The Trump administration is imposing new visa rules aimed at restricting “birth tourism,” in which women travel to the United States to give birth so their children can have U.S. citizenship. The regulations, which take effect Friday, address one of President Donald Trump's main political priorities. The regulations seek to chip away at the number of foreigners who take advantage of the constitutional provision granting “birthright citizenship” to anyone born in the United States, a particular peeve of Trump's. Under the new rules, pregnant applicants will be denied a tourist visa unless they can prove they must come to the U.S. to give birth for medical reasons and they have money to pay for it or have another compelling reason — not just because they want their child to have an American passport. Officials said that consular officers will not be asking all female visa applicants of child-bearing age whether they are pregnant or intend to get pregnant. Rather, they said consular officers would ask the question only if they had reason to believe the applicant is pregnant and likely or planning to give birth in the U.S. Visual cues such as appearing to be pregnant or listing “medical treatment” as a reason for wanting to travel to the United States might trigger such questioning, the officials said. Even if a woman is found to be pregnant and likely to deliver her child in the United States, she could still be granted a visa if she was able to demonstrate a valid reason for the travel such a visiting an ailing relative or attending a business meeting or conference, they said. Officials said the rule will not apply to foreign travelers coming from any of the 39 mainly European and Asian countries enrolled in the Visa Waiver Program, which allows citizens of those countries to come the U.S. without a visa for temporary stays. The rule will only apply to applicants for so-called “B” class visas that permit short-term stays for business or pleasure. “Closing this glaring immigration loophole will combat these endemic abuses and ultimately protect the United States from the national security risks created by this practice,” White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a statement. “It will also defend American taxpayers from having their hard-earned dollars siphoned away to finance the direct and downstream costs associated with birth tourism. The integrity of American citizenship must be protected.” The practice of traveling to the U.S. to give birth is fundamentally legal, although there are scattered cases of authorities arresting operators of birth tourism agencies for visa fraud or tax evasion. And women are often honest about their intentions when applying for visas and even show signed contracts with doctors and hospitals. The State Department “does not believe that visiting the United States for the primary purpose of obtaining U.S. citizenship for a child, by giving birth in the United States — an activity commonly referred to as ‘birth tourism' — is a legitimate activity for pleasure or of a recreational nature,” according to the new rules, which were published Thursday in the Federal Register. Birth tourism is a business where companies for a steep fee offer foreign women the chance to come the U.S. on a tourist visa, have a baby, get medical care, get citizenship, have a place to stay with their newborn, and then leave. It's distinct from what Trump and his allies deride as “anchor babies,” referring to poor women who enter the U.S. illegally at the U.S.-Mexico border to give birth to a child and then stay in the U.S. illegally. But the end result is the same: a coveted U.S. passport. The Trump administration also has turned away pregnant women coming over the U.S.-Mexico border as part of a broader immigration crackdown. Those women were initially part of a “vulnerable” group that included others like small children who were allowed in, while tens of thousands of other asylum seekers have been returned to Mexico to wait out their cases. The Trump administration has been restricting all forms of immigration, but the president has been particularly troubled by birthright citizenship. Trump has railed against the practice and threatened to end it, but scholars and members of his administration have said it's not so easy to do. Birth tourism is a lucrative business in both the U.S. and abroad. Companies take out advertisements and charge up to $80,000 to facilitate the practice. Many of the women travel from Russia and China to give birth in the U.S. The U.S. has been cracking down on the practice since before Trump took office. “An entire ‘birth tourism' industry has evolved to assist pregnant women from other countries to come to the United States to obtain U.S. citizenship for their children by giving birth in the United States, and thereby entitle their children to the benefits of U.S. citizenship,” according to the State Department rules. Elena Balmiler, the founder of the Florida firm AIST USA, which caters to Russian mothers-to-be, said she did not expect the new rules would stop her business. She said her business gets about 60 queries a month and had 45 clients last year, because Trump has been unable to end birthright citizenship. “So far it has resulted in nothing but intentions, guesses, publications and projections,” she said. “Not a single person has changed their mind to fly to the USA because Trump plans to stop (birthright) citizenship.” There are no figures on how many foreign women travel to the U.S. specifically to give birth. The Center for Immigration Studies, a group that advocates for stricter immigration laws, estimated that in 2012 about 36,000 foreign-born women gave birth in the U.S. and then left the country.
January 24, 2020
Ivory Coast's President Alassane Ouattara has told the BBC he is “not in a rush” to decide on running for a third term in office in the elections that will be held at the end of October. President Ouattara has in the past indicated that he will run for the presidency should the leaders of the other main parties, who are also political veterans, do the same. He told the BBC's Nicolas Negoce at the recent Africa summit in London that:
January 24, 2020
A desperate search for vitality has over the years pushed some Ghanaian youth into consuming poisonous substances, including various kinds of glue, turpentine and petrol, but the latest discovery will shock the nation. In the Upper West Region where the new substance abuse is believed to have originated, the youth mix both used and unused women sanitary pads with water and boil for some minutes after which they sieve the concoction for drinking. For smokers, they mix dried human faeces with Indian hemp and then roll it up in papers like cigarette sticks. The human excreta, according to the abusers, improve the flavour of the illicit drug. The Upper West Regional commander of the Narcotics Control Board, Ishak Bakuri, made the shocking revelation when the Interior Minister cum MP for Nandom, Ambrose Dery, paid a three day working visit to the region. He revealed that the drug and substance abuse was becoming a problem in the area as the yout have resorted to all kinds of substances, stating “these substances we talk about are the carpenters' glue, the shoe makers' glue, turpentine, tipex; that is correction fluid, petrol. “They are sniffing!,” he told the minister. “There are even much more dangerous ones Mr Minister. If you hear about it you will be disturbed. People are now smoking ‘poopoo'; shit,” he stated, explaining “they mix the dry shit with marijuana. He said the abusers claim “it improves the flavour and there are others who smoke only the dry ‘poopo' they pick. They role it and smoke” That is not all, he said, “there is even another worrying development which is the use of the pad which our sisters use when they are menstruating. “Now the youth go to buy the pad… they will boil the pad, sieve it and drink it, and others who are unable to buy new pads, they look around in the back yard, [and] when the ladies remove it and throw it away, they take it to go and boil it, sieve it and drink” Mr Bakuri said. According to the NACOB commander, the office is yet to conduct a laboratory test to establish the chemical compositions of the latest discovery that the youth are hooked onto it. “We are still trying to discover the chemical composition that is in the pad,” he said. The apparent shocked Mr Dery lamented over the new substance abuse, but assured that government will do something about it. “I don't think you should be worried, the president has cabinet subcommittee chaired by a very prominent person from the civil society which is dealing with drug menace. We had tramadol and others which are not under the law, and therefore I will encourage you and invite you to make a presentation before that committee that will enable them come out with recommendations that will be comprehensive,” he stated. Meanwhile, he has underscored the need to educate the youth to stay away from substance and drug abuse and protect them for the future because they are the people who will take up the leadership of the country. By Yakubu Abdul-Gafur|3news.com|Ghana
January 23, 2020
Member of Parliament for Ningo Prampram, Samuel Nartey George, has donated 300 sets of desks and 50 tables to the Ahwiam D/A Basic School in his constituency. The donation was done Wednesday, January 22 to mark his birthday. He also cut the sod for the construction of an ultra-modern 4-storey KG Block for the school. “I came here during my rounds and saw that the desks were damaged and in some of the classrooms there were no desks at all; the kids were sitting on blocks. I assured the District Director of Education that I would change all the desks for the schools in the district so this is the beginning,” he told journalists. He added: “This I believe, will motivate the kids to stay in the classroom to learn. I also cut sod for the construction of another 4-unit classroom block to deal with congestion. I'm hopeful that in less than six months it will be completed.” By 3news.com|Ghana
January 23, 2020
Members of the Asokwa Municipal Assembly have failed to elect a Presiding Member after two rounds of voting on Thursday.
January 23, 2020
Africa's richest woman, Isabel dos Santos, has been formally accused of embezzlement by prosecutors in Angola.
January 23, 2020
Ghana has maintained its position in the latest corruption perception index (CPI)  report released by the Transparency International. Ghana is among 10 countries in the sub region which scored below 50. The country scored 41 out of a possible clean score of 100 in the CPI 2019 and ranked 80 out of the180 countries included in this year's index. It remained at the 10th position on the index which showed Seychelles as the best African country with the best corruption perception record. The Indian Ocean Island scored 66 and placed 27 in the world ranking. A statement issued on the report by the Ghana Integrity Initiative said though Ghana performed better than Burkina Faso and Lesotho, it could not catch up with countries like South Africa, Senegal, São Tomé and Príncipe that scored better than Ghana in 2018. Click here to read the full report By 3news.com|Ghana
January 23, 2020
Some newly elected assembly members for the Kwahu Afram Plains North District Assembly in the Eastern Region are likely to boycott their inaugural ceremony today, January 23 to push for the payment of their ex-gratia totalling over 67,000 cedis. Each of the 31 elected members who served the assembly between October 2015 and October 2019 is said to be owed some 1,500 cedis while 28 government appointees who also served for the last two years are owed about 750 cedis each. Of the 31 past members, 15 of them retained their seats in the last district level elections. The affected past assembly members have planned to picket at the assembly to demand for their ex-gratia. The 15 who retained their seats in the last district level elections, according to inside sources, have threatened to boycott inauguration of the new assembly as well as today's election of a presiding member. One of the old assembly members, Tetteh Fredrick Quodzo, told 3news.com last night that the assembly have failed to comply with agreed timelines for the payment of the ex-gratia. “We have engaged Management but they failed to fulfil their promise” he said. According to him, they met with management of the Assembly on January 8 this year at which it was agreed for the money to be paid in instalment. The assembly was to pay the first instalment of 1,000 cedis to each elected member and 500 cedis in six months' time. They however failed, he said. He questioned why a new assembly should be inaugurated when old members have not been paid their end of service benefits. “Our people [referring to the 15 who retained their seats] will pull out from the election of a presiding member tomorrow and that will mean it cannot go on because there will not be quorum” he told 3news.com By 3news.com|Ghana
January 23, 2020
A 46-year-old corporate finance and investment expert, Asante K. Berko, has been appointed as the Managing Director of the Tema Oil Refinery (TOR). He will also chair the executive management team of the refinery. Mr Berko whose appointment was announced on Wednesday, January 22 by the TOR board of directors, succeeds Isaac Osei who served as the MD from 2017 to 2019. He served as Executive Director of Goldman Sachs International in London, until his appointment. The new MD has a wealth of experience spanning a period of 22 years in corporate finance and investment. He is expected to use such rich background to position TOR on a sound footing and spur the refinery on to greater heights. Mr. Berko's professional life has seen him occupy various executive positions, and perform vital structuring and restructuring roles in globally recognized organizations such as Barclays Capital/ Absa Capital, Credit-Suisse, Ernst & Young, LLP. TOR is excited to have Mr. Asante K. Berko join its Board and Executive Management Team with such vast experience. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 23, 2020
Having a successful and enjoyable career alongside a fulfilling romantic relationship is a life goal for many of us. But even in the most gender-equal countries, finding a partnership that lasts is trickier for high-flying women than men. In Sweden, which ranks first in the EU's gender equality index thanks to factors like generous parental leave, subsidised daycare and flexible working arrangements, economists recently studied how promotions to top jobs affected the probability of divorce for each gender. The result: women were much more likely to pay a higher personal price for their career success. “Promotion to a top job in politics increases the divorce rate of women but not for men, and women who become CEOs divorce faster than men who become CEOs,” summarises Johanna Rickne, a professor at Stockholm University and co-author of the research, which was published earlier this month in American Economic Journal. The paper, which looked at the lives of heterosexual men and women working for private companies with 100 or more employees, found that married women were twice as likely to be divorced three years after their promotion to CEO level compared to their male counterparts. In the public sector, using three decades' worth of records, women mayors and parliamentarians promoted after an election doubled their chances of splitting from their partners; 75% were still married eight years after the vote compared with 85% of those who didn't get promoted, while there was no evidence of a similar effect for men. Female medical doctors, police officers and priests who progressed in their careers also followed the trend. The authors noted that while the majority of participants in the study had children, most had left home by the time their parents divorced, so the marriage stressors in the run-up to these separations were not connected to more generalised pressures of having small children. Rickne argues that although Sweden has provided the legislation and societal structures to create “the expectation that you shouldn't need to choose between family and career”, the research reveals that what happens to families when women progress up the career ladder is often a different story. Many couples experience “stress and friction” when there are changes in the division of their economic and social roles, for example due to the impact on the amount of leisure time they can spend together or how they divide up household tasks. But this, the research team argues, is often amplified when it is the woman who is promoted, because it creates more of a mismatch of expectations. While Rickne's research did not measure which party initiated divorce in each case, one theory is that the husbands of top managers who got promoted found the situation harder to deal with than wives who were married to high-performing men. She points out that the marriage market has not kept up with the labour market when it comes to gender equality, since it is “still seen as quite unusual for men to be the main supportive spouse in someone else's career”. “I think this norm changing is pretty far off,” she adds. Her team's research, she argues, might therefore act as a lesson about what lies ahead for other countries that are moving towards more egalitarian economies. A common concern For Charlotte Ljung, 39, a CEO within a luxury bed and furniture group in Sweden who also runs an online advice platform for people getting divorced, Rickne's research reflects common concerns within her own network of high-achieving women. “The joke is ‘the better you do at work, the more likely you are going to get a divorce',” she laughs. She got divorced while her two children were still small and says that for her, juggling parenthood and a senior role was a key source of friction within her marriage. But Ljung believes that “the practical aspects” of being a CEO, such as frequent travel, long hours and the pressures having a high public profile can often cause struggle for the partners of senior female managers even if the couple doesn't have kids. “It is also the power perception – who wears the pants, who brings in more money,” she argues. “Men today often find it intriguing in the beginning and want to be seen to support you and root for you – and I think that is a very positive thing – but I think a few steps down the line, when reality kicks in, it can be more difficult for men to deal with.” Choosing the right partner So how might women aiming for top jobs mitigate their chances of entering into a relationship that destabilises when they reach the top of their career ladder? Rickne points out that, even in egalitarian countries like Sweden, women still tend to marry older men who start out having more money than them, harking back to traditional “prince in the fairytale” narratives that “try and teach us to find as successful a husband as possible”. “High-income high-status women – they don't marry a low-income man who wants to be a house husband. They tend to seek an even more high-income husband. But thinking forward to your possibilities in the labour market, this might not be ideal,” she argues. “Maybe try and get into a more egalitarian relationship from the start.” Her research in Sweden found that divorces after promotions were most likely in couples where the wife was younger than her husband by a larger margin and took a bigger share of parental leave (which, in Sweden, partners legally have the right to split evenly between them). Couples who were closer in age and took a more egalitarian approach to childcare were less likely to divorce following a wife's promotion. The paper calls for more research to explore the conditions that might encourage “women at the top of the ability distribution to expand their choice set of partners to ‘marry down' and for men to do the opposite”. Positive examples Charlotte Sundåker, 38, was promoted to interim CEO of a global education company in Stockholm two years after having her first child with her long-term partner Christian Hagman, who is 31. She believes his younger age played a positive role in their relationship surviving “lots of friction” after she got the job; there was “less pressure for him to be more successful” since he was in a different phase of his career. Sundåker describes him as being “of another generation that tries to challenge the old ways of being a man”, which made him more supportive of her tough workload. But both partners argue that the core reason they remained together was frequent and honest conversations about the challenges they were facing. “When she actually started, she was obviously consumed by it. That is the nature of being a CEO,” says Hagman. “I was a bit sad about not connecting with her on a daily basis from a relationship standpoint… But she saw me and she listened to me, and I did the same.” The couple says that having a long-term perspective was also essential, with an understanding that Hagman would want to have his own more career-focused period in the future. He has since started his own design consultancy, while Sundåker now runs her own business and heads up Ownershift, a Swedish think tank designed to empower more women to do the same. Divorced CEO Charlotte Ljung believes that increased awareness of the common challenges faced by couples after women are promoted into more senior jobs could also improve the chances of relationship survival, even for those who start off in more gender-traditional roles. “One has to be careful about putting on a feminist hat and pointing fingers, because nothing has really prepared men for this change, practically,” she says. “We need to provide better tools and raise awareness of the subject by talking about it. In the same way we have destigmatised therapy in Sweden, is there is a similar thing we can do to help men?” The benefits of divorce Meanwhile, divorce isn't always a bad thing. Molly Malm, a lawyer for Swedish law firm Lexly, points out that Sweden's overall high divorce rate compared to the rest of the EU is linked to its gender equality goals. The high level of female participation in the workforce and a norm of shared custody of children following a split makes it easier for divorcees of all economic backgrounds to leave partnerships that aren't working. “Getting a divorce doesn't always need to be the end of the world,” says Malm, who points out that is has become normalised in Scandinavia to get married multiple times or have several long-term partners across a lifetime. “Sweden is not very religious… You get married because it's romantic and joyful, it goes hand in hand with a big celebration. If it doesn't work out, you know that you can file for divorce.” Rickne's data suggests that women who divorce after scoring top promotions are less likely than men to remarry or have a serious relationship. But from her work it's not possible to conclude whether they are happier without a partner or if they found it harder to find someone new compared to their male counterparts. However, one constructive consequence of high divorce rates, she argues, is that it has become much easier for both men and women in Sweden to hold senior roles in business and politics without a partner. “In other places… if you are on the campaign trail and you want to appeal to voters, you almost have to have a spouse by your side. The same thing might happen for CEOs – that their spouse becomes a necessary asset in their world of work, but in Sweden that's not really the case,” says Rickne. “Society has accepted divorce more, and it might be a positive thing,” she argues. “If women get into unequal relationships with a spouse that will not support their career, divorce lets them continue their careers alone and possibly look for a new partner… It's not necessarily ideal to stay with the same person your whole life.” BBC
January 23, 2020
A driver of the Ho West District Assembly in the Volta Region has killed a young man over 25 cedis, triggering a violent attack on the offices of the assembly Wednesday morning. The driver, identified only as John, is said to have demanded that the deceased, Darkeh Wisdom, who operates a mini drinking bar cum provision shop, pays a local assembly tax of 25 cedis. Witnesses say Wisdom told the driver, who is alleged to have been parading himself as a member of the assembly's revenue taskforce, that he does not readily have the money to make the payment. Wisdom, popularly known as Pen Top, was said to have impressed on the driver to give him some time to raise the money to pay because he was not given prior notice but he did not budge. This, according to eyewitnesses, resulted in a heated exchange between the two forcing the driver to lock up the shop, something that caused the situation to escalate, resulting in fisticuffs. The shop owner out of anger, slapped the driver for refusing to open the shop to enable him take evacuate his sales, eyewitnesses claimed. The driver, according to the eyewitnesses, threatened to kill Wisdom. A bystander was said to have offered to pay the 25 cedis to put the issue to rest, but the unyielding driver refused to accept the money. One of the eyewitnesses, who spoke to 3news.com a while ago on condition of anonymity, claimed the driver went straight into the pick-up vehicle he came in with, started it and moved it to knock down Wisdom. “That was not all, he reversed and ran the vehicle over him and drove off,” the witness said, noting Wisdom died instantly. His body was left in a pool of blood at the scene, which is by the roadside, for about three hours before the police arrived to remove it. The driver is said to have gone into hiding, the eyewitness told 3news.com. Retaliatory attack But the incident which angered the youth triggered an attack against the district assembly later in the afternoon. One of the assembly's vehicles was torched and sliding glass windows of the assembly building were all shattered by the rampaging youth in what is believed to be payback. The District Chief Executive was also said to have been chased out of his office. Police in the area are yet to issue a statement on the incident which is said to have created tension in the area and likely to worsen. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 22, 2020
A Ghana military aircraft overran its apron at the Air Force Base in Accra Wednesday morning during what officials say was a routine engine run. The 2015-manufactured CASA C295 Airbus with the registration GHF552 veered off its apron at the base at 11:10 a.m into a lawn. “There was no casualty to any crew member and anybody on ground. There were also no passengers on board, a statement signed by the Public Affairs Director of Ghana Armed Forces, Colonel E Aggrey-Quashie said. The aircraft which was delivered to Ghana in February 2016 was due for mandatory check in November 2019. Military officials say the aircraft has been non-operational since October 2019. The manufacturers have been notified of the incident and a team from Airbus is expected to be in Ghana to join a local investigation team for a “thorough assessment of the aircraft damage”. Meanwhile, the Ghana Armed Forces said a preliminary investigation team has been constituted to come up with an initial report within 48 hours. Wednesday's incident, according to the military, has not affected its operations and activities. “The morale of personnel is high and all are going about their normal activities”. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 22, 2020
One police officer has been shot dead at Mankessim in the Central Region where armed robbers attacked a Zen fuel filling station. The Wednesday dawn robbery operation, which was foiled by the police in the area, also saw three officers injured. Lance Corporal Kingsley Boahen was walking by the road near the filling station in mufti when he was shot. The armed robbers first retreated by scaling walls within the filling station after a shoot-out with a police team which first arrived at the scene. According to Central Regional Police PRO, DSP Irene Oppong, after the team left the scene, they  received information later at about 4:00 a.m. that there has been another gunshot from a bush near the filling station. Officers were immediately dispatched to the area but only to find an officer in mufti shot dead. “At about 4:00 a.m., we got information that there has been gunshot at a bush near the filling station and police personnel were dispatched there. When they got to the area, they saw that it was one officer, Kinsley Boahen who has been shot dead by the armed robbers,” she told journalists. His body has since been taken to the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital for autopsy. Investigations into the case has also commence, she said. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 22, 2020
Five police officers from Bimbilla who allegedly assaulted a truck driver at Yendi in the Northern Region have been interdicted. Corporal Kenneth Amoah Korsah, Lance Corporal Prince Agyemang Duah, Lance Corporal Prince Sctordzi Minadzi, Lance Corporal Bruce Xornam and Lance Corporal Samuel Takyi were interdicted to allow for investigations into the case. The driver in charge of an articulated truck was said to have ignored a signal to stop at a police snap check on the Bimbilla-Yendi road on January 16 at about 9:30 p.m. According to a police statement issued Tuesday, the driver again refused to stop at a second and third snap checkpoint on the road when signalled by office to stop. “The officers therefore called the Bimbilla mobile patrol team to assist arrest the driver. The victim drove to the Gbewaa Palace in Yendi, abandoned the truck and sought refuge at the palace. The officers entered the palace, arrested the victim and allegedly assaulted him, injuring him in the process,” the police said. The police say it is against officers assaulting suspects who are arrested for which reason it has interdicted the officers involved to allow for thorough investigations into the matter. It said the Northern Regional CID has been directed to institute investigations into the case. “The people of Yendi particularly the Gbewaa palace are entreated to exercise restraint while police take steps to investigate the matter,” the police appealed. The police also appealed to persons who witnessed the incident or have any information that can assist the investigations to volunteer same to the police. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 22, 2020
The Agricultural Development Bank (adb) has announce it will from the next 30 days begin publishing the names and pictures of all persons who have defaulted in paying back loans they took from the bank. In the case of defaulting entities, the names of the companies and their directors as well as pictures will be published. The decision followed an approval given by the board of directors of the state-owned bank. “This publication shall be the beginning of series of actions the bank intends to take to remind its debtors of their debts and the need to settle their obligations,” a notice issued Wednesday by the bank to the defaulters explained. ADB said it will not hesitate to “use all lawful means necessary against defaulters” who fail to settle their indebtedness after the expiration of the 30-day grace period. It said the defaulters have a “last chance” within the grace period, present a workable payment proposal for consideration, warning “failing which the bank shall be left with no option than to take drastic measures against any defaulters”. ADB was on January 2 this year granted approval by the Securities and Exchange Commission to issue 39 million ordinary shares to the Ghana Amalgamated Trust (GAT) to be able to raise 127 million cedis to help it meet the Bank of Ghana minimum capital requirement. The bank and four other local banks which failed to meet the 400 million-cedi capital requirement at the end of the December 31, 2018 deadline were saved with the announcement of liquidity support for being well-managed. The Ghana Amalgamated Trust was subsequently formed in January 2019 financially support the five local banks. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 22, 2020
Should Chris Hughton be sacked following performance of Ghana Black Stars?
January 22, 2020
The District Chief Executive (DCE) of Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa, Mr Isaac Odoom, on Tueaday told the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) sitting in Parliament that he had to use part of the common fund allocated to the district for rituals to pacify the gods. According to him, after the completion and handing over of the new Breman Benin market, the traders refused to move into it with the excuse that they would die if they moved there. He said upon persuasion by the market women, the assembly had no choice but to heed the request of the women by buying goats and Schnapps to purify the market. “It is the communities that demanded from the assembly to do that. But I think the assembly was looking at it from the economic point of view; ‘let's give them this [pacification items] for them to perform the rituals then the market can be used which we can go and take our tolls for more revenue',” he said. Audit report Mr Odoom, who made the revelation when he appeared before the Public Account Committee (PAC) of parliament, said the reason why the 2015/2016 audit report of the assembly did not capture some of the funds spent was because no receipts were provided for those transactions. He said the assembly later brought in some pastors to also pray at the site based on the Bible's directive that “give what is for Caesar to Caesar and what is for God to God”. True to their word, the DCE said, as soon as the rituals were performed the traders moved into the market and were now doing brisk business. He said the market was one of the major sources of revenue for the assembly and so when they were faced with that situation they had to heed the request of the market women, who were told by a traditional priest that they would die if they moved into the new market without performing the rituals. Receipts The Chairman of the PAC,Mr James Kiutse Avedzi, later told journalists that they advised the assembly to ensure that all the funds allocated to them were sent with receipts to enable the auditors to clear them. He said the committee understood that the chunk of the Internally Generated Funds (IGF) by the assemblies were from the markets and, therefore, they had to make sure that they satisfied the women before they moved into the market. The assemblies All the assemblies cited in the Auditor General's Report for financial impropriety on ‘Utilisation and Management of the District Assemblies Common Fund' (DACF) for 2015 arid 2016 financial years have been invited to appear before the committee. The invitation to the assemblies, which are currently appearing before the committee, was in line with Article 103(3) of the 1992 Constitution which empowers the committee with functions, including “Investigation and inquiry into the activities and administration of ministries and departments as Parliament may determine.” Source Daily Graphic
January 22, 2020
Two senior citizens have called on the government to dissolve the Foreign Exchange Development Committee (FX Committee) that was inaugurated on January 13, this year to review the country's foreign exchange regime, identify constraints and offer workable alternatives that can reduce risks to the economy. Mr Kwame Pianim, an economist and leading member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), and Mr Ishmael Yamson, a management consultant and former board member of the Bank of Ghana (BoG), told the Daily Graphic in separate interviews yesterday that the dissolution was necessary to ensure that Ghana did not waste time and resources to undertake an exercise that the BoG was already undertaking. According to them, beyond the fact that the committee was needless, its terms of reference were in conflict with the constitutional mandate of the BoG, which is the statutory body in charge of currency and financial stability in the country. Genesis Mr Pianim, an octogenarian, and Mr Yamson, a septuagenarian, were sharing their views on the FX Committee which a Deputy Minister of Finance, Mr Charles Adu Boahen, inaugurated last week. The committee is chaired by the Minister of Finance, Mr Ken Ofori-Atta, and has members drawn from key sectors of the economy. The Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr Alan Kyerematen; the Minister of Food and Agriculture, Dr Owusu Afriyie Akoto, and the First Deputy Governor of the BoG, Dr Maxwell Opoku-Afari, are among the members of the committee. It also has some senior staff from some ministries and representatives from the banks, advocacy groups and policy think tanks, forex bureau operators and market traders as members. According to a document that was released to the media after the inauguration, the members were drawn from all relevant stakeholders involved in FX activities in Ghana. “Together, they present a pool of vast insights across the real sector and a multi-disciplinary approach to exploring effective ways for the management of Ghana's FX,” it added. Structure of committee Mr Pianim, a former Chief Executive of the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD), said beyond the committee being needless, the way it was constituted was questionable. He wondered why Cabinet ministers would be members of a committee that also had chief directors and senior staff of ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) as members. “What type of committee is that?” he asked. He further posed the question: “The Vice-President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, is a former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank; are you saying that whatever the committee will put together, he cannot think and put it together?” The economist called for the depoliticisation of exchange rate developments, explaining that the sensitive nature of the issue required that it be left for the technocrats. Actions, not ideas Mr Pianim advised the government to “zoom into action”, instead of soliciting ideas in the fourth and final year of its mandate. With elections due in December this year, the former Head of Research of the NPP said what was needed to win the party votes was action, not big ideas. “My basic point is that this is the fourth and final year of the government; it is not for big ideas, it is for implementation,” he stated. “We came into power saying that we were going to transform the economy from a Guggisberg, commodity-based economy to an industrialised, exporting nation with hubs,” he added. Referring to the NPP's pledge to establish industrial zones, reduce the cost of power, revamp the railway and road networks and increase food production as some of the key policies that strategic ministries should concern themselves with in the lead up to the elections, Mr Pianim said: “Let us implement them and not look for ideas again. As for the ideas, we have them.” He also questioned the presence of IMANI Africa, a policy think tank, on the committee, explaining that its status as a civil society organisation required that it critiqued policies and not be involved in the formulation of policies. Allow BoG function While admitting that he was yet to read the speech that Mr Adu Boahen read at the inauguration of the committee, Mr Yamson, who is the Chairman of Scancom Ghana Limited, said the committee would not be helpful to the economy, hence the need to dissolve it. He said he was happy that senior economists and respected people such as Mr Pianim had come out to criticise its formation. The former Chairman of the University of Ghana Council explained that it was not within the Ministry of Finance to find solutions to monetary issues, which were the preserve of the BoG. He added that issues to do with the exchange rate, foreign currency management and the general monetary sector of the economy were the responsibilities of the BoG and so it was only proper that any effort to develop the FX market should be championed by the central bank. “This is a monetary policy issue and we have to be careful that the two institutions do not start fighting each other, instead of focusing on what each of them has to do and do very well,” he said. Graphic Online
January 22, 2020
Ghana has mounted health surveillance to check protect people in the country from contracting a new virus outbreak that has killed nine people in China. Health authorities say travellers coming into Ghana from China will be subjected to “enhanced screening” and issued with health questionnaire to be filled as part of measures put in place to protect the Ghanaian public. Health facilities across the country have also been alerted to prepare and manage cases in case of an outbreak. The diseases, said to be a novel coronavirus, and characterised by fever, cough and difficulties in breathing, has so far affected 440 people in China. The is believed to be a new strain of coronavirus that has not previously been identified in humans. It has spread from Wuhan, where it was first detected, to several Chinese provinces, as well as the US, Thailand and South Korea, the BBC reported Wednesday. Chinese authorities suspect the virus originated from a seafood market that “conducted illegal transactions of wild animals”. In Ghana, the Ministry of Health in a statement said on the back of a WHO warning, it has stepped up surveillance, especially at the country's points of entry. It said all public health alert messages on the outbreak and guidance information have been sent to the 16 regions, while surveillance is enhance at the country's main airport, Kotoka International Airport. It has assured the public that there is adequate in-country capacity to diagnose the 2019-nCoV through laboratory testing of the appropriate samples by the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research. “We hereby as the general public and all stakeholders to support in efforts at preventing 2019-nCoV in Ghana,” the statement by the Health Ministry appealed. Health authorities have advised the public to adhere to the following measures as part of prevention:
January 22, 2020
At least 15 people died after a boat capsized in a lake in western Democratic Republic of Congo, the AFP news agency reports, quoting a local mayor. More people are missing from the Monday accident in Lake Mai-Ndombe, the Mayor of Inongo Cosmos Mboo Wemba is quoted as saying. The cause of the accident is not yet known. The vessel was carrying around 30 people who were returning from a funeral 35 kilometres (20 miles) away, journalist Firoger Balimba is quoted by AFP as saying. In May 2019, at least 45 people died in the lake after a boat that was carrying more than 400 people sank. The majority of those on board were teachers going to collect their salaries. Boat accidents are frequent in DR Congo because of overloading and poor maintenance. BBC
January 22, 2020
Ghanaians will from middle of this year require a new special television set top boxes to be able to watch television channels as Ghana prepares to switch from analogue to digital terrestrial television (DTT) system. Viewers whose TV sets are able to receive only analogue signals will need to use the special digital set-top boxes, which have the primary function of converting digital input to analogue output signals Per the National Communication Authority's minimum requirement for digital terrestrial and satellite television, viewers who may have integrated digital TV sets based on DVB-T/MPEG-2 or DVB-T/MPEG 4 will need the special set-top box Again, those with DVB-T2/MPEG-4 integrated digital TV sets without Ghana's conditional access module will also have to get a set-top box. Speaking at a stakeholder meeting on plans regarding the Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) migration project, Communications Minister Ursula Owusu-Ekuful said there will be a Digital Access Fee (DAF) which will be akin to TV licence. The introduction of DAF, she said “will require all citizens to acquire new digital Set-Top-Boxes (STBs) which are compatible with the NCA's recently published standards”. “The Ministry of Communications, working with all stakeholders, will utilise the best technology available to facilitate the full implementation of the law in as painless a manner as possible,” a statement from the Ministry said. The economy, she said, is likely to benefit from the creation of at least 10,000 new jobs, including employment from the production, installation and maintenance of new digital set-top-boxes. The meeting was to update stakeholders on the current status of the project and to solicit their inputs. Participants were also informed that a coverage measurement on signal quality of the digital terrestrial television network infrastructure showed a current population coverage of almost 90%, with broadcasting signals. Present in the meeting were Ministry of Information, National Communications Authority, National Media Commission, Actors Guild, Broadcasters on the National DTT Platform, Film Producers Association of Ghana, Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, Ghana Independent Content Providers Association and the Ghana Institute of Engineers. The Ministry of Communication stressed that government will ensure the active participation of all stakeholders in the digital migration process as their input was necessary for its success. “No group of stakeholders were more important than others and the input provided by the majority would be considered,” the statement said. The migration process, the Ministry said is nearing completion and the switch over is set to begin from the middle of this year. “The Headend at Kanda and the 42 transmission sites nationwide have been completed and all connected to the National Electricity Grid”, the statement quoted the Communications Minister Ursula Owusu-Ekufful. It explained that Central Digital Transmission Company (CDTC) will facilitate the smooth interaction between broadcasters and the platform operator, and that the mandate of CDTC would be to manage and operate the infrastructure which will offer transmission services to broadcasters and not to control the content provided by broadcasters (i.e. channels) to be transmitted. The statement debunked assertions that it was illegal for the NCA to publish the standards for the National DTT network or that the Ministry Of Communications (MoC) had doctored standards published by the Ghana Standards Authority. It explained that while the Standards Authority had published minimum standards applicable in the country that did not preclude any entity including the NCA from utilising enhanced standards on their network. “The standard for the National DTT platform was based on the minimum specifications from the Ghana Standards Authority Technical Committee on Telecommunications and ICT Equipment Standards (TC-24) which was duly published in the Public Review for Draft Ghana Standards –DGS 1099 dated September 24, 2019,” it said. It thus urged called public to disregard the misinformation suggesting that the ministry through the NCA, acted contrary to the laws of country. It asked all industry players to desist from deliberately misinforming the general public and inflaming passions as the national DTT project has enormous benefits for the country. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 22, 2020
Ghana and the United Kingdom have resolved to deepen the bilateral relations that exist between the two countries, as well as explore areas of interest which will inure to the mutual benefit of the two countries and their respective populations.  This was disclosed on Monday, 20th January, 2020, when President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo held bilateral talks with British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, on the sidelines of the ongoing UK-Africa Investment Summit. President Akufo-Addo expressed his appreciation to the British Government for its willingness to work with Ghana on the basis of trade and investment co-operation, and move away from the traditional aid-based relationship. The President told his British counterpart that, over the course of the last three years, his Government has worked hard to put Ghana's economy back on track, and has succeeded in creating a business-friendly environment that has led to Ghana becoming the largest source of foreign-direct investment in West Africa. “It is an exciting time to be in Ghana and to do business in the country. The prospects for Ghana's, and, indeed, Africa's development in the 21st century are immense. British participation in that development would be very welcome,” he added. On his part, Boris Johnson, praised the excellent relations existing between Ghana and the United Kingdom, and praised his Ghanaian counterpart for the work done in growing Ghana's economy, and for making it one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The British Prime Minister touted the UK as the “ultimate one-stop shop” for trade, education and tech”, adding that “look around the world today and you will swiftly see that the UK is not only the obvious partner of choice, we're also very much the partner of today, of tomorrow and decades to come.” Africa's wealth undisputed Contributing to a panel discussion at the UK-Africa Investment Summit, President Akufo-Addo stated that despite the fact that Africa's wealth is undisputed, “we have gotten ourselves into a situation where now the infrastructure is also undeveloped.” With 1 in 4 people said to be will be African by 2050, the President stated that “there is an urgent need for us for us to think outside the box. We need to find a way to think outside the box in trying to find a way to address the infrastructure deficit that there is, and finding novel instruments for financing Africa's infrastructure.” He continued, “Nobody is looking for gifts or charity, but we are saying that if there is equity in the way most people look at it, the means for being able to address the deficits and the difficulties exist, and I think that the London stock exchange can play a really significant and important role in this new thinking. That, in my view, is absolutely important for the future of the continent and for our relations with countries like Britain”. By Presidency|3news.ccom|Ghana
January 21, 2020
President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has nominated Arimyao Somo Lucky as the Chief Executive officer for the West Mamprusi Municipal Assembly in the North East Region. A statement issued Tuesday by the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Hajia Alima Mahama directed the Regional Minister, Mr Solomon Boar, to request the Electoral Commission to conduct a confirmation poll for Mr Lucky. If confirmed, he will succeed Abu Mohammed who was sacked in November last year. Though reasons were not assigned, it was alleged his dismissal was as a result of inefficiency and poor relationship with leadership and supporters of the New Patriotic Party in the region. Mr Mohammed was overwhelmingly endorsed by members of the assembly after the President's first nominee, Mr Saaka Sayuti, failed to get the nod on two consecutive times. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 21, 2020
A team of Ghanaian and Nigerian tour operators, media personnel and tourists took part in the 2020 edition of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church's epiphany celebrations in the country's capital of Addis Ababa last Monday. The team led by tour operator and CEO of Staple tours and also President of Women in Tourism, Ghana Ambassador Nancy Sam, was made up of Nana Adwoa Adofowaa II, a queenmother from the Eastern Region and representative of Nana Ama Serwaah, President of the Queenmothers Foundation of Ghana. Others were Abeiku Santana, radio presenter and CEO of Kaya Tours, as well as Hajia Bilkisu Abdul, President of Nigerian Association of Tour Operators and Francis Doku, host of tourism show ‘Travel Pass' on 3FM 92.7 among others. Known as Timket (or Timkat), the colourful celebration is one of two very popular events on the calendar of the Orthodox Tewahedo Church of Ethiopia. The other ceremony is the Meskel Festival, which marks the celebration of the finding of the cross that Jesus was crucified on, and takes place at Meskel Square in Addis Ababa. Timket, which means “to reveal”, refers to the revelation associated with the Church's theology which is the unity of God the father, the son and the Holy Ghost during the baptism of Christ. It is the symbolic celebration of the Baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. The celebration takes place 12 days after Christmas on the 19 January (or 20th January in a leap year). While there are many followers of other religions in Ethiopia, the majority of people are Orthodox Christians and therefore, always has many people committing time and energy to take part in Timket, which together with Meskel, are declared national holidays in Ethiopia. The team from Ghana and Nigeria in the early morning of Monday joined thousands of worshippers, all of whom were attired in the traditional white cotton robes, at the humongous grass field of several acres reserved for the purpose and known as Janmeda. Ahead of the symbolic baptism of the faithful, venerated priests and holy men performed the epiphany service around the baptismal pool as well as several thousand listening to sermons in a large tented area around the vast Janmeda. Many had been there since the previous night to sleep over in the cold Ethiopian weather and await the blessing that would come with the baptism. The arrival of Abune Mathias, the Patriarch of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church signalled the time for serious work and it ended most of the sermons. Several people in the inner perimeter got close to the baptismal pool, where the Patriarch and his many clergies had been positioned, while the many thousands outside the perimeter got close to the barricades and pushing in on security personal. On one side of the giant pool was the Patriarch and also where a replica of the ark of the covenant (tabot) stood at the feet of several elders while the opposite side had a golden statue of Jesus Christ being baptized by John the Baptist with water spilling from a jug of water tilted over Jesus' head. For about an hour, the final service before the baptism went on with sermons, singing of hymns, parading of huge crosses and a holy book around the pool by the clergy as momentum built towards the baptism. When it came in, it was in the form of sprinkling of water on the people close to him by the Patriarch and then those of the other priests followed. At this point the thousands of faithful were inching and trying to get close to the pool while the many priests standing on raised platforms and holding water hoses sprinkled water from the baptismal pool on them. This was preceded and followed a cacophony of clapping, shrieking, whistling and shouting by the many thousands gathered to commemorate the baptism of Jesus by John. Meanwhile, the team took part in the mass procession of the members of different congregations of the Orthodox Tewahedo church on the streets of Addis Ababa. This procession marks the start of the celebration of Timket and takes place a day before (18th Janaury) the baptism of the faithful with this particular one taking place on 19th January.  Known as ‘Ketera', which refers to the making of a dam, as it is common to make a dam in places where there is no river water for the celebration of Timket. The procession is led by the “Tabot”(replica of the Ark of the Covenant), which is taken out of each church and borne aloft by high priests to the nearest river, lake or pond where the communal baptism is to take place the next day and in this case at Janmeda. The procession was attended by chanting and dancing crowds in dazzling white traditional robes, which contrasts with the colours of the ceremonial robes and velvet umbrellas of the priests as well as the red, yellow, green of the Ethiopian flag adorning every corner and creating a beautiful kaleidoscope across the streets. The Tabots stayed overnight near the baptismal pool at Janmeda ahead of the baptism the following morning. The Ethiopian Orthodox church has celebrated Timket across the country and has been doing so since the fourth century. This three-day observance, which is climaxed on the Tuesday when the Tabot from St. Michael's Church is returned and accompanied by a cheerful crowd who sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, is a solemn observance of faith intermixed with exuberance. The trip by the Ghana and Nigeria team to Timket Festival 2020 was made possible by Africa's biggest and most profitable airline, Ethiopian Airlines. By Francis Doku|3news.com|Ghana
January 21, 2020
The Ghana Women's Premier League commenced last weekend across several zones and 3news.com looks back at the big wins and losses. It was an exciting weekend for women's football as the 2019/2020 women's premier league started. Former champions Ampem Darkoa announced their presence with a heavy win in the Northern Zone after thrashing Ash Town Ladies 5-0, who played without their star player Pricilla Adubea and Grace Asantewaa. In the Southern Zone, Janet Ayeyam featured for Police Ladies as they secured a 4-1 victory over Cape coast-based Lady Strikers. Police Ladies Head Coach Abu Kassim Tabasu spoke to tv3 after the victory. ”It is the dream of every coach to start the league with a win.  Regardless the score line, we are fortunate to have gotten four goals to secure our victory.” Elsewhere in Cape Coast, two goals from the exceptional Ernestina Tetteh ensured Halifax ladies secure a vital point from Sea Lions at the Ndoum Park. Head Coach Mercy Tagoe praised her side for their performance. “It is a great performance and this will help us know the little mistake we did and improve on it in our next game again Samaria Ladies in Accra,” she said. Naa Odofoley Nortey was delighted to see women's football back in the country. “Honestly, I am even surprised at the attendance. I don't think we've seen it like this in a long while. Clearly the love is being brought back and we were even asking why we can't even charge for women's football. “Is been a beautiful match and I think this year will be very exciting.” Below are the results in other matches Northern Zone *Northern Ladies 1:1 Kumasi Sports Academy *Ampem Darkoa 5-0 Ash-Town Ladies *Supreme Ladies 1-2 Prison Ladies *Pearl Pia  Ladies 3 – 0 Fabulous Ladies Southern Zone *Police Ladies 4-1 Ladystrikers FC *Sea Lions Ladies  2- 2 Halifax Ladies *Immigrations Ladies 0:1 Soccer Intellectuals *Hasaacas ladies 0-1 Samaria Ladies In all, 23 goals were scored on Match Day 1 with two away wins and two draw games. By Nana Akua Amankwaa Quaye|3news.com|Ghana Should Chris Hughton be sacked following performance of Ghana Black Stars?
January 21, 2020
The youth of Manso Odaho in the Ashanti Region have expressed anger at the allocation of a mining licence to Heritage Imperial Company, a small scale mining firm, to prospect gold in the Apamprama forest reserve. They have vowed to resist any move to mine in the natural reserve. “We know the President, Nana Addo, frowns against the destruction of forest reserve. Why then has a mining firm be granted a permit to mine in this forest? We the youth in this community will not allow anyone to destroy the forest we have preserve for decades. We are battle ready to risk our lives to protect their forest reserve”, an angry youth leader, Sampson Donkor warned. The concerned youth accused their chief, Nana Agyei Kumi II, and the District Chief Executive for Amansie South, William Asante Bediako, of conniving with the Heritage Imperial and some illegal miners to destroy the Apamprama forest. But Nana Agyei Kumi II has refuted the claims by the youth. He insisted he has no hands in the granting of permit to Heritage Imperial to prospect gold in the Apamprama forest reserve. The chief showed 3news.com documents indicating that the Forestry Commission, Minerals Commission, and the Environmental Protection Agency have permitted the small scale mining company to prospect gold in the forest. “Nananom and I just asked the mining firm to perform customary rights before entering the forest to start with their activities since they have been issued with an entry permit by the regulatory bodies which we had no hand in it”, Nana Agyei Kumi II explained. The DCE, Williams Asante Bediako, is yet to respond to the allegation despite several attempts to get his side of the story. Checks from the Bekwai Forestry Division confirmed Heritage Imperial has been granted a prospecting license in the Apamprama forest for a period of three years, ending 2021. At the launch of Youth in Afforestation in August 2018, President Akufo-Addo said the government is commitment to protecting the forests to achieve the sustainable development goal 15 of halting and reversing land degradation, desertification, biodiversity loss, and to sustainably manage the forest. But achieving this goal will be a daunting task with the leasing of some forest reserves such as the Atewa and Apamprama Forest Reserve for mining. Depletion of forest cover The Apamprama forest reserve in the Amansie South district is under threat of illegal mining operations. [caption id="attachment_10675" align="aligncenter" width="1080"] The polluted river[/caption] When the 3news.com team visited the reserve, a portion of the forest cover had been destroyed. Several trees have been cut down with the Oda River being polluted. Over the years, Ghana's forest has been threatened by the activities of miners and chainsaw operators. Most of the forest reserves in the country have been depleted, intensifying the threat of climate change. Ashanti region used to be endowed with 61 forest reserves but most of the reserves have been completely degraded and the remaining, partially degraded. Government's implementation of the Youth in Afforestation programme is creating jobs, restoring degraded forests and helping to mitigate the effects of climate change. But the destruction of forests persists, especially in mining communities. By Ibrahim Abubarkar|3news.com|Ghana
January 21, 2020
Ghana is set to benefit from over 326 million pounds from the UK government for various projects in the country, as part of over 6.5 billion pounds package announced for African markets Monday. A total of 26 million pounds will be used to supply solar powered water filtration systems in Ghana, while 80.3 million will be spent on work on the Tema-Aflao Road Project. Additional 40 million pounds will be expended on the development of the Kumasi Airport, and 120.5 million pounds for the upgrade of Kumasi teaching hospital, while 60 million pounds will be used to provide 250 new beds for a general hospital in Koforidua. The announcement was made at the UK-Africa Investment Summit in London. The projects will be undertaken by UK companies and their African partners. A statement published by the Department for International Development and Department for International Trade “the diverse and fast-growing economies of Africa offer huge potential to UK business”. The 27 deals under the over 6.5 billion-pound investments in Africa have been listed as:
January 21, 2020
A top Ghanaian police officer being held over alleged coup plot to destabilise Ghana has been granted bail. ACP Dr Benjamin Agordzo who has been in custody for the past two months was on Tuesday, January 21 given a self-recognisance bail in the sum of 500,000 cedis by the Accra High Court. He is required under the bail condition, to report to the Inspector General of Police or his representative twice every week for 3 the next months and once a week afterwards. The Director of Transformational Programme Office at the Ghana Police Service had previously been denied bail on several occasions citing various reasons including the fact that bail was premature. More soon By 3news.com|Ghana
January 21, 2020
Angola's prosecutor general has promised to use “all possible” means to bring Isabel dos Santos back to the country after leaked documents showed she was allowed to buy valuable state assets in a series of suspicious deals when her father was president. Ms Dos Santos says the allegations against her are entirely false and that there is a politically motivated witch-hunt by the Angolan government. Prosecutor Helder Pitra Gros told Angolan public radio: “We will use all possible means and activate international mechanisms to bring Isabel dos Santos back to the country… We have asked for international support from Portugal, Dubai, and other countries.” She is already under criminal investigation by the authorities in Angola for corruption and her assets in the country have been frozen. The revelations came to light after BBC Panorama and other journalists were given access to more than 700,000 leaked documents about the billionaire's business empire in what has become known as the Luanda Leaks. Bank cuts ties with Isabel dos Santos Meanwhile, the Portuguese bank Eurobic has announced it will end its business relationship with Africa's richest woman, Isabel dos Santos, after a BBC Panorama investigation uncovered a myriad of suspicious looking deals. She says the allegations against her are entirely false. The billionaire daughter of Angola's former president holds a 42.5% stake in Eurobic indirectly via two entities, reports Reuters news agency. Eurobic was already under investigation from the central bank over its links to Ms dos Santos before the so-called Luanda Leaks came out earlier this week. The bank said that the board of directors decided in a meeting on Monday to “terminate the commercial relationship with entities controlled by the universe of the shareholder Isabel dos Santos and people closely related to it.” BBC Panorama was given access to more than 700,000 leaked documents, most obtained by the Platform to Protect Whistle-blowers in Africa and shared with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). Her business deals spanned from Angola's state oil company to the country's biggest mobile phone provider. BBC
January 21, 2020
Ghana has signed a deal that will see the country West African nation host Afro Nation concert, one of the world's biggest urban music beach festival, back to back for five years. It follows the successful hosting of the concert in the capital, Accra, last December, which many described as the biggest musical concert ever staged in the country. The deal was signed between the Ghana Tourism Authority and Event Horizon Entertainment Ltd, operators of Afro Nation, on the sidelines of the UK-Africa Investment Summit which was attended by President Nana Akufo-Addo. “For me, beyond Akufo-Addo's topical solid performance at the panel discussion and all the deals done, a major highlight of this maiden UK-Africa Summit is the 5-year Africa exclusive events deal for Ghana to host Afro Nation annually,” Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko, a close associate of the President announced Tuesday morning in a social media post. The deal, he noted, “means investors, entrepreneurs, small and medium size businesses have at least a five-year investment plan to focus on to exploit well the anticipated annual Christmas traffic. The trade boom will be sustained by your thinking government. The first edition of the Afro Nation concert was held in Portugal in July 2019, followed by Ghana in December 2019. The next edition is to be hosted in Puerto Rico in March 2020. Ghana is likely to host the next edition in December this year after Puerto Rico. The Ghana concert attracted patrons from across the world. For four nights, some of Africa's biggest musical acts took turns to help write music history in Ghana. From Shatta Wale, Burna Boy, Stonebwoy, Wizkid, R2Bees, Davido, D'banj, Kuami Eugene, Olamide, to Teni. The list was endless. It was raining stars at the Laboma Beach from Friday, December 27 to Monday, December 30. The signing of the deal means some of Africa's biggest music stars will be returning to Ghana this year for another mammoth concert. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 21, 2020
A leading member of the National Democratic Party in the Ashanti Region, Afrifa Yamoah Ponkoh, has justified his ‘blood spill' comment, claiming it was made in context.   Appearing on a local radio station in Kumasi last week, the former MCE for Ejisu-Juabeng got infuriated on the basis that the NPP was using lies to destroy people. The New Patriotic Party Communication and Financial Secretary of Asokwa , Paul Kwabena Yandoh accused a Kumasi-based contractor Kofi Job, said to be a sympathizer of the NDC, of doing shoddy work. An apparent furious Yamoah Ponkoh responded: “This year, we will see…you used lies to win power and using same to destroy people. This year will be bloody”. His comment and the used of sexually explicit words have been condemned by some people who believe it amounts to security threat. But the firebrand in an interview with our correspondent William Evans-Nkum on Monday said he was only sounding a word of caution. “I said that in context as a result of certain comments that was actually made by a colleague at the studio of Pure FM. I never made any statement that could threaten the security of our dear nation. I only sounded a warning” he explained. Meanwhile, the NDC firebrand has said the stand taken by the coalition of opposition parties against the compilation of the new voters' register is legitimate and not intended to sabotage the Electoral Commission whatsoever. “The stand that the opposition has taken, especially the NDC, is not to sabotage anybody but it's about the truth because we don't see the reason why the electoral commission should disregard the existing register and go for a new one,” he told our reporter ahead of Tuesday's demo in the Ashanti Region. According to him, “If you look at the arguments we've been putting forth, I think it sounds well”. In his view, there is not much time for the Electoral Commission to compile a new voters' register, stating “looking at the timeframe within which they are to compile the register, test run the machines and all that, I don't think 10 months will be enough for the Electoral Commission to do such a whole big thing. He accused the NPP of being in bed with the Electoral Commission and warned them to be very careful. “They are in collaboration with the Electoral Commission in this country and if care is not taken, if they don't manage their things well, that could lead to bloody situations” By 3news.com|Ghana
January 20, 2020
The number of people infected with a new virus in China tripled over the weekend, with the outbreak spreading from Wuhan to other major cities. An animal source seems the most likely primary source of this novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak, with some limited human-to-human transmission occurring between close contacts. pic.twitter.com/L57VUr5d3z
January 20, 2020
China, one of the world's biggest users of plastic, has unveiled a major plan to reduce single-use plastics across the country.
January 20, 2020
Mobile telecom giant MTN Ghana has debunked reports that it has lost records on thousands of Ghanaians who have taken loans from its Qwikloan service. Some loan defaulters and customers took to social media to express their joy when reports surfaced at the weekend that the company lost records of its Qwikloan customers as a result of the undersea cable cut that obstructed internet connectivity last week. MTN customers in Ghana suffered slow internet connectivity from last Thursday to Saturday due to what the company said was a double undersea fibre optic cable cut in Europe. The internet challenges affected six operators in six West African Countries and beyond. In the midst of the challenges, reports emerged MTN Ghana also lost records on the popular Qwikloan service. “Unfortunately for the company, all data relating to Quickloan have been lost and cannot be restored. The lost is partly due to the second cut in the undersea fibre that stores information shared by third parties running the company's USSDs” the report on news7pm.com claimed. The report claimed loan defaulters and customers owing the company have been asked to volunteer information about the last loans they took and when they are supposed to pay. “This is the only way we can have the details and we wish they share the information with us to help us retrieve the funds”, the news portal quoted one Mr. Osei Assibey, Operations Manager for Quickloan. But MTN in a statement this week debunked such claim it as rumour. “Data on Qwikloan are stored securely and under no circumstance will an indersea fiber cut affect data storage for the service. This information is not true and should be disregarded,” MTN said. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 20, 2020
A police officer in the Savannah Region has shot a masked man who allegedly attempted to rob a van full of assorted drinks at Tinga near Banda Nkwanta in the Bole District. Seidu Salifu, 25, was shot in the ankle by a policeman who was escorting the goods on January 18 at about 12:00 p.m. Two other accomplices managed to escape, the Savannah Regional Police Commander, DCOP Enoch Edutwum Bediako, who confirmed the incident to 3news.com said. He said the Mercedes Benz van with the registration plate GX 5225-17 was carrying assorted drinks with a detailed police escort and “on reaching a section of the road, three armed masked men emerged from the bush and started firing at the van”. The police officer on board van also returned fire and injured the suspect in the process. “The two accomplices fled into the bush leaving Salifu to his fate,” the commander said. An injured Seidu Salifu was subsequently arrested after the police officer called for reinforcement. [caption id="attachment_9976" align="aligncenter" width="727"] Salifu after his arrest.[/caption] A search on him led to the retrieval of one locally manufactured short gun, one live cartridge, a mobile phone and 130 cedis. According to the police, Salifu mentioned one Sumaila and Eliasu both residents of Bole as accomplices his accomplices. He is currently receiving treatment at the Bole Government Hospital pending investigations. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 20, 2020
For Eli, Frema Baby and Missy, their dreams of winning the TV3 Mentor Reloaded reality show and the ultimate two-bedroom house prize came crashing Sunday night. The three contestants become the second set of casualties in the competition after Kobi Kobbs, Aema, and Kwaku Darlington. But wait, their eviction does not mean they weren't good. Far from that. To make it even to the recordings of the Mentor reality show is a big deal. It means you are good and they were good. However, the show looks out for the very best, and since it's a competition, only the ‘strong' survives. Sunday's show kicked off with 13 contestants all vying for the ultimate title of being called the winner of Ghana's biggest music reality show. On a reggae themed night, the contestants gave off their best to win the hearts of the judges – Edem, Adina, Bessa Simons and Appietus – and the general public. Sam Bryt kicked off the performances with Samini's ‘Obra'. His delivery impressed the judges. [caption id="attachment_10016" align="aligncenter" width="864"] Sam Bryt[/caption] That performance opened the floodgates of incredible performances. [caption id="attachment_10017" align="aligncenter" width="864"] Dufie[/caption] Dufie followed with Sean Kingston's ‘Me Love'. She impressed the judges too even though the stick she held in her hand during the performance seemed to have hampered her output a bit. Taabea's performance of ‘A Slice of Mount Zion' by Culture received mix reactions from the judges. [caption id="attachment_10018" align="aligncenter" width="864"] Taabea[/caption] The judges were however generally impressed when Optional King performed Sarkodie and Samini's ‘Love Rocks'. [caption id="attachment_10019" align="aligncenter" width="864"] Optional King[/caption] While Yaw Black's performance of Tarrus Riley's ‘She's Royal' seemed to have dazzled many on the night but it's Jedy's performance of Culture's ‘No Night' that received good reviews from the judges. [caption id="attachment_10020" align="aligncenter" width="864"] Yaw Blvck[/caption] [caption id="attachment_10021" align="aligncenter" width="864"] Jedy[/caption] Frema Baby was simply not lucky on the night. Her performance of Efya's ‘Until the Dawn' was not good enough according to the judges. [caption id="attachment_10023" align="aligncenter" width="864"] Frema[/caption] Missy gave off a very commendable performance of Lucky Dube's ‘Prisoner' while Eli tried his luck with Buju Banton's ‘Destiny'. [caption id="attachment_10025" align="aligncenter" width="864"] Eli[/caption] After Bennada's impressive delivery of Etana's ‘Reggae' song, Myka was not so lucky when he performed Lucky Dube's ‘It's Not Easy'. [caption id="attachment_10028" align="aligncenter" width="864"] Bennada[/caption] While Bessa Simons and Appietus said they were not impressed with the performance, Edem and Adina held a different view. [caption id="attachment_10030" align="aligncenter" width="864"] Chicchiz[/caption] The now very popular Chicchiz did his own thing when he mounted the stage. He brought so much energy to the venue and got the audience excited. His performance wowed the judges. After the performances, legendary musician Afro Moses helped give special prizes to some of the contestants. Jedy was adjudged the Best Performer on the night while Taabea and Myka won Best Costume and Viewers' Choice respectively. After the presentations, hosts, Ken Addo and MzGee, announced that five contestants – Eli, Taabea, Sam Bryt, Frema Baby and Missy – were up for eviction. Their fate were now in the hands of the judges. Appietus saved Sam Bryt and Taabea; Bessa Simons saved Frema and Eli; Adina saved Sam Bryt and Taabea; while Edem saved Sam Bryt and Taabea. Eli, Frema Baby and Missy were left with no choice than to exit the competition. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 20, 2020
US President Donald Trump's defence team in his Senate trial will include special prosecutors from President Bill Clinton's impeachment. “The GOA got it exactly backwards. Here's what they said. The law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities to those Congress has enacted into law. It's exactly the opposite. The Constitution does not allow Congress to substitute its own priorities…. ….for the foreign policies of the President.” @AlanDersh Alan Dershowitz @seanhannity @FoxNews They do what the House asks. The Swamp!
January 17, 2020
President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo left Ghana Friday for the United Kingdom to attend to attend the UK-Africa Investment Summit being held in London. The UK-Africa Investment Summit, being hosted by British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, on January 20 will bring together “businesses, governments and international institutions to showcase and promote the breadth and quality of investment opportunities across Africa”. Whilst in the UK, President Akufo-Addo will on January 21 deliver the keynote address at the Ghana Investment Opportunities Summit – a summit which aims to bring delegates, especially from the United Kingdom, to explore investment opportunities in Ghana. He will then travel to Davos, Switzerland, at the invitation of the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Prof. Klaus Schwab, to participate in the 50th anniversary celebration of the World Economic Forum Annual Meetings being held from Tuesday, January 21, to Friday, January 24. The Davos Meeting has become an iconic global forum, which brings together world leaders in politics, business, finance and academia to deliberate on matters affecting the global community. The President was accompanied by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Shirley Ayorkor Botchway; Minister for Finance, Ken Ofori-Atta; CEO of the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre, Yofi Grant; and officials from the Foreign Ministry and the Presidency. The President will return to Ghana on Sunday, January 26. Vice President, Alhaji Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, is acting in his stead in accordance with Article 60(8) of the Constitution. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 17, 2020
The driver who survived the fatal accident that left 34 people dead on at Dompoase in the Central Region has been remanded into police custody. Mark Mireku who was discharged from hospital Thursday was immediately detained by the police. He was subsequently charged for careless and inconsiderate driving, and put before the Cape Coast District Court which remanded him Friday to assist in investigations into the case. Central Region Police Commander, COP Paul Manly Awuni who revealed this said “the Hyundai bus [driver] was treated and discharged yesterday. We immediately picked him up and detained him to assist in our investigations”. He was interacting with the Minister for Roads, Amoako Atta; Central Regional Minister Kwamina Duncan and some government officials who visited the accident scene and the surviving victims at the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital Friday. The charges, according to COP Awuni, are preliminary. Thirty-four lives were lost when two passenger buses crashed head-on on February 14 night at Dompoase near Cape Coast on the Accra-Takoradi highway. The accident involved a Hyundai bus traveling to Accra from Takoradi and a man diesel bus from Accra to Takoradi. Fifty-seven other passengers sustained various. Thirty of them have been  treated and discharged while 17 are still on admission. Roads and highways minister, Mr Amoako Atta also said the Cape Coast -Takoradi stretch of the highway has been earmarked for dualization to help reduce road carnage. According to him though the process is yet to begin it will soon be executed. Transport Minister, Kweku Asiamah on his part regretted the accident and the lives lost. He cautioned the drivers to be careful when using the road to prevent road accidents. Meanwhile, out of the 34 bodies, 26 have identified and been collected by their families while 3 have also been identified but are yet to collect them from the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital's morgue for burial. Authorities have appealed to the general public to show up at the hospital to go through the procedure to identify releatives and collect their bodies. By Thomas Cann|3news.com|Ghana
January 17, 2020
Former President Jerry John Rawlings, has urged the overlord of Dagbon, Ya Naa Abubakari Mahama II, to use his authority to urge members of his kingdom and Ghanaians to exercise tolerance and avoid provocation in their campaign ahead of the 2020 elections. “I can only hope and pray that we apply strategy, mobilization and organization instead of force and violence during the upcoming elections,” the former President said. Flt Lt Rawlings made the comments when Ya Naa Abubakari Mahama paid a courtesy call on him at his office in Accra on Friday. “Let us remind ourselves that we have entered an election year. Let us campaign without undue provocation. Let us campaign in a civilized manner,” the former President stated. The Ya Naa promised to continue pushing for peace especially during the 2020 elections and thanked the former President for his repeated entreaties for peace during election periods. Earlier the Ya Naa told the former President he was in Accra as part of a mission to express his gratitude to eminent personalities who helped to restore peace in Dagbon. He said he called on President Akufo Addo on Thursday and intended to call on the other former Presidents. Ya Naa Abubakari Mahama commended former President Rawlings for his immense support in the restoration of peace. “You're a man of peace. God bless you abundantly for what you did for Dagbon and Ghana as a whole,” the Overlord of Dagbon said. The Ya Naa said the people of Dagbon will never forget former President Rawlings for the development he brought to the region including the rural electrification project. “You brought electricity to most communities. We were in darkness then, but you brought us light.” Former President Rawlings noted that a greater part of the gratitude for the peace should go to President Nana Akufo Addo and his government as well as the eminent group of chiefs led by the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II for their untiring efforts. He said, “It is sad it took so long to get the peace. I am grateful that the Ya Naa can leave his palace and visit us. My only hope is that what used to cause these tensions have been arrested. I remember how painful and difficult it was for all of us. I hope all ethnic groups are enjoying peace. Even as we are enjoying the benefits of peace, some of the provocations of the past must not be allowed to rear their heads again,” he advised. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 17, 2020
Angolan billionaire Isabel dos Santos, who is embroiled in a huge financial scandal, has suggested that she may seek to become the country's president.
January 16, 2020
Minister for Education Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh has scored the Free Senior High School (SHS) education policy as the most successful programme of the ministry over the past three years.
January 16, 2020
A 25-year-old lady has been found dead around an uncompleted building at Sakora Park in Ahenema Kokoben, near Kumasi in the Atwima Kwanwoma District of the Ashanti Region.   She has been identified only as Augustina, a chemical seller in the area. She reportedly left her workplace on Wednesday, January 15 around 9:30pm but never got home. She was found dead few metres from her house “Around 10:00pm we called her to know her whereabouts since she was unusually late in getting home but the call was unanswered so we reported the development to police,” a brother of the deceased told 3news.com According to him, they got information Thursday that his sister's body has been found. Police in the area moved to the scene and have since conveyed the body to the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital morgue for autopsy. By Beatrice Spio Garbrah|3news.com|Ghana
January 16, 2020
Nigerian preacher and inspirational speaker, Rev. Dr. Sam Adeyemi urged the Jospong Group of Companies to maintain a strategic team to help it maintain its strategic position in the industry it operates. Speaking on the topic ‘Strategic Leadership' at this year's Jospong Leadership Conference, he noted that strategic leaders always learn and help others to learn for the next level. He said strategic leaders have the capabilities and competence to anticipate problems, interpret scenarios and align them to their advantage. “Strategic leaders do not run away from problems, they confront them with strategic solutions” he stated. Earlier, leader and executive chairman of the Jospong Group, Dr. Joseph Siaw Agyepong revealed that Sewerage Systems Ghana Limited (SSGL) a subsidiary of Zoomlion Ghana Limited has commenced conversion of faecal waste into power generation. He said Zoomlion has laid a solid foundation for generations to benefit from in the area of waste management. Dr Agyepong was optimistic that Ghana will soon become a centre of excellence in the area of waste management. The Jospong Leadership Conference is an annual event organise in January at the Pentecost Convention Centre for executives, subsidiary managers, regional general managers and district managers as well as other subsidiary heads of the Jospong Group, for strategic sessions interspersed with prayers and worship among others. The conference provides avenue for the Jospong conglomerates to evaluate its performance over the past years and fashion resolutions for a forward march This year's event was on the theme: “Jospong: Building the future together”. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 16, 2020
Striking teachers and senior administrators of Technical Universities across the country have with immediate effect, suspended their action. The latest decision announced in separate statements issued Wednesday was triggered by a court order secured by the National Labour Commission (NLC) which compelled the striking members to resume their duties. The Technical University Teachers' Association (TUTAG) and the Technical University Senior Administrators Association of Ghana (TUSAAG) withdrew their services on January 6 and 8 respectively, to push government to fully migrate their members onto the Public Universities Salaries Structure and also pay all allowances due them. Earlier on January 10, the two groups rejected orders by the NLC to call off the strike which has affected academic activities in the technical universities, forcing the Commission to seek a court order on Wednesday, January 15. “We are suspending the strike action immediately to show our respect to rule of law and to institutions of state who enforce law and order,” a statement signed by Dr Solomon A. Keelson, President of TUTAG explained. TUSAAG on the other hand asked its members, to on the back of the interlocutory injunction, “resume their normal duties” while the National Executives ensure the implementation the rulings by the NLC. Despite their decision to suspend the strike, the two unions say they will push to ensure that government complies with the two rulings of the NLC on October 28, 2019 and January 8, 2019 The NLC on January 8 ordered government to pay salaries and allowances of staff of the six technical universities whose data have been cleared by National Council for Tertiary Education, by January 29. It also directed those at the Sunyani and Tamale technical universities who are yet to submit their data to do so latest by January 17 to enable government pay their salaries and allowances at the end of February. Good faith The Commission asked that the parties continue negotiations on outstanding issues in good faith. TUTAG said in Wednesday's statement that the decision to suspend its strike is to demonstrate good faith, which it said, “must be reciprocated by all stakeholders”, particularly the government. “TUTAG is disappointed in how NLC refused to go to court to enforce their 28th October 2019 ruling against government but found it expedient to go to court for enforcement against TUTAG on its 8th January 2020 ruling,” it said. TUSAAG on its part said it will demand that the NLC “ensure that Government complies with its rulings on the matter to forestall any future unrest” By 3news.com|Ghana
January 15, 2020
A late night fire has consumed two halls of residence at the Accra Academy, displacing more than 100 students. The fire started around 7:00 p.m. at Alema and Halm Addo halls, at a time the students were attending prep in their classrooms, one of the school's private security officials who blocked access to the area told our correspondent Grace Hammoah Asare. No casualty was recorded in the Wednesday fire incident. However, personal effects of students residing in the two halls have all been consumed by the fire. The cause of the fire is not immediately known. The affected students, according to the official, will have to spend the night at other halls within the senior high school until tomorrow when authorities are expected to make a special arrangement for them. Eyewitnesses say efforts to get through to the Ghana Fire Service proved unsuccessful leading to the burning of the two halls which are attached to each other. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 15, 2020
President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has jestingly asked chiefs from the Avenor traditional area in the Volta Region, to cap their offer to him to become a citizen of the area, with a woman as wife. The chiefs and queen mothers in the area on Monday appealed to Nana Akufo-Addo to adopt Avenor as his home and offered to give him a land for him to build a home in the area. “We the people of Avenor have no alternative than to respectively ask you to adopt Avenor as your home as you are now treated as an illustrious son of the land,” President of the Council, Torgbui Dorglo Anumah VI told Nana Akufo-Addo. According to Togbui Anumah who led the chiefs to pay a courtesy call on the president, the Akufo-Addo's achievements have positively reflected on the image of Avenor for which they have offered him the opportunity to become a citizen. “Our appreciation cannot be complete if we fail to allocate a piece of land to you to build a home here to fortify and strengthen our relationship. You're now a citizen of Avenor,” he declared. President Nana Akufo-Addo in responding thanked the chiefs for the offer, stating he was grateful to them for the decision to give him a land. “You know, with land and a house, something [woman] has to go with it,” he told the chiefs in jest, triggering spontaneous applause and laughter. [caption id="attachment_8582" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Nana Akufo-Addo and wife, Mrs Rebecca Akufo-Addo[/caption] “I have to get the permission of Mama Rebecca [his wife],” Nana Akufo-Addo said, adding “there are one or two candidates. There are candidates; even in this room, there are candidates. Anyway, I'm very, very grateful for the offer”. Avenor chiefs back Akufo-Addo for second term Meanwhile, the chiefs have backed President Nana Akufo-Addo for a second term. According to the chiefs who constitute the Avenor Traditional Council, Nana Akufo-Addo's “remarkable achievements have reflected positively on the image of Avenor”. “It is our firm assurance that we support your second term bid,” Torgbui Anumah said. He assured Nana Akufo-Addo that the chiefs and people within the traditional area “will make sure that your victory will be resounding and landslide. Our full support is for your government to carry on the good works you've started”. The Akufo-Addo government's flagship programmes, especially the Free SHS and the Planting for Food and Jobs, he said, has positively impacted on the lives of the people of Ghana. “We are grateful for the introduction of the free SHS which has helped parents to make savings for other family projects,” he stated. He said the planting for food and jobs has also put Akatsi in the lead in rice production, saying “the government support for our famers in terms of agricultural input has helped us to substantially boost production”. Meanwhile, the chiefs have appealed to the President give the Akatsi District a municipal status. “A formal letter and justification for this request will soon be forwarded to the minister of local government and rural development and we will await the introduction of the necessary LI in parliament to give effect to this” the paramount chief Togbui Anumah said. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 15, 2020
Rapper and singer, Akon, has announced his own city in Senegal. “Just finalized the agreement for AKON CITY in Senegal. Looking forward to hosting you there in the future,” Akon said in a tweet Monday. Senegal tourism company, SAPCO, signed the agreement with Akon. “It's all renewable, the Akon-tainment solar city,” Akon told Nick Cannon in a recent interview. The city will be located in the village of Mbodiène, West Africa. The city will run on Akon's kryptocurrency, Akoin, and will be the first ever city to run completely on renewable energy. Additionally, Akon heads his own initiative, Lighting Africa Project, which provides solar energy for more than 15 countries. He first announced his ideas for a “Crypto City” in 2018 and plans on finishing the city in phases by 2025. By Jewel Owusu|3news.com|Ghana
January 15, 2020
Russia's government has resigned, hours after President Vladimir Putin proposed sweeping constitutional changes that could prolong his stay in power. Crazy day in Moscow politics. Basically, Putin has removed Medvedev as PM & will take all the decisions DM wld normally have taken; he's asked ministers to stay in place until there's a new cabinet.
January 15, 2020
The Ghana Education Service (GES) has apologised to senior high school teachers for treating them poorly on Monday at the start of a four-day training programme. More than 200 teachers from the Greater Accra, Oti and Volta Regions who were invited on a short notice to attend the training were left stranded on their arrival at the University of Ghana campus in Accra. The in-service training seeks to equip the teachers to adequately prepare their students ahead of the 2020 WASSCE. It will also give the teachers opportunity to interact with experienced educationists and examiners to boost teaching and learning. According to the teachers who teach Form 3 core subjects in their respective schools, they were left stranded for hours at the venue by the GES without accommodation and food, and triggering criticisms against the GES. But the GES in a statement on January 15 admitted there were problems with the organisation of the training and has duly accepted responsibility. “Management of Ghana Education Service accepts full responsibility for the inadequacies and wishes to sincerely apologise to all participants, teachers and the general public for the unfortunate development,” the statement stated. It said the issues of “improper and irregular” organisation and administration complained of have since been resolved at the various training centres. “The necessary steps have been taken and Management can assure the teachers and the general public that the initial challenges encountered at the various training centers have been resolved,” it assured. According to the GES, the training programmes are running smoothly. It assured the teachers that such problems will “never re-occur”. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 15, 2020
A local waste management company under the Jospong Group of Companies, Sewerage Systems Ghana Limited, has commenced generating 500 kilowatts of power from its liquid waste treatment plant in Accra. Chairman of the Group, Dr. Joseph Siaw Agyepong disclosed this at this year's Jospong Leadership Conference at the Pentecost Convention Center at Gomoa-Fetteh in the Central Region. Sewerage Systems Ghana Limited which is into construction of liquid waste facilities and treatement of faecal waste in Ghana is a subsidiary of waste management giant, Zoomlion Ghana Limited. Dr Siaw Agyepong said similar liquid waste treatment plants are being constructed in Kumasi, Tamale, Takoradi and Sunyani which will provide safe reception and treatment of liquid waste. Addressing management and staff of his over 40 subsidiary companies, he expressed gratitude to God, who said has become his Chief Executive Officer, advisory  board, management and staff of his companies. He said it was in 2006 that God revealed the vision to him to provide solutions to existing waste problems in Ghana. “It was then that we started innovating various technologies and mechanisms which is now providing an integrated approach to waste management and has replaced the hitherto haphazard solid waste disposal and liquid waste that was dislodged directly into the sea leading to Ghana being scored 7th dirtiest country in the world. Dr. Agyepong recounted how Zoomlion was formed and got the support of former President John Agyekum Kuffour through the tricycle concept, which has evolved to become the leading waste management company in West Africa. The waste management entrepreneur said his focus now is to build modern waste management technologies and infrastructure across Ghana to help achieve the President's vision of making Accra and Ghana the cleanest in Africa. He expressed gratitude to all former presidents of the fourth republic and President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo who have all shown key interests in the waste management agenda of the country. “In responding to Nana Addo's vision to make Accra the cleanest city in Africa, we researched and developed the IRECOP concept which processes over 400 tonnes of waste a day  currently operating in Accra and being replicated in the regions. He commended the Chairman of the Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric K. Nyamekye and members for the effective collaboration in ensuring a clean environment through a project dubbed “environmental care campaign” last year. He also thanked the National Chief Imam, Dr. Sheik Nuhu Sarabutu and all other Imams for their prayers for the Jospong brand. Rev. Dr. Sam Adeyemi a renowned Nigerian preacher and leadership coach advised Ghanaians to take responsibility of identifying and setting goals with regards to current trends to dealing with their problems because change was inevitable. He said one must set goals strategically and believe in them and God will make them come to fruition. He urged leaders never to run away from problems but rather run towards them and find solutions for their change. A Commissioner of Police (COP), Nathan Kofi Boakye advised leaders to have succession plans and ensure that they identify leaders among their staff and groom them to take over. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 15, 2020
The chiefs and people of the Avenor traditional area in the Volta Region have backed President Nana Akufo-Addo for a second term. According to the chiefs who constitute the Avenor Traditional Council, Nana Akufo-Addo's “remarkable achievements have reflected positively on the image of Avenor”. “It is our firm assurance that we support your second term bid,” President of the Council, Torgbui Dorglo Anumah VI told Nana Akufo-Addo Monday when he led a delegation of chiefs and queenmothers to pay a courtesy call on the President at the Jubilee House in Accra. He assured Nana Akufo-Addo that the chiefs and people within the traditional area “will make sure that your victory will be resounding and landslide. Our full support is for your government to carry on the good works you've started”. The delegation was at the Jubilee House to thank the President for giving them a traditional council status and also for honouring their invitation join the people to celebrate the 30 years of the creation of the Akatsi District Assembly. Togbui Anumah said the traditional status given them by the President just a year after assuming office has strengthen their status as chiefs to discharge their duties and customary rites. The Akufo-Addo government's flagship programmes, especially the Free SHS and the Planting for Food and Jobs, he said, has positively impacted on the lives of the people of Ghana. “We are grateful for the introduction of the free SHS which has helped parents to make savings for other family projects,” he stated. He said the planting for food and jobs has also put Akatsi in the lead in rice production, saying “the government support for our famers in terms of agricultural input has helped us to substantially boost production”. Meanwhile, the chiefs have appealed to the President give the Akatsi District a municipal status. “A formal letter and justification for this request will soon be forwarded to the minister of local government and rural development and we will await the introduction of the necessary LI in parliament to give effect to this” the paramount chief Togbui Anumah said. He also asked that the name of the Akatsi District is changed to Avenor when it is elevated, explaining that  “wherever the Avenors went, they identified themselves as Avenors and we want it to be called Avenor Municipal Assembly” The chiefs have also appealed to the president to modernise the Akatsi Central market to boost commercial activities and revenue base of the Assembly, and also complete the Akatsi District Hospital with state-of-the-art equipment. Responding, President said he will let the Ministry of Rural Local Government and Rural Development work towards the elevation of the district to a municipal status “very soon”. He also assured the chiefs and people of Avenor of their requests to expand and modernise the Akatsi Central Market and the District Hospital. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 13, 2020
President Nana Akufo-Addo has assured Ghanaians that government will ensure greater local participation in onshore oil drilling once exploration establishes commercial quantities in the Volta basin. Responding to request by a delegation of chiefs from the Avenor Traditional Council to find “wisdom and resources” to drill oil in the area, the President indicated that several studies and steps will have to be taken to establish the volume of oil in the basin before. “Seismic studies and several other studies are in the process of being done. Let's cross our fingers and hope that at the end of the studies we will be able to confirm what the Romanians started so many, many years, that really, there is oil there in substantial quantities,” he said. Although President Akufo-Addo said onshore oil is not cheaper to drill, offshore oil is “a very expensive business” for which reason it is mostly undertaking by giant corporations in the industry. “When it comes to onshore the capital involve is not expensive so we are hoping if the studies confirm there's indeed oil there [in the Volta basin] we can get as many Ghanaians as possible; people from the area and elsewhere, to be involve and bring it up,” he assured. Even before exploration concludes, Nana Akufo-Addo want land titling and mapping to be handled carefully by the chiefs in the area carefully saying “I'm going to appeal to you to be very, very careful and diligent about mapping out land title and land development in the area”. That, he explained, would avoid possible litigation and issues once everything is cleared for drilling to be done. Paramount chief and president of the Avenor Traditional Area, Torgbui Dorglo Anumah IV, who led the delegation to the Jubilee House Monday morning, earlier appealed to President Akufo-Addo to consider onshore oil drilling in the Avenor area. “We also want exploration of oil to start immediately in the Avenor Traditional Area. We have oil,” he told the president. The paramount chief recounted how some Romanians discovered oil onshore the Avenor area many years ago but packed out of the area on the claim that the oil was not in commercial quantities. “We are of the belief that their technologies were limited and not advanced enough. Today oil has been discovered in the Volta basin and we know that the catchment area covers our area also,” he said. “We are pleading and hoping you find the wisdom and financial resources to undertake this very important project…and we shall endeavour to support it with all our might and resources and help create the necessary ground for a successful exploration,” Torgbui Anumah stated. The delegation was at the Jubilee House to thank the President for giving them a traditional council status and also for honouring their invitation to celebrate the 30 years of the creation of the Akatsi district assembly. By Stephen Kwabena Effah|3news.com|Ghana
January 13, 2020
The Tano River which supplies water to thousands of people in the Bono and Bono East regions has been poisoned, raising fears of a possible health crisis in the areas. A truck load of acid-based car batteries has leaked into the river which is mainly the source of raw water for the Ghana Water Company treatment plant at Abesim, near Sunyani in the Bono Region. Several aquatic animals in the River, including fishes and crocodiles have been killed by the acid content of the battery which leaked into the river at Techiman-Tanoso, a Techiman-based local reporter with Asta FM, Nana Kwadwo Adu reported. The articulated truck was said to be transporting the batteries from Kumasi area to Burkina Faso on Monday, January 13 when it fell into the Tano River at Techiman-Tanoso in the Bono East region. The accident happened just directly opposite the Ghana Water Company treatment plant at Techiman-Tanoso, but the Municipal Chief Executive for Techiman, John Kofi Donyinah, told 3news.com it will not affect the raw water to the plant. Responders to the scene retrieved fishes and other aquatic animals from the river, raising fears the chemicals in the battery have poisoned the river, which is the source of drinking water for residents in communities along the river banks. [caption id="attachment_7328" align="aligncenter" width="980"] Some of the fishes in the river have died from the poison.[/caption] Officials from Environmental Protection Agency, Ghana Water Company, National Disaster Management Organisation and the Techiman Municipal Assembly among others are currently at the scene trying to tow the truck out of the river to be able to remove the batteries. “Looking at the nature of the content; 98 per cent acidic so we have to be cautious. We are still at the site,” the MCE stated. “Nobody should touch anything from the river,” he warned while confirming some aquatic animals have been discovered dead following the poisoning. Mr Donyinah told 3news.com that all municipal and district chief executives within the catchment area. Don't drink water from Tano –NADMO NADMO) in the Offinso issued a public health alert to persons living in communities along the river bank, warning them against fetching water from the river. “All communities along the Tano River from Techiman – Tanoso to Chira, Duayaw Nkwanta, Bechem are advised strongly not to drink the Tano river water effective today till further notice,” the statement signed by the District Coordinator, Elijah Mamoa warned. It advised all those along the banks of the river to adhere to the warning in order to save human lives. The Tano River flows for 400 kilometres from Techiman in Ghana to Aby Lagoon in Ivory Coast where it enters the Atlantic Ocean. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 13, 2020
Malawi's Chief Justice Andrew Nyirenda has asked the country's Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) to investigate bribery attempts targeting judges presiding over the presidential elections case. Justice Nyirenda wrote to the bureau that there had been attempts to bribe the five-judge panel that is hearing the petition. ACB director Reyneck Matemba confirmed to several newspapers that the complaint came from the chief justice and said that investigations had started. He told the Daily Times newspaper that the bureau had the names of those involved in the bribery but refused to disclose them. Mr Matemba said the allegations were being looked into urgently before the determination of the court case. The petition challenging President Peter Mutharika's win was filed by the candidates who came second and third in the May 2019 election. President Mutharika was declared the winner with 1,940,709 votes, followed closely by the MCP's Lazarus Chakwera with 1,781,740. UTM's Saulos Chilima, Mr Mutharika's former vice-president, came third with 1,018,369 votes. BBC
January 13, 2020
Asante Kotoko has expressed their displeasure at the shooting incident after their 1-0 defeat against Berekum Chelsea in a match-day three encounter played at the Baba Yara Sports Stadium, Kumasi. Should Chris Hughton be sacked following performance of Ghana Black Stars?
January 13, 2020
Sergio Aguero scored his 12th hat-trick to become the highest overseas goalscorer in Premier League history in rampant Manchester City's six-goal hammering of struggling Aston Villa.
January 12, 2020
The Gambia has warned its ousted leader Yahya Jammeh not to try to return home from his exile in Equatorial Guinea.
January 12, 2020
Hundreds of pregnant women within the Wa East District of the Upper West Region do not have access to ultrasound scan due to its unavailability in the area. Pregnant women requiring such medical services will have to travel over 100 kilometres to Wa, a journey many of the women do not dare embark on due to the additional financial burden and the poor nature of the roads to the regional capital. The ultrasound scan machine, according to health officials, cost 15,000 cedis but none of the health facilities in the district has been able to procure one for antenatal services. [caption id="attachment_6477" align="aligncenter" width="749"] Ultrasound scan machine[/caption] As a result many pregnant women in the area know the condition of their unborn babies and associated complications. The district has only two physician assistants managing nine health centres, and 26 CHPS Compounds across 150 communities in the area. It is also the only district in the Upper West Region without a Polyclinic or a District Hospital. District Director of Health services, Rukaya Wumnaya told our correspondent that most pregnant women refuse referral to Wa due lack of money and transportation challenges. She said the nearest referral facility is about 100 kilometres away from some of the communities which is affecting health care delivery. “From here to Wa is more than 100km, and if you look at from Funsi too to Wa, it's also more than 100km and these women that we asked to travel all this distance it is always very hectic for them. “Some of them don't even have the money, and even if they have the money and they go, the only vehicle in this community (Holimuni) leaves in the morning only on market days and before they get there at about 1:00 p.m. or 2:00 p.m. which means they have to sleep,” she said According to her, because the women don't have relatives in Wa when “you refer them, most of the time they don't even go because of the challenges”. The situation compelled the Wa East District Health Directorate to seek support from the Vodafone Health Foundation scan pregnant women in the rural district. At Holimuni Health Centre, one of the deprived areas in the district, 100 out of the targeted 300 pregnant women with their pregnancy at various stages, underwent ultrasound scan for free. One of the beneficiaries, Kuunlafaa Linus said she has not been able to go for the scna as recommended due to financial constraints, saying “sometimes too I have money for the scan but the lorry fare, which is 30 cedis is the problem. She said it will be good if they have the scan done at the district. A sonographer and volunteer of Vodafone Health Foundation, Prince Obeng Boateng, said their focus is to help the vulnerable pregnant women who couldn't travel to have the scan at the upper West regional capital, Wa. “We go to the deprived areas where they don't have access to scan. We help them and all these programmes are sponsored by Vodafone Ghana and also Vodafone Ghana Foundation” he said. By Yakubu Abdul-Gafur| 3news.com|Ghana
January 12, 2020
The Hohoe Municipal Assembly in the Volta Region in 2019 generated 15,765 cedis from the registration of businesses and marriages within the municipality.
January 12, 2020
Ghana's National Security Minister Albert Kan Dapaah has become the talk of town on social media, topping the trends in Ghana after a leaked video of the politician flirting with an unknown lady surfaced on the internet Sunday morning. The 2:54-minute undated video call seen my 3news.com, showed the minister who was in Europe for a meeting, having what many consider to be a ‘romantic conversation' with the lady, whose side the leaked video appeared to have been recorded from. The unkown lady was heard in the said video first asking the Minister when he was going to leave Europe. “Are you gonna miss me when you're on the flight?” the lady who is believed to be the minister's girlfriend quizzed, to which Mr Kan Dapaah responded: “of course I am, of course! It is unclear what the motive of the originator(s) of the leaked videos is. No official statement has been issued since the video started circulating on social media Sunday morning. Mr Kan Dapaah who was in a hotel room was asked by the ‘girlfriend' what he was wearing and requested to see, which the minister obliged and responded “I'm in a pyjamas” after which he proceeded to give her a glimpse of the dress over the video call. The lady then ‘ordered' to Mr Kan Dapaah “turn around” for her to have a clear view, which the obeyed and gave her a 360 degree angle. “Oh it's nice; nice pyjamas,” the lady said, adding “you have a good taste”. The Minister who at a point appeared to be getting romantic then quipped: “I wish I could have hugged you” as he opened his arms in the air to embrace the ‘girlfriend over the phone. “ “It could put me to sleep immediately,” Mr Kan Dapaah told the lady, and asked: “The last time you did to me, didn't it put me to sleep?” to which the lady responded “It did” His seeming romantic moment reached another level as he begun to imagine how things would have been if the lady was around with him in the hotel room. “I'm going to the bath now, to have a bath with you; we're going to bath together” Mr Dapaa said. The lady who appeared surprised by that statement retorted “eish, okay,” adding “that will be some serious bath.” Before ending the call, Mr Dapaah told the lady: “I love you,” but the only responded “Alright, bye”. The ‘episode' on the video has got social media talking with most of them trolling him while others want men to learn lesson from it. I feel for the Old Man. Hon Kan Dapaah, National Security Minister's leaked video should serve as a warning to us all. We can all be victims. Be careful, guys! I see nothing wrong with two adults engaged in a flirtatious conversation over the phone, save the office he holds as National Security Minister, Hon Kan Dapaah should have known better. None is perfect tho but if you blast you blast. Big lesson to us all. Like how you manage to land kan dapaah. National security minister and you play such a petty hand. Our Takoradi Girls still we no find them but wanna National Security Minister Kan Dapaah dey put ein energy dey do modelling for video call inside give side chick. Ghana y3 d3 Either National Security Minister, Kan Dapaah side chick is NDC or they want to axe the man. Something must indeed kill a man. pic.twitter.com/ozk3yS7IeB Again, if you want to drop a PRIVATE video between yourself and someone ah, the National SECURITY Minister? The one who has the most arsenal to legally pursue this and torment you under law? Your country's national security minister is out there taking orders from her granddaughter's age mate to do 360 turn-around like a children service choreography dancer. Can Nana Addo order him like this 🤔🤦‍♂️pic.twitter.com/XvT30yyRRF Very soon pyjamas challenge . National security minister why 😟😟😟😟😟😟😟😟😟😟 let me rush go buy my New pyjamas before it cost high .Ken Dapaah😎😎😎😎😎😎😎 Them make my national security minister do 360 turn-around like he be some children service choreography dancer, lool. Nana, fa no sɛ w'agyimi na suro mmaa o.
January 12, 2020
Ghana's National Security Minister Albert Kan Dapaah has become the talk of town on social media, topping the trends in Ghana after a leaked video of the politician flirting with an unknown lady surfaced on the internet Sunday morning. The 2:54-minute undated video call seen my 3news.com, showed the minister who was in Europe for a meeting, having what many consider to be a ‘romantic conversation' with the lady, whose side the leaked video appeared to have been recorded from. The unkown lady was heard in the said video first asking the Minister when he was going to leave Europe. “Are you gonna miss me when you're on the flight?” the lady who is believed to be the minister's girlfriend quizzed, to which Mr Kan Dapaah responded: “of course I am, of course! It is unclear what the motive of the originator(s) of the leaked videos is. No official statement has been issued since the video started circulating on social media Sunday morning. Mr Kan Dapaah who was in a hotel room was asked by the ‘girlfriend' what he was wearing and requested to see, which the minister obliged and responded “I'm in a pyjamas” after which he proceeded to give her a glimpse of the dress over the video call. The lady then ‘ordered' to Mr Kan Dapaah “turn around” for her to have a clear view, which the obeyed and gave her a 360 degree angle. “Oh it's nice; nice pyjamas,” the lady said, adding “you have a good taste”. The Minister who at a point appeared to be getting romantic then quipped: “I wish I could have hugged you” as he opened his arms in the air to embrace the ‘girlfriend over the phone. “ “It could put me to sleep immediately,” Mr Kan Dapaah told the lady, and asked: “The last time you did to me, didn't it put me to sleep?” to which the lady responded “It did” His seeming romantic moment reached another level as he begun to imagine how things would have been if the lady was around with him in the hotel room. “I'm going to the bath now, to have a bath with you; we're going to bath together” Mr Dapaa said. The lady who appeared surprised by that statement retorted “eish, okay,” adding “that will be some serious bath.” Before ending the call, Mr Dapaah told the lady: “I love you,” but the only responded “Alright, bye”. The ‘episode' on the video has got social media talking with most of them trolling him while others want men to learn lesson from it. I feel for the Old Man. Hon Kan Dapaah, National Security Minister's leaked video should serve as a warning to us all. We can all be victims. Be careful, guys! But the “of course, of course of course” part no. What's his motivation? Something must kill a man 😅😅😅 pic.twitter.com/iLaUvuBQXn — Ekow Djan (@EkowDjan_) January 12, 2020 I see nothing wrong with two adults engaged in a flirtatious conversation over the phone, save the office he holds as National Security Minister, Hon Kan Dapaah should have known better. None is perfect tho but if you blast you blast. Big lesson to us all. — NeverQuestionGreatness🇬🇭 (@djreuben_) January 12, 2020 Like how you manage to land kan dapaah. National security minister and you play such a petty hand. Her family witches rn: pic.twitter.com/EgyaERuyQ7 — 𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖋𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖆≛ (@complexenigma_) January 12, 2020 Our Takoradi Girls still we no find them but wanna National Security Minister Kan Dapaah dey put ein energy dey do modelling for video call inside give side chick. Ghana y3 d3 — 👨🏿🚀Take me to Mars 🌚 (@ItzEliInit) January 12, 2020 Either National Security Minister, Kan Dapaah side chick is NDC or they want to axe the man. Something must indeed kill a man. pic.twitter.com/ozk3yS7IeB — Nene Kabutey Dosoo (@IamKokonteWura) January 12, 2020 Again, if you want to drop a PRIVATE video between yourself and someone ah, the National SECURITY Minister? The one who has the most arsenal to legally pursue this and torment you under law? — Stoichkov🇬🇭 (@AwuahAmankwah) January 12, 2020 Your country's national security minister is out there taking orders from her granddaughter's age mate to do 360 turn-around like a children service choreography dancer. Can Nana Addo order him like this 🤔🤦‍♂️pic.twitter.com/XvT30yyRRF — efo Yhakubu (@iamfelixg) January 12, 2020 Very soon pyjamas challenge . National security minister why 😟😟😟😟😟😟😟😟😟😟 let me rush go buy my New pyjamas before it cost high .Ken Dapaah😎😎😎😎😎😎😎 — Original Bador Thomas🇬🇭 (@bador_thomas) January 12, 2020 Them make my national security minister do 360 turn-around like he be some children service choreography dancer, lool. Nana, fa no sɛ w'agyimi na suro mmaa o. — Lexis (@niilexis) January 12, 2020 By 3news.com|Ghana
January 12, 2020
Dean of Studies and Research at the Institute of Local Government Studies, Dr Eric Oduro Osae, says the Electoral Commission has the discretionary powers and mandate to compile a new voters' register under Article 45(a) and 46 of the 1992 Constitution. He said if anyone or group of persons had issues with the discretionary powers of the Electoral Commission (EC), it was prudent to go to court instead of demonstrating and applying indirect pressure on the Election Management Body. Dr Oduro Osae told the Ghana News Agency in Accra on Saturday that so far no strong legal arguments had been made against the new voters register. The National Democratic Congress and five other political parties on Saturday organised a demonstration in Tamale to express their displeasure over EC's decision to compile a new voters' register for the December 7 Presidential and Parliamentary elections. “I think those in favour and against have always argued on the timing. I think going on demonstrations, which has the potential of raising the political temperature of the country, is not the way to go.” Dr Oduro Osae said the Constitution, under Article 45(a) gave the EC the sole mandate to compile a voters register and its independence in that regard was guaranteed under Article 46 of the same Constitution. He said all the debates and discussions should focus on the EC as a Commission and not the Chairperson, Mrs Jean Mensa, because of the principle of collective responsibility. GNA
January 12, 2020
Dean of Studies and Research at the Institute of Local Government Studies, Dr Eric Oduro Osae, says the Electoral Commission has the discretionary powers and mandate to compile a new voters' register under Article 45(a) and 46 of the 1992 Constitution. He said if anyone or group of persons had issues with the discretionary powers of the Electoral Commission (EC), it was prudent to go to court instead of demonstrating and applying indirect pressure on the Election Management Body. Dr Oduro Osae told the Ghana News Agency in Accra on Saturday that so far no strong legal arguments had been made against the new voters register. The National Democratic Congress and five other political parties on Saturday organised a demonstration in Tamale to express their displeasure over EC's decision to compile a new voters' register for the December 7 Presidential and Parliamentary elections. “I think those in favour and against have always argued on the timing. I think going on demonstrations, which has the potential of raising the political temperature of the country, is not the way to go.” Dr Oduro Osae said the Constitution, under Article 45(a) gave the EC the sole mandate to compile a voters register and its independence in that regard was guaranteed under Article 46 of the same Constitution. He said all the debates and discussions should focus on the EC as a Commission and not the Chairperson, Mrs Jean Mensa, because of the principle of collective responsibility. GNA
January 12, 2020
Liverpool setting records in the best-ever start to a season by a club in Europe's top-five leagues “doesn't feel special somehow”, says Reds boss Jurgen Klopp.
January 12, 2020
Liverpool setting records in the best-ever start to a season by a club in Europe's top-five leagues “doesn't feel special somehow”, says Reds boss Jurgen Klopp. Roberto Firmino's first-half goal ensured the European champions opened up a 16-point lead over Leicester City at the top of the table with a game in hand. But while Liverpool's peerless start of 20 wins from 21 games has put them on course for a first top-flight title for 30 years, Klopp played down its significance. “We know about it and it is special but I can't feel it,” said the German boss. “When someone gives you a trophy it is done but until then you need to fight. It is only the start. We need to continue because our contenders are so strong. “Pep (Guardiola, Manchester City boss) will not give up. I will do the same. So far, so really good.” Klopp's men have now amassed 104 points across their last 38 Premier League matches, scoring in all 21 of their matches this term. That record was maintained in London by Brazil forward Firmino, who turned Spurs' young debutant Japhet Tanganga and beat Paulo Gazzaniga with a sweet left-foot strike to give the visitors a deserved lead. However Liverpool were then grateful for poor finishing from Jose Mourinho's side – who were without the injured Harry Kane – in order to record another victory on their seemingly relentless march to a first title in three decades. Son Heung-Min and substitute Giovani lo Celso missed excellent second-half chances to give Spurs some reward for a performance that improved as the game went on. But Liverpool, their position at the top strengthened further by Leicester City's shock home loss to Southampton, held on to increase the sense of formality about the destination of this season's Premier League trophy. Liverpool not at most fluent – but win again Liverpool may not have been at their best – there were even spells in the second half when they looked jaded – but this is a team on a seemingly unstoppable run to the Premier League title. This was their 12th successive league win and it is a remarkable feat to have dropped only two league points from their first 21 games. It is true they were let off by Spurs' missed chances but there is perhaps a sense that Liverpool's dominance is having a psychological impact on their opponents so that when rare opportunities come along, they are being snatched at. And even when not in prime form, Liverpool's forward line is so potent that there is always a goal in them – as Firmino proved with his neat 37th-minute sidestep and thumping finish. Spurs will claim, with justification, they should have had a throw-in before the goal but Liverpool are now being propelled with growing momentum to end that long wait to reclaim their perch at the summit of the English game. Spurs lack killer instinct The root of Spurs' downfall came in two distinct aspects of their performance – albeit one did get better as the game wore on. In the first half, Spurs were far too passive and negative as they sat back, presumably waiting for an opportunity to strike on the counter attack. The tactic was undone by Firmino's goal, leaving Spurs with no option but to be more positive in the second period. It was then, without the marksmanship of long-term injury victim Kane, that they were so wasteful in front of goal – with both Son and Lo Celso missing when it seemed easier to score. Lo Celso's miss, in particular, left Mourinho openly lamenting his side's absence of a clinical edge as he collapsed dramatically to his knees after the Argentina midfielder failed to hit the target from close range. Spurs' wasteful moments against Liverpool may well further convince their manager he has to strengthen his attacking options in this transfer window as the fight for a top-four place intensifies. Tottenham boss Jose Mourinho, speaking to BBC Sport: “This is football. Sometimes you get more than you deserve. Sometimes you get less. This was an occasion when we got nothing when we deserved something. This is the best team in the world against a team in a difficult moment, with injuries, in a difficult part of the season. The boys were fantastic when we tried to change and create problems.” On a potential handball in the build-up to the goal: “I didn't watch it. What I watch is 200% that the throw in for the start of the goal was our throw. I am confused with VAR because of that.” On finishing in the top four: “It is possible to talk about top four when you start the season on zero points. But it is hard to talk about it when you start at minus 12 (the number of points off the top four Spurs were when he took over).” Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp, speaking to BBC Sport: “It was very hard-fought because we didn't close the game down early. We should have been one or 2-0 up already when we scored. If you have a quality opponent like Tottenham and you don't close the game they will come back. Allison makes things look easy. It is not what we would have wanted. It is intense, you lose the ball and you are facing one of the best counter-attacking sides. We had Robbo (Andy Robertson) free two or three times and he didn't find a team-mate, so we didn't help ourselves.” On his side's defensive record: “We needed Allison for that today. We had a few dips defensively. Some games he has not had a lot to do with us winning the ball high early. It is good but there is no other chance to win games than to defend well.” Tottenham host Middlesbrough in their FA Cup third-round replay on Tuesday, 14 January (20:05 GMT). They then travel to Watford in the Premier League on Saturday, 18 January (12:30 GMT). Liverpool welcome Manchester United to Anfield in their next Premier League fixture on Sunday, 19 January (16:30 GMT). BBC
January 12, 2020
Constitutional expert Nana Dr S.K.B Asante says aspects of Ghana's multiparty system of governance have greatly impeded the country's development drive. The astute lawyer, who is also the paramount chief of Asokore Mampong, said there are aspects of the country's multi-party system which are only borne out of political culture and not rooted in the 1992 constitution. “…I think the kind of multiparty system we have operated, which is not necessarily traceable to the constitution, but our own political culture, has actually thwarted our development endeavours,” he said on TV3 Hot Issues Saturday. He was speaking on 27 years of Ghana's constitution in commemoration of the country's constitution day which was marked on January 7. Dr Asante cited the excessive power of the executive arm of government as an example, indicating that Ghana's Transitional, Act 845 which was passed in 2012, came into effect to give the president more powers. Per the Act, the tenure of boards of statutory corporations automatically expires whenever a new president is elected and sworn into office, and new ones appointed by the president. “This was something which was passed after the constitution but it gives enormous patronage powers to the president; it enhances the president's power to make appointments because boards are all dissolved, new directors are appointed,” he stated. “Until the Supreme Court made its decision a few months ago,” he said “even chief executives of these corporations were supposed to be removed. Now that was not dictated by the constitution, it was something which are old ideas of presidential power”. Both sides of the country's political divide, he said, have been interested in excessive presidential powers but then once a political party is out of power it will complain and when it is in power, it goes mute on the issue. Asked by the host of the show, Stephen Anti, whether despite the shortfalls of the 1992 constitution, it can still serve another 27 years, he said some changes will have to be made to it. “I will recommend that any party of our multiparty system which turns to overemphasise exclusive powers in the hands of one party …to the detriment of our national development plans should be looked at and redressed,” he advised. The constitution under the directive principles of state policy, he indicated, envisaged long term development based on which the National Development Planning Commission was established. However, he observed that “because of this four-year cyclical competition, we've never been able to get a national consensus in our development plan. I think that is harmful”. Dr Asante said although the 1992 constitution stipulates that that within 10 years of it coming into force, Ghana should be able to establish a free compulsory basic education but said that was not the case after 27 years. “We are in our 27th year, it may be free, but it is neither universal nor compulsory. We've not been able to do that,” he stated. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 11, 2020
Constitutional expert Nana Dr S.K.B Asante says aspects of Ghana's multiparty system of governance have greatly impeded the country's development drive. The astute lawyer, who is also the paramount chief of Asokore Mampong, said there are aspects of the country's multi-party system which are only borne out of political culture and not rooted in the 1992 constitution. “…I think the kind of multiparty system we have operated, which is not necessarily traceable to the constitution, but our own political culture, has actually thwarted our development endeavours,” he said on TV3 Hot Issues Saturday. He was speaking on 27 years of Ghana's constitution in commemoration of the country's constitution day which was marked on January 7. Dr Asante cited the excessive power of the executive arm of government as an example, indicating that Ghana's Transitional, Act 845 which was passed in 2012, came into effect to give the president more powers. Per the Act, the tenure of boards of statutory corporations automatically expires whenever a new president is elected and sworn into office, and new ones appointed by the president. “This was something which was passed after the constitution but it gives enormous patronage powers to the president; it enhances the president's power to make appointments because boards are all dissolved, new directors are appointed,” he stated. “Until the Supreme Court made its decision a few months ago,” he said “even chief executives of these corporations were supposed to be removed. Now that was not dictated by the constitution, it was something which are old ideas of presidential power”. Both sides of the country's political divide, he said, have been interested in excessive presidential powers but then once a political party is out of power it will complain and when it is in power, it goes mute on the issue. Asked by the host of the show, Stephen Anti, whether despite the shortfalls of the 1992 constitution, it can still serve another 27 years, he said some changes will have to be made to it. “I will recommend that any party of our multiparty system which turns to overemphasise exclusive powers in the hands of one party …to the detriment of our national development plans should be looked at and redressed,” he advised. The constitution under the directive principles of state policy, he indicated, envisaged long term development based on which the National Development Planning Commission was established. However, he observed that “because of this four-year cyclical competition, we've never been able to get a national consensus in our development plan. I think that is harmful”. Dr Asante said although the 1992 constitution stipulates that that within 10 years of it coming into force, Ghana should be able to establish a free compulsory basic education but said that was not the case after 27 years. “We are in our 27th year, it may be free, but it is neither universal nor compulsory. We've not been able to do that,” he stated. By 3news.com|Ghana
January 11, 2020
Television broadcast of Ghana's Premier League (GPL) and FA Cup, which begins this weekend, is likely to suffer a major setback as the country's state broadcaster fights back hard after losing the bid for the broadcasting rights. The Ghana Football Association (GFA) on Wednesday, January 8 announced StarTimes as the television rights holders for the 2019/2020 season league, a decision that shocked the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC). According to the GBC, it was “unfairly” treated by the local football governing body, contending its 1.1 million-dollar bid per year was higher than the 1.05 million dollars by StarTimes. It asked that “the right thing must be done”, but the GFA explained in a statement Thursday, January 9 that GBC's bid fell below valuation, pointing out that the “evaluation of bids is not only about the financials”. ‘Unofficial request' for collaboration The GBC has in a latest decision taken Friday rejected any form of collaboration from StarTimes for the implementation of the broadcast rights, sources within the state broadcasting corporation disclosed to 3news.com According to the highly placed sources, officials of StarTimes have since Friday morning “been calling and sending text messages to senior [GBC] officers seeking collaboration to telecast the GPL”. But the GBC, the sources said, resolved at the Friday meeting that it is not opened for such collaborations as was the case in the immediate past. It has accordingly directed its head of technical production not to release any GBC staff and equipment to StarTimes to telecast or broadcast the GPL matches this weekend, the sources said. “Any staff who will violate this directive is expected face the full disciplinary procedures of the corporation,” GBC is said to have warned. “Staff are therefore to stay away from any unapproved collaboration with StarTimes until further notice” it added. GBC staff and equipment have heavily been used by StarTimes in recent times for most of its productions. The latest move by the GBC could cost StarTimes which may not be able to deliver its mandate under the broadcasting rights contract with the GFA. By 3news.com|Ghana Should Chris Hughton be sacked following performance of Ghana Black Stars?
January 11, 2020
Television broadcast of Ghana's Premier League (GPL) and FA Cup, which begins this weekend, is likely to suffer a major setback as the country's state broadcaster fights back hard after losing the bid for the broadcasting rights. The Ghana Football Association (GFA) on Wednesday, January 8 announced StarTimes as the television rights holders for the 2019/2020 season league, a decision that shocked the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC). According to the GBC, it was “unfairly” treated by the local football governing body, contending its 1.1 million-dollar bid per year was higher than the 1.05 million dollars by StarTimes. It asked that “the right thing must be done”, but the GFA explained in a statement Thursday, January 9 that GBC's bid fell below valuation, pointing out that the “evaluation of bids is not only about the financials”. ‘Unofficial request' for collaboration The GBC has in a latest decision taken Friday rejected any form of collaboration from StarTimes for the implementation of the broadcast rights, sources within the state broadcasting corporation disclosed to 3news.com According to the highly placed sources, officials of StarTimes have since Friday morning “been calling and sending text messages to senior [GBC] officers seeking collaboration to telecast the GPL”. But the GBC, the sources said, resolved at the Friday meeting that it is not opened for such collaborations as was the case in the immediate past. It has accordingly directed its head of technical production not to release any GBC staff and equipment to StarTimes to telecast or broadcast the GPL matches this weekend, the sources said. “Any staff who will violate this directive is expected face the full disciplinary procedures of the corporation,” GBC is said to have warned. “Staff are therefore to stay away from any unapproved collaboration with StarTimes until further notice” it added. GBC staff and equipment have heavily been used by StarTimes in recent times for most of its productions. The latest move by the GBC could cost StarTimes which may not be able to deliver its mandate under the broadcasting rights contract with the GFA. By 3news.com|Ghana Should Chris Hughton be sacked following performance of Ghana Black Stars?
January 11, 2020
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 87,000 deaths are recorded annually from alcohol abuse in Ghana alone which leads to concerns about Ghana's drinking culture. Alcohol consumption has been a heavy conversation for many, especially in light of the number of alcohol related deaths in 2019. The Ministry of Health National alcohol policy outlines the direction of policy, data from the WHO and general research on alcohol consumption and regulation in order to encourage and promote abstinence from alcohol and reduce harmful consumption. Alcohol consumption is an evident major health issue but how does Ghana's drinking culture actually compare with the rest of the world? And how can normal people instill actual change? What is drinking culture? Drinking culture is not just the act of consuming alcohol but it is all the customs and social behaviour that affect how alcohol is consumed. Is Ghana's drinking culture a concern? A study undertaken by the Public library of science (PLOS) said, “Patterns of alcohol consumption are however reported to be changing with economic development, sociocultural changes and the growth of alcohol industries in recent years in African societies.” The religious and social factors that previously restrained people (especially youth and females) from drinking are now being disregarded. According to the PLOS, “The type of alcoholic beverage consumed in African societies such as Ghana include locally produced home-brewed beverages with very high alcohol strength and increased health and social consequences.” Ghana does not have a huge binge drinking culture as present in the UK, Australia and the USA. In these countries public intoxication is not frowned upon and drinking to get drunk is glorified. Although Ghana's drinking culture is lower risk compared to these countries, it is still not a non-issue. Alcohol abuse is considered to be a major obstacle to development and data indicates that its abuse could be a hindrance in achieving 13 of the 17 of the sustainable development goals. As Ghana is at the forefront of development in Africa, countering a progressing toxic drinking culture, especially amongst youth, is extremely important. To encourage change, low risk drinking practices should be pushed forward. Regulation although important, will not stop drinking. A dialogue of drinking to relax or savour flavours rather than drinking to get drunk should be created for those who do engage in alcohol consumption. Open and healthy discourse around this topic should be encouraged in the media, within households and even in church, otherwise extremities and alcohol abuse are more likely to occur. By Jewel Owusu|3news.com|Ghana
January 11, 2020
Four departments at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra will save 2.1 million cedis on electricity annually after replacing all the high energy consumption appliances. The current energy expenditure of these departments-Child Health, Medical Block, Accident and Emergency Unit and Central Laboratory is 3.4 million cedis, translating into 2.8 million kilowatt/hour per year. To help cut down the electricity bill, the Millennium Development Authority (MIDA) is retrofitting the departments with efficient energy appliances such as refrigerators, air-conditioners, fans and lightning system, which are four star-rated. The project, known as the Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management (EEDSM) of the “RACE to RETROFIT,” is estimated to cost US$3,000,000. It comes under the Ghana Power Compact II, and would be completed in March, this year. The four departments current power consumption of 2.8 million kilowatt/hour per year would decline to 1.6 million kilowatt/hour per year, on completion, representing 40.2 per cent reduction. The RACE to RETROFIT project is intended to replace high energy consumption electrical appliances at public institutions with energy efficient ones, and is funded by the United States Government, through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). Maybert/Wester Engineering are the Contractors undertaking the job at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital and five other public institutions- University of Ghana, Adabraka Polyclinic, Department of Urban Roads, Ministries of Education and Health. During a field tour of the departments at Korle-Bu, Mr Richmond Owusu, the Project Manager, EEDSM, Energy Commission Office, said they undertook an audit of the four departments, to ascertain how much electricity was being consumed so that after the retrofitting, they would have fair understanding of the quantum of energy saved. He said the contractors would install real energy monitoring systems at all the beneficiary institutions to check power consumption, saying that, the project would serve as a base model for replicating it in both public and private institutions. Mrs Faustina Afriyie, the Consultant for the project, said a study conducted at the Korle-Bu Hospital before the retrofitting revealed that air-conditioners consumed 50 per cent of power, lightning system-23 per cent, refrigerators- three per cent and other equipment used at the facility constituted 16 per cent. Madam Esther Tetteh, Administrator for the Child Health Department, said most of the existing electrical appliances were obsolete with high cost for maintenance for the facility. She said the retrofitting brought uniformity in the electrical gadgets and brought down the cost of maintenance and reduced energy consumption. “The fans that used to blow hot air are now blowing fresh air and there is a total overhaul of the air-conditioners, fans and the lightning system at the facility, which is bringing us enormous benefit and relief and we're very grateful to MiDA for the initiative,” Madam Tetteh said. Ms Priscilla Adjei-Darko, Project Engineer, Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management at MiDA, said the project sought to change the behaviour and attitudes of energy users at the various public institutions. Mr Fred Sarpong, the Project Manager of Maybert/Wester Engineering, the Contractor undertaking the retrofitting at Korle-Bu Hospital and the five public institutions, said the appliances were four star-rated, low electricity consumption and environmentally-friendly and believed it would reduce the cost of electricity in those beneficiary institutions. GNA
January 11, 2020
The 18 accused persons who appeared before the Yendi Circuit Court charged with conspiracy to commit treason felony were on Friday grant bail by the court. The prosecution led by Detective Sergeant Nichodemus York told the court that the Police have completed their investigations into the matter and the docket forwarded to the Attorney-General's office for advice. The court presided over by Mr Anthony Adoko-Aidoo granted the accused bail taking into account the conditions of Gmachenbu Unaja, 70, Taabor Nyong,75; Bimoi Pinja,40, and A8 Tibene Mpoamo,60 who are to produce one surety each. The other accused persons are to provide two sureties each. The accused are to report to the Bimbila District Police Command every two weeks, while the trial has been adjourned to February 6. Their pleas have been reserved Prosecution said on the 27 day of December, 2019, the Bimbilla security picked up intelligence that, the accused were holding a meeting at Dipa village organized by one Bagbila Nayemi, 57 to solicit support for the creation of a new state from Ghana. He said the Police, the Bureau of National Investigations [BNI] together with the Military proceeded to Dipa village where they met the accused in the said meeting and arrested them. GNA
January 11, 2020
Iran's military says it “unintentionally” shot down a Ukrainian passenger jet, Iran's state TV reports.
January 11, 2020
Iran's military says it “unintentionally” shot down a Ukrainian passenger jet, Iran's state TV reports. The statement said it had done so due to “human error” after the plane flew close to a sensitive site belonging to Iran's Revolutionary Guards. Those responsible would be held accountable, the statement said. Iran had previously rejected suggestions that one of its missiles brought down the plane near the capital, Tehran, on Wednesday. But pressure mounted after the US and Canada, citing intelligence, said they believed Iran had shot down the plane with a missile, possibly accidently. The downing of Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752 with the loss of 176 lives came just hours after Iran carried out missile strikes on two airbases housing US forces in Iraq. The Ukrainian flight, which was headed to the Canadian city of Toronto via the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, came down near Imam Khomeini Airport shortly after take off. US media had speculated that the Ukrainian airliner may have been mistaken for a warplane as Iran prepared for possible US retaliation. The Iranian air strikes were launched in retaliation to the killing of top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani in a US drone attack on 3 January. In a tweet on Saturday, Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif suggested “US adventurism” was partly to blame for the downing of the Ukrainian jet. As the evidence pointing to a missile strike built, Iran promised a full investigation. But on Thursday, TV images from the crash site showed a mechanical digger helping to clear debris away, raising concerns that important evidence could have been removed. On Friday, Canada's Foreign Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne warned Iran that “the world is watching”, telling it that the families of those on board “want the truth”. His warning came a day after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he had received intelligence from multiple sources indicating that the plane was shot down by an Iranian surface-to-air missile. Video obtained by the New York Times appeared to show a missile streaking across the night sky over Tehran and then exploding on contact with a plane. About 10 seconds later a loud explosion is heard on the ground. The plane, ablaze, continues to fly. BBC
January 11, 2020
Transport owners and the missing NPA: who assured Sentuo to import BRVs?
Ghana’s petroleum downstream has about 5000 Bulk Road Vehicles (BRVs), out of which 4200 have installed tracking devices. There has been about 50% increment in the number of BRVs from 2013 to 2021. However, this increment resulted in a decline of average volumes per BRV by about 30% within the same period. This implies that there has been excess supply of BRVs within the petroleum downstream which is likely to affect the profitability and sustainability of the transport sector of the industry. The operation of BRVs goes through a series of license compliance. The first is that investors interested in the transport sector of the industry must be licensed by the National Petroleum Authority. Section 11 (1) and (2) of the NPA act (691) stipulates that none, neither a person nor an entity could operate within the petroleum downstream without being granted a license to operate by the Board. This means that no Transport company could operate in the sector without approval from NPA. Further, the NPA has outsourced BRV inspections to two companies to inspect the viability of these vehicles for petroleum distribution. Also, BRV companies pay between Ghc12,650 and Ghc24,000 annually to their facilities inspected based on their status. Again, these companies pay from Ghc750 per vehicle to Ghc1200 per vehicle depending on the number of litres the vehicle could transport. Although the average performance per BRV has declined, the regulator continues to charge these license fees. The NPA has also restricted foreign participation or foreign interest in the transportation of petroleum products in Ghana. Any company interested in distributing or transporting petroleum products across the country must be a 100% Ghanaian owned company. Noncompliance with these requirements means the company cannot work in the petroleum downstream. It was surprising to read media reports on alleged importation of about 600 BRVs by Sentuo Oil Refinery Limited to operate as transporters of petroleum products in the Petroleum Downstream. The surprise stems from the fact that there is excess supply of BRVs already in the industry, which hardly achieve their investment targets. Also, Sentuo Oil Refinery Company Limited could not import BRVs to distribute products without being approved or assured by the regulator. Or is the NPA arguing that the said company is operating without BRV license? The NPA based on the industry reports of the unsustainability of the transport sector and the compliance of license requirements before one can operate as a BRV company, have no justification to excuse themselves of this economic injurious crime against the Ghanaian Content and Participation Policy in the petroleum downstream. Source: Benjamin Nsiah Director, Centre for Environmental Management and Sustainable Energy (CEMSE) Tags: Benjamin NsiahDownstreamNPAtanker drivers
October 1, 2023
Five-year performance of GCB equity on the Ghana Stock Exchange
Investing in shares or stock or equity should be done with a long term view, this is because historically, the stock market outperforms all other asset classes particularly the traditional asset classes being T-Bills and bonds in the long term, beating inflation and recording significant returns. The stock market is known to record over 110% returns on equity investments (capital appreciation) during bullish market periods which lasts averagely for four (4) years. To realise or achieve significant capital appreciation or gains in share or equity price, investors are advised to continuously invest in the stock market for not less than five (5) years. Hence, an investment into a particular equity for at least five (5) years is ample time to assess its performance, at least over the medium-term. In this write-up, the five year performance of listed equity of State-Owned Bank, GCB, will be analysed looking at its market capitalization, volume-weighted average price (VWAP), earnings per share and price-earnings ratio (P/E ratio). EPS An earning per share (EPS) is used to evaluate a company’s profitability and potential for growth in earnings. It is a measure of how much profit a company generates per share. The higher the EPS, the more profitable a company is and the more attractive it is to investors. GCB has over the last five years (including the 8 months period of 2023), recorded high EPS above the overall average EPS of the various financial companies listed on the GSE. In 2019 for instance, the EPS of GCB equity (GHS 1.14) was more than twice (127.9%) the average EPS (GHS 0.50) of listed financial stocks. Same was the case in 2022 when EPS of GCB equity (GHS 2.33) outperformed the average EPS of listed financial stocks (GHS 1.04) by +12,400bps (124%). EPS of GCB equity which currently stands at GHS 2.51 is +14,600bps (146%) higher than the average EPS of listed financial equities which stands at GHS 1.02. The import of GCB equity consistently recording a higher EPS above the average EPS for listed financial stocks is that, in terms of profitability over the last five year period, GCB has performed relatively well compared to its peers, making it attractive to investors. VWAP The Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP) of GCB equity, simply measures the average price of the stock/equity over a period of time which is usually a full trading day. VWAP is a single-day technical analysis indicator used in intraday charts that restarts at the open of each new trading day. VWAP helps investors and analysts evaluate the current price of a stock to determine whether it is relatively overpriced or underpriced compared to the average trading price for the day. Often investors use this information to either buy or sell an equity or share or stock during the day’s trading session. When the average trading price (VWAP) of an equity is below the overall average trading price of listed equities on a bourse, that particular equity is seen as underpriced or undervalued by investors. In the same vein, when the average trading price (VWAP) of an equity is above the overall average trading price of listed equities on a bourse, that particular equity is seen as overpriced or overvalued by investors. Investors then tend to buy (enter) the equity when it is underpriced and cheap to later sell (exit) the equity when it is overpriced and expensive, thereby making some capital gains. Over the last five years – 2018 to 2022 – the average trading price (VWAP) of GCB equity has consistently outperformed the overall average trading price (VWAP) of financial equities (shares of banks and other financial institutions) listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE). The average price of GCB equity on the last trading day of 2019 for instance, was GHS 5.10, some +1,970bps (19.7%) higher than the overall average price of GHS 4.26 for financial equities listed on the local bourse. At end-2021, GCB equity recorded a much higher average price of GHS 5.24 which was +3,260bps (32.6%) higher than the GHS 3.95 overall average price recorded by the financial equities. As at August 18, 2023, the VWAP of GCB equity stood at GHS 3.50, some +1,550bps (15.5%) higher than the GHS 3.03 VWAP of all listed financial equities. Given that the average trading price (VWAP) of GCB equity is mostly higher than the overall average trading price (VWAP) of listed financial stocks, the GCB equity has been viewed as relatively over-priced by investors over the five year period. P/E Ratio The P/E ratio is indicative of how investors value a company’s ability to grow its income in the years ahead, a higher P/E ratio means investors expect higher income growth from the company whereas a lower P/E ratio implies that investors do not expect high income growth from the company. The P/E ratio is also indicative of how much cedis investors are willing to pay or invest in a company by way of shares acquisition in order to receive or earn GHS 1 of the company’s earnings or profit. What this means is that, if for instance, a company is currently trading with P/E ratio of 10, then the interpretation is that an investor is willing to pay GHS 10 for the company’s shares to receive GHS 1 of the earnings of the company when it makes a profit. Now, contrary to the higher-than-average EPS recorded by GCB equity over the last five years, P/E ratio of the equity remained below the average P/E ratio of listed financial equities. P/E ratio of GCB equity from 2018 to 2022 on year-on-year (yoy) basis declined from 7 to 4 to 3 to 2.89 and then to 1.69 at end-2022. For the eight months period of 2023, the P/E ratio of GCB equity is currently 1. The decline in P/E ratio of GCB equity was reflective of the general decline in the average P/E ratio of listed financial equities. In 2018, the P/E ratio of GCB equity stood at 7 which was -6,420bps (64.2%) lower than the average P/E ratio of 11.5 for listed financial equities. In 2022 however, the average P/E ratio of listed financial equities had dropped to 5.28 as against the 1.69 P/E ratio for GCB equity. The fall in average P/E for listed financial equities from 11.5 to 5.28 indicates a -5,408bps (54.08%) drop in average P/E ratio over the five year period. The continuous fall in the P/E ratio of GCB equity from 7 in 2018 to 1.69 in 2022 is indicative of investors declining optimism in the company’s ability to record higher income growth in the years ahead. It is also indicative that investors are willing to pay or invest less and less money into the bank by way of shares acquisition in order to receive GHS 1 of the company’s earnings or profit. Market Capitalization Market capitalization of GCB equity as at 2018 was GHS 1,219m representing 8.6% share of the GHS 14,167m total market capitalization of listed financial equities on the local bourse. The total market capitalization of GHS 14,167m for financial equities represented 23.17% of the GSE’s total market capitalization of GHS 61,136m in 2018. As at 2022, the market capitalization of GCB equity was GHS 1,044m representing 7.57% share of the GHS 13,774m total market capitalization of listed financial equities. Market capitalization of GCB equity as at August 18, 2023 stood at GHS 928m which represents 7.88% share of the GHS 11,770m total market capitalization of financial stocks. Currently, the total market capitalization of the GSE stands at GHS 72,998m of which the total market capitalization of financial equities constitute 16.12% share of the overall equity market. Over the last five years, GCB equity’s share of the total market capitalization of listed financial equities has ranged from 7.5% to 11%. Changes in the market capitalization of GCB equity and consequently its share of the total market capitalization of listed financial equities are on the back of the volatility in the share price of the equity. Source: Snr Fuaad Dodoo Tags: GCBGhana Stock Exchange
September 5, 2023
Upholding financial stability of Ghanas energy sector: Why IPPs cannot accept debt haircut amid governments economic challenges
The energy landscape is undergoing rapid transformation, driven by the growing role of the Independent Power Producers (IPPs) in meeting global electricity demands. In the intricate landscape of deregulated electricity markets, the role of Independent Power Producers (IPPs) is pivotal in driving electricity generation and supply. Recent debt haircut proposals by Government of Ghana (GoG), driven by economic challenges, have triggered discussions on the potential ramifications for IPPs. This paper reveals the fundamental reasons behind IPPs’ reluctance to accept debt haircut proposals and highlights some important industry references that underscore the implications of such a stance for the energy sector, investor confidence, and sustainable development. Guardians of Energy Infrastructure Independent Power Producers (IPPs) play a pivotal role in ensuring energy security. They invest significant resources in developing and operating power generation facilities, making them essential partners in the energy ecosystem. IPPs as pillars of energy stability operate within a multifaceted energy system where they balance financial sustainability, regulatory compliance, and energy supply to meet growing demand. Their contribution is vital not only to energy generation but also to the overall stability of the market. As at date, the IPPs in Ghana have invested close to USD5billion (privately and commercially contracted debt and equity) in energy infrastructure. Ensuring and Maintaining Financial Viability IPPs operate as commercial entities, and their financial viability depends on generating sufficient revenue to cover their operational costs, debt obligations, and returns to their investors. Accepting a debt haircut could severely impact their financial health and ability to meet these obligations that comes with very strict commercial terms, including non-negotiable penal clauses. (International Finance Corporation (IFC) emphasizes the need for revenue predictability and long-term financial sustainability to attract private investments in energy projects.). Investor Confidence: Accepting debt haircuts might erode investor confidence in the Independent Power Producers in the Ghanaian energy sector. Investors seek reliable returns and stable operating environments, and debt haircuts could introduce uncertainty, deterring future investments. (Reference: The World Bank’s “Doing Business” report underscores how stable regulatory environments, free from arbitrary policy changes, are pivotal in maintaining investor confidence). Contractual Obligations and Regulatory Certainty: IPPs typically enter into long-term contracts with various stakeholders, including lenders, suppliers, and off-takers. Accepting a debt haircut could trigger breaches of these contracts, leading to legal disputes and further financial strain. A debt haircut proposal might signal regulatory uncertainty or instability in the market, potentially discouraging IPPs from making long-term investments or commitments that drive technological innovation and energy expansion. (Global Energy Storage Alliance (GESA) stresses the importance of regulatory predictability in fostering investor trust and ensuring the stability of energy investments and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) underscores the value of long-term contracts in enhancing market predictability and supporting consistent investments in the energy sector. Credit Rating Impact: A debt haircut could lead to credit rating downgrades for IPPs, making it more expensive for them to secure financing for future projects. This, in turn, would hinder their growth and expansion plans. Market Credibility and Business Continuity: Debt haircuts could undermine the credibility of the energy market as a whole, raising questions about the financial stability of both IPPs and the broader sector. Debt haircuts disrupt this financial equilibrium, jeopardizing their ability to meet these commitments. This might dissuade potential investors and disrupt market dynamics. (International Energy Agency (IEA): highlights that policy stability and investor-friendly regulations are essential for achieving sustainable energy transitions and fostering private investments). Market Confidence: A debt haircut proposal might undermine confidence in the overall deregulated electricity market. Other market participants, including consumers, may become concerned about the financial stability of the market, impacting its functioning and competitiveness. Lack of Guarantees: Given the economic turbulence, IPPs are the most worried and concerned about the government’s ability to honor any new payment arrangements that arise from the proposal. Times without number, promises have failed and as a result, trust is lost. Contract Renegotiation Concerns: Accepting a debt haircut could set a precedent for other contractual re-negotiations, possibly leading to pressure on IPPs to renegotiate other aspects of their contracts jeopardizing the sustainability and continuity of the investment. Other stakeholders might also approach IPPs with similar proposals, leading to a moral hazard situation where responsible financial practices are not incentivized. IPPs Contribution to the Ghanaian Economy: IPPs contribute to in no small measure to Ghana’s economy through job creation, infrastructure development, and tax revenue. Financial instability caused by debt haircuts could compromise these economic contributions. Lack of Guarantees: If the local government proposing the debt haircut is facing economic problems, IPPs might be concerned about the government’s ability to honor any new payment arrangements that arise from the proposal. Impact on Operations: The reduction in revenues resulting from a debt haircut could impact the maintenance and operational activities of the IPPs, potentially leading to reduced reliability and efficiency of power generation. Reference: World Economic Forum (WEF) highlights how IPPs contribute to driving energy transition, innovation, and competitiveness within the energy market. Striking a Balance: While acknowledging the economic challenges faced by Government of Ghana (GoG), the energy sector’s sustainability and investor confidence cannot be compromised. Independent Power Producers are essential guardians of energy infrastructure and enablers of socio-economic growth. A collaborative approach involving governments, regulatory bodies, and IPPs is necessary to find solutions that ensure financial stability for all parties while safeguarding the reliable supply of electricity. As we navigate the complexities of the energy transition, the importance of a stable and supportive regulatory framework cannot be overstated. By addressing the economic challenges in a manner that preserves the integrity of contractual obligations and fosters a conducive investment environment, we can continue to advance towards a sustainable energy future. – Dr. Elikplim Kwabla Apetorgbor (Power Systems Economist & CEO of the Independent Power Producers, Ghana). Tags: Debt haircutErnest sector debtGhanaIPPs
August 23, 2023
The crucial role of IPPs in ensuring energy security and fueling developing economies [Article]
conoIn an era where energy is the lifeblood of progress, the role of independent power producers (IPPs) emerges as a beacon of innovation, resilience, and transformative change. As developing economies strive to carve a path toward prosperity and self-sufficiency, the significance of IPPs in bolstering energy security and driving economic growth cannot be overstated. This article delves into the pivotal role of IPPs in shaping the destiny of nations, ensuring energy security, and igniting the engines of a dynamic developing economy. A Foundation for Energy Security: Energy security forms the bedrock upon which a nation’s progress rests. Reliable access to electricity is not merely a convenience; it is a prerequisite for economic activity, essential services, and the well-being of citizens. Independent power producers inject a vital dose of stability into the energy equation by diversifying the sources of energy production and distribution. The ability of IPPs to generate electricity from a range of resources, including renewables like solar, wind, and hydro, reduces vulnerability to supply disruptions. This diversity minimizes the impact of unforeseen events, be they geopolitical conflicts or market fluctuations, and ensures a consistent energy supply that sustains industries, supports healthcare and drives education. The result is a stronger, more resilient energy infrastructure that empowers nations to navigate uncertainties and pursue sustainable growth. Catalyzing Economic Growth: A developing economy thrives on innovation, investment, and the ability to harness its resources efficiently. Independent power producers infuse a dynamic spirit of entrepreneurship into the energy sector, stimulating economic growth through private-sector participation. By leveraging their expertise and capital, IPPs accelerate the development of energy projects that may have otherwise been delayed due to budgetary constraints or bureaucratic hurdles. Furthermore, IPPs create a ripple effect that reverberates across sectors. The energy they generate serves as a catalyst, powering factories, spurring job creation, and attracting foreign investment. As industries flourish and expand, the cycle of economic growth gains momentum, elevating the nation’s standing on the global stage and enhancing its capacity to meet the needs of its citizens. Driving Technological Advancement: In the realm of energy, technology is the driving force behind innovation and progress. Independent power producers, unburdened by the inertia of traditional utilities, are at the forefront of embracing cutting-edge technologies. From smart grids that optimize energy distribution to advanced monitoring systems that enhance efficiency, IPPs pave the way for a future characterized by intelligent, sustainable energy solutions. As IPPs deploy state-of-the-art technologies, they create a ripple effect that extends beyond the energy sector. The infusion of technological advancements into the economy fuels a culture of innovation, spurring research and development, and nurturing a generation of tech-savvy professionals. This virtuous cycle contributes to a robust, adaptable economy that is equipped to thrive in a rapidly evolving global landscape. Energizing a Promising Future: In the grand tapestry of progress, independent power producers emerge as architects of transformation, weaving threads of energy security, economic vitality, and technological advancement. Their ability to diversify energy sources, stimulate economic growth, and drive technological innovation positions them as indispensable partners in the journey of developing economies. As nations steer their course toward a promising future, IPPs stand as luminous guides, illuminating the path to sustainable energy security and prosperity. By embracing their role, developing economies can harness the power of independence to unlock untapped potential, unleash innovation, and write a new chapter of progress that resonates across generations. — The writer, Dr. Elikplim Kwabla Apetorgbor is Power Systems Economist & CEO of the Independent Power Generators, Ghana. Tags: Fuel economicsIPPsPower sector
Busess, Featured, FEATURES, Oil And Gas
August 14, 2023
New tax on plastic packaging in GhanaWill this solve the problem of plastic waste?
The use of plastic materials is convenient, and it is the preferred choice by both manufacturers and consumers due to its lightweight and its ability to store and prevent food contamination but globally, the effect of plastics on the environment is devastating especially when it is improperly managed. Because Plastic packaging is typically used for a short period of time and thereafter disposed-off, they cause great danger to the environment. From choking of gutters to threats to marine waters, affecting fishing activities. According to a BBC report, more than 1.3 billion tonnes of plastic could enter the environment globally by the year 2040 and 95% of these plastic products are for single use with only 5% being recycled. To deal with the problem of plastic waste, governments around the world adopt measures to encourage recycled plastic to help tackle plastic waste rather than being sent to landfills. Research has however found that, recycling plastic is often more expensive than using new plastic. Some countries therefore completely ban single-use plastics packaging whiles other countries use tax policies to discourage plastic use. Using tax policy to deal with plastic waste One way to deal with the problem of plastic waste is to discourage the use of plastic in packaging. Plastic packaging tax (PPT) is one way to discourage the use of plastic materials. Such a tax will aim at encouraging the use of less new plastic by levying additional tax on all plastic products, which will lead to increase in prices of plastic products. Effect of a plastic packaging tax The possible effect of a Plastic packaging tax is that producers will adopt packaging materials that is easier to recycle and discourage them from creating plastic packaging which is difficult to recycle. Businesses will be more conscious of the impact of their plastic packaging decisions on the environment and drive a change in attitude to a more environmentally friendly packaging. Key tax policy considerations Any intention to introduce a plastic packaging tax should consider the scope of the tax. It should apply to both produced or imported plastic packaging which uses insufficient recycled content. For example, if a packaging component contains certain amount of plastic, the tax should then apply. Plastic packaging manufactured or imported for use in the packaging of a medicinal product can be considered exempt from the tax due to the essential use of the package. This is critical because we cannot entirely deal away with plastic. Thus, defining products within the scope of the tax is crucial for its implementation. Other consideration should focus on the rate of tax in order not to make goods and service extremely expensive. The exact point at which the tax is charge is also important to be determined to avoid a cascading effect of the tax. Past policies to deal with plastic waste The government in an attempt to deal with plastic waste introduced 10 % Environmental Excise Tax (EET) under the Customs and Excise (Duties and Other Taxes) (Amendment) ACT, 2013, (Act 863). The law provided that, the tax shall be computed on the Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) value of plastic and plastic products imported and it is paid at the point of entry into Ghana. The law also provided that, not less than 50% of the revenue accruing shall be paid into a Fund designated as “Plastic Waste Recycling Fund” and the revenue accruing shall be dedicated to recycling of plastic waste and production of plastic waste bins and bags and the production and use of biodegradable plastics. The Minister for Local Government and Rural Development shall in consultation with the Minister for Finance specify the use and modalities for the use of the moneys and the Minister for Local Government and Rural Development shall, at the end of each year submit to Parliament a report on the use of the moneys. The Ghana Plastic Manufacturers Association (GPMA) in 2019 said the 10 per cent Environmental Excise Tax (EET) that was introduced in 2013 had accrued a total sum of GH¢912 million, and the amount had been paid into the Consolidated Fund because the Fund’s secretariat was yet to be set-up. According to the GPMA, when the money accrued is used effectively, government could build ultra-modern waste recycling plants to deal with the issue of plastic waste. In July 2021, The Minister of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation, (MESTI), Dr. Kwaku Afriyie hinted that government is considering a plastic waste management policy that will impose certain levies on consumers who use plastic products. Conclusion Manufacturers and importers of plastic packaging products may need to prepare for the new tax on plastic wastes. Consumers must embrace themselves for increases in prices of plastic products. Since Plastic packaging tax (PPT) is an environmental tax designed to create incentive for environmentally friendly packaging, entrepreneurs can take advantage of this new policy to start producing paper bags which are environmentally friendly. The amount received from the plastic tax should be put to its appropriate use. It is unclear how the amount collected from the 2013 10 % Environmental Excise Tax (EET) has been utilized. – By: Timore Francis Esq. 0266-656595 (mytimore@yahoo.ca) The writer is a Tax Lawyer/Consultant and a member of the Chartered Institute of Taxation.   Tags: Francis Timore BoiPlastics ManagementTax
July 6, 2023
Golden nectar: Uncovering Ghanas blossoming honey industry
Ghana has a long history of beekeeping, dating back to the 16th century. The country is home to a wide variety of bees, including stingless bees, honey bees, and carpenter bees. Honey is a valuable product in Ghana, and it is used for both food and medicinal purposes. The honey industry in Ghana has been gaining attention in recent years due to its potential to contribute significantly to food security, employment, and income generation (https://lnkd.in/dUqw5gKg; https://lnkd.in/dH_Qzw2s; https://lnkd.in/dhT62M_U). Honey production has been increasing, but it is still far below its potential, with an estimated 500,000 tonnes of honey per annum worth about $1.5 billion (https://lnkd.in/dhT62M_U). The beekeeping and honey industry in Ghana is predominantly smallholder and is mostly found in the Northern, Brong Ahafo, and Ashanti regions (https://lnkd.in/dH_Qzw2s; https://lnkd.in/dYAuzHMU; https://lnkd.in/dv94Aw8F). These regions have a favourable environment for beekeeping due to the presence of forests, savannahs, and vegetation, which provide ample forage for bees (https://www.theafricareport.com/184850/ghana-can-bees-be-key-to-sweetening-the-economy/; https://www.howwemadeitinafrica.com/ghana-entrepreneur-capitalises-on-opportunity-in-honey-and-beekeeping-industry/118267/). Tilaa, a beekeeping and cashew nut business, is headquartered in Tamale and operates in the Mion District, one of the regions with a strong beekeeping industry (https://www.howwemadeitinafrica.com/ghana-entrepreneur-capitalises-on-opportunity-in-honey-and-beekeeping-industry/118267/). Current Production and Trade Volume of Honey in Ghana The honey industry in Ghana is largely untapped, and lack of investment has hindered the industry’s potential (https://www.beeculture.com/catch-buzz-ghana-wants-piece-global-honey-export-business-intends-fund-growth/). The industry’s value globally was estimated at US$2.2 billion in 2016, with an increasing demand for honey as a healthier replacement for sugar (https://www.beeculture.com/catch-buzz-ghana-wants-piece-global-honey-export-business-intends-fund-growth/;https://www.graphic.com.gh/news/general-news/ghana-news-increasing-demand-for-honey-time-to-attend-to-beekeeping-industry.html). However, the beekeepers in Ghana have failed to fully exploit this huge potential, accounting for less than 1% of the global honey market share (https://www.graphic.com.gh/news/general-news/ghana-news-increasing-demand-for-honey-time-to-attend-to-beekeeping-industry.html). In 2021, Ghana produced an estimated 1,500 metric tonnes of honey. The majority of this honey is consumed domestically, but a small amount is exported. The main export markets for Ghanaian honey are the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the United States. The global honey market size was estimated at $ 8.58 billion in 2021 and was expected to reach $9.01 billion in 2022. The top exporters of honey globally are New Zealand, China, Argentina, Brazil, and Germany. The top importers of honey are the United States, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and France. The demand for honey is growing due to its many health benefits. Honey is a natural antibiotic; it can help improve digestion and boost the immune system. With increasing concerns about the health risks associated with high sugar intake, including heart conditions, obesity, and diabetes, honey offers a healthier alternative, potentially reducing the number of patient-doctor visits related to sugar-related conditions. According to the Ghana Beekeepers Association (GBA), the cost of one beehive, training, and other necessary inputs was estimated at GH¢750 in 2020. Each hive can produce 21 litres of honey per harvest, with three harvests per year, for a total of 63 litres per annum. This means each beekeeper could produce 3,150 litres or 4,504.5 kg per year. A beehive can last for a minimum of 10 years, which is the average lifespan of a beehive. At the farm gate, a litre of honey was selling for GH¢14 across the country in 2020. Contribution of Honey Subsector to Food Security, jobs, and Income Generation The honey subsector plays an important role in food security, employment, and income generation in Ghana. Honey is a valuable source of food and source of income generation for rural households. Beekeeping is a relatively low-cost and labour-intensive activity, and it can be a good source of income for farmers, especially women and youth. The honey industry in Ghana has the potential to provide jobs for thousands of people and improve the income of smallholder farmers (https://www.theafricareport.com/184850/ghana-can-bees-be-key-to-sweetening-the-economy/; https://www.beeculture.com/catch-buzz-ghana-wants-piece-global-honey-export-business-intends-fund-growth/; https://www.howwemadeitinafrica.com/ghana-entrepreneur-capitalises-on-opportunity-in-honey-and-beekeeping-industry/118267/). It can contribute to food security by diversifying income sources for rural households and providing nutritious honey as a food product (https://www.theafricareport.com/184850/ghana-can-bees-be-key-to-sweetening-the-economy/; https://www.beeculture.com/catch-buzz-ghana-wants-piece-global-honey-export-business-intends-fund-growth/). Additionally, the honey industry can also play a vital role in supporting the overall agricultural sector in Ghana, as bees contribute to pollination, enhancing crop yields and overall ecosystem health. Regional Production and Trading Volumes of Honey The Ashanti Region is the leading producer of honey in Ghana, followed by the Brong Ahafo Region and the Eastern Region. The Ashanti Region produces an estimated 500 metric tonnes of honey per year, while the Brong Ahafo Region produces an estimated 300 metric tonnes per year and the Eastern Region produces an estimated 200 metric tonnes per year. The following table shows the regional production and trading volumes of honey in Ghana in 2020: Region Production (metric tonnes) Export (metric tonnes) Ashanti              450                                       100 Brong Ahafo       200                                      50 Central              150                                                     25 Eastern             100                                                      25 Greater Accra         50                                      10 Volta                  50                                            10 Western 50                                                      10 Incentives to Boost Beekeeping and Honey Production To boost beekeeping and honey production in Ghana, various support systems and initiatives have been implemented. Organisations such as Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ Ghana), Quality Services International GmbH (QSI), and Agrifood Value Chains for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Market Development (AGRIVIMS) have collaborated on projects to improve the quality and marketability of Ghanaian honey (https://agrictoday.com.gh/2022/02/18/make-ghanas-honey-fit-for-local-and-export-project-launched/). These initiatives aim to make Ghana’s honey fit for local consumption and export by implementing quality standards, providing training, and establishing market linkages for beekeepers (https://agrictoday.com.gh/2022/02/18/make-ghanas-honey-fit-for-local-and-export-project-launched/). This is also intended to prepare and position the honey value chain in Ghana to explore intra-Africa trade under the African Continental Free Trade Area agreement (AfCFTA). Impact of Illegal Mining and Climate Change on Beekeeping and Honey Production in Ghana Nevertheless, the honey industry in Ghana faces challenges such as illegal mining and climate change, which have a negative impact on beekeeping and honey production. Illegal mining, also known as galamsey, destroys natural habitats of bees and other pollinators, reduces floral resources, and contaminates water bodies, which can have adverse effects on bees and their foraging patterns (https://www.beeculture.com/catch-buzz-ghana-wants-piece-global-honey-export-business-intends-fund-growth/). Climate change, including unpredictable rainfall patterns and extreme weather events, also affect flowering and nectar availability, ultimately impacting honey production in the country (https://www.beeculture.com/catch-buzz-ghana-wants-piece-global-honey-export-business-intends-fund-growth/). World Bee Day and Ghana Honey Festival, 2023 Globally, the year 2023, marks the sixth year, in which the UN Bee Day is being celebrated. The 20th of May every year, is a special day on the global calendar to reminisce the essential role pollinators especially bees, play in sustaining biodiversity and food security. Bees and other pollinators are known to make important contributions to agriculture and our food system. Pollinators affect 35% of global agricultural land, supporting the production of 87% of the major economic crops globally. Also, pollination-dependent crops are five times more valuable than those that do not need pollination. Bees and other pollinators around the world have been reported to be endangered evident in population declines in the abundance and diversity of bees over the last decades as a direct consequence of human activities. In order to take action on these concerns around the world, the World Bee Day is commemorated to create the platform to educate people about the importance of bees and how they can help preserve them for global food security on the 20th of May each year by the UN and other relevant stakeholders. In the year, 2020, a young Ghanaian Research Scientist, Dr. Courage Komla Besah-Adanu, initiated the UN Bee Day Celebrations in Ghana, while working as an Entomologist at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research-Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (CSIR-FORIG). The maiden world bee day and honey festival celebration in Ghana was sponsored largely by the DANIDA Fellowship Centre, Chamber of Agribusiness Ghana (CAG), Agri-Food Value Innovations and Marketing Society (AGRIVIMS), Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR-FORIG), DANIDA Alumni Association, Ghana (DAN-G), Quality Services International (QSI), International Stingless Bee Centre (ISBC), University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana Beekeepers Association (GBA), National Beekeepers Association (NATBA), Volta Regional Association of Beekeepers (VORAB) and Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA). On Friday, the 19th of May, 2023, Ghana will join other countries in the world made possible by the generous sponsorship of GIZ Ghana and MoFA, to once again, celebrate bees and other pollinators, by spotlighting their critical role in sustaining food security and human existence. This year’s celebration of World Bee Day and Honey Festival will happen at the CSIR-Food Research Institute, near the Ghana Standards Authority, Shiashie in Accra. The theme for this year is “Bee engaged in pollinator-friendly agricultural production”. The event will bring together experts and key stakeholders from selected regions in Ghana to delve into several aspects of beekeeping, pollinator and agriculture ecosystem interactions parts activities to commemorate the day. Ghana’s most celebrated Entomologist and Pollination Ecologist, Rev. Professor Peter Kwapong, from the University of Cape Coast (Founder and Director of the International Stingless Bee Centre) will keynote the event. This year’s event will among other things, have an exhibition session. There will also be an “honey tasting session for quality or bad honey”. This is where, men become children, becareful! Even the most experienced beekeeper may miss out in identifying which is quality honey or a bad one! The General public is hereby invited to this year’s event and exhibition. Come and educate yourself about all you need to know about Beekeeping, Honey, Honey Production, Pollination and all related issues. In conclusion, while Ghana’s honey industry has significant untapped potential, as it still faces varied challenges. The current production and trade volume of honey in Ghana are below its estimated potential. The honey subsector has the potential to contribute to food security, employment, and income generation, particularly in regions such as Northern, Brong Ahafo, and Ashanti. Efforts are being made by organisations, stakeholders and initiatives to support and boost beekeeping and honey production in Ghana. However, challenges such as illegal mining and climate change need to be addressed to ensure the sustainable growth of the honey industry in the country. We hope this blog post has been informative. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. By Kojo Ahiakpa, Research Desk Consulting Limited and WACAAD Courage Komla Besa-Adanu, West African Centre for Agribusiness and Apiculture Development
June 7, 2023
Potential impacts of recently-introduced taxes on agribusiness in Ghana [Article]
The three new taxes introduced by the government of Ghana in 2023 – the Growth and Sustainability Levy Act (Act 1095), the Excise Duty Amendment Act 2022 (Act 1094), and the Income Tax Amendment Act 2022 (Act 1093) – have raised concerns about potential impacts on agribusiness in Ghana. While the new taxes have been introduced to raise revenue and meet the conditions for a $3 billion IMF programme, these may pose challenges for agribusinesses, agripreneurs, and consumers, predominantly stakeholders in the agribusiness sector. However, it is worth noting that these taxes build on previous amendments to tax laws that were introduced in the 2022 Mid-year Budget Review. Additionally, Ghana’s GDP grew by 5.4% in 2021, according to the Ghana Statistical Service, and the Economist Intelligence Unit revealed that Ghana’s real GDP growth strengthened in 2022, albeit slowing down in 2023-24 and picking up again in 2025-26. It is also worth noting that stakeholders such as the Chamber of Agribusiness Ghana, the Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana (PFAG) and partners called on the finance minister to grant tax exemptions on agricultural commodities prior to the introduction of these taxes (as there was an earlier unilateral announcement of the suspension of tax exemptions to key agricultural equipment and raw materials). Regarding corporate income tax, the general rate is 25%, but non-traditional exporters pay an 8% CIT rate, while banks lending to the agricultural sector pay a CIT rate. Mining and upstream petroleum companies pay CIT at a rate of 35%, while companies primarily engaged in the hotel industry pay a reduced rate of 22%. Again, regarding value-added tax (VAT), the standard VAT rate in Ghana is 15%, and VAT is charged on the supply of goods and services where the supply is taxable. We envisage the following as potential ramifications of the three new taxes imposed by the government on agribusinesses and recommend how our members can adjust to these actions. Growth and Sustainability Levy Act, 2023 (Act 1095) First, as stated in Clause 3 of the Act, since it is not an expense and hence not an acceptable deduction, it will raise the cost of doing business in Ghana. Since it is not a tax deduction, agribusinesses may pass the cost on to consumers by raising the price of their goods and services, which could heighten inflation depending on how elastic consumer demand are for these commodities. When agribusinesses cannot pass the cost on to consumers, they either have to absorb it themselves or transfer it by cutting back on production or supply, which means fewer jobs and fewer resources would be invested to produce goods and provide services. Second, it will be challenging to collect this levy from mining and petroleum companies that have stability clauses in their agreements, which state that no change in fiscal legislation shall affect them until after their stability period (which can be anywhere from 15 to 25 years, depending on the agreement). Those that don’t have such provisions will likely try to internalise them, which will raise their production costs and lower their profits, ultimately raising their taxable corporate income. Third, the Financial Sector Recovery Levy of 5% imposed last year adds to the burden of the National Fiscal Stabilisation Levy’s repeal, making it more expensive for financial firms. Customers are already receiving notices from their banks informing them of a pending increase in the prices they must pay for banking services. This could have an effect on the government’s efforts to expand financial access and increase lending to agribusiness, since individuals or agribusinesses who cannot afford banking services may begin to avoid them. An inclusive stakeholder involvement could have been the obvious step, as it would have allowed industry stakeholders to make rate recommendations to the government and advocate for changes to corporate tax rates or royalties. For the mining and petroleum industries, for instance, an increase in the royalty rate from 5-6%, rather than the 1% Levy, would have necessitated discussion for the suspension of portions of the stability clauses. For the sake of efficiency and fairness, the financial sector should have been allowed to deduct at least one of the levies, such as the financial sector recovery levy after the Growth and Sustainability Levy became non-deductible. When added to the 6% previously paid in straight levies for national health insurance (2.5%), the Ghana Education Trust Fund (2.5%), and the Covid-19 Health Recovery (1%), it’s clear that the new sectors should have been hit with a 1% Levy to get things rolling. Income Tax (Amendment) Act, 2023 (Act 1094) A new 35% band established ostensibly for the high-net-worth taxation policy is misplaced in the Income Tax Act, while a revision of the income tax bands to fit the minimum wage for 2023 is a typical and usual activity. Instead of changing the income threshold, the income bands might have been shifted to get higher earners into the current 30% bracket. The GRA’s High Networth Individuals unit (HNIs) has a full roster of HNIs and is still compiling additional HNIs in order to ensure compliance by this segment of taxpayers; at the current rate of 30%, the country can collect more money than the increase in rates would cost. It’s fascinating to see that these people pay taxes at the same rate (35%) as mining and petroleum firms, which is far higher than the rates paid by companies in the hospitality industry (25%), the banking sector (22%), leasing and agricultural sectors (20%). If these wealthy people want to avoid paying taxes at a rate of 35%, why not form corporations and have their dividends subject to a final tax rate of 8%? The implementation of a withholding tax on the sale of assets and the settlement of liabilities is a positive step in the right direction. Since it is always based on self-assessment, only increased monitoring is required to guarantee compliance. Refreshingly, it’s great that we can have a universal 5-year loss carryover, which is a fantastic policy move. It is necessary to keep an eye on businesses to ensure they don’t dissolve and reform after every five years to avoid paying taxes. A case of Sankofa is the restriction of foreign exchange losses and the capitalisation of the capital expenditure provisions of the Internal Revenue Act, 2000 (Act 592), as amended. This is why we constantly advocate for stakeholder participation in the discussion of tax policies to ensure that such inconsistent tax policies are avoided. Since the accrual basis of accounting is generally recognised for tax purposes, this will result in substantial unrealised exchange losses for taxpayers, putting a strain on their ability to pay their taxes in a timely manner. The burden on taxpayers could have been reduced if we had agreed to accept some portion of unrealised exchange losses (maybe 30% or 50%), given that the difference between the date the loss would be incurred and the date it would actualise is merely a matter of timing. Fifth, it is encouraging to see a programme aimed at reviewing income tax rates for temporary incentives and phasing them off gradually. This is especially true after 5 years when the loss incurred towards the united goal. Excise Duty (Amendment) Act, 2023 (Act 1093) Taxation is not all about raising revenue and so this Act should not be seen exclusively as a revenue raising measure but a measure to deal with importation and consumption of harmful goods. In as much as the increased raises will bring-in some revenue, that cannot be the main purpose. Thus, the rates could have been discussed with stakeholders in the industry. Again, the regulatory bodies such as Food and Drugs Authority and Ghana Standards Authority should have been empowered to ensure compliance. For example, the sugar content in some of these beverages to deal with addressing the health concerns as in childhood diabetes among others should be the motivation for this tax. More importantly, given the negative effects of cigarette and alcohol use, a rise in excise tax on these products is warranted. Moreso, it is in line with ECOWAS Directives and Ghana being a member has to comply. Again, we need a lot of monitoring to avert and deal with smuggling of these products when the taxes are imposed. In addition to the impact of the excise duty, where businesses can pass on the increased duty forward by way of increase in prices, they may likely do so and that would impact prices and possibly commodity inflation. However, where they are unable to pass it forward, they may pass it backward by cutting down on production; thus, reducing costs of inputs including labour, hence a possible loss of jobs and an increase in unemployment. This is so because the industries are already dealing with increases in the cost of utilities – water and electricity – as well as increase in VAT by 2.5%, along the straight levies. The proposal would be to revert the straight levies into claimable VAT to ease the cost buildup for businesses. Recommendations to Agribusinesses 1) Diversify your raw material sourcing, making use of alternatives available locally 2) Diversify sourcing of your raw materials and make use of alternatives that are readily available locally. 3) Leverage the value-based pricing method to cost your products and services 4) Consciously cut down on use of utility and fuel, i.e., electricity and water. Ensure your factory or agribusiness limits wastage. Start making investments in other forms of electricity generation like solar. 5) Track every transaction and keep appropriate records. Undertake periodic audits of your books and tax filings 6) If it is in your power, band together with other agribusinesses/agripreneurs to engage in “group import of raw materials” or group sourcing. 7) Leverage suitable technologies to minimise labour cost and extra expenditure 8) Maintain constant engagement with the various stakeholder groups and associations along the value chain in order to safeguard your interests. 9) Agribusinesses should make it a priority to diversify their sources of credit; thus, a combination of equity, debt, venture capital, and grant funding could make the responsibility of paying back short-term investments less burdensome. By Policy and Research Unit Chamber of Agribusiness Ghana Acknowledgment The Policy and Research Unit of CAG appreciates the useful contributions by Dr. Abdallah Ali-Nakyea, a tax consultant.   Source: Kojo Ahiakpa Tags: CAGrevenueTAXES
The importance of trade secrets in the food and beverage industry [Article]
– An interview with Kojo Brifo, Freddy Hirsch WA MD, and Uduak Koka, Intellectual Property Expert and MD of Baesault In this interview, Kojo Brifo, Managing Director of Freddy Hirsch Nigeria and West Africa and Uduak Koka, an Intellectual Property expert and Managing Director of Baesault, an intellectual property consultancy speak on trade secrets in the food and beverage industry, stressing the importance of IP. Can you give us an overview of trade secrets, IP, and how this connects to the food and beverage industry? The food and beverage industry is a highly competitive and dynamic industry that thrives on innovation and creativity. Globally, companies in this sector are constantly looking for ways to gain a competitive advantage, whether it is through new product development, marketing strategies, or operational efficiencies. One way that companies can gain an edge in this industry is by protecting their trade secrets. Trade secrets are confidential information that is critical to the success of a business, such as customer lists, product formulations, manufacturing processes, and marketing strategies. Unlike patents or trademarks, which must be published as a trade-off for the monopoly of protection, trade secrets are kept confidential and can remain so indefinitely. In the food and beverage industry, trade secrets are particularly important, as the success of a company often depends on its ability to create unique and innovative products. Companies invest significant time and resources in research and development to create new recipes, formulations, and production processes. These trade secrets give companies a competitive advantage by allowing them to create products that are not easily replicated by competitors. Can you explain trade secrets in more detail? Trade secrets are the most prized crown jewels in any company. A trade secret is a type of intellectual property right that companies keep very close to their chest and do all they can to ensure the information remains secret. A more general definition of a trade secret is any information, unknown to its competitors that gives its owner an advantage over its competitors. With such a broad definition, various types of information have the potential to fall within this category. For example, customer/ supplier lists, pricing strategies, manufacturing/production methods, formulations, data (both positive data and data from failed research) equipment, and the integration thereof – the list goes on. However, there is one caveat. For information to be considered as a trade secret in most legal systems, the owner (of the confidential information) must also make reasonable efforts to ensure that the information is kept confidential. We’ll explore what this means in practice later but the requirement of reasonable efforts to ensure the security of the information is understandable when you think about the value of trade secrets in certain industries. If a unique production process combined with a unique formulation of ingredients/materials form a part of a company’s core offering, the ability to keep that process and formulation (and various other aspects of their business) a secret is vital as it is their life blood. This rings true for the food and beverage industry as well as most engineering, pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies. However, trade secrets are just as important for non-manufacturing companies like fintech, software, and a host of other industries too. Many well-known food and beverage companies have enjoyed and continue to enjoy success because they have been able to maintain the secrecy of certain information over a period of time. If you have ever tried to recreate the flavors savored in a restaurant you once visited (or better yet, flavors created by the best cook you know) you’ll understand that figuring out the ingredients and the know-how i.e. the recipe to get something to taste exactly the same is no easy feat. I am yet to taste KFC flavors outside of KFC or a Coca-Cola imitation that matches the original. This is no surprise as those are two of the best-kept trade secrets in the food and beverage industry. The Coca-Cola recipe and KFC recipe have enjoyed protection for over 130 years and a little over 75 years respectively. This is not to say that it would be impossible to independently figure out their recipes; however, it would take quite some resources for a company to do so. This is where time is your friend because in the time it is taking a competitor to research and develop a competitive product, your company has the space to build its reputation and generate goodwill for its brand such that your brand (or trademark(s)) whether registered or unregistered becomes so admired amongst its users that it doesn’t matter if someone brings out a similar product because you will have gained the trust and more importantly, the loyalty of consumers. What are some types of trade secrets? Trade secrets are not just important for product formulations, and commercial applications but also for manufacturing processes. Companies in the food and beverage industry may use specialized equipment or techniques to produce their products, which can give them a competitive advantage in terms of quality, efficiency, or cost. By keeping these processes confidential, companies can protect their trade secrets and maintain their competitive edge. Trade secrets play a crucial role in manufacturing, especially when it comes to production processes and recipes. Companies invest significant time and resources in developing efficient and effective production processes that give them a competitive advantage in terms of quality, cost, and speed. Similarly, as we discussed in relation to Coca-Cola and KFC, recipes for products can be trade secrets that provide a company with a unique product that cannot be easily imitated. By keeping these trade secrets confidential, companies can maintain their competitive edge and ensure their continued success in the manufacturing industry. Business information trade secrets encompass a range of confidential information critical to the success of a business, including customer/client lists, supplier lists, price agreements, distribution methods, contractual conditions, and executed contracts. Customer and supplier lists are valuable trade secrets that can provide a company with a competitive edge by allowing it to establish and maintain important relationships. Sales methods, price agreements, and advertising strategies are also important trade secrets that can help a company differentiate itself from competitors and increase its market share. Distribution methods, contract forms, and business schedules are other examples of trade secrets that can give a company a competitive advantage by ensuring efficient operations and effective management. In the food and Beverage industry, recipes, machinery, and processes are kept confidential as it serves as a competitive advantage and unique product differentiator. This is true, for example, in Nigeria. Dufil Group, the owners of the Indomie brand, an instant noodle product have a unique boiled chicken flavor that has made it a market leader in the noodle category. In the Bouillon seasoning category, leading brands like Unilever Knorr and Nestle’s Maggi have unique flavor profiles and create a distinct taste for consumers. The quick service restaurants continue to innovate and create new platforms and recipes to ensure a competitive edge over competitors, with, for instance, the fried rice sold at different restaurants; each with different tastes based on the fried note, the vegetables used, rice, and appearance. Based on the advantages of trade secrets in the food and beverage industry, it is very key to protect recipes, process methods and food-related systems. This is where robust policies and procedures, such as confidentiality agreements, access controls, and security measures are essential to protecting these trade secrets from unauthorized access and ensuring a company’s continued success irrespective of the sector. Besides customer loyalty and brand recognition, what are the impacts of trade secrets that may be less obvious? While the impact of trade secrets on innovation and competitive advantage is well-known, there are also less obvious impacts that can have significant economic and national security implications. An economic impact of trade secrets is that they can create barriers to entry in markets. When a company possesses a unique trade secret, it can be difficult for a new competitor to enter and compete effectively. This can lead to decreased competition, higher prices, and reduced innovation. For example, if a company has a secret formula for a product that cannot be easily reverse-engineered, as long as the trade secret remains a secret, the company can maintain a monopoly on that product, driving up prices for consumers. This may slow technological advancements as it discourages collaboration between companies. Interestingly the US, Japan, and EU have recently made some updates to their trade secret policies of the last 5 years to, for example, expand protections and include civil and criminal remedies for trade secret theft. When you consider that theft of trade secrets accounts for about 3% of GDP in the global north, it is understandable why updates are being made. Trade secrets can also have significant national security implications, when related to military technology, weapons systems, etc and are critical to national defence, or are critical infrastructure such as energy systems or telecommunications networks. If these trade secrets are compromised, it could lead to serious disruptions and potentially even pose a threat to public safety. It is thus important to strike a balance between protecting trade secrets and ensuring that information sharing and collaboration can continue to drive progress and innovation in critical industries. What are some examples of companies that have managed trade secrets well? The most widely known example is probably Coca-Cola, as it has successfully guarded its formula for over 130 years. A less spoken about, but also popular brand is the soy sauce manufacturer Kikkoman which has held its trade secrets for about 300 years. There’s also Lindt, the Swiss chocolatier which has been in operation since 1845, is present in over 100 countries and has managed to keep their recipes secret – they report keeping one or more of their recipes in a vault in Switzerland. What does intellectual property mean to Freddy Hirsch Nigeria and what role has trade secrets played in its success? Freddy Hirsch Nigeria is a flavor and seasoning manufacturer in Nigeria supplying FMCG. Freddy Hirsch works with multiple customers to deliver a unique and innovative flavor to them. Our propriety and confidential information are key assets This includes our flavor formulas and application technologies. As a flavor supplier to many customers, we make sure that each customer’s trade secret, manufacturing process, information, and sources of raw materials are not disclosed to any third party or customer competitors. For a company like Freddy Hirsch Nigeria, intellectual property is critical to its success so we hold various patents, which give us a competitive advantage in the market. We also have trademarks on the brand name and logo, which helps to distinguish our products from those of our competitors. By keeping these trade secrets secret, we can prevent their competitors from replicating our products or processes, which helps us to maintain a dominant market position. How does Freddy Hirsch Nigeria ensure that its trade secrets are protected? We have a code of Conduct, the values of which protect our intellectual property including our trade secrets. Freddy Hirsch values and protects its confidential information, and we also respect other companies’ confidential information. Our client’s information is not shared with any of its competitors or other customers. We also ensure that any other information collected is done in an ethical and legal manner. Our employees sign non-disclosure agreements subject to Labour law that stipulates that any technologies developed and created while in the employment of the company is property of Freddy Hirsch Nigeria. It is our responsibility to ensure the proper handling of confidential information. We facilitate IP and trade secret courses during new employee inductions and have periodic reviews to reinforce and update new employees on trade secrets protection. We also have a trade secret policy that advises employees on how to identify and manage and protect trade secrets. Employees are advised not to leave confidential information computers, tablets, flash drives or mobile phones unattended.  In addition, access to software, confidential information is restricted and controlled. Do you see any changes on the horizon for how we think about protecting IP or trade secrets specifically in the food and beverage industry? The food and beverage industry, like any other industry, is constantly evolving, and as such, there will be changes in the way that companies protect their intellectual property (IP) or trade secrets. One trend that has emerged in recent years is the increasing use of technology to protect trade secrets across various industries and the food and beverage industry is no exception. For example, companies are starting to use blockchain technology to securely store and track information about their products, access records, and supply chain, thereby reducing the risk of theft or unauthorized access to trade secrets. Another trend is the growing importance of protecting data and information in the food and beverage industry. With the rise of digital technologies and the increasing amount of data generated by food and beverage companies, there is a need to protect sensitive information from theft or misuse. —– Kojo Brifo is the Managing Director of Freddy Hirsch West Africa. Uduak Koka is Managing Director of Baesault, an intellectual property consulting firm operating in EMEA.   Source: Kojo Brifo Tags: beverageFoodsecrets
April 20, 2023
Francis Timore Boi writes: All you need to know about tax on lottery and gambling
The inclusion of lottery or gambling income as taxable income is strongly influenced by a country’s choice of tax system. For those countries with worldwide tax system, gambling winnings are in principle, subject to tax whether they arise from windfall (occasional transactions) or from a professional gambler. When tax is imposed on gambling and lottery, the Tax Base is only on the winnings and the losses are ignored. Losses incurred in gambling or lottery are not deductible because each gambling occasion is a separate event.  Gambling or lottery losses arising on one occasion cannot be deducted against winnings derived on another occasion. These restrictions presumably reflect the administrative difficulties of verifying gambling losses. Even in the case of a professional gambler or lotto “staker”, losses for the year can be deducted only from the gambling income or winnings from the stake. The Practice in some countries Most countries tax lottery or gambling income as Occasional Income (windfall) and some countries consider gambling income as taxable only if the gambler can be found to be in the business of gambling. For example in Germany, gambling income of a professional card player is taxable as business income and gambling from TV shows is taxable as other income. In Ghana, when Act 896 was passed in 2015, lottery activity was recognized as an investment activity. Since 2015, lottery taxation has gone through several changes leading to it being repealed. In 2015 when Act 896, a withholding tax of 5% was imposed on the winning amount under 1st Schedule Par 8(1)(b)(viii). In 2016, the Income Tax Amendment Act, 2016 (Act 907) amended it to exempt only the first GHS 2,592 and any excess wining above the GHS 2,592 was taxable at 5%. In 2017: The National Lottery Authority (NLA) made a proposal to the Ministry of Finance for the scrapping of taxes as a way of attracting more mainstream operators. The tax was then repealed. Regulations 24 of the Income Tax Regulations, 2016 (L.I 2244) defined winnings from lottery to include gambling, betting and any game of chance. Does the exemption of Lottery in Ghana mean that a professional gambler (CASINO, lotto forecaster, etc), engaged in gabbling business (unregistered lotto forecaster) is also exempt? It appears not. But the law in my view needs to be clarified or enforced. What about other forms of TV shows and promotional winnings? 2023 10% TAX ON LOTTERY WINNINGS The gaming industry continues to grow.  From $70 billion in 2016 to $92 billion in 2022. With the use of technology, the industry is booming. In the 2023 budget, the government has reintroduced the tax at the rate of 10%. This time, there is no exemption as in the case of 2016. This 10% affects all forms of gaming, lottery and any game of chance. —- BY Francis Timore Boi Esq The writer is a Tax Consultant.   email: mytimore@yahoo.ca Source: Francis Timore Boi Tags: BettingFrancis Timore BoiGamblingtaxation
April 11, 2023
Review of agricultural insurance in Ghana: Challenges and future directions [ARTICLE]
Africa has had extraordinary development in agricultural productivity and food security over the past few decades. These improvements have been essential in promoting economic growth. Agriculture is a vital sector for many West African countries, contributing significantly to economies. The most favourable conditions for agricultural expansion in more than 30 years have been created by the convergence of strong demand growth, sustained economic growth, better global agriculture prices, and an improved policy environment. The sector’s critical relevance for broad-based growth, food security, improved nutrition, and poverty reduction is now widely acknowledged by West African nations and their Development Partners. At the same time, the ability of West Africans to take advantage of these opportunities is threatened by a mix of both old and new problems, such as climate change and rising price volatility. Also, it is also susceptible to various risks, including weather conditions, pests, and diseases. Farmers are, however, seriously threatened by pests and diseases, and climate change is further escalating the problem. Farmers find it difficult, if not impossible, to pay back their loans when their crops or livestock fail. They are reluctant to use financial or technology resources in the upcoming season. It is usual for yields and revenue to again decline as a result. Agricultural insurance is an essential tool for farmers to mitigate these risks and ensure food security. This op-ed provides an overview of agricultural insurance in West Africa, and Ghana; the main challenges facing the industry, and successful agricultural insurance programmes in Africa. Overview of Agricultural Insurance in West Africa Agricultural insurance is not widespread in West Africa, with less than 5% of farmers having access to agricultural insurance products. The sector is still unstable and mostly underdeveloped due to the inadequate, or rather non-existent, insurance products. The vast majority of agricultural investments lack any sort of protection from climate dangers. According to a research released in September 2015 on the side-lines of the G20, only 450,000 (0.25%), of the 178 million farmers in developing nations that are insured by fund index insurance in 2014 are Africans. India and China are home to the large majority of people who have this type of insurance. The low insurance coverage can be attributed to various factors such as a lack of insurance products, inadequate infrastructure, limited financial literacy, and high premiums. The available agricultural insurance products in West Africa include weather index insurance and traditional indemnity-based insurance. Weather index insurance is based on weather parameters that determine the probability of crop loss, such as rainfall levels, temperature, and humidity. Traditional indemnity-based insurance compensates farmers for actual crop or livestock losses incurred. The choice of insurance product depends on the region’s weather patterns and farming practices. Agricultural Insurance in Ghana Agricultural insurance in Ghana is a relatively new concept, with the first agricultural insurance policy being introduced in the country in the late 1990s. The main aim of agricultural insurance in Ghana is to provide financial protection to farmers against crop failure due to natural disasters such as droughts, floods, and pests. This protection is intended to help farmers maintain their livelihoods and continue to produce crops and livestock, even in the face of adverse weather conditions. Several private insurance companies already offer agricultural insurance in Ghana, and the government is also involved in encouraging and supporting the growth of the industry. The lack of awareness and knowledge of the concept among farmers is one of the major obstacles to the development of agricultural insurance in Ghana. Farmers may also be discouraged from purchasing insurance policies due to the high cost of insurance premiums and the restricted coverage provided by some of these insurance policies. To address these challenges, the government of Ghana has implemented a number of measures to promote the development of agricultural insurance in the country. These include the establishment of a National Agriculture Insurance Policy, which aims to provide a framework for the development of agricultural insurance in Ghana and the creation of a National Agriculture Insurance Fund, which will provide financial support to farmers who have been affected by natural disasters. The government also partnered with the World Bank and other international organisations to provide technical and financial support to the agricultural insurance sector. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of innovative technologies such as satellite imagery, drones, and mobile apps to improve the delivery of agricultural insurance in Ghana. These technologies can help to more accurately assess crop yields and damage, which can help to reduce the cost of insurance premiums for farmers. Crop Insurance Crop insurance in Ghana typically works by farmers purchasing an insurance policy from a private insurance company. The policy will specify the type of crop that is being insured and the coverage that is provided. For example, a policy may provide coverage for losses due to drought or flooding, but not for losses due to pests. The farmer will pay a premium for the insurance coverage, and in the event of a loss due to a natural disaster, the farmer will make a claim for compensation. The SIC Insurance Company, Ghana National Insurance Company, and Star Assurance are a few of Ghana’s top crop insurance providers. These businesses often provide a variety of crop insurance policies that are specifically designed to satisfy the requirements of farmers in various parts of the nation. The benefits of crop insurance in Ghana are numerous. Firstly, crop insurance provides financial protection to farmers against crop failure, which can help to maintain their livelihoods in the face of natural disasters. This is particularly important in Ghana, where agriculture is a major source of income for many people. Additionally, crop insurance can help to encourage farmers to invest in their farms, as they will have the security of knowing that their investments are protected against natural disasters. However, there are also challenges that need to be addressed in order to make crop insurance more accessible to farmers in Ghana. One of the main challenges is the lack of awareness and understanding of the concept among farmers. Additionally, the high cost of insurance premiums and the limited coverage offered by some policies can also be a barrier to farmers taking on insurance policies. Currently, crop insurance in Ghana is gaining prominence among key sector stakeholders as the country continues to face the impacts of climate change. With more frequent and severe weather events, crop insurance will play an increasingly important role in helping farmers to maintain their livelihoods in the face of natural disasters. Additionally, the use of innovative technologies such as satellite imagery, drones, and mobile apps will help to improve the delivery of crop insurance and make it more accessible to farmers in Ghana. Livestock Insurance Livestock insurance can be a critical investment for livestock farmers in Ghana, providing a safeguard against financial loss resulting from unexpected events such as disease outbreaks, natural disasters, or accidents. One of the key advantages of livestock insurance is the peace of mind it provides in the event of injury or death to the insured animals. Livestock farmers in Ghana often rely on their animals for income and food, and losing them to unforeseen events can have a significant impact on their livelihoods. However, with livestock insurance, farmers can recover financially from such losses. The insurance policy can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the farmer, providing coverage for individual animals or an entire herd. Another merit of livestock insurance is its cost-effectiveness, as it allows farmers to protect their investment without incurring significant expenses. In the event of an unexpected loss, the payout from the insurance policy can cover the cost of replacing the lost animal or herd, minimising financial damage to the farmer. Additionally, some insurance policies may offer a seamless claims process, allowing farmers to report and process their claims quickly and efficiently. The willingness of farmers to pay for livestock insurance is an indication of its value as an investment. A study conducted in the Northern Region of Ghana found that farmers were willing to pay for cattle insurance, indicating that they recognise the potential benefits of livestock insurance. While there are benefits to livestock insurance, it is important to note that there may be drawbacks as well. For example, some insurance policies may have limitations on the types of events covered, and farmers may need to carefully review the terms and conditions of their policy to ensure adequate coverage. Additionally, insurance premiums may be relatively high, and farmers may need to weigh the potential benefits of livestock insurance against the cost of the policy. Thus, livestock insurance can be a valuable investment for farmers in Ghana, providing financial protection against unexpected events and minimising the impact of losses on their livelihoods. With careful consideration of the terms and conditions of insurance policies, farmers can tailor their coverage to meet their specific needs and protect their investments in livestock. Successful agricultural insurance programmes in Africa demonstrate the potential of insurance in improving food security and livelihoods. Addressing the challenges requires concerted efforts from the government, private sector, and development partners to create an enabling environment for agricultural insurance to thrive in West Africa. Successful Agricultural Insurance Cases Several successful agricultural insurance programmes in Africa have shown how the insurance industry can boost food security and livelihoods. For example, in Kenya, assistance to farmers constituted a continuous drain on the national budget. It is estimated that the terrible drought that occurred from 2008-2011 had a total economic impact of $12 billion, which is equivalent to around 11% of GDP in 2011. The government adopted a National Disaster Risk Financing Plan, which includes provisions for an agriculture insurance programme that is administered by the private sector and specifically targets farmers who are vulnerable to natural disasters. Farmers purchase the insurance as part of a bundled package along with other inputs of a high grade. If the rains do not set in as expected, the insurance will reimburse them for their financial losses in exchange for the premium. They obtain bumper yields whenever the rainfall is favourable. Payouts are made available using mobile money, which not only improves the efficiency and openness of the help provided for relief efforts, but also encourages financial inclusion by offering access to savings accounts. Over a half a million farmers are now insured by the programme, which not only increases the financial resilience of the farmers and relevant value chains prone to shocks, but also protects the government from budget volatility by transferring some of the risk to private markets. Currently, the programme protects over a million farmers in Kenya. Again, the One Million Farmers Platform in Kenya has utilised disruptive innovations to offer affordable weather index insurance to over 70,000 farmers across 15 counties. Similarly, Gender and Inclusive Agricultural Insurance Solutions (GAIINS) in Kenya offers gender-sensitive agricultural insurance products that cater to the needs of women farmers affected by climate change. Another example is the African Risk Capacity (ARC) insurance programme, which provides African countries with parametric insurance products to cover losses associated with natural disasters. Both the government of Kenya and the government of India have provided assistance for the collection of data in order to design insurance products. Additionally, the governments of these two countries have provided premium co-financing in order to reduce the amount of money that farmers are required to pay and to encourage insurance companies to provide more coverage. Challenges Facing Agricultural Insurance in West Africa One of the main challenges facing agricultural insurance in West Africa is the lack of awareness and knowledge of insurance among farmers. Additionally, the low insurance penetration is attributed to high premiums and the unavailability of suitable insurance products that meet farmers’ needs. Another challenge is the limited financial infrastructure and weak regulatory frameworks that discourage private sector investment in the agricultural insurance sub-sector. Concluding remarks Agricultural insurance in Ghana is an important tool for helping farmers to maintain their livelihoods in the face of natural disasters. However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed in order to make agricultural insurance more accessible to farmers. Government policies, technical and financial support from international organisations, and innovative technologies can help to support the development of agricultural insurance in Ghana. The future of agricultural insurance in Ghana is likely to be shaped by the increasing impacts of climate change and the use of new technologies, which can help to improve the delivery of agricultural insurance and make it more accessible to farmers.   Source: By Kojo Ahiakpa, Evans Brako Ntiamoah, Chamber of Agribusiness Ghana Tags: Chamber of AgribusinessInsurancepolicy
March 14, 2023
Getting more women of relevance in the film, television and media industry
From the earliest days of computing to the present age of virtual reality and artificial intelligence, women have made untold contributions to the digital world in which we increasingly live. Their accomplishments have been against all odds, in a field that has historically neither welcomed nor appreciated them. Today, a persistent gender gap in digital access keeps women from unlocking technology’s full potential. Their underrepresentation in STEM education and careers remains a major barrier to their participation in tech design and governance. In addition, the pervasive threat of online gender-based violence—coupled with a lack of legal recourse—too often forces them out of the digital spaces they do occupy. At the same time, digital technology is opening new doors for the global empowerment of women, girls and other marginalized groups. From gender-responsive digital learning to tech-facilitated sexual and reproductive healthcare, the digital age represents an unprecedented opportunity to eliminate all forms of disparity and inequality. Wednesday 8 th  March 2023 is International Women’s Day, celebrated annually as a focal point in the women's rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women. This year’s celebration is under the theme Digit-ALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality. As a Creative Writer and an expert in Multimedia Production, I wish to focus my attention on beating the gender gap in the industry – television and film. A major question I ask industry mates and fellow female colleagues – where do women stand in the film, television and media industry and what pragmatic steps are we taking to close the gender gap? According to the  Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film at San Diego State University , nine percent (9%) of all narrative film directors are women. It is interesting to know that, it is usually the case that directors get to choose their team for their productions. In that case, the cast and crew often mirror who is in that top job. So what works to change gender diversity? Hire women, it is as simple as that! That appears very simple, however, there are more layers to this problem beyond getting women in the door, including hostile work environments and too many assumptions made about the expectations of women in their career. The solution to the problem begins when you have more women in the room. There is an assumption of incapability when it comes to women, as opposed to the assumption of capability when it comes to men. This definitely cannot be the case and in recent times, there has been some good news for women when we look at the new streaming content providers like Netflix and Amazon. Women have more leading and prominent  roles and for their show, they are regular appearing characters versus traditional film and network television. Financing is a big challenge for filmmakers and studies have shown that when men and women win at festivals, the male directors get tapped for big-budget studio films, while the female directors do not. To close this gap, we need several organizations to jump into the fray, to help to fund women-directed and produced projects just like in other sectors such as agriculture, trade and others. Getting stories financed that include interesting roles for women is another challenge and that should be taken into consideration. In addition, there should be affirmative action to create funding to assist women in the industry to build their capacities and add value to themselves in order to achieve some progress and more knowledge. On a personal level, I will urge people involved in professional events in our industry to book as many women for their panels as men.  I can assure them of some fantastic and capable women who will deliver magnificently; they are out here and ready to speak. In addition, shining a light on the gender gap on and behind the screen is one way to keep the pressure on the industry. As the saying goes, what gets measured gets done! By Alice Senam Nimoh – Appea (Creative Writer & Multimedia Production Specialist)
Benjamin Aklama
March 8, 2023
Understanding the time value of money in the face of economic recession [ARTICLE]
The time value of money concept is a fundamental principle in finance that refers to the idea that the value of money changes over time due to factors such as inflation and interest rates. In other words, a dollar today is worth more than the same dollar in the future because the purchasing power of money decreases over time. Therefore, understanding the time value of money is essential in making informed financial decisions. In this op-ed, we will explore the concept of the time value of money, and its significance, and provide specific examples to illustrate its application. The time value of money is calculated using the formula; FV = PV × (1 + R) * T. Here, FV represents the future value of the investment, PV is the present value of the investment, 1 is a constant, R is the interest rate, and T is the number of years. This formula enables us to determine the value of an investment in the future based on the present value of the investment and the expected interest rate. One example of the application of the time value of money is in retirement planning. Suppose an individual wants to retire in 20 years and wants to have $1 million in savings at retirement, assuming an interest rate of 5%, the individual would need to save approximately $376,889 in today’s dollars to reach their goal. Without considering the time value of money, the individual may underestimate the amount of savings needed to reach their retirement goal. This example illustrates how understanding the time value of money can help individuals make informed financial decisions. Another example is the use of present value in investment decision-making. Suppose an investor is considering two investment options with different returns. Investment A returns $10,000 in five years, while Investment B returns $15,000 in ten years. If we assume a discount rate of 5%, we can calculate the present value of each investment. The present value of investment A is $7,791, while the present value of investment B is $9,082. The outcomes of the above present values from both investment options, better inform the investor on the amount of money they want to commit now to yield an expected return in the future. It is based on the above financial principles that employees, self-employed persons, or any other investment-driven person puts a percentage of their earnings in an investment/pension fund; for instance, monthly SSNIT contributions to enable them to have some amount of savings when they go on retirement. Retirement means you have taken a break from working, but does not mean your expenditures have equally taken a break. People make investment decisions when they are working so that on retirement, they can continue to cater to their needs. The Government of Ghana on December 5, 2022, launched a Domestic Debt Exchange programme (DDE) to put the country’s debt on a sustainable path and also to meet the conditions for an IMF bailout. As part of the programme, an invitation was extended to domestic bondholders as of December 1, 2022, to voluntarily exchange their bonds for four new sets of bonds maturing in 2027, 2029, 2032, and 2037. Approximately, GHS137 billion of the domestic notes issued by the government need to be exchanged, including Daakye and Energy Sector Levy Act (ESLA) bonds for a new set of bonds issued by the Government of Ghana. The exchange however excludes all Treasury Bills, bonds, and, notes held by individuals (natural persons). After the impact assessment by the Finance Ministry, banks, specialised deposit-taking institutions (SDIs), insurance firms, collective investment schemes, pension fund trustees, asset managers, and regulated pension schemes were asked to participate in the debt exchange programme. What this means is, though individual bondholders are exempted, individuals on the other hand have group investments with these institutions mentioned above will be required to accept some haircuts on their investments in one way or another. It is common knowledge that some pensioners put their lump sums received from their pension funds in treasury bills and bonds and leave off the interest payments and coupons received from such investments. For instance, a pensioner who is now 70 years is being asked to come and exchange his/her bond for another bond maturing in 2037. What is the probability that, this pensioner will be alive by 2037 to receive their investments when they finally mature? The other issue worth noting is the time value of money. The bondholders’ investment today will be worth less than the money they will be receiving in the future, as a consequence of inflation and exchange rate volatility. Will the government factor in inflation in the new interest rate on the new bonds, to make out for the fall in value in the future? The parliament of Ghana is currently working to pass a resolution to exempt pension funds from the debt exchange programme even though the Minister of Finance said it was exempt. Currently a slippery slope, and an unconcluded matter at that. In conclusion, the time value of money is a fundamental concept in finance and an important principle that helps investors make practical and sound financial decisions. In financial management, we understand there is an element of risk in every investment decision. Even though government bonds and Treasury Bills are supposed to be risk-free, these times have taught us that, you cannot eliminate entirely the element of risks when making an investment decision. By embracing the risk element in making investments, and understanding the time value of money, one should be conscious to diversify their investment portfolios in order to limit or eliminate the various risks that come with investing. About the authors Juliet Ahiagbede is a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Practitioner, with a Masters in Petroleum Accounting and Finance. Juliet has 7+ accumulated years in both internal and external audits. Currently, she is the Lead Consultant of Ceritright Limited. Kojo Ahiakpa is an agribusiness consultant with Research Desk Consulting Limited. He has a deep understanding of the agribusiness industry and a commitment to helping farmers and agribusinesses to succeed. With his knowledge and expertise, Kojo is able to provide valuable insights and solutions that can help agribusinesses maximise their potential. He is committed to helping the industry grow and thrive, and is dedicated to making a positive impact in the sector.   Source: Kojo Ahiakpa / Juliet Ahiagbede Tags: moneyTimeValue
Benjamin Aklama
February 23, 2023
Pensions in payment projected to go up by at least 20% in 2023 ACRR [ARTICLE]
January is the most important time of the year for pensioners and their dependents, primarily because it is when the Social Security Administration announces the new rates by which monthly pensions of existing retirees will be increased. The import of indexation is to restore the purchasing power lost by pensioners in the previous year. Pensions in payment are therefore reviewed by applying an inflation-adjusted index. It is therefore expected that SSNIT in consultation with the National Pensions Regulatory Authority (NPRA) will soon announce the new pension indexation rate for 2023. How is the Pension Indexation Provision Applied by SSNIT? Pension indexation (as provided in section 80 of Act 766), as a means of restoring the purchasing power lost by pensioners in the previous year, is largely dependent on the price inflation index. In practice, SSNIT uses consumer price inflation as the main variable for increasing pensions. The Trust, in consultation with the Board of the National Pensions Regulatory Authority, agrees on what is termed as the ‘Overall Rate’ by which pensions will increase for the coming year. The overall indexation rate is based on the analysis of several variables which include in particular the projected increase in the cost of benefits for a given rate, and the resulting impact of the proposed indexation rate on the fund (fund ratios). Given the Agreed ‘Overall Indexation Rate’, the ‘Fixed Rate’, which is equivalent to the Annual Average Price Inflation Rate of the previous year, and the ‘Flat Amount’ are determined. EXPECTED INDEXATION RATE OF 2023 Likely Fixed Rate of Increase As required by the Social Security Act, the Trust awards a fixed rate of increase for each pensioner based on average price inflation. In 2021, the consumer price inflation averaged 9.68% and therefore pensions were increased by a fixed rate of 9.68% in January 2022. In 2022, global economic challenges have eroded the purchasing power of pensioners due to rising prices of goods and services as measured by inflation. The consumer price inflation averaged 29.40%. If SSNIT sticks to the provisions and practice (spanning from 1992), each pensioner on the pension payroll as at 31st December 2022 could see a commensurate monthly increase rate of 29%. This level of indexation (29% fixed rate) could however expose the scheme to serious financial sustainability challenges (high inflationary risk). The Trust may apply a scheme sustainability adjustment factor (SSAF) in this year’s indexation. The scheme sustainability adjustment factor essentially ensures that the awarded Fixed Rate of increment is lower than the actual average inflation rate of the previous year. It is there expected that SSNIT might increase pensions by a fixed rate ranging between 20% to 25% in January 2023. In 2023, and from a policy perspective, if pensions would be increased at a rate lower than the annual average price inflation (29%), it is expected that the Trust will clearly explain or communicate the reasons for changes in the basis of indexation to stakeholders, especially contributors and pensioners. The Minimum Pension Amount Must be Reviewed Upward in 2023 Both the Social Security Law, 1991, (PNDCL 247) and the National Pension Act, 2008, Act 766 have provided for the payment of minimum pension to poor pensioners (poverty relief). To practically sustain the economic welfare of pensioners, the minimum pension, which has stayed at GH300.00 for four successive years (2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022) needs to be reviewed significantly upward in 2023. Note that the minimum pension of GHS300.00 represents 30 dollars (using the current exchange rate) per month. This pension amount represents 50% of the value of the national poverty line. Trend analysis shows that the minimum pension had consistently increased each year since 2000, and in some cases doubled (2013 and 2014). For the period 2016 to 2021, the minimum pension grew by only 9% whilst the minimum salary of active contributors increased by 47.75% within the period. If the level of benefits provided by social protection systems is insufficient in terms of minimum living standards, or are not deliberately designed to protect the poor, and to minimize the social and economic inequalities between the rich and the poor the effort to reduce old age poverty will be jeopardized.   Source: Abdallah Mashud, Executive Director, Africa Centre for Retirement Research (ACRR) Tags: ACRRpensionsSSNIT
Benjamin Aklama
FEATURES, Local Economy
January 11, 2023
Tomato: Ghanas Unexplored Goldmine
Tomatoes, in their numerous forms, are a globally famed staple crop with countless regional variants. Currently ranked 319th on the list of the world’s most traded products in 2022, it is one of the most studied commercial vegetable and greenhouse crops in the world. It is estimated that annual worldwide tomato production is 180,766,329 metric tonnes valued at $9.81 billion (https://atlasbig.com). China produces more than 35% of the world’s tomatoes, equivalent to more than 62 million tonnes. India, Turkey, the United States, and Egypt take second through fifth place, producing a combined total volume of 49,459,836 metric tonnes, representing 27.4% of global output. Tomatoes are grown on a total of 1,246,524 hectares of land in these four countries, while China grows enough tomatoes to sustainably feed its own people on just 1,086,771 hectares. Do you see the efficiency and productivity? However, fresh tomato exports around the world are very diverse. Over 187 million metric tonnes of tomatoes were harvested in 2020, with an estimated 3.51 million tonnes shipped abroad. In terms of fresh tomato exports, Mexico is by far the leader, with almost 1.8 million metric tonnes worth $2.62 billion. A report indicates that the top five countries, the Netherlands ($1.82B), Spain ($1.1B), Morocco ($852M), and Canada ($448M) earn hugely from exporting fresh tomatoes (https://tomatonews.com/). As of 2022, the United States will have imported $2.9 billion worth of fresh tomatoes, making it the highest importer in the world. Other topmost tomato importing countries globally are Germany ($1.7 billion), France ($816.5 million), United Kingdom ($622.9 million), and Russia ($398.5 million), respectively (https://tridge.com/). However, the global production of tomatoes drastically dropped as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which subsequently impacted pricing of fresh and paste tomatoes in local markets across the globe. Despite these obstacles, global output is on the upswing and likely to continue expanding (https://www.gefmarket.com/post/tomato-production-across-the-world). Current Trends of Tomato Market in Ghana Approximately, 300,000 metric tonnes of tomatoes are grown in Ghana annually, with 90% consumed domestically. Three eighths of all vegetable spending in Ghana goes toward the ubiquitous tomato due to its central role in local Ghanaian cuisines. The Roma VF, Laurano, Raki, Chocó TP, Power Rano, Rasta, Italy Heinz, Cherry and Petomech cultivars are among the most widely planted in Ghana because of their suitability for processing into tomato paste. Tomatoes are a fixture in every Ghanaian household, hotel, and restaurant, driving daily demand for tomato products in every region of the country. Consumers in Ghana have developed an insatiable hunger for convenience foods due to the country’s expanding middle class and growing urban population; thus, driving a rise in the demand for tomato paste, which is utilised in the cooking of many different cuisines in Ghana. The growing demand for tomato pastes in Ghana eventually translate into a sizable market for locally-processed tomatoes. Unfortunately, Ghana’s tomato processing industry is still quite modest, and the country relies significantly on imports to meet demand. Over 100 million dollars’ worth of tomato paste is used annually in Ghana; that’s more than 1000 metric tonnes. The majority of Ghana’s tomato production happens in nine of the country’s 16 regions. The Upper East, Northern, Brong East, Ahafo, Bono, Ashanti, Eastern, Greater Accra, and Volta regions are the notable production regions. There are approximately 11,728 farmers involved in tomato production in these major tomato growing regions of Ghana. Tomato processing directly benefits an estimated 58,640 people (Trade Aid Integrated, 2021). The Ghana National Tomato Producers’ Federation estimates that the country’s annual tomato output is 510,000 metric tonnes, the country imports between 7,000 and 12,000 metric tonnes of tomatoes from Burkina Faso and 27,000 metric tonnes of processed tomatoes from Europe. Ghana possesses one of the largest agricultural dams in West Africa, as well as favourable topographical and agro-ecological characteristics (the Tano Dam, situated in a tomato farming region, can be used to produce tomato all year round). The overwhelming importation of tomato paste into Ghana can be attributed to the shortage and high price of tomato during the dry and minor seasons. About 321,000 metric tonnes of tomatoes are grown yearly at a value of USD 118 million, with another 75,000 metric tonnes imported to make up the difference. Moreover, during significant rainy seasons, farmers continue to face gluts and high post-harvest losses. About 30% of Ghana’s annual output of more than 510,000 metric tons of fresh tomatoes is lost every year due to spoilage. Tomato processing in Ghana The government of Ghana established two tomato processing plants, TOMACAN and Pwalugu Tomato Processing factories, in the early 1960s. Robinson and Kolavalli (2010) reported that the combined upshots of structural reforms advocated by the World Bank and the IMF, frequent breakdowns due to a lack of spare parts and obsolete machinery, incompetent financial management, weak marketing, and a lack of technical expertise led to the shutting down of both factories in the 1980s. Since then, the government of Ghana has tried multiple times to transform these facilities into commercial-scale tomato processing plants. As part of the 1D1F initiative, Ghana hoped to entice industrial-scale tomato processors to set up commercial processing factories in Ghana. As part of a public-private partnership (PPP) with the government of Ghana and with funding assistance of GHS 200,000 from the Export Development and Agricultural Investment Fund, the agro-processing firm Techiman Processing Complex built a tomato processing factory in 2014. Production at the plant had been stalled for some time due to a lack of necessary inputs. TEPCO is reportedly still trying to secure additional funding for its operations. The FAO estimates that Ghana’s processing capacity for fresh tomatoes per day is 1,400 metric tonnes (500 tonnes at Trusty Foods and Northern Star, 200 tonnes at Afrique Link Ltd in Wenchi and TEPCO in Techiman). Even at full capacity, these three tomato processors would only be able to process 438,000 metric tonnes of fresh tomato into 54,750 metric tonnes of tomato paste annually (assuming a paste of 36-38% brix, requiring 8 metric tonnes of fresh tomato per tonne of paste), leaving Ghana with a shortfall in its supply of tomato paste despite the country’s high demand (in excess of 100,000 tonnes a year). Any business that generates income from manufacturing or agricultural production and exports some or all of that produce is eligible for a corporate tax rebate of 40%-75%. To further reduce the cost of going global, exporters can claim a drawback of up to 100% of the tariffs paid on imported raw materials through a Custom Duty Drawback. Profits, Dividends, and Capital Mobility Guaranteed unconditional transferability in freely convertible currency of dividends or net profits attributable to investment in the enterprise shall be made through an authorised dealer bank, subject to the Foreign Exchange Act, 2006 (Act 723) and the regulations and notices issued under the Foreign Exchange Act. This paves the way for a complete repatriation of profits in the investment. Ghana’s One District, One Factory Initiative The policy is framed by Ghana’s overarching strategic goal of becoming a full middle-income, top-tier agro-industrial powerhouse in Africa. The strategy lays out specific and understandable instructions for executing the government’s domestic and foreign trade goals. To take advantage of export market prospects via AfCFTA and meet domestic market requirements, the government’s trade policy, as outlined in the sectoral growth of the agro-processing industry, requires the expansion and diversification of production of goods and services. It also stresses the importance of agriculture to Ghana’s economy and the role that agro-processing would play in the country’s efforts to diversify its economy. Due to the high cost of production and sometimes limited access to credit, farmers in Ghana are forced to sell fresh tomatoes for a profit, rather than to local tomato processors. This in turn makes it difficult for local tomato processors to compete with imported tomato paste, which is cheaper. During the peak season, when the processor price is higher than the fresh market price, farmers typically supply tomato factories; however, as the dry season approaches, farmers begin to shift their focus to the fresh market as tomatoes become increasingly scarce. In Ghana, locally-produced tomato paste is more affordable than imported tomato paste. There are multiple brands of tomato paste available in Ghana, with the majority of these brands coming from either Europe or China. Notable manufacturers of tomato paste include: Conserveria Africana, producers of Gino and Pomo tomato paste; Olam produces Tasty Tom; Trusty Foods produces La Bianca tomato paste; and Centro Esportazione Conservati imports Salsa from Italy. There are currently over 78,000 metric tonnes of tomato paste imported annually, and 12,000 metric tonnes exported after repackaging. The 210-gram tin of tomato paste is the best seller in Ghana’s retail tomato paste market. Interestingly, in the Ghanaian market, the most expensive tomato paste product is imported from Italy, Salsa, while the least priced is La Bianca, which is produced by Northern Star and packaged for sale by Trusty Foods locally. Prices of tomato paste in Ghana have soared recently as cost of import have reached an all-time high, making foreign brands more expensive than Ghanaian ones. This means that the additional cost of paying above-market prices for Ghanaian-produced tomato paste is less than the additional cost of importing tomato paste into the country, allowing the locally-processed tomato to maintain a gross margin sufficient to cover the cost of inputs and at a reasonable profit. Rising domestic demand for tomato The rising middle class is a large market for locally-processed tomatoes. However, high-value food imports have been on the rise as domestic food processing capacities remain insufficient to meet consumer demand. In a recent joint agricultural sector review forum in Accra, data on tomato production in Ghana indicates a positive productivity gain in local tomato production from 2018-2021 (MoFA, 2022). As result of the high cost of imported tomato paste, Italy is one of Ghana’s top suppliers, thus Ghana is the eighth-largest buyer of Italian tomato paste. The Vegetable Producers and Exporters Association of Ghana (Ghana Vegetables) reports that tomato imports from Burkina Faso have reached US$400 million annually from US$99.5 million in 2018. To meet its 800,000 metric tonnes tomato consumption, Ghana imports 90% of fresh tomatoes from Burkina Faso. This is attributed to higher imports and decreased domestic production as a direct consequence of high cost of inputs, low-quality seeds, lack of mechanisation and machinery. Ghana Vegetables is increasing production and supply by 40% to keep at least half of the money in the country. Ghana Vegetables reports that over 70% of Ghana’s shopping malls and shopping centres sell tomatoes from the Netherlands, Burkina Faso, and other countries (https://lnkd.in/dNwV3YhU). Any investment into local tomato processing will help local farmers and their communities improve their livelihoods, improve their farming practices and offer farmers competitive, guaranteed minimum prices through contracts. Tags: Tomato factorytomato pasteTomato ProcessingTomato shortage
Benjamin Aklama
Agriculture, FEATURES
November 28, 2022
Which investment is best for you in the Ghanaian Financial Markets? [ARTICLE]
Investments are generally motivated by the desire for profit; each investor aims to use his money profitably to generate significant returns. As a result, investors may decide to put their money into one or more of the available investment classes which include bonds, stocks, cash equivalents, real estate, various commodities, etc. Bonds, stocks, and cash equivalents are the three traditional investment classes. All other investment classes fall under the category of alternative investment classes. Each class comes with its own risks and benefits, advantages. The main advantage of investing in the three traditional classes is the lower initial investments amounts, that is, how much money you may want to begin with. For instance, investing in real estate frequently necessitates that the investor makes a sizable one-time payment (as real estate properties may be quite expensive). It is however easy for investors to purchase a modest number of inexpensive shares or bonds that have a good potential for growth in a single transaction, meaning, investors can buy these assets with a smaller sum of money. Secondly, compared to some other investment classes, the three main investment classes frequently provide liquidity (ready market) for trades to be executed, whether buying or selling. There is a sure availability of Bonds and stocks available to invest in on a regular basis. Typically, the well-organized and controlled markets have a very high volume of daily transactions due to the high popularity of these investment classes and safety among investors. Investors in these asset classes can swiftly recoup their investment costs by liquidating their holdings. In contrast, the owner of a piece of real estate would have to wait several months before finding a buyer if they wish to sell the property and receive their money back. There is transparency in the dealing with the traditional asset classes of investments. Information on trading activities is always available online and on demand. Investors are also at liberty to quote their “fair” prices for trades to be executed. Investors can therefore quickly (and accurately) ascertain the market price of any asset traded in these exchanges. This makes it possible for investors to decide on investments with maximum information. In contrast, it might not always be possible to determine the precise price at which the previous transaction in a specific location was completed if we look at the real estate market. As a result, determining the precise market worth of one’s real estate holdings may be challenging. Consequently, such an investor can occasionally wind up selling his piece of property for less than its market value (thereby losing potential profits). Due to the benefits mentioned above, many investors favour the three primary investment classes over the alternative investment classes when choosing where to put their money. In finding out which investment is more suitable for you follow the process below. 1. Speak to a professional Visit an investment firm where a professional will attend to you. The Securities and Exchange Commission website provides a list of investment firms that can attend to your needs. NIMED Capital Limited provides a good option. 2. Risk Assessment profiling. The professional, in this case, the professional at NIMED Capital Ltd, is expected to take you through a risk assessment profiling. This will inform you which investment asset to select for you. As stated earlier in this write-up, the various assets come with their risks. 3. Explanation of the Investment Classes The professional will take time to explain the available investment classes to you. Normally, investors are supposed to look out for information about how the assets have performed in the immediate past, the current value and information on what the future holds (trend analysis, intrinsic value and future projections). These steps are expected to give the investor a fair idea of which investment asset to invest in. The professional is expected to make a recommendation and the investor has the right to accept or reject it. The table below shows the trends of trades that have occurred in the fixed-income market as well as the stock market.       The trends show that the fixed-income market has recorded higher trades than the stock market. Generally, investors are risk-averse, and the fixed-income market provides a good avenue for fixed returns for investors. Indeed, fixed income provides steady returns over a long period. However, the stock market also provides an option for higher returns because of the high risks. In the last report where Young Investors Research/NIMED Capital Research Team produced detailed information about the performance of the Financial Stock Index, we pointed out some of the areas that can be looked at. “Never invest in a business you cannot understand”, Warren Buffet once said. Whatever investment is introduced to you as an investor, ensure you understand the asset thoroughly before funds are committed to it. The Stock Pitch Competition is being organized by the Young Investors Network for tertiary education students to train them to select the right assets for investment purposes. Source: Yovalla Ama Awuah Analyst, Young Investors Network
Benjamin Aklama
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