Beating ploughshares into swords: Hamas makes grenades out of medicine bottles from Israeli aid
Russia offers over $100,000 to de-anonymize Tor
BOOM! This Is How President Reagan Handled Protesters: “Negotiate? What is there to negotiate?” [Video]Ronald Reagan shut down the Berkeley protests many years ago THIS is how you do it!
The success of drug decriminalization in Portugal
Denmark approves gay weddings in church
Amnesty International accuses Israel of war crimes in Gaza
The farce. Show trials in Iran against opponents, embassies employees and tourists to spread the stupid fable of a "foreign conspiracy", while the regime murderers and torturers will never pay
Japanese rock song so offensive it took North Koreas focus off U.S
AC/DC singer attacks Bono and Bob Geldof over charity lectures
Daniel Ellsberg: Edward Snowden, Saving Us From the United Stasi of America -- Snowden's whistleblowing gives us a chance to roll back what is tantamount to an 'executive coup' against the US constitution
ARROGANT ILLEGAL ALIEN Who Voted 5 Times In 2016 Election Gets 8 Years…Lawyers Call Sentence “Harsh”…Blame Trump…LOL! [VIDEO]Watch:
Trump Just Broke Another MAJOR Campaign Promise And People Are OutragedAmateur president Donald Trump pledged to forego a presidential salary and his spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in mid-January that the former reality show star is required to get a paycheck but will be giving it back to (the) treasury or donating. In 2015, Trump said, I won t take even one dollar. I am totally giving up my salary if I become president. However, Trump s second payday is quickly approaching and the White House is declining to say if the alleged president has donated any of his earnings yet, NBC reports.Here is Trump pledging to his supporters in 2015 that he will forgo his salary:To follow up on Trump s pledge, MSNBC requested details and documentation regarding any salary donations from the White House, the Treasury Department and the Office of Personnel Management, but all declined to say whether Trump has donated any the salary due to him.Article II of the Constitution requires a president to be paid so Trump promised to only accept $1.00. That added to Trump s populist appeal but now he s not being transparent about his pledge after the election.Here s where it gets even worse.During the transition, Trump also unveiled a plan to donate all profits from foreign governments patronage of his hotels and similar businesses to the Treasury Department. The plan was released by Trump s private law firm, Morgan Lewis, but no system or accounting has been released for how or when such donations will be processed or disclosed.A president earns $400,000 and is afforded a $50,000 expense account. Trump has broken many promises to his supporters. Mexico will not pay for the wall. We, the taxpayers, will foot the bill. Hillary Clinton won t be locked up. But, he is trying to repeal Obamacare, a move which would largely affect Trump supporters. As for his Drain the swamp slogan during his campaign, he s filled it to the brim with bankers and billionaires.We re thinking that Trump really doesn t need a salary. He has already greatly profited from the presidency.Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images
Miami Mayor Doesn’t Know History: Blames Hurricane Irma On Climate ChangeMiami s mayor decided to jump into the discussion about whether climate change is the reason for the severe weather He says that Hurricane Irma is the poster child for global warming. The problem with that is that history tells us that this isn t anything new and that Miami s history tells you it s natural for a swampy place to get water Here s a great take on the history of swampy Florida:A Requiem for Florida, the Paradise That Should Never Have BeenAs Hurricane Irma prepares to strike, it s worth remembering that Mother Nature never intended us to live here.In 1926, a few weeks after the Miami Herald urged its readers not to worry about hurricanes because there is more risk to life from venturing across a busy street, a Category 4 storm flattened Miami, killing 400 and abruptly ending the coastal boom.Then in 1928, another Category 4 storm blasted Lake Okeechobee through its flimsy dike, killing 2,500 and abruptly ending the Everglades boom. It was the second-deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history, and afterward Florida s attorney general testified before Congress that much of the southern half of his state might be unsuited to human habitation. Read more: Michael GrunweldAnd they kept coming. Twenty-five years ago, Hurricane Andrew ripped through Miami MIAMI S MAYOR CALLS IRMA THE POSTER CHILD FOR GLOBAL WARMINGMiami s Republican mayor called on President Donald Trump and the head of the Environmental Protection Agency Friday to acknowledge that climate change is playing a role in the extreme weather that has slammed his city and the continental U.S. this summer.Speaking from Miami s Emergency Operations Center in downtown, where the city s senior public safety and political authorities will ride out Category 4 Hurricane Irma this weekend, Mayor Tom s Regalado told the Miami Herald that he believes warming and rising seas are threatening South Florida s immediate and long-term future. This is the time to talk about climate change. This is the time that the president and the EPA and whoever makes decisions needs to talk about climate change, said Regalado, who flew back to Miami from Argentina Friday morning to be in the city during the storm. If this isn t climate change, I don t know what is. This is a truly, truly poster child for what is to come. Read more here: Miami Herald
Trump to make remarks at White House at 3 p.m. ESTWASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is slated to give remarks to reporters at the White House at 3 p.m. EST (2000 GMT) on Tuesday, the White House said.
41 killed, 45 hurt as bombings continue in Pakistan
Ann Coulter: Trump Doesn’t Need GOP’s Support – ‘He IS The Party’ (VIDEO)Conservative columnist Ann Coulter took her vomit-inducing support of Donald Trump onto MSNBC yesterday to argue that the presumptive Republican nominee shouldn t even bother trying to convince prominent GOPers like House Speaker Paul Ryan to support him. She said it was a complete waste of the business mogul s time because he pretty much owns the GOP and represents the heart and soul of the Republican party now.As the discussion about Trump s Thursday meeting with Ryan was being discussed, host Chris Matthews wondered what might actually convince Ryan to support a presidential candidate that he was clearly having reservations about and who could blame him?! Coulter shrugged this off and laughed, asserting her opinion that Trump was only having this meeting with Ryan out of the goodness of his heart. Coulter told Matthews: It shows that Trump is being unbelievably gracious. He doesn t need to have this meeting [with Paul Ryan]. He is the party. He is the heart and soul of the party. Pointing out just how incredibly gracious this stunt by Trump is, she told Matthews that he could have just said, hope he comes aboard, we re gonna have a lot of fun, but if he doesn t, oh well after Ryan withheld his endorsement.To make Coulter s appearance on the show even more outrageous, she made sure to promote her new book, In Trump We Trust. She said that in the future, she hoped that Trump wouldn t waste any more of his precious time convincing the GOP to back him. The people are with him, and there s no point in meeting with all these generals without armies. According to Ryan, his meeting with Trump will be centered around how to unify the Republican Party. Ryan said: It s been a bitter and divisive primary. It s going to take more than one week just to repair and unify this party. Apparently, Trump thinks he s got this one in the bag.TwitterFeatured image is a screenshot
Israel approves detention without charges for African migrants
Egypt demands billions as compensation from Muslim Brotherhood
Egyptian women protesters detained, tortured, forced to take "virginity tests".
Kurdish leader Barzani's dream of independence led to downfallERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Masoud Barzani, who spent decades leading the long-oppressed Kurds, confirmed on Sunday he was stepping down as president of the Kurdistan Regional Government after his drive for independence backfired. After decades of struggle, critics say Barzani made one of his biggest mistakes by pushing hard for a Sept. 25 referendum. Kurds voted overwhelmingly for independence, but won little sympathy outside their region. As well as the Iraqi government, Turkey and Iran threatened to take tough action against any move towards secession, fearing it would encourage their own restive Kurdish populations to follow suit. The United States and other Western powers joined the chorus of opposition to the vote. The Baghdad government rejected it as illegal and sent troops to seize the oil city of Kirkuk, which the Kurds regard as the heart of any future homeland. In just a few hours, the city the Kurds regard as sacred was gone, along with other Kurdish-held territory across the north. Some accused Barzani of having led his people to disaster. For many years, he had used cunning and patience to help the Kurds survive long years of brutality under Saddam Hussein. After the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam in 2003, Barzani became a central figure in the drive to create an autonomous Kurdish state in northern Iraq. Kurdish leaders kept their territory relatively free of the sectarian bloodshed that plagued most of Iraq. Western oil executives flocked to the region seeking deals. Kurds showed their military capability by joining Iraqi government troops and Iranian-backed paramilitary forces to drive Islamic State militants out of Mosul. Confident that the time was right for an independent homeland, Barzani pursued the referendum. It resulted in overwhelming support for secession. But the joy was short-lived as Iraqi government forces and Shi ite paramilitaries shattered the Kurds dreams with a series of lightning military advances. Barzani was born in 1946, soon after his legendary father founded a party to fight for the rights of Iraqi Kurds. Deeply influenced by his father, Mulla Mustafa Barzani, known as the Lion of Kurdistan, Masoud Barzani joined the Kurdish guerrilla forces known as the Peshmerga at the age of 16 and gained fighting experience in the mountains. The younger Barzani would become familiar with one of the popular themes in Kurdish history - betrayal by regional and Western powers. Exiled and dying of cancer in a Washington hospital in 1976, Mulla Mustafa lamented that he had ever trusted the United States. A year earlier, Mulla Mustafa had been fighting a guerrilla war against Baghdad backed by Iran s pro-Western shah, but he was left high and dry when then-U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger brokered a deal that allowed Saddam to crush the Kurds. During the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war, Masoud Barzani allied the Kurdistan Democratic Party that he had inherited from his father with Tehran once more. It did not go well. Some 8,000 Barzani tribesmen were rounded up and paraded through Baghdad before being executed. In Saddam s words: They went to hell. Despite the massacres, and Iraqi chemical attacks, Barzani retained enough of a fighting force to respond to President George Bush s appeal for an uprising during the 1991 Gulf War. Taking Bush at his word, the Kurds rose up against Saddam, and Barzani and his Peshmerga - known as those who face death - came down from the mountains to join the uprising and capture several cities in the north. But the victorious allies balked at the prospect of a Kurdish split from Baghdad and did nothing to stop Saddam s troops and helicopter gunships from crushing the rebellion. While more than a million Kurds fled to Turkey and Iran, many dying of hunger and exposure on the way, Barzani stayed to fight on. He was saved by a U.S. and British no-fly zone established over the north in 1991 which allowed him and his Kurdish rival, Jalal Talabani, to retake the area. This was followed by the longest period of Kurdish autonomy in modern history, but it was scarred by civil war between Barzani and Talabani s Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in the mid-1990s. Barzani invited Iraqi government tanks into the region in 1996 to seize the regional capital Erbil, sending not only Talabani, but dozens of CIA personnel and their local employees fleeing before them. Talabani died barely a week after last month s referendum. Barzani s exit will leave the Kurds lacking direction, with their two main leaders gone.
GOP Candidate Completely Screws Up And Admits What Republicans Are Really About (VIDEO)It s hardly a well-kept secret. Forty years of Republican policies have proven that they don t give a crap about the people who voted them in. Progressives know that, but there are still millions of people who are buying the GOP lie. Now, a GOP candidate for Congress is under fire for being honest. She told a debate crowd on Tuesday that the difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Republicans don t care whether people are able to make a living, even if they work full-time.In a televised debate just two weeks ahead of the high-profile special election that will fill the vacant House seat in Georgia s Sixth Congressional District, Republican Karen Handel delivered her opponent what one commentator called a gift-wrapped present Tuesday night by declaring her opposition to a livable wage. I do not support a livable wage, she said, adding that this is an example of the fundamental difference between a liberal and a conservative. No, that was not out of context. She doesn t think the people who serve our food or the people who sell you your necessities or the people who care for your children are worthy of having a living wage, and it s not just her. It s the entire Republican Party.Here she is saying it:.@karenhandel doesn t want workers to make enough money to livepic.twitter.com/9Gxiahq8Zb jordan ? (@JordanUhl) June 7, 2017Did you catch her contradicting herself? She wants fewer regulations and lower taxes so small businesses can create well-paying jobs, but to her, apparently, well-paying doesn t need to be enough to live on. Also, there s the fact that wages and regulations do not correlate.If Twitter is any indication, she might have just put the final nail in her own electoral coffin. If there s anything Republicans hate, it s honesty.someone explain, with a serious face, how paying people less creates better paying jobs for people who don t make enough to live on. John (@johnwjohnsoniii) June 7, 2017It is class war out in the open. And it isn t Dems waging it. Steve Douglas (@Duramadera) June 7, 2017That SHOULD be enough to hand the election to Ossoff. Northernsmasher (@jaharrison763) June 7, 2017Who needs a livable wage ? Who needs clean air or water? So proud to be a conservative Karen Handel? Adam Bernstein (@Iamthebassman) June 7, 2017Are u fuckng kidding me? U don t support a LIVABLE WAGE? Why should workers not be able to live to support business so they can thrive? Linda Di (@lpassionflower) June 7, 2017OK? so creating more non-livable wage jobs is her goal for small business? American Monkey (@SAmericanMonkey) June 7, 2017If they are living in the gutter outside the workplace they have no excuse for being late. Glenn Holmes (@Koalaburger) June 7, 2017Then again, Republicans are heartless and the people who will be voting for her don t give a sh*t about anyone. Republicans don t believe hard-working Americans deserve a home, food, childcare or healthcare. Corporations, and the wealthy, though, need their tax cuts and an extra subsidy on top of that. The truth is that if a business won t pay living wages, taxpayers end up making up the difference through public benefits like food stamps.This particular election has become a symbolic referendum on Donald Trump and in Republicans in general. That district is generally considered a Republican stronghold, but with ineffective and corrupt leadership in D.C., the Democratic candidate, Jon Ossoff has a decent chance of winning. While it s too early to get polls from last night s debate, Ossoff s odds are looking much better.Featured image via WSBTV video screen capture
Britain's Queen Elizabeth is to shake the hand of a once-feared commander of the IRA on Wednesday to seal end of one of Europe's bitterest conflicts, which cost the lives of thousands of soldiers and civilians, including her cousin
WikiLeaks: Pakistan's airmen were being radicalized and were sabotaging Pakistani F-16s deployed for security operations along the Afghan border
Trump says 'we have a great relationship with China' after critical tweetCEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday said the United States had a “great relationship with China” as he stood beside former Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, the new U.S. ambassador to Beijing. “We have a great relationship with China and I really like President Xi,” Trump said in a speech at an Iowa community college. The comment came a day after Trump said Chinese efforts to persuade North Korea to rein in its weapons programs had failed.
Greece's Model Mayor - Reform Hero Takes on Corruption in Thessaloniki
Look How Nestle Profits By Taking Michigan Water For Free As Flint Pays A FORTUNE For Poison (IMAGE/VIDEO)The residents of Flint, Michigan have been poisoned, some irrevocably, by a long, intentional brutalization brought about by Republican governance. Even after the extent of this act of terror was made apparent in the national media, forcing Republicans to cower and scurry in fear, residents are still being forced by these same legislators to pay the highest water rates in the entire country while they continue to be forced to use poisoned water.via Detroit Free PressThere is a person, though, that is getting clean water virtually for free at a rate of over a quarter million gallons per day.Who is this person you ask? It s the Nestle corporation. Remember how they are now people too? Nestle is pumping 200 gallons per minute of clean water from aquifers that feed Lake Michigan under a permit granted by the state in the early 2000 s. What s even more grossly offensive is what Nestle pays or rather doesn t pay for this privilege. They don t pay anything for the actual extraction of water. They pay a $5000 permitting fee to the state and lease a portion of land from a private landowner for housing their facility. It gets even better, though, because not only do they get this sweetheart deal they re also given $13 million in tax breaks and giveaways by the state for deigning Mescota County worthy of their corporate benevolence by creating jobs with their facility.Not only do state Republicans force an average resident of Flint Michigan to pay nearly $1000 a year for poisonous water, but they give away clean water for free so that a corporation can sell it back to the people they took it from for a HUGE profit. In an entire year, Nestle pays approximately .000048 dollars per gallon of water that they then resell for millions of dollars in free profits on top of the millions of dollars they don t pay in taxes.Nestle s spokesperson in Michigan is Deborah Muchmore. She is the wife of Dennis Muchmore, who was the chief of staff for the lead-poisoning terrorist Michigan governor, Rick Snyder. Dennis recently retired from Snyder s office in order to become a lobbyist. I am sure that Michigan Republicans will find some of the billions in yearly profits from Nestle in their re-election campaigns soon, rather than having money diverted to alleviate the suffering of the people of Flint.Featured image via Flickr
Ex-IDF chief\'s widow rejects naming East Jerusalem street after him, "I don\'t think this is a street that belongs to us. I don\'t think we need to be there and therefore I objected"
TRAYVON MARTIN’S MOM Goes On BLAME WHITEY Tour With Hillary, While His Dad Has BRUTAL Message That Could DESTROY Black Lives MatterTrayvon s dad sounds more logical and Presidential than Obama when it comes to discussing the truth about black on black crime. Maybe he wasn t so far off the mark when Obama said Trayvon could be his son?While Trayvon Martin s mother is traipsing around the country as part of Hillary Clinton s pander tour and trying to convince everyone that her sweet little angel was gunned down by a racist system, Trayvon s father actually had something intelligent to say on the issue of race. In defiance of Black Lives Matter, Tracy Martin said that the movement is meaningless as long as blacks continue to kill each other.Tracy Martin was speaking before the 30th Annual Charles W. Kegley Memorial Institute of Ethics at California State Bakersfield on Tuesday when he uttered the words that will drive BLM into a frenzy. We gonna keep killing one another. I tell people all the time that we are committing genocide, said Martin.And then here s the thing that if a white guy said it would be considered the most racist statement ever: We re on the brink of extinction at the way these shootings and killings are going on. We keep the funeral homes and the penal system in business. When are we going to wake up? I m a realist. We can t sit up and scream that black lives matter at any other ethnicity group if Black lives don t matter to Black people, he said.This is what I find interesting here: Black Lives Matter is a movement that was created because of Trayvon Martin s death and it is a fact that the black activists get super-pissed off when anyone suggests that black-on-black violence is more of a pressing issue than hyped up and fictionalized racism. But this is the father of the person who spawned the movement saying that blacks killing blacks is the real problem. Something s gotta give.This could cause the movement to collapse on itself, creating a racism supernova that neither race-hustling nor manufactured outrage can escape.Unfortunately not everything that Tracy Martin said was as spot-on as his black-on-black crime observation. He said the way he wanted Trayvon to be remembered was, not as the iconic image of the hoodie, but as the African-American boy who galvanized the country. To galvanize generally means uniting people to action behind a common cause. That is the complete opposite of what Trayvon Martin s death did to this country. Besides birthing the BLM movement, the Trayvon Martin shooting and subsequent trial divided this nation along racial lines at ten times the rate of Barack Obama s efforts.Though he wouldn t use the name of the man who defended his life against a violent attack by his son, Tracy Martin characterized George Zimmerman as guilty and the man who pulled the trigger and killed an innocent. And then there s this: Trust me when I say that white America can t survive without Black America, said Martin.Never trust someone who says trust me they are always lying.I know that when other black celebrities have spoken on the issue of black-on-black violence, they have been shouted down by the black activists and labeled Uncle Toms. It will be interesting to see how the black outrage machine deals with Tracy Martin, father of the father of Black Lives Matter, saying that black lives have to first matter to black people before they will mater to anyone else. Via: Downtrend
CEO of ThyssenKrupp in Italy sentenced to 16.5 years for the deaths of seven workers after a fire
How the US army protects its trucks by paying the Taliban
Death toll from Vietnam storm tops 60 and dams near burstingDANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - The death toll from a typhoon and ensuing floods in Vietnam reached 61 on Monday and the government said some reservoirs were dangerously near capacity after persistent rain. Typhoon Damrey tore across central Vietnam at the weekend just days before the region is due to host the APEC summit of Asia-Pacific leaders, among them U.S. President Donald Trump, China s Xi Jinping and Russia s Vladimir Putin. The Communist state s Search and Rescue Committee said 61 people had been killed and 28 were recorded as missing. It said some of the victims were in vessels that capsized at sea. Others were killed in landslides. It did not give a full breakdown. More than 2,000 homes had collapsed and more than 80,000 had been damaged, it said. Roads that had been flooded or washed away caused traffic jams across several provinces. Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc chaired an emergency meeting on the disaster. Ministers said that because some dams were so full, water might need to be released to relieve pressure - potentially worsening flooding downstream. In Danang, authorities called on soldiers and local people to clean up so that the beach resort would be ready for delegates to the meetings of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) countries, which started on Monday. Leaders are due to meet from Nov. 10 and organizers said the schedule had not been disrupted because of the weather. But in much of the ancient town of Hoi An, a UNESCO World Heritage site that spouses of APEC leaders are scheduled to visit on Saturday, muddy waters rose to head height and people boated through the streets. Hoang Tran Son, 37, who left his home there when the water reached his chest, said it was the worst flooding he had seen for decades. We re pretty much all right in the city, but people in remote areas are devastated, he said. The storm moved from the coastal area into a key coffee-growing region of the world s biggest producer of robusta coffee beans. The typhoon had damaged some coffee trees at the start of the harvest season, farm officials said. But farmers in Daklak, the heart of the region, said the damage was limited. Authorities said that more than 7,000 farm animals had been killed. Floods killed more than 80 people in northern Vietnam last month, while a typhoon wreaked havoc in central provinces in September. The country of more than 90 million people is prone to destructive storms and flooding, due to its long coastline.
Fearful immigrants shut Johannesburg shops as anti-foreigner violence rages | Immigrants in downtown Johannesburg, South Africa's biggest commercial city, shut their shops as a wave of anti-foreigner violence that has killed four people near the city of Durban threatened to spread, police said
Rebels attack Chechen leader's home and have bloody clash with his personal security guards
Egyptian police violently beat British journalist, smooth move Egypt, now we know what is happening to those 100s of people arrested.
Trump plays left and right in drive to protect 'Dreamers'WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump and top aides have urged conservative Republicans in Congress to craft legislation protecting “Dreamers” brought illegally to the United States as children, a move that could jeopardize efforts to work with Democrats on the issue. Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and other officials have reached out to more than a dozen Republicans, including some of the loudest anti-immigration voices in Congress. The consultations followed a dinner Trump held earlier this month with the top two congressional Democrats, Senator Chuck Schumer and Representative Nancy Pelosi. The president discussed with the two Democrats legislation to shield from deportation roughly 800,000 young immigrants known as Dreamers. In comments that angered Trump’s conservative political base, White House officials said Trump would not necessarily insist on funding for a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border as a condition for helping the Dreamers. Trump’s pledge to build a border wall was a central theme of his 2016 presidential campaign. Earlier this month, Trump rescinded an Obama-era program that shielded Dreamers from deportation, but gave the Republican-controlled Congress - long gridlocked over immigration - six months to come up with legislation to address the issue. The recent consultations with Republicans included a dinner that Pence hosted for a group of conservative lawmakers at his residence. Republican Representative Mark Walker, who attended the dinner with Pence, said the administration was delivering a stark warning: Trump wants conservatives to participate in offering ideas for a Dreamer bill. If they do not, they will be frozen out of the discussions. Walker, chairman of the conservative Republican Study Committee, said White House officials had made clear that Trump was willing to work with Democrats and moderate Republicans on a Dreamer bill if that was the only option. The outreach to conservatives suggests the administration is trying to minimize the potential backlash from Trump’s base over the Dreamer issue. Many conservatives staunchly oppose protection from deportation for any illegal immigrants, viewing it as a form of amnesty. But any effort to bring conservatives on board with legislation could alienate Democrats. Among other Republicans who have been contacted by the administration are House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, Representative Steve King and Senator Tom Cotton, who have pushed hard for strict immigration limits and tougher law enforcement. The White House said administration officials had also reached out to other Republicans, like Representative Mario Diaz-Balart, who in the past participated in negotiations on immigration reform. A White House official told Reuters that in conversations with Republicans, the administration was offering “principles” for Dreamer legislation that included building the border wall and expanding the use by companies of the “E-verify” system to check the legal status of new hires. Both are initiatives Democrats strongly oppose. Republican Representative Mark Meadows, chairman of the hard-line conservative House Freedom Caucus, said there had been “ongoing conversations” between lawmakers and the administration. He added members of his caucus were looking at ideas for an immigration bill. A senior Democratic aide said Democratic leaders were awaiting an offer from the White House that would build on Trump’s mid-September agreement to collaborate on a Dreamer bill. The aide said Democrats “look forward” to engaging Trump on a border security package sketched out at the dinner with the president, which did not include most of the conservative ideas now being floated in Congress.
Cannabinoids Reduce Multi-Drug Resisant Infections
MEDIA BUSTED ON LATEST Lie About Trump…Here’s Why It’s So Important [Video]The press has been lying about President Trump since day one but it s never been more evident than during the 9-day trip the POTUS and FLOTUS just finished.The press claimed that Melania Trump swatted the president s hand away during a walk. Not true!The press decided that the president manhandled a guest at the G7 when he moved forward to take his assigned spot. Not true!The latest lie is that President Trump chose not to listen and not wear headphones during a speech. Not true!The big problem with all of this is that the video of Trump watching the speech went viral and the tweet making the false claim was retweeted thousands of times. The retraction was retweeted about 42 times. Fake news and false allegations against our president end up becoming truth to those who read the fake news put out by the main stream media. In fact, the BBC reporter who put out the video and tweet STILL has the lie up on his twitter page!Here it is below:A short clip that sums up this G7 summit: look who has chosen not to hear a translation of his Italian host s speech #G6 pic.twitter.com/6pXbBlfvof James Landale (@BBCJLandale) May 27, 2017Frank Luntz tweeted out just how important it is when the press lies it becomes truth:
Dumbass Alaska Lawmaker Claims Women Have Abortions For A ‘Free Trip To The City’ (VIDEO)Generations upon generations of incest have apparently caused the gerbils operating the brain of Alaska state Representative David Eastman to go on strike. As House Republicans are directly attacking the American people with their new Trumpcare plan, news broke that Eastman a lawmaker from Wasilla, Sarah Palin s neck of th1e woods decided to make the GOP sound even more heartless and stupid than they previously seemed.Eastman, who views the elimination of a clump of cells as the ultimate form of child abuse, recently tacked an anti-abortion message onto a state House resolution meant to raise awareness about sexual assault and child abuse a message he says could not possibly be delivered without badgering people about abortion. Abortion is a very serious issue, and it needs to be talked about, Eastman says, adding that women get pregnant just so they can get a free trip to the city for their glamorous abortion: We have folks who try to get pregnant in this state so that they can get a free trip to the city, and we have folks who want to carry their baby past the point of being able to have an abortion in this state so that they can have a free trip to Seattle. Medicaid can fund a woman s travel to Anchorage or Seattle if they seek an abortion. Asked for evidence that women get pregnant just to take advantage of the free travel a nonsensical claim Eastman said that a number of people have come to (his) office with stories, experiences. He offered no evidence to back the claim.This isn t the first horrible thing Eastman has done or said. KTUU notes that he recently was the only person to vote against resolutions honoring black soldiers who helped build the Alaska Highway during World War II and another honoring Hmong and Lao veterans who fought for the U.S. during the Vietnam War. Those resolutions had otherwise unanimous support.It is unclear if he has f*cked himself yet, or if he still needs to do that.Watch him shame his state below:Featured image via video screenshot
Pakistan flood homeless toll put at over 4 million
Zambian miners kill Chinese supervisor and injure another in pay dispute: Workers angry over mining company's failure to raise wages in line with a directive from the Lusaka government
Trump, Cruz tensions may provide liveliest Republican debate yetNORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - Flaring tempers and sharp elbows may turn a debate among seven Republican presidential candidates into a seven-car pileup on Thursday with tensions between Donald Trump and rival Ted Cruz leading the way. The sixth Republican debate, at the North Charleston Coliseum in the swing state of South Carolina, takes place at a tense time for the Republican field with the clock ticking toward Feb. 1 in Iowa, the first contest in the race to choose the party’s nominee for the Nov. 8 general election. The 9 p.m. EST (0200 GMT Friday) debate features the top seven candidates ranked by Republican voters: New York real estate businessman and reality TV star Trump, Texas Senator Cruz, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Ohio Governor John Kasich. Nearly every candidate has had a bone to pick with one or more of the others this week. Beyond the Trump-Cruz theatrics, Bush has blasted Trump and Rubio, Rubio has slammed Bush as well as Cruz and Christie, and Christie has attacked most everyone else. “Given all the attacks that are taking place and the counterattacks, I think it will be a more lively debate than we’ve seen at this point,” said Eric Fehrnstrom, who was a top adviser to 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney. “Donald Trump is still in complete command and the race is still about who will become his main challenger.” In an earlier debate of low-polling candidates, Republicans Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum largely focused their criticism on Democrats rather than each other. They were all in agreement that President Barack Obama’s strategy toward Iran, the fight against Islamic State and his executive orders last week to strengthen gun control were flawed and should be changed. Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO who was demoted from the main stage because of faltering poll numbers, dominated the so-called “undercard” debate with a series of one-line zingers, one of them aimed at Democrat Hillary Clinton over her prior marital strains with Bill Clinton, the former president. “Unlike another woman in this race, I actually love spending time with my husband,” said Fiorina. U.S. Senator Paul Rand of Kentucky opted out of the “undercard debate” and said instead he would host a town hall session on Twitter during the main debate. Front-runner Trump has put Cruz, his main obstacle to an Iowa victory, on the defensive by suggesting Cruz may not qualify to be a candidate because he was born in Canada (to a U.S. citizen mother and a Cuban father). This was a change in posture by Trump on the issue, however, after saying in an interview with ABC News last September that he had heard that lawyers believed it was not a problem for Cruz. Trump and Cruz have been friendly over the past year, until now. Being targeted by Trump is a new position for Cruz, who has taken the lead in some polls of Iowa Republican voters in part by avoiding tangles with Trump. In the Reuters rolling national poll on Jan. 12, Trump had 39 percent of the vote, Cruz 14.5 percent, Bush 10.6 percent, Carson 9.6 percent and 6.7 percent favored Rubio, once viewed by the Republican establishment and many donors as a rising star. Cruz told reporters in New Hampshire on Tuesday that Trump is relying on a judgment on the birthright question from Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe, who Cruz described as “a liberal, left-wing, judicial-activist” and a supporter of Democratic Party front-runner Hillary Clinton. “The past couple of elections we saw the Democrats thrilled that they got the nominee they wanted to run against in the general election, and it seems the Hillary folks are very eager to support Donald Trump,” Cruz said. Trump, who has proved to be a master at finding a perceived weakness in an opponent, insisted Cruz’s Canadian birth violated the U.S. Constitution’s requirement that only “natural born citizens” can be president. “Sadly, there is no way that Ted Cruz can continue running in the Republican Primary unless he can erase doubt on eligibility. Dems will sue!” he tweeted on Wednesday. Mudslinging abounds elsewhere in the field as a grouping of other candidates fight to be the alternative to Trump with battles over national security and immigration. For more on the 2016 presidential race, see the Reuters blog, “Tales from the Trail” (here)
Border crossings to Mexico closed by protests
Aung San Suu Kyi allowed one witness at trial in Burma
Trump Once Laughed About Being More Worried About A Marble Floor Than A ‘Dying’ ManTrump, sometimes, is honest about who and what he is a miserable excuse for a human being. Many of these instances of honesty come from interviews on The Howard Stern Show, which he often visited when he never thought he d actually run for president. One such instance, which can be listened to below, includes him laughing about his refusal to help a man who may have been dying, being more worried, in his words, about the marble. In a video published by Now This on Facebook, you can hear Trump saying,I was at Mar-A-Lago and we had this incredible ball the Red Cross Ball. You have all these really rich people. And a man, about 80 years old, a very wealthy man, a lot of people didn t like him he fell off the stage. This guy falls off, right on his face, hits his head, and I thought he died. And you know what I did? I said Oh my god, that s disgusting, and I turned away. I couldn t, you know, he was right in front of me. I turned away. I didn t want to touch him. I felt terrible. You know, beautiful marble floor, didn t look so good. It changed color. It became very red. And you have this poor guy, 80 years old, lying on the floor unconscious, and all of the rich people are turning away, Oh my god, this is terrible! This is disgusting! Who the hell brags about not having basic human decency? You can watch the video of Trump s outrageous comments below:Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Nexen pipeline leak in Alberta spills 5 million litres - Edmonton
U.S. deal to sell 36 F-18 to Brazil stumble with recent revelations that the United States collected data on Brazilian Internet communications
White House: no change to 'one China' policy after Trump call with TaiwanWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Friday said there was “no change” to the United States’ longstanding “one China” policy after President-elect Donald Trump spoke with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen. “We remain firmly committed to our ‘one China’ policy,” said Ned Price, a national security spokesman for President Barack Obama. “Our fundamental interest is in peaceful and stable cross-Strait relations.”
President Mugabe stuns Zimbabwe by defying pressure to resignHARARE (Reuters) - President Robert Mugabe stunned Zimbabwe on Sunday by making no mention of resignation in a television address, defying his own ZANU-PF party, which had sacked him hours earlier, and hundreds of thousands of protesters who had already hailed his downfall. Two sources - one a senior member of the government, the other familiar with talks with leaders of the military - had told Reuters Mugabe would announce his resignation to the nation after ZANU-PF dismissed him as its leader in a move precipitated by an army takeover four days earlier. But in the speech from his State House office, sitting alongside a row of generals, Mugabe acknowledged criticisms from ZANU-PF, the military and the public but made no mention of his own position. Instead, he said the events of the week were not a challenge to my authority as head of state and government , and pledged to preside over the congress scheduled for next month. Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai was dumbstruck. I am baffled. It s not just me, it s the whole nation. He s playing a game, he told Reuters. He is trying to manipulate everyone. He has let the whole nation down. ZANU-PF had given the 93-year-old, who has led his country since independence in 1980, less than 24 hours to quit as head of state or face impeachment, an attempt to secure a peaceful end to his tenure after a de facto military coup. Chris Mutsvangwa, the leader of the liberation war veterans who have been spearheading an 18-month campaign to oust Mugabe, said plans to impeach him in parliament, which next sits on Tuesday, would now go ahead, and that there would be mass protests on Wednesday. He also implied that Mugabe, who spoke with a firm voice but occasionally lost his way in his script during the 20-minute address, was not aware of what had happened just hours earlier. Either somebody within ZANU-PF didn t tell him what had happened within his own party, so he went and addressed that meeting oblivious, or (he was) blind or deaf to what his party has told him, Mutsvangwa said. ZANU-PF s central committee had earlier named Emmerson Mnangagwa as its new leader. It was Mugabe s sacking of Mnangagwa as his vice-president - to pave the way for his wife Grace to succeed him - that triggered the army s intervention. On Saturday, hundreds of thousands had taken to the streets of the capital Harare to celebrate Mugabe s expected downfall and hail a new era for their country. In jubilant scenes, men, women and children ran alongside armoured cars and the troops who stepped in to target what the army called criminals in Mugabe s inner circle. Many heralded a second liberation and spoke of their dreams for political and economic change after two decades of deepening repression and hardship. They, like the more than 3 million Zimbabweans who have emigrated to neighbouring South Africa in search of a better life, are likely to be bitterly disappointed by Mugabe s defiance. Speaking from a secret location in South Africa, his nephew, Patrick Zhuwao, had told Reuters that Mugabe and his wife were ready to die for what is correct rather than step down in order to legitimise what he described as a coup. Zhuwao, who was also sanctioned by ZANU-PF, did not answer his phone on Sunday. However, Mugabe s son Chatunga railed against those who had pushed out his father. You can t fire a Revolutionary leader! he wrote on this Facebook page. ZANU-PF is nothing without President Mugabe. The huge crowds in Harare have given a quasi-democratic veneer to the army s intervention, backing its assertion that it is merely effecting a constitutional transfer of power, rather than a plain coup, which would risk a diplomatic backlash. But some of Mugabe s opponents are uneasy about the prominent role played by the military, and fear Zimbabwe might be swapping one army-backed autocrat for another, rather than allowing the people to choose their next leader. The real danger of the current situation is that, having got their new preferred candidate into State House, the military will want to keep him or her there, no matter what the electorate wills, former education minister David Coltart said. The United States, a longtime Mugabe critic, said it was looking forward to a new era in Zimbabwe, while President Ian Khama of neighbouring Botswana said Mugabe had no diplomatic support in the region and should resign at once. Besides changing its leadership, ZANU-PF said it wanted to change the constitution to reduce the power of the president, a possible sign of a desire to move towards a more pluralistic and inclusive political system. However, Mnangagwa s history as state security chief during the so-called Gukurahundi crackdown, when an estimated 20,000 people were killed by the North Korean-trained Fifth Brigade in Matabeleland in the early 1980s, suggested that quick, sweeping change was unlikely. The deep state that engineered this change of leadership will remain, thwarting any real democratic reform, said Miles Tendi, a Zimbabwean academic at Oxford University.
Islam Times - Hamas PM Haniyeh: Jews are not our enemy
"On its side, the Obama Administration has the courts, the intelligence services, Congress, the diplomatic service, much of the media, and most of the American public. Snowdens got Greenwald, a woman from Wikileaks, and a dodgy travel document from Ecuador. Which side are you on?"
Republicans offer few tax plan details at high-profile eventSANTA BARBARA, Calif. (Reuters) - Republican tax writers from the U.S. House of Representatives promoted their legislative goals at a special gathering in California on Wednesday, but offered few new details about provisions that may end up in their long-sought overhaul plan. As Wall Street analysts warned that President Donald Trump’s controversial statements about Virginia protests on Saturday that turned deadly were hurting Republicans’ prospects for progress on domestic policy, the lawmakers assembled in Santa Barbara to say their tax reform agenda is moving forward. Kevin Brady, chairman of the tax-writing U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee, spoke in broad brushstrokes about the effort at Rancho del Cielo, the country home of former President Ronald Reagan, a Republican who oversaw the last major tax code overhaul in 1986. “If you look at today’s tax code you can’t even recognize the principles that made the Reagan reforms such a triumph for the American people,” Brady said. Asked whether the plan would have specific provisions, Brady said: “We’re working through the details of the overall tax plan with the White House, President Trump, and Senate tax writers as well.” “We have more work to do. I anticipate continuing to work through August with the White House and Senate, bring forward a tax reform plan at the Ways and Means Committee after we return,” Brady said, adding he wanted to get legislation to Trump before the end of the year. Brady was joined by Representatives Peter Roskam, David Schweikert and Carlos Curbelo, all Republican committee members. Market expectations for tax reform have declined in recent weeks, analysts said, and dimmed further after Trump’s Tuesday press conference, where he said both sides were to blame for a deadly rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, between neo-Nazis, white supremacists and counter-protestors. Before the event, Curbelo, the son of Cuban exiles who emigrated to the United States, told reporters that Trump’s remarks marked “the lowest point yet” in his presidency. “In a way we’ve become accustomed to working in a very distracting environment. That’s not new. Now this is on a whole different scale,” he said. “While you have all of these other headlines, the public isn’t going to be paying very much attention to the legislative agenda.” Still searching for his first major legislative achievement after 208 days in office, Trump has refocused on overhauling the tax code, but he has been constantly distracted by controversies involving North Korea, race relations and investigations of possible ties between his 2016 campaign and Moscow. Trump was forced to disband two high-profile business advisory councils on Wednesday after corporate CEOs quit the committees in protest over his remarks about the violence in Charlottesville. Brady has remained bullish on the chances for a tax overhaul even after a Republican push to dismantle Obamacare collapsed in July. At Wednesday’s event he told reporters the differences between a healthcare and tax overhaul are “just about everything.” As they did with Obamacare, the party has launched a nationwide publicity campaign for tax reform without first hammering out the final details of their proposal. The 1986 tax overhaul under Reagan was the result of a multi-year, bipartisan negotiation. Republicans are seeking to do key portions of tax reform within months, without Democratic support. Republicans have not yet introduced tax legislation and party leaders have already discarded key pieces of their initial, ambitious plan. No revenue-raising provisions have been agreed upon to replace those that were discarded. Corporate lobbyists and independent experts have said Congress and Trump are far apart on critical issues, such as how to slash rates without ballooning the federal deficit. Brady downplayed those differences on Wednesday, saying they planned to unify behind “one bold plan.”
O’REILLY BLASTS FOX NEWS’ Liberal Murdoch Brothers After Disastrous Viewer Ratings Are RevealedIt looks like Bill O Reilly is getting the last laugh When the Fox News Channel fired cable news giant Bill O Reilly in April, reports surfaced revealing Fox News owner, the Murdoch family, wanting to move the network in a different direction. Out with the old guard, in with the new. More hosts similar to Megyn Kelly, who is now at NBC News, fewer like the ones who built the network from the ground up, including O Reilly.About one month later, Fox News has a completely different news lineup, and the results thus far have been nothing short of disastrous.On Thursday, TV Newser reported Fox News, which once dominated its competitors in virtually every timeslot, is now losing across the board in the key 25-54 demographic.The results are most notable in primetime, which used to carry Fox News most reliable audience. Now, Fox News is running a distant third to hosts who previously drew audiences half the size of O Reilly s.On Thursday, at the 7 p.m. hour, Fox News The Story, hosted by Martha MacCallum, lost by more than 100,000 viewers in the 25-54 demographic to CNN s OutFront with Erin Burnett. Chris Matthews Hardball beat MacCallum by nearly 60,000 viewers.At 8 p.m., Fox News Tucker Carlson Tonight lost to both CNN s Anderson Cooper and MSNBC s All In with Chris Hayes.At 9 p.m., Fox News Channel s The Five was absolutely demolished by Cooper and MSNBC s The Rachel Maddow Show, which won the key demographic by more than 200,000 viewers.Of all the Fox News hosts in primetime, Sean Hannity performed the best, although he still finished third to CNN Tonight with Don Lemon and MSNBC s The Last Word with Lawrence O Donnell.Through May 18, Fox News Channel s total audience in May remained larger than its cable-news competitors, including CNN and MSNBC, according to Nielsen Media Research.O Reilly, who joins Glenn Beck on The Glenn Beck Program every Friday, told Beck on Friday there s no doubt that Fox News has a problem. They have a problem, O Reilly said. Fox News has a problem. There s no doubt about it. Whenever you lose a key person in any industry, competitive industry, sports, media, you better have a plan. And it doesn t look like FNC has a plan. The Blaze
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WATCH: Obama DRAGS Trump In Epic Fashion On The World StagePresident Obama let loose on Donald Trump, describing the Republican presidential nominee as simply unfit to serve as President of the United States.In a press conference at the White House alongside the Prime Minister of Singapore, Obama as asked about Trump s attack on the family of deceased Army Captain Humayun Khan."The Republican nominee is unfit to serve as president," President Obama says https://t.co/wjCjJOvbM5 https://t.co/fb5yN5gmpq The Situation Room (@CNNSitRoom) August 2, 2016President Obama said: The Republican nominee is unfit to serve as President. I said so last week and he keeps on proving it. The notion that he would attack a gold star family that had made such extraordinary sacrifices on behalf of our country. The fact that he doesn t appear to have basic knowledge around critical issues, in Europe, the Middle East, in Asia, means that he s woefully unprepared to do this job. Obama s comments come as Trump has piled one screw-up on top of another, from attacking the Khan family, erroneously stating that Russia never invaded Crimea, going after local fire marshals, and calling Hillary Clinton the devil. On Tuesday morning Trump even made light of Purple Heart winners as a supporter gave him a replica and Trump laughed about how easy it was to get one. The incident occurred as a New York Times report examined Trump s claims of how he avoided serving in the Vietnam War and found that he has made multiple contradictory excuses over the years for how he stayed out of the conflict.His campaign is also in trouble. Trump recently fired two senior staffers, including the man who put together the B-list celebrities who appeared at the Republican Convention.By contrast, Hillary Clinton has seen an uptick in her polling after the convention. CNN recorded the biggest post-convention bounce they ve polled since 2000, with the new CNN/ORC poll showing her 9% ahead of him, 52% to 43%. NBC found a similar result. The latest NBC/SurveyMonkey poll shows Clinton ahead 50% to 42%.Featured image via Twitter
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The assassination of Salvador Vergara Cruz, mayor of a Mexican resort town, may represent a turning point in how Mexico deals with its drug trafficking problem.
Reince Priebus Just Said ‘Every Single Thing’ Trump Does Is ‘Factual’ (VIDEO)Reality show star turned president-elect Donald Trump earned himself Lie of the Year by PolitiFact and he s broken almost every campaign promise before being sworn in. The swamp is being filled with terrifying creatures, Mexico is not paying for the wall, Hillary Clinton won t be locked up and Obamacare won t be fully repealed. And that s just the short list. Still yet, incoming White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus claims that every single thing Trump has done has been factual and he further said he is supported by 80 percent of Americans. By the way, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 2.86 million.Trump responded on Twitter Saturday to China s seizure of a U.S. naval drone by tweeting, [W]e don t want the drone they stole back.- let them keep it! Fox News host Chris Wallace called Priebus out over Trump s tweet. To defend Trump, Priebus said, I don t think it s all that provocative. You mean the One China policy is up for grabs? Wallace asked. We re not suggesting we re revisiting One China policy right now, Priebus said with a straight face. And he s not president right now and he s respectful to the current president. The Chinese ripped a drone out of the water, Priebus continued. President-elect said this is an unprecedented act, totally inappropriate. He didn t quite use those words, but that s essentially what he said in a tweet. Actually, Trump said it was unpresidented and he was mocked for that.Priebus said the U.S. military should not want that drone back after it was handled by the Chinese government. I think every single thing he s done has been factual and has been in line with where 80 percent of the American people are, Priebus said.Watch:Reince, lookie here:With Trump, consistency is king. pic.twitter.com/4RC6nSrA3L Kaivan Shroff (@KaivanShroff) December 18, 2016Last Sunday, Trump said in an interview on Fox News Sunday: I fully understand the One China policy, but I don t know why we have to be bound by a One China policy unless we make a deal with China having to do with other things, including trade. Trump changes his mind like the wind. It just depends on what he wants to distract us from. And Priebus just lied about Trump s lies.Image via screen capture
Virginia Trump Supporter Patrols Polling Place With Gun And Cops Say They Are Okay With ThatA Trump supporter in Loudoun County, Virginia, spent his Friday patrolling a polling place while armed with a gun. Go figure, the cops are perfectly okay with that.Erika Cotti says she came across him while she was trying to vote at the county registrar s office. I had my 9-year-old son with me. I felt intimidated, Cotti said. And I had to explain to my 9-year-old why a man with a 357 magnum is standing outside the polling station. The man then tried to get her to take a sample of the Republican ballot, but she refused it. He s like, Who are you going to vote for, crooked Hillary? And I was like, that s really none of your business, Cotti said.According to Loudoun County registrar Judy Brown, there was indeed a man strutting around with a gun strapped to his hip who was handing out GOP propaganda in front of her office. However, police said that since Virginia is an open carry state, it is perfectly legal for him to do so. There is a gentleman standing outside the office with a holstered gun, Brown said. According to law enforcement, because Virginia is open carry, he s allowed to have it. Brown said that even though the man was obviously packing heat, he was being nice to people and didn t violate the 40-foot no-canvassing zone in front of the entrance to the building. They said that there s nothing they could do, that he was well within his rights to be carrying his weapon, Brown said.Brown decided to get in touch with the state Republican Party. Their answer was to get the guy to pull his Trump shirt over the gun on his side so that it wasn t clearly visible. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Hopefully nobody else will be concerned about him, Brown said.Loudoun County Republican Committee Chairman Will Estrada said that the man has military and law enforcement experience, as well as a concealed carry permit. We don t want to startle anyone, Estrada said he told him. He felt really bad, he pulled his T-shirt over it, and I think everything was fine after that. Estrada also said that he does not support the idea of banning volunteers from carrying firearms. It s a free country, Estrada said. I m a NRA life member myself. So long as no laws are being broken, I m not going to tell someone they can t. But I ve told all of our volunteers that we re here for our candidates, we don t want us to become the story. Cotti, who has been involved in political activism, said she gets that Virginia is an open-carry state but still doesn t think it should be acceptable to have random people blocking the entrances to polling places with guns. We re an open carry state, I get that. But he s wearing a huge Trump t-shirt, he has a huge gun, and he was obstructing my exit on public property, Cotti said. That s insane to me. Featured image via Twitter
Four men were jailed for after being found guilty of carrying out a 1.75m robbery in the first English criminal trial to be heard without a jury in 400 years. The total cost to the taxpayer of the trials is estimated to be at least 25m more than 14x the amount stolen.
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Some Christians have predicted the end of days by May 21st. I'm challenging them to bequeath me their property on May 22nd.
Republicans, Democrats sharply divided over Muslims in America: Reuters/Ipsos pollNEW YORK (Reuters) - Many Americans view Islam unfavorably, and supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump are more than twice as likely to view the religion negatively as those backing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to a Reuters/Ipsos online poll of more than 7,000 Americans. It shows that 37 percent of American adults have a “somewhat unfavorable” or “very unfavorable” view of Islam. This includes 58 percent of Trump supporters and 24 percent of Clinton supporters, a contrast largely mirrored by the breakdown between Republicans and Democrats. By comparison, respondents overall had an equally unfavorable view of atheism at 38 percent, compared with 21 percent for Hinduism, 16 percent for Judaism and 8 percent for Christianity. Spokespeople for Trump and Clinton declined to comment. The poll took place before an attacker on Thursday drove his truck into a holiday crowd in Nice, France, killing more than 80 people in what President Francois Hollande called a terrorist act. Police sources said the driver, while linked to common crimes, was not on a watch list of intelligence services and no Islamist militant group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack. The race for the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election has put a spotlight on Americans’ views of Muslims with Trump proposing a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States. He repeated the proposal after Omar Mateen, a New York-born Muslim armed with an assault rifle, killed 49 people in an attack on a Florida gay nightclub last month. The ideological divide between Trump and Clinton supporters is set against a backdrop of increasing violence and discrimination against Muslims in the United States. The poll shows 78 percent of Trump supporters and 36 percent of Clinton supporters said that when compared to other religions, Islam was more likely to encourage acts of terrorism. Trump supporters were also about twice as likely as Clinton supporters to say that Islam was more encouraging of violence toward Americans, women and gay people. Polling on none of the other belief systems and their perceived connection to terrorism or violence came close to matching those numbers. Clinton has called for a more inclusive environment within American society and for a joint effort between the U.S. government and Muslim countries to battle the spread of Islamist militancy. She has criticized Trump’s harsh statements about Muslims and Mexicans while Trump has bemoaned what he calls American society’s devotion to political correctness. Graphic: tmsnrt.rs/29IPJ6l Party affiliation accounted for the deepest division among Americans where their views on Muslims were concerned. Respondents’ status as rich or poor, young or old, or male or female did not offer as pronounced an overall view as did their identification as Democrats or Republicans. “If it was true that Trump did not represent Republicans broadly defined, you would think Republicans would look different; they don’t,” said Douglas McAdam, a sociology professor at Stanford University who studies American politics. “It goes against the claims of the (former presidential candidate) Mitt Romneys of the world, that Trump is not really a Republican, that he doesn’t represent the Republican party. He seems to be resonating with Republicans generally.” According to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Muslim civil rights group, attacks on American Muslims and on mosques in the United States rose in 2015 to their highest level ever recorded. The group said 31 incidents of damage or destruction of mosques were reported; there were 11 incidents in which a Muslim person was the target of a slur or another kind of harassment. The Reuters/Ipsos poll ran in all 50 states from June 14 to July 6. It included 7,473 American adults and has a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 1 percentage point.
Both airports in Bangkok, Thailand closed due to anti-government riots
Trump on Twitter (August 8): Opioid crisis, North KoreaThe following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump and @POTUS. The opinions expressed are his own. Reuters has not edited the statements or confirmed their accuracy. @realDonaldTrump : - I will be holding a major briefing on the Opioid crisis, a major problem for our country, today at 3:00 P.M. in Bedminster, N.J. [0711 EDT] - After many years of failure, countries are coming together to finally address the dangers posed by North Korea. We must be tough & decisive! [0717 EDT] - E-mails show that the AmazonWashingtonPost and the FailingNewYorkTimes were reluctant to cover the Clinton/Lynch secret meeting in plane. [1400 EDT] - After 200 days, rarely has any Administration achieved what we have achieved..not even close! Don’t believe the Fake News Suppression Polls! [1410 EDT] -- Source link: (bit.ly/2jBh4LU) (bit.ly/2jpEXYR)
Battling to hold off Sanders, Democrat Clinton to assail Trump on foreign policyWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton’s campaign on Wednesday signaled plans for a big assault on Republican Donald Trump, even as she battles to hold off rival Bernie Sanders in California. Clinton, a former secretary of state, is to deliver what her campaign described as a major speech on Thursday in San Diego to underscore what she feels would be the threat posed by Trump to U.S. national security if he is elected president on Nov. 8. Her language to describe Trump has grown more aggressive by the day. On Wednesday, she seized on testimony released in a lawsuit against Trump University, in which some former workers said they believed Trump’s for-profit school was fraudulent. “Trump and his employees took advantage of vulnerable Americans encouraging them to max out their credit cards, empty their retirement savings, destroy their financial futures, all while making promises they knew were false from the beginning,” Clinton told a campaign event in Newark, New Jersey. “This is just more evidence that Donald Trump himself is a fraud.” Lawyers for Trump have said most students were satisfied with Trump University, dismissing the former workers’ testimony as discredited. Trump, anticipating Clinton’s foreign policy attacks on him, tried to raise doubts about her leadership skills at a rally in Sacramento, Calif. “She is a person with absolutely no natural talent,” he said. “All you have to do is watch her speak.” Repeatedly referring to Clinton as “crooked Hillary,” Trump sharply criticized her handling of foreign policy, including the Sept. 11, 2012, attack by Islamic militants on a U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya, that killed the U.S. ambassador. “She went to sleep,” Trump added. Clinton’s effort to define Trump as unfit to be commander in chief comes as she faces fierce opposition from Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont who has insisted on staying in the fight for the Democratic presidential nomination despite Clinton’s nearly insurmountable lead. California’s primary next Tuesday is shaping up to be pivotal in the Democratic contest, with Clinton holding a 13-point advantage over Sanders, 51 percent to 38 percent, according to the Hoover Institution’s Golden State Poll in the state. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll gave Clinton a much narrower lead of 49 percent, to 47 percent for Sanders. Clinton, with 2,312 delegates, needs 71 more delegates to reach the required 2,383 for the Democratic nomination. Sanders has 1,545. At stake in the California primary are 548 delegates who are awarded proportional to the vote. Five other states also vote next Tuesday, including New Jersey, which could also turn the tide for Clinton. Despite Clinton’s perceived advantage, there are lingering concerns among some Democrats about possible weakness, given the protracted battle with Sanders, a democratic socialist whose calls for free college tuition have energized young voters. Doug Schoen, a Democratic pollster, wrote in the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday that California voters appeared to be leaning toward Sanders in recent days. Sanders has been holding events every day this week in the state. Clinton canceled a New Jersey event planned for Thursday to go to California a day earlier than anticipated and is to stay there until Monday. “The inevitability behind Mrs. Clinton’s nomination will be in large measure eviscerated if she loses the June 7 California primary to Bernie Sanders,” Schoen wrote. “That could well happen.” Other Democrats expressed confidence in Clinton’s position and her move to assail Trump on foreign policy. “I think she has to,” said Democratic strategist Jim Manley. “Leaving aside California, I think they can’t just ignore Donald Trump in that they should be spending a majority of time focusing on him instead of Sanders at this point, because based on the math Sanders can’t win.” Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, has faced criticism for a variety of positions on foreign policy, such as his willingness to talk to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and his idea that Japan and South Korea might need to develop nuclear arsenals. On the other hand, past Republican presidents and current Democratic President Barack Obama have, like Trump, said NATO nations should pay more for their defense to ease the U.S. burden. Trump, however, has declared NATO obsolete and in need of reconfiguring. A Clinton aide said Clinton, the wife of former President Bill Clinton, would say Trump had not outlined a coherent foreign policy doctrine and had proven himself to be temperamentally unfit to serve as president.
Romanian lawmakers vote to ban medicine ads to stop self-diagnosis
FANTASTIC! TRUMP RELEASES ANTI-HILLARY VIDEO: “Bad Judgement”DONALD TRUMP released a brilliant video with clips from Hillary s lying and heartless treatment of Benghazi victim s families:
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31 People killed in Explosions in Iraq
Zimbabwe thinks about using Chinese yuan
Republican Moore embraces Trump message on eve of Alabama electionBIRMINGHAM, Ala. (Reuters) - Dogged by accusations of sexual misconduct toward teenagers, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore cast himself as a staunch ally of President Donald Trump at a rally on the eve of Tuesday’s election in Alabama. Despite Trump’s endorsement for Moore, some polls suggest Democrat Doug Jones, 63, a former U.S. attorney, could pull off an upset victory by becoming the first non-Republican to be sent to the Senate by deeply conservative Alabama in two decades. Steve Bannon, Trump’s former chief strategist and executive at the right-wing Breitbart News site, joined Moore in Midland City for the Monday night rally, labeled a “Drain the Swamp” event, in an echo of Trump’s 2016 campaign pledge to get rid of Washington insiders. “I want to make America great again with President Trump,” Moore said. “I want America great, but I want America good, and she can’t be good until we go back to God.” Moore, a 70-year-old conservative Christian and former Alabama Supreme Court chief justice, has been accused by several women of pursuing them when they were teenagers and he was in his 30s, including one woman who said he tried to initiate sexual contact with her when she was 14. Moore has denied any misconduct. Reuters has not independently verified any of the accusations. The Alabama race has divided Trump’s Republican Party. The sexual misconduct accusations prompted many senior Republicans, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, to distance themselves from Moore. “There’s a special place in hell for Republicans who should know better,” Bannon told the rally, framing the Alabama election as a showdown between establishment elites and populist power. A Fox News Poll conducted on Thursday and released on Monday put Jones ahead of Moore, with Jones potentially taking 50 percent of the vote and Moore 40 percent. Fox said 8 percent of voters were undecided and 2 percent supported another candidate. An average of recent polls by the RealClearPolitics website showed Moore ahead by a slight margin of 2.2 percentage points. Trump taped a “robo-call” that the campaign has rolled out urging voters to back the Republican candidate in order to help support the president’s agenda. Democrats also made robo-calls using two of their party’s own big guns - former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden. Jones has said he wanted to be a “voice for reason” for Alabama and has touted a record that includes prosecuting former Ku Klux Klan members responsible for the 1963 bombing of a black church in Birmingham in which four girls were killed. Jones has spent the past week rallying African-Americans, the most reliably Democratic voters in the state, and hammering Moore in television ads. He has told supporters that his campaign is a chance to be on the “right side of history for the state of Alabama.” If Jones wins on Tuesday, Republicans would control the Senate by a slim 51-49 margin, giving Democrats much-needed momentum ahead of the November 2018 congressional elections, when control of both chambers of Congress will be at stake. Moore’s campaign has cast Jones as a liberal out of step with Alabama voters, seizing on the Democrat’s support of abortion rights. Many Republican officials in Alabama, including Governor Kay Ivey, say they will vote for Moore. But the state’s senior Republican senator, Richard Shelby, said he did not vote for Moore and instead backed a write-in candidate on his absentee ballot, telling CNN that Alabama “deserves better” than Moore. Moore, who was twice removed from the state Supreme Court for refusing to abide by federal law, may find a chilly reception in Washington if he wins. Republican leaders have said Moore could face an ethics investigation if Alabama voters send him to the U.S. Senate. Democrats have signaled they may use Moore’s election to tar Republicans as insensitive to women’s concerns at a time when allegations of sexual harassment have caused many prominent men working in politics, entertainment, media and business to lose their jobs.
Ecuador Creating Alternative to Neo-Liberal Model - Ecuador raising taxes on wealthy, higher royalties on oil companies and making large social investments
Justin Trudeau has officially ordered Canada's Justice Minister to start the weed legalization process
NANCY PELOSI Just Went After Trump’s Grandchildren And It’s Disgusting! [Video]During Nancy Pelosi s remarks regarding President Trump s decision to pull out of the Paris Accord, Pelosi questioned whether President Trump s grandchildren breathe air! I kid you not! Can you imagine if a Republican had spoken like that about Obama s children? The snark coming from Pelosi is palpable RUDE! How is he [Trump] ever going to explain to his grandchildren what he did to the air they breathe? Assuming they breathe air. And I have to assume that is the case. We all do, right? Pelosi released a garbage statement after President Trump s announcement: San Francisco Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement after it was reported that the Trump Administration will pull out of the landmark, 195-signatory Paris Climate Accord that would significantly slow the progress of global warming: President Trump s decision to pull the United States out of the Paris Climate Accord is a stunning abdication of American leadership and a grave threat to our planet s future. In walking away from this agreement, the President is denying scientific truths, removing safeguards that protect our health and our environment, protecting polluters and their dirty energy agenda, and threatening our national and global security. The Paris Accord honors our collective moral responsibility to leave future generations with a planet that is clean, healthy and sustainable. The agreement deploys the full force of governments around the world to halt the rise in carbon emissions that cause extreme climate events, including record droughts, horrific famines and devastating floods, in addition to thousands of deaths each year from asthma attacks and other air pollution-related diseases. Rejecting the pact also sends a strong message to the marketplace to direct innovative, entrepreneurial investments in the clean energy economy elsewhere. The majority of Americans in both parties know that climate change is real, and want clear, decisive action to arrest its dire effects. Democrats will continue to support the strong action of states, cities and the private sector to halt the march of climate change, no matter how destructive and short-sighted the decisions of this Administration continue to be.
North Korea clamps down on mobile phones to stop news of food crisis
Turkey turns off Kurdish Rudaw channel in wake of referendumANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey took the Kurdish television channel Rudaw off its satellite service TurkSat, a Turkish broadcasting official told Reuters, in the country s first response to a Kurdish independence referendum that began on Monday in northern Iraq. Turkey vowed to take several steps against the Kurds if the referendum in the Kurdish Regional Government were held. Among those was cutting off the flow of oil from northern Iraq through Turkey to international markets. An official at the Turkish Higher Authority for Broadcasts said Rudaw was being removed from the satellite provider, but Rudaw wasn t aware of it. We have only heard about the decision through the media. TurkSat has not notified us yet. So we are still on air, but the broadcast may be halted when we are notified, a Rudaw television official told Reuters.
Sarah Harrison joins other Edward Snowden files 'exiles' in Berlin; UK journalist's lawyers advise against returning home after assisting NSA whistleblower, says statement on WikiLeaks site
Bernie Sanders Just Got One Of The Most Important Endorsements Of His Campaign, So FarBernie Sanders just picked up one of the most important endorsements of his campaign. No, it isn t a politician, pundit, or, celebrity. It is Eric Garner s eldest daughter, Erica Garner. She, like too many others, is a family member of one of the victims of police brutality, and the racism that drives it. Her father s death helped catalyze the Black Lives Matter movement. Erica Garner has since worked as an activist. She is the founder of the Garner Way Foundation.Garner s endorsement comes in the form of a powerful essay, published in the Washington Post. In the endorsement, she writes about her disillusionment with a system that has for so long been able to pretend that the life of her father, her own, and all people of color s lives have mattered.She writes that: If our lives really mattered, we d have equal access to decent jobs, good schools and affordable housing. If our lives mattered in this country, we d have equal access to clean air, clean water and real investment in black neighborhoods. If black lives mattered in America, those who routinely brutalize us wouldn t be the ones paid, with our tax dollars, to keep us safe.I trusted establishment Democrats who claimed to represent me, only to later watch them ignore and explain away the injustice of my father s death. I trusted the system; then I watched as politicians on both sides of the aisle from Chicago s Democratic Mayor Rahm Emanuel to Michigan s Republican Gov. Rick Snyder disregard the will of the people they were elected to represent and abdicate their responsibility to protect them. I ve watched as our system criminalizes blackness while allowing Wall Street to bilk the American people with impunity. Sanders has met with quit a few family members of family members of high-profile victims of anti-black state violence. After taking a tour of the neighborhood Freddie Gray lived in, Sanders was disturbed, if unsurprised, by the deplorable economic conditions that people survive in. Anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you are in a wealthy nation. You would think you are in a third world country, Sanders said after the tour.Then of course, there is the chance meeting with the mother and sister of Sandra Bland that occurred, and was not initially reported to the media, where Sanders promised to keep saying Bland s name. Sanders was the only candidate to say her name during the first Democratic debate. The lawyer for Walter Scott s family publicly endorsed Sanders.In her endorsement, Garner lays out who she think s will be the best candidate to serve black people, by saying: Who will address the criminalization of our people? Who understands that we re experiencing an economic crisis made worse by structural barriers to jobs and education? Who will bring us closer to real safety, freedom and power? Who has clearly shown us where they stand?The answer is someone who started this work well before campaign season, who understands our deaths as tragedies not political talking points and someone who will speak out against the wars being waged against our communities. Not someone who only pays attention to our concerns when it s time to collect our votes. Not someone who gives us bread crumbs and expects us to be full.Black Americans all Americans need a leader with a record that speaks for itself. And to me, it s clear. Of all the presidential candidates, Sen. Bernie Sanders is our strongest ally. Earlier in January, Eric Garner s mother, Gwen Carr, endorsed Hillary Clinton. Her endorsement was put our in the form of a press release by the Clinton campaign. In the press release, Carr writes: Hillary seems to be the only candidate right now who s talking about how we can be strategic in trying to solve this problem. That s why I m endorsing her for president. In contrast, Garner sees Sanders as similar to President Obama. She writes that President Obama was decried as being too extreme and too inexperienced. I remember another candidate who dared me to believe in hope and change. His opponents said he wasn t ready for leadership. They said he couldn t win. He said, Yes, we can. And we did. I still believe we can. That s why I endorse Bernie Sanders for president. There has been a stark generational divide between Clinton and Sanders supporters, this divide between two different members of the Garner family fits that pattern and shouldn t shock anyone. Both candidates have had some trouble when it comes to racial justice issues. Sanders has had trouble recognizing the non-economic ways that violence is inflicted on people of color. Clinton, (somewhat unfairly) has had to distance herself between the policies that her husband, former president Bill Clinton, ushered in in the 1990 s. Those policies led to the dismantlement of welfare as it was known, and in some ways helped create our current era of mass incarceration. Both candidates have put out criminal justice reform packages. Here is Clinton s and here is Sanders .For some, the idea that anyone who works within the current political system will truly be an ally for people of color may be seen as wishful thinking. The politics of any movement that built on a collection of diasporic communities can be hard to nail down. Black Lives Matter is no different. But one thing is for sure, for many the black vote is no longer a guarantee for the Democratic Party. That isn t to say that people of color are jumping ship to vote for Republicans. However, with snake people, especially those in more radical activist communities, you have to earn people s votes, and support. Garner feels that Sanders has earned the title of being people of color s strongest ally. That status has a lot to do with Sanders reaction to criticism of his racial justice package.Whether that proves to be true or not, only time will tell. Regardless of who is the eventual nominee, the public must continue to work towards pushing candidates to do more than pay lip service to traditionally marginalized communities. Change does not always come easy, but it does come when people remain persistent that their communities matter. You can read Garner s full endorsement here.Featured Image Credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr
Malaysia today declared that flight MH370 was lost in an accident, killing all 239 passengers and crew members on board
U.S. House panel offers alternative to retirement adviser ruleWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation to bypass the U.S. Labor Department and have Congress set standards for brokers who give retirement advice passed a major committee on Wednesday and is now headed to the full House of Representatives. Although the bill faces slim chances of becoming law, it reveals the depth of feuding in Washington over the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law’s requirement that retirement advisers follow a “fiduciary” standard that puts their clients’ interests first. The requirement aims to end potential conflicts of interest by brokers who advise on individual retirement accounts and to protect consumers from buying unnecessary investment products that line brokers’ pockets. Last week, the Labor Department sent a revised proposal for an adviser rule to the White House’s Office of Management and Budget. Details will not be made public until the White House completes its review. This was the department’s second stab at a rule. Wide criticism from the industry and lawmakers alike forced it to withdraw its initial proposal in 2011. The House Ways and Means Committee split along party lines as it debated the legislation, which would create a “best interest requirement” and lay out processes for advisers to follow. Republicans, the majority, touted it as a workable alternative to the Labor Department’s rule, which they said could “frighten off” middle-income investors from seeking advice and give advisers incentives to work only for wealthy clients. They took issue with how the Labor Department drafted its rule, as well, saying the first version was panned by thousands of people and complaining that the current version lacked transparency. “Just disclose it,” said Rep. Peter Roskam, of Illinois, who helped write the bill, in comments directed at the department. “You’ve written it. It’s done. It’s not holy text.” Democrats said lawmakers should wait to see the Labor Department’s rule before bypassing it. They also complained there were no hearings on the bill, introduced in December, and said industry pressure was behind a sudden rush to pass it. President Barack Obama, a Democrat, would likely veto the legislation if it passed both the House and the Senate. Democrats cautioned that the bill’s major effect, then, will be to hamper negotiations lawmakers might want to have with his administration. Since the initial version was released, Democrats have raised potential problems they see in the rule with the Labor Department.
Top Democrat slams Obama administration's response to Russian hacksWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the U.S. House Intelligence Committee on Sunday criticized the administration of former President Barack Obama for not taking earlier and tougher action against Russia for its alleged hacks aimed at swaying the Nov. 8 election for Donald Trump. “The Obama administration should have done a lot more when it became clear that not only was Russia intervening, but it was being directed at the highest levels of the Kremlin,” said Representative Adam Schiff on CNN’s “State of the Union” program. The Obama administration imposed sanctions in December on two Russian intelligence agencies over their alleged involvement in hacking political groups during the election, but those sanctions were too little, too late, Schiff said. Schiff and his Senate counterpart, Dianne Feinstein, issued an unusual public statement in September condemning Russia for the alleged hacks. “We had to vet that with the intelligence community, but we took that step because we weren’t succeeding in getting the administration to do it itself,” Schiff said.
Suspected Israeli nationalists torch Christian seminary in Jerusalem
It’s ON: Comey Refuses To Testify Before Intelligence Committee Unless The Hearing Is PublicWhen former FBI director James Comey refused to testify before Congress in a closed session, it seemed odd to many who have been paying attention to the Donald Trump/Russia scandal. Comey was fired shortly after requesting more funding for the investigation into Trump and his associates likely collusion with Russia. In Comey s termination letter, Donald Trump thanked him for confirming three times that he was not under investigation though Comey s colleagues say no such thing happened.According to numerous reports, Comey had begun receiving daily rather than weekly reports on the investigation in the time before he was fired. So why was he unwilling to testify? Because he wants this shit to go down in public.One of Comey s associates strategically leaked to the New York Times that Comey would be willing to speak :Mr. Comey made no comment, but later in the day he declined a request to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday. According to a close associate of Mr. Comey, he is willing to testify, but wants it to be in public.The matter arose in a series of early-morning Twitter messages in which Mr. Trump appeared agitated over news reports on contradictory accounts of his decision to fire Mr. Comey, which came at the same time the F.B.I. is investigating ties between Mr. Trump s associates and Russia. Among other things, he threatened to cancel future White House briefings.The White House s original version of the story was that the president had acted on the recommendation of the attorney general and deputy attorney general and fired Mr. Comey because of his handling of last year s investigation into Hillary Clinton s emails. But in an interview with NBC News on Thursday, Mr. Trump said he had already decided to fire Mr. Comey and would have done so regardless of any recommendation. He also indicated that he was thinking about the Russia investigation when he decided.What does Comey know? Trump, who demanded a loyalty pledge multiple times that the ousted director turned down, recently threatened to release tapes of their conversations. Trump did not say what was on these alleged tapes, but The Donald s Nixonian outburst reveals that he s incredibly nervous about whatever it is that Comey knows.As for Comey? He hopes there are tapes.A source close to Comey told me this morning: He hopes there are tapes. That would be perfect. Ken Dilanian (@KenDilanianNBC) May 12, 2017Featured image via screengrab
Russia hits Islamic State with bomb raids, missile strikes in eastern Syria: RIAMOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has carried out 18 bombing raids and nine strikes with cruise missiles launched from submarines in the last three days targeting Islamic State militants in eastern Syria, RIA news agency cited the Russian Defense Ministry as saying on Friday. The ministry said the strikes had helped to support attack raids by Syrian troops, RIA reported.
G20 Terrorist Plot Exposed As Teenagers With Plastic Guns And Fireworks
First official sharia law court in Warwickshire (UK) operating for a year now. Still no stonings. Maybe "Alternative Dispute Resolution" isn\'t such a bad thing after all.
Historian: Trump And His Supporters Should Be Arrested For TREASON If They Refuse To Accept DefeatAs Election Day continues to get closer on the calendar, some conservatives are already threatening to commit acts of violence if Hillary Clinton beats Donald Trump.In fact, conservatives, including Trump, have been laying the groundwork for months now to invalidate the election results in the event Donald Trump loses.The Republican nominee went to Pennsylvania in August and declared that the only way he can possibly lose Pennsylvania is if Hillary Clinton cheats to win the state. Ever since then, Trump s campaign and the Republicans that support him have been claiming that Clinton will somehow steak the election via election fraud, which suggests Trump and his conservative backers will refuse to gracefully accept defeat on Election Day and could go so far as to make threats and commit acts of violence in order to prevent Hillary from taking over as Commander-in-Chief.And such a move by conservatives would not only be unprecedented in the entire history of our nation, it would also be treason.Historian Dr. Ronald Feinman explained in an article published by History News Network that in all of our history, no losing presidential candidate has ever not accepted defeat in the wake of losing an election. There has never been a threat of a losing candidate refusing to accept the victory of his opponent, even in the midst of an oncoming Civil War, or in the midst of the Great Depression, or during the tensions of the Cold War years, Feinman wrote.There is absolutely no excuse or justification for even a perceived possibility that Donald Trump might cause a major threat to civil order by encouraging his supporters to refuse to accept his defeat. Yet, we have some Republicans, including Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin seemingly setting the stage for possible civil disobedience and even violence based on the argument that Bill and Hillary Clinton are totally corrupt, and that no victory by Hillary Clinton would be valid. It is truly terrifying to think of the possible threat to the new President and Vice President by crazed supporters who use Trump s vehement opposition and potential rejection of the results as an excuse for bloodshed and violence, including a possible threat to the health, safety, and lives of Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine.During the Values Voter Summit last month, Bevin called for bloody rebellion if Hillary Clinton wins in November. Somebody asked me yesterday, I did an interview and they said, Do you think it s possible, if Hillary Clinton were to win the election, do you think it s possible that we ll be able to survive? That we would ever be able to recover as a nation? And while there are people who have stood on this stage and said we would not, I would beg to differ. But I will tell you this: I do think it would be possible, but at what price? At what price? The roots of the tree of liberty are watered by what? The blood, of who? The tyrants to be sure, but who else? The patriots. Whose blood will be shed? It may be that of those in this room. It might be that of our children and grandchildren. I have nine children. It breaks my heart to think that it might be their blood that is needed to redeem something, to reclaim something, that we through our apathy and our indifference have given away. Donald Trump has also suggested that Second Amendment people could do something to stop Hillary Clinton.This suggests that Trump and conservatives are planning to contest any election result that is not in their favor and are planning to cause chaos and commit violence if they don t get their way. This should be seen as a treasonable act, were it to occur, requiring the arrest, trial and incarceration of any Trump supporters, including the candidate himself, who represent a threat to constitutional order and American democracy, Feinman continued. Donald Trump would go down in history ever worse than his reputation has already been sullied by his actions and statements promoting division and chaos in America, and undermining its ability to protect national security. Being a sore loser who advocates or endorses violence and bloodshed would put him into a class with people such as Benedict Arnold and Aaron Burr as traitors to the nation. Indeed, Trump and conservatives would be undermining our democracy and our tradition of peaceful transfers of political power which is why Americans must defeat Donald Trump by a landslide on November 8th in order to send a clear message to Trump and conservatives that their agenda is rejected and their behavior is totally unacceptable.Featured Image: Flickr
Putin says Trump clever, will understand new responsibilitiesMOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is a clever man and will quickly understand his new responsibilities, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with NTV TV. Putin has spoken previously of his hope that Trump will help restore U.S.-Russia relations, and analysts said he was unlikely to want to dial up anti-Western rhetoric before Trump’s inauguration in January. “Trump was an entrepreneur and a businessman. He is already a statesman, he is the head of the United States of America, one of the world’s leading countries,” NTV quoted Putin as saying in the interview on www.ntv.ru on Sunday. “Because he achieved success in business, it suggests that he is a clever man. And if (he is) a clever man, then he will fully and quite quickly understand another level of responsibility. We assume that he will be acting from these positions,” Putin said. Putin’s comments appeared to address criticism from Trump’s opponents who say his unconventional actions since the election - including railing at the cast of a Broadway show and early-morning invective on Twitter - show Trump is out of his depth. China lodged a diplomatic protest on Saturday after Trump spoke by phone with President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan, the first by a U.S. president-elect or president since Jimmy Carter switched diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to China in 1979, acknowledging Taiwan as part of “one China”. Speaking about Russia’s relations with the West, Putin said attempts to create a unipolar world had failed: “The situation is changing. I think it is not a secret to anyone, everyone sees it, that many of our partners already prefer to stick to principles of international law, because the world’s balance is being gradually restored.” Putin said when building relationships with other countries, Russia would respect their interests.
Trump signals support for Alexander-Murray healthcare plan in SenateWASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday signaled support for a bipartisan healthcare deal in the U.S. Senate, saying it was a short-term fix to get through a “very dangerous little period” but not the ultimate answer to U.S. healthcare needs. “The solution will be for about a year or two years,” Trump told reporters at a joint news conference with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. “It is a short-term solution so that we don’t have this very dangerous little period.”
The Palestinians were not the ones who slaughtered the Jews of Eastern Europe, yet they are the ones being slaughtered today by the Zionists. The FACT that this is denied by so many people is sickening.
Saudileaks: Yemeni Group Hacks Saudi Gov't, Releases Thousands of Top Secret Documents
Trump lawyers aim to delay fraud trial at hearing(Reuters) - Attorneys for U.S. President-elect Donald Trump will try at a court hearing on Friday to delay a civil trial involving allegations from students that they were defrauded by the now-defunct Trump University. The former students say they were lured by false promises to pay up to $35,000 to learn the New York businessman’s real estate investing “secrets” from his “hand-picked” instructors. Trump owned 92 percent of Trump University and had control over all major decisions, the students’ court papers said. Trump denies the allegations and has argued he relied on others to manage the business. U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel in San Diego has urged both sides to settle in advance of a trial scheduled to begin on Nov. 28. Trump’s lawyers filed a motion last week asking to delay the case until after Trump’s Jan. 20 inauguration, saying the presidential transition was “all-consuming.” They also proposed that Trump’s trial testimony be recorded before trial. The students opposed the request, saying Trump had already provided several hours of deposition testimony that could be presented to a jury. “Any delay would be a slippery slope because President-Elect Trump’s life is only going to get more complicated and unpredictable as time goes by,” they wrote. Curiel is presiding over two cases against Trump and the university. A separate lawsuit is pending, filed by New York’s attorney general who has said over 5,000 students across the country were defrauded out of about $40 million. Trump aroused controversy earlier this year when he said during his campaign that Curiel, who was born in Indiana to Mexican immigrant parents, could not be impartial because of Trump’s pledge to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.
We Were Warned About the "Mysterious" Ukrainian Virus 2 Months ago by Joseph Moshe. He Was Promptly Arrested as a Terrorist!
Disease and regret weigh on atomic-bomb survivors
THE LIST OF 65 MAINSTREAM MEDIA “Journalists” You Should Never Trust: Wikileaks Busts Media Hacks Working With Hillary’s Top AdvisorsMany of the hacks on this list like Rachel Maddow, Mark Halperin, Diane Sawyer and George Stephanoplous are expected, as they pretty much openly pander to Hillary and Bill Clinton. However, some of the names on this list provided by Wikileaks, who have colluded with the Clinton camp in some way, may surprise you A few of the journalists meeting offline with Hillary advisersThanks to Wikileaks we now know that at least 65 mainstream reporters were working closely with the Clinton campaign this election year. They were invited to top elitist dinners with Hillary Campaign Chairman John Podesta or Chief Campaign strategist Joel Benenson.NO FOX NEWS REPORTERS MADE THE LIST!These 65 mainstream reporters CAN NEVER BE TRUSTED:As previously reported At least 38 top national reporters attended a different dinner at John Podesta s house in April 2015.The Clinton campaign sent out invites to New York reporters in April 2015 on their off-the-record meeting on how to sell Hillary Clinton to the public.These 38 reporters should NEVER BE TRUSTED! Via the Intercept: Another group of 25 mainstream reporters were invited to a dinner at Jhn Podesta s house on April 9.Here is the current RSVP list to the Thursday Night (4/9) dinner at Podesta s. As a reminder, this is with the 25 reporters more closely following HRC (aka the future bus). Via: Gateway PunditYes ABC Liz KreutzYes AP Julie PaceYes AP Ken ThomasYes AP Lisa LererAURN April RyanYes Bloomberg Jennifer EpsteinYes Buzzfeed Ruby CramerYes CBS Steve ChagarisYes CNBC John HarwoodYes CNN Dan MericaYes Huffington Post Amanda TerkelNO (Panama)LAT Mike Memoli YesLAT Evan Handler YesMcClatchy Anita Kumar YesMSNBC Alex Seitz-Wald YesNational Journal Emily Schultheis YesNBC Mark Murray YesNPR Tamara KeithNYT Amy Chozik YesNYT Maggie Haberman YesPolitico Annie Karni Politico Gabe DebenedettiYes Reuters Amanda BeckerThe Hill Amie Parnes YesWashington Post Anne Gearan YesWSJ Laura MecklerYes WSJ Peter NicholasYes WSJ Colleen McCain NelsonSo there it is, the list of corrupt players/ journalists who bring Americans their unbiased news every day. Do you still believe the polls?
OBAMA’S BROTHER Will Vote For Trump: “Deep Disappointment” In Barack’s Presidency…Wants To “Make America Great Again”The tsunami has started President Obama s Kenyan half-brother wants to make America great again so he s voting for Donald Trump. I like Donald Trump because he speaks from the heart, Malik Obama told The Post from his home in the rural village of Kogelo. Make America Great Again is a great slogan. I would like to meet him. Obama, 58, a longtime Democrat, said his deep disappointment in his brother Barack s administration has led him to recently switch allegiance to the party of Lincoln. The last straw, he said, came earlier this month when FBI Director James Comey recommended not prosecuting Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over her use of a private e-mail servers while secretary of state. She should have known better as the custodian of classified information, said Obama.He s also annoyed that Clinton and President Obama killed Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy, whom he called one of his best friends.Malik Obama dedicated his 2012 biography of his late father to Khadafy and others who were making this world a better place. I still feel that getting rid of Khadafy didn t make things any better in Libya, he said. My brother and the secretary of state disappointed me in that regard. But what bothers him even more is the Democratic Party s support of same-sex marriage.Obama plans to trek back to the US to vote for Trump in November. Obama used to live in Maryland, where he worked for many years as an accountant and is registered to vote there, public records show. Mr. Trump is providing something new and something fresh, he said.For entire story: NYP