{ "en": "Article 4 (1) A matter for which registration is required pursuant to the provisions of this Act may not be asserted against a third party without knowledge until after the registration of such matter has been completed.", "ja": "第四条 この法律の規定により登記を必要とする事項は、登記の後でなければ、これをもって善意の第三者に対抗することができない。" }
{ "en": "(2) A person who through intention or negligence has made a false registration on a matter for which registration is required pursuant to the provisions of this Act may not assert the falsity of said matter against a third party acting in good faith.", "ja": "2 この法律の規定により登記を必要とする事項について、故意又は過失により不実の事項を登記した者は、その事項が不実であることをもって善意の第三者に対抗することができない。" }
{ "en": "Article 5 (1) A Partnership shall include in its name the phrase \"Investment LPS.\"", "ja": "第五条 組合には、その名称中に投資事業有限責任組合という文字を用いなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(2) An entity which is not a Partnership may not include in its name the phrase \"Investment LPS.\"", "ja": "2 何人も、組合でないものについて、その名称中に投資事業有限責任組合という文字を用いてはならない。" }
{ "en": "(3) The provisions of Articles 19 through 21 (Trade Name) of the Commercial Code shall apply mutatis mutandis with respect to the name of a Partnership.", "ja": "3 組合の名称については、商法第十九条から第二十一条まで(商号)の規定を準用する。" }
{ "en": "(4) In the event that a limited partner consents to its family, personal or business name being included in the name of the Partnership, the limited partner shall have the same responsibilities as the general partners for any liabilities of the Partnership that are incurred upon or after such use of the limited partner's name in the name of the Partnership.", "ja": "4 有限責任組合員は、その氏、氏名又は名称を組合の名称中に用いることを許諾したときは、その使用以後に生じた組合の債務については、無限責任組合員と同一の責任を負う。" }
{ "en": "Article 6 (1) Each of the partners shall own at least one unit of investment.", "ja": "第六条 組合員は、出資一口以上を有しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(2) A partner's investment in the Partnership may be made only in the form of cash or other properties.", "ja": "2 組合員は、金銭その他の財産のみをもって出資の目的とすることができる。" }
{ "en": "(3) The cash value of one unit of investment shall be uniform.", "ja": "3 出資一口の金額は、均一でなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 6-2 (1) Persons qualified to be limited liability partners of a Specified Partnership (meaning a Partnership other than a Partnership of which the Partnership Agreement includes a commitment to engage wholly or partly in the business of acquiring and holding unlisted shares (refers to shares that are neither listed on a share exchange prescribed in Article 2(16) of the Securities and Exchange Act nor registered on the registry of OTC traded securities prescribed in Article 75(1) of said act) issued by a business corporation that corresponds to a Specified SME, Etc.) or other business prescribed by Cabinet Order (referred to hereinafter as \"the Business of acquiring shares, etc. of unlisted small or medium sized enterprises\") shall be qualified institutional investors as defined in Article 2 (3) - 1 of said Act or other persons prescribed by Cabinet Order.", "ja": "第六条の二 特定組合(組合のうち、特定中小企業等に該当する株式会社の発行する未公開株式(証券取引法第二条第十六項に規定する証券取引所に上場されておらず、かつ、同法第七十五条第一項の店頭売買有価証券登録原簿に登録されていない株式をいう。)の取得及び保有その他の政令で定める事業(以下「中小未公開企業株式取得等事業」という。)の全部又は一部のみを営むことをその組合契約において約した組合以外のものをいう。以下同じ。)の有限責任組合員たる資格を有する者は、同法第二条第三項第一号に規定する適格機関投資家その他の政令で定める者とする。" }
{ "en": "(2) Where a partnership other than a Specified Partnership becomes a Specified Partnership by reason of amendment of its partnership agreement, any limited liability partner of such partnership who was not qualified to be such a partner under paragraph 1 shall thereupon lose its qualification as a partner.", "ja": "2 組合契約の変更により特定組合以外の組合が特定組合となったときは、当該組合の有限責任組合員であって前項に規定する有限責任組合員たる資格を有しない者は、その時点において組合員の資格を喪失する。" }
{ "en": "Article 7 (1) The general partners shall manage the operations of a Partnership.", "ja": "第七条 組合の業務は、無限責任組合員がこれを執行する。" }
{ "en": "(2) In the case that there are two or more general partners, the management of the Partnership's businesses shall be determined by a majority of the general partners.", "ja": "2 無限責任組合員が数人あるときは、組合の業務の執行は、その過半数をもって決する。" }
{ "en": "(3) Each general partner may execute routine business of the Partnership in its sole discretion notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply where any general partner objects to such act of the general partner before its completion.", "ja": "3 組合の常務は、前項の規定にかかわらず、各無限責任組合員が単独でこれを行うことができる。ただし、その終了前に他の無限責任組合員が異議を述べたときは、この限りでない。" }
{ "en": "(4) In the event that the general partners carry out acts other than the business activities listed in Article 3(1), the partners may not ratify such act. The same shall apply in the event that any persons other than the general partners conduct a business other than those listed in the same paragraph.", "ja": "4 無限責任組合員が第三条第一項に掲げる事業以外の行為を行った場合は、組合員は、これを追認することができない。無限責任組合員以外の者が同項に掲げる事業以外の行為を行った場合も、同様とする。" }
{ "en": "(5) In the event that the general partners of a Partnership (excluding Specified Partnerships, and the same shall apply hereafter in this paragraph) conduct business activities other than the Business of acquiring shares, etc. of unlisted small or medium sized enterprises, the partners may not ratify such act. The same shall apply in the event that any persons other than the general partners conduct such business.", "ja": "5 組合(特定組合を除く。以下この項において同じ。)の無限責任組合員が中小未公開企業株式取得等事業以外の行為を行った場合は、組合員は、これを追認することができない。組合の無限責任組合員以外の者が当該行為を行った場合も、同様とする。" }
{ "en": "Article 8 (1) The general partners shall prepare within three months after the end of each business year and maintain at the principal office for a period of five years thereafter the balance sheet, profit and loss statement and business report, along with their detailed attachments (referred to as \"Financial Statements, Etc.\" in paragraph 3) for the business year concerned.", "ja": "第八条 無限責任組合員は、毎事業年度経過後三月以内に、その事業年度の貸借対照表、損益計算書及び業務報告書並びにこれらの附属明細書(第三項において「財務諸表等」という。)を作成し、五年間主たる事務所に備えて置かなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(2) Further to paragraph 1, the general partners shall also maintain the Partnership Contract and the audit report (with respect to the business report and its detailed attachments only the portion relating to accounting with the same to apply in the succeeding paragraph) prepared by either a certified public accountant (including a foreign certified public accountant) or an accounting firm.", "ja": "2 前項の場合においては、無限責任組合員は、組合契約書及び公認会計士(外国公認会計士を含む。)又は監査法人の意見書(業務報告書及びその附属明細書については、会計に関する部分に限る。次項において同じ。)を併せて備えて置かなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(3) A partner or a creditor of the Partnership may inspect or request a copy of the Financial Statements, Etc. and the Partnership Contract and audit report described in the preceding paragraph at anytime during normal business hours.", "ja": "3 組合員及び組合の債権者は、営業時間内は、いつでも、財務諸表等並びに前項の組合契約書及び意見書の閲覧又は謄写を請求することができる。" }
{ "en": "Article 9 (1) In the case where there are two or more general partners each of the general partners shall be jointly and severally liable for the obligations of the Partnership", "ja": "第九条 無限責任組合員が数人あるときは、各無限責任組合員は組合の債務について連帯して責任を負う。" }
{ "en": "(2) A limited partner shall be liable for the Partnership's obligations only to the extent of its capital investment.", "ja": "2 有限責任組合員は、その出資の価額を限度として組合の債務を弁済する責任を負う。" }
{ "en": "(3) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, in the case that a limited partner has misled a third party into believing that it is a partner having the authority to execute the business of the Partnership, the limited partner shall have the same responsibilities as the general partners vis-a-vis such third party who entered into a transaction with the Partnership on the basis of such misunderstanding.", "ja": "3 有限責任組合員に組合の業務を執行する権限を有する組合員であると誤認させるような行為があった場合には、前項の規定にかかわらず、当該有限責任組合員は、その誤認に基づき組合と取引をした者に対し無限責任組合員と同一の責任を負う。" }
{ "en": "Article 10 (1) The assets of a Partnership may not be distributed in an amount exceeding the amount of the Partnership's net asset value as shown on the balance sheet.", "ja": "第十条 組合財産は、貸借対照表上の純資産額を超えて、これを分配することができない。" }
{ "en": "(2) If a limited partner receives a distribution in violation of the preceding paragraph the limited partner shall be liable for the obligations of the Partnership to the extent of the amount so received; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply after five years have elapsed since the limited partner received the distribution.", "ja": "2 有限責任組合員は、前項の規定に反して分配を受けた場合は、当該分配を受けた金額の範囲内において、組合の債務を弁済する責任を負う。ただし、有限責任組合員が当該分配を受けた時から五年を経過したときは、この限りでない。" }
{ "en": "Article 11 No partner may withdraw from a Partnership except in unavoidable circumstances.", "ja": "第十一条 各組合員は、やむを得ない場合を除いて、組合を脱退することができない。" }
{ "en": "Article 12 In addition to the cases covered by the preceding Article, a partner shall withdraw from the Partnership in the following cases:", "ja": "第十二条 前条に規定する場合のほか、組合員は、次の事由によって脱退する。" }
{ "en": "Article 13 A Partnership shall be dissolved if any of the following occur; provided, however, that with respect to the event listed in item (2) below the foregoing shall not apply if new general partners or limited partners are admitted by unanimous agreement of the remaining partners within two weeks from the occurrence of such event and if the registration of dissolution has not yet been made:", "ja": "第十三条 組合は、次の事由によって解散する。ただし、第二号に掲げる事由による場合にあっては、その事由が生じた日から二週間以内であって解散の登記をする日までに、残存する組合員の一致によって新たに無限責任組合員又は有限責任組合員を加入させたときは、この限りでない。" }
{ "en": "(i) Achievement of its business purposes or if such achievement becomes impossible;", "ja": "一 目的たる事業の成功又はその成功の不能" }
{ "en": "(ii) Withdrawal by a general partner or by all of the limited partners;", "ja": "二 無限責任組合員又は有限責任組合員の全員の脱退" }
{ "en": "(iv) If any event other than those listed in the preceding three items is stipulated to be an event of dissolution in the Partnership Agreement, the occurrence of such event.", "ja": "四 組合契約で前三号に掲げる事由以外の解散の事由を定めたときは、その事由の発生" }
{ "en": "Article 14 In the event that a Partnership is dissolved, the general partners shall become the liquidators; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply if other persons are elected as liquidators by a majority of all partners.", "ja": "第十四条 組合が解散したときは、無限責任組合員がその清算人となる。ただし、総組合員の過半数をもって他人を選任したときは、この限りでない。" }
{ "en": "Article 15 Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 7 shall apply mutatis mutandis when there are two liquidators or more.", "ja": "第十五条 清算人が数人あるときは、第七条第二項及び第三項の規定を準用する。" }
{ "en": "Article 16 Articles 668 (joint ownership of partnership assets), 669 (responsibility of persons delaying in making cash contribution), 671 though 674 (mutatis mutandis application of provisions for entrustment, resignation or removal of an executor of business, partners' right of inspection of the state of business and assets and proportion in respect of distribution of profits and losses to partners), 676 (restriction on disposal of equity interest by partners and prohibition of split of partnership assets), 677 (prohibition of set-off by debtors to the partnership), 680 (expulsion), 681 (return of equity interest to withdrawing partners), 683 (request for dissolution by partners), 684 (non-retroactiveness of effect of termination), 687 (resignation or removal of partner liquidators) and 688 (authority of liquidators and method of distribution of remaining assets) of the Civil Code (Act No. 89 of 1896) shall apply mutatis mutandis with respect to a Partnership.", "ja": "第十六条 組合については、民法(明治二十九年法律第八十九号)第六百六十八条(組合財産の共有)、第六百六十九条(金銭出資遅滞者の責任)、第六百七十一条から第六百七十四条まで(委任の規定の準用、業務執行者の辞任又は解任、組合員の業務及び財産の状況の検査権並びに組合員の損益分配の割合)、第六百七十六条(組合員の持分処分の制限及び組合財産分割の禁止)、第六百七十七条(組合債務者の相殺の禁止)、第六百八十条(除名)、第六百八十一条(脱退組合員の持分の払戻し)、第六百八十三条(組合員の解散請求)、第六百八十四条(解除の効力の不そ及)、第六百八十七条(組合員である清算人の辞任又は解任)及び第六百八十八条(清算人の職務権限及び残余財産の分割方法)の規定を準用する。" }
{ "en": "Article 17 When a Partnership Agreement takes effect, the following matters shall be registered within two weeks at the location of the principal office and within three weeks at the secondary offices:", "ja": "第十七条 組合契約が効力を生じたときは、主たる事務所の所在地においては二週間以内に、従たる事務所の所在地においては三週間以内に、次の事項を登記しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(i) The matters listed in Article 3 paragraph 2 items (1) (2) (6) and (7);", "ja": "一 第三条第二項第一号、第二号、第六号及び第七号に掲げる事項" }
{ "en": "(ii) The names and addresses of the general partners;", "ja": "二 無限責任組合員の氏名又は名称及び住所" }
{ "en": "(v) If any event other than those listed in Article 13 items (1) through (3) is stipulated as a event of dissolution in the Partnership Agreement such event.", "ja": "五 組合契約で第十三条第一号から第三号までに掲げる事由以外の解散の事由を定めたときは、その事由" }
{ "en": "Article 18 (1) In the event that a secondary office is established after the registration of the Partnership Agreement taking effect, such establishment of a secondary office shall be registered at the district of the principal office within two weeks and the matters listed in the preceding Article shall be registered at the district of such secondary office within three weeks and the establishment of such secondary office shall be registered at the districts of other secondary offices within the same period.", "ja": "第十八条 組合契約の効力の発生の登記後に従たる事務所を設けたときは、主たる事務所の所在地においては二週間以内に従たる事務所を設けたことを登記し、その従たる事務所の所在地においては三週間以内に前条に掲げる事項を登記し、他の従たる事務所の所在地においては同期間内にその従たる事務所を設けたことを登記しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(2) If a secondary office is established in the jurisdictional district of the registration office that is in charge of the district of the principal office, or any secondary office, it is sufficient to register the fact that such new secondary office has been established.", "ja": "2 主たる事務所又は従たる事務所の所在地を管轄する登記所の管轄区域内において新たに従たる事務所を設けたときは、その従たる事務所を設けたことを登記すれば足りる。" }
{ "en": "Article 19 (1) If a Partnership relocates its principal office, the relocation shall be registered within two weeks at the district in which the former office was located and the matters listed in Article 17 shall be registered at the district in which the new office is located. If a Partnership relocates a secondary office, the relocation shall be registered within three weeks at the district in which the former office was located and the matters listed in the same Article shall be registered within four weeks at the district in which the new office is located.", "ja": "第十九条 組合が主たる事務所を移転したときは、二週間以内に、旧所在地においては移転の登記をし、新所在地においては第十七条に掲げる事項を登記し、従たる事務所を移転したときは、旧所在地においては三週間以内に移転の登記をし、新所在地においては四週間以内に同条に掲げる事項を登記しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(2) If the principal office or a secondary office is only being relocated within the jurisdictional district of the same registration office, it is sufficient to register such relocation.", "ja": "2 同一の登記所の管轄区域内において主たる事務所又は従たる事務所を移転したときは、その移転の登記をすれば足りる。" }
{ "en": "Article 20 If a change in any of the matters listed in Article 17 occurs, such change shall be registered within two weeks at the district of the principal office and within three weeks at the districts of the secondary offices.", "ja": "第二十条 第十七条に掲げる事項に変更を生じたときは、主たる事務所の所在地においては二週間以内に、従たる事務所の所在地においては三週間以内に、変更の登記をしなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(Registration of Suspension of Business Execution by General Partner)", "ja": "(無限責任組合員の業務執行停止等の登記)" }
{ "en": "Article 21 If a provisional disposition is ordered suspending the execution of the business by a general partner or designating a person to execute business on its behalf or that such provisional disposition is changed or canceled, said fact shall be registered at the districts of the principal office and the secondary offices.", "ja": "第二十一条 無限責任組合員の業務の執行を停止し、若しくはその業務を代行する者を選任する仮処分又はその仮処分の変更若しくは取消しがあったときは、主たる事務所及び従たる事務所の所在地において、その登記をしなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 22 If a Partnership is dissolved, the dissolution shall be registered within two weeks at the district of the principal office and within three weeks at the districts of the secondary offices.", "ja": "第二十二条 組合が解散したときは、主たる事務所の所在地においては二週間以内に、従たる事務所の所在地においては三週間以内に、解散の登記をしなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 23 (1) If the general partners become the liquidators, the names and addresses of the liquidators shall be registered within two weeks from the date of dissolution at the district of the principal office and within three weeks at the districts of the secondary offices.", "ja": "第二十三条 無限責任組合員が清算人となったときは、解散の日から、主たる事務所の所在地においては二週間以内に、従たる事務所の所在地においては三週間以内に、清算人の氏名又は名称及び住所を登記しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(2) If a liquidator is elected, the name and address of the liquidator shall be registered within two weeks at the district of the principal office and within three weeks at the districts of the secondary offices.", "ja": "2 清算人の選任があったときは、主たる事務所の所在地においては二週間以内に、従たる事務所の所在地においては三週間以内に、清算人の氏名又は名称及び住所を登記しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(3) Article 20 shall apply mutatis mutandis with respect to the registration set forth in the preceding two paragraphs and Article 21 shall apply mutatis mutandis with respect to liquidators.", "ja": "3 第二十条の規定は前二項の規定による登記に、第二十一条の規定は清算人について準用する。" }
{ "en": "Article 24 Upon completion of the liquidation of a Partnership, the completion of the liquidation of the Partnership shall be registered within two weeks from the date of completion of the liquidation at the district of the principal office and within three weeks at the districts of the secondary offices.", "ja": "第二十四条 組合の清算が結了したときは、清算結了の日から、主たる事務所の所在地においては二週間以内に、従たる事務所の所在地においては三週間以内に、清算結了の登記をしなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 25 (1) The Legal Affairs Bureau or local Legal Affairs Bureau or a branch or sub-office thereof in the district where the office of a Partnership is located shall be the competent registration office with respect to the registration of the Partnership Agreement.", "ja": "第二十五条 組合契約の登記に関する事務は、組合の事務所の所在地を管轄する法務局若しくは地方法務局若しくはこれらの支局又はこれらの出張所が管轄登記所としてつかさどる。" }
{ "en": "(2) A Registry of Limited Partnership Agreements for Investment shall be maintained in each registration office.", "ja": "2 登記所に、投資事業有限責任組合契約登記簿を備える。" }
{ "en": "Article 26 (1) The registrations pursuant to the provisions of Articles 17 through 20 shall be made upon application by a general partner and those pursuant to the provisions of Articles 22 through 24 shall be made upon application by a liquidator.", "ja": "第二十六条 第十七条から第二十条までの規定による登記は無限責任組合員の申請によって、第二十二条から第二十四条までの規定による登記は清算人の申請によってする。" }
{ "en": "(2) In the event that the general partner or liquidator who applies for registration pursuant to the preceding paragraph is a juridical person, a certificate evidencing the authority to represent such juridical person shall be attached to the application.", "ja": "2 前項の登記の申請をする無限責任組合員又は清算人が法人であるときは、申請書に当該法人の代表者の資格を証する書面を添付しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(Attachment to Registration of Partnership Agreement Taking Effect)", "ja": "(組合契約の効力の発生の登記の添付書面)" }
{ "en": "Article 27 The Partnership Contract shall be attached to the application for registration of the occurring of effect of the Partnership Agreement.", "ja": "第二十七条 組合契約の効力の発生の登記の申請書には、組合契約書を添付しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 28 In an application for registration of an establishment or relocation of office or registration of any change in the matters listed in Article 17, a written document evidencing the establishment or relocation of the office or the change in the registered matters shall be attached to the application.", "ja": "第二十八条 事務所の新設若しくは移転又は第十七条に掲げる事項の変更の登記の申請書には、事務所の新設若しくは移転又は登記事項の変更を証する書面を添付しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 29 In an application for registration of dissolution, a written document evidencing the occurrence of an event of dissolution shall be attached to the application.", "ja": "第二十九条 解散の登記の申請書には、その事由の発生を証する書面を添付しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 30 In an application for registration of a liquidator who has been elected by a majority of all partners, a written document evidencing the agreement by a majority of all partners and a written document evidencing the acceptance of office by such person, shall be attached to the application.", "ja": "第三十条 総組合員の過半数をもって選任した清算人の登記の申請書には、総組合員の過半数の一致があったことを証する書面及びその者が受任したことを証する書面を添付しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(Attachment to Registration of Change in the Registration of Liquidators)", "ja": "(清算人の登記の変更の登記の添付書面)" }
{ "en": "Article 31 (1) In an application for registration of change in the registration by reason of resignation of a liquidator, a written document evidencing such resignation shall be attached to the application.", "ja": "第三十一条 清算人の退任による変更の登記の申請書には、退任を証する書面を添付しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(2) In an application for registration of change in the name or address of a liquidator, a written document evidencing such change in the registered matters shall be attached to the application.", "ja": "2 清算人の氏名又は名称及び住所の変更の登記の申請書には、登記事項の変更を証する書面を添付しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 32 In an application for registration of completion of liquidation, a written document executed by all partners evidencing that the disposal of the Partnership's assets has been completed shall be attached to the application.", "ja": "第三十二条 清算結了の登記の申請書には、組合財産の処分が完了したことを証する総組合員が作成した書面を添付しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 33 Articles 2 through 5 (Register Office and Registrar), 7 through 18, 19-2 through 23, 24 (excluding item (xvi)), 26 (General Rules for Registry, etc. and Registration Procedure), 27 (Prohibition on Use of Similar Trade Names), 56 through 59, 61(1) (Registration of Incorporated General Partnership (gomei gaisha)) and 107 through 127 (Revision or Cancellation of Registration, Special Rules on Registration by Electronic Information Processing Organization and Miscellaneous Provisions) of the Commercial Registration Act (Act No. 125 of 1963) and Articles 56 (Entrustment of Registration of Provisional Dispositions Concerning Suspension of Business Execution by a Representative of a Juridical person, etc.) of the Civil Preservation Act (Act No 91 of 1989) shall apply mutatis mutandis with respect to the registration of a Partnership. In application of the foregoing provisions of the Commercial Registration Act, the phrase \"Article 64(1) of the Commercial Code\" in Article 56(3) of the Commercial Registration Act shall be replaced with \"Article 17 of the Limited Partnership Act for Investment (Act No 90 of 1998)\" and the phrases \"a representative of the juridical person or other executives of the juridical person\" and \"the head office or principal office and branches or secondary offices of the juridical person\" in Article 56 of the Civil Preservation Act shall respectively be replaced with \"a general partner or a liquidator of the Investment LPS\" and \"the principal office and secondary offices of the Investment LPS\".", "ja": "第三十三条 組合の登記については、商業登記法(昭和三十八年法律第百二十五号)第二条から第五条まで(登記所及び登記官)、第七条から第十八条まで、第十九条の二から第二十三条まで、第二十四条(第十六号を除く。)、第二十六条(登記簿等及び登記手続の通則)、第二十七条(類似商号登記の禁止)、第五十六条から第五十九条まで、第六十一条第一項(合名会社の登記)及び第百七条から第百二十条まで(登記の更正及び抹消、電子情報処理組織による登記に関する特例並びに雑則)並びに民事保全法(平成元年法律第九十一号)第五十六条(法人の代表者の職務執行停止の仮処分等の登記の嘱託)の規定を準用する。この場合において、商業登記法第五十六条第三項中「商法第六十四条第一項」とあるのは「投資事業有限責任組合契約に関する法律(平成十年法律第九十号)第十七条」と、民事保全法第五十六条中「法人を代表する者その他法人の役員」とあるのは「投資事業有限責任組合の無限責任組合員又は清算人」と、「法人の本店又は主たる事務所及び支店又は従たる事務所」とあるのは「投資事業有限責任組合の主たる事務所及び従たる事務所」と読み替えるものとする。" }
{ "en": "Article 34 In the following cases general partners or liquidators shall be punished by a fine of no more than 1,000,000 yen:", "ja": "第三十四条 次の場合には、無限責任組合員又は清算人は、百万円以下の過料に処する。" }
{ "en": "(i) If they fail to perform the registrations required by this Act; or", "ja": "一 この法律に定める登記を怠ったとき。" }
{ "en": "(ii) If they fail to maintain the required documents, fail to record the required information in these documents or record false information or refuse to allow inspection or copying of these documents without reasonable justification, in violation of the provisions of Article 8.", "ja": "二 第八条の規定に違反して書類を備えて置かず、その書類に記載すべき事項を記載せず、若しくは不実の記載をし、又は正当な理由がないのにその書類の閲覧若しくは謄写を拒んだとき。" }
{ "en": "Article 35 Any person who uses a registered name of a Partnership or a similar name for the purpose of unfair competition shall be punished by a fine of no more than 200,000 yen. The forgoing shall also apply to persons who violate Article 21(1) of the Commercial Code as applied under Article 5(3) of this Act.", "ja": "第三十五条 不正の競争の目的で、登記された組合の名称と同一又は類似の名称を使用した者は、二十万円以下の過料に処する。第五条第三項において準用する商法第二十一条第一項の規定に違反した者も、同様とする。" }
{ "en": "Chapter 2 Kyoto Protocol Target Achievement Plan (Articles 8-9)", "ja": "第二章  京都議定書目標達成計画(第八条・第九条)" }
{ "en": "Chapter 3 Global Warming Prevention Headquarters (Articles 10-19)", "ja": "第三章  地球温暖化対策推進本部(第十条—第十九条)" }
{ "en": "Chapter 4 Programs for Control of Greenhouse Gases (Articles 20-27)", "ja": "第四章  温室効果ガスの排出の抑制等のための施策(第二十条—第二十七条)" }
{ "en": "Chapter 5 Maintaining Greenhouse Gas Absorption by Forests and Plants (Article 28)", "ja": "第五章  森林等による吸収作用の保全等(第二十八条)" }
{ "en": "Chapter 6 Quota Account Inventory (Articles 29-41)", "ja": "第六章  割当量口座簿等(第二十九条—第四十一条)" }
{ "en": "Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Provisions (Articles 42-47)", "ja": "第七章  雑則(第四十二条—第四十七条)" }
{ "en": "Chapter 8 Punitive Provisions (Articles 48-50)", "ja": "第八章  罰則(第四十八条—第五十条)" }
{ "en": "Article 1 In recognition of the serious impact of global warming on the environment of the entire planet, and the importance of efforts on the part of all humankind to actively and voluntarily address the universal issue of stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at levels where human interference does not pose a danger to climate systems, the purpose of this Law is to promote global warming countermeasures by formulating a plan for attaining targets under the Kyoto Protocol and taking measures to promote the control of greenhouse gas emissions due to social, economic, and other activities, thereby contributing to the health and cultural life of the Japanese people, both now and in the future, as well as contributing to the wellbeing of all humankind.", "ja": "第一条 この法律は、地球温暖化が地球全体の環境に深刻な影響を及ぼすものであり、気候系に対して危険な人為的干渉を及ぼすこととならない水準において大気中の温室効果ガスの濃度を安定化させ地球温暖化を防止することが人類共通の課題であり、すべての者が自主的かつ積極的にこの課題に取り組むことが重要であることにかんがみ、地球温暖化対策に関し、京都議定書目標達成計画を策定するとともに、社会経済活動その他の活動による温室効果ガスの排出の抑制等を促進するための措置を講ずること等により、地球温暖化対策の推進を図り、もって現在及び将来の国民の健康で文化的な生活の確保に寄与するとともに人類の福祉に貢献することを目的とする。" }
{ "en": "Article 2 (1) The term \"global warming\" as used in this Law shall mean the phenomenon in which the temperature of the earth's surface and atmosphere rises incrementally, affecting the planet as a whole, as the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is increased by greenhouse gases generated as a result of human activity.", "ja": "第二条 この法律において「地球温暖化」とは、人の活動に伴って発生する温室効果ガスが大気中の温室効果ガスの濃度を増加させることにより、地球全体として、地表及び大気の温度が追加的に上昇する現象をいう。" }
{ "en": "(2) The term \"global warming countermeasures\" as used in this Law shall mean measures to control greenhouse gas emissions and to maintain and improve the absorption of greenhouse gases (hereinafter referred to as \"control of greenhouse gases\") and other measures taken in international cooperation for the prevention of global warming.", "ja": "2 この法律において「地球温暖化対策」とは、温室効果ガスの排出の抑制並びに吸収作用の保全及び強化(以下「温室効果ガスの排出の抑制等」という。)その他の国際的に協力して地球温暖化の防止を図るための施策をいう。" }
{ "en": "(3) The term \"greenhouse gases\" as used in this Law shall mean the following substances.", "ja": "3 この法律において「温室効果ガス」とは、次に掲げる物質をいう。" }
{ "en": "(iv) Those hydrofluorocarbons specified by Cabinet Order", "ja": "四 ハイドロフルオロカーボンのうち政令で定めるもの" }
{ "en": "(v) Those perfluorocarbons specified by Cabinet Order", "ja": "五 パーフルオロカーボンのうち政令で定めるもの" }
{ "en": "(4) The term \"greenhouse gas emissions\" as used in this Law shall mean the discharge, release, or leakage into the atmosphere of greenhouse gases generated in conjunction with anthropogenic activities, or the use of electric power or heat (limited to heat derived from fuel or electricity) that is supplied by others.", "ja": "4 この法律において「温室効果ガスの排出」とは、人の活動に伴って発生する温室効果ガスを大気中に排出し、放出し若しくは漏出させ、又は他人から供給された電気若しくは熱(燃料又は電気を熱源とするものに限る。)を使用することをいう。" }
{ "en": "(5) The term \"total greenhouse gas emissions\" as used in this Law shall mean the sum of all values obtained by multiplying the global warming potential of each substance constituting a greenhouse gas by the emissions of that substance as calculated by methods specified in a Cabinet Order. (In this article and hereinafter, global warming potential [GWP] indicates a coefficient for each substance constituting a greenhouse gas which indicate that substance's effect on global warming as a ratio to that of carbon dioxide, specified by a Cabinet Order on the basis of internationally recognized knowledge.)", "ja": "5 この法律において「温室効果ガス総排出量」とは、温室効果ガスである物質ごとに政令で定める方法により算定される当該物質の排出量に当該物質の地球温暖化係数(温室効果ガスである物質ごとに地球の温暖化をもたらす程度の二酸化炭素に係る当該程度に対する比を示す数値として国際的に認められた知見に基づき政令で定める係数をいう。以下同じ。)を乗じて得た量の合計量をいう。" }
{ "en": "(6) The term \"carbon dioxide equivalent quota\" as used in this Law shall mean the following quantities, expressed in units corresponding to one ton of carbon dioxide.", "ja": "6 この法律において「算定割当量」とは、次に掲げる数量で、二酸化炭素一トンを表す単位により表記されるものをいう。" }
{ "en": "(i) Quotas prescribed under Article 3, No. 7 of the Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (hereinafter referred to as \"Kyoto Protocol\").", "ja": "一 気候変動に関する国際連合枠組条約の京都議定書(以下「京都議定書」という。)第三条7に規定する割当量" }
{ "en": "(ii) Quotas of net change as prescribed in Article 3, No. 3 of the Kyoto Protocol.", "ja": "二 京都議定書第三条3に規定する純変化に相当する量の割当量" }
{ "en": "(iii) Emissions reduction units as prescribed in Article 6, No. 1 of the Kyoto Protocol.", "ja": "三 京都議定書第六条1に規定する排出削減単位" }
{ "en": "(iv) Certified emissions reductions as prescribed in Article 12, No. 3(b) of the Kyoto Protocol.", "ja": "四 京都議定書第十二条3(b)に規定する認証された排出削減量" }
{ "en": "(v) Other quantities besides those listed above, if recognized as quotas calculated under Article 3, No. 1 of the Kyoto Protocol in the case of fulfilling a commitment pursuant to that article.", "ja": "五 前各号に掲げるもののほか、京都議定書第三条の規定に基づく約束を履行する場合において同条1の算定される割当量として認められるものの数量" }
{ "en": "Article 3 (1) The national government shall conduct monitoring and observation to determine changes in the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and related climate changes and ecological matters, and shall formulate and implement comprehensive, plan-based global warming countermeasures.", "ja": "第三条 国は、大気中における温室効果ガスの濃度変化の状況並びにこれに関連する気候の変動及び生態系の状況を把握するための観測及び監視を行うとともに、総合的かつ計画的な地球温暖化対策を策定し、及び実施するものとする。" }
{ "en": "(2) The national government shall implement programs for the control of greenhouse gases and take care to ensure that its programs related to the control of greenhouse gases will contribute to the control of greenhouse gases in a manner that is consistent with attaining the goals of those programs.", "ja": "2 国は、温室効果ガスの排出の抑制等のための施策を推進するとともに、温室効果ガスの排出の抑制等に関係のある施策について、当該施策の目的の達成との調和を図りつつ温室効果ガスの排出の抑制等が行われるよう配意するものとする。" }
{ "en": "(3) The national government shall take measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to maintain and improve greenhouse gas absorption with regard to its own administration and undertakings, support the programs of local government bodies for the control of greenhouse gases, and endeavor to provide technical advice and other measures to promote activities by businesses, citizens, and private groups organized by businesses or citizens (hereinafter referred to as \"private entities\") with regard to the control of greenhouse gases.", "ja": "3 国は、自らの事務及び事業に関し、温室効果ガスの排出の量の削減並びに吸収作用の保全及び強化のための措置を講ずるとともに、温室効果ガスの排出の抑制等のための地方公共団体の施策を支援し、及び事業者、国民又はこれらの者の組織する民間の団体(以下「民間団体等」という。)が温室効果ガスの排出の抑制等に関して行う活動の促進を図るため、技術的な助言その他の措置を講ずるように努めるものとする。" }
{ "en": "(4) The national government shall take the measures needed to fulfill its commitment pursuant to Article 3 of the Kyoto Protocol, including acquisition of the quantities stated in Paragraph (6), Items (iii) and (iv) of the preceding article, and participation in emissions trading as prescribed in Article 17 of the Kyoto Protocol.", "ja": "4 国は、前条第六項第三号及び第四号に掲げる数量の取得、京都議定書第十七条に規定する排出量取引への参加その他の京都議定書第三条の規定に基づく約束の履行のために必要な措置を講ずるものとする。" }
{ "en": "(5) The national government shall conduct surveys regarding global warming and the prediction of its effects, surveys regarding technologies for the control of greenhouse gases, and other surveys needed to formulate global warming countermeasures.", "ja": "5 国は、地球温暖化及びその影響の予測に関する調査、温室効果ガスの排出の抑制等のための技術に関する調査その他の地球温暖化対策の策定に必要な調査を実施するものとする。" }
{ "en": "(6) The national government shall endeavor to take the necessary measures to ensure international collaboration for the effective implementation of the monitoring and observation prescribed in Paragraph (1), international cooperation for implementation of the surveys prescribed in the preceding paragraph, and other international cooperation related to global warming; and shall endeavor to provide information and take other necessary measures to promote activities by local governments or private entities for international cooperation regarding the control of greenhouse gases.", "ja": "6 国は、第一項に規定する観測及び監視の効果的な推進を図るための国際的な連携の確保、前項に規定する調査の推進を図るための国際協力その他の地球温暖化に関する国際協力を推進するために必要な措置を講ずるように努めるとともに、地方公共団体又は民間団体等による温室効果ガスの排出の抑制等に関する国際協力のための活動の促進を図るため、情報の提供その他の必要な措置を講ずるように努めるものとする。" }
{ "en": "Article 4 (1) Local governments shall implement programs for the control of greenhouse gases in accordance with the natural and social conditions of their local areas.", "ja": "第四条 地方公共団体は、その区域の自然的社会的条件に応じた温室効果ガスの排出の抑制等のための施策を推進するものとする。" }
{ "en": "(2) Local governments shall take measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to maintain and improve greenhouse gas absorption with regard to their own administration and undertakings, and shall endeavor to provide information and take other measures with regard to the steps prescribed in the preceding paragraph, in order to promote activities by businesses and residents in their local areas concerning the control of greenhouse gases.", "ja": "2 地方公共団体は、自らの事務及び事業に関し温室効果ガスの排出の量の削減並びに吸収作用の保全及び強化のための措置を講ずるとともに、その区域の事業者又は住民が温室効果ガスの排出の抑制等に関して行う活動の促進を図るため、前項に規定する施策に関する情報の提供その他の措置を講ずるように努めるものとする。" }
{ "en": "Article 5 Business operators shall strive to develop measures for the control of greenhouse gases regarding their business activities (including measures to contribute to the control of greenhouse gases by others), and shall cooperate with programs of the national government and local governments for the control of greenhouse gases.", "ja": "第五条 事業者は、その事業活動に関し、温室効果ガスの排出の抑制等のための措置(他の者の温室効果ガスの排出の抑制等に寄与するための措置を含む。)を講ずるように努めるとともに、国及び地方公共団体が実施する温室効果ガスの排出の抑制等のための施策に協力しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 6 Members of the general public shall strive to develop measures for the control of greenhouse gases with regard to activities of their daily lives, and shall cooperate with programs of the national government and local governments for the control of greenhouse gases.", "ja": "第六条 国民は、その日常生活に関し、温室効果ガスの排出の抑制等のための措置を講ずるように努めるとともに、国及び地方公共団体が実施する温室効果ガスの排出の抑制等のための施策に協力しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 7 In order to prepare the inventory prescribed in Article 4, Item 1 (a) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the annual inventory prescribed in Article 7, Item 1 of the Kyoto Protocol, the national government shall calculate greenhouse gas emissions and sinks in Japan each year, and the results shall be published as prescribed by an Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment.", "ja": "第七条 政府は、温室効果ガスの排出及び吸収に関し、気候変動に関する国際連合枠組条約第四条1(a)に規定する目録及び京都議定書第七条1に規定する年次目録を作成するため、毎年、我が国における温室効果ガスの排出量及び吸収量を算定し、環境省令で定めるところにより、これを公表するものとする。" }
{ "en": "Article 8 (1) The national government shall establish a plan for attaining the targets prescribed in Article 3 of the Kyoto Protocol (hereinafter referred to as the \"Kyoto Protocol Target Achievement Plan\").", "ja": "第八条 政府は、京都議定書第三条の規定に基づく約束を履行するために必要な目標の達成に関する計画(以下「京都議定書目標達成計画」という。)を定めなければならない。" }