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In 2021 [USER] will crush the competition to become People Magazine's "sexiest nazi alive" Edit: obligatory #nohomo
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I had a great uncle who fled on horseback from the Federales dressed as a woman. They shot his leg, took him in, tortured him for a month, put him in a rucksack, & tossed over a bridge into a river. He survived lol.
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Every real woman should pull out in protest. The real men should support them and refuse to run too.
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Yeah I'm going to try fuck it what do I have to lose? How should I start? Should I start with a compliment?
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"Earn" women lol. Just buy hookers pls.
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It's a 4chan post it probably 404'd
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I love how #MAGA is uniting all the people the dems have abused and pushed aside [USER]
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"Look at her eyes staring back at you. What you see is a literal thousand cock stare. Vacant and deranged the same look a soldier has when he's seen too much blood and death." - [USER] [URL]
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Ants herd aphids!
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Can I call you a dumb fuck for giving money to people that by proxy support authoritarian practices? Because if you do you are a dumb fuck.
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Damn you beat me to it. Clearly she has never watch My Fair Lady.
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I guess him and Dan "If she's old enough to bleed, no longer on my dick she'll feed" Schneider go along well together.
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I don't know how to *act disinterested* with a girl I find attractive.
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Hmm, funny. It doesn't say anything in there about beating, confining, verbally abusing or otherwise mistreating women. Maybe Hitler wouldn't have supported white shariah after all?
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London is such a difficult city to talk to women in
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It's not really gaslighting, the fags who say this actually believe it. They never get approached or asked out by women so they just assume it's that way for everyone. It doesn't occur to them that it's just because women don't like them that much.
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Listen up Romeo.....try this .....FB, girls love SC and if she's foreign on line chess. I would include 6.....safety in numbers.
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Oh, good, I saw that idiot but didn't scroll down far enough to see Kantbot taking him to task.
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[USER] Immigrant sexually assaulted / beat several women. NO JAIL !!! [URL]
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How the fuck is that an answer though? If both OP and his friend are 5"11 you haven't identified any answer to the original question as to why OP has no gf but incel-friend does. Ugh.
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You seem to be incapable of knowing what words mean. How can he be an incel if he had a girlfriend ?
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Had a girl like this a week ago, it is so damn retarded.
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I challenge anyone to dare suggest these underage girls were not White. Who wants to bet that they absolutely were White? Anyone? I also challenge anyone to show me a similar story with the perpetrator being White, and the girls Niggers.
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Lauren Southern is a man...
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German women resort to modern chastity-belts against Muslim rapists [URL] #German #Germany #Muslims #Africans #Rape #crime #Sharia #ShariaLaw #Terrorists #Terrorism #Refugees #migrants #Mosque
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Their fat and psychopathic wives would thrash them........ within inches of their lives !!!!
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The answer to this is shockingly simple. Stop talking to strange women you don't know in the hopes of fucking them. BOOM. Problem solved. And women all over the world will thank you.
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agreed! that is beautiful 😍 and a girl's gotta have the right shoes for the Sparkle Lounge πŸ€—βœ¨πŸ’•πŸ’Ž
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When is it going to be "times up" for nigger on kid/white women rape?
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Owning gun and ammunitions at home is not reasonable either. You thinking that's not reasonable isn't reasonable. Fucking dumbass.
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while she loathes in self-pity, Scaramcci THE MOOCH will be with US DRAINING THE SWAMP or should I say DRAINING THE SEWER! #MAGA
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why would an ugly girl settle for an ugly guy
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My Mother-in-law, God rest her soul, said getting old was not for the faint of heart! She was right!
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yep them ppl are sick..... a full-day kindergarten program?? how about night time too?? why not keep them till their 40?? and PROGRAM them in to little DUMB ANTIAMERICAN BOTS
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So was Gal Gadot but she didn't get this much hate did she?
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Yeah, because being aloof and indifferent towards women makes them dislike you, right? I've tried this with women I've worked with and [SPOILER ALERT] they just became attracted to me.
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Australian women tell Muslim Imam to shut up "We are not your slaves" #australia #islam #auspol #aupol #ausfam #nothingtodowithislam #sharia #anglosphere [URL]
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I know there was a childish fight in this apartment as blissey has a bunch of switch and Odyssey on order for the mons and her because tormenting her trainer is her after work hobby
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I have no problems getting physical quickly when meeting a girl for the first time, this is more for girls that I want to see more than once. They tend to tell me this on the 2nd or 3rd meeting.
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food for thought is that elon probably chaded-up for business purposes because his goofy-looking ass would be taken less seriously (by other men) otherwise. looking good earns you respect from both men and women.
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Guy has be groping Ohio women since the '80s: [URL] He really NEEDS a new hobby.
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Ultimate guide to texting please! I'm a 8/10 guy and i get a lot of girls number but i can never text them and set up a date. Please help me.
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Vote Johnson 2016! If you're fucking retarded that is. [URL] #SpeakFreely #MAGA #GabFam
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I don't remember having read that thing about Islam ever. But I do know that Muhammad said that Hell will be mostly composed of women.
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Exactly! They just assume because they are women in sex work. People actually believe they are "concerned citizens". They are just targeting a certain demographic for shits and giggles.
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I don't have a sister, faggot!
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LMFAO, she's a fucking retard.
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You should check out this article called The [I'll Help You Method]([URL] All about picking up women at work, without ever really asking them out.
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You better know what she likes or doesn't because if she's not into, say, Turkish food, you're fucked. Nah, she is the one that's fucked. If go to a restaurant she either eating, or setting there.
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Protecting and serving: cops use "mad rescue roping skills" to rescue a bunch of women stuck in a gigantic unicorn float [URL] [URL]
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Are there a lot of homeless people over that way? I was in Leeds last week and my jaw hit the floor on seeing the amount of them. Literally every doorway in the centre had people sleeping in it. All of them Brits, sadly.
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Had to check out this post. LMAO. Vibrations of a car huh? Hell, if it's that good, I'm going to have to move my wife boinking to the car and out of the bedroom. "Hey honey, tonight, muffler or no muffler!"
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Don't make dumb/desperate/needy/immature jokes like "is this ur first time" n ull do great. Just be real not nervous Snap her saying u liked last night.
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I understand. We will purge hidden eurofag scum from Holy City of Miami, burn down their illegal particle accelerator labs stretching underneath the capital!
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your mama took a shit and you came out, what it has to do with the rest of us is beyond my knowledge. Weird flex but okay
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Clearly the last one on the right is a turn off. You have to realize that you have to pay for the make up shit for getting more shit by her.
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are you comparing male and female newborn or brains? or are you comparing adult brains? Brain development could certainly be driven by experiences and necessity(basically, adapting to whatever conditions it needs to).
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Garbage bags belong in landfills. WITH their contents. FUCK ISLAM.
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Silly. And Ignorant of History, too. [URL] These are the most true-to-the original scriptures Jews on the planet. For example: They do allow Chicken in cream sauce. Chickens don't suckle. So it could never be it's "mother's milk."
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Imagine being so excited about the possibility women's standards may be lowered enough to that you might actually have a chance of sleeping with them. Real quality specimen here.
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So true on the weird...my sister was the pickle juice thief. Poor little pickles just drying up in that jar....
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Why did she say, "thank God." ? Lol you're one relieved. Good on you man: don't break your word or balls for anyone
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I'm an Incel too. I'd pay for sex and affection if I had the money. Gotta cope somehow.
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My old mentor, Eddie the Plumber used to say, "Slap a dick in her mouth! That'll shut her up!!".
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I never said that any man dating an Asian woman is an Asian fetishist. I'm talking specifically about men that fetishize Asian women. Dating an Asian woman doesn't necessarily mean fetishizing.
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If she needs professional help, she should get professional help. You're not married to her. It's unfair for her to depend on your paycheck, and then hold you ransom with her suicidal ideations.
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All I noticed was the pistol and her excellent skin tone
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Elon Musk is a gay pervert who would kill his grandma to be liked by 10 more people. His needyness is pathetic. I sincerely hope he dies of cancer. #tesla
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Single women have never been taxed via bachelor taxes lol
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i see, well i know of NO one that believe her BS story hell her lawyer don't even believe her :) !!
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But then women would have to start pumping out children again. After all, they're importing people due to the birth rate.
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i say go for the motorhome, just have superior game. you're still pretty young, good for young chicks who don't expect you to have anything better!
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What's she done wrong exactly? It's what I want to do every time they turn up at my door too. [URL]
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And there is no reason these people pushing this can't be out there getting women pregnant. So what's there excuse? - Could it be the support factor? - Being charged with rape. Being put in jail, etc. Due to the court system, etc... Lol
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If you have gyno and you do steroids then it will just look terrible you fucking retard you dont know what youre talking about you dumbass, god i want to kill you right now so bad.
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They've GOT to be fucking kidding, right...??? [URL]
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A New Meaning to "Fresh Blood" -- Marina Abramovic is 69, take a look at her picture and see if you think she looks that old #PizzaGate #SpiritCooking #DrainTheSwamp [URL]
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Jts not the girls fault you didn't get a pretzel its your fault for being so impatient you fucktard
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assume you're either a closet gay or extremely socially inept to the point you could never initiate and cope with a relationship. I'm ok with that. I assume they are miserable.
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I don't understand what I have to do with women in computer science, but whatever.
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Now this is a woman who gets it. πŸ‘†
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tldr: OP wants a quality relationship, not a pump n dump, respect his opinions as his own cuz he ain't you. Also you insinuate it's a mans right to have sex whether girls want it or not. Fun fact that's called 🌈⭐ *rApE* ⭐🌈
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The faces, most traneis don't pass.
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Aren't princesses supposed to be virginal or something?
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Incel here. Tons of female friends too
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Hopefully he and his daughter are taken alive.
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I think both, but for me, pickup lead to confidence (i.e. when i started to get girls, I got much more confident, and that in turn got me more girls)
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thank you, kimberly. i'm also lucky to have such a caring vet & staff who all love their patients as much as their own pets. they were comforting and assuring, in that i had made the right decision for Topie...i still miss her, tho'.
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[USER] is a freak. Weird how he/she sees things! You need medication, friend
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happy mother's day.
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Maybe itll hit those caravan nut jobs and save our taxpayers some money. #MAGA #WishfulThinking [URL]
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roll the dice, she's cute
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"A mother who sent photographs and video of her two naked daughters to their dance teacher has told an inquiry that she feared he would destroy their dancing prospects." But destroying their lives was alright? No one is this stupid. Never happened.
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You girls were great! Sorry for stalking, but I wrote some words for you, Tara and Rebecka on the comment section below on today's show. I'm on minds if you want to check it out. Lots of conservatives there : ) [URL]
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Funny ex-muslim reads 'The People vs Muhammad' and ridicules Islam [URL]
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"Okcupid isn't real life!!" 🀠🀠🀠 I'm not black you stupid fuck. I'm just better at reading statistics than you. There are others beyond that which also support my point.
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ever heard of the term poaching? this fucker is trying to poach Gab accounts to their shitty site
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"Oh fuck off with that libertarian bullshit. Taxes are the price of civilisation. If you think everything can be run "user pays" you are a moron." [URL]
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If you have a PENIS, you pee in the boys room, a VAGINA you go in the girls room - or just pee down your leg, idiot.
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This kind of crap is going on all over. I had a Muslim immigrant delivery guy / installer who ended up watching me install a dishwasher.
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