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#Hillary Clinton and her #Democrats keeps YOU ignorant. #marchforourlives
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Game over,my wife is forcing me to get off the net.Time to change and party hearty downtown for dinner and club tour...
not sexist
Exactly. You opened something better, close that shit and forget the HB7 tease.
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id beat the piss out of anyone assaulting her. smh.
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Can I take her home and give her lots of head pats?
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That's the point you took away from his comment? Also he means the impulse to rape and murder. He says he can do that to the bot, which implies that he thinks his inability to do it to real women is bad.
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Dude all your replies on askseddit are cliche butthurt men/wannabe-pua. If you got nothing constructive don't type anything. Obviously I do like her if I wanna FWB but I don't want a relationship with her again. Stick to the subject macho-boy.
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You don't. It's your mans job to start ignoring her.
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Lol so progressive of them to force digital women to drink cum and be sex slaves
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Andrew Neil totally decimated her on the show for that though. It was a delight to watch 😊
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Look at her eyebrows. Or inbetween her eyes at the bridge of her nose.
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Can you count any hijab's in that photo???
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Do you have any studies? it seems like all you're going off on is experiences as well? "I see high n women all the time"
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I like when big girls feel good about themselves. You know the trash they get fed .. SOMETIMES ain't a very good intro to perfect balance and .. it's like ergonomics I dont assume theyre aware of such things.
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Cool sentence you wrote, I asked in the post for people's experience, not some red pill literotica. Do women do this for you?
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one crazy thing is you wont see white guys complaining about women dating asians XD
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I don't blame her I was looking at her feet the whole time too and women when they expose their skin
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What a complete and utter disgrace and slap in the face to all the dead heros from centuries of wars, including WW1 & WW2. [URL] #BritFam
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Yeah? Be sure to use that excuse when a nigger tries to rape your woman.
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Lol tru jfl
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Any girl that won't leave you without a second thought for cheating on her isn't a girl worth being with, in my opinion. You seem like a scum bag.
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I feel so, so terrible for any little girls that are the unfortunate children of these people. They are going to grow up so hurt.
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so if your wife pops out a niglet and neither of you are black, you're STILL responsible for the mutt?
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My philosophy is live and let live. She was wrong but that doesn't mean I have to treat her like an asshole. But I've made my point...
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He married her at the end of his life she was 40 years younger
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Neither of you are getting anything out of the current interactions. Stop responding and stop giving a fuck.
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Wishful thinking. She knows were the bodies are buried. Everyone know if she is indicted she will give up everyone else for plea deal. Not even a parking ticket. Sad she should hang
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Why is it that men will simultaneously look down on both emotional/feminine/flighty/traditional women AND rational/modern/independent women? It's almost like you hate all women...
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This is hilarious. The worst part is, retarded clowns like these get news time. Where is the meteor when you want it!?
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Orlando shooter's wife charged with aiding ISIS [URL]
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It's all about money and political power, they are untouchable.
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Sending you positive vibes hope you and her are well. 90's - 2000 rnb songs are bops.
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You'd think her (ahem) "comedy" would kill her too....
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I wonder why this story isn't getting more play. Because the African savage called the homo a fag? Because the girl he punched is white? Because the African savage acts like a barbarian? TMZ is all over it, though. [URL]
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Don't use sarcasam while texting, I love doing it and most chicks don't get it. :)
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It's ok for tay to be white but it's not ok for her to be narccistic vain shallow and untalented
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I can't wait for sex robots. Hopefully it will start to cut down rape and these disgusting men will retreat to their homes with their robots and we never, ever have to put up with their leering and staring anymore!
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Meh she's bored and wants to be entertained. You can engage and try out new wierd lines if you feel like it, not like you'll get her into bed.
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If you do ANYTHING at all for women you are a cuck.
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Sorry, islam-reformers--islam can NEVER be reformed, only destroyed. If a muslim calls him/herself a muslim then that is what they are: a muslim, and all muslims believe in and follow the koran. **** [URL]
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Lol that obese woman holding the black girl in her arms lmfaoo
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Appreciate everyone's advice and general positive vibes. I'm going to ask. I went today but she wasn't working. Will update, hopefully with good news haha.
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I'm old school, but obviously Maxi here envies that socialist system with her words and manner. besides, do you really think she knows they are a Federation now? what with them attacking Korea and allπŸ™„
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What got me is when the wife said he was here to get her friend's ass in which the husband replied "why not". Pure IDGAF attitude right there.
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[USER] Hot girls under the age of 30 will form a pack to bang a guy. Reverse gangbangs aren't just for porn anymore.
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It's already happening, there's a boom of single Chinese, Japanese, and Korean men, which caused an increase of foreign marriages with South East Asian women. And now there's an increasing population of migrant wives in East Asian countries.
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With a name like "Shep" or "Sheppard" he was marked as a liberal from birth. Why FOX NEWS has this confused little girl on there is nuts. Don't watch this spy at all.
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You can see it in the pic, but they let a opossum into tye pride yesterday and he's scurring around trying to convince the lionesses that jackels deserve lion-rights
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I tried to start her off on the most normie friendly album I could think of: DSotM.
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[USER] "What women think" no longer autocompletes. "What men think" only autocompletes to "what men think about women". Google confirmed blue pill cucks again.
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Guaranteed she chimped after being denied use of her expired coupon.
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[URL] GERMANY You deserve so much worse , your Muslim diversity will destroy your stupid ass
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I really don't believe that's a narcissistic trait alone. Believe "some men" do not like being questioned or corrected especially by females.
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Harvey Weinstein rape accuser Rose McGowan says 'Hollywood operates like a cult' as she appears at Hay Festival [URL]
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cross dressing as an ugly girl
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If anything was to symbolize islam it's head in the sand, ass in the air for a butt-rape in mass.. ?? Can you ask for a more fitting prayer position haha
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Lol, as if everyone on earth is a cuck. People get laid and you dont, deal with it. Calling them cucks wont fix your life. Theyre not even cucks, thats the funny thing. Thats just a fetish very few people got, not everybody who has sex.
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The shame of Britain and it's appeasement of Muslim rape gangs - Sarah, a white English girl,was raped by her new husband within minutes of marriage,forced to wear a hijab to hide the bruising where she had been beaten. [URL]
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More than 120 women who say they were sexually abused by Larry Nassar are demanding the ouster of MSU's interim president. [URL]
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And the good for nothing RINOs just sit there! Call them!
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JFL if you still think women are "complicated"
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Everybody knows Stacy's mom is Jessie's girl!
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she's never gone out with a hot cute guy. she swipes for mutual interests
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you're a failure and your grandmother hates you for allowing Muslims to take over her country and happily rape her grand daughters
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they are looksmatch but even 2/10 women want atleast a high tier normie, so this is still rare to see
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Well I am convinced. I shall stop being a xenophobic racist right now. Come on in, destroy my country and murder-fuck my wife and kids. Thanks for showing me the light BBC! Or maybe answer 'B'...
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Faith Goldy: I love jews and fuck black minors Alt-right: *silence* Faith: I just got fired by the jew! wtf I love #TradLife now Alt-right: PRAISE KEK WE JUST FOUND OUR NEW QUEEN! Fucking faggots.
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She didn't say it as a joke, she said it when she got mad at me for saying "no" to marrying her
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Ill back that up with: >Don't. It isn't worth it. Keep your friend, don't cause bad blood. Especially since it isn't likely anything would happen. That is all that needs to be said. If anything, use her to hit on her friends..
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[USER] This is all I'm talking about. Fuck James Fields and Jason Kessler and all the tiki torch dumbfucks.
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LOL, my name was supposed to be Lori Lynn, all the pink was in place.... my dad said her first words were "another damn boy" I'm number 5 out of 5 boys
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Mecha-Hitler powered by mega-rape, piloted by kavanaugh on a mission to crush the urbanite cat lady forces and bring them under white sharia!
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Ask her if she's single. Simple. Or don't ask at all. Who cares?
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Kick her out.
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The tactics of the #TRUEENEMY is to bring hate and war between nations and races ..... by mixing and then exploiting them [URL] Jimmy Cliff - I Can See Clearly Now
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What I am desperately hoping to see very soon is the Cherokee Nation suing Elizabeth Warren for falsely claiming to be a member of the tribe.
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[URL] women's subreddit /comments/5xmdkz/my_boyfriend_broke_up_with_me_because_i_was_raped/
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[USER] really hope this pans out, both my sister and bil died of deadly brain cancers.
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Don't eliminate yourself just because you don't have a car or an apartment. Find you a chick who is down to bang you in her car in the parking lot or some shit haha. When girls wanna bang they'll bang anywhere.
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Also it's not "white nighting" to go try to talk to you negative dickwads and give some outlet for the genuinely lonely folks someone to talk to. I didn't go on some social justice trip, however I was disgusted by the comments towards women.
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I thought that Israel's main claim to the land was that they were not new inhabitants, but were, in fact, repossessing their very ancient country.
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looked at the profile pic. didn't read
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When the crowd at President Trump's Friday night campaign rally broke into chants of "lock her up!" [URL] VIDEO
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What URGENCY? Galloway tears into muz fanatic [USER] as London murder rate overtakes New York: [URL]
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plenty of straight girls as well as gay men will fuck trans dudes, as will bi/pan people. being trans for one isnt really voluntary and secondly it isnt a feature that will stop all people from wanting to fuck you.
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those who echo her are actually chanting a call to war - they really dont want that
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wait, so I'm entitled to force society to ignore women and accept the blackpill bc everyone is entitled to whatever gay crap?
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Did I miss something? Isnt milf and mom higher than teen? Or is that a different image from the comment?
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I'm skeert of her!
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Is the a woman or a man
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When your wife returns after spending the night with her cuckold, do you like discuss all the details with her?
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If there were still white men around like there used to be, the black coach would have received proper punishment. No involvement of the court system necessary. Why were these girls allowed to have a black male coach them in cheerleading anyway?
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That's some rare shit right there my boy. Go for it and cherish it
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πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚I've walked in to find my German Shepherd with her nose in my cup!! And yes she has grabbed cups with brims on them to sneak away and drink by herself!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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From what ive read the commie jews let russian mongols rampage through Germany raping and killing women.
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Sounds good to me man. I got to bang a few hotties. By all means let the hot girls settle on me. Also considering you are a self-identified incel, something tells me this comment is coming from a place of envy.
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Thank you Richard and a good morning to you. A world filled with ladies like Dorcas would be a wonderful place to live. PGIF! Hope you have a blessed Friday!
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ya she was fun to sodomize for sure
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Farm attack, woman stabbed in hand with screwdriver, Mooiplaats #WhiteGenocide #SaveTheBoer #Farmlands [URL]
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Yeah too true, that's why doing pua regularly is a pain in the ass, it's a lot of work and you can get crazy people who stalk you. I do it very rarely now, usually only when on holiday as people won't know you.
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