to be making
yé karalya
(it is) hard work to kill me
(ye) mólome nakie·nye
is raising
ye ortalya
had flown
ye sirinyella
God the Holy Spirit have mercy on us
a Aina Fairë Eru órava (o)messë
Holy Mary pray for us
a Aina Maria arca atarmë
Holy Trinity one God have mercy on us
a Aina Neldië Eru Er órava (o)messë
A did that as like B (did)
A carnë ta yallë B (carnë)
God the Son Redeemer of the world have mercy on us
a Eruion Mardorunando Eru órava (o)messë
Christ have mercy on us
a Hrísto órava ómessë
pray for us sinners
á hyamë rámen úcarindor
Hail Mary full of grace
Aia María quanta Eruanno
ah! like gold fall the leaves in the wind
ai! laurië lantar lassi súrinen
ah! leaves fall golden in [by means of] the wind
ai! lassi lantar laurië súrinen
Holy Mother of God
Aina Eruontarië
Holy Virgin of virgins
Aina Wendë mi Wenderon
if you had asked me I should have come
(ai)que kestanellan (ai) tullenye
Holy Mary Mother of God
Airë María Eruo ontaril
blessed art thou amongst women
aistana elyë imíca nísi
now suppose you ask me
aite[?] kestallen
now supposing you asked me a thing unlikely {or ridiculous} to suppose...
aite[?] kestuvallen tuluvanye
I may come today (tomorrow)
ai tulinye sinar (entan)
I may come
ai tuluvanye
hail Eärendil brightest of stars
aiya Eärendil elenion ancalima
Behold people of the Eldar and Fathers of Men the day has come!
aiya Eldalië ar Atanatári utúlie’n aurë
bless (or praise) [them] to the height
a laita tárienna
bless them bless them
a laita te laita te
despise not our petitions in our necessities
alalyë nattira arcandemmar sangiessemman
and] lead us not into temptation
álamë tulya úsahtienna
it is unwise not to do what one judges good
alasaila ná lá carë tai mo nave mára
glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit
alcar i Ataren ar i Yondon ar i Airefean
O glorious and blessed Virgin
alcarin Vendë ar manaquenta
glory [be] to God in the highest
alcar mi Tarmenel na Erun
the splendour of Oromë
alcar Oromëo
the splendour of Oromë
alcar Oroméva
Galadriel’s lament in Lórien
Altariello nainië Lóriendesse
give us this day our daily bread
ámen anta síra ilaurëa massamma
Mother of divine grace
Amillë Eruva lissëo
Mother of Christ
Amillë Hristo
A is brighter than B; (lit.) A is bright beyond B
A (ná) calima lá B
A is dear before B
A anameldë na epë B
A is brightest of all
A ancalima imb’ illi
A is (very much) brighter than B
A arcalima (ná) epe B
brighter than stars
ancalima ep’ eleni
brightest of stars
elenion ancalima
be well
á na márië
The sun shall shine upon your path
Anar caluva tielyanna
a bleared sun blinking
anar púrëa tihta
long will we praise them
andavë laituvalmet
beyond the West beneath the blue vaults of Varda
Andúnë pella Vardo tellumar nu luini
West beyond [the borders of] Varda’s under blue domes
Andúnë pella Vardo nu luini tellumar
a word more to add to what has been said
an quetta
for now the Kindler Varda the Queen of the Stars from Mount Everwhite has uplifted her hands like clouds
an sí Tintallë Varda Oiolossëo ve fanyar máryat Elentári ortanë
for now Varda Star-kindler Star-queen [has] lifted up her (two) hands from Mount Everwhite like (white) clouds
an sí Varda Tintallë Elentári ortanë máryat Oiolossëo ve fanyar
I cast a spear at him
antanen hatal sena
he gave (it) to me
antanë ninna
I gave a book to him
antanen parma sen
I presented him with a book
antanenyes parmanen
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus
ar aistana i yávë mónalyo Yésus
and forgive us our trespasses
ar ámen apsenë úcaremmar
thy kingdom come
aranielya na tuluva
King of Doriath
aran Lestanórëo
king of swift ships
aran linta ciryalion
king of swift ships
aran linta ciryalíva
king your mighty
Aran Meletyalya
and if northwards it pointed toward towards Aman
ar cé mo formenna tentanes Amanna
and of the faith of Elendil the Faithful
ar Elendil Vorondo voronwë
and mist covers the jewels of Calacirya forever
ar hísië untúpa Calaciryo míri oialë
and mist covers (lit. down-roofs) Calacirya’s jewels forever
ar hísië untúpa Calaciryo míri oialë²
try harder
á ricë amrícië
try harder
á carë (sí) ancárië
look sharper closer more attentively better more closely
á cenë ancénië
sing harder better with more vigor or with more vocalic art
á lirë amlírië
proceed with more determination
á menë amménië
run with more running run faster
á norë amnórië
watch more closely observe more attentively
á tirë antírië
let them try
á ricir
and of the One who is above all thrones for ever
ar i Eru i or ilyë mahalmar ëa tennoio
and all paths are drowned deep in shadow
ar ilyë tier undulávë lumbulë
and (heavy) shadow swallowed (lit. down-licked) all roads
ar lumbulë undulávë ilyë tier
and on earth peace good will toward men
ar mi cemen rainë i hínin
Knight of the Long Sword
arquen andamacilwa
and out of a grey country darkness lies
ar sindanóriello caita mornië
and from a grey country darkness lies
ar sindanóriello mornië caita
Arwen beautiful and beloved farewell
Arwen vanimelda namárië
and the foam-like butterflies
ar wingildi wilwarindië
close the door please
á sac’ i fendë mecin
upon fallen towers
atalantëa mindonnar
our Father who art in Heaven
Átaremma i ëa han Eä
God the Father of Heaven have mercy on us
Atar meneldëa Eru órava (o)messë
do come!
á tule
O] master of doom by doom mastered
a Túrin Turambar turún’ ambartanen
if only you had asked me!
au kestanellan!
Day shall come again!
aurë entuluva
The night is passing!
auta i lómë
if only you had come (were here)
au túlielde (las)!
I wish would I were coming
au tuluvanye
Don’t do it
áva carë
may Manwë order it!
á vala Manwë
go happily
áva márië