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You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing also the special challenges facing all developing countries in pursuing sustainable development, in particular least developed countries, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Notes with great concern that the poorest population spends a larger share of income on food, which means extreme that even a small increase in food prices volatility can have be devastating impacts, and that food price shocks are a driver of increased poverty, in particularly in rural areas ; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'OP10. Encourages financial actors at all levels to work towards the establishment of inclusive, representative and responsible financial practices, including practices related to transparency, disclosure and standards, as appropriate; [and further encourages the efforts of all actors to reduce the existing and prevent further fragmentation of reporting and disclosure standards EU]'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'24. Recognizes that partnerships with relevant stakeholders are critical in building resilience, reducing disaster risk, and achieving sustainable development and climate change adaptation at the local level, and calls for the establishment of the biennial regional multi-stakeholder SIDS partnership dialogue with a view of facilitating means of implementation, inter alia, financing, investment, trade, technology transfer on voluntary and mutually agreed terms, capacity building and creation of new Partnerships, and look forward to the scaling up and development of durable and transformational partnerships at all levels; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Taking note with appreciation of the fourth annual meetingfifth Annual Meeting of the Global Investors for Sustainable Development Alliance, on 1231 October 2022,2023 and the ongoing work on its key deliverables, looking forward to continued efforts by the Alliance to support the channelling of finance and investment towards the Sustainable Development Goals, and noting the continued implementation of the objectives of the strategy of the Secretary-General for financing the 2030 Agenda (2018 2021),[Technical update] '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'46. Recognizes that financing for disaster risk reduction requires greater attention, and in this regard encourages increased investments in disaster risk reduction, including resilient infrastructure, and calls upon the United Nations system and its entities, within the scope of their respective mandates, in partnership with international financial institutions, regional development banks and other relevant institutions and stakeholders, to support developing countries in developing comprehensive disaster risk reduction financing strategies in support of national and local disaster risk reduction strategies, and incentivizing investments in resilience, prevention and rehabilitation, and to explore the development of tailored financing mechanisms for disaster risk reduction, including forecast-based financing approaches and disaster risk insurance mechanisms;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'22. Recognizes that achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in small island developing States is not possible without private investment, including long-term foreign investment, which can be facilitated and attracted through the creation of an enabling environment and capacity support for small island developing States; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Welcoming the convening of the Economic and Social Council forum on financing for development follow-up, from 2517 to 2820 April 20222023, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing the value and principles of multi-stakeholder engagement also with regard to the development of national financial inclusion strategies, and that multi-stakeholder partnerships and the resources, knowledge and ingenuity of the private sector, civil society, the scientific community, academia, philanthropy and foundations, parliaments, local authorities, volunteers and other stakeholders will be important in mobilizing and sharing, on voluntary and mutually agreed terms, knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, complementing the efforts of Governments and supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular in developing countries, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'22. Welcomes the work of the Information for All Programme of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, which aims to assist Member States in formulating policies to bridge digital divides and ensure equitable knowledge societies, and also welcomes the holding of Global Media and Information Literacy Week from 23to 25 October 2023; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirming its resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015, entitled Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , in which it adopted a comprehensive, far-reaching and people-centred set of universal and transformative Sustainable Development Goals and targets, its commitment to working tirelessly for the full implementation of the Agenda by 2030, its recognition that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development, its commitment to achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions economic, social and environmental in a balanced and integrated manner, and to building upon the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals and seeking to address their unfinished business, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'12. Encourages countries to take advantage of capacity-building mechanisms and opportunities from the entire United Nations system in this regard; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'41. Recognizes that a lack of access to affordable and reliable technologies and services remains a critical challenge in many developing countries, in particular African countries, the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, small island developing States, middle-income countries, countries in situations of conflict, post-conflict countries and countries affected by natural disasters, and that all efforts should be deployed to reduce the price of information and communications technologies and broadband access, bearing in mind that deliberate interventions, including through research and development and technology transfer [on [voluntary and -US, -EU, -Switzerland, -UK, -Israel; -RF delete] mutually agreed terms -CANZ, -US, -EU, Switzerland, -UK, -Israel; -RF flexible] , may be necessary to spur the development of lower-cost connectivity options; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'3. Underscores that a universal, rules-based, open, transparent, predictable, inclusive, non-discriminatory [gender-responsive, CANZ; G77 reserve] and equitable multilateral trading system should contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, providing policy space for national development objectives, poverty eradication and sustainable development, consistent with relevant international rules and countries commitments, and promote export-led growth in the developing countries through, inter alia, preferential trade access for developing countries, [targeted EU] special and differential treatment that responds to the development needs of [individual EU] developing countries, and the elimination of trade barriers that are inconsistent with World Trade Organization agreements; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Emphasizing that debt sustainability is essential for underpinning growth, underlining the importance of debt sustainability, debt transparency and effective debt management to the efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, and acknowledging that debt crises are costly and disruptive, including for employment and productive investment, and tend to be followed by cuts in public spending, including on health and education, affecting the poor and vulnerable in particular, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing further the importance of data protection and privacy, in particular for developing countries in the context of science and technology for development, especially regarding the adoption of new technologies, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Welcoming the convening of the first to eighth annual multi-stakeholder forums on science, technology and innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals, noting with appreciation the ongoing work of the United Nations inter-agency task team on science, technology and innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals, including the Global Pilot Programme on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals Road Maps (STI for SDGs road maps), and noting the expanded operationalization of the 2030 Connect online platform, as the three components of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism, that can help to advance the 2030 Agenda, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing that, as per capita income increases above low-income thresholds, access to external public finance often decreases faster than can be offset by commensurate increases in tax revenues in per capita terms, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'28. Expresses concern regarding unilateral protectionist measures taken by some trade partners that would constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination between countries or a disguised restriction on international trade, including, unilateral and discriminatory border adjustment mechanisms and taxes; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP26. Taking note of the Digital Economy Report 2021 of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, which examines the role of cross-border data flows for development in maximizing equitable development gains, while minimizing risks and impacts of a potential fragmentation in the digital space, and recognizing the need to continue discussions on the connection between data and sustainable development, including data governance, while taking into account the multiple dimensions of data, agreed ad ref'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'32. Also decides that the preparatory committee shall have a Bureau consisting of three members from each regional group, and that the committee shall elect two co-chairs from among the nominated Bureau members, one from a developed State and one from a developing State, and that the host country and the Chair of the G77 and China shall serve as ex officio members of the Bureau; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing that digital technologies helped societies respond to COVID-19, creating new opportunities for digital financial services to accelerate and enhance financial inclusion amid social distancing and containment measures, expanding the use of such services significantly and driving lasting changes in all sectors of the economy, including labour markets, e-commerce and financial services, noting with deep concern the barriers posed by the digital divide and their impact on ensuring financial inclusion, and stressing the importance of bridging the digital gap between and within countries in order to ensure broadening financial inclusion in societies, improving digital financial literacy and consumer protection, enabling access to social safety nets and eradicating poverty for those hardest to reach, especially in rural and remote areas, in order to benefit the poorest and most vulnerable, particularly youth, persons with disabilities, older persons, women, indigenous peoples, local communities, farmers, migrants and entrepreneurs, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Welcoming the New Urban Agenda, adopted at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III), held in Quito, Ecuador, from 17 to 20 October 2016, calling for its full, effective and timely implementation at all levels, and reaffirming that culture and cultural diversity are sources of enrichment for humankind and provide an important contribution to the sustainable development of cities, human settlements and citizens, generating employment and empowering them to play an active and unique role in development initiatives,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP24. Noting the outcome and agreed policy recommendations of the sixth report of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on E-commerce and the Digital Economy on its sixth session, which was held from 10 to 12 May 2023, agreed ad ref'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Welcoming the convening of the High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development held in New York on 20 September 2023, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Urges that Commends efforts underway to make the international financial architecture must be made more responsive to global challenges, fit for purpose, equitable and responsive to the financing needs of developing countries; (Based on SDG summit PD)'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'24. Underlines the need for reinforcing the existing comprehensive multi-hazard early warning system and comprehensive multi-hazard crises mitigation and resilience-building measures, including comprehensive disaster risk financing strategies for the least developed countries aligned with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 as a key instrument to build resilience against and mitigate the impacts of various shocks, and the commitment to making the best use of existing initiatives, providing support for capacity-building for adaptation planning and implementation, and technical assistance to develop operational national risk information systems to support policymaking, including in the insurance sector; welcomes the call by the Secretary-General to ensure every person on Earth is protected by early warning systems within five years, and requests the Secretary-General to undertake, undertake implement: Japan, with the least developed countries, a comprehensive study involving all relevant United Nations development system entities and other relevant stakeholders on the existing arrangements, lessons learned and gaps identified and to submit it to the General Assembly at its seventy-ninth session for further consideration; G77: Retain as drafted'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing that agricultural technology has a beneficial impact on and an important role in the successful implementation of the goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda, and in that regard taking note with appreciation of the report of the Secretary-General on progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, the Global Sustainable Development Report, and the Secretary-General s strategy on new technologies,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Stresses the need to strengthen information-sharing and transparency among all creditors and borrowers to make sure that debt sustainability assessments are based on comprehensive, objective and reliable data, including an assessment of national public and private debt, in order to ensure the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, encourages further improvement of the mutual exchange of information, on a voluntary and mutually agreed basis, on borrowing and lending among all creditors and borrowers, and takes note of the Paris Forum initiative, which gathers together sovereign creditors and debtors to share views and information, promote greater debt transparency and preserve debt sustainability; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Expresses concern about the widely recognized shortcomings of the Common Framework, including the design flaws and the slow pace of the process, have undermined confidence and, together with fears of downgrading, appear to have inhibited applications from the 73 eligible countries, and that while the Framework encourages greater private sector participation, it lacks a clear methodology for accessing comparability of treatment and effective mechanisms to ensure this. (SG report page 15) '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'27. Calls upon Member States and the United Nations development system, and encourages other stakeholders, as appropriate, to continue to initiate, implement and support measures to improve the level of participation of scientists and engineers from developing countries in international collaborative research, science, technology and innovation projects; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'52. Recognizes the importance of giving priority to the development of local and national disaster risk reduction capacity-building, policies, strategies and plans with the participation of all relevant stakeholders, in accordance with national practices and legislation;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'[PP7 Noting that the lack of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals is universal, that developing countries and the world s poorest and people in vulnerable situations are bearing the brunt of [our collective failure, / crises and obstacles facing our world EU(SDG Summit PD para 36); CANZ, Mex reserve] which. [This is a direct result of global injustices that go back hundreds of years but are still playing out today, and that the. - Mex delete, EU] The compounding effects of climate, COVID-19 [, ongoing conflicts EU] and economic [injustices/ inefficiencies Mex, EU] are leaving many developing countries with fewer options and [even fewer Mex delete, EU] resources to make the Goals a reality, US delete para; may propose alternative language; Russia, G77 and China retain; UK reserve on para]'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'7. Recognizes that, with 62 per cent of the world s poor population concentrated in middle-income countries, development cooperation, policy dialogue and partnerships with those countries can contribute to the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Sustainable Development Goals and targets; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'36. Encourages the World Intellectual Property Organization to continue to undertake technical support activities, including helping countries to design, develop and implement national intellectual property and innovation strategies aligned with their development strategies; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Noting the increased demand for certain minerals critical for just, sustainable and inclusive transitions and the opportunity that these minerals offer to support economic diversification and structural transformation in mineral-exporting developing countries by moving up these commodities value chains, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'52. Requests the Secretary-General, with the assistance of relevant organizations and bodies of the United Nations system, including the Department of Global Communications of the Secretariat, in collaboration with the Office of the High Representative, to take the measures necessary to intensify their public information efforts and other appropriate initiatives to enhance public awareness on the outcome of the Conference, including by highlighting its programme of action, objectives, key deliverables and significance; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing that science, technology and innovation, including environmentally sound technologies and information and communications technologies, are critical in the pursuit of sustainable development and are one of the key means of implementation of the intergovernmentally agreed development outcomes, including the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'16. Invites all countries, as well as intergovernmental bodies and organizations of the United Nations system, within their respective mandates and resources, relevant non-governmental organizations and all other relevant stakeholders: '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirming the call on the United Nations system, in consultation with the international financial institutions, to develop transparent, measurements of progress on sustainable development that go beyond per capita income, building on existing initiatives as appropriate, and noting that these should recognize poverty in all of its forms and dimensions, and the social, economic and environmental dimensions of domestic output and structural gaps at all levels, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling the proclamation of 2019 2028 as the United Nations Decade of Family Farming, to raise the profile of the role of family farming in contributing to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, and reaffirming the importance of the United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016 2025) in the promotion of activities towards the eradication of rural poverty, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'15. Encourages Member States to strengthen national and local disaster risk governance by implementing the whole-of-government and all-of-society approaches through establishing or strengthening national platforms for disaster risk reduction, or similar mechanisms, for multisectoral and inter-institutional coordination, with clearly defined roles and responsibilities for disaster risk reduction across ministries and institutions and at the national, subnational and local levels, and by expanding disaster risk reduction beyond national disaster management and civil protection authorities, or equivalent agencies, to include all branches of government and all relevant stakeholders, as appropriate, and welcomes the Making Cities Resilient 2030 initiative in support of local capacities for disaster risk governance;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'OP7. Recognizes the need to develop and strengthen policies to better align private sector incentives with Sustainable Development Goals, and acknowledges that sustainable finance taxonomies can be a helpful tool in creating more transparency and can thus incentivize the private sector to adopt and invest in sustainable practices and foster long-term quality investment; [and encourages further work on enhanced interoperability of taxonomies across jurisdictions EU]'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizes also that integrating biodiversity considerations into sectoral and cross-sectoral policies, plans and programmes at all levels is critical for harnessing the benefits of enhanced synergies and policy coherence;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'41. Urges that due consideration continue to be given to the review of the global progress in the implementation of the Sendai Framework as part of the integrated and coordinated follow-up processes to United Nations conferences and summits, aligned with the Economic and Social Council, the high-level political forum on sustainable development and the quadrennial comprehensive policy review cycles, as appropriate, taking into account the contributions of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction and regional and subregional platforms for disaster risk reduction and the Sendai Framework monitor;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling the Working Group on the Digital Gender Divide of the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development and the recommendations for action in bridging the gender digital divide contained in its progress report, and taking note of the report of the Working Group on Education of the Broadband Commission entitled Digital skills for life and work , '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing the need to further enhance the linkages and synergies between agricultural technology and innovative sustainable agricultural practices, including agroecological principles and other innovative approaches, resource use efficiency, including sustainable use of existing domestic agricultural resources, circular economy, recycling, optimizing external inputs, integration, crop rotation and diversification, no-tillage, soil health monitoring, agroforestry and regenerative agricultural practices, and by effectively combining appropriate technologies, including biotechnologies, with traditional and indigenous knowledge, in order to design sustainable farming systems that strengthen the interactions between plants, animals, humans and the environment for food security and nutrition, enhance productivity, improve nutrition, conserve the natural resource base and attain more sustainable and innovative agrifood systems,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling the intergovernmentally agreed conclusions and recommendations of the forum, in which it was decided that the eighthninth Economic and Social Council forum on financing for development follow-up would convene from 2422 to 2725 April 20232024 and would include the special high-level meeting of the Council with the Bretton Woods institutions, the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, and in which the General Assembly was invitedlooked forward to consider the need to convenedeliberations on convening a fourth international conference on financing for development, in 2025, as well as the development of the corresponding modalities for this conference by the General Assembly, while bearing in mind the commitments of past United Nations international conferences on financing for development, [Technical update] '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Requests the Secretary-General to provide a report on projected allocate the necessary resources necessary to support the work of the an ad hoc intergovernmental committee, and to provide a menu of options for which programs might be reduced or terminated to allow for new work under a zero-growth scenario; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'25. Calls upon the developing countries, guided by the spirit of solidarity and consistent with their capabilities, to provide support for the effective implementation of the Doha Programme of Action in mutually agreed areas of cooperation within the framework of South-South and triangular cooperation, which is a complement to but not a substitute for North-South cooperation; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'51. Recognizes the critical importance of private sector investment in information and communications technology infrastructure, content and services, encourages Governments to create legal and regulatory frameworks conducive to increased investment and innovation, and also recognizes the importance of public-private partnerships, universal access strategies and other approaches to that end; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'18. Stresses the importance of developing and strengthening agricultural policies and strategies that recognize and address women s critical role in food security and improved nutrition outcomes as an integral part of both short- and long-term responses to food insecurity and malnutrition and food crises in developing countries; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing further the need to mobilize and scale up financing and means of implementation for science, technology and innovation, especially in developing countries, in support of the Sustainable Development Goals,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP23 Emphasizing that national development efforts need to be supported by an enabling international economic environment, including coherent and mutually supporting world trade, monetary and financial systems, and strengthened and enhanced global economic governance, and in this regard stressing that the likelihood of an increase in global foreign direct investment is further tempered by a series of risk factors,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'(g) To promote cultural and linguistic diversity, and equal access to cultural expressions in the digital environment, and to reinforce more balanced global flows of cultural goods and services, by guaranteeing the social and economic rights of artists and cultural professionals, and better regulating digital platforms; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'10. Takes note of the Final Report of the High-Level Panel of experts on the development of a Multidimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI) for SIDS which was co-chaired by the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne, and the former Prime Minister of Norway, Erna Solberg, and the recommendations contained therein; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'2830. Invites interested States to convey their willingness to host the Fourth International Conference on financing for development at the earliest and before 31 December 2023. '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'12. Welcomes the efforts and initiatives of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, as the mandated United Nations agency on culture, to strengthen and measure the transformational impact of culture on the realization of the 2030 Agenda, and noting in this regard the UNESCO Culture 2030 Indicators which are implemented by member states on a voluntary basis and measure culture s contribution to social cohesion, climate action, gross domestic product and employment, among other key development areas; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'26. Reaffirms the commitment at the very heart of the 2030 Agenda to leave no one behind and commit to taking more tangible steps to support people in vulnerable situations and the most vulnerable countries and to reach the furthest behind first; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Taking note with appreciation of the activities of the Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries since its operationalization, and encouraging continued support to the Bank,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Underlines the instrumental role of agricultural technology, agricultural research and innovation and technology transfer on voluntary and mutually agreed terms and the sharing of knowledge and practices in furthering sustainable development and in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, calls, therefore, upon Member States, and encourages relevant international bodies, to support sustainable agricultural research and development, emphasizes that research outputs should be appropriate to the needs of and accessible to end users, including governments, water managers, large-scale private sector enterprises and smallholder and family farmers, and in this regard calls for continued support to the international agricultural research system, including the research centres of CGIAR and other relevant international organizations and initiatives;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Acknowledging the role and work of civil society, the private sector and academia in furthering progress in developing countries and promoting sustainable agriculture and management practices, the use of agricultural technology, digitalization and the training of smallholder and family farmers, in particular rural women, and that multi-stakeholder partnerships can contribute to the financing of food security and nutrition as well as sustainable development by mobilizing additional resources through advocacy and innovative funding mechanisms and facilitating the coordinated and targeted use of existing resources, aligning them more effectively with global and national public priorities,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing also that harnessing the benefits of digital technologies for inclusive, equitable and quality education and lifelong learning opportunities requires the advancement of connectivity, capacities and content, and acknowledging the need for access to broadband Internet and technology devices, digital inclusion and literacy, and to incorporate digital competencies into the education system for the capacity-building of educators and students, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Taking note with appreciation of the interactive dialogue on Harmony with Nature convened by the President of the General Assembly held on 24 April 2023, in commemoration of International Mother Earth Day,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizes the important efforts undertaken nationally, regionally and internationally to respond to the challenges posed by the global financial and economic crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent multiple crises, and also recognizes that more needs to be done in order to promote the economic recovery, to manage the consequences of volatility in global financial and commodity markets, especially rising inflationary, interest rate and exchange rate pressures, to tackle high unemployment and rising indebtedness in many countries, as well as widespread fiscal strains, to reinforce the banking sector, including by increasing its transparency and accountability, to address systemic fragilities and imbalances, to reform and strengthen the international financial system and to continue and to enhance the coordination of financial and economic policies at the international level; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Further recognizes that urban farming and agriculture can improve the food security and nutrition of, and foster income opportunities for, urban dwellers, and in this regard highlights the need to further develop agricultural technology in support of sustainable urbanization, including sustainable intensification through indoor and vertical farming, the use of automation to overcome intensive labour challenges, the innovative use of urban spaces for agriculture and the promotion of urban farming, in order to reduce hunger and malnutrition and to promote sustainable urban development; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'(o) To mobilize culture as a vehicle to foster tolerance, mutual understanding, peace and reconciliation in the context of conflict-prevention, conflict-resolution and peacebuilding processes;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirming also the New Urban Agenda, adopted at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III), held in Quito, Ecuador, from 17 to 20 October 2016,10 and its vision for cities and human settlements that protect, conserve, restore and promote their ecosystems, water, natural habitats and biodiversity and minimize their environmental impact,'
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b'Recognizing also that the COVID-19 pandemic and the remaining effects of the world financial and economic crisis have undermined debt sustainability and progress towards achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including the Sustainable Development Goals, especially in developing countries, and stressing the need to better prepare for such crises that may happen in the future, including by addressing the lessons learned, improving confidence, sustaining economic growth, investing in the adoption of resilience measures and promoting full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including young people, older persons and people with disabilities, and by continuing to promote global economic stability and the underlying institutional reforms required to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'9. Reiterates the call for support for the full operationalization of all components of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism and to explore a voluntary funding model in collaboration with the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Secretariat and relevant United Nations entities; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling the Declaration of Principles and the Plan of Action adopted by the World Summit on the Information Society at its first phase, held in Geneva from 10 to 12 December 2003, and endorsed by the General Assembly, and the Tunis Commitment and the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society adopted by the Summit at its second phase, held in Tunis from 16 to 18 November 2005, and endorsed by the Assembly, '
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b'69. Further requests the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Economic and Social Council to jointly organize a one-day dedicated thematic event no later than April/ 2024, with the support of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, the World Meteorological Organization and other relevant entities of the United Nations system, to discuss action-oriented recommendations to address the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of the 2023/24 El Ni o phenomenon on affected countries, in order to provide substantive input to the Secretary-General s report to be submitted to the General Assembly at its seventy-ninth session;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'13. Urges a continued focus on maximizing development gains from e commerce, through initiatives such as eTrade for All, launched by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, which provides a new approach to trade development through electronic exchanges by allowing developing countries to more easily navigate the supply of technical assistance for building capacity in e commerce readiness and by enabling donors to have a clear picture of the programmes that they could fund; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'11. Recalls the inclusion in the 2030 Agenda of several targets reflecting the contribution of culture to sustainable development, also recalls that the Sustainable Development Goals and targets are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development, and in this regard looks forward to their achievement, building on the power of culture as an enabler and driver of progress on the Sustainable Development Goals; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'48. Calls for the promotion of new research, the development and transfer of the [necessary UK, -EU, -US delete; -RF retain] technologies [on voluntary and mutually agreed terms -US, -EU, Switzerland, -UK, -Israel, -CANZ; -RF delete], [and [equitable -Switzerland] access to the existing ones -UK, -US delete, -RF retain, -CANZ reserve], [with a focus on the role of digital public goods, -Mexico, -Switzerland, -UK reserve; -RF delete] including in the areas of food and nutrition, health, water and sanitation, and energy, in order to contribute to the eradication of poverty in all its forms and dimensions and the achievement of sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth, human well-being and sustainable development;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Noting with great concern the severe negative impact on human health, safety and well-being caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, as well as the severe disruption to societies and economies and the devastating impact on lives and livelihoods, and that the poorest and most vulnerable are the hardest hit by the pandemic, reaffirming the ambition to get back on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by designing and implementing sustainable and inclusive recovery strategies to accelerate progress towards the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to help to reduce the risk of and build resilience to future shocks, crises and pandemics, including by strengthening health systems and achieving universal health coverage, and recognizing that equitable and timely access for all to safe, quality, effective and affordable COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics are an essential part of a global response based on unity, solidarity, renewed multilateral cooperation and the principle of leaving no one behind, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'22. Recognizes the great importance of providing trade-related capacity-building for developing countries, including African countries, the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, small island developing States, countries in conflict and post-conflict situations and middle-income countries, including for the promotion of regional economic integration and interconnectivity; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Expressing our concern about the continued vulnerability of the cultural sector, particularly in the wake of the global COVID-19 crisis, which has profoundly disrupted the cultural ecosystem as a whole, exacerbating structural fragilities and inequalities, including social and gender gaps, unequal access to culture, restrictions on artistic freedom, and the status and livelihoods of artists, cultural professionals, practitioners and communities, affecting the creation, production, distribution and access to cultural goods and services, aggravating the loss of tourism revenues and bringing to light the critical contribution of the cultural and creative sectors to societies and to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, and taking note of the reports on the Assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on cultural and creative industries ; Culture in times of COVID-19: Resilience, recovery and revival and Cultural and Creative Industries in the Face of COVID-19: An Economic Impact Outlook , produced in 2021 and 2022, by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Underlines the importance of supporting and advancing research in improving and diversifying crop varieties and seed systems, as well as supporting the establishment of sustainable agricultural systems, sustainable management practices and the use of new and existing technologies, such as conservation agriculture, integrated soil fertility management, integrated farming systems, animal disease prevention and control and integrated pest management, precision agriculture, irrigation, livestock husbandry and biotechnologies, in order to make agriculture more sustainable and productive and, in particular, to make crops and farm animals more resistant to diseases, including drug-resistant infections, considering international standards in this regard, pests and environmental stresses, including the impacts of climate change, drought and extreme rainfall events, in accordance with national regulations and relevant international agreements;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'16. Calls for a coherent set of policy actions at the national, regional and international levels to address excessive price volatility and support commodity-dependent developing countries in mitigating negative impacts, in particular by Encourages work to facilitateing value addition and enhanceing their participation in commodity and related product value chains, by supporting large-scale diversification of these commodity-dependent economies and by encouraging the use and further development of market-oriented risk management tools, instruments and strategies; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing the fact that information and communications technologies are critical enablers of economic development and investment, with consequential benefits for employment and social welfare, by lowering barriers to economic participation, and that the increasing pervasiveness of information and communications technologies within society has had profound impacts on the ways in which Governments deliver services, businesses relate to consumers and citizens participate in public and private life, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'33. Emphasizes the importance of a broader and a more people-centred preventive approach to and systemic risk management of disaster risk reduction, reflecting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, recognizing that disaster prevention, preparedness, early actions, and resilience-building, in most cases, are significantly more cost-effective than emergency responses, stresses the importance of promoting the further development of and investment in effective national and regional multi-hazard early warning mechanisms, where relevant, and facilitating the sharing and exchange of information across all countries, welcomes the call by the Secretary-General for a United Nations action plan to ensure that every person on Earth is protected by early warning systems within five years as an accelerator towards the achievement of target (g) of the Sendai Framework, recognizes the importance of the CREWS initiative in achieving that goal and takes note with appreciation of the findings of the Global Status of Multi-hazard Early Warning Systems: Target (g) report, and calls upon all relevant entities of the United Nations system to ensure a coordinated and integrated approach in the implementation of the early warnings for all initiative, especially in developing states;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP22. Taking note also of the report of the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development entitled The State of Broadband Report 2023: Digital Connectivity A Transformative Opportunity, which provides an evaluation of the progress made towards achieving the Broadband Commission s advocacy targets for broadband and the state of broadband development worldwide, agreed ad ref'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing the need to focus on capacity-development policies and sustainable support to further enhance the impact of activities and initiatives at the national and local levels aimed at providing advice, services and support, with a view to building an inclusive, people-centred and development-oriented information society, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Taking note of the efforts of the President of the General Assembly at its seventy-fourth session to launch the Alliance for Poverty Eradication, which is timely and meaningful and continues to serve as a platform for the exchange of ideas, policies and best practices on poverty eradication, and stressing the importance of addressing poverty, including rural poverty issues, in these forums, as the rural poor might be less prepared to deal with the effects of and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and multiple crises and could have less access to adequate sanitation, food and nutrition, water, health-care services, education, the Internet, information and communications technology, social protection, financial services and public infrastructure, (separating the previous pp12 into two paras according to the different focus of the content) '
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b'Recalling also its resolution 73/230 of 20 December 2018 on the effective global response to address the impacts of the El Ni o phenomenon and all previous relevant resolutions, and recalling further the decision on this subject matter taken in decision 74/537 B of 11 August 2020,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP14 Emphasizing that success in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the eradication of poverty in all its forms and dimensions [will be supported/ depends on EU (PP11 A/RES/77/155); UK, US support; G77 and China retain] by the creation of enabling environments at all levels[, including reform of the international financial architecture G77 and China; EU, UK, US delete; Mex reserve] to strengthen investments towards activities that promote the Goals,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP21. Taking note of the United Nations Development Programme Digital Strategy 2022 2025, which seeks to assist countries, upon their request, in their efforts towards digital transformation through the creation of inclusive and resilient digital ecosystems, to help them harness the opportunities [and address the challenges -Holy See] as well as mitigate the risks that [the use of -UK; -Holy See, -CANZ support; -G77 retain] digital technologies [can -UK; -Holy See, -Switzerland, -EU support; -G77 flexible] bring, [through the entirety of their lifecycle, including through their conception, design, development, deployment, evaluation and regulation (based on paragraph 15, CSW67 AC) -Holy See] [in the absence of proper safeguards -UK; -CANZ, -Switzerland support; -Holy See, -EU flexible; -G77 retain original]'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'[PP28. Stressing, however, that recent progress notwithstanding, important and growing digital divides remain between and within developed and developing countries in terms of the availability, affordability and use of information and communications technologies and access to broadband, stressing also the urgent need to close digital divides [including gender digital divides -EU], including with regard to such issues as the affordability of the Internet, and to ensure that the benefits of information and communications technologies, including new technologies, are available to all, in this regard reaffirming its commitment to significantly increasing access to information and communications technologies and striving to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet in the least developed countries by 2020, and noting the many efforts to help to bridge digital divides and expand access, including the Connect 2030 Agenda for Global Telecommunication/Information and Communication Technology, including Broadband, for Sustainable Development, -Switzerland delete for streamlining; -G77 retain]'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'29. Recognizes that the least developed countries face significant infrastructure gaps, including in the areas of health and education,:EU Will revert with source, G77; RF: Source? transport, energy, water, sanitation and information and communications technology, and reaffirms the need to promote quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure and to enhance physical and digital: CANZ infrastructure connectivity with concrete actions and predictable forecast based: CANZ, 77/164, Para 37 financing, thereby maximizing synergies in infrastructure planning and development; G77: Reserve on CANZ proposals'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling further the importance of international support, in various forms, including North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation, that is well aligned with national priorities to contribute to addressing the development needs of middle-income countries, including through capacity-building, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'13. Encourages the international community, including Member States, and all relevant stakeholders, including the entities of the United Nations system, international financial institutions, other intergovernmental bodies, regional and national development banks, domestic financial institutions, credit unions, multi-stakeholder partnerships and relevant non-governmental organizations, as appropriate, to further develop financial literacy and financial education programmes that include an emphasis on the impact of finance on sustainable development, as appropriate, in order to ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to access financial services, in particular women and girls, indigenous people, farmers and those working in micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Noting with concern that most developing countries have not been able to get out of the commodity dependence trap for several decades,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'CDP-relevant paragraph OP24 that we edited: Calls for consideration of an international technology framework including the global digital compact, aligned with the SDGs, which should expand connectivity, promote digital inclusion, and protect human rights online offer preferential through efforts to increase access for developing countries to relevant advanced technologies, develop their productive capacities, end discriminatory consider alternatives to unfair restrictions and focus global research and development on scientific breakthroughs relevant to achieving the SDGs'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'[Recognizes the importance to revise the adequacy of the RST in the upcoming reviews, namely, the need for the RST to include a broader menu of eligible challenges with appreciation an impact on the balance of payments beyond Climate Change and Pandemics, increasing the access limits which are insufficient for the needs of the operationalization middle-income countries, and reassessing the requirement of the Resilience and Sustainability Trust prior Upper Credit Tranche (UCT) facility and the compatibility of the Fund to help eligible countries address longer term structural challenges that pose macroeconomic risks, and notes that debt sustainability and liquidity can play an important role in achieving a sustainable, inclusive and resilient recovery and the Sustainable Development Goals; this precondition with the objective of building resiliency. ]'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'23. Recognizes that, despite recent progress and significant gains, there is still uneven growth in access to and the use of information and communications technologies, and expresses concern over the substantial continued digital and broadband divides between and within developed and developing countries, including the fact that while 90 per cent of people use the Internet in developed countries, only 57 per cent of the population of developing countries is online, and that the cost of access is higher in developing countries in relation to average household income, resulting in a lack of affordable access to information and communications technologies; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'13. Urges a continued focus on maximizing development gains from e commerce, through initiatives such as eTrade for All, launched by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, which provides a new approach to trade development through electronic exchanges by allowing developing countries to more easily navigate the supply of technical assistance for building capacity in e commerce readiness and by enabling donors to have a clear picture of the programmes that they could fund; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'8. Recognizes that culture should be taken into account in the promotion and implementation of new sustainable consumption and production patterns that contribute to the responsible use of resources and address the adverse impacts of climate change; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirming the New Urban Agenda, adopted at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III), held in Quito, Ecuador, from 17 to 20 October 2016 '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling also the World Summit on the Information Society and its outcomes, as well as other relevant intergovernmentally agreed outcomes, '