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A person partially deprived of legal capacity may independently perform activities not included in the decision, and is entitled, to the best of his/her ability, to participate and provide his/her opinion in proceedings in which decisions are made regarding his/her rights and interests, as well as when measures to protect his/her interests, including accommodation, are taken.
The person's personality and his/her current and formerly expressed views, and the protection of his/her dignity and welfare have to be taken into account. The guardian has the duty to always consider the opinion, wishes and feelings of the ward and to take them into account, unless it is contrary to the welfare of the ward. A social welfare centre shall place the person deprived of legal capacity under guardianship and appoint a guardian within 30 days of the court decision becoming non-appealable.
The guardian has the duty to obtain from the ward's family doctor opinion on the ward's state of health with respect to the reason for which the ward was deprived of legal capacity, based on the opinion of a medical specialist. The guardian shall, every six months and whenever required by the social welfare centre, submit a report on his/her work and on the condition of the ward’s property.
The social welfare centre shall, every three years, assess whether the ward still needs to be protected by guardianship, and shall make a report to that effect.
Furthermore, in order to respect the right of persons with disabilities, children without appropriate parental care and children with behavioural problems to live in the community, continuous work is being done to transform social welfare homes and to deinstitutionalise beneficiaries using accommodation services, which means transferring them from the institution or replacing institutional accommodation and care by community-based care. Domestic violence 5.108.
Domestic violence 5.108. Step up its efforts to curb domestic violence (Philippines); The „National Strategy for Protection against Domestic Violence for the period 2017–2022“, was developed to continue the implementation of the national policy for the protection of victims of domestic violence and is aimed at ensuring a higher level of protection and improving the quality of life.
The National Strategy is a comprehensive and integral document that reflects social awareness and achievements in the protection of human rights and freedoms, the rights of the child and gender equality, and is binding on state administration bodies and public institutions. It covers seven strategic areas and sets out a series of measures and detailed activities that are to be implemented by state administration bodies, local and regional self-government units and CSOs.
The measures are based on particular articles of the Istanbul Convention.
15 A sentence of imprisonment of three years is imposed on anyone who gravely violates the law on the protection against domestic violence and thus causes a family member or a close person to fear for his or her personal safety or the safety of persons he or she is close to or puts a family member or a close person into a degrading position and in doing so does not commit a more serious criminal offence (criminal offence „Domestic violence“).
This blanket criminal offence was introduced in order to cover more serious forms of domestic violence (in terms of intensity and duration) which go beyond the misdemeanour liability (serious insults, intimidation). Given that the seriousness of the breach of the law and the severity of consequences (causing fear, putting into a degrading position) need to be taken into account cumulatively, it is possible to make a clear distinction between a criminal offence and a misdemeanour.
Since the Criminal Code provides for aggravated offences, a criminal offence of domestic violence if committed against a close person (bodily injury, serious bodily injury etc.) is of a subsidiary nature, meaning that it is committed unless a more serious criminal offence is committed. The new Act on Protection Against Domestic Violence systematises and prescribes a broad catalogue of rights of victims and extends the definition of domestic violence (Art. 10), which now includes the following: 1.
10), which now includes the following: 1. Physical violence; 2. Physical punishment or other forms of humiliating treatment of children; 3. Psychological violence that causes anxiety or injury to dignity 4. Sexual harassment 5.
Sexual harassment 5. Economic violence as an act of prohibiting or preventing the use of joint or personal property, inability to dispose of personal income or property acquired through personal means or through inheritance, disabling the opportunity to be employed, deprivation of resources for maintaining a common household and child care 6.
Neglecting the needs of a person with a disability or an elderly person that causes them anxiety or insults to their dignity and thereby causes bodily or mental suffering. The „Commission for the monitoring and improvement of the work of bodies engaged in criminal and misdemeanour proceedings and the enforcement of sanctions related to protection against domestic violence“ operates within the Ministry of Justice.
Also, the Ordinance on the method of colleting, processing and submitting statistical data and reports in the area covered by the scope of the Act on Protection Against Domestic Violence has been adopted. Furthermore, the drafting of the Ordinance on the enforcement of the security measure of compulsory psychosocial treatment is underway.
In 2018, the „Protocol on procedures to be followed in cases of sexual violence” was adopted with a view to introducing a standardised procedure and the obligations of competent authorities towards victims of sexual violence regardless of their age, place of violence, gender and/or other characteristics, as well as the Ordinance on the enforcement of the security measure of compulsory psychosocial treatment. 5.82.
5.82. Continue ensuring effective implementation of its domestic laws on the protection of the family and prevention of violence against women and children (Israel); For the implementation of the Istanbul Convention (in force since 1 October 2018), funds in the amounts of HRK 71 082 327.00 for 2018 and HRK 70 566 264.00 for 2019 have been secured.
The obligations under the Convention concern the strengthening of the legal 16 framework for the protection of victims and implementation of laws, but Croatia anticipated many solutions provided for in the Convention by previously adopting the Act on Protection Against Domestic Violence, the Amendments to the Gender Equality Act, the Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Act and the Amendments to the Criminal Code, which take into account international recommendations and EU directives ensuring stronger protection of victims of violence.
In accordance with the Social Welfare Act, victims are provided with services in order to improve their quality of life and move toward independent living and active inclusion into the society. Providers of services for victims of domestic violence (social welfare homes, centres providing community-bases services and other legal persons) provide accommodation, counselling and assistance in shelters for victims of domestic violence.
There are 19 shelters for children and adults who are victims of domestic violence. See: 5.108. 5.50. Develop a policy, strategy and action plan to address the reportedly widespread violence against women (Sierra Leone); See: 5.108. 5.51. Effectively implement the “National strategy for protection against domestic violence 2011-2016” (Republic of Korea); The implementation of this National Strategy has resulted in positive outcomes, and in 2017 a new five-year strategy was adopted.
Analysis showed that activities undertaken by the authorities in charge have contributed to the recognition of domestic violence as an absolutely unacceptable form of social behaviour that violates fundamental human rights and freedoms, and that the coordination between the governmental sector and CSOs and the work of counselling offices and shelters for victims have strengthened.
The National Strategy provides for the implementation of the protective measure of compulsory psychosocial treatment of domestic violence perpetrators, which is a sanction imposed by a court in misdemeanour proceedings and whose successful implementation contributes to the protection of victims and to the reduction in the number of perpetrators. Also see 5.108. 5.84.
Also see 5.108. 5.84. Double efforts in combating domestic violence and violence against women including through ensuring effective implementation of the National Strategy of Protection against Domestic Violence 2011-2016 (Malaysia); See 5.108. and 5.51. 5.29.
5.29. Translate the initiatives of the National Strategy for Protection against Domestic Violence 2011-2016 and National Anti-Discrimination Plan 2008-2013 into concrete laws (Indonesia); 17 The Government is continuously adopting national strategic anti-discrimination documents, and in 2017 it adopted the National Anti-Discrimination Plan for the period 2017-2022 and the accompanying Action Plan for the period 2017-2019, as a result of which numerous measures for concrete actions have been planned.
For domestic violence see 5.108. and 5.51 5.25. Review compliance of the Criminal Code, which now defines domestic violence only as a bodily injury, with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) as elaborated on in the General Recommendation No. 19 of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (Czech Republic); See the second paragraph of 5.108. 5.28.
5.28. Address the legislative gap that relates to domestic violence offences and updates the Criminal Code to recognise domestic violence as a criminal offence (Trinidad and Tobago); See the second paragraph of 5.108. 5.86. Implement the Human Rights Committee’s March 2015 recommendations on gender-based violence (Bulgaria); Currently there are 19 shelters for domestic violence victims, which are operated by CSOs, religious communities and other legal persons.
One shelter is owned and fully funded by the City of Zagreb, while the Ministry of Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy supports the operation of 18 shelters (of which three are in the territory of the City of Zagreb and the Zagreb County, two in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County and the Istra County respectively, one in each of the remaining counties).
They are funded by the contracting of services within the social welfare network through a capitation system (HRK 3 200.00 per victim monthly), and financial support is provided, through competition, to autonomous women’s shelters for domestic violence victims, which are operated by CSOs.
In the Criminal Code, gender-based violence is covered by the definition of „hate crime“, which is defined as a criminal offence committed on account of a person's race, colour, religion, national or ethnic origin, language, disability, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity. Unless a more severe punishment is explicitly prescribed by this Code, such conduct shall be taken as an aggravating circumstance.
A separate part of the Code prescribes a number of criminal offences (aggravated murder, female genital mutilation, bodily injury, serious bodily injury, particularly serious bodily injury, serious criminal offences against sexual freedom, provoking riots) which are motivated by hatred as an aggravating circumstance and punished more severely.
Freedom of expression of gender identity is guaranteed by the Criminal Code, which prescribes a criminal offence of „violation of equality”, which is committed by anyone who, on the basis of race, ethnic affiliation, skin colour, gender, language, religion, political and other convictions, national or social origin, property, birth, education, social status, marital or family status, age, state of health, disability, genetic inheritance, gender identity expression, 18 sexual orientation or other characteristics, denies, limits or conditions another the right to acquire goods or receive services, the right to carry out an activity, the right to employment and promotion, or anyone who on the basis of any such characteristic gives another privileges or advantages in relation to these rights.
The perpetrator shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding three years, as shall be anyone who persecutes individuals or organisations because of their commitment to equality of people.
The Code also prescribes a criminal offence of „public incitement to violence and hatred”, thus criminalising public incitement (in print, through radio, television, computer system or network, at a public gathering or in some other way) or making available to the public tracts, pictures or other material instigating violence or hatred directed against a group of persons or a member of such a group on account of their race, religion, national or ethnic origin, language, descent, colour, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or any other characteristics.
Whoever organises or runs a group of three or more persons for the purpose of committing this criminal offence, and whoever participates in such association shall also be punished.
Public approval, denial or gross trivialisation of certain crimes (crimes of genocide, crimes of aggression, crimes against humanity or war crimes) directed against a group of persons or a member of such a group on account of their race, religion, national or ethnic origin, descent or colour in a manner likely to incite to violence or hatred against such a group or a member of such a group is also criminalised.
Under one of the principles of criminal proceedings, the Criminal Procedure Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, ethnic origin, skin colour, gender, language, religion, political or other convictions, national or social origin, financial situation, trade union membership, education, social status, marital or family status, age, state of health, disability, genetic inheritance, gender identity, expression or sexual orientation.
A statement obtained contrary to this prohibition cannot be used as evidence in criminal procedure. The Act contains the procedural institution of an individual assessment of the victim which is carried out before questioning the victim to establish whether there is a need to take special protection measures in respect of the victim; this particularly concerns victims of gender-based violence and hate crimes.
The police must, in accordance with their legal obligations and powers, prevent any form of violence and ensure that citizens are protected against discrimination, and their priority is to prevent domestic violence and violence against women through effective investigations. The police shall make it possible for ombudspersons to gain insight in the procedures undertaken in concrete cases, which ensures an independent supervision of the effectiveness of investigations.
In order to improve this cooperation, the „Monitoring body for comprehensive supervision, data collection, analysis of cases of femicide and reporting“ has been set up. A number of national preventive projects are being carried out in the territories of all police administrations with the aim of raising awareness of partner violence and promoting tolerance, non-violence and prevention.
Police units for prevention and crime committed to the detriment of youth and family have been set up to strategically deal with these issues. Criminal offences are statistically monitored by sex, age and kinship relationship between the victim and the perpetrator, and these data are made available to partner organisations, civil society organisations and ombudspersons. At first contact with the police victims are informed of their rights, orally and in writing.
An individual assessment of the victim is then carried out to identify the victim's protection needs and to determine whether special protection measures need to be taken in the course of 19 criminal proceedings; protection measures are then taken based on these findings. While they are at the police station, victims are given contact details of CSOs providing support to victims, and of counsellors and attorneys-in-fact who are available to him/her in the course of pre-criminal and criminal proceedings.
The application of protection measures and of the victim support system is supervised and coordinated at national level (by a special working group), while at regional level coordinators in police administrations (deputy heads) are in charge.
The „Commission for the monitoring and improvement of the work of bodies engaged in criminal and misdemeanour proceedings and the enforcement of sanctions related to protection against domestic violence“ is in charge of improving and supervising the implementation of the Act on Protection Against Domestic Violence. Dual reporting is not a common practice of police officers, and the number of isolated cases in which the police do not identify and prosecute only the primary suspect is negligible. 5.61.
5.61. Establish a sustainable cooperation between the Ministry of Interior and Civil Society Organisations dealing with domestic and gender based violence (Poland); The Ministry is continuously undertaking numerous educational and preventive activities, in which it involves CSOs dealing with gender and sex equality and domestic violence.
As a result of this cooperation, the following preventive projects are continuously being carried out: „Living without violence”, „Together against hate speech“ and „I have a choice“. Also, interdepartmental activities have been carried out under the project „Support to victims of criminal offences and misdemeanours”, and the (first) International Educational and Prevention Film Festival on Safety was held. With regard to the provision of information to victims, see the seventh paragraph of 5.86.
For multi-sectoral cooperation, see the last paragraph of 5.96. The police, in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and CSOs, is gradually upgrading the victim support system. Continued training of police officers is organised by the Police Academy and the competent police administration.
The National Strategy for the Development of Support System for Victims and Witnesses in the Republic of Croatia for the period 2016-2020 has positioned cross-sectorial cooperation and education as an important part of the strategy, in which the police actively participate at all levels. 5.30.
Redouble efforts aimed at the implementation of legal provisions against domestic and gender violence, with particular attention to the raising of awareness and proper training of the police (Mexico); Below are examples of education sessions (in the period 2016 – 1 July 2018) in which more than 5 800 police officers participated: - two specialist training courses on juvenile delinquency and crime committed to the detriment of youth and family (topics: domestic violence, violence against women and gender-based violence, protection of victims' rights and support to victims); 60 hours per course; 36 police officers in charge of youth from all police administrations; 20 - two seminars for professional development of police officers in charge of youth (topics: domestic violence, in particular EU Directives on establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime and the Istanbul Convention; protection of human rights of vulnerable groups, identification of violations of their rights and specificities of dealing with them; dealing with perpetrators); 9 hours per seminar; 43 participants from all police administrations; - ten one-day seminars for professional development of heads and deputy heads of police stations on the topic of „The Misdemeanour Act – active participation of the police in misdemeanour proceedings“ (themes: police procedures in cases of domestic violence; the rights of, and support to, victims, and the procedural rights of suspects, mechanisms for applying regular legal remedies in order to protect the rights of victims and prosecute perpetrators); 424 participants; - four two-day expert workshops for police officers and judicial officials on the topic of „Domestic Violence“ concerning national and European legislation (theme: new solutions aimed at combating and preventing domestic violence, including the Istanbul Convention and EU Directives), and exercises on how the police, the State Attorney's Office and courts are to deal with specific cases of domestic
are to deal with specific cases of domestic violence); 84 police officers and 66 judicial officials; - four two-day seminars organized by the Ministry of Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy: Interdepartmental training „We can do it together“ (topic: the improvement of the departments' procedures and of the quality of cooperation between the judiciary, the police, the healthcare, education and social welfare sectors, and civil society organisations); 184 participants from all sectors, of which 27 were police officers; - educational programmes for further professional development of police officers who have secondary school qualifications and are employed in police stations – two-year cycles (topics: legal basis for police procedures in practice, procedures to be followed in implementing protective measures, precautionary measures and security measures – cooperation with the probation service); 4 hours of lectures and exercises per seminar; about 5 000 police officers have been trained through 300 seminars; - female police officers from the Police Academy participated, as members of the project team, in the realisation of two interdepartmental training sessions on violence against women and femicide called „Building more effective protection: transforming the system for combating violence against women“, which were organised, as part of an EU project, by the ombudswoman for gender quality (in 2017 in Zagreb and in 2018 in Osijek) for members of the police, judiciary and social welfare sectors (topics: „Domestic homicides – open questions in cooperation“ „Individual assessment of the victim's need for special protection measures“); 68 participants, of which 15 from the police; - the secondary police school and the Police College address issues of violence against women and violence among close persons within several course curricula.
Strengthen its efforts to properly respond to allegations of domestic violence, including by training police officers, prosecutors and judges, and to ensure that women victims of violence obtain adequate redress and support (Austria); 21 The Judicial Academy, in cooperation with the Police Academy, has organised workshops on the topic of domestic violence in order to provide further training to judicial officials, judges, state attorneys and police officers on the provisions of national and European legislation concerning the combating and prevention of domestic violence and on the provisions of the Istanbul Convention.
Four workshops attended by employees in state attorney's offices were held in 2018, and one of the lecturers was the Deputy State Attorney. For more details on the training of police officers, see 5.30. 5.52.
Intensify its efforts to ensure effective law enforcement for domestic violence against children and women, to bridge the gap between legislation and practice along with enhancing awareness of victims’ rights and training for public officers and legal professions (Thailand); In 2017, the Ministry of Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy carried out a two- month education project „We can do it together“ for county teams in charge of prevention and action in cases of domestic violence, composed of representatives from the police, social welfare, health care, education and justice sectors and CSOs.
The aim was to train the county teams, by examining domestic violence cases, the identity of persons involved being protected, in how to act interdepartmentally and what their obligations are. This helped to identify the deficiencies in the system, but also the possibilities for their removal. Also, four two-day training courses were held in four cities, which were attended by 181 members of the county teams.
Furthermore, on the eve of the National Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (22 September 2017), the Ministry provided them training in order for them to update their knowledge regarding the latest developments concerning the legal framework and to improve their procedures in cases of domestic violence.
The new Act on Protection Against Domestic Violence (2018) prescribes a broad catalogue of rights of victims of domestic violence4 and extends the definition of domestic violence (see the third paragraph of 5.108.).
4 The right to access services providing support to victims of domestic violence, the right to efficient psychological and other professional assistance of an organisation or institution providing assistance to victims of domestic violence; the right to protection from intimidation and retaliation; the right to protection of the dignity of the victim when testifying as a witness; the right to be accompanied by a person enjoying his/her confidence when taking part in any acts, the right to be informed without unjustified delay, at his/her request, of the release of the defendant from custody or of the defendant having fled, and of the decisions on imposing protection measures and revoking precautionary measures determined for his/her protection having been repealed, or of the convicted person having been released from imprisonment; the right to the confidentiality of data whose disclosure could jeopardize his/her security or the security of other persons to whom the Act applies; the right to demand that proceedings before the court be closed to the public, the right to be represented by another person authorized through power of attorney, the right to be informed, at his/her request, of the acts performed as a result of his/her complaint and of the outcome of the proceedings; the right to be interviewed without unjustified delay shortly after filing a complaint; the right to be interviewed in the proceedings before the court and the right to be further interviewed only to the extent necessary for the purposes of misdemeanour proceedings; the right to be interviewed at the police by a person of the same sex; the right to avoidance of contact with the offender before and during proceedings, unless misdemeanour proceedings require such contact; the right to temporary accommodation in an appropriate institution in accordance with a special law; the right to be provided with police protection, upon a court order, when collecting personal belongings upon leaving the common household.
22 The State Attorney's Office actively participates in the provision of training aimed at further educating police officers, state attorneys and judges in the field of domestic violence (see 5.20.). With regard to activities of the Ministry of Justice, see the fourth paragraph of 5.108. 5.96.
5.96. Continue working particularly with regard to protection of the rights of victims of sexual violence and domestic violence, in particular through training of health, police and judicial personnel (Uruguay); In addition to the general catalogue of rights, the Criminal Procedure Act also prescribes a separate catalogue of the rights of victims of a criminal offence against sexual freedom.
Victims have the following rights: to consult, before being interviewed, with an advisor or attorney-in-fact at government's expense; to be interviewed at the police and the state attorney's office by a person of the same sex; to refuse to answer any strictly private questions not related to the criminal offence; to demand to be questioned via an audio-video link; to the confidentiality of personal data; to demand that the hearing be closed to the public.
Also, the Act provides for an individual assessment of the victim, which is carried out by the interviewing body in cooperation with bodies, organisations or institutions providing support to victims of criminal offences, and on this basis the Ordinance on making individual assessment of victims (2017) was adopted.
An individual assessment determines whether and what type of special protection need to be taken (special method of interviewing, the use of communication technologies to avoid visual contact between the victim and the offender). Where the victim of a criminal offence is a child, it is presumed that special protection measures need to be taken and it is established which ones.
The individual assessment takes into account the personal characteristics of the victim, the type and circumstances of the criminal offence, and particular attention shall be paid to victims who have suffered considerable harm due to the severity of the criminal offence, victims of a criminal offence committed with a bias related to their personal characteristics, and victims whose relationship to the offender makes them particularly vulnerable.
Victims of terrorism, organised crime, human trafficking, gender-based violence, violence in a close relationship, sexual violence and exploitation, hate crime and victims with disabilities are duly included in the individual assessment. The number of interviews of a victim benefiting from special protection is kept to a minimum (for additional information see 5.31. and the fourth and sixth paragraph of 5.86.).
The police has carried out three specialist seminars: „Investigation of sexual criminal offences committed to the detriment of children via Internet“ (40 lecture hours per seminar, 42 police officers); „Training in accessing and using Interpol's ICSE DATABASE and victim identification“ (14 police officers); and „Criminal investigation of violent and sexual crimes“ (80 police officers).
Victims of sexual violence and of any form of domestic violence are provided health care in accordance with the Health Care Act, the Act on Mandatory Health Insurance, the Act on the Protection of Patients' Rights, the Act on Protection against Domestic Violence, the Medical Practice Act and ordinances governing the procedures to be followed in cases of domestic violence and/or child abuse and neglect, and the protection of persons with mental 23 impairments.
In accordance with the above documents, everyone has the right to health care and to receive it on equal terms and to the possibility of achieving the optimal health level. The „Protocol on procedures to be followed in cases of sexual violence” introduced a standardised procedure to be followed by competent authorities and institutions when dealing with victims of sexual violence regardless of their age, place of violence, sex and/or other personal characteristics.
In practice, health care institutions responsible for dealing with victims of sexual violence apply the Protocol in a consistent way, and the health care system is continuously being improved. Victims of sexual violence are examined in hospitals and clinical health care institutions.
Health care institutions are obliged to provide the victim with urgent and comprehensive health care to protect the victim's physical and mental health in accordance with modern standards and practices, regardless of when sexual violence occurred. It is their duty to act in accordance with the laws and other acts governing the health care of victims, and to collect, record and maintain evidence in accordance with the law.
Specialised training in victim protection is part of continuing education courses that are provided to health professionals and organised by health institutions and in cooperation with CSOs.
In 2018, seven departmental bodies signed the (new) Agreement on interdepartmental cooperation in the prevention of violence against women and family violence, setting up the national team (membership: departmental bodies, judicial authorities and CSOs) and county teams (membership: staff from the police, courts, social welfare centres and health care institutions), of the same name. The Agreement strengthens the intersectoral cooperation between the governmental and non-governmental sectors. 5.27.
5.27. Strengthen legal framework in order to reduce the adverse effects affecting victims of domestic violence, in particular women (Angola); See 5.108. and 5.82. 5.93.
5.93. Improve services and support for women victims of domestic violence by conducting effective investigations, vigorously prosecuting the perpetrators, ending the practice of prosecuting victims, and ensuring victims have access to protection and shelters (Canada); See 5.86.; for effective investigations, see its fifth paragraph; for the prosecution of perpetrators, see its third and fourth paragraph; for shelters, see its first paragraph. 5.109.
Promote policies and educational campaigns for the promotion and protection of the rights of women, and ensure that all allegations of violence against women are promptly, thoroughly and effectively investigated, that perpetrators are held accountable and that women victims of violence obtain adequate redress, including compensation and rehabilitation (Brazil); In 2017, the Governmental Office for Gender Equality and the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare, in cooperation with legal experts from the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights from Vienna and Croatian judges, organised three rounds of training sessions for 45 judges working in the field of criminal, misdemeanour and labour law.
The „Manual on gender mainstreaming and promotion of gender equality for judges, advisers and lawyers“ 24 was developed and distributed to courts, and published on the websites of the Judicial Academy and the Governmental Office for Gender Equality. In addition to the definitions of key terms, the Manual describes actual cases of discrimination based on sex and court proceedings.
With regard to the legal framework protecting the victim, please note the following: the Criminal Procedure Act prescribes that proceedings shall be conducted without procrastination, and in the case of proceedings in which the defendant has been temporarily deprived of liberty, the court and state bodies shall proceed with particular urgency.
Also, if a party, defence counsel, injured party, proxy or statutory representative by any of his acts evidently abuses a right provided for in this Act, the court shall issue an order denying him the right to this act. The Act also prescribes the effective conduct of an investigation, the deadlines for its completion and the possibility of extending them, and the control mechanism within the state attorney's office conducting the investigation.
Seven departments for support to victims and witnesses currently operate in seven county courts, which support the provision of emotional and professional support to victims in municipal and misdemeanour courts.
In the remaining 13 counties, due to their smaller coverage area, the Ministry of Justice has financed, since 2016, CSOs selected on the basis of public calls, to provide emotional and professional support and psychosocial and advisory assistance via phone, e-mail or in person and to accompany victims to courts or competent institutions.
In order to provide quality information to victims, police administrations use tailor-made forms containing information on the rights of, and support available to, various categories of victims (children; human trafficking; sexual freedoms), which are translated into more than 20 languages and are given to victims on a compulsory basis.
A web-site has also been developed containing contact details of the Office for Victim and Witness Support in Courts, the National Call Centre for Victims of Criminal Offences and Misdemeanours, state administration bodies and the CSOs operating in the territory of the particular police administration.
Police officers carry out an individual assessment of the victim in order to identify the victim's specific needs and to determine his/her need for protection; they submit the completed assessment form to the judicial body conducting proceedings. Criminal offences and misdemeanours of violence between close persons are high-risk forms of behaviour and the police investigate them very seriously.
In order to raise awareness among police officers on gender-based violence, the ombudswoman for gender equality and CSOs dealing with the promotion of women's rights and gender equality are involved in regular training of police officers. 5.21.
Approve the budgetary funds needed to assume the obligations under the Convention of the Council of Europe on the prevention and the fight against violence against women and domestic violence, and therefore proceed to its ratification (Spain); The implementation of the Convention involves the implementation of the National Strategy for Protection Against Domestic Violence, a strategic document setting out victim protection measures based on the Convention, and Croatia has earmarked considerable funds in the State Budget for the implementation of these two documents (for details see 5.82. and 5.22.).
25 5.58. Dedicate additional resources to enhance the capacity of centres for victims of sexual and domestic violence (Norway); See the first paragraph of 5.86. Women's rights 5.68.
Women's rights 5.68. Take further steps to ensure and enhance women’s rights in all levels (Greece); In order to raise awareness of gender equality, the Governmental Office for Gender Equality of the Republic of Croatia regularly informs the public about the Gender Equality Act and other anti-discrimination laws, and national and international strategic acts and recommendations, and in the last two years 3 100 publications and 2 500 leaflets have been distributed to various stakeholders.
The Office regularly publishes on its website information regarding its activities and useful information, and makes appearances in printed and electronic media and on national and local TV and radio stations.
In cooperation with CSOs and other institutions, it organises conferences and round tables to commemorate the International Women's Day, the National and International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the International Day of Rural Women, the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, the International Human Rights Day.
The concrete projects include, among others, the cooperation of the Office with: - the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare within the twinning project „Support to Gender Equality“; a public awareness campaign on mechanisms of protection against gender- based discrimination was carried out, and street actions in four largest cities were attended by numerous citizens and public persons.
Promotional materials (leaflets, postcards with messages from the campaign, umbrellas, planners etc) were distributed, a Facebook page was launched, 14 TV and radio interviews with the partner's representatives were held, and 52 articles were published in the press and on the Internet; - the Embassy of the Republic of Finland, in the campaign „100 Acts for Gender Equality“ (it was also carried out in Finland ) with the aim of collecting information on 100 initiatives and awarding the best ones.
The campaign encouraged the civil society, companies and the governmental and public sectors to design activities promoting gender equality; - the Union of Societies „Naša djeca“ (Our Children), to make a video promoting the Agenda 2030 global goal No 5 „Gender equality and women's empowerment“. 5.67.
5.67. Strengthen efforts towards promotion of gender equality (Cyprus); The Government is making continuous efforts to further strengthen gender equality in all the fields, including sports – Recommendation CM/Rec (2015)2 of the Council of Europe on gender mainstreaming in sport has been translated and published.
The Governmental Office for Gender Equality of the Republic of Croatia has signed the cooperation agreement with the Council for Electronic Media and the Croatian Olympic 26 Committee for the project „For higher visibility of women's sports in the electronic media“, and during the implementation of the campaign it will support the creation of conditions in which electronic media are active partners in the development of a system that supports gender equality in sports.
Furthermore, the international conference „Addressing inequality in sports: women’s status in leadership positions and prevention of violence against women in sports“ was organised in cooperation between the Office and the Central State Office for Sports as part of the joint project of the Council of Europe and the European Commission „ALL IN: Towards gender balance in sport“.
The Office translated and distributed in 2017 and 2018 1 000 copies of the General recommendation No 34 on the rights of rural women issued by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, which requires the States parties to ensure that legal frameworks are non-discriminatory and guarantee access to justice to rural women.
In 2016, the Office launched a one-and-a-half-year twinning project “Support for Gender Equality“ financed under the EU Transition Facility Programme and organised in cooperation with the Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare (EUR 600 000.00).
The objective of the project was to strengthen institutional capacities for gender mainstreaming in public policies at all levels, to contribute to the gradual elimination of gender-based discrimination through raising public awareness of legal mechanisms for the protection against discrimination, and to build judiciary capacities for the implementation of national and EU legislation.
In addition to the resident twinning advisor and the project leader from Finland, the Office also cooperated with experts from Finland and Austria, whose visits to Croatia also contributed, from making an initial assessment of the needs to evaluating the project's success. Five evaluations show that the project has met the expectations, introduced changes and strengthened the capacities for the implementation of the principle of gender equality.
The Office has prepared an implementation plan for the sustainability of the results for the next three years. In cooperation with the Office, the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) from Lithuania presented its work in Zagreb on 19 November 2018. Every year the Office supports the „Woman of the Year“ event, the objective of which is to promote successful women in various areas of social life – entrepreneurship, culture, science etc.
As part of Croatia’s chairmanship of Council of Europe Committee of Ministers, the Croatian edition of the Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2023 was presented in the Croatian Parliament. For women's quotas in elections, see 5.70. 5.59.
Continue with its efforts in further increasing the awareness of the gender equality and equal opportunities and foster implementation of its national policies in this regard (The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia); 27 The National Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, 22 September, and the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, 25 November, are regularly commemorated through public discussions, round tables and conferences organised by state administration bodies in cooperation with CSOs with a view of raising awareness and drawing attention to problems faced by victims of sexual violence and the unacceptability of gender-based violence, in particular sexual and family violence.