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You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'7. Recalls the strong commitment of the Heads of State and Government and representatives of States to advancing the concrete deliverables of the Doha Programme of Action with respect to exploring the feasibility [effectiveness and administrative modalities: CANZ verbatim in line with DPoA source] of a system of stockholding or alternative means, such as cash transfers, taking into account possible economic implications and risks, an online university or other equivalent platforms, an international investment support centre, a sustainable graduation support facility, and comprehensive multi-hazard crisis mitigation and resilience-building measures for least developed countries, and requests the Secretary-General to further elaborate on the feasibility of these deliverables and calls upon the development partners and other stakeholders to fully support their timely and effective operationalization; US: [G77, RF: Revert to drafted version; EU: Will revert'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Notes that the development of and access to new technologies should be combined with traditional knowledge, where relevant, to attract local communities and enable young people to be drivers of more efficient, inclusive, equitable, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems transformation, that investments are needed to build the digital competences of young rural people, and that relevant and effective policy frameworks and incentives, regulatory measures and economic and legal instruments should be promoted to ensure equity and inclusion in the development of and access to technologies; [Based on SG report paragraph 58]'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP23. Recognizing the fact that information and communications technologies are critical enablers of economic development and investment, with consequential benefits for employment and social welfare, by lowering barriers to economic participation, and that the increasing pervasiveness of information and communications technologies within society has had profound impacts on the ways in which Governments deliver services, businesses relate to consumers and citizens participate in public and private life, agreed ad ref'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'5. Emphasizes, in this regard, the vital importance of multilingualism and local content in the information society, and urges all stakeholders to encourage the creation of, and access to, educational, cultural and scientific content online so as to promote quality of access and ensure that all people and cultures can express themselves and have access to the Internet in all languages, [including Indigenous languages EU delete; -Mexico retain]; (source: paragraph 35 of resolution E/RES/2023/3)'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirming its resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015, entitled Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , in which it adopted a comprehensive, far-reaching and people-centred set of universal and transformative Sustainable Development Goals and targets, its commitment to working tirelessly for the full implementation of the Agenda by 2030, its recognition that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development, its commitment to achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions economic, social and environmental in a balanced and integrated manner, and to building upon the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals and seeking to address their unfinished business, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'36. Also notes that the Working Group held five meetings between September 2016 and January 2018 at which it discussed inputs from Member States and other stakeholders, as stipulated by the General Assembly in its resolution 70/125; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling the adoption of the Doha Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries on 17 March 2022, recognizing that, guided by the principles of resilience-building and risk reduction, implementation of the Programme of Action can support the integration of disaster risk reduction into sustainable development policies and social protection strategies and international support to the least developed countries, and the second part of the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, held in Qatar from 5 to 9 March 2023, to raise ambition and accelerate action to reduce disaster risk in the least developed countries, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP32. Recognizing that realizing gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls will make a crucial contribution to progress across all of the Sustainable Development Goals, and emphasizing the need to target science, technology and innovation strategies to address the empowerment of women and girls and to reduce inequalities, including the gender digital divide, agreed ad ref'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirming the importance of supporting Agenda 2063 of the African Union, as well as its first 10-year implementation plan, as a strategic framework for ensuring a positive socioeconomic transformation in Africa within the next 50 years, its continental programme embedded in the resolutions of the General Assembly on the New Partnership for Africa s Development, and regional initiatives, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'2. Acknowledges the efforts made and successes achieved by many middle-income countries in eradicating poverty and achieving the internationally agreed development goals, as well as their significant contribution to global and regional development and economic stability; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'65. Welcomes the annual observance of the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction on 13 October and World Tsunami Awareness Day on 5 November, as well as World Water Day on 22 March and World Meteorological Day on 23 March, and encourages all States, United Nations bodies and other relevant actors to observe the Days to further raise public awareness of disaster risk reduction;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'12. Recognizes the role of services to global economic output and employment and in supporting global and regional connectivity and business continuity in times of crises and post-crisis recovery, in this respect underlines the critical role of services, digital technology and creative economy, and notes that the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic has been uneven and slow for developing countries, including the least developed countries; - EU, CANZ reserve'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'27. Strongly encourages Notes with appreciation international financial institutions and development banks to assistance developing countries, in particular commodity-dependent developing countries, in managing the effects of commodity price volatility, including excessive volatility; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing that the traditional knowledge, innovations and practices of Indigenous Peoples and local communities that are relevant to the Convention make a key contribution to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and that their wider application can support social well-being and sustainable livelihoods,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling further the Sendai Declaration , the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 2030 ,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizes the need for greater financing, capacity- building, technical assistance and [on voluntary and mutually agreed terms- US, JPN, EU; del G77] technology transfer for developing countries to harness science, technology, and innovation, including new and emerging technologies, to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs; (source: new, para 37 of SG report)'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Urges parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and all other relevant stakeholders to mainstream biodiversity into COVID-19 response and recovery efforts, to fully implement and support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and other international development goals, including by strengthening approaches to enhance resilience, protecting wild flora and fauna and other living species, reversing the trends in environmental degradation, through the conservation, sustainable use and restoration of ecosystems, sustainably managing water resources at all levels, preventing the retreat of mountain glaciers and permafrost thaw, sustainably managing all types of forests and halting deforestation and forest degradation, as well as by integrating the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilization into relevant national decision-making, emphasizes that biodiversity and health linkages should be addressed holistically, including through a biodiversity-inclusive One Health approach, among other approaches, recalls in this regard decision 14/4 of 30 November 2018 of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and resolutions 3/4 of 30 January 2018, 5/1 of 2 March 2022 and 5/6 of 7 March 2022 of the United Nations Environment Assembly,31;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Noting with great concern the severe negative impact on human health, safety and well-being caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, as well as the severe disruption to societies and economies and the devastating impact on lives and livelihoods, and that the poorest and most vulnerable are the hardest hit by the pandemic, reaffirming the ambition to get back on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by designing and implementing sustainable and inclusive recovery strategies to accelerate progress towards the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to help to reduce the risk of and build resilience to future shocks, crises and pandemics, including by strengthening health systems and achieving universal health coverage, and recognizing that equitable and timely access for all to safe, quality, effective and affordable COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics are an essential part of a global response based on unity, solidarity, renewed multilateral cooperation and the principle of leaving no one behind, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'[Welcomes the convening of the United Nations Conference on the Midterm Comprehensive Review of the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Decade for Action, Water for Sustainable Development, 2018 2028, from 22 to 24 March 2023, (source: 77/334 PP6+) [and encourages accelerated actions to advance innovative pathways for effective and efficient circular models that reduce water use, address water losses, promote water efficiency measures, water reuse and recycling across sectors and products. ;del RF, TUR,G77] EU, CHE; reserve G77](source: new language based on co-chairs summary of UN Water Conference ID2) '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Noting the work of the United Nations in this area, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'810. Emphasizes that timely and adequate planning for the 20232024 Economic and Social Council forum on financing for development follow-up is of paramount importance to its substantive work and outcome; [Technical update] '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling also the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (2019 2028), noting the report on its implementation, and noting thatand that sustainable agricultural technology, digitalization, as well as technological, social, economic and institutional innovations build on the knowledge and capacities and respond to the needs and realities of smallholders and family farmers, in particular women and youth in rural areas, and in that regard highlighting the importance of innovation-driven development and support to entrepreneurship and innovation embracing both traditional good practices and innovations, secures access for family farmers to sustainable, affordable and context-specific innovations and technologies, leverages the potential for innovation among young family farmers, [Based on SG Note on the implementation of the UN Decade of Family Farming A/78/233, paragraph 63] and welcoming new sustainable agricultural technologies and approaches that can increase productivity, contributeing to their transition from subsistence farming to innovative, commercial production, and helping them to increase their own food security and nutrition, generate marketable surpluses and add value to their production,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing that agenda-setting is a crucially important procedural aspect because the way in which tax challenges requiring collective action are identified and framed often predetermines the scope and nature of the responses to these challenges, as well as the order of priority for dealing with them, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirming its resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015, entitled Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , in which it adopted a comprehensive, far-reaching and people-centred set of universal and transformative Sustainable Development Goals and targets, its commitment to working tirelessly for the full implementation of the Agenda by 2030, its recognition that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development, its commitment to achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions economic, social and environmental in a balanced and integrated manner, and to building upon the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals and seeking to address their unfinished business,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'3. Welcomes the convening of the high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the midterm review of the implementation of the Sendai Framework on 18 and 19 May 2023, and takes note of its political declaration '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'IA edit: Delete Paragraph'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'35. Takes note of the recommendations of the Secretary-General, including with regard to a food import financing facility, a credit guarantee facility and a special food reserve system, and in this regard reiterates its requests to the Secretary-General, on the basis of voluntary contributions, to carry out a study, with secretariat support provided by the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, in consultation with all relevant United Nations entities and taking into consideration and building upon the existing initiatives and programmes on food security, taking into account World Trade Organization members existing obligations, in order to further assess the proposed recommendations for the least developed countries, outlining their modalities, terms of reference, governance and support structures, and looks forward to the submission of the report with his recommendations to the General Assembly at its seventy-eighth session for consideration by the Member States; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling also the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples16 and the outcome document of the high-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples,17'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'[PP40. bis Emphasizing that the Global Digital Compact should build on the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society, -Switzerland; -UK support; -G77, -Holy See to revert; -EU reserve]'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'57. Notes that, as requested by the Economic and Social Council in its resolution 2023/3, the Commission on Science and Technology for Development will collect inputs from member States, all facilitators and other relevant stakeholders and will organize, during its twenty-seventh session, in 2024, and its twenty-eighth session, in 2025, substantive discussions on the progress made in the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit during the past 20 years, [including the WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event in Geneva, co-hosted by Switzerland and the ITU, -Switzerland] and will report thereon, through the Economic and Social Council, to the General Assembly;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Stressing the crucial role of women in the agricultural sector and their contribution to enhancing agricultural and rural development, improving food security and nutrition and eradicating rural poverty, and underlining the fact that meaningful progress in agricultural and agricultural technology development necessitates, inter alia, closing the gender gap, introducing appropriate gender-responsive interventions at all stages in agricultural innovation processes, including at the policy level, and ensuring that women have equal access to agricultural technologies, related services and inputs and all necessary productive resources, including tenure rights and access to land, fisheries and forests, as well as to affordable education and training, social services, social protection, health care, health services and financial services, and equal access to and participation in local, regional and international markets,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Stresses that the achievement of sustainable development and the eradication of poverty also hinge on the ability and readiness of countries to effectively mobilize domestic resources, attract foreign direct investment, fulfil their respective official development assistance commitments and use official development assistance effectively, and facilitate the transfer of technology on voluntary and mutually agreed terms to developing countries, on mutually agreed terms, and further stresses that the resolution of unsustainable debt situations is critical for heavily indebted poor countries, while remittances have become a significant source of income and finance for receiving economies and their contribution to the achievement of sustainable development; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing the interlinkages and integrated nature of the Sustainable Development Goals, and reiterating that the eradication of rural poverty and hunger is crucial for the achievement of internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the 2030 Agenda, and that rural development should be pursued through an integrated approach which encompasses economic, social and environmental dimensions, takes into account a gender perspective and consists of mutually reinforcing policies and programmes, and which should be balanced, targeted, situation-specific and locally owned, include local synergies and initiatives and be responsive to the needs of rural populations, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Encourages regional and subregional organizations to continue to promote sustainable development in their respective regions by, inter alia, promoting peer learning and cooperation, including South-South and triangular cooperation, as well as effective linkages among global, regional, subregional and national processes, as appropriate, to advance sustainable development; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Taking note of the report of the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development entitled State of Broadband Report: 2023 Digital Connectivity A Transformative Opportunity, which provides an evaluation of the progress made towards achieving the Broadband Commission s advocacy targets for broadband and the state of broadband development worldwide, (Technical update) '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'18. Recognizes the importance of the role of the private sector, as well as of the role of public-private partnerships, in meeting the challenges of sustainable development for middle-income countries and other developing countries; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'(d) Enhancing international trade of least developed countries and regional integration,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'23. Acknowledges that good governance and the rule of law at the national and international levels are essential for sustained economic growth, sustainable development and the eradication of poverty and hunger; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Welcomes the establishment by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) of the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund with the aim to support the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'47. Also recognizes that, over the years, the responsibilities of the Office of the High Representative have increased considerably in their scope and complexity and that, in addition to its original mandate, the requirement to undertake undertake implement: Japan research and analytical work, monitor sectoral policy developments at the level of intergovernmental processes, follow up on actions taken at the national level, further strengthen the network of national focal points of least developed countries, develop operational guidelines for United Nations entities support to countries in conflict and post-conflict situations and support the graduating and graduated countries have increased; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reiterates that States are strongly urged to refrain from promulgating and applying any unilateral economic, financial or trade measures not in accordance with international law and the Charter of the United Nations that impede the full achievement of economic and social development, particularly in developing countries; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'19. Reiterates the call toimportance of relevant institutions to learn from one another s efforts to address the diverse circumstances of countries, to better manage transitions and graduation, recognizes that official development assistance should continue to focus on countries most in need, and takes note of a willingness to develop a wider analysis of new measures, building on existing experiences with eligibility exceptions, for concessional finance and multidimensional assessments, to address the limitations of an income-only assessment of development and graduation readiness; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling its resolution 77/320 of 25 July 2023 on the impact of rapid technological change on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and targets, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'[16. alt Recognizes the need of a global response to opportunities, risks and challenges associated with dealing with data and urgent action aimed at reducing digital divides and inequalities in data generation, infrastructure and accessibility and calls upon Governments and other stakeholders to collaborate on inclusive global governance of data, building on contributions from international organizations, including the United Nations system, and to find common ground for data to work for people and planet, ensuring no one is left behind, considering both economic and non-economic implications; -Switzerland (proposed streamlining of paragraphs 16-20)]'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'22. Also encourages developed countries to prioritize and enhance the allocation of and access to sustainable and predictable financing for disaster risk reduction at all levels, enhanced technical and financial support and technology transfer on voluntary and mutually agreed terms to developing countries, in particular for the least developed countries, small island developing States, landlocked developing countries and African countries, as well as middle-income countries facing specific challenges, on concessional and preferential terms, for the development and strengthening of their capacities including, to build resilient health, water, agriculture and food systems, cultural heritage, transport, energy and digital connectivity systems;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP31. Recalling the Working Group on the Digital Gender Divide of the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development and the recommendations for action in bridging the gender digital divide contained in its progress report, and taking note of the report of the Working Group on Education of the Broadband Commission entitled Digital skills for life and work , agreed ad ref'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'19. Recognizes the potential for innovation, productivity improvements and the promotion of non-traditional exports in most commodity-dependent developing countries, particularly in Africa, and calls for enhanced support by the international community as well as exchanges of experience in these areas within the framework of South-South economic cooperation; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'11. Recalls/Reaffirms Welcomes the political declaration adopted by the high-level political forum on sustainable development convened under the auspices of the General Assembly (Sustainable Development Goals Summit), held in New York on 18 and 19 September 2023, and urges timely action to on its provisions ensure its full implementation;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirming also its resolution 69/313 of 27 July 2015 on the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, which is an integral part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, supports and complements it, helps to contextualize its means of implementation targets with concrete policies and actions, and reaffirms the strong political commitment to address the challenge of financing and creating an enabling environment at all levels for sustainable development in the spirit of global partnership and solidarity, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Taking note of United Nations Development Programme s Digital Strategy 2022-2025 which seeks to assist countries, upon their request, in their efforts towards digital transformation through the creation of inclusive and resilient digital ecosystems, to help them harness the opportunities as well as mitigate the risks that digital technologies bring,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing that realizing gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls will make a crucial contribution to progress across all of the Sustainable Development Goals, and emphasizing the need to target science, technology and innovation strategies to address the empowerment of women and girls and to reduce inequalities, including the gender digital divide, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing the importance of debt sustainability on a long-term basis for the smooth transition of countries graduating from least developed country status, as well as those that have already graduated, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'40. Reaffirms the commitment to implementing the decision contained in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda to adopt and implement investment promotion regimes for the least developed countries, reiterates the decision to provide financial and technical support for project preparation and contract negotiation, advisory support for investment-related dispute resolution, access to information on investment facilities, improving enabling environments, and risk insurance and guarantees such as through the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, and in this regard reiterates its requests to the Secretary-General to conclude conclude complete : Japan expeditiously the feasibility study on establishing an international investment support centre for the least developed countries in the form of a one-stop shop to mobilize support for the implementation of the investment promotion regime for the least developed countries and graduated countries, and to submit the study and recommendations to the General Assembly for its consideration at its seventy-ninth session; G77: Retain para as drafted'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'22. Also stresses that the Aid for Trade initiative should aim to help developing countries, particularly the least developed countries, to build the supply-side capacity and trade-related infrastructure that they need to assist them to implement and benefit from World Trade Organization agreements and, more broadly, to expand their trade; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'21. Calls for enhancing the capacity of the multilateral trading system to increase pandemic and disaster preparedness and resilience through a multifaceted response, including by strengthening the resilience of global supply chains, including short-term measures such as trade facilitation, transparency and restraint in relation to export restrictions on essential products including vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics supplies, as well as the rapid scaling-up and expansion of vaccine production globally, including in developing countries, and welcomes the outcome on the World Trade Organization response to the COVID-19 pandemic and preparedness for future pandemics; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling its resolutions 41/187 of 8 December 1986, 46/158 of 19 December 1991, 51/179 of 16 December 1996, 52/197 of 18 December 1997, 53/184 of 15 December 1998, 55/192 of 20 December 2000, 57/249 of 20 December 2002, 65/166 of 20 December 2010 and 66/208 of 22 December 2011 concerning culture and development, 66/288 of 27 July 2012, entitled The future we want , and 68/223 of 20 December 2013, 69/230 of 19 December 2014, 70/214 of 22 December 2015, 72/229 of 20 December 2017, 74/230 of 19 December 2019, and 76/214 of 17 December 2021 on culture and sustainable development,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirming further the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, the Paris Agreement (opt1) adopted under UNFCCC, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 2030 and the New Urban Agenda adopted in Quito by the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III), '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'46. Recognizes that the activities relating to the least developed countries carried out within the Secretariat need to be further coordinated and consolidated in order to ensure the effective monitoring and follow-up of the implementation of the Doha Programme of Action, led by the Office of the High Representative, and to provide well-coordinated support to realizing, inter alia, the target of enabling 15 additional least developed countries to meet the criteria for graduation by 2031; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP31 Emphasizing the need to continue to scale up investments in climate action, including by making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development, in line with the Paris Agreement, and reiterating the need to accelerate the transfer and deployment of environmentally sound [and low emission EU (PP29 A/RES/77/155); UK support]technologies to developing countries on favourable terms, including on concessional and preferential terms, [and mutually agreed terms EU (PP29/A/RES/77/155); UK, Russia support; G77 and China reserve] '
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b'6. Stresses that developing countries, including African countries, the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States, face particular challenges as lower prices for the commodities that they produce threaten the sustainable growth and the debt positions of such countries, and therefore notes that, in this context, economic and export diversification, value addition and industrialization can contribute to strengthening resilience to excessive price volatility by allowing the derivation of revenue from various sources; '
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b'OP37. Calls upon the United Nations system and all relevant stakeholders to support the capacity-building of developing countries in their efforts to close the Sustainable Development Goals investment gaps, especially at the country programme level, on the use of public finance to leverage private investment for projects benefiting sustainable development;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Noting that its resolution 69/313 also commits Member States to working to improve the fairness, transparency, efficiency and effectiveness of their tax systems, '
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b'28. Reiterates its request to the Secretary-General to ensure, by 2024, the allocation of adequate resources to respond to the expanding mandates of the small island developing States units of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the Office of the High Representative in support of the sustainable development agenda of the small island developing States and the forthcoming fourth International Conference for Small Island Developing States and its preparatory process, and calls on the UN system to strengthen and promote coordinated, effective and coherent UN capacity development support to in SIDS; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'24. Notes with concern that that a larger share of ODA for middle-income countries takes the form of loans rather than grants and access to concessional finance is reduced as countries incomes grow because concessional finance is finite and generally reserved for the poorest countries, and that countries may not be able to access sufficient affordable financing from other sources to meet their needs, encourages and recognizes that it is the role of shareholders in multilateral development banks to develop graduation policies that are sequenced, phased and gradual, and encourages notes with appreciation that multilateral development banks to explore ways to ensure that their assistance best addresses the opportunities and challenges presented by the diverse circumstances of middle-income countries; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'22. Recalls the decision at the twelfth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization not to impose export restrictions on foodstuffs purchased for non commercial humanitarian purposes by the World Food Programme, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Requests the ad hoc intergovernmental committee, in elaborating the comprehensive convention on international tax cooperation, to: '
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b'47. Calls upon all stakeholders to keep the goal of bridging digital divides, in their different forms, an area of priority concern, to put into effect sound strategies that contribute to the development of e-government and to continue to focus on pro poor information and communications technology policies and applications, including access to broadband at the grass-roots level, with a view to narrowing the digital divides among and within countries and, in turn, building information and knowledge societies; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirming also its resolution 69/313 of 27 July 2015 on the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, which is an integral part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, supports and complements it, helps to contextualize its means of implementation targets with concrete policies and actions, and reaffirms the strong political commitment to address the challenge of financing and creating an enabling environment at all levels for sustainable development in the spirit of global partnership and solidarity, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'take a holistic, sustainable development perspective, which considers the interaction of international tax rules with other important economic and social policy areas, such as trade and investment, inequality, the environment, gender, health and inter-generational aspects, and which recognizes the need for sufficient flexibility and resilience in the international tax system to continuously ensure equitable results as technology and business models and the international tax cooperation landscape evolve; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling that the 1953 London Agreement on Germany s debt limited the amount of export revenues that could be spent on external debt servicing to 5 per cent of the total to avoid undermining post-war recovery (SG report page 7). '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'61. Invites the Co-Chairs of the multi-stakeholder forum on science, technology and innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals in 2024 to include an update on the midterm reviews of science, technology and innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals in the Co-Chairs summary; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Taking note of the operational guidelines for sustainable financing promoted by the Group of 20, while urging the Group to continue to engage in an inclusive and transparent manner with other States Members of the United Nations in its work, in order to ensure that the initiatives of the Group complement or strengthen the United Nations system, and noting the progress achieved in the implementation of the operational guidelines, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Encouraging parties, other Governments and relevant organizations to integrate nature-based solutions, ecosystem-based approaches and other management and conservation approaches, in line with resolution 5/5 of 7 March 2022 of the United Nations Environment Assembly,12 to climate change adaptation and mitigation and disaster risk reduction into their strategic planning, as appropriate, across sectors,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Looking forward also to the fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States, to be held in Antigua and Barbuda from 27 to 30 May 2024 under the overarching theme "Charting the course towards resilient prosperity", [new] recognizing that some SIDs are LDCs [EU] RF, G77: Retain as drafted'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'31. Calls for continued and enhanced efforts to assist small island developing States and for a strengthening of United Nations system support to small island developing States, in keeping with the multiple ongoing and emerging challenges faced by those States to achieving sustainable development; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing with concern further that the ratio of total external debt stocks service to exports in lower low- and middle-income countries grew in 2021 to reached 13.2 .5 trillion dollars, or 30.4 per cent of their gross domestic product, 118.3 in 2022 and for low-income countries this ratio rose to an unsustainable level of 22.6 per cent of their export earnings, while those of upper middle income countries rose to 7.1 trillion dollars, amounting to 26.1 per cent of their gross domestic product and to 104 per cent of their export earnings in 2021 and (SG report page 6). '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'5. Also underlines the need for sustained efforts towards achieving debt sustainability in middle-income countries in order to avoid a debt crisis, and the importance of debt restructurings being timely, orderly, effective, fair and negotiated in good faith;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Looking forward to the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, recalling the Istanbul Declaration and Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011 2020, rRecalling also all relevant strategies and programmes of action for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, including the Doha Programme of Action for Least Developed Countries, SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway, and the Vienna Declaration and Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked Developing Countries for the Decade 2014 2024, and the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway, recalling also the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, held in Doha, looking forward to the convening of the Third United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries to be held in Kigali in June 2024, and to the Fourth United Nations Conference on Small Island Developing States to be held in Antigua and Barbuda in May 2024, and reaffirming the importance of supporting Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the programme of the New Partnership for Africa s Development, recognizing the major challenge to the achievement of durable peace and sustainable development in countries in conflict and post-conflict situations,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'33. Emphasizes the importance of facilitating accession to the World Trade Organization, particularly for commodity-dependent developing countries, in full compliance with its rules; '
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b'Recalling the vision of a people-centred, inclusive and development-oriented information society, where everyone can create, access, utilize and share information and knowledge, enabling individuals, communities and peoples to achieve their full potential in promoting their sustainable development and improving their quality of life, premised on the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and respecting fully and upholding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, '
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b'8. Welcomes the solidarity of middle-income countries with other developing countries, in particular the financial, technical, technology transfer on voluntary and mutually agreed terms and capacity-building support being provided by middle-income countries, particularly to the least developed countries, through South-South and triangular cooperation, while stressing that South-South cooperation is a complement to, and not a substitute for, North-South cooperation, and in this regard calls upon the United Nations development system to continue its ongoing efforts to mainstream support to South-South cooperation and triangular cooperation; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'2. Also recalls the inclusion in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development of, inter alia, several policies and actions intended to ensure a policy and regulatory environment for the promotion of financial inclusion, and in this regard looks forward to their implementation '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'[Taking note of the United Nations Food System Summit held on 23 September 2021, and its follow-up process running up to 2030 in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and noting the Secretary-General s shared summary of the 2021 UN Food System Summit that underlines the key role food systems play in relation to several sustainable development goals, including commitments on sustainable consumption and production. -CHE] (source: PP10-11 from Global Strategy for SCP); EU-flexible'
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b'21. Notes the holding of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development eWeek 2023, under the theme Shaping the future of the digital economy , from 4 to 8 December 2023; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing with concern that the prevalence of hunger and malnutrition has been increasing in many countries, exacerbated by the coronavirus disease (COVID 19) pandemic, particularly in middle-income countries, with most relying heavily on international trade in primary commodities, '
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b'Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its seventy- ninth eighth session, under the item entitled Eradication of poverty and other development issues , the sub-item entitled Eradicating rural poverty to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development . '
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b'[PP34. [Noting with great concern also that many developing countries lack [meaningful and -UK; -Switzerland, -EU support; -G77 flexible] affordable access to information and communications technologies and that, for the majority of the poor, the promise of science and technology, including information and communications technologies, remains unfulfilled, and emphasizing the need to effectively harness technology, including information and communications technologies, data management, and promote inclusive digital literacy to bridge the digital and knowledge divides, ; (verbatim para 27, Assessment of the progress made in the Implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society E/RES/2023/3) -EU, -US, -Switzerland, -Mexico, -Holy See delete; -RF retain; -G77 to revert] '
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b'Notes with appreciation Urges multilateral donors and invites the international financial institutions and regional development banks , within their respective mandates, to review and implement policies that support national efforts to ensure that a higher proportion of resources reach women and girls, in particular in rural and remote areas, and invites multilateral and regional development banks to agree on notes the value of common indicators for analysing the gender impact of their lending; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Expressing concern that almost two thirds of developing and transition economies remain commodity dependent, where manufacturing and services remain tied to lower value-added activities, and acknowledging that the lack of appropriate technologies and financial resources have proved to be a challenge to taking advantage of improved market access, - US reserve; EU to revert'
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b'18. Recognizes with concern the transition challenges encountered by small island developing States that have graduated or are about to graduate from least developed country status, remains mindful that graduation must not disrupt a country s development progress, and stresses the need for the development and implementation of a viable multiannual multiyear transition strategy to facilitate each small island developing State s graduation, with the support of the international community where appropriate, to mitigate against, inter alia, the possible loss of concessionary financing, to reduce the risks of falling heavily into debt and to ensure macro-financial stability; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'41. Calls upon the United Nations funds and programmes and the specialized agencies, the international community and the International Financial Institutions at the request of Member States, to support, the efforts of the countries of the South to develop and strengthen their national science, technology and innovation systems through North-South, regional and international cooperation, including South-South and triangular, cooperation on access to science, technology, innovation and knowledge-sharing; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirming the Paris Agreement and its early entry into force, and encouraging all its parties to fully implement the Agreement, and parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that have not yet done so to deposit their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, where appropriate, as soon as possible, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP15. Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General on the progress made in the implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society at the regional and international levels, agreed ad ref'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'27. Urges the international community to adopt urgent and effective measures to eliminate the use of unilateral economic, financial or trade measures that are not authorized by relevant organs of the United Nations, and that are inconsistent with the principles of international law or the Charter of the United Nations or that contravene the basic principles of the multilateral trading system and that affect, in particular, but not exclusively, developing countries; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General;[1]'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Welcoming the convening of the High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development held in New York on 20 September 2023, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Taking note of the holding of preparatory meetings for the Economic and Social Council forum on financing for development follow-up, such as the annual retreat of the Group of Friends of Monterrey, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'5. Notes that mobile phones could continue to strengthen financial inclusion, and in this regard underlines the need for the necessary investments, including in infrastructure, such as reliable electricity and network connections, as well as in payment systems and other financial infrastructure, and encourages Member States to take policy actions in accordance with national circumstances and priorities; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'19. Encourages Member States to advance innovative pathways to achieve sustainable consumption and production, in line with United Nations Environment Assembly resolution 4/1 of 15 March 2019; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'11. Calls upon the international community to support the efforts of and foster cooperation with commodity-dependent developing countries to address the factors that create structural barriers to international trade and impede, inter alia, diversification, including tariff and non-tariff barriers, limited access to financial services resulting in scarce resources for investing in the commodity sector, weak infrastructure, particularly regarding both the cost and availability of transportation and storage, and lack of skills in producing and marketing alternative products; '