The Supreme Military Council responded Wednesday night that it would reorganize the Free Syrian Army. It called on all forces to "abide by the legitimate instructions of the Syrian revolution." Their statement was endorsed by Ahmed Jarba, the head of the Syrian Opposition Coalition, Moustafa and al Bashir. The rebellion-within-the-rebellion couldn't have come at a worse time for the Free Syrian Army. The Syrian army is pressing an aggressive military campaign against rebel-held neighborhoods in Aleppo, including the use of improvised explosives known as barrel bombs, while reaching cease-fire agreements with rebel leaders in besieged towns near Damascus that some say are tantamount to rebel surrenders. Such an agreement was reached this week in Babila, south of Damascus, where Youssef Albostany, the spokesman for the anti-government Local Coordination Committee, said pro-Assad soldiers now are manning checkpoints in the town, in exchange for allowing civilians to leave after a yearlong siege. He said some FSA forces have refused to lay down their arms and that fighting is continuing between them and pro-Assad groups. A similar deal appears to have been struck in the Yarmouk neighborhood of Damascus, where forces from al Qaida's Syria affiliate, the Nusra Front, on Tuesday pulled out from positions it had held for more than a year. After Nusra's departure, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency was able to resume food deliveries to the area, which once held 160,000 people but is now home to an estimated 18,000. Meanwhile, another al Qaida-inspired group, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, appeared to be making a comeback in northern Syria, forcing the closure of at least one border crossing to Turkey and marshaling tanks and artillery for an attack on Tal Rifat, a Free Syrian Army-held town north of Aleppo. Shipments of arms and ammunition for fighters and relief aid for millions of homeless Syrians have ground to a halt after ISIS forces captured a village less than a mile from the Bab al Salaam border crossing and then fired a mortar into the crossing itself. Another important border crossing, between Reyhanli, Turkey, and Bab al Hawa, Syria, has been closed since the weekend after an Islamist rebel faction, Ahrar al Sham, clashed with armed squatters who've reputedly been robbing aid convoys into Syria. The Free Syrian Army has long been eclipsed by the better armed and financed Islamist groups, but the split now over Idriss' leadership presents a tremendous challenge both to Jarba and to the major foreign supporters of the opposition. They include Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which supply arms and ammunition, and the United States and Britain, which have furnished non-lethal aid. There were now two competing military staffs, according to a Free Syrian Army military leader who backs the commanders' uprising. "The politicians have organized their general staff," said Hamza al Shemali, referring to Jarba. "The rebels are organizing their own staff. The days ahead will show who is the real general staff." Shemali, who commands the Hazem Movement, which includes several major Free Syrian Army groups, told McClatchy the aim of the rebellion is to force the resignation of both Jarba and Defense Minister Moustafa. But he declined to call the action a coup. "Everything in Syria needs new terminology," he told McClatchy. "This is a revolutionary military group." It wasn't clear where the breakaway forces would obtain their arms in the future. Shemali said the ground commanders understood that the U.S. had now decided to start sending lethal aid. But the understanding was based on a news story that ran during the first round of peace talks in Geneva, not on any decision by the Obama administration. It is an open question whether the U.S. or other countries will send support to commanders who don't acknowledge civilian control. Shemali said that did not matter. "If things don't go the right way, they will have made a try," he said, referring to Idriss and the commanders. "At least for now, they say they will not accept people imposed on them." Related stories from Miami Herald Crowds rush UNRWA food deliveries in Yarmouk as Nusra withdraws Fort Lauderdale has a dry day as water pipeline breaks Police fire tear gas at protestors in Old San Juan By Dorothy Jenkins Fields Special to the Miami Herald An Art of Black Miami event, "Creative Conversations Summer 2019," sponsored by the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, showcased how the arts in Africa and the Caribbean played out in Miami.
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OPINION: It's time to rescue Alan Gross DeWayne Wickham President Obama did the right thing when he ordered a pre-emptive strike on Friday to save the life of Luke Somers. Now he should do the same for Alan Gross. Somers, 33, was kidnapped last year while working as a freelance photojournalist in Yemen. Last week, his captors announced they were going to execute Somers after several of their colleagues were killed in an earlier raid to free him. Though eight people were rescued in that attempt, Somers was moved to another location before the rescue team arrived. U.S. officials say Somers was killed by one of his captors during the second rescue attempt as the U.S. commandos descended upon the site in a remote part of Yemen where he and Pierre Korkie, a South African teacher, were being held by al-Qaeda forces. Gross is a hostage of another sort. His life is threatened not by a blood-thirsty terrorist group, but instead by the intransigence of this nation's half-century-old effort to topple Cuba's communist government. Gross, 65, languishes in a Cuban military hospital, where he refuses food deliveries from the U.S. Interest Section and medical attention and is said to be wasting away. Obama should take quick diplomatic action to rescue Gross — before he succumbs to his failing health. Gross was arrested in Havana in 2009. It was his fifth visit to Cuba in nine months. During those visits, he violated Cuban law by secretly taking cellphones and satellite communications equipment into that country, The Washington Post reported in 2010. While most news media accounts of Gross' activities in Cuba soft-pedal what he was doing there, it's pretty clear he smuggled stuff into Cuba at the behest of the U.S. government. Of course, the Obama administration denies this. Gross, after all, was an independent contractor working for a private company that was hired by the U.S. Agency for International Development. In other words, the White House had at least two degrees of separation from him and the dirty work he was sent to Cuba to do. When a Cuban court sentenced Gross to 15 years in prison in 2011, a National Security Council official, Tommy Vietor, deadpanned: "Today's sentencing adds another injustice to Alan Gross' ordeal." The following year, Gross and his wife, Judy, filed a $60 million lawsuit against the U.S. government and Development Alternatives Inc., the private company that hired him. The lawsuit charged that Gross was sent into Cuba without proper training and protection. A court threw out his case against the government, but DAI gave him a settlement. "It's this country that sent Alan on this mission, and Alan is rotting in a jail cell, and I'm asking President Obama to do something about it," Judy Gross told CBS News in 2012. She's right. Obama should rescue Gross from that failed mission. He should return to Havana three Cuban spies, members of the so-called Cuban Five, in exchange for Gross. The five men were arrested in 1998 and charged with espionage for coming to the U.S. to spy on Cuban exiles who were plotting terrorist attacks against Cuban targets. Sentenced to lengthy prison terms in 2001,, two have been released. Obama ought to send the others home as soon as possible. In 2010, his administration exchanged 10 members of a Russian spy ring that had been operating in this country for four Russians who were jailed for spying on their country for the U.S. and Britain. Earlier this year, the U.S. swapped five Taliban prisoners for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was a captive of enemy forces in Afghanistan. Gross' case is more compelling. He was sent into Cuba on a fool's errand — and then when caught, was largely abandoned by his government. It's time to bring this ailing man home. DeWayne Wickham is dean of Morgan State University's School of Global Journalism and Communication.
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Tadpole Origami- Here is another tutorial for making very simple origami for children. This Origami is beginner level. Let us make Tadpole origami. Tadpole is a young frog they are amphibians when I was a child I love to play with tadpole they are sticky to touch and soft. Anyway, lets do the origami thing. Just follow carefully the diagram and compare your work to the final result on the upper left corner. Enjoy!
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The World's Priciest Cheese Sandwich A British chef debuts an 111-pound, $176 cheese sandwich featuring white truffles blended through cheddar and sprinklings of gold. Jeanine Skowronski Sep 13, 2010 11:20 AM EDT First, New York hotspot Serendipity assembled a $69 hot dog. Next, a Scottish brewing company bottled a $765 beer (in a dead animal nonetheless). Now, a British chef has given the cheese sandwich a high-end makeover. Martin Blunos debuted his 111-pound, $176 cheese sandwich at the Frome Cheese Show in Somerset, England, this Saturday. (We did warn you that the cheese sandwich was decidedly less affordable these days.) The multi-layered delight features black tomato, quail eggs, red mustard frill, red amaranth, figs, apple, pea shoots, sourdough bread, extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar and edible gold dust. The real bank breaker, however, is the West Country vintage farmhouse cheddar, which is blended with white truffles and makes up $142 of the sandwich's full price. The gold dust, comparatively speaking, only costs about $5. "We Brits are known to love our cheese sandwiches, and here's one that is fit for the banqueting table. The white truffle fuses beautifully with the West Country cheddar and the edible gold gives it a really special look," Blunos explained to BBC News. "Washed down with a bottle of Krug what more could you want? - although I can't recommend you share it with your bank manager." Fund Shorting Ark Innovation Gains $234 Million of Assets The Brits apparently love pricey sandwiches. The record for the world's most expensive sandwich is held by the Von Essen Platinum club sandwich, available at England's Cliveden Hotel in Berkshire for £100 or $154. The triple-decker contains chicken, ham, hard-boiled quails' eggs and $39 worth of white truffles. Its record-holding days, however, may be numbered. Blunos has applied to Guinness World Records to have his sandwich recognized as the most expensive. This cheese sandwich may be high in price, but these restaurant items are equally high … in calories. Check out MainStreet's round up of the unhealthiest restaurant dishes. —For the best rates on loans, bank accounts and credit cards, enter your ZIP code at BankingMyWay.com. Credit CardsPersonal Finance By Michael Tedder
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Given the choice between three B-list celebrities and one A-lister, who would you choose? Take my quiz and I'll tell you who you love without even batting an eye. What is your favorite hair type? Long enough for me to furrow my hands through it. What is your favorite body type? The more there is on the body, the more to love! What would you do if it rained? "I Can't Smile Without You" Your man says I love you. What do you say? "insert something romantic and opera-y here" Quiz topic: Who do I Love?
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It hurts your hearts I thought that I'd be in bed by now but I have stayed up listening to radio hosts and Knicks fans crying and dying over Porzingis being selected with the fourth pick. It's fucking hilarious. No one knows what any of the guys selected tonight are going to turn into. Some players we don't expected much from will become stars and others we expect to be future stars will be bums. That's just how it is. If you are really a fan of Phil Jackson and the Knicks the only thing you should really be concerned with is hoping that Phil has the pieces in place to develop Porzingis to the peak of his ability. But I think I have figured out what is really burning peoples asses. These people are stuck in the paradigm that the Knicks are supposed to win with Carmelo Anthony. The fans are angry because they don't believe that Porzingis is ready physically to help Anthony make a run for the title and he's not. So, what should that tell you Knicks fans? It should tell you that Phil doesn't think that he can win anything with Carmelo Anthony so he is building a franchise for the years when Carmelo is no longer the star here. Phil is not going to push his chips in on molding something that Anthony might be able to succeed with. Subconsciously you guys know this and it hurts your hearts because Jackson's plans don't seem to include Anthony. Phil didn't take Kaminsky or any of the other "NBA Ready Guys" because he sees a bigger upside for Porzingis when Anthony is no longer the face of the franchise. Suck it. The best thing for the Knicks is to trade Anthony so that Phil can be completely free to shape the team to his 60 million dollar vision. That kills you fans doesn't it? I am enjoying this so much. Oh Boy! A Plea to Kristaps Porzingis:Stay Away From Carmel... I told'ya Knicks will never do it Knicks are going to select Kristaps Porzingis
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An infrastructure and technologies for analyzing cyberspace are proposed. A transactional graph model and method for diagnosing digital systems-on-chips, focused to considerable reducing the time of fault detection and memory for storing the diagnosis matrix by forming ternary relations in the form of test, monitor, functional component, are created. infrastructure, information analysis, diagnosis, graph model, digital system-on-chip.
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Sports | Prep Blue Jays have four of the state's best in prep gymnastics Four members of the Jamestown High School gymnastics team were named to the 2022 All-State gymnastics team. Jamestown's Emma Hillerud competes on the uneven bars this year at the Gymnastics Club. Hillerud was one of four Jamestown High School gymnasts earning All State honors. John M. Steiner / The Jamestown Sun By Katie Ringer Emma Hillerud had two main goals headed into her junior season with the Jamestown High School gymnastics team. "My main goals for this year were to help my team do the best we can at State — and stay on the beam," Hillerud said. Hillerud got rewarded for accomplishing her two goals on March 14. The junior along with her teammates, Haley Nelson, Blair Arbuckle and Julia Skari were named to the 2022 All-State Gymnastics Team. Hillerud, Nelson and Skari received first-team honors while Arbuckle was named to the second-team. The Blue Jays wrapped up the 2021-22 season at the 2022 State Gymnastics Meet on Feb. 25-26, where they claimed their third-straight runners-up title. Day No. 2 of the season-ending meet marked the individual competition where the Blue Jays had four placers in the top-15 in the all-around. "My goal this year was to do my best for my team," Hillerud said. "I wasn't really thinking about All-State but getting it was definitely an honor." The All-State nomination was Hillerud's first of her prep career. The junior finished the state all-around competition with a total score of 36.517, good enough for an eighth-place finish. Hillerud's strongest events during State came on beam (9.583) and floor (9.617). "I started gymnastics when I was 3 and I have stuck with it because I love the team," Hillerud said. "We have all been basically growing up together in the gym so it's like a second home. Getting to hang out with them every day and meeting the younger kids as they come up is so much fun." Hillerud was ranked as the state's tenth-best all-around gymnast during the regular season with an all-around average of 35.950 points. "I think Haley, Julia and Emma all deserved to be named All-State, they work really hard in the gym and they are always so positive during meets," Arbuckle said. "They cheer us all on but they also perform really well." While the three Blue Jay powerhouses were ranked in the top-10 all season long, Arbuckle had plenty to be proud of in her own right. Jamestown's Blair Arbuckle launches from a corner during her floor routine this year at the Gymnastics Club. Arbuckle was one of four Jamestown High School gymnasts earning All State honors. The junior put together a great last couple meets for the Blue Jays, which got her up to spot No. 17 heading into the West Regional and State contests. Arbuckle consistently scored in the high 8s on vault, beam and uneven bars and cracked into the 9s on floor exercise. Still, Arbuckle was surprised when she was scrolling through Twitter and saw a tweet from the WDA Sports Page announcing the second-team, All-State list. "I honestly forgot about the All-State team and I was kind of shocked when I saw that I was a part of it," Arbuckle said. "My main goal was just to do the best that I can for myself and the team. I definitely think I accomplished that goal but there's still room for improvement." In the state all-around competition, Arbuckle notched her top scores on beam (9.017) and floor (9.083). The junior improved by 0.134 points on beam from day No. 1 of the state competition to the second day. "I have been in gymnastics for about 12 years now," Arbuckle said. "I think the reason why I've stuck with it so long is because of the friends I've made throughout the years, they are like my second family. "Even though the sport is so physically and mentally demanding and makes a person want to quit sometimes, it's hard to just give up on your teammates." Making the team the focus seemed to be a common theme among the four Blue Jays. "Individual achievements are always nice but my focus has always been the team," Skari said. "I think we just push ourselves harder and motivate each other into getting better. My favorite part of this season was at WDA when we beat the program high record." Jamestown's Julia Skari competes on the uneven bars this year at the Gymnastics Club. Skari was one of four Jamestown High School gymnasts earning All State honors. At the West Regional Meet, the Blue Jays pulled together to earn a program high score of 146.125 points. The Blue Jays went on to break the record again, finishing the state team competition with146.650 points. Prior to the two postseason meets, Jamestown's previous high score was 144.500. Skari was named to the second-team, All-State team in both seventh and eighth grade but this season marked her first first-team, All-State nomination. The freshman was ranked No. 9 in the all-around throughout the regular season, having turned in scores that averaged out to 36.233 across the Blue Jays' 10 regular season meets. Skari hit scores in the 9s in three of four events during both days of the state team competition. The freshman wound up placing seventh in the all-around with a 37.1. "My goals were to always have a positive mindset through the meets and I accomplished that," Skari said. Any goals Nelson had for her final prep season were pretty well met with the year she turned in. Nelson finished out her prep gymnastics home-meet schedule as the 2022 WDA Tournament all-around, floor exercise and uneven bar champion. A pair of 9.7s on bars and floor helped the lone Blue Jay senior to a 38.275 performance in the West Regional all-around contest. "My main goals were just to take in every last moment I had left and have fun with it and I think, with the help of my teammates, I accomplished that," Nelson said. At State, Nelson led the Blue Jays, scoring a 38.000 across the four events. Nelson placed fourth in the all-around. The senior was named the WDA Senior Athlete of the Year and the Senior Athlete of the Year. During the regular season, Nelson was ranked second in the all-around with a 37.95, 0.33 points behind 2021 State All-Around Champ, Amy Fridley of Dickinson. Across all four events, Nelson was ranked in the top four. "It was just a great way to close out my gymnastics career and am very grateful to be given the award," Nelson said. "From my standpoint, I think the team exceeded all expectations and overcame all the little things we needed to." Jamestown's Haley Nelson performs her floor routine this year at the Gymnastics Club. Nelson was one of four Jamestown High School gymnasts earning All State honors. All-state gymnastics teams Jamestown: Haley Nelson, Sr.; Emma Hillerud, Jr.; Julia Skari; Fr. Dickinson: Amy Fridley, Jr.; Addison Fitterer, So.; Elizabeth Karsky, 7th Valley City: Abbey Thornton, Jr.; Karina Olson, Jr Jamestown: Blair Arbuckle, Jr. Bismarck High: Alyson Krug, Sr. Dickinson: Rylee Olson, So.; Brooklyn Wariner, 8th Grand Forks: Taryn Swanson, So. Minot High: Haley Conklin, Fr. Mandan: Jericah Lockner, So. Related Topics: BLUE JAYS GYMNASTICSJAMESTOWN BLUE JAYSNDHSAAPREP SPORTS Katie Ringer is a sports reporter for the Jamestown Sun. Katie joined the Sun staff in the summer of 2019 after graduating from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire with a degree in journalism. She can be reached by email at kringer@jamestownsun.com or by phone at 701-952-8460. Gymnastics a long-time love for Emma Hillerud, Syndey Fisher Emma Hillerud and Sydney Fisher have been competing in gymnastics since they were toddlers. The pair are the only seniors on this season's Blue Jay gymnastics team roster. Schmidt leading consistent Mustangs boys' basketball team Schmidt is trying to lead the Mustangs back to the state tournament for the first time since Ashley made it in 1972. Bismarck Century remains in top spot in Class A hoops polls Last week the Patriots combined to outscore their opponents 469-351. Jamestown fitness clubs 'here for everybody' Local gyms and health clubs are seeing member numbers holding steady in Jamestown -- even after the new year.
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Christianshavn è un quartiere di Copenaghen, in Danimarca. Amministrativamente fa parte del distretto di Indre By, ma fino al 2006 era un distretto autonomo. Fu fondato all'inizio del XVII secolo dal re Cristiano IV come isola artificiale a scopo difensivo nel complesso delle nuove fortificazioni della città. Originariamente il quartiere sorto sull'isola si ispirava alle città mercantili olandesi, ma venne presto incorporato nel tessuto storico di Copenaghen. Voci correlate Lille Mølle Christiania Altri progetti Collegamenti esterni Quartieri di Copenaghen Isole artificiali dell'Europa Isole del mar Baltico Isole della Danimarca
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Directions: Select a Directory File from the options below. Organization: Ocean Terrace Club Management Association, Inc. Address: 4188 S. Atlantic Ave. Address: 2625 S. Atlantic Ave. Address: 4601 So. Atlantic Ave.
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Hello I have SIP T-58V with remote addressbook. How to search in non-English book case insensitive? If Name "Иванка" Begins Big Word and I search "иванка" I find nothing. If name in english - searching is case insensitive. Is it bug? (04-02-2018 07:51 AM)Aidar Wrote: [ -> ] Hello I have SIP T-58V with remote addressbook. How to search in non-English book case insensitive? No,it isn't bug. It is by design. Our font library can't support all the languages. We would suggest you to seach which you save in the phonebook.
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Saina Nehwal beat PV Sindhu in straight games in the marquee clash of the tournament to retain her women's singles crown at the 83rd Yonex Sunrise Senior Badminton Nationals here on Saturday. The three-time former champion Saina used her powerful smashes to telling effect, registering a 21-18, 21-15 win in the summit clash against Sindhu. Sourabh Verma completed a hat-trick of titles, claiming the men's singles crown by defeating young Lakshya Sen in straight games. "Sindhu is playing at the highest level for quite sometime and we both are playing well and she is a very tough opponent. It was not a simple match, there were tough rallies and simple errors from her helped me to win." Sourabh, the 26-year-old from MP's Dhar, showed good composure and used his experience to outdo 17-year-old Lakshya for the second time at the senior national finals. He had beaten Lakshya, then 15, in February 2017. In men's doubles, second-seeded makeshift pair of Pranaav Jerry Chopra and Chirag Shetty clinched the title after beating top seeds Arjun MR and Shlok Ramchandran 21-13, 22-20 in 33 minutes. Saina's unforced errors initially cost her three points but she smashed her way to make it 3-4. Sindhu opened up a 7-5 lead but Saina managed to keep her nose ahead with a 11-10 lead at the break when Sindhu went wide. Saina continued to dictate the pace and led 15-11. A superb cross court smash and a net dribble gave Sindhu two points before she again hit long. On resumption, Sindhu played a smash and drop shot to reduce the deficit but Saina earned three game points with power-packed smashes and sealed it with another after Sindhu saved one. The 28-year-old continued her great run and eventually grabbed a 11-9 advantage when Sindhu's smash went wide. Errors continued to creep in her game as Saina sealed the contest without much ado.
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I am not sure if this can be done but any help would be appreciated. I have hundreds of invoices that have been printed but not marked as printed therefore they are still being listed in my unprinted schedule. I wish to keep this invoices therefore thought i could print to PDF and therefore they would be removed from my print list and also saved in a folder. However i am unable to print multiple invoices to their individual file names as they all seem to print to one file name. i have tried the append feature but it isn't working either. You could try to open the options dialog from the start menu and add <counter> somewhere in the file name.
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Ph:(+1)858-259-0100 info@symbolicinternational.com 1957 Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing 1957 Mercedes Benz 300SL Gullwing 300SL Gullwing Engine No: 198.980 7500072 198.040.7500077 Commission Number 856 345 Delivery Number 11344 Chassis Number 198.040 7500077 Engine Number 198.980 7500072 Body Number A198.040 7500074 Gearbox Number 7500079 Steering Box Number 7500076 Right Front Axle Number 7500086 Left Front Axle Number 7500086 Rear Axle Number 7500055 Rear Axle Ratio 3.64:1 Engine Compression Ratio 8.5:1 Ignition Static Timing 28 Degrees Exterior Color DB 534 (Fire Engine Red) Interior Trim 953 (Special Order Black Leather) Completed May, 1957 Shipped May 7th, 1957 Sold June, 1957 Ordered New By Studebaker Packard, South Bend, Indiana Options -3.64:1 Final Drive Ratio & Calibrated Speedometer in Miles Per Hour -Wheel Balancing Protractor and Selection of Various Wheel Weights -Front and Rear Bumper Over-Rider Bars -External Mirror, Body-Mounted, Left-Side -Becker Mexico Signal Seeking Radio, Speakes & Amplifier -Automatic External Power Antenna, Body-Mounted, Right-Side -6.5 x 15, Continental Tires -USA Sealed Beam Headlights -Windscreen Wipers and Washing Equipment -Steering Column, Stalk Control High & Low Beam Light Dipping Switch -Instrument Labels and Calibration in English with English Units -"Made In Western Germany" Badge -Ocean Shipping with Special Made Wood Ocean Crating -Special Ordered Black Leather Upholstery Mileage 74,279 Miles Ownership History 1957 George Mennen Montclair, New Jersey (21 Years) 1978 Joseph M. Stoyak Springfield, Massachusetts (30 Years) 2008 David P. Zagaroli Hickory, North Carolina 2010 Tom Rossiter Gladstone, New Jersey 2010 Orin R. Smith Vero Beach, Florida 2017 Symbolic International San Diego, California 240 bhp, 2,992cc SOHC inline six-cylinder engine with Bosch mechanical fuel injection, four-speed manual transmission, coil-spring independent front suspension, coil-spring and swing-axle rear suspension, with four-wheel "Al-fin" hydraulic drum brakes. Wheelbase: 94.5 in. 300SL Gullwing Background: All 1400 examples of Mercedes Benz's legendary 300SL Gullwing produced from 1954 until 1957 are special, there are however a few that truly stand out and they are regarded as a bit more special than the rest... The most important of these are the 29 examples completed with all alloy bodies followed by the highly coveted 70 examples produced in the final production year, 1957. Like the 1954, 55 and 1956 models, these used standard steel bodies with alloy bonnet, deck lid and doors. What make an original 1957 300SL so special is the extremely low production numbers of those built. Various sites and sources quote 79 examples being built in 1957 and others 73, but a close examination of the original Factory assembly record "Data Cards" confirms that the first 1957 300SL Gullwing built was chassis number 7500007 and the final example was chassis number 7500079. This would indicate 73 examples being built but three of these, chassis numbers, 7500037, 7500038 and 7500062 were all prototype 300SL Roadsters assembled as Gullwing production was coming to an end. Chassis Number 198.040 7500077: • Original, Ultra-Rare 1957 Final Production Year 300SL Gullwing • The third from last 300 SL Gullwing built and one of just 70 examples produced in 1957 • One of Just Four 1957 Production Models Delivered New in Fire Engine Red with a Black Leather Interior • Known history from new with only four previous Owners • Wonderful originality and authenticity throughout • Matching numbers • Completely Rust and Accident Free • Long-term maintenance for previous owners by the noted Gullwing Specialist, Paul Russell & Company • Complete with manuals and original tools • All services and Safety Checks Completely Current and Up to Date All good things must come to an end and in the Spring of 1957 Hoffman Motors in New York and Studebaker / Packard in South Bend, Indiana, the new distributor for 300SLs in the States were given notice that no more orders for the Gullwing would be taken. The dealerships told their sales folks and individual clients that orders would be cancelled if not switched to the new Roadster that was being built alongside the last of the legendary Gullwings. In fact the original Mercedes Factory Assembly Data Cards for each of the 70, 300SL Gullwings built in 1957 record that each example was completed as a special wish / special order vehicle per individual client's requirements. It seems more than a few loyal hold-outs greatly preferred the original, innovative and unique Gullwing over the new Roadsters and orders were processed at least until the end of April and possibly early May of 1957 before production finally ended. As noted above, there is a fair amount of confusion regarding just how many 1957 300SL Gullwings were completed. The very last chassis number assigned and last example delivered new was s/n 7500079. Many assumed that this meant a total of 79 examples were completed. Production actually started with 7500007 and three of the assigned chassis numbers in this sequence were completed as prototype 300SL Roadsters. The actual total number of 1957 300SL Gullwings completed was just 70 units for 70 very, very lucky clients! Chassis number 7500077 was the third to last example completed and one of just four examples ordered and delivered new that final production year in DB534, "Fire Engine Red" with code 953, a black leather interior. 7500077 was ordered with special softer grade leather for the interior and a variety of other options. Being destined for the North American Market, it was completed with USA sealed-beam headlights and gauges calibrated and indicating in US / English units. The order further specified the installation of a Becker Mexico Signal Seeking Radio with Loud Speaker, Amplifier and an external automatic power antenna that was body mounted on the right fender. The opposite fender was fitted with an optional external rear view mirror. A very rare option included with this 300SL was the installation of a steering column left-side stalk, opposite of the right side turn signal stalk. The left side stalk actuated the high and low beam lights depending on which way it was moved in order to signal and flash on-coming traffic. The assembly of this 300SL Gullwing, like all late production examples built in 1957 utilized a variety of pre-assembled, off-the-shelf components that had been built and gathered in the months leading up to the actual production of the vehicle itself. All five of the original standard "Typ. S562C 5Kx14-B-BLM KPZ" wheels are date coded July and August of 1956. These are the oldest found components on this particular 300SL. Almost all of the engine, gearbox, suspension and axle components have date codes from December of 1956. The engine itself was cast on December 30th, 1956 and the sump cover plated also bares the date code, December 1956. Actual assembly of the vehicle itself was initiated under "Kommission" number "856 345." Recorded at the time of construction on the Factory Records are the following individually assigned component numbers: Chassis Number 7500077 Engine Number 7500072 Body Number 7500074 Fast forward 60 years nearly to the day this vehicle was completed and a careful inspection reveals that each and every one of these assigned and "born with" components remains fitted to this day, a fairly remarkable point of interest to say the least given the nature of machinery, failure rates and repairs over the years that could have easily seen one or more of these sub-components removed and replaced with one from another vehicle or an un-numbered replacement spare assembly sourced directly from Mercedes Benz. 7500077 was finished and ready for shipping in the first week of May, 1957 and the Factory Records record that under delivery number "11344" this vehicle was dispatched and shipped to the States on May 7th, 1957. The final option ordered for this 300SL was a special ocean shipping wooden crate to protect this new Gullwing on her voyage to the States. Delivery to her new owner took place sometime in mid June of 1957. The lucky recipient was Mr. George Mennen of Montclair, New Jersey. Mr. Mennen was a remarkable and innovative individual who inherited a very successful and famous family mens care product business that had been started by his Grandfather, Gerhard Heinrich Mennen in 1878. Mennen men's and later woman's skin and hygiene products were well-known the world over and under George Mennen's stewardship, the company prospered greatly and expanded into a variety of new markets beginning in the 1950s and not ending until the company was finally sold in 1992 to the Colgate Corporation. George Mennen was not the only famous member of the Mennen family, His brother distinguished himself greatly as a Naval Officer in World War II, After the war he ventured into politics, eventually becoming Governor of Michigan from 1949 until 1961. He also sought the vice-presidency of the United States, was later appointed Ambassador of the Philippines and even appeared on the Cover of Time Magazine. After 21 years of caring ownership, In 1978 the Mennen family sold their prized 300SL Gullwing to Joseph M. Stoyak of Springfield, Massachusetts. It was at this time that this 300SL came under the long-term care and service by noted specialist, Paul Russel & Company of Essex, Massachusetts. Over the next 30 years, Mr. Stoyak entrusted all necessary repairs and services exclusively to their firm, something that clearly benefited both the vehicle itself and Mr. Stoyak. During his long ownership, due to a careful regiment of regular services and planned maintenance as well as fair weather use only, this 300SL never required a restoration or refurbishment. Regular servicing, repairs and overhaul as well as one repaint and a recovering of the seats was all that was needed to keep this 300SL in perfect running original condition. After 30 years of trouble-fee ownership, this treasured Gullwing was sold to the well-known Industrial Designer, Mr. David Zagaroli of Hickory, North Carolina. Mr. Zagaroli is most well known for his Zagaroli & Company and Zagaroli Furniture business which were initially founded in 1970. In 2012, his son Charlie Zagaroli developed from the original businesses ZAGCO Design, a highly respected industrial and commercial design firm still based in Hickory, North Carolina. The Zagaroli family ownership of this 300SL ended in 2010 when it passed initially to Tom Rossiter's The Stable Ltd., of Gladstone, New Jersey a prominent classic car dealership founded by Tom in 1973. During Tom's brief tenure with this Gullwing, it was again entrusted to Paul Russel & Company for thorough and complete servicing and care before passing onto the collection of Orin Smith in Vero Beach Florida. The car continued as it had for the previous 32 years to be cared for and serviced regularly by Paul Russel & Company and most recently this 300SL received major services by Tamburr Motorcars of Melbourne, Florida which also including a full rebuilding the brake system and rear axle assembly. Chassis Number 198.040 7500077 Today: Over the past 25-plus years no fewer than 70 different 300SL Roadsters and Gullwings have come our way and passed through our hands. I have been very fortunate to be able to inspected and drive these very special machines and I always welcomed each and everyone that comes our way eagerly. The years and so many different examples leave me barely able to remember the specifics of most of them without checking back to my data base and photo archives. Just a few of these stand out as true automotive treasures. The four different Alloy-Bodied Gullwings are most fondly remembered as was a Factory prepared, client racer than participated in two different Mille Miglias, the Targa Florio and several other important races. While many, many different Roadsters and Gullwings have come and gone, our company has never before owned an original 1957 production model. It is rather remarkable if you think about it. It has been easier for our company to buy and later sell four different alloy Gullwing than it was to source, find and buy and original 1957 model! My initial inspections and impression of 7500077 was that this vehicle was not only something truly special but a machine worth working very hard to acquire and with good reason. The records and documentation were incredibly detailed, extensive and complete going back to new. No missing dates or gaps in ownership and it was clear, each owner from day one recognized the importance and special nature of this vehicle and treated it as such. The vehicle itself carries a distinct presence and nature of a fine machine that has been serviced and cared for regularly, exercised often and preserved and conserved befitting a treasured machine of great value. Body panel fit and finish is far above average and indicates clearly that it has never been damaged, modified or altered. The vehicles has both a correct ride height and all trim, chrome and bright-work fits smoothly, flush and straight. The interior detailing shows that other than the recovering of the seats, it has never been altered, changed or modified since new. It was extremely inviting and I was very eager for my first drives after the completion of safety checks and service verifications. Upon arrival in our shop and showroom complex in San Diego we completed cold compression checks with the following results: Cylinder Pounds per Square Inch The engine bay area, other than a couple of hose clamps shows an incredibly correct and undisturbed display of correct finishes and features of the classic 3.0-liter, SOHC, fuel-injected, in-line six-cylinder engine. The engine number, engine tag, compression ratio stampings, cylinder head stampings and engine and head date codes confirm the incredible original and un-mollested nature of the power plant. The numbers all match the original assembly records as does the steering box stamping. The firewall mounted chassis plate and paint tag are correct and original and not the more common reproduction units. Same for the frame tag and delicate stamped in chassis number on the left-front dumb-iron. After getting this 300SL carefully up in the air on one of our service racks, I was able to clean off and access the front and rear axle stamped in numbers, gearbox number and final drive ratios, all of which again matched the original assembly records for the vehicle. There is absolutely no sign of corrosion anywhere or any signs of accident damage. The 300SL is very easy to damage if incorrectly jacked up and all of the fragile and delicate areas that are usually damaged from improper jacking are pristine on this example… another clear indication that it was not only cared for carefully but done so always by someone who knew what they were doing. After the completion of safety checks and service verifications, it was time for test drives and an opportunity to photograph this very special machine. Start up was effortless and in under a minute, I was able to push the choke lever all the way in to the off position and also switch off the electric fuel pump. The idle was perfect and the car and absolute and total delight to drive. I made several high-speed runs on the local free way and then up the grade into the hills of the Famous Torrey Pines where many Gullwing raced in the mid 1950s. It was an extremely foggy day and perfect conditions for photographing a bright red automobile. Once my photo session was over, it was time to head back to the showroom but not before another run through the hills, down our local freeway and then, sadly back to our showroom and shop complex in Sorrento Valley. This incredible and very rare 300SL is now back on display in our main San Diego Showroom and available for inspections, test drives and the chance to please a new fortunate custodian greatly. Please call, text or email me if I can assist further in anyway with the potential purchase of this vehicle. Fax (+1) 858-259-1020 Showroom Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. -6 p.m., Sat. & Sun. By Appointment 11425 Sorrento Valley Road•San Diego, California 92121 Symbolic International Copyright All Rights Reserved © 2020 Photos and vehicle history may not be used without permission.
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Images of Mohammed. Which to publish in tribute to Charlie Hebdo? Millions say: Je suis Charlie, I am Charlie. Freedom of speech, freedom of expression. Which image to publish in tribute to Charlie Hebdo? Millions say: Je suis Charlie. I am Charlie. Freedom of speech, freedom of expression. What to publish? It's the principle of the thing, I have often heard. In this case, the principle is freedom of speech. In Quebec, Canada, all the major French-language newspapers jointly published a Charlie Hebdo editorial cartoon featuring the Prophet Muhammad, in a show of solidarity with the massacre at Charlie Hebdo: Le Devoir, Le Journal de Montréal, Le Journal de Québec, 24 Heures, La Presse, Le Soleil, Le Quotidien, Le Droit, La Tribune, La Voix de l'Est, Le Nouveliste and Métro. The message is clear: united we stand for freedom of speech. I am Charlie. Je suis Charlie. In the States, CitizenWarrior, always so reasonable, very reasonably asked: What is the only sane response to the massacre by Islamic terrorists of the 12 people at Charlie Hebdo? Their answer: everyone should publish images of Mohammed, the person considered a prophet by Muslims. And they took their own advice, published an image. I'm sure there's more than one sane response. I'm not for coercing people. But I have, once again, asked myself: should I publish an image? I don't believe we all need to come to the same conclusion. I do agree: united we stand. In World War II, in Denmark, the royal family declared that if Jews were required to have a large yellow Jewish star on their clothing, they would all wear one too. The Nazis backed down. United we stand. In the end, almost all Danish Jews were saved because Danish non-Jews arranged a nighttime evacuation across the waters to safety in Sweden. I suppose it would be great if every publication for freedom of speech and against Islamic terrorism published an image of Mohammed. Anyway part of my tribute to Charlie Hebdo is to publish an image of Mohammed. That brings me to the question: which image? A bit too friendly looking for me. Plus I have no idea who that is. Is it supposed to be some random Muslim, or Mohammed? CitizenWarrior chose one by Bosch Faustin. Quite a menacing image. Below is the image I'm most drawn to publish. It includes the cartoon that was used to set off this particular stage of the jihad against the West, and it adds a vital message. When Muslims demand that we adhere to their standards, they do not even acknowledge that they are violating ours. Ok, that's them. But what about us? It doesn't make sense to violate our own standards and acquiesce. Instead, as the message says: it offends me when you spit upon the ancient traditions of my people. Millions say: Je suis Charlie, I am Charlie.
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Paulin Voavy (Maintirano, Madagascar; ) es un futbolista de Madagascar que juega la posición de delantero y que actualmente juega en el Ghazl El-Mehalla de la Primera División de Egipto. Carrera Club Selección nacional Debutó con en 2007, ha jugado 60 partidos y anotado 14 goles, récords de selección nacional, y participó en la Copa Africana de Naciones de 2019 donde llegaron a cuartos de final. Logros Club Évian TGFC Championnat National (1): 2009–10 Internacional Copa Sub-20 de la COSAFA (1): 2005 fútbol en los Juegos del Océano Índico (1): 2007 Individual Goleador de la Copa COSAFA: 2007 Goleador en los Juegos del océano Índico: 2007 XI Ideal de la Clasificación a la Copa Africana de Naciones: 2019 Fecha 1 Nombrado Caballero de Madagascar: 2019 Referencias Enlaces externos francefootball.fr lfp.fr Delanteros de fútbol Futbolistas de la selección de fútbol de Madagascar Futbolistas de la Union Sportive de Boulogne Futbolistas de la Association Sportive de Cannes Football Futbolistas del CS Constantine Futbolistas del Évian Thonon Gaillard FC Futbolistas del Ghazl El-Mehalla
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ECMN Priority: Vitality Rector's Reflections By rachelFebruary 24, 2022No Comments Beloved St. John's community, Today I want to share with you about how St. John's is exploring one of the four priorities in our statewide Episcopal Church community: vitality. When our no-longer-quite-new Bishop Craig Loya first joined us in June 2020, he arrived saying that he had heard Minnesota Episcopalians express four consistent longings and values: discipleship (defined as "transformative encounters with Jesus"), justice ("building community with the poor and marginalized"), faithful innovation ("a culture of experimentation"), and vitality ("sharing life together deeply"). We at St. John's have been exploring what vitality could look like among us as we emerge from two years of exile, pandemic, isolation and race crisis. In particular, during our annual meeting in January, I asked you the following questions, modeled on similar questions being discussed among leaders in the Episcopal Church in Minnesota: If there were no obstacles of any kind, what would a vital, thriving St. John's look like in one year—one that would nourish and inspire you? What would we need to embrace to make that happen? What would we need to let go of to make that happen? Where would we see the Holy Spirit in that vision? I am deeply moved to share that very similar themes emerged among you as did in the wider Episcopal church. In St. John's language, you expressed the following as part of your yearning for vitality and thriving at St. John's: Small Group Connection around Faith and Life. You expressed such a deep longing to connect with one another, both in Sunday morning worship, but also and perhaps even more so through having small groups who explore authentic faith and its impact in our world together. A Positive Vision. You expressed the yearning for hope, joy, and a positive vision. So much in our world has been about fighting injustice, witnessing polarization and the accusation and blame that exists everywhere, that you wanted to reconnect with what truly is "good news" – gospel – about our church and Jesus' Way of Love. Making a Difference. You expressed that St. John's is full of good ideas and programs and indeed does a lot, but you wanted to go deeper with a few important priorities, and sense that what we are doing matters and makes a difference in those priorities. You also expressed that you wanted to take risks – to have a culture of experimentation and possibility, to emphasize the future including caring for and supporting our children & youth ministry, and to innovate in many areas of our common life. I wanted you to know that I, the St. John's clergy and staff, and vestry are taking these themes seriously. The vestry is adapting the way we do meetings—to make space for both "green grass" (every day administrative things) and "blue sky" discussion (seeing the big picture, visioning, and listening to God's Spirit). (Thank you, Dick Howard, vestry member who offered this metaphor). For the next several months, we will be exploring the themes you expressed and what we continue to hear God's Spirit inviting us to do in each one. I am inviting all of you to hold these themes in your mind as well—the yearning for small group connection around faith and life, a positive vision, and making a difference—exploring them together and experimenting with different ways to follow the Spirit's leading in each area. If you think of our community as a tree (you can thank your insightful Junior Warden Laura Meister for this metaphor), we are seeking to "go deep so that we can go broad." First, we are seeking to deepen our roots in the soil of living, transformative encounters with God, each other and our neighbors, and in the soil of prayer and scripture. You might consider this part of our "small group connection around faith and life." We do this so that we can "go broad"— express our values and God's leading through our worship, relationships, programs, and activities in a way that is vitally supported by our faith. As I said in a recent sermon, we are not a political action committee or a secular social justice nonprofit, and so our primary activities do not revolve around political advocacy or creating programs for the needy, although it is undoubtedly part of our faith to strive for justice and peace among all people and serve the poor. Instead, we are seeking to respond to "Christ who invites us to meet him" at his table and in one another. We are seeking to become a different kind of community, a demonstration plot of what it looks like when people center love, center Christ, center a living set of spiritual practices that give us the strength to live Jesus' Way of Love in the world. Although these are turbulent times, and the world around us presents no shortage of alarming realities—I am as concerned about Ukraine and continued events in the U.S. as any of you—I am deeply inspired and excited by what the Spirit is doing among us. While it is true that we have a budget deficit and will need to consider how to adapt our structures to current resources, I have also experienced this community as utterly generous, liberating and creative. I have no doubt that if we continue to center ourselves on Christ and his Way of Love—and to explore the pockets of energy expressed in your yearnings for small group connections, a positive vision, and making a difference—that we will experience the vitality of God's Spirit granting us life and fresh air and making us generative. Thank you with all my heart for allowing me the chance to walk with you through this transformative journey. In Christ's love,
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We ran around in Pied de Port the whole morning. Anna had forgotten her jacket at home and we went to the sport store to buy a new one and we shopped food. We started our trip around lunch. The sun was shining. We walked straight and there was not so much ups and downs. The landscape was green and we saw some birds of prey. After two hours we started to climb little more upwards. In the beginning we had problems with the breathing, but we got use to it after a while . It was a good start for us on our first day of hiking in the Pyrenees mountains, as we only had an ascent of 500 meters this day. We saw many Griffon Vultures flying over our heads on the way down again. We came to a sweet little village, Esterencuby. We had a small break and decided to continue little further up to the gite at Phagallette. This place was warmly recommended in our guidebook. We came up to the little gite, some guests have all ready gathered at the terrace, drinking bear, smiling at us and all looking very relaxed. We both where exhausted and hungry. The gite was full but we could set up our tent in the field in front of the gite, We took a shower and our energy came back, we sat down with the others and had a lovely four course dinner. This is really a nice thing with staying at the gites, dinner is served a 7 pm and you sit together with all the other guests. This way you meet a lot of different people. The couple next to us were French, he could speak some English. They where really nice. The where as we call them, taxi-hikers, as they where only caring what they needed for the day, the rest was transported between the gites. After the nice dinner we went to bed. We woke up late, 9.00am. The sun was shining and everyone else at the gite were gone. We took it slow and ate our breakfast. Later we'd learnt that it's better to get an early start in the morning as it gets harder and warmer to walk in the afternoon. But we learnt the hard way! We left the nice gite two hours later, it was already hot. After a while we realized that we were on the wrong track! We followed a narrow road upwards and it was not untill we'd reached the top we found out that we'd gone the wrong way. So we had to turn back and walk down again, this cost us about 1 ½ hours. We found the right track and started to climb up again, it was tiring as it started to get very hot. We had read in our guide book that we would pass a farmer that sold cheese, we had decided to have our lunch break there but it seemed for ever before we finally reached our goal. The cheese was the loveliest cheese you could ever imagine sold by a sweet young women. We sat down in the grass outside and had our lunch. After a short rest we continued our walk, up on the road we meet a French couple. They told us that they had walked all the way from Saint Jean Pied de Port on the same day. They didn't seem a bit tired. We were impressed. We followed the road. After a while the weather changed, it got more and more cloudy and soon it started to rain. We decided to take a short-cut as we already were a bit behind. We arrived late at the Chatlet Pedro gite. It was too late to get something to eat but we were happy we could get a bed inside and a hot shower. It had started to rain more heavily. We made some food on our wood stove (we will soon share information about this nice stove on this site). We had tested it before but not in such bad weather. It took us some time to get the fire going and we almost gave up. The couple that we met earlier lent us their gas stove. But as we are both stubborn, after a while we got a good fire started and made a nice supper for ourselves. We made potato soup/stew. The couple were quite curious about our stove and our dried food. Later we found out that they worked in the military which explained a lot about their physical condition. We managed to persuade the owner of the gite to sell us some wine even though she had closed the bar for the evening. We drank one glass and went early to bed. Bad weather day. We got up quite late but we felt good despite the rain. After about two hours of walking slightly upwards Anna found some berries she wanted to pick, she climbed up on on a rock, but the rock was wet and slippery and she felt on her face. She cut her cheek quite badly and the blood gushed. We didn't have adhesive plasters or desinfectants. Really stupid but we blame it on that we were beginners. We didn't really know what to do, but suddenly from out of nowhere three French guys passed by! Some days we didn't meet anyone while we were walking. The guys stopped and took out their first aid kit and nursed Anna. Thank God! We call them the three angels. Anna was a little chocked and she was not feeling very well. We walked for about an hour before we came to Chatlet d'Iraty a restaurant in a small skiing resort. We sat down and ate three dishes for lunch, salad, beef and cheese. It was raining outside and we took it slowly. We decided to take a shortcut to Larrau. We started by walking downhill, after a while we almost took the wrong track, but we were lucky even this time, we met a couple that were coming back after two hours on the wrong track. We turned around and continued through a really nice Viagra pillen kopen of bestellen online zonder recept, niet bij… valley. We were tired when we came to the small village Larrau. We bought some food in the store and then we decided to continue for 3 more km to Logibar in the bottom of the valley. We arrived really late I think it was about 7 pm. The auberge had a big kitchen and we warmed up our leftovers from the night before. The kitchen was full of people, almost all the people we had met the passed days were there (except for the three angels, they were going the opposite direction). We ate our food and talked to the people. It was a nice evening but we were really tired. We went to bed early our bodies were hurting and we were both thinking that we would have to take a day of the next day. We didn't sleep very well. We were in pain. We woke up early! for the first time on this trip, all our tiredness and the pain we had the night before was gone. We were both full of energy and eager to get started. We started to climb, it was a little steep and tiering but we were in a good mood. After a long climb we made it to the top of the day. There were some cows looking at the beautiful view, who can blame them. We enjoyed the view for a while before we started walking down. It was a long, beautiful and a various walk but it was really hard! Our knees were hurting and we wished we had brought hiking poles. This we have realized is necessary when hiking in the mountains. It saves your knees downhill and gives you extra stability. It became a really long day and when we finally made it to the village Sainte Egrege we could hardly stand up! We asked a women that was working in her back yard for the way to the gite, she offered us a ride in her car. I guess she saw how tired we were. Luckily we said yes, since it was about 3 km to the gite. When we got out of the car the "military" were sitting outside the gite having a beer. They asked us to join them and we did. We drank a couple of beers with them and talked, it was nice. Later we put up our tent outside the gite and we cooked dinner Thai stew with cous cous. We got ready to go to sleep but before stepping into the tent we had one glas of red wine and talked about the upcoming day. We got up at 7.15am. It took some time to make breakfast and take down our tent, a rather late start, 9.15. But we knew this would be a rather short day. The first climb was tough, about two hours through a forest. It was nice to come up above the trees. We sat down and had our lunch. Two guys, Harmen and Frank, with whom we later became very good friends with, were drying their tent behind a ruin. We said hi to them. Two English guys passed us, they stopped and talked to us before continuing. We continued upwards, it was heavy and the track was going in wide zigzags, sometimes we took short cuts, which is quicker but harder. Further up it started to be mistier. It's not so good up in the mountains as you easily can lose the track and get lost. But as we followed a small road we felt safe and continued. Further up as it got dryer and also rougher we noticed that the flora had changed. At the top (1780 metre) we got totally new views over a landscape with limestone and pine, a landscape that got us thinking about the Wild West. We also realized we were looking at Spain. We continued down and passed a farmer house where we bought some more cheese. Their house was full of annoying flies but the cheese was lovely. Later on we came down to a car-park, on the side we looked down into a big deep cleft filed with loud crows but also a lot of blue flowering Aquilegia. We followed a boring asphalt road for a while before it turned back into a nice trail again. When we reached the top of a small hill we got a bit surprised to see an ugly ski resort in the middle of this nice landscape. The gite was located just besides this place. Happily we managed to ignore the ski resort; maybe it was the nice surroundings that made us somehow neglect the resort. The guide book mentions the owner of the gite and describes him as a joker, and we can just agree to that! For once we arrived early, at 4 pm. The "military" were of course already there; unfortunately the male had been drinking some unclean water and was sick. One of the doctors we'd met earlier helped him. We started to talk with the two guys, Harmen and Frank that were drying their tent earlier. They came from The Netherlands and where following the GR10 to botanize. Frank was a biologist and had been studying in Sweden for half a year and he spoke quite good Swedish and he knew plenty of flowers by their Swedish name. After taking a shower we made a short walk down to the store to buy some supplies. The resort was a bit spooky as it was quite deserted in this time of the year. Back at the gite we sat down outside the house in the sun and the shifting mist. At seven it was time for dinner, duck with pasta, really tasty. We sat together with the two nice British guys we had met at lunch. After dinner we went outside again and talked some more with our new friends from Holland before it was time to go to bed. Ýrr went to the store in the ugly ski resort to buy some bread. We ate breakfast outside the gite and we started to walk around 9 am. Pretty soon we caught up with Herman and Frank (the dutch guys) and we started to walk together. We really enjoyed their company, they showed us all the flowers they found on the mountain. We saw among many things Black Vanilla Orchid, Nigritella Nigra and some Alpine Rose, Rhododendron ferrugineum. It was a barren and a beautiful landscape, it was not so exhausting but a little scary since it was steep. At one place, Pas d'Azuns (1873 m) we had to climb up 5 meters between two tops, it was terrible! it was a bit scary. There was one tiny rope to hold on to. Harmen helped us up with our bags, and that made it easier to climb up. We where both very happy that we had their company. A long the way we meet a strong women that was hiking with three teenagers. One of them was tired and whining and refused to walk and carry her own package. So the women had to carry it for her, first taking her own and then walk back for the other bag. And still they almost kept the same speed as us. But off course we where walking slow as we stopped every now and then to look at flowers. We started our way down. We arrived to a little farmers house with some donkeys and cows, Gabane du cap de la Braigt. Donkeys, cows and sheep's where walking freely around the house. They also sold cheese but we still had some left. There was no road up to the house, the last part was only a narrow path. We decided to take a lunch break and cool down our feet's in the cold water stream from the mountain. We had heard that it was supposed to be thunder later in the afternoon. So we decided not to stay to long at this nice place as you can easily get trapped in the mountain. We walked down the valley and soon came in to a forest. After a while the path became a road. In a ditch we met the "militaries" for the last time. The man was still very weak after the bad water and now they where waiting for there ride home. We took farewell and continued. The last part we past through a green tunnel of leaves (this green tunnels are very common closed to villages in this area). In the outskirts of Lescun we past a nice guy cutting his hedge, he invited us for some drinks in his garden. Afterwards he walked us to the gite. The gite was nice, we had some dinner at a restaurant together with our dear friends and the two British guys. The chicken tasted more wild than at home. We all where very tired, our legs where swollen and we decided to take a resting day the next day. And Lescun was the perfect place for that. We decided to take a resting day in Lescun. It seemed like the perfect place to stay in. Our bodies where longing for a day without our backpacks and Annas knees where quite swollen. We said good bye to the British guys, who had stayed at the same gite as us. We took a walk in the village, a really nice place and we where happy that we could explore it for a day, not jut passing through. It's an unique place with a lot of old intact typical houses from this area. At the church we meet our friends, they where also enjoying there rest day. We sat down for a few minutes but they where busy updating their flower journal so we left them alone. We invited them for dinner at our place later on. We took a walk outside of the village, it also looks nice from a distance. We found a hillside where we laid down in the shadow. Wrote in our journals and had a piecefull afternoon in the grass. In the evening Frank and Herman came by and we made dinner together. We had bought some wine, pasta and tomatoes and we used some of our dried vegetables. The guys where impressed that it tasted to good. We had a great dinner together. After dinner we went for a last walk in Lescun and saw the sun go down and coloured the sky and the mountains around us pink. We said good night to our friends and we went for a glass of wine before going to bed. We woke up at seven o'clock. We packed and left Lescun at 8.40. We first walked down into the valley. When we had crossed the valley it started to go upwards. We walked rather fast as we knew it would be a hot day so we wanted to be able to take it slower in the middle of the day. The first part was mostly in the forest and it was a quite boring climb. There was a lot of flowers and we walked into Frank and Herman a couple of time. We reached the top, Col de Barranca and we started to go downhill. We sat down under a three and had our lunch, a nice pasta salad. At four o'clock we reached Borce, we sat down at the church while the clocks where ringing. It was unbearable hot. We looked in our guidebook after some gites and decided to pick one in the neighbour village, Etsaut. It was very close. In Etsaut we found a spring where we cooled down by putting our heads under the running water and drank the well tasting cold water. We found a nice gite in an old stone house. We shared room with an older man who was on his way home. He was following the GR10 from the Mediterranean Sea towards Hendaye. He lived in Biarritz which is close to the end of the GR10 trail. We made a really nice dinner, pasta with mushroom cream sauce. We sat down to eat in the back yard of the gite. A little skinny cat came by. We both where very tired, we took a short walk and went early to bed. We woke up early and left Etsaut at eight o'clock. We came up to Chemin de la Mature, a long narrow path, on one side there was a vertical steep slope and on the other a wall of rock. It was a bit thrilling and exciting to walk their. The path continued upwards for an hour. We walked in some forest and at a bridge where we met Frank and Herman again. We continued together. After a while we came up to a valley and out of the forest. At the Cabane de la Braigt de Sencours we stopped for lunch. Frank and Herman took a bath in the cold spring. We only dared dipping our feet's. It was refreshing but biting cold. We ate some pasta salad we had prepared the evening before. The hike continued upward into a fantastic valley with cows and a lot of flowers. After some hours of climbing we came up to Col d´Ayous. This day we started at 650 m and climbed up to 2185 m. It was tough but worth every step as you pass through a fantastic landscape and on the top the view is magnificent, down below on the other side you could see the lake Lac d´Ayous. We started to climb down to the gite at the Lac d´Ayous. Annas knees where really hurting so she climbed down very slowly. We definatly had realized by this time that next hike in the mountains we would use walking sticks. Even though the gite was big, 70 places, it was almost full. There was only two more beds and we let Frank and Herman take them. We found a nice place for our tent with an fantastic view over the lake. We made some dinner, couscous and vegetables. After dinner we took a walk together around the lake. It was a beautiful evening. Down below in the valley we could see the clouds but over our heads we had clear sky. We looked at the sunset and went to bed. When being in this kind of place, high up in the mountain with a clear sky we recommend to wake up in the middle of the night and take a look at the sky with all the stars. It is indescribably amazing and totally worth a break in the valuable sleep. We woke up to the sound of bells, looking out we realized we where surrounded by cows. They seemed harmless and didn't pay any tension to us. We wot up and made some breakfast. We agreed not to stress, we didn't mind staying at this nice place a little longer. Frank and Herman left about 1-2 hours before us. We started to walk along the lake. At the end of the lake the track continued down and we past another lake. On our way we met alot of day hikers on their way up to visit the Lacs d'Ayous. We came down to a valley. It was hot, and when we past a lake we took a refreshing bath. This was the first lake that wasn't to cold. We rested for a while in the sun and ate some snacks. In this lake we took a refreshing swim. We followed a asphalted road until we reached Gabas. We where hungry and managed to get a big salad in a restaurant even though lunch time had past. We saved the leftovers for later. The weather changed and we decided to stay at the gite in Gabas, as the next etape was suppose to be quite tough. Our idea was to have one lasy day before a tough day. We visited a small chapel and bought some cheese at a bar before we went to the gite. The gite was nice and peaceful, it had a summer house feeling. We where lucky and got a big room for our selves. We washed some clothes and took a long nice nap. We ate some dinner and had a shy French guy at our table. He was a teacher. We ate soup, stew from the Basque and some cake. We went to bed early, a little worried about what kind of weather it would be the next day. If it was to be bad there was a big risk that we would have to wait another day. We woke up early and had breakfast at the gite. The sun was shining so we were happy that the bad weather was gone. We managed to buy some frozen bread and some pasta. We were packed and ready to leave at 8 am. The etap was calculated for 8-10 hours so we were planing to camp along the way as we didn't believe we would finish it. The day started very beautifully going up through a forest almost like in a fairytale. Some parts where a bit scary as the path was very narrow and steep. But on most places you could hold on to a rope. We also had to climb over a big old tree laying over the path. Midway we past a nice waterfall and we continued upwards. At some places the path looked like an old cobble-stone stairs and you could imagine all the hard work behind it. After like 2-3 hours we came out of the wood and for a while the ground under our feet, levelled off. We past a lot of flowers, Iris and Lilium martagon. We stopped for lunch, lovely cheese and bread. It started to get very hot and we were running out of water. Not a good combination. At a creek we filled up with water and for the first time we used one of the Micropur tablets to disinfects clear water and destroy bacteria, amoebas and viruses to make it drinkable. We started to go upwards again, on a gravelly bad path that on some places was quite slippery. So we had to climb carefully. At this point, almost illusory, we met three teenagers leaping down the mountain dressed in white clouths. They didn't carry anything, it felt very strange since this place was quite remote from anything else. Were did they come from? We came up to a nice place, suitable for a camp-site. We sat down and had something to eat while we where discussing if we should continue or not. The time was five o'clock in the afternoon. We knew that it would be at least a couple of hours before the next good campsite and that we first had to climb to the top and then down again to a lake. We rememberd that our Dutch friends had planed to camp at the lake and the idea of joining them made us continue. We filled up with new fresh and good tasting water and started the climb. It was a heavy (300-400 m) and hot climb for about an hour. We reached the top and it was magnificent. Up there the wind was fresh and chilly. We took some pictures and started our climb down on the other side. We past an old shelter, that could be used if you got stuck in bad weather. We continued and after a while we saw, deep below us, the lake, Lac d'Anglas, our final destination for the day. We detects our friends with our binoculars and after a while they also saw us and waved. It is a steep climb for an hour to get to them. At 8 pm we reached the lake and our friends, they served us tea and were happy to see us. We made a very late dinner and Yrr also made some strawberry compott for desert. It was a really nice evening. We said good night to the guys and before we went to bed we shared a mini bottle of Baileys outside our tent while looking at the sky and the stars. The night wass a bit windy which kept us awake för some time. We took a slow morning, we didn't feel like rushing away from this beautiful place. We said good bye to Frank and Herman, they where taking another route so this was the last good buy (at least what we thought it would be). It was a bit sad as we had became really good friends. While the early morning past our calm camping-place slowly got more visitors. Mostly early day-hikers and some fisher-mans. It was time for us to leave. We packed our things and started our way down the mountain. It was all most crowded with day-hikers on our way down. We have chosen a very popular place to sleep last night. Understandable. On our way down we came by a farmer that sold some cheese, lovely as usual and we just had to buy some. We had some lunch and some refreshing foot-bath in the stream. We soon reach a ski-resort where our plan was to end this day. But where both very eager to leave as soon as possible as it was a not a place we wanted to stay. And luckily it was early in the day so as soon as we had booked our train-tickets from Tarbe to Paris we continued on the next etap on GR10 towards Arrens-Marsous. The climb up from the ski-resort was really thought as it was really hot. It wasn't the best time of the day to do this climb. But there was nothing that could make us turn back so we continued. After a few hours we reached the road. It started to be late in the afternoon and most of the trail would be on this road so we desided to hitch-hike the last part. A your french non-english-speaking guy picked us up. He was very sweet and took us the whole way to the gite. The stills amaze us how nice everyone up here in the mountain have treated us. We believe they like hikers and that they are very proud of their mountains. The gite was a very nice place to stay. We took a double room, with our own shower. There was still time before dinner so we took a walk in the village. It felt bit sad, this was our last hiking-day for this time. But we soon became very happy as when we turn around a corner we bumped in to Herman and Frank. They had also changed their plan and we where all happy that we made the same plan to end in this village. It also turn out that they where staying at the same place as us, so we had a really nice dinner together. Before going to bed we took a short walk through the village. We had breakfast with our friends, and took a last good buy. But we think and hope that we will rejoin with the some day on a hike in some other mountains. We decided to stay one more night before we left the mountain to head home. We bought some goat cheese and Mediran wine and had a really nice lunch at the slop close to the swimingpool. After lunch we had some siesta. In the afternoon we took a walk in the village and found a sanatorium with a church with a lot of strange but interesting decorations. We made some nice shoping to bring home with us, some wine, foix gra and cheese jam. At the bar, we had a drink of Rikard before going back to the gite and having the last gite dinner. We meet some we had meet before but not talked to so much before, one women and two men from France Wales and England. They where really nice and they have meet once a year for a long time to hike in the mountains. We had a drink with them and went late to bed, at 11, late at least when hiking in the mountain. The next day our way back home started, we went to Tarbes and took the night train to Paris.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
package openshift import ( kerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" kerrorutils "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors" kapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core" "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubectl/resource" configcmd "github.com/openshift/origin/pkg/config/cmd" "github.com/openshift/origin/pkg/oc/bootstrap/docker/errors" "github.com/openshift/origin/pkg/oc/cli/util/clientcmd" genappcmd "github.com/openshift/origin/pkg/oc/generate/app/cmd" templateinternalclient "github.com/openshift/origin/pkg/template/client/internalversion" templateclient "github.com/openshift/origin/pkg/template/generated/internalclientset/typed/template/internalversion" ) func instantiateTemplate(client templateclient.TemplateInterface, clientFactory *clientcmd.Factory, templateNamespace, templateName, targetNamespace string, params map[string]string, ignoreExistsErrors bool) error { template, err := client.Templates(templateNamespace).Get(templateName, metav1.GetOptions{}) if err != nil { return errors.NewError("cannot retrieve template %q from namespace %q", templateName, templateNamespace).WithCause(err) } // process the template templateProcessor := templateinternalclient.NewTemplateProcessorClient(client.RESTClient(), targetNamespace) result, err := genappcmd.TransformTemplate(template, templateProcessor, targetNamespace, params, false) if err != nil { return errors.NewError("cannot process template %s/%s", templateNamespace, templateName).WithCause(err) } mapper, typer := clientFactory.Object() if err != nil { return err } discoveryClient, err := clientFactory.DiscoveryClient() if err != nil { return errors.NewError("cannot process template %s/%s", templateNamespace, templateName).WithCause(err) } clientConfig, err := clientFactory.ClientConfig() if err != nil { return err } // Create objects bulk := &configcmd.Bulk{} bulk.DynamicMapper = &resource.Mapper{ RESTMapper: mapper, ObjectTyper: typer, ClientMapper: resource.ClientMapperFunc(clientFactory.UnstructuredClientForMapping), } bulk.Mapper = &resource.Mapper{ RESTMapper: mapper, ObjectTyper: typer, ClientMapper: configcmd.ClientMapperFromConfig(clientConfig), } bulk.PreferredSerializationOrder = configcmd.PreferredSerializationOrder(discoveryClient) bulk.Op = configcmd.Create itemsToCreate := &kapi.List{ Items: result.Objects, } if errs := bulk.Run(itemsToCreate, targetNamespace); len(errs) > 0 { filteredErrs := []error{} for _, err := range errs { if kerrors.IsAlreadyExists(err) && ignoreExistsErrors { continue } filteredErrs = append(filteredErrs, err) } if len(filteredErrs) == 0 { return nil } err = kerrorutils.NewAggregate(filteredErrs) return errors.NewError("cannot create objects from template %s/%s", templateNamespace, templateName).WithCause(err) } return nil }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
ABTA – The Travel Association is giving its top ten essential travel tips to help Brits enjoy a hassle free holiday as the great summer exodus gets into full swing. ABTA expects 14 million Brits to holiday overseas between July and September. For those who haven't already booked, it's not too late, with availability in Mallorca, Turkey and the Canary Islands. As always if you've left it late the more flexible you can be, the better your chances of securing a good deal. Check your passport in plenty of time – Avoid the extra expense of having to fast track your passport renewal by checking it's expiry date long before you travel, also remember that if you're travelling outside of Europe many countries require you to have six months validity after your departure date, if you don't you may be refused entry. Weigh your luggage – It can be very easy to go over your airline's baggage allowance, so to avoid an expensive supplement at the airport weigh your bags before you leave home. Let your bank know you're heading overseas – banks are always on the look- out for fraudulent transactions so if they don't know when or where you're overseas they will often block your card. Be careful what you bring back – If you're travelling outside of Europe it is often illegal for you to bring back food stuffs - see the full list of what you can and cannot bring back. Make your drinks last longer – spirit measures overseas are generally much more generous than in the UK, so save money and your liver by asking for a mixer rather than more alcohol. Buy travel insurance – Avoid the possibility of sky high medical bills by taking out travel insurance. Did you know treatment for a broken leg in the US costs around £44,000? Get vaccinated – If you're travelling outside of Western Europe, North America or Australasia there are some nasty but preventable diseases you might catch, so go and see a medical professional to get all the necessary jabs. Lunch like the locals – Ever wondered why between one and three in the afternoon all the lovely tanned locals disappear from the beach leaving us Brits on our own? It's because the sun is too strong and they go and have a leisurely lunch in the shade. So avoid the red lobster look and go and join them! Learn how to say a few words in the local language - it won't take long and it will be greatly appreciated. See some more great travel tips before you go.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
First Solar to Acquire TetraSun to Expand Addressable Market Opportunity published: 2013-04-11 14:46 | editor: | category: News Edit First Solar, Inc.(Nasdaq: FSLR) announced it is acquiring TetraSun, a solar photovoltaic (PV) technology startup which has developed a break-through cell architecture capable of conversion efficiencies exceeding 21 percent with commercial-scale manufacturing costs comparable to conventional multicrystalline silicon solar cells. First Solar signed a definitive agreement to acquire TetraSun from JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation and other investors, including TetraSun management. Terms of the transaction, which is expected to close in the second quarter of 2013, were not disclosed. First Solar and JX Nippon Oil & Energy also have entered into discussions on an agreement to distribute the technology in Japan. TetraSun's core technology is a proprietary cell architecture which breaks the historical tie between high-efficiency and high-cost. Compared to other high-efficiency crystalline silicon cells, TetraSun's advanced cell design is simpler and optimized for manufacturing, requiring fewer process steps with wider tolerances. The design enables high-volume production with higher yields using readily available equipment. Cost-effectiveness is further enhanced by using large-format (156 mm) n-type wafers and eliminating the need for expensive silver and transparent conductive oxide (TCO). The technology also benefits from a low temperature coefficient of power, which produces superior energy yields in hot climates compared to typical silicon PV modules. First Solar tentatively plans to begin commercial-scale manufacturing of the new technology in the second half of 2014. "This breakthrough technology will unlock the half of the PV market which favors high-efficiency solutions, which has been unserved by First Solar to date," said Jim Hughes, CEO of First Solar. "This new capability to meet the needs of customers with distributed generation applications, coupled with our leading CadTel offering which remains the benchmark for utility-scale systems, gives us a unique end-to-end suite of solutions to serve the full spectrum of commercial applications." "We are proud to join the First Solar team, which brings global reach, financial strength and a proven track record scaling disruptive technologies," said Denis De Ceuster, CEO of TetraSun. "This is a game-changing technology, and with First Solar we have the freedom to continue our blank-canvas approach, unconstrained by preexisting designs or production equipment, and backed by the strongest balance sheet in the industry." "JX Nippon Oil & Energy was among the first to recognize the potential of this technology, and we are very pleased to continue working with this leading energy company to bring this product to market," said Jim Hughes. "Japan is an important market with unique energy challenges, and we believe this new technology is well-suited to help them meet their energy needs." All fourteen of TetraSun's associates will join First Solar and continue to be based in San Jose, Calif. The technical team brings First Solar significant expertise in silicon PV R&D and a track record of innovation at companies like SunPower and Fraunhofer ISE, where they earned world-records for silicon cell efficiency. Keywords: First Solar Multicrystalline Silicon North America Solar ← REC Joint Venture,Northlight Power,... Suntech's European Subsidiary Grant... → 1American Firm Says It Has Turn... 2Volkswagen Has Created a R2D2-... 3Study on Cobalt-Less Battery C... 4Wiwynn Joins Hands with Mr. Wa... 5EIA: Installations of Resident... 10India's Incentives for Buildin...
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Marbletown ist der Name folgender Ortschaften in den Vereinigten Staaten: Marbletown (Ulster County, New York), eine Ortschaft im Ulster County, im US-Bundesstaat New York Marbletown (Wayne County, New York), eine Ortschaft im Wayne County, im US-Bundesstaat New York Marbletown (Illinois), eine Ortschaft im US-Bundesstaat Illinois
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
Home » Celebrities Girlfriends Wives » Duff Goldman Wife Name Who is he Married or Single Duff Goldman Wife Name Who is he Married or Single Chef Duff Goldman is very private about his personal life. No rumors found about his dating life and wife name. Still a mystery whether he is single or married. The most important factor in every relation is communication and respect. If one respects his partner then in return one will expect same. These all properties are built in his personality; smiley face makes him more happy and decent. He knows really well that how respect each other. But why he never involved in any kind of romantic relation is still a secret. Number of time he captured with ladies fans, but during last days a story break on the bases of his picture with a pretty lady that she is his girlfriend. But later on she denied this kind of news. Duff Goldman Wife Name: Not Married Besides from his food love, he is also a great actor and producer. He is featured in several hits that why also lied among wealthy chef. It is argued that has a total net worth of 5 million$. His name is also recorded in World Record for making the world's largest cake. Short Bio: Basically her got popularity as pastry maker but later on becomes a television personality. He has a younger brother named Willie Goldman. His name Duff Goldman was came by his brother as he was not able to say correct name of Duff so afterwards he was known by this name "Duff". He and his brother Willie is also the publisher of the book. Early Life: When Duff turned into 10, his parents got separated. So he spent his childhood with mother. His proud mother groom had done best for his education and grooming. After attending high school he graduated from University, from there he got the degree in philosophy and history. After this he also took diploma in cooking, which plays a role in his professional life. He is very close to his mother. At age 4, Duff started taking interest in cooking as his mother told that she notice him while fickle a meat cleaver and enjoying watching Chef Tell on show. When he was in grade two, once he craved for pumpkin due to this he came close to cutting off pinkie and at that time he enjoy to do different things in the kitchen. When he turned into 14, Duff commenced his professional career and starts focusing on it. Who is Duff Goldman Married to? He is Single Professional Life: Duff Goldman did work at numerous highly praised culinary destinations before coming to Baltimore to officially begin his professional career as master chef. He also opened his own City parlor. He got popularity when the bakery achieved the household which broadcasted for almost 10 seasons. He achieved a lot in his profession but quite alone in personal life. Leonardo DiCaprio New Girlfriend 2015 Is He Dating Rihanna At Valentine's Day by ghori waseem February 1, 2015 Chris Pine Wife 2019 Is He Married to Girlfriend or Single by hot_boy October 13, 2018 Who is Skrillex Girlfriend 2019 Dating?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Valcivir 1000 mg Tablet falls under a category of drugs known as antiviral. This medication is used to treat infections such as genital herpes, cold sores in children at least 12 years. Valcivir 1000mg Tablet is used in the treatment of herpes simplex virus infections and chickenpox. Valcivir 1000mg Tablet is used for Herpesvirus infections, Chickenpox, Chicken pox and other conditions. Valcivir 1000mg Tablet may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Valcivir 1000mg Tablet is an antiviral medication. It prevents the multiplication of virus in human cells. This stops the virus from producing new viruses and clears up your infection. How is Valcivir 1000mg used? Take this medicine in the dose and duration as advised by your doctor. Swallow it as a whole. Do not chew, crush or break it. Valcivir 1000mg Tablet may be taken with or without food, but it is better to take it at a fixed time. Valcivir 1000mg Tablet is probably safe to use during pregnancy. Animal studies have shown low or no adverse effect on the foetus, however, there are limited human studies. Please consult your doctor. Valcivir 1000mg Tablet is safe to use during lactation. Human studies have shown that either the drug does not pass into the breastmilk in significant amount or is not expected to cause toxicity to the baby. Valcivir 1000mg Tablet should be used with caution in patients with kidney disease. Dose adjustment of Valcivir 1000mg Tablet may be needed. Please consult your doctor. Drink plenty of water while you are taking this medicine to lower the side effects on the kidney. Keep your Valcivir 1000mg tablet in their pack until use. Store in a cool dry place where the temperature stays below 25°.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
HSI finished Tuesday at 30129.87 gaining $319.15 (1.07%). The bulls were in full control today, moving the market higher throughout the whole session. Closing within the prior day's range, prices missed to decisively move beyond the previous day's trading range. Tuesday's trading range has been $477.75 (1.61%), that's far above the last trading month's daily average range of $287.94. Things look different on the weekly timeframe, where the market's trading range of the last week has been below the market's average weekly trading range. The longer-term, monthly volatility is currently slightly higher than usual for HSI. One bullish candlestick pattern matches today's price action, the White Candle. The last time a White Candle showed up on April 3rd, HSI actually lost -0.17% on the following trading day. Prices are trading close to the key technical resistance level at 30222.02 (R1). Buying might speed up should prices move above the close-by swing high at 30280.12 where further buy stops could get activated. Among the five market conditions that our pattern recognition engine identified today, the statistics for the Price Action based market condition "Decisive Up Move" stand out. Its common bullish interpretation has been confirmed for Hang Seng. Out of 329 times, HSI closed higher 52.58% of the time on the next trading day after the market condition occurred. The optimal exit for swing trading this condition on the long side has been after 10 trading days, showing a win rate of 57.75% with an average market move of 0.52%.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
We have a boat too. We spend half of our time out in the boat fishing and the other half #landbasedsharkfishing. We love them both. Today, we land-based shark fished. Our rods are up off the beach on a tower that puts the rod tips approximately 17 feet off the ground. We have four lines set, varying distances, ranging from 500 yards offshore to 700 yards offshore. We are patiently awaiting the sound of the clicker taking off when we see this boat headed our direction way too close to the beach just cruising the coastline. Now, we get it. Some people don't know that people are fishing from the beach or they just don't care (needless to say - children are swimming, people are wade fishing...). These people also don't understand how far out some of us take our lines. We start waving and trying to get their attention but to no avail. As the boat passes by right in front of us, we hear the clickers start screaming but not in the way that we wanted to. Two out of four of our reels got spooled in front of our faces as we felt completely helpless. Those of you who fish, know all too well what this means we have lost. While we are fishing from the beach griping about the boaters and jet skiers, I am sure that they are in turn griping about the beach fishermen. We all just need a bit of education about each other's sport so that we can all share the ocean. There is plenty to go around.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Onewhero is a village and rural community in the Waikato District and Waikato region of New Zealand's North Island. Pukekohe and Tuakau are located north of Onewhero, across the Waikato River; The name Onewhero translates from Maori as "Red Earth", which describes the soil colour typical in the Franklin region. The Onewhero village consists of an Anglican church, school, fire station, garage, lawn bowls club and tennis club. The Onewhero Society of Performing Arts runs a local performing arts theatre, and the local rugby club hosts community events and community board meetings. The Onewhero Golf Club is located in nearby Pukekawa. The local Te Awamaarahi marae is a meeting ground for the Waikato Tainui hapū of Ngāti Āmaru, Ngāti Pou and Ngāti Tiipa. It includes the wharenui (meeting house) of Whare Wōnanga. North of Onewhero, Harker Reserve has (or 20m) high Te Wai Heke O Maoa, or Vivian Falls, and a bush walkway. It is near the end of Miller Rd. The waterfall goes over the edge of South Auckland volcanic field's Onewhero maar crater, falling onto Miocene aged Carter Siltstone. Demographics Onewhero is in three SA1 statistical areas which cover . The SA1 areas are part of the larger Onewhero statistical area. The SA1 areas had a population of 552 at the 2018 New Zealand census, an increase of 15 people (2.8%) since the 2013 census, and an increase of 27 people (5.1%) since the 2006 census. There were 201 households, comprising 285 males and 270 females, giving a sex ratio of 1.06 males per female, with 108 people (19.6%) aged under 15 years, 72 (13.0%) aged 15 to 29, 288 (52.2%) aged 30 to 64, and 87 (15.8%) aged 65 or older. Ethnicities were 93.5% European/Pākehā, 13.0% Māori, 3.3% Pacific peoples, 3.3% Asian, and 1.1% other ethnicities. People may identify with more than one ethnicity. Although some people chose not to answer the census's question about religious affiliation, 59.2% had no religion, 29.9% were Christian, 0.5% had Māori religious beliefs, 0.5% were Buddhist and 1.6% had other religions. Of those at least 15 years old, 84 (18.9%) people had a bachelor's or higher degree, and 84 (18.9%) people had no formal qualifications. 111 people (25.0%) earned over $70,000 compared to 17.2% nationally. The employment status of those at least 15 was that 252 (56.8%) people were employed full-time, 78 (17.6%) were part-time, and 6 (1.4%) were unemployed. Onewhero statistical area Onewhero statistical area covers and had an estimated population of as of with a population density of people per km2. Onewhero statistical area had a population of 1,605 at the 2018 New Zealand census, an increase of 63 people (4.1%) since the 2013 census, and an increase of 120 people (8.1%) since the 2006 census. There were 552 households, comprising 822 males and 783 females, giving a sex ratio of 1.05 males per female. The median age was 40.8 years (compared with 37.4 years nationally), with 357 people (22.2%) aged under 15 years, 243 (15.1%) aged 15 to 29, 813 (50.7%) aged 30 to 64, and 189 (11.8%) aged 65 or older. Ethnicities were 83.4% European/Pākehā, 21.5% Māori, 3.7% Pacific peoples, 4.3% Asian, and 1.3% other ethnicities. People may identify with more than one ethnicity. The percentage of people born overseas was 18.5, compared with 27.1% nationally. Although some people chose not to answer the census's question about religious affiliation, 56.4% had no religion, 30.5% were Christian, 1.7% had Māori religious beliefs, 0.7% were Hindu, 0.2% were Buddhist and 1.1% had other religions. Of those at least 15 years old, 216 (17.3%) people had a bachelor's or higher degree, and 234 (18.8%) people had no formal qualifications. The median income was $37,600, compared with $31,800 nationally. 261 people (20.9%) earned over $70,000 compared to 17.2% nationally. The employment status of those at least 15 was that 738 (59.1%) people were employed full-time, 186 (14.9%) were part-time, and 42 (3.4%) were unemployed. Education The main school is Onewhero Area School, which serves from Years 1 to 13. with a roll of as of There is also a pre-school for children under 5 years. References External links Onewhero local directory Waikato District Populated places in Waikato Populated places on the Waikato River
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
О́льга Влади́мировна Гре́чкина (род. 20 сентября 1958, Челябинск, Челябинская область, СССР) — российский учёный, доктор юридических наук (2011), профессор (2013). Член-корреспондент Евразийской академии административных наук, член Ассоциации юристов России, член правления Национальной ассоциации административистов России. Член редакционных советов двух входящих в перечень ВАК журналов: научно-практического «Вестник Уральского института экономики, управления и права» и научно-теоретического «Философия социальных коммуникаций». Биография Родилась 20 сентября 1958 года в Челябинске. Поступила в Челябинский политехнический институт, который окончила в 1981 году с присвоением квалификации «инженер-механик», после чего в 1985—1994 годах работала заведующей отделом ЗАГС Калининского района г. Челябинска. С 1994 по 2002 год работала помощником Челябинского транспортного прокурора, для чего потребовалось юридическое образование, которое она получила на факультете экономики и права ЮУрГУ (специальность «Юриспруденция») в 1996 году. В 2004 году в ЮУрГУ защитила кандидатскую диссертацию на тему «Административное производство по делам о нарушении таможенных правил» (науч. руководитель — д.ю.н., проф. В. И. Майоров; специальность 12.00.14 «Административное право, финансовое право, информационное право»). С 2001 по 2015 год работала на юридическом факультете ЮУрГУ, с 2010 года — заведующая кафедрой конституционного и административного права. Работала на кафедре административного права Курганского филиала негосударственного учреждения высшего образования «Уральский институт экономики, управления и права». До ноября 2015 года была представителем Законодательного собрания Челябинской области в квалификационной комиссии при адвокатской палате Челябинской области, полномочия были досрочно прекращены в связи со сменой места жительства. В 2011 году в Российской правовой академии Министерства юстиции Российской Федерации защитила докторскую диссертацию на тему «Административная юрисдикция таможенных органов Российской Федерации: теоретико-прикладное исследование» (науч. консультант — д.ю.н., проф. В. И. Майоров; специальность 12.00.14 «Административное право, финансовое право, информационное право»). С 2013 года — профессор. Работала на кафедре административного и таможенного права юридического факультета Российской таможенной академии. По состоянию на 2018 год работает заведующей кафедрой административного права и процесса юридического факультета им. М. М. Сперанского Института права и национальной безопасности РАНХиГС (г. Москва). Научная деятельность Была членом научно-экспертного совета при Аналитическом управлении Аппарата Государственной Думы Федерального собрания РФ, членом рабочей группы Экспертного совета по таможенному регулированию при Комитете Государственной Думы РФ по бюджету и налогам, членом рабочей группы по разработке проекта Кодекса об административной ответственности в части таможенных правонарушений. Один из авторов научно-практического комментария КоАП (глава 16). Автор более 130 научных публикаций. Индекс Хирша — 9. Подготовила 12 кандидатов юридических наук. Награждена почетной грамотой Министерства и науки Российской Федерации (2013), медалью Федеральной палаты адвокатов «За заслуги в защите прав и свобод граждан» II степени (2013). Публикации в журналах из списка журналов ВАК: Гречкина О. В. О соотношении взаимосвязи форм таможенного контроля и мер административно-правового принуждения // Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета . 2009. № 19. С. 104—107. (0,3 п.л.). Гречкина О. В. К вопросу о понятии административной юрисдикции // Российская юстиция. 2010. № 3. С. 50-51 (0,1 п.л.). Майоров В. И., Гречкина О. В. Институт лицензирования в сфере высшего образования // Административное право и процесс. 2012. № 10. С. 14-17 (0,3 п.л.). Гречкина О. В. История развития административной юрисдикции таможенных органов России // Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. 2012. Выпуск 29. № 7. С. 91-95 (0,3 п.л.). Гречкина О. В. 55-летие профессора Александра Сергеевича Дугенца // Административное право и процесс. 2013. № 9. (0,3 п.л.). Гречкина О. В. Нормотворчество таможенных органов в сфере административной юрисдикции на современном этапе // Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. 2013. № 4. Вып. 13. (0,4 п.л.). Гречкина О. В. Тенденции законодательного подхода к контрабанде товаров // Криминологический журнал. 2013. № 4. (0,4 п.л.). Гречкина О. В. Административная судебная юрисдикция: современное состояние и перспективы развития // Вестник Саратовской государственной юридической академии. 2014. № 4. С. 24-28. (0.3 п.л.). Гречкина О. В. Рецензия на диссертацию Яркового Сергея Владимировича «Контроль арбитражного суда за законностью действий (бездействия) органов публичной администрации и её должностных лиц» // Административное право и процесс. 2014. № 2. С. 8384. (0.3 п.л.). Гречкина О. В. Процессуальный статус представителя в исполнительном производстве // Административное право и процесс. 2014. № 9. (0,35 п.л.). Гречкина О. В. Специфика системы административной юрисдикции таможенных органов Российской Федерации // European Social Science Journal. 2014. Т. 2 № 1(40). С. 500—502. (0,53). Гречкина О. В., Ахмед Х. Н. Правовая природа доказательств в делах об обжаловании решений в административном порядке и в налоговых спорах: законодательство Республики Ирак // Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. Серия «Право». 2014. Том 14. № 3. С. 71-75 (0.3 п.л.). Гречкина О. В., Рубанова Н. А. О правовой природе мер административного принуждения за нарушение лицензионных требований в образовательной деятельности: точка зрения // Мир науки, культуры, образования. 2014. № 3 (46). С. 392—396. (0,6 п.л.). Примечания Литература Комаров С. А. Юбилей О. В. Гречкиной // Юридическая мысль. — 2013. — № 4. — С. 117—118. Побежимова Н. И. Юбилей Ольги Владимировны Гречкиной // Административное право и процесс. −2013. — № 9. — С. 2 обложки. Ссылки Некоторые работы на оф. сайте РГБ Выпускники Южно-Уральского государственного университета Преподаватели Южно-Уральского государственного университета Преподаватели Российской академии народного хозяйства и государственной службы Юристы СССР Юристы России
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
Is BOMBYX a valid Scrabble word? Find dictionary definitions, synonyms, Scrabble and Words with Friends information, and more about the word BOMBYX below. BOMBYX is a valid Scrabble word worth 22 points. Scrabble uses the TWL word list. BOMBYX is a valid Words with Friends word worth 24 points. Words with Friends uses the ENABLE word list. BOMBYX is a 6 letter word containing the letters b, b, m, o, x, y.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
ŠK LR Crystal Lednické Rovne is a Slovak association football club located in Lednické Rovne. It currently plays in 3. Liga. Colors and badge Its colors are dark blue. References External links Lednické Rovne on Sme.sk Football clubs in Slovakia
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
import {toSet} from 'vega-util'; import {parseScaleCore, parseScales} from '../../../src/compile/scale/parse'; import * as log from '../../../src/log'; import {NON_TYPE_DOMAIN_RANGE_VEGA_SCALE_PROPERTIES, SCALE_PROPERTIES} from '../../../src/scale'; import {parseModel, parseModelWithScale, parseUnitModelWithScale, without} from '../../util'; describe('src/compile', () => { it('NON_TYPE_RANGE_SCALE_PROPERTIES should be SCALE_PROPERTIES without type, domain, and range properties', () => { expect(toSet(NON_TYPE_DOMAIN_RANGE_VEGA_SCALE_PROPERTIES)).toEqual( toSet(without(SCALE_PROPERTIES, ['type', 'domain', 'range', 'rangeMax', 'rangeMin', 'scheme'])) ); }); describe('parseScaleCore', () => { it('respects explicit scale type from second layer', () => { const model = parseModel({ data: {url: 'data/seattle-weather.csv'}, layer: [ { mark: 'bar', encoding: { y: { aggregate: 'mean', field: 'precipitation', type: 'quantitative' } } }, { mark: 'rule', encoding: { y: { aggregate: 'mean', field: 'precipitation', type: 'quantitative', scale: {type: 'log'} } } } ] }); parseScaleCore(model); expect(model.getScaleComponent('y').explicit.type).toBe('log'); }); it('respects explicit scale type from first layer', () => { const model = parseModel({ data: {url: 'data/seattle-weather.csv'}, layer: [ { mark: 'bar', encoding: { y: { aggregate: 'mean', field: 'precipitation', type: 'quantitative', scale: {type: 'log'} } } }, { mark: 'rule', encoding: { y: { aggregate: 'mean', field: 'precipitation', type: 'quantitative' } } } ] }); parseScaleCore(model); expect(model.getScaleComponent('y').explicit.type).toBe('log'); }); // TODO: this actually shouldn't get merged it( 'favors the first explicit scale type', log.wrap(localLogger => { const model = parseModel({ data: {url: 'data/seattle-weather.csv'}, layer: [ { mark: 'bar', encoding: { y: { aggregate: 'mean', field: 'precipitation', type: 'quantitative', scale: {type: 'log'} } } }, { mark: 'rule', encoding: { y: { aggregate: 'mean', field: 'precipitation', type: 'quantitative', scale: {type: 'pow'} } } } ] }); parseScaleCore(model); expect(model.getScaleComponent('y').explicit.type).toBe('log'); expect(localLogger.warns[0]).toEqual(log.message.mergeConflictingProperty('type', 'scale', 'log', 'pow')); }) ); it('favors the band over point', () => { const model = parseModel({ data: {url: 'data/seattle-weather.csv'}, layer: [ { mark: 'point', encoding: { y: { aggregate: 'mean', field: 'precipitation', type: 'quantitative' }, x: {field: 'weather', type: 'nominal'} } }, { mark: 'bar', encoding: { y: { aggregate: 'mean', field: 'precipitation', type: 'quantitative' }, x: {field: 'weather', type: 'nominal'} } } ] }); parseScaleCore(model); expect(model.getScaleComponent('x').implicit.type).toBe('band'); }); it('correctly ignores x/y when lon/lat', () => { const model = parseModel({ data: { url: 'data/zipcodes.csv', format: { type: 'csv' } }, mark: 'point', encoding: { longitude: { field: 'longitude', type: 'quantitative' }, latitude: { field: 'latitude', type: 'quantitative' } } }); parseScaleCore(model); expect(model.getScaleComponent('x')).toBeUndefined(); expect(model.getScaleComponent('y')).toBeUndefined(); }); it('correctly ignores shape when geojson', () => { const model = parseModel({ mark: 'geoshape', data: {url: 'data/income.json'}, transform: [ { lookup: 'id', from: { data: { url: 'data/us-10m.json', format: {type: 'topojson', feature: 'states'} }, key: 'id' }, as: 'geo' } ], encoding: { shape: {field: 'geo', type: 'geojson'} } }); parseScaleCore(model); expect(model.getScaleComponent('shape')).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('parseScale', () => { it( 'does not throw warning when two equivalent objects are specified', log.wrap(logger => { const model = parseModel({ data: {url: 'data/seattle-weather.csv'}, layer: [ { mark: 'circle', encoding: { y: { field: 'a', type: 'nominal', scale: {padding: 0.2} } } }, { mark: 'point', encoding: { y: { field: 'a', type: 'nominal', scale: {padding: 0.2} } } } ] }); parseScales(model); expect(model.getScaleComponent('y').explicit.padding).toEqual(0.2); expect(logger.warns).toHaveLength(0); }) ); it('should converts date time object in domainMin/Max to signal', () => { const model = parseUnitModelWithScale({ mark: 'point', encoding: { x: { field: 'date', type: 'temporal', scale: { domainMin: {year: 2002}, domainMax: {year: 2012} } } } }); const scale = model.getScaleComponent('x'); expect(scale.explicit.domainMin).toEqual({signal: 'datetime(2002, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)'}); expect(scale.explicit.domainMax).toEqual({signal: 'datetime(2012, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)'}); }); describe('x ordinal point', () => { it('should create an x point scale with a step-based range', () => { const model = parseUnitModelWithScale({ mark: 'point', encoding: { x: {field: 'origin', type: 'nominal'} } }); const scale = model.getScaleComponent('x'); expect(scale.implicit.type).toBe('point'); expect(scale.implicit.range).toEqual({step: 20}); }); }); it('should output only padding without default paddingInner and paddingOuter if padding is specified for a band scale', () => { const model = parseUnitModelWithScale({ mark: 'bar', encoding: { x: {field: 'origin', type: 'nominal', scale: {type: 'band', padding: 0.6}} } }); const scale = model.getScaleComponent('x'); expect(scale.explicit.padding).toEqual(0.6); expect(scale.get('paddingInner')).toBeUndefined(); expect(scale.get('paddingOuter')).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should output default paddingInner and paddingOuter = paddingInner/2 if none of padding properties is specified for a band scale', () => { const model = parseUnitModelWithScale({ mark: 'bar', encoding: { x: {field: 'origin', type: 'nominal', scale: {type: 'band'}} }, config: { scale: {bandPaddingInner: 0.3} } }); const scale = model.getScaleComponent('x'); expect(scale.implicit.paddingInner).toEqual(0.3); expect(scale.implicit.paddingOuter).toEqual(0.15); expect(scale.get('padding')).toBeUndefined(); }); describe('nominal with color', () => { const model = parseUnitModelWithScale({ mark: 'point', encoding: { color: {field: 'origin', type: 'nominal'} } }); const scale = model.getScaleComponent('color'); it('should create correct color scale', () => { expect(scale.implicit.name).toBe('color'); expect(scale.implicit.type).toBe('ordinal'); expect(scale.get('domains')).toEqual([ { data: 'main', field: 'origin', sort: true } ]); expect(scale.implicit.range).toBe('category'); }); }); describe('ordinal with color', () => { const model = parseUnitModelWithScale({ mark: 'point', encoding: { color: {field: 'origin', type: 'ordinal'} } }); const scale = model.getScaleComponent('color'); it('should create linear color scale', () => { expect(scale.implicit.name).toBe('color'); expect(scale.implicit.type).toBe('ordinal'); expect(scale.get('domains')).toEqual([ { data: 'main', field: 'origin', sort: true } ]); }); }); describe('quantitative with color', () => { const model = parseUnitModelWithScale({ mark: 'point', encoding: { color: {field: 'origin', type: 'quantitative'} } }); const scale = model.getScaleComponent('color'); it('should create linear color scale', () => { expect(scale.implicit.name).toBe('color'); expect(scale.implicit.type).toBe('linear'); expect(scale.implicit.range).toBe('ramp'); expect(scale.get('domains')).toEqual([ { data: 'main', field: 'origin' } ]); }); }); describe('color with bin', () => { const model = parseUnitModelWithScale({ mark: 'point', encoding: { color: {field: 'origin', type: 'quantitative', bin: true} } }); const scale = model.getScaleComponent('color'); it('should add correct scales', () => { expect(scale.implicit.name).toBe('color'); expect(scale.implicit.type).toBe('bin-ordinal'); expect(scale.implicit.bins).toEqual({signal: 'bin_maxbins_6_origin_bins'}); }); }); describe('ordinal color with bin', () => { const model = parseUnitModelWithScale({ mark: 'point', encoding: { color: {field: 'origin', type: 'ordinal', bin: true} } }); const scale = model.getScaleComponent('color'); it('should add correct scales', () => { expect(scale.implicit.name).toBe('color'); expect(scale.implicit.type).toBe('ordinal'); expect(scale.implicit.bins).toBeUndefined(); }); }); describe('opacity with bin', () => { const model = parseUnitModelWithScale({ mark: 'point', encoding: { opacity: {field: 'origin', type: 'quantitative', bin: true} } }); const scale = model.getScaleComponent('opacity'); it('should add correct scales', () => { expect(scale.implicit.name).toBe('opacity'); expect(scale.implicit.type).toBe('linear'); expect(scale.implicit.bins).toEqual({signal: 'bin_maxbins_6_origin_bins'}); }); }); describe('size with bin', () => { const model = parseUnitModelWithScale({ mark: 'point', encoding: { size: {field: 'origin', type: 'quantitative', bin: true} } }); const scale = model.getScaleComponent('size'); it('should add correct scales', () => { expect(scale.implicit.name).toBe('size'); expect(scale.implicit.type).toBe('linear'); expect(scale.implicit.bins).toEqual({signal: 'bin_maxbins_6_origin_bins'}); }); }); describe('color with time unit', () => { const model = parseUnitModelWithScale({ mark: 'point', encoding: { color: {field: 'origin', type: 'temporal', timeUnit: 'year'} } }); const scale = model.getScaleComponent('color'); it('should add correct scales', () => { expect(scale.implicit.name).toBe('color'); expect(scale.implicit.type).toBe('time'); }); }); describe('selection domain', () => { const model = parseUnitModelWithScale({ mark: 'area', encoding: { x: { field: 'date', type: 'temporal', scale: {domain: {param: 'brush', encoding: 'x'}} }, y: { field: 'date', type: 'temporal', scale: {domain: {param: 'foobar', field: 'Miles_per_Gallon'}} } } }); const xScale = model.getScaleComponent('x'); const yScale = model.getScaleComponent('y'); it('should add a selection extent', () => { expect('selectionExtent' in xScale.explicit).toBeTruthy(); expect(xScale.explicit.selectionExtent.param).toEqual('brush'); expect(xScale.explicit.selectionExtent['encoding']).toEqual('x'); expect('selectionExtent' in yScale.explicit).toBeTruthy(); expect(yScale.explicit.selectionExtent.param).toEqual('foobar'); expect(yScale.explicit.selectionExtent['field']).toEqual('Miles_per_Gallon'); }); }); }); describe('parseScaleDomain', () => { describe('faceted domains', () => { it('should use cloned subtree', () => { const model = parseModelWithScale({ facet: { row: {field: 'symbol', type: 'nominal'} }, data: {url: 'foo.csv'}, spec: { mark: 'point', encoding: { x: {field: 'a', type: 'quantitative'} } } }); expect(model.component.scales.x.get('domains')).toEqual([ { data: 'scale_child_main', field: 'a' } ]); }); it('should not use cloned subtree if the data is not faceted', () => { const model = parseModelWithScale({ facet: { row: {field: 'symbol', type: 'nominal'} }, data: {url: 'foo.csv'}, spec: { data: {url: 'foo'}, mark: 'point', encoding: { x: {field: 'a', type: 'quantitative'} } } }); expect(model.component.scales.x.get('domains')).toEqual([ { data: 'child_main', field: 'a' } ]); }); it('should not use cloned subtree if the scale is independent', () => { const model = parseModelWithScale({ facet: { row: {field: 'symbol', type: 'nominal'} }, data: {url: 'foo.csv'}, spec: { mark: 'point', encoding: { x: {field: 'a', type: 'quantitative'} } }, resolve: { scale: { x: 'independent' } } }); expect(model.children[0].component.scales.x.get('domains')).toEqual([ { data: 'child_main', field: 'a' } ]); }); it( 'should show warning if two domains are merged', log.wrap(localLogger => { const model = parseModelWithScale({ layer: [ { mark: 'point', encoding: { y: {field: 'foo', type: 'nominal', scale: {domain: [1, 2, 3]}} } }, { mark: 'point', encoding: { y: {field: 'foo', type: 'nominal', scale: {domain: [2, 3, 4]}} } } ] }); expect(model.children[0].component.scales.y.get('domains')).toEqual([[1, 2, 3]]); expect(model.children[1].component.scales.y.get('domains')).toEqual([[2, 3, 4]]); expect(localLogger.warns).toEqual([ 'Conflicting scale property "domains" ([[1,2,3]] and [[2,3,4]]). Using the union of the two domains.' ]); }) ); }); }); });
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
Home » News » Retired orchestra teacher with COVID plays violin in ICU to thank health care workers Retired orchestra teacher with COVID plays violin in ICU to thank health care workers 7:24 AM EST, Thu November 19, 2020 OGDEN, Utah / CNN — A retired orchestra teacher battling COVID-19 in a Utah hospital used the power of music to spread some joy in the ICU. Grover Wilhelmsen, 70, was intubated and unable to speak so he used pen and paper to tell his nurse that he wanted to show his gratitude to healthcare workers at McKay-Dee Hospital in Ogden. [Watch the video below] "Toward the middle of my shift he wrote, 'You know, I really want to play here at the hospital. What do you think about my wife bringing in my violin and viola?'" Ciara Sase, a RN at McKay-Dee Hospital, said in a news release. Wilhelmsen's request took some planning and approval by doctors, but Sase was able to grant his wish. She stayed in his room and monitored him as he played church hymns and the "Tennessee Waltz," according to the release. "It brought tears to my eyes. For all the staff to see a patient doing this while intubated was unbelievable," Sase said. "Even though he was so sick, he was still able to push through. You could see how much it meant to him. Playing kind of helped to soothe his nerves and brought him back to the moment." Other ICU staffers gathered around the closed glass doors of Wilhelmsen's room to listen. "It was honestly shocking to be there when he picked up the violin," Matt Harper, a RN at the hospital, said in the news release. "It felt like I was in a dream." Here's why so many people are listening to sea shanties in 2021 — yes, sea shanties The hospital said he was able to play a few times before he became too sick and required sedation. Wilhelmsen spent a month in the hospital on a ventilator before being transferred to a long-term acute care facility last week, Diana Wilhelmsen, his wife of 47 years, said. While is he doing well, she said, he is still on the ventilator. They are working on weening him off of it. She said she hopes he will be able to be home for Christmas. Tags: Covid-19ICUmusic
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
US Seeks 9 Votes From UN Council to Confront Iraq By Steven R. Weisman and Felicity Barringer The United States and Britain have decided that their strategy in the United Nations will be to try to persuade 9 of the 15 members of the Security Council to back a new resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq, and then to challenge France, Russia or China to veto the will of the Council's majority, administration officials said today. American and British officials worked today to settle their differences over the resolution's language while refining it to attract the support of other Council members. Administration officials said the talks meant the resolution would not be introduced until next week, possibly on Monday. One point of disagreement was a desire by British diplomats to include in the resolution an explicit deadline for Iraq to disclose its weapons and start disarming, administration officials said. The strategy reflects an evolution in the two countries' thinking. A month or so ago, they were still hoping for unanimous Council approval. Some officials involved in the discussions argued that a resolution approved by a divided Council — with those nations holding veto power abstaining — would be viewed by the world as so weak that it might be preferable to go to war without any resolution at all. In the last few weeks, however, administration officials have concluded that a resolution with a weak majority would still have authority. The United States has often been on the other side of an uneven vote, and has exercised its veto. One notable case was in 1996 when the United States stood alone, 14-1, against another term for Boutros Boutros-Ghali as secretary general. The Security Council today put off until March 7 the next report by Hans Blix, the chief United Nations inspector for chemical and biological weapons. An administration official said the British wanted the resolution to make refer to the presentation as the last chance for Iraq to avoid war. Part of the discussion this week, diplomats said, concerned how to win over six wavering Council members, known informally as "the middle six" — Angola, Guinea, Cameroon, Mexico, Chile and Pakistan — countries that do not command a great deal of diplomatic attention, as a rule. They are nonpermanent members, along with Bulgaria, Germany, Spain and Syria. The six countries "are really feeling the heat, and they're going to be feeling even more heat in coming days," said an administration official. "On the other side, the French and Germans are turning up the pressure, too." It takes nine votes to pass a resolution, and the United States and Britain have only Bulgaria and Spain on their side. The permanent members, with veto power, are the United States, Britain, Russia, France and China. If any of them vote no, the resolution is killed. The strategy is to try to get Russia, France and China to acquiesce by abstaining, perhaps under pressure, if there is a base of 9 or 10 votes in favor. But many in the administration concede that this would be extremely difficult. Meanwhile, the administration remained unable to close a deal with Turkey on approval for American troops to open a northern front against Iraq from its territory in the event of a war. Some in the administration said they were pessimistic that an accord could be reached, whereas others expressed incredulity that Turkey would turn down an American offer of $26 billion in aid. There was some confusion even about the nature of the disagreement. At the State Department, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said he expected to hear from Turkey tonight on whether it would go along with the deal. In Ankara, Prime Minister Abdullah Gul said Turkey would make its position known on Friday. Another point of disagreement was over the terms demanded by Turkey. American officials said Turkey wanted more money than the $6 billion in grants and $20 billion in loan guarantees it has been offered. But there were also signs that Turkey wants oil concessions in Iraq and more of a role for its troops in the northern region of the country. More Articles on US Arm-Twisting More Articles on the Threat of US War Against Iraq More Articles on Weapons Inspections More Information on Iraq
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: Why can't I save any databases with filenames larger than 8 characters? MS_Access VBA I am using this code, but for some reason, any names larger than 8 characters, get cut off: Dim SaveName As String Dim CurrentDate As Date CurrentDate = Now SaveName = InputBox("Save Database as..", "Save as..", CurrentDate) DoCmd.TransferDatabase _ acExport, _ "dBase IV", _ "C:\Data\PLC_MOBZ\Test\export", _ acTable, _ "DB_Total", _ SaveName, _ False As you can understand, even when nothing is entered, the default name would be: "22-2-2013 14:42:44" which needs to be longer than 8 characters. A: This is a dbase standard. The "dir" or "folder" is database name, and the files inside are the tables. As a result you cannot and should not create tables outside of the dBase format. If you create anything else then those dBase programs will not be able to read or find the files which in turn represent tables. So both the folder name and the file names need to remain 8.3 format, and ALSO should not contain spaces. So this is not a Microsoft problem but is a dBase standard. You can certainly break this rule by after creating the file you can re-name the file. You can do this outside of Access, or use the VBA "name" command Eg: Name "oldFileName" as "newFileName"
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
One way to get around a \"Numb-Bum\" is to purchase our accessory seat cushion to sit on top of your existing seat base. The key to its success is the marine rated medium density closed-cell foam. It is full of holes (our seat cushions have over 180 hand drilled and correctly sized holes). These work with the soft foam, allowing it to properly change shape and mold to your backside. This is critical to improving comfort without raising your centre of gravity too much. Being closed-cell foam, the cushions won't take on water and get heavy, and are brilliantly easy to keep clean. Extra padding for those long hours of fishing - definitely a must for any kayak fisho! Choose this single thickness to retain maximum stability or go for the double thickness if you want the most comfort and find your kayak stable enough to allow for the slight increase in seat height.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
#include "qdebug_p.h" #include "qsourcelocation.h" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /*! \class QSourceLocation \reentrant \since 4.4 \brief The QSourceLocation class identifies a location in a resource by URI, line, and column. \ingroup xml-tools QSourceLocation is a simple value based class that has three properties, uri(), line(), and column(), that, taken together, identify a certain point in a resource, e.g., a file or an in-memory document. line() and column() refer to character counts (not byte counts), and they both start from 1, as opposed to 0. */ /*! Construct a QSourceLocation that doesn't identify anything at all. For a default constructed QSourceLocation(), isNull() returns \c true. */ QSourceLocation::QSourceLocation() : m_line(-1), m_column(-1) { } /*! Constructs a QSourceLocation that is a copy of \a other. */ QSourceLocation::QSourceLocation(const QSourceLocation &other) : m_line(other.m_line), m_column(other.m_column), m_uri(other.m_uri) { } /*! Constructs a QSourceLocation with URI \a u, line \a l and column \a c. */ QSourceLocation::QSourceLocation(const QUrl &u, int l, int c) : m_line(l), m_column(c), m_uri(u) { } /*! Destructor. */ QSourceLocation::~QSourceLocation() { } /*! Returns true if this QSourceLocation is identical to \a other. Two QSourceLocation instances are equal if their uri(), line() and column() are equal. QSourceLocation instances for which isNull() returns true are considered equal. */ bool QSourceLocation::operator==(const QSourceLocation &other) const { return m_line == other.m_line && m_column == other.m_column && m_uri == other.m_uri; } /*! Returns the opposite of applying operator==() for this QXmlName and \a other. */ bool QSourceLocation::operator!=(const QSourceLocation &other) const { return operator==(other); } /*! Assigns this QSourceLocation instance to \a other. */ QSourceLocation &QSourceLocation::operator=(const QSourceLocation &other) { if(this != &other) { m_line = other.m_line; m_column = other.m_column; m_uri = other.m_uri; } return *this; } /*! Returns the current column number. The column number refers to the count of characters, not bytes. The first column is column 1, not 0. The default value is -1, indicating the column number is unknown. */ qint64 QSourceLocation::column() const { return m_column; } /*! Sets the column number to \a newColumn. 0 is an invalid column number. The first column number is 1. */ void QSourceLocation::setColumn(qint64 newColumn) { Q_ASSERT_X(newColumn != 0, Q_FUNC_INFO, "0 is an invalid column number. The first column number is 1."); m_column = newColumn; } /*! Returns the current line number. The first line number is 1, not 0. The default value is -1, indicating the line number is unknown. */ qint64 QSourceLocation::line() const { return m_line; } /*! Sets the line number to \a newLine. 0 is an invalid line number. The first line number is 1. */ void QSourceLocation::setLine(qint64 newLine) { m_line = newLine; } /*! Returns the resource that this QSourceLocation refers to. For example, the resource could be a file in the local file system, if the URI scheme is \c file. */ QUrl QSourceLocation::uri() const { return m_uri; } /*! Sets the URI to \a newUri. */ void QSourceLocation::setUri(const QUrl &newUri) { m_uri = newUri; } /*! \relates QSourceLocation \since 4.4 Prints \a sourceLocation to the debug stream \a debug. */ #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG_STREAM QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QSourceLocation &sourceLocation) { debug << "QSourceLocation(" << sourceLocation.uri() << ", line:" << sourceLocation.line() << ", column:" << sourceLocation.column() << ')'; return debug; } #endif /*! Returns \c true if this QSourceLocation doesn't identify anything. For a default constructed QSourceLocation, this function returns \c true. The same applies for any other QSourceLocation whose uri() is invalid. */ bool QSourceLocation::isNull() const { return !m_uri.isValid(); } /*! \since 4.4 Computes a hash key for the QSourceLocation \a location. \relates QSourceLocation */ uint qHash(const QSourceLocation &location) { /* Not the world's best hash function exactly. */ return qHash(location.uri().toString()) + location.line() + location.column(); } QT_END_NAMESPACE
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
Alien-like impressions of animals preserved in South Australia half a billion years ago will be given further protections by the State Government. Construction of the Australian Space Agency will begin in 2019. There have always been an unusual number of ladybirds in Mount Burr, South Australia according to photographer Steve Chapple, but nothing like the sight he stumbled upon recently. Ladybirds are currently swarming a local radio tower in the millions, confounding experts and stunning onlookers who are now flocking to see the phenomenon. They're four inches deep and the base of the tower is about five metres by five metres, so you'd have to talk in the millions," Steve told the ABC. So what are they doing? Research entomologist Adam Slipinski, a renowned expert in ladybirds, told Australian Geographic that it's common for ladybirds to migrate towards prominent landscape features and disperse after a period of time. They do not feed and one of the potential factors of their quiescent period is probably sudden food shortage but changes in humidity, day length and other environmental factors have been listed as potential stimulants. In the northern hemisphere they often form winter aggregations, and these happen here as well, but I think these occurring right now are of different nature and beetles will disperse into more cryptic niches before winter snaps. See the images below. "Noah" the shark has foiled one attempt by the South Australian Police to conduct a random breath test. With its unique central location, Adelaide boasts easy access to birds across a dramatic range of habitats: desert, woodlands, wetlands and shorelines. In a bid to understand more about Australia's microbat populations, scientists from the University of Adelaide are asking the public to use bat detectors to record and analyse each species unique calls. Jo Bain, who's worked at the South Australian Museum as a taxidermist since the age of 15, guides Australian Geographic through the changing face of his beloved profession.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
In 2003, Bernard Loiseau took his own life after succumbing to the pressures of maintaining his three-star rating. Now with the advent of user-generated reviews, are the stars still relevant? On the drive from Paris to the south of France before the advent of high-speed trains, holiday-goers would often pause in the small town of Saulieu for a meal. The hamlet had long maintained a reputation for hospitality—even Madame de Pompadour, King Louis XV's mistress, was known to have spent the night there. When Michelin, the legendary tire manufacturer, published its first guidebook for French motorists in 1900, its original raison d'etre was to direct travelers to towns like Saulieu where they could find a good meal, a comfortable place to stay…and trusty auto repair shops. Today, Saulieu is most famous as the home to Relais Bernard Loiseau, a luxury Relais & Châteaux property with a legendary three-star Michelin restaurant. The eponymous chef, Bernard Loiseau, was one of France's first modern interpretations of the celebrity cook, with branded kitchenware, frozen goods, and an unmistakable radio and television presence. He clung to tangible markers of success like Michelin's highest honor, a three-star rating, but was forever "haunted by the idea of losing his [third star]." Rumors gently circulated that restaurant reviewers for Michelin and competing guidebooks weren't as impressed with his restaurant as they had been in the past. And although Loiseau didn't lose his top-tier rating, the fear of a future demotion was palpable. When the high season waned during a particularly gloomy February in 2003, Loiseau took his own life with a firearm—a gift from his wife two years prior. When Loiseau's right-hand man, Patrick Bertron, assumed control of the kitchen after his death, it seemed that a new era was dawning. The late naughts marked the beginning of an entirely new form of restaurant appraisal: the mass critique. The influx of websites and social media platforms, like TripAdvisor and Yelp, allowed users to share their own reviews, and suddenly it seemed the voices of many could eclipse the esteem of the expert few. "I find that people take themselves more seriously these days," says Bertron, citing the growing popularity of opinion websites in the last few years. "They take on a role. Some are blasé and never satisfied." He insists that patrons have long offered their opinions to the staff while visiting, but grapples with the new way they define their experience through images and the written word. What troubles Bertron isn't the onslaught of customer opinion; it's the way in which we go about recounting our experiences and consuming other people's reviews. In the world of online criticism he believes that we seem to have lost our way. "When you test-drive a Ferrari you shouldn't care about the size of the glove compartment," Bertron's says, believing that meals should be evaluated holistically. Bertron believes that criticism doesn't necessitate a critical opinion. In the new world order where every diner is a critic, there is a lot of feigned expertise. He believes that when people don't have an informed opinion, they often search until they find a fault in the food, equating their discovery of a negative element with a professional critique—"it's only human," he notes. Arnaud Faye, who spent four years under the tutelage of Bertron at Relais Bernard Loiseau, has a similar outlook. "I see no links between the TripAdvisor trend and changes in the kitchen," Faye says. Faye, 35, is the executive chef at the Auberge du Jeu de Paume in Chantilly and has already accrued two Michelin Stars at a restaurant concept that is merely 2 years old, a seemingly impossible feat when one examines the annals of Michelin. "I always use TripAdvisor to search for hotels, but I would never use it as a resource for restaurants. And I think this notion is pretty global" he says. Despite being younger than Bertron and thus growing up with a more inextricable relationship to the web, Faye's perusal of user-generated data remains divorced from his dining experience. "What is interesting however—and I must say quite clever—is that Michelin lets you leave comments online now too. So, presumably, if they're getting a lot of bad comments for one particular restaurant, they can check to see if they need to remove the star," Faye says. Adding an online forum is a clear acknowledgment on Michelin's part of the prominence—and perhaps importance—of the collective voice. It would seem then that perhaps Michelin has stumbled upon the secret sauce that other reputed travel-related brands have failed to create—a system that gives the public their voice while still successfully issuing its yearly expert ruling. We can't, however, discredit opinion sites or food blogs that lack the umbrella of expertise, even though the chefs themselves don't lend them much credence. While triangulating massive swaths of TripAdvisor data ultimately reflects the fact that the cream does indeed rise, it's the foraging element that has the most credence when held against the guidebook name brand. Travelers and diners are the ones with their ear to the ground, always uncovering new things and testing out the old in a self-perpetuating system of checks and balances. Michelin, according to Bertron and his peers, sends clandestine reviewers roughly twice a year. Bertron speaks about Michelin with a casual reverence and insists that—at least in France—there's a marked shift in press and patronage when your establishment receives its second star, which means that diners still pay quite a lot of attention to the guidebook's preferences.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Howard Durdle is crowdfunding raised of £5,000 target by 143 supporters Howard Durdle We're raising £5,000 to honour Lindsay Durdle, and her wish to give back to the organisations that helped her through her cancer diagnosis and treatment. Chapel Row, Reading, UK Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered nonprofit. The page owner is responsible for the distribution of funds raised. My brilliant, creative, funny, clever Wifey, Lindsay Durdle, died on the 31st of May 2018 just 18 months after her initial breast cancer diagnosis, and just 5 months after the diagnosis of secondaries. Lindsay did not get bitter, or give up on life, and she didn't let people call her "brave". She preferred "strong". And strong she was, making a conscious decision to live, love and laugh as much as possible before the end which came all too soon. Anyone who knows Lindsay will be able to picture her smile, and hear the laugh. She kept those to the very end, making the absolute most of her last few months. Ever the organiser, she has ensured I know exactly what needs finishing in the house we are renovating, and the garden she was planning. Even when admitted to hospital towards the end, on high flow oxygen and given a "slim" chance of getting home by the Doctors, as they shook their heads sadly, she persisted. She worked through the process, defying all expectations to get her oxygen need to the point where she could come home to the house, garden and cats she so loved. Multiple organisations helped us on our journey, and before she died Lindsay made sure I knew which ones to fund-raise for, and in which order funds should be allocated. I've set a modest target, but having seen the outpouring of love for Lindsay I fully expect to smash it. All monies collected via this fundraiser will be donated to the following charities: Cancer Research UK - Choosing breast cancer as the specific cancer to help. Breast Cancer Care - As well as providing lots of helpful information early on, they sent Lindsay on weekends away where she could talk to others going through the same thing, and where she made new friends. The Royal Berks Charity - our local hospital charity, which did so much to try to treat her disease, then ease her pain. Maggie's - Lindsay loved visiting Maggie's - where art and architecture were part of the therapeutic effect. We both visited a few times soon after the terminal diagnosis which really helped us both with perspective and deciding what was important) Lindsay also found support from some other charities, which will all receive small contributions: TrekStock - Young Adult Cancer Support - gave Lindsay the HeadSpace meditation app. She already knew about this app for her iPhone, but the £8 per month fee had been a (silly!) barrier to using it. They removed that. Mindfulness and meditation helped her hugely over the last 18 months, especially during spells of neutropenia and sepsis when she needed to stay calm. My Cancer My Choices - provided acupuncture treatments that Lindsay very much enjoyed while she was undergoing Chemotherapy. Shine Cancer Young People - a wonderful group Lindsay got a lot out of, including new friends. Had she been well enough they would have paid for her weekend away to meet them all. We are doing so well - and have two generous donations from Thames Water to help us over the target, along with an offline donation from a dear friend in the US. I'll be able to donate £1,000 to each of the main charities plus an amount to the smaller charities Lindsay wanted to help. Thank you all! Share this update to help us raise more Raising the target again - £4,500 now! I've raised the target again since people are still sharing the link in new places. Howard Durdle started crowdfunding Leave a message of support Page last updated on: 9/17/2019 08.16 Helen Macfarquhar Brett Jones Very sorry for your loss. Hope you meet your target soon.Regards,Brett (@TW) Emma Osgood FIONA DICK So sad never to have met this lovely lady, but endlessly grateful for her love of Maine Coons. Will treasure Mocha as the last of the line xxxx Gavin O'Brien Howard, I am so sorry for your loss and I only just found out. Lindsay was a lovely person. I hope this will help your great charities. Best wishes, Gavin Claire Iredale Collection by Thames Water friends led by Tres Love Help Howard Durdle raise more About the fundraiser Proud husband of Lindsay, my most brilliant, beautiful, creative and funny Wifey. Contact Howard Durdle Join JustGiving Giving.com trading as JustGiving is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under the Payment Service Regulations 2017. Contains OS and National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right (2018). Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right (2018).
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Yemen, Airstrikes And Air Time blog WHILE YOU SLEPT Sources Yemen Countries Beyond the threats expand=1] and name-calling, foreign policy was high on the agenda of Sunday night's second U.S. presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Russia was mentioned 35 times. Syria 14 times. China, usually a Trump favorite, was uttered a mere four times by the candidates during the 90-minute debate. That was still more than one troubled country that did not feature at all — Yemen. On Saturday, a day before the debate, an airstrike targeting a funeral killed more than 140 people and injured hundreds of others in Sana'a, Yemen's capital. The small but strategic Middle East country has been at war since 2014 when Shiite Houthi rebels allied with troops loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh forced into exile ruling President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi who is supported by a coalition of Sunni Arab states. This coalition led by Saudi Arabia has been bombing rebels in Yemen since last year, exacerbating a humanitarian crisis that the United Nations says has killed at least 10,000 people and left more than half the country facing food shortages. The Saudis haven't claimed Saturday's funeral attack but say they are investigating it. The U.S., which condemned the air raid, is already mired in this underreported regional war in the Middle East. A supporter of the Sunni coalition, U.S. sold $1.3 billion in arms to Saudi Arabia last year. And now, news agency Reuters is reporting that American officials are worried that the U.S. could be implicated in war crimes for their involvement. Yemen is certain to be on the agenda for the next U.S. president. Will it get a mention at the next debate on Oct. 19 in Las Vegas? Don't bet on it. WHAT TO LOOK FOR TODAY Samsung and Apple scheduled to meet before U.S. Supreme Court in patent infringement battle. Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish year, begins at sundown. UN International Day of the Girl. PUT DOWN YOUR GALAXY NOTE 7 RIGHT NOW A day after halting the production of its smartphone Galaxy Note 7 amid serious overheating battery issues, Samsung Electronics Co. is now urging its customers to "stop using the device." The UN humanitarian agency has issued a call for $120 million in aid to help some 750,000 Haitians facing cholera and famine threats over the next three months, in the wake of the destruction caused by Hurricane Matthew, the BBC reports. The strongest hurricane to hit Haiti in a decade has killed at least 900. — ON THIS DAY NBC's Saturday Night Live debuted 41 years ago today. Do you remember who was the original host? Check it out, and more, in your 57-second shot of history. ELECTION POLLS Republican candidate Donald Trump now trails Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton by 14 points, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll reveals. U.S. website Politico points out that no candidate in the modern era of polling has ever climbed back from a similar deficit in the final month of the campaign to win the presidency. PUTIN SHUNS PARIS Russian President Vladimir Putin is postponing an official visit to Paris scheduled for Oct. 19., a source in French President François Hollande's office told French radio station Franceinfo. The snub comes a day after France's Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault called on the International Criminal Court to investigate Russia's alleged war crimes in Aleppo, Syria. — WORLDCRUNCH-TO-GO Like other Latin American countries, Bolivia has squandered commodity revenue and failed to make the hard reforms necessary to bolster the economy for the long haul. For America Economia, Mauricio Rios Garcia writes: "Bolivia wouldn't be the first Latin American country to be in this situation. Other socialist countries like Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil and Ecuador have faced these exact same questions. I was recently asked when an economy is deemed to be in crisis. I believe that it happens when resources are poorly allocated. Contrary to conventional thinking, economic crises are generated during the boom period that precedes stagnation, when people think that wealth abounds. It doesn't start with the recession." Read the full article, Why Energy-Rich Bolivia Is Mired In Economic Crisis. BUILDING COLLAPSE KILLS 22 IN CHINA At least 22 people died yesterday in Wenzhou, in eastern China's Zhejiang province, after a group of housing buildings collapsed, the Chinese state news agency Xinhua reports. Authorities are investigating the cause of the collapse. — MY GRAND-PERE'S WORLD Hop On, Hop Off — Hjørundfjord, 2004 WARNINGS OF ZIKA SPREAD The mosquito-borne Zika virus is "highly likely" to keep spreading in Asia, according to a World Health Organization (WHO) warning. MORE STORIES, BROUGHT TO YOU BY WORLDCRUNCH I'd Rather Live Under Siege In Aleppo Than Leave Her Behind — Syria Deeply Water Innovation Around The World — Take 5 video A New Low For American Politics, Maybe The End For Trump — The Washington Post (DINOSAUR) SKELETON IN THE CLOSET It took 60 years for Brazilian experts to realize that fossils sitting in a cupboard in a storage room in Rio's Museum of Earth Sciences actually belonged to a species of giant dinosaur, IFLscience reports. Mind you, the Austroposeidon magnificus has been waiting for 66 million years already ... While You Slept is Worldcrunch's daily morning mix of our best stories and breaking news. SUBSCRIBE TO WHILE YOU SLEPT NOW <a href="http://www.worldcrunch.com/newsletter">[SIGN ME UP]</a>
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Explore the mysteries of fish cookery. We will use various techniques such as poaching and stewing, and we will use recipes that best prepare this most healthy of all proteins. Enjoy Shrimp with Mango Curry Salad in Won Ton Cups, Bouillabaisse, Poached Salmon, Fish Steamed in the Chinese Manner and more. Please read: Tuition Remission eligible under Personal Enrichment. A food fee of $15 will be collected at the beginning of class.
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Barbarella Loves SOUTH OF HEAVEN Despite Trying to Get Ted Lasso Out of Her Brain Published at: Dec. 15, 2021, 11:52 a.m. CST by Barbarella Hey, friends. Barbarella here to let you know that SOUTH OF HEAVEN starring Jason Sudeikis, Evangeline Lily, Mike Colter, and Shea Whigham came out on Blu-ray and DVD Tuesday December 14. I love this film because, from storyline to characters, it offers the kind of complexity I crave. I appreciate Aharon Keshales, Kai Mark, and Navot Papushado's story that offers interesting characters and takes me down different paths than I expect. When I watch a film, I automatically tend to anticipate in which direction it's going to go. I never mean to, but it just happens. Although sometimes traveling unexpected pathways to reach a conclusion, more often than not, films will take me pretty much exactly where I anticipate they will. However, SOUTH OF HEAVEN departs from expectations in numerous ways that thrill me. Sometimes when something doesn't match the expectation, I tend not to enjoy it, but because this movie tonally is the same as I anticipate, I am not disappointed. It's not the movie I thought it would be, but man, I enjoy it. Even so, I do struggle a bit with one aspect. In it, Jason Sudeikis plays Jimmy Ray, a parolee trying to walk the straight-and-narrow to spend some quality time with the woman he loves while he still can. I have a real problem with him in this role, but that has nothing to do with his performance or ability; it's that because he has a southern accent in this film, I cannot see him as any character other than Ted Lasso. Throughout the film, I keep trying to separate the two characters in my mind, but every time Ted…err…I mean, Jimmy, speaks, they become the same person in my brain, and I simply cannot reconcile what Jimmy does with anything Ted Lasso would do. Also, Jimmy doesn't have all those fun sayings that Ted does. I recognize that's an odd aspect to pick apart, but I'm an odd gal. It's just that it would be like watching Mister Rogers steal candy from a child. It just feels wrong! Despite that minor annoyance, I enjoy not only Jimmy's complexity, but almost all the primary characters' complexities. They prove interesting and more dimensional than many easily-classified character tropes. Personally, I don't believe we live in a world where people are either good or evil, saints or sinners. It's that kind of black-and-white thinking that leads to cancel-culture and fighting on social media, and I believe that's dangerous. I think people are far too complex to be identified completely on a single behavior or comment, and I love that a couple key characters in SOUTH OF HEAVEN, whom one may want to identify as good or bad, have elements of both within them, making it harder to place them into a good guy/bad guy category. Mike Colter beautifully traverses through his character Whit Price's multiple traits. Jason Sudeikis just throws me when navigating through his character's complexity, primarily due to the Ted Lasso thing, so I cannot fault him for that, but I struggle with staying present in the story and not thinking of Ted Lasso. Unfortunately, Schmidt (Shea Whigham) proves too clearly defined and easily categorized. Although he doesn't have as dimensional of a character with which to work, it doesn't prevent Shea Whigham from giving an engaging performance. Speaking of engaging performances, Evangeline Lily delights me as Annie, who is not the kind of woman one may typically see in this sort of violent, crime drama. I enjoy the departure and how she maintains her particular outlook through everything. Her subtle strength feels like a more realistic portrayal of feminine toughness than the kind in films where strength means acting more masculine or doing more manly things. While I often appreciate watching a woman outmaneuver a man to win in combat, I love seeing this softer, more internal strength that many women possess. It almost always gets overlooked in film, even though I think it's far more common for women to convey their power through mental toughness than combat. As a woman, I like the idea that SOUTH OF HEAVEN offers a strong female character who hasn't compromised her femininity to achieve strength. I'd love to see more films that convey this as effectively. Another aspect of SOUTH OF HEAVEN I love may be found in some of the shooting decisions. For example, there's a beautiful single-take shot during a home invasion scene that delights me. It lasts at least a couple minutes. While I always wonder what kind of overly confident madman wants to do a lengthy, single-take shot for an action scene, I'm always thrilled that these madmen (and women) exist because the creativity that goes into piecing together these sequences without cutting almost always blows my mind. Those who may be accustomed to the levels of violence in JOHN WICK may find this movie a bit tame, but I find the violence level to be appropriate for this scenario. Any more violence would just feel gratuitous. Maybe not everyone would be as appreciative of the character complexity, as impressed by a single-shot sequence, or as bothered by constant thoughts of Ted Lasso as I. If you're interested in finding out where you or a loved one falls on the spectrum, SOUTH OF HEAVEN is now available on DVD and Blu-ray. Check out the trailer. Follow barbara1112k
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The fugitive hip-hop mogul, who was recently linked to the assassination of Tupac Shakur, was arrested on Tuesday on drug charges. He was discovered in his hiding, a popular Manhattan hotel, Associated Press reports. Apparently Michael Rosemond doesn't benefit from a lot of imagination or strategy as he was caught in one of the most popular and crowded places in the U.S.: New York city. He was arrested by Drug Enforcement Administration agents and the deputy U.S. Marshals on the accusation that he was running a lucrative traffic-ring which smuggled huge amounts of drugs ( cocaine) in the New York City. Last week, the hip-hop mogul was linked to the death of rapper Tupac Shakur, who was shot to death in the mid '90s. Dexter Isaac, an inmate who is serving a life sentence, declared that he received 2,500 dollars from Rosemond to "shoot to kill" Tupac. The article appeared on AllHipHop.com and clearly stated that Rosemond orchestrated the ambush over the legendary rapper. Even though he did not die after the attack he was killed two years later in Las Vegas. Lichtman denies the accusations of murder as well. The complaint that led to the accusations said Rosemond tried to avoid his detection by using a system that avoided using overnight delivery services. The agents detected a conversation of his in which he fretted about being under close watch by the authorities:" I can't be online no more. I don't even have a phone with me. I'm going from phone booth to phone booth." Meanwhile, his crew stashed the cocaine in road cases and then sent them to music studios located in New York. Along the years, Rosemond has been behind many notorious names in the music industry, from Salt'n'Pepa to The Game, to Sean Kingston, according to his company's website.
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The Citroen C4 Cactus I'm running at the moment certainly attracts attention. It is stared at more than any other car I've driven, with the exception of a Maserati GranTurismo. On social media it generates, and splits, opinion. Here's a taste of some of the responses to my tweets. Watch out for my First Drive Review on Monday. @speedmonkeycouk That thing is horrific. @speedmonkeycouk 🚗🇫🇷👍 it's definitely got the "Citroen DNA" I really like it! @speedmonkeycouk what's it like Matt? The 🌵? I like them.. @speedmonkeycouk I think they're fantastic a concept car come to life so how is it so far? @speedmonkeycouk I love it. A very well thought out bit of kit. For the record, I think it looks great.
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教學經驗: 1) 15 years teaching college humanities, arts, philosophy, & college prep. 興趣: Nature; arts; crafts; technology; literature; playing music; fishing; fitness. 學歷: California State University graduate school: Humanities and Philosophy.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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An early evening one-car crash in Cortez sent a woman to Bayfront Medical Center Nov. 24. According to the Florida Highway Patrol, Donna Ann Mendoza, 42, of 115th Street West in Cortez, was westbound on Cortez Road when she lost control of her 1997 two-door Chevrolet vehicle. The car spun out of control and struck a tree at 119th Street. Mendoza was taken by Bayflite medical helicopter to the St. Petersburg hospital. FHP officials "suspect alcohol and/or controlled substances were a contributing factor in the crash," according to troopers. NewsManatee.com Publisher Mike Quinn contributed to this report.
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Chalk Walk is a new event that offers the opportunity to create a masterpiece in the Village Commons with sidewalk chalk. This event is open to everyone, including families, students, professional artists, aspiring artists - all who are interested are welcome! If creating a work of art isn't for you, then join us to stroll through the Commons and enjoy the art being created by your neighbors. Chalk Walk will take place on Saturday, August 10 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. In addition to the artwork that will be found on the Commons sidewalk, the event will include live music, food and beverages, and other fun art-based activities. To participate in this event as an artist, you must register for a space. There is no fee to participate, and artists of any age and skill level are welcome! All registered artists will be provided chalk. Artists will have the chance to win prizes in various categories. Registration and additional details on participation will be available on May 1. A portion of Veterans Parkway will be closed to traffic during this event to accommodate the event activities. Limited parking will be available on the street. Parking is available in the south lot of the Village Hall and at Trinity Services. Parking will be available at Old Plank Trail Community Bank after 1:00 p.m. The New Lenox Public Library is open during this event. Please help us in treating our neighbor with respect by leaving their parking lot open for library patrons. We appreciate your courtesy. No smoking is permitted on the Village Commons lawn during Village events. No pets are permitted in the Village Commons during Village events. Lawn chairs and blankets are welcome.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Searching IndustryNet for Prepress Printing. Becker Gallagher Legal Publishing, Inc. Copy Center Of Topeka, Inc. List of verified suppliers of electronic production, photopolymer printing plates, brand management, electronic prepress & mailing service, flexographic & lithographic prepress, reprographic printing & electronic prepress, flat sheet & thermography printing & binding, commercial printing & graphic design, commercial electronic prepress of business cards, tags, stationery, commercial electronic prepress & graphic design, large-format scanning, fine art reproduction, banners, electronic prepress & offset, catalogs, magazines, invitations, digitization, information aggregators, government agencies & universities, large & small-format printing, signs, POP displays, design & photography, the United States Supreme Court, logos & advertising specialties, electronic prepress & digital & offset printing, printing plate & graphics services, business forms, drilling & padding, bindery & fulfillment, electronic magazine prepress, premedia, labeling & packaging prepress printing & design & color separations, electronic prepress & large-format color separations, electronic prepress & color separations, packaging separations & solvent-washed flexographic plates, electronic prepress & typesetting, programs, coupons & handouts for printers & individuals & foreign language typesetting, commercial & instant printing.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The web can be an ugly place. Sites with useful information can also be cluttered with sidebars, advertisements, and popups asking you to subscribe to a newsletter. That's what makes Safari's Reader View so nice. This feature extracts all the text and images from any page, then slides over whatever you're reading with only those things. It's a quick way to read anything without the clutter, and you can even customize the colors and fonts. It works on iPhones, iPads, and Macs. If you're on a page with an article on it in the Safari app, you'll see the below button appear in Safari's address bar. Tap it to open Reader View. This won't make a big difference on How-To Geek, as we've tried to make our mobile website as clean and readable as possible, but it can be a big help on more cluttered websites. You can long-press the button instead if you want to automatically enable Reader View on websites of your choice. You can customize Reader View to make things easier to read, too. While in Reader View, tap the button at the right side of Safari's address bar. It looks like a smaller capital A to the left of a larger capital A. The buttons in the menu allow you to increase or decrease the font size, change the color of the page (for example, you can enable white text on a black background by tapping the black dot), and choose the font the article appears in. Click that button and Reader View will instantly pop up with the article and only the article. The keyboard shortcut Command+Shift+R also works. Now you can read without distractions. If you're not sold on the color scheme or font, you click the "Aa" icon in the right side of the address bar. The top two buttons, with different size A's, lets you bump the font size up and down. The four boxes below that let you choose the background color. Finally, you can choose a font. …to my personal preference, a more natural look. It's really up to you, and it's nice to have choices. Until relatively recently it wasn't possible to change this at all without third-party extensions, but this is a lot easier. I love the Reader View for all sorts of reasons, but it's also nice in that it's a nice compromise in the ad-blocking debate. I've written for sites where I wasn't allowed to even mention ad blockers, so concerned was management about potentially losing revenue. And you know what? That's not necessarily unfair. But it's also not unfair to say that the current advertising ecosystem is making the web a much less friendly place. Too many sites are an absolute mess for readers to get through, so I understand why users turn to ad blockers. Safari's Reader View offers a compromise. It doesn't block ads: you still see them when you first open a page, and the sites you read still get paid. But if you want a quiet space to read, free from distractions, you can have that in just one click. And unlike with ad blockers, you can use whatever font and color you like. Everyone wins.
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From double-decker buses to pubs and musicals, the British capital has something special for all. London: Jack the Ripper Interactive Guided Walking Tour Magical London: Harry Potter Guided Walking Tour London: Westminster to Greenwich River Thames Cruise Top sights in London 1. The London Eye 2. Sea Life London Aquarium 3. Warner Bros. Studio London 4. Tower of London 5. London Victoria Station 6. River Thames 7. King's Cross Station 8. Madame Tussauds London 9. Greenwich 10. Museum of London Thames cruises London: River Thames Dinner Cruise Little Venice: Regent's Canal Waterbus Boat Trip to Camden London: River Thames Evening Cruise with Bubbly and Canapés London River Thames Lunch Cruise The Royal Family & more Kensington Palace Sightseeing Entrance Tickets London Private Bike Tour: Highlights, Picnic & Royal Parks Buckingham Palace: The State Rooms Entrance Ticket 10 best places to visit in London Discover the best places to visit in London during your trip to the United Kingdom. Explore Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, and more. 9 fun facts you didn't know about London You've seen the films, you recognize Big Ben and the red buses. These 9 fun facts about London will make you see the city differently. 48 hours in London Take advantage of your two days in London and find the best things to do on your trip. Experience Covent Garden, a Harry Potter tour, and more. 10 unmissable experiences in London Looking for the top things to do in London? Experience the best the city has to offer with our roundup of unmissable experiences. Find more travel inspiration Our most recommended things to do in London 6. London: Westminster to Greenwich River Thames Cruise Admire the views of London's most iconic sights with a cruise on the River Thames. Cruise to Greenwich to see London's historical sights from the River Thames. Journey past iconic sights such as the Houses of Parliament, Tower Bridge, and the Tate Modern. Choose between either a one-way or round-trip journey, with skip-the-line entry. Listen to the live audio commentary as you enjoy the comfort of a modern but traditional vessel. Admire the pyramid-structure of The Shard and see other monuments from London's historic waterway. Head to the open deck for panoramic views of London's landmarks. Stop at Embankment Pier, Festival Pier, and Tower Bridge Quay before arriving at Greenwich Pier. Feel free to explore the charms of Greenwich on your own terms, and see sights such as Greenwich Market, the Cutty Sark, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich Park, and the Royal Observatory which are all within easy walking distance from the pier. 10. London: Tottenham Hotspur Stadium Tour Frequently asked questions about London What top attractions are a must-see in London? The must-see attractions in London are: See all must-see sights in London What are the top things to do in London this week? The top things to do in London are: Explore the best things to do in London on GetYourGuide Which tours in London are taking additional COVID-19 precautions? These experiences in London are taking additional COVID-19 precautions: See all London tours on GetYourGuide How many days should you spend in London? If this is your first trip to London, stay for at least four full days in order to hit all the classic sights like Buckingham Palace. But whether it's your first trip or your tenth, the key to visiting London is planning. The more you dig around, the more you'll realize how many things you can do in the city -- and everybody will want to see different sights and attractions. Before you go, decide which which tours or sights are a "must" for your group. How much do taxis and double decker buses cost? Transportation is notoriously expensive in London. Take the tube or a taxi at least once, for the experience and the picture. Locals travel by bus or by foot. The bus map can be a little confusing, but it is reliable and much cheaper. You'll be an expert by the end of your trip, which will give you a better excuse to come back again! What's the best time of year to visit London? They aren't kidding when they say "foggy Londontown." There's always a threat of rain, which is something that bonds the English together in solidarity. Even in the summer, you should carry an umbrella or light jacket. One idea? Plan your visit around a classic London event (like the Oxford Cambridge Boat Race down the Thames, or seeing the Christmas lights at Harrod's). The weather is foggy with a chance of rain year-round. In the spring, the parks are green and in bloom. In the fall and winter, hotel prices tend to be lower. Insider tips: Planning a trip to London Laurence is a full time travel blogger and photographer, who shares his tips on travel and improving your photography on his website Finding the Universe. He used to live in London, and you can see his tips for spending two days in London here. What should I do on my first trip to London? The best way to get acquainted with the city is to take a stroll from the Tower of London, across Tower Bridge, and along the south bank of the Thames before finishing at the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. This will take no more than 2 hours, but will acquaint you with many of London's most popular sights. You could easily visit two of London's most popular attractions at the start and end of your journey, the Tower of London and Westminster Abbey as well. What are some hidden gems to see in London? London has some really interesting and quirky museums which are well worth visiting. The Museum of Brands is a great option, as is the Cartoon Museum. The Postal Museum is also worth a visit! How much time should I spend in London? The main highlights of central London can be experienced across two days. If you want to explore areas outside the central area, perhaps visiting attractions like Windsor Castle, an extra day would be advisable. What food is London known for? No trip to London would be complete without trying out some local pub food. Highlights of a pub menu would include fish and chips or a traditional steak and ale pie. Don't forget to leave room for dessert, with sticky toffee pudding being a popular option! What are the best months to visit London? Avoiding the summer crowds in London is advisable, so visiting between April and June or in September should give you the best combination of better weather and less people. December is also a good time to visit as the city is decorated with lights and Christmas decorations. What is neighborhood The East End of London known for? The East End of London, which stretches from around the Tower of London out towards the London City Airport, is famous for its markets, street food, and incredible curry houses. What are the best neighborhoods for food? If you love curry, one of the most popular dishes in the UK, then you'll want to head out to East London where you'll find an incredible array of authentic Indian restaurants. Another good option is to dine around the West End theatres, there are many good restaurants in this area which often have pre-theatre dining deals. What are the best neighborhoods for shopping? The most well known shopping street is the mile long Oxford Street which runs from Marble Arch to Tottenham Court Road. This has all the major high street brands. For high end shopping, you'll want to head to the area of Mayfair, whilst those of you shopping for a suit will want to head to the world famous Savile Road. What neighborhood should I stay in when I visit London? Central London, and specifically the borough of Westminster, is probably the best place to base yourself in the city. Here you'll find everything from budget hostels through to world famous five star hotel brands. Basing yourself here might cost a bit more than being a bit further out, but it is definitely worth it for the proximity to sightseeing. based on 117,958 reviews The route is the perfect length for younger children, my daughter is only 4 and came away talking about what she had seen and been told by our amazing guide Peter. Peter really made this a great experience fir the children. I would definately recommend!! London: Tootbus Kids Tour Reviewed by Lauren, 12/31/2021 This was a really great tour. Our guide, Glenn was awesome. He was informative and funny and the tour was paced nicely From London: Full-Day Tour of the Cotswolds Reviewed by Arianna, 12/31/2021 Everyone had a good time. It was interactive and entertaining. Magical London: Harry Potter Guided Walking Tour Reviewed by Solivelises, 12/31/2021 Great for all ages - an interesting tour of central london Magical London: Harry Potter Guided Walking Tour Reviewed by Douglas, 12/31/2021
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So if you guys were to get (or have already gotten one) a master card, what would you use it on? Just kinda curious on what all of you would say. Then the slayer weapons come second. I'll probably use it like shadow said, Haste or slayers. Actually sleep is the best staff. But cant you also get S-rank weapons thru villages/chests? and the ones aless mentioned are only available thru tournaments.. so would you say its better to get the weapons you can only get thru tourneys..since you can get the other weapons thru villages or chests? Look Axls right sleeps better in a way but Slayers and haste are much rarer making them the priority. S ranks and sleep are easy to find normally the others, you have a 1.5 chance or some lol. I already have the Quicken staff, but haste would definitely sound nice. Quicken/haste hands down. Then oneger/reavers. You could've gotten a much more rarer item... like Quicken/Haste/Reavers. I can get S-Ranks from 20/20 treasure rushes. It was at the time my best unit was 20/1. I would have rather used it for like horseslayer/killer/longbow than S-rank wep (that isn't toy or killer tome). But yeah, like ppl have already said, best ones to get are slayers and haste. Sure Slayers have more pow, but Reavers also give you an option to use on unpromotes if you ever wanted to.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: SPWM look up table for BLDC control I am trying to implement sinusoidal control for a BLDC motor. After doing some research about sine wave controller, it seems that SPWM and SVPWM are the best methods for a sine wave controller. * *I first wanted to try with SPWM method. *I have designed an inverter bridge circuit which was working fine with 6 step commutation. *Now I have to work more on an algorithm for generating SPWM with a 120 degree phase shift. I have used this LUT for SPWM: unsigned char sin_LUT[256]={0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36,39,42,45,48,51,54,57,60,63,66,69,72,75,78,81,84,87,89,92,95,98,101,104,106,109,112,115,117,120,123,125,128,131,133,136,138,141,143,146,148,151,153,156,158,160,163,165,167,170,172,174,176,178,181,183,185,187,189,191,193,195,197,198,200,202,204,206,207,209,211,212,214,215,217,219,220,221,223,224,225,227,228,229,230,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240,240,241,242,243,243,244,245,245,246,246,247,247,248,248,248,249,249,249,249,249,249,249,250,249,249,249,249,249,249,249,248,248,248,247,247,246,246,245,245,244,243,243,242,241,240,240,239,238,237,236,235,234,233,232,230,229,228,227,225,224,223,221,220,219,217,215,214,212,211,209,207,206,204,202,200,198,197,195,193,191,189,187,185,183,181,178,176,174,172,170,167,165,163,160,158,156,153,151,148,146,143,141,138,136,133,131,128,125,123,120,117,115,112,109,106,104,101,98,95,92,89,87,84,81,78,75,72,69,66,63,60,57,54,51,48,45,42,39,36,33,30,27,24,21,18,15,12,9,6,3}; I get good SPWM with the above table. Since this is my first try in spwm technique in BLDC, I am a little confused how to use this. The inverter consists of 6 FETs/3 leg. SPWM will be generated for only 3 high side FETs and that will be complemented for low side the low For the phase shift, I started the second SPWM with 170th value to get 120 degrees. = 120 / 180 = 0.666 =0.666 * 256 = 170.6 value Now I am confused how to activate the 3-SPWM signals according to the Hall sensor position. How I send the signal depends on the position. I know that something I want to do with speed. Could someone clearly explain SPWM signal generation with a Hall sensor? I also don't know to whether to use SPWM for 180 or 360 degree for high side FET. If so then how can I use the LUT? EDITED * *What is the correct formula or technique for generating 3 phase sine PWM? *Some sine look up tables {for 256} start from (+127)---(0)----(-127) and some from 0 to 255. *Which is the correct one for 3 phase sine LUT? *The below one is from saddle waveform (3rd harmonic rejection) which contains 1/3rd period to zero (reduces noise and ripples) static unsigned char SinusoidalWaveTable[384]={ 127,131,135,138,142,145,149,152,155,159,162,165,168,171,174,177,180,183,186,189,192,194,197,200, 202,205,207,210, 212,214,217,219,221,223,225,227,229,231,232,234,236,237,239,240,242,243,244,245, 247,248,249,250,250,251,252,253,253,254,254,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,254,254, 253,253,252,252,251,250,249,248,247,246,245,244,242,241,240,238,237,235,233,232,230,228,226,224, 222,222,225,226,228,230,232,234,235,237,238,240,241,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252,252, 253,254,254,254,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,254,254,254,253,252,252,251,250,249,248, 247,246,245,244,243,241,240,238,237,235,234,232,230,228,227,225,223,220,218,216,214,212,209,207, 204,202,199,197,194,191,188,185,183,180,177,174,171,167,164,161,158,154,151,148,144,141,137,134, 130,127,123,119,116,112,108,104,101, 97, 93, 89, 85, 81, 77, 73, 69, 65, 61, 57, 53, 49, 45, 41, 36, 32, 28, 24, 20, 16, 12, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 6, 10, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 68, 72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 92, 96, 99,103,107,111,115,118,121,124 } * *Could someone give me a simple sine table for 3 phase with an explanation? Edited 2 SWPM for 360 degrees: = 127.5 + 127.5 * sin( 2 * 3.14 * i / 360 ) 0 < i < 360 Using the above one I get good SWPM. I will store that in one array (say sin_lut[360],) then I will start the second wave when i reaches i=120 and the third one as i=240, using a single array. * *I am getting the 3 sine waves with 120 degree shifted waves. *[PLL] Now I want to control the BLDC motor by synchronizing the phase sine (feedback) with the hall sensor position. -I need to learn about phase locked loops. Am I going in the right direction, or do I need to change something? A: I'd start based on Fig. 6 in this paper. You'd simply calculate a speed estimate from the hall effect readings. That gives you how fast you'll be stepping through your LUT. Hint: this becomes a lot easier if you use a reasonably large LUT – I think you're using an STM32F103? You've got plenty of flash and at least 20 kB of RAM - your LUT can be much larger, so that you get a better sine with less ad hoc calculations. Also you really don't need to store a symmetrical piece of sine – ¼ of a period is sufficient (the rest's just mirrored and/or sign-inverted). In the end, you could implement that as PLL – your hall effect sensors give you a phase, and you'd subtract the phase that your current reading point in your LUT corresponds to, and low pass filter that error, and then subtract the error from how you increase the pointer into your LUT.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Ahhh, poutine. That most delicious of Canadian delicacies. Canada is all about three things: unlimited kindness, hockey and poutine. For the uninitiated, poutine is basically chips, smothered in gravy, and topped off with cheese curd, creating a mixture only mad scientists could conceive. Stacks have been doing poutine for quite a while, and their spin is adding even more ingredients to an already disgusting sounding dish. This one in particular has added cole slaw and pulled pork. Because why the hell not. Trust me. There's chips below all that mess. And it kind of makes you wonder: why do chips get served in any other way? There's no reasonable explanation as to why something as gross and utterly horrendous can taste so delicious. Canadians are nice and all, but this meal is even nicer. You'll be thanking everyone for a week after you've tried this. You'll also be thanking for the invention of toilet paper, but that's a reasonable sacrifice. Slimy? The fork in that picture? Useless. You'll be messier than the time you tried eating spaghetti with your bare hands. Stock on extra napkins. Maybe a toilet roll.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
What will happen if I am using the service? It is not possible to say exactly what will happen to your mental health care if the service is due to be cut or closed. However, the NHS and the local authority do have a duty of care to signpost you to alternative services and support. If an NHS service is cut or closed and they cannot support you any more, they will need to follow their discharge policy. You can ask them how you will get help for your mental health in the future. Local authorities should regularly review care services. If there is a possible risk of funding cuts they should plan ahead to find a potential replacement service. The LA should maintain continuity of care and support for people at risk of losing this service.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
«Дети моря» — советский фильм 1964 года снятый на киностудии «Грузия-фильм» режиссёром Константином Пипинашвили. Сюжет Со дня Чёрного моря поднимают одно из затонувших в войну судов — сейнер «Надежда». Вахтанг Нижарадзе, единственный выживший член экипажа сейнера, вспоминает свою юность — о героической жизни экипажа, их борьбе, о его сыне Гураме и его любви, и как он не смог предотвратить гибель сейнера и оставшись один после гибели экипажа «Надежды» его мучила совесть, и он отправился на передовую фронта… Прошло время. Теперь подъёмом сейнера руководит его внук — младший Гурам, и для деда подъем «Надежды» равносилен возрождению погибшего сына. В ролях Коте Даушвили — Ботсо Каландадзе Ираклий Учанейшвили — Вахтанг Нижарадзе Отар Коберидзе -моряк Гурам Лия Элиава — Лейла Нодар Мгалоблишвили — Нодар Давид Абашидзе — Гоча Вахтанг Нинуа — Карчава Иосиф Лагидзе — Гурам Родам Челидзе — Элгуджа Тенгиз Даушвили — Гоча Лиа Капанадзе — Этери Александре Купрашвили — Иван Нодар Пиранишвили — Гига Крититка Журнал «Советский экран» отмечал, что фильм неравномерный: если его первая половина — рассказ о войне и сейнере «Надежда», о героической жизни и любви моряка Гурама — решена убедительно и режиссёру удалось строгим набором средств передать взволнованность, яркую мысль, а три ведущих её актёра сыграли в высокоромантическом, убедительном ключе, то вторая половина фильма — рассказ из современной жизни, вышел дидактическим и вызывает только досаду, но первая новелла — это настоящий художественный фильм — большая удача режиссёра. Литература Виктор Орлов — Правда и её подобие (в том числе о фильме «Дети моря») // Советский экран, № 3, 1966. — стр. 3 Мачавариани А.'' — Поэма о поколениях (Худож. фильм «Дети моря») // Заря Востока, 14 марта 1965 Примечания Источники ზღვის შვილები // Geocinema.ge Фильмы СССР 1964 года Фильмы-драмы СССР Фильмы студии «Грузия-фильм»
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
It was a heartwarming reunion Wednesday for NYC Health + Hospitals Kings County staff and their patients celebrating Patient Experience Week. Employees of a business in Brownsville are fed up, saying they're dealing with a rat problem with trash piling up on their property. The FDA says it determined that the manufacturers, Boston Scientific and Colo-Plast, have not demonstrated a "reasonable assurance" of safety and effectiveness for the devices. The city's Board of Health voted unanimously Wednesday to extend the resolution that would require adults and children living in Williamsburg to receive the MMR vaccine. The East Flatbush community came together in mourning and prayer after a 21-year-old man was fatally shot across the street from his apartment last week.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The Pastoral Council provides assistance and advice to the Pastor and the Pastoral Staff of the Church of the Resurrection regarding the pastoral care of the members of the parish and the communities of Avondale, Bond Hill, Evanston and Lincoln Heights. Eight members are elected by parishioners and two are appointed by the pastor. The council generally meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
This market research report presents a comprehensive analysis of the global Healthcare and Life Sciences ITO market by Industry, Healthcare Provider System, Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Clinical Research Organization (CRO), and Health Insurance. The report also provides an analysis of the market's growth prospects in regions such as the Americas, APAC, and EMEA. Healthcare IT outsourcing is when healthcare providers enter into business contracts with third-party service providers for cost-effective IT-enabled business services, application management services, and infrastructure solutions. Healthcare providers have begun subscribing to IT outsourcing services to deliver improved patient care services and to maximize staff efficiency. IT outsourcing also reduces operational and maintenance costs and enables healthcare providers to focus on core business areas and deal with the complexities of patient care more efficiently. They usually outsource applications such as operational services, financial services, database management services, and infrastructure-related services. New research report takes a close and analytical look at the various companies that strive for a higher share of the global Healthcare and Life Sciences ITO market. Data on the leading and fastest-growing segments along with what drives them has been given. This report implements a balanced mix of primary and secondary research methodologies for its analysis. The market is segmented on the basis of key criteria. For this purpose, a section dedicated to company profiles has been included in the report. After studying key companies, the report focuses on the startups contributing towards the growth of the market. Possible mergers and acquisitions among the startups and key organizations are identified by the report's authors in the study. Most companies in the Healthcare and Life Sciences ITO market are currently engaged in adopting new technologies, strategies, product developments, expansions, and long-term contracts to maintain their dominance in the global Healthcare and Life Sciences ITO market. With the advent of new technologies on a regular basis, players are striving hard to incorporate the latest technology to gain a competitive edge above the rest. For a detailed competitive analysis, the Global Healthcare and Life Sciences ITO Market is segmented on the basis of region, application, and product type. By region, the global sales market is divided into Asia-pacific, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa, and North America. Major industries are concentrating on distributing their products and services across various provinces. Moreover, acquisitions and unions from some of the leading administrations are on the cards in the near future. Efforts are being taken by most of the companies to improve their research and development activities to introduce innovations. All these factors are predicted to propel the Global Healthcare and Life Sciences ITO Market. – Market Penetration: Comprehensive information on the product portfolios of the top players in the Healthcare and Life Sciences ITO market. Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service IaaS Market Share, Trends and Leading Players By 2025: Amazon Web Services, Bluelock, CA Technologies, etc. Sodium Sulphide Cas 1313-82-2 Market Overview with Qualitative analysis, Competitive landscape & Forecast 2022 key players: Solvay, Tessenderlo Group, PPG Industries, etc. Global Adult Diapers Market 2018 – Huge Market Growth Till 2024: Kimberly Clark, SCA, Unicharm, First Quality Enterprise, etc.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Lately I've been working on a new design for Bad Girl Chocolates, as well as some spot illustrations for Fight On! Magazine. I'll post the art soon enough, but for now I've scanned in and uploaded for your viewing please some Rhinosferatu art by my friends which has been stagnating in my Rhinosferatu sketch book. Oh, and Uncle Mike's Worldwide is working on some Rhinosferatu miniatures, more news about that as it develops! David Gagnon is a character designer at Atomic Cartoons. Check out his art blog. Trevor Phillips designs and prints his own shirts under the name Ebon Aves Apparel. You may have seen me wearing his volcano or bear with a fez shirt! Marlon Deane is a character designer and storyboard artist at Atomic Cartoons.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
HP 300 Colour ink is a famous Cartridge from Hewlett Packard. We have a wide range of HP CC643EE (300)in stock ready to be shipped to you once you place your order..If you buy remanufactured HP 300 Colour ink , you will enjoy top quality printing at Affordable price. The remanufactured HP CC643EE (300) Magenta ink can produce an ideal high quality printing results for your documents same way as you want it from original HP CC643EE (300))INK Cartridges. The bargain does not stop here. In addition to providing best quality printing, the remanufactured HP CC643EE (300) Magenta ink also helps you save a huge amount of money. HP CC643EE (300) Magenta Cartridge can easily save you as much as 50% when you buy remanufactured HP CC643EE (300) ink from Ebargainshop.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Chuck Jones is my Hero! I found this awesome Chuck Jones video called the evolution of an artist. This video makes some simple amazing points, and anyone interested in 2D animation should watch this video and see the master at work! Kenson Kids Behavior Chart Animation.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: How to show feature information on map MouseMove event without any blinking? I am trying to show a selected feature information in a popup using ShowCalloutAt API function on mousemove event. using below code: public class TestMouseMove { public TestMouseMove(MapView mapView) { mapView.MouseMove+=MouseMove_Event; } private void MouseMove_Event(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { var screenPoint = new MapPoint (e.Location.X, e.Location.Y, EsriMapView.SpatialReference); var mapPoint = (MapPoint)GeometryEngine.Project (screenPoint, SpatialReferences.Wgs84); Feature selectedFeature=null; //I have written logic to Filter and take the single feature of top layer under mouse pointer selectedFeature=GetFeatureUnderMousePointer(); //Now I am calling callout at the selected point using below code CalloutDefinition myCalloutDefinition = new CalloutDefinition("Testing message"); // Display the callout MyMapView.ShowCalloutAt(mapPoint , myCalloutDefinition); } private GetFeatureUnderMousePointer() { //Logic to filter and ge feature under mouse pointer } } But, if I move my mouse pointer within polygon feature, the ShowCAllout popup up is appears many time on mousemove. As a result the popup appears like it blinks. So, is there is any better way to implement with something like on mousemovestop event?. Or any suggestion on solving this problem is appreciated. Thanks in advance. A: First you must be VERY careful with doing this on each mouse-move event. Performing a hittest on every mouse move is going to hit the CPU very hard, and you might not be able to keep up with the very frequent mouse-moves. I'd recommend you don't perform a hittest if one is already in process, and once that is completed, you perform whichever latest mousemove event occured (since the intermediate ones no longer are important). You should also try and avoid performing identify if MapView.IsNavigating is true (no need to perform identify while you're moving the map around). In general we really recommend only performing these on click, rather than mouse move (depending on the service these can be rather slow/long-running operations). Now to your specific question if you really want to do this on mouse-move, I'd suggest you only show a new callout if the returned feature is a different feature (use the object id to identify if it's the same one or not). So you'd only show it the first time the feature comes back, and you'd close the callout if no feature came back.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Wondering how to roll out a full Inquiry Cycle in your practice? Curious as to where to begin and where to go next? In Inquiry Mindset, Trevor and I propose a clear and accessible cycle to use when planning and rolling out Inquiry with your Littles. The idea behind the cycle is that it can be used in any type of inquiry. Whether you are planning a structured 3 week cycle or a series of lessons in guided inquiry, the cycle allows you to feel supported, planned and empowers you to look forward to where you are headed. To help plan out your inquiry cycle, please keep three things in mind: your learners, your curriculum and your assessment. Reflecting on what's going on for your learners, how the inquiry cycle will connect to your curriculum and how you will provide your learners to share how their thinking has changed is crucial and will help to create a much more fluid cycle. We created this sketch to help you understand the ten phases of the inquiry cycle. In chapter 3, of Inquiry Mindset, we have broken down each phase and included a case study example to illustrate what this could look like in your classroom. Keep in mind that this sketch is powerful to use for your self with colleagues when collaborating and planning for inquiry but also with your learners. It helps to bring the process to life and to scaffold when you are moving towards the deeper end of the pool. Please share and tag us on the #InquiryMindset community with your thoughts and ideas surrounding this chapter and sketch! Remember, in inquiry we are more powerful together. We can't wait to hear what you think and roll out with your learners.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
A human mind is a powerful thing; through sheer conviction a person may push their body way beyond what is biologically possible. This held true even in Raven's old world – they had even had a name for it there – but here, where spiritualists were more in tune with the essence of the world, it was even more so. In fact, one could argue that it was precisely the conviction that the Divine Skill Imprints gave them that allowed spiritualists to push themselves even further and manipulate spirit essence as a power of their own. But this aspect of the human mind is a double edged sword. As the killing intent laced spirit essence of Raven's Ode of Woe bombarded the mind of the man calling himself the Blood Hound, the would-be assassin hadn't reacted in time to put up any kind of defense, and the second Raven's attack touched his soul prism it was already too late. By then he didn't just believe he was going to die, he knew it. Instantly his body responded and started to shut itself down on its own. It happened faster than Raven had expected and before she managed to pull back her attack, the man had fainted – or perhaps more accurately, shut down enough to the point where his consciousness left him. Raven stared blankly at the dying man in front of her. She clicked her tongue disapprovingly. 'I guess I haven't really gotten the hang of it yet; my latest breakthrough has made me a bit unbalanced. . . .' Although Raven trained relentlessly, it was still rather rare for her to find the opportunity to use her powerful mental attack to its fullest, and with every jump in her cultivation the effectiveness of her Divine Skills would increase as well, making it harder to control. For three years, Raven had been cultivating regularly in that mysterious space provided by the academy founder's benefactor and, although Raven hadn't dared repeat her Day of Light experience in the Spirit Hall Tower, she had still improved by leaps and bounds. Over these years, Raven didn't make even a single new spirit connection, keeping her at 374 connections, but those connections had changed greatly; if they, in the beginning, could have been considered as frail threads, they had now swelled into robust ropes, all of which absorbed spirit essence from the world at an astounding pace. With this improved absorption pace, it had only taken a year for Raven to step into the Champion realm and not too long ago her cultivation had soared to the point of being considered a mid Champion. As such, Raven was the first ever nine-year-old to enter the ranks of the top 1% of elite spiritualists on the Trinity continent who managed to raise their cultivation so far – much to Headmaster Swan's immense delight. At first he had been a bit reluctant to agree to Raven's request for personal revenge, but, as he learned how quickly she was improving, Headmaster Swan immediately changed his mind. For him, the most important thing was now to make sure Raven survived – if that meant putting the nation in a tricky situation for a few years, so be it. Raven looked back at the two sleeping twins not far from her before she glanced at the other man whom she had knocked unconscious with the Ode of Woe earlier. Although he was weaker than the Blood Hound, Raven hadn't hit him with the skill straight on either so he was still better off. 'Four people, huh. . . . How annoying,' she sighed, but despite her inner thoughts, Raven hoisted the two strangers over her shoulders with ease. As for the twins, a softly glowing membrane of spirit essence appeared underneath them, lifting them gently from the ground. She used no Divine Skills to pull this off and instead relied on the ability to manifest her own spirit essence outside of her body. It had started with a small ring in Elder Willow's class nearly four years ago, but, since Raven's Spacial Dash relied on this concept to work at all, Raven had trained the technique to completely new heights. 'At least the Hound made it a little bit simpler to get back to the house undetected. . . .' thought Raven as she silently moved through the night, hauling the unconscious boys and men with her. Barely an hour later, an extremely flushed Javelin slammed open the front door to the mercenary house where Bill lived, in the outskirts of the city. Immediately the anger within Javelin subsided a bit. It had been a while since Raven asked him for a favor, often turning to that Limpkin assassin instead. "What can I do?" he asked solemnly. "I need your help with some healing," was the reply he got and once more Javelin couldn't stop himself from running forwards to Raven, fear gripping his heart. "Not me, silly!" Raven chuckled and used her arms to push Javelin away. "Then who . . ." Javelin was confused. "You didn't listen to a word Bill had to say, did you?" she asked and Javelin looked down on the ground, absentmindedly scratching the back of his neck. At that point Bill came in through the front door. "You're right, ma'am, he did not," he said, wheezing and out of breath, "the moment I told him there had been an assassination attempt and that you needed his help, this young one took off running." Bill flicked his thumb towards Javelin. Javelin and Bill glared at each other, sparks flying. "Yes, ma'am." Bill bowed and left the hallway without even a glance towards Javelin. Raven on the other hand beckoned for Javelin to follow her. They headed towards the house's cellar. "Heavenly Slumber Grip?" asked Javelin as they walked – he hadn't heard of such a skill before. "There are 36 919 of them, to be exact." Raven didn't even bother to look back at Javelin as she started descending the stairs to the cellar, leaving him stunned on the stair landing. "Holy sh-" Javelin couldn't help but cry out in shock but his loud outburst was cut short as he found his mouth suddenly covered by Raven's hand. Javelin's eyes widened and his pulse quickened at the feel of her cool hand. Javelin somehow managed to swallow and nod obediently, so Raven lowered her hand and backed away, continuing down the steps. For a few seconds Javelin couldn't say anything, or even move – his heart was beating too violently – but when Raven had reached the bottom of the stairs and turned to give him a questioning look, Javelin forced himself to move forward. Raven opened the bottom door to the cellar and allowed Javelin to walk in first. The moment he passed through the doorway, high pitched wails filled his ears. Javelin looked around the cellar room, only to find that it didn't look even one bit like the food cellar it was supposed to be. It was more like a dungeon. There were plenty of chains adorning the walls and various odd looking tools were neatly arranged on a bench to the side. On the wall opposite to the entrance, two men were chained up tightly. One of the men was the source of the wailing – his eyes were filled with fear and Javelin couldn't help but feel like the man was ready to pass out any second. The other man hung, slumped in his chains, already knocked out. With a flash, Raven was next to the man, her hand gripping his throat. "Don't speak to him," she warned, sternly before she leaned in closer and whispered something that Javelin couldn't hear. Whatever it was she said, it had effect; immediately the man paled and clammed his mouth shut. Javelin frowned slightly. He had known for a while now that Raven was a masterful assassin, who no doubt had killed plenty of people before, but somehow this dungeon made Javelin feel a bit uneasy. It was one thing to be a killer – few spiritualists would go their entire lives without killing someone – but it was a different thing being cruel about it. "Raven?" Javelin's voice revealed his discomfort more than he had intended but if she noticed it, Raven ignored it. Raven shook her head. "They don't seem compatible with me. Even after I manege to learn how to use them, their effects are always dismal – and they're getting worse too. . . ." For a moment, Raven's gaze turned distant and a little sad, as if she was thinking about something that pained her. Javelin felt a lump forming in the back of his throat but before he could say anything, Raven's eyes turned back to their normal expressionless state. "You'd better hurry," she said and indicated the man in need of assistance. "Right." Javelin walked forward and placed his hands on his patient, letting his own spirit essence pour into the man. Instantly his Eyes widened in shock. Outwardly there hadn't seemed to be anything wrong with the man, but inside it was more like nothing was right; every single organ showed signs of failing. Normally such a process would cause the body to react violently, desperately trying to reboot itself, but here there was nothing – the man was just slowly slipping away. "You caused this?" Javelin was silently amazed, but he sounded more accusing than impressed. Raven seemed to soften a bit, even giving Javelin a half-weary smile. "Very well then," said Javelin and turned his attention back to the dying man. "Let's see what can be done." A brilliant, yet oddly not blinding light spread out from his hands as he placed one of them on the man's forehead and the other on his abdomen. Gushes of nurturing spirit essence flowed from Javelin into the man, causing the latter's body to shake violently with every pulse. Off to the side, the second still conscious man seemed to push through his fears for a moment as he stared intently at Javelin's hands, or perhaps the man underneath them. It was hard to say if he was eager or apprehensive towards the latter regaining his consciousness. At first there was no reaction whatsoever from Javelin's healing – the man continued to die at a steady pace – but eventually the soul prism, which had been showing signs of breaking, seemed to stabilize itself. Like coming up for air after a long dive, the man suddenly stirred, breathing in a huge breath of air. Javelin hardly had time to register a cool hand gripping the back of his neck before he found himself standing at the other end of the room, with Raven between him and the chained man, also know as the Blood Hound. Javelin looked over Raven's shoulder, and for the first time he actually took in the features of the captured assassin; the man's hair was short and ill-kept but the dark brown locks still framed his paled face quiet nicely, his skin was pale and his eyes were a striking light green. A couple of gruesome scars across his cheek were the only things that actually prevented the man from being considered handsome. That and his terrified expression. Raven spun around and fixed her gaze on the man. Without Javelin being able to catch her movements, she suddenly appeared in front of the would-be assassin, tilting the latter's head to face her. Raven's eyes seemed to peer into the very soul of the man, causing even Javelin to shudder while the man himself let out a soft whimper – he might have been jerked out of the state where his fear convinced himself to death, but Raven clearly still scared him. Javelin almost couldn't help himself from chuckling at the sight of a full-grown man whimpering in front of the female nine-year-old that was his roommate, but Raven's next sentence stopped Javelin's laughter dead in his throat. Well crap. That was not what I was expecting… Good job, you got me with this one. Thanks for the chapter! Good luck trying to get a chapter out tomorrow. Raven is scaaary. She will do terrifying things to those that try to harm her friends. Tsk, tsk, tsk Mr. Willow losing a valuable person. Soon he will loose more.
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There's more! It has been scientifically proven that every individual is acquainted with 200 other people and, with the "Six Degrees of Separation" concept, you can actually reach anyone you like. Your contacts and their network can open up brand new horizons for you, as you have a 63% higher chance of succeeding at a meeting with a reference from someone in your network. It's completely in your hands to reach whoever you want to meet, and even do business with them, as long as you know the right people. The first book about Networking in Turkey includes striking real life stories from Ertuğrul Belen, who has helped over 50,000 professionals and entrepreneurs with his Meet, Introduce and Get RecognizedTM methodology, and through BNA Speed NetworkingTM events. The Art of Networking: Meet, Introduce and Get Recognized emphasizes the significance of designing your professional and social life through relationships in your network, in order to achieve your goals. It demonstrates that it is only possible to reach your goals through strong connections, and teaches you to Meet, Introduce and Get RecognizedTM as part of this process. The book deals with a variety of networking topics: Communication, body language, effective speaking, business development, career planning, sales techniques, motivation, human resources and leadership... But what renders "Networking Vision" unique among other similar techniques is that you'll feel and observe an immediate and significant change in your life if you apply what you already know and what you read in this book, at the right time and place, and more importantly through the right network.
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Warner F. Young III Stephen D. Halfhill James T. Bacon Matthew G. Williams Erin E. Masin Kenneth W. Curtis Kevin P. Childers John D. Pellegrin Sefton K. Smyth Geoffrey C. Dodson Heba K. Carter Bret Giaimo Business Law Counseling Computer Technology Law Corporate Law Structures International Business Transactions Chapters 7, 11 and 13 Creditors Rights Criminal Law and Traffic Violations College Code of Conduct Violations Purchase, Development & Finance Agreements Mechanic's Lien Law Wealth Preservation Estate Planning Administration Bet the Business Litigation Virginia Local Counsel 11350 Random Hills Road, Suite 700 | Fairfax, Virginia 22030 Call for a Consultation 703-352-1300 Home / Newsletters / REPORT FROM COUNSEL SUMMER 2009 ISSUE REPORT FROM COUNSEL SUMMER 2009 ISSUE E-MAILS CAN MODIFY CONTRACTS We send e-mails so casually and with such informality, even in the business environment, that it is easy to forget that they may carry significant legal consequences. It is only prudent to bear in mind that even e-mails written in the most conversational style may create legal obligations no less binding than a more conventional written agreement laden with legalese and signed with all formalities. If a business wants to entirely avoid the possibility of having e-mails treated as binding amendments to existing contracts, the best approach is to be as clear and direct as possible on the subject by including language in contracts to the effect that e-mails do not count as signed writings for purposes of any contract amendments. Cautionary Case A recent cautionary case on point involved an individual who sold his public relations firm to a global communications company. The deal included an employment contract under which the seller was to continue as chairman and CEO of the new company for three years. Soon, the new company was losing money and the seller was presented with the option of either leaving or taking on new responsibilities. E-mail then entered the picture when an employee of the communications company sent yet another option to the seller in an e-mail that spelled out how the seller would allocate his time. The seller replied by e-mail that he enthusiastically accepted that proposal. For his part, the representative of the communications company replied by e-mail that he was thrilled with the seller's decision to accept the new offer. In both e-mails the sender had typed his name after the message. The seller later had a change of heart and sued to enforce the terms of the original employment agreement. An appellate court ruled against him on the ground that the exchange of e-mails on the new employment proposal constituted a binding amendment to the employment agreement. This was so even though the original agreement required that any changes had to be in the form of signed writings. The court reasoned that the e-mails effectively were signed writings because the parties' names appeared at the end of the e-mails, signifying an intent to authenticate the preceding contents of the messages. Likewise, the e-mails also were signed writings for purposes of the Statute of Frauds, which requires certain contracts to be in writing in order to be enforceable. In short, when the seller and his e-mail correspondent clicked "send" and "reply," they were sealing a new deal that the seller could not avoid even though it was in an electronic form. ROTH 401(K)S It has become more common for employers to offer not only conventional 401(k) retirement plans, but, since they became available in 2006, also Roth 401(k) plans. For 2009, an employee can put away a total of up to $16,500 in a 401(k) plan. If the employee is at least 50 years old or will be before the end of the year, the maximum contribution rises to $22,000 because of a "catch-up" contribution of up to $5,500. The total contribution may be allocated between 401(k) and Roth 401(k) accounts. In fact, the prevailing view is that it is a good idea to have some money in both types of plans because doing so will yield benefits from a diversified exposure to taxes. From an income tax standpoint, a 401(k) and a Roth 401(k) are mirror images. Contributions to a traditional 401(k) come from pretax earnings, and tax is deferred on that money and the income earned by the account until money is withdrawn. By contrast, a Roth 401(k) is funded up front with taxable earnings, but then all withdrawals are tax‑free after the account exists for 5 years and the account holder reaches the age of 59-1/2. If the tax bracket were to stay constant throughout a taxpayer's working life and into retirement, there would be little or no financial advantage of one plan over the other. In most cases though, either through changes in the Tax Code or due to changing income levels, or both, over the years a taxpayer moves among the various tax brackets. The direction in which the taxpayer is headed on this scale largely determines whether a conventional 401(k) or a Roth 401(k) makes more sense. If you anticipate that your tax rate is now higher than it will be in the future, a traditional 401(k) is probably the right choice. A typical example involves the person nearing retirement who is currently in the last few peak earning years, but who soon expects to have lower income during retirement. On the other hand, a young adult worker just getting started may well be in higher tax brackets in later years, making the Roth 401(k) more attractive. For that individual, the future tax-free withdrawals from the Roth 401(k) will bring greater benefits. NEW IDENTITY THEFT RULES AFFECT BUSINESSES Faced with the reality that identity theft continues to cause billions of dollars in losses for individuals and businesses each year, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued "Red Flag Rules" that are intended to fight the problem by requiring businesses to implement procedures designed to detect and respond to identity theft. Covered Accounts The rules apply to financial institutions and creditors with "covered accounts." The category of financial institutions includes entities such as banks, savings and loans, and credit unions holding "transactional accounts," meaning a deposit or other account from which the owner makes payments or transfers. The creditor category has raised some eyebrows because it embraces some businesses that in everyday parlance may not have been considered to be creditors. Basically, a "creditor" is broadly defined as any entity that regularly extends, renews, or continues credit. For example, this means finance companies, automobile dealers, mortgage brokers, and utilities, but it also means nonprofits and governmental entities that defer payment for goods or services. An account is a "covered account" for purposes of coverage of the new rules if it is used mostly for personal, family, or household purposes, or if it is an account for which there is a foreseeable risk of identity theft, such as small business and sole proprietorship accounts. Entities subject to the rules must develop a written policy to identify and detect the warning signs—the "red flags" of identity theft. Detection should involve the regular review of accounts, at a minimum. The plan must describe appropriate responses to prevent or mitigate the effects of the crime. There also must be training for staff members, oversight for any service providers, and overarching management of the plan by the board of directors or senior employees of the financial institution or creditor. How extensive a plan must be will vary depending on the size of the entity and the kind of credit accounts it maintains. The new rules also mandate an annual update of the plan. So just what are those red flags for possible identity theft? An exhaustive list may not be possible, but a supplement to the Red Flag Rules identifies and describes 26 separate red flags. They fall into five broader categories: (1) alerts, notifications, or warnings from a consumer reporting agency; (2) suspicious documents, including any that have signs of having been altered or forged; (3) suspicious personal identifying information, such as personal information that does not match information from external sources; (4) unusual use of, or suspicious activity relating to, a covered account, such as the use of an account that has been inactive for a long time or, more generally, any sudden and unexplained change in the patterns of activity for an account; and (5) notices from customers, victims of identity theft, law enforcement authorities, or other businesses about possible identity theft in connection with covered accounts. The consequences for not complying with the Red Flag Rules are significant. The FTC itself has provided for the potential imposition of monetary sanctions and an FTC enforcement proceeding. An even more far‑reaching incentive for compliance is not to be found in the fine print of the rules but is no less real: The Red Flag Rules are likely to become the prevailing standard of care for what preventive measures companies are expected to take if they hope to be able to defend themselves successfully in civil lawsuits arising out of identity theft. RELIGIOUS LAND-USE LAWSUITS The land-use portion of the federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) was enacted to prevent discrimination by the government against the use of real property by religious organizations. On its face, the wording of the statute may appear to apply to circumstances that arise infrequently, but many churches and other religious institutions have used the RLUIPA to get their way in zoning standoffs with local governments. The RLUIPA prohibits the government from imposing or implementing a land-use regulation in a manner that imposes a "substantial" burden on the religious exercise of a person, including a religious assembly or institution, unless the government demonstrates that imposition of the burden is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest and is the least restrictive means of furthering that interest. Thus, a complaining party has the considerable initial burden of showing that the land-use regulation substantially burdens the exercise of religion, and is not merely expensive or inconvenient. If that hurdle is crossed, however, the government may well have a difficult time showing both the "compelling" governmental interest and that it has selected the least restrictive means to advance that interest. In one RLUIPA case, a village zoning board violated the RLUIPA when it denied an application for a special-use permit allowing a private religious day school to construct a classroom building on its campus. The expansion project was a building on, and conversion of, real property for the purpose of a religious exercise, within the meaning of the RLUIPA, given that the rooms that were planned and the facilities to be renovated would all be used, at least in part, for religious education and practices. Even while ignoring a substantial burden imposed on the school's religious exercise, the zoning board did not act to further any compelling state interest, as was shown by the lack of evidence for its stated reasons for denying the permit. Instead, the board had acted with undue deference to the opposition of a small group of neighbors. Even if some compelling state interest was involved, the board refused to consider approving the application subject to conditions, and thus had not used the least restrictive means available to it. Of course, religious organizations have not batted a thousand when they have invoked the RLUIPA. Sometimes even similar cases have had opposite outcomes, making any predictions difficult. In another case of a growing church that had plans to expand the church facilities, including a school on its property, a federal appellate court upheld a township's decision to deny the church's application for a special‑use permit. The court found that the township's denial of the church's application to build a structure in excess of 25,000 square feet on its property did not impose a substantial burden on the church's religious exercise, so as to violate the RLUIPA. The denial would require the church to incur increased expense to accomplish its goal of building a significantly larger church and school, and to endure increased inconvenience if it were not able to build a facility of the desired size, but, in the court's view, nothing the township had done required the church to violate, modify, or forgo its religious beliefs or precepts, or to choose between those beliefs and a benefit to which the church was entitled. That the church was still free to carry out all of its missions and ministries, just not on the scale it desired, foreclosed any finding of a "substantial" burden. COLD FEET COST GROOM $150,000 Sometimes even the best laid marital plans go astray. Usually when that happens, litigation does not ensue, but there are precedents for a cause of action for breach of a contract to marry. In one such recent case, a jilted bride-to-be recovered a substantial jury verdict from her fiancé after he called off the planned wedding. It was the second time that the same man had balked at marrying the same woman. This time, he had asked her to pull up stakes in Florida, where she then lived and worked, and move to live with him in Georgia. He also offered her a diamond ring and agreed to pay off about $40,000 in debt that she had accumulated. Only two weeks into the new arrangement, the man called off the wedding, citing his poor health and apologizing for making promises he would not be keeping. Despite the canceled wedding, the couple stayed together for a few more months. Then the last straw came for the former bride‑to‑be when she found her boyfriend with another woman. He claimed that he had started his romance with the second woman only after the wedding was canceled, but this claim was belied by evidence that he had given that woman $500 just before his ill-fated marriage proposal to the plaintiff. The plaintiff sued for breach of contract, seeking damages for financial and emotional harm. While it may seem that the most obvious injury in such cases is emotional in nature, in this case all but a small amount of the jury verdict was attributable to the value of the employment package that the plaintiff had given up to be with her fiancé. After coming to Georgia, she had struggled to find work and ultimately settled for a much less attractive job after the breakup. No doubt it did not make a good impression on the jury that the boyfriend had broken the news that there would be no wedding by leaving his fiancée a note in the bathroom. This fact dovetailed nicely with the woman's attorney's closing argument, which could be summed up as "He's a cad." ESTATE PLANNING FOR VACATION HOMES Whether it is a palatial estate where Rockefellers and Vanderbilts would feel at home or a rustic cabin in the woods complete with an outhouse, a family vacation home often carries sentimental value that doesn't show up on financial ledgers. That is all the more reason why owners of such homes should plan for the orderly transfer of the home for future generations. With the help of some professional guidance, owners can choose from a variety of options tailored to particular situations and priorities. Outright sale of the property to a third party is simplest, but be prepared for substantial capital gains if the property has been in the family long enough to appreciate in value. A simple bequest can be used to keep the home in the family, but, by itself, it may not address issues such as use and maintenance. A trust, in particular a Qualified Personal Residence Trust, has some tax benefits. The grantor gifts the property but retains a right to use it for a definite term. The value of the gift is calculated as the value of the property, less the retained interest. However, if the grantor does not outlive the retained term, the property will be included in the grantor's estate. A limited liability company (LLC) has the benefit of protecting assets generally. If someone is injured on the property, the owner's liability would be confined to the ownership interest in the property. A partnership has the advantage of a formal structure, but each partner would have to contribute. The issues that arise most often for second and subsequent generations concern how to allocate both the benefits and the burdens of the vacation home, that is, the use of the home and the expenses of the home, including maintenance, insurance, and taxes. The benefits and burdens can be spelled out in writing in as much detail as is desired, but it is not advisable to leave these matters to chance. There is the potential for discord and bruised feelings in even the most congenial families if, for example, one sibling is left out of the prime vacation times while shouldering more than his or her share of costs for maintenance and repair. Parents might head off at least some of these issues by setting up an endowment to cover ongoing expenses for the home. Looking a bit farther down the road, whatever legal forms are used should provide a means by which one or more of the family members can sell his or her interest in the home to the remaining family members. Considering that there may be honest disagreement as to the property's value, it makes sense to look for consensus by using two separate appraisals, one arranged for by the selling family member and one by the remaining owner or owners. Fairfax, Virginia 22030 703-352-1300 : Phone Allred, Bacon, Halfhill & Young, PC is located in Fairfax, VA and serves clients in and around Fairfax, West Mclean, Oakton, Merrifield, Vienna, Annandale, Dunn Loring, Clifton, Fairfax Station, Mount Vernon, Falls Church, Reston, Chantilly, Mc Lean, Greenway, Centreville, Springfield, Herndon, Fairfax County, Fairfax City County, Falls Church City County, Manassas Park City County, and Prince William County. /*back to top button*/
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Funded by Gilead Sciences, Inc., Chicago Unites in Research to End HIV (CURE HIV) is a community-academic partnership among three organizations at the forefront of HIV care, prevention, and research across Chicago – AIDS Foundation of Chicago, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital, and the Evaluation, Data Integration, and Technical Assistance Program (EDIT). This project will establish foundational knowledge for the development and advancement of a cure research agenda. The CURE HIV project seeks to address three research questions with key community stakeholders, including individuals directly impacted by HIV, as follows: What ethical considerations, including risks and benefits, need to be taken into account in cure research? How acceptable is cure research to impacted communities? What are the best ways to engage individuals and communities in cure research? In addition, the CURE HIV Project seeks to increase communication, transparency, and collaboration between community members and scientists. The long-term goal is to increase acceptability and willingness to engage in future cure research and therapy among young men who have sex with men (MSM), MSM of color, transgender women, and cisgender women of color, while simultaneously increasing scientists' ability to engage in ethical and acceptable cure research. Co-Principal Investigators: Drs. George Greene and Amy Johnson Team Member: Jim Pickett Funder: Gilead Sciences, Inc.
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The streamlined Pure BCD offers swivel shoulder buckles, smart trim weight positioning and maximum adjustability. The Mares Pure SLS BCD is a giant step in the evolution of back mounted BCDs. The first thing you will notice when donning the Pure SLS BCD is the improved fit. This new level of comfort is achieved via special shoulder pads which are longer, pre-shaped and reinforced, and which work in perfect unison with the lumbar suspension system. This suspension system is inspired by the design of modern hiking backpacks; the system avoids direct contact between the body and the tank support. Bolt SLS BCD features 7 stainless steel D-rings for complete accessory attachment. Made of very tough 420 Cordura material, the Pure is hardwearing and resistant to tears. Air-cell is separated from the harness, resulting in unrestricted freedom of movement. The bladder is equipped with bungee cords that will aid in a low profile when it is inflated and facilitates rapid deflation when dumping air. The Pure BCD comes standard with 3 pull-dump/overpressure relief valves, one is incorporated into the top of the Ergo Inflator; another is located on the right shoulder and a third is located on the rear lower right. Activation of the valves are made easy with both the upper and lower right valves coming with pull cords and the valve incorporated into the Ergo Inflator is activated by an internal cable attached to the inflator mechanism. The Ergo Inflator comes standard with a 3/8" threaded low pressure quick-disconnect hose. Superbly comfortable and stable back buoyancy BC provides 18kg of lift capacity in size large, yet is streamline and weighs only 3.9kg. Shoulder straps with swivel action buckle design, adjustable chest strap and a waist strap are all equipped with squeeze-style" side-release buckles that along with the adjustable cummerbund provide a custom fit and ease of donning/doffing. BCD provides storage when needed with its roll-down cargo pocket. The Pure SLS BCD has Mares Slide & Lock System (SLS) for weight release. This unique weight integrated BCD provides a visual confirmation of proper weight pouch insertion, so there is no guessing when you do your pre-dive check before entering the water. In addition, the BCD is equipped with smart trim weight positioning for a balanced feel when diving. The Slide & Lock System (SLS) weight pockets have sturdy zipper closures and are easy to slide into the BCD even when wearing thick gloves. The SLS is the safest system available and come in weight capacities of 4kg and 6 kg weight capacities.
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HWW Career Diversity Summer Workshops About Contributors Summer 2019 HWW Fellows Career Diversity Workshops Info HomeArticles posted by iprh Author: iprh July 13, 2016 July 13, 2016 iprh Welcome to the blog for the Humanities Without Walls Alternative Academic Career Summer Workshops for Pre-doctoral Students in the Humanities (we'll also refer to these as the HWW Predoctoral Workshops)! The Humanities Without Walls is a consortium of humanities centers and institutes at 15 major research universities throughout the Midwest and beyond. Based at the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities (IPRH) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), the consortium is funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The purpose of these three-week workshops (the second of which is scheduled for July 18th through August 5th, 2016) is to introduce current doctoral students to the various ways in which they may leverage their pre-existing and developing skillsets to pursue careers in the public humanities and the private sector (also sometimes referred to as "alt-ac" careers). Each workshop will bring together a cohort of approximately thirty Fellows, two from each of the universities in the consortium. HWW Fellows will have the opportunity to engage with leaders working in a range of occupations both in and outside university life that draw on humanities training and extend its horizons beyond academe. This blog is intended to engage participants through reflection and commentary about the workshop's activities, particularly its focus on potential career paths inside and outside of academia. Our intention is that workshop Fellows will emerge with a network of contacts in a range of professional realms; a significantly broadened sense of the career possibilities that await humanities PhDs; a cohort of "alt-ac" fellows from whom they may draw support and advice; and a set of resources aimed at helping them advance into the various realms considered under the broad rubric of "the public humanities." It is our hope that having current Fellows write and reflect about their experiences will benefit all the participants as well as all of those graduate students who have not had the opportunity to attend the workshops. We send a heartfelt welcome to second class of pre-doctoral Fellows, and we look forward to spending a few weeks together this summer! Reflections from Around the Web August 28, 2015 iprh Below is a list of articles by the 2015 alt ac pre-doctoral summer workshop fellows and participants about the workshops that have been published elsewhere on the web. Brian Sarnacki's Website Fellow Brian Sarnacki wrote multiple posts about the workshop on his own blog. "Majeed Cares: On Giving a Damn" by Meghan Forbes for the Michigan Quarterly Review Fellow Meghan Forbes writes a monthly piece about museums for the Michigan Quarterly Review. In August she wrote about Faheem Majeed's solo show at the Museum of Contemporary Art, which she visited with the rest of the Alt Ac workshop fellows. "Chicago's Alternative Academic Career Summer Workshop for Pre-Doctoral Students in the Humanities" by Jonathan Elmer for Connected Academics. Jonathan Elmer, Marilynn Thoma Artistic Director of the Chicago Humanities Festival, wrote a piece about the workshops for the MLA Commons blog. This blog is a place for past and current participants in the Humanities Without Walls Pre-Doctoral Workshops to write, reflect and chronicle their experiences before, during, and after attending the workshops. Content may include: reflections on the workshops, what got participants interested in the humanities, and general reflections on academic life in the second decade of the 21st century. About the Humanities Without Walls consortium The Humanities Without Walls consortium links the humanities centers at 15 research universities throughout the Midwest and beyond. By leveraging the strengths of multiple distinctive campuses, the initiative, titled "Humanities Without Walls," aims to create new avenues for collaborative research, teaching, and the production of scholarship in the humanities, forging and sustaining areas of inquiry that cannot be created or maintained without cross-institutional cooperation. Other Fellows' Blogs On "Alternative Academic" Careers in the Humanities, by Ena Selimovic, HWW '17. Brian Sarnacki, HWW '15
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Police log: Pit bulls loose and crack pipe found Also in today's log, erratic drivers, road rage and out of control kids. Police log: Pit bulls loose and crack pipe found Also in today's log, erratic drivers, road rage and out of control kids. Check out this story on eveningsun.com: https://evesun.co/2I121rz Kaitlin Greenockle, kgreenockle@eveningsun.com Published 9:03 a.m. ET April 24, 2018 | Updated 9:52 a.m. ET April 24, 2018 Staffers at The Evening Sun recap bizarre things heard over the scanner or found in police logs during the past few weeks. stock image(Photo: ChiccoDodiFC, Getty Images/iStockphoto) Hanover Borough 8:38 a.m. Domestic argument between a man and a woman was reported in the 100 block of McAllister Street. 10:12 a.m. Harassment by communications between a man and a woman was reported in the first block of Carlisle Street. 12:35 p.m. A charge of retail theft is pending against a 71-year-old woman, of McSherrystown, following an incident of shoplifting reported at a business in the 800 block of Carlisle Street. 12:46 p.m. No injuries were reported and towing was required following a crash in the 1100 block of Carlisle Street. A 2008 Kia Sportage operated by Dana Fehsal, of Hanover, struck a light pole owned by the North Hanover Mall. Read: Man, suspected of luring Adams County teen online, charged with sexual assault Read: Police: Man sent sexually explicit Facebook messages to 17-year-old girl 1:22 p.m. Theft by deception was reported at a business in the 400 block of Eisenhower Drive involving a male subject that received a refund for merchandise that was not purchased. 2:04 p.m. Christos Mamalis, 29, of Baltimore, Maryland, was cited for retail theft following an incident of shoplifting reported at a business in the 300 block of Eisenhower Drive. 5:31 p.m. Michael Osborne, 37, of Hanover, was cited for harassment following a domestic altercation reported in the 400 block of Baltimore Street. 5:48 p.m. Criminal trespass was reported in the first block of West Elm Avenue where a male subject loitering on private property was located and warned. 5:53 p.m. Christina Sipling, 42, of Abbottstown, was arrested and charged with retail theft following an incident of shoplifting reported at a business in the 800 block of Carlisle Street. She was turned over to the York County Sheriff's Department for further disposition. 5:55 p.m. Harassment between a man and a woman was reported in the 200 block of McKinley Avenue. 6:16 p.m. Theft of money was reported taken from an unsecured vehicle parked in the 200 block of Princess Street. 6:36 p.m. Domestic argument between a man and a woman was reported in the 700 block of Broadway. 7:30 p.m. Robert Ebron Jr., 18, of Hanover, was cited for retail theft following an incident of shoplifting reported at a business in the 800 block of Carlisle Street. 12:22 a.m. A charge of DUI is pending against a 26-year-old man, of Taneytown, Maryland, following a traffic stop in the 300 block of Eisenhower Drive. 1:20 p.m. Disturbance involving a verbal argument between two men was reported in the 100 block of Jackson Street. 2:49 p.m. Theft of money was reported taken from a business in the 400 block of Eisenhower Drive. Investigation continues. 2:52 p.m. No injuries were reported and towing was not required following a crash in the 200 block of York Street. A 1999 Chevrolet Tahoe operated by Justin Snyder, of Downingtown, struck a porch owned by Linda Bostion, of Hanover. 6 p.m. Chad Kellenberger, 41, of Hanover, was arrested and charged with retail theft following an incident of shoplifting reported at a business in the 800 block of Carlisle Street. He was turned over to the York County Sheriff's Department for further disposition. 7:01 p.m. Kenneth Shellington, 25, of Baltimore, Maryland, was arrested for an outstanding warrant following a traffic stop in the first block of East Walnut Street. He was turned over to the York County Sheriff's Department for further disposition. Read: Police log: Customer at a business unable to find the employee 1:23 a.m. Disturbance involving loud music was reported in the 100 block of East Hanover Street. 2:40 a.m. Domestic argument between a man and a woman was reported in the 300 block of York Street. 3:09 a.m. A charge of DUI is pending against a 60-year-old woman, of Glen Rock, following a traffic stop in the 300 block of Eisenhower Drive. 11:25 a.m. Criminal trespass was reported at a business in the 1100 block of Carlisle Street where a male subject loitering on private property left before police arrived. 12:03 p.m. Criminal mischief was reported in the 300 block of Broadway where a outside decoration was broken sometime overnight. 12:56 p.m. James Craig, 53, of Glen Rock, was arrested for outstanding warrants following a traffic stop in the 100 block of York Street. He was turned over to the York County Sheriff's Department for further disposition. 2:07 p.m. Domestic argument between a man and a woman was reported in the 1000 block of Carlisle Street. 3:27 p.m. Disorderly male subject reported yelling in the 400 block of Eisenhower Drive was not located. 6:16 p.m. Suspicious vehicle reported to be occupied and parked outside a business in the 800 block of Carlisle Street was located and checked out OK. 6:32 p.m. Two suspicious male subjects reported loitering in the area of Dart drive and Wilson Avenue were not located. 8:28 p.m. Criminal mischief was reported in the 1300 block of Broadway where lawn furniture and outdoor equipment was tampered with and damaged. 9:44 p.m. Domestic argument between a man and a woman was reported in the first block of Ridge Avenue. Evening Sun reporter Kaitlin Greenockle recaps crime stories from April 3 -12, 2018. 7:37 a.m. Subject found a suspected crack pipe at York and Park streets. It was destroyed by police. 7:40 a.m. Report of a vehicle that scraped a construction sign in the 600 block of Fulton Street. 8 a.m. A disabled vehicle in the 1600 block of Baer Avenue where the vehicle ran out of gas. 8:45 a.m. A subject in the 900 block of Wilson Avenue was warned for illegally dropping of items at the recycling center after hours. 9 a.m. An erratic driver was located and warned at Breezewood and Hall drives. 9:56 a.m. Report of a road rage incident in the 1100 block of Carlisle Street. The subject was not located. 2:51 p.m. Report of a loud, speeding vehicle on Jasmine Drive. The driver was located and warned. 3:18 p.m. A minor vehicle crash in the first block of Black Rock Road. The subjects exchanged information. 3:50 p.m. A subject in the 500 block of Centennial Avenue reported a family member might start issues. 4 p.m. Police attempted to make contact in the 200 block of Breezewood Drive for a California's District Attorney's office. 4:43 p.m. Report of a possible runaway in the 100 block of Fair Avenue. 5:38 p.m. Report of two pit bulls running loose at Grace and McAllister streets. They wer picked up by their owner. 5:57 p.m. Report of a male juvenile out of control in the 600 block of Fulton Street. He was calmed down. 12:18 a.m. Police assisted West Manheim Township Police in the 1500 block of Baltimore Street with a subject who ran from them. 12:56 a.m. Report of a verbal domestic in the first block of Breezewood Drive. 1:27 a.m. Report of a structure fire in the 500 block of Baer Avenue. 9:34 a.m. Police checked two dogs that were in a vehicle in a parking lot in the 700 block of Baltimore Street. They checked out OK. 3 p.m. Report of a theft of money in the first block of Gardenia Drive. 3:29 p.m. Report of an erratic driver on York Street. The driver was located and checked out OK. 7:01 p.m. Report of a vehicle crash to two parked cars in the 600 block of Baltimore Street. 8:15 p.m. Report of loud four-wheelers in the area of the first block of Hill Street. they were not located. 11:18 p.m. Report of a verbal domestic in the 800 block of West Alvin Street between girlfriend and boyfriend. 12:20 a.m. A man was arrested in the 800 block of West Alvin Street for robbery, strangulation, theft and assault. He was taken to central booking. 11:45 a.m. Police answered questions in the 200 block of Jasmine Drive about a subject involving an incident that occurred in Gettysburg. 12:37 p.m. Report of a hit-and-run to a parked vehicle in the 400 block of Frederick Street. 3:14 p.m. Report of a two-vehicle crash in the 2000 block of Grandview Road. No injuries were reported and towing was not needed. 8:17 p.m. Report of a possible trespass violation in the 500 block of Blooming Grove Road. 11:20 p.m. A dog in custody was turned over to the dog officer at Fairview Drive and Westminster Avenue. 11:40 p.m. Report of a subject making too much noise while playing basketball in the 1200 block of Brian Lane. The subject was contacted and asked to quiet down. 11:48 p.m. A woman in the 100 block of Scott Street was cited for harassment. 2:17 a.m. A subject had questions in the 300 block of Beck Mill Road about the status of their driver's license. Read or Share this story: https://evesun.co/2I121rz Chambersburg man dies in Adams County, investigation underway
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Q: C++: Overloading operators. Curious type-transform operator I know, that C++ has operators, that i shouldn't overload. operator '.' is one of these operators that i can't overload. but, for best knowledge, does this overloading is bad? I think, that it is really bad. But i don't need to know, if i have object or pointer to object. However, this is funny and dangerous class A { public: get_int(){ return a } A(){ a=1 } operator A*(){ return this } private: int a; }; int main(){ A a; A* c = a; //here, c->get_int() will return 1 } A: You'd need to overload the indirection operator -> to allow universal x->foo() syntax, irrespective of whether x is a pointer or not: T * T::operator->() { return this; } Usage: T x, * p = &x; p->foo(); // OK as usual x->foo(); // also OK, weirdly Example: #include <cstdio> struct Foo { void foo() { std::puts("Boo"); } Foo * operator->() { return this; } }; int main() { Foo x, * p = &x; p->foo(); x->foo(); }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
A's top prospect Jesus Luzardo shut down with shoulder injury Sporting Green // Oakland Athletics Susan Slusser March 22, 2019 Updated: March 22, 2019 10:04 a.m. A's top prospect Jesus Luzardo shut down with shoulder... 1of3Oakland Athletics pitcher Jesus Luzardo warms up in the bullpen during the third inning of a spring training baseball game against the Seattle Mariners Friday, Feb. 22, 2019, in Peoria, Ariz. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)Photo: Charlie Riedel / Associated Press 2of3Oakland Athletics pitcher Frankie Montas gives his autograph to fans prior to their pre-season exhibition baseball game against the Nippon Ham Fighters at Tokyo Dome in Tokyo Monday, March 18, 2019. (AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)Photo: Eugene Hoshiko / Associated Press 3of3TOKYO, JAPAN - MARCH 21: Outfielder Mitch Haniger #17 of the Seattle Mariners hits a solo homer to make it 3-0 in the 3rd inning during the game between Seattle Mariners and Oakland Athletics at Tokyo Dome on March 21, 2019 in Tokyo, Japan. (Photo by Masterpress/Getty Images)Photo: Masterpress / Getty Images TOKYO — All spring, manager Bob Melvin said the most pressing concern for the A's was health. One game into the regular season, they sadly have more reason to be concerned. General manager David Forst announced before Oakland's second game against Seattle at the Tokyo Dome that top prospect Jesus Luzardo will be shut down for four to six weeks with a muscle strain in his left shoulder. "He's disappointed but he knows he just has to take his time with this," said Forst, who described the injury as a strain of the supraspinatus muscle in the rotator cuff. Luzardo, 21, had one of the best springs of any of the A's starters, allowing just one earned run in four appearances and striking out 15 batters in 9 ⅔ innings. Several scouts suggested that Luzardo should go straight into the rotation and one said that Luzardo would be the team's best starter right from the get-go if he did make the roster. "It's too bad, coming into form like he did under some pressure and certainly the microscope," Melvin said. "We found out a lot about him and unfortunately that will be cut short right now. I don't know that anyone performed better for us this spring. But we know what we have down the road — it's just going to take a little more time at this point. ... Hopefully, we have him for the brunt of the season." Luzardo is unlikely to be ready to rejoin the A's until June, and the team doesn't have a ton of experienced rotation depth, so it could look to add some. The A's already had been in close contact with free-agent starter Edwin Jackson and nearly signed him to a minor-league deal two weeks ago. With the Luzardo news, the team might decide to renew talks with Jackson, who was among the pitchers Oakland had to sign last year after injuries devastated the rotation. Even before breaking camp last spring, the team lost starters Jharel Cotton and A.J. Puk to elbow injuries. Puk last year, like Luzardo this year, was a highly touted lefty who was projected to make a strong impact in the big leagues. Forst said that Luzardo felt the shoulder issue after throwing a side session Monday in Mesa, Ariz., and alerted the A's on Tuesday. "He said he'd been feeling it for a while, but he got sore enough that he had to say something," Forst said. Dr. Doug Freedberg saw Luzardo in Scottsdale, Ariz., on Wednesday and Dr. William Workman, who is traveling with the A's in Japan, reviewed the MRI exam Wednesday night and concurred with the diagnosis. Luzardo had Tommy John surgery three years ago Friday, and he was limited to 109 ⅓ innings last season as a result. From that standpoint, Melvin said, some time off might not be the worst thing in the world. "You have to look at: How many innings was he going to throw this year? This kind of maybe helps us out as far as that goes," Melvin said. With Cotton and Puk on the mend and Sean Manaea recovering from shoulder surgery, the A's could have a flood of fine starters available to return right around the midseason point. Manaea was Oakland's No. 1 starter last year and Puk and Luzardo are two of the top prospects in baseball. "You have to understand who we have coming back," Melvin said. "You look at the potential of the rotation next year, it looks really good. We just need to hold the fort down for a little while here, and we feel like we have the guys to do it." Melvin said that with Luzardo's injury, the team now has three candidates, Frankie Montas, Aaron Brooks and Chris Bassitt, as options for two rotation spots. Montas already appears to have earned a spot after allowing only one earned run in 13 innings this spring. Brooks is out of options and Bassitt is not, giving Brooks the likely advantage. No. 3 starter Brett Anderson will start Sunday's Bay Bridge Series game against the Giants, and Montas also will get in work in the game. Brooks and Bassitt will pitch in the third game of the series Tuesday. Other options at Triple-A include Daniel Mengden, who is a strong candidate to return to the rotation soon or to resume his "follower" role after an opener, and right-hander Paul Blackburn, who had a nice debut with Oakland in 2017 before injuries limited him. Grant Holmes, obtained in the Rich Hill-Josh Reddick deal with the Dodgers in 2016, is healthy and impressed this spring; so too did left-handed minor-league free agent Wei-Chung Wang and right-hander Tanner Anderson, a Harvard grad who was obtained in a trade with Pittsburgh last fall. Susan Slusser is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. Email: sslusser@sfchronicle.com Twitter: @susanslusser Susan Slusser Follow Susan on: https://www.facebook.com/SFChronicle/susanslusser Susan Slusser has worked at The San Francisco Chronicle since 1996 and has covered the A's fulltime since 1999. She has been a member of the Baseball Writers Association of America since 1993 and in 2012 became the only woman to be elected president in the 111 years of the organization. In 2019, she and Chronicle columnist Ann Killion were named the co-California Sportswriters of the Year; Susan is the first team beat writer in the state's history to win the award. Slusser's book about the A's, 100 Things A's Fans Need to Know and Do Before They Die, came out in 2014 and she and A's radio announcer Ken Korach released a new book, If These Walls Could Talk, Tales from the Oakland A's Dugout, Locker Room and Press Box, in 2019. She is also a correspondent for the MLB Network. Former A's pitcher Dave Stewart bids $115M on share of Oakland Coliseum site How a die-hard A's fan is selling top pitchers intel not even MLB teams provide A's Melvin confident Beane and top execs will return, but free-agent losses 'not ideal'
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← Washington University Receives Funding For Research Of New Biotechnology Products Trouble In Tree City USA: Storms, Disease Hit Suburban Trees → Hellbender Conservationists Continue Saving An Endangered Spiecies Hellbender at Saint Louis Zoo. Photo: Ray Meibaum, Saint Louis Zoo Over 800 hellbenders from Saint Louis Zoo released into native Ozark rivers by Missouri Department of Conservation this summer Over 800 Ozark and eastern hellbenders raised from eggs at the Saint Louis Zoo were released into their native Missouri Ozark rivers this summer by Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) State Herpetologist Jeff Briggler, Ph.D., in cooperation with the Zoo and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS). Since 2008, 9,476 Saint Louis Zoo-raised endangered hellbenders (8,599 Ozark and 877 eastern) have been reintroduced to the wild in Missouri. Even through the COVID-19 pandemic, the team of biologists from MDC and the Zoo have continued to collaborate while staying safe and providing the best care for the hellbenders. In 2020 and 2021, more than 1,800 hellbenders were successfully reintroduced. "We have continued our COVID-19 safety precautions, such as reducing contact and maintaining social distancing, when transporting and releasing hellbenders into their native rivers. Release quotas for 2021 were achieved and successfully conducted, and now we prepare for upcoming collections of eggs from the wild and captive breeding to obtain future release animals," said Jeff Briggler, Ph.D., Missouri Department of Conservation State Herpetologist. "With over 800 hellbenders released back into their native rivers this year, this program is continuing to contribute to the conservation and survival of this amazing species," said Lauren Augustine, Curator of Herpetology at the Zoo and Director of the Saint Louis Zoo WildCare Institute Ron Goellner Center for Hellbender Conservation. See the Saint Louis Zoo blog for a keeper's experience reintroducing hellbenders. Hellbender Breeding & Conservation Hellbenders at Saint Louis Zoo. Photo by Dave Merritt, Saint Louis Zoo The world's first successful zoo breeding of Ozark hellbenders occurred at the Saint Louis Zoo in 2011. In 2018, another historical achievement took place at the Zoo with the hatching of second-generation zoo-bred Ozark hellbenders. Propagation of this species has continued at the Zoo, resulting in over 11,000 successful hatchlings. In addition to the breeding efforts, the Zoo also has been head-starting juvenile Ozark and eastern hellbenders, hatched from eggs collected in the wild, for future release. Currently, the Zoo has around 1,400 hellbenders at the Charles H. Hoessle Herpetarium. Once the captive-bred larvae are 2 to 8 years old, they can then be released into their natural habitat — the Ozark aquatic ecosystem. Missouri Department of Conservation biologists are monitoring the success of these released animals in the wild. The hellbender propagation facilities at the Saint Louis Zoo include two outdoor streams that are 40 feet long and 6 feet deep. The streams house breeding groups of Ozark hellbenders from rivers in Missouri. The streams have natural gravel, large rocks for hiding and artificial nest boxes for egg laying. A nearby building houses state-of-the-art life support equipment used to filter the water and maintain the streams at the proper temperature. In addition, three large and one small quarantined, climate-controlled rooms behind the scenes of the Herpetarium at the Zoo are the headquarters for the program. The facilities recreate hellbender habitat with closely monitored temperatures, pumps to maintain highly oxygenated water, and filtration systems to provide specific water quality parameters. The animal care team meticulously cares for these animals and systems. The Zoo's Life Support Systems team plays a critical role in constructing and maintaining these systems that provide the ideal habitat for the hellbenders at the Zoo. The largest room includes a 32-foot simulated stream and houses a breeding group of adult eastern hellbenders. About Hellbenders — An Endangered Species The official endangered species of the state of Missouri, hellbenders are the largest aquatic salamanders in North America. Missouri is the only state that has both subspecies — the Ozark hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis bishopi) and the eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis). Both are listed as state endangered in Missouri, and the Ozark hellbender also is federally endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Both Ozark and eastern hellbender populations in Missouri have declined more than 70 percent over the past 40 years. A population assessment indicated that all hellbender populations have a high risk of extinction (above 96 percent) over the next 75 years, unless populations are bolstered. Based upon these results, zoo propagation and head-starting were deemed essential to the long-term recovery of hellbenders in Missouri. In 2001, the Ozark Hellbender Working Group of representatives from state and federal government agencies, public universities and zoos in Missouri and Arkansas launched a number of projects to staunch the Ozark hellbender's decline. These included egg searches, disease sampling and behavioral studies to name a few. In 2004, funding from private donors, MDC, USFWS and the Zoo, covered the cost of building sophisticated facilities, including climate-controlled streams to breed the hellbender. Collection of the zoo-bred stock and eggs for propagation efforts at the Zoo occurred by MDC biologists. The Ozark hellbender can reach lengths up to 20 inches. Also known by the colloquial names of "snot otter" and "old lasagna sides," the adult hellbender is one of the largest species of salamanders in North America, with its closest relatives being the giant salamanders of China and Japan. It has a restricted range and is only found in the cold-water rivers of south-central Missouri and adjacent north-central Arkansas. Hellbenders have broad flat heads, small lidless eyes and pronounced skin folds on the sides of their body. They can live 25+ years, and their diet includes crayfish, fish, worms and snails. Large rocks on the river bottom provide refuge and nesting sites. In late summer and early fall, a male hellbender establishes a nest site under a large rock or within a rocky crevice and waits for a female to enter and deposit her eggs to be fertilized. The male defends its nest until the eggs hatch and resulting larvae depart the nest chamber months later. The Saint Louis Zoo WildCare Institute Ron Goellner Center for Hellbender Conservation is a Saint Louis Zoo-based effort aimed at conserving native hellbender populations in Missouri. Home to over 12,000 animals, representing 500 species, the Saint Louis Zoo is recognized worldwide for its innovative approaches to animal care and management, wildlife conservation, research, and education. One of the few free zoos in the nation, the Saint Louis Zoo attracts approximately 3 million visitors annually and is the most-visited attraction in the region. Accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), the Saint Louis Zoo is part of an elite group of institutions that meet the highest standards in animal care as well as provide fun, safe and educational family experiences. The Saint Louis Zoo and the other AZA-accredited institutions collectively dedicate millions of dollars annually to support scientific research, conservation and education programs. For more information, visit stlzoo.org. The Missouri Department of Conservation protects and manages the fish, forest and wildlife resources of the state of Missouri. The state agency facilitates citizens' participation in resource management, sustainable fishing and hunting, and provides opportunities to experience, enjoy and learn about nature. For more information, visit mdc.mo.gov. The mission of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is to work with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. For more information, visit fws.gov Posted on September 22, 2021 Leave a comment
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Home General Woman accused of killing BDF corporal to stand trial in the Supreme... Woman accused of killing BDF corporal to stand trial in the Supreme Court Marsha Reid, 35, of Racoon Street Extension, accused of killing her ex-boyfriend, has been ordered to stand trial for murder in the Southern Session of the Supreme Court. Reid, who is presently on remand, was returned to her cell at the jail, after she was taken to the Dangriga Magistrate's Court on Wednesday, January 23, where she was committed to stand trial for the capital offense. Also, all 40 witnesses were committed to attend the Supreme Court to testify for the Crown. Police contend that Reid travelled to Dangriga from Belize City to the home of her ex-boyfriend, BDF corporal Donovan Castillo, 37, about 6:30 a.m. on Monday, May 23, 2012, entered his room while he was sleeping, slashed his throat , cut his head, then stabbed him in the chest and abdomen . She then escaped out of the house, which is on Teacher Street, but not before locking up his nephew in his room. Reid was arrested shortly after and charged with murder. Police said that when they went to Castillo's home, they found him dead, with his throat slashed and with multiple stab wounds to the neck, head and body. Castillo was pronounced dead on arrival at the Southern Regional Hospital. Previous articleTwo charged with the murder of Ervin Morales, 60 Next articlePolice remove COLA from Barrow's press conference announcing start of referendum campaign Hon. Cordel exposes huge land scams in House BELMOPAN, Fri. Jan. 8, 2021-- Over the past two months, the ministries of the Government of Belize, under new headship, have been engaged in rigorous... PSU scolds GOB, calls for Whistleblowers Act BELIZE CITY, Fri. Jan. 8, 2021-- The Public Service Union of Belize has gone on record to express their objections to comments made by... National Assembly chambers modified for COVID-19 BELMOPAN. Fri. Jan 8, 2021-- Introducing the newly modified chambers of the National Assembly and laying down the rules of engagement were the first... General Saturday, January 16th, 2021 Mayor Wagner will seek re-election Highlights Saturday, January 16th, 2021 BELIZE CITY, Tues. Jan. 12, 2021-- Months after a historic general elections, Belizeans will once again have to head to the polls for the... Finances, Good Governance — works in progress for GOB Editorial Saturday, January 16th, 2021 Last Friday, at the first House of Representatives meeting called by the new government, the Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment, Prime Minister... George Price Day, January 15 Editorial Saturday, January 9th, 2021 By a recent government decree, Belize, on January 15 each year, beginning in 2021, will celebrate a public and bank holiday, George Price Day,... The most anticipated House Meeting ever Editorial Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 In his first New Year's Day address as Prime Minister of Belize, Hon. John Briceño was both optimistic and apprehensive: optimistic because his government... Publisher Saturday, January 16th, 2021 If you have felt that there is some arrogance in my writings and behavior through the decades, especially in our earlier years, there is... Publisher Saturday, January 9th, 2021 There does exist a power structure in Belize. Perhaps there are several power structures, if we choose to look at things more closely. The... Publisher Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 On the occasion of the passing of Dame Minita Gordon last Friday, a lady of surpassing dignity and decency, Belize's first Governor-General and the... Letters2176 Highlights1400 AMANDALA, a biweekly newspaper published on Tuesdays and Fridays, was founded as an organ of the United Black Association for Development (UBAD), which emerged on August 13, 1969. Even after UBAD was divided and later dissolved in 1974, AMANDALA remained. © 2019 Amandala Newspaper Friday Rates Tuesday Rates
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Choa Chu Kang is a station on North South Line and Bukit Panjang LRT Line of the Singapore MRT. For more details view the Explore Singapore interactive MRT map centered on this station. Next to Lot 1 shopping mall only. Lot one has renovated some shops ! Lot one has snow ice(dessert). Must try!!! Tasty Bak Chor Mee at block 302 kopitiam has shifted. Now, it is so..so only.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
sure huntlr blows me up all the time but then he also has 250? ap, Now is that witch being op or just the fact that he has 250 ap? Allot, look up for tamer issues. also apparently you can't read an argument as you only take in account the superarmor part, so yes wiz aren't he only ones with these, I invite you to read again all the other advantages that makes wiz so polyvalent and op. You mean the Balenos Meal? The one that's been in the game for quite a while?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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Creating an account is the first easy thing you will need to use the app and you can register with either your mail address or with your Facebook account. The few requirements for the registration are your name, age, gender, location, and clear photos of yourself and you will be good to go. As you use the app, you have the option to use the free resources or pay for credits and VIP membership. The VIP membership program has the advantage that you can utilise all the features of the app without limitations. Once you have registered, you can find people who you share similar interests and activities in your location. The fun thing about the app is that you can easily change your location or use the location tracking tool just in case you`re travelling or moving to another place so finding new friends in your new location can`t be a problem at all. The experience on Lovoo is generally awesome, you won't get bored thanks to the millions of members and you can easily flirt with your matches as you follow the flat radar. The app also has a website version which can be accessed from any web browser on any device that can access the internet. The stats The Lovoo dating app was created in Germany and has been in service since its release in the year 2011. This online Dating-App is more popular in Germany but it has got strong popularity in other regions due to the huge and growing membership- it boasts over 65 million users across the world as of 2017 yet there are more people still coming in. The app mainly targets younger users in their 20s but older people are also free to use the app; the range of ages allowed to access the app is between 18 and 100. Once you create an account with the dating app you can look for friends, a date, a long term relationship or just flirt around but the app itself focuses on helping people find soulmates and friends from their locality and from other regions too. This online Dating-App also comes in a variety of new and existing languages including English, German, French Portuguese, Italian, among others. The app can be downloaded from the play store for Android phones and from the App Store for the iOS. In terms of costs, you can download and create an account with the app for free but to use advanced features of VIP membership, you will be required to spend some money. You can get free credits daily when you log into the app. You can also get credits when verify your profile or purchase them through PayPal. Also you will have the option to purchase VIP membership which can be paid for after every month at a cost of $11.25, three months costing $23.46, six months costing $40.34 or a year at a cost of $65.66. You will notice that you will spend less money if you purchase a VIP membership for a year as opposed to that of a month. What it packs This Lovoo Dating App Review also brings you information concerning the features of this app. This app comes in an interesting style and favours all users equally; it has got interesting features such as the radar graphics and the matching tool. The eye-catching radar shows you all the people near you and more interestingly, you can even detect- from the radar- if you are in the same building with another Lovoo user since you are shown the distance between you and others. The matching tool on the other side is a feature that helps you easily find people in your area who you share same interests. Another feature of the app is that you can block annoying users and those who appear not to be real users. According to this Lovoo Dating App Review update, VIP members enjoy the most of the services with features such as profile highlighters, unlimited matches and the ghost mode which allows you to be invisible to others and check other people's profiles without them noticing. Profile highlighters are necessary when it comes to putting you on the forefront and be noticed by most of the members. As a VIP member, the add blocker feature enhances your user experience since any obtrusive ads can be blocked for you. This app is a good idea when it comes to looking for friendship and love. This Lovoo Dating App Review gives you the general feeling of the app and how it works. You can easily get a match with whom you can end up starting a long term relationship that can result in marriage. I find it easy to find a partner in this online Dating-App since there are a lot of members who you can easily start a conversation with. Just like any other app, it provides a great experience but it has got some downsides. If you are not a VIP member then you can be prepared for the ads and limited features. Personally, the billing for the advanced features is a little bit high as compared to other online Dating-Apps. Lovoo Dating App Review Rating The app receives a rating according to its pros and cons, the features it has, its comparison to other dating apps and the ease of its access and use. This Lovoo Dating App Review gives a 4.5 out of a 5-star. Download Lovoo App Store 4.5/5 stars Google Play 4/5 stars Search in dating-apps.com Want to meet someone? Not sure which dating app to use? We review the best and worst dating apps so you don't have to. 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Inspireall jobs 1-20 of 36 jobs Receptionist - Bushey £17.5k per annum InspireAll ...be able to work as part of a rotating shift pattern that includes early mornings, late nights and some weekend work. Working for INSPIREALL your staff benefits will include: FREE use of our gyms, swimming pools and classes (T & C apply) REDUCED Fitness membership for... Bushey, Hertfordshire Cleaner - Bushey ...Cleaner - Bushey Grove Leisure Centre Up to £8.22 per hour (depending on age and experience) Part Time (20 hours per week) INSPIREALL are a charity that have a reputation for delivering energising and motivating leisure and family support services across Hertfordshire... Fitness Instructor - Borehamwood ...Instructor - The Venue Leisure Centre Up to £8.63 per hour (depending on age and experience) Part Time & Casual Positions Available INSPIREALL are a charity that have a reputation for delivering energising and motivating leisure and family support services across... Catering Assistant - Bushey ...Catering Assistant - Bushey Grove Leisure Centre Casual | Up to £8.22 per hour (Depending upon age & experience) INSPIREALL are a charity that have a reputation for delivering energising and motivating leisure and family support services across Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire... Creche Staff - Hertfordshire ...£8.22 per hour (dependant on age and experience) All areas – South (Watford, Three Rivers, Hertsmere) West (St Albans, Dacorum) INSPIREALL are a charity that have a reputation for delivering energising and motivating leisure and family support services across Hertfordshire... Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire Leisure Assistant - Borehamwood ...Assistant - The Venue Leisure Centre, Borehamwood Full Time (39 hours p/w) Up to £17,502 (depending on age and experience) InspireAll are a charity that have a reputation for delivering energising and motivating leisure and family support services across Hertfordshire... Swimming Instructor - Borehamwood £14.5 per hour ...Casual Swimming Instructor - The Venue Leisure Centre, Borehamwood Up to £14.50 per hour (depending on age and experience) INSPIREALL are a charity that have a reputation for delivering energising and motivating leisure and family support services across Hertfordshire... Catering Manager - Bushey ...Catering Manager - Bushey Grove Leisure Centre 39 Hours per Week (Full Time) InspireAll is a charity with a reputation for delivering high quality services in both leisure and Family Support Centre's. An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Catering Manager at the Bushey... Party Coach - Bushey ...Party Coach - Bushey Grove Leisure Centre Up to £6.19ph - £8.22ph (dependant on age and experience) Casual (Weekends) InspireAll is a charity with a reputation for delivering high quality services in both leisure and Family Support Centre's. We are seeking enthusiastic... Spa Therapists - Bushey ...Centre Up to £18,901 (pro rata) depending on age and experience Full Time (39 hours per week) & Part Time hours available InspireAll have recently opened a fabulous new Spa at Bushey Grove Leisure Centre. We have added a Thermal Spa experience including Sauna, Aroma... Fitness Instructor - Bushey ...Instructor - Bushey Grove Leisure Centre Up to £17,502 per annum (depending on age and experience) Full Time (39 hours per week) INSPIREALL are a charity that have a reputation for delivering energising and motivating leisure and family support services across... Gymnastics Coach - Bushey ...Gymnastics Coach - Bushey Grove Leisure Centre Part Time Up to £14.50 ph (Depending on age and experience) INSPIREALL are a charity that have a reputation for delivering energising and motivating leisure and family support services across Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire... Nursery Nurse - Borehamwood £18.31k per annum ...Nurse - Starjumps Nursery Borehamwood Up to £18,313 per annum (Depending on age and experience) Full Time (39 hours per week) InspireAll is a charity that has a reputation for delivering energising and motivating leisure and family support services across Hertfordshire...
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Your Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana, Madam Chairperson Prof (Mrs) Justice Akua Kuenyehia, The Keynote Speaker, Prof Emeritus Samuel Gyandoh Jnr, Honourable Ministers of State, Honourable Members of Parliament, Your Excellencies, Members of Diplomatic Corps, Invited Guests, Conference Participants, Senior Members of the University, Fellow Students, The Media, Ladies and Gentlemen. I wish to warmly welcome you all to this 1st day Conference on the theme: Ghana @60 –Evolution of the Law, Democratic Governance, Human Rights and Future Prospects under the auspices of our young but capable Faculty of Law. On behalf of our university, I wish to specially welcome and at the same time thank Your Excellency for honouring our invitation coming soon after the hectic Ghana@60 celebrations and at this very busy time of setting up your administration. We are indeed very proud to observe that we are the first university in Ghana to have been visited by His Excellency since Ghana became sixty. Your Excellency, ours is a fast-growing university which started as a professional institute about 50 years ago. A decade ago, (2005) our institute commenced university academic programmes. Paradoxically however, our transition from an Institute to a fully-fledged University was not supported financially by Government. Indeed we were the only Public University in Ghana which did not receive any seed money. There were only two buildings on this campus and very limited infrastructure. Thankfully, under the dynamic leadership of my predecessor Prof Joshua Alabi and his supportive management team, our university has been radically transformed infrastructure wise. Today, we can boast of a modern Administration block, state-of-the-art Lecture halls, impressive student hostel and a world-class Library. Due to these infrastructural expansions, we have been able to increase our student size from 500 to 12,000 within a decade. Your Excellency, we would like to inform you that all these infrastructural achievements were from our own Internally Generated Fund (IGF). Currently we are putting up a 4000 Seater Auditorium and a 6 Storey Student's Centre. We humbly appeal to Government to assist us complete these projects to enable us render improved services to our students and to the community. Your Excellency, distinguished guests, the strictly knowledge-based educational system which has been practised in Ghana's tertiary institutions has for years, denied graduates the requisite job skills needed to fit into Ghana's economy. It is therefore exciting to observe that the theme for our 2017 budget recently delivered by the Finance Minister is: Sowing the seeds for growth and jobs. Job creation is undoubtedly a top priority for Ghana today. As the leading University in the country mandated to offer both academic and professional programmes, our University is anxious to partner Government create job opportunities in the country by providing high quality and relevant business and professional education to Ghanaians. Your Excellency, as part of our strategy to blend professional programmes with normal degree programmes aimed at making Ghanaian graduates more relevant and job-ready, we introduced new programmes last year. These included Law and Actuarial Sciences. This year we are starting BSc. in Real Estate and Finance and MPhil in Finance programmes among others. In the light of these developments, we wish to appeal to Government to enable us recruit faculty and administrative staff to support the delivery of these and other programmes being currently developed. We are appealing to Government to exempt our University from the cap on recruitment and to enable automatic replacement of our staff who retire or resign. Your Excellency, Government's free secondary education scheme starting from 2017/2018 academic year is laudable. As operators in the tertiary education sector, we foresee the concomitant increased access to secondary education due to free education translating to increased demand for quality tertiary education in our universities within a few years. We as a university are appealing to government to consider the potential upsurge of demand for quality university education in the foreseeable future and increase financial and technical support to Ghanaian Public Universities for capacity development in readiness. I remain excited over the prospects and the potentials this conference holds for advancing the issues of development in Ghana. By the close of this conference, I trust we would have unearthed and explored a horde of relevant networking and capacity building strategies and approaches in tandem with the theme of this conference. Your Excellency, distinguished guests, I welcome you all to this conference. I have every cause to believe that we are going to enjoy ourselves socially, challenge ourselves legally and stimulate ourselves intellectually. We are going to make new friends and new contacts. We are going to leave this conference with refined perspectives, fresh insights and indelible positive memories. Thank You and God bless You.
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Arsenal News Latest News Arsenal legend features in Mirror Sports' top ten Premier League managers By Admin Martin - 16 June 2020, 23:00 Arsene Wenger is one of the best managers the Premier League has ever seen and Mirror Sports also think so going by their recent rankings of the top managers in Premier League history. The Frenchman managed Arsenal for more than 20 years before stepping aside in the summer of 2018. He won three Premier League titles, numerous FA Cups and other trophies before leaving the Gunners. In a recent list of the top ten managers to manage in the Premier League, the Frenchman came out second on a list that included illustrious names like Pep Guardiola, Jurgen Klopp, Carlo Ancelotti, and Jose Mourinho. The list was topped by no other than former Manchester United boss, Sir Alex Ferguson and he was closely followed by Arsene Wenger. Jose Mourinho, Pep Guardiola, and Jurgen Klopp made up the top five. Wenger can be regarded as the father of modern Arsenal as the Frenchman helped to build the foundation that created the Invincibles and he was even an important part of the club's move to the Emirates. It seems he didn't enjoy leaving the Gunners in 2018 because he recently claimed that he wouldn't be returning to the Emirates any time soon and that he always wanted to make sure he left never to return. Date given when Mesut Ozil move should be completed Midfielder surprised by Arsenal's unwillingness to push through a deal "That's absolutely not okay" Podolski has his say on Mesut Ozil and Arsenal Tags Arsene Wenger "But you must not do the same thing twice" Wenger rejects Arsenal return Arsenal urged to bring Wenger back to help Arteta Arsene Wenger reveals one huge signing that he regrets I did for a minute think Big Sam??!! He's pulled off a Harry Houdini time and time again!! More than any other, I wonder?? Mogunna says: No surprise, Sir Alex & Arsene on top of this list, I see Klopp to top in few years. No wonder Arsene won't be back soon, until Kroenke leaves, he will be our boss chairman as supposed to! Indeed left club in great shape with a top academy to keep us alive and a stadium Kroenke had fans kick him out like a dog! Huge blow, now no one left to fight Kroenke for us! ThirdManJW says: We've only seen change because of fans protesting, and emptying the stadium. Nothing to do Wenger fighting for us, in fact, the exact opposite. Kroenke was Wenger's best friend! And how did Wenger leave the club in a great shape?
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Q: Why in java method overriding allows to have covariant return types, but not covariant parameters? For example I have a Processor base class with a method that returns an Object and takes Object as a parameter. I want to extend it and create a StringProcessor which will return String and take String as parameter. However covariant typing is only allowed with return value, but not parameter. What is the reason for such limitations? class Processor { Object process (Object input) { //create a copy of input, modify it and return it return copy; } } class StringProcessor extends Processor { @Override String process (String input) { // permitted for parameter. why? //create a copy of input string, modify it and return it return copy; } } A: Also, if you want a type-theoretical answer, the reason for this is, when considering the subtyping relation on function types, the relation is covariant on return types, but contravariant on argument types (i.e. X -> Y is a subtype of U -> W if Y is a subtype of W and U is a subtype of X). A: The Liskov principle. When designing the Processor class, you write a contract saying: "a Processor is able to take any Object as argument, and to return an Object". The StringProcessor is a Processor. So it's supposed to obey that contract. But if it only accepts String as argument, it violates that contract. Remember: a Processor is supposed to accept any Object as argument. So you should be able to do: StringProcessor sp = new StringProcessor(); Processor p = sp; // OK since a StringProcessor is a Processor p.process(new Integer(3456)); When returning a String, it doesn't violate the contract: it's supposed to return an Object, a String is an Object, so everything is fine. You can do what you want to achieve by using generics: class Processor<T> { Object process (T input) { //create a copy of input, modify it and return it return copy; } } class StringProcessor extends Processor<String> { @Override String process (String input) { return copy; } }
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Anna is the youngest of a large Mennonite family that travels every spring from their home in Mexico to find farm work in Canada. The family's situation is precarious and their living conditions barely adequate. Being too young, she cannot work nor go to school, and so she daydreams about what it would be like to live in just one place. Maxine Trottier's poetic prose and Isabelle Arsenault's soft and imaginative illustrations give a whimsical feel to this rather harsh reality. The Afterward gives the adult reader the necessary facts to help teach the young listener about the rights of migrant workers. This is a different picture of who the migrant workers are. Who knew that there are blond, blue-eyed, German speakers among them? Thank you, Maxine Trottier, for reminding us that we should not assume or stereotype. Classroom Connections: This book is rich in social commentary, as well as in the use of imagery. It is a good starting point for older students studying the agricultural industry and how we get fruits and vegetables from the field to the store. The topics of poverty, social justice, working conditions and workers' rights, rights to schools and education are also brought out. And there is Anna and her reactions to being in a different place and not understanding the people around her. The rich prose lends itself to exploring such terms as metaphor, simile, imagery and playing with these in language arts.
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Ed Murray/The Star-LedgerFormer Perth Amboy Mayor and Assemblyman Joseph Vas pleaded guilty to charges before Judge Anthony Mellaci in Superior Court in Freehold on Thursday November, 18, 2010. PERTH AMBOY — A federal court judge today refused to set aside former Perth Amboy Mayor Joseph Vas' conviction on corruption charges, or grant a new trial. Vas's defense attorneys argued that federal prosecutor's failed to prove that the former four-term mayor and state Assemblyman improperly flipped a 12-unit apartment in Perth Amboy for a profit of nearly $300,000, then funneled $80,000 of that profit into his unsuccessful 2009 congressional campaign. Prosecutors said Vas closed the property deal by using his office as mayor to promise the buyer of the apartment building $360,000 in city redevelopment funds. U.S. District Court Judge Susan D. Wigenton in Newark said that while witnesses had inconsistencies in their testimony, "I do not believe that the evidence and testimony would support that a miscarriage of justice had occurred." Vas' defense attorney, Alan Zegas, argued the former powerful Middlesex County Democrat did "everything in the open in dealing with the property." Assistant U. S. Attorney Brian Howe countered that it was clear Vas and his former aide, Melvin Ramos, schemed to commit fraud. On Oct. 18, jurors found that Vas, while mayor of Perth Amboy in 2006, bought a 12-unit apartment building for $660,000, then quickly sold it for $950,000, closing the deal with a promise of redevelopment funds. Vas, 55, was convicted of two counts of mail fraud in the real estate deal. He was also convicted of single counts of accepting illegal campaign contributions, lying to FBI agents and misappropriating city funds. Ramos was also convicted of corruption charges. In November, Vas and Ramos each pleaded guilty in Superior Court to state corruption charges. Under the plea agreement, any sentence Vas or Ramos receive in state court will run concurrent to any federal sentence. Federal jurors acquitted Vas of four separate counts of mail fraud, the most serious charge, which carries a maximum 20-year prison term for each count. Misappropriation of funds carries a maximum 10-year sentence, and lying to federal agents and receiving illegal donations each carry maximum five-year sentences. Sentencing is set for Feb. 22.
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You want to innovate and improve your products, services and work process? Banca Intesa ad Beograd and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development signed, on 23rd October 2018, a Credit Line Agreement within the programme called "EU/EBRD Western Balkans Sustainable Energy Financing Facility II" (Credit line for financing of sustainable energy projects at the Western Balkans II WeBSEFF II). Loan Agreement was signed to the amount of EUR 15,000,000 and these funds shall be used for financing of the appropriate projects aiming to reduce the energy consumption for a minimum of 20% or to reduce the emission of CO2 for a minimum of 20%. With the intention to achieve a successful realization of individual projects, EBRD has provided to all potential beneficiaries of this credit line free consulting assistance offered by the experts specialized in this field. Based on Agreement signed with European investment fund (EIF), on 08.12.2016., Banca Intesa introduced new type of loans for working capital - COSME. The essence of the new product is that each loan will be covered by the EIF guarantee in the amount of 50% of the loan. In this way clients will be allowed to withdraw loans for working capital for a period longer than usual and without hard collateral. Banca Intesa ad Beograd and the European Investment Bank (EIB), as a continuation of long and successful cooperation, in October 2017 signed a new Credit Agreement in the amount of EUR 60 million, which is the fourth credit in the last 10 years. Credits from the EIB credit line are approved according to the terms and conditions which are much more favourable from those of the standard credits found in our market, for different purposes and to the long period of time, which is the reason of such great demand. Credit line of the European Investment Bank (EIB) with the mediation of the National Bank of Serbia - EIB APEX Credit Line, was signed with Banca Intesa ad Beograd on 1st September, 2017. Credits from the EIB Apex credit line are approved according to the terms and conditions which are much more favourable from those of the standard credits found in our market, for different purposes and to the long period of time. The end beneficiaries shall have the financial favourability in terms of lower interest rate of minimum 50 basis points (80 basis points for the projects that support employment of the young) as compared to the annual interest rate that Banca Intesa ad Beograd would calculate for the same loan but without the participation of the EIB. We recognize the dynamics of your business operations and we are able to offer you short-term and at very favorable conditions, the following short-term loans with tenor of up to 12 months. Long-term loans from our offer provide financial support to your development, long-term investments and investment projects.
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K.R. Padiyar, Analysis of subsynchronous resonance in power systems (Massachusetts: Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1999). A.A. Fouad & K.T. Khu, Subsynchronous resonance zones in the IEEE bench mark power system, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 97, 1978, 754–762. tions using output feedback excitation control, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 101, 1982, 1245–1253. M.R. Iravani & A.A. Edris, Eigen analysis of series compensation schemes reducing the potential of subsynchronous resonance, IEEE Power System Summer Meeting, San Francisco, 1994. R.G. Framer, E. Katz, & A.L. Schwalb, Navajo project on subsynchronous resonance analysis and solutions, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 5, 1985, 1057–1066. A. Edris, Series compensation schemes reducing the potential of resonance, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus Systems, 10, 1990, 219–226. R.D. Rana, S.W. Huff, R.M. Hayes, E.N. Fromholtz, & R.P. Schulz, AEP's Kanawha river 345kV series capacitor installations-subsynchronous resonance studies and torsional measurements, Proceedings of the American Power Conference, Chicago, 1991, 300–305. W. Zhu, R. Spee, R.R. Mohler, G.G. Alexander, W.A. Mittelstadt, & D. Maratuhulam, An EMTP study of SSR mitigation using the thyristor controlled series capacitor, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 10, 1995, 1479–1485. W. Zhu, R.R. Mohler, R. Spce, W.A. Mittelstadt, & D. Maratukulam, Hopf bifurcation in a SMIB power system with SSR, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 11(3), 1996, 1579–1584. A.M. Harb, Application of bifurcation theory to subsynchronous resonance in power systems, Doctoral Dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA, 1996. A.M. Harb & M.S. Widyan, Modern nonlinear theory as applied to SSR of the IEEE second benchmark model, IEEE Bologna Power Tech. 2003 Conf., Bologna, Italy, June 23–26, 2003. A.M. Harb & M.S. Widyan, Chaos and bifurcation control of SSR in the IEEE second benchmark model, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals Journal, 21, 2004, 537–552. O.H. Wang & E.H. Abed, Bifurcation control of chaotic systems, Automatica, 31, 1995, 1213–1226. A.H. Nayfeh, A.M. Harb, & C.M. Chin, Bifurcations in a power system model, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 6(3), 1996, 497–512. G. Chen & X. Dong, From chaos to order: Methodologies, perspectives and applications (Singapore: World Scientific, 1998). D.W. Berns, J.L. Moiola, & G. Chen, Feedback control of limit cycle amplitude from a frequency domain approach, Automatica, 34, 1998, 1567–1573. M. Basso, A. Evangelisti, R. Genesio, & A. Tesi, On bifurcation control in time delay feedback systems, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 8, 1998, 713–721. D.D.R. Alberto, A.C. Claudio, & D.M. Victor, A study of TCSC controller design for power system stability improvement, IEEE Transaction Power System, 18(4), 2003, 1487–1496. D. Chatterjee & A. Ghosh, TCSC control design for transient stability improvement of a multi-machine power system using trajectory sensitivity, Electric Power System Research, 77, 2007, 470–483. R. Patel, V. Mahajan, & V. Pant, Modelling of TCSC controller for transient stability enhancement, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, 7(1), 2006, 1–17. N. Kakimoto & A. Phongphanphanee, Subsynchronous resonance damping control of thyristor-controlled series capacitor, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 18(3), 2003, 1051–1059. M.S. Widyan & A.M. Harb, On the effect of turbine governor gain on bifurcations of subsynchronous resonance in power systems, International Journal of Modelling and Simulations (to appear). IEEE Subsynchronous Resonance Working Group, Second benchmark model for computer simulation of subsynchronous resonance, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 104(6), 1985, 1057–1066.
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using Aspose.Words; namespace Aspose_Words { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Create a blank document, and then a document builder which we will use to populate the document with content. Document doc = new Document(); DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc); // A bookmark consists of a "BookmarkStart" node and a "BookmarkEnd" node // with matching names, as well as contents that these nodes enclose. builder.StartBookmark("MyBookmark"); builder.Writeln("Hello world!"); builder.EndBookmark("MyBookmark"); // Save the document to the local file system. doc.Save("Adding Bookmark.docx"); } } }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
Participation Doubles for Adult Co-Ed Flag Football Franchise AthleticBusiness.com has partnered with LexisNexis to bring you this content. Copyright 2013 Tribune Review Publishing Company Pittsburgh Tribune Review October 13, 2013 Sunday Adult co-ed league franchise offers plenty of flags on every play by LAURIE REES Some consider this to be fantasy football in that accountants, auto mechanics, chief operating officers and hair stylists are teaming up on the gridiron every Saturday afternoon to out-run, out-pass, out-catch and out-score opposing teams on their way to winning a championship trophy. In other circles, it simply is known as adult co-ed flag football. Jamie and Jackie Vavala of Mars are the franchise owners of N Zone Sports for northern Allegheny County and southern Butler County. They began their franchise in the spring of 2012 by offering youth soccer, baseball and flag-football leagues. This spring, they decided to offer something for adults. "Aside from softball and bowling, there aren't a lot of opportunities for adults to compete, have fun and get exercise," Jackie Vavala said. "We wanted to offer them something more exciting than going to the gym." The result was a 5-on-5 adult co-ed flag football league. About 30 people - ranging from 18 to 65 - registered for the debut season last spring; this fall, the number nearly doubled. Games are played on Saturday afternoons at the McKinney Soccer Complex in North Park. Playoffs are Oct. 26. Jeff Jeffers of Seven Fields played collegiate football as a cornerback at Washington & Jefferson College in Washington. Now 35, he said he loves playing flag football because it is as close to regular football as one can get without tackling. "Even so, you get just as sore," he said. Bart Costello, 28, of Ohio Township, who never played organized football until his employer, Select International in McCandless, formed a squad - The Fighting Francis Rubens, named after a fictitious co-worker. "We do a lot of fun things together outside the office," Costello said. "But I quickly discovered that flag football is a lot more intense than it sounds." As a co-ed sport, each team must have at least one woman on the field at all times - or one man 50 or older. The playing field is 60 yards long. There are two 25-minute halves. Quarterbacks have seven seconds to get rid of the ball, and the offense has three downs to move it to mid-field, then another three downs to score a touchdown. Tackling is prohibited. Instead, a defensive player must yank the ball carrier's flag belt completely off his or her waist to end the play. Claire Gonabe, 18, stands 5 feet 4 inches and weighs 100 pounds. The Ross resident won't soon forget her first offensive drive, in which she was being shadowed by a burly defenseman sporting tattoos and a beard resembling steel wool. Running down field, their feet got tangled, and both crashed to the ground. "I got taken out pretty good," she said. "It hurt really bad." But she found retribution in the next play. Alone and shallow in the end zone, she connected with a play-action lob for an easy touchdown. "It was so much fun!" she exclaimed. "I can't wait to do it again!" It costs $450 for a team of 10 players or $75 for an individual to play for the season. Each team is guaranteed a minimum of five games - four regular-season games plus a playoff game; the top two teams compete for the season championship. In some ways, Dan Sneider said, he is grateful the season is only five weeks long. The 25-year-old Ross resident formed his flag football team via FaceBook. The extent of his football prowess had been playing pickup games on Thanksgiving. "The first week, my team came to win it all," he said. "But after losing 50-0, we had to adjust our expectations. So we've decided we're in it solely for the recreation." Laurie Rees is a freelance writer for Trib Total Media. Copyright © 2013 LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All Rights Reserved. School District Apologizes for Cheerleaders' 'Privilege' Taunt NCAA May Nix Test Score Requirements for D-I, D-II Athletes Facility Friday: U. of Maryland Jones-Hill House, Cornell College, Chelsea HS Bulldogs Gym
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Lebanese-American chef Julie Taboulie celebrates the colors and flavors of Lebanese cuisine. The New York native presents an authentic array of original Lebanese recipes -- including tabbouleh, lamb kebab and Lebanese-style french fries -- that have been passed down through generations of her family. Filmed on location throughout the greater Syracuse area and Finger Lakes region of upstate New York, each episode features stops at farmers markets, food stands, and wineries, and also explores the farmlands and landscapes of the region.
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Home Security Careers YMCA training: changing lives since 1844 YMCA training: changing lives since 1844 By Contributor CSM 18th July 2018 By Contributor CSM Organisation null Online 18th July 2018 First Published Autumn 2015 YMCA more than your average youth charity For many, the name YMCA might bring about visions of youth hostels and young men in fancy dress. What few people know is that we're actually the world's oldest and largest charity for children and young people. Founded by George Williams in 1844, Central YMCA is the UK's leading health and fitness charity and the world's first YMCA. Through our core services – YMCA Fit, YMCA Awards, YMCA Club and YMCA Training – we help tackle a number of the nation's most crucial issues, including unemployment, health, physical activity, and social issues. We're able to change the lives of thousands of people every year, through health and wellbeing services, training and development programmes, and accreditation schemes. Whether that be those lacking support, unsure about what path to take next, coming from underprivileged backgrounds, or disenfranchised communities – our aim is to transform lives and enable people to live healthier, happier and more fulfilled lives. Helping young people back on their feet One of our core focuses is helping young people get back on their feet and into the community and/or workplace. We work with a broad scope of people including ex-offenders, homeless, and drug and alcohol misusers. We support those in the greatest need, in local communities and further afield, rising to meet the challenges they face in an ever changing society. And with young people in the UK now nearly three times more likely to be unemployed than the rest of the population, and that figure even greater within disenfranchised groups, we see this as absolutely necessary. In addition, lots of the work we do helps keep youngsters off the streets and away from crime, with a number of our initiatives aimed at these groups. Often when young offenders and prisoners are released, they can feel alienated and struggle to fit back into the community and working life, which is why our programmes are carefully shaped to equip them with the skills they need to integrate themselves back in. We often find that better education is key to rehabilitating these people, and stopping them turning back to a life of crime. Young people in these situations often need the most help, so we work on building their self-esteem and confidence, and provide positive experiences of learning and being in the community. We're all about providing young people with the right opportunities and the right support to build a positive future and reach their full potential. YMCA training Our youth work programmes are key to engaging with these groups and we work with many Youth Offending Teams (YOT) across the UK to engage with young people. We have a Youth Contract in place which aims to give vulnerable young people one-to- one support and helps them gain valuable knowledge on how to obtain education and employment. The contract takes a number of stages which the young person is guided through by a dedicated mentor, offering them the support they need to complete the programme and emerge themselves back to education or work. One to ones are completed on a monthly basis to provide support, discuss problems and personal issues, and also to complete targets set out in the young person's original action plan, to ensure they're completed successfully. Ultimately, we believe every individual, from any path of life, has the right to lead a healthy, happy and fulfilled life and will continue to work to ensure this is the case. Andree Deane-Barron, Managing Director of YMCA Training www.ymcatraining.org.uk
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16-1012 Wednesday "The Daily Bugle" 16-1012 Wednesday "Daily Bugle" The Daily Bugle is a free daily newsletter from Full Circle Compliance, containing changes to export/import regulations (ATF, Customs, NISPOM, EAR, FACR/OFAC, FTR/AES, HTSUS, and ITAR), plus news and events. Subscribe here for free subscription. Contact us for advertising inquiries and rates. EX/IM ITEMS FROM FEDERAL REGISTER President Terminates Emergency With Respect to the Actions and Policies of the Government of Burma Commerce/BIS Amends EAR, Fire Control, Laser, Imaging, and Guidance Equipment No Longer Warrant Control Under USML Justice/ATF Announces International Trade Data System Test–Voluntary Export Pilot Project State/DDTC Amends ITAR — USML Cat. XII and Associated Sections of Cats. VI, VIII, XIII, and XV USPTO Seeks Comments on Secrecy and License To Export Ex/Im Items Scheduled for Publication in Future Federal Register Editions Commerce/BIS: (No new postings.) Commerce/Census: "ACE AESDirect Enhancements" DoD/DSS Opens Resident Office in Charleston SC DOJ Publishes "Guidance Regarding Voluntary Self-Disclosures, Cooperation, and Remediation in Export Control and Sanctions Investigations Involving Business Organizations" State/DDTC: (No new postings.) Reuters: "New U.S. Guidance on Iran Sanctions Seeks to Reassure Banks" ST&R Trade Report: "Burma Sanctions Program Terminated, Including Ban on Gem and Jewelry Imports" J.T. Mackintosh & J.C. Anderson: "United States Lifts Burma Sanctions" Gary Stanley's ECR Tip of the Day ECTI Presents Mastering HTSUS and Schedule B Code Classifications Webinar – 18 Oct Are Your Copies of Regulations Up to Date? Latest Changes: ATF (15 Jan 2016), Customs (26 Aug 2016), DOD/NISPOM (18 May 2016), EAR (12 Oct 2016), FACR/OFAC (18 May 2016), FTR (15 May 2015), HTSUS (30 Aug 2016), ITAR (12 Oct 2016) EX/IM ITEMS FROM TODAY'S FEDERAL REGISTER 1. President Terminates Emergency With Respect to the Actions and Policies of the Government of Burma Federal Register) [Excerpts.] 81 FR 70593-70594: Termination of Emergency With Respect to the Actions and Policies of the Government of Burma By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 570 of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1997 (Public Law 104-208), the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003 (Public Law 108-61), the Tom Lantos Block Burmese JADE (Junta's Anti-Democratic Efforts) Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-286) (the "JADE Act"), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, as amended (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)) (INA), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code. I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, find that the situation that gave rise to the declaration of a national emergency in Executive Order 13047 of May 20, 1997, with respect to the actions and policies of the Government of Burma, in particular a deepening pattern of severe repression by the State Law and Order Restoration Council, the then-governing regime in Burma, as modified in scope by Executive Order 13448 of October 18, 2007, and Executive Order 13619 of July 11, 2012, has been significantly altered by Burma's substantial advances to promote democracy, including historic elections in November 2015 that resulted in the former opposition party, the National League for Democracy, winning a majority of seats in the national parliament and the formation of a democratically elected, civilian-led government; the release of many political prisoners; and greater enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression and freedom of association and peaceful assembly. Accordingly, I hereby terminate the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13047, and revoke that order, Executive Order 13310 of July 28, 2003, Executive Order 13448, Executive Order 13464 of April 30, 2008, Executive Order 13619, and Executive Order 13651 of August 6, 2013, and further order: Section 1. Pursuant to section 202(a) of the NEA (50 U.S.C. 1622(a)), termination of the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13047, as modified in scope by Executive Order 13448, and Executive Order 13619, shall not affect any action taken or proceeding pending not finally concluded or determined as of the effective date of this order, any action or proceeding based on any act committed prior to the effective date of this order, or any rights or duties that matured or penalties that were incurred prior to the effective date of this order. Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 5(i) of the JADE Act, I hereby determine and certify that it is in the national interest of the United States to waive, and hereby waive, the sanctions described in section 5(b) of the JADE Act. Sec. 3. In light of the revocation of Executive Order 13310, Executive Order 13448, and Executive Order 13464, the suspension of entry as immigrants and nonimmigrants, pursuant to Presidential Proclamation 8693 of July 24, 2011, and section 212(f) of the INA, of individuals meeting the criteria in said orders will no longer be in effect as of the effective date of this order. In light of the revocation of Executive Order 13619, the suspension of entry as immigrants and nonimmigrants of individuals meeting the criteria in that order will no longer be in effect as of the effective date of this order and such individuals will no longer be treated as persons covered by Presidential Proclamation 8693. Sec. 4. This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person. Sec. 5. This order is effective at 1:00 p.m. eastern daylight time on October 7, 2016. (Presidential Sig.) THE WHITE HOUSE, 2. Commerce/BIS Amends EAR, Fire Control, Laser, Imaging, and Guidance Equipment No Longer Warrant Control Under USML (Source: Federal Register) [Excerpts.] 81 FR 70320-70339: Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR): Control of Fire Control, Laser, Imaging, and Guidance Equipment the President Determines No Longer Warrant Control Under the United States Munitions List (USML) * AGENCY: Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of Commerce. * ACTION: Final rule. * SUMMARY: This final rule describes how articles the President determines no longer warrant control under Category XII (Fire Control, Laser, Imaging, and Guidance Equipment) of the United States Munitions List (USML) of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) will be controlled under the Commerce Control List (CCL) of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) by amending Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) 7A611 and creating new "600 series" ECCNs 7B611, 7D611, and 7E611. In addition, for certain dual-use infrared detection items, this final rule expands controls for certain software and technology, eliminates the use of some license exceptions, revises licensing policy, and expands license requirements for certain transactions involving military end users or foreign military commodities. This final rule also harmonizes provisions within the EAR by revising controls related to certain quartz rate sensors. * DATES: This rule is effective December 31, 2016. * FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For questions regarding the ECCNs included in this rule, contact Dennis Krepp, Office of National Security and Technology Transfer Controls, Bureau of Industry and Security, Telephone: 202-482-1309, Email: Dennis.Krepp@bis.doc.gov. For general questions regarding the regulatory changes, contact Steven Emme, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Export Administration, Telephone: 202-482-5491, Email: Steven.Emme@bis.doc.gov. * SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: … Following the structure set forth in the final rule entitled "Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations: Initial Implementation of Export Control Reform" (78 FR 22660, April 16, 2013), BIS published a proposed rule entitled "Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR): Control of Fire Control, Range Finder, Optical, and Guidance and Control Equipment the President Determines No Longer Warrant Control Under the United States Munitions List (USML)" (80 FR 25798, May 5, 2015) ("May 2015 rule"). That proposed rule was published in conjunction with a proposed rule published by the Department of State's Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) to propose controls for the ITAR's USML Category XII. After reviewing public comments to the May 2015 rule, BIS published a second proposed rule entitled "Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR): Control of Fire Control, Laser, Imaging, and Guidance and Control Equipment the President Determines No Longer Warrant Control Under the United States Munitions List (USML)" (81 FR 8421) ("February 2016 rule"). This second proposed rule was also published in conjunction with a second proposed rule published by DDTC to propose new controls for USML Category XII. . . . In this final rule, all references to the USML are to the list of defense articles that are controlled for the purpose of export or temporary import pursuant to the ITAR, and not to the defense articles on the USML that are controlled by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for the purpose of permanent import under its regulations (see 27 CFR part 447). Pursuant to Sec. 38(a)(1) of the AECA, all defense articles controlled for export or import are part of the USML under the AECA. For the sake of clarity, the list of defense articles controlled by ATF for the purpose of permanent import is the United States Munitions Import List (USMIL). The transfer of defense articles from the ITAR's USML to the EAR's CCL for the purpose of export controls does not affect the list of defense articles controlled on the USMIL under the AECA for the purpose of permanent import. … Dated: September 15, 2016. Kevin J. Wolf, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration. 3. Justice/ATF Announces International Trade Data System Test–Voluntary Export Pilot Project 81 FR 70441-70442: International Trade Data System Test–Voluntary Export Pilot Project * AGENCY: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Department of Justice. * ACTION: Notice. * SUMMARY: Along with other agencies, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) will participate in a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) pilot test of the International Trade Data System (ITDS), using electronic processing of export data through the Automated Export System (AES) which is accessed within CBP's Automated Commercial Environment (ACE). ACE, the primary system through which exporters transmit export data for the clearance of cargo, automates manual processes, eliminates paper, and helps exporters efficiently comply with laws and regulations. Exporters of National Firearms Act (NFA) firearms, which include machineguns, silencers and destructive devices, may use the ACE portal, to submit data via the AESDirect system. Participation in the pilot test is voluntary. The pilot test will allow participating exporters to submit forms, such as the ATF Form 9, Application and Permit for Permanent Exportation of Firearms, and information to CBP electronically to obtain CBP certification of exportation. CBP will validate that information, and electronically transmit export information to agencies (including ATF) to satisfy CBP's certification requirements. The pilot test seeks to streamline this part of the export process. Information on ATF's rules and regulations, and answers to commonly asked questions, can be found on the agency's Web site: http://www.atf.gov. * DATES: Interested exporters of NFA firearms, which include machineguns, silencers and destructive devices, may participate in the pilot test throughout the duration of the pilot. This pilot will begin upon publication of this notice, and will continue until concluded by publication of a notice ending it. Interested parties with ATF questions should contact Gary Schaible, whose contact information is found below. * FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gary Schaible, Industry Liaison Analyst, Firearms and Explosives Services Division, Office of Enforcement Programs and Services; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; U.S. Department of Justice; 99 New York Avenue NE., Room 6N521, Washington, DC 20226; telephone: (202) 648-7165; email Exports-HelpDesk@atf.gov. For technical questions regarding ACE or the AES data transmission, please contact your assigned CBP client representative. Interested parties without an assigned client representative should submit an email to Steven Zaccaro at steven.j.zaccaro@cbp.dhs.gov. Exporters who wish to participate in this pilot test must have an ACE Portal Account to be able to file the relevant data electronically via AES Direct. Information regarding an ACE Portal Account can be found here. Additional information is available here. … Approved: October 5, 2016. Thomas E. Brandon, Deputy Director. 4. State/DDTC Amends ITAR — USML Cat. XII and Associated Sections of Cats. VI, VIII, XIII, and XV (Source: Federal Register) 81 FR 70340-70357 (Oct. 12, 2016): Amendment of 22 CFR Part 121.1, USML Cats. VI, VIII, XII, XIII, and XV Public Notice: 9605, RIN: 1400-AD32 * ACTION: Final rule (effective Dec. 31, 2016) * SUMMARY: As part of the President's Export Control Reform effort, the Department of State amends the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) by revising Category XII (fire control, laser, imaging, and guidance equipment) of the U.S. Munitions List (USML) to remove certain items from control on the USML and to describe more precisely the articles continuing to warrant control on the USML. The Department also amends USML Categories VIII, XIII, and XV to reflect that items previously described in those Categories are now controlled under the revised Category XII or Commerce Control List. Further, the Department revises USML Category XI to move items to the CCL as a result of changes to related control in USML Category XII. * DATES: This rule is effective on December 31, 2016. … * SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC), U.S. Department of State, administers the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) (22 CFR parts 120-130). The items subject to the jurisdiction of the ITAR, i.e., defense articles, are identified on the ITAR's U.S. Munitions List (USML) (22 CFR 121.1). With few exceptions, items not subject to the export control jurisdiction of the ITAR are subject to the jurisdiction of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), 15 CFR parts 730-774, which includes the Commerce Control List (CCL) in Supplement No. 1 to Part 774, administered by the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), U.S. Department of Commerce. Both the ITAR and the EAR impose license requirements on exports and reexports. Items not subject to the ITAR or to the exclusive licensing jurisdiction of any other set of regulations are subject to the EAR. The revisions contained in this rule are part of the Department of State's retrospective plan under E.O. 13563. All references to the USML in this rule are to the list of defense articles that are controlled for the purpose of export or temporary import pursuant to the ITAR, and not to the defense articles on the USML that are controlled by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for the purpose of permanent import under its regulations (see 27 CFR Part 447). Pursuant to §38(a)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), all defense articles controlled for export or temporary import are part of the USML under the AECA. For the sake of clarity, the list of defense articles controlled by ATF for the purpose of permanent import is the United States Munitions Import List (USMIL). The transfer of defense articles from the ITAR's USML to the EAR's CCL for the purpose of export control does not affect the list of defense articles controlled on the USMIL under the AECA for the purpose of permanent import. * REVISION OF CATEGORY XII The revision of USML Category XII (RIN 1400-AD32) was first published as a proposed rule on May 5, 2015, for public comment (see 80 FR 25821) (1st proposed rule). The comment period ended July 6, 2015. One hundred twenty parties submitted public comments, which were reviewed and considered by the Department and other agencies. A second proposed rule was published on February 19, 2016 for public comment (see 81 FR 8438) (2nd proposed rule). The comment period ended on April 4, 2016. Thirty-eight parties submitted public comments, which were reviewed and considered by the Department and other agencies. The discussion below, regarding items added or modified to Category XII, refers to text proposed in one or both of the two proposed rules, unless otherwise stated. General Comments …[See Source URL for full posting with comments.] LIST OF SUBJECTS IN 22 CFR PART 121 ARMS AND MUNITIONS, EXPORTS. Accordingly, for the reasons set forth above, title 22, chapter I, subchapter M, part 121 is amended as follows: PART 121 – THE UNITED STATES MUNITIONS LIST … Section 121.1 is amended by: – Removing and reserving paragraph (e) in U.S. Munitions List Category VIII; – Revising paragraphs (a)(3)(ii) and (a)(10) of U.S. Munitions List Category XI; – Revising U.S. Munitions List Category XII; – Removing and reserving paragraph (a) in U.S. Munitions List Category XIII; and – Removing and reserving paragraph (c) in U.S. Munitions List Category XV. … Rose E. Gottemoeller, Under Secretary, Arms Control and International Security, Department of State. [Editor's Note: The above amendments will be included in a revised edition of Bartlett's Annotated ITAR (BITAR), to be sent to subscribers later today. See subscription information at www.FullCircleCompliance.eu.] 5. USPTO Seeks Comments on Secrecy and License To Export 81 FR 70395-70397: Secrecy and License To Export * ACTION: Proposed collection; comment request. … * DATES: Written comments must be submitted on or before December 12, 2016. * ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by any of the following methods: – Email: InformationCollection@uspto.gov. Include "0651-0034 comment" in the subject line of the message. – Mail: Marcie Lovett, Records Management Division Director, Office of the Chief Information Officer, United States Patent and Trademark Office, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. * FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Raul Tamayo, Senior Legal Advisor, Office of Patent Legal Administration, United States Patent and Trademark Office, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450; by telephone at 571-272-7728; or by email to Raul.Tamayo@uspto.gov with "Paperwork" in the subject line. Additional information about this collection is also available at http://www.reginfo.gov under "Information Collection Review." – OMB Number: 0651-0034. – Form Number(s): None. – Type of Review: Revision of a currently approved collection. – Abstract: In the interest of national security, patent laws and rules place certain limitations on the disclosure of information contained in patents and patent applications and on the filing of applications for patents in foreign countries. In particular, whenever the publication or disclosure of an invention by the publication of an application or by the granting of a patent is, inthe opinion of the head of an interested Government agency, determined to be detrimental to national security, the Commissioner for Patents at the USPTO must issue a secrecy order and withhold the publication of a patent application and the grant of a patent for such period as the national interest requires. A patent will not be issued on the application, nor will the application be published, as long as the secrecy order is in force. If a secrecy order is applied to an international application, the application will not be forwarded to the International Bureau as long as the secrecy order is in force. Three types of secrecy orders, each of a different scope, can be issued. The first type, Secrecy Order and Permit for Foreign Filing in Certain Countries, is intended to permit the widest utilization of the technical data in the patent application while still controlling any publication or disclosure that would result in an unlawful exportation. The second type, the Secrecy Order and Permit for Disclosing Classified Information, is to treat classified technical data presented in a patent application in the same manner as any other classified material. The third type of secrecy order is used where the other types of orders do not apply, including orders issued by direction of agencies other than the Department of Defense. Under the provision of 35 U.S.C. 181, a secrecy order remains in effect for a period of one year from its date of issuance. A secrecy order may be renewed for additional periods of not more than one year upon notice by a government agency that the national interest continues to so require. The applicant is notified of such renewal. When the USPTO places a secrecy order on a patent application, the rules authorize the applicant to petition the USPTO for permits to allow disclosure, modification, or rescission of the secrecy order, or to obtain a general or group permit. In each of these circumstances, the petition is forwarded to the appropriate defense agency for decision. Also, the Commissioner for Patents at the USPTO may rescind any order upon notification by the heads of the departments and the chief officers of the agencies who caused the order to be issued that the disclosure of the invention is no longer deemed detrimental to the national security. Unless expressly ordered otherwise, action on the application and prosecution by the applicant will proceed during the time the application is under secrecy order to a specific point as indicated under 37 CFR 5.3. Applications under secrecy order that come to a final rejection must be appealed or otherwise prosecuted to avoid abandonment. Appeals in such cases must be completed by the applicant, but unless specifically indicated by the Commissioner for Patents at the USPTO, will not be set for hearing until the secrecy order is removed. In addition to the issuance of secrecy orders, the USPTO is required to grant foreign filing licenses to applicants. The filing of a patent application is considered a request for a foreign filing license. However, in some instances an applicant may need a license for filing patent application in foreign countries prior to a filing in the USPTO or sooner than the anticipated licensing of a pending patent application. To file a patent application in a foreign country, the applicant can petition the USPTO for a foreign filing license either with or without a corresponding United States application. In addition, the applicant can petition to change the scope of a license and, when a patent application is filed through error in a foreign country without the appropriate filing license, an applicant can petition the USPTO for a retroactive license. This collection includes the information needed by the USPTO to review the various types of petitions regarding secrecy orders and foreign filing licenses. This collection of information is required by 35 U.S.C. 181-188 and administered through 37 CFR 5.1-5.33. … Dated: October 3, 2016. Rhonda Foltz, Director, Office of Information Management Services, OCIO, United States Patent and Trademark Office. 6. Ex/Im Items Scheduled for Publication in Future Federal Register Editions [No items of interest noted today.] 7. Commerce/BIS: (No new postings.) Commerce/BIS) 8. Commerce/Census: "ACE AESDirect Enhancements" census@subscriptions.census.gov, 12 Oct 2016) In an effort to improve the functionality of the ACE AESDirect and incorporate Partnership Government Agencies (PGA's) requirements, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will be updating the ACE AESDirect application with new enhancements on approximately October 18, 2016. In order to prepare you for the changes, CBP and Census have developed a document to highlight these changes in detail. The new changes and enhancements include: The Shipment Manager will now show the user who created or last took action on each filing, not just the original user who created the filing All the activity for a specific Shipment Reference Number (SRN) will be shown through a new History View (Count) feature on the Shipment Manager The design and functionality of the commodity line will be enhanced with the ability to enter required PGA data Full details are listed in ACE AESDirect Enhancements Overview – October 2016. For further questions, contact the U.S. Census Bureau's Data Collection Branch. – Telephone: (800) 549-0595, select option 1 for AES – Email: askaes@census.gov – International Trade Management Division Website – Global Reach Blog 9. DoD/DSS Open Resident Office in Charleston SC (Source: DoD/DSS) The DSS Resident Office in Charleston, S.C. is now fully operational and open for business. 10. DOJ Publishes "Guidance Regarding Voluntary Self-Disclosures, Cooperation, and Remediation in Export Control and Sanctions Investigations Involving Business Organizations" (Source: Department of Justice, National Security Division, 7 Oct 2016) [Editor's Note: The subject Guidance document is available for download HERE. Below is a reprint of the Introduction of the 11-page document.] Foreign governments and other non-state adversaries of the United States are engaged in an aggressive campaign to acquire superior technologies and commodities that are developed, manufactured, and controlled in, and by, the United States. Such acquisitions – when conducted in contravention of U.S. law and policy – undermine the comparative and competitive advantages of U.S. industries and warfighters and, consequently, the national and economic security of the United States. Thwarting these unlawful efforts is a top priority for the National Security Division (NSD) of the Department of Justice (DOJ). Working in partnership with U.S. Attorneys' Offices, law enforcement and regulatory agencies, other U.S. government stakeholders, and our foreign government counterparts, NSD utilizes an "all-tools" approach to prevent and combat the unlawful export of commodities, technologies, and services, as well as to block trade and transactions with sanctioned countries and designated individuals and entities. In particular, NSD has made it a priority to pursue willful export control and sanctions violations by corporate entities and their employees. Working with the U.S. Attorneys' Offices, NSD aggressively directs and supports investigations of corporate criminal misconduct through grand jury subpoenas, search warrants, witness interviews, and other mechanisms to obtain evidence from multinational corporations operating in U.S. markets or utilizing the U.S. financial system. Where appropriate, NSD pursues international assistance to obtain the necessary evidence to build criminal cases. Where such investigations reveal willful violations of U.S. export controls and sanctions, NSD and U.S. Attorneys' Offices seek to hold corporate entities criminally liable and prosecute culpable employees individually. Consequently, business organizations and their employees are at the forefront of our enforcement efforts. As the gatekeepers of our export-controlled technologies, business organizations play a vital role in protecting our national security. However, when NSD learns of willful violations of U.S. export controls and sanctions, NSD is committed to using all of its tools to protect our national security and deter similar criminal misconduct. This Guidance memorializes the policy of NSD to encourage business organizations to voluntarily self-disclose criminal violations of the statutes implementing the U.S. government's primary export control and sanctions regimes – the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), 22 U.S.C. § 2778, and the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), 50 U.S.C. § 1705. This Guidance applies only to export control and sanctions violations. It sets forth the criteria that NSD, through the Counterintelligence and Export Control Section (CES) and in partnership with the U.S. Attorneys' Offices, uses in exercising its prosecutorial discretion in this area and in determining the possible benefits that could be afforded to an organization that makes a voluntary self-disclosure (VSD), as defined below. This Guidance also implements in export control and sanctions cases the memorandum of the Deputy Attorney General dated September 9, 2015, promoting greater accountability for individual corporate defendants (DAG Memo on Individual Accountability), as well as the November 2015 revisions to the Principles of Federal Prosecution of Business Organizations set forth in the U.S. Attorneys' Manual (USAM Principles). See USAM 9-28.000 and USAM 9-28.900. Almost all criminal violations of U.S. export controls and sanctions harm the national security or have the potential to cause such harm. This threat to national security informs how NSD and U.S. Attorneys' Offices arrive at an appropriate resolution with a business organization and distinguishes these cases from other types of corporate wrongdoing. In determining what credit to give an organization that voluntarily self-discloses illegal export control or sanctions conduct, fully cooperates, and remediates flaws in its controls and compliance program, federal prosecutors must balance the goal of encouraging such disclosures and cooperation with the goal of deterring these very serious offenses. If successful, this Guidance will serve to further deter individuals and companies from engaging in export control and sanctions violations in the first place, encourage companies to implement strong export control and sanctions compliance programs to prevent and detect such violations, and, consistent with the DAG Memo on Individual Accountability, increase the ability of NSD and U.S. Attorneys' Offices to prosecute individual wrongdoers whose conduct might otherwise have gone undiscovered or been impossible to prove. This Guidance aims to provide greater transparency about what is required from companies seeking credit for voluntarily self-disclosing potential criminal conduct, fully cooperating with an investigation, and remediating. Accordingly, the Guidance first explains what constitutes a VSD, full cooperation, and timely and appropriate remediation. Second, the Guidance provides examples of aggravating factors that, if present to a substantial degree, could limit the credit an organization might otherwise receive, though the company would still find itself in a better position than if it had not submitted a VSD, cooperated, and remediated. Third, the Guidance explains the possible credit that may be afforded to a business organization that complies with the mandates set out below, including the disclosure of all relevant facts about the individuals involved in the wrongdoing. Finally, the Guidance provides sample scenarios that demonstrate the application of this policy. Ordinarily, when an organization voluntarily self-discloses violations of U.S. export controls and sanctions, it presents its VSD to the appropriate regulatory agency under the procedures set forth in the agency's regulations. It is not the purpose of this Guidance to alter that practice. Business entities should continue to submit VSDs to the Department of State, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) for violations of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR); to the Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry Security (BIS) for violations of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR); and to the Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), for violations of U.S. sanctions regulations. However, as discussed further below, when an organization, including its counsel, becomes aware that the violations may have been willful, it should within a reasonably prompt time also submit a VSD to CES. This Guidance does not supplant the USAM Principles. Prosecutors must consider the ten factors set forth in the USAM when determining how to resolve criminal investigations of organizations. However, this Guidance does set forth the way that NSD and U.S. Attorneys' Offices will evaluate credit for companies that voluntary self-disclose, fully cooperate, and remediate in export control and sanctions cases. Nothing in this Guidance is intended to suggest that the government can require business organizations to voluntarily self-disclose, cooperate, or remediate. Companies remain free to reject these options. … [For remainder of letter, click here.] 11. State/DDTC: (No new postings.) (Source: State/DDTC) 12. Reuters: "New U.S. Guidance on Iran Sanctions Seeks to Reassure Banks" (Source: Reuters) New guidance from the Obama administration offers reassurance to foreign banks which have been skittish about doing U.S. dollar transactions with Iran, lawyers and former sanctions officials said on Monday. The guidance comes after months of complaints from Tehran, which says that remaining U.S. sanctions have frightened away trade partners and robbed Iran of the benefits it was promised under the nuclear deal it concluded with world powers last year. The guidelines, issued by the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control on Friday, clarify that non-U.S. banks can do dollar trades with Iran, provided those transactions don't pass through financial institutions in the United States. Although last year's deal technically allowed a raft of new international business deals with Iran, including U.S. dollar transactions, in practice many banks have stayed away, fearing that they would inadvertently break remaining sanctions. For instance, many executives believe that dollar transactions will at some point transit through a U.S. bank, thus breaking sanctions, said Melvin Schwechter, a Washington, D.C.-based sanctions attorney at Baker & Hostetler LLP. "I've generally advised people to stay away from dollar transactions in Iran," Schwechter said. "But here they are giving banks a green light to go forward as long as they make sure the dollar-denominated transactions don't affect the U.S. It's a signal to blunt the criticism of the Iranian government that they aren't getting any benefit from the nuclear deal." David Mortlock, a former White House sanctions official, said the guidelines were likely meant to clear up confusion that had arisen this year over whether dollar transactions with Iran were allowed at all under the terms of the nuclear deal. "Do I think the administration wants to create as much clarity as possible to sustain the deal? Yes, absolutely," said Mortlock, now a partner at Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP. "It is a signal from OFAC and the administration that they do want to be helpful." A U.S. Treasury spokeswoman said on Monday the changes were "intended to clarify the scope of sanctions lifting" under the nuclear deal, and do not amount to additional sanctions relief for Iran. But Iran may not see the new guidance as enough to address the hurdles to doing business. Hossein Ghazavi, a vice-minister in Iran's economy ministry, said on Monday the changes still left doubts for banks. "The problems that existed before are still there," Ghazavi said, according to the Iranian Students News Agency. "Previously … non-American financial institutions could not have 100 percent confidence that while providing brokerage services, creating accounts or maintaining U.S. dollars for Iranian banks and customers, they wouldn't face unpredictable risk. This ambiguity has still not been resolved." Eric Lorber, a senior associate at the Financial Integrity Network, which advises banks on sanctions, said that despite the new guidance, major European banks are unlikely to enter Iran soon. "Among the largest banks there's still a serious reluctance to do any of that business," Lorber said. 13. ST&R Trade Report: "Burma Sanctions Program Terminated, Including Ban on Gem and Jewelry Imports" (Source: Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg Trade Report) The economic and financial sanctions against Burma administered by the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control are no longer in effect as of Oct. 7 after President Obama signed that day an executive order terminating the national emergency with respect to Burma. OFAC states that this action includes the following impacts. – The ban on the importation of Burmese-origin jadeite and rubies, and any jewelry containing them, has been waived. – All OFAC-administered restrictions and authorizations under the Burma sanctions program pertaining to banking with Burma have been terminated, including the OFAC general licenses issued in 2012 and 2013 that authorized certain correspondent account activity with Burmese banks. (The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network's 2003 finding that Burma is a jurisdiction of primary money laundering concern remains in place but FinCEN is issuing an administrative exception to suspend the resulting prohibition on U.S. financial institutions maintaining correspondent accounts for Burmese banks based on Burma's progress in improving its anti-money laundering regime and its commitment to continue making progress to address money laundering, corruption, and narcotics-related activities.) – All individuals and entities blocked pursuant to the Burmese Sanctions Regulations have been removed from OFAC's Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List. – All property and interests in property blocked pursuant to the BSR are unblocked. – All OFAC-administered restrictions under the Burma sanctions program regarding banking or financial transactions with Burma are no longer in effect. – OFAC will remove the BSR from the Code of Federal Regulations. – Compliance with the State Department's Responsible Investment Reporting Requirements is no longer required by OFAC's regulations and is now voluntary. Burmese individuals or entities blocked pursuant to other OFAC sanctions authorities, such as counter-narcotics sanctions, remain on the SDN List and their property and interests in property remain blocked. Further, pending or future OFAC enforcement investigations or actions related to apparent violations of the BSR when in effect may still be carried out. 14. J.T. Mackintosh & J.C. Anderson: "United States Lifts Burma Sanctions" (Source: Holland & Hart LLP) * Authors: J. Triplett Mackintosh, Esq., tmackintosh@hollandhart.com, 202-654-6930; and John C. Anderson, Esq., jcanderson@hollandhart.com, 505-954-7295. Both of Holland & Hart LLP. On October 7, 2016, President Obama signed an Executive Order lifting virtually all economic sanctions previously in effect against Burma (aka, Myanmar). This executive action signals an opening of economic activity between the United States and Burma. Perhaps more importantly for Burmese business interests, it removes an impediment to banking and financial services that had slowed non-U.S. investment into Myanmar. The action contrasts with remaining unilateral U.S. embargos that continue to impact non-U.S. interests, notably the sanctions on Iran. Burma had been subject to targeted sanctions that were directed at members of the State Peace and Development Counsel (the "SPDC") that governed Burma until 2011. This sanctions regime, implemented by Executive Orders issued per authority of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act ("IEEPA") and the Tom Lantos Block Burmese JADE Act, and administered by the Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC"), broadly prohibited all financial transactions involving members of the SPDC and/or entities they controlled. Given their prominence in the Burmese market, SPDC and the companies they owned or controlled created material compliance challenges for investors looking at the Burmese economy. Banks, predictably conservative in these circumstances, were reluctant to process payments and engage in services otherwise required for non-Burmese investors. The lifting of the U.S. sanctions will open global financial markets for support of Burmese development. A Treasury Department press release quotes Adam J. Szubin, Acting Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence as noting that "[l]ifting economic and financial sanctions will further support trade and economic growth." Treasury summarized the broad scope of the Executive action, noting: – All individuals and entities blocked pursuant to the Burmese Sanctions Regulations (BSR) have been removed from OFAC's Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (SDN) List. – The ban on the importation into the United States of Burmese-origin jadeite and rubies, and any jewelry containing them, has been revoked. The lifting of the Burma sanctions is notable for its relative breadth and speed. While there was an iterative process involved (as there always is), the Administration moved fairly quickly. The timeline stands in contrast to more prolonged processes that have marked the relaxation of other unilateral sanctions regimes. The length of time required to lift sanctions depends on multiple factors. As experienced with Burma, Iran and Cuba the draw-down process can result in reluctance on the part of conservative actors, such as international banks, to provide services that may be lawful. A gradual lifting of restrictions invariably results in international banks taking a risk-based approach that errs on the side of not risking violations where the lines are unclear. Burma will no longer face that added cost to development and investment. Illustrative of the difficulties presented by ambiguities in modified sanctions regimes, coincident with the Burmese action OFAC issued clarification as to Iranian sanctions and the impact of those sanctions on U.S.-dollar denominated transactions. On October 7, 2016, OFAC clarified its responses to "Frequently Asked Questions" ("FAQ") relating to the Iranian Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action ("JCPOA"). OFAC revised FAQ C.17 that addresses whether non-US. financial institutions can conduct dollar-denominated transactions with Iran. The updated response from OFAC provides that "[f]oreign financial institutions, including foreign-incorporated subsidiaries of U.S. financial institutions, may process transactions denominated in U.S. dollars or maintain U.S. dollar-denominated accounts that involve Iran or persons ordinarily resident in Iran…." It may be that this guidance gives non-U.S. financial institutions confidence to engage in U.S. dollar-denominated financial transactions with Iran, removing a compliance related impediment to development and investment in Iran by non-U.S. companies. Burmese development, on the other hand, will not be encumbered by the same compliance concerns due to the breadth and clarity of the Executive action lifting Burmese sanctions. In terms of compliance for companies considering the Burmese market, FinCEN has noted that money-laundering concerns remain and Burmese banks overall have not instituted adequate controls. FinCEN, accordingly, employed a discretionary exception to allow correspondent accounts from U.S. financial institutions, but the concerns remain. Also remaining are the material corruption risks that have marked the Burmese economy. 15. Gary Stanley's ECR Tip of the Day (Source: Defense and Export-Import Update; available by subscription from gstanley@glstrade.com * Author: Gary Stanley, Esq., Global Legal Services, PC, (202) 352-3059, Section 3.2(d) of DDTC's Guidelines for Preparing Agreements (Rev. 4.4) provides for the following new U.S. sublicensing clause that incorporates the new ITAR definitions of "reexport" and "retransfer": "This agreement authorizes sublicensing to U.S. Persons. Exports, reexports, retransfers or temporary imports by the U.S. sublicensee must be conducted as part of a separate authorization initiated by the U.S. Person." Applicants are not required to submit an amendment for the sole purpose of updating the U.S. Sublicensing statement. However, the statement must be updated at the next major amendment. All agreement/amendment applications submitted after September 1, 2016, must include the new U.S. Sublicensing statement, if applicable. If the old statement is used, a proviso will be added instructing the applicant to change it prior to execution. Applicants may begin using the new clause prior to September 1. 16. ECTI Presents Mastering HTSUS and Schedule B Code Classifications Webinar – 18 Oct (Source: Danielle McClellan, danielle@learnexportcompliance.com) * What: Mastering HTSUS and Schedule B Code Classifications * When: October 18, 2016; 1:00 p.m. (EDT) * ECTI Speaker: Melissa Proctor * Register: Here, or Danielle McClellan, 540-433-3977, danielle@learnexportcompliance.com. . Bartlett's Unfamiliar Quotations Notable birthdays: * Lyman Beecher (12 Oct 1775 – 10 Jan 1863, was a Presbyterian minister, American Temperance Society co-founder and leader, and the father of 13 children, many of whom became noted figures, including Harriet Beecher Stowe, Henry Ward Beecher, Charles Beecher, Edward Beecher, Isabella Beecher Hooker, Catharine Beecher and Thomas K. Beecher.) – "No great advance has been made in science, politics, or religion without controversy." . Are Your Copies of Regulations Up to Date? The official versions of the following regulations are published annually in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.), but are updated as amended in the Federal Register. Changes to applicable regulations are listed below. ATF ARMS IMPORT REGULATIONS : 27 CFR Part 447-Importation of Arms, Ammunition, and Implements of War – Last Amendment: 15 Jan 2016: 81 FR 2657-2723: Machineguns, Destructive Devices and Certain Other Firearms; Background Checks for Responsible Persons of a Trust or Legal Entity With Respect To Making or Transferring a Firearm : 19 CFR, Ch. 1, Pts. 0-199 – Last Amendment: 26 Aug 2016: 81 FR 58831-58834: Administrative Exemption on Value Increased for Certain Articles * DOD NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL SECURITY PROGRAM OPERATING MANUAL (NISPOM): DoD 5220.22-M – Last Amendment: 18 May 2016: Change 2: Implement an insider threat program; reporting requirements for Cleared Defense Contractors; alignment with Federal standards for classified information systems; incorporated and canceled Supp. 1 to the NISPOM (Summary here.) * EXPORT ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS (EAR): 15 CFR Subtit. B, Ch. VII, Pts. 730-774 – Last Amendment: 12 Oct 2016: 81 FR 70320-70339: Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR): Control of Fire Control, Laser, Imaging, and Guidance Equipment the President Determines No Longer Warrant Control Under the United States Munitions List (USML) FOREIGN ASSETS CONTROL REGULATIONS (OFAC FACR) : 31 CFR, Parts 500-599, Embargoes, Sanctions, Executive Orders – Last Amendment: 18 May 2016: 81 FR 31169-31171: Burmese Sanctions Regulations FOREIGN TRADE REGULATIONS (FTR) : 15 CFR Part 30 – Last Amendment: 15 May 2015; 80 FR 27853-27854: Foreign Trade Regulations (FTR): Reinstatement of Exemptions Related to Temporary Exports, Carnets, and Shipments Under a Temporary Import Bond – HTS codes that are not valid for AES are available – The latest edition (9 Mar 2016) of Bartlett's Annotated FTR ("BAFTR"), by James E. Bartlett III, is available for downloading in Word format. The BAFTR contains all FTR amendments, FTR Letters and Notices, a large Index, and footnotes containing case annotations, practice tips, and Census/AES guidance. Subscribers receive revised copies every time the FTR is amended. The BAFTR is available by annual subscription from the Full Circle Compliance website. BITAR subscribers are entitled to a 25% discount on subscriptions to the BAFTR. HARMONIZED TARIFF SCHEDULE OF THE UNITED STATES (HTS, HTSA or HTSUSA) , 1 Jul 2016: 19 USC 1202 Annex. ("HTS" and "HTSA" are often seen as abbreviations for the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States Annotated, shortened versions of "HTSUSA".) – Last Amendment: 30 Aug 2016; Harmonized System Update (HSU) 1612, containing 4,692 ABI records and 935 harmonized tariff records. – HTS codes for AES are available * INTERNATIONAL TRAFFIC IN ARMS REGULATIONS (ITAR): 22 C.F.R. Ch. I, Subch. M, Pts. 120-130 (Caution — The ITAR as posted on GPO's eCFR website and linked on the DDTC often takes several weeks to update the latest amendments.) – Latest Amendment: 12 Oct 2016: 81 FR 70340-70357: Amendment to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations: Revision of U.S. Munitions List Category XII and associated sections. – The only available fully updated copy (latest edition 12 Oct 2016) of the ITAR with all amendments is contained in Bartlett's Annotated ITAR ("BITAR"), by James E. Bartlett III. The BITAR contains all ITAR amendments to date, footnotes to amendments that will take effect on 15 November and 31 December, plus a large Index and over 750 footnotes containing case annotations, practice tips, DDTC guidance, and explanations of errors in the official ITAR text. Subscribers receive updated copies of the BITAR in Word by email, usually revised within 24 hours after every ITAR amendment. The BITAR is the essential tool of the ITAR professional. The BITAR is available by annual subscription from the Full Circle Compliance website. BAFTR subscribers receive a 25% discount on subscriptions to the BITAR, please contact us to receive your discount code. * The Ex/Im Daily Update is a publication of FCC Advisory B.V., edited by James E. Bartlett III and Alexander Bosch, and emailed every business day to approximately 7,500 readers of changes to defense and high-tech trade laws and regulations. We check the following sources daily: Federal Register, Congressional Record, Commerce/AES, Commerce/BIS, DHS/CBP, DOJ/ATF, DoD/DSS, DoD/DTSA, State/DDTC, Treasury/OFAC, White House, and similar websites of Australia, Canada, U.K., and other countries and international organizations. Due to space limitations, we do not post Arms Sales notifications, Denied Party listings, or Customs AD/CVD items. * INTERNET ACCESS AND BACK ISSUES: The National Defense Industrial Association ("NDIA") posts the Daily Update on line, and maintains back issues since August, 2009 here. * RIGHTS & RESTRICTIONS: This email contains no proprietary, classified, or export-controlled information. All items are obtained from public sources or are published with permission of private contributors, and may be freely circulated without further permission. Any further use of contributors' material, however, must comply with applicable copyright laws. * CAVEAT: The contents of this newsletter cannot be relied upon as legal or expert advice. Consult your own legal counsel or compliance specialists before taking actions based upon news items or opinions from this or other unofficial sources. If any U.S. federal tax issue is discussed in this communication, it was not intended or written by the author or sender for tax or legal advice, and cannot be used for the purpose of avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or promoting, marketing, or recommending to another party any transaction or tax-related matter. * SUBSCRIPTIONS: Subscriptions are free. Subscribe by completing the request form on the Full Circle Compliance website. * TO UNSUBSCRIBE: Use the Safe Unsubscribe link below. The Daily Bugle | www.FullCircleCompliance.eu
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Wardrobe essentials. Finest fabrics. Honest pricing. Our dream is a simple one: we believe in the best quality clothing at the best possible price. This isn't the current business model in fashion, so we're here to change that. We believe quality fabrics are the heart of any garment, this is why we won't stop traveling the world until we find the very best. Our search has led us far and wide from the Andean mountains of Peru, past the flashing lights of Tokyo, to mesmerizing ancient cities of China and beyond. We travel the world in search of the finest fabrics, design modern essentials, operate purely online, and ship straight to your doorstep. Result? You get a perfect collection of timeless wardrobe essentials at a truly disruptive price. Based in Hong Kong, but we're from all over the world. From Australia to Korea to the US, this is our family.
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Sex offender who escaped from prison has been arrested Police have thanked everyone for their help in locating the absconder Emma Grimshaw (Image: Bristol Live) A sex offender who absconded from an open prison near Bristol has been arrested. Neon Collins, escaped from HMP Leyhill in South Gloucestershire sometime before 8am, today, Sunday (May 12). The 39-year-old, who was previously known as Wayne Parkes, is currently serving a custodial sentence for sexual offences. Patient's shock at cat in A&E but it turns out he is a regular visitor He has the word Holly written in Japanese tattooed on his neck and a pierced left ear with a large hole in the lobe. A spokesperson for Avon and Somerset Police confirmed this evening that Collins has been found. He said: "Neon Collins, who absconded from HMP Leyhill earlier today, has been located and arrested. "We'd like to thank everyone who helped us by sharing our appeal to find him." Avon and Somerset Constabulary South Gloucestershire UK & World NewsLabour leader Sir Keir Starmer welcomed MP Christian Wakeford's defection
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
- recommending a Portuguese accountant, as accounting services are needed for new businesses in Portugal. - Portuguese public company (Sociedade Anónima SA) – The Portuguese public company is required to have at least five shareholders who can be natural persons or legal entities. The shareholders of a public company in Portugal are held liable for the company's debts and obligations to the extent of their share contributions. The minimum share capital for a Portuguese public company is 50,000 EUR. - Portuguese private limited company (Sociedade por Quotas - LDA) – the Portuguese private limited company is the most common type of company because it requires at least two shareholders who can be individuals or a legal entity and a director. The minimum share capital for a private limited company in Portugal is 5,000 EUR and the shares are divided into quotas. Shareholders are held accountable for the company's obligations and debts to the extent of their share contribution. - Portuguese Branch, Subsidiary or Representative Office - Foreign companies are allowed to set up separate enterprises from the parent company, where the foreign company will be a shareholder in a Portuguese company. Foreign companies can also open extensions of the parent companies in Portugal. The corporate tax in Portugal is 23%. The standard VAT rate in Portugal is 23%, but reduced rates of 13% and 6% apply to certain products. The withholding tax on distributed profits in Portugal for dividends, royalties and interests is 25%, unless double taxation treaties are enforced. Companies repatriating profits in countries listed as tax havens are subject to a 35% tax rate. BridgeWest is also able to offer ready-made Portuguese companies and VAT registration. Please contact us for more information regarding how to open a company in Portugal and prices.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Женска фудбалска репрезентација Мексика () представља Мексико на међународној сцени. Тимом управља Мексичка фудбалска федерација и такмичи се у оквиру Конкакафа, Фудбалске конфедерације Северне, Централне Америке и Кариба. Освојила је златне медаље на Играма Централне Америке и Кариба и сребрну медаљу у оквиру Панамеричких игара, као и једно сребро и једну бронзу на Светском првенству за жене пре него што је ФИФА признала женски фудбал. Када је 1971. освојио друго место, Мексико је био домаћин другог издања овог незваничног турнира. Поред свог сениорског тима, Мексико има екипе У-20, У-17 и У-15. У-17 тим је стигао до финала током ФИФА У-17 женског светског првенства 2018, а У-15 репрезентација је освојила бронзану медаљу на Олимпијским играма младих 2014. године. Сениориски тим је први пут основан 1963. године, али је његова прва утакмица коју је признала ФИФА била 1991. Сениорски тим "Ла Три" учествовао је на три светска првенства за жене и једном издању Летњих олимпијских игара. Бивша репрезентативка и помоћница тренера Моника Вергара је тренутни главни тренер екипе. Историја Незванична ера Иако није званично признат од ФИФА до 1991. године, мексички тим је заправо основан 1963. године, када су многе земље још увек нису признавале женски фудбал. Током 1950-их, и Костарика и Аргентина су биле сведоци повећаног интересовања за женски фудбал и одржавале су турнеје у разним земљама. Године 1963, Лас Тикас, женска фудбалска репрезентација Костарике, провела је шест месеци у Мексику на турнеји како би имала веће искуство. Посматрајући успех Лас Тикаса, Мексико је формирао свој први тим који је играо против Костарике. Предвођен Алишијом Варгас, Мексико је заузео треће место на Светском првенству за жене 1970. године, турниру који ФИФА тек треба да призна. Мексико је изгубио са 2 : 1 у полуфиналу од домаћина Италије, пре него што је савладао Енглеску са 3 : 2 у мечу за треће место. Следеће године, Мексико је био домаћин Светског првенства за жене 1971, које такође тек треба да буде званично признато. Тим је стигао до финала, али је изгубио са 3 : 0 од Данске. Процењује се да је 110.000 људи присуствовало финалу на стадиону Астека, што је највећа публика која је икада присуствовала женској фудбалској утакмици; Ни ФИФА није признала овај рекорд посећености. Да би учествовали на сваком светском првенству, тимови су морали да се квалификују. Мексико се суочио са Перуом, Аргентином, Јужном Африком на путу до издања 1971. Достигнућа Светско првенство за жене *Означава нерешене утакмице укључујући нокаут мечеве одлучене извођењем једанаестераца. Олимпијске игре *Означава нерешене утакмице укључујући нокаут мечеве одлучене извођењем једанаестераца. Конкакафов шампионат за жене *Означава нерешене утакмице укључујући нокаут мечеве одлучене извођењем једанаестераца. Панамеричке игре *Означава нерешене утакмице укључујући нокаут мечеве одлучене извођењем једанаестераца. ФИФА рангирање Последње ажурирање укључује 25. јун 2021. Извор: Најбоља позиција   Најгора позиција   Највећи напредак   Најмањи напредак Референце Спољашње везе Профил на ФИФА Мексико Фудбал у Мексику Фудбал
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
MTW Research have published a brand new "Garden Centres Market Rank & Profile" Report for 2008, providing a strategic market overview & trends, Garden Centres rankings & sales, and company profiles in a unique, easy to use and cost effective publication. The report is now available to garden product manufacturers, suppliers and distributors as well as being of interest to financial institutions and analysts. Based on actual sales returns, this new report reviews market performance from 2004 to 2008 providing a review of key market trends in recent years, coupled with forecasts to 2012. The report also provides sales estimates for each company, alongside rankings and key performance indicators, providing an insightful review of the industry. Contact, telephone and mailing details are also provided, resulting in a comprehensive & effective sales and marketing tool which also offers excellent value for money. Sales Estimates for Every Company, enabling market share assessment. Industry Averages – Turnover, Net Worth, Profitability, Liabilities, Assets etc. UK Garden Centres Ranked by Turnover, Profit, Assets, Net Worth etc. Financial Profile for each Garden Centre, including an 'at a glance' financial health chart. Full Mailing Details & Senior Decision Maker Sales Leads Provided for Each Company. With a key share of the UK Garden Products Distribution Market, the Garden Centres Market is set to experience a more difficult period of trading in the coming months, with sales turnover increasingly taking precedence over profit margins. There are a number of implications of this trend for garden product suppliers, including the likelihood of growing pressure to reduce prices to this channel. The report presents the recent performance and future prospects for the industry, based on quantitative sales returns and highlights the garden centres which represent the most viable targets for garden product suppliers to increase sales in an increasingly complex market. This unique report represents a comprehensive yet cost effective tool for understanding the current and future performance of the UK Garden Centres market. Written specifically for garden product manufacturers and distributors, this easy to use, independent market research report represents an invaluable yet cost effective tool for any company active in the UK Garden Centre Industry. Number of Employees – estimated where not reported. Supplied in All Formats, CD-Rom, Hard Copy & Email. Fast and Effective Market & Company Insight - With the report providing Market Size and Key Trends 2004-2012, Industry Averages, a Ranking section and a more detailed Profile section, the depth and range of analysis provides a comprehensive overview of the market's performance, individual company performance and estimated ranking for each company in the report. Market Size for Sales & Industry Value to 2012 - Market size for revenue and industry value is provided from 2004 through to 2012, enabling a fast understanding of the key trends in the industry and likely future prospects, facilitating fast strategic sales and marketing planning. Develop New, More Lucrative & Relevant Sales Leads, Quickly & Effectively - For suppliers to the Garden Centres, this report identifies the market leaders, illustrates their recent sales and profitability performance and provides contact information in order to enable suppliers to quickly identify and target fresh, new or more lucrative clients in the industry. Sales Estimates for Every Company - MTW reports are unique in that we have provided a turnover estimate for every company listed, even smaller and medium sized companies, in order to enable the reader to estimate market share for every company included in the report. Track and Monitor a Company's Financial Performance - Key financial data, turnover and profit ranking are provided for every company listed for the last 4 years, enabling the reader to quickly and effectively track a company's performance, enabling further SWOT analysis and marketing decision making. Save Time & Money - MTW's Rank & Profile reports don't bombard you with irrelevant financial data, they are designed to enable you to engage in fast and effective strategic market and company analysis. Focused on providing what's important in an easy to read and use format.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}