Phi2 loader for ctranslate2??

by ctranslate2-4you - opened

I was wondering if you plan on updating the loader in ctranslate2? Apparently, Microsoft changes some of the model architecture in January and now the loader isn't working for phi1, 1.5 nor phi 2...

Sorry - no - please use the according revision. Also feel free to open a PR to ct2! Thanks :)

Mind if I ask why? You're probably the only person I've seen who works on this stuff religiously. lol. And what do you mean "use the according revision?" I'm guessing you mean the model you created? "according revision?"

Thanks for the nice words. Currently have very little time and working already 12+h incl weekends. Perhaps if I would automate the conversion, that would help - but there is very few downloads e.g. for this model.

My suggestion is to use roughty the revision from the repo:
from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download with snapshot_download("phi-repo", revision="abcdef123")

michaelfeil changed discussion status to closed

If you change your mind and decide to fix the phi loader to comply with phi2 I'll give you this program that I created to save you time with your hectic schedule. ;-)

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