand for the others on Kristen's arm and then led her down the corridor to the stairs, then up them. They didn't stop at the first floor, but instead went up to the second. There, the hallway was much wider and looked much less threatening.Kristen didn't care. She was just happy they weren't taking her back to the dungeon, or whatever it was they called the basement. They walked to a wooden door and stopped. Then the man knocked twice. After a moment, the door opened and the man saluted an older man.The older man replied in kind, his eyes on Kristen roving up and down her naked body. She'd been without clothes for so long now, that it was difficult to be embarrassed as his eyes bored into her. He motioned her inside and then closed the door.She was in some kind of office. The man led her over to a chair sitting in front of a desk and then sat her down. He moved around behind the desk and looked across it at her, though he didn't sit down."Good afternoon," he said, his accent terrible."You speak English!" she cried."Yes. I speak English.""Oh, thank God! Will you contact my parents and tell them where I am?""First you will answer my questions.""Anything you want.""Who do you work for?""Pardon?""Who do you work for?""I don't work for anybody," she said, confused."You work for the South Africans, don't you?""I told you, I don't work for anybody.""What were you doing north of the river?""I was kidnapped!""You expect me to believe that?""But it's the truth. I was grabbed by some Bantu and taken to their village.""The Bantu would not have taken you there, especially not with that strange hair of yours. They would have thought you were an evil spirit or witch.""Well, they did.""Did you have sexual relations with them?"She blushed and nodded."With who?""I don't know, a lot of them.""So you are an American prostitute.""I am not!" she said, indignantly."You lie! I see it now. You were sent here to use your filthy body and influence our people into rebellion!""I was not!""That is just the kind of thing the filthy South Africans would do!" he snarled, stomping around the corner of the desk and staring down at her furiously."But I'm not a prostitute!" she protested. His hand swung down and slapped her face so hard she was flung out of her chair. She sat on the floor, holding her cheek and looking up at him in fear."Get up, you slut!""I'm not! I'm really not!"She slowly got to her feet and the man shoved her back in the chair and grabbed her still damp hair. He pulled her head far back so her neck bent across the back of the chair. He laid his fist against her throat and looked nastily down at her."One blow and you would die, slut!""Please don't hurt me!" she gasped.He pulled her hair forward again, then jerked her out of the chair and slammed her belly into the desk and shoved her down across it.His knees forced her legs open and then she felt his hard male organ pressing against her cuntlips. She sighed in resignation, by now almost used to rape. His cock slid into her and he began to pump energetically. It was less than a minute before he came inside her and pulled out again."I do not believe you whore!" he gasped. "You are a slut and a prostitute. It is obvious that you work for the South Africans.""B-but...""I will have you taken back to your cell. There you will remain for the next ten or twenty years or so, until you decide to cooperate.""But I don't know anything!" Kristen wailed, appalled at the idea of going back to the little cell. She dropped to her knees in front of him and flung her arms around his legs, tears coursing down her cheeks."Please, please don't send me back there!!" she begged. "I'll do anything you want!""Well," he said, considering. "It might be possible for you to work out your penance in some other way."He carefully examined her body again, noting the fullness of her round breasts and the perfection of her skin, despite the numerous light scratches."I think we can find some other form of punishment for you," he smiled.She was not surprised at what the "punishment" consisted of. She was given another cell, only this one was on the second floor here, and was much bigger and nicer. It had a nice big bed too and Kristen found herself spending most of her time in it.Every hour or so, another man would come to her, always an officer of course. She would twist and turn her body as they directed, then allow herself to be pushed to her back or onto her knees as the man fucked her. None of them spent much time fucking her, generally spraying inside her within minutes.For that she was grateful. She wondered if she was to be an actual prostitute for the rest of her life. That was what she seemed to be now. Did they really think she was a hooker? Probably not. She doubted it mattered to them.After some hours, she was exhausted, but the men showed no sign of stopping. There were no clocks or anything, so she didn't know what time it was. There weren't even any windows to look out of. She didn't know if it was day or night.She took a quick shower. The officers didn't want to smell each other on her skin. She douched, for much the same reason, then took off her shower cap and brushed her hair. Five minutes later, her next customer arrived.He didn't arrive alone, though. Kristen stared in surprise as the man, a big fat guy, led in a small thin girl behind him. She was a couple of years younger than Kristen, and her skin was as Black as Kristen's was White. She was just as naked too.The two girls stared at each other for a moment, then the man said something. Kristen didn't understand it but the girl evidently did. She moved forward until the two were standing only a foot apart.Kristen stared at her. She was shorter than Kristen, and her breasts were smaller. Despite the darkness of the girl's flesh, Kristen could see the dark slit between her legs, for the girl had no pubic hair. Kristen had never seen a girl this old without pubic hair, and realized at once that it must have been shaved off.Kristen's gaze traveled up to her face. It was pudgy, with wide brown eyes and the very light coating of Black hair that most African women had.The man said something else and the girl moved against her. Kristen jerked back slightly, but knew she had to do whatever the man wanted. The girl's body pressed against hers, and her arms came around Kristen and caressed her White skin.Kristen stared into the girl's brown eyes in fright, worried now that she would respond even worse than she had with her male rapists. The one time she had cum before had been with a woman, and it had worried her for years. Now she was faced with another, and had no choice but to let the girl fondle her, and even return the caresses.Already the girl's hands were sliding up and down her lower back, then they slid down softly over her buttocks, following the contours of her rounded cheeks as her fingers barely touched her. Suddenly the girl's fingers gave a tight squeeze. Kristen gasped and jerked upward onto her toes, her body pushing against the Black girl's.Their breasts touched, and it was like the girl was a live electrical circuit. Kristen's round breasts exploded with blood, swelling up like balloons, her nipples hardening and lengthening, pressing into the Black girl's own smaller Black breasts.Their bodies rubbed together as the fat man watched with an interested smirk. The Black girl cocked her head to one side then kissed Kristen, her lips wide and soft and wet. The kiss went on and on, the girl obviously familiar with the man's tastes and knowing how to please him.Kristen found herself returning the kiss, found her own arms instinctively going around the smaller girl's shoulders and her hands rubbing the girl's back. Their lips moved together with more and more passion, their tongues dancing together, first in Kristen's mouth, then in the other girl's.The Black girl pulled her lips away, lowering her head to Kristen's soft rounded breasts. She cupped one gently, forcing the nipple out even further. Her lips surrounded the long pink bud of flesh, pressing down against it, surrounding it, and then rubbing softly from side to side as her tongue swirled on the very tip of the sharp little nubin.Then her lips moved forward, her mouth suckling as the Black girl took more of Kristen's tit meat into her mouth. Now Kristen could feel the girl's teeth against her nipple, pressing down, not hard, but with a sharpness, a slight pain that send heat coursing through her body.The Black girl's hand slid up and down the crevice between Kristen's firmly rounded ass cheeks, the stroking soft, and slow, then suddenly the hand slid down between her legs from behind, and squeezed her pubic mound firmly. Kristen gasped and pulled the girl's head into her tits.She felt her body shivering and her legs going rubbery. The Black girl was suckling furiously at her breast as her fingers prodded at Kristen's cunt slit, then she forced the tight lips apart and drove a finger up into Kristen's cunt, wiggling it about with quick, agile movements.Kristen felt herself lowering as her legs gave way, and then she was on her knees, looking up into the Black girl's hairless slit. The girl spread her legs, straightening her body and caressing the sides of Kristen's head. She pulled Kristen forward, so her face was pressed into her Black groin, then rubbed herself against the White girl.Kristen opened her mouth, hesitantly, then her tongue slid out and touched the Black girl's cunt slit. She rubbed her tongue up and down the narrow slash, pushing harder and deeper, trying to force her tongue up the tight twat hole. Her hands slid around the girl and cupped and squeezed her small ass cheeks.Her fingers dug deep into the flesh as her mind was dazed by brilliant flashes of sexual electricity. She rubbed her tongue madly up and down the slit, then found the little pink clitty peaking out and began to work on it with almost desperate intensity.The girl began to moan and sigh with pleasure, her hips slowly pumping from side to side and in and out. She arched her back, and brought her hands up behind her head, throwing her chest out. Her eyes closed to narrow slits and she moaned louder, partly from pleasure, partly because she knew the watching man wanted her to.She began to mumble and mutter in a low panting voice, words that Kristen didn't understand, but the ogling man did. His cock swelled with excitement as he watched the White girl's tongue dance in the Black girl's crotch.Then the girl seized Kristen's face and pulled her hard against her crotch as she rubbed furiously against her. She cried out in ecstasy, her body trembling and shaking through a light orgasm that she exaggerated for effect. She let her knees give way and fell down onto her knees in front of Kristen.Their lips joined again, and their arms encircled each other, then they slid to the ground, their bodies rubbing and stroking each other. The Black girl laid on top of Kristen, who spread her legs wide, and began to rub up and down against her, stroking the White girl's jittery wet crotch with her own.She suckled fiercely on Kristen's round tits, her hand sliding between the White girl's legs and stroking her cunt. A finger pushed into Kristen, then a second, then a third, then a fourth. Kristen groaned and whimpered and humped up against the pumping fingers as her body tingled and shook with arousal.Then she gave a low gasp as her cunt was forced even wider. The Black girl's wrist passed through her cunt and she had her entire hand inside Kristen's cunt box. She bunched up her fingers into a tight little fist and worked her hand even deeper as the White girl writhed beneath her.She finally reached the bottom of the tight, wet, sucking cunt box and ground her knuckles against Kristen's cervix, making the her scream in pleasure. Kristen jerked and humped and twisted in a mad sexual dance, her body consumed by vast waves of intense erotic bliss."Oh! Oh! Oh! OH! OH! OH! OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kristen gasped. "OH YES! OH YES! YES! YES!"The Black girl pumped her fist up and down the spasming pink cuntslit, watching with amusement as the White girl went insane beneath her. Kristen's body thrashed and shook, jerking and bucking furiously as she was whipped by hurricane force winds of delirious sexual pleasure.She shook and trembled and whined like a bitch cat with her tail on fire. The hole between her legs had become a furnace, then an erupting volcano that threatened to fry her with its intense heat. Her eyes rolled back and her body stiffened, then she collapsed motionless, her chest heaving with exertion.Chapter 8---------It was almost embarrassingly easy. He simply cut a couple of the strands of wire and slipped into the camp. There were no guards in sight. The one that was supposed to be patrolling had evidently gone to sleep somewhere. He kept low as he moved across the dark camp, heading for the second fence, the one around the building that was his target.He slipped into some bushes a dozen yards from the fence and waited, scanning his watch. Two minutes later, the lights went out and he raced forward and clipped the lowest strand, then slid under. He used a small piece of wire from his pocket to tie the severed strand back together, then raced to the building and jumped, grabbing the drainpipe.This was a gamble, but it held and he shinnied up to the top and fell over onto the roof, gasping for breath. The lights came back on again. There was no loud outcry or anything. Maybe nobody had even noticed. But no, the door below opened and a fat looking guy with a machine pistol came out and looked around. Apparently satisfied, he went back inside.Joe crept across the roof. There it was, a door leading down. He knew there'd be one. It was locked of course, but that presented no major difficulty. He took out the pry bar from his belt and slowly began to work on it. It didn't take long. The wood was rotting and the steal was rusting.Five minutes later, with very little sound, the door popped open and he slid inside. There was a narrow stairway, which he moved down. At the foot was another door, this one unlocked. He stepped through and into a hallway.It was quiet in the hall, though from each of the numerous doors came quiet and unidentifiable sounds. He pushed the first one open a crack and looked in. There was a naked Black man on a bed. A young girl, only barely developing, was squatting atop him, taking his thick cock into her body.He closed the door. The next revealed much the same, except the girl was older. Across the hall, he opened the door to find a man fucking a boy in the ass. The next room revealed an oriental woman hanging from her wrists from the ceiling. Joe couldn't see the guy, and didn't care to. He closed the door and moved on.He pushed open another door. There was a man sitting on a chair, his back to the door. Joe couldn't see any girl. This was obviously some kind of whorehouse and he couldn't imagine the guy being alone. He opened the door further, peering around it.There was a pair of legs on the floor. They were obviously female, and just as obviously Black. He started to retreat, then curiosity got the best of him. What the heck was she doing sitting on the floor?He pushed his head around the door. Now he could see much better. The girl was on her back and there was another girl on top of her. The two were sixty-nineing and the one on top was White... with pink hair!" He was so relieved he almost laughed.Instead, he crept into the room and closed the door. The man looked up in surprise just to catch the butt of his Uzi in the face. A second blow took him in the head and he fell over, unconscious. Joe moved around him to the girl's who were still licking and slurping at each other's pussies.He gripped the pink hair and pulled upward. Kristen blinked in dazed confusion."Time to go pinky." he said. He looked down at the Black girl, who looked back impassively. He pulled on Kristen's arm and hauled her to her feet, where she staggered and would have fallen if not for his firm hold.He picked up the Black man's pants and slipped them onto Kristen's legs, rolling them up at the bottom. Then he grabbed the uniform jacket and got her into that, tying the belt to keep it closed around her."Let's go.""Go?" she mumbled, in confusion."Just follow me," he sighed, pulling her along, hand in hand.He opened the door and peaked outside. There was nothing moving. Everyone was too busy. They went down the hallway and up the stairs to the roof. Joe checked his watch and pulled Kristen over to a corner, where he'd tied a rope earlier."Do you think you can climb down a rope?"She looked at him blankly and he cursed softly and tied the other end of the rope around her under her arms. He checked his watch again. Just then the lights went out."Over you go lovey," he said, pushing Kristen over the edge of the building. She gave a low cry, but stopped when she realized the rope was preventing her from falling.He lowered her to the ground, where she sat down dumbly at the base of the wall. He jumped over and slid quickly down to the ground, landing beside her."Let's go, kid!" he hissed. He slipped the rope off and then pulled her to the fence, quickly pulling the wire loose and shoving her threw.A minute or so later, the fat guy came out of the door again and looked around. He saw the rope coming down from the roof and gave a cry of alarm. A second man joined him and then the two raced back into the building and up the stairs.They drove for over half an hour before Kristen finally began to talk."Are you going to take me back to the camp where I was kidnapped?" She asked, softly."No. Of course not. You're parents are in Harare anyway.""Are we going there?""Tomorrow morning.""What about tonight?""Tonight, we take you to what passes for a luxury hotel in this city.""Luxury," she said. "That would be something new.""I hope you like it."Thirty minutes later, they entered a large, and old building. There were thick wall to wall carpets in the lobby. Apparently he already had a room for they didn't go to the desk. Instead he led her to the elevator. The man inside looked at her unusual clothes but then politely averted his eyes.Then they were in his room on the fourth floor. It was tastelessly overdone, with big carvings and murals and atrociously ostentatious furnishings. Kristen loved it though. She loved the shower and bath even more. She spent half an hour in the shower, scrubbing herself down. When that was done, she filled up the bathtub and spent another hour in the bath.She emerged, finally, clad in a big oversized bath towel, her hair falling behind her in a dark red wave."You look much better," Joe said."I feel much better."She sat down beside him on the couch, looking at the big fire crackling in the fireplace. "I guess I have a lot to thank you for," she said."Part of the service.""It must have been hard finding me in the jungle like that, then to break me out of that awful army base...""I'll charge your father a finder's fee."She smiled, "I'd like to apologize.""For what?""For the way I treated you, you know, before I was kidnapped.""Oh, that. Forget it.""I was a bitch. Admit it.""Ok. You were a bitch."She smiled again."Still, there were moments.""You mean in your tent?" he grinned."Yes, of course I mean that. That was, I'll have you know, the first orgasm I'd had with a man, ever.""You're kidding!"She shook her head."What do you mean, with a man?""I had one when I was much younger, with a woman, and of course, I've had a number, as they say, on my own.""A woman, huh. I wondered whether you were gay.""I'm not really. I haven't even been with a woman in three or four years, except for tonight that is.""Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it.""Don't get cocky, Joe. I came like gangbusters with the Bantu, remember, and even in the truck on the way to the army camp... well, anyway, let's just say that you don't have to be superman to make me cum now. I don't know how or when I changed, but I've become a multi-orgasmic nympho.""All women should be so lucky, and all men.""So anyway..." she continued, swirling a little of the brandy he'd poured into a glass for her, "I forgive you for the rather rude way you uh, did me then, and even for doing me again in the village. Oh yes, I know about it. Didn't think I'd remember, did you?" she grinned."It was sort of, thrust upon me, lass.""Not half as much as it was thrust upon me.""Aww well.""I forgive you for that, but I want a favor.""Name it.""I've been fucked like a she-bitch so often in the last week, screwed in the dirt and grass and mud, hammered by big-dicked jerks and all. I want something else. I want you to make love to me.""After all you've been through?""I want to see if it's me that's changed, or whether it was just the roughness that made me cum. Do I need to be used like that or can I have an orgasm that doesn't leave bruises?"She stood up and let the towel fall to the floor. Joe set his glass down and stood up as well. He reached out and took her hand, then led her forward until they were next to the fireplace, then he gently drew her down onto the heavily carpeted floor."How's this for clichéd?" he grinned, pushing her onto her back beside the fire. He knelt beside her, then pulled off his shirt and slipped his pants down. Nude, he sat next to her, his hand sliding softly across her flesh, caressing her curves and sweet rounded breasts.He laid down next to her, his arm going around her. Their faces leaned together and they kissed, softly, gently. His hand continued to slowly massage the flesh of her shoulders and sides, then slid easily down over her belly and into her groin. He cupped her moist pubic region, his fingers rubbing softly.Her breathing became heavier as his lips slid over hers and down against the side of her throat. He kissed her there, then his lips moved downward kissing her shoulders, then her breasts. He sucked in her left nipple, and slid it around inside his mouth, his tongue rubbing against it. Then he let it go and took in her right nipple, repeating the gentle suckling.He kissed his way down her body until he was between her legs. Kristen spread them wide, drawing them back so her heels rested against the sides of her buttocks. He laid between her legs, his face against her crotch. Slowly his tongue began to work up and down her slit.She closed her eyes and lay motionless as his tongue and fingers began to manipulate her clitty and delve between the ever more moist lips of her cunt hole. He sucked on her lips, then moved to her clitty and began to work on it, his teeth grinding back and forth on it as she started to mewl in pleasure and hump slightly against him.His hands caressed her buttocks as his tongue worked on her clitty and pussy. He slipped a finger into her cunt, pushing it in to the knuckle and working it easily around. His tongue continued to slither back and forth across her clit as he started to slowly pump the finger in and out of the young woman.She groaned loudly, her hands coming down to his hair and caressing his head. He worked against her clit with long, slow raping licks, making her raise her ass in the air and move it in slow circles. His tongue pushed forcefully in between her lips and sucked out wads of girl juice, then returned to her clit.His finger was joined by a second, then a third, pumping slowly in and out as his tongue moved faster on her clitty. Then she suddenly gave a moan of pleasure and her hands pressed down hard on his head as she humped up at him. She jerked and shook as an orgasm rolled over her."So... so now... we know," she panted, when it had subsided. He slid up her body, his tongue suckling on her breasts again before he laid down atop her. She stared up into his face as her breasts pushed heavily against his chest. Then they kissed, a long, slow gentle kiss of certainty and pleasure.She felt his hardness pressing against her belly and reached down to take it in her hand. He raised his crotch slightly and Kristen took the cock and placed it against her hot, wet pussy entrance. Then she slid her ass slightly over and pushed it in. He settled down upon her again, his cock sliding easily and deeply into her cunt.She groaned involuntarily as his hard hot meat filled her up. She clenched down on her cunt muscles, feeling his cock with them. She slid her arms around his body as their kiss continued. He began to slowly push his body up and down over hers, sliding his cock in and out of her pussy.She sighed with pleasure, not pushing back, just resting there, legs spread, enjoying the sensation of being fully penetrated by the fat organ. It slid in and out of her body, rubbing persistently across her clitty and bringing new arousal to her body.Her skin flushed with excitement as her body began to twitch and tremble with sexual bliss. Her hands slid down to his ass and squeezed down, drawing him in tighter. She slid her legs up around him and shook her head from side to side.They rolled over, and now she was on top, a position she had not occupied in some time. She straddled his hips, sitting atop his organ and gazing down at him. She bent forward and kissed him as he cupped her breasts and fondled them with his rough fingers.She pushed back up, sitting down, then kneeling, her knees wide apart on either side of his hips. She rose up, pulling herself high above him so only the tip of his cock was inside her. Then slowly, wanting it to last forever, she slid down his shaft, letting it push up into her belly.He pulled her down again, his hands around her back and head as they kissed, then they rolled over again, and now he was on top once more. He began to fuck into her with harder strokes, his cock sliding back and forth across her clit as she shivered in excitement.She felt her body quiver and shake, felt the orgasm high above her. It was a huge sparkling white cloud, vast and deep, it fell downward onto her, engulfing her, and making her body shake and spasm and convulse in erotic ecstasy.His cock plunged back and forth within her, and seconds later the cloud engulfed him also. Searing heat joined their bodies as his juices spat down into her and joined with her own. Their cum went on and on and on, and then as they slowly relaxed. And Kristen knew that everything would be okay...THE END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 54
A short while ago I had the very great fortune to encounter a young woman – a girl, really – who shared my interest in photography. The results of that encounter were both wondrous and terrifying. I'm still not sure if it was worth the risk, but I do know that the memories of that young woman will last the rest of my life.To me, photography is an avocation – particularly digital photography. I've got a top of the line Canon EOS Digital Rebel set with a variety of lights, filters and tripods. In addition, I enjoy hiking. I explore the wilds whenever I can. Of course, the two hobbies intersect quite nicely. Some of my best shots have been due to happy coincidence while wandering the backcountry. Whenever I set out to explore an area, I make sure to pack a likely selection of filters and a small tripod. I've never enjoyed using a monopod much, I'm afraid. I find the stability is quite lacking when compared to the rock-like solidity of a decent tripod. When you're after a macro-shot of an insect on a colorful bloom, that stability is important. Fortunately, my entire kit fits neatly within a small backpack along with the variety of victuals and other tools necessary for productive explorations.This particular day was spectacular. The sort of a day you'll only find this portion of Canada. Warm, but not hot with a sprinkling of clouds cast across an azure sky that mirrored the lakes below. The light breezes wafted the scent of pine while the red-winged blackbirds called to each other across the water. The trail that I was on was unmarked and traveled from the deep woods through lighter forest and along a ridgeline that overlooked the crystalline lake below. In the two hours I had been hiking, I had already taken several landscape shots and even a few of the wildlife when I could get them to cooperate with my lens.I was just finishing a shot of some boulders overlooking the bay below me when I heard a pixyish voice break my reverie, "Hey Mister, watcha doin'?"Surprised – I thought that I was the only human being for many miles – Manitoba isn't exactly swarming with people – I turned to see a girl of perhaps 12 standing at the crest of the trail. She was a true beauty in every way. Blonde hair down past her shoulders, slim (but not skinny), sparkling blue eyes alight with curiosity and intelligence and a body that was blossoming into womanhood. I've never thought of myself as an ephebophile (the correct term for someone attracted to an adolescent, rather than pedophile which you Americans seem to overuse), but this girl was something special. She was wearing a green Girl Scouts T-shirt and olive-drab shorts. Neither did much to hide the shape of her body; rather they accentuated her developing curves."Well, I'm taking pictures, silly. That's why I've got this camera." I hefted my Canon with its long-lens and smiled at her. Her obviously friendly manner invited banter."You're a photographer?" she asked, a little shyly, I thought."Yes, I am." I replied. "I'm not a professional, but I'm a pretty good lens man." I admitted modestly."How did you get here? I've been coming to Camp for 4 years and I've never met anyone else up here.""I walked – I have to admit I was surprised to see you too. I thought I was out in the middle of nowhere. Where is your Camp? I didn't think there was anything way out here.""It's a Girl Scout Camp down on the edge of the lake. You have to go around this point here to really see it. I get tired of being with everyone else all the time so I like to take hikes when I can. Since I've been here so long, the Leaders don't mind if I go off by myself.""Well that makes sense. You seem like you know your way around here pretty well!" I should have continued breaking my equipment down. I should have said adieu and gone on my way. Instead, I said, "My name is Jim. May I take your picture?""I'm Sally. You want to take MY picture? Really?" She actually blushed."Sure! I said." I take pictures of everything. The woods are beautiful and scenery like this is too spectacular not to get a shot of. Having a pretty girl like you in the frame would only make the picture better."She bit her lip for a moment then suddenly asked, "Do you think I'm pretty enough to be a model?" "Oh yeah. There are all sorts of web sites with girls your age who are models. People pay a lot of money for memberships and even send them clothes and jewelry for special photo-shoots.""I've heard about those sorts of places. Aren't they illegal?"Now it was my turn to blush, "No, not like that. These are sites where the girls keep all their clothes on, or if they do have something off they don't really show anything." I coughed, embarrassed, "Sorry, I didn't mean to imply anything nasty.""It's OK – I didn't take it like that." She giggled a little "I don't mind anyway. I never thought I'd be pretty enough that someone would WANT to see me without my clothes on.""I don't think you've looked in a mirror recently then." I laughed too. "Would you like to try a couple of shots? I'll show you what they look like and you can see how pretty you really are. This is a digital camera, so I can show you the picture right after I take it.""Sure! What do I do?" She was clearly excited and interested in modeling for me, and I was excited to have such a lovely subject. I wasn't lying when I said that she would improve any photo. She looked like a not-so-mythical wood nymph. I placed her in a number of poses so that she was accenting the landscapes I was shooting. Then I started using the landscape to highlight her best features, getting the light just right, letting shadows fall across her body, or letting the wind blow her hair with the lake in the distant background.After about a dozen poses and perhaps a hundred shots, I sat her down next to me on a large rock and ran her through them. Having her so close to me was adding to my discomfiture. Her scent was intoxicating and her innocent manner was very arousing. "Now, do you see what I mean? You're very beautiful.""Wow! I've never seen myself like that – And these aren't like any pictures I've ever seen anyone take. These are like art or something."I smiled in spite of myself. "Thank you. I like to think that I'm pretty good with a camera. With a subject like you though, it's easy to take great pictures." I swapped memory cards in my camera as this one was about full. While I was doing that, she asked the question that led to my undoing."What sorts of pictures do they take on those web sites? Not the nasty ones."I sat back on my heels and finished inserting the new card. "Well, they're clean shots, but they're intended to make the person viewing them think that they're not, do you know what I mean?""No." she looked at me, waiting for an answer."Well." I cleared my throat. "The nasty sites are illegal. But a lot of men like to see young women in, um, very adult poses so that they are ALMOST illegal. So the young women in those pictures wear really tight clothes, or almost take pieces of clothes off, or wear really small swimsuits. "Sometimes they're naked or almost naked, but they cover their private parts with their arms or legs or just the camera angle so they're not really showing anything. That way people will pay a lot of money to see the pictures, but they're legal. The idea is to make the viewer THINK they're going to see something nasty and let their imagination do the rest. On the really good sites the pictures are beautiful – just nice photos showing a lovely young woman at her best.""That doesn't sound so bad.""Well, most people don't think it is, but some people don't like it.""Do you like it?""I never really thought about it much. I like any beautiful picture. So, I guess I would like it.""Can we try a couple of shots like those?" she asked me shyly. I almost dropped my camera. I looked at her and said, "Well, I'd be THRILLED to take any picture of you, but I don't want to do anything that will make you uncomfortable, or make you think I'm pushing you to do anything, Ok? You call the shots. I'll take any pictures you want, but you have to want me to." Somewhere in my mind I felt that this would justify what was going on."All right. I don't know what to do though. How should I be?""Well, that depends, Sally. Like I said, we can do anything from wearing your clothes really tight, or making it LOOK like you're taking off your clothes, to being completely naked but not showing the camera anything. What sort of a shot do you want to start with?""Um, maybe I could kinda knot the front of my T-Shirt so it's really tight and that'll show off my stomach too. Would that look good?""Sally, that would look terrific." We took a couple of shots like that and I suggested a slight change. "Hm. You know, we could make these look even sexier, if you want, but it might embarrass you so if you don't want to, just say so.""How?""Well, with your shirt that tight, your bra is really obvious. If you took it off and put your shirt the same way, it would make people think you were being naughty – which is what we want these pictures to do.""Okay. I run around without a bra a lot anyway. It's not like I've got a lot of boobage anyway." She giggled."They're perfect. Hang on, I'll turn around so you can take it off." I turned around and waited while she took off her shirt and bra, and then put her shirt back on. "That looks great – can I slide your shirt up a little bit? The more skin you show, the sexier the pictures look.""Okay, I guess." She stood stock still while I slowly slid her knotted T-Shirt's hem up until it was just under her breasts. She sucked her breath in as my hands almost brushed the delicate undersides of those tempting mounds."There, that looks great." I stepped back and snapped a couple of shots. "Now, do you want to get really crazy?" I grinned at her.She smiled back, "How?""Well, you still won't be showing anything, but we'll make it LOOK like you're about to. We'll unsnap your shorts and unzip the fly and just pull them open and down a little bit so your panties are showing. You're still wearing more clothes than if you had a bikini on, but it'll look really sexy.""I still can't get used to the idea that people would think I looked sexy.""Believe me, you're a knockout. Be glad I'm a gentleman, or I'd tear your clothes off and attack you!" I growled teasingly.She giggled and said, "OK, go ahead."I had meant for her to adjust her pants, but I wasn't going to pass up on the invitation. I moved close to her and carefully unsnapped the top of her shorts. She sucked her tummy in and watched me as I slid my fingers under the waistband, grasped the zipper tab and slowly slid the zipper down. I peeled her tight little shorts open and tugged them a few inches down her developing hips so that her panties were showing clearly. Light pink cotton – I couldn't have asked for a better contrasting color to her skin tone.I stepped back a bit and said "Wow." I snapped several more shots, breathing a bit hard as this young beauty was slowly being exposed before my eyes and my lens. I lowered my camera and said, "You are the most beautiful young woman I have ever taken pictures of."She blushed and said, very softly, "Thank you. Are the pictures really pretty?""Oh YEAH!" I said, "Here! Let me show you." I stepped her through the 20 or so pictures we had so far. "Can you see how gorgeous you are? I could sell these shots for hundreds of dollars. Hell, I want to take more!""Really? Ok! What do I do next?""Well, do you want to get some really sexy shots?""Sure! This is fun! And like you said, I'm not even showing as much as when I wear a two-piece.""Ok, this idea might be a little crazy, so if you don't like it, just say so and we'll try some different shots. What would look really sexy would be if you did this same exact shot, but without your panties on. You'll still have your shorts on, with the fly open and part-way down your hips, but it'll LOOK like your' just about to be naked."She giggled again – I really liked that little laugh of hers. "Okay, I guess. That should be Ok." I turned around and listened as she removed her shoes and then to the whisper of cotton on skin as she shucked her shorts and panties off and then pulled her shorts back on. "I'm ready.""Hm. That's almost perfect. I'm going to pull your shorts down just a little bit more, Ok? Tell me when it's just about to make you uncomfortable and I'll stop – that way we show the most without making you feel wrong. That would spoil the shot." She nodded and I slowly slid her shorts down her hips. She finally stopped me just before the top of her vulva would have become visible over the open fly of her shorts."WOW!" I said, "That's great! You're really a lot more grown-up than I thought. Most girls your age would be terribly embarrassed. Which is silly 'cause you've got nothing to feel that way about. Hell, you should be showing this incredible body off whenever you can!" I gave her a big smile and was rewarded with one back.I took several frontal shots of her standing in different poses, and then suggested another change. "Let's have some fun like this. I want you to turn sideways and sort of bend over. Stick your rump out and pull your shorts all the way down to mid-thigh. Since you're sideways, I won't be able to see anything, but it'll look amazing."Her eyes got wide, but she did as I asked. I got a couple of shots of her like that and then asked, "Can I take what's called a 'dorsal shot'? That's this same pose, but I'd be standing behind you and you'd look back at the camera while I took the picture. You'd almost be mooning me!"She laughed at that and agreed. Her ass was an image of perfection and I wasted no time in getting several shots from a full body shot to a close-up of her rear-end. "You're the best! Want to get really crazy? Without showing anything at all?""Why not? This is fun! I fell so naughty, but I'm not showing anyone anything. I feel really pretty too.""You should. You're gorgeous. Ok, what I want you to do is take your shirt off – I'll take a shot or two of you doing that and then we'll get another posed shot like this." She did as I asked and I watched the creamy smooth skin of her back slide into view as her shirt was tossed off to the side. We took a few more dorsal shots with different poses and expressions."I can't believe I'm almost naked!" She giggled that lovely little laugh again."Feels good though, doesn't it?""Yes." This time there was a definite wicked tone to her giggle. I laughed too."Well then, let's step it up a notch. Let's go back to some frontal shots, but I want you to use your arm or your hands to cover your breasts. Let's start with the arm." A dozen or more shots went by with one arm or the other covering her delicate little breasts, or her hands cupping them gently, with the V of the open fly of her shorts drawing the eye down her body. I paused there and showed her the pictures we already had. She demurely kept her arm covering her chest throughout the entire process. "Do you see how incredibly beautiful you are? I don't think I've ever seen a woman of any age look as gorgeous as you do.""Thank you." She said softly, with an angelic little blush."Well, how crazy do you want to get, Sally?""CRAZY!" she shouted with a shake of her head. "This is fun!""You are a born model, Sally. Let's try this, but only if you want to! I'll turn around and I want you to take off your shorts. You're going to be totally naked, but not showing a thing. In fact, you'll be showing less than in these last shots. I want you to get on your hands and knees and use your right arm straight down so that it covers the side view of your breast, and I want your right leg brought forward so that I can't see anything down there, Ok?"Her eyes got wide and she said, "Sure. That sounds really naughty!"I'll show you the picture right after I take it and if you don't like it, I'll delete it, Ok?""Ok." I turned around and she quickly kicked her shorts off and got into position. "I'm ready!"I turned around and almost died. She was incredible. The sun was glowing on her back; her hair was cascading down her neck and off her shoulders, her face looking at me with an unspoken question."You are beautiful beyond the lot of mortal women, Sally. You look like a goddess of old. And you're in exactly the right pose. You really are a born model." By now the hard on in my pants was becoming painful. We worked several slight variations on that pose and different expressions and I got perhaps a dozen more shots. I was glad I had a 4GB Flash card! "Er, Sally, I want to show you the pictures – do you want to get dressed so I can show them to you, or can you cover up so I don't embarrass you?"She thought for a moment then laughed that wicked little laugh again. "I'm Ok with staying naked if it won't bother you.""BOTHER me? Sally, there isn't a man alive that would be bothered by you being naked. I would consider it a privilege to have my model trust me enough to stay naked around me.""All right then. Let's see the pictures. " She sat back on her heels, and brushed her hands off then stood up and walked towards me, a vision of youthful beauty that Da Vinci never dreamed of. Barely a trace of blonde pubic hair creating an arrowhead pointing towards the delicate furrow of her groin, a subtle sway to her hips and only the slightest vibration in her firm and high-set breasts, each crowned with a perfect dime-sized areola and exquisitely small nipple.She sat next to me, her gaze interrogating my reaction to her display. "Sally. I." I swallowed to try to regain my composure. "I've. Wow. You are so beautiful that there are no words." I wanted her so badly. I wanted to take her in my arms and make slow glorious love to her beneath this perfect azure sky. I retained enough self-control to resist my urges for a while, however. Instead, I showed her the pictures we had just taken. "Surely you see that from these pictures?""I guess I've just never really thought of myself as pretty. I'm really glad that you think I am though. I've never let anyone see me naked before, so I was pretty afraid that you were going to laugh or tell me to get dressed." She cast her eyes down. "My step-dad always says I'm ugly. I think he's teasing, but it always makes me wonder. And my dad left, and that was my fault." "You needn't wonder. You're very, very beautiful." I patted her leg just above her knee, reveling in the silky sensation of her thigh. "I'll tell you right now, I'd love to take pictures of you naked too. I could never show those to anyone though, they'd put me in jail. But it would help me to remember you, because otherwise I'm going to think this was a dream."She blushed all the way down to her chest. "I don't mind. I'll let you take some, if you want to, Jim. No one has ever been this nice to me. What should I do?"I ran her through almost a dozen poses and perhaps another 60 shots. One of my favorites to this day is where she is stretched out on a boulder overlooking the lake. The sun highlights the gold in her hair and the deep cobalt blue of the lake provides the perfect canvas to frame her dazzling young form. Her left leg is straight towards the camera while her right leg is cocked up with her foot resting against her left knee. Her arms are over her head with her hands providing a pillow. While I was taking a rear-angle shot of her on all fours, she looked over her shoulder at me and asked the question that would lead to my utter downfall."Jim, what is sex like?"I stopped clicking the shutter and lowered my camera. I didn't do the sensible thing. Instead, I answered her question. "It's wonderful, Sally. When a man and a woman love each other and want to show it, it just helps them to grow closer and love each other more.""No, I know that. I mean, what does it feel like? How do you do it?""Oh." Now it was my turn to blush. That was ridiculous on its face as I was sitting here taking pictures of a naked underage girl while fantasies of taking this fledgling siren rampaged through my mind. Still, I couldn't help the reaction. "Well." I coughed "The man and the woman get naked and they get very close together. There are a lot of different ways to do it, but they all involve the man putting his penis inside the woman's vagina, or mouth, or anus." I took refuge in the formal terms to hide my foolishness."Can you show me some of the ways people do it? You don't have to put it in me, or anything, but I'd like to know how to do it. And maybe you could take some pictures so that it looks like we're really doing it so I can see what it looks like."My jaw dropped until it bounced off my chest. "Sally, I'd have to get naked to make it look like we were really doing it. Wouldn't that bother you?"She wiggled her very naked bottom at me and giggled that wicked little laugh again. "Jim, I got naked for you, why should you getting naked for me bother me?"I wasted no time stripping my clothes off. Her eyes widened appreciably when my 6" long and 5" around dick sprang into view. "So, what do you think?""I had no idea men looked like that! And look at all that hair!" I'm afraid my chest and legs are quite hairy."Do you like it?" Now it was my turn to be shy in front of my 12-year-old model."Yes, very much. So what do we do?""Let me get this back on its tripod." I put the camera back on the tripod while I explained. "If you want to get back on all fours, I'll show you what's called 'doggy-style' because that's how dogs make love." She wasted no time getting onto her hands and knees. My mouth was dry as I approached her, my penis bobbing in time to my pace. She was looking over her shoulder watching me without any visible apprehension."Like this?""Almost – lower your shoulders just a little bit and stick your bottom in the air more." She did as I asked, "Sally, I'm going to have to touch you in some really sensitive places to show you this. Are you sure that's Ok?""Oh yes. It's Ok Jim. I want you to. I really want you to.""All right." I reached between her legs and slowly stroked above her mound, watching her jump and shiver at my touch. "This needs to be up in the air a bit more, Sally."She moaned, very softly, and complied. "Now, if we were going to really do it, I'd do this." I stroked the tip of my erection from the base of her lips to the fragile button at the top, back and forth. "That helps your body to get slippery and ready for me to put this inside you." I punctuated my lecture with a slight pressure from my hard on at her virgin opening. "Once I put it in you," here, I slid myself along her slit and lay down on her back, cupping her breasts in my hands, "I'd come down here and use my hands to do things to make you feel even nicer.""Oh Jim. Oh. That feels wonderful.""Or, I could do this." I sat back up and took hold of her hips, pulling her bottom into my groin.She groaned again, "Take some pictures, Jim. I want to see what it looks like." I used my remote to take several shots of us in this position, then backed off a bit and took another one with my erection just barely spreading her lips apart. I thought I felt her pushing back at me, but I couldn't be sure. I wanted her so badly, but I wasn't just going to take this innocent flower. In this very short time she had become more precious to me than gold or rubies. I would not hurt her or allow her to be hurt if I could prevent it."Do you want to see some other ways?" I asked as I was gliding the length of my shaft along her slit, teasing her opening and then letting it slip down towards her belly."Yes. Yes. Please show me.""Lay on your back for me, Sally. These are called 'missionary position.' They're probably the most common way people make love." I took a couple more shots while she lay on her back, looking up at me with those deep indigo eyes gazing back into my soul. Finally, I scooted forward so that my length was just enough to barely spread her open. "Hook your legs around my back, Sally."She did so, and again I teased her with my shaft. In this position her bottom was resting on my thighs so after a few moments, I slid my hands along the backs of her thighs and lay my full weight upon her, resting on the backs of her legs. "This way is always fun. It lets the man have a lot of control."She was panting and now I was sure – every time I teased her slippery portal with my dick she was pushing back. "You can let your legs slip down to my hips too." She did so and I began slowly rubbing my length along her slit. She was pushing herself up and into me to increase the friction between us, repositioning her legs several times to find the best feelings."Is that nice?"She was biting her lip and simply nodded. "Here, there's one more really common way to do it. It's one of my favorites because the woman gets to pick what feels best for her." I got off her and she whimpered. I smiled as I lay back on the soft grass. 'Come over here and sit just below my hips, Sally."In an instant, she was astride my legs. Without any suggestion at all, she began exploring my package, stroking, squeezing, rubbing, and probing. I groaned happily at her touch. Too happily – Too late I felt my climax rising. "Oh! Sally! I'm GAAAAAAAA!" I screamed as I came, exploding my body's essence all over her.To her credit, she didn't even slow down. She seemed fascinated by my actions, exploring the sticky white fluid with her fingers. When I finally finished, she asked, "Jim? Are you Ok? What happened?""Oh, Sally, you made me climax – that's my semen, my sperm.""I did that? Really?" She almost purred as she resumed her stroking touch on my member. "That's the stuff that makes girls pregnant, right?""Well, it would be. I've had a vasectomy, so my semen doesn't have any sperm in it. I can't get a girl pregnant.""Cool." She said. "So what do I do here?""Well, if we were actually doing it, you'd simply raise up a little bit and hold me straight up and then lower yourself down onto me so that I slide inside of you. But since we're not doing that, just slide forward a little bit and let my penis go flat against my stomach."She did this, and began riding me like a cowgirl at the Calgary Stampede. My earlier ejaculation provided additional lubrication to the copious amounts of fluid coming from between Sally's legs. I raised my head slightly and wrapped my arms around her back, drawing her to me and began to suckle at her right breast. Her head snapped back and she began grunting as she sped up her thrusts, obviously climaxing with my penis buried between us.It only lasted a short while and she paused. "Jim, I love you." I felt her rise up, but didn't see my danger. I felt her hand slip between us and grip my erection and still didn't awaken to what she was doing. "Sally, I think I I Sally! Wait!" it was too late. Her weight was coming down onto me with the tip of my penis lodged safely in the vestibule of her virgin body. Her eyes closed and her face took on an aspect of intense concentration as she took me into herself. The pressure of her untouched vaginal walls was unimaginable. Her inexorable lowering took perhaps a minute and I was fully within my pre-teen lover. Fortunately for me, my finger was twitching on the remote control so I have a wonderful photographic record of her deflowering.She stopped, holding me within herself, acquainting herself with the sensations emanating from her body's most private spaces. I was speechless. "Jim. Are we doing it? Is this really having sex?"I gurgled and finally managed to croak out, "God yes, Sally. This isn't just sex. This is the best sex I've ever had!"The smile that spread across her face was only matched by the radiant glow her entire body took on. She lifted her hips slightly, and then lowered them again. She spent a few moments thinking about this newest of new wonderments and then repeated the motion. Quickly she began to match her movements to her body's desires. Long beyond any control, I matched her rhythm with my own thrusts. I felt her begin squeezing me within her tight little pussy and looked down to see my glistening rod playing hide-and-seek between the folds of her sex. I lost it again, crying her name and bucking my hips as I burst within her.She gasped and her eyes flew open wide as I emptied myself into her. That Mona Lisa smile returned as she realized what was happening between her legs and she adjusted her speed to match my own thrashing motions. When I had finished, she resumed her own pace. I could only lay back and watch this angelic vision moving above me, her face framed by the golden halo of her hair and the infinite violet blue of the sky vault, with the occasional cloud wheeling above us. After an eternity of pleasure, I felt her quicken her pace and her breathing above me. I tried to match my own climax to hers, but I was too late. She throbbed upon my impaling penis, her back arched, her eyes closed, her face a frozen mask of indescribable pleasure. She was just finishing when I followed her into orgasm, grabbing the solid muscles of her ass and pulling her hard onto me while my penis erupted its seed within her belly. Finally spent, we lay together enjoying the refreshing breeze wafting over our grassy bower. For the first, and only time, we kissed. Sally slowly raised her hips, allowing my abused penis to slip from within the velvet firmness of her vagina. She lay back down upon my chest, resting her cheek on my shoulder."Jim, I always dreamed about what my first time would be like. I never dreamed it would be like that though. I'm sore. But I feel wonderful. I feel like I'm the most wonderful, special and beautiful girl in the world.""You are, Sally.""I can't see you again though, can I?""What?" I am still amazed that she was thinking more clearly than I."You'd go to jail, wouldn't you?""Yes, I would." I admitted."We couldn't really be together anyway, could we? I mean it's not like you could come visit me in Middle School. I wish you could though." She sat up."Sally, I" She interrupted me."No, don't say anything, Jim. This is the most perfect day I've ever had and I want to remember it just like this. I'll always love you, Jim – No matter where you go there will always be one person who loves you. Always. II'm going to go. I love you." She scampered over to her clothes, scattered about the rocks. I glanced at the traces of blood, semen, and vaginal lubricant on my legs, groin, an abdomen, and watched this gossamer dream get dressed. The same stains were between her legs, but she seemed not to care as she quickly slipped on her panties, shorts, and T-shirt. She picked up her bra, turned and gave me one of those golden-haired smiles and dropped it on my camera bag.Then I watched her head back down the trail, limping slightly, until she disappeared. I removed the Flash Card from my camera and stowed it safely, dressed, packed my gear and headed back the way I came. I knew there could never be any more perfect shots than the ones I had just taken. I keep those photos safely encrypted and take them out whenever I need to remind myself that somewhere in the world there is a vision of perfection and that just once in our very imperfect world, there was a perfect day. I remember that somewhere, a young woman remembers me and loves me as I love her.Legally, I committed a heinous crime. However, I just can't convince myself that the exquisite experience we shared was wrong or immoral. I read about girls who's first times were being taken by a drunken boyfriend in a thirty second encounter at a party, or who do it 'just to get it over with' and I wonder who is the bigger criminal.END
My recollection of dates is not the most keen but I'll try to be truthful. I know I masturbated when I was seven, possibly earlier.It wasn't that I hid myself in the bathroom, found my sisters' jar of Vaseline, that they used to remove their make-up, lubed my right hand and tickled and stroked my cock raw. I didn't watch thick cum ooze from my cock's tip and pool in the top of my firmly held grip until the persistent clearer fluid, that had been built up for an hour, pushed the thicker seed over the edge. Dribbling over my knuckles onto my tightly drawn balls, my cum did not pool on the prepared towel that protected the floor and bathroom rug. No, those sessions wouldn't happen until much later, when I was much older; like ten or eleven.The first time I touched myself is lost to time and my memory, but I remember plenty of other things so don't be sad for me. Let me explain the manner in which I pleasured myself, for I am unsure if it is a common method. Now, I am right-handed (which I've already told you) and that seems to have affected my position. I would lay down on my left side, and only my left (I couldn't get it to feel good laying on my right side). Then, drawing up into a semi-fetal position, I place my forearm in between my legs and grind into it. It felt better when I was in my underwear, possibly because of the friction. For the longest time I could only achieve orgasm in this way. And I know some would disagree that young people do not cum until they are older, but when it feels good, then hits a crescendo, dropping off sensation and sating the urge to rub anymore, what does one call it.Now, allow me to jump forward past other experiences and tell about the first time I came. I am unsure if I was eleven or twelve. My brother, half-brother actually, and I were the same age and shared a bedroom at this time. Our family was doing well at this point and we both had twin waterbeds (it was the eighties, what do you want). It is another story why we were masturbating in the same room, but suffice it to say that he was on his bed and me on mine. Everything was normal, so to speak, and then my orgasm began to build. It wasn't the best orgasm I'd had, but sometimes it wasn't so much about size as frequency back then. I felt a very slight burning sensation inside my dick, not unlike sweaty skin peeling off leather car seats in the summer. Then, I noticed that my fruit-o-the-looms were wet in the front. Not much fluid came out, but there was enough that it made my underwear translucent and I could see the peach color of my cock head showing through.I looked over to my brother who was still stroking his four inch pecker fast and was about to come himself. I wanted to show him my cum for many reasons. First, we had read about sex in books, supplied by our parents for education, and knew that when you were becoming a man you started shooting cum, and I wanted to show him I came before he did (therefore, a man before him).Second, knowing all about sex and what to expect, does not preclude freaking out a little when weird things leak from your body. And, I wanted reassurance everything was normal from another person I could trust not to talk. Lastly, still high from endorphins or lightheaded I don't know, but I just wanted to show him.He came, or rather sighed, stopped stroking, and unclenched his eyes, for to me cumming had a different meaning now. I got off my bed and walked the two and a half feet to his bed. I don't know why he still covered his body with a sheet when he masturbated, especially since our little incident, but then I don't know why I still masturbated on my side. I gently pulled the sheet back. He seemed wary but let me lightly touch his small balls. I looked at his brown eyes and lowered my head and licked his shrinking penis. It didn't get hard again, but for a few licks and light sucks I felt warmth in my mouth and soft skin on my tongue. I stopped when he asked me to. Then he saw that I had "really" cum. He wanted to see it. So I let him pull down my underwear to reveal my soft cock wet with my first cum. He touched a finger to it and smelled it. He said it was already cold. He didn't have to tell me what it smelled like because the room seemed filled with the scent. He tasted it off his finger and said it didn't taste like much, just salty. I knew that too when I tasted it myself while watching him finish. For a moment, he looked beaten, for I had "won" the contest and although only slightly older, became the big brother in another sense. Then, I told him he would be "cumming" soon (in about three weeks as I remember). That seemed to hearten him a little and he asked if I could cum again so he could watch it this time and feel it when it was warm.How could I not try?
My wife and I spent our last vacation in Jamaica and it really turned out well, so well in fact that I would like to share it with you. In order to set the stage I should explain that we were going to an all-inclusive club type of resort for 7 days. This club provides a private and exclusive environment for couples only. The atmosphere and food were only complimented by the other amenities such as masseuse, hot tub, Jacuzzi, and any type of water activity you could desire. In addition it featured a nude beach and that's where our vacation really began. As is the custom we had made several friends on the ride out from the airport and shared their company at dinner the first night. There were three couples at our table my wife who at 32 is in good shape with long slender legs a nice set of tits that love to be sucked and a pussy that just won't quit. She's about 5'10" tall and likes just about any action she can get but never had shown an interest in other women. I am tall and blond in good shape and have a never tiring 10 inch cock. The other couples were Linda and her husband Pete, Linda is about 5' 6" with jet black hair a medium frame carrying 35" tits above a slender waist and 36" hips. Linda turned out to be the instigator of all the fun and likes both men and women. Pete on the other hand is 5' 9" handsome and well proportion and while not as randy as I his 8" cock got a pretty good workout during our stay. The other couples names were Nancy and Sam they were younger than the rest and Nancy was the obvious knockout of the group with her 36" tits, 24" waist and 35" hips all looking ready for action on her 5' 9" frame. Sam although younger than Pete and I was already showing a bit of weight around the middle a condition that I suspect made him reluctant at first to join us on the nude beach but he did have a fat 9 incher that pleased all the girls.But before I get ahead of myself I should explain how we three couples came to be loving couples. It all started the second day when I suggested to my wife we go sun ourselves on the nude beach. Linda and Pete had not yet joined us on the beach and my wife suggested we include them in our plans. After waiting for about 10 minutes Linda and Pete came down and I knew my first impression of Linda was correct she was wearing a skimpy bikini and had a fresh fucked look on her face as it turned out I was right and it was the reason they were late. As they approached I told them of our tanning plans and they said they would love to join us. What was going through my mind was the thought of joining my cock to Linda ten different ways. By the look of lust in Pete's eyes I could tell he was having similar plans for my wife Mary and the thought of watching them screw themselves silly turned me on more. We all headed for the nude beach with visions of what the others would look like when all was revealed. As we were the first people on the beach we had our choice of territory and selected a spot with a mixture of sun and shade. I quickly stripped off my t shirt and swim trunks revealing my half hard dick. Linda's gaze was fixed on my cock from the first minute and her appreciation of it only caused it to swell more. Looking around I placed myself on a chaise lounge facing the others as they began to strip down. Pete was next and as he only had on his swim suit he too soon was sporting his half hard prick for the ladies to drool over. In fact I saw Mary stare directly at his crotch and lick her lips with desire. Pete and I both asked the girls when they intended to get naked laughing a bit Linda reached back pulled down her bikini bottom exposing her nicely shaved cunt. I stared directly at her as she unhooked her top and showed me her firm full tits with 3/4" pink nipples that were hard as a rock. I must admit seeing her this way, made me want to jump her and fuck her till sunset. She had a full lush pussy which was neatly shaved showing off her full pink cunt lips with a generous amount of hair on her mound. The most telling sign of her desires was the moistness of her cunt which glistened with pussy juice in the early sunlight. I had spread my legs wide giving her a good view of my nearly erect dick which was now lying on the lounge between my legs. Linda turned giving us a great look at her firm ass as she bent down to put her suit into their beach bag. As she crouched over her cheeks spread giving Mary and I a great view of her pink puckered anus and the bottom of those full pussy lips. Getting things put away Linda pulled up a chaise lounge directly opposite me and laid back spreading her legs with her knees bent giving me and Mary a full open view of her sweet slit. To add to our lust Linda reached down brushing her erect nipples and rubbing her cunt opening the outer lips allowing us to look into her wet pink hole. After Linda had gotten comfortable Mary started to strip down first showing her full ripe tits with her hard inch long nipples which were an obvious sign that she too was more than a bit turned on. I saw a sly smile appear on Pete's face as he gazed at Mary's tits and erect nipples glancing over at Linda I saw too that she was looking at Mary with more than a sisterly interest. My mind raced at the thought of what this might lead to if we could only get the mood right. Pulling her tank suit down to her knees Mary gave us all a great view of her shaved pussy which I had just cleaned off with my trusty razor the night before. Pete's hand went right to his now turgid cock and he gently pulled on the head showing his obvious approval of what he saw. I by now had ten plans already going on how to bridge the gap from here to a full blown orgy. Mary continued to strip giving Pete and Linda a good look at her pussy which had just a small tuft of black hair left above the start of her slit. I did notice that Mary was fully aroused as her crimson cunt lips were covered with her slippery juices. Mary bent over to tuck her swimsuit into our beach bag and gave both Linda and Pete a good show of her firm ass reaching back she pulled her ass cheeks apart so they could view her tight anus and she rubbed the rim of her asshole as though it was somewhat itchy. I knew by this that Mary desired a mutual paring and the pleasure it would bring as much as I did. After packing her suit in the beach-bag Mary settled into the chaise lounge next to me with her knees bent and her legs splayed wide open giving Linda and Pete a great look directly up her wet cunt hole. Just to make sure she was attracting the proper attention Mary gently squeezed her tits and absently rubbed her pussy spreading her crimson cunt lips in order to afford our friends a better view.Before long the sun had begun to bake us and I felt it was time to grease up the important parts before they got burnt and spoiled what I knew was going to be one hell of a hot time. Rolling over I got out the sun-block and began to rub some on my half hard prick making sure I covered the head well I glanced up to see Linda, Mary, and Pete watching me intently this plus the feel of the slippery lotion on my cock and balls got me fully erect. Linda was the first to speak commenting on my size, I told her 10" was good but a man needed to be skilled in all the methods of love in order to really fulfill a woman. This relaxed Pete and made Linda all the more interested in what I knew would be a gut wrenching sexual adventure. After I was well protected I moved to Mary who had become strangely quiet during Linda and my little banter on size and offered to protect her too. Mary was more than willing and let me rub the lotion completely covering her exposed cunt and then rolled over and asked me to do the same for her ass. To say the least I was delighted at the prospect of rubbing her tight back door as I spread lotion on the crack of her ass and spread her cheeks working the lotion up and down over her puckered asshole I could sense 4 eyes burning in on the site before them. Looking up I could see Pete and Linda looking on with lust filled anticipation, not wanting to disappoint them I pulled Mary's legs further apart and slowly pushed my probing fingers up her pussy and anus. This made Mary moan and push back against my hand until she too realized how she was exposed. Relaxing I suggested that Pete and Linda made sure they were protected against the sun and offered my lotion to Linda. Linda worked quickly spreading the sun-block on Pete's cock and balls and in the process bringing on a full erection. Mary was very appreciative of his stiff condition and commented that Linda was a lucky lady to have such an ample mate. Linda eyeing my still erect prick responded that they were both lucky. Once Pete was well greased Linda asked him to do her, damn that's what I was thinking of doing! Lying back with spread legs and giving a great show Linda made herself ready to receive her protection. Pete proceeded to comfort her by rubbing the lotion into her hot pussy and then into her puckered asshole not forgetting to ram his fingers up her holes as he completed his work. At this point we were all worked up and going nowhere so we all had to settle to lie in the sun and take in the rays. I watched Linda's every move keeping my level of stimulation at a peak and imagining over and my throbbing cock penetrating her body.As the morning heated up so did we and soon I needed to take a swim in order to cool off from all the sun and stimulation I had been getting looking and lusting at Linda. I suggested the four of us go in for a swim but Mary and Pete were reluctant, I think this was because going into the water would expose them to the whole beach including the people in the regular section. Linda was all for it and offered to accompany me so off we went strolling down to the water I started to get hard again thinking about what I might get to do once we were protected from prying eyes by the water. This plus the site of Linda's firm full tits bouncing and swaying as we walked had me half hard by the time we reached the water. Linda noticed my condition and commented on how much she liked to look at stiff pricks adding that mine was definitely one of her favorites. I returned the compliment telling Linda that she was one of my favorites too, and that I hoped we would get a chance to share our mutual admiration in a more private atmosphere. Linda nodded her head with approval and asked me if Mary was into swinging or was this only a one way deal. I told her I thought Mary could be convinced and would really like it once she got started. We floated on the warm water and hatched our plan of attack as we molested each other below the water. Before we had left the water I had managed to plant my full 10 inches up Linda's fantastic tight cunt while fingering her anus and playing with those luscious tits. Our basic plan was to have Linda discuss her and Pete's experiences with swinging with Mary as both a way of feeling her out and getting her worked up. All I needed to do was to make sure they had some private time to discuss the possibilities and then to confirm the arrangement with Mary later. This was not difficult as Pete and I were signed up to play in a beach volleyball game right after lunch and then we were all going on a shopping tour later in the afternoon.When Pete and I returned from the game we could tell all was going well because Linda and Mary were lying naked in the sun sharing intimate conversation. As we stripped down I heard Mary ask Pete to apply more sun-block to her sensitive parts. I smiled my approval as Pete began to spread the lotion on her cunt and ass giving her the full treatment and finishing up with his fingers buried deep in her cunt and ass. I followed suit and had a fantastic time protecting Linda from the harmful rays of the sun. Now the four of us made our plans for the rest of the day and evening. After our shopping tour we would meet switch partners for dinner, dancing and the rest of the night meeting again for breakfast. We left the beach shortly after to get ready for our shopping excursion once, we had reached the elevator and had some privacy Mary was all over me rubbing my cock and kissing me once in our room she stripped down and demanded I fuck her which I did to a fare thee well. Mary admitted she had wanted to suggest a swap but hadn't had the courage or the words to do it herself. She also said Linda had told her about our antics during our swim earlier that day and said she wanted to do Pete that way tomorrow.As we had agreed the swap was to begin at dinner and we met outside the restaurant and exchanged wives giving our temporary spouses a kiss before proceeding into dinner. Needless to say Sam and Nancy who had been away all day on a fishing charter were a bit confused at what was going on but said nothing and didn't seem upset by our strange behavior. Throughout the meal I and Pete would run our hands under our new partner's cloths and explore the new territory we would get to know later. After a great meal we went to the disco for the show and dancing where I more than once glimpsed Pete's hand stealing up under Mary's skirt for a feel of her naked pussy. I too had my fun feeling up Linda who like Mary had worn nothing under her cloths. By this time Sam had tumbled to what was going on and took me aside to ask how I had arranged so much fun. I briefly shared the day's happenings with him and suggested that if he felt Nancy and he would like to join in we could work on it the next day.Shortly after midnight we decided that we could stand it no longer and left the disco for a short walk before going to our rooms. It felt a little strange saying goodnight to Mary as she walked off with Pete to his room but my disquiet was relieved immediately as Linda grabbed my cock thru my shorts as we walked to the elevator. Just as I put my arm around her and grabbed her tit two couples passed us they said goodnight and never blinked an eye at what they saw. Once the elevator door closed I reached down grabbing the hem of Linda's skirt and pulled it up to her waist exposing her delicious twat. Licking two fingers I pushed them fully up her hot tight pussy making her moan with delight. Once inside the room I slowly striped Linda removing her light sweater first and sucking her stiff nipples until she shook with desire. Next to go was her skirt showing me her full lush pussy already wet with anticipation moving down I spread those pink pussy lips and began to tongue and suck her sweet slit and hard clit in no time Linda had a quaking orgasm covering my face and tongue with her sweet juices. Linda now took charge removing my shirt and licking and biting my nipples as she rubbed my now rock hard cock. Linda pulled my shorts down allowing my prick to spring out into her face. With one deft action Linda forced her mouth down completely covering my cock and started to massage my balls. This proved too much for me and I began to spew my load down her silky throat. Looking a little dejected Linda pulled her mouth off my cock and noticed it wasn't going limp, looking up at me I returned her gaze and said that's one.I moved our action to the bed where I positioned Linda on her back in the same fashion she had been sunning in most of the day. I told her I had wanted to lick her pussy out this way all day and now I was going to get my chance. The look of lust in her eyes told me she was more than ready so I pulled her legs further apart further exposing her full slippery pink cunt to my view as I descended to eat her hot box. Planting my tongue up her hot hole I began slow up and down strokes starting at her clit and ending at her asshole. I kept up this tongue action increasing my pace slowly until Linda screamed out that she was cumming again. I then forced two fingers up her cunt and a third up her now slippery anus and lashed at her stiff clit while pumping my fingers up her holes until she came again. Rising from my work Linda held my head and told me she hadn't ever been fucked like this in her entire life cumming three times and I hadn't yet probed her with my dick. Moving up on her I rammed my cock between her full tits pushing the head in and out of her sucking mouth on each stroke this action got me rock hard and ready and I finished off this scene by pumping my prick all the way down her tight slippery throat as she pumped her finger up my ass. Changing position I pulled her legs up over my shoulders and sank my full 10" up her gaping cunt. I could feel the walls of her vagina squeezing every inch of my throbbing dick as I pumped in and out of her with long slow strokes. About 10 minutes of this deep probing was all either of us could take and Linda came again crying out squeezing her tits and nipples as I pumped a mammoth load of sperm up her twitching pussy. Even in the air conditioned room we were covered with sweat and needed a moment to rest. Lying next to each other Linda thanked me for the best fuck of her life and I replied I hope we are just getting started. Linda ran her hand down to her sodden snatch and scooped up my cum from between her legs and began to lick and eat my sperm she then reversed her position and began to give me head again. This action had me hard in no time and I moved her to a position on all fours getting behind her I lubed my fingers by pounding them up her cunt then pushed 2 fingers slowly up her anus. Linda said this was very different for her since Pete only did this for her once or twice a year. I continued my work on her asshole and began to rub her clit making her cum once more. Moving in close behind her I pushed my cock fully up her open cunt hole filling her to rim and keeping up a steady rhythm in her ass bringing her to the brink of orgasm twice more. Linda reached under and grabbed my swinging balls as she began to finger her hard clit this was all she could take and she began to cum again. Moving quickly I pulled out of her pussy and forced three of her own fingers up her slit and removing my fingers from her anus I pushed the entire length of my cock up her tight asshole. Her tight back door was great and after she had cum twice more I pumped my load up her asshole. Pulling out I saw a trail of sperm run out of the now dilated rear and watched as she rubbed her anus and licked the cum off her fingers. Being fucked out for the moment we cuddled up and fell into a deep and satisfied sleep.I awoke early the next morning to find Linda sucking on my now stiff cock. She had evidently woke up before me and took advantage of the situation, in no time Linda had me fully erect and ready to go as she continued to throat my throbbing cock I moved around spread her legs and started eating her hot pussy and fingering her puckered pink anus. This action brought her off to an explosive orgasm and she covered my face with her sweet juices. Since I had not yet gotten off I pulled her mouth off my straining cock, got her up on all fours and sucked and licked her sopping pussy as I continued to ram my finger up her tight pink asshole. Moving to a kneeling position I rammed my rock hard 10 inch shaft up her tight wet cunt and began to fuck her hot pussy doggy style while continuing to probe her hot asshole with two fingers. Linda reached back between her spread thighs and grabbed my swinging balls and rubbed them against her swollen stiff clit. This action along with my deep thrusting brought us both off in no time and I filled her slick pussy with a massive load of cum. Moving apart Linda laid on her back with her head propped up by the pillows and dipped her fingers into her cum filled pussy collecting my load and bringing her cum slicked fingers to her mouth licking them clean and swallowing the creamy mixture of sperm and pussy juice. This sight kept me hard and I moved up between her soft thighs and tongued fucked her twitching asshole until she got her fill of our juices and had cum again from her fingering and my tongue up her anus. I was ready to go again and I told Linda to sit on my hard prick and make me cum again. Linda descended on dick first licking and sucking it to wet it then, she squatted over me facing my feet and rammed her pussy down completely taking my 10 inches up her sopping slit and setting up a smooth rhythm. Linda continued banging her cunt with my cock until she had another orgasm, seeing that I was still hard she rose up grabbed my throbbing dick and directed it up her tight anus forcing herself down until I was fully inserted up her asshole. Linda then began pumping my cock in and out of her ass with long deep strokes as I laid back and watched my throbbing cock sliding in and out of her stretched anus. Linda rammed three fingers up her open cunt and pressed back squeezing my raging cock even more, this was too much for me and I came shooting my hot load up her throbbing asshole just as she came again. Linda climbed off my now wilting cock and moved her sopping cunt and ass back covering my face and commanded that I clean her up with my tongue. As I was gratefully working on her sweet slit and open anus Linda took my limp dick in her mouth and sucked it clean. I suggested we rest a bit then shower and see if we could find Mary and Pete for breakfast. Linda thought that was a good idea snuggling up next to me softly stroking my hardening cock while I rubbed her stiff clit and sucked and fondled her firm tits. After a few moments of rest Linda said she wanted me to shave her pussy like I had Mary's. I was delighted at the prospect and went and got the razor and the saving cream. I placed her on the chair with her legs over the arms exposing her cute bush pink lips and open anus and shaved her clean leaving just a small tuft of brunette bush above the start of her slit. I then rubbed her exposed pussy and asshole with coconut oil making her cum again during the process. After we had showered with much rubbing squeezing and fingering of exposed parts we toweled off and relaxed on the bed. Linda began to rub my back as I lay face down on the bed and slowly worked her way down to my ass spreading the cheeks and tongue fucking my anus and pulling on my throbbing cock until I was again ready to go. She stopped short of making me cum again telling me she wanted to have me showing ready cock when we went down for breakfast. Linda spent several minutes licking the pre-cum from my dick after which we dressed. As Linda had come to my room she had only her skirt and sweater to wear leaving her tits free to bounce and sway nicely and her newly shaved cunt free to enjoy the morning breezes. I put on a pair of white shorts which were light enough to make out my half erect cock thru and a tee shirt. I called Pete and Mary to make sure they were ready for breakfast. I talked to Pete who told me they would be ready in 10 minutes as Mary was just finishing sucking him off and from the sound of his voice as he came I could tell Mary was drinking down a huge load of sperm. This excited me and I told Linda that I would like to get the four of us together for some hot coupling so we could watch as our spouses fucked. Linda liked my suggestion and said she wanted me to fuck her while she was eating Mary's pussy and Pete was fucking Mary's mouth. The of that gave me an instant erection that lasted until we had reached the breakfast line.We met Pete and Mary walking up to breakfast and they like us were holding hands and looking like they had the time of their lives. At breakfast I related some of the details of Linda and my evening and early morning lust and between listening to some of the goings on that Mary and Pete had to tell about I managed to suggest a foursome. Both agreed eagerly and Linda slipped her hand under the table stroking Mary's leg, Mary reached down and grabbed Linda's hand and pulled it up pressing it into her twat signaling her approval of Linda's advance. My last fear removed my mind raced with anticipation of what the four of us would be doing to each other later.We all decided we needed no recharge our batteries before our foursome and decided to spend some time sunning on the nude beach before we got together for some heavy duty fucking and sucking. We returned to our rooms this time with our spouses to change for the beach and Mary filled me in on Pete and her activities. All in all they had fucked and sucked for over 3 hours between last night and this morning. Mary particularly liked the way Pete reamed her ass with his cock something which she loves me to do but sometimes can't take my full 10 inches as deep as she would like. I told her some more of Linda and my exploits and that I had shaved her pussy before we came down to breakfast. Mary indicated her desire to eat out Linda's cunt and asshole and hoped we would get to double team Linda when the four of us got together Mary eating Linda's cunt while I fucked her doggy style up the cunt and ass. This got me hot and I moved Mary to a position bent over a chair and spread her legs and ate her moist pussy from behind while probing her asshole with my finger. After she came once I probed her hot tight cunt with my hard cock until she came again and I filled her cunt with my hot cum. Mary then returned the favor by sucking my cock clean and restoring my hard on to its full glory. We quickly dressed for the beach and headed out to get some sun.When we got to the beach Pete and Linda were already stretched out soaking in the rays. Both were lying on their backs with their legs spread, Pete's cock was standing about at half-staff and Linda's newly shaved pussy was glistening with cunt juice and her outer lips were pulled back exposing the pink inner folds of her slit. Since the four of us were the only ones on the beach Mary and I took advantage of the situation. Striping down quickly I moved to Linda's side licking her hard erect nipples as I pushed two fingers up her hot pink cunt. Mary watched as I began to rub my thumb into Linda's clit making her moan with pleasure. Pete looked over and smiled at the site of his wife getting finger fucked as Mary needing no invitation when to his side and started to deep throat Pete's now fully erect cock. As I moved down Linda in order to tongue fuck her hot cunt I could see Pete's stiff cock sliding fully down Mary's hot throat. I sucked and licked Linda's stiff clit while reaming her hot tight slit with two fingers as I probed her asshole with the fingers of my other hand. Looking up I noticed that Pete had moved Mary's ass around and was now finger fucking both her hot holes. Just then I felt the warm sensation of Linda's mouth surround my hard cock, taking it deep into her throat she began to pump my raging dick deep into her throat. Looking around to see how Mary was doing I saw Pete arch his back as he began to pump his load deep into Mary's mouth and throat. Mary kept her mouth firmly planted on his dick Mary took his full load into her mouth and throat. Pete now satisfied leaned off the lounge sucking and fingering Mary's quivering cunt. Mary was ready to cum now and as she did her mouth opened allowing some of Pete's load to drip out onto his leg. This got me so hot I shot a big load down Linda's tight throat just as she came to a moaning climax. Resting for a second Linda reached over to Mary and gave her a deep kiss exchanging Pete's and my sperm in the process.As the morning progressed we basked in the warm sun each with our own thoughts as to how we would like our later foursome to proceed. By about 10:30 we were all hot and sweaty from sitting in the sun and decided to go for a swim as we ambled down to the water to cool off Nancy and Sam approached us and asked if they could join us on the nude beach. Although the meeting was a bit awkward us naked with half hard cocks which Nancy kept stealing furtive glances at, and the girls with hard nipples and their well-trimmed pussies which attracted Sam's attention, I told them they were more than welcome to join us after we had had our swim. I could see that Nancy was obviously getting turned on as her nipples were almost as hard as Sam's cock, and didn't want to miss seeing them strip down while we watched.We left Nancy and Sam to collect their things and join us on the nude beach and proceeded into the water. After the initial getting wet things really started to roll with the Mary and Linda who were showing real lust for each other. Pete and I sandwiched them between us and as they squeezed each other's tits and finger fucked each other Pete planted his hard prick up Mary's hot tight asshole while I rammed my full 10" up Linda's tight puckered anus. The girls were consumed with lust for each other and it didn't take long for them to cum with Pete and I shooting our hot loads up their tight assholes. After a bit of splashing around I suggested we return to the nude beach and have some fun watching Nancy and Sam strip down and enjoy the sun.After we had dried off and settled into our lounges to sun Nancy and Sam arrived. I could see that they were both a bit apprehensive but none the less turned on at the prospect of sunning in the buff and I suspected they had other ideas as well. They pulled up two chaise lounges and arranged their things. Sam wasted no time and pulled off his T-shirt and trunks exposing a fat 9" cock which was fully erect already. Mary and Linda eyed his hard cock with open lust as Sam took up a position opposite them on his lounge with his legs drawn up and his cock standing up proudly. Now it was Nancy's turn to show us what she was hiding under her skimpy bikini. Moving slowly but deftly Nancy released her top and pulled it off her full firm tits. Nancy had a fantastic set of tits with hard erect pink nipples which jutted up from those firm full mounds. I unconsciously pulled on the head of my now hardening cock as Nancy reached down and removed her bikini bottom showing us her lush pussy covered with a thick blond bush. Bending over slowly to tuck her and Sam's suits into their beach bag Nancy gave us all a great view of her pink rimmed asshole and firm ass cheeks. Nancy moved to her lounge and took up a position with her legs spread and fully drawn up exposing the pink inner folds of her twat. By the amount of cunt juice showing I could tell Nancy was fully aroused and ready for anything. Nancy gazed fondly at my now fully erect cock and asked how big it was just as I was about to reply Linda broke in and told Nancy it was a full ten and was never tiring. Mary smiled and asked if Nancy if they were into swinging too. Nancy said she and Sam had discussed it often but as yet had never taken the plunge. Mary and Linda told her that they liked to swing and that She and Sam ought to try it with the four of us. By the look on Sam's face I could tell he wasn't about to complain. Pete chimed in that we were about to embark on a foursome right after lunch and that they were invited if the liked to try. Nancy began to twist the nipple of her left tit and moved her hand down to her cunt slipping two fingers up her wet hole, she looked at Sam and said lets join them. I knew now this was going to be a hot afternoon. Sam readily agreed but said they couldn't this afternoon as he was going out diving and had already paid for the charter. Not wanting this opportunity to be missed I suggested that he and Nancy join us that evening and we could get it on after dinner and the show Sam said that would be great and the orgy was set. Mary and Linda advised Sam and Nancy on the necessity for sun protection on the nude beach and we four watched intently as Nancy greased Sam's cock and balls with lotion bringing him to climax in her hand and then licking down his sticky load. Sam repeated the procedure on Nancy rubbing her slick cunt with sun block and reaming her anus with well lubed fingers until she too came flooding his hands with her slick juices.We all relaxed a while and waited for lunchtime. As we dressed to go to lunch Nancy, Mary and Linda were discussing something in a low voice but I suspected it was about the coming evening or about what Mary and Linda had planned for our foursome. After a rather uneventful but tasty lunch we all parted leaving for our rooms to prepare for the afternoon Linda Pete Mary and I for our foursome and I thought Nancy and Sam to get ready to go diving. As we walked away Mary asked me if it would be a problem if Nancy joined us to make our foursome a five-some. With a delighted look I told her of course not but wasn't she going diving with Sam? Mary told me that only Sam was going diving but not to tell him until later that evening after we all got together and had been fucking a while. I told Mary I now understood what the three of them were whispering about earlier and Mary's eyes just twinkled at the prospect.Since Mary and I had the largest room and a king size bed we were to host the afternoon orgy and were to call Pete and Linda after Nancy called us letting us know that Sam had left for dive trip. While we waited Mary and I got in a great session ourselves. Mary started it off by sucking my cock until it was fully erect when I was moaning for release, she then mounted me forcing my prick up her tight cunt setting up a steady rhythm Mary had me moaning in ecstasy in no time. I asked Mary to reverse her position so I could probe her hot asshole while she fucked me with her cunt. Mary was more than pleased with my request and settled back down forcing my staining cock deep up her hot pussy. I licked two fingers and forced them both up Mary's throbbing asshole as she rammed my cock in and out of her hot cunt. After Mary came to a crushing climax I laid her out and pumped my cock deep into her throat until I shot a full load deep in her throat.In short order the Nancy called to tell us that Sam had left for his diving excursion and the orgy could commence any time. I told Nancy to come right over and proceeded to call Linda and Pete to have them join us Linda answered and was having a problem speaking because Pete was eating her cunt she managed to say they would be right over as soon as they had finished. Almost before I could hang up Nancy's knock was heard at the door. Mary who had slipped on a skirt and blouse with nothing underneath went to answer the door as I scrambled for my pants. I could tell Nancy was highly aroused as she and Mary exchanged a lingering kiss and fondled each other's tits and cunts. I kidded the girls telling them they would have to wait until Pete and Linda arrived for the orgy to start. Nancy pulled up Mary's skirt and asked her how she managed to shave her pussy so nice, Mary replied that I did her pussy trimming and asked if she would like me to shave her cunt? Nancy was very pleased and asked me if I would shave her now so she could show off her cunt properly for our orgy. I readily agreed and asked Mary to get the razor and shaving cream. I then moved Nancy to the chair pulling her skirt up to her waist exposing her wet pussy. Mary returned with the razor and shaving cream and assisted by covering Nancy's cunt with saving cream Mary then stood back and rubbed Nancy's firm tits while I shaved her cunt and rubbed in some oil. Grabbing a the hand mirror I held it up so Nancy could inspect her newly shaved pussy. Nancy loved it and as she admired my work I pushed my well-oiled fingers up her throbbing cunt and tight anus this pushed Nancy over the edge and she began to cum moaning and wiggling on my fingers as Mary pinched and twisted her nipples through her thin blouse.Just as Nancy was recovering her wits a second knock told us that Pete and Linda had arrived. I went to the door and welcomed them to our party. After some small talk and gentle rubbing and fondling we decided that Pete and I would strip each girl one by one and then the girls would have the same pleasure with each of us. Since Nancy was the newest member of the party she would be first. Pete and I lead Nancy to the end of the bed and Mary and Linda got on the bed to watch the fun. Pete began to rub Nancy's firm tits while I undid her skirt and lowered it revealing her lush pussy. Pete removed her blouse and began to suck her hard nipples. I moved to a kneeling position spread her pink pussy lips and started licking her clit as I inserted my fingers up her cunt and asshole. By this time Nancy was well on her way to an orgasm and she spread her legs allowing me to probe her pussy and ass deeper. As I pumped her holes and sucked on her erect clit Pete squeezed her tits while sucking her nipples in no time Nancy was cumming and moaning wetting my entire face with her sweet juices. Mary was next and moved to the end of the bed. I began by unbuttoning her blouse while Pete pulled off her skirt and knelt down spreading Mary's legs and burying his mouth and tongue in her cunt. I began to suck on Mary's tits while I caressed her ass pushing a finger into her anus. Pete stuck two fingers up Mary's hot wet pussy and finger fucked her while he sucked and nibbled her to an explosive orgasm. Mary then switched places with Linda and I noticed that Nancy was frigging herself and I told her to do that to Mary while Pete and I stripped Linda. Mary smiled and took Nancy's hand putting it on her own sopping slit as she slipped two fingers up Nancy's pouting cunt. Pete removed Linda's sweater as I pulled off her skirt and spread her legs pulling back her pink cunt lips and slipping two fingers up her sopping twat. Pete began sucking and licking his wife's tits while I ate her hot cunt tonguing her stiff hard clit as I reamed her pussy with my fingers. Pete pushed two of his fingers still slick with Mary's juices up Linda's tight hot asshole. This combined action was too much for Linda to hold back and she climaxed hard replete with swearing and moaning.Looking up I noticed that Mary and Nancy had brought each other off too and were now sitting back with their legs spread and each other's fingers still fully inserted in up their wet pink pussies. Now it was Pete's turn to get naked the girls worked quickly pulling down his pants and allowing his rock hard cock to spring to attention. Nancy took his cock down her throat as Linda began to suck his balls and Mary stared to lick and finger his asshole. All this attention made Pete shoot his load early and the girls all joined in drinking down his sticky cum and cleaning his cock and balls with their tongues. Pete lay back on the bed and it was now my turn to get stripped. Linda pulled my pants down as Mary rubbed her full erect tits against my chest as she pulled off my shirt. Nancy was already pulling my rock hard 10" into her mouth, as she closed her lips over the head I felt Linda's hands spread my ass and her tongue enter my throbbing anus. Mary had joined in taking both of my balls in her mouth and setting up a gentle sucking action as Nancy proceeded to swallow the rest of my hard cock. Nancy then began a deep sucking action pulling back about half way and then ramming my prick deep into her tight throat. This combined action took its toll on me and I started to shoot my load down Nancy's throat. After my first shot Nancy pulled off my cock and directed my second and third spurts into Linda and Mary's mouths and the rest on their tits.As agreed each of us would take a turn being the center of attention with the others doing everything in their power to pleasure the one in the center. Nancy was first and she lay back in the middle of the bed and asked me to fuck her cunt with my big cock. I move in between her legs as Linda and Mary pulled her legs back and opened her pussy. Linda grabbed my hard cock and guided me into Nancy's open pussy. Once I was fully up her cunt and pounding her hot slit with long deep strokes Nancy asked Mary to mount her face so she could eat Mary's cunt and lick her clit and told Pete to get behind Mary and fuck Mary's pussy while she was eating it. Nancy had Linda get behind Pete and tongue fuck his anus while she massaged his balls. She told Pete he was to pull out of Mary's cunt and shoot his load down her throat when he came. She then reached back with one hand ramming three fingers up Linda's exposed pussy and massaged Mary's tits and nipples with the other as I and Pete began to set up a steady rhythm and Nancy began sucking Mary's clit as Pete's throbbing cock rammed in and out of Mary. Mary was the first one to cum from the combined licking and fucking she was getting, Mary drenched Nancy's face with her juices just as Pete began to shoot his load. Pulling out of Mary's cunt Linda grabbed her husband's raging cock and forced it into Nancy's mouth. Nancy milked all the cum out of Pete's cock with long sucking strokes. I was nearing orgasm and slipped my hand under Nancy's ass ramming my finger into her hot asshole just as both she and I began to cum, I filled her cunt with my sperm and rubbed my cock back and forth over her stiff clit. As Linda had yet to reach orgasm Nancy directed her to place her cunt on her face and had me fuck her doggy style until Linda came and flooded her face with her sweet juice. Meanwhile Mary had moved down and began to lick my cum out of Nancy's pussy as Pete fucked his wife's mouth.Mary was next to take the center spot she chose to get double fucked by Pete and I, climbing onto my stiff cock and ramming her pussy down until my cock was fully stuffed up her hot cunt. Pete knelt behind her and crammed his prick fully up Mary's hot tight anus setting up a furious pace of pumping. Mary then directed Linda to sit on my face and I started licking her cunt as I finger fucked her anus. Mary told Nancy to bring her cunt over so my wife could eat her sweet slit. In no time Mary was racked in orgasm as Pete and I shot gallons of hot cum up her stretched pussy and asshole. Mary moved to a position on her side telling the other girls to suck our cum out of her cunt and anus, as they licked her holes Pete rammed his cock up his wife's anus as I probed Nancy's hot tight asshole ramming my full length in and out of Nancy's tight back door until she came and collapsed on the bed as I filled her asshole with a hot load of my sperm. Mary and Linda pulled her ass cheeks apart and started to suck my cum from her juicy ass. Pete moved to Nancy's mouth forcing his still erect prick down her throat as I pumped my cock up Linda's well lubed asshole and pounded my fingers in and out of Mary's sweet slick holes managing to shoot another load of sperm up Linda's tight anus.We all needed a minute of rest after our session with Mary as everyone had already cum multiple times and we were all soaked in sweat. Linda was next and I could hear the wheels turning as she invented the script we would play to please her. Finally Linda's lust could not be put off any longer and she began directing her starring role. True to her words earlier that morning Linda got up on all fours and told me to cram my 10" cock up her sopping cunt which I did willingly filling her tight pussy until I was balls deep in her clutching slit. While I was reaming her throbbing pussy Linda pulled Mary's still cum ladened snatch to her mouth while she rammed two fingers up Mary's cunt and another two up her cum stained asshole. Meanwhile Linda told Pete to ram his cock down Mary's throat until only his balls were exposed and he began to pull and squeeze Mary's nipples as he pounded his cock in and out of her crimson lips. Linda had Nancy crawl beneath her and lick her clit and squeeze her tits pulling and pinching her erect nipples as I pounded in and out of her tight cunt hole. Spreading Nancy's legs Linda rammed the fingers of her free hand up Nancy's cunt and cum filled anus. Taking my cue from Linda's actions I licked two fingers and pushed them up her cum filled asshole probing her ass with alternating thrusts to my now raging prick. Linda began to cum hard setting off a geyser of sperm from Pete's cock which my wife gladly swallowed in big gulps as she forced two fingers up Pete's throbbing anus. Mary began to climax covering Linda's face with her sweet cunt juice which Linda gladly licked up as quickly as possible. Sensing Linda needed more I pulled out of her twitching cunt and pushed my throbbing meat up her tight anus. Nancy who was now moaning in orgasm filled the void I left behind by ramming three fingers up Linda's cunt just as Linda switched her oral attentions to Nancy's sopping pussy licking up all of Nancy's sweet juice. This was all I could take and I began to fill Linda's anus with another load of cum, Looking up I could see Pete being jerked off by my wife shoot another load of his sticky cream all over Mary's tits and belly. Linda was satisfied as she crawled up onto Mary to lick her husband's cum from her tits and belly. Nancy showing she still had some life left pulled Linda's legs apart and continue the action by tongue fucking Linda's anus sucking out the cream I had just deposited up that delicious ass. I did the same to Nancy's asshole lacking a sufficient erection to do much more. Pete was in a similar condition and had all to do to roll Mary to her side and tongue her back door.After a short rest the tables were turned and Pete got his chance to be the center of attention. Pete began slowly having Nancy and Mary suck his cock to restore its hardness. Both ladies sucked and licked his dick until it was again standing proudly ready to be rammed into their sweet holes. As they were working their magic on Pete's dick Pete had me fuck his wife Linda's cum filled cunt while she alternately ate and fingered Mary and Nancy's cunts and assholes. I was having quite a good time pounding my cock up Linda's cunt while I watched as she ravaged Nancy's and Mary's twats and assholes with her mouth, tongue and fingers. Pete instructed Nancy to sit on his now fully erect cock. Nancy squatted above him positioning herself for a massive thrust as Mary held Pete's dick poised for the attack and his wife Linda spread Nancy's cunt lips opening her hot cunt to the attack as she rammed two fingers up Nancy's asshole. With one quick plunge Nancy forced Pete's throbbing meat up her open pussy and began a slow up and down thrusting which rammed Pete's cock deep into her cum ladened snatch with each stroke. Having taken care of Nancy's immediate needs Pete directed his wife Linda to come around and sit on his face, Linda squatted directly over his face and Pete began to probe her hot box with his tongue as he fingered he well lubed asshole with two fingers. Pete asked me to come forward and pound my cock up Linda's cunt and asshole as he ate her twitching cunt and licked and sucked her stiff clit. I took up a position behind Linda and re-insert my big cock up her sweet slit giving Pete a good look at his wife's cunt being reamed by my big dick. Pete then had Mary stand between Linda and Nancy and had Linda eat and finger fuck Mary's asshole while Nancy rammed three fingers up Mary's cunt as she licked and sucked her clit. Pete could hardly contain himself and I was on the brink of cumming when Nancy screamed out with her climax. This took me over the top and I started to pump a huge load of cum up Linda's quivering snatch. Pete too began to pump his load of sperm up Nancy's twat as Linda began bucking and moaning in orgasm. Moving quickly I pulled out of Linda's cunt and spreading her ass cheeks rammed my still throbbing cock deep into her anus making her cry out and complete her orgasm as she sank down on Pete's face filling his mouth with the combination of her cunt juice and my sperm. Mary had yet to cum so Pete had her sit on his face replacing Linda and began to tongue fuck Mary's pussy while he had Linda continue her assault on my wife's tight anus. Nancy was resting on Pete's chest and rubbing Mary's pussy and clit as Pete worked to bring Mary to climax. Being left out of the action and seeing Nancy lying on Pete with his now half hard cock still clutched in her cum wet cunt I took the liberty of spreading Nancy's firm ass cheeks and began to finger and tongue her hot anus. This action revived her somewhat and I move up on her placing the head of my hard cock at the opening of her asshole. Pete must have realized what I was up to and started stoking his cock up her pussy with renewed vigor. I spread her ass wide and slowly pumped the entire ten inches of my cock up her pulsing asshole. I could feel Pete's cock sliding in and out of her packed pussy as I pumped my cock up her ass making sure to go balls deep on each thrust. Just as Mary began to climax both Pete and I shot our hot loads up Nancy's cunt and anus completing this scene with a loud moan.At Last my turn was at hand I could not wait long for my pleasure and told Pete and the girls take a short rest and then we would start. While we rested I tried to think of how to top the fucking and sucking we had already witnessed. Once everyone had regained some of their strength I directed Nancy to the armchair and had her kneel on the arms exposing her sweet cunt and anus to us all. I told Pete to move to her face and had him jam his cock balls deep in her tight throat.Pete set up a slow stroking rhythm which forced his cock deep into Nancy's throat on each thrust. I had Mary lie beneath Nancy's slippery slit and suck on her erect clit while I reamed my cock up Nancy's cunt with long slow strokes. I had Linda get between my wife's hot thighs and eat her cunt while pounding her fingers up Mary's asshole. Mary meanwhile had slipped her fingers up my asshole and was reaming me to the same rhythm I was fucking Nancy's pussy. I heard Nancy moan just as Pete and I began to cum filling her throat and cunt with our cream and by the way she was bucking I could tell she had cum too. I directed Mary and Linda to switch places and had Pete move behind Mary so he could pound his cock up her ready cunt and ass. Linda began to suck and finger Nancy's cunt as I eased my 10" cock up Nancy's asshole. Pete meanwhile had his cock rammed up Mary's cunt and was pounding her with long slow strokes. Linda was deep into sucking and finger fucking Nancy's swollen pussy as Mary sucked her clit and finger fucked her hot cunt and asshole. This scene was repeated with each girl taking the position on the chair and Pete and I alternating up their cunts and assholes until we could continue no longer.I thought nothing would be able to top this session but as it turned out I was wrong later that evening things really got wild. As we were all totally fucked out I suggested we return to the beach and rest in the sun until Sam returned from his dive trip. Adjourning to the beach our lusty five-some stripped down and languished in the sun resting our tired organs for the evening festivities. Nancy, Mary, Linda and I did get in one small dilatation during a short swim. I managed to fuck Nancy's asshole while Mary and Linda sucked her tits and fingered her cunt but the rest of the trip will be in the next story.END
Lucy was fed up. Married with two kids she struggled to be a mother, wife and breadwinner for the family. Her husband Russ was about as much use at home as a chocolate fireguard. He was lazy and self centred and cared nothing for her feelings.Since she had had their first child sex had become boring and predictable. He had rolled on, done his piece and rolled off again about once a week leaving her totally frustrated. Somehow she had fallen pregnant again and after their second child was born sex became virtually non-existent.Then Jason walked into her life.Jason was twenty five with an average build but had a very large appendage. This had caused him many problems during his teenage years with girls. He was quite good looking and attracted many young girls but as soon as they found out the size of him they had dropped him like a ton of hot coals. One or two had tried him out but had found the discomfort of his huge member inside them was too much to take.Then he had discovered mature married women. It had happened when one of his ex girlfriends had confided in her mother. This woman had then targeted him. Seducing him and teaching him the delights and skills of satisfying a woman, introducing him to a few of her friends for additional lessons. Eventually he had built up a well rehearsed method of seducing married women.Lucy was sat in the meeting when Jason and his colleague walked in. Jason immediately noticed her and took up the vacant seat next to her. The meeting started and Jason moved around so that his lap was in plain view of Lucy below the table line. Lucy was glancing around the room at each person there and eventually glanced at Jason who smiled.This was such a sweet smile that Lucy felt an immediate attraction. She smiled back and then tried to concentrate on the matters at hand. Eventually she glanced at Jason again and seeing that he was engrossed in the meeting she to a quick look at his trouser front.She almost gasped out loud when she noticed the bulge. His trousers had tightened when he sat down clearly outlining his lunchbox.For the rest of the meeting Lucy kept on taking glances at Jason when she thought he was not looking. Eventually the meeting broke up and everyone handed out their cards.Lucy thought no more about this until two days later Jason phoned her."I shall be in your area tomorrow, would you like to go out for a bite to eat at lunchtime," he said."That would be nice," she replied "I’ll meet you outside your office at one." He said.Over the next couple of weeks Jason used his tried and trusted routine on Lucy. At each meeting he quietly listened to all she had to say, empathising with her problems, agreeing with her ideas and gently coaxing her life story out of her. He started to surreptitiously touch her. A gentle tough on her arm whist guiding her to a table, a quick brush on her upper back, a fleeting touch on her lower back, a gentle squeeze of her hand each of these sending a surge of electricity through the now extremely vulnerable Lucy.Eventually he made his move. He had booked a quiet booth in an expensive restaurant that he new. He had guided her to the booth and instead of sitting opposite as he had in the past he sat alongside her. They ate in almost silence both feeling the electricity building between them. At the end of the meal he had placed his hand on hers. She did not move away and so he moved towards her and gently planted a kiss on her lips. She pulled away and looked him in the eyes. "I’m a married woman Jason. This would be wrong," she said."Lucy, you're a beautiful lady. I'm sorry if I have offended you but I just had to kiss you. I'm falling for you in a big way. Maybe we should stop seeing each other or the temptation will be too much for me."Lucy was shocked but surprised herself when she replied, "I don’t think I could stop seeing you. If I didn’t have you to talk to I don’t know what I would do. I think I would go insane."Then they kissed passionately for the first time. Lucy’s hand accidentally dropped to Jason’s lap. She could feel the bulge of his lunchbox. She could tell he wasn’t hard but had never felt any man as large as that before. She shuddered and quickly removed her hand. Jason now knew that she was hooked."Do you fancy a day out?" he said. "Just me and you in the country somewhere.""Yes that would be nice," croaked Lucy trying to talk with a lump in her throat. "Let’s meet next Tuesday, I will pick you up at the station and we will drive somewhere nice."Lucy nodded.On returning to work Lucy booked the day as holiday and just in case phoned her husband telling him she would be away all night that night . She had a few days to think about what she was doing and risking and was sure that she would decline the offer later in the day. The more she thought about it the more she was inclined not to go.Jason left her alone for the rest of the week. If she turned up he wanted to know that she was there to see him and not because he had pestered her.Tuesday came and Jason waited in his car at the station. Lucy drove into the car-park and parked in the nearest space to him. She walked over to the car all the time expecting to tell him that she was not going to go but when she reached him she just opened the door and got in. She leaned across to him and kissed him full on the lips. "Let’s go," she said, and they drove off.They drove in silence for about twenty miles before Jason turned into the driveway of a country hotel."I thought we would have some breakfast so I booked a table here. Is that alright?""Lovely," replied Lucy. "This looks like a nice place."They sat at the table and ate a Continental Breakfast each. Jason then held Lucy’s hand and said, "I hope you don’t mind but I have taken the liberty to book a room here today so that we can have some privacy. I hope that you don’t think it too forward of me."It was make or break. Lucy now had to decide. She looked at Jason who moved her hand to his lap. She could feel his bulge under the back of her hand. She tried to think logically but could only see Jason leaning over her in her mind. Jason signed the chitty and then led Lucy by the hand to the lift. At the door to the room he pulled her to him and kissed her gently. He moved his hands down to the small of her back and pulled he onto him. She could feel his member against her pubic bone and at this stage he fully expected her cut and run. She kissed him back and started to grind her hips into him. He slid the plastic key into the lock and pushed open the door. He lifted her off her feet and walked her still kissing into the room kicking the door closed behind him.When she looked round she realized that he had booked the bridal suite. There was a large leather sofa and two leather chairs at one end of the room, and at the other there was a huge four poster bed. The bathroom door was open and she could see a large hot tub steaming away."This must have cost you a fortune," she said."You, my darling, are worth every penny," he replied and kissed her again.They sat down on the sofa."I have never been unfaithful to my husband before," said Lucy "If you don’t want to Lucy, I can always wait for another time."She leaned forward and kissed him again. Passionately they collapsed onto the sofa. Jason was gentle. He stroked her back, up and down her arms, her face, her neck, her ears, her mouth each touch sending her deeper into the trance that she was experiencing. He stood her up and slowly undid each button on her blouse starting at the bottom and moving up. He exposed her navel, he exposed her bra and then finally reaching the top he slipped the blouse from her shoulders and dropped it to the floor. He kissed her forehead, moving down the each eye, kissing their lids, then her nose and onto her sweet lips. Her breathing was now laboured.He continued down, kissing her chin and then her neck slowly moving to her cleavage. He kissed the mound of each breast licking along the top of her bra and then moved below down her stomach to her navel. Lucy’s eyes were closed as she felt the pleasure he was giving her. She stroked his hair as his head moved lower and lower until his tongue was moving over her belly at the top of her skirt.She reached behind her and unhooked her bra, dropping it on Jason’s head letting him know what was now available. She reached lower and unhooked her skirt, deftly unzipping and in one fluid motion letting it drop to the floor and stepping out of it.His head moved higher and he kissed and licked up her torso until her reached her ample mounds. He leant back and started at her breasts. Her aureoles were dark against the white of her skin, her nipples protruding showing her excitement level. He lifted a breast with his hand and took the nipple into his mouth. Gently he suckled, massaging the other breast, rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He carried on this gentle assault swapping between each breast alternatively suckling and massaging until Lucy’s eyes were glazed with the pleasure he was giving. Little moans escaped her lips and she was squirming from the heat emanating inside her. He moved down her body again, gently kissing and licking down her stomach to her navel, then moving below to her panty line and then below, kissing her triangle through the soft silky material of her panties.He hooked his thumbs under the elastic of each panty leg and slowly rolled them down, past her knees to the floor. The scent of her womanhood excited both Jason and Lucy further and he buried his head in her pubis. Without thinking she moved her hands, one to the back of his head and one to her lips. She parted her labia allowing his tongue to do its work up and down her vaginal slit. He pushed her back onto the couch and spread her legs again burying his face into her mound. He licked and kissed up and down her slit as she fondled her clitoris, gently at first and then harder and harder until she neared her first climax.He pulled her hand away and replaced it with his tongue. Applying pressure to her bud he stroked her to orgasm with the tip of his tongue. The whimpers of pleasure escaping from her lips became louder and louder until they built into a long drawn out moan then louder and louder until she could take no more."Oh God! Oh God! Yes! Yes! Yes!" she screamed as the orgasm hit her. It had built and built from the base of her stomach until the pressure had become pain and then built higher and higher until it had reached a pleasure threshold that she had never experienced before. Her body shook as a tsunami of pleasure exploded inside her. She saw stars and then fireworks in her head as the release overtook her. Jason never moved away from her clitoris, his head was almost crushed between her legs and he found it difficult to breathe as she ground her hips against his face but his tongue carried on with the job until she was spent. Jason moved up to her and kissed her lips. He picked her up off of the sofa and carried her to the bed laying her gently down. He removed his clothes as she watched still groggy from the orgasm he had given her. He stripped to his jockey shorts and stood at her side. She reached out and touched him. He was still soft. She felt a little disappointed but as she gripped him through the material he began to grow in her hand.And did he grow! At first he started to thicken, then lengthen and then as she stroked him he popped out of the top of his jockeys. He grew and grew until his head was past his navel and half way to his sternum. His thickness was immense so much so that Lucy now needed both of her hands to cope with him. He pulled down his shorts and stood before her in all of his glory. She had had an active sex life before she had married but had never seen a man this large before. She took him in her hands once again and moved her head towards him.She licked the hole and then around the base of his helmet, she took the head into her mouth and tried to suck him in further. He was too large for her mouth so what she could fit in she sucked on with gusto. She tried to bob up and down forcing him down her throat but that was no good either. She pulled away and then started to pleasure him with her tongue. She licked all the way down his shaft to the base and then to his scrotum. His sack was enormous and dangled half way to his knees. His two balls were like a horse’s. She had horse riding lessons as a teenager and had often seen the stallions in the yard. These were amazing.She sucked his scrotum into her mouth as he moved his hand to her wetness. He inserted two fingers inside her as she sucked on his balls. Slowly he moved his hand in and out thrusting his fingers deep and then shallow building her wetness. He could wait no longer."I must have you." He whispered. He turned her towards him and pulled her so that her bottom was at the edge of the bed, her legs dangling over the side. He lifted her legs into the air and parted them moving his helmet to her sweet opening. He rubbed his head between her lips massaging her clitoris until her fluids were leaking down between her buttocks and then he positioned himself. Slowly he drove forward sliding inside her opening. His helmet entered her, stretching her in anticipation of what was to follow.She felt pain at first which soon changed to a dull ache as he pushed deeper into her. She stretched further as he pushed the first half of his monster inside her. He stopped and then looking straight into her eyes he began to thrust in and out. Her juices were flowing as he massaged her clitoris in time with his thrusts. He entered her further than she thought possible and then further still. The dull ache had turned to a feeling of pleasure and then she felt his balls against her backside. He was buried fully inside her. He slowly slid his member out until only his helmet was inside her and then staring deeply into her eyes he slid it all the way back in. She had tears in her eyes as he gentle filled her, again and again. He took slow long strokes in and out gently stroking her clitoris as he did so, bringing her to the zenith once again. As she approached her peak he pulled out of her, then turned her over and with her kneeling on the bed entered her from behind. In this position he seemed to go deeper. His balls brushed against her clitoris with each inward thrust quickly bringing her back to the heights. Again her whimpers became moans and then build into a scream of pleasure as she came for the second time. Keeping in place Jason laid her on her side and in the spoon position held her tightly as he continued his thrusts. She had never experienced more than one orgasm in a session but to her surprise and delight she found herself building to her third, then fourth and then fifth orgasm. Jason pumped in and out, in and out until he could hold back no longer. His thrusts became more urgent as Lucy built up to her fifth orgasm and as his monster grew inside her she lost control. Her internal muscles clamped around him bringing him closer and closer until his member jerked as the first spurt of semen hit the back of her inner walls. His spasms became more intense as he released wave after wave of semen inside her. She could feel the power of his ejaculate spaying her insides and as it forced its way between his pole and her pussy walls it squirted out, back onto his balls and dripped onto the bed.He held her tight as his member shrunk inside her. He kissed the back of her neck and nibbled her ear gently telling her how much he loved her and how much he had enjoyed their first coupling. His penis shrunk and even flaccid it filled her like she had never been filled before. Slowly it slid out of her and she turned to face Jason. They kissed again and Lucy moved down his body. She took his now flaccid member in her mouth and slowly and sensuously cleaned their juices from it. When she had completed her job he moved down between her legs and reciprocated. He licked the combined come from her and holding it in his mouth moved up and kissed her, depositing the mixture in her mouth. They swapped fluids between them until each taking half they swallowed."Now that was really dirty!" said Lucy. "I never thought I would ever do anything like that.""That’s just the start darling. Shall we order lunch and have a hot tub?"As they sat relaxing in the hot tub there was a knock at the door."Room Service." The waiter shouted."Come in." said Jason.Lucy reached for a towel but Jason stopped her. "Don’t cover up," he said."Please bring it in here," he said to the waiter.The waiter pushed the trolley into the bathroom and then seeing Lucy with her breasts floating on the water of the hot tub he almost collided with the sink.He left the trolley and after taking another look at Lucy’s breasts almost ran out of the room.Jason laughed and Lucy after a couple of seconds laughed with him. She had never considered herself an exhibitionist but had somehow gained a lot of pleasure out of that little show.As they sat in the tub eating their lunch Jason’s phone rang. He quickly went into the other room to answer it. Lucy sat in the tub as he returned."That was a colleague who has some important documents for me. He is dropping them off a little later. I hope you don’t mind.""Of course not," said Lucy without thinking.They finished lunch, dried themselves off and went back into the bedroom. Jason had moved between Lucy’s legs and had brought her to near orgasm again with his tongue and fingers when there was a knock on the door.He put on a robe leaving Lucy in a state of euphoria on the bed. He went to the door. Lucy could hear him talking to someone in the outer room. She closed her eyes and gently stroked her clitoris imagining Jason’s tongue swirling around her love bud.She felt Jason lay down beside her and he rolled her towards him kissing her deeply on the lips. He moved his hand to rest upon hers and gently moved it so that her fingers were at her entrance. She opened her legs and slid a finger inside. Again she closed her eyes as she slid her finger in and out. Then she inserted a second, then a third. Her other hand moved to her clitoris and as she pumped three fingers inside herself she rubbed hard on her clit. It took no time at all for her to come again and with her eyes closed she experienced her first orgasm of the afternoon.As she slowly came down Jason spoke."I would like you to meet my friend and colleague Pete.""When," said Lucy still in a daze from her orgasm."Pleased to meet you," said a voice she didn’t recognize.She looked up and saw a man of about thirty stood by the bed holding out his hand as if to shake hers."What the hell is he doing here!" Lucy shouted, shocked. She was still naked and had made no move to cover up. Suddenly she realized and quickly pulled a sheet over her."He wanted to meet you," said Jason. "Don’t get excited.""He has just watched me masturbating!" She replied "What do you mean don’t get excited!""Good wasn’t it," said Jason. "Don’t you feel excited displaying all to a stranger."Lucy wanted to reply but strangely she did feel a certain amount of excitement. Jason started to pull the sheet off her. She sat quite still and then began to tremble slightly. She could feel the warmth building between her thighs."I said that he could watch us for a while if that is alright with you darling." Said Jason as his hand moved to her breast. Gently he massaged her nipple with his fingers. Lucy sat still. She couldn’t think straight. Her head was saying "no" but her body was responding "yes". Jason leant across and kissed her and slowly pushed her back onto the bed. His mouth moved down her body to her breasts and then down her stomach to her womanhood. His tongue worked its magic on her triangle probing deep inside her and then along her slit applying a sensual pressure to her bud. Knowing they were being watched seemed to excite her more and she relaxed back into the bed thrusting her hips up into Jason’s face.Jason moved up between her legs and placing his pole at her entrance slowly moved inside. Her wetness and their previous lovemaking made it easier for him and before long he was embedded deep inside her. She turned her head and saw Pete sat on the bedside chair watching intently. Jason was slowly thrusting in and out and Lucy suddenly realized that having Pete there intensified the pleasure. Pete started to rub himself through his trousers. Lucy stared at his bulge as Jason continued to thrust. Suddenly she could ear another voice in the room shouting."Yes Fuck me! Fuck me! Oh God! Fuck me!" She couldn’t believe it. It was her own voice somewhere in the distance. It seemed to be coming from nowhere.Pete undid his trousers and pulled out his tool. Slowly he stroked it up and down as he watched Jason thrusting deeply into Lucy."Yes Pete! Show me your cock! Bring it over here! Show me your cock you bastard!" Lucy shouted. Jason smiled as he continued to fill Lucy. Pete moved closer to the bed. Lucy reached out and took him in her hand.As she gripped him, without warning, her body seemed to explode. She shook from her toes to her head as the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced hit her like a sledgehammer. Jason continued his thrusts intensifying it further. Lucy could not think and Pete moved his cock to her lips.Jason whispered in her ear, "Suck him."Lucy opened her mouth and took what she could inside her. Pete climbed onto the bed and Jason pulled out of Lucy. He turned her over and positioning her between Pete’s legs so that her head was above his manhood he entered her again from behind. Pete pulled Lucy’s head down until his tool was deep inside her mouth. She bobbed up and down in time with Jason’s thrusts, sucking Pete deep and hard. Again she came and almost choked as, in her excitement, she forced herself too far down Pete’s shaft. Her orgasms were almost continuous now, one after another with no apparent gap in between.Pete’s cock started to swell in her mouth and he squirmed as he pumped his first load deep down Lucy’s throat. Lucy sucked on him greedily, swallowing all she could as squirt after squirt filled her mouth. Jason’s thrusts were becoming more urgent as he built to his climax. His pole seemed to expand to twice its size inside her as his sperm reached its base and then with a grunt and a snort he came. There seemed to be twice as much as in the morning, it filled her completely it spilled out onto the bed leaving a large puddle of white cream in its centre. Pete had moved off the bed and Lucy had her eyes closed again as another orgasm racked her body. This time Jason pulled out of her immediately and before she realised what was happening she felt hands on her hips. Then she felt Pete enter her."Yes Fuck me! Fuck Me Pete!" she heard that voice in her head again. "Fuck me hard you fucking pervert! Take me! Fuck me!"Despite having just come in her mouth Pete could not control himself and with Lucy screaming obscenities in front of him and Jason sat watching him screw her he shot his load."Fill me you bastard! That’s it fill me!" Lucy screamed "You fucking lecherous pervert, come inside me! Fill me up!"Pete Collapsed on Lucy’s back and Lucy collapsed onto the bed. The three of them lay there in a tangle for a few minutes. Lucy could not believe what she had just done. What she had just become. She had never cursed like that before. She turned onto her back and Pete moved between her legs. He went down on her and started to lick the combined juices from the three of them from deep inside her. She held his head in place as Jason leaned over and kissed her. Pete pulled up and moved up her body. He positioned his mouth above hers and let a stream of the mixed juices drop into her mouth. Jason leaned across and kissed her again. She transferred some of the mixture into his mouth and then the three of them looked at each other and swallowed.Lucy pushed Jason onto his back and moved to go down his body hoping to clean him up. To her surprise Pete was already there. His mouth stuffed with Jason's cock. "What the hell!" Lucy thought and then with a shrug she moved down onto Pete taking his now flaccid cock in her mouth and cleaning all of the juices from it.They all moved up the bed and with Lucy in the middle facing Jason and Pete behind her they lay naked and warm. It was still early.Suddenly Jason stood up. He pulled Lucy to the edge of the bed so that her head hung backwards and her mouth stayed open. He stood above her and started to massage his cock until it again grew to its full size. She lay on the bed staring at this monster not six inches from her face. Pete moved off the bed and knelt beside Jason. Taking Jason’s cock in both hands he took over. He worked his hands up and down Jason’s shaft rubbing whilst Jason leant forward and massaged Lucy’s breasts. Lucy was intrigued at the way Pete masturbated Jason, watching intently as Jason built to a crescendo. Jason suddenly grabbed his pole and pointed it towards Lucy’s face. He came in torrents again and pumped his cream into Lucy’s mouth, over her face coating her hair.Pete moved to Lucy and licked all of the come from her face and body swallowing as he did so. Lucy swallowed what had been deposited in her mouth. She lay there wondering if there were any more surprises in store for her.To be continued?
FIRST NIGHT This is a true story. That stated, I must make some clarifications. All scene witnessed by me are exactly as they happened. Those not witnessed are as they were described to me in concert by the three main participants; so I believe them. However, because so much time has passed since the events, the dialog is not exact but is as close as I can remember. I am sure it correctly corresponds to the meaning and intent at the time it all happened.Next, I must add that I can not explain the events from the female standpoint. I have not tried to fill the telling of these episodes with a lot of "Ohh god, I'm cumming... Arrggghhhh!" My wife was always an easy cum and was capable of climaxing over and over again with very little recuperative time between reaching her peaks. Her eyes would roll, her speech would become incoherent, and her body would spasm; then a few minutes later she would be off again!This true tale was originally published in The Kristen's Archives in Directory 33 and titled The Willing Degradation of Ellen. I was never satisfied with the telling of these events for something seemed to be lacking. This past week, I read Life Of An Army Wife, The - by Vulgus in Directory 54 and realized the author had captured what my tale was lacking. I just neither seem to understand nor express what a woman may be thinking or feeling. This author expressed what I believe was lacking in my relating of these true events. Of course, I can't say with any certainty at all if the female musings in Vulgas' story relate to my wife or not, but this week I started thinking it probably does a better job of telling her possible feelings than was done by my frequently saying I was shocked by her behavior. These events I am about to detail occurred over a period of around 18 months during 1982 and 1983. Since there is little chance anyone will be able to identify the participants, I will use our actual names to make the writing easier for me. The only change I will make here is to differentiate myself and another of the males since we both have the same first name - Charles and our separate friends knew us as Charlie. I'll go by Charles and will call him Chuck.Now for a brief introduction of my wife Ellen. At this time, she was 38 years old, 104 lbs. with measurements of 34C-24-34 compactly arranged on a 5'1" frame. Her breasts were quite large on her tiny frame and had a sag to them after child bearing, which I found very erotic to the eye. She is of Italian descent with long black hair. Ellen was raised Catholic and attended Catholic schools through college. A tigress in the bedroom, in public she appeared every inch the conservative high school librarian she was.In my case, I was a research chemist for a national pharmaceutical company. I stand 5'9" in height, with an amateur weight lifter's body, weighed 155 lbs. and sport a 7 1/2" cock which I have been told is rather thick for its size.The 3rd principal member of this story was named Tommy. He may have been around 5'7" tall and had an average sized cock which I would estimate to have been about 6" in length and nothing outstanding as to girth.Ellen and I were both virgins when we married, but in our case ignorance was a good thing for we quickly learned to have fanDAMNtastic sex and we found it difficult to keep our hands off each other. As time passed, we tried many different things to keep our sex lure for each other at a fever pitch. One of the gimmicks we used was for one of us to eat the other while the one on the receiving end read sex material to the giver. Of course, PENTHOUSE LETTERS was often the source we used for our added stimulation. 'Sex with others' letters were the ones that seemed to stimulate both of us the most.There came a time when we decided to try our hands at swinging. We both enjoyed it initially, but I seemed to get more pleasure from watching her in action. It soon became evident to me that I was bringing filet mignon to the parties while others brought hamburger. At every gathering she would be surrounded by the males (and sometimes a woman or two) which would develop into a group fuck for her while I often had several of the wives for my pleasure. This was not to my liking and Ellen soon started to tire of that scene. Although the attention was flattering at first, she eventually came to feel like a slab of meat in a butcher shop.We found one other couple we would get together with every few weeks, but other than them, we dropped out of the scene. We discussed our view of the swinging scene with them and found out they felt the same way and related to us how they used MFM sessions to satisfy their needs. Thus Ellen and I tried placing and in a local adult magazine.This proved to be very satisfying to us as we were fortunate to meet several nice single guys. After a period of time, we settled down with meeting just one man. His name was Chuck. Thus I finally arrive at the start of this adventure I am about to relate. Chuck was a Black man (which held no significance in our threesomes); so you will be disappointed if you think this is about interracial sex and big Black meat pounding white pussy. If I manage to get that far in my story, there was a big Black cock, but it was not central to the story and was only incidental as far as Ellen, Chuck and I were concerned. The fourth party to the events (Tommy) did continually interject race into the scene, but it was not a prime motivator for the three of us.The fact that Chuck was Black did not enter into any aspect of our enjoyment of the relationship. Chuck was a postal worker, around 6' tall with a lean body. I guess his cock would be about 9 to 10" long when hard with a commensurate girth. We had many good fuck sessions with Chuck and always looked forward to them. It was always straight sex as far Chuck and I were concerned; eating Ellen's pussy, and having her sucking and fucking the two of us for hours. She provided us with really great sex!There came a Friday night when we were to get together at his home for another session. We called to tell him we were on our way for it was necessary for him to unlock his chain link gate and open his garage door since that was the only front entrance into his home ~ for some reason he had closed off the front door and sealed it up. When he answered the phone, he quickly told me a friend from Atlanta had just flown in for a visit. He asked if Ellen would mind accommodating him too. I asked Ellen, and she replied that since Chuck is so nice, she is sure his friend would be too. She was game to being the center of attention for three horny men. I relayed her response to Chuck and he said he would talk it over with his friend, Tommy, and call me right back.I expected him to call back in a minute or so, but about 10 minutes passed before our phone rang again. It was Chuck, "Tommy is up for it. I told him how we like to fuck until the sun comes up, and he has a special request to make of Ellen and you.""What is it?""He's always lusted after the white Catholic school girls that pass his house each morning in Atlanta and wonders if Ellen would dress like a school girl to please him?""I'll ask her. Do you want me to call back with her answer?""that won't be necessary, if she can, she can. If she can't, we'll still have a great time with her.""Ok, see you soon.""Hey don't hang up yet. I got some good weed, but no lighter or papers. Pick some up for me, will ya?""Glad to do it.""Get Kut Korners, they roll best."I relayed the dress request to Ellen, and she jumped at the idea. Fortunately she had clothes she could wear to simulate the requested look. A plaid skirt which came just above her knees, white blouse, a scarf which could look like a short neck tie, white socks that came almost to her knees, and plain flat shoes. The look was almost perfect. The only "non-Catholic school girl" aspect was she didn't wear any underwear and her large, hanging tits with dark aureoles were plainly visible in the right light. I had an almost instant hard-on looking at her.Our town has a small area where the Blacks tend to live. Chuck's house was there, about a 20 minute drive from our place. On the way, I pulled into a 7-11 on the way and was about to get out to make the requested purchases when Ellen said, "I'll get them. I want to see the reaction my outfit gets." That completely floored me for it was VERY untypical of her! My prick came to instant attention when she said that. I fortunately had a good viewing position where I had parked in front of the store. If I thought her tits were visible in the light of our home, the lights of the store made them much more visible without any eye strain. There were two young boys at the counter paying for some items when she entered and walked right up next to them. They, plus the clerk, were bug-eyed by what they saw. Ellen engaged them in some meaningless conversation which allowed them to continue to face her and scope out the sights!What should have taken just a minute or so stretched into about seven. Finally she turned, flipped the back of her skirt up exposing a quick glimpse of her naked ass to their view. Even in the car, I could hear them whistle as she did this. I couldn't believe her behavior, not that I was complaining. If she kept this mood up, we three guys were in for a night we'd long remember! Little did I know how right on the mark that thought was.When she got back in the car, she reached over and grabbed my boner through my pants. "Did you like that?""WHEW! I sure did! What was all the talking about?""Oh, I was just having some fun. When they were first all staring at me, I asked them if my costume for a party we're going to looked good to them. Of course they said yeah, never taking their eyes off my breasts. Then I asked them what school they went to. I was a little afraid they went to mine, but they are sophomores at Theodore Roosevelt.""You didn't tell them where you work, did you?""Of course not, I just asked them if all the boys over there were as good looking as they are. Then I asked if I could jump ahead of them because we were late for our party."When we arrived at Chuck's he was standing by the gate with Tommy. I drove into the garage and parked on the left side. Chuck's 900 Z-1 Kawasaki was parked in the center and his Datsun pickup was on the other side. We exited the car and waited under a bare bulb while the two guys closed and locked the gate. I could see Tommy's eyes grow wide as he viewed Ellen. he had a very appreciative look on his face. It was obvious that Chuck also liked the way she looked. Across the street, Chuck had a nosy neighbor who was watching all of us carefully. His nosiness always pissed Chuck off. As usual, he was sitting on his porch straining to see what was going on. Chuck hit the garage switch and the door slowly closed on us.Tommy was another Black man, around my size but a little heavier. I never did learn what he did for a living, but whatever it was seemed to allow him to fly out about every six weeks to have a "balls-to-the-wall " sex with us. This night started out strange with Ellen's previous "out of the usual" behavior, and it was to continue that way. As Tommy approached her, he stopped about arms-length in front of her, looked her body up and down, then suddenly reached out and roughly grabbed her nipples; pulling her tightly against himself and shoved his tongue into her mouth.I knew what such rude actions were sure to bring him! I got around the car as fast as I could, hoping I got there in time before she kneed him in the balls or punched his face!. As I rounded the car, I was surprised to see her arms wrapped about his neck as she tried to draw him even tighter into her body! Just as suddenly, he broke free from the grasp of her lips and arms, pushed her away, grabbed her left nipple with his right hand and led her into the house. Chuck and I stood there with dumb-assed looks on our faces. Neither one of us could believe Tommy had gotten away with that! If either of us had tried it, that would have been the last Chuck would ever see her and I'd be cut off for a week or more!As we went through the door into the house from the garage, there was a long, narrow hallway. At the other end was a door to the back yard. Half way down the hall there was a door on the right side which led into Chuck's pool room. As you entered that room, the pool table dominated the center of the room. A doorway to the right led to a small kitchen. Across the room were two doorways next to each other. The one on the right led to a small dining room then to a living room with a bedroom on the left beyond it and a bathroom on the right. The left doorway from the pool room led to Chuck' Fuck Room. That is where most of the action usually occurred. There were a plush couch and chair in the room. a good tape player, tasteful and romantic lighting, and a high pile, soft carpet.Before we did anything, Chuck rolled a joint and lit it up while we talked. As he was taking a good toke, he gave Ellen a white wine he had for her because she never smoked. Chuck handed the lit joint to Tommy who took a long drag and passed it to me. Once I was finished, I started to hand it back to Chuck, only to be interrupted by Ellen, "What am I chopped liver? Let me have some." She took a big drag and then coughed it out. By the time the joint had gone around again, she was able to hold it in. I saw she had a dreamy look on her face as she did this and thought "another first for the night!"Tonight we stopped in the pool room. Chuck wanted me to see a new picture he had up on his wall. All of the pictures adorning the pool room walls were of naked women. All but one of them was of Black women in various stages of undress and were taken in that room. The one he wanted me to see was the largest on the wall and the only one of a white woman in the collection - - a 12" x 18" color photograph of Ellen sitting on the pool table totally nude, her left leg dangling over the side and her right foot resting on the table in front of her. You could plainly see the pink between her labia in the picture."I know when you took this, but when and where did you get it developed and blown up?" "I showed it to Tommy yesterday after he got in. He didn't believe me when I told him how beautiful Ellen is. When he saw it he suggested we get it blown up so it would be larger than the other women on my wall. We took it over to Brown's 1-Hour store.""Do you think he made copies?"Tommy then chimed in with, "Hell he probably made copies for all of his friends when he first developed the roll! I bet there isn't a Black man in town that hasn't seen this picture."Ellen broke the tension over the picture by asking, "Will you do me a favor and leave it there? If any of your friends ask about it, just tell them I am your little fuck whore, ok?"Damn, I couldn't believe my ears. What had gotten into her this night? Was it the pot or something about the situation? To this day, I honestly don't know. She was to do things this night that we would repeat while Tommy was visiting, but NEVER when he wasn't!Then Tommy spoke up again, "If you two guys are agreed, I have a suggestion on how we get to start the evening."Both Chuck and I said something, "Let's hear it." I was a little concerned that Ellen wasn't asked for her agreement, but she didn't appear uncomfortable about it when I looked over at her."My idea is that the three of us get naked and play a game of cut-throat. The winner directs the activities for an hour, then the second place player for the next hour. If we're still up for it, the loser directs last and then we can either start all over again or shoot another game of cut-throat. While we're playing, Ellen can stay dressed, get on her knees and suck each player as it is his turn to take a shot."For the uninitiated, cut-throat is a way for three people to play at one time. You lag for the shooting order, then which balls are yours to sink depends upon who sinks what. The balls are grouped as 1 to 5, 6 to 10, and 11 to 15. Chuck and I looked over at Ellen to see her reaction. Again she amazed us by thrusting her tongue in and out of her mouth. "Just limbering up because I think I'll be sucking a lot of cock tonight!" That told us she was up for it. If we weren't assured at that time, her next actions confirmed it. She started to slowly undulate her hips as she ran her hands sensuously over her body.I went to a chair in the corner and started to undress. Chuck sidled near to me and whispered, "Let Tommy win, he sucks at pool." I nodded my assent to his suggestion.I won the lag, broke and sank a ball on the break even though my wife had my prick firmly grasped in her mouth. As luck would have it, my other four balls were easy shots. I pretended that Ellen's sucking distracted me and deliberately missed my next shot. Chuck was up next and he too flubbed his shot. Then it was Tommy's turn. I believe that this was the first time I noticed his cock. It was decidedly smaller than mine, probably about 5 1&#8260;2 to 6' long and with normal girth. That was a relief because she could manage me, but had trouble sucking Chuck's prick. Fortunately he was gentle with her and let her do the work.The game wound up with Tommy winning, me in second place, and Chuck being the loser. ***On reflection, there was something about Tommy that hit a chord in Ellen's libido. She allowed him to do things she would never take from anyone else. He played her like a fine violin. He saw in her some latent fantasies which neither Chuck nor I could ever tap when Tommy wasn't presentHis directions to start the festivities was for us guys to sit in the "Fuck Room" and have Ellen dance for our pleasure. We did as he directed. Chuck and I sat on the couch while Tommy took the single seat. Chuck rolled another joint for Tommy to smoke and one for he and I to share. Ellen started dancing to the music while Tommy kept up a constant verbalization. "Rub your tits while you're dancing.""Slap them, make your nipples stand out.""Now grab a handful of those milk jugs and squeeze them. Hard! Pinch your nipples?""Shake your ass so we know what a fucking horny cunt you are!""Take your blouse off and shake your tits in Chuck's face.""Now go to Charles' face and rub them on him. Charles, slap her tits and make them bounce!""Damn Charles, that's no way to slap a bitch's tits. Shit man, those were love taps. Come over here cunt. Keep dancing and push your tits out. Hold them still and just move your fucking ass." He slapped her breasts with his left hand hitting one and glancing off to the other. He hit them so damn hard that it looked like they were going swing around and hit her on her back. She had raised her head to get her face out of the way of his hands and he grabbed her head by the hair, took a deep toke on his joint, brought her face close to his, and shot-gunned a mouthful of smoke through her lips. When he released her hair, she raised her head, closed her eyes and sensuously released the smoke from her lungs. She had definitely enjoyed the maltreatment her breasts had received. After three vicious slaps alternately using both of his open hands, Tommy settled back in his chair and proceeded to issue further instructions. Ellen didn't straighten up, but kept her tits there in front of him. Before he could say anything more to her, she cupped her tits from underneath and held them out for him, "More!"There was pure, wanton, lust on her face. This was my prim and proper librarian wife! WOW! I had never seen her act like this!Obliging her lustful pleas he slapped her tits even harder! One - two - three - four - five hard slaps using both of his hands. I swear she had a small climax while this was happening. Chuck and I just sat there with stunned disbelief on our faces."Take your skirt and shoes off. Leave the socks on. Bend over in front of Chuck. Chuck, redden her ass cheeks. And you, cunt, keep dancing with your breasts and shoulders, just hold your ass still for him.Chuck swatted her ass about 20 times on each cheek, They were a bright red when he stopped. Tommy rose from his seat, grabbed her shoulders while placing his flaccid cock at her lips. While she sucked him into her mouth, he reached over her and felt her pussy. "This bitch is ready to be fucked. Lie on your back, slut and Chuck will fuck you."Even though Tommy was flaccid, both Chuck and I were rock hard from what we had seen! Chuck entered her as soon as she lay back on the thick carpet pile and spread her legs. As Chuck fucked her, Tommy squatted at her head and lifted it onto his lap. That gave her a good view of Chuck's turgid cock as it slowly went in and out of her cunt. From this position Tommy was also able to grasp each nipple between a thumb and forefinger. Once he had them firmly in his grasp he pulled her upwards very roughly while telling Chuck, "Don't go easy, pound the bitch's cunt! Slam her into the floor. Make her red ass chafe into the rug! HARDER! Make this white bitch howl like a dog!"I didn't like his racial references, but Chuck and Ellen didn't seem to mind; so I didn't say anything. I don't think either Ellen or I thought of Charles in terms of his color. He was just a good fuck partner who happened to be black. This night and subsequent ones were to introduce race into our relationship. It didn't seem to bother Ellen, but I was never comfortable with it.Tommy reached up to Chuck's table lamp and brought down a camera and started to take pictures.Ellen started moaning, "I'm gonna cum, it's here, ohhhhh my Goooooood!!!!"Suddenly Tommy covered her mouth and snarled, "I want to hear you howling like a bitch dog in heat! None of this fucking White woman squealing, sound like the bitch you are! Howl like a dog! DO IT!"I couldn't believe what I was hearing when she again released sounds from her throat, "Yip, yip, yip, oooooowww! YAAAOOOOOHHHHH!" and suddenly Chuck's cock was covered with her juices! His cock was awash with a foamy gleam from her pussy juices. He couldn't hold out any longer and finally grunted out his climax as he collapsed on top of her. Chuck lay there gasping for breath while Ellen was still making soft sounds, almost like a kitten rather than a dog. As he started to raise himself off her prone body, Tommy directed him, "Pull it out slowly. You'll pull your cum out that way."Sure enough, as he plopped out of her gaping cunt, a huge gob of cum came with it and slowly started to slip down between the cheeks of her ass. There was evidence of a big pool of cum just inside her pussy flaps."Charles, don't let that cum go to waste, lick it up and get her all cleaned up." I've never been gay but it seemed like a good thing to do at the time. Both Chuck and I were extremely aroused from seeing the way Ellen was acting this night. All three of us men were to engage in homosexual deeds when Tommy was present, but I never had any such inclinations at other times.This was the first cum I had ever tasted. The big blob that first ran out was still altogether just leaving a trail of slick in its path. I was easily able to scoop it up with my tongue and swish it around the tip to get the full sensation of the taste. The pool lying just inside her cunt I was able to suck up like it was through a straw. Damn I was hard! I was swishing it around in my mouth, savoring the taste when Tommy said, "Don't swallow it, stick your tongue in Chuck's mouth and let him get a taste of his cum." I don't think either of us gave a second thought to the deed, we just did it."My time isn't up yet. Chuck, you pass your cum to me now." Chuck did as requested. Once he had what was left of the cum, he pulled Ellen off his lap by her tits and then let it dribble onto his soft cock. I was amazed that there was still so much left after having been in three mouths."Hey cunt, roll over and take all of my cock in your mouth. Bury your nose in my crotch and keep if there. Just use your tongue while it's in your mouth. You two guys each pick an ass check and start to whack her in unison."The three of us did as directed. I could see some of Chuck's cum on Tommy's pubic hair with Ellen's nose buried into the slime. Once we started spanking her ass, Tommy's cock was obviously starting to grow in her mouth. After about two minutes of this, he placed both of his hands on her head balling her hair into two tight reins, thus insuring her head couldn't rise. Within seconds she started to gag. The action of her throat trying to rid itself of the intrusion was enough to cause Tommy to climax directly into her esophagus. He pulled out slowly, but no cum came with his cock. "How'd you like that, cunt?""Wow, I never experienced anything like that before. I need to feel another cock in my cunt now.""Sorry, it ain't gonna happen now. Sit down here, Charles. Put that cock of yours in the bitch's mouth. Put it all the way down and make her gag on it. Let her gag reflexes bring you off."I held her the way Tommy had and pulled her head by her hair until all 7 1&#8260;2" of my prick was buried in her mouth and could easily feel her gagging. She can deep throat me, but can't keep it there for more than 10 or 15 seconds. It was too much for me and I didn't like causing her so much discomfort; so I started to slowly move in and out of her mouth. Each upward thrust brought a gag reflex from her.This brought a response from Tommy to Chuck and me, "Don't be gentle with her mouth, fuck it like you would her cunt. Teach this white bitch how to mouth fuck! Chuck, grab her ankles and keep her legs spread." With that, Tommy started to smartly slap her cunt with the flat of his hand. He slapped her with each upward plunge of my cock. I felt like I was raping my wife's mouth, but could not stop from doing it. Suddenly I realized she was climaxing from my cock fucking her face and Tommy smarting her cunt area. She was screaming her climax around my cock, between her gags.That put me over the edge and I thrust up and kept my groin buried in her face. Her gagging, attempts at screaming, and the sounds of her cunt being punished were too much for me. I spurted numerous shots into her throat. Some of which she coughed back up around my cock and into my pubic hair. I've never had copious amounts of ejaculation, but that was probably the most ever for me. I was totally spent and rolled over to the side. I laid there and listened to the continued sounds of her cunt being slapped. There was a wetness to the sound now; so I knew she was enjoying the abuse. Then I felt a tongue lapping up the cum from my pubic hair and finally a moist set of lips went around my cock, totally cleaning me. But this time I was able to open my eyes and survey the scene. It was Chuck doing the pussy slapping and Tommy the doing the cleaning. This was the first time my cock had ever been in another man's mouth. I know all of this was a "homo" thing, but I didn't view it as such at the time.Now it was my turn to direct the activities. I asked Ellen if she was up to handling 3 cocks at once. She never said a word, just put a big smile on her face and nodded her head up and down. Tommy asked, "Do you mind a suggestion?""Not at all, be my guest.""Ok, then we'll make the bitch airtight in all holes, but also we don't make love to the cunt, just fuck the shit out of her. Do you mind if I take her ass?"I replied, "I'm really not an ass fucker and Chuck is too big for her back there; so enjoy yourself."I laid back on the rug and indicated for Ellen to mount me. She shook her head no and said, "Your cocks can't fuck me hard like that."She pushed Tommy to the floor and placed some cushions by his side with a double pillow setup near his head. With that she slicked Tommy's cock orally, fingered some pussy juice and unclaimed cum from deep in her cunt down to her ass. She then sat on his cock so he was able to penetrate her ass. She then leaned back and started humping up and down on his cock. Once he was firmly in place. she scooted slightly to the side so she was on the pillows with her head raised up by the double pillows.She then indicated I should enter her. Amazingly, I was hard again just from my wife taking a cock up her ass which was only slicked by her saliva and a little pussy juice mixed with cum, her willingly being a total dirty slut. Once I started to move in her, Tommy was able to get his rhythm going in sequence with me. Once we were in unison, she pulled Chuck's prick into her mouth. With just a few minor adjustments we were able to give her a slow, steady fuck in all holes.I had never felt a man's cock in her ass before. Tommy's cock rubbing against mine through the thin membrane was very sensuous and I had to think of chemical equations so as to not shoot my load immediately.We had a slow fuck of her orifices and brought her to a shuddering climax, "Don't you guys dare come yet. I'm not finished with this yet. Pound my pussy into Tommy's cock! Jam your cock into me mouth, fuck ALL of me!" Her words brought herself to another climax. She was on a roll now and there was no stopping her.After another climax she pulled her mouth off Chuck's cock and said, "I thought you three cock suckers were going to really fuck me, what the hell is this shit? What are you cum-lappers, just queer for each other? Give it to me, HARD!"We didn't need any additional encouragement by insults. We each fucked as hard as we could. Each downward thrust of my cock brought me into a sensational contact with Tommy's cock trying to ram up her ass. Turning my head to the left and I could see Chuck as he pounded down onto her face, fucking her mouth with a fury! Ellen was trying to scream out her climaxes around Chuck's large cock but only copious amounts of saliva spurted forth. It was a gurgling shrill cry on the up stroke and a muffled gag on the down stroke as he pushed he cock and the saliva back into her throat. Her spittle was drooling all over Tommy's face and neck as it left her mouth and chin. It was too much for all of us. Chuck got too excited and exited her mouth as he started to spurt. He plunged down, missed her open mouth and shot on her face with some going up her nose. The second thrust also missed and coated her right eye.I was coming in her cunt and could feel Tommy as he also spasmned in her ass.I rolled to the right and lay on my back. Tommy stayed where he was and Chuck just lay on her face with his dick buried in her mouth and his right leg across her breasts. Ellen put her fingers to her clit and started to rub it vigorously. Chuck would shudder every once in a while in her mouth which would seem to bring her to another climax.Finally she forced herself up leaned over Tommy saying, "Open your mouth." He did and she dripped some of Chuck's second load into his mouth. I was glad when he swallowed it because I didn't want any of it at that moment. My libido was too low. Ellen then slid down Tommy's body and cleaned off his semi-rigid tool. Once she was finished with Tommy's cock, she then proceeded to lick me clean. That accomplished she came up to my head and squatted her red quim over my face. "Open up cock sucker, I have a package for you to clean." I opened my mouth as she used her fingers to spread her piss flaps. With a squeeze of her cunt muscles, my cum came dripping out of her gaping gash and into my mouth and across my chin. Yech!Even though we had been at our activities for less than two hours, I thought the night would surely end now. Ellen was sitting crossed legged amidst three supine, spent men, showing no worse the wear other than her hair needed to be combed, and there were a few drops of cum in the mess as well as trails on her face.One of us gave a sigh of contentment. Ellen heard it and responded with a challenge, "Don't tell me you cock sucking cum eaters are done in by little ol' me? Can't you get it up any more? What's a girl to do when she wants more cock?"Chuck responded, "Give us a rest for a few minutes. You always do when it is just the three of us. You know we'll come back and keep you occupied.""You better, it is your turn to direct now. I don't want to sit here watching three limp dicks sleep."I think her chiding of our manhood got to Tommy for he said, "Hey bitch, watch your tongue. If you can't keep it on a cock, then keep it in your mouth.""My name is Ellen, NOT bitch!"As she was saying that, Tommy moved back into his chair on the other side of the room. "I guess you don't hear too good. Did Chuck get too much cum in your ear so your hearing is impaired?"That brought a laugh from all of us, including Ellen."Hey, as long as I'm fucking you, you're a bitch, a whore, a slut, a cum bucket, a cunt, a cum hole, a bearded clam, a fish smelling box lunch, a muff, a gash, a split tail, a cock pit, A trash twat, a fuck hole, a shit for brains, a cunt for brains or a filthy cum oozing cooze; so get your ears used to it! I ain't never going to call you anything else but what you are. Now get down on your belly and slither over here like a whipped bitch puppy that knows her place!" I knew he was going to feel the full extent of her wrath now, but she didn't utter a word. Instead, she just lay on her belly and slithered towards him moving with her feet and hands. When she arrived at his feet. he raised his right foot and placed his big toe in her mouth. "That was a good bitch puppy. Now suck on this! Chuck, can I take your turn? This cunt has a lot to learn.""That's ok with me, my mind is tapped. I could never surpass what we've already done.""Ok cunt, stand up and go to the pool table, get one of the balls and put it between your pussy lips.""Now lie down on the floor on your belly. Keep the ball there. I want to see you play snake. Slither back here without using your legs, feet, arms, or hands. Just use your belly muscles and don't lose that ball. Charles, get you belt and whack her ass hard every time she drops the ball!"Maybe I was incensed by her earlier remarks too, for I quickly got my belt. As soon as she started her snake imitation I lightly hit her round ass with the leather. This caused her to lose the ball. "Hey, you made it come out. You weren't supposed to spank me unless I lost it." she said while inserting the ball back in position."That was only an incentive slap, this is for losing the ball!" With that I swung the belt with considerable force. It raised an immediate red welt. After that. I continued to lightly swat her ass, but she didn't lose the ball again until she had traveled at least 10 feet and was well into the plush room. Then she turned her head and smiled up at me as she spread her legs, letting the ball drop. Another good swat brought another red welt. A few feet more and she was back with her head resting on Tommy's feet, sucking his toes.After a minute or two of this, she started to rise as she said, "Excuse me guys, I've got to pee." Before she could move any farther, Tommy pushed her down on her haunches. "Sit on your ass and hold your hands in front of you like a good bitch."With that, he left the room, returning in about two minutes. When he did, we saw he was carrying the leash he had brought her as a gift. He fastened the leash to to the cum and spit soaked rhinestone collar she was till wearing. "Take your socks off 'cause you're going outside to pee where all the bitch dogs go."After she removed them he gave a gentle tug on the leash and had her down on knees and hands. The two of them traveled only two steps when he yanked the chain up. "Hey bitch, I thought you have to pee!""I do.""Then show it like a good dog. Wag your tail and let's hear you bark in joy. And you better do it all the ways out or I'll yank you back inside and you can just squeeze your legs to hold it!"She did as told, bouncing around with her legs like and excited dog, going, "woof, woof, woof, " all the way to the back hall and then out the door. When the four of us got outside, we could feel that the evening had cooled down considerably. Ellen's nipples were as hard as rocks. She started to move into a position to squat and pee like a female, but Tommy stopped her with, "Un uh. A dog can't pee like that. Raise up on your front paws and lower your cunt close to the ground."It took a few seconds, but then a strong stream started to pass through her cunt lips. As this was happening, Tommy grabbed his prick and aimed a stream at her face, "Time for us males to mark our bitch."Within seconds Chuck was peeing down her back, followed by me pissing in her hair. While we were doing this, the dogs came over to see what the commotion was. It was a wet mess on the ground all around her ass. As she finished and straightened into her dog walking position, one of the Dobermans stuck his cold nose in her ass, making her jump. Tommy tightened up on the leash and said, "Hold still and let him get a good sniff of your cunt."Both dogs then tried to jam their nose between her ass cheeks to get a good smell of her. "They ain't smelling your cunt, sit down in the piss and mud and spread your legs so your pussy will stink and then let them smell your sex. You want them to fuck you too, don't you?""Hell NO. Try that and I'm out of here!"Still she did as she was told. When the dogs were trying to lick her face, she grabbed the head of one and put it to her snatch. He just backed away, but the other one was curious about where his brother had just been, and stuck his cold nose on her pussy. He actually gave it a quick lick before losing interest and wandering away. "Hey she can't go back into my house like that. She has to be cleaned off.""Ok, we'll hose her down in the garage. But first I have another chore for her to do." He whispered something to Chuck which I didn't hear as we started inside.With that we walked into the hallway with Ellen still walking on all fours, being led by the leash. Tommy told her to wait there and suggested we put on our pants. While inside, Tommy told me what he had planned. Once this was accomplished, he had Chuck go into the garage and hit the opener. He sent me out next with three folding lawn chairs.When I caught up with Chuck, he had moved his motorcycle to the front of the garage along with a bucket filled with cleaning and polishing items. He also had a short garden hose in place. I placed one chair by the left side of the door, another by the right, and I placed mine in the middle of the garage opening facing the Kawasaki and the street. The nosy neighbor from across the street was no longer outside.Then Tommy led Ellen out on her leash. At that time, I saw the curtains part across the street and knew someone was peering out. By the time Tommy and Ellen reached the motorcycle, the old man had resumed his seat on the porch and was intently watching us. Immediately Chuck started grumbling about him.Tommy had Ellen stand up and took the leash off, leaving the collar in place. He then instructed her to clean and polish the motorcycle. She could use her hands to get the cleaning and polishing items, but was to only use her tits as the sponge.Ellen wet down the motorcycle and then her tits. Next she applied soap to them and started mopping the mirror and handle bar. Next the fork. She then walked around to the other side of the bike and repeated those acts. While this was going on, I saw the old guy had left his porch and come across the street to Chuck's gate. He was muttering something, but we were too far away to hear what it was. Chuck yelled out to him, "Go home you nosy old fool, your old lady will have your balls in her fist for coming over here."While Ellen continued applying soap to the wet seat, Tommy questioned Chuck, "Will his wife really give him hell?""Fuck yes, she thinks I'm the devil incarnate. She'll yell at me from inside her house, but is afraid the devil will get her if she comes near me or my place.""Fuck man, then let him come in. That old fool would love to get close to a good looking white slut. Then his wife can hand him his balls later. Give me the keys to the gate. And you, cunt, keep wiping that seat with your tits; it makes a good show for the old guy."A minute later Tommy came back, with the old guy hobbling along behind him. He was still muttering, but at least Chuck had stopped his complaining. Instead we were regaled with a constant patter of:"Damn fine looking white bitch.""They goes Black an never goes back""White bitches can fuck a Black man blind.""Never got near one a them back in Bama. Wort yer life to do that.""Look at the pussy an ass on her. She you woman?""Like pure white snow her ass. Bet she takes it up her ass. She do dat?""Those are some nice titties on her.""I cud fuck "er all night.""Sure like to get a han' full a them titties.""I's git one a dem titties in mah mouth an I be thinkin' I be back in da cradle.""Hey girly, can I give ya a squeeze? Puleeze?"Chuck tried to shut him out with directions while Tommy stood next to the old man with an arm on his shoulders and a smirk on his face. "Ellen, clean the chain with your nipples to get the gunk out before you soap it down."Tommy kept egging the old man on with things like, "I just got a blow job from her an I'm telling you she can suck start that motorcycle.""Will she suck me?""She will if your wife says it is ok.""Shit man, youse is foolin' wit me. That ain't nice."Tommy leered down at Ellen and said, "Tell the man, it really makes you hot being a fuck slut, doesn't it? The dirtier you are, the better you like it!?Ellen responded, "That's not true. I don't like it and I'm not a slut!"Tommy reached down and grabbed a fist full of her hair and pulled her face toward him as he gave her a smart smack across her left cheek. "Don't lie to me cunt. You like it when I show you off for what you really are. Now admit it or I won't have another damn thing to do with you!"Tears came to her eyes at this point. Obviously it was from what he just said and not from the slap. With slavish masochistic resignations, she admitted, "Yes, I like it when you humiliate and abuse me. Please I, uh, uh, oh PLEASE!" and she started to quietly sob. "Ok, get back to cleaning the bike. I forgive you you this one time. Don't EVER test my good nature again!"She went back to cleaning the bike with a grin on her face. I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed!Ellen's nipples were as black as coal from the old grease and grime on the chain. Once finished, she proceeded to wash the rest of the bike under Chuck's directions. She then hosed down the bike and got ready to polish it. I stopped that because the polish might be too astringent on her tender skin. Besides she was obviously cold and still needed to be washed. That's when I told the old man, "We have to wash her down, do you want to use your hands to scrub her clean?""Shit man, ya tink I'm a fool. Course I do... Where dat soap at?"I turned the hose on Ellen and she lathered the soap up to a thick foam before giving it to the old man. He looked like he had died and gone to heaven. He probably spent a minute on each leg and arm, but five minutes on her ass, five on her cunt, and another five each on her tits. Those parts were very clean. She soaped her hair, but he kept rubbing her tits and pussy and never touched her hair. While this was going on, Chuck went inside and got some towels for her to use. When Chuck returned the old man made sure her tits, ass and cunt were thoroughly dry. Tommy and I spied the old man's wife peeking from the window at the same time. No telling how long she had been there. I pushed Ellen and him out of the doorway and turned out the light. I told her, "Give him a good kiss and get a rise out of his prick."It was hard to see good in the darkness, but I could tell she was rubbing his dick while kissing him deeply. In turn, he was alternately mashing her tits and squeezing her ass cheeks. When his wife opened the front door of their place, it was time for him to go home. Tommy put the leash back on her and led her into the house. The old man kept trying to follow them, but Chuck finally got him out of the gate and locked up behind him. When he and I returned to the house, Ellen was on her knees and sucking Tommy again. He was leaning against the pool table, sipping from a can of Pepsi. Ellen's wine glass was refilled and sitting on a table within her reach. Chuck asked me if I wanted a Pepsi also. I responded affirmatively.Tommy said, "Outta luck man, this is the last one." With that he pulled his dick out of her mouth and dipped it into her wine and then put it back into her mouth. Ellen greedily sucked on it like she was getting the wine from his spigot. Tommy saw us intently gazing at this act. A smile lit up his face. He nodded towards the wine glass, "I give it a dip, slip it into her mouth and let a few drops of piss loose with it. This fucking cunt really digs it. Get around and try it. Then we'll go out to get some more drinks."I can tell you, letting a few drops of pee loose when my wife sucked my wine covered cock into her mouth was a hell of a feeling. It was all I could do not to let loose a stream. Good thing we had just pissed about an hour ago.About fifteen minutes of this and we got dressed to go to another convenience store. By then, there were only dregs left in her wine glass.***We decided to take our car so all of us could go. While driving to the store, I told the guys about our earlier experience at the 7-11 and suggested we go there. Tommy disagreed. "Chuck, man, if there is a Black store, we should take her there. Bet we can have more fun with the slut in a Black store than we could with a bunch of white kids.""Sounds good to me, what do you guys think?""Alright by me if Ellen wants to do it.""You really think we can have more fun there? If you do, it's ok with me. If we can't have fun there, then we can always go back to the 7-11"Chuck directed me to a small, Black owned, convenience store a few blocks away on Emerson Street. I was going to drive to the front of the store, but Tommy told me to park closer to the street in the lot and face the store so we could scope out the entire place. As I parked, we could see there were about six or seven customers inside the store, two clerks behind the counter, and a group of eight youths lounging by the telephone near the dark corner of the building. "Hey bitch, undo the top three buttons of your blouse. Tie the scarf looser and put the end over your shoulder. I want to be sure every one knows you ain't wearing a bra. Now fold the top of your skirt in a few turns so your skirt comes high up your legs. When I tell you to get something from the bottom shelf, make sure you bend from the waist keeping your legs straight so your cunt and ass are on display."It was somehow decided just Tommy and Ellen would go into the store. The two of them exited the car and I could see Tommy eyeing her adjustments. As they started to walk away, Chuck lowered his window and told her to stand in the headlights so we could see her better. He turned to me and said, "Put the high beams on when she gets in front of the car."Ellen positioned herself a few feet in front of the car. I turned the lights back on and flipped to high beam. I saw that act immediately drew attention from the kids outside the store as well as a few of the people in the store. Facing us, it was evident her tits were about to slip out. When she turned and walked away, it was also evident her ass was barely concealed. The closer she got to the store, the more people noticed her.Once in the store, Tommy had her pick something from the bottom shelf near the window and hand it to him. He examined it and than gave it back to her to return to the shelf. After that, they walked around an aisle and we could only see his head and the top of her hair. The show must have been a good one, for they soon had several guys following them as they wandered around the store. After about 15 minutes or so, they brought their selections to the counter. As she bent over to put them on the counter, we could see one of her tits come out. They later told us this happened several times around the store and each time Tommy asked one of the guys to help her put it back in since both of them had their hands full with their purchases. At the counter, Tommy simply reached from behind her, cupped each breast in turn and covered it with the blouse material. The counter guys were bug-eyed at this action. Minutes later they exited the car and walked towards us. I turned the lights on again as they approached. This brought a lot of catcalls from the kids by the phone.The two of them got into the back seat. We turned the interior lights on to see what they had bought and hear their tale. They had a six pack of Pepsi, another of Coors, a can of nuts, and a small bottle of Jack Daniels. Chuck grabbed the Jack, opened it and took a swig. He reached back, pulled Ellen to him, and shared the Jack from his mouth with her. I took the bottle next and did the same thing, except I gave her most of the Jack. Next Tommy took the bottle and did the same thing. I turned the interior lights off and started the engine. Chuck told me to drive around the corner and to pull into an alley. Tommy shared a few more drinks with Ellen while Chuck rolled another doobie. After 10 minutes, it was very noticeable that Ellen was now not only drunk but also stoned again. She couldn't stop laughing about the effect she had on the people inside the store and the kids outside. She also kept gobbling the salted nuts; which only made her thirstier. She kept taking sips of the Jack, but now she wasn't sharing it.Chuck quietly suggested to me that we drive back and park near the store to have Ellen call his house number. I should park where we could see what sort of havoc she could cause with the kids. I thought it was a good idea; so I pulled back around the block and, but this time I parked on the street at the edge of the parking lot; giving us a fair view of the phone. The kids were still there.Chuck told her, "I want you to go over to the phone and call my number. I don't have an answering machine; so just let it ring and see what you can get going with those boys who you have been making fun of." She struggled out from the car and stumbled over to the phone. As she approached, the boys grew louder in their talk; aiming all of it at her. Most of it was harmless stuff like, "Hey Baby!""Shake it, but don't break it...""Must be jelly 'cause jam don't shake like that."She didn't have her purse with her and we neglected to give her any change. When she got to the phone, she realized her situation, and asked the boys, "Anyone got a coin I can use?"Most shook their head no, but one said, "I got some in my pocket, but you got to get them out for me.""Why can't you get them?""Because you dig out the coins then I'm free to play with your tits while you get them. Nothing for free baby.""How old are you boys?""Old enough to give you what ya want."We couldn't hear any of that, it was all related to us later. But viewing the scene from our car, it started to look like things might get out of hand. Tommy and Chuck told me to stay in the car and they got out to get nearer to respond in case things got out of hand. At the phone, Ellen tripped over to the young boy and groped his crotch, trying to find his pockets. He quickly grabbed both of her tits in his hands and started to squeeze them. She let out an involuntary moan. As soon as she did this the other boys surrounded her and started grabbing whatever part of her body they could reach. It was at this point that the two guys got to her. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE! You stupid white bitch, I send you over to make a call and you start molesting these boys. You guys ok? She didn't mess with you too much did she?" This sudden outburst obviously scared the boys.The forward one quickly recovered and came out with his reply, "Nah, we were just playing 'grab-ass' with her for a dime for her phone call. Everythin's cool man.""You stupid fucking bitch, you come over to us the phone an don't have a dime? So you go and bother these boys? Damn, cunt, you owe them big time! How you going to make it up to them?""I don't know, sir." she said with her eyes and head cast down."I'm sorry this white bitch bothered you guys. You ever see a white bitch's cunt? Want to see this one?""Yeah man, that'd be great! When? Where?""Here, along side the building. Hey cunt, go back there and open your shirt and lift your skirt up. Let these guys play with you for a few minutes. You owe them at least that much."Ellen drunkenly staggered towards the back of the building, unbuttoning her blouse as she went. Once loosened, she shrugged it off and let it drop on the ground where the following boys walked over it. Once at the back of the building, she leaned back on it to help support herself. Lifting her skirt, she was fully exposed to the boys. From my vantage point, I was unable to see her once she started into the darkness next to the building. Later, she said the boys were all grabbing her, squeezing her ass, pinching her tits, and rubbing her cunt. She said several of them stuck their fingers into her. While they were doing this, she reached out and grabbed the cocks through the pants of whichever ones she could group. She also managed to latch on to a few of them to kiss. She said the boys were all hard by the time she got to the back of the building.After about five minutes of this, Chuck went back to retrieve her, picking up her soiled blouse on the way. Draping it over her shoulder, her guided her back to the car. While staggering back, some of the braver boys would run up and slap her ass through her skirt. The bravest one lifted her skirt, reached between her legs and grabbed her cunt.Somehow Chuck and Tommy managed to load her into the back of the car, where she sat with her legs spread wide. I asked Chuck and Tommy, "How old do you think those kids are?"Chuck answered, "I asked them that and they said they are in sixth grade and junior high. I guess that makes them between 11 and 14.""Sure wish I had an experience like that when I was their age!""Don't we all!"I quickly drove us back to Chuck's house. After I pulled into the garage, Chuck started back to lock the gate. By the time he got back to it, the old neighbor, dressed in a ratty bathrobe, was standing there. He spoke quietly to Chuck for a bit and then followed him back to the garage."Ellen, he wants to play some more with you. You up to it?"She slurred, "The more the merrier." I knew she really wasn't in any condition to make such a decision, but what the hell, she'd been debasing herself all night; so what is one more time? I kept my mouth shut.The four of us went into the Fuck Room and Tommy had the old guy sit in the single chair. I sat on the floor along with Chuck. Tommy put the collar and leash on Ellen and then had her approach the old man on all fours."Bark like the white bitch dog you is.""Woof, woof!"Tommy used the leash to swat her ass. "Now beg this nice man to let you suck his Black cock!""Please, can I suck you off? Will you give me the honor of putting your cock in my mouth and feeding me your cum?""Can't she take her clothes off while she does it?""Ok cunt, you heard the man, strip!"While she shucked her few items of clothing, the old man opened his robe, lifted his ass off the seat and lowered his underwear to his ankles. Once she was naked and he had settled back into his seat, Ellen started to reach for his cock. A sharp tug on the leash caused her to pull back. "No hands! Just use your mouth, You fucking white bitches don't know shit about sucking a man's cock! Lick him and suck him hard with your tongue lips and mouth. No hands!"Then to Chuck and me he said, "You know, looks like we'll have to teach this bitch the right way to turn her mouth into a cunt."Ellen did as she was told. The old man was quickly rock hard in her mouth and just as quickly lost his load there. I chimed in once I saw he was shooting into her mouth, "Don't swallow it. Keep it in your mouth."The old man finished, pulled his underwear up, tied his robe and swiftly left. Chuck went along and let him out the gate. While that was being done, I had Ellen open her mouth and show us his cum. I directed her, "Keep it there until Chuck gets back."A few minutes later Chuck came back into the room. "Show him the old guy's cum." She did as ordered. "Now let it dribble onto your tits and spread it around." Again she obeyed.Another joint and swigs of the Jack until it was gone, and we three guys were horny again; but alas, poor Ellen was out of it by then and was sound asleep on the floor; snoring with her mouth open. Seeing this, Tommy suggested, "Let's have a circle jerk and give her some mouth wash and facial cream to go with her tit cream.The three of us took positions around her head. Chuck supplied us with some body oil, and we started jerking each other off. Chuck had Tommy's prick, who had mine, and I had Chuck's. Finding my hand around a cock substantially larger than mine gave me a strange sensation. Not sure how to explain it or understand it. It was just different; I wouldn't classify it as erotic, just felt strange.It didn't take us long to cum. I came first and Tommy rubbed my prick over her face as I came. I don't shoot much cum, so it wasn't as great of a mess as we wanted to see. Chuck added Tommy's cum to mine and now her face was a real mess.Chuck was slow to come. While I kept jerking on him, Tommy got the camera and took a few pictures of her face. As he was doing this, I sensed Chuck was ready to cum so I placed the end of his cock on her open lips. A lot went into her mouth, but most just smeared over her lips and chin. She never awoke from all of this activity. She was still trying to breathe through her open mouth, but Chuck's cum made this difficult and caused her to blow cum bubbles. Tommy got some good shots of that.It was early morning now; so we dressed her as best as we could, loaded her into our car and I said my goodbyes."Hey man, hope you can provide your slut wife for our fun and games the next time I'm here.""You can count on it.""Good, I plan to get back in about six weeks."Thus ended our first night with Tommy. There were to be more nights, which I will recount later. ***THE 2ND NIGHT As stated at the conclusion of my telling of the first night, Tommy was to pay more visits to our city; affording additional degradation of my beautiful wife, Ellen. Again this is a true story and I can attest to its authenticity only so far as what I actually witnessed. On his second visit, I witnessed far less than I had during Tommy's first visit.We continued to swing occasionally with the other couple we had slightly bonded with, but for the most part we spent our "shared" sex times with Chuck. I must note for the readers that these were times of normal consensual sex. No homosexual activities, for neither Chuck nor I had any proclivities in that direction. Far more important to this recording of events, there were absolutely no acts of degradation of my wife. She let us know in most emphatic terms that the previous behavior on her part was a one time thing and would NEVER happen again!I should also note that the old neighbor man from across the street would attempt to join us every time he saw us arrive, but never did as Chuck firmly discouraged him.About 6 weeks after Tommy's first visit, I received a call from Chuck at my office. He told me Tommy was here. Tommy got on the second phone in Chuck's front room and the three of us talked for about a half an hour or so. Fortunately for me, I was the department supervisor of my laboratory division; so I could pretty much do as I damn well pleased. During our conversation, Tommy stated he couldn't wait to put Ellen through her paces again. Chuck and I were quick to inform him that there was no way she would tolerate that again. He asked us, "Didn't you guys enjoy it?""Hell YES!" we both responded. Then he told us to relax, to leave everything up to him and he'd have her jumping through hoops for us again; tell him what we wanted her to do and he would see to it that she did it! I thought, "Yeah, sure; do you have a fucking surprise coming!"We parted with the understanding that the four of us would go out for an early dinner, around 6:30 p.m. and then over to a Black bar where they had a live band on weekends."That afternoon when Ellen came home from work around 3:45 p.m., she asked if we had anything planned for the night since she was exhausted from work and just wanted to go to bed early. Sometimes I can have a wicked sense of humor, being a real son of a bitch. I casually told her that was ok by me, and, "Oh, by the way, Chuck called earlier.""I hope you didn't make plans with him; if you did you can just call him back and cancel. I don't want to do anything tonight, even with you!""No plans, he just called to say Tommy came into town this morning.""Oh, did you talk with him?""Just for a a couple of minutes. I told them you might be exhausted tonight because you were busy with cataloging. They were disappointed because they hoped we could go for an early dinner and maybe some dancing. We left everything up in the air. Told them I'd give them a call when you got home.""I'll call and see what they have planned.""Nah, I'll call. I'll just explain that you're too tired.""Like hell you will! It would be rude not to see them when Tommy comes to town. I'll call so I know where we're going and what to wear."I listened as she spoke on the phone with them, but could only hear her side of the conversation. "Hi Chuck, this is Ellen." [Silence] "Fine thanks, how are you sweetie?" [Silence] "That's good to hear. Charles said Tommy is here and maybe the four of us will get together tonight." [Silence] "No, I don't mind, go ahead and tell him to pick up the other line. [Silence]Hi Tommy, how are you?" [Silence] "Yes, I've missed you, too." [Silence] "That sounds good to me. Where did you have in mind so I know how to dress." [Silence] "Oh Tommy, you're incorrigible! Yes I do, Sure I can. Any other requests?" [Silence] "No problem, we'll pick it up on the way over." [Silence] "Ok, I'll jump into the shower and we'll be over there in about an hour. See you guys soon." [Silence]About 40 minutes later she emerge from our bedroom wearing a very short leather skirt, an almost transparent blouse, both over a matching set of frilly lace underwear, and black shoes with 4" spike heels. "Is that what they suggested you wear?""Yes, do you like it?""Sure looks like a "fuck-me" outfit. Yeah, I like it.""Come on, let's go, we have to pick up a fifth of Jack Daniels on the way. They're waiting for us."Ellen worked on her hair as I drove to the liquor store. She had just finished putting it up when I pulled into the strip mall. Hoping for a repeat of her two acts of exhibitionist behavior the night of Tommy's first visit, I asked, "You want to go in and strut your stuff?""No, you go. I want to put my makeup on. I'll strut for the three of you later."Ten minutes later we were pulling into the garage. Sure enough, the old guy came across the street as fast as he could. Again, Chuck told him to go home, only this time he added, "Maybe later in the evening."Tommy and Ellen got lip locks on each other as soon as she exited the car. He pulled away from her lips and announced, "Damn bitch, you sure look fine tonight.""I've told you before, my name is ELLEN!""Fuck that and fuck you, you're a white cum sucking slut, whore, ass fucking bitch. Get used to it for that is all you'll ever be when you are with me. Now put your hands behind your back and try to touch your elbows so your tits stand out."Ahh, yes, that's a good white pussy. Now turn towards the old man and thrust them as far as you can so he gets really turned on."Ellen obediently did as she was ordered."Ok, that was fine. Now, keep facing that way and clasp your hands behind your neck. That's it. Push those titties out as much as you can. Close your eyes. I have a surprise for you. Brought it all the way from Atlanta."With that, he placed a 1-inch wide, rhinestone studded, dog collar around her neck. To that he attached a bright red leash which was at least 6' long. "Come on, bitch, time to start to party."The four of us entered the pool room and Tommy immediately had Ellen on her knees sucking his cock. "Suck us all off so we can spend our time relaxing before coming back here to fuck your brains out.""What about me, I need relief too!""Fuck you, you'll get yours later if you can. And don't try fingering yourself. We want you good and horny for when we come back here later."She started sucking Tommy first. She was always a great cock sucker, but that wasn't enough for Tommy. "You know, it is time for us to show you how to fuck us with your mouth. Lie down on your back."Ellen did as directed, then Tommy got between her legs and slowly lowered his cock to the lips of her pussy. As he slowly moved it up and down her slit, he started to harden and she started to squirm from the sensations. "Put it in me!""You two guys hold her hands over her head and get ready to slap her tits when she doesn't perform well."One of us asked, "How the hell do you expect us to discern that since she always performs great!""Don't worry, you'll easily know - now you fucking whore, lift your ass off the ground and force your pussy around my cock."Ellen arched her back and lifted her ass off the floor until she could squirm her pussy lips around the head of his cock. It took a lot of squirming, but she finally got her lips open and tried to raise herself higher to grab his cock."Ok, you got me into you. I'm going to come down a little bit and then you can start fucking me. Now you guys can see when she doesn't meet expectations."Ellen thrust up, but could only get about half of him buried into her. She couldn't seem to go any higher, but with an eye signal from Tommy, both of us slapped her tits. The cumulative effect of her arching to grab his cock and us slapping her tits quickly led to her training to thrust hard as she could to try to get all of it in her."This stupid cum back needs to be taught every little thing. Pull her up by her nipples."We did as directed. The effect was she now rested on her shoulders and her feet. The rest of her body as off the ground and strenuously straining to grab his cock.Tommy lowered his groin just enough so she could finally push her pelvic into his. Once she accomplished this feat, he said, "Now fuck me hard and fast! Do it you filthy whore! Fuck me harder and faster!"I don't know how she did it, but she did fuck him hard and fast. He whole body was covered in sweat from her straining so damn hard."Don't slow down... You nice and comfortable like that?""Noooo. It hurts!""Good! Get used to it. Now stop."Ellen looked as if she was about to pass out, but she had gamely obeyed every direction he gave her, and he noted that."That was a good girl. You did good in thrusting into me with your cunt. Now get back on your cock sucking knees and prepare to do it with your mouth!"With that, Tommy stood up and assumed his former position as Ellen knelt between his legs. Tommy was hard now; so she was easily able start an in and out motion with her mouth."That's not what you were doing with your cunt. You were jamming onto me as far as you could go. Do that with your mouth. Jam your head onto me all the ways back. Don't stop until your lips jam against my bones. And keep your fucking hands jammed behind you."Ellen tried, but she came up short the first two or three strokes. Then she did it! The sound of her gagging filled the room as she pulled up. Spittle was running out of her mouth and tears were flowing down her cheeks.I started to go to her when she looked over and held her palm flat towards me. Through some difficult clearing of her throat she said, "It's ok. I'm going to do this!"She actually sounded as if she didn't mind and really wanted to perform as Tommy had ordered her to; so I returned to my seat and watched intently.She took Tommy's cock back into her mouth and this time when it reached her throat she didn't gag. There was still a slight catch before it slipped down into her throat but it seemed like it was getting easier for her as she got used to it.Soon she was getting a good cock plunging cadence going and after 20 more full-bore strokes, along with a few mild gags, Tommy came. When he reached that state, he held her tightly to him and let his prick empty its cum into her mouth while she was gagging around it."How'd you like that cum bucket?""It was kind of strange on several levels. First, I really enjoyed gagging on your penis. Feeling it spurt directly into my throat, I could even feel the warmth of it as it hit my stomach. I almost came from that!" She paused for a moment and furrowed her eyebrows before she spoke again. This time, she spoke more slowly, "There is a problem with that, however, I was denied tasting your juice. The nasty taste keeps me on a sexual edge."Tommy informed her "We can fix that." Then to us, "After you guys shoot down her throat, pull your cocks out slowly so they stay in her mouth long enough for her to have a little taste."That said s slithered over to Chuck and started to perform the same way on him. I was interested to see how much gagging she'd do on his large prick, but before she could get his big cock into her throat, he came. It only took a few self-inflicted gags on my prick for me to also cum. I have to admit, climaxing in a throat while it is violently contracting is a totally different feeling.While she sucked us, we downed a few shots each and shared two joints. We made sure her shots were about double the size of ours. Since I was going to be driving, I didn't try to keep up on the drinks. The joints went like this: Chuck to Ellen to Tommy to Ellen to me to Ellen and then back to Chuck to start the next round. That way she was getting a toke each time one of us did ~ 3 to 1! If you've read Chapter 1, you know she was neither a user of pot nor hard liquor ~ being a wine drinker. She got fucked up real fast.By this time, both Chuck and I knew her degradation was going to continue. As long as she enjoyed it, I was all for anything that was done to her. The moment she wasn't enjoying it, I would no longer take pleasure from her uncharacteristic behavior.After we had all soaked her mouth with our cum, it was time to go. After we all got our clothing straightened out, Tommy had her gloss her lips with the cum. We got into our car and I drove us to a Black Angus restaurant on the east side of town. ***The restaurant was quite busy; so we sat at the bar and drank margaritas for our 75 minute wait for a table. It isn't often that you would see two Black men with a white couple in this restaurant; so that alone drew a lot of attention to us. Not to mention what Ellen and her outfit were doing for the eyes of all the males within view.Three well concocted margaritas later and we were all slightly swaying as we were finally led to our table. Tommy and I walked ahead while Chuck gave Ellen his arm to help her sense of balance. The shots before we left, the tokes of some decent weed, and now three margaritas had her quite unsteady on her feet.I drank two cups of coffee during our meal because I would be driving. The others all had another margarita with their meals. As we ate, Ellen kept lacing her hands behind her neck and then pulling the elbows back. Not only did this bring attention to her studded collar (the red leash was left in our car) but it caused her tits to pop outward; which in turn caused the eyes of several of the men within close proximity to open wide! By her actions, she also drew a few glares from the women that noticed her actions. My stoned and drunk high school librarian wife, the mother of my children, was really enjoying the attention. Very untypical of her!It was a little before 9 p.m. when we finally left the restaurant. I asked where we should go for some dancing. Nothing would really get hopping for at least another hour. Tommy said he thought we should start out at a predominantly white club to get things going. Ellen suggested the new Crystal Palace which had just opened up. I didn't think that was a good idea since it was fairly close to our residence and we ran the danger of seeing some neighbors or some of her co-workers. Chuck was rolling another joint when I remembered a noisy joint about 15 miles up the interstate towards Phoenix. It seemed to suit everyone; so I slowly drove towards the interstate. As I was driving up the ramp to the interstate, I heard Tommy order Ellen, "Take your fucking bra off and stuff it behind the seat; you won't be needing it for the rest of the night. You can leave your panties on for now."Once she obeyed, we commenced to pass the joint around. Tommy ordered her to get on her knees and suck him off again. We heard him grunt into her mouth just as I pulled into the parking lot of the dance club.We started to exit the car when Tommy stopped us and suggested I enter alone. He thought I might enjoy the show more if no one knew we were together. Three of them would wait in the car and smoke another joint. That would give Chuck a chance to get in the back and have Ellen blow him. I could tell all of us were good and high at that point, plus Ellen was still royally drunk. When I entered the club, I saw the entrance way inside the door was fairly well lit; which would give everyone who looked a good view of Ellen when she entered. Since it was still fairly early, there weren't many customers in the place, maybe 20, or a few more. They were mostly men with a few women here and there. I had no problem finding a vacant seat at the far end of the bar which faced the front of the establishment. By turning about 45 degrees in my seat, I could see a large part of the rest of the club plus a good portion of the dance floor. The band had just finished setting up as I ordered a draught beer. It came and I was sipping on it when the band started on their first set. It was just that moment Ellen made a grand entrance. Ellen sashayed in on her spiked heels. All eyes were on her instead of the band because Ellen's tits were on full view as she passed under the bright lights of the entrance! Ellen veered off to her right and crossed the dance floor until she was directly in front of the band. Once there she started sensuously undulating to the music, swaying her hips and running her hands over her body. It looked like she was putting on a special dance for the band. I saw each of them separately get distracted for fleeting seconds.The guys came in a few minutes later and went straight to the bar and ordered their drinks. After getting two beers they took the drinks to the far side of the dance floor and took a seat in an area that was dimly lit. A guy sitting at an angle to me facing the back of the bar leaned over and asked, "Boy, she's hot isn't she? I bet she gang bangs the band tonight"I looked over at him and responded, "Yeah she's hot, but the band won't be getting laid tonight.""Why do you say that?""Look at her. She's obviously a housewife who is out for the night because her husband is working late or is out of town."The guy I was talking to was real nerdy looking with thick horned-rim glasses. "Maybe you're right, but I'd sure like to get next to that meat, wouldn't you?""I guess she'd be ok in a pinch."Yea, I'd sure like to pinch those jugs of hers."I guess some of the other males in the place were starting to have the same thoughts, for one of them rose from the bar and walked over to Ellen, He stood next to her, talking, as she continued her undulating and caressing of her body. Without saying a word back to him, she turned towards him and started slowly moving her body up and down his.I'm sure he got an instant boner from her actions. When the song ended, he took her arm and tried to lead her back towards the bar, but she shook free of his hand and turned back to the band as they started another song. She never lost a beat and got right into the next song. The guy tried to talk some more with her, but she ignored him and smiled up at the band. I bet they all thought they would be getting some after their gig. Maybe they would be getting laid that night, but I knew they wouldn't be getting it from her. It was at this point that three guys who had been sitting at a table on the edge of the dance floor rose and went over to her. They didn't say anything to her, just took up the beat and started dancing next to her. She shifted her attention from the band to them. The first guy left in disgust and returned to his seat. Ellen's jugs were really shaking to the beat of this second song and all eyes were on her.By the third song, a few couples came out on the floor and started to dance. It was evident that all of the females were dancing in a style to convince their dates/husbands they were sexier than that slut! It looked like a sex orgy out on the dance floor.The fourth dance started and a fourth guy joined Ellen, basically replacing the one who had withdrawn. As they were waiting to pick up the beat, I saw she had worked up a heavy sweat. Her formerly nearly transparent top was now completely transparent as the material plastered itself to her skin. She was a hot scene on the dance floor. After the fifth dance, she walked back to the bar. When she got there, she didn't take a proffered stool, but remained standing with her boobs resting on the bar top. Suddenly most of the guys at the bar were vying to buy her a drink.We couldn't see her in the crowd of guys now; so the fellow next to me started talking again. "Damn that is one hot broad!""Yeah, I bet she could suck the chrome off a bumper hitch with both her mouth and her gash. Bet her old man has no idea how hot she can be.""Ha, ha! I'd sure like to find out, but there is no hope of getting anywhere near her with all those guys hanging around her." It was then that Ellen broke free from the crowd around her and started towards the ladies room which was just behind me. As she walked past me, I slid off the stool and took hold of her arm. I made it look like I was making a pass at her as I whispered in her ear, "When you come out from inside, leave this joint and go to the car. My new buddy here and I need a blow job."She looked over at him and whispered back, "Do you really want that?""Hell yes, Chuck and Tommy have both cum in your mouth already. Tommy twice. I need some relief too.""But do I have to do that guy? I don't want to be gone too long.""You won't be, I'm primed and I bet he's more than primed after watching you. Just go along with the scene I'll set. I've already told him you're a housewife out on her own for the night. Think I'll tell him I am paying you to be our cock sucker."I let her arm loose just as two guys from the crowd started over to see what was happening. They stopped when they saw me sit down again and told my new 'friend', "I just set it up for us to get blown. She'll join us in my car in a few minutes.""Are you kidding man? How'd you do that?""I'm rich. Money goes a long way with any fucking cunt. C'mon, let's go."We got out to the car and I opened the front for him and then jumped into the back, leaving my door open.A few minutes passed while we exchange a few pleasantries. I learned his name was Harry. Just as he said, "I think she's not coming out," I saw Ellen come into the parking lot. She looked around as if she couldn't find us, then pretended to see us and skipped over to the car.As she was getting into the car, I gave her a roll of folded bills, probably about $17 in singles and said, "Ok, here's the thousand we agreed upon, now make it good!""How do you want it?""We'll both take a blow job. Me first. Stick your ass up towards Harry so he can play with your ass and cunt while you suck me off."As I had told her, I was primed. Harry was busy salivating over what was before his eyes. He very tentatively pulled her panties to one side and started exploring with his fingers and stuttering sounds which made no sense. It didn't take long for me to get ready to explode. I wrapped my legs around her head and over her shoulders so she was imprisoned; reached under her and got a firm grip on her tits, pulling them towards me. This forced my cock into her throat and she started to noisily gag over it as I pumped my seed directly into her stomach.It took a minute or two for me to calm down enough to move. As I did so, I told Harry, "Change places with me. Play with her tits for a while before you let her blow you."We switched places and he was in pussy heaven with her. He looked at me and timidly asked, "Can I fuck her too?""You're better off not doing that. You're safer getting your knob polished. The slut might have herpes for all you know."He had a disappointed look on his face but lost it as he gently caressed her tits."Hey man, maul her tits. Slap them if you want. We paid the cunt to do whatever we want with her."He gently slapped them a few times and gave each of them a grab with a fair amount of force. I leaned over her back from the front seat, grabbed the rhinestone studded dog collar Tommy had given her, yanked her upright, and slapped her right tit with enough force that she almost lost her balance. "That's how you do it with a fucking whore."She closed her eyes and moaned at him. That encouraged Harry to slap them back and forth a few times. I then pushed her head down on his cock. She started bobbing her head up and down; on the third or fourth bob he let out a low moan and shot into her mouth. He was so quick that she never had a chance to apply her recently acquired cock sucking skills!Ellen straightened herself up a little and left us."Hey, thanks. She was great. Does she really charge a thousand bucks?""I don't know what her price is. When I first told her I'd pay her, she said she was a housewife out on the town while her husband is away and isn't a prostitute. I don't like to bicker; so I told her I'd give her a thousand to be a whore for us. She jumped on it."Harry and I walked back into the bar. We got about halfway back to our seats when two guys stopped us and asked, "Did that girl go outside with you two.""Yep.""Do you think she'd go out with us?"I made my voice a little louder as I said, "Of course she will, just give her $500.""WHAT? You gave her five hundred bucks?""Nope I gave her a thousand to do both of us, but she didn't want to take the $500 for doing "Big Meat" here. He reamed her till she couldn't take any more! I felt sorry for her so then I threw in another $200 for her supreme efforts.""No shit? You called him 'Big Meat'?""No, that's what she called him, not me. I didn't sit around measuring his dong." Harry's face was brimming at what I had just said.The place had filled up considerably since I first arrived, but my stool was still vacant. Someone else was seated where Harry had been; so he stood next to me with his foot on the bar railing. When we got back to our seats, he asked my why I said that. "Didn't you see those two chicks sitting there? Their eyes got as big as saucers when they heard what I said. They'll spread the word around this club and you're going to get laid more than you'll be able to handle.""But what happens when they find it isn't true?""By then it will be too late, you'll be reaming them. Fucking you just because they think you have a big cock is not something they'll admit to the other girls. You're safe until you work your way through all the single girls that party here.""Yeah, I guess you're right about that."I strained my eyes looking for Ellen. It took a few glances around the club until I saw her at a table with Chuck and Tommy. They had moved farther back into the darkness and seemed to be huddled over her. A few minutes later, Tommy brought her on to the dance floor and they started to dance like they were dry fucking. A white guy came up to join in, but she ignored him. After she did the same to two more, no more tried. They finished the dance and she walked back to the table and dragged Chuck onto the floor. Another dry fuck. A slow dance came on next and Tommy joined them. He was grinding his cock against her ass as Chuck was grinding into her pussy. At the same time she was using her hands to caress both of them.When they broke apart, Ellen headed for the ladies room again. She took my hand and pulled me a few feet away. Then she whispered in my ear to move the car to the other side of the joint and to wait for them there.Harry was all eyes and ears trying to find out what was happening. "What'd she say to you?""She said she found two hung Black guys to fuck and wanted to know if I want to join them. They need a hotel room for the night""What did you tell her?""I told her she has $1200 more than she came in with and doesn't need me. I think I'm going to beat it out of here before she comes back and starts pestering me to pay for a hotel room so she can get her rocks off with her friends and keep all her money. Nice meeting you Harry, see you around some time."He was one sad looking guy when I left.*** PART 2 ***It was a stroke of genius to move the car to the parking lot on the other side of the bar. It was Chuck who thought of it and told Ellen to relay the suggestion to me. I no sooner parked and had the lights off when I saw Harry come out of the club and look in the other parking lot. There were three rows of parked cars between us; so he never saw me in the second lot. About 15 minutes later Chuck and Tommy came out holding Ellen's tits and ass as she tried to walk between them. It was awkward walking that way and they stumbled about like they were drunk. Once in the car, they laughed about the looks on everyone's faces when they saw her walking out between them and them grabbing her as they walked.Chuck rolled another joint as we drove. We decided to go back to the house and fuck rather than go on to another club. I kept it under the speed limit and we arrived back at Chuck's place about 40 minutes later. Before Chuck could even get the gate open, the old guy was there. We had the windows down and could hear him pleading with Chuck, "C'mon man, be a good guy. We won't touch or do anythin'. We jus wants ta see the naked white girl. I told my friends how fine she is an how good youse wuz to let me party with ya las' time.""Hey, this is a private party. Go home to your old lady and let her suck your friends off."Tommy leaned out the window and said, "Give them a break. Let them in for a half hour. They can play with her while we mellow out. Bet they never seen a live white woman naked, let alone one who would suck them off.""That's the truth. I tole em, but they didn' believe me. Now they sure as hell will!" He waved to his friends who were standing expectantly on his porch and four men came hurrying over. They all looked to be in their 70's or older. I know Chuck wasn't too happy about this for the old guy and his wife were a pain in the ass to him; but he went with the flow.The nine of us went into the pool room where Ellen took off her shirt, reached under her skirt and took off her panties. Tommy took the latter from her and handed them to one of the old men saying, "Take a whiff of these and pass them around. That's what a fucking white bitch smells like when she's horny for Black cock and hasn't gotten any yet."After they made the rounds, she took them back and passed them along with her sweat soaked shirt asking Chuck if he would run them through the 'gentle' cycle of his washing machine. This blatant display of her boobs, smelling her underpants, and having a glimpse of her cunt as she removed them had all five of the old guys excited. I suggested that she remove her leather skirt so it could be hung up, and that she keep her shoes on. She knew that one of my fetishes is to see naked women in high heels. That makes any woman's legs look good!Once that was done, she leaned back on the pool table with her hands behind her on the green felt and spread her legs. Chuck told the old men to use their tongues on her to wash her. Of course they all pushed and shoved to get at her tits. One brave soul went down between her legs to lick her sweaty cunt which had to have a strong musty smell by that time. Two of the men stood behind the others and just contented themselves with softly caressing her white skin. Tommy ordered, "No one is to fuck her until I say she can be fucked. When you are finished licking her front clean you'll have to do her rear. Got it?"No one answered him, they just nodded their heads. From the time they first saw her in the garage, there was a steady run of comments such as; "Man she be a pretty white woman alright!" "I'se gonna fuck her like she never had it before!" "I get through wit her and youse can go on home, she not need no more!" "Look at them super white big titties!" "I gonna suck them big titties right off her!""I gonna have her suck my big salami!" "I never touch no white skin afore, sure feel good!" "Shit man, like ol' Redd Foxx says, 'don' put her ass down on no white sheets, we lose her then!" "We won't lose her like that, still see them big brown nipples and her hairy cunt!" "Her pussy hair don't look like no Nigger woman hair, that for sure!"Chuck motioned for Tommy and I to join him in the plush fuck room. He started to roll another joint there while we watched the men washing her body with their tongues. Tommy called in to them, "You better get off her tits and cunt and do her stomach and legs or you're never going to get any of that bitch!" They immediately started on the rest of her body. One of the men, with what looked like a rather long tongue, started licking up and down her face, leaving long trails of spit on her.Chuck passed the joint to me to light, "This is the end of my stash, I'm out. Do you have any?""No, I ran out yesterday and haven't been over to my friends to replenish."Tommy, taking the lit joint from me shouted in to the old men, "Ok turn her around and do a good job on the rest of her." Then turning to Chuck and me, he said, "I just got an idea. Do we want to have her smoke more later?"Both of us nodded our assent and I said, "Yeah, I want her to smoke more and she's too busy to get any of this. She never smokes so it really fucks her up good. Damn, she is really enjoying her tongue bath. I've counted at least five cums on her part so far! She likes those old guys slobbering on her body!""Ok, you guys can stop cleaning her now. Take your pants off and line up. An you cunt, you're gonna pull a train. Take them one at a time any way they want. You guys drop your load in or on her and if you feel you can go again, just get back in line."Then to us he said, "Chuck, think we can score from the same guy you used last time I was here?""Hell yes. He doesn't start dealing until around 5 to 7 in the evening; so he's sure to be at his pad.""What say when this is over we take her over to your dealer. Maybe he'd trade us a baggie for a go at her white ass."The sight of her debasing herself in the other room pulling a train for the old geezers had my cock straining against my jeans. The thought of her putting out to buy us some weed made my prick strain even more. It was almost painful.This I really wanted to see. Chuck said he thought it was a good idea. I could only nod my agreement.In the other room, Ellen was on her knees with her hands pulling and pushing an old man's cock in and out of her mouth. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to her feet, leaned her on the pool table, and shoved his cock into her wet cunt. Two thrusts and he was done. As he pulled out, a little cum ran down on her thigh. The next guy said, "I ain't taking no sloppy seconds. Get down an open you mouth for me to fuck!" And fuck it he did. First slowly, and then he grabbed her hair and really started to jam it into her face. About two minutes of this and he spurted into her mouth.And so it went. Only two guys were able to go twice. One of them was the neighbor. I think he took more pride in showing off for his friends how he could fuck a white woman than he did in the actual deed. All of them tried to get hard again, but no matter how hard she sucked she couldn't get them more than half hard.This all took far longer than we had anticipated. Chuck ushered the men out as they were all profusely thanking him and telling him what a great guy he was. As Chuck was doing that, Tommy told Ellen to get dressed again because we were going out."Where are we going? Dancing again?""We were going to take you to the Sapphire Club for more fun, but we came up with other plans now, and when we finish this plan it will be too late.""Oh, that's too bad, you can tell how much I like to dance. What are we going to do instead? Will it be fun?""Of course, but I'm not telling you what it is until it happens. Let you get your cunt wet first by anticipating what is going to happen."Once Ellen was dressed, she took a few minutes to fix her hair and put some makeup on. While she was in the bathroom doing that, Tommy told me, "You can't go with us. This is no place for a white guy to go. Don't worry about your wife, we'll take care of her and make sure she's safe."Chuck said, "I've got some porno magazines, a few Penthouses, Penthouse Letters, and Playboys to amuse you until we get back. It shouldn't take more than 45 minutes for her to get him off."I chimed in with a thought, "She didn't have any tokes on that last joint; so I'd strongly suggest you feed her some more of the Jack before you leave and one of you drive.""Chuck, you drive and I'll sex her up in the back seat and make sure she has a lot of booze in her, ok?""No problem if Charles trusts me to drive his car.""I'd rather have you drive it than a drunken wife."With that, they grabbed the bottle and brought it down to the bathroom. Ellen was sitting on the john when we pushed our way into the small bathroom. "Hey, can I have some privacy here?""Shut your fucking yap or we'll have you pissing with the dogs again!" With that, Tommy lifted her chin and placed the open bottle at her mouth. He poured so much she couldn't keep up with her swallowing and started to sputter trying to swallow it, spraying the booze out over his arm and her clothes.I took the bottle from him, took a BIG swig, leaned down and slowly dribbled it into her mouth. I was careful to not swallow any myself. Chuck then repeated the act. I have no idea if he kept any for himself or not. Five minutes later when they left, I was ensconced in his living room with about 20 magazines. Most were fuck magazines and Penthouse Letters. I tried reading some of the letters whose titles appealed to me at the moment, but had a hard time concentrating. I had a hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach which was an exciting sensation in its way. Not knowing what was happening only served to both increase my anxiety and my libido. I started to touch my cock, but immediately realized if I did that, I would climax. When the 45 minutes were up, my prick was as hard as a rock. My emotional feelings kept increasing in intensity with each passing minute. Fifty minutes, an hour, another five minutes, then 10, 15, 20, 25!I finally managed to get my mind off the clock by finding a letter that appealed to me. Near the end of the letter my cock just started jerking on its own and shooting my juices out. I never touched myself. Now I had a small mess to clean up. When I finished that, it was almost two hours since they had left for the dealer's pace. My mind was in a complete turmoil! I was severely worried, but excited at the same time. My prick was rock hard again!I tried reading some more, but it did no good. Every time I looked at the clock it seemed as if time had stood still. Almost 3 hours and 50 minutes after they left I heard the car pull into the garage. Not wanting to appear anxious, I remained in the fuck room in the plush chair where I could see the door to the hallway. I could hear muted voices outside the door but couldn't understand what was being said. Then the door opened and Chuck and Tommy stepped inside. I immediately noticed they both had a hand holding the bright red leash. At the height it disappeared around the door frame, I could sense that Ellen wasn't playing dog for them but was standing upright.Chuck asked, "Well Charles, would you like to see your beautiful wife?""Sure do," I answered."We've got her decorated like every white slut should be. She's really a knockout. Want to see her?" Tommy said."Let's see her. Parade her in. I've missed her, what took you guys so long?""Oh you know how these white cunts are, take forever to get their makeup on and their hair all in place." Both of them laughed at that and started walking forward thus bringing Ellen through the doorway. When she was completely in the room, Tommy ordered her to stand at attention with her legs spread and hands behind her back.Make up and hair styled, indeed! Made up and hair coiffed she sure was! Let me describe what greeted my eyes: Her hair was slicked to her head. Most of her face was obscured by cum encrusted hair hanging over it! Her eyes were almost glued shut with cum! Cum had run out of her mouth on both sides and dried there in thick strands. Her tits were completely covered with cum. So much so, her brown aureoles and tits were close to invisible. Cum had crusted on her stomach and her pussy was coated with the hair being more matted than that on her head, if that was possible. There were cum stains on both of her thighs. It was evident she had been given a cum bath. The term wasn't known in those days, but in the vernacular of today we would say she had partook in a bukkake bath. When she had spread her legs a long strand of cum leaked out until it reached about her knees, then it broke free and pooled on the floor. Tommy ordered her, "Get on your knees and lick that up. Keep your hands behind you. Show your husband what a fucking Black cum slut you are!"She had a little trouble getting on her knees, bending over and licking."Moan bitch! Let your husband hear how you moaned for black spunk!"She moaned and made slurping noises as she licked the cum off the floor. Once she was finished, she had a lot of trouble trying to stand up with her hands behind her back, but she never once tried to unclasp them.Chuck went outside and returned with a large plastic sheet which he spread in the fuck room. Tommy pulled her leash again and she obediently followed onto the plastic sheet. There he undid the leash, being careful not to touch the collar which was coated in cum. He then ordered her to sit facing me with her legs spread. "Take your collar off and lick it clean. I want you to wear it whenever I'm here; so get it nice and clean."While she was doing that, Chuck took out a good sized baggie and tossed it to me. "That's for you, Ellen earned it." Then he took out an even bigger bag and started rolling some joints. We smoked one as she continued her cleaning efforts.Once she had finished licking her collar clean, Tommy said, "Take your fucking hair and try to clean as much as you can with your mouth."Next came, "Use your fingers to scoop the cum from your face, belly, and legs into your mouth! Leave your tits and cunt alone."It was fascinating watching her trying to clean herself that way. I noticed more cum was dripping from her cunt. It must have been loaded! I couldn't help but stare at it. It was such a nasty sight!I also couldn't stop from asking, "So what happened?""We'll tell you later, but first we have her tits and cunt to get clean. Chuck and I will each take a tit. The cum is quite dry on those so it should take a while to get them clean. Since you missed out watching her beg for Black cum, you can have her cunt. That should be easier to clean since it is still mostly moist."The three of us got into position and started cleaning her. I can't attest to how tough their part was, but he was correct when he said the cum in her cunt was still moist and runny. Each swipe of my tongue brought forth at least a tablespoonful of Black cum. After giving me three or four loads which overflowed my tongue and went on to my chin, she squeezed her cunt muscles and a big mouthful came out all at once. I removed myself from between her legs, moved around to her head, forced her jaws apart and let it drool into her gaping mouth. She looked up at me with a big smile and then swallowed it.I sat back in the chair, lit another joint, and watched the two of them as they continued to try to suck the dried cum off her tits. Finally they were satisfied and both of them went back to the couch. "Ok, cunt tell your husband what you did tonight and what a fucking Black cum-crazed cunt you've become. Finger yourself while you tell him.She laid back on the plastic tarp, brought her feet back towards her torso so her knees were raised and apart, and started rubbing her clit with her right hand. Her juices became evident almost immediately. After a minute of relating the events I was not privy to, she closed her eyes. Another minute or so and she was fucking herself with the fingers from her left hand while continuing to rub her clit with the right hand.What I will now relate is what she tried to tell me, but often failed because of her fingers and imagination working on her libido. Most of the tale actually came from Chuck and Tommy.At one point in her feeble attempts to relate what happened, Chuck sat on her chest and placed his flaccid cock in her mouth saying, "Talk into this!" Instead, she started sucking on it; so he told her, "Just try talking around it, repeating what we say."Her feeble efforts at speaking around his cock soon had him hard. He then straightened his legs and started pumping his full rod into her mouth with the admonition to keep talking. It was really humorous as she tried to obey, particularly when he entered her throat and she was gagging and trying to talk at the same time. But on to the story according to the three of them.They arrived at the dealer's home and led her into the place by her leash with her hands clasped behind her back. She was positioned in the center of the room where Chuck dropped the leash and told her to turn around slowly. There were five guys in the room with the dealer watching a NBA game. Once Chuck told the dealer, Merlon, what he wanted, the two of them went into the back of the house. The other guys were curious about her and wanted to feel her up, but Tommy told them, "Not yet, maybe latter."In the back bedroom, converted into a simple office with three hard chairs, a desk, and a swivel chair, Chuck and Merlon tried to come to an agreement about her paying for two ounces of pot. Chuck agreed she would suck him, fuck him, or take him up the ass. She was his to do with as she pleased for an hour. He weighed out the two ounces and passed it to Chuck and told him to bring her back. Chuck pocketed the bag and went back to the front room, took her by the leash and brought her to the office. "This is Merlon, you're his to do with whatever he wants for the next hour. Behave yourself and don't embarrass us."Chuck then joined the other guys and started watching the game.According to Ellen, Merlon made her raise her skirt and lean over the desk while he swatted her with a metal ruler. She had to repeat, "Harder please, I'm a dirty white cunt!" with each swat. When she told me this, she raised her ass off the floor and I could still see the red welts he had raised on her.Then he made her beg to suck his cock while she knelt before him as he was seated in his chair, playing with it, flipping it up and down. She had to tell him how beautiful it was and how much she wanted it. Next he grabbed her by the hair, made her stick her tongue out and slapped her face and mouth with his cock. She estimated it was actually an inch or so longer than Chuck's, and easily as thick. When she took it into her mouth, he grabbed her ears and used her head to masturbate. She said he was so large she couldn't stop gagging on it.Next he placed her on the floor and fucked her hard.Then he placed her over his desk and fucked her ass. Up until then he insisted she keep begging him for whatever he was doing or what he said he would do next. She also had to tell him how much she loved his cock and whatever it was he was doing to her. But he entered her asshole using just the slick from her cunt and his spit. She said it hurt and she started to cry. This upset him; so he withdrew and slapped her around; hitting her face and tits. When he ceased she was able to catch her breath, he forced himself back in her ass. This time, once she caught her breath, although it still hurt, she begged him to fuck her ass, told him how great it felt and begged for more.When he was ready to cum, he pulled out of her ass and forced his cock into her throat where he finally spent his load. She said she had a hard time deep throating him because of his size. The entire series of events up to this point took close to an hour. He had her sit in his chair, lean back, place her heels on his desk, and insert a small 18" child's baseball bat into her vagina. Once it was secure, he cleaned himself up and told her to wait like that. He then opened the office door and called for Chuck and Tommy to come back.When they got there, he informed them he was through with her for himself, but would give them two more ounces of pot if he could use her for his customers for another hour or so. The guys thought this was ok and agreed to it. No time limit was actually set. Merlon then called his buddies in and told them they could have a gang bang with her. Tommy suggested she pull a train instead. All the time this was going on, she was sitting there with the handle part of the bat sticking out of her cunt. By this time, there were four other guys waiting in the front room to make their buys. The first five guys fucked her pussy, ass and mouth. When they were done, Merlon called the customers in and told them for another twenty dollars they could also fuck her. They all took him up on his offer. Evidently some of the original group left to find some of their buddies to come back and get a piece of white ass. It wasn't too long before no one wanted to fuck her cunt or ass because she had too much spunk in them. Merlon, Chuck, and Tommy had decided she wouldn't be allowed to get cleaned up and would stay the way she was. Merlon decided he couldn't charge the newcomers for her mouth and gave her blow jobs away for free. To complete her humiliation, Tommy suggested everyone who could still cum should just jerk off over her and give her a cum bath. All three of them, Chuck, Tommy, and Ellen lost track of how many guys came in her or on her. Their estimates ranged from 40 to 60 guys; some of whom jerked off over her more than once. Guess they were turned on by what a nasty sight she was and seemed to be motivated by insulting her. During the entire time she was being bathed in cum, Tommy insisted she moan her pleasure and pleadingly beg for their black cum. She later told me she sensed asking for their black cum really turned most of them on. Sometime during all of this, Tommy got my car keys from Chuck and directions back to the Black convenient store we had visited about 6 weeks earlier. He went over there hoping to find the kids that had felt her up when we were there. Not only were most of them hanging out there again, but also a few others. Since he couldn't jam all of them into our car, he approached three single Blacks he saw in the store and told them what was happening. He agreed to show them where to go if they would take the kids he couldn't fit in my car. When Ellen found out the kids were there, she said it made her have several small climaxes knowing they were jacking off on her. Hell, hearing this part of the story, I thought I was going to climax again without touching myself. Chuck must have felt the same way for he rested his rod back in her mouth and gushed without her actually doing much, just a little tongue action.When it got too late, Chuck told Merlon they had to leave since I would be worried. Tommy gathered up her clothes and Chuck got the baggie for me. Merlon told them they could bring her back any time. No one wanted to touch her because she was totally drenched in cum. They led her naked out to the car, using just the leash and collar. Tommy said there were a lot of nasty comments made to her as she staggered out on the leash. According to him, most of them were things like calling her a fucking white cunt, a slut, a cum bag, whore, douche bag, etc.Chuck leaned close to me and said he noticed that the nastier she was treated and spoken to, the more excited he thought she seemed to get.On the way home, Chuck made her sit in the back by herself. They rolled the windows down so as not to be overpowered by the stench of the spent cum. They said our rear seat has to be cleaned. They made her sit there with her thighs clenched and told her to hold as much in as she could. While driving back they planned how to best present her for my visual pleasure.I guess we all felt excited by her complete submission because none of us took any pictures of her while she was caked with cum from head to toe. DAMN!We drank a little more, smoked some, and fucked a lot. Her cunt was quite loose with much cum still coating the walls. We went home just before dawn broke. She was still so nasty that she had to walk into our house from the garage minus her clothes. I made the mistake of thanking her for earning the pot for me. She used that as an excuse to say I owed her and she wanted me to eat her until she fell asleep. While I was munching on her nasty cunt, she filled me in on more of the details from her night at Merlon's. Those details are all included in the narrative above.***TOMMY'S 3RD VISITBetween Tommy's visits, I gave a thought or two to Ellen's degradation at Merlon's house, but really didn't dwell on it. If I had, maybe reading Vulgus' story "The Life of An Army Wife" wouldn't have been such a revelation to my thinking.Some time during this period, I did ask her how she felt about being "pimped out" at the bar with the dweeb. She said it turned her on, but she wouldn't want to do that again unless it was in a similar situation where Tommy was visiting.On reflection after all these years, what ruminations I did make all always seemed to dwell on how uncharacteristic her behavior was and wondering about the strange influence Tommy seemed to have on her. In the end, I just chalked it up to her willingness to please us with some unusual fun and games.A week or two after the evening she spent with Chuck and Tommy at Merlon's, Chuck called one evening and relayed a request from Merlon. He wanted to see Ellen again and wondered if she would be up for a business proposition. When I relayed the request to Ellen, she grabbed the phone from me and in a very cold tone told Chuck, "You can tell that miserable, lowlife, son of a bitch to fuck off and don't ever bother me again!"It was quite evident she was steamed! I guess I can offer that as an excuse for my being obtuse about the possibility she wanted to be humiliated. To compound the reasons for my lack of recognition is the fact she only allowed herself to be demeaned when Tommy was around. He was her Svengali.As usual, we continued to see Chuck for our fun threesomes. A week or so before we expected Tommy to return, Ellen or I asked Chuck if he had heard from Tommy yet. He hadn't but expected him when six weeks had elapsed. Tommy didn't return for his third visit for several weeks longer than the six he had said it would take him. I noticed an edginess in Ellen when six weeks came around. Each night she asked if Chuck had called about us getting together.As the weeks dragged on, she started to become a little bitchy about no news from Tommy. It was probably about week 10 or 11 that Chuck called on Thursday night to say Tommy would be here the next morning and wondered if I could take off from work to meet him at the airport since he couldn't leave the post office until mid afternoon. I told him I could easily take off but that since summer vacation had started I would send Ellen instead. When I told her about the plans, it was obvious to me that she liked the idea of having him to herself for a few hours.Ellen called my office around noon. The two of them were having a drink in one of the hotel lounges next to the airport. She wanted to know if I would have a problem with the two of them going over to Chuck's house to 'play' until Chuck came home.I asked her, "Is that what you want?""Oh yes! Can you go home and take care of the kids before coming over?""Okay, the two of you go ahead and do it and enjoy yourselves. I have a lot of work to do here before I leave. I probably won't get home until around six tonight. By the time I take care of the kids it will be close to 9 o'clock before I get over there.""Oh, I had hoped you could be here when Chuck gets home from the post office, but I understand.""Do me two favors.""That depends, what are they?""First, don't go any place until I get there. Second, remember everything you two and then you three do before I get there." "It will be my pleasure. But, I'll save the stories for our private times next week, okay?""That's fine with me. See you later. Enjoy yourself."***As things turned out, I managed to get to Chuck's house a few minutes after 7:30. I was very surprised to find all three of them dressed. "How come you are all dressed, no fucking this afternoon?"Tommy informed me that the two of them had already fucked her after Chuck came home and that earlier in the day while waiting for Chuck to get off work that he and Ellen had spent an eventful afternoon. Tommy proudly proclaimed he had. "Taught the bitch to not only wag her tail as a dog but also to 'French" kiss Chuck's two Dobermans."I could only say, "WOW!""But why are you dressed?"Tommy responded with an apology. "I know you didn't want the slut to go out, Ellen told me of your wishes on that matter; but she also told me about Merlon wanting to see her and how angry that made her; so I figured it was a good way to give her some more training.""And what happened?"I must have sounded angry when I asked that, for Tommy continued, "No sex. I figured that would be against your wishes. We just sat in his office, had a couple of drinks and smoked a doobie.""Well, what did he want?""First, let me say he was surprised and apologetic when he found out the cunt is a local teacher and not some two-bit whore we brought in to fuck for drugs. He was very respectful after that and didn't make the request he initially wanted.""Which was what?""He wanted to pimp her out and have her do a few sex shows at one of his bars."Chuck then chimed in with what Merlon finally requested. "After getting to know her a little, he asked if she would be willing to be a sex teacher for a few kids. He has in mind his three nephews and maybe each of them could bring a friend. They all go to school over on this side of town; so that eliminates them knowing her."Tommy added, "I told him maybe in two weeks and I'd bring my nephew out with me."I asked, "And how is this going to be set up?"Tommy: "You and Chuck would be there as business partners of Merlon's and I'd bring the slut in as a fellow teacher of mine in Atlanta."Chuck: "Merlon suggested that she make up lesson plans to teach them how to politely ask for a dance, say at a school function. Then to slowly work into kissing and such to tease them before the actual fucking starts. What do you think?""I don't mind as long as everything is safe. It is all up to Ellen. What do you want to do?"Giggling, she responded, "I think it would be fun to pop the cherries of some young twinkies!""Then I am okay with it, but this time I want to be there."Tommy: "I already covered that since you and Chuck will be visiting business partners and it will be at Merlon's home rather than his work house."Ellen: "The four of us are going to get together with Merlon tomorrow at some other place he owns. He said it is a whore house but that I wouldn't be turning any tricks since it wouldn't be fair to the girls working there, I insisted that you be there, too."Chuck: "It will give us a chance to lay out some ideas for Ellen's popping those cherries."Me: "Sounds like the three of you have everything planned out to my satisfaction and Ellen seems to be up for it. Now are we going to get naked and fuck?"Tommy: "Not yet. I thought we'd go out and have a few drinks at the Sapphire Club."***By the time the three of them had a few shots of Jack and smoked a couple of joints, it was getting close to 11 o'clock when we left the house and almost 11:30 when we got to the Sapphire Club.The Sapphire Club was located in an old warehouse with a long bar running most of one wall and a huge dance floor. I was rather surprised at how few people were in the place; maybe about a fifteen. Mostly black men and a few black women. There were two white men there and two white women, one of whom seemed to be married to one of the men while the other seemed to be a date.I don't recall too much from our stay at the bar. Both Tommy and Chuck took turns dancing with Ellen and I believe she also danced with a few of the other single men there. I do know that for some reason (probably at Tommy's urging) she was frequently felt up by strangers while we were sitting at the bar. But nothing further than that occurred.***Back at the house after closing time, we spent a relatively tame night fucking her cunt and mouth. For some reason, all of us seemed to be worn out; so Ellen and I left after about an hour. She felt it best to get rested up for the next day since the four of us would be together all day.PART 2SATURDAYAfter the passage of so much time since these events, I really can't remember what time we got together on Saturday. It was probably early afternoon. Also, I believe there might be some wishful masturbatory fantasy involved in the events I write about regarding Big Alma's whore house; those events which I did not witnessI do recall that we the four of us went to Merlon's home and then followed him to the whore house. It was a small bi-level house set back off Mission Road. There were two bedrooms and a living room with 3 couches on the first floor along with a bathroom, a kitchen, and a small dining area set up with a cot and curtains which could be drawn together to form another bedroom.When we entered, I noticed eight or nine girls sitting in the living room. Most were Black, but there were 2 girls who looked to be Mexican and 1 who appeared to be caucasian. All of them were scantily clothed.The second floor had three bedrooms, a bathroom, and a room converted to an office. It was to this latter room that Merlon led us.Playing the 'perfect' host, he asked what we would like to drink. I remember I asked for a coffee. The others asked if he had anything hard to drink. With that, he produced a bottle of tequila and yelled out for someone named Big Alma, to bring up a cup of brewed coffee.&#8232;We chit-chatted for a few minutes until an overweight Black woman brought in my coffee along with packets of sugar and creamer.As soon as Big Alma left, we started to discuss plans for when Ellen would be 'teaching' the twinkies.Every time someone said the word TWINKIES", she would giggle. I finally asked her why she kept laughing whenever we said 'twinky'.Her reply was something like, "When I was little I always liked to squeeze the cream out of the chocolate bun and now I really going to get cream from the chocolate!"We probably made plans for about 30 minutes or so. Ellen was writing down the suggestions which she particularly liked.Tommy brought the discussion to a close when he said, "I think the cunt has a good idea of what to do; so let's talk about something else. "Merlon, as you know, this bitch needs to be constantly taught her place; so I was wondering if there was something you can think of for her to do before we leave."Merlon: "Well, I guess she could turn a trick or two and give the money to the girls, but that really won't make them too happy since it would have to be shared and each of them would be thinking the john would have chosen her if Ellen hadn't been there. We could have her suck us all off. Anybody have any other ideas?"Tommy: "Any of your girls into girl-girl action?"Merlon: "As far as I know, just Big Alma."Tommy: "Every girl likes to have her quim eaten, makes no difference who's doing it."Ellen: "I can't eat some whore's cunt!"Tommy: "The fuck you can't! And for thinking your cunt is better than theirs, I suggest that you'll eat them clean after their john leaves. That alright with you Merlon?"Merlon: "I think it's a great idea."Tommy: "Will the girls and Big Alma let us watch while she cleans their sloppy holes?"Merlon: "That would be a performance and they'd want to get paid, but Big Alma would love to do it; particularly if two of you are sucking her titties while she's being eaten. I know that, for I've seen her punish some of the girls that way for fucking up on the house rules."Me: "Before you tell Big Alma what we have planned, why don't we have the cunt get naked first."As I said that I looked at Ellen to see her reaction, expecting her to be angry. She just gave us all a little smile and started to undress.Merlon called Big Alma. When she entered the room, a broad smile crossed her face when she saw the naked Ellen."She gonna be working for us?"Merlon told her no and the smile lessened. He then told her what Ellen would be doing for the girls and her, and Big Alma's smile came back. He then instructed her to tell the working girls what was planned for them. As soon as Big Alma left the room, we all whipped our pricks out for Ellen to start sucking. Tommy had her crawl from one to the other, wagging her ass as a happy dog. He also had her yap like a dog while she scooted from chair to chair.Sometime while all of this was going on, Big Alma returned to the room. Big Alma instructed Ellen to come over to where she was standing. When Ellen was within reach, Big Alma drew her close and planted a wet kiss on her lips. It only took Ellen a few seconds to start to kiss back. She later said that was the most tender anyone was with her while at the house. Big Alma drew my naked wife to an overstuffed chair and sat down while pulling Ellen into her lap. They continued sucking each other's tongue until Big Alma gently pushed her to the floor and stood up. She then proceeded to take her dress off. The Black woman was a good 50 to 70 lbs. overweight and had huge pendulous breasts which sagged almost to her navel.Big Alma reseated herself, spread her legs, and told Ellen to start eating, but do it slow.Ellen licked up one fat thigh and then the other. By the time Ellen was almost up to the top of the second thigh, one of the Mexican American girls stuck her head in the door and smilingly asked, "Is it correct that I can a good cunt cleaning in here?"Merlon: "Here or in private. We'd like to watch, but there's nothing extra in it other than having your pussy licked clean.""I don't mind doing it here.," she said as she came in the room.Tommy pulled Ellen away from between Big Alma's thighs and instructed her, "Lie down on the floor, bitch, so she can straddle your face!"Then more gently, he told Big Alma, "Don't worry, we'll see to it she pleasures you before the afternoon is over."Ellen was slow to move into position either because she was hesitant to perform or because she wasn't quite sure how she should position herself. It made no difference to Tommy as he whacked her ass with his belt."Damn, this cunt lapper is sure stupid! She don't know from nothing. Instead of lying down there, come over here first."As she crawled over to him, he affixed her collar and leash, holding on to the end of the leash. he then jerked her forcefully towards the floor. Once she was in position and the whore pulled her dress up to straddled her face, he handed the prostitute his belt and told her, "If she isn't performing to your satisfaction, use this on her."Taking the belt, the whore changed positions so instead of facing Ellen's head, she was facing her feet. "I better sit this way so I can get at her tits and cunt more easily if they need to be smacked. Two of you hold her legs apart for me."Chuck and I each sat on a spread leg. The whore had used her own legs to pin Ellen's arms over her head. She glanced at all of us with a smile, saying, "I know what you horn dogs want to see," and then forcefully ground her pelvic region into my wife's face, "You don't mind if I give incentive every once in a while, do you?"Tommy: "That would give us immense pleasure my dear."Upon hearing that, she doubled the belt in half and brought it smartly down on Ellen's cunt. Ellen jolted and issued a muffled scream!The prostitute smiled at all of us again and wordlessly mouthed the question, "MORE?" Tommy told her to wait a second but to keep grinding on the cunt lapper's face. He positioned himself between Chuck and I and pinched Ellen's cunt lips with his fingers to pull them far apart. "Now be careful not to hit me."As she swung the belt, Ellen started screaming, "NOOO ~ NOOO ~ DON"T DO IT!"Before I could stop the action, Merlon thought Tommy and the girl had gone far enough. "Don't be hurting that fine pussy like that, she won't be any good later." Tommy told him, "Look down here. Her pussy juices are running like a faucet and she's hardly even started to eat yet! She's digging it man."He was right. Ellen's juices were running down to her ass. She was enjoying being humiliated and having her cunt stropped.Even so, the girl had stopped spanking the cunt once Merlon had spoken up. She lifted herself an inch or so off Ellen's face, dropped the belt alongside her, and pulled Ellen's tits upward by her nipples, "Time to carpet munch"After a few minutes, the whore said, "That's good, now lick my ass and then stick your nose in it while you clean the bottom of my cunt."Without waiting for Ellen to comply, the girl picked up the belt and started slapping Ellen's tits with it. It was about at this point that we saw Ellen have a small orgasm. That seemed to satisfy the whore for she stood up and smoothed her dress down.Turning and looking down at Ellen, she said, "You are one filthy, disgusting, bitch. Look at you with cum and pussy juice smeared all over your face. What a fucking puta you are!"As she opened the door, she hollered downstairs, "Anyone else need this puta to come down to lick you clean?"Two girls answered in the affirmative. "You want it up here or for her to come down there?"I guess they wanted her to come downstairs for the whore turned and beckoned Ellen to follow her.***We didn't see Ellen again for close to an hour. By that time Big Alma was back and getting antsy. After waiting another 10 minutes or so, she called out to send, "that white trash meat upstairs."When Ellen appeared, it was evident her ass, tits, and cunt had all been repeatedly whacked. Her neck was also showing red abrasions indicating that her leashed had been yanked. We later found out the girls had been informed of what had transpired earlier with the first prostitute and seemed to take delight in abusing her. She was spanked and pinched, forced to lick asses and cunts alike. The girls also took delight in treating her like a dog and took her outside to pee like a female dog for two of the male customers.My initial impression of the whorehouse had been that there wasn't much business, but I guess that was a mistaken impression for she had eaten out five or six girls while she was gone.Once Ellen was back in the room, Big Alma told her, "Scoot in here and do my Black pussy justice, girl!"Big Alma flopped her tits out from her dress top and held them out for two of us to suck, Tommy and Chuck got there first. After a few minutes, she pushed Tommy away, and looking at me and said, "I ain't never had no white boy suck on my titties, let's see how good you are."I remember I sucked and squeezed her chocolate melons for around 10 minutes or so while Ellen ate her to several climaxes.***I can't remember with any certainty what we did for the rest of that day - I assume we fucked back at Chuck's house, but I do know that sometime early in the evening we went to a place on 12th Avenue south of town called Slick Nick's Flicks. It was a place which showed 8 minute loops of sex tapes.Tommy planned it that I would go in first, find a spot that was fairly open with vacant seats. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I could see there were only a few patrons in the place; maybe a half dozen. About 5 minutes later, Chuck came in and took a seat about four or five seats away from where I was seated. A few minutes later, Tommy and Ellen came into the theater. Rather than taking seats as soon as their eyes adjusted, they remained standing as Tommy feigned not being able to see. That gave all the patrons ample time to look over my wife.Finally they took seats between the two of us. Once they were comfortable ensconced in their seats, Tommy pretended to look around and then in a loud stage whisper and with hand motions suggested that Chuck and I move closer so we could "appreciate his bitch's charms."I happened to be on the side nearest Ellen and Tommy got up and allowed Chuck to take his seat and proceeded to seat himself next to him.In another loud whisper, he instructed, "Open your fucking blouse slut and let them have at your tits while you jill yourself off."By the time she had her blouse open, there were several sets of hands gripping her tits ~ seemed like most of the patrons had gathered around as soon as they realized there was a chance for a show and maybe more. It was hard for Chuck or I to get a solid feel in on her tits what with all the competition for her bare flesh.Tommy let her rub off a good climax and then he told her it was time to go. Ellen stood up and closed her blouse as they made their way out of the theater. Three of the customers followed them out; so it didn't look too suspicious when Chuck and I also followed.As we were about to exit the lobby, someone came out of a side room and in a loud voice asked, "How about letting me get a handful of those tits?"We assumed it was either the owner or the manager of the place. Tommy told him, "O.k. Can we all fit into that room?""I'd rather not, it's my private office. What say she just joins me for a few minutes?""Nah. She has to be properly displayed to fully show her many talents.""Well, we can't do it here.""How about in the shitter?""That'd be o.k. You all together?""Nah, these five are just horn dogs who are hoping to get fucked." Then to us he said, "But it ain't going to happen. You can get a free show if you want, but that's it."The three of them and the five of us guys followed them into the mens room. It was filthy and stunk of stale piss.Tommy directed Ellen to strip and kneel. She was on her knees almost immediately since at this time she was wearing just a short skirt and a blouse. We six men formed a circle around the two of them.The owner/manager (?) unbuckled and dropped his pants to around his ankles. Ellen took his prick into her mouth with a loud sucking noise and without using her hands which she had automatically laced behind her back.A few bobs of her head had him hard and she let him slip from her mouth as her tongue then went down his shaft and around his balls. He moaned as her moth returned to its former position. From this point on there was no further teasing, it was strictly a hard core mouth fuck on her part as she repeatedly rammed her face onto his cock and into her throat. It wasn't long before her efforts bore the desired results. His fingers curled into her hair and now he added his hip thrusts to her head thrusts. She was making gurgling and gagging sounds as his rapidly pumping cock rammed in and out of her mouth.She gave a muffled grunt as her eyes opened wide and his body began to spasm. He held her hair tighter and pulled her face flush with his groin as his movements became more violent. He was keeping her flush against him as he jabbed her back and forth. She made several strangling noises as her throat worked frantically to accept his cum in her throat.Finally it was over. As he stumbled backward against a sink for balance. He forgot to let go of her hair and dragged her along with him. She was lucky she didn't fall flat on her face in that filthy room.As she dressed again, I noticed the audience had grown in size until there were 10 or 12 of us there. It amazed me that the four of us were able to exit the place and she wasn't grabbed to try to make her perform again by the newcomers.***We weren't sure what we wanted to do once we left the adult theater since it was now getting rather late in the evening. We sat in the car for a few minutes and discussed our options.I suggested we go back to Chuck's place and enjoy my wife's charms.Ellen liked that idea, but said she would prefer to go back to the Sapphire Club and dance until closing.It was decided by Chuck's suggestion. "Let's go back to my place so I can see her with the dogs."Tommy: "Sounds like a winner to me, you want it and I want it. How about you Charles?""I wouldn't mind, but I think I'll defer to my wife."Ellen: "Well I don't want to do that again in front of all of you." Then to Tommy she said, "It was bad enough doing it to please you!"Tommy: "What the fuck gave 'You Cunt For Brains' the idea you had any say in the matter? If you knew your proper place you wouldn't have just suggested going back to the Sapphire to dance but would have offered to put on a show in the mens room. "And you two guys, when the fuck are you going to learn what this cunt is? She's a piece of ass, a cum bucket, a nasty, filthy whore. Geeze!" That ended the discussion and we drove back to Chuck's.***Once we were settled in the "Fuck Room" Ellen, Tommy and I started to undress while Chuck went into the yard to get one of his dogs. We were undressed by the time he returned with the dog on a leash. Tommy left and went into the room with the pool table while Chuck shed his clothes. When he returned, he had Ellen's rhinestone, spike studded dog collar and leash."If her lover is going to be leashed, then it is only fair the bitch is collared and leashed too."After collaring her, he had her get down on all fours like a dog. "Now move your ass like the happy bitch dog you are. Show your lover how glad you are to see him."Ellen seemed to readily do as she was directed. By jiggling her ass while in this position caused her pendulous tits to swing from side to side. The way her breasts swayed as she moved was an extremely erotic sight to my eyes. I don't apologize for it, I've always been a tit-man and hanging tits have always been a visual turn on for me. Holding both leashes close to the necks, Tommy brought the two "animals" face to face. The dog immediately started lathing her face. A second later my wife stuck her tongue out and started licking up and down. I was totally stunned. I wasn't aroused, just transfixed. When I glanced over at Chuck, I could see his cock was standing straight up. Obviously the scene turned him on.After a minute or two, Tommy, using their leashes, had Ellen change position so she was facing toward the middle of the dog's body. "SIT!" he ordered as he placed his foot on Ellen's ass and pushed down so she sat."Take his cock and start playing with it."She tentatively started to gently massage his sheath, but not much happened, other than a tiny bit of pink dog cock peeked out. "This doesn't seem to be working, Chuck, you got any creamy peanut butter?""I have both creamy and chunky.""Creamy would be best. Want to get it?"Chuck arose and left the room, returning a minute later with a bottle of creamy peanut butter. During the time he was gone, Ellen's ministrations on the dog's sheath produced no further results."Ok cunt, sit on the hassock and spread your legs. Now spread some of this on your cunt."Once she had complied, Tommy led the dog over and brought his mouth down to her peanut butter smeared cunt.The dog immediately started to eagerly lap her pussy. It seemed to have an electric effect on Ellen as her eyes bulged and her mouth shaped and "O" as she let out a loan moan.It last only as long as the dog took to clean up the peanut butter. Tommy started to pull the dog away when Ellen grabbed his arm. "Let's try it again. I'll put more on my cunt this time."With that she proceeded to smear her pussy lips and put large thick gobs on her clit and into her slit.This time it took the dog about 5 minutes to slurp it all up. It took her about a minute and a half for her to reach a body shuddering climax. As the dog continued to lap away she kept shuddering and muttering incoherently.Once the dog had her clean, he just lost interest.The three of us couldn't believe what we had just witnessed! We sat and stared for a good minute or more before Tommy broke the silence, "Now bitch, I think you owe him big time; so get down and start licking his cock!"Chuck: "That's not a good idea, she'll get a mouth full of dog hair and won't be much use to us."Me: "Why don't we try the other dog and see if she has more luck with him."But it wasn't meant to be; the other dog didn't react any better although he was able to eat her to an identical violent climax.We gave up on the dogs. I was pleased the dogs didn't work out on this night for I know her actual feelings about her having sex with a dog.We ended this visit with Tommy early Sunday morning.***TOMMY'S 4TH VISITBefore Tommy left at the end of his third visit, he told us he would be back on a Thursday rather than Friday or Saturday as was usual for him. He told us he wanted to bring his nephew with him on the next visit.Both Chuck and I arranged to take Thursday and Friday off so we would have plenty of 'play time.'As he promised, Tommy was back two weeks later, but he didn't make it on Thursday - he arrived on Friday and without his nephew. The boy was in a pee wee baseball league and didn't want to miss any games.That night, the three of us went over to Merlon's foothills home to talk about what would happen the next day. Merlon had his hot tub running when we arrived. We all stripped and soaked in the tub, drinking a good white wine while we planned for the next day. Ellen was seated between Merlon and Chuck. The two of them fingered her and played with her tits while we talked. Merlon told us his three nephews would be over early in the morning. The boys were ages 10, 12, and 13. and each was told they could bring a trustworthy friend. Trustworthiness was something Merlon had drilled into his nephews since an early age because of the nature of his business which sometimes flowed over into his personal life.While we were sitting in the hot tub, Merlon got a phone call from his nephews. Their mother made them call him because the older two had invited more than one friend each and she wanted them to clear it with their uncle. The older two boys asked more than one friend. The 12 year old invited one additional buddy and the 13 year old invited two. There were going to be nine boys staying for what they thought was a normal sleepover at their uncle's. Merlon was picking the boys up at 7:00 in the morning. Merlon would explain to them he felt they lacked refinement so he had arranged for his friend from Atlanta to bring an etiquette teacher to instruct them in proper manners.It was decided that Chuck and I would arrive about 8. We would pretend to be discussing business when Tommy and Ellen would arrive. Merlon would introduce them and then get back to business with us as she started to teach them.Ellen would teach them some very basic and boring etiquette stuff. She wouldn't tell us how she was going to let them know what erotic pleasures were in store for them. FRIDAYThe morning started off just as we had planned. When Chuck and I arrived at Merlon's house, there were 9 young boys there. The boys were seated in a room with patio doors leading outside to the patio pool and a large spa. They were in the process of finishing eating their McDonald's breakfasts as Merlon introduced us and explained we were business partners for an enterprise he had going in Phoenix.Merlon informed us that he had told the boys they were sadly in need of etiquette instruction and that he had arranged for an expert to give them some lessons. He also sternly told them they would pay attention and behave themselves if they knew what was good for them.One side of their "lecture" room had large glass doors which opened to an office space. Merlon told the boys we would be working in there where we could keep an eye on their behavior.It was very evident the boys were not overly enthused about the coming lecture, but they seemed to know that the consequences of not behaving weren't worth being sent home.As I later found out, Merlon had a large game room with pinball machines, a pool table and video games. It was like a nice cosy arcade. Plus there was the large swimming pool and spa.I never knew each of the boys' names, nor their exact ages. I do, however, recall that they ranged in age from 9 to 13 and remember a couple of the names, but not who the names belonged to. Therefore, I have interspersed the few real names I recall with made-up names and arbitrarily assigned ages.For the purposes of this narrative, I will go with the following:10 year old nephew: Rodney and his 9 year old friend, Cleve.12 year old nephew: Hendrick and his 12 year old friends Timmy and Scooter.13 year old nephew: Vernon and his 13 year old friends Smitty, Hank, and Pee Wee.It was some time after 9 a.m. when Tommy and Ellen arrived.She was dressed in her normal work clothes with a grey skirt which came to just below her knees, a matching jacket over an opaque white blouse with a frilled collar which overlay the jacket. Sensible 1-inch shoes and no stockings.Merlon introduced Tommy as a longtime friend from Atlanta and Ellen as a school teacher friend of Tommy's who had agreed to help educate them in the finer points of etiquette. The boys who were quite polite in their greetings, even if they were less than enthusiastic about what they imagined was to come. He then invited Tommy to join the three of us in his office for some fresh brewed coffee. We each fixed our own coffee and then sat down as if to work on business matters. By the time the four of us were settled in, Ellen was already into her "lesson." We could hear much of what was said in the room as long as the speaker did not talk softly.I picked up on the lesson where she was telling the boys that Merlon thought they were very smart and could have bright futures ahead of themselves as long as they applied themselves.She went on and told them that some day they would want to find a nice girl who could help them achieve their desires and that good manners would serve to impress the girl they chose.She covered various subjects as how to sit without slouching or sprawling, how to conduct 'small talk', and how to look directly at the girl. She had each of the boys practice each item.It took her about an hour to get to the part where she instructed them in how to approach a girl at a junior high school function and ask her to dance. She had each boy approach her, ask for a dance, and then hold out his hand to assist her in rising from her seat.Before going on to the next step, she called in to Merlon and asked him to turn on some slow dance music. He went to a corner of his office and turned on some music which played in our room as well as being piped outside to the patio and into the room where the instruction was being held. She then showed all of the boys how to hold a girl while dancing. What she showed them was a rather formal, distant dance hold. The next step in the lesson was to show them a closer hold while dancing. It was at this point the boys seemed to show a little more interest since they got to hold her.After the last boy got to shuffle her around a bit, she came over to the door and suggest that now would be a good time for them to take a break and have some refreshments.Ellen had each boy take his seat again and started to lecture them on how to behave during the break ~ as if they were at a dance. We didn't hear all of her instructions because Merlon had the three of us follow him to the kitchen where we loaded up trays with sodas and chips which we took to a table on the patio. At this point Ellen and the boys joined us outside. Cleve politely asked Ellen what she would like and then brought her a Fresca diet soda. There followed about 10 minutes of the boys chatting with each other, with Ellen and with us. Nothing of consequence other than the older boys inquiring how much longer the lessons would last?Merlon told them not to concern themselves with that matter and they could always just go home if they felt put upon. They elected to stay.The break over, we each went back to the respective rooms. Now, Ellen told them she was going to teach them how to give the girl a respectful good night kiss. But first she explained what signs to look for in order to see if the girl would be receptive. Once that was done, she had each boy come up, hold her hands, lean forward slightly, and as she turned her cheek to them, they politely kissed her cheek.She then told them that if the girl doesn't turn her head to the side, but approached him straight on, he could kiss her on the lips. They each took a turn performing this act. Next she told them that the girl might be receptive to more than just a chaste peck on the lips and might soften her lips or even put a little of her tongue out. When she practiced this with them, it was obvious most of the boys got quite a bit more excited. That exercise completed, she then came to the doorway of our room and asked Merlon if he would select which boy he thought had been best behaved and most attentive during the morning session. The four of us conferred and agreed it seemed as if it was a tie between his 10 year old nephew Rodney and 9 year old Cleve. "Hmmm, that presents a slight problem since I had planned on selecting 1 boy to help me in the next exercise."Turning to the seated boys, she told them, "I want Rodney and Cleve to come up here and for you other seven to remain seated exactly where you are. If you don't stay where you are, you will be asked to leave for the day! Is that understood?"The boys all voiced their acknowledgement of her orders as the chosen two arose from their seats.When the two boys were at her side, she instructed them, "Rodney since you are closer to my height, I'll use you as my subject first. Cleve, you watch carefully, and when I turn to you, you just follow what you have observed. Ok? Do you understand?"They both nodded their heads indicating they understood.She turned towards Rodney and gently grasped his wrists as she slightly lowered her face to his. She started to kiss him as in the previous lesson, but soon was sucking his tongue into her mouth. The boy's eyes became as big as saucers!Cleve moved into a position facing the two of them and stared intently; while the seated boys all were twisting and leaning in their seats to get a better view as the teacher and pupil were in to deep penetration of their tongues into each other's mouths.Slowly Ellen guided Rodney's left hand behind her and on to her ass. She applied pressure and a circular motion to his wrist causing his hand to slide around her ass cheek. Once he realized what she wanted him to do, she let go of his wrist and placed her right hand behind his head so their faces were more closely melded together.You could have heard a pin drop in the room as all eyes were on the two of them and the boys couldn't believe what they were witnessing.Next, Ellen took his right hand and brought it to her left breast under her suit jacket. She slid her hand from his wrist to his fingers and led him to massage her tit. Now, the seated boys found their voices and sounded their awe at what they were seeing:"Gawd damn!""HOLY SHIT HE'S FEELING HER TIT!" "AND HER ASS!"Ellen and Rodney continued to kiss deeply as he felt her tit and caressed her ass. She in turn had dropped both of her hands to his ass and in her scrunched down position was moving his hips around so he was grinding her pelvic area.After a minute or two of this action, she turned and offered her slightly open mouth to Cleve. He didn't bother with her ass but went immediately to her tits with both of his little hands.Rodney had an obvious hard-on and moved behind her where he used both hands to massage her ass. A minute or so of this action and he worked his hands up and around her body to her tits. Both boys were using their hands on her for a time, but then Cleve lowered his to her ass and pulled her closer to him as he started to make a slow pumping motion into her groin.She allowed this to go on for a few minutes to the accompaniment of loud comments and noises from the seated boys who remained seated, but were straining to get a better view of what was happening.Finally, she broke the embraces of the two small boys and told them to take their seats. The other boys were jabbing their hands into the air and shouting, "ME NEXT! ME! PICK ME!" Ellen motioned for them to calm down. Then she announced, "You will each get a chance, but I want you to remain silent until I tell you that you may speak again.""It is getting close to time for our lunch break; so you won't have as much time as Rodney and Cleve had, but that is only fair since they were the best students this morning."Turning to Merlon, she said, "Merlon, would you please time each boy? I think 30 seconds should be enough time for them."She then had each boy come up separately and play 'dueling tongues' with her as their hands wandered over her ass and tits.Hendrick, Timmy, and Scooter were all closer to her size so she didn't have to scrunch down as much to meet their mouths, but could just slightly lower her mouth to their young lips.Vernon, Smitty, and Hank were taller than she which made it appear more natural. Pee Wee was almost her exact size. It was Vernon who first lowered a hand to her pussy as he kissed her while also squeezing a breast.Once Merlon called, "TIME!" on the last boy, there were 9 hard boy cocks and 4 hard men cocks in the house. After the last boy took his seat, Ellen went around the circle of chairs and planted a wet tongue kiss on each boy as she squeezed his cock.Then she stood up and announced, "I guess those hard cocks are meant for me, but there is more to be learned first and we still have to have lunch before I can decide what to do with the lovely presents you have for me."That announcement brought a room full of groans and moans."I now want each of you to move your chairs into a semicircle and then take a seat according to your age; the oldest to the youngest. The oldest in the chair to my left and the youngest at the other end." It took an excited minute or two for the boys to sort out the ages, but they finally got the job done and were seated as directed. It turned out that Pee Wee, the smallest of the oldest boys was also the oldest. Cleve, being 9 was the youngest and was seated next to Rodney, the youngest of the nephews.Ellen approached Pee Wee and turning her back to him, directed him to remove her suit jacket. He reached around and found a tit for each of his hands before sliding the jacket from her shoulders.The next boy got to lower her skirt zipper. Followed by the next boy lowering her skirt while rubbing her ass in the process.Boy number 4 got to unbutton the top three buttons of her blouse, Number 5 undid the last three buttons. Number six removed her blouse. Number 7 lowered her half slip. That brought her to the two smallest boys. There had been a method to the her arrangement. Starting with the oldest boys, she knew they would be using their hands to take as much liberty with her body as they could. This emboldened the other boys. Also, the order was such that the youngest two were the ones who got to reveal the ultimate prizes. To Rodney she gave the choice of removing either her panties or her bra. He chose her panties. She stood in front of Cleve with her pussy almost in his face. The boy seemed to have trouble breathing as she finally leaned forward so he could reach behind and unfasten her bra.With her tits in his face and her pussy so close. he fumbled forever before he managed to slip it off her arms.She stood up straight and walked to a corner where she had a large purse. She removed two shoes with 4-inch high heels, turned around and approached Vernon. Lifting a foot to the tent in his lap, she told him to take off her shoe. In this position, her pussy lips had parted giving him a clear view to her nether depths. She tossed that shoe to the corner by her bag and then hobbled over to Hendrick and repeated her performance.From there, she took the high heeled shoes to Rodney and had him put one of them on her foot. She repeated that performance with Cleve. This act had given each of the nephews and the youngest a close up view of her slightly opened cunt.Once both shoes were in place. she sashayed around the room, swinging her hips by placing one foot slightly across the other as she walked. After circling the room a few times, she slowly walked away from the boys with a still more exaggerated walk, and looking back over her shoulder, asked, "Do you boys like this view?"There was a roar of approval."Well you can enjoy it during the lunch as I serve each of you on the patio, but absolutely NO TOUCHING! Do you understand? If you touch, you will miss the lessons planned for this afternoon. Also, I don't want any of you, boys or men, undressing until I tell you to do so." Turning to us four grownups she said, "Of course the four of you are free to touch all you want as I serve lunch."With that, she swayed off to the kitchen with Merlon about 10 steps behind her.Her sexy performance had everyone sporting a raging hard-on aching to escape the confines of our pants. It was an effort to walk out to the patio, but somehow all of us managed.A few after seating ourselves, Ellen and Merlon came out carrying a tray full of previously prepared sandwiches and cans of iced soda. Merlon went back inside as Ellen proceeded to make the rounds serving each boy with a sandwich, soda and napkin; making sure her tits were hanging almost on each boy's face as she served him. Merlon returned with tray of 5 margarita glasses filled to the salted brim. Also on the tray were three fat doobies and a lighter.After the boys were all served, Ellen started to serve the four of us men. When she got to Tommy, he pinched her nipples and hoisted her tits upward until she was standing on the toes of her spiked heeled shoes. The boys were all bug-eyed watching his treatment of her.Tommy motioned for the three of us to join the two of them in a muted conversation. "I'm for letting her continue as she's doing except for one change?"Me: "What is that?"Tommy: "I want her to announce that she is a teacher from Atlanta, but to also tell them she is every dirty name she can think of to call herself."Chuck: "Why?"Tommy: "So she is embarrassed and also to encourage the boys to use and abuse her when she announces the free fuck time."Merlon: "What do you think, Ellen?"Tommy: "She has no say in this matter."Merlon: "She's in my house now and I say she does have a say. Now, Ellen, what do you want?"Ellen: "It is ok with me, but I'd like to tell them after I teach each of them to finger and eat a pussy."Tommy: "What do you know! The bitch actually has something bright to say. Good girl! Do it that way."About 20 minutes later, she then sternly ordered the boys to return to the room and to be seated. As they were complying with her orders, she quietly asked Merlon if he had something softer than the floor to lie on and if he had an ottoman?Merlon nodded that he did and led the three of us to another part of the house. In one room he pointed to a single bed and said, "Strip the linen from that and bring it to her." Tommy and I proceeded to carry it back while Merlon found an ottoman in another room for her to use.As Tommy and I entered the room, she said, "Ahh, just in time. I've been instructing these young men on the importance of always being sure their lady friend has at least one climax before they do."Turning back to the boys, "Now when you are actually fucking the girl, it is really great if the two of you can climax at the same time to finish; but as I said, you should always make sure the girl climaxes at least once and you can do that with your hand or your tongue."Just as Merlon and Chuck returned with the hassock, Ellen walked over to Pee Wee and stood in front of him. "give me your hand," she directed him."Run your fingers through my slit and get them wet with my juices... Ahh, that's it! Spread my juices... Goodboy! Feel that nub at the top of my vagina? That's my clitoris. Spread my juices around it and rub harder... Ohh, that feels gooood!!"By the time she worked her lesson down to Cleve, she had a climax from the manual stimulations she was receiving. Leaving the semi-circle of horny boys, she staggered herself over to the mattress - she was still wearing her high heeled shoes - and assumed a position lying on the mattress on her back with her legs spread and knees slightly bent. "Now it is time for you to learn how to eat pussy. We'll go from the oldest to the youngest again. You won't each have to bring me off for I know you boys will give me much pleasure during this afternoon; so you'll just perform cunilingus until I am satisfied you have it correct. Pee Wee, you first."Pee Wee licked her slit and easily found her rather large clit. It didn't take long until she was satisfied that he was doing it correctly. He was replaced by Smitty between her legs. As Pee Wee took his seat again, the boys were asking him how it tasted. He assured them there was not an unpleasant taste and he enjoyed it.Next came Vernon and Ellen had a good cum, coating his tongue and cheek with her juices. Vernon was initially surprised when it happened and lifted his head from between her legs, but Ellen gripped his head and pulled him back to position.That was repeated again when the middle nephew, Hendrick was eating her; and again with Rodney. Cleve was the icing on the cake for her. As soon as she stood up, she looked over at Tommy and winked! "C'mon here, stud."Tommy moved behind her and encircled her with his arms. One hand was on her belly and the other hand gently massaged a breast. Ellen twisted her head to a position where she could tongue kiss him.Breaking the kiss, she told the boys, "As you have obviously seen, I can be the prim and proper school teacher during the day, but at night I am Tommy's slut."Tommy slid his other hand up to her breast and with both of his palms held flat, caught her nipples between two fingers her breasts and he pulled her tits up; then let them fall back in place. He did this again as he ordered her to continue to, "Tell the boys what you are!""I'm a cum slut.""Continue," he demanded as he now pinched her engorged nipples and stretched her tits upward to their limit before releasing them to fall again."Your twat to use any way you want.""What do you like to do for your pleasure?""To please you, gives me pleasure. I love to fuck and suck."Squeezing one breast tightly, he started roundly slapping her other tit. "Tell them exactly what kind of slut you are!""I'm a nasty, cum eating slut. I crave cum in my pussy, in my mouth, on my tits, on my stomach, any place you want to put it. My lover here, calls me his cum dump, his cum bag, his twat. I am a nasty cock sucking cum eater!"Tommy moved back, raised her to a sitting position and grabbed her elbows, pulling them as tightly back as he could - making her tits jut out. "Now tell these nice boys what you want them to do to your boobs!""One at a time, come over and slap them for me.""That wasn't convincing enough. Let them know you really want it!" he said as he strained her arms back more by moving his hands from her elbows down to her wrists. This change in position caused her to bend over so her tits were now dangling beneath her bent body."Please, slap my boobs hard! ... Make them swing! ... I really want you to do it! ... I'll like it! ... Please do it!"Without being told, the boys just automatically took their turn according to age. The older boys slapped her breasts quite hard and really had them swinging. The younger boys tended to be a little less enthusiastic in their efforts.After Cleve finished his turn and took his seat again, Tommy finally let Ellen stand up. She immediately started to massage her reddened breasts.Tommy: "Down on your knees bitch and open your mouth nice and wide!"As Ellen complied with his directions, he spoke to the boys, "When you've got a submissive pig like this bitch, you can do anything you want to her and she'll love it. Watch how I fuck her face!"With that he roughly grabbed her head and violently started pumping the full length of his cock into her mouth. "See how she's gagging? That feels fantastic on your cock! This cunt likes it so much she'll do it to herself and you don't even have to hold on to her. DO IT BITCH!"On command, Ellen started thrusting her mouth onto his cock, right down to the base. Suddenly Tommy pushed her head away and started to spurt into her open mouth."Don't swallow it. Show the guys what s cum filled mouth looks like. C'mon up here and take a look."She continued to kneel as the boys jostled to see the cum in her mouth and on her chin. Then, smiling up at the boys, she fingered the cum from her chin into the puddle in her mouth and made an exaggerated show of swallowing it."Okay bitch, it's your show again.""Thank you Master Tommy. Now it is time for you boys to take your clothes off. I am going to suck each of you off so you'll be able to last longer when it is time to fuck. Merlon, could you please give me one of the cushions from a patio chair to kneel on?"By the time the cushion arrived the boys were all naked. Ellen had them form a circle around her and then continued with her instructions."While I suck you this time, let me do all the work. You can fuck my mouth like Tommy did later, but not this time. While I'm sucking one of you, the guys behind me can play with my tits if you want to." With that said, she set about sucking each boy for about a minute before moving on to the next. Once she had completed the circle, she started to concentrate on just the cock in front of her. Using one hand to tickle their balls and the other to jerk their cocks as her head bobbed up and down she quickly brought the boy in front of her to completion. All the while, there were several hands playing with her tits.The boys were not arranged in age order as they stood around her waiting to receive her ministrations. We noticed that when she came to Rodney, and Cleve were standing together, she skipped past them and went instead to the next boy in line.Once she had finished all of the other boys off, she went back to Rodney. While sucking him, she played with his balls with her left hand and dropped her right down to her crotch and started to masturbate herself. He erupted quite quickly and she moved on to Cleve.She repeated the same action with him. However, when he started to shoot his jism into her mouth, her fingers brought herself to a shuddering climax.As soon as she was able, she moved over to the mattress and assumed a position on her back with her legs stretched out and wide. "It's fuck time!" she loudly announced.Tommy: "Now you can each fuck the shit out of the bitch."Merlon: "With a group, there are two ways to go. You can gang bang her or she can pull a train."One of the boys: "What's the difference?"Merlon: "In a gang bang you all gather around her and play with her body while one fucks whoever is on top of her. She can take two, three, or more of you in her cunt, ass, mouth, and hands.One of the boys: "That sounds good 'cause then several of us can be getting it at the same time!"Merlon: "In pulling a train she takes you on one at a time after each other."One of the boys: "Nah, I like the gang bang."Vernon: "I think pulling a train would be better because then she could give all of her effort to whoever is doing her. We could always have a gang bang later."Rodney: "Yeah, I think that's a better way."Hendrick: "How long can she stay Uncle Merlon?"Merlon: "Until she tires out or Tommy says she has to go."Tommy: "You can have her from now until later tonight and then again most of tomorrow, provided you properly use the bitch! And that means you fuck her any way you want and you stop calling her Miss Ellen. Her name is Bitch, Cunt, Slut, Whore, Pig, Cum Bucket; whatever you want to call her so she knows her place. If I hear any one of you call her by her name or something nice; then I'm yanking her ass outta here."The boys mulled over their choice and they agreed a train would be the way to start things off. Vernon walked over, knelt between her legs with his already hard dick and proceeded to try to jab it in her. he missed on the first and second stab. As he started to make a third stab, Ellen reached down to grab his cock to guide it into her pussy. Vernon froze in place, and balancing on one arm, he slapped her face, "Keep your fucking hands off it, I don't want to be cumming in your hand."She released him and he found the mark on his third try. He then tenderly lowered himself onto her and they started to kiss as she wrapped her arms around him and held his body close to her. He was finished in less than three minutes.Hank approached her next. He knelt between her legs, reached over and slapped her face. Looking at Tommy, he asked, "Is that ok?""Only if you do it again and hit her harder!"Which he proceeded to do. When he pushed his prick into her, and simultaneously grabbed her breasts and squeezed them hard as he lowered himself onto her. He never let go and continued to maul them while he pounded into her. It took him about 5 minutes to finish.Smitty followed suit in the slapping. He too finished in just a few minutes.Pee Wee was next. His slaps made a loud noise and after three or so slaps, he started to apply a few slaps to her breasts. He did the same as Hank and mashed her breasts as he fucked. Once he entered, I don't think he lasted more than two minutes.Rodney was next to go. As he was between her legs, he looked down at her now gaping cunt which was slowly leaking the cum of four young boys. "DAMN! That is one nasty looking cunt. Can't she clean it first?"Tommy: "You heard him Cum Bucket, go out to the patio and use your fingers to pull it out of your filthy gash."Ellen exited and sat spraddle legged on the patio as she tried to scoop the cum from her vagina.As Tommy neared her, he pulled his prick from his pants and told her, "Pull your lips apart so I can flush it for you."With that he aimed a stream of piss at her pussy. The four boys who had already fucked her must have thought that was a good idea since they joined in the spraying of her cunt.Of course, it was only natural that they aimed high and worked their way down to her vagina.When they were finished, Tommy had her lick his pee hole clean and offered the same service to the four boys; who all took him up on her cleaning services.When they were finished, Merlon brought over a garden hose to spray her clean and then to hose down the pee area.After toweling off, she grabbed Hendrick's hand and led him back to the house saying, "C'mon lover, let's hump!" That statement reassured me that she really was into what she was being subjected to.If I needed any further assurances, it came when she took on Rodney and Cleve at the end. She climaxed with both boys and after the deed sucked both of their cocks clean.That accomplished, the boys took her outside again and peed on her. This time they aimed for her hair and face first before working down to her tits and then to her cunt. Again they hosed her pussy out with the water flow at full force. The cold stream blasting up into her warm insides really had her jumping.The boys wanted to bring her back inside, but Merlon told them to give her a rest. He sent the boys to the game room while we took her to a rather large room which was set up as a bar. The four of us remained clothed while she served each of us and herself with stiff shots of Jack Daniels. Merlon opened a leather bound humidor and took out a joint to pass around.As we were relaxing, Merlon asked Ellen how she was holding up? She replied that right now she was too excited to evaluate her condition, but would let us know when it was over. While we were relaxing, Merlon phoned a pizza place and ordered several large pizzas to be delivered.Tommy: "Let the cunt answer the door when he comes. She can pay him and then offer him a choice of either a $21 tip or a $20 tip and a blow job. That will make the decision easy for him."Ellen: "Tommy, you're really wicked!"Tommy: "Until the pizza arrives, I want you to go to the game room and entertain the boys. Tell them we've ordered pizza and they are to stay in the game room when it comes. I don't want them visible when it arrives"After Ellen left the room, Merlon said, "After the gang bang, we should think of something else to keep the party going."Chuck: "We've had some exciting shows with her trying to get my dogs to fuck her. We could do that."Tommy: "Yeah. And if she can't get them to do it, at least she could suck them off."Me: "No. I don't want her to do that. She's comfortable trying it with the three of us, but I'm afraid she'd be too embarrassed afterwards if she did it in front of the boys. I may have gotten excited about it before when we tried it, but thinking about it later, I really don't want her fucking or sucking dogs."Merlon: "I agree with Charles. Plus the dogs might be a problem here in my house. Maybe I can get one of Big Alma's girls to come over so Ellen can eat her pussy for the boys."Me: "She's done some really hot bi stuff with a couple we've swung with in the past. The wife, Becky, also has a rather pronounced submissive personality which we might be able to capitalize on. I think seeing the two women go after each other for real might be a better scene than her just eating a pro."Merlon: "I'd like to see that. Can you get her to come over tonight?"Me: "I can call, but her husband will probably have to come too. I'm sure Rick won't want Becky to come alone"Merlon: "I think all of us would prefer that he not be present to complicate things, but if he has to be present then that's the way it will have to be. Do you think that maybe he'd like to have a free night with two girls of his choice at Big Alma's while his wife is occupied here? What do you think?"Me: "I can put it to him and see what he thinks."I went behind the bar where the phone was located and dialed Rick and Becky's number. Rick answered and I told him I had something to discuss with them about this evening and asked if they didn't have anything planned would it be alright if I came over with a friend. They said they had nothing going on and would wait for us.I told Merlon that I wanted him to go with me so they could meet him and if they went for his suggestion then we could take Rick to Big Alma's and he'd be there to set it up.Merlon thought that would be a good idea; so he left the money for the pizza and we hopped in his Mercedes for the 20 - 30 minute drive. I was sorry to be missing the "pizza greeting" but the others convinced me this errand was more important.When we arrived at Rick's and Becky's home, I explained what Ellen had been doing and the cover story we had for her. It was obvious that both of them were excited about the events and she expressed the disappointment that they hadn't been included from the start.I told Rick that we males hadn't been having sex with Ellen today and had just been watching her teach the boys. I also told them about how in the past sessions when Tommy was present, Ellen had seemed eager to be submissive and enjoyed being abused and degraded.Rick: "Wow! I never saw that in her! I can't wait to test her tonight!"Me: "That's a potential problem. You see, it's only the kids with her tonight, no grownups. If Becky agrees, the two of them will have sex together while we all watch and then the boys will have at them."Becky: "That's good by me. I'll bring my two-headed monster for us to enjoy!"Me: "Rick, your presence at this time can really complicate things as far as our cover story is concerned; so Merlon has come up with an alternative to offer you."Merlon: "Rick, I can give you every man's dream come true tonight. How would you like two beautiful women to pleasure you and cater to your every wish and whim?"Rick was quiet for a moment as he mulled it over. Before he could answer, Merlon continued with his sales pitch."Here's the full deal. You can pick the two you want from about 18 beautiful girls. I have to be honest with you, most of them are black women; each one is a fantastic fuck. The rest are a mostly fiery Latinas. I'm not sure, but there may be a few white women there tonight. I can 100% guarantee every one of the women are disease free. They all are pretty. AND, every one of them will please you in any way you want."Rick: "That sounds great, but I know I'd really like to watch Becky and Ellen get it on and then fuck a bunch of boys. Tough decision."Merlon: "How about I up the ante to three women and then later tonight, after the boys go to bed, we plan to fuck the two women and you can join us for that?"Me: "If you lend me your video camera, I'll video tape as much of the activities as I can so you have a recording for your private collection. How about it?"Rick: "Damn, it sounds good. Can I make up my mind after I see the girls?"Merlon: "That's fair enough."Rick: "Let's go!"Rick got out his video camera, two new tapes, and two extra batteries. On the drive over to Big Alma's, Becky sat up front with Merlon while Rick and I sat in the back of his mercedes. I could tell from talking with Rick during the ride he still wasn't sure about taking the three women rather than the chance to watch his wife make love with Becky and then fuck the boys.Becky and I remained in the car after Merlon parked it behind Big Alma's and he took Rick in through the back door. I joined Becky in the front seat and started playing with her tiny tits and wet pussy. "I can tell from your wetness that you're really turned on about this, aren't you?""Oooh yes. I've never had a black man before and now I'm going to have three black men and 9 black boys. WOOOWEE!""I take it then you like the idea and are more than willing to be dominated?""Just try me. USE ME! ABUSE ME! Heh, heh, heh; I was playing with his cock while we driving over here. It's BIG!""I hope you realize that you will be taking a lot of cocks into your throat, even his.""Are you serious? I'd never get yours into my throat let alone him.""Oh yes you will! So get used to the idea.""What about Ellen? Will she have to have them forced down her throat too? If she can do it, maybe I could try.""She can not only do it, but she's been trained to fuck with her throat, and she does it willingly without being held. We probably won't have time to train you; so probably we'll just hold your ears and fuck away.""You're scaring me, but also exciting me.""You better know now that there can be some pain involved if you don't perform as directed.""I guess I can take a little pain. How does Ellen take that?""She not only takes it, but actually gets off on it. I'm telling you, she is behaving unlike anything you've seen before or might expect of her.""Hell, you know me, I'm the submissive one and it can't be too bad if Ellen can do it. You know I really get submissive for her when we're together""Believe me, you have no idea."Twenty minutes later, Merlon came back out minus Rick. As soon as Merlon got behind the wheel, Becky started asking about how it went for Rick."I put him in a room and gave him a pad and pencil. Then I had Big Alma bring the girls in one at a time. He assigned a number to each of them. There are 22 girls working tonight. He particularly liked eight of the girls; so Big Alma brought them all back together and he picked the three he wanted.""What kind of girl did he pick?""His first choice was a juicy young black girl with huge tits and a nice firm ass. I'd say she's about 18 or 19 years old. For the second he chose an older black girl who I guess is in her late 20's or early 30's. She has large pendulous tits. His third choice was another Black girl with medium sized hanging tits."Becky: "That bastard!"It was obvious Becky's feeling were a little hurt since she had always been a little insecure over the fact she normally wore a B cup but could actually squeeze into an A cup.She soon got over it as I fingered her to several climaxes as she played with Merlon's cock while he drove.Arriving back at the house, we entered Merlon's office and could see the gang bang in full progress in the other room. My wife was on her back as one of the older boys was pumping into her pussy. She was almost hidden from view as she was lost in a sea of young black boys as they each jostled for an advantageous position to maul her body.Me: "how long has this been going on?"Chuck: "About five minutes or so."Becky: "Can I join them?"Tommy: "Fuck no you stupid cunt! Get on your knees and start sucking us. You're here to eat her cunt while she fucks. You'll get in there soon enough."I could tell Becky was rather shaken by his tone, but she started to take her dress off before dropping to her knees.Tommy: "Damn, you have shit for brains. Didn't you hear me tell you to get on your knees?"Becky: "Shouldn't I undress first? Don't you want to see me naked?"Tommy: "What the fuck for? You think your skinny white ass has something we've never see before?"Becky who was standing next to Merlon dropped to her knees and reached to unbuckle his pants. Tommy stopped her effort when he said, "If he wants you to have the privilege of sucking his cock, he'll take it out. Mine is out, now waddle your useless white ass over here and start sucking!"She moved over to him while remaining on her knees and took him into her mouth. She only sucked him for a minute or so when he suddenly pushed her backwards onto her butt. "Fuck, this piece of white trash can't suck no better than she can hear! Any one of you want her to practice on your cock?"No one responded. Becky stayed on her butt where he had shoved her. She looked as if she was about to cry over the way Tommy was treating her.I would have let her suck me, but I was engrossed in watching my wife being gang banged. At first, we could easily hear her moans of pleasure, but them one of the boys managed to get his prick in her mouth and her sounds of enjoyment were muffled.We all watched the action as best we could for about 10 or fifteen more minutes. During that time, Becky never moved from her position. Finally Tommy turned to her and asked, "So tell me, what's your name?""Becky," she said, trying to hold back her tears."Just like a useless white cunt. Isn't treated like a princess and she wants to cry. Well listen up, you dumb cunt, your name is "Cum Eater" whenever you are with us. And that other piece of white cunt meat fucking the twinkies is "Cock Sucker." And make sure you don't call her by any other name, Got it in your thick skull?""Yes sir""Well, that shows a glimmer of intelligence at least. Now tell me, when you two are lapping each other's cunts, who is the more submissive one?""I am sir.""Well not tonight you aren't. You're the dominant one. Whatever one of us or the boys tell you to do to her, you'll do and you'll take pleasure in doing it because you know it will please us. And for your information, it will please her, too. If she doesn't eat your cunt to your satisfaction, you make sure she understands she hasn't pleased you but hurting her. Understand?""Yes."In a flash there was a hard slap across her face. "You may be superior to her, but you're still nothing but a useless white cunt who can't suck cock worth shit to us.""Yes sir.""You may be a slow learner, but at least you seem to be trainable."Merlon, Chuck, Tommy and I talked for a few minutes as if she wasn't present. Merlon and I told them about the arrangement we had made with Rick. I asked Chuck and Tommy what had happened with the pizza delivery and Tommy said Cock Sucker could tell me later while Cum Eater was cleaning her pussy.In the meantime, they had saved four slices of pizza for Merlon and I; so we went into the kitchen to eat. Merlon and I also shared a joint before going back out to the office.When we got there, Becky was tonguing Chuck's bare feet. Tommy's feet showed obvious signs of having been tongued as well. In the other room, Ellen was sucking a cock while fondling another one, but no one was fucking her.Me: "How come no one is fucking her or playing with her tits?"Chuck: "Look at her tits and cunt. Her tits are covered in cum and her cunt is leaking it. We told them to wait for a few minutes to get her cleaned. We wanted you two to see Cum Eater clean her up."Merlon: "Thanks for waiting."Tommy: "No problem. by the way, no one in there knows Cum Eater is here. I've poured out two glasses with about four shots of Jack in each. We'll have Cum Eater take them in and she and Cock Sucker can chug-a-lug."Becky: "I don't drink hard stuff, just a little wine once in a while."Merlon: "And I suppose you don't smoke weed either, right?"Becky: "Yes sir, that's correct."Tommy: Listen Cum eater, you're going to do both tonight; so set your mind to it, Now get your ass in there."Merlon: "Wait a minute. I've got some good Thai stick which I was saving for later, but I'll roll one now. It is coated with cocaine, opium and a trace of PCP; so it will put the two of them into another world." With that, Merlon left the room and returned a few minutes later with a joint. He lit it and each of us took a hit before he snuffed it out. There was still more than half of the joint left. He attached a clip near the base and picked up the two glasses of bourbon. With that, we all entered the room where Ellen had been gang banged.The boys' eyes lit up when they saw another white woman; assuming correctly they would get to fuck her too.Ellen wiped her eyes clear of cum, saw Becky and exclaimed, "Becky, what are you doing here?"Tommy leaned down and grabbed a fistful of hair, jerking her head up. "Listen carefully, for if you don't it will go hard on her. Her name is Cum Eater and she'll tell you your name. Okay Cum Eater, tell her."Giggling, Becky told her, "Your name is Cock Sucker." "Know this, too! If she makes a mistake, you will suffer for it. If either of you hesitates to do what any one of us tells you to do the other one will be punished. Nod your cum face if you understand."Ellen nodded and a stringy drop of cum came loose and landed on her tit.I quickly turned the video camera on as Tommy continued, "One other thing, you're the low cunt on the totem pole here; so she gets to use and abuse you as well as us. Now if you understand, get up and hug her as you give her your best lesbian kiss."Ellen slowly came to her feet and embraced Becky with her cum stained body. She leaned her face in close and started to push her tongue into Becky's willing mouth.I should mention that Becky was always very receptive to pleasing Ellen during the few occasions when we swung with them. This was amply demonstrated when she hugged Ellen and avidly returned the kiss. "Okay cunts, break apart."Tommy took the two glasses from Merlon and handed them to the women. "You've got 60 seconds to drain these glasses or I'll whip your bare cunts with my belt!"Ellen downed hers in just one gulp. poor Becky, unused to hard liquor, had a much more difficult time; but she took the final swallow as time ran out.Ellen looked as if she really appreciated the booze, but Becky was coughing and red in the face.Tommy nodded to Merlon who placed the Thai joint to Ellen's lips and lifted her right had to the roach clip. "This is going to make you want to cough, but hold it in for at least 30 seconds or Tommy will make you sorry you didn't."Turning to Becky, he said, "The same thing goes for you, too."With that, he brought a lighter to the joint and Ellen drew in. It was obvious she was having a tough time holding the pungent smoke in her lungs, but she did it. While Ellen was struggling to hold the smoke in, Merlon brought the still smoldering joint to Becky's lips. "Now draw in with a big breath."Becky did as she was told, but immediately coughed it back out. Merlon snuffed the joint and turn to Tommy to see what he wanted to do. Tommy: "Down on your back cunt."As Becky did as directed, he had the two older boys press a knee on each shoulder and a hand on each breast. Next he had two boys grab each leg so there were four sets of arms holding her legs up and apart."Now you dumb ass useless piece of white crap, you'll learn what it means to disobey us."With that he quickly stripped off his belt and swung it in a wide arc striking her panty clad vagina. He eased up on his swing slightly as it was about to land, but it hit with enough force that her scream was ear shattering.Tears started to flow down her cheeks.Then another, softer, strike of the belt, accompanied by another ear splitting shriek."Ok, let the bitch up. You hold it in this time or it will be those tiny nubs you call tits that will feel the belt next time along with your worthless cunt."Somehow, she managed to do it. The joint went back and forth so each of them got another three solid hits. My mind and body were drifting off into space after just, one hit so I can't imagine how the girls felt with four tokes each. Particularly since Ellen was really not used to smoking and Becky never smoked.When I managed to focus on them, they were both standing very loosely and smiling like idiots.Tommy suggest we take them out to the patio where there were some spot lights which could be aimed at the women. We all went outside and pulled up patio chairs and chaise lounges in a circle. Merlon took a small step ladder and climbed up to adjust three lights to the area in the newly formed circle.Once we were all settled, Tommy went to Becky and whispered some directions in her ear. She looked at him as if she wasn't sure of what he wanted; so he repeated himself.Becky got a shit-eating grin on her face and turned to face Ellen. "Cock Sucker, come over here and put your head under my dress.""Good little slave. Now take my panties off and stuff them in your mouth.""Can you taste the juices Charles and Merlon got going in me before?""Mmmmppphhuglup""Okay, spit them out and start eating my cunt."As soon as she said that, Tommy handed her his belt. Becky took it and smiled broadly at Tommy who nodded back to her. With a wild swing, Becky brought the belt up and over her head and forcefully down on to Ellen's naked ass. Becky's swing of the belt hit Ellen with much more force than Tommy had hit her pubic mound. Ellen jumped but didn't make any sound of complaint. Becky swung the belt again and again. Each swing seemed to be harder than the previous. She smiled at all of us and slurred, "I can really get used to this!. WOW!"Tommy took the belt from Becky's hand and instructed Ellen, "That's enough Cock Sucker. Time for you to undress this tiny titted white bitch and show her how much you love her."Ellen had a willing Becky completely nude in just a few minutes. Then the two of them stood there and rubbed tits on each other for a minute or two before Ellen reached out and passionately drew Becky to her for a hot lingering kiss.Next they slowly lowered themselves to their knees and finally laid down facing each other. The booze and laced Thai stick seemed to have the desired effect on both women for they became extremely passionate.Merlon rose and went back into the house. He returned a few seconds later and tossed Becky's double ended dildo to Tommy. Tommy held it aloft for all to see. It was probably about 3 1/2" in diameter and at least 18 inches long. It was obvious looking around the circle that everyone wanted to watch them fuck each other with that monster.Tommy knelt next to Ellen and lifted her leg so he could insert one end into her pussy. She gave out a guttural grunt when it entered her. Next he bent it into a wide U shape and started to force the other end into Becky. He had some trouble getting it into her, but finally it went in.Without being told, both girls started to fuck the dong while continuing to tongue swab each other and caress tits.From the moans escaping from the women it was obvious they were serious about their lovemaking.Every once in a while, Becky would lower her lips to Ellen's breasts and lick some of the dried cum from them.We watched this lewd show for at least 10 minutes before Tommy called a halt. He instructed the girls to lie next to each other and masturbate themselves.He then told Ellen, "Now Cock Sucker, it's time for you to tell your Charles and Merlon what you did with the pizza guy.""Ooh gawd! Just thinking about it is making me hot!" Her fingers were a blur on her pussy and clit as she started to tell us. "He almost wet his pants... ahhh... when... I opened... the door... OHH GAWD I"M CUMMING!"Becky shouted out her climax right after that. As her hand fell away from her vagina, Tommy struck it with his belt. "Keep frigging yourself. I didn't tell you to stop."Once she settled back down, Ellen continued with her tale. "I paid him and gave him the offer of a $22 tip or a $20 tip with a blow job. He was afraid it was a set up and I told him it was for real.""He said it wasn't necessary and was afraid he'd get into trouble. He was about to back out when tommy sent Vernon out to reassure him. Vernon told him, 'Do it dude, she a great cock sucker.' You never find a better one."About at this point in her tale, she started to get excited again. "I grabbed... him by his uh... belt and pulled him to me. He uh... uh... put his... hands up to brace... uh... himself and grabbed my... tits. It took a few seconds as I... undid his belt... but OHH MY GAWD I'M CUMMING AGAIN!"It took a minute for her to calm down before she resumed her story. "Where was I? Oh yes, he had hold of my tits and I was working on his belt. I knew he was still scared, but then he started to squeeze my tits and shift his hips so... his pants fell. I... ummm... knew I had him then."I... umm... uh... uh... dropped between his legs and lowered his under... pants. Damn, but his cock and balls... stunk... I LOVED IT!" She shuddered and had another small climax.Continuing, "I forced him into my throat. He wasn't too big so it was easy. When he got close, I took my... lips off him... and suggested he... ahhh... errr... hold my head... and fuck... my face... OH GAWD I"M CUMMING AGAIN!!!"Becky came again too.Merlon: "How did you like the gang bang?""I LOVED it!"Me: "Which did you like better, pulling a train or getting gang banged?""I liked both of them. Pulling a train let me feel more intimate with my fucker but the boys really treated me rough with the gang bang and I got off on being treated like a cheap whore by them."Tommy: "Cum Eater, get between her legs and drink the cum from her dirty hole."Becky rolled over on top of Ellen and kissed her way down her body. Once at the pussy lips, she used her fingers to part them and then started slurping away with her tongue. Needless to say, Ellen came again.Tommy: "Okay boys, line up to fuck this cum eating whore. She's going to a pull a train for you! Jerk yourselves so you cum quickly in her. Ellen, you assist the boys with hand-jobs and your filthy mouth. Clean up Cum Eater's box after each boy so as to not waste time. I want you boys to finish as quickly as you can for it is almost time for us grownups to party." Everyone did as directed. While this was going on, the four of us decided it was almost time to go and get Rick.Merlon: "Notice how hot the Thai stick is getting them? They have almost no inhibitions."Me: "Shit that stuff has my brain half foggy and I didn't have near as much as they did!"Tommy: "That's good because we're going to enjoy what's coming next when it's our turn."Merlon: "I'll go get Rick while the boys finish up with them. Those Black pro's know their business and should have him totally worn out by now!"Me: "Why don't we all go so Rick can meet everyone and not come into this scene cold, feeling like an outsider."Merlon: "Yeah, that'd probably would be best. I'll go and tell the boys they are to be in bed in a half an hour and they better not fuck up about it."He went out and gave the boys their orders. When he came back he told us he had changed the directions slightly. "Becky felt it wasn't fair that Ellen got to pull a train and get gang banged; so she asked if the boys could gang bang her too. I gave them an hour to gang bang and get to their room and to not come out for the rest of the night."It took us about an hour and a half to leave the house, drive to Big Alma's, get Rick collected, and then to slowly drive back. Merlon drove slowly so Rick could find out what had happened and at the same time get acquainted with the three men.When we arrived back at the house, we found the two women on the mattress making passionate love to each other. We spent the next few hours fucking the girls and getting blow jobs from them. While we rested, we made Ellen work on Becky. Tommy Becky lie on her back perfectly still while Ellen rubbed her tits on Becky's tiny boobs. He had Becky hold her cunt open as Ellen attempted to stuff her big tits into gash. Ellen ate Becky's pussy and rimmed her ass. As the finale for the night, Ellen was forced to lie on the patio while Becky squashed her open cunt over her mouth. Tommy gave Becky his belt and instructed her, "I want you to seal Cock Sucker's mouth with your cunt, piss into it, and whip her tits and cunt so she swallow your pee!"Becky got an almost demonic gleam in her eyes as she used her left hand to prop Ellen's mouth open. It only took a few seconds and we could see Ellen trying to cough piss back up. With her right hand, Becky started to viciously whip Ellen's tits and cunt. Rick had a difficult time getting hard after his session at Big Alma's, but this sight caused him to get instantly hard!Becky had always been subservient to Ellen. Ellen had never demanded that of her, Becky just did it. In hindsight, I think she did it to please Rick and I. Now she was taking delight in getting unwarranted revenge.It was around midnight when the party broke up. Somehow it was decided Becky and Ellen would sleep there for the night while Rick, Tommy, Chuck and I went home. I'm not sure how that came about for the smoke, booze, and eroticism had finally caught up with me and had my brain in a fog.SATURDAYThe phone ringing awakened me much earlier than I wanted the next morning. It was Rick. He asked me to come over to his home. He had been a good sport about his wife last night; so I agreed. I was afraid he was having second thoughts about all that happened to Becky the night before.He had a breakfast of eggs, toast, orange juice and coffee prepared by the time I arrived. While we ate, his chatter told me he was not upset over how things worked out, but was turned on by it all.He said he was up for most of the night watching the video I shot for him. His only complaint was that I moved the camera too fast and didn't get enough close-ups of the action.As we ate breakfast, yet he asked a lot of questions and if we could go over to Merlon's early and get a head start. I told him I would call in an hour or so, but it was too early at that time. Some of the questions he asked which I can recall were:How did I know Merlon, Tommy, and Chuck? A. I explained how we met everyone, but didn't tell him about Merlon's first meeting with Ellen.Did Ellen like the things she was doing? A. I told him she was only this way when Tommy was in town from Atlanta.How did Becky adapt to the scene? A. She was scared at first but then seemed to really get into it.What seemed to turn her on the most? A. I thought she was really into it and what surprised me the most was how she enjoyed being able to order Ellen around and she seemed to take special delight in abusing her.How did Ellen seem to feel about that? A. I wasn't sure, but thought she readily went with the flow.What did we do that wasn't shown on the tape? A. As far as I knew, nothing was done to Becky that wasn't on the tape, but there were some things done to Ellen that weren't done after Becky arrived. I told him about our pissing on her cunt and putting the garden hose in her. I didn't tell him about Ellen playing with the dogs.Did I think he could use Ellen the way the others were. A. I told him it was expected, but we had to have a cover story to explain his presence.We mulled over how to explain him for a while and came up with something which might be plausible to the young boys. It all depended upon whether or not the girls had spilled anything to the boys.Time seemed to drag by until it was a little before 9 a.m. Neither one of us could wait any longer. I called Chuck's house. Tommy answered. He said they had called my house and my kids told him I was at Rick and Becky's house, but they didn't have the number. He and Tommy were just leaving for Merlon's house because everyone was awake over there.I suggested, to save time, for them to take Chuck's pickup and Rick and I would take my van. Rick grabbed is camcorder, recharged batteries, and two new tapes as we quickly left.***Rick and I were closer to the foothills; so we arrived a few minutes before Chuck and Tommy. Merlon took us into his kitchen and poured out two cups of coffee for us. Both of the women were naked, with just their shoes on. They were seated at the breakfast bar. Rick was excitedly asking Becky about what happened after we left last night.Becky: "I'll tell you after the others get here so we aren't repeating ourselves."Just then the doorbell rang announcing Chuck's and Tommy's arrival. As Merlon went to let them in, Becky turned to Ellen and in a nasty tone ordered her, "Listen up Cock Sucker, my pussy needs attention, get your cunt lapping tongue busy! I want to be cumming in your mouth by the time they come in here, or ELSE!" Ellen quickly dropped to her knees and pushed her head between Becky's legs.Less than a minute later the men walked in on the scene. Tommy was carrying a large gym bag with him. Becky roughly grabbed Ellen's hair and pulled her up to her feet. "Stick your fucking tits out and lay them on the counter. Clasp your hand behind your back and try to touch your elbows together!"As Ellen did as ordered, Becky turned to the men and announced, "I gave this cunt an order and she didn't comply. So with your permission, Sirs, I am going to punish her."Tommy: "Don't talk about it you stupid slut, DO IT!"Becky picked up a long thin cake knife which was on the counter next to her hand and reaching across Ellen she smartly slapped the left tit. Becky repeated the action three more times. There was a long red welt across Ellen's left tit. Then Becky did the same to the closer right tit; with the same results.Chuck: "Well I guess the day's festivities have begun!"Tommy: "Okay, both of you stand up. We want to sit and there isn't room for all of us. Tell us what she did to disobey you."Becky: "I told Cock Sucker to eat me to a climax while Master Merlon answered the door and she failed to do it."Ellen: "But it only took a half minute for them to come in!"Tommy: "That's no excuse. You deserved what you got. Now kneel in front of Cum Eater and finish the job."While she's doing that, you tell me what the two of you did since we left last night."As Ellen licked Becky's pussy and nibbled on her clit, Becky related what happened. "We quietly went into the bedrooms until we found were the two little ones were sleeping."I had a suspicion in my mind; so I asked "Why them?"Becky: "Because this cum eating bitch said they turned her on the most."Chuck: "And then what?""I left Cock Sucker with them and went to find Merlon. I wanted to feel his big cock in me again. He said he was too tired but I could sleep between his legs with it in my mouth."What a wonderful way to fall asleep, with a huge black cock on the tongue. "He had morning wood when he woke up. We went into his bathroom and he let me hold his beautiful black cock while he pissed and he even let me clean off the last few drops."[Her description of her feelings and actions convinced me she was one of those women who get off on a guy because of the color of his skin. It really turned me off for a time; until the action really got started later.]Somewheres in here Becky climaxed. Then Tommy told Ellen to stand and tell us what she did last night."I crawled between them in bed. I held both of their little cocks in my hands while they held my tits. We slept for a while and then Cleve got hard climbed on top of me to fuck. That woke up Rodney and he got himself hard squeezing my tits."When cleve finished, Rodney had me climb on top so he could slap my tits while we fucked."We repeated the fun again this morning except I had to be on top for both of them. The one I wasn't riding pulled my breasts in different directions and let them go and then the other would slap them."The little buggers really like using my tits!"Merlon: "Looking at those fading welts on your tits, I'd say Cum Eater likes using them too."Tommy: "Well everyone is going to have fun with your tits today. I brought along some nice little play things for the two of you."With that he started to rummage through the gym bag. The first things he extracted were some outdated thin ties. He made each girl clasp her hands behind her back and securely fastened them with a tie.Next he applied a tie to the elbows, pulling them as tightly together as he could; thus forcing the breasts to jut outward.The next items he produced were a handful of breast clamps. He proudly showed them to us. "Notice that the more pressure you apply to them the tighter they grip."Rick laughingly asked, "Where the hell did you get those?"Chuck: "On the way home last night Tommy suggested we get some paper clamps to use and I suggested we stop at THE PARTY HOUSE and pick up some real titty clips."He attached a clamp to each nipple and did the same to both of their pussy lips.Merlon: "How do they feel?"The girls indicated they weren't too uncomfortable."Don't fret about it, I'll correct that situation shortly." He still had two more clips which he fastened into the hair above their cunts. He turned to us and said, "These I have a special use for later."The next items he pulled out were four 1 1&#8260;4 lb. barbell weights and several 10" - 12" long strands of stout cord.He used the cord to tie each of the clips to its companion clip with a weight dangling from it. Thus the girls had a weight pulling down on their nipples and their pussy lips.It was evident the added weights were causing the clips to bite harder into the nipples and pussy lips making them quite uncomfortable.There was the additional effect was to pull the tits downward. Because of her larger size and the sag she already had in her tits, the result was much more pronounced on Ellen.But the biggest surprise was what the weights did to their pussy lips. They were stretched down almost two inches.Tommy stepped back to admire his handiwork and announced, "Now that's what I call beautiful piss flaps"Time to show them off!"Me: "Wait a minute, we have to have a story to tell the boys as to why Rick is here. What did you cunts tell them about Becky?"They responded that the subject never came up."Good! Then here is what we'll do. When we gather together, I mention something about the two of you having been roommates at the University of Georgia. Then I'll announce we have another old friend from there to join us. When I bring Rick out, you both act embarrassed."Again Tommy reached into the gym bag and brought out several 3' lengths of old boat rope with about 1&#8260;2" inch thickness. He handed one to each of us. "I thought these would make excellent whips to make sure these pigs jump a lot."Merlon: "Let's get this show moving. I have to take the older boys home soon.Becky: "Aren't they going to be here?"Merlon: "The have baseball practice, but I'll pick them up after supper. I sure as hell don't want my sister dropping them off."Tommy then started lightly spanking their asses; in effect moving them towards the rear of the house and the patio. The girls found it difficult to walk; particularly Ellen with her 4" heels. Nevertheless, she still managed to put an exaggerated sway in her ass as she awkwardly walked forward with stimulating swats from Tommy's rope.There were a lot of comments from the boys as soon as they saw the women in their restrained state."Look at the tits on those white bitches!""Hey! Look how far down the Cock Sucker's tits hang now!""Forget about the tits - - look at their cunts!!!""Make that thing swing baby!""You two are really horny pigs, aren't you?"Pee Wee went over to both girls and lifted their tit weights up about an inch, and then suddenly let them drop.Both females gasped at the bite of the tit clips.Rodney went directly to Ellen and lifted the weight attached to the tit clamps connected to her pussy lips. He lifted the weight a good 3 or 4 inches; and then looking up into her face, he asked her, "Want me to drop these?""Will you enjoy doing that to me?""Yep" he said as he let it drop.She bravely tried to muffle her cry of pain, but the dropped weight obviously caused her a lot of discomfort.Becky: "Look at her! The bitch likes anything Rodney and Cleve do to her. What a fucking pig! She's a white whore for Black twinkies!"Vernon walked to Becky and stood with his face just inches from her face. "Don't be too quick to judge. Tell everyone what my uncle and I can do to you,""Anything which pleases you. I'll do anything."Vernon used his knee to spread her legs apart, grasped the weight, pulled it forward and let it swing free. "Use you ass to keep it swinging!"Tommy handed Vernon one of the ropes and told him to use it as an incentive for her to keep the weight swinging between her legs.That was when I stepped forward and told them, "Enough for now. I've got some other fun for these two cunts."Tell me Cock Sucker, where did you and Cum Eater go to school?""The University of Georgia.""Were you roommates there?""Yes"Lezzie roommates?"No.""Were you embarrassed when she came in last night?""Yes."Who was the best platonic friend at the university to the two of you?"Cleve: "What's that mean?"Ellen: "A platonic friend is someone you have a pure, nonsexual or romantic friendship with."Me: "Answer the question!""That would be Rick. The three of us always hung out together. Why?""Suppose I take the video I shot last night and send it to him. Would that make the two of you happy? Think he'd like to see what he missed out on in college?"Both: "Oh NOOO! Don't do that! You don't know him do you? Do you have his address? Please don't!"Me: "Don't worry, I won't send it to him," I said as I slowly inched towards the patio door. I reached inside, and pulled Rick out as I told them, "Instead we'll just let him see for himself."The girls turned out to be great actresses. They tried to shuffle around, they shook their heads 'NO', and tried to move as if to hide as they made cries of alarm and shame.Rick moved over to them, lifted their chins up and said, "Damn! I wasted four years of college when I could have been fucking the two of you. Who would have guessed the two of you were such cock whores?"The boys were really enjoying this display, thinking it was a real embarrassment for the two females. There was a lot of guffaws and crude remarks from the boys. "You should see them suck dicks!""They'll take it in any hole!" "Those bitches really like eating cum from cunts!" "We had them pull a train and then do gang bangs!" "We even piss cleaned Cock Sucker's cunt!" "Yeah, that's what we call them, Cock Sucker and Cum Eater!""Damn, Ellen, I never would have expected this from you!"Tommy: "Her name is Cock Sucker 'cause she sucks cock like every nasty, no-pride, white cunt should!"One of the boys: "She can actually fuck your cock with her mouth! Her mouth is better than her cunt 'cause it's like a self-cleaning oven!" That brought more laughter.Merlon: "Okay boys, time for you to say your goodbyes to your little fuck toys."Hendrick: "Aw Uncle, can't we skip practice today?""No. You older boys have a game and it would look funny if you didn't show up for your teams. So get your asses in gear and I'll pick you up around five or five thirty."The seven older boys crowded around their female victims and jiggled, pulled, and dropped their weights. There was a lot of ass and tit squeezing. I noticed that Merlon's two nephews, plus Timmy, Scooter, Smitty, and Hank all spent more time molesting Becky and Pee Wee spent most of his time on Ellen. He seemed to position himself so it was difficult for the others to get to her.Finally Merlon called it quits and shooed the boys inside to get dressed. That left Tommy, Chuck, Rick, the two youngest boys and me with the two girls.Tommy: "What do you guys think we should do with these pigs now?"Rick: "We could let them have some competition."Tommy: "Like what?"Rick: "Connect their tits and let them have a tit pull or a pussy pull. Two of us at a time could have a bitch assigned to us and see who's pig wins."Tommy: "Yeah, that sounds good. We could also have clit pulls, single and double tit pulls and single and double piss flap pulls. I like it."Chuck: "We could also have them race around the pool with weight double weights dangling!"Me: "Instead of us doing the girls, let's let Rodney and Cleve run them. After all, we'll have the two of them this night after all the boys are through with them."Rodney: "We could also have them do weight lifting."Tommy: "Now that's my kind of kid!"Cleve: "Do we pick the woman we want?"Tommy: "No. We'll make a competition out of the choice. Let's put heavier weights on each of them and make them do a 'tractor pull.' The one who wins picks her handler. Sound good?"We all agreed it was a good idea. Tommy then untied their wrists and elbows. He had trouble undoing the knots in the ties since the straining girls had made them very tight. Next, Tommy unfastened the pussy clips and removed the weight. He had some five and 10 lb. weights in his bag. He reattached the clips to each girl and tied a line running back about 4 or 5 feet from their connecting line. After he had the girls remove their shoes, he had them get on their hands and knees. He went to the end of the new line and tied a 5 lb. weight to it.Picking up a 'whip' he switched their asses and they started crawling."Stop, that's not enough weight."Tommy changed a 10lb weights for one of the fives. This time, the girls had a tough time pulling them as they crawled, but Tommy still wasn't satisfied. He added 2 1/2lb weights along with the ten and five.This time the girls could only move then by small increments at a time.Tommy next had each boy go to the far end of the pool decking, about 35 feet away. Then he placed the two girls side by side. Once he was satisfied they were even, he sounded, "GO!"The girls tried to go, but the weights caused the clips to dig into their pussy lips. For a time it looked as if they wouldn't be able to drag the weights behind them.The boys were jumping up and down calling for them to "C'mon, c'mon. You can do it."Then Cleve started urging Ellen forward, "C'mon Cock Sucker, c'mon. Come to me!"Next, Rodney started to cheer for Becky, "Cum Eater, Cum Eater. C'mon, you can do it bitch!"With the individual encouragement to them, the girls slowly started to drag their weights.The closer the 'pack mules' got to the finish line, the more each boy shouted for his favorite.Becky won. She smiled at Rodney and said, "I guess I'm yours!"Tommy told them, "Not so fast, that's only the first race. Pick up your weights and go back to the starting line.When the girls were back in position, he had the two boys change sides; meaning each woman would have to cross to the path of the other if they were to reach their favorite.When he sounded "GO!" each racer tried to go as fast as she could in order to get ahead of the other. It didn't happen. Becky won again, but she finished in front of Cleve.It was obvious both boys were disappointed.Tommy: "Becky, you've won two races, but each was to a different master; so this race will determine the champion. Pick up your weights and follow me."He led them off the pool decking and down onto the grass below. This time he position the boys about 50 feet away from the women.With an evil sounding laugh, he again had the boys switch sides again so Ellen was once more facing Rodney and Becky was facing Cleve. "This isn't going to be an oxen pull. This time it will be a snake pull! You can use your hands, elbows, feet and knees. If you raise your stomach off the grass, I'll step on your weight for 5 seconds."And as an added incentive, I'm going to whip your asses along!" He removed their tit weights, but left the clips attached. Then he sounded "GO!"The girls started to move forward in a snake like slithering motion. It seemed to be easier for them to pull the weights across the glass for the race was going faster. Of course, the occasional whip across their backsides had a lot to do with spurring them forward.Then suddenly Becky moved her body up slightly to gain an advantage. Tommy instantly stepped on her weight. She let out a painful howl as the 'brakes' were suddenly applied to her cunt lips.Ellen turned her head and saw what had happened. she took advantage of Becky being stopped and with great effort crossed the imaginary line so she was going towards Cleve.She was just in position as Tommy released Becky's weight. He took a few steps forward and stepped on Ellen's weight. She hadn't expected that since she had not raised up. Her scream was as loud as Becky's had been!She turned her head and looked up at Tommy and asked, "Why are you stopping me?""Because I wanted to hear your scream so I could compare it to Cum Eater's. And because you dared to question my wisdom, I'm doubling your penalty time.""That isn't fair!"He whipped her ass with his rope and said, "Triple."Becky now had a good lead and seemed to be heading to Cleve. Keeping her head forward she shouted back to Ellen, "Hey cunt, I'm going to get him. Ha ha, you lose!"It looked as if she would get to Cleve first, but in the last few seconds she veered over to Rodney.Tommy: "Well Rodney, you won twice; so what's your choice?""I'll take Cum Eater.""Good choice. Pick your worthless ass up Cock Sucker and come over here and give Cum Eater her Victory Lap!"Ellen picked her weights and moved over between Becky's legs. As Ellen started to kneel between her legs, Becky told her, "There's no cum in there; so let that go until these studs fill me later; just make love to my breasts."We watched as Ellen sucked and laved each breast. She had sucked and licked each tit for a minute or two when Becky lifted Ellen's head and brought it up for a deep tongue kiss. When she pulled back, Becky spit into Ellen's mouth! While all this was going on, Tommy took off the trailing line and weights and reconnected 2 1/2lb weights between Becky's legs and a 5 lb. weight to Ellen. He also reattached the breast weights; again Becky received a 2 1/2lb weight while Ellen received a 5 lb. weight.Tommy: "Cock Sucker has to carry a handicap from now on since she lost the qualifying event."Once that was done, he stopped their girl-girl action and retied their wrists behind their backs. He didn't, however, retie their elbows. When asked about this, he responded, "We can always do that later if we want, but this way their tits will swing more as they race."Tommy arranged the women and the boys. Ellen had the outside track. It was about this time that Merlon returned. Rick excitedly told him what had happened while he was gone.At the sound of Tommy shouting, "GO!" our attention was brought back to the race as it started. Each boy was switching the ass of his female as they ran around the pool. The boys were swatting them as hard as they could making the girls keep up a fast pace. The swinging of their shoulders had the tit weight on each girl sliding and swinging along the connecting line. This effect caused a great deal of discomfort for the girls. At the same time, the forward and up and down motion of their running bodies had the weights bouncing between their legs. It was obvious both of the women were in considerable distress.When they came around to the starting point, Becky was in the lead, but now had to shift to the outside line. She had a considerable lead over Ellen because Cleve wasn't whipping her as hard as Rodney was stroking Becky.Tommy got into the act now and ran along with the Cleve and started swatting Ellen with hard lashes, chiding her, "You're a worthless, lazy, self-centered white cunt and don't want your master to win!"Move that ass of your! Faster! FASTER! FASTER!!"He was whipping her ass and back so hard she almost caught up to Becky by the end of that second lap."Rodney and his cunt are the winners. But this useless white cunt threw the race; so she's going to be punished first. "Cum Eater's dripping with sweat because she wanted to win for her master. Lie down on your stomach Cum Eater."When she was on her stomach, he turned to Ellen and told her, "Lick the sweat off her, starting at her feet!"Ellen did as she was told and worked her way up one leg to Becky's ass cheek and then did the other leg. Licking both cheeks, she started to go higher, to the lower back, when Tommy told her, "You missed her ass crack. get your tongue in there and get all of the sweat out of it!"Five minutes later, she had cleaned Becky's ass and licked her back up to her neck. Tommy told her to roll over. Then to Ellen he instructed, "Start with her arm pits. Force your tongue into them."Being tied the way they were, it took some time to accomplish this, plus the effort was tickling Becky. Once Ellen had worked her way to Becky's cunt, Tommy made sure she licked the outside and stuck her tongue as deeply as she could into it.The next contest was a 'Tit Pull'. Tommy tied their elbows for this. He had the boys whip the stomachs and the lower part of the tits for this contest. Ellen won. Not because of Cleve's whipping, but because she seemingly wanted to punish Becky for what had been done to her.This was followed by a 'Clit Pull'. The pussy lips clips were kept in place. Tommy attached the clips the women were carrying in their pubic hair to their clit hoods. Becky had a small clit; so the hood afforded some protection. Ellen's clit was quite large and was in an obvious state of arousal; so Tommy deliberately foresook the hood and attached the clip directly to her clit. Next, he tied the clips together so their pussies were mere inches from each other. Ellen easily won this event as well. She just started walking backwards and dragged a screaming Becky with her.By now, both of the women had tear stained cheeks.Ellen - 2... Becky - 1The next event was a 'Tit Lift'. Each girl had a combination 7 1&#8260;2 lbs of weight hanging between their breasts. Their arms and wrists were untied for this. They had to bend at the knees, stoop down, and bend over so the weights and their hands were flat on the ground and then stand up straight and throw their shoulders back. This was a timed event with a 3 minute time limit.Ellen won it with about 6 more lifts than Becky made.Ellen - 3... Becky - 1The tears were really flowing at this point. Merlon came over to me and said he thought maybe we should end it. I stepped forward and spoke softly to the girls. "Both Merlon and I think we'd better end this."Ellen: "Don't you dare. Maybe I'm crying, but it's really a lot of fun. Look how wet I am and I haven't even touched myself." Turning to Becky, she asked, "How about you?""How about me, what? Do I want to end it, NO. Is my pussy soaked? YES!"Then she asked me, "Did Rick express concern?"I told her, "No." as we both looked over at him and could see the eager look in his eyes."He'll pay when I get him home."I went back to Merlon and told the girls wanted to continue.The next event was the 'Cunt Lift'. Tommy tied their wrists again and put 2 1&#8260;2 lb weights on Becky and replaced the tit weights with the 1 1&#8260;4 lb weights for Becky and 5 lb. weights for Ellen.Tommy gave each boy a whispered set of directions. I think he thought that if Merlon and I heard what he told them we would stop the contest.For this contest, each girl would have her legs spread, would squat, rise, come to a fully erect stand demonstrated by throwing her shoulders back and then repeat the process. The length of the cord was long enough the weight went flat on the ground when the girls were in the full squat position. This had the effect of causing a sudden jerk on the cunt lips as they rose up a few inches.This was by far the most brutal act they performed. Because of that sudden jerk, it was actually more painful than the initial 'Tractor Pull'. The contest started with the girls standing and the boys behind them with their whips. Tommy was behind them. The girls were facing Chuck, Merlon, Rick, and I.Tommy had announced this was to be a four minute contest. At the GO! signal both girls went into a squat. On their rise, their eyes widened when they first felt the resistance of the weights. It was at this point both boys swung their whips to catch the underside of their buttocks.They repeated this process each time the girls started to rise; which actually helped their efforts. Once back into the squatting position, both girls shouted out their count.Soon the girls were tiring and slowing in their efforts. At the end of two minutes, Tommy leaned forward towards the boys and uttered the word, "Now!" The next time the girls started to rise, they boys swung their whips in a full upward motion, catching them directly on their cunts!The girls let out a scream and fairly flew into the standing position. This was repeated until the four minutes was up. This time, Becky had about 2 more lifts than Ellen.Ellen - 3... Becky - 2The girls were dripping in sweat as Tommy untied them. he brought out the hose and turned it on full force. He handed it to Cleve and allowed him the privilege of hosing them down. The boy took deliberate delight in lifting Ellen's larger tits with the force of the water.With Becky, he directed it straight on, hitting her nipples and squashing her breasts with the force. He treated their slits and clits equally.Once the girls were dried off, we went back into the room where the lessons had taken place.Tommy retied each girl by the wrist again; except this time he used a separate tie for each wrist and then tied them together. this afforded each more freedom with her hands.He had them lie down on their backs with their heads in opposite directions. He then had them move forward until their raised knees were touching. Next, he inserted an end of the double headed fat, flexible, dildo in each cunt about what he measured to be about an equal length. The rest of the dildo was arched upwards between their pussiesThe next step was to have Rodney sit with Ellen's head in his lap and Cleve to do the same with Becky. He then announced the game and set the rules."This is a 'Cock Grab' to see which has the stronger cunt. You are not to move your feet from the position they are in. "You may not move your hips forward. If either you do any of that, these boys are going to whip your tits without mercy! "The object is to get as much of the cock into your filthy holes as you can, just using the pussy muscles. Do you understand?"Both girls affirmed that they understood."Now each of you guys are with your competitor's bitch; so DO NOT let her cheat!"As soon as Tommy gave the signal the girls started making grunting sounds as each used her cunt muscles to try to pull the dildo into them. You could see the strain in their stomach muscles as they seemed to ripple. Ellen did a lot of yoga to keep in shape and I know she did some exercises to strengthen her vaginal control. That seemed to give her a slight advantage, but her longer pussy lips were a hinderance.Both of the women were aided by the downward pressure from the flexed dildo.After several minutes of straining, grunting and much facial grimaces, Ellen was starting to get a lead on Becky. Suddenly, Rodney started using his whip on her tits with just small slashes.Ellen let out a yelp and looked backwards towards him, "Why are you doing that? I'm not cheating?"Cleve, "Why are you hitting my girl? I'm not hitting yours!""Because I can and because I like it! Besides, I know she likes it too. Why don't you hit my bitch?""Okay, but don't hit her hard unless she cheats. That's only fair.""Agreed. And titty twisting is okay, too."Both boys lightly whipped the tits with one hand and pulled and twisted a nipple with the other.Ellen continued to gain 1/8th of an inch at a time over Becky. Then Becky gave a slightly forward push with her hips and Cleve forcefully brought the rope whip down on her upper cunt.She gasped and lost the little she had gained. Then she uttered, "That's not fair. Sir said to hit the tits!""I'll hit you anywhere I want if you cheat."Suddenly there was about 4 inches inside Ellen and her deeper muscles obtained a firmer grip on the dildo and each new gain was closer to a half an inch at a time.Merlon: "No wonder why your pussy is the best I ever fucked!"When it appeared no more could be drawn into her vagina, Tommy announced: "Now we know which one of these cunts is the biggest cock whore - - COCK SUCKER! Cock Sucker won 4 events and Cum Eater won two. What a sad commentary on your capabilities as a woman. Worthless as a cock sucker, tiny itty bitty titties, worthless as a cock whore, and no talent at using the strength of your tits and pussy.""Now Cock Sucker has to be punished.""Why do I get punished? I won!""That's the problem, you defeated someone who we told you was to be your superior."The seven of us are going to fuck Cum Eater and you're going to eat her clean after each cum. There will be no cock for you at this time, you don't deserve it."Merlon suggested the girls be allowed to go into the kitchen and fix lunch for us and then we'll get down to fucking.Tommy put the clips and weights back on them and sent them off to the kitchen.They reappeared about 20 minutes later with ham, cheese, lettuce and tomato sandwiches and beers for us grownups and sodas for the boys.As we were eating, Cleve asked Ellen if it would be alright for him to ask her some questions.Tommy told him, "Her name is Cock Sucker and she's your cock sucker. Just tell her what you want to know and she'll answer you.""Are you having fun?""Oh yes, a lot of fun.""Why?""I got to fuck a lot of nice young boys, particularly you and Rodney. Also, Because I am not usually like this and only do it for Tommy.""Why?""Because I know it pleases him.""Do you like to fuck?""If the guy I am fucking knows what he is doing, then I really enjoy it.""How does a guy know if he's doing it right?""Just remember what I taught you yesterday and then you'll be fine. Don't do what we've been doing since then unless the girl likes it.""Do you like it?""Very much so for these two days. I wouldn't want to do it often however. But for now, YES, I am enjoying it a lot. Can you see my pussy? See how wet it is? That shows I am enjoying myself.""What about cock sucking, do you like that?""The correct term is fellatio and yes I like to suck cocks.""Why?""I have power over the man when I have him in my mouth. I control his pleasure. It is a good feeling to know I am giving that much pleasure.""What about when the man is so big and he goes down your throat. Do you like that, too?""Now what do you think? You see how the men all lose control when that happens. I LOVE IT!""But you gag and spit runs like water out of your mouth and all over your tits!""That helps keep the cock lubricated to make it easier for me.""What about when the guy comes in your mouth?""I like that too, as long as I've had several cums myself. I get more feeling when a man cums in my vagina, but I get to taste him when he comes in my mouth.""It smells like clorox, doesn't it taste bad?""Maybe the first time I tasted it, but like a lot of things you'll taste as you grow up, it is an acquired taste. I love the salty, bleachy taste of it and the way it feels - - how should I describe it??? Maybe slimy is the best description, but it just feels silky on my tongue and in my mouth.""I'm going to have you suck me later.""I will REALLY enjoy that.""Why?""Because you can't cum in my throat.""I thought you said you liked it when a guy comes in your throat.""I do because the guys get an extra charge out of feeling my throat muscles gagging around their pricks, but then I 'm deprived of feeling and tasting them."Tommy: "All this cock sucking talk has given me another idea. When we fuck after lunch and you clean Cum Eaters cunt, spit it into a bowl. We'll give you a cum cocktail later."Merlon: "The problem with that is it will start to smell and won't keep that good."Chuck: "Bring your small electric camping refrigerator in and we'll store it in there between the fucks."Once the refrigerator was brought inside and plugged in, a fluted wine glass was placed on the lid. We men then sat down in the kitchen with the naked women. After serving us, they served the boys on the patio.We were talking about something inconsequential, when just Becky came back into the kitchen.One of us asked where Ellen was and what she was doing. Becky informed us Ellen was alternately sucking the two boys while they ate; and she wouldn't make room for her. "So I thought I'd come in here and see if you wanted your cocks sucked?"Tommy: "I hope you realize that if any of us allows you to suck us, we're settling for 2nd best of what is available - and you both are real amateurs at it.""Will you teach me?""Get your white ass over here and kneel between my legs."Good, now look up here and plead with me to give you the honor of taking my cock in your mouth.""Please sir, I would be so honored if you would lower your standards and let me feel your cock with my tongue, taste it in my mouth. Please sir.""Make love to my cock, stroke it with your hands, lick it with your tongue and kiss it. Talk to it, tell it how much you love it. Make my cock know you really want to try."Becky gently held his cock. She put her eyes near his pee hole and started speaking softly and lovingly to it. She slowly moved her hands up and down. Then she placed tender, wet kisses all over it as she continued to talk to it as if it were a live, separate entity. The stopped her loving words when she started to lick. Between licks, she would say short phrases such as, "It is such a wonderful prick... Yum yum... Delicious... My chocolate love wand... My Black Master... I want to hold it in my mouth..."It took very little time for Tommy to become rigidly erect. Her actions and words were making me hard too.Tommy took a half step backwards while holding her head away from him. "Lean forward and support yourself with your hands in order to straighten the line from your mouth to your throat. "Keep your mouth open wide cause I am going to enter your throat. "Breathe through your nose when I'm in you."When I say 'NOW', you start fucking my cock like your mouth is a pussy. "Don't you dare let me come out of your mouth. The whole idea is for your throat spasms will squeeze me dry." Tightly grabbing two handfuls of hair,he made a single jab with his cock and went into her mouth. He held her face pushed into his public hairs. He tightly held her there for 30 or 40 seconds while she finally got her gagging and breathing under control. "NOW!"Tommy slowly moved her head up his cock. You could plainly see she wanted to move faster and faster, but his control; of her head prohibited that. Fortunately for her, at around 6" in length and normal girth, Tommy had the smallest penis of our little group. It's a damn good thing Tommy didn't make her start with Merlon!He had about 1&#8260;3 of his penis withdrawn when he started pulling her back. He continued those short strokes of her head on his member, very slowly picking up pace.It took a minute or two before he was able to release her hair and let her fuck him with her mouth.Another four or five minutes and he withdrew until just the head was in her mouth. His body spasmed about three times when he finally completely withdrew."Spit it in the wine glass on the refrigerator, and then bring the wine glass in here in case anyone else wants to pleasure your cock sucking mouth."Chuck and I were fairly drained by this point and Merlon said he wanted to save himself for later. But Rick decided he needed a blow job from her. It took quite a while for him to finally get off. When she spit the cum into the glass, the original load had turned milky. Merlon put it into the small electric refrigerator. I know there were more deposits made and that the girls shared it, but that happened when only the boys were present; so I can't further elucidate. He then announced it was time to go retrieve the older boys since the game should be over soon.Hearing this, Rodney approached his uncle and asked, "Uncle Merlon, sine Cleve and I each won the ladies, can we keep them when the guys come home?""What do you mean keep them?""You know, tell them what to do and who to do it with?""Ask Tommy.""Can we mister Tommy?""That depends. Can you be nasty with them?""I can with Cock Sucker.""What about you, Cleve?""I don't know sir." Turning to Ellen, he asked, "Would it be alright if I made you be nasty with me and the others?"Ellen: "Of course sweetie, you won me and I'm yours now until Tommy wants me back.""Mr. Tommy, can I change her name to Miss Twat?""Make that Trashy Twat and you can.""Okay, Trashy Twat, come with me to the bathroom and help me pee!"I swear Ellen seemed to be delighted with the way things were turning out and with his order to accompany him. Later, she told me she held his cock and aimed his pee. She also admitted she asked him to save a little for her; which he did - a few drops.Merlon left to get the boys and Rodney and Cleve went to another part of the house with the women.The four of us sat around the patio drinking a lot of Merlon's really good booze. Merlon and the boys returned about an hour and a half later - thanks to Merlon producing two more laced Thai sticks! We shared them with the girls and Ellen also couldn't recall much the next day either. Here are a few of the things I do remember:Every once in a while, the boys would lead the girls in by leashes and show us some of the fun they had been having. I can only remember a few of the episodes; such as ~~ The girls had their tits bound up with large rubber bands~ Signed their names on their tits and asses with marking pens.~ Attached clips their nipples such that Ellen's right was attached to Becky's left and vice-versa. Then they had them try to do synchronized jumping jacks.~ Stuffed their cunts with cucumbers and had them race around the pool.There were other events, but I was starting to get too blitzed to remember them. I have other memories, but as I've said, I can't vouch for their validity.I have no idea of how we got home. The next afternoon, when we to take a shower, Ellen had a crudely written message above her pussy in paint!; "MY CUNT BELONGS TO CLEVE". It was written upside down; so she must have written it herself.That was the last time we ever saw Tommy and the last time Ellen allowed herself to be abused and humiliated. When Tommy didn't show up for about 8 or 10 weeks, Chuck tried calling him in Atlanta and found his phone was disconnected. A few weeks later he called Tommy's sister and learned Tommy had been murdered; the victim of an apparent mugging.Things were never the same between Rick/Becky and us and we slowly drifted apart. We continued to see Chuck and matters continued as they had before Tommy entered the picture. No abuse or humiliation.Twice a year for the next three years, Ellen would go to Merlon's house by herself primarily to see Cleve and Rodney. She would try to be there on the weekend either before or after their birthdays. I was never present for the activities and really know little of what occurred. She did say that Merlon never touched her until after the boys had left on Sunday afternoon.These excursions ended when Ellen came down with cancer of the gall bladder. A horrible way to die, but fortunately she didn't linger.Chuck and I would get together for a drink every once in a while, but then drifted out of each other's lives since Ellen was the glue of the friendship.END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 58
Young Cassandra looked with some satisfaction at the paper handed back to her. An "A" was inscribed there in red marker, followed somewhat enigmatically she thought, by "Please see me after class." Idly she flipped through the essay, revelling in the little compliments written in the margin. "Great use of metaphor," was one, "Excellent ironic overtone," another. Never mind that she had never intended a metaphor, let alone an ironic overtone, she pondered. If Mr. Jamieson had seen them, all the better for her. No, It was the hastily scribbled footnote, that had her curious. Maybe he wanted to save her paper as an example for next year's class? Shrugging, she packed up the rest of her belongings with everyone else, letting the happy if not eclectic Friday chatter swirl around her. Finally the bell rang and there was a frantic rush for the door. Cassandra longed to join her friends but she could hardly overlook the directive from her teacher. So instead she sat at her desk and watched him sort through some notes. His eyebrows arched in concentration, furrowing his broad forehead; he blew a lock of unruly brown hair out of his eyes from time to time. He wasn't she decided, an unattractive man!Just as Cassandra was starting to believe he'd forgotten his note, he looked up and focused his attention on her. "Miss Peters, please come here." Surprised by the sternness in his voice, Cassandra walked up to his desk. His looked at her solemnly. "Honestly Miss Peters, I don't know what to do with you. You haven't attended seven classes this semester, and the absences aren't excused. I have to say that yes, you have turned in every assignment and to be honest, blown me away with your writing skills. However, with the end of the semester approaching I must warn you that you have only a C-minus in this class. Attendance I'm afraid, is unavoidably twenty percent of the grade." Cassandra gaped at him. "A C-MINUS? But Mr. Peters, my parents expect me to get into Princeton... I MUST have an A." Mr. Peters sighed, "I don't know what you want me to say Cassandra. Did you really expect to pass this class with flying colors based on your essays alone?" Cassandra bit her lip and stared at the floor. Yes, she had hoped that might be the case, she realised. The reality was just too much for her and she began to cry. "It wasn't my fault Mr. Jamieson," she sobbed, "Mom had to spend a lot of time in hospital after the auto accident and I just needed to stay at home to help out. Dad doesn't get back till real late and I had to do the cooking....everything." Backing up to the nearest desk she slumped forlornly in the wooden chair. "You CAN'T give me a C-Minus... please!!"He looked at her compassionately."They're not my rules Cassandra," he responded slowly. "They are set down by the educational bodies and however much I wish I could change them for you, I can't! I know about the accident, I know you've had it really tough at home for quite a while, but you simply never brought in those signed absentee notes I asked you for. You really have left me no choice here."Silent tears running freely now down her pretty face she looked across at him. Even with full attendance and three more straight "A's", the best she could hope for come end of semester was a B plus. It wasn't enough. Crying wasn't going to address the situation she realised. When 'you're desperate' she reasoned, you use whatever tools are available. "Won't you please reconsider Mr. Jamieson," she asked softly "I'll do anything - absolutely anything you want."The balance of power was definitely shifting. This was a situation completely outside the thirty-five year old teacher's experience. Even as he responded, the uncertainty in his voice was evident."Are you meaning what I think you're meaning Cassandra?" he all but stuttered.She just stared hard at the desktop. "I have to get an "A" in English Mr. Jamieson, don't you understand that? I have to"He looked at her with a kaleidoscope of emotions running unchecked through his grey matter. Despite the fact he was a decent man with a strong moral fiber, the truth was he now realised, that Cassandra appealed to him over and above that which might be considered appropriate in any teacher-student relationship. Whilst he had never actually gotten to the stage of contemplating any sort of marital infidelity in the past, he had to admit that on more than one occasion, the sight of this particular student's curvy little bottom exiting the classroom, had imprinted itself on his subconscious."I don't think that is really what you want Miss Peters," he announced with little assurance, realising even as he spoke, that the statement made no reference to any reticence from his own standpoint. If any retreat had been planned - no one had mentioned it to the cavalry!The girl stood up and was staring at her teacher with a mixture of embarrassment and trepidation."We could both be dismissed, you know?" he muttered. She nodded but took no backward step. The prominent blush in her cheeks he found most attractive."Think maybe I had better take some precautions," he added nervously, intentionally avoiding all eye contact as he walked past her, to the far end of the room, whereupon he turned the key in the lock.Having regained the relative security of his own desk, he sat in the chair and motioned to Cassandra to step forward. Hands at her sides, she approached him. Observing the girl more with studious appraisal than any lustful intent, he took in her slim figure, pretty rather than overt breasts, beautiful facial features that at just eighteen now, had blossomed to technical adulthood. She looked considerably younger he mused. Patting his knee, he extended an arm towards her.Sensing his own extreme lack of confidence under the circumstances, she allowed herself to be drawn down on to his lap, where the playing field was anything but level, she couldn't help but notice. As her flush deepened and he in turn became aware of the reason for such, he decided that time was of the essence. Galvanised into action by a combination of her youthful femininity and the sensation of so sexy a little bottom atop his crotch, he allowed himself the luxury of slipping an arm around her waist. He felt her tense-up but figuring this was no time to be indecisive, slipped his hand upwards and enclosing the girl's entire right breast, squeezed the softness within. Letting out a shocked gasp she instinctively pulled his hand away."I think the words you used were 'I'll do absolutely ANYTHING you want' were they not Cassandra?" "I'm sorry.....nerves I guess Mr. Jamieson," she muttered "I've never done anything like this before." She allowed him to restore contact with her breast and even as he began to grope her gently she felt the adrenaline kick-in. The feeling wasn't wholly unpleasant she had to admit."Are you still a virgin then m'dear?" he asked tremulously, the sensation of squeezing this particular teenage student's hot little breasts rendering him positively light-headed"Uh huh!" she replied, her eyes watching as both his hands now felt her up with a growing confidence. Whatever that physiological reaction was manifesting itself between her legs, it was nothing she could classify as a hardship."You are such a pretty girl Cassandra," he whispered, "I'm not hurting you doing this, am I?" "No Mr. Jamieson, it's OK," she replied."Oh and you needn't refer to me as 'Mr. Jamieson' any more either," he smiled at her. "Hardly appropriate under the circumstances is it?" he added. "Just call me Craig."For a moment or two silence reigned as he continued fondling the girl's breasts increasingly aware of her unforced arousal, courtesy of those delightfully hardening nipples that her thin blouse was doing less than nothing to shield from his finger exploratory."May I kiss you?" he asked her suddenly.Simply the bizarre attending circumstances - a young female student being sexually assaulted on the knee of a way older teacher and he asks her for a kiss? - made her involuntarily giggle. The humor of the moment was cut short however as their lips met. Kissing though not unfamiliar to the girl, had been limited to a few close friends of her own age - girls and boys if the truth be known. Never though had she experienced such familiarity with a man in his thirties and thus despite both the age-difference and the inappropriate scholastic connections, she had to admit this was a step-up in class.From Craig's viewpoint, this surely was the epitome of every male fantasy. Groping unrestrictedly a sexy teenage girl while kissing her hard on the lips, even as her bottom continued playing havoc with his procreative equipment-in-waiting....they don't write better screenplays!Beginning now to undo the top few buttons of her blouse, she gasped softly as he exposed her low-cut bra and dynamically arousing cleavage, a frilly little number, more concerned with fashion than support one assumes, it was the work of but a moment to slip his fingers inside her left cup. She gave a little gasp as they brushed across her engorged nipple and was fully unable to prevent a blush from coloring her cheeks. He wasn't looking at her cheeks though and using either hand now, began manipulating both nipples which achieved two things. Her bra was of course worked low enough that both breasts were almost fully exposed to his vitally interested gaze and her fine dark nipples became even more distended as his fingers worked their dexterous magic.As for Cassandra she could hardly believe she was sitting willingly on a man's lap, pretty much topless, allowing herself to be molested at will. Of greater concern, her body seemed in no hurry to be sending out May Day calls. If she didn't know better it was relishing this newly come-by learning curve."May as well take these off," he murmured to no-one in particular, as he undid the rest of the buttons before peeling off her blouse and tossing it on his desk. Even as he unhooked her bra and began pulling the straps down her arms Cassandra just sat there, justifiably proud of her firm young breasts that freed now of their social constraints drew an appreciative if not limited audience. Inclining his head, he had barely even closed the gap between lip and nipple when she pushed him back firmly. "Noo, you can't do that.....Craig," she admonished."Oh I think I CAN Cass," he smiled, "You're not even close to a C plus yet!"Reluctantly she withdrew her arm and sat there rather prettily he observed - an obedient fourth grader, waiting for permission to read aloud her essay.As he first kissed her breast before teasing the nipple with his tongue, she let out a small whimper, beginning to wriggle on his lap in embarrassment. Craig however was far from embarrassed and as the texture of her nipple combined with the vaguely milky smell of the breast itself, wholly absorbed his concentration, he began to draw down on her teat completely transported by the combination of recalled childhood comfort and the sexual arousal such an act unavoidably generated.For her part, Cassandra found herself in a whole new ball-park - one where adults played quite obviously. Unaware she was letting out small gasps of pleasure, she held his head against her breasts as he suckled her first one side then the other. The harder he drew down, the stronger the communications being exchanged with vaginal HQ. As the messages grew more urgent she could not avoid slipping a hand onto her lap and depressing an area of her skirt that in other circumstances might be described as 'interesting,'Fondling that which he wasn't already sucking, Craig was a man on a mission. No girl should be this sexy he decided. Wondering just how he could ever face up to her again in class he was suddenly distracted by the proximity of the girl's hand in her own lap. On little more than auto-pilot, he slipped his hand up beneath her skirt - she was after all sitting almost side-saddle. This most assuredly brought a reaction."Nooo, not up THERE...please!" Her sharp intake of breath, shocked expression and rapid closure of her legs might in other circumstances have acted as some deterrent, but when a man has just about blown his wad sucking a girl's bare breasts while she wriggles sexily on his knee, you really can't expect a total withdrawal of all active troops. Besides there was unfortunately for Cassandra, an unfulfilled contract to see out, and of which she was quickly reminded."If a B Minus is enough for you m'dear, we'll call it a day then," he smirked at her. "Your choice sweetheart!"Even as her legs parted, at least to the extent that her tight little skirt would permit, a delicate frown flitted across her face. "You really shouldn't be doing this Craig," she muttered. "I only meant for you to have a feel.""Well that's all I'm doing Cassandra," he grinned, insinuating his hand well up between her thighs where the heat was - if not volcanic....a tad on the warm side. The blush returned and with now the twin pleasures of seeing the young girl's breasts jiggling each time she wriggled her hips, as well as the hem of her skirt riding high up her legs, he was made even more aware of his pained erection that was struggling for survival in that land-locked cavity beneath her bottom. That she must have been aware of the caged serpent on hand could not be in doubt.In fact Cassandra was cognizant of Craig's little problem and despite herself, the imminent presence of so sexual a threat was only adding to her own escalating arousal.His hands reached the front of her little white cotton briefs that already were peeking out beneath her indecently rumpled skirt. Adding to the visual delights one couldn't help but notice, the contrast between the soft white skin of her thighs and the roll tops of those fishnet leggings she had selected to wear that morning. At the point he began rubbing her intimately, both were locked in to their respective countdowns even if they didn't yet know it."God Cassandra, that feels so sexy," he whispered to the young girl as she struggled emotionally to deal with what was being perpetrated upon her hitherto unchallenged innocence. Trying to balance the reality of having to allow her teacher unrestricted sexual access with the knowledge that such was inherently wrong was inhibiting her thought processes. Added to this was the realization that her body was taking extreme pleasure from his caresses and tactile indulgencies.As he began to kiss her she felt all resistance crumbling and was even unaware she had spread her legs wider to accommodate his aggravated up-skirt therapy. He could feel the dampness through the thin material and rubbing her now the full depth of her vaginal ingress she was freely moaning and encouraging further interplay. Slipping a finger up beneath the leg of her panties he located the clitoral hood with little difficulty and set up a vibratory assault there which ultimately would be taking no prisoners he knew.Completely adrift from any world she had ever known, the girl was emitting small cries of pleasure now as the pressure built to intolerable levels. "Don't stop, don't stop," she pleaded even as he fingered her to the edge of reason. Using two fingers, he could feel how engorged she was and how taut her young pussy had become under his relentless digital massage. The moisture on site was simply the icing on the cake - proof indeed that you really can't beat the hands-on approach.Limited in dialog to "Ohhhh" Cassandra was suddenly lost in the perfect storm. As the shock waves eddied out in concentric circles, causing her hips and bottom to wriggle, her nipples to tingle and her pussy to bear the brunt of the ensuing seismic rift, she didn't even hear herself cry out with pleasured release.Craig did....he was even privy to the onset of some pre-cum now overflowing rather pointlessly beneath the young girl's sexy little posterior.Unable to bear further stimulation temporarily, she pulled his hand out of her panties."That was soo incredible," she volunteered. She made as if to disengage herself from his lap."And where do you think you're off to young lady?" he asked her."Just going to put my bra and top back on," she replied."I think not Cass," he said, taking a hold of her arm. "What you can do though is take that hot little skirt off now...always had a hankering to see a girl your age running around my classroom in just her panties.""That's disgusting Mr. Jamieson," she gasped."Oh, Its back to 'Mr. Jamieson' now is it?' he chided her. "Well no matter I suppose....makes it sound even sexier. Naughty student misbehaving and all.""I'm not gonna parade around here in just my panties?" she announced defiantly. "That's totally off!"He smiled at her, "Well, speaking of things being "off" sweetheart, although you definitely made B Plus with that last little performance, you are still adrift from any Princeton ranking I'm afraid, so I guess you're just gonna have to do what your teacher tells you. It's that or you take the B Plus. Aware she was trapped and without any aces left to play, she sighed and then simply unhooking the small clasp, she ran the zipper down and let the skirt fall to the floor. The now fully awesome aspect of probably the grade's prettiest student, stranded mid classroom solely in her leggings and a pair of white panties close to three sizes too small for her, almost robbed Craig Jamieson of his remaining sanity.Trying to cover up both nipples and her rather pronounced camel toe was a task and a half. It merely drew attention however to her rampant femininity. That isn't to say Craig wasn't taking the greatest pleasure in eying off the girls unwanted predicament. Had he stood up himself though, Cassandra might have been equally fascinated by proceedings, especially those some six inches or so beneath his belt-buckle.Indicating that she should 'approach the bench' as it were, he coerced her verbally to return to the seat of power, taking her hand as she neared him and at the last moment having her turn around so he could admire the sculptor's work from the rear. There was much to admire. She flinched as he smoothed both hands down her cheeks taking the greatest delight in observing the line of that beautiful cleft as it sank from view beneath the waistband of her panties.- the ultimate event-horizon one might deduce. "Don't take them down please," she yelped as he tugged at the soft material suddenly, revealing more than half her naked bottom to his gaze. Patting her right cheek suggestively, he allowed her to pull them back up to hip level."Tell you what Cassandra," he said, still toying with her rear-end somewhat indecently, "I'll give you a choice. Either you take your panties off now in front of me or I let you put that skirt back on first and then I take them off for you?""If I let you do that Mr. Jamieson, can I please go home then?" she replied none too confidently."We'll have to see about that sweetheart," he answered. "I guess you HAVE been a good and compliant little girl this afternoon."Retrieving her skirt, she had no sooner zipped it up when he put his arms around her waist and pulled her too him. Fully off balance, she fell back on his lap just as his hands found their way up beneath her hem once again and began re-familiarising themselves with the architectural delights between her legs.Her eyes closed, she allowed him to molest her unhindered."Stand up for me Cass," he instructed. No sooner had she done so, than he took a hold of the waistband and with his face but inches now from her curvy little rear, peeled her undies past her leggings and down to her ankles. Obligingly she stepped out of them. "Does that feel sexy sweetheart?" he asked, "standing there in just a short skirt with no panties on?" The truth was - it did, but she was not about to share such intimate home-truths.A full scale discussion on the subject was never even to reach gestation stage however, since his grip around her waist tightened at that moment and with the least exertion, he pulled her back on to his knee. She gave a small cry of surprise that was replaced by one of genuine shock. Straddling his knee as she now was, her parted legs revealed a hitherto uncharted actuality. Not only unzipped, her teacher's erection announced its clear intent, standing to attention there between her thighs, in honored tribute to the Star Spangled Banner quite obviously."No way," she cried out, you're not going to fuck me too are you?" She tried unsuccessfully to exit the playing field."Well Cass, I wouldn't have put it quite that indelicately," his arm around her waist tightened. "But you have latched on to the general direction of things here. Think of it as your "final exam" sweetheart. I'll be gentle." "Nooo...please..." she sobbed. "I'm a virgin...I could get pregnant."Suddenly lost in some excruciatingly hot images that her words generated, he was silent for a few seconds."Cassandra," he responded eventually, "This isn't a multiple choice question I'm afraid. You want an "A" - you let me fuck you here and now. What's it to be? You needn't worry about pregnancy either, there are pills you know!"Naively she hadn't even considered it might have come to this. Her tears were real and she regretted now ever embarking on such a drastic course of action. As she looked at her teacher's erection however, its very proximity was arousing to her she had to admit. Perhaps the concept was worse than the reality? Idly, she took a hold of it."I'll take that as a 'yes' then," he whispered, following up with a kiss just below her right ear. She really smelt so young and inviting.Not too many girls lose their virginity straddling their English teacher's lap butt naked, save for a skirt of such brief proportions. In actuality, the window of opportunity as it were at that angle, favors the uninitiated as the girl is fully able to control the degree of penetration simply by spreading her legs marginally or using her feet pretty much while standing, to absorb the pressure on her hymen at any given moment. This isn't to say it didn't hurt her. Although he was true to his promise, very gentle and respectful of her virginal state, making headway was slow and Cassandra was wincing in pain up to the moment she herself relaxed sufficiently to allow him to push up finally into the Promised Land.The sensations afforded her nervous system as she felt him suddenly penetrate her vagina deeply, quite outstripped his own pleasures. She eased herself lower, fascinated to see his quite large erection sinking into her most intimate of orifices with such apparent ease. She could see a few spots of blood but the pain of the past few minutes was obliterated by what he was now doing to her. Something less than cool calm and collected himself, after all the illicit pleasures to be had, penetrating a sexy young virgin on your lap, her bottom jiggling inches from your face while you grope her breasts stupid, - never mind her being one of your students - does have its appeal!Establishing eventually a rhythmic upthrust, he could hear Cassandra's breathing following the same line as his own - tortured to the point of pleasurable agony. Holding her hips tightly he was entering that wonderfully tight little chasm - one that she evidently kept hairless and smooth - with increased purpose. "You are so sexy sweetheart," he offered up in full praise of younger women generally. "I could....."He never got to finish the sentence as right at that moment, someone called out "Fire in the hold." Her eyes closed in orgasmic bliss, she felt something hot and sticky spraying deep inside her. For a full ten seconds she was unable to find the "off" switch as her vaginal muscles refused to unclamp their prey whilst her hips continued their automated downward thrusting.The post coital experience for both protagonists was one of pleasured respiratory re-affirmation. Their systems were re-set!Slumped in his chair up alongside the blackboard, Craig Jamieson felt all of his thirty-five years. The last thing he was expecting was the young girl to turn around, hands provocatively sliding across her glistening pussy - the ultimate Cheshire Cat... on heat!"I'd really like to make SURE I get a straight "A" Sir!"(c) Peter_Pan 2006Please visit "The World of Peter_Pan" website at: also now: "Harper Valley: A Postscript" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 48
My beautiful wife Jill and I have been married 10 wonderful years. Today our ages 34 and 40 respectively. We have settled into a traditional middle class lifestyle... home, two kids (daughters 6 & 8) both making good money. My wife is the epitome of a soccer mom, Jill herself is a sparkling athlete, lettering in many sports during her school days. Physically Jill is 5'6" 140 pounds of solid muscle. As part of her impressive athletic repertoire Jill is an excellent boxer, she has beaten me many times in spars. Ethnically Jill is Norwegian, blonde hair, blue eyes. Her greatest physical attribute sexually speaking are her breasts. They enlarged quite a bit during her pregnancies. Tubular shaped, rock hard, milky white with cherry nipples. When she is on top during lovemaking sessions her tits swing back and forth like pendulums. I think you get the picture. I made one mistake during our marriage that I deeply regret... I had a vasectomy after our second daughter was born. Jill wanted a third child in this case a son to fill out our family. But she accepted what I did as a fait accompli. Everything changed in our marriage when one day I overheard a married couple talking about their sexual fantasies. Prior to this Jill and I had never contemplated adding anything kinky to our marriage like voyeurism leading to adultery. I became curious and checked out some of these wife swapping/sharing websites and their stories which unbelievably aroused me to no end. I wondered for a moment if Jill would be interested in something like this and how I would broach the subject to her. One week later in bed (pillow talk) out of the blue I asked Jill if she ever had any sexual fantasies. She giggled and replied no, then asked if I had? I smiled and said yes lots of them. "Oh really?" Jill said. "What, may I ask is your favorite sexual fantasy?"After a pause I said, "Jill I've always wanted to see you make love to another man."The shocked look on her face told the story. Without her saying a word and to finish off the fantasy with an exclamation point, "And your lover gets you pregnant."Jill gasped, took a deep breath and she then smiled, kissed me and turned off the lights. Next morning Jill rose early to make breakfast, when I entered the kitchen she said good morning darling and kissed me. I am now going to respond to your fantasy. She rolled up her sleeves and began flexing her biceps. Jill then clenched her hand and put her fist right up to my face and said if you ever do that again I will personally beat you to a pulp. End of story? I thought so at first but the seed of fucking another man had been planted in Jill's mind and was germinating slowly.***Fast forward two months...Jill's personality began to change. More quiet than usual and very attentive to her looks, wardrobe, diet and exercise regimen. I had a feeling the seed planted two months ago had sprouted full bloom to pending adultery. I kept low and waited for her to make the first move. She duly did so a week later and asked me if I still fantasized about her making love to another man. I said yes and she agreed based on certain conditions. She would handled all the details for instance picking her lover, where they would have sex and in no way shape and form any participation by me including watching us and sloppy seconds. She did promise once she was pregnant she would terminate the affair and resume her normal family duties. Her timing was perfect, school was let out for the summer and the kids were sent to their grandparents for a month. In a few days Jill announced the date of her first adulterous lovemaking session. She had found her man, a gorgeous young hunk, big muscles and Scandinavian like her. Where I asked? She responded with a devilish grin right in our marital bed. I protested the location but she reminded me I was fulfilling my fantasy and besides punching me in the gut I'm calling the shots. She finished our discussion by stating you are to clear out of the house this coming Friday and not return until Sunday night. And this goes for the next four weekends. I should be pregnant by then. I'm really going to enjoy your fantasy fucking this man's brains out probably for an entire month!.***When I departed on Friday I admit I was anxious and had great reservations what had unfolded these past two months. We had both changed and not for the better. But I relaxed had a nice weekend playing golf and returned home Sunday night. When I opened the front door the house was eerily quiet. I called out Jill's name but got no answer. The house as usual was neat as a pin. I quietly went upstairs to our bedroom and opened the door. Still no Jill but I noticed the sheets had been changed. I sat on the bed and wondered. Jill suddenly burst out of the closet and scared the hell out of me. High darling! she jumped on top of me pinned me on the bed hugging and kissing me to beat the band. By her reaction I was kind of hoping she didn't go through with it and was just playing games with me. But I found out differently. She summarized the weekend by stating her lover fucked her multiple times, I lost count she said. But the most intense fucking session was the first one of course. It was so erotic when I became an adulteress. As a gift to you we filmed it on my lover's camcorder. Here's the tape put it right in the VCR and watch it now. She smiled and left the bedroom. I nervously started up the tape and sure enough her lover a big blonde guy and young too was on top of her. I got a clear look at his manhood and it was huge. Jill took it and guided into her sex organ. He began thrusting and pumping, with Jill screaming, "Fuck Me! Fuck Me!" I could tell they climaxed together, the guy was filling her. Finally he pulled out and Jill pointed her cunt oozing a viscous white fluid directly toward the camera. Here it is darling your fantasy now a reality. End of tape. Believe it or not I got so aroused I kept playing the tape over and over again until I spilled my own white goo on the bathroom towel. I never got such a sexual charge in my life. Later I told Jill about my response and that was looking forward to the next weekend. She giggled and said, "There won't be a next time, a deal is a deal.""I don't understand you owe me three more weekends."No I don't, I'm pregnant.""How can you know so soon?" I asked."That same intense warm feeling came over me this weekend just like when I was pregnant with the girls," she said.***Sure enough Jill was pregnant. I wasn't even jealous and she never saw her lover again and we resumed our normal routine. Besides a couple of months later the ultrasound revealed it was a boy. I got what I wanted and Jill got what she wanted -- a third child, a son. Wow, what a fantasy!
Bob was bored. His wife Molly had signed their daughter, Jill, up with a photographer to take some glamour shots, but at the last minute Molly had to go on a sales trip for her company and couldn't take Jill to the shoot. So Bob got stuck with it. Jill had disappeared into the dressing room over an hour ago with the photographer, leaving Bob in the studio alone with nothing to do.Bob had wandered around for a while, looking at various pieces of equipment, and he played a game of trying to figure out what each thing was for. But after a while that got old. Bob realized he was standing by a filing cabinet and he idly opened a drawer to see what was in it. His eyes bugged out as he saw pictures of young teenaged girls. And not just any pictures. These girls were naked! And not just naked. They were naked and showing their pussies to the camera. He began looking through them and found that each group of photographs was a series. They started with normal teens, then went to the same girl after her glamour makeover. That alone was enough to start Bob's dick to stiffen. He couldn't believe how much more grown up the girls looked after they had been made over. Then the photographs progressed by showing each girl in various outfits, becoming smaller and showing more skin in each successive one. Then the shots went to lingerie photos, then to shots of the girls without bras, then completely naked, then cupping their sweet teen titties, and finally with their legs spread, pussies open, the looks on their faces saying, "Fuck me now." Hearing voices, Bob stuffed the folders back in the drawer and closed the cabinet just as the photographer and his daughter came back into the room. Bob stared in amazement at Jill. His sixteen year old daughter looked every bit the age of 21. She was gorgeous! He blinked his eyes and looked again, but it was definitely Jill. Her normal voice came out of that supermodel appearance. "Hi Daddy, what do you think? How do I look?"Bob stuttered, then coughed and then turned beet red as he realized he was sporting a monster hard-on in front of his daughter and the photographer. He saw Jill look at the front of his pants and she giggled. The photographer saw the same thing and said, "Don't worry about it, Bob. It happens to all the dads. No one can ever prepare you for when your little girl looks all grown up." There wasn't anything he could do, so Bob just stared at his, "little girl".Jill was still wearing the white T-shirt she'd had on when they came to the studio, but now, for some reason, it seemed to hug her proud teenaged breasts, accentuating how they stuck out from her chest, each one a double handful. And the cutoff jeans she was wearing seemed shorter somehow, and formed to the swell of her hips. She had kicked off her sandals. Suddenly, Daisy Duke was standing in front of him. His dick hadn't been this hard in years.He was given a break as Ron, the photographer, told Jill to go behind the screen in the corner and choose an outfit to wear for the first shoot. Jill had brought several things with her, and there were other items supplied by Ron if she so chose. Bob made his way over to a chair and sat down, so his rampant dick wouldn't be so obvious. He glanced at the screen just in time to see Jill's bra drop on the floor at the edge of the screen. He gulped and his mind went into overdrive as fantasy provided a picture of his curvy daughter half naked behind the screen.Jill stepped out from behind the screen. Both men took in a deep breath. She had borrowed an evening dress from her mother. It was black satin with spaghetti straps and the neckline plunged clear to her navel. She had put on a single strand of pearls, also her mother's, and as she turned they could see the gown was also backless, showing the beginning of the cleft between her butt cheeks. All in all she was gorgeous and reeked of sex. She knew it too. She strutted and stuck her breasts out, turning a smoky look on both men in the room.Ron cleared his throat, but then was all business. He posed Jill in several ways and against several backdrops, taking lots of pictures. Then it was time for a costume change. This time Jill came out dressed in one of her mother's business suits. She had on a pure white silk blouse under a suit top over a matching skirt. Had she been in a board room at the time she'd have owned the company before she got out. As Ron shot her she took off the jacket and Bob saw she had decided not to put her bra back on. Her nipples were visible through the silk of the shirt. He couldn't tell for sure, but they looked stiff. They sure showed plainly enough. He licked his lips.Jill ducked back behind the screen and when she emerged she was wearing a bikini. It was blue - Robin's egg blue - and her black hair and tanned complexion were shown off beautifully by the suit. It was made of three tiny triangles which left very little to the imagination. It was the kind of suit that wasn't really meant for swimming. Bob had never seen it before and decided it had to be one of Ron's items. She gushed when she saw herself in the mirror. "Oooo Daddy, I want one of these. It looks so cool." Bob couldn't say much. Her nipples were sticking out through the fabric of the little bra and his dick was beginning to hurt from being hard for so long.Finally Jill had tried on all the outfits she had brought and several of Ron’s. Ron turned to Bob. "I also do model portfolios and Jill certainly has what it takes. She could easily be a model. If you'd like I can take the rest of the portfolio shots. Of course some of those are skin shots. Producers like to see what the girls' bodies look like so they can decide what kind of clothes they can wear."Bob thought back to the nude pictures he had seen. He could imagine that models did have to show their bodies, but not with their legs spread and their pussies open. Ron just wanted to get his own pussy shots. He probably sold them to sleazy magazines behind his customer's backs."That's OK, Ron. I appreciate the offer, but I think Jill's a little young to get into that scene right now. Maybe in a year or two.""Ohhhh Daddy! Please? I want to be a model. Think of all the money I could make!" Jill cooed."Maybe in a year or two," Bob repeated.As they left the studio Jill pouted. She continued to pout all the way home. She looked even better with her face still made up and her full lips pushed out. As they parked Bob said, "Look, sweetie, if you really want to have pictures like that, why don't you let me take them. I don't want some strange man seeing you without your clothes on. I mean it was pretty close with some of the things you wore back there, but at least you were a little covered.""Oh Daddy, I wasn't naked. But you're right. I would feel better if it was just you in the room when I get my naked pictures taken. Would you really do that for me Daddy?" She said it with such a normal tone he couldn't tell if she was needling him or not. On impulse Bob stopped at the mall on the way home. He took Jill to a shop and got her a bikini just like the one she had worn at the studio, except this one was pure white.When they got home Bob insisted they eat supper before doing anything else. Jill fidgeted in her chair, but ate. Bob told her they'd take the photos in the family room in the basement. It had a fireplace and a lot of wood, which he knew would set off the white in the swim suit well. As soon as they were done eating Jill jumped up and ran up to her room to try on her new bikini while Bob searched in the closet for his camera bag. He had some pretty good gear, though it had been a while since he'd used it.He was fitting various lenses to his camera body when Jill came down the stairs to the basement. Bob glanced up and froze. She was beautiful. She'd let her long black hair back down and it was hanging halfway down her back. Her hips swayed as she came down the stairs. She was barefoot and almost naked, the new bikini covering only her nipples and pubic hair. Well, not all her pubic hair, he saw. Jill saw where he was looking and pouted. "Daddy, what am I going to do about that?" she pointed to her crotch, with it's small hairs leaking out of her suit."Well, most women shave where it shows," he said breathlessly."I can't do that," she said with a sigh. "I cut myself to ribbons just shaving my legs. I can't imagine what damage I'd do trying to shave... down there."Bob knew he was crossing a line, but he couldn't help it. "Maybe I could help. I have a lot of experience with a razor."Jill grinned. "Great! I'll get the stuff." She bounded back up the stairs and came back with his can of shaving gel, his razor, a washcloth that was steaming and a towel.They stood there looking at each other. Jill blushed. "I guess... um I mean... I'll have to take my bottoms... off." Bob just nodded. He didn't trust his voice to say anything.Very slowly, never taking her eyes off his face, Jill bent over and slid the bikini bottoms down off her hips. The cloth in her crotch caught and stretched, appearing to stick to her pussy lips and his dick hardened immediately. Then the bottoms slid down and she stepped out of them. Bob tried to maintain some kind of dignity. "Why don't you sit... there, on the coffee table. On the end." She did and again, very slowly, never taking her eyes off his face, Jill spread her legs. There, in front of his eyes, was his teenaged daughter's perfect pussy. Her pussy lips were closed, but pouted out. What came into his mind immediately was the terminology he'd always heard, but never seen "like a peach, split and waiting to be opened and eaten." He licked his lips."Aren't you going to shave me daddy?" Jill said, her voice lower than usual. He dragged his gaze up to her eyes and realized he had just been staring at her pussy, probably for more than a minute. The tip of her tongue was caught between her teeth and she looked flushed.He knelt between her spread thighs and reached for the shaving gel. Her pubic hair was straight and black, lying close to her skin, and it wasn't heavy at all. He could see white skin through it. As he leaned in she spread her legs further and her pussy lips parted. He almost came in his pants as they flowered open. He couldn't tell for sure, but they seemed to be getting fuller, plumper, like they were swelling up. Her scent drifted to his nose and it was everything he could do to keep from diving into her muff and feasting. He put a glob of gel on two fingers of one hand and said, "How much do you want me to take off, baby?"He looked up at her and her eyes had a dreamy look in them. "Gee, daddy, I don't know. The suit's pretty small. And I don't want any hairs to peek out. Would it be OK if you took... all of it?"Bob felt cream dribbling out of the tip of his cock. He was going to shave his daughter's pussy BALD! He smeared the gel onto her hair and couldn't help running his two fingers down onto her pussy lips. She jumped but then said, "Oooooo that feels funny."Bob's mouth hung open as his fingers caressed her pussy lips. "Have any boys touched you here Jill?" he said."No daddy," she said in a small voice. "They all want to, but I won't let them.""Good," he said firmly. One finger slipped between the lips at the top of her pussy as he rubbed the gel in and he felt her clitty's hood. She jumped again and a little moan slipped out. "Because it can make a girl want to do bad things when a man touches her here." When he said the word "here" his finger rubbed over her clitty again. She jerked again, but this time it was a pelvic thrust. Bob leaked some more cum into his pants.Bob knew he had to get on with it or he'd give in to his lust. So he took his razor and began to carefully strip off the hair at the top of her mons. Her hair grew downward, toward those luscious pussy lips, and the razor slipped over some of them. He reversed direction and swallowed as the razor pulled her skin upward, making her pussy lips open even more and exposing her clit. He could see it beginning to peek out of it's hood. "Baby," he said. "I'm going to have to touch you... there... again. OK?" He looked up at her face and she was staring at him intently. "Yes," she said firmly.He wiped his fingers on the towel and used them to pull her pussy lips back together. Then he squeezed them together and grasped them between his thumb and two fingers. He pulled then downward as he dragged the razor up and her hair was neatly shaved off in a swath. He noticed she was breathing heavily now. So was he. He kept shaving and soon everything was gone. Still grasping her pussy lips he slid his hand over the newly bared skin. It was smooth and soft. He wanted to kiss it. Instead he took the washcloth, which was now just warm instead of steaming, and rubbed it all over her mons, making sure he got her pussy lips too. Jill moaned again and did another pelvic thrust. "Ohhhh daddy, that feels gooooood." He looked up and she was biting her lower lip. "Do you ever rub yourself there Jill?" he asked.She looked up at the ceiling as he continued to rub the cloth around on her clit. "Ooooo sometimes daddy... I mean it feels... I mean sometimes..." she thrust into his hand again. Bob sighed, knowing he was going to cross another line. "I know, baby. It's OK. You were made to feel good there. I need to put some lotion on you now, baby, to make sure you don't get razor burn." He got up and went to the basement bathroom where he knew there was some body lotion. When he came back Jill was leaning back on one hand, her legs still spread. Her other hand was between her legs, her fingers rubbing. She was panting. "Do you want to put it on, baby?" he said, holding the bottle out to her.Jill's eyes popped open and she looked at him hotly. "No! Daddy, YOU do it."Bob sunk down, oiled up his hand and began to masturbate his daughter. He made no pretense any more. Soon his finger slipped into her and she gasped and thrust her pussy onto his finger, scooting her butt closer to his hand. "Daddy?" she panted."Yeah, Baby?" he panted back."Are you hard again... like before... when he was taking my picture?"She'd seen it after all. "Yeah, Baby, I'm hard." He was lost now, and he knew it."Can I see it Daddy?" she moaned.Bob's finger slid all the way into her pussy and it clamped down on him, making it feel hard to pull back out. She mewled and he thought she might be having an orgasm. "Ohhhhh daddy, can I see it... please?"Bob stood quickly and dropped his pants, stepping out of them. Then he shucked his underwear off and his stiff dick flopped into view. His dick wasn't anything to write home about. It was only about six inches long, and it was skinny in his opinion. But it was rock hard now and bobbed up and down. Bob wanted to do a lot of things at that particular moment. He wanted to feel Jill's mouth on his dick. He wanted to jerk off and shoot just to ease the ache in his balls. He wanted to lick and suck his daughter's juicy pussy. He looked at that pussy, now gaping open, made to be fucked. Ready to be fucked.Jill's eyes were big. "Ooooo daddy, it's so big... and hard." Her hand came up and grasped it gently, feeling it's texture, squeezing it."Baby... I'm sorry, but I have to do this," he groaned. And he moved the cock, still circled by her hand toward her pussy."Are you going to put it inside me daddy?" she gasped."Yeah, baby, I am.""Goody," she said shortly, and started pulling his dick toward her pussy. The tip touched. Then it sunk between her labia. Then it lodged in her hole. Then it slipped in. "Ohhhhhhh!" she moaned. He thought he'd hurt her, but then her hips came up off the table and she wiggled her pussy up onto his cock. He bore in and she groaned as he spread her unused pussy open. He knew her hymen was long gone to tampons, so there shouldn't be any real pain. He kept going until his fluffy pubes pressed into her bald pussy. "Ohhhhhh fuuuuuck!" she said. That word coming out of his innocent daughter's mouth flipped a switch inside Bob. His balls belched and his semen raced through his prick sending jets of his creamy white juice into her tender pussy. Again and again his dick spat out it's load until it frothed out of her pussy around his embedded prick. They both looked down in fascination as his seed overflowed her pussy. To his surprise his dick didn't soften much at all, and Bob began to try to make Jill's first fuck one she'd remember all her life. He sawed in and out and her pussy, now super lubricated with his sperm, clasped his dick wetly. He pounded into her, mashing her clit with each inward plunge until she squealed and shook, falling into an orgasm much more intense than any she'd ever experienced using just her fingers. Over and over she moaned, "Ohhh daddy!" until she flopped down onto her back on the coffee table.Suddenly panic seized Bob. He'd just come a river in his daughter's fertile pussy. He'd meant to just go in and out a few times and then pull out, but he couldn't control himself. Even now he wanted to unleash another load of his hot cum in her pussy. Exercising supreme control he jerked his dick out of her and stood up."Ohhhhhh!" she moaned in a disappointed voice. "Do you HAVE to take it out now? It felt so goooood."Bob gasped for breath. "But I don't want to get you pregnant, baby," he huffed."But didn't you already... cum... inside me?" she said, sitting back up.Both of them looked at her still gaping pussy lips, where his thick white seed was dribbling out of her. Then, while he watched in shock, she dipped a finger into the dribble of white and brought it to her mouth. "Ooo!" she said in surprise. "Judy Langly said it tasted salty, and she was right!" Judy was one of her cheerleading friends that Bob had lusted after for years. The thought of her tasting a man's cum caused a dollop to leak out of his prick and begin to string out toward the floor."If you came already... inside me... wouldn't it be OK to do it just a little more?" his daughter asked. "Ohhh Jilly," he groaned. He pulled her up, led her to the couch and pushed her down onto it. One leg went over the back of the couch and the other to the floor as he got between her thighs and plugged his prick back into her tight teen cunt.They fucked for an hour and Bob spurted inside her two more times before he couldn't get it up any more. He was astounded.They never got any photographs taken that night. Jill slept with her father that night and got him to fuck her again in the morning. Again he squirted a huge load of his potent sperm into her nubile womb.That afternoon they tried to take the pictures again, but as soon as she bared her breasts, Bob couldn't take it. He went to get his keys and when Jill asked him where he was going he said he had to get a box of condoms. She laughed and said "No you don't"."But baby, if we keep this up I'll knock you up for sure," he said helplessly.She stripped off her panties and walked toward him saying, "I know." And then she started stripping him. They fucked on the floor. They fucked in the bed. They fucked in the kitchen. The only thing they stopped for was food, to take a shower and to let Bob rest up until he could get it hard enough to slide it in her again.Two days later they had established enough control to be able to watch some TV together when the phone rang. It was Molly. She was about an hour from home and wanted to know if there was anything she needed to pick up on the way in."That was your mom. She'll be home in about an hour," Bob said, his arm around his daughter."Well Grandpa, we've only got time for a short one then." She knew just what to say to make him shoot hard.END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 38
Part 14 - Ballerinas Bobbie and Brandi My name is Bobbie. I have an identical twin sister named Brandi. At the time of this story we were thirteen-years old and in seventh grade. We were identical in every way. We were both 4 feet, 6 inches tall with medium length light brown hair, which we often wore in a bun. We loved Ballet dancing and had been doing it for many years. Both of us had dancers' bodies that were tall and thin. We reached puberty last year so our breasts were becoming nice B-cups while our hips were filling out well. Our weekly ballet classes had a mixture of boys and girls. Ever since puberty, my sister and I had become interested in boys. Brandi and I enjoyed prancing around the studio in our leotards, checking out the boys in their tight shorts and sleeveless tank tops. We always noticed the bulges in their crotches as we went through our dance movements. One of the boys we noticed a lot was Paul. Paul was fourteen-years old and in eighth grade at our school. He seemed to have a particularly big bulge in his pants when around us. We both brushed against it whenever we could. Paul was experienced with girls and we would often talk to him about sex at practice. Brandi and I were both virgins but we knew a lot about sex from our friends and from the Internet. Being dancers, we were well aware of our own bodies and how they worked. We had been masturbating since last year when we discovered how good it felt while massaging our upper thighs after practice one day. Orgasms were a common experience for both of us. For the next recital, our teacher Madame Sophia split us into groups. My sister and I were paired up with Paul. We were charged with the task of making up our own short routine using all the moves we had learned to date.We met after practice to make a plan. Since none of us were the Swan Lake/Nutcracker type, we decided to go a more contemporary route in the vein of Balanchine or Jerome Robbins.We wanted to push the envelope and do a variation of Robbins's Afternoon of a Faun, which is about two dancers practicing in an empty studio in front of a mirror. The dancing becomes more and more erotic as they fixate on their images in the mirror. All this is set to the music of Debussy.Our variation involved Paul, flanked by Brandi and me, practicing in front of a mirror. Each of us would be competing for the Paul's attention through a series of sensual moves and touching. As in the original, we would be in our black leotards while the Paul would be in his black practice shorts and sleeveless crop top.We had the perfect place to practice. Our parents had converted the basement into a practice studio for Brandi and me. It had a large mirrored wall, a handrail, and a hardwood floor. It also had a state of the art sound system. We agreed to meet there Monday.***On Monday after school, the three of us met in our basement to practice our routine. We were, of course in our ballet clothes. We felt a little nervous around Paul but were also excited.After planning the choreography, we stood in front of the mirror - me on the left, Paul in the middle, and Brandi to the right. We started the music and then went through our beginning movements. We copied the routine move per move from a video of the performance. We knew many of the moves were sensual but we wanted to seem more grown up and sophisticated then the other kids in our class. I had to admit, peering in the mirror we really looked sexy in our leotards. Brandi and my B-Cup breasts filled out the leotards quiet nicely, with just barely the hint of our nipples showing through. I was impressed at how shapely our butts had become. And the crotches of our leotards outlined our pussies' perfectly between our long smooth legs. There were no pubic hairs sticking out. We always shaved the edges of our pussy lips in order to look neat in our leotards.These images were not lost on Paul. He too noticed us and the bulge in his shorts was even bigger than we ever saw.This first sequence involved two parts. In phase one, Brandi and I danced on our toes over to Paul and hugged him alternately. Each embrace was to be more passionate than the other, as if we were competing. I was the first to hug Paul with a quick embrace. Next came Brandi who lingered longer. Then I went over and really pulled him close. Brandi countered with the same. As it went on, the hugs grew more passionate. Brandi and I pressed our breasts against Paul's chest, resulting in us turning him on more than he already was. He reacted by grinding his bulge into our crotches. We never felt anything like that before and we liked it!As much fun as this was, we stopped and proceeded to part two. This phase entailed having Paul standing behind us in turn, then reaching around and pretending to run his hands over our bodies and breasts. He was supposed to keep his hands an inch away from our bodies, just simulating a dancer's touch. Well you can imagine how that went since our antics managed to turn him on so much. Brandi was first this time and as Paul had his hands in front of her, Brandi slipped forward and his hands landed squarely on her B-Cup mounds. Since she did not pull away, he started to rub them until her nipples came to attention, poking through the thin material of her leotard.Then I took her place and Paul didn't even make a pretense to follow the script, he just went right on to rubbing my breasts. When my nipples became erect, he grabbed each of them between his fingers through the cloth. That made them stick out even further. After a while, I turned into him pressing my sensitive breasts into his chest. Again I felt his bulge press into my crotch. The feeling was just as exciting as before. Then he gave me an even bigger surprise. Paul bent down and took the nipple of my right breast into his mouth through the material of my leotard. After sucking and licking for a few minutes, he went on to the left.I felt Brandi tugging on my arm. I looked over and saw that her nipples were still erect under the leotard. She traded places with me and soon Paul was also sucking on her nipples through the fabric too. Then I noticed Brandi do something really bold. She slid her hand down and was rubbing Paul's bulge over his shorts. I had to have a feel too so I also reached over.Through the thin shorts, I could feel the outline of his hard penis. I didn't know how big a fourteen-year olds penis was supposed to be but Paul's seemed to be a good eight-inches long. As we rubbed, we could hear Paul moaning. We were happy that two thirteen-year olds could have such an effect on an older boy.Unfortunately we heard our parents upstairs coming home from work. We pulled away from Paul and decided to continue the practice the next day. ***Tuesday afternoon came and Brandy and I were eager to see how much more we could excite Paul as we all went down to the basement. The next part of our routine started with Brandi and me standing and alternately raising our legs with our toes pointed up all the way to the ceiling, right in front of Paul's face. We mischievously knew this was giving him a great view of our cloth-covered pussies'.Improvising, Paul then reached out and slowly ran both hands up our legs from our toes to the top of our thighs. When he did, the top of his palm brushed up against the crotches of our leotards. It was just a slight brush but it made each of us quiver like the first time we discovered how to masturbate.We practiced that sequence several more times. Each time his hand got bolder as it touched our pussies. Finally on one try, he left his hand right on the crotch of my leotard. When I did not pull away, he started rubbing. It felt really good. I started to moan a little and my breathing got shallow. Seeing that I was enjoying myself, Brandi then came over and stood beside me. Paul took his other hand and started rubbing her pussy the same way. He rubbed up and down our pussies, pushing the material into our slits forming cameltoes and massaging the little nubs at the top. Finally, first Brandi and then me, exploded in orgasms that made us loose our balance and fall to the floor. "Wow, that felt twice as good as when we do it to ourselves!" we exclaimed.Looking over at Paul kneeling beside us, we noticed the tip of his penis poking out of the bottom of his shorts."Did we do that to you?" Brandi teased, touching the tip. "Are you turned on by two seventh-graders?""You must admit," he said, "I was just rubbing both of your pussies." "Well then, we think we need to return the favor," we said as we pulled down his shorts.When we did, out sprung his hard penis. We were right. It was at least eight-inches long. As I said earlier, we knew all about sex but this was the first real penis we had ever seen and it was magnificent. We just had to have an unobstructed feel.Brandi was the first to reach out. She went right for the cockhead and felt it all over. Sliding her hand down the shaft, she went down to the base and then slid back up. I too wanted a feel so I put my hand above Brandi's and stroked in time with her. We were rubbing in long slow strokes up and down his whole eight-inches. As we did, he shifted onto his back.After a while, we heard him whisper, "faster!"We did as he instructed and soon he tensed up and we saw glob after glob of thick, white semen, spewing out of the tip of his penis. The majority hit the floor but some flowed down onto our hands. It was hot and waxy and Brandi and I were fascinated by it.Luckily we had a towel nearby, we cleaned up, pulled his shorts up, and scheduled another session for the next day.***On Wednesday, we were starting to get concerned that we were doing more playing than practicing. We practiced the first two sections without any of the previous distractions and then proceeded to concentrate on the third.This was the most acrobatic and some would say, the most sensual. It involved Paul lifting Brandi into the air in front of him while she wrapped her legs around his neck as he twirled around on his toes. It was a move we saw in Balanchine's Argo. When Brandi slid off, I would take her place.After starting the music we planned the logistics of making the move. It involved me helping to lift Brandi so she could wrap her legs around Paul's neck as he supported her body with his hands.After some initial struggles we got it to work and Paul was able the dance for several minutes dangling Brandi around his neck. We hadn't thought about it at the time, but in this position Paul's face was right in Brandi's cloth covered pussy. The earlier routines had made her crotch slightly damp and the material had slid into her slit, forming an even more distinct cameltoe. There was also an aroma of arousal coming from her between her legs. Then it was my turn. Brandi boosted me up and now my crotch was in his face as he made several sensual dance moves around the studio. Like Brandi, the crotch of my leotard was also damp and formed a cameltoe. The look, the aroma, and the mere thought of a thirteen-year old pussy in his face must have pushed Paul over the edge. He lowered me onto my back on the floor, put his head between my legs, and ran his tongue up and down my slit over my leotard. I was in shock as his tongue pushed the material deeper into my pussy slit. When his tongue went higher and touched my clitoris, it was electric. That felt great enough, but then he did something that would feel even better. Since we had pulled down his shorts, evidentially he thought it was okay to do the same to us. Pulling aside the fabric at my crotch, he was face-to-face with my bare pussy. He took a moment to study it. Like I said earlier, my body was maturing nicely. My pussy was very well defined with plush outer lips. The dark pubic hair was so neatly trimmed it outlined my slit clearly. Then he put his mouth right on my pussy and I immediately exploded. I never had an orgasm so intense. As he let go of the material and it snapped back into place, I noticed Brandi standing above us rubbing her pussy over her leotard. We quickly switched places and after pulling aside her crotch, his mouth was now over her bare pussy. I watched attentively as his tongue ran up and down her slit, forcing her inner lips open as he worked his way down to her pussy opening. After dipping his tongue into the moisture leaking out, he worked his way up to her clitoris. I was envious that she was lasting so much longer than me. I could only imagine the feeling of his tongue on my clitoris.Then she got a real jolt. Paul took his index finger and plunged it all the way into her pussy hole while latching his lips around her clitoris. This caused an explosion the likes of which she never felt before either.As she was calming down, Paul spoke. "Brandi, from our conversations I expected you to be a virgin and to have your cherry.""Oh I am a virgin. We are both virgins," Brandi said, "our cherries broke long ago from ballet stretches."Paul seemed delighted with this news as he rolled onto his back.Seeing this, Brandi and I both got the same idea. We reached over and pulled his shorts completely off, releasing his eight-inch penis once again. This time it pointed straight up in the air.I managed to get to him first, plunging my mouth over his erect penis. I gobbled it up and down, licking my tongue along the underside of his shaft like I saw in one of my dad's porno movies.I reluctantly gave way to Brandi. I watched her as she continued sucking his penis. At one time she was even able to take him up to his balls. It was quite a sight, a seventh-grade girl with her mouth completely over the penis of an eighth-grade boy.When it was my turn, I concentrated my sucking on his cockhead. It wasn't long before I felt spurt after spurt of his hot semen shooting into my mouth. When it stopped, I pulled up trapping it all inside my mouth.Looking over to Brandi I could tell she was disappointed so I went over and placed my mouth over hers. Brandi and I always shared everything. I opened and let half of the semen flow into her mouth. We then both looked over to Paul and swallowed. It was our first taste of cum, a taste we would enjoy many times in our lives.Once again it was late and we figured we could finish the routine the next day.***We knew that this was the last chance we had to perfect our routine before the Friday recital. Standing in front of the mirror, we looked again at each other's bodies. Brandi and I looked so natural. Our ample breasts stood out before our slim waists and rounded hips. Our plush pussies were clearly outlined atop our long legs. Paul looked like a Greek statue. Dancing had made his chest muscular and his thighs rippled. Even though flaccid, his bulge was a good six-inches, and thick. We started the music and went right into the embracing. Our passions accelerated the moment our bodies made contact but we were careful not to let it get out of hand. Next came the part where Paul simulated the touching of our breasts. Although he was supposed to keep his hands away, he couldn't help but brush slightly against each nipple. This caused him to get back his erection, which lasted the rest of the dance. Brandi and I also started to feel a familiar dampness in our pussies.The leg raises provided the next challenge to all of us. Even though covered, our pussies splayed open during each split and caused the material to go deep into our slits. It was fun teasing Paul. It took all of our resolve to keep our hands off of each other. The same was true when it came to wrapping our legs around his neck. We so wanted him to eat out pussies again.But perhaps the hardest was the last scene. It was supposed to symbolize making love through dance. As Paul lay on his back, Brandi and I would each straddle his pelvis, keeping some distance between our bodies as we leaned forward to simulate a kiss. After both of us had a turn on top, we would each fall to a side, intertwine our arms and legs, and lay still together as one as the music ended. I was the first to straddle Paul's pelvis. As I did, I felt the bulge of his penis pressing into my cloth-covered pussy. Instead of pulling away, I ground myself into him.Next it was Brandi's turn on top. Feeling his penis against her crotch, she too ground into him, even more blatantly than me. We finished in a group embrace as the music ended. All of us were flush. All of us were breathing heavily. All of us were turned on. We agreed that we needed to remember this feeling and project this passion in our performance the next day.***Friday evening came and we were all ripe with anticipation. We were the last group to perform and watched anxiously the lame excerpts from Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake, and The Nutcracker on stage.Finally it was our turn. The audience was surprised to see we were only in our black practice outfits but started to understand once the music of Debussy began. As we performed, we kept it sensual rather than sexual. The passion of our anticipation really showed through on stage. We were filled with sexual tension.The audience really seemed to love our performance, especially the dads. Evidently they were students of contemporary ballet interpretation. When we finished there was a standing ovation. We were very pleased. We managed to be both sensual and artistic.After the performance ended, the curtain closed leaving us alone tangled together on the semi-dark stage. We knew that the audience and other performers were headed for refreshments in the next room.Being even more turned on than ever before, Paul's penis was pressing his shorts outward. I reached down and pulled them off. The crotches of Brandi and my pussies were soaking wet. We pulled off our leotards, leaving us feeling the same way we felt at the end of yesterday. The difference was, we didn't need to hold off any longer.This time it was Brandi who climbed over Paul first. She was determined to finish what she started yesterday. Centering her pussy opening over his penis, she bore down taking him all the way in. They both gasped at the sensation as Brandi proceeded to slide herself up and down. Perhaps it was the setting or maybe it was anticipation from yesterday, but it didn't take long and Brandi exploded in her first orgasm from intercourse.She collapsed and rolled off of Paul. I crawled over and took her place. Instead of letting me stay on top, Paul rolled me onto my back and centered himself over me. He placed his penis at the entrance to my pussy and pushed forward. Being so wet, he slid easily all the way in. Even though I didn't have a hymen, there was a define feeling that I had indeed just lost my virginity.Paul started to pump in and out, slow at first and then more quickly. My thirteen-year old pussy was being filled to the hilt. Luckily Brandi and I didn't have to worry about getting pregnant. Our mom put us on the pill to control our periods for ballet.As he continued to pump in and out, I raised my legs around him and pointed my toes to the ceiling. This made him sink in real deep and I started to feel myself losing control. Suddenly I felt the walls inside my vagina start to expand and contract. As they did, I felt Paul push in deeper and start to empty a massive load of semen inside me. Before he finished he pulled out and plunged his penis into Brandi who lay at my side. He finished emptying his load into her. Like I said, we share everything together!When Paul pulled out, a stream of cum leaked from each of our thirteen-year old pussies. We cleaned up, put on our regular clothes, and went to get refreshments. Everyone was praising us about our performance.Because of this, in class we were paired up together often. That gave us the chance to get together all the time in our basement studio. More stories to come...--------------------------------------------------------This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life in any way, shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any of the scenarios in this story should seriously consider seeking professional help.--------------------------------------------------------Kristen's collection - Directory 85
Part 1 – An E-Mail Surprise and Mommy's DildoI started corresponding with this girl who called herself Sally when she emailed me as described here. After getting to know her, she gave me permission to publish the emails she sent me online. One day when I was checking my email, I received the following:Dear Netman, I just came upon the site The Kristen Archives on my daddy's computer and read some of your stories. I just wanted to tell you that I really liked them. I noticed that almost all of your stories involved young girls having sex with older men. I don't know why, but I am attracted to older men. I really liked your descriptions of the sex between young girls and older men. I could almost feel what the little girls were feeling. I don't know if I should tell you this, but it actually made me so excited I gave myself pleasure.I am only fourteen and maybe I shouldn't be reading these stories but this is how I spend my boring nights. I am ready to have sex and really want it to be with an older man. I have lots of questions about how to go about this. Since you are an older man, I thought maybe you could help me. I would like it if you emailed me and we could talk about sex stuff, especially from your point of view. I don't do this very often, so I'm not sure how it works.Please don't worry. I am not asking to meet you in person. I will never give you my real name and address or send you a naked picture. So please don't ask!I'm probably not supposed to be doing this or looking at sites like The Kristen Archives, but these stories really excite me and I don't see anything wrong with what I'm doing.I might be wrong but I don't think there is anything illegal about you writing to me about stuff, even sex stuff. Sending naked pictures or suggesting we meet would be illegal and, like I said, I am ABSOLUTELY NOT interested in doing these!Let me tell you about me? I am fourteen and just finished eighth grade. I am a very smart girl and intellectually mature. (Although physically not so much, which I can tell you more about if we continue.)I am in the gifted program, I read a lot, and people tell me I write pretty well. Like I said, I am very interested in learning more about sex. That is why I started reading all kinds of sex stories online. It was there I discovered the erotic stories and eventually stories about girls my age having sex.I don't think people realize this, but girls are just as sexually curious as boys. It sometimes makes me mad that people don't understand this.I am good at keeping secrets. I use a Mac and turn on private browsing. I clear my history after each session. My Yahoo Mail account is protected by a strong password. I have been writing and chatting with several other men authors for a while with no problems. I have even started with a female author who has explained to me how she felt and acted when she was younger. It was nice to learn that she understands that a girl can have sexual urges too.I picked you out because you always seem to treat your little girl characters right so you must know something about us. You are just as concerned for our pleasure as for yours. Again, it is perfectly OK if you don't want to write me. I won't feel rejected. Like I said, there are a few others I write to all the time. Perhaps fourteen is just too old for you. I see a lot of your characters are preteens – LOL!I am pretty busy during the day doing girl stuff. I go to the pool, hang out at the mall and text with friends. I don't spend all of my time thinking about sex – just mainly when I am alone. I am usually in my bedroom after 10pm in the Midwest. This is when I am alone and online to read, email and chat.If you think this is wrong or weird – I'm sorry. Delete my email.If not – write soon.XOXO,Sally (this is not my real name – duh!)I knew this kind of thing was risky but she seemed like a very cautious girl and I didn't intend to do anything but write so I thought it would be okay.I explained that we had to be extra careful about this.I wrote her back asking her to describe and tell me more about herself. I sent it off and waited.***The next night I got the following email:Dear Netman, I'm so glad you decided to answer me.You wanted to know what I look like so here it is. I am a petite girl, fourteen-years old. I have dark blond hair that comes down to my shoulders. Sometimes I wear it straight and sometimes I set it so the ends curl up. My friends think I look like a young Sally Draper from the TV show Mad Men. (That's why I chose Sally as my pen name.)You're probably more interested in my body though. My breasts are still kind of small. They are barely A-cups. Sometimes I wear a training bra but most of the time I don't need one.My little butt has matured more. It is nice and round. As for my pussy, I'll tell you about that later if you want. My panties are almost always white cotton. They are little girl panties except for when I want to show off like I will tell you below.You already know that I like to read sex stories. What I like to do even more is watch sex videos on the Internet. They are really easy to find and there are so manySomething else I like to do is this. My friends and I like to tease men at the mall. Here is what we do. I go to the mall with my friends and we always dress the same.We start out with jeans and a tee shirt. Once at the mall, we go into the bathroom and change into what we bring with in our backpacks.We have two kinds of outfits depending on what we are doing. If we are just casual shopping we wear the following – tight denim short/shorts, tank tops and tennis shoes. I always take off my bra. Even though my titties are little, they look bigger with the tank top clinging to them. They bounce when I walk and if it is cold or something turns me on, my nipples stick out.The shorts are so tight they hug my butt and dig between my legs.When we dress like this, we notice a lot of older men watching us.If we are feeling extra naughty and want to really tease the older men, we dress like schoolgirls - we wear short, pleated mini-skirts that come way above our knees. If it is summer, our legs are usually bare but in winter we wear thigh high stockings. We always wear white tennis shoes. In the winter we wear sweaters without our bras. This acts kind of like the tube tops. In the summer we are real naughty. We wear either crop tops or white sleeveless cotton blouses, both with big armholes. Again we are braless. If we turn the right way, you can see our titties from the bottom or side. We try to act like we don't notice they can see us if we spot a handsome man looking at us. If he is a creep we get out of there quickly. Oh yah, we also all wear white cotton bikini panties when we are doing this. We play the game of going up the escalators and seeing which men get on behind us. We are always pleased by how many do. I sometimes want to tell them it is OK to look and let them buy me a cola I, but I don't know how to do this. Do you think it is okay for a young girl like me to like grown-up men? What would you think if one talked to you?I like your stories where an older man seduces a young girl. Here is a fantasy of mine. I take dance class. I wear a black practice leotard that has high cut leg holes. I always feel sexy wearing it. It is tight and clings to my body. I see myself in the mirror and like the way my butt looks. Even though my breasts are small little mounds, my nipples stick out when I am wearing the leotard. The material also rubs against them sometimes making them hard.My fantasy is this - I am fourteen and I am in my leotard at dance class. An older man who is watching me from the side, talks me into going home with him where he takes my virginity and does oral on me. I touch his penis but I don't want to do oral on him. I start off in my leotard, and he eats me by pulling aside the crotch and sucks my titties through the material. Eventually he gets me naked. FYI, my pussy lips are thin and almost hairless. (That's what I meant about immature body, along with my small titties)I am still a virgin but I don't have hymen or cherry. I told my mom I broke it falling on my bike bars but that's not how it really happened. I broke it by sticking my hairbrush handle into my pussy while reading a story on the Internet. (It was probably one of your stories – LOL!)I would like to know what it really feels like to have a man's cock inside my pussy. Maybe you could describe it for me? Can't wait, I'm glad you decided to be my email friend.XOXO,Sally*Dear Sally,I'll try to answer some of your questions. I think it's fine for a girl to be thinking a lot about sex. Once a person, boy or girl, reaches puberty, it is perfectly natural to be interested in sex. After all, nature made your body ready. Up until the last century and in some other cultures, the age at which people could have sex was as young as twelve or at least at puberty. Only "modern" cultures condemn it. I also think it's fine for a young girl to like and even be with an older man. But that's just my opinion. Society finds this to be a real taboo. I say love knows no age limits!And how would I feel about a young girl talking to me? I'd love it! I'd feel really flattered like I do corresponding with you. In life, you have to go for what you want!Now as for fucking - I do my best to describe what it is like to be fucked in my stories. However, I am not a girl and I don't know if I get it right? (When you finally do get fucked, please let me know if I got it right.)There is something a girl can do that feels just she is being fucked. A soft rubber dildo feels just like a man's cock. Maybe your mom has one hidden in her room that you could borrow when she is not around. Get naked and relax. Lay on your bed.Put your laptop next to you. Do a Google search for Most Erotic Sex Videos. These are videos where the man and woman are really making love and enjoying themselves. I think you will really like them. Click on one that interests you. Play with your clit (I assume you know what that is) during the foreplay. When it comes to the fucking part, insert the dildo into your little pussy at the same moment the man in the video does. Pump in and out in time to the way the man is fucking. If you are able, cum at the same time the couple does.That should give you a pretty good idea of what fucking feels like.Let me know what you think.XOXO,Netman***Over the weekend Sally wrote back.Dear Netman,Thanks for the advice about the dildo. As I told you, I have used the handle of my hairbrush but it was hard. It felt pretty good but kind of unnatural. Here is what happened with the dildo.My mommy and daddy went out last night and I knew I had a few hours to be alone. I went into their bedroom and searched through mommy's drawers, being careful not to disturb anything. In her underwear drawer, underneath some really sexy panties that did not have a crotch, I found some interesting stuff. There were two rubber dildos. Both were soft rubber and looked like cocks with ridges, veins, and mushroom shaped heads. One was about seven inches long and as thick as a hot dog. The other was much bigger and had a wire and battery pack attached. From my Internet surfing, I figured this had vibrator inside. There was also a tube of KY Jelly. (I tasted it and it didn't taste like jelly. Just kidding – I know what it is!) I took the seven-inch one, thinking it was one that would fit better inside my little pussy. I also took the KY, even though my pussy gets pretty wet when I play with myself.Then I went into my bedroom and prepared to "fuck" myself. I did as you said. I got completely naked and lay on my bed, placing my laptop beside me. Earlier I found some Most Erotic Sex Videos which I bookmarked. You were right, these were really hotter than the ones I usually find.I played one I really liked earlier. It showed a young blond in her bedroom by the ocean. She was naked and rubbing herself. She was really enjoying it. I liked it because her breasts were not that big. (Yet bigger than mine.)Soon a man entered the room and he watched her for a while. He was naked too. His cock was not yet hard but still BIG. He climbed next to her and they started making out. There was a close-up of their open mouths and their tongues were touching.Then he slid down and starting kissing her breasts. He sucked on each of her nipples until they got hard. She seemed to really like this. I reached up and started to rub my breasts and touch my nipples. I wished I could know what it felt like to have them sucked.Then he continued down her body and put his mouth on her pussy. He licked up and down her slit, stopping at her clit. There was a real close-up of her pussy. It was bare like mine except she must her shaved while my hair hasn't grown yet. Her pussy lips were also much plushier and fuller than mine.I saw his lips surround her fleshy clit while his tongue licked it. My fingers started rubbing my own clit like you said to do. I could feel the wetness coming out of my pussy hole and could even smell my arousal.As I watched the man eating her out, I kept wondering what that really felt like. I am sooo ready to find out. I wish society could understand that young girls want sex as much as boys do.All I could do now though was rub my clit and fantasize.Then the camera panned down to the man's cock. It was still soft, but not for long. As the girl's hand wrapped around it, it started to get hard, right there in her hand. That was really, really neat. I liked that a woman could do that to a man. It seemed to give her power. I wanted to experience that power.Rubbing myself felt so good I almost forgot what I was really here to do. I reached down and grabbed the dildo. I could tell I was so wet I wouldn't need the KY Jelly.Placing the head at the entrance to my pussy, I waited for the action on screen. The man was now over the girl and rubbing his cockhead on her pussy hole.I took the tip of the dildo and imitated the action on screen. I wanted to push it in but waited for the man in the video. Soon he was pushing forward slowly and his cock started to slide in. That was what I was waiting for. As I pushed in I couldn't go as slowly as him and plunged in fast. I continued pushing until it was almost all the way inside my pussy and then started to pull out. Then just l like the man in the video, I started pumping in and out. I bent it upward and it even hit my clit on some of the strokes. As I watched the video, I was imagining myself being fucked. But it wasn't by the man in the video, it was by someone else - an older man like you or another man in my neighborhood that I sometimes think about.Anyway, unlike the hair bush, I could feel the dildo rubbing every part of my insides. It was a much fuller feeling. Every stroke was making me more turned on.As the man in the video speeded up, I pumped in and out faster. I was pumping really fast when I saw the girl on the video have an orgasm. When she did the man came too, inside her pussy. As he slowed down, I could see the white cum on his shaft. Then he stopped, pulled out and in a moment, gobs of white cum dripped out of her pussy. This is something I always like to see in videos and I too started to orgasm. It felt really good, maybe my best orgasm ever. I only wish I could have felt the hot cum inside me.I was still really turned on. Seeing that I already had the dildo, I fucked myself two more times to different videos. On the last time, I had to use a little of the KY Jelly because I was getting dry.It was getting late so I washed and dried the dildo and put it back. As I did, I wondered what the big vibrating dildo would feel like. I would have to try it another time.So I want to thank you for helping me to see how real fucking feels. I'm sure the real thing feels even better. I'm also sure I am ready to find out.Just for curiosity, in what part of the country do you live? Just be general. You don't have to tell. Sorry, I said we wouldn't get personal. Thanks for telling me about the erotic videos. The pussy eating really turned me on. I'd like to see what that feels like too.Anyway, I'll be in touch soon.Thanks again, Sally*Dear Sally,I am so glad you got to experience what I call "virtual fucking". Thanks for describing it to me. (I confess, I played with myself as I read it.)About me – I live in the Midwest. I'm in my forties and was married once. I have a pretty fit body and my cock is about the same size as that dildo you used.In my fantasy, it was you I was fucking as I read it. Who was that older man you were thinking about?If you don't like me talking to you this way, let me know. I knew that the dildo could make it feel like you were fucking but I'm not sure about what you could do to make it feel like your pussy was being eaten. That would involve both a sucking and licking motion. Let me investigate that.In the meantime, keep writing about your thoughts and experiences.Soon,NetmanTo be continued...*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 85
The first thing he noticed was her long blond hair, then her rounded hips. And then-but a minister wasn't supposed to notice--that her jiggling breasts and protruding nipples were outlined by the thin material of her dress, a very short dress which revealed plump thighs almost up to... well, a preacher wasn't supposed to be looking there either.The good reverend raised his focus and noticed that her young, pretty face was frowning slightly as if under a strain of some kind. She pursed her lips as if releasing her breath, then her mouth opened in a gasp. She seemed to be going through contortions, but attempting to conceal them while making her way down the street, occasionally pressing one hand to her lower belly as if trying to keep her dress from rising in the wind. No one seemed to be paying her any attention. She stopped to grab a lamppost for support, and looked up with hooded eyes as a big blue Cadillac pulled to a stop along the curb beside her. Inside she could see a good-looking black dude leaning across from the driver's seat as the window opened. He had curly black hair, and a gold tooth sparkled in his mouth as he smiled."Need a hand?" he asked."You can say that again," she said."Well," said the preacher, "perhaps I can help you. Get in."He opened the door. As she got in, her short dress slid high on her thighs as she settled into the plush upholstery. Again the good reverend had to remind himself..."I'm Reverend Thomas Parker," he said. "What kind of problem are you having?""Hi," she said, "I'm Amanda Jacobs. It's the wind. God, I didn't know it would be blowing so hard.""It is a little chilly," he said. "Chilly?" she gasped. "Have you ever worn a mini-dress in January?""Well, uh," the preacher faltered, "as a matter of fact I don't believe I ... ""Well, after all, you're a man," she said. "How would you know how it feels with the wind blowing under your dress.""I can see you're getting goose bumps," he said, glancing at her bare thighs pressed together as she sat half facing him on the seat. "Am I?" she asked. "It wouldn't be so bad if ... gosh, if I had worn some ... that is ... uh...ummmffff... god... at least here I can ... oooohhh..." The good reverend knew that it was wrong for him to notice that the unfortunate young woman's dress was rising higher as she squirmed and twisted her hips on the seat. He looked up, only to see her jiggling breasts and her nipples protruding stiffly against the thin material covering them. Gosh, he shouldn't notice that either."What happened?" The preacher asked. Gosh, should he remind her that her hem was going much too high? After all, he was a minister of the."I was in such a hurry," she said. She wondered if he could see how difficult it was for her to keep her plump thighs together. "And when I found I didn't have any clean undies I thought it wouldn't matter and no one would notice so I just went without."Uh, I see," said the reverend. Did she say no undies?"Oh, do you?" she said. "I was trying to keep my legs together. I didn't mean to act like a ... I mean, I don't want you think I'm a . ""Well, I..." he stammered. "I'm a minister of the...""It's just that the wind was so cold and I could feel it up my thighs and then between my lips and I lubricate so easily . and I don't have any hair so I'm all smooth and slick and maybe I could ... but ... oooohh ... do you mind if I.. if I could just rub my .. uuuuuh ... my thighs together a little .... "Well, I..." the preacher repeated..."Would you like for me to raise my dress?" She asked, suddenly a little shy, grasping the hem of her dress where it lay on her dimpled thighs just below the curve of her lower belly"Uh..." the reverend grunted, glancing around to make sure no one he knew was ... Gosh, a preacher wasn't supposed to..."Raise your ... gee.""Did you say you are a minister?" she asked, the edge of her skirt now barely concealing what lay beneath."Uh, yes, said the black preacher, "I'm a minister of the gospel."Oh, I'm glad," she said. "That would make it all right then, wouldn't it? I mean, you can help me with my problem. I can show you if you want. You could take a look at me and see if there is something wrong that makes me get so wet and have a climax walking down the ..."Uh, I don't know," said the good preacher. Geeze, suppose one of the deacons walked by. there weren't many blue Cadillac's like this in town. but just look at those pretty white thighs and she wants to raise her dress, but if she's a lady in dress and. "Uh, if you really want to." Did he actually say that? Did he really tell a woman-a white woman---she could raise her dress in his car and he was a minister of the.She lay back on the seat. "There's really not much to lift," she said. The good black preacher was watching. She raised the hem up onto her white abdomen. She knew that he could see the puffy pink lips of her hairless pubic mound. She was showing her unpantied underside to a black man. "Isn't it awful how wet I am?" she said, trailing first one finger then two between the exposed labia. The good reverend could see the shiny meatus of her erect clitoris."Gosh, did I tell you I lubricate so easily? But it's not my fault. It's because of the wind, all up under my dress and between my lips and I guess you can see my clitoris is stiff and there wasn't much I could do walking down the street, but I guess you don't know how it feels to have on just a little dress and nothing underneath and the cold wind between your lips and rubbing together because my thighs are a little plump as I guess you can see, although some people call them fat, only I don't think I'm fat, and I guess I had a climax and it was hard not to show it on my face and I didn't want everyone to know that there I was walking down the street having a climax and ... and not wearing any panties and I wonder if something is wrong with me, but maybe if ... that is .. it would help if I... that is, if you... I mean...uh.. do you want to look closer and see if everything... uh ... if anything..."The good reverend slid closer. She spread her plump thighs on each side of his and lowered her buttocks into his lap with her dress up around her hips and belly. The preacher bent low to look at her pouting pubic lips and inhaled the musky aroma between her legs. Damn, he thought, first time I seen white pussy this close up."Nothing wrong that I can see," he said. Now maybe she would pull down her dress. After all, he was a minister of the."But maybe you could give me something," she said, "just so I can get to work. I mean, uh, if I could have something really big, maybe I could get through the rest of the...?"Something big?" he asked dumbly, hoping again that none of his congregation would come by and see him, in the Fleetwood Brougham his church had bought for him, looking under a white woman's dress. What would Deacon Wells say? What would Sister Alice say? God, they would throw him out of the church."A really big climax, I mean. One that would really drain me and finish what the wind started. These little ones just make me want another, and it looks so awful when I have to rub myself in public. And I can see you've got a big one too, even if you are a minister. I mean, unless that's a banana in your pocket."The reverend followed her gaze to the long bulge extending down his left trouser leg. A banana? "No," he said, "It's just the weakness of the flesh. I'm a minister of the gospel. Uh, maybe you should pull down your... that is... uh... what if somebody in my congregation comes by...""Well, ain't that something? Worrying about your congregation. And you got the biggest black dick I ever seen . at least judging from the bulge in your pants, and you're going to turn down the best white pussy in town? Because you're a minister of the ...damn ... don't you like my pretty white thighs? Uhhhh," she grunted, "Look how I can swallow my fingers ... but they're too small... oooohh, God... don't you want to give me something bigger?""But I'm a minister," he said, a minister of the...""Geeze," she whispered as the good reverend adjusted himself to ease the pressure of the growing bulge in his pants, "did I say ten inches? Well, if I didn't, I was thinking it. That thing must be a foot if it's an inch. Is it like that because of me? Because I'm sitting here in front of you with my dress up? And you're gonna tell me you don't like white pussy?""I didn't say I didn't like... that is...""Ain't never seen a nigger didn't like white pussy," she said, then realized her error. "Uh, I mean African American. Geeze, I'm not prejudiced. Here, let me see if you don't want some of what's under my dress." She moved closer to the black preacher as he sat behind the wheel, pulling one leg up against the dash, the other against the back of the seat so that her dimpled white thighs were fully open in front of the black minister.People walked by on the sidewalk and paid them no attention. As he blinked at the saucy display under her dress, with nimble fingers she unzipped his trousers, reached down the left leg and with some effort pulled out at least twelve inches of hard black dick. "Jesus," she whispered in awe as it straighter up in front of her, "What's a preacher need with this? Just look at the size of this thing. Geeze, Rev, you could raise you some money for the church with this. I can't even get my fingers around it." Just look at how black it is, she thought to herself. She shivered at the unholy contrast between her delicate white fingers and the preacher's ebony pole."It's the size of my forearm," she whispered, "It'll be like swallowing a fire hydrant. I wonder how it'll look going up in my belly. But I need a little space. I want to get up on it. I want to ride it. I need some space to straddle it. God, I need me some black dick. That steering wheel is in the way." At her urging the preacher reluctantly moved from behind the wheel to the center of the seat. "It's the weakness of the flesh," he said. "Perhaps an inch would be ok.""How much? How much did you say I can have?" she asked."Maybe just an inch," he said. "An inch?" said the woman. "How about two?" "Well, all right then, maybe two," said the reverend. "But you'll have to be careful.""Careful? Why? I feel loose enough to take the trans-Alaska pipeline.""So did a little lady one time in Georgia," said the minister."In Georgia?" she asked. "You had a girl in Georgia?""That was before I got religion.""Yeah, ok, before you got relig-- but was she a ... that is, was she ...""White? Yes. But it really wasn't my fault. I mean, it wasn't like I seduced her or anything .""It's all right with me if she was white," said the girl, still rubbing her slick lower lips as she rotated her hips on the seat. "Don't think I'm prejudiced.""Well, it wasn't my fault. Like I said, that was back before I got religion. Police picked me up for speeding and I didn't have my license so they put me in a cell for the night, and the deputy gets drunk and they bring in this white girl and I guess they didn't notice they put her in the cell with me. When I asked what she was in for, she told me it was for not wearing any panties and that was against the law in that county. And she pulled up her dress to show me, and I guess I got a . you know.She paused for a moment then continued, "I mean, it was the weakness of the flesh, although I didn't have no religion back then ... and then we had to sleep together on the narrow bunk and when she felt it up against her belly, first thing I know she was trying to scoot up on it, and I told her it was too big for her, but she said she once took a baseball bat, so I let her and she eased it between the little white lips between her legs then sank down and grunted, and I knew it was too big, but she bit her lips and started to bounce, and I think she came about three times, then I did too, so deep up in her she must have felt it against her liver, and then we heard the sergeant coming, so she had to get off and we pretended we were asleep. But next day she was limping so bad they had to take her to the hospital. My wife brought my driver's license and I went home. But all that was before I got religion. But looks like I still got the weakness of the flesh.""It doesn't look so weak to me," said the mini-skirted white woman as she scooted up onto his lap. The stalk of black meat stood up under her dress in front of her belly. "But I've got to get up on it," she said. "How can I get up on it? The car is too low. But hey, ain't this is a hog? Hit the button on that seat."He pressed a button to adjust the automatic seat, giving her more headroom, so that by flexing her lower body she was able to get her slushy split over the vertical black pole now rising from the preacher's open fly."God," she moaned as she felt the blunt mushroom helmet against the slippery outer lips under her belly, "I been needing this ever since I felt that wind under my dress." She eased herself down a bit, holding her breath in anticipation ... wait.. " Somehow it wasn't properly positioned and went sluicing up through her split, winding up against her belly and still outside her body." "Dammmnnn," she muttered, "how could it miss? I'm the size of the Grand Canyon down there."Frantically she raised herself again. "Let me grab the damn thing," she said, reaching under her belly. The demented and shameless white woman shifted the stiff black rod until she could guide it into place with a slight adjustment of her hips. "Now it's in just the right, oooooh..." she whispered hopefully as she lowered her hips. Yessss, now it was pressing her apart. Now she could feel that blunt mushroom sinking upward... "Unnnnhhhhhhh," she grunted as the first half inch or so disappeared, seeming to get thicker as it did so.The good Rev. Parker looked down to where the white woman's hairless lips encircled his black erection. He hoped none of his congregation walked by. Jeez, he would be fired. He would lose his church. For helping a woman in distress. But it wasn't his fault. Its just that the wind had gone under her dress and she didn't have any clean panties and so she had gone out with none at all and he had no way of knowing what it was like to go around in just a mini-dress and nothing underneath with the wind around your pretty white thighs and not having any hair and such pretty lips and now he could see how plump they were. How they widened out around his meat as she worked her hips in little circles, coming down a little more each time and he could feel himself way up in her belly and her legs were spread as wide as she could get them on each side of his lap and her dress dropped just enough to cover the rigid connection between them.The first inch was hurting her, but Amanda Jacobs rotated her hips to get more of it in, leveraging herself with her arms around his neck, trying to catch her breath against his cheek. "It's in me," she whimpered, "but it hurts a little. I don't think I've ever had one so ... uhhow many inches can I have?"Two," said the good Reverend Parker. Two inches would be all right. But she wanted more. "Wouldn't four be all right?" she asked. "Ok, she could have four, maybe six.""Six?" asked the pretty white woman in surprise? "Thank you. But God, I don't know if I can take that much. It's going so deep up in me and spreading me so wide." But she gradually settled lower, spreading her lips out into a circle the size of a coffee mug, the bloated head vaguely somewhere up in her belly."It's stretching me," she whimpered. "I think it's getting thicker." With her dimpled thighs spread wide on each side of the black preacher's lap, she raised and lowered herself on the good reverend's ebony cudgel.. "Unnnngggghhhhh," she grunted, grinding her hips and trying to get more as he held her hips in his hands to keep her from sinking too low. "God, I'm cummmmming," she whimpered as she climaxed. The spasms started in her lower lips and spread upward along her hips and breasts."You've got seven inches," said the preacher, cupping her buttocks under her dress as she shuddered, keeping her from sinking further. "That's already more than I said you could...""Oh, please," she whimpered against his cheek, "Another inch. I need more inches. Just let me... oooooh!" She tried to squirm out of his grasp, to release her buttocks from the strong black hands that kept her from sinking lower."I shouldn't, but if that's what you..." He eased her down, giving her several more inches. "You ... unnnnnggggghhhhh," she grunted in an unladylike manner, her thinly covered nipples rubbing against his shirt as she twisted her hips this way and that to get as much of the fucking bastard's black pole into her as she could. Her sucking underside had to widen considerably to take in the hairy root of the black preacher's stiff dick. God, she thought, it feels like I'm taking a fire hydrant. I can understand what happened to that girl in Georgia. Finally there wasn't much left. She could feel it with her fingers under her hips where the rest of the preacher's pole was buried between the pink and widely stretched labia of her hairless pubic mound. God, she thought, at least another inch. But it's so deep already. It's so far up in my belly. It seemed there was nowhere for it to go.The distension of her hairless underside and the pressure of the shaft against her clitoris, plus what seemed to be the displacement of her liver and digestive organs was more than she could stand. Another spasm started in her lower abdomen and spread upward into her thighs and hips, triggering contractions she could not control. God, she thought, I don't think I can. But she could. God, she could. The preacher flexed his hips, driving up the final inch. Amanda felt his kinky pubic hairs grinding against her smoothie, telling her she had it all, that here she was in a black preacher's Fleetwood Brougham, sitting on his trousered lap stuffed with black dick, riding it like a cowgirl, her knees digging into the plush upholstery, her dress up around her hips and belly and nothing underneath but hairless lips and the hole she was opening wider and wider for a black man.Tentatively she flexed her thighs and raised herself, feeling the massive intrusion slide out of her. Then she lowered herself and felt it go back in. In and out, in and out, up and down she went, her arms tight around his neck and her breathing becoming erratic, "Uh, Uh, Uh," until her face contorted and she convulsed with another unladylike grunt."UNNGGHH, SHIT...OOOOOH, I'M CUMMING... YOU BLACK BASTARD, PUMP THAT THING INTO ME. I'M CUMMING.... MMMMFFFFF..." The minister held her tight against him as she spasmed from her distended lips to her naked thighs, from her trembling abdomen to the jiggling mounds of the soft and tender breasts beneath her dress. "Unnnnnggggghhh... please... oh... UNNHGGGGHHHH," she grunted, jouncing and bouncing in the preacher's lap until she convulsed again, and then again, breathing heavily, gasping, her pelvis thrusting erratically, her legs getting tired, but not tiring of the massive stuffing she was getting as she ground her slushy folds against the black man's kinky pubic hair, giving him more than she thought a man could take, and still he was hard, rigid as steel. He hadn't come. But Amanda was tired. She clung to his neck, feeling the stiff rod still driving up from her underside to somewhere in her belly."I could sleep like this," she thought. "I could fall asleep and this thing would keep me sitting straight up." She could feel it up to her stomach now. If it went any further... and then he could take no more and she came again as the preacher erupted deep inside her, spewing her insides with enough adulterous African American sperm to father the next generation of coffee and cream babies. Then she slumped against him, her legs still widespread, her slick lips still stretched around his member as he wilted slightly, allowing her internal organs to readjust themselves... Suddenly there was a tap on the car window. A policeman was looking in, and could clearly see the woman sitting on the preacher's lap, facing him and straddling his trousered legs.Parker lowered the window far enough for the cop to hear. "Yes, officer?" "You're in a no parking zone," he said. "Better move or I'll have to ticket you. By the way, what is that woman doing on your lap?""We're old friends," said the woman, smiling at the cop. "We're hugging because we haven't seen each other for a long time."The policeman looked at them doubtfully. He could see the woman's bare thighs straddling the preacher's lap, her dress barely concealing the space between her spread thighs. Well, she could be telling the truth. "Well," he said, "maybe I should warn you. Lotta Gash is on the loose again, still playing her same old game. Goes around pretending the wind got under her dress and she didn't have any clean panties, and had to go without, and the wind gets her worked up and next thing you know she lifts her dress and suckers some guy into hauling her ashes.""Lotta Gash?" asked the preacher."That's what she calls herself," said the cop. "Better get this car moved."When the cop was gone, Parker looked at Amanda. "Lotta Gash?" "Well," she said, "a girl's gotta have an angle, doesn't she? I couldn't just walk up and say I need some black dick, could I? You would think I was some kind of slut.""I might," he said. "Yes, I might. You wouldn't want me to think that." ***The preacher's dick had got hard again and was still buried a good ten inches in the white woman's abdomen. She had to hump fast to get a final climax before climbing off so the minister of the gospel could move his car.When he dropped her off at her job, she got out and could still feel the wind under her dress, only now she could feel it further up between her stretched lips. How could she go to work like this. Suppose her new black supervisor should look under her dress. Maybe I should go buy some panties, she thought. Naahhh.END
There once was a brother and a sister, fraternal twins, who were approaching their high school graduation. It was getting near prom night and neither of them had a date for it. So one day, the girl approaches her brother and says "Hey, you got a date for the prom yet?" He says, "No, why? You got someone lined up for me?" "You might say that. Why don't you take me to the prom?" "Take you? You're kidding? You're my sister!" "Well, are you taking somebody else?" "You know I don't have a date, Sis." "And neither do I. But we both want to go to the prom, right?" Her brother nods. She continues, "So we should go with each other." The brother can't see anything wrong with her reasoning, so he tells his sister that if neither of them has a date by Wednesday evening, he will take her to the prom. Wednesday evening rolls around. Neither of the siblings has a date, so the brother tells his sister that he'll take her to the prom on Friday. At the prom, both of them have a good time. The brother is glad that his sister talked him into taking her. Then, while he's standing at the punch bowl, his sister comes up to him again. "Hey, brother, let's dance." He looks around to make sure that nobody heard her. "Look, Sis, this is the Senior Prom, okay? I'm not going to dance with my own sister at the prom." "Don't be so shy. Look, Jimmy Elder is dancing with his cousin. So why can't you dance with your sister?" "Oh, all right." So they dance, a slow number. The rest of the prom passes by and, after a while, it's over and time to go. Both of them have had a good time. In the car, with the brother at the wheel, the sister looks over at him and says, "Let's not go straight home." He gives her a curious look and says, "What are we going to do instead?" "Oh, I don't know. Just drive around." He agrees, and after they have driven around a while, out in the country, she looks over at him again and says, "Want to find some place to park?" "Hell," he says. "Are you crazy? You're my sister, I'm not going parking with you!" "Who said anything about 'going parking'? Let's just pull over somewhere and talk for a while, okay? It's been a busy year for both of us. How long has it been since we've had a chance to talk to each other?" So she finally talks her brother into pulling the car over on a secluded back road and, after a few minutes of idle talk, she looks over at him again. "Hey!" she says. "What?" "Why don't you kiss me?" "You've been suggesting a lot of weird things lately, you know that? I'm not going to kiss you, you're my sister!" And he reached for the ignition switch to start the car. She reached out and took his hand. "I know I'm your sister. You've mentioned that a lot lately. And you're my brother. And don't we love each other? Why shouldn't we kiss if we feel like it?" She kissed him on the cheek and he kissed her back. After a few minutes of kissing, she whispered in his ear, "Come on. Let's do it." "Do what?" said her brother, but he had a good idea of what his sister had in mind. "You know what!" his sister replied. "I can't do that with you, you're my..." His voice trailed off as his sister pulled him to her. While he was on top of her, pushing his stiff manhood deep into her, his sister murmured, "You know, you're a lot lighter than Dad." "I know," said her brother, "Mom told me." END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 50
**Being a Farm Girl isn't easy. Especially if you're me. I'm Mandy, and I'm from a big farm right smack dab in the Middle of Nowhere, Kansas. You may have heard of it. This life of mine isn't easy because I am responsible for a number of animals including: cows, bulls, sheep, horses, pigs, goats, donkeys, chickens, and a Husky. I feed them, give them water, milk the cows and goats, and clean their living areas. Not to mention the fact that I'm only fifteen.**My average day consists of my mother waking me up and making me breakfast. Then after breakfast, my dad and brother Josh leave to check the fields. After breakfast I do my rounds while my mom sits inside and does whatever. It occurred to me only after this story that no one even cared if I did my jobs. They weren't even aware of my being outside. Josh, my brother is a little uncomfortable at times. Home schooling can cause that. The only girls he ever sees are my mom and I. Though, he did always have all the answers for me. My dad is somewhat oblivious to everything going on around him, I doubt he could catch a cold. My mother is basically an uptight bitch about everything as you will soon see. A bit of an over-reactor.You can ask anyone whose ever milked a cow, it's almost too easy after you do it for so long. Goats are NOT the same, at least, these goats weren't. Our goats were high quality, and very rare (so says my dad, I never got into the whole pedigree thing). They never stand still, on top of that, most of the time you don't want to get close to them because the males like to hump them whenever possible. The smell almost makes me throw up. After I feed and milk, I get to the best part, cleaning. Our eight horses are my first stop. Even if they haven't been in the stalls at all, it seems there is always at least one pile of dung for me to shovel. I love watching them run and graze. By the time I was thirteen, yes thirteen, I could tell a stallion from a mare. Shortly after that I learned what a mating session looked like. One day I looked toward the biggest stallion we have and watched him for a long time. After twenty minutes he jumped on top of a mare. I laughed a little when I saw him jiggle his hips around. Then he pulled out of her and I saw his penis for the first time. Two feet long at least. Then I saw the stuff drain from her, I never got close enough for a good look but afterward my crotch was always wet. Even just thinking about it made me feel that way, and thinking about what it felt like to have something that big inside me. That was before I even knew where babies came from.***The event that set off my curiosity in the subject of sex was at the goat pen, my last cleaning stop of the day. I go there just before I unload my wheelbarrow in the shit pile behind the barn. I walked into their enclosed section of the barn and tried the gate. Locked with a padlock. I hopped up on the fence and went to jump down but I tripped on a shoelace and flipped over before landing in goat crap Grand Central. I hit my head pretty hard and was a little fuzzy for a while. I tried to stand but only got to a knee. I looked to my left to ensure I was alone on this side of the pen, but all I saw was two blunt horns-BAM!!!-the lights went out. When I came to I had a mouthful of goat dung. I spit it out and tried to stand but I was pushed back down. Then I felt him on top of me. The larger of the two goats was mounted and humping me. I felt his thing poke my butt harder and harder. His hooves tore at my overalls as he have me a really hard pole and shoved me into the crap again, giving me another helping. I quickly jumped back over the fence before he got me again. I emptied the load of crap into the pile in the darkness. Then I ran to the house and walked inside. As the door shut behind me I smelled the same putrid smell of a goat mating. As soon as I did, so did my mom and dad. "What is that smell," said my mom."Yeah, what is it," said my dad without taking his eyes off of the paper."I fell in the goat pen and...""You let a goat do that to you?" asked my mom."I didn't let him, I...""I want you to promise me that you will never, ever, let ANYTHING do that to you ever again!" with that she walked over to me and looked at my butt."OH MY GOD YOU DID!!"She ripped off my overalls and threw them outside leaving me in a bra and panties. Then she lectured me for a half-hour after slapping me across the face. She was in such a mood that I didn't even bother telling her how I had gotten into that position. I took the lecture, then went to the bathroom to get the scent off of me. My brother was smiling as I walked through our room to the bathroom. If I wasn't so mad already I would have kicked him or something but I was in enough trouble already. My panties didn't slide off like they usually did, they peeled off. The smell doubled in intensity as, whatever the liquid was, smeared all over my butt. I got some on my finger and smelled it, bad idea. Almost instantly I gagged and threw up in the toilet. The shower felt very refreshing after that. Josh was gone when I went in to go to bed. I thought about the pearly liquid that must have been covering my whole butt. It didn't take long for me to figure out that the nasty juice came out of his penis. Hey, 'the birds and the bees' was never explained to me. I settled into bed after getting my nightgown on and tried to sleep, but so many thoughts were in my head. Josh came in a little later and got into his bed. Then he did something strange, he pulled out what looked like pictures and undid his pants. His penis grew just like the horses' and the goats. I realized then what he was looking at. It, me in the shower. I was too tired to say anything but I don't think I would have if I could. He started rubbing it and squeezing it as it grew. I rolled over to get away from the sight but I could still hear the swish of skin on skin. Finally he stopped and I could sleep. My head was pounding the next day from the hard hit I took. My butt hurt a little too. I ignored Josh who looked like he had just won the lottery. After my mother's reaction to the goat incident, I got the urge to learn more about mating. Sparky, my purebred Husky, walked by me as if I had called him. I watched as he sat down and started licking his fuzzy sheath. As I watched, it grew bigger, then I saw his pink penis start to emerge. It shined in the sunlight from a clear liquid covering it. Small veins ran through its length and pulsed. I felt my crotch get wet again and decided that was enough before my mom caught me. Next I took a closer look at the horses.I followed a very "active" stallion until he led me to a mare. He mounted her and let his organ swell up to its incredible length. I got in closer just as he jolted his hips and shoved himself into her. He pumped his backside for about forty seconds, then he jumped off and ran away. She stayed and grazed as her hole emptied a thick white liquid. The goat's was a transparent white but this was opaque and very thick. I got closer and could smell it in the breeze. It smelled good, in fact great compared to the goats. I got even closer until the puddle was up to my face and smelled deeply. It was indeed good enough to eat. I looked around to check my privacy, clear. Then I scooped up about a cups worth between my cupped hands and stuck the tip of my tongue to it. I got a small salty taste but not much. I again checked my privacy and tipped my head back and let the warm slop pour into my mouth. The salty taste engulfed my taste buds and I could now taste a new taste. Indescribable but incredibly good. I sucked up the rest of the puddle before leaving. The idea of eating something that came out of a horse made my crotch wet. I still didn't know what that meant. As if he was answering my call, Josh was visible on the hill overlooking the pasture with my dad. It took me the rest of the night to work up the nerve to ask him about sex. When I did though, he was happy to tell me anything. He told me about my clitoris and what it does, why my crotch was getting wet, and even where and what the g-spot was. After I ran out of questions, he said that I had to pay for it. I had to stand nude in the middle of the room and let him take any pictures of me he wanted for five minutes. That five turned to six, then seven. Finally I agreed to twenty minutes as long as I could ask anything I wanted. Then he explained why my nipples were hard.That night and after everyone was asleep, I led Sparky into the bathroom and locked the door. He stuck his nose to my crotch like he always did and sniffed like crazy. My curiosity caused me to lift my nightgown up. He sniffed my butt, then my vagina. It felt weird having a dog brush up against my crotch. Then he started licking me down there. I started whimpering as he sent pleasure through my body. I stopped him before I woke up Josh. Then I rolled him over and rubbed his sheath until I saw his member extend. I touched the slippery surface and was surprised at how hot it was. I then mimicked what Josh did the night before. He didn't seem to mind. He grew bigger in my hand and I noted a lump at the base that was also growing bigger. I felt him tense up and the lump stayed at about the size of a grapefruit. All at once he spasmed and sprayed cum-Josh's term-all over my arms and the floor. I licked my arms and slurped at the floor to get the taste. The fluid wasn't nearly as thick as the horse's but it tasted about the same. Not as strong of course. Before I could stop myself, I closed my lips around his cock and sucked the slick covering and the excess cum off of him. To my surprise he started growing in my mouth. I got excited as he started humping into my throat. I played with it with my tongue until he spasmed again and filled my mouth with more hot cum. I swallowed all I could then let the excess drain down my chin and drip down my body. He stood up and licked the juice from my face and I gave him a huge hug.After that he started following me around everywhere I went. Even to the bathroom, which was where he got to lick my cunt while I went. That was an intense feeling too. I sucked him and he licked me twice every night for a while. The growing curiosity in my mind was nagging at me now though. I needed to have sex. I studied on how big each animal was and formed a plan. I also had to make sure no one could see me. I even considered inviting Josh along just in case I needed advise. I decided against it. In the end I chose a sheep for my first time. I picked out an old and slow sheep so he wouldn't hurt me as he took my virginity. Luckily we had just sheared the wool off so I had no problems seeing where his dick would come out.One day after feeding the animals and cleaning, I led my sheep to the tool shed and barred the door. I felt my cunt get wet as I stripped off my clothes and put them into a pile. Josh said that my first time would hurt, so I was ready for the pain. I got onto my hands and knees and faced away from him and waited. Nothing happened. I looked behind me and he wasn't even facing me. I turned him toward me and exposed myself again, this time I got a reaction. He stuck his nose to my butt and cunt then with incredible speed he pounced on my back. His weight arched my back down and raised my butt. I felt his sheath against my opening. He grabbed a hold of my hips and locked me into position. He squeezed me and held me even closer until his hind legs were pressed against me also. Then he squeezed his legs together around my butt and held me so tightly that I could feel his heart beat. His sheath stiffened against my cunt and I felt the tip of it start to go in. It went slowly at first but then it started to gain speed. I gasped as it pushed through my hymen and kept going. The pain made me cry a little but the pleasure soon took over. I looked behind me and saw small lines of blood trickle down my legs. I felt him rock back and forth on top of me and it made me moan as his cock slid in and out of me again slowly at first but then he gained speed. Faster and faster he went and his dick swelled inside me, stretching my pussy a little. Then with a lunge he shoved in all he could and locked us together again. I was short of breath as his whole back end twitched. Finally I felt hot cum splash into me. He twitched for a good minute and a half before he let me go to lick him clean. The cum spilled out onto the floor and I got all I could of it. I stood up and put my clothes back on. Then I opened the door only to see my mother walking towards the barn. She was looking for me. I ran around to the back of the barn to the back door. The sheep followed me in as I opened the door to the sheep area. My mom opened the door to the sheep section just as I got the gate closed behind me. She looked as if she was going to say something, then the blood on my legs caught her eye."What happened?" she asked."A goat rammed me," I lied, I couldn't tell her that a sheep just had its way with me."Well make sure you get it cleaned and bandaged.""Okay.""I'm going over to one of my friends' house, I'll be back around nine.""Okay, I'll see you later then."After she was gone I fed the other animals, then I came back to the sheep. This time I wanted a bigger and younger partner. I took my choice back to the shed and disrobed. He watched me from a corner as I got into position for him. As soon as I exposed myself he clung to my hips with more power than the first. There was no chance of his letting go either. His sheath hit me as his hips thrust back and forth. I felt the tip of his cock poke into me after a few seconds. Then he stuck it in as hard as he could. My hips started to hurt as he hung onto me. His cock moved in with ease and pretty steadily until he thrust forward, burying a seven inch rod into my tender cunt. He started swelling up inside me as soon as he started to hump me. Loud moans came from me as he pushed into me deeper and deeper with each thrust. About halfway through he started pulling me back to meet each thrust. My mouth was gaping open as my pleasure raged on. His strength overwhelmed me when he began dragging me back onto his dick. All of the sudden I started shaking and I moaned even louder as I felt even more pleasure shoot through me. I felt my cunt contract around his massive erection. He planted me with all he had as I finished the feeling and flooded my cunt with his brand of cum. I panted as I felt the steady jet of it hit my tunnel's end. I then realized how hard he was holding onto me. The pain in my hips was intense, and his hooves had dug into my sides drawing blood. I took him back to the sheep pen feeling very satisfied with my new found hobby. After barring the gate and walking out of the barn, I went inside to shower and get something to eat. It turned out I was too tired to do either of them. I plopped down on my bed and fell asleep instantly. The next morning my cunt stung along with my hips. I asked Josh the next day what it was that I experienced when the wave of pleasure hit me. He said that I had an orgasm, or the way a girl cums. Then he asked what I was doing when that happened but I just ignored him. I was looking forward to a long line of sheep but my mom caught me as I walked out the door. We were going shopping for new clothes for me. Normally I would have been happy but I had my heart set on having sex.We got halfway to town when I realized I still hadn't showered. I was itching at little sheep hairs all over me and I smelled like cum. We had the car windows down so my mom didn't notice. She noticed at the stores though. She believed it was the store and shrugged it off and I breathed a sigh of relief. The people in the stores covered their noses and didn't stay too long. I thought I was home free as we walked out of the last store, but I was so wrong. I felt warm gooey cum start to seep out of me just as we got to the car. The smell had doubled in intensity but my underwear was catching it so far. My fears diminished on the hour drive back home, but they came back as our farm appeared at the horizon as we drove the last leg of our day down the dirt road to our house. I got out of the car and rushed to the trunk to get my bags out. As soon as I got the bags in my hands my saturated underwear gave way to the growing pressure. My shorts didn't catch much and before long, three thick streams of cum ran down my inner thighs. My mom was walking behind me and would easily see it if I didn't act. I rubbed my legs together to make it less noticeable but the cum didn't stop flowing. I had about a cup of it making a squishing sound as I walked. Out of nowhere, Sparky ran to me and slurped it all up with two quick moves with his tongue. I nudged him away before he got too into it. His fast tongue saved me from feeling the wrath of my mom. I decided after I got a shower that I would give Sparky a personalized 'thank you'.The next day, my mom planned another visit with her friend, therefore I had the place to myself. All the better. As soon as I was sure I was alone, I called Sparky into where I was sitting in the bathroom. He trotted in and darted to my open crotch and sniffed me. He had long anticipated this because he was always sniffing my butt and crotch. He licked a little too. His wet nose sent chills up my spine. I got into position in front of him and waited. He continued to sniff my now fully exposed pussy. Then he shoved his rough tongue in which made me scream in delight. He bathed my hole with slobber until I moaned with my second orgasm. He stopped and there was a few seconds where I didn't think he was going to do it. I turned to look back at him just as he mounted me and started poking my butt with his dick. He held onto my sides a little looser than the sheep but I still wasn't going anywhere. At last he shoved his eight inch cock in until it hit my end. Little sparks of pain shot through me as he started pumping his cock in and out with incredible speed. I felt it expand to an amazing size. It felt hot and I could feel veins pulse at its surface. I barely noticed that it was stretching my opening even more. He humped harder and harder, making my back arch so he could plant me with even more. He finally held tight and pushed in what felt like a slippery tennis ball. I wiggled around and felt it start to grow. He stopped humping and expanded his shaft even more. The lump sealed my hole up as it grew to the size of a softball. I screamed in pain and pleasure as his cock exploded inside me and stuffed me with cum. The lump made sure nothing came out but it felt like someone had turned on a fire hose in there. My body spasmed as I felt the hot cum flood my system and finally stop flowing. He hopped of me and tugged at me but his dick didn't budge. His huge rod was wedged in by the lump and my cunt wasn't allowing him to pull out. We ended up butt to butt while we waited for him to shrink. I was still ecstatic from the experience so I turned myself so he could lick my face. I sucked on his tongue a little as he lapped away at my face. I didn't see anything wrong with kissing a dog since I was connected to one through the loins. That and I had his seed floating around inside me. It took him twenty or so minutes to shrink enough to release me. When he did, the pressure inside made the cum spurt out of my cunt and cover the blue tile in the bathroom. I got what I could from his cock, then I drank from the floor, then I squeezed my midsection and swallowed what leaked out. I let him outside and cleaned the bathroom floor to get the smell out. I then went out and fed the animals, cleaned their areas, and milked. After I was done, I went to the horse pasture and found a good looking stallion. I had no problems finding his sheath as I got under him. I rubbed it until his two footer started coming out. For the next hour I played with his rod. Every now and then he would cum and I would get a white shower of massive proportions. After he shot me with it for the fifth time I saw my dad and brother coming my way. I took off for the house but my mom had just pulled up in the car. I frantically looked for a place to hide but the only place I wouldn't be seen would be in the shit pile. I ran and jumped behind it with my nose plugged, at the last moment. I had to stay there for a while because it wouldn't have been good for my mom to have caught me with horse cum literally covering me. So I waited, and waited, and waited until the lights were off in the house and I was sure my parents were asleep. I went to stand and felt the dry cum crack and break off. I couldn't see my hand in front of my face due to the clouds so I couldn't find my footing. As soon as I stood up I got a sharp pain in my leg from sitting for so long. I stumbled into the pile but caught myself before I fell in. I was ankle deep in feces and didn't realize it though. I took one step and slipped on the crap and splattered face first into the fresh peak of the pile.I laid there for a while with my face in the most disgusting assortment of crap you can think of, hoping it didn't happen. I went to stand and my arms pushed into the mushy shit and I knew. The sad part was, I could identify what animal's shit I had in my mouth from the smell and texture of it. How sad and disgusting is that? I went into the house and showered immediately. I put my clothes in the barn because of how they smelled. Nevertheless, my smell had not come out. No matter how hard I tried to get it out, I still smelled like shit and cum. I got into bed and fell asleep quickly. I dreamed of Sparky licking my cunt, I moaned as it darted in and out. My back arched up and he started licking my butt. I moaned even loader as I climaxed into his mouth. I opened my eyes to see that Josh had his head between my legs and was slurping at my cunt.I went to scream at him but he clapped his hand over my mouth and said, "Don't scream, don't make a sound unless you want them to hear about the sheep, and Sparky." My eyes widened and he let my mouth go."How did you know?""It doesn't take me and dad all day to look at the fields stupid.""I never see you come back.""Do you ever look?""Well no." "There you go. I have pictures of you with the dog and with the sheep, I really want to tell mom about it but I'm willing to cut a deal with you.""What kind of deal?""The kind that favors me and puts you on thin ice. In other words, blackmail.""What do I have to do?""For now just suck me off every night, but I think that after a while I can change that around.""That's disgusting-" "Don't give me that! You've sucked Sparky's dick and you had horse cum all over you tonight but you won't give me head? It doesn't matter though, you're doing it or face mom. My offer stands," he looked me in the eyes as he said the last part then he took off his pants to reveal his member. I got to my knees and took him into my mouth. I tried not to taste but it was no use. I rubbed it with my tongue as he grabbed my head and rubbed his fingers through my hair. I felt him tense and shoot cum into the back of my throat at last and he made me swallow it all. Not that there was a lot but compared to horse cum, it was awful. He pulled his pants back on and made me stand. "Thanks slut," he said. Then he kissed me on my lips and licked the inside of my mouth for a while. He finished and got back into bed. I cried myself to sleep, knowing it wasn't over. Our nightly "chats" became a regular thing just as he promised. Every night I found myself swallowing what little cum he had to offer, and every night he kissed me and felt up my boobs. Two weeks went by and I didn't breed with anything with the fear that Josh may be watching with his camera snapping away. Then one night at supper, my mom announced that Josh would be leaving in two days for summer camp. I had a celebration in my head and felt relieved that he would be gone for six weeks and out of my mouth. Two days though, he could do a lot in the two days we had remaining with each other. My happiness drained away at the though of that. My fears were reinforced when Josh glanced at me from across the table and gave me an evil smile. At around midnight that night he came into our room. I got off of my bed and took all of my clothes off for him and waited for his instructions. He told me to get on my hands and knees, I did. He got his clothes off and got behind me. He pulled my legs apart so my butt cheeks were apart from each other. He laid on top of my back and squeezed my tits as I felt his dick grow to his six inches under me. He rubbed my slit with the head and poked my butthole for a while. Then finally he started pushing forward into my butt. My muscles tensed and squeezed his cock as it pushed into me deep. I felt it rub the bottom of the intestine as he pushed in further. "Did that feel good? 'Cause I hope this hurts." All of the sudden he grabbed my hips and started humping me with full force. I started to scream in pain but he grabbed his nearby sock and gagged me with it. I could only cry as he made my hole bleed from his erratic thrusting. It wouldn't have hurt so much if he would have let me suck it first but he was humping me dry. The blood ran down my legs and I cried more and more. Finally he pushed my front side to the floor, plugged my hole, and shot cum into my butt. I felt the warm fluid flow inside me as I was yanked from the floor as he pulled out. He spun me around and said"Suck it slut." I looked at him in disgust. It had cum, blood, and a little crap smeared on it. I pulled out the sock and looked at him again with a pleading look. He got tired of waiting and thrust into my mouth making me gag on my own blood and feces. Luckily I couldn't taste it, mostly because I couldn't breathe. He pulled out when he had shrunken. "See you tomorrow night slut." I cried myself to sleep with a maxi pad on my butthole. I woke the next day and complained of a bad headache which got me out of working for the day. The bleeding had stopped overnight but the hole was swollen and it hurt like some had pushed a rusty knife into it all night. After supper and after our parents went to sleep, Josh took me out to the sheep pen and pulled my clothes off. The sheep kept to themselves as we got in with them. Josh took his clothes off and laid on the ground with his cock growing. "Go get Sparky and bring him in." I did as I was told and led Sparky to Josh. "Here's what's going to happen: You are going to sit on my cock facing away from me, then I'm going to hump your ass while you lay back on top of me and get Sparky to fuck your cunt. After that, I'll figure something out." I rubbed Sparky's sheath to get him started, then I slowly lowered my butt onto Josh's waiting cock. It breached my hole and I screamed in pain. I got off, quickly sucked Josh, and sat back down before he got angry. It slid in easier this time but it still hurt. I rested on top of him and laid back bending his dick up. Sparky sniffed my pussy and started licking me. Josh humped my butt slowly and rubbed my nipples as Sparky lapped away at me."Hey! I told you to get him to fuck you, not eat you out!" I said okay and got him to stop licking and walk forward. I told him to lay down and he did, and just as he did his cock slid into my cunt a little. With a small yelp he grabbed my sides and started fucking me with full force. I widened my legs to get all I could of both of them. Josh started speeding up to go at the same rate Sparky was and I soon found myself bobbing back and forth getting filled in both holes at the same time! It felt incredible even if it was my brother. Josh sprayed me with cum long before Sparky did so I stopped Sparky to receive further commands. "While I get ready for another run with you, get into position so he plugs you with his knot. I want to see that again." I got onto my hands and knees and let Sparky mount me and pump his huge cock in and out. Josh watched and pulled out his camera from the other side of the fence and started snapping off pictures. Sparky jammed in his knot and it grew and grew to the size of a grapefruit this time. My cunt was at the breaking point as he twitched and filled me with his cum. Josh said he still wasn't ready yet so after Sparky could pull out I crawled into the herd of sheep and let a big one mount me. I loved the feeling of being held so tight again. As he sprayed my hole with more cum Josh took me to the hose next to the goat pen and stuck it up my pussy. The cold water sent chills up my spine. The cum all ran out and he stopped the hose. Before I could say or do anything the bent me over the fence of the goat pen and shoved his dick into my cunt and grabbed my hips. "This is how you like it isn't it? Pushed down and pulled around like a bitch in heat?" I screamed as he tore into my already sore vagina. He humped me for a good fifteen minutes, bumping my legs against the fence. He came inside me and bent me over the fence to let it soak into me. The goats inside started ramming the fence around me. I tried to straighten up but he held me down for another five minutes. "With any luck you're pregnant with my kid now. Have a nice six weeks slut," he whispered this in my ear then he picked up my legs and flipped me into the goat pen. The biggest goat was on me in seconds. I knew what I smelled like, and I knew what he was going to do. Then I remembered what my pants were like after they had me. My whole back half was covered with a thick layer of cum! Now with any luck, their cum would wash out Josh's! I could only hope they didn't kill me in the process. I straightened up in a flash and he mounted me with lightning quick reflexes. I grunted as he pulled me back and impaled me on his huge rod. He put Sparky to shame with his size. He was only about eight inches long but he was so wide! As he humped me I felt my cunt walls being stretched. I moaned as he spasmed and drenched my hole with cum. I though we were done so I went to stand but he hit me hard with his horns and I fell to the ground. He mounted my raised butt and I screamed in delight as he pumped his cock in and out with quick thrusts but hard as hell. He came again inside me and I could get back to all fours for him. He mounted again and again, filling me with his hot, musty cum. The pressure got to be too much for my hole so it drained out of me and covered my legs. I gagged and held back my vomit as the smell engulfed my senses. I could taste it in my mouth and feel it in the air. Like he was answering me, he came again and moved to my front side and stuck his cock to my face. This time I did throw up. The smell was horrendous. It made me feel dizzy until he mounted me in reverse and fucked my mouth. I coughed and sputtered and he just fucked me harder. His underside rammed my nose as he shoved in deep to cum. Luckily he shot it down my throat so I couldn't taste it. He jumped off and walked back to my butt and mounted yet again! He ripped my cunt to shreds for another hour and finally hopped off to rest and eat. I was relieved as he hit me into the dung to dismiss me, but I quickly sprung to my feet to avoid the smaller male. He was erect and trotting toward me. I jumped out of the pen and sighed in relief. The goat stared at me and rammed the fence. "Oooooh, Nooooo. Get back in there and finish them off," Josh appeared from behind the water trough with his camera, "I don't have enough pictures yet. Get back in and get fucked again.""But he might kill me if I get back in!""I don't give a shit! Get in or I'll throw you in again, or better yet, let me go get a chain and a padlock and I'll put you on a short leash for them to rape you all night. I'll be right back.""Wait! I'll do it.""Are you sure? It could be cool to have a goat fuck you all the time. We could call you goat girl and take you to the goat farm on the other side of the state to get bred.""I'm positive.""Okay, but be careful, you may already be knocked up with Sparky's puppies. I don't know if you can get pregnant or not with animal cum."I knew he was messing with me, the whole "goat girl" thing was enough to show his bullshit. I hopped the fence and got into position for the goat and waited. He circled me for a while then charged straight at me and rammed my head and knocked me out. I woke up and had a mouthful of shit again. I felt his cock sliding in and out of me. I heard Josh snapping photos off and the sound echoed in my head. The goat filled my hole with cum and hopped off of me. I opened my eyes just as he pissed on my legs and back. I spit out the shit and got back into position for him. He mounted me and planted his seed another ten times before I was dismissed. The big goat was back though. I frantically looked at Josh but he was gone. I looked at the window and saw how light it was outside. I jumped over the fence and sprinted to the house. I looked in the window and saw my parents in the kitchen so I ran around to my bedroom window and climbed in. Josh was waiting for me. "One last suck for the road. Quick!" I looked at him then I took in his cock. He held my head as I tried to get him off as quickly as possible. He pulled my head up against him and smashed my nose as he shot cum in. "Thanks slut." I got into the shower and washed the goat smell out as best as I could. It still lingered though. Josh wasn't helping, he got into the shower with me and kept rubbing my cunt and squeezing my boobs. By the end of the shower, I had more cum in my butt from him. Needless to say, I was very sad to see him go (sarcasm). As my parents left to take him to the bus station, I was left to watch the farm. Then I caught sight of Bob, our big hog. He, the horses, and the donkey were the only animals kept outside. Before I changed my mind, and after my parents were out of sight, I stripped to nothing and got into his mud pool with him. The murky water was cold on my body and I sank into the soft mud at the bottom. Bob was laying with his back half in the pool and his front in the sun. I slid over to him and got him to stand long enough for me to get under him. I saw his huge balls just before he rested his two-hundred pound frame on top of me. I felt my body sink into the soft material under me. I reached down to his flabby sheath and stroked it until his dick was long enough to push on my cunt.I opened my legs and he jerked himself in all the way. I whimpered a little but then he started slowly humping my abused hole. After the night's raping, Bob was, soothing. The cold water ran into my loose cunt and made me cum from the sensation. Bob grew and grew until he filled the hole. He sped his thrusts a little, then he jerked again and started spewing cum from his gigantic balls into my womb. I orgasmed again from the hot cum hitting my inner points and felt him finally stop filling me. The only problem was I couldn't move. I had sunk into what I hoped was mud so far that I couldn't slide in or out. My legs were stuck too! I looked at my shoulders and saw that the jerking Bob did had buried them! Then Bob got up and laid in his pool to cool off. My legs were covered and my crotch was also covered, it only had a hole leading into my pussy and a trench leading to it where his sheath was laying. I stood up and looked at a perfect mold of my body, right down to my crack. I stomped around on it to avoid any suspicion.His cum had all drained into the pool so I couldn't get any. I opened my pussy lips to check but all that came out was the muddy water. I got a shower and laid on the floor in my bedroom completely nude. I got a call from my parents saying that they would be a few more hours. I didn't care. Sparky came in to see what was up so I open my legs and let him slurp at my cunt for a while. During my second orgasm I felt a sudden lurch and my cunt started spraying jets of a clear liquid out and onto Sparky. I screamed as my body shook and my back arched. The smell was incredible! Sparky was lashing out with his tongue in a frenzy to eat my pussy until his tongue fell out. I quickly got into position for him and let him hump my brains out. He grew and grew inside me. My walls stretched even more as his knot went in and grew even larger than before. I pushed back against him to grind in all I could before his big finish. I threw back my head and let loose a high pitched moan as he sprayed my insides with fiery hot cum. I felt it push through my plumbing and start to fill me up. I was panting and sweating gallons as my orgasm ceased. He tugged at his knot and soon gave up. It wasn't moving for a while. His cock was still pulsing with his heartbeat. Both of our hearts were beating at an incredible speed. After a while we separated and he we to lay down. I got into bed and slept for until my parents got home. I threw on some clothes quickly and went to meet them so they wouldn't come looking for me. They informed me that they would be gone for the weekend to go to the goat farm Josh was talking about. They would be gone Saturday and Sunday so I would have to maintain everything at the farm. They made it sound like it was brain surgery but I had done it before, it basically was what I already did.I slept well that night, probably because I didn't have Josh's unique aftertaste in my mouth. The next day went pretty much routinely to show that I was capable of running the farm. My parents told me they would be leaving at around seven in the morning. I said goodbye before I went to bed that night. Through the night I had dreams of having sex with Cappie the donkey and then the horses. The dreams themselves felt so good but I wanted the real thing so badly it made my cunt ache.I woke up in a pool of my own sweat and pussy juice. My parents were long gone and I only had to feed, milk, and clean before I could get filled with Cappie's giant cock. I skipped milking the goats because they weren't very happy with me after my escape. I finished the cleaning and dumped at the pile at around noon. I undressed and walked into Cappie's pasture. I had always felt sorry for him because he didn't have a mate for company. I felt the same about Bob, but I think I filled that position well enough. Cappie was grazing in the middle of the pasture until he saw me. He was a very social creature and was always very nice to me when I visited him. He walked over to me and nuzzled my chest with his nose."That's right, you get a mate today. And you're just the right height so I won't need a table."I got under him and squeezed his sheath. It was huge! My hand could barely wrap around it halfway! I continued to rub and massage it until his dark brown rod extended. It was almost a foot and a half long and as big around as a Pringles can! I bent down so my hands were on the ground. Then I stretched my butt up to meet his cock. The head touched my opening just as a clear liquid started oozing out of it. Josh had had something like this only, he only had a few drops. Cappie was letting it dump out. I t lubed my hole enough to where I took a step backward and the tip of his cock slipped in. He moved forward slowly and filled my hole with the lubricant as he went. His cock pushed in and stretched me to the breaking point. His cock pushed on my cervix and tried to keep going. The lubricant from the tip of his member started going in and filling my uterus with the slimy liquid. With a quick jab of force, his dick ripped my cervix open and pushed into my uterus. This whole time I was ecstatic with lust. I wanted it deeper and deeper. I wanted him to fuck me like he would another donkey. When he tore into my cervix I screamed in pain worse than when Josh dry fucked my butt, worse than when the sheep popped my cherry. Feeling him hit the ending of my uterus somehow made me forget the pain. His cock was almost all the way in! He stopped the lubrication and started rocking his hips, making his giant cock slide in and out of my uterus. I felt him grow even more and rip my cervix more and more until the pain became unbearable. Mixed with the intense pleasure I was feeling, I was crying and cumming at the same time. My legs were covered with lube as his swelling cock forced it out of me. At last he tensed and stopped swelling. I closed my eyes and prepared. With one fast move he spasmed and engorged my shredded reproductive system with cock and shot gallons of cum into my body. It filled my uterus and made my belly grow. Then it ran out of room and shot out of my hole with a sucking noise. He pulled out and let loose a tidal wave of cum still spurting from his massive organ. I fell to the ground in a heap making the cum in my womb gush out. I sprawled out under him and caught the last of his rich cum on my chest. I was laying in the center of a giant puddle of hot, sticky, white donkey cum and I was happy. My entire body was covered with it from my long brown hair to my pink toenails, I was white. I sucked up enough to fill me and there was still more. My cunt was still emptying into the puddle as I stood up and went to Cappie's face to give him one of my signature kisses. He licked my face and I sucked on his tongue and lips until I was satisfied. I suddenly got an idea and ran to the barn and got my dads shop vac. I cleaned it out and took it out to the pasture via an extension cord. I turned it on and sucked up the puddle of cum. The vacuum got full before I got done though so I emptied it into a sanitary bucket and continued collecting the cum until I had it all. I went inside and washed out my cunt and the rest of me. My body was still tingling but I was exhausted. Then I noticed the edge of something under Josh's bed. It was a picture! The stupid prick didn't take them with him! I lifted his mattress and found nearly thirty of me with the sheep, Sparky, and the goats. As I picked up one of me and Sparky, I saw the difference in Sparky's cock from when I suck it to when it's inside me. Just the sight of it made my cunt really wet and hot. My lips swelled and glistened and I felt my cunt loosen. Sparky trotted in and smelled the air. He looked at me and started humping my leg. I pushed him off but he wasn't stopping. Then I smelled what he did, my heat. His cock was already huge, bigger than it had ever been. My exhaustion faded and I dropped into position and he locked his body to mine. His cock ran in deep. I started meeting each of his thrusts but then he started pulling me back and doing it for me. He had complete control of me. For the first time I felt like I was a bitch and he was going to breed me. I yelped as his knot grew to the size of a grapefruit again, but then it kept going. It swelled bigger and bigger until finally he blasted searing hot cum down my elongated cunt and out. Wait, out? His knot had stretched me to where it could slip in and out. He hopped off and tugged it loose with a sucking sound and a rush of the hot cum. I drank it all, then I kissed him for five minutes straight. I finished off the donkey cum in the bucket and got into bed. Sparky jumped in with me and I got an idea. I laid on my back and put him on top of me. I slid his cock in and wrapped my arms around him as he started slowly humping. He laid his head on my shoulder and we fell asleep. However, I woke up throughout the night when he pumped what cum he had left into me. We woke the next day and he jumped off of me to get some water from the toilet. I sat up in bed and felt my cunt opening. It felt all right but I knew the damage had been done deeper inside. I reached in as far as I could and felt around my cervix. Every time I brushed my hand on it I winced in pain. However, for being torn open like that, there wasn't much blood. And it did seem to be healing. My injury made me think twice about my planned mating with the horses. I then thought about how often parents were out of town. I decided too first to my chores, then get filled. I avoided the goats entirely. I knew that I would have to go in there again, but I didn't want to at all. I dumped the waste on the pile and returned the wheelbarrow to the tool shed, then I went to the pasture. I left my clothes in a pile at the door of the barn so I wouldn't have to delay.Sparky had done a good job of preparing my opening by loosening it all night with his enormous knot, but I was still weary as to whether this was possible. I honed in on the smallest stallion and climbed to his back. His short hair brushed my clit as I bounced on his back.My pussy swelled and spurted my juice out in response. We reached the barn and I slid off of his back, leaving some of my juice on top of him. I opened the gate to the stalls and led him in. I put him into a stall and closed the gate. Then I grabbed a wooden table we used to wash them. It reached up just enough for me to lay on it and still be able to slide under him. We need a table this tall to wash them because the smallest stallion we had was five and a half feet tall at the shoulder. That isn't very easy to wash without a little help. I opened the stall and pushed the table in so it went right between his front legs. I closed the gate behind me as I walked in with him. My cunt was radiating heat and dripping in anticipation. I no longer felt the sting in my cervix, only the severe wanting. I positioned the table so his belly would rest on top of me. I calculated how far to scoot my body down so he could fully extend and not hurt me. Finally I rubbed his sheath and watched it slowly come out. Then it increased speed. I quickly jumped onto the table and lay on my back. I closed my legs and felt his cock sliding on the table toward me like a huge snake. It touched my crotch and sent a shock wave through my body. I spread my legs wide to welcome the visitor and he pushed into my loose opening with ease. The ease turned to struggle, then force, then I screamed as his rock hard cock started hitting me with full force, trying to embed itself. I had about a foot of it in so I wiggled around as best as I could to try and deepen it, or at least get some lube in there to make it easier for him. He moved in another three inches and I moaned, finally feeling his girth. The only unstretched part of my hole was being penetrated and it felt incredible! I grabbed the sides of the table as he pushed in deeper and deeper, my cunt helping him along by almost spraying lubrication out. My body twitched as an orgasm washed over me. His cock finally stopped growing but sadly, he still had about six or seven inches left outside. He didn't seem to mind it as he started bucking.I was suddenly taken back to the days I watched a horse to horse mating session and thought to myself what it felt like. The kinkiness made my cunt issue a raging orgasm as my stallion punched the head of his cock to my uterus' walls. It swelled bigger and bigger, tearing my cervix even more but I didn't care. I started screaming in ecstasy as his entire back end shot forward and shot me with his one of a kind cum deep in my womb. I exploded again in orgasm as his cock spewed cum into me for another ten or twenty seconds but who's counting? I sagged to the table in pure exhaustion from the extreme fucking I just endured. His cock spewed what was left and tugged out of me with a popping sound. The cum/blood mixture poured out of me like I was just another mare of his. I squeezed my stomach and felt the liquid splash out. I smiled and rolled off of the table and slurped all I could from his shrinking rod. It still looked gigantic even though it was receding, which made me marvel at how big it was when it was inside me. I let him out to the pasture and moved the table back to the washing area. Even though it was only like three o'clock I went inside and collapsed on my bed, spilling another pint or two of cum on my white sheets as I drifted to sleep.THE END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 30