Unnamed: 0.1
Unnamed: 0
i jus hope tha tornado does come near here. i wanna sleep && dnt want my car to get damaged
=@erincargile news tip. Apparently every rental Car in Austin is booked due to floods. what is that doing to tourism? has this happened b4?
Tornado warnings- welcome home Lauren. Take shelter Lexington!!
My neighbor really washing all his cars rn. Does he know there's a hurricane passing through lol
Here's the latest on Hurricane #Dorian. Please stay safe and seek shelter. https://weather.com/storms/hurricane/news/2019-09-05-hurricane-dorian-south-carolina-north-carolina-georgia-virginia …
Philly-area natives ride out Hurricane Matthew in Orlando - http://PhillyVoice.com  http://dlvr.it/MQ1L19 
Florida man parks Smart car inside kitchen so Hurricane Dorian won’t take it https://trib.al/ptB0r5I 
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New U.S. President Donald Trump will speak by telephone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at 1:30 p.m. ET on Sunday, the White House said. Trump, who was sworn in on Friday, has criticized former President Barack Obama’s policies toward Israel and has promised to improve relations after taking office.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republicans promising to repeal and replace President Barack Obama’s landmark healthcare law are under “no hard deadlines” for producing an alternate program, House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday. Speaking to reporters, Ryan said House Republicans will have an in-depth “conversation” about healthcare legislation during a retreat in Philadelphia at the end of this month, but that the House nonetheless will kick off the complicated process with a vote on Friday on a Senate-passed measure paving the way for Obamacare repeal.
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (Reuters) - Puerto Ricans still living largely in darkness 12 days after Hurricane Maria leveled their island reveled in small victories on Sunday in what promises to be a months-long slog back to some semblance of normal life. Some islanders got their cell phone service back on Sunday, others gathered at bars for drinking and dancing after the dry law was lifted this weekend. “Everyone is talking about Maria,” said Julianna Melendez, 36, while out at a bar in Guaynabo, near the capital San Juan. “A lot of people lost their homes, and they are still living in them. We need help.” Food and drinking water are still in short supply and power is down for most of the U.S. territory’s 3.4 million people nearly two weeks after the fiercest hurricane to hit the island in 90 years. U.S. lawmakers urged President Donald Trump on Sunday to stop sniping at Puerto Ricans and get to work helping them recover, two days before he was to visit the island. The Republican president said his government was doing a “great job” to help Puerto Rico recover and took a new swipe at critics who said he had been slow to aid the island. “We have done a great job with the almost impossible situation in Puerto Rico. Outside of the Fake News or politically motivated ingrates,” he said in a Twitter post. Trump faces difficult weeks, if not months, in managing the U.S. territory. His senior general leading military relief operations in Puerto Rico, Lieutenant General Jeff Buchanan, said they were clearing roads and getting more supplies to people, but recognized “it’s still a long haul.” Trump has intensified his praise of the federal response after the mayor of San Juan made clear those efforts fell short and American media continued to broadcast images of the havoc and suffering on the island that belied his words. At the same time, he criticized San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz on Saturday and said Puerto Ricans wanted “everything to be done for them.” Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer told CBS’ “Face the Nation” the relief effort so far has been “slow footed, disorganized and not adequate.” “The president, instead of tweeting against the mayor of San Juan who’s watching her people die and just made a plea for help, ought to roll up his sleeves and get to work here,” he said. U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, a Republican, urged an end to the political fingerpointing. “Every minute we spend in the political realm bickering with one another over who’s doing what, or who’s wrong, or who didn’t do right is a minute of energy and time that we’re not spending trying to get the response right,” Rubio told CBS. Trump launched his attack on San Juan’s mayor during a weekend stay at his golf resort in New Jersey, where he was attending the President’s Cup tournament on Sunday. He dedicated the Cup trophy to victims of Maria and this summer’s previous major hurricanes Irma and Harvey, “all of those people that went through so much, that we love.” Referring to Puerto Rico, Trump said “we have it under really great control.” Maria pummeled Puerto Rico on Sept. 20 as a very powerful Category 4 hurricane on the heels of Irma, with roof-ripping winds and torrential rains that caused widespread flooding and heavily damaged homes, roads and other infrastructure. About half of the island’s people do not have access to drinking water, and 95 percent remain without power, according to the Pentagon. Nearly 90 percent of cell phone towers are out of service, according to the Federal Communications Commission. Impassable roads have made it hard for the Federal Emergency Management Agency and others to distribute food, water and fuel. Guaynabo Mayor Angel Perez said the situation is improving, albeit slowly. City employees are working 12-hour shifts, going door-to-door throughout the suburb of more than 100,000, taking a census on whether residents need water, ice, clothing or other basic necessities. “FEMA is telling me I’ll be getting some money in advance instead of reimbursement, so that’s really going to help,” Pérez said, adding that damages to municipal buildings alone will top $25 million in Guaynabo. Carmen Miranda, 60, of Luquillo, is among those who has faced long lines for gasoline, medicine and supplies. She spent 13 hours one day trying to buy fuel at a station that ran dry and was in line on Saturday at a store that ran out of diesel. “I’m going to have to come back another day,” she said. “It’s just horrible, those lines. That needs to be resolved immediately. President Trump, anyone, help us!” she said. At a briefing in San Juan, Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello reported that fuel and food supplies had begun to arrive in Puerto Rico. “We still need to do much more,” he said. Rossello remains in good standing with Trump, earning plaudits in the president’s tweets, while Cruz came under sustained fire from other Washington officials. FEMA director Brock Long admonished her for not being in closer contact with relief coordinators. Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin both said on Sunday that Cruz’s criticism was unfair. Cruz, who has been living in a shelter since her house was destroyed by Maria, pressed on with her appeal for basic necessities as insurers and politicians began to tally the costs of the storm and the size of the aid package Puerto Rico will need. “Let us not talk about the debt, let us not talk about the cost of reconstruction. Let us just talk about saving lives right now,” Cruz said on Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” program.
Hillary s over-the-top plan to tax the consumer for sugary drinks and soda makes former Mayor Michael Bloomberg look like a chump. Hillary knows what s good for you and what s not now shut up and pay Hillary Clinton on Wednesday came out in favor of a tax on soda that is three times larger than the one floated by Michael Bloomberg when he was mayor of New York City.Speaking at a forum in Philadelphia, Clinton said she was very supportive of a proposal unveiled last month by the city s mayor, Jim Kenney.The Democrat is calling for a tax of three cents per ounce on soda and other sugary beverages. The additional revenue which Kenney estimates to come in at $400 million over the next five years will help pay for pre-kindergarten education.Kenney s lofty proposal is three times the amount of the tax proposed in 2010 by Bloomberg a measure which was shot down and made the billionaire the butt of many jokes.Berkeley, Calif. is the only other major U.S. city to enact a soda tax. That liberal enclave has a one-cent tax on sugary beverages.A group called Philadelphians Against Grocery Tax says that the Clinton-backed tariff would double the cost of some grocery items.A 12-pack of 12-ounce sodas would cost an additional $4.32, nearly doubling the price of the item for consumers, according to the group, which is backed by the American Beverage Association.A 2-liter bottle of soda, which contains roughly 68 ounces and costs around $1.50, would more than double in price. The tax would run $2.04. Via: Daily Caller
CRS teams standing ready to respond to Hurricane #Matthew in #Haiti. Likely assistance to include shelter, relief supplies, water. @CRSnews
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (Reuters) - Three people who claim they were assaulted at a Donald Trump rally in Louisville, Kentucky, last month have filed a lawsuit against the Republican presidential candidate, saying he “incited a riot.” Molly Shah, Kashiya Nwanguma and Henry Brousseau filed the lawsuit on Thursday in Jefferson Circuit Court in Louisville, claiming that Trump’s repeated calls of “get them out” at a rally at the Kentucky International Convention Center on March 1 was intended to direct his supporters to “use unwanted, harmful physical force to remove protesters, including the plaintiffs.” The lawsuit also names as defendants the Trump campaign and three individuals who the plaintiffs claim assaulted them at the rally. The three plaintiffs, all Louisville residents, claim they suffered physical injuries, emotional distress and humiliation, and are seeking unspecified damages, according to the lawsuit. “Peaceful protest is an American tradition, especially in the context of presidential politics,” Dan Canon, the attorney for the plaintiffs, told Reuters in a Twitter message. “But what you see all over the country, time and time again, is violence employed against protesters at Trump campaign events. These plaintiffs are saying ‘enough is enough,’” The lawsuit said Trump stopped his 30-minute speech five times to point out protesters and, in most cases, told supporters to “get ‘em out of here,” according to the lawsuit. A spokeswoman for Trump’s campaign could not be reached for comment. The lawsuit claims that Trump “incited a riot as defined under the Kentucky penal code.” The individuals named as defendants are Matthew Heimbach, described in the complaint as a Trump supporter and Ohio resident who is “affiliated with the Traditionalist Worker Party, a recognized hate group”; Alvin Bamberger, 75, described as a Trump supporter and an Ohio resident; and an unknown female. According to the lawsuit, at the rally, Heimbach, who was wearing a Traditionalist Worker Party T-shirt, attacked Shah and Nwanguma. A spokesman for the Traditional Worker Party could not be reached. A website for the Traditionalist Worker Party describes it as a grassroots political organization that believes, among other things, that “European-American identity is under constant attack.” The Southern Poverty Law Center, a non-profit organization that monitors groups it considers extremist, classifies the Traditionalist Worker Party as a white nationalist hate group. According to the lawsuit, Nwanguma was assaulted by numerous protesters at the rally, of whom Heimbach and Bamberger were the most aggressive. Video of Nwanguma, a 21-year-old college student, being repeatedly pushed at the convention went viral after the rally, the lawsuit said. Bamberger could not be reached immediately for comment. The lawsuit also claims that Shah was assaulted by Heimbach and that Brousseau was assaulted by the unknown female defendant.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, a Democrat, said on Wednesday that he would veto the latest Republican budget as lawmakers continue their months-long struggle to set a spending plan. The Pennsylvania Senate passed a $30 billion supplemental budget for fiscal 2016 on Wednesday, and the House is also expected to approve the same bill. “In its current form, I will veto this budget, and I urge Republicans in the legislature to stop the partisan games and come back to the table to negotiate a final budget that funds our schools and eliminates the nearly $2 billion deficit,” Wolf said in a statement. Using the Republicans’ own math, he said, the budget creates a deficit that would prompt big cuts to education and social programs and lead to higher property taxes. Though Wolf introduced a fiscal 2017 budget on Feb. 9, the state still has only a partial spending plan for this fiscal year, which began July 1. That makes a full 2016 budget nearly nine months overdue. During the impasse, school districts, colleges and social service agencies have all had to make due without state funding. The partial budget Wolf agreed to in December finally sent the first six months of aid flowing to schools, but by then they had gone almost that long without any state money. School districts borrowed a collective $1 billion across the state - incurring up to $50 million in interest and fees - to stay open through December. They are now warning, again, that they could soon have to consider shutting without state funds. The spending plan passed on Wednesday by the Senate does not raise sales or income taxes but restores most of the $6 billion in funding Wolf eliminated in his line-item vetoes in December. The bill would provide $5.95 billion for basic education, a $200 million increase from the previous year. It would also restore higher education funds, including for community colleges, The Pennsylvania State University and Temple University. Wolf took office in January 2015 pledging to restore the previous administration’s cuts to education funding. He wanted to pay for it in part with a tax on natural gas extraction, which some Republican legislative leaders have opposed.
HAVANA (Reuters) - North Korea s foreign minister will arrive in Cuba on Monday, in search of support amid unprecedented pressure from the United States and the international community to cease its nuclear weapons and missile programs. The Cuban foreign ministry, in a brief note on its web page, said Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho would meet with his Cuban counterpart Bruno Rodriguez, among other unspecified activities. North Korea is pursuing nuclear weapon and missile programs in defiance of U.N. Security Council sanctions and has made no secret of its plans to develop a missile capable of hitting the U.S. mainland. It has fired two missiles over Japan. Cuba and North Korea have maintained warm political relations since 1960, despite Havana s often-stated opposition to nuclear weapons. President Donald Trump has also increased pressure on Cuba since taking office, rolling back a fragile detente begun by predecessor Barack Obama and returning to the hostile rhetoric of the Cold War. The visit provides an opportunity for North Korea to demonstrate, just 90 miles from the United States, that it is not completely isolated, and for Cuba that it will not buckle under U.S. pressure. At the same time, diplomats said Cuba was one of the few countries that might be able to convince North Korea to move away from the current showdown with the United States that threatens war. We often ask the Cubans if they can talk to them, an Asian diplomat said. The two Communist-run countries are the last in the world to maintain Soviet-style command economies, though under President Raul Castro, the Caribbean nation has taken some small steps toward the more market-oriented communism of China and Vietnam. Cuba maintains an embassy in North Korea, but publicly trades almost exclusively with the South. Last year, trade with the latter was $67 million and with the North just $9 million, according to the Cuban government. However, in 2013, Panama discovered a load of Soviet vintage weapons hidden under 10,000 tonnes of Cuban sugar on a North Korean vessel, in violation of U.N. sanctions and appearing to confirm suspicions that the two countries worked together to circumvent them. Cuba claimed the weapons were going to North Korea for repairs and were to be sent back.
Great Article @ReneMiamiHerald. Our answer is EVACUATE! Should you ride out a hurricane in a high-rise? http://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/real-estate-news/article168905202.html …
Brave Car Says Enough Of This Blizzard, Catches Fire http://jalopnik.com/brave-car-says-enough-of-this-blizzard-catches-fire-1754715716?utm_medium=sharefromsite&utm_source=Jalopnik_twitter …
This morning, I stood under the hatch of my rental car and talked about Hurricane Matthew on Facebook Live. https://www.facebook.com/nytvideo/videos/1764092390474942/ …
No food, no FEMA: Hurricane Michael’s survivors are furious - The Daily Beast https://apple.news/APp4E5UMtQT2ULJVMPM0ovw …
Photo Falsely Claims Obama Served Food To Hurricane Harvey Victims http://www.westernjournalism.com/photo-falsely-claims-obama-served-food-hurricane-harvey-victims/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=PostTopSharingButtons&utm_content=2017-08-29&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons …
Mr. T stopped wearing gold chains in 2005 because he thought it would be an insult to the people who lost everything after Hurricane Katrina
MUNICH, Germany (Reuters) - Republican Senator John McCain broke with the reassuring message that U.S. officials visiting Germany have sought to convey on their debut trip to Europe, saying on Friday that the administration of President Donald Trump was in “disarray”. McCain, a known Trump critic, told the Munich Security Conference that the resignation of the new president’s security adviser Michael Flynn over his contacts with Russia reflected deep problems in Washington. “I think that the Flynn issue obviously is something that shows that in many respects this administration is in disarray and they’ve got a lot of work to do,” said McCain, even as he praised Trump’s defense secretary. “The president, I think, makes statements (and) on other occasions contradicts himself. So we’ve learned to watch what the president does as opposed to what he says,” he said. European governments have been unsettled by the signals sent by Trump on a range of foreign policy issues ranging from NATO and Russia to Iran, Israel and European integration. The debut trip to Europe of Trump’s Defence Secretary Jim Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, to a meeting of G20 counterparts in Bonn, went some way to assuaging concerns as they both took a more traditional U.S. position. But Trump is wrestling with a growing controversy at home about potential ties between his aides and Russia, which he dismissed on Thursday as a “ruse” and “scam” perpetrated by a hostile news media. Mattis made clear to allies, both at NATO in Brussels and in Munich, that the United States would not retreat from leadership as the European continent grapples with an assertive Russia, wars in eastern and southern Mediterranean countries and attacks by Islamist militants. U.S. Vice President Mike Pence will address the Munich conference on Saturday with a similar message of reassurance. Pence will say that Europe is an “indispensable partner” for the United States, a senior White House foreign policy adviser told reporters. Mattis told a crowd that included heads of state and more than 70 defense ministers that Trump backed NATO. “President Trump came into office and has thrown now his full support to NATO. He too espouses NATO’s need to adapt to today’s strategic situation for it to remain credible, capable and relevant,” Mattis said. Mattis said the United States and its European allies had a shared understanding of the challenges ahead. Trump has alarmed allies by expressing admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin. Mattis, however, has spoken out strongly against Russia while in Europe. After talks with NATO allies in Brussels on Thursday, he said that he did not believe it would be possible to collaborate militarily with Moscow, at least for now. The Europeans may need more convincing that Washington stands with it on a range of security issues. “There is still a lot of uncertainty,” Sebastian Kurz, Austria’s foreign minister, told reporters. “The big topic in Munich is looking to the USA to see which developments to expect next.” European intelligence agencies have warned that Russia is also seeking to destabilize governments and influence elections across Europe with cyber attacks, fake news and propaganda and by funding far-right political parties. “We should be under no illusions about the step-change in Russian behavior over the last couple of years, even after Crimea,” British Defence Minister Michael Fallon said, referring to Moscow’s 2014 annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula. “We have seen a step-change in Russian military aggression, but also in propaganda, in misinformation and a succession of persistent attacks on Western democracies, interference in a whole series of elections including ... the United States.” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg held talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Munich, seeing progress on encouraging Moscow to be more open about its military exercises that the alliance says are unpredictable. Russia says it is the Western alliance, not Moscow, that is destabilizing Europe by sending troops to its western borders. “We have different views,” Stoltenberg said of the crisis in Ukraine, where the West accuses the Kremlin of arming separatist rebels in a conflict that has killed 10,000 people since April 2014. Russia says the conflict is a civil war. In the latest incident, Lithuanian prosecutors have opened a criminal investigation into a false report of rape by German soldiers stationed there on a NATO mission to deter Russia. Mattis, without explicitly citing the case, rallied to the defense of German forces as he spoke in the German city of Munich. “I have great respect for Germany’s leadership in Europe – and for the ethical performance of your troops on the battlefield,” he said. U.S. intelligence agencies concluded last year that Russia hacked and leaked Democratic emails during the election campaign as part of an effort to tilt the vote in Trump’s favor. McCain acknowledged concern in Europe and beyond that America was “laying down the mantle of global leadership” and cited global trends he found disturbing, including hardening resentment toward immigrants and an unwillingness to separate truth from lies. McCain urged the forum not to give up on the United States. “Make no mistake, my friends: These are dangerous times, but you should not count America out, and we should not count each other out,” McCain said.
Pep nt takin this hurricane seriously bt most of my stuff is packed and my dogs things are packed so I can throw them in the car and go!
MANCHESTER, England (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Tuesday she did not set red lines for the behavior of her ministers and said she welcomed different voices in her cabinet over how to secure the best Brexit deal. The annual conference of May s Conservative Party conference has been overshadowed by splits in her cabinet over how Britain will leave the European Union. Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has set out his own terms for Brexit. I don t set red lines, May told BBC television. Leadership is about ensuring that you have a team of people who aren t yes men, but a team of people of different voices around the table so that we can discuss matters, come to an agreement and then put that government view forward and that is exactly what we ve done.
Guantanamo base to 'shelter in place' for Hurricane Irma http://a.msn.com/01/en-us/AArm8cL?ocid=st …
Nearly had a heart attack just now; loud bang against window next to me‰Û_turns out it was two birds flying into the glass.
Angry Norwegian Cruise Line passengers said they had to sit in buses for hours without food or water after Hurricane Dorian forced their ship to change its final destination https://www.businessinsider.com/norwegian-cruise-line-passengers-say-no-food-water-for-hours-2019-9?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=topbar&utm_term=mobile&referrer=twitter … via @businessinsider
We are witnessing the slow death of political correctness in America. Americans are waking up to this nonsense and we will no longer stand for the Left defining what is acceptable behavior or choosing the words we are allowed to use. This woman did the right thing by exposing these Walmart workers in GA. We must not retreat or roll over for these social justice warriors. We must expose them every time they attempt to control the narrative. We are in a war for our constitutional rights. We must never back down from this fight Three Walmart workers in McDonough, Ga., refused to decorate a thin blue line cake for a police officer s retirement party because they said it was racist.A number of my Georgia readers alerted me to the story and on Saturday night I spoke directly with the police officer s daughter. She asked that I not divulge her name and I ve agreed to do that.I was so shocked, she told me. I didn t know what to do or say or anything. I was trying not to lose my temper or make a scene. For the record, Walmart has confessed that most of her allegations are true.The police officer s daughter went to the Walmart on Willow Drive on Sept. 22 to order a flag for her father s retirement party. He was leaving the force after 25-years on the job.She showed the bakers a photograph of the police officer s flag the black and white version of Old Glory with a blue line.Order Todd s I m a Gun-toting, Bible-clinging, Patriotic American shirt It repels liberals! One of the bakers told me the design could be perceived as racist and nobody feels comfortable decorating the cake, the police officer s daughter told me.As an alternative, she suggested a chocolate-frosted cake with a horizontal, frosted blue line.But that design was also rejected by Walmart s cake decorator. She said, I don t feel comfortable doing this, the cop s daughter told me. I asked her, Is there something wrong with cops? After being rejected for a third time, the 21-year-old told the bakers, I ll find another bakery, thank you. She was much more polite than I would ve been, folks. I was disappointed, she told me. I go to Walmart all the time at least once a week spend hundreds of dollars. I just wanted to make my dad a cake to show how much i appreciated him. A friend of the family posted an item about the incident on Facebook and it wasn t long before the Walmart store manager called the police officer s wife and daughter and apologized. He said he was so sorry, the daughter told me. He offered to make the cake free of charge and he gave me a $50 gift card. Todd Starnes, FOX News
From city-wide quarantines to infections aboard cruise ships to the cancellation of major international events, the global public health emergency caused by the coronavirus has been unfolding rapidly and dramatically. Here's how the outbreak has evolved. https://t.co/Dg76bBdYP5
Got stuck in flood.. Car trouble with @yosheei #bromomentpic.twitter.com/jkWaSSQxz0
Freshman: I wish Hurricane Dorian would come our way. Me, a senior: we had Harvey two years ago. Fish: but no school Me: we flooded for days, fell behind school, housing was destroyed, people had their boats out to scout what remained, but yeah no school. I hate Freshman.
Our government is officially in the pocket of the global elitists who will do ANYTHING to elect a total crook! The State Department just announced they won t release Clinton schedules until AFTER the election. The stonewalling has been going on for way too long. This move could backfire on the Democrats and win votes for Trump. Foolish!WASHINGTON (AP) Seven months after a federal judge ordered the State Department to begin releasing monthly batches of the detailed daily schedules showing meetings by Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state, the government told The Associated Press it won t finish the job before Election Day.The department has so far released about half of the schedules. Its lawyers said in a phone conference with the AP s lawyers that the department now expects to release the last of the detailed schedules around Dec. 30, weeks before the next president is inaugurated.The AP s lawyers late Friday formally asked the State Department to hasten that effort so that the department could provide all Clinton s minute-by-minute schedules by Oct. 15. The agency did not immediately respond.Read more: Breitbart
Florida stork finds shelter from Hurricane Matthew in bathroom: A big bird told us the best way to stay safe ... http://nydn.us/2dy5JLP 
I know what I m doing. I m prepared to wear the consequences of the conflict but my family s innocent. During an exclusive interview, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange gets emotional while telling Sean Hannity about the effect his virtual imprisonment has had on his family, especially his children. I know what I m doing, but my family is innocent they didn t sign up for that fight.
Just a reminder for anyone who wants to come to our Grand Re-Opening event after recovering from the October wildfires, it's tomorrow night from 4-7pm. Local food, local wine, and live music by The Awesome Hotcakes! See details below. :) pic.twitter.com/95fxSNcs1U
I just want to start with what you just heard from Newt Gingrich and Mike Huckabee, both going public against Mitt Romney for secretary of state. You seemed to join in as well. You tweeted: Receiving deluge of social media and private coms re: Romney. Some Trump loyalists warn against Romney as secretary of state. Do you think Mitt Romney could be a loyal secretary of state for Donald Trump?KELLYANNE CONWAY, TRUMP SENIOR ADVISER: I would hope so, because that s the first job of any secretary of state, Dana, is to support and work directly for and advise the president for whom you work.I felt compelled to mention it because I it s just breathtaking in scope and intensity the type of messages I have received from all over the country. And I m just me. I m not Donald Trump.And so, just as his former campaign manager, the number of people who feel betrayed to think that a Governor Romney would get the most prominent Cabinet post, after he went so far out of his way to hurt Donald Trump there was the never-Trump movement and then there was Mitt Romney.He gave speeches against Donald Trump. He attacked his character. I never heard Governor Romney come out and say, hey, you know, I have a problem with X, Y and Z, but that 25 million job creation plan over the next 10 years is really something to look at. The fact that you will reduce the capital gains tax and the tax on employers and businesses, or you will unleash energy investment, or you have 10-point plan to reform the Veterans Administration, none of that was ever said.And his the Romney consultants transparent were the worst to all of us, including Mr. Trump. Their Twitter feeds were complete 100 percent anti-Trump screed.And, look, if president-elect Trump chooses Mitt Romney as his secretary of state, or whomever he chooses, that will have the full support and backing of all of us. I respect the brilliance and judgment and sheer instincts of president-elect Trump to form his Cabinet as he wishes.But I felt compelled to come forward on behalf of the people who were weighing in.Watch:https://youtu.be/CiokZm91hCA
Oh dear!!!!!!! Lizzard in Blizzard! Hahahahaha! I hope the sign didn't cause any car accident. #2016snowstormhttps://twitter.com/amnewyork/status/691009251125399552 …
The Latest: More homes razed by Northern California wildfire: The latest on wildfires burning in California and‰Û_ http://t.co/0Keh2TReNy
No Food, No FEMA: Hurricane Michael’s Survivors Are Furious https://thebea.st/2IV0u6C?source=twitter&via=desktop … via @thedailybeast
Democrats are on the move. They are panicking over the size of Trump s rallies vs. Hillary s. They will do whatever is necessary to hold on to power. Americans need to vigilant. We all need to get involved in working to help out with voter registration and to keep an eye on the process. We all need to get involved with the GOP and become poll challengers on election day in precincts, and to help to count absentee ballots. We cannot trust that if we leave this election up to the people who have traditionally been allowed to count our votes or supervise our elections, that we will have a fair result on November 8th. Watch this stunning undercover video taken by James O Keefe s group Project Veritas of one of Hillary s operatives breaking the law, when he suggests it s okay to take away a newly registered voter s right to vote:
Violent Storm Causes Damage Flooding in Watertown - http://t.co/3ZASZ6wxjJ
Pro-Russia party wins Latvia election https://t.co/FrsB9c9pdo
Fake-Poll Alert: Proof Biden Is Not Winning By ⁦@WayneRoot⁩ By the way, Biden and vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris had an event in Arizona on Thursday. Eight people showed up. Via ⁦@townhallcom⁩ https://t.co/0w7pqkNj0o
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Romanian hacker nicknamed “Guccifer” who helped expose the existence of a private email domain Hillary Clinton used when she was U.S. secretary of state was sentenced on Thursday to 52 months in prison by a federal court in Alexandria, Virginia. Marcel Lazar, 44, who used the alias online, had pleaded guilty in May to charges including unauthorized access to a protected computer and aggravated identity theft after being extradited from Romania. Lazar’s public defender, Shannon Quill, was not immediately available for comment. Lazar has said in interviews he breached Clinton’s private server at her home in Chappaqua, New York, but law enforcement and national security officials say that claim is meritless. Lazar is believed to have hacked into email accounts of about 100 victims between 2012 and 2014. They include prominent political figures such as former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a relative of former President George W. Bush and Sidney Blumenthal, a former Clinton White House aide and an unofficial adviser to Clinton. Clinton is now the Democratic nominee for president. Lazar leaked online memos Blumenthal sent Clinton that were addressed to her private email account, which was used during her time as secretary of state to conduct both personal and work business in lieu of a government account. Clinton’s email arrangement, which became the subject of an FBI investigation, has drawn intense scrutiny from Republicans attempting to sow doubt about her honesty ahead of the Nov. 8 presidential election. An entity calling itself “Guccifer 2.0” and claiming to be a Romanian hacker emerged in June and began taking credit for data breaches at the Democratic National Committee and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. U.S. intelligence officials and cyber security experts believe Guccifer 2.0 is a front for Russian intelligence services intended to spread confusion about the hacks against the Democratic Party.
As you know that Covid 19 has spread in India, our immune system must be strong to defeat it. I have some #TipsToBoostImmunity. Such as do Meditation regularly, Take protein rich foods, Take food full of Vitamin C. Can anyone tell me some more tips ? https://t.co/3kYCiFGaId
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian President Joko Widodo swore in a former education minister as Jakarta s governor on Monday, months after an election that opened up religious and ethnic divisions in the world s biggest Muslim-majority country. Anies Baswedan was inaugurated as Indonesia s reputation for religious tolerance comes under scrutiny due to the rising clout of Islamists in a nation with large Christian, Hindu and Buddhist minorities. Baswedan faced criticism after winning April s vote with the support of Islamist groups who had agitated for months against his opponent and former governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama - an ethnic Chinese Christian - whom they accused of blasphemy against Islam. We will ensure that the governor of Jakarta will be the governor of us all, of those who voted for us and those who didn t, Baswedan told reporters, wearing a crisp white uniform after a ceremony in the Dutch colonial-style state palace. Groups like the hardline Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) hope that Baswedan will impose a more Islamic lifestyle in the city of more than 10 million people. Novel Bamukmin, head of FPI s Jakarta chapter, said the group would push Baswedan s administration to gradually close down bars and clubs in a city known for a freewheeling nightlife because it s immoral and...not Islamic culture . He told Reuters the group would begin by calling for the cancellation of the city s New Year s Eve celebration, which sees thousands of residents flock to street markets, concerts, and traditional theater performances funded by the city. A spokesman for Baswedan was not immediately available for comment. Sandiaga Uno, Baswedan s deputy, has previously said the administration would consider setting up sharia-inspired or sharia-compliant entertainment spots similar to those in Abu Dhabi or Dubai. Indonesia is officially secular and its constitution enshrines religious diversity, though the return to democracy two decades ago after the end of the autocratic rule of Suharto has allowed hardline groups to flourish. While religion was an important factor during the election, most Jakarta residents are also concerned with issues such as chronic traffic congestion and regular flooding. The hope is for Jakarta to move forward so it s cleaner and the poor receive help, said Wisnu, a 42-year-old courier. I don t feel Anies-Sandi need to pay back those (Islamist) groups in any way, he said, referring to the new governor and his deputy. The FPI led mass rallies in the run-up to the election to urge voters to pick a Muslim candidate over Purnama. After being put on trial and losing the election in the second round, Purnama was sentenced in May to two years in prison in a ruling that was internationally condemned as unjust. Baswedan made public appearances with the leaders of the rallies and FPI but denied pandering to Islamist groups to win support. Baswedan and Uno are backed by the main opposition party Gerindra, which has now wrenched control of the capital away from Widodo s ruling party. Jakarta serves as a national political barometer, said Gerindra official Arief Poyuono. Because of that it is important that Gerindra has taken over control of Jakarta...to be able to win in general and presidential elections in 2019. The battle for the Jakarta governorship was widely seen as a proxy for the 2019 presidential election. Baswedan s main backer is retired general and Gerindra chief Prabowo Subianto who is widely expected to run for president against Widodo in 2019.
MOSCOW (Reuters) - A company with ties to an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin has won the right to develop a prime piece of Moscow real estate near the Kremlin, two sources familiar with the deal told Reuters. Moscow city government auctioned off the plot, which lies on the bank s of the Moskva river and includes a number of historic buildings, and it was won by a construction company called Gorkapstroy-Garant, according to the city. The two sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter, said that the firm represents the interests of businessman Gennady Timchenko. Reuters was not able to independently verify that Timchenko, who has been described by the U.S. Treasury Department as a member of Putin s inner circle, has a financial interest. A spokesman for the Volga Group, which groups together Timchenko s business interests, did not respond to telephone calls or to an emailed request for comment on Thursday. The plot is a few hundred meters from the Kremlin, and some of the buildings on it date back to the 18th century. Under a development plan presented by the Moscow city government in August, the winning bidder will preserve and restore historic buildings, turn one of the buildings into a hotel and convert some of the complex into apartments. Timchenko has since 2014 been subject to U.S. sanctions imposed on Moscow for its role in the Ukraine crisis. No contact details are listed for Gorkapstroy-Garant. Its parent company, Gorkapstroy, did not respond to a written request for comment. Staff were unable to connect a Reuters reporter by phone to Gorkapstroy s boss. The site had been used as a training facility for Russia s Strategic Rocket Forces, the arm of the military which operates Russia s nuclear arsenal. It became the property of Moscow city a few years ago.
Florida Sheriff’s Warning: We’ll jail any fugitives who seek shelter from Hurricane Irma http://wp.me/p5MgeL-1HDG 
Team Trump’s efforts to spin Mulvaney’s quid pro quo confession are failing. Mick Mulvaney and Mike Pompeo were tasked w/ spinning, but they’re tanking. The American people are fed up with Trump admin corruption, conspiracies, & lies to cover the tracks. https://t.co/FUmEGQm3kX
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PARIS (Reuters) - Europe should challenge the United States over its increasingly aggressive use of extraterritorial laws that have cost European companies - especially banks - billions in fines and other settlements, a French parliamentary report said. Still reeling from the $9 billion fine its biggest bank, BNP Paribas, had to pay U.S. authorities over violations of American sanctions against other countries, the French government has criticized in recent years what it considers the over-reach of the U.S. legal system. Paris’s main objections center on the U.S. Department of Justice’s broad interpretation of what it considers its jurisdiction. This sphere of influence can include transactions between non-Americans outside the U.S. where the U.S. dollar currency is involved. It can also cover deals and other actions taking place via the Internet using U.S. computer servers. “We consider that today’s situation amounts to abusive use of American law,” Karine Berger, a lawmaker from the ruling Socialist party told Reuters in an interview, calling the practices akin to “extortion”. “We ask France and Europe to let it be known to the United States that we will no longer accept this type of behavior.” In a non-binding investigative report last week, lawmakers from both the Socialist party and opposition conservatives said U.S. law appeared to be more punitive toward foreign firms than domestic ones. Although foreign firms accounted for only 30 percent of investigations opened by U.S. authorities between 1977 and 2014 under its anti-foreign bribery law, 67 percent of the amount levied in fines came from foreign companies, the report said. Since 2009, European banks such as HSBC and Deutsche Bank have paid about $16 billion to the United States over breaches of various sanction regimes. European firms have also accounted for 14 of the 15 biggest penalties, the report said. The report did not question U.S. regulators’ current prosecution of Deutsche Bank over mis-selling toxic mortgage securities before the financial crisis, since the actions took place in the United States. But it did say the DoJ had not taken account of the impact on the financial system that the $14 billion fine it sought from the German bank went on to have. Swiss bank Credit Suisse said on Sunday it has put five employees on leave while it investigates a tax-related matter. Swiss paper SonntagsZeitung reported that the move was connected to a U.S. probe of the bank’s Israeli unit over possible tax evasion. Berger said Europe’s response had not been forceful enough, and that both the European Union and individual member states should adapt their own legislation, which is why the report will be sent to counterparts at other EU parliaments. “There must be a legal rearmament in Europe, so we fight on equal terms with the United States in the field of economic competition,” Berger said. The European Union should consider challenging parts of the U.S. sanction regime at the World Trade Organisation, the report said, citing a 1998 precedent when Europeans successfully forced the U.S. to back down over Congressional sanctions against Cuba, Libya and Iran that could have affected European firms. The EU should update a 1996 ban on European firms complying with U.S. sanctions based on such extraterritorial legislation, giving European firms a legal “excuse” to reject U.S. demands. European countries and institutions should also encourage the use of the euro for global transactions and strengthen the use of intelligence services for economic means. Citing the recent EU ruling asking Apple to pay up to 13 billion euros in back taxes to Ireland, Berger said Europe should not be afraid to be more confrontational. “It shows Europe is perfectly capable of waging this economic war since the U.S. is only going to keep it up,” she said.
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Proud of my boss @TerronJernigan and 2 team members @IHXRex and @IhxBrownie for heading to the Panama City area to provide charging resources water/food and additonal wireless options for those affected by Hurricane Michael! #givingpays #ihxhttps://twitter.com/IHXRex/status/1050770676825632769 …
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has fired his national political director after six weeks on the job, campaign sources said on Wednesday. Trump told staffers and supporters gathered backstage before a campaign rally in California on Wednesday that political director Rick Wiley “should be fired” for his handling of a fundraising deal with the Republican National Committee, according to the sources. The RNC fundraising agreement included 11 states but not Nevada, where Republicans in the state are angling for key victories in the November elections. Three sources confirmed Trump said Wiley should be fired after Nevada Republican Party Chairman Michael McDonald told Trump that Wiley was responsible for leaving Nevada out of the deal. McDonald did not return calls seeking comment. Wiley did not respond to emails, text messages and phone calls seeking comment. The move is the latest in a tug of war between Trump’s original campaign team, including press secretary Hope Hicks and campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, and a group of professionals he brought in later to shore up support from more traditional corners of the Republican Party. The new arrivals, led by veteran strategist Paul Manafort, whom Trump hired in late March, have urged Trump to tone down some of his most provocative positions, such as his proposed ban on Muslims entering the United States. But Trump reprimanded Manafort, according to two sources familiar with the conversation, after Manafort told a gathering of RNC members at an April meeting in Florida that Trump was only “acting” when describing his proposed Muslim ban or his plan to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Manafort hired Wiley on April 13. A statement issued by the Trump campaign said Wiley had been hired on a “short-term basis as a consultant until the campaign was running full steam” and it thanked him for “for helping us during this transition period.” Manafort did not responds to calls and emails seeking comment.
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Anila Ali was born in Karachi, Pakistan, and studied in London, where she became a volunteer in the All Pakistan Women s Association. In 1996, she came to California. She is an active member of the Council of Pakistan-American Affairs (COPAA), the author of Mommy am I a ? and a contributor to the largest Pakistani paper in the U.S., The Pakistan Link.Ali is the founder and board member of the American Muslim Women s Empowerment Council, which is the only Muslim women s organization that works on the ground with law enforcement and interfaith leaders to counter radicalization and build capacity in the Muslim community do they can be the first line of defense against radicalization.She graciously agreed to speak with Clarion Project Dialogue Coordinator Elliot Friedland about being a Muslim-American since the election. The views expressed herein are the author s own and do not necessarily reflect the view of Clarion Project. Ryan Mauro previously interviewed Anila Ali for Clarion Project.1. Clarion Project: Since Trump s election many Muslim groups are feeling scared that he will implement repressive policies targeted at the Muslim community. How do you feel about such fears?Anila Ali: There is a real fear in the community that a Trump presidency will mean restrictions on Muslims. There is talk of internment camps and it was in registry and that is generating a lot of misconceptions and fears. There is also a concern that Mosques and citizens will be monitored as well.Personally, I have faith in the constitution of the United States of America and I feel majority of America knows and understands that you cannot make generalized statements about all Muslims and paint all Muslims with the same brush stroke.But we have also realize that it is time that Muslims in America step up their game and get more involved in making sure that the neighbors understand who they are and that they are peace-loving patriotic Americans.For it is mostly the fear of the unknown that spreads misconceptions.2. Clarion: What should public figures be doing to calm inter-communal relations?Ali: Public figures, especially the ones in the majority party, have a responsibility to represent all Americans. Their words can help alleviate fears about Muslims and stop the Muslims from getting marginalized. Show of support unity with all unities that maybe feeling slightly marginalized, will help them from further isolation.The level of hateful rhetoric that I have heard in the past one month has been the worst since 911. It seems people have a newfound courage to tell Muslims to leave the country, pack up and leave the country etc. Anti-Muslim sentiment is rampant and most people are not able to distinguish between a radical and a moderate.There is a general perception that all Muslims condone violence and that all Muslims want sharia law in America. There is also a very toxic perception that Muslims like myself who are any patriotic, modern and progressive are lying as mandated in the Quran to convert people, the concept being taqqiya. This notion must be dispelled because the majority of Muslims don t even know what this concept is. Muslims who have come from South Asia have no idea of this Arabic concept because it is part of the Wahhabi Salafist ideology and Muslims like me, majority coming from South Asia, have never even heard of it.These misconceptions in the mainstream community must be countered and dispelled.3. Clarion: What do you think the impact of designating the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization would be if it passed?Ali: If Arab countries can ban Muslim brotherhood why can t we? Any organization that has terrorist ties should be banned in the US. Any organization that condone the killing of an innocent, or promote so insights hatred for non-Muslims should be banned.4. Clarion: What organizations or activists would you recommend as standing up for the rights of the community and are unaffiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood or related organizations?Ali: Of course I would promote my own organization American Muslim women s empowerment Council, formed to counter extremism which gives women a voice, promotes the real Islam, gives women equality and completely condemns all shapes and forms of terrorism and hatred.Whoever wants to follow sharia law should migrate to a Muslim country like Saudi Arabia.For entire interview, go to the Clarion Project
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ASTANA (Reuters) - Russia, Turkey and Iran are close to finalizing an agreement on creating four de-escalation zones in Syria, a senior Russian negotiator said on Thursday. The three sides are discussing details of the agreement at meetings in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, Alexander Lavrentyev, who leads the Russian delegation, told reporters. Our main task at this international meeting on Syria is to finalize and establish four de-escalation zones, Lavrentyev said. We are very close to reaching an agreement on creating these four zones. The meetings, which also involve representatives of the Damascus government and some rebel factions, will continue on Friday. Lavrentyev said the agreement was likely to include provisions on the deployment of monitors - such as military police servicemen - in the four zones and, more specifically, on their borders. The previous round of Syrian peace talks in Astana in July ended with no agreement after Turkey raised objections. Russia and Iran, which back Syrian President Bashar al-Assad s government, and Turkey, which supports some of the rebels, have been holding talks in Kazakhstan since January and the meeting this week is their sixth.
He went there. We all knew he d go there, but on Monday Donald Trump deigned it appropriate to attack Meryl Streep after she made some rather pointed remarks about accepting others in her speech at the Golden Globes. Without naming Trump by name, she managed to twist the knife deep in The Donald s abdomen with very little effort. There was one performance this year that stunned me. It sank its hooks in my heart, Streep said, referencing Trump s attacks on a disabled New York Times reporter last year. Not because it was good, there was nothing good about it, but it was effective and it did its job. It was that moment when the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, she continued. Someone he outranked in privilege, power and the capacity to fight back. It kind of broke my heart when I saw it and I still can t get it out of my head because it wasn t in a movie, it was real life, Streep said. This instinct to humiliate when it s modeled by someone in the public by someone powerful, it filters down into everyone s life because it kind of gives permission for other people to do the same. Calling on the press to hold power to account, Streep very correctly pointed out that When the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose. Naturally, this was too much for Trump to handle. In an interview with the New York Times Monday morning, Trump denied mocking anyone at all. I was never mocking anyone, Mr. Trump said. I was calling into question a reporter who had gotten nervous because he had changed his story. Trump, of course, was referencing a 15-year-article written by Serge F. Kovaleski that he had attempted to use to prove that Muslims were celebrating in the streets.In reality, Kovaleski correctly reported that police, swept up in the paranoia directly following 9/11, had detained a number of people who had allegedly celebrated. Ultimately, there was one account of people celebrating in the streets at the time and it was five young Israeli men, who were certainly not Muslims. People keep saying I intended to mock the reporter s disability, as if Meryl Streep and others could read my mind, and I did no such thing, he told the Times. And remember, Meryl Streep introduced Hillary Clinton at her convention, and a lot of these people supported Hillary. He then took to Twitter to attack Streep as one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood and a Hillary flunky who lost big. Meryl Streep, one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know me but attacked last night at the Golden Globes. She is a .. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 9, 2017Hillary flunky who lost big. For the 100th time, I never "mocked" a disabled reporter (would never do that) but simply showed him . Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 9, 2017"groveling" when he totally changed a 16 year old story that he had written in order to make me look bad. Just more very dishonest media! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 9, 2017Just for reference, this is Donald Trump not mocking anyone :Naturally, Twitter erupted in fury both at Trump s revisionist claim that he had not mocked anyone and his attack on a woman who simply said that the guy sitting at the head of the table shouldn t be a dick to the dinner guests:Trump reacting to anything, basically pic.twitter.com/U8pxgNb0yM Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump Why didn't you just say "I appreciate Meryl's thoughts and I will strive to be a great president"? God I miss Obama already! Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) January 9, 2017 @realDonaldTrump yeah, who do we believe you or our lying eyes? ? Kevin (@TheKevinDent) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump Yes you did. https://t.co/yOgLRef99T Louis Dor (@LouisAlexDore) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump Yeah you did, you cowardly, lying gnat. Rupert Myers (@RupertMyers) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump Everyone saw you do it, you fucking idiot. Lie about something else. Dan Rebellato (@DanRebellato) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump No, no, you quite clearly mocked his disability. You're fucking disgusting. Brendan Maclean (@macleanbrendan) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump as a disAbility rights advocate, this "defense" is INDEFENSIBLE. Do you even have the capacity to ask for forgiveness? Joseph Amodeo (@josephamodeo) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump nope. you're a piece of shit pic.twitter.com/1rjAfV0Y8J Josh Mikel (@Joshua_Mikel) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump Everyone saw you mock him, you cowardly pathetic bully. You are the worst thing to happen to America since Limp Bizkit. Andrew W Chamings (@AndrewChamings) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump tagging this so all your teenage followers can send me good megadrive cheats christian mccrea (@christianmccrea) January 9, 2017@realDonaldTrump yeah, those videos that clearly show you mocking the reporter are SO dishonest. Alyssa Hertzig (@alyssahertzig) January 9, 2017Donald Trump our President in less than a week is the sort of person to whom facts don t matter. He s the type of guy who will mock someone on video and lie to you about it as the video plays. His presidency is going to be an unpresidented (to use his word) disaster, and there is no chance our nation will not suffer for his arrogance and stupidity.But, hey, at least we get to learn Russian! .Featured image via Getty Images (Joe Raedle)/screengrab
#Cars in the #News- Jeep goes way offroad in the churning surf of Hurricane Dorian https://www.autoblog.com/2019/09/05/jeep-on-beach-south-carolina-hurricane-dorian/ …
Before we get too far into this story, it needs to be pointed out that the 18 year old teen who was just sentenced by a judge for having a homemade Nazi tattoo, was only 15 years old at the time, and has since admitted he made a mistake. The Afghan rapefugee on the other hand, was 17 years old when he brutally raped a 72 year old woman. So basically, we re comparing a 15 year old who was utilizing his freedom of expression (whether we agree with him or not is irrelevant) with a violent 17 year old rapist.An 18-year-old Afghan refugee was sentenced to 20 months in prison for the anal rape of a 72-year-old woman. Now the Austrian justice system has once again shown us its quality. A 20-year-old, who was 15 at the time, the offence was committed, has just been sentenced to 19 months in prison for giving a home-made swastika tattoo.Three young people have been found guilty of engaging in Nazi activities after they drew Nazi tattoos and posted photos of them online.A 20-year-old, who was found to have a German war flag used by the Nazis and portraits of Nazi Socialists in his room, was sentenced by a youth court in Salzburg to 19 months in prison, three months unconditional.He and a 19-year-old accomplice were found guilty of using a pin and eyeliner to tattoo a hand-sized swastika onto someone s chest and then posting the photos online.In addition to the tattooing, the 20-year-old was also accused of shouting Nazi slogans out of his window and singing the song Polaken-Tango by the banned neo-Nazi rock group Landser in front of his brother and his brother s girlfriend.He was arrested after his brother called the police, who found him in his room wrapped in the war flag and surrounded by photos of prominent Nazis.He told the court that he regretted his actions, which took place in August 2011 when he was 15-years-old, and that he had now changed.Pleading guilty, he said: I now know that this is nonsense. He was charged separately for his Facebook account, where he also posted pictures of himself making Nazi salutes, which he told judge Bettina Maxones-Kurkowski he had done to show others that he belongs here . Via: The LocalOn Wednesday at the State Court in Vienna s Neustadt an 18-year-old Afghan was sentenced to 20 months in prison without parole for rape. He also has to pay 5000 euros compensation to the 72-year-old woman, who has been very marked by the attack.The incident on 1 September last year created a sensation: the penioner was walking her old dog in the Schwechat meadow near Traiskirchen in Lower Austria, when she encountered two young asylum seekers swimming in the river. According to an acquaintance of the victim in the witness stand, the boys were also very nice at first, they even helped the woman over an embankment. But then one them fell upon her from behind. However, DNA traces confirmed that the pensioner was anally raped. The then 17-year-old Afghan was quickly caught. He does not dispute the crime, but says he was drunk. His friend says he wasn t aware of the rape.Her daughter Sylvia a committed refugee helper believes and hopes that her mother was unconscious during the crime. What does Christine F. feel for her tormentor? Despite all of the torment, she even feels some sympathy.
CLARK FREEPORT ZONE, Philippines (Reuters) - Southeast Asian defense ministers on Monday expressed grave concern over North Korea s nuclear and missile programs and urged the reclusive country to meet its international obligations and resume communications. North Korea is working to develop a nuclear-tipped missile capable of striking the U.S. mainland and has ignored all calls, even from its lone major ally, China, to rein in its weapons programs which it conducts in defiance of U.N. Security Council resolutions. Defense ministers from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), in a joint statement, underscored the need to maintain peace and stability in the region and called for the exercise of self-restraint and the resumption of dialogue to de-escalate tensions in the Korean peninsula . They are due to meet with their counterparts from the United States, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Russia and New Zealand on Tuesday when North Korea, the disputed South China Sea and terrorism are expected to top the agenda. U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has said he will talk with Asian allies about North Korea and the crisis caused by its reckless provocations. Mattis s trip to Asia, which will also include stops in Thailand and South Korea, comes just weeks before Donald Trump s first visit to Asia as U.S. president. In the same statement, the ministers reiterated the importance of safety and freedom of navigation in and over-flight above the South China Sea and called for self restraint in the conduct of activities . They also vowed to work together to combat terrorism as they condemned the attack by the Maute militant group in the southern Philippine city of Marawi. The Philippines on Monday announced the end of five months of military operations in Marawi after a fierce and unfamiliar urban war that marked the country s biggest security crisis in years.
Mark Anderson TRUTH HOUNDCHICAGO, Ill. The Disruptive Forces Changing Cities, program, conducted by the Chicago Council of Global Affairs Sept. 15, was a textbook case of an elite organization pursuing a tightly planned, dictatorial society while sounding like it s seeking a democratic, promising vision of fairness and prosperity for all.It s all being spearheaded in accordance with the growing global cities movement that gradually challenges the authority of the very nation-states that the world s primary cities inhabit.This approach, according to several CCGA-aligned think tanks, journalists and others supporting the Global Parliament of Mayors and similar groupings, amounts to a direct challenge to national authority, in order to usurp some of the key powers delegated to national governments by their charters and constitutions.Since this movement chisels away at the constitutional foundations of nations, it risks undermining them in a way that would redraw the lines of governance, in a manner that s highly unpredictable, and potentially radical and unlawful. The policy areas over which cities want to assume much more influence (and, ultimately, exert control) include battling climate change, regulating immigration in order to increase it while providing sanctuary cities, along with sparking job growth and several other things even including the seemingly improbable realm of foreign policy, where you d think mayors would not tread.The CCGA s latest program Sept. 15, held on-the-record at the organization s conference center in the Prudential Building on Randolph Street, was a continuation of many of the themes covered in early June 2016 and June 2017 at the CCGA s annual all-day Forum on Global Cities. The keynote speaker Sept. 15 was Amy Liu, who s Vice President and Director of the Metropolitan Policy Program at Washington D.C. s Brookings Institution.She s considered a national expert on cities and metropolitan areas adept at translating research and insights into action on the ground. As director of Brookings Metro, which Liu co-founded in 1996, she pioneered the program s signature approach to policy and practice, which uses rigorous research to inform strategies for economic growth and opportunity, a CCGA representative said while introducing Liu in Chicago.Prior to her Brookings work, Liu was Special Assistant to [U.S. Housing and Urban Development] Secretary Henry Cisneros and staffed the U.S. Senate Banking Committee s Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Affairs. She holds a Northwestern University degree in social policy and urban studies.Her remarks were promoted via the CCGA website with statements like, Cities are increasingly driving the global economy but numerous disruptive forces . . . threaten to deepen inequality and economic exclusion, unless cities adapt and evolve. And while Liu spoke of the choices that municipal leaders will need to make, in order to give their workforces access to basic things like skills, (and to foster innovation and entrepreneurship, while deepening regional connections ) the key to understanding her message is discerning what she and the CCGA mean by global forces of disruption. To address such matters, Liu spoke solo and then collaborated with CCGA moderator Niamh King, who, prior to joining the CCGA, worked for the European Commission and the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, among several other posts.Liu began her talk by saying she wants cities to be vibrant places to work and live, but due to America s current national discourse under President Trump, we are turning our backs on climate change, on the poor and the working class while also betraying our values as a nation of immigrants. Moreover, people of all races and religions are being neglected under this national discourse. So rather than take us backwards, the nation needs our cities to move us forward, Liu carefully stated, presenting a thinly-veiled claim that the nation-state, especially a more nationalist one, represents a barrier to what internationalist-oriented cities can do.Thus, the world s cities, in essence, need to run their nations, she implied. Accordingly, she called for a future that s hyper-global, more digital, more urban, more multi-racial and multi-ethnic. But her concern is that these very same forces of progress can also be great sources of division. Technology, for example, creates opportunities for some but destroys it for others, favoring the highly-skilled while abandoning those who cannot keep pace.To combat such disparities, Liu stressed that local leaders need to build inclusive local and regional economies that radically adapt to disruption and future-proof our cities. Citing her Brookings work, she said cities therefore should pursue three goals: Growth, prosperity and inclusion. That, she added, means quality growth of good jobs to seek better prosperity, but to achieve this inclusion, the benefits, especially in terms of better incomes, must accrue to all members of the community, closing disparities by race and by place. She also said that 63 U.S. metro areas out of 100 experienced economic growth and job hikes between 2010 and 2015, according to Brookings research. But several cities only saw growth in lesser-quality jobs, while only eight made significant economic progress in inclusion for whites and people of color. Liu also stressed, The nation s economic growth is not felt by most people . . . as a whole the bottom 50% of income-earners, the middle class, the working class, the poor, have made no ground. So the bulk of the nation s income gains have accrued to the top earners. From this, she concluded that it s up to the cities to bridge these gaps and solve the problems.Liu then cited historic policies and attitudes that she feels have held us back in tackling such inequities. Accordingly, at this point, she delved into the disruptive forces facing cities and how city leaders can adapt to disruption. DOUBLE-SPEAK DETECTEDIronically, Liu spoke of these disruptive forces, which are mainly macroeconomic in nature, as if they re akin to the four horsemen of the apocalypse globalization, urbanization, technology and demographic change, which, she warned, are upending existing systems. She went on to say that while globalization has supposedly slowed down, free trade is going strong, accounting for 40% of world economic value. Trade, she deduced from this, has tremendous economic value because firms that export their wares hire more people and pay better wages than non-exporting firms, yet, while downplaying the immense damage free trade has wrought lest groupings like Brookings and the CCGA lose the narrative in their constant support for more free-trade treaties she admitted that U.S. voters in the last election made it clear that globalization has left many without jobs for extended time periods.Showing a color-coded map, she also said that federal adjustment assistance has been extended to more than two million Americans in the past two decades those whose jobs were terminated due to trade, with 70% of such workers living in large and small metropolitan areas. The trade pain was most felt in the industrial communities in the Midwest and the South, she also conceded.BENDING PEOPLE TO THE SYSTEM, NOT VICE VERSABut the crux of the matter shone through when she stated; I would say that the problem isn t so much globalization, but the failure of our public policies to help people and to help communities adjust to the new world order Continue this article at The Truth HoundREAD MORE NWO NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire NWO FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s Hezbollah group joined calls on Thursday for a new Palestinian uprising in response to the U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel s capital. U.S. President Donald Trump s decision amounted to an act of blatant aggression against the Arab and Muslim world, the leader of the Shi ite Muslim political and military movement, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, said in a televised speech. Governments across the region and beyond warned that Trump s reversal of decades of American policy on Jerusalem would imperil Middle East peace efforts. Palestinian factions called for a Day of Rage on Friday, and Islamist group Hamas urged Palestinians to abandon negotiations and launch a new uprising against Israel. We support the call for a new Palestinian intifada (uprising) and escalating the resistance, Nasrallah said. It is the biggest, most important and gravest response to the American decision. Nasrallah, who described Trump s move as a major historical injustice , did not outline any direct actions that Hezbollah would take. He called for a mass protest in Beirut s southern suburbs on Monday. The people of Palestine stand today at the first line of defense for Jerusalem and its shrines, he added. Iran-backed Hezbollah, which Israel views as the biggest threat on its borders, has sent arms to the Palestinian territories before, Nasrallah said last month. Hezbollah and Israel fought a war in 2006 that killed around 1,200 people in Lebanon, mostly civilians, and 160 Israelis, most of them troops. The two have avoided major confrontation since that month-long battle, though tensions had risen again earlier this year. Nasrallah asked listeners around the region to confront the U.S. move and stand in solidarity with Palestinians. He appealed to Arab states to cut off any kind of diplomatic ties to Israel, and to summon their U.S. ambassadors in formal protest. Such steps will certainly make Trump regret (it), he said. The status of Jerusalem - home to sites holy to the Muslim, Jewish and Christian religions - represents one of the biggest obstacles to a peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians. The international community does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the entire city. Under the U.S.-brokered Oslo accords of 1993, negotiations should decide the city s status. No other country has its embassy in Jerusalem. Hezbollah s parliamentary bloc said earlier that Trump s decision would have catastrophic repercussions that threaten regional and international security and stability .
Ferrari Gives Crazy Deal To Lawyer Who Ditched His Car In A Flood http://fb.me/MWOObrFy 
Trying to get back on track after long junk food filled blizzard weekend .. pic.twitter.com/lYTKfOmx3D
BREAKING: Authorities respond to Ocean fire http://t.co/h31Knuwzz5
HONOLULU (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will deliver a farewell address on Jan. 10 to reflect on his time in office and say thank you to his supporters, he said in an email statement released on Monday. Obama, noting that the first president of the United States, George Washington, had penned a farewell address in 1796, said he would deliver his speech in his hometown of Chicago. “I’m thinking about (the remarks) as a chance to say thank you for this amazing journey, to celebrate the ways you’ve changed this country for the better these past eight years, and to offer some thoughts on where we all go from here,” he said. Republican Donald Trump will be sworn in to office on Jan. 20. During his campaign for the White House, Trump pledged to undo many of Obama’s signature policy measures, including his healthcare law. Obama, who campaigned hard for Trump’s Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton, has sought to ensure a smooth transition of power despite major policy differences with his successor. He also leaves his party without a clear figurehead as he leaves the White House. “Since 2009, we’ve faced our fair share of challenges, and come through them stronger,” Obama said in the email, likely foreshadowing a theme for his speech. “That’s because we have never let go of a belief that has guided us ever since our founding - our conviction that, together, we can change this country for the better.”
Dr. Besser's 3 Tips to Ride Hurricane Sandy Out Safely http://abcn.ws/RfpiU3 
Trump and his administration have been dogged by ongoing accusations and reports that they re in bed with Russia. But a huge part of the story got lost in the controversy over the presidential election, and it implicates the entire Republican Party. In addition to the DNC, Russia targeted the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and several Democratic House races with their cyberattack.The hackers are Guccifer 2.0, according to a December report in The New York Times, and they made public the names, cell phone numbers, email addresses and even personal addresses of the Democratic candidates they went after. But they didn t stop there they also released batches upon batches of internal party documents, seemingly with the intent to influence the closest House races in the country.And how is Paul Ryan involved in any of this? The National Republican Campaign Committee and the Congressional Leadership Fund, a superPAC that s tied to Ryan, both used stolen D.C.C.C. documents to mount an attack campaign against Joe Garcia, a Florida Democrat who lost a very competitive race with Carlos Curbelo who unseated Garcia in 2014.The illicit material was used in other states as well, including swing states like Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio and North Carolina; as well as in Illinois and New Mexico. Anywhere where Democratic candidates were in very tight races against their GOP opponents.Whether Paul Ryan knew about the CLF s use of material hacked by the Russians is anyone s guess. The point remains, though, that his own super-PAC used information that came courtesy of Russia, which means that Russia didn t just influence the presidential side of things they influenced the Congressional side of things.And it s not like they had material that they genuinely thought was just flowing from some natural spigot. Several Republicans did refuse the chance to use the hacked documents in part because they knew it came from a possible foreign source. The D.C.C.C. s chairman, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan of New Mexico, sent a letter to his counterpart at the N.R.C.C. when he first saw an ad that appeared to use the hacked documents: The N.R.C.C. s use of documents stolen by the Russians plays right into the hands of one of the United States most dangerous adversaries. Put simply, if this action continues, the N.R.C.C. will be complicit in aiding the Russian government in its effort to influence American elections. And that s what s happened. Russia had its hands in far more than our presidential election and calls the results of every federal race in 2016 into serious question. The Republicans ran with the material, which does, in fact, make them complicit in Russia s meddling.Featured image by Win McNamee via Getty Images
By James PerloffMy friend Rachael McIntosh was an alternate delegate at the 2012 Republican Convention in Tampa, Florida, representing Ron Paul for the state of Rhode Island.Rachael had worked for a private defense contractor for years. Awakened by the corruption and darkness she witnessed, she left the defense industry, and began working tirelessly toward getting Ron Paul elected. She has fictionalized her experiences in a superbly written trilogy of novels, Security through Absurdity.The Tampa convention was supposed to begin on Monday, August 27. Ron Paul was originally slated to speak, but the convention was cancelled for that evening due to the threat of a hurricane. The hurricane turned out to be no more than a brisk rainstorm. Rachael and many other Ron Paul delegates braved it that morning and went to the convention center (the Tampa Bay Times Forum, a sports complex) to watch Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus officially proclaim the delay. After the gravel had been struck and the chairman left the stage, the delegates found themselves watching a movie glorifying Mitt Romney. At the film s conclusion, Rachael heard ear-splitting applause. But when she looked around, almost no one was cheering. The applause was canned the type sports stadiums pipe in when the home team is losing and their spectators show low enthusiasm.The next day at her hotel, Rachael s husband called and said: Hey, I watched it yesterday and the crowd was really diggin Romney. Rachael had to break the news: what he (and the rest of America) heard on TV had been faked.The real blow to the Ron Paul people came when the Republican National Committee made last-minute rule changes. Under the existing rules, Paul had won enough primaries and caucuses (five) to have his name placed in nomination. Under the newrules, the required number of states would be increased to eight, thus rendering Paul s nomination impossible. Mitt Romney, who had already won sufficient delegates through dirty tricks during the primaries to become the presumptive nominee, would also be granted power to replace duly elected delegates with people of his own choosing.Naturally, Paul s delegates were anxious to vote on the rule changes. However, the convention busses showed up at their hotels late. The driver of Rachael s bus didn t seem to know the way to the convention center, got stuck in traffic, and took about two hours to complete the trip. By the time most of the Paul delegates reached the center, and passed through its heavy security, the vote was already over. Mitt Romney would be the Republican Convention s unanimous choice.Ron Paul was still offered a chance to make a speech, but only under two conditions: (1) that he endorse Romney; and (2) that the Republic National Committee first vet and approve the speech. Under these conditions, Paul acted on integrity and declined to speak.A word should be added about the media in Tampa. On the convention s last day, Rachael dressed up in funeral black and handed out cards offering condolences to America upon the loss of the democratic process. She gave one to a leading news journalist who said I love it. When Rachael asked if he would do a story on it, he literally replied: It doesn t fit the pre-scripted narrative. Sorry. That the media was bound to a pre-scripted narrative was later proven when a brawl broke out between the Romney and Paul delegates, complete with screaming, pushing and shoving, right by the entrance to the press boxes (CNN, Fox, MSNBC, etc.). Although the brawl should have been news, not a single journalist emerged with a camera to record it. After all, it didn t fit the pre-scripted narrative namely, that Republicans unanimously supported Mitt Romney.What lesson can we draw from Rachael s experience? The same one that people have been learning the hard way for decades: that regardless of much you work for a Presidential candidate, the PTB (Powers That Be) will railroad their candidate to the top. The following quote from my 1988 book The Shadows of Power refers to the election year of 1952:At the Republican nominating convention, dirty tricks abounded. The rules for selecting delegates were changed: Taft delegations from Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas were thrown out and replaced by Eisenhower supporters. I.e., the same sort of tactics that Ron Paul s supporters faced in 2012 were used at the GOP Convention 60 years earlier. I ll add that Dwight Eisenhower had no previous affiliation with the Republican Party; the Democratic Party had tried to draft him in 1948, and President Harry Truman (Democrat) had approached him about running on the same ticket. Above: Nixon and Eisenhower at the 1952 conventionLet s kick it back to 1940. Seven weeks before the GOP Convention, a poll showed only three percent of Republicans favored candidate Wendell Willkie, who, prior to that year, had been a registered Democrat. But with powerful magic, Willkie got the nomination. Ten-term Congressman Usher Burdick of North Dakota said of this:We Republicans in the west want to know if Wall Street and the international bankers control our party and can select our candidate? I believe I am serving the best interests of the Republican Party by protesting and exposing the machinations and attempts of J.P. Morgan and the New York utility bankers in forcing Wendell Willkie on the Republican Party. . . .There is nothing to the Willkie boom for President except the artificial public opinion being created by newspapers, magazines, and the radio. The reason back of all this is money. Money is being spent by someone, and lots of it. PHOTO: Wendell Willkie PHOTO: Usher Burdick (right) in 1958 with Ezra PoundFor those who wonder if such phenomena only happen to Republicans, Bernie Sanders can already feel the spurn. He won New Hampshire by a landslide (60 to 38 percent) only to discover that Hillary Clinton had been awarded the majority of delegates. This is because the Democratic Party has 717 superdelegates who support whomever they prefer, regardless of the wishes of voters or primary results.Go back to 1976. According to a Gallup poll, just seven months before the Democratic National Convention, less than four percent of Democratic voters favored Jimmy Carter for President. What happened? As Lawrence Shoup noted in The Carter Presidency and Beyond:What Carter had that his opponents did not was the acceptance and support of elite sectors of the mass communications media. It was their favorable coverage of Carter and his campaign that gave him an edge, propelling him rocket-like to the top of the opinion polls. This helped Carter win key primary election victories, enabling him to rise from an obscure public figure to President-elect in the short space of 9 months.How did Carter acquire this media following? It began at a dinner with Republican David Rockefeller kingmaker of the Establishment at the latter s Tarrytown, New York estate. Also present was Zbigniew Brzezinski, who helped Rockefeller found the internationalist Trilateral Commission, and whom Carter would later appoint National Security Adviser. The media blitz included adulatory pieces in the New York Times, and a Wall Street Journal editorial declaring that Carter was the best Democratic candidate. Before the nominating convention, his picture appeared on the cover of Time three times, and Newsweek twice. Time s cover artists were even instructed to make him look as much as possible like John F. Kennedy. The TV networks inundated the public with his image.As former Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater said:David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski found Jimmy Carter to be their ideal candidate. They helped him win the nomination and the presidency. To accomplish this purpose, they mobilized the money power of the Wall Street bankers, the intellectual influence of the academic community which is subservient to the wealth of the great tax-free foundations and the media controllers represented in the membership of the CFR and the Trilateral.If you want to glimpse how far back this sort of power-brokering goes, read Ferdinand Lundberg s 1937 classic America s Sixty Families. He related how, a century ago, the rich were scorning voters and maneuvering their own choices into nominations, whether a Democrat like Woodrow Wilson in 1912 or a Republican like Herbert Hoover in 1928.The 2016 RaceWhat about this year? Who have the PTB anointed to become President? While I am of course not privy to their conclaves, I believe their chosen one, as I stated in my blog post of February 15, is Hillary Clinton. There are several indicators:(1) Despite her anti-Wall Street rhetoric, Hillary receives by far the most donations from Wall Street of any candidate. Jeb Bush competed with her for that distinction, but since Jeb s personality proved too lackluster to muster enough votes to stay in the race, Hillary holds the honor alone. Above: Hillary partakes in groundbreaking ceremony for Goldman Sachs new headquarters in 2005. (2) Of the viable candidates, only Hillary is committed to 100 percent of the Rothschild agenda: pro War on Terror pro Israel pro gun control pro GMO (Monsanto) pro population control (abortion, vaccines, etc.) pro climate change control pro mass immigration pro Internet censorship pro gay agenda pro TPP (she is currently backing off on this because of voter concern about jobs, but before running she said This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements, and was a strong proponent of the job-destroying NAFTA and GATT agreements)(3) I ll interject here that Rachael McIntosh told me she believes that in 2008, an understanding was reached concerning Obama and Clinton, both of whom were running that year. Obama would become the first black President; Hillary s turn would arrive in due time, and she would become the first woman President. Having a black or woman in the Oval Office, of course, gives the public the illusion that they are empowered and that the Establishment has somehow been stymied, whereas in fact both Obama and Hillary are flunkies for the Establishment. I agree with Rachael s assessment 100 percent.And so it was that Obama appointed Hillary his Secretary of State, a move clearly intended to give her a foreign policy expertise credential for the 2016 Presidential campaign. After Clinton left the position (2013), CBS began airing (2014) its still-running drama Madam Secretary, all about a blonde woman Secretary of State. Subliminal Advertising: Hollywood began campaigning for Hillary Clinton in 2014. Beginning with the very first episode, in which Madam Secretary rescued American hostages held in Syria, viewers would receive a weekly dose of subliminal propaganda for Hillary s campaign, portraying her as beautiful, heroic, honest and competent.(4) Prior to being Secretary of State, Hillary served as U.S. Senator from New York. She had never lived in New York before, but the state is the center of America s banking industry, and has been a launching point for Presidential candidates such as the Roosevelts. Serving a Senate term, of course, would also give Hillary an important can work with Congress credential for her Presidential run. There is considerable Internet buzz that John F. Kennedy, Jr., who had long lived in New York, was planning to run for the Senate in 2000, the same year as Clinton. The handsome son of the popular President would likely have defeated Clinton, adding interest to Kennedy s death in a suspicious plane crash on July 16, 1999, especially in light of what has been termed the Clinton Body Count.(5) Perhaps most importantly, the Establishment has already marked Hillary with their stamp of approval by entrusting her with two terms in the White House. Yes, Bill Clinton was President then, but if Hillary is elected, Bill will of course be returning.Will the email or Benghazi scandals derail her Presidential bid? I doubt it. During Bill s tenure, the Clintons were plagued by innumerable scandals besides mysterious deaths: sex charges, perjury, Whitewater, Chinagate, Travelgate, drug allegations connected with his Arkansas governorship, Hillary s incredible cattle futures profits, etc. Yet although many pundits back then claimed these scandals would lead to impeachment, the Clintons always remained untouched by justice. So far, nothing seems to have changed. However, Hillary s scandals do give the Establishment a blackmailer s leash on her; i.e., if she ever steps out of line, prosecutions could suddenly materialize.What about the other candidates currently running? All of them share some of Hillary s positions, but none do 100 percent. Bernie Sanders is too opposed to banker bailouts to be acceptable, even though the Establishment is OK with his socialism (since, in an illusional democracy, empowering government empowers them). Cruz s wife Heidi is a former term member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a vice president at Goldman Sachs, from whom Cruz s Senate campaign received a million-dollar loan; but his positions on matters like abortion, gun control and immigration don t pass muster Continue this story at James PerloffREAD MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files
Wildfires produce more co2 than all the vehicles in the country. Plus, every acre of forest offsets the emissions of about 3 cars, so the impact of every burned acre lasts for many years.
Everyone's preparing for this hurricane and I'm getting my car inspected bc ya girl procrastinated and it's nearing the next month lol
‘Pulwama Attack BJP Conspiracy Like Godhra’: Ex-Guj CM Vaghela https://t.co/rjcYDWZmP2
KAMPALA (Reuters) - Uganda on Monday charged eight managers and editors of a daily newspaper with several offences including libel and computer misuse and a court ordered them detained until Dec. 5. The journalists have been in detention for nearly a week after police raided the premises of Red Pepper accusing them of publishing a false story. Police had said on Nov. 23 that they had preferred several charges including treason against the journalists. Their lawyer, Maxma Mutabingwa, said that when they appeared in court for the first time on Monday, treason was not among the offences read out to them. Instead they were charged with several counts of libel, offensive communication and publication of information prejudicial to security. I think police backed off the treason charge because it was ridiculous, it was not sustainable at all, he told Reuters. The journalists applied for bail but the state prosecutor said he needed time to respond and court adjourned the proceedings to Dec. 5. The raid on the paper followed publication of a story that, citing unnamed sources, said that Rwanda believed Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni was plotting to oust its leader, Paul Kagame. The paper has a wide readership and often regales its audience with a surfeit of salacious content about private lives of political and business officials and celebrities. In recent years it has moved to include more political coverage and has some times irked authorities with audacious headlines on security, diplomacy and power maneuvers in the government of President Yoweri Museveni. Police has kept the media outlet s premises cordoned off. It has not published the daily since the raid. Computers, phones and other equipment confiscated during the search have also not been returned, Mutabingwa said. Rights groups and journalists have complained of escalating harassment and intimidation of independent media by security personnel in the East African country especially as Museveni faces growing opposition pressure to end his rule. Local media, including Red Pepper, have reported this month on tensions between Uganda and neighboring Rwanda over a range of economic and security disputes but Uganda s foreign affairs ministry has dismissed the reports as rumors.
PARIS (Reuters) - Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri will meet ministers from major powers in Paris on Friday to discuss ways of stabilizing his country a month after his shock resignation plunged it into political turmoil, three diplomats said. The Arab and European diplomats said Hariri would take part in the meeting of the International Lebanon Support Group, a body that includes the five members of the U.N. Security Council - Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States. Hariri resigned as prime minister in early November while he was in Saudi Arabia, prompting a political crisis in Lebanon and thrusting it back into a regional tussle between Riyadh and its main regional foe, Iran. Hariri has now returned to Beirut and indicated that he might withdraw his resignation, which was never accepted by the president. Lebanese officials say Saudi Arabia had coerced Hariri, a long-time ally of the kingdom, into resigning and held him there against his will until an intervention by France led to his return to Lebanon. Saudi Arabia denies this. A European diplomat said the aim of the meeting would be to put pressure on the Saudis and Iranians . He added that the meeting would be an opportunity to reinforce that the Lebanese must stick by the state policy of disassociation , or keeping out of regional conflicts. Before Hariri sets off, Lebanon s cabinet is this week set to meet for the first time since the political crisis erupted. The date of the cabinet meeting has not yet been confirmed but it is expected to address Hariri s resignation. A Lebanese MP who met Hariri on Monday said discussions among politicians were moving positively and would result in a unanimous stance by the cabinet soon. The comments from MP Wael Abu Faour were published by Hariri s office on Monday. The Lebanon support group, launched in 2013, also includes the European Union, the Arab League and the United Nations.
RT @THEmeaghan: Could the wind ever be strong enough to flip parked cars? < yea it's called a tornado.
Dr. Besser's 3 Tips to Ride Hurricane Sandy Out Safely - ABC News (blog) http://goo.gl/fb/M05wG 
BERLIN (Reuters) - Members of Germany s Social Democrats (SPD) will get to vote on any decision by the leadership of the center-left party to join a future coalition government, leader Martin Schulz said on Friday. There is nothing automatic about the direction we are moving in, Schulz said. If a discussion results in us deciding to participate in any form whatsoever in the formation of a government, we will put it to a vote of party members. Schulz made the remarks said during a brief news conference, shortly after the German president announced he would host a meeting next week with Schulz and Chancellor Angela Merkel to find a way out of a political impasse.
VIDEO: Insane ride through raging #flood waters in a Longmont Fire Truck « CBS Denver http://cbsloc.al/19QGKsj  #cowx H/T @WilliamMScherer
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who met with Donald Trump Jr. during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, wants permission to return to the United States to defend a claim by prosecutors that her client’s company has failed to pay a $6 million settlement in an international money laundering case. Veselnitskaya represented Prevezon Holdings Ltd, a Russian-controlled company, which in May this year agreed to pay nearly $6 million to the U.S. government to settle a $230 million Russian tax fraud case related to Hermitage Capital, an American fund that invested in Russia. In a court filing in federal court in Manhattan on Monday U.S. prosecutors said the settlement payment was due on Oct. 31, but in a letter on Tuesday filed in federal court in Manhattan lawyers for Prevezon disagreed. About half of the settlement money was supposed to come from 3 million euros owed to Prevezon that the U.S. government had asked the Netherlands to freeze. The Netherlands lifted the hold on the money on October 10, but the same day imposed a new freeze on the account based on a complaint by William Browder, chief executive of Hermitage Capital Management, the Prevezon letter said. In Monday’s court filing, U.S. prosecutors said the $6 million payment was due regardless of the new freeze on the funds and they intended to file a motion to enforce the settlement. In its letter, Prevezon asked the court to help obtain temporary U.S. immigration status for Veselnitskaya and its owner, Denis Katsyv, so she could attend upcoming hearings about the dispute. Veselnitskaya met Donald Trump Jr in New York last year while she was in the United States to represent Prevezon in the money laundering case. Trump Jr. said in a statement at the time that he and Veselnitskaya “primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children” after Russia in 2012 banned adoptions of Russian children by Americans in retaliation for sanctions imposed under the U.S. Magnitsky Act. The Magnitsky Act was passed by Congress after Hermitage Capital’s Browder claimed that the tax fraud scheme involving Prevezon was uncovered by Sergei Magnitsky, an auditor for Hermitage Capital, who died in a Russian prison. Trump Jr. has released emails related to the meeting during last year’s election that described Veselnitskaya as a Russian government attorney who could provide information that would “incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.”
Floods are so bad cars were stranded in them, my little min still managed to power on with water up to the lights! pic.twitter.com/xP0TtLAsMt
The war on the American flag continues.Retired mounted an American flag in front of his house, the same flag that he carried with him on duty across five continents.One morning last week, the vet woke up to find his car smashed with the flag pole and the flag desecrated with a marker. The message that I would like to say is America is still the greatest country in the world, Hernandez Garcia said on Fox and Friends Weekend. It s not something that we are just brainwashed with. We are still the greatest country. We got problems. Everybody does. The flag represents freedom. When you step on the flag, you really are stepping on those veterans that have really fought for you. And everybody else, including your own parents, grandparents and great-grandparents and so forth, Hernandez Garcia said. So, if you are watching this, I would like to tell you, come and talk to me. Let s talk about things. Let s not destroy things. Our country needs dialogue more than violence. He said that social media has a major influence on people, so maybe someone saw the recent stomp the flag challenge and was inspired.Tucker Carlson and Ainsley Earhardt revealed that America s Mighty Warriors, a group that helps support military families, will be paying for the damages to Hernandez Garcia s car and flagpole, plus paying for a weekend vacation for two. In addition to that, a flag will be flown over the U.S. Capitol in honor of his service.Via: Fox and Friends
Researchers have turned to protein synthesis, genetics and hybrid viruses to develop a #coronavirus vaccine. It is likely a mix of these approaches will be used to fight the virus. Explainer by a professor. https://t.co/PfZBzEVNYR
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Comedian Kathy Griffin tearfully apologized in a Friday press conference for posing with a fake bloodied and severed head depicting U.S. President Donald Trump, saying that she felt her career was now over and that Trump “broke” her. Griffin has lost sponsorships and jobs, including her role as co-host of CNN’s New Year’s Eve coverage with journalist Anderson Cooper, since a photograph and video from the shoot appeared on social media on Tuesday. President Trump said the image of Griffin with the gory mask resembling him was “sick” and that it had traumatized his family, especially his youngest son, 11-year-old Barron. Trump’s oldest son, Donald Jr., called for employers to drop the comedian. “I don’t think I will have a career after this. I’m going to be honest, (Trump) broke me,” said Griffin, 56, a two-time Emmy-winning performer known for her deliberately provocative brand of humor. She added that she had received death threats. Griffin reiterated the apology she posted on social media late on Tuesday, but remained defiant, saying, “I’m not afraid of Donald Trump, he’s a bully,” adding that she intended to continue making jokes about the president. She also described herself as a provocative woman who has often had to deal with older white men in positions of power. “What’s happening to me has never happened ever, in the history of this great country, which is that a sitting president of the United States and his grown children and the first lady are personally, I feel, trying to ruin my life - forever,” she said. Griffin said the photo was intended to mock Trump’s comments during the presidential campaign, when he told CNN that Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly had “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her - wherever” when she moderated a 2015 presidential debate. Trump’s remark was widely interpreted as referring to menstrual blood, implying that Kelly was in an unfriendly mood because she was menstruating. At his daily briefing on Friday, White House spokesman Sean Spicer declined to respond to Griffin’s remarks, saying that the president, the first lady and the Secret Service had made clear their views on the photo. Katrina Pierson, a former Trump campaign spokeswoman, criticized Griffin on Twitter after her appearance on Friday, saying that Griffin had had a nervous breakdown about “misogyny & mean white men” at the press conference. The U.S. Secret Service, which is responsible for presidential security, has opened an inquiry into the photo of Griffin posing with the severed-head replica.
Norovirus outbreak confirmed at California wildfire shelter #Today #News #Sports #Entertainment #Politics http://tinyurl.com/y7r6fspf 
Instead of posting pics of police cars why doesn’t our potus do something helpful like sending help for these areas destroyed by Hurricane Michael. https://twitter.com/NPR/status/1050786928717484032 …
A man helped my brother and me get home to our sick parents when our car got stuck in Blizzard of 96. Every winter I help somebody shovel.
#Police fire tear gas to disperse the crowd attacking a house in #Bumburat. #Kalash Read: https://t.co/p0RmgtE6Y9 https://t.co/z9PJdPzy2D
Dear food lion fuckers: give me a hard time today and you will be under the blizzard
Something extraordinary happened that is certain to have Republicans and Republican voters everywhere furious Fox News just admitted that the United States deficit is at its lowest level since 2008. That s right, since the last Republican was in office. You have to admit, this must have taken a lot of courage on the behalf of Fox News to admit something like this. It goes directly against their bash President Obama for everything policy.However, there it is, in bold print on FoxBusiness.com:They even published this, which will make every Republican that follows Fox News as a religion and believe without question, do a double take: The U.S. ran a budget surplus in January, dropping the annual deficit to its lowest level since August 2008, the Treasury Department said Wednesday.The U.S. deficit fell to $405 billion over the 12-month period ended January, or around 2.2% of gross domestic product, boosted by a $55 billion surplus in January. The deficit figure was down from the year-earlier $495 billion, or 2.8% of GDP. Quite a change of heart when Fox News actually sees the results of Obama s actions. Unlike how they behaved years ago after the president first took office, which you can view here, when they completely ignored deficit reduction:Fox Business even explained how the reduction in deficit was achieved: Revenues stood around 6% above their year-earlier levels, while outlays were around 3% higher. Receipts of $314 billion collected by the Treasury was a record for the month of January.The latest report showed annual revenues posted their slowest rate of growth since August 2012. Corporate tax receipts for the fiscal year, which began Oct. 1., ran around 10% below their year-earlier level. Individual taxes withheld by employers and payroll tax revenues were up 3%, while other individual taxes, such as capital gains, were 8% higher. Funny how when you have a president that truly believes in math, they can actually achieve success in regards to deficit reduction, and understands that in order to pay for things, we need revenue coming in. Republicans have yet to figure that out.Now, if only we could get Republicans to actually look at the presidents latest budget, which as of now, they have simply refused to even entertain.The GOP is literally a vomit stain on the rug of America that we can t seem to remove.Featured image from Flickr
getting hit by Hurricane Matthew
Breaking: Iran launched a series of missile attacks aimed at U.S. bases in Iraq, Iranian state television reported Tuesday. https://t.co/BoYA017R6x
Blizzard 2016 Update: MTA Shutting Down Buses and Access-a-Ride by Noon Today http://www.welcome2thebronx.com/wordpress/2016/01/23/blizzard-2016-update-mta-shutting-down-buses-and-access-a-ride-by-noon-today/ …
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkey and Iraq have agreed to open a second border gate and its construction will begin once the necessary security measures are taken, Turkey s customs minister said on Thursday. I had the impression that the Iraqi government agrees that there should be a second border gate , Bulent Tufenkci told Anadolu news agency. He said the planned gate would be near the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, in a region where Islamic State and Kurdish PKK militants still pose a security threat. Once steps are taken to secure the path, there is no other obstacle for us, he said.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Dancing, singing, chanting and cheering, throngs of supporters of President Barack Obama’s plan to protect millions of people in the country illegally from deportation and provide them work permits rallied on Monday outside the U.S. Supreme Court. More than a thousand demonstrators from around the country flooded the sidewalks and streets around the white marble courthouse as the justices heard arguments on whether to reinstate Obama’s executive action, blocked by lower courts. They greatly outnumbered conservative opponents of Obama’s action. Due to the crowds, police closed a section of the street separating the courthouse from the Capitol building to traffic. Chicagoan Omar Martinez, 24, said he landed a congressional internship because of an Obama program that let some immigrants who entered the country illegally before age 16 receive a renewable, two-year work permit and exemption from deportation. “It’s not just a Latino issue,” Martinez said. “It’s a multicultural, multinational issue. You have people who are contributing to the economy, contributing to tax funds but can’t fully enjoy what it means to be a U.S. citizen.” Demonstrators brought their young children to the rally and a mariachi band played. Members of the Korean American Resource and Cultural Center danced in the street with a small band of drummers. A gospel choir from Howard University, a historically black college, sang several hymns including civil rights anthem “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around.” Speakers at the conservative Tea Party Patriots’ rally could barely be heard over boos, screams and chants of “stop the hate” from Obama supporters. Iowa Republican congressman Steve King shouted back: “Are you an example of the America we can expect if this court finds that the president can write law and violate the Constitution at will? If so, we’re in for a rough ride in the future.” Iowan Greg Cummings, 51, said his opposition to Obama’s action has “nothing to do with race.” He said his wife emigrated from Honduras when she was 11 and is now a high school English teacher. “It’s a national sovereignty thing,” Cummings said. “A country without borders ceases to be a country. The United States can’t be an open society to all the Earth.” Zaira Garcia, 23, a recent University of Texas graduate, recalled how her Mexican father’s employers would sometimes withhold pay because they knew he was not in the country legally. “It’s inhumane, the way people who are undocumented can be taken advantage of,” Garcia said. “It made us realize and appreciate the sacrifice my parents made to come here. A lot of people think coming to the U.S. is an easy choice, but the reality is hard work and lots of humiliation because of lack of status.”