{ "en": "Article 1 The purpose of this Act is, together with the Employment Countermeasures Act (Act No. 132 of 1966), to provide every person with an opportunity to obtain a job conformed to his/her ability and meet the labor needs of industry through the provision of employment placement businesses, etc. by Public Employment Security Offices and other employment security bodies serving the public, with the cooperation of related administrative agencies and related organizations, and through ensuring the appropriate operation of employment placement businesses etc. provided by persons other than employment security bodies in consideration of the role to be fulfilled by such persons in the appropriate and smooth adjustment of demand for and supply of a labor force, thereby achieving security of employment and contributing to the development of the economy and society.", "ja": "第䞀条 この法埋は、雇甚察策法昭和四十䞀幎法埋第癟䞉十二号ず盞た぀お、公共に奉仕する公共職業安定所その他の職業安定機関が関係行政庁又は関係団䜓の協力を埗お職業玹介事業等を行うこず、職業安定機関以倖の者の行う職業玹介事業等が劎働力の需芁䟛絊の適正か぀円滑な調敎に果たすべき圹割にかんがみその適正な運営を確保するこず等により、各人にその有する胜力に適合する職業に就く機䌚を䞎え、及び産業に必芁な劎働力を充足し、も぀お職業の安定を図るずずもに、経枈及び瀟䌚の発展に寄䞎するこずを目的ずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 2 Every person may freely choose any job, provided that it does not conflict with the public welfare.", "ja": "第二条 䜕人も、公共の犏祉に反しない限り、職業を自由に遞択するこずができる。" }
{ "en": "Article 3 No one shall be discriminated against in employment placement, vocational guidance, or the like, by reason of race, nationality, creed, sex, social status, family origin, previous profession, membership of a labor union, etc.; provided, however, that this shall not apply in the case where the terms of a collective agreement entered into between an employer and a labor union in accordance with the Labor Union Act provide otherwise.", "ja": "第䞉条 䜕人も、人皮、囜籍、信条、性別、瀟䌚的身分、門地、埓前の職業、劎働組合の組合員であるこず等を理由ずしお、職業玹介、職業指導等に぀いお、差別的取扱を受けるこずがない。䜆し、劎働組合法〔昭和二四幎六月法埋第䞀䞃四号〕の芏定によ぀お、雇甚䞻ず劎働組合ずの間に締結された劎働協玄に別段の定のある堎合は、この限りでない。" }
{ "en": "Article 4 (1) The term \"employment placement\" as used in this Act means receiving offers for posting job offerings and offers for registering as a job seeker and extending services to establish employment relationships between job offerers and job seekers.", "ja": "第四条 この法埋においお「職業玹介」ずは、求人及び求職の申蟌みを受け、求人者ず求職者ずの間における雇甚関係の成立をあ぀せんするこずをいう。" }
{ "en": "(2) The term \"free employment placement\" as used in this Act means employment placement conducted without receiving commissions or other compensation under any name with regard to employment placement.", "ja": " この法埋においお「無料の職業玹介」ずは、職業玹介に関し、いかなる名矩でも、その手数料又は報酬を受けないで行う職業玹介をいう。" }
{ "en": "(3) The term \"fee-charging employment placement\" as used in this Act means employment placement other than free employment placement.", "ja": " この法埋においお「有料の職業玹介」ずは、無料の職業玹介以倖の職業玹介をいう。" }
{ "en": "(4) The term \"vocational guidance\" as used in this Act means guidance provided to those persons seeking to obtain jobs so as to facilitate choice of jobs compatible with their capabilities and to increase their adaptability to those jobs through practical training, courses, instructions, advice, the provision of information and other methods.", "ja": " この法埋においお「職業指導」ずは、職業に就こうずする者に察し、実習、講習、指瀺、助蚀、情報の提䟛その他の方法により、その者の胜力に適合する職業の遞択を容易にさせ、及びその職業に察する適応性を増倧させるために行う指導をいう。" }
{ "en": "(5) The term \"labor recruitment\" as used in this Act means that those who seek to employ workers solicit, either directly or through a third party, those seeking to become workers to become their employees.", "ja": " この法埋においお「劎働者の募集」ずは、劎働者を雇甚しようずする者が、自ら又は他人に委蚗しお、劎働者ずなろうずする者に察し、その被甚者ずなるこずを勧誘するこずをいう。" }
{ "en": "(6) The term \"labor supply\" as used in this Act means having workers work under the direction and orders of another person based upon a supply contract, and does not include that which falls under worker dispatch provided in Article 2, item 1 of the Act for Securing the Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Undertakings and Improved Working Conditions for Dispatched Workers (Act No. 88 of 1985; hereinafter referred to as \"Worker Dispatching Act\").", "ja": " この法埋においお「劎働者䟛絊」ずは、䟛絊契玄に基づいお劎働者を他人の指揮呜什を受けお劎働に埓事させるこずをいい、劎働者掟遣事業の適正な運営の確保及び掟遣劎働者の就業条件の敎備等に関する法埋昭和六十幎法埋第八十八号。以䞋「劎働者掟遣法」ずいう。第二条第䞀号に芏定する劎働者掟遣に該圓するものを含たないものずする。" }
{ "en": "(7) The term \"employment placement business provider\" as used in this Act means a person who either obtains the license provided for in Article 30, paragraph 1 or Article 33, paragraph 1 or files the notification pursuant to the provisions of Article 33-2, paragraph 1, Article 33-3, paragraph 1, or Article 33-4, paragraph 1 and provides employment placement businesses.", "ja": " この法埋においお「職業玹介事業者」ずは、第䞉十条第䞀項若しくは第䞉十䞉条第䞀項の蚱可を受けお、又は第䞉十䞉条の二第䞀項、第䞉十䞉条の䞉第䞀項若しくは第䞉十䞉条の四第䞀項の芏定による届出をしお職業玹介事業を行う者をいう。" }
{ "en": "(8) The term \"labor supply business provider\" as used in this Act means a labor union, etc. that conducts labor supply businesses pursuant to the provisions of Article 45 (this means a labor union under the Labor Union Act or other entity equivalent thereto and which is provided for by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare; the same shall apply hereinafter).", "ja": " この法埋においお「劎働者䟛絊事業者」ずは、第四十五条の芏定により劎働者䟛絊事業を行う劎働組合等劎働組合法による劎働組合その他これに準ずるものであ぀お厚生劎働省什で定めるものをいう。以䞋同じ。をいう。" }
{ "en": "(9) The term \"personal information\" as used in this Act means information concerning an individual that can identify a specific individual (including information that can identify a specific individual when collated with other information).", "ja": " この法埋においお「個人情報」ずは、個人に関する情報であ぀お、特定の個人を識別するこずができるもの他の情報ず照合するこずにより特定の個人を識別するこずができるこずずなるものを含む。をいう。" }
{ "en": "Article 5 The government shall undertake the following matters in order to accomplish the purpose referred to in Article 1:", "ja": "第五条 政府は、第䞀条の目的を達成するために、次に掲げる業務を行う。" }
{ "en": "(i) to achieve an appropriate and smooth adjustment of demand for and supply of the labor force;", "ja": "䞀 劎働力の需芁䟛絊の適正か぀円滑な調敎を図るこず。" }
{ "en": "(ii) to establish and make efforts to implement necessary policies to provide the unemployed the opportunity to obtain jobs;", "ja": "二 倱業者に察し、職業に就く機䌚を䞎えるために、必芁な政策を暹立し、その実斜に努めるこず。" }
{ "en": "(iii) to provide free employment placement businesses to help job seekers in promptly obtaining jobs compatible with their abilities, as well as to meet the labor force needs of job offerers;", "ja": "䞉 求職者に察し、迅速に、その胜力に適合する職業に就くこずをあ぀せんするため、及び求人者に察し、その必芁ずする劎働力を充足するために、無料の職業玹介事業を行うこず。" }
{ "en": "(iv) to guide and supervise employment placement, recruitment of workers, labor supply businesses, worker dispatch businesses provided in Article 2, item 3 of the Worker Dispatching Act, and businesses for securing employment opportunities for construction workers provided in Article 2, paragraph 10 of the Act on Improvement, etc. of Employment of Construction Workers (Act No. 33 of 1976; hereinafter referred to as \"Construction Work Act\") (such activities shall be hereinafter referred to as \"worker dispatch businesses\") operated by any person other than the government in such a manner as to promote the interests of workers and the public;", "ja": "四 政府以倖の者の行う職業玹介、劎働者の募集、劎働者䟛絊事業又は劎働者掟遣法第二条第䞉号に芏定する劎働者掟遣事業及び建蚭劎働者の雇甚の改善等に関する法埋昭和五十䞀幎法埋第䞉十䞉号。以䞋「建蚭劎働法」ずいう。第二条第十項に芏定する建蚭業務劎働者就業機䌚確保事業以䞋「劎働者掟遣事業等」ずいう。を劎働者及び公共の利益を増進するように、指導監督するこず。" }
{ "en": "(v) to provide job seekers with necessary vocational guidance;", "ja": "五 求職者に察し、必芁な職業指導を行うこず。" }
{ "en": "(vi) to improve the operations of Public Employment Security Offices, with the cooperation of individuals, organizations, schools and related administrative agencies;", "ja": "六 個人、団䜓、孊校又は関係行政庁の協力を埗お、公共職業安定所の業務の運営の改善向䞊を図るこず。" }
{ "en": "(vii) to provide employment placement or vocational guidance businesses to those who are entitled to receive performances under the provisions of the Employment Insurance Act (Act No. 116 of 1974), and to achieve the sound operation of the employment insurance system.", "ja": "䞃 雇甚保険法昭和四十九幎法埋第癟十六号の芏定によ぀お、絊付を受けるべき者に぀いお、職業玹介又は職業指導を行い、雇甚保険制床の健党な運甚を図るこず。" }
{ "en": "(Cooperation of Employment Security Agencies and Employment Placement Business Providers, etc.)", "ja": "職業安定機関ず職業玹介事業者等の協力" }
{ "en": "Article 5-2 In order to achieve the appropriate and smooth adjustment of demand for and supply of the labor force, employment security bodies, employment placement business providers and labor supply business providers shall endeavor to mutually cooperate with respect to the enrichment of employment information and the improvement of technology pertaining to the adjustment of demand for and supply of the labor force.", "ja": "第五条の二 職業安定機関及び職業玹介事業者又は劎働者䟛絊事業者は、劎働力の需芁䟛絊の適正か぀円滑な調敎を図るため、雇甚情報の充実、劎働力の需芁䟛絊の調敎に係る技術の向䞊等に関し、盞互に協力するように努めなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 5-3 (1) Public Employment Security Offices, employment placement business providers, persons conducting recruitment of workers, commissioned recruiters (which means commissioned recruiters provided in Article 39) and labor supply business providers (referred to as \"Public Employment Security Offices, etc.\" in the following Article) shall, in carrying out employment placement, recruitment of workers, and labor supply, clearly indicate to job seekers, those who intend to become workers in response to recruitment, and supplied workers the contents, wages, working hours and other working conditions of the business such persons are to engage in.", "ja": "第五条の䞉 公共職業安定所及び職業玹介事業者、劎働者の募集を行う者及び募集受蚗者第䞉十九条に芏定する募集受蚗者をいう。䞊びに劎働者䟛絊事業者次条においお「公共職業安定所等」ずいう。は、それぞれ、職業玹介、劎働者の募集又は劎働者䟛絊に圓たり、求職者、募集に応じお劎働者になろうずする者又は䟛絊される劎働者に察し、その者が埓事すべき業務の内容及び賃金、劎働時間その他の劎働条件を明瀺しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(2) Job offerers shall, in filing offers for posting job offerings, clearly indicate to Public Employment Security Offices and employment placement business providers, and those who intend to receive labor supply shall clearly indicate in advance to labor supply business providers, the contents, wages, working hours and other working conditions of the business job seekers and supplied workers are to engage in.", "ja": " 求人者は求人の申蟌みに圓たり公共職業安定所又は職業玹介事業者に察し、劎働者䟛絊を受けようずする者はあらかじめ劎働者䟛絊事業者に察し、それぞれ、求職者又は䟛絊される劎働者が埓事すべき業務の内容及び賃金、劎働時間その他の劎働条件を明瀺しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(3) With respect to matters concerning wages and working hours and other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, a clear indication under the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs shall be given pursuant to a method specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.", "ja": " 前二項の芏定による明瀺は、賃金及び劎働時間に関する事項その他の厚生劎働省什で定める事項に぀いおは、厚生劎働省什で定める方法により行わなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 5-4 (1) Public Employment Security Offices, etc. shall, in collecting, retaining and using the personal information of job seekers, those who intend to become workers in response to recruitment and supplied workers (hereinafter referred to as \"personal information of job seekers, etc.\" in this Article) with respect to their businesses, collect the personal information of job seekers, etc. within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of their businesses and retain and use the same within the scope of the purpose of said collection; provided, however, that this shall not apply in a case where the person concerned consents or there is other good cause.", "ja": "第五条の四 公共職業安定所等は、それぞれ、その業務に関し、求職者、募集に応じお劎働者になろうずする者又は䟛絊される劎働者の個人情報以䞋この条においお「求職者等の個人情報」ずいう。を収集し、保管し、又は䜿甚するに圓た぀おは、その業務の目的の達成に必芁な範囲内で求職者等の個人情報を収集し、䞊びに圓該収集の目的の範囲内でこれを保管し、及び䜿甚しなければならない。ただし、本人の同意がある堎合その他正圓な事由がある堎合は、この限りでない。" }
{ "en": "(2) Public Employment Security Offices, etc. shall take necessary measures in order to appropriately manage the personal information of job seekers, etc.", "ja": " 公共職業安定所等は、求職者等の個人情報を適正に管理するために必芁な措眮を講じなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 5-5 Public Employment Security Offices and employment placement business providers shall accept all offers for posting job offerings; provided, however, that offers may be rejected if the contents of such offers violate any law or regulation, if the wages, working hours or other working conditions indicated in the contents of such offers are found to be substantially inappropriate compared to prevailing working conditions, or if the job offerer fails to give a clear indication under the provisions of Article 5-3, paragraph 2.", "ja": "第五条の五 公共職業安定所及び職業玹介事業者は、求人の申蟌みはすべお受理しなければならない。ただし、その申蟌みの内容が法什に違反するずき、その申蟌みの内容である賃金、劎働時間その他の劎働条件が通垞の劎働条件ず比べお著しく䞍適圓であるず認めるずき、又は求人者が第五条の䞉第二項の芏定による明瀺をしないずきは、その申蟌みを受理しないこずができる。" }
{ "en": "Article 5-6 (1) Public Employment Security Offices and employment placement business providers shall accept all offers for registering as a job seeker; provided, however, that offers may be rejected if the contents of such offers violate any laws or regulations.", "ja": "第五条の六 公共職業安定所及び職業玹介事業者は、求職の申蟌みはすべお受理しなければならない。ただし、その申蟌みの内容が法什に違反するずきは、これを受理しないこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(2) Public Employment Security Offices and employment placement business providers may carry out questioning and skill inspections when they find it to be necessary for determining the suitability of job seekers for special jobs.", "ja": " 公共職業安定所及び職業玹介事業者は、特殊な業務に察する求職者の適吊を決定するため必芁があるず認めるずきは、詊問及び技胜の怜査を行うこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(Introduction, etc. of Employment Compatible with the Abilities of Job Seekers)", "ja": "求職者の胜力に適合する職業の玹介等" }
{ "en": "Article 5-7 Public Employment Security Offices and employment placement business providers shall endeavor to introduce job seekers to employment that is compatible with their abilities and to introduce job offerers to job seekers who are compatible with the employment conditions they offer.", "ja": "第五条の䞃 公共職業安定所及び職業玹介事業者は、求職者に察しおは、その胜力に適合する職業を玹介し、求人者に察しおは、その雇甚条件に適合する求職者を玹介するように努めなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Chapter 2 Employment Placement and Vocational Guidance by Employment Security Agencies", "ja": "第二章 職業安定機関の行う職業玹介及び職業指導" }
{ "en": "Article 6 The Director-General of the Employment Security Main Bureau (which means the bureau established as an internal bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare that has jurisdiction over affairs concerning employment placement, employment guidance and other matters relating to security of employment; the same shall apply in Article 9) (such person shall be hereinafter referred to as \"Director-General of the Employment Security Main Bureau\") shall, under the direction and supervision of the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, direct and supervise the Prefectural Labour Directors with respect to matters concerning the implementation of this Act, establish standards for direction and supervision of the Public Employment Security Offices, plan and carry out programs to meet the labor needs of industry, plan and carry out programs to alleviate unemployment, determine the boundaries of major labor market areas to adjust the supply of and demand for labor, plan and carry out vocational guidance, and take charge of other affairs necessary for the implementation of this Act, as well as direct and supervise the officials under his/her jurisdiction.", "ja": "第六条 職業安定䞻管局厚生劎働省の内郚郚局ずしお眮かれる局で職業玹介及び職業指導その他職業の安定に関する事務を所掌するものをいう。第九条においお同じ。の局長以䞋「職業安定䞻管局長」ずいう。は、厚生劎働倧臣の指揮監督を受け、この法埋の斜行に関する事項に぀いお、郜道府県劎働局長を指揮監督するずずもに、公共職業安定所の指揮監督に関する基準の制定、産業に必芁な劎働力を充足するための察策の䌁画及び実斜、倱業察策の䌁画及び実斜、劎働力の需芁䟛絊を調敎するための䞻芁劎働力需芁䟛絊圏の決定、職業指導の䌁画及び実斜その他この法埋の斜行に関し必芁な事務を぀かさどり、所属の職員を指揮監督する。" }
{ "en": "Article 7 The Prefectural Labour Directors shall, under the direction and supervision of the Director-General of the Employment Security Main Bureau, take charge of business concerning the liaison and coordination of the businesses of the Public Employment Security Offices with respect to matters concerning the implementation of this Act, and direct and supervise the officials under their jurisdiction and the Chiefs of the Public Employment Security Offices.", "ja": "第䞃条 郜道府県劎働局長は、職業安定䞻管局長の指揮監督を受け、この法埋の斜行に関する事項に぀いお、公共職業安定所の業務の連絡統䞀に関する業務を぀かさどり、所属の職員及び公共職業安定所長を指揮監督する。" }
{ "en": "Article 8 (1) Public Employment Security Offices shall be agencies to serve the public free of charge that provide employment placement, vocational guidance, employment insurance businesses, and other necessary businesses for accomplishing the purpose of this Act.", "ja": "第八条 公共職業安定所は、職業玹介、職業指導、雇甚保険その他この法埋の目的を達成するために必芁な業務を行い、無料で公共に奉仕する機関ずする。" }
{ "en": "(2) The Chiefs of the Public Employment Security Offices shall, under the direction and supervision of the Prefectural Labour Directors, take charge of the affairs of the Public Employment Security Office and direct and supervise the officials under their jurisdiction.", "ja": " 公共職業安定所長は、郜道府県劎働局長の指揮監督を受けお、所務を぀かさどり、所属の職員を指揮監督する。" }
{ "en": "Article 9 (1) In order to ensure the effective performance of the business of Public Employment Security Offices and other employment security bodies, officials who exclusively engage in businesses for the implementation of this Act at the Employment Security Main Bureau, Prefectural Labour Offices, and Public Employment Security Offices shall be those who have the qualifications and experience specified by the National Personnel Authority.", "ja": "第九条 公共職業安定所その他の職業安定機関の業務が効果的に行われるために、職業安定䞻管局、郜道府県劎働局又は公共職業安定所においお、専らこの法埋を斜行する業務に埓事する職員は、人事院の定める資栌又は経隓を有する者でなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 9-2 (1) An employment promotion officer(s) shall be assigned at each Public Employment Security Office.", "ja": "第九条の二 公共職業安定所に就職促進指導官を眮く。" }
{ "en": "(2) An employment promotion officer shall provide, based on his/her expert knowledge, employment guidance mainly to those who have received an instruction under Article 24, paragraph 1 or paragraph 2 of the Act on Employment Security, etc. of the Elderly, etc. (Act No. 68 of 1971).", "ja": " 就職促進指導官は、専門的知識に基づいお、䞻ずしお、高幎霢者等の雇甚の安定等に関する法埋昭和四十六幎法埋第六十八号第二十四条第䞀項又は第二項の指瀺を受けた者に察し、職業指導を行うものずする。" }
{ "en": "(3) In addition to what is provided for in the preceding two paragraphs, necessary matters concerning employment promotion officers shall be specified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.", "ja": " 前二項に定めるもののほか、就職促進指導官に関し必芁な事項は、厚生劎働倧臣が定める。" }
{ "en": "Article 10 The Public Employment Security Offices shall cooperate in the businesses of the Local Transportation Bureau Chiefs (including the Chiefs of the Maritime Traffic Control Divisions) relating to the security of employment of mariners.", "ja": "第十条 公共職業安定所は、地方運茞局長運茞監理郚長を含む。の行う船員の職業の安定に関する業務に぀いお、これに協力しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 11 (1) Mayors of municipalities having jurisdiction over areas designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare as those for which, due to the inconvenience of transportation to the Public Employment Security Offices, it is found difficult to file offers for posting job offerings or offers for registering as a job seeker directly with the Public Employment Security Offices concerned (hereinafter referred to as \"designated areas\" in this paragraph) shall carry out the following affairs:", "ja": "第十䞀条 公共職業安定所ずの亀通が䞍䟿であるため圓該公共職業安定所に盎接求人又は求職を申し蟌むこずが困難であるず認められる地域ずしお厚生劎働倧臣が指定する地域以䞋この項においお「指定地域」ずいう。を管蜄する垂町村長は、次に掲げる事務を行う。" }
{ "en": "(i) acting as an intermediary in the filing of offers for posting job offerings by places of business located in designated areas and offers for registering as a job seeker by job seekers who reside in designated areas with the Public Employment Security Office concerned;", "ja": "䞀 指定地域内に所圚する事業所からの求人又は指定地域内に居䜏する求職者からの求職の申蟌みを圓該公共職業安定所に取り次ぐこず。" }
{ "en": "(ii) investigation of necessary matters concerning job offerers pertaining to places of business located in designated areas and the employment placement of job seekers who reside in designated areas, when requested by the Public Employment Security Office concerned;", "ja": "二 圓該公共職業安定所からの照䌚に応じお、指定地域内に所圚する事業所に係る求人者又は指定地域内に居䜏する求職者の職業玹介に関し必芁な事項を調査するこず。" }
{ "en": "(iii) publicizing information from the Public Employment Security Office concerned concerning job offering or job seeking to job offerers pertaining to places of business located in designated areas and job seekers who reside in designated areas.", "ja": "䞉 圓該公共職業安定所からの求人又は求職に関する情報を指定地域内に所圚する事業所に係る求人者又は指定地域内に居䜏する求職者に呚知させるこず。" }
{ "en": "(2) The Chiefs of the Public Employment Security Offices concerned may give necessary instructions to mayors of municipalities if they find it particularly necessary with respect to the affairs set forth in the preceding paragraph.", "ja": " 圓該公共職業安定所の長は、前項の事務に関し特に必芁があるず認めるずきは、垂町村長に察し、必芁な指瀺をするこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(3) The mayors of municipalities shall not collect, under any name, actual costs or any other fees for the affairs set forth in paragraph 1, from job offerers or job seekers.", "ja": " 垂町村長は、第䞀項の事務に関し、求人者又は求職者から、いかなる名矩でも、実費その他の手数料を城収しおはならない。" }
{ "en": "(4) The affairs to be processed by municipalities pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1 shall be Item 1 Statutory Commissioned Affairs provided in Article 2, paragraph 9, item 1 of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947).", "ja": " 第䞀項の芏定により垂町村が凊理するこずずされおいる事務は、地方自治法昭和二十二幎法埋第六十䞃号第二条第九項第䞀号に芏定する第䞀号法定受蚗事務ずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 13 (1) The Director-General of the Employment Security Main Bureau shall establish forms for activity reports of Prefectural Labour Offices and Public Employment Securities Offices to be made pursuant to the provisions of this Act.", "ja": "第十䞉条 職業安定䞻管局長は、郜道府県劎働局及び公共職業安定所が、この法埋の芏定によ぀おなす業務報告の様匏を定めなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(2) The Prefectural Labour Offices and the Public Employment Security Offices shall submit activity reports in accordance with the forms prescribed set forth in the preceding paragraph.", "ja": " 郜道府県劎働局及び公共職業安定所の業務報告は、前項の様匏に埓぀お、これをしなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 14 The Director-General of the Employment Security Main Bureau shall, in order to contribute to the appropriate and smooth adjustment of demand for and supply of the labor force, endeavor to collect, through the surveys and reports of Prefectural Labour Offices and Public Employment Security Offices on the demand for and supply of labor, information concerning the circumstances of employment and unemployment and take necessary measures such as organizing, analyzing and publishing said information.", "ja": "第十四条 職業安定䞻管局長は、劎働力の需芁䟛絊の適正か぀円滑な調敎に資するため、郜道府県劎働局及び公共職業安定所からの劎働力の需芁䟛絊に関する調査報告等により、雇甚及び倱業の状況に関する情報を収集するずずもに、圓該情報の敎理、分析、公衚等必芁な措眮を講ずるように努めなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 15 The Director-General of the Employment Security Main Bureau shall, based on the results of surveys and research on employment, establish standard job titles to be commonly used in employment placement businesses, recruitment of workers and labor supply businesses, prepare job descriptions and occupational classification tables, and endeavor to disseminate the same.", "ja": "第十五条 職業安定䞻管局長は、職業に関する調査研究の成果等に基づき、職業玹介事業、劎働者の募集及び劎働者䟛絊事業に共通しお䜿甚されるべき暙準職業名を定め、職業解説及び職業分類衚を䜜成し、䞊びにそれらの普及に努めなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 16 The Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare may establish necessary standards concerning the implementation of employment placement and vocational guidance for the physically or mentally disabled, those seeking to newly enter employment, middle-aged and older unemployed persons and others in need of special consideration with respect to obtaining employment", "ja": "第十六条 厚生劎働倧臣は、身䜓又は粟神に障害のある者、新たに職業に就こうずする者、䞭高幎霢の倱業者その他職業に就くこずに぀いお特別の配慮を必芁ずする者に察しお行われる職業玹介及び職業指導の実斜に関し必芁な基準を定めるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "Article 17 (1) To the extent possible, Public Employment Security Offices shall endeavor to introduce job seekers to positions that do not necessitate a change of domicile or residence at the time of employment.", "ja": "第十䞃条 公共職業安定所は、求職者に察し、できる限り、就職の際にその䜏所又は居所の倉曎を必芁ずしない職業を玹介するよう努めなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(2) Public Employment Security Offices shall conduct employment placement activities over wide areas if, within their jurisdictional district, they are unable to introduce job seekers to employment compatible with their wishes and abilities or are unable to supply job offerers with the desired job seekers or fill the number of positions offered.", "ja": " 公共職業安定所は、その管蜄区域内においお、求職者にその垌望及び胜力に適合する職業を玹介するこずができないずき、又は求人者の垌望する求職者若しくは求人数を充足するこずができないずきは、広範囲の地域にわたる職業玹介掻動をするものずする。" }
{ "en": "(3) Neighboring Public Employment Security Offices shall endeavor to cooperate to the extent possible with respect to the employment placement activities over wide areas set forth in the preceding paragraph.", "ja": " 前項の広範囲の地域にわたる職業玹介掻動は、できる限り近隣の公共職業安定所が盞互に協力しお行うように努めなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(4) Necessary matters concerning the employment placement activities over wide areas provided for in paragraph 2 shall be specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.", "ja": " 第二項の広範囲の地域にわたる職業玹介掻動に関し必芁な事項は、厚生劎働省什で定める。" }
{ "en": "Article 18 (1) In addition to duties performed based on the provisions of other Acts, Public Employment Security Offices shall, in accordance with the prescriptions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, develop necessary job offerings and job applications in order to give job seekers the opportunity to obtain jobs conformed to their abilities and to enable job offerers to secure the necessary labor force.", "ja": "第十八条 公共職業安定所は、他の法埋の芏定に基づいお行うもののほか、厚生劎働省什で定めるずころにより、求職者に察しその胜力に適合する職業に就く機䌚を䞎えるため、及び求人者に察しその必芁ずする劎働力を確保するこずができるようにするために、必芁な求人又は求職の開拓を行うものずする。" }
{ "en": "(2) Public Employment Security Offices may request the provision of information and other necessary liaison and cooperation from local public entities, employer organizations, labor unions and other persons concerned with respect to the development of job offerings and job applications set forth in the preceding paragraph.", "ja": " 公共職業安定所は、前項の芏定による求人又は求職の開拓に関し、地方公共団䜓、事業䞻の団䜓、劎働組合その他の関係者に察し、情報の提䟛その他必芁な連絡又は協力を求めるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "Article 19 The Public Employment Security Offices shall arrange job seekers in undergoing vocational training conducted by human resources development centers (including that conducted by the Polytechnic University).", "ja": "第十九条 公共職業安定所は、求職者に察し、公共職業胜力開発斜蚭の行う職業蚓緎職業胜力開発総合倧孊校の行うものを含む。を受けるこずに぀いおあ぀せんを行うものずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 20 (1) In order to maintain their neutrality regarding labor disputes, the Public Employment Security Offices, shall not introduce job seekers to a place of business in which there is a strike or lock-out.", "ja": "第二十条 公共職業安定所は、劎働争議に察する䞭立の立堎を維持するため、同盟眷業又は䜜業所閉鎖の行われおいる事業所に、求職者を玹介しおはならない。" }
{ "en": "(2) In addition to the case prescribed in the preceding paragraph, in the event that the Labour Relations Commission notifies the Public Employment Security Office that a dispute which is likely to develop into a strike or lock-out has arisen at a place of business and that unlimited introduction of job seekers will hamper the settlement of the dispute, the Public Employment Security Office shall not introduce job seekers to that place of business; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the introduction of workers up to the limit necessary to maintain the number of workers normally employed prior to the occurrence of the dispute.", "ja": " 前項に芏定する堎合の倖、劎働委員䌚が公共職業安定所に察し、事業所においお、同盟眷業又は䜜業所閉鎖に至る虞の倚い争議が発生しおいるこず及び求職者を無制限に玹介するこずによ぀お、圓該争議の解決が劚げられるこずを通報した堎合においおは、公共職業安定所は圓該事業所に察し、求職者を玹介しおはならない。䜆し、圓該争議の発生前、通垞䜿甚されおいた劎働者の員数を維持するため必芁な限床たで劎働者を玹介する堎合は、この限りでない。" }
{ "en": "Article 21 Procedures for employment placement and other necessary matters concerning employment placement shall be specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.", "ja": "第二十䞀条 職業玹介の手続その他職業玹介に関し必芁な事項は、厚生劎働省什でこれを定める。" }
{ "en": "Article 22 The Public Employment Security Offices shall provide vocational guidance for the physically or mentally disabled, those seeking to newly enter employment and others in need of special guidance with regard to obtaining employment.", "ja": "第二十二条 公共職業安定所は、身䜓又は粟神に障害のある者、新たに職業に就こうずする者その他職業に就くに぀いお特別の指導を加えるこずを必芁ずする者に察し、職業指導を行わなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 23 When they find it to be necessary, the Public Employment Security Offices may conduct aptitude inspections with respect to those persons who receive vocational guidance.", "ja": "第二十䞉条 公共職業安定所は、必芁があるず認めるずきは、職業指導を受ける者に぀いお、適性怜査を行うこずができる。" }
{ "en": "Article 24 The Public Employment Security Offices may request necessary cooperation from public human resources development facilities and other persons concerned when they find it to be necessary to provide persons receiving vocational guidance with information, consultation or any other assistance concerning vocational training conducted by public human resources development facilities (including that conducted by the Polytechnic University).", "ja": "第二十四条 公共職業安定所は、職業指導を受ける者に察し、公共職業胜力開発斜蚭の行う職業蚓緎職業胜力開発総合倧孊校の行うものを含む。に関する情報の提䟛、盞談その他の揎助を䞎えるこずが必芁であるず認めるずきは、公共職業胜力開発斜蚭その他の関係者に察し、必芁な協力を求めるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "Article 25 Methods of vocational guidance and other necessary matters concerning vocational guidance shall be specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.", "ja": "第二十五条 職業指導の方法その他職業指導に関し必芁な事項は、厚生劎働省什でこれを定める。" }
{ "en": "Section 4 Employment Placement, etc. for Students, Pupils or School Graduates", "ja": "第四節 孊生若しくは生埒又は孊校卒業者の職業玹介等" }
{ "en": "Article 26 (1) With respect to employment placement for students or pupils of or graduates from schools provided in Article 1 of the School Education Act (Act No. 26 of 1947) (hereinafter referred to as \"schools\") (such students, pupils and graduates exclude those specified by a Cabinet Order; hereinafter referred to as \"students, pupils, etc.\"), the Public Employment Security Offices shall endeavor, in cooperation with the schools, to provide students, pupils, etc. with employment information and results of occupational surveys and research, give them vocational guidance, and, through liaison between Public Employment Security Offices, develop as many job offerings as possible that are found to be appropriate to be introduced to students, pupils, etc., and arrange students, pupils, etc. to obtain jobs conformed to their abilities.", "ja": "第二十六条 公共職業安定所は、孊校教育法昭和二十二幎法埋第二十六号第䞀条に芏定する孊校以䞋「孊校」ずいう。の孊生若しくは生埒又は孊校を卒業した者政什で定める者を陀く。以䞋「孊生生埒等」ずいう。の職業玹介に぀いおは、孊校ず協力しお、孊生生埒等に察し、雇甚情報、職業に関する調査研究の成果等を提䟛し、職業指導を行い、及び公共職業安定所間の連絡により、孊生生埒等に察しお玹介するこずが適圓ず認められるできる限り倚くの求人を開拓し、各孊生生埒等の胜力に適合した職業にあ぀せんするよう努めなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(2) Public Employment Security Offices shall cooperate with vocational guidance that schools give to students and pupils.", "ja": " 公共職業安定所は、孊校が孊生又は生埒に察しお行う職業指導に協力しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(3) In order to effectively and efficiently provide vocational guidance to students, pupils, etc., Public Employment Security Offices shall, in cooperation with schools and other persons concerned, create opportunities for employment experience and take any other necessary measures for deepening the interest and understanding of students and pupils concerning the choice of employment.", "ja": " 公共職業安定所は、孊生生埒等に察する職業指導を効果的か぀効率的に行うこずができるよう、孊校その他の関係者ず協力しお、職業を䜓隓する機䌚の付䞎その他の職業の遞択に぀いおの孊生又は生埒の関心ず理解を深めるために必芁な措眮を講ずるものずする。" }
{ "en": "(Undertaking of Businesses of Public Employment Security Offices by Schools)", "ja": "孊校による公共職業安定所業務の分担" }
{ "en": "Article 27 (1) The Chiefs of the Public Employment Security Offices may, when they deem it to be necessary for smoothly conducting employment placement for students, pupils, etc., have the heads of schools undertake a part of the businesses of the Public Employment Security Offices, with the consent, or at the request, of the heads of those schools.", "ja": "第二十䞃条 公共職業安定所長は、孊生生埒等の職業玹介を円滑に行うために必芁があるず認めるずきは、孊校の長の同意を埗お、又は孊校の長の芁請により、その孊校の長に、公共職業安定所の業務の䞀郚を分担させるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(2) The businesses that the Chiefs of the Public Employment Security Offices may have the heads of schools undertake pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be limited to the following matters:", "ja": " 前項の芏定により公共職業安定所長が孊校の長に分担させるこずができる業務は、次に掲げる事項に限られるものずする。" }
{ "en": "(i) accepting offers for posting job offerings and forwarding the accepted offers for posting job offerings to the Public Employment Security Offices;", "ja": "䞀 求人の申蟌みを受理し、か぀、その受理した求人の申蟌みを公共職業安定所に連絡するこず。" }
{ "en": "(vi) rendering arrangement for admission to public human resources development facilities (including training conducted by the Polytechnic University).", "ja": "六 公共職業胜力開発斜蚭職業胜力開発総合倧孊校を含む。ぞの入所のあ぀せんを行うこず。" }
{ "en": "(3) Heads of schools who undertake a part of the businesses of the Public Employment Security Offices pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1 (hereinafter referred to as \"business-undertaking school heads\") may reject offers for posting job offerings or offers for registering as a job seeker, with respect to jobs that are not relevant to the courses of education given by the schools, notwithstanding the provisions of the main clause of Article 5-5 and the main clause of Article 5-6, paragraph 1.", "ja": " 第䞀項の芏定により公共職業安定所の業務の䞀郚を分担する孊校の長以䞋「業務分担孊校長」ずいう。は、第五条の五本文及び第五条の六第䞀項本文の芏定にかかわらず、孊校の教育課皋に適切でない職業に関する求人又は求職の申蟌みを受理しないこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(4) Business-undertaking school heads may, upon consultation with the Chiefs of the Public Employment Security Offices, appoint persons responsible for employment security from among the personnel of the school and have them take charge of the businesses provided for in the items of paragraph 2 and engage in the liaison with the Public Employment Security Offices.", "ja": " 業務分担孊校長は、公共職業安定所長ず協議しお、その孊校の職員の䞭から職業安定担圓者を遞任し、その者に第二項各号の業務を担圓させ、及び公共職業安定所ずの連絡を行わせるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(5) The Chiefs of the Public Employment Security Offices shall provide business-undertaking school heads with employment information, the results of surveys and research relating to employment and other assistance in the performance of the businesses provided for in the items of paragraph 2 undertaken by business-undertaking school heads, and may also provide business-undertaking school heads with economic assistance, when it is found to be especially necessary.", "ja": " 公共職業安定所長は、業務分担孊校長に察しお、雇甚情報、職業に関する調査研究の成果等の提䟛その他業務分担孊校長の行う第二項各号の業務の執行に぀いおの揎助を䞎えるずずもに、特に必芁があるず認めるずきは、業務分担孊校長に察しお、経枈䞊の揎助を䞎えるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(6) Business-undertaking school heads shall comply with the standards established by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare in consultation with the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology concerning the performance of their businesses.", "ja": " 業務分担孊校長は、その業務の執行に関し、厚生劎働倧臣が文郚科孊倧臣ず協議しお定める基準に埓わなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(7) When a business-undertaking school head has violated laws or ordinances or the standards set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Chief of the Public Employment Security Office may suspend the businesses provided for in the items of paragraph 2 undertaken by said business-undertaking school head.", "ja": " 公共職業安定所長は、業務分担孊校長が、法什又は前項の基準に違反したずきは、圓該業務分担孊校長の行う第二項各号の業務を停止させるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(8) The provisions of the preceding paragraphs shall not apply to the case where the heads of schools provide free employment placement businesses based on the provisions of Article 33-2.", "ja": " 前各項の芏定は、孊校の長が第䞉十䞉条の二の芏定に基づいお無料の職業玹介事業を行う堎合には適甚しない。" }
{ "en": "Article 28 Methods of liaison, assistance or cooperation between Public Employment Security Offices and schools and other necessary matters concerning employment placement for students, pupils, etc. shall be specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.", "ja": "第二十八条 公共職業安定所ず孊校ずの間における連絡、揎助又は協力に関する方法その他孊生生埒等の職業玹介に関し必芁な事項は、厚生劎働省什で定める。" }
{ "en": "Chapter 3 Employment Placement by Persons Other Than Employment Security Agencies", "ja": "第䞉章 職業安定機関以倖の者の行う職業玹介" }
{ "en": "Article 30 (1) A person who intends to carry out a fee-charging employment placement business shall obtain a license from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.", "ja": "第䞉十条 有料の職業玹介事業を行おうずする者は、厚生劎働倧臣の蚱可を受けなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(2) A person who intends to obtain the license set forth in the preceding paragraph shall submit to the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare a written application that states the following matters:", "ja": " 前項の蚱可を受けようずする者は、次に掲げる事項を蚘茉した申請曞を厚生劎働倧臣に提出しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(i) the name, domicile and, if a juridical person, the name of its representative person;", "ja": "䞀 氏名又は名称及び䜏所䞊びに法人にあ぀おは、その代衚者の氏名" }
{ "en": "(ii) if a juridical person, the names and domiciles of its officers;", "ja": "二 法人にあ぀おは、その圹員の氏名及び䜏所" }
{ "en": "(iii) the name and location of the place of business carrying out the fee-charging employment placement business;", "ja": "䞉 有料の職業玹介事業を行う事業所の名称及び所圚地" }
{ "en": "(iv) the name and domicile of the employment placement manager appointed pursuant to the provisions of Article 32-14;", "ja": "四 第䞉十二条の十四の芏定により遞任する職業玹介責任者の氏名及び䜏所" }
{ "en": "(3) The written application set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be accompanied by a business plan pertaining to the fee-charging employment placement business and other documents specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for each place of business carrying out said service.", "ja": " 前項の申請曞には、有料の職業玹介事業を行う事業所ごずの圓該事業に係る事業蚈画曞その他厚生劎働省什で定める曞類を添付しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(4) The business plan set forth in the preceding paragraph shall, pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, state the number of projected job seekers pertaining to the fee-charging employment placement business and other matters concerning employment placement for each place of business carrying out said service.", "ja": " 前項の事業蚈画曞には、厚生劎働省什で定めるずころにより、有料の職業玹介事業を行う事業所ごずの圓該事業に係る求職者の芋蟌数その他職業玹介に関する事項を蚘茉しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(5) When the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare grants the license provided for in paragraph 1, he/she shall consult with the Labour Policy Council in advance.", "ja": " 厚生劎働倧臣は、第䞀項の蚱可をしようずするずきは、あらかじめ、劎働政策審議䌚の意芋を聎かなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(6) A person who intends to obtain the license provided for in paragraph 1 shall pay the fee specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare by considering the actual costs into account.", "ja": " 第䞀項の蚱可を受けようずする者は、実費を勘案しお厚生劎働省什で定める額の手数料を玍付しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 31 (1) When the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare finds that an application for the license provided for in paragraph 1 of the preceding Article conforms with the following standards, he/she shall grant the license provided for in said paragraph:", "ja": "第䞉十䞀条 厚生劎働倧臣は、前条第䞀項の蚱可の申請が次に掲げる基準に適合しおいるず認めるずきは、同項の蚱可をしなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(i) the applicant has a sufficient financial basis to soundly perform the business concerned;", "ja": "䞀 申請者が、圓該事業を健党に遂行するに足りる財産的基瀎を有するこず。" }
{ "en": "(ii) the applicant has taken necessary measures to appropriately manage personal information and keep the secrets of job offerers and job seekers;", "ja": "二 個人情報を適正に管理し、及び求人者、求職者等の秘密を守るために必芁な措眮が講じられおいるこず。" }
{ "en": "(iii) in addition to what is provided for in the preceding two items, the applicant has the ability to appropriately perform the business concerned.", "ja": "䞉 前二号に定めるもののほか、申請者が、圓該事業を適正に遂行するこずができる胜力を有するこず。" }
{ "en": "(2) When the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare does not grant the license provided for in paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, he/she shall give notice to such effect to the applicant concerned, stating the reasons therefor, without delay.", "ja": " 厚生劎働倧臣は、前条第䞀項の蚱可をしないずきは、遅滞なく、理由を瀺しおその旚を圓該申請者に通知しなければならない。" }