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You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Encourages the further strengthening of the science-policy interface and of the means of implementation from all sources and at all levels, including a revitalized and enhanced Global Partnership, as well as by supporting innovative approaches to sustainability science and emphasizing cross-disciplinary partnerships; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Noting the twenty-seventh session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, from 6 to 20 November 2022, and looking forward to the twenty-eighth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from 30 November to 12 December 2023'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Stressing that inclusive and effective international tax cooperation requires legally established and transparent decision-making structures, such that the rules are clear, transparent and helps to ensure that all participants are on an equal footing procedurally and have the same ability afforded the opportunity to engage meaningfully in decision-making, whether through consensus-based or voting-based processes, or a combination of the two, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Notes with concern that some low- and middle-income developing countries that were not part of the existing debt relief initiatives now have large debt burdens that may create constraints on mobilizing the resources needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, indicating a need to consider, as appropriate, stronger debt management initiatives for those countries, and stresses the importance of medium- and long-term debt sustainability to deal with debt, including non-Paris Club debt; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP10. Recalling also the references to information and communications technologies contained in the 2030 Agenda and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, and reiterating calls for close alignment between the World Summit on the Information Society process and the 2030 Agenda, as well as other relevant intergovernmental outcomes, agreed ad ref'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'45. Recognizes the importance of assisting developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, to address the challenges and opportunities in relation to the use of the Internet and e-commerce to develop their international trade capacities, among other things; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'27. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its eightieth session a report on the implementation of the present resolution, and decides to include in the provisional agenda of its eightieth session, under the item entitled Globalization and interdependence , the sub-item entitled Culture and sustainable development . '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'68. Notes in this regard the further development of integrated national financing frameworks, in support of nationally owned sustainable development strategies, including disaster risk reduction strategies, in order to further implement the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, aimed at effectively mobilizing and aligning a wide range of financing sources and instruments with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and making use of the full potential of all means of implementation; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'1. Takes note of the report of the Trade and Development Board of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the note by the Secretary-General; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'1. Recalls the inclusion in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of, inter alia, several targets related to the promotion of financial inclusion, also recalls that the Sustainable Development Goals and associated targets are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development, and in this regard looks forward to their achievement; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'25. Encourages all countries, intergovernmental bodies, organizations of the United Nations system, relevant non-governmental organizations and all other relevant stakeholders to give due consideration to the contribution of culture to the achievement of sustainable development in the formulation of national, regional and international development policies and international cooperation instruments, and in this regard, building upon the discussion at the previous high-level event on culture and sustainable development, invites the President of the General Assembly to host a one-day high-level interactive dialogue on this subject, within existing resources, during the seventy-ninth session of the Assembly, and to invite the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to support the President of the Assembly, within its existing mandates; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Guided by the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'7. Recognizes the importance of addressing the gap in capabilities across and between countries, sectors and segments of society so that all parts of society, especially people in vulnerable situations and the poor, can adapt and benefit from technological changes; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Stressing further the need to determine gaps, obstacles, synergies and challenges in the implementation of commitments and instruments in the sustainable development field, in a coherent and integrated manner, and with a view to pursuing and achieving policy coherence as well as identifying new opportunities and emerging challenges for international cooperation on the path towards sustainable development,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'3. Also calls upon the least developed countries, in cooperation with their development partners, [Including international financing institutions and relevant multilateral organizations EU EU: Will take back] G77, RF: Delete] to broaden their existing country-level review mechanisms and report dissemination, including those for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the implementation of poverty reduction strategy papers, nationally determined contributions, United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks and the existing consultative mechanisms, to cover the review of the Doha Programme of Action and extend them to all least developed countries; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Acknowledging that the promotion of formal financial systems and services with robust risk-based regulatory frameworks for all financial intermediation, as appropriate, as well as the rule of law and accountable and inclusive institutions, contributes to inclusive financial systems and to effectively and comprehensively preventing and combating corruption and curbing curbing the crimes that contribute and facilitate illicit financial flows illicit financial flowsmoney laundering, terrorist financing, and other forms of illicit finance through implementation of the Financial Action Task Force recommendations and other related best practices, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Taking note further of the work of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination on the impact of new and emerging technologies and on promoting innovation to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'55. Recognizes the important role of information and communications technologies for attaining the Sustainable Development Goals and for a sustainable, inclusive and resilient recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, and calls upon all stakeholders in the information and communications technologies sector, including Governments and the United Nations system, to fully consider the health and socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic as they strengthen their efforts to bridge the digital divides within and between developed and developing countries, with particular attention to the poorest and most vulnerable, as well as women and girls, and to ensuring affordable and reliable connectivity, the promotion of digital access and digital inclusion, and the expansion of accessible and inclusive distance-learning solutions and digital health services; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'13. Calls upon the United Nations development system, in line with its resolutions 71/243 and 75/233, to continue to support developing countries in their efforts to achieve the internationally agreed development goals and their development objectives, requests the development system to address, within existing resources and mandates, the special challenges facing the most vulnerable countries, as well as the specific challenges facing middle-income countries, in line with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and in this regard takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the assessment of the outcomes of existing strategies within the United Nations development system related to middle-income countries;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling that the Sendai Framework applies to risks of small-scale and large- scale, frequent and infrequent, sudden- and slow-onset disasters caused by natural or human-made hazards, as well as related environmental, technological and biological hazards and risks,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'(h) To preserve and maintain local and indigenous traditional knowledge and community practices of environmental management, which are valuable examples of culture as a vehicle for sustainable development, and to foster synergies between modern science and technology and local and indigenous knowledge, practices and innovation; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP39. Reaffirming that the same rights that people have offline must also be protected online, and emphasizing that progress towards the vision of the World Summit on the Information Society should be considered not only as a function of economic development and the spreading of information and communications technologies but also as a function of progress with respect to the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms, agreed ad ref '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Taking note ofRecalling the report of the Secretary-General entitled Road map for digital cooperation , presented on 11 June 2020,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its seventy-ninth eighth session an action-oriented report on the implementation of the present resolution and to include in his report progress made on international measures and concrete recommendations to accelerate the implementation of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development[1] and the 2030 Agenda with respect to matters of debt and debt sustainability and the related efforts to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as their implications for external debt sustainability and development, and decides to include in the provisional agenda of its seventy-ninth eighth session, under the item entitled Macroeconomic policy questions , the sub-item entitled External debt sustainability and development , unless otherwise agreed. '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'[Welcomes the decision of the Board of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns to approve / ,[Encourages Member States, United Nations entities and stakeholders to support the implementation of EU, TUR] the Global Strategy for Sustainable Consumption and Production 2023 2030, [following a consultative process involving Member States and stakeholders, and calls upon Member States, United Nations entities and stakeholders to support its implementation -del- EU, TUR ]and [ mobilize- EU, TUR] resource [mobilization-del EU,TUR] as part of the international efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals and the objectives of the multilateral environmental agreements, and acknowledging that all countries should take action, [with developed countries taking the lead, taking into account the development and capabilities of developing countries; -del-CHE]'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'27. Encourages research and development, and the development of viable strategies that could result in further competitiveness, investment and rapid reductions in the cost of information and communications technologies, and urges all relevant stakeholders to address the growing digital divides between and within countries through, inter alia, strengthened enabling policy environments at all levels, legal and regulatory frameworks conducive to increased investment and innovation, public-private partnerships, universal access strategies and international cooperation to improve affordability, education, [meaningful inclusion, a gender perspective -Mexico, -US, -Israel; -RF delete] capacity-building, multilingualism, cultural preservation, investment and technology transfer; [on [voluntary and -US, -Israel; -RF delete] mutually agreed terms -Switzerland, -CANZ, -UK, -US, -EU, -Israel retain; -RF delete]'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'45. Encourages the incorporation of disaster risk reduction measures, as appropriate, into multilateral and bilateral development assistance programmes and infrastructure financing, including through North-South cooperation complemented by South-South as well as triangular cooperation, within and across all sectors related to sustainable development, and calls for international cooperation that is aligned with national disaster risk reduction strategies and more risk-informed and for alignment between national development cooperation policies and national disaster risk reduction strategies;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'OP22. Acknowledges that reducing disaster risk, as outlined in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 2030, [and the political declaration of the high-level meeting of its midterm review CANZ], is a cost-effective investment in preventing future losses, encourages Member States to develop standards, legislation and regulations, as appropriate, for disaster risk-informed public and private sector investments, including on risk disclosure in investments and transactions, and to ensure that pipeline and bankable projects include multi-hazard and other measures that assess, prevent and mitigate risks, including in infrastructure and the real estate sector, and in this regard encourages Member States to routinely conduct stress testing of infrastructure systems;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing also the importance of promoting policies and planning that build resilience and reduce displacement risk in the context of disasters, including through international, regional, subregional, transboundary and bilateral cooperation,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'47. Encourages States to allocate increased domestic resources to disaster risk reduction, including resilient infrastructure, to include disaster risk reduction in budgeting and financial planning across all relevant sectors, and to ensure that national financing frameworks and infrastructure plans are risk-informed, according to national plans and policies;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'56. Looks forward to the development of a [global digital compact / Global Digital Compact -Mexico] [through intergovernmental consultations -RF; -Switzerland reserve] to [bridge the digital [divide / divides -EU, -Mexico, -Israel; -RF retain] and to -Switzerland, -UK, -US, -Israel delete; -CANZ, -Mexico reserve; -RF retain] strengthen digital cooperation through [an -Switzerland, -UK, -US, -Israel; -CANZ, -Mexico reserve] open, [transparent -Switzerland, -UK, -US, -Israel delete; -CANZ, -Mexico reserve] and inclusive [intergovernmental consultations / process -Switzerland, -UK, -US, -Israel; -CANZ reserve; -RF delete], taking into account the work being done in the United Nations and in relevant processes and forums, and takes note of the role of the Secretary-General s Envoy on Technology in supporting this effort;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'30. Also recognizes that disaster risk reduction requires a multi-hazard and systemic approach and inclusive risk-informed decision-making based on the open exchange and dissemination of data disaggregated by, inter alia, income, sex, age and disability, and analysis with an adequate understanding of how the information is to be interpreted and used, as well as on easily accessible, up-to-date, comprehensible, interoperable, science-based, non-sensitive risk information, for a wide range of users and decision makers, complemented by traditional knowledge, and in this regard encourages States to commence or, as appropriate, further enhance the collection and analysis of data on disaster loss and other relevant disaster risk reduction targets, disaggregated by income, sex, age and disability and other characteristics relevant in national contexts, and to strengthen inter-institutional, inclusive coordination on disaster risk data and integrated analysis, and invites Member States to mobilize national statistical and planning offices and other relevant authorities, and strengthen their capacity in the systemic collection, analysis and validation of disaster risk data to institutionalize its use in decision-making processes and investments across sectors; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing also that many people in vulnerable situations are disproportionately excluded from financial systems and may not have access to financial services or may be reluctant to adopt them, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing the important role, on a case-by-case basis, of debt relief, including debt cancellation, as appropriate, and debt restructuring as debt crisis prevention, management and resolution tools for countries facing unsustainable debt burdens, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'21. Notes that digital-led growth in the services sector can help middle-income countries to achieve sustainable development and harness opportunities in the global digital market, and looks forward to the finalization of the ongoing intergovernmental process on Global Digital Compact and the convening of the Summit of the Future in 2024. '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Notes that rapid developments in digital financial technology, further accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, have transformed the provision of financial services and created a new ecosystem of digital assets, recognizes the relevance of carefully monitoring domestic and global developments, reviewing and updating regulatory frameworks when necessary and cooperating across sectors and borders to support enabling environments that take due account of opportunities and risks to ensure a more balanced view of digital financial innovations, while still fostering competition and innovations in the financial system, and requests the United Nations system to continue to support developing countries through knowledge-sharing, technology transfer on voluntary and mutually agreed terms on mutually agreed terms and capacity-building in order to better address the opportunities, challenges and implications of emerging digital financial technologies; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'10. Calls for the development of learners potential for creativity and innovation, their capacity to enjoy and to express themselves through the arts, their awareness of history and the diversity of cultures; as well as promotion of education for the protection of cultural and natural heritage and places of memory whose existence is necessary for the safeguarding of cultural expressions; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'51. Recognizes the critical importance of private sector investment in information and communications technology infrastructure, content and services, encourages Governments to create legal and regulatory frameworks conducive to increased investment and innovation, and also recognizes the importance of public-private partnerships, universal access strategies and other approaches to that end; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b' Recalling its resolutions 58/203 of 23 December 2003, 59/223 of 22 December 2004, 60/187 of 22 December 2005, 61/188 of 20 December 2006, 62/186 of 19 December 2007, 63/206 of 19 December 2008, 64/191 of 21 December 2009, 65/144 of 20 December 2010, 66/189 of 22 December 2011, 67/198 of 21 December 2012, 68/202 of 20 December 2013, 69/207 of 19 December 2014, 70/190 of 22 December 2015, 71/216 of 21 December 2016, 72/204 of 20 December 2017, 73/221 of 20 December 2018, 74/203 of 19 December 2019, 75/205 of 21 December 2020 and, 76/193 of 17 December 2021 and 77/153 of 20 December 2022, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Noting with appreciation the aspirations, embedded in Agenda 2063 of the African Union, to lift huge sections of the population out of poverty, improve incomes and catalyse economic and social transformation, and recognizing the importance of the international community s helping African countries to achieve such goals, especially in the rural areas of the African continent,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing the vital role that women play in the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, reaffirming the need for their full, equal, effective and meaningful participation at all levels of policymaking and implementation for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, as well as ecosystem restoration,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Emphasizing that cohesive, nationally owned sustainable development strategies, supported by integrated national financing frameworks, will be at the heart of efforts by Member States, reiterating that each country has primary responsibility for its own economic and social development and that the role of national policies and development strategies cannot be overemphasized, highlighting the need to respect each country s policy space and leadership in the implementation of policies for poverty eradication and sustainable development while remaining consistent with relevant international rules and commitments, recognizing that national development efforts need to can be supported by an enabling international economic environment, including coherent and mutually supporting world trade, monetary and financial systems and strongstrengthened and enhanced global economic governance, and highlighting the fact that processes to develop and transfer knowledge and technologies, on voluntary and mutually agreed terms , as well as capacity-building, are also critical, including pursuing policy coherence and an enabling environment for sustainable development at all levels and by all actors and reinvigorating the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development and for the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Noting with great concern the severe negative impact on human health, safety and well-being caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, as well as the severe disruption to societies and economies and the devastating impact on lives and livelihoods, and that the poorest and most vulnerable are the hardest hit by the pandemic, reaffirming the ambition to get back on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by designing and implementing sustainable and inclusive recovery strategies to accelerate progress towards the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to help to reduce the risk of and build resilience to future shocks, crises and pandemics, including by strengthening health systems and achieving universal health coverage, and recognizing that equitable and timely access for all to safe, quality, effective and affordable COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics are an essential part of a global response based on unity, solidarity, renewed multilateral cooperation and the principle of leaving no one behind, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Acknowledging the need for urgent action to address the adverse impacts of climate change, including those related to sea level rise and extreme weather events, which continue to pose a significant risk to small island developing States and to their efforts to achieve sustainable development and, for many, represent the gravest of threats to their survival and viability, as well as through threats to water availability and food security and nutrition, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'31. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its seventy-ninth session, within existing resources, an action-oriented report on the implementation of the present resolution, including a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the support available to middle-income countries in pursuing adequate approaches to enable inclusive and just transition pathways for sustainable development, including the impact of new and inclusive development approaches;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Noting with great concern the severe negative impact on human health, safety and well-being caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, as well as the severe disruption to societies and economies and the devastating impact on lives and livelihoods, and that the poorest and most vulnerable are the hardest hit by the pandemic, reaffirming the ambition to get back on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by designing and implementing sustainable and inclusive recovery strategies to accelerate progress towards the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to help to reduce the risk of and build resilience to future shocks, crises and pandemics, including by strengthening health systems and achieving universal health coverage, and recognizing that equitable and timely access for all to safe, quality, effective and affordable COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics are an essential part of a global response based on unity, solidarity, renewed multilateral cooperation and the principle of leaving no one behind,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Emphasizing that a fully inclusive and more effective international tax cooperation system requires robust processes for avoiding and resolving tax disputes in a principled and effective manner and keeping in mind that developing countries have limited resources to handle costly international disputes settlement processes, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing climate change as one of the drivers of disaster risk and that the adverse effects of climate change, as contributors to environmental degradation and extreme weather events, may, in certain instances, among other factors, contribute to disaster-induced human mobility, and in this regard acknowledging the internationally agreed outcomes adopted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reiterating the pledge that no one will be left behind, reaffirming the recognition that the dignity of the human person is fundamental, and the wish to see the Goals and targets met for all nations and peoples and for all segments of society, and recommitting to endeavour to reach the furthest behind first,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'8. Recognizes that in some cases the use of public debt and renewed external borrowing to absorb the impact of a disaster could lead to higher debt servicing for developing countries and constrain their growth and their capacity to invest in long - term resilience-building, and acknowledges that, with each new disaster, financial vulnerabilities may grow and domestic response capacities may weaken and in that regard, calls for the use mechanisms to make lending instruments more shock-absorbing, including natural disaster and climate resilient debt Clauses;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'12. Also acknowledges the efforts and actions on financial inclusion for sustainable development undertaken by a wide range of stakeholders working in partnership, such as the Alliance for Financial Inclusion, the Better Than Cash Alliance, the Special Advocate of the Secretary-General for Inclusive Finance for Development and the Group of 20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion, urges them to engage in an inclusive and transparent manner with Member States in their work, in order to ensure that their initiatives complement or strengthen the United Nations system, including the United Nations Capital Development Fund and the regional commissions, and encourages enhanced coordination and cooperation with the Inter-Agency Task Force on Financing for Development; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'40. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its seventy-nineth session, under the item entitled Sustainable development , the sub-item entitled Follow-up to and implementation of the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States . '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'[55. bis Highlights the importance of the Summit of the Future to be held on 22 and 23 September 2024 and its action-oriented outcome document as an opportunity, with a view to accelerating the implementation of agreed frameworks, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and encourages major groups and other stakeholders to participate and engage in the preparatory process of the Summit, including the development of a global digital compact, aligned with the SDGs, to strengthen digital cooperation through an open and inclusive process, taking into account the work being done in the United Nations and in relevant processes and forums, and takes note of the role of the Secretary-General s Envoy on Technology in supporting this effort. -EU]'
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b'OP27. Stresses the need to take stock of public and private initiatives to measure investment impacts on the Sustainable Development Goals, identify their similarities and differences, and lay out potential gaps; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Also invites parties to the Convention to consider, as appropriate, ratifying or acceding to the Cartagena Protocol;'
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b'[PP14. Recognizing that information and communications technologies present new opportunities and challenges and that there is a pressing need to address the major impediments that developing countries face in accessing new technologies, stressing the need to close the digital divides, both between and within countries and including the rural-urban, youth-older persons and gender digital divides, and to harness information and communications technologies for development, and recalling the need to emphasize quality of access to bridge digital and knowledge divides, using a multidimensional approach that includes speed, stability, affordability, language, training, capacity-building, local content and accessibility for persons with disabilities, -Switzerland delete for proposed streamlining]'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'12. Encourages countries to take advantage of capacity-building mechanisms and opportunities from the entire United Nations system in this regard; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'29. Recognizes that a gender digital divide persists and that, worldwide, 69 per cent of men use the Internet compared with 63 per cent of women, notes that in the least developed countries only 30 per cent of women use the Internet, compared with 43 per cent of men, and calls upon all stakeholders to close the gender digital divide, ensure the full, equal, effective and meaningful participation of all women in the information society and women s access to information and communications technologies for development, including women s and girls access to new technologies, in this respect reiterates its request for relevant United Nations system entities, including the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women), to support the implementation and monitoring of the action lines contained in the outcome documents of the World Summit on the Information Society by enhancing the emphasis on gender equality and all women s empowerment, and reaffirms the commitment to ensuring women s full [and meaningful -EU, -Mexico, -CANZ, -UK, -US] participation in decision-making processes related to information and communications technologies, including policies and approaches to promote women s online safety to facilitate their participation in the digital world, and to address any potential negative impacts of digital technologies on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, and committing to eliminating, preventing and responding to all forms of violence against women and girls [including technology-facilitated gender-based violence -CANZ, -US, -Mexico, -Israel; -RF delete]; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling the efforts undertaken by the host countries in organizing the meetings of the Internet Governance Forum, held in Athens in 2006, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2007, in Hyderabad, India, in 2008, in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, in 2009, in Vilnius in 2010, in Nairobi in 2011, in Baku in 2012, in Bali, Indonesia, in 2013, in Istanbul, T rkiye, in 2014, in Jo o Pessoa, Brazil, in 2015, in Guadalajara, Mexico, in 2016, in Geneva, in 2017, in Paris in 2018, in Berlin in 2019, in Katowice, Poland, in 2021, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in 2022 and the meeting held in Kyoto, Japan, in 2023 and recalling also the meeting convened virtually by the Secretary-General in 2020, (Technical update) and welcoming the offer by the Government of Saudi Arabia to host the Internet Governance Forum in 2024.'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'[OP10 bis Encourages all actors to address the gap in implementing existing principles for fair appraisal, selection, and transparent and sustainable lending practices for quality infrastructure investment, and in this regard, call on all actors to adhere to international rules, standards and principles, including the G20 Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment, the G20 Operational Guidelines for Sustainable Financing, the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, to safeguard the integrity of infrastructure investments; UK (Paragraph 15, G7 Hiroshima Summit Leaders Communique); Russia delete; G77 reserve.]'
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b'Recommitting to promoting appropriate, affordable and stable access to credit and other financial services to micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises, in particular businesses and enterprises in the social and solidarity economy operating in both the formal and informal sectors, as well as adequate skills development training for all, particularly for youth, persons with disabilities, older persons, women, indigenous peoples, local communities and entrepreneurs, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Takes note of the report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development;[1]'
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b'Welcomes-EU,CHE /Recalls- US] the Political Declaration adopted by the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development convened under the auspices of the General Assembly (Sustainable Development Goals Summit), held in New York on 18 and 19 September 2023, and [urges timely action to ensure its full implementation;/ encourages Member States to act on its provisions- US; del CHE]; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'8. Also recognizes the importance of the creation of a conducive environment that attracts and supports private investment, entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility, including an efficient, adequate, balanced and effective intellectual property framework, while encouraging access to science, technology and innovation, on voluntary and mutually agreed terms, by developing countries; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'OP35. Encourages States, development partners and the private sector to invest in technological development, to build more resilient supply chains, increase productive capacity and economic diversification in developing countries, share and transfer technology and know-how [on mutually agreed terms EU, CANZ, UK; G77 and China reserve] and improve domestic investment climates to facilitate mass production, especially of safe, quality, effective and affordable vaccines, therapeutics and medical equipment, promote job creation, adequate training and capacity-building and wealth creation, increase investment in quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including through the full utilization of the United Nations development system, the World Bank and other multilateral institutions in addressing the capacity and funding gaps, building a pipeline of bankable, quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure projects and exploring innovative platform approaches to coordinating, scaling up and channelling public and private finance and technical assistance, increase all [components - US requests clarification] of international public finance, including the catalytic use of official development assistance, domestic and international private sector finance, domestic resource mobilization, and trade, and reduce the average transaction cost of migrant remittances;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'OP27bisEemphasizes the importance of ending illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, and welcomes the Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies reached at the Twelfth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization;'
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b'10. Expresses its concern that the world is in the midst of a highly challenging environment in which global sustainable development prospects continue to diverge; stresses that, at the midpoint of the implementation timeline, the Sustainable Development Goals are facing big challenges, with only about [ 15 percent [EU Will take back] on track Japan source? G77 LDCs ECOSOC Res Retain original; Source? 12 per cent on track and the rest either off track or regressed below the 2015 baseline and that, under current trends, 575 million people will still be living in extreme poverty in 2030; and expresses further concern that the increased pressure on food, energy and finance, elevated inflation, rising global interest rates, tightened financial conditions, high indebtedness, disruptions in supply chains, and geopolitical tensions and conflicts, together with the adverse impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss and digital divides, have exacerbated challenges for many countries in addition to those associated with COVID-19 recovery, increasing hunger, and all forms of malnutrition and poverty and inequality; and analysis of the most recent data reveals that the least developed countries are not on track to meet the targets of the Doha Programme of Action and the Sustainable Development Goals; '
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b'45. Recognizes the importance of assisting developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, to address the challenges and opportunities in relation to the use of the Internet and e-commerce to develop their international trade capacities, among other things; '
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b'Encourages Notes the importance of all development banks to establish or maintain social and environmental safeguard systems, including on sustainable infrastructure, human rights, gender equality and women s empowerment, that are transparent, effective, efficient and time-sensitive, and engage affected communities in project design and implementation; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'4. Welcomes resolution 5/14 adopted by the United Nations Environment Assembly at its resumed fifth session, and the convening of the intergovernmental negotiating committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, based on a comprehensive approach that addresses the full life cycle of plastics, with the ambition of completing its work by the end of 2024; '
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b'Further decides that the bureau of the ad hoc intergovernmental committee shall be made up of 10 members consisting of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairpersons and a Rapporteur, elected based on balanced geographic and gender representation, with each of the five regional groups being represented by two members; '
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b'25. Encourages enhanced capacity-building support for developing countries in order to generate the use of high-quality, timely and reliable disaggregated data, and also encourages international cooperation, including through technical and financial support, to strengthen the capacity of national statistical systems; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing also that disasters, many of which are exacerbated by climate change and are increasing in frequency and intensity, significantly impede progress towards sustainable development,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'33. Recognizes the importance of the Internet Governance Forum and its mandate as a forum for multi-stakeholder dialogue on various matters, as reflected in paragraph 72 of the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society, including discussion of public policy issues related to key elements of Internet governance, and requests the Secretary-General to continue to submit, as part of his annual reporting on the progress made in the implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society at the regional and international levels, information on the progress made in the implementation of the recommendations contained in the report of the Working Group on Improvements to the Internet Governance Forum, in particular those on enhancing the participation of developing countries; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'10. Notes the progress that has been made by United Nations system entities in cooperation with national Governments, regional commissions and other stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations and the private sector, in the implementation of the action lines contained in the outcome documents of the World Summit on the Information Society, and encourages the use of those action lines for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Noting with great concern the severe negative impact on human health, safety and well-being caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, as well as the severe disruption to societies and economies and the devastating impact on lives and livelihoods, and that the poorest and most vulnerable are the hardest hit by the pandemic, reaffirming the ambition to get back on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by designing and implementing sustainable and inclusive recovery strategies to accelerate progress towards the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to help to reduce the risk of and build resilience to future shocks, crises and pandemics, including by strengthening health systems and achieving universal health coverage, and recognizing that equitable and timely access for all to safe, quality, effective and affordable COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics are an essential part of a global response based on unity, solidarity, renewed multilateral cooperation and the principle of leaving no one behind, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'24. Underlines that any emergency measures introduced to address food security concerns shall minimize trade distortions as far as possible, be temporary, targeted, transparent and be notified and implemented in accordance with World Trade Organization rules, and underscores that particular regard should be given to the effect that such measures have on developing countries, including the least developed and net food-importing developing countries; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Emphasizes the relevance of inclusion in the international financial system at all levels and the importance of considering financial inclusion as a policy objective in financial regulation, in accordance with national priorities and legislation; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirming its resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015, entitled Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , in which it adopted a comprehensive, far-reaching and people-centered set of universal and transformative Sustainable Development Goals and targets, its commitment to working tirelessly for the full implementation of the Agenda by 2030, its recognition that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development, its commitment to achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions economic, social and environmental in a balanced and integrated manner, and to building upon the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals and seeking to address their unfinished business, '
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b'Notes the work by the Financial Stability Board on financial market reform, commits itself to sustaining or strengthening frameworks for macroprudential regulation and countercyclical buffers, reaffirms the commitment to hastening the completion of the reform agenda on financial market regulation, including assessing and if necessary reducing the systemic risks associated with non-bank financial intermediation, markets for derivatives, securities lending and repurchase agreements, and also reaffirms the commitment to addressing the risk created by too-big-to-fail financial institutions and to addressing cross-border elements in the effective resolution of troubled, systemically important financial institutions; '
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b'33. Recognizes the need for dealing with severe food insecurity and malnutrition in least developed countries and calls upon Member States and other relevant stakeholders to keep food and agriculture supply chains functioning; and calls upon the international financial institutions to find urgent, affordable and timely solutions to support developing countries, in particular those highly indebted, in responding to the food security crisis and achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2, through, but not limited to, facilitating, as appropriate, access to debt relief debt relief : Japan, , concessional finance and grants; US; [G77 ministerial Dec Para34] EU, US; reserve on entire para'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recalling the importance of supporting the African Union s Agenda 2063, as well as its 10-year plan of action, as a strategic framework for ensuring a positive socioeconomic transformation in Africa within the next 50 years, and its continental programme embedded in the resolutions of the General Assembly on the New Partnership for Africa s Development and regional initiatives, and in this context noting the Declaration of Sharm el-Sheikh, adopted by the African Union in October 2019, which commits to work towards an integrated and inclusive Digital Society and Economy in Africa that improves the quality of life of Africa s citizens, as well as the Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa 2024 of the African Union, '
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b'Expressing concern about the high level of global hunger, which affected between 720691 million and 811783 million people in 20202022, [New data from the SG report]'
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b'Recognizes the importance, in particular, of new and emerging challenges and vulnerabilities in regard to developing country external debt sustainability arising from structural changes to overall debt composition, the rapid growth of private sector debt in many emerging and developing countries and the growing use of new debt financing instruments and approaches; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'33. Recalls the holding of the fifteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, held in Bridgetown from 3 to 7 October 2021, and the adoption of its outcome document, the Bridgetown Covenant, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Stresses the importance of mainstreaming biodiversity for achieving the objectives of the Convention, and the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity in order to achieve the transformational change required throughout societies and economies, including changes in behaviour and decision-making at all levels, and urges all relevant stakeholders to mainstream biodiversity in all relevant sectors;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'27. Encourages research and development, and the development of viable strategies that could result in further competitiveness, investment and rapid reductions in the cost of information and communications technologies, and urges all relevant stakeholders to address the growing digital divides between and within countries through, inter alia, strengthened enabling policy environments at all levels, legal and regulatory frameworks conducive to increased investment and innovation, public-private partnerships, universal access strategies and international cooperation to improve affordability, education, capacity-building, multilingualism, cultural preservation, investment and technology transfer; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Urging the full implementation of the Paris Agreement and decisions of the Conference of the Parties Serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement,the agreed intergovernmentally negotiated outcomes and decisions of the subsequent United Nations Climate Change Conferences,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'34. Continues to encourage the United Nations inter-agency task team on science, technology and innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals to further refine and update its mapping of science, technology and innovation activities in the United Nations system with a view to guiding further efforts at collaboration and capacity-building and formulating coherent advice for Member States advancing national science, technology and innovation frameworks within the 2030 Agenda, including through developing the Global Pilot Programme on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals Road Maps; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'32bis proposal: EU Welcoming the convening of the United Nations Conference on the Midterm Comprehensive Review of the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Decade for Action, Water for Sustainable Development, 2018 2028, from 22 to 24 March 2023, which generated significant momentum towards enhancing water action and political commitment at all levels to address water-related challenges; A/Res/77/334 PP6 Turkiye: delete after 2023] G77: Placement? May be better as PP; EU: Will take back'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'51. Expresses its profound gratitude to the Government and the people of the State of Qatar for hosting the second part of the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries and for providing all the necessary support to the Conference and its preparatory process; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'14. Urges the international community to accelerate progress and allocate the resources necessary to support the development and implementation of inclusive and participatory, multi-hazard national and local disaster risk reduction strategies with a broadened scope beyond preparedness and response to include a focus on risk reduction and prevention, in line with the Sendai Framework, with a particular focus on local strategies and programmes, to promote coherence and integration with sustainable development and climate change adaptation strategies including national adaptation plans, as well as sector-specific plans, to include the objective of preparing to build back better through sustainable, resilient and inclusive recovery in disaster risk reduction strategies and, where appropriate, to incorporate considerations regarding the risk of disaster displacement, in accordance with national circumstances, making use of practical guidance to support the achievement of target (e), and recalls in this regard the relevant voluntary Words into action guidelines;'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Welcoming taking note the work advanced by the High-level Panel on the Development of a Multidimensional Vulnerability Index for Small IslandIslands Developing States, and looking forward to the finalization of this work, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'PP9. Recalling the Declaration of Principles and the Plan of Action adopted by the World Summit on the Information Society at its first phase, held in Geneva from 10 to 12 December 2003, and endorsed by the General Assembly, and the Tunis Commitment and the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society adopted by the Summit at its second phase, held in Tunis from 16 to 18 November 2005, and endorsed by the Assembly, [and noting that they may provide input to other intergovernmental processes, including for the development of the Global Digital Compact, -Holy See; -Switzerland, -EU, -Mexico, -CANZ, -Japan reserve; -G77 to revert; -US, -UK delete]'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Recognizing the leading role of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, together with other United Nations entities, including the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the International Labour Organization and the United Nations Development Programme, in the global efforts to reduce poverty, including rural poverty, while addressing other interlinked challenges such as eliminating hunger, food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition, and increasing the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises,'
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Taking note also of the report on the economic impact of broadband in the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States, jointly prepared by the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States and the International Telecommunication Union, as well as the United Nations E-Government Survey prepared by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Secretariat, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Reaffirming its resolutions 71/243 of 21 December 2016 and 75/233 of 21 December 2020 on the quadrennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system, in which it recognized that middle-income countries still face specific challenges, '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'11 Requests the President of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly to appoint two co-facilitators, one from a Developing Country and one from a Developed Country, to launch a, as soon as possible, an intergovernmental process, supported through an interim secretariat provided jointly by UNDESA and OHRLLS, to consider the recommendations presented in the final report of the UN high level panel on the development of a MVI for SIDS, its applicability and scope, its custodianship and governance, and ways to further improve it, that would allow for the implementation of the MVI, and to report back to the General Assembly by the end of its 78th session; '
You are a helpful AI named Skynet who is an expert in legal review of United Nations resolutions. You review paragraphs from draft resolutions and determine if the text should be flagged for a human lawyer to review. You respond with only one of four possible choices: Redline, High, Medium/low, or Neutral. You output no other text besides these outputs based on your review of the following input.
b'Noting with concern also that plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, continues to negatively affect SIDS, encouraging further efforts at all levels to prevent, reduce and eliminate plastic pollution, as well as welcoming the decision by the United Nations Environment Assembly of the United Nations Environment Programme at its resumed fifth session, in resolution 5/14 of 2 March 2022, and noting the convening of the intergovernmental negotiating committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, '