You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - The first message the Internet sent was “L” and “O”. At 10:30 pm, Oct. 29, 1969, Kleinrock, in Los Angeles, A message was sent to Bill Duval at Stanford University. This was a five-letter word: Login. After entering\xa0 “L”, the system broke down. The instrument showed that the transmission system collapsed. Therefore communication was forced to stop. The world's first communication test through the Internet only transmitted two letters, which were “O”, marking the creation of the rudiment of the Internet based on information transmission. What it does: - The transmission of a string of words opened the door to the Internet, thus beginning the booming development of the Internet. In the Crypto World, we also hope to take information transmission as a starting point and promote a leapfrog development of applications in the blockchain ecosystem. Therefore, we established a decentralized version of NFT mail application called “Dmail”. - Based on features of Web3.0 and Dfinity (Internet computer) technology, with mail application as the entrance, Dmail lowers the threshold for users and developers to participate in the Crypto World by enabling smooth transmission of information between traditional mail and blockchain mail, users hereby can use blockchain as if they use the Internet. We hope that Dmail serves as a basic portal to the blockchain world and a gateway to the real world in the future. - Meanwhile, Dmail will also be the first mailbox that is 100% developed by Web 3 technologyy. Dmail will be an entrance to the blockchain universe and a gateway for Web 2.0 users to experience convenient blockchain services. In the future, Dmail is expected to become a decentralized identity to Web 3.0 and a linkage between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 users, as Dmail is committed to work on\xa0 allowing 4 billion email accounts around the world to possess a Dmail address. How we built it: - To solve problems of interaction, communication and information sharing between on-chain and off-chain users, we developed a distributed application called Dmail. - Dmail is the first mail application based on Web3.0 and Dfinity technology that integrates NFT and distributed storage functions, and is dedicated to building a bridge between the traditional world and the parallel world. Compared with traditional mail, Dmail gives rights of control back to users. Users can manage and access data with their private keys, and can also determine the future trend of the product through community Governance. Dmail is committed to providing users with a permanent service without a centralized server, and meanwhile ensuringe the ownership and privacy of data. - Dmail is the foundation of communication, information sharing and collaboration of on-chain and off-chain users in the future. Specifically, it will serve as the basic communication and cooperation tool of the blockchain world, and the gateway for information exchange between the blockchain world and the real world. As an information interaction gateway in the new era, it will help users connect the whole blockchain world and the real world, and help users, developers, institutions and assets to build reliable interactive connection and build an information storage space that will never be lost in the blockchain world. In this way, we believe that it can better serve the blockchain world and the real world, and enables everyone an access to an equal access to different worlds. Challenges we ran into: - Every startup you know faces a variety of difficulties, which include funding, partners, technology, consensus, environment, etc. Dmail was started after Dfinity Foundation announced Grant because we saw the direction, but due to Motoko, Rust's language was not popular, technical documentation was not perfect, Canister We did face more difficulties and adjustments at the beginning of the venture due to issues such as Motoko, Rust's language not being popular, technical documentation not being perfect, and Canister not being stable. In addition, funding is also a big threshold for an emerging ecology that is not sought after by capital, which also leads to all kinds of problems at the financing level, but the good thing is that the Dmail team has persevered with its own funds, and has been recognized by more and more capital, users and communities. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Oct 18, 2021, Demo Test Launched.\nOct 31, 2021, Dfinity Hackathon Winner.\nNov. 30, 2021, Seed funding closed.\nDec. 4, 2021, NFT account pre-sale.\nDec. 24, 2021, Showcase on Dfinity website.\nFeb. 1, 2022, Brand upgrade.\nFeb. 8, 2022, Strategic funding closed.\nFeb. 11, 2022, $25,000 grant from Dfinity foundation($5,000 before).\nMar 21, 2022, Presale holders break 11,000+. \nApr 2, 2022, Selected to IC Bootcamp.\nMay 18, 2022, 3D Crystal NFTs Launched.\nJune 1, 2022, Beta Network Launched. What we learned: - Dmail is one year old, and in the process, our team has expanded from 3 to over 20 people, including people in technology, product, operations, marketing, design, and finance, which is great to give back, and of course we have dozens of Mods and Ambassadors around the world.Then Dmail got 2 rounds of funding, 30,000+ Twitter and Discord users, which is the result of the team's efforts and our honor. Thank you to everyone who supported DMAIL. - By the way, Dmail and IC ecological more than ten projects reached a cooperation, mutual willingness to provide technical, product, marketing and other support, which will help promote the development of Dmail and IC, I hope more users attention to. What's next for Dmail Network: - Dmail has just launched on the beta network, which is a great start. Next, the team will focus on product feature iteration and performance optimization, and then work towards multi-login, access to Web 2.0 mailboxes, plug-in wallets, protocol layers, collaboration tools and decentralized identity. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - DFINITY foundation only provides Rust and Typescript agent libraries. Both of them have sharp learning curves which are not suitable for newbies. Python is one of the most popular and easy-to-use programming languages. It has extremely large user base and is friendly to developers. - A python agent library will attract more developers to the IC ecosystem and help bloom the Internet Computer network. What it does: How we built it: - Mainly referring to Internet Computer Specification, agent-rs, and agent-js, we implement the basic modules below: - For the convenience of developers, we support the following enhanced features: Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for ic-py: ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - The Internet Computer speed and capabilities What is does: - Provides verifiable , tamper proof data, with privacy and data-protection using trusted devices integrated into Internet Computer How we built it: - We will built using the following - \nPython to publish and subscribe IoT Data\n2.Motoko for ICP Smart contracts\n3.Ardunino sketch to send IoT Data to Canisters\n Challenges we ran into: - It was interesting building whole proto-type. As of now, we have built simple proof-of-concept and we will like to expand the idea into project which will have multiple use-cases and give a great in-sight to outside world for Internet Computer.\nAs of now, only with Internet Computer computer blockchain we achieve the speed and less-expensive transactions compared to other blockchain in the market Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Integration of IoT with LTE network will be exciting feature we want to try. What we learned: - Lots of things about IoT and Internet Computer What's next for dfxIoT: - We want to develop and trusted devices and firm-ware to verify the authenticity of the data on-chain ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Cryptle was inspired by the desire to build a simple, easy-to-use, Web3 game that did away with complex and inaccessible tokenomics/strategies/learning curves in favour of enjoyable and accessible gameplay that benefits from the settlements layer of Web3. What it does: - Cryptle is Wordle for the Web3 world. Players compete to guess their (randomly selected) words (that are different for each player). Players that guess their word in fewer guesses receive payouts for their performance. In essence, users can bet on their own Wordle game outcomes. How we built it: - We built Cryptle using Solidity, powered for the python-based Brownie framework for automation and testing. We used React to build the frontend and the web3.js library to interact with the smart contract. Challenges we ran into: - We faced a few interesting design challenges around random numbers, and hiding sensitive information on the blockchain. See the video for more details! Try it out!: - Navigate to or to try it out. Note that at the moment, we are only live on the Avalanche Fuji test chain. Coming to other blockchains soon! \nNote that if a withdraw transaction fails to return your money to you, try manually increasing the gasLimit on metamask and trying again. What's next for Cryptle: - We have plans for a mainnet launch, more features, more optimizations, and more play-to-earn massively multiplayer online Web3 games! ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - The founder of Osmosis, Sunny Aggarwal told us that he would find it useful if there was a decentralized version of UpWork that DAOs could use. What it does: - It allows anyone, anywhere to create a bounty on-chain that includes a github link to an open issue with an associated ETH reward and anyone, anywhere to complete the bounty and be rewarded. The platform is fully anonymous and charges no fees (unlike platforms like UpWork which charge a fee). The current problem with other programming bounty marketplace platforms is that they require some type of KYC because of US regulations and this causes solving bounties to take more time and bars people from certain countries from being able to access this gig work. As such, we believe DappWork can not only provide more money for gig workers by eliminating fees, but also provide greater access to jobs for gig workers in developing countries. - Once a bounty hunter reviews the bounty and decides to solve it, she sends a pull request to that github repo with the solution. In the comment of that pull request, she includes the bounty's issue link followed by her ETH address. The bounty issuer can then review the pull request and if it meets her needs, she can merge it, thereby allowing the bounty reward to be ready to collected. - After the bounty hunter sees their pull request has been merged, she can then go to our website (which is still not yet finished, but in the meantime they can use our python-based user interface) and they can choose to close the bounty. They will need to provide their pull request link with which the bounty factory contract will use Chainlink to call the Github API and verify whether the pull request has been merged (this has not yet been implemented), verifies that the issue link in the comment body matches the issue link on the bounty being selected to be closed (currently only implemented off-chain in the python user interface), and then takes the ETH address part of the pull request comment body (this string manipulation is currently done off-chain but ideally would occur on-chain) and then calls a "close_bounty" function on the smart contract of that individual bounty and then changes the state of that bounty to closed and then sends the ETH reward to that ETH address. How we built it: - We built it with the following structure: There is a bounty factory smart contract that sort of acts like the main interface. From this contract, we can create individual bounty contracts, list them all, and interact with them (close them or withdraw the funds from them after their lockup period expired assuming they have not already been completed). - We also were working on a website we would use to interact with this application but we ran out of time. Challenges we ran into: - As we only recently learned solidity, we realized how difficult it was to do certain things in that language that is far easier in others, for example, string manipulation. Also, there were several functionalities we wanted to build but simply ran out of time. Here are some of them: - We wanted to implement the closing bounty sequence differently. Currently, this function can only be called by a specific ETH address that is hard coded into the contract (which I have provided the private key for if you'd like to try running the python user interface on your own machine, don't worry there aren't any real funds associated with that wallet). However, what we'd ideally like is that as soon as the Chainlink node fulfills the API request, it will then automatically run the checks mentioned above on-chain (does the github issue link on the pull request comment body match the one on the bounty? is the pull request merged? has the pull request not been updated after it was merged?) and then if those succeed, it would call the close bounty function which would only be able to be called in this fashion by the Chainlink node itself. - When trying to deploy our contract to other networks (Polygon, Avalanche, and Binance Smart Chain), we ran into issues when trying to verify our contracts on their etherscan equivalents (except for Polygon and of course Kovan). Also, we ran into issues when trying to find a chainlink node with a job id what would do the github API request properly on chains other than Kovan. As such, our contracts on these chains are able to create, view, and withdraw bounties, but we are not able to close them as this would require interacting with Chainlink. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We are proud of having created an end-to-end flow of from the bounty issuer create a bounty all the way to a bounty hunter closing it and being rewarded. Admittedly, we wanted to do more of the computation on-chain, but because of time constraints we ended up doing parts of the computations (like string manipulation) in Python. - We are also proud of what we have made so far in terms of the front-end and its ability to read on-chain data. What we learned: - We learned how to write smart contracts in solidity and how to use Chainink to access public APIs. We also learned how to use web3-react. What's next for DappWork: - We are open to continue working on it afterwards after we get feedback from Sunny Aggarwal. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Our inspiration is taken from the D&D domain and text based adventure game for the late 90's.\nThere is a big community of people who love the lore and the details put into text based games\nwhich rich theory-craft and number mechanics.\nWe will be leveraging the lore and design craft around stats and attributes and bringing an initially simple game to the blockchain.\nOur main challenge is how to use randomness effectively to design the game without making it\npredictable. Randomness on blockchains is a complicated subject and we aim to create engaging\nand fun concept around known limitation. What it does: - Our game is an NFT wich is using staking mechanism and on-chain randomness to implement\ndescribed game mechanics.\nWe have written a light-paper of our game design with some details for the game mechanics. - Implemented functionality - Limitations - We have a local test environment up and running but did run out of time\nfor a UI integration. Whilst we spend the time to integrate with to get a nice\nlooking connect button minting is only possible using scripts at this time.\nTherefore there is not much to demo but we believe the github speak to our effort\non building a working prototype which is robust and tested. - Lore - On a remote metaverse, DWARFS mine $GOLD in a abandoned mines while GOBLINS are looking for opportunities to steal their precious rewards.\nOnce a player depleted all resources from a mine they can used them to recruit more creatures (Dwarfs/Goblins) to strengthening there fraction. - Our Game is risk protocol for NFTs using pseudo randomness to steal or mine $GOLD resources.\nThose are then used re-enforce due recruitment of creatures and finally set the battle to the last standing (END OF GAME). - Each group can attack one another once a creature has no more HP I'll DIE in a final Battle where a last standing creature will live to be the last to tell the story. - Victors history will be written and recorded as on-chain record. For everyone to see the and observe and review the battle. - GOBLINS are good to steal but not so good for war, in the other side DWARFS are war machines but while mining they have the limitations of their weight and slow speed so It's a disadvantage agains greedy GOBLINS How we built it: - We focused on the aspects of the solution we hadn't done before.\nSome team member have experience developing a on-chain NFT Bitstrays using RLE encoded binary data. So we know that we can solve that part later.\nRLE Implementation - Our Game currently consists of a couple of contracts. - We used TDD for our smart contract using brownie for local testing. - More Details in the light-paper Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We spend a fair amount of time to build a good understanding around the game mechanics\nin the process we really started liking the idea.\nWhich means this project is grown bigger than just the hack event What we learned: What's next for Dwarfs vs Goblins: ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - I was inspired by the NFT collections that generated and stored their art 100% on chain, such as the Crypto Punks, the Aavegotchis or the Luchadores. Like my inspirations, I decided to use a simple base design with some variations that would be randomly chosen and could combine to create thousands of possibilities and though ensure the uniqueness of each NFT. This kind of NFT collections really benefit from the smart contracts technology associated with the Chainlink VRF, to guarantee to each participants that the mint is fair and cannot be manipulated. Moreover, drawing in pixel art through the use of SVG code was really something fun to do. Although the limits in terms of size and gas usage make it really challenging. - For the game itself, I like to play to fantasy football games, but like most games I figured this would be far more interesting with a token, to create financial incentives, and really tradables players (NFT). I know some similar projects already exist, but I wanted to build something that could be really decentralized, with 100% of game mechanics put on-chain. For example, the most famous crypto fantasy football game is probably Sorare, but this game requires licences signed with IRL leagues that are owned by a company, and some of its game mechanics can work only on a dedicated ZK Roll Up, and couldn’t be maintained if the Sorare company decided to stop the game. So it is not really decentralized. - In addition to the financial aspect added by the token, I wanted the game to have a social aspect, meaning a game in which cooperation is essential. Assemble a good team is really difficult to do alone. That would require having at least 16 NFTs with complentary characteristics, so more likely owning hundreds of NFTs. Tools to build: - I have started my learning web3 journey a few months ago by watching the 16-hours code camp by Patrick Collins. So I used mainly the tools described in this boot camp : - Considering the blockspace needed by this game contrats, I chose Polygon as target blockchain, which would be far more appropriate than Ethereum Mainnet. - The NFTs are stored on-chain as SVG images. - I created a Front End using React.js and Moralis SDK to be as efficient and fast as possible. That being said, my front end is still far from being a finished product. Challenges faced: - The most challenging difficulty I faced was the time. Building something that work in less than a month is a big challenge. I ran into technical issues several times in the process but with some researchs, the solution was always somewhere to be found. But all those researchs were really time consumers. - The good thing is I have lots of things I know I have to do to improve on my project: Conclusion: - All things considered, I had lots of fun during this hackathon, I learned a ton of things, and I’m quite proud of my project. Considering this is my very first web3 project, I never thought I would be able to build something that works, but it does! - So thank you Chainlink! Thank you Polygon! Thank you Moralis! ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Have been interested in vesting mechanisms for the past few weeks. What it does: - It facilitates a level playing field between the grantor and beneficiary of a vesting agreement. How we built it: - - Challenges we ran into: - I might have just found a bug at the very end. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Decent submission. Glad to push something over the finish line. What we learned: - I need to learn some frontend framework stuff. What's next for - Extend testing. I will probably use it myself in the future. Maybe, maybe not. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - My wife and I have an empty bedroom, and she let me convert it into a workshop. A dream of mine has been to house some Chainlink nodes in its unused closet, and make a few extra bucks. This made me think, could I also utilize the room itself? Thus, the idea of hosting remote arcades in families' unused spare-bedrooms was born. Players from around the world could stake funds and compete against one another for the spoils. I see a future where Chainlink oracles are a conduit, not just for pulling, but for pushing data to control complex behaviors within an IoT network. My goal with this hackathon has been to experiment with the tech required for implementing a secure, autonomous, remote, physical arcade game. What it does: - This project showcases a potential backend for a remote arcade. It takes in submissions, queues them up, executes them, grabs their score, and, lastly, checks if this score is the new high score. Here's a more delineated walkthrough: - \nWhen a user submits an IPFS content id (CID) number to this smart contract, it places it in a queue to be processed\n\n\nthis CID should point to a valid script JSON file. (example)\n\nA Keepers Upkeep is registered to monitor the contract for submissions\n\n\nThe Upkeep also manages other states of the queue\n\nWhen the queue is not empty, these CIDs are sent to an external adapter for processing via sendChainlinkRequestTo()\nThe external adapter connects to, and publishes data on, a secure, pre-defined MQTT Broker\n\n\nA free HiveMQ private broker was used for this project\n\nAfter the ChainlinkFulfillment returns, another Chainlink request is sent to collect the submission's score\nThe score pulled is then checked against the high score\nThe process repeats with the next submission in the queue\nAfter 24-hours, the high score leader would be awarded that day's pool of cash, and then the score is reset\n How we built it: - Smart Contract: - External Adapter: - IoT devices: Challenges we ran into: - My wife and I had a son (Nick) born on 4/21/22, the day before the hackathon started. I did not have time to build a GUI for this project, and considered not submitting. However, I was able to finish a bit more than I expected, and decided I wanted to share where I'm at with the project. - Also, my Linux machine running my Chainlink node kept crashing. Still trying to figure that one out. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - The Keepers Upkeep successfully monitoring the smart contract's states for execution was something I did not think I would even start, much less finish, much less actually work. - Storing data on IPFS and pulling it down for execution opens endless possibilitiesx for this project. What we learned: What's next for Da Derpy Derby: ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: In a world full of change and uncertainty, there are a few heroes who found the courage to stick to their passion and make the world a better place. Although these erstwhile heroes might find it tough to get along the world of mobiles and internet, they have remained committed to their promise to spread joy. And with the help of web3.0, we at 'Erstwhile Heroes Inc' support the journey of these heroes.: What it does : We list NFTs created by artists who would like to offer their art pieces to their fans, along with a promise to offer their artwork to the bidders. Artists can mint NFTs out of their digital artwork and list for their fans at a reasonable price and commit to a physical event. Supportive fans can purchase these NFTs and acquire the rights to the NFTs as well as a ticket to the physical event. Fans can decide a percentage of amount to be paid upfront and stagger the remaining amount during the physical event.: How we built it: Moralis backed UI provides all the capabilities such as adding a Hero, add a NFT, Enlist in NFT, Transaction details and currently owned collections. Chainlink-mix boilerplate code is used to build smart contract for Solidity, build, test and deploy (brownie). Chainlink keepers are used to trigger NFT minting process by checking the interval of NFTs(ex: 24 hours NFTs). Chainlink VRF is used to pick bidders if offered NFT quantity is less than number of bidders.: Challenges we ran into: Debugging Solidity code is really hard. At times, getting ETH was challenging.: Accomplishments that we're proud of: Learning so much in less than 2 months and implementing a fully functional application is really heartening. It has been several years we haven't done coding. Really proud to submit a project.: What we learned: Solidity, python, JavaScript, react and the whole world of blockchain in about 2 months. Special thanks to Patrick from chainlink. All his code along are very well organized and simple to understand. Moralis has made development much easy with their SDK and tools.: What's next for Erstwhile Heroes Fund Raiser: Given that there is a physical aspect to NFT sold in this project, we would like to expand the current single organizer model to multi-organizer model so that the tool can be scaled up across countries. We need to come up with a strategy on revenue generating model for organizers as well.: ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - According to HippaJournal, Between 2009 and 2020, 3,705 healthcare data breaches of 500 or more records have been reported to the HHS’ Office for Civil Rights. Those breaches have resulted in the loss, theft, exposure, or impermissible disclosure of 268,189,693 healthcare records. That equates to more than 81.72% of the population of the United States. In 2018, healthcare data breaches of 500 or more records were being reported at a rate of around 1 per day. In December 2020, that rate had doubled. The average number of breaches per day for 2020 was 1.76. - Blockchain technology can transform healthcare by increasing the security, privacy of health data while eliminating bureaucracy, data breaches, inefficiencies, improving quality of care and democratizing patient data. In addition, patients receive cryptographic identities in the form of public and private key pairs. Public keys are stored in the blockchain and are suitable for securing and verifying transactions. Furthermore, smart contracts, Filecoin's OrbitDB and Chainlink's extrnal-adapter ensuring the preservation of privacy and confidentiality. What it does: - Give patients full control of their data. How we built it: - Our project brings healthcare data from standard databases - such as PostgreSQL - to the on-chain space, by leveraging the use of Chainlink API features. Initially, this data will be stored on IPFS and FileCoin's OrbidDB. This way, we can guarantee the security and privacy of the data, giving more control to the patient, as he can see at any time who has access to it. Challenges we ran into: - Most of the development time was spent figuring out how OrbitDB because it's a new technology, Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Created an API from OrbitDB that can send data to a chainlink node. What we learned: - There are infinite possibilities to what can be achieved with blockchain technology What's next for BHealth: - More privacy by introducing Zero Knowledege proof, lot of improvements and features need to be done on the smart contract. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - We are inspired by blockchain solutions that add not just business but also social value. Blockchain's potential for tackling environmental problems was one of them. We were already doing some ESG-fund related projects at school (Master of Financial Engineering, UC Berkeley) and doing cryptozombies during our spare time for fun. A few months ago, we came across Chainlink's hackathon and decided to learn solidity and create our own project. We had already been discussing some unique ideas on how to enhance the status quo carbon capture techniques so thought it was a wonderful idea to join the hackathon. What it does: - It is a marketplace for NFT-based carbon-credits from forestry and land use projects. Our project is distinct in that it uses NFT fractions which allows for a totally new business model for carbon-credits. Contrary to not only the conventional business model but also newer blockchain solutions out there, our project enables the concurrent production of carbon-credits and their real-time issue/retirement. This will serve as an inflection point for exponential growth in carbon offset speed and in market participation from both the carbon offset project provider end but also the carbon-credit buyer end. How we built it: - We spent a few days to warm up on the basics through the videos provided by Chainlink. Once this was set, we specialized on each of our roles by learning from videos of more relevance. For example, since we had 5 team members, we split the workload into 5: 1) Market research, 2) DAO, 3) ERC20, 4) ERC721, 5) Back/Front-end. Except for 1) and 5), we were able to work in parallel to economize on time. Once each vertical was done through inter-member cooperation when necessary, we merged the code to create a single workable project (due to differing dependencies, some were left as separate repositories). Challenges we ran into: - Time was an issue. All members of our team are currently in the same program, Master of Financial Engineering at UC Berkeley, which during this time of the year is very very hectic (e.g. this week is our test week and many of us are busy with job interviews!). Thereby, we spent a great amount of effort for time efficiency. For example, once one member already watched some Chainlink video, he would summarize to us its gist and guide us which part of the video to focus on. All were thankfully very cooperative and passionate throughout the hackathon which allowed us to push our hackathon objective to "learning solidity" to "creating a workable project". Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Teamwork, the learning curve, and our results!! Though we all had some python/C++ exposure, all of us were almost new to solidity. All of us did not give up even though everyone was busy. Coming up with a new business model, which took a longer time than we thought, indeed paid off when we saw how it was actually implementable. We will be further developing on our project even after the hackathon. What we learned: - We learned not only the technical parts of NFT, NFT fractionalization, and DAO, but also the more philosophical parts such as "how should the DAO reach a consensus and why?". Though implementation into code was not an easy task as we were all new to this field, in retrospect we spent much more time on why and how we should use them. After all, technology is just a means among many. We wanted to make sure that our project was not for just the sake of using blockchain but for a clear reason and agenda. It was this type of discussion that taught us a lot about blockchain in general, when/where it is best used, and its possible limitations. What's next for C-Block: Marketplace for Carbon-credit NFT Fractions.: - Though, we have made substantial progress towards our end goal of a decentralised Carbon Credit Marketplace, there are still 'Miles to go'. Some of the updates / initiatives that we have in the works - ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Web3, Decentralisation, and Crypto are great ideas, and one of the best use is of course barter and finance. Even though we have a lot of web2 marketplace apps, still we have to deal with high subscription fees, currency exchange rates, and mosty importantly trust. With Map of Crypto, we have addressed all of those issues, used the power of web3 technologies to solve those issues, and eventually made the online shopping easier, cheaper, and safer. What it does: - It helps you find/ sell different types of products, all around the world. The only thing you need is your Crypto Wallet (for now we support just MetaMask), and you can start buying and selling things online. First of all we need a seller, the seller puts the item on sell, so that we can see the item and it's location on the map. Then interested buyers, can give put their offers. Moreover, there is also a decentralised Chat Room where buyers and sellers can chat. Once the seller accepts the offer, the money gets staked inside of the smart contract, and it can be realised only under certain conditions, such as delivery of the product (fetched from the data provided by Chainlink APIs), or the cancellation of the purchase. In this way our users do not have to trust anyone, as everything is in the code, the whole system is decentralised and works on the Blockchain. How we built it: - The whole power of the app lies in our smart contract, which we built with the use of Solidity, and Chainlink Oracles. Later on we have built a simple Backend service in Python, and external adapter for the Chainlink Oracle. - On the frontend part, we have used React with JavaScript as a fundamental technologies. WalletConnect helps us connecting the users via Metamask, which also works as a connector with the RPC nodes and our smart contract. Additionally, we have implemented web3 storage library for storing assets on the IPFS, and also a decentralised Chat Room powered by Waku connect. Challenges we ran into: - Switching between different chains - first of all we have started from Kovan testnet, but then we have decided to move our contract to the Polygon Mumbai testnet as it is faster, and it's easier to find faucet test tokens. We also had some issues with the Chainlink Oracles configuration, and how to connect them with different networks, as we thought that we can have Chainlink node for multiple networks but apparently currently it's not possible. Additionally, integrating Postgres database was a bit of challenge for us. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Most importantly delivering the working product, even thought it can be improved we have definitely created a new paradigm and solved a lot of the problems on the way. What we learned: - One of the most important lessons where topics related to Chainlink nodes, adapters, configuration of the Chainlink Keepers, Data Feeds and many other related topics. What's next for Map of Crypto: - We really do hope to start a new movement in the web3 dapps, as with our application we let users exchange different types of goods, no matter where they live, and eventually let them pay with a single currency. Our biggest dream related to this project, is making it a full-scale working products, for masses, which would start a completely new trend in the crypto world. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Inflation has been a big issue recently, and its been difficult to be able to get a prediction without it usually coming from singular experts, so I decided a prediction market could be a solution to being able to aggregate predictions and possibly come closer to accurate predictions for changes in inflation. What it does: - plation is a prediction market, where users can either bet 'Over' or 'Under' if they believe that inflation will either increase or decrease respectively. At the end of a given time period, the prediction is closed, and winners receive their initial bet back and their respective shares of the losing pool, or in the case of no change, all bets are refunded. How we built it: - The smart contracts for plation were written in Solidity and are deployed to the Rinkeby testnet, the UI for plation web-app was written in Javascript, there is also a seperate off-chain keeper that is written in Python which handles all the payout calculations. The technology used in the smart contracts includes: 1 Chainlink client to retrieve the Truflation inflation index, and 2 Chainlink keepers to time the closing of predictions and to keep the inflation index up to date. Challenges we ran into: - A couple of challenges that I ran into during the course of the project was a bit of a steep learning curve when it came to the front-end side of the dApp, I hadn't used Web3.js before. The other challenge I ran into was getting the Chainlink keeper to work with the PredictionHandler contract, there were quite a few failed attempts before I got the correct modifier on the contract. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - The accomplishment which I am most proud of is to have gotten all the contracts deployed and working together as the system I had designed and have the web-app up and running and able to be used. What we learned: - I've learnt a lot about the entire stack of dApps and Web3, what it takes to be able to put a dApp together and how much effort goes into large projects. What's next for plation: - Next steps for plation would be, To bring the python keeper script onto a Chainlink Keeper so that everything is On-Chain, Find a way to remove any custody as currently the Python keeper still needs a private key stored on an environment with the script to initiate payouts. Include other markets for inflation, and possibly a probability density function for predictions. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - I read the following paper a few weeks ago, and had the idea to extend it and implement the concept:\ncool white paper What it does: - I wrote solidity contracts to model an adaptive market maker -- whose trading curves can be tunable by a parameter q. For certain q-values, we approach a more linear regime like Curve Finance for stable coins. For other q-values, we can replicate the constant product market maker (i.e. uniswap), and for still other q-values, we can add even more curvature, which would be appropriate for extremely volatile or leveraged assets. How we built it: - I used solidity and the hardhat framework to deploy the smart contract. I borrowed a square-root solidity function from uniswap's github. I did feasibility studies using python to model the exchange, trading process, and q-update process. I used next.js and moralis to build a front end to interact with the smart contract. Challenges we ran into: - I ran out of time towards the end, so didn't get to implement everything I wanted to. \nOne challenge was implementing fractional exponents in integer-based math solidity. To simplify, I only used q values of -1,-0.5,0,0.5,and 1. This allowed me to use integer powers and square roots, which were easier to implement in a short time. - Also, I in trying to get a front-end stood up, it took a bit longer to implement all the web development pieces. I had hoped to get a simple Chainlink Keeper implemented to show the adaptive update process for q, but in the end did not have time. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Deployed my first solidity contracts. Did troubleshooting with the smart contract code, as well as its interface to the front-end. Prototyped a dApp in less than 2 weeks. What we learned: - Learned how to deploy solidity contracts both on localhost and on Rinkeby using hardhat. Learned how to deploy a web front-end using vercel. What's next for AdMM: Adaptive Market Maker: - Adding Chainlink Keepers to periodically check the price volatility and determine better values for q for a given token pair.\nImplement the full ERC-20 transfer functions. \nDo security checks on the code base. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - NFTransport aim at making easy, transparent, and secure the exchange of nft with physical value associated. More and more of NFT collection propose or want to propose physical perks, but it's often hard for them. They sometimes even do it manually. Also, some markets like the sneakers one are often subject to scalper the get several shoes delivered to them with the sole purpose of selling them for profit. At least with NFTransport, it will avoid the ecological impact of several deliveries ! What it does: - For instance with a sneaker collection, buyer can decide to sell their nft before redeeming the physical shoes. At the same time, the buyers in second market can know for sure if the physical is still redeemable, without the nft needed to get burned. How we built it: - We built it at first on polygon, aiming at offering low fees later on on main-net. But we got reliant on the opensea API which didn't allowed us to take full advantages of the mumbai testnet, so we went ahead on Rinkeby. We use our own system of dynamic NFT with a new array of string, serving as storage for the ipfs link to the (encripted) delivery informations. Later on a system of escrow could even be put in place, with those onchain proofs. Challenges we ran into: - One of our goal was to send a confirmation email for the shipping of the sneaker.\nWe needed a web server to handle GET/POST requests to receive an url sent by the smart contract (json file containing the contact details of the customer).\nThen parse the json to send an email to the customer to confirm the shipping.\nWe tried using AWS Lambda but we were not really familiar with it and didn't manage to make anything work. Then we decided to create our own http server in python to handler requests. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We're proud of delivering a first version that can be tested, and we already have a lot of ideas for future improvements ! What we learned: - We learned to not underestimate our weaknesses, as the frontend and the server communication from chainlink back to the blockchain gave us a lot of tough times. What's next for NFTransport: - We aim at making our system more secure, reliable, and mostly easier to use (for devs and users) through a nice frontend gallery made for it ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Our main passions are classic games (do you also like game cabinets like us?! :P) and modern technologies (Self-Sovereign Identities, blockchain, NFT, etc.). So in this project we tried to bind these two topics together, in order to obtain a sort of vintage NFT game cabinet working with NFTs dropped randomly to a set of users (identified by their addresses). In other words, instead of using coins, you can use NFTs to play with your own character ... if you are lucky enough to win one of them, of course! :D What it does: - The whole thing is composed of the following steps: - \nthe first one is the participation in the whitelist: if a user wants to try his/her luck, he/she can provide his/her account (his/her Ethereum/Polygon address), or the system administrator can select a set of users that could win the NFTs\na Merkle tree of all the users and of all the NFTs to be dropped is computed and this information is provided to a Smart Contract, where the Chainlink VRF is used to randomly extract the winners and to associate them with their prize (or prizes)\neach user can submit a proof (if it is true, of course) that his/her address is eligible for receiving one or more NFT (in reality, any user can submit to the Smart Contract the information that another address is a winning one): this can be done simply scanning a QR-code and using the "Dropper" web application we have built\nthanks to the use of Wallet Connect, any user with a valid NFT in his/her wallet can use our game cabinet to play the Attack on Factory game with his/her character\neverybody is finally happy\n How we built it: - We developed the tool to create the Merkle tree, the Smart Contract to perform the random "extraction", the "Dropper" to allow the winners to\n receive their NFT, the game in which the NFT can be used (by means of Wallet Connect) and finally also the physical game cabinet to maximize the fun! XD How to test it: - In order to test it, you can try one of the following accounts (we are providing you with the private keys of the wallets, so that you can import and use them): some of them will be lucky and will receive an NFT to play our game, other will just have to "retry another time"! :P\nList of accounts (private keys): - \n733de1b207b9ca8adb4ba454c4bce44e14ddc653e2433e11bb41157e0dc1593a\n75c458326b7d38350b29c56a06f3de0400bb453785d8397992631e231009075f\n33489d5390f866381b5c044c3eec6e5ba614f8333aedde7b892eced782964764\n7b46a82c77e8e827c327b53b652f27c5a19dde010aa7dc37fb9802a612ae5095\n2349b86b6b05fa79de2ca8bace2b93f86ab65867e3941c079c23fa813aedbb0a\nf6d1c18a7edd7edb7a7a6a98b7cb46d22832906c9300726da2f49aec8034c134\neaaf033719b98c7fca74d71160c9b281236bf3cd33486de8826c318a1304cc4d\n5796c52a2b3ece896029dd35da068885cbeb314e190f95cf6503fbeec49271d2\ne2ef7c36eea17854278f9cc88556a37611fdea7166a1ce449f59972c840eb8f8\n9f431ef6ba452d5e81e24668975aeba63c8ec9e851251e858036e6390924c7c1\n Challenges we ran into: - A lot. Every part of the project required a non-negligible effort both in the development and in the testing phases. Everything has been built with the idea of minimizing the effort for the user, so we focused on a simple and intuitive UX/UI, and we created a flow in which the users just have to perform very simple tasks to reach the final goal. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - It works. You can really play a cabinet game with your NFT. And this is the first time for us (and for all the guys that tried our projects in the few last days) that we do it.\nWe are sorry you cannot use our physical game cabinet, but we invite you to come to us and try it, since the feelings you perceive doing it could be really amazing. You can really feel the connection between the old-style gaming mood and the most modern and advanced technologies, not only in that gaming field. What we learned: - Again, a lot. We had to use different programming languages, different testing frameworks, and different technologies (both software and hardware). Anyway, probably the most valuable lesson we have learned is that if you really want to achieve something, and if you have a good team, you can do that. And this is amazing for us! What's next for Attack On Factory: - We still have to finalize and improve some parts of the flow. The setup of the whitelist and of the Merkle tree could be automated a little bit more, and some information and parameters that are right now hardcoded could be made modifiable. More games (even multiplayer ones) could be developed to better exploit the technologies we have developed (NFT and physical game cabinet), and each one of them could reward the users with gift and prizes (we would say still in the form of NFTS!). We are strongly committed to improving our work and we believe we can reach our final goal, even if it will require a lot of effort and dedication. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - I wanted to build something useful, decentralized and using randomness. A Mutual Fund looked perfect. What it does: - This contract allows people to join it and afterwards submit a request to receive funds from the contract.\nThe request creates a random array of users who will become jury members, they will decide if the amount requested can be sent or not to the requester. - For now it's very basic and there is no verification whatsoever (amount is smaller than the contract balance, the request has no explanation etc.) , but it will eventually. How we built it: - I basically used the same stack as in the fullstack app of the Freecodecamp video of Patrick Collins. The only difference is that I used npm instead of yarn. - Regarding how I found the time to build it I have no idea, I have a fulltime day job and virtually no time at home because I'm a young father... - But still I managed to build something not so bad. Challenges we ran into: - Testing is way more difficult than I thought, coming from web2 testing is just checking if the front and the back behave correctly, and a browser is generally enough, in web3 it's more subtle than that because everything must be tested upstream. - Solidity is hard when you come from high level languages! I had to simplify everything to fit into this lower level view. It was hard but very challenging. - Testing the behaviour of the Chainlink VRF live was also more complicated than I thought, although I can easily play with it in Remix although it's actually more difficult to test with real code depending on it, it's so true that I had to change my plans and actually abandon it to have at least a working code. I'll put it back for sure but after the hackathon! Accomplishments that we're proud of: - A contract that is actually working, not perfectly because the randomness is not yet implemented, but still, it's working well, thanks to all the tests upstream. - The front end is really not finished but I managed to make some things working at last. - It's also my first personal project in web3, so I'm kinda proud of it! What we learned: - Web3 is a very different way of thinking than web2. The front end is not that different but the back end for sure is. What's next for Mutual Fund on Ethereum: - Even if I don't win anything I'll continue making this project cleaner, smoother and polish it to make it as professional as it should be. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Several parties do not trust each other in the sale and transportation of a physical product. What it does: - Through an escrow system and through Chainlink’s oracle and api system trust can be build so a transaction can be executed for a sale of a physical product and delivery can be done. Payment can be made after delivery How we built it: - We built a smart contract which managed the life cycle of a delivery process and introduced an escrow mechanism to let trading parties pay. The escrow smart contract represents the commitment of payment between buyer and seller. \nWe introduced Chainlink's oracle node and built an external adapter to bridge on-chain and off-chain data world. We built a API of a transport company which exposes pricing information. This information is used by the escrow smart contract. Challenges we ran into: - The great challenge was to figure out how Chainlink products work. Accomplishments that we're proud of: What we learned: What's next for Transaction Delivery Service: ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Problem: - Suburban, and rural residential land is being under utilized for organic food production, while being subjected to harmful chemicals and wasteful water management. Solution: - Provide an easily producible & verifiable land leasing contract supported on the blockchain to build local gardening networks. The contract is also revocable if any issues arise. Both the Landlord and Renter are required to post margin, thereby signing the contract and initializing the lease. (The Renter must also post the entire rent up front which the Landlord can cash-out anytime.) Each party can also query the contract and see what the current balance is based on the cash flows determined at inception of the contract. Chainlink keepers is used to initiate the distribution of the funds accordingly after the contract ends. Example: Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments that we're proud of: What's next for Block-Garden: ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - The Cryptocurrency world will be the future of fintech and currencies. With soaring high profits and returns, investors and individuals now want to delve deeper into the crypto markets by investing their money. What it does: - We will be helping our investors know the future market trends(at least for the next 2 months). We will give our investors a personalized chatbot through which they can have a view of our future price predictions. With a cherry on the top, we will be giving our customers, 24*7 the latest insider cryptocurrency news that they can view and have an outlook about what are the latest trends which the crypto market might take in the near future. We are a MarketPlace for the purchase and sale of NFT's, digital art products backed by the security of cryptography. In addition, we offer various payment methods in USD, ARS, ETH and other functionalities. We will be issuing coupons from brands(like amazon, zomato, oyo) in return for crypto coins which our customers will be paying directly to us. The customers can directly make a transaction through their crypto currencies, and we would be charging a small commission fee of 2-3% How we built it: - Using the API of crypto prices over the last ten years and frontend made using react js and the graphs and predictions made using ML models. Challenges we ran into: - Getting a proper API for the project and also integrating the meta mask feature in the website. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - The website is hosted, able to connect to the metamask wallet of any user and predict the future crypto market for all enthusiast crypto traders. What we learned: - Learned how important the crypto market is going to be in the near future. What's next for nCRYPTO: - We want to make ncrypto such an app through which we can do live trading and also sell NFTs. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration Real-life inspired ;: - the struggle of buying property is real, to top it all of, when you don't have any idea about localities you're looking into investing, things just get a lot lot worse. Therefore, we, The Exterminators propose (and give:)) an AI model to help you out! What it does: - So the house price model basically would ask you to choose basic information such as, city, locality, the area in mind etc. which would then be used to predict the house price in that locality, and at the rate of the property size. How we built it: - We put on our thinking caps and got to work ;) (obviously), but after that, we used Python for the ML model (linear regression), HTML & CSS for the wesbite to give it a more aesthetically appealing appearance Challenges we ran into: - To make the page more innovative and interactive.\n ## Accomplishments that we're proud of \nwe used many programming languages What we learned: - how to link machine learning and css with html What's next for HOUSE Price Prediction: - In 2021,house price increased by rate of 16.9% \nin low down to 7% ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Theme - Open Innovation: Introduction: - Malware is intrusive software designed to damage and destroys computer systems. The common types of malware include computer viruses, computer worms, Ransomware & Keyloggers. This malicious software may destroy crucial data or remove our access from it. Anti-malware is a computer program used to prevent, detect, and remove malware. This anti-malware software help in the detection and thereby prevention of attacks on systems. This project aims to provide an ML-based approach to increase the security of a system against such attacks by detecting the malicious software before any damage. Workflow - Our Approach: - TECH STACK - *PYTHON* - \n\nDataset generated for Training & Testing Model\n Result Sample\nStructure of Elf File\n\n - Result: - Our Model successfully processes the malware given as a dataset and, we can classify different types of malware and take further steps to prevent them. - \nPresentation Link\nVideo Demo Link\nTEAM DEBUGGERS\n\nAviral Srivastava\nPrerna Choudhary\nKartik Mehta\n\n ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - I had to wait in a long queue at banks for a simple services and the bank employees shows negligence, So I decided to build an application that can be integrated into the ATM machine so that, it manages everything and even customers can get all the services which a normal bank provides because ATM does not provide all the services. What it does: - The services offered to customers are creating account, deposit, withdraw, view balance, etc and for managers the services are view all accounts and their details, view each account transaction details, set interest rate, add interest amount to customer accounts based on their balance, add employees and also view all employee details. And this application creates backup using triggers for all the data so that the data is not lost of the database gets corrupt. How we built it: - I used Python Tkinter module for front-end and sqlite3 for backend Challenges we ran into: - -generating unique elements like transactionID, customerID, AccountNo.,employeeID,etc for their respective actions\n-Displaying dynamically all the transactions from an account\n-Integrating all the elements in a single file. -creating backup using triggers Accomplishments that we're proud of: - I am happy since the application works flawlessly and tried to clear all the errors during application runtime. What we learned: - I learnt how to start project development, how to write understandable code, learnt python and sql, how to manage everything on my own,etc What's next for Bank data management system: - Now I'm planning to get a good interface to the application. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - We can make an online attendance system through this What it does: - We can recognize faces by training our model How we built it: - Python, Flask, HTML, CSS Challenges we ran into: - Faced a little difficulty in frontend backend integration and debugging the bugs in our training models. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - It is our very first successful hackathon submission with this team. What we learned: - Learned facial detection & recognition via machine learning, python scripting & a little of frontend backend integration. What's next for Face Recognition: - Online Attendance System to be integrated with Teams, Zoom, and other major video conferencing platforms. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - In recent days, we are struggling with the coronavirus and to stop spreading infection governments have imposed rules and lockdown but in order to fight the virus, we also need to maintain our physical health, fitness, and time to time exercise. Apart from this we also need to eat proper food enriched with proteins and nutrients. This project will help users to keep track of their calorie intakes supporting vast varieties of food items. What it does: - This project will help users to track their calorie intakes and help them to maintain their diet plans. Maintains a record of food items previously searched by the user. How we built it: - The backend is coded using Python (Flask) and deployed as a web application and for the frontend, HTML and Bootstrap are used. What we learned: - Explored different modules and exploration into an area of personal interest. Studied various approaches for problem solving. What's next: - This project can be further expanded for supporting different food items across the world. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration- The inspiration for the project came from the significant child mortality rate of the world and specially in African regions where the child mortality rate is one of the highest in the world. The project will help to visualize and predict the child mortality rate and take major steps to decrease the child mortality rate.: What it does-The project helps to predict the child mortality rate of the world and visualize the data using machine learning. It will be helpful in the field of healthcare and pediatric care.: How we built it-The project was built by using the concept of python and machine learning.: Challenges we ran into-One of the major challenges were collecting the suitable dataset for this project from a trustworthy source, implementation of our ideas correctly and choosing the right algorithm for the model for achieving the highest accuracy possible for the machine learning model. We have to test the model multiple times using multiple algorithms before finalizing the final model.: Accomplishments that we're proud of- We are proud the we were able to achieve our initial goal and build a model that can help the healthcare system and the society towards its betterment.: What we learned-We have learned many new concepts and ways in which we can improve our model and make some more models with better use of machine learning for the betterment of society.: What's next for World Child Mortality Rate Data Visualization And Prediction-We are planning to update the model to take real time data and predict the mortality rate based on that and simultaneously giving a vivid and precise Visualization of the data.: ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - To create Ai gym trainer What it does: - it extracts key points of shoulder, hand and counts how many reps perform in real-time How we built it: - using OpenCV,mediapipe Challenges we ran into: - In processing the input and add live stream from webcam in streamlit (locally I am able to do streamlit app but in deploying still facing some issues for live stream ) What we learned: - How to use mediapipe and open cv What's next for Gym_trainer: - To make it for more exercises like push ups ,etc.. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - We tried to make a website that will help people to get a recipe with the recipes they have in hand. \ud83e\udd5d\ud83c\udf49 What it does: - The website allows users to enter the ingredients they have into the search box and all the recipes that can be cooked using those ingredients will be displayed.\ud83d\udcab How we built it: - We designed the website using HTML, CSS, and javascript. We have made use of python programming for our main logic we used python and we implemented the SAWO API to make the passwordless login. \ud83d\udd17 Challenges we ran into: - We had really less time to implement and co-ordinate and set up everything together. \nWe faced bringing all the team members together at the same time as some of our members were not from the same time zone.\nWe struggled to make a backend of the app using firebase Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We could successfully implement the SAWO Api and completed the SAWO Auth Challange \ud83c\udf4f, we decided on some ideas, but some of them we failed to implement What we learned: - We learned that teamwork is an important aspect while you try to implement something in a very less span of time. We gained some knowledge about how to make databases and we learned how AI and suggestion engines work, the logic behind them. Also, we got to learn a lot from the friends that we made while attending this hack!✨ What's next for WokBites: - We will try to work on adding more features to the existing website eg. (A expert chef chatbot). ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: \ud83d\udca1 Inspiration: - There are multiple inspirations behind this project \ud83d\udcbb What it does: - Our project aims to empower hackers around the globe to run their code on a mobile device by writing it on paper and then clicking its picture. The OCR algorithm analyzes and extracts the code from the image and pastes it into an editor where the user could make final modifications before compiling and running the code. - Other features include - ⚙️ How we built it: ☁️ Use of Linode: - We have a dedicated Linode server for our backend. We use it for hosting our website and for storing our data. Linode Block Storage allows users to extend their server storage capacity with volumes on demand. Linode Backup allows us to back up their servers on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis which makes it easy and efficient. Linode allows users to manage multiple server instances across a single system. \ud83d\udd10 Best Blockchain Project Using Hedera: - We are using Hedera for checking the contract calls. Hedera is a decentralized public network that utilizes the Hashgraph consensus algorithm to overcome the traditional limitations of blockchain and allow one to create the next era of fast, fair, and secure applications. \ud83e\udd16 \ud83c\udf7b Dream Big and Create More Cheers with AB InBev: \ud83e\udde0 Challenges we ran into: \ud83c\udfc5 Accomplishments that we're proud of: \ud83d\udcd6 What we learned: \ud83d\ude80 What's next for PhotoCode: ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - MLH - HTL ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - It was India's campaign #Vocalforlocal that inspired the creation of this platform, a call to support the local artisans and promote local culture simultaneously. There are many benefits to supporting local artisans, including boosting the economy, increasing the availability of eco-friendly and budget-friendly products and creating employment opportunities. \nTo scale India’s vision globally and provide a platform to the local voices across the globe, Embracing Simulacrum took shape. What it does: - Embracing Simulacrum is an auction-based web app that is mainly focused on improving the scope of artists and artisans all over the globe. Our reputation for trust and authenticity is backed by our unparalleled global network of specialists spanning most of the countries, which include Contemporary Art, Modern and Impressionist Art, Old Masters, Chinese Works of Art, jewelry, watches, wine, spirits, and interiors, among many others. The app comes with two options, one for the buyer and for the seller where a seller typically is a local artisan trying to promote the craft and also earn their daily bread yet making sure that the heritage across the world never dies.\nA seller/vendor/artisan is asked to sign in as one and then list their product with all the specifications and the selling price.\nOnce a buyer becomes a member, they are presented with a variety of categories to choose from. From crafted jewelry to art pieces, each category offers unique items, so one can pick their favorite from the list. How we built it: - First, we designed the wireframe of the website using Figma. Next, we designed the system architecture, then we moved on to designing and implementing the backend using Django. Next, we built the front end using HTML5, CSS3 & JS after making a lot of effort while linking the same to the backend. For our media resources, we used google images, and for designing the logo we used Canva Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We are proud of being able to provide a solution that will serve the masses and be of great help to artisans around the world.\nOn the technical front, we are very happy that we were able to link different kinds of backend structures to our front-end in the stipulated time. What's next for EMBRACING SIMULACRUM: - We will try to add more features so that even the smallest vendor can make use of EMBRACING SIMULACRUM to its full potential.\nWe will try to take the help of NGO's in order to make this available for everyone at the grass root level. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Large projects are often difficult to manage, with lots of issues and PRs to review. Some issues are often user specific, which don't require the attention of project managers and can be resolved by doing some online research or referring some websites/blogs. The bot takes this responsibility from the project managers. What it does: - The bot shares links of various websites, when triggered with a certain query with the required keywords. It also requires an integer, the number of results to return. How to use it: - An example query like !help Cloud Native Hackathon 5 will trigger the bot. The bot checks if the issue comment starts with !help and ends with an int, the number of results. How we built it: - After installation, the bot configures webhooks on the repositories selected by the user. When the user comments a certain query, like the example above, it will trigger the webhook, which sends the request to a flask server, hosted on Vercel. The request is processed and formatted. Google API is used to fetch the results, specifing the query (here Cloud Native Hackathon), along with an integer (5 here). The links are sent in a POST request to the GitHub API, authenticated via the bot, which the shares the links in a issue comment. Challenges we ran into: - Google API can process and send any number of results. So, if the user does not specify the number of results to return, then the API will keep on scraping the results, and will not stop. So we have specified a strict format to use the bot, with max number of results as 9. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - The project managers had to manually search the web to find relevant websites which might help in fixing the issue. The bot will save quite some time in doing this for them. What we learned: - We learned how the use the GitHub API, how the webhooks work, and learned how to manage servers. What's next for Kronos: - We are yet to add site specific search in Kronos. This will help to scrap several web pages from the same website. The limit on the max number of results will be changed in the near future, with an optimised solution. We are also planning to implement Open AI into the bot, which will be useful for sharing frequently used code snippets in issues. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Technology, Farmers, Poverty, Corruption, Innovation, Creativity and many other factors too. What it does: - Krishi Vyahan is an idea to provide some help to our farmers, it is a platform where farmers can connect with their potential customers at one place, instead of getting stuck with the traditional ones. KrishiVyahan is the key solution to the problems, Limited Scope , where Farmer is compelled to sell to its nearby retailers, Dispersed Facilities, that is usually farmers have to visit different areas to buy equipments, seeds, insurance, soil testing, etc., Lack of Awareness, as we know due to lack of awareness farmers tend to miss the benefits provided by the government and the ReUpyog section provides information to creatively utilize the waste they generate.\nIn addition to this we also tried to solve the problem of getting correct information of soil needs according to the crop. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Considering how hectic the attendance system is nowadays on both the teacher's as well as the student's end, we tried to simplify things. What it does: - A face recognition attendance software wherein you can create an account, login, enter your details, register and get your attendance marked in a CSV file just by turning your camera on! How we built it: - This project was built using Python to handle most functions. The database was handled by MySQL. Challenges we ran into: - Ran into several errors while installing some python modules, facing inaccuracy over the output provided. Various errors while trying to connect the MySQL database to the python based project. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We learned to troubleshoot and resolve errors most of all, running into the correct and desired output. What we learned: - Got familiar with various sorts of tools and technology. What's next for Galactica: - Deployment into a web application ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Chronic diseases are on the rise in the United States, leaving healthcare payers with the challenge of covering care for patients with these expensive, long-term conditions.\nNowadays people getting diabetes and blood pressure are very much common. But how to balance it so that they should not get a heart attack or brain tumor kind of problems, which are dangerous for life. So this web app helps you predict the heart, bp or diabetics kind of diseases and gives some diet plan for maintaining good health. What it does: - It predicts if a person has bp, diabetes, or heart disease, so keep them safe from future problems. How we built it: - We have built it using the Flask framework which is used for web development \nFrontend web development : - \nHtml5\nCSS\nBootstrap\nJavascript\nBackend web development \nPython\nMachine learning\nFlask framework\nSqlalchemy\n Challenges we ran into: - The last time I was doing this project for the last hackathon, I was not able to complete it, I was getting errors in deployment. So I have \nWhile deploying it into the Heroku, We faced some issues related to API Accomplishments that we're proud of: - To achieve anything we need good health, So this web app Health bloom is made for people to reduce the chance of getting heart or brain diseases. Because both are the main organs of our body. What we learned: - I learned how to use SQL alchemy for the first time using flask. What's next for Health Bloom: - The basic web app is ready, The app can predict the three diseases. We need to add some diet plans and doctor recommendation , which will be our future work . ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Because of COVID, it is now unsafe to go to the hospital every time we feel ill since there is a risk of getting affected with COVID in the hospital. Thus there is a need to connect patients virtually with doctors. Also if the patient recognizes his/her symptoms, and if somehow we can tell him what is the disease he is likely to be affected with then he/she can take precautions accordingly.\nWe believe that everyone should have easy access to great health care. What it does: - We have designed a CAD system/Disease Prediction system where users can get to know whether they are infected with a particular disease or not based on the input in the form of report or X-Ray/MRI Image.\nNot only this, but our project also aims to effectively connect doctors and patients virtually around the globe and incase if a patient recognizes the symptoms, then he/she can know what disease he/she is likely to be infected with and what precautionary measures can be taken. How we built it: - We used scikit-learn for training machine learning models while tensorflow/pytorch for deep learning and segmentation models. Dataset was obtained from kaggle website. A model was trained to predict the disease based on the user's symptoms. Sqlite database was used to store data of doctors around the world and the user can search doctors based on location or specialization, request for a video meeting and then discuss his/her problems. Challenges we ran into: - Connect patients with doctors in real-time. \nImproving the accuracy of ML/DL models. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Although our application is not fully functional, we have designed a decent prototype which very well meets the requirements of our plan of actions. \nAll the models trained have a accuracy of more than 95%.\nFast redressal of grievances of patients from doctors in real time What we learned: - Reduce the gap between patients and doctor. What's next for Apna CheckUp: ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - While it may be hard to accept, most of us will require some type of care assistance after a certain age .They may be used to handling everything themself, dividing up duties with their spouse, or relying on family members for minor help around the home. But as they get older and their circumstances change, getting around and taking care of themself can become more and more difficult. While increasing age gives so many health issues to the older citizens who forget things easily. Mostly aged people have Dementia and they forget things easily most of the time their medicines too. Medicines help us live longer and healthier. But, taking them the wrong way or mixing certain drugs can be dangerous. Side effects can be relatively minor, such as a headache or a dry mouth. They can also be life-threatening, such as severe bleeding or irreversible damage to the liver or kidneys. Medications' side effects also can affect your driving. With this we need to be careful to keep track of our medicines and use them safely. - Artificial intelligence is showing great promise in areas of health care. From smartphones to motion sensors, technology experts are using the Internet to get wireless devices to talk to each other to keep older citizens and many other patients safe and improve their health and well-being. - Polypharmacy plays an important role in aged patients Memorizing multiple drug instructions is tedious and challenging Missing a dose or overdose is harmful Drug interactions may decrease efficacy and introduce side effects Therefore, with a motive to help the senior citizens , we have successfully presented an medical assistant app, Through this application, we aim to provide Easily “scan-and-input” the medical prescription using Optical Character Recognition (OCR), courtesy of Google Cloud Vision API Personalized drug schedule on daily routine, and record meals, exercise, and medical history based on the previous data. What it does: - We have successfully presented an android app SmartDoc, Which intends to assist the older citizens.Through this application, we aim to provide Easily “scan-and-input” the medical prescription using Optical Character Recognition (OCR), courtesy of Google Cloud Vision API Personalized drug schedule on daily routine, and record meals, exercise, and medical history based on the previous data. How we built it: - With the help of SmartDoc, We are just trying to assist the older citizens medically, and SmartDoc is very easy to use, Users have to create their account and after creating the account, they have to fill some basic information regarding their medical records and their daily routine and they have to upload their medical prescription which is prescribed by the doctors and the app will provide them the proper routine based on your data. All the users will be notified for every instance in the schedule i.e., the time they have to take the medicine with its dose, likewise all the instances in the schedule.\nThe general methodology to develop this Medical-Assistant App is shown below : - Collection of Medical dataset.\nOptical Character Recognition on the Medical Prescription\nValidating the results of the OCR with the dataset.\nScheduling the routine according to the prescription that includes the best time to consume the medicine based on the user’s daily routine.\nDeveloping the Android App for making all these things user friendly. Challenges we ran into: - We built this app from scratch and for this we have to learn the flutter from the very basics.\nWe had the problem At the time of connecting all the pages togerther we also got so many errors But in the end we solved it after reading a lot of documentation. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - For any medical assistant, it’s a humbling experience to be able to provide patients with the care and support they need. It’s even more fulfilling when tending to the elderly, as they rely on more people other than the average patient. Plus, we are trying to help senior members for daily struggles they face, which makes our SmartDoc care even more rewarding.With the motive to help the senior citizens , we have successfully presented an medical assistant app, Through this application, we aim to provide Easily “scan-and-input” the medical prescription using Optical Character Recognition (OCR), courtesy of Google Cloud Vision API Personalized drug schedule on daily routine, and record meals, exercise, and medical history based on the previous data. - We have successfully presented an android app SmartDoc, Which intends to assist the older citizens.Through this application, we aim to provide Easily “scan-and-input” the medical prescription using Optical Character Recognition (OCR), courtesy of Google Cloud Vision API Personalized drug schedule on daily routine, and record meals, exercise, and medical history based on the previous data. What we learned: - After completion of this app we can say that now we have a good grasp in flutter , also we got the chance to work on cloud vision api along with that we learnt flask. We got to learn so many things while working on this App. What's next for SmartDoc: - In future we want to add more features on this app and also we want to Improve the functionally (ex. Integrate telemedicine :live chat and video visiting the doctor, emergency calls, etc.) of this app. - Voice Assistant : The speech is the most familiar mode of interaction that requires little learning or literacy and audio speech with regional language support can help users easily understand. - Increasing Dataset : As for the future work, a larger dataset with more handwritten medicine names will be used and trained to reach higher accuracy. - Video chat : Connect face to face with a doctor and you can easily ask there. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: CONFIBOT : THE SOLUTION FOR DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: - MY INSPIRATION WAS THE PROBLEMS FACED BY MANY PEOPLE IN THEIR WORK-LIFE DUE TO DIFFERENT REASONS, LIKE GENDER, SPEAKING SKILLS ETC. - SO THIS CONFIBOT PROVIDES A SECURED AND CONFIDENTIAL PLATFORM FOR COMPLAINTS AND FOR LEARNING BASIC SKILLS THAT ARE NEEDED AT THE WORKPLACE. - CONFIBOT WAS EARLIER BUILT ON JUPYTER NOTEBOOK AND THEN CONVERTED TO PYTHON FILE. - THE CHALLENGE WHICH I FACED WAS THE CHOICE OF LIBRARIES TO BE USED SO THAT IT CAN BE EDITED AS PER PURPOSE ANYTIME FOR WHICH I LANDED UP MAKING THE CHATBOT WITH NLTK LIBRARY. - I AM PROUD THAT I LEARNED NEW SKILLS AND BUILT SOMETHING WITHIN THE PASSAGE OF TIME THAT CAN HELP IN CHANGING LIFE OF MANY UNDERREPRESENTED GROUPS AT THE WORKPLACE AND HELP THEM IN GAINING CONFIDENCE. - I LEARNED DECISION-MAKING. - THE FUTURE FOR CONFIBOT IS IT CAN BE USED AT WORKPLACES FOR THE BETTERMENT OF THE LIVES OF EMPLOYEES.\nMANIER TIMES THEY TEND TO RESIST IN OPPOSING SOME DECISION DUE TO THE RISK OF GETTING FIRED.\nTHIS PLATFORM PROVIDES A PLACE WHERE THEY CAN COMPLAIN WITHOUT FILLING IN PERSONAL DETAILS. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - One of our team members had an incident where his grandfather was severely ill. In a state\nof emergency, all the family members had to rush to the hospital. But upon reaching, they\nrealized that an important medical report was not there. That induced a state of chaos as\nfamily members had to admit the patient, as well as rush back to home to get the required\ndocuments.\nThat is when it hit upon him, that availability of these kinds of documents at such times, is very\nimportant. What it does: - The app provides secure, online, easy to use access to personal health records, enabling its\nusers and their families to maintain their medical records. This is achieved by using highly\nsecured OTP. We will use artificial intelligence and machine learning to track periods and\ngiving regular reminders to our female audience.\nAs digital offerings will define the industry, we aim to bring together systems, processes and\npeople for improving healthcare How we built it: - The basic structure of the website was established using HTML while formatting and visual graphics were enhanced using CSS. JavaScript will be added to these pages to create the correlation between the front end, where the user shall view his records and the backend, where the user's medical records will be stored. Python and MySQL will be used to store data at the backend. We will use several AI and ML based frameworks to add the calendar features specifically for periods and maternity tracking. The page will be made more responsive by JavaScript and CSS to ease its application. Challenges we ran into: - Since everyone in our team, everyone is a fresher, technical knowledge is a limited resource. But the\nsame is not true for our IDEATION capabilities. Thus, our prototype will be majorly focusing\non building layout and basic functionalities, which can portray the actual caliber of our\nproject Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We could build the basic structure of our web pages to give a basic idea of the plans we lay out. We could formulate the basic procedure of building our website which can be further enhanced as per our user's wishes. The application ensures user's information safety and safely stores important data to be utilized later. Considering how the cumbersome paperwork, destruction of paperwork due to natural causes and the world which is switching to Digital Platforms, our application provides a perfect solution to the organizing of important medical records conveniently at one place. What we learned: - We learned about the requirements of patients and convenience of doctors. We learned more about Web Development and how to utilize the key features to create functional pages and add our required features. What's next for Medpository: - We wish to completely develop our website and implement our idea into the medical and pharmaceutical world for the ease of the public. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: What it does: - We are using data analytics techniques to analyze the data provided to us. \nCheck out the google doc attached below for the detailed information. - The project has been built entirely on Jupyter Notebook. The dataset being large, made it a little difficult for us to analyze. We faced a lot of issues while dealing with the super overs and the cancelled matches. - We learned many analyzing techniques while working with the data. It was an amazing experience. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - The basic inspiration behind the project is to enable small-scale commerce by providing shopkeepers with top-notch technology and helping customers cure their indecisiveness while buying products. What it does: - Itemsdesk is a user-friendly website with a dedicated database it uses and updates to give information about the highest, lowest, average, and ideal price of the item searched for. Moreover, you can also add your own elements to the database. How we built it: - The front end of the project is built using HTML and bootstrap. The backend uses an algorithm to calculate the highest, lowest, average, and ideal price of the input material. A MySQL database stores all the elements, new and old, and the data from the database is used to compute the final output. A graphical representation of the same is also presented on the output screen. Challenges we ran into: - The biggest channel probably was linking the front end of the project to the backend using the python flask library. The integration procedure forced a complete re-write of major portions of the code, which was something we failed to anticipate and had to put a lot of work into doing in the later stages of development. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Pretty much everything! For most of us, it was our first hackathon. The efforts and dedication to the work is what stood out for us. We all put in the best work we could and that is something we are happy about. What we learned: - Definitely a lot. The whole hackathon was a learning curve for all of us. From learning how to build and manage databases to integrating a front-end and back-end code to work together, we all learned a lot and enjoyed every bit of it. What's next for ItemsDeck: - Not sure. We will look forward to creating more categories the project can be used for. That, and definitely a more user-friendly interface would be something we will like to develop. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Publishing highlights after a sports game is a mandatory practice followed in the broadcast industry. A highlights video provides a quick snapshot of the event highlighting the interesting events in the game and thus providing the viewers an opportunity to get a quick summary of the game.\nIn a manual process, a video editor has to run through the entire game, identify candidate areas for the highlights and compile all the clips into a single compilation video. This can be a cumbersome process and time-consuming. What it does: - A Deep Learning Model that automatically generate highlights from a sports video using audience reaction. The highlights in the sports video are generated by analysing the key exciting moments in the match which attract the attention of the spectators in the match. - Project Demo: - Original Video Link: - Highlight generated video: How we built it: - Using numpy and moviepy in Python Challenges we ran into: - The algorithm can be confused by broadcasters who make lots of replays or lower the sound of the crowd after goals, and it may miscut some goals on penalties because the crowd starts whistling long before the shoot. So large-scale applications would require a less naive model. What we learned: - How we can use machine learning (numpy and moviepy) to generate highlights of sports video. What's next for Sports Highlight Generator: - The next step is to take each peak and convert it to a GIF for social sharing and automatically share:) ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Pricing and marketing a product can become difficult. If the price is too high, customers are less likely to buy it. conversely, if it is too low then the profits may become unfeasible. This problem has often felt daunting to newcomers to the global market. We wanted to try and help solve this problem. What it does: - We have implemented a machine learning AI that will be able to predict pricing, and target demographic of the product. useful for small businesses to start off on a smaller scale. The AI will make use of techniques like regression and decision trees in order to find the best profit margin while still ensuring the product sells. The product will be presented in an app, which will let the user fill out details like the name, brand, product subcategories, and what they think is the best audience for this product. The AI will then present a plot of the pricing of the product, along with the best recommended price, and improvements (if any) to the target audience/area. The app could also be monetized with advertisements and/or be made paid on a subscription basis. The app can scale with lots of different categories of products and a lot of demographics data. but the prototype will start with a small subset of the overall e-commerce market. The app could also recommend platforms that are used most by the intended audience, to ensure maximum sales and might develop the ability to suggest discounts at a later stage. Challenges we faced: - None of us had a lot of experience working with data. So some of us had to learn how to make models using tensorflow and how to pre-process datasets and let the AI train. On the other hand, the designers on our team had a difficult time getting a good idea of how the front end application would look. We learned a lot of skills that will definitely come in handy in future projects. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Problem: - The Cryptocurrency world will be the future\nof fintech and currencies. With soaring high\nprofits and returns, investors and individuals\nnow want to delve deeper into the crypto\nmarkets by investing their money. Solution: - That is exactly where nCrypto comes in. We will be helping our investors know the future market trends(at least for the next 2 months). We will give our investors a personalised chatbot through which they can have a view of our future price predictions. With a cherry on the top, we will be giving our customers,24*7 the latest insider cryptocurrency news that they can view and have an outlook about what are the latest trends which the crypto market might take in the near future. USP: - We will be making technical analyses trading\nreal easy for our investors, if you are a\nbeginner at crypto trading, it will surely be at\nyour fingertips through our platform. With\nautomated indicators, buying/selling strategy\nand easy explanations, it is one of a kind. TARGET MARKET: - Our Target market belongs to those\nbeginner investors who gets easily\nBOWLED OUT!! in the CRYPTO\nmarkets. We want our customers to\nmake more profits from their\ninvestments. We also target those\nstudents and working people, who\ndon't have the knowledge and time to\nread, analyze charts, or have ample\ntime to read crypto news\nbut want to\ninvest and earn profits. Inspiration: - Crypto and Blockchain What it does: - This is a project that provides all recent updates regarding the Crypto Market and the predicts the future crypto market How we built it: - Using React JS Challenges we ran into: - Integration of metamask and using several APIs Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Site is running perfect on localhost ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Learning is the key aim of college life. However, implementing your knowledge makes a significant difference in your life and gives you propelling opportunities in your future. Thinking on these lines we decided to come up with a portal that helps you save your time and also helps assist the learning. What it does: - There are three segments in our projects - How we built it: - Three features of our website - - Feature 1: Internship Finder - Based on the user query, relevant searches are stored in a csv file using the selenium web scraping framework. This csv file is then converted into json format for easily integrating it with reactjs frontend. This result is then displayed to the user. - Feature 2: Text Summarizer - Using python library PyPDF2 we extract the contents of a pdf. Then we pass this text to the gensim library, which then summarizes each section and returns it to the front end. The user can then download the summary. - Feature 3: MoM Generator - The user enters a video (.mp4 file). This file is then converted into an audio file (.mp3) with the help of moviepy library. This audio file is then passed through the API which processes the audio and gets the transcript. This transcript is then summarized by the api and the summary is displayed to the user. The user can then download the summary. Challenges we ran into: - \nBeing a team of freshers, we had a lack of resources.\nInexperience in Backend Development.\n Accomplishments that we're proud of: - In spite of having a novice team, we managed to create a working prototype of our portal, which shows the User Interface. What we learned: - Use of APIs (,\nTo use new python libraries (moviepy, gensim, PyPDF2, Flask),\nLearning about new JavaScript Library (reactjs),\nAutomation using Python (Selenium Web scraping),\nWeb development,\nTeamwork What's next for Project 1: - We plan to add more features like PDF merger, Filters in Internship page and File type conversion. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: allie - Your trusted ally!: \ud83e\uddd0 Objective: ⚒️ About The Project: \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb Novelty of our project: \ud83d\udc69\ud83c\udffb\u200d\ud83d\udcbbTech Stack: ✨ Future Scope: \ud83d\udc6b Contributors: ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: What it does: Challenges we ran into: Accomplishments we are proud of: What's next for Investonomy?: - We will try to include chatbots for advanced personalization and interaction with the user. Also we will explore new trading strategies which will maximize the net returns of the user. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspired by: - Pradhan Mantri Janashaudhi Yojana, aiming to give cheaper medicines and a sit-at-home check-up for all but specifically cardiac issues that were one of the most complained post covid problem.\nOur project Heartbeat aims to give service and also spread the word related to the heart. Our Aim: - Cardiac complaints were one of the most common post-covid problems. It was difficult for people to physically go to the hospitals with the rising cases. Hence our team has come up with the project Heartbeat which allows patients to identify the chances of them having heart disease, connect with the doctors virtually, and order medicines by their salts. How we built it: - Using html css and js for frontend , we also included our ML model for prediction about your heart risks Challenges we ran into: - This was our first hackathon and us being freshers was a challenge more than enough Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Learning several new things as well as improving our basic concepts What's next for Heartbeat: - Gathering people's reviews on our ideas and website ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration - Problem Statement #3 by Experion Technologies: - Publishing highlights after a sports game is a mandatory practice followed in the broadcast industry. A highlights video provides a quick snapshot of the event highlighting the interesting events in the game and thus provides the viewers an opportunity to get a quick summary of the game.\nIn a manual process, a video editor has to run through the entire game, identify candidate areas for the highlights and compile all the clips into a single compilation video. This can be a cumbersome process and a time-consuming. What it does: - The application uses AI enabled methods to automatically generate highlights data feed from an input video file. The expected output data feed contains start/end time stamps of interesting clips from the given video feed. For example, for a cricket game the clips may contain fall of wickets, exceptional fielding, batsman hitting boundaries etc. Finally, the highlights of that particular game would be displayed to the user sequentially. How we built it: - \nWe would be building a web application, where the user can directly upload the video to the web server built using Node.js. \nThe video will be processed frame by frame. The processing will be convert the audio to text form by the use of using an API call.\nThe obtained texts along with the time frames will be processed by a python script consisting of technologies like NLTK, wordnetand NLP to carefully understand the text. \nFirstly, the script would pre-process the data by removing the unwanted literals such as punctuation, special characters, connectives and other unnecessary words. \nThe script will then convert the phrase into its vector form. A phrase can be represented in n-dimensional vector space. A wordnet of some common cricket highlight words would be created and stored in for later use. \nAll of this is carried keeping in mind the emotions of the commentators in the audio and the words they speak. For example, “bowled”, “that’s a six”, and others (for cricket).\nThe vector would be parsed in a TF-ID vectorizer. Different similarity checks would be carried out in order to check the Similarity between the received text and the highlight words. \nOnce we get the check results, we can use it to decide if that particular frame can be used or not. If yes, we would be giving the start and end timestamp of the highlight (considering a 5-sec time interval). \n Challenges we ran into: - \nOne major challenge we faced is to fix the values for different similarity checks in order to see if the given phrase is of a highlight or not.\nDifferent TF-ID vectors should be created for different sports in order to encompass all kinds of sports highlights.\nSegregating different phrases belonging to the same highlight so as to avoid repetitive highlights. \n What we implemented till now: - \nInitial setup of the server with the project structure and git repository.\nConstructed the wordnet cloud and TF-ID vector. \n3.Established a connection between the API and the web-server to transfer and analyse the uploaded video.\nIntegrated the web application, and the python pipeline. \nDisplaying the highlights from the obtained timestamps to the user through a user friendly interface. \n What's upcoming: - \nOptimising the time taken for the video to be processed by the API ( and the NLTK model.\nAdding user centric features for easy access. \n To try it out: - The URL provided must be a publicly available URL. Currently we do not support any redirected links, shortened links (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo, or links from any audio/video platforms. - Example link which can be used: - Domain Name from GoDaddy Registry: - Note that, uploading may take time due to processing by multiple models via an API. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Want to play badminton ? Yes. Takes a long walk to the court and finally reaches. \nIs the court available ? :( NO , *Questions Life's Decisions \nHave a nice racquet to play ? Probably..I guess -_- . Looks at raquet **questionably* - Well to solve all these problems, now comes*CourtHero*. What it does: - CourtHero is a platform which actively tracks badminton courts and lets users know about the availibility of the court and pushes notification whether or not the court is available and when it is available. - As soon as it tracks the court to be empty, the platform informs users in queue/interested in using the court that it is available and helps to inform the users who all are in queue and waiting. - Successfully informing the availability and cutting short the terrible time of waitng outside courts in line and looking at people play while you question your life choices. This all is enable through an integration of app/website and a combination of an IoT device which is placed on the badminton court which it tracks. - The app has the trading platform built into it which enables trading of equipment used in badminton like raquets,grips,guttings,shoes and other equipments among the users and sellers on the platform using SNX or synths. - There are various other functionalities that enable users to facilitate in terms of badminton as a sport. It has the and twilio conferencing functionality with live transcript built into it for efficient communication and logging. The platform also has a chatting functionality built into it for communicating with fellow sportmen and talk about interests. - The Domain is very creatively chosen from for an attractive advertisement perspective and bringing in consumer base. How we built it: - \nIoT Device/Camera Input (Laptop)\nApp/Website \nTrading Platform / Features \nIncorportaing Software and Hardware \nImplementation in VIT Hostel\n - The project is made on a 3-tier architecture consisting of namely: - 1.NODE - 2.SERVER - 3.CLIENT Challenges we ran into: - \nHardware Challenges \n - Getting the camera feed to work with the software and server architecture and apply the detection model on the court. Installing OpenCV on raspberry Pi and getting the raspberry pi to work as the device for detection. Having the feed processed efficiently and give the output of the feed based on distance from the subject and detecting it from the court. - 2.** Software Challenges** - Making the frontend and backend of the platform. Implementation of the functionality of detection from the feed and processing it to output a conclusion of availibility of the court. Enabling the general functionality of the chatting and the conferencing abilities of the platform. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - \nIncorporating the hardware used ( RaspberryPI and Code for it to run it)\nSynthetix Protocol to implement in the platform\nImplement the BiDirectional Functionality of the Software with the Device.\n What we learned: - \nThe way many software libraries work\nBlockchain networks and their frameworks\nThe use of cameras with raspberrypi and opencv \nInteraction with blockchain and its applications \nApplication of and Twilio\n What's next for Court Hero: - Court Hero is actively improving the algorithms and optimising the code base on which it is built. Improving the UI/UX of the whole platform. Court Hero will also add many functionalities which if felt critical or viable for improving User Experience would be added. The Trading of Equipment and its sub functionalities would be improved down the line with improved code base and super efficient system performance. The hardware would be improved and optimized for a more economical , industrial and minimalistic design which would be easier to deploy and run within least time possible. All other courts/venues shall be incorporated and its assets for trading in order to facilitate a larger base of service among the consumer market. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - A young aspiring studious kid unable to choose the right career path. What it does: - It's a platform to help students regarding career choices by interacting with a combination of mentors and AI. How we built it: - After a round of discussion with industry mentors and counsellors, we built this. We used\nhtml5,css,bootstrap 5, figma, javascript, node.js, java, kotlin, react, rasa and stripe. Challenges we ran into: - Competitors in the market, Web and app hosting charges. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Certified questions from a counsellor, Sorted out and clear ideation, Doable project. What we learned: - The strategy of building projects in one night, Implementing frameworks and team management. What's next for Counsailia: - Robust development of the backend and finishing up the website. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - The inspiration was the Bloomberg terminal, recently I was exploring stocks and finance and that is when I came across Bloomberg, although I did not have the skills to develop a fully-fledged Bloomberg version, I did dumb it down and did what I could What it does: - The code asks for the stocks name listed in the market such as TSLA, and the company's name Tesla, the program then gets information about opening, closing, highest and lowest price from an api and calculates the difference and if there is a significant change, the program then gets 3 of the top articles in the news that includes the company's name, then with the help of twilio it sends a personalised message saying the stocks price has dipped or risen 'x' % and the message also incude the headlines, briefs and in some cases the link to the article. How I built it: - I used python to build, and few libraries such as requests for the API's, datetime library and twilio library Challenges I ran into: - It took me a while to read about the twilio api, stock news api and the price api, even after reading it, it took me a while to format the data as I required, after I had the structure down I feel like I tried including a lot of things and eventually burned out and went back to just the simple stuff. Accomplishments that I'm proud of: - I'm proud of how far I've come with python and from printing hello world to being able to code a simple Idea. What I learned: - api parameters, authorization, twillio What's next for stock news: - \nAs of now the the stocks name and company name have to be given as constant I would like to incorparate a user input through sms.\n2.include a graph for the stock's prices.\n3.would like stock alert to be able to predict the stocks price.\n ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback: exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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