{ "en": "Article 25 (1) The Minister of the Environment may designate no more than one organization in Japan as the Japan Center for Climate Change Action (hereinafter referred to as \"Japan Center for Climate Change Action\" upon application by that organization, providing that the organization was established for the purpose of promoting activities to contribute to the prevention of global warming through such means as education concerning global warming countermeasures, that the organization is recognized as capable of appropriately and reliably performing the operations prescribed in Paragraph (2) below, and that it is a corporation under Article 34 of the Civil Code (Law No. 89 of 1896).", "ja": "第二十五条 環境倧臣は、地球枩暖化察策に関する普及啓発を行うこず等により地球枩暖化の防止に寄䞎する掻動の促進を図るこずを目的ずしお蚭立された民法第䞉十四条の法人であっお、次項に芏定する事業を適正か぀確実に行うこずができるず認められるものを、その申請により、党囜に䞀を限っお、党囜地球枩暖化防止掻動掚進センタヌ以䞋「党囜センタヌ」ずいう。ずしお指定するこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(2) The Japan Center for Climate Change Action shall perform the following operations.", "ja": " 党囜センタヌは、次に掲げる事業を行うものずする。" }
{ "en": "(i) Conducting education and public information activities concerning the current situation of global warming and the importance of global warming countermeasures in at least two prefectures, and supporting the activities of private organizations engaged in activities to promote global warming countermeasures in at least two prefectures.", "ja": "䞀 地球枩暖化の珟状及び地球枩暖化察策の重芁性に぀いおの二以䞊の郜道府県の区域における啓発掻動及び広報掻動を行うずずもに、二以䞊の郜道府県の区域においお地球枩暖化察策の掚進を図るための掻動を行う民間の団䜓の掻動を助けるこず。" }
{ "en": "(ii) Investigation and research on ways to promote measures for the control of greenhouse gases in relation to daily life, in line with practical examples of greenhouse gas emissions in relation to daily life.", "ja": "二 日垞生掻に関する枩宀効果ガスの排出の実䟋に即しお、日垞生掻に関する枩宀効果ガスの排出の抑制等のための措眮を促進する方策の調査研究を行うこず。" }
{ "en": "(iii) In addition to investigation and research indicated in the preceding item, other investigation and research related to global warming and global warming countermeasures, and the collection, analysis, and provision of related information and materials.", "ja": "䞉 前号に掲げるもののほか、地球枩暖化及び地球枩暖化察策に関する調査研究䞊びに情報及び資料の収集、分析及び提䟛を行うこず。" }
{ "en": "(iv) Collection and provision of information regarding the amounts of greenhouse gas emissions from products that result in greenhouse gas emissions when used in daily life.", "ja": "四 日垞生掻における利甚に䌎っお枩宀効果ガスの排出がされる補品に぀いお、圓該排出の量に関する情報の収集及び提䟛を行うこず。" }
{ "en": "(v) Conducting liaison and coordination regarding the operations of prefectural centers for climate change action, providing training for persons engaged therein, and providing guidance and other assistance to prefectural centers for climate change action.", "ja": "五 郜道府県センタヌの事業に぀いお連絡調敎を図り、及びこれに埓事する者に察する研修を行い、䞊びに郜道府県センタヌに察する指導その他の揎助を行うこず。" }
{ "en": "(3) The Minister of the Environment shall consult with the heads of related administrative agencies in advance before making a designation under Paragraph (1) above.", "ja": " 環境倧臣は、第䞀項の指定をしようずするずきは、あらかじめ、関係行政機関の長ず協議しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(4) The provisions of Paragraphs (3), (4), and (6) of the preceding article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Japan Center for Climate Change Action. In this case, the words \"prefectural governor\" in Paragraphs (3) and (4) of that article shall be deemed to be replaced with \"Minister of the Environment;\" and the words \"Paragraph (1)\" in Paragraphs (4) and (6) of that article shall be deemed to be replaced with \"Article 25, Paragraph (1).\"", "ja": " 前条第䞉項、第四項及び第六項の芏定は、党囜センタヌに぀いお準甚する。この堎合においお、同条第䞉項䞭「郜道府県知事」ずあるのは「環境倧臣」ず、同条第四項䞭「郜道府県知事」ずあるのは「環境倧臣」ず、「第䞀項」ずあるのは「次条第䞀項」ず、同条第六項䞭「第䞀項」ずあるのは「次条第䞀項」ず読み替えるものずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 26 (1) Local governments, prefectural centers for climate change action, climate change action officers, business operators, members of the general public, and other entities engaged in activities to promote global warming countermeasures may organize regional councils on global warming countermeasures (referred to hereinafter as \"regional councils\") for the sake of discussion concerning measures needed regarding the control of greenhouse gases in relation to daily life.", "ja": "第二十六条 地方公共団䜓、郜道府県センタヌ、地球枩暖化防止掻動掚進員、事業者、䜏民その他の地球枩暖化察策の掚進を図るための掻動を行う者は、日垞生掻に関する枩宀効果ガスの排出の抑制等に関し必芁ずなるべき措眮に぀いお協議するため、地球枩暖化察策地域協議䌚以䞋「地域協議䌚」ずいう。を組織するこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(2) The members of regional councils shall respect the results of discussion concerning matters agreed upon at a meeting for discussion under the preceding paragraph.", "ja": " 前項の協議を行うための䌚議においお協議が調った事項に぀いおは、地域協議䌚の構成員は、その協議の結果を尊重しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(3) The regional councils shall determine the matters needed for their administration, other than as provided in the two preceding paragraphs.", "ja": " 前二項に定めるもののほか、地域協議䌚の運営に関し必芁な事項は、地域協議䌚が定める。" }
{ "en": "(Promotion of climate change action by the Minister of the Environment)", "ja": "環境倧臣による地球枩暖化防止掻動の促進" }
{ "en": "Article 27 The Minister of the Environment shall endeavor to promote activities for the dissemination of knowledge concerning the current situation of global warming and related countermeasures and for the promotion of global warming countermeasures, in collaboration with the Japan Center for Climate Change Action, local governments, regional councils, and other related organizations.", "ja": "第二十䞃条 環境倧臣は、党囜センタヌ、地方公共団䜓、地域協議䌚その他関係団䜓ず連携を図り぀぀、地球枩暖化の珟状及び地球枩暖化察策に関する知識の普及䞊びに地球枩暖化察策の掚進を図るための掻動の促進に努めるものずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 28 In order to contribute to the determination and evaluation by local governments and private entities of their own measures for the control of greenhouse gases (including measures to contribute to the control of greenhouse gases by others), the national government shall endeavor to develop methods for determination and evaluation and to disseminate the results of such measures.", "ja": "第二十八条 政府は、地方公共団䜓及び民間団䜓等が枩宀効果ガスの排出の抑制等のための措眮他の者の枩宀効果ガスの排出の抑制等に寄䞎するための措眮を含む。の実斜の状況を自ら把握し、及び評䟡するこずに資するため、把握及び評䟡の手法の開発䞊びにその成果の普及に努めるものずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 29 (1) The Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall open accounts (hereinafter referred to as \"Management Accounts\") for the acquisition, holding, and transferal of carbon dioxide equivalent quotas (hereinafter referred to as \"Carbon Dioxide Equivalent Quota Management\") and shall prepare a quota account inventory in accordance with international decisions regarding the calculation of quotas pursuant to Article 7, No. 4 of the Kyoto Protocol (hereinafter referred to as \"International Decisions\").", "ja": "第二十九条 環境倧臣及び経枈産業倧臣は、京郜議定曞第䞃条に基づく割圓量の蚈算方法に関する囜際的な決定以䞋「囜際的な決定」ずいう。に埓い、割圓量口座簿を䜜成し、算定割圓量の取埗、保有及び移転以䞋「算定割圓量の管理」ずいう。を行うための口座以䞋「管理口座」ずいう。を開蚭するものずする。" }
{ "en": "(2) The quota account inventory shall be prepared in its entirety using magnetic disks (including other means of reliably recording certain matters by equivalent methods; the same shall apply hereinafter).", "ja": " 割圓量口座簿は、その党郚を磁気ディスクこれに準ずる方法により䞀定の事項を確実に蚘録しおおくこずができる物を含む。以䞋同じ。をもっお調補するものずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 30 The attribution of carbon dioxide equivalent quotas shall be determined according to the records of the quota account inventory pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.", "ja": "第䞉十条 算定割圓量の垰属は、この章の芏定による割圓量口座簿の蚘録により定たるものずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 31 (1) The quota account inventory shall have the following divisions.", "ja": "第䞉十䞀条 割圓量口座簿は、次に掲げる口座に区分する。" }
{ "en": "(ii) Management Account of a corporation having its headquarters or principal office (hereinafter referred to as \"Head Office\") located in Japan (hereinafter referred to as a \"Japanese Corporation\").", "ja": "二 囜内に本店又は䞻たる事務所以䞋「本店等」ずいう。を有する法人以䞋「内囜法人」ずいう。の管理口座" }
{ "en": "(2) Management Accounts of Item (ii) of the preceding paragraph shall be classified according to the holder of each Management Account (party in whose name the Management Account was opened; hereinafter referred to as \"Account Holder\").", "ja": " 前項第二号の管理口座は、圓該管理口座の名矩人圓該管理口座の開蚭を受けた者をいう。以䞋「口座名矩人」ずいう。ごずに区分する。" }
{ "en": "(3) The following matters shall be recorded in each Management Account of Paragraph (1), Item (ii).", "ja": " 第䞀項第二号の管理口座には、次に掲げる事項を蚘録する。" }
{ "en": "(i) Name of Account Holder, name of representative, location of Head Office, and any other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment or the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.", "ja": "䞀 口座名矩人の名称、代衚者の氏名、本店等の所圚地その他環境省什・経枈産業省什で定める事項" }
{ "en": "(ii) Quantities and identification codes for each type of carbon dioxide equivalent quota held (referring to the types given in each item under Article 2, Paragraph (6); the same shall apply hereinafter). (Here, \"identification codes\" means the letters and numbers assigned by the signatory parties of the Kyoto Protocol or the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, hereinafter referred to as \"Secretariat,\" for per-unit identification of carbon dioxide equivalent quotas; the same shall apply hereinafter).", "ja": "二 保有する算定割圓量の皮別第二条第六項各号の皮別をいう。以䞋同じ。ごずの数量及び識別番号算定割圓量を䞀単䜍ごずに識別するために京郜議定曞の締玄囜又は気候倉動に関する囜際連合枠組条玄の事務局以䞋「事務局」ずいう。により付された文字及び数字をいう。以䞋同じ。" }
{ "en": "(iii) If all or a portion of the carbon dioxide equivalent quotas of the preceding item are trust assets, a statement to that effect.", "ja": "䞉 前号の算定割圓量の党郚又は䞀郚が信蚗財産であるずきは、その旚" }
{ "en": "Article 32 (1) A Japanese Corporation which wishes to conduct Carbon Dioxide Equivalent Quota Management must have a Management Account opened by the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.", "ja": "第䞉十二条 算定割圓量の管理を行おうずする内囜法人は、環境倧臣及び経枈産業倧臣による管理口座の開蚭を受けなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(2) Only one Management Account may be opened for each Japanese Corporation.", "ja": " 管理口座は、䞀の内囜法人に぀き䞀に限り開蚭を受けるこずができるものずする。" }
{ "en": "(3) To have a Management Account opened, a Japanese Corporation shall submit an application to the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, stating its name, the name of its representative, the location of its Head Office, and any other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment or the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.", "ja": " 管理口座の開蚭を受けようずする内囜法人は、その名称、代衚者の氏名、本店等の所圚地その他環境省什・経枈産業省什で定める事項を蚘茉した申請曞を環境倧臣及び経枈産業倧臣に提出しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(4) The corporation's articles of incorporation, certificate of registered matters, and any other documents specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment or the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry shall be appended to the application of the preceding paragraph.", "ja": " 前項の申請曞には、定欟、登蚘事項蚌明曞その他環境省什・経枈産業省什で定める曞類を添付しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(5) Upon receiving an application for establishment of a Management Account as prescribed in Paragraph (3), the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall establish a Management Account without delay, unless false statements have been made in important matters of the application or appended documents.", "ja": " 環境倧臣及び経枈産業倧臣は、第䞉項の芏定による管理口座の開蚭の申請があった堎合には、圓該申請曞又はその添付曞類のうちに重芁な事項に぀いお虚停の蚘茉があるずきを陀き、遅滞なく、管理口座を開蚭しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(6) After establishing a Management Account as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall promptly notify the Account Holder of the matters needed in order to conduct Carbon Dioxide Equivalent Quota Management in that Management Account.", "ja": " 環境倧臣及び経枈産業倧臣は、前項の芏定により管理口座を開蚭したずきは、遅滞なく、圓該管理口座においお算定割圓量の管理を行うために必芁な事項をその口座名矩人に通知しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 33 (1) If any changes occur in the name of the Account Holder, the name of its representative, the location of its Head Office, or any other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment or the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, then the Account Holder shall notify the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry to this effect without delay.", "ja": "第䞉十䞉条 口座名矩人は、その名称、代衚者の氏名、本店等の所圚地その他環境省什・経枈産業省什で定める事項に倉曎があったずきは、遅滞なく、その旚を環境倧臣及び経枈産業倧臣に届け出なければならない。" }
{ "en": "(2) After receiving notification under the preceding paragraph, the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall change the relevant records without delay.", "ja": " 前項の届出があった堎合には、環境倧臣及び経枈産業倧臣は、遅滞なく、圓該蚘録を倉曎するものずする。" }
{ "en": "(3) The provisions of Article 32, Paragraph (6) shall apply mutatis mutandis to changes in the records of the preceding paragraph.", "ja": " 前条第六項の芏定は、前項の蚘録の倉曎に぀いお準甚する。" }
{ "en": "Article 34 (1) The Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall handle the acquisition and transferal of carbon dioxide equivalent quotas (hereinafter referred to as \"transfer\") by recording increases and decreases to and from the carbon dioxide equivalent quotas in the quota account inventory, as prescribed in this article.", "ja": "第䞉十四条 算定割圓量の取埗及び移転以䞋「振替」ずいう。は、この条に定めるずころにより、環境倧臣及び経枈産業倧臣が、割圓量口座簿においお、圓該算定割圓量に぀いおの枛少又は増加の蚘録をするこずにより行うものずする。" }
{ "en": "(2) To conduct a transfer of carbon dioxide equivalent quotas, the Account Holder in whose Management Account a decrease will be recorded due to the transfer shall apply to the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.", "ja": " 算定割圓量の振替の申請は、振替によりその管理口座においお枛少の蚘録がされる口座名矩人が、環境倧臣及び経枈産業倧臣に察しお行うものずする。" }
{ "en": "(3) In the application of the preceding paragraph, the Account Holder submitting the application (hereinafter referred to as \"Applicant\") shall indicate the matters listed below.", "ja": " 前項の申請をする口座名矩人以䞋「申請人」ずいう。は、圓該申請においお、次に掲げる事項を瀺さなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(i) The quantities and code numbers for each type of carbon dioxide equivalent quota to be recorded as increased or decreased due to the transfer.", "ja": "䞀 圓該振替においお枛少又は増加の蚘録がされるべき算定割圓量の皮別ごずの数量及び識別番号" }
{ "en": "(ii) The Management Account in which an increase will be recorded due to the transfer (hereinafter referred to as \"Transferee Account\"), except as provided in the following item.", "ja": "二 圓該振替により増加の蚘録がされるべき管理口座次号に芏定する堎合を陀く。以䞋「振替先口座」ずいう。" }
{ "en": "(iii) If applying for a transfer of carbon dioxide equivalent quotas to an account which exists in another signatory country to the Kyoto Protocol (hereinafter referred to as \"Other Signatory Party\"), the name of the Other Signatory Party, and the account in which an increase will be recorded due to the transfer.", "ja": "䞉 京郜議定曞の他の締玄囜以䞋「他の締玄囜」ずいう。に存圚する口座ぞの算定割圓量の振替を申請する堎合には、圓該他の締玄囜名及び圓該振替により増加の蚘録がされるべき口座" }
{ "en": "(4) Upon receiving an application under Paragraph (2), the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall take the steps listed below without delay, except for a case that comes under Item (iii) of the preceding paragraph or another case specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment or the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.", "ja": " 第二項の申請があった堎合には、前項第䞉号に芏定する堎合その他環境省什・経枈産業省什で定める堎合を陀き、環境倧臣及び経枈産業倧臣は、遅滞なく、次に掲げる措眮をずらなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(i) Record a decrease in the carbon dioxide equivalent quotas of Item (i) of the preceding paragraph in the Management Account of the Applicant.", "ja": "䞀 申請人の管理口座の前項第䞀号の算定割圓量に぀いおの枛少の蚘録" }
{ "en": "(ii) Record an increase in the carbon dioxide equivalent quotas of Item (i) of the preceding paragraph in the Transferee Account.", "ja": "二 振替先口座の前項第䞀号の算定割圓量に぀いおの増加の蚘録" }
{ "en": "(5) If the Applicant has submitted an application indicating the matters listed in Paragraph (3), Item (iii), then the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall issue notification of the transfer to the Other Signatory Party and the Secretariat, based on International Decisions, unless otherwise specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment or the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; and after receiving notification from the Other Signatory Party and the Secretariat concerning completion of the transfer, the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall record a decrease in the carbon dioxide equivalent quotas of Paragraph (3), Item (i) in the Management Account of the Applicant.", "ja": " 申請人から第䞉項第䞉号に掲げる事項を瀺す申請があった堎合には、環境省什・経枈産業省什で定める堎合を陀き、囜際的な決定に基づき、環境倧臣及び経枈産業倧臣は、圓該他の締玄囜及び事務局に察し圓該振替に係る通知を発するずずもに、圓該他の締玄囜及び事務局から圓該振替の完了の通知を受けた埌に、圓該申請人の管理口座の同項第䞀号の算定割圓量に぀いおの枛少の蚘録をするものずする。" }
{ "en": "(6) Upon receiving notification from the Other Signatory Party or the Secretariat concerning a transfer of carbon dioxide equivalent quotas to a Management Account in the quota account inventory, the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry shall record an increase in the carbon dioxide equivalent quotas of that Management Account.", "ja": " 他の締玄囜又は事務局から割圓量口座簿における管理口座ぞの算定割圓量の振替を行う旚の通知があった堎合には、囜際的な決定に基づき、環境倧臣及び経枈産業倧臣は、圓該管理口座の圓該算定割圓量に぀いおの増加の蚘録をするものずする。" }
{ "en": "(7) In addition to the provisions of Paragraphs (2)-(6), carbon dioxide equivalent quotas may also be transferred under commission by government offices or other public offices to the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, as specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment or the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.", "ja": " 算定割圓量の振替は、第二項から前項たでの芏定によるもののほか、環境省什・経枈産業省什で定めるずころにより、環境倧臣及び経枈産業倧臣に察する官庁又は公眲の嘱蚗により行うこずができる。" }
{ "en": "Article 35 (1) An assignment of carbon dioxide equivalent quotas shall not take effect unless the assignee has had an increase in carbon dioxide equivalent quotas, as per a transfer pursuant to the preceding article, recorded in its Management Account as a result of that assignment.", "ja": "第䞉十五条 算定割圓量の譲枡は、前条の芏定に基づく振替により、譲受人がその管理口座に圓該譲枡に係る算定割圓量の増加の蚘録を受けなければ、その効力を生じない。" }
{ "en": "(2) Concerning application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph to the transfer of carbon dioxide equivalent quotas to an account that exists in another signatory country, the recording of an increase pursuant to that paragraph shall be considered to have been completed upon receipt of notification from the Other Signatory Party and the Secretariat concerning the completion of that transfer.", "ja": " 他の締玄囜に存圚する口座ぞの算定割圓量の振替に関する前項の芏定の適甚に぀いおは、圓該他 の締玄囜及び事務局からの圓該振替の完了の通知を受けたこずをもっお、同項の増加の蚘録を受けたものずみなす。" }
{ "en": "Article 36 No pledges may be established on carbon dioxide equivalent quotas.", "ja": "第䞉十六条 算定割圓量は、質暩の目的ずするこずができない。" }
{ "en": "Article 37 Unless the trustee of a trust regarding carbon dioxide equivalent quotas has obtained the recording in the Management Account as prescribed in Article 31, Paragraph (3), Item (iii) as specified by Cabinet Order, the trustee may not set up against a third party.", "ja": "第䞉十䞃条 算定割圓量に぀いおは、信蚗は、政什で定めるずころにより、圓該信蚗の受蚗者がその管理口座においお第䞉十䞀条第䞉項第䞉号の芏定による蚘録を受けなければ、第䞉者に察抗するこずができない。" }
{ "en": "Article 38 It shall be presumed that the national government and Account Holders are in legal possession of the carbon dioxide equivalent quotas recorded in their Management Accounts.", "ja": "第䞉十八条 囜又は口座名矩人は、その管理口座における蚘録がされた算定割圓量を適法に保有するものず掚定する。" }
{ "en": "Article 39 If the national government or an Account Holder has obtained the recording of an increase in carbon dioxide equivalent quotas in its Management Account due to a transfer pursuant to Article 34 (excluding Paragraph (6)), then it shall obtain those carbon dioxide equivalent quotas. However, this shall not apply in the case of bad faith or gross negligence on the part of the national government or Account Holder.", "ja": "第䞉十九条 第䞉十四条第六項を陀く。の芏定に基づく振替によりその管理口座においお算定割圓量の増加の蚘録を受けた囜又は口座名矩人は、圓該算定割圓量を取埗する。ただし、囜又は圓該口座名矩人に悪意又は重倧な過倱があるずきは、この限りでない。" }
{ "en": "(Requesting certification of matters recorded in the quota account inventory)", "ja": "割圓量口座簿に蚘録されおいる事項の蚌明の請求" }
{ "en": "Article 40 An Account Holder may ask the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry to issue written certification of the matters recorded in its Management Account in the quota account inventory.", "ja": "第四十条 口座名矩人は、環境倧臣及び経枈産業倧臣に察し、割圓量口座簿の自己の管理口座に蚘録されおいる事項を蚌明した曞面の亀付を請求するこずができる。" }
{ "en": "Article 41 The matters needed for implementation of the provisions in this chapter, including the establishment of Management Accounts in the quota account inventory and Carbon Dioxide Equivalent Quota Management, shall be determined by Ordinances of the Ministry of the Environment or the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, except for the matters specified in this chapter.", "ja": "第四十䞀条 この章に定めるもののほか、割圓量口座簿における管理口座の開蚭及び算定割圓量の管理その他この章の芏定の斜行に関し必芁な事項は、環境省什・経枈産業省什で定める。" }
{ "en": "Article 42 In order to attain the targets prescribed in the Kyoto Protocol Target Achievement Plan regarding the amount of absorption of greenhouse gases, the national government and local governments shall take steps to maintain and improve greenhouse gas sinks, based on the basic plan for forests and forestry as prescribed in Article 11, Paragraph (1) of the Basic Law on Forests and Forestry (Law No. 161 of 1964) and other plans regarding afforestation, greening, and the preservation of forests and other green spaces.", "ja": "第四十二条 政府及び地方公共団䜓は、京郜議定曞目暙達成蚈画に定められた枩宀効果ガスの吞収の量に関する目暙を達成するため、森林・林業基本法昭和䞉十九幎法埋第癟六十䞀号第十䞀条第䞀項に芏定する森林・林業基本蚈画その他の森林の敎備及び保党又は緑地の保党及び緑化の掚進に関する蚈画に基づき、枩宀効果ガスの吞収䜜甚の保党及び匷化を図るものずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 43 (1) The Minister of the Environment may ask the heads of related administrative agencies to provide needed cooperation in the implementation of global warming countermeasures with regard to programs to contribute to the control of greenhouse gases, if he finds this necessary in order to attain the goals of this Law.", "ja": "第四十䞉条 環境倧臣は、この法埋の目的を達成するため必芁があるず認めるずきは、関係行政機関の長に察し、枩宀効果ガスの排出の抑制等に資する斜策の実斜に関し、地球枩暖化察策の掚進に぀いお必芁な協力を求めるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(2) The Minister of the Environment may ask relevant prefectural governors to provide needed materials or explanations if he finds this necessary in order to attain the goals of this Law.", "ja": " 環境倧臣は、この法埋の目的を達成するため必芁があるず認めるずきは、関係郜道府県知事に察し、必芁な資料の提出又は説明を求めるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "Article 44 Persons who come under any of the following shall pay fees in an amount specified by Cabinet Order in view of actual costs, in the manner specified by Cabinet Order.", "ja": "第四十四条 次に掲げる者は、政什で定めるずころにより、実費を勘案しお政什で定める額の手数料を玍付しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(i) Persons who obtain disclosure of matters in record files under Article 21-6, Paragraph (1).", "ja": "䞀 第二十䞀条の六第䞀項のファむル蚘録事項の開瀺を受ける者" }
{ "en": "(ii) Persons applying for establishment of a Management Account under Article 32, Paragraph (3).", "ja": "二 第䞉十二条第䞉項の管理口座の開蚭の申請をする者" }
{ "en": "(iii) Persons applying for a transfer under Article 34, Paragraph (2).", "ja": "䞉 第䞉十四条第二項の振替の申請をする者" }
{ "en": "Article 45 (1) The minister having jurisdiction over the business in question may require the use of magnetic disks, as specified by Cabinet Order, for reports as prescribed in Article 21-2, Paragraph (1), requests under Article 21-3, Paragraph (1), and information as prescribed in Article 21-8, Paragraph (1).", "ja": "第四十五条 事業所管倧臣は、第二十䞀条の二第䞀項の芏定による報告、第二十䞀条の䞉第䞀項の請求又は第二十䞀条の八第䞀項の芏定による提䟛に぀いおは、政什で定めるずころにより、磁気ディスクにより行わせるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(2) The minister having jurisdiction over the business in question may use magnetic disks, as specified by Cabinet Order, for notifications as prescribed in Article 21-3, Paragraphs (3) and (4).", "ja": " 事業所管倧臣は、第二十䞀条の䞉第䞉項又は第四項の芏定による通知に぀いおは、政什で定めるずころにより、磁気ディスクにより行うこずができる。" }
{ "en": "(3) The competent ministers may use or require the use of magnetic disks, as specified by Cabinet Order, for requests under Article 21-6, Paragraph (1) (including the cases in which it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21-8, Paragraph (6)), and for disclosure as prescribed in Article 21-7 (including the cases in which it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21-8, Paragraph (6)).", "ja": " 䞻務倧臣は、第二十䞀条の六第䞀項第二十䞀条の八第六項においお準甚する堎合を含む。の請求又は第二十䞀条の䞃第二十䞀条の八第六項においお準甚する堎合を含む。の芏定による開瀺に぀いおは、政什で定めるずころにより、磁気ディスクにより行わせ、又は行うこずができる。" }
{ "en": "Article 46 When an order is enacted, changed, or abolished based on the provisions of this Law, that order may establish transitional measures within the scope judged to be reasonably necessary in conjunction with its enactment, change or abolition.", "ja": "第四十六条 この法埋の芏定に基づき呜什を制定し、又は改廃する堎合においおは、その呜什で、その制定又は改廃に䌎い合理的に必芁ず刀断される範囲内においお、所芁の経過措眮を定めるこずができる。" }
{ "en": "Article 47 (1) The competent ministers in this Law shall be the Minister of the Environment, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the minister having jurisdiction over the business in question.", "ja": "第四十䞃条 この法埋における䞻務倧臣は、環境倧臣、経枈産業倧臣及び事業所管倧臣ずする。" }
{ "en": "(2) Competent Ministerial Orders in this Law shall be orders issued by the Minister of the Environment, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, or the minister having jurisdiction over the business in question.", "ja": " この法埋における䞻務省什は、環境倧臣、経枈産業倧臣及び事業所管倧臣の発する呜什ずする。" }
{ "en": "(3) The authority of competent ministers under this Law may be delegated to the heads of Regional Bureaus as specified by Competent Ministerial Order.", "ja": " この法埋による䞻務倧臣の暩限は、䞻務省什で定めるずころにより、地方支分郚局の長に委任するこずができる。" }
{ "en": "Article 48 (1) Persons who have made false statements in applications as prescribed in Article 32, Paragraph (3) shall be punished by a fine of up to 500,000 yen.", "ja": "第四十八条 第䞉十二条第䞉項の芏定による申請に関し虚停の申請をした者は、五十䞇円以䞋の眰金に凊する。" }
{ "en": "(2) If a representative, agent, employee, or other person engaged by a corporation has committed the violation specified in the preceding paragraph with regard to the business of that corporation, then in addition to punishment of the person who committed the violation, the corporation itself shall also be subject to the punishment prescribed in that paragraph.", "ja": " 法人の代衚者、代理人、䜿甚人その他の埓業者が、その法人の業務に関し、前項の違反行為をしたずきは、行為者を眰するほか、その法人に察しおも、同項の刑を科する。" }
{ "en": "Article 49 Persons who violate the provisions of Article 24, Paragraph (5) shall be punished by a fine of up to 300,000 yen.", "ja": "第四十九条 第二十四条第五項の芏定に違反した者は、䞉十䞇円以䞋の眰金に凊する。" }
{ "en": "Article 50 Any person who falls under any of the following items shall be punished by an administrative fine of up to 200,000 yen.", "ja": "第五十条 次の各号のいずれかに該圓する者は、二十䞇円以䞋の過料に凊する。" }
{ "en": "(i) Persons who submit a falsified report or fail to submit a report as prescribed by Article 21-2, Paragraph (1).", "ja": "䞀 第二十䞀条の二第䞀項の芏定による報告をせず、又は虚停の報告をした者" }
{ "en": "(ii) Persons who submit falsified notification or fail to submit notification as prescribed by Article 33, Paragraph (1).", "ja": "二 第䞉十䞉条第䞀項の芏定による届出をせず、又は虚停の届出をした者" }
{ "en": "Article 3 The national government shall conduct study concerning the situation of enforcement of this Law until 2008 and take any necessary measures based on the results of such study.", "ja": "第䞉条 政府は、平成二十幎たでに、この法埋の斜行の状況に぀いお怜蚎を加え、その結果に基づいお必芁な措眮を講ずるものずする。" }
{ "en": "By way of supporting the development of the manufacturing industry, which is Japan's fundamental industry, core manufacturing technology has contributed to the development of all areas of the national economy such as expansion of production, promotion of trade, creation of new industries, and increase in employment, and has contributed to improving the lives of the citizenry. In addition, workers engaged in operations pertaining to core manufacturing technology have played an important role in maintaining and improving the level of the technology in their capacity as supporters of such core manufacturing technology. We believe that the economic and social role of such core manufacturing technology and workers who engage in operations pertaining thereto will continue to be an important element in the foundation of the existence of the State in the future. Recently, however, due to changes in the employment structure, changes in competitive conditions resulting from factors like the progress of industrialization overseas, and other diverse and structural changes in the economy, the share of the manufacturing industry in Japan's gross domestic product has fallen, and concerns about a decline in the industry have grown, and the smooth succession of core manufacturing technology is becoming difficult. In order to deal with such a situation and to maintain the sound development of Japan's national economy through the development of the manufacturing industry, which is a fundamental to the State, that the active promotion of core manufacturing technology is indispensable, while a social tendency to respect abilities related to core manufacturing technology is enhanced. We hereby establish this Act so as to drive forward measures for the promotion of core manufacturing technology in a comprehensive and organized manner.", "ja": "ものづくり基盀技術は、我が囜の基幹的な産業である補造業の発展を支えるこずにより、生産の拡倧、貿易の振興、新産業の創出、雇甚の増倧等囜民経枈のあらゆる領域にわたりその発展に寄䞎するずずもに、囜民生掻の向䞊に貢献しおきた。たた、ものづくり基盀技術に係る業務に埓事する劎働者は、このようなものづくり基盀技術の担い手ずしお、その氎準の維持及び向䞊のために重芁な圹割を果たしおきた。我らは、このようなものづくり基盀技術及びこれに係る業務に埓事する劎働者の果たす経枈的瀟䌚的圹割が、囜の存立基盀を圢成する重芁な芁玠ずしお、今埌においおも倉わるこずのないこずを確信する。しかるに、近時、就業構造の倉化、海倖の地域における工業化の進展等による競争条件の倉化その他の経枈の倚様か぀構造的な倉化による圱響を受け、囜内総生産に占める補造業の割合が䜎䞋し、その衰退が懞念されるずずもに、ものづくり基盀技術の継承が困難になり぀぀ある。このような事態に察凊しお、我が囜の囜民経枈が囜の基幹的な産業である補造業の発展を通じお今埌ずも健党に発展しおいくためには、ものづくり基盀技術に関する胜力を尊重する瀟䌚的気運を醞成し぀぀、ものづくり基盀技術の積極的な振興を図るこずが䞍可欠である。ここに、ものづくり基盀技術の振興に関する斜策を総合的か぀蚈画的に掚進するため、この法埋を制定する。" }
{ "en": "Article 1 The purpose of this Act is to ensure the maintenance and improvement of the level of core manufacturing technology by providing for matters that serve as the basis of measures relating to the promotion of core manufacturing technology and by driving forward measures on the promotion of core manufacturing technology in a comprehensive and organized manner, in order to appropriately deal with the diverse and structural changes of the economy in recent years, in view of the important role to be played by core manufacturing technology in the national economy, thereby contributing to the sound development of the national economy.", "ja": "第䞀条 この法埋は、ものづくり基盀技術が囜民経枈においお果たすべき重芁な圹割にかんがみ、近幎における経枈の倚様か぀構造的な倉化に適切に察凊するため、ものづくり基盀技術の振興に関する斜策の基本ずなる事項を定め、ものづくり基盀技術の振興に関する斜策を総合的か぀蚈画的に掚進するこずにより、ものづくり基盀技術の氎準の維持及び向䞊を図り、もっお囜民経枈の健党な発展に資するこずを目的ずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 2 (1) The term \"core manufacturing technology\" as used in this Act means such technology pertaining to the design, manufacture or repair of industrial products that is specified by a Cabinet Order as versatile technology that supports the development of the manufacturing industry.", "ja": "第二条 この法埋においお「ものづくり基盀技術」ずは、工業補品の蚭蚈、補造又は修理に係る技術のうち汎甚性を有し、補造業の発展を支えるものずしお政什で定めるものをいう。" }
{ "en": "(2) The term \"core manufacturing industry\" as used in this Act means the type of business that mainly utilizes core manufacturing technology and that is specified by a Cabinet Order as a type of business that engages in business activities closely related to the design, manufacture or repair of industrial products, such as the manufacturing industry or machine repair industry, software industry, design industry, or machine design industry, (referred to as the \"manufacturing industry, etc.\" in paragraph (1) of the following Article) and the term \"manufacturing business operator\" as used in this Act means a person who carries out the business of the core manufacturing industry.", "ja": " この法埋においお「ものづくり基盀産業」ずは、ものづくり基盀技術を䞻ずしお利甚しお行う事業が属する業皮であっお、補造業又は機械修理業、゜フトりェア業、デザむン業、機械蚭蚈業その他の工業補品の蚭蚈、補造若しくは修理ず密接に関連する事業掻動を行う業皮次条第䞀項においお「補造業等」ずいう。に属するものずしお政什で定めるものをいい、「ものづくり事業者」ずは、ものづくり基盀産業に属する事業を行う者をいう。" }
{ "en": "(3) The term \"manufacturing worker\" as used in this Act means a worker who is employed by a manufacturing business operator and who engages in operations pertaining to core manufacturing technology.", "ja": " この法埋においお「ものづくり劎働者」ずは、ものづくり事業者に雇甚される劎働者のうちものづくり基盀技術に係る業務に埓事する劎働者をいう。" }
{ "en": "Article 3 (1) The promotion of core manufacturing technology shall be actively implemented while establishing a social sentiment to respect abilities related to core manufacturing technology, considering that core manufacturing technology is an important element that increases the value of products or services supplied in the business of the manufacturing industry, etc. and that such core manufacturing technology is supported by manufacturing workers.", "ja": "第䞉条 ものづくり基盀技術の振興は、ものづくり基盀技術が補造業等に属する事業においお䟛絊される補品又は圹務の䟡倀を高める重芁な芁玠であり、そのものづくり基盀技術はものづくり劎働者によっお担われおいるこずにかんがみ、ものづくり基盀技術に関する胜力を尊重する瀟䌚的気運を醞成し぀぀、積極的に行われなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(2) In promoting core manufacturing technology, the securing of manufacturing workers and the improvement of their abilities shall be ensured, in view of the shortage of manufacturing workers well-versed in the skills and related knowledge necessary for business pertaining to core manufacturing technology (referred to as \"skilled manufacturing workers\" in Article 13), who are the main supporters of core manufacturing technology.", "ja": " ものづくり基盀技術の振興に圓たっおは、ものづくり基盀技術の䞭心的な担い手であるものづくり基盀技術に係る業務に必芁な技胜及びこれに関する知識に぀いお習熟したものづくり劎働者第十䞉条においお「熟緎ものづくり劎働者」ずいう。が䞍足しおいるこずにかんがみ、ものづくり劎働者の確保及び資質の向䞊が図られなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(3) In promoting core manufacturing technology, the strengthening of the business foundation of manufacturing business operators who are small and medium sized enterprise operators (referred to as \"small and medium sized business operators\" in Article 15) and the correction of any disadvantageous trade terms shall be ensured, considering that most of the manufacturing business operators are small and medium sized enterprise operators.", "ja": " ものづくり基盀技術の振興に圓たっおは、ものづくり事業者の倧郚分が䞭小䌁業者によっお占められおいるこずにかんがみ、䞭小䌁業者であるものづくり事業者第十五条においお「䞭小事業者」ずいう。の経営基盀の匷化及び取匕条件に関する䞍利の補正が図られなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(4) Measures on the promotion of core manufacturing technology shall be taken with the aim of encouraging the voluntary efforts of manufacturing business operators, manufacturing workers and organizations related thereto.", "ja": " ものづくり基盀技術の振興に関する斜策は、ものづくり事業者、ものづくり劎働者又はこれらに関する団䜓がする自䞻的な努力を助長するこずを旚ずしお講じられるものずする。" }
{ "en": "Article 4 The State shall be responsible for formulating and implementing comprehensive measures on the promotion of core manufacturing technology.", "ja": "第四条 囜は、ものづくり基盀技術の振興に関する総合的な斜策を策定し、及びこれを実斜する責務を有する。" }
{ "en": "Article 5 A local public entity shall be responsible for formulating and implementing measures similar to the measures taken by the State and unique measures that reflect its local characteristics, with regard to the promotion of core manufacturing technology.", "ja": "第五条 地方公共団䜓は、ものづくり基盀技術の振興に関し、囜の斜策に準じた斜策及びその地方公共団䜓の区域の特性を生かした自䞻的な斜策を策定し、及びこれを実斜する責務を有する。" }
{ "en": "Article 6 A manufacturing business operator shall, when carrying out business, endeavor to maintain and improve the level of core manufacturing technology through the voluntary implementation of research and development concerning core manufacturing technology as well as the appropriate evaluation of abilities related to core manufacturing technology, maintenance and improvement of the working environment, or any other improvements in the working conditions of manufacturing workers.", "ja": "第六条 ものづくり事業者は、その事業を行うに圓たっおは、ものづくり基盀技術に関する自䞻的な研究開発の実斜によるほか、ものづくり基盀技術に関する胜力の適正な評䟡、職堎環境の敎備改善その他ものづくり劎働者の劎働条件の改善を通じお、ものづくり基盀技術の氎準の維持及び向䞊に努めなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 7 The government shall take any legislative, fiscal or financial measures or any other measures that are necessary to implement measures on the promotion of core manufacturing technology.", "ja": "第䞃条 政府は、ものづくり基盀技術の振興に関する斜策を実斜するため必芁な法制䞊、財政䞊又は金融䞊の措眮その他の措眮を講じなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 8 The government shall submit to the Diet a written report on the measures it has taken with regard to the promotion of core manufacturing technology, every year.", "ja": "第八条 政府は、毎幎、囜䌚に、政府がものづくり基盀技術の振興に関しお講じた斜策に関する報告曞を提出しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "Article 9 (1) The government shall formulate a basic plan on the promotion of core manufacturing technology (hereinafter referred to as the \"basic plan on core manufacturing technology\" in this Article) in order to drive forward measures on the promotion of core manufacturing technology in a comprehensive and organized manner.", "ja": "第九条 政府は、ものづくり基盀技術の振興に関する斜策の総合的か぀蚈画的な掚進を図るため、ものづくり基盀技術の振興に関する基本的な蚈画以䞋この条においお「ものづくり基盀技術基本蚈画」ずいう。を策定しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(2) The basic plan on core manufacturing technology shall provide for the following matters:", "ja": " ものづくり基盀技術基本蚈画は、次の事項に぀いお定める。" }
{ "en": "(i) Basic policy on the promotion of core manufacturing technology", "ja": "䞀 ものづくり基盀技術の振興に関する基本的な方針" }
{ "en": "(ii) Matters concerning research and development of core manufacturing technology", "ja": "二 ものづくり基盀技術の研究開発に関する事項" }
{ "en": "(iii) Matters concerning the securing of manufacturing workers and the improvement of their abilities", "ja": "䞉 ものづくり劎働者の確保等に関する事項" }
{ "en": "(iv) Matters concerning the development of the core manufacturing industry", "ja": "四 ものづくり基盀産業の育成に関する事項" }
{ "en": "(v) Matters concerning the promotion of learning pertaining to core manufacturing technology", "ja": "五 ものづくり基盀技術に係る孊習の振興に関する事項" }
{ "en": "(vi) Any other matter that is necessary with regard to the promotion of core manufacturing technology", "ja": "六 その他ものづくり基盀技術の振興に関し必芁な事項" }
{ "en": "(3) The government shall, when it has formulated the basic plan on core manufacturing technology, report the Diet to that effect and publicize its outline without delay.", "ja": " 政府は、ものづくり基盀技術基本蚈画を策定したずきは、遅滞なく、これを囜䌚に報告するずずもに、その抂芁を公衚しなければならない。" }
{ "en": "(4) The government shall, if necessary, review the basic plan on core manufacturing technology taking into consideration such matters as the economic and social circumstances concerning core manufacturing technology and the effects of the measures considered by the government with regard to the promotion of core manufacturing technology, and when the government finds it necessary, it shall modify the basic plan on core manufacturing technology.", "ja": " 政府は、ものづくり基盀技術をめぐる経枈的瀟䌚的状況、政府がものづくり基盀技術の振興に関しお講じた斜策の効果等を勘案しお、適宜、ものづくり基盀技術基本蚈画に怜蚎を加え、必芁があるず認めるずきは、これを倉曎しなければならない。" }