[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:她的肌肤娇嫩细腻,楚衍揉软的指肚在上面轻触撵转片刻,移开时,食指指尖多了一根黑亮的睫毛。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Her skin was delicate. Joseph Chum's finger touched it gently. Then he withdrew his finger with a black eyelash.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:原本人烟罕至的卧龙岭,如今,却是热闹非凡,山脚下,兵营驻扎着,森冷的铁甲,冰寒的刀刃,充斥着严峻,让人不寒而栗。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Hidden Dragon Ridge, which didn’t see many visitors, was swamped. At the foot of the mountain, army camps, cold battle armor, and sharp blades were everywhere, and they all glistened intimidatingly. The atmosphere was solemn and bone-chilling.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:精神则是提升一些状态技能的效果以及对异状态的抵抗能力。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Spirit affected the resistance to and duration of status effects.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:这些人居然能承受皇帝陛下的盛怒?\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "These people were actually capable of taking on the fury of His Majesty, the Emperor?", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:但是,总是有头脑清醒的人发现这一点。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "But, there were always some clear-headed ones who did discover it.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:事实上,这一个包含了三个空中战术动作的三级战术,而不是一个双极战术!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "In reality, that had been a triple-level tactic when combined with the others, and not a double-level tactic.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:她最喜欢的颜色是红色。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Her favorite color was pink.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:可是,今天都第3天了,陶薇薇却再没见过萧逸琛,据说那个妖孽去国外谈一笔跨国收购案了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "However, it was the third day, and Vivian Tonn didn't see Ethan Shaw. It was said that the demon had gone abroad to deal with a transnational acquisition case.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:杨辰算是开眼了,摸了摸鼻子掩饰自己的笑意,见过不要脸的,没见过比自己还不要脸的!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Yang Chen had truly witnessed an eye-opener, and rubbed his nose to cover his smile.I’ve seen shameless people, but I’ve never met someone even more shameless than me!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:职业选手的素质,那不是常人可比的。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "After all, he was a pro player.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:直到,霍司回来。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Finally, Samson came back.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:她就算赢,也是犯规赢的,如果楚衍要求这次比赛作废、重新再比一次,绝不为过。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Even if she wins, she wins only by fouling. If Joseph Chum asks for the result of this match to be invalid and demand a re-match, this is justifiable.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:要是直接回君家,你家的老头还不埋怨加郁闷死老子!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "If I were to return directly to the Jun Residence, your old head would throw a bunch of depressing complaints on me to the point of death!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:明眼人一眼便能看出它的价值。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "A sharp person could tell its value at a glance.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:何况自己也是陷入感情中的一个普通女人啊,若是让自己现在离开所爱的人,自己会痛苦死的,自己都尚且办不到,还怎么要求别人灭情绝爱?\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Besides, she was also an ordinary woman in love. If she let herself leave her loved one now, she would die with pain. Even if she couldn't do it herself, so how could she ask others to give up their love?", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:山中多猛兽,更有可怕凶禽盘旋,但大红鸟也不是省油的灯,同样是太古遗种,虽然还未成年,但是逃命本事极强。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "There were many ferocious beasts within the mountains, and there were even more terrifying vicious birds spiraling in the air. However, the big red bird was not someone easy to deal with. At the same time, it was also an Archaic descendant, and even though it was still young, its ability to preserve its life was extremely great.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:虽然玩家大多也知道自制武器是可以通过编辑器提升的,但是,提升和自制也是一样有难度的,当中有点差池就有可能把武器弄坏。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Although most players knew that self-made equipment could be upgraded in the editor, upgrading was just as difficult as making. A small mistake could ruin the weapon.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:敛息法并不能无中生有,它的作用便是把你现在所具备的技能,发挥到最大威力。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Breath control wasn’t something that would come from nothing, and its utility was to take one’s current skills to their highest power.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:城市那钢筋混泥土浇筑的森林犹如秋季的枫林,显得耀眼夺目。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The city’s concrete jungle seemed like a maple forest in autumn, appearing dazzling to the eye.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:四星卡片,在整个卡片体系中,无论如何也不算低级卡片了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "In the entire card system, four-star cards would never be considered low grade.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:如果楚璐瑶被她成功激怒到失去理智则,一切都会像她预料的一样发展;\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "If Royal was so enraged by her successfully that she lost her mind, everything would go as she expected;", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:只不过,他能赢吗?\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "However, could he win?", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:转播黄少天的比赛是主持人最轻松的,没词说的时候念一念这人的刷屏就可以了……\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Commentating on Huang Shaotian was always the most relaxing for the TV hosts. If they ran out of things to say, then they just had to read what was being typed in the chat box……", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:虽然人类的能力在不断地变强,但是比起野外的那些野兽来说,还是相形见绌。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Even though human capabilities had been getting ever stronger, humanity still paled in comparison with the beasts in the outer reaches.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:自己又是出来收材料,身上装着大把的公款。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Since he was buying materials for his guild, he had a large chunk of the guild’s money.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:不过这一行人看起来也不怎么低调,一个老妪和十来道身影,明显修为实力很雄浑,都是强者,都修为实力层次不低。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "However, they didn’t look very low-profile. An old woman and the other ten or so people clearly had strong cultivation energy, and they were all experts at high levels.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:柳阐明知道已经不可能骗过楚衍,一把鼻涕一把泪的求饶道,“楚先生,我知道错了,只要只要你肯放过我,你要我做什么都行”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Charles Luke knew that it was impossible to deceive Joseph Chum, and begged for mercy in tears. \"Mr. Chum, I know I was wrong. I'll do whatever you want if you just let me go.\"", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:而玄幻世界也一样,有人才有玄幻。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "So a fantasy world was the same. Where there were people, only then would a fantasy world exist.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:两人配合的十分融洽。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The two of them were coordinating their movements well.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:陶薇薇鼻子酸酸的,泪水在眼眶里打转。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Vivian Tonn felt very bitter, and tears were swirling in her eyes.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:就连一向处变不惊的楚衍也被夏欣怡这番九天神雷般的言语惊的停下了脚步。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Joseph Chum, who kept a stiff upper lip, was also shocked by what Elaine Shire said, so he stopped.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:但沧海大世界故老相传,除了那传说中的大破灭以外,历史上还有许多天地巨变的浩劫发生,每次都带来死伤无数,让沧海大世界人族显得凋零,可是原因却不清楚,湮没在悠悠历史长河中。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "However, in the history of the Vast Ocean World, other than the legendary Great Calamity, there were also many massive tribulations that had descended upon the world. Every single time, there would be innumerable casualties as the human race would be greatly exterminated within the Vast Ocean World. However, the reason for this was unclear as it was lost within the long river of history.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:这里并不禁止外出,但是他们有着极为严格的注册方式。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Although they had an extremely rigorous registration system, it wasn’t prohibited to go out.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:本在圈内的寒烟柔再退却已经来不及,连忙一蹲闪了这一击,跟着又是一个翻滚,正躲开炎女巫挥手打来的一串火焰。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Soft Mist, who was already in range, didn’t have time to retreat. She hastily ducked to avoid the attack and then rolled, avoiding the streak of flames that came from the Fire Witch’s staff.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:至于陈狂的真正实力,大家还在猜测。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "As for Jayden's real strength, everyone was still guessing.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:君邪呵呵一笑,道:“若真是百炼……倒是可以,不过你所说的这百炼精钢铁……是真正的精钢百炼么?”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Jun Xie chuckled and replied. “If it has truly been tempered a hundred times… then it would suffice, however, this Hundred Tempered Steel Iron… has it truly been tempered a hundred times?”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:所以君邪实际身体所受力,只不过不到三分之一的力量,脚踢到他身上的时候,已经是强弩之末,只余些微劲力。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "As such, the amount of force behind the attack was only at less than one third of the original. By the time the kicks landed on his chest, the momentum behind it had been mostly spent, leaving only a minor force behind it.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:此外,5级,这是一个晃而过的等级,转眼就会落伍的等级。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Besides, Level 5, this was a level that would be passed in a flash.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:泽域水网交错,湖沼密布,很少有坚实的土地或者山石。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The marsh was crisscrossed with lengths of viscous bodies, being densely populated with lake and marshland. Solid land or stones could seldom be found within.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:杨辰也是第一次见到活人的周东成,没想到蔷薇潜在敌人中周家父子的儿子会是如此秀气的一男青年,而且那礼貌的模样,还真看不出来是黑道出生。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "It was the first time Yang Chen met Zhou Dongcheng in person, he’d never have thought that Rose’s potential enemy’s young master would be a delicate young man like this. Moreover, from his manners, Yang Chen definitely wasn’t able to tell that he was born as a part of the underworld.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:虽然认识楚衍的人极少,但高贵犹如王者、冷冽犹如阎罗的他往那里一站,胆子小的都被他吓死了,谁还敢对夏欣怡动手啊?\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Very few people knew Joseph Chum, but as he stood here in a noble and cold manner, some of the fans were almost scared to death by him. After all, who dared to do anything to Elaine Shire?", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:很多年轻的药师激动,终于可以近距离的到药神殿了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Many young pharmacists were excited, for they could be close to Medicine God Temple finally.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:棋盘摆好,白子棋盒,黑子棋盒,各自摆放一方。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The chessboard was set up. Two boxes of chess pieces, one with white pieces and the other with black ones, were placed across the chessboard.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:她一直有准备,萧寒擎也知道她会过敏,她身上一直带着过敏药,是她自己研发的,效果很好。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "She had always been prepared, and Sam also knew that she would be allergic. She always carried allergy medicine, which was developed by herself and had a good effect.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:武林中,又分门派与诸子百家。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "In the martial arts world, practitioners were split into various sects and clans within the Hundred Schools of Philosophy.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:君邪大腿刚被插了一剑,虽没伤着骨头,但肌肉却被插穿了,名副其实的一刀两洞,如今再被他这么一拍,顿时百哀齐至,痛彻心扉,咬着牙嘶嘶的吸了几口气,额头上已经渗出了汗珠,嘶嘶的从牙缝里问道:“老头,你有孙女没?”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Jun Xie’s thigh had just been pierced with a sword. Even though his bones were not harmed, the sword pierced through his muscles. One sword, two holes, to be patted by the old man on the thigh at his current situation caused him to feel a heart rending pain. Jun Xie bit his teeth, sucking the air and hissing, beads of sweat dripping out from his forehead. As he continued hissing through his teeth, he asked. “Old man, do you have a granddaughter?”", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:现在自己扮演的是小宝,所以今天萧逸琛来的时候,他赶紧躲了起来,却不想这萧逸琛竟然冲进来了!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Now he was playing Paul, so when Ethan came today, he quickly hid, but he didn't expect that Ethan came to rush in!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:这女人,是个做什么都要坚持做到最好的主,自己不能替她辛苦,只能在行程这些小事上多帮帮忙,替她分担了。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "She was a person who insisted on doing her best in everything. He couldn't do these things for her, so he could only help her with these little things.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:解除反锁时,他忽地回头,诚恳说道:\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "As he was unlocking the door, he suddenly turned back and said with sincerity.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:相比之下,陈狂的关注度就暗淡了不少。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "In such a circumstance, people paid less attention to Jayden.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:三星能量卡的售价则高达一万五千欧迪,平均下来,一点能量需要一点五欧迪。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The price of a three-star power-card went up to 15,000 Oudi, which averaged out to 1.5 Oudi per power unit.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:便是他,此前也只听说过邓森和孙颢的名字。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Even he had only heard of Deng Sen’s and Sun Hao’s names before.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:如今的城头,危险万分,几乎成为人间修罗场。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "This place was now extremely dangerous. It could become hell on earth at any moment.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:冲不出去,退不回去,甚至连自杀的机会也没有,如果不是三人旨在生擒秦虎,他早就步上黄泉了,秦大帮主这会已经快要疯了!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Qin Hu was unable to escape or retreat, he could not even kill himself! If not for the fact that the three of them were aiming to capture him alive, he would have been sent off to the Yellow Springs a long time ago. Qin Hu felt himself going crazy!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:宽阔的步行街两侧是一排垂柳和一排梧桐,正是晚春,都是鲜亮的绿色。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The pedestrian lane was lined with a row of weeping willows on one side and a row of Chinese parasol trees on the other side.It was late spring, and everything was a lush green.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:她很清楚哥哥是个怎样的人,平曰里山崩于前不变色,在她心目中,哥哥是最出色的。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "She knew very clearly what kind of person her brother was – in her eyes the most excellent of men, ordinarily not even moved by a landslide.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:如果,如果白银城真在“神弃之地”,“神弃之地”真属于这个世界,“全知全能的神”或许就是古老年代里那些生灵对造物主的尊称……\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "If the City of Silver was really in the Forsaken Land of the Gods, then the Forsaken Land of the Gods would truly belong to this world. The “omnipotent and omniscient God” might be the title of the Creator that was used by the living in ancient times…", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:一个身穿Amani 高定西服的男人转过头,手拿一杯咖啡,慵懒的靠在办公桌边。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "A man in an Amani Prive suit turned his head and slouched at his desk with a cup of coffee in hand.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:取而代之的……是身为天下第二刺客的自信和冷酷。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "In its place was the confident, cold expression of the second-best assassin in the world.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:只是没有老刀上班的地方。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "But there were no shots of where Lao Dao worked.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:楚爷这人刚毅决断、从不回头,凡事只给人一次机会,就算他的初衷是娶夏欣怡做老婆,既然夏欣怡不识抬举,他也会决绝放手。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Mr. Chum was resolute and steadfast and never turned around. He only gave people one chance. Even if his original intention was to marry Elaine Shire, he would resolutely let her go since Elaine Shire failed to appreciate his kindness.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:是的,自己被一个死神一般的男子救了下来,而且还答应了他必须接受他的要求!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "That’s right, she has been saved by a death God-like man, and even agreed to whatever he requests!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:太阳仍然存在于那里,但却发不出任何光芒。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The sun still existed there, yet seemed unable to emit any light at all.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:不过,这未尝不是一件好事。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "However, this was a good thing.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:如果被银袍少年知道他们心中所想,一定会泪流满面,十万只泥马啊,我恃才傲物个头,刚被人敲了两榔头!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "If this silver gowned youth found out what they were thinking, he would have definitely burst into tears. Proud of my own abilities my ass; I was just smashed in the head twice!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:他惊悚大叫,这要是进去,必死无疑啊,任他天大的本领也抵挡不住柳树的攻击。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "He cried out in horror. If he were to enter inside, his death would be certain. Even with his immense powers, he could not possibly defend against the attacks of the willow tree.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:李峰等人纷纷看着孟海洲,在这些人里,孟海洲赌术最精,对听骰也有一些火候,尤其这本是他自己准备的特制骰子,自然是颇有把握,人人都是憋着一股劲,非要让君邪尽快的输光不可!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Li Feng and the rest turned towards Meng Haizou. Amongst all of them here, Meng Haizou is the most proficient in gambling. His skills in listening to the dice movements was particularly high, especially when the dice was one he had prepared himself. Everyone here were simmering in excitement, just waiting to strip Jun Xie off everything he had.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:远程卡修需要用它来追击敌人,不让敌人脱离自己的火力范围。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Remote card artisans needed it to pursue enemies and prevent them from escaping their range of attack.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:郑洁知道自己比不得以前,比不得身边这些二十岁左右的小姑娘,她应该腿脚麻利手不闲着,但她不知道自己为什么腿脚比谁都麻利,手一刻也没闲着,却还要受气?郑洁在一年里,受够了那些老板、主管和雇主的气。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Clearly aware that she was old and could not compare with the younger women, she spared no effort to work hard and quickly, which did not free her from the bullying of her boss, manager and co-workers. She had no idea why it was happening. ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:这是由于它特殊的结构造成的,波刃是能量共频振荡形成,所以能量往往会中间的塌陷。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "That came from their particular structure.Wavy blades were formed from the oscillation of a shared frequency, so the energy would always tend to collapse toward the middle.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:“占卜家”在不同人心里,有不同的标准,谁也无法说别人一定错误,所以,克莱恩并不清楚什么样子的“占卜家”才最符合“魔药”的需求,只能通过一次次实践来校正,来确定!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "A Seer was defined differently by different people. No one could say that another person’s methods were wrong. So, Klein, who did not know which kind of Seer fit the requirements of the potion, could only correct it as he experimented to ascertain which one was the best fit!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:刚刚生子后的她,身子还很虚弱,为了求肖夜救爸爸,她也是强撑着打车来这里的。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "After childbirth, she was weak. She braced herself up and got there by taxi in order to ask Samuel Shaw to save her father.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:听说曾经有战道圣地的高层的罪过药神殿的人,最后也只能够亲自去负荆请罪。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "It was said that a senior from a holy land of martial field had offended people from Medicine God Temple, and finally, he could only personally ask for forgiveness.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:邓森是光明宗恒光殿一脉,序列可以排在前五的大长老,在整个皇笳海,都是有名有号的人物。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Deng Sen was of the Radiant Light Sect’s Eternal Light Palace, a Grand Elder of theirs who could rank in the top five. He was already a famous figure of the entire Royal Reed Sea.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:但枪炮师这一发炮弹过去,炸得是稀里哗啦,硝烟火花效果十足,这一炮到底是打在谁身上炸得愣是没看见。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "But an artillery shell from a Launcher was different. It would explode with a bang once it hit a mob of monsters and instantly turn into smoke, which was why he wasn’t able to tell who exactly the shell had hit.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:但是,眼前却是一个活生生的例外!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "But in front of him was a living exception!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:简夏是一个舞蹈天才。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Siana was a talented dancer.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:这种所谓的空号,并不是说全身无装备无钱那种意义上的空号。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "When he said empty accounts, he wasn’t talking about those accounts with no equipment and no money.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:此时才用陈夜辉这边的合适账号,那是怕练习过程中一不小心就把记录给破了……\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "In those runs, he hadn’t used the account cards Chen Yehui had provided him until now because he was afraid that he would accidentally break the record in their practice runs.……", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:叶修昨晚那是趁着凌晨在线人稍少才抢着做了些任务,此时正值网络高峰,做任务那是给自己添堵。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Last night, Ye Xiu took advantage of the very early hours in the morning, when there were less people online, to grab and complete a few quests. But now was just at the peak of Internet activity, so doing quests would only make leveling slower.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:肖云越打越是起劲,他发现脱去散人那个古怪职业的叶秋原来也不过如此,果然是已经退役的选手,很是平淡无奇嘛!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The more Xiao Yun fought, the more energetic he became. He discovered that once Ye Qiu took off that weird unspecialized class, he was only just so-so. Sure enough, he really was a retired pro-player. His fighting was extremely ordinary!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:现在的她已经把生死置之度外,她都敢主动挑衅楚衍那个“活阎罗”了,其他的事,她还有什么好在乎的呢?\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Now, regardless of life or death, she dared to provoke Joseph Chum, the Thanatos. What else did she care about?", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:好在新区刚开始人满为患,大家都在抢怪,千成乐在其中倒是发挥了特长,一点也不算突出。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Fortunately, the new server was packed with people in the beginning, so everyone kill stole. Thousand Creations took pleasure in showing off his strength and didn’t stand out all.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:这两位杀手首领乃这一行人中武功最高的两人,又是一南一北逃遁,即便以夜孤寒一人之力,在斩杀另外四名银玄杀手之余,也只能拦住一个。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The two assassin leaders possessed the highest level of strength amongst the assassins. One of them fled to the north while the other fled to the south. Even with Ye Guhan’s ability alone, after killing off the other four Silver Xuan assassins, he could only stop one of the leaders.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:十八个动作陈暮能做出的只有一半,这十八个动作对身体素质的要求,力量、柔软、反应都需要相当的水平。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Chen Mu could accomplish only half of those eighteen movements. The demands of these eighteen actions on his inner body – strength, release – all required their own appropriately calibrated responses.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:整栋楼是公租房,但是社区有统一收租的代理人,每栋楼又有分包,甚至每层有单独的收租人。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "All the units in the building were public housing, but the residential district had an agent who collected rent, and each building, even each floor, had a subagent.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:它虽然庞大,但是却很灵活,一个倒翻,横空而去数百米,轰隆一声落在了地上,将大地都踏的崩裂了,一只黑色的大手气闷的拍落,一块十几万斤的巨石刹那炸碎。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Even though it was enormous, it was rather flexible. With a flip in the air, it traveled a few meters before dropping onto the group with a honglong sound. It smashed down with so much force that it caused the ground to rupture. A large black hand dropped down with a muffled sound, causing a boulder that was tens of thousands of jin to instantly shatter.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:这也是为什么那些大集团会把无数金钱投入到短期内完全看不到利益的植物培育之中。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "That was why so many firms had thrown endless amounts of money into plant cultivation, which wouldn’t show any returns in the short-term.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:药神殿可不是一般的地方,那些药师一个个性格古怪,一旦招惹了药神殿,怕是后果不堪设想。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Medicine God Temple was not an ordinary place, and the characters of those pharmacists were all strange. Once they provoked Medicine God Temple, the consequences would be unimaginable.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:老者连声答应,擦了擦汗,心中庆幸,这位纨绔少爷虽然纨绔,但也今日居然没有胡搅蛮缠,你肯自己想办法自是最好不过了,只是可惜了这一大块陨铁。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The old shopkeeper agreed as he wiped his sweat, his heart on the other hand rejoiced. Even though this Young Master was a debauchee, at least he did not make any unreasonable demands. Since you want to handle it yourself, that would be for the best. Only, what a pity! Pity this Meteoric Iron.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:卡的种类五花八门,而作为使用者的卡修也是千奇百怪。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "There were all sorts of card types, and the card artisans who used them came in every oddball shape and size as well.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:这地契中,有的是房屋地契,有的是商铺地契,涉及的产业,涉及的利益,盘根错节。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "They included both residential and business properties. All kinds of business fields with various sources of financial backing were represented.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:修复卡片他是不能损坏卡片原件,也就是说,他只有一次修复的机会。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "To restore a card, he couldn’t ruin its original version, which is to say that there would be only one chance to do the repair.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:果然是正主!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "It truly is a jackpot!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:就比如老夫当年,不也人人说咱是纨绔来着?现在不照样也……\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "Back then, didn’t everyone constantly say that I am just a debauchee? But, right now…", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:王志强不是大男子主义,他经常说:咱们要共同进步呢。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "He wasn't a male chauvinist back then. He often told her that they should progress together. ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:什么!这种面试萧总怎么会亲临!这是第一次!\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "What! How could Mr. Shaw come to this interview in person! This was the first time!", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:大家义愤填膺,二叔更是眼里喷火地说:“要什么钱,我要他的命,我不去上海废了他,我不姓郑!”\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": " They were all indignant. Father’s second brother could barely control his rage and declared, “What we want should be his life, not the money! I’m not a real man unless I go to Shanghai and strangle him!” ", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:陈博哪知道这么多内情,有几分崇敬地说道:“是啊,我当初第一次看见也傻了,就跟今天看见蔷薇老板一样。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "How could Chen Bo know what was going on? With reverence he said, “Yes, I was shocked silly the first time I saw her, just like how I met you today, Boss Rose.", "role": "agent" } ]
[ { "content": "你是一名专业的网络小说翻译专家.在这个任务中,你将看到一段来自中文网络小说的句子,需要特别注意句子的动词时态和语态.你的任务是将这段句子翻译成英文,确保保留中文文本的原意,同时正确使用动词时态和虚拟语气.\n文本:这点到了神之领域更可怕,死亡会掉经验20%,装备也有相当高的机率爆出。\n翻译:", "role": "human" }, { "content": "The player would lose 20% of their experience and equipment had a high chance of dropping.", "role": "agent" } ]