[package] title = "Project Collector" description = "It's a tool that could be used to collect and gather all dependencies an USD depends on." version = "2.1.20" # Lists people or organizations that are considered the "authors" of the package. authors = ["NVIDIA"] # URL of the extension source repository. repository = "" changelog = "docs/" readme = "docs/" category = "Utility" # Preview image and icon. Folder named "data" automatically goes in git lfs (see .gitattributes file). # Preview image is shown in "Overview" of Extensions window. Screenshot of an extension might be a good preview image. preview_image = "data/preview.png" # Icon is shown in Extensions window, it is recommended to be square, of size 256x256. icon = "data/icon.png" [dependencies] "omni.usd" = {} "omni.client" = {} "omni.ui" = {} "omni.kit.window.filepicker" = {} "omni.kit.window.content_browser" = { optional=true } "omni.kit.widget.prompt" = {} "" = {} [[python.module]] name = "omni.kit.tool.collect" [[test]] timeout=300 args = [ "--/app/file/ignoreUnsavedOnExit=true", "--/app/asyncRendering=false", "--/app/window/dpiScaleOverride=1.0", "--/app/window/scaleToMonitor=false", "--no-window" ] dependencies = [ "omni.hydra.pxr", "omni.kit.commands", "omni.kit.renderer.capture", "omni.kit.mainwindow", "omni.kit.ui_test" ] stdoutFailPatterns.exclude = ["*Cannot copy from*"]
import os import platform import sys import re import asyncio import traceback from functools import partial, wraps from pxr import Sdf, Usd # This piece of wrapper is borrowed from aiofiles, see following for details # def wrap(func): @asyncio.coroutine @wraps(func) def run(*args, loop=None, executor=None, **kwargs): if loop is None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() pfunc = partial(func, *args, **kwargs) return loop.run_in_executor(executor, pfunc) return run def _read_file(path): with open(path, "rb") as f: return def _encode_content(content): if type(content) == str: payload = bytes(content.encode("utf-8")) elif type(content) != type(None): payload = bytes(content) else: payload = bytes() return payload def _write_file(file, content): with open(file, "wb") as f: payload = _encode_content(content) f.write(payload) def _open_layer(path): return Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen(path) def _open_stage(stage_path): return Usd.Stage.Open(stage_path) def _transfer_layer_content(layer, target_layer): return target_layer.TransferContent(layer) def _layer_save(layer): return layer.Save() def _export_layer_to_string(layer): return layer.ExportToString() def _re_find_all(regex, content): return re.findall(regex, content) def _replace_all(s, old_text, new_text): if type(s) == bytes: s = s.decode() return s.replace(old_text, new_text) aio_write_file = wrap(_write_file) aio_read_file = wrap(_read_file) aio_open_layer = wrap(_open_layer) aio_export_layer_to_string = wrap(_export_layer_to_string) aio_re_find_all = wrap(_re_find_all) aio_replace_all = wrap(_replace_all) aio_transfer_layer = wrap(_transfer_layer_content) aio_open_stage = wrap(_open_stage) aio_save_layer = wrap(_layer_save)
import os from .async_utils import aio_replace_all, aio_re_find_all from .utils import Utils class MDLImportItem: def __init__(self): self.import_clause = "" # The import clause like `import xx` self.import_package = "" # The package name without import directive self.package_path = "" # The package path converted from import package self.module_preset = False # If it's preset. def __repr__(self): s = f"<'import_clause': {self.import_clause}," s += f"'import_package': {self.import_package}," s += f"'packag_path': {self.package_path}>" return s class MDLParser: """A parser of mdl file, for get the relative texture files. Args: mdl_file_path (str): Human readable string describing the exception. mdl_content(bytes): MDL content in bytes array. """ def __init__(self, mdl_file_path, mdl_content): self._parsed = False self._mdl_file_path = mdl_file_path self._mdl_content = mdl_content if type(self._mdl_content) == bytes: self._mdl_content = self._mdl_content.decode() self._raw_to_absolute_texture_paths = {} self._mdl_imports = {} @property def content(self): return self._mdl_content async def parse(self): if not self._parsed: self._parsed = True texture_paths, self._mdl_imports = await self._parse_internal() absolute_mdl_basepath = os.path.dirname(self._mdl_file_path) if absolute_mdl_basepath != "/": absolute_mdl_basepath += "/" for raw_texture_path in texture_paths: if not raw_texture_path.strip(): continue if raw_texture_path[0] == '/': texture_path = "." + raw_texture_path else: texture_path = raw_texture_path absolute_texture_path = Utils.compute_absolute_path(absolute_mdl_basepath, texture_path) self._raw_to_absolute_texture_paths[raw_texture_path] = absolute_texture_path for mdl_import in self._mdl_imports: mdl_import.package_path = Utils.compute_absolute_path( absolute_mdl_basepath, mdl_import.package_path ) return self._raw_to_absolute_texture_paths, self._mdl_imports async def _parse_internal(self): if not self._mdl_content: return [], [] texture_paths = await aio_re_find_all( 'texture_2d[ \t]*\([ \t]*"(.*?)"', self._mdl_content ) texture_paths.extend( await aio_re_find_all( 'texture_3d[ \t]*\([ \t]*"(.*?)"', self._mdl_content ) ) texture_paths.extend( await aio_re_find_all( 'texture_cube[ \t]*\([ \t]*"(.*?)"', self._mdl_content ) ) texture_paths.extend( await aio_re_find_all( 'texture_ptex[ \t]*\([ \t]*"(.*?)"', self._mdl_content ) ) mdl_packages = await aio_re_find_all("import[ \t]+(.*)::.*;", self._mdl_content) mdl_imports = await aio_re_find_all("(import[ \t]+.*::.*);", self._mdl_content) mdl_packages += await aio_re_find_all("using[ \t]+(.*)[ \t]+import.*;", self._mdl_content) mdl_imports += await aio_re_find_all("(using[ \t]+.*import.*);", self._mdl_content) mdl_packages += await aio_re_find_all("=[ \t]+(.*)::.*", self._mdl_content) mdl_imports += await aio_re_find_all("(=[ \t]+.*::.*)", self._mdl_content) mdl_paths = await self._convert_packages(mdl_packages) import_items = [] for clause, package, path in zip(mdl_imports, mdl_packages, mdl_paths): item = MDLImportItem() item.import_clause = clause item.import_package = package item.package_path = path if clause.startswith("="): item.module_preset = True import_items.append(item) return texture_paths, import_items async def _convert_packages(self, packages): paths = [] for mdl_package in packages: path = await aio_replace_all(mdl_package, "::", "/") if path: paths.append(path + ".mdl") return paths
import os from omni import ui from .icons import Icons from .filebrowser import FileBrowserSelectionType, FileBrowserMode from .file_picker import FilePicker class CollectMainWindow: def __init__(self, collect_button_fn=None, cancel_button_fn=None): self._collect_button_fn = collect_button_fn self._cancel_button_fn = cancel_button_fn self._file_picker = None self._collection_path_field = None self._build_content_ui() def destroy(self): self._collect_button_fn = None self._cancel_button_fn = None self._collection_path_field = None if self._file_picker: self._file_picker.destroy() self._file_picker = None if self._cancel_button: self._cancel_button.set_clicked_fn(None) self._cancel_button = None if self._collect_button: self._collect_button.set_clicked_fn(None) self._collect_button = None if self._folder_button: self._folder_button.set_clicked_fn(None) self._folder_button = None self._window = None def set_collect_fn(self, collect_fn): self._collect_button_fn = collect_fn def set_cancel_fn(self, cancel_fn): self._cancel_button_fn = cancel_fn def _build_content_ui(self): self._window = ui.Window( "Collection Options", visible=False, height=0, dockPreference=ui.DockPreference.DISABLED ) self._window.flags = ( ui.WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_COLLAPSE | ui.WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_RESIZE | ui.WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_SCROLLBAR | ui.WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_RESIZE | ui.WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_MOVE ) self._window.flags = self._window.flags | ui.WINDOW_FLAGS_MODAL def _build_option_checkbox(text, default_value, identifier, tooltip=None): stack = ui.HStack(height=0, width=0) with stack: checkbox = ui.CheckBox(width=20, identifier=identifier, style={"font_size": 16}) checkbox.model.set_value(default_value) ui.Label(text, alignment=ui.Alignment.LEFT) if tooltip: stack.set_tooltip(tooltip) return checkbox style = { "Rectangle::hovering": {"background_color": 0x0, "border_radius": 2, "margin": 0, "padding": 0}, "Rectangle::hovering:hovered": {"background_color": 0xFF9E9E9E}, "Button.Image::folder": {"image_url": Icons().get("folder")}, "Button.Image::folder:checked": {"image_url": Icons().get("folder")}, "Button::folder": {"background_color": 0x0, "margin": 0}, "Button::folder:checked": {"background_color": 0x0, "margin": 0}, "Button::folder:pressed": {"background_color": 0x0, "margin": 0}, "Button::folder:hovered": {"background_color": 0x0, "margin": 0}, } self._window.width = 600 with self._window.frame: with ui.HStack(height=0, style=style): ui.Spacer(width=40) with ui.VStack(spacing=10): ui.Spacer(height=10) # build collection path widgets with ui.HStack(height=0): ui.Label("Collection Path: ", width=0) with ui.VStack(height=0): ui.Spacer(height=4) self._collection_path_field = ui.StringField( height=20, identifier="collect_path", width=ui.Fraction(1) ) ui.Spacer(height=4) ui.Spacer(width=5) with ui.VStack(width=0): ui.Spacer() with ui.ZStack(width=20, height=20): ui.Rectangle(name="hovering") self._folder_button = ui.Button( name="folder", identifier="folder_button", width=24, height=24 ) self._folder_button.set_tooltip("Choose folder") ui.Spacer() ui.Spacer(width=2) self._folder_button.set_clicked_fn(lambda: self._show_file_picker()) # build collection options with ui.HStack(height=0, spacing=10): self._usd_only_checkbox = _build_option_checkbox( "USD Only", False, "usd_only_checkbox", "Only USD files will be collected. Any materials bindings will be removed.", ) self._material_only_checkbox = _build_option_checkbox( "Material Only", False, "material_only_checkbox", "Only MDL files and their depdendent textures will be collected.", ) self._flat_collection_checkbox = _build_option_checkbox( "Flat Collection", False, "flat_collection_checkbox", "By default, it will keep the folder structure after collection. " "After this option is enabled, assets will be collected into specified folders.", ) # add value changed callback to enable flat collection settings combo self._flat_collection_checkbox.model.add_value_changed_fn(self._on_flat_collection_toggled) # build flat collection texture options (visibility toggled by flat collection checkbox) with ui.HStack(spacing=10): tooltip = "Options for grouping for textures.\nTextures can be grouped under parent folders by MDL or USD, or flat in the same hierarchy." self._flat_options_widgets = [ ui.Label("Flat Collection Texture Option: ", name="label", width=0, tooltip=tooltip), ui.ComboBox( 0, "Group By MDL", "Group By USD", "Flat", height=10, name="choices", identifier="texture_option_combo", ), ] for widget in self._flat_options_widgets: widget.visible = False ui.Spacer(height=0) # build action buttons with ui.HStack(height=0): ui.Spacer() self._collect_button = ui.Button("Start", width=120, height=0) self._collect_button.set_clicked_fn(self._on_collect_button_clicked) self._cancel_button = ui.Button("Cancel", width=120, height=0) self._cancel_button.set_clicked_fn(self._on_cancel_button_clicked) ui.Spacer() ui.Spacer(height=20) ui.Spacer(width=40) def _on_collect_button_clicked(self): if self._collect_button_fn: collect_dir = self._collection_path_field.model.get_value_as_string() usd_only = self._usd_only_checkbox.model.get_value_as_bool() material_only = self._material_only_checkbox.model.get_value_as_bool() flat_collection = self._flat_collection_checkbox.model.get_value_as_bool() texture_option = self._flat_options_widgets[1].model.get_item_value_model().as_int self._collect_button_fn(collect_dir, usd_only, flat_collection, material_only, texture_option) self._window.visible = False def _on_cancel_button_clicked(self): if self._cancel_button_fn: self._cancel_button_fn() self._window.visible = False def _select_picked_folder_callback(self, path): self._collection_path_field.model.set_value(path) self._window.visible = True def _cancel_picked_folder_callback(self): self._window.visible = True def _show_file_picker(self): self._window.visible = False if not self._file_picker: mode = FileBrowserMode.SAVE file_type = FileBrowserSelectionType.DIRECTORY_ONLY filters = [(".*", "All Files (*.*)")] self._file_picker = FilePicker( "Select Collect Destination", mode=mode, file_type=file_type, filter_options=filters ) self._file_picker.set_filebar_label_name("Folder name") self._file_picker.set_file_selected_fn(self._select_picked_folder_callback) self._file_picker.set_cancel_fn(self._cancel_picked_folder_callback) path = self._collection_path_field.model.get_value_as_string().rstrip("/") dir_name = os.path.dirname(path) folder_name = os.path.basename(path), folder_name) def _on_flat_collection_toggled(self, model): for widget in self._flat_options_widgets: widget.visible = model.as_bool def show(self, export_folder=None): if export_folder: self._collection_path_field.model.set_value(export_folder) self._window.visible = True def hide(self): self._window.visible = False
import os import asyncio import weakref import omni import omni.usd import carb from typing import Callable from omni.kit.widget.prompt import PromptButtonInfo, PromptManager from .omni_client_wrapper import OmniClientWrapper from .main_window import CollectMainWindow from .collector import Collector, CollectorException, CollectorFailureOptions, FlatCollectionTextureOptions from .progress_popup import ProgressPopup from .utils import Utils from import MenuItemDescription g_singleton = None def get_instance(): global g_singleton return g_singleton class PublicExtension(omni.ext.IExt): def on_startup(self): self._main_window = None self._context_menu_name = None self._register_menus() global g_singleton g_singleton = self def on_shutdown(self): global g_singleton g_singleton = None content_window = self.get_content_window() if content_window and self._context_menu_name: content_window.delete_context_menu(self._context_menu_name) self._context_menu_name = None if self._main_window: self._main_window.destroy() self._main_window = None def collect(self, filepath: str, finish_callback: Callable[[], None] = None) -> None: """ Collect a usd file. Args: filepath: Path to usd file to be collected. """ if not omni.usd.is_usd_writable_filetype(filepath): self._show_file_not_supported_popup() else: self._show_main_window(filepath, finish_callback) def _register_menus(self): content_window = self.get_content_window() if content_window: self._context_menu_name = content_window.add_context_menu( "Collect Asset", "upload.svg", lambda b, c: self._on_menu_click(b, c), omni.usd.is_usd_writable_filetype ) def _collect(): stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() self.collect(stage.GetRootLayer().identifier) def _enable_collect_menu(): stage = omni.usd.get_context().get_stage() return stage is not None and not stage.GetRootLayer().anonymous self._file_menu_list = [ MenuItemDescription( name="Collect As...", glyph="none.svg", appear_after="Save Flattened As...", enable_fn=_enable_collect_menu, onclick_fn=_collect, ) ], "File") def _get_collection_dir(self, folder, usd_file_name): stage_name = os.path.splitext(usd_file_name)[0] if not folder.endswith("/"): folder += "/" folder = Utils.normalize_path(folder) return f"{folder}Collected_{stage_name}" def _show_folder_exist_popup( self, usd_path, collect_dir, usd_only, flat_collection, material_only, texture_option, finish_callback: Callable[[], None] = None, ): def on_confirm(): self._start_collecting( usd_path, collect_dir, usd_only, flat_collection, material_only, texture_option, finish_callback ) def on_cancel(): self._show_main_window(usd_path) PromptManager.post_simple_prompt( "Overwrite", "The target directory already exists, do you want to overwrite it?", PromptButtonInfo("Confirm", on_confirm), PromptButtonInfo("Cancel", on_cancel), modal=False, ) def _start_collecting( self, usd_path, collect_folder, usd_only, flat_collection, material_only, texture_option, finish_callback: Callable[[], None] = None, ): progress_popup = self._show_progress_popup() progress_popup.status_text = "Collecting dependencies..." collector = Collector( usd_path, collect_folder, usd_only, flat_collection, material_only, texture_option=FlatCollectionTextureOptions(texture_option), ) collector_weakref = weakref.ref(collector) def on_cancel(): carb.log_info("Cancelling collector...") if not collector_weakref(): return collector_weakref().cancel() progress_popup.set_cancel_fn(on_cancel) def on_progress(step, total): progress_popup.status_text = f"Collecting USD {os.path.basename(usd_path)}..." if total != 0: progress_popup.progress = float(step) / total else: progress_popup.progress = 0.0 def on_finish(): if finish_callback: finish_callback() progress_popup.hide() self._refresh_current_directory() if self._main_window: self._main_window.set_collect_fn(None) if not collector_weakref(): return collector_weakref().destroy() asyncio.ensure_future(collector.collect(on_progress, on_finish)) def _show_main_window(self, usd_path, finish_callback: Callable[[], None] = None): if not self._main_window: self._main_window = CollectMainWindow(None, None) def on_collect(collect_folder, usd_only, flat_collection, material_only, texture_option): existed = OmniClientWrapper.exists_sync(collect_folder) if existed: self._show_folder_exist_popup( usd_path, collect_folder, usd_only, flat_collection, material_only, texture_option, finish_callback ) else: self._start_collecting( usd_path, collect_folder, usd_only, flat_collection, material_only, texture_option, finish_callback ) self._main_window.set_collect_fn(on_collect) default_folder = self._get_collection_dir(os.path.dirname(usd_path), os.path.basename(usd_path)) def _on_menu_click(self, menu, value): self.collect(value) def _refresh_current_directory(self): content_window = self.get_content_window() if content_window: content_window.refresh_current_directory() def _show_progress_popup(self): progress_popup = ProgressPopup("Collecting") progress_popup.progress = 0 return progress_popup def _show_file_not_supported_popup(self): PromptManager.post_simple_prompt("Warning", "Only USD file can be collected") def get_content_window(self): try: import omni.kit.window.content_browser as content return content.get_content_window() except Exception as e: pass return None
from .extension import PublicExtension, get_instance, CollectorFailureOptions, Collector, CollectorException
import omni import os from omni.kit.widget.prompt import PromptManager, PromptButtonInfo from .omni_client_wrapper import OmniClientWrapper from .filebrowser import FileBrowserMode from .filebrowser.app_filebrowser import FileBrowserUI class FilePicker: def __init__(self, title, mode, file_type, filter_options, ok_button_title="Open"): self._mode = mode self._app = self._open_handler = None self._cancel_handler = None self._ui_handler = FileBrowserUI(title, mode, file_type, filter_options, ok_button_title) def _show_prompt(self, file_path, file_save_handler): def on_confirm(): if file_save_handler: file_save_handler(file_path) PromptManager.post_simple_prompt( f'{omni.kit.ui.get_custom_glyph_code("${glyphs}/exclamation.svg")} Overwrite', f"File {os.path.basename(file_path)} already exists, do you want to overwrite it?", PromptButtonInfo("Confirm", on_confirm), PromptButtonInfo("Cancel") ) def _save_and_prompt_if_exists(self, file_path, file_save_handler=None): existed = OmniClientWrapper.exists_sync(file_path) if existed: self._show_prompt(file_path, file_save_handler) elif file_save_handler: file_save_handler(file_path) def _on_file_open(self, path): if self._mode == FileBrowserMode.SAVE: self._save_and_prompt_if_exists(path, self._open_handler) elif self._open_handler: self._open_handler(path) def _on_cancel_open(self): if self._cancel_handler: self._cancel_handler() def set_file_selected_fn(self, file_open_handler): self._open_handler = file_open_handler def set_cancel_fn(self, cancel_handler): self._cancel_handler = cancel_handler def show(self, dir=None, filename=None): if self._ui_handler: if dir and OmniClientWrapper.exists_sync(dir): self._ui_handler.set_current_directory(dir) if filename: self._ui_handler.set_current_filename(filename), self._on_cancel_open) def set_current_directory(self, dir): if self._ui_handler: if dir and OmniClientWrapper.exists_sync(dir): self._ui_handler.set_current_directory(dir) def set_current_filename(self, filename): if self._ui_handler: self._ui_handler.set_current_filename(filename) def set_filebar_label_name(self, name): if self._ui_handler: self._ui_handler.set_filebar_label_name(name) def destroy(self): self._open_handler = None self._cancel_handler = None if self._ui_handler: self._ui_handler.destroy() self._ui_handler = None
from omni import ui class CustomProgressModel(ui.AbstractValueModel): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._value = 0.0 def set_value(self, value): """Reimplemented set""" try: value = float(value) except ValueError: value = None if value != self._value: # Tell the widget that the model is changed self._value = value self._value_changed() def get_value_as_float(self): return self._value def get_value_as_string(self): return str(int(self._value * 100)) + "%" class ProgressPopup: """Creates a modal window with a status label and a progress bar inside. Args: title (str): Title of this window. cancel_button_text (str): It will have a cancel button by default. This is the title of it. cancel_button_fn (function): The callback after cancel button is clicked. status_text (str): The status text. min_value: The min value of the progress bar. It's 0 by default. max_value: The max value of the progress bar. It's 100 by default. dark_style: If it's to use dark style or light style. It's dark stye by default. """ def __init__(self, title, cancel_button_text="Cancel", cancel_button_fn=None, status_text="", modal=False): self._status_text = status_text self._title = title self._cancel_button_text = cancel_button_text self._cancel_button_fn = cancel_button_fn self._progress_bar_model = None self._modal = modal self._popup = None self._buttons = [] self._build_ui() def destroy(self): self._cancel_button_fn = None self._progress_bar_model = None for button in self._buttons: button.set_clicked_fn(None) self._popup = None def __enter__(self): self._popup.visible = True return self def __exit__(self, type, value, trace): self._popup.visible = False def set_cancel_fn(self, on_cancel_button_clicked): self._cancel_button_fn = on_cancel_button_clicked def set_progress(self, progress): self._progress_bar.model.set_value(progress) def get_progress(self): return self._progress_bar.model.get_value_as_float() progress = property(get_progress, set_progress) def set_status_text(self, status_text): self._status_label.text = status_text def get_status_text(self): return self._status_label.text status_text = property(get_status_text, set_status_text) def show(self): self._popup.visible = True def hide(self): self._popup.visible = False def is_visible(self): return self._popup.visible def _on_cancel_button_fn(self): self.hide() if self._cancel_button_fn: self._cancel_button_fn() def _build_ui(self): self._popup = ui.Window( self._title, visible=False, auto_resize=True, height=0, dockPreference=ui.DockPreference.DISABLED ) self._popup.flags = ( ui.WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_COLLAPSE | ui.WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_SCROLLBAR | ui.WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_RESIZE ) if self._modal: self._popup.flags = self._popup.flags | ui.WINDOW_FLAGS_MODAL with self._popup.frame: with ui.VStack(height=0, width=400): ui.Spacer(height=10) with ui.HStack(height=0): ui.Spacer() self._status_label = ui.Label(self._status_text, width=0, height=0) ui.Spacer() ui.Spacer(height=10) with ui.HStack(height=0): ui.Spacer(width=40) self._progress_bar_model = CustomProgressModel() self._progress_bar = ui.ProgressBar( self._progress_bar_model, width=320, style={"color": 0xFFFF9E3D} ) ui.Spacer(width=40) ui.Spacer(height=10) with ui.HStack(height=0): ui.Spacer(height=0) cancel_button = ui.Button(self._cancel_button_text, width=120, height=0) cancel_button.set_clicked_fn(self._on_cancel_button_fn) self._buttons.append(cancel_button) ui.Spacer(height=0) ui.Spacer(width=0, height=10)
import re import omni from urllib.parse import unquote class Utils: MDL_RE = re.compile("^.*\\.mdl?$", re.IGNORECASE) # References # for regex details to detect udim textures. UDIM_MARKER_RE = re.compile("^.*(<UDIM>|<UVTILE0>|<UVTILE1>).*") UDIM_GROUP_RE = re.compile("^(.*)(<UDIM>|<UVTILE0>|<UVTILE1>)(.*)") @staticmethod def normalize_path(path): path = omni.client.normalize_url(path) # Hard-decoding url currently since combine_urls will encode url path = unquote(path) return path.replace("\\", "/") @staticmethod def compute_absolute_path(base_path, path): # Handles old omni path if path.startswith("omni:"): path = path[5:] absolute_path = omni.client.combine_urls(base_path, path) return Utils.normalize_path(absolute_path) @staticmethod def is_material(path): if not path: return False path = Utils.remove_query_from_url(path) if Utils.MDL_RE.match(path): return True return False @staticmethod def is_local_path(path): if not path: return False client_url = omni.client.break_url(path) return client_url and client_url.is_raw @staticmethod def is_omniverse_path(path): return path and path.startswith("omniverse://") @staticmethod def remove_query_from_url(url): if not url: return url client_url = omni.client.break_url(url) url_without_query = omni.client.make_url( scheme=client_url.scheme, user=client_url.user,, port=client_url.port, path=client_url.path, query=None, fragment=client_url.fragment, ) url_without_query = url_without_query.replace("\\", "/") return url_without_query @staticmethod def is_udim_texture(path): if not path: return False path = Utils.remove_query_from_url(path) url = omni.client.break_url(path) if url and Utils.UDIM_MARKER_RE.match(url.path): return True return False @staticmethod def is_udim_wildcard_texture(path, udim_texture_path): if not path or not udim_texture_path: return False udim_path = Utils.remove_query_from_url(udim_texture_path) url = omni.client.break_url(udim_path) groups = Utils.UDIM_GROUP_RE.match(url.path) if not groups: return False base_path = groups[1] suffix_path = groups[3] wildcard_re = re.compile(re.escape(base_path) + "((\\d\\d\\d\\d)|(_u\\d*_v\\d*))" + suffix_path) path = Utils.remove_query_from_url(path) url = omni.client.break_url(path) if wildcard_re.match(url.path): return True return False @staticmethod def make_relative_path(relative_to, path): relative_path = omni.client.make_relative_url(relative_to, path) return Utils.normalize_path(relative_path)
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property # and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation # and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or # distribution of this software and related documentation without an express # license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. # from pathlib import Path from .singleton import Singleton @Singleton class Icons: """A singleton that scans the icon folder and returns the icon depending on the type""" def __init__(self): self._current_path = Path(__file__).parent self._icon_path = self._current_path.parent.parent.parent.parent.joinpath("icons") self._icons = {icon.stem: icon for icon in self._icon_path.glob("*.png")} def get(self, name, default=None): """Checks the icon cache and returns the icon if exists""" found = self._icons.get(name) if not found and default: found = self._icons.get(default) if found: return str(found)
import os import asyncio import omni import omni.usd import carb import traceback from enum import IntFlag, Enum from pxr import Sdf, Usd, UsdUtils, UsdShade, UsdLux, Tf from .omni_client_wrapper import OmniClientWrapper from .utils import Utils from .async_utils import aio_open_layer, aio_replace_all, aio_save_layer from .mdl_parser import MDLParser from .async_utils import wrap class CollectorFailureOptions(IntFlag): """Options to customize failure options""" SILENT = 0 # Silent for all failures except root USD. EXTERNAL_USD_REFERENCES = 1 # Throws exception if any external USD file is not found. OTHER_EXTERNAL_REFERENCES = 4 # Throws exception if external references other than all above are missing. class CollectorException(Exception): def __init__(self, error: str): self._error = error def __str__(self): return self._error class CollectorTaskType: """Task type""" READ_TASK = 0 WRITE_TASK = 1 COPY_TASK = 2 RESOLVE_TASK = 3 class FlatCollectionTextureOptions(Enum): """Collection options for textures under 'Flat Collection' mode""" BY_MDL = 0 # group textures by MDL BY_USD = 1 # group textures by USD FLAT = 2 # all textures will be under the same hierarchy, flat class Collector: """Collect stage related asset to {target_folder}/collected_stagename/}. Args: usd_path (str): The usd stage to be collected. collect_dir (str): The target dir to collect the usd stage to. usd_only (bool): Collects usd files only or not. It will ignore all asset types. flat_collection (bool): Collects stage without keeping the original dir structure. material_only (bool): Collects material and textures only or not. It will ignore all other asset types. skip_existing (bool): If files already exist in the target location, don't copy again. Be careful of corrupt files texture_option (FlatCollectionTextureOptions): Specifies how textures are grouped in flat collection mode. This is to avoid name collision which results in textures overwriting each other in the cases where textures for different assets are not uniquely named. If both `usd_only` and `material_only` are true, it will collect all. """ def __init__( self, usd_path: str, collect_dir: str, usd_only: bool, flat_collection: bool, material_only: bool = False, failure_options=CollectorFailureOptions.SILENT, skip_existing: bool = False, max_concurrent_tasks=64, texture_option=FlatCollectionTextureOptions.BY_MDL, ): self._usd_path = Utils.normalize_path(usd_path) self._collect_dir = Utils.normalize_path(collect_dir) if not self._collect_dir.endswith("/"): self._collect_dir += "/" self._usd_only = usd_only and not material_only self._material_only = material_only and not usd_only self._flat_collection = flat_collection self._texture_option = texture_option self._finished = False self._cancelled = False self.MAX_CONCURRENT_TASKS = max_concurrent_tasks self._current_tasks = set([]) self._finished_callback = None self._progress_callback = None self._unique_path_name = {} # Records the count key that appears in the collected paths to generate unique name self._source_target_path_mapping = {} # It records source to target self._failure_options = failure_options self._skip_existing = skip_existing self._layer_store = {} self._mdl_parsers = {} self._sublayer_offsets = {} self._other_asset_paths = set({}) self._current_progress = 0 self._total_steps = 0 self._all_read_paths = set({}) def destroy(self): self._finished_callback = None self._progress_callback = None def _caculate_flat_target_path(self, path, parent_asset=None): target_dir = self._collect_dir master_usd = Utils.normalize_path(path) == self._usd_path material_only = self._material_only file_url = omni.client.break_url(path) target_url = omni.client.break_url(target_dir) file_path = file_url.path file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) if omni.usd.is_usd_writable_filetype(path) and master_usd: int_dir = "" else: if not material_only: int_dir = "SubUSDs/" else: int_dir = "" if Utils.is_material(file_name): int_dir = f"{int_dir}materials/" elif not omni.usd.is_usd_writable_filetype(file_name): int_dir = f"{int_dir}textures/" # OM-52799 add options to group textures by MDL / USD assets to avoid name collision causing overwrites if parent_asset: parent_name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(parent_asset)) # currently not including the file extension in parent folder names, but could add it in if it is # more clear to show the ext as a suffix to the folder name int_dir += f"{parent_name}/" target_path = target_url.path + int_dir + file_name if file_url.query: branch_checkpoint = omni.client.get_branch_and_checkpoint_from_query(file_url.query) if branch_checkpoint: branch, checkpoint = branch_checkpoint file_path, ext = os.path.splitext(target_path) if not branch: branch = "default" target_path = f"{file_path}__{branch}__v{checkpoint}{ext}" target_path = omni.client.make_url( scheme=target_url.scheme, user=target_url.user,, port=target_url.port, path=target_path, query=None, fragment=None, ) return Utils.normalize_path(target_path) # All paths must be absolute path def _calculate_target_path(self, file_path, parent_asset=None): file_path = Utils.normalize_path(file_path) if self._flat_collection: return self._caculate_flat_target_path(file_path, parent_asset=parent_asset) target_dir = self._collect_dir if not target_dir.endswith("/"): target_dir += "/" stage_path = self._usd_path stage_url = omni.client.break_url(stage_path) if not stage_url.scheme: stage_path_with_scheme = "file://" + stage_path else: stage_path_with_scheme = stage_path file_url = omni.client.break_url(file_path) if not file_url.scheme: file_path_with_shceme = "file://" + file_path else: file_path_with_shceme = file_path stage_url = omni.client.break_url(stage_path_with_scheme) file_url = omni.client.break_url(file_path_with_shceme) target_url = omni.client.break_url(target_dir) if stage_url.scheme != file_url.scheme or != file_path = file_url.path.lstrip("/") if target_path = target_url.path + + "/" + file_path else: target_path = target_url.path + file_path else: stage_url_path = stage_url.path.replace("//", "/") file_url_path = file_url.path.replace("//", "/") common_path = os.path.commonpath([os.path.dirname(stage_url_path), os.path.dirname(file_url_path)]) common_path = common_path.replace("\\", "/") file_path = file_url_path[len(common_path) :].lstrip("/") target_path = target_url.path + file_path if file_url.query: branch_checkpoint = omni.client.get_branch_and_checkpoint_from_query(file_url.query) if branch_checkpoint: branch, checkpoint = branch_checkpoint file_name, ext = os.path.splitext(target_path) if not branch: branch = "default" target_path = f"{file_name}__{branch}__v{checkpoint}{ext}" target_path = omni.client.make_url( scheme=target_url.scheme, user=target_url.user,, port=target_url.port, path=target_path, query=None, fragment=None, ) return Utils.normalize_path(target_path) async def _get_total_steps(self): stage_path = self._usd_path collect_usd_only = self._usd_only carb.log_info(f"Downloading and collecting dependencies: {stage_path}...") # Pre-warming to download all USDs and MDLs in parallel. target_path = self._calculate_target_path(stage_path) self._source_target_path_mapping[stage_path] = target_path if target_path and target_path == stage_path: self._raise_or_log( stage_path, f"Failed to collect layer {stage_path} as it tries to overwrite itself.", True ) await self.__add_read_task(stage_path) # Cancelled if not await self.wait_all_unfinished_tasks(True): return None if collect_usd_only: total = len(self._layer_store) else: total_textures = 0 for parser in self._mdl_parsers.values(): raw_to_absolute_texture_paths, _ = await parser.parse() total_textures += len(raw_to_absolute_texture_paths) total_material_assets = len(self._mdl_parsers) + total_textures if self._material_only: total = len(self._other_asset_paths) + total_material_assets else: total = len(self._layer_store) + len(self._other_asset_paths) + total_material_assets return total def _remove_prim_spec(self, layer: Sdf.Layer, prim_spec_path: str): prim_spec = layer.GetPrimAtPath(prim_spec_path) if not prim_spec: return False if prim_spec.nameParent: name_parent = prim_spec.nameParent else: name_parent = layer.pseudoRoot if not name_parent: return False name = if name in name_parent.nameChildren: del name_parent.nameChildren[name] def _remove_all_materials_and_bindings(self, stage_path): stage = Usd.Stage.Open(stage_path) if not stage: return to_be_removed = [] for prim in stage.Traverse(): if prim.IsA(UsdShade.Material): to_be_removed.append(prim) binding_api = UsdShade.MaterialBindingAPI(prim) if binding_api: binding_api.UnbindAllBindings() if prim.IsA(UsdLux.DomeLight): dome_light = UsdLux.DomeLight(prim) dome_light.GetTextureFileAttr().Set("") for prim in to_be_removed: to_remove_paths = [] if prim: for prim_spec in prim.GetPrimStack(): layer = prim_spec.layer to_remove_paths.append((layer, prim_spec.path)) for item in to_remove_paths: self._remove_prim_spec(item[0], item[1]) stage.Save() def __modify_external_references(self, original_layer_identifier, target_layer): def modifiy_paths_cb(path): absolute_path = Utils.compute_absolute_path(original_layer_identifier, path) target_path = self._source_target_path_mapping.get(absolute_path, None) if not target_path: return path return Utils.make_relative_path(target_layer.identifier, target_path) try: UsdUtils.ModifyAssetPaths(target_layer, modifiy_paths_cb) except Exception as e: carb.log_error(f"Failed to modify asset paths {target_layer.identifier}:" + str(e)) LAYER_OMNI_CUSTOM_KEY = "omni_layer" LAYER_MUTENESS_CUSTOM_KEY = "muteness" custom_data = target_layer.customLayerData if LAYER_OMNI_CUSTOM_KEY in custom_data: omni_data = custom_data[LAYER_OMNI_CUSTOM_KEY] if LAYER_MUTENESS_CUSTOM_KEY in omni_data: new_muteness_data = {} for path, muted in omni_data[LAYER_MUTENESS_CUSTOM_KEY].items(): absolute_path = Utils.compute_absolute_path(original_layer_identifier, path) target_path = self._source_target_path_mapping.get(absolute_path, None) if target_path: target_path = Utils.make_relative_path(target_layer.identifier, target_path) new_muteness_data[target_path] = muted if new_muteness_data: omni_data[LAYER_MUTENESS_CUSTOM_KEY] = new_muteness_data custom_data[LAYER_OMNI_CUSTOM_KEY] = omni_data target_layer.customLayerData = custom_data def __mapping_source_path(self, source_path, parent_asset=None): if source_path in self._source_target_path_mapping: return False # OM-52799 add options to group textures by MDL / USD assets to avoid name collision causing overwrites target_path = self._calculate_target_path(source_path, parent_asset=parent_asset) target_path = self._make_sure_unique_path(target_path) self._source_target_path_mapping[source_path] = target_path return True # Gets external references. async def __get_external_references(self, original_layer_identifier, target_layer): stage_path = self._usd_path try: sublayer_paths, reference_paths, payload_paths = UsdUtils.ExtractExternalReferences(target_layer.identifier) except Exception as e: carb.log_error(f"Failed to collect {target_layer.identifier}: " + str(e)) sublayer_paths = [] reference_paths = [] payload_paths = [] all_usd_paths = set() all_mdl_paths = set() other_asset_paths = set() async def track_path(path): absolute_path = Utils.compute_absolute_path(original_layer_identifier, path) if absolute_path in self._source_target_path_mapping: return if Utils.is_material(path): existed = await OmniClientWrapper.exists(absolute_path) # OM-44975: If it's not existed locally and it cannot be resolved with search paths, # just leave the path as it is. if not existed: absolute_path = Utils.compute_absolute_path(stage_path, path) # OM-43965: resolve agaist stage path. existed = await OmniClientWrapper.exists(absolute_path) if not existed: return mapping_kwargs = {} if Utils.is_udim_texture(absolute_path): all_asset_paths = await self.__populate_udim_textures(absolute_path) for path in all_asset_paths: self.__mapping_source_path(path, **mapping_kwargs) else: all_asset_paths = [absolute_path] if omni.usd.is_usd_writable_filetype(absolute_path): all_usd_paths.add(absolute_path) elif Utils.is_material(absolute_path): all_mdl_paths.add(absolute_path) else: # should only add parent asset option in mapping if the current path is not USD or MDL if self._flat_collection and self._texture_option is FlatCollectionTextureOptions.BY_USD: # do not add the root stage itself as a parent if original_layer_identifier != self._usd_path: mapping_kwargs["parent_asset"] = original_layer_identifier # Adds udim mapping but not into copy list. if Utils.is_udim_texture(absolute_path): all_asset_paths = await self.__populate_udim_textures(absolute_path) for path in all_asset_paths: self.__mapping_source_path(path, **mapping_kwargs) else: all_asset_paths = [absolute_path] other_asset_paths.update(all_asset_paths) self.__mapping_source_path(absolute_path, **mapping_kwargs) async def check_paths(paths): tasks = [] for path in paths: future = asyncio.ensure_future(track_path(path)) tasks.append(future) if tasks: await asyncio.wait(tasks, return_when=asyncio.ALL_COMPLETED) await check_paths(sublayer_paths) await check_paths(reference_paths) await check_paths(payload_paths) return all_usd_paths, all_mdl_paths, other_asset_paths async def open_or_create_layer(self, layer_path, clear=True): # WA to fix OM-33212 await omni.client.create_folder_async(os.path.dirname(layer_path)) layer = await aio_open_layer(layer_path) if not layer: layer = Sdf.Layer.CreateNew(layer_path) elif clear: layer.Clear() return layer async def add_copy_task(self, source, target, skip_if_existed=False): if self._skip_existing and await OmniClientWrapper.exists(target): carb.log_info(f"Asset file {target} already exists, skipping copy") else: carb.log_info(f"Adding copy task from {source} to {target}") task = asyncio.ensure_future(OmniClientWrapper.copy(source, target, True)) task.source = source = target task.task_type = CollectorTaskType.COPY_TASK self._current_tasks.add(task) if len(self._current_tasks) >= self.MAX_CONCURRENT_TASKS: await self.wait_all_unfinished_tasks() async def add_write_task(self, target, content): carb.log_info(f"Adding write task to {target}") task = asyncio.ensure_future(OmniClientWrapper.write(target, content)) task.task_type = CollectorTaskType.WRITE_TASK task.source = None = target self._current_tasks.add(task) if len(self._current_tasks) >= self.MAX_CONCURRENT_TASKS: await self.wait_all_unfinished_tasks() async def __add_layer_resolve_task(self, source_layer_path, target_layer): carb.log_info(f"Adding layer resolve task for {target_layer.identifier}") task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.__resolve_layer(source_layer_path, target_layer)) task.task_type = CollectorTaskType.RESOLVE_TASK task.source = target_layer.identifier = None self._current_tasks.add(task) if len(self._current_tasks) >= self.MAX_CONCURRENT_TASKS: await self.wait_all_unfinished_tasks() async def __resolve_layer(self, source_layer_path, target_layer): # Resolve all external assets __aio_modify_external_references = wrap(self.__modify_external_references) await __aio_modify_external_references(source_layer_path, target_layer) # OM-40291: Copy sublayer offsets. sublayer_offsets = self._sublayer_offsets.get(source_layer_path, None) if sublayer_offsets: for i in range(len(sublayer_offsets)): target_layer.subLayerOffsets[i] = sublayer_offsets[i] return await aio_save_layer(target_layer) async def __open_and_analyze_layer(self, source_path, target_path): if self._material_only: target_layer = await aio_open_layer(source_path) else: # OM-52207: copy it firstly to keep tags for omniverse path. success = await OmniClientWrapper.copy(source_path, target_path, True) if not success: return False try: target_layer = await self.open_or_create_layer(target_path, False) except Tf.ErrorException: # WA for OM-52094: usda in server may be saved as usdc format, # which cannot be opened with USD library locally. # The solution here is to rename it as .usd. target_layer = None root, _ = os.path.splitext(target_path) renamed_usd = root + ".usd" success = await OmniClientWrapper.copy(target_path, renamed_usd) if success: await OmniClientWrapper.delete(target_path) target_layer = await self.open_or_create_layer(renamed_usd, False) self._source_target_path_mapping[source_path] = renamed_usd if not target_layer: return False self._layer_store[source_path] = target_layer if target_layer.subLayerOffsets: self._sublayer_offsets[source_path] = target_layer.subLayerOffsets.copy() carb.log_info(f"Collecting dependencies for usd {source_path}...") all_usd_paths, all_mdl_paths, all_other_paths = await self.__get_external_references(source_path, target_layer) for path in all_usd_paths: if self._cancelled: break await self.__add_read_task(path) if self._usd_only: self._remove_all_materials_and_bindings(target_layer.identifier) else: for path in all_mdl_paths: if self._cancelled: break await self.__add_read_task(path) self._other_asset_paths.update(all_other_paths) return True async def __populate_udim_textures(self, udim_texture_path): src_dir = os.path.dirname(udim_texture_path) if not src_dir.endswith("/"): src_dir = src_dir + "/" result, entries = await omni.client.list_async(src_dir) if result != omni.client.Result.OK: self._raise_or_log( udim_texture_path, f"Failed to list UDIM textures {udim_texture_path}, error code: {result}" ) texture_paths = [] for entry in entries: texture_path = Utils.compute_absolute_path(src_dir, entry.relative_path) if Utils.is_udim_wildcard_texture(texture_path, udim_texture_path): texture_paths.append(texture_path) return texture_paths async def __open_and_analyze_mdl(self, path, target_path): # OM-52207: copy it firstly to keep tags for omniverse path. if Utils.is_omniverse_path(path): success = await OmniClientWrapper.copy(path, target_path, True) if not success: return False content = await if not content: return False mdl_parser = MDLParser(path, content) self._mdl_parsers[path] = mdl_parser carb.log_info(f"Collecting dependencies for mdl {path}...") raw_to_absolute_texture_paths, imports = await mdl_parser.parse() mapping_kwargs = {} if self._flat_collection and self._texture_option is FlatCollectionTextureOptions.BY_MDL: mapping_kwargs["parent_asset"] = path for absolute_texture_path in raw_to_absolute_texture_paths.values(): if not self.__mapping_source_path(absolute_texture_path, **mapping_kwargs): continue if Utils.is_udim_texture(absolute_texture_path): all_asset_paths = await self.__populate_udim_textures(absolute_texture_path) for path in all_asset_paths: self.__mapping_source_path(path, **mapping_kwargs) for mdl_import in imports: if self._cancelled: break absolute_import_path = mdl_import.package_path if not await OmniClientWrapper.exists(absolute_import_path): continue self.__mapping_source_path(absolute_import_path) await self.__add_read_task(absolute_import_path) return True async def __add_read_task(self, path): if path in self._all_read_paths: return self._all_read_paths.add(path) if path in self._layer_store or path in self._mdl_parsers: return carb.log_info(f"Adding read task to {path}") is_usd_type = omni.usd.is_usd_writable_filetype(path) is_mdl_path = Utils.is_material(path) target_path = self._source_target_path_mapping.get(path) if is_usd_type: task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.__open_and_analyze_layer(path, target_path)) elif is_mdl_path and not self._usd_only: task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.__open_and_analyze_mdl(path, target_path)) else: return task.task_type = CollectorTaskType.READ_TASK task.source = path = None self._current_tasks.add(task) if len(self._current_tasks) >= self.MAX_CONCURRENT_TASKS: await self.wait_all_unfinished_tasks() def __cancel_all_tasks(self): try: self._progress_callback = None for task in self._current_tasks: task.cancel() except Exception: pass finally: self._current_tasks.clear() async def wait_all_unfinished_tasks(self, all_completed=False): if len(self._current_tasks) == 0: return True carb.log_info(f"Waiting for {len(self._current_tasks)} tasks...") while len(self._current_tasks) > 0: if self._cancelled: self.__cancel_all_tasks() return False try: done, _ = await asyncio.wait(self._current_tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) failed_tasks = set() for task in done: if task not in self._current_tasks: continue if task.task_type != CollectorTaskType.READ_TASK: self.__report_one_progress() result = task.result() if not result: failed_tasks.add(task) if task.task_type == CollectorTaskType.COPY_TASK: self._raise_or_log(task.source, f"Failed to move from {task.source} to {}.") elif task.task_type == CollectorTaskType.WRITE_TASK: self._raise_or_log(, f"Failed to write {}.") elif task.task_type == CollectorTaskType.READ_TASK: self._raise_or_log(task.source, f"Failed to read {task.source} as it's not existed.") elif task.task_type == CollectorTaskType.RESOLVE_TASK: self._raise_or_log(task.source, f"Failed to resolve layer {task.source}.") self._current_tasks.discard(task) except CollectorException as e: raise e except Exception: traceback.print_exc() if not all_completed: break await asyncio.sleep(0.1) carb.log_info(f"Waiting for unfinished done, left {len(self._current_tasks)} tasks...") return True def is_finished(self): return self._finished def cancel(self): self._cancelled = True self.__cancel_all_tasks() if self._finished_callback: self._finished_callback() def _make_sure_unique_path(self, path): # Generates unique path name if Utils.is_udim_texture(path): return path path = Utils.normalize_path(path) while True: index = self._unique_path_name.get(path, -1) if index == -1: self._unique_path_name[path] = 0 break else: index += 1 self._unique_path_name[path] = index file_path, ext = os.path.splitext(path) path = file_path + "_" + str(index) + ext self._unique_path_name[path] = 0 return path def _raise_or_log(self, path, error, force_raise=False): is_usd_type = omni.usd.is_usd_writable_filetype(path) has_usd_failure_option = self._failure_options & CollectorFailureOptions.EXTERNAL_USD_REFERENCES has_other_failure_option = self._failure_options & CollectorFailureOptions.OTHER_EXTERNAL_REFERENCES if force_raise or (is_usd_type and has_usd_failure_option) or (not is_usd_type and has_other_failure_option): raise CollectorException(error) else: carb.log_warn(error) async def collect(self, progress_callback, finish_callback): def __reset(): self._layer_store = {} self._mdl_parsers = {} self._sublayer_offsets = {} self._other_asset_paths = set() self._unique_path_name.clear() self._source_target_path_mapping = {} self._current_progress = 0 self._total_steps = 0 self._progress_callback = None self._finished_callback = None self._all_read_paths.clear() try: __reset() self._finished = False self._finished_callback = finish_callback self._progress_callback = progress_callback await self._collect_internal() finally: self._finished = True if finish_callback: finish_callback() __reset() def __report_one_progress(self): self._current_progress += 1 if self._current_progress >= self._total_steps: self._current_progress = self._total_steps if self._progress_callback: self._progress_callback(self._current_progress, self._total_steps) async def _collect_internal(self): carb.log_info(f"Collecting stage {self._usd_path} to {self._collect_dir}...") total = await self._get_total_steps() if total == 0: raise CollectorException(f"Failed to collect {self._usd_path} as it cannot be opened.") elif total is None: carb.log_info(f"Collecting stage {self._usd_path} to {self._collect_dir} is cancelled.") return # Add one more step to wait for tasks to be done. self._total_steps = total + 1 carb.log_info(f"Starting to collect: total steps {self._total_steps} found...") if not self._material_only: for source_layer_path, target_layer in self._layer_store.items(): carb.log_info(f"Modifying external references for {target_layer.identifier}...") if self._cancelled: break await self.__add_layer_resolve_task(source_layer_path, target_layer) if not self._usd_only: for mdl_absolute_path, mdl_parser in self._mdl_parsers.items(): if self._cancelled: break carb.log_info(f"Collecting mdl {mdl_absolute_path}...") # Per MDL. processed_texture_path = set([]) mdl_target_path = self._source_target_path_mapping.get(mdl_absolute_path) mdl_content = mdl_parser.content raw_to_absolute_texture_paths, mdl_imports = await mdl_parser.parse() for raw_texture_path, absolute_texture_path in raw_to_absolute_texture_paths.items(): if self._cancelled: break if absolute_texture_path in processed_texture_path: continue processed_texture_path.add(absolute_texture_path) texture_target_path = self._source_target_path_mapping.get(absolute_texture_path) relative_path = Utils.make_relative_path(mdl_target_path, texture_target_path) mdl_content = await aio_replace_all( mdl_content, f'texture_2d("{raw_texture_path}', f'texture_2d("{relative_path}' ) mdl_content = await aio_replace_all( mdl_content, f'texture_3d("{raw_texture_path}', f'texture_3d("{relative_path}' ) mdl_content = await aio_replace_all( mdl_content, f'texture_cube("{raw_texture_path}', f'texture_cube("{relative_path}' ) mdl_content = await aio_replace_all( mdl_content, f'texture_ptex("{raw_texture_path}', f'texture_ptex("{relative_path}' ) carb.log_info(f"Moving texture file {absolute_texture_path} to {texture_target_path}") await self.add_copy_task(absolute_texture_path, texture_target_path, self._skip_existing) # handl mdls that's imported for mdl_import in mdl_imports: if self._cancelled: break import_target_path = self._source_target_path_mapping.get(mdl_import.package_path) # It's not mapped so it's not existed. if not import_target_path: continue relative_path = Utils.make_relative_path(mdl_target_path, import_target_path) import_clause = mdl_import.import_clause if relative_path.endswith(".mdl"): relative_path = relative_path[:-4] while relative_path.startswith("./"): relative_path = relative_path[2:] relative_path = relative_path.replace("/", "::") if mdl_import.module_preset: # OM-7604 has_prefix = False while relative_path.startswith("..::"): has_prefix = True relative_path = relative_path[4:] if has_prefix and relative_path: relative_path = f"::{relative_path}" import_clause = import_clause.replace(mdl_import.import_package, relative_path) mdl_content = await aio_replace_all(mdl_content, mdl_import.import_clause, import_clause) if self._flat_collection: import_package = mdl_import.import_package while import_package.startswith(".::") or import_package.startswith("..::"): if import_package.startswith(".::"): import_package = import_package[3:] else: import_package = import_package[4:] # OM-37410: It's possible that function is referenced with full module path. if import_package: if not import_package.startswith("::"): import_package = "::" + import_package if not relative_path.startswith("::"): relative_path = f"::{relative_path}" mdl_content = await aio_replace_all(mdl_content, import_package, relative_path) await self.add_write_task(mdl_target_path, mdl_content) # Copy all external assets except USD and MDLs to target path for absolute_asset_path in self._other_asset_paths: if self._cancelled: break asset_target_path = self._source_target_path_mapping.get(absolute_asset_path) carb.log_info(f"Moving asset file from {absolute_asset_path} to {asset_target_path}") await self.add_copy_task(absolute_asset_path, asset_target_path, self._skip_existing) if not await self.wait_all_unfinished_tasks(True): carb.log_info("Collecting is cancelled.") else: carb.log_info("Collecting is finished.")
import os import traceback import asyncio import carb import omni.client import stat def _encode_content(content): if type(content) == str: payload = bytes(content.encode("utf-8")) elif type(content) != type(None): payload = bytes(content) else: payload = bytes() return payload class OmniClientWrapper: @staticmethod async def exists(path): try: result, entry = await omni.client.stat_async(path) return result == omni.client.Result.OK except Exception: return False @staticmethod def exists_sync(path): try: result, entry = omni.client.stat(path) return result == omni.client.Result.OK except Exception: return False @staticmethod async def write(path: str, content): carb.log_info(f"Writing {path}...") try: result = await omni.client.write_file_async(path, _encode_content(content)) if result != omni.client.Result.OK: carb.log_warn(f"Cannot write {path}, error code: {result}.") return False except Exception as e: carb.log_warn(f"Cannot write {path}: {str(e)}.") return False finally: carb.log_info(f"Writing {path} done...") return True @staticmethod async def delete(path: str): carb.log_info(f"Removing {path}...") try: result = await omni.client.delete_async(path) if result != omni.client.Result.OK: carb.log_warn(f"Cannot remove {path}, error code: {result}.") return False except Exception: carb.log_warn(f"Cannot delete {path}: {str(e)}.") return False return True @staticmethod async def set_write_permission(src_path: str): # It can change ACIs for o url = omni.client.break_url(src_path) # Local path try: if url.is_raw: st = os.stat(src_path) os.chmod(src_path, st.st_mode | stat.S_IWRITE) elif src_path.startswith("omniverse://"): result, server_info = await omni.client.get_server_info_async(src_path) if result != omni.client.Result.OK: return False user_acl = omni.client.AclEntry( server_info.username, omni.client.AccessFlags.READ | omni.client.AccessFlags.WRITE | omni.client.AccessFlags.ADMIN ) result = await omni.client.set_acls_async(src_path, [user_acl]) return result == omni.client.Result.OK except Exception as e: carb.log_warn(f"Failed to set write permission for url {src_path}: {str(e)}.") return False @staticmethod async def copy(src_path: str, dest_path: str, set_target_writable_if_read_only=False): carb.log_info(f"Copying from {src_path} to {dest_path}...") try: result = await omni.client.copy_async(src_path, dest_path, omni.client.CopyBehavior.OVERWRITE) if result != omni.client.Result.OK: carb.log_warn(f"Cannot copy from {src_path} to {dest_path}, error code: {result}.") return False else: if set_target_writable_if_read_only: await OmniClientWrapper.set_write_permission(dest_path) return True except Exception as e: carb.log_warn(f"Cannot copy {src_path} to {dest_path}: {str(e)}.") return False @staticmethod async def read(src_path: str): carb.log_info(f"Reading {src_path}...") try: result, version, content = await omni.client.read_file_async(src_path) if result == omni.client.Result.OK: return memoryview(content).tobytes() else: carb.log_warn(f"Cannot read {src_path}, error code: {result}.") except Exception as e: carb.log_warn(f"Cannot read {src_path}: {str(e)}.") finally: carb.log_info(f"Reading {src_path} done.") return None @staticmethod async def create_folder(path): carb.log_info(f"Creating dir {path}...") result = await omni.client.create_folder_async(path) return result == omni.client.Result.OK
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property # and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation # and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or # distribution of this software and related documentation without an express # license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. # def Singleton(class_): """A singleton decorator""" instances = {} def getinstance(*args, **kwargs): if class_ not in instances: instances[class_] = class_(*args, **kwargs) return instances[class_] return getinstance
class FileBrowserSelectionType: FILE_ONLY = 0 DIRECTORY_ONLY = 1 ALL = 2 class FileBrowserMode: OPEN = 0 SAVE = 1
import asyncio import re import omni.ui import omni.client from omni.kit.window.filepicker import FilePickerDialog from omni.kit.widget.filebrowser import FileBrowserItem from . import FileBrowserSelectionType, FileBrowserMode class FileBrowserUI: def __init__( self, title: str, mode: FileBrowserMode, selection_type: FileBrowserSelectionType, filter_options, ok_button_title="Open" ): self._file_picker = FilePickerApp(title, ok_button_title, selection_type, filter_options, mode) def set_current_directory(self, dir): self._file_picker.set_current_directory(dir) def set_current_filename(self, filename): self._file_picker.set_current_filename(filename) def set_filebar_label_name(self, name): self._file_picker.set_filebar_label_name(name) def open(self, select_fn, cancel_fn): self._file_picker.set_custom_fn(select_fn, cancel_fn) self._file_picker.show_dialog() def destroy(self): if self._file_picker: self._file_picker.destroy() self._file_picker = None class FilePickerApp: """ Standalone app to demonstrate the use of the FilePicker dialog. Args: title (str): Title of the window. apply_button_name (str): Name of the confirm button. selection_type (FileBrowserSelectionType): The file type that confirm event will respond to. item_filter_options (list): Array of filter options. Element of array is a tuple that first element of this tuple is the regex string for filtering, and second element of this tuple is the descriptions, like ("*.*", "All Files"). By default, it will list all files. """ APP_SETTINGS_PREFIX = "/persistent/app/omniverse/savedServers" def __init__( self, title: str, apply_button_name: str, selection_type: FileBrowserSelectionType = FileBrowserSelectionType.ALL, item_filter_options: list = [("*.*", "All Files (*.*)")], mode: FileBrowserMode = FileBrowserMode.OPEN ): self._title = title self._filepicker = None self._mode = mode self._selection_type = selection_type self._custom_select_fn = None self._custom_cancel_fn = None self._apply_button_name = apply_button_name self._filter_regexes = [] self._filter_descriptions = [] self._current_directory = None for item in item_filter_options: self._filter_regexes.append(re.compile(item[0], re.IGNORECASE)) self._filter_descriptions.append(item[1]) self._build_ui() def destroy(self): self._custom_cancel_fn = None self._custom_select_fn = None if self._filepicker: self._filepicker.destroy() def set_custom_fn(self, select_fn, cancel_fn): self._custom_select_fn = select_fn self._custom_cancel_fn = cancel_fn def show_dialog(self): self._current_directory = None def hide_dialog(self): self._filepicker.hide() def set_current_directory(self, dir: str): self._current_directory = dir if not self._current_directory.endswith("/"): self._current_directory += "/" def set_current_filename(self, filename: str): self._filepicker.set_filename(filename) def set_filebar_label_name(self, name): self._filepicker.set_filebar_label_name(name) def _build_ui(self): on_click_open = lambda f, d: asyncio.ensure_future(self._on_click_open(f, d)) on_click_cancel = lambda f, d: asyncio.ensure_future(self._on_click_cancel(f, d)) # Create the dialog self._filepicker = FilePickerDialog( self._title, allow_multi_selection=False, apply_button_label=self._apply_button_name, click_apply_handler=on_click_open, click_cancel_handler=on_click_cancel, item_filter_options=self._filter_descriptions, item_filter_fn=lambda item: self._on_filter_item(item), error_handler=lambda m: self._on_error(m), ) # Start off hidden self.hide_dialog() def _on_filter_item(self, item: FileBrowserItem) -> bool: if not item or item.is_folder: return True if self._selection_type == FileBrowserSelectionType.DIRECTORY_ONLY: return False if self._filepicker.current_filter_option >= len(self._filter_regexes): return False regex = self._filter_regexes[self._filepicker.current_filter_option] if regex.match(item.path): return True else: return False def _on_error(self, msg: str): """ Demonstrates error handling. Instead of just printing to the shell, the App can display the error message to a console window. """ print(msg) async def _on_click_open(self, filename: str, dirname: str): """ The meat of the App is done in this callback when the user clicks 'Accept'. This is a potentially costly operation so we implement it as an async operation. The inputs are the filename and directory name. Together they form the fullpath to the selected file. """ dirname = dirname.strip() if dirname and not dirname.endswith("/"): dirname += "/" fullpath = f"{dirname}{filename}" result, entry = omni.client.stat(fullpath) existed = True if result == omni.client.Result.OK and entry.flags & omni.client.ItemFlags.CAN_HAVE_CHILDREN: is_folder = True else: existed = False is_folder = False # If it's open, it cannot open non-existed file. if not existed and self._mode == FileBrowserMode.OPEN: return if existed or self._mode == FileBrowserMode.OPEN: if (is_folder and self._selection_type == FileBrowserSelectionType.FILE_ONLY) or ( not is_folder and self._selection_type == FileBrowserSelectionType.DIRECTORY_ONLY ): return self.hide_dialog() await if self._custom_select_fn: self._custom_select_fn(fullpath) async def _on_click_cancel(self, filename: str, dirname: str): """ This function is called when the user clicks 'Cancel'. """ self.hide_dialog() await if self._custom_cancel_fn: self._custom_cancel_fn()
import os import asyncio import carb import omni.kit.test import omni.usd import omni.client import omni.kit.commands from pathlib import Path from omni.kit.tool.collect import get_instance from omni.kit.tool.collect.collector import ( Collector, CollectorException, CollectorFailureOptions, FlatCollectionTextureOptions, ) from omni.kit.tool.collect.utils import Utils from pxr import Usd # NOTE: those tests belong to omni.kit.tool.collect extension. class TestCollect(omni.kit.test.AsyncTestCase): def list_folder(self, folder_path): all_file_names = [] result, entry = omni.client.stat(folder_path) if result == omni.client.Result.OK and entry.flags & omni.client.ItemFlags.CAN_HAVE_CHILDREN: is_folder = True else: is_folder = False if not is_folder: all_file_names = [os.path.basename(folder_path)] else: folder_queue = [folder_path] while len(folder_queue) > 0: folder = folder_queue.pop(0) (result, entries) = omni.client.list(folder) if result != omni.client.Result.OK: break folders = set((e.relative_path for e in entries if e.flags & omni.client.ItemFlags.CAN_HAVE_CHILDREN)) for f in folders: folder_queue.append(f"{folder}/{f}") files = set((e.relative_path for e in entries if not e.flags & omni.client.ItemFlags.CAN_HAVE_CHILDREN)) for file in files: all_file_names.append(os.path.basename(file)) return all_file_names def get_test_dir(self): token = carb.tokens.get_tokens_interface() data_dir = token.resolve("${data}") if not data_dir.endswith("/"): data_dir += "/" data_dir = Utils.normalize_path(data_dir) return f"{data_dir}collect_tool_tests" async def setUp(self): pass async def tearDown(self): await omni.client.delete_async(self.get_test_dir()) async def __test_internal( self, stage_name, root_usd, usd_only, material_only, flat_collection, texture_option=FlatCollectionTextureOptions.FLAT, ): extension_path = extension_path = Path(extension_path) test_data_path = extension_path.joinpath("data") test_stage_dir = str(test_data_path.joinpath("test_stages").joinpath(stage_name)) test_root_usd = test_stage_dir + "/" + root_usd collected_stage_dir = self.get_test_dir() + f"/collected_{stage_name}" collector = Collector( test_root_usd, collected_stage_dir, usd_only, flat_collection, material_only, texture_option=texture_option ) await collector.collect(None, None) before = self.list_folder(test_stage_dir) after = self.list_folder(collected_stage_dir) self.assertTrue(len(after) > 0) if usd_only: before_filtered = [] for f in before: if omni.usd.is_usd_writable_filetype(f): before_filtered.append(f) before = before_filtered if material_only: before_filtered = [] for f in before: if not omni.usd.is_usd_writable_filetype(f): before_filtered.append(f) before = before_filtered self.assertEqual(set(before), set(after)) async def test_collect_with_usd_and_material(self): await self.__test_internal("normal", "FullScene.usd", False, False, False) async def test_collect_with_udim_textures(self): await self.__test_internal("udim", "SM_Hood_A1_1.usd", False, False, False) async def test_collect_without_material(self): await self.__test_internal("normal", "FullScene.usd", False, True, False) async def test_collect_without_usd(self): await self.__test_internal("normal", "FullScene.usd", True, False, False) async def test_flatten_collection(self): await self.__test_internal("normal", "FullScene.usd", False, False, True) await self.__test_internal("layer_offsets", "root.usd", False, False, True) async def test_flatten_collection_texture_options(self): stage_name = "texture_options" texture_dir = self.get_test_dir() + f"/collected_{stage_name}/SubUSDs/textures/" mdl_name = "Contour1_Surface_0" mdl_texture_name = "Contour1_Surface_1.bmp" usd_preview_texture_name = "another_texture.bmp" # test group textures by MDL await self.__test_internal( stage_name, "test_scene.usd", False, False, True, texture_option=FlatCollectionTextureOptions.BY_MDL ) # mdl texture should be under the mdl named folder, while the usd preview texture should be directly under # textures dir self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(texture_dir, mdl_name, mdl_texture_name))) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(texture_dir, usd_preview_texture_name))) await omni.client.delete_async(self.get_test_dir()) # test group textures by USD await self.__test_internal( stage_name, "test_scene.usd", False, False, True, texture_option=FlatCollectionTextureOptions.BY_USD ) # usd preview texture should be under the usd asset named folder, while the mdl texture should be directly under # textures dir self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(texture_dir, "assetB", usd_preview_texture_name))) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(texture_dir, mdl_texture_name))) await omni.client.delete_async(self.get_test_dir()) # test flat await self.__test_internal( stage_name, "test_scene.usd", False, False, True, texture_option=FlatCollectionTextureOptions.FLAT ) # all textures should be directly under textures dir self.assertEqual(set([mdl_texture_name, usd_preview_texture_name]), set(os.listdir(texture_dir))) async def test_layer_offsets_collect(self): current_path = Path(__file__).parent test_data_path = current_path.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.joinpath("data") test_stage_dir = str(test_data_path.joinpath("test_stages").joinpath("layer_offsets")) test_root_usd = test_stage_dir + "/root.usd" collected_stage_dir = self.get_test_dir() + f"/collected_layer_offfsets" collector = Collector(test_root_usd, collected_stage_dir, False, False, False) await collector.collect(None, None) before = self.list_folder(test_stage_dir) after = self.list_folder(collected_stage_dir) self.assertEqual(set(before), set(after)) after_stage_usd = collected_stage_dir + "/root.usd" before_stage = Usd.Stage.Open(test_root_usd) after_stage = Usd.Stage.Open(after_stage_usd) before_root = before_stage.GetRootLayer() after_root = after_stage.GetRootLayer() before_sublayers = before_root.subLayerPaths after_sublayers = after_root.subLayerPaths self.assertTrue(len(before_sublayers) > 0) self.assertEqual(len(before_sublayers), len(after_sublayers)) self.assertEqual(len(before_sublayers), len(after_sublayers)) for i in range(len(before_sublayers)): before_sublayer = before_root.ComputeAbsolutePath(before_sublayers[i]) after_sublayer = after_root.ComputeAbsolutePath(after_sublayers[i]) self.assertNotEqual(before_sublayer, after_sublayer) self.assertEqual(before_root.subLayerOffsets, after_root.subLayerOffsets) async def test_collect_failure_with_exception(self): with self.assertRaises(CollectorException): collector = Collector("invalid_source.usd", self.get_test_dir(), False, False, False) await collector.collect(None, None) with self.assertRaises(CollectorException): current_path = Path(__file__).parent test_data_path = current_path.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.joinpath("data") test_stage_path = str(test_data_path.joinpath("test_stages").joinpath("normal/FullScene.usd")) collector = Collector(test_stage_path, "omniverse://invalid_path", False, False, False) await collector.collect(None, None) usd_error_option = CollectorFailureOptions.EXTERNAL_USD_REFERENCES other_error_option = CollectorFailureOptions.OTHER_EXTERNAL_REFERENCES all_option = CollectorFailureOptions.EXTERNAL_USD_REFERENCES | CollectorFailureOptions.OTHER_EXTERNAL_REFERENCES for option in [usd_error_option, other_error_option, all_option]: with self.assertRaises(CollectorException): current_path = Path(__file__).parent test_data_path = current_path.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.joinpath("data") test_stage_path = str(test_data_path.joinpath("test_stages/normal").joinpath("FullScene.usd")) collected_stage_dir = self.get_test_dir() + "/collected_normal" collector = Collector(test_stage_path, collected_stage_dir, False, False, False, failure_options=option) await collector.collect(None, None) async def test_utils(self): self.assertTrue(Utils.is_udim_texture("test.<UDIM>.png")) self.assertTrue(Utils.is_udim_texture("test_<UDIM>_suffix.png")) self.assertTrue(Utils.is_udim_texture("test.%3cUDIM%3e.png")) self.assertFalse(Utils.is_udim_texture("")) self.assertFalse(Utils.is_udim_texture("random")) self.assertTrue(Utils.is_udim_wildcard_texture("test_0001_suffix.png", "test_<UDIM>_suffix.png")) self.assertFalse(Utils.is_udim_wildcard_texture("test_0001_another_suffix.png", "test_<UDIM>_suffix.png")) self.assertTrue( Utils.is_udim_wildcard_texture( "omniverse://fake-server/base_path/test_0001_suffix.png", "omniverse://fake-server/base_path/test_<UDIM>_suffix.png", ) ) self.assertFalse( Utils.is_udim_wildcard_texture( "omniverse://fake-server/base_path/test_0001_another_suffix.png", "omniverse://fake-server/base_path/test_<UDIM>_suffix.png", ) ) async def test_path_calculation(self): # Tests for current_path = Path(__file__).parent test_data_path = current_path.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.joinpath("data") test_stage_path = str(test_data_path.joinpath("test_stages").joinpath("normal/FullScene.usd")) collector = Collector(test_stage_path, self.get_test_dir(), False, False, False) path = collector._calculate_target_path("http://test_server/testfile.png") self.assertEqual(path, self.get_test_dir() + "/test_server/testfile.png") path = collector._calculate_target_path(str(test_data_path) + "/deep_folder/testfile.png") self.assertEqual(path, self.get_test_dir() + "/deep_folder/testfile.png") path = collector._calculate_target_path("omniverse://test_server/testfile.png") self.assertEqual(path, self.get_test_dir() + "/test_server/testfile.png") # Flat collect collector._flat_collection = True collector._material_only = False path = collector._calculate_target_path("omniverse://test_server/testfile.png") self.assertEqual(path, self.get_test_dir() + "/SubUSDs/textures/testfile.png") path = collector._calculate_target_path("http://test_server/testfile.png") self.assertEqual(path, self.get_test_dir() + "/SubUSDs/textures/testfile.png") path = collector._calculate_target_path("http://test_server/testfile.usd") self.assertEqual(path, self.get_test_dir() + "/SubUSDs/testfile.usd") # Materials only with flat collect collector._flat_collection = True collector._material_only = True path = collector._calculate_target_path("omniverse://test_server/testfile.png") self.assertEqual(path, self.get_test_dir() + "/textures/testfile.png") path = collector._calculate_target_path("http://test_server/testfile.png") self.assertEqual(path, self.get_test_dir() + "/textures/testfile.png") # Master USD with flat collect collector._flat_collection = True collector._material_only = False path = collector._calculate_target_path(test_stage_path) self.assertEqual(path, self.get_test_dir() + "/FullScene.usd") async def __wait(self, frames=2): for _ in range(frames): await async def __test_ui_internal(self, stage_name, root_usd, usd_only, material_only, flat_collection): extension_path = extension_path = Path(extension_path) test_data_path = extension_path.joinpath("data") test_stage_dir = str(test_data_path.joinpath("test_stages").joinpath(stage_name)) test_root_usd = test_stage_dir + "/" + root_usd collected_stage_dir = self.get_test_dir() + f"/collected_{stage_name}" done = False def on_finish(): nonlocal done done = True collect_extension = get_instance() collect_extension.collect(test_root_usd, on_finish) await self.__wait() from omni.kit import ui_test collect_window = ui_test.find("Collection Options") await collect_window.focus() usd_only_checkbox = collect_window.find("**/CheckBox[*].identifier=='usd_only_checkbox'") material_only_checkbox = collect_window.find("**/CheckBox[*].identifier=='material_only_checkbox'") flat_collection_checkbox = collect_window.find("**/CheckBox[*].identifier=='flat_collection_checkbox'") folder_button = collect_window.find("**/Button[*].identifier=='folder_button'") path_field = collect_window.find("**/StringField[*].identifier=='collect_path'") start_button = collect_window.find("**/Button[*].text=='Start'") cancel_button = collect_window.find("**/Button[*].text=='Cancel'") option_combo = collect_window.find("**/ComboBox[*].identifier=='texture_option_combo'") self.assertTrue(usd_only_checkbox) self.assertTrue(material_only_checkbox) self.assertTrue(flat_collection_checkbox) self.assertTrue(folder_button) self.assertTrue(path_field) self.assertTrue(start_button) self.assertTrue(cancel_button) self.assertTrue(option_combo) usd_only_checkbox.model.set_value(False) material_only_checkbox.model.set_value(False) flat_collection_checkbox.model.set_value(False) if usd_only: await if material_only: await if flat_collection: self.assertFalse(option_combo.widget.visible) await # should show texture options combo here self.assertTrue(option_combo.widget.visible) await file_picker = ui_test.find("Select Collect Destination") self.assertTrue(file_picker) await file_picker.focus() open_button = file_picker.find("**/Button[*].text=='Open'") cancel_button = file_picker.find("**/Button[*].text=='Cancel'") self.assertTrue(open_button) self.assertTrue(cancel_button) await path_field.model.set_value(collected_stage_dir) await await self.__wait() progress_window = ui_test.find("Collecting") self.assertTrue(progress_window) while not done: await self.__wait() self.assertFalse(progress_window.window.visible) before = self.list_folder(test_stage_dir) after = self.list_folder(collected_stage_dir) self.assertTrue(len(after) > 0) if usd_only: before_filtered = [] for f in before: if omni.usd.is_usd_writable_filetype(f): before_filtered.append(f) before = before_filtered if material_only: before_filtered = [] for f in before: if not omni.usd.is_usd_writable_filetype(f): before_filtered.append(f) before = before_filtered self.assertEqual(set(before), set(after)) self.assertTrue(done) async def test_ui_collect_with_usd_and_material(self): await self.__test_ui_internal("normal", "FullScene.usd", False, False, False) async def test_ui_collect_without_material(self): await self.__test_ui_internal("normal", "FullScene.usd", False, True, False) async def test_ui_collect_without_usd(self): await self.__test_ui_internal("normal", "FullScene.usd", True, False, False) async def test_om_55150(self): await self.__test_ui_internal("OM_55150", "collect_donut.usd", False, False, False) async def test_ui_flatten_collection(self): await self.__test_ui_internal("normal", "FullScene.usd", False, False, True) async def test_file_menu(self): await omni.usd.get_context().new_stage_async() from omni.kit import ui_test await ui_test.menu_click("File/Collect As...") # It cannot collect anonymous stage collect_window = ui_test.find("Collection Options") self.assertFalse(collect_window) extension_path = extension_path = Path(extension_path) test_data_path = extension_path.joinpath("data") test_stage_dir = str(test_data_path.joinpath("test_stages").joinpath("udim")) test_root_usd = test_stage_dir + "/SM_Hood_A1_1.usd" await omni.usd.get_context().open_stage_async(test_root_usd) await ui_test.menu_click("File/Collect As...") # It cannot collect anonymous stage collect_window = ui_test.find("Collection Options") self.assertFalse(collect_window)
from .test_collect import *
# Changelog ## [2.1.20] - 2022-11-10 ### Added - Add texture grouping options for flat collection mode, textures can be grouped by MDL, USD or flat. ## [2.1.19] - 2022-11-07 ### Changed - Reduce size of test data. - Improve UI. - Make omni.kit.window.content_browser as optional. - Fix MDL parser that cannot handle spaces in texture define. ## [2.1.18] - 2022-09-05 ### Changed - Fix issue that won't hide progress bar. ## [2.1.17] - 2022-08-27 ### Changed - Move collect tool into Kit core. - More improvement to perf. - Hook collect tool to file menu. ## [2.1.16] - 2022-08-26 ### Changed - Fix file naming conflicts for flat collection. - More improvement about logging and perf. ## [2.1.15] - 2022-08-23 ### Changed - More test coverage. ## [2.1.14] - 2022-08-18 ### Changed - Fix refactoring issues. ## [2.1.13] - 2022-08-12 ### Changed - Refactoring collect tool to improve perf. - Fix tags collecting. ## [2.1.12] - 2022-07-28 ### Changed - Fix issues to collect read-only USD files. ## [2.1.11] - 2022-05-26 ### Changed - Workaround to solve usda collect issue by renaming extension to match its content format. ## [2.1.10] - 2022-05-20 ### Added - Fix collect issue that will miss tags for USD files. ## [2.1.9] - 2022-05-12 ### Added - add flag to elide copy if files that already in destination location. ## [2.1.8] - 2022-04-28 ### Changed - Revert maximum tasks to 8 to avoid influence interaction of UI. ## [2.1.7] - 2022-04-28 ### Changed - Add error options to customize error reporting. ## [2.1.6] - 2022-04-06 ### Changed - Match MDL resolve rule as new-MDL-Schema in USD. ## [2.1.5] - 2022-03-07 ### Changed - Fix missing changes from Kit release/103.1. ## [2.1.4] - 2022-03-07 ### Changed - Catch possible exceptions threw by UsdUtils.ExtractExternalReferences and UsdUtils.ModifyAssetPaths. ## [2.1.3] - 2022-02-21 ### Changed - Move collect tool to kit-tools repo. ## [2.1.2] - 2022-02-09 ### Changed - Fix an issue that UDIM textures are missing to be collected. ## [2.1.1] - 2022-01-12 ### Changed - Fix path decode issue for collecting projects from ov to ov. ## [2.1.0] - 2021-12-16 ### Changed - Fix path resolve that's with/without relative path prefix, like './' or '../' ## [2.0.8] - 2021-09-27 ### Changed - Fix texture collecting for cube/ptex textures - Fix mdl module replace. ## [2.0.7] - 2021-09-16 ### Changed - Improve UX of file picker to show folder name for folder picker. ## [2.0.6] - 2021-09-10 ### Fixes - Improve flat collect to resolve material dependencies. ## [2.0.5] - 2021-09-09 ### Added - Add API to collect. ## [2.0.4] - 2021-08-25 ### Fixes - Fix UDIM textures collect. ## [2.0.3] - 2021-07-28 ### Changed - More tests. ## [2.0.2] - 2021-07-21 ### Fixed - Fix collection to assets from http source. ## [2.0.1] - 2021-02-06 ### Changed - Initialize change log. - Remove old editor and content window dependencies.
# Project Collector [omni.kit.tool.collect] This extension provides UI interfaces to collect USD project by resolving, re-pathing and gathering all dependencies, so project can be movable and sharable conveniently. ## UI Options Explained `USD Only`: If this option is enabled, it will only collect USD files and other other dependencies are ignored (like material files and textures.) `Material Only`: If this options is enabled, it will only collect all material related dependencies including textures, and USD files will be ignored. `Flat Collection`: By default, it will collect USD project by keeping the directory structure. If this option is enabled, the directory structure will not be kept and all dependencies will be put into specified folders. `Flat Collection Texture Options`: When collecting in Flat mode, users can specify the grouping for texture files via this option; Currently there are 3 available options: | Options | Description | | ------- | ----------- | | Group by MDL | Textures will be grouped by their parent MDL file name. | | Group by USD | Textures will be grouped by their parent USD file name. | | Flat | All textures will be collected under the same hierarchy under "textures" folder. Note that there might be potential danger of textures overwriting each other, if they have the same names but belong to different assets/mdls. | ## Limitations There is no USDZ support currently until Kit resolves MDL loading issue inside USDZ file.
omni.kit.tool.collector ####################### Python extension to collect all dependencies of an USD.
/***************************************************************************** * Copyright 1986-2017 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. ****************************************************************************** MDL MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED PURSUANT TO AN END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT, WHICH WAS ACCEPTED IN ORDER TO GAIN ACCESS TO THIS FILE. IN PARTICULAR, THE MDL MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT, PATENT, TRADEMARK, OR OTHER RIGHT. IN NO EVENT SHALL NVIDIA CORPORATION BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE MDL MATERIALS OR FROM OTHER DEALINGS IN THE MDL MATERIALS. */ /* //fixes: customIOR, AO mapping JIC, added bsdf dropdown //fixes 10/12/2018 - converted metallic Bool into float for map. //jjordan 10/18: disabled bsdf_type. imho makes material complicated without real benefit, but final call is for Daniela since she knows feedback //jjordan 10/18: removed all ternaries on material structs and substituted with ternaries on bsdf. this works around but at the same time is shorter then original code //danielaf 10/24/18: replacing ifm annotation with updated 1.4 anno for parameter ui grouping //danielaf 10/24/18: removing all Booleans and using floats instead for dynamic material in RTX_OV //ddanielaf 10/24/18: adding explicit texture input parameter and texture enable parameters for RTX_OV OMN-812 - unless tex::texture_isvalid implemented in RTX_OV //danielaf 10/24/18: removed anisotropy,backscatter, thinfilms, custom_bsdf, abbe_number(things that don't seem to have any effect in RTX_OV ATM) //danielaf 11/2/2018: omni flex trimmed way down //danielaf 11/06/2018: switch enables to bool! :D //switched back to 1.3, getting "mdl 1.4 not supported" from my iviewer version 2017 1.4 296300.6298 //switched to 1.2 - getting normalmap_texture parameter type error when switching to 1.4 - still troubleshooting //azoellner 1/18/19 - promoting staging to the real material, removed "Staging" from all names //azoellner 2/11/19 modified display name sand group names to match up with known Sol master //rraab 28/2/19 Changed surface reflectance behavior to match the UE4 model //rraab 11/4/19 Changed material name from SolPBR_Master to Advanced PBR, // Adding keywords and removing //tmosier 12/4/19 Cleaned up display names azoellner on behave of Ignacio - 8-9-2019 - added advancedPBR_Cutouts.mdl to improve class comiplation on Kit. azoellner 10/30/19 changing to omniPBR. adding use base texture bool, base color, and so its not required to use emmissive mask. */ mdl 1.4; import ::df::*; import ::state::*; import ::math::*; import ::base::*; import ::tex::*; import ::anno::*; import ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture; import ::nvidia::core_definitions::normalmap_texture; uniform float4x4 rotation_translation_scale( uniform float3 rotation = float3(0.) [[ anno::description("Rotation applied to every UVW coordinate") ]], uniform float3 translation = float3(0.) [[ anno::description("Offset applied to every UVW coordinate") ]], uniform float3 scaling = float3(1.) [[ anno::description("Scale applied to every UVW coordinate") ]] ) [[ anno::description("Construct transformation matrix from Euler rotation, translation and scale"), anno::hidden() ]] { float4x4 scale = float4x4(scaling.x , 0. , 0. , 0., 0. , scaling.y , 0. , 0., 0. , 0. , scaling.z , 0., translation.x, translation.y, translation.z, 1.); float3 s = math::sin(rotation); float3 c = math::cos(rotation); float4x4 rotate = float4x4( c.y*c.z , -c.x*s.z + s.x*s.y*c.z , s.x*s.z + c.x*s.y*c.z , 0.0, c.y*s.z , c.x*c.z + s.x*s.y*s.z , -s.x*c.z + c.x*s.y*s.z , 0.0, -s.y , s.x*c.y , c.x*c.y , 0.0, 0. , 0 , 0 , 1.); return scale*rotate; } // Returns the normal n in tangent space, given n is in internal space. float3 transform_internal_to_tangent(float3 n) { return n.x* float3(state::texture_tangent_u(0).x,state::texture_tangent_v(0).x,state::normal().x)+ n.y* float3(state::texture_tangent_u(0).y,state::texture_tangent_v(0).y,state::normal().y)+ n.z* float3(state::texture_tangent_u(0).z,state::texture_tangent_v(0).z,state::normal().z); } // Returns the normal n in internal space, given n is in tangent space. float3 transform_tangent_to_internal(float3 n) { return state::texture_tangent_u(0) * n.x + state::texture_tangent_v(0) * n.y + state::normal() * n.z ; } // Returns a normal by adding a detail normal to a global normal. export float3 add_detail_normal(float3 nd = state::normal(), float3 n = state::normal()) { // float3 n_t = transform_internal_to_tangent(n); float3 nd_t = transform_internal_to_tangent(nd); n_t=n_t + float3(0.,0.,1.); nd_t = nd_t * float3(-1.,-1.,1.); n = n_t*math::dot(n_t, nd_t)/n_t.z - nd_t; return math::normalize(transform_tangent_to_internal(n)); } base::texture_return multiply_colors( color color_1 = color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), color color_2 = color(.5, .5, .5), float weight = 1.0 ) [[ anno::hidden() ]] { return base::blend_color_layers( layers: base::color_layer[]( base::color_layer( layer_color: color_2, weight: weight, mode: base::color_layer_multiply )), base: color_1 ); } base::texture_return add_colors( color color_1 = color(.5, .5, .5), color color_2 = color(.5, .5, .5), float weight = 1.0 ) [[ anno::hidden(), anno::unused() ]] { return base::blend_color_layers( layers: base::color_layer[]( base::color_layer( layer_color: color_2, weight: weight, mode: base::color_layer_add )), base: color_1 ); } base::texture_return blend_colors( color color_1 = color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), color color_2 = color(.5, .5, .5), float weight = 1.0 ) [[ anno::hidden(), anno::unused() ]] { return base::blend_color_layers( layers: base::color_layer[]( base::color_layer( layer_color: color_2, weight: weight, mode: base::color_layer_blend )), base: color_1 ); } export material OmniPBR_Opacity( color diffuse_color_constant = color(0.2f) [[ anno::display_name("Base Color"), anno::description("This is the base color"), anno::in_group("Albedo") ]], uniform texture_2d diffuse_texture = texture_2d() [[ anno::display_name("Albedo Map"), anno::in_group("Albedo") ]], float albedo_desaturation = float(0.0) [[ anno::display_name("Albedo Desaturation"), anno::soft_range(float(0.0f), float(1.0f)), anno::description("Desaturates the diffuse color"), anno::in_group("Albedo") ]], float albedo_add = float(0.0) [[ anno::display_name("Albedo Add"), anno::soft_range(float(-1.0f), float(1.0f)), anno::description("Adds a constant value to the diffuse color "), anno::in_group("Albedo") ]], float albedo_brightness = float(1.0) [[ anno::display_name("Albedo Brightness"), anno::soft_range(float(0.0f), float(1.0f)), anno::description("Multiplier for the diffuse color "), anno::in_group("Albedo") ]], color diffuse_tint = color(1.0f) [[ anno::display_name("Color Tint"), anno::description("When enabled, this color value is multiplied over the final albedo color"), anno::in_group("Albedo") ]], // -------------------- REFLECTIVITY ---------------------- float reflection_roughness_constant = 0.5f [[ anno::display_name("Roughness Amount"), anno::hard_range(0.0,1.), anno::description("Higher roughness values lead to more blurry reflections"), anno::in_group("Reflectivity") ]], float reflection_roughness_texture_influence = 0.0f [[ anno::display_name("Roughness Map Influence"), anno::hard_range(0.0, 1.), anno::description("Blends between the constant value and the lookup of the roughness texture"), anno::in_group("Reflectivity") ]], uniform texture_2d reflectionroughness_texture = texture_2d() [[ anno::display_name("Roughness Map"), anno::in_group("Reflectivity") ]], float metallic_constant = 0.f [[ anno::display_name("Metallic Amount"), anno::hard_range(0.0,1.), anno::description("Metallic Material"), anno::in_group("Reflectivity") ]], float metallic_texture_influence = 0.0f [[ anno::display_name("Metallic Map Influence"), anno::hard_range(0.0, 1.), anno::description("Blends between the constant value and the lookup of the metallic texture"), anno::in_group("Reflectivity") ]], uniform texture_2d metallic_texture = texture_2d() [[ anno::display_name("Metallic Map"), anno::in_group("Reflectivity") ]], float specular_level = float(0.5) [[ anno::display_name("Specular"), anno::soft_range(float(0.0f), float(1.0f)), anno::description("The specular level (intensity) of the material"), anno::in_group("Reflectivity") ]], // -------------------- ORM ---------------------- uniform bool enable_ORM_texture = false [[ anno::display_name("Enable ORM Texture"), anno::description("When True the ORM texture will be used to extract the Occlusion, Roughness and Metallic Map"), anno::in_group("Reflectivity") ]], uniform texture_2d ORM_texture = texture_2d() [[ anno::display_name("ORM Map"), anno::description("Texture that hae Occlusion, Roughness and Metallic map stored in the respective r, g and b channels"), anno::in_group("Reflectivity") ]], // -------------------- AO Group ---------------------- float ao_to_diffuse = 0.0 [[ anno::display_name("AO to Diffuse"), anno::description("Controls the amount of ambient occlusion multiplied into the diffuse color channel"), anno::in_group("AO") ]], uniform texture_2d ao_texture = texture_2d() [[ anno::display_name("Ambient Occlusion Map"), anno::description("The Ambient Occlusion texture for the material"), anno::in_group("AO") ]], // -------------------- EMISSIVE ---------------------- uniform bool enable_emission = false [[ anno::display_name("Enable Emission"), anno::description("Enables the emission of light from the material"), anno::in_group("Emissive") ]], color emissive_color = color(1.0, 0.1, 0.1) [[ anno::enable_if("enable_emission == true"), anno::display_name("Emissive Color"), anno::description("The emission color"), anno::in_group("Emissive") ]], uniform texture_2d emissive_mask_texture = texture_2d() [[ anno::enable_if("enable_emission == true"), anno::display_name("Emissive Mask map"), anno::description("The texture masking the emissive color"), anno::in_group("Emissive") ]], uniform float emissive_intensity = 40.f [[ anno::enable_if("enable_emission == true"), anno::display_name("Emissive Intensity"), anno::description("Intensity of the emission"), anno::in_group("Emissive") ]], // Opacity Map uniform bool enable_opacity_texture = false [[ anno::display_name("Enable Opacity"), anno::description("Enables or disbales the usage of the opacity texture map"), anno::in_group("Opacity") ]], uniform float opacity_constant = 1.f [[ anno::enable_if("enable_opacity_texture == true"), anno::hard_range(0.0, 1.0), anno::display_name("Opacity Amount"), anno::description("Amount of Opacity"), anno::in_group("Opacity") ]], uniform texture_2d opacity_texture = texture_2d() [[ anno::enable_if("enable_opacity_texture==true"), anno::display_name("Opacity Map"), anno::in_group("Opacity") ]], // -------------------- Normal ---------------------- uniform float bump_factor = 1.f [[ anno::display_name("Normal Map Strength"), anno::description("Strength of normal map."), anno::in_group("Normal") ]], uniform texture_2d normalmap_texture = texture_2d() [[ anno::display_name("Normal Map"), anno::description("Enables the usage of the normalmap texture"), anno::in_group("Normal") ]], uniform float detail_bump_factor = .3f [[ anno::display_name("Detail Normal Strength"), anno::in_group("Normal"), anno::description("Strength of the detail normal") ]], uniform texture_2d detail_normalmap_texture = texture_2d() [[ anno::display_name("Detail Normal Map"), anno::in_group("Normal") ]], // UV Projection Group uniform bool project_uvw = false [[ anno::display_name("Enable Project UVW Coordinates"), anno::description("When enabled, UV coordinates will be generated by projecting them from a coordinate system"), anno::in_group("UV") ]], uniform bool world_or_object = false [[ anno::enable_if("project_uvw == true"), anno::display_name("Enable World Space"), anno::description("When set to 'true' uses world space for projection, when 'false' object space is used"), anno::in_group("UV") ]], uniform int uv_space_index = 0 [[ anno::enable_if("project_uvw == true"), anno::display_name("UV Space Index"), anno::description("UV Space Index."), anno::in_group("UV"), anno::hard_range(0, 3) ]], // Adjustments Group uniform float2 texture_translate = float2(0.0f) [[ anno::enable_if("project_uvw == true"), anno::display_name("Texture Translate"), anno::description("Controls position of texture."), anno::in_group("UV") ]], uniform float texture_rotate = 0.f [[ anno::enable_if("project_uvw == true"), anno::display_name("Texture Rotate"), anno::description("Rotates angle of texture in degrees."), anno::in_group("UV") ]], uniform float2 texture_scale = float2(1.0f) [[ anno::enable_if("project_uvw == true"), anno::display_name("Texture Scale"), anno::description("Larger number increases size of texture."), anno::in_group("UV") ]], uniform float2 detail_texture_translate = float2(0.0f) [[ anno::enable_if("project_uvw == true"), anno::display_name("Detail Texture Translate"), anno::description("Controls the position of the detail texture."), anno::in_group("UV") ]], uniform float detail_texture_rotate = 0.f [[ anno::enable_if("project_uvw == true"), anno::display_name("Detail Texture Rotate"), anno::description("Rotates angle of the detail texture in degrees."), anno::in_group("UV") ]], uniform float2 detail_texture_scale = float2(1.0f) [[ anno::enable_if("project_uvw == true"), anno::display_name("Detail Texture Scale"), anno::description("Larger numbers increase the size of the detail texture"), anno::in_group("UV") ]] ) [[ anno::display_name("Omni PBR Opacity"), anno::description("Omni PBR,supports opacity and ORM textures"), anno::version( 1, 0, 0), anno::author("NVIDIA CORPORATION"), anno::key_words(string[]("omni", "PBR", "omniverse", "generic")) ]] = let{ base::texture_coordinate_system the_system = world_or_object ? base::texture_coordinate_world : base::texture_coordinate_object; base::texture_coordinate_info uvw = project_uvw ? base::coordinate_projection( coordinate_system: the_system, texture_space: uv_space_index, projection_type: base::projection_cubic ) : base::coordinate_source( coordinate_system: base::texture_coordinate_uvw, texture_space: uv_space_index ); base::texture_coordinate_info transformed_uvw = base::transform_coordinate( transform: rotation_translation_scale( scaling: float3(texture_scale.x, texture_scale.y, 1.0), rotation: float3(0.0, 0.0, texture_rotate/180.*math::PI ), translation: float3(texture_translate.x, texture_translate.y, 0.0) ), coordinate: uvw ); base::texture_coordinate_info detail_transformed_uvw = base::transform_coordinate( transform: rotation_translation_scale( scaling: float3(detail_texture_scale.x, detail_texture_scale.y, 1.0), rotation: float3(0.0, 0.0, detail_texture_rotate/180.*math::PI ), translation: float3(detail_texture_translate.x, detail_texture_translate.y, 0.0) ), coordinate: uvw ); // -------------------- ORM Handling -------------------- float3 ORM_lookup = tex::lookup_float3( tex: ORM_texture, coord: float2(transformed_uvw.position.x, transformed_uvw.position.y) ); base::texture_return roughness_lookup = base::file_texture( texture: reflectionroughness_texture, mono_source: base::mono_average, uvw: transformed_uvw, clip: false ); float roughness_selection = enable_ORM_texture ? ORM_lookup.y : roughness_lookup.mono; float reflection_roughness_1 = math::lerp(reflection_roughness_constant, roughness_selection, reflection_roughness_texture_influence); // Diffuse Color Lookup and AO base::texture_return base_lookup = base::file_texture( texture: diffuse_texture, color_offset: color(albedo_add), color_scale: color(albedo_brightness), mono_source: base::mono_luminance, uvw: transformed_uvw, clip: false ); float alpha = tex::texture_isvalid(diffuse_texture) ? base::file_texture( texture: diffuse_texture, mono_source: base::mono_alpha, uvw: transformed_uvw, clip: false ).mono : 1.0; base::texture_return ao_lookup = base::file_texture( texture: ao_texture, color_offset: color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), color_scale: color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), mono_source: base::mono_average, uvw: transformed_uvw, clip: false ); // checking whether the ORM texture or the AO texture is supposed to be used color ao_color = enable_ORM_texture ? color(ORM_lookup.x) : ao_lookup.tint; color desaturated_base = math::lerp(base_lookup.tint, color(base_lookup.mono), albedo_desaturation); color diffuse_color = tex::texture_isvalid(diffuse_texture)? desaturated_base : diffuse_color_constant; //color diffuse_color = desaturated_base ; color tinted_diffuse_color = multiply_colors(diffuse_color, diffuse_tint, 1.0).tint ; color base_color = multiply_colors( color_1: tinted_diffuse_color, color_2: ao_color, weight: ao_to_diffuse ).tint; base::texture_return metallic_lookup = base::file_texture( texture: metallic_texture, color_offset: color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), color_scale: color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), mono_source: base::mono_average, uvw: transformed_uvw, clip: false ); // Choose between ORM or metallic map float metallic_selection = enable_ORM_texture ? ORM_lookup.z : metallic_lookup.mono; // blend between the constant metallic value and the map lookup float metallic = math::lerp(metallic_constant, metallic_selection, metallic_texture_influence); bsdf diffuse_bsdf = df::diffuse_reflection_bsdf( tint: base_color, roughness: 0.f ); bsdf ggx_smith_bsdf = df::microfacet_ggx_smith_bsdf( roughness_u:reflection_roughness_1 * reflection_roughness_1, roughness_v:reflection_roughness_1 * reflection_roughness_1, tint: color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), mode: df::scatter_reflect ); bsdf custom_curve_layer_bsdf = df::custom_curve_layer( normal_reflectivity: 0.08, grazing_reflectivity: 1.0, exponent: 5.0, weight: specular_level, layer: ggx_smith_bsdf, base: diffuse_bsdf ); // Replaced by tinting as this reproduces the UE4 behavior more faithfully bsdf directional_factor_bsdf = df::directional_factor( normal_tint: base_color, grazing_tint: base_color, //color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), exponent: 3.0f, base: ggx_smith_bsdf ); //bsdf directional_factor_bsdf = df::tint(base_color, ggx_smith_bsdf); bsdf final_bsdf = df::weighted_layer( weight: metallic, layer: directional_factor_bsdf, base: custom_curve_layer_bsdf ); color emissive_mask = tex::texture_isvalid(emissive_mask_texture) ? base::file_texture( texture: emissive_mask_texture, color_offset: color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), color_scale: color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), mono_source: base::mono_average, uvw: transformed_uvw, clip: false ).tint : color(1.0); // Normal calculations float3 the_normal = tex::texture_isvalid(normalmap_texture) ? base::tangent_space_normal_texture( texture: normalmap_texture, factor: bump_factor, uvw: transformed_uvw //flip_tangent_u: false, //flip_tangent_v: true ): state::normal() ; float3 detail_normal = tex::texture_isvalid(detail_normalmap_texture) ? base::tangent_space_normal_texture( texture: detail_normalmap_texture, factor: detail_bump_factor, uvw: detail_transformed_uvw ): state::normal() ; float3 final_normal = tex::texture_isvalid(detail_normalmap_texture) ? add_detail_normal(detail_normal, the_normal) : the_normal; // Opacity Map float opacity_value = enable_opacity_texture ? base::file_texture( texture: opacity_texture, mono_source: base::mono_average, uvw: transformed_uvw ).mono : (opacity_constant > 0? opacity_constant*alpha : alpha); } in material( surface: material_surface( scattering: final_bsdf, emission: material_emission ( df::diffuse_edf(), intensity: enable_emission? emissive_color * emissive_mask * color(emissive_intensity) : color(0) ) ), geometry: material_geometry( normal: final_normal, cutout_opacity: opacity_value ) );
mdl 1.4; import ::df::*; import ::base::*; import ::math::*; import ::state::*; import ::anno::*; import ::tex::*; import OmniPBR_Opacity::OmniPBR_Opacity; export material Contour1_Surface_0(*) = OmniPBR_Opacity::OmniPBR_Opacity( diffuse_color_constant: color( 1.0000000f, 1.0000000f, 1.0000000f), diffuse_texture: texture_2d("../textures/Contour1_Surface_1.bmp", ::tex::gamma_default), emissive_color: color( 1.0000000f, 1.0000000f, 1.0000000f), emissive_intensity: 0, enable_emission: false, opacity_constant: 1, opacity_texture: texture_2d(), enable_opacity_texture: false, reflection_roughness_constant : 0.3, reflectionroughness_texture : texture_2d(), reflection_roughness_texture_influence : 0.f, metallic_constant : 0, metallic_texture : texture_2d(), metallic_texture_influence : 0.f, albedo_add: 0.f, albedo_brightness: 1.f, ao_texture : texture_2d(), ao_to_diffuse : 0.f, specular_level : 0.5f, normalmap_texture : texture_2d(), bump_factor : 1.f, project_uvw : false, world_or_object : false, uv_space_index : 0, texture_translate : float2(0.f), texture_rotate : 0.f, texture_scale : float2(1.f) );
mdl 1.4; import ::df::*; import ::base::*; import ::math::*; import ::state::*; import ::anno::*; import ::tex::*; import OmniPBR_Opacity::OmniPBR_Opacity; export material Contour1_Surface_0(*) = OmniPBR_Opacity::OmniPBR_Opacity( diffuse_color_constant: color( 1.0000000f, 1.0000000f, 1.0000000f), diffuse_texture: texture_2d("../textures/Contour1_Surface_1.bmp", ::tex::gamma_default), emissive_color: color( 1.0000000f, 1.0000000f, 1.0000000f), emissive_intensity: 0, enable_emission: false, opacity_constant: 1, opacity_texture: texture_2d(), enable_opacity_texture: false, reflection_roughness_constant : 0.3, reflectionroughness_texture : texture_2d(), reflection_roughness_texture_influence : 0.f, metallic_constant : 0, metallic_texture : texture_2d(), metallic_texture_influence : 0.f, albedo_add: 0.f, albedo_brightness: 1.f, ao_texture : texture_2d(), ao_to_diffuse : 0.f, specular_level : 0.5f, normalmap_texture : texture_2d(), bump_factor : 1.f, project_uvw : false, world_or_object : false, uv_space_index : 0, texture_translate : float2(0.f), texture_rotate : 0.f, texture_scale : float2(1.f) );
/***************************************************************************** * Copyright 2022 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. ****************************************************************************** MDL MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED PURSUANT TO AN END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT, WHICH WAS ACCEPTED IN ORDER TO GAIN ACCESS TO THIS FILE. IN PARTICULAR, THE MDL MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT, PATENT, TRADEMARK, OR OTHER RIGHT. IN NO EVENT SHALL NVIDIA CORPORATION BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE MDL MATERIALS OR FROM OTHER DEALINGS IN THE MDL MATERIALS. */ mdl 1.4; import ::state::*; import ::base::*; import ::tex::*; import ::anno::*; import ::nvidia::core_definitions::*; const string COPYRIGHT = " Copyright 2022 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.\n" " MDL MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED PURSUANT TO AN END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT,\n" " WHICH WAS ACCEPTED IN ORDER TO GAIN ACCESS TO THIS FILE. IN PARTICULAR,\n" " THE MDL MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,\n" " EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTIES OF\n" " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF\n" " COPYRIGHT, PATENT, TRADEMARK, OR OTHER RIGHT. IN NO EVENT SHALL NVIDIA\n" " CORPORATION BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, INCLUDING ANY\n" " GENERAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER IN\n" " AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF THE USE OR\n" " INABILITY TO USE THE MDL MATERIALS OR FROM OTHER DEALINGS IN THE MDL MATERIALS.\n"; export material Concrete_Precast( color concrete_color = color ( 0.57f, 0.57f, 0.57f ) [[ ::anno::display_name("Concrete Color"), ::anno::description ( "Choose the color of the Concrete."), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], float grunge_amount = 0.20f [[ ::anno::display_name("Grunge Amount"), ::anno::description("higher values results in more noise difference in the color of the concrete."), ::anno::hard_range(0.0,1.0), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], float reflection_roughness = 0.5f [[ ::anno::display_name("Reflection Roughness"), ::anno::description("Higher roughness values lead to bigger highlights and blurrier reflections."), ::anno::hard_range(0.0,1.0), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], uniform float bump_strength = .5f [[ ::anno::display_name("Bump Strength"), ::anno::description("Specifies the strength of the bump."), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], uniform float2 texture_translate = float2 ( 0.f) [[ ::anno::display_name("Translate"), ::anno::description("Controls the position of the texture."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float texture_rotate = 0.f [[ ::anno::display_name("Rotate"), ::anno::description("Rotate angle of the texture in degrees."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float2 texture_scale = float2 ( 1.f , 1.f) [[ ::anno::display_name("Scale"), ::anno::description("Larger numbers increase the texture size."), ::nvidia::core_definitions::dimension(float2(1.0f, 1.0f)), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float ior = 1.5f [[ ::anno::display_name("IOR"), ::anno::description("Index of refraction."), ::anno::soft_range(1.0,4.0), ::anno::in_group("Advanced") ]], uniform int uv_space_index = 0 [[ ::anno::display_name("UV Space Index"), ::anno::description("UV space index."), ::anno::hard_range(0,3), ::anno::in_group("Advanced") ]]) [[ ::anno::display_name("Concrete Precast - White"), ::anno::description("A material for (pre)cast concrete formwork panels that have holes as part of the manufacturing process"), ::anno::author("NVIDIA vMaterials"), ::anno::copyright_notice(COPYRIGHT), ::anno::thumbnail("./.thumbs/Concrete_Precast.concrete_precast_gray.png"), ::anno::key_words(string[]("floor", "cast", "concrete", "precast", "construction", "cement", "white", "unfinished", "rough")) ]]= ::nvidia::core_definitions::flex_material_v2( base_color: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: concrete_color, color_2: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_diff.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, mode: ::base::color_layer_overlay, weight: 1.0f ).tint, color_2: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_grunge_mask.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, mode: ::base::color_layer_multiply, weight: grunge_amount ).tint, diffuse_roughness: 0.f, is_metal: false, reflectivity: 1.0f, reflection_roughness: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_rough.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, color_2: color ( reflection_roughness ), mode: ::base::color_layer_overlay, weight: 1.0f ).mono, anisotropy: 0.f, anisotropy_rotation: 0.f, transparency: 0.f, transmission_color: color ( 1.f , 1.f , 1.f), volume_color: color ( 1.f , 1.f , 1.f), transmission_roughness: 0.f, base_thickness: 0.1f, ior: ior, thin_walled: false, normal: ::nvidia::core_definitions::normalmap_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_norm.jpg" , ::tex::gamma_linear), scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, factor: bump_strength * 0.20f, texture_space: uv_space_index)); export material concrete_precast_light_gray( color concrete_color = color ( 0.68f , 0.68f , 0.68f ) [[ ::anno::display_name("Concrete Color"), ::anno::description ( "Choose the color of the Concrete."), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], float grunge_amount = 0.40f [[ ::anno::display_name("Grunge Amount"), ::anno::description("higher values results in more noise difference in the color of the concrete."), ::anno::hard_range(0.0,1.0), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], float reflection_roughness = 0.15f [[ ::anno::display_name("Reflection Roughness"), ::anno::description("Higher roughness values lead to bigger highlights and blurrier reflections."), ::anno::hard_range(0.0,1.0), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], uniform float bump_strength = 1.f [[ ::anno::display_name("Bump Strength"), ::anno::description("Specifies the strength of the bump."), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], uniform float2 texture_translate = float2 ( 0.f) [[ ::anno::display_name("Translate"), ::anno::description("Controls the position of the texture."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float texture_rotate = 0.f [[ ::anno::display_name("Rotate"), ::anno::description("Rotate angle of the texture in degrees."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float2 texture_scale = float2 ( 1.f , 1.f) [[ ::anno::display_name("Scale"), ::anno::description("Larger numbers increase the texture size."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float ior = 1.5f [[ ::anno::display_name("IOR"), ::anno::description("Index of refraction."), ::anno::soft_range(1.0,4.0), ::anno::in_group("Advanced") ]], uniform int uv_space_index = 0 [[ ::anno::display_name("UV Space Index"), ::anno::description("UV space index."), ::anno::hard_range(0,3), ::anno::in_group("Advanced") ]]) [[ ::anno::display_name("Concrete Precast - Light Gray"), ::anno::description("A material for (pre)cast concrete formwork panels that have holes as part of the manufacturing process"), ::anno::author("NVIDIA vMaterials"), ::anno::copyright_notice(COPYRIGHT), ::anno::thumbnail("./.thumbs/Concrete_Precast.concrete_precast_light_gray.png"), ::anno::key_words(string[]("floor", "cast", "concrete", "precast", "construction", "cement", "gray", "light gray", "light", "unfinished", "rough")) ]]= ::nvidia::core_definitions::flex_material_v2( base_color: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: concrete_color, color_2: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_diff.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, mode: ::base::color_layer_overlay, weight: 1.0f ).tint, color_2: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_grunge_mask.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, mode: ::base::color_layer_multiply, weight: grunge_amount ).tint, diffuse_roughness: 0.f, is_metal: false, reflectivity: 1.0f, reflection_roughness: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_rough.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, color_2: color (reflection_roughness), mode: ::base::color_layer_overlay, weight: 1.0f ).mono, anisotropy: 0.f, anisotropy_rotation: 0.f, transparency: 0.f, transmission_color: color ( 1.f , 1.f , 1.f), volume_color: color ( 1.f , 1.f , 1.f), transmission_roughness: 0.f, base_thickness: 0.1f, ior: ior, thin_walled: false, normal: ::nvidia::core_definitions::normalmap_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_norm.jpg" , ::tex::gamma_linear), scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, factor: bump_strength * 0.20f, texture_space: uv_space_index)); export material concrete_precast_ivory( color concrete_color = color ( 0.883f , 0.851f , 0.797f ) [[ ::anno::display_name("Concrete Color"), ::anno::description ( "Choose the color of the Concrete."), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], float grunge_amount = 0.30f [[ ::anno::display_name("Grunge Amount"), ::anno::description("higher values results in more noise difference in the color of the concrete."), ::anno::hard_range(0.0,1.0), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], float reflection_roughness = 0.15f [[ ::anno::display_name("Reflection Roughness"), ::anno::description("Higher roughness values lead to bigger highlights and blurrier reflections."), ::anno::hard_range(0.0,1.0), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], uniform float bump_strength = 1.f [[ ::anno::display_name("Bump Strength"), ::anno::description("Specifies the strength of the bump."), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], uniform float2 texture_translate = float2 ( 0.f) [[ ::anno::display_name("Translate"), ::anno::description("Controls the position of the texture."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float texture_rotate = 0.f [[ ::anno::display_name("Rotate"), ::anno::description("Rotate angle of the texture in degrees."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float2 texture_scale = float2 ( 1.f , 1.f) [[ ::anno::display_name("Scale"), ::anno::description("Larger numbers increase the texture size."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float ior = 1.5f [[ ::anno::display_name("IOR"), ::anno::description("Index of refraction."), ::anno::soft_range(1.0,4.0), ::anno::in_group("Advanced") ]], uniform int uv_space_index = 0 [[ ::anno::display_name("UV Space Index"), ::anno::description("UV space index."), ::anno::hard_range(0,3), ::anno::in_group("Advanced") ]]) [[ ::anno::display_name("Concrete Precast - Ivory"), ::anno::description("A material for (pre)cast concrete formwork panels that have holes as part of the manufacturing process"), ::anno::author("NVIDIA vMaterials"), ::anno::copyright_notice(COPYRIGHT), ::anno::thumbnail("./.thumbs/Concrete_Precast.concrete_precast_ivory.png"), ::anno::key_words(string[]("floor", "cast", "concrete", "precast", "construction", "cement", "white", "ivory", "unfinished", "rough")) ]]= ::nvidia::core_definitions::flex_material_v2( base_color: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: concrete_color, color_2: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_diff.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, mode: ::base::color_layer_overlay, weight: 1.0f ).tint, color_2: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_grunge_mask.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, mode: ::base::color_layer_multiply, weight: grunge_amount ).tint, diffuse_roughness: 0.f, is_metal: false, reflectivity: 1.0f, reflection_roughness: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_rough.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, color_2: color (reflection_roughness), mode: ::base::color_layer_overlay, weight: 1.0f ).mono, anisotropy: 0.f, anisotropy_rotation: 0.f, transparency: 0.f, transmission_color: color ( 1.f , 1.f , 1.f), volume_color: color ( 1.f , 1.f , 1.f), transmission_roughness: 0.f, base_thickness: 0.1f, ior: ior, thin_walled: false, normal: ::nvidia::core_definitions::normalmap_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_norm.jpg" , ::tex::gamma_linear), scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, factor: bump_strength * 0.20f, texture_space: uv_space_index)); export material concrete_precast_light_warm_gray( color concrete_color = color (0.932f , 0.859f , 0.797f ) [[ ::anno::display_name("Concrete Color"), ::anno::description ( "Choose the color of the Concrete."), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], float grunge_amount = 0.55f [[ ::anno::display_name("Grunge Amount"), ::anno::description("higher values results in more noise difference in the color of the concrete."), ::anno::hard_range(0.0,1.0), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], float reflection_roughness = 0.15f [[ ::anno::display_name("Reflection Roughness"), ::anno::description("Higher roughness values lead to bigger highlights and blurrier reflections."), ::anno::hard_range(0.0,1.0), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], uniform float bump_strength = 1.f [[ ::anno::display_name("Bump Strength"), ::anno::description("Specifies the strength of the bump."), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], uniform float2 texture_translate = float2 ( 0.f) [[ ::anno::display_name("Translate"), ::anno::description("Controls the position of the texture."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float texture_rotate = 0.f [[ ::anno::display_name("Rotate"), ::anno::description("Rotate angle of the texture in degrees."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float2 texture_scale = float2 ( 1.f , 1.f) [[ ::anno::display_name("Scale"), ::anno::description("Larger numbers increase the texture size."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float ior = 1.5f [[ ::anno::display_name("IOR"), ::anno::description("Index of refraction."), ::anno::soft_range(1.0,4.0), ::anno::in_group("Advanced") ]], uniform int uv_space_index = 0 [[ ::anno::display_name("UV Space Index"), ::anno::description("UV space index."), ::anno::hard_range(0,3), ::anno::in_group("Advanced") ]]) [[ ::anno::display_name("Concrete Precast - Light Warm Gray"), ::anno::description("A material for (pre)cast concrete formwork panels that have holes as part of the manufacturing process"), ::anno::author("NVIDIA vMaterials"), ::anno::copyright_notice(COPYRIGHT), ::anno::thumbnail("./.thumbs/Concrete_Precast.concrete_precast_light_warm_gray.png"), ::anno::key_words(string[]("floor", "cast", "concrete", "precast", "construction", "cement", "warm", "gray", "light gray", "unfinished", "rough")) ]]= ::nvidia::core_definitions::flex_material_v2( base_color: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: concrete_color, color_2: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_diff.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, mode: ::base::color_layer_overlay, weight: 1.0f ).tint, color_2: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_grunge_mask.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, mode: ::base::color_layer_multiply, weight: grunge_amount ).tint, diffuse_roughness: 0.f, is_metal: false, reflectivity: 1.0f, reflection_roughness: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_rough.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, color_2: color (reflection_roughness), mode: ::base::color_layer_overlay, weight: 1.0f ).mono, anisotropy: 0.f, anisotropy_rotation: 0.f, transparency: 0.f, transmission_color: color ( 1.f , 1.f , 1.f), volume_color: color ( 1.f , 1.f , 1.f), transmission_roughness: 0.f, base_thickness: 0.1f, ior: ior, thin_walled: false, normal: ::nvidia::core_definitions::normalmap_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_norm.jpg" , ::tex::gamma_linear), scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, factor: bump_strength * 0.20f, texture_space: uv_space_index)); export material concrete_precast_warm_gray( color concrete_color = color (0.932f , 0.859f , 0.797f ) [[ ::anno::display_name("Concrete Color"), ::anno::description ( "Choose the color of the Concrete."), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], float grunge_amount = 0.55f [[ ::anno::display_name("Grunge Amount"), ::anno::description("higher values results in more noise difference in the color of the concrete."), ::anno::hard_range(0.0,1.0), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], float reflection_roughness = 0.15f [[ ::anno::display_name("Reflection Roughness"), ::anno::description("Higher roughness values lead to bigger highlights and blurrier reflections."), ::anno::hard_range(0.0,1.0), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], uniform float bump_strength = 1.f [[ ::anno::display_name("Bump Strength"), ::anno::description("Specifies the strength of the bump."), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], uniform float2 texture_translate = float2 ( 0.f) [[ ::anno::display_name("Translate"), ::anno::description("Controls the position of the texture."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float texture_rotate = 0.f [[ ::anno::display_name("Rotate"), ::anno::description("Rotate angle of the texture in degrees."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float2 texture_scale = float2 ( 1.f , 1.f) [[ ::anno::display_name("Scale"), ::anno::description("Larger numbers increase the texture size."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float ior = 1.5f [[ ::anno::display_name("IOR"), ::anno::description("Index of refraction."), ::anno::soft_range(1.0,4.0), ::anno::in_group("Advanced") ]], uniform int uv_space_index = 0 [[ ::anno::display_name("UV Space Index"), ::anno::description("UV space index."), ::anno::hard_range(0,3), ::anno::in_group("Advanced") ]]) [[ ::anno::display_name("Concrete Precast - Warm Gray"), ::anno::description("A material for (pre)cast concrete formwork panels that have holes as part of the manufacturing process"), ::anno::author("NVIDIA vMaterials"), ::anno::copyright_notice(COPYRIGHT), ::anno::thumbnail("./.thumbs/Concrete_Precast.concrete_precast_warm_gray.png"), ::anno::key_words(string[]("floor", "cast", "concrete", "precast", "construction", "cement", "warm", "gray", "unfinished", "rough")) ]]= ::nvidia::core_definitions::flex_material_v2( base_color: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: concrete_color, color_2: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_diff.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, mode: ::base::color_layer_overlay, weight: 1.0f ).tint, color_2: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_grunge_mask.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, mode: ::base::color_layer_multiply, weight: grunge_amount ).tint, diffuse_roughness: 0.f, is_metal: false, reflectivity: 1.0f, reflection_roughness: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_rough.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, color_2: color (reflection_roughness), mode: ::base::color_layer_overlay, weight: 1.0f ).mono, anisotropy: 0.f, anisotropy_rotation: 0.f, transparency: 0.f, transmission_color: color ( 1.f , 1.f , 1.f), volume_color: color ( 1.f , 1.f , 1.f), transmission_roughness: 0.f, base_thickness: 0.1f, ior: ior, thin_walled: false, normal: ::nvidia::core_definitions::normalmap_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_norm.jpg" , ::tex::gamma_linear), scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, factor: bump_strength * 0.20f, texture_space: uv_space_index)); export material concrete_precast_dark_gray( color concrete_color = color ( 0.53f , 0.505f , 0.494f ) [[ ::anno::display_name("Concrete Color"), ::anno::description ( "Choose the color of the Concrete."), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], float grunge_amount = 0.5f [[ ::anno::display_name("Grunge Amount"), ::anno::description("higher values results in more noise difference in the color of the concrete."), ::anno::hard_range(0.0,1.0), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], float reflection_roughness = 0.15f [[ ::anno::display_name("Reflection Roughness"), ::anno::description("Higher roughness values lead to bigger highlights and blurrier reflections."), ::anno::hard_range(0.0,1.0), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], uniform float bump_strength = 1.f [[ ::anno::display_name("Bump Strength"), ::anno::description("Specifies the strength of the bump."), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], uniform float2 texture_translate = float2 ( 0.f) [[ ::anno::display_name("Translate"), ::anno::description("Controls the position of the texture."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float texture_rotate = 0.f [[ ::anno::display_name("Rotate"), ::anno::description("Rotate angle of the texture in degrees."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float2 texture_scale = float2 ( 1.f , 1.f) [[ ::anno::display_name("Scale"), ::anno::description("Larger numbers increase the texture size."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float ior = 1.5f [[ ::anno::display_name("IOR"), ::anno::description("Index of refraction."), ::anno::soft_range(1.0,4.0), ::anno::in_group("Advanced") ]], uniform int uv_space_index = 0 [[ ::anno::display_name("UV Space Index"), ::anno::description("UV space index."), ::anno::hard_range(0,3), ::anno::in_group("Advanced") ]]) [[ ::anno::display_name("Concrete Precast - Dark Gray"), ::anno::description("A material for (pre)cast concrete formwork panels that have holes as part of the manufacturing process"), ::anno::author("NVIDIA vMaterials"), ::anno::copyright_notice(COPYRIGHT), ::anno::thumbnail("./.thumbs/Concrete_Precast.concrete_precast_dark_gray.png"), ::anno::key_words(string[]("floor", "cast", "concrete", "precast", "construction", "cement", "dark", "gray", "dark gray", "unfinished", "rough")) ]]= ::nvidia::core_definitions::flex_material_v2( base_color: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: concrete_color, color_2: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_diff.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, mode: ::base::color_layer_overlay, weight: 1.0f ).tint, color_2: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_grunge_mask.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, mode: ::base::color_layer_multiply, weight: grunge_amount ).tint, diffuse_roughness: 0.f, is_metal: false, reflectivity: 1.0f, reflection_roughness: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_rough.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, color_2: color (reflection_roughness), mode: ::base::color_layer_overlay, weight: 1.0f ).mono, anisotropy: 0.f, anisotropy_rotation: 0.f, transparency: 0.f, transmission_color: color ( 1.f , 1.f , 1.f), volume_color: color ( 1.f , 1.f , 1.f), transmission_roughness: 0.f, base_thickness: 0.1f, ior: ior, thin_walled: false, normal: ::nvidia::core_definitions::normalmap_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_norm.jpg" , ::tex::gamma_linear), scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, factor: bump_strength * 0.20f, texture_space: uv_space_index)); export material concrete_precast_dark_charcoal( color concrete_color = color ( 0.28f , 0.259f , 0.239f ) [[ ::anno::display_name("Concrete Color"), ::anno::description ( "Choose the color of the Concrete."), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], float grunge_amount = 0.5f [[ ::anno::display_name("Grunge Amount"), ::anno::description("higher values results in more noise difference in the color of the concrete."), ::anno::hard_range(0.0,1.0), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], float reflection_roughness = 0.15f [[ ::anno::display_name("Reflection Roughness"), ::anno::description("Higher roughness values lead to bigger highlights and blurrier reflections."), ::anno::hard_range(0.0,1.0), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], uniform float bump_strength = 1.f [[ ::anno::display_name("Bump Strength"), ::anno::description("Specifies the strength of the bump."), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], uniform float2 texture_translate = float2 ( 0.f) [[ ::anno::display_name("Translate"), ::anno::description("Controls the position of the texture."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float texture_rotate = 0.f [[ ::anno::display_name("Rotate"), ::anno::description("Rotate angle of the texture in degrees."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float2 texture_scale = float2 ( 1.f , 1.f) [[ ::anno::display_name("Scale"), ::anno::description("Larger numbers increase the texture size."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float ior = 1.5f [[ ::anno::display_name("IOR"), ::anno::description("Index of refraction."), ::anno::soft_range(1.0,4.0), ::anno::in_group("Advanced") ]], uniform int uv_space_index = 0 [[ ::anno::display_name("UV Space Index"), ::anno::description("UV space index."), ::anno::hard_range(0,3), ::anno::in_group("Advanced") ]]) [[ ::anno::display_name("Concrete Precast - Charcoal"), ::anno::description("A material for (pre)cast concrete formwork panels that have holes as part of the manufacturing process"), ::anno::author("NVIDIA vMaterials"), ::anno::copyright_notice(COPYRIGHT), ::anno::thumbnail("./.thumbs/Concrete_Precast.concrete_precast_dark_charcoal.png"), ::anno::key_words(string[]("floor", "cast", "concrete", "precast", "construction", "cement", "dark", "charcoal", "gray", "unfinished", "rough")) ]]= ::nvidia::core_definitions::flex_material_v2( base_color: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: concrete_color, color_2: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_diff.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, mode: ::base::color_layer_overlay, weight: 1.0f ).tint, color_2: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_grunge_mask.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, mode: ::base::color_layer_multiply, weight: grunge_amount ).tint, diffuse_roughness: 0.f, is_metal: false, reflectivity: 1.0f, reflection_roughness: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_rough.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, color_2: color (reflection_roughness), mode: ::base::color_layer_overlay, weight: 1.0f ).mono, anisotropy: 0.f, anisotropy_rotation: 0.f, transparency: 0.f, transmission_color: color ( 1.f , 1.f , 1.f), volume_color: color ( 1.f , 1.f , 1.f), transmission_roughness: 0.f, base_thickness: 0.1f, ior: ior, thin_walled: false, normal: ::nvidia::core_definitions::normalmap_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_norm.jpg" , ::tex::gamma_linear), scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, factor: bump_strength * 0.20f, texture_space: uv_space_index)); export material concrete_precast_walnut( color concrete_color = color ( 0.47f , 0.307f , 0.239f ) [[ ::anno::display_name("Concrete Color"), ::anno::description ( "Choose the color of the Concrete."), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], float grunge_amount = 0.5f [[ ::anno::display_name("Grunge Amount"), ::anno::description("higher values results in more noise difference in the color of the concrete."), ::anno::hard_range(0.0,1.0), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], float reflection_roughness = 0.15f [[ ::anno::display_name("Reflection Roughness"), ::anno::description("Higher roughness values lead to bigger highlights and blurrier reflections."), ::anno::hard_range(0.0,1.0), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], uniform float bump_strength = 1.f [[ ::anno::display_name("Bump Strength"), ::anno::description("Specifies the strength of the bump."), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], uniform float2 texture_translate = float2 ( 0.f) [[ ::anno::display_name("Translate"), ::anno::description("Controls the position of the texture."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float texture_rotate = 0.f [[ ::anno::display_name("Rotate"), ::anno::description("Rotate angle of the texture in degrees."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float2 texture_scale = float2 ( 1.f , 1.f) [[ ::anno::display_name("Scale"), ::anno::description("Larger numbers increase the texture size."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float ior = 1.5f [[ ::anno::display_name("IOR"), ::anno::description("Index of refraction."), ::anno::soft_range(1.0,4.0), ::anno::in_group("Advanced") ]], uniform int uv_space_index = 0 [[ ::anno::display_name("UV Space Index"), ::anno::description("UV space index."), ::anno::hard_range(0,3), ::anno::in_group("Advanced") ]]) [[ ::anno::display_name("Concrete Precast - Walnut"), ::anno::description("A material for (pre)cast concrete formwork panels that have holes as part of the manufacturing process"), ::anno::author("NVIDIA vMaterials"), ::anno::copyright_notice(COPYRIGHT), ::anno::thumbnail("./.thumbs/Concrete_Precast.concrete_precast_walnut.png"), ::anno::key_words(string[]("floor", "cast", "concrete", "precast", "construction", "cement", "warm", "walnut", "unfinished", "rough")) ]]= ::nvidia::core_definitions::flex_material_v2( base_color: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: concrete_color, color_2: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_diff.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, mode: ::base::color_layer_overlay, weight: 1.0f ).tint, color_2: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_grunge_mask.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, mode: ::base::color_layer_multiply, weight: grunge_amount ).tint, diffuse_roughness: 0.f, is_metal: false, reflectivity: 1.0f, reflection_roughness: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_rough.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, color_2: color (reflection_roughness), mode: ::base::color_layer_overlay, weight: 1.0f ).mono, anisotropy: 0.f, anisotropy_rotation: 0.f, transparency: 0.f, transmission_color: color ( 1.f , 1.f , 1.f), volume_color: color ( 1.f , 1.f , 1.f), transmission_roughness: 0.f, base_thickness: 0.1f, ior: ior, thin_walled: false, normal: ::nvidia::core_definitions::normalmap_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_norm.jpg" , ::tex::gamma_linear), scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, factor: bump_strength * 0.20f, texture_space: uv_space_index)); export material concrete_precast_sienna( color concrete_color = color ( 0.517f , 0.453f , 0.344f ) [[ ::anno::display_name("Concrete Color"), ::anno::description ( "Choose the color of the Concrete."), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], float grunge_amount = 0.5f [[ ::anno::display_name("Grunge Amount"), ::anno::description("higher values results in more noise difference in the color of the concrete."), ::anno::hard_range(0.0,1.0), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], float reflection_roughness = 0.15f [[ ::anno::display_name("Reflection Roughness"), ::anno::description("Higher roughness values lead to bigger highlights and blurrier reflections."), ::anno::hard_range(0.0,1.0), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], uniform float bump_strength = 1.f [[ ::anno::display_name("Bump Strength"), ::anno::description("Specifies the strength of the bump."), ::anno::in_group("Appearance") ]], uniform float2 texture_translate = float2 ( 0.f) [[ ::anno::display_name("Translate"), ::anno::description("Controls the position of the texture."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float texture_rotate = 0.f [[ ::anno::display_name("Rotate"), ::anno::description("Rotate angle of the texture in degrees."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float2 texture_scale = float2 ( 1.f , 1.f) [[ ::anno::display_name("Scale"), ::anno::description("Larger numbers increase the texture size."), ::anno::in_group("Transform") ]], uniform float ior = 1.5f [[ ::anno::display_name("IOR"), ::anno::description("Index of refraction."), ::anno::soft_range(1.0,4.0), ::anno::in_group("Advanced") ]], uniform int uv_space_index = 0 [[ ::anno::display_name("UV Space Index"), ::anno::description("UV space index."), ::anno::hard_range(0,3), ::anno::in_group("Advanced") ]]) [[ ::anno::display_name("Concrete Precast - Sienna"), ::anno::description("A material for (pre)cast concrete formwork panels that have holes as part of the manufacturing process"), ::anno::author("NVIDIA vMaterials"), ::anno::copyright_notice(COPYRIGHT), ::anno::thumbnail("./.thumbs/Concrete_Precast.concrete_precast_sienna.png"), ::anno::key_words(string[]("floor", "cast", "concrete", "precast", "construction", "cement", "sienna", "gray", "unfinished", "rough")) ]]= ::nvidia::core_definitions::flex_material_v2( base_color: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: concrete_color, color_2: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_diff.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, mode: ::base::color_layer_overlay, weight: 1.0f ).tint, color_2: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_grunge_mask.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, mode: ::base::color_layer_multiply, weight: grunge_amount ).tint, diffuse_roughness: 0.f, is_metal: false, reflectivity: 1.0f, reflection_roughness: ::nvidia::core_definitions::blend_colors( color_1: ::nvidia::core_definitions::file_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_rough.png" , ::tex::gamma_srgb) , mono_source: ::base::mono_average, brightness: 1.f, contrast: 1.f, scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, texture_space: uv_space_index, invert: false).tint, color_2: color (reflection_roughness), mode: ::base::color_layer_overlay, weight: 1.0f ).mono, anisotropy: 0.f, anisotropy_rotation: 0.f, transparency: 0.f, transmission_color: color ( 1.f , 1.f , 1.f), volume_color: color ( 1.f , 1.f , 1.f), transmission_roughness: 0.f, base_thickness: 0.1f, ior: ior, thin_walled: false, normal: ::nvidia::core_definitions::normalmap_texture( texture: texture_2d ( "./textures/precastconcrete_norm.jpg" , ::tex::gamma_linear), scaling: 0.5f/ texture_scale, translation: texture_translate, rotation: texture_rotate, clip: false, factor: bump_strength * 0.20f, texture_space: uv_space_index));
mdl 1.4; using ::OmniPBR import OmniPBR; import ::tex::gamma_mode; import ::state::normal; export material Aluminum_Anodized_Red(*) = OmniPBR( diffuse_color_constant: color(0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000), diffuse_texture: texture_2d("./Aluminum_Anodized/Aluminum_Anodized_BaseColor.png", ::tex::gamma_srgb), albedo_desaturation: 0.f, albedo_add: 0.f, albedo_brightness: 1.f, diffuse_tint: color(0.5f, 0.025f, 0.025f), reflection_roughness_constant: 0.000000, reflection_roughness_texture_influence: 1.f, reflectionroughness_texture: texture_2d(), metallic_constant: 0.000000, metallic_texture_influence: 1.f, metallic_texture: texture_2d(), specular_level: 0.5f, enable_ORM_texture: true, ORM_texture: texture_2d("./Aluminum_Anodized/Aluminum_Anodized_ORM.png", ::tex::gamma_linear), ao_to_diffuse: 0.f, ao_texture: texture_2d(), enable_emission: false, emissive_color: color(1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000), emissive_mask_texture: texture_2d(), emissive_intensity: 0.000000, bump_factor: 1.f, normalmap_texture: texture_2d("./Aluminum_Anodized/Aluminum_Anodized_Normal.png", ::tex::gamma_linear), detail_bump_factor: 0.300000012f, detail_normalmap_texture: texture_2d(), project_uvw: false, world_or_object: false, uv_space_index: 0, texture_translate: float2(0.f), texture_rotate: 0.f, texture_scale: float2(1.f), detail_texture_translate: float2(0.f), detail_texture_rotate: 0.f, detail_texture_scale: float2(1.f));
Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or distribution of this software and related documentation without an express license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
[package] version = "1.3.0" title = "OmniGraph Instancing" authors = ["NVIDIA"] repository = "" readme = "docs/" changelog = "docs/" description = "OmniGraph instance graph processing per USD Prim" category = "Graph" preview_image = "data/preview.png" icon = "data/icon.svg" [dependencies] "omni.graph.core" = {} [[python.module]] name = "omni.graph.instancing" [[test]] waiver = "Tests are in omni.graph.test" # RTX regression OM-51983 timeout = 600 unreliable = true # OM-51982 args = [ "--/app/extensions/registryEnabled=1" # needs to be fixed and removed: OM-49579 ]
import carb carb.log_warn("omni.graph.instancing has been deprecated. All functionality has been moved to omni.graph.core and omni.graph.ui.")
# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](, and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( ## [Unreleased] ## [1.3.0] - 2022-08-04 ### Changed - Marked extension for deprecated ## [1.2.4] - 2022-06-17 ### Removed - Moved ApplyOmniGraph and RemoveOmniGraph api commands to omni.graph.core - Moved ui elements to omni.graph.ui ## [1.2.3] - 2022-05-24 ### Fixed - Graph instances in references no longer require a stage reload to evaluate ## [1.2.2] - 2022-05-23 ### Removed - Explicit dependency on omni.kit.window.viewport ## [1.2.1] - 2022-04-27 ### Fixed - Fixed error thrown when extension is loaded. ### Changed - Removed dependency on tools, nodes and ui OmniGraph extensions ## [1.2.0] - 2022-04-19 ### Removed - ReadGraphVariable, WriteGraphVariable, GraphTarget nodes. - Instances are no longer run in this extension - OmniGraph no longer modifies compute graph pipeline automatically ## [1.1.2] - 2022-04-13 ### Changed - Warning will appear when a graph with incompatible nodes is set as an instance ## [1.1.1] - 2022-04-12 ### Fixed - Fixed errors thrown when variables nodes are multi-selected ## [1.1.0] - 2022-03-30 ### Changed - WriteGraphVariable value output port ## [1.0.3] - 2022-03-23 ### Fixed - Variable types are now synchronized between graph and instance - ReadGraphVariable and WriteGraphVariable listen for create and remove variable events ## [1.0.2] - 2022-02-14 ### Fixed - fixed unregistered notice handler causing crash ## [1.0.1] - 2022-02-14 ### Fixed - add additional extension enabled check for omni.graph.ui not enabled error ## [1.0.0] - 2022-01-17 ### Modified - Initial release.
# OmniGraph Instancing [omni.graph.instancing] This extension is no longer required. Variable and Instancing OmniGraph functionality previously provided by this extension is available through the omni.graph.core and omni.graph.ui extensions.
.. _ogn_omni_graph_instancing: OmniGraph Instancing #################### .. tabularcolumns:: |L|R| .. csv-table:: :width: 100% **Extension**: omni.graph.instancing,**Documentation Generated**: |today| .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 CHANGELOG What Is It? =========== Instancing provides a mechanism to apply a single graph to multiple `UsdPrim` objects. Applying the `OmniGraph` component onto a `UsdPrim` will cause the graph to execute with the variable values stored on the `OmniGraph` component. Multiple Prims referencing the same graph will cause the graph to execute once for each Prim. The `GraphTarget` node exposes the path of the `UsdPrim` instance to the graph, allowing each execution to uniquely read or modify the primitive that initiated the execution. For more comprehensive documentation explaining the use of OmniGraph features in detail see :ref:`ogn_user_guide` Limitations =========== At present, each execution of the graph occurs sequentially and nodes in the graph share state across all instances. Nodes that use event callbacks, or use internal state may not behave as anticipated when multiple instances exists. For example, using the `OnKeyboardInput` action graph node will only trigger the event on the first instance executed. Instead, it is recommended to use the ReadKeyboardInput node instead. Another example is the `Counter` node - it will increment for each instance executed. The following is a noncomprehensive list of nodes that may not be suitable for instanced graphs * omni.graph.action.OgnCounter * omni.graph.action.OgnDelay * omni.graph.action.OgnForEach * omni.graph.action.OgnFlipFlop * omni.graph.action.OgnForEach * omni.graph.action.OgnGate * omni.graph.action.OgnMultiGate * omni.graph.action.OgnOnCustomEvent * omni.graph.action.OgnOnGamepadInput * omni.graph.action.OgnOnImpulseEvent * omni.graph.action.OgnOnKeyboardInput * omni.graph.action.OgnOnMouseInput * omni.graph.action.OgnOnObjectChange * omni.graph.action.OgnOnStageEvent * omni.graph.action.OgnSendCustomEvent * omni.graph.action.OgnSequence * omni.graph.action.OgnSyncGate
Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or distribution of this software and related documentation without an express license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
[core] [package] title = "OV Texture converter" category = "Internal" version = "1.0.0" [dependencies] "carb.windowing.plugins" = {} "omni.assets.plugins" = {} "omni.client" = {} # needed for carb.datasource-omniclient.plugin "omni.gpu_foundation" = {} [[python.module]] name = "omni.rtx.ovtextureconverter" [[native.plugin]] path = "bin/*.plugin" [settings] [[test]] args = [ ]
from ._ovtextureconverter import * from .scripts import *
from __future__ import annotations import omni.rtx.ovtextureconverter._ovtextureconverter import typing __all__ = [ "IOVTextureConverter", "ResultList", "acquire_ovtextureconverter_interface" ] class IOVTextureConverter(): def compressFile(self, arg0: str, arg1: str, arg2: str) -> list: ... def compressFileOnly(self, arg0: str) -> bool: ... def compressJob(self, arg0: str) -> list: ... pass class ResultList(): pass def acquire_ovtextureconverter_interface(*args, **kwargs) -> typing.Any: pass
## Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ## ## NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property ## and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation ## and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or ## distribution of this software and related documentation without an express ## license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. ## import carb import omni.kit.commands import omni.rtx.ovtextureconverter class IssueTextureCompressionRequest(omni.kit.commands.Command): def __init__( self, **kwargs, ): # pull out the stage name to process from the entry # check for a couple different forms self._path = None for key in ["path", "texture_path"]: if key in kwargs: self._path = kwargs[key] break # standardize the path separator character self._path = self._path.replace("\\", "/") if self._path else None self._convert_iface = omni.rtx.ovtextureconverter.acquire_ovtextureconverter_interface() def do(self): if not self._path: carb.log_warn("'path' not valid") return False carb.log_info("Processing Texture: " + self._path) # This inserts an async request, but we can't yet "await" it. # TODO: May need to sleep after this? return self._convert_iface.compressFileOnly(str(self._path)) omni.kit.commands.register_all_commands_in_module(__name__)
from .commands import *
## Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ## ## NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property ## and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation ## and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or ## distribution of this software and related documentation without an express ## license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. ## import from omni.kit.test import AsyncTestCase import omni.rtx.ovtextureconverter class TestConverter(AsyncTestCase): async def setUp(self): self._convert_iface = omni.rtx.ovtextureconverter.acquire_ovtextureconverter_interface() async def tearDown(self): pass async def test_001_compress(self): print("Disabled because somehow on linux the gpufoundation shaders cannot be found 1/2.") #results = self._convert_iface.compressFile("./resources/test/dot.png", "./resources/test", "BlaBlaBla") #for x in results: # print(x)
from .test_commands import *
## Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ## ## NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property ## and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation ## and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or ## distribution of this software and related documentation without an express ## license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. ## import carb.settings import from omni.kit.test import AsyncTestCase import omni.rtx.ovtextureconverter.scripts.commands as commands import asyncio import os import os.path import pathlib import shutil TEST_DATA_DIR = str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("data")) TEST_OUTPUT_DIR = omni.kit.test.get_test_output_path() class TestCommands(AsyncTestCase): async def setUp(self): pass async def tearDown(self): pass async def test_IssueTextureCompressionRequest(self): """ Test Command to create texture caches with new UJITSO build system """ source_texture = pathlib.Path(TEST_DATA_DIR, "dot.png") tex_cache_dir = pathlib.Path(TEST_OUTPUT_DIR, "ujitso_texcache") settings = carb.settings.get_settings() self.assertTrue(settings.get_as_bool("/rtx-transient/resourcemanager/UJITSO/enabled")) # Set the destination for texture caching settings.set_string("/rtx-transient/resourcemanager/remoteTextureCachePath", str(tex_cache_dir)) # Clear the local texture cache path to allow repeated tests, otherwise only works first time. settings.set_string("/rtx-transient/resourcemanager/localTextureCachePath", "") # Disable omnihub settings.set_bool("/rtx-transient/resourcemanager/useOmniHubCache", False) settings.set_bool("/rtx-transient/resourcemanager/useMDBCache", False) # Remove results from any previous run if os.path.exists(tex_cache_dir): shutil.rmtree(tex_cache_dir) cmd = commands.IssueTextureCompressionRequest(path=str(source_texture)) self.assertTrue( # NOTE: the datastore that handles the upload currently has no way to wait for all uploads to complete. print("Waiting for UJITSO texture uploads...") await asyncio.sleep(5) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(tex_cache_dir)) files = os.listdir(tex_cache_dir) self.assertTrue(len(files) > 0)
omni.rtx.ovtextureconverter ########################### .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 CHANGELOG
## Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ## ## NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property ## and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation ## and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or ## distribution of this software and related documentation without an express ## license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. ## # Necessary so we can link to the Python source instead of copying it. __all__ = ['IActivityProfiler', 'acquire_activity_profiler', 'release_activity_profiler'] from .impl import *
## Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ## ## NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property ## and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation ## and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or ## distribution of this software and related documentation without an express ## license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. ## import omni.kit.test import omni.activity.profiler import carb.profiler class TestActivityProfiler(omni.kit.test.AsyncTestCase): async def setUp(self): self._activity_profiler = omni.activity.profiler.get_activity_profiler() self._carb_profiler = carb.profiler.acquire_profiler_interface(plugin_name="omni.activity.profiler.plugin") async def tearDown(self): self._carb_profiler = None self._activity_profiler = None async def test_activity_profiler_masks(self): # Verify the initial value of the activity profiler capture mask. self.assertEqual(self._carb_profiler.get_capture_mask(), 0) # Set the base activity profiler capture mask directly through the carb profiler API. self._carb_profiler.set_capture_mask(omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_STARTUP) self.assertEqual(self._carb_profiler.get_capture_mask(), omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_STARTUP) # Enable an activity profiler capture mask through the activity profiler API. uid1 = self._activity_profiler.enable_capture_mask(omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_LATENCY) self.assertEqual(self._carb_profiler.get_capture_mask(), omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_STARTUP | omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_LATENCY) # Enable another activity profiler capture mask through the activity profiler API. uid2 = self._activity_profiler.enable_capture_mask(omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_SCENE_LOADING) self.assertEqual(self._carb_profiler.get_capture_mask(), omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_STARTUP | omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_LATENCY | omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_SCENE_LOADING) # Enable an activity profiler capture mask for the second time through the activity profiler API. uid3 = self._activity_profiler.enable_capture_mask(omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_LATENCY) self.assertEqual(self._carb_profiler.get_capture_mask(), omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_STARTUP | omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_LATENCY | omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_SCENE_LOADING) # Disable the activity profiler capture mask that was set a second time through the activity profiler API. self._activity_profiler.disable_capture_mask(uid3) self.assertEqual(self._carb_profiler.get_capture_mask(), omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_STARTUP | omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_LATENCY | omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_SCENE_LOADING) # Disable the first activity profiler capture mask that was set through the activity profiler API. self._activity_profiler.disable_capture_mask(uid1) self.assertEqual(self._carb_profiler.get_capture_mask(), omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_STARTUP | omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_SCENE_LOADING) # Enable the same base activity profiler capture mask through the activity profiler API. uid4 = self._activity_profiler.enable_capture_mask(omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_STARTUP) self.assertEqual(self._carb_profiler.get_capture_mask(), omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_STARTUP | omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_SCENE_LOADING) # Disable the same base activity profiler capture mask that was set through the activity profiler API. self._activity_profiler.disable_capture_mask(uid4) self.assertEqual(self._carb_profiler.get_capture_mask(), omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_STARTUP | omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_SCENE_LOADING) # Set the base activity profiler capture mask directly through the carb profiler API. self._carb_profiler.set_capture_mask(0) self.assertEqual(self._carb_profiler.get_capture_mask(), omni.activity.profiler.CAPTURE_MASK_SCENE_LOADING) # Disable the second activity profiler capture mask that was set through the activity profiler API. self._activity_profiler.disable_capture_mask(uid2) self.assertEqual(self._carb_profiler.get_capture_mask(), 0) # Set the base activity profiler capture mask to something that is not an activity mask. self._activity_profiler.disable_capture_mask(1) self.assertEqual(self._carb_profiler.get_capture_mask(), 0) # Enable an activity profiler capture mask that is not an activity mask. uid5 = self._activity_profiler.enable_capture_mask(1) self.assertEqual(self._carb_profiler.get_capture_mask(), 0) # Disable the activity profiler capture mask that is not an activity mask. self._activity_profiler.disable_capture_mask(uid5) self.assertEqual(self._carb_profiler.get_capture_mask(), 0)
## Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ## ## NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property ## and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation ## and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or ## distribution of this software and related documentation without an express ## license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. ## from .test_activity_profiler import *
Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or distribution of this software and related documentation without an express license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
[package] title = "Kit Browser Bar Widget" version = "2.0.5" category = "Internal" description = "Treeview browser bar as embeddable widget" authors = ["NVIDIA"] slackids = ["UQY4RMR3N"] repository = "" keywords = ["kit", "ui"] changelog = "docs/" preview_image = "data/preview.png" [dependencies] "omni.ui" = {} "omni.kit.widget.path_field" = {} [[python.module]] name = "omni.kit.widget.browser_bar" [[test]] args = [ "--/app/window/dpiScaleOverride=1.0", "--/app/window/scaleToMonitor=false", "--no-window" ] dependencies = [ "omni.kit.renderer.core" ]
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property # and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation # and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or # distribution of this software and related documentation without an express # license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. # import omni.ui as ui from pathlib import Path CURRENT_PATH = Path(__file__).parent ICON_PATH = CURRENT_PATH.parent.parent.parent.parent.joinpath("icons") UI_STYLES = {} UI_STYLES["NvidiaLight"] = { "Rectangle": {"background_color": 0xFF535354}, "Button": {"background_color": 0xFFE0E0E0, "margin": 4, "padding": 0, "border_width": 0}, "Button:hovered": {"background_color": 0xFFACACAF}, "Button:selected": {"background_color": 0xFFACACAF}, "Button:disabled": {"background_color": 0xFFE0E0E0}, "Button.Image": {"color": 0xFF6E6E6E}, "Button.Image:disabled": {"color": 0x0}, "ComboBox": {"background_color": 0xFF535354, "selected_color": 0xFFACACAF, "color": 0xFFD6D6D6}, "ComboBox:hovered": {"background_color": 0xFFACACAF}, "ComboBox:selected": {"background_color": 0xFFACACAF}, } UI_STYLES["NvidiaDark"] = { "Rectangle": {"background_color": 0xFF23211F}, "Button": {"background_color": 0x0, "margin": 4, "padding": 0}, "Button:disabled": {"background_color": 0x0}, "Button.Image": {"color": 0xFFFFFFFF}, "Button.Image:disabled": {"color": 0xFF888888}, "ComboBox": { "background_color": 0xFF23211F, "selected_color": 0x0, "color": 0xFF4A4A4A, "border_radius": 0, "margin": 0, "padding": 4, "secondary_color": 0xFF23211F, }, "ComboBox.Active": { "background_color": 0xFF23211F, "selected_color": 0xFF3A3A3A, "color": 0xFF9E9E9E, "border_radius": 0, "margin": 0, "padding": 4, "secondary_selected_color": 0xFF9E9E9E, "secondary_color": 0xFF23211F, }, "ComboBox.Active:hovered": {"color": 0xFF4A4A4A, "secondary_color": 0x0,}, "ComboBox.Active:pressed": {"color": 0xFF4A4A4A, "secondary_color": 0x0,}, "ComboBox.Bg": { "background_color": 0x0, "margin": 0, "padding": 2, }, "ComboBox.Bg.Active": { "background_color": 0x0, "margin": 0, "padding": 2, }, "ComboBox.Bg.Active:hovered": { "background_color": 0xFF6E6E6E, }, "ComboBox.Bg.Active:pressed": { "background_color": 0xFF6E6E6E, }, }
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property # and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation # and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or # distribution of this software and related documentation without an express # license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. # """ The :obj:`PathField` widget supes up tree navigation via keyboard entry. This widget extends that experience further by queuing up the user's navigation history. As in any modern day browser, the user can then directly jump to any previously visited path. Example: .. code-block:: python browser_bar = BrowserBar( visited_history_size=20, branching_options_provider=branching_options_provider, apply_path_handler=apply_path_handler, ) """ from .widget import BrowserBar
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property # and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation # and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or # distribution of this software and related documentation without an express # license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. # import sys, os import omni.ui as ui class StringQueueItem(ui.AbstractItem): def __init__(self, value: str): super().__init__() self._model = ui.SimpleStringModel(value) @property def model(self): return self._model @property def value(self): return self._model.get_value_as_string() class StringQueueModel(ui.AbstractItemModel): def __init__(self, max_items: int = 4, value_changed_fn=None): super().__init__() self._value_changed_fn = value_changed_fn self._max_items = max_items self._items = [] self._selected_index = ui.SimpleIntModel(0) # TODO: There's a bug that if the item selected doesn't have a different # index, then it doesn't trigger this callback. It's better to trigger on # mouse pressed but we don't have this option. self._selected_index.add_value_changed_fn(self._on_selection_changed) def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> StringQueueItem: if idx < len(self._items): return self._items[idx] return None @property def selected_index(self) -> int: return self._selected_index.get_value_as_int() @selected_index.setter def selected_index(self, index: int): self._selected_index.set_value(index) def get_selected_item(self) -> StringQueueItem: index = self._selected_index.get_value_as_int() if index >= 0 and index < len(self._items): return self._items[index] return None def get_item_children(self, item) -> [StringQueueItem]: if item is None: return self._items return [] def get_item_value_model(self, item, column_id) -> ui.AbstractValueModel: if item is None: return self._selected_index return item.model def find_item(self, value: str) -> StringQueueItem: for item in self._items: if item.value == value: return item return None def size(self) -> int: return len(self._items) def peek(self) -> StringQueueItem: if self._items: return self._items[0] return None def enqueue(self, value: str): if not value: return found = self.find_item(value) if not found: item = StringQueueItem(value) self._items.insert(0, item) while len(self._items) > self._max_items: self.dequeue() self.selected_index = 0 self._item_changed(None) def dequeue(self): if self._items: self._items.pop(-1) self.selected_index = min(self.selected_index, self.size()-1) self._item_changed(None) def _on_selection_changed(self, model: ui.AbstractValueModel): if self._value_changed_fn: self._value_changed_fn(model) self._item_changed(None) def destroy(self): self._items = None self._selected_index = None class VisitedHistory(): def __init__(self, max_items: int = 100): self._max_items = max_items self._items = [] self._selected_index = 0 # the activation state for the visited history; when we are jumping between history entries, the visited history # should not change; for example, when we click the prev/next button, the path field would update to that entry # but those should not be counted in visited history. self._active = True def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> str: if idx < len(self._items): return self._items[idx] return None def activate(self): self._active = True def deactivate(self): self._active = False @property def selected_index(self) -> int: return self._selected_index @selected_index.setter def selected_index(self, index: int): self._selected_index = index def get_selected_item(self) -> str: index = self._selected_index if index >= 0 and index < len(self._items): return self._items[index] return None def size(self) -> int: return len(self._items) def insert(self, value: str): if self._active is False: return if not value: return # avoid adding the same entry twice # this could happen when actions on top sets the browser bar path to the same path twice if self.size() > 0 and self._items[0] == value: return self._items.insert(0, value) while self.size() > self._max_items: self.pop() self.selected_index = 0 def pop(self): if self._items: self._items.pop() self.selected_index = min(self.selected_index, self.size()-1) def destroy(self): self._items.clear()
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property # and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation # and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or # distribution of this software and related documentation without an express # license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. # import sys, os import omni.ui as ui from omni.kit.widget.path_field import PathField from .model import StringQueueModel, VisitedHistory from .style import UI_STYLES, ICON_PATH class BrowserBar: """ The Browser Bar extends the :obj:`PathField` UI widget for navigating tree views via the keyboard. Namely, it adds navigation history. As in any modern day browser, this allows the user to diectly jump to any previously visited path. Args: None Keyword Args: visited_history_size (int): Maximum number of previously visited paths to queue up. Default 10. apply_path_handler (Callable): This function is called when the user updates the path and is expected to update the caller app accordingly. The user can update the path in one of 3 ways: 1. by hitting Enter on the input field, 2. selecting a path from the dropdown, or 3. by clicking on the "prev" or "next" buttons. Function signature: void apply_path_handler(path: str) branching_options_handler (Callable): This function is required to provide a list of possible branches whenever prompted with a path. For example, if path = "C:", then the list of values produced might be ["Program Files", "temp", ..., "Users"]. Function signature: list(str) branching_options_handler(path: str, callback: func) modal (bool): Used for modal window. Default False. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._path_field = None self._next_button = None self._prev_button = None self._visited_menu = None self._visited_queue = None self._visited_history = None self._visited_menu_bg = None import carb.settings theme = carb.settings.get_settings().get_as_string("/persistent/app/window/uiStyle") or "NvidiaDark" self._style = UI_STYLES[theme] self._icon_path = f"{ICON_PATH}/{theme}" self._visited_max_size = kwargs.get("visited_history_size", 10) self._visited_history_max_size = kwargs.get("visited_history_max_size", 100) self._apply_path_handler = kwargs.get("apply_path_handler", None) self._branching_options_handler = kwargs.get("branching_options_handler", None) # OM-49484: Add subscription to begin edit and apply callback, for example we could add callback to cancel # initial navigation upon user edit self._begin_edit_handler = kwargs.get("begin_edit_handler", None) self._branching_options_provider = kwargs.get("branching_options_provider", None) # OBSOLETE self._prefix_separator = kwargs.get("prefix_separator", None) self._modal = kwargs.get("modal", False) self._build_ui() @property def path(self) -> str: """str: Returns the current path as entered in the field box.""" if self._path_field: return self._path_field.path return None def set_path(self, path: str): """ Sets the path and adds it to the history queue. Args: path (str): The full path name. """ if not path: return if self._path_field: self._path_field.set_path(path) self._update_visited(path) def _build_ui(self): import carb.settings font_size = carb.settings.get_settings().get("/app/font/size") or 0 with ui.HStack(height=0, style=self._style): self._prev_button = ui.Button( image_url=f"{self._icon_path}/angle_left.svg", image_height=16, width=24, clicked_fn=self._on_prev_button_pressed, enabled=False, ) self._next_button = ui.Button( image_url=f"{self._icon_path}/angle_right.svg", image_height=16, width=24, clicked_fn=self._on_next_button_pressed, enabled=False, ) with ui.ZStack(): ui.Rectangle() # OM-66124: Update look for browser bar, use full width combobox and hide beneath Pathfield; # FIXME: this is because currently we cannot control the menu width for arrow_only combo box; with ui.ZStack(): # OM-66124: manually add combo box drop down background, since it is hard to control combo box height # FIXME: Ideally should fix in ui.ComboBox directly combo_dropdown_size = font_size + 8 with ui.HStack(): ui.Spacer() with ui.VStack(width=combo_dropdown_size): ui.Spacer() self._visited_menu_bg = ui.Rectangle(height=22, style=self._style, style_type_name_override="ComboBox.Bg") ui.Spacer() with ui.HStack(): self._path_field = PathField( apply_path_handler=self._apply_path_handler, branching_options_handler=self._branching_options_handler, prefix_separator=self._prefix_separator, modal=self._modal, begin_edit_handler=self._begin_edit_handler, ) ui.Spacer(width=combo_dropdown_size) self._build_visited_menu() def _build_visited_menu(self): self._visited_queue = StringQueueModel( max_items=self._visited_max_size, value_changed_fn=self._on_menu_item_selected ) self._visited_history = VisitedHistory(max_items=self._visited_history_max_size) self._visited_menu = ui.ComboBox(self._visited_queue, arrow_only=False, style=self._style) # Note: This callback is needed to trigger a refresh self._visited_menu.model.add_item_changed_fn(lambda model, item: None) def _update_visited(self, path: str): if self._visited_queue: self._visited_queue.enqueue(path) self._visited_menu.style_type_name_override = "ComboBox.Active" self._visited_menu_bg.style_type_name_override = "ComboBox.Bg.Active" # update visited history self._visited_history.insert(path) self._update_nav_buttons() self._visited_history.activate() def _on_prev_button_pressed(self): self._visited_history.deactivate() selected_index = self._visited_history.selected_index if selected_index >= self._visited_history.size() - 1: return else: self._visited_history.selected_index = selected_index + 1 if self._path_field: self._path_field.set_path(self._visited_history.get_selected_item()) if self._apply_path_handler: self._apply_path_handler(self._visited_history.get_selected_item()) self._update_nav_buttons() def _on_next_button_pressed(self): self._visited_history.deactivate() selected_index = self._visited_history.selected_index if selected_index <= 0: return else: self._visited_history.selected_index = selected_index - 1 if self._path_field: self._path_field.set_path(self._visited_history.get_selected_item()) if self._apply_path_handler: self._apply_path_handler(self._visited_history.get_selected_item()) self._update_nav_buttons() def _update_nav_buttons(self): if self._visited_history.selected_index > 0: self._next_button.enabled = True else: self._next_button.enabled = False if self._visited_history.selected_index < self._visited_history.size() - 1: self._prev_button.enabled = True else: self._prev_button.enabled = False def _on_menu_item_selected(self, model: ui.SimpleIntModel): if not model: return menu_item = self._visited_queue[model.get_value_as_int()] if menu_item: if self._path_field: self._path_field.set_path(menu_item.value) if self._apply_path_handler: self._apply_path_handler(menu_item.value) def destroy(self): if self._path_field: self._path_field.destroy() self._path_field = None self._next_button = None self._prev_button = None self._visited_menu = None self._visited_queue = None if self._visited_history: self._visited_history.destroy() self._visited_menu_bg = None self._style = None self._apply_path_handler = None self._branching_options_handler = None self._begin_edit_handler = None self._branching_options_provider = None
## Copyright (c) 2018-2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ## ## NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property ## and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation ## and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or ## distribution of this software and related documentation without an express ## license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. ## import omni.kit.test from omni.ui.tests.test_base import OmniUiTest from unittest.mock import Mock, call from ..widget import BrowserBar class TestBrowserBar(OmniUiTest): """Testing PathField.set_path""" async def setUp(self): pass async def tearDown(self): pass async def test_nav_buttons(self): """Testing navigation buttons""" window = await self.create_test_window() mock_path_handler = Mock() with window.frame: under_test = BrowserBar(apply_path_handler=mock_path_handler) for path in ["one", "two", "three", "two", "three"]: under_test.set_path(path) self.assertEqual(under_test.path, "three/") self.assertEqual(under_test._visited_history.size(), 5) self.assertEqual(under_test._visited_queue.size(), 3) under_test._prev_button.call_clicked_fn() self.assertEqual(under_test.path, "two/") under_test._prev_button.call_clicked_fn() self.assertEqual(under_test.path, "three/") under_test._prev_button.call_clicked_fn() under_test._prev_button.call_clicked_fn() self.assertEqual(under_test.path, "one/") self.assertFalse(under_test._prev_button.enabled) for _ in range(4): under_test._next_button.call_clicked_fn() self.assertEqual(under_test.path, "three/") self.assertFalse(under_test._next_button.enabled) self.assertEqual( mock_path_handler.call_args_list, [call('two'), call('three'), call('two'), call('one'), call('two'), call('three'), call('two'), call('three')] ) async def test_nav_menu(self): """Testing navigation menu""" window = await self.create_test_window() mock_path_handler = Mock() with window.frame: under_test = BrowserBar(apply_path_handler=mock_path_handler) for path in ["one", "two", "three"]: under_test.set_path(path) self.assertEqual(under_test.path, "three/") model = under_test._visited_menu.model self.assertEqual(model, under_test._visited_queue) model.selected_index = 2 self.assertEqual(under_test.path, "one/") # selecting one of navigation menu browse to that path, and will appear as the most recent visited history self.assertFalse(under_test._next_button.enabled) under_test.set_path("four") self.assertEqual(model.selected_index, 0) self.assertEqual(under_test.path, "four/")
## Copyright (c) 2018-2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ## ## NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property ## and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation ## and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or ## distribution of this software and related documentation without an express ## license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. ## from .test_widget import *
# Changelog The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( ## [2.0.5] - 2022-12-19 ### Changes - Update browser bar combo box style, add custom rectangle background to match UX. ## [2.0.4] - 2022-11-09 ### Changes - Fix to toml file ## [2.0.3] - 2022-03-09 ### Changes - Fixed navigation bugs. Added unittests. ## [2.0.2] - 2021-06-07 ### Changes - More thorough destruction of class instances upon shutdown. ## [2.0.1] - 2021-02-10 ### Changes - Updated StyleUI handling ## [2.0.0] - 2020-01-03 ### Updated - Refactored for async directory listing to improve overall stability in case of network delays. ### Added - Keyword Arg: 'branching_options_handler' ### Deleted - Keyword Arg: 'branching_options_provider' ## [0.1.4] - 2020-09-18 ### Added - Initial commit to master.
omni.kit.widget.browser_bar ########################### A UI widget that adds navigation history to the :obj:`PathField`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 CHANGELOG .. automodule:: omni.kit.widget.browser_bar :platform: Windows-x86_64, Linux-x86_64 :members: :show-inheritance: :undoc-members: :imported-members:
import asyncio import aiohttp import carb import os import toml import time import omni.client import webbrowser from import MenuItemDescription, MenuAlignment from omni import ui from typing import Union from .style import Styles class CacheStateDelegate(ui.MenuDelegate): def __init__(self, cache_enabled, hub_enabled, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._hub_enabled = hub_enabled self._cache_enabled = cache_enabled self._cache_widget = None def destroy(self): self._cache_widget = None def build_item(self, item: ui.MenuHelper): with ui.HStack(width=0, style={"margin" : 0}): self._cache_widget = ui.HStack(content_clipping=1, width=0, style=Styles.CACHE_STATE_ITEM_STYLE) ui.Spacer(width=10) self.update_cache_state(self._cache_enabled, self._hub_enabled) def get_menu_alignment(self): return MenuAlignment.RIGHT def update_menu_item(self, menu_item: Union[ui.Menu, ui.MenuItem], menu_refresh: bool): if isinstance(menu_item, ui.MenuItem): menu_item.visible = False def update_cache_state(self, cache_enabled, hub_enabled): self._hub_enabled = hub_enabled self._cache_enabled = cache_enabled if not self._cache_widget: return margin = 2 self._cache_widget.clear() with self._cache_widget: ui.Label("CACHE: ") if hub_enabled: ui.Label("HUB", style={"color": 0xff00b86b}) elif cache_enabled: ui.Label("ON", style={"color": 0xff00b86b}) else: with ui.VStack(): ui.Spacer(height=margin) with ui.ZStack(width=0): with ui.HStack(width=20): ui.Spacer() ui.Label("OFF", name="offline", width=0) ui.Spacer(width=margin) with ui.VStack(width=0): ui.Spacer() ui.Image(width=14, height=14, name="doc") ui.Spacer() ui.Spacer() button = ui.InvisibleButton(width=20) button.set_clicked_fn(lambda:'', new=2)) ui.Spacer(height=margin) class CacheStateMenu: def __init__(self): self._live_menu_name = "Cache State Widget" self._menu_list = [MenuItemDescription(name="placeholder", show_fn=lambda: False)] global_config_path = carb.tokens.get_tokens_interface().resolve("${omni_global_config}") self._omniverse_config_path = os.path.join(global_config_path, "omniverse.toml").replace("\\", "/") self._all_cache_apis = [] self._hub_enabled = False self._cache_enabled = False self._last_time_check = 0 self._ping_cache_future = None self._update_subscription = None def _load_cache_config(self): if os.path.exists(self._omniverse_config_path): try: contents = toml.load(self._omniverse_config_path) except Exception as e: carb.log_error(f"Unable to parse {self._omniverse_config_path}. File corrupted?") contents = None if contents: self._all_cache_apis = self._load_all_cache_server_apis(contents) if self._all_cache_apis: self._cache_enabled = True self._update_subscription = self._on_update, name=" update" ) else: carb.log_warn("Unable to detect Omniverse Cache Server. Consider installing it for better IO performance.") self._cache_enabled = False else: carb.log_warn(f"Unable to detect Omniverse Cache Server. File {self._omniverse_config_path} is not found." f" Consider installing it for better IO performance.") def _get_hub_version_cb(self, result, version): if result == omni.client.Result.OK: self._hub_enabled = True else: self._hub_enabled = False self._load_cache_config() if self._cache_state_delegate: self._cache_state_delegate.update_cache_state(self._cache_enabled, self._hub_enabled) def _initialize(self): self._get_hub_version_request = omni.client.get_hub_version_with_callback(self._get_hub_version_cb) def register_menu_widgets(self): self._initialize() self._cache_state_delegate = CacheStateDelegate(self._cache_enabled, self._hub_enabled), name=self._live_menu_name, delegate=self._cache_state_delegate) def unregister_menu_widgets(self):, self._live_menu_name) if self._cache_state_delegate: self._cache_state_delegate.destroy() self._cache_state_delegate = None self._menu_list = None self._update_subscription = None self._all_cache_apis = [] try: if self._ping_cache_future and not self._ping_cache_future.done(): self._ping_cache_future.cancel() self._ping_cache_future = None except Exception: self._ping_cache_future = None def _on_update(self, dt): if not self._cache_state_delegate or not self._all_cache_apis: return if not self._ping_cache_future or self._ping_cache_future.done(): now = time.time() duration = now - self._last_time_check # 30s if duration < 30: return self._last_time_check = now async def _ping_cache(): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: cache_enabled = None for cache_api in self._all_cache_apis: try: async with session.head(cache_api): ''' If we're here the service port is alive ''' cache_enabled = True except Exception as e: cache_enabled = False break if cache_enabled is not None and self._cache_enabled != cache_enabled: self._cache_enabled = cache_enabled if self._cache_state_delegate: self._cache_state_delegate.update_cache_state(self._cache_enabled, self._hub_enabled) self._ping_cache_future = asyncio.ensure_future(_ping_cache()) def _load_all_cache_server_apis(self, config_contents): mapping = os.environ.get("OMNI_CONN_CACHE", None) if mapping: mapping = f"*#{mapping},f" else: mapping = os.environ.get("OMNI_CONN_REDIRECTION_DICT", None) if not mapping: mapping = os.environ.get("OM_REDIRECTION_DICT", None) if not mapping: connection_library_dict = config_contents.get("connection_library", None) if connection_library_dict: mapping = connection_library_dict.get("proxy_dict", None) all_proxy_apis = set([]) if mapping: mapping = mapping.lstrip("\"") mapping = mapping.rstrip("\"") mapping = mapping.lstrip("'") mapping = mapping.rstrip("'") redirections = mapping.split(";") for redirection in redirections: parts = redirection.split("#") if not parts or len(parts) < 2: continue source, target = parts[0], parts[1] targets = target.split(",") if not targets: continue if len(targets) > 1: proxy_address = targets[0] else: proxy_address = target if not proxy_address.startswith("http://") and not proxy_address.startswith("https://"): proxy_address_api = f"http://{proxy_address}/ping" else: if proxy_address.endswith("/"): proxy_address_api = f"{proxy_address}ping" else: proxy_address_api = f"{proxy_address}/ping" all_proxy_apis.add(proxy_address_api) return all_proxy_apis
from .icons import Icons class Styles: CACHE_STATE_ITEM_STYLE = None LIVE_STATE_ITEM_STYLE = None @staticmethod def on_startup(): # It needs to delay initialization of style as icons need to be initialized firstly. Styles.CACHE_STATE_ITEM_STYLE = { "Image::doc": {"image_url": Icons.get("docs"), "color": 0xB04B4BFF}, "Label::offline": {"color": 0xB04B4BFF}, "Rectangle::offline": {"border_radius": 2.0}, "Rectangle::offline": {"background_color": 0xff808080}, "Rectangle::offline:hovered": {"background_color": 0xFF9E9E9E}, }
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property # and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation # and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or # distribution of this software and related documentation without an express # license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. # import omni.ext import from .cache_state_menu import CacheStateMenu from .icons import Icons from .style import Styles class OmniCacheIndicatorWidgetExtension(omni.ext.IExt): def on_startup(self, ext_id): extension_path = Icons.on_startup(extension_path) Styles.on_startup() self._cache_state_menu = CacheStateMenu() self._cache_state_menu.register_menu_widgets() def on_shutdown(self): self._cache_state_menu.unregister_menu_widgets() Icons.on_shutdown()
from .extension import OmniCacheIndicatorWidgetExtension
# Copyright (c) 2018-2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property # and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation # and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or # distribution of this software and related documentation without an express # license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. # from pathlib import Path class Icons: """A singleton that scans the icon folder and returns the icon depending on the type""" _icons = {} @staticmethod def on_startup(extension_path): current_path = Path(extension_path) icon_path = current_path.joinpath("icons") # Read all the svg files in the directory Icons._icons = {icon.stem: icon for icon in icon_path.glob("*.svg")} @staticmethod def on_shutdown(): Icons._icons = None @staticmethod def get(name, default=None): """Checks the icon cache and returns the icon if exists""" found = Icons._icons.get(name) if not found and default: found = Icons._icons.get(default) if found: return str(found) return None
from .test_cache_indicator_widget import TestCacheIndicatorWidget
import omni.kit.test import omni.client import class TestCacheIndicatorWidget(omni.kit.test.AsyncTestCase): async def test_menu_setup(self): import omni.kit.ui_test as ui_test menu_widget = ui_test.get_menubar() menu = menu_widget.find_menu("Cache State Widget") self.assertTrue(menu)
omni.kit.widget.cache_indicator ################################## Omniverse Kit Cache Status Indicator
"""pybind11 carb.imgui bindings""" from __future__ import annotations import omni.kit.imgui import typing import carb._carb __all__ = [ "Condition", "Context", "ImGui", "MouseCursor", "Style", "StyleColor", "StyleColorsPreset", "StyleVar", "WINDOW_FLAG_ALWAYS_AUTO_RESIZE", "WINDOW_FLAG_ALWAYS_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR", "WINDOW_FLAG_ALWAYS_USE_WINDOW_PADDING", "WINDOW_FLAG_ALWAYS_VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR", "WINDOW_FLAG_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR", "WINDOW_FLAG_MENU_BAR", "WINDOW_FLAG_NO_BACKGROUND", "WINDOW_FLAG_NO_BRING_TO_FRONT_ON_FOCUS", "WINDOW_FLAG_NO_COLLAPSE", "WINDOW_FLAG_NO_DOCKING", "WINDOW_FLAG_NO_FOCUS_ON_APPEARING", "WINDOW_FLAG_NO_MOUSE_INPUTS", "WINDOW_FLAG_NO_MOVE", "WINDOW_FLAG_NO_NAV_FOCUS", "WINDOW_FLAG_NO_NAV_INPUTS", "WINDOW_FLAG_NO_RESIZE", "WINDOW_FLAG_NO_SAVED_SETTINGS", "WINDOW_FLAG_NO_SCROLLBAR", "WINDOW_FLAG_NO_SCROLL_WITH_MOUSE", "WINDOW_FLAG_NO_TITLE_BAR", "WINDOW_FLAG_UNSAVED_DOCUMENT", "acquire_imgui" ] class Condition(): """ Members: ALWAYS APPEARING FIRST_USE_EVER ONCE """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... def __hash__(self) -> int: ... def __index__(self) -> int: ... def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __repr__(self) -> str: ... def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... @property def name(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @property def value(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ ALWAYS: omni.kit.imgui.Condition # value = <Condition.ALWAYS: 1> APPEARING: omni.kit.imgui.Condition # value = <Condition.APPEARING: 8> FIRST_USE_EVER: omni.kit.imgui.Condition # value = <Condition.FIRST_USE_EVER: 4> ONCE: omni.kit.imgui.Condition # value = <Condition.ONCE: 2> __members__: dict # value = {'ALWAYS': <Condition.ALWAYS: 1>, 'APPEARING': <Condition.APPEARING: 8>, 'FIRST_USE_EVER': <Condition.FIRST_USE_EVER: 4>, 'ONCE': <Condition.ONCE: 2>} pass class Context(): pass class ImGui(): def begin(self, arg0: str, arg1: bool, arg2: int) -> tuple: ... def begin_child(self, arg0: str, arg1: carb._carb.Float2, arg2: bool, arg3: int) -> bool: ... def begin_popup_modal(self, arg0: str, arg1: bool, arg2: int) -> bool: ... def bullet(self) -> None: ... def button(self, arg0: str) -> bool: ... def checkbox(self, arg0: str, arg1: bool) -> tuple: ... def close_current_popup(self) -> None: ... def collapsing_header(self, arg0: str, arg1: int) -> bool: ... def color_edit3(self, arg0: str, arg1: carb._carb.Float3) -> tuple: ... def color_edit4(self, arg0: str, arg1: carb._carb.Float4) -> tuple: ... def combo(self, arg0: str, arg1: int, arg2: typing.List[str]) -> tuple: ... def dock_builder_dock_window(self, arg0: str, arg1: int) -> None: ... def dummy(self, arg0: carb._carb.Float2) -> None: ... def end(self) -> None: ... def end_child(self) -> None: ... def end_popup(self) -> None: ... def get_display_size(self) -> carb._carb.Float2: ... def get_mouse_cursor(self) -> MouseCursor: ... def get_style(self) -> Style: ... def indent(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... def input_float(self, arg0: str, arg1: float, arg2: float) -> tuple: ... def input_int(self, arg0: str, arg1: int, arg2: int) -> tuple: ... def input_text(self, arg0: str, arg1: str, arg2: int) -> tuple: ... def is_valid(self) -> bool: ... def menu_item_ex(self, arg0: str, arg1: str, arg2: bool, arg3: bool) -> tuple: ... def open_popup(self, arg0: str) -> None: ... def plot_lines(self, arg0: str, arg1: typing.List[float], arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: str, arg5: float, arg6: float, arg7: carb._carb.Float2, arg8: int) -> None: ... def pop_id(self) -> None: ... def pop_item_width(self) -> None: ... def pop_style_color(self) -> None: ... def pop_style_var(self) -> None: ... def progress_bar(self, arg0: float, arg1: carb._carb.Float2, arg2: str) -> None: ... def push_id_int(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... def push_id_string(self, arg0: str) -> None: ... def push_item_width(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... def push_style_color(self, arg0: StyleColor, arg1: carb._carb.Float4) -> None: ... def push_style_var_float(self, arg0: StyleVar, arg1: float) -> None: ... def push_style_var_float2(self, arg0: StyleVar, arg1: carb._carb.Float2) -> None: ... def same_line(self) -> None: ... def same_line_ex(self, pos_x: float = 0.0, spacing_w: float = -1.0) -> None: ... def separator(self) -> None: ... def set_display_size(self, arg0: carb._carb.Float2) -> None: ... def set_mouse_cursor(self, arg0: MouseCursor) -> None: ... def set_next_window_pos(self, arg0: carb._carb.Float2, arg1: Condition, arg2: carb._carb.Float2) -> None: ... def set_next_window_size(self, arg0: carb._carb.Float2, arg1: Condition) -> None: ... def set_scroll_here_y(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... def set_style_colors(self, arg0: Style, arg1: StyleColorsPreset) -> None: ... def show_demo_window(self, arg0: bool) -> None: ... def show_style_editor(self, arg0: Style) -> None: ... def slider_float(self, arg0: str, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) -> tuple: ... def slider_int(self, arg0: str, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int) -> tuple: ... def small_button(self, arg0: str) -> bool: ... def spacing(self) -> None: ... def text(self, arg0: str) -> None: ... def text_unformatted(self, arg0: str) -> None: ... def text_wrapped(self, arg0: str) -> None: ... def tree_node_ptr(self, arg0: int, arg1: str) -> bool: ... def tree_pop(self) -> None: ... def unindent(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... pass class MouseCursor(): """ Members: NONE ARROW TEXT_INPUT RESIZE_ALL RESIZE_NS RESIZE_EW RESIZE_NESW RESIZE_NWSE HAND NOT_ALLOWED CROSSHAIR """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... def __hash__(self) -> int: ... def __index__(self) -> int: ... def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __repr__(self) -> str: ... def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... @property def name(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @property def value(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ ARROW: omni.kit.imgui.MouseCursor # value = <MouseCursor.ARROW: 0> CROSSHAIR: omni.kit.imgui.MouseCursor # value = <MouseCursor.CROSSHAIR: 9> HAND: omni.kit.imgui.MouseCursor # value = <MouseCursor.HAND: 7> NONE: omni.kit.imgui.MouseCursor # value = <MouseCursor.NONE: -1> NOT_ALLOWED: omni.kit.imgui.MouseCursor # value = <MouseCursor.NOT_ALLOWED: 8> RESIZE_ALL: omni.kit.imgui.MouseCursor # value = <MouseCursor.RESIZE_ALL: 2> RESIZE_EW: omni.kit.imgui.MouseCursor # value = <MouseCursor.RESIZE_EW: 4> RESIZE_NESW: omni.kit.imgui.MouseCursor # value = <MouseCursor.RESIZE_NESW: 5> RESIZE_NS: omni.kit.imgui.MouseCursor # value = <MouseCursor.RESIZE_NS: 3> RESIZE_NWSE: omni.kit.imgui.MouseCursor # value = <MouseCursor.RESIZE_NWSE: 6> TEXT_INPUT: omni.kit.imgui.MouseCursor # value = <MouseCursor.TEXT_INPUT: 1> __members__: dict # value = {'NONE': <MouseCursor.NONE: -1>, 'ARROW': <MouseCursor.ARROW: 0>, 'TEXT_INPUT': <MouseCursor.TEXT_INPUT: 1>, 'RESIZE_ALL': <MouseCursor.RESIZE_ALL: 2>, 'RESIZE_NS': <MouseCursor.RESIZE_NS: 3>, 'RESIZE_EW': <MouseCursor.RESIZE_EW: 4>, 'RESIZE_NESW': <MouseCursor.RESIZE_NESW: 5>, 'RESIZE_NWSE': <MouseCursor.RESIZE_NWSE: 6>, 'HAND': <MouseCursor.HAND: 7>, 'NOT_ALLOWED': <MouseCursor.NOT_ALLOWED: 8>, 'CROSSHAIR': <MouseCursor.CROSSHAIR: 9>} pass class Style(): pass class StyleColor(): """ Members: Text TextDisabled WindowBg ChildBg PopupBg Border BorderShadow FrameBg FrameBgHovered FrameBgActive TitleBg TitleBgActive TitleBgCollapsed MenuBarBg ScrollbarBg ScrollbarGrab ScrollbarGrabHovered ScrollbarGrabActive CheckMark SliderGrab SliderGrabActive Button ButtonHovered ButtonActive Header HeaderHovered HeaderActive Separator SeparatorHovered SeparatorActive ResizeGrip ResizeGripHovered ResizeGripActive Tab TabHovered TabActive TabUnfocused TabUnfocusedActive DockingPreview DockingEmptyBg PlotLines PlotLinesHovered PlotHistogram PlotHistogramHovered TableHeaderBg TableBorderStrong TableBorderLight TableRowBg TableRowBgAlt TextSelectedBg DragDropTarget NavHighlight NavWindowingHighlight NavWindowingDimBg ModalWindowDimBg WindowShadow CustomText Count """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... def __hash__(self) -> int: ... def __index__(self) -> int: ... def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __repr__(self) -> str: ... def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... @property def name(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @property def value(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ Border: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.Border: 5> BorderShadow: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.BorderShadow: 6> Button: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.Button: 21> ButtonActive: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.ButtonActive: 23> ButtonHovered: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.ButtonHovered: 22> CheckMark: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.CheckMark: 18> ChildBg: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.ChildBg: 3> Count: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.Count: 57> CustomText: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.CustomText: 56> DockingEmptyBg: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.DockingEmptyBg: 39> DockingPreview: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.DockingPreview: 38> DragDropTarget: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.DragDropTarget: 50> FrameBg: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.FrameBg: 7> FrameBgActive: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.FrameBgActive: 9> FrameBgHovered: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.FrameBgHovered: 8> Header: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.Header: 24> HeaderActive: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.HeaderActive: 26> HeaderHovered: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.HeaderHovered: 25> MenuBarBg: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.MenuBarBg: 13> ModalWindowDimBg: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.ModalWindowDimBg: 54> NavHighlight: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.NavHighlight: 51> NavWindowingDimBg: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.NavWindowingDimBg: 53> NavWindowingHighlight: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.NavWindowingHighlight: 52> PlotHistogram: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.PlotHistogram: 42> PlotHistogramHovered: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.PlotHistogramHovered: 43> PlotLines: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.PlotLines: 40> PlotLinesHovered: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.PlotLinesHovered: 41> PopupBg: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.PopupBg: 4> ResizeGrip: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.ResizeGrip: 30> ResizeGripActive: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.ResizeGripActive: 32> ResizeGripHovered: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.ResizeGripHovered: 31> ScrollbarBg: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.ScrollbarBg: 14> ScrollbarGrab: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.ScrollbarGrab: 15> ScrollbarGrabActive: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.ScrollbarGrabActive: 17> ScrollbarGrabHovered: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.ScrollbarGrabHovered: 16> Separator: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.Separator: 27> SeparatorActive: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.SeparatorActive: 29> SeparatorHovered: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.SeparatorHovered: 28> SliderGrab: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.SliderGrab: 19> SliderGrabActive: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.SliderGrabActive: 20> Tab: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.Tab: 33> TabActive: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.TabActive: 35> TabHovered: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.TabHovered: 34> TabUnfocused: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.TabUnfocused: 36> TabUnfocusedActive: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.TabUnfocusedActive: 37> TableBorderLight: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.TableBorderLight: 46> TableBorderStrong: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.TableBorderStrong: 45> TableHeaderBg: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.TableHeaderBg: 44> TableRowBg: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.TableRowBg: 47> TableRowBgAlt: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.TableRowBgAlt: 48> Text: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.Text: 0> TextDisabled: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.TextDisabled: 1> TextSelectedBg: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.TextSelectedBg: 49> TitleBg: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.TitleBg: 10> TitleBgActive: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.TitleBgActive: 11> TitleBgCollapsed: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.TitleBgCollapsed: 12> WindowBg: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.WindowBg: 2> WindowShadow: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColor # value = <StyleColor.WindowShadow: 55> __members__: dict # value = {'Text': <StyleColor.Text: 0>, 'TextDisabled': <StyleColor.TextDisabled: 1>, 'WindowBg': <StyleColor.WindowBg: 2>, 'ChildBg': <StyleColor.ChildBg: 3>, 'PopupBg': <StyleColor.PopupBg: 4>, 'Border': <StyleColor.Border: 5>, 'BorderShadow': <StyleColor.BorderShadow: 6>, 'FrameBg': <StyleColor.FrameBg: 7>, 'FrameBgHovered': <StyleColor.FrameBgHovered: 8>, 'FrameBgActive': <StyleColor.FrameBgActive: 9>, 'TitleBg': <StyleColor.TitleBg: 10>, 'TitleBgActive': <StyleColor.TitleBgActive: 11>, 'TitleBgCollapsed': <StyleColor.TitleBgCollapsed: 12>, 'MenuBarBg': <StyleColor.MenuBarBg: 13>, 'ScrollbarBg': <StyleColor.ScrollbarBg: 14>, 'ScrollbarGrab': <StyleColor.ScrollbarGrab: 15>, 'ScrollbarGrabHovered': <StyleColor.ScrollbarGrabHovered: 16>, 'ScrollbarGrabActive': <StyleColor.ScrollbarGrabActive: 17>, 'CheckMark': <StyleColor.CheckMark: 18>, 'SliderGrab': <StyleColor.SliderGrab: 19>, 'SliderGrabActive': <StyleColor.SliderGrabActive: 20>, 'Button': <StyleColor.Button: 21>, 'ButtonHovered': <StyleColor.ButtonHovered: 22>, 'ButtonActive': <StyleColor.ButtonActive: 23>, 'Header': <StyleColor.Header: 24>, 'HeaderHovered': <StyleColor.HeaderHovered: 25>, 'HeaderActive': <StyleColor.HeaderActive: 26>, 'Separator': <StyleColor.Separator: 27>, 'SeparatorHovered': <StyleColor.SeparatorHovered: 28>, 'SeparatorActive': <StyleColor.SeparatorActive: 29>, 'ResizeGrip': <StyleColor.ResizeGrip: 30>, 'ResizeGripHovered': <StyleColor.ResizeGripHovered: 31>, 'ResizeGripActive': <StyleColor.ResizeGripActive: 32>, 'Tab': <StyleColor.Tab: 33>, 'TabHovered': <StyleColor.TabHovered: 34>, 'TabActive': <StyleColor.TabActive: 35>, 'TabUnfocused': <StyleColor.TabUnfocused: 36>, 'TabUnfocusedActive': <StyleColor.TabUnfocusedActive: 37>, 'DockingPreview': <StyleColor.DockingPreview: 38>, 'DockingEmptyBg': <StyleColor.DockingEmptyBg: 39>, 'PlotLines': <StyleColor.PlotLines: 40>, 'PlotLinesHovered': <StyleColor.PlotLinesHovered: 41>, 'PlotHistogram': <StyleColor.PlotHistogram: 42>, 'PlotHistogramHovered': <StyleColor.PlotHistogramHovered: 43>, 'TableHeaderBg': <StyleColor.TableHeaderBg: 44>, 'TableBorderStrong': <StyleColor.TableBorderStrong: 45>, 'TableBorderLight': <StyleColor.TableBorderLight: 46>, 'TableRowBg': <StyleColor.TableRowBg: 47>, 'TableRowBgAlt': <StyleColor.TableRowBgAlt: 48>, 'TextSelectedBg': <StyleColor.TextSelectedBg: 49>, 'DragDropTarget': <StyleColor.DragDropTarget: 50>, 'NavHighlight': <StyleColor.NavHighlight: 51>, 'NavWindowingHighlight': <StyleColor.NavWindowingHighlight: 52>, 'NavWindowingDimBg': <StyleColor.NavWindowingDimBg: 53>, 'ModalWindowDimBg': <StyleColor.ModalWindowDimBg: 54>, 'WindowShadow': <StyleColor.WindowShadow: 55>, 'CustomText': <StyleColor.CustomText: 56>, 'Count': <StyleColor.Count: 57>} pass class StyleColorsPreset(): """ Members: NvidiaDark NvidiaLight Dark Light Classic Count """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... def __hash__(self) -> int: ... def __index__(self) -> int: ... def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __repr__(self) -> str: ... def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... @property def name(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @property def value(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ Classic: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColorsPreset # value = <StyleColorsPreset.Classic: 4> Count: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColorsPreset # value = <StyleColorsPreset.Count: 5> Dark: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColorsPreset # value = <StyleColorsPreset.Dark: 2> Light: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColorsPreset # value = <StyleColorsPreset.Light: 3> NvidiaDark: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColorsPreset # value = <StyleColorsPreset.NvidiaDark: 0> NvidiaLight: omni.kit.imgui.StyleColorsPreset # value = <StyleColorsPreset.NvidiaLight: 1> __members__: dict # value = {'NvidiaDark': <StyleColorsPreset.NvidiaDark: 0>, 'NvidiaLight': <StyleColorsPreset.NvidiaLight: 1>, 'Dark': <StyleColorsPreset.Dark: 2>, 'Light': <StyleColorsPreset.Light: 3>, 'Classic': <StyleColorsPreset.Classic: 4>, 'Count': <StyleColorsPreset.Count: 5>} pass class StyleVar(): """ Members: Alpha WindowPadding WindowRounding WindowBorderSize WindowMinSize WindowTitleAlign ChildRounding ChildBorderSize PopupRounding PopupBorderSize FramePadding FrameRounding FrameBorderSize ItemSpacing ItemInnerSpacing CellPadding IndentSpacing ScrollbarSize ScrollbarRounding GrabMinSize GrabRounding TabRounding ButtonTextAlign SelectableTextAlign DockSplitterSize """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... def __hash__(self) -> int: ... def __index__(self) -> int: ... def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __repr__(self) -> str: ... def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... @property def name(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @property def value(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ Alpha: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.Alpha: 0> ButtonTextAlign: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.ButtonTextAlign: 22> CellPadding: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.CellPadding: 15> ChildBorderSize: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.ChildBorderSize: 7> ChildRounding: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.ChildRounding: 6> DockSplitterSize: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.DockSplitterSize: 24> FrameBorderSize: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.FrameBorderSize: 12> FramePadding: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.FramePadding: 10> FrameRounding: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.FrameRounding: 11> GrabMinSize: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.GrabMinSize: 19> GrabRounding: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.GrabRounding: 20> IndentSpacing: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.IndentSpacing: 16> ItemInnerSpacing: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.ItemInnerSpacing: 14> ItemSpacing: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.ItemSpacing: 13> PopupBorderSize: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.PopupBorderSize: 9> PopupRounding: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.PopupRounding: 8> ScrollbarRounding: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.ScrollbarRounding: 18> ScrollbarSize: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.ScrollbarSize: 17> SelectableTextAlign: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.SelectableTextAlign: 23> TabRounding: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.TabRounding: 21> WindowBorderSize: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.WindowBorderSize: 3> WindowMinSize: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.WindowMinSize: 4> WindowPadding: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.WindowPadding: 1> WindowRounding: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.WindowRounding: 2> WindowTitleAlign: omni.kit.imgui.StyleVar # value = <StyleVar.WindowTitleAlign: 5> __members__: dict # value = {'Alpha': <StyleVar.Alpha: 0>, 'WindowPadding': <StyleVar.WindowPadding: 1>, 'WindowRounding': <StyleVar.WindowRounding: 2>, 'WindowBorderSize': <StyleVar.WindowBorderSize: 3>, 'WindowMinSize': <StyleVar.WindowMinSize: 4>, 'WindowTitleAlign': <StyleVar.WindowTitleAlign: 5>, 'ChildRounding': <StyleVar.ChildRounding: 6>, 'ChildBorderSize': <StyleVar.ChildBorderSize: 7>, 'PopupRounding': <StyleVar.PopupRounding: 8>, 'PopupBorderSize': <StyleVar.PopupBorderSize: 9>, 'FramePadding': <StyleVar.FramePadding: 10>, 'FrameRounding': <StyleVar.FrameRounding: 11>, 'FrameBorderSize': <StyleVar.FrameBorderSize: 12>, 'ItemSpacing': <StyleVar.ItemSpacing: 13>, 'ItemInnerSpacing': <StyleVar.ItemInnerSpacing: 14>, 'CellPadding': <StyleVar.CellPadding: 15>, 'IndentSpacing': <StyleVar.IndentSpacing: 16>, 'ScrollbarSize': <StyleVar.ScrollbarSize: 17>, 'ScrollbarRounding': <StyleVar.ScrollbarRounding: 18>, 'GrabMinSize': <StyleVar.GrabMinSize: 19>, 'GrabRounding': <StyleVar.GrabRounding: 20>, 'TabRounding': <StyleVar.TabRounding: 21>, 'ButtonTextAlign': <StyleVar.ButtonTextAlign: 22>, 'SelectableTextAlign': <StyleVar.SelectableTextAlign: 23>, 'DockSplitterSize': <StyleVar.DockSplitterSize: 24>} pass def acquire_imgui(plugin_name: str = None, library_path: str = None) -> ImGui: pass WINDOW_FLAG_ALWAYS_AUTO_RESIZE = 64 WINDOW_FLAG_ALWAYS_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR = 32768 WINDOW_FLAG_ALWAYS_USE_WINDOW_PADDING = 65536 WINDOW_FLAG_ALWAYS_VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR = 16384 WINDOW_FLAG_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR = 2048 WINDOW_FLAG_MENU_BAR = 1024 WINDOW_FLAG_NO_BACKGROUND = 128 WINDOW_FLAG_NO_BRING_TO_FRONT_ON_FOCUS = 8192 WINDOW_FLAG_NO_COLLAPSE = 32 WINDOW_FLAG_NO_DOCKING = 2097152 WINDOW_FLAG_NO_FOCUS_ON_APPEARING = 4096 WINDOW_FLAG_NO_MOUSE_INPUTS = 512 WINDOW_FLAG_NO_MOVE = 4 WINDOW_FLAG_NO_NAV_FOCUS = 262144 WINDOW_FLAG_NO_NAV_INPUTS = 524288 WINDOW_FLAG_NO_RESIZE = 2 WINDOW_FLAG_NO_SAVED_SETTINGS = 256 WINDOW_FLAG_NO_SCROLLBAR = 8 WINDOW_FLAG_NO_SCROLL_WITH_MOUSE = 16 WINDOW_FLAG_NO_TITLE_BAR = 1 WINDOW_FLAG_UNSAVED_DOCUMENT = 1048576
from __future__ import annotations import omni.kit.imgui_renderer._imgui_renderer import typing import omni.appwindow._appwindow __all__ = [ "IImGuiRenderer", "acquire_imgui_renderer_interface", "release_imgui_renderer_interface" ] class IImGuiRenderer(): def attach_app_window(self, arg0: omni.appwindow._appwindow.IAppWindow) -> bool: ... @staticmethod def attach_app_window_with_imgui_context(*args, **kwargs) -> typing.Any: ... def clear_cursor_shape_override(self, arg0: omni.appwindow._appwindow.IAppWindow) -> None: ... def detach_app_window(self, arg0: omni.appwindow._appwindow.IAppWindow) -> None: ... def get_all_cursor_shape_names(self) -> typing.List[str]: ... @staticmethod def get_cursor_shape_override(*args, **kwargs) -> typing.Any: ... @staticmethod def get_cursor_shape_override_extend(*args, **kwargs) -> typing.Any: ... @staticmethod def get_window_set(*args, **kwargs) -> typing.Any: ... def has_cursor_shape_override(self, arg0: omni.appwindow._appwindow.IAppWindow) -> bool: ... def is_app_window_attached(self, arg0: omni.appwindow._appwindow.IAppWindow) -> bool: ... def register_cursor_shape_extend(self, arg0: str, arg1: str) -> None: ... @staticmethod def set_cursor_shape_override(*args, **kwargs) -> typing.Any: ... def set_cursor_shape_override_extend(self, arg0: omni.appwindow._appwindow.IAppWindow, arg1: str) -> None: ... def shutdown(self) -> None: ... def startup(self) -> None: ... def unregister_cursor_shape_extend(self, arg0: str) -> None: ... pass def acquire_imgui_renderer_interface(plugin_name: str = None, library_path: str = None) -> IImGuiRenderer: pass def release_imgui_renderer_interface(arg0: IImGuiRenderer) -> None: pass
from ._imgui_renderer import * # Cached interface instance pointer def get_imgui_renderer_interface() -> IImGuiRenderer: """Returns cached :class:`omni.kit.renderer.IImGuiRenderer` interface""" if not hasattr(get_imgui_renderer_interface, "imgui_renderer"): get_imgui_renderer_interface.imgui_renderer = acquire_imgui_renderer_interface() return get_imgui_renderer_interface.imgui_renderer
import inspect import pathlib import carb import carb.settings import carb.tokens import carb.windowing import import omni.kit.test import omni.kit.test_helpers_gfx import omni.kit.renderer.bind import omni.kit.imgui_renderer import omni.kit.imgui_renderer_test # Maximum allowed difference of the same pixel between two images. If the object is moved, the difference will be # close to 255. 10 is enough to filter out the artifacts of antialiasing on the different systems. THRESHOLD = 10 OUTPUTS_DIR = omni.kit.test.get_test_output_path() EXTENSION_FOLDER_PATH = pathlib.Path( GOLDEN_DIR = EXTENSION_FOLDER_PATH.joinpath("data/tests") RENDERER_CAPTURE_EXT_NAME = "omni.kit.renderer.capture" class ImGuiRendererTest(omni.kit.test.AsyncTestCase): async def setUp(self): self._settings = carb.settings.acquire_settings_interface() self._app_window_factory = omni.appwindow.acquire_app_window_factory_interface() self._renderer = omni.kit.renderer.bind.acquire_renderer_interface() self._imgui_renderer = omni.kit.imgui_renderer.acquire_imgui_renderer_interface() self._imgui_renderer_test = omni.kit.imgui_renderer_test.acquire_imgui_renderer_test_interface() self._renderer.startup() self._imgui_renderer.startup() self._imgui_renderer_test.startup() async def tearDown(self): self._imgui_renderer_test.shutdown() self._imgui_renderer.shutdown() self._renderer.shutdown() self._imgui_renderer_test = None self._imgui_renderer = None self._renderer = None self._app_window_factory = None self._settings = None async def __create_app_window(self, title: str, width: int = 300, height: int = 300): app_window = self._app_window_factory.create_window_from_settings() app_window.startup_with_desc( title=f"ImGui renderer test {title}", width=width, height=height, x=omni.appwindow.POSITION_CENTERED, y=omni.appwindow.POSITION_CENTERED, decorations=True, resize=True, always_on_top=False, scale_to_monitor=False, dpi_scale_override=1.0 ) self._app_window_factory.set_default_window(app_window) self._renderer.attach_app_window(app_window) self._imgui_renderer.attach_app_window(app_window) self._imgui_renderer_test.register_empty_window( app_window, 50, 50, 200, 200, title ) # Test the carb.imgui is_valid returns True since it is now properly setup await self.test_carb_imgui_is_valid(True) await return app_window async def __destroy_app_window(self, app_window): self._app_window_factory.set_default_window(None) self._imgui_renderer.detach_app_window(app_window) self._renderer.detach_app_window(app_window) app_window.shutdown() await return None @omni.kit.test.omni_test_registry(guid="4ecaf4c3-17bd-40fa-8a76-f0e12291d0ef") async def test_1000_empty_imgui_window(self): TESTNAME = "test_1000_empty_imgui_window" FILENAME = f"{TESTNAME}.png" app_window = await self.__create_app_window("Test Empty Window") diff = await omni.kit.test_helpers_gfx.capture_and_compare(FILENAME, THRESHOLD, OUTPUTS_DIR, GOLDEN_DIR, app_window) if diff != 0: carb.log_warn(f"[TEST_NAME] the generated image has max difference {diff}") if diff > THRESHOLD: carb.log_error(f'The generated image {FILENAME} has a difference of {diff}, but max difference is {THRESHOLD}') self.assertTrue(False) app_window = await self.__destroy_app_window(app_window) @omni.kit.test.omni_test_registry(guid="bf09077f-e44a-11ed-ade6-ac91a108fede") async def test_null_app_window_0(self): """Test crash avoidance on API abuse 0""" result = self._imgui_renderer_test.attach_null_window(0) self.assertTrue(result) @omni.kit.test.omni_test_registry(guid="65059f66-e44d-11ed-9523-ac91a108fede") async def test_null_app_window_1(self): """Test crash avoidance on API abuse 1""" result = self._imgui_renderer_test.attach_null_window(1) self.assertTrue(result) async def test_set_cursor_shape_override(self): """Test crash avoidance on set_cursor_shape_override""" app_window = await self.__create_app_window("Test Empty Window") self._imgui_renderer.set_cursor_shape_override(app_window, carb.windowing.CursorStandardShape.HAND) app_window = await self.__destroy_app_window(app_window) async def test_cursor_shape_override_extend(self): """Test crash avoidance on set_cursor_shape_override_extend""" app_window = await self.__create_app_window("Test Empty Window") self._imgui_renderer.get_all_cursor_shape_names() self._imgui_renderer.set_cursor_shape_override_extend(app_window, "Arrow") self._imgui_renderer.get_cursor_shape_override_extend(app_window) self._imgui_renderer.register_cursor_shape_extend("test_cursor", r"${exe-path}/resources/icons/Ok_64.png") self._imgui_renderer.unregister_cursor_shape_extend("test_cursor") app_window = await self.__destroy_app_window(app_window) async def test_carb_imgui_is_valid(self, should_be_valid: bool = False): """Test low level carb.imgui is_valid API""" import carb.imgui imgui = carb.imgui.acquire_imgui() self.assertIsNotNone(imgui) self.assertEqual(imgui.is_valid(), should_be_valid)
from .test_imgui_renderer import *
from ._imgui_renderer_test import * # Cached interface instance pointer def get_imgui_renderer_test_interface() -> IImGuiRendererTest: if not hasattr(get_imgui_renderer_test_interface, "imgui_renderer_test"): get_imgui_renderer_test_interface.imgui_renderer_test = acquire_imgui_renderer_test_interface() return get_imgui_renderer_test_interface.imgui_renderer_test
import carb from typing import Callable, Union, Tuple extension_id = "omni.kit.ui.editor_menu_bridge" class EditorMenu(): active_menus = {} window_handler = {} setup_hook = False omni_kit_menu_utils_loaded = False def __init__(self): import manager = self._hooks = [] self._hooks.append( manager.subscribe_to_extension_enable( on_enable_fn=lambda _: EditorMenu.set_menu_loaded(True), on_disable_fn=lambda _: EditorMenu.set_menu_loaded(False), ext_name="", hook_name="editor menu listener", ) ) @staticmethod def clean_menu_path(path): import re return re.sub(r"[^\x00-\x7F]+", "", path).lstrip() @staticmethod def set_menu_loaded(state: bool): EditorMenu.omni_kit_menu_utils_loaded = state class EditorMenuItem: def __init__(self, menu_path): self._menu_path = menu_path def __del__(self): carb.log_info(f"{self._menu_path} went out of scope and is being automatically removed from the menu system") EditorMenu.remove_item(self._menu_path) @staticmethod def sort_menu_hook(merged_menu): from import MenuItemDescription def priority_sort(menu_entry): if hasattr(menu_entry, "priority"): return menu_entry.priority return 0 for name in ["Window", "Help"]: if name in merged_menu: merged_menu[name].sort(key=priority_sort) priority = 0 for index, menu_entry in enumerate(merged_menu[name]): if hasattr(menu_entry, "priority"): if index > 0 and abs(menu_entry.priority - priority) > 9: spacer = MenuItemDescription() spacer.priority = menu_entry.priority merged_menu[name].insert(index, spacer) priority = menu_entry.priority @staticmethod def get_action_name(menu_path): import re action = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]','', menu_path).lower().strip().replace('/', '_').replace(' ', '_').replace('__', '_') return(f"action_editor_menu_bridge_{action}") @staticmethod def convert_to_new_menu(menu_path:str, menu_name: Union[str, list], on_click: Callable, toggle: bool, priority: int, value: bool, enabled: bool, original_svg_color: bool): from import MenuItemDescription action_name = EditorMenu.get_action_name(menu_path) if on_click: import omni.kit.actions.core omni.kit.actions.core.get_action_registry().register_action( extension_id, action_name, lambda: on_click(menu_path, EditorMenu.toggle_value(menu_path)), display_name=action_name, description=action_name, tag=action_name, ) if isinstance(menu_name, list): menu_item = menu_name.pop(-1) sub_menu_item = MenuItemDescription(name=menu_item, enabled=enabled, ticked=toggle, ticked_value=value if toggle else None, onclick_action=(extension_id, action_name), original_svg_color=original_svg_color) sub_menu = [sub_menu_item] while(len(menu_name) > 0): menu_item = menu_name.pop(-1) menu = MenuItemDescription(name=menu_item, sub_menu=sub_menu, original_svg_color=original_svg_color) menu.priority=priority sub_menu = [menu] return menu, sub_menu_item else: menu = MenuItemDescription(name=menu_name, enabled=enabled, ticked=toggle, ticked_value=value if toggle else None, onclick_action=(extension_id, action_name), original_svg_color=original_svg_color) menu.priority=priority return menu, menu @staticmethod def split_menu_path(menu_path: str): menu_name = None menu_parts = menu_path.replace("\/", "@TEMPSLASH@").split("/") menu_title = menu_parts.pop(0) if len(menu_parts) > 1: menu_name = menu_parts elif menu_parts: menu_name = menu_parts[0] if menu_name: if isinstance(menu_name, list): menu_name = [name.replace("@TEMPSLASH@", "\\") for name in menu_name] else: menu_name = menu_name.replace("@TEMPSLASH@", "\\") if menu_title: menu_title = menu_title.replace("@TEMPSLASH@", "\\") return menu_title, menu_name @staticmethod def add_item(menu_path: str, on_click: Callable=None, toggle: bool=False, priority: int=0, value: bool=False, enabled: bool=True, original_svg_color: bool=False, auto_release=True): if not EditorMenu.omni_kit_menu_utils_loaded: carb.log_warn(f" not loaded for add_item({EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)}) - Extension needs dependency to") return import if EditorMenu.setup_hook == False: EditorMenu.setup_hook = True menu_title, menu_name = EditorMenu.split_menu_path(menu_path) menu, menuitem = EditorMenu.convert_to_new_menu(menu_path, menu_name, on_click, toggle, priority, value, enabled, original_svg_color) EditorMenu.active_menus[menu_path] = (menu, menuitem)[menu], menu_title) # disabled for fastShutdown as auto-release causes exceptions on shutdown, so editor_menus may leak as most are not removed if auto_release: return EditorMenu.EditorMenuItem(menu_path) return menu_path @staticmethod def set_on_click(menu_path: str, on_click: Callable=None): if not EditorMenu.omni_kit_menu_utils_loaded: carb.log_warn(f" not loaded for set_on_click({EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)}) - Extension needs dependency to") return import action_name = EditorMenu.get_action_name(menu_path) if menu_path in EditorMenu.active_menus: import omni.kit.actions.core omni.kit.actions.core.get_action_registry().deregister_action( extension_id, action_name ) if on_click: omni.kit.actions.core.get_action_registry().register_action( extension_id, action_name, lambda: on_click(menu_path, EditorMenu.toggle_value(menu_path)), display_name=action_name, description=action_name, tag=action_name, ) menu_title, menu_name = EditorMenu.split_menu_path(menu_path) menu, menuitem = EditorMenu.active_menus[menu_path][menu], menu_title) menuitem.onclick_action = None if on_click: menuitem.onclick_action=(extension_id, action_name)[menu], menu_title) return None carb.log_warn(f"set_on_click menu {EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)} not found") return None @staticmethod def remove_item(menu_path: str): if not EditorMenu.omni_kit_menu_utils_loaded: carb.log_warn(f" not loaded for remove_item({EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)}) - Extension needs dependency to") return import import omni.kit.actions.core if menu_path in EditorMenu.active_menus: menu_title, menu_name = EditorMenu.split_menu_path(menu_path) menu, menuitem = EditorMenu.active_menus[menu_path][menu], menu_title) del EditorMenu.active_menus[menu_path] omni.kit.actions.core.get_action_registry().deregister_action( extension_id, EditorMenu.get_action_name(menu_path) ) return None carb.log_warn(f"remove_item menu {EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)} not found") return None @staticmethod def set_priority(menu_path: str, priority: int): if not EditorMenu.omni_kit_menu_utils_loaded: carb.log_warn(f" not loaded for set_priority({EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)}) - Extension needs dependency to") return import menu_title_id, menu_name = EditorMenu.split_menu_path(menu_path) if menu_title_id and not menu_name: for menu_id in EditorMenu.active_menus: menu_title, menu_name = EditorMenu.split_menu_path(menu_id) if menu_title == menu_title_id: menu, menuitem = EditorMenu.active_menus[menu_id][menu], menu_title)[menu], menu_title, priority) return if menu_path in EditorMenu.active_menus: menu_title, menu_name = EditorMenu.split_menu_path(menu_path) menu, menuitem = EditorMenu.active_menus[menu_path][menu], menu_title) menuitem.priority = priority[menu], menu_title) return carb.log_warn(f"set_priority menu {EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)} not found") return @staticmethod def set_enabled(menu_path: str, enabled: bool): if not EditorMenu.omni_kit_menu_utils_loaded: return None import if menu_path in EditorMenu.active_menus: menu_title, menu_name = EditorMenu.split_menu_path(menu_path) menu, menuitem = EditorMenu.active_menus[menu_path] menuitem.enabled = enabled return None carb.log_warn(f"set_enabled menu {EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)} not found") return None @staticmethod def set_hotkey(menu_path: str, modifier: int, key: int): if not EditorMenu.omni_kit_menu_utils_loaded: carb.log_warn(f" not loaded for set_hotkey({EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)}) - Extension needs dependency to") return None import if menu_path in EditorMenu.active_menus: menu_title, menu_name = EditorMenu.split_menu_path(menu_path) menu, menuitem = EditorMenu.active_menus[menu_path][menu], menu_title) menuitem.set_hotkey((modifier, key))[menu], menu_title) return None carb.log_warn(f"set_hotkey menu {EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)} not found") return None @staticmethod def set_value(menu_path: str, value: bool): if not EditorMenu.omni_kit_menu_utils_loaded: carb.log_warn(f" not loaded for set_value({EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)}) - Extension needs dependency to") return None import if menu_path in EditorMenu.active_menus: menu_title, menu_name = EditorMenu.split_menu_path(menu_path) menu, menuitem = EditorMenu.active_menus[menu_path] if menuitem.ticked_value != value: menuitem.ticked_value = value return None carb.log_warn(f"set_value menu {EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)} not found") return None @staticmethod def get_value(menu_path: str): if not EditorMenu.omni_kit_menu_utils_loaded: carb.log_warn(f" not loaded for get_value({EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)}) - Extension needs dependency to") return None if menu_path in EditorMenu.active_menus: menu, menuitem = EditorMenu.active_menus[menu_path] return menuitem.ticked_value carb.log_warn(f"get_value menu {EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)} not found") return None @staticmethod def toggle_value(menu_path: str): if not EditorMenu.omni_kit_menu_utils_loaded: carb.log_warn(f" not loaded for toggle_value({EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)}) - Extension needs dependency to") return None import if menu_path in EditorMenu.active_menus: menu_title, menu_name = EditorMenu.split_menu_path(menu_path) menu, menuitem = EditorMenu.active_menus[menu_path] menuitem.ticked_value = not menuitem.ticked_value return menuitem.ticked_value carb.log_warn(f"toggle_value menu {EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)} not found") return None @staticmethod def has_item(menu_path: str): return (menu_path in EditorMenu.active_menus) @staticmethod def set_on_right_click(menu_path: str, on_click: Callable=None): carb.log_warn(f"EditorMenu.set_on_right_click(menu_path='{EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)}', on_click={on_click}) not supported") return None @staticmethod def set_action(menu_path: str, action_mapping_path: str, action_name: str): carb.log_warn(f"EditorMenu.set_action(menu_path='{EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)}', action_mapping_path='{action_mapping_path}', action_name='{action_name}') not supported") return None @staticmethod def add_action_to_menu( menu_path: str, on_action: Callable, action_name: str = None, default_hotkey: Tuple[int, int] = None, on_rmb_click: Callable = None, ) -> None: if not EditorMenu.omni_kit_menu_utils_loaded: carb.log_warn(f" not loaded for add_action_to_menu({EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)}) - Extension needs dependency to") return None import from import MenuActionControl if on_rmb_click: carb.log_warn(f"add_action_to_menu {EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)} on_rmb_click not supported") if menu_path in EditorMenu.active_menus: menu_title, menu_name = EditorMenu.split_menu_path(menu_path) menu, menuitem = EditorMenu.active_menus[menu_path][menu], menu_title) action_name = EditorMenu.get_action_name(menu_path) if on_action: import omni.kit.actions.core omni.kit.actions.core.get_action_registry().deregister_action( extension_id, action_name ) omni.kit.actions.core.get_action_registry().register_action( extension_id, action_name, on_action, display_name=action_name, description=action_name, tag=action_name, ) # HACK - async/frame delay breaks fullscreen mode if action_name in ["action_editor_menu_bridge_window_fullscreen_mode"]: menuitem.onclick_action=(extension_id, action_name, MenuActionControl.NODELAY) else: menuitem.onclick_action=(extension_id, action_name) menuitem.set_hotkey(default_hotkey)[menu], menu_title) return None carb.log_warn(f"add_action_to_menu menu {EditorMenu.clean_menu_path(menu_path)} not found") return None
from __future__ import annotations import omni.kit.ui._ui import typing import carb import carb._carb import import omni.ui._ui __all__ = [ "BroadcastModel", "Button", "CheckBox", "ClippingType", "CollapsingFrame", "ColorRgb", "ColorRgba", "ColumnLayout", "ComboBox", "ComboBoxInt", "Container", "ContainerBase", "ContentWindow", "DelegateAction", "DelegateResult", "DockPreference", "DragDouble", "DragDouble2", "DragDouble3", "DragDouble4", "DragInt", "DragInt2", "DragUInt", "DraggingType", "FieldDouble", "FieldInt", "FileDialogDataSource", "FileDialogOpenMode", "FileDialogSelectType", "FilePicker", "Image", "Label", "Length", "ListBox", "MODEL_META_SERIALIZED_CONTENTS", "MODEL_META_WIDGET_TYPE", "Mat44", "Menu", "MenuEventType", "Model", "ModelChangeInfo", "ModelEventType", "ModelNodeType", "ModelWidget", "Percent", "Pixel", "Popup", "ProgressBar", "RowColumnLayout", "RowLayout", "ScalarXYZ", "ScalarXYZW", "ScrollingFrame", "Separator", "SimpleTreeView", "SimpleValueWidgetBool", "SimpleValueWidgetColorRgb", "SimpleValueWidgetColorRgba", "SimpleValueWidgetDouble", "SimpleValueWidgetDouble2", "SimpleValueWidgetDouble3", "SimpleValueWidgetDouble4", "SimpleValueWidgetInt", "SimpleValueWidgetInt2", "SimpleValueWidgetMat44", "SimpleValueWidgetString", "SimpleValueWidgetUint", "SliderDouble", "SliderDouble2", "SliderDouble3", "SliderDouble4", "SliderInt", "SliderInt2", "SliderUInt", "Spacer", "TextBox", "Transform", "UnitType", "ValueWidgetBool", "ValueWidgetColorRgb", "ValueWidgetColorRgba", "ValueWidgetDouble", "ValueWidgetDouble2", "ValueWidgetDouble3", "ValueWidgetDouble4", "ValueWidgetInt", "ValueWidgetInt2", "ValueWidgetMat44", "ValueWidgetString", "ValueWidgetUint", "ViewCollapsing", "ViewFlat", "ViewTreeGrid", "WINDOW_FLAGS_FORCE_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR", "WINDOW_FLAGS_FORCE_VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR", "WINDOW_FLAGS_MODAL", "WINDOW_FLAGS_NONE", "WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_CLOSE", "WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_COLLAPSE", "WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_FOCUS_ON_APPEARING", "WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_MOVE", "WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_RESIZE", "WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_SAVED_SETTINGS", "WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_SCROLLBAR", "WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_TITLE_BAR", "WINDOW_FLAGS_SHOW_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR", "Widget", "Window", "WindowEventType", "WindowMainStandalone", "WindowStandalone", "activate_menu_item", "get_custom_glyph_code", "get_editor_menu_legacy", "get_main_window" ] class BroadcastModel(Model): def __init__(self) -> None: ... def add_target(self, arg0: Model, arg1: str, arg2: str) -> int: ... def remove_target(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... pass class Button(Label, Widget): """ Button Widget. Args: text (str): Text on button. is_image (bool): Text is an image filename. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', is_image: bool = False, default_color: int = 4294967295) -> None: ... def set_clicked_fn(self, arg0: typing.Callable[[Widget], None]) -> None: ... @property def url(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @url.setter def url(self, arg1: str) -> None: pass pass class CheckBox(SimpleValueWidgetBool, ValueWidgetBool, ModelWidget, Widget): """ CheckBox Widget. Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. value (bool, default=False): Initial value. left_handed (bool, default=False): Initial value. styled (bool, default=False): Initial value """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', value: bool = False, left_handed: bool = False, styled: bool = False) -> None: ... @property def styled(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @styled.setter def styled(self, arg0: bool) -> None: pass pass class ClippingType(): """ Supported text clipping types. Members: NONE ELLIPSIS_LEFT ELLIPSIS_RIGHT WRAP """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... def __hash__(self) -> int: ... def __index__(self) -> int: ... def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __repr__(self) -> str: ... def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... @property def name(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @property def value(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ ELLIPSIS_LEFT: omni.kit.ui._ui.ClippingType # value = <ClippingType.ELLIPSIS_LEFT: 1> ELLIPSIS_RIGHT: omni.kit.ui._ui.ClippingType # value = <ClippingType.ELLIPSIS_RIGHT: 2> NONE: omni.kit.ui._ui.ClippingType # value = <ClippingType.NONE: 0> WRAP: omni.kit.ui._ui.ClippingType # value = <ClippingType.WRAP: 3> __members__: dict # value = {'NONE': <ClippingType.NONE: 0>, 'ELLIPSIS_LEFT': <ClippingType.ELLIPSIS_LEFT: 1>, 'ELLIPSIS_RIGHT': <ClippingType.ELLIPSIS_RIGHT: 2>, 'WRAP': <ClippingType.WRAP: 3>} pass class CollapsingFrame(Container, Widget): def __init__(self, arg0: str, arg1: bool) -> None: ... @property def open(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @open.setter def open(self, arg1: bool) -> None: pass @property def title(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @title.setter def title(self, arg1: str) -> None: pass @property def use_frame_background_color(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @use_frame_background_color.setter def use_frame_background_color(self, arg1: bool) -> None: pass @property def visible(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @visible.setter def visible(self, arg1: bool) -> None: pass pass class ColorRgb(SimpleValueWidgetColorRgb, ValueWidgetColorRgb, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Color Picker Widget (Tuple[float, float, float]). Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. value (Tuple[float, float, float], default=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): Initial value. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', value: carb._carb.ColorRgb = carb.ColorRgb(0,0,0)) -> None: ... pass class ColorRgba(SimpleValueWidgetColorRgba, ValueWidgetColorRgba, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Color Picker Widget (Tuple[float, float, float, float]). Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. value (Tuple[float, float, float, float], default=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)): Initial value. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', value: carb._carb.ColorRgba = carb.ColorRgba(0,0,0,0)) -> None: ... pass class ColumnLayout(Container, Widget): def __init__(self, spacing: int = -1, padding_x: int = -1, padding_y: int = -1) -> None: ... pass class ComboBox(SimpleValueWidgetString, ValueWidgetString, ModelWidget, Widget): """ ComboBox Widget. Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. items (List[[str], default=[]): List of elements. display_names (List[str], default=[]): List of element display names. Optional. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', items: typing.List[str] = [], display_names: typing.List[str] = []) -> None: ... def add_item(self, item: str, display_name: str = '') -> None: ... def clear_items(self) -> None: ... def get_item_at(self, arg0: int) -> str: ... def get_item_count(self) -> int: ... def remove_item(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... def set_items(self, items: typing.List[str], display_names: typing.List[str] = []) -> None: ... @property def selected_index(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @selected_index.setter def selected_index(self, arg1: int) -> None: pass pass class ComboBoxInt(SimpleValueWidgetInt, ValueWidgetInt, ModelWidget, Widget): """ ComboBox Widget. Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. items (List[[int], default=[]): List of elements. display_names (List[int], default=[]): List of element display names. Optional. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', items: typing.List[int] = [], display_names: typing.List[str] = []) -> None: ... def add_item(self, item: int, display_name: str = '') -> None: ... def clear_items(self) -> None: ... def get_item_at(self, arg0: int) -> int: ... def get_item_count(self) -> int: ... def remove_item(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... def set_items(self, items: typing.List[int], display_names: typing.List[str] = []) -> None: ... @property def selected_index(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @selected_index.setter def selected_index(self, arg1: int) -> None: pass pass class Container(Widget): """ Base class for all UI containers. Container can hold arbitrary number of other :class:`.Widget` s """ def add_child(self, arg0: Widget) -> Widget: ... def clear(self) -> None: ... def get_child_at(self, arg0: int) -> Widget: ... def get_child_count(self) -> int: ... def remove_child(self, arg0: Widget) -> None: ... @property def child_spacing(self) -> carb._carb.Float2: """ :type: carb._carb.Float2 """ @child_spacing.setter def child_spacing(self, arg1: carb._carb.Float2) -> None: pass pass class ContainerBase(Widget): """ Class for the complex widget that can have children, but doesn;t allow to add children for the external user. """ def draw(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... pass class ContentWindow(Widget): """ Content Window. Content Window is container that hosts a file picker widget. """ @typing.overload def __init__(self) -> None: ... @typing.overload def __init__(self, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> None: ... def get_selected_icon_paths(self) -> tuple: ... def get_selected_node_paths(self) -> tuple: ... def navigate_to(self, arg0: str) -> None: ... def refresh(self) -> None: ... def set_filter(self, arg0: str) -> None: ... pass class DelegateAction(): """ Members: CREATE_DEFAULT_WIDGET SKIP_KEY USE_CUSTOM_WIDGET """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... def __hash__(self) -> int: ... def __index__(self) -> int: ... def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __repr__(self) -> str: ... def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... @property def name(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @property def value(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ CREATE_DEFAULT_WIDGET: omni.kit.ui._ui.DelegateAction # value = <DelegateAction.CREATE_DEFAULT_WIDGET: 0> SKIP_KEY: omni.kit.ui._ui.DelegateAction # value = <DelegateAction.SKIP_KEY: 1> USE_CUSTOM_WIDGET: omni.kit.ui._ui.DelegateAction # value = <DelegateAction.USE_CUSTOM_WIDGET: 2> __members__: dict # value = {'CREATE_DEFAULT_WIDGET': <DelegateAction.CREATE_DEFAULT_WIDGET: 0>, 'SKIP_KEY': <DelegateAction.SKIP_KEY: 1>, 'USE_CUSTOM_WIDGET': <DelegateAction.USE_CUSTOM_WIDGET: 2>} pass class DelegateResult(): @typing.overload def __init__(self) -> None: ... @typing.overload def __init__(self, arg0: typing.Sequence) -> None: ... @typing.overload def __init__(self, arg0: DelegateAction) -> None: ... @typing.overload def __init__(self, arg0: Widget) -> None: ... @property def action(self) -> DelegateAction: """ :type: DelegateAction """ @action.setter def action(self, arg0: DelegateAction) -> None: pass @property def custom_widget(self) -> Widget: """ :type: Widget """ @custom_widget.setter def custom_widget(self, arg0: Widget) -> None: pass pass class DockPreference(): """ Members: DISABLED MAIN RIGHT LEFT RIGHT_TOP RIGHT_BOTTOM LEFT_BOTTOM """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... def __hash__(self) -> int: ... def __index__(self) -> int: ... def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __repr__(self) -> str: ... def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... @property def name(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @property def value(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ DISABLED: omni.kit.ui._ui.DockPreference # value = <DockPreference.DISABLED: 0> LEFT: omni.kit.ui._ui.DockPreference # value = <DockPreference.LEFT: 3> LEFT_BOTTOM: omni.kit.ui._ui.DockPreference # value = <DockPreference.LEFT_BOTTOM: 6> MAIN: omni.kit.ui._ui.DockPreference # value = <DockPreference.MAIN: 1> RIGHT: omni.kit.ui._ui.DockPreference # value = <DockPreference.RIGHT: 2> RIGHT_BOTTOM: omni.kit.ui._ui.DockPreference # value = <DockPreference.RIGHT_BOTTOM: 5> RIGHT_TOP: omni.kit.ui._ui.DockPreference # value = <DockPreference.RIGHT_TOP: 4> __members__: dict # value = {'DISABLED': <DockPreference.DISABLED: 0>, 'MAIN': <DockPreference.MAIN: 1>, 'RIGHT': <DockPreference.RIGHT: 2>, 'LEFT': <DockPreference.LEFT: 3>, 'RIGHT_TOP': <DockPreference.RIGHT_TOP: 4>, 'RIGHT_BOTTOM': <DockPreference.RIGHT_BOTTOM: 5>, 'LEFT_BOTTOM': <DockPreference.LEFT_BOTTOM: 6>} pass class DragDouble(SimpleValueWidgetDouble, ValueWidgetDouble, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Drag Widget (double). If `min` >= `max` widget value has no bound. Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. value (double, default=0): Initial value. min (double, default=0): Lower value limit. max (double, default=0): Upper value limit. drag_speed (float, default=1.0): Drag speed. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', value: float = 0.0, min: float = 0, max: float = 0, drag_speed: float = 1.0) -> None: ... @property def drag_speed(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @drag_speed.setter def drag_speed(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def format(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @format.setter def format(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def max(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @max.setter def max(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def min(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @min.setter def min(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass pass class DragDouble2(SimpleValueWidgetDouble2, ValueWidgetDouble2, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Drag Widget (Tuple[double, double]). If `min` >= `max` widget value has no bound. Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. value (Tuple[double, double], default=0): Initial value. min (double, default=0): Lower value limit. max (double, default=0): Upper value limit. drag_speed (float, default=1.0): Drag speed. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', value: carb._carb.Double2 = carb.Double2(0,0), min: float = 0, max: float = 0, drag_speed: float = 1.0) -> None: ... @property def drag_speed(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @drag_speed.setter def drag_speed(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def format(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @format.setter def format(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def max(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @max.setter def max(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def min(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @min.setter def min(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass pass class DragDouble3(SimpleValueWidgetDouble3, ValueWidgetDouble3, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Drag Widget (Tuple[double, double, double]). If `min` >= `max` widget value has no bound. Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. value (Tuple[double, double, double], default=0): Initial value. min (double, default=0): Lower value limit. max (double, default=0): Upper value limit. drag_speed (float, default=1.0): Drag speed. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', value: carb._carb.Double3 = carb.Double3(0,0,0), min: float = 0, max: float = 0, drag_speed: float = 1.0) -> None: ... @property def drag_speed(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @drag_speed.setter def drag_speed(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def format(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @format.setter def format(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def max(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @max.setter def max(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def min(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @min.setter def min(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass pass class DragDouble4(SimpleValueWidgetDouble4, ValueWidgetDouble4, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Drag Widget (Tuple[double, double, double, double]). If `min` >= `max` widget value has no bound. Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. value (Tuple[double, double, double, double], default=0): Initial value. min (double, default=0): Lower value limit. max (double, default=0): Upper value limit. drag_speed (float, default=1.0): Drag speed. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', value: carb._carb.Double4 = carb.Double4(0,0,0,0), min: float = 0, max: float = 0, drag_speed: float = 1.0) -> None: ... @property def drag_speed(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @drag_speed.setter def drag_speed(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def format(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @format.setter def format(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def max(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @max.setter def max(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def min(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @min.setter def min(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass pass class DragInt(SimpleValueWidgetInt, ValueWidgetInt, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Drag Widget (int). If `min` >= `max` widget value has no bound. Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. value (int, default=0): Initial value. min (int, default=0): Lower value limit. max (int, default=0): Upper value limit. drag_speed (float, default=1.0): Drag speed. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', value: int = 0, min: int = 0, max: int = 0, drag_speed: float = 1.0) -> None: ... @property def drag_speed(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @drag_speed.setter def drag_speed(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def format(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @format.setter def format(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def max(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @max.setter def max(self, arg0: int) -> None: pass @property def min(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @min.setter def min(self, arg0: int) -> None: pass pass class DragInt2(SimpleValueWidgetInt2, ValueWidgetInt2, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Drag Widget (Tuple[int, int]). If `min` >= `max` widget value has no bound. Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. value (Tuple[int, int], default=0): Initial value. min (int, default=0): Lower value limit. max (int, default=0): Upper value limit. drag_speed (float, default=1.0): Drag speed. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', value: carb._carb.Int2 = carb.Int2(0,0), min: int = 0, max: int = 0, drag_speed: float = 1.0) -> None: ... @property def drag_speed(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @drag_speed.setter def drag_speed(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def format(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @format.setter def format(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def max(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @max.setter def max(self, arg0: int) -> None: pass @property def min(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @min.setter def min(self, arg0: int) -> None: pass pass class DragUInt(SimpleValueWidgetUint, ValueWidgetUint, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Drag Widget (uint32_t). If `min` >= `max` widget value has no bound. Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. value (uint32_t, default=0): Initial value. min (uint32_t, default=0): Lower value limit. max (uint32_t, default=0): Upper value limit. drag_speed (float, default=1.0): Drag speed. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', value: int = 0, min: int = 0, max: int = 0, drag_speed: float = 1.0) -> None: ... @property def drag_speed(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @drag_speed.setter def drag_speed(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def format(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @format.setter def format(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def max(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @max.setter def max(self, arg0: int) -> None: pass @property def min(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @min.setter def min(self, arg0: int) -> None: pass pass class DraggingType(): """ Supported dragging types. Members: STARTED STOPPED """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... def __hash__(self) -> int: ... def __index__(self) -> int: ... def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __repr__(self) -> str: ... def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... @property def name(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @property def value(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ STARTED: omni.kit.ui._ui.DraggingType # value = <DraggingType.STARTED: 0> STOPPED: omni.kit.ui._ui.DraggingType # value = <DraggingType.STOPPED: 1> __members__: dict # value = {'STARTED': <DraggingType.STARTED: 0>, 'STOPPED': <DraggingType.STOPPED: 1>} pass class FieldDouble(SimpleValueWidgetDouble, ValueWidgetDouble, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Field Widget (double). Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. value (double, default=0): Initial value. step (double, default=1): Value step. step_fast (double, default=100): Fast value step. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', value: float = 0.0, step: float = 1, step_fast: float = 100) -> None: ... @property def format(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @format.setter def format(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def step(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @step.setter def step(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def step_fast(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @step_fast.setter def step_fast(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass pass class FieldInt(SimpleValueWidgetInt, ValueWidgetInt, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Field Widget (int). Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. value (int, default=0): Initial value. step (int, default=1): Value step. step_fast (int, default=100): Fast value step. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', value: int = 0, step: int = 1, step_fast: int = 100) -> None: ... @property def format(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @format.setter def format(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def step(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @step.setter def step(self, arg0: int) -> None: pass @property def step_fast(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @step_fast.setter def step_fast(self, arg0: int) -> None: pass pass class FileDialogDataSource(): """ Data source of File Dialog. Members: LOCAL OMNIVERSE ALL """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... def __hash__(self) -> int: ... def __index__(self) -> int: ... def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __repr__(self) -> str: ... def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... @property def name(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @property def value(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ ALL: omni.kit.ui._ui.FileDialogDataSource # value = <FileDialogDataSource.ALL: 2> LOCAL: omni.kit.ui._ui.FileDialogDataSource # value = <FileDialogDataSource.LOCAL: 0> OMNIVERSE: omni.kit.ui._ui.FileDialogDataSource # value = <FileDialogDataSource.OMNIVERSE: 1> __members__: dict # value = {'LOCAL': <FileDialogDataSource.LOCAL: 0>, 'OMNIVERSE': <FileDialogDataSource.OMNIVERSE: 1>, 'ALL': <FileDialogDataSource.ALL: 2>} pass class FileDialogOpenMode(): """ Open mode of File Dialog. Members: OPEN SAVE """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... def __hash__(self) -> int: ... def __index__(self) -> int: ... def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __repr__(self) -> str: ... def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... @property def name(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @property def value(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ OPEN: omni.kit.ui._ui.FileDialogOpenMode # value = <FileDialogOpenMode.OPEN: 0> SAVE: omni.kit.ui._ui.FileDialogOpenMode # value = <FileDialogOpenMode.SAVE: 1> __members__: dict # value = {'OPEN': <FileDialogOpenMode.OPEN: 0>, 'SAVE': <FileDialogOpenMode.SAVE: 1>} pass class FileDialogSelectType(): """ File selection type of File Dialog. Members: FILE DIRECTORY ALL """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... def __hash__(self) -> int: ... def __index__(self) -> int: ... def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __repr__(self) -> str: ... def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... @property def name(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @property def value(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ ALL: omni.kit.ui._ui.FileDialogSelectType # value = <FileDialogSelectType.ALL: 2> DIRECTORY: omni.kit.ui._ui.FileDialogSelectType # value = <FileDialogSelectType.DIRECTORY: 1> FILE: omni.kit.ui._ui.FileDialogSelectType # value = <FileDialogSelectType.FILE: 0> __members__: dict # value = {'FILE': <FileDialogSelectType.FILE: 0>, 'DIRECTORY': <FileDialogSelectType.DIRECTORY: 1>, 'ALL': <FileDialogSelectType.ALL: 2>} pass class FilePicker(): def __init__(self, title: str, mode: FileDialogOpenMode = FileDialogOpenMode.OPEN, file_type: FileDialogSelectType = FileDialogSelectType.FILE, on_file_selected: typing.Callable[[str], None] = None, on_dialog_cancelled: typing.Callable[[], None] = None, width: float = 800.0, height: float = 440.0) -> None: ... def add_filter(self, arg0: str, arg1: str) -> None: ... def clear_all_filters(self) -> None: ... def is_visible(self) -> bool: ... def set_current_directory(self, arg0: str) -> None: ... def set_default_save_name(self, name: str) -> None: """ sets the default name to use for the filename on save dialogs. This sets the default filename to be used when saving a file. This name will be ignored if the dialog is not in @ref FileDialogOpenMode::eSave mode. The given name will still be stored regardless. This default filename may omit the file extension to take the extension from the current filter. If an extension is explicitly given here, no extension will be appended regardless of the current filter. Args: name: the default filename to use for this dialog. This may be None or an empty string to use the USD stage's default prim name. In this case, if the prim name cannot be retrieved, "Untitled" will be used instead. If a non-empty string is given here, this will always be used as the initial suggested filename. Returns: No return value. """ def set_dialog_cancelled_fn(self, arg0: typing.Callable[[], None]) -> None: ... def set_file_selected_fn(self, arg0: typing.Callable[[str], None]) -> None: ... def show(self, data_source: FileDialogDataSource = FileDialogDataSource.ALL) -> None: ... @property def selection_type(self) -> FileDialogSelectType: """ :type: FileDialogSelectType """ @selection_type.setter def selection_type(self, arg1: FileDialogSelectType) -> None: pass @property def title(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @title.setter def title(self, arg1: str) -> None: pass pass class Image(Widget): def __init__(self, url: str = '', width: int = 0, height: int = 0) -> None: ... @property def url(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @url.setter def url(self, arg1: str) -> None: pass pass class Label(Widget): """ Label Widget. Displays non-editable text. Args: text (str, default=""): Text to display. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', useclipboard: bool = False, clippingmode: ClippingType = ClippingType.NONE, font_style: omni.ui._ui.FontStyle = FontStyle.NONE) -> None: ... def reset_text_color(self) -> None: ... def set_clicked_fn(self, arg0: typing.Callable[[Widget], None]) -> None: ... def set_text_color(self, arg0: carb._carb.ColorRgba) -> None: ... @property def text(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @text.setter def text(self, arg1: str) -> None: pass @property def tooltip(self) -> Widget: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip :type: Widget """ @tooltip.setter def tooltip(self, arg0: Widget) -> None: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip """ pass class Length(): """ Length. Represents any length as a value and unit type. Examples: >>> l1 = omni.kit.ui.Length(250, omni.kit.ui.UnitType.PIXEL) >>> l2 = omni.kit.ui.Pixel(250) >>> l3 = omni.kit.ui.Percent(30) `l1` and `l2` represent the same value: 250 in pixels. `l3` is 30%. """ @typing.overload def __init__(self) -> None: ... @staticmethod @typing.overload def __init__(*args, **kwargs) -> typing.Any: ... @typing.overload def __init__(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... @typing.overload def __init__(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... def __str__(self) -> str: ... @property def unit(self) -> omni::kit::ui::UnitType: """ (:obj:`.UnitType.`) Unit. :type: omni::kit::ui::UnitType """ @unit.setter def unit(self, arg0: omni::kit::ui::UnitType) -> None: """ (:obj:`.UnitType.`) Unit. """ @property def value(self) -> float: """ (float) Value :type: float """ @value.setter def value(self, arg0: float) -> None: """ (float) Value """ pass class ListBox(Label, Widget): """ ListBox Widget. Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. multi_select (bool, default=True): Multi selection enabled. item_height_count (int, default=-1): Height in items. items (List[str], default=[]): List of elements. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', multi_select: bool = True, item_height_count: int = -1, items: typing.List[str] = []) -> None: ... def add_item(self, arg0: str) -> None: ... def clear_items(self) -> None: ... def clear_selection(self) -> None: ... def get_item_at(self, arg0: int) -> str: ... def get_item_count(self) -> int: ... def get_selected(self) -> typing.List[int]: ... def remove_item(self, arg0: int) -> None: ... def set_selected(self, arg0: int, arg1: bool) -> None: ... def set_selection_changed_fn(self, arg0: typing.Callable[[Widget], None]) -> None: ... @property def item_height_count(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @item_height_count.setter def item_height_count(self, arg1: int) -> None: pass @property def multi_select(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @multi_select.setter def multi_select(self, arg1: bool) -> None: pass pass class Mat44(): @typing.overload def __getitem__(self, arg0: int) -> float: ... @typing.overload def __getitem__(self, arg0: slice) -> list: ... @typing.overload def __init__(self) -> None: ... @typing.overload def __init__(self, arg0: typing.Sequence) -> None: ... def __len__(self) -> int: ... def __repr__(self) -> str: ... @typing.overload def __setitem__(self, arg0: int, arg1: float) -> None: ... @typing.overload def __setitem__(self, arg0: slice, arg1: typing.Sequence) -> None: ... def __str__(self) -> str: ... def get_row(self, arg0: int) -> carb._carb.Double4: ... def set_row(self, arg0: int, arg1: carb._carb.Double4) -> carb._carb.Double4: ... pass class Menu(Widget): """ Menu. """ def __init__(self) -> None: ... def add_item(self, menu_path: str, on_click: typing.Callable[[str, bool], None] = None, toggle: bool = False, priority: int = 0, value: bool = False, enabled: bool = True, original_svg_color: bool = False, auto_release: bool = True) -> carb._carb.Subscription: ... def get_item_count(self) -> int: ... def get_items(self) -> typing.List[str]: ... def get_value(self, arg0: str) -> bool: ... def has_item(self, arg0: str) -> bool: ... def remove_item(self, arg0: str) -> None: ... def set_action(self, arg0: str, arg1: str, arg2: str) -> None: ... def set_enabled(self, arg0: str, arg1: bool) -> None: ... def set_hotkey(self, menu_path: str, modifier: int, key: int) -> None: """ Set menu hotkey. Args: menu_path (str): Path to menu item. modifier(int): Keyboard modifier from :mod:`carb.input`. key(int): Keyboard key code from :class:`carb.input.KeyboardInput`. """ def set_on_click(self, menu_path: str, on_click: typing.Callable[[str, bool], None] = None) -> None: ... def set_on_right_click(self, menu_path: str, on_click: typing.Callable[[str, bool], None] = None) -> None: ... def set_priority(self, arg0: str, arg1: int) -> None: ... def set_value(self, arg0: str, arg1: bool) -> None: ... static_class = None pass class MenuEventType(): """ menu operation results. Members: ACTIVATE """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... def __hash__(self) -> int: ... def __index__(self) -> int: ... def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __repr__(self) -> str: ... def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... @property def name(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @property def value(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ ACTIVATE: omni.kit.ui._ui.MenuEventType # value = <MenuEventType.ACTIVATE: 0> __members__: dict # value = {'ACTIVATE': <MenuEventType.ACTIVATE: 0>} pass class Model(): def __init__(self) -> None: ... def get_type(self, arg0: str, arg1: str) -> ModelNodeType: ... def signal_change(self, path: str, meta: str = '', type: ModelEventType = ModelEventType.NODE_VALUE_CHANGE, sender: int = 0) -> None: ... pass class ModelChangeInfo(): def __init__(self) -> None: ... @property def sender(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @sender.setter def sender(self, arg0: int) -> None: pass @property def transient(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @transient.setter def transient(self, arg0: bool) -> None: pass pass class ModelEventType(): """ Model event types. Members: NODE_ADD NODE_REMOVE NODE_TYPE_CHANGE NODE_VALUE_CHANGE """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... def __hash__(self) -> int: ... def __index__(self) -> int: ... def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __repr__(self) -> str: ... def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... @property def name(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @property def value(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ NODE_ADD: omni.kit.ui._ui.ModelEventType # value = <ModelEventType.NODE_ADD: 0> NODE_REMOVE: omni.kit.ui._ui.ModelEventType # value = <ModelEventType.NODE_REMOVE: 1> NODE_TYPE_CHANGE: omni.kit.ui._ui.ModelEventType # value = <ModelEventType.NODE_TYPE_CHANGE: 2> NODE_VALUE_CHANGE: omni.kit.ui._ui.ModelEventType # value = <ModelEventType.NODE_VALUE_CHANGE: 3> __members__: dict # value = {'NODE_ADD': <ModelEventType.NODE_ADD: 0>, 'NODE_REMOVE': <ModelEventType.NODE_REMOVE: 1>, 'NODE_TYPE_CHANGE': <ModelEventType.NODE_TYPE_CHANGE: 2>, 'NODE_VALUE_CHANGE': <ModelEventType.NODE_VALUE_CHANGE: 3>} pass class ModelNodeType(): """ Model node types. Members: UNKNOWN OBJECT ARRAY STRING BOOL NUMBER """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... def __hash__(self) -> int: ... def __index__(self) -> int: ... def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __repr__(self) -> str: ... def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... @property def name(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @property def value(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ ARRAY: omni.kit.ui._ui.ModelNodeType # value = <ModelNodeType.ARRAY: 2> BOOL: omni.kit.ui._ui.ModelNodeType # value = <ModelNodeType.BOOL: 4> NUMBER: omni.kit.ui._ui.ModelNodeType # value = <ModelNodeType.NUMBER: 5> OBJECT: omni.kit.ui._ui.ModelNodeType # value = <ModelNodeType.OBJECT: 1> STRING: omni.kit.ui._ui.ModelNodeType # value = <ModelNodeType.STRING: 3> UNKNOWN: omni.kit.ui._ui.ModelNodeType # value = <ModelNodeType.UNKNOWN: 0> __members__: dict # value = {'UNKNOWN': <ModelNodeType.UNKNOWN: 0>, 'OBJECT': <ModelNodeType.OBJECT: 1>, 'ARRAY': <ModelNodeType.ARRAY: 2>, 'STRING': <ModelNodeType.STRING: 3>, 'BOOL': <ModelNodeType.BOOL: 4>, 'NUMBER': <ModelNodeType.NUMBER: 5>} pass class ModelWidget(Widget): """ Model Widget. """ def get_model(self) -> Model: ... def get_model_root(self) -> str: ... def get_model_stream(self) -> ... def set_model(self, model: Model, root: str = '', isTimeSampled: bool = False, value: float = -1.0) -> None: ... @property def is_time_sampled_widget(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @property def time_code(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ pass class Percent(Length): """ Convenience class to express :class:`.Length` in percents. """ def __init__(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... pass class Pixel(Length): """ Convenience class to express :class:`.Length` in pixels. """ def __init__(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... pass class Popup(): def __init__(self, title: str, modal: bool = False, width: float = 0.0, height: float = 0.0, auto_resize: bool = False) -> None: ... def hide(self) -> None: ... def is_visible(self) -> bool: ... def set_close_fn(self, arg0: typing.Callable[[], None]) -> None: ... def set_update_fn(self, arg0: typing.Callable[[float], None]) -> None: ... def show(self) -> None: ... @property def height(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @height.setter def height(self, arg1: float) -> None: pass @property def layout(self) -> Container: """ :type: Container """ @layout.setter def layout(self, arg1: Container) -> None: pass @property def pos(self) -> carb._carb.Float2: """ :type: carb._carb.Float2 """ @pos.setter def pos(self, arg1: carb._carb.Float2) -> None: pass @property def title(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @title.setter def title(self, arg1: str) -> None: pass @property def width(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @width.setter def width(self, arg1: float) -> None: pass pass class ProgressBar(Widget): """ ProgressBar Widget. Displays a progress bar. Args: width (:class:`.Length`): Width. height (:class:`.Length`, default=omni.kit.ui.Pixel(0)): Height. """ @typing.overload def __init__(self, width: Length, height: Length = ...) -> None: ... @typing.overload def __init__(self, width: float) -> None: ... def set_progress(self, value: float, text: str = None) -> None: ... @property def overlay(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @overlay.setter def overlay(self, arg1: str) -> None: pass @property def progress(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @progress.setter def progress(self, arg1: float) -> None: pass pass class RowColumnLayout(Container, Widget): def __init__(self, column_count: int, borders: bool = False) -> None: ... def get_column_width(self, arg0: int) -> Length: ... def set_column_width(self, index: int, val: object, min: float = 0.0, max: float = 0.0) -> None: """ Set column width. Args: index: column index. val: width value. Should be either a :class:`.Length` or `float` (treated as :class:`.Pixel` length). """ pass class RowLayout(Container, Widget): def __init__(self) -> None: ... pass class ScalarXYZ(ValueWidgetDouble3, ModelWidget, Widget): """ ScalarXYZ Widget. If `min` >= `max` widget value has no bound. Args: format_string (str, default="%0.1f"): Format string. drag_speed (float, default=1.0): Drag speed. value_wrap (float, default=0.0): Value wrap. min (double, default=0.0): Lower value limit. max (double, default=0.0): Upper value limit. value (Tuple[double, double, double], default=(0, 0, 0)): Initial value. """ def __init__(self, format_string: str = '%0.1f', drag_speed: float = 1.0, wrap_value: float = 0.0, min: float = 0.0, max: float = 0.0, dead_zone: float = 0.0, value: carb._carb.Double3 = carb.Double3(0,0,0)) -> None: ... def skip_ypos_update(self, arg0: bool) -> None: ... pass class ScalarXYZW(ValueWidgetDouble4, ModelWidget, Widget): """ ScalarXYZW Widget. If `min` >= `max` widget value has no bound. Args: format_string (str, default="%0.1f"): Format string. drag_speed (float, default=1.0): Drag speed. value_wrap (float, default=0.0): Value wrap. min (double, default=0.0): Lower value limit. max (double, default=0.0): Upper value limit. value (Tuple[double, double, double, double], default=(0, 0, 0, 0)): Initial value. """ def __init__(self, format_string: str = '%0.1f', drag_speed: float = 1.0, wrap_value: float = 0.0, min: float = 0.0, max: float = 0.0, value: carb._carb.Double4 = carb.Double4(0,0,0,0)) -> None: ... pass class ScrollingFrame(Container, Widget): def __init__(self, arg0: str, arg1: float, arg2: float) -> None: ... def scroll_to(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... pass class Separator(Widget): """ Separator. Separator UI element. """ def __init__(self) -> None: ... pass class SimpleTreeView(Widget): """ SimpleTreeView Widget. Args: items (List[str], default=[]): List of string as the source of the Tree hierarchy. separator(str, default='/'): A string separator to parse the strings into tree node tokens """ def __init__(self, items: typing.List[str] = [], separator: str = '/') -> None: ... def clear_selection(self) -> None: ... def get_selected_item_name(self) -> str: ... def set_clicked_fn(self, arg0: typing.Callable[[Widget], None]) -> None: ... def set_tree_data(self, arg0: typing.List[str]) -> None: ... pass class SimpleValueWidgetBool(ValueWidgetBool, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value for simple controls. """ @property def left_handed(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @left_handed.setter def left_handed(self, arg0: bool) -> None: pass @property def text(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @text.setter def text(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def tooltip(self) -> Widget: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. :type: Widget """ @tooltip.setter def tooltip(self, arg0: Widget) -> None: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. """ pass class SimpleValueWidgetColorRgb(ValueWidgetColorRgb, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value for simple controls. """ @property def left_handed(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @left_handed.setter def left_handed(self, arg0: bool) -> None: pass @property def text(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @text.setter def text(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def tooltip(self) -> Widget: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. :type: Widget """ @tooltip.setter def tooltip(self, arg0: Widget) -> None: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. """ pass class SimpleValueWidgetColorRgba(ValueWidgetColorRgba, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value for simple controls. """ @property def left_handed(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @left_handed.setter def left_handed(self, arg0: bool) -> None: pass @property def text(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @text.setter def text(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def tooltip(self) -> Widget: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. :type: Widget """ @tooltip.setter def tooltip(self, arg0: Widget) -> None: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. """ pass class SimpleValueWidgetDouble(ValueWidgetDouble, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value for simple controls. """ @property def left_handed(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @left_handed.setter def left_handed(self, arg0: bool) -> None: pass @property def text(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @text.setter def text(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def tooltip(self) -> Widget: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. :type: Widget """ @tooltip.setter def tooltip(self, arg0: Widget) -> None: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. """ pass class SimpleValueWidgetDouble2(ValueWidgetDouble2, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value for simple controls. """ @property def left_handed(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @left_handed.setter def left_handed(self, arg0: bool) -> None: pass @property def text(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @text.setter def text(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def tooltip(self) -> Widget: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. :type: Widget """ @tooltip.setter def tooltip(self, arg0: Widget) -> None: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. """ pass class SimpleValueWidgetDouble3(ValueWidgetDouble3, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value for simple controls. """ @property def left_handed(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @left_handed.setter def left_handed(self, arg0: bool) -> None: pass @property def text(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @text.setter def text(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def tooltip(self) -> Widget: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. :type: Widget """ @tooltip.setter def tooltip(self, arg0: Widget) -> None: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. """ pass class SimpleValueWidgetDouble4(ValueWidgetDouble4, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value for simple controls. """ @property def left_handed(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @left_handed.setter def left_handed(self, arg0: bool) -> None: pass @property def text(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @text.setter def text(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def tooltip(self) -> Widget: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. :type: Widget """ @tooltip.setter def tooltip(self, arg0: Widget) -> None: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. """ pass class SimpleValueWidgetInt(ValueWidgetInt, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value for simple controls. """ @property def left_handed(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @left_handed.setter def left_handed(self, arg0: bool) -> None: pass @property def text(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @text.setter def text(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def tooltip(self) -> Widget: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. :type: Widget """ @tooltip.setter def tooltip(self, arg0: Widget) -> None: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. """ pass class SimpleValueWidgetInt2(ValueWidgetInt2, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value for simple controls. """ @property def left_handed(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @left_handed.setter def left_handed(self, arg0: bool) -> None: pass @property def text(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @text.setter def text(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def tooltip(self) -> Widget: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. :type: Widget """ @tooltip.setter def tooltip(self, arg0: Widget) -> None: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. """ pass class SimpleValueWidgetMat44(ValueWidgetMat44, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value for simple controls. """ @property def left_handed(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @left_handed.setter def left_handed(self, arg0: bool) -> None: pass @property def text(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @text.setter def text(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def tooltip(self) -> Widget: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. :type: Widget """ @tooltip.setter def tooltip(self, arg0: Widget) -> None: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. """ pass class SimpleValueWidgetString(ValueWidgetString, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value for simple controls. """ @property def left_handed(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @left_handed.setter def left_handed(self, arg0: bool) -> None: pass @property def text(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @text.setter def text(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def tooltip(self) -> Widget: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. :type: Widget """ @tooltip.setter def tooltip(self, arg0: Widget) -> None: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. """ pass class SimpleValueWidgetUint(ValueWidgetUint, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value for simple controls. """ @property def left_handed(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @left_handed.setter def left_handed(self, arg0: bool) -> None: pass @property def text(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @text.setter def text(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def tooltip(self) -> Widget: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. :type: Widget """ @tooltip.setter def tooltip(self, arg0: Widget) -> None: """ Widget to be shown when mouse is over the Widget as a tooltip. """ pass class SliderDouble(SimpleValueWidgetDouble, ValueWidgetDouble, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Slider Widget (double). Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. value (double, default=0): Initial value. min (double, default=0): Lower value limit. max (double, default=100): Upper value limit. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', value: float = 0.0, min: float = 0, max: float = 100) -> None: ... @property def format(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @format.setter def format(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def max(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @max.setter def max(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def min(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @min.setter def min(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def power(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @power.setter def power(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass pass class SliderDouble2(SimpleValueWidgetDouble2, ValueWidgetDouble2, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Slider Widget (Tuple[double, double]). Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. value (Tuple[double, double], default=0): Initial value. min (Tuple[double, double], default=0): Lower value limit. max (Tuple[double, double], default=100): Upper value limit. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', value: carb._carb.Double2 = carb.Double2(0,0), min: float = 0, max: float = 100) -> None: ... @property def format(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @format.setter def format(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def max(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @max.setter def max(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def min(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @min.setter def min(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def power(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @power.setter def power(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass pass class SliderDouble3(SimpleValueWidgetDouble3, ValueWidgetDouble3, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Slider Widget (Tuple[double, double, double]). Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. value (Tuple[double, double, double], default=0): Initial value. min (Tuple[double, double, double], default=0): Lower value limit. max (Tuple[double, double, double], default=100): Upper value limit. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', value: carb._carb.Double3 = carb.Double3(0,0,0), min: float = 0, max: float = 100) -> None: ... @property def format(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @format.setter def format(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def max(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @max.setter def max(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def min(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @min.setter def min(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def power(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @power.setter def power(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass pass class SliderDouble4(SimpleValueWidgetDouble4, ValueWidgetDouble4, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Slider Widget (Tuple[double, double, double, double]). Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. value (Tuple[double, double, double, double], default=0): Initial value. min (Tuple[double, double, double, double], default=0): Lower value limit. max (Tuple[double, double, double, double], default=100): Upper value limit. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', value: carb._carb.Double4 = carb.Double4(0,0,0,0), min: float = 0, max: float = 100) -> None: ... @property def format(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @format.setter def format(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def max(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @max.setter def max(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def min(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @min.setter def min(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass @property def power(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @power.setter def power(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass pass class SliderInt(SimpleValueWidgetInt, ValueWidgetInt, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Slider Widget (int). Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. value (int, default=0): Initial value. min (int, default=0): Lower value limit. max (int, default=100): Upper value limit. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', value: int = 0, min: int = 0, max: int = 100) -> None: ... @property def format(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @format.setter def format(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def max(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @max.setter def max(self, arg0: int) -> None: pass @property def min(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @min.setter def min(self, arg0: int) -> None: pass @property def power(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @power.setter def power(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass pass class SliderInt2(SimpleValueWidgetInt2, ValueWidgetInt2, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Slider Widget (Tuple[int, int]). Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. value (Tuple[int, int], default=0): Initial value. min (Tuple[int, int], default=0): Lower value limit. max (Tuple[int, int], default=100): Upper value limit. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', value: carb._carb.Int2 = carb.Int2(0,0), min: int = 0, max: int = 100) -> None: ... @property def format(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @format.setter def format(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def max(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @max.setter def max(self, arg0: int) -> None: pass @property def min(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @min.setter def min(self, arg0: int) -> None: pass @property def power(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @power.setter def power(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass pass class SliderUInt(SimpleValueWidgetUint, ValueWidgetUint, ModelWidget, Widget): """ Slider Widget (uint32_t). Args: text (str, default=""): Text on label. value (uint32_t, default=0): Initial value. min (uint32_t, default=0): Lower value limit. max (uint32_t, default=100): Upper value limit. """ def __init__(self, text: str = '', value: int = 0, min: int = 0, max: int = 100) -> None: ... @property def format(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @format.setter def format(self, arg0: str) -> None: pass @property def max(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @max.setter def max(self, arg0: int) -> None: pass @property def min(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @min.setter def min(self, arg0: int) -> None: pass @property def power(self) -> float: """ :type: float """ @power.setter def power(self, arg0: float) -> None: pass pass class Spacer(Widget): """ Spacer. Dummy UI element to fill in space. Args: width (:class:`.Length`): Width. height (:class:`.Length`, default=omni.kit.ui.Pixel(0)): Height. """ @typing.overload def __init__(self, width: Length, height: Length = ...) -> None: ... @typing.overload def __init__(self, width: float) -> None: ... pass class TextBox(ValueWidgetString, ModelWidget, Widget): """ TextBox Widget. Displays editable text. Args: value (str, default=""): Initial text. """ @typing.overload def __init__(self, value: str = '', hint: str = '', change_on_enter: bool = False) -> None: ... @typing.overload def __init__(self, value: str = '', change_on_enter: bool = False) -> None: ... def reset_text_color(self) -> None: ... def set_list_suggestions_fn(self, arg0: typing.Callable[[Widget, str], typing.List[str]]) -> None: ... def set_text_changed_fn(self, arg0: typing.Callable[[Widget], None]) -> None: ... def set_text_color(self, arg0: carb._carb.ColorRgba) -> None: ... def set_text_finalized_fn(self, arg0: typing.Callable[[Widget], None]) -> None: ... def text_width(self) -> float: ... @property def clipping_mode(self) -> ClippingType: """ :type: ClippingType """ @clipping_mode.setter def clipping_mode(self, arg1: ClippingType) -> None: pass @property def readonly(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @readonly.setter def readonly(self, arg1: bool) -> None: pass @property def show_background(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @show_background.setter def show_background(self, arg1: bool) -> None: pass @property def text(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @text.setter def text(self, arg1: str) -> None: pass pass class Transform(ValueWidgetMat44, ModelWidget, Widget): def __init__(self, position_format_string: str = '%0.1f', position_drag_speed: float = 1.0, position_wrap_value: float = 0.0, position_min: float = 0.0, position_max: float = 0.0, rotation_format_string: str = '%0.1f', rotation_drag_speed: float = 1.0, rotation_wrap_value: float = 0.0, rotation_min: float = 0.0, rotation_max: float = 0.0) -> None: ... pass class UnitType(): """ Unit types. Widths, heights or other UI length can be specified in pixels or relative to window (or child window) size. Members: PIXEL PERCENT """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... def __hash__(self) -> int: ... def __index__(self) -> int: ... def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __repr__(self) -> str: ... def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... @property def name(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @property def value(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ PERCENT: omni.kit.ui._ui.UnitType # value = <UnitType.PERCENT: 1> PIXEL: omni.kit.ui._ui.UnitType # value = <UnitType.PIXEL: 0> __members__: dict # value = {'PIXEL': <UnitType.PIXEL: 0>, 'PERCENT': <UnitType.PERCENT: 1>} pass class ValueWidgetBool(ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value. """ def get_value_ambiguous(self) -> bool: ... def set_on_changed_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[bool], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when value changes. Args: fn: Function to be called when value changes. New value is passed into the function. """ def set_on_right_click_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[ValueWidgetBool], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. Args: fn: Function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. ValueWidget is passed into the function. """ def set_value_ambiguous(self, arg0: bool) -> None: ... @property def value(self) -> bool: """ : Widget value property. :type: bool """ @value.setter def value(self, arg1: bool) -> None: """ : Widget value property. """ pass class ValueWidgetColorRgb(ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value. """ def get_value_ambiguous(self) -> bool: ... def set_on_changed_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[carb._carb.ColorRgb], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when value changes. Args: fn: Function to be called when value changes. New value is passed into the function. """ def set_on_right_click_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[ValueWidgetColorRgb], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. Args: fn: Function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. ValueWidget is passed into the function. """ def set_value_ambiguous(self, arg0: bool) -> None: ... @property def value(self) -> carb._carb.ColorRgb: """ : Widget value property. :type: carb._carb.ColorRgb """ @value.setter def value(self, arg1: carb._carb.ColorRgb) -> None: """ : Widget value property. """ pass class ValueWidgetColorRgba(ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value. """ def get_value_ambiguous(self) -> bool: ... def set_on_changed_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[carb._carb.ColorRgba], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when value changes. Args: fn: Function to be called when value changes. New value is passed into the function. """ def set_on_right_click_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[ValueWidgetColorRgba], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. Args: fn: Function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. ValueWidget is passed into the function. """ def set_value_ambiguous(self, arg0: bool) -> None: ... @property def value(self) -> carb._carb.ColorRgba: """ : Widget value property. :type: carb._carb.ColorRgba """ @value.setter def value(self, arg1: carb._carb.ColorRgba) -> None: """ : Widget value property. """ pass class ValueWidgetDouble(ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value. """ def get_value_ambiguous(self) -> bool: ... def set_on_changed_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[float], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when value changes. Args: fn: Function to be called when value changes. New value is passed into the function. """ def set_on_right_click_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[ValueWidgetDouble], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. Args: fn: Function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. ValueWidget is passed into the function. """ def set_value_ambiguous(self, arg0: bool) -> None: ... @property def value(self) -> float: """ : Widget value property. :type: float """ @value.setter def value(self, arg1: float) -> None: """ : Widget value property. """ pass class ValueWidgetDouble2(ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value. """ def get_value_ambiguous(self) -> bool: ... def set_on_changed_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[carb._carb.Double2], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when value changes. Args: fn: Function to be called when value changes. New value is passed into the function. """ def set_on_right_click_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[ValueWidgetDouble2], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. Args: fn: Function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. ValueWidget is passed into the function. """ def set_value_ambiguous(self, arg0: bool) -> None: ... @property def value(self) -> carb._carb.Double2: """ : Widget value property. :type: carb._carb.Double2 """ @value.setter def value(self, arg1: carb._carb.Double2) -> None: """ : Widget value property. """ pass class ValueWidgetDouble3(ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value. """ def get_value_ambiguous(self) -> bool: ... def set_on_changed_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[carb._carb.Double3], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when value changes. Args: fn: Function to be called when value changes. New value is passed into the function. """ def set_on_right_click_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[ValueWidgetDouble3], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. Args: fn: Function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. ValueWidget is passed into the function. """ def set_value_ambiguous(self, arg0: bool) -> None: ... @property def value(self) -> carb._carb.Double3: """ : Widget value property. :type: carb._carb.Double3 """ @value.setter def value(self, arg1: carb._carb.Double3) -> None: """ : Widget value property. """ pass class ValueWidgetDouble4(ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value. """ def get_value_ambiguous(self) -> bool: ... def set_on_changed_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[carb._carb.Double4], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when value changes. Args: fn: Function to be called when value changes. New value is passed into the function. """ def set_on_right_click_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[ValueWidgetDouble4], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. Args: fn: Function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. ValueWidget is passed into the function. """ def set_value_ambiguous(self, arg0: bool) -> None: ... @property def value(self) -> carb._carb.Double4: """ : Widget value property. :type: carb._carb.Double4 """ @value.setter def value(self, arg1: carb._carb.Double4) -> None: """ : Widget value property. """ pass class ValueWidgetInt(ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value. """ def get_value_ambiguous(self) -> bool: ... def set_on_changed_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[int], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when value changes. Args: fn: Function to be called when value changes. New value is passed into the function. """ def set_on_right_click_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[ValueWidgetInt], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. Args: fn: Function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. ValueWidget is passed into the function. """ def set_value_ambiguous(self, arg0: bool) -> None: ... @property def value(self) -> int: """ : Widget value property. :type: int """ @value.setter def value(self, arg1: int) -> None: """ : Widget value property. """ pass class ValueWidgetInt2(ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value. """ def get_value_ambiguous(self) -> bool: ... def set_on_changed_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[carb._carb.Int2], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when value changes. Args: fn: Function to be called when value changes. New value is passed into the function. """ def set_on_right_click_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[ValueWidgetInt2], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. Args: fn: Function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. ValueWidget is passed into the function. """ def set_value_ambiguous(self, arg0: bool) -> None: ... @property def value(self) -> carb._carb.Int2: """ : Widget value property. :type: carb._carb.Int2 """ @value.setter def value(self, arg1: carb._carb.Int2) -> None: """ : Widget value property. """ pass class ValueWidgetMat44(ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value. """ def get_value_ambiguous(self) -> bool: ... def set_on_changed_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[Mat44], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when value changes. Args: fn: Function to be called when value changes. New value is passed into the function. """ def set_on_right_click_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[ValueWidgetMat44], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. Args: fn: Function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. ValueWidget is passed into the function. """ def set_value_ambiguous(self, arg0: bool) -> None: ... @property def value(self) -> Mat44: """ : Widget value property. :type: Mat44 """ @value.setter def value(self, arg1: Mat44) -> None: """ : Widget value property. """ pass class ValueWidgetString(ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value. """ def get_value_ambiguous(self) -> bool: ... def set_on_changed_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[str], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when value changes. Args: fn: Function to be called when value changes. New value is passed into the function. """ def set_on_right_click_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[ValueWidgetString], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. Args: fn: Function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. ValueWidget is passed into the function. """ def set_value_ambiguous(self, arg0: bool) -> None: ... @property def value(self) -> str: """ : Widget value property. :type: str """ @value.setter def value(self, arg1: str) -> None: """ : Widget value property. """ pass class ValueWidgetUint(ModelWidget, Widget): """ Model Widget with single value. """ def get_value_ambiguous(self) -> bool: ... def set_on_changed_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[int], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when value changes. Args: fn: Function to be called when value changes. New value is passed into the function. """ def set_on_right_click_fn(self, fn: typing.Callable[[ValueWidgetUint], None]) -> None: """ Set a callback function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. Args: fn: Function to be called when right mouse button is clicked. ValueWidget is passed into the function. """ def set_value_ambiguous(self, arg0: bool) -> None: ... @property def value(self) -> int: """ : Widget value property. :type: int """ @value.setter def value(self, arg1: int) -> None: """ : Widget value property. """ pass class ViewCollapsing(ModelWidget, Widget): def __init__(self, defaultOpen: bool, sort: bool = False) -> None: ... def set_filter(self, arg0: str) -> None: ... @property def use_frame_background_color(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @use_frame_background_color.setter def use_frame_background_color(self, arg1: bool) -> None: pass pass class ViewFlat(ModelWidget, Widget): def __init__(self, sort: bool = False) -> None: ... def set_filter(self, arg0: str) -> int: ... pass class ViewTreeGrid(ModelWidget, Widget): def __init__(self, default_open: bool, sort: bool = False, column_count: int = 1) -> None: ... def get_header_cell_widget(self, arg0: int) -> Widget: ... def set_build_cell_fn(self, arg0: typing.Callable[[Model, str, int, int], DelegateResult]) -> None: ... def set_header_cell_text(self, arg0: int, arg1: str) -> None: ... def set_header_cell_widget(self, arg0: int, arg1: Widget) -> None: ... @property def draw_table_header(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @draw_table_header.setter def draw_table_header(self, arg1: bool) -> None: pass @property def is_root(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @is_root.setter def is_root(self, arg1: bool) -> None: pass @property def text(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @text.setter def text(self, arg1: str) -> None: pass pass class Widget(): """ Widget. Base class for all UI elements. """ def get_font_size(self) -> float: ... def set_dragdrop_fn(self, arg0: typing.Callable[[Widget, str], None], arg1: str) -> None: ... @staticmethod def set_dragged_fn(*args, **kwargs) -> typing.Any: ... @property def enabled(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @enabled.setter def enabled(self, arg1: bool) -> None: pass @property def font_style(self) -> omni.ui._ui.FontStyle: """ :type: omni.ui._ui.FontStyle """ @font_style.setter def font_style(self, arg1: omni.ui._ui.FontStyle) -> None: pass @property def height(self) -> Length: """ (:class:`.Length`, default=omni.kit.ui.Pixel(0)): Height. :type: Length """ @height.setter def height(self, arg1: object) -> None: """ (:class:`.Length`, default=omni.kit.ui.Pixel(0)): Height. """ @property def user_data(self) -> dict: """ :class:`dict` with additional user data attached to widget. Lifetime of it depends on lifetime of the widget. :type: dict """ @user_data.setter def user_data(self, arg1: dict) -> None: """ :class:`dict` with additional user data attached to widget. Lifetime of it depends on lifetime of the widget. """ @property def visible(self) -> bool: """ :type: bool """ @visible.setter def visible(self, arg1: bool) -> None: pass @property def width(self) -> Length: """ (:class:`.Length`, default=omni.kit.ui.Pixel(0)): Width. :type: Length """ @width.setter def width(self, arg1: object) -> None: """ (:class:`.Length`, default=omni.kit.ui.Pixel(0)): Width. """ pass class Window(): """ UI Window. Window is a starting point for every new UI. It contains a :class:`.Container`, which can contain other :class:`.Widget`'s. Args: title (str): The title to be displayed on window title bar. width (int, default=640): Window width in pixels. height (int, default=480): Window height in pixels. open (bool, default=True): Is window opened when created. add_to_menu (bool, default=True): Create main menu item with this window in the Kit. menu_path (str, default=""): Menu path if add_to_menu is True. If empty string is passed it is added under "Extensions" menu item. is_toggle_menu (bool, default=True): Can menu item be toggled? dock (:obj:`omni.ui.DockPreference`, default=LEFT_BOTTOM): Docking preference for a window, see :class:`.DockPreference` flags (:obj:`omni.kit.ui.Window`, default=NONE): flags for a window, see :class:`.Window` """ def hide(self) -> None: ... def is_modal(self) -> bool: ... def is_visible(self) -> bool: ... def set_alpha(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... def set_size(self, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> None: ... def set_update_fn(self, arg0: typing.Callable[[float], None]) -> None: ... def set_visibility_changed_fn(self, arg0: typing.Callable[[bool], None]) -> None: ... def show(self) -> None: ... def title(self) -> str: ... @property def event_stream(self) -> """ Event stream with events of type: :class:`.WindowEventType` :type: """ @property def flags(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @flags.setter def flags(self, arg1: int) -> None: pass @property def height(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @height.setter def height(self, arg1: int) -> None: pass @property def layout(self) -> Container: """ :type: Container """ @layout.setter def layout(self, arg1: Container) -> None: pass @property def menu(self) -> omni::kit::ui::Menu: """ Window optional menu bar. :type: omni::kit::ui::Menu """ @menu.setter def menu(self, arg0: omni::kit::ui::Menu) -> None: """ Window optional menu bar. """ @property def mouse_pos(self) -> carb._carb.Float2: """ :type: carb._carb.Float2 """ @property def width(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @width.setter def width(self, arg1: int) -> None: pass pass class WindowEventType(): """ Members: VISIBILITY_CHANGE UPDATE """ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __getstate__(self) -> int: ... def __hash__(self) -> int: ... def __index__(self) -> int: ... def __init__(self, value: int) -> None: ... def __int__(self) -> int: ... def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ... def __repr__(self) -> str: ... def __setstate__(self, state: int) -> None: ... @property def name(self) -> str: """ :type: str """ @property def value(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ UPDATE: omni.kit.ui._ui.WindowEventType # value = <WindowEventType.UPDATE: 1> VISIBILITY_CHANGE: omni.kit.ui._ui.WindowEventType # value = <WindowEventType.VISIBILITY_CHANGE: 0> __members__: dict # value = {'VISIBILITY_CHANGE': <WindowEventType.VISIBILITY_CHANGE: 0>, 'UPDATE': <WindowEventType.UPDATE: 1>} pass class WindowMainStandalone(Container, Widget): def __init__(self) -> None: ... pass class WindowStandalone(ContainerBase, Widget): """ UI Window. Window is a starting point for every new UI. It contains a :class:`.Container`, which can contain other :class:`.Widget`'s. Args: title (str): The title to be displayed on window title bar. width (int, default=640): Window width in pixels. height (int, default=480): Window height in pixels. open (bool, default=True): Is window opened when created. add_to_menu (bool, default=True): Create main menu item with this window in the Kit. menu_path (str, default=""): Menu path if add_to_menu is True. If empty string is passed it is added under "Extensions" menu item. is_toggle_menu (bool, default=True): Can menu item be toggled? dock (:obj:`omni.ui.DockPreference`, default=LEFT_BOTTOM): Docking preference for a window, see :class:`.DockPreference` flags (:obj:`omni.kit.ui.Window`, default=NONE): flags for a window, see :class:`.Window` """ def __init__(self, title: str, width: int = 640, height: int = 480, open: bool = True, add_to_menu: bool = True, menu_path: str = '', is_toggle_menu: bool = True, dock: DockPreference = DockPreference.LEFT_BOTTOM, flags: int = 0) -> None: ... def hide(self) -> None: ... def is_visible(self) -> bool: ... def set_alpha(self, arg0: float) -> None: ... def set_size(self, arg0: int, arg1: int) -> None: ... def set_update_fn(self, arg0: typing.Callable[[float], None]) -> None: ... def set_visibility_changed_fn(self, arg0: typing.Callable[[bool], None]) -> None: ... def show(self) -> None: ... @property def event_stream(self) -> """ Event stream with events of type: :class:`.WindowEventType` :type: """ @property def flags(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @flags.setter def flags(self, arg1: int) -> None: pass @property def height(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @height.setter def height(self, arg1: int) -> None: pass @property def layout(self) -> Container: """ :type: Container """ @layout.setter def layout(self, arg1: Container) -> None: pass @property def menu(self) -> omni::kit::ui::Menu: """ Window optional menu bar. :type: omni::kit::ui::Menu """ @menu.setter def menu(self, arg0: omni::kit::ui::Menu) -> None: """ Window optional menu bar. """ @property def mouse_pos(self) -> carb._carb.Float2: """ :type: carb._carb.Float2 """ @property def width(self) -> int: """ :type: int """ @width.setter def width(self, arg1: int) -> None: pass pass def activate_menu_item(arg0: str) -> None: pass def get_custom_glyph_code(file_path: str, font_style: omni.ui._ui.FontStyle = FontStyle.NORMAL) -> str: """ Get glyph code. Args: file_path (str): Path to svg file font_style(:class:`.FontStyle`): font style to use. """ def get_editor_menu_legacy() -> Menu: pass def get_main_window(*args, **kwargs) -> typing.Any: pass MODEL_META_SERIALIZED_CONTENTS = 'serializedContents' MODEL_META_WIDGET_TYPE = 'widgetType' WINDOW_FLAGS_FORCE_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR = 512 WINDOW_FLAGS_FORCE_VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR = 256 WINDOW_FLAGS_MODAL = 4096 WINDOW_FLAGS_NONE = 0 WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_CLOSE = 2048 WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_COLLAPSE = 16 WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_FOCUS_ON_APPEARING = 1024 WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_MOVE = 4 WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_RESIZE = 2 WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_SAVED_SETTINGS = 32 WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_SCROLLBAR = 8 WINDOW_FLAGS_NO_TITLE_BAR = 1 WINDOW_FLAGS_SHOW_HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR = 128
"""UI Toolkit Starting with the release 2020.1, Omniverse Kit UI Toolkit has been replaced by the alternative UI toolkit :mod:`Omni::UI <omni.ui>`. Currently the Omniverse Kit UI Toolkit is deprecated. Omniverse Kit UI Toolkit is retained mode UI library which enables extending and changing Omniverse Kit look and feel in any direction. It contains fundamental building primitives, like windows, containers, layouts, widgets. As well as additional API (built on top of it) to create widgets for USD attributes and omni.kit settings. Typical example to create a window with a drag slider widget: .. code-block:: import omni.kit.ui window = omni.kit.ui.Window('My Window') d = omni.kit.ui.DragDouble() d.width = omni.kit.ui.Percent(30) window.layout.add_child(d) All objects are python-friendly reference counted object. You don't need to explicitly release or control lifetime. In the code example above `window` will be kept alive until `window` is released. Core: ------ * :class:`.Window` * :class:`.Popup` * :class:`.Container` * :class:`.Value` * :class:`.Length` * :class:`.UnitType` * :class:`.Widget` Widgets: -------- * :class:`.Label` * :class:`.Button` * :class:`.Spacer` * :class:`.CheckBox` * :class:`.ComboBox` * :class:`.ComboBoxInt` * :class:`.ListBox` * :class:`.SliderInt` * :class:`.SliderDouble` * :class:`.DragInt` * :class:`.DragInt2` * :class:`.DragDouble` * :class:`.DragDouble2` * :class:`.DragDouble3` * :class:`.DragDouble4` * :class:`.Transform` * :class:`.FieldInt` * :class:`.FieldDouble` * :class:`.TextBox` * :class:`.ColorRgb` * :class:`.ColorRgba` * :class:`.Image` Containers: ----------- * :class:`.ColumnLayout` * :class:`.RowLayout` * :class:`.RowColumnLayout` * :class:`.CollapsingFrame` * :class:`.ScrollingFrame` """ # This module depends on other modules. VSCode python language server scrapes modules in an isolated environment # (ignoring PYTHONPATH set). import fails and for that we have separate code path to explicitly add it's folder to # sys.path and import again. try: import weakref import carb import carb.dictionary import omni.ui except: import os, sys sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "..", "..", ".."))) import weakref import carb import carb.dictionary import omni.ui from ._ui import * from .editor_menu import EditorMenu legacy_mode = False def add_item_attached(self: _ui.Menu, *args, **kwargs): subscription = self.add_item(*args, **kwargs) self.user_data.setdefault("items", []).append(subscription) return subscription def create_window_hook(self, title:str, *args, **kwargs): menu_path = None add_to_menu = True if "menu_path" in kwargs: menu_path = kwargs["menu_path"] kwargs["menu_path"] = "" if "add_to_menu" in kwargs: add_to_menu = kwargs["add_to_menu"] kwargs["add_to_menu"] = False Window.create_window_hook(self, title, *args, **kwargs) if add_to_menu and not menu_path: menu_path = f"Window/{title}" if menu_path: def on_window_click(visible, weak_window): window = weak_window() if window: if visible: else: window.hide() def on_window_showhide(visible, weak_window): window = weak_window() if window: Menu.static_class.set_value(menu_path, visible) EditorMenu.window_handler[title] = omni.kit.ui.get_editor_menu().add_item(menu_path, on_click=lambda m, v, w=weakref.ref(self): on_window_click(v, w), toggle=True, value=self.is_visible()) self.set_visibility_changed_fn(lambda v, w=weakref.ref(self): on_window_showhide(v, w)) def get_editor_menu(): if legacy_mode: return get_editor_menu_legacy() elif Menu.static_class == None: Menu.static_class = EditorMenu() return Menu.static_class def using_legacy_mode(): carb.log_warn(f"using_legacy_mode: function is depricated as it always return False") return legacy_mode def init_ui(): import carb.settings import carb # Avoid calling code below at documentation building time with try/catch try: settings = carb.settings.get_settings() except RuntimeError: return if not legacy_mode: if hasattr(Window, "create_window_hook"): carb.log_warn(f"init_ui window hook already initialized") else: # hook into omni.kit.ui.window to override menu creation Window.create_window_hook = Window.__init__ Window.__init__ = create_window_hook Menu.static_class = None Menu.add_item_attached = add_item_attached Menu.get_editor_menu = get_editor_menu Menu.using_legacy_mode = using_legacy_mode init_ui()
from ._extensionwindow import *
from ._window_manager import *
串乍乎乞云亙些什仇仔佃佼侠侭侶俄俣俺倦倶傭僅僑僻儲兇兎兜其冥冨凄凋凧函剃剥劃劉劫勃勾勿匂匙匝匪卜卦卿厨厩厭叉叛叢叩叱吃吊吋吠吻呆 呑呪咋咳咽哨哩唖唾喉喋喧喰嘗嘘嘩噂噌噛噸噺嚢圃坐坤坦垢埜埠埴埼堆堰堵堺塘塙塞填塵壕壬壷夙夷奄套妓妖妬妾姐姑姥姦姪姶娃娩娼婁嫉嬬嬰 孜宋宍宕宛寓寵尖尤尻屍屑屠屡岡岨岱峨峯崖嶋巷巾帖幌幡庇庖庚庵廓廟廠廻廼廿弄弗弛弼彊徽忽怨怯恢恰悉悶惚惹愈慾憐戊戎或戚戟戴托扮拭拶 按挨挫挺挽捉捌捗捧捲捻掠掩掬掴掻揃揖摸摺撒撚撞撫播撰撹擢擾斌斑斡斧斬斯昏昧晒晦曝曳曽曾杓杖杢杭杵杷枇枕柁柏柑柘柴柵柿栂栃栖栢栴桁 桓桔桝桧桶梁梗梯梱梶梼棉棲椀椅椙椛椴楕楚楢楯楳榊榎榔槌槍樋樗樟樫樵樽橡橿檎櫓櫛櫨欝歎此歪殆毘氾汎汝汲沃沌沓沫洛洩浬涌涛涜淀淋淘淫 淵渠湊湘湛溌溜溢溺漉漕漣潅潰澗澱濠濡瀕瀞瀦瀧灘灸灼烏烹焔焚煉煎煤煽熔燈燐燕燭爪爺牌牒牙牝牟牡牢牽犀狐狗狙狛狸狼狽猷獅玩珂珊珪琵琶 瓜瓢瓦甑甜甥畏畠畢畦畷畿疋疏疹痔痕痩癌盃盈瞥矧砥砦砧砺砿硯硲碇碍碓碕碗磐祁祇祢祷禦禰禽禾禿秤稗稽穆穎穐穿窄窟窪窺竃竪竺竿笈笠笥筈 筏筑箆箔箕箪箭箸篇篠篭簸簾籾粁粂粍粕粟粥糊糎糞糟糠紐綬綴綻緬縞繋繍纂纏罫罵羨翫翰而耽聯聾肋肘股肱肴脆脇脊腎腔腫腺腿膏膝膳膿臆臥臼 舘舛舵舷艮芥芦芭芯苅苓苔苛苧苫茨茸荊荏荻莫莱菅菟菩菰菱萄萎萱葎葛葡董葦葱葺蒋蒐蒙蒜蒲蓋蓑蓬蔀蔑蔓蔚蔭蔽蕃蕊蕎蕨蕩蕪薗薙薩薮薯藁藷 蘇虻蚤蛋蛎蛙蛤蛭蛸蛾蜂蜘蜜蝉蝋蝕蝦蝿螺蟹蟻袖袴袷裡裳裾襖覗訊訣註詑詣詫詮誰誹諌諏諜諦諺謂謎謬讃讐豹貌貰貼賂賎賑賭贋赫趨跨蹄蹟蹴躯 輯輿轍轟轡辻辿迂迄迦迩逗這逢逼遁遜遡鄭酋酎醍醐醒醗醤釆釘釜釦釧鈎鈷鉦鉾銚鋒鋤鋪鋲鋸錆錐錨錫鍋鍍鍔鍬鍵鍾鎗鎚鎧鏑鐙鐸鑓閃閏閤闇阜阪 陀隈隙雀雁雫靭鞄鞍鞘鞭韓韮頁頃頓頗頚頬頴顎顛飴餅餌餐饗馳馴駁駈駕騨骸髭魯鮒鮪鮫鮭鯖鯵鰍鰐鰭鰯鰹鰻鱈鱒鱗鳶鴇鴎鴛鴨鴫鴬鵜鵠鵡鷲鷺鹸 麓麹麺黍鼎鼠龍
一丁七万丈三上下不与丑且世丘丙丞両並中丸丹主乃久之乏乗乙九也乱乳乾亀了予争事二互五井亘亜亡交亥亦亨享京亭亮人仁今介仏仕他付仙代令 以仮仰仲件任企伊伍伎伏伐休会伝伯伴伶伸伺似伽但位低住佐佑体何余作佳併使侃例侍侑供依価侮侯侵便係促俊俗保信修俳俵俸倉個倍倒倖候借倣 値倫倭倹偉偏停健偲側偵偶偽傍傑傘備催債傷傾働像僕僚僧儀億儒償優允元兄充兆先光克免児党入全八公六共兵具典兼内円冊再冒冗写冠冬冴冶冷 准凌凍凜凝凡処凪凱凶凸凹出刀刃分切刈刊刑列初判別利到制刷券刺刻則削前剖剛剣剤副剰割創劇力功加劣助努励労効劾勁勅勇勉動勘務勝募勢勤 勧勲勺匁包化北匠匡匹区医匿十千升午半卑卒卓協南単博占卯印危即却卵卸厄厘厚原厳去参又及友双反収叔取受叙叡口古句只叫召可台史右叶号司 各合吉同名后吏吐向君吟否含吸吹吾呂呈呉告周味呼命和咲哀品哉員哲唄唆唇唐唯唱啄商問啓善喚喜喝喪喫喬営嗣嘆嘉嘱器噴嚇囚四回因団困囲図 固国圏園土圧在圭地坂均坊坑坪垂型垣埋城域執培基堀堂堅堕堤堪報場塀塁塊塑塔塗塚塩塾境墓増墜墨墳墾壁壇壊壌士壮声壱売変夏夕外多夜夢大 天太夫央失奇奈奉奎奏契奔奥奨奪奮女奴好如妃妄妊妙妥妨妹妻姉始姓委姫姻姿威娘娠娯婆婚婦婿媒媛嫁嫌嫡嬉嬢子孔字存孝孟季孤学孫宅宇守安 完宏宗官宙定宜宝実客宣室宥宮宰害宴宵家容宿寂寄寅密富寒寛寝察寡寧審寮寸寺対寿封専射将尉尊尋導小少尚尭就尺尼尽尾尿局居屈届屋展属層 履屯山岐岩岬岳岸峠峡峰島峻崇崎崚崩嵐嵩嵯嶺巌川州巡巣工左巧巨差己巳巴巻巽市布帆希帝帥師席帯帰帳常帽幅幕幣干平年幸幹幻幼幽幾庁広庄 床序底店府度座庫庭庶康庸廃廉廊延廷建弁弊式弐弓弔引弘弟弥弦弧弱張強弾当彗形彦彩彪彫彬彰影役彼往征径待律後徐徒従得御復循微徳徴徹心 必忌忍志忘忙応忠快念怒怖怜思怠急性怪恋恐恒恕恥恨恩恭息恵悌悔悟悠患悦悩悪悲悼情惇惑惜惟惣惨惰想愁愉意愚愛感慈態慌慎慕慢慣慧慨慮慰 慶憂憎憤憧憩憲憶憾懇懐懲懸成我戒戦戯戸戻房所扇扉手才打払扱扶批承技抄把抑投抗折抜択披抱抵抹押抽担拍拐拒拓拘拙招拝拠拡括拳拷拾持指 挑挙挟振挿捕捜捨据捷捺掃授掌排掘掛採探接控推措掲描提揚換握揮援揺損搬搭携搾摂摘摩撃撤撮撲擁操擦擬支改攻放政故敏救敗教敢散敦敬数整 敵敷文斉斎斐斗料斜斤斥断新方於施旅旋族旗既日旦旧旨早旬旭旺昂昆昇昌明易昔星映春昨昭是昴昼時晃晋晏晟晨晩普景晴晶智暁暇暉暑暖暗暢暦 暫暮暴曇曙曜曲更書曹替最月有朋服朔朕朗望朝期木未末本札朱朴机朽杉李杏材村杜束条来杯東松板析林枚果枝枠枢枯架柄柊某染柔柚柱柳査柾栄 栓栗栞校株核根格栽桂桃案桐桑桜桟梅梓梢梧梨械棄棋棒棚棟森棺椋植椎検椰椿楊楓楠業極楼楽概榛構様槙槻槽標模権横樹樺橋橘機檀欄欠次欣欧 欲欺欽款歌歓止正武歩歯歳歴死殉殊残殖殴段殺殻殿毅母毎毒比毛毬氏民気水氷永汀汁求汐汗汚江池汰決汽沈沖沙没沢河沸油治沼沿況泉泊泌法泡 波泣泥注泰泳洋洗洞津洪洲洵洸活派流浄浅浜浦浩浪浮浴海浸消涙涯液涼淑淡深淳混添清渇済渉渋渓渚減渡渥渦温測港湖湧湯湾湿満源準溝溶滅滉 滋滑滝滞滴漁漂漆漏演漠漢漫漬漱漸潔潜潟潤潮澄澪激濁濃濫濯瀬火灯灰災炉炊炎炭点為烈無焦然焼煙照煩煮熊熙熟熱燃燎燥燦燿爆爵父爽爾片版 牛牧物牲特犠犬犯状狂狩独狭猛猟猪猫献猶猿獄獣獲玄率玉王玖玲珍珠班現球理琉琢琳琴瑚瑛瑞瑠瑳瑶璃環璽瓶甘甚生産用甫田由甲申男町画界畑 畔留畜畝略番異畳疎疑疫疲疾病症痘痛痢痴療癒癖発登白百的皆皇皐皓皮皿盆益盗盛盟監盤目盲直相盾省眉看県真眠眸眺眼着睡督睦瞬瞭瞳矛矢知 矩短矯石砂研砕砲破硝硫硬碁碑碧碩確磁磨磯礁礎示礼社祈祉祐祖祝神祥票祭禁禄禅禍禎福秀私秋科秒秘租秦秩称移稀程税稔稚稜種稲稼稿穀穂積 穏穣穫穴究空突窃窒窓窮窯立竜章竣童端競竹笑笙笛符第笹筆等筋筒答策箇算管箱節範築篤簡簿籍米粉粋粒粗粘粛粧精糖糧糸系糾紀約紅紋納純紗 紘紙級紛素紡索紫紬累細紳紹紺終絃組経結絞絡絢給統絵絶絹継続綜維綱網綸綺綾綿緊緋総緑緒線締編緩緯練縁縄縛縦縫縮績繁繊織繕繭繰缶罪置 罰署罷羅羊美群義羽翁翌習翔翠翻翼耀老考者耐耕耗耳耶聖聞聡聴職肇肉肌肖肝肢肥肩肪肯育肺胃胆背胎胞胡胤胴胸能脂脅脈脚脩脱脳脹腐腕腰腸 腹膚膜膨臓臣臨自臭至致興舌舎舗舜舞舟航般舶船艇艦良色艶芋芙芝花芳芸芹芽苑苗若苦英茂茄茅茉茎茜茶草荒荘荷莉莞菊菌菓菖菜菫華萌萩落葉 著葬葵蒔蒸蒼蓄蓉蓮蔦蔵蕉蕗薄薦薪薫薬藍藤藩藻蘭虎虐虚虜虞虫虹蚊蚕蛇蛍蛮蝶融血衆行術街衛衝衡衣表衰衷衿袈袋被裁裂装裏裕補裟裸製複褐 褒襟襲西要覆覇見規視覚覧親観角解触言訂計討訓託記訟訪設許訳訴診証詐詔評詞詠詢試詩詰話該詳誇誉誌認誓誕誘語誠誤説読課誼調諄談請諒論 諭諮諸諾謀謁謄謙講謝謡謹識譜警議譲護谷豆豊豚象豪貝貞負財貢貧貨販貫責貯貴買貸費貿賀賃賄資賊賓賛賜賞賠賢賦質購贈赤赦走赳赴起超越趣 足距跡路跳践踊踏躍身車軌軍軒軟転軸軽較載輔輝輩輪輸轄辛辞辰辱農辺込迅迎近返迪迫迭述迷追退送逃逆透逐逓途通逝速造連逮週進逸遂遅遇遊 運遍過道達違遠遣遥適遭遮遵遷選遺遼避還邑那邦邪邸郁郊郎郡部郭郵郷都酉酌配酒酔酢酪酬酵酷酸醇醜醸采釈里重野量金針釣鈍鈴鉄鉛鉢鉱銀銃 銅銑銘銭鋭鋳鋼錘錠錦錬錯録鍛鎌鎖鎮鏡鐘鑑長門閉開閑間関閣閥閲闘防阻阿附降限陛院陣除陥陪陰陳陵陶陸険陽隅隆隊階随隔際障隠隣隷隻隼雄 雅集雇雌雑雛離難雨雪雰雲零雷電需震霊霜霞霧露青靖静非面革靴鞠音韻響頂項順須頌預頑頒領頭頻頼題額顔顕願類顧風颯飛食飢飯飲飼飽飾養餓 館首香馨馬駄駅駆駐駒駿騎騒験騰驚骨髄高髪鬼魁魂魅魔魚鮎鮮鯉鯛鯨鳥鳩鳳鳴鴻鵬鶏鶴鷹鹿麗麟麦麻麿黄黎黒黙黛鼓鼻齢
{ "nodes": { "omni.graph.tutorials.Empty": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It does absolutely nothing and is only meant to serve as an example to use for setting up your build.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.SimpleDataPy": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It creates both an input and output attribute of every simple supported data type. The values are modified in a simple way so that the compute modifies values. It is the same as node omni.graph.tutorials.SimpleData, except it is implemented in Python instead of C++.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "Python" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.ComplexDataPy": { "description": "This is a tutorial node written in Python. It will compute the point3f array by multiplying each element of the float array by the three element vector in the multiplier.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "Python" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.AbiPy": { "description": "This tutorial node shows how to override ABI methods on your Python node. The algorithm of the node converts an RGB color into HSV components.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "Python" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.StatePy": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It makes use of internal state information to continuously increment an output.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "Python" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.Defaults": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It will move the values of inputs to corresponding outputs. Inputs all have unspecified, and therefore empty, default values.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.BundleManipulation": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It exercises functionality for the manipulation of bundle attribute contents.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.BundleManipulationPy": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It exercises functionality for the manipulation of bundle attribute contents. The configuration is the same as omni.graph.tutorials.BundleManipulation except that the implementation language is Python", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "Python" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.BundleData": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It exercises functionality for access of data within bundle attributes.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.BundleDataPy": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It exercises functionality for access of data within bundle attributes. The configuration is the same as omni.graph.tutorials.BundleData except that the implementation language is Python", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "Python" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.StateAttributesPy": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It exercises state attributes to remember data from on evaluation to the next.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "Python" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.State": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It makes use of internal state information to continuously increment an output.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.ExtendedTypes": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It exercises functionality for the manipulation of the extended attribute types.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.ExtendedTypesPy": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It exercises functionality for the manipulation of the extended attribute types. It is identical to OgnTutorialExtendedTypes.ogn, except the language of implementation is selected to be python.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "Python" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.SimpleData": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It creates both an input and output attribute of every simple supported data type. The values are modified in a simple way so that the compute modifies values.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.Tokens": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It exercises the feature of providing hardcoded token values in the database after a node type has been initialized. It sets output booleans to the truth value of whether corresponding inputs appear in the hardcoded token list.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.TokensPy": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It exercises the feature of providing hardcoded token values in the database after a node type has been initialized. It sets output booleans to the truth value of whether corresponding inputs appear in the hardcoded token list.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "Python" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.BundleAddAttributes": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It exercises functionality for adding and removing attributes on output bundles.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.BundleAddAttributesPy": { "description": "This is a Python tutorial node. It exercises functionality for adding and removing attributes on output bundles.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "Python" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.CpuGpuBundles": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It exercises functionality for accessing data in bundles that are on the GPU as well as bundles whose CPU/GPU location is decided at runtime. The compute looks for bundled attributes named 'points' and, if they are found, computes their dot products. If the bundle on the output contains an integer array type named 'dotProducts' then the results are placed there, otherwise a new attribute of that name and type is created on the output bundle to hold the results. This node is identical to OgnTutorialCpuGpuBundlesPy.ogn, except it is implemented in C++.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.CpuGpuBundlesPy": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It exercises functionality for accessing data in bundles that are on the GPU as well as bundles whose CPU/GPU location is decided at runtime. The compute looks for bundled attributes named 'points' and, if they are found, computes the dot products. If the bundle on the output contains an integer array type named 'dotProducts' then the results are placed there, otherwise a new attribute of that name and type is created on the output bundle to hold the results. This node is identical to OgnTutorialCpuGpuBundles.ogn, except is is implemented in Python.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "Python" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.CpuGpuExtended": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It exercises functionality for accessing data in extended attributes that are on the GPU as well as those whose CPU/GPU location is decided at runtime. The compute adds the two inputs 'gpuData' and 'cpuData' together, placing the result in `cpuGpuSum`, whose memory location is determined by the 'gpu' flag. This node is identical to OgnTutorialCpuGpuExtendedPy.ogn, except is is implemented in C++.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.CpuGpuExtendedPy": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It exercises functionality for accessing data in extended attributes that are on the GPU as well as those whose CPU/GPU location is decided at runtime. The compute adds the two inputs 'gpuData' and 'cpuData' together, placing the result in `cpuGpuSum`, whose memory location is determined by the 'gpu' flag. This node is identical to OgnTutorialCpuGpuExtended.ogn, except is is implemented in Python.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "Python" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.OverrideType": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It has an input and output of type float[3], an input and output of type double[3], and a type override specification that lets the node use Carbonite types for the generated data on the float[3] attributes only. Ordinarily all of the types would be defined in a seperate configuration file so that it can be shared for a project. In that case the type definition build flag would also be used so that this information does not have to be embedded in every .ogn file in the project. It is placed directly in the file here solely for instructional purposes. The compute is just a rotation of components from x->y, y->z, and z->x, for each input type.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.DynamicAttributes": { "description": "This is a Python node that exercises the ability to add and remove database attribute accessors for dynamic attributes. When the dynamic attribute is added the property will exist and be able to get/set the attribute values. When it does not the property will not exist. The dynamic attribute names are found in the tokens below. If neither exist then the input value is copied to the output directly. If 'firstBit' exists then the 'firstBit'th bit of the input is x-ored for the copy. If 'secondBit' exists then the 'secondBit'th bit of the input is x-ored for the copy. (Recall bitwise match xor(0,0)=0, xor(0,1)=1, xor(1,0)=1, and xor(1,1)=0.) For example, if 'firstBit' is present and set to 1 then the bitmask will be b0010, where bit 1 is set. If the input is 7, or b0111, then the xor operation will flip bit 1, yielding b0101, or 5 as the result. If on the next run 'secondBit' is also present and set to 2 then its bitmask will be b0100, where bit 2 is set. The input of 7 (b0111) flips bit 1 because firstBit=1 and flips bit 2 because secondBit=2, yielding a final result of 1 (b0001).", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.DynamicAttributesPy": { "description": "This is a Python node that exercises the ability to add and remove database attribute accessors for dynamic attributes. When the dynamic attribute is added the property will exist and be able to get/set the attribute values. When it does not the property will not exist. The dynamic attribute names are found in the tokens below. If neither exist then the input value is copied to the output directly. If 'firstBit' exists then the 'firstBit'th bit of the input is x-ored for the copy. If 'secondBit' exists then the 'secondBit'th bit of the input is x-ored for the copy. (Recall bitwise match xor(0,0)=0, xor(0,1)=1, xor(1,0)=1, and xor(1,1)=0.) For example, if 'firstBit' is present and set to 1 then the bitmask will be b0010, where bit 1 is set. If the input is 7, or b0111, then the xor operation will flip bit 1, yielding b0101, or 5 as the result. If on the next run 'secondBit' is also present and set to 2 then its bitmask will be b0100, where bit 2 is set. The input of 7 (b0111) flips bit 1 because firstBit=1 and flips bit 2 because secondBit=2, yielding a final result of 1 (b0001).", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "Python" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.GenericMathNode": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It is functionally equivalent to the built-in Multiply node, but written in python as a practical demonstration of using extended attributes to write math nodes that work with any numeric types, including arrays and tuples.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "Python" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.CudaCpuArrays": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It illustrates the alternative method of extracting pointers to GPU array data in which the pointer returned is a CPU pointer and can be dereferenced on the CPU side. Without the cudaPointers value set that pointer would be a GPU pointer to an array of GPU pointers and could only be dereferenced on the device.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.CudaCpuArraysPy": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It illustrates the alternative method of extracting pointers to GPU array data in which the pointer returned is a CPU pointer and can be dereferenced on the CPU side. Without the cudaPointers value set that pointer would be a GPU pointer to an array of GPU pointers and could only be dereferenced on the device. Both plain attribute and bundle attribute extraction are shown.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "Python" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.Abi": { "description": "This tutorial node shows how to override ABI methods on your node.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.tutorials.TupleData": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It creates both an input and output attribute of some of the supported tuple types. The values are modified in a simple way so that the compute can be tested.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.ArrayData": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It will compute the array 'result' as the input array 'original' with every element multiplied by the constant 'multiplier'.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.TupleArrays": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It will compute the float array 'result' as the elementwise dot product of the input arrays 'a' and 'b'.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.RoleData": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It creates both an input and output attribute of every supported role-based data type. The values are modified in a simple way so that the compute modifies values. ", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.CudaData": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It performs different functions on the GPU to illustrate different types of data access. The first adds inputs 'a' and 'b' to yield output 'sum', all of which are on the GPU. The second is a sample expansion deformation that multiplies every point on a set of input points, stored on the GPU, by a constant value, stored on the CPU, to yield a set of output points, also on the GPU. The third is an assortment of different data types illustrating how different data is passed to the GPU. This particular node uses CUDA for its GPU computations, as indicated in the memory type value. Normal use case for GPU compute is large amounts of data. For testing purposes this node only handles a very small amount but the principle is the same.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" }, "omni.graph.tutorials.CpuGpuData": { "description": "This is a tutorial node. It illustrates how to access data whose memory location, CPU or GPU, is determined at runtime in the compute method. The data types are the same as for the purely CPU and purely GPU tutorials, it is only the access method that changes. The input 'is_gpu' determines where the data of the other attributes can be accessed.", "version": 1, "extension": "omni.graph.tutorials", "language": "C++" } } }
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_SimpleData_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_SimpleData: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Node: Attributes With Simple Data :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials threadsafe tutorials simple-data Tutorial Node: Attributes With Simple Data ========================================== .. <description> This is a tutorial node. It creates both an input and output attribute of every simple supported data type. The values are modified in a simple way so that the compute modifies values. .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "Sample Boolean Input (*inputs:a_bool*)", "``bool``", "This is an attribute of type boolean", "True" "inputs:a_constant_input", "``int``", "This is an input attribute whose value can be set but can only be connected as a source.", "0" "", "*outputOnly*", "1", "" "inputs:a_double", "``double``", "This is an attribute of type 64 bit floating point", "0" "inputs:a_float", "``float``", "This is an attribute of type 32 bit floating point", "0" "Sample Half Precision Input (*inputs:a_half*)", "``half``", "This is an attribute of type 16 bit float", "0.0" "inputs:a_int", "``int``", "This is an attribute of type 32 bit integer", "0" "inputs:a_int64", "``int64``", "This is an attribute of type 64 bit integer", "0" "inputs:a_objectId", "``objectId``", "This is an attribute of type objectId", "0" "inputs:a_path", "``path``", "This is an attribute of type path", "" "inputs:a_string", "``string``", "This is an attribute of type string", "helloString" "inputs:a_token", "``token``", "This is an attribute of type interned string with fast comparison and hashing", "helloToken" "inputs:unsigned:a_uchar", "``uchar``", "This is an attribute of type unsigned 8 bit integer", "0" "inputs:unsigned:a_uint", "``uint``", "This is an attribute of type unsigned 32 bit integer", "0" "inputs:unsigned:a_uint64", "``uint64``", "This is an attribute of type unsigned 64 bit integer", "0" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "Sample Boolean Output (*outputs:a_bool*)", "``bool``", "This is a computed attribute of type boolean", "False" "outputs:a_double", "``double``", "This is a computed attribute of type 64 bit floating point", "5.0" "outputs:a_float", "``float``", "This is a computed attribute of type 32 bit floating point", "4.0" "Sample Half Precision Output (*outputs:a_half*)", "``half``", "This is a computed attribute of type 16 bit float", "1.0" "outputs:a_int", "``int``", "This is a computed attribute of type 32 bit integer", "2" "outputs:a_int64", "``int64``", "This is a computed attribute of type 64 bit integer", "3" "outputs:a_objectId", "``objectId``", "This is a computed attribute of type objectId", "8" "outputs:a_path", "``path``", "This is a computed attribute of type path", "/" "outputs:a_string", "``string``", "This is a computed attribute of type string", "seven" "outputs:a_token", "``token``", "This is a computed attribute of type interned string with fast comparison and hashing", "six" "outputs:unsigned:a_uchar", "``uchar``", "This is a computed attribute of type unsigned 8 bit integer", "9" "outputs:unsigned:a_uint", "``uint``", "This is a computed attribute of type unsigned 32 bit integer", "10" "outputs:unsigned:a_uint64", "``uint64``", "This is a computed attribute of type unsigned 64 bit integer", "11" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.SimpleData" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.SimpleData.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "C++" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Node: Attributes With Simple Data" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialSimpleDataDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_DynamicAttributesPy_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_DynamicAttributesPy: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Python Node: Dynamic Attributes :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials tutorials dynamic-attributes-py Tutorial Python Node: Dynamic Attributes ======================================== .. <description> This is a Python node that exercises the ability to add and remove database attribute accessors for dynamic attributes. When the dynamic attribute is added the property will exist and be able to get/set the attribute values. When it does not the property will not exist. The dynamic attribute names are found in the tokens below. If neither exist then the input value is copied to the output directly. If 'firstBit' exists then the 'firstBit'th bit of the input is x-ored for the copy. If 'secondBit' exists then the 'secondBit'th bit of the input is x-ored for the copy. (Recall bitwise match xor(0,0)=0, xor(0,1)=1, xor(1,0)=1, and xor(1,1)=0.) For example, if 'firstBit' is present and set to 1 then the bitmask will be b0010, where bit 1 is set. If the input is 7, or b0111, then the xor operation will flip bit 1, yielding b0101, or 5 as the result. If on the next run 'secondBit' is also present and set to 2 then its bitmask will be b0100, where bit 2 is set. The input of 7 (b0111) flips bit 1 because firstBit=1 and flips bit 2 because secondBit=2, yielding a final result of 1 (b0001). .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "inputs:value", "``uint``", "Original value to be modified.", "0" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "outputs:result", "``uint``", "Modified value", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.DynamicAttributesPy" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.DynamicAttributesPy.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "Python" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Python Node: Dynamic Attributes" "__tokens", "{""firstBit"": ""inputs:firstBit"", ""secondBit"": ""inputs:secondBit"", ""invert"": ""inputs:invert""}" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialDynamicAttributesPyDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_TokensPy_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_TokensPy: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Python Node: Tokens :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials tutorials tokens-py Tutorial Python Node: Tokens ============================ .. <description> This is a tutorial node. It exercises the feature of providing hardcoded token values in the database after a node type has been initialized. It sets output booleans to the truth value of whether corresponding inputs appear in the hardcoded token list. .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "inputs:valuesToCheck", "``token[]``", "Array of tokens that are to be checked", "[]" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "outputs:isColor", "``bool[]``", "True values if the corresponding input value appears in the token list", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.TokensPy" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.TokensPy.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "Python" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Python Node: Tokens" "__tokens", "[""red"", ""green"", ""blue""]" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialTokensPyDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_StatePy_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_StatePy: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Python Node: Internal States :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials tutorials state-py Tutorial Python Node: Internal States ===================================== .. <description> This is a tutorial node. It makes use of internal state information to continuously increment an output. .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "inputs:override", "``bool``", "When true get the output from the overrideValue, otherwise use the internal value", "False" "inputs:overrideValue", "``int64``", "Value to use instead of the monotonically increasing internal one when 'override' is true", "0" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "outputs:monotonic", "``int64``", "Monotonically increasing output, set by internal state information", "0" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.StatePy" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.StatePy.svg" "Has State?", "True" "Implementation Language", "Python" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Python Node: Internal States" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialStatePyDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_CpuGpuExtendedPy_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_CpuGpuExtendedPy: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Python Node: CPU/GPU Extended Attributes :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials tutorials cpu-gpu-extended-py Tutorial Python Node: CPU/GPU Extended Attributes ================================================= .. <description> This is a tutorial node. It exercises functionality for accessing data in extended attributes that are on the GPU as well as those whose CPU/GPU location is decided at runtime. The compute adds the two inputs 'gpuData' and 'cpuData' together, placing the result in `cpuGpuSum`, whose memory location is determined by the 'gpu' flag. This node is identical to OgnTutorialCpuGpuExtended.ogn, except is is implemented in Python. .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "CPU Input Attribute (*inputs:cpuData*)", "``any``", "Input attribute whose data always lives on the CPU", "None" "Results To GPU (*inputs:gpu*)", "``bool``", "If true then put the sum on the GPU, otherwise put it on the CPU", "False" "GPU Input Attribute (*inputs:gpuData*)", "``any``", "Input attribute whose data always lives on the GPU", "None" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "Sum (*outputs:cpuGpuSum*)", "``any``", "This is the attribute with the selected data. If the 'gpu' attribute is set to true then this attribute's contents will be entirely on the GPU, otherwise it will be on the CPU.", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.CpuGpuExtendedPy" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.CpuGpuExtendedPy.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "Python" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "tags", "tutorial,extended,gpu" "uiName", "Tutorial Python Node: CPU/GPU Extended Attributes" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialCpuGpuExtendedPyDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_BundleAddAttributesPy_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_BundleAddAttributesPy: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Python Node: Bundle Add Attributes :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials tutorials bundle-add-attributes-py Tutorial Python Node: Bundle Add Attributes =========================================== .. <description> This is a Python tutorial node. It exercises functionality for adding and removing attributes on output bundles. .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "inputs:addedAttributeNames", "``token[]``", "Names for the attribute types to be added. The size of this array must match the size of the 'typesToAdd' array to be legal.", "[]" "inputs:removedAttributeNames", "``token[]``", "Names for the attribute types to be removed. Non-existent attributes will be ignored.", "[]" "Attribute Types To Add (*inputs:typesToAdd*)", "``token[]``", "List of type descriptions to add to the bundle. The strings in this list correspond to the strings that represent the attribute types in the .ogn file (e.g. float[3][], colord[3], bool", "[]" "inputs:useBatchedAPI", "``bool``", "Controls whether or not to used batched APIS for adding/removing attributes", "False" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "Constructed Bundle (*outputs:bundle*)", "``bundle``", "This is the bundle with all attributes added by compute.", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.BundleAddAttributesPy" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.BundleAddAttributesPy.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "Python" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Python Node: Bundle Add Attributes" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialBundleAddAttributesPyDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_tutorials_TupleData_1: .. _omni_tutorials_TupleData: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Node: Tuple Attributes :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials threadsafe tutorials tuple-data Tutorial Node: Tuple Attributes =============================== .. <description> This is a tutorial node. It creates both an input and output attribute of some of the supported tuple types. The values are modified in a simple way so that the compute can be tested. .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "inputs:a_double2", "``double[2]``", "This is an attribute with two double values", "[1.1, 2.2]" "inputs:a_double3", "``double[3]``", "This is an attribute with three double values", "[1.1, 2.2, 3.3]" "inputs:a_float2", "``float[2]``", "This is an attribute with two float values", "[4.4, 5.5]" "inputs:a_float3", "``float[3]``", "This is an attribute with three float values", "[6.6, 7.7, 8.8]" "inputs:a_half2", "``half[2]``", "This is an attribute with two 16-bit float values", "[7.0, 8.0]" "inputs:a_int2", "``int[2]``", "This is an attribute with two 32-bit integer values", "[10, 11]" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "outputs:a_double2", "``double[2]``", "This is a computed attribute with two double values", "None" "outputs:a_double3", "``double[3]``", "This is a computed attribute with three double values", "None" "outputs:a_float2", "``float[2]``", "This is a computed attribute with two float values", "None" "outputs:a_float3", "``float[3]``", "This is a computed attribute with three float values", "None" "outputs:a_half2", "``half[2]``", "This is a computed attribute with two 16-bit float values", "None" "outputs:a_int2", "``int[2]``", "This is a computed attribute with two 32-bit integer values", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.tutorials.TupleData" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.tutorials.TupleData.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "C++" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Node: Tuple Attributes" "tags", "tuple,tutorial,internal" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialTupleDataDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_OverrideType_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_OverrideType: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Node: Overriding C++ Data Types :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials threadsafe tutorials override-type Tutorial Node: Overriding C++ Data Types ======================================== .. <description> This is a tutorial node. It has an input and output of type float[3], an input and output of type double[3], and a type override specification that lets the node use Carbonite types for the generated data on the float[3] attributes only. Ordinarily all of the types would be defined in a seperate configuration file so that it can be shared for a project. In that case the type definition build flag would also be used so that this information does not have to be embedded in every .ogn file in the project. It is placed directly in the file here solely for instructional purposes. The compute is just a rotation of components from x->y, y->z, and z->x, for each input type. .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "Input value with a standard double type (*inputs:data*)", "``double[3]``", "The value to rotate", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "Input value with a modified float type (*inputs:typedData*)", "``float[3]``", "The value to rotate", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "Output value with a standard double type (*outputs:data*)", "``double[3]``", "The rotated version of inputs::data", "None" "Output value with a modified float type (*outputs:typedData*)", "``float[3]``", "The rotated version of inputs::typedData", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.OverrideType" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.OverrideType.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "C++" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Node: Overriding C++ Data Types" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialOverrideTypeDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_GenericMathNode_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_GenericMathNode: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Python Node: Generic Math Node :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials tutorials generic-math-node Tutorial Python Node: Generic Math Node ======================================= .. <description> This is a tutorial node. It is functionally equivalent to the built-in Multiply node, but written in python as a practical demonstration of using extended attributes to write math nodes that work with any numeric types, including arrays and tuples. .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "A (*inputs:a*)", "``['colord[3]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4]', 'frame[4][]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int', 'int64', 'int64[]', 'int[2]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[3]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4]', 'quath[4][]', 'texcoordd[2]', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode', 'timecode[]', 'transform[4]', 'transform[4][]', 'uchar', 'uchar[]', 'uint', 'uint64', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3]', 'vectorh[3][]']``", "First number to multiply", "None" "B (*inputs:b*)", "``['colord[3]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4]', 'frame[4][]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int', 'int64', 'int64[]', 'int[2]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[3]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4]', 'quath[4][]', 'texcoordd[2]', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode', 'timecode[]', 'transform[4]', 'transform[4][]', 'uchar', 'uchar[]', 'uint', 'uint64', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3]', 'vectorh[3][]']``", "Second number to multiply", "None" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "Product (*outputs:product*)", "``['colord[3]', 'colord[3][]', 'colord[4]', 'colord[4][]', 'colorf[3]', 'colorf[3][]', 'colorf[4]', 'colorf[4][]', 'colorh[3]', 'colorh[3][]', 'colorh[4]', 'colorh[4][]', 'double', 'double[2]', 'double[2][]', 'double[3]', 'double[3][]', 'double[4]', 'double[4][]', 'double[]', 'float', 'float[2]', 'float[2][]', 'float[3]', 'float[3][]', 'float[4]', 'float[4][]', 'float[]', 'frame[4]', 'frame[4][]', 'half', 'half[2]', 'half[2][]', 'half[3]', 'half[3][]', 'half[4]', 'half[4][]', 'half[]', 'int', 'int64', 'int64[]', 'int[2]', 'int[2][]', 'int[3]', 'int[3][]', 'int[4]', 'int[4][]', 'int[]', 'matrixd[3]', 'matrixd[3][]', 'matrixd[4]', 'matrixd[4][]', 'normald[3]', 'normald[3][]', 'normalf[3]', 'normalf[3][]', 'normalh[3]', 'normalh[3][]', 'pointd[3]', 'pointd[3][]', 'pointf[3]', 'pointf[3][]', 'pointh[3]', 'pointh[3][]', 'quatd[4]', 'quatd[4][]', 'quatf[4]', 'quatf[4][]', 'quath[4]', 'quath[4][]', 'texcoordd[2]', 'texcoordd[2][]', 'texcoordd[3]', 'texcoordd[3][]', 'texcoordf[2]', 'texcoordf[2][]', 'texcoordf[3]', 'texcoordf[3][]', 'texcoordh[2]', 'texcoordh[2][]', 'texcoordh[3]', 'texcoordh[3][]', 'timecode', 'timecode[]', 'transform[4]', 'transform[4][]', 'uchar', 'uchar[]', 'uint', 'uint64', 'uint64[]', 'uint[]', 'vectord[3]', 'vectord[3][]', 'vectorf[3]', 'vectorf[3][]', 'vectorh[3]', 'vectorh[3][]']``", "Product of the two numbers", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.GenericMathNode" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.GenericMathNode.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "Python" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Python Node: Generic Math Node" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialGenericMathNodeDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_SimpleDataPy_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_SimpleDataPy: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Python Node: Attributes With Simple Data :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials tutorials simple-data-py Tutorial Python Node: Attributes With Simple Data ================================================= .. <description> This is a tutorial node. It creates both an input and output attribute of every simple supported data type. The values are modified in a simple way so that the compute modifies values. It is the same as node omni.graph.tutorials.SimpleData, except it is implemented in Python instead of C++. .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "Simple Boolean Input (*inputs:a_bool*)", "``bool``", "This is an attribute of type boolean", "True" "inputs:a_constant_input", "``int``", "This is an input attribute whose value can be set but can only be connected as a source.", "0" "", "*outputOnly*", "1", "" "inputs:a_double", "``double``", "This is an attribute of type 64 bit floating point", "0" "inputs:a_float", "``float``", "This is an attribute of type 32 bit floating point", "0" "inputs:a_half", "``half``", "This is an attribute of type 16 bit float", "0.0" "inputs:a_int", "``int``", "This is an attribute of type 32 bit integer", "0" "inputs:a_int64", "``int64``", "This is an attribute of type 64 bit integer", "0" "inputs:a_objectId", "``objectId``", "This is an attribute of type objectId", "0" "inputs:a_path", "``path``", "This is an attribute of type path", "" "inputs:a_string", "``string``", "This is an attribute of type string", "helloString" "inputs:a_token", "``token``", "This is an attribute of type interned string with fast comparison and hashing", "helloToken" "inputs:a_uchar", "``uchar``", "This is an attribute of type unsigned 8 bit integer", "0" "inputs:a_uint", "``uint``", "This is an attribute of type unsigned 32 bit integer", "0" "inputs:a_uint64", "``uint64``", "This is an attribute of type unsigned 64 bit integer", "0" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "outputs:a_a_boolUiName", "``string``", "Computed attribute containing the UI name of input a_bool", "None" "outputs:a_bool", "``bool``", "This is a computed attribute of type boolean", "None" "outputs:a_double", "``double``", "This is a computed attribute of type 64 bit floating point", "None" "outputs:a_float", "``float``", "This is a computed attribute of type 32 bit floating point", "None" "outputs:a_half", "``half``", "This is a computed attribute of type 16 bit float", "None" "outputs:a_int", "``int``", "This is a computed attribute of type 32 bit integer", "None" "outputs:a_int64", "``int64``", "This is a computed attribute of type 64 bit integer", "None" "outputs:a_nodeTypeUiName", "``string``", "Computed attribute containing the UI name of this node type", "None" "outputs:a_objectId", "``objectId``", "This is a computed attribute of type objectId", "None" "outputs:a_path", "``path``", "This is a computed attribute of type path", "/Child" "outputs:a_string", "``string``", "This is a computed attribute of type string", "This string is empty" "outputs:a_token", "``token``", "This is a computed attribute of type interned string with fast comparison and hashing", "None" "outputs:a_uchar", "``uchar``", "This is a computed attribute of type unsigned 8 bit integer", "None" "outputs:a_uint", "``uint``", "This is a computed attribute of type unsigned 32 bit integer", "None" "outputs:a_uint64", "``uint64``", "This is a computed attribute of type unsigned 64 bit integer", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.SimpleDataPy" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.SimpleDataPy.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "Python" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Python Node: Attributes With Simple Data" "__iconColor", "#FF00FF00" "__iconBackgroundColor", "#7FFF0000" "__iconBorderColor", "#FF0000FF" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialSimpleDataPyDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_TutorialSIMDFloatAdd_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_TutorialSIMDFloatAdd: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Node: SIMD Add :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials tutorials tutorial-s-i-m-d-float-add Tutorial Node: SIMD Add ======================= .. <description> Add 2 floats together using SIMD instruction set .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "inputs:a", "``float``", "first input operand", "0.0" "inputs:b", "``float``", "second input operand", "0.0" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "outputs:result", "``float``", "the sum of a and b", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.TutorialSIMDFloatAdd" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.TutorialSIMDFloatAdd.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "C++" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Node: SIMD Add" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialSIMDAddDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_Tokens_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_Tokens: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Node: Tokens :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials threadsafe tutorials tokens Tutorial Node: Tokens ===================== .. <description> This is a tutorial node. It exercises the feature of providing hardcoded token values in the database after a node type has been initialized. It sets output booleans to the truth value of whether corresponding inputs appear in the hardcoded token list. .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "inputs:valuesToCheck", "``token[]``", "Array of tokens that are to be checked", "[]" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "outputs:isColor", "``bool[]``", "True values if the corresponding input value appears in the token list", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.Tokens" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.Tokens.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "C++" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Node: Tokens" "__tokens", "[""red"", ""green"", ""blue""]" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialTokensDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_CpuGpuData_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_CpuGpuData: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Node: Attributes With CPU/GPU Data :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials tutorials cpu-gpu-data Tutorial Node: Attributes With CPU/GPU Data =========================================== .. <description> This is a tutorial node. It illustrates how to access data whose memory location, CPU or GPU, is determined at runtime in the compute method. The data types are the same as for the purely CPU and purely GPU tutorials, it is only the access method that changes. The input 'is_gpu' determines where the data of the other attributes can be accessed. .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "inputs:a", "``float``", "First value to be added in algorithm 1", "0.0" "inputs:b", "``float``", "Second value to be added in algorithm 1", "0.0" "inputs:is_gpu", "``bool``", "Runtime switch determining where the data for the other attributes lives.", "False" "inputs:multiplier", "``float[3]``", "Amplitude of the expansion for the input points in algorithm 2", "[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]" "inputs:points", "``float[3][]``", "Points to be moved by algorithm 2", "[]" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "outputs:points", "``float[3][]``", "Final positions of points from algorithm 2", "None" "outputs:sum", "``float``", "Sum of the two inputs from algorithm 1", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.CpuGpuData" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.CpuGpuData.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "C++" "Default Memory Type", "any" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Node: Attributes With CPU/GPU Data" "__memoryType", "any" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialCpuGpuDataDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_ExtendedTypesPy_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_ExtendedTypesPy: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Python Node: Extended Attribute Types :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials tutorials extended-types-py Tutorial Python Node: Extended Attribute Types ============================================== .. <description> This is a tutorial node. It exercises functionality for the manipulation of the extended attribute types. It is identical to OgnTutorialExtendedTypes.ogn, except the language of implementation is selected to be python. .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "Flexible Values (*inputs:flexible*)", "``['float[3][]', 'token']``", "Flexible data type input", "None" "Float Or Token (*inputs:floatOrToken*)", "``['float', 'token']``", "Attribute that can either be a float value or a token value", "None" "To Negate (*inputs:toNegate*)", "``['bool[]', 'float[]']``", "Attribute that can either be an array of booleans or an array of floats", "None" "Tuple Values (*inputs:tuple*)", "``any``", "Variable size/type tuple values", "None" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "Doubled Input Value (*outputs:doubledResult*)", "``any``", "If the input 'floatOrToken' is a float this is 2x the value. If it is a token this contains the input token repeated twice.", "None" "Inverted Flexible Values (*outputs:flexible*)", "``['float[3][]', 'token']``", "Flexible data type output", "None" "Negated Array Values (*outputs:negatedResult*)", "``['bool[]', 'float[]']``", "Result of negating the data from the 'toNegate' input", "None" "Negative Tuple Values (*outputs:tuple*)", "``any``", "Negated values of the tuple input", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.ExtendedTypesPy" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.ExtendedTypesPy.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "Python" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Python Node: Extended Attribute Types" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialExtendedTypesPyDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_StateAttributesPy_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_StateAttributesPy: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Python Node: State Attributes :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials tutorials state-attributes-py Tutorial Python Node: State Attributes ====================================== .. <description> This is a tutorial node. It exercises state attributes to remember data from on evaluation to the next. .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "inputs:ignored", "``bool``", "Ignore me", "False" State ----- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "state:monotonic", "``int``", "The monotonically increasing output value, reset to 0 when the reset value is true", "None" "state:reset", "``bool``", "If true then the inputs are ignored and outputs are set to default values, then this flag is set to false for subsequent evaluations.", "True" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.StateAttributesPy" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.StateAttributesPy.svg" "Has State?", "True" "Implementation Language", "Python" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Python Node: State Attributes" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialStateAttributesPyDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_Defaults_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_Defaults: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Node: Defaults :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials threadsafe tutorials defaults Tutorial Node: Defaults ======================= .. <description> This is a tutorial node. It will move the values of inputs to corresponding outputs. Inputs all have unspecified, and therefore empty, default values. .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "inputs:a_array", "``float[]``", "This is an attribute of type array of floats", "[]" "inputs:a_bool", "``bool``", "This is an attribute of type boolean", "False" "inputs:a_double", "``double``", "This is an attribute of type 64 bit floating point", "0.0" "inputs:a_float", "``float``", "This is an attribute of type 32 bit floating point", "0.0" "inputs:a_half", "``half``", "This is an attribute of type 16 bit floating point", "0.0" "inputs:a_int", "``int``", "This is an attribute of type 32 bit integer", "0" "inputs:a_int2", "``int[2]``", "This is an attribute of type 2-tuple of integers", "[0, 0]" "inputs:a_int64", "``int64``", "This is an attribute of type 64 bit integer", "0" "inputs:a_matrix", "``matrixd[2]``", "This is an attribute of type 2x2 matrix", "[[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]]" "inputs:a_string", "``string``", "This is an attribute of type string", "" "inputs:a_token", "``token``", "This is an attribute of type interned string with fast comparison and hashing", "" "inputs:a_uchar", "``uchar``", "This is an attribute of type unsigned 8 bit integer", "0" "inputs:a_uint", "``uint``", "This is an attribute of type unsigned 32 bit integer", "0" "inputs:a_uint64", "``uint64``", "This is an attribute of type unsigned 64 bit integer", "0" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "outputs:a_array", "``float[]``", "This is a computed attribute of type array of floats", "None" "outputs:a_bool", "``bool``", "This is a computed attribute of type boolean", "None" "outputs:a_double", "``double``", "This is a computed attribute of type 64 bit floating point", "None" "outputs:a_float", "``float``", "This is a computed attribute of type 32 bit floating point", "None" "outputs:a_half", "``half``", "This is a computed attribute of type 16 bit floating point", "None" "outputs:a_int", "``int``", "This is a computed attribute of type 32 bit integer", "None" "outputs:a_int2", "``int[2]``", "This is a computed attribute of type 2-tuple of integers", "None" "outputs:a_int64", "``int64``", "This is a computed attribute of type 64 bit integer", "None" "outputs:a_matrix", "``matrixd[2]``", "This is a computed attribute of type 2x2 matrix", "None" "outputs:a_string", "``string``", "This is a computed attribute of type string", "None" "outputs:a_token", "``token``", "This is a computed attribute of type interned string with fast comparison and hashing", "None" "outputs:a_uchar", "``uchar``", "This is a computed attribute of type unsigned 8 bit integer", "None" "outputs:a_uint", "``uint``", "This is a computed attribute of type unsigned 32 bit integer", "None" "outputs:a_uint64", "``uint64``", "This is a computed attribute of type unsigned 64 bit integer", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.Defaults" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.Defaults.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "C++" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Node: Defaults" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialDefaultsDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_CudaData_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_CudaData: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Node: Attributes With CUDA Data :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials threadsafe tutorials cuda-data Tutorial Node: Attributes With CUDA Data ======================================== .. <description> This is a tutorial node. It performs different functions on the GPU to illustrate different types of data access. The first adds inputs 'a' and 'b' to yield output 'sum', all of which are on the GPU. The second is a sample expansion deformation that multiplies every point on a set of input points, stored on the GPU, by a constant value, stored on the CPU, to yield a set of output points, also on the GPU. The third is an assortment of different data types illustrating how different data is passed to the GPU. This particular node uses CUDA for its GPU computations, as indicated in the memory type value. Normal use case for GPU compute is large amounts of data. For testing purposes this node only handles a very small amount but the principle is the same. .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "inputs:a", "``float``", "First value to be added in algorithm 1", "0.0" "inputs:b", "``float``", "Second value to be added in algorithm 1", "0.0" "inputs:color", "``colord[3]``", "Input with three doubles as a color for algorithm 3", "[1.0, 0.5, 1.0]" "inputs:half", "``half``", "Input of type half for algorithm 3", "1.0" "inputs:matrix", "``matrixd[4]``", "Input with 16 doubles interpreted as a double-precision 4d matrix", "[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]" "inputs:multiplier", "``float[3]``", "Amplitude of the expansion for the input points in algorithm 2", "[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]" "inputs:points", "``float[3][]``", "Points to be moved by algorithm 2", "[]" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "outputs:color", "``colord[3]``", "Output with three doubles as a color for algorithm 3", "None" "outputs:half", "``half``", "Output of type half for algorithm 3", "None" "outputs:matrix", "``matrixd[4]``", "Output with 16 doubles interpreted as a double-precision 4d matrix", "None" "outputs:points", "``float[3][]``", "Final positions of points from algorithm 2", "None" "outputs:sum", "``float``", "Sum of the two inputs from algorithm 1", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.CudaData" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.CudaData.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "C++" "Default Memory Type", "cuda" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Node: Attributes With CUDA Data" "__memoryType", "cuda" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialCudaDataDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_CudaCpuArraysPy_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_CudaCpuArraysPy: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Python Tutorial Node: Attributes With CUDA Array Pointers In Cpu Memory :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials tutorials cuda-cpu-arrays-py Python Tutorial Node: Attributes With CUDA Array Pointers In Cpu Memory ======================================================================= .. <description> This is a tutorial node. It illustrates the alternative method of extracting pointers to GPU array data in which the pointer returned is a CPU pointer and can be dereferenced on the CPU side. Without the cudaPointers value set that pointer would be a GPU pointer to an array of GPU pointers and could only be dereferenced on the device. Both plain attribute and bundle attribute extraction are shown. .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "inputs:multiplier", "``float[3]``", "Amplitude of the expansion for the input points", "[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]" "inputs:points", "``float[3][]``", "Array of points to be moved", "[]" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "outputs:outBundle", "``bundle``", "Bundle containing a copy of the output points", "None" "outputs:points", "``float[3][]``", "Final positions of points", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.CudaCpuArraysPy" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.CudaCpuArraysPy.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "Python" "Default Memory Type", "cuda" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "__memoryType", "cuda" "uiName", "Python Tutorial Node: Attributes With CUDA Array Pointers In Cpu Memory" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialCudaDataCpuPyDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_BundleDataPy_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_BundleDataPy: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Python Node: Bundle Data :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials tutorials bundle-data-py Tutorial Python Node: Bundle Data ================================= .. <description> This is a tutorial node. It exercises functionality for access of data within bundle attributes. The configuration is the same as omni.graph.tutorials.BundleData except that the implementation language is Python .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "Input Bundle (*inputs:bundle*)", "``bundle``", "Bundle whose contents are modified for passing to the output", "None" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "Output Bundle (*outputs:bundle*)", "``bundle``", "This is the bundle with values of known types doubled.", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.BundleDataPy" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.BundleDataPy.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "Python" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Python Node: Bundle Data" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialBundleDataPyDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_RoleData_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_RoleData: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Node: Role-Based Attributes :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials threadsafe tutorials role-data Tutorial Node: Role-Based Attributes ==================================== .. <description> This is a tutorial node. It creates both an input and output attribute of every supported role-based data type. The values are modified in a simple way so that the compute modifies values. .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "inputs:a_color3d", "``colord[3]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a double-precision 3d color", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_color3f", "``colorf[3]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a single-precision 3d color", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_color3h", "``colorh[3]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a half-precision 3d color", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_color4d", "``colord[4]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a double-precision 4d color", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_color4f", "``colorf[4]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a single-precision 4d color", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_color4h", "``colorh[4]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a half-precision 4d color", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_frame", "``frame[4]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a coordinate frame", "[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]" "inputs:a_matrix2d", "``matrixd[2]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a double-precision 2d matrix", "[[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]]" "inputs:a_matrix3d", "``matrixd[3]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a double-precision 3d matrix", "[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]" "inputs:a_matrix4d", "``matrixd[4]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a double-precision 4d matrix", "[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]" "inputs:a_normal3d", "``normald[3]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a double-precision 3d normal", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_normal3f", "``normalf[3]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a single-precision 3d normal", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_normal3h", "``normalh[3]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a half-precision 3d normal", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_point3d", "``pointd[3]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a double-precision 3d point", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_point3f", "``pointf[3]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a single-precision 3d point", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_point3h", "``pointh[3]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a half-precision 3d point", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_quatd", "``quatd[4]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a double-precision 4d quaternion", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_quatf", "``quatf[4]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a single-precision 4d quaternion", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_quath", "``quath[4]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a half-precision 4d quaternion", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_texcoord2d", "``texcoordd[2]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a double-precision 2d texcoord", "[0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_texcoord2f", "``texcoordf[2]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a single-precision 2d texcoord", "[0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_texcoord2h", "``texcoordh[2]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a half-precision 2d texcoord", "[0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_texcoord3d", "``texcoordd[3]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a double-precision 3d texcoord", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_texcoord3f", "``texcoordf[3]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a single-precision 3d texcoord", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_texcoord3h", "``texcoordh[3]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a half-precision 3d texcoord", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_timecode", "``timecode``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a timecode", "1.0" "inputs:a_vector3d", "``vectord[3]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a double-precision 3d vector", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_vector3f", "``vectorf[3]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a single-precision 3d vector", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" "inputs:a_vector3h", "``vectorh[3]``", "This is an attribute interpreted as a half-precision 3d vector", "[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "outputs:a_color3d", "``colord[3]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a double-precision 3d color", "None" "outputs:a_color3f", "``colorf[3]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a single-precision 3d color", "None" "outputs:a_color3h", "``colorh[3]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a half-precision 3d color", "None" "outputs:a_color4d", "``colord[4]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a double-precision 4d color", "None" "outputs:a_color4f", "``colorf[4]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a single-precision 4d color", "None" "outputs:a_color4h", "``colorh[4]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a half-precision 4d color", "None" "outputs:a_frame", "``frame[4]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a coordinate frame", "None" "outputs:a_matrix2d", "``matrixd[2]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a double-precision 2d matrix", "None" "outputs:a_matrix3d", "``matrixd[3]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a double-precision 3d matrix", "None" "outputs:a_matrix4d", "``matrixd[4]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a double-precision 4d matrix", "None" "outputs:a_normal3d", "``normald[3]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a double-precision 3d normal", "None" "outputs:a_normal3f", "``normalf[3]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a single-precision 3d normal", "None" "outputs:a_normal3h", "``normalh[3]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a half-precision 3d normal", "None" "outputs:a_point3d", "``pointd[3]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a double-precision 3d point", "None" "outputs:a_point3f", "``pointf[3]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a single-precision 3d point", "None" "outputs:a_point3h", "``pointh[3]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a half-precision 3d point", "None" "outputs:a_quatd", "``quatd[4]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a double-precision 4d quaternion", "None" "outputs:a_quatf", "``quatf[4]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a single-precision 4d quaternion", "None" "outputs:a_quath", "``quath[4]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a half-precision 4d quaternion", "None" "outputs:a_texcoord2d", "``texcoordd[2]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a double-precision 2d texcoord", "None" "outputs:a_texcoord2f", "``texcoordf[2]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a single-precision 2d texcoord", "None" "outputs:a_texcoord2h", "``texcoordh[2]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a half-precision 2d texcoord", "None" "outputs:a_texcoord3d", "``texcoordd[3]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a double-precision 3d texcoord", "None" "outputs:a_texcoord3f", "``texcoordf[3]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a single-precision 3d texcoord", "None" "outputs:a_texcoord3h", "``texcoordh[3]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a half-precision 3d texcoord", "None" "outputs:a_timecode", "``timecode``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a timecode", "None" "outputs:a_vector3d", "``vectord[3]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a double-precision 3d vector", "None" "outputs:a_vector3f", "``vectorf[3]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a single-precision 3d vector", "None" "outputs:a_vector3h", "``vectorh[3]``", "This is a computed attribute interpreted as a half-precision 3d vector", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.RoleData" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.RoleData.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "C++" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Node: Role-Based Attributes" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialRoleDataDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_DynamicAttributes_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_DynamicAttributes: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Node: Dynamic Attributes :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials threadsafe tutorials dynamic-attributes Tutorial Node: Dynamic Attributes ================================= .. <description> This is a C++ node that exercises the ability to add and remove database attribute accessors for dynamic attributes. When the dynamic attribute is added the property will exist and be able to get/set the attribute values. When it does not the property will not exist. The dynamic attribute names are found in the tokens below. If neither exist then the input value is copied to the output directly. If 'firstBit' exists then the 'firstBit'th bit of the input is x-ored for the copy. If 'secondBit' exists then the 'secondBit'th bit of the input is x-ored for the copy. (Recall bitwise match xor(0,0)=0, xor(0,1)=1, xor(1,0)=1, and xor(1,1)=0.) For example, if 'firstBit' is present and set to 1 then the bitmask will be b0010, where bit 1 is set. If the input is 7, or b0111, then the xor operation will flip bit 1, yielding b0101, or 5 as the result. If on the next run 'secondBit' is also present and set to 2 then its bitmask will be b0100, where bit 2 is set. The input of 7 (b0111) flips bit 1 because firstBit=1 and flips bit 2 because secondBit=2, yielding a final result of 1 (b0001). .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "inputs:value", "``uint``", "Original value to be modified.", "0" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "outputs:result", "``uint``", "Modified value", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.DynamicAttributes" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.DynamicAttributes.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "C++" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Node: Dynamic Attributes" "__tokens", "{""firstBit"": ""inputs:firstBit"", ""secondBit"": ""inputs:secondBit"", ""invert"": ""inputs:invert""}" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialDynamicAttributesDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_TutorialVectorizedABIPassThrough_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_TutorialVectorizedABIPassThrough: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Node: Vectorized Passthrough via ABI :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials tutorials tutorial-vectorized-a-b-i-pass-through Tutorial Node: Vectorized Passthrough via ABI ============================================= .. <description> Simple passthrough node that copy its input to its output in a vectorized way .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "inputs:value", "``float``", "input value", "0.0" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "outputs:value", "``float``", "output value", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.TutorialVectorizedABIPassThrough" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.TutorialVectorizedABIPassThrough.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "C++" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Node: Vectorized Passthrough via ABI" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialVectorizedABIPassthroughDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_TutorialVectorizedPassThrough_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_TutorialVectorizedPassThrough: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Node: Vectorized Passthrough :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials tutorials tutorial-vectorized-pass-through Tutorial Node: Vectorized Passthrough ===================================== .. <description> Simple passthrough node that copy its input to its output in a vectorized way .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "inputs:value", "``float``", "input value", "0.0" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "outputs:value", "``float``", "output value", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.TutorialVectorizedPassThrough" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.TutorialVectorizedPassThrough.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "C++" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Node: Vectorized Passthrough" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialVectorizedPassthroughDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"
.. _omni_graph_tutorials_ComplexDataPy_1: .. _omni_graph_tutorials_ComplexDataPy: .. ================================================================================ .. THIS PAGE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT. .. ================================================================================ :orphan: .. meta:: :title: Tutorial Python Node: Attributes With Arrays of Tuples :keywords: lang-en omnigraph node tutorials tutorials complex-data-py Tutorial Python Node: Attributes With Arrays of Tuples ====================================================== .. <description> This is a tutorial node written in Python. It will compute the point3f array by multiplying each element of the float array by the three element vector in the multiplier. .. </description> Installation ------------ To use this node enable :ref:`omni.graph.tutorials<ext_omni_graph_tutorials>` in the Extension Manager. Inputs ------ .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "inputs:a_inputArray", "``float[]``", "Input array", "[]" "inputs:a_vectorMultiplier", "``float[3]``", "Vector multiplier", "[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]" Outputs ------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Type", "Descripton", "Default" :widths: 20, 20, 50, 10 "outputs:a_productArray", "``pointf[3][]``", "Output array", "[]" "outputs:a_tokenArray", "``token[]``", "String representations of the input array", "None" Metadata -------- .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Value" :widths: 30,70 "Unique ID", "omni.graph.tutorials.ComplexDataPy" "Version", "1" "Extension", "omni.graph.tutorials" "Icon", "ogn/icons/omni.graph.tutorials.ComplexDataPy.svg" "Has State?", "False" "Implementation Language", "Python" "Default Memory Type", "cpu" "Generated Code Exclusions", "None" "uiName", "Tutorial Python Node: Attributes With Arrays of Tuples" "Categories", "tutorials" "Generated Class Name", "OgnTutorialComplexDataPyDatabase" "Python Module", "omni.graph.tutorials"