O beautiful ones parents of beautiful children
a vanimar vanimálion nostari
on bones gleaming
axor ilcalannar
it is beyond the river
caitas lá i sír
it is far beyond the river
caitas palla i sír
the light fading
cálë fifírula
doing good may cause evil
carë mára qwí tyarë naxa
on Earth as [it is] in Heaven
cemendë tambe Erumandë
if one speaks evil
cé mo quetë ulca
to look in a book
cesë parma
if he she comes I will be there
cé tulis ní nauva tanomë
if he she comes I will be there
cé tulis tanomë nauvan
a ship-mast ship’s mast mast of an unspecified ship or any ship
cirya tyulma
living speech
coirëa quenya
live and learn
cuita’r parë
on the brink of life
the seas heaving
ëar amortala
in the flowing sea
the sea surging
ëar falastala
please may I?
ecë nin?
I can do that
ecë nin care sa
I ‘may’ do that tomorrow I have a chance of doing that [tomorrow
ecuva nin carë sa noa
to Elaine queen of Hobbits and my very old friend
Elainen tárin Periandion ar meldenya anyáran
the Elves were ambidexters
eldar ataformaiti
Elvish Fingers and Numerals
Eldarinwë Leperi ar Notessi
the Elves arose
Eldar oronter
Grey Elves
Eldar Sindar
Grey Elves
Eldar sindaron
of 2 stars
elen atto
beyond the stars falling
elenillor pella talta-taltala
3 stars
eleni neldë
of 3 stars
elenion neldë
a star shines on the hour of our meeting
elen síla lúmenn’ omentielvo
Elwe King of the Sindar
Elwë aran Sindaron
I shall eat then soon
en i matinye
the old darkness
enwina lúmë
consequently the left hand was not to them evil in their imaginations
epetai i hyarma ú ten ulca símaryassen
Eru (was) before (is) now will be (after)
Eru fai sî euva
by the will of God
he is dumb
essë úpa nas
Out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth I am come
et Eärello Endorenna utúlien
out of the lips out of the mouth
et i péti
from this hour though years of years until the ending of the world
et sillumello ter yénion yéni tenn’ ambarmetta
(stay) in happiness
(hara) máriessë
to read a book
henta parma
Lord have mercy on us
Heru órava omessë
Children of Ilúvatar
Híni Ilúvataro
winter is drawing near (to us)
hrívë úva véna
The kings of the Eldar
i arani Eldaive
The kings of the Eldar
i arani Eldaron
those who form words with voices
i carir quettar ómainen
The Sayings of Rúmil
I Equessi Rúmilo
the pale phantoms
i fairi nécë
on the foaming waves between us
i falmalinnar imbë met
on the foaming waves
an i falmalī
upon the (many) foaming waves between us (two)
i falmalinnar imbë met²
the Lord is with thee
i Héru aselyë
the left hand pointed away from Melkor
i hyarma tentanë Melcorello
between you and me
imbë met
between two rivers
imbë siryat
between Heaven and Earth goes the path of the Moon
imbi Menel Cemenyë menë Ráno tië
the wood-spirits came thither
i·oromandi tanna lendë
the horses are swift
i rokkor rindi
in the moon gleaming
isilmë ilcalassë
in the moon falling
isilmë lantalassë
in the moon waning
isilmë pícalassë
I can speak I know how to speak
istan quetë
if you ask me I shall come
?it itē] kestallen tuluvanye
in that case I shan’t come (something will prevent me)
itas la tuluvanyë
in that case I won’t come
itas vá tuluvanyë
the mast of the ship
i tyulma ciryava
the house of him Olwe
köarya Olwe
I don’t wish to I don’t agree
lá asanyë
not to do (in this case) what you judge good (would be) unwise
lá carita i hamil mára alasaila ná
not doing this may be prove unwise
lá caritas alasaila cé nauva
not doing this would be (I think) unwise
lá caritas navin alasaila ná
creatures that cannot do not (by nature) see
laceníte cuimar
language of the Eldar
lambe Eldaiva
language from the Eldar
lambe Eldaron
Language of the Valar
Lambë Valarinwa
I do not advise you to do so (lit.) I don’t judge your doing (it) good
la navin caritalyas mára
while the thrones of the Valar endure
lan i Valaron arcanwar tauvar
he came (to a point) beyond the river
lendes lann’ i sír
he came (to a point) far beyond the river
lendes pallan(na) i sír
thither came little Niéle
lendë tanna Nieliccilis
I can speak I am free to speak
lertan quetë
from (by agency of) Manwe
lo Manwë
the white people of the shores of Elfland
losselië telerinwa
shall we make war
ma caruvalwë ohta
wield both hands alike
mahtanë yúyo má véla
but deliver us from evil: Amen
mal ámë etelehta ulcullo: násië
What is the ‘coimas’ of the Eldar?
mana i coimas Eldaron?
What is the ‘coimas’ of the Eldar?
mana i·coimas in·Eldaron?
Who shall see a white ship?
^man cenuva fána cirya?
Who shall see the clouds gather?
man cenuva lumbor ahosta?
Who shall see the last evening?
man cenuva métim’ andúnë?
How did the language of the Elves change?
manen lambë Quendion ahanyë
Who shall hear the wind roaring?
man hlaruva rávëa súrë?
Who shall heed a white ship?
man tiruva fána cirya?
Who shall heed a broken ship?
man tiruva rácina cirya?
asked Elendil
maquente Elendil