The recent GPT-3 modelachieves remarkable few-shot performance solely by leveraging a natural-language prompt and a few task demonstrations as input context. Inspired by their findings, we study few-shot learning in a more practical scenario, where we use smaller language models for which fine-tuning is computationally efficient. We present LM-BFF—betterfew-shotfine-tuning oflanguagemodels111Alternatively, language models’bestfriendsforever.—a suite of simple and complementary techniques for fine-tuning language models on a small number of annotated examples. Our approach includes (1) prompt-based fine-tuning together with a novel pipeline for automating prompt generation; and (2) a refined strategy for dynamically and selectively incorporating demonstrations into each context. Finally, we present a systematic evaluation for analyzing few-shot performance on a range of NLP tasks, including classification and regression. Our experiments demonstrate that our methods combine to dramatically outperform standard fine-tuning procedures in this low resource setting, achieving up to 30% absolute improvement, and 11% on average across all tasks. Our approach makes minimal assumptions on task resources and domain expertise, and hence constitutes a strong task-agnostic method for few-shot learning.222Our implementation is publicly available at
Large Language Models (LLMs) are being increasingly employed in data science for tasks like data preprocessing and analytics. However, data scientists encounter substantial obstacles when conversing with LLM-powered chatbots and acting on their suggestions and answers. We conducted a mixed-methods study, including contextual observations, semi-structured interviews (n=14) , and a survey (n=114) , to identify these challenges. Our findings highlight key issues faced by data scientists, including contextual data retrieval, formulating prompts for complex tasks, adapting generated code to local environments, and refining prompts iteratively. Based on these insights, we propose actionable design recommendations, such as data brushing to support context selection, and inquisitive feedback loops to improve communications with AI-based assistants in data-science tools.
Language agents have shown some ability to interact with an external environment, e.g., a virtual world such as ScienceWorld, to perform complex tasks, e.g., growing a plant, without the startup costs of reinforcement learning. However, despite their zero-shot capabilities, these agents to date do not continually improve over time, beyond performance refinement on a specific task. Here we present CLIN, the first language-based agent to achieve this, so that it continually improves over multiple trials, including when both the environment and task are varied, and without requiring parameter updates. Our approach is to use a persistent, dynamic, textual memory, centered oncausal abstractions(rather than general “helpful hints”) , that is regularly updated after each trial so that the agent gradually learns useful knowledge for new trials. In the ScienceWorld benchmark, CLIN is able to continually improve on repeated trials on the same task and environment, outperforming state-of-the-art reflective language agents like Reflexion by 23 absolute points. CLIN can also transfer its learning to new environments (or new tasks) , improving its zero-shot performance by 4 points (13 for new tasks) and can further improve performance there through continual memory updates, enhancing performance by an additional 17 points (7 for new tasks) . This suggests a new architecture for agents built on frozen models that can still continually and rapidly improve over time.
Robust and effective scaling of models from small to large width typically requires the precise adjustment of many algorithmic and architectural details, such as parameterization and optimizer choices. In this work, we propose a new perspective on parameterization by investigating a key assumption in prior work about the alignment between parameters and data and derive new theoretical results under weaker assumptions and a broader set of optimizers. Our extensive empirical investigation includes *tens of thousands* of models trained with *all combinations of* three optimizers, four parameterizations, several alignment assumptions, more than a dozen learning rates, and fourteen model sizes up to 26.8B parameters. We find that the best learning rate scaling prescription would often have been excluded by the assumptions in prior work. Our results show that all parameterizations, not just maximal update parameterization (muP), can achieve hyperparameter transfer; moreover, our novel per-layer learning rate prescription for standard parameterization outperforms muP. Finally, we demonstrate that an overlooked aspect of parameterization, the epsilon parameter in Adam, must be scaled correctly to avoid gradient underflow and propose *Adamatan2*, a new numerically stable, scale-invariant version of Adam that eliminates the epsilon hyperparameter entirely.
A critical approach for efficiently deploying computationally demanding large language models (LLMs) is Key-Value (KV) caching. The KV cache stores key-value states of previously generated tokens, significantly reducing the need for repetitive computations and thereby lowering latency in autoregressive generation. However, the size of the KV cache grows linearly with sequence length, posing challenges for applications requiring long context input and extensive sequence generation. In this paper, we present a simple yet effective approach, called MiniCache, to compress the KV cache across layers from a novel depth perspective, significantly reducing the memory footprint for LLM inference. Our approach is based on the observation that KV cache states exhibit high similarity between the adjacent layers in the middle-to-deep portion of LLMs. To facilitate merging, we propose disentangling the states into the magnitude and direction components, interpolating the directions of the state vectors while preserving their lengths unchanged. Furthermore, we introduce a token retention strategy to keep highly distinct state pairs unmerged, thus preserving the information with minimal additional storage overhead. Our MiniCache is training-free and general, complementing existing KV cache compression strategies, such as quantization and sparsity. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of MiniCache utilizing various models including LLaMA-2, LLaMA-3, Phi-3, Mistral, and Mixtral across multiple benchmarks, demonstrating its exceptional performance in achieving superior compression ratios and high throughput. On the ShareGPT dataset, LLaMA-2-7B with 4-bit MiniCache achieves a remarkable compression ratio of up to, enhances inference throughput by approximately, and reduces the memory footprint bycompared to the FP16 full cache baseline, all while maintaining near-lossless performance.
Progress in machine learning (ML) has been fueled by scaling neural network models. This scaling has been enabled by ever more heroic feats of engineering, necessary for accommodating ML approaches that require high bandwidth communication between devices working in parallel. In this work, we propose a co-designed modular architecture and training approach for ML models, dubbed DIstributed PAth COmposition (DiPaCo) . During training, DiPaCo distributes computation by paths through a set of shared modules. Together with a Local-SGD inspired optimization (DiLoCo) that keeps modules in sync with drastically reduced communication, Our approach facilitates training across poorly connected and heterogeneous workers, with a design that ensures robustness to worker failures and preemptions. At inference time, only a single path needs to be executed for each input, without the need for any model compression. We consider this approach as a first prototype towards a new paradigm of large-scale learning, one that is less synchronous and more modular. Our experiments on the widely used C4 benchmark show that, for the same amount of training steps but less wall-clock time, DiPaCo exceeds the performance of a 1 billion-parameter dense transformer language model by choosing one of 256 possible paths, each with a size of 150 million parameters.
Generative text-to-image models enable us to synthesize unlimited amounts of images in a controllable manner, spurring many recent efforts to train vision models with synthetic data. However, every synthetic image ultimately originates from the upstream data used to train the generator. What additional value does the intermediate generator provide over directly training on relevant parts of the upstream data? Grounding this question in the setting of image classification, we compare finetuning on task-relevant, targeted synthetic data generated by Stable Diffusion—a generative model trained on the LAION-2B dataset—against finetuning on targeted real images retrieved directly from LAION-2B. We show that while synthetic data can benefit some downstream tasks, it is universally matched or outperformed by real data from the simple retrieval baseline. Our analysis suggests that this underperformance is partially due to generator artifacts and inaccurate task-relevant visual details in the synthetic images. Overall, we argue that retrieval is a critical baseline to consider when training with synthetic data—a baseline that current methods do not yet surpass. We release code, data, and models at
In many domains, autoregressive models can attain high likelihood on the task of predicting the next observation. However, this maximum-likelihood (MLE) objective does not necessarily match a downstream use-case of autoregressively generating high-quality sequences. The MLE objective weights sequences proportionally to their frequency under the data distribution, with no guidance for the model’s behaviour out of distribution (OOD) : leading to compounding error during autoregressive generation. In order to address this compounding error problem, we formulate sequence generation as an imitation learning (IL) problem. This allows us to minimize a variety of divergences between the distribution of sequences generated by an autoregressive model and sequences from a dataset, including divergences with weight on OOD generated sequences. The IL framework also allows us to incorporate backtracking by introducing abackspaceaction into the generation process. This further mitigates the compounding error problem by allowing the model to revert a sampled token if it takes the sequence OOD. Our resulting method, SequenceMatch, can be implemented without adversarial training or architectural changes. We identify the SequenceMatch-divergence as a more suitable training objective for autoregressive models which are used for generation. We show that empirically, SequenceMatch training leads to improvements over MLE on text generation with language models.
Effective attention modules have played a crucial role in the success of Transformer-based large language models (LLMs) , but the quadratic time and memory complexities of these attention modules also pose a challenge when processing long sequences. One potential solution for the long sequence problem is to utilize distributed clusters to parallelize the computation of attention modules across multiple devices (e.g., GPUs) . However, adopting a distributed approach inevitably introduces extra memory overheads to store local attention results and incurs additional communication costs to aggregate local results into global ones. In this paper, we propose a distributed attention framework named “BurstAttention” to optimize memory access and communication operations at both the global cluster and local device levels by partitioning attention along the sequence dimension across device. Through our experiments, we compare BurstAttention with other competitive long-sequence distributed attention solutions. The experimental results under different lengths demonstrate that BurstAttention offers significant advantages for processing long sequences compared with these competitive baselines, especially tensor parallelism (Megatron-V3) with FlashAttention, reducing 40% communication overheads and achieving 2speedup during training 128K sequence length on 8A100.
Large Language Models (LLMs) have proven their exceptional capabilities in performing language-related tasks. However, their deployment poses significant challenges due to their considerable memory and storage requirements. In response to this issue, weight-only quantization, particularly 3 and 4-bit weight-only quantization, has emerged as one of the most viable solutions. As the number of bits decreases, the quantization grid broadens, thus emphasizing the importance of up and down rounding. While previous studies have demonstrated that fine-tuning up and down rounding with the addition of perturbations can enhance accuracy in some scenarios, our study is driven by the precise and limited boundary of these perturbations, where only the threshold for altering the rounding value is of significance. Consequently, we propose a concise and highly effective approach for optimizing the weight rounding task. Our method, named SignRound, involves lightweight block-wise tuning using signed gradient descent, enabling us to achieve outstanding results within 400 steps. SignRound competes impressively against recent methods without introducing additional inference overhead. The source code will be publicly available at
While training large language models (LLMs) from scratch can generate models with distinct functionalities and strengths, it comes at significant costs and may result in redundant capabilities. Alternatively, a cost-effective and compelling approach is to merge existing pre-trained LLMs into a more potent model. However, due to the varying architectures of these LLMs, directly blending their weights is impractical. In this paper, we introduce the notion of knowledge fusion for LLMs, aimed at combining the capabilities of existing LLMs and transferring them into a single LLM. By leveraging the generative distributions of source LLMs, we externalize their collective knowledge and unique strengths, thereby potentially elevating the capabilities of the target model beyond those of any individual source LLM. We validate our approach using three popular LLMs with different architectures—Llama-2, MPT, and OpenLLaMA—across various benchmarks and tasks. Our findings confirm that the fusion of LLMs can improve the performance of the target model across a range of capabilities such as reasoning, commonsense, and code generation. Our code, model weights, and data are public at
Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in language generation, understanding, and few-shot learning in recent years. An extensive body of work has explored how their performance may be further improved through the tools of prompting, ranging from verification, self-consistency, or intermediate scratchpads. In this paper, we present a complementary approach to improve language responses where multiple language model instances propose and debate their individual responses and reasoning processes over multiple rounds to arrive at a common final answer. Our findings indicate that this approach significantly enhances mathematical and strategic reasoning across a number of tasks. We also demonstrate that our approach improves the factual validity of generated content, reducing fallacious answers and hallucinations that contemporary models are prone to. Our approach may be directly applied to existing black-box models and uses identical procedure and prompts for all tasks we investigate. Overall, our findings suggest that such "society of minds" approach has the potential to significantly advance the capabilities of LLMs and pave the way for further breakthroughs in language generation and understanding. Project website at
Named Entity Recognition (NER) is essential in various Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications. Traditional NER models are effective but limited to a set of predefined entity types. In contrast, Large Language Models (LLMs) can extract arbitrary entities through natural language instructions, offering greater flexibility. However, their size and cost, particularly for those accessed via APIs like ChatGPT, make them impractical in resource-limited scenarios. In this paper, we introduce a compact NER model trained to identify any type of entity. Leveraging a bidirectional transformer encoder, our model, GLiNER, facilitates parallel entity extraction, an advantage over the slow sequential token generation of LLMs. Through comprehensive testing, GLiNER demonstrate strong performance, outperforming both ChatGPT and fine-tuned LLMs in zero-shot evaluations on various NER benchmarks.
Parameter-efficient finetuning (PEFT) methods seek to adapt large neural models via updates to a small number of *weights*. However, much prior interpretability work has shown that *representations* encode rich semantic information, suggesting that editing representations might be a more powerful alternative. We pursue this hypothesis by developing a family of **Representation Finetuning (ReFT)** methods. ReFT methods operate on a frozen base model and learn task-specific interventions on hidden representations. We define a strong instance of the ReFT family, Low-rank Linear Subspace ReFT (LoReFT), and we identify an ablation of this method that trades some performance for increased efficiency. Both are drop-in replacements for existing PEFTs and learn interventions that are 15×–65× more parameter-efficient than LoRA. We showcase LoReFT on eight commonsense reasoning tasks, four arithmetic reasoning tasks, instruction-tuning, and GLUE. In all these evaluations, our ReFTs deliver the best balance of efficiency and performance, and almost always outperform state-of-the-art PEFTs. We release a generic ReFT training library publicly at
Language models are rarely shown fruitful mistakes while training. They then struggle to look beyond the next token, suffering from a snowballing of errors and struggling to predict the consequence of their actions several steps ahead. In this paper, we show how language models can be taught to search by representing the process of search in language, as a flattened string — astream of search (SoS) . We propose a unified language for search that captures an array of different symbolic search strategies. We demonstrate our approach using the simple yet difficult game of Countdown, where the goal is to combine input numbers with arithmetic operations to reach a target number. We pretrain a transformer-based language model from scratch on a dataset of streams of search generated by heuristic solvers. We find that SoS pretraining increases search accuracy by 25% over models trained to predict only the optimal search trajectory. We further finetune this model with two policy improvement methods: Advantage-Induced Policy Alignment (APA) and Self-Taught Reasoner (STaR) . The finetuned SoS models solve 36% of previously unsolved problems, including problems that cannot be solved by any of the heuristic solvers. Our results indicate that language models can learn to solve problems via search, self-improve to flexibly use different search strategies, and potentially discover new ones.111Code Available Here:
Misunderstandings arise not only in interpersonal communication but also between humans and Large Language Models (LLMs) . Such discrepancies can make LLMs interpret seemingly unambiguous questions in unexpected ways, yielding incorrect responses. While it is widely acknowledged that the quality of a prompt, such as a question, significantly impacts the quality of the response provided by LLMs, a systematic method for crafting questions that LLMs can better comprehend is still underdeveloped. In this paper, we present a method named ‘Rephrase and Respond’ (RaR) , which allows LLMs to rephrase and expand questions posed by humans and provide responses in a single prompt. This approach serves as a simple yet effective prompting method for improving performance. We also introduce a two-step variant of RaR, where a rephrasing LLM first rephrases the question and then passes the original and rephrased questions together to a different responding LLM. This facilitates the effective utilization of rephrased questions generated by one LLM with another. Our experiments demonstrate that our methods significantly improve the performance of different models across a wide range to tasks. We further provide a comprehensive comparison between RaR and the popular Chain-of-Thought (CoT) methods, both theoretically and empirically. We show that RaR is complementary to CoT and can be combined with CoT to achieve even better performance. Our work not only contributes to enhancing LLM performance efficiently and effectively but also sheds light on a fair evaluation of LLM capabilities. Data and codes are available at
Fast Function Extraction (FFX) is a deterministic algorithm for solving symbolic regression problems. We improve the accuracy of FFX by adding parameters to the arguments of nonlinear functions. Instead of only optimizing linear parameters, we optimize these additional nonlinear parameters with separable nonlinear least squared optimization using a variable projection algorithm. Both FFX and our new algorithm is applied on the PennML benchmark suite. We show that the proposed extensions of FFX leads to higher accuracy while providing models of similar length and with only a small increase in runtime on the given data. Our results are compared to a large set of regression methods that were already published for the given benchmark suite.
On-device Deep Neural Network (DNN) inference consumes significant computing resources and development efforts. To alleviate that, we propose LUT-NN, the first system to empower inference by table lookup, to reduce inference cost. LUT-NN learns the typical features for each operator, named centroid, and precompute the results for these centroids to save in lookup tables. During inference, the results of the closest centroids with the inputs can be read directly from the table, as the approximated outputs without computations. LUT-NN integrates two major novel techniques: (1) differentiable centroid learning through backpropagation, which adapts three levels of approximation to minimize the accuracy impact by centroids; (2) table lookup inference execution, which comprehensively considers different levels of parallelism, memory access reduction, and dedicated hardware units for optimal performance. LUT-NN is evaluated on multiple real tasks, covering image and speech recognition, and nature language processing. Compared to related work, LUT-NN improves accuracy by 66% to 92%, achieving similar level with the original models. LUT-NN reduces the cost at all dimensions, including FLOPs () , model size () , latency () , memory () , and power () .
Multiplying matrices is among the most fundamental and compute-intensive operations in machine learning. Consequently, there has been significant work on efficiently approximating matrix multiplies. We introduce a learning-based algorithm for this task that greatly outperforms existing methods. Experiments using hundreds of matrices from diverse domains show that it often runsfaster than exact matrix products andfaster than current approximate methods. In the common case that one matrix is known ahead of time, our method also has the interesting property that it requires zero multiply-adds. These results suggest that a mixture of hashing, averaging, and byte shuffling—–the core operations of our method—–could be a more promising building block for machine learning than the sparsified, factorized, and/or scalar quantized matrix products that have recently been the focus of substantial research and hardware investment.
We introduceNatural Plan, a realistic planning benchmark in natural language containing 3 key tasks:Trip Planning,Meeting Planning, andCalendar Scheduling. We focus our evaluation on the planning capabilities of LLMs with full information on the task, by providing outputs from tools such as Google Flights, Google Maps, and Google Calendar as contexts to the models. This eliminates the need for a tool-use environment for evaluating LLMs on Planning. We observe thatNatural Planis a challenging benchmark for state of the art models. For example, inTrip Planning, GPT-4 and Gemini 1.5 Pro could only achieve 31.1% and 34.8% solve rate respectively. We find that model performance drops drastically as the complexity of the problem increases: all models perform below 5% when there are 10 cities, highlighting a significant gap in planning in natural language for SoTA LLMs. We also conduct extensive ablation studies onNatural Planto further shed light on the (in) effectiveness of approaches such as self-correction, few-shot generalization, and in-context planning with long-contexts on improving LLM planning.
When asked to summarize articles or answer questions given a passage, large language models (LLMs) can hallucinate details and respond with unsubstantiated answers that are inaccurate with respect to the input context. This paper describes a simple approach for detecting suchcontextual hallucinations. We hypothesize that contextual hallucinations are related to the extent to which an LLM attends to information in the provided context versus its own generations. Based on this intuition, we propose a simple hallucination detection model whose input features are given by the ratio of attention weights on the context versus newly generated tokens (for each attention head) . We find that a linear classifier based on theselookback ratiofeatures is as effective as a richer detector that utilizes the entire hidden states of an LLM or a text-based entailment model. The lookback ratio-based detector—Lookback Lens—is found to transfer across tasks and even models, allowing a detector that is trained on a 7B model to be applied (without retraining) to a larger 13B model. We further apply this detector to mitigate contextual hallucinations, and find that a simple classifier-guided decoding approach is able to reduce the amount of hallucination, for example by 9.6% in the XSum summarization task.111Source
Aligned large language models (LLMs) demonstrate exceptional capabilities in task-solving, following instructions, and ensuring safety. However, the continual learning aspect of these aligned LLMs has been largely overlooked. Existing continual learning benchmarks lack sufficient challenge for leading aligned LLMs, owing to both their simplicity and the models’ potential exposure during instruction tuning. In this paper, we introduce TRACE, a novel benchmark designed to evaluate continual learning in LLMs. TRACE consists of 8 distinct datasets spanning challenging tasks including domain-specific tasks, multilingual capabilities, code generation, and mathematical reasoning. All datasets are standardized into a unified format, allowing for effortless automatic evaluation of LLMs. Our experiments show that after training on TRACE, aligned LLMs exhibit significant declines in both general ability and instruction-following capabilities. For example, the accuracy of llama2-chat 13B on gsm8k dataset declined precipitously from 28.8% to 2% after training on our datasets. This highlights the challenge of finding a suitable tradeoff between achieving performance on specific tasks while preserving the original prowess of LLMs. Empirical findings suggest that tasks inherently equipped with reasoning paths contribute significantly to preserving certain capabilities of LLMs against potential declines. Motivated by this, we introduce the Reasoning-augmented Continual Learning (RCL) approach. RCL integrates task-specific cues with meta-rationales, effectively reducing catastrophic forgetting in LLMs while expediting convergence on novel tasks.
The rapid development of Large Language Models (LLMs) has led to great strides in model capabilities like reasoning and long-context understanding. However, as LLMs are able to process longer contexts, it becomes more challenging to evaluate whether they have acquired certain capabilities, since the length of text (e.g., 100K tokens) they can process far exceeds what humans can reliably assess in a reasonable duration. In this paper, we propose using complex synthetic tasks as a proxy evaluation method, and presentS3Eval, aSynthetic,Scalable,Systematic evaluation suite for LLMs evaluation. As a synthetic benchmark,S3Evalenables the creation of any number of evaluation examples that are theoretically invisible to LLMs, mitigating the test set contamination issue. The synthetic nature ofS3Evalprovides users full control over the dataset, allowing them to systematically probe LLM capabilities by scaling text length and varying task difficulty across diverse scenarios. The strong correlation betweenS3Evalperformance and scores of real-world benchmarks like Big-Bench Hard (BBH) demonstrates the soundness of usingS3Evalfor evaluation of LLMs. The in-depth analysis also uncover additional insights, including performance drop when the answer is sparsely distributed or located in the middle context, as well as some counter-intuitive trends of model performance. Our code is available at
Long-context language models (LCLMs) have the potential to revolutionize our approach to tasks traditionally reliant on external tools like retrieval systems or databases. Leveraging LCLMs’ ability to natively ingest and process entire corpora of information offers numerous advantages. It enhances user-friendliness by eliminating the need for specialized knowledge of tools, provides robust end-to-end modeling that minimizes cascading errors in complex pipelines, and allows for the application of sophisticated prompting techniques across the entire system. To assess this paradigm shift, we introduceLOFT, a benchmark of real-world tasks requiring context up to millions of tokens designed to evaluate LCLMs’ performance on in-context retrieval and reasoning. Our findings reveal LCLMs’ surprising ability to rival state-of-the-art retrieval and RAG systems, despite never having been explicitly trained for these tasks. However, LCLMs still face challenges in areas like compositional reasoning that are required in SQL-like tasks. Notably, prompting strategies significantly influence performance, emphasizing the need for continued research as context lengths grow. Overall,LOFTprovides a rigorous testing ground for LCLMs, showcasing their potential to supplant existing paradigms and tackle novel tasks as model capabilities scale.111TheLOFTbenchmark is available at 1:An overview of theLOFTbenchmark, made of six tasks which measure LCLMs’ ability to do in-context retrieval, reasoning, and many-shot learning on corpora up to millions of tokens. We compare the performance of LCLMs against specialized models (e.g.,CLIP for visual retrieval) , which often rely on complex task-specific fine-tuning or pipelining. Unlike specialized models, we show how LCLMs can simplify various tasks through Corpus-in-Context Prompting (Section3) .
Low-rank adaptation (LoRA) is a popular parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) method for large language models (LLMs) . In this paper, we analyze the impact of low-rank updating, as implemented in LoRA. Our findings suggest that the low-rank updating mechanism may limit the ability of LLMs to effectively learn and memorize new knowledge. Inspired by this observation, we propose a new method called MoRA, which employs a square matrix to achieve high-rank updating while maintaining the same number of trainable parameters. To achieve it, we introduce the corresponding non-parameter operators to reduce the input dimension and increase the output dimension for the square matrix. Furthermore, these operators ensure that the weight can be merged back into LLMs, which makes our method can be deployed like LoRA. We perform a comprehensive evaluation of our method across five tasks: instruction tuning, mathematical reasoning, continual pretraining, memory and pretraining. Our method outperforms LoRA on memory-intensive tasks and achieves comparable performance on other tasks. Our code will be available at
Large language models have made significant progress in various language tasks, yet they still struggle with complex mathematics. In this paper, we proposeToRA, a series ofTool-integratedReasoningAgents designed to solve challenging mathematical problems by seamlessly integrating natural language reasoning with the utilization of external tools (e.g., computation libraries and symbolic solvers) , thereby amalgamating the analytical prowess of language and the computational efficiency of tools. To trainToRA, we curate interactive tool-use trajectories on mathematical datasets, apply imitation learning on the annotations, and propose output space shaping to further refine models’ reasoning behavior. As a result,ToRAmodels significantly outperform open-source models on 10 mathematical reasoning datasets across all scales with 13%-19% absolute improvements on average. Notably,ToRA-7B reaches 44.6% on the competition-level dataset MATH, surpassing the best open-source model WizardMath-70B by 22% absolute.ToRA-Code-34B is also the first open-source model that achieves an accuracy exceeding 50% on MATH, which significantly outperforms GPT-4’s CoT result, and is competitive with GPT-4 solving problems with programs. Additionally, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of the benefits and remaining challenges of tool interaction for mathematical reasoning, providing valuable insights for future research111Code and models are available at
Transfer learning is a topic of significant interest in recent deep learning research because it enables faster convergence and improved performance on new tasks. While the performance of transfer learning depends on the similarity of the source data to the target data, it is costly to train a model on a large number of datasets. Therefore, pretrained models are generally blindly selected with the hope that they will achieve good performance on the given task. To tackle such suboptimality of the pretrained models, we propose an efficient and adaptive transfer learning scheme through dataset-conditioned pretrained weights sampling. Specifically, we use a latent diffusion model with a variational autoencoder that can reconstruct the neural network weights, to learn the distribution of a set of pretrained weights conditioned on each dataset for transfer learning on unseen datasets. By learning the distribution of a neural network on a variety pretrained models, our approach enables adaptive sampling weights for unseen datasets achieving faster convergence and reaching competitive performance.
Is it always necessary to compute tokens from shallow to deep layers in Transformers? The continued success of vanilla Transformers and their variants suggests an undoubted “yes”. In this work, however, we attempt to break the depth-ordered convention by proposing a novel architecture dubbed mixture-of-modules (MoM) , which is motivated by an intuition that any layer, regardless of its position, can be used to compute a token as long as it possesses the needed processing capabilities. The construction of MoM starts from a finite set of modules defined by multi-head attention and feed-forward networks, each distinguished by its unique parameterization. Two routers then iteratively select attention modules and feed-forward modules from the set to process a token. The selection dynamically expands the computation graph in the forward pass of the token, culminating in an assembly of modules. We show that MoM provides not only a unified framework for Transformers and their numerous variants but also a flexible and learnable approach for reducing redundancy in Transformer parameterization. We pre-train various MoMs using OpenWebText. Empirical results demonstrate that MoMs, of different parameter counts, consistently outperform vanilla transformers on both GLUE and XSUM benchmarks. More interestingly, with a fixed parameter budget, MoM-large enables an over 38% increase in depth for computation graphs compared to GPT-2-large, resulting in absolute gains of 1.4 on GLUE and 1 on XSUM. On the other hand, MoM-large also enables an over 60% reduction in depth while involving more modules per layer, yielding a 16% reduction in TFLOPs and a 43% decrease in memory usage compared to GPT-2-large, while maintaining comparable performance.111Code is available at
Test-time interventions for language models can enhance factual accuracy, mitigate harmful outputs, and improve model efficiency without costly retraining. But despite a flood of new methods, different types of interventions are largely developing independently. In practice, multiple interventions must be applied sequentially to the same model, yet we lack standardized ways to study how interventions interact. We fill this gap by introducingcomposable interventions, a framework to study the effects of using multiple interventions on the same language models, featuring new metrics and a unified codebase. Using our framework, we conduct extensive experiments and compose popular methods from three emerging intervention categories—knowledge editing,model compression, andmachine unlearning. Our results from 310 different compositions uncover meaningful interactions: compression hinders editing and unlearning, composing interventions hinges on their order of application, and popular general-purpose metrics are inadequate for assessing composability. Taken together, our findings showcase clear gaps in composability, suggesting a need for new multi-objective interventions.111All of our code is††Correspondence:{arinbjorn,hartvigsen},
Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as a widely-used tool for information seeking, but their generated outputs are prone to hallucination. In this work, our aim is to allow LLMs to generate text withcitations, improving their factual correctness and verifiability. Existing work mainly relies on commercial search engines and human evaluation, making it challenging to reproduce and compare different modeling approaches. We proposeALCE, the first benchmark forAutomaticLLMs’CitationEvaluation. ALCE collects a diverse set of questions and retrieval corpora and requires building end-to-end systems to retrieve supporting evidence and generate answers with citations. We develop automatic metrics along three dimensions—fluency, correctness, and citation quality—and demonstrate their strong correlation with human judgements. Our experiments with state-of-the-art LLMs and novel prompting strategies show that current systems have considerable room for improvement—For example, on the ELI5 dataset, even the best models lack complete citation support 50% of the time. Our analyses further highlight promising future directions, including developing better retrievers, advancing long-context LLMs, and improving the ability to synthesize information from multiple sources.111Our code and data are available at
Large language models (LLMs) can spend extra compute during inference to generate intermediate thoughts, which helps to produce better final responses. Since Chain-of-Thought, many suchSystem 2techniques have been proposed such as Rephrase and Respond, System 2 Attentionand Branch-Solve-Merge. In this work we investigate self-supervised methods to “compile” (distill) higher quality outputs from System 2 techniques back into LLM generationswithoutintermediate reasoning token sequences, as this reasoning has been distilled intoSystem 1. We show that several such techniques can be successfully distilled, resulting in improved results compared to the original System 1 performance, and with less inference cost than System 2. We posit that System 2 distillation will be an important feature of future continually learning AI systems, enabling them to focus System 2 capabilities on the reasoning tasks that they cannot yet do well.
In this paper, we examine how large language models (LLMs) solve multi-step problems under a language agent framework with three components: a generator, a discriminator, and a planning method. We investigate the practical utility of two advanced planning methods, iterative correction and tree search. We present a comprehensive analysis of how discrimination accuracy affects the overall performance of agents when using these two methods or a simpler method, re-ranking. Experiments on two tasks, text-to-SQL parsing and mathematical reasoning, show that: (1) advanced planning methods demand discriminators with at least 90% accuracy to achieve significant improvements over re-ranking; (2) current LLMs’ discrimination abilities have not met the needs of advanced planning methods to achieve such improvements; (3) with LLM-based discriminators, advanced planning methods may not adequately balance accuracy and efficiency. For example, compared to the other two methods, tree search is at least 10–20 times slower but leads to negligible performance gains, which hinders its real-world applications.111Code and data will be released at
Sparse autoencoders provide a promising unsupervised approach for extracting interpretable features from a language model by reconstructing activations from a sparse bottleneck layer. Since language models learn many concepts, autoencoders need to be very large to recover all relevant features. However, studying the properties of autoencoder scaling is difficult due to the need to balance reconstruction and sparsity objectives and the presence of dead latents. We propose using k-sparse autoencodersto directly control sparsity, simplifying tuning and improving the reconstruction-sparsity frontier. Additionally, we find modifications that result in few dead latents, even at the largest scales we tried. Using these techniques, we find clean scaling laws with respect to autoencoder size and sparsity. We also introduce several new metrics for evaluating feature quality based on the recovery of hypothesized features, the explainability of activation patterns, and the sparsity of downstream effects. These metrics all generally improve with autoencoder size. To demonstrate the scalability of our approach, we train a 16 million latent autoencoder on GPT-4 activations for 40 billion tokens. We releasecode and autoencoders for open-source models, as well as avisualizer.111Our open source code can be found at our visualizer is hosted at
Quantization techniques are widely used to improve inference speed and deployment of large language models. While a wide body of work examines the impact of quantized LLMs on English tasks, none have examined the effect of quantization across languages. We conduct a thorough analysis of quantized multilingual LLMs, focusing on their performance across languages and at varying scales. We use automatic benchmarks, LLM-as-a-Judge methods, and human evaluation, finding that (1) harmful effects of quantization are apparent in human evaluation, and automatic metrics severely underestimate the detriment: a 1.7% average drop in Japanese across automatic tasks corresponds to a 16.0% drop reported by human evaluators on realistic prompts; (2) languages are disparately affected by quantization, with non-Latin script languages impacted worst; and (3) challenging tasks such as mathematical reasoning degrade fastest. As the ability to serve low-compute models is critical for wide global adoption of NLP technologies, our results urge consideration of multilingual performance as a key evaluation criterion for efficient models.
We focus on Text-to-SQL semantic parsing from the perspective of Large Language Models. Motivated by challenges related to the size of commercial database schemata and the deployability of business intelligence solutions, we propose an approach that dynamically retrieves input database information and uses abstract syntax trees to select few-shot examples for in-context learning. Furthermore, we investigate the extent to which an in-parallel semantic parser can be leveraged for generatingapproximatedversions of the expected SQL queries, to support our retrieval. We take this approach to the extreme—we adapt a model consisting of less thanM parameters, to act as an extremely efficient approximator, enhancing it with the ability to process schemata in a parallelised manner. We apply our approach to monolingual and cross-lingual benchmarks for semantic parsing, showing improvements over state-of-the-art baselines. Comprehensive experiments highlight the contribution of modules involved in this retrieval-augmented generation setting, revealing interesting directions for future work.
Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) have become popular methods for adapting large language models while minimizing compute requirements. In this paper, we apply PEFT methods (P-tuning, Adapters, and LoRA) to a modified Retrieval-Enhanced Transformer (RETRO) and a baseline GPT model across several sizes, ranging from 823 million to 48 billion parameters. We show that RETRO models outperform GPT models in zero-shot settings due to their unique pre-training process but GPT models have higher performance potential with PEFT. Additionally, our study indicates that 8B parameter models strike an optimal balance between cost and performance and P-tuning lags behind other PEFT techniques. We further provide a comparative analysis of between applying PEFT to an Instruction-tuned RETRO model and base RETRO model. This work presents the first comprehensive comparison of various PEFT methods integrated with RAG, applied to both GPT and RETRO models, highlighting their relative performance.
The feedforward (FFW) layers in standard transformer architectures incur a linear increase in computational costs and activation memory as the hidden layer width grows. Sparse mixture-of-experts (MoE) architectures have emerged as a viable approach to address this issue by decoupling model size from computational cost. The recent discovery of the fine-grained MoE scaling law shows that higher granularity leads to better performance. However, existing MoE models are limited to a small number of experts due to computational and optimization challenges. This paper introduces PEER (parameter efficient expert retrieval) , a novel layer design that utilizes the product key technique for sparse retrieval from a vast pool of tiny experts (over a million) . Experiments on language modeling tasks demonstrate that PEER layers outperform dense FFWs and coarse-grained MoEs in terms of performance-compute trade-off. By enabling efficient utilization of a massive number of experts, PEER unlocks the potential for further scaling of transformer models while maintaining computational efficiency.
Large language models (LLMs) have made impressive progress in handling simple math problems, yet they still struggle with more challenging and complex mathematical tasks. In this paper, we introduce a series of LLMs that employs the Decomposition of thought with code assistance and self-correction for mathematical reasoning, dubbed as **DotaMath**. DotaMath models tackle complex mathematical tasks by decomposing them into simpler logical subtasks, leveraging code to solve these subtasks, obtaining fine-grained feedback from the code interpreter, and engaging in self-reflection and correction. By annotating diverse interactive tool-use trajectories and employing query evolution on GSM8K and MATH datasets, we generate an instruction fine-tuning dataset called DotaMathQA with 574K query-response pairs. We train a series of base LLMs using imitation learning on DotaMathQA, resulting in DotaMath models that achieve the remarkable performance compared to open-source LLMs across various in-domain and out-of-domain benchmarks. Notably, DotaMath-deepseek-7B showcases an outstanding performance of 64.8% on the competitive MATH dataset and 86.7% on GSM8K. Besides, DotaMath-deepseek-7B maintains strong competitiveness on a series of in-domain and out-of-domain benchmarks (Avg. 80.1%). Looking forward, we anticipate that the DotaMath paradigm will open new pathways for addressing intricate mathematical problems. Our code is publicly available at DotaMath.
Self-attention performs well in long context but has quadratic complexity. Existing RNN layers have linear complexity, but their performance in long context is limited by the expressive power of their hidden state. We propose a new class of sequence modeling layers with linear complexity and an expressive hidden state. The key idea is to make the hidden state a machine learning model itself, and the update rule a step of self-supervised learning. Since the hidden state is updated by training even on test sequences, our layers are calledTest-Time Training (TTT) layers. We consider two instantiations: TTT-Linear and TTT-MLP, whose hidden state is a linear model and a two-layer MLP respectively. We evaluate our instantiations at the scale of 125M to 1.3B parameters, comparing with a strong Transformer and Mamba, a modern RNN. Both TTT-Linear and TTT-MLP match or exceed the baselines. Similar to Transformer, they can keep reducing perplexity by conditioning on more tokens, while Mamba cannot after 16k context. With preliminary systems optimization, TTT-Linear is already faster than Transformer at 8k context and matches Mamba in wall-clock time. TTT-MLP still faces challenges in memory I/O, but shows larger potential in long context, pointing to a promising direction for future research.
The tool-use Large Language Models (LLMs) that integrate with external Python interpreters have significantly enhanced mathematical reasoning capabilities for open-source LLMs, while tool-free methods chose another track: augmenting math reasoning data. However, a great method to integrate the above two research paths and combine their advantages remains to be explored. In this work, we firstly include new math questions via multiperspective data augmenting methods and then synthesize **code**-nested solutions to them. The open LLMs (i.e., Llama-2) are finetuned on the augmented dataset to get the resulting models, **MuMath-Code** (µ-Math-Code). During the inference phase, our MuMath-Code generates code and interacts with the external python interpreter to get the execution results. Therefore, MuMath-Code leverages the advantages of both the external tool and data augmentation. To fully leverage the advantages of our augmented data, we propose a two-stage training strategy: In Stage-1, we finetune Llama2 on pure CoT data to get an intermediate model, which then is trained on the code-nested data in Stage-2 to get the resulting MuMathCode. Our MuMath-Code-7B achieves 83.8 on GSM8K and 52.4 on MATH, while MuMathCode-70B model achieves new state-of-the-art performance among open methods—achieving 90.7% on GSM8K and 55.1% on MATH. Extensive experiments validate the combination of tool use and data augmentation, as well as our two-stage training strategy. We release the proposed dataset along with the associated code for public use.
This paper addresses the growing need for efficient large language models (LLMs) on mobile devices, driven by increasing cloud costs and latency concerns. We focus on designing top-quality LLMs with fewer than a billion parameters, a practical choice for mobile deployment. Contrary to prevailing belief emphasizing the pivotal role of data and parameter quantity in determining model quality, our investigation underscores the significance of model architecture for sub-billion scale LLMs. Leveraging deep and thin architectures, coupled with embedding sharing and grouped-query attention mechanisms, we establish a strong baseline network denoted asMobileLLM, which attains a remarkable 2.7%/4.3% accuracy boost over preceding 125M/350M state-of-the-art models. Additionally, we propose an immediate block-wise weight sharing approach with no increase in model size and only marginal latency overhead. The resultant models, denoted asMobileLLM-LS, demonstrate a further accuracy enhancement of 0.7%/0.8% thanMobileLLM125M/350M. Moreover,MobileLLMmodel family shows significant improvements compared to previous sub-billion models on chat benchmarks, and demonstrates close correctness to LLaMA-v2 7B in API calling tasks, highlighting the capability of small models for common on-device use cases.
Data curation is an essential component of large-scale pretraining. In this work, we demonstrate that jointly selectingbatchesof data is more effective for learning than selecting examples independently. Multimodal contrastive objectives expose the dependencies between data and thus naturally yield criteria for measuring thejoint learnabilityof a batch. We derive a simple and tractable algorithm for selecting such batches, which significantly accelerate training beyond individually-prioritized data points. As performance improves by selecting from larger super-batches, we also leverage recent advances in model approximation to reduce the associated computational overhead. As a result, our approach—multimodal contrastive learning with joint example selection (JEST) —surpasses state-of-the-art models with up to 13fewer iterations and 10less computation. Essential to the performance of JEST is the ability to steer the data selection process towards the distribution of smaller, well-curated datasets via pretrained reference models, exposing the level of data curation as a new dimension for neural scaling laws.
The training and inference of large language models (LLMs) are together a costly process that transports knowledge from raw data to meaningful computation. Inspired by the memory hierarchy of the human brain, we reduce this cost by equipping LLMs with explicit memory, a memory format cheaper than model parameters and text retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) . Conceptually, with most of its knowledge externalized to explicit memories, the LLM can enjoy a smaller parameter size, training cost, and inference cost, all proportional to the amount of remaining “abstract knowledge”. As a preliminary proof of concept, we train from scratch a 2.4B LLM, which achieves better performance than much larger LLMs as well as RAG models, and maintains higher decoding speed than RAG. The model is named Memory3, since explicit memory is the third form of memory in LLMs after implicit memory (model parameters) and working memory (context key-values) . We introduce a memory circuitry theory to support the externalization of knowledge, and present novel techniques including a memory sparsification mechanism that makes storage tractable and a two-stage pretraining scheme that facilitates memory formation.
Large language models (LLMs) excel at few-shot in-context learning (ICL) – learning from a few examples provided in context at inference, without any weight updates. Newly expanded context windows allow us to investigate ICL with hundreds or thousands of examples – the many-shot regime. Going from few-shot to many-shot, we observe significant performance gains across a wide variety of generative and discriminative tasks. While promising, many-shot ICL can be bottlenecked by the available amount of human-generated outputs. To mitigate this limitation, we explore two new settings: “Reinforced ICL” and “Unsupervised ICL”. Reinforced ICL uses model-generated chain-of-thought rationales in place of human rationales. Unsupervised ICL removes rationales from the prompt altogether, and prompts the model only with domain-specific inputs. We find that both Reinforced and Unsupervised ICL can be quite effective in the many-shot regime, particularly on complex reasoning tasks. Finally, we demonstrate that, unlike few-shot learning, many-shot learning is effective at overriding pretraining biases and can learn high-dimensional functions with numerical inputs. Our analysis also reveals the limitations of next-token prediction loss as an indicator of downstream performance.
This paper presents Diffusion Forcing, a new training paradigm where a diffusion model is trained to denoise a set of tokens withindependentper-token noise levels. We apply Diffusion Forcing to sequence generative modeling by training a causal next-token prediction model to generate one or several future tokens without fully diffusing past ones. Our approach is shown to combine the strengths of next-token prediction models, such as variable-length generation, with the strengths of full-sequence diffusion models, such as the ability to guide sampling to desirable trajectories. Our method offers a range of additional capabilities, such as (1) rolling-out sequences of continuous tokens, such as video, with lengths past the training horizon, where baselines diverge and (2) new sampling and guiding schemes that uniquely profit from Diffusion Forcing’s variable-horizon and causal architecture, and which lead to marked performance gains in decision-making and planning tasks. In addition to its empirical success, our method is proven to optimize a variational lower bound on the likelihoods of all subsequences of tokens drawn from the true joint distribution. Project website:
We present InternLM-XComposer-2.5 (IXC-2.5) , a versatile large-vision language model that supports long-contextual input and output.IXC-2.5 excels in various text-image comprehension and composition applications, achieving GPT-4V level capabilities with merely 7B LLM backend.Trained with 24K interleaved image-text contexts, it can seamlessly extend to 96K long contexts via RoPE extrapolation. This long-context capability allows IXC-2.5 to excel in tasks requiring extensive input and output contexts. Compared to its previous 2.0 version, InternLM-XComposer-2.5 features three major upgrades in vision-language comprehension: (1) Ultra-High Resolution Understanding, (2) Fine-Grained Video Understanding, and (3) Multi-Turn Multi-Image Dialogue. In addition to comprehension, IXC-2.5 extends to two compelling applications using extra LoRA parameters for text-image composition: (1) Crafting Webpages and (2) Composing High-Quality Text-Image Articles. IXC-2.5 has been evaluated on 28 benchmarks, outperforming existing open-source state-of-the-art models on 16 benchmarks. It also surpasses or competes closely with GPT-4V and Gemini Pro on 16 key tasks. The InternLM-XComposer-2.5 is publicly available at
Deep learning has excelled on complex pattern recognition tasks such as image classification and object recognition. However, it struggles with tasks requiring nontrivial reasoning, such as algorithmic computation. Humans are able to solve such tasks through iterative reasoning – spending more time thinking about harder tasks. Most existing neural networks, however, exhibit a fixed computational budget controlled by the neural network architecture, preventing additional computational processing on harder tasks. In this work, we present a new framework for iterative reasoning with neural networks. We train a neural network to parameterize an energy landscape over all outputs, and implement each step of the iterative reasoning as an energy minimization step to find a minimal energy solution. By formulating reasoning as an energy minimization problem, for harder problems that lead to more complex energy landscapes, we may then adjust our underlying computational budget by running a more complex optimization procedure. We empirically illustrate that our iterative reasoning approach can solve more accurate and generalizable algorithmic reasoning tasks in both graph and continuous domains. Finally, we illustrate that our approach can recursively solve algorithmic problems requiring nested reasoning. Code and additional information is available at
Neural language models (LMs) can be used to evaluate the truth of factual statements in two ways: they can be eitherqueriedfor statement probabilities, orprobedfor internal representations of truthfulness. Past work has found that these two procedures sometimes disagree, and that probes tend to be more accurate than LM outputs. This has led some researchers to conclude that LMs “lie” or otherwise encode non-cooperative communicative intents. Is this an accurate description of today’s LMs, or can query–probe disagreement arise in other ways? We identify three different classes of disagreement, which we termconfabulation,deception, andheterogeneity. In many cases, the superiority of probes is simply attributable to better calibration on uncertain answers rather than a greater fraction of correct, high-confidence answers. In some cases, queries and probes perform better on different subsets of inputs, and accuracy can further be improved by ensembling the two.111Code
We introduce Inference-Time Intervention (ITI) , a technique designed to enhance the “truthfulness” of large language models (LLMs) . ITI operates by shifting model activations during inference, following a set of directions across a limited number of attention heads. This intervention significantly improves the performance of LLaMA models on the TruthfulQA benchmark. On an instruction-finetuned LLaMA called Alpaca, ITI improves its truthfulness fromto. We identify a trade-off between truthfulness and helpfulness and demonstrate how to balance it by tuning the intervention strength. ITI is minimally invasive and computationally inexpensive. Moreover, the technique is data efficient: while approaches like RLHF require extensive annotations, ITI locates truthful directions using only few hundred examples. Our findings suggest that LLMs may have an internal representation of the likelihood of something being true, even as they produce falsehoods on the surface. Code:
Existing techniques for training language models can be misaligned with the truth: if we train models with imitation learning, they may reproduce errors that humans make; if we train them to generate text that humans rate highly, they may output errors that human evaluators can’t detect. We propose circumventing this issue by directly finding latent knowledge inside the internal activations of a language model in a purely unsupervised way. Specifically, we introduce a method for accurately answering yes-no questions given only unlabeled model activations. It works by finding a direction in activation space that satisfies logical consistency properties, such as that a statement and its negation have opposite truth values. We show that despite using no supervision and no model outputs, our method can recover diverse knowledge represented in large language models: across 6 models and 10 question-answering datasets, it outperforms zero-shot accuracy by 4% on average. We also find that it cuts prompt sensitivity in half and continues to maintain high accuracy even when models are prompted to generate incorrect answers. Our results provide an initial step toward discovering what language models know, distinct from what they say, even when we don’t have access to explicit ground truth labels.
We propose a novel persona-driven data synthesis methodology that leverages various perspectives within a large language model (LLM) to create diverse synthetic data. To fully exploit this methodology at scale, we introduce Persona Hub – a collection of 1 billion diverse personas automatically curated from web data. These 1 billion personas (13% of the world’s total population) , acting as distributed carriers of world knowledge, can tap into almost every perspective encapsulated within the LLM, thereby facilitating the creation of diverse synthetic data at scale for various scenarios. By showcasing Persona Hub’s use cases in synthesizing high-quality mathematical and logical reasoning problems, instructions (i.e., user prompts) , knowledge-rich texts, game NPCs and tools (functions) at scale, we demonstrate persona-driven data synthesis is versatile, scalable, flexible, and easy to use, potentially driving a paradigm shift in synthetic data creation and applications in practice, which may have a profound impact on LLM research and development. DISCLAIMER:Persona Hubcan facilitate synthetic data creation at a billion-scale to simulate diverse inputs (i.e., use cases) from a wide variety of real-world users. If this data is used as input to query a target LLM to obtain its outputs at scale, there isa high riskthat the LLM’s knowledge, intelligence and capabilities will be dumped and easily replicated, thereby challenging the leading position of the most powerful LLMs (e.g., our approach allows a 7B LLM to achieve 65% on MATH, matching the performance ofgpt-4-turbo-preview) . This tech report isfor research purposes only. It is crucial to avoid misuse and ensure ethical and responsible application. We discuss its broad impact and potential concerns in detail in Section5.
In order to thrive in hostile and ever-changing natural environments, mammalian brains evolved to store large amounts of knowledge about the world and continually integrate new information while avoiding catastrophic forgetting. Despite the impressive accomplishments, large language models (LLMs) , even with retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) , still struggle to efficiently and effectively integrate a large amount of new experiences after pre-training. In this work, we introduce HippoRAG, a novel retrieval framework inspired by the hippocampal indexing theory of human long-term memory to enable deeper and more efficient knowledge integration over new experiences. HippoRAG synergistically orchestrates LLMs, knowledge graphs, and the Personalized PageRank algorithm to mimic the different roles of neocortex and hippocampus in human memory. We compare HippoRAG with existing RAG methods on multi-hop question answering and show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods remarkably, by up to%. Single-step retrieval with HippoRAG achieves comparable or better performance than iterative retrieval like IRCoT while being-times cheaper and-times faster, and integrating HippoRAG into IRCoT brings further substantial gains. Finally, we show that our method can tackle new types of scenarios that are out of reach of existing methods.111Code and data are available at
Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capability in many natural language tasks. However, the auto-regressive generation process makes LLMs prone to produce errors, hallucinations and inconsistent statements when performing multi-step reasoning. In this paper, by casting multi-step reasoning of LLMs as a heuristic search problem, we aim to alleviate the pathology by introducing Q*, a general, versatile and agile framework for guiding LLMs decoding process with deliberative planning. By learning a plug-and-play Q-value model as heuristic function for estimating expected future rewards, our Q* can effectively guide LLMs to select the most promising next reasoning step without fine-tuning LLMs for the current task, which avoids the significant computational overhead and potential risk of performance degeneration on other tasks. Extensive experiments on GSM8K, MATH and MBPP demonstrate the superiority of our method, contributing to improving the reasoning performance of existing open-source LLMs.
Existing checkpointing approaches seem ill-suited for distributed training even though hardware limitations make model parallelism, i.e., sharding model state across multiple accelerators, a requirement for model scaling. Consolidating distributed model state into a single checkpoint unacceptably slows down training, and is impractical at extreme scales. Distributed checkpoints, in contrast, are tightly coupled to the model parallelism and hardware configurations of the training run, and thus unusable on different configurations. To address this problem, we propose Universal Checkpointing, a technique that enables efficient checkpoint creation while providing the flexibility of resuming on arbitrary parallelism strategy and hardware configurations. Universal Checkpointing unlocks unprecedented capabilities for large-scale training such as improved resilience to hardware failures through continued training on remaining healthy hardware, and reduced training time through opportunistic exploitation of elastic capacity. The key insight of Universal Checkpointing is the selection of the optimal representation in each phase of the checkpointing life cycle: distributed representation for saving, and consolidated representation for loading. This is achieved using two key mechanisms. First, the universal checkpoint format, which consists of a consolidated representation of each model parameter and metadata for mapping parameter fragments into training ranks of arbitrary model-parallelism configuration. Second, the universal checkpoint language, a simple but powerful specification language for converting distributed checkpoints into the universal checkpoint format. Our evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness and generality of Universal Checkpointing on state-of-the-art model architectures and a wide range of parallelism techniques.
Recent work on evaluating the diversity of text generated by LLMs has focused on word-level features. Here we offer an analysis of syntactic features to characterize general repetition in models, beyond frequent-grams. Specifically, we definesyntactic templatesand show that models tend to produce templated text in downstream tasks at a higher rate than what is found in human-reference texts. We find that most (76%) templates in model-generated text can be found in pre-training data (compared to only 35% of human-authored text) , and are not overwritten during fine-tuning processes such as RLHF. This connection to the pre-training data allows us to analyze syntactic templates in models where we do not have the pre-training data. We also find that templates as features are able to differentiate between models, tasks, and domains, and are useful for qualitatively evaluating common model constructions. Finally, we demonstrate the use of templates as a useful tool for analyzing style memorization of training data in LLMs.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Vision Transformers (ViT) have been pivotal in biomedical image segmentation. Yet, their ability to manage long-range dependencies remains constrained by inherent locality and computational overhead. To overcome these challenges, in this technical report, we first propose xLSTM-UNet, a UNet structured deep learning neural network that leverages Vision-LSTM (xLSTM) as its backbone for medical image segmentation. xLSTM has recently been proposed as the successor of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks and has demonstrated superior performance compared to Transformers and State Space Models (SSMs) like Mamba in Neural Language Processing (NLP) and image classification (as demonstrated in Vision-LSTM, or ViL implementation) . Here, xLSTM-UNet we designed to extend the success in the biomedical image segmentation domain. By integrating the local feature extraction strengths of convolutional layers with the long-range dependency-capturing abilities of xLSTM, xLSTM-UNet offers a robust solution for comprehensive image analysis. We validate the efficacy of xLSTM-UNet through experiments. Our findings demonstrate that xLSTM-UNet consistently surpasses the performance of leading CNN-based, Transformer-based, and Mamba-based segmentation networks in multiple datasets in biomedical segmentation including organs in abdomen MRI, instruments in endoscopic images, and cells in microscopic images. With comprehensive experiments performed, this technical report highlights the potential of xLSTM-based architectures in advancing biomedical image analysis in both 2D and 3D. The code, models, and datasets are publicly available at
This paper pursues the insight that large language models (LLMs) trained to generate code can vastly improve the effectiveness of mutation operators applied to programs in genetic programming (GP) . Because such LLMs benefit from training data that includes sequential changes and modifications, they can approximate likely changes that humans would make. To highlight the breadth of implications of suchevolution through large models(ELM) , in the main experiment ELM combined with MAP-Elites generates hundreds of thousands of functional examples of Python programs that output working ambulating robots in the Sodarace domain, which the original LLM had never seen in pre-training. These examples then help to bootstrap training a new conditional language model that can output the right walker for a particular terrain. The ability to bootstrap new models that can output appropriate artifacts for a given context in a domain where zero training data was previously available carries implications for open-endedness, deep learning, and reinforcement learning. These implications are explored here in depth in the hope of inspiring new directions of research now opened up by ELM.
Long-context modeling capabilities have garnered widespread attention, leading to the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) with ultra-context windows. Meanwhile, benchmarks for evaluating long-context LLMs are gradually catching up. However, existing benchmarks employ irrelevant noise texts to artificially extend the length of test cases, diverging from the real-world scenarios of long-context applications. To bridge this gap, we propose a novel long-context benchmark,Loong, aligning with realistic scenarios through extended multi-document question answering (QA) . Unlike typical document QA, in Loong’s test cases, each document is relevant to the final answer, ignoring any document will lead to the failure of the answer. Furthermore, Loong introduces four types of tasks with a range of context lengths:Spotlight Locating,Comparison,Clustering, andChain of Reasoning, to facilitate a more realistic and comprehensive evaluation of long-context understanding. Extensive experiments indicate that existing long-context language models still exhibit considerable potential for enhancement. Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) achieves poor performance, demonstrating that Loong can reliably assess the model’s long-context modeling capabilities.111The code and benchmark are available at
The current paradigm of evaluating Large Language Models (LLMs) through static benchmarks comes with significant limitations, such as vulnerability to data contamination and a lack of adaptability to the evolving capabilities of LLMs. Therefore, evaluation methods that can adapt and generate evaluation data with controlled complexity are urgently needed. In this work, we introduceDynamic Evaluation of LLMs viaAdaptiveReasoningGraph Evolvement (DARG) to dynamically extend current benchmarks with controlled complexity and diversity. Specifically, we first extract the reasoning graphs of data points in current benchmarks and then perturb the reasoning graphs to generate novel testing data. Such newly generated test samples can have different levels of complexity while maintaining linguistic diversity similar to the original benchmarks. We further use a code-augmented LLM to ensure the label correctness of newly generated data. We apply ourDARGframework to diverse reasoning tasks in four domains with 15 state-of-the-art LLMs. Experimental results show that almost all LLMs experience a performance decrease with increased complexity and certain LLMs exhibit significant drops. Additionally, we find that LLMs exhibit more biases when being evaluated via the data generated byDARGwith higher complexity levels. These observations provide useful insights into how to dynamically and adaptively evaluate LLMs. The code is available at
Large language models (LLMs) exhibit impressive capabilities across a wide range of tasks, yet the choice of which model to use often involves a trade-off between performance and cost. More powerful models, though effective, come with higher expenses, while less capable models are more cost-effective. To address this dilemma, we propose several efficient router models that dynamically select between a stronger and a weaker LLM during inference, aiming to optimize the balance between cost and response quality. We develop a training framework for these routers leveraging human preference data and data augmentation techniques to enhance performance. Our evaluation on widely-recognized benchmarks shows that our approach significantly reduces costs—by over 2 times in certain cases—without compromising the quality of responses. Interestingly, our router models also demonstrate significant transfer learning capabilities, maintaining their performance even when the strong and weak models are changed at test time. This highlights the potential of these routers to provide a cost-effective yet high-performance solution for deploying LLMs.
This paper presents the Block Transformer architecture which adopts hierarchical global-to-local modeling to autoregressive transformers to mitigate the inference bottlenecks of self-attention. To apply self-attention, the key-value (KV) cache of all previous sequences must be retrieved from memory at every decoding step. Thereby, this KV cache IO becomes a significant bottleneck in batch inference. We notice that these costs stem from applying self-attention on the global context, therefore we isolate the expensive bottlenecks ofglobal modelingto lower layers and apply fastlocal modelingin upper layers. To mitigate the remaining costs in the lower layers, we aggregate input tokens into fixed size blocks and then apply self-attention at this coarse level. Context information is aggregated into a single embedding to enable upper layers to decode the next block of tokens, without global attention. Free of global attention bottlenecks, the upper layers can fully utilize the compute hardware to maximize inference throughput. By leveraging global and local modules, the Block Transformer architecture demonstrates 10–20x gains in inference throughput compared to vanilla transformers with equivalent perplexity. Our work introduces a new approach to optimize language model inference through novel application of global-to-local modeling.
In this work, we study the impact of QA fine-tuning data on downstream factuality. We show that fine-tuning on lesser-known facts that are poorly stored during pretraining yields significantly worse factuality than fine-tuning on well-known facts, even when all facts are seen during pretraining. We prove this phenomenon theoretically, showing that training on lesser-known facts can lead the model to ignore subject entity names and instead output a generic plausible responseeven when the relevant factual knowledge is encoded in the model. On three question answering benchmarks (PopQA, Entity Questions, and MMLU) and two language models (Llama-2-7B and Mistral-7B) , we find that (i) finetuning on a completely factual but lesser-known subset of the data deteriorates downstream factuality (5-10%) and (ii) finetuning on a subset of better-known examples matches or outperforms finetuning on the entire dataset. Ultimately, our results shed light on the interaction between pretrained knowledge and finetuning data and demonstrate the importance of taking into accounthowfacts are stored in the pretrained model when fine-tuning for knowledge-intensive tasks.
Techniques such as ensembling and distillation promise model quality improvements when paired with almost any base model. However, due to increased test-time cost (for ensembles) and increased complexity of the training pipeline (for distillation) , these techniques are challenging to use in industrial settings. In this paper we explore a variant of distillation which is relatively straightforward to use as it does not require a complicated multi-stage setup or many new hyperparameters. Our first claim is that online distillation enables us to use extra parallelism to fit very large datasets about twice as fast. Crucially, we can still speed up training even after we have already reached the point at which additional parallelism provides no benefit for synchronous or asynchronous stochastic gradient descent. Two neural networks trained on disjoint subsets of the data can share knowledge by encouraging each model to agree with the predictions the other model would have made. These predictions can come from a stale version of the other model so they can be safely computed using weights that only rarely get transmitted. Our second claim is that online distillation is a cost-effective way to make the exact predictions of a model dramatically more reproducible. We support our claims using experiments on the Criteo Display Ad Challenge dataset, ImageNet, and the largest to-date dataset used for neural language modeling, containingtokens and based on the Common Crawl repository of web data.
Knowledge distillation (KD) is widely used for compressing a teacher model to reduce its inference cost and memory footprint, by training a smaller student model. However, current KD methods for auto-regressive sequence models suffer from distribution mismatch between output sequences seen during training and those generated by the student during inference. To address this issue, we introduce Generalized Knowledge Distillation (GKD) . Instead of solely relying on a fixed set of output sequences, GKD trains the student on its self-generated output sequences by leveraging feedback from the teacher on such sequences. Unlike supervised KD approaches, GKD also offers the flexibility to employ alternative loss functions between the student and teacher, which may be useful when the student lacks the expressivity to mimic the teacher’s distribution. Furthermore, GKD facilitates the seamless integration of distillation with RL fine-tuning of language models. We demonstrate the efficacy of GKD for distilling auto-regressive T5 language models for task-specific distillation on summarization, translation, and reasoning tasks, and task-agnostic distillation for instruction tuning.
TheNew York TimesConnections game has emerged as a popular and challenging pursuit for word puzzle enthusiasts. We collect 200 Connections games to evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) against expert and novice human players. Our results show that even the best-performing LLM, GPT-4o, which has otherwise shown impressive reasoning abilities on a wide variety of benchmarks, can only fully solve 8% of the games. Compared to GPT-4o, novice and expert players perform better, with expert human players significantly outperforming GPT-4o. We create a taxonomy of the knowledge types required to successfully cluster and categorize words in the Connections game, revealing that LLMs struggle with associative, encyclopedic, and linguistic knowledge. Our findings establish theNew York TimesConnections game as a challenging benchmark for evaluating abstract reasoning capabilities in humans and AI systems.
TheConnectionspuzzle published each day by the New York Times tasks players with dividing a bank of sixteen words into four groups of four words that each relate to a common theme. Solving the puzzle requires both common linguistic knowledge (i.e. definitions and typical usage) as well as, in many cases, lateral or abstract thinking. This is because the four categories ascend in complexity, with the most challenging category often requiring thinking about words in uncommon ways or as parts of larger phrases. We investigate the capacity for automated AI systems to playConnectionsand explore the game’s potential as an automated benchmark for abstract reasoning and a way to measure the semantic information encoded by data-driven linguistic systems. In particular, we study both a sentence-embedding baseline and modern large language models (LLMs) . We report their accuracy on the task, measure the impacts of chain-of-thought prompting, and discuss their failure modes. Overall, we find that theConnectionstask is challenging yet feasible, and a strong test-bed for future work.
One of the most striking findings in modern research on large language models (LLMs) is that scaling up compute during training leads to better results. However, less attention has been given to the benefits of scaling compute during inference. This survey focuses on these inference-time approaches. We explore three areas under a unified mathematical formalism: token-level generation algorithms, meta-generation algorithms, and efficient generation. Token-level generation algorithms, often called decoding algorithms, operate by sampling a single token at a time or constructing a token-level search space and then selecting an output. These methods typically assume access to a language model’s logits, next-token distributions, or probability scores. Meta-generation algorithms work on partial or full sequences, incorporating domain knowledge, enabling backtracking, and integrating external information. Efficient generation methods aim to reduce token costs and improve the speed of generation. Our survey unifies perspectives from three research communities: traditional natural language processing, modern LLMs, and machine learning systems.
Cross-Encoder (CE) and Dual-Encoder (DE) models are two fundamental approaches for predicting query-document relevance in information retrieval. To predict relevance, CE models usejointquery-document embeddings, while DE models maintainfactorizedquery-document embeddings; usually, the former has higher quality while the latter has lower latency. Recently,late-interactionmodels have been proposed to realize more favorable latency-quality trade-offs, by using a DE structure followed by a lightweight scorer based on query and document token embeddings. However, these lightweight scorers are often hand-crafted, and there is no understanding of their approximation power; further, such scorers require access to individual document token embeddings, which imposes an increased latency and storage burden over DE models. In this paper, we propose novellearnablelate-interaction models (LITE) that resolve these issues. Theoretically, we prove that LITE is a universal approximator of continuous scoring functions, even for relatively small embedding dimension. Empirically, LITE outperforms previous late-interaction models such as ColBERT on both in-domain and zero-shot re-ranking tasks. For instance, experiments on MS MARCO passage re-ranking show that LITE not only yields a model with better generalization, but also lowers latency and requiresstorage compared to ColBERT.
Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) aligns large language models (LLMs) by encouraging their generations to have high rewards, using a reward model trained on human preferences. To prevent the forgetting of pre-trained knowledge, RLHF usually incorporates aregularization; this forces the policy to remain close to its supervised fine-tuned initialization, though it hinders the reward optimization. To tackle the trade-off betweenand reward, in this paper we introduce a novel alignment strategy named Weight Averaged Rewarded Policies (WARP) .WARPmerges policies in the weight space at three distinct stages. First, it uses the exponential moving average of the policy as a dynamic anchor in theregularization. Second, it applies spherical interpolation to merge independently fine-tuned policies into a new enhanced one. Third, it linearly interpolates between this merged model and the initialization, to recover features from pre-training. This procedure is then applied iteratively, with each iteration’s final model used as an advanced initialization for the next, progressively refining the-reward Pareto front, achieving superior rewards at fixed. Experiments with Gemma policies validate thatWARPimproves their quality and alignment, outperforming other open-source LLMs.
We propose semantic entropy probes (SEPs) , a cheap and reliable method for uncertainty quantification in Large Language Models (LLMs) . Hallucinations, which are plausible-sounding but factually incorrect and arbitrary model generations, present a major challenge to the practical adoption of LLMs. Recent work byproposes semantic entropy (SE) , which can detect hallucinations by estimating uncertainty in the space semantic meaning for a set of model generations. However, the 5-to-10-fold increase in computation cost associated with SE computation hinders practical adoption. To address this, we propose SEPs, which directly approximate SE from the hidden states of a single generation. SEPs are simple to train and do not require sampling multiple model generations at test time, reducing the overhead of semantic uncertainty quantification to almost zero. We show that SEPs retain high performance for hallucination detection and generalize better to out-of-distribution data than previous probing methods that directly predict model accuracy. Our results across models and tasks suggest that model hidden states capture SE, and our ablation studies give further insights into the token positions and model layers for which this is the case.
High-quality instruction data is critical for aligning large language models (LLMs) . Although some models, such as Llama-3-Instruct, have open weights, their alignment data remain private, which hinders the democratization of AI. High human labor costs and a limited, predefined scope for prompting prevent existing open-source data creation methods from scaling effectively, potentially limiting the diversity and quality of public alignment datasets. Is it possible to synthesize high-quality instruction data at scale by extracting it directly from an aligned LLM? We present aself-synthesismethod for generating large-scale alignment data namedMagpie. Our key observation is that aligned LLMs like Llama-3-Instruct can generate a user query when we input only the left-side templates up to the position reserved for user messages, thanks to their auto-regressive nature. We use this method to prompt Llama-3-Instruct and generate 4 million instructions along with their corresponding responses. We perform a comprehensive analysis of the extracted data and select 300K high-quality instances. To compareMagpiedata with other public instruction datasets (e.g., ShareGPT, WildChat, Evol-Instruct, UltraChat, OpenHermes, Tulu-V2-Mix) , we fine-tune Llama-3-8B-Base with each dataset and evaluate the performance of the fine-tuned models. Our results indicate that in some tasks, models fine-tuned withMagpieperform comparably to the official Llama-3-8B-Instruct, despite the latter being enhanced with 10 million data points through supervised fine-tuning (SFT) and subsequent feedback learning. We also show that usingMagpiesolely for SFT can surpass the performance of previous public datasets utilized for both SFT and preference optimization, such as direct preference optimization with UltraFeedback. This advantage is evident on alignment benchmarks such as AlpacaEval, ArenaHard, and WildBench, and importantly, it is achieved without compromising performance on reasoning tasks like MMLU-Redux, despite the alignment tax.
Inference on large language models can be expensive in terms of the compute and memory costs involved, especially when long sequence lengths are used. In particular, the self-attention mechanism used in such models contributes significantly to these costs, which has resulted in several recent works that propose sparse attention approximations for inference. In this work, we propose to approximate the self-attention computation by focusing on the dimensionality of key vectors computed in the attention block. Our analysis reveals that the key vectors lie in a significantly lower-dimensional space, consistently across several datasets and models. Exploiting this observation, we proposeLoki, a novel sparse attention method that ranks and selects tokens in the KV-cache based on attention scores computed in low-dimensional space. Our evaluations show thatLokiis able to maintain the efficacy of the models better than other popular approximation methods, while speeding up the attention computation due to reduced data movement (load/store) and compute costs.
Transformers with linear attention (i.e., linear transformers) and state-space models have recently been suggested as a viable linear-time alternative to transformers with softmax attention. However, these models still underperform transformers especially on tasks that require in-context retrieval. While more expressive variants of linear transformers which replace the additive outer-product update in linear transformers with the delta rulehave been found to be more effective at associative recall, existing algorithms for training such models do not parallelize over sequence length and are thus inefficient to train on modern hardware. This work describes a hardware-efficient algorithm for training linear transformers with the delta rule, which exploits a memory-efficient representation for computing products of Householder matrices. This algorithm allows us to scale up DeltaNet to standard language modeling settings. We train a 1.3B model for 100B tokens and find that it outperforms recent linear-time baselines such as Mambaand GLAin terms of perplexity and zero-shot performance on downstream tasks (including on tasks that focus on recall) . We also experiment with two hybrid models which combine DeltaNet layers with (1) sliding-window attention layers every other layer or (2) two global attention layers, and find that these hybrid models outperform strong transformer baselines.††The parallel DeltaNet layer is made available as part of theFlashLinearAttentionlibrary:
Large pretrained Transformer language models have been shown to exhibitzero-shot generalization, i.e. they can perform a wide variety of tasks that they were not explicitly trained on. However, the architectures and pretraining objectives used across state-of-the-art models differ significantly, and there has been limited systematic comparison of these factors. In this work, we present a large-scale evaluation of modeling choices and their impact on zero-shot generalization. In particular, we focus on text-to-text models and experiment with three model architectures (causal/non-causal decoder-only and encoder-decoder) , trained with two different pretraining objectives (autoregressive and masked language modeling) , and evaluated with and without multitask prompted finetuning. We train models with over 5 billion parameters for more than 170 billion tokens, thereby increasing the likelihood that our conclusions will transfer to even larger scales. Our experiments show that causal decoder-only models trained on an autoregressive language modeling objective exhibit the strongest zero-shot generalization after purely unsupervised pretraining. However, models with non-causal visibility on their input trained with a masked language modeling objective followed by multitask finetuning perform the best among our experiments. We therefore consider the adaptation of pretrained models across architectures and objectives. We find that pretrained non-causal decoder models can be adapted into performant generative causal decoder models, using autoregressive language modeling as a downstream task. Furthermore, we find that pretrained causal decoder models can be efficiently adapted into non-causal decoder models, ultimately achieving competitive performance after multitask finetuning. Code and checkpoints are available at
One core capability of large language models (LLMs) is to follow natural language instructions. However, the issue of automatically constructing high-quality training data to enhance the complex instruction-following abilities of LLMs without manual annotation remains unresolved. In this paper, we introduceAutoIF, the first scalable and reliable method for automatically generating instruction-following training data.AutoIFtransforms the validation of instruction-following data quality into code verification, requiring LLMs to generate instructions, the corresponding code to check the correctness of the instruction responses, and unit test samples to verify the code’s correctness. Then, execution feedback-based rejection sampling can generate data for Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) training.AutoIFachieves significant improvements across three training algorithms, SFT, Offline DPO, and Online DPO, when applied to the top open-source LLMs, Qwen2 and LLaMA3, in self-alignment and strong-to-weak distillation settings. Our code is publicly available at
One way to address safety risks from large language models (LLMs) is to censor dangerous knowledge from their training data. While this removes the explicit information, implicit information can remain scattered across various training documents. Could an LLM infer the censored knowledge by piecing together these implicit hints? As a step towards answering this question, we studyinductive out-of-context reasoning(OOCR) , a type of generalization in which LLMs infer latent information from evidence distributed across training documents and apply it to downstream tasks without in-context learning. Using a suite of five tasks, we demonstrate that frontier LLMs can perform inductive OOCR. In one experiment we finetune an LLM on a corpus consisting only of distances between an unknown city and other known cities. Remarkably, without in-context examples or Chain of Thought, the LLM can verbalize that the unknown city is Paris and use this fact to answer downstream questions. Further experiments show that LLMs trained only on individual coin flip outcomes can verbalize whether the coin is biased, and those trained only on pairscan articulate a definition ofand compute inverses. While OOCR succeeds in a range of cases, we also show that it is unreliable, particularly for smaller LLMs learning complex structures. Overall, the ability of LLMs to “connect the dots” without explicit in-context learning poses a potential obstacle to monitoring and controlling the knowledge acquired by LLMs.
Large language models (LLMs) memorize a vast amount of factual knowledge, exhibiting strong performance across diverse tasks and domains. However, it has been observed that the performance diminishes when dealing with less-popular or low-frequency concepts and entities, for example in domain specific applications. The two prominent approaches to enhance the performance of LLMs on low-frequent topics are: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and fine-tuning (FT) over synthetic data. This paper explores and evaluates the impact of RAG and FT on customizing LLMs in handling low-frequency entities on question answering task. Our findings indicate that FT significantly boosts the performance across entities of varying popularity, especially in the most and least popular groups, while RAG surpasses other methods. Additionally, the success of both RAG and FT approaches is amplified by advancements in retrieval and data augmentation techniques. The code and data is available at
The poor performance of transformers on arithmetic tasks seems to stem in large part from their inability to keep track of the exact position of each digit inside of a large span of digits. We mend this problem by adding an embedding to each digit that encodes its position relative to the start of the number. In addition to the boost these embeddings provide on their own, we show that this fix enables architectural modifications such as input injection and recurrent layers to improve performance even further. With positions resolved, we can study the logical extrapolation ability of transformers. Can they solve arithmetic problems that are larger and more complex than those in their training data? We find that training on onlydigit numbers with a single GPU for one day, we can reach state-of-the-art performance, achieving up toaccuracy ondigit addition problems. Finally, we show that these gains in numeracy also unlock improvements on other multi-step reasoning tasks including sorting and multiplication.111Code available on∗Equal Contribution, correspondence,
Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA) has gained massive attention in the recent generative AI research. One of the main advantages of LoRA is its ability to be fused with pretrained models adding no overhead during inference. However, from a mobile deployment standpoint, we can either avoid inference overhead in the fused mode but lose the ability to switch adapters rapidly, or suffer significant (up to 30% higher) inference latency while enabling rapid switching in the unfused mode. LoRA also exhibits concept-loss when multiple adapters are used concurrently. In this paper, we propose Sparse High Rank Adapters (SHiRA) , a new paradigm which incurs no inference overhead, enables rapid switching, and significantly reduces concept-loss. Specifically, SHiRA can be trained by directly tuning only-of the base model weights while leaving others unchanged. This results in a highly sparse adapter which can be switched directly in the fused mode. We further provide theoretical and empirical insights on how high sparsity in SHiRA can aid multi-adapter fusion by reducing concept loss. Our extensive experiments on LVMs and LLMs demonstrate that finetuning only a small fraction of the parameters in the base model is sufficient for many tasks while enabling both rapid switching and multi-adapter fusion. Finally, we provide a latency- and memory-efficient SHiRA implementation based on Parameter-Efficient Finetuning (PEFT) Library. This implementation trains at nearly the same speed as LoRA while consuming lower peak GPU memory, thus making SHiRA easy to adopt for practical use cases.
Unsupervised multitask pre-training has been the critical method behind the recent success of language models (LMs) . However, supervised multitask learning still holds significant promise, as scaling it in the post-training stage trends towards better generalization. In this paper, we exploresupervised multitask pre-trainingby proposingInstruction Pre-Training, a framework that scalably augments massive raw corpora with instruction-response pairs to pre-train LMs. The instruction-response pairs are generated by an efficient instruction synthesizer built on open-source models. In our experiments, we synthesize 200M instruction-response pairs covering 40+ task categories to verify the effectiveness ofInstruction Pre-Training. In pre-training from scratch,Instruction Pre-Trainingnot only consistently enhances pre-trained base models but also benefits more from further instruction tuning. In continual pre-training,Instruction Pre-Trainingenables Llama3-8B to be comparable to or even outperform Llama3-70B. Our model, code, and data are available at
Key-value (KV) caching plays an essential role in accelerating decoding for transformer-based autoregressive large language models (LLMs) . However, the amount of memory required to store the KV cache can become prohibitive at long sequence lengths and large batch sizes. Since the invention of the transformer, two of the most effective interventions discovered for reducing the size of the KV cache have been Multi-Query Attention (MQA) and its generalization, Grouped-Query Attention (GQA) . MQA and GQA both modify the design of the attention block so that multiple query heads can share a single key/value head, reducing the number of distinct key/value heads by a large factor while only minimally degrading accuracy. In this paper, we show that it is possible to take Multi-Query Attention a step further by also sharing key and value heads between adjacent layers, yielding a new attention design we call Cross-Layer Attention (CLA) . With CLA, we find that it is possible to reduce the size of the KV cache by anotherwhile maintaining nearly the same accuracy as unmodified MQA. In experiments training 1B- and 3B-parameter models from scratch, we demonstrate that CLA provides a Pareto improvement over the memory/accuracy tradeoffs which are possible with traditional MQA, enabling inference with longer sequence lengths and larger batch sizes than would otherwise be possible.
The information stored in large language models (LLMs) falls out of date quickly, and retraining from scratch is often not an option. This has recently given rise to a range of techniques for injecting new facts through updating model weights. Current evaluation paradigms are extremely limited, mainly validating the recall of edited facts, but changing one fact should cause rippling changes to the model’s related beliefs. If we edit the UK Prime Minister to now beRishi Sunak, then we should get a different answer toWho is married to the British Prime Minister?In this work, we present a benchmark,MQuAKE(Multi-hopQuestionAnswering forKnowledgeEditing) , comprising multi-hop questions that assess whether edited models correctly answer questions where the answer should change as an entailed consequence of edited facts. While we find that current knowledge-editing approaches can recall edited facts accurately, they fail catastrophically on the constructed multi-hop questions. We thus propose a simple memory-based approach, MeLLo, which stores all edited facts externally while prompting the language model iteratively to generate answers that are consistent with the edited facts. WhileMQuAKEremains challenging, we show that MeLLo scales well with LLMs (up to 175B) and outperforms previous model editors by a large margin.111Our datasets and code are publicly available at
We study whether Large Language Models (LLMs) latently perform multi-hop reasoning with complex prompts such as “The mother of the singer of ‘Superstition’ is”. We look for evidence of a latent reasoning pathway where an LLM (1) latently identifies “the singer of ‘Superstition”’ as Stevie Wonder, thebridge entity, and (2) uses its knowledge of Stevie Wonder’s mother to complete the prompt. We analyze these two hops individually and consider their co-occurrence as indicative of latent multi-hop reasoning. For the first hop, we test if changing the prompt to indirectly mention the bridge entity instead of any other entity increases the LLM’s internal recall of the bridge entity. For the second hop, we test if increasing this recall causes the LLM to better utilize what it knows about the bridge entity. We find strong evidence of latent multi-hop reasoning for the prompts of certain relation types, with the reasoning pathway used in more than 80% of the prompts. However, the utilization is highly contextual, varying across different types of prompts. Also, on average, the evidence for the second hop and the full multi-hop traversal is rather moderate and only substantial for the first hop. Moreover, we find a clear scaling trend with increasing model size for the first hop of reasoning but not for the second hop. Our experimental findings suggest potential challenges and opportunities for future development and applications of LLMs.111We plan to release our code and dataset publicly.
Are-gram language models still relevant in this era of neural large language models (LLMs) ? Our answer isyes, and we show their values in both text analysis and improving neural LLMs. Yet this necessitates modernizing-gram models in two aspects. First, we train them at the same data scale as neural LLMs –1.4 trillion tokens. This is the largest-gram model ever built. Second, existing-gram models use smallwhich hinders their performance; we instead allowto be arbitrarily large, by introducing a new-gram LMwith backoff. Instead of pre-computing-gram count tables (which would be very expensive) , we develop an engine namedinfini-gram– powered by suffix arrays – that can compute-gram (as well as-gram with arbitrary) probabilities withmillisecond-level latency. The-gram framework and infini-gram engine enable us to conduct many novel and interesting analyses of human-written and machine-generated text: we find that the-gram LM has fairly high accuracy for next-token prediction (47%) , and can complement neural LLMs to greatly reduce their language modeling perplexities. When analyzing machine-generated text, we also observe irregularities in the machine–-gram agreement level with respect to the suffix length, which indicates deficiencies in neural LLM pretraining and the positional embeddings of Transformers. We open-source our infini-gram engine in the hopes of enabling more study on how to best use verbatim information retrieved from large text corpora.
Recently, a popular line of research in face recognition is adopting margins in the well-established softmax loss function to maximize class separability. In this paper, we first introduce an Additive Angular Margin Loss (ArcFace) , which not only has a clear geometric interpretation but also significantly enhances the discriminative power. Since ArcFace is susceptible to the massive label noise, we further propose sub-center ArcFace, in which each class containssub-centers and training samples only need to be close to any of thepositive sub-centers. Sub-center ArcFace encourages one dominant sub-class that contains the majority of clean faces and non-dominant sub-classes that include hard or noisy faces. Based on this self-propelled isolation, we boost the performance through automatically purifying raw web faces under massive real-world noise. Besides discriminative feature embedding, we also explore the inverse problem, mapping feature vectors to face images. Without training any additional generator or discriminator, the pre-trained ArcFace model can generate identity-preserved face images for both subjects inside and outside the training data only by using the network gradient and Batch Normalization (BN) priors. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ArcFace can enhance the discriminative feature embedding as well as strengthen the generative face synthesis.
Learning scientific document representations can be substantially improved through contrastive learning objectives, where the challenge lies in creating positive and negative training samples that encode the desired similarity semantics. Prior work relies on discrete citation relations to generate contrast samples. However, discrete citations enforce a hard cut-off to similarity. This is counter-intuitive to similarity-based learning and ignores that scientific papers can be very similar despite lacking a direct citation – a core problem of finding related research. Instead, we use controlled nearest neighbor sampling over citation graph embeddings for contrastive learning. This control allows us to learn continuous similarity, to sample hard-to-learn negativesand positives, and also to avoid collisions between negative and positive samples by controlling the sampling margin between them. The resulting method SciNCL outperforms the state-of-the-art on the SciDocs benchmark. Furthermore, we demonstrate that it can train (or tune) language models sample-efficiently and that it can be combined with recent training-efficient methods. Perhaps surprisingly, even training a general-domain language model this way outperforms baselines pretrained in-domain.
We introduceiterative reasoning through energy diffusion(IRED) , a novel framework for learning to reason for a variety of tasks by formulating reasoning and decision-making problems with energy-based optimization. IRED learns energy functions to represent the constraints between input conditions and desired outputs. After training, IRED adapts the number of optimization steps during inference based on problem difficulty, enabling it to solve problems outside its training distribution — such as more complex Sudoku puzzles, matrix completion with large value magnitudes, and path finding in larger graphs. Key to our method’s success is two novel techniques: learning a sequence of annealed energy landscapes for easier inference and a combination of score function and energy landscape supervision for faster and more stable training. Our experiments show that IRED outperforms existing methods in continuous-space reasoning, discrete-space reasoning, and planning tasks, particularly in more challenging scenarios. Code and visualizations are at
Complex multi-step reasoning tasks, such as solving mathematical problems or generating code, remain a significant hurdle for even the most advanced large language models (LLMs) . Verifying LLM outputs with an Outcome Reward Model (ORM) is a standard inference-time technique aimed at enhancing the reasoning performance of LLMs. However, this still proves insufficient for reasoning tasks with a lengthy or multi-hop reasoning chain, where the intermediate outcomes are neither properly rewarded nor penalized. Process supervision addresses this limitation by assigning intermediate rewards during the reasoning process. To date, the methods used to collect process supervision data have relied on either human annotation or per-step Monte Carlo estimation, both prohibitively expensive to scale, thus hindering the broad application of this technique. In response to this challenge, we propose a novel divide-and-conquer style Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) algorithm namedOmegaPRMfor the efficient collection of high-quality process supervision data. This algorithm swiftly identifies the first error in the Chain of Thought (CoT) with binary search and balances the positive and negative examples, thereby ensuring both efficiency and quality. As a result, we are able to collect over 1.5 million process supervision annotations to train a Process Reward Model (PRM) . Utilizing this fully automated process supervision alongside the weighted self-consistency algorithm, we have enhanced the instruction tuned Gemini Pro model’s math reasoning performance, achieving a 69.4% success rate on the MATH benchmark, a 36% relative improvement from the 51% base model performance. Additionally, the entire process operates without any human intervention, making our method both financially and computationally cost-effective compared to existing methods.
While large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive performance on a range of decision-making tasks, they rely on simple acting processes and fall short of broad deployment as autonomous agents. We introduce LATS (Language Agent Tree Search) , a general framework that synergizes the capabilities of LLMs in planning, acting, and reasoning. Drawing inspiration from Monte Carlo tree search commonly used in model-based reinforcement learning, LATS employs LLMs as agents, value functions, and optimizers, repurposing their latent strengths for enhanced decision-making. What is crucial in this method is the use of an environment for external feedback, which offers a more deliberate and adaptive problem-solving mechanism that moves beyond the limitations of existing techniques. Our experimental evaluation across diverse domains, such as programming, HotPotQA, and WebShop, illustrates the applicability of LATS for decision-making while maintaining competitive reasoning performance. In particular, LATS achieves 94.4% for programming on HumanEval with GPT-4 and an average score of 75.9 for web browsing on WebShop with GPT-3.5, demonstrating the effectiveness and generality of our method.
Despite the recent observation that large language models (LLMs) can store substantial factual knowledge, there is a limited understanding of the mechanisms of how they acquire factual knowledge through pretraining. This work addresses this gap by studying how LLMs acquire factual knowledge during pretraining. The findings reveal several important insights into the dynamics of factual knowledge acquisition during pretraining. First, counterintuitively, we observe that pretraining on more data shows no significant improvement in the model’s capability to acquire and maintain factual knowledge. Next, there is a power-law relationship between training steps and forgetting of memorization and generalization of factual knowledge, and LLMs trained with duplicated training data exhibit faster forgetting. Third, training LLMs with larger batch sizes can enhance the models’ robustness to forgetting. Overall, our observations suggest that factual knowledge acquisition in LLM pretraining occurs by progressively increasing the probability of factual knowledge presented in the pretraining data at each step. However, this increase is diluted by subsequent forgetting. Based on this interpretation, we demonstrate that we can provide plausible explanations for recently observed behaviors of LLMs, such as the poor performance of LLMs on long-tail knowledge and the benefits of deduplicating the pretraining corpus.
Large Language Models (LLMs) like closed weights ones GPT-3.5/4, Claude, Gemini or open weights ones like LLaMa 2/3, Mistral, Mixtral, and more recent ones Dbrx or Command R+ are often described as being instances of foundation models - that is, models that transfer strongly across various tasks and conditions in few-show or zero-shot manner, while exhibiting scaling laws that predict function improvement when increasing the pre-training scale. These claims of excelling in different functions and tasks rely on measurements taken across various sets of standardized benchmarks showing high scores for such models. We demonstrate here a dramatic breakdown of function and reasoning capabilities of state-of-the-art models trained at the largest available scales which claim strong function, using a simple, short, conventional common sense problem formulated in concise natural language, easily solvable by humans. The breakdown is dramatic, as models also express strong overconfidence in their wrong solutions, while providing often non-sensical "reasoning"-like explanations akin to confabulations to justify and backup the validity of their clearly failed responses, making them sound plausible. Various standard interventions in an attempt to get the right solution, like various type of enhanced prompting, or urging the models to reconsider the wrong solutions again by multi step re-evaluation, fail. We take these initial observations to the scientific and technological community to stimulate urgent re-assessment of the claimed capabilities of current generation of LLMs, Such re-assessment also requires common action to create standardized benchmarks that would allow proper detection of such basic reasoning deficits that obviously manage to remain undiscovered by current state-of-the-art evaluation procedures and benchmarks111Code for reproducing experiments in the paper and raw experiments data can be found atAIW repo.
We study whether transformers can learn toimplicitlyreason over parametric knowledge, a skill that even the most capable language models struggle with. Focusing on two representative reasoning types, composition and comparison, we consistently find that transformerscanlearn implicit reasoning, but only throughgrokking, i.e., extended training far beyond overfitting. The levels of generalization also vary across reasoning types: when faced with out-of-distribution examples, transformers fail to systematically generalize for composition but succeed for comparison. We delve into the model’s internals throughout training, conducting analytical experiments that reveal: 1) the mechanism behind grokking, such as the formation of the generalizing circuit and its relation to the relative efficiency of generalizing and memorizing circuits, and 2) the connection between systematicity and the configuration of the generalizing circuit. Our findings guide data and training setup to better induce implicit reasoning and suggest potential improvements to the transformer architecture, such as encouraging cross-layer knowledge sharing. Furthermore, we demonstrate that for a challenging reasoning task with a large search space, GPT-4-Turbo and Gemini-1.5-Pro based on non-parametric memory fail badly regardless of prompting styles or retrieval augmentation, while a fully grokked transformer can achieve near-perfect accuracy, showcasing the power of parametric memory for complex reasoning.111Code and data:
While Transformers have shown remarkable success in natural language processing, their attention mechanism’s large memory requirements have limited their ability to handle longer contexts. Prior approaches, such as recurrent memory or retrieval-based augmentation, have either compromised the random-access flexibility of attention (i.e., the capability to select any token in the entire context) or relied on separate mechanisms for relevant context retrieval, which may not be compatible with the model’s attention. In this paper, we present a novel approach that allows access to the complete context while retaining random-access flexibility, closely resembling running attention on the entire context. Our method uses a landmark token to represent each block of the input and trains the attention to use it for selecting relevant blocks, enabling retrieval of blocks directly through the attention mechanism instead of by relying on a separate mechanism. Our approach seamlessly integrates with specialized data structures and the system’s memory hierarchy, enabling processing of arbitrarily long context lengths. We demonstrate that our method can obtain comparable performance with Transformer-XL while significantly reducing the number of retrieved tokens in each step. Finally, we show that fine-tuning LLaMA 7B with our method successfully extends its context length capacity to over 32k tokens, allowing for inference at the context lengths of GPT-4. We release the implementation of landmark attention and the code to reproduce our experiments at
Large language models can memorize and repeat their training data, causing privacy and copyright risks. To mitigate memorization, we introduce a subtle modification to the next-token training objective that we call thegoldfish loss. During training, a randomly sampled subset of tokens are excluded from the loss computation. These dropped tokens are not memorized by the model, which prevents verbatim reproduction of a complete chain of tokens from the training set. We run extensive experiments training billion-scale Llama-2 models, both pre-trained and trained from scratch, and demonstrate significant reductions in extractable memorization with little to no impact on downstream benchmarks.
Going beyond mimicking limited human experiences, recent studies show initial evidence that, like humans, large language models (LLMs) are capable of improving their abilities purely by self-correction,i.e., correcting previous responses through self-examination, in certain circumstances. Nevertheless, little is known about how such capabilities arise. In this work, based on a simplified setup akin to an alignment task, we theoretically analyze self-correction from an in-context learning perspective, showing that when LLMs give relatively accurate self-examinations as rewards, they are capable of refining responses in an in-context way. Notably, going beyond previous theories on over-simplified linear transformers, our theoretical construction underpins the roles of several key designs of realistic transformers for self-correction: softmax attention, multi-head attention, and the MLP block. We validate these findings extensively on synthetic datasets. Inspired by these findings, we also illustrate novel applications of self-correction, such as defending against LLM jailbreaks, where a simple self-correction step does make a large difference. We believe that these findings will inspire further research on understanding, exploiting, and enhancing self-correction for building better foundation models.
Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized natural language processing but can exhibit biases and may generate toxic content. While alignment techniques like Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) reduce these issues, their impact on creativity, defined as syntactic and semantic diversity, remains unexplored. We investigate the unintended consequences of RLHF on the creativity of LLMs through three experiments focusing on the Llama- series. Our findings reveal that aligned models exhibit lower entropy in token predictions, form distinct clusters in the embedding space, and gravitate towards "attractor states", indicating limited output diversity. Our findings have significant implications for marketers who rely on LLMs for creative tasks such as copywriting, ad creation, and customer persona generation. The trade-off between consistency and creativity in aligned models should be carefully considered when selecting the appropriate model for a given application. We also discuss the importance of prompt engineering in harnessing the creative potential of base models. Keywords: Large Language Models (LLMs), Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), AI Alignment, Recommendation Systems, Diversity and Creativity . **Introduction** Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in generating human-like text, with applications spanning various domains, including marketing. However, LLMs have also been shown to exhibit biases and generate toxic or inappropriate content (Bender et al., ; Gehman et al., ), prompting the development of techniques such as Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) to *align* LLMs with human values and preferences (Ouyang et al., ; Stiennon et al., ), aiming to mitigate these issues. While RLHF has proven effective in reducing biases and toxicity in LLMs, our work suggests that this alignment process may inadvertently lead to a reduction in the models' creativity and output diversity. In the context of this paper, we define "creativity" as the model's ability to generate outputs with high syntactic and semantic diversity. Syntactic diversity refers to the variety in the choice of words, sentence structures, and other linguistic elements, while semantic diversity pertains to the range of meanings, sentiments, and ideas expressed in the generated text1. The potential trade-off between safety and creativity is particularly relevant in the context of marketing, where generating diverse and engaging content is crucial for various applications, such as customer persona generation, ad creation, writing product description, and customer support. One specific application of LLMs in marketing is the generation of simulated customers or personas with diverse preferences and backgrounds. These personas can be used for various purposes, such as training bank associates to better communicate with actual customers or providing business school students with more engaging alternatives to traditional case studies. When generating customer personas using LLMs, there are two primary approaches: generating multiple personas simultaneously2 or generating them one at a time. While creating multiple personas simultaneously might seem more efficient, it has limitations due to the context size3 constraints of LLMs and the causal attention mechanism in these models (Vaswani et al., ). The causal attention mechanism means that the distribution of the generated personas will not be independent, as each new persona would depend on the previous generations. Therefore, generating personas one at a time is a more suitable approach, as it solves both the context size and independence issues. However, when using this method with an aligned LLM, an unexpected challenge arises: the generated personas often exhibit striking similarities in their preferences and characteristics, lacking the desired heterogeneity. This lack of heterogeneity in the generated personas is problematic as it limits the ability to capture the diverse preferences and behaviors of real-world customers, potentially leading to less effective marketing strategies and suboptimal user experiences. This observed lack of creativity in the outputs of aligned models led to the suspicion that the RLHF process itself might be the underlying cause. We investigate this problem by taking a foundational approach and examining the issue at both the semantic and syntactic levels. Our study comprises three experiments that aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of how the alignment process affects the diversity of LLM outputs. Experiment serves as a concrete example of the impact of RLHF on creativity in a practical marketing context. We generate customer personas and their corresponding product reviews using both the base and aligned models, comparing the diversity of the generated attributes, such as names, demographics, and review content. The results reveal significant differences in the variety of outputs between the two models, with the aligned model exhibiting less diversity and more repetitive patterns. Experiment investigates the semantic diversity of the models' outputs by examining their ability to recite a historical fact about Grace Hopper1 in various ways. The generated outputs are encoded into sentence embeddings and visualized using dimensionality reduction techniques. The results reveal that the aligned model's outputs form distinct clusters, suggesting that the model expresses the information in a limited number of ways. In contrast, the base model's embeddings are more scattered and spread out, indicating a higher level of semantic diversity in the generated outputs. These results are further supported by the cosine similarity analysis which shows the aligned model's outputs are more semantically similar to each other compared to the base model's outputs. An intriguing property of the aligned model's generation clusters in Experiment is that they exhibit behavior similar to *attractor states* in dynamical systems. We demonstrate this by intentionally perturbing the model's generation trajectory, effectively nudging it away from its usual output distribution. Surprisingly, the aligned model gracefully finds its way back to its own attractor state and in-distribution response. The presence of these attractor states in the aligned model's output space is a phenomenon related to the concept of *mode collapse* in reinforcement learning, where the model overoptimizes for certain outputs, limiting its exploration of alternative solutions. This behavior contrasts with the base model, which exhibits greater flexibility and adaptability in its outputs. Experiment delves into the syntactic diversity of the models by analyzing the entropy2 of generated tokens and the probability distributions over the top predicted tokens at each step. The results show that the base model exhibits significantly higher average entropy, assigning more spread-out probabilities to different tokens, while the aligned model has a more skewed probability distribution, favoring certain tokens over others. The findings from these experiments suggest that the RLHF process, which aims to reduce biases and toxicity in LLMs, may transform them into more deterministic algorithms that lack the capacity to explore diverse sets of token trajectories, leading to reduced semantic and syntactic diversity in their outputs. In other words, aligned models exhibit higher *confidence* in their outputs, providing consistency and predictable behavior. However, this confidence comes at the cost of lowered creativity, as the models tend to stick to a limited set of outputs. In marketing, this trade-off between consistency and creativity has far-reaching consequences. Applications such as copywriting, writing scripts for ad clips, and customer persona generation all require a high level of variation and diversity in the generated content. If an aligned model is used for these tasks, the resulting outputs may lack the necessary heterogeneity and novelty to effectively engage the target audience. Similarly, in the domain of *recommendation systems*, LLMs that lack diversity in their outputs may struggle to recommend a diverse set of products to users, potentially leading to suboptimal user experiences and reduced customer satisfaction. It is important to note that base models, while more creative, are not directly usable in applications like chatbots. As a result, techniques such as *prompt engineering* (also known as prompt programming) (Sahoo et al., ) become even more crucial when working with base models. These techniques can help guide the models' outputs and make them more suitable for specific applications while still leveraging their creative potential. Contrary to the belief that prompt engineering may become obsolete, our findings suggest that these techniques will be more important than ever in harnessing the power of base models. Consequently, the choice between base and aligned models should be carefully considered based on the specific requirements of the task at hand. For applications where creativity is paramount, such as marketing, fiction writing, and other areas where novelty and diversity are valued, base models may be more suitable. On the other hand, aligned models may be preferred when safety and consistency are the primary concerns, such as in customer support or content moderation. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Section provides background information on LLMs, RLHF, and their applications in marketing. Section presents our experiments comparing the behavior of base and aligned models, followed by a discussion of the results and their implications in Section . Finally, Section concludes the paper and outlines future research directions. . **Literature Review** RLHF has emerged as a promising technique to align LLMs with human preferences and values. However, recent research has highlighted several limitations and potential unintended consequences of RLHF, including scalability and efficiency concerns due to its reliance on human annotators (Lee et al., ; Yuan et al., ), variability and potential bias in human feedback affecting the quality and consistency of the process (Yu et al., ), vulnerability to manipulation by adversarial annotators leading to security breaches and ethical concerns (Wang et al., ), and alignment challenges such as objective mismatch and length bias (Lambert and Calandra, ; Shen et al., ). Despite these limitations, LLMs have shown significant potential in transforming various aspects of marketing and business. They can automate and accelerate timeconsuming tasks such as text generation, summarization, and content creation, leading to increased productivity and efficiency in marketing and business operations (Head et al., ). LLMs also enhance customer interaction by providing personalized and contextaware responses, which can improve customer satisfaction and engagement, particularly in customer service and support functions (Franceschelli and Musolesi, ). Furthermore, by analyzing large volumes of data, LLMs can generate valuable market insights, helping businesses understand customer preferences, market trends, and competitive landscapes, which can inform strategic decisions and marketing campaigns (Eloundou et al., ). However, while the literature has explored the applications and limitations of LLMs in marketing and business contexts, there is a notable gap in understanding how the RLHF process affects the creativity and variation in the models' outputs. This is a crucial aspect for marketers and professionals who rely on LLMs for creative tasks. Understanding the trade-off between alignment with human preferences and the preservation of creative diversity in the generated content can have significant implications for the effectiveness and engagement of marketing initiatives. . **Experiments** Remember that our goal is to evaluate and contrast the diversity of texts produced by base models and their aligned counterparts. We focus on both the short-term (syntactic) and long-term (semantic) variations in model outputs using the Llama- language models. Meta has made both the base models1 and their corresponding aligned versions2 publicly available, making them an ideal choice for this study. Therefore, comparisons are made between Llama--B-text (the "base" model) and Llama--B-chat (the "aligned" model) where B refers to the parameter size of the LLM. These models are currently highly favored within the open-source community1. Their widespread use is partly attributed to the affordability of finetuning them. We conduct three experiments to examine the effects of the alignment process on model creativity and diversity. Experiment serves as a concrete example of the differences in creativity between the base and aligned models, while Experiments and investigate the underlying mechanisms that contribute to these differences. Each LLM is given an initial prompt which must be completed for a maximum2 of predict tokens3. LLMs typically generate one token at a time. At each step, the LLM produces a set of logits over the potential next tokens. These logits are then normalized to sum up to using the softmax function, and one token is sampled randomly according to its probability: $$\mathrm{Pr}(t o k_{i})={\frac{\exp(\mathrm{logit}(t o k_{i})/T)}{\sum_{i}\exp(\mathrm{logit}(t o k_{i})/T)}}$$ $$3.1$$ where is token number in the LLM's vocabulary4 of tokens and ∈ (0, 1] is a parameter called *temperature* which controls the "softness" of the probability distribution5. In our experiments we choose = 1.0 for maximum response variation.
Large Transformer models have been central to recent advances in natural language processing. The training and inference costs of these models, however, have grown rapidly and become prohibitively expensive. Here we aim to reduce the costs of Transformers by searching for a more efficient variant. Compared to previous approaches, our search is performed at a lower level, over the primitives that define a Transformer TensorFlow program. We identify an architecture, named Primer, that has a smaller training cost than the original Transformer and other variants for auto-regressive language modeling. Primer’s improvements can be mostly attributed to two simple modifications: squaring ReLU activations and adding a depthwise convolution layer after each Q, K, and V projection in self-attention. Experiments show Primer’s gains over Transformer increase as compute scale grows and follow a power law with respect to quality at optimal model sizes. We also verify empirically that Primer can be dropped into different codebases to significantly speed up training without additional tuning. For example, at a 500M parameter size, Primer improves the original T5 architecture on C4 auto-regressive language modeling, reducing the training cost by 4X. Furthermore, the reduced training cost means Primer needs much less compute to reach a target one-shot performance. For instance, in a 1.9B parameter configuration similar to GPT-3 XL, Primer uses 1/3 of the training compute to achieve the same one-shot performance as Transformer. We open source our models and several comparisons in T5 to help with reproducibility.11footnotetext:
Natural data is redundant yet predominant architectures tile computation uniformly across their input and output space. We propose theRecurrent Interface Networks(RINs) , an attention-based architecture that decouples its core computation from the dimensionality of the data, enabling adaptive computation for more scalable generation of high-dimensional data. RINs focus the bulk of computation (i.e. global self-attention) on a set oflatenttokens, using cross-attention to read and write (i.e.route) information between latent and data tokens. Stacking RIN blocks allows bottom-up (data to latent) and top-down (latent to data) feedback, leading to deeper and more expressive routing. While this routing introduces challenges, this is less problematic in recurrent computation settings where the task (and routing problem) changes gradually, such as iterative generation with diffusion models. We show how to leverage recurrence by conditioning the latent tokens at each forward pass of the reverse diffusion process with those from prior computation, i.e. latent self-conditioning. RINs yield state-of-the-art pixel diffusion models for image and video generation, scaling toimages without cascades or guidance, while being domain-agnostic and up to 10more efficient than 2D and 3D U-Nets.
Diffusion models have shown an impressive ability to model complex data distributions, with several key advantages over GANs, such as stable training, better coverage of the training distribution’s modes, and the ability to solve inverse problems without extra training. However, most diffusion models learn the distribution of fixed-resolution images. We propose to learn the distribution of continuous images by training diffusion models on image neural fields, which can be rendered at any resolution, and show its advantages over fixed-resolution models. To achieve this, a key challenge is to obtain a latent space that represents photorealistic image neural fields. We propose a simple and effective method, inspired by several recent techniques but with key changes to make the image neural fields photorealistic. Our method can be used to convert existing latent diffusion autoencoders into image neural field autoencoders. We show that image neural field diffusion models can be trained using mixed-resolution image datasets, outperform fixed-resolution diffusion models followed by super-resolution models, and can solve inverse problems with conditions applied at different scales efficiently.
We introduce LlamaGen, a new family of image generation models that apply original “next-token prediction” paradigm of large language models to visual generation domain. It is an affirmative answer to whether vanilla autoregressive models, e.g., Llama, without inductive biases on visual signals can achieve state-of-the-art image generation performance if scaling properly. We reexamine design spaces of image tokenizers, scalability properties of image generation models, and their training data quality. The outcome of this exploration consists of: (1) An image tokenizer with downsample ratio of 16, reconstruction quality of 0.94 rFID and codebook usage of 97% on ImageNet benchmark. (2) A series of class-conditional image generation models ranging from 111M to 3.1B parameters, achieving 2.18 FID on ImageNet 256×256 benchmarks, outperforming the popular diffusion models such as LDM, DiT. (3) A text-conditional image generation model with 775M parameters, from two-stage training on LAION-COCO and high aesthetics quality images, demonstrating competitive performance of visual quality and text alignment. (4) We verify the effectiveness of LLM serving frameworks in optimizing the inference speed of image generation models and achieve 326% - 414% speedup. We release all models and codes to facilitate open-source community of visual generation and multimodal foundation models.