our Father who [art] in Heaven
ae Adar nín i vi Menel
o Elbereth who lit the stars
a Elbereth Gilthoniel
o Elbereth who lit the stars
a Elbereth Gilthoniel²
Holy Song of the Elves of Rivendell
Aerlinn in Edhil o Imladris
he spoke words
agarfant beth
glory to the halflings
aglar’ni Pheriannath
oh Lady of the West Star-kindler
a Hîr Annûn Gilthoniel
Ah! at last Dúnadan!
ai na vedui Dúnadan
?behold!] the mountains of Echoriath the mountains of my home!
alae! ered en Echoriath ered e·mbar nín
will approach the Bridge of Baranduin on the eighth day of Spring
anglennatha i Varanduiniant erin dolothen Ethuil
give us this day our daily bread
anno ammen sír i mbas ilaurui vín
Elvish gate open now for us
annon edhellen edro hi ammen
to Samwise and Rose the King’s greeting from Minas Tirith the thirty-first day of Stirring
a Pherhael ar am Meril suilad uin aran o Minas Tirith nelchaenen ned Echuir
Aragorn [son of Arathorn] the Elfstone
Aragorn Arathornion Edhelharn
king of swift ships
aran cîr lim
king of swift ships
aran na chîr lim
king of Gondor and Arnor and Lord of the Westlands
aran Gondor ar Arnor ar Hîr i Mbair Annui
and forgive us our trespasses
ar díheno ammen i úgerth vin
and he desires to greet there all his friends
ar e aníra ennas suilannad mhellyn în phain
and the Elves (?remember) still in Eressëa
ar in Ellath epholar eno vi Eressai
and Frodo Merry Pippin and Hamfast his sons
ar Iorhael Gelir Cordof ar Baravorn ionnath dîn
and Rose his wife; and Elanor Rose Goldilocks and Daisy his daughters
ar Meril bess dîn ar Elanor Meril Glorfinniel ar Eirien sellath dîn
and Nienor daughter of Morwen Níniel
ar Nienor sel Morwen Níniel
and said Rían to Tuor: what have we done?
ar·phent Rían Tuor·na: man agorech?
The Debate of Finrod and Andreth
Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth
o guard me Elbereth
a tiro nin Fanuilos
don’t do it
avo garo
don’t do it
on Earth as [it is] in Heaven
bo Ceven sui vi Menel
thy will be done
caro den i innas lin
Celebrimbor of Hollin drew these signs
Celebrimbor o Eregion teithant i thiw hin
may the Halflings live long
cuio i Pheriain anann
Answer of Pengoloð
Dangweth Pengolodh
Frodo and Sam princes of the west
Daur a Berhael Conin en Annûn
in especial he desires to see Master Samwise (who should be called Fullwise) Mayor of the Shire
edregol e aníra tírad i Cherdir Perhael (i sennui Panthael estathar aen) Condir i Drann
praise (them)
or in the Shire-reckoning the second day of April
egor ben genediad Drannail erin Gwirith edwen
the Doors of Durin Lord of Moria
Ennyn Durin Aran Moria
and now to thee Fanuilos bright spirit clothed in ever-white I will ... sing
Fanuilos le linnathon
doorway of the Dwarf-folk listen to the word of my tongue
fennas nogothrim lasto beth lammen
(the) voices of gulls
glim maewion
my heart tells me
guren bêd enni
Death to the din-horde
gurth an Glamhoth
Knight of the Long Sword
i arben na megil
the children of Húrin
i chîn Húrin
this song Men made in Beleriand but now the Elves alone (?remember) it
i glinn hen agorer Edain mi Velerian ach hí in Ellath îr ed epholar
the houses of the Slain
i mbair en Ndengin
I Narvi made them
im Narvi hain echant
I have a good mind (to do so) (lit.) there is an ‘inn’ in me
inn dha v’im
when the Moon for us the Children of God
ir Ithil ammen Eruchín
the Great Song that is also called the Children of Húrin
i·Veleglind i eithro en estar i·Chîn Húrin
Flame light! Flee night!
Lacho calad! Drego morn!
leaves of trees
lais geledhion
to] thee I sing I Tinúviel
le linnon im Tinúviel
here overwhelmed in dread of Death I cry
le nallon sí di’nguruthos
well met
mae govannen
friends of the Elves
mellyn enin Edhellion
heaven-jewel shines having watched [for us
menel-vîr síla díriel
Jewel of the World
Mîr n’Ardhon
to lands remote I have looked afar
na-chaered palan-díriel
Tale of Beren son of Barahir
Narn Beren ion Barahir
Tale of the Fall of Gondolin and the Rising of the Star
Narn e·Dant Gondolin ar Orthad en·Êl
Tale of the Nightingale
Narn e·Dinúviel
Tale of the House of Hador
Narn e·mbar Hador
Tale of the Star
Narn en·Êl
Tale of the Curse of Morgoth
Narn e·’Rach Morgoth
Tale of the Children of Húrin
Narn i Chîn Húrin
Tale of the Children of Húrin
Glaer nia Chîn Húrin
fire [be] for saving of us
naur an edraith ammen
fire against the wolf-horde
naur dan i ngaurhoth
here ... beyond the Sea beyond the wide and sundering Sea
nef aear sí nef aearon
Legendarium of the Fathers of Men
Nern in Edenedair
I have a mind to go I intend to go
nidhin mened
hallowed be thy name
no aer i eneth lín
run swift run swift Asfaloth
noro lim noro lim Asfaloth
from tree-tangled middle-lands
o galadhremmin ennorath
from heaven on high the glory of the starry host
o menel aglar elenath
from heaven gazing far
o menel palan-diriel
he gave (it) to me
ón annin
I gave Hope to the Dúnedain
ónen i-Estel Edain
from the Great Song that men made in Beleriand
os i Veleglinn i edain agorer vi Veleriann
speech of the Noldor
paeth e Ngolodhrim
say the word mellon
pedo beth mellon
speak friend and enter; (alternately) say ‘friend’ and enter
pedo mellon a minno
we have no bread
penim vast
Lady(’s) horse
roch heryn
the horse of (the) Lady
roch na-heryna
Seron Aearon
now all (?hands) of the Dwarves and Elves will be (?against) to us
sí il chem en i Naugrim en ir Ellath thor den ammen
from glittering crystal slanting falls with light like jewels
silivren penna míriel
here flower and tree listen [in] silence
si loth a galadh lasto dîn
as we forgive those who trespass against us
sui mín i gohenam di ai gerir úgerth ammen
vengeance comes
tôl acharn
I am coming drawing near to eating [doing] I am going to eat shall eat [do
tolen cared
thy kingdom come
tolo i arnad lín
Túrin son of Húrin Túramarth
Túrin ion Húrin Túramarth
Túrin Turambar Glaurung’s Bane
Túrin Turambar Dagnir Glaurunga
slayer of Glaurung
dagnir an Glaurung
I have kept no hope for myself
ú-chebin estel anim
I do not make
uin gar
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