356 values
356 values
146 values
* If all countries prohibited security assistance to parties that commit grave violations against children, violators would have a strong incentive to change their behaviour. Finally, individuals need to be held accountable for violations against children. Until the late 1990s, it was virtually unheard of for authorities to prosecute or punish individuals responsible for child recruitment or other violations against children in armed conflict.
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Some governments now discipline or prosecute individuals for child recruitment or sexual violence against children. The International Criminal Court and Special Court for Sierra Leone have convicted high‑profile individuals, such as the Congolese warlord Thomas Lubanga and former Liberian president Charles Taylor, for the recruitment and use of child soldiers.
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Yet accountability efforts are often still too weak or too few to ensure effective compliance with international law, and rarely focus on the senior commanders most responsible. There is no magic formula to end all violations against children in war.
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But as described above, three strategic interventions can make a big difference: • securing concrete commitments by warring parties to end violations against children, including the use of the most harmful weapons in populated areas • applying strict conditions on security assistance • stepping up efforts to hold individual perpetrators accountable.
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By Jo Becker, Child Rights Advocacy Director, Human Rights Watch * Human Rights Watch (2013) ‘Unbroken Violence in Congo: A brutal militia has surrendered in Congo – but is the wartorn country any safer?’ (webpage) https://www.hrw.org/news/2013/11/25/unbroken-violence-congo 8 STOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN: KILLED AND MAIMED THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 CRISIS ON CHILDREN IN CONFLICT While leaders, policymakers, practitioners and armed actors themselves must not lose sight of the progress – and sometimes lack of it – of recent decades, in this specific moment it is hard to look much further than the impact of COVID-19 on children in armed conflict.
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While the numbers of grave violations discussed in this report relate to 2019 and pre-date COVID-19, it is essential to situate a collective response to violations of children’s rights in conflict in the context of the pandemic.
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While as a direct health concern COVID-19 may not affect children to the extent it does adults, the reverberating effects – including loss of life within households, economic shocks, access to services, movement restrictions, and political and financial reprioritisation from donors and governments – have significant implications.
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For example, a recent Save the Children global study found that in nearly a fifth of households that lost most or all of their income as a result of the pandemic, violence against children was reported.9 In July, the UN Secretary-General warned that COVID-19 was quickly becoming a protection crisis.10 There has been a simultaneous rise in risks to children everywhere – not just in conflict – and a limiting effect on the response systems in place to protect and support them.11 Equally, more violence was reported in households where children were not in school – with 17% of households reporting some violence where children were not attending any education compared with 8% where schools were open.12 Reduced access to services – particularly education – is arguably the most widespread and concerning effect of COVID‑19 for children.
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As a result of lockdowns, limits on movements, repurposing of education facilities and the economic impact of COVID-19, Save the Children estimates as many as 10 million children may never go back to school. This will disproportionately affect girls and those already in crises.13 COVID-19 has also exacerbated food insecurity – both in its impact on income and on food systems more broadly. This is especially the case for countries affected by armed conflict.
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Currently four countries face the prospect of famine – Nigeria, Yemen, South Sudan and DRC. Globally 6.7 million more children than otherwise anticipated could experience wasting by the end of 2020.14 While some of these effects are universal, COVID‑19 has had a unique impact on children in conflict.
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Out of 26 Protection Clusters,15 21 reported escalating conflict or political instability since the outbreak of the pandemic.16 This includes a 30% increase in targeting of civilians by state forces and a marked rise in violent activity by non-state armed actors, including a 70% increase in East and West Africa, most particularly DRC, Burkina Faso and South Sudan.17 Protection Clusters are also reporting an 11% increase in gang and mob violence across multiple countries since the start of the pandemic.
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Children are particular victims of increasing violence and instability, with 17 Protection Clusters reporting an increase in forced labour, with recruitment and use of children by armed groups particularly marked in Mali, Afghanistan and Colombia.18 Beyond the impact on the health, safety and wellbeing of the 426 million children living in conflict- affected countries, the pandemic could also have a significant impact on the ability of those monitoring and reporting grave violations to scrutinise parties to conflict.
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While the extent of this is not yet known, its importance is clear. In March 2020, the UN Secretary- General called for a global ceasefire in response to the pandemic.19 Despite this, from the 14 ceasefire initiatives that were started following the Secretary- General’s call, only five ceasefires were agreed – and two of these were breached within weeks.20 And over the course of 2020, in some of the worst-affected conflict zones, the number of violent incidents is known to have increased.
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It is therefore essential that monitoring and reporting are supported, protected and enabled. STOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN: KILLED AND MAIMED 9 In peaceful, stable and resourceful societies, children are surrounded by protection mechanisms. Families have the opportunity to protect their children from harm, communities respect children’s rights and the wider society limits the dangers children are exposed to.
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In this scenario, illustrated in the diagram opposite, serious threats to children’s rights and wellbeing are, for the most part, not able to penetrate the protective circles surrounding children. In situations of conflict, growing humanitarian needs, displacement and insecurity weaken the shields surrounding and protecting children. At the same time, threats increase.
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At the same time, threats increase. The COVID-19 crisis further stretches protection mechanisms, with families, communities and societies weakened, while the threats to children have become stronger. This trend is particularly prominent in high-intensity conflict and where humanitarian needs are increasing.
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HOW CONFLICT AFFECTS CHILDREN’S PROTECTION FROM HARM 21 10 STOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN: KILLED AND MAIMED GRAVE VIOLATIONS AGAINST CHILDREN While acknowledging the huge impact of COVID‑19 in 2020, international attention must also focus on the deteriorating situation regarding grave violations against children in conflict – as reflected in the reporting for 2019.
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Yet again, the number of UN verified violations22 reached a new high at 26,233 – up from the previous record total of 25,451 in 2018.23 Since 2010, the total number of violations is more than 200,000. Each of those violations represents a failure to uphold the laws, norms and standards that exist to protect children. Repeated violations and the impunity of those responsible constitute greater failures still.
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Worryingly, while some of the increase is a result of better reporting, the verified cases are still likely only the tip of the iceberg. In 2019, incidences of two out of the six violations increased from 2018 – the recruitment and use of children, and denial of humanitarian access. There were slight decreases in verified incidents of sexual violence, abduction, and attacks on schools and hospitals. The sharpest decline from the year before was in killing and maiming.
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Nevertheless, at 10,294 reported incidents, it remains appallingly high. The highest number of violations overall were verified in the occupied Palestinian territory, Yemen, DRC, Somalia and Afghanistan. In addition to the total number of violations since 2010 exceeding 200,000, 2019 saw another dismal milestone. Between 2005 and 2019, more than 100,000 children were killed or maimed. Over the decade from 2010 to 2019, the total was 93,236.
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That represents 25 children killed or maimed every day for 10 years. In 2017, Save the Children analysed the available data for civilian harm in five of the deadliest conflicts for children.
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We found that approximately a quarter of child casualties were the result of explosive weapons.24 According to the UN Secretary-General’s 2020 annual report on children and armed conflict, a third of all incidents of killing and maiming were the result of explosive weapons, with the use of these weapons especially prominent in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen.
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Further, according to open source reporting, 90% of people killed in populated areas by explosive weapons from 2011–19 were civilians.25 Abdul, Afghanistan Abdul, age nine, witnessed his mother and sister get injured when their family home in Afghanistan’s Faryab province was caught in crossfire between government forces and insurgents. The family was displaced and settled in Mazar-e Sharif. Abdul has to join his father when he finds work, or work with wool at his family home. He doesn’t go to school.
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He doesn’t go to school. PHOTO: JIM HUYLEBROEK/ SAVE THE CHILDREN STOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN: KILLED AND MAIMED 11 WHY THE UN’S LIST OF SHAME WORKS The UN Secretary-General has presented an annual report on the situation of children affected by armed conflict to the UN General Assembly since 1998 and to the Security Council since 2000. The main purpose of the report has been to draw the attention of UN Member States to grave violations against children and the perpetrators.
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With its Resolution 1379 and subsequent resolutions on children and armed conflict, the Security Council mandated the Secretary-General to include in his annual reports a list of warring parties that have committed grave violations against children. This has become known as the list of shame. Not surprisingly, most parties to conflict – especially government forces – do not want to be included on the list, and it has served as a powerful tool for protecting children in armed conflict.
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It provides a key first step towards accountability by clearly identifying those parties responsible for committing grave violations. The mechanism also serves as a foundation for the UN to dialogue with warring parties, secure concrete commitments to end and prevent violations through the signing of action plans, and create positive, tangible changes for children in the throes of war.
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The mechanism derives its power to influence change from the premise that the listings be grounded on evidence collected and rigorously verified by the UN’s Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism (MRM), and that the same criteria for listing and de-listing be applied evenly to all perpetrators – whether they are government forces, non-state armed groups, international coalition forces or even peacekeepers – across all country situations.
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In recent years, however, the process for determining which perpetrators are included in the Secretary-General’s list of shame has become increasingly politicised. In 2020, Secretary-General António Guterres removed the coalition led by Saudi Arabia from his list, despite the UN’s own findings that the coalition had killed or maimed 222 children in Yemen in 2019 alone.
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Similarly, the Tatmadaw was de-listed for recruiting and using children in Myanmar, although the UN had recorded the recruitment and use of at least 205 children by the government forces in 2019.
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The Secretary-General’s failure to apply the same standards across all perpetrators who commit grave violations not only undermines the credibility of the report, it undercuts its power to influence parties to conflict, promote compliance with applicable international law, and create meaningful impact for affected children. Without an accurate and evidence-based list, the Security Council is hampered in its efforts to protect children and hold perpetrators accountable.
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Secretary-General Guterres and his Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, Virginia Gamba, should resist political pressure and ensure that the list of shame is based on the UN’s findings on the ground. In order to restore its credibility, they should initiate a rigorous and transparent due diligence procedure to ensure that in future the annexes of the annual report accurately and consistently reflect the evidence collected and verified by the MRM.
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They should communicate to stakeholders, including member states, UN entities, and civil society, how this procedure will be implemented in order to avoid the disparities and inconsistencies seen in the 2020 report and previous years. Only with a credible, evidence-based list can the UN effectively address grave violations against children in armed conflict and hold all perpetrators to account.
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By Adrianne Lapar, Director, Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict 12 STOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN: KILLED AND MAIMED ■No other grave violation has been verified at the scale of killing and maiming. Although the 2019 total of 10,294 is lower than the highest recorded years (2011, 2014 and 2018), it takes the total number since 2005 to 106,000. This is more than 40% of all the violations ever verified by the UN in the annual reports on Children and Armed conflict.
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Of the incidents of killing and maiming verified in the UN Secretary-General’s 2020 report, more than a third were caused by explosive weapons (37%) – with the number dramatically higher in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria – and 72% related to boys. The reasons for the high proportion of boys could include both different reporting behaviours and gender norms that mean boys and girls are exposed to different risks.
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For instance, boys may be more likely to be associated with armed groups or may spend more time in public spaces, increasing their exposure to armed conflict.
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By contrast, girls may find themselves more restricted to the private sphere, in turn affecting both the nature and the visibility of violations against them.26 Afghanistan accounts for the greatest number of killing and maiming violations, with 874 children killed and 2,275 children maimed in 2019 – 30% of the total number of children killed and maimed across all the conflict situations covered in the report.
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This total of 3,149 – a 3% increase from 2018 – takes the number children killed or maimed in Afghanistan since the UN started collecting this data in 2005 to 26,025. The annual total has now been above 3,000 for four consecutive years. Of those killed and maimed in 2019, more than two-thirds were boys (71%), and 72% overall were as a result of ground engagements between pro- and anti-government forces or of improvised explosive devices in both suicide and non‑suicide attacks.
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One of the greatest increases of verified incidents of killing and maiming in 2019 was in Mali where there was a 130% rise in the number of children killed and maimed. The number of children killed rose more sharply than those maimed, more than doubling from 77 to 185 between 2018 and 2019. As in Afghanistan, a higher proportion of the children killed and maimed in Mali were boys (60%).
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This was also the case for Myanmar (67%), where child casualties nearly tripled in 2019 and children as young as six months were verified by the UN to have been killed or maimed. There was also an increase in Iraq, albeit smaller, from 132 in 2018 to 141 in 2019. Of these almost half were due to explosive remnants of war in areas previously under the control of ISIL – testament to the long-reaching, serious harm these weapons can have.
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Some of the greatest decreases in child casualties were in Nigeria and bordering regions in Cameroon, Chad and Niger. Here there was a large drop from 432 in 2018 to 239 in 2019. Similarly, in Somalia and Sudan the number of child casualties also decreased significantly (by 30% and 35% respectively). A smaller decline was seen in Yemen and Syria, but numbers remain high. In Syria 897 children were killed and 557 were maimed, taking the total number of child fatalities there since 2012 above 9,000.
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Nearly 1,500 children were killed and maimed in Yemen in 2019. Similarly, in the occupied Palestinian territory, the number remains persistently high, with 1,539 children maimed and more than 30 killed.
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 KILLING AND MAIMING OF CHILDREN IN CONFLICT 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 Boys 72% Unknown 6% Girls 22% BOYS AND GIRLS (total 10,294 in 2019) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2007/8 2006/7 2005/6 FIGURE 1 The verified number of children killed and maimed in conflict has risen dramatically over the last 15 years 1 STOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN: KILLED AND MAIMED 13 ■Although the number of children recruited and used by armed forces in 2019 rose by 639 from 2018 to 7,845 in 2019, this was still slightly below the highest recorded number in 2017 (8,235).
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90% of these violations were carried out by non‑state armed actors. These violations occurred in 16 out of the 20 conflict situations reported on in the UN Secretary-General’s annual report. The youngest child reported to have been recruited in 2019 was 6 years old. And in Yemen 20% of recruited children were under the age of 15. Across all countries, 6,632 (84%) of the verified violations in 2019 involved boys, with 866 (11%) involving girls. For 357 cases (5%) the children’s gender was unknown.
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Geographically, the largest number of verified cases of recruitment and the use of children was in African countries, which accounted for approximately 66% of cases. Within the region, 3,107 were verified for DRC – the highest-ever recorded number for a single conflict-affected country and representing 40% of the global total. However, it is important to note that many of these cases occurred in earlier years but were only verified upon the children’s release – sometimes as adults – in 2019.
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This pattern of recruitment and use occurring before 2019 but only reported in that year can be seen across a number of countries. This includes Central African Republic (CAR), where cases more than doubled from 75 in 2018 to 208 in 2019, and Mali, where the number of children rose from 114 to 215. In Nigeria, 516 of the 667 incidents verified in 2019 were for previous years. Despite this, reported cases also show that the recruitment and use of children continued at scale in many countries in 2019.
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Nearly 20% of the global total occurred in Somalia, where in 2019 there were 1,495 verified cases. While an extremely high figure, it represents a significant reduction from 2,300 in 2018 and is the lowest number of cases since 2015, when 903 cases were reported. Similarly, in Myanmar cases tripled in 2019 from 88 to 247 – the highest total since 2013, and including children as young as 12. South Sudan saw a 65% increase in 2019 – up to 161 cases.
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While much lower than the 2015 total of almost 2,600 cases, the rise in cases in 2019 is alarming. In Lebanon there was almost a doubling in the number of verified cases, with 43 children aged 11–17 recruited by armed groups, the country’s highest-ever recorded number. In Yemen, there was a rise of 316 in 2019 to a total of 686. The majority of these children were used in combat roles – as was the case in Syria, where 97% of the 820 children recruited were used in combat roles.
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Two positive developments took place regarding this violation in 2019. In Iraq there was a reduction of 90% from 2018. And in Colombia the number more than halved from 293 to 107 – the lowest recorded number for Colombia since 2013.
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 RECRUITMENT AND USE OF CHILDREN BY ARMED FORCES AND GROUPS 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 Boys 84% Unknown 5% Girls 11% BOYS AND GIRLS (total 7,855 in 2019) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2007/8 2006/7 2005/6 FIGURE 2 The verified number of children recruited and used by armed forces is rising 2 ■Perhaps more than any other violation, the number of verified incidents of rape and sexual violence against children in the UN Secretary-General’s annual report is likely to represent only a fraction of total cases.
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Access, stigma and difficulty monitoring and reporting such violations mean that many incidents are not captured and/or recorded. Despite this, 749 cases were verified in 2019. Of these, 98% were committed against girls, and the cases attributed to state actors almost doubled from 2018. The highest number of verified violations in 2019 were in DRC where 249 cases were reported – one‑third of the global total. All of these involved girls, some of whom were used for sexual slavery.
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Since 2005, 9,858 verified cases – almost half of the total cases of rape and other forms of sexual violence across the conflict situations – have taken place in DRC. Somalia had the second highest number of these cases in 2019, with 227 verified violations. As with DRC, this was a reduction from 2018. Most cases involved girls. The greatest rise of verified cases was in Afghanistan where there were 18 cases in 2019 affecting 13 boys and 5 girls.
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Further increases were seen in Colombia and CAR, with decreases in Nigeria, Mali, Sudan and South Sudan. A small number of cases were verified in Syria (11) and Yemen (4), and three violations committed in 2014 were verified in Iraq during this reporting period.
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RAPE AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE 2,000 4,000 6,000 BOYS AND GIRLS (total 749 in 2019) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2007/8 2006/7 2005/6 Boys 2% Girls 98% FIGURE 3 Verified cases of rape and other forms of sexual violence in conflict are far higher among girls 3 14 STOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN 2021: KILLED AND MAIMED STOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN: KILLED AND MAIMED 15 “I WAS IN PAIN AND SORROW” LYDIA’S STORY “The rebels caught me and raped me. I was 15 years old.
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I was 15 years old. “When I came home from school and I couldn’t find my mother, I started searching for her. This is when the group found me and defiled me. Two rebels raped me. After that I told my neighbours that my mother was missing. I left and didn’t carry anything from the house. I was in pain and felt sorrow. “I feel so bad, remembering those things.” Lydia fled from DRC to Uganda. She later found out that, following the rape, she was pregnant.
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She is now living in a refugee camp with her baby son, Bintu. PHOTO: ESTHER RUTH MBABAZI/SAVE THE CHILDREN 16 STOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN: KILLED AND MAIMED ■There was a near 40% reduction in the verified number of attacks on schools and hospitals in 2019, falling from 1,892 in 2018 to 1,139. However, attacks by state actors nearly doubled from the previous year, a common feature across a number of the grave violations in the latest report.
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In total, the report verifies 469 attacks on schools and education personnel, 478 attacks on hospitals and medical personnel, 181 incidents of military use of schools, and 11 incidents of military use of hospitals and medical facilities. The highest number of attacks on schools and hospitals were verified in Syria with 296 incidents. This is an increase of 44 from 2018, with most of the attacks occurring in Idlib.
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In the occupied Palestinian territory, 15 schools and 193 hospitals were attacked, and four schools used by military forces. In Afghanistan, 70 schools and 75 hospitals were attacked, and 6 schools and 2 hospitals were used for military purposes. There was a large increase in attacks on schools and hospitals in Myanmar, up from 8 in 2018 to 63 in 2019. Of these, 12 schools were attacked, and 51 used for military purposes.
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The numbers of attacks on schools and hospitals remained relatively constant in Yemen (75), Nigeria (26) and in Sudan (18) in 2019. DRC, Colombia, Iraq, the occupied Palestinian territory, the Philippines, CAR, Mali and Libya saw decreases in these violations.
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 ATTACKS ON SCHOOLS AND HOSPITALS 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2007/8 2006/7 2005/6 FIGURE 4 2019 saw more than 1,000 verified attacks on schools and hospitals 4 STOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN 2021: KILLED AND MAIMED 17 ■In 2019, a total of 1,804 children were abducted27 across 13 conflict contexts covered by the report – a substantial fall from the 2,500 reported in 2018 and the second consecutive annual reduction.
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The only increases were in Iraq, Mali and Myanmar. Over 95% of cases were perpetrated by non‑state actors, and the children were abducted for recruitment, sexual violence or ransom – highlighting the intersectionality of the grave violations. Rarely do the violations happen in isolation from each other. As with many of the other violations, the reported cases overwhelmingly involved boys (80%), with just 13% affecting girls.
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However, given the challenges of reporting,28 it is more likely that incidents involving girls are not adequately reflected in these figures rather than not happening. As with the recruitment and use of children, Somalia (1,158), DRC (305) and Nigeria (165) have some of the highest numbers, but in all three cases the numbers fell from 2018.
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Somalia – which accounts for approximately one-third of all abductions since 2011 – saw the biggest reduction, with the 2019 total 30% lower than the previous year (down from 1,609 in 2018). Of these, the majority were abducted by non‑state armed actors for recruitment and use. Similarly, in DRC 70% of cases of abduction were linked to recruitment.
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 ABDUCTION 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 Boys 80% Unknown 7% Girls 13% BOYS AND GIRLS (total 1,804 in 2019) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2007/8 2006/7 2005/6 FIGURE 5 More than 1,800 children were abducted in conflict in 2019 5 ■Incidents of humanitarian access being denied to children were almost six times higher in 2019 than 2018 – up from 795 to 4,402. This is by far the highest number ever recorded, and almost three times higher than the previous peak of 1,579 in 2017.
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The majority of incidents were perpetrated by non-state armed actors. However, bureaucratic barriers and denials – which are not included in these figures – are routinely imposed by states. The enormous rise in 2019 is largely a result of a six-fold increase in these incidents in Yemen and the inclusion of three additional countries in the UN Secretary-General’s 2019 report. In Yemen, the number rose from 275 in 2018 to 1,848 in 2019.
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These violations in Yemen included restrictions on movement both into and within the country, interference with humanitarian assistance, and violence against humanitarian personnel, assets and facilities. Of the new countries included, the occupied Palestinian territory contributed almost half the global total, with 2,127 children denied or delayed access to specialised care. The other two additional countries to be included for the first time were Sudan, with 3 incidents, and Libya, with 12.
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Although decreasing from 2018, verified incidents of denial of humanitarian access remain high in Mali (129), and in Syria (84) where incidents included attacks on water facilities, the removal or blocking of humanitarian supplies, and attacks on humanitarian facilities, transport and personnel. In Colombia there was a small rise, with 5 verified incidents in 2019, affecting indigenous communities in particular.
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Armed groups imposed severe movement restrictions, leaving those affected confined and with limited access to crops, health and schools.
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 DENIAL OF HUMANITARIAN ACCESS 2,000 4,000 6,000 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2007/8 2006/7 2005/6 FIGURE 6 2019 saw a six-fold rise in the denial of humanitarian access 6 18 STOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN: KILLED AND MAIMED ■While not one of the six grave violations, the detention of children for actual or perceived association with armed groups is documented and verified in the UN Secretary-General’s annual report for 14 of the 20 countries included.
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The complexity and severity of these children’s experiences warrants specific attention. The 2019 total of 2,530 violations is a small decrease from 2,574 in 2018. In Iraq, 984 cases were verified and included in the 2019 report, with some of those relating to children as young as nine being detained for their actual or alleged association with armed groups. In Palestine, 527 children were detained for alleged security offences by Israeli forces, and 2 by the de facto authorities in Gaza.
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166 of the children who had been detained testified and reported ill-treatment by the Israeli forces, including physical violence and one threat of sexual violence. High numbers of incidents of detention were also reported for Somalia (236) and Syria (218). In Syria, a group of 172 boys were detained for their alleged association with ISIL. Of these, the youngest boys were nine years old. 150 of this group were Syrian, with 22 of other nationality.
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In Afghanistan, 146 boys were detained for national security-related charges, and in DRC 111 children were detained for alleged associations with armed groups. Detention of children was also verified in Yemen (97), India (68), Mali (56), Pakistan (35), Lebanon (20), Myanmar (18), Libya (8) and CAR (4). The overwhelming majority of cases related to boys.
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 DETENTION STOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN: KILLED AND MAIMED 19 “WE SHOULD NOT BE TORTURED”: ISSA’S STORY In 2020, Save the Children surveyed 470 children across the West Bank, to hear about their experience of military detention and to understand its impact on their lives after release.29 Children reported distressing or violent arrests, a coercive interrogation environment, and physical and emotional abuse in detention – all of which constitute a breach of international law.30 Issa, who was arrested when he was 15, said: “I was arrested when there were clashes outside the school gates.
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I tried to walk through the clashes quickly, but I was shot in my right leg by a soldier. It hurt so much that I collapsed to the ground. Three soldiers came over and started beating me while I was on the ground bleeding. “I was taken to an interrogation centre instead of hospital and I asked to speak to my parents and to have legal advice as I know my rights – but again, they said no.
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While I was being interrogated, they kept shouting at me, and they put a gun on the table in front of me to intimidate me. They said bad, bad words. I don’t want to think about those words. They then pressed on the wound, saying that they wouldn’t stop until I confessed. It was the worst pain I’ve ever felt. I then decided to confess to stop the pain. I said that I threw two stones. I was finally taken to get medical treatment two days after I was shot.
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They stitched up the wound and gave me a new bandage. It still hurts to this day, two years later. “After my ‘confession’, I was sentenced to seven months in prison. Prison was an ugly, ugly place. I don’t like to think about it. They would also set off alarms at midnight, 3am and 6am so we could never sleep for long. If you’re not awake at these alarms, you will be beaten. I was beaten with wooden sticks a few times. I still have back pain now because of a particularly bad beating.
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“Children who have been arrested still have rights, and these rights should be protected. We shouldn’t be tortured. We should be allowed an education and a future. All I want is peace and a future. I will work as hard as I can to make both things possible.” Drawing by a young man from the occupied Palestinian territory portraying his experience of being arrested, aged 17, and held in prison for three and a half months.
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20 STOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN: KILLED AND MAIMED I n 2019, the number of children living in high‑intensity conflict zones31 increased to 160 million – up from 157 million the year before.32 Similarly, in 2019 the total number of children living near conflict increased by 9 million from 2018 – up to 426 million.33 This is the second highest number ever recorded34 and represents nearly one-fifth of the world’s children.
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Within these numbers, the total number of children living in close proximity to the most intense conflict zones more than doubled, from 4 million in 2018 to 9 million in 2019.35 Any increase in the number of children at risk of grave violations and the harmful impacts of conflict should be of great collective concern. However, perhaps even more troubling is the rising, and disproportionate, intensity of conflict for children specifically.
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While the numbers of grave violations and children living in conflict are increasing, battle‑related deaths in general are decreasing. As shown in figure 7, there is no relationship between a year-on-year fall in battle-related deaths and the number of children affected by conflict. Given we know that casualty recording often fails to capture child fatalities,36 these battle-related deaths likely predominantly relate to adult civilian and combatant deaths.
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While by this measure conflict is becoming less deadly, the threat to children has dramatically increased. To add to the complexity, children’s exposure to 2 HOW MANY CHILDREN ARE AFFECTED BY CONFLICT?
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FIGURE 7 While fewer adults are dying in conflict, the number of children at risk has dramatically increased SOURCE: PRIO’S CALCULATION BASED ON UCDP GED DATASET V.20.1 AND UN WORLD POPULATION ESTIMATES 2018 2019 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 500 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 140,000 160,000 400 300 200 100 350 450 250 150 50 Children at risk Battle-related deaths Children at risk (millions) Battle-related deaths STOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN: KILLED AND MAIMED 21 FIGURE 8 While more children in Africa live in a conflict zone than any other region, children in the Middle East are most likely to live in one SOURCE: PRIO’S CALCULATION BASED ON UCDP GED DATASET V.20.1 AND UN WORLD POPULATION ESTIMATES conflict is not only becoming more prevalent and more intense, it has become far more protracted.
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
Of the most intense conflict zones in 2019,37 the average duration of conflict was more than 18 years. They range from five years in Burkina Faso to 29 years in Afghanistan.38 In 2019, more than 3 million children were living in close proximity to violence that had, uninterrupted, been raging for 18 years or more. Just as within each country there will be variations, there are differences between regions when it comes to the number of children living in conflict zones.
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
While the highest overall number of children living in conflict zones is on the African continent (179 million), the Middle East has the highest proportion of children – almost 40% – living in a conflict zone. Although this has been the overall picture for a few years, the proportions are fluctuating. In the Middle East there was an 8% rise in the proportion of all children living in conflict in 2019. Similarly, the proportion for Africa has been steadily rising since 2011.
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
The most notable shift in the last three years is in the Americas, where the proportion of children living in conflict has risen from 8% in 2016 to 16% in 2019. In Europe, Ukraine continues to have the most significant number of children – more than 1 million – living in conflict.
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
800 600 400 200 0 1,200 1,000 Africa Number of children (millions) Asia Middle East Europe Americas Non-conflict zone Conflict zone 22 STOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN: KILLED AND MAIMED THE MOST DANGEROUS COUNTRIES FOR CHILDREN Children’s experience of conflict is not homogenous. Depending on their age, gender, income, mental health, identity and whether they have a disability they will face different risks and have access to different support.
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
Equally, as mentioned earlier, there are regional differences and differences between countries. While we know 160 million children live close to conflict in countries experiencing high‑intensity conflicts (see figure 9), we can also see differences within countries. Figure 10 shows some of this difference, with 9 million children close to the most intense conflict zones within countries,39 40 million living in medium intensity zones, and 82 million in less intense zones.
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
The remaining 295 million children living in conflict zones are in the least intense zones.
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
Despite this, taking the number of violations against children verified by the UN, the number of children exposed to conflict, and the number of battle deaths nationally (and as such the intensity of conflict), it is possible to identify the highest-risk countries for children.40 In 2019, according to our analysis, the 11 most dangerous countries for children in alphabetical order41 were: • Afghanistan • Central African Republic • Democratic Republic of Congo • Iraq • Mali • Nigeria • Somalia • South Sudan • Sudan • Syria • Yemen FIGURE 9 In countries experiencing high-intensity conflicts, 160 million children live close to conflict SOURCE: PRIO’S CALCULATION BASED ON UCDP GED DATASET V.20.1 AND UN WORLD POPULATION ESTIMATES 2018 2019 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 500 400 300 200 100 350 450 250 150 50 Children at risk (millions) High-intensity conflict Medium-intensity conflict Low-intensity conflict STOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN: KILLED AND MAIMED 23 FIGURE 10 9 million children live close to the most intense conflict zones SOURCE: PRIO’S CALCULATION BASED ON UCDP GED DATASET V.20.1 AND UN WORLD POPULATION ESTIMATES 2018 2019 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 Children at risk (millions) Children at risk (%) Conflict zones, 1–24 battle deaths Conflict zones, 25–99 battle deaths Conflict zones, 100–999
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25–99 battle deaths Conflict zones, 100–999 battle deaths Conflict zones, more than 1,000 battle deaths Share of children in zones with over 25 deaths 500 400 300 200 100 350 450 250 150 50 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 3.50 4.50 2.50 1.50 0.50 Hana, Gaza Hana, age 14, holds up a photo of herself with her mother and four young brothers, who were all killed in an airstrike in 2014.
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
Hana was thrown 200 metres by the blast and sustained a serious head injury. She later suffered from severe insomnia, flashbacks and post-traumatic stress disorder. Hanna has been supported by Save the Children’s partner, MA’AN Development Centre. She wants to become a doctor to help the people of Gaza. PHOTO: ALESSANDRA SANGUINETTI/ SAVE THE CHILDREN 24 STOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN: KILLED AND MAIMED STOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN In 2019, Save the Children marked its centenary year.
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As part of this, the organisation launched its Stop the War on Children campaign – a rejuvenated and integrated approach to addressing the causes and effects of violations against children in conflict. We identified three dimensions to the crisis of harm to children in conflict. First, states and armed actors are failing to uphold standards in conflict – this includes both their own conduct and the expectations they demand of others.
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
While not perfect, international humanitarian, human rights and criminal law is clear that children are afforded protection from the worst of armed conflict. The conduct of hostilities must have civilian protection – especially for children – at its core. However, far too often children find themselves targets of attacks or merely collateral damage. Second, perpetrators of violations against children are seldom held to account for their actions.
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
Even where crimes have taken place in the public eye or are widely known to have occurred, meaningful political, economic or legal consequences are few and far between. Third, there is not enough practical action undertaken to protect children and support their recovery. The toll of conflict on children – physically, mentally and socially – is profound.
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
As highlighted in this report, the increasing number of violations against children, often in even more protracted conflict zones than the past, is unrelenting. Each of these dimensions is visible through the microcosm of single violations as well as in the overall trends of increasing risk for children in conflict. The response should mirror this – a truly global and collective ambition to combat the problem, and specific, targeted approaches to issues.
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3 PROTECTING CHILDREN IN CONFLICT We call on the world’s leaders to ensure we are able to go to school, play and feel protected… in every circumstance. We ask leaders to change weapons for books, bullets for pencils, confrontations for games, cries for smiles, and hatred for love. We ask leaders to put a smile on every child’s face. We ask leaders to turn to peace, to pledge to protect us and promise us development.
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
We ask leaders to offer us the opportunities that will enable us to become the best versions of ourselves. Our common future is at risk. We demand that you act now. Message composed in January 2019 by children from Colombia, Mali, Sudan, Syria and Yemen42 STOP THE WAR ON CHILDREN: KILLED AND MAIMED 25 THE IMPACT OF EXPLOSIVE WEAPONS One such specific and targeted approach should be tackling the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
As this report highlights, in just under ten years there have been more than 93,000 incidents of killing and maiming of children. Of these, we estimate a large majority are a result of explosive weapons – and as noted above, 37% of all verified child casualties in 2019 were due to explosive weapons. This proportion appears to increase the more severe the fighting.
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
In 2018, Save the Children estimated that in the five deadliest conflicts for children, nearly 75% of child casualties were due to explosive weapons.43 While disproportionately affecting children in conflicts in the Middle East – including Iraq, Syria and Yemen – their use is not geographically exclusive. In Ukraine, Somalia, DRC, Nigeria, Myanmar and Afghanistan explosive weapons have routinely killed and maimed children.
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
While all violations against children should be treated with urgency and commitment, the proportion of verified incidents relating to killing and maiming (40% since 2005), and within that violation the proportion of incidents specifically relating to explosive weapons, demand attention. Equally, beyond the immediate deaths and injuries, explosive weapons have lasting and profound – or ‘reverberating’ – effects.
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
Attacks on homes, schools, hospitals, markets, water infrastructure and roads can prevent children accessing education, lead to starvation, cause displacement, drive economic crises and exacerbate underlying vulnerabilities, particularly for girls and children with disabilities. While the scale of the impact of explosive weapons is extensive, their effect on children is intensive.
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the