as it was [in] the [beginning]...
tambë engë i et...
I saw a few elves there
tas cennen nótimë eldali
he will send it to me
tultauvas sa nin
the mast from some ship of some ship
tyulma ciryo
the mast of the ship
tyulma i ciryo
I do not make
uan carë
I am not making
uan cára
I did not make
uan carnë
I am not going to make
uan caruva
without the light
ú calo
without the light
ú calmo
I do not make
uin carë
rain (unwelcome) is coming threatens
ulo úva
I have a feeling that winter will be bad (this year)
umbë nin i hríve nauva urra (si loa)
the abyss yawning
undumë hácala
the abyss moving
undumë rúma
on the contrary for if one turned the face westward as was usual
úsië an cé mo quernë cendelë númenna ve senya
The day has come!
utúlie’n aurë
he is not to do it (now or ever); in any case (whatever may be said desired or may occur to the contrary) he is not to do this
vá caris i
we will not (make war)
vá caruvalwë (ohta)
Valar and Maiar cloaked their true-being in veils like to Elvish bodies and raiment
Valar ar Maiar fantaner nassentar fanainen ve quenderinwe coar ar larmar
the will of the Valar will be done
Valar valuvar
you are not to eat my bread you shan’t eat my bread
vá matuvatyë mastanya
I am not coming (I say)
vá ménanyë
I won’t come with you
vá meninyë ó le
I will not (do not intend) to make
ván caruva
This oath shall stand in memory of the glory of the Land of the Star
vanda sina termaruva Elenna·nóreo alcar enyalien
I and those with me are against it
ványë ar válmë
Varda the lofty Varda in her sublimity
Varda Aratarya
I won’t come
vá tuluvanyë
he is not to come he shan’t come
vá tuluvásë
a corpse-candle
ve loicolícuma
like gulls wailing
ve maiwi yaimië
I married joined to him her
veryanen senna
like leaves of forests
ve tauri lillassië
vague as a butterfly
wilwarin wilwa
the foam blowing
winga hlápula
when winter comes arrives is with us it is cold
yá hríve menë ringa ná
to whom the air gives kisses
yan i wilyar antar miquelis
wherein the stars tremble
yassen tintilar i eleni
in which twinkle the stars
yassen tintilar i eleni²
from whom you received him
yello camnelyes
what a blessing what a good thing!
yé mána (ma)
long years numberless as the wings of trees
yéni únótimë ve rámar aldaron
long-years not-countable as trees’ wings
yéni únótimë ve aldaron rámar
the years have passed like swift draughts
yéni ve lintë yuldar avánier
years have passed away like swift draughts
yéni avánier ve lintë yuldar
to whom you sent him
yenna leltanelyes
fishes etc. *aquatic animals
yuluiti cuimar