Please fix the image feature.

by NotsoNotorious - opened

Image gets uploaded successfully but the model fails to analyze/access it unlike before.

Need it to work for some ongoing tests 💀

: )

Hello, NotsoNotorious!

First and foremost, thank you for notifying me about the ongoing image processing problem.

I assume it is due to either a change in Gradio's new version (new: 4.44.0; old: 4.41.0) or the handleMultimodalData function ( at line 400).
I will investigate this problem further, and after patching it, I will close this discussion.

Hope you have a good day!

Patched the problem


Quardo changed discussion status to closed
Quardo changed discussion status to open

Just noticed a new problem:

  • As of now, the model gets the image successfully but forgets it after just a message later.

Alright, now everything seems to be fixed, also I should probably mention this, but please clear the chat after getting an answer to a question, so it can answer even faster

Visual QA

Quardo changed discussion status to closed

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