You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - A bit of inspiration from Mission Control and most of our inspiration from comp sci and phy classes where people refuse to answer the questions ma'am asks What it does: - Encourages students to interact in class through a scoring system and fun reward the students can redeem with their scores How we built it: - Using python, qt, and Firebase Challenges we ran into: - Learning firebase and how to integrate it with python and how to integrate the ui and the backend Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Our versatility, and our ability to adapt to the requirements of the project What we learned: - Time management is Key and not to give up on a idea and to keep trying What's next for interakt: - Updates increasing the comfort in the ui, fixing bugs when they come to light and new features like the school calendar and task scheduling ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - I have a data science and machine learning background, so I thought I'd put that to good use to allow people to visualise the extent of the coronavirus pandemic globally. What it does: - It allows you to see information about the COVID-19 pandemic on a country level on a choropleth map. How we built it: - Using three python frameworks: Pandas, Dash and plotly. Challenges we ran into: - So many: Learning a new framework is never easy, and especially so when front end design is a huge weakness, and while on a deadline. However, I managed to get over them and the app is in semi-good condition. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Managing to make the front end look decently good, considering how clunky Dash could sometimes be. What we learned: - How to use dash and bootstrap, as well as general design: my experience is almost exclusively in back-end, command line applications, so being forced to produce something half presentable was a great learning opportunity. What's next for the COVID-19 Map: - Introduce more interactive features, data points, and hopefully a live updating data feed to give current data. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Introduction: - DeCrise is an online platform that acts as an aggregator for public support/utility services for fast-response during a major crisis or disaster. It brings Crisis Management as an important aspect of the "Save the Planet" motto. We utilize the power of social media, which acts as a warehouse for important information during the sudden onset of a natural or manmade disaster. We bring together the concepts of both continual and federated learning to create a volunteer-supported, learning system for the quick response and integral information retrieval. We employed Flask and Heroku to deploy a backend, which incorporates the federated averaging algorithm to learn from models trained across multiple volunteer systems. Which is then deployed on Streamlit with easy to understand UI to allow newcomers to navigate DeCrise easily. Our model uses continual learning to keep a progressing learning feed so as to learn features from the recent most events. Finally, the tweets are scraped using the Twitter-API and a feed-forward neural network classifies them across 5 different classes. What it does: - DeCrise uses both continual and federated learning as a form of distributed learning for model training. One of the most important aspects of crisis management models is their implementation fails beyond similar events, leading to false predictions and mislabelling, therefore we utilize continual learning to keep our model updated across different crisis events. Our volunteer support method expects individuals to train models at their local systems after labelling a small sample space of tweets, our idea is to use the federated averaging algorithm across various users to build a successful aggregate model. We utilise regularisation to alleviate catastrophic forgetting in the target neural networks. At the local/volunteer level we expect the users to train the model using dimensionally compressed GloVe embeddings across 5 classes. - The classes include: - \nDisplaced people and evacuations\nInfrastructure and utility damage\nInjured or dead people\nMissing or found people\nUnrelated\n - Our analysis focuses on three disaster events for analysis: - \nCyclone Idai\nGreece Wildfires\nMaryland Floods\n - This can allow public support systems such as police officers, firefighters and rescue operatives to gauge a better understanding of the situation as well as keep track of various public safety records. How we built it: - We used Streamlit for creating our website. Our goal with the site was to create an easy to understand and navigate website. We used a minimalistic design coupled with a backend hosted on Heroku. Our backend allows volunteers/support systems to push locally trained models for aggregation on the central server at Streamlit. At the central server, the regularization function is used to check for variational changes, from previously trained models. If found, we send the aggregated model for further analysis on a test set, however, if within limits we apply it as the new model. - The aggregation is done using the federated averaging model. At the local training step of the federated methodology, a regularization function taken from Learning without Forgetting - Li and Hoiem is used for training the model and to prevent overfitting on recent/new training data. The model was deployed and trained over PyTorch so as to increase transperancy and ease of use between the central host server and the volunteers training the model. - We used he HumAID Twitter dataset which consists of several thousands of manually annotated tweets that have been collected during 19 major natural disaster events including earthquakes, hurricanes, wildfires, and floods, which happened from 2016 to 2019 across different parts of the World (Alam et al., 2021). Challenges we ran into: - Word Embeddings are memory intensive and we used Effective Dimensionality Reduction for Word Embeddings - Vikas Raunak et al. to reduce memory demand. In our utilization of the above library, we also contributed to the open-source community by creating an executable Python3 version of it. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Creating a continual and federated learning algorithm for crisis management is a novel approach. Although proposed before it utilised sentence encoders which are high computation and memory intensive making it impossible to deploy. Therefore, we used GloVe embeddings and further contracted their effective dimensions following Raunak et al.'s Effective Dimensionality Reduction for Word Embeddings. - Deploying an online/life-long learning NLP model for crisis management. The utilization of a volunteer system, further crowdsources the learning capacity of the model, making it more diverse and learn across a lot more samples than individual contributors could ever do. - A project which potentially could save lives or make resource management easier and more efficient during a real crisis or natural/man-made disaster. - A minimalistic easy to navigate UI for crisis management, which does not bog down users with complex theory and alleviates unnecessary stress. What we learned: - Some of the key take-aways from developing this project underline our newfound love for developing community projects for crisis management. Developing a project which could potentially save lives or make resource management easier. We also learnt a lot about NLP tools for crisis management and how they lose focus as they learn across different disaster events, therefore we employed continual learning. The volunteer system, allowed us to analyze federated learning in crodsourcing light insteead of its traditional privacy based utility. Finally, we learnt about compressing word embeddings from Effective Dimensionality Reduction for Word Embeddings, Raunak et al.. What's next for DeCrisis: - n our developments for this project, we focused on maintaining a scalable nature for our product. We hope to further improve the scalability of the model by introducing concept of sketching - FetchSGD: Communication-Efficient Federated Learning with Sketching (Rothchild et al.). Finally, we would also like to explore architectural continual learning. - Check out our code @ - And App @ ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Computer tasks require loads of power! and power generation emits pollution, so why not greenify and optimize our emission levels What it does: - Given you IP address and computer power profile and tasks, gives you the carbon footprint of your computing tasks and emission level along with fuel mix for the power you consumed. Provides alternatives for a greener way to perform your task How we built it: - We used data from the EPA and statistics related to emissions from power generation for all states, and combined this with grid level data and stored the collected data on mongodb. Then we setup google cloud function serverless backend to generate the findings from user input and the collected data. Challenges we ran into: - time! we ran out of time before integrating the frontend and backend Accomplishments that we're proud of: - the basic functionality works What we learned: - we gained a lot of knowledge about power generation and the ecological footprint of computer related tasks What's next for Greenergy: - better integration, maybe release an npm module or pip package ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - This past summer wildfires spread through thousands of acres across Northern California, leaving people with no other choice than to evacuate. It is crucial for these disasters to be predicted on short notice and with great accuracy, in order to ensure not only public safety, but the safety of our environment and Earth. Currently there are thousands of satellites orbiting the Earth, however, only less than 10 of them can detect wildfires, and because of these scarcely small number, wildfires have continued to persist as a huge issue for years on end. This immense problem led me to create DisastersAI, a Real Time Wildfire Detection system that uses AI to instantaneously detect wildfires around the globe from satellite imagery, in order to instantly alert citizens to evacuate, as well as predict the negative consequences of the event. What it does: - DisastersAI takes a user inputted satellite image, and utilizes a deep learning model to determine the predicted probability, mask, CO2 emission, total burnt area, and the amount of daily electricity power will be wasted during the event of the inputted wildfire. How I built it: - First I used satellite images of wildfires to train the deep learning model. The model created was a simple architecture with 17 input features, the first hidden layer with 64 neurons, the second hidden layer with 32 neurons, and the final regression node. The final model was then saved on s3 and deployed on the front-end which was developed using python's streamlit API. Challenges I ran into: - Having to develop both front and back end given the short timeframe. The deep learning model was what consumed most of my time. Accomplishments that I'm proud of: - Creating the model and utilizing a regression output within the timeframe of the hackathon. What I learned: - I improved my knowledge on front-end development and learned more about deep-learning. What's next for DisastersAI: - Potentially a more robust UI and live integration with satellite feeds. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Augmented reality is a growing market with lots of potential. Inspired by devices such as the Microsoft HoloLens, we wanted to create a project in the field. What it does: - HoloFly takes data in collects through Connector and visualizes it in AR. How we built it: - We used DataPrep to gather the data, Flutter to create the mobile application, and ARCore for the AR. Challenges we ran into: - We worked in the opposite areas we are experienced in, and we both also have no experience building projects with AR. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Working through areas we are not as skilled in while still coming out with a functional product. What we learned: - Rapid prototyping. What's next for HoloFly: - Increasing functionality for the one use case we have. Also increasing the number of APIs supported and the potential ways we can visualize the data. - Watch the demo here:\n ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Rythm bot was our inspiration to create the bot. We wanted to create a bot that can easily allow you to do Karaoke with the DataPrep library and Python in a Discord Server. What it does: - It let's the user call the bot and play music by grabbing the Youtube Video for the song, as well as fetch the lyrics through an API. How we built it: - We used Python with and some API from Youtube and MusixMatch to get the video and the lyrics. Of course, using the DataPrep library to grab data and Discord to test the bot commands. Challenges we ran into: - Configuring the files and learning how to setup the bot. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Creating commands for the Discord bot to fetch the lyrics and select a random or specific song to play. What we learned: - Setting up the Discord bot as well as making it run continuously without it sleeping. In addition, using the DataPrep library to collect the data used for the bot. What's next for Discord Karaoke Bot: - Creating more chat functionality as well as a search function for the users to get music tabs or notes for instruments they might want to play alongside the song like the guitar or piano. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Once we saw how the Yelp API can be used to access information of different businesses in an area, we thought of some whimsical ways we could take advantage of this cool feature. Thus, who would have thought to get the average location of various food establishments in any city? Apparently, us. What it does: - The program searches various restaurant types in a given city and then gets the average of their longitude and latitude, which is then written into a convenient text file. How we built it: - We used Python, the Yelp API, and Dataprep Connector to get all the information of the resturants, then put the coordinates into Google Maps for visualization. Challenges we ran into: - We encountered some trouble as we were not very experienced in APIs or Python and had some trouble getting started with the vast wealth of information that could be gathered with Dataprep. Thankfully we had some good mentors that pointed us in the right direction. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Since we all had very little experience, the fact that we got something done make us very proud. Also, the pure whimsy of using data in such a way was a fun experience. Being able to point at a place and say "That is the most average sushi place in Vancouver" is very cool What we learned: - We learned how APIs and dataframes work, and how they can be used to create some cool statistics. What's next for Average Yelper: - Who knows? Maybe we'll try and find the average restaurant rating at given location next! ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - ever-evolving ai and different ml tech What it does: - a car that uses ai to avoid sand and traverse the two corners of the window How we built it: - using python and PyTorch Challenges we ran into: - the maths while creating the layers Accomplishments that we're proud of: - a finally built product What we learned: What's next for Self Driving AI: ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - The pandemic has disrupted people's daily lives. As the nations are slowly opening offices, schools, and other indoor spaces, we do not know how an infectious person affects the environment. Buildings have different occupancy characteristics, density, HVAC, and varying building parameters. These factors affect the spread of COVID indoors. We use BIM data to simulate the spread of viral particles in the buildings and improve decision making. What it does: - We extended the BIM-to-DEVS API from the previous AEC hackathon to incorporate COVID spread models. We used the BIM-to-DEVS API for data extraction. In this hackathon, we created new models using Cell-DEVS that considers scientific data from published papers to project the spread of viral particles indoors. We use Autodesk Forge for BIM data extraction and visualization. CADMIUM (Cell-DEVS) tool for Discrete Event Simulation of COVID models. - COVID Model:\nOur labs' simulator, Cadmium, was used to build the indoor viral particle spread model. We can classify every cell as a different type, impermeable structure (used for walls), VP sources (the source of the viral particles), VP Receivers (healthy occupant/susceptible), chairs (used for occupants sitting down), and air cells. The chairs start as unoccupied and get converted to viral particle sources or receivers when the occupants sit down. The viral aerosols spread depending on their location in the scenario, i.e., if the infectious person is sitting in front of a vent, the particles will get pushed in the direction of the airflow. After an uninfected person inhales too many particles over a period of time, they become infected. - Visualization:\nFor visualization purposes, geometries were grouped and plotted by their x-y coordinates. Geometries were built based on cell type. If the cell represented virus particles, THREE.Geometry and/or THREE.BoxGeometry was used alongside THREE.PointCloudMaterial. When the cell represented a human, THREE.BufferGeometry was used since a sprite had to be created. Therefore, to visualize a cell, proper geometry and material had to be considered. The coloring for the virus particles was done through D3.js, whereas the human sprites' coloring was through THREE.js. \nWhen a user runs the visualization, a color gradient legend (D3.js) emerges to reflect the color change of the virus particle concentration level in different time frames. How I built it: - We built it using a cloud based developer tool, Forge API. The programming languages we used are JavaScript, Python, Cadmium and C++. Challenges I ran into: - Cell-DEVS Model:\nIn the DEVS model, we faced challenges when assigning a direction to the cells in front of the ventilation systems. It was particularly difficult to distribute particles based on airflow. Through vector manipulation and cadmium simulator’s powerful features, we managed to assign each ventilation system its own airflow field and weight for particle distribution. - Visualization: \nAutodesk Forge Viewer integrates a customized version of THREE.js r71 (March 2015) for data visualizations. The current version of THREE.js is r121 (Oct 2020). Due to the lack of documentation, and support for new extensions, a lot of troubleshooting was required to work with outdated/buggy code—for example, THREE.PointCloudMaterial (r71) in Forge Viewer would not load textures onto point clouds, whereas in the newer THREE.js (r121), THREE.PointsMaterial loads textures just fine. The only way to load textures onto geometries was to use THREE.BufferGeometry. In this case, the textures were called sprites and required custom shaders and/or very precise RGB values when trying to manipulate sprite's characteristics. Accomplishments that I'm proud of: - By the end of the hackathon project, we were able to successfully visualize COVID spread within buildings. This accomplishment will enhance facility management in the future. There were definitely challenges in the beginning, but through perseverance and much problem-solving, we skillfully produced and implemented our first prototype. What I learned: - We are a pro now and we had fun. What's next for COVID-BIM: - The COVID spread model could be extended through adding parameters such as coughing, and sneezing. The new parameters could also be applied to much larger BIM models. To load simulation data for much larger BIM models, we would need to consider writing code for a file chunker since web browsers limit the size of blobs being uploaded. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - The communicable disease COVID-19 has impacted all of our lives. However, one must not forget that the world still faces the issue of non communicable diseases, the dark horse which threatens to disastrously ruin our lives. COVID-19 has exacerbated existing issues, such as the mental wellbeing of employees and their decline in productivity, as more and more people work from home, by necessity, for the collective good of public health. With the balance between work and life being disrupted, people are now clamouring for the ability and the means to take charge of their lives and seize the day for themselves in the most productive way possible. Coupled with the recent focus on physical health in the age of sedentary lifestyles and diets which are too rich in calories and the twin evils of salt and sugar, there exists the need for a master app that is able to harness the power of machine learning and use it for the betterment of mankind. While there are apps that exist to boost productivity and physical wellbeing, there are no apps that integrate both - this is what has driven us to embark on this heroic endeavour. - We aim to use Machine Learning to integrate the tripartite relationship between productivity, diet and lifestyle, and achieve personalized productive health. - We are proud to showcase our app in a demo video and accompanying slide deck! What it does: - MLivin’ It is a phone app that aims to boost user productivity and health. It aggregates user data from multiple sources to provide a holistic Productive Health Score from a Health Score that measures physical and mental health, and a Productivity Score that measures daily productivity. Powered by multi-modal machine learning, the app analyzes data collected from digital wearables, app usage, meal photos and user input, over time, to build up an accurate profile of the user’s health and productivity. MLivin’ It identifies factors that boost or affect user productive health, and suggests actions that can be taken to raise the Productive Health Score. - \nMLivin’ It does not share data with external parties. User data will be encrypted and anonymised before being safely sent to the server for machine learning analysis.\n How we built it: - MLivin’ It was built in Adobe XD, with background code for the dietary image classification coded in Python using the pytorch library. You can find source code for our image classification model at the MLivin’ It Github repo, along with more details about the model itself and our app development process! - We employ a transfer learning approach to tackle the challenge of starting with a small input dataset, and achieve a very decent 93% accuracy with our vaildation set! Once classified, nutritional data is then pulled from databases such as HPB's FOCOS dataset, the 1972 East Asian Food Composition table as well as Nutritionix, the world's largest verified nutrition database. Challenges we ran into: - Due to the short nature of the hackathon, we weren’t able to build the full ML model that we envisioned since we lacked the comprehensive dataset that we required for our input. However, we’re glad to be able to provide a portion of our model through the development of a computer vision model! In our implementation, images of local foods were sourced from google images manually - this process can be further optimized by data mining images directly from the google images api to automate the dataset population process, and increase the efficacy of our model training to accommodate a much greater number of classes. We are extremely pleased to be able to showcase a working prototype of the app in time for this project submission. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We successfully ran a preliminary test with the machine learning algorithm using a sample of 30 food images randomly sourced online and achieved ~90% accuracy identifying the correct food based on photos. We also developed an application (demo video) to provide a glimpse into the simple user interface of MLivin’ It and at the same time, showcasing a vision for novel data analysis output customisable for an optimal user experience. What we learned: - Creating MLivin’ It has raised our awareness of how powerful machine learning can be in harnessing readily available personal data to improve personal health and productivity. We have learned more about design thinking and how to successfully apply the different concepts in a practical manner to achieve a successful and desirable outcome. We have learned to innovate and harness each other’s skillsets (app creation, machine learning, etc.) to tackle our identified problem and construct a novel, working solution within the tight time frame. - In this day and age of social isolation where everyone is physically far apart from one another, we have experienced the challenges associated with mental wellbeing and productivity. Furthermore, due to increasing digitalisation and the pervasiveness of sedentary lifestyles, we have also realised the importance of physical health and how our health is linked to our work performance. These have enabled us to empathise with our target audience and learn about how we can design the app to suit their needs. What's next for MLivin' It: - We seek to improve the machine learning algorithm in calculating Health and Productivity Scores by altering the weightage assigned to specific parameters in different ‘day modes’. We also plan to incorporate more parameters from data that could be collected from the wearable devices/mobile phones in the algorithm to provide Smart Scores and Suggestions that are more nuanced and insightful. In addition, we hope to be able to integrate a greater number of nutritional databases into the model, to support a greater number of different cuisines beyond our current database of common and local Singaporean dishes! Finally, to ensure sustainability, we propose a subscription-based business model that allows subscribing users to access more in depth trend analysis of their Productive Health on a monthly and yearly basis. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Polarization-based biosensors have achieved single-molecule sensitivity, but in the process, the specificity of the sensor signal data has been compromised. This project aims to decode the sensor signal data by using predictive models rooted in physics. What it does: - The new project tmm-sensors on GitHub couples classical and quantum approaches through the polarizability tensor of single molecules to model the far-field radiation patterns of single molecules above complex materials. The polarizability tensor for small organic molecules (up to 23 atoms in size) can be obtained from the QM7-X database. What's next for AI for Polarizability-Based Biosensors: - To improve the range of molecules that can be studied using tmm-sensors, I propose to explore the correlation between molecular structure and polarizability with machine learning models and extrapolate the QM7-X database to simulate larger organic molecules, whilst preserving quantum simulation accuracy. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Table of Contents: About The Project: - This repo is oriented to a project called Bazinga, developed for the KTHAI society hackathon, the objective is to build an LSTM model capable of generating sarcasm. - Built With - Installation - \nClone the repository\ngit clone Python packages\npip install requirements.txt\n\n Usage: - If you want to run the server you just need to execute this inside the chatbot folder: - python runserver\n ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - I was inspired by the legend of the tunnels below Iowa State, and the frame-shifting style of display was inspired by the original Legend of Zelda. What it does: - This is a basic dungeon crawling game where you have to navigate the steam tunnels (basically a maze) to find a key, and then leave through one of the exits. There are guards represented as red dots that will chase you, although slowly, and only do so after they're activated. If enough turns are taken, the player will automatically lose. How we built it: - Graphics are done with tkinter and turtle native python3 modules, and I used Visual Studio Community as a debugger for the project. Its not polished, but OOP was attempted to keep the programming contained. Challenges we ran into: - The biggest challenge was creating graphics using turtle. This is because in the turtle module, coordinates are defined on a 2D axis with the origin (0, 0) in the center of the screen. This is different from most computer graphics where the origin is in the top left corner. The matrix I used to draw the screen works naturally with the origin being in a corner, but I had to adapt this to work with turtle. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - I'm proud of being able to create a working product in just a few days. It isn't super flashy, but it does seem complete (even though more features would be awesome!). I also haven't really used python before, so it was interesting using another language. What we learned: - I learned how to use python syntax and modules. I am extremely pleased that I was able to figure out graphics alignment with my game matrix, and this was pretty new to me as I haven't done it before. What's next for Steam Tunnels: - The turtle module seems to be very slow, and I would look for another module to use for graphics next time. This should make the game much more responsive. I'm also looking towards more tile types, such as different kinds of guards and hot steam vents that blast steam on cycles. The level encoding is limited to 10 different data types, but this could be changed to allow for more. It would be could to make the game real-time, so game cycles occur without the player moving. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - I could see that people nowadays are very foolish and not paying attention to the rising number of cases of corona virus. What it does: - It notifies the number of new cases and deaths in India. How we built it: - Using webscraping Accomplishments that we're proud of: - can easily extract data from desired website ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - We were all interested in cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and we wanted to learn how blockchains can be used to implement our own cryptocurrency. What it does: - Users use our Discord interface to pay, send, and play games to earn our crypto coin. A very high level overview is that in our Discord server, a bot maintains a public ledger where it tracks all the transactions and creates a block for every set of transactions and commits it to our chain. How we built it: - We used python to implement our own cryptocurrency using Blockchains and then used the Discord API to implement our interface. Challenges we ran into: - We had a hard time with setting up a Discord bot that uses our Blockchain, as well as having it interact and communicate with our Blockchain. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - We were able to successfully implement some of the core features of our Blockchain and getting the Discord bot to work with our Blockchain. I'm so incredibly proud of our team, even though they were new to this programming language and concept, they still were committed the whole time. What we learned: - We learned the core features of Blockchains like how its a decentralized technology and how the chain is immutable due to the way its implemented. We also learned about hashing algorithms and how its used to make the chain really secure. Additionally, we also learned how to use the Discord API as an interface for our Blockchain. What's next for Blockchain Simulation: ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback:
You are a fair judge assistant tasked with providing clear, objective feedback based on specific criteria, ensuring each assessment reflects the absolute standards set for performance. ###Task Description: Provided is an instruction, a response to evaluate, and a score rubric representing a evaluation criteria. 1. Write a score that is an integer between 1 and 5. You should refer to the score rubric. 2. Write a concise feedback within 50 words that assess the quality of the response strictly based on the given score rubric, not evaluating in general. 3. The output format should look as follows: "Feedback: (write feedback for criteria) [RESULT] (an integer number between 1 and 5)" 4. Please do not generate any other opening, closing, and explanations. ###The instruction to evaluate: Evaluate the following project description based on two criteria on a 5-point likert scale: Novelty and Usefulness. Novelty: How unique and original is the project's concept, approach, or solution? Does it introduce new ideas, methods, or perspectives that are significantly different from existing ones? Usefulness: How practical and appropriate is the project in addressing the problem, situation, or challenge its targets? Does it effectively solve a real-world issue or meet a specific need? ###Response to evaluate: Inspiration: - Since the start of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, many people’s lives have been and continue to be affected by this respiratory virus. It has altered daily routines, has led to financial fear, and forced social isolation. - News outlets and social media have focused heavily on the implications of the virus in regard to physical health and giving recommendations on how to preserve physical well-being. These guidelines include wearing masks out in public, social distancing, and limiting outings to only essential matters. Since the start of quarantining, people have been hit with a new reality, one very different from the reality they felt comfortable in previously.\nBut an issue that has been overlooked is the mental health decline that has accompanied the pandemic. The feeling of worry and stress are normal human responses when people are in a state of danger or threat; and this whole pandemic has caused widespread despair and feelings of vulnerability. - - What it does: - Webscrapes articles/pages for quotes/authors. Transfers information into a JSON file via Python, which ReactJS takes and displays to the user that's easy to interact with. How we built it: - Using visual studio code, we implemented Resources library to webscrape information from the URL provided. Challenges we ran into: - Making it look nice, as well as using ReactNative to do what we want. Accomplishments that we're proud of: - Implementing random and different images in our code, as well as making it look really minimal and clean. What we learned: - Our group members all learned different things, such as webscraping (for Rasheed and Chathuri), and Johann learned a bunch of small factors like refreshing the file in order to view changes. What's next for Sugooji: - Adding more media and features and AI to tailor tastes. ###Score Rubrics: Use a five-point scale for rating, where: Novelty: 1 is Very Unoriginal 2 is Unoriginal 3 is Neutral 4 is Original 5 is Very Original Usefulness: 1 is Very Unuseful 2 is Unuseful 3 is Neutral 4 is Useful 5 is Very Useful ###Score and Feedback: